#tropes meets Zelda
carrotsnake · 8 months
Zelda and the Tale of Melusine
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I'll be looking at the parallels between Zelda's arc and some Medieval tropes of female metamorphosis, using Melusine: Or the Noble History of Lusignan as an example. Specificially a translated copy of Jean d'Arras's version, since that's the most well known one.
To start, a run down of Melusine:
She's a half human, half fairy woman cursed by her mother for imprisoning her mortal father in a mountain. The curse dictates every Saturday she turns into a serpent from the naval down. She must marry a human man for a long time to slowly undo the curse and become fully human, but he must never see her monstrous form beforehand.
If he does, she'll lose her humanity forever and transform into a dragon.
She meets a knight in the woods, he suspects her otherworldly knowledge comes from "some phantasm or diabolical power", to which she goes don't worry about it kitten. But he likes her so he's like ok! ^_^ yay!
She keeps giving him cool fairy advice, and with it his life magically becomes a whole lot better - he gains wealth, power, and not just him but other people listen to her advice: crops flourish, castles are built. The kingdom is thriving! They love her just as much as he does, so it's no surprise they get married. But there's just one condition, she hides in the bathhouse every Saturday, and he's never to visit or peep at her.
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He breaks his promise and discovers her secret. She says he's cursed both of them, and now he's lost her forever: "Be sure that as long as you live I shall always find pleasure in seeing you; but [...] never again shall you see me in female form."
The next passage is as follows:
'Melusine, uttering a very doleful cry and then a heavy sigh, leapt from the window into the void, and as she swept across the orchards she metamorphosed into a massive dragon some fifteen feet in length. [...] In her dragon form she circled the fortress three times, and each time she flew past the window she uttered such an excruciating, desolate cry that everyone wept for pity, knowing that she was leaving under constraint and against her will. Then she disappeared in the direction of Lusignan, letting out such rueful shrieking and strident cries that wherever she passed it seemed as if lightning and thunder were about to split the sky.'
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He never sees her again after that. But phantoms of her start appearing in the castle, secretly visiting her children at night and generally just spooking people by standing there menacingly. And that's how the myth is born.
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I've already drawn connections through the images above, but what's the point of this?
Like lots of other fans I was irked by the whole 'zelda jesus' thing in totk, yeah it is a little odd that everyone follows her advice without question, and it's never wrong.
I'm curious, if the team was drawing from Western myths, that this was supposed to echo the fae. Especially since most of the quests keep you on your toes on whether this was the real Zelda giving advice, or a fake - a phantom(!) - deliberately sabotaging them. It mirrors how opinions on Melusine were split between a benevolent fae or a demon. Splitting them into two entities though, I can see how that would defang it.
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The og text wasn't exactly that nuanced either. I remember my prof joking the message amounted to "always listen to your weird snake wife!" Maybe we SHOULD listen to our weird snake wives.
It's interesting Melusine only interacts with children after the curse - botw+totk imply only young children who are pure of heart can see dragons.
I recommend reading the whole thing if you can find it! Then you can look for more parallels, and read riveting pieces of dialogue such as this:
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orphetoon · 10 months
i think one of my least favorite parts of totk is how it destroys botw’s message of ‘relying on the past is bad and ultimately destructive’, especially bc zelda’s little time travel adventure could’ve played really well into it
like. remember that part of OoT where zelda accuses ganondorf of being evil? in hindsight that’s kind of weird, but it doesn’t really matter bc the game proves her suspicions right. and since totk is so eager to copy oot’s homework why not call back to that?
totk zelda arrives in the past, and meets ganondorf. maybe ganon’s an okay guy, maybe kind of a shitty king, but he’s still a person. but zelda’s been brought up on the legends & history of hyrule; she knows how this all goes. so she tells rauru and sonia her suspicions, unknowingly setting up the dominoes for ganon to become evil in the first place. the evil of ganon only exists because he was treated like he was going to become evil in the first place
it echoes back her father’s reliance on tradition, and gives her something to grow past. her turning into a dragon at the end now isn’t just a way to give link the master sword, but kind of a karmic retribution. she turns ganon into an monster, so she herself turns into on
idk. i kind of feel like totk’s eagerness to call back to classic zelda tropes and such really damages it
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lemoncrushh · 6 months
Tattooed Heart - Part VI
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SUMMARY: You are a cocktail waitress at a swanky lounge. Harry comes in one night, and you instantly dislike him. But another encounter eventually changes your opinion.
PAIRING: Waitress Y/N x Artist/Tattoo Artist Harry
TROPES: Enemies to Lovers
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“Hey, gorgeous! How are you? I’ve been so worried about you!” John exclaimed enthusiastically into the phone.
“I’m pretty good, actually. How are things at Zelda’s?” While you didn’t necessarily want to know the answer, you’d always considered John a friend and knew he had your back. Which was why you decided to give him a call.
“Oh girl, things have changed dramatically since you left!”
“Yes! We got a new manager. His name is Rafael, but we’re allowed to call him Rafi. He’s a dish and a half, let me tell you! Not like that last asshole.”
You chuckled. “Good, I’m glad for you.”
“Yeah, sucks for you though! If only you could have stayed. Hey, want me to put a good in for you with Rafi?”
“Um…no, that’s okay, John. I’m kind of happy where I am.”
“Seriously? Where’s that?”
You told your friend about working at the cafe. Then proceeded to tell him how Harry got you the job.
“To make a long story short,” you said, trying to do just that, “he’s not the jerk he appeared to be. And…well…now we’re dating.”
“Hold up! Stop right there. Rewind! I need to hear everything, Y/N! EVERYTHING!”
You laughed at the way John enunciated every syllable. And you’d expected as much. For the next hour, you went into every detail with him like he requested (at least as much as you were willing to divulge), and by the time you finished, it was time to get ready for your date with Harry.
“Oh my God, girl, that’s so crazy!” squealed John. “But I’m happy for you. If you’re happy.”
“I am.”
“Good. Just don’t forget about me, okay? Pop in some time, maybe with Handsome.”
“I will,” you promised.
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After pulling on a pair of jeans and a stylish top, you brushed your hair and touched up your makeup. You were meeting Harry at his place, where he was making you dinner again, and then you were going to a movie. It seemed to be the first Saturday you were both off since you’d met. And you were looking forward to having a normal, mundane date night.
The last couple weeks had been both hectic and amazing. Since that evening at the gallery, Harry had been extremely busy finishing up his moon series paintings. Donovan McNulty had still been showing interest in Harry’s art, and specifically voiced that he wanted to know the minute his newest pieces would be available. And you’d been picking up extra shifts at the diner to make a little extra money. But any moment you were both free had been spent together. You took turns, rotating your visits at each others’ apartments. You enjoyed leaning against his kitchen counter while you watched him cook, and Harry enjoyed teasing Shae when she was around, and nibbling on the soft spot behind your ear as you watched TV when she wasn’t there - and sometimes when she was.
Your feelings for him were growing daily, and while you told yourself it was still too soon to have such feelings, you used your free time away from him to write them down. You expressed every emotion from the way your heart skipped when you’d see him sitting in his usual chair at the cafe, to the way your body ached for him as you laid in your bed staring at the ceiling. You even included the way it had felt when you’d seen Nicolette at the cafe and at the gallery, even though Harry assured you tenfold that he had broken off all contact with her. You didn’t want to be jealous of his ex. You knew deep down that it would not bode well if you were going to take this relationship to the next level. And you definitely wanted to.
Harry greeted you with a smile as he opened the door, a glass of wine already in his hand waiting for you. When you stepped inside, you gave him a quick kiss before accepting the glass and taking a sip.
“Mmm, something smells yummy!,” you commented, turning for the kitchen.
“Chicken Piccata with roasted radicchio and sweet potatoes,” Harry announced proudly as he followed you. “It’s almost ready.”
“Chef Styles, when are you opening your own restaurant? This is way too impressive for just me.”
“You’re the only one I care to impress,” he said, pushing your hair from your neck to softly brush his lips across your tender flesh.
You reached behind you for his hands, bringing his arms around your waist. He hummed against your skin as he gave you a squeeze. The timer on the oven sounded then with a friendly chime, and Harry hesitantly released you in order to remove its contents. Watching him serve up the meal, you joined him at the table with your wine.
“I have some news,” he announced after you’d taken your first bite and raved about its deliciousness.
“Oh? What is it?” you asked enthusiastically.
“I’m having another gallery showing. For the moon series.” Harry stabbed his fork into his chicken before lifting his eyes to you.
“Are you kidding? That was quick!”
“Well, yeah,” he grinned. “I brought them yesterday for Sherrod to see. Apparently he phoned McNulty, gave him some rubbish about how brilliant they are, and he’s flying down Thursday to see for himself.”
Quickly dismissing the fact that he’d degraded his own art, because you knew he didn’t really think it was rubbish, you focused on the positive.
“Oh my God, Harry! That’s wonderful! I’m really proud of you.”
“I know, babe. And I appreciate all the support you’ve given me. You'll never know how much.”
“I have an idea,” you jested. “You spoil me with this delicious food.”
“That’s just because I can,” he winked. “And because I want to. It’s not a payment.”
“Good to know,” you said before popping a bite of sweet potato in your mouth.
“I would like your help with something, though.”
“Sure, anything.”
“Could you help spread the word about the exhibit?” Harry requested. “Maybe invite some friends? The more the better. The cocktail party was nice, but I’d like it to be a massive event.”
“Ooh, yes! I’d love to!”
Rising from your chair, you reached over the table to plant a kiss on Harry’s lips, to which he happily accepted.
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“When would you like to get your tattoo?” Harry asked as you laid twisted in the sheets, his bare thigh crossed over yours, his fingertips tracing nonexistent lines down your arm.
You turned your head to the side to look at him. If it was possible, he appeared even more beautiful than ever, his eyelids heavy, his pillowy lips swollen, his scruffy jaw threatening to produce more facial hair now that the morning was nigh. The evening of lovemaking had been blissful, Harry having brought you to orgasm not once, not twice…but three times. And while you worried you’d never walk again, the man beside you looked completely fucked.
You couldn’t help but be elated by the knowledge that you’d made that happen.
“I’m not sure yet,” you whispered, reaching for his stubbly chin. “Soon, I guess.”
You felt Harry breathe out of his nose, and while he tried to hide it, you could detect the frown on his lips.
“Do you not want it?” he inquired after a beat.
“I…no, I do,” you nodded.
“‘Cause you don’t have to get it,” Harry added. “The one I designed, or any other one. If you don’t want a tattoo, it’s fine. I’ll understand.”
“No, I want one.”
Harry continued to draw his finger down your arm. You could tell the conversation wasn’t over, but you were unsure what else to say. So you let Harry gather his thoughts instead. Finally he sighed, his gaze returning to your face.
“I’m sorry, baby.”
“What for?” you asked.
“If I made you uncomfortable. It just dawned on me that I might have been a bit presumptuous with the tattoo. I know they can be very personal, and I…I should have just let you pick what you want.”
Blinking, you rolled over onto your side to face him. “Harry, no. That’s not it at all. I love the one you designed. I told you I loved that painting.”
“Then what is it?” Harry lifted a hand to brush your hair from your face, twisting the end of the strands between his fingers. “Any time I bring it up, you kind of hesitate or change the subject.”
“I…I didn’t realize,” you looked down at his chest. “I apologize.”
“Baby, look at me,” he insisted, urging your chin up. “Talk to me. Are you af-”
You stopped him mid-sentence with your finger on his lips. As you shook your head, Harry chuckled. Then tugging on your wrist, he released your hand from his mouth.
“You don’t even know what I was gonna say,” he remarked.
“Just don’t use that word.”
“Alright,” he softened his expression, returning his fingers to your hair. “Am I moving too fast for you? Is that it?”
You gulped and sucked in your lips. Then you let out a nervous chuckle of your own. “It seems ridiculous to admit that after what we just did.”
“Not really,” Harry shook his head. “Sex can be separate from feelings. Although…I’m going to confess right now…for me…it’s not. Not with you.”
“Harry…” you breathed.
“Babe…” he murmured, pulling you closer. “I reckon I’ve conveyed my feelings for you already…at least a little bit. But if you need me to back off…I will.”
You stared at him, this gorgeous man. You couldn’t believe in just a few weeks you’d gone from hating him to…whatever this was.
“No,” you argued. “I don’t want you to.”
“No, because…I’m feeling…things too.”
Harry’s voluptuous mouth curved into a sexy grin. You felt his hand on your back, his fingers dancing up your flesh.
“I’m just…a little hesitant, I guess,” you added, “about getting the tattoo…because it’s such an intimate thing to do, you know? To get ink on my skin of something you gave me, art you designed for me. And it’s…forever.”
Harry blinked slowly with a nod. “I completely understand, love. I didn’t mean to pressure you.”
“You didn’t. It’s just me. Like you said, it’s personal. And I would feel horrible if something happened between us, and-”
“Shh, baby…” Harry interrupted you this time. “It’s okay. I get it. Take all the time you need.”
You gave him a gentle smile before he pulled you into a deep kiss. Your eyelids heavy, and sleep threatening to take over, you tugged on the sheets. Getting the hint, Harry grinned, situating the covers over you before reaching for the lamp.
“Goodnight, baby,” he whispered. “Sweet dreams.”
You hummed in agreement as he held you against his warm body, and before you could even think any more about tattoos, you were sound asleep in his arms.
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The rest of Sunday and most of Monday was spent making phone calls. You promised Harry a grand party, and you were determined to deliver. After telling Shae your plan, she was more than happy to come through by offering to tell her coworkers as well as some of your mutual friends. You called John to let him know as well, and he said he was already going to ask for the night off, and maybe even bring Rafi with him…if he was available, as he put it. You also called the gallery Monday morning, unbeknownst to Harry, to speak with Sherrod yourself. He told you how excited he was for Harry’s new exhibit, which put your mind at ease a bit.
“I really want this to be special for him,” you explained. “Is there anything I can do to help? To get the word out? More advertising? Do I need to hire a caterer or something?”
“Don’t you worry about a thing, darling,” assured Sherrod. “I’m already having my secretary making contacts as we speak. And I personally phoned my caterer on Friday.”
“Oh, fantastic,” you said. “The more people we can get to come, the better. There’s just one thing…”
“Don’t worry about that either, my pet. You have my word Miss Waters will not get an invite.”
“Ohh. For some reason I thought…” you chuckled nervously. “I don’t know how art galleries work, forgive me.”
Sherrod laughed heartily through the phone, catching you off guard. “Nothing to forgive, darling. Harry and I have already spoken about this as well.”
You breathed through your nose. Of course they had.
“Thank you, Sherrod. I appreciate everything.”
“It’s going to be a splendid night, you can be sure!”
Hanging up, you felt a heavy weight lift off your chest. It was quickly replaced with a glittery excitement. You couldn’t wait.
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When you arrived for your mid-day shift at the cafe, you made a beeline for Jill who was making a cold brew for a customer. The look on her face when you told her the news about Harry’s exhibit was priceless.
“Of course I’ll be there!” she squealed. “Are you kidding me?”
“Bring some friends too, okay? I want to show him all the support we can give.”
That night, you sat in front of the TV writing in your journal. You soon found yourself mindlessly doodling in the corners of the page. Harry was at work, and you didn’t want to bother him. Yet you couldn’t stop thinking about him. He truly had been the only thing on your mind all day.
“Pppfff, more like for the last month,” you admitted out loud.
Tossing your notebook to the side, you leaned back on the couch and ran your fingers through your hair, letting out an exasperated sigh.
“Jesus Christ, what am I doing?”
Getting up from the sofa, you slipped on your shoes, not bothering to change out of your lounge-at-home outfit - a dark green tunic and black leggings. The only effort you made was to brush your teeth and touch up your lip gloss before heading out the door.
The neon sign in the window seemed to glow brighter than you remembered, an enticing greeting to lure you in. Not that you hadn’t already planned to go inside.
Swinging the door open, you noticed an empty waiting area and counter. Smooth, instrumental jazz played through the speakers as you peeked your head through the doorway to scan the tattoo stations, but still saw no one. You were just about to walk through the shop to Harry’s office when you saw Kyle emerge.
“Oh, hey,” he grinned. “You’re Y/N, right?”
“Yes,” you nodded, happy that he knew. Surely he didn’t remember you from the last time he’d seen you in the shop, but perhaps Harry had told him about you and he put two and two together. The idea made you blush a little.
“Harry’s in the back. I’ll go get him for you.”
Before you could retort, Kyle disappeared through the doorway from which he’d just appeared. And within seconds, your handsome, cheery boyfriend replaced him.
“Hi, babe!” he beamed. “What are you doing here?”
You shrugged, shyly. “Came to get my tattoo.”
His eyes widening, Harry stepped closer to you. “Really? Are you sure?”
Licking your lips, you nodded. “Positive.”
