#true story this is currently happening to me right now
caught up with what happens next. thoughts mostly about the comment section under the cut sorry
1. it's always been really interesting to me just how abstract a depiction of a person can be and still have people that find that depiction hot. i check the comments because i'm a dipshit and there are pretty consistently 2-3 people under any vikki or gage panel there for that. also shoutout to that one "when vicki's done resting her head on her mom's lap can i have a turn" comment
2. there's a lot of speculation-presented-as-fact about 202X griffin in the comments and it all feels like stuff we kinda can't know? we've only ever seen him post-murder in that photo with gage and we haven't seen current griffin "in person" at all. this isn't normally something i would care about or disagree with but it doesn't seem like what current griffin is actually like as a person is relevant at all to the role he's playing in the story right now
3. hm it's like very possible that in-fiction named himself after the mcelroy brother huh. what year would it have been like 2014? scary stuff
4. there are like a pretty large number of people ripping on milo in the comment section also. that feels weird. i get disliking That Type Of Guy but he was made to cut up his dead friend with a saw and then also institutionalized for five years. can we be nice
5. i feel like there's stuff here that shows this comic's age even in the three years since it started. gage is less of an extant guyotype than he used to be (as in the cultural signifiers and the true crime/serial killing obsession. "poor and isolated trans guy who talks to people online" is not someone going away so long as poverty, transmasculinity, and the internet exist). vikki says "because of woke" in a panel that's meant to be part of the same scene as the very first page and that definitely isn't something they were saying in 2021. the look of the tumblr ui, that thing max graves draws a lot, has changed drastically since the comic started. i don't mean this in a cinemasins way i just mean this like. idk. the way time moves so much faster than any webcomic updating schedule does is just something that i think about and this comic gives me a lot of occasion to think about it. it's very good
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huellitaa · 4 months
confidence is when your friends suddenly ignore you but you don't bat an eyelid and instead become the mysterious pretty girl with the high grades and the pink books
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deus-ex-mona · 22 days
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i miss her…
#cant believe i forgot about her till the photobook q&a im so sorry witch mona~~~~~~~#press f for honeypre atelier gachas it was gone too soon™️#(currently e x t r e m e l y worried and stressed for tomorrow like never before b u t i have to appear like im fine sobs save me monachann)#(can i go on a stress-prompted tangent here about something inane? no? toooo bad im gonna go off anyway~~~~)#ok so. like. since witch mona is the image i have up ‘ere and since it’s still 七月… today’s tangent will be on irl spooky stories!!#s o. presenting a decently repressed memory from my childhood that resurfaced while i was hibernating at home:#anyways. well. thoughts about the afterlife can vary from person to person yes? there’s no one true correct belief after all#but the one question that unites us all is probably the one and only ‘are ghosts real?’#and well. for personal reasons i think so. i mean i’ve seen this one dude i hate get possessed a couple of times so welp. cant deny it ig.#wild story about that actually. back in the day my family’s finances were allegedly doing so badly that [dude i hate] had to pick up#a *c e r t a i n* side hustle for extra cash. that side hustle? literal grave digging at the cemetary. at night no less#and *ofc* he wasn’t respectful about it in the least so ofc some spirits followed him home. yay. free roommates.#one(?) of them even took residence in my room at the time and im 80% sure they ate my history textbook :( much sads#anyways well once that guy had too much to drink (which was rather often tbh) he’d get possessed. fun!#the only possession i ever saw was the n-rarity angry ghost who’d just huff and puff in silence with unfocused eyes most of the time#he’d occasionally put on a leather jacket too. but that was like a r-rarity event that didn’t happen that often#my mother had the chance to also witness the mosquito (who tried to barge into my room for fresh blood) and the 姑娘 (self-explanatory)#which is kinda unfair tbh. i wanted to see the ur-rarity ones too :( mostly bc it’d be funny to see a guy i hate act ooc (impure intentions)#oh right. ​how did we get the dude out of his possession? we just shook his arm really hard. prolly caused some lasting effects but who know#i think he could also just sleep off the possession but idk i was asleep for the ur-rarity incidents.#cant ask the one witness of it bc i dont want to bring back unnecessary flashbacks of [guy we hate]#anyways it’s been years since we moved out from that place and i still want my history textbook back. mostly for the principle of it but—#and so that’s the tangent of the day. i feel weirdly less stressed now thanks witch mona#i do wonder how my grandparents are faring on this 七月 though…#b u t !!!!! tomorrow’s date on the lunar calendar says it’s an auspicious day for wishful activity and starting a new job!!! so… maybe~~~~?#hauauauauauauauuauaaaaaa anyways insane tangent over stream mona’s new album ok bye#oops forgor to disable rbs i hate how easy it is to forget to use this function man
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solomon-tozer · 1 year
Select bits from Sir John's funeral that I just love...
So we have Crozier reading out the part about Jacob dreamed about a ladder, set upon the earth, "and the top of it reaching to the heavens"...
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...as we see Collins and Stanley, the two characters whose mental health is a defining part of their character arcs.
Then, "Behold the Lord stood above it and he said, 'I am with thee ...'" as the focus shifts to Goodsir.
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"'... and will keep thee in all places, wherever thou goest'".
Goodsir, who later questions "is God here?"
The following line and shot are "'for I will not leave thee'" as we see Jopson and Blanky.
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The two men Crozier left. Blanky knew Crozier was, just earlier that day, planning to leave them. Jopson likely knew, as it's remarked later that he knows everything, and perhaps he's the one who tidied away the unsealed letter and wax.
Then the Terror lieutenants, with MacDonald too. "And in Jacob's dream he saw the invisible world, companion to the known one we perceive."
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The men who were privy to Crozier's alcoholism, and were part of maintaining that separation between officers and men... but also Hickey and Irving 'perceived' Hickey's true nature.
So, of course, when we have: "So complete it would seem to leave no room for its invisible brother world" as we see Hickey...
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that otherness, that not belonging, keeping out of sight, experiencing thing in such a different way but no one notices or even thinks it's there...
And then going back to a shot of the men gathered at Sir John's funeral. "The departed..."
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"...who though cleaved from the frame that carried them yet live." They are all departed. Dead. Crozier is the only one who doesn't die, but he certainly doesn't 'stay' in the world he's expected to.
The contrast of the words of virtue and strength, from scripture and used to describe Sir John and saying he's "destined to reign with Christ forever", being heard as we see Hickey in Gibson's cabin.
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The white glove over the hand that will offer up Hickey's tongue, his left hand reverently touching the spot, the fact that, all that time later, Hickey has come to believe that he can be a new god and reign...
Finally, for this post, we have "and see His truth amongst us" as Hickey reads Crozier's resignation letter, discovering the truth of Crozier's actions.
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And not one of them is god, or has the truth. They are all in this terrible place where the sun has set, in this strange world they don't understand, in this "invisible world of spirits".
There's so much in this scene, so many links, that I just lose my mind every time.
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 month
a little (lot) worried about my mom but aughhhhh
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no-one-hears-me · 1 year
can't tell if this is a true bros before hoes moment or if I'm being unreasonable
#hard to explain in detail without like. using names and everything#also there's too many details if I gave the whole story#BASICALLY. quick recap. current main bf is my bestie's very good friend#bestie's ex cheated on him with 2 dudes? I think 2. and then they told him and he broke up with her obviously#after they broke up she tried convincing people that she did nothing wrong and he's evil and toxic and manipulative and whatever#including posting on every social media about it#even tho she literally had sex with multiple men while they were together... okay#also bestie is a sweetheart and very loyal and he would do anything for her so yk what she's saying about him isn't true#anyways. that was his only real relationship and so afterwards he had a lot of self esteem issues and trust issues and etc#he hasn't even tried dating anyone since then bc he doesn't want to anymore. bc of her#so now main bf who is very close with bestie and knows about EVERYTHING is trying to be friends with his ex#which is weird bc she blocked bestie and his other friends so idk how this dude is on good terms with her#but also. when your friend gets cheated on you're supposed to get mad and hate the ex. right? that's what most people do#I think it's weird and also kinda wrong to be friends with the ex after that#so I kinda like. don't wanna talk to this dude now bc I feel like he's disrespecting his good friend who also happens to be my good friend#my other friend got cheated on in a milder situation and all of his friends including myself stopped talking to his ex entirely#bc we don't like her we don't agree with her she's a horrible person etc#and the situation with bestie's ex was wayyyy worse I'm downplaying it and excluding details. she's evil#ALSO now that I think about it. bestie explicitly told this dude he wasn't allowed to talk to me and he still did#at first I didn't think it was a big deal but looking at it now? he just doesn't respect his friend huh#which I don't like bc that's my friend too wtf#yeah he's getting replaced I stand with bestie#Sera
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artist-issues · 10 months
If you haven’t seen Wish yet and you love Disney, do not go see it. I am telling you now. It is ripping out the hearts of the Disney movies you love and then waving their corpses around as if celebrating those hearts.
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I’ll explain why, again: the message of Wish? Awful. Anti-Disney.
But they've been doing this for a long time. Saying one thing with their movies, and saying another with their PR and Disney Parks Soundtracks.
I'll explain.
Main Idea of Disney's Wish (and the You Are the Magic theme park song and merch): "The power to make your wishes come true is in you."
Most Disney Movies' Idea on How to Have Wishes: "Do what's right, (trust a higher power) and something even more wonderful than what you wished will happen."
Don't try to argue with me about this. You have to look underneath the slogans and the sweater designs and the song titles to what the stories actually support to acknowledge this.
Because you can’t say “do what’s right” has power unless you answer the question “who gets to decide ‘what’s right?’” (Which, coincidentally, is a question Wish brings up and then doesn’t answer.)
Audiences of Disney used to accept that wishing on a star was much like prayer; there’s something you long for, and it’s out of your hands, but you wish for it and you do what you know is right in the meantime. And you’re not crushed, you’re not downhearted, because somewhere in your mind you trust that the combo of those two things—wishing on a higher power and diligence to do what’s good—will be what makes your wish come true.
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Trust in a higher power—COMBINED WITH:
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—diligence to do what’s good.
The Blue Fairy (higher power) gave Geppetto his wish specifically because he had demonstrated commitment to do good, whether he got what he wanted or not. The Fairy Godmother (higher power) gave Cinderella her wish specifically because she kept on being kind and good to low creatures like mice and wicked stepsisters, whether she got what she wanted or not.
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Do you know why that combo (higher power + diligence to do good) is impactful? Timeless? Important?
Because it’s selfless. You want something, but you’re not going to sacrifice doing the right thing to get it. You’re not going to focus so hard on making what you want a reality, on your own, that you miss out on things that could be more important than what you want. And, you’re not so self-focused as to believe that if you don’t do it, it won’t get done.
Jeez, that’s the whole point of The Princess and the Frog!
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Tiana wishes to have her own restaurant, and she believes that only her own hard work will grant that wish. She misunderstands her dad’s advice before he dies. She isn’t willing to trust a higher power combined with her own diligence to do good—she only trusts her own ability.
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It’s not until she realizes that Ray, the character of faith, was right all along that she learns—what she wished for was too self-focused. It wasn’t complete without love. Something bigger than herself. And getting that was never going to happen just based on her own hard work.
But you know what? It was never going to happen just by a “higher-power” flavored shortcut, either. Because Facilier offers her her wish if she’ll just trust him, no hard work needed. But what does she say?
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Trust in a higher power + diligence to do what’s right = selflessness, and getting more than you could have ever wished for. And if your wish is selfish, doing those two things will change your wish into something selfless.
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More examples? Get ‘em while they’re hot, in case Wish made you forget, just like the current #NotMyDisney executives have forgotten, what real Disney wishes are for.
