#turns out shes allergic to the cats somewhat
tinygayproductions · 1 year
yknow, i think cat sitting is the closest ive ever gotten to living on my own
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nonushu · 2 months
you vs. cat - chwe hansol
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genre: fluff | wc: 520 | warnings: allergies | bf!vernon x reader a/n: my cat's name is jeolmi. i also found out recently that vernon (cat lover) is allergic to cats !
“vernon, are you crying?”
his brown teary eyes look up at you, still petting your cat on the floor. 
“no?” he sniffles. 
the disapproving look on your face scared no one, not even vernon. no matter how many times you tell him, he never listens, he just has to pet your cat, jeolmi. 
“babe, your eyes are kinda red,” you try reasoning. “y’know, you shouldn’t stay around her for too long, ‘cause your allergies…”
“m’fine,” he says, turning away from you to put his full attention on your cat. “plus, i can handle it.” he coos. 
the feline follows his touch, urging him to keep petting. as much as you thought it was cute and all—vernon babying your cat and somewhat ignoring you—you wonder how long he can even manage to withstand his allergies. sure, they weren’t too bad to begin with, and you know it’d be the least of his worries if it meant being able to play with jeolmi. 
“you’re so cute, mimi,” he says, cupping the cat’s face, causing yours to scrunch.
you sigh and move away from the kitchen island to the living room where vernon and jeolmi sit. even though he hears you, he doesn’t turn around to see you, which makes you pout. once behind him, you grab his hair, lightly pulling his head back so he can look up at you. 
“hey,” you grumble. “i know jeolmi is so cute and you like her and she likes you, but—”
“but what?” he says playfully while jeolmi uses her paws to place on his chest.
jeolmi makes a noise as if she is trying to get vernon’s attention back on her. you whine at this when vernon brings his head back down to make more cooing noises at her. 
you let yourself fall behind his back, wrapping your arms around his waist. you don’t see his face, but he’s smirking because he’s knowingly trying to tease you. 
“but what, babe?”
your lips pursed. “but i’m here too,” you whine again, pushing your face into his back. “and i’m cute too…” you muffle in the fabric. 
vernon lets go of jeolmi, leaving her to continue her daily routine. he turns his body with your arms still around his waist making you fall into his lap. his hands meet your waist and he pulls you closer in his embrace, giving you the same treatment as he did with jeolmi. 
“y/n, are you jealous?” he asks, hearing the dorky grin in his voice. 
you don’t answer him but your arms tightening around him tells him everything he needs to know. 
“i only love you,” he grins, that stupid dorky grin you can still hear. “just saying.”
“you mean i’m the only human you love,” you mumble. “you love my cat more than me.”
vernon snorts and you feel his stomach huff. he chuckles uncontrollably, making you sit up and stare at him in disbelief. scoffing, you turn to crawl away but he quickly hugs you again. you feel his breath come closer to your ear.
“you’re the only one i love,” he whispers, hugging you tighter.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
i was wondering if we could have some roomate!james where him and reader have a disagreement over something and reader feels like james don’t want her there anymore but he comforts her??
Thanks for requesting!
cw: reader feels financially insecure
roommate!James x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
“James.” You run your fingers worriedly over the small tears in the doorframe. Look to your roommate in the kitchen. “This is getting out of hand.” 
“What is?” 
“Juniper’s been scratching on the doorframe again.” 
James tsks. “Junie-girl,” he coos, little reprimand to be found in his tone as he looks down at the orange cat currently winding through his ankles, “what are you trying to do to us, huh?” 
You’re not quite so amused. Since James had agreed to look after his friend Lily’s cat while she’s traveling, Juniper has knocked down and broken two of your glasses, scratched up a corner of the couch, and pissed on the carpet in James’ room. You’re lucky you don’t have to deal with the smell of that last one yourself, but you doubt your landlord will be pleased if James can’t get it out by the end of your lease. 
“She’s got to stop,” you say, oddly unsure if you’re trying to reason with James or the cat. “It’s getting really noticeable.” 
“I’m not sure what else to do.” James shrugs. His pan sizzles as he turns over the chicken he’s cooking. “I’ve already moved her favorite scratching post over by the door and sprayed it with the catnip Lily gave me.” 
You cross your arms and sit down on the couch, chewing the inside of your lip. “I’m worried about the security deposit,” you admit. 
“Oh, don’t be.” James waves a hand vaguely in your direction. “My last apartment was way worse than this when I moved out, and they didn’t charge me for anything.” 
His unconcern nettles you. Of course, why would James be upset about a security deposit? He likes to pretend at independence, but you know his parents will always give him funds if he’s in a bind. He doesn’t worry about money the way you do. 
 “Yes, but that was a different landlord, wasn’t it.” There’s a bit of bite to your tone, and you try to soften it. “Maybe someone else could take her for the rest of Lily's trip?” 
James turns, eyebrows lifting as though he’s surprised you’d even ask. “She couldn’t get anyone else to take her in the first place. Mary’s visiting her family, Marl’s allergic, and Sirius would have a cow.” You’re not very inclined to find the last one a spectacular excuse, but you keep your mouth shut. “I agreed to take her,” he says, somewhat firmly, “and I don’t want to go back on that.” 
Heat prickles over your skin. “I just—listen, I can paint over the small things,” you say. “I’m going to try to cover up as many damages as I can, but when your friends come over and break the handle off the microwave” —true story— “or you let their cats tear up the apartment, I don’t know what to do.” 
“I told you I’m going to fix the microwave,” he says without turning around. 
“When, James? That was months ago, and—” 
“And if my friends coming over is a problem for you, it’s not like you didn’t have plenty of opportunities to mention it when we first moved in.” Now James is growing agitated too, his posture stiffening over the stove. “I don’t get where this is coming from. I told you before we moved in that I’d want to have friends here often. When I asked if Junie could stay here, you said it was fine!” 
“I didn’t know it’d be like this!” You feel ridiculous, nearly shouting at him in your mostly lovely apartment. James really isn’t a bad roommate overall; you know you could do far worse. But the small things have begun to add up, and you really cannot afford not to lose your deposit. “I like your friends, and I like Junie, but this is—it’s too much.” 
“You shouldn’t have lived with me if you couldn’t deal with it.” 
James flicks off the stove, turning around to speak to you directly, and you see the moment he sees the glossy sheen in your eyes. His expression pinches. 
“No. Do not feel bad for me right now,” you hiss, blinking furiously. “Just because I’m not good at arguing doesn’t mean I’m not still mad.” 
Your anger is rapidly fading, though, as his words reverberate around in your head. You shouldn’t have lived with me. Does he really think that? There are certainly things upon which you don’t see eye-to-eye, but you love living with James. You love spending time with him, sharing things with him, just being around him. The idea that he doesn’t feel the same about you starts spiderweb cracks going through your heart. 
“I’m not good at arguing either,” he says with a hefty sigh. The tension seems to go out of his shoulders with it, and he starts toward you with heavy steps, plopping down on the couch. “Can we just talk, please?” 
You sniffle, working hard to suppress your tears. “Do you think it’d be better if we didn’t live together?” you ask. 
James' eyes widen behind his glasses. His brows hook up in the middle. “No. Why would you say that?” 
You shake your head, not quite looking at him. “I honestly do like your friends. I don’t mind them coming over or helping you do favors for them, and I get that—that sometimes things happen.” You take a shallow breath. Ignore the way James’ hand twitches in his lap. “But you’re right that I didn’t consider all of this when we moved in together. I’m okay with trying to get past it, but if you want me to move out—” 
“Oh my god, no.” James leans forward, trying to catch your gaze. You don’t let him, because just then a small droplet of water squishes out of the corner of your eye and begins a slow trudge down your cheek. “Sweetheart, I don’t want that. I like living with you.” 
Juniper hops up onto the couch, plodding onto your lap and rubbing her side against your stomach affectionately. A wet laugh bubbles out of you, more tears cresting your cheeks as you scratch awkwardly between her ears. 
James makes a sound so soft you think you’ll dream about it. “Can I hug you?” 
You lean toward him in answer. He meets you halfway, needling his arms under yours and folding you into him. You press your face, hot with embarrassment and upset, into the crook of his neck and shoulder, and James’ hand rubs your back in big, sweeping circles, before it stops moving at all, pressing flush to your spine, easing you closer. Junie hops off your lap. Evidently, she considers your comfort taken care of.
“I don’t want you to pity me,” you mumble. When you blink, your lashes leave wetness like the strokes of a paintbrush on his skin. “If you want me to move out, it’s okay.” 
“I don't,” he promises, squeezing you until it almost hurts. “I was being rash. I was only being defensive because you were angry. About very reasonable stuff, if I’m honest. I can pay for your half of the security deposit if we lose it.” 
You shake your head, shifting your body to hug him harder. James meets you a hundred percent. “You don’t need to do that.” 