His dimples on full display, Harry pulled you into an embrace. You could feel his heart beating in his chest as he whispered in your ear. “I’m so happy.”
Then stepping back, Harry gestured toward his station. “Go ahead and have a seat. I’ll get everything ready and tell Kyle he can go home.”
“Oh!” you mouthed, surprised. Harry disappeared into the back room again before you could argue.
Situating yourself in Harry’s chair, you gazed at the art on display around his station as well as photos of various clients’ tats. While a few pieces looked to be fairly common, most of them were exquisite, no doubt one-of-a-kind works of art. You were staring at a large dragon piece on someone’s back when you heard a voice behind you.
“Bye, Y/N,” Kyle called. “Have a nice night.”
“Oh, thanks. Same to you,” you waved just as Harry walked up.
“You didn’t have to make him leave,” you said under your breath. “You’re not closed yet, are you?”
“I am now,” Harry wiggled his brows before walking to the front door and locking it, turning the OPEN sign to the CLOSED side.
With pursed lips, you tried to hold back a smirk as Harry returned, his own smirk tugging on his mouth.
“Slow night?” you inquired when he sat down on his stool.
“You would not believe. That’s why we were in my office. Kyle helps me with my website.”
You hummed in acknowledgement as you watched Harry get his tray ready just like he had the day you’d brought Shae. That already felt like a lifetime ago.
“You always surprise me with your music choices,” you commented as you listened to the soft jazz.
Harry chuckled with a nod. “This is my focus, slash wind-down music. Since it was slow, I switched it from grunge whilst we worked on the website.”
“I like it,” you grinned.
Harry gazed up at you from under his lashes before his eyes roamed down your body. You felt a tingle as his gaze made its way back up to your face.
“What?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“Was just recalling the last time you were sat in this chair.”
“Oh my God, Harry,” you blushed. “Please tell me you sanitized it!”
His eyes squinting as he giggled, Harry scooted closer to you. “You’re too much, babe.”
“Why, because I like cleanliness?”
“No, because that’s your first thought. It certainly wasn’t mine.”
You stared into his jade eyes that were now inches from your face, the irises appearing to have a dark line around them.
“That was…um, some kind of night,” you murmured softly.
“Indeed, it was.” Harry’s hand landed just above your knee then before he slid it slowly up your thigh.
“Hmm,” you nodded. “Are you trying to seduce me again?”
Harry puffed out a chuckle. “No. Don’t reckon I had to try then either.”
Dragging your tongue across your teeth, you focused on his mouth and the way his hand felt on your leg. “Fair enough. What do you remember most about that night?”
“How sweet your pussy tasted on my tongue,” he quickly replied, as if he’d had his answer ready before you’d even asked the question. “And how you tugged on my hair and your thighs trembled as you called my name.”
“Oh, it was much louder than that.”
You blushed again, but this time you didn’t bother hiding it. Leaning towards you, Harry placed a soft kiss on your lips. Followed by a second, and a third. By the fourth, your fingers were in his hair, his tongue in your mouth. You reveled in the sensation, urging him with your own. When a gentle moan escaped your chest, Harry’s hand that had been on your thigh made its way between your legs. You began to grind against him in your seat, knowing your leggings and panties were already soaked through. His other hand traveled underneath your t-shirt, and when his fingers met your bare skin, you gasped.
“Are you…,” you gulped, “planning to eat me out again on this chair?”
“No,” Harry shook his head, a devilish smirk on his face.
“I have other things in mind,” he added, echoing the exact words he’d said to you that night before taking you home.
Harry sat back on his stool and raised a brow. “I thought you wanted a tattoo, love.”
“Harry Styles! Are you teasing me?” you exclaimed.
Giggling with glee, you noticed his eyes dancing. “Maybe.”
“Rude!” you frowned, tugging your shirt down. Your pussy still throbbing from his hand, you pouted.
“I’m sorry, baby. It’s my fault. Seeing you in this chair…it turned me on, and I got carried away. I do want to play. But I think we should get started on this tattoo, don’t you? It’s gonna take a bit.”
You nodded with a sigh. “Okay.”
Harry gave you a peck on the nose and one on the lips. “Now, did you decide where you want it? The ink, I mean,” he smirked.
“So, I had considered getting it on my side, like down my hip. There’s plenty of room to make it big. But then I changed my mind.”
“Too much?” Harry asked.
“Nope. Not enough.”
“What do you mean?”
“Nobody’s gonna see it there. Except you. And while the idea is sexy, I’d rather have the art my boyfriend designed to be in a spot everyone could see.”
“Baby…” Harry breathed, his hand over his heart.
“I know, I’ve been hesitant about this,” you explained. “About us. But I have no clue why. We’ve spent all this time together. You’ve shown me time again that you’re interested in more than just…a fling. Every time I’m with you, I feel butterflies and moonbeams and…all the cheesy things.” You let out a nervous sigh as you looked down at your hands, then back up to his gorgeous face. “The truth is…I’m crazy about you, Harry.”
“Sweetheart,” he cried, pulling you into another kiss. Then leaning his forehead against yours he murmured, “You make me so happy.”
“Good,” you grinned, your right hand on his cheek as you held out your left. “That’s why I think we should put it right here, below my elbow, down the inside of my arm.”
“I think that would be lovely,” he agreed, misty-eyed. Then he kissed the inside of your wrist before rising from his stool. “Let me go get the stencil, and I’ll be right back.”
When he stepped away, you suddenly felt butterflies in your tummy, and not just from the notion of getting a tattoo. You’d almost told him more than you’d planned. The truth was, you weren’t just crazy about him. You were falling for him. Hard. Perhaps you had been falling bit by bit every day. And you were finally willing to admit it to yourself. But you weren’t quite sure yet if you were ready to say it to him. It still felt too soon. But you loved the look on his face when you’d revealed what you had. His delight gave you hope that perhaps he felt the same.
Harry returned with a big smile on his face. Placing the stencil next to him, he pulled on his gloves. Then reaching for the rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad, he eyed you.
“Still wanna do this?” he asked.
“Definitely,” you beamed.
Taking your arm, he gently rubbed the soaked cotton pad down your arm, from the elbow to your wrist. Then he took a new disposable razor and gently shaved the area, just like you’d seen him do on Shae, back when you still hated him. The idea brought a sour taste to your mouth.
“You okay?” he asked again.
“Yeah, sorry. Was just…thinking.”
“About?” Harry raised a brow.
“How far we’ve come in just a short time.”
Harry’s face softened. “I think about that a lot.”
“You do?”
“I thank my lucky stars every fucking day that you forgave me. That you were able to see the real me and change your mind. I only wish…”
“What?” you asked.
His gaze seemed to burn into you as he looked deep into your eyes. “I wish we had met some other way. Like some random day at the cafe, or maybe here when you’d come with Shae. Or maybe even at Zelda’s on a night I was alone. Some other way that you could have met the real me instead of that prick I pretended to be.”
You sat in silence as you absorbed Harry’s words and watched him place the thermal paper on your arm with the stencil. When he peeled it off was when you spoke.
“What would you have said?”
“If we had met in a different situation. What would you have said to me?”
“In which scenario?” he smirked.
“Let’s go with the first one. Obviously I wouldn’t be working at the cafe. But let’s say I came in one day that you were sitting there working on your iPad.”
Harry chuckled loudly, catching you off guard. “Well, I can’t really say for sure, can I? There are other factors involved.”
“Alright,” you agreed. “But you said you’ve thought about it. What happens in your…wish?”
You swore you caught a tiny bit of color in his cheeks as Harry pulled his tray closer to him. “We have to get serious now, babe. I’m about to stick a needle in your arm.”
You puffed out a breath in humor, then sat up straight in your chair. “Fine. Mark me.”
Harry’s nostrils flared as he chuckled at your joke. Then he made a few adjustments to his tattoo gun before getting to work. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt as bad as you thought it would. You watched as Harry traced the stencil, starting with the dripping moon at the top. After every stroke, he would wipe your skin. He seemed so focused, so gentle. You stared at his face for a little while, and every time he’d bite his lower lip, it sent your heart all aflutter. When he finished the outline, he looked up at you.
“Still doing okay?”
“Mmhmm,” you nodded.
He gave you a smile before returning his focus to your arm. You were both quiet for a moment until he spoke again.
“I probably would have stared at you for a bit.”
“At the cafe. If you had been sat near me at a table by yourself. I would have kept sneaking glances at you, but making sure you didn’t notice.”
“Well then, how am I supposed-”
“At first,” he interrupted. “Then I would have wanted you to notice. When we finally made eye contact, I’d have smiled at you.”
Lifting his head, Harry gave you just the smile he was referring to. And your insides ignited.
“I would say that’s very cheesy and cliche, but it’s not. I like it.”
“So what would you have done if I’d come over to your table and asked you your name?”
“I would have told you, and hoped to God you’d ask me for my number too.”
“Alright then,” Harry snickered. “That’s one scenario. But it didn’t happen.”
“It’s fine, Harry,” you said. “Something else happened instead. And we’re here anyway.”
“Yes, we are.”
You watched Harry continue on the tattoo, the moon starting to look realistic with the shading. As always you were in awe of him and his talent. Just like when you would watch him work at the cafe, you found yourself completely mesmerized. It was utterly sexy to you, from the way he focused on his project at hand, to the curls that framed his face and neck, and even down to the way his own tattooed arms flexed as he worked. As you studied him you let out a deep breath, feeling the wetness pooling in your panties again.
“Still okay?” Harry suddenly asked with a tiny smirk, as if he’d noticed.
“I’m wonderful,” you answered dreamily.
“You need to move your elbow a little?”
“Oh. Yeah, sure,” you nodded as Harry sat back to let you. Your arm had been in one position for a while, and you were starting to feel the effects.
“Okay, I’m good,” you commented as you reached your arm out again. “Tell me about your next project. What are you working on?”
“Just a second,” Harry muttered. As he scooted closer again, you wondered what he was doing until he beckoned you with his gloved hand. “Kiss me.”
You grinned widely before you happily obliged, giving him a few more kisses than he’d asked for just for good measure.
“Mmm, thanks babe. It’s hard to be around you for this long without touching your lips.”
“You’re welcome. And you’re the sweetest.”
With a wink, Harry returned to his task, this time moving onto the shading of the heart. “I actually haven’t started anything new yet,” he replied to your previous inquiry. “With the moon series now at the gallery, I’ve kind of been trying to finish up some older pieces.”
“Oh? I didn’t know you had anything that was incomplete.”
“Yeah. You saw the citiscape one, right?”
“Yes, that was gorgeous! That wasn’t finished?”
“Not yet. I keep feeling like there’s something missing, but…I dunno. I’m also not sure if I want it to be a series or a stand alone piece.”
“Well, whatever you decide, I know it’ll be amazing. As always,” you offered emphatically.
“Thanks, babe. This is why…��� he left his thought unfinished as his tattoo gun rounded the edges of the heart.
“Why what?”
Harry lifted his head, giving you an easy grin. “Why you’re a wonderful lady.”
You watched Harry finish the heart on the tat while you thought your own heart could burst. You thought he was going to say it for a second, but you understood why he hadn’t. It seemed like such a mundane moment to express those three words.
Changing the subject, Harry chatted with you lightly about the upcoming exhibit, about the cafe, about food. You told him about your pal John, and how he was planning to come as well as Jill and Shae.
“Thanks again for doing this for me, babe,” he grinned. “I truly appreciate you.”
“Of course, Harry. I honestly think I’d do just about anything for you.”
Raising his eyebrows, Harry gave you a sexy look before quickly looking back down at your arm. “I think we’re done, babe.”
“Oh. Oh!” You tore your eyes from his to gaze down at your new tattoo. It was extraordinary to say the least.
“It’s…so beautiful, Harry,” you choked. “I love it!”
“It’s yours,” he commented. “And only yours.”
Your eyes began to well up with tears, making your vision too blurry to even see it. But you knew he was right. You had a one-of-a-kind Harry Styles work of art on your arm. And you couldn’t be more proud.
“C’mere, you can look in the mirror,” Harry beckoned, gesturing to the mirror behind him on the wall.
Standing in front of it, you wiped your eyes with your fingers until Harry handed you a tissue.
“Don’t cry, love,” he cooed. “You’ll make me think you made a mistake.”
“Of course not, silly man.” You stretched your arm down to look at the full length of the ink on your skin. “No mistakes here.”
“I’m glad,” he sighed, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chest on your shoulder as you took in the image of you both in the mirror. Grabbing his phone, Harry then took a couple of quick photos of your arm. “Let’s go ahead and put a covering on that so it won’t get infected.”
“Oh, how long do I have to do that? I wanna be able to show it off this weekend.”
Harry smirked at your pout. “Just a few days. You should be okay by then.”
Once again, you sat in his chair while he applied the dressing and bandage. Then he explained to you the aftercare, which made you giddy. You knew it was his job, but you enjoyed seeing him being professional.
“I’ll give you some information to take home with you as well,” he added as he removed his gloves, “but right now, I really need to touch you.”
You opened your mouth, but before you could make a syllable, Harry slid his hands under your jaw and pulled you into a warm kiss. He soon deepened it, his tongue invading your mouth as his hands traveled around your neck to your hair. When he finally released you enough to take a breath, you gasped.
“Uh huh,” he voiced so low that you barely heard it. Then he licked his lips before sliding his hand up your thigh like before. “Exactly.”
You stared at Harry, his eyes darkening as he fingers began to tease you between your legs.
“So, what…mmm,” you swallowed at the sensation, “what other things did you have in mind?”
“Oh, you really wanna know?” he quirked a brow.
“Mmhmm. Yes, please.”
“Hmm, you ask so politely. But I might wanna keep teasing you like this. Make your legs tremble until you can’t stand it anymore. Until you’re begging for me to make you come.”
“Mmm,” you moaned again as he applied more pressure with his thumb, his hand cupping you, still over your clothes. “I don’t think I would be opposed to that.”
“No? You like being teased?”
“I like the way you tease,” you replied, breathy.
A low chuckle rose from his throat, and you felt the vibration as his face was just inches from yours. Then he surprised you by rising from his chair, his hand leaving your throbbing core to tug on the bottom of your t-shirt.
“Off, sweetheart,” he demanded.
You lifted your arms for him to remove your top, careful of your freshly tattooed area. You nearly came unglued at the sight of him biting his bottom lip.
“Sorry I don’t have on fancy undies,” you said, looking down at your cotton bralette.
“Are you kidding?” he snorted before he helped you remove that garment as well, his hands quickly palming your bare breasts.
You closed your eyes, reveling in the pleasure of his calloused thumbs skimming across your perky buds. He was so light and gentle with his touch, that you almost pouted, but you knew this was his intention. To drive you crazy.
He kissed you again, his hands still on you until he backed away suddenly. You opened your eyes to see him removing his own shirt, his tattooed torso on display. Your mouth watered instantly, an automatic reaction now.
You and Harry had good sex. There was no denying it. Not that you liked to compare, but Harry was the best in bed. He already knew what you liked, what buttons to press and which ones not to (not that there were many). But the best thing about the sexual part of your relationship was that it was never boring. Even when it was just quick fucking, it was amazing. Even when it was sweet, sleepy sex, you were left satisfied.
So Harry implying - albeit obviously - that he wanted to fuck you on that tattoo chair was no surprise. But the thrill was still as strong as ever. Everything he did excited you. Jesus, just looking at him sent a bolt of electricity down to your cunt, making you squeeze your muscles together.
Letting out a breath, you reached for his belt, pulling it from the loop and releasing it. He gave you another smirk as you tugged on his jeans with your non-tattooed arm, frustrated when the button wouldn’t come loose.
“Let me help, baby,” he growled, keeping your hand in position as he covered it with his own hand and helped you pull. The button popped open, the zipper separating along with it as your tug was determined. Then Harry assisted you further, his hand guiding yours down the front of his pants.
“As if you had to help me with that,” you scoffed with a grin.
“Maybe I wanted some help,” Harry eyed you.
“I don’t think that’s necessary either, big boy.”
His sexy low chuckle vibrated through your hand while you found you were a hundred percent correct. Standing from the chair, you pulled him from the confines of his jeans, the pink, bulbous head of his hard cock greeting you.
“Mmm,” you sounded. “Maybe I could help a little.”
You released his erection for just a moment to run your hands down his chest, your fingernails raking over his pecs and the light dusting of chest hair around his nipples. But it didn’t take long for Harry to reach for your tits again, squeezing them in his hands.
“Wait…I thought I was supposed to be teasing you,” he groaned.
“So you don’t want your cock in my mouth?” you teased back.
Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “Fuck, babe, I don’t know anymore. You’re so hot. I’m so turned on.”
“I can see that,” you grinned, wrapping your palm around his cock again. Before he could protest, you fell to your knees.
“Babe…” you heard as you barely licked the tip.
“Just let me, Harry. Please? I’m begging,” you looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, batting your lashes.
