#turns out in the end i was never that important to them
konbinii · 13 hours
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Kraken broadcaster JT Brown shares why Pride is so important to him and why he’ll be celebrating the LGBTQ+ community all month long
June is an exciting month. There’s Stanley Cup final hockey on the TV, the sun is shining down on Seattle, I hit the links on Father’s Day, and it's Pride month—a month dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and commemorating the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. In our house, June is a busy month, but nothing gets celebrated harder than Pride.
Earlier this month, I had the honor of playing in the Seattle Pride Classic at the Kraken Community Iceplex. The invitation to share the ice with LGBTQ+ players from all over is an honor I don’t take lightly. Striking up a conversation on the bench between shifts, I turned to the player next to me. “Nice tape job. Canucks fan?” I said, noting the different colors of tape spiraling down the blade. “No, these colors represent one of the queer flags,” they said.
The bad news is I felt like an idiot. The good news is, I’ll always recognize that flag. Trying means stumbling, losing the puck, shooting wide (pick your analogy), but I’ve never been too proud to admit I caused the turnover and apologize. And we both laughed because sometimes falling on your ass is funny.
From ice to asphalt, the Pride celebration continues as my family and I will be at the 50th annual Seattle Pride Parade on June 30. As someone who is known for their flair for flashy game-day suits, it should not come as a surprise that I love an excuse to get dressed up. Throw in good music and free swag and you’ll understand why I don’t miss a pride parade.
And no one does pride quite like Seattle. It’s no wonder the Kraken pull up to the parade every year with a crew so deep I momentarily worry we’re going to hold up the parade. We’re out there flinging Kraken giveaways like someone is keeping score of how many each employee can hand out—I always aim for the high score.
Of course, being an ally isn't just flinging Kraken patches into a crowd or embarrassingly mistaking flag colors for rival team branding. A lot of it is just showing up.
I show up for my queer wife so she knows I support her even if I still don’t understand what “Brat summer” means. I show up for my kids so they know I love their authentic selves no matter what. I show up for my friends so they know they’re safe with me. I show up because there are LGBTQ+ people out there who are being stood up by the ones they love, by policies, by corporations, by strangers.
People always praise me for being an ally, but having been on the receiving end of bigotry, I know how much easier it is to stand on this side. When I fight for BIPOC equality, I am always lifted by the voices and support of the LGBTQ+ community. Every single time, they have supported me in my fight to help end racism in hockey.
They have been incredible teammates to me and so being one to them was never a choice I made, it was just something I did—and will continue to do with whatever platform I’m given. Everyone deserves the safety and support to live their authentic lives. When we lift up those who need us most, we all reap the benefits of a safer and more inclusive space.
This Pride month, I’d like to encourage others to show up—unabashedly loud and proud—for yourself and for others. Have a happy, safe, and fun Pride!
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gguk-n · 1 day
Angst with Lando and he says “please don't cry, i can't stand to see you cry"
Thank you for the ask! I hope I was able to do it justice. There is implied smut. Reader's POV
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Fragile Bonds
I could say it now, I officially hated going out. It has less to do with the fact that we've been at every club across the globe since the season started and more to do with the fact that Lando attracts attention. He was a gorgeous man with a career in F1, so it was a given that people would be attracted to him. What I didn't expect was how much we would go out to drink. Neither me nor Lando are huge drinkers but he can never seem to say no to a party. So, here I was trying to be a supportive girlfriend while my boyfriend was on the DJ booth, remixing some songs.
I will agree, the first time he did it, it was very hot; watching Lando DJ, even the second time around. Right now, all I saw was red. The girl at the DJ booth was making herself too comfortable with 'my' boyfriend. The way her hands would rest on his biceps or the lingering touches she left on his shoulder or back. Was Lando blind or oblivious to what was happening? Did he forget that he had a girlfriend? I am not the jealous type but I am terribly territorial about my stuff and the people I love. I love Lando too much, and this bitch was making me so annoyed.
So, I took matters into my own hands and went towards the stage only to be rudely pushed away and scolded by the guards and the lady on the booth. I told them that was my boyfriend and I wanted to speak to him, she laughed at my face. What the fuck was Lando doing and why did he not see his own girlfriend? After a couple more harsh words from the lady, I screamed Lando's name which seemed to make him to look at me, a loopy smile on his lips. God, I wanted to smack his pretty face. I was pissed, I told him I was leaving and without waiting for his reply, I turned on my heels and left the club heading back to the hotel.
Once back, I took my clothes and make up off. I had tears streaming down my face. This wasn't the first time Lando had forgotten about me. He would always end up surrounded by all the people and while soaking in their attention, forgot about me. To me, he was the most important thing, to him, I felt like a commodity. My eyes were red from rubbing them too hard and the lump in my throat did not seem to go away no matter how hard I screamed into my pillow. My social media was also filled with pictures and videos of Lando from the party.
I don't know how long it was since I came back, I had stopped looking at the watch at some point. I quickly wiped away my tears when I heard the click of the door. I was going to pretend to be asleep, I didn't want to deal with Lando right now. Before I could act, my face was cupped in between two rough calloused hands while his thumbs tenderly rubbed my cheeks. "Why did you leave?" Lando asked. "I was tired" I squeaked out. Lando holding me like this made my eyes prick, I pushed him away while sitting up. He could see the tears in my eyes, I mean my vision was blurry. "You're so blind. I hate you." I said, I didn't in fact hate him, it's just that he made me angry. "No you don't" Lando chided. This annoyed me so much. "Why did you let her touch you? Why didn't you tell her I was your girlfriend when I tried to talk to you?" I asked. "I only saw you when I turned around, baby. I didn't know she was touching me, if I did, I would've stopped her." Lando reasoned. "Really, because, she was literally hanging from your arms, running her hands all over you and you didn't care." I said. "I really didn't notice her, I was looking at you the whole night" he said. "If you were looking at me the whole night, you would've noticed your girlfriend walking towards you." I said while angrily wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Baby, please don't cry, I can't stand to see you cry." Lando said while trying to hug me. "Doesn't feel like it Lan, you seemed to have forgotten you have a girlfriend." I spat. "Babe, I love you and I am sorry if I made you feel like that. I really was looking at you the whole night. The only woman who can command my attention is you. While I taking a sip from my glass, I lost you, I kept trying to find you and I couldn't, until you called out my name. Please give me another chance." Lando whispered with tears in his eyes. I was a sap when it came to him , sometimes he can be really dumb. "I promise this will never happen again. You can brand me if you want." Lando continued a laugh left my lips on hearing his words, "Lan, I'm not branding you but I know a better way to keep women away." I said whilst pulling him by his collar to kiss his lips. "I think I'll like this method more than the branding one, anyways." he muttered against my lips.
I couldn't stay angry at anyone for long, especially not Lando.
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liaslullaby · 3 days
Captains just wanna have fun
You lose all your savings in a poker night and decide to go until the captains offer you to bet something else.
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Contents: afab!reader, threesome, rough, praise, hand job, pain kink, overstimulation, hand restriction, oral, fingering, choking, face fucking, anal, unprotected sex, blowjob, consensual.
Word count: 8.7K
+18 MDNI—Explicit content
A/N: Prepare your wheelchairs...
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You checked the cards in your hand one more time, you had a good one, it wasn't the best of all but with a pinch of luck you could beat the four men in front of you and you had better do it considering you had bet the last of your savings.
Everyone gave each other a quick glance out of the corner of their eyes before putting their cards down, most of them looking unsure of the hand they were playing which made you feel better, however, the triumphant smile on Oikawa's face it was worrisome. When the world sided with him the rest were destined to fail miserably. Your poker nights with them had already shown it to you.
You didn't even understand how that group had ended up getting along so well to end up playing poker every thursday, but the important thing is that you enjoyed it. It had all started with Bokuto and Kuroo who bumped into Oikawa one day just starting college, they decided to make him part of their poker days because gambling just the two of them wasn't fun enough. The brown-haired man complained a few nights about how unchallenging it was to play alone with the two of them and so they decided to join a fourth member, Sawamura Daichi, whom Kuroo coincidentally saw one afternoon in the university parking lot, he had invited him to join thinking that it would be an easy defeat and he couldn't be more wrong. You were the last acquisition, you knew Koutaro and Tetsuro from the nationals of your last year in which you were the captain of Niiyama, the three of you got along well although you didn't talk much, because of that your childhood best friend and ex-captain of Karasuno believed that it would be an excellent idea to invite you to be part of the group.
"How come we've been at this for over five months and I haven't won once?" the black and white haired man complained once everyone's cards were revealed.
Your hopes went down the drain when you observed a Royal flush in the hands of Tooru that rejoiced in its victory, with that clearly your poor Four of a kind never had a chance.
"That's probably because the world hates you" Oikawa replied taking all the money on the table to himself. And having given up all hope you dropped your head on the table drawing everyone's attention. "And it seems you're not the only one it happens to".
"Y/N-chan don't get discouraged so easily, we still have time to kick his ass" Daichi mentioned placing a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to make you feel better, very typical of him. A quality of leader that you had always admired from him, no matter how bad the situation seemed to be, he was looking for a way to encourage his teammates and now that he was no longer with them, you had become the center of his motivational speeches.
"I'll help you kick his ass whenever you want but I don't have money to gamble anymore" you turned your head to look at him and sighed disappointed in yourself for losing the last of your savings. You weren't usually so careless with money, much less so you left everything in bets but this particular day your streak was the worst you had ever had, each new round you swore that you could recover what you lost, betting little by little what you had saved "That last one was my savings"
"You cleaned the floor with us two weeks ago, how come you don't have money anymore?" Kuroo asked surprised.
You weren't going to tell them, but the reality is that you converted your loot back then into Boku no hero merchandise the day after you obtained it, you weren't proud of your mismanagement of that money, however you didn't regret the result either. Your new Shoto dakimura had definitely helped you sleep better the past few days.
"It was a rough patch, ok?" You got up from the chair you were in, reaching both arms up and then back to stretch your back before taking a last sip of what was left of your beer. "I guess that's it for me"
"You're leaving now?" Bokuto questioned confused and the rest immediately turned to look at you in the same way as him, it seemed that no one wanted you to abandon them.
"I don't plan on staying just to watch all of you gamble and I don't have any more money so it's the best I can do."
Everyone took a quick look at each other, hoping that someone would come up with a good reason to make you stay, at least a minute passed in total silence without anyone coming up with anything, so you waved goodbye to then make your way to the exit of Kuroo's apartment. Just as your hand wrapped around the doorknob the sound of several footsteps behind you caught your attention.
"What do you think if you bet something else instead of money?" you heard Kuroo's voice and turned with your arms crossed only to find everyone piled on top of each other trying to get through the corridor at the same time.
"I'm not going to bet my Todoroki dakimura if that's what you're suggesting" you responded quickly defensively and their puzzled looks appeared again.
"Your what?"
"But you sa..."
"I said nothing, Koutaro" you interrupted him, speaking seriously in an attempt to stop him from asking any further questions about it. His sad look appeared when he heard you but no one gave it any importance beyond Kuroo who patted him on the back. "What am I supposed to bet?"
"Your blouse"
"I don't think my blouse will look good on you, Tooru" you answered and a mocking smile appeared on your face.
"I don't know, I think it would make his eyes stand out" Kuroo mentioned laughing and then received a nudge from Oikawa for helping you divert the conversation from the main topic.
"You know what I'm talking about"
And clearly you knew it, you were only being silly because you weren't quite sure you were willing to expose yourself to them, you trusted them, but maybe not enough to risk yourself like that.
You scanned them all as they stood there in front of you, you had to admit that all four of them might be different but that didn't stop them from all being equally attractive, if they wanted to achieve something with their great idea, you could use it to your advantage too.
You tried to get your eyes away from Kuroo's abdomen but it was like a magnet for your gaze, like Bokuto's arms or Daichi's thighs, Oikawa weren't far behind either. Your cheeks burned just from having them in front of you and your mouth watered imagining what could be left under the few clothes they had left.
You didn't know what you could have done to make karma finally take your side but after starting clothing poker you had only lost once, which cost you your blouse, a small price to pay for the incredible sight you were looking at and because of that you were really having a hard time keeping your face neutral.
You held your cards right up to your cheeks to cover any blushes and when it was time to show them you "subtly" covered yourself with one of your hands.
"I'm starting to think you're cheating" Daichi commented looking at your cards and you laughed nervously, not because you were cheating but because of the whole atmosphere around you.
Kuroo snorted and then stood up, now only wearing his boxers, he put his hands on each side of the edge of his underwear ready to remove it until you reacted.
"Wow, what the hell are you doing?!" you yelled stopping him.
"I lost, those who lose take off a piece of clothing" he replied with a shrug.
You didn't expect them to go this far, you thought that last game was not punished since everyone except Daichi only had their underwear left, the former Karasuno captain was the only one who still had his shirt.
"Y-you don't have to do that" you mentioned looking away so they wouldn't notice how embarrassed you were, however, Oikawa and Kuroo were specialists in deciphering you and especially in making you nervous.
"No Y/N-chan, we lost and we are men of our word" Tooru said, standing up like the black-haired man, they both noticed how you looked at them scared and smiled at each other. "What are you two waiting for?"
Bokuto also got up making you panic, suddenly everything was too real and you were about to witness perhaps the most exciting image you could have in front of your entire life but now you didn't feel ready for that.
You took your beer and slammed it down your throat hoping it would help you relax but seeing all four of them synchronized removing their underwear at the same time raced your heart, you jumped up and apologized before almost walking out running to the bathroom.
You could hear Kuroo's mocking laughter as you entered the bathroom and closed the door behind you to look in the mirror, there was no way your cheeks would get any redder than they already were, so you decided to run the tap to wash your face.
You heard the door open and you turned around immediately finding Oikawa leaning on the threshold of the door, you inadvertently looked at him only to realize that he hadn't bothered to get dressed again before going to see you.
"My eyes are up Y/N-chan" he mentioned confidently licking his lips.
You automatically lifted your face to meet his, your cheeks reddening again as your hands began to shake holding on to the sink. You wanted to open your mouth to apologize but the words wouldn't come out, which he was clearly enjoying, he had never seen you like that and he was really loving this new facet. You froze seeing him approach you.
He placed one of his hands on your cheek to caress it while he brought his face closer to yours causing your breathing to become irregular, maybe it was the fact that he had a different aura than usual, the fact that his gaze seemed to want to devour you right there or the fact that he was completely naked in front of you but he had never seemed so attractive to you like at that moment.
"Is it okay if I kiss you?" he whispered inches from your face, unable to do anything more than nod, you kept your gaze fixed on his until his lips met yours, melting you completely.
With his other hand he took you by the waist sticking completely to him, so you could feel his erection colliding with your abdomen. He lightly bit your bottom lip and you wrapped your arms around his neck before giving him access to your mouth where both of you began fighting for dominance. He lowered his hand from your cheek to one of your breasts and massaged it over your bra, making you moan.
"Music to my ears" he murmured against your lips, squeezing your chest harder "Do it again, will you?"
"They can hear us, Tooru" you reminded him as you separated. He ignored what you said and kissed you again, maybe you cared about others but for Oikawa they were the last of his worries.
"So can you help me with something?"
"What do you need?" You said bringing your arms to his chest, he took one of your hands and brought it to his member so you took it gently and began to move your hand slowly.
"Don't be shy".
You brought your hand up to your mouth before licking it completely and taking it again fixing your eyes on his, his leering look was accompanied by a smile that appeared when you increased speed while he was taking care of your breasts.