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Belle wishes to have adventures in the great wide somewhere--but when she's imprisoned and that chance is taken from her it's not reversed because she worked hard to make her wish come true. It's granted because she gave up her wish for her father: she just did the right thing, regardless of her wish. And in the end, she does get what she wished for, which is adventure in an enchanted castle...and much more, because she gets true love, a throne, and a castle full of friends.
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How about the One Who Started It All? The one Wish is failing to pay genuine tribute to?
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Snow White wishes for someone to love her, and he does--but when they're separated, she does not exercise power to make The Prince come back to her. Instead, she loves who she can where she’s at—the Dwarfs. In the meantime, she has faith that he will keep his promise, and that pure trust in a higher power outside of her control is a big contributing factor to why the Dwarfs come to love her, and learn from her...and in the end, even more than she could've wished happens. He does take her to his castle, but she also has seven new friends who also love her, and the Queen is dead. And she didn’t need to use “the power in her” to work harder and get it done. She just needed to not focus so much on herself at all.
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How about a male main character? One who’s wish starts out selfish, but after learning to wish on a higher power and be diligent to do the right thing, gets more than he could wish for?
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Aladdin wishes to be somebody different (somebody he believes Jasmine could love, somebody who lives in a palace and is respected and “never has any troubles at all.”)—but doing everything in his own power for that wish proves that it was selfish all along; so he switches to doing the right thing, regardless of if his wish comes true, and he gets even more than he could’ve wished. He gets real love with Jasmine, he gets his friend Genie, and he gets to be free from feeling “trapped” because he doesn’t have to hide who he is anymore.
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Or Simba?
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Simba wishes to get to do whatever he wants as King—but when Mufasa dies and he’s convinced it’s his fault, it isn’t for that wish that he goes back to Pride Rock to confront his past and his Uncle. It’s because he had an encounter with a higher power—his father—that helped him to realize his wish was selfish all along. He gives up the selfish wish, and he goes back to take his place as king, not so he can do whatever he wants, but so that he can take self-sacrificial responsibility that comes with ruling. And because he just does the right thing, finally, he gets more than what he wished for.
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How about something more recent? Zootopia.
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Judy wishes to make the world a better place by proving she can be what she wants to be and catching bad guys—but when she tries to make her wish happen on her own, in her own abilities, she fails and is forced to realize that she should’ve been looking for help by understanding “bad guys,” like Nick. It’s only after she humbled herself, admits she’s wrong, and changes her wish from “proving I can be what I want and catching bad guys” to “proving that understanding each other makes the world a better place” (much less self-focused) that her wish comes true—and so much more. She does make the world a better place, and she does get to catch bad guys, but she also gets to befriend one who was a good guy all along, and become all-around more effective at her dream job.
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This is how Disney always has been. Because it’s at the heart of good storytelling, and even life (not to get too dramatic.)
The power is not in you. Because it’s not about you. Self-sacrifice, faith, and doing the next right thing regardless of if you get your heart’s fondest desire is what makes more than just your wishes come true. And there has to be belief in a higher power to make that message powerful.
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But Wish?
Not only is it bad at showing instead of telling. Not only is it lazy and soulless.
But it’s characters rip the Star out of the sky and say “don’t wish on this. Wish on yourself, to get what you wish for. You don’t need a higher power. You don’t even need to sacrifice to do what’s good—whatever you do is good, because you are the one doing it.”
That is wrong. That is not true, and it is not powerful. There’s no sacrifice in focusing on or placing your trust totally in yourself, and it undoes every good thing Disney has done up until now.
And it undoes it on the 100th anniversary, and it flaunts Easter eggs of the very things it’s undoing.
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battymommastuff · 8 months
The Fire-Eater
Batmom x Batman, Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: While digging through the attic, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd uncover a secret about their adoptive mother. A secret that reveals the true, and dark story of the most loved couple in Gotham City
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!!DISCLAIMER!! - This likely won't be comic accurate (Obviously), but I did draw inspiration from the comics. If you are looking for something accurate, then this fanfic isn't for you.
"Jesus Christ, you'd think they would dust up here once in a while." Jason rasps as he waves his hand in the air to clear the cloud of dust. Dick just rolled his eyes and lifted another box out of the way, causing another cloud of dust to poof into the air, "Where is this damn blanket anyway?" He asked, ripping open an old box to look for the blanket in question. Why? You, their adopted mother, is currently carrying their youngest sibling. The first, and only pregnancy of yours. Seeing that you aren't as young as you used to be, the pregnancy is a high risk. As per doctor's orders, you were to remain on bed rest now that you were close to your due date.
Before that, you'd been working on the nursery. Everything was perfect, but you were missing one thing. Bruce's baby blanket. A blanket you'd only ever seen in pictures, but knew that you wanted it for your future child. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be possible. All of your children were far too old for the blanket when they were adopted. Now you had your baby on the way, and you wanted that blanket. To prevent you from climbing up there yourself, your two oldest sons decided to.
"Some of the boxes are older than me." Dick joked as he held up a box of old photo albums. The date on the box was ten years before he was born. He set the box down, and kept shifting through the boxes. They were looking for a box with Bruce's birth year on it. All of his baby items were stored there. He moved another box then frowned when he saw one tucked in a far corner. It was opened, and he saw a black outfit lined with red sequins, an outfit he swore he's seen before...a circus outfit. What caught his eye next was a rolled up poster, "Hey, Jason." He called out while picking up the poster. Dick unrolled it slowly, then felt his heart sink to his stomach.
A poster for Haly's Circus. The Circus he was apart of before his biological parents died. He still remembered that day as if it just happened. On the poster was a woman eating fire. Her outfit, a black leotard with red sequins lining it. (H/C) hair, and (S/C) skin. Unless Bruce had a certain type, there was no way it couldn't be you. How? How was this possible? He remembered meeting you that night. You were dressed as if you just walked out of business meeting, and you were with Bruce. The date on the poster dated years before you ever met Bruce.
Dick set the poster down right as Jason approached him, still grumbling about all of the dust. He picked up a small book next. Opening it, he found pictures. Old pictures of you, and other members of the circus. You and Haly...you and his parents. You knew his parents? One picture was of you, his dad, his mom, and him as a newborn. You knew who he was before you ever met him? How come he never knew this? Why did you leave the circus? How did you end up marrying Bruce Wayne of all people?
"Holy shit, Mom never told us this." Jason said while holding up the torches and an old bottle of alcohol. What they saw in the bottom of the box made both of their spines tingle. A mask...a Court of the Owls mask. Dick knew the story, and he knew his lineage. He knew his potential fate, had he never been adopted. Why did you have a mask? All of these questions in his head, and he knew the one person who could answer them.
He shoved all the items back into the box, and stormed out of the attic with it. Dick wanted answers, and he wanted them now. He carried the box through the manor with Jason on his heels, while holding back his tears. He felt lied to? Betrayed? He didn't know, but he needed to know. He felt like you were an entirely new person now. Dick opened the door to your bedroom. You were watching as Stephanie painted your toenails, and Damian was lecturing you on your health.
"Oh! Did you-..." You cut off when you saw the box he was carrying. It'd been years, and you forgot about that box. Honestly, you thought you threw it out, "Dick..." Your oldest son walked over and slammed the box on the bed, causing your two other sons and Stephanie to glare at him.
"Start talking, Mom...right now."
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sailortongue · 2 months
pairing: kenji sato x reader
summary: with the news of kenji's impending fatherhood -despite being unmarried- now public information, his PR team must come up with a way to salvage his reputation
wc: 1.5k
an: this is part 3!
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“Giants Player Kenji Sato Seen with Mystery Woman” was the headline that greeted you one fateful morning. You skimmed the article as quickly as you could, wincing when you saw that there were even pictures included to back up the story that Kenji was officially off the market. And not just taken, oh no—but a father-to-be. 
You immediately called Kenji, your heart pounding with the realization that your face had been shared with the public. He picked up the phone, his voice still groggy with sleep as he answered.
“Someone wrote an article about us,” you blurted out, not bothering with pleasantries. “There's pictures of us leaving the clinic, and it says an anonymous source came forward with information that we’re expecting a child. How did they find out so quickly? Did you tell anyone?”
Kenji blinked slowly on the other side of the phone, taking in the rush of information you had spewed at him first thing in the morning. “Uh, no. Haven’t even told my dad yet. You?”
You were about to deny having told anyone, but then you remembered. Ami. But she wouldn’t do that to you, right? “Ami knows.”
Kenji sucked in a breath through his teeth, grimacing. “Do you think she’d . . .” he trailed off, not wanting to make any outright accusations. He knew Ami personally, and that she was a good friend, but he also knew that scandals meant more money for reporters and that Ami has her own child to take care of. 
“I don't want to believe she would,” you started. “But I'm not sure how anyone else could have possibly found out so quickly.”
Kenji hummed. “You should talk to her today. Or I can, if you’d prefer?”
You sighed. “I'll do it. It’s just not going to be an easy conversation.”
“Call me with an update later?”
“Yeah, of course.”
You ended your call with Kenji and wasted no time dialing Ami’s number, your stomach twisting itself into knots as you listened to the ringing. No answer. You tried again. And again.
 “Are you ok?” was the first thing she asked when she picked up. “It's not like you to call so many times.”
“Did you tell anyone about Kenji and me?”
She fumbled over her words for a moment, not expecting to be interrogated as soon as she answered your call. “Of course not. Has something happened?” she asked worriedly. You must have had a very good reason to sound so frantic. 
“There's an article,” you explained simply. “About Kenji and I. Are you sure you didn’t say something to anyone else? Even the smallest detail that might have been figured out?”
“Yn, I swear to you that I would never. I don't know how it got revealed so quickly, but I promise it wasn’t me.”
You sighed for the umpteenth time. “If not you then who?” You asked despondently, not truly expecting an answer from her but lamenting your misfortune all the same. 
“I don't know,” she answered softly, her voice laced with concern. 
Meanwhile, not even twenty minutes after you had called him, Kenji received yet another phone call. This time, it was his PR manager, Muramatsu. He groaned, knowing he was in for an earful. He answered the phone with all the false bravado he could muster, pretending he was none the wiser to the current state of his reputation. 
“Is it true‽” His manager demanded.
“Is what true?” Kenji asked, deciding to play stupid. 
“Did you or did you not get a girl pregnant?” 
“Straight to the point as always, Muramatsu,” Kenji chuckled, throwing off his covers when he decided to finally get out of bed since it seemed he wouldn’t be getting any more sleep this morning. 
“I'm serious, Ken. We need to get in front of this ASAP. Your reputation is on the line which means so are your brand deals.”
Kenji paled. He hadn’t thought of that little consequence. “Look, it was an accident, ok.”
“Dammit, Ken! What were you thinking? Were you thinking at all?”
“I was drunk! I didn't intend to do it, it just happened!”
Muramatsu was pinching the bridge of his nose in his office, wishing at this moment that he’d been hired by any other celebrity other than Ken Sato. “Is she a girlfriend we didn’t know about? Because we can work with that.”
Kenji remained silent, biting his lip while trying to think of a way to gently break the news that on top of accidentally knocking up a girl because he was drunk, she was also a woman he had never met prior to taking her home. “Picked her up at a bar,” Kenji mumbled. 
“What? Can you repeat that? I couldn’t hear you.”
“She was a random girl from the bar and I thought she was pretty and now she’s going to be the mother of my firstborn!” Kenji all but shouted into the phone, his stress levels rising rapidly as he paced the wooden floor of his bedroom. From the other side of the call he could hear something slam into Muramatsu’s desk, presumably his fist. 
“Give me the full story. Your team won the championship, you celebrated with drinks, you met this girl at the bar and took her home, yada yada. I know the first half now tell me the second.”
