justcatposts · 4 months
She's just trying to pay her student loans
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incognitopolls · 14 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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galleryyuhself · 2 years
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                G    A    L    L     E     R     Y    Y    U    H    S    E   L      F
                           RBC wants you to dream B-I-G
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thejournallo · 4 months
You have the right to have feelings, even if they are part of an unwelcome reality.
allow your feelings to be and accept them as they are.
the sooner you accept this fact the sooner you will ignore the 3D
for example: My crush does not want me back; I am hurt; I am entitled to be hurt; and I have the right to cry if necessary. Once I express all of those feelings, I will be able to get back on track because I know my crush will find me without any of my efforts because it is my reality.
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esotericc-angel · 6 months
okay so i’m gonna sound very crazy and silly and say that time is not real and it’s not linear.
the past, present, and future are all happening right now. the idea that time is linear is a man made concept, just so that life can be easier. just 2 seconds ago was the past, just one blink ago was the past, in 2 seconds it’ll be the future, so what really is the past? what really is the future? how do we put a marker on those times? you don’t. this is exactly why you affirm in the present tense, because all we have is the present. the way that you perceive time can be varied, some may think the week felt short, some may think that the week felt long. this reality and every small detail, is all about the way that YOU perceive it to be.
so stop thinking about time when you think about your manifestations. don’t think about how long you have been affirming for. all that will do is discourage you.
shifting is time:
so i assume many of you have heard of the idea of shifting, you do whatever weird method and then you wake up in a different reality. every thought that you’ve had represents a different reality out of infinite possibilities/realities to shift to. you have shifted every single second of your life, changing realities. it just doesn’t feel very different since your dominant thoughts and beliefs have been the same, so every day feels like the same reality. when you manifest, you are selecting different realities and shifting. so shifting is time itself. this is why it’s possible to go back in time, revise the “past”, etc because these are all just different realities that you can choose to be in, not exactly “the past” or the “future” this is also why we say that creation is finished, because once you imagine it, IT ALREADY EXISTS IN A DIFFERENT REALITY YOU JUST NEED TO SHIFT TO IT WITH YOUR THOUGHTS
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printsofcats · 2 days
The Debt
Bob robs Peter to finally pay Paul,
for the five hundred dollars Paul loaned him last fall.
Bob felt ashamed but he needed the dough,
and knew that good Peter would not even know.
Paul gets the cash and is off in a sprint,
to pay back old Morris for the money he lent.
Old Morris is happy with money in hand,
and finds young Maurice to pay him as planned.
Young Maurice is happy with five hundred bones
and goes to his uncle to pay off his loans.
Maurice’s uncle is proud of the boy,
and heads off to locate his good friend Miss Joy.
Miss Joy is a helper who’s helped many others,
helped Maurice’s uncle and all of his brothers,
when all of them found themselves in a tight pinch
and Miss Joy was ready to help in a cinch.
Miss Joy takes a ferry to go and see Mary,
with all of the thanks that a person can carry.
She’ll pay Mary back for all that she borrowed
when Miss Joy was lonely and drowning in sorrow.
Mary herself had some people to pay,
and one of these people was her old Aunt Kay.
Aunt Kay gave her money to pay for her rent
because Mary found that her money was spent.
Since Aunt Kay was also a one in the red,
she went down the docks and she found Captain Ted.
The captain had given her five hundred dollars
so Aunt Kay could answer her IRS callers.
The captain went down all the streets of his town,
looking to see if old Bob was around.
The captain had owed Bob a small sum of money
that Bob floated Ted on the Sound.
Bob took up the money and squared up with Peter,
who never once knew it had left his two-seater.
Bob re-placed the cash and was off in a dash—
his fleet feet had never been fleeter.
So what is the value of money?
What’s the appropriate call?
For these ten quartets have balanced ten debts,
and no one paid anything at all.
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maddie-w-draws · 5 months
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xstrawberryshiftsx · 5 days
even tho I’ve shifted before (2x to a parrel universe) I feel like giving up
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EDIT: im tagging my some of my favs BECAUSE I AM DESPRETE
@zipperrants @shiftingwithmars @leydenkilgore @moonyshifter @coquettebratzdoll @someonesrealityshifting @reiashiftsrealities
And anyone else PLEASE I NEED THIS 😭
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celestialwrites · 1 year
do you have any marriage of convenience prompts?
@celestialwrites for more!
marriage of convenience prompts ੈ✩‧₊˚
♡ one was in a serious dilemma and needed to be married within the day, their ‘friend’ stepped up without hesitation.