“I do, it’s fine. It’s my mess. Just don’t talk any more about moving out, okay?” 
You mumble your agreement into his neck. It tickles, and James squeaks, but he doesn’t let you go.
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odo-apologist · 2 months
Every ENT character is the most character ever. Archer is a bitch he plays a fundamental role in the creation of the Federation he brings his dog on away missions which once causes a diplomatic incident he likes water polo he commits war crimes he saw a gazelle giving birth and implements it into his rousing speeches he had a wet dream about his first officer that included his dog's funeral he had to carry the soul of the creator of the main tenets of Vulcan philosophy in his head he gives a lecture on Tycho Brahe while getting his ass beaten during an interrogation scene. T'Pol is strict in her Vulcan beliefs she doesn't believe in time travel even as she's presented with irrefutable evidence and remains somewhat skeptical after experiencing it firsthand she is the funniest person on Enterprise she is more emotional than average Vulcans to the point that she had to have memories erased for causing her too much distress she could canonically pick up any of her crewmates and carry them bridal style she has Vulcan HIV she has it cured by the woman that later watches Spock and Kirk roll around in the sand in Amok Time she is technically canonically trans she is a recovering drug addict. Trip is a perfect gentleman he undergoes incredible emotional losses his favorite movies are Frankenstein Bride of Frankenstein and Son of Frankenstein he gets pregnant five episodes in he dies in the worst episode of the entire series (and the entire franchise) only to have that death retconned in the following tie-in novels he ran around the ship in his underwear he leaves the ship for a couple weeks only to come back after one person had been kidnapped another thrown in jail and the engines are on the verge of destruction and reacts like :/. Malcolm is gay he has 50 ex-girlfriends he has only had one friend in his life his own sister barely knows anything about him he dies alone he likes pineapple even though he's allergic to it he gets spacesick he worked as an agent for a top secret organization he's afraid of drowning he whined about getting a cold he had a spike driven through his leg and didn't complain at all he has a psychosexual obsession with a man he thinks is after his job and grows to respect once they had a homoerotic fight scene before witnessing him die. Hoshi is a linguistic prodigy she's the greatest contributor to the universal translator she has a panic attack on one of her first missions she ran a gambling ring she has a black belt in aikido and broke her superior's arm she has never been to the principal's office in her life she is afraid to use the transporter she became an empress in an alternate universe she is the only one who gets laid on Risa making her the first human to do so she reacted to the threat of getting worms injected into her brain to make her reveal secret information by spitting in her interrogator's face. Travis is the sweetest man ever he loves rock climbing he gets injured whenever he tries to use those skills he's a fan of ghost stories he grew up on a small freighter he gets neglected by the narrative his counterpart helps Hoshi become empress he works out when he's horny he dies in a alternate future where Earth is destroyed he's a movie buff who would probably love the Criterion Collection he likes to chill in a part of the ship with zero gravity which he calls "the sweet spot." Phlox grins like the Cheshire Cat he breaks doctor patient confidentiality to help figure out Malcolm's favorite food he goes crazy when the rest of the crew have to sleep through part of space because of how social his species is he has three wives who in turn have three husbands he responds to the news of one of his wives propositioning a crew member by being like "cool! have fun :]" he once nearly vivisects Travis because he's being affected by radiation and gets obsessed with knowing why the guy has a simple headache he has a menagerie in the middle of his sickbay. And they're all my best friends.
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divijohm · 7 months
Headcanons for Toby, Jeff, Nina and slendy with a reader that lovesss animals? (and is good with them) :D like every time they return from a mission, reader has brought back a puppy or kitty? (bonus points if once she accidentally brought a wolf in the house mistaking it for a dog)
Pastas with a s/o that's good with animals!
Toby, Jeff, Nina and Slenderman
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A/n: I LOVE ANIMALS! ALL ARE SUPER CUTE but sadly I'm not very good with them lolol I have a cat and a dog though they're my babyss hope you enjoy!
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🐾 He does not get along well with animals, at all. He scares most them away just by standing there, problems of being a eldritch horror but once one warms up to him he actually is very gentle with them.
🐾 finds it cute and fascinating how well you can interact with the lil fellas, might even find a way to you to use them in missions. Not a fan of you bringing them to the mansion though, most pastas aren't a fan and may be allergic, and he does not enjoy when animals/wildlife are being mistreated so for everyone's sake, he'll ask you not to.
🐾 If you manage to convince him to have a pet, other than smile dog that is, he would like a cat, probably a black or tuxedo one, because it would be easier to hide the fur that will be all over his clothes
🐾 He's a tidy man, animals that make much mess are not his type, he also don't like the high maintenance ones (i.e hamsters) heck he barely takes care of his proxies, leaving most of them to survive on their own only giving the best ones a somewhat stable life. A high maintenance thing that's not even useful?? Hell no
🐾 Overall, he likes animals but he does not like to take care of them nor have them in his house, he doesn't need more little, bratty, short life-span beings to take care of, he already has the proxys
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🐾 Adores animals as long as they're far away from him, he's scared of most of them at first but find them cute
🐾 Have a strong cat allergy poor thing can't be near one without a mask or he'll start sneezing
🐾 Will help you take care of them despite his fear and allergies, mostly by being on your side handing you stuff but he'll hold the animal still if you need to apply a vaccine or something
🐾 Sometimes his tics will be saying an animal name, because he's spending so much time listening to you talk about them, you find it cute
🐾 He's besties with the mansion permanent pets and will let them stay in his room if needed
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🐾 BIG ANIMAL FAN, especially big ones
🐾 WILL pamper all the pets you bring home, to a point where you have to hide the treats from her otherwise she'll give them nonstop
🐾 Begs Slenderman to let you make a zoo with all the pets, he refuses of course but lets her keep a parrot
🐾 She named the parrot Willy, is a blue one and he's very talkative (much like his owner) surprisingly he can roam free and don't run away/get lost.
🐾Willy will attack on command, Nina did not teach him how to do that but one day she said to another proxy "I'll make willy take your eyes out!" And the birb was near and he just attacked going for the eyes. A moment of laughter and panic later, Willy was safe and the poor victim just had his eyelids slightly clawed, nothing major but Slenderman made Nina promise that she would never command willy to attack a proxy to a degree that can compromise their performance. So now she just makes him poop on people's foods and/or in them
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🐾 He only likes dogs, not much of a fan of any other species, he will tolerate birds and most of the wild life thought
🐾 He's afraid of cats, whenever you bring one to the house he'll try to act cool but the slightest movement towards him will make him flinch
🐾 Will act uninterested when you bring a dog but the moment you turn your back he WILL gush over them specially if they get along with Smiley
🐾 Fights everyone who criticizes your actions, because "at least animals are better than humans" bedsides you do all the work to care for them and keep the mansion permanent pets safe if they don't get along with the strays
🐾 will complain if you spend more time with the pets than with him, and will throw a tantrum if you tell him to wait because you have to take care of the lil ones before giving him attention
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jadeoru · 11 days
coffee beans.
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synopsis: valentine's day was spent the same way every year: coffee, and studying, all while trying her best to avoid the happy couples in love. unfortunately, her tradition was interrupted by a clumsy pretty barista. or: kiyoko felt like she wasn't capable of feeling love, turns out she's just gay
warnings/tags: reader is a barista! fluff, meet-ugly, afab!reader, reader is referred to as a girl, kiyoko's pov, kiyoko is an anxious shy mess (me too), flirting (pathetic), kiyoko's gay awakening lmfao, kiyoko's a la dispute fan because i said so, poop jokes, i actually hate how this turned out but oh well, wrote this for the 3 kiyoko lovers of the world
wc: 3.5k words
now playing: very cliché but definitely girls - girl in red lmao 🎶
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Kiyoko saw love as a waste of time. She lived her whole life in a society held together by the prospect of love. It chased her in many forms: her parents, her friends, music, art, - she knew it well. In her childhood, love was just another friend of hers; a familiar taste on her tongue, similar to her mother’s cooking. It was a feeling of home. But as she grew up, the flavour grew progressively more acrid; bitter. She watched as her friends changed, each of them infatuated by the weird feeling. Everyone around her had a crush on someone. Conversations with her friends quickly became dull. No one was the same as they got older. Everyone around her was falling in love; a victim of cupid's spell. She felt left out; ostracised. In her eyes, love seemed like a trap; a chain, connecting you to someone for the rest of your life. She never understood the appeal, and how everyone saw the cruel, suffocating feeling as a warm embrace - whirling inside of you. She was frustrated. It was stressful not knowing what was wrong with her - why she was so different from her peers. She tried relationships, they always felt wrong. She was asked out by 2 different guys, each time she said yes. She agreed not because the feeling was mutual, but because she hoped she could force herself to feel the same. In the end, she discovered that butterflies are just colourful moths that find home inside of your gut, and mess everything up as they inevitably rot away. Cupid shot Kiyoko with their arrow on multiple occasions; each time left her on the cusp of bleeding out. All everyone cared about was love. As everyone around her found their person, she found herself slowly left behind. Love was in the air, and she was allergic.