“Well, I got a call from a friend of mine. Turns out she’s a mutual friend of Yn—“
“My . . . baby momma?” He clarified tentatively,hesitant to use the term. It was accurate, but friend wasn’t enough and girlfriend was too much. For now, anyway. 
His manager hummed, signaling for him to continue. “So Ami told me we need to meet immediately and I went to the cafe I suggested but it wasn’t Ami that met me it was Yn and that’s when I found out,” he said in a rush of words, not taking a single breath. 
His manager sat at his desk, stunned. “And the pictures?” He dared to ask. 
“We talked, and I told her I would be there every step of the way. Every appointment, every craving, every mood swing. All of it. I want to take responsibility and be a good dad to this baby.”
“Would she be open to pretending to be in a relationship?”
“Might not need to pretend at all. We have a date planned.”
“Good good,” his manager said. “And what if we took it a step further? If we present the two of you as a married couple, then it turns a scandal into regular celebrity gossip and your reputation—and your girl’s—is spared the judgment of having a child out of wedlock. It’s a win-win for everyone.”
Kenji positively preened at hearing you referred to as his girl. He was so taken with the thought that he agreed to Muramatsu’s proposition without even bothering to ask what you thought of it. But it wasn’t like you had a boyfriend that would object, right?
“Great!” His manager said. “I'll talk with the team and we’ll have this sorted out by nightfall. Now, let’s backtrack. You said it was Ami that called you to meet. Ami Wakita? That reporter who interviewed you?”
“Yeah, that’s the one.”
“So let me get this straight. You knock up a girl and one of the very first people to know is a reporter, and now suddenly there’s gossip rags talking about your promiscuity?”
“We’ll talk to Ami. She’s a friend to us both and I just can’t believe she’d actually cross both of us just for a story.”
“You’re gonna give me grey hair, kid,” his manager groaned. “We'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now, but find out if she’s the leak. We’ll talk later.”
It wasn’t until he heard the click of the call ending that it sunk in what he’d agreed to. He’d made a decision all on his own without consulting you that would deeply impact your life even more than it already had been. He sat on the edge of his bed and sunk his head into his hands, groaning at him having dug himself in an even deeper hole. In the last 48 hours, you two have gone from a hookup to eventual co-parents to make-believe spouses. How was he supposed to explain this to you?
The buzzing of his phone pulled him from his thoughts. He checked the screen to see a message from you and swiftly unlocked his phone. 
yn: are you free later? ami wants the three of us to talk
yea, where at?
yn: her place for lunch? around noon?
sounds good. just got off the phone with my
PR manager. he’s working on damage
control but it will require some acting on
our part 
yn: ???
i’ll explain when i see you later
see you soon :)
taglist: @mochminnie @lovingyeet @sassy-cat-in-town @hanachiiii
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ceesimz · 3 months
I'm a Star, How Could I Not Shine?
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This is just a lil soft blurb I got the idea to write tonight, I still have my other story in the works and I'm loving creating it :)
Life was hardly fair, that much you knew. But it seemed like the last few months had been especially harsh on your girlfriend. And it was a hard watch, almost agonising to see her come home a shell of her true self everyday.
Today, though, it reached its peak.
Work was being a lot kinder to you; you typically had a lighter load than Alexia but the past few weeks had kind of been a breeze, you were promoted to a new branch and it was a dream to be there. So, as you watched on from the sidelines as the media tore Alexia apart, inventing new reasons to needlessly hate on her, you were doing your best to make life at home a safe haven for her.
Today was Friday, and your plan was to come home from work and get all the chores out of the way, before ordering food in so that there was as little as possible for Alexia to have to worry about. Maybe you'd run a bath for her, give her a massage, or let her have some alone time before falling asleep with your chest to her back as you ran a hand softly through her hair.
What you weren't expecting, however, was to find a familiar figure in a black tracksuit curled up on the sofa, soundly sleeping.
You froze in the doorway, unsure what to do next. The first thing you thought was just how much the sight concerned you. Alexia wasn't meant to be home for a number of hours yet, her day was filled with meetings after she'd had training in the morning. Tie that in with the fact that she was adamant in never taking naps, ever, as well as how she always followed her schedule to the second, and your body was wracked with worry from head to toe.
Long story short, this only alluded to unimaginable things consuming her right now. You didn't even want to think about it. If it hurt you this much, and you weren't even the one experiencing all she was, then god only knows how she's feeling. Hopefully you can coax it out of her.
Instead of disturbing her right now, you backed out of the room and headed towards the kitchen. Once in there, you off-loaded your bag and your jacket onto the dining table, before opening your phone and putting in the order for dinner. Then you took a moment to compose yourself, to come up with a way to approach the delicate situation currently festering in the lounge of the apartment.
Alexia could wake up and be in one of either two moods: she doesn't really want company as she needs time to process what's pacing through her mind, or, and you're not sure if you preferred this one or not, she'd be in such an utterly wrecked state of mind that she would just melt into your arms and unload weeks, if not months, worth of bottled up emotions. You knew the latter would happen at some point, but you definitely didn't think it would come about so soon.
Really, this wasn't how you expected the night to go, you just assumed that Alexia would complete her work day before coming home, speaking very few words for the rest of the evening. It wasn't out of displeasure, it was how she processed things. Until the pressure built up inside her and exploded, she would keep pretty schtum about how things were going for her, and no matter how much you tried to shake her out of these habits, it was just something about her you had to deal with.
But now, with somewhat of an idea built up in your head, you slip your shoes off and put them on the rack by the front door, and walk back towards your sleeping girlfriend. As you get closer to her, you spot the scowl to her brow and slight frown on her lips - even as she sleeps, she still can't catch a break. She looks perturbed and uncomfortable, like there's things she can't quite shake off, and it breaks your heart.
With a gentle hand on her shoulder as she sleeps on her side with her face slightly covered by her hood, you gently nudge her.
"Hey, Ale, wake up. It's me, wake up." You whisper, leaning down to place a kiss on her temple. At the affectionate touch, she jolts awake, breathing a little heavy. "Hey, it's only me."
"Oh." She muttered, rubbing her eyes and sighing. "Por qué estás aquí?"
"I just got home from work, it's half four." Wrong thing to say.
She sits up in shock, looking at you agasp, her stomach churning with dread. She never missed meetings, she never missed any kind of work, period.
"Mierda. Lo siento, tengo que irme, ahora." Alexia jumps up and rushes to grab her keys from the kitchen, but you grab her hand and stop her. "No, amor, I-"
"Ale, take a breath. Slow down." You say, standing up and taking her other hand. Her eyes are everywhere but you, her body language is tense and radiates anxiety. "Look at me. Hey, mírame, Ale."
"Amor, you do not understand, I am missing a meeting ri-"
"No, you are here with me, and you need to take a minute. Just a minute, if anything. Please." You plead, dropping her hands to cup her face and get her to look at you. "Sit down with me, relax for a moment. I won't hear otherwise."
A reluctant nod later, she sits down with you on the couch, though she perches on the edge like she could take off any second. You don't doubt that she won't.
"Sorry." She states a quiet moment after, her hands coming to cover her face as she sighs heavily yet again.
"For what, Ale?" You ask, shuffling closer to her side and draping an arm across her shoulders. She shrugs, making you frown, so with your free hand you delicately turn her head to face you. "Take the day off. Anyone can see you need it."
Her nod isn't so hesitant this time, and that's terrifying in itself. The ease in which she agreed to skiving the rest of her schedule is so unnerving that you're not entirely sure where to go from here. You were expecting more of a fight, expecting her to be hard work for the night, but here she was just giving up in front of you. Near enough relinquishing her role as if it wasn't such a mental battle for her.
At her agreement, you tug her into you and she follows easily, resting her forehead against your collarbone and breathing out shakily.
"Let me look after you tonight, Ale. You don't have to apologise, not for anything." You whisper, scattering light, caring kisses across her cheek.
You pull down the hood of her jumper and, finally, see the full effect of what the month's brazen nature has done to her. The bags under her eyes are more prominent than ever, there's a permanent frown line etched onto her forehead, and she's a worryingly grey colour. Her face gives off a perturbed look, and to be honest you didn't think it was possible to be able to visibly see the aftermath of a mentally degrading few weeks.
Right now, it seems like sleep is the best option for her. And fortunately for you, and for Alexia, the restaurant you ordered from won't deliver your dinner for another forty or so minutes. It's a small miracle you'll happily take at this time, and if Alexia was in the right mind she'd probably laugh, because the wait time normally drives you crazy. You've never been more grateful for it though.
"Why don't you sleep some more? I got us some food, it won't be here for a while yet and I really think you need the rest." You suggest, tucking a few wisps of hair behind her ear.
"You... you will stay here?" She questions in such a childlike manner that it splits your heart in two.
"Yes, I'll be right here, Ale, I promise. I'm not going anywhere, ever." You tell her, and that's when she meets your eye. The look she gives is devastating, it's filled with all sorts that would take you the rest of the night to unpack. And, quite frankly, Alexia isn't ready for that.
You urge her to lay down just like she was earlier, except this time you take the place by her head and let her rest it on your lap. It's now that you're carding your fingers through her hair, not in your bed. It's now that Alexia finally breaks, as sniffles sound through the room sporadically.
"Tan cansada." She uttered, almost unintelligibly, as she covers her eyes with her hand and buries her face in your stomach.
"It's okay. You can relax now. It's just us here, and you're safe. You're gonna be okay." You reasurre her, and you mean it with every ounce of your being. How could you not, when the light of your life has been dimmed by clouds of disdain from people who aren't even aware of the joy she brings you?
Alexia may come across as a force to be reckoned with, but after all, she's just your Ale, the one that cries at animal shelter adverts on TV and smiles like a fool at the little things like when you bring home her favourite snack as a surprise one day. She's a sensitive soul, but that's what you love about her. Everything she does, she does it with her whole heart, and you'd sooner be six feet under than to let your love for her go untold.
"I love you, Ale, and I'm really proud of everything you do. Everything."
"Even when I am not strong enough to go to one meeting?" She mumbles insecurely, stealing a glance up at you with one eye.
"Especially then. You are strongest in your weakest moments, when you're afraid to ask for help but you do it anyway. So, I'm always proud of you, and I always will be. I swear by that."
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selarina · 7 months
Gojo Satoru x Reader (Reader wears a bikini and a dress)
A/N: Sorry for the unannounced month-long break. I've been swamped with uni work and writer's block but here's a little vacation au that's kinda based on a true story... 🫠
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The start of this summer has been less than perfect. The over-rushed booking, the forgotten essentials, the shared accommodations — it was all a bit too much in the beginning but you’ve succumbed to the flow as the days unfolded. 
It was a 15-day vacation, and on your fifth day, you feel like you are approaching a state of feeling content. It’s hard not to. You’re currently ensconced on the most luxuriously soft daybed by the pool, your feet idly stretching ever so often as you sip from your ever-flowing glass of Aperol spritz. This is admittedly nice.
But while you’re involved in your own sweet languor, you fail to notice a certain peculiar white-haired figure approaching the bunch of you. 
Gradually tip-toeing his way, closer and closer, much to your friend’s concern. But he finally manages to catch your attention, all with a punctuating soft grunt. 
You look up, a bit startled but mostly annoyed at the interruption. You sit up, just a little, to get a better view of the man.
“Can we help you?” You ask. 
He’s pretty, and pale. You wonder if he’s carrying enough sunscreen for the trip.
“Yeah, hi!” He smiled. A sort of disarming smile.
“Hi,” you smile back, almost involuntarily.
