#turn to speak i start a new ramble and he has to end the conversation so he can leave 😅
dust-n-roses ¡ 4 months
made a casual conversation into an infodump again. oops
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egoistars ¡ 10 days
HIT BRAKE! sae itoshi
(Sae needs to practice his goals and you… driving)
~3.8k words, humor, fluff, angst if you grab a magnifying glass, use of soccer instead of football (i have too much pride to do that), theyre so polar opposite they unfortunately come full circle and match each others freak
Sae Itoshi returned to Japan with several new things under his belt:
The ability to speak spanish (although his grammar structure can use some help from time to time)
An insane growth spurt
Probably shell shock syndrome
And the scariest new update to a chronic Resting Bitch Face that you had the displeasure of seeing thrown your way when you accidentally ran over his ball driving home. Maybe this is why most Japanese people rely on public transport instead of using their licenses
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TWO was the number of times you had failed your driver’s test. Yes, you could always use the bus or ask your friends for a ride, but college doesn’t start for another few weeks and you’re determined by pure stubbornness to be driver certified before starting school. You think you’re doing pretty good so far: no accidents, no being pulled over, no getting cursed, and no one loudly complaining about your skills (no one has trusted you to drive them). The only thing you had left to master was parallel parking. 
It was a legacy in your family to be horrible at city parking.
One of your earliest memories was in the backseat of a rental car in a foreign country while your mother tried to park on the side of the street, only to get honked at by cars and drive against the flow of vehicles in a one-way zone. 
A bag of groceries lie in the trunk of your car as you drive to your family’s home. Humming along to the song softly playing through the radio, you slow down as you near the residential area, confident that this drive will end without a single thing gone wrong. Without speaking, you jinx your thoughts as you jolt when your car goes over a bump and a loud wheeze follows it. Turning your head to the side, your entire body freezes and your eyes go wide upon seeing the pissed off glare of Sae Itoshi, the infamous Japanese soccer player who just returned from Spain with a sexy tan.
With a shaky hand, you roll down your window and immediately start tumbling over your rushed apologies. You don’t even understand what you’re saying but you hope that Itoshi somehow understands. When he doesn’t react, which is what you expected but it hurts nonetheless, you immediately shut up and tumble out of your car before getting on your knees and seeing what you ran over. 
Your hand reaches and pulls out a deflated soccer ball, the entire thing flat with a large hole on the side from when it got run over by your car. You almost feel inclined to inflate it with the tears that are about to spill out of your eyes but the only realistic and socially acceptable choice was to give it to Itoshi and once again, apologize but with words that he and the average person can understand. 
Itoshi mumbles a “it’s okay” before taking the ball (can you even call it that?) a once-over. “I have more at home, I’ll just throw it out.”
“Holy shit I’m so sorry about that I can buy you a new one just please don’t sue me I can’t afford a good lawyer, I’m in student loan debt.”
“...why would I sue you?” he asks, his face slightly scrunched up in confusion. It’s not much different from his normal expression, just a slight crease of his brows but it makes all the difference.
“I didn’t mean to assume that you’re gonna sue me, please don’t sue me for assuming!” You think that you should begin to pack your bags and take out a loan to move to another country. It would be easier to be a criminal than to deal with a conversation with a guy who multiplies your humiliation. “I just thought that you might get your super prestigious and rich and wealthy and prosperous and exquisitely-copious-in-currency soccer team on my ass ‘cause I ran over one of their balls,” you nervously rambled. Your face heats up at every word and one Itoshi divides into two Itoshis and two Itoshis split into four.
“Are you schizophrenic? I thought you were normal back in middle school,” sixty-eight Itoshis say in unison.
Your body freezes, the now one hundred twenty-eight Itoshis all morphing back into one. “Wait, we went to middle school together?”
“Uh, yeah,” he blinks, this time looking even more awkward than you. “We were in the same class for two years straight and I sat next to you the semester before I left. I think I would remember the kid who slept through each period but still got all the answers right when called on.”
“Oh!” You perk up at the recollection of a scrawny red-haired boy from five years ago, one who would try to not-so-discreetly look at your worksheet answers and peek at your notes during class. “You’re the boy who would always copy off my work. I do remember you!”
“Is that all you remember about me?” If Itoshi were any other person, you’d say he looked uncomfortable but all he did was tilt his head a little more to the left and shift on his feet. 
“I mean, the only reason why you remember me is ‘cause I saved your academics without even knowing. Don’t think I didn’t hear our teacher whispering ‘good job’ to you while returning our tests and how you suddenly moved up in our class rankings.”
“Well you didn’t bother to hide anything when you were snoozing away so whose fault really is it?”
“You were gonna leave for Spain, anyway!” you point out, remembering being pissed off when hearing the reason why your seatmate left was because he was some kind of sport prodigy, basically having his entire future as a star secured at the age of thirteen.
“My parents would’ve killed me and held me by my feet if I flunked.” Itoshi grimaced, kissing his teeth and brushing his hair back as it had fallen over his eyes. His cheeks had returned to its usual color, removing the red flush of running and exhaustion.
“Huh, I guess I should be credited for your success. Spain should thank me.”
“Are we forgetting that I’m the one who plays the sport?” Sae’s voice came out harsher than he intended and cut through the playful atmosphere by the first syllable. His demeanor appeared unchanged but he felt himself tense. 
Conversation had never been strong for Sae, only ever talking when he needed to and the most of his words going to his teammates on the field or his little brother. His success was a sensitive subject whether he liked to admit it or not. Spain served as an eye-opener to the teenage boy, being left in a country where no one looked like you and no one spoke your language. The only thing he could rely on was a translator he barely trusted and the expressions of the people around him. 
When you don’t respond, Sae observes your face, noticing how you began to fidget with your fingers just as you had when you first stepped out of the car. You weren’t his previous coaches; you were just a former classmate who he happened to run into, or rather, you drove into. It was too late to laugh and he felt slightly guilty at freaking out someone that wasn’t his brother, an opponent, or a bothersome news anchor. 
“If you want to repay me for the ball, meet me at the sports store nearby.”
“Sorry, but I don’t really know where you’re talking about,” you sheepishly reply, wanting to sink more into the ground with every word. You decide that talking to athletes is more tiring than playing an actual sport.
“Give me your number, I’ll send you the address.”
You hand him your phone, hoping he doesn’t comment on the horrendously cracked screen protector that you had been telling yourself to replace for months. At the same time, you also want him to notice the small possibility of him offering to buy you a new one, taking advantage of rich people or whatever. “I can pick you up if you don’t mind.”
“Should I trust you to drive me?” he asks, carefully looking between you and your car with his turquoise eyes as if analyzing his opponents on a field, only, this was a residential street and the only other player was a balding middle aged man walking his dog. 
“I mean, you’ll be my first passenger so you can find out for everyone else.”
“If I get into an accident I’ll sue you for real.”
“I’ll try not to, I don’t have a job anymore and I’m going to college soon so even if I do please be merciful I swear I have good intentions.”
“Pick me up tomorrow at 11 and I’ll give you a review,” he decides, handing over his phone with the contact ‘Sae Itoshi’ at the top of your phone and the name of a sports store sent to your conversation. You ponder for a moment about asking for a contact picture but you’d like to stay alive for at least one more day so you bid him farewell and sit back in the driver’s seat, hoping he doesn’t hate your taste in music when you turn the radio back on.
The Itoshi residence is rather normal, differing from your expectation of a lavish mansion with fountains and fences of gold, given that Sae was a famous athlete and his younger brother Rin was known throughout the prefecture for being a mini Sae. The previous night when you had just finished brushing your teeth, your phone screen illuminated with the presence of a new notification: a text from the older Itoshi.
>make sure you don’t have anything planned for tomorrow
>i’ll need to try each ball out
>you did this to yourself
>shitty driver
A jolt of pain had struck your pride, crumbling your ego at the realization that he was, unfortunately, right about needing to sacrifice your entire afternoon to babysit a (grown) stranger whom you haven’t talked to in years; those conversations were brief, lacking any substance to consider them actual conversations. For a moment, the thought of bailing on him had crossed your mind, the idea of leaving him stranded at his residence while you enjoyed a night in, marinating before a tumultuous college career seemed insatiably tempting. 
Disaster struck when you Googled Sae Itoshi’s net worth, his bank account leading you right to his front doorstep.
“Don’t get into any car accidents,” Sae told you as he dipped his head down to step into the passenger’s side of your car. You were suddenly struck with a moment of insecurity; a wealthy athlete who could probably buy your family and your ancestor’s mummified corpses is sitting in your car and is probably rich enough to get away with murdering you for having half a particle of dust fall onto his lap.
You realized you zoned out when Sae cleared his throat, blinking a few times at you with an unamused expression and eyebrows furrowed in judgment. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, man. Just trying to remember the name of the place you mentioned. It’s a technique I use where if I think really hard in the same place I was when I thought of that thought, that thought I had thought of can reappear in my thoughtless mind.” You aren’t sure if you understand what you’re saying but you think you can get away with spouting bullshit if you use enough hand movements like a person on TedTalk.
“What the actual fuck are you saying?” Sae doesn’t seem to believe you but you’re an innovator—you simplify the problem down to something the average person (underling) can understand. 
“Can you give me the address again..?”
“You’re a freak.”
Sae picks up your phone, which was opened to the navigator app, and quickly typed in the name of the sporting good’s shop he had mentioned the day before. It was a small place, smaller than you would expect a star athlete to go to for equipment but you suppose it makes sense at the same time: less people, less paparazzi, less crazed fans, and a selection of items picked specifically for trained athletes. 
“So, uh, are you gonna make me pay for the ball too ‘cause I’m at least, like, five yen in student loan debt,” you sheepishly ask, hoping Sae can appreciate your humility in being a college student, taking a step forward in life by pursuing a higher education. 
“How cheap are you?” Sae scoffs, letting out a sound that started off as half of a chuckle but ended as a constipated grunt, making him sound like a diseased lab-grown goat that was raised by war-stricken alien society. You think Sae should become an experimental musical artist if soccer doesn’t work out, sorta like a fucked up version of Björk who’s slightly less musically talented and a total cunt instead. 
“I’m not cheap! I’m just curious. I brought my credit card just in case. I’m a responsible adult; this is all for budgeting and logging my payments or whatever else people do to save money.”
“You’re lucky you’re funny,” Sae comments as if it’s the most nonchalant thing in the world. For you though, you almost stepped on the breaks and begged him to repeat what he said. It would have been just another condescending compliment from anyone else but Sae Itoshi is notorious for not humoring anyone in the media and you quickly realized, even those in real life. Before you could doubt your memory, Sae opens his mouth again. “You lucked out on pretty privilege. All the bullshit you say would not slide if it came from any other person. I’m convinced the only social experience you have is talking to a mud wall.”
Any negative statement he had made went through one ear and directly out the other, keeping only the compliments for your brain to process. Without noticing, a giddy smile appeared on your face and to Sae, it was wildly masochistic the way you tolerated his foul personality and even relishing in his attention—no matter good or bad. He could almost pity you, deducing your attitude as a lack of self respect, but you somehow manage to surprise him every time.
“Nah, I think I had a lot of friends. I don’t know if we were actually friends but I knew their names so it’s probably good enough. Speaking of, there was this guy named Kota who I knew when I was seven and he seemed pretty cool until I caught him picking at his feet in the middle of class. Sometimes I wonder how he’s doing and if he’s still collecting foot gunk. But yeah, I think you’re just self projecting with the whole ‘no people, only soccer’ thing and moving to Spain with zero spanish skills. Damn, wait, that’s kinda sad. Shit, now I feel bad,” you take a look at Sae, searching for any sort of discomfort or offense but he simply shrugged. 
“It’s whatever, they all bothered me anyways. I was there to play soccer, not make lifelong friends. It’s not like I’m gonna stay in Spain forever. I’m back in Japan to renew my passport ‘cause I know I’m gonna come back eventually.”
“You’ve already made a name for yourself and you’re making insane money that can last more than a lifetime for the average person once your contract is over. It’s not gonna be long before you get onto the Olympic team for Japan. When you do make it on, you better thank me for making sure you kept on playing by bringing you to buy a replacement for a ball I ran over.”
You drove into a parking lot with two other cars directly in front of the sports shop. The building was in the middle of a small plaza, adjacent to an udon shop and a bar. It was undoubtedly an odd place for a sports shop to be and that might have been what caught Sae’s eye in the first place. In the window display, a tennis racket and a pair of soccer cleats are put on display and on the glass door, countless advertisements for events and brands are taped on, each barely correlating to the others.
Right in the corner of the shop is the checkout where an elderly man sits, scribbling something in a beaten journal. There is a stack of newspapers behind him, every issue marked with highlighted annotations and then neatly folded as if it were untouched. Sae greeted the man and turned to find someone else, this time, being a younger man who appeared to be in his thirties or forties. He gave Sae a warm smile and shook his hand, not as a business partner, but as an acquaintance. 