In a way, her friends felt bad for her. They didn’t understand, and honestly, neither did she. They frequently tried setting her up on dates. She met all kinds of guys, each one somewhat worse than the last. Every date felt so strange; something wasn’t right. Was that how all dates went? - That’s it? She honestly felt guilty. Her friends put so much effort into those dates, trying to find her soulmate. They genuinely cared about her. They wanted her to experience true love. She felt bad for being so difficult. It got to the point where she’d resort to pretending. She’d choose a random guy in her class, one that was objectively attractive, and led her friend’s to believe her poorly acted out infatuation was true love. A part of her hoped that by lying to her friends, she could lie to herself, and believe it. With fingers crossed, she prayed for her to finally succeed, She hoped that maybe, she’d finally experience the warmth of her heart pounding in her chest. 
Graduation passed her by; it never worked.
To her, it was pointless. She tried it so many times, and in the end, she was always left unsatisfied. She lost faith in her search for love ages ago, and honestly stopped believing in it. Instead of flowers and holding hands with someone, love found her in other strange ways. To her, love was the cat that always met with her on her way to college, or when she found a song that she related to deeply. Love was the face of her mother when she was accepted into college. Love was spending time by herself; writing mediocre poetry, back pressed almost comfortably against a tree. With the exception of her father, love was never the face of a man. That was something she never came to terms with until her early adult years. That was something she thought she'd never understand;
She was wrong.
February was the worst. As if the people around her couldn’t get even more annoying, someone had the bright idea to make a whole day about love. She hated it. The commute to town was even more unbearable than it usually was. Instead of being surrounded by groaning strangers that had too much to drink last night; definitely did not get any sleep, mother’s carrying their screaming babies, the annoying screeching noise that erupted from the train every time it came to a halt, she was surrounded by cheesy lovers that flirted way too loudly. Noise-cancelling headphones were the greatest purchase she ever made.
The train to town was almost worse than the bustling, busy streets. Almost. As if her day couldn’t get any worse, all of her favourite places to spend her lunch were overrun, infected by insufferable couples. She turned her nose up with negativity. She wasn’t mad at them, if anything, she was envious. Why did she have to spend this magical holiday alone? It was unfair. She wanted not just to be loved, but to love. Her head spiralled every time she questioned herself;  she never thought about it too much to prevent her from the gnawing pit that grew within her. It took a few miserable Valentine’s Day’s for her to cultivate a steady ‘celebration’ routine; A survival plan: she would take the train at 8:20, which would be significantly less busy than the one she usually got, put on her headphones, blasted La Dispute for the entire duration of the train ride while staring out the window, and then scurried her way through the hectic crowds to her favorite, quaint, quiet, family-owned coffee shop. There, she would grab the biggest, strongest coffee they had (with a generous amount of caramel syrup, to satiate her sweet tooth), and ploughed through her assignments with peaceful relief etched into every line her pen wrote. 
That was how she spent every Valentine’s Day without fail - Without interruption. She finally had a stable routine that wouldn’t make her feel like a dysfunctional human. A routine that wouldn’t make her feel like there was something wrong with her. A distraction from the onslaught of love that crept up behind her; always facing her back, never once meeting her face to face. Up until now, it almost always went smoothly. It almost worked. She got off the train with high hopes, a subtle smile on her features as she silently appreciated the lyricism of the song she had on shuffle. She had only one notification on her phone: a warning to turn her volume down. All of her friends were busy spending time with their person. Of course they were too busy to text her. With a sigh, she increased the volume to the loudest it could go, and drowned out every thought and jealousy that plagued her mind. She didn’t care about damaging her hearing. At least she wouldn’t have to listen to grown adults talking and cooing to each other like babies. She hated that.
The walk to the coffee shop was fine. She kept to her side of the footpath, and held stern eye contact with the pavement. The cracks in the concrete were way more interesting than the romance that clouded the public anyways. Turning the door-handle, she silently rehearsed her order in her mind, before making her way to the counter. It was relatively quiet; empty. That’s how it normally was. This place was her escape from reality. It was small, quiet, the music they played was nice, and the baristas were always so polite to her. However, as she walked up to the counter, she was unable to recognise the barista behind the register. Was she new? She must’ve been, Kiyoko went there at least three times a week, and never once had she seen her. She wasn’t upset though, not in the slightest. She just hoped she would be as nice as the others. She watched attentively as the girl took the order of the person in front of her. She was smiling widely after each sentence that fled her lips. Not a fake customer-service smile, but a real genuine one. Kiyoko admired that. She continued to watch as she took the money from the customer and quickly placed it into the cash register. In one quick moment, Kiyoko found herself standing speechless directly in front of her. “Hey, what can I get for you?” She asked, giving Kiyoko absolutely zero time to mentally prepare herself to talk to her. She stuttered out her order with a strange feeling in her chest. She cringed at how stupid she sounded. “Of course! Would you like that in a takeaway cup?” She asked, flashing her a smile. It was so strange. Her smile seemed so familiar, so warm. The smile on her face almost made her feel at home; safe. She typed her order into the machine. Kiyoko was relieved - the eye contact was becoming too much for her. “Yes please.” She almost whispered, her voice unusually soft. She only nodded in response, letting out an “mhm!” in acknowledgement. She looked up at Kiyoko again, and she finally understood what it meant to have your heart skip a beat. “That’ll be 5,60! Are you paying with cash or card?”
The moment lasted only 30 seconds at most, and yet Kiyoko felt like she was suffering with a life-long crisis. As she handed her cash to her, she found herself questioning every choice she had ever made that led up to that moment. She couldn’t find the right words to describe how she felt. Conflicted? Confused? She couldn’t think of the right one. She couldn’t think of anything, besides the feeling of her hand touching hers for a split second, as she handed the money to her. She placed the money inside the register just like she did with the last customer. But, unlike she did with them, she leaned over the counter - propping her head up with her hands.
“It’ll be ready in about 5 minutes, pretty.”
With bright red cheeks and wobbly knees, she nodded her head, and almost sprinted to the pick-up counter.
There are a lot of things you could do in 5 minutes. You could listen to a song, count the tiles on the floor, or even count each second down to the last minute. Kiyoko chose neither of those. Instead, she stared at the floor, replaying the interaction in her head over a hundred times. She wasn’t entirely sure what was wrong with her, but one thing she knew for certain was she never felt that way about someone before. Ever. Those five minutes were spent questioning her entire existence. She struggled to come to an obvious conclusion. As it reached the tip of her tongue, her name was called out.
She spoke her name in a way that drove her crazy. The way each syllable rolled off her tongue had her worried she was going to suffer a heart attack. She quickly whipped her head around to face the barista again. She was suddenly very aware of how uncomfortably warm her face was. “You know… your name is almost as pretty as your face.” She almost whispered, a grin widely displayed on her cheeks as her eyes consumed Kiyoko whole. She leaned over the counter again, holding the cup out to Kiyoko. She really liked when she did that - for some strange reason. Her compliment caught Kiyoko completely off guard, hitting her almost like an arrow to the heart. A stupid smile spread out on her face. She wasn’t sure how else to react; It wasn’t socially acceptable to kick your feet and squeal in the middle of a coffee shop. Muttering a shy, “thank you so much!”, she held her hand out to grab the coffee from her. But, before she could get a stable grip on the cup, the barista let go of it too soon, almost out of embarrassment. In doing so, it caused the large, hot coffee to fall directly onto Kiyoko’s hand-made, wool sweater; crashing onto it like a boiling wave, spilling all over her and soaking her in the warm liquid.
There was a moment of mutual shock between them, a brief few seconds spent silently staring at each other. She did a terrible job at hiding the disgusted, uncomfortable look on her face as the coffee seeped through her sweater, ruining the shirt she was wearing under it, and sticking to her bare skin. She looked down to assess the damage done to her clothes. They were ruined. A big, attention-grabbing stain was spread unevenly on her sweater. This was the worst. She looked up at the barista, who looked even more terrified than she was. Her hands flew to cover her mouth, but Kiyoko could see the guilty, fearful look in her eyes. They stayed like that for a few seconds. Uncomfortable silence engulfed the room; like time stopped. Kiyoko didn’t look away from the barista, but she could tell that other people were definitely staring at the two of them. She wanted the ground to swallow her up. The barista was the first one to speak up.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” She could tell by the tone of her voice just how serious she was. Kiyoko opened her mouth to speak, to quickly forgive her. She just wanted to go home. Embarrassment enveloped her entirely, and the strong scent of coffee attacked her nostrils in an almost painful way, but the barista spoke up again. “Wait here, I’ll go get you some tissues!” She pleaded, raising her hands cautiously. She nodded in response, watching in silence as the barista urgently dashed through the door behind her. She silently cursed herself for not staying silent. She wiped her hand on her sweater, before holding it to her face to look at it. Her fingers were stained brown. At least her sweater didn’t absorb it all. She waited at the counter for the barista to return like a deer in headlights. She didn’t close the door to her break-room, so Kiyoko could just barely see her.