♡ lingering kiss at the altar.
♡ the arguing right after being married turning to playful banter.
♡ one needing health insurance, so their wealthy (friend/boss) married them.
♡ a ‘criminal’ being sentenced to death but the fae (king/queen/prince/princess) comes forth saying that they’re to be wed, to save the thief’s life.
♡ both hating each other but getting married nonetheless as they both need something out of it.
♡ blushing when their new ‘partner’ does a basic thing for them.
♡ changing their contacts of each other to (wife/husband/partner) and pretending to hate it.
♡ marrying their neighbour because they can’t make rent and have something important to pay for.
♡ get married or be killed.
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Be absolutely fascinated with the new story and become absolutely fascinated with yourself
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incognitopolls · 11 days
Answer for how long (after graduation/after stopping) it was until you no longer had any student debt, regardless of how you achieved that– including if any of it was cancelled or forgiven, or you had outside help paying it off (e.g. your parents or partner helped).
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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thereadmind · 1 month
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thejournallo · 4 months
How to ignore the 3D and how to do it.
This is for all the people who were as confused as me when I first came across Neville Goddard and the fact that we have to actually ignore 3D. That said, in a simpler way, is our reality as we perceive it and what happens in it.
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What it means?
What Neville Goddard meant when talking about ignoring 3D is to be able to not react to it. By doing that, we don't have to ignore the 3D, but we can ignore our reaction to it.  Ignoring 3D means applying the most simple law that there is to manifest, the law of detachment. 
what is the law of the detachment? (i will explain it better in the future)
The law of detachment serves to give us a true awareness of where we put our energy, and by energy, I mean not only the physical but the spiritual too. The way this law applies to 3D reality is that we let go of the outcome because we have already received what we manifested. 
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How do i do it?
I will be very clear here: do not ignore yourself and your feelings just because you have to "ignore the 3D," because you can do that every time. Take your time to let your feelings flow, and when you feel ready, let go of them. I wanted to make this clear because I don't want you to think that ignoring reality means ignoring your true feelings when it hurts or when you are having a fucking bad day. It is unhealthy to do that. 
When we have to ignore the 3D, what really has to happen is our reaction to it.  For example, if I didn't get a promotion at work, my first reaction could be to be sad or mad. If I ignore the 3D, I have to let go of that reaction and reset it: "I didn't get the promotion I was manifesting because I have to receive a bigger one." and this becomes your reality. 
and that's it. We don't have to put this incredible, extra-tense effort into it because everything is already yours. 
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batt00ny · 4 months
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shiftwithalex · 4 months
So I'm drunk right ...... Not the best choice ever because i got called into work and I faked not being drunk so good that they thought I was sober and could indeed work when I honesly can't... Well, anyway, I'm gonna try my best not to set anything on fire but I'll also shift because it's just that easy, and for me when in drunk this shit is the easiest thing to ever exist... #alchacolism anyway, happy shifting or whatever, what reality should i shift to thought because I want something new (my main DRS are supernatural, Twd, the boys and fame)
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bekandrew · 1 year
Emergency Commissions Needed to Get Unburied From Student Loans!
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I was homeless a lot of last year and needed to put my loan that, for whatever reason, the company either wasn't required to do the payment pause or just wasn't doing it for me, into a deferment or forbearance because there was no other option. It's since come time to start making payments and while I would have been able to make my normal-sized payment even if it would have been tight financially, that's not what happened. Because the mail here frequently has mix-ups and sends mail to the wrong houses, I never received the notice that payments were restarting, or the first past-due notice. I finally received the second past-due notice, and now I'm pretty screwed. The total due is now nearly an entire magnitude more than my normal payment. I can't work. I'm "self-employed" doing freelance writing and art, but I haven't gotten a major contract in a long time. My PTSD and general health is bad enough I can barely leave the house to do essential but infrequent tasks, let alone get a job outside the house. I'm working on being able to leave the house more to be able to get a day job but I'm not anywhere near that place yet. So for now, I need to ask for some emergency donations and/or commissions. I can do writing commissions - short stories (particularly horror) at 15 cent/word and also digital art commissions with examples and pricing here: https://imgur.com/a/2zRVNtq I'd need half up front to reserve a commission slot and so I can buy time with this past-due amount so they don't start taking legal action. If you aren't interested in a commission and would just like to donate, my cashapp is $bekandrewttrpg Please reblog to spread the word, I have until August 1st to get the past-due amount!
Current Progress $50/694
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