The volume of the background music increased so Oikawa took the opportunity to get close to your neck and kiss it, putting his hand under your bra to find your nipple playing with it and getting you another little moan that you prayed that the music would muffle.
Then he leaned down enough so that his mouth was on your ear, you could hear his heavy breathing which was occasionally interrupted by soft moans escaping from his mouth.
"Let me have your mouth" he said licking the lobe of your ear.
You thought about it for a moment but finally you knelt in front of him, you gathered your hair in a ponytail and you took his dick with your hand to bring it closer to you, you began by licking its entire length and then inserting its entire tip into your mouth.
He took your ponytail with his hand and then he pushed you suddenly causing his cock to reach your throat making you to gag, he did not give importance to that and then he pulled you until the only thing you had inside was his tip to push your head again and make you retake it completely.
He growled as he felt his orgasm approaching, so he took you as deep as he could a few more times before taking his dick out of your mouth, you looked up and when your eyes met, he blew you a kiss, seconds later his cum covered your face.
"You did it great, darling" He extended a hand to help you get up and several knocks on the door caught the attention of both of you, you opened your eyes suddenly and the brown-haired man put a finger on his lips indicating you to be silent.
"Iwazumi is calling you" you could hear Bokuto's voice on the other side of the door speaking clearly to the man next to you, you didn't know if they had any idea that you were there too but you preferred not to say anything just in case. Oikawa gave you some hand signals that you frankly didn't understand and then left, quickly closing the door behind him.
You took advantage of the brown haired man out to clean your face and rinse your mouth, in addition you fix your hair followed by your bra before leaving, it must have been enough time for you to leave without problems.
You took a few steps out of the bathroom only to run into Kuroo coming out of his room half dressed, he had basically just decided to put his underwear back on. He crossed his arms and the way he looked at you told you that he knew everything.
"Were you having fun sucking Oikawa's dick?" he questioned leaning his back against the wall, everything about him at that moment screamed danger and that made him draw your attention even more than before.
"Who says I-" he silenced you, getting close enough to put a finger on your lips.
"You still have cum on your cheek"
"Really?" You instinctively touched your face making Kuroo laugh.
"No but now I know you were doing it" he replied causing you to frown annoyed. "You need better taste in men Y/N-chan"
The black-haired man walked up behind you, pushed aside the strands of hair that were next to your neck and licked it, generating a chill that ran down your spine, as well as making your skin stand on end.
"Why do you say that?" you asked trying to prevent him from noticing the recent nervousness that was starting to grow in you.
"Because you chose Shittykawa" he answered simply, he put both arms around your body and pulled you towards him, his face returned to your neck where he stayed for a second inhaling the perfume that it gave off. It was sweet and captivating, for which he thought it was it fit right in with you."Don't the rest of us deserve something too?"
You didn't even bother asking what he meant this time, as it was very clear where he wanted to go with it. And after things with the brown-haired man ended so quickly, the black-haired man's proposition was good for you.
You turned around until you were face to face with him to be able to kiss him, he felt totally different from Oikawa but you liked him anyway, his lips moved more wildly over yours, with greater eagerness and desire. His hands had no problem starting to explore your body until they found the back of your bra and were ready to play with it, threatening to remove it, so you decided to stop him since you were in the middle of the hallway and you didn't know if the rest had already gone home.
Kuroo noticed that you seemed uneasy about where you were, so he decided it was time to show you what he had in his room. He took your hand and opened the door to take you with him, sticking to his body as soon as you were inside. The light was very dim and you still didn't get used to that lighting so you could barely see anything that was in there, it's not like you needed to see something when you were so busy letting the black-haired man explore your mouth.
You could swear his hands were on your hips but at the same time you felt like someone was removing your bra, maybe Tetsuro was making your mind cloudy too fast and you started imagining things.
When the pair of hands that had removed your bra traveled to your chest, you were absolutely certain that they were not a product of your imagination. You suddenly separated from the black-haired man colliding with what you would swear was another person and you immediately let out a squeal, even without getting fully used to the light, you turned around trying to discover who it was but all you got was tripping over your own feet when you backed down, otherwise if it wasn't because Kuroo caught you in time you probably would have ended up on the ground.
"You scared her Bokuto" scolded the taller of the two.
"Sorry, I wasn't going to jump in yet but she looked too sexy and I couldn't stay away" the black and white haired man apologized slightly embarrassed. "I didn't want to scare you Y/N-chan."
"Why did you turn off the light anyway?" Kuroo questioned.
"I heard you talking in the hallway and I figured it would be better to do it that way."
"Wait, you guys were planning this?"
"Why do you think we got rid of Trashykawa?" the black-haired man answered in your ear causing another shiver to run through your body, you couldn't see it very well but you were sure that he kept giving off that feeling of danger from before, now more than ever.
"So Iwaizumi wasn't calling"
"Oh that's true, now we owe him 2500 yen" Tetsuro never moved from your side, on the contrary he brought you closer to him to whisper in your ear again. "What do you say Y/N-chan? Can we all have fun?"
You swallowed, realizing what they were offering you, a threesome. You had never been in one and honestly the idea excited you, having Bokuto and Kuroo at the same time would never have occurred to you. The thing is that you weren't very sure that you could handle both of them, especially after what you had seen earlier in the living room, you could have run away but the seconds in which you could see them were recorded in your head.
You felt Bokuto approaching you, he didn't touch you but his presence felt intimidating, you could appreciate his silhouette that loomed over you making you feel small.
"You're the boss, do you want me to stay or do I go?" His tone suddenly sounded much deeper than when he had apologized, it would never have occurred to you that you could get wet just listening to him speak but that's how it was.
"Stay" you murmured and stretched out your arm until you reached his, you took it to pull him towards you now feeling his breath hit yours while Kuroo's hit your ear.
"The girl have guts" the black haired man mentioned making you giggle just before your lips met Koutaro's.
His lips pressed hard on yours and they tasted strangely good, you couldn't describe the taste but you definitely liked it, he ran his tongue over your lower lip asking for permission to enter which you gladly gave him and once he entered he got control of your mouth easily. On the other hand, Kuroo positioned himself behind you, his hands went to your breasts and his mouth was in charge of licking your ear, making it difficult for you to concentrate on Bokuto. He massaged your breasts for a few seconds before giving his attention to your nipples, making you moan into the black and white haired man's mouth.
"That sounded damn good," he mentioned pulling away just enough for your breaths to mix and then he gave his friend a quick glance. "Think you can get her to do it again?"
"It offends me that you even ask" Kuroo placed his index fingers on your nipples and began to make small circles on them and then twist them, achieving his goal.
Bokuto began to kiss your neck enjoying the moans that came out of your mouth thanks to Kuroo, the hands of the shortest of them went to the button of your pants removing it without problems and he was in charge of throwing it somewhere in the room. So they decided to change a bit, Tetsuro led you through the darkness to his bed, he sat on it with his back leaning against the wall and then he made you sit between his legs, your back on his chest and you could feel his bulge against you. He flexed your knees then spread your legs giving his friend an excellent view of your wet panties, he brought his right hand up to your clit caressing it on the fabric. Koutaro on the other hand, approached you and began to leave a trail of wet kisses from your neck to the center of your breasts, before taking one of them to his mouth letting his tongue start doing circles around your hard bud while one of his hands squeeze your other boob.
Kuroo pushed aside your panties to open your folds with one hand and bring two fingers closer to your wet entrance, slowly thrust them in causing you to be unable to measure the volume of the moan that came from your mouth, you arched your back and Bokuto gently bit down your nipple, taking care not to hurt you, then he bring his free hand to your clitoris, circling it with his thumb. You arched your back again, consumed by how good it felt, you were sure you had never experienced so much pleasure simultaneously before.
"If y-you keep doing that I won't last m-much longer" your words were faltering and your mind was getting too cloudy, the knot in the lower part of your stomach appeared and you tried to stop the black-haired man with your hands but he easily took them with one of his and held them on your stomach to prevent you from trying to stop them again "Fuck".
"You know you want this, there's no point in resisting" Kuroo whispered to you before proceeding to lick your earlobe. And he was right.
The black-haired man increased the pace while Bokuto proceeded to bring his mouth to your other breast, doing exactly the same with this one as with the previous one. You felt when Tetsuro bumped into your G-spot and started hitting it mercilessly, throwing you into real chaos.
"I think you found it" mentioned the one with black and white hair, separating from you for a second to observe how you trembled under the touch of both of them.
You couldn't take it anymore and it was then that the knot in your stomach released, Kuroo loosened his grip so you managed to get away, your hands then held on to the black-haired man's arms and you threw your head back on his shoulder, your eyes closed while you enjoyed your orgasm moaning without really caring about anything else.
They both took their hands away from you, Tetsuro directed his fingers to his mouth to clean them and Koutaro got up to then wrap his arms around your waist and help you stand up. He parted some strands from your forehead to deposit a tender kiss on it.
"That was hot" his comment made you laugh a little and you smiled at him, you rested your head on his chest to try to regulate your agitated breathing while he caressed your head.
The black-haired man stood up, took off his boxer, threw it on the floor without caring and opened the drawer of his nightstand to take out a condom that was put on without any problem, then he sat on the edge of the bed right behind you, he reached his hands up to reach your hips to pull you towards him.
"Ready?" he asked turning you around so you could see him, you put your hands on his shoulders and he took his to your ass squeezing it lightly.
"For what?"
"You're smart, you know what for" he replied before completely lowering your underwear.
He admired you for a second in what little dim light there was, mainly taking the time to caress your bare ass and then help you climb back on the bed. He made you sit on his lap, your knees bent on either side of his legs and his erection bumping against your mons mound. One of his hands went to the back of your neck to push you against his lips in a passionate kiss just before putting both hands on your hips to lift you up a bit, enough to get you on top of his cock.
"Do you want to do the honours?" He asked over your lips as you felt his tip brush against your entrance. Without answering you just began to lower yourself on top of him, pulling him slowly into you and moaning in the process. He let out a growl when he was fully inside you "Fuck, you feel better than I expected."
You slowly raised your hips again and then let yourself fall, getting a moan out of him, with each step you gave you increased the pace until you felt one of Bokuto's hands on your waist and the other on your butt, smearing something, which immediately made you stop to look at him.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you whispered scared, you had an idea of what it was that made your heart skip a beat since you didn't think you were ready for that, if that was what they were going through you would probably break two.
"Making this easier for everyone" he replied simply and placed a small kiss on your lips as if nothing had happened.
"You're not thinking about..." you said turning to the black-haired man.
"Tag team you? Of course, this wouldn't be fun if we didn't" you swallowed hard at his words but didn't object further.
Kuroo's arms wrapped around your waist forcing you to continue pleasing him and you let Bokuto kept with what he was doing, however when you felt him position himself you stopped them both.
"What's happening? Are you okay?" Koutaro questioned worriedly.
"Yes, it's just... can I put a condition?" You asked nervously swallowing a little saliva.
"As I said before, you are the boss" the black-haired man nodded in agreement with the one with black and white hair.
"I want you behind, I don't think I can handle Koutaro" you said embarrassedly to Tetsuro, a part of you thought that maybe it wasn't a good idea to say it because you weren't quite sure how he was going to react but finally you decided that it was the best for you.
"If I had fragile masculinity that would have hurt my ego" he joked letting out a laugh before letting go of your waist "Your wishes are my command Y/N-chan."
You got up to turn to Bokuto who wasted no time pulling you as close to him as he could, his hands going to your legs squeezing them hard making you squeal. His lips met yours so you concentrated on him until he made you jump to wrap your legs around his waist, one of his hands went to your butt to get a good hold and the other was in charge of locating his member in your entrance.
You sighed as you felt the tip wanting to enter you, so you held on tightly to his shoulders as he sank inside you, growling as he went. Just like with Kuroo once he was fully inside you managed to lift your hips enough so that only the tip of him was inside just before he rammed into you hard.
"Damn, you're so tight" his hands squeezed your butt tightly with each thrust making you moan in his ear. After a couple more thrusts Kuroo decided it was his time to join, which Bokuto noticed, so he began to go slowly while the black-haired man applied a little more lube on you, he inserted a finger initially to help you relax.
"I promise I'll gentle" Tetsuro whispered in your ear as he brushed his tip against your butt. You tightened your grip on the black and white haired man's shoulders, then he realized that you were nervous.
"We can stop whenever you want"
"It's okay, just give me time to get used to it" they both nodded.
Your body completely tensed when the black-haired man's dick began to enter, it really hurt but you repeated to yourself that you could handle it, Tetsuro brought his hands to your breasts massaging them in an attempt to help you focus on something else and Koutaro put his lips on yours kissing you gently.
You whimpered on Bokuto's lips and a tear rolled down your cheek, you dug your nails into his skin making him moan, so he began to move his hips a little faster sending more pleasure to your body that helped you calm down as his thrusts were deeper.
"Now you c-can m-" your voice trembled as you spoke but it was enough for Kuroo to easily understand that he had permission to move, when he was totally inside he began to kiss your neck as he slowly began to come out inside of you. The pain hadn't completely gone but it was fading more and more.
The black-haired man's thrusts were slow, trying to keep his word, the problem is that it became difficult because it was a totally different rhythm from Bokuto who was holding you, besides, to tell the truth, he was beginning to get desperate, he felt that you were giving too much attention to his friend.
"Koutaro" you moaned slightly separating from him to take a breath.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back for the black-haired man, he could assure that he did not have a fragile masculinity as much as he wanted but the reality is that the fact that it was not his name that came out of your lips had hurt his ego. He bring a hand up to your neck cutting off your air a bit and at the same time pulling you back enough so that your back crashes into his chest.
"You remember my name, right?" He whispered in your ear beginning to insert himself more strongly into you this time, you nodded several times trying to concentrate although your senses were completely lost by pleasure.
He let go of your neck to finally do what he was waiting for in and out of you mercilessly, he no longer cared what you could say at that moment, he went in so deep that you began to fear that you wouldn't be able to walk after that, not that at that point it will be really relevant to you. The little pain that remained even turned you on even more, like Bokuto every time you buried your nails in him, apparently you both had that in common.
"Tetsu-ro, fuck that fe-el so good" you encouraged him by making him go faster even though you didn't understand how that could even be possible. You tightened around both of them drawing a groan from each of them.
"You are doing it great" He whispered in your ear again but this time he didn't move away, you could hear him perfectly, his growls and moans sounding loud and clear only to you, so you decided to tighten yourself around him again. "If you keep doing that I-"
The knot in your stomach was present again, you were so close that probably there wasn't much left for you to reach your orgasm, your nails dug into Bokuto's skin again, this time deeper than all the previous ones, they were definitely going to fit him marked after all. He began to sink as far as he could into you, pounding into you over and over again as Kuroo moved from behind, any trace of gentleness completely gone.
"I'm s-so close"
"Let us see you, cum for us" Tetsuro took your neck again with one of his hands, his thrusts were becoming more clumsy indicating that he was also close.
A couple more thrusts were enough for you to reach your second orgasm, with Kuroo following almost immediately. His fingers tightened on your neck as he let out everything he had before pulling out of you and removing the condom to throw it into a trash can.
You hugged the one with black and white hair that hadn't stopped ramming you at any time in search of his release, your entire body trembled as you struggled to hold on feeling totally overwhelmed by the overstimulation he was causing you.
"Kou, I'm s-still sen-sitive" you said in his ear but all he did was take you to the black-haired man's bed, he threw you on it and then he turned to put you on your knees before pushing your chest against the mattress to re-enter you.