She was really pretty. Like, really really pretty. Even in her coffee-stained apron (She’s probably done this before to someone else - Kiyoko almost laughed at the thought), and her hair all messy from a probably stressful day, she was beautiful. Even as she frantically tore apart her break-room, Kiyoko couldn’t help but feel her heart whirling around at her irresistible pulchritude. A dumb smile plastered across Kiyoko's face. Technically, she should feel annoyed. She loved that sweater to death. But, in a weird way, she was glad. She knew that from then on, every time she looked at that stain, she would see a trace of her. Although she wasn’t entirely sure what any of her feelings meant, she didn’t have the time to care. For now, she would just let herself feel whatever feelings she felt, without the need to understand. She would have a crisis later. For now, she needed to befriend the clumsy, pretty barista. 
She speed-walked back to the counter, holding tissues out to her. Realistically, tissues would not reverse any of the damage, but it was the thought that counted. “Here. I’m so sorry about that.” She said, lips curving into an apologetic smile so nice Kiyoko couldn’t help but mirror it. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” She answered, staring at her lips for an embarrassingly long moment, before finally returning to her eyes. She reached out to take the tissues from her hand. Have her fingers always been this shaky? The lack of sleep she got the night before must’ve been affecting her mind, because she could’ve sworn you grazed your hand over hers purposefully. She must’ve imagined it. She awkwardly wiped her sweater with it, staining the tissue in the process. The stain didn’t budge.
The barista cleared her throat. “Would it help if I told you I still think you’re really pretty?” She fidgeted with her hands, an empathetic look in her eyes as she silently hoped to uplift Kiyoko’s spirits. Totally not because she was also insanely into her. Totally. Kiyoko almost dropped the tissue. Hell, she almost dropped her jaw at the sudden flirtatious remark. Her face went hot as the line between a friendly compliment and flirting was incredibly unclear to her. Was she just being nice? “Maybe it would.” She began, raising her hands, leaving the stain on full display. and tilting her head with a smile. “Would it help if I told you I think you’re really cute?” Kiyoko made a mental note to learn how to flirt later. The barista smiled, letting out an airy chuckle. “Well, it wouldn’t help the sweater I ruined, but it would help my ruined confidence.” She joked, looking at the ground. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed, it was my fault.” Kiyoko stated matter-of-factly, the girl looked at her like she had two heads. “Nope. It was my fault, cutie. I won't accept any other opinions.” She said with a wink - a wink that almost made Kiyoko fall over. Her knees were immensely weak, and she couldn’t tell if it was from the nickname, the wink, or both.
She sighed with defeat knowing not to debate with her any further. “Does it look like I just shit myself?” She asked with a laugh. The barista laughed with her, which only sorta, kind of, slightly, made her heart flutter. “Nah, more like someone shit on you.” She responded, scratching her chin in playful thought. “I’m seriously so sorry about that by the way. Let me make you another coffee, free of charge. Is there anything else I can do to help?” She asked, her words laced with genuine interest. She grabbed an empty cup, writing something on it before turning around and beginning to make her drink. Kiyoko waved her hands dismissively. “Don’t be sorry, accidents happen! - At least now I have an excuse to talk to you longer.” If she didn’t stutter her way through that sentence, it probably would’ve sounded way less pathetic. Unfortunately, Kiyoko felt she wasn’t anything but pathetic. She wasn’t aware of how it took everything in the barista not to get on one knee and propose to her at that very second. “You have a point. Maybe it’s a good thing I spilled it on you.” She chuckled, turning back around to face her again, handing her the new drink - carefully this time. 
“Um, this might be incredibly out of line, but could I maybe get your number?” She smiled nervously at Kiyoko. Normally, whenever a guy asked her for her number, it made her scoff and roll her eyes. But she was different, Kiyoko never nodded her head so enthusiastically in her life. “Yeah, of course!” She did little to hide the excitement laced in her words. The barista smiled the widest she’d seen that morning. Whispering a quiet “thank you,” she handed Kiyoko her phone, and she shakily typed in her number.
“Oh uh, I never got your name?” Through a smile, she responded, “it’s Y/n.”
“Y/n..” she repeated, handing her her phone back, “that’s a really pretty name. It suits you.” With every sentence it was as if their smiles grew tenfold; heightened by mutual happiness. “Thanks Kiyoko, your name is lovely too.” “Shimizu.” She corrected abruptly, y/n furrowed her brow in response. “Please, call me Shimizu.” she almost begged, craving to taste her name on her tongue. “Well then, Shimizu. It was lovely meeting you. I’ll stop bothering you and let you enjoy your coffee, for now.” She winked again, doing very little absolutely nothing to help convince Kiyoko she’s still straight. “For now?” She asked, confused. “Well I’ll definitely be texting you after my shift, so, for now, I will grant you peace and quiet.” She laughed her words out, to which Kiyoko reciprocated.
“I definitely won’t enjoy it when I could be talking to you instead.” Kiyoko took a sip from her drink. If she wasn’t sure then, the deliciousness of her coffee definitely confirmed just how in love Kiyoko was with her barista. She laughed, “Call me whenever you want someone to spill coffee on you. I’ve proven myself to be very good at that”
“Oh believe me, I will.”
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silkkorchid · 5 months
What went down in TWST rp in a week-
4/27 - 5/3
Things are going missing across the dorms I presume. (Better not fall to your death people)
Someone placed a cat spawner in every NRC dorm and probably at campus…
There was knock off version of the Great Seven in anime…
NRC Book Club, Trystia, has became one with nature.
NRC Book Club seems to be setting up Trystia for something ~
The rebellion against Crowley failed, and Lucius got ban from NRC. MAY HE SNEAK BACK IN!
A beef between @royalswordacademyconfession 🐰 got beef with @nrc-therapist .
RSA confession mod 📖 got a boyfriend! (Meanwhile us single pringles are just looking at the lovebirds)
Nvm mod 📖’s boyfriend died…
It’s confirm, Crowley cannot use technology correctly.
Crowley disown one of his children.
Lucius (@lucius-official) made bbq fish fillets, I wonder how it would taste like.
Lucius is dressed up fancy~
Professor Crewel is allergic to cats, and a cat pushed him off.
Hedgehogs are gone from Heartslabyul. Well, everyone there is gonna have their heads off.
Trey didn’t realize there was an uprising against Crowley, so he kinda in disbelief.
Trey loosing his shit thanks to someone placing a Cat Spawner.
Trey’s sanity is on a thread that can easily break at any given moment-
Deuce got addicted to coffee now…
Deuce made someone to a size of a doll since he dropped a cauldron on them.
Deuce became an egg-
Cater and Vil getting somewhat along??? What did I missed there?
Cater cheesed Professor Crewel, he dead…
Ruggie being a taste tester for the 1st years of Diasomnia.
Ruggie lied about his age several times during to being looking young, which he took advantage to it.
Azul being embarrassed by the leak baby photos that been going on.
There is two Azul now. Oh dear…
Kalim at it buying random stuff but, this time is… bird seed?
Another Jamil came, and he isn’t too happy knowing he got a child despite being busy…
Vil being disappointed in people, classic.
Vil being shocked there is a Cat Spawner and hoping it was in a Minecraft server, it wasn’t..
Vil on the look out of Epel eating something that he shouldn’t have.
Idia got Arlecchino, but the cost is the fact he is now broke-
Idia loosing his mind with cat photos.
Someone called Idia a walking campfire.
Malleus got another child.?
Malleus got turned into a cat box-
Silver still being a decent person in NRC
Silver had been buried from several cats.
Cheka is gonna break Ruggie’s back soon.
Cheka got grounded for playing a long “hide and seek” game…
Che’nya(@your-local-grinning-cat) wants to adopt Gidel
Mr. Rosehearts is disappointed in Ms. Rosehearts’ actions. + his son in his current family is top 3 in RSA.
Yuu got a bear. Nice 👍
Grim trying to show off that he can read and write(more over type) but failing a bit…
A pomefiore student (@pomefiorestudent-a)made their debut! Enjoy this recognition for being here.
Castor(@castaway-achlys) and Atamai (@atamai-twst) are having beef with each other..?
@blind0raven is going to murder someone…
Castor cannot do laundry.
@quartztwst in jail.
quartztwst being accused of several crimes
It’s confirm, @the-possum-of-rsa is in Sebek’s walls majority of the time-
Althea and Aclestris came back after a very long nap or break???
@jaytoonarchives is hosting a party at Ramshackle! And the children are invited…
@comediano-o got catnip, better keep it away from Lucius and Grim…
R. C. and Yuu is planning to prank Crowley within his office.
Atami got Trystia as his date for prom!