“Uh, I lost a bet with my friends back there,” he spoke up, pointing back to a small cluster of people on the opposite side of the pool. “And I’m here to— Oh, I’m sorry. The sun must be bothering you.”
He steps forward, shielding you from the harsh heat the sun was inflicting upon your face. 
You resisted a smile, but it was tethering just about.
He seemed juvenile — this white-haired boy. He’s tall. Perhaps too tall. And he had this boyish look about him. In the way he stood, and moved his arms. In his smile. You wonder if he’s always like this, or if it’s just a persona he’s adopting for this vacation. 
You say this only because you are. You’re not often like this — lounging about in the sun, dressed in a white bikini with sunglasses resting on your head, with a glass in hand. This kind of nonchalance, this relaxation — it didn’t come easy to you. But you indulge in it because you can, even if just for a short while.
"You were saying?" you prompt, after existing in the long silence of him just standing in front of you.
“Oh,” he grins sheepishly. “Yeah. Well, they bet me to ask you out.”
“Oh,” you say, a bit disappointed. “Well, do you need help playing along or something?”
“No,” he says, his eyes widening at how that may have sounded. “No, they bet me to ask you out because I think you’re pretty. I saw you back at dinner last night as well. And then I saw you today. And I liked— I think you’re pretty. I liked your red dress last night.”
Your cheeks flare, and you can’t use the sun as an excuse— not when this boy graciously offered to shield you from it. “Oh, thank you,” you muttered.
He just smiled back, and you felt it’s strange how you feel no nerves right now. The last time a boy asked you out, you had run out on him. You had only approached him a week later to accept him, but by then he had moved on to sticking his tongue down another girl’s throat, but that’s hardly the point here.
“Well, what do you have in mind?” You asked, ignoring the gasp from your friend beside you. 
This must be too shocking for her, and you admit you’re just as shocked as her. But this is barely real life, it’s vacation — a sort of liminal freedom that comes with it. 
“Well, there’s this masquerade ball thing that’s happening a few streets away,” he suggests eagerly. “Live music and all that—”
“I don’t know if that’s within my budget,” you say, candidly.
“Well, it’s kinda free,” he replies, and your eyes rise up in suspicion. 
“Well, for me,” he continues. “My mother’s hosting the event, so…”
Ah, you think then. He’s one of those boys.
You don’t say anything for a bit. Thinking over whether you wanted to indulge and involve yourself with such a crowd. With such a boy.
He seemed a bit worried in your silence, so he spoke up. “But if that’s not up to your speed, I can—”
"No," you interjected, your decision swift and unwavering. "I like it. I’d love to join you."
At the sound of that he grins, a bit too widely in your opinion, but it has an endearing quality to it so you mirror his grin. 
“Fantastic!” He says, “I'll get the masks. And I’ll pick you up. It’s at 7. Ish.”
“I’ll meet you out by the reception then,” you confirm. 
A few seconds pass, and you watch as he still stands in front of you. “So, are you going to stand there until the sun sets or something?”
“Yep,” he nods. “I can do that. Well— No, I have a thing in an hour but I’ll ask my friend to take over. Don’t worry,” he shakes his head.
You chuckled in response. “Well, we were going to head back in in a bit anyway. So, I’m sure I can manage the sun till then.”
“You sure about that?” he grins.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you affirm with a wider grin.
“Okay. I’ll see you,” he waved. “At 7.”
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ayselluna · 6 months
Spawn Astarion Recommendations!
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So I heard you guys want Spawn Astarion Recommendations too! I heard you :) Apologies if it took awhile it got hard to compile everything I read.
I honestly have read more one shots Spawn Astarion than series tbh. but here are some series I love! These are Astarion x Tav / You / OCs following the story from the game! I'll be happy to make another list for AU's! Another Ascended list is on the way too~ :))
The Arrangement by @fangswbenefits - This is one of the first ones I've read and how she wrote Astarion is just so ASTARION! The lines, the slow burn and the smut are exquisite as hell. I do suggest reading her oneshots too! Her smuts are so good I suggest reading it ALONE. XD ONGOING!
The Fangs Between Us by @feyascorner - Not your typical Lovey-dovey Astarion and Tav. Astarion actually felt betrayed and actually tried killing you! Can love still blossom? is it still there? Would you guys even be friends?! So much angst and but oh so goooood! ONGOING!
Shadows of the Past by @pastshadowsff-blog / PallidMoon - What's an Astarion story w/o the angst? I would definitely be devastated the moment Astarion left me! The process of healing and loving, the confrontations here are soooo on point! Have a good gale on the side too~ ONGOING!
Love at First Knife by @bg-brainrot - DEFINITELY A FAVORITE! Aside from the romance from Astarion and TAV you get the WHOLE GANG TOO! I'm a sucker on everything on this series! I can't count how many times I've re-read this while I wait for my other fics to update. ONGOING? I'm not sure but it gets updated!
When He’s all but Forgotten How to Love Again by @bg-brainrot - okay another one from the same author, at this point just read everything!! okay, but what if TAV died and got reincarnated?! If you got an elf TAV this is definitely one for the books! I LOOOOVE this one a lot. Getting your memories back and seeking your lover out, would it be the same? Would he even remember you?! Surely he will right?! but what if he don't? hmmmm READ IT! ONGOING!
Astarion Talks In His Sleep by  @littlejuicebox - This is a short series but this was just memorable coz WE'LL LOVE EVERYTHING in it. It's one of the happy endings you'd totally wish for and how this story got me gasping and giddy was just chef's kiss! You'll love her DADSTARION series too! I LOVE THIS FAMILY A LOT. :))
Cursed To Put My Hands On Everything by @maladaptive-menace - I recently found this and I got hook immediately on the concept! I also love the titles on this series, as the title says~ :)) So imagine you're doing your mundane things IRL and one tiring night you found yourself Isekaid IN the GAME?! You know you're effed up, how would you survive?! well at least you got your dream come true of meeting the gang in the flesh…specially the Pale Elf~ ONGOING!
Winter Holiday Challenge Fills by @justporo - So this is an all fluff from the Winter Holidays! I know it's not christmas anymore but if you missed it during that time who cares?! READ IT! Get all the fluffiness you need from this series! Check that full masterlist on their profile too while you're at it~ :)) FINISHED!
The Currents of Destiny by @lendeah - You and Astarion fights after he didn't go with the Ascension, left and scorn you to die screaming! But what if he sees all the what if that could happen?! Would his decision stay the same? FINISHED!
An Adventure in Making a Life by @redlittlefoxari - okay something different but maybe a PREGNANCY fic anyone? :D This was one of the fastest story I binged! You both just learned you're pregnant but an invitation from a friend comes forth! Maybe keep it a surprise for the gang? How would this pregnancy on the road takes you? ALSOOOO FREAKING LOVIING HUSBAND ASTARION UGGHH i can't~
I have more authors to recommend but we'll keep this list for now! I urge you to follow these authors too and check their other works.
Let me know if you guys are up for more recommendations! I have more to share! <3 Hope you enjoy reading them as I did! More reading buddies!
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ghettogirly · 3 months
Ok, What about armando aretas finding out you're pregnant with his baby. He found the stick (anywhere doesn't matter).
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-> synopsis: what would armando be like if he found out you was pregnant?
-> theme: angst and fluff.
-> warnings: mention of abortion, mature language.
-> authors note: i’m currently posting this to keep you guys fulfilled while im working on some short stories. those take longer than these little headcanons so i apologise for the wait! hope you enjoy!! Let me know if you guys want a taglist as well.
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-> 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐔𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 that you was pregnant about a week ago when you kept throwing up in the morning and was more light headed than usual.
-> telling your friends about your symptoms one day at brunch caused them all to look at you with widened eyes, their faces being explicit with the same expression. Fear.
-> “bitch, you’re pregnant.”
-> “what is armando going to think about this?”
-> what is armando going to think about this.
-> she was right.
-> you guys have never even discussed having kids before, both still being fairly young as you were under the age of 25.
-> you only worked in a cake shop as you was still a student, trying to finish your college degree.
-> the weight of your friends opinions dawned on you as you slowly sipped the lemonade you bought, the icy temperature of the drink awakening your nerves.
-> “fuck.”
-> 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐊 laid there on the marble countertop as both of your hands were rested by it side by side. Your hair hung down as you stared at it.
-> It was really true. You was pregnant.
-> The overwhelming thoughts clouded your mind, removing the ability for you to be happy about the idea of motherhood. Instead somber about this rude awakening. It wasn’t meant to happen now. Was it ever supposed to happen?
-> You and Armando never even spoke about the possibility of kids, just focusing on your free-spirited relationship as you both did whatever you pleased. Parties, meetings, the thrill of running from danger, running from law enforcement.
-> That was all going to change.
-> A wet feeling landed on your hand. Then another and another. It was teardrops. The transparent dots of water dropped onto your hand, staining them a little. Eventually an avalanche of tears would cascade down your face, causing you to uncontrollably sob as the obsessive thoughts became more and more out of control.
-> “Babe, ¿Estás aquí?”
-> Your eyes quickly widened as you heard a voice downstairs in the living room, the only man having that deep of a voice, your man. Armando. Quickly wiping your tears, you threw the stick into the bin next to the toilet, walking out of there as if nothing happened.
-> However, it was as if Armando sensed something was wrong. Not being a man of many words, he just simply raised his eyebrow at you, referencing for you to tell him what’s wrong. Yet, you just rolled your eyes and smiled. “Nothing is up.”
-> Still not satisfied he looked at you intensely, his face stoic as ever. Nevertheless, he left it alone and trusted you to tell him eventually. “Perdón por llegar tarde, estaba ocupado.”
-> You bring him into a hug, not caring about him being late. Just being happy he’s finally home. He wrapped his arms around you, engaging with the hug as his pointer finger tapped you gently on your back. That being a little thing he does, acknowledging how much he missed you.
-> 𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃, you was passed out on the couch after watching a movie with Armando. Your empty takeout boxes being on the table.
-> Armando went upstairs to shower, allowing the water to cleanse not only his body but his mind too, the day for him being exhausting. He moved his hand to turn the water faucet off, his black hair being a wet mess, dripping slightly on his shoulders.
-> The male opened the shower door. Picking up the towel from the sink, he noticed something stand out from his peripheral vision. He moved his head slightly to turn towards the object that caught his attention, noticing a blue and white stick on top of the trash within the bin.
-> Peering down at it, he noticed it to be a pregnancy stick. “¿Qué es esto..?”
-> 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐔𝐏, you notice Armando in front of you. Slamming the object down onto the table, he looked at you. Anger controlled every feature of his face as he stood there. Digusted.
-> “Espero que lo estés terminando.”
-> 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐁𝐘 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑. You slowly sat up, facing him as his eyes were struck with concern. Still adjusting to reality, you rubbed your eyes. “What’s wrong?”
-> There he gently placed the stick on the table. Not saying a word, just looking back at you, waiting for you to lead the conversation. “I was going to tell you.”
-> “It was in the trash.”
-> You couldn’t object to that, he was right. You wasn’t really going to tell him, hoping that it was all just a lie and that the stick wasn’t even real. Hoping it was one big dream.
-> Looking at him solemnly, you felt your eyes welling up with tears the second time that day. This time, he didn’t say anything but embraced you into a hug instead, kissing your forehead.
-> “Enfermo nunca te dejan.. i would never abandon you.”
-> Those words were the music to your ears. “Damn these pregnancy hormones are annoying.”
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“¿Estás aquí?” : Are you here?
“Perdón por llegar tarde, estaba ocupado.” : Sorry for being late, i was busy.
“¿Qué es esto..?” : What is this?
“Espero que lo estés terminando.” : I hope you’re terminating it.
“Enfermo nunca te dejan..” : I’ll never leave you.