Letting out a breathy chuckle, Harry gave you permission with a nod and heavy eyelids. You took your time, wetting the head first, then slowly dragging your tongue underneath his length, from the base to the tip. Then licking your lips, you wrapped them around his hard cock, giving a generous amount of suction.
You heard his heavy breathing get louder and faster as you steadied yourself with your other hand on his hip. His own hands were everywhere at first, starting in your hair, then trying to paw at your breasts, then finally settling back on your head, gently urging and guiding you.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so good at this.”
You’d never considered yourself a pro at giving head. You couldn’t even take all of him, for fear of choking. But he didn’t seem to mind. Your mouth and tongue along with your hand seemed to do the trick. After a few more swirls of your tongue, you allowed your other hand to reach underneath, grabbing his balls. He moaned loudly, another expletive rising from his chest.
“Baby. Baby, baby, stop. I don’t wanna come yet.”
Popping off of him, you smiled up at him, saliva dripping from your chin. You enjoyed pleasuring him, but you were excited to move on to phase two. With another low groan, Harry ran his thumb across your chin, guiding you back up to your feet.
“Y/N. I need to be inside you. Now.”
“Aw, you mean I don’t have to beg?”
Harry didn’t bother replying with words. Instead, he pulled down your leggings with fervor, your panties clinging to them so they slipped down together, pooling around your ankles just like Harry’s jeans.
“Turn around, sweetheart,” he patted your hip while wiggling his brows.
More electricity surging through you, you happily did as you were told, bending over the tattoo chair. You felt Harry run his hands down your ass before grabbing your hip and situating himself at your entrance. He slid in slowly at first, like he always did in order to get adjusted. But as soon as he let out a gasp that echoed your own, you knew it wouldn’t be long before he started to move faster.
Harder. His fingers dug into your flesh as he pounded into you. You bit your lip at first, then thought it silly since you were alone. As you began to moan, so did Harry. The sounds intertwined with the sexy, slow jazz were intoxicating. And when Harry bent over to grab your hair and talk in your ear, you thought you might come.
“Pussy’s so good, baby. Been thinking about it all day. Always so wet for me.”
“Mmmm,” was all you could manage.
“You like me fucking you like this?”
“You like my hard cock pounding into you, my balls slamming against your wet pussy?”
“God, yes!”
“Yeah. It’s mine, innit? Your gorgeous cunt is all mine.”
“Tell me.”
“It’s all yours, Harry. I’m all yours.”
Moaning in your ear, Harry slowed down. You wondered for a moment what was happening as you knew he hadn’t come yet. Then you felt a chill on your back as he stood up, his hands at your hips.
“Let’s get these off the rest of the way,” he said with heavy breaths, indicating your pants.
Blinking, you wiped your eyes and toed off your shoes, stepping out of the leggings as you watched Harry do the same with his jeans.
“Sorry, babe, for the interlude,” his voice cracked. “I wanna try something else.”
You watched as he readjusted the chair to lay flat. Then he laid down on it.
“C’mere, babe,” he beckoned. “Climb on top of me.”
You shifted your eyes nervously. “Are you sure we won’t break it?”
“Only one way to find out,” he smirked.
Sucking in your lips, you climbed on with Harry’s assistance. You giggled at the awkwardness of it all as you straddled him.
“Just a second, honey,” he said when you were about to aim his cock. “Let me look at you.”
You glared at him, once again wondering what was going through his head. He acted as if he’d never looked at you before. But as you smiled down at him, his own lips grew into his dimpled grin, making you warm all over. He brushed your hair from your face, his thumb grazing across your cheek.
“You’re like an angel,” he murmured. “You take my breath away.”
“Harry…” you exhaled.
“I’m all yours too, honey.”
You beamed at him, knowing it was a reply to your previous admission. Then lifting yourself onto your knees, you looked into his eyes as you sank down onto his cock. You hissed as he closed his eyes, both of you already sensitive.
You rode him with determination, needing to chase the release. After bouncing on him a few times, Harry took your left hand and held it to his chest, making sure you didn’t put too much pressure on that arm. You giggled awkwardly as you tried to keep your balance, but your boyfriend was good at helping.
As you started to reach your high, the burn imminent both in your thighs and your core, you began to cry out.
“Harry….it’s so good, baby…oh, God…Harryyyyy.”
Bucking his hips against you, his hands both now on your own hips, he stared you in the eyes.
“I know, honey. Tell me.”
“Mmmmm…I’m all yours, Harry,” you bit your lip, throwing your head back.
“Y/N. Look at me.”
Blinking, you gazed down at him, his gorgeous face flushed. He groaned in pleasure before wrapping his arms around you.
“Tell me, baby. I wanna hear you say it.”
“Tell me you love me.”
Your eyes widening, you stared at him in…no, not disbelief. Because you absolutely believed it.
“I know you feel it, baby. Just like I do. Tell me. Please.”
You’d slowed down your hips, Harry having paused his thrusts. But as you began to resume, moving faster, his gorgeous mouth hanging open, you nodded.
“I love you, Harry.”
His lips twitched before he licked them, then pulled you to him for a kiss.
“I love you, too, Y/N.”
A tiny giggle escaped your throat as realization kicked in. You were in love. And all his.
You rode Harry to the finish, reaching orgasm just before he cried out those three words again. He kissed you deeply, his tongue letting you know how pleased he was. His head falling back, his eyes closed in complete bliss, the biggest, dopiest grin on his face.
“Say it again, babe.”
You kissed his salty chest and neck, then gnawed on his stubbly chin.
“I love you,” you sang softly before kissing his lips.
“And I love you,” he echoed while your face hovered over his, your hair surrounding you both like a secret garden. “So much.”
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Chatter filled the room and your ears as you suddenly heard the clink of a fork against glass.
"Ladies and gentlemen! A toast! To our man of the evening!" announced Sherrod. Harry turned to him with a bashful grin. "It has been my utmost pleasure to host this soiree for such an incredible artist. He is a viable part of this community, and I know you all join me in congratulating him at completing another remarkable series. To Harry Styles!"
As everyone clapped and cheered, raising their glasses, you heard Stan shout, "Hear, hear!"
Smiling at your boss, whom you had been thrilled to see arrive with his wife, you watched him make a taste of his own.
"Harry, my son, I've watched you sit at that same table in my cafe for over a year, doodling on your notepads and…thingamajig…" he gestured, making the guests chuckle. "To be honest, I didn't understand why my coffee shop, or why that table…or why only flat white lattes…" more laughs erupted as he patted Harry on the shoulder. "But I knew you had talent. And ambition. I'm proud of you, son. And I'm proud to say I knew you when."
"Hear, hear!" Sherrod and others cheered, raising their glasses again.
"Thank you, Stan. Thank you Sherrod," Harry choked. "This whole night means more to me than you'll ever know. All of you. I'm so humbled that each of you came tonight. This truly was special. I'll never forget it."
Harry's eyes met yours during his final words. Then as the chatter resumed, he stepped forward and pulled you into a long kiss.
"Alright you two," said Jill behind you. "Don't go find a room just yet. I need to take pictures."
You giggled as your friend held her phone up and you posed for several photos with Harry, including one where you were kissing him on the cheek. Satisfied with her shots, Jill squealed with joy and announced she had to take some more with her other friends next to Harry’s art.
A waiter came by then with more champagne, and you gladly took another glass, handing him your empty one.
“I’m so happy to see you having a good time,” beamed Harry, his arm still around you.
“I may have had a few too many of these,” you snickered, covering your mouth with your hand.
“No matter. We have that limo, thanks to you.”
“You can actually thank Shae. It was her idea.”
“Where is Shae, by the way?” Harry turned his head to search for your roommate. He spotted her next to the shrimp, talking to Kyle. His chest shook with laughter as he turned back to you.
“What?” you asked. “Kyle’s a nice guy, right?”
“Yeah. Too nice. She’s probably giving him an earful, and I’ll have to hear about it later.”
You playfully slapped his arm in your friend’s defense, though you knew he was right.
“Good idea, by the way, showing off your tattoo right away. I already have some clients lined up.”
“That’s awesome!” you cheered. You figured one of them was the nice lady you were talking to last time, since you saw her again soon after you’d arrived.
“Harry, my good man, congratulations!” another voice sounded. You both swiveled to see Carlo, his arm already stretched to give Harry a hug.
“Thank you so much for coming, Carlo.”
“Anything for you, my friend! Y/N, I don’t believe you’ve met my beautiful wife, Jossalyn.” Carlo gestured to the stunning tattooed brunette to his right.
You both gave each other salutations before Harry pulled her into a hug as well. Then they announced their exit and said their goodbyes.
“You have a lot of friends and admirers, Harry,” you commented.
He nodded. “Seems that way. I need to remember to count my blessings.”
You lifted your hand to his handsome face, and he covered it with his own, gently shutting his eyes.
“Y/N! We have to be going, guys!” John shouted, breaking your reverie.
“John, thank you so much for coming!” you told him as you squeezed him. “And for bringing Rafi.”
“Told you he’s a dish,” he whispered in your ear.
You nodded as you watched his partner shake hands with Harry, then you did the same. As soon as they left, Harry leaned into you.
“Rafael is interested in my art.”
“Your art, or something else?” you quirked a brow. “I saw how he looked at you earlier.”
Harry cackled. “I promise it was strictly a professional conversation. But if it makes you feel any better, I’ll remind him I’m taken.”
As he slid his arm back around your waist, you shook your head as you smiled up at him. “I was teasing you. I wouldn’t blame anyone in this room for wanting a piece of you…professionally or otherwise. But I appreciate the sentiment. Also, I trust you.”
“Yeah? I’m glad, baby.”
Harry brought his hand up to slide under your jaw, and he was just about to kiss you when the other man of the hour interrupted.
“Harry, lad, I have an early flight in the morning, so I must bid farewell,” said Donovan McNulty. This evening he wore a black suit with a red bowtie. You smiled at him, holding out your hand.
“Mr. Nulty, thank you so much for coming. You’ve made Harry so happy.”
Donovan leaned in and kissed your cheek, then the other. “My dear, I reckon it’s the other way around. Besides, it looks like he’s found his happiness right here, with his muse.”
He gave you a wink as he squeezed your tattooed arm before shaking Harry’s hand and waving goodbye.
The party continued for another hour or so. You and Harry both gave a lot more thank yous and farewells. Then when no other guests remained (Harry insisted on seeing everyone out to show his appreciation), Sherrod finally shooed you out to the limo.
“Thanks for helping with everything, sweetheart,” cooed Harry as he necked you in the back of the car.
“I didn’t do much,” you conveyed. “Sherrod set up most of it.”
“No, you did more than you know. I love and appreciate you.”
“Same here, handsome,” you grinned before caressing his soft lips. “By the way, I have something to show you when we get to your place.”
“Yeah? Is it under your dress?”
You giggled as his hand wandered under the flimsy fabric of the new dress you’d purchased just for this occasion.
“No,” you playfully tugged at his wrist. “It’s something I left there while we were getting ready. It’s in your nightstand.”
“No! Harry Styles, I’m trying to be romantic and open, and you’re being naughty.”
“Oh. I’m sorry, babe. I can’t help it. It’s just where my mind went.”
“It’s okay,” you tutted.
“What is it?”
“You’ll see.”
Harry held your hand as he walked you to his apartment. The glow of the moon shone through the balcony doors, punctuating the end of the moon-themed evening like a full stop. Although you weren’t ready for it to end just yet.
You laid your clutch bag on the counter next to his keys and wallet before he pulled you in for yet another kiss. Throwing your arms around his neck, you let his tongue tangle with yours, tasting the champagne you’d both consumed. Then he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you into the bedroom.
“Are you gonna show me now?” he asked between kisses after he laid you down.
You simply nodded, then reached for the bedside table, opening the top drawer. You retrieved a small notebook, the one you’d been writing in. Opening it, you flipped to the page you wanted to show him. When you handed it to him, he looked at you inquisitively.
“What’s this?” he asked.
“Remember when you asked me if I had a hobby, something that I was passionate about? And I mentioned I used to write?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“You inspired me.”
With an easy grin, Harry sat back on the pillows, crossing his ankles. You sat next to him, your legs tucked underneath you as you bit your bottom lip nervously.
Brilliant, blazing, glistening, glittering
The celestial satellite shines by the light reflected from the sun
Its beautiful mystery soothingly captivates us
All aglow, seemingly from within
Feminine energy that affects the rise and fall of the tides
A big balloon, luminous and serene
These are words used to describe the moon
But they are also words to describe my heart
For my heart is now a big balloon
All aglow and alight from within
From the light of your heart, the sun
Brilliant, blazing, beautiful
Wondrous and astral, my heart is now home
Lowering the notebook after reading your poem, Harry looked at you.
“It’s kinda short,” you offered with a hesitant chuckle. “But it took me forever.”
“Baby,” he said, scooting closer to you and reaching for you. “This is beautiful.”
“Really?” you crinkled your nose, still not completely confident.
“Yes, baby, really. I love it. I love you.”
Your expression softened, easing into a smile. Harry pulled you to his chest, brushing your hair back from your face.
“Thank you for writing it, but even more, for sharing it with me.”
“I figured I should, since you share so much with me.”
“That’s what I mean, love. Not only did you share your heart with me, but you put it into words on paper. It’s stunning. I’m…”
His hands still in your hair, he paused his words.
“What?” you asked as you saw a tiny tear escape from the corner of his eye and down his cheek. “Harry…”
“Can’t help it, baby,” he choked as you wiped the tear. “I’ve fallen so hard for you.”
“Me too,” you whispered.
“Tell me again, Y/N.”
“I love you…” you said, his lips capturing yours once again before you could say his name.
You didn’t mind that he asked you to say those words. In fact, you liked it. You would tattoo it on your heart if you could.
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And there we have it :). Please like, comment and consider following me if you enjoyed it! Feedback is love x.
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Okay so this has been on my mind for awhile and I wanted to get my thoughts out there. Regarding the topic of Rauru and Ganons relationship, I feel like rauru has kinda been bashed? people seem think that rauru in memory 6 (I believe) had a bit of a god complex, and that he was disrespectful. I feel as if rauru kinda had a right to act the way he did.
Rauru had wanted to become Allie’s with the gerudo. Not necessarily because he wants them to serve him but more for resources. Or more likely knowing Ganon he was attacking hyrule. The reason why I suspect this is because during the molduga incident rauru and Sonia seem to be very familiar with theses types of attacks. So it’s likely Ganon had ordered monster attacks on them before. Likely the attacks were getting to much for rauru and Sonia to handle; on top of establishing hyrule, rauru sent out messages for Ganon to join the kingdom in order to stop the attacks. Or another reasoning is that the gerudo were likely suffering. Ganon has been shown to not always prioritize his people. And knowing from past games the gerudo desert doesn’t have much resources. We can kinda see this in Totk they seem to only have hydromelon and voltfruit (I highly doubt that the gerudo had men at the time bringing them food from hyrules fields). If you’ve talked to rauru on the sky islands you’ll know that rauru is actually a very sweet and sympathetic guy, so I believe this could be a possibility.
Moving forward to raurus attitude during their meeting.Now rauru wasn’t exactly the nicest during the meeting, but I don’t really blame him. Rauru probably annoyed that ganon has been ignoring his letters and putting his people in danger. Also Ganon was very sketchy during that entire meeting and was rude in his tone.
Why did Ganon bow? Ganon and rauru are not equal, yes they are both kings but rauru has massive amounts of power and has a much larger land mass. (and zonia are kinda gods) but I don’t think the reasoning for Ganon bowing is because he less than or non equal to rauru. More like he was apologizing and giving rauru respect for the countless times he’s ignored him or tried to kill him.
More of raurus tone in the meeting Again I think he was really fed up with Ganon and rauru seems very non confrontational (he apologizes in the sky islands that the constructs attack link, and ask link not to be angry because they can’t understand) rauru likely wanted it to get into ganons mind not to attack the kingdom again because rauru had a lot of Allie’s and power and will attack Ganon if he pulls a stunt.
Ganon vs the gerudo. This part is a little off topic but, lots believe rauru is low key kinda racist towards the gerudo. But if this was true why was gerudo sage working with rauru? I don’t think that the way rauru acts is how he acts to all gerudo. The sage of lighting very obviously doesn’t like Ganon. The reasoning  could be my first point. And later on after the imprisoning war the gerudo still stuck with hyrules side.
That’s all I have for right now, sorry if it’s all jumbled up I tried to make it coherent. Anyways I appreciate you for reading this :3
Hi, thanks for the lengthy ask!! I'm sorry for the lengthy answer this beckoned, but I think this conversation is pretty important --even beyond Zelda and this specific case. We're talking themes and tropes and framing!!!!
I will try to reply to all of this in a way that kind of threads through several layers of why people have been bashing Rauru, me included. I will try my best to explain why I dislike this character, and try to parse out why I am this miffed by Tears of the Kingdom's storyline overall.