He took his hands to your hips to keep you in place after letting out a grunt when you tried to move, you squeezed the sheets hard and your legs trembled, threatening not to be able to bear much more.
"You look so fucking good right now" He said biting his lip and appreciating how his member fully entered you, his thrusts began to become clumsy just when you felt your third orgasm build.
Your eyes watered, so much pleasure was becoming too much for you, Bokuto leaned over your body sticking his chest to your back with his last thrusts, he squeezed one of your breasts with his hand moaning in your ear to finally reach his own orgasm and you followed him almost instantly.
He held you for a few more seconds while he recovered his breath and then came out of you, once he was completely gone you fell on the bed exhausted, your entire body and your senses were trying to recover, you remained like that for a few seconds until you finally gathered enough strength to turn around, running into Kuroo who was looking at you mockingly, he was wearing pajama pants and his hair seemed to be wet because he decided to take a bath after leaving you with the black and white haired man.
"Tired, huh?"
"Shut up, Roaster head" you said sitting on the bed to scan the floor for your clothes.
"You know? I like you better when you call my name and moan it"
You ignored his comment and got up to pick up your underwear and put it on, followed by your jeans, the only thing you couldn't find was your bra. You walked across the room more than once but it just seemed to have disappeared.
"Are you looking for this maybe?" You raised your head to look at the black-haired man with a smirk on his face and your bra in one of his hands. You rolled your eyes and then approached him and took it, although he tried to push it away to annoy you, you were faster.
"Where is Bokuto? I want to ask him if he can take me home"
"He's taking a shower but he said he's too tired to drive so he's staying" Kuroo replied, throwing himself onto his bed. "You can stay too if you want"
Out of nowhere his tone went back to being for a moment that deep one that penetrated your body making you feel nervous, whichever way you saw it was a bad idea, mainly because the next day you had a class quite early. Even so, your foolish impulsive side thought about it for a moment but you finally refused his offer and decided you would take an uber to your apartment.
After putting on your blouse and picking up your things, you went down to the first floor to go out to meet the car that would take you home. To your bad luck, the driver canceled when you got downstairs.
"You have to be kidding" you snorted and got ready to wait for them to assign you another trip because it was the only option you had left or so you thought until a hand landed on your shoulder scaring you for a second "FUC- oh it's just you Daichi, you scared the hell out of me".
"Sorry I didn't want to scared you... Do you want me to take you home?" You nodded and followed him to his car, which was only a few meters from the entrance of the building where Tetsuro lived.
You both got into the car, the brown-haired man turned on the air conditioning and started driving, your head suddenly felt too heavy so you decided to lean it against the window, you closed your eyes as you were lulled to sleep by the movement of the car in the streets and without realizing you fell asleep.
Since it was quite late there were not many cars on the streets, so Daichi had no problem getting to where you lived, he parked and still wondering why you had been so quiet, his answer came as soon as he saw you, he had to admit that the image had seemed tender to him. He gently touched your shoulder to shake you so he could wake you up.
"We already arrived at your building" sleep was gaining you so much that you barely heard your friend's voice because of how tired you were.
"Just five more minutes, I am very comfortable" Daichi didn't say anything else and you continued with your nap calmly, at least until you felt the door open, almost falling to the ground for not having been able to react in time.
"I bet your bed is also very comfortable" He said trying to convince you to get up so you could go upstairs.
"You're probably right but I'm too tired to move"
"I guess fucking Oikawa, Kuroo and Bokuto must be tiring" your eyes widened at hearing it and you looked up to see him.
"How do you know about that?"
"It was impossible not to hear the moans" you felt your cheeks flush red and you instinctively averted your face, totally embarrassed that he found out about it.
You didn't know but he had been in the living room most of the time, at first waiting for you after Tooru ran out because Iwazumi had told him that his apartment was on fire, he had thought that you would come after that but he gave up on that idea when he listened the moans leave Kuroo's room, so he went down to his car to go home, although he finally ended up waiting for you there when he remembered that you had no way to go to your apartment.
You covered your face with both hands refusing to look at him, he would probably have a very bad image of you now, how were you supposed to look at his face after that. Both of you were silent for a second, he waiting for you to say something and you wanting to disappear at that very moment.
"You must think the worst of me, don't you?" you asked timidly still refusing to reveal your face.
"Not really, I'm just..." he whispered timidly scratching his neck.
"You just what?" you removed your hands from your face but you still didn't turn to see him, you just put your hands on your knees and stared at the floor of the car, waiting for what he had to say.
"I'm just little jealous of them" his confession echoed through your head, surprising you since it was the last thing you thought might come out of his mouth. Your heart raced and you even began to think that maybe you had misheard, maybe you hadn't even woken up yet and you were just dreaming stupid things.
"Why would you be jealous of them?" you asked still shocked by what he said. Daichi swallowed his insecurities and rested his left arm on the car as he leaned closer to you, you turned to find his face inches from yours and you swallowed nervously.
"Are you really asking me why?" he licked his lips and moved a little closer to you "You really need me to tell you?"
Your brain went blank, it was like you weren't able to think straight because the only thing going through your head was how good your childhood best friend's lips looked right there inches from you, tempting you to continue sinning like you had been doing all night.
"Kiss me" he didn't take half a second to do what you asked, his lips pressed against yours and his right hand went to your nape to allow him to deepen the kiss. Your lips parted giving him full access to your mouth where both began to fight for dominance.
You opened the door of your apartment quickly and entered being followed by the brunette who closed it behind him. He approached you to wrap his arms around your body kissing you again in the process, his presence in that state was by far the most dominant you had experienced, which frankly you didn't expect coming from someone like him who had always been good and kind with you, yet it didn't bother you in the slightest.
He got rid of your blouse in one movement, taking the time to enjoy the sight of your breasts up close in that bra that had mesmerized him all night without you noticing. He began to kiss your neck and one of his hands went to your back unfastening your bra without problems, he slid the straps slowly and then let it fall.
"Show me your hands" he demanded, looking into your eyes as he unbuckled his belt, his voice sounded deep and threatening, it fit perfectly with the aura he emanated, it made you want to obey him so you did.
He took off his belt and joined your hands and then tied them tightly making you let out a squeal, it hurt a little but it was exciting enough for you not to care, he raised your hands above your head holding the belt to pull it down and with his other arm around your waist before kissing you again taking the time to savor your lips.
He led you to the sofa where he made you sit down and then spread your legs wide with force, you didn't say anything you were too focused on following all of Daichi's movements, from his hands traveling to the button of your pants to unbuttoning it to his biceps standing out a bit when he yanked it off like it was the easiest thing in the world for him. Later he got rid of your panties leaving you completely naked in front of him and his look full of desire that made you feel small.
He knelt in front of you and then took your legs to put them on his shoulders, now having your wet pussy throbbing every time his breath collided with it, he licked his lips once more and turned for a second to see you, your face screamed despair, you wanted him to do something at once. A smirk rolled from him just before he slumped between your legs like a starving animal.
He made his tongue give a first lick of your pussy causing you to sigh at the contact and your legs tried to close around his head but he didn't care, he continued to give small licks to your clit while one of his fingers entered and left you without piety. You moaned and he increased speed, the sound of your wet cunt in conjunction with the noise caused by the mouth of the brown-haired man sucking your entrance was all that was heard in your apartment, the melodious lust resonating between the four walls of your living room.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" You were only able to repeat that when you felt the tongue of your childhood best friend enter you, you had no idea that just that could make you a disaster but it did. Your breathing was completely irregular and your head couldn't process anything other than the pleasant feeling that was Daichi invading you with his tongue. "Daichi f-fuck me now"
Your sudden request disconcerted him for a second and he separated to look at you, you were trying to regulate your breathing, your hair was a mess and your pupils were completely dilated.
"What did you say?"
"Fuck me, I don't think I can t-take much more so ju-st do it"
He chuckled but decided to listen to you, he carried you on his shoulder to your room and then threw you onto the bed and without giving you time to escape, he tied the belt to the back of the bed as best he could. Your eyes cannot be taken away from him at any time, you watched very well how he removed his shirt, allowing you to appreciate his torso, then he took off his pants and threw them next to your bed.
You swallowed saliva and your eyes widened when you saw his erection, a reaction that internally made the brown-haired ego grow a bit, he had the small insecurity of not being enough compared to the others, however, you easily made him lose that fear.
Your entire body tensed when you saw him take off his boxers and then approach you on the bed, it was as if the moment of truth was looking you straight in the eyes, your legs trembled slightly when he opened them for him just before placing himself in the middle of these causing your heart to race. Daichi took his member with one hand to lead him to your entrance and you wanted to bring your hands to his face but the belt prevented it and you tried to pull to get away but it was impossible.
"If you want something you have to ask" He began to introduce the tip of his cock into you while placing both hands on the sides of your head, you arched your back as he entered fixing your eyes on his, you could never have imagined seeing him like this, on top of you with his dilated pupils and your legs encircling his body. And to be fair to him, it wouldn't have crossed his mind that he would end up with you moaning for him as you fretted over not having your hands free and your lips desperate to meet his.
"Kiss me"
Fulfilling your request, he put his lips together with yours just as he entered as deeply into you as he could, you moaned into his mouth feeling how he came out to reintroduce himself suddenly, your body feels extremely sensitive, so much that with a couple of thrusts you tightened around him as you felt the knot in your stomach build rapidly, he grunted and began to move faster sending you smoothly over the edge.
"Daichi I'm close" you whispered sobbingly against his lips, that prompted him to change position a bit, he moved away from your lips to take the back of your thighs with both hands and press them against your chest allowing him to reach much deeper inside you, reaching your cervix and going against it mercilessly. It made the sound of your bed slamming against the wall every time he lunged fill the entire room and perhaps be heard throughout your entire floor.
He seemed determined to enter you with such force that you thought he was going to break you and the truth is that his eyes were enraptured on your breasts, not even his senses allowed him to concentrate on the amount of force he put into each thrust he gave. Suddenly you couldn't take it anymore and you just cum around him, your legs wanted to close but with him still holding them it was impossible, the pleasure invaded you completely, a small tear slipped down your cheek and the overstimulation became unbearable.
Your fluids covered him completely, making it easier for him to get in and out of you, he really loved how you felt, he could stay that way as long as life allowed him and he wouldn't have any problem doing it, especially if it was accompanied by that beautiful expression of satisfaction that adorned your face.
The search for his own orgasm ended with a couple of thrusts, he stopped and you could feel how he came inside you, filling you completely, making an interesting mixture of his fluids with yours that began to slide from your entrance as soon as he came out of you.
Both were exhausted and trying to catch the breath as you two took the opportunity to look into each other's eyes, later smiling at each other despite the exhaustion. Daichi approached the back of the bed untied the belt and then gave you a tender kiss on the forehead.
The next day you opened your eyes after 10 in the morning without even caring that you had missed one of your classes, your whole body was so sore but it felt good to remember the reason for that pain.
You felt the bed expecting to meet Daichi but there was no one there, because he did care about his classes, not everyone could afford to miss like you. Although you didn't see him, you did notice that on your nightstand there was a note next to a small bag, which contained a morning-after pill that he had responsibly gone to buy for you. On the paper he informed you that he had prepared breakfast and you could look for it in the microwave when you woke up.
"How can he fuck me like a beast and be the sweetest person the next morning?" You asked yourself laughing and then take your cell phone and check the notifications, some interesting notifications.
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You could have started losing your savings on a poker night but ended up gaining the attention of those four men, maybe it's true that the world works in mysterious ways.
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jeonghunny · 1 day
— kiss and make up, vernon chwe.
angst, fluff, smut | 1.7k
minors do not interact.
[warnings] public sex, fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex, crying during sex, creampie
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vernon pulls into the empty parking lot outside of your apartment building. it’s the middle of the night, the rain is pouring heavily and you’re fighting over the same old issue once again. you’re rambling about how you feel like he doesn’t care about you and your feelings enough because he pays more attention to his career than he does your relationship and how he’s always distracted and on his work phone during dates. he feels like he’s at his wit’s end, he has tried everything he possibly could to show you that it wasn’t the case at all and he loves you and cares for you, deeply.
“are you even listening to what i’m saying?”
vernon’s head snaps up at your question, bringing him out of his thought. he shakes his head slightly then quickly says, “yeah, sorry, i am.”
you stare at him, as if waiting for him to say something but vernon doesn’t know what else to say because by this point he’s already tried everything before. “i’m tired of this. i’m leaving.” you let out a disappointed sigh then turn away from him to open the car door but vernon stops you.
“don’t go, let’s talk this out.” he pleads with one hand grabbing onto your arm tightly.
you don’t move but you also don’t say anything to him and vernon realises you were crying when your shoulders start shaking visibly.
“hey,” he places a hand on your shoulder to turn you around but your eyes don’t meet his. he wipes your tears away with both of his thumbs then tilts your face up so he can look into your glassy eyes. “i love you,” he says softly. so softly that if you weren’t paying attention you would have missed them due to the sound of the raindrops hitting the roof of the car loudly. “i love you so much. and i’m sorry for ever making you think that i don’t.”
you choke back a sob at his words and he tries to wipe away more tears that rolled down your cheeks.
“i promise i will do better and try harder for you, for us.”
“i’m sorry too,” you manage to get out between the hiccups and sniffles. “i know how important your work is to you and yet—”
vernon cuts you off by crashing his lips into yours urgently and he notices the slightly salty taste of your tears from earlier. the kiss feels passionate and desperate, like if he didn’t kiss you now he’d never get the chance to again. when he finally pulls away, breathless, he stares into your eyes and says, “nothing is more important than you.” he says it with such certainty that you have no choice but to believe him.
this time, you lean forward to capture his lips with yours. vernon’s hands immediately move from your cheeks to your hair, pushing you impossibly closer to deepen the kiss as much as he can. he bites on your lower lip gently before tugging it lightly between his teeth and a moan escapes you. vernon breaks the kiss and looks at you with hooded eyes, nodding his head towards the backseat as a signal for you to move. as you climb into the backseat, music from one of vernon’s playlist starts playing through the speakers and you let out a chuckle.
“what? i got to set the mood.” he argues.
you hold out both arms towards him, indicating for him to go to you and he quickly moves to join you. your lips immediately find his again while you unbutton his shirt.
“god, i love you,” he mutters in between kisses and you respond by kissing him back harder. he slides one hand down your body and under your skirt to push your underwear to the side before running a finger through your soaked folds, making you moan into his mouth as your hands grip his shoulders. “so wet already,” vernon teases your entrance and your hips buck up with a whine.
“stop teasing,” you move your hips again and he finally pushes one finger inside you.
his pace was slow, like he wants to take his time with you. he starts kissing down your jaw and he buries his face in the crook of your neck, pressing a light kiss there. “i’m sorry,” he breathes out as he pushes another finger inside, causing you to let out another moan.
“vernon,” you whine out.
“yeah babe?” he looks into your eyes. “what do you need? tell me and i’ll give it to you.”
“i need you inside me,” your breathy voice now laced with desperation.
vernon leans back to unbuckle his belt, then he pulls his pants and underwear down just enough for his painfully hard cock to be exposed. he takes your underwear off then slides his tip along your folds, coating himself in your arousal and you let out a hiss whenever he touches your sensitive clit.