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lokideservesahug · 4 months
Bound to falling in love
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Mick Schumacher x reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: None that I can see?
Notes: Unsurprisingly this won the vote. But I hope you like it :)
Summary: Mick Schumacher has been extremelyprivate with how soulmark his whole life. But what happens when the interest does ehat its best at, snooping. Well Mick Schumacher might just finally meet the celebrity that he doesn't at all have a tiny crush on...
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Yourusername: WE ARE SO BACK BABY!!🖤🖤 Mercedes CCH 2024 Incoming (I'm delusional)
Liked by Mickschumacher, Lewishamilton and 756,986 others
View all 533 comments
User1: I knew Y/N was an F1 girlie but I didn't know she was a Mercedes girl🤔
↳Yourusername: Have been for ever🖤
User2: Y/N is like me fr eith that caption
↳User3: Fr though😭 Like wdym 2nd place in sprint doesn't mean Lewis will get his 8th!?
↳Yourusername: Maybe he performed so well just to improve his ex-husband
↳User4: LMAO Poor Nico
Lewishamilton: Glad to see your support lies in the right place💪
↳Yourusername: OH my gosh. Sir Lewis Hamilton. It is an honour to speak to you
↳Lewishamilton: Maybe you should come to the Mercedes garage some time. I think certain people would love your company👀
↳User5: I think he just killed Y/N
↳User6: Wa she talking about himself or someone else. George perhaps? I'M so nosy!!!
↳User7: Well Mick is in the likes so that's where my money is...
↳User8: Sure grandma, the mkst soul ate obsessed obsessed In existence is caught up over Y/N...
↳User7: I mean it is Y/N Y/L/N
↳User8: True...
User9: Mick being in the likes👀
↳User10: Meh even if he does have a thing for Y/N, he'll still stick to his soulmate like he has done for decades.
↳User11: Hear me out, Y/N is his soulmate...
↳User10: Girl actualy shut up
↳User11: Just look at that twitter thread
↳User10: Hmmm interesting. It looks like it could be possible but the chances are 0.001% of it being her. Just because one user recognised it doesn't mean it's her
User12: Is anyone else really confused by all this talk of the twitter thread and that "one reply"
Liked by Yourusername
↳User13: basically people are trying to find out who Mick's soulmate is and currently people think it's Y/N
↳User12: OH... how random
↳User13: Yeah but tell me they wouldn't make the perfect couple...
Liked by Yourusername
↳User14: Y/N liking this comment + its replies twice is wild and shows she's as curious as us...
Mick's phone
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Your phone | Mick's | Your phone
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Yourusername: This guy wouldn't leave me alone in Italy. He says he's in the family business of driving cars or smt
Liked by Mickschumacher, Lewishamilton and 1,023,987 others
View all 674 comments
↳User2: Girl probably? Hopefully? Idk?
User3: We don't need confirmation now...but also we so do!!!
User4: Awww they really are perfect for each other!🥺🥰
Liked by Mickschumacher, Yourusername
Lewishamilton: Glad you two finally found the time to go on a proper date rather than letting Mick ogle you all day!
↳Mickschumacher: Thanks for that man...
↳Yourusername: Aww Micky, you stare at me all the time?
↳Mickschumacher: How can I not Schatz, you're the most gorgeous person in the whole world❤❤❤
↳Estabanocon: How sweet 🤢
↳Mickschumacher: Aww just let me be in love this once.
User5: Ugh he's so bf coded
Liked by Yourusername
User7: did you guys see Mick say love? Ooh is this a new word added to the equation or....
Liked by yourusername
New story from Mickschumacher
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(My darling, my soulmate. Finally all mine to love)
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.
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bluehwale · 2 years
unconventional first encounters with ateez
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part one // part two
pairing. ateez x reader (specifically fem! reader for seonghwa's & jongho's)
genre. fluff, humor, this is a headcanon with a teensy bit of thriller and fantasy (and maybe sci-fi)
warning(s). a creepy man stalking u (san's part), swearing, mentions of drinking alcohol, mentions of murder without actual murder, a crazy toxic ex (jongho's part), mingi had a one night stand, mentions of nudity without actual nudity, this is not proofread, seonghwa’s scenes are inspired by the kdrama “youth of may”
word count. 8.7k (sorry in advance)
note. i’ve created a monster… the 3k words headcanon suddenly snowballed into almost 9k oops i think i had too much fun writing this,, anyways please tell me ur favorites! mine would be seonghwa’s, wooyoung’s, and yunho’s bc it may or may not be inspired by a true story,,, (if u notice me reusing a trope in this hc,,,,, no u don’t)
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kim hongjoong
you're in a skateboard park
"why did you follow me here?"mingi slurps on his juicebox as he steps on the nose of his skateboard, "you don't even skate."
you turn to look at him and cheekily grin
"is it wrong to want to spend time with my bestfriend?"
mingi raises a brow
okay fine
he's right
you don't skate and you basically see mingi everyday at campus so you're actually kind of sick of him (don't tell him that)
so you're not really here for him
"just go do your thing," you make shooing gestures at the boy with pink hair as you turn to plop down on the side walk
"i'll sit here and watch."
sit and watch one of the most attractive guys you've ever seen skateboard
kim hongjoong
and there he is
laughing with his friends and doing little skateboard tricks that you can't name
everytime you look at him you hear sk8ter boi by avril lavigne playing as the background music
it's not a crush btw you just think he's super cool
you're falling in love with him
mingi blinks twice at you and proceeds to follow your line of sight
"oh c'mon."
"what??" you huff, trying to avoid his judgemental glare, "i just think he's cute, okay???"
"yeah but i thought whatever phase you had over him would be over by now."
well u thought wrong !!!!! >:-D
"instead of ogling over him, you should try skating."
mingi throws away his empty juicebox in a nearby trash can and drops his board before gently kicking it in your direction
the board hits your feet
"you're trying to kill me?" you deadpan before kicking the board back to his direction
"oh come on!" mingi flails his arms around as he whines "it'll be fun!!!!!"
"fun for you," you snort while trying to look over his gigantic ass that's currently blocking your view, "i'll probably end up with a broken arm."
mingi suddenly grabs onto your hands and pull you up
"nonsense! i'm right here-" he adjusts you on his skateboard and makes sure both your feet are planted firmly on it, "- i won't let anything happen to you :-D"
the thing is
you love your best friend
but you absolutely cannot trust him in situations like this
you were about to hop off his board and make a run for it
but mingi starts rolling you forward gently
"dUDE!" you yelp, immediately holding tight on his arms that are still gripping you as you both move around the park
"bro calm down, we're going at like 5 kilometers per hour"
and you both kinda go at it for awhile
and oh
wait a minute
this is actually pretty fun !!!!!! :-D
mingi laughs at your excited grin
"see! i told you it's fun!!!!"
okay yeah he's right about this one
"now you try on your own !!!!!"
sometimes mingi forgets that not everyone can do what he does
he releases his hold on you and gives you a push
your eyes widen
your best friend hollers when the board starts going faster
you shriek as you hurdle to the ground and the skateboard kinda just tumbles behind you
"a pothole that hasn't been fixed," mingi winces before slowly walking over towards you
but someone beats him to it
"hey are you okay? that was a pretty rough fall"
you look up to see a boy with half of his short hair dyed blonde and the other half black, his wide eyes pooling with concern
cue sk8ter boi by avril lavigne
if he's here........ that means he must've seen you embarrassingly fall flat on your face and basically eat the ground
okay, your dramatic ass actually didn't even fall face first to the ground but,,
you somehow ended up with having your palms and knees on the ground
and the kim hongjoong is right in front of you
..........you had to resist the urge to curl up and die
"i-i'm fine-- ouch," you hiss as you move to push off the ground
exposing your now bloody knees and scratched up palms
apparently you're not fine
"oh no," hongjoong frowns, gently cradling one of your bleeding hands in both of his and you kinda have to muffle back your scream because oMG
he lets go of your hand and kinda digs around in his pants' pocket to pull out what looks like an antiseptic spray thing and a
and a box of pink disney princesses band aids
you didn't know skater boys can be this cute?????? HE'S SO CUTE???????
"i got just the right things to fix you up!" he exclaims and looks over at you for permission, "is it okay if i do it for you?"
you can only nod
meanwhile, mingi's just kinda standing awkwardly on the sidelines while watching the boy disinfect your wounds with the spray
and he sees that hongjoong immediately strikes you into a conversation in an attempt to distract you from the pain once he sees you flinching
and he's just inwardly going wooooo yeah !!!!!! go gET IT Y/N!!!!!!
hongjoong was starting to open the box of bandaids when he notices that you're staring a hole into his busy hands
"don't judge me for these, i just picked up the first ones i see," he says, thinking that you're probably staring at the bandaids because you're thinking of how weird it is for an emo-looking guy like him to have pink bandaids, "i think they're pretty cool anyways."
"yeah, they are cool," you scoot closer to him, "i was just hoping you have either tiana or rapunzel. they're my favorite princesses."
hongjoong thinks that's wildly endearing somehow
if he ends up not having two of the princesses in his remaining band-aid pack, he's definitely running to the nearest drugstore to get a new one
just for you :-D
he chuckles and digs around the box to hopefully see a bandaid with a princess dressed in green or another one dressed in purple
as he finishes placing the band-aids on your injuries, he stood up and offers a hand to pull you up
"i'm hongjoong."
yeah you know
you return his name with your own and he softly smiles when repeating your name under his breath
"y/n, try not to get hurt when i see you next time."
park seonghwa
"let's get married."
you almost spurt out the complimentary water you were drinking
what in the arrranged marriage bullshit????
you finally agreed to go on one of many blind dates your mother has arranged to hopefully marry you off in hopes of merging your family company with another powerful company
to which your personal chef, wooyoung, proposed a plan (that had yeosang, your personal assistant, immediately going on his knees to beg you not to do)
wooyoung calls it operation zombie bride
which roughly translates to 'make yourself an undesirable wife'
but you didn't even get the chance to get your acting game going because this park seonghwa of park enterprises is already asking for your hand in marriage
right after you took a seat across him and managed to take ONE sip of the glass of water prepared on your table
"have you lost your mind??" you sputter while trying to swallow down the bits of water you're currently choking on, "you don't even know me!"
seonghwa raises a brow and opens his mouth, ready to retort back to your challenging remark when a waitress come up to your table
"may i start you both with a drink?"
"yes please," you try to force your hiccups to a stop so you can deadpan at the admittedly handsome man in front of you, "i'll have a bottle of beer."
the waitress visibly tries to stifle her surprise because it's currently 11 am and it's unheard of for people like you in a fancy restaurant like this to order the alcoholic drink
but yeah it's none of her business so she just took both of your orders and leaves :-D
"i guess you like to drink."
it's no question that you both obviously know of each other
having both been raised in similar worlds to be the perfect heir to be handed the family company
but you'll show him just how much he doesn't know you
you can somehow hear wooyoung's evil cackles from here
"yes," you widen your eyes and hope that you look unhinged enough, "i can't live without it. whenever i feel sober, my hands tremble like crazy."
wooyoung would be so proud that you've perfectly recited the first part of the script he wrote
"i see." an intrigued brow raises at your direction as seonghwa calmly leans back into his chair with a-
things are not supposed to go this way
he's supposed to be at least slightly irked by your behavior at this point
the amused smirk still plays on his lips and you were about to openly berate him for being a weird idiot before the waitress comes back with your drinks
at the sight of the bottle of beer and a tall glass set beside it on your table, you think of backing out
you absolutely HATE beer
but you don't want to marry a guy you just met!!!!!
so you sucked it up and gulped down the glass of beer after the waitress poured the alcohol in it to the brim
ggaAAH this shit tastes like piss
you slam the now empty glass on the table before letting out a loud aHHH~ as you smack your lips obnoxiously
and you feel the side of your lip twitch upwards when you see his surprised face
(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆ wooyoung's plan is wooooorking~!