The long story short is: I don't dislike Rauru as a person (I mean, I also would tbh), I dislike him because of what he represents.
I think the waters did muddy a little in the "discourse" recently, and it's a good thing to take a step back and re-explain where I'm coming from (me personally, not going to speak for anyone but me here).
Also, before jumping in: this is not a condamnation on anyone who enjoys this story or these characters, nothing is unproblematic, it's fine, everybody does what they want, all of the things. I like the game and I keep playing the game in spite of being harshly critical of the ideas pushed forward. Also: it's fine to digest this and come back later (or not at all) if that feels like a lot, or if some of these ideas don't immediately click. But it's also partially why I think it's important: this game is aimed at a young audience, and one who might not have all of the keys to decipher what's going on, which is why I think it's quite irresponsible (which is the charitable interpretation) on Nintendo's part.
Anyway. Too many words underneath the cut.
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The Story
So, first of all, I want to say that I believe you completely and fully read the situation as Nintendo intended it to be read. This is the text of the game (aka, the story taken at face value). You picked up on every single safeguard put into place to have Rauru and Sonia act in the most justifiable way possible, and have Ganondorf, on the other hand, act as a duplicitous, power-hungry and downright insane as they could have made him. In the reality of their universe, and only taking into account what is given to us through the narrative, trusting it comes from a neutral place and isn't influenced by anything, everything you said is 100% correct.
Rauru and Sonia WERE acting in self-defense, and were even kind not to turn their incommensurable power against the invading army.
The kingdom Rauru built as a demigod IS a paradise and they WERE very generous to invite neighboring nations to bask in their wealth and its technological and natural blessings (and the results of their extensive mining and why are there killer robots everywhere if this world was such a peaceful paradise uhh let's not ponder about this too much). That Ganondorf was too prideful and envious to accept IS a sin that rests solely with him.
Rauru IS a brave hero that sacrificed himself to seal the invader that killed his beloved wife.
Every single Sage IS extraordinarily devoted to protect both Rauru's lineage and their own lands, and gleefully pass down that duty to their ancestors --all thanks to Zelda, heir of that blessed royal line who returned to the past and made them promise to fight alongside Link to seal the Evil once more.
The gerudo WERE (apparently) oppressed, as they decided to fight under Rauru's authority freely (so against their own chief??) and, also, must make amends for having put Ganondorf in this world in the first place? ( I think we are already starting to see some contradictions --were you always victims or did you start this conflict in the first place? what is your place in all of this? why don't we ever get to know?)
This IS the story of Tears of the Kingdom. A story of a great sacrifice that happened in the golden mythical past (confirmed as unquestionable truth through the archeology motif), done by benevolent godly figures of royal blood and immense power they would never abuse, giving their everything to bring Light into a broken world corrupted by the degeneracy of Evil, echoed by the devotion of nations who swore fealty to that divine being and must now renew their vow in the present to defend their lands and Hyrule at any cost. Also, the impossible and magnificient suffering of the princess, whose tears lead to a trail of truth into the very land, informs the current population about why they're fighting now; she's at once a hero of the past and a martyr in the present, completely incapable of acting on her own, carrying with her the blade that will slay the crushing and violent sway of Evil for good and bring eternal peace into the land (Evil who uses her own appearance to cause chaos and violence against her own people --the blasphemy!!). The title of the game reflects this too: the Tears of the Kingdom are hers. Zelda is the kingdom here, and her pain/the pain of that mythical past is what is centered.
Also Ganondorf IS green so it's not racist okay let's stop right here and unpack all of this mess, because BOY oh boy oh boy oh boy.
oh boy.
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The History
Now comes the time to point out the obvious, but that bears being repeated: this is a fictional story. It's a story crafted by a very powerful game company set in Japan. It's a story crafted by a huge number of people, who debated for years how to best tell it, why, and what for. Every single choice made in the narrative is purposeful, has been weighted against other options, and was picked over what could have been virtually anything else. Again, I want to state that I don't know if any single person took these decisions, probably not entirely, and it's even possible Nintendo didn't realize (I doubt it heavily tbh, but I'm sure there are people in the team that didn't get it or didn't see the issue), but a certain kind of story was crafted in the end, and it's the one we got.
One word that has been tossed around a lot as far as TotK's story goes is ✨ imperialism ✨, and I want to pause and take a second to analyse exactly what we mean by that and why I think it's painfully relevant here (and, honestly, I think another word would be very very relevant here also, but it's the kind of word you keep for after you're done with your argumentation not to scare off the unconvinced audience --but, to anyone who reads and might have picked it up already, yeah.)
In our real world of Earth 2023™, we have seen quite the number of extraordinarily powerful nations becoming gradually larger, engulfing neighbors, breaking apart, and leaving the buds of new future empires behind them. Hell, there's a number of them existing right now, even if they don't call themselves empires and don't have literal emperors at their head anymore (though Japan does, and it is important here). Of course, no nation, especially nations striving for expansion, worldwide legitimacy in culture and power, and their own understanding of "greatness", would ever call themselves anything but enlightened and justified. After all, the Roman Empire brings aqueducts and infrastructure to the lands they conquer, China unifies disparaging regions struggling under constant barbaric attacks, France and Spain converts local populations of the "New World" and save their souls from eternal damnation (wow thanks guysss), the British Empire brings industrial revolution uhhh everywhere please don't ask what was the cost, Africa sure loves everybody ripping their culture and lands apart and were so super glad to receive whatever "civilization" is supposed to mean when their literal people were being pillaged away to keep on building said empires using their blood as mortar, the URSS protects neighboring nations from the Evil Capital/West, fascists want to purge the world of anything they consider impure, the US brings freedom to the world and the whole world is grateful forever!!!
Everyone always has an excuse, and everyone is always kind of semi-mandated by God (in the largest possible sense; divine responsibility would perhaps be more appropriate, it's kind of the idea that with great power comes responsibility, while defining what responsibility means and inflicting their conclusions to conquered lands to squeeze even more value out of them) to do whatever the hell they want to others, claim their lands, their bodies, their minds, their culture --and demand gratefulness on top of it all to avoid having to feel bad.
There is a large body of fictional works that are dedicated to boister the image of the Empire. Every single empire has a number of them; their goal is often to mythologize, in some form or another, the story of their expansion. It often flattens every nuance, paints the actions of the empire as the natural order of the world and its opposition as morally malignant, their leaders are charismatic, benevolent, powerful and self-sacrificial. Often, it invokes previous empires to cast the current one as inheriting a grace that was tragically lost and must be restored through war, hard work, and healthy natality --I'll dip into the forbidden comparaison but Nazi Germany loved its greek myths of Sparta and Athens (and modern day fascists still do), or the Napoleon Wars so they could retell the story of their own empire by invoking a legacy of moral diligence and ethnical greatness being restored. But the pattern is often very similar: we used to be Great, a tragic event due to both external invasion and internal corruption precipitated our golden age into chaos and degeneracy, and now we must fight off current day corruption to restore the Glory of the old times we lost --all of this under the benevolent gaze of our leaders, whose mission is a direct or indirect intervention of divinity into mortal lives. It is righteous and glorious to fight/die for the nation (and its leaders) and protect it from the uncivilized, who are inhuman and exist solely to trick us, corrupt us, attack us and assimilate/destroy us.
Are we starting to notice some similarities here :) :) :)
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The Narrative
There's two conversations running in parallel here.
The first one is the least important in my opinion, even though it's the one we tend to focus on a lot as theorists/enthusiasts/enjoyers of media: is Rauru oppressing the gerudos, and does that inform Ganondorf's actions?
Honestly? Textually? Probably not.
There are arguments to be made (and that deserve to be made) about the insane power imbalance, there are a lot of suspicious aspects that deserve to be picked apart like the address and deference of Ganondorf towards Rauru, the whole mining thing that I don't see being discussed much but could be a huge part of it --there are ancient mines in the gerudo region after all; since when? what's the history here?-- the strange masks the Sages are to wear when Zelda, as a direct descendant, isn't wearing any, etc etc. Lots of other posts have been made about the million tiny red flags that litter the game, but I think that if we take the game at face value, they barely matter. I would love them to have been placed with intent (and they maybe were as a desperate attempt by an employee trying to inject grayness back in the equation and if that's the case I SEE YOU random gamedev and I love you and you did the best you could <3), but to me that's more a case of wishful fan thinking (including mine tbh) that any concrete argument that the story is secretely about Rauru being imperialist and this costing him everything. There are some hints of a more nuanced world (the Horned God, the Bargainers, that some NPCs are invested in monsters are creatures worthy of study and awe --tho almost all of them ridiculed in some form), but these demand that you go out of your way to collect them and make the connection yourself. Can this even qualify as subtext? As in: the story under the story? As much as I wish this was the case, I don't think so. We can't make the case that it's a simple story for children that isn't trying to say anything grand while also demanding people to make insane mental gymnastics on their own, without any help on the game's part, for it not to be a blatant endorsement of imperialist thinking.
(especially not the kind of game that repeats 3 different times back to back that Sidon didn't talk to Yona because he was afraid to lose her like he lost Mipha --honestly what's up with this writing I don't get it, BotW didn't act like its players' brain was this unplugged, ANYWAY)
The story is about Ganondorf being duplicitous and monstrous and destroying the beautiful kingdom of the past, and us preserving our modern day kingdom from its corrupting influence by recruiting allies and friends in that fight. We are given a plethora of situations that paint him as inhumanely cruel and chaotic, and none that breath even the suggestion of a critique towards our heroes. He's evil: we must stop him.
Now comes the second conversation, and one I think is more important: is this entire storyline built off imperialist tropes that were created to oppress and exploit marginalized populations in real life while justifying the violence inflincted upon them?
In my opinion, yes. Undeniably so.
I am not so much invested in Rauru being racist towards Ganondorf; I am invested in the real life Nintendo videogame being racist towards the idea that Ganondorf represents: the scary foreigner that will lead to the fall of civilization if we let him in.
(and perhaps this was Rauru's hubris all along: to believe he could let a scary (male) foreigner in and then trust him to remain docile.... a little too much. And then he reaped what he sowed.
checkmate liberal.
This makes an uncomfortable amount of sense and I kinda hate having made the connection tbh)
This is especially true when it's the second time around that this exact storyline is represented, and I believe it to be much more insidious this time around --because now, gerudos are our friendssss and feel great shame and personal responsibility towards that aspect of them that once rebelled. Meanwhile in OoT, a majority of them were onboard with Ganondorf as their leader and explicitely did not want to be assimilated in the kindgom (Nabooru being specifically painted as one of the exceptions). I go more in depth about all of this in this pre-TotK post about gerudo culture. We had plenty of conversations about orientalism and islamophobic representation in videogames since; it was A Thing at the time, the turn of the century was particularly egregious in that regard. But It's not 1998 anymore, and I personally believe it's pretty inexcusable to rethread that same ground beat by beat without batting an eye at any of its implications (especially since they have done better since; even Twilight Princess, who gave him very little grace overall, dared to criticize hylians through Midna, Zelda and even Zant --and Wind Waker towed the line rather beautifully between the part of him that was human and the part that was monstrous, and the tragedy of these two cancelling each other out constantly). I was expecting much, much better than what we got --I didn't even dare to imagine they would just double-down on that aspect and make a worse version of Ocarina of Time to reintroduce the character.
This is also partially why I'm so uncomfortable with the green skin situation: can you imagine how this scene would have felt like, with the single brown-skinned guy having a central role in the game kneeling in front of a white old man with a droopy mustache (which was Rauru's first iteration in the series, and the one I always keep in mind when having these conversations) and his blonde wife, and Zelda being "hmmm he's evil for sure"? And then he 100% is, with no justification or reason beyond an urge to consume the entire world --even this, which is not uninteresting, remaining completely unexplored in a 150+ hour open-world game that decided to focus on everything under the sun EXCEPT Ganondorf's motivations and his relationship to his own people? Can you imagine how obvious of a racist caricature Ganondorf would have been just by keeping his skin a normal brown (not to pretend he's not already super coded as Foreign in every possible way)? The man is intimidating, uncomfortable to be around, he's greedy and power-hungry, he's insane, he comes for our lands and our women and oppresses his own and also corrupts everything through either infiltration or literal disease. Also he's uhhh the Devil, for good measure.
As much as we can rationalize and embrace these parts of who he is as fans, there's no ignoring how icky this entire situation really is.
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So, to tie everything together.
There are three readings of this game competing in my head.
The first one is: the textual interpretation. Rauru is self-sacrificial and a victim, Zelda is deeply brave and an icon of the empire's longevity and deep-rooted history, Ganondorf is utterly inhuman and must be destroyed at all costs. What the game says it is --and what it is.
The second one is: the critical interpretation. That this story sounds awfully convenient for the prosperity of the Empire (here the empire being Hyrule), paints Zelda, the current leader, in a weird fanficky way by literally sending her back to the past with her super cool ancestors and allowing a military victory in the present while also being a martyr to the cause and being much more of a symbol than a person, and nobody even bats a fucking eye in the direction that Hyrule might have been questionable in any way --everyone is so happy to be a vassal, see? Let's not unpack why the king of the zoras prefered hiding himself than facing the consequences of what would happen if Zelda really did attack him out of the blue (this plot point is insane, but its potential is too good so therefore it's illegal and immediately dropped). Let's not unpack the absolute insane amount of abuse false Zelda gets away with by virtue of acting as the princess of a sacred bloodline (but she's nice, right? because that's how you want to make a sure a ruler won't hurt you: praying they will be nice). There are enough red flags to doubt this world, its reality, the complexity of these people's inner lives. The rejection of the notion that any sort of flaw or problem could exist within the system makes it borderline dystopian in my opinion (especially when compared with BotW's Hyrule, which had problems who led to its own downfall and were the fault of nobody but their own actions as Ganon is portrayed more as a natural event than an actual, malicious person), and this is the first reason why I don't like Rauru: the entire world revolves around this goat-kangaroo-furry man's chiseled navel. Everyone is, quite literally, a faceless tool in the glorious and tragic story of his lost empire (or they're women here to become sacrificial objects serving the fights of men; or they're Ganondorf, who's a non-person and an antagonistic object lacking any interiority or humanity, and the narrative being completely uninterested in that), and only his bloodline and his vision for the future really matters. Not that Rauru thinks like this --but the game does. And so, it's hard for me not to see him as either the most narcissistic person ever if we accept him as the narrator of this story, or a flat propaganda machine built for an even greater cause (Hyrule, the Empire).
And then, the third one: that Nintendo would put out a game that is so deeply embedded in imperialist and orientalist language and tropes, so invested in its traditional and patriarchal values, so uncurious about the Other and so critical of it while refusing to look inward, is not neutral (yes even if the game is super fun and has other great qualities, I do believe this game is a monumental achievement in game/level design and in optimization/tech art while also being a trainwreck in quest and narrative design). This rethoric is not neutral, especially when addressed at the West at large --especially right now, with such a global uptick in traditionalist values overall, and Japan not exactly being spared. I won't pretend to be knowledgeable enough about Japanese history and culture to pick up all the little nuances of what is going on here, but I know enough to recognize that such stories do play out a certain understanding of this country's history, its fears and its difficulties to reconcile with its own (very recent) past as a colonialist empire --both the terrors it unleashed on others and the terrors that were unleashed upon it as it was dismantled. Instead of exploring that subject, every potential for nuance and conversation and self-criticism is slammed shut immediately, often at the cost of their own characters and the depth of their quest design/writing. The unearthed past agrees with its current understanding of itself; there is nothing discovered that leads to being questioned and reconsidered. Everything wrong is the fault of a single, corrupting entity that can be identified as Foreign and Other. There is a literal Heaven (zonai and civilized, Rauru's) and Hell (monstrous and corroding, Ganon's). None of this is neutral. Especially when infused in a game targeted for a young audience lacking context.
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So I hope this very verbose answer helped a little to parse out what is being criticized at which level! Thank you for giving your thoughts, and I hope mine were clarifying to a degree.
I understand it can get a little confusing; but a lot of the urge not to take this scene at face value is born from the knowledge that nothing is ever that simple in real life, that these sort of self-serving narratives often hide horrific amounts of systemic harm underneath its perfectly curated presentation, and that, well. Some Zelda fans, especially the older generations that were invested in these characters and their re-imagining, expected Nintendo to be less..... like this.
And the wake-up call stings a little more than we would have liked.
(again obligatory disclaimer that I'm not saying TotK is Bad or should be Cancelled or that you're Bad for liking it --but it's still important to explicitly talk about how themes like these are being utterly glossed over when I don't think they would have been if they'd come out of a new IP, and not with the huge nostalgia cloud that envelops The Legend of Zelda and has people being extremely uncomfortable at criticizing the ideas the series can sometimes champion --though the series never veered in that direction nearly as hard before in my opinion)
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By @rebornofstars
“Forty-three,” Wind repeated aloud, wonderingly. “Cyclos, I’m old.” Half of the group burst out into laughter. “You don’t act like a forty-three year old,” one of them said, wrinkling his nose. “I’m young at heart,” Wind lied smoothly. “So. Nine heroes in a dungeon. What's the plan?”