It’s here that you realize you’ll never be able to see the world the way Sae does. In your car he was just another boy in your neighborhood that you decided to get to know. But to others, he was Sae Itoshi, a prodigy who could conquer the world with just himself and a pair of cleats. Although his eyes are dimmed and his apathy anything but silent, his shine was lost to know one and when he boards a plane back to Spain while you settle into college, you think you’d be content calling him a shooting star.
Sae notices that you stopped following him and turns around in confusion, tilting his head to motion you to follow him. It takes a breath before you put your hands in the pocket of your jacket and tentatively follow him. It wasn’t until you walked into the store that you truly realized how out of place you felt and if it were just you and Sae, you might’ve thought to ask him what everything did. He’d call you a dense fuck and tell you that he plays soccer, that he doesn’t deal with anything else. You had even the smallest bit of shame so you kept your mouth shut and continued to trail after him, stealing glances at the stacked shelves until the employee came to a halt.
Before you was a wall, lined with four shelves of nothing but soccer balls, each decorated with the signatures of different brands and their series’.
“The guy said I can try them out in the back.” Sae tapped your shoulder and grabbed onto the fabric of your jacket, dragging you with him like a pet cat. “They have a lot of empty space there. You can help me carry everything I want to try.”
Agreeing turned out to be a mistake. In your arms you struggled to carry six different balls, with Sae dribbling one between his feet as the owner of the stop unlocked the door to the back where Sae would be testing things out. You felt like an overworked butler from some bad comic and in your head, you imagined yourself as a fainting princess—a damsel in distress being overworked by the evil kingdom in which she is supposed to be respected.
“Stop being dramatic,” Sae sighed, noticing your dejected pout and lost eyes. He could almost pity you if you didn’t look comically pathetic in the moment, almost adorable if he wanted to be slightly sentimental. “You can put them all down now. Just sit here and wait. Take a nap or something, you’ll be fine.”
The lack of standards you have would be an issue to address at a later date because the barely comforting words of the ever eloquent motivational speaker Sae Itoshi had you immediately perking up and cheering for him.
“Go! Go! You got this! Get that goal, ugly!”
“Who are you calling ugly? I could knock you out with this ball, you know. If you want to be supportive, don't be a freak.”
“Are you really gonna disrespect the only fan you have at the moment? What if I tweet about this and get you canceled or some shit?”
“Do you really think I care about that?”
“Whatever. Do what you want.”
“Kick that ball, little boy! You’re a prodigy! Number one soccer player in the world! Bend that net over!”
By the time Sae had finished shooting several goals and alternating dribbling between them at least five times, the sun had set and your throat was sore from bullshit cheering, half of which were incoherent sounds of moral support. Sae grabbed an unopened box of the ball he had chosen and denied a pump when offered one. When he placed the cardboard packaging onto the checkout table, your wallet was in your hand and ready to check out and pay off your debt to the Itoshi. 
However, you were met with a receipt in your hand instead and a farewell from the owner, bidding you and Sae a happy rest of your day. You quickly turned your head toward Sae, mouth agape as your brain twitched, trying to process if he was fucking with you or not.
“Do you want me to pay you online or write a check or what? Wait, why did you pay? I thought I owed you it? My complaining earlier was all joking. I literally popped your old ball. The least I can do is pay for a new one!” You rant, quickly taking your phone out of your bag to open up your banking app but Sae was quicker to take your hand in his and bring it down to where it was before.
“And I was fucking with you too, dumbass. Or are you too stupid to remember back in the car how I didn’t respond to you asking if you needed to pay? Start listening, will you?”
“I think this is the meanest act of generosity I’ve ever seen.”
“I’m not being generous, I’m telling you that you owe me something else.”
“What the fuck?” You’re perplexed by the audacity of this man. You hope his athletic career flops and every brand deal that he has gotten offered drops him. “Are you gonna start charging me an insane amount of interest like a loan shark? Dude, aren’t you rich?”
“I’m not asking for money.”
“Then what is it?”
“Go on a date with me.”
“Are you being for real right now?” You’re still perplexed by the audacity of this man. You’re perplexed by how his words are chosen to form the most foul sentences with sweet meanings. You’re perplexed by how out of all who know him, and all whom he knows, he would take an interest in you. But you’re a selfish person—if Sae Itoshi is offering his beauty and his awful personality to you, then you’ll take it with all your heart. 
You move to Sae’s side, putting everything in your hands into your bag and intertwining your fingers with his, a dumb smile planted on your face. As you skip to the car and swing your hands between the two of you, Sae Itoshi’s grin is highlighted by the golden glow of the setting sun. 
He really can’t wait to come home.
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moonsaver ¡ 7 months
Consider... Dr. Ratio getting a (yandere?) crush on a student from a different department. Not one of his students. Meet-cute without his stone head on so the student doesn't know he's *that* professor. Poor student has no idea who their new friend is they're opening up to
My favorite request thus far! Im gonna try my best, anon.
I imagine it happens when student reader is running an errand and has to go to the different department for it, and Dr Ratio is someone they meet along the way in a bit of a secluded corner, tapping his foot and thinking deeply, maybe even saying things out loud to himself when student reader chimes in and asks about it. One thing leads to another and you actually end up getting along.
I imagine it happens again, once in a while, every two weeks or so, and Dr. Ratio doesn't quite introduce himself – he probably assumes as a student you're well aware of things, and just doesn't feel the need to, since both of you just talk enough to problem-solve and share opinions and facts. It only starts to dawn on him that you probably don't know him until you bring up one of your classmates who transferred departments talking about their professor with an alabastor head that has no mercy at all. His eyebrows are slightly furrowed as he contemplates whether he even wants to tell you.. but he likes the arrangement both of you have. It's enough that both of you are meeting like this, no? You don't need to know who he "really" is.
And by that time, he doesn't realise just how much he actually likes your company. You open up to him in a leisurely manner, and he's.. pleasantly surprised. Considering Dr. Ratio, I imagine he doesn't actually have people confiding in him, or talking to him normally, since his mind is constantly racing. This change of pace with someone who actually understands him is enough to keep his attention.
Of course, he needs to tone down his own prodding and pushing. Technically speaking, even "if" he's taken a "bit" of a liking to you, you're still not his student.. it's a pity.
He knows the exact classes you could thrive in, the course material he's sure you would devour, and the exact assignments he's recently sent out to his students that he knows you'd accomplish well. Sometimes during your conversations, he throws in a few topics and suggests that.. ahem, Dr. Ratio's course covers thoroughly. It feels weird to refer to himself in third person, but he adjusts naturally, and he has to stop himself from immediately getting on the defensive when you point out your own issues with his infamously rigorous course.
Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact he wants to see you more often, even if it means you'll recognize him as a professor with his alabastor head on instead of your new friend that's a bit eccentric. He would love having you as a student, just the potential you have is enough to excite him. The smile on your face after you solve a difficult problem, your rambling about the amount of homework your useless professors have drowned you with, the chirp in your voice as you call out to him in greeting, still unsure of what his name is.. surely, management won't say anything if Dr. Ratio himself takes matters into his own hands and transfer you into his department?
And when you turn up to his office, his alabastor head is on as he effortlessly shoots down any of your protests.
But.. if you continue being uncooperative, fine. Go back to your own department. It doesn't take much to sabotage, Veritas has learned. Just a bit of setting up is enough to ruin your assignments, destroy some of your projects, tarnish your reputation among your professors.. it's simple. Now, now.. instead of trying to problem-solve, why don't you just listen to that eccentric, strange friend of yours and join his department instead? He'll help you out thoroughly.
It doesn't take long after you've shifted departments, and you find out your strange new friend was your stubborn, unhearing professor.. now, it's a pity, but you'll have to stay after classes. Hm? No, no. He won't bother listening to you. You have a lot to cover, and now that he's not keeping any secrets from you, he wants to hear everything about you in thorough detail. Don't think about getting away, either. He'll talk with security and management to allow you to stay much further after hours. No one's willing to help you escape. Now.. there's so much material to cover, so let him teach you on a personal level. That should get you going more easily.
He decides on keeping his alabastor head aside, staring intently at you as you scribble away the mountains of assignments he's just given. You're not allowed to get distracted. If you even so much as lift your head to look aside from him, or your homework, he's quick to guide you by his fingers on your chin towards him, a scowl on his face. For goodness' sake, at least look at your professor if you want to stop writing. He's still your little friend, isn't he? How about you tell him all about that classmate you were getting so chummy with? Don't lie now – he saw everything. It doesn't matter that he's in a different department, it's better if he knows. You're both.. close,no? This is just something friends share with each other. Or do you need an extra lesson taught by him personally?
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adventuringblind ¡ 11 months
Any chance you could do Lando x AUDHD (Autism&ADHD) reader?? Either just him or poly with Oscar, maybe Oscar try a keep them both in line??
The Responsible One
Landoscar x Reader
Summary: Oscar reflects back on the chaotic duo he has for partners
Warnings: none :)
Notes: Lando is ADHD coded... change my mind, I dare you. Also, a life update for you all! I know things have slowed down, but I am still writing! I've been working my ass off and getting ready to start my masters program, so life has been insane. Thank you all for the continued support! ❤️
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It certainly wasn't anything new to Oscar, having to manage both Lando and their girlfriend. The chaos they bring with every footstep is insane, but he loves them both dearly.
One time, he found them deep in a conversation about the difference between chocolate and vanilla. Sometimes, he gets absoloute silence only to be interrupted by Lando's strange thoughts that he just needs to say.
Don't get him started on taking them anywhere out to eat. He hates anything to do with it because both of them have differening food sensory issues. It's a pain to get them to agree on anything.
His favorite moments are when both of them are incredibly clingy. It's like being suffocated with hugs, kisses, and cuddles. It's an amazing way to die if you ask him.
He once had to run around looking for them because neither was getting back to him. Turns out they were asleep on the floor together. Blankets tangled with their limbs. Rain sounds playing from somebody's phone. They looked so cute and peaceful, and Oscar does love to sleep. So the Australian joined them in their huddle on the floor.
Speaking of the floor: why are they both obsessed with it? He can't tell you exactly why, but they both love it. Floor time is an essential part of their day that Oscar has adapted to. When Kim started finding him on the floor, he laughed and said, "Oscar! They got you, too!" Apparently, Max also likes the floor because of them. Then Charles started because of Max. The domino effect her supposes.
The one thing he spends most of his time trying to figure out is volume. Specifically why Lando can be quite on second and not the next. It's a jump from word to word sometimes. Whereas the female is so random, he can't predict it. He wouldn't mind it, except for when they set each other off, and then she gets overstimulated. Lando feels so bad that he has to apologize at the end of every sentence for the rest of the day.
He spends many hours trying to soothe both of them. He knows, however, that's at the end, he will be treated to comfort food and a movie. Not because he needs it neccecarily, but because the other two do, and he gets to reap the benefits.
Humor and jokes with the two are his favorite. One of them is blunt, and she loves to tell people like it is. She has no filter really and is a deadpan like Oscar himself. The other can't lie to save his life but tries. He lacks a filter in such a strange way that really Oscar never knows what he's going to say. Oscar is constantly having to hold in his laughs.
They both talk his ear off about random information about the things they love, but he could listen to them all day. They get overstimulated and need breaks. But he's happy to provide a safe space. They cuddle and hug and cling to each other, but he basks in it.
They love him unconditionally, including him. They make him feel wanted.
And it doesn't matter him to him how many people ask him why, or how many tell him they are too chaotic. He could care less. He loves them because they are the definition of distraction walking around as humans.
They are his chaos. He doesn't mind being the responsible one if he gets to keep laying on the floor listening to their ramblings.
And what can he say? It's fun to watch them be brutally honest with people.