B0njourbeach showed that Leona is bald without his wig.
B0njourbeach is making cursed photos of NRC students…
Serena(@imafrealinrainbow478484), don’t use the decay incantation…
“Armaros here, I would like to remind you all that this series just has one person involved. So if you think that 🍮 missed something, tell her and she will probably put it in a reblog post. Ok, I’m gonna go now. You will see me later on.” -💫💤
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zaynmirrors · 8 months
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A/N: hey y’all! I really want to incorporate more of their back story, but if y’all are interested I can always do a prequel! Taglist is open! Do y’all want chapter songs?
Chapter 3: I remember everything
When Daryl returned to camp with his small haul of squirrels and rabbits, he expected to be greeted by his wife. However, she never appeared.
“Y/n!” He shouted, looking through their tent that looked untouched and had been for hours. He walked into the heart of camp and looked around. His wife is nowhere to be seen. Everyone stared at him. He scowled as Shane came over arms out, like he was already ready to diffuse the wild animal.
“Daryl, now listen to me man” Shane started, Daryl knew then something was wrong. His breathing became harsher as the emotions sank in. Fear, anger, anxiety. He felt them all at once.
“She dead?” He asked though he was afraid of the answer. Daryl didn’t really see a point going on without her.
“Her and Merle got separated” Daryl lunged forward, trying to grab ahold of Shane, but ended up in a chokehold by some guy he didn’t know.
His other half was missing. Lost in a world she had no idea how to survive. One he was trying so hard to protect her from. He couldn’t bear the thought of this new world tarnishing his love.
“I’m going to look for them,” he said strained, the arm around his throat making it hard for him to speak. He patted the arm to signal he was no longer a threat. He was carefully released.
Glenn looked at him and spoke, “I’ll go with you”. Daryl nodded, appreciating the extra hands. He was coming back with both of them. The officer, Rick, and Daryl had agreed to tag along too. As well as T-dog.
Daryl readied the box truck, that was brought back from the last excursion. He listened to the hushed argument between Lori whom his wife had become somewhat close, and Rick. It was the argument of a married couple.
He and y/n hardly ever argued, but he’d remembered their first. It was over a dumb cat, he smiled to himself at the memory. She’d brought home this orange poof of a cat from work.
Daryl wanted nothing to do with the small creature and swore up and down he was allergic. Y/n ended up winning their argument. They’d kept the cat and named him Norman. He loved that cat, though he’d probably never really admit that. Not to y/n anyway. Even if he had shed a small tear when Norman got sick.
“You ready?” Daryl spoke to the volunteers, Glenn made his way to the driver's seat, and Rick to the passenger seat. T-dog chooses the latter and sits with Daryl in the back.
The group of men made their way through the department store quietly. Not wanting to draw any unwanted attention.
T-dog led the way up to the roof, the heavy chain and lock he’d placed on the door still intact. He thanked any god listening, the last thing he wanted was to face Dixons’ wrath. Using bolt cutters he clipped the lock. Rick pulled off the chain as Daryl pushed open the door.
He was met with nothing, no sign of either of them. His lip quivered. The handcuffs Rick had told him about on their drive back to the city dangled from the metal pipe, swaying in the breeze. The side that had been cuffed to Merle was open.
“Fuck” Daryl said, voice quivering. Now back to square one, he began looking around the roof for any sign either one of them had left.
T-dog weighed out his dilemma, speaking. “Dixon, I’m sorry” This earned him a look from the tracker, and continued, “I was supposed to get them but there were too many geeks, and I-“
“You mean to tell me, this is your fault?” T-dog nodded. Daryl clenched his jaw, debating on putting a bolt through his scull but was distracted by a flash of red out of the corner of his eye.
He turned fully and saw an x on the back of a door on the other end of the roof. He walked over and gently ran a finger through it. Lipstick. That was his girl.
Daryl ducked into the doorway, the others following behind him. They descended the stairwell and were met with a small arrow in red lipstick signaling to the left.
Every few feet another arrow would indicate which way to go. Until the group came upon two dead walkers. Neither of them looked like Daryl’s wife or brother.
His wife wouldn’t have been able to kill so brutally, this was his brother's doing. Y/n would’ve been precise and less messy. Merle had found humor in positioning the arm and finger of the dead body to point in the direction they needed to continue.
Music played softly around the pair as they swayed. A slow, sad country song but they didn’t care. Nor did they care if they had onlookers.
Daryl rested his forehead against hers as they continued to sway. “I love you” he spoke so quietly she wasn’t sure if she’d heard it at first.
“I love you” she replied, a small smile playing on her lips. Daryl smiled and pulled her impossibly closer, gently dipping her backward. This earned a laugh to erupt from y/ns throat.
“Congratulations” Joe, one of the long-term patrons of the bar said passing by the two. Y/n replied with a thanks and stared at her now husband.
He raised an eyebrow at her, the side of his lip quirking upwards, “What?”. Daryl brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
The memory faded as y/n heard shuffling from outside her hiding place. She had been hidden in the cabinet for what felt like days. It was hot, and she was certainly dehydrated.
She sat still hearing the broken glass crunch under heavy feet. This could be it, her final moments. She prayed to any god listening that it would be quick and painless as the cabinet door swung open. The sun burned her eyes causing her to squint.
A voice etched forever in her mind spoke, “I gotcha” Daryl crouched down to look her over. Tears stung in her eyes as she took in his face. She stumbled out, her legs forgetting how to move from being stuck in a sitting position for days, and wrapped her arms around his neck.
His arms enveloped her, holding her close. Taking in the notes of citrus and sweat. How she could possibly still smell like her shampoo was beyond him. “Where’s Merle?” He asked, still holding onto her, refusing to let her go.
She shook her head, “I don't know, he told me to hide in here” Daryl sighed, it wasn’t what he wanted to hear. Though he knew his brother was tough as nails and could survive this world more than his wife could.
“Let’s get you back to camp” he spoke, standing, making her stand with him. Scooping her into his arms choosing to carry her rather than let her walk.
Daryl wanted nothing more than to look for his brother but his wife looked worse for wear. He also knew his brother could make his own way back to camp. So, he took his wife home.
Chapter 4
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 2 years
A Night Together
Summary: You accidentally spend an evening alone with Hotch and things go rather well.
Warnings: Some drinking, fluff🤭, mentions of cats and cat allergies, kissing.
Word count: 1.8k
A/n: I suck at titles and I know it sounds smutty but I promise it's not a smut fic lmfao. This has been in my drafts for so long now and I finally finished it. Please let me know what you think! Constructive criticism is great!
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"Hey what if everyone came over to my place tonight? We could make something for dinner, play games, and have a few drinks?" You suggested to the team.
They all agreed to a set time and seemed excited for what was to come.
"Great! I'll go ask Hotch real quick." You said and walked to his office. He had mentioned earlier in the day that Jack would be staying with his friend so you knew that if he did want to come you wouldn't be pulling him away from time with his son. You knocked on the door and heard a muffled "Come in." You opened it and stood in the doorway.
"Hey Hotch, I just asked the team if they wanted to come over later for dinner and drinks along with a few games. I was wondering if you would like to come as well?" You said the last part with hope because you really did want him over too. Honestly you had a bit of a crush on your boss. Which of course you knew was inappropriate and unprofessional but you couldn't help it.
"That sounds great y/n. What time should I be there?"
"Around 6:00 if that works for you. That's when everyone else said they would arrive." You said with a smile.
"6:00 is perfect." He smiled making yours become slightly bigger before you turned and went back to the rest of the team.
"Hotch said he will be there too." You announced.
They all looked to you and then back to each other. You could tell they were up to something.
"Oh sweetness I totally forgot that I have plans tonight. I'll pop by another time okay?" Derek said. "Uh. Yeah okay. That's fine." You replied and he gave you a smile.
"Wait don't you have a cat? I'm allergic to cats." Spencer told you. "Spencer since when are you allergic to cats?" You knew something was going on. "I don't know. I guess since I was born?" He said going back to reading a file. "Okay so you and Morgan won't be there. Anyone else that won't be coming over?"
"You know, I'm actually somewhat allergic to cats too."
"Emily what the hell are you talking about? You have a cat!" Okay this was definitely getting weird you thought.
"Yeah well I have been having some problems lately." She said.
"Actually, nevermind. We won't hang out at my place tonight. We can do something somewhere else another time. This way none of you have to randomly become allergic to cats." You said rolling your eyes slightly and going back to your desk. They all smirked slightly as they went back to their work.
You were out of there after about an hour of going through different files. Just ready to go home and have a quiet evening alone since the plans you had were now cancelled.