Shortly before Wind meets the Chain, he walks through a magic mirror that ages him up by thirty years. This turns out to be a Problem.
Age Regression/De-Aging
Trope Subversion/Inversion
Aged-Up Character(s)
POV Wind
Wind is a Little Shit
Wind Swears
Linked Universe Link(s) and Wind First Meet
Disabled Character
Hijinks & Shenanigans
war of eras talk
Minor Malon/Time
Emotional Support Animal Wolfie
Identity Reveal
Wind Has a Bad Time
Wind Needs a Hug
Wind Gets a Hug
Older Sibling Wind
(grandpa technically lmao)
(how to speedrun a found family ft:copious amounts of banter. fight scenes. dramatic irony. and a Plot)
Body Horror
Word count: 53,618
Finished: No
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bizabumblebee · 8 months
tell us about yunobo
why's he ur funky lil guy
id love to hear why
This is a very good ask I don’t think I’ve ever actually told anyone why I like Yunobo so much
Preemptive spoiler alert for both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom by the way
(Also this turned into a bit of a character analysis on Yunobo I’m so sorry it’s so ridiculously long lmao)
Personally my favorite Zelda “race” or whatever has always been gorons, huge fellas who mine rocks and eat rocks and are rocks, just big ol walking boulders with kind souls, I think they’re very silly and cute. But I really like Yunobo because he’s not really like any of the other gorons (He’s not like other girls!!), because he’s so much more… emotional? I guess? In each of the Goron race’s appearances throughout the Zelda games they’re portrayed pretty much the same way, either tough and brave and heroic (Like Darunia, Daruk and Darmani), or chill and generally nonchalant (Like… pretty much every other goron). Though they are kind and playful, they’re also tough and unmoving as stone. Yunobo (on a surface level), is neither of these things. When you first meet him in BotW he runs and yelps in fear, and a great portion of the fan base calls him a coward because of this. He’s very unsure of himself, and unsure of a lot of things in general. In the artbook “Creating a Champion”, his description is as follows:
“Yunobo is the grandchild of the Champion Daruk. He has an adult body but still has some growing up to do. He is easily frightened by monsters and isn't exactly what one might call brave, but, driven by thoughts of protecting his people, he gathers enough courage to aid Link in quelling the Divine Beast Vah Rudania. He is earnest and naive, readily believing nearly anything anyone tells him.”
So yeah. He’s a scaredy-cat. He’s a pushover. He’s incredibly naive and a bit childish.
He helped save his people, and the entirety of Hyrule… TWICE. Because he is brave. Bravery is not an immediate heroic desire to face any danger for the sake of the greater good.
It is action in spite of fear.
He is afraid. He’s unsure, and he’s flighty, and he’s defensive. But he swallows these fears and chooses to act in spite of them, helping link to take back control of Vah Rudania, and saving his people. For me, seeing the journey Yunobo takes to find his courage is a lot more satisfying than if he were just already a brave go-getter from the moment you meet him.
And then things get even more interesting in the second game (again, spoilers for TotK ahead).
After he helps Link take back Vah Rudania and Calamity Ganon is defeated, Yunobo goes right to helping his people recover from the the post-calamity craziness. He’s incredibly devoted to them. He’s a helper through and through, willing to do anything it takes for the sake of others. His loyalty knows absolutely no bounds. But unfortunately, this can get the better of him.
Like when his good friend “Zelda” shows up and gives him some weird mask and tells him to put it on.
Honestly, when I saw Yunobo for the first time in TotK, I was one of the many people who was terrified that Nintendo might have made him an asshole for no reason. I mean, they gave Sidon a wife so people would stop shipping him with Link, I wouldn’t put it past them (totally backfired though lol, now they’re just a polycule).
But instead they had actually put him into one of my favorite character tropes: self-conscious but good-natured character easily susceptible to corruption (See: Luigi [SPM], Bolin [TLoK], Locksley [AS:TNC] -they’re all also green for some reason? Crazy). I really like this particular trope because it shows the very real (and frankly scary) way that those with the best intentions can most easily be led astray. As someone who’s kinda struggled with having a people-pleaser personality (incredibly susceptible to peer-pressure, neglecting my own needs over the needs of others, not able to set boundaries, etc), this trope is a relatable cautionary tale for me. Those who just want to help more often than not end up helping those with bad intentions without realizing.
Buuuuut I won’t go too far into all that (it’ll get sad fast eugh)
My main point is that Yunobo is brave, kind, and loyal (even to a fault), and for me that’s a wonderful formula for a character as nervous and dopey as him. Yeah he’s got rocks for brains, but he’s got a heart as big as a lynel’s. I don’t throw this term around liberally but I would say he could definitely count as a himbo.
Ugggghhh this is getting too long ffs. I’ll just list a couple more reasons why he’s important to me specifically.
He is… very large. Ahem. I like big fellas. You know how it is. ANYWAY
He’s a bit dopey but he’s definitely not incompetent. He’s the president of a highly successful mining company and he’s helped save Goron City (and the entirety of Hyrule) TWICE. That’s pretty cool. I’ve seen a lot of people shit on him in the first game for “always getting spotted by the drones” but like. Dude that’s your fault. He told you he would come when called and stop when told to, it’s on you if he walks into a searchlight.
He’s got very intriguing lore (to me at least), that leaves a lot of room for speculation. Like, he’s the “grandson” of Daruk, but how does that work?? Gorons are born from the mountain itself, they don’t give birth. There’s a pair of Gorons in TotK that call themselves “brothers” (still a bit confusing since most gorons throughout the series call each other brother anyway), but they explain it was because they were born in the same cave at the same time, so they’re like family. Does this mean Yunobo was just born in the same cave Daruk was, and therefore inherited his “genes” and his magical abilities? Maybe! Maybe it’s a really cool special cave, right at the summit or something, where his whole lineage was born all the way back to the first sage of fire. Cool stuff to think about!
He’s not the leader of his people, in either game. That job belongs to Bludo. In the second game he’s definitely got a lot more influence and does occupy a position of leadership, but he’s not the chief. He’s just some Goron. The role of aiding link in both games is thrust onto him entirely because of his lineage. But he takes responsibility for it. He understands the power he holds, both as a champion’s descendant and as the Sage of Fire, and he steps up to the role. He feels a responsibility to his people and his city, even despite not being its official leader like the other champion’s descendants. That’s pretty cool.
He’s very sweet! I’ve talked about how kind and caring he is already but there’s a difference between doing it with a stoic sense of heroism or duty, and doing it with a big dopey grin and a genuine care for those he cares about. He’s often unsure and self-conscious, and yet he’s surprisingly optimistic about most things a lot of the time. He has a big smile (most gorons do), but he has an absolutely heart-melting laugh. I often tear up during the cutscene in which he sees the spirit of Daruk reclaiming Vah Rudania, him laughing and waving with such genuine joy and excitement, aghhhh it’s too much. Joe Hernandez certainly did a great job putting authenticity into Yunobo’s (and Daruk’s) emotions, this cutscene especially.
He has the best secret stone ability (gameplay wise). You cannot change my mind. Tulin is great for mobility and the other two are fine for tactical combat stuff, but none of them even come close to the versatility and power of Yunobo. Don’t have any good rock-breaking weapons and don’t want to use up bombs or zonai devices? Yunobo! Using a control stick-operated machine and can’t pull out your bow to snipe that pesky aerocuda? Yunobo! Wanna separate a big group of enemies from each other without wasting bombs? Yunobo! And don’t even get me started on the fact that when he’s on a vehicle, he’s got zero cooldown. You can hop on a hoverboard and decimate a molduga just by dribbling Yunobo on its head like a basketball.
All this being said I certainly think Yunobo is too often overlooked by fans for “being a coward”, or just… being a Goron? Gorons in general have often been a bit neglected in favor of the other more serious, conventionally attractive and *cough* slimmer *cough* Zelda races. It’s a bit disheartening seeing the amount of fan artists who don’t even have a clue how to approach drawing Yunobo or Daruk, simply because they don’t know how to draw bulky, fat or muscled characters. But I won’t preach too much on the subject, haha.
Long story short, I love Yunobo a whole lot and I’d love to give him a big hug and a smooch. That’s about it :))))
Also here’s a little sketch I made of him as a bonus for reading all that haha
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reddieweek · 1 year
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Welcome to the fifth annual Reddie Week!
Rules | F.A.Q. | AO3 Collection
Posting period: 04 June 2023 - 10 June 2023
This year we've decided to give Reddie Week a theme using a tried and true trope we all know and love. This year's theme is Alternate Universe!
04 June: Mythical Creatures: witches/wizards/warlocks, werewolves/werecreatures, vampires, dragons, etc.
05 June: Occupation Swap: tattoo artist, flower shop, mechanic, barista, doctor, musician, baker, etc.
06 June: Meet-Cutes: online, speed-dating, looking for a roommate, boarding school classmates, etc.
07 June: Soulmates: red string of fate, seeing in black and white until you meet them, feeling each other's emotions, etc.
08 June: Books/Games/Movies/TV: star wars, twilight, the uglies, percy jackson, bones, skyrim, zelda, etc.
09 June: (Post-)Apocalypse: natural disasters, solar flare, nuclear war, zombies, etc.
10 June: Canon Divergence: eddie in the deadlights, richie doesn't want to return to Derry so eddie has to come get him, eddie did the carving in the kissing bridge, pennywise was a figment of their imagination, etc.
Although there are suggested AUs for each day, any alternate universe work is acceptable! Just be clear about what type of AU it is in your tags or author's notes!
Additionally, this year we will be accepting works that are inspired by any past Reddie Week prompt. Please make it clear which prompt you are using. Here is a list of possible, related tags you might use for past and present prompts. Specific past prompts can be found in each year's sub-collection on AO3.
You can share your work by tagging it with #reddieweek or tagging @reddieweek in your post.
Any questions? Concerns? Ideas you want to share? Send this blog an ask or message the mods: @eddieeatsass and @frankchaudhary
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She doesn't have character art, but she's got a character sheet. MoaH's Impa. Technically been in some chapters, has not really shown up yet fully, only a name drop. I think these are soft spoilers because they do kinda follow Impa's standard tropes, but mentioning it for now since she's pretty straight forward.
Impa's hybrid subclass, Way of the Guardian is a combo of Way of Shadow (duh) and Way of the Open Hand. Balancing stealth with sustain, but also her job is to protect Zelda, and that Sanctuary ability at 11th level fits the job (I'm letting her retarget it for lore reasons, also, again, books).
Despite initial interactions with Link (y'all will meet her soon into the return), her CHA is pretty high. CHA for Deception and Intimidation, she does those a lot, but also for some other roles she fills in assisting Zelda, she needs good CHA. She just has opinions about Link that prevent getting to see the friendlier uses of CHA.
That low CON currently has her with the lowest HP total in the group though. Her CON is low as a reflection of character arc reasons, so y'all will have to wait on that.
Much like Saddiqah using the Bugbear stats not being reflective of all Gerudo, Impa getting the Changeling abilities is not reflective of all Sheikah, this is reflection of a unique ability she has as the head of her clan.
+2 WIS, +1 DEX, standard array and her bonus feat is Skulker for, again, pretty obvious reasons here. She is a ninja.
She really is pretty straight forward. Impa doesn't really share a whole lot, I think her sheet is about all you're going to get too.
Divine Ancestry is just a reskin of Fey Ancestry if past sheets haven't indicated that. I still can't decide who the Sheikah's blessing in from though so it's just gonna be a clan secret, sssssshhhhh.
Look, we have three more weeks until MoaH is back and I have two more characters with full sheets, I promise. They haven't gotten a single vote in any poll I've run, and they're both well liked characters too. I feel so bad for them being the last ones.
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phoenixcatch7 · 11 months
I’m glad to see your post about loving totk. There’s so much discourse going on right now and I don’t understand. It’s a phenomenal game that absolutely deserves all the same love BOTW got. I guess that’s just the video game cycle but Zelda games seem to get the brunt of it, you know?
Really? I've never seen any sincere zelda discourse, and I've been in the fandom a good while.
I mean I know there's a couple points of contention but they've been there since ocarina of time at the latest lol.
Having played hundreds of hours in both botw and totk, I can say I love them for different reasons. They're both absolutely AMAZING games, they're so much fun to play, you can really feel the love and effort that went into making them. Totk feels like an organic in-world continuation of what botw was, timeline wise.
I think one of my favourite things in totk is that a lot of next gen style games take the route of misery and undoing all your hard work in the previous game, heck stories do that too, but totk looks that old tired trope in the eye and spits on it.
Totk is a continuation of the world in botw, and they chose hope. They chose determination, love, progress, protection, community.
Botw is amazing because of its loneliness, its empty rolling vistas and space to explore and learn about this new world. Link is alone and everyone knows it. He has to build a life from scratch, build himself up from scratch, with not even his own memories. Everything is fresh, to both you and him, and you meet so many people on the way. But ultimately he has to do it all alone and it has this weight to it.
Totk is amazing because of its companionship. Everyone and their mother knows and loves zelda and link and they will NOT shut up about it. Everyone you meet is throwing their all into living life and working as one giant community, from bolson rebuilding lurelin and retiring there, to the school being built in hateno, the openly thriving tarrey town we built, the gossip reporter starting a proper official newspaper, the seal surfer pair travelling to learn new versions of the sport, the zonai team, the monster hunting expeditions - the list goes on!! Link is not alone!!! Everywhere you look businesses are booming! People are banding together and succeeding!!
Totk is absolutely a phenomenal game. It sucks that it's getting flack (though I have no idea what it could be for?), and I really feel the devs succeeded in what they set out to do. Both it and totk have their own strengths, but I must say, they're definitely strongest when together.
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spices28 · 10 months
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The Midnight Revelry -- An AoC or Pre!Calamity BotW/TotK Zelink Story
It's finally finished! If you like masquerade balls, silly teen love, or the secret letter trope, you might love this fic!
Betaed by the most wonderful talented group of people: @shameless-fujoshi @korokposting @citrusblooms and LinkCodedPaladin
Logo/art by @kenlair
Please go give them a follow -- they're making some excellent art for the fandom.
This was written for @zeldaelmo's follower celebration! Congrats to you on the 1k+ followers and thank you for the inspiration for my first ever chaptered long fic
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One random funny shipping trope I like occasionally is when the same person ends up dating two members of the same family (either at the same time (dating the parent and their kid) or at different times (dating the parent/ancestor/elder and then dating the child/descendant/younger at a later date)
Some notable examples from my brain:
Urbosa x Botw Zelda's mother + Zelbosa
What can I say? I first saw the former on Twitter and loved the fanart/au ideas of this ship. Frankly, I like it on its own whether as an au where they got married/became partners, or even if it's a homoerotic friendship with unrequited feelings (on Urbosa's end at the very least).
As for the latter, it kind of just struck me when I first watched that memory in base botw where Urbosa is holding Zelda as she sleeps (tuckered out from surveying) and talks to Link about her. This scene really set Urbosa up as a comforting presence to Zelda, and the knowledge that Urbosa displays sets her up as someone just inherently close to her (or at least someone who has been watching her all this time)
Under the framework of this post though, I love to imagine that Urbosa either has/had a secret thing with Zelda's mother, watched over her diligently and tried to position herself as a helpful presence, and then once Zelda properly grew up and started to get older, feelings (on Zelda's side first) started to grow more uncertain. I'd like to think under this framework that once Zelda becomes an adult and comes to terms with these feelings, she becomes embarassed around Urbosa😂
Or, as someone I know once said "Don't you think it's funny? Urbosa had a thing with the mother and the daughter!"
I also can't help but think back to this post I saw on my for you page about how a "MILF" should specifically be a woman old enough to be your mother. So like. It's also funny to imagine like, a sweet childhood friends situation with past!Urbosa/Zelda's mom, but then Zelda being so down bad for a MILF with eventual Zelbosa
Botw Zelimpa + Zelpaya
Now, I've shipped Zelimpa in botw since Age of Calamity released. Real princess and her number one bodyguard kind of situation seemed to be going on there (for the record, I watched the trailer and played chapter 1 of that game). As for Paya/Zelda, I didn't really think much about it until I (1.) got into botw Zelimpa and (2.) went through Paya's diary in botw and it hit me that Paya could very plausibly be into both Zelda as well as Link.
Under the framework of this post, I really can't help but think of them like parallels to the movie Hook (Paralleling Peter/Wendy and Peter/Moira). In this case, it's funny to me to imagine Zelda having this deep bond and relationship between Impa during AoC era, and then 100 years later (post botw) when she finally meets Impa again, Impa introduces her to Paya. And while Zelda sort of slowly falls for Paya as they hang out and get to know each other and talk, the feelings hit Paya like cupid's arrow (I love you bi crisis Paya).