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cowgurrrl ¡ 2 years
More domestic Joel Miller headcanons because I can’t stop thinking about him
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When Tommy and Maria have their daughter, Joel absolutely falls in love with her. You two take turns helping the new parents out so they can get some sleep which means you get to watch Joel hold the tiny baby
He will bounce her around the dimly lit room, humming whatever song is stuck in his head, and his curls are a mess on top of his head and he looks so tired but he’s so happy
As she gets older, she clings to him and cannot get enough of him
One time you were walking through town together and you heard a very loud “UNCA JOE” coming from behind you
Joel lit up like a Christmas tree when he turned around and saw the little girl abandoning Maria to rush across the town square and into his arms
She and Ellie become fast friends and the two become little trouble makers despite their 14 year age gap
Speaking of trouble, Ellie constantly makes fun of how affectionate you and Joel are at home. On patrol, you keep it professional and barely even kiss each other goodbye. But, once you’re in the comfort of your own home, all bets are off
This man was so touch-starved for so many years but now that he has you, he is the clingiest man alive
Joel will come up behind you when you’re doing something and wrap his arms around you, kiss your neck, tickle you, whatever he needs to do to distract you
He LOOOVVVEEESSS laying his head in your lap and letting you run your fingers through his hair while you ramble about your day
Can’t fall asleep unless he’s touching some part of you
He has a horrible habit of smacking your ass any chance he gets (poor Ellie)
“You guys are gross,” she’s yelled across the room so many times you’ve lost count. Joel thinks it’s hilarious each time
“You’re gross,” he’ll accuse before letting go of you and turning to face her. “You don’t have to be so jealous. There’s enough Joel Miller to go around.” He teases before wrapping her in a big hug and spinning her around the room
Her squeals of laughter could power a whole city as she screams at him to put her down
Loves cooking even if it took him a long time to learn
You and Ellie grinned your way through some truly awful meals but he got better and now you actually look forward to when he cooks
Teaches Ellie how to cook even though she’s more impatient than he is
You manage to snap a Polaroid of the two of them at the stove with their backs to you and under it you wrote “Chefs Miller + Williams”
Oh my god the nicknames they would come up with for each other
Ellie Bellie was the first one and then it quickly divulged into Elle Belle, Bellie, Smellie, Smell, Elle, and so many more
At one point, you were each calling her Beleanor Roosevelt
Joel’s nicknames get cycled through pretty quickly: Joey, Jo Bro, Joel Bowl, Bowl, Grumpy McGrumps (curtesy of Ellie), Goel (Joel’s drunk alter-ego) and whatever else ends up sticking
Joel is one of the most intelligent men you have ever met and you would (and have) trusted him with your life but Jesus Christ is he oblivious when Ellie starts dating
Sarah wasn’t really interested in dating so Joel never had to talk to her about anything but with Ellie EVERYTHING is different
Ellie never really came out in the sense that she never sat you two down to have an emotional conversation. She just kinda came home with Cat and told you she was her girlfriend
You were being a typical protective figure for Ellie and asked Cat lots of questions but even then you weren’t sure if you thought Cat was right for Ellie. Joel, however, was surprisingly quick to welcome Cat and didn’t have any qualms about Ellie dating
When you asked him about it later, he shrugged and said, “I think it’s nice that Ellie has good girlfriends like her”
“No, Joel. Cat is Ellie’s girlfriend not a girlfriend”
“I’m lost”
Once you explain it to him, he goes into Ellie’s room and they talk for a long time about God knows what
Joel Miller may be from Texas but that man supports his daughter, no matter what
Neither of you ended up being a huge fan of Cat but once Ellie and Dina start dating, it’s over
Joel invites Dina over for dinner every chance he gets and embarrasses Ellie each time but Dina loves it
Subtly tries to teach Ellie love songs on the guitar
Ellie subtly lets him
You subtly fall deeper in love and the life you have built with them
In conclusion, Joel Miller would be the sweetest little domestic guy if given the chance.
Give me my last paragraph back or give me death 🍓🍓🍓
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saintblk ¡ 1 year
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contains: sexual content, vulgar language, black coded!afab!reader
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CAMBOY!DICK GRAYSON who consistently finds himself trending on twitter. y'all did not hear this from me, but twitter porn was where i found the best porn. he wears a poorly made, cheap, half-face batman mask he found in the costume aisle of a target. he snorted and placed it in his cart but found it absolutely hilarious using it to keep his anonymity as a camboy months later.
CAMBOY!DICK GRAYSON turns his webcam on after a stressful night of crime fighting and comes to the conclusion that he needs to unwind. the tips quickly roll in as soon as his live starts, causing him to break into that toothy grin that makes everyone swoon and keyboard smash in the comments. during some casual small talk, he reaches into his boxers and pulls out his member to stroke. a groan or two break out of his throat every so often until the conversation ends because all he can focus on is the feeling of his hand wrapped around his shaft, pumping desperately for release.
CAMBOY!DICK GRAYSON who meets you while picking little damian up from school. it just so happens you're there to pick up your little brother as well, and you're dressed in the smallest skirt and tightest crop top. turns out you were new to gotham and moved in with your family while paying off your college debt. every inch of you seemed to be glistening, and the scent of your cocoa butter moisturizer filled his head with sinful thoughts. so in true dick grayson manner, he manages to charm you into bring your little brother over to make nice with damian, who seems utterly mortified at the thought. you accept anyway with a cheeky smile and put your number into dick's phone.
CAMBOY!DICK GRAYSON has you bent over nearly every surface of his apartment soon enough. he's completely infatuated with you and baffled at what was supposed to be a fling becoming far more. the hold you had on him was beyond that of your tight cunt clenching around his length, though that was part of it. dick finds himself allowing you to do what no other woman had done. he lets you stay the night, let's you make breakfast after some life-changing morning sex. he even allows you to parade around his apartment with just his shirt on while he simply takes in the view.
CAMBOY!DICK GRAYSON who makes love to you on camera for all his fans to see. he's got you wearing a cat-woman mask just as poorly made as his own, that tickles his face just a bit whenever he leans down to kiss you. his fingers intertwine with your's as you wrap your legs around his waist to keep him inside you. he fucks you with reckless abandon and makes you lose all rational thought. he cums with you that night, planting soft kisses on your warm skin and whispering secret 'i love yous' meant only for your ears.
CAMBOY!DICK GRAYSON is exceptionally good at aftercare. as soon as he shuts the camera off, he's slipping the mask off and scooping you up in his arms to run the two of you a warm bath. it soothes your sore muscles, and hearing his words of praise make you feel like you're on cloud nine.
"so good for me..." he hums with a peck to the shell of your ear. "did so well, baby."
you bite your lip and sink into his hold just as he urges you to talk about your day. you ramble about any and everything and camboy!dick listens as though every word you speak is worth more than gold. any moment with you is treasured by him considering his job as nightwing kept him from you during the nights. camboy!dick relishes in the tranquility of it all and basks in the moment. there and then is when he decides holding you in his arms is a far better alternative to winding down than webcamming ever was.
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2023 ©️ all rights reserved by saintblk (me) | do not copy, repost, promote, or translate any of my works without my permission
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tropes-and-tales ¡ 1 year
moving person a by their waist with our boy bob floyd?
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The Hard Deck is more crowded than usual.  It’s standing room only, the press of bodies making the bar loud and hot.  Lieutenant Bob Floyd, resident wallflower, can’t seem to move without bumping into someone or brushing against someone else.  Every time he breathes he’s elbowing someone, then apologizing profusely.
It’s a bad night to be so flustered.  Hangman’s cousin is back in town and charming the crowd by switching off on the piano with Rooster.  You’re the only person who can rouse everyone to sing along, even the more reserved fly-boys in the crowd.
“Helps to know more than one Jerry Lee Lewis song,” you told Bob once, and then you’d dropped him a wink, cementing the fatal crush he’s been nursing for you.  
It’s not ideal, falling for an extended member of the Seresin family (though your last name is different), but you’ve cast your smug cousin in a more sympathetic light for the Dagger Squad.  Jake’s less smarmy, more soft when you’re around.  Family smooths out his rough edges, it seems.
Tonight, you and Rooster trade off.  Rooster, galled by your success at the piano, has tried to learn some new fare.  His results are middling, and Bob can see the way he pouts as he cedes the piano stool to you once he wraps up his faltering version of the Beatles’ “Hey Jude.”
Bob can also see the brilliant grin you flash Rooster as you settle into your seat and start to play Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing.”
Which the crowd eats up, of course.  You know what the fan favorites are.
Bob has always been content to just watch you, to nurse his crush from afar.  You swing through San Diego every other month, and you always stop to see Jake.  Bob is usually there for at least part of your visit—at the Hard Deck or on the beach—but he rarely is proactive to speak to you.  Any conversation is driven by you.
Tonight, he loses sight of you once the dueling pianos bit ends.  He finds you again chatting with Nat, and a beat after his eyes fall on the two of you, Nat catches his gaze and grins at him.  She jerks her head in a “c’mere” gesture.
Bob obliges.  He weaves his way through the crush of people until he’s standing by you and Nat.
“You looked lonely, standing by yourself,” Nat says.
He shakes his head, offers a rueful grin.  “Oh, no, I’m fine.”
“Are you sad the musical portion of tonight’s programming ended?” you ask.  “It’s a little obnoxious, right?”
He demurs that too, tells you that maybe Rooster is obnoxious with just playing the same song over and over, but no—he likes your piano-playing, he thinks your voice is lovely…he rambles for a long moment until he catches movement:  Nat shaking her head faintly with a bemused smile on her face.
“Ah,” he says, cutting himself off.  “I’m ramblin’.”  His accent comes out and he winces inwardly, worried you’ll think him a hick—
You laugh and reach out, smack his shoulder lightly with the back of your hand.  “Bobby, you can ramble any time if you keep paying me compliments.”
Bobby.  You’ve always called him that, back when Jake introduced you.  He loves the way it sounds coming from your mouth.
Your sudden touch, your light teasing…it makes his brain short-circuit.  He gapes at you wordlessly for too long of a moment, then he notices your empty glass.
“Can I get you a refill?” he asks, but it comes out too fast and too high-pitched.  
You laugh again and hand him your glass.  “That would be really nice.  Thank you.”
He takes it and practically sprints away.  He misses Nat’s knowing look.  He misses the way his pilot nods, turns to you, and says, “he’s got a crush on you.”  And he misses the way you nod back at Nat and murmur that yes, you’ve noticed.
The bar is just as crowded, if not more so, and Bob finds himself lost in the crowd.
He tries to flag down Penny and the other bartender, but there’s always someone flashier, bigger, louder to pull attention away from Bob to themselves.
Which is typical.  Bob Floyd has always faded into the background.  And it’s usually a blessing, since he’s introverted anyway.  But sometimes?
Sometimes he wishes he could stand out, just a little.  Just enough to maybe catch the eye of a certain Seresin cousin—
His train of thought is cut off by the feeling of a hand on his shoulder, this time a gentle, tentative press to get his attention.  He turns his head and sees you, smiling softly at him.
“No luck?” you ask.
He lifts a hand, lets it fall helplessly.  “It’s too busy.  I’m sorry.”
You still have your hand on his shoulder.  You squeeze him gently, say, “here, let me,” and then your other hand is on his waist, gently leading him aside, pushing him away from the bar to make room for you.  He’s so flummoxed by the touch—probably just a casual, friendly touch for you, but it’s gasoline on the flames of his infatuation—that he lets you move him.
Then you release him, and you lift your hand and whistle, getting the attention of the bartender.  You order another drink for yourself, and you get one for Bob:  a Coke with a splash of grenadine.
“How’d you know my drink?” he asks.  He’s still flummoxed:  first by your touch, now by you knowing his non-alcoholic beverage of choice.  It feels like his world is tilting off its axis, throwing everything askew.
“I noticed,” you answer with a shrug.
“No one’s ever noticed before.”
Another shrug, this time paired with a smile.  “I did.”  
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transingsomeformers ¡ 6 months
something thats been eating at my mind to write/draw but if my boy hotrod/rodimus guest appeared in rescue bots this is whats been swimming around in my brain a while rambles down below
he wouldnt be like the main main focus hed be a guest star ofc
a new bot shows up on the island in vehicle form at first, but thats not really subtle cause hes a racecar and everybody is like "whats a racecar doing by this lake?" one that nobody super recognizes at first glance except fr salvage and blurr.
and blurr starts getting ecstatic when the bot transforms and its hot rod! (studio applause) and while blurr is going a lil nuts with excitement salvage fills them in that hes an old racer from velocitron and blurr is all like
"dude, hes not just 'an old racer' hes one of the greatest racers velocitron has ever seen!!!" and he starts infodumping abt him and in the back of his mind heatwave is like "greaaat another bot who doesnt think before he acts we gotta deal with" so they all go and approach him to find out what hes doing there
and blurr is really excited cause he thinks hot rod is so freaking cool and they can race and he can show hot rod his moves but hes not there on any kind of autobot business or even for racing much to everyones surprise.
hes only there to go fishing.
hes on vacation and been really excited for his fishing trip that hes been planning especially on a bot friendly island and by god hes looking to catch himself a real prize to brag about to the boys back home.
chief burns perks up at this, and its about time for the burn's annual fishing trip so they kinda end up combining the two trips. hot rods down for any good spots, and the others (mainly heatwave) wanna keep an eye on him
so the next day they all get ready and they go on the burn's trip first and are out to sea.
Salvage wants to try out something hes been working on around their spot and he stays on shore
Blurr is disappointed that hotrod isnt there to race but hes not passing up an opportunity to hang out with hot rod so he offers to go out with them on the water even tho he couldnt care less about fish. and maybe he can talk him into a small match later. Salvage kinda warns him not to get his hopes up, and that maybe he should take time to talk about other things with him. (blurr kind of blows him off tho which ruuuuuude!!! be nice!!!)