When you got home the cat was sleeping peacefully in the small bed you had bought for it. You put on your favourite film and got changed into some pajamas for your night in. It was around six o'clock when you heard a knock on your door. You stood up walked to your door confused because no one was supposed to be here. When you opened it you were greeted with your boss smiling at you. He looked over you shoulder, then back to you with a frown noticing no one else was there and that you were in sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
"Hotch? Why are you here?" You asked him confused because the hang out was called off. "I thought you said to be here at six? Did I hear you wrong?" His brows furrowed. Then realisation hit you. You never told him not to come. "You heard me right I just forgot to tell you that we cancelled because three of them bailed basically simultaneously. I said we could go out some other time but I just completely forgot you weren't aware of what happened. I'm sorry you came all the way here Hotch." You explained. "Oh. It's fine you don't need to apologise. In fact I'm sorry that it didn't work out." He said frowning even more. He seemed incredibly disappointed.
Then you thought, maybe he could stay. It may be sort of awkward but just the two of you for the evening sounded rather nice. Plus you still felt bad that he drove all the way here expecting dinner and drinks only to find out that he would be eating alone since Jack was staying with his friend tonight.
"Actually Hotch, what if we still eat dinner and all that? We can still have fun without the others right? I've got some games and we can watch television or something! Only if you want to though." You suggested.
It was entirely possible that having dinner and drinks with him alone wasn't the best idea when it came to keeping things professional between you and Hotch but you didn't really think about that when you made this suggestion.
"Sounds like a great idea to me y/n." He smiled again. You stood there for a moment admiring him in his black polo shirt before you remembered that you hadn't invited him in and that he was just standing outside your home. You stepped to the side so he could come in. He did so and looked around a little from where he was standing, not wanting to just start walking around your place because he wanted to be polite.
"Make yourself comfortable. I was going to make something to eat but if you just want to order in we can do that." You told him after closing the door.
"It's up to you really."
"Making dinner here could be fun. How does pasta sound?"
He smiled. "That sounds perfect."
Smiling back you made your way past him and into the kitchen to grab the ingredients. He followed behind you.
"Okay we can't let Rossi know that we made pasta without him. He would be very offended and tell us we probably didn't do it right." You laughed. "Yeah it's best we keep this to ourselves." He chuckled. It's probably best to keep this entire night between the two of you. The team would tease you both relentlessly and suggest something definitely happened other than just two good friends hanging out together.
Throughout making your dinner the two of you had some light conversation. Talking about Jack and how he's doing. A little about work but you tried to stay away from that topic since it wasn't generally something fun to talk about. You told him how Emily and Spencer are now allergic to cats and he said the same thing you did about how Emily has Sergio so what she said made no sense. You told him that's what you told her. As you both tried to maneuver around the kitchen you bumped into each other a few times. The first time was filled with apologies but by the fourth time you were both laughing over it.
You had opened a bottle of wine once the food was ready and poured a glass for him and one for yourself. Dinner was mostly silent with a few words here and there.
Once you had cleaned up you told him you could each pick a game to play. Leading him to a closet in the hallway you opened it to reveal many boardgames stacked on top of each other. Yahtzee and Pictionary were the final choices.
"YAHTZEE!" You yelled for the third time that night. The first two had been in the first round of the night which you had won. This was the first one of the second round. "How do you keep doing that?" Aaron asked with fake annoyance. "Oh you didn't know I have special Yahtzee powers huh?" You teased. "No, I did in fact not know that. I guess you learn something new everyday." He said going along with your playfulness.
After beating him four times he decided it was best to switch over to Pictionary.
"More wine?"
"Are you trying to get me drunk Hotchner?"
"No. Definitely not." He smirked.
"Mhm. I bet you're not. Pour me another."
You were both on your third glass of wine. If you kept going you didn't know how you'd be able to draw anything for the next game.
You had both been starting to feel the wine kicking in. About halfway through the third glass.
"Y/n how in the world is that a penguin? It looks like a blob. A blob with eyes. It looks like an alien blob y/n."
"What do you mean? It's obviously a penguin! I don't know how you can't see it."
"Y/n look at it! That is definitely not a penguin!"
You were both laughing incredibly hard at this point. Leaning on each other to keep from falling over. Eventually giving up on the game and deciding to start a movie instead.
Putting a comedy on you both got situated on the sofa with blankets and pillows.
You giggled and talked throughout it. Most of what either of you said was about something the characters did on the screen. You had gotten up to get something to snack on and when you came back you sat down right next to Aaron. Your sides practically glued together. Over the next 20 minutes he had wrapped his arm around you and you had moved your legs on top of his. Looking up at him you saw a big beautiful smile gracing his lips. One that you had actually seen most of the night now that you thought about it. You found yourself completely distracted from the movie staring at his mouth.
Aaron had moved his gaze to you. He saw the way you looked at him when you worked together and he knew how you felt about him. You had never told him but he picked up on it not long after you joined the team. He would be lying through his teeth if he said he didn't feel the same about you. Your feelings for each other had only grown as time passed. He wanted this and he knew you did too but he never acted on it because it would be unprofessional and could cause problems down the line if it didn't work out. Even if it did work out it could cause problems. You were both aware of this so you never pursued those feelings. Not until now.
You both leaned in slowly, giving the other the chance to pull away, but neither of you did. His hand moving to cup your cheek as your lips connected and even if it seems cliché it felt like fireworks went off. You moved in sync. It was like you were meant for each other. And you were.
After a moment you both pulled away pressing your foreheads together.
"I have wanted to do that for a long time." He told you softly.
"Me too Aaron. I've wanted that since the first time I met you."
"This could have consequences in the future y/n. It's unprofessional and could create complications with our job."
"Aaron I don't care about the possible consequences or complications. We both want this and we can make it work. This is something I'm committed to."
"Good. Because I am too."
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xerith-42 · 9 months
My Street Ramblings
Ok ok ok so @gonedreaminggg put it into words very well when they described My Street characters as more of characters than people. Which is so true!! Like I can list off some personality traits of some characters, but can you honestly tell me what Katelyn really thinks about Zane? Even though they're both main characters?
(Editors note, this post ran the fuck away from me so it's long as fuck sjdfjsdhg)
The problem MS has is that a lot of these characters get boiled down to the silliest, memeist versions of themselves, until Jess did a spin maneuver and made the series a story driven show with a darker tone and promptly crashed her faster car into a brick wall. But even before that happened, a lot of MS characters were lacking because of the forced perspective.
Until the plot shows up in season 4 and mandates characters splitting up constantly, a lot of the series is (sometimes literally) only seen from Aphmau's perspective. If interesting character drama is happening and she isn't around for it, it won't be seen. This was somewhat rectified in Season 5, but it was really too little too late. Because Aphmau has to be around for important stuff to happen, we don't really know the characters on a smaller scale, because the series is allergic to taking things slow.
Imagine an episode that's just watching Nana go through her day. She wakes up, starts making coffee, pulls a blanket over Katelyn who fell asleep on the couch watching K-drama's last night, and then goes outside with her morning coffee, a small breakfast, and sits on her porch and scrolls through Tumblr while people watching.
We follow her taking the bus to get to her barista job, and watch as she goes through an opening shift. Scenes fade showing the different parts of her job, maybe she has to deal with an angry customer and we see how she responds. Maybe while she's working one of her other friends from My Street shows up and gets an order and they have a chat as she's working. We watch the care she puts into it, and how she leaves little positive notes with drawings of cats, hearts, and flowers next to their name on their order.
My Street characters suffer from feeling like they aren't doing anything if the Main Character isn't around. How does Travis like to spend his weekends? We can make headcanons about it, but the show, the actual text, can't answer such a simple question about one of it's main characters.
My Street also suffers from having too many characters, but if the series was willing to slow down, all of them could be given proper time, especially because a lot of characters probably spend time together when Aphmau and Aaron aren't around.
I'm talking about an episode where it opens on Garroth honking his horn, and then Zane comes trudging out of his house, gets in the passenger seat, and lets out a huff. Garroth just gives him the aux cord, and Zane puts on his high school emo playlist he unironically enjoys. Garroth nods along to or even lip-sings some of the song (probably Welcome To The Black parade by MCR, I just know all the Ro'maeve brothers love that song.)
Speaking of which, they then pick up Vylad, and all three of them just go for a drive. Eventually they drive into the country side, pull off, and then turn the car off. Garroth pops open the trunk and the three of them all just chill out on a pile of blankets and pillows that were already there. They sit in silence for a while. Vylad and Zane pass a vape pen around, and every now and then Garroth takes a hit off of it.
Finally they all just talk. About life, about their feelings, about their parents, whatever they can think to talk about. Maybe Garroth brings up some of his gripes about his roommate, or Vylad confesses that they're struggling to figure out how to come out to their parents. This is clearly a routine these three established, and something all three of them greatly appreciate. Garroth and Zane never quite felt like brothers to me, but this? I could see myself doing this with my brother.
And for my final random idea I had while in the shower, I want to talk about Melissa my beloved. A character who only exists to help prop up an already existing character. Melissa has almost no identity outside of being Aaron's Sister. Let me ask you this, what's her job? Without checking the wiki?