“vernon please,” you whine, feeling yourself clenching around nothing.
he positions himself at your entrance and then he’s pushing into you slowly until he’s fully buried inside you and you let out a sharp exhale at the stretch. he bends forward to place a gentle kiss on your lips and your arms immediately wrap around his shoulders to pull him closer to you. you wiggle your hips to let him know he can move and vernon draws his hip back to thrust into you softly while his kiss grows hungrier. he eventually finds a steady rhythm and you moan into the kiss when you wrap your legs around him causing him to hit a particular spot within you that has your eyes rolling back. breaking the kiss, vernon moves closer to your ear and you can hear him repeatedly whispering “sorry’s” and “i love you’s” between pants and you bring him closer to you to press a kiss to his shoulder.
“i love you too.”
vernon responds by lightly sucking on the skin of your neck then giving that same spot a soft kiss. he sits up, pulling you along with him so you’re now riding him. he wraps both arms around you tightly so your head is resting on his shoulder and your chests are flushed against one another and you know he can feel your heart racing because you can definitely feel his.
“you can go at whatever pace you want babe,” he breathes into your ear before nibbling on your earlobe.
you start grinding your hips slowly and vernon groans against your neck as he runs one hand up and down your back and you’re crying from how overwhelmingly full you feel. full from vernon being inside you and also full of love. vernon notices the slight wetness down his back and he stills you by holding your hips. when you stopped moving he moves you to look at your face.
“what’s wrong?” worry evident in his voice. “did i hurt you?”
you shake your head quickly and vernon cups your face in his hands.
“then what’s the issue?” he probes, forcing you to look at him.
you let your eyes wander for a bit before landing on his face and you sigh. “i don’t know, i guess i was just feeling a little overwhelmed after everything.”
vernon’s expression softens at that and you pulls you into a hug. “baby i’m so sorry, we won’t have that fight ever again i promise.”
“sorry for crying so much,” you laugh softly as you wipe your tears. “we can keep going now.”
vernon searches your face, making sure you’re actually alright. “you sure? we don’t have—”
you lift yourself up until his cock is almost fully out of you then slam yourself back down on him. vernon starts thrusting up involuntarily and your fingers find your swollen clit to rub messily at it as your hips move to match his pace. you feel the coil in your stomach tightening and you know you’re close.
“are you close?” vernon struggles to get out when he feels you clenching around him.
you try to answer him with words but all you can get out was a moan and a nod. vernon slaps your hand away from your clit to replace it with his own, rubbing harsh circles into it.
“cum on my cock,” his voice sounds strained and you know he’s holding back for you.
you grind desperately on him and before you know it, the coil inside you snaps and you’re coming undone with a loud cry, the last thing you hear was vernon’s heavy breathing and “thinkin bout you” by frank ocean before a loud ringing takes over. you’re shaking within vernon’s grasp while he continues thrusting up into you, chasing after his own high. when you finally come down from your orgasm, you hear a deep groan from vernon and with a few more sloppy thrusts, he’s cumming inside you, covering your walls with his cum. you go limp in his hold and you’re suddenly very aware that you are still in a public place where people might see you once you hear the sound of the raindrops against the metal of the car.
“i can’t believe we just did that in the car, my neighbours could have seen us.” you grumble into his chest.
vernon lets out a chuckle, wrapping an arm around you as he plays with your hair lazily. “well, it’s really late and no one’s walking around out here. the windows are pretty much covered by the rain.” he moves your hair away from your face. “we don’t have to worry about the noise either, the rain’s pretty loud.”
you peek outside and realises he’s right, the streets seems empty. you tilt your head up to look directly at him. “let’s never fight about this again. i hate it when we fight.”
“i don’t know, if this is how we’re gonna resolve all our fights maybe we should be fighting more often.”
you sit up to punch him in the chest but he catches you by the wrist and press a gentle kiss to your knuckles. “i’m only joking babe,” he pulls you down to him. “you know i hate seeing you upset.”
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tealvenetianmask · 1 day
How Blitz and Stolas figure out how they feel: external vs. internal processing
I've been in therapy a ton (feeling like I'm not alone in that in this fandom), and one of the things I've learned from it is that I like to process my thoughts and feelings externally- by talking about them. It turns out not everyone is like that. I'm like Blitz in this way.
I first got on this topic when I was thinking about how Blitz flip flops in Apology Tour. When he goes to see Stolas at the beginning of the episode, he goes in with an idea he's trying out- a narrative he's committed to FOR NOW, insisting that he's there to reinstate the full moon deal with TONS of undue and shaky confidence.
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Is this plan something he's actually confident in? Absolutely not. But he's going to commit to it damnit and see how it plays out. Does he believe it? I think he does in the moment. He's convinced himself anyway, and when Stolas wears him down and he understands that he's not doing himself any favors . . .
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He starts processing the real shit aloud.
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I don't think Blitz has ever admitted this to himself, at least not this articulately and accurately. He needs to say it aloud in order for it to be real. Oops too real.
He's SCARED because he didn't even KNOW he felt this way, but things are becoming very clear and dangerously close to the heart of the matter . . . so he pivots again back into comfortable territory (conflict).
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By the end of the conversation, he arrives at a new mission, one that's sort of an equilibrium between his realizations about his honest feelings and his need to have a mission he feels confident in. He's not all confident or all honest- he's still in flux.
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There are SO many more examples of Blitz realizing how he feels BY TALKING (later in Apology Tour when he's talking to Stolas, and then when he's talking to Verosika . . . but then also back in Oops, etc.), but I'm going to leave it at one for brevity here. What's important is that we NEVER see Blitz processing alone. Even in his part of the duet (more on songs in a sec), when he's technically singing to himself, he's consoling himself with a narrative rather than really processing the things that need to be processed.
Blitz needs a person to process with.
But Stolas is an internal processor. We know this already because he made the plan to give Blitz the Asmodean crystal and sat on it for literal months, procuring the crystal, ironing out what he would say, trying to initiate conversations with Blitz, but never explaining how he felt to anyone before it was time- and absolutely NEVER in a way that was half baked.
The way Stolas sings his feelings actually gives us a really clear and beautiful picture of how he processes and figures things out. I forget who said it, but someone on the Helluva creative team referenced a broadway truism that in a musical, characters sing what they can't speak. I think for Stolas it's often what he can't YET speak because he's still processing. He has full honest conversations with himself (Stolas Sings, Just Look My Way), and then when he's face to face with Blitz, he knows exactly what he wants to say. His feelings and beliefs actually progress from song to song- he expresses his awareness of a problem in Stolas Sings and gets more precise about how he feels and what he needs to do about it in Just Look My Way.
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By The Full Moon, for better or worse (kind of both), Stolas knows exactly what he wants to say to Blitz and how he wants to say it.
Even when he's upset, angry, and then drunk, when Stolas speaks about his feelings, he's consistent. He's decided. He loves Blitz. He wants a real relationship. From his point of view, he doesn't care about social class, so he can't understand why Blitz is so stuck on it.
But he's missing something key (it's the social class thing- it's definitely the social class thing), and internally, he's cooking, and we see that (again) when he sings.
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This is the rawest and most in flux stage of his thought process that we've seen. Because this is how he figures out what he thinks and feels- with himself, in song.
Okay- so interesting psychoanalysis- why does this matter to the story?
Well, I think that Stolas doesn't understand that when Blitz speaks in these super emotional, fraught conversations, he doesn't go in knowing what he thinks and feels. He's figuring it out on the fly. He's figuring it out BY talking, and needs to be allowed to do that. Should he do this with a therapist instead of with the person most likely to be hurt by the ideas he flies through on his way to his true feelings? For sure, but this is Blitz.
In turn, Blitz doesn't understand that when Stolas acts absolutely certain and doesn't seem to take in the things Blitz is saying, he's not talking to a brick wall. He's talking to a moveable person who, once he's alone (or singing) is going over and over everything and breaking his thoughts down and reformulating until he arrives at something new.
So . . . it might be a little much to ask these two to understand each other's different processing styles- but they're coming along in their own ways. And I'm looking forward to them understanding each other. Someday. Maybe. Fucking sit down and talk. Slowly. AGH.
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Episode Seven and White Tears
The trial's allegory is not just a lynching, it is a lynching for a Black person entering a relationship with a respected White man, and proceeding to leave him. It's not a murder case, as seen through the show, there's actually very little emphasis on the murder in the episode in regards to Louis. The emphasis is on his "seduction", his "ungiving nature", and "refusing to give his body". It is a public humiliation and lynching for turning a respected white man down. The crime isn't hurting Lestat, it's hurting his feelings.
Lestat doesn't speak to the audience about the pain of his throat being slit. He speaks of loneliness, the audience chants and jeers about how cheating was justified if Louis isn't putting out. Santiago isn't talking about the murder, he's talking about how much of a sexual deviant Louis is the second he is introduced. The show is telling us what's important to the case, and what language hurt and stuck out to Louis the most. The deciding factor in the eyes of the audience, the story that Sam and Santiago are trying to tell, is that the crime is heinous because Louis turned down Lestat.
The audience isn't mad about the murder, they're mad about Lestat's emotions, they're mad about the betrayal, and they are mad that Louis and Claudia didn't put up with things. The case built against the two of them isn't based on violence, it's based on white tears. Louis isn't called a monster for slitting Lestat's throat, the audience member calls him a monster for turning down Lestat's advances.
The show is clear that the trial isn't really about the murder, it is about Louis not "giving enough" for Lestat. It's about Louis asking Lestat to turn Claudia and literally bargaining his happiness where he literally gets on his knees and says "I'll be happy for you, I will never leave you if you do this for me". It's never been about the murder, it's quite literally just shaming Louis for not "loving a good man who might be abusive".
At the end of the day, the trial as framed and written by Sam is building a case off of Lestat's tears, not actual physical harm.
Like my skin is crawling but also the show is so chilling with how it portrayed the "He's a good man so hold your tongue and endure! Lest you read as ungrateful".
Anyways someone take the laptop from me before this becomes my life.
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chloe-caulfield94 · 3 days
The theme of sexual violence in Life is Strange S1
A very important theme of Season 1, present in the Dark Room plot, is the theme of sexual violence and of women being objectified, turned into inanimate objects by cruel men. This is what Jefferson and Nathan did to their victims - quite literally deprived them of all agency and posed their bodies for their own pleasure.
Chloe was also a victim of the Dark Room. Nathan lured her into his dorm, slipped her date rape drugs and attempted to assault her. She barely escaped before he began his photo session of her, which likely would've ended the same way as it did for Rachel, with Nathan overdosing his model.
By the way, this shows that the remorse expressed by Nathan over Rachel’s death and his complicity in Jefferson’s crimes in his voice mail to Max was completely phoney. Because after he had already murdered Rachel with an overdose, he attempted to perform a “photo session” on Chloe, clearly not minding the possibility of overdosing yet another girl. But why would he mind it? This time it wouldn’t be a friend of his, just some “whore”.
Nathan: “That whore in the bathroom!”
Chloe: “He dosed my drink with some shit ...”
Chloe: “I know I passed out on the floor. I woke up and that perv was smiling, crawling towards me with a camera ...��
When you first heard Chloe describe her encounter with Nathan, how he invited her to his dorm room and roofied her, how he stood over her with a camera when she regained consciousness, what was your reaction? What did you assume Nathan wanted to do to Chloe?
Kate: “I swear to God I had one sip of red wine. I remember ... I remember getting sick and dizzy ... Then Nathan Prescott said he would take me to the hospital ... All I recall is driving for a long time ... then I woke up in a room ... I don't know what happened ... I woke up outside my dorm room the next day. I felt gross”.
When you first heard Kate describe her encounter with Nathan, how she immediately felt drowsy after tasting her drink, how Nathan removed her from the party under the pretext of helping her but instead he took her to some secluded place where he did something to her, what was your reaction?
At that point, was there any reasonable explanation for Nathan’s behaviour apart from him being a date rapist? Spiking a girl’s drink, removing her from the party to a secluded place, taking pictures to keep as souvenirs and to blackmail the victim into silence – that’s textbook date rapist MO.
The sexual undertone of the violence perpetrated by Jefferson and Nathan against their unwilling models is obvious. Explaining his “art” to Max, Jefferson said he’s obsessed with “the moment innocence turns into corruption”. He also said that all his models have “the same doe-eyed look” once they realize what is about to happen to them.
Jefferson: “I’m obsessed with the idea of capturing that moment innocence evolves into corruption”.
Jefferson: “You all have the same doe-eyed look when you wake up here, replaced by fear as you realize what’s about to happen”.
But Jefferson’s usual MO didn’t involve him murdering his victims. He murdered Chloe and possibly Victoria as well as attempted to murder Max, because they were witnesses that needed to be removed. He usually dumped his unconscious victims somewhere after performing a photo session on them, still alive. So if the thing that made his victims supposedly lose innocence wasn’t impending death, what was it? Mark Jefferson strikes me as the kind of person who holds the reprehensible belief that being subjected to certain kinds of violence can cause a person to lose their innocence and become “corrupted”. That is of course not true. The only way a person can become corrupted is by embracing evil with their heart. Suffering violence at someone else’s hands can never deprive you of your innocence or corrupt you. But it seems that obvious truth was lost on Mark Jefferson.
When you first heard Chloe and Kate describe their encounters with Nathan, when you first heard Jefferson, a grown man, talk how he is obsessed with taking away the innocence and corrupting the teenage girls he kidnaps, weren’t the implications of what they did to their victims obvious? I think the writers wanted to leave what exactly happened to victims of the Dark Room ambiguous, but when all the voice lines for Episode 5 had already been recorded, they realized that the fate of the victims was anything but ambiguous, so they decided to add a newspaper clipping Max can find in the San Fransisco timeline, which states that no signs of violence going beyond drugging, kidnapping and posing of the victims was found. I am deeply grateful that they decided to add this bit of information, because I am very fond of all the characters who had the misfortune to be subjected to Jefferson’s and Nathan’s violence – Rachel, Kate, Chloe, Max. But even after we learn that the perpetrators “only” posed their victims and took their pictures, I still maintain that what Jefferson and Nathan did was sexual assault. They drugged their victims unconscious. They at least partially undressed them. On the pictures Max finds in the Dark Room, Rachel is missing her shoes and Kate is missing her black jacket, which they would've been wearing the moment they were kidnapped. And those were just the first photos in their respective albums. Thankfully, we weren’t shown the rest. Jefferson and Nathan exercised complete control over their victims’ limp bodies, posing them in ways they found pleasing.
In her diary, Max describes that some of the photographs of Kate and Rachel she saw in the Dark Room portrayed them posed with Nathan. Rachel’s photographs depicted her “all over” Nathan. This goes to show that the photo sessions done by Jefferson and Nathan involved a lot more physical contact than simply needed to pose the unconscious models and that Nathan got particularly handsy with his victims, both during photo sessions he performed with Jefferson and during those he performed alone.
And why did they only target pretty teenage girls? If Jefferson and Nathan wanted to capture the moment “innocence turns into corruption”, why not target young boys as well? Why go through all the trouble of kidnapping students from an expensive private school that would be searched for if they went missing? Why not target people that nobody would come looking for, like the homeless, or truckers on long hauls? Because they lusted for a very specific type of innocence and a very specific type of corruption. Finally, notice how they talked about their victims. Nathan kept calling Chloe a “whore”.
When Max lamented Chloe’s murder, Jefferson responded by saying she had to be silenced because she knew too much but he wasn’t interested in Chloe as a model because he’d already had his fill of faux punk sluts like that in his Seattle days.
Jefferson: “And don’t get me started on your late partner. I had enough of those faux punk sluts in my Seattle days”.