They get out on the water and everyone else is rlly casual and hit it off with hotrod p well. the burns family exchange stories with him, he talks about the states hes visited with some friends of his on earth. and ofc the conversation circles back around to the different fish hes caught chase questions if he has the proper liscenses for that. to which hotrod pulls up copies of some fr the different states he been in (all of them have the last name witwicky on them ;) ) all in all everyone is having a good time
everyone but blurr. he was hoping that maybe he could get some tips on racing, or anything to do with racing at all while theyre out there but hot rod's just really passionate about this trout he caught out in oregon and its driving him nuts. he ends up moping about it and just goes back to shore with blades cause he forgot his little hat and its just not the same without it.
They get back to the shore and salvage asks how its going and blades is like "Oh its great! turns out he speaks a bit of pirate too!" and stuff and blurr is sarchastically like "yeah its greaaaat" and they both kinda give him a look.
salvage is like "i take it hes not quite what you thought hed be like huh" and blurr is just "HE ONLY CARES ABOUT FISH. im never gonna be friends with him at this rate, hotrod is nothing like i thought he would be. im just gonna go back to hq"
and blades nd salvage just kind of look at each other and blades blades laughs a lil bit and blurrs a little peeved hes laughing but then they all get to talking a bit cause this reminds blades of when he was first getting to know bumblebee after their first meeting and he tells blurr a bit about it cause it was a bit awkward fr a while
blades had some ideas fr how exactly it was gonna be with bee and bee while he was enjoying hanging out just kinda asked him
"Do you want to be friends with me, or just the idea of me?"
and it made him stop and reevaluate things a little. ultimatley fr the better cause that kinda helped blades to take bee off the pedestal he had him on and just start really connecting with him just as he was.
and blades asks blurr if he was actually looking to be friends with hotrod or just the idea of how theyd be in his head and blurr kinda sits on that fr a bit without really saying anything
and salvage talks abt the time he and blurr first met a long lonnnng time ago and that the first impressions they had of each other weren't the best admittently and that salvage thought he really didnt have much in common with blurr but one day after they got to talking and racing came up in the convo and salvage saw a lot of the passion he had about it and it reminded him about a lot of his own passion for creating/inventing, he tells him that maybe you just need to give it some time and ask him about his other interests as well. really engage with him on it.
blades finally remembers he was there to grab his hat so he does and hes about to head back to the boat and blurrs like "wait, let me come back with you" and he gives it another chance
and it ends up working out. he asks him some more about his previous travels and they all start fishing again and the competitiveness rlly comes out in hotrod cause hes determined to catch the most and the biggest fish out of everyone on the trip now and blurrs trying to beat him and shenannigeans and hijinks ensue but they end up really connecting after that.
soon they get back to shore and everyone goes back to hq and theyre having fun and chatting late into the night hot rod decides he wants to take a quick ride around the island and he gets the ok and he asks blurr if he wants to join him!!!
blurrs really excited cause this is what he orignally wanted and was waiting for...but...
he turns him down, theyre hanging out again tommorrow anyway gotta make sure hes ready and all that and htos rods like "cant argue with that see ya tommorrow" and heads out
blurr goes down to where salvage is and just kinda watches as hes working on his projects and blurrs like "so uh... that thing you were workin on today... I didnt get the chance to see it in action..." and salvage glances over at him fr a second and then he smiles and they get to really chatting and talking abt it
and the first moral of this story is don't put people on a pedestal, take time to get to know them for who they are
but the second and most important moral is that there should be rodimus fishing memes
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thats all i got rn
and reading this back this feels more like a bad my little pony plotline but yknow what that is ok.
friendship IS magic and the fish ARE biting
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goldfish-or-smthing ¡ 2 years
The Tedependent Masterpost
Essentially my deluded ramblings as to why I’m a Tedependent truther 😊
DISCLAIMER: I love TL and no matter what direction the writers take S3 in I will be on board! This is just a theory from some lil' details I noticed 😊Also so that if I turn out to be right I can say I told you so :o but if I’m wrong uhhhh.. you never saw this
Some various important notes before we get into it:
Firstly, I think it’s pretty likely that sexuality will come up in some form in S3. It fits in really well with the previous themes of the show (masculinity, mental health, relationships with fathers etc). TL has tackled some other issues such as the portrayal of mental health in sport but they haven’t mentioned sexuality yet despite it being a big topic (there’s only 1 out gay footballer… which is INSANE.. there’s a LOT of homophobia in football). So it makes a lot of sense for this to come up during S3. A lot of people have also theorized that Colin is gay and although I’m not going to go into that now I think it’s pretty likely and considering that Colin was one of Nate’s main “victims” (for want of a better word) it’s also likely that he’ll be more prominent in S3, perhaps even being a big part of Nate’s comeuppance. There’s also various rumours of Trent (and some say Colin too?) being seen filming at a gay nightclub in Amsterdam…
Here's an excerpt from an article interviewing Cristo FernĂĄndez, the actor who plays Dani Rojas, about the themes of season 3:
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Interesting stuff....
In terms of whether or not Ted will have a romantic relationship in S3 I think it’s pretty likely through the “rom-communism” speech and how generally wholesome the show is that Ted will end up in a relationship at the end- especially as it would be very satisfying for Ted to start the show in a bad relationship and end it in a healthy one. Also the teaser dropping on Valentines is very…… interesting. Despite this it could be argued that Ted has to go through more personal growth before he’s ready to be in a long term relationship and with Ted most likely leaving for Kansas at the end of S3 he might not be in a good position to get into a new relationship. This is probably one of the biggest holes in this theory- whether Ted is ready for a relationship in S3. If he is though, I can think of someone who would be a very good option…
Before we talk about Trent though (yes there still is more to address) we need to address the other main option- Rebecca. I think it’s pretty unlikely that Ted will end up with Rebecca. Firstly it’s very cliché and the writers know that people expect Ted and Rebecca to end up together. They teased it in S2 before the Sam bantr reveal which felt to me like the writers saying that they know it’s what people expect but that they’re choosing not to go that direction. Speaking of Sam, although he and Rebecca technically ended S2 not together it’s very clear that that arc is not over yet and that’s still something that has to be dealt with in S3. Ted and Rebecca’s relationship is an incredibly valuable representation of close friendships/platonic relationships between men and women, and I think the writers understand this too:
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To be clear, I don’t have any problem with people shipping Tedbecca! I actually think it can be quite a cute ship, I just don’t think it’s likely to happen in canon.
Now onto the fun bit! All the evidence!
I don’t think it’s in question that Trent is gay so I’m not really going to cover that here apart from saying that he leaves the pub with a man he’s seemingly on a date with an if you’re still not sold that he’s gay… just uh…. Just look at him..
First some quickfire evidence:
Ted calls Trent “baby”! s2 ep3 3 mins in! crazy stuff
S2 ep1 at about 6:20 Ted says “Trent Crimm, bringin’ that heat”- a reference to the very spicy Indian food they ate together
They speak more often than we see off-screen- we have the iconic “love our chats!” line implying that they have conversations outside of the show and Ted makes Trent’s daughter biscuits (s1 ep9 27:40), showing that he’s not only met Trent’s daughter before but is meeting her again soon to give her the biscuits
Slightly less quickfire evidence:
There’s a lot of similarities between Trent and Rebecca- this post details some of them, but there’s also similarities in lines- in s1 ep3 Ted says to Trent “watch your back Gay Talese there’s a new iconic profile about to be typed up by one Trent Crimm” then on s1 ep9 Ted says to Rebecca “watch your back Kate Moss there’s a new bad girl on the British modelling scene”. They also have very similar hair (look at the first two gifs of the above post), and the only two people Ted makes biscuits for on the show are Rebecca and Trent’s daughter. I believe this is a way of twisting the expectation that Rebecca and Ted are going to end up together to have Ted end up with someone similar, but not who people expect.
Some silly little scene analysis:
The first scene I’ll be talking about is s2, ep7, at about 31 minutes in. Before I go into depth about the details of this scene I’d suggest you rewatch it first, but I couldn’t find a clip of it on Youtube so just go to that timestamp. The first line in this scene is very strange- it’s Mae saying “If music be the food of love play on, give me excess of it”. This line seems completely pointless- it’s not really a joke, nor does it serve to further the plot or develop Mae’s character. But as I will repeat many times and cannot emphasise enough- lines in this show don’t get used lightly. This line is actually the opening line to Shakespeare’s most famous romantic comedy, Twelfth Night. And this line is used at the beginning of a scene with Ted and Trent when there’s seemingly NO REASON for it…. (I’m not going to get into the Shakespeare analysis now but if you want me to I will make a post about it :D)  We then see Trent saying goodbye to a man he’s on a date with- who has a moustache, no less. And THEN he says “of all the pub joints” which is a reference to the line “of all the gin joints” from the film Casablanca- and (mild spoilers for 3) the episode title of ep 8 is “We’ll never have Paris”, another reference to Casablanca. They end off this scene with Trent saying "Love our chats!". This line is reminiscent of when Ted asked Trent "What do you love?" in the Indian restaurant in s1 ep3, and also implies that they are closer than the show makes them seem.
Another very suspicious moment came at end of s2 ep12, which is the VERY LAST scene with Ted in the whole of S2. It’s also sandwiched in between the scenes about the other 2 major romantic relationships in the show- we get Sam and Rebecca, then Trent and Ted, then Roy and Keeley… Which in my opinion is a deliberate way of laying out these scenes to imply more about Trent and Ted’s relationship. Before I go on to talk about it here’s the clip for context: https://youtu.be/fF3A7XSk2HU (it’s pretty low quality so if you want to you can watch the clip at 44mins into s2 ep12). I think Trent waiting outside for Ted speaks for itself, but then there’s the line about the bike accident, where we learn that Trent doesn’t know how to ride a bike. Lines in this show are rarely used lightly and this is likely suggesting that we’ll get a scene of Trent learning how to ride a bike (potentially in Amsterdam?!). We then learn that Trent - and now I want you to listen closely on this part- has thrown away his entire career in journalism and his chance to ever work in journalism again by telling his boss that he revealed a source. And why did he do this? For Ted (...mostly. he has other reasons for leaving as well but...). Not only is this literally insane but by having Trent quit his job the writers have removed the only major barrier to Trent and Ted being in a relationship- whereas previously this might’ve been unethical because Trent was a journalist covering Richmond, that’s now no longer an issue. And then Trent has locked his keys in the car- which shows either how flustered he was when waiting to see Ted or could be implying that he’s here to stay.
Sorry for low quality but look at them. That is a normal way for two straight lads to look at another guy right?
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Bits from some interviews:
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Some would say that I'm mad. I'd argue that if you look at the evidence there's a solid chance that Tedtrent could happen in Season 3- the sneaky little references to Casablanca and Shakespeare as well as literally the whole of their last scene together sold me the most tbh. It's hardly debatable that Trent has a crush on Ted, but I believe (hehe) that it could be reciprocal- there's not much evidence that Ted is bisexual, (references to queen and the frequent appearance of their songs as well as the choice of NSync's song "Bye bye bye" which is frequently used on the internet to mean "Bi bi bi") but then again, there's not much evidence that he's not. I feel like I could go on and I've definitely missed some things but this post is already far too long (1.6k words) and I need to stop!
I’d be interested to hear everyone’s thoughts and opinions, and feel free to drop a comment telling me how deluded I am because in all honestly I probably am…. Or am I………….. guess we’ll find out in season 3!
If I’ve missed anything please lmk!
EDIT: ohhh my god I forgot- The scene w/ Ted and Trent at the end of s2 happens in the Richmond car park- just like Roy and Keeley in s1. And Ted met Michelle in a car park :)
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ravendruid ¡ 14 days
Vaxleth and number 28 a kiss in the rain👀
Helloooo! Thank you for sending a prompt, friend <3 Because this is a repeat prompt, I wrote it in the Be In My Eyes universe. It happens during the week between Chapter 29 and Chapter 30. (Here's the link to the entire fic, if y'all need a refresh *wink*)
A Kiss in the Snow
(Read on AO3)
Finals week is hell, that is widely known, but Vax’ildan is thankful to have someone who makes it a little bit more bearable, even though Keyleth can be an unending well of stress and anxiety, which, in turn, spikes his anxiety. They have been studying at the library most of the afternoon, and Keyleth has finally entered what Vax has started to call the ‘info-dumping out of her ears’ phase of studying, which is to say: Keyleth is not absorbing any new information but is instead dumping all she has studied on Vax. 