My idea is that she works for her parents company, a boring, dreadful, and soul draining office job. It's the same routine day in, day out, nothing changes. Wake up, drive to work, sit at her office for 8 hours, go home, sleep, repeat. Until on Friday, when she's truly had enough, when she's just so tired as she slams the car door as she's getting in her car to leave and hangs her head. She's so exhausted, so drained, so miserable. Her moment of anguish is interrupted by her phone playing a stupid love song, and you can just see her face relax the minute she hears it.
She answers the phone, puts it on speaker, and sets it up on a stand in her car. Her relaxed expression turns into a love struck grin, her ears relax, and her tail starts wagging the minute she hears her girlfriend Lucinda's voice. After the drudgery of every single day being the same, just hearing her voice is like medicine to Melissa.
And then the two talk the entire time Melissa is driving to Lucinda's, and they're so so so gay when they see each other in person. They both get dolled up and flirt like dorks the entire time, and then we get a montage of them going out clubbing, singing karaoke, and getting white girl wasted despite neither of them being white.
My Street characters don't feel like people because they're not. They're mostly one dimensional characters who exist to fill out a roster or scene, and we get depressingly little insight into who they are as people.
I hope this post gave them and the MS fandom something to chew on.
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skytroops · 1 year
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And here we are 24 moons into Strike Clowder! A lot of cats ended up in the medicine den by the end of this year, so hoping they survive into Year 3 and onwards. I am hoping that someone has kits in the next year, cuz we've not had any newborns and I wanna see those potatoe sprites!
Fumblefreckle | male | 147 moons old | shameless / excellent mediator
Fumblefreckle has been doing better. He has finally gotten himself out of his grief-induced fog for Coatidance and Kestrelwhisper, and even named a new co-leader; Gravelspeck. He is also aware of Randy’s growing affection for him, which doesn’t upset him as much as he thought it should.
Gravelspeck / female | 95 moons old | strange / good speaker
Gravelspeck was shocked when Fumblefreckle decided to name her his co-leader. She is trying her best to keep the clowder in order, but she can’t say the same for her personal life. Almost all of her kits have suffered some pain, with the worst being Deltapaw dying much too young and. . .she has noticed that Brownstripe doesn’t seem to care as much as he should as their adoptive father.
Bluesplash | female | 86 moons old | ambitious / great speaker
Bluesplash ended up having a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting, which resulted in her being unable to perform her tasks during a rough time for the clowder. While she is thankful for Habanerofreeze, he is both older and less experienced than her, so she is even more desperate for an apprentice.
Habanerofreeze | male | 94 moons old | faithful / very smart
Habanero had spent most of his life wandering the countryside, learning to use all sorts of herbs for healing. He had been approached in his dreams by a spirit, who asked him to seek out and assist their clowder. After travelling for some time, he found Fumblefreckle. Despite not sharing the clowder’s beliefs, he prays for Bluesplash’s future apprentice.
Randy | male | 121 moons old | bloodthirsty / good speaker
Randy has spent a lot of time with Fumblefreckle and has fallen hard for the old tom. He doesn’t want to pressure his leader into anything, so he hasn’t entertained them becoming mates. He is proud of his apprentice becoming a warrior, but they don’t have much of a relationship.
Starling | male | 98 moons old | childish / great fighter
Starling was travelling with a group of loners when he got into an argument with one of them that turned violent. They fought until Starling thought better and ran. Injured, he was chased by the loner onto a busy dragonpath. Before he knew it, as a dragon rushed towards him, a cat tackled him. Sadly both of them were run over, resulting in Starling’s broken back and Snipleap’s death.
Currently, Starling’s survival is still uncertain. Starling isn’t bothered much by this news, as he feels like he’s lived a long life but his heart goes out to Snipleap’s friends.
Halfsprout | male | 78 moons old | careful / good teacher
Halfsprout hasn’t done much of importance this year, but he has become friends with Suncrawl and he is very concerned for her, and the rest of the cats under the herbalists’ care.
Shadowspots | male | 76 moons old | strange / great speaker
A somewhat mysterious tom who walked into Strike’s camp one morning, demanding to become a part of the clowder. Gravelspeck was rather unsettled by his sudden appearance, but Fumblefreckle admired his tenacity and allowed him to stay. He spends his free time telling bizarre stories about the animals he has met in his life.
Brownstripe | male | 67 moons old | calm / fantastic hunter
Brownstripe has stuck close to Gravelspeck, but the distance between himself and his adopted kits has only gotten wider. He still adores his mate, but Gravelspeck isn’t too keen about him at the moment.
After mentoring Lightspots, he has figured that he just isn't interested in being a mentor.
Brushlion | male | 55 moons old | bold / fantastic teacher
Having run away from a neglectful owner, Brushlion wasn’t sure where to go. He tried living on his own but had a rather bad time defending himself from bigger animals, so he sought out a group to live with. He was found by a patrol while trying to hunt on Strike territory. He feels more confident than he’s ever felt, and he is excited to prove himself worthy of his position as a warrior.
Suncrawl | female | 32 moons old | loving / good hunter
Suncrawl got humbled rather hard this year when she tried stealing food from a Man-trap and badly hurt herself when escaping it. She is still in the medicine den, dealing with an infection. Her heart goes out to her brother, as she knew he and Snipleap were very close.
Cloudlight | male | 32 moons old | vengeful / good speaker & Tawnyripple | male | 25 moons old | fierce / great teacher
These two couldn’t have had a worse year. Cloudlight has been destroyed by Snipleap’s death. He blames himself, as he was the one to come up with the idea of keeping surveillance of the dragonpath after finding a dead kittypet there early into the year. He, Snipleap, Tawnyripple and Deltapaw collectively helped bring Brushlion, Savvyshadow, and Starling into the clowder. He. . .also didn’t get the chance to say how much he loved Snipleap.
Early into Deltapaw’s apprenticeship, Tawnyripple got help from Cloudlight and Snipleap in training the younger tom. Together, the group had become closer but Tawnyripple eventually wished to train Deltapaw by himself like any other mentor should. Tragically, when he was taking Deltapaw out for hunting, they had been surprised by a flash flood and Deltapaw was swept away. Tawnyripple, Cloudlight, and Snipleap spent an entire night searching for their joint apprentice, but Deltapaw was nowhere to be found. They had hoped that he had survived, but Bluesplash confirmed to see Deltapaw within the Fallen One’s ranks.
Now Tawnyripple feels like Suncrawl and her mother were correct in their objections, and wishes that Deltapaw was given to somecat else.
Scorchsmoke | female | 18 moons old | strict / great hunter
The only one of the loner litter to not have something bad happen to them. With her brother’s passing, Scorchsmoke has thrown herself into keeping the clan fed and protected. She openly dislikes Brownstripe for seemingly being unaffected by Deltapaw’s death and isn’t too friendly towards her adoptive mother for not calling him out. She has promised to herself that she’ll be a much better parent to her future kits.
When Lightspots became confined to the medicine den for treatment for a bad infection, Scorchsmoke busied herself so she wouldn’t think about her sister’s deteriorating condition. According to Savvyshadow’s spirit, she has a secret.
Shrubpurr | female | 18 moons old | fierce / good fighter
Shrubpurr was so badly hurt by a rogue, she had to spend green-leaf recovering and could not be named a warrior alongside her sisters. Fumblefreckle gave her more than enough time to train as the only apprentice, then was named for her fierce love for her sisters.
She visits Lightspots several times a day to make sure that she is feeling comfortable despite how things are going for her.
Lightspots | female | 18 moons old | sneaky / great speaker
Lightspots’ apprenticeship under Brownstripe was a tense affair, which made her jealous of her siblings’ relationships with their own mentors–especially Deltapaw. She saw the trio of toms treating her brother almost like a younger sibling, all while she barely could emotionally connect with her adoptive father. One thing that intrigued her about Brownstripe was his encounters with Man, so when she became a warrior alongside her sister, she decided to venture into the Man village to explore.
While there, she had gotten mistaken for someone’s kittypet and ended up trapped within a Man nest for several days. She managed to escape, but only after a collar had been put around her neck. Lightspots felt like she needed to prove herself to the older cats to make up for her mistake, but she only ended up having a bad encounter with a fox–which mangled her tail.
She is currently in recovery, but infection has set in and Bluesplash is not sure if she will pull through.
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negative-speedforce · 3 months
Okay, your turn (sort of)
Madison has asked your OCs to take care of Bravo (her 150lb wolfdog) for a week while she's out of town. He's well-trained and generally pretty friendly, but still a big and somewhat scary-looking animal, and he'll need to be walked regularly and fed specialized meals (raw meat, raw eggs, bone marrow, etc. on top of his kibble), so it's not quite like taking care of a normal dog.
Who agrees, who says no, and how does it go?