This is such a bizarre answer. Jefferson, when accused of murdering Chloe, felt the need to clarify that he was not interested in her, because he’d already had numerous flings with girls similar to her in the past. Why say that? If his lack of interest in Chloe stemmed from the fact that he’d had relations with similar girls in the past, then that clearly implies that the interest in his models was at least partially sexual in nature, even if he “only” satiated his desire by taking photographs. Talking about his “art”, Jefferson felt the need to bring up his taste in girls, explaining that he’d had enough of sluts and he was now after pure girls from good homes that he could corrupt to his evil heart’s desire.
Later, Jefferson said that Rachel and Chloe are fucking in heaven.
Max: “Chloe and Rachel! You killed both of them!”
Jefferson: “They’re fucking together in heaven right now. Is that what you want to hear?”
This is a grown man talking about high school kids using language like that – sluts, fucking. All that proves that Jefferson’s and Nathan’s disgusting crimes had a sexual dimension to them.
Look at it from Chloe’s perspective. Nathan lured her into a secluded location and slipped her date rape drugs. She barely escaped whatever he wanted to do to her. If this happened to you or someone you cared about, what would you assume? The only reasonable assumption would be that it was an attempted date rape. And the reality of Nathan’s photo sessions, seeing how they sometimes ended with the model suffering a deadly overdose, while different, was no better than that.
Chloe knew she would never get justice by going to the cops. Her word against the word of the local oligarch’s son? The Arcadia Bay Police Department was so notoriously corrupt that its members would openly admit to taking bribes from the Prescotts to teenage girls they just met for the first time.
Max: “I heard a rumour you were working for the Prescott family on the side”.
ABPD cop: “Look, sometimes I check up on the Prescott family to make sure they’re doing alright. Nathan included”.
Chloe figured that the only way for her to get any semblance of justice was to confront the boy who attempted to assault her and demand compensation. Now, riddle me this. Which ending concludes the theme of sexual violence and objectification of women in a better way? The victim being murdered by her would-be assaulter upon confronting him? Or the victim getting away alive? Murder is the ultimate form of objectification. It turns you into an inanimate object, forever. Should the story of the Dark Room end with it claiming one more victim, objectified irreversibly? Or with the victim reclaiming her agency, breaking free from the objectification and remaining animated?
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jam-showtoonz · 1 day
Another AU? (Jack’o Moon!/Hallow!!)
⚠️TW⚠️- Abuse, Guilt Tripping, (there are possibly others- be warned!!)
(Not finished btw- but I wanted to show it before I forgot to-)
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This au is kinda dark-
Info on AU/ Story(?):-
In this au Ruin never showed up and the Bloodmoon Twins are never remade- (this also means Solars dimension doesn’t collapse and he doesn’t die)
The StitchWraith and Creator are still around-
The Creator is after Lunar because of them having Star Power. Moon decides to ask Solar to make a bodyguard for Lunar- aka Jack- to keep them and others safe. Half way through Jacks creation Earth goes missing and a virus starts going around- the effects unknown at the time.
Upon Earths disappearance- Moon starts getting more violent and rude, Lunar starts being irrational and violent- often lashing out at anyone even close to him (this includes Castor and Pollux) and Sun goes completely mute and begins distancing himself from others (he still works normally around the kids- he just doesn’t talk). Solar acts relatively the same as normal- a bit more anxious due to Moon and Lunars sudden personality shift- he always tried to reassure them that Earth is- hopefully- fine and that they’ll find her.
Monty also starts acting irrational and even goes after StitchWraith believing they took Earth. This quickly proves to not be the case and turns out StitchWraith is also looking for their sister-
Puppet and Foxy end up watching over and trying to help Monty as best they can. Worried they may go the same way as Moon and Lunar if they don’t.
Once Jack was finished Moon immediately sent them to Lunar before Jack could even meet their creator. As a result Jack has no idea who Solar is other than Moons friend. Things quickly go south from there- Lunar lashes out at Jack for every mistake they make and even blames them for Earths disappearance at times. These lash outs often get physical and led to Jack getting damaged.
Moon also takes his anger out on Jack- especially if Jack messes up- the main ‘punishments’ being- powered off (without consent/suddenly), taking out or breaking Jacks eyes/eye, breaking off limbs, and hitting with a wrench or hammer- Lunar uses similar punishments, along with throwing Jack against walls, shocking, and locking him in dark closets. Jack has a fear of small and dark places because of this.
Castor and Pollux both try and talk to Lunar about what he’s doing but it ends up leading to a fight- Castor and Pollux leave after it very angry and Lunar blames Jack for it happening. Jack truly believes it’s his fault.
Moon and Lunars actions do not go unnoticed- Solar, Puppet, Foxy and Sun all acknowledge what they are doing and try to keep Jack away from them, with great struggle. Moon doesn’t let Solar anywhere near Jack because ‘Jack isn’t important- there are better things to worry about.’
Lunar and Moon also try to keep Puppet and Foxy away- they only succeed to do so with Foxy because they were still helping Monty- Puppet on they other hand often manages to get to Jack (if for a short period of time) and does their best to fix and take care of him.
Sun has the most success with getting Jack away from them as Moon and Lunar will leave Jack with him if he ‘asks’. He often lets Puppet take them after so Jack can get out of the PizzaPlex and explore (on the times Puppet doesn’t take them he and Jack play video games together) Moon and Lunar think Puppet is taking Jack from Sun when this happens-
With how often Jack gets damaged (broken) Moon resorts to fixing them with duck tape so ‘they aren’t wasting time fixing him’, Lunar also does this- to the point Jack believes duck tape is how you fix every injury. The duck tape does work- it’s mostly used to keep Jacks arms and/or legs from falling off. If they keep falling off despite the duck tape then that’s when Moon properly fixes the issue- whilst complaining to Jack how he’s wasting his time and that they are selfish for doing so- Jack feels extremely guilty when they get repaired.
Solar ends up leaving at some point- he wanted to take Jack and Sun with him because Moon and Lunar were getting worse, and despite their attempts to help them nothing is working. Unfortunately he can’t even get close to Jack which leaves only Sun-
Sun refused however because he wanted to try and protect Jack the best he could, as well as try and fix his brothers, he did promise that once he could get Jack out and away from his brothers he will find Solar.
About 3 weeks after Solar leaves an Eclipse appears outside Suns door from no where- Sun in a panic grabs Eclipse and pulls him inside his room before Moon or Lunar can see him- which confuses Eclipse beyond belief. After Sun rather quickly signs to Moon that nothing was wrong and that he was just startled by Moons sudden appearance Sun attempts to ‘explain’ what was going on to Eclipse- which doesn’t work well because Eclipse doesn’t know sign language.
Sun ends up calling Puppet who shows up immediately upon hearing Eclipse is back. Puppet explains everything to Eclipse who gets more confused when he hears what Lunar and Moon have been doing, so much so he literally doesn’t even believe it. Puppet ends up taking Eclipse back with him so Moon and Lunar don’t find him.
Eclipse- originally planning to screw with Sun and Moon upon his return (which he doesn’t even know how he’s alive)- decides that he’d rather just leave because clearly someone did his job for him, Puppet doesn’t allow him to though, so Eclipse gets stuck with Puppet, Foxy and Monty (who is doing better at this point).
Puppet- who now has a plan on how to get Jack out- makes a deal with Eclipse. They will let Eclipse leave so long as they take and look after Jack. Eclipse declines the deal- not wanting to look after some kid- until he meets Jack.
It was complete random chance as Puppet had ended up bringing Jack to Foxy’s house because of just how badly Jack had been broken. Eclipse had been told to watch the kid because Puppet needed to grab some stuff and Foxy and Monty were out.
Jack, sat holding a plushie Puppet had given them to distract them, smiled like they weren’t missing a leg and their eye wasn’t broken and had oil leaking from it. Eclipse couldn’t help but stared at Jack- questioning what had happened and who could do something like this- his question was quickly answered the minute he asked Jack-
Who continued to smile whilst stating- ‘Moon was mad because I knocked over some board game boxes! I did not mean to!’
Puppet arrived back during this explanation and quickly got to work fixing what they could. Which was mostly just the leg. They’d have to got to parts & service to fix the faceplate and eye- which would be impossible due to Moon.
Eventually Puppet had to send Jack back- they turned to Eclipse afterwards. Eclipse immediately raised their hand to Puppet and simply said ‘deal’.
Puppet promptly got to work on their plan.
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dulceackles · 7 hours
Ambivalent Part one - The town
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, sex, violence, enemies to lovers, alcohol, all that. Mention of dead body, a little bit of horror. English is not my first language, so sorry for typos. Also, it is a Y/N, but I've created a background story and a fictional place around it for creative and storytelling reasons. Will not be describing exterior characteristics, tho!
Summary: Dean used to be really important to Y/N but ever since he suddenly left her without telling her why, she's been avoiding even mentioning him. Now, after years, he's back in town, but not because of her. There's a case. The only things she's certain is that she doesn't like him being back.
Word count: 1k
The town of Dimdale was exactly what it sounded like; small, rather boring, and they saved electricity by switching streets lights off by midnight. Not too fancy, huh? Still, it was Y/N's hometown and even tho she sometimes had dreamed of leaving, she'd never actually wanted to pack her bags.
Oily mugs the coffee house, don't ask about the name, was the town's tourist attraction if so you could say. It had been in business since the 60s, owned by the same family, and served the world's best blueberry pie. Y/N had been working there 6 years now and, you guessed it, she loved the simple job she had.
"One black coffee, please, darling!" An old man with a gray beard ordered over the counter.
"Sure, coming up. It'd be 2.50 dollars, thank you," Y/N smiled. She was just pouring the coffee when she heard the bell on the front door ring, notifying her that a new customer had entered the café. She lifted her eyes from the coffee mug to greet the new customers, but her smile dropped the second her eyes locked with a familiar pair of green ones.
How dare he even walk in here? She thought. Dean Winchester, an asshole, liar, toxic jackass, a traitor even. To be honest, she hated him with all her heart and with all the rage she had left in her, but she didn't want to talk about it, or him, or think about it or anything... And behind him in walked Sam. About him Y/N had no ill thoughts about, but she still hated him too simply because he was related to the smallest man who ever lived, Dean. Someone could have described her as unfair, she just called herself a simple girl.
"Hey y...." Sam tried to greet her behind the counter but was quickly cut off by her.
"What would you like?" She gave them her best fake smile that also very clearly said fuck you to both of them. She handed the earlier customer his coffee, accidentally spilling some of the hot liquid into her hand. That made her hiss out of annoyance. That and the two men sitting in bar stools to be exact.
"I… Umm, I’ll take a sandwich, and he'll..." Sam stuttered, clearly taken back by her passive-aggressive character. He knew things between her and Dean had not ended well, but he hadn't thought they had ended so bad it was enough to make a grown woman act like a high school bully behind the counter.
"I'll take the sandwich too." Dean said, saving his brother from the trouble. "Soo... you still work here."
"Clearly." Y/N spat while solving the sandwiches into a paper bag. She had made the decision for them that they'd be eating on the go.
"Oh, actually, we're eating..." Sam tried to put in again, but again, he was interrupted.
"On the go. I'm sure y'all busy, I know he was last time." She gave them the same fake smile she had mastered and reached out to give them the paper bag. Dean grasped it in her hands and got up from his seat.
"It's okay, we are busy actually," He said and tapped Sam's shoulder. "Let's go."
Y/N watched as Sam got up and looked almost upset. For a second, Y/N nearly felt bad, like he had ever been nothing but sweet to her. But then she remembered that he was his brother, and that was enough reasons to hate him.
"And by the way, if you spat on it, just know I won't mind, darling." Dean smirked and then winked at her. Before turning his back, he watched, just a second, how her face turned red. He knew it wasn't a blush but a rage, and he thought a couple other customers might have clocked it too. He walked towards the door with his brother.
"Well, I'm surprised a kitchen knife hasn't flown into your back yet," Sam whispered and Dean laughed and shook his head as they get in the impala. Dean knew Y/N, and he knew that the only bullet she shoots were the bullets coming from her mouth. Well, to be fair, sometimes he had wished she would have just rather picked up a machine gun or something. Still, he thought she was adorable, even if angry. But Dean had promised himself before even stepping his foot over the boarder of this god forgotten town that he'd never drag her into his life again. Even tho they had quite a history, Dean had never told her about his real job because he didn't want to see him and real world ruin her too. No matter how cute, sweet, absolutely choleric, tempting, beautiful or enraged she was, he'd leave her be. 
She deserves better than to be dragged into this life, Dean thought. Besides, there was a case for them to battle.
"Soo.. 25-year-old woman, Sandra Rittenwell, last seen walking home from a night shift at a bar. Couple days later a body is found and well… See for yourself." Sam stretched out to show Dean the crime scene pictures he'd stolen.
"Well, that's a sight." Dean scrunched his nose in disgust. The pictures were cruel to say at least.
"Tell me about it. Surprisingly there were witnesses tho." Sam blurred out, "Victor Hills, called the police at 4am and claimed he saw a "faceless monster" take Sandra. Apparently he had been walking behind her. The police didn't take his claims seriously at first, but after the discovery of the body, they checked the nearby surveillance cameras and no "monster" had been caught in any of them. Police has no suspects as we speak, but they have had a sketch artist draw a portrait of the thing Victor saw."
"Hmm, interesting. Never seen this before;" Dean thought.
"Yup. Did some research and similar incident has happened before. In 1947 a woman disappeared, the body was never found, but locals said few had seen a similar creature in a couple of previous days, leading to the disappearance. One thing is sure, the monster has a type," Sam Said.
"Yeah, and what's that?" Dean knitted his eyebrows together.
"Women, walking home at night." Sam sigh.
"Of course," Dean shook his head for the second time that day.
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// Hope you liked it, I love a feedback and hopefully I wasn't rusty. I haven't written other than school stuff in a long time. xx
Next part (coming)
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earlgrey24 · 22 hours
What’s the beef between Voltaire and Rousseau? I follow this person who pretends they’re Rousseau and they shit on Voltaire every other day…I’m so curious what is the lore 👀👀
Hi, first of all thanks for the ask! There's a lot going on, but I think it's quite entertaining, so if you have some time to spare to learn about a beef between two colourful characters from centuries ago, strap in!
(Also just decided I'll make two posts because there's so much to get into. Sincerely sorry, brevity has never been my strong suit.)
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The genius leads Voltaire and Rousseau to the Temple of Fame and Immortality (from French Revolution period)
PHILOSOPHICAL DIFFERENCES (aka let's get the basics out of the way first)
I know that a lot of people (myself certainly included!) are mostly there to discuss the juicier stuff, but I think an overview of their general outlook on life is still important, if only to better understand the drama that went down between them.
This will of course be a gross oversimplification of quite complex philosophical problems. (I can almost sense my lecturers shaking their heads as I'm typing this.) Nonetheless -
The simplest way to describe their differences of opinion is that Voltaire championed reason and logic while Rousseau’s philosophy focused much more on feelings. (His personal life was like that as well. JJ prided himself in being in touch with his feelings, which I’m all here for, but sometimes it does really feel like he’s crying in the woods on literally every other page). Another key difference in their general worldview would be Rousseau’s optimism contrasted with Voltaire’s pessimism (probably best exemplified in Candide).
Voltaire essentially believed that human Reason, along with all the rapid advances in sciences and arts overseen by the 18th century would lead to a better life and a better society. Rousseau, on the other hand, in his famous essay First Discourse on Arts and Sciences that skyrocketed his career as a philosopher basically argues that people were originally good in their 'natural state' and it is the artifice of society that corrupted them and rendered them unhappy.