Nanago + Goyuu
This one sorta came about because (in addition to both of these ships) I like those aus where Nanami is Yuji's adoptive parent. And so it's funny to imagine a situation in which Nanago are exes and/or divorced, and then like years later Yuji and Gojo have one of those chance meeting x romcom romances where they both find out after the fact that Gojo was once with Nanami, but it ends up being Nanami who's the most annoyed and bothered about this situation in the end
Nanami really wishes his adoptive son would dump his ex's ass😂
Rigurd/Siguriddle + Hayariddle
This one's a bit different just because Hayato is Sigurd's reincarnation rather than Sigurd being Hayato's ancestor, but it’s close enough. And it's close enough because this is actually arguably pretty close to UR canon?😂
Like Riddle has an entire King and his most devoted servant/secretary thing going on. There is so much implying that Riddle was probably in love with him, if not that they actually were involved as a couple. And then after his lord (Sigurd) dies, he dutifully makes sure that his beloved's soul reincarnates properly. And then he watches over and protects Hayato (said reincarnation) as he grows up, sets his plans in motion and inserts himself into Hayato's life when Hayato turns 17, and then grows attached to him enough that when he finally ressurects his dear lord after centuries, he chooses his reincarnation over him. And if the ending of that manga tells me anything, it’s that Riddle really did get the King and his reincarnation 😂
Vintaker + R!Ciel/Undertaker
I haven't actually read far enough into BB to know a lot of details, but all I need to know is that the Undertaker may have been implied to be involved with generations of phantomhives, that he did canonically hang with Vincent, and that he's like the Sebastian to R!Ciel. Funny to imagine him involved with the father, and so too his precious dead heir that the undertaker went through the trouble of trying to bring back
Lansoni + King Sonic/Galahad
If you follow me you may have already seen me posting about them but regardless
Satbk is the only continuity where a version of Shadow (Lancelot in this case) is arguably Silver's (Galahad's) dad. I will be completely real with you it is so funny to imagine King Arthur "Sonic" Pendragon being involved in a relationship with two of his knights, both of which just so happen to be father and son. Shenanigans abound. It's funny to imagine
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ladyhoneydee · 8 months
this peppermint winter, this marshmallow world
Zelink | College AU | 5.8k
At the end of the second swallow, she finally opened her eyes—and caught Link in the midst of a sip of his own. Watching her. Why did the warmth in his eyes look so…different? Had he ever looked at her that way before, in all their years of friendship? Maybe it was just the glow of the streetlamp they stood beneath, transforming the snow into glittering fairy dust and the ambiance into spun gold. If they left this place, if they took their walk as planned, perhaps the clear blue moon would return them to the same light they’d always been cast in. Why did the thought of that make her chest so tight?
Written for @pastelsandpining as part of the Hateno Hideout Secret Santa! If you like the best-friends-to-lovers trope, nonverbal trans guy Link who is acting veeeery oddly all of a sudden, and confused, investigative Zelda, this one is for you.
Read it on AO3, FFN, or under the cut!
Zelda knew something was wrong with Link from a mile off. 
It didn’t matter that she was stuck behind the front desk, explaining to a frazzled-looking first year that no, they did not have any private study rooms available at this very minute, and they would have to wait twenty minutes or so until something opened up. From the moment her best friend strode into Castleton University’s Gaebora Library, his snow-dusted green beanie pulled down tight and chin tucked in low, she could tell that his mind was running a mile a minute on some topic or another. He always tended to crunch in physically when he was mentally distressed, after all. 
As the student surrendered with a grimace and set off towards the staircase—no doubt heading for one of the public sitting areas on the quiet upper floors—Link lifted his chin, and Zelda met his eyes. The whites widened, the pupils expanded. Then his gaze promptly dropped back to the laminate tiles underfoot.
Zelda’s suspicion rocketed through the ceiling, the five floors of the library over her head, and the snow-laden roof shingles high above. With the exception of particularly awkward or emotional conversations, Link had never struggled to hold eye contact with her before. Heck, they had practically lived off of staring contests back in high school. Even now, five semesters into university, new friends invariably asked if she and Link were dating based solely on how annoying about eye contact and making goofy faces at each other they were.
Still, there was no way he could actually avoid her, even if he wanted to. Not when she was on front desk duty, and the only student worker on shift who knew Hyrulean Standard Sign Language. After all, Link never came to the library to study, only to pick up books. Nonverbal as he was, it was easier to focus in a private place than somewhere people who couldn’t understand HSSL might try to talk to him. 
His fingers stuttered through her name-sign for a moment before smoothing through the rest of his words. “I have an interlibrary loan to pick up? A Walk in the Lost Woods by K.-I.-A. H-E-R-M-O-S?” His finger-spelling of the name was quick, but she’d been signing since elementary school and reading Link’s words and letters off his hands for nearly as long; it was nearly impossible to trip her up at this point. 
“Sure, I’ll just need to grab it!” Zelda’s voice brimmed with enthusiasm to cover up her suspicion. “For your Environmental Philosophy course, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah. Got an essay due next week.” 
Well, at least he was making conversation.
“Tonight is such a mess,” she complained. “I swear I’ve had five different students try to get me to find their books for them instead of just following my directions. It’s like everyone’s brain cells died over winter break.” 
A smile cracked through Link’s slight frown and downturned brows. “So now they’re killing yours in retribution, huh?”
“Mm-hm! Which is exactly why you should get us coffees from Piper’s and meet me on the quad for a walk when you’re finished studying and I’m done with my shift!” She beamed at him.
Just like that, alarm swept his face clean of the soft warmth it had held only a moment prior, and his gaze darted away from her once again. He rubbed his hands on his pants before replying, as if wiping off sweat—which was weird, given that he’d just come in from the cold, and hadn’t been wearing gloves. 
“Oh, I don’t know…”
“Come on, please?” she wheedled. “I’ll need something to resuscitate my poor, dying brain cells. And you’re my chosen hero of the hour.” She smiled in the winning, bossy way she’d learned from a childhood cultivated by a single dad who was not only a hardass entrepreneur, but also had moonlit as the president of the PTA at every public school she had attended. 
She’d learned other things from Daphnes, too. Like how to pursue a lead when something seems fishy—and how to throw someone off the scent of your true intentions until the opportune moment. 
The trick was to pick a reason that was still genuine, just not the whole truth. 
Link sighed, his gestures slowing and taking on weight to emphasize his put-upon tone. “If you insist. But— I’m bringing hot chocolate, not coffee.” Her pout was met with a stern, wolf-eyed stare. “I don’t care if you live off of caffeine. It’ll be after ten before we’re both done for the night, and I’m not dropping money on your addiction when I’ve got perfectly good cocoa mix in my dorm.”
Zelda let out a ponderous sigh of her own. “Fiiiine.” She placed her hands on her hips. “You’re no fun, you know that?”
“They say that the chosen heroes rarely were,” Link shot back, his gestures short and snippy, but punctuated with enough flair that she knew it was from sass rather than actual upset. “I’m just living up to your expectations.”
“Sure, hero.” She smirked. “Let me grab that book.”
As she swiveled her rolly chair around to scan the loan shelf for his book—Nayru’s love, did none of the other student workers this semester realize they were supposed to label the books with the requester’s name to make things easier?—Zelda mused over Link’s odd behavior. He’d brightened up, sure, but for him to hesitate over spending time together…
Well, the last time that had happened, it was right before he came out to her as trans the year they turned thirteen, and he was terrified she was going to hate him forever. 
When she spun back around, Link was fervently tapping his fingers against the wood of the front desk, expressions dancing over his features so quickly that she couldn’t make them out. He remained wordless and reticent while she checked out the green-bound hardback and passed it over, before throwing her a tight smile, waving awkwardly with his free hand, and walking out the door at an even brisker pace than usual. 
He hadn’t even paused to tuck the book away in his backpack.
…It was fine. It was. He’d been wrong back then—she could never hate him, but especially not for that —and no matter what secret feelings he was keeping close to his chest right now, he’d be wrong this time, too. She loved him too much for any other option to stick. Like snow falling on a manhole cover, any trouble between them would melt away before it had the chance to build up. 
She would make sure of it.
One of the downsides of working at Gaepora Library was that even at the end of the long, grueling evening shift, Zelda couldn’t leave until she’d scrubbed the floor. 
The reasoning was understandable enough, she supposed—given the building’s late hours, the CasU custodial staff were all done for the day by the time the library closed, and the slush and salt dragged into the lobby would damage the library’s century-old hardwood floor if it sat on them overnight—but that didn’t make her job any more enjoyable. The snow outside was pretty and all, and she couldn’t wait to go out in it with Link later, but did every student need to track slush in on their boots? They had a mat in front of the door for a reason!
Dimly, she noticed the clomping of winter boots approaching the front doors. Zelda glared down at the dirty rag in her hand and scrubbed even more vigorously. Surely the late visitor would notice the “CLOSED” sign she’d propped up in the front window, or the fact that nearly all the lobby lights were off, or her scrubbing the floor, and correctly assume that they should come back in the morning.
The door before her swung open. 
Zelda reared back from the sudden blast of cold. Wrath simmered in her veins, and she snapped her head up, ready to give this person a piece of her mind. 
“Excuse me, but the library is actually closed for the eve—”
His nose was red from the chill, and his shoulders shook with mirth. Immediately, all of the frustration that had been coiling like smoke in Zelda’s lungs throughout her shift whooshed out of her with a deep sigh.
“Nice floor,” he signed. “Very clean.”
“If you step on it, I might have to kill you.” 
He laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He’d obviously stopped by his dorm since the last time she’d seen him. His rugged leather-and-canvas backpack was nowhere to be seen, and he’d swapped out his slate-blue quilted jacket for a snowquill-stuffed puffy coat. This time, he was actually wearing gloves, and his omnipresent green beanie was pulled as far over his ears as it could manage.
She smiled fondly. Some things never changed. They might be twenty and sleep-deprived from annotated bibliographies and slideshow presentations instead of ten and sleep-deprived from playing video games under the covers all night, but Link would always get cold faster than she did.
Link, unaware of the nostalgic origins of her affectionate stare, gave her a hesitant smile in return. “I left the hot chocolates outside. No food and drinks in the library, and all.” 
“Aw, you’re such a good boy,” she cooed. “You rule follower, you.”
To her surprise, he flushed redder than the ruby studs in his ears. Gloved fingers twitched wildly in the air for a moment in a clear nonvocal stutter before he pressed the tips together so hard that she almost thought she could see them quiver from the strain. 
The pause in the conversation was disjointed, alien. Like they were metronomes running on two different beats per minute, instead of the unison they’d always shared. 
“Are–are you ready to go?” he asked eventually, and Zelda’s brows shot up. Was he just not going to address his reaction? What was going on? 
At her lack of reply, his eyes darted around the lobby, and he filled the void himself. “They’re gonna get cold if you take much longer. Slowpoke.” Even the teasing insult was added on belatedly, as though he was reading off a script of their usual interactions and had nearly forgotten the last part of his line. 
Well, if he wasn’t going to be normal, she would just have to pick up his slack. 
“Oh, I’ve been ready! In all ways except the physical.” She waved the damp rag in her hand pointedly. “Give me just a minute.”
The nod Link gave her was heavy with relief, and she realized he was grateful she hadn’t called him out on his weird behavior. Well, he was going to be in for a rude awakening once they started their walk and the interrogation began. 
One rag rinsed and squeezed out, one desktop computer logged out and turned off, and one book-stuffed messenger back hauled onto her shoulder later, they were out the door. 
Zelda was grateful for the hot chocolate before she even took a sip. The lightweight knit gloves she kept in the pocket of her winter coat were not cutting it against the chilly wind and swirling snow. Central Hyrule wasn’t particularly known for being a cold region of Hyrule—not with places like the Mt. Nayru region of Lanayru and the entirety of Hebra as competition—but when winter settled in over the wide grasslands, it truly did settle. So when she plucked one of Link’s ceramic travel mugs off the bench, the heat that sunk into her fingers was entirely welcome. 
“They’re dark chocolate with peppermint and marshmallows,” Link signed. His gestures were harder to decipher when made one-handed, as the other was occupied with his own mug; still, after a lifetime of communicating with Link in all kinds of one- and two- and even no-handed situations, she could parse them rather well. “I made them both the same so that you wouldn’t have to make any decisions. Or complain if I made the decision.”
“Aw, you’re so kind. The great hero, saving me from my own agency.” She sent him a sly look.
“Hey, how many times have you texted me just to ask me to pick something for you out of decision fatigue at the end of a long day?”
“Too many to count.” She nudged him in the side gently. “I am grateful for that, truly.”
“Oh, I know.” His elbow bumped her in return. “Now drink your hot chocolate, you mooch.”
“ Yeah, your mooch,” she shot back, and took a sip. 
If she’d been looking at Link at that instant, she might have seen how his lips parted and trembled at her words. But Zelda’s eyelashes had fluttered closed from pleasure the moment the sweet, minty richness hit her tastebuds, and the moment passed, unseen.
“Mmmmm, that’s the stuff.” Unconsciously, she poked her tongue out to collect the scant remaining droplets of chocolate from her lips, before going back in for another greedy gulp. The warmth, the velvety texture of half-melted marshmallows slipping into her mouth, the cool echo of mint that lingered even after the sip was gone—it was like a green firework going off in her mouth, cascading sparks of comfort all the way down to her stomach.
At the end of the second swallow, she finally opened her eyes—and caught Link in the midst of a sip of his own. Watching her. 
Why did the warmth in his eyes look so…different? Had he ever looked at her that way before, in all their years of friendship? 
Maybe it was just the glow of the streetlamp they stood beneath, transforming the snow into glittering fairy dust and the ambiance into spun gold. If they left this place, if they took their walk as planned, perhaps the clear blue moon would return them to the same light they’d always been cast in.
Why did the thought of that make her chest so tight?
“How are the brain cells?” Link signed.
“Huh?” She blinked, owl-eyed. 
He laughed. “Okay, so they’re obviously not—” His hands fluttered in the air for a moment. “Oh, what was the word you used before…”
“Resuscitated.” She narrowed her eyes.
He ignored it. “That’s it! Resuscitated. Obviously your brain cells haven’t been resuscitated yet.”
“I think your presence might be killing them off, actually.”
“Well, I can always leave if that’s what you’d prefer…” His words were lighthearted, but something glittered in his eyes. Something that turned her stomach and reminded her what, exactly, they were there for.
“No!” She flinched back at her own outburst and thought fast. “I mean, no, obviously I don’t want you to leave. What I want is to go on a walk with you through the Green.”
“The Green?” If she hadn’t been watching him so closely, she might have missed him nervously biting his lower lip. “I thought you said the quad. And I don’t know if it’s a good idea to go all the way out there. I mean, it’s going to get pretty cold tonight.”
“The cold front isn’t supposed to blow in until midnight, actually. I checked the weather earlier. It’ll be totally fine—no more snow or cold than we’re already getting.”
Link looked up, but the sky was inscrutable. It was impossible to tell if the clouds above were thick and heavy with snow or light and mobile; if they were on their way out or if more lurked on the horizon. His brow furrowed.
“Besides, I can always keep you warm myself,” Zelda joked. It was a quip long-familiar for them—their friendship had always been one of touchy-feely affection—but instead of the habitual glomping hug or taking of her hand, Link only gave her that same frightened rabbit stare.
“Or not.” She laughed awkwardly. “Again, the weather shouldn’t be a problem anyhow. Even for you.”
“Ha, ha,” he signed sarcastically, and she could have collapsed with relief. “Make fun of me for having a normal response to abnormal temperatures.”
“It’s my solemn duty as your best friend to make fun of you,” she said through a cheeky grin.  “So? Are you in?”
Link sighed, and it was like she was seeing the action in double: the put-upon, overdramatic performance, and the actual release of trepidation it concealed. “...Yeah. Yeah, of course I’m in. Always.”
Always, even if the whole evening had been strange and discombobulated so far. Zelda took a deep breath and let it out. They would get through this, no matter what was churning inside his head and spilling out like steam over a hot spring. It was him and her. Zelda and Link. Always.
“Perfect.” She smiled at him, softer than the gently falling snowflakes. “Shall we?”
“Yeah,” he said, and the smallness and lightness of his motions let Zelda know her feelings were reciprocated. “Let’s take a walk.”
The Green was the closest thing CasU had to a nature reserve. It must have had some sort of official name, but Zelda hadn’t looked at a map of campus in years, and every student she’d ever heard talking about the place just called it the Green. Even the professors and administration did, as if they realized that no one would know what they were referring to unless they adopted the students’ language. 