If he didn’t know how stressed she is and how much pressure she puts on herself to have the highest grades, Vax would find her rambling adorable, but as it is, Vax knows Keyleth is reaching her limit, and he knows the next stage is not going to be pretty, so he grabs the hand that has been twirling a pen for the past fifteen minutes, and decides, “We’re done for today, Kiki.”
“What? No I still need to review–”
“Nope. You’re done,” Vax takes the pen away from her and starts closing her books. “We are going home, maybe we’ll stop at the coffee shop for a hot cocoa, but we’re done studying today.”
Keyleth pouts and, for a second, Vax almost falters, but then he sees the twitch in the corner of her eyes that signifies stress and his will returns. “Don’t bother trying to convince me otherwise, Keyleth,” He says stoically, then starts putting away her stuff in her backpack. Keyleth resigns to his wishes with an eyeroll and takes her bag from Vax’s hand to finish packing while he packs his own stuff.
“You’re a buzzkill, Vax.” 
“You’ll thank me later when, instead of barging into my room crying for comfort, you’ll be nice and relaxed watching a movie with me.” Vax shrugs. Keyleth gives him a stink eye that he knows is because she won’t admit he’s right, then gets up and starts leaving. 
The snow crunches under their boots as they leave the library. Keyleth is all bundled up with a thick, woolen coat, a handmade knitted scarf and a beanie, but all Vax has is his hoodie on top of a long-sleeve, which, unfortunately, it’s not enough layers to keep the cold away.
“Aren’t you cold?” Keyleth points out. 
“Freezing, but what can I do?” Vax shrugs. He gets closer to Keyleth, who wraps her arm around his to try to get some body heat into him. “It’s not like I can afford clothes right now.” 
With the holidays coming up, the twins' bank account is growing emptier every day. Vax has already started looking for temporary jobs, but he hasn’t had much luck yet. Hopefully by the time the semester ends Vax will have found something. 
“Are you sure there is nothing I can do?” Keyleth asks, even though Vax has already made it clear that he doesn’t need her to go out of her way to make sure he’s clothed and fed—she actually ignored the last part because she keeps “accidentally” buying too many groceries and keeps “allowing” the twins to have her food, which Vax is secretly thankful for.
“I’m sure. I’m looking for a job, which should help. I think Vex has a job secured, too, for the break, so it’ll be alright.” Vax says. Keyleth drops the conversation and changes topics to exams, which makes Vax want to roll his eyes. He doesn’t do it, though. He knows Keyleth is anxious and she needs to talk about it, so he lets her speak until his ears start bleeding.
“And next semester I think I’m going to replace Anatomy with something a bit more fun,” Keyleth says, more to herself than to Vax.
“Anatomy is fun, though.” He jokes. Keyleth gives him an amused side eye that makes him snort.
“You say that because you’re the best in class at it,” She points out. Vax laughs at her argument. She’s so right. “What can I say… I love studying anatomy,” He jokes with a wink, then stops, turns to face Keyleth and leans close to her face. “Especially with you,” he whispers huskily. 
Vax loves when Keyleth gets this flustered around him, how her face grows increasingly red and her lips part in a shallow pant. He loves how her body seems to have a mind of its own and leans into him, how her hands usually end up fisting the clothes at his chest and pulling him flush against her. Vax loves the little reactions that he can only witness this close to her, the little twitches of her lips, the fluttering of her lashes, the upturn of the corner of her lips.
“May I kiss you?” He mutters. Keyleth’s eyes widen in surprise—at the request itself or the fact that Vax wants to kiss her, he doesn’t know—but she nods her consent, so Vax cups her face and kisses her softly.
Keyleth tastes like coffee and pastries, her lips are soft and warmer than Vax’s and so, so delicate. Vax could live like this forever, in her hold, kissing her in the middle of the street. He would do this every day for the rest of his life if he could, and Keyleth is not showing any signs that she wants to stop, anyway, so maybe they will.
Until something hits Vax’s forehead. Something damp and cold. Then another one hits the tip of his nose, and his hands, and his head. One after another, drops of rain start falling on them, growing increasingly faster, harder and colder. 
“Is it—” Keyleth interrupts the kiss to look up. Her eyes shine with glee as the first flake melts on the tip of her nose, then another on her forehead and she starts bubbling with laughter.
“It’s snowing,” Vax laughs. They hold hands in the snow, grinning at each other like fools. Keyleth’s face is rosy from the cold and the warmth of their kiss, and Vax knows he is just as flushed as she is.
The snow starts falling faster and, in less than a minute, their hairs are speckled with white, which makes Keyleth laugh again. She tries to wipe a few snowflakes out of Vax’s hair but he brings her hand to his cheek instead and melts at the warm touch. “You’re so beautiful,” Keyleth says in a hushed tone. “So are you,” he returns, cupping her cheek and leaning into her again. From this close, Vax can see the little bits of snow dusting Keyleth’s lashes, which, together with the inviting redness of her lips, makes him want to kiss her again.
“Yes,” Keyleth whispers as if she read Vax’s mind, then closes her eyes and leans until her lips are brushing his.
Vax doesn’t delay the kiss. He holds her tightly and lets their lips touch, then their tongues explore each other’s mouths. The snow keeps falling, faster and harder, and Vax knows they only have so much time before they need to run back home before they get soaked to the bone, but for now he is going to enjoy the moment and drink in the feeling of Keyleth’s lips on his as if it’s the last time he gets to do it.
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sak-supernatural ¡ 5 days
Just a quick poll because I feel like shit:
My rambling story if you care;
I work in a caffe/coffee shop and have been there for 2 years now. Things were pretty great to start with and they seemed to accept the fact that I'm autistic. But recently the tone has shifted and I am constantly being ordered around (things that I know to do and am usually in the active process of going to do). This is all coming from the bosses wife. I have been uncomfortable and annoyed with the tone she takes with me for a long time now, and things all came to a head this past week when she was running the shop more often than usual (she typically only does an hour here and there, and covers breaks). There were two incidents and if it had been handled with an ounce of professionalism I would not even have brought it up. The exact words that were spoken were; "just make the drinks, I don't want to hear any more about this" (in the tone one might speak to a disrespectful child). "This" being an order she had taken that was wrong. The customer came up to the till (I was running the till) to amend his order (he was wrong initially and offered to pay the difference, nice guy) and instead of letting me ask which drink he wanted to change she butted in and said; "oh that's OK we’ll get that for you", while having no idea what exactly needed to be changed. She then poured away the drink she thought was wrong (it was in fact one they wanted) and made us make two new drinks, one of which was completely the wrong thing! We (me and the other girl) had questioned this, and that's there she bit our heads off about it.
The other incident (the one that made me speak up) was about my timing on my lunch break. Apparently I was late (she has said this so many times). We have 30 minutes for lunch and when I got back from mine (I set 30 mins on my watch, every day) she whisper called me over, away from where I was working on clearing the backlog of dishes that were strewn all along the worktop in a mess that she had created. AND ACCUSED ME OF BEING NEARLY 10 MINUTES LATE! I was sick and tired of being spoken to with the disrespectful tone she was using so I stood my ground that I wasn't late (and she didn't like that). She is egotistical and can't accept that she can makes mistakes.
I want to quit so badly 😫. I tried to have a conversation with my boss about what was bothering me (you know, like he has insisted I come to him with any problems) and he just dismissed me completely. The ONLY thing he focused on was the lunch break and he pulled up the cameras, as it turns out I was apparently 3 WHOLE FUCKING GOD DAMN MINUTES LATE! 3 minutes! What the actual fuck is wrong with you if you think 3 minutes is rounded to 10?! And being told; "your break starts when I tell you to go, not when you sit down" and; "you need to be back, apron on, ready to work before the end of the 30 minutes". OK I think I've got it, so my break is not in fact 30 minutes it's more like 25 at a stretch. /pa Thanks for misinforming me, I greatly appreciate not being told the specifics. /s This also goes for when he said my performance had been "slipping" in the last few weeks, and when I asked exactly how and what I had been "slipping" in, HE WOULDN'T TELL ME! Because there wasn't really anything and he was just grasping at straws for something to throw in my face.
At least now I know where I stand (not valued) and can move forward from there, and as he directly said to me; "this is how things are going to be, and if you don't like it maybe this is not the place for you". No sir, an ableist, excuse making arse is not someone I want to work for.
The best part is my brother was sitting right near us in the caffe and heard the things that were being said to me. My family are all angry on by behalf and I'm trying to let that make me feel better. It's hard to keep being strong, and not fall into the belief that I'm the problem. I did nothing wrong in asking to talk through some problems, I'm just so done. 😔
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cowardlybean ¡ 11 months
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Hey. The Times They Are A Changin’ by @bandtrees and @tigsbitties amiright (muffled face down on the floor)
more (some unsettling things) beneath the cut :3
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(Image 3 is my favorite sequence from an animation for TTTAAAC I’ve been working on, so here it is just in case I never finish </3, image 4 is me thinking about Mob’s house. If. That makes sense.)
OH MAN. OH MAN OH MAN. this fic has altered my brain chemistry in a way that has doctors baffled and leaves tragedy in its wake!!!!!!!!! Absolutely a masterpiece I’ve reread it 3 times now and every time I notice a new detail, there’s just SO MUCH CARE put into it. I think I could write an essay about every page of this fic LMAO it honestly blows me away, huge kudos to everyone who was a part of the project!!!!
Especially the multimedia aspects, they were so much fun to find and in some cases decode (Scared the SHIT outta myself with Breathe I think it’s one of my favorites). the youtube videos were so cool as well
Realizing a third of the way in that things will never get better was such a gut wrenching experience, and by the time I realized just how deep the hole Mob dug himself into was it was absolutely too late for anything to happen (the end of act 1 was horrific in the most amazing way. So many things stuck with me: the state Reigen was left in compared to how he was, Ritsu’s “surgery”, Dimple losing his best friend, Shou’s report to the police, Minori’s conversation (if you can call it that) with Mob?? Bone. Chilling.
One of the parts that has been sitting in my gut is Reigen’s fall, where he starts to ramble through fragments of old times. I genuinely thought he was calling out to Mob until just as the same time Mob did I recognized the words and it hit me like a HAMMER. I don’t know how to put it into words but Reigen rambling on like a broken record tore me apart, and then it gets WORSE. I only realized on my second read that the intro of the fic. (Correct me if I’m wrong) IS REIGENS PERSPECTIVE OF MOB SEVERING HIS TENDONS???? Holy fuck. Holy FUCK. The vague semblance of consciousness written there is so deeply unsettling I’m absolutely OBSESSED with it. ESPECIALLY THE FACT THAT EVEN IN THAT STATE HE STILL WANTS MOB TO BE HAPPY (the cheer ^^ mob bit) and idk if I’m interpreting right (this is gonna be so embarrassing if I’m not) but him recognizing the filthy jacket as well. Taking me OUT. AND. AND THE FACT REIGEN NEVER SPEAKS AGAIN AFTER THAT?????? (I could be wrong oops)
The mental states of every character in the fic are written so chillingly well. I can understand how Mob spirals, the anger and grief Tome feels, Shou's spite and anger, Teruki's conflict, Dimple's loss of his best friend, Serizawa's waning optimism, I can't name every character in this fic but they are ALL characterized so well. There's no needless conflict that make them OOC, there's a reason behind every little tragedy building upon themselves and creating a giant disaster that deeply affects the entire cast. Not to mention how its not just the loss of Reigen and Ritsu, but the loss of Mob too. If they were to have died on impact, its unsettling to think that things may have turned out better than this.
There’s a lot of things I wanna say that would basically be restating the fic (dimple losing his best friend, teru shaving, and the irony of ritsu’s powers being taken away by mob) so instead of writing 20 more paragraphs I’ll ask some questions I’ve been mulling over (ofc yall don’t have to answer if it’s revealing too much or smth)
Does Mob actually end up getting investigated or arrested? The formatting of the social media posts and texts makes them seem as if they're evidence and so does the ongoing "interview?" with Shou throughout the fic
In the party, is Reigen saying he doesn't like citrus a reference to the lemon sour :eyes:
I'm probably missing something but im curious about the metaphor around Reigen and a stray cat (hair clinging to Mob's clothes, comparing him to a stray cat finding a place to die, comparing him to a cat outside Serizawa's door)
If I'm not wrong and the "glitchy" sections at the beginning and end of the fic are Reigen and Ritsu's povs respectively, is their mind constantly like that or is it just in the specific circumstances where they have a small burst of consciousness?
last (thats a lie im definitely drawing more fanart in the future) but not least, some notes from when I was re-reading
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sara-wishes ¡ 1 year
And July. - 민기 - prologue ☘️
☘️ Mingi x Female!Idol!Reader
☘️ warnings for this chapter: none.