This then very much ties into the differences between the two philosophers as people.
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From Paris. Shout out to my friends who waited for me for five minutes before I got a decent angle.
Rousseau saw himself as a champion of the simple, humble life. In a personal letter to Voltaire, he claimed that the fact V spends his life surrounded by opulence, luxury, and insincere manners of the upper-classes is the precise cause of his misery. V in turn though that both Rousseau’s views and he as a person are a bit ridiculous. (Honestly? Fair. Lot of people did, especially among the upper-classes and 'men of letters' - a lot of which were former Rousseau's friends as well before he decided to go full cottagecore).
Voltaire contacted Rousseau after he read his famous essay The Discourse on the Origin of Inequality among Men in 1755. The letter itself is far from just patting Rousseau on the back. Voltaire does defend the arts, the sciences, and the human progress in general against Rousseau's criticism. I'm including this quote from it since it illustrates the typical banter of V that nonetheless has teeth:
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as well as this quote (mostly because I think it's a banger line):
Letters support, refine, and comfort the soul: they are serving you, sir, at the very moment you decry them: you are like Achilles declaiming against fame (...)
Nonetheless, the tone of the letter is overall quite amiable. To me, it reads as playful criticism - critical, sure, but no open hostility at this point. He even invites Rousseau to come visit him at the end:
M. Chappus tells me your health is very unsatisfactory: you must come and recover here in your native place, enjoy its freedom, drink (with me) the milk of its cows, and browse on its grass.
[1/2] to be continued...
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levi-venn · 14 hours
Accolades - Part Three (Final)
Timeline: A Year after the final escape from Mount Tantiss.
Summary: Omega receives her own Accolades.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three Available on AO3
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“You made all of these?” Omega asked, studying the five decorated boxes in front of her. 
“Mmhm.” Hunter sat beside Omega, letting the quiet moment settle as she absorbed all he had told her.
He wanted to present these five boxes as a happy little exercise made by a brother who had love and pride for his squad. 
Of course she had questions.
“Why haven’t I seen these before?”
“Did Tech get to see his accolades?”
“Why didn’t you give these boxes to your brothers earlier?”
They were hard questions to answer, but good ones. Whether she meant to or not, Omega's unflinchingly honest questions always put things into perspective for Hunter. To his surprise, he felt his heart heal more and more with each answer he gave, while their brothers sat in the circle and listened.
“It was painful to look at them after Crosshair left the squad”
“No…Tech never saw his accolades.”
“I planned to give them to my brothers after the war ended.”
Omega closed each of the boxes, except for one which had remained untouched.
The brothers had all agreed not to open Tech’s box, but they didn’t want to tell what Omega would do. As always she would do what she felt was right.
Omega picked up Tech’s box. She leaned against Crosshair as her fingers traced over the digital skull. Admittedly, seeing Omega and Crosshair bond like this would've kicked up jealousy in Hunter's chest like a gritty dust storm. In the end, after a lot of self-reflection, he recognized that Omega and Crosshair's bond was just as strong as his own with Omega. Just different. It was different with everyone in Omega's life. She went to Hunter to be comforted, and she went to Crosshair to commiserate. She went to Echo for deep conversations and to Wrecker to forget her worries. Her bond with each of her siblings was all equally important and Hunter wouldn't have it any other way.
“Are you going to open it?” Crosshair asked, breaking the silence, sitting stock still, as if to provide a pillar for her to lean on.
Omega shook her head. “It doesn’t feel right. This isn’t for me, it’s for him. And he was always particular about not sharing his stuff.”
She looked up at Hunter suddenly and it took him a moment to realize she was looking for approval.
Hunter smiled. “We felt the same way.”
Omega looked up at her brothers. “You haven’t opened it either?”
Wrecker, Echo, and Crosshair shook their heads. 
“Eh, it’s like you said,” Wrecker said, rubbing the back of his head. “just didn’t feel right.” Then Wrecker perked up. “Can we show her the surprise now?”
“There's a surprise?” Omega gasped, sitting up straight.
“Is there a surprise?” Hunter asked with a growing grin, unable to resist teasing his brother and sister who were now both bouncing excitedly.
“Ugh, Hunter you knowww,” Wrecker whined.
"Show me," Omega whined, too.
“He's kriffing with you two,” Crosshair rolled his eyes. “Go get it, Wrecker.”
“Yeah!!” Wrecker hopped up and went to Hunter's armor tote and pulled out a silver coffer painted with a pink energy crossbow and a lurca hound paw print. 
“You made this for me?!” Omega gasped, taking the box from Wrecker.
“It was long overdue," Hunter said.
“Yeah, you've done a lotta wizard things since you joined us!” Wrecker said.
“We all pitched in and created some medals and ribbons for you, too.” Hunter said.
“And only one fight broke out,” Echo said, dryly.
“No blood this time, I hope,” Omega grinned, hugging the box.
“Just glitter.” Crosshair sneered at Wrecker.
“He aimed at my head,” Wrecker pouted, turning to reveal a patch of silver sparkles on his bald head. “I’ll never get it out.”
“You shouldn't have tried to steal it from me,” Crosshair shrugged, his toothpick flicking like a serpent’s tongue. “Silver's my color.”
Hunter nudged Omega. “Go ahead and open it.”
“My accolades are the best,” Crosshair said, confidently.
“But look at mine first!” Wrecker said, giving Crosshair a rough shoulder bump.
Omega opened the lid. “Whoa...”
The boys had outdone themselves. Arts and crafts weren’t exactly their forte, but they knew how to put colors together. Yellow, gray, and blue ribbons, painted scrap metal, and colorful ripped fabrics handsewn together and...glitter. A shocking amount of glitter, though that was probably due to the Great Glitter Battle that took place in Hunter's living room.
Omega picked up a medal that barely fit in the chest. It was a tarnished metal disk painted yellow with a message burned into the surface. Four long chains dangled over her fingers as Omega read the message: "Most Mantel Mix eaten in a minute! I remember that day!"
“Ugh, that Mantel Mix,” Echo huffed. “You two were the reason we owed Cid so many credits.”
“Hah, worth it though,” Wrecker laughed. “But it wasn't a fair fight, I had already eaten four boxes before that challenge.”
“I warned you I’d win,” Omega grinned, sheepishly.  “Though, I guess we both kinda lost because of how sick we were afterwards.”
“Oh yeah. I remember,” Hunter said. Omega had curled up in his lap with what she describe as "the worst tummy ache of her life."
Omega took her time looking at each medal, giggling, giving sudden hugs, and excitedly recounting each adventure with her brothers. 
When she picked up one of Crosshair’s ribbon, she read the inscription and flashed their youngest brother a secretive smile.
Crosshair sneered back.
Hunter squinted. “What’s it say?”
“Nothing,” Crosshair and Omega said at the same time.
Hunter laughed and rolled his eyes. “Right…Always gotta keep an eye on you two these days.”
“You’d have to find us first!” Omega said, cheerfully, then looked to Crosshair for approval. Crosshair gave her a wink.
“Hey, I'm a tracker, remember?” Hunter poked Omega’s ribs. She laughed and scooted closer to Hunter, leaning against him while she put the medal away and picked up a new one. “This one says ‘Winning the Most Credits in Under an Hour'.”
Hunter narrowed his eyes at Crosshair. “Hang on. What do you mean ‘Winning’? You took her gambling?”
“Actually, I took him gambling,” Omega said, gazing up at Hunter with her “sweet smile” that always got her out of trouble with Hunter. “But it was for a good cause!” 
"I'm sure it was."
“This one next,” Echo prompted, tapping a hyper realistic version of an Arc Trooper's medal. Hunter realized that Echo must have donated one of his own medals to the box.
Omega read the message silently, her face lighting up like a Pabu Sunrise before she lunged towards Echo.
Hunter caught the message: To Omega: Best Hugs in the Batch.
“Oh what, that medal doesn't go to Wrecker?” Hunter smirked.
“Ugh, no. Wrecker nearly crushes me to death with his hugs.”
“You mean like this?” Wrecker grabbed his entire family and pulled them all into a giant, crushing hug.
“Like that,” Echo wheezed, making exaggerated choking sounds.
Omega giggled and hugged back.
 Crosshair and Hunter sighed in the exact same way and shared a smile. They’ve been tolerating these hugs since they were kids.
“Guess that just leaves mine,” Hunter said when Wrecker finally freed them.
Omega pulled out the medals Hunter made. She read each of them quietly. 
“Hunter,” she said, her eyes brimming with tears.
“What do they say?” Wrecker asked.
Omega started to cry.
“What the hell, Hunter,” Crosshair snarled, bristling. “You made her cry.”
“No, no, they're happy tears,” Omega sniffled and raised her arms up to Hunter. 
He knew that one day soon she’d be too old to hold like this, but for now, he scooped her up in his arms and held her protectively. She clutched the medal to her chest. 
“Proud of you, kid,” Hunter said, quietly. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
The medal was a triangular fabric pin with a silver star against the starry black background, black paint flecked with white. In gray paint it said. “The best daughter in the galaxy”.
One by one, the brothers peeked at the medal and their expressions all softened as if realizing that they felt the same way Hunter did. 
Hunter had always had brothers, and brothers made a squad.
But when Omega showed up, she made them a family.
The boys gathered around, joining in on the hug…this time Wrecker didn’t choke anyone out, Crosshair didn’t complain, Echo didn’t huff. They just existed, thankful for the time they had together. 
Tag List:
A special thank you to @dragonrider9905 @yeehawgeek, @cw80831 for requesting a sequel.
A special thank you to @kybercrystals94 for seeking this fic out.
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felinecyan · 1 day
Brat Tamer
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[Derek Danforth x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: With every brat in the universe, there is always one who can put them in their place. In the case of the president’s spoiled son, this case is no different.
WC: 1555
Category: Fluff, Comfort
I need some fluff for this man, so I made some fluff for this man 😤
The second you heard the frustrated yell through the walls of the house, you knew it was going to be a rough day, not for the Danforth's, but for you.
Derek was always an interesting one, though his parents tried to make him blend in with the crowd. He was the epitome of a rich kid. And like many rich kids, he was a brat. However, the brattiness didn't come from his parents spoiling him. He had a natural sense of entitlement, but his parents never fueled the fire. If anything, they tried to keep him in line, but their methods were... well...ineffective.
They had money, which meant they could do anything to keep their son out of trouble. They paid off teachers, bribed the local law enforcement, and made sure everyone looked the other way when it came to Derek's behavior. But when his father unfortunately passed, and his mother became preoccupied with her own work, you were like an angel sent down from heaven in Wallace's eyes when Derek introduced you.
You didn't put up with his shit, and you weren't afraid to tell him off. It's why, out of all the girls fawning over him, he chose you. He picked you. The most headstrong, assertive girl he could find because you were exactly what he needed. And it wasn't like you were uninterested. You were always a sucker for a good romance, and Derek was the textbook definition of a tall (he's not, but he promises he's at least 5'7), dashingly handsome, brooding young man.
But as much as you cared about him, there were moments when you just wanted to throttle him, like now.
"I thought you said you could handle it!" Derek's voice boomed when you opened the office door. You found him in his usual spot, in front of the window, the phone pressed to his ear, his eyes trained on the pool where a few maids were doing laundry. "And here you are... doing everything BUT handling it."
He listened to whoever was on the other line for a few moments, then scoffed, "It's one fucking guy! How can he be giving you so much trouble?"
When his eyes locked onto yours, you raised your eyebrows expectantly. He motioned for you to come inside, then rolled his eyes, "No, no... just shut the fuck up for a minute. Let me think."
You took a seat in one of the plush armchairs and watched him pace around the room, still on the phone. It was a sight that should've been amusing, but instead, it was exhausting. It was too early to deal with Derek's temper.
He did look particularly stressed today, though. You knew something was off the moment you woke up to an empty bed. Very uncommon. Usually, Derek liked to sleep in. He was a late sleeper, and if he was forced out of bed before noon, he was a grouch.
But that morning, the bed was empty, pajamas were on the floor, and there was a half-empty mug of coffee on the bedside table. It was a rare occurrence, and it made you uneasy.
And now that you found him like this, you knew something was up.
"Are you going to hang up or what?" you finally asked after a few more minutes of watching him pace around the room. "Or am I just supposed to sit here and watch you stomp a hole into the floor?"
He ignored your comment and continued his conversation, though it was clear he wasn't paying attention. "Yeah...no, it's fine. Do whatever the fuck you want. It's not like this is important or anything." He pulled the phone away from his ear and ended the call. He tossed it onto the desk and dropped into the seat across from you.
"I pity you." You said. "That must've been a very stressful phone call."
"Oh, fuck you too."
You had to give it to him. He could always pick up on your sarcasm. "Alright, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." He crossed his arms and turned his head to look out the window.
"Bullshit." You rolled your eyes, "I know when something's up. Now spill. What's wrong?"
He groaned, "Nothing, it's just this random guy keeps fucking with me and the business. He's a fucking nuisance, and now I'm forced to deal with him. It's ridiculous."
"Oh, really?" you leaned forward, "So it's nothing, then? Just a little setback of you being forced to do your actual job?"
He looked at you like you were the devil. He could tell you weren't going to stop, and he didn't have the energy to fight. So he gave in, "Look, it's this guy, okay? I don't know who he is or what his deal is, but he's a fucking thorn in my side. Mickey says he's like... a bee lover or some shit. I don't know what the fuck he's talking about, but it's annoying."
"Bee lover?" You asked, "As in, a beekeeper? or a Vanessa Bloome fanatic?"
If looks could kill, the glare he gave you would've left you in a puddle of blood, but there was also a little twinkle of amusement in his eye, "Can you not reference that fucking animated movie for a single fucking second?"
"Not likely," You said with a smile, "Now, can we please move on from the random bee thing and get back to you and I?"
"There is no 'you and I," he said, "I have a problem. I was handling it. You have no place in this."
"Well, I do now," you said. You got up from your seat and made your way over to his chair. "You woke me up this morning. You have a problem, and I'm the only one who can help."
He shook his head, "Fuck off. I can handle this."
"Really?" you challenged him, "Because I'm pretty sure I can handle it better than you."
"Fuck you."
"Fuck me yourself, coward," you joked and ran your hands over his shoulders. It is quite hilarious how quickly his attitude changed. A few gentle touches and he was like a putty, caving beneath your fingertips.
Even his mother was shocked. You were the first person to ever have a positive effect on Derek's behavior. Usually, he would push anyone who touched him away, and if he liked them, he was even rougher.
But with you, it was a different story. He loved it when you touched him. He melted in your hands, groaned when they massaged the knots out of his neck and purred when they brushed his hair back. He loved it, and it was the ultimate power play.
"We're not talking about this." he sighed, "It's a stupid idea. Besides, I need you to—"
"What do you need me to do?" You asked. You leaned down and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips, then his jaw.
He hummed and reached a hand up to the back of your neck, pulling you down to meet him for a proper kiss. When you parted, he was looking at you with dark eyes, "You have no idea how much I fucking love you."
"I have an idea," you said, "But it's always nice to hear you say it."
"Yeah, yeah, fuck off," he said. He pulled you in for another kiss, this time letting his tongue trace along your bottom lip. He tasted like coffee, the spoiled brat kind that had an absurd amount of sugar in it and was probably worth more than a kidney. It was a taste that grew on you, just like the man.
You straddled his waist and wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close while you deepened the kiss. His hands roamed down your body, resting on your hips, his thumbs running over the exposed skin of your midriff.