"may i have a sip?"
record scratch. the earth stops rotating. pause.
"it's just, you make it look so delicious," seonghwa nods at the bottle before pushing down the cuffs of his grey suit and you swear you see his mirthful eyes twinkle when they meet your own gobsmacked ones
without waiting for an answer, he grabs the remaining beer in the bottle and lets the drink tip into his mouth as he knocks his head back to avoid touching his lips to the bottle
seonghwa lets out a rasped guttural sigh before he hums out, "now this is some nice beer." as he twirls the bottle in hands to look at its label before returning it back beside your glass
you do not find this man drinking alcohol attractive. you repeat, you do not find this man drinking alcohol attractive.
he sends another smirk your way
time to resort to the second half of the script
you rest your elbows on the table and lean closer to the man in front of you as your eyes narrow, "i've been told that i'm picky when it comes to who i date."
you wait for him to start spewing out random nonsense about some bullshit or the "nice guys always finish last" rant but he surprisingly stays silent and motions a hand for you to elaborate
"i don't want a man that expects me to cook or clean," you tilt your head back and give him a smirk of your own, "i'm not the type to stay home and cook for my husband. my career is more important."
he stays silent, and you can't help but feel a tad bit disappointed that maybe he's just like any other man-
"i like it."
ngl you almost went apeshit after hearing that
"my ideal type is an ambitious woman."
maybe your heart went pitter patter hearing that but no!!! you're not getting married!!!!
"i'll never want to have kids!" you grasp at straws, blindingly saying anything that will hopefully give him the ick because mhm yeah he definitely looks like a guy who want kids of his own yeah you got this
but he shrugs it off with a wave of his hand, "that's up to the woman, of course. i won't force you to do anything."
you're fucked.
"you're not as picky as i thought," seonghwa hums as another smirk, this time teasing, curls up on his face
you kinda want to smack it off
he matches your stance as he too, leans closer to you, and he tucks a stray hair behind your ear
"i guess we're pretty compatible, future wife."
jeong yunho
tonight is THE night
your finals are finally over and honestly you don't know if you did a good job at it
but that's for future yn to think about
because present yn is gonna go party it up tonight!!!!
yuh B-)
a new club just opened nearby and it looks pretty cool so you and your friends decided to go there
you have on your cutest outfit with your hair and makeup done
and you're sO excited !! >:-D
"hm?" you turn to face wooyoung, one of your best friends, who currently has his arms crossed and a serious look on his face
cue your cheeky grin and your not so innocent batting eyes
before every outings that involves drinking, wooyoung always gives you the talk because... well,,
one time, none of your friends couldn't find you anywhere in the club because you ended up in a nearby seafood restaurant with your whole face inside one of the aquariums (you don't know how you ended up there and yes it was gross and yes wooyoung had to pay for all the damages)
but the thing is, even though wooyoung threatens reminds you every single time before you drink to not get too crazy, it happens anyway
you don't know why he even bother
(he's handcuffed himself to you once and the night ended with both of his hands cuffed together while you were nowhere to be found)
so yeah aha
"you know the drill," wooyoung deadpans, "it's extra crowded tonight so i want you to be within my sight at all times."
that should be easy
you give him a mock salute, "got it, dad!"
you do feel bad for your friends who have to take care of you whenever you're drunk so you're gonna limit yourself to only 3 shots tonight
yeah you can do that !!! :-D
turns out,,, you can't limit your insatiable drinking habits
you lost count over how many glasses you've had and oh my god wooyoung's gonna be so pissed!!!!
you don't even know where he is
you're just lazing around in between the swarm of bodies on the dance floor
you've gotten to the point where the high to dance waded off and now you just want to sit down and relax
and that's exactly what you were gonna do
until you accidentally stumbled out of the club
everything seems to fall into slow motion
next thing you know, you're engulfed into a pair of arms, your face crashing against a warm pair of tiddies chest that cushions your landing after you drunkenly fling yourself out of the club's exit
a pair of large and warm hands cup around your waist to steady you
your dazed eyes look up to see a man with sleepy doe eyes that blinks in surprise and soft chocolate hair that's slightly tousled
he looks adorable (this is you speaking)
and hot (this is your drunken alter ego speaking)
and you're pretty sure you're gaping like a fish
mom i want him
you wrap your previously flailing arms around his waist, unconsciously pulling him closer as you happily croon
"yooou look like myh future boyfriend!"
the handsome man in your embrace lets out a deep chuckle as amusement crosses his face before concern pools in his eyes once he belatedly realizes the state that you're in
if you weren't so drunk right now, you'd probably swoon over how respectful his hand placements are; his hands lift to linger above your waist as he tries to keep you steady-- not touching you but also making sure he'd be able to catch you in case you topple off him
the bare minimum but it's still cute ok
"hi," he softly greets and you have to bend your neck all the way up because tHIS MAN IS TALL just so you can continue staring at his face in awe
"you're sooo tall !!oof-" you drunkenly stumble more into him as you loudly remark on his height, gaining attention to the both of you
he protectively pulls you in just a little bit closer to him, eyes taking in the amount of iffy strangers that have their eyes lingering on you for too long
"do you know where your friends are?" he softly hums, gently brushing away the sweaty strands of hair that stuck to your face so he can look at you properly
yunho knows he can't leave you alone, not with how your eyes are drooping and your speech slurring even though he desperately wants to catch up on more sleep after he did a little snack run to the convenience store
and it's currently 4 hours before he has to wake up for his morning class :-(
he knows he'll regret not getting enough sleep for his class but,,,
he'll regret it even more if he just leave you all alone
"they're all inside!" you giggle while your finger points to the entrance of the club
a bout of chilly wind suddenly breezes past you and you shiver because oH NO you left your purse and coat in the lockers!!!!!-
a warm jacket that smells of vanilla and steamed milk suddenly sits atop your shoulders
"are you cold?" the boy in front of you frowns as he adjusts his grey jacket over your body, "you should call your friends and ask them to come get you."
you didn't even notice when he gently pried your arms off him so he can shrug off the jacket he's wearing to give to you
hE'S SO-
the boy yelps when a shoe is suddenly hurled in his direction and nearly whacks him in the face, "what the fu-"
"hEY !!!!!!!"
you both turn at the sound of the high pitched shriek to see a tiny boy with red hair and smoke coming out of his ears while holding a purse and two coats with one of his socked feet missing a shoe
"gET YOUR HANDS OFF THEM!" wooyoung dashes at you both with an inhuman speed and launches himself to grab you by the wrist and tuck you behind him
"sorry man," the kind stranger lifts both of his arms into the air to show that he means no harm, "i was trying to help them find their way back to their friends."
wooyoung's like oh when he turns back to see you nod in confirmation and his hostility diminishes in an instant
"oh thanks man :-D i guess you're cool :-D what's your name :-D ?"
"it's yunho."
"well, i'm y/n!! and this is my best friend oomph- wooyoung!!!!!!"
and wooyoung's like c'mon y/n we have to get you back to the dorms and you're like waIT A MINUTE I HAVE TO RETURN THIS JACKET-
"no it's okay you can keep it," yunho assures you with a shy smile
"you look better in it anyway."
he's so- ahaue@$#@3ahgru
"take out your phone." you hiccup and yunho shoots you a confused look but obeys anyway
"listen carefully," you cutely hiccup again with your hands on your waist and yunho has to stifle a laugh at your endearing antics, "i'm gonna recite my number for you."
at that, yunho's eyes comically widen and he fumbles to quickly pull up the phone app
"i'm listening!!!"
kang yeosang
when you ordered for an android that will help you around your apartment, you did not expect this
"delivery for y/n?"
you excitedly peer at the tall box that was wheeled in by the delivery man after thanking him
only faltering once you notice something odd
the label on the box reads KYS-1117
you're sure that you made an order for PSH-1024, an android that's promised to be a clean freak and will keep your housing as neat as possible
pshhhh there's no way a highly renowned tech company that sells expensive androids could make a simple mistake like that right? :-D
yeah ! :-D
so you grab your exacto knife and get to the best part of receiving packages -- unboxing !!!!!
you excitedly dive into ripping the box apart, mindlessly flinging away the handbook that was neatly attached to it because how hard can it be to activate an android?
a very handsome android, it turns out
you peer through the glass window of the white pod that houses a blonde boy laying so peacefully you almost didn't want to wake him up
you fumble around and managed to press a button that lifts the lid of the pod, emanating trendils of mist to reveal a clearer vision of the boy with golden blonde hair, eyes closed as if in a deep sleep
"woah," you murmur, bringing your head closer to take a better look at the android. you somehow expected a normal looking one instead of an android who looks like he just won a beauty peagant but hey,,, you're not complaining :3
you crawl across your living room, grabbing the handbook you set aside and immediately flip open to the first page
how to turn on your android: a guide
aha! here we go
you reach out to poke around the android's neck to press on the disguised button to power him up, ignoring the flame scorching your cheeks at the thinning distance between you and his face
his eyelashes flutter as his eyes slowly open and falls on you as you back away from his personal space
you just kinda stay on your knees (not in that way!!!) in front of his pod, because well..... you don't know what to say to him.....
he's slowly blinking, seemingly fighting sleep, as he trains his gaze on you
this is awkward........ (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
the silence stretches for another minute before the blonde beauty finally speaks
"There must be something wrong with my eyes."
"huh??" you panic, quickly turning back to the handbook in your hands and flipping the pages frantically. "what's wrong?? does it hurt??? maybe there's something about that in here--"
"... Because I can't take them off you."
:-D ....
you're ... gobsmacked
"uHHH ahhahahHHahHa, nice joke?????"
you really don't know what to say
he smiles, effectively blinding you because, holy shit, this man is too good looking to be an android cleaner wtf, and he gracefully steps out of his pod and crouches down in front of you to tuck your hair behind your ear WHAT IS HAPPENING
"What's your name, doll?"
d-d-doll ????
"uh,,,, it's y/n"
"It's nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm KYS-1117, you can call me Yeosang."
he flashes another charming smile and oop yeah that's all it takes
if you weren't kneeling on the floor, you'd probably pass out
but wait a minute,,,, did he say-
"huh,,,, they did get the order wrong," you mumble to yourself
you don't notice yeosang's face contorting in confusion
"Am I not to your liking?"
your eyes snap back to his warm brown eyes that flashes a hint of hurt before disappearing all too quick
oh no
you managed to hurt an android's feelings (メ﹏メ)
"no no !!!! there's nothing wrong on your part !!" you vigorously shake both of your hands in front of you. "it's just,, i think they sent me.... uh, the wrong ..... android."
yeah...... oh
"Would you like me to contact our customer service? You'll be guaranteed to receive your correct order and compensation, of course."
yeosang lowers his head to face the floor while his voice falls flat; a stark contrast to the charismatic lilt he greeted with you previously
you don't need a degree in psychology to tell that he's visibly upset at the fact that you're gonna return him
it makes you feel worse because no !! this isn't your fault
and you can't ignore the fact that he looks absolutely human right now
okay, you do have to give props to the tech company who, despite messing up your order, did a good job at making their androids realistic
maybe a bit too good because,,, you're getting swayed by him rn
which is weird because aren't androids supposed to NOT have emotions?????
you sigh to yourself
"can you clean?"
the blonde snaps his head to look at you. "I'm sorry?"
woop here it goes
"i'm not returning you," you shrug. "i bet that's gonna take another 2 months to process and i don't see why i should do that when i have you."
you can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to process what you just said
you give him a small smile that you hope is comforting and that it somehow tells him that he's not going back to (you presume) a lab that's probably a hellhole
he perks up at your words, his body rocking back and forth as he excitedly informs you, "I'm not specifically programmed to be a cleaner android, but I can learn! I'm known to be a fast learner!"