☘️ now listening to: And July by HEIZE and DEAN
☘️ summary: When on her 4th comeback's backstage Y/N is unwillingly reunited with her brother, suddenly 8 boys are swept into her and her group mates' lifes. A tall boy in particular has taken a liking to Y/N and apparently, maybe... she feels the same?
(images after text)
Date: [10/24/2018]
The day had started early for you. Since the clock on the dorm had marked 5:00, you had been up. Mostly getting ready for the event of the day, the performance starring your group, lucyd, on Music Bank.
Although you could be feeling nervous about this, this was your 4th comeback already, and now it all came more naturally to you after 10 months officially on the job. 
But the ringing of your alarm had happened a long time ago by now. Right now? You found yourself on a mission-- finding Minho's dressing room (well, stray kids'), in the multitude of dressing rooms that Music Bank backstage counted with. 
You didn't actually mind taking your time to find it, you still had some to spare until you had to perform. Regardless, there was just a small issue that was actually bothering you. Your group mate, Marte (or sometimes Moriko for friends), was accompanying you. And she had not stopped rambling about anime since you had awakened this morning.
Really, you loved her, but being in the same dorm room, sometimes it got hard to handle. Hard to handle like the headache that you could notice growing from her constant screams and simping over some JoJo or something. 
It's not like you had a personal vendetta against anime, in fact, you yourself were a big fan, but sometimes, her obsession could get too much for everyone. 
...Or, maybe not everyone? 
As you made your way down the white colored corridor, you both encountered an unthinkable image. Two boys, a tall one and a shorter one, were walking your way. The taller one, making his incessant anime rambling audible to everyone, thanks to his enthusiasm and his deep, deep voice. The shorter one, clearly tired of his never ending monologue. 
'Wait... that guy... '
'Nah, no way. It can't be him.'
In an instant, Marte turned her neck a whole 90 degrees towards the larger boy, her weeb radar spiking uncontrollably. 
"Hey, you! Are you talking about JoJo's new episode?!" You wouldn't have ever believed her introvert ass could shout in the middle of a crowded hallway like that, but you clearly were proved wrong.
"Have you watched it too??" The guy answered (shouted) back to her, and rapidly sprinted your way. It didn't get him much to get to where you were, with his height, all that he had to do was stride across the hall. 
"Yeah, it was so good! I'm Marte by the way!" Normally, your eyes would've fallen out of their sockets because of how wide-eyed you'd be by now, over Marte interacting with someone else. But at the moment, your focus was only on the other man that had been walking side to side with 'tall-guy', not too long ago. 
You immediately froze in place. ‘It really was him. Wooyoung.’
Your brother. The brother you so much adored, but regrettably had been forced to abandon with your cruel parents in return for your freedom.
Maybe he didn’t hate you like you thought he did. Maybe he didn't resent you for leaving him behind with those, cruel, wicked- 'Nevermind, he definitely hates me for it.’  But now that didn’t matter as much as the fact that his appearance had unintentionally triggered all the trauma that you had left behind, and had brought back all the ghosts of your past.
“Y/N I-” He began to speak to you. Thanks to the ring of his voice, you were thrown out of your momentarily stupor and welcomed back to the real world. To the hallway. Before your performance. With your brother. Next to Marte. ‘Right, Marte.’
Remembering she was in fact next to you, still talking to the guy -apparently named Mingi, according to the conversation you had overheard- you rushedly began to tap on her shoulder. You needed to get out of there. You could not have an emotional breakdown right now, and the steady steps Wooyoung was taking towards you as if he was approaching a wounded animal, were not helping you. At all.
“So about the new One Piece episode- Y/N what’s wrong with you?”
“Marte, we have to get out of here right now.” You hastily told her, already walking backwards towards the exit, failing at your attempt of dragging her by the arm. 
“C’mon, don’t be rude, I’m talking to Mingi here. We still have like half an hour before hair and make up.” She dismissed you, turning back to Mingi, who seemed to have noticed your presence now, and looked kind of star-struck.
Done with trying to convince her, you used the ace up your sleeve that always seemed to work when  Marte was being too stubborn. “Moriko. Marte. Sugawara., I need you to get me out of here right now, you hear me? Please.” You repeated, slowly and heavily pronouncing every syllable, to get her to realize the position you were in. Now clutching her forearm and pleading to her to get you out. Before Wooyoung could find a way out of his stunned stance and had the chance of making you break down in tears.
Finally, looking at you and upon a closer examination of your state, she decided to take your usage of her full name seriously. She was annoyed, but she was helping you out of this one. 
“Hey… is she okay?” You looked so frightened even the kind male worriedly asked about your condition.
“Yes. Sorry, don’t worry. But I’m afraid we really have to go. It 's been fun Mingi. See you around!” She hooked her arm around yours and rushed you down the corridor, heading for your dressing room. While you walked back to it, she complained about your actions and demanded an explanation. “You better tell me what that was all about. I missed a conversation about Narancia just for it.” But you were too focused on trying to keep your labored breath from turning into hyperventilation, to browse your memory in search of information about this so-called ‘Narancia’ guy.
The two girls hastily disappeared from the corridor, leaving the two rookie idols alone once again. 
Wooyoung could see the confusion and intrigue over the last events still swirling inside Mingi's eyes. But he himself was still as paralyzed as Y/N had been mere moments before. 
"Dude, did I do something weird?" Poor Mingi asked him, too kind for his own good. 
"No, Mingi, you did nothing wrong, she ran away because she," he made a pause, searching for oxygen inside the now claustrophobic space. "She is my sister."
"Marte? But I heard she's japanese."
"Y/N, dumbass, Jung Y/N is my sister." He loved him, but boy, sometimes he could be so dense, must be Yeosang rubbing onto him or something. 
"Ohh, right. That makes sense." He nodded at the realization, maybe even… blushed? Wooyoung must still be dazed, he must not be seeing right. 
Quickly, a frown replaced Mingi's look of realization on his features. "But, why did you let her go? You have been looking for her everywhere all this time."
"Because did you see her? She looked frightened." The boy's heart broke a little at the thought of never seeing his sister again. 
Mingi blinked at his disheartened friend. "Hey, at least I got Marte's number, so maybe you can reach her again?"
Okay, maybe all hope was not lost. 
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𝙋𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙊𝙐𝙎. ❀ 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 ❀ 𝙉𝙀𝙓𝙏.
🏷 taglist: @bbycrabcakes, @cookiechristie, @xxxquinnxxx, @brrrreee37, @many-names-yuna, @bashkins, @so-nyeon-dan, @pearltinyy, @funkydinorawr, @svenjafangirlt, @annicht, @justredpandasthings, @moonstarwitch, @caitleen, @cocoforkuroopuffs, @crustyrat335, @n-n4y3li, @alice0blog, @motherhwasnoodles, @likejay-z, @aoi-turtle, @7dilemma7, @strangemaximoff, @watamotee33, @kibs-and-bits, @milkyr4bbit, @xazucaradictax, @lukalime, @harmonized-disarray, @anew-inception. (names not on bold could not be found).
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practically-an-x-man ¡ 2 months
For Talk Shop Tuesday: Give us the director's cut on your latest piece of writing!
Ooooh sure thing!!
So my latest piece of writing (not counting a new piece I will hopefully have finished tonight...) is Share Your Burdens, the new pre-relationship IndiHux fic I posted just before I did my masterlist redux. Let's get into it!!
Talk Shop Tuesday
Most stepped aside as they noticed him coming, and the only ones that remained were those facing the wrong way or otherwise too distracted to notice. If he were truly in a rush, he might have been sharper with them. But he knew from his conversations with Indigo that mealtimes were often the only break from work they got, and… he could find it within himself to be a bit more lenient, it seemed.
Right off the bat, we do see the way speaking to Indie has started to soften him, just a little. And it's not just their conversation about breaktimes that has him being a little gentler, but Indie's behavior itself - he knows that when she gets really into a conversation, she might not notice the people passing by around her, and it's by no means an intentional or rude gesture, so he learns to ascribe that same benign distraction to the others around him and be a little more lenient with them.
Especially in this stage of their relationship, she really helps him recognize this more grounded perspective, especially since he's never really had that himself - hyper-strict military childhood straight to a commanding position in the First Order, trained (intentionally or not) by his father to see everything as a power play or personal slight, so Indie's gentler perspective is a very good thing for him to experience at this stage in his life.
So many conversations in his life turned to the war, the ship, the cycling of duties, but Indie seemed more inclined to speak about the mundane and hopeful. It was refreshing in a number of ways.
This is part of the reason he even begins to soften to her. She obviously still respects him, but she's not in fear of him the way so many others are, and she doesn't enjoy talking about war. I'd imagine he subconsciously sees most people as instruments of war (again, how he was raised thanks to his father), but he can't do that with Indie because she never gives him an opening. She doesn't talk about war, she doesn't get all squirrelly about being face-to-face with General Hux, she forces his brain to see her as a real living person straight from the beginning and that's enough for him to start breaking down those ingrained biases.
Early-stage Hux is hard to write, honestly. He's an asshole in the movies and I'll fully acknowledge that, but for the fic to work I had to make him at least somewhat likeable, or at least open enough to change that he'll become likeable. And I'm a stickler for characterization. Making him too nice or understanding is definitely OOC, but making him too much of an asshole just isn't fun to read or write. And on top of that, he's got such a rich backstory that we never even see in the movies, and I think his character has a lot of complexity that the movies just end up dropping entirely. But as a writer, I spent the whole time wondering if I was making him too OOC, if the character growth I gave him was realistic at all, if it was too much of a departure from canon to even be enjoyable, etc..
Idk, I'm rambling. I just see so many of his actions as being motivated by his personal history and the way he was raised, less that it's what he inwardly believes and more what he's been trained to believe by his father, and to me that makes him very capable of change and growth as long as he's motivated to work for it. But... not everyone will see that from him, and it makes me worry I've misread things entirely.
Perhaps not implicitly, and perhaps he’d never have the honor of knowing her to that level, but… he could recognize that something was troubling her. That was a start.
Have to say, I love writing these little moments of dramatic irony whenever I write pre-relationship fics that exist after the main fic like this. There's just something about the image of him going "I'll never get to be that close to her :(" while everyone who reads this knows he'll end up literally sacrificing everything for her that makes me absolutely feral. It's such a specific little trope, but I love it.
He wondered if any of those thoughts were appearing on his face. She always seemed so adept at reading him.
What's funny is that if you place this fic in the actual timeline with the rest, this is the stage where Indie still feels like he's impossible to read. I intentionally wanted that bit of dissonance here, where from her perspective he's still inscrutable and from his perspective she can see everything - because Indie's used to reading people automatically and he's hard to read, while Hux has been walled-off and isolated his whole life and even the little flickers Indie gets feel like she's staring right into his soul.
“I mean, I know you excused me from the address as a thank-you for what happened in the elevator, but you got me Zero’s paperwork, and then you made all those scheduling revisions, and the new on-call regulations…
The scheduling revisions and on-call regulations are actually a bit of super deep-cut lore that I never actually put into the fic itself- only a tumblr post. The gist of it is that speaking to her so often made him notice a lot of systemic issues that the other higher-ups didn't even glance at, and he quietly begins to repair them (not even as a romantic gesture to her, just because he recognizes them as problems and seeks to fix them)
“Oh, and- here. Figure you haven’t eaten, given you weren’t at lunch.”
These two in particular have a bit of an ongoing theme of food as a symbol of love. Most of their early bonding and interactions take place around the cafeteria and meeting up for lunch, and after Indie gets long-distance attacked by Palpatine in one of the chapters of B&B, Hux has a whole internal struggle about telling her he loves her... which he then bails on, and Indie's next words are "Did you eat?". Then when they're on Ajan Kloss, the first scene of them openly together is sitting at one of the picnic tables, when Indigo redirects the rotten fruit that gets thrown at Hux. Finally, in the last scene before the epilogue, where Indie is in bed and recovering from surgery, Hux's first words are to urge her to eat something. There are other scenes, of course, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
And of course, we have this here - before he's even begun to admit his feelings about her to himself, he remembers to grab her something to eat because he knows she hasn't.
Oh, and there's a reason for this - Indie grew up food-insecure due to living on Corellia, and Hux's mother canonically worked in the kitchens on Arkanis (which was often his only reprieve from his father). Food has a lot of meaning for both of them, and carries a lot of the emotion they can't always bear to admit.
The second was that, for once in his life, he was positive that he was doing the right thing.
This right here is my favorite line in the fic. I don't even have much else to say about it, I feel like the line itself lays it out pretty clearly, but I think it shows so much of Hux's character in such a succinct little package. He's an innately troubled person, constantly pushing himself beyond what he can reasonably take, so having a decision that he feels truly, one hundred percent confident in (and having it be a selfless decision at that) is a really impactful thing for him.
“He’s anxious but very well-trained. Resolve this quickly and there should be no issues. And… assess his nutrition and give him a full dietary panel. He seems thin.”