"How about some pancakes for our Mr. Problem Solver, hm?" you offered when you parted, "You know, a good ol' breakfast to help start your day."
He scoffed and kissed the corner of your lips, "What are you? My maid?"
"With how you act? It would be more appropriate to call me your mom," you teased.
"Okay, that's gross."
You chuckled and kissed his forehead, "So is your obsession with that… well, you know. Still, I endure."
He groaned and pushed you off his lap, "Don't remind me."
"Come on, you have a big day ahead of you." You took his hand and pulled him up, leading him out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen, "Let's go solve some problems, starting with the missing syrup."
He let you pull him along, not even bothering to make a snide remark.
It was one of the many things you loved about him. No matter how much he complained, he would let you have your way. It was an odd feeling, having someone who was so used to getting their way to bend to your will. But he never seemed to mind, especially not when you made it worthwhile.
In fact, you'd argue he enjoyed it. You enjoyed it. The thrill of being able to order him around, to have him follow every one of your commands, was invigorating. And Derek, the stubborn man that he was, found comfort in someone telling him what to do.
It was a match made in heaven.
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Percabeth Drabble: Fall in Love Questions
*Okay, so the idea for this came to me a few years ago—I was watching The Big Bang Theory and it was the episode where they discuss this list of questions that will allegedly make two people fall in love.  Sheldon and Penny decide to go through them—spoiler alert, they don’t fall in love, but they say they do feel closer at the end.  So anyway, I went online to find the questions, out of curiosity, and then, after reading them, I thought it might be a fun writing exercise to play with this as if Percy and Annabeth were answering the questions.  So here it is! 
The Scene: The Jackson-Blofis apartment, early fall.  Percy and Annabeth are sitting cross-legged on the floor beside the coffee table, leaning back against the sofa—a half empty pizza box sits in the middle of the coffee table, as well as a couple of partially full glasses of Coke.  Golden sunset light is coming through the window.  The baby monitor is also on the coffee table, showing Estell sleeping in her crib.  This is Percy and Annabeth’s first visit back to New York since heading off to New Rome University.  Tonight, they’re baby-sitting, giving Paul and Sally a chance to go out to dinner and a movie.
Re-runs of a sit-com are playing in the background as Percy reached for his third slice of pizza.  The characters on the TV show were talking about a list of questions that will allegedly make two people fall in love after answering them together.  So, Annabeth nabbed Paul’s laptop and, while Percy was debating a fourth slice of pizza, she looked them up.  After scanning the list, she told Percy, “Let’s try it.”
He looked over at her, right in the middle of taking his first bite of his fourth slice.  “What?”
“Let’s try it,” she said again, showing him the list on the computer.  “It might be fun.”
Percy looked skeptical, like their definitions of “fun” didn’t exactly line up.  “But we’re already in love.”
That drew a smile from Annabeth.  “I know.  But we might learn something new.”
“You’re not going to let this go, are you?”
“Alright.”  Percy finished his fourth slice of pizza, then took a drink of his Coke.  “Hit me with the first one.”
Annabeth kissed him on the cheek, then turned back to the questions on the laptop.  The TV droned low in the background.  On the monitor, Estelle’s chest rose and fell as she slept on her back, one arm curled up around her head.  The air conditioner chugged in the window, fending off the last heat of late summer as it gave way to early fall.  Percy’s arm lay along the couch cushions, lightly touching Annabeth’s shoulders.  He had his legs stretched out beneath the coffee table and she was sitting criss-cross, her left knee resting on his right.  It was a peaceful, relaxing evening.  Scrolling to the first question, Annabeth began to read.    
Set 1
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
[CAVEAT for them, can’t be each other or anyone you could just call up for dinner right now].
P:  My mom’s parents.  I never got to meet them, and I think it’d be kind of cool to get to know them.  Learn more about that part of my family and all.
A:  My mom.  I know that’s almost like cheating, but I would honestly just love to sit down and have dinner with her and just, you know, talk.
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
P:  Absolutely not.  I mean, when I was younger, I kind of wanted to be a famous skateboarder, but after everything, nah, I don’t want to be famous.  I just want to live my life.
A:  I’d like to be a famous architect.  But you already know that.
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
P: Sometimes.  I did before we were dating, when I would call you, sometimes, just to make sure I didn’t sound like an idiot.  And sometimes now, if it’s an important call and I don’t just want to blurt out whatever.
A:  Not usually.  If it’s a really important call, like a phone interview, then yeah, I might have some notes, but usually not.
P:  Huh, that’s kind of funny.  Almost seems like it would be the other way around.
A:  Yeah.  Interesting.
4. What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?
P:  Has to start with sleeping in, for sure.  Maybe my mom making pancakes.  Hanging out with my family.  Hanging out with you.  Just chill.  Maybe at the beach.  Pizza for dinner, obviously.  Hanging out with some friends and playing video games.  Then you and I curling up and watching a movie…and sometimes not watching the movie.  I guess just chilling with the people I love.  What about you? A:  Okay, for me, this might be a little bit in the future.  But waking up in my own home, um preferably next to you, and it’s still early, and I just make some coffee, go to my own office, which has lots of light, and I just sketch for a few hours.  Then, when you wake up, we go out to breakfast, or brunch, whatever, and then just hang out.  Maybe go walk around a park or something, go to a matinee movie or show, maybe meet some friends for a late lunch or early dinner, then yeah, I like the idea of coming home, curling up on the couch together, and watching a movie.  Just normal, relaxed, you know?
P:  Yeah.
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
P:  Not gonna lie, I was singing in the shower this morning.  And, uh, I sang to Estelle yesterday.  She likes when I do “Under the Sea.”
A:  I don’t sing.  I mean, I guess I kind of hummed to Estelle the last time I watched her.  And, oh, shoot, you know what, I did sing to Peleus before, because lullabies calm him down so he doesn’t eat people.
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
P:  I have no idea.  I mean…mind, I guess?  That’s a weird question.
A:  Mind, definitely.  But yeah, that’s kind of a strange question.
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
P:  Do I even have to answer this one?
A:  No, we’re skipping this.
8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
P:  Oh, wow, this is an interesting one.  Um, I think we both really care about our friends.  We’re both good at putting important stuff first, especially when we really have to.  And, uh, good-looking?
A:  Dork.  But I really like those first two, and I agree.  I think we’re both tough, like resilient.  I think we both always want to do the right thing.  And I think we both have a good sense of humor.
P:  I like those, too.
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
P:  Being here right now with you.  And, in general, for the people in my life.
A:  Same.  About the people in my life, too.  But I’m definitely most grateful we can just sit here together like this right now.
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
A [humorless laugh]: Pretty much everything.  I guess, if I had to say something specific, better communication.
P [takes her hand and laces their fingers together.  She smiles and gestures for him to go]: I don’t think I’d really change anything my mom did, like as a parent.  If I was going to change anything, it would have been that Smelly Gabe wouldn’t have been around and I wouldn’t have had to go to all those boarding schools.  They usually sucked.
11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
P:  Don’t we already know all this?  Are you getting out a stopwatch?
A:  Yes.  It’s one of the questions.  So get ready, Seaweed Brain, you’re going first.
P:  Okay, that was actually kind of cool.  What’s the next one?
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
P:  I’m still pretty jealous that Frank can change into animals and I can’t.
A:  Is that seriously your answer? P [considers a moment]: Yes.  I mean, otherwise, I like my abilities.
A:  Yeah, they are pretty cool.  And you have a lot of good qualities. P: I do? A: Yeah, Seaweed Brain.  You definitely do.
P:  Aww, thanks, babe. [He kisses her cheek].  Okay, what’s your answer?
A [after considering]:  Honestly, I wouldn’t mind being able to breathe underwater or will my clothes dry.  That would be useful.  Especially hanging around you. [Nudges him with her shoulder].  For qualities, though, I could probably do better not getting so focused on my own stuff sometimes, so maybe paying attention to what other people need more.
P [shrugs]:  Maybe, but I like your intensity about stuff.  That’s one of your best qualities.
A [looks surprised]:  Really?
P:  Yeah, definitely.
A [leans over to kiss him]:  I like this question thing.  Alright, we’re moving on to the second level.  Or set.  Whatever.
Set 2
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
A: I think I’d want to know that we’re okay in a few years.  Like, I wouldn’t want the details spoiled, necessarily, because as much as I love planning, it’s also fun if some things are a surprise, but I’d like to know, just in general, that we, you know, kind of get our happy ending. [blinks quickly and swipes hand across eyes]  Oh wow, I don’t know why that made me kind of tear up.  Okay, you answer.
P [considers for a few moments]:  Honestly, after all the shit we’ve gone through dealing with prophecies, I’m not sure I’d even want to look.  I like your answer, but I think I’d like to just be…what’s that phrase?  Blissfully oblivious about the future.  And yeah, sometimes surprises are nice.  Good surprises, I mean, are nice.
14. Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it? P: I have to think about this.  You go.
A:  I’d really like to go to Falling Water, Frank Lloyd Wright’s place he designed.  But I haven’t had a chance to go yet.  I used to say the Parthenon, but we’ve been there.  I wouldn’t mind going back, someday, though, when we could actually spend some time there and enjoy it.
P:  Good to know.
A:  There was one highlight of the Parthenon trip though.  [smiles at him, and he returns it].  So what’s your answer?
P [looks down]:  So, I don’t know if this is really a dream, but I’ve wanted to talk to my mom about just…Gabe…and our life before I found out I was a demigod.  For a long time.  I just never want to bring it up though, don’t want to bring up the bad memories, you know?  And I usually try not to look back too much, or dwell on stuff, but I just feel like it’s something we should talk about at some point.  Dang, I actually didn’t really realize that until I had to think about it just now.
A [quietly]: I think that’s a good idea.  Maybe one evening when it’s just you two?  It might be good for both of you.
P:  Yeah, maybe.  [deep breath].  Okay, next question.
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
P:  Great, easy one.  Saving Olympus.
A:  Yeah, being designated official architect of Olympus was pretty good.  I feel like we could be more thoughtful with this one, though.  What would you say is your greatest accomplishment outside of hero stuff?
P [groans]: You never settle for an easy answer, do you? A: Nope.
P:  That’s okay.  It’s another one of the things I like best about you. [kisses her cheek again when she smiles at him].  Okay, outside of hero stuff?  I’m pretty proud of graduating from high school.  And getting accepted to college.  Because I wasn’t sure that was something I would ever be able to do.  So it feels pretty good.  Surviving almost two years as your boyfriend feels pretty good too. A: Graduating definitely feels like an accomplishment, especially after the past couple years.  But I am actually going to say our relationship, truthfully, because I never thought I’d have something like this.  It wasn’t in my plans, at all.  But coming up on our second anniversary, and going to college together, definitely feels like an accomplishment.
[question answering is briefly interrupted]
A: Percy, we really need to finish this.  I don’t think you’re supposed to take breaks.
P:  Fine.  What’s up next?
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
A:  Loyalty.  And honesty.  Those kind of go together.
P:  Yeah.  And somebody who does the right thing, even when it’s not easy. 
17. What is your most treasured memory?
P:  Underwater kiss.  For sure.
A: Under the Parthenon.  Easy.
18. What is your most terrible memory?
P:  Damn.  I mean, leaving Beckendorf, thinking my mom was dead, thinking Tyson was dead, thinking you might be dead when you were kidnapped, everything that happened in the Titan War, leaving Bob and Damasen at the Doors, a bunch of other stuff.  Should we do that four minute thing again?
A: Right?  What would you say the worst moment was, though?
P: Truthfully…well, no.
A: What? P:  I was going to say when we were dangling over that pit and I realized I couldn’t pull you up.  That was terrible.  But actually, what happened with Akhlys was worse.  When I realized you were afraid of me and what I was doing.  That’s my most terrible memory, because I was out of control and I was enjoying hurting her, and I don’t ever want to be that person again. [clears throat]  Um, your turn.
A: That’s pretty high on my terrible list, too, because that’s not you, Percy.  And yeah, leaving Bob and Damasen at the Doors was awful.  And so much that happened in the Titan War…everything with Luke…Silena…and, gods, those months when you were missing.  That was miserable.  But if I had to pick an absolute most terrible memory, it would probably be after the arai attacked, when you were dying of the gorgon’s blood poison curse, and I didn’t know how to save you.  Because all I could think, other than I can’t lose him, was that you were only there because of me.  Because I didn’t think to cut the spider silk off.  And if you died, that was my fault.  And I would have to live with that.
[brief silence, holding hands]  Okay, next question, right?
P: Uh, yeah, definitely.
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
P:  Why did these suddenly get so depressing?  And honestly, that’s how I’ve been living for years.  So, no, probably not.  Other than maybe I’d spend less time on homework and more time hanging out with the people I love.  And I would eat only junk food.
A: I believe that.  I don’t know if I’d really do anything different.  Maybe, yeah, spend more time with the people I love.  Maybe try to complete some additional sketches and leave plans for how they could be implemented.  But otherwise, like you said, we’ve been living that way for years.  Now, for the first time, we kind of don’t have to as much.  So, moving on.
20. What does friendship mean to you?
P:  Didn’t we already answer this one?
A:  No, that was about what do you value in a friendship.
P [stares blankly]: Are those different?
A:  Yes.  What do you value is like traits, what friendship means to you is more…I don’t know…broad.  Or something.  I mean, friendship is incredibly important to me.  Especially when I wasn’t getting along with my family, my friends became my family.  So yeah, it’s important.
P:  Yeah, me too.  It’s important.  I mean, especially with what we’ve been through, you need people you can rely on, who you know have your back and care about you.  So yeah, friendship is important to me.  Is that the right answer?
A [rolls eyes]: There’s not one right answer, Seaweed Brain.  But yes, that works.  Moving on.
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
P:  They’re good things?  I don’t know how to answer this one either.
A: Try.
P: Okay, I mean, if you want the deep answer, isn’t it all about love?  Not just romantic stuff, although that’s obviously important, but like love for family and friends, too.  I’ve only been able to do some of the stuff I’ve had to do because I love you, my family, and my friends.  Love gives you strength.
A: Wow, Percy.  That’s…that’s a really great answer.
P [shrugs]: It’s true.  What’s yours? A: I think, for me, because of how I felt when I was little, love and affection are almost painfully important to me.  If I want to go really deep, I think I associate them with acceptance.  When Thalia and Luke first took me in, they gave me hugs and tousled my hair and stuff like that, and acted like they wanted me around.  That blew my mind.  When I got to camp, Chiron would pat my shoulder or head when I did well.  Grover and Tyson give hugs to show they care.  So does your mom.  Piper, too, actually.  And then you came along, obviously.  And even when we were younger, just sitting by you, or holding your hand, always made me feel better.  So I guess, to me, love and affection go together.  Like physical affection is such a clear way people show that they care about you.  I know it’s not the only way, but it’s definitely important. [blushes]  Anyway, next question.
22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
P:  Sweet, another easy one.  Okay, your eyes.
A: That’s very sweet, but it says “characteristic”, not “attribute.”  I think it means more internal stuff.
P: What happened to no wrong answers?  But I’m sticking with my answer, because, I mean, yeah, I think your eyes are beautiful, but they can also be fierce and intense and scary, so I still think it fits.
A:  Okay.  Your heart.  You have a really good heart, and I’ve always loved that about you.
P: Thanks.  I’ve always been amazed by your strength.  Like, just with everything.  You have more guts than anybody I’ve ever met.
A: Thanks, Percy.  I love your sense of humor.  You can always find something to lighten the mood, even when things are really bad.