But regardless of what one called the hundreds of acres of green space that hugged the entire western border of campus, a walk on one of the well-trodden footpaths along the river, through the woods, or across the meadows was always an enjoyable way to spend a few hours. Between Link’s Outdoor Education major, Zelda’s multitude of Biology internships, and the hours the pair had spent avidly mapping every trail themselves during their first semester, they both practically had the land memorized. 
Still, it was only practically, never wholly, because there was always something new to see. 
Even with three years at CasU under her belt, the Green’s beauty in winter never failed to strike her. Although it might have benefitted from a temporary renaming, given how everything besides the tall, old conifers sprinkled amongst the leafless oaks, maples, and aspens was blanketed in pure white snow. The branches criss-crossing over their heads were completely coated, as if the goddesses had dipped them in marshmallow fluff for a wintry treat. 
“It looks completely different,” Link signed. He took a sip of his hot chocolate. 
Zelda had to agree. The last time they’d hiked through the Green—nearly a month ago now, between finals, winter break, and the hectic first week back—a chaotic mess of decaying leaves had carpeted the forest floor, and they’d had to watch their step or risk tripping over a well-camouflaged root. The soil had been wet and slick beneath their feet from rain, and sprinkled through the tussocks of browning grass crumbled huge, frost-blackened mushrooms. Now, the whole world glittered beneath the silver rays of the half-moon, illuminating dozens of squirrel, rabbit, bird, and deer tracks that ran beneath the tree trunks—tracks that could only have been laid since the snow began falling, less than an hour ago. 
How strange, that the season of death felt more lively than the long, damp months that preceded it. 
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered. She wasn’t sure why. The hush just felt right. 
When Link looked over at her, eyes soft and wide with wonder, and nodded, she knew he felt it too. 
They reached a split in the path, a familiar crossroad. Left would take them further into the woods; right would take them to the meadows on the northeastern edge of the Green, before curving back in the direction of campus proper. 
She turned to Link once again. “What do you think? Right?”
“Wrong,” Link joked. “Nah, totally, let’s go to the meadows. It’ll be easier to get back to our dorms from there anyway.”
“It’ll be nice to see how they look, too, with the snow. By morning all the skiers will be out, and it won’t be nearly as pretty.” Zelda grinned good-naturedly. ‘All the skiers’ often included Link and Zelda in their numbers, after all. 
They swung off to the right, pointing out how the makeup of the forest changed as they got closer and closer to the meadows. When they both finished their final swigs of cocoa, marshmallows glazing pillowy sweetness down their throats, Zelda offered to stow their travel mugs away in her backpack. After all, Link had made them himself in his ceramics studio last year; it wouldn’t do for them to break! 
Still, even when the heat from the mug in her hands was gone, Zelda felt warm down to her core.
Books always said that winter was quiet, but Zelda couldn’t help but feel that was exactly wrong. It always felt, to her, like more. Brighter, with the snow reflecting the moonlight back up to dazzle their retinas and aid their journey. Freer, with the song of the wind more obvious as the fresh powder muffled any of the typical forest sounds. Sweeter, with the clean crispness of snowfall settling on the tongue. The beautiful more ness of it all filled her up, until she felt just shy of bursting with contentment.  
And then they crossed into the open air with its swirling snow and stars, and something in her chest, something brilliant and winged and joyful, rose and broke free of its tether.
Her head tipped back and her mouth opened wide and she drank in the moonlight, the starlight, the north wind. Arms flung wide to embrace the night. She twirled, twirled, twirled, basking in the coldbright good until it blurred into streaks and her dancing feet stumbled their way into a deep, clinging snowbank and she tripped—
Arms around her. Warm but not warm; body heat covered up by a wind-chilled shield. Soft but not soft; sturdy compactness muffled by puffy down. Her body was motionless, but her vision spun like the orbit of some wild planet. Its sun: the green beanie. 
“Nice catch,” she said breathlessly. “Have you considered sports?”
One hand lingered on her still-swaying waist, holding her steady. The other lifted to her cheek, its touch tender. His woolen glove itched as it traced letter-signs against her cold skin.
With a deliberately hard blink, her vision finally stopped spinning. Link’s face was before her: nose and cheeks ruddy from the cold, bemused smirk on his lips. It was strange to be staring up at him for once. She hadn’t done that since they were eleven, when she shot up like a beanpole and didn’t stop growing until halfway through high school. 
Noticing the change in her gaze, Link retracted his hand from her cheek, instead hovering it between them where she could make out his signs. “You know, spinning around like you did when we were little is a lot more dangerous now than it was then. Kids have way stronger bones.”
“I drink my milk, thanks. Lon Lon Ranch is coming in clutch for my bones.”
He gave her a deadpan look. “Sure you do. Because I’ve definitely seen you get milk at the cafeteria even once in the last two and a half years.”
“Well…there was milk in the hot chocolate, right?” She raised a brow at him.
“Nope. Box mix and water.” His stare was positively gloating.
“You’re awful.”
“ Yeah, your awful,” he said, and then, as if the terrible, adorable pun had flipped a switch in his brain, his jaw went slack and his eyes bugged. Zelda had about one second to get her feet beneath her before he dropped his arms and stepped back so abruptly that she would’ve fallen again, had she not felt the tension seize his every muscle. 
As it was, she still stumbled. Her jaw clenched, but she forcibly relaxed it before meeting Link’s gaze again. 
In the time it took her to recover, he’d taken two steps back, a distance that yawned between them like an abyss between their feet. His arms were wrapped tightly around his stomach, as if he was about to be sick—or protecting his soft, squishy bits from a nearby threat.
“I think it’s time to tell me what’s going on,” Zelda said, voice soft but clear.
Link was already shaking his head. She waited for his hands to rise into place, for him to uncurl his hedgehog self and speak, even if it was a no, but they didn’t.
“Link, it’s obvious that something is wrong. You’ve been acting wei—” She cut herself off; reconsidered. “... different all night. I’m not judging you, I’m worried. You’re my best friend. I want to help you, if it’s something I can help with.”
The head-shaking slowed, then gradually ceased. He peeled his arms free from his torso. When his gaze met hers, her heart twinged at how ashamed he looked, with his shiny eyes and the redness of his face that she knew surpassed what the cold alone could do to his skin. 
“Do you promise you won’t judge me? Or get mad?”
“I promise,” she vowed. “And Link,” she smiled at him gently, “if you think I would judge you for anything, you’re ignoring thirteen years of experience.”
He let out a juddering sigh. “Yeah, you’re right. Okay. Okay. So the thing is…” His gestures trailed off. He tried again. “The thing is…it’s…I…”
“You can plan what you want to say first,” Zelda murmured. “No hurry, as long as I do get to know it eventually.”
He nodded jerkily, gaze settling on the churned-up snow between them. When his hands began twitching in loose, tiny gestures, Zelda turned her own gaze to the sky to give him privacy. 
The snow had begun falling faster since they’d begun their walk through the Green. She could hardly see the constellations between the shadows of the clouds above. The Ocarina, the Hero of Winds, the Chosen Lovers—all her favorites were out of sight. She could barely make out the three stars that formed the belt of the Princess of Light. 
A tap on her shoulder. She looked over at Link, whose face looked a little more settled, a little less panicked. 
“I’m ready now,” he signed. The motions were steadier, and she felt the tension in her unknot the tiniest bit. They were Link and Zelda. They’d be okay. 
She nodded encouragingly. 
“You’re right that there’s something wrong,” he started. “Wrong with—with me. At least I think it’s with me, because there’s nothing you’ve done wrong that would have done this, at least I don’t think so, I can’t think of anything, but—” 
He cut himself off, dropping his hands fully back to his sides before raising them again. 
“There is something wrong with me. When I’m with you. It started…” His gaze left hers and focused on the stars above, remembering. “I think it started during finals week. That night we pulled the all-nighter. I thought it was just because of how tired I was…but then it happened over winter break, at the solstice bonfire. And it’s only gotten worse since then.”
Zelda’s heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. Nothing wrong with her, yet it only happened when he was in her company? A gust of wind rocked them both, and for a split second, she wished it would carry her away.
“I just feel so…so weird,” he burst out, hands flying into bigger shapes than they had all night. “Whenever we’re together. My heart beats so hard, and I feel it everywhere. And my knees get all shaky, and my hands get all shaky—which really sucks when you need your hands to communicate, by the way—and my brain gets all fuzzy, and my stomach churns.”
Oh. Oh, he was…
“And it makes me feel awful, because you don’t deserve me acting so weird with you, but sometimes you get close, or you say things that just make–make it stronger, and I just can’t help it!” He shook his head wildly. “I think I must be sick or something!”
Her heart thrummed in her chest at the same time as she had to bite back a laugh. She’d been worried all this time, and all along, he’d—
“Link,” Zelda said carefully. “I don’t think you’re sick.”
“Yeah?” He looked hopeful. “What do you think it is?”
“Well…” How to phrase this delicately? “Do you remember Malon? From high school?”
“Of course! I mean, she was my first girlfriend, how could I forget her?”
“And do you remember how you felt when you two first got together?”
“Yeah, being with her always made my heart…flutter…” He broke off, and Zelda could see the gears start turning in his head, spinning faster than even the snowflakes falling thickly around them.
No turning back now.
“Link…have you ever considered that you might…love me romantically?”
The denial was immediate, words flying from his fingers. “I can’t like you! We said we’d never date back in, like, middle school!”
Her chest swelled with fond amusement at the silliness of the rebuke.
“Link, that was almost a decade ago. We’re completely different people now. Way smarter, emotionally competent, physically attractive people. ” She grinned teasingly. “You had that terrible haircut that made you look like a coconut back then, of course I wouldn’t date you.”
“A coconut,” he repeated, gestures spiky with his derision. “Like yours was much better! You had that little pageboy cut for years.”
“Yeah, and as my best friend, it’s really your fault that I looked so bad for so long. You really should’ve warned me.” 
“My fault! You—” He broke off. After a couple of moments, he continued, gestures smaller. “You mentioned my hair, but…isn’t it also, you know, because of your sexuality?”
Zelda laughed. “I wasn’t even fourteen yet when we made that pact. I don’t think I even knew what a sexuality was.”
“No, I mean…” He scuffed his foot into the snow. “Now. You wouldn’t be into me now, because, you know.”
Zelda’s brows furrowed. “No, I really don’t. Can you be a little more clear?”
“Because…you’re straight?”
She blinked. That was not what she had expected him to say. “Link, that means I like men. You are a man. Of course I could be into you.” 
Link blinked at her as if she had just delivered an entire lecture on the precise chemical makeup of the secretions of tireless frogs and their utilization in the pharmaceutical industry. “I…yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” A smile spread over his face, slow and steady, until he was positively beaming. “You’re right! You could be into me!” He froze. “Wait, but are you into me? You already know how I feel, so…”
“‘Know?’ I practically figured it out for you,” she teased, then took a deep breath. “To be honest, I haven’t thought about it before, because I’ve been so happy to be your best friend. I’d have been happy to be that for you forever, as long as I was by your side. But you…seriously, Link, if you’d want to give us a shot romantically, I’d be so down for that.”
“Really?” he asked, starry-eyed.
“Yes,” she answered simply. “It’s another way to get to know you, to be close to you. To be happy with you.” She shuffled her feet. “I love you, Link, and I’d love to love you even more. Why wouldn’t I want to take that chance?”
The smile he gave her warmed her right down to her frosty toes. The two paces that had separated them for the entirety of their conversation disappeared in a flash, as he clumsily crossed the snow between them. 
“I could be your best friend forever, too,” he told her, “but I’d also like to be able to make out with you.” 
One hand reached up to cup her face, and Zelda tilted her chin down until their cold-reddened noses brushed. 
Nayru’s love, if Link’s heart had been hammering like this every time they’d touched for the last month, he was even more of an oblivious dummy than she thought.
But he was her oblivious dummy. Platonically, romantically. Eternally.
“We should get a start on that, then,” she murmured, watching his eyelashes flutter at the feeling of her breath on his face. “Time’s a-ticking. Snow’s a-blowing.”
Link let out a wordless groan, shifting the hand that cupped her cheek to instead twine demandingly through the hair at her nape, and signed rapidly with his free hand. “Gods, I love that smart mouth of yours.”
She wasn’t sure which one of them moved first, if it was Link’s hungry mouth or her own that bridged the gap. Whoever it was, it led to an intoxicating, insistent push-and-pull; the sharp press of Link’s teeth against her bottom lip; the sensation of the smooth muscle of his mouth as she traced her tongue along his own. 
He tasted of chocolate, peppermint, and marshmallow. Sweet and warm and familiar, just like him. 
Her best friend.
When they pulled apart, gasping for breaths that stung their lungs with the chill, she could feel that same fluttery something from earlier whirling in her chest, ablaze with joy. 
“That was…” she breathed. 
“Yeah,” Link agreed. His eyes were half-lidded, heavy with desire, as they traced over her face. “It was.”
“We should do it again, as soon as possible.” Zelda pressed a kiss to the lobe of his ear, tugging the ruby stud there softly with her teeth and luxuriating in his ragged gasp. How glad she was that Link had never chosen to let the holes close over; that he could look in the mirror and see how they suited the him he was now, rather than who he’d been when they were first done. 
“I think I’d rather—” he signed, and the shapes were fuzzy with the shaking of his hands, “—do it again somewhere warm.”
It was so unexpected, Zelda couldn’t help but release his ear in a full-body laugh. There was her Link, her precious, lovely, cold-hating Link. 
He’d continued despite her fit of giggles, although a smile had curved the corners of his mouth as well. “Seriously, you said the cold front wasn’t coming in yet, so what’s this?” He gestured at the snow whirling around them, which admittedly was coming down rather hard. And maybe the wind blowing in from the north was a little strong. 
“I never claimed to be a meteorologist,” Zelda sniffed. “And…didn’t I say I’d keep you warm?”
“Not warm enough!” Link dodged as she attempted to brush her icy nose into his warm neck. “Hey! Keep that thing to yourself!” 
As she chased him down the path that would take them back to campus, laughing wildly and stumbling where the drifts were too deep, Zelda couldn’t help but grin. The magic spell hadn’t broken when they left the streetlamp after all: they had kindled it all by themselves. It didn’t matter where they were. At his side, every flurry could be fairy dust.
It was him and her. Zelda and Link. 
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trulytiredhermit · 2 years
I read your Ravio/Legend section and👍👍👍 gud shit uhuh.
I think the dynamic of Legend and Ravio and their close good friend/roommate that they're weirdly possessive of, lol.
Ravio's someone I'm particularly interested in because on one hand I can see legend doing all of the vaguely threatening 'you're staying here and we'll take care of you, you have no other option' while Ravio goes along with it and tries to make it nicer for you (ie giving you choices on things or rather making it seem like you have a choice) so that you like him more. On the other hand I can absolutely see him blocking the door like 'you're not leaving💜'.
Also how would that type of thing happen?
Were you a neighbor that leg grew particularly fond of, and eventually the visits to his house get longer and longer-- only to mysteriously stop after one particular journey. Were you the one persistent enough to continuously come back even after he told you not to, only to seal your fate once the hero of legend grew too fond of you to risk losing you again. Maybe you even went out on a journey of your own to get Ravio because you knew that leg needed all the support you can get only for the two of you to bond on the way back and Ravio approaches legend like 'hey uhh...'.
Maybe you just needed a place to stay and Ravio was like 'I got just the place for you!', only for the first to approach and find out that Ravio's infamous pricing extends to rent as well. Don't worry though! He'll let you work it off in the shop! Soon you're pretty much spending 24/7 in the house between sleeping and working long ass hours you can't leave if you're constantly working in order to meet rent. Legend, while initially reluctant, eventually comes to appreciate the extra person to come home to, especially since he knows that Ravio isn't as lonely anymore since you came along.
Or you and Leg just bond while the events of Lu take place, only to go to his Hyrule and just...not come back. You can't escape if you have no clue where anything is! Which leads me to the next point.
With the 'Legend, Ravio, and their close good friend' trope, I think it would be funny if the villagers just...didn't acknowledge the blatant creepy behavior going on. Maybe your alarm bells ring on said behavior, but since the two allow you outside, you don't really think much of it; until you do try to seek outside help, only to be stared at by the villagers like you're crazy and either Legend or Ravio just lead you back inside like 'haha yeah they do that sometimes'. Now, whenever you get too close to the outskirts of the village the townspeople tell Legend, if not they just bring you back to the house themselves.
Listen, Legend is the hero of Legend, he's saved more kingdoms than he can count. Plus, he's best friends with his Zelda (or if you're going by popular hc, he is royalty himself). There's nothing you can do to make anyone think too badly of him or Ravio, who was here long before you ever were.
I was wondering if you had any more scraps👀👀
Like you’re so big brained, I could never.
Just as a person who also loves Ravio and Legend this is 😮‍💨🤌 chef’s kiss.*
So, I think for this to work out the best way possible and make somewhat the most sense I would agree with the whole Reader is just a stubborn neighbor who would NOT take no for an answer when Legend was going through some bad times.