"okay,,,,, that's settled then!" you happily reply
this is great, a win-win solution! maybe you should also ask yeosang to get compensation for the mistake they made without returning him
in that way,, you won't have to wait for ages to get another android and you get money !!!!!!
"if you don't mind me asking, what are you specifically programmed to do?"
"Oh! I'm a boyfriend android!"
what did he SAY (o_O) !
... "yeosang,, why do you talk like that?"
"Ah. Is the way I talk not to your liking?"
you shake your head frantically, "no!! no!!!! it's nothing like that! just that you kinda talk like you use proper capitalization and punctuation all the time aha"
yeosang blinks
"Am I not supposed to?"
"no!!! it's perfectly fine,, i was just hoping you could be more relaxed around me :-D"
relax. yeosang tilts his head at that word
"I am. Relaxed."
you stare at him
his ramrod straight back against your couch, feet planted perfectly side by side on your floor and his hands placed politely on his lap
meanwhile, your figure sprawls messily on the spot next to him
"yeah,,,, okay"
choi san
you felt it once you stepped foot outside the 24 hours supermarket
that feeling of someone watching you
you try to quench it down, thinking that it's just paranoia creeping on you because it's almost 3 am and eerily dark outside
but then you hear it
not too loud, as if the person does not want to be heard, and you realize that their footfalls match yours
they're keeping up with your pace
you feel your heart rapidly race as you curse yourself for leaving your phone because it's charging back home
is it a good idea to run?
you discreetly turn your head to the side, seeing a man way bigger than you with his hood up in your peripheral vision
and his dark gaze straight on you
you attempt your best at nonchalantly flicking your head back forward, hoping that he doesn't realize that you know that he's following you
the streets and sidewalk both remain empty, rows of closed shops greeting you instead of any taxis or people that could help you
you're completely on your own
you inwardly sigh, making a detour to head towards the main street because there's no way in hell you're leading this creep straight back to where you live and if you can be in a busier street, that would be much better
after walking for what felt like hours, you notice the unmistaken colorful lights that shine red, orange, and green from a convenience store's banner
!!! a convenience store !!!!!!
you quickly pick up your pace, not caring over how the man behind you also start to fasten their steps, and you immediately swing open the glass door once your fingers grasp at the handle
your eyes fall to the cashier, a teenager, probably, who looks like he's not older than 18, and at the brink of dozing off into a deep sleep
tears prick your eyes as you feel the panic finally start to overwhelm you because you don't think this kid can do anything besides being scared with you if you drag him into this
but you kinda have no choice
as you step further inside the convenience store, ready to approach him, you notice a mop of messy raven hair near the cold drinks aisle
you feel the presence of the creepy man looming behind you, ready to step into the convenience store as well
you gulp, shivers running down your spine at the thought of being in a close proximity with the stalker
hell no
the cashier's way too close to the entrance
you need to move somewhere further away
you make a beeline for the raven haired boy at the back of the store grabbing two small sized cartons of milk, tightly lacing your arms around his side, your groceries in a bag swishing wildly against him as he looks at you in surprise
"hi, babe!" you loudly greet the stranger, making sure the man who just rang the bell atop the convenience store door as he enters heard you
you shoot wide eyed glances that hopefully screams 'help!' at your temporary pretend boyfriend
who happens to be very handsome btw
"i'm sorry i took so long, you must've been waiting for me," you continue, eyes roaming around the store and quickly spotting the man in front of the aisle you're both in, quietly listening on to your conversation. "the grocery store was so far away! i shouldn't have insisted on going out alone."
the boy you're latching onto must've gotten the memo (at speed record too!) as he quickly wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and he lets out a chuckle
"it's okay, baby. let me just pay for these, yeah? mingi and wooyoung are waiting for us in the car outside."
he purposefully raises his voice at the last sentence, making sure that the creep he noticed won't stop staring at you would understand that it'll be a 3 against 1 if he tries anything
gently tugging you by your waist to the other side of the store, away from the man's prying eyes, the boy takes you in with concern furrowing his brows
"are you okay?" he softly whispers, grasping the two cartons of milk in one hand as his other move from your waist to settle comfortingly on your shoulder to soothe you
"yeah," comes your shaky reply, eyes still glancing warily towards the front of the store. "just need to get him off me."
"do you want me to drive you home?" he asks, face quickly grimacing at his insensitivity and he scrambles to replace his offer. "ah, that probably sounds scary. do you want me to call you a cab instead?"
you thank the universe for gracing you with the kindness of this stranger
"sure, that sounds good."
you both finally arrive to the cashier after circling the store, waking up the cashier who begins to lazily ring up the boy's items
his arm wraps around your waist again once he notices the man lingering too close to the both of you and he quickly grabs his paid items after muttering a small 'thank you' before dashing out the door with you by his side
you look behind you, freezing when you see the man with his eyes still on you beyond the glass doors
"the passenger seat's empty, you can sit here first while waiting for your cab, if you want," the raven haired boy offers, opening the passenger seat door of the car parked right outside the store
you enter the car, letting the boy shut the door beside you as you settle down and try to calm your racing heart
"hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!-- uhmm, who are you?"
you turn to the backseat to see a redhead with a nosy expression, his limbs tangled with a blonde boy's own limbs who also sports the same expression, although his looks more confused than nosy
"some creep was following them on their way home," said the raven haired boy, already settling down on his own seat and shutting the door as you look over to the driver's side
"what?" an angry yell sounds from behind, the blonde seemingly trying to untangle himself from the redhead as he desperately tries to claw the car window. "that fucker!"
"mingi!" reprimands his friend in the driver's seat, his head shaking at his friend's antics and he looks at you with an apologetic look. "sorry about him, they both had a little too much to drink. i'm san, by the way"
"san," you repeat his name, and told him yours. "thank you for helping me back there."
"of course," san gives you a dimpled smile, pulling out a pack of mint chewing gum out of the plastic bag and offering it to you. "i heard chewing gum helps when you're nervous."
you must've been too focused on the man near you while he was paying that you didn't notice him grabbing it
and you know that you're not supposed to accept candy from a stranger but you kinda need it ok
"oh, thank you so much," you shyly thank him as you grab the pack. "you didn't have to."
"yeah, but i wanted to," he says, giving you another smile before grabbing the two cartons of milk and tossing them to his friends
"oUUUCH!!!!!! san you hit my head!!" the redhead wails, grabbing his head with both hands in dramaticized agony after the boxed milk bounces off his head while the blonde angrily yells that he does not want milk!!!!!!!
"a bunch of kids, both of you," san tiredly sighs and you almost giggle at his funny expression that resembles an exhausted dad dealing with his two rowdy toddlers
"drink the milk! you need to neutralize!"
"I DON'T WANT TO!!!!!!!"
what a cute friend group
you ended up asking san to drive you home because somehow, you feel like you can trust him
(he drove you home safely with his two drunken friends singing 2000s hits all the way home and you both exchanged numbers)
song mingi
the biggest regret of your life is moving in to a shared apartment that was listed on craiglist
yeah.... you don't know what you were thinking
your roommate is literally a descendant from hell
and not in the cool sexy demon way
but in the 'i've made it my job to make your life a living hell' kinda way
besides the fact that:
a) she never cleans up after herself (whether it be dishes, laundry, or anything, really) and,
b) she acts like you're the bane of her existence,,,
it feels like she has a guy over every night
and honestly, you have no qualms about her getting dicked down because good for her
but the walls are PAPER THIN
you really wonder how she never got a noise complaint over how loud she is
and you have to applaud her for her stamina because they would go for hoouuurs and you'd end up watching the sun rise without getting a wink of sleep everytime
it's gotten to the point where your friends are concerned because you'd show up to class or hangouts with eyebags and a murderous look on your face
your sleep schedule is so messed up
you'd do all your assignments during the night with your headphones in, go to classes during the day, then pass out right after your classes end
all of your friends are kinda on edge around you because they're scared you're gonna Snap™ one day lmao
anyways, you were just chilling one night with your headphones in (which you immediately put on after hearing the unmistakable high pitched noises coming from your roommate's room), waiting for it to be 8 am so you can go to your morning class
when your laptop suddenly lost connection to your wifi
and you hate working on your google docs offline !!!! >:-(
so you forced yourself to get up and go to the living room to see what's going on with your wifi router
only to find a butt naked man hovering over it
"what the fuck!!!" you scream, grabbing the nearest thing to you (a throw pillow on the couch) and launching it on the stranger who's very much naked in your living room
"what--" the man cries out, looking back to see you with your eyes closed just as the pillow bounces off his head. "who the fuck are you??"
you wish you kept your eyes open just to let him see your eyeroll but you quickly scratch that thought because you really don't want to see a stranger's dick at 7 in the morning
your nostrils flare at the nerve of whoever this guy is at your apartment
"excuse me??? who the fuck are you?"
turns out, his name is mingi, and you came to know of it after he got appropriately dressed, turned on and off your wifi router, and sat down across you to enjoy his breakfast that you made
you also came to learn that he's the one who made your roommate sound like a literal pornstar last night
"so, uhh.." the blonde awkwardly starts, gripping his cutlery as he pathetically tries to strike up a conversation while you're busy wolfing down your breakfast. "you cook often?"
the simple question turns into a long conversation that you surprisingly find yourself enjoying
not only is he super cute,,,, but he's also so fun to tease
you move to clear away both of your plates and mingi looks up to you in awe, "that was the best breakfast i've ever had."
you smile, "sure, and that will be $53."
your raise a brow, "you think i'm giving you free breakfast?"
you laugh when you see him scramble to pull out his phone and ask you for your venmo
"dude, i was just kidding," you reassure him, "but please give me a heads up if you're coming over to fuck my roommate again. i couldn't get a wink of sleep last night."
mingi turns a bright shade of red
jung wooyoung
you can't believe it
never in your life would you think you'd be a witness to MURDER
you were just calmly walking back home after meeting up with your friends when you spot a guy with both of his arms pointed to the sky
you had a "little bit" of soju during your monthly bbq hangouts with your friends, so your tipsy self took some time to openly judge and even snort at the stupid looking stranger
that is until, a golden bow materialises into his hold
what in the hunger games lmao
.... you scratch your eyes, hoping to clear your vision
his right hand reaches into the air again, seemingly pulling out two golden arrows with their tips dipped in crimson out of nowhere
wtf did someone lace your soju
and then he nocks them, one above the other, and draws the string back
is he about to shoot someone??????
he releases the arrows in the direction of two people conversing with each other in a playground's swing set not too far away from you and-- holy sHIT HE'S SHOOTING TWO PEOPLE AT ONCE
you hear the wind rip as the arrows zips through the air before embedding deep into the unsuspecting targets' chests
it took point three seconds for you to realize what the suspicscious man did
and that's when you scream
very loudly
but wait a minute
......... there's nothing
there's no blood, no dead bodies dropping to the floor, and the arrows that struck their chests somehow vanished into thin air
in fact, the two people he shot looks happier now
that's weird
but you continue to scream anyway
the boy whips his head to see you; a little tipsy and screaming your head off, and when your eyes lock with one another, his eyes go impossibly wider
he swiftly dashes off into your direction after carelessly throwing his bow into the air and wait,,,, did the bow just dissappear??? it was right there--
a hand suddenly clamps over your mouth
"stop screaming."
you proceed to scream even louder
the boy lets out an annoyed grunt, somehow dragging you into an alley with his hand still clamped over your mouth and the other gripping the back of your head tightly
"look i need you to calm down, okay?" he lets out a huff, nervous hands running through his red hair -- a detail you just noticed with the moonlight shining on him
you finally stop screaming and he immedieately sighs in relief, loosening his grip on you
you take a good look at him
he's beautiful
"thank you," the boy nonchalantly replies, too distracted with looking out the alley to make sure no one saw you struggling against a body of air into an alley. "just to be clear, i didn't kill them okay? they're perfectly fine"
but you're not even listening to him
"you can read my mind?!"