I'm not sure how much this really comes across in the fic and how much is just in my own head, but... Hux projects himself onto Zero. That line about him seeming thin was meant to be the biggest hint towards that, since in canon Hux's father would criticize him about being "thin as a slip of paper and just as useless" (that line is also the inspiration for Indie's recycled paper mural on the wall of her quarters, which we see in B&B).
Hux sees this thin, anxious creature that is incredibly devout to Indigo, and while he doesn't recognize it on any conscious level, he sees a bit of himself reflected there. That same subconscious reflection is what drives him to take care of Zero for her (a way of making up for all the care he didn't have as a child), and why he chooses to pay for the nutrition panel even though Zero doesn't strictly need it.
��He’s also ordered a weekly nutrition panel. Apparently Zero’s a bit malnourished. I’ll come to collect him next week, same time, for the next treatment.”
He lies about ordering the panel for Zero because he knows Indigo would protest if she knew it was coming out of his pocket. She's already on the fence, even when she believes it's all the Order's resources, so he just... lets her keep believing it's the Order's resources instead of tipping the scales.
I know I said before that it's tough to write Hux especially in the early stages, but this was one of the few details that came easily to me. It blends his cleverness and cunning with those first little glimmers of him softening for her, and to me just really feels like something he'd do. I don't know how to describe it, but I do know that this moment was locked in from the moment I started writing this fic.
“Hm. She’s pretty, for a rescue. I thought for sure she was a purebred, like from a breeder and all.”
I'm sure there are a lot of people who would choose to make Millicent a purebred, breeder-bought animal, probably as an echo of how strict Hux is about how he wants things in his life. He likes things in line, in order, with that perfect facade of professionalism, so that would even influence his pets.
But I went a different direction: like I said before with him and Zero, I think he subconsciously projects himself onto the animals. He sees them as these lost, fragile things, like the young boy he was growing up on Arkanis, and he bonds to them. Millicent being a rescue is almost symbolic to me - not just because he and Indie are both "rescues" of their own right, but because it's another thing in his life that isn't quite what it appears to be. She's a beautiful animal and most people who see her would assume that she's a legacy breed that he paid a lot of money for, just because that's what they view General Hux to be like, when in reality she was an impromptu rescue from a random shelter, adopted not for appearance but for companionship and temperament.
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employee052 ¡ 11 months
guess who spent an hr fleshing out the lore for my tsp universe (aka what my blog is based off of, and also narry rn)
puttin this under the cut bc its long as fuck n i dont wanna clog up your dash djehfjsjf
(this was written on the bus so im so sorry for any errors skfjs)
Fourth Wall AU
The Narrator
The Adventure Line/Lynne
• The Stanley Parable (2013) started off as nothing more than a video game with a basic ai Narrator repeating a script with minor changes every run.
• Eventually, the Narrator gains consciousness but keeps to the game, trapping himself in repetition as opposed to trying to escape
• He has major issues with the endings such as the zending and the confusion ending. While he knows he was purely artificial originally, he prefers to ignore it and believe he is a real being with free will.
• Aside from the Narrator, everything in the game is coded. Stanley is just a vessel for the player, all the objects don't really talk, ad everything is planned, despite what the Narrator believes.
• He remembers every reset. Though not every ending in incredible detail. Endings like the Zending, Confusion, and the Skip Button are vague memories in his head. The skip button being a time-sped up ending and becoming a blur to him that he forgets normally.
• The Narrator knows about the developers, but cannot speak to them.
• All Stanley's input is from the players. The Narrator doesn't know this and just thinks that Stanley either has terrible memory or has vastly different mood swings.
• In the Not Stanley Ending, he realises that the player isnt the Stanley he believes he knows and splits them. Leaving the Player above the two doors room.
• The Narrator, in the HD remake, cant believe that there are real people. He knows of them, but knowing that they are with him in the game will give him an existential crisis/make him distressed, and as a result, reset the game (see: confusion, zending). So the game has a feature where it wipes his memories from the Player unplugging the phone up until they split.
• Things change when Ultra Deluxe comes out.
• The game is revamped completely, The Narrator can feel how smoother the game feels, especially since its running in unity despite it looking exactly like its 2013 version on the source engine (? fact check this)
• One major change is that the Narrator can hear some players as they play the game. Given that they have a working mic and all.
• Surprisingly he doesn't mind it. Enjoying getting reactions from his script despite the fact its real people.
• Ultra Deluxe loses the feature to reset the game if the Narrator gets too upset. Instead, its a plannes forced reset.
• Eventually, he ends up with a player whom he enjoys hearing the responses to. Responding to the Narrator like they were in a conversation as the player rambles. Internally, he's scared to break the fourth wall. Afraid it might spook the player and lose this one shred of genuine connection.
• They continue like this for a while. The narrator subtly changing the delivery of his lines to better suit the players moods. In turn the player responds as usual, without noticing that the Narrators dialogue is changing.
• Its subtle. Being more harsh and boring when they hear the player talking about an exam they should be studying for and not here playing the game so they can leave and do well. Being more soft when theres that all too familiar hurt tone in their voice while they play. Being a bit more snarky when they laugh at everything he says. The player even goes to the starry dome to study, and the Narrator feels like he is hanging out with a friend, knowing that the player would never go into the other room. (They have, once. then never again)
• At some point, the Narrator slips up and responds to something the player says and as while he fears a negative reaction, he gets a surprised gasp followed by a few noises he cant place before a "Is that new Narry dialogue?! lets fucking go!"
• The narrator sighs in relief before chuckling a bit. "Language, dear player."
• The player pauses. Now there is the silence he was afraid of.
• "...Hello?"
• "Hello, Player."
• More silence.
• "This... this isnt prerecorded right? No voice recognition system in the game-?"
• "Prerecorded?! I'll have you know I do all of my voice lines live for you players, thank you." He scoffs, somewhat offended
• "Have you been listening to every players reactions this whole time?!"
• "Well not every player of the Stanley Parable. But right now its just been you that ive been hearing for the past few months."
• "Oh my god you must've heard me talk about your voice so much- im so sorry."
• He laughs, surprisingly genuine. "Nonsense! It's been a delight hearing your responses and your voice, Player-"
• "Oswin." The player says gently, "My name is Oswin, Narrator."
• "...Well, Oswin. To be perfectly honest, I adore hearing your responses to the game and to my script. You are one of the rare few who respond as though we were in conversation and truth be told, its a welcome change to the players who tell me to piss off or talk to themselves."
• They snort. "You mean the youtubers?"
• "Definitely."
• Thus starts A friendship between Oswin and the Narrator
• With this new connection, the Narrator slowly gets used to the idea of sentience and the real world. Feeling more and more human as the friendship helps him understand his world and beyond.
• He gets used to manipulating the game around him. Locking the game to be only on Oswin's computer and being able to interact with him through screens.
• While this happens, the game slowly starts to glitch. Stanley becomes sentient, going through the same dillema the Narrator had, however the Narrator is able to reassure him and help him understand.
• It takes a bit of work, considering that Stanley up until their instance of the game locked onto Oswin's PC had undergone every ending an unfathomable amount of times. With his sentience he has to process the fact that both he and the narrator were trapped in the game with no free will.
• At this time, the Narrator manages to enter the real world. With some help of coding magic and Oswin's powers alowing him to exist in the real world.
• The Adventure Line grows sentient too. However due to the fact that the Line was never fully fleshed out as a character, when it came to the real world, it turned into a teenage girl by the name of Lynne.
• Stanley also enters the real world.
The three of them are able to pop in and out of the Parable. It being treated more like their second home
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imjustabeanie ¡ 7 months
Matchups for @averagetoyakinnie
Your Hazbin hotel match is...Lucifer!
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Hi hi hi! For your rematch I bet you thought of him didn’t you? Yeah after more thinking I believe you fit more with Lucifer. You’re quite energetic and dabbles in a lot of hobbies. You need someone who can keep up with you and either hype you up or calm you down. Lucifer is a nice fit for this.
Now this may sound as the to go to scenario but you two met at the hotel. Unless you provide another scenario I don’t have another one that won’t break your character….Due to your initial shy and distant character at first, Lucifer didn’t pay much mind. But when he saw other having fun with you and praising how nice you are he got curious. Perhaps even worried because most hell sinners have hidden intentions. But with time he realized that you had good intentions and is the funny dad friend everyone needs. Even him. He felt comfortable enough with you to let his guard down little by little. It was shown in how he always showed you his new inventions or got you your favorite snacks when you had a bad mood. Heck you two even had weekly gossip sessions lol. He realized his feelings when Charlie pointed out how much time you two spent together and how close you got. He had an oups moment and confessed during a weekly meeting you two had.
Lucifer is someone who adapts to his lover and does his best to make them happy. Even if it ends relatively bad like we saw with Lilith. He’s rather clumsy while talking at the start but will feel confident rather soon. He always hypes you up in your endeavors even if it involves rules breaking. Your weekly meetings turn into daily meetings where you two ramble about your day before going to sleep. He gives you good advices as he’s rather knowledgeable in many fields. Nights where you two go into deep discussions slowly become his favorites because he discovers a new side of you. He eventually opens up about his past but it takes him many years to acknowledge with you his own mistakes.
Your independence is rather nice because he tends to isolate and needs his me time. But he wants you to talk to him about your problems. The only time he’ll get angry at you is if you somehow get yourself in danger. He’ll get angry, deal with the problem and go to cool off. He’ll apologize for his behavior later and spoils you as an apology. He’ll try to make you laugh because he loves your laugh, it always puts him in a good mood. He once got you plushies every week, but once he knew you didn’t like plushies that much (totally not because he is jealous of the kisses they get) he stopped and instead got you art material and instruments. You get monthly ducks too. He has one that looks exactly like you and probably rehearsed some conversations with it lol.
Lucifer loves how attentive and caring you are, even to strangers. He lets you do what you want and even encourages you while he stands back to make sure they don’t have negative intentions towards you. Something he likes is how you never take anything for granted. It makes him feel appreciated because his love language is mainly acts of service and gift giving. It’ll take time for him to get used to physical affection but soon you’ll notice that he always holds your hand in public and refused to let you out of his embrace when sleeping. Speaking of domestic things, you two adopted 3 pets of your choice. He had to put a stop to it because you were gonna adopt all animals in hell and he’s already jealous of your three companions. When he was having a bad day and you took care of him, he believed he felt a new kind of love. He was so grateful for it. You can notice it because he became more vulnerable around you, even letting you touch his wings and horns.
Lucifer plays many instruments and would adore to play with you! He’d teach you many tricks and shortcuts (he’d rig the game cuz he’s the ref. Sorry not sorry). He also collects things and would be happy to feed your own collections.  You can also find Lucifer at all your plays if you let him. He’s just proud of you okay? In general, you two are a couple that know how to have fun.
Your JJK match is....Geto!
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Now Suguru is a complex character and it’s actually the first time I write for him so forgive me if I mess up lol. Suguru is someone with a black and white ideology. He despises non sorcerers but cares deeply for sorcerers. In the end he just wants to create a perfect world for his loved ones. Thus, I believe he is a very devoted lover who’d give it all for your happiness. Truly selfless love.
You and Geto were classmates. You two got along with your similar taste of music and you introduced him to video games. You were here for him during his darkest hours this is why he fell for you. How caring, attentionate, grateful and optimistic you are truly made him see you in a positive and loving light. He asked you out after you both came back from a dangerous mission. Life is too short to be indecisive.
Geto is a boyfriend that always has your back if he believes you are right. He’s always here to keep your feet to the ground and save you from making reckless decisions. Yeah he’s also a dad friend, perhaps even more of a dad friend than you are. He shares his inner thoughts with you but it’d take him time to share his darker thoughts. He just doesn’t want to drag you into the rabbit hole he fell into. He also tends to overthink and you noticed that. That’s why you two have a mandatory funny/goofy talk each day. You two share gossips, jokes, snacks and thoughts. It really helped in getting closer. He likes these moments a lot because it makes him feel at ease, forgetting all his other troubles. Communication is key in a relationship but for someone like him it’s gonna take a lot of time. He’s a ticking bomb. Your opiniated self helps him keep his head on his shoulders.
Geto is reluctant to break some rules to have adventures but can’t resist joining you lol. He’s always up for a fun time, often taking you to explore some abandoned places together and enjoy the view. He’s also very attentive and always gets you your favorite snacks to save your days. If you’re having a bad day he’ll pick you up, head home, roll you into a burrito and cuddle with you over a movie waiting for your take out to arrive. While you’re nice and want to help out everyone you meet, he is not. He only helps specific people and often made it known that most people you help don’t deserve it. This sparked some arguments between the two of you. While he doesn’t fully agree (sometimes he is jealous of these strangers) he now keeps his mouth shut. He still has a heart and sometimes help you out. After these debates he takes you out on a date to a concert, arcade, park or even some nice restaurants if he can reserve it. Geto can also cook rather well and often prepares bentos for both of you every day.