Reader is also the overly friendly neighbor.
In every game of Zelda the Link in question has to always help others to gain something that will aid them in their quest.
Which if you look at it as a whole is kinda messed up.
Like you wouldn’t just give the object to the dude who’s trying to save the world???
Anyways, Reader was the opposite of those people.
Reader constantly was checking in on Legend, asking if he ever needed something or just telling him things they heard around the town. Giving him home cooked meals to take on his long journeys so that he can have something to eat.
Reader makes sure that Legend always remembers that their house is open to them.
They really shouldn’t have
Over the years, Legend falls hard for the stubborn and kind Reader.
Becoming infatuated with the worried face that greets him every time he comes back home after an adventure, the one that checks him over for injures and makes promises to fix up his favorite meal that night.
The one who actually cares for Legend in a way others haven’t.
And oh how he cares for them in a return.
Somewhere down the line, Reader turns from his caring neighbor to his caring roommate.
Something had happened to Readers house, it had mysteriously caught fire and burnt down whilst Reader was out.
Leaving Reader with no home and no where to go.
That’s when the hero swooped in to save the day.
Little does Reader know, it was all planned.
Legend of course had some rules that he put in to play once Reader finally moved in.
1) don’t be out too late
“It so dangerous out when it gets dark, I think I’d worry myself half to death if you weren’t home before sunset.”
Tell him where you’re going
“I’ve made a great deal of enemies on my adventures, I fear they may try to target you to get at me. This way I can you’re safe when I come home and you’re not there.”
Remain close to the town
“I’ve been all across the land [Name], I know all that’s out there. I’d feel so much better if you’d keep to the surrounding area around the town when you went out to collect your supplies for baking.”
Should you need anything, just ask him or at least let him accompany you in your errands
“I can get you anything you need if it’s too far from the village, it isn’t a problem. And for things you need in the village I won’t mind tagging a long, I want to spend time with you before I’m sent off on another quest.”
There were a few other rules, but these were the main ones.
With Legend’s reasoning for each one, Reader didn’t feel too bothered by them.
As time passed, everything seemed to be going great for Legend and Reader but then something happened.
A new comer made their way in.
While out on a stroll one day, Reader just happened to come across a strange man adorned with a purple rabbit hood and purplish blue scarf.
Perhaps he was passed out on the road or something or seemed to be lost.
Either way, being such a kind person, Reader offers the stranger their assistance and to guide them back to town.
Ravio accepts and the two talk and even bond a little on their way to the town.
Ravio mentions him not having a place to stay and Reader, with their bleeding heart, offers that he could possible stay with them.
Which is when Ravio learns of Reader’s roommate, Legend.
Who, once Ravio and Reader get to home, is missing.
So Reader comes up with the bright idea to split up and find Legend and so Ravio and Reader search the town for him.
Ravio ends up finding Legend in the sanctuary and takes him back to the house. Soon after Legend wakes up and Ravio has introduced himself, Reader comes back home happy to see Legend safe.
The three talk and Reader reveals that Ravio needs a place to stay and says that they’d have enough room for a third roomie.
Legend, of course, can never truly say no to Reader (especially when they use their puppy eyes and promise to cook up Legend’s favorite meal and spend time with him).
Legend also feels a sense of ease being next to Ravio, like he some how knows him.
In the end, Ravio stays.
The events of A Link Between Worlds unfold and Ravio and Reader grow closer together throughout that time.
Of course, Legend would never let Reader accompany him on his dangerous journey, no matter how much Reader begged.
So Reader stays with Ravio and helps him out in his shop. Thus letting the two grow closer.
And as Legend stops by from time to time, even him and Ravio begin to grow a bond.
He finds himself thankful that Reader has someone to be with while he’s away on his adventure. He knows how lonely it can get sometimes and how much Reader can worry about him.
It also helps that Legend’s beastly jealously never rears its head when Ravio is with Reader.
Somehow, Legend is okay with the fact that Ravio has been growing closer and closer with Reader. Whereas with others he would surely run them off.
After all who would dare challenge the hero of Hyrule?
Perhaps it is at the end of A Link Between Worlds, when Yuga is finally defeated and truths have been brought to light about who Ravio truly is, that Ravio comes to Legend with the offer of a “lifetime”.
To share Reader.
Ravio would stay in Hyrule instead of returning to Lorule and continue to live with Reader and Legend where they could both romantically pursue Reader.
After all, it is a dangerous world and two heroes are much better than one. (Even while cowardly, Ravio is still willing to defend Reader).
Legend agrees to the deal.
Reader’s fate has been sealed.
Legend and Ravio return to the town as heroes and are now very respected people within Hyrule for having saved the land. (After all, Ravio did help Legend).
More importantly they return to their beloved Reader, who smothers them in hugs and checks both men over for injuries.
It is then that Ravio and Legend tell Reader about Ravio’s temporary stay becoming permanent.
Reader is ecstatic and they can’t help but let slip to Ravio and Legend that they shouldn’t worry about the space becoming too cramped because once their house is rebuilt they’d be moving out.
Legend forgot about… that.
He and Ravio share a glance whilst Reader helps out things away and sets the table.
It seems they have more talking and planning to do.
Legend and Ravio start sabotaging Reader’s plans.
For some reason, castle guards won’t let Reader leave the town to enter the surrounding forest to gather supplies.
Meaning Reader no longer has a way to make money, as they would collect supplies and fruit to bake goods to sell in the town.
(Legend and Ravio cashed in a few favors with Zelda. They worry for them they had told Zelda, “They’re so stubborn sometimes and too kind for their own good. Anyone could take advantage of them, we just want to keep them safe after what we’ve been through.”
Zelda agreed to their plea and whether she believed them or not truly didn’t matter, after all they had done so much for the kingdom. Why shouldn’t they be rewarded in return?).
No one else really needed a helping hand around the village so that took out any sort of side income Reader could make.
So Ravio with his caring heart, said he’d let Reader help him out in his shop.
But it didn’t matter that Reader was making money now.
Any builder Reader had tried to talk to about fixing up their house always told them they were either too busy or that it would cost too much.
“Going out is still dangerous these days with all those monsters still roaming around.” They’d say, “We’re sorry [Name] but we truly can’t help you out right now.”
Reader is never given an answer on when they’d even be able to start building.
(Legend had talked to the builders earlier. Buying them off to put off building Reader’s house for as long as they could. “I’m planning on asking them to move in permanently, I wish to court them.” He would truthfully tell the workers, “but they feel as though they’ve overstayed their welcome and I can’t shoo that though from their head.”
The workers agree to put off the work. After all, who wants to stand in the way of young love?
Soon word spreads around town and the whole town is helping to push Reader even further into the men’s arms clutches.
And even if they were the occasional person who objected to the act, who found the men’s behavior suspicious, they would never act upon their suspicions.
It would be dangerous to attempt to go against the man who’s defeated Ganon and Yuga. Not to mention that there’s two now.)
Eventually as Reader laments to Ravio and Legend about feeling like they’ll never get their home back, the two men comfort Reader with soothing, honeyed words.
“You can stay here as long as you need to [Name].” Ravio would say, gently rubbing circles onto Reader’s back as he sat next to them.
“In fact, why don’t you just stay here permanently [Name].” Legend would join in, caressing Reader’s hands.
“We’ve been speaking and needles to say, me and Ravio both care for you deeply. If you would allow us to, we would like to have a chance at courting you my dear.”
And with how sweet these men have been to you, how could you refuse. After all, you had grown to care for them too.
Why hadn’t you refused?
Did your choice even matter in the end?
No, even if you had refused, things would have turned out the same.
Your fate had been sealed long ago.
As like before, Legends old rules had remained in place.
But newer ones had been added that caused a slight cause for concern.
Don’t leave the house unless you’re with at least one of them
“We just want to keep you safe, my gem. The world is so dangerous out there. We can still visit the places you wish to go.”
“I feel like I’d die if you even tripped and scrapped your knee my dear. I must be with you at all times to make sure you’re safe.”
And so you were always accompanied by one of your lovers. If the townspeople took notice of this they said nothing.
Don’t speak with others outside of work
“I’ve heard there’ve been more bandit attacks going on, and with you working with me in the shop they might target you. I can’t afford to lose my darling gem.”
“Is it so bad that I wish to be selfish for once my dear? I won’t allow for someone else to steal you away, bandit or otherwise I will protect what’s mine.”
Now, even if you tried to have a conversation with someone they ignored you, refusing to even meet your eyes at times.
Or did they simply ignore the dangerous presences at your sides.
Eventually the rules got even stranger and a fear began to fester.
Don’t try to run away
“Oh darling gem, you’re so much safer here. Of course you still have choices! We’re not keeping you here captive, we just have… rules to help keep you safe, that’s all. We just love you so much.”
“ My dear, you know we simply do this out of love. Besides where would you run to? Your home is here, the villagers will be if no help to you and neither will Princess Zelda. All they would do is simply bring you back to our loving arms.”
And Legend had been right, the townspeople were not afraid to snitch upon you to Ravio or Legend if they saw you out of the house without them.
You were sure that they would even drag you back to that dreaded house if you had attempted to escape.
Don’t leave the house
“Just say it my gem, anything that you desire and I shall fetch it for you. Those berries and fruits you bake with i can bring you whenever you desire. I simply wish to pamper you and treat you like the glorious gem that you are.”
“There’s nothing for you out there anymore my dear. Why can’t you see that we are the only ones to truly care for you. Has anyone shown up? Has anyone brought forth questions about you? No. We are the only ones who can love you as much as you deserve. We are the only ones you need, my dear.”
You felt like you were going crazy.
But, things could have been worse you supposed.
At least they were kind to you, showering you with love and affection. Treating you with such high regard that you had never been given before.
Ravio, always the sweetheart, even braved the forest to gather fruits, berries, and other supplies so that you could bake like you used to.
Legend regaled you with tales of his adventures him when he got back home. He would been grace you with the most beautiful music should you ask for it.
Besides, maybe they were right. Th village that you had lived so long in, the villagers that you had always been so kind to, had betrayed you and left you on your own.
At least you had Legend and Ravio.
*Gosh, this one REALLY got away from me. Honestly I feel like writing a ficlet about this now. Which you can probably see where it started to become one near the end 😂
Anyways I hope my ramblings were satisfactory and in all seriousness you might be getting a small fic out of this because I’ve just got so many ideas now and I LOVE this.
Now I’m gonna go to bed cause it’s like 2:00am 😂)
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yashahimewasamistake · 5 months
Thinking about reimagination, these are LU's reimagination tropes:
1-Everyone uses their Game Hero Title as nicknames. Canonically, they use the normal things people use to nickname each other: professions, features and place of origin.
2-AoL being a shy guy. Canonically, this Link will make jabs at Time. He is bold and in-game, he talks with every random person he meets.
3-Legend and Fable are siblings and have a telepathic connection. In-game, Zelda's message was forwarded to everyone that could listen, which included Link's uncle. The maidens recognize Link as one from the Knight's clan without commenting on any other secret bloodline.
4-Sky having asthma. Great reimagination, really loved those fics. Keep them coming. Thanks.
5-Sky breathing easier on Skyloft than the surface. I mean, magic could potentially make Skyloft's altitude not be an issue, but whenever people put forward that's low altitude itself which has Sky winded I raise my eyebrow. That's not how it works. Make it magic, please.
6-Legend has purple eyes. The brother of Fable x Legend are siblings reimagination. Every official artwork has him with blue eyes.
7- Wild is mute and uses sign language to communicate. In-game Link is a confident guy that does puns and insults enemies.
8-Wind is a crybaby and acts like a nine year old.
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somer-writes · 9 months
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wild and Twilight meeting before the others!!!! My favorite trope in this entire fandom!!!! Sorry I already left a comment under the fic but I'm still vibrating with excitement to read your take on it! And Twilight helping Wild through his memories!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
What have the two been up to, in the months they've been together? Catching up on Wild's past/Twilight's future shenanigans? Do they live in Wild's house in Hateno (or Tarry town, since some people HC that) now? What's Zelda up to? What's the rest of Hyrule up to? OH how are both Wild and Twilight going to react to having another freaking quest IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS FIC AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
so i hc that they are like platonic soul mates sort of the way twi and time are. like they just get along *immediately* and spend 3 months getting up to usual Link Shenanigans and monster slaying. Zelda and the sheikah have been researching the black-bloods and twi and wild have either been getting samples or escorting them along the way.
there was definitely shield surfing involved. twi hates teleporting. purah and robbie have also been looking into twis time traveling.
twi has for sure been helping zelda with the school in hateno. thats been their base of operations but wild and twi spend longer away than they do there.
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vestaclinicpod · 1 year
Audio Drama Sunday - 3rd September ✨
I think it’s criminal to have to work on a Sunday instead of going on a little walk and listening to little podcasts, but here we are 🫠 It’s been a frankly ridiculous week of listening and there’s still so much more I haven’t had time to catch yet! 
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods (131) Percy! Going to get Diggory! I think it makes it so bittersweet that he was about to apologise off the bat because you just KNOW that when they meet for real it won’t happen that easily. My god, I could listen to.a whole show just about this hastily assembled Friends of Zelda team. It’s so lovely to have Alice back in the narrative and I care for Tattery Stabs so much!! ‘How much do you like your brother?’ Really cracked me up. I love how hfth takes horror tropes (e.g. creepy doll) and they’re immediately someone new to love.  Speaking of someone to love!! Hector is putting in a really good bid for the award of ‘most traumatised man in the Hallowoods’, though the competition remains tough. This experience will no doubt have changed him, I can’t wait to find out how!
🦀 @thesiltverses (31) So many new and familiar voices in this new season and all of them are delightful! The writing and delivery of Val’s monologue in particular was so powerful and I was left cringing in my skin at the callous assertions that she is controllable… did we just hear the same thing? I have no idea what is going to happen this season and it’s thrilling and terrifying in equal measure! 
🦮 @malevolentcast (35) This episode is such a rollercoaster oh my god!! There are so many layers of horror here! Not just the fear of the ‘other’ and of what other humans can do, but also the intrinsic fear of losing the self.  What’s happening with John is so very unsettling, it’s been so long that we’ve almost taken for granted the way that John guides Arthur . . . what will he do when he can’t trust John’s assessment of the situation? 
📻 @monstrousagonies (110) penultimate?! Excuse me??!! Penultimate!!! How am I going to cope without having fictional night folk problems solving my actual real life problems every week?? Panic aside, I really loved this episode. I was so glad to hear the presenter telling the author of the first letter that it actually wouldn’t be unreasonable to kick off just a little. I’ve often thought about just bringing a cat home and seeing what my wife would do . . . (I know this is bad, it’s not going to happen 👀) BUT a CHILD? And aw, yay, what a satisfying end to an unsatisfactory CEO. It was a pleasure to meet station and the MA community was in fine voice! 
🌒 @monkeymanproductions Moonbase Theta Out FINALE!! I’m not going to share too many thoughts today because it may not even be out at the time of posting but IT’S AMAZING GO LISTEN!!!! Seriously, I cried so much at the thought of this show being over. I’ve loved it for such a long time and it’s been amazing to listen to it grow and see all the team’s hard work pay off spectacularly! 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula what a busy, busy week for the Dracula characters! Marriages, millions of kisses, casual medical abuse, VAN HELSING. What a week. 
🧬 Regina Prime (7) Damn, Epsilon has both the fire and the fight! Veeerrryyy interesting that Omega needs an assistant with a physical body… what have you got, Omega? I’m imagining a clone that is 1000s of years old, more mush than human. And the slip up with the number of clones . . .  Omega . . . ? Something you want to share with the rest of the class?? 
 💫 Wolf 359 (49 - 50) I am usually not the biggest fan of time loop stories but, of course, if W359 makes it, you know it’s gonna be great. The whole set up of the aliens being unable to communicate clearly because Doug chats absolute shit all the time is just so endearing to me. I can’t believe I’m getting so close to the end! 
🏴‍☠️ Yes, I did listen to the @levianpod pilot again. What of it? Please, please support this show if you can! It must be made. I need it. 
🎧 So lovely to hear from @thestoragepapers in last week’s episode of The First Episode Of! I feel like it’s so brave to ask for people to join in on the writing of your show but we love to see a collaboration thriving!! I need to bump this up my to-listen list! 
🐬 @patterspod (3) Fiona Caruso, the woman, the myth, the legend. Someone needs to check in on the thriller writers because they’re just not okay… Also, Ryan, you idiot. I don’t even know if we can blame the influence of some eldritch force on these bad publishing attempts, but I feel like he’s going to snap like one of twig man’s branches at the slightest supernatural pressure. Which will be fun for us, at least! 
All these amazing episodes, but my ears are bigger than my schedule and I still need to listen to new KILL FM. I’ve been really, really meaning to catch up on Additional Postage Required as well! Here’s hoping for a more chilled week next week! 🤞
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