"yes i can but that's not the point," the redhead squints. "i need you to understand that i didn't kill them and that you're not supposed to be able to see me"
you swallow
this guy might be cute but,,,,, you definitely wouldn't risk it because he's weird weird
"umm okay, mr. i'm-not-a-murderer,, what else would you be doing with a bow and arrow besides killing someone??? running your cupid errands or something haha????"
he knocks his head to the side, taking quick steps to near you that has you pinned against the wall as his eyes rake over you in scrutiny
"who sent you?"
pffft LMAOOO 。゚(TヮT)
"what are you on???" you breathe, having to take in a large gulp of air after literally laughing your ass off because of how ridicilous he sounds
there's an offended tick to the boy's brow, his stare drilling at you
you wipe tears from your eyes, "you're saying you're the cupid? or eros? or uh,,, whatever his name is"
the boy rolls his eyes, placing his hands in the pockets of his pants as he moves to lean against the brick wall beside you. "yeah,, cupid or eros works. but i prefer wooyoung."
your jaw slackens. this guy can't be serious
"okay, wooyoung. how do i know you're not lying?"
the same golden bow you saw earlier materializes in front of you out of nowhere, its grip in a firm grasp within wooyoung's hand
huh,,,, seems pretty legit
mhm okay you're sold, you guess you can tick off meeting someone supernatural off your bucketlist!
wooyoung chuckles, he must've read your mind again, and he turns to look at you at his side, mouth still gaping in awe at his glowing bow
"glad you finally believe i'm real," he smugly grins, flinging his bow to the side where it magically vanishes in mid-air
"although, you're really not supposed to be able to see me. you're the first mortal to ever do so."
you see curiosity lighting up his eyes but you also see something else
"you're the first mortal to ever do so."
he probably has uh godly friends up there but,, you can't imagine how lonely it must feel to walk on earth without anyone acknowledging you,,,, as if you don't exist
everyone should have someone around!!! D-:
"let's be friends!"
"what?" his eyes fall back to its usual indifferent gaze, this time, with a tinge of nervousness. "i don't even know your name, how are we supposed to be friends??"
"hush, i know you know my name from the beginning. you probably read it off my mind," (you're right), "now come on! you have to show me some more of your katniss everdeen side!!"
"katnip what??" he yelps in disbelief, figure remaining still despite the incessant tugs on his wrist by your attempt of pulling him out of the alley
"and i don't need friends!"
he was about to go off more about how people would think you're batshit crazy because they won't be able to see him and- oop his back is off the wall now, yeap he's moving out the alley with you successfully pulling him
"yes you do!" you turn to look at him and made a stop once you both are out of the alley, a grin makes it way on your face. "i can't believe it!!!! i'm cupid's first friend!!!"
a faint smile almost places itself on wooyoung's face because hey, being friends with you doesn't seem too bad
but he tramples it down with all his might, rolling his eyes and letting out a huff instead
"just follow me and keep your mouth shut."
guess he's stuck with you then
(he's a little bit happy about that. just a little.)
choi jongho
you knew you should've trusted your gut feeling on not going to the frat party
“but ynnnnnnnn,” one of your best friends, yuna, whines, “it’s been forever since you partied with us!!! just this one time please please !!!!!”
and you being the easily moved person you are reluctantly agreed after some more convincing
“don’t worry babe,” ryujin, another one of your best friends, reassures you while applying lip gloss in her vanity, “i’ll personally kick your ex’s ass if he tries anything on you.”
right, your ex
he’s the prime reason why you would not step foot in any more college parties because trust yourself when you say that he will be in every available party
but you know what
you’re kinda siCK of that !!!
so even though your ex is borderline crazy and threatens you to get back together even if you don’t want to
you’re gonna go to the party :-D
with your five besties protecting you
“let’s go!!!” chaeryeong whoops with her head out the opened car window as yeji, the designated driver of the night, parks the car in front of the already blaring frat house
“now girls,” lia starts, “make sure your phones are always on okay?? and make sure at least one of us knows where you are—”
she’s interrupted by the door slamming open and oh yup there they go—
ryujin, chaeryeong, and yuna are already sprinting across the lawn to get to the house
you all exchange looks as lia lets out a sigh
it’s gonna be a long night
turns out, it’s gonna be an even longer night
specifically just for you
you were just in the kitchen trying to pour some vodka into your red solo cup when you lock eyes with him
your ex, stood in front of the opened fridge
woops what, vodka?? yeah i don’t need that because i’m getting outta here bye
“y/n, wait.”
you briskly walk to the living room slash dance floor with your eyes desperately trying to find your fiery friend who promised to kick the ass of the man currently following you as he tries to call after you
to no avail
you’re kIND of panicking now!!!!!
just then, a figurative lightbulb flickers above your head when your eyes land on a guy with dark brown hair with a cup of his own perched on a corner alone
you’re hoping this works
you practically sprint to him and he looks like his heart is about to pop off his chest at the sight of someone barrelling towards him at full speed
“i’m so sorry but i have a crazy ex who’s following me literally right now so can you please be my boyfriend for like 5 seconds?”
the words jumbled out of you in a haste— too quick for jongho to catch anything else besides ‘crazy ex’ and ‘be my boyfriend’ but he knows from your panicked eyes that you’re asking for help
and of course he will
jongho’s eyes scan around the living room, finally seeing the guy who he can tell is your ex by the determined steps he’s taking towards you along with his eyes set on you
ok yeah jongho agrees with you
because damn this guy does look like he’s crazy
he figures there’s nothing to lose
“yeah, sure.”
jongho expects you to probably just linger near him in hopes of your ex leaving or maybe he’d have to play the role of the protective “boyfriend” by landing a punch on your ex if he tries to pick on a fight
what he didn’t expect was your lips meeting his own
if jongho is an android, the wires in his head would've short circuit 
your arms move to wrap at the back of his neck and you slightly tip toe so you can reach him better
he almost faltered on the kiss because he finds that so cute 
only after you initiated the touch does he place his hands on your waist to pull you even closer as he surprisingly deepens the kiss into a sweet kiss
his soft lips slowly guide you into a slower tempo, smoothly taking charge by moving a hand to softly grasp your cheek while the other rubs comforting circles on your exposed waist 
“what the fuck– get off my girl man!”
you’re forcefully separated from the boy with a breathless gasp as your ex pins him against the wall
despite your ex shouting obscenities at him with a hand wrapped on the collar of his shirt, the brunette doesn’t look scared at all
in fact, he kinda looks bored
his eyes lazily rake over your ex and he indignantly smirks before letting out a deep chuckle that silences the boy in front of him
“how pathetic.”
his big shoulders effortlessly knocks your ex to the side as he shoots a glare at him
this time, he’s the one standing in front of your ex with his intimidatingly large figure towering over him
“if you ever touch her or even fucking try to look at her, i’ll make sure to let everyone in this house know to beat the shit out of you whenever we see you.”
that’s when realization seeps into your ex and his body immediately froze
“oh shit, jongho, i-i’m sorry man,” your ex stammers, silently cursing himself for blindly messing with one of the frat members in their own party, “i didn’t know that she’s yours.”
“she’s not a thing you can own,” jongho rolls his eyes, roughly pushing your ex off the wall and harshly slapping his hand on his back to force him towards the door’s direction, “now get out of here.”
as your ex scrambles out the door, you turn to face jongho with your head slightly muddled by the fact that 
a) you kissed a frat boy
b) he’s hot
c) oh and have you mentioned that he’s hot?
“you good?”
you scramble out of your thoughts to see him looking over you carefully, “yeah…. thank you for that.”
a gummy smile lights up his face and you’re kinda confused because this guy does not resemble the intimidation he showed earlier at all, “no problem.” 
ok go off duality king
“wanna get out of here?”
this is the first time you met a frat boy who’s not really interested in the party he’s in
but you like that :-D
you smile, “sounds good.”
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ckret2 · 7 days
@marsupials-of-mars submitted:
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I was planning to do maybe a fic and more doodles of this but now I'm busy with school so I might as well show what I did do!
Based on how the goldilocks fic seems to posit that Bill at his best is a silly professor who loves to teach his own way
Introducing Professor Locke!
Things about this idea:
-post redemption, however that will go. I'm calling it an AU because I imagine it is not your plan for what happens after lol, but currently canon-compliant.
-Bill is at first not very on board with the idea of working in the higher education system. It's a scam and it's dumb that they tell adult people how to think.
-He's eventually convinced to bless Backupsmore with his tutelage, on the grounds that they're less stuck up there, they seem to care about giving their students opportunities despite their backgrounds, and the kids there care about learning rather than going to college just because their parents said they should.
-Ford uses his academic connections to vouch for Bill even though he is very mysterious and has no academic records. This is another reason why they picked Backupsmore: i's a little more lax when presented with a shockingly smart mystery professor. Bill gets an interview and charms the pants off the university president.
-He teaches "astrophysics" in theory (that's the job description) but he ends up teaching a little bit of everything.
-He's one of those professors you either adore or despise. He's very loud, often outright mean, and if you're too shy to speak up in class he does not give a SHIT about you. You gotta want it!
-However, his class is notoriously easy. He thinks homework and tests are facist, but he's required to have a curriculum, so his "quizzes" are like a few true or false questions and then a short answer where he asks something he thinks would be funny or wants to hear about, like "what's the dumbest thing another student has said in class since the last test and why was it dumb" or "fashion advice: what's the coolest thing I wore this last week? Extra credit: draw something cooler I SHOULD wear."
-as a result, students who have completely unrelated majors will take his class. If they end up being interested, he deems them worthy. If they're just there to be lazy, he will bully them into dropping out.
-Mabel buys him stickers to put on people's tests when they pass, or to just hand out when they something he likes. He gets along most with the college kids who know how to appreciate a classic gold star.
-He really wanted a big pretty lecture hall, where his voice would echo and he could point at a big chalkboard. But all Backupsmore could provide was a cinderblock and linoleum basement classroom. The lights buzz very loudly and it smells musty. They have stools and folding tables. Bill finds he enjoys the more intimate environment where he can walk between the tables and also sneak up on people.
-He's broken multiple folding tables by trying to do the cool professor thing where you hop up onto your desk and cross your legs and talk all casual. He is able to do this on his own desk thankfully. It's aluminum.
-Ford gets a bit nervous if he did the right thing when bill tells his school stories at the dinner table, so he finds an excuse to accompany Bill to a campus event where he can meet some of his students.
-His fears are quickly assuaged when he sees how beloved Bill is and how well he gets along with the kids. When he eventually joins in on one of these conversations, one of the students asks if he's Sixer. The students are excited by this. Bill tries to shut them up, to partial success.
OK I guess I just ended up writing the fic more or less so enjoy I guess lol.
Aww, this is adorable! Thank you! (And the fact that you're imagining a future for Bill makes me so happy.) He's absolutely be the weirdest professor in the school and he'd ADORE having a crowd full of trusting impressional minds whose parents are paying him to change the way they think. Talk about playing to his strengths.
Your idea is so wholesome, meanwhile the moment I saw "Professor Bill" I went,
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