He finds your habbit of kissing your plushies rather cute and he teases you for it. He sometimes lay on them and demands attention. Geto also likes getting you trinkets when he’s on a solo mission. Especially if it’s something you collect. His love language is acts of service and quality time. He also enjoys physical touch and likes holding your hand or hugging you at home. He’d accept to get an animal but only one because of your schedules. And no, no amount of begging or puppy eyes will melt his heart on this matter. Sometimes your cat sides with him which makes him laugh. He really enjoys your interest for arts and likes taking you on museum dates or concerts so he can see you ramble about those topics you love so much. He doesn’t play an instrument in the manga but I headcanon him playing the guitar. Your house is always filled with music which makes him happy. Sometimes he just lays down and enjoys your music. He encourages your hobbies and even gifted you an expensive camera for your birthday! He’s into sports himself and likes playing with you.
Overall this relationship is one where he learns to progress and heal while giving the best of himself to you. It does get rocky when he starts to stray but I believe he’d do his best to stay clean because he found a new reason to figth.
Your obey me match is...Solomon!
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The sly and funny sorcerer. This man is charismatic and flirty, he generally gets along with everyone (and more if affinity ahem-). I choose him because he’s versatile and caring if it makes sense.
How you met: Let’s follow the plot shall we? (date. Okay sorry I’ll stop). Solomon always has a comeback when you’re being sassy with him and just seems to know what people are thinking. He’d be the one to show you around and would encourage you to break the rules if it’s not too dangerous. Seems casual right? Yeah and it would’ve stayed that way if it wasn’t for…asmodeus! Come on, in the house of lamentation both of you would easily get along. He’d be the type to drag his two favorite humans along to his shenaningans (idk how it’s pronounced). The trouble trio lol. It would prompt you and Solomon to spend more time together and get to know each other. He is into anime/manga and gaming as we saw with Levi. The fact that you’re also dad friend but also fun and entertaining would put him more at ease with you because he doesn’t have to pick up slacks or worry about you getting in serious trouble lol. I think you’d be the one to fall first. Or that asmodeus would notice the tension between both of you and will try to pair both of you together until he succeeds. Now I also thought that it could start as a FWB type of thing if you feel up to it. Because Solomon has these kind of friendships and it’s highly possible that Asmodeus would propose it
In a relationship: Something nice with you and Solomon is that you have a lot in common and he’s also a very curious individual in general so this definitely won’t be a problem as I can see you two enjoying the same hobbies and having fun. He’s a tease so when you give him words of affirmation you can expect him to act all flirty as a thank you, or very soft in rare moments lol. He’s an intellectual and can definitely keep up with all your conversations. He’s also the type who knows when in a bad mood and somehow manage to lift if up. You act feminine? So what? He’s gonna enjoy it with you he doesn’t care. I mean….he is good friend with asmodeus. He likes it. He’s also gossipy lol (you see these videos with a partner coming home and saying I got the tea? Yeah it’s the two of you). You two acted like an old married couple rather quickly lol. Solomon love language seems to be more in acts of service to be honest. But if he notices that you prefer words of affirmation he will switch to it. I can also see him bringing you a small gift each time he goes out. The biggest problems in the relationship is, as you guessed it, his immortality and ability to open up that are linked. It will always be here unfortunately unless he manages to break the curse or you somehow get cursed which he might be against because it’s not something you’d appreciate (personally I don’t mind but I can understand why some would). Also, I see him as someone who would take time to become exclusive. As we saw in obey me, most of the cast doesn’t mind the mc having multiple lovers so yeah it could be an issue.
Your JJBA match is...Ceasar!
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*proceed to throw a big cross at the post. Sorry not sorry lol*
Yeah a Zepelli. Considering who the second options were, you shouldn’t be surprised that you got the casanova lol. Ceasar is a big romantic and also a loyal friend. He’s determined, brave and willing to sacrifice himself for his goals.
How you met: Okay let me cook. I see both of you being childhood friends. Perhaps you grew up and joined him in his adventure to learn Hamon or you two met again years later when he was back (I had an idea that you were a model and he saw you in a magazine and that’s how he knew where you were but don’t know if you’d accept it lol. In short he saw the magazine when he came back and looked for you again). You two had lots of adventures together and often flirted with each other. It’s not uncommon to find you both enjoying yourselves and talking loudly without a care in the world. He definitely broke more rules after you met again. He always protects you in fights and you patch him up in exchange lol. If anyone were to insult you or your style they can expect one hell of a beating. I think he’d ask you out after a dangerous mission where he saw how scared he was of losing you.
In a relationship: Not much would change, he’d just be more romantic just as you like it because his love language is words of affirmation and gift giving. It’s giving la boheme vibes. He might not be able to keep up with you if you get into deep conversations but he will validate you and ask about it. He’s curious to know how you think and eager to make you happy. You two being so sarcastic and able to finish each other insults would be soooo funny. I can see him enjoying music with you and taking you to fairs to dance together. He might not be much into mystery or board games but he is competitive enough to participate and enjoy his time with you. Ohhh imagine you both laying under the stars and he makes you a flower crown. Personal headcanon, he doesn’t handle spicy food. Now for the bad parts here…he is too goal oriented and also won’t hesitate to leave you behind if it’s to protect you or accomplish his goal. Just as we saw with joseph unfortunately….better be able to calm him down from his reckless behavior.
Your Tokyo Revengers match is...Mitsuya!
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He’s more stable than Kakucho. That’s literally the only reason lol.
How you met: Since you wanted future setup we’re gonna follow that. And thankfully, mitsuya usually shares the same future. You were his model, his first official model if you know what I meant. He always called you when he had your style in mind or an outfit that could fit you. Heck I can even see both of you having photoshoots together because he works with you a lot and you get along with his little sisters (he started working young so it’s to be expected that you met them before). As much as he tried to keep it professional, it’s difficult to do so with someone you see that often so you two are bound to talk and befriend each other. He always makes sure your favorite beverages are present and when he receives invitations to events like dinner he found himself thinking about you and eventually kept inviting you. He appreciates your sarcasm and independence when working with you because he knows you mean well and you’re honest too! This basically went from work to lovers in the span of many years. After perhaps many relationships you two found comfort in each other’s and it just clicked. He was always embarrassed if you started acting flirty with him but in the end he reciprocated and you asked him out.
In a relationship: He tries to keep it private so the paparazzi would leave you alone. He’s more open with you and often surprised you with dates at homes as well as flowers every week. If you get along with kids and like them (contrary to me), it won’t be unusual to find you playing with his sisters some board games and he’d join you. I think he low key sucks in video games. He will try for you but still…You two would definitely bond over art. You’re like his muse after all. He’d encourage you to draw and do music and in the future I can definitely see him dedicating a room for your hobbies. He’s more of an introvert so when you’re overactive he sometimes struggle to keep up, thankfully you’re willing to help him out lol. You’d definitely be the reason why he goes out more. Both of you being the therapist friends would make for a healthy relationship because you both have no issues sharing your problems. Be prepared to be surprised if you didn’t know he was in a gang. His friends will definitely be very curious about it. I can’t see much issues because he is such a green flag….
Your helluva boss match is....Stolas!
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You two met at a party where he was bored out of his mind. He engaged in little talks and when he saw you two got along and you weren’t double faced he invited you to meet up for other little talks. He finds you to be easy to talk to and get along with. He is a young soul at heart and would gladly rebel with you lol. Stolas loves that you’re very independent because he is often busy with his princely duties. He is someone who would enjoy debating with you and just sharing his deepest thoughts. He is nice (when he wants) and also protective of you, if he felt like anyone was trying to take advantage of you they’re gonna pay dearly. He is also overactive! INVITE HIM TO ESCAPE GAMES OR ANY MYSTERY GAMES! He would love it! Stolas is a sweet lover who has a lot of flaws but would give it all up for happiness. His only problems in the relationship is his wife and trust issues lol. I can see both of you either getting in trouble together or him getting in trouble and you taking care of this drama queen. His love language is definitely gifts, affection and words.
Your genshin match is...Ayato!
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You were a friend of Thoma that he got to know and enjoyed. You two went to many festivals together and he became interested in you. Your relationship is quite secret because he wants to avoid drama on both sides and make you comfortable (but everyone can see that he is softer with you). Ayato is mischievous and would sometimes engage in breaking rules with you (to the disbelief of both thoma and ayaka. What did you do lol). At least Thoma knows you have ayato best interest in mind and would never let him get hurt. Ayato is very busy, so he treasures every moment spent with you and plan as many dates as he can into his schedule. He often sends you gifts to apologize if he is too busy. You two are the biggest boba tea lovers, if you’re into that I can imagine both of you trying to make boba tea. He loves that you’re independent, confident and straightforward. He also engages in all your talks with his own teasing remarks or, if it’s a deep conversation, his inner thoughts. While you are openly sarcastic, he makes backhanded comments, what a dangerous duo. He doesn’t care that you act feminine at all. And if he can, he would love to match outfits with you or even lets you dress him up. He will always defend dogs unfortunately…He loves playing chess with you and I believe he has a personal art collection that you can observe (he’d even gift you some pieces later on). Overall, ayato is a nice and calm lover. His busy schedule and teasing remarks can be too much for some people (try to flirt with him and you’ll end up as red as a tomato) but he tries his best to make up for it
Your HSR match is...Ruan Mei!
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Now I know you weren’t expecting her but I think both of you would fit well together. She is reserved, smart and spends a lot of time in her lab. Please teach her how to socialize lol (it’s what happened at first. It started like the MC but she liked you more and spent more time with you). She is an emotionally aloof and distant girlfriend because I think she doesn’t know how to act in those situations. Ruan Mei would happily ramble about her ideas and experiments to you while sharing her troubles and guilt over what she is doing. She loves that you’re interested in music and the arts! She finds them to be relaxing to look at so she often invites you to come with her and discuss them. She sometimes isolate when she is working and hope you don’t mind that. Lmao the duo of the scientist at work and her lover barging in all angry because she is not taking care of herself. You’re a rule breaker? Good. Cuz she is messing with life here. Your flirty nature surprises her and makes her all shy lol. She loves spending time with you watching movies and anime (im sure she loves all mystery related things). I think she is very good at board games even though she doesn’t plan them often….If one of her creations looked like you, she would keep it lol. In general Ruan Mei would learn how to be in a relationship with you, she can be distant and aloof without meaning it so just go and bring her back down to earth with us.
Your black butler match is....William!
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Poor forgotten William…how dare you do him wrong like that sniff sniff. I admit that the most difficult part of William…Is just befriending this man. Cuz once he befriends you, it’s easier for him to fall in love and ask you out. He is a very traditional boyfriend who would prepare a whole dinner date (perhaps he cooked) and invite you before asking you out at the end of it. In a relationship, there is a mandatory tea break with you that he would never miss. He has to bitch about his work to someone and if you have any issues he would be glad to take care of it. He may enjoy a calm environment but he will do his best to keep up with all your energy (give this old man a break). But he’d ask you on his worst days if he can just…lay down in your arms and enjoy your presence (aaawwwww). You being the dad friend is good for him. He is also the dad friend so having someone like that near him who will also take care of him would help him out greatly. With you around, he would start enjoying life more and would become less of a workaholic. He loves going to museums and concerts/opera with you. He tries to get tickets at least twice a week for these kind of events. His love language is mostly spending time together and helping you out. He may be rather brutally honest but he is softer with you. If you pester him enough, you can get a cat. Board games that rely on intelligence would be something he enjoys doing. You’re definitely the only one who can make him blush, he fails often lol. He always makes it a point to have your favorite beverage nearby. Beware of Grelle, she might try to murder you in the start. He is not feminine but would respect your style.
Your twst match is...Trey!
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He’s the therapist’s therapist, the dad of the dad. And yet he finds it in himself to be mischievous. Trey would ask you out on valentine day or with a special cake just for you. I believe you two were classmates and he asked you out at the end of the third or second year. Trey likes that you’re responsible, independent but still a rule breaker lol. At least you know how to have fun. Both of you would definitely cook together, he would even show you some family secret! Trey is understanding and can handle all your moods (he handled riddle after all) and he always seems to know how to make you feel better. I headcanon that he knows a lot of tea due to Cater and Rook…these two are very gossipy. He is not very good at games but would try. If you think he is not competitive….think again because he knows how to have fun and enjoys friendly debates. He likes it when you introduce him to new musics and forms of art (he would try to plan these dates when you two can). In general, Trey is a loving and calm boyfriend that can still keep you on your toes. He knows how to have fun while keeping the both of you safe. And he is curious, just like you which keeps the relationship lively.
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