P: I do my best.  I was going to say your intelligence, but that feels like a given, so I’m going with your passion for architecture and stuff.  Like, I love watching your face light up when you talk about stuff you’re excited about.
A: Really? P: Yeah.
A:  So, you can be goofy, and that’s great, but when something’s really important, you get this intense focus that I really appreciate.  And your confidence.  I admire that too.
P: I have confidence? A: Yeah, babe, you do.  Like when you were leading everyone during the Battle of Manhattan?  [smiles slyly] It was pretty hot.
P: Good to know.  Okay, my turn.  I like how you genuinely care about people and you want to help them.  I don’t know if everybody always sees that, but I do.  And I really admire that.
A [biting lip, trying not to smile]:  Thanks.  That means a lot.  You also just took my next one about you, because it was basically that.
P [grinning]: My bad.  You can still use it, too, if you want.
A: No, I’ve got a few others still.  Like the fact that you’re an amazing big brother.  Like how you stood by Tyson that first summer he came to camp, which I know wasn’t easy.  And seeing you playing with your baby sister is the cutest thing ever.
P: Well, it helps that Estelle is adorable.
A: That doesn’t hurt.  Okay, last one each.
P: Already? 
A: Yep.
P: Dang, I liked this question.  Okay, I like how you always manage to surprise me.  Ever since we met and you told me I drooled in my sleep.
A [leans forward and kisses him quickly]: I like your arms.
P: Huh? A [shrugs]: Your first one was my eyes, my last one is your arms.  You have nice muscles.  And, you know, you’re a very impressive swordsman, so it still falls under that characteristic thing.
P: Huh.  Again, good to know.  How many questions do we have left?
A: A few.  Ready to move on?
P: Yeah.  Let’s go.     
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?
A: Oh gods.  Is this for real?
P: Do we want to just skip this one?
A [sighs]: No, we have to answer them all.  So, my family is getting better, but I don’t think I’ll ever describe them as close and warm.  Although things with my dad are much better.  And everything with Magnus is good.  But my childhood was definitely not happier than other people’s.  Your turn, Seaweed Brain.
P: I’m definitely close with my mom.  And Paul and Estelle.  And they’re all warm.  So’s Tyson, obviously.  Things with my dad have been good, can’t complain.  I doubt my childhood was happier than most other people’s, but there were some good moments, too.  But…never mind.
A: What?
P: But one day, in the future, like way out, when I have kids, I want to make sure they have a genuinely good childhood.  I mean, I’m going to do my best to make that happen.
A [holds his eyes for a long moment]: I love that idea.
P: Cool. [swallows hard] Um, next question? 24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
A [facepalms]: You have got to be kidding me.
P: My mom’s awesome.  Next question.
Set 3
25. Make three true "we" statements each. For instance, "We are both in this room feeling _____."
P: Okay, this is another kind of weird one. 
A: A bit.  Three true “we” statements each.  Okay, so we are both in this room feeling vulnerable?
P: Yeah, that’s true.  We are both demigods.
A: Percy!
P: What?  It’s true.
A: That’s practically cheating.
P: Okay, fine, that one doesn’t count.  How about we are both learning some new stuff about each other?
A: Yeah.  Nice to know we can still do that.  And we both believe we can build a future together.
P: Definitely true. [pauses, thinking] We believe in each other.
A: We do.  And we put each other first, or at least we try our best.
P: I agree with that.  And, most importantly, we love each other.
A: Absolutely.
P: That was a good one.  What’s next?
26. Complete this sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share _____."
A: Umm…I have no idea how to answer this.
P: Yeah, I’m coming up blank. 
A: I mean, my first thought was maybe my love of architecture, but Malcolm and I have great discussions.  Leo, too, is great for talking about engineering and design type stuff.  And everything else I talk with you about.  Or Piper.  Or your mom.  Sometimes friends at school.
P: Yeah, maybe I’m not thinking deep enough, but I think you and I have a lot of those types of conversations.  Or I talk to my friends.  Or my mom.  I thought about my love of video games.  But guys from camp and school are around for that. 
A: Does it count if we at least had a discussion about how we don’t have an answer?
P: I’m good with that.  Next.
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
P:  Gee, Annabeth, if we were friends, what would I need to know?
A [laughs]: Okay, I’m guessing this question is for people who don’t really know each other.  But if I was going to give an honest answer, even if you already know it, it would probably be helpful to know about my history, and why I hate people letting me down.
P: That’s actually true.  I mean, I felt like I understood you better once I learned some of that stuff.  Kind of similar, I think it would be important for someone to know how important my mom and family are to me.
A: Definitely.
P: And you, obviously.  That was a given.
A: Ditto, Seaweed Brain.
28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you've just met.
A: This is interesting.  I mean, I feel like we were pretty honest last time.  That was definitely not stuff I would say to someone I just met.
P: Same.  But I might be able to come up with something else.
A: Yeah, me too.  So, even more honestly, what I like about you is that you’re reliable.  I know you always have my back and I can count on you.  For me, that means everything.  And I also love that you’re kind and sweet and respectful and funny and cute and smart and strong and…well, a lot of things.
P [kisses her]: Sorry, couldn’t help it.  I love that you’re just yourself.  You don’t try to change to impress anybody.  I mean, I know you put a lot of pressure on yourself to do well and achieve your goals, and that’s impressive, too, but you’re always still Annabeth.  You stay true to yourself.  And I love that.
[brief kissing interlude]
A: Okay, let’s finish these last few questions.
29. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.
A: Oh gods.  Um, okay, this one time, I started my period in the middle of class and had to wear a sweatshirt tied around my waist the rest of the day to cover up the small spot on my jeans.  Your turn.
P: I dangled from a billboard in Times Square in my underwear.
A: You what? P: Yeah, it was a whole thing with Grover and Apollo and it was pretty humiliating, so I never told you about it.  Next question.
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
P: In front of another person?  When we found out about what happened to Jason and everybody at Camp Jupiter.  I cried in front of you when we went back to your dad’s house.
A: Yeah.  I think that was my most recent time, too.  What about by yourself?
P: I mean, I’m not a big crier, usually.  I might have been upset about all that again, but the time that comes to mind, honestly, was after Estelle was born.  I don’t know why, but I remember standing at my bedroom window, looking out at the city, and I got all choked up.  But that was like, good crying.  Like, my mom was happy, she has Paul, now they have Estelle, I have this great family, this amazing girlfriend, I was getting ready to graduate high school and go to college.  I think I was just kind of amazed that was all real.  What about you? A: Honestly, I think it was something similar.  On the drive out to California, we stayed in that one hotel that had a balcony, looking out over that lake?  I couldn’t sleep, so I went out on the balcony, and I was just looking out, and thinking about everything.  Like that this was really happening.  And it was kind of overwhelming, but in a good way.  And I might have cried a little bit, but happy tears.
P: I didn’t know that.  You could have woken me up.
A: I know.  It was okay though.  I think I just needed that moment to process everything, you know?  Anyway, next one.
31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
A: Okay, this has to be for people who don’t know each other.
P: Yeah, but we can make it work.  Unless you’re out of nice stuff to say about me? A: Not even close, Seaweed Brain.  I like how honest you’re being with all this.  It’s really nice.
P: You too.  And I like that smile you keep giving me occasionally, when you like one of my answers. A: I am? P: Yeah.  It’s cute.  Next question.
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
A: Sexual assault.
P: Yeah, pretty much anything related to abuse.  Not funny.
A: Moving on.
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?
P: Wow, that’s an interesting question.  So, I think I do okay about telling people stuff.  But if I’m being honest, I might regret not telling Paul he’s a great guy and I really appreciate everything he’s done for my mom.  And for me.  I mean, I think he knows, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually told him.  Not for any reason, just haven’t.  But maybe I should.
A: I’m sure he’d love that.  And yeah, I don’t think there’s anything I’d regret not telling you. [nudges him with her shoulder].  But I think I’d wish I told my dad that I’m glad we’re getting along again.  And I appreciate the support he’s given me about my college choices.  I just don’t do well being emotional around him.  He’s not great at that either.
P: But I bet he’d love to hear it. 
A: Yeah.  Okay, we’re holding each other accountable.  Sometime before the end of the year, so no major rush, just when it feels natural, we’re going to tell them both, Paul and my dad, what we just said.
P:  Deal.  How many questions are left? A: Just three.  Almost there.
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
P:  Huh.  Assuming I have my camp necklace on and Riptide is in my pocket, I guess I’d want to grab maybe some pictures?  Or the Minotaur horn.  There’s not much stuff I’m that attached to otherwise, though.
A: Same.  My camp necklace, definitely, but if I have that on already…probably pictures.  Oh, my sketchbook.  I’d definitely grab my journal and my sketchbook.  Is it okay that that’s two things?
P: They’re in the same category, so sure.  Also, we’re making up our own rules as we go anyway, and I’m fine with that answer.
A: Great.  Moving on.
35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
P: These are some strange questions.  But I guess if the point is to really get to know somebody….Anyway, I’d be devastated, obviously, if something happened to you or my mom, same with Paul or Tyson…or my dad, but I forget about him sometimes for something like this because…well, you know.  But if we’re talking about disturbing, it’s Estelle, hands down.  Just because she’s still so little.  It doesn’t feel like anything should happen to her, like she should just be in this protective bubble because she’s a baby.  I don’t even want to think about anything happening to her.  So, your turn.
A: Ugh, I can’t even stand the thought of something happening to Estelle.  Talking specifically about my blood-related family, yeah, if something happened to my dad, or Bobby or Matthew, or even my stepmom, I’d be devastated.  And probably feel really guilty, somehow, too, for not spending enough time with them.  Most disturbing, though, would have to be if something happened to Magnus.  Just because, you know…he’s already dead.  So it would be awful not knowing what else happened to him or where he went, like if he’s trapped somewhere worse or something. [pauses]  And obviously, if something happened to you, I’d be completely heartbroken.  Then I’d stomp down to the Underworld and drag your butt back.
P [grins]: Obviously. A: Alright, last one.
36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner's advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
A: Wow, this is kind of tough.  I mean, I already usually talk problems through with you.  And honestly, at this particular moment, I don’t have one. [pauses, looking pleasantly surprised] Wow.  I don’t have any serious problems right now.  That’s possibly the first time that’s ever happened.
P: Nice.  So nothing right now? A: Not really.  I mean, I’m a little nervous about starting college, especially with balancing UC Berkeley and New Rome, but I think it’ll be okay.  Any advice on how you’d handle that? P [small laugh]: Honestly?  Not well.  I don’t think I’d be great at running back and forth and balancing everything.  But you will be.  You’re good with organization and time management and everything, so you’re going to be fine, Wise Girl.  If I had to guess, I think you’re just nervous because you want to do well.  But you will.  Because you’re awesome.
A [smiling]: Aww, thanks, babe.  What about you?  Any problems right now? P [shakes head]: Nothing major right now.  Well, actually, now that I’ve said that…I’m kind of worried about my major.  Like for college.
A: Really?  Why?
P [shrugs]: I mean, marine biology kind of makes sense, because of my dad and all.  But I’m not like a major science guy or anything.  So I’m a little worried about it.  Any thoughts? A [considers for a few moments]:  That makes sense.  So it sounds like you’re a little worried you’ve chosen something that you can do, not necessarily something you want to do?
P: Yeah, pretty much.  I mean, I never really thought much about what I’d want to do for a major or a career.  I never thought I’d get this far.
A: That makes sense.  Do you want my advice?
P: Isn’t that the point of this question?  Also, yes, I’d want to hear it anyway.
A: I think you should just stick with it for this first semester, maybe this first year.  Most of the classes are gen eds anyway, so they’ll apply to any major.  Maybe keep an open mind during your classes and see if anything jumps out at you.  There might be something you’ve never even thought about that you end up loving.  And if you decide to change majors, I think that’s totally fine.  And I support you one hundred percent.
P: Thanks, Annabeth.  And I like that idea.  It makes sense.
A: Cool.  [leans forward and kisses him lightly on the lips].  So that’s the end of the questions.
P: Sweet.  Although that was kind of cool.  Is there anything else?
A: Yeah.  The last part is four minutes of eye contact.
P: Holy shit.  Four minutes?
A: That’s what it says.
P: Isn’t that awkward? A [rolls eyes]: Only if you make it that way, Seaweed Brain.  Just relax.  It’ll be fine.  [gets out phone for stopwatch again] Alright, time starts now.
[4 minutes elapse, which include some laughing, some comments, but also following the rules]
A: And that’s four minutes.  Done.
P: Cool.  So, what does that mean? A: Apparently we’re supposed to feel closer.  Do you think it worked?
P [considers]: Actually, yeah, I think so.  I mean, it was nice to talk about some different stuff that we might not have otherwise.  So yeah, I think it worked.
A: Agreed.  That was actually kind of fun.
P: Yeah.  But now can we just relax?  And maybe make out?  Just throwing that out there.
A: Gods, yes.
And that was the end of the question and answer portion of the evening.
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shot-messenger · 2 months
things r so not good and there is no real sign of it changing any time soon
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agentark · 6 months
in the span of maybe an hour, clara oswald goes from, "I already know - don't say it." to, "people like you and me should say things to each other" and I'll never get over it
she literally gets pulled out of time the moment before her death and learns he's been clawing his way back to her for 4.5 BILLION years?? Just to save her??? I would also suddenly and urgently have words
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possamble · 7 days
Thank you for writing the (messy but neccessary) farcille breakdown. You handled it so wonderfully aaaaaaaah!! Like the other anon I was wondering how far "rock bottom" could get (because chapter 4 already felt pretty rock bottom) but. Yeah. That's pretty rock bottom, huh. The tragedy of loving someone but the other person not understanding <- this applies to both of them.
I think it was really neat how you flipped the question on who's reaching out to who with the academy flashback and the final scene with Namari, because... Marcille clinging onto Falin really is just a reversal of their academy days, isn't it? To everyone who met them after they reunited, it was always Marcille chasing after Falin, but to those who were at the magic academy, it was Falin chasing after Marcille. From picking flowers and berries to eat together, inviting Marcille out to see a play, and generally monopolizing her free time... I'm sure any of them would say the same thing as Namari, but in reverse. No wonder everyone thinks Marcille is just another friend to Falin. They weren't there to witness her pining /j. Idk!! I was rereading the chapter and the academy flashback girl was like "why do you hang off of Marcille so much" and I screamed to myself, "hey wait. HEY WAIT."
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#asks#a little creature#im SO glad you pointed out how falin was the first to pine and chase but was discouraged#its a very very important part#i think a really common wlw experience is to internalize that first rejection forever#whether it came from the object of your affections or an outside observer#the first time you encounter disgust for what felt like just happiness and affection#it stays with you. it can turn into a cage for the rest of your life but what you dont realize is that#at some point youre strong enough to open the door for yourself and you have to be able to do it#ironically ive only been the perpetrator of this platonically#pushing away my friends and hurting them bc i didnt think that i mattered enough to affect them#romantically ive been mostly on the other end just begging a girl to meet me in the middle at the very least#because even if they feel intensely as i do its not fun to chase and chase and get nothing bc someone else in their past was cruel#so it dhsjjd shows up in my writing a lot#self loathing as a queer experience is almost universal. but are you able to stand up and grow beyond it? because you need to.#staying locked in your own head and never looking outwards is just another kind of selfishness#i dont always try to do it but lmao my writing almost always touches on this at least a little bit in various degrees as like#maybe my best attempt at a compassionate way of portraying this self-erasure as a kind of selfishness that needs to be addressed
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