Says "no": Siv, Hailey, Gina, Esme, Cat, Max, Eric, Jacob, Ameerah, Rania, Director Hawke, Meredith, Torryn, Myopia, Onnie, Jessi, Qiara, Marie, Soraya, Nyx, Laila, Athena, Thalia, Ariadne, Rue, Pyrrha, Aldrich, Samira, Sohelia, Victorie, Dolores, Kayla, Dori, Gabi
Jay: Immediately agrees. He's got experience taking care of one dog, what's one more between friends? As long as Bravo and Stella get along, the week will go by easily.
Cassandra: Only agrees because Jay agreed. She'd prefer not to take care of another animal, but hopefully Bravo will get along with Stella well enough.
Ember: Hesitantly agrees, since they're somewhat worried that Bravo will try to eat his chihuahuas. Instead, the chihuahuas are the instigators, and cause all the trouble. Bravo might be a little traumatized when Madison gets back.
Arya: Spends the week mostly in the form of a dog, hanging out with Bravo and playfighting, only going back to their human-adjacent form to feed him and stuff.
Kyle: Mostly just lets Bravo run around in his backyard all day with one of those tennis ball machines. He'll probably invite Jay and Stella over at some point.
Khalil: Takes good care of Bravo, but isn't overly affectionate. Maybe if one of his makeup clients has kids, Bravo can occupy them while he's working.
Antonio: Tries to take Bravo home, but his parents won't let him. Instead, his older brother will take care of Bravo in his apartment.
Reggie: Takes great care of Bravo. Unfortunately, due to xer magic being slightly out-of-control at xer age, Madison may come home to her dog having purple fur, or being able to speak Japanese.
Kelsie: Once she's 100% sure that Bravo's friendly, she might ask Madison if she can bring him in to a few of her therapy sessions, since she mostly works with metas who have PTSD, and a giant, fluffy dog might be helpful.
Cory: Takes great care of Bravo, and makes him Instagram famous. Now, Bravo has an online cult following, and people might approach Madison in the street like "OMG is that Bravo???"
Pippa: Takes good care of Bravo, but ends up making her neighbors concerned because most people... don't carry around 150 lbs wolf-dogs like they're little lapdogs.
Hyun-Ki: It goes fairly well, as long as Bravo and his cat can get along. Otherwise, one of them is going to get shut in the back of the house until Madison gets back.
Liah: She takes great care of him at first, until the Borg or the Klingons or something attack, and she ends up having to pull a 36-hour shift in Engineering. She'll set the replicator to make food for Bravo at certain intervals until she's back, that way he won't starve or anything.
Arissa: Same as Liah
Carena: Brings Bravo up onto the bridge, until Captain Al-Sharif tells him to get Bravo away from her, since she's quite allergic to dogs. From there on out, she leaves Bravo on the holodeck when he's on duty, chasing holographic squirrels and stuff.
Reyna: Takes great care of Bravo, but Madison may come home to her dog having a translation matrix in his collar that allows him to speak in 46 different human and alien languages. Hopefully, Reyna being a felid species doesn't trigger some kind of "chase the cat" thing in Bravo.
Iloriya: Takes great care of Bravo, though he might not be a huge fan of her boyfriend, who's Dylae and therefore smells like a cat to him.
Arien: Look, Arien would take great care of Bravo. 10/10. However, if Nyx found out? Bravo (and Madison) are so screwed.
Matt: As long as Bravo and Moshe (Matt's German Shepherd) got along, he'd agree, and take pretty good care of Bravo. Since his joints aren't great and he can't walk Bravo too far, he'd probably just let him loose in the Hunters' Camp most of the time, since it's fenced anyway.
Vanessa: Probably spends the whole time napping face-down in Bravo's thick fur, muttering something along the lines of "so.... fluffy...."
Ellis: Does not know how to take care of a dog, but agrees anyway because they feel bad not doing it. It'll take a miracle for this to go well. Good thing that miracles are something Ellis is quite skilled with.
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vilemint · 1 year
Steeled Revenge
(Sebastian Michaelis x OC) fanfic
(you can also find this fic on AO3, linked here with over 15 existing chapter with +60k words in case anyone is interested.)
Before reading:
There will be mentionings of situations most will not find comfortable. Please when reading that you understand that these themes exist and it is not targeted towards any person, groups, sexual preferences, religious beliefs or any of the sort.
I am not responsible for your feelings after reading the warnings!! Most of the time, certain words and expressions were commonly used during this time era. It isn't targeted towards you!
WC: 2.3k
First Ch Prev Ch:
Both of the men's eyes widened, mouth slightly open at what they had just heard. Ciel soon collected himself, blinking before he said anything else. “Your father? I’ll see what I can do. It’ll be helpful if I had more information, mind giving me some?” 
Mavis looked down at the floor of the carriage before returning her gaze to the young Earl and Sebastian as she started. “You might’ve heard of him, Vogeljunge. My father, Marquis Fairview. He was a powerful full fledged demon. I don’t know how he met my human mother, he died before I got to know.” She paused for the both of them to register this info. 
Ciel turned to his butler, “Does it ring a bell at all?” 
With a gloved hand to his chin, Sebastian pondered. “Do you mean the Tungsten Demon?” 
Mavis nodded. “I know that you represent a crow or a raven, but my father represented the Clouded Leopard. That’s why I’m able to swivel my joints like this-” She rotated her shoulders around, causing Ciel to cringe loudly and recoil. “Eugh! Stop that at once!” 
She squinted and chuckled loudly. 
Then, a thought popped into the boy's mind, gaze soon landing on Sebastian as he stared at Mavis with more intensity and interest. ‘Oh no.’ “Wait a minute-” He started, “Aren’t..aren’t leopards..c..cats?!” The look Sebastian had gave it away. “OH NO. No, no, no, no, no. It’s ONE thing for me to be allergic to them, but it's a whole other thing when I’ve just employed a Cat Demon!” He faltered, ‘soul’ seemingly leaving his body. 
Mavis couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “So do I still have a job, Young Master?” She teased, smirking as this boy who acted like the world was beneath his foot melted into his cushioned seat. While she had the short fun with Ciel, Mavis stopped smirking when the nagging feeling of eyes boring into her very core was stuck on her body. Turning her head slowly, she saw Sebastian, stiffening slightly as his eyes were deadlocked into hers. She wasn’t expecting the man to have such an intense gaze, it was like he was staring at free food.
His eyes were glued to her body, silently taking in her features that slowly led to what she was saying was true. Her hair, though somewhat long, was slick and straight, except for the back that spiked upwards like a cactus. The odd coloration of her hair as well was a dead giveaway, a dreamy dark sky blue with black spots dotted throughout the strands. He remembered now when he saw her in the alley, how her hair ‘fluffed’ slightly in an attempt to make herself look bigger. Then it was the fangs, longer than his own when his barely peeked through his lips one of hers was far longer. 
‘A cat demon, hmm?’ He thought, a smile forming on his lips. ‘Oh, I can't wait to play with this girl.’ 
“Anyway..You said something about imprisonment?” 
“Ah, yes, when my father died I was taken by some Church. I was too young to fully understand what was really going on, all I remember from that day was him disappearing before my eyes.” 
Ciel nodded. “As I said, I will look into it and do as much as I can.” 
Mavis sighed. ‘I can tell by the way this boys' talking that he's serious..At least he’s better than the other one.’ She smiled, and held out a hand, which caught Ciel off guard but eventually took. “Deal.” Was all she said. 
The rest of the ride was made in silence, other than the occasional question here and there. Soon Mavis caught sight of a large manor ahead. “I’m assuming that this is yours?” She asked Ciel who nodded. “Welcome to the Phantomhive Manor, Mavis.” 
A small smile creased her lips. As quickly as the manor came into view, they were already up at the front entrance, stopping the carriage before a staircase leading to the main doors. Sebastian got out first, coming around the carriage and opening the door, allowing the young Master to come out first, followed by Mavis, who swatted Sebastian’s open hand for her to take. “Don't get any bright ideas. Or else this cat will come and eat the pesky bird.” She hissed and growled deeply. The sounds of her growls were equivalent to a tigers or a lions, though not as loud. Something that only Clouded Leopards can do. 
Sebastian pulled his hand back and just eyed Mavis walking behind his master. A new feeling rushed through his body making him shiver ever so slightly. ‘She really is something else..’ He smirked. 
The duo waited at the top of the stairs for the head butler to come back and open the door. As he did, Sebastian kept his eyes on Mavis, while she stared back. Hers not wavering with their emotion. 
Grasping the doorknob, Sebastian opened the door and allowed the two to step inside. 
Ciel’s manor wasn’t what Mavis was expecting. IN fact, it was much nicer than she had envisioned. 
The checkered floor was waxed and polished till you could see your reflection, the air felt clean to breathe, and everything was well up to date and maintained. The last place she worked at had half, if not then 1/4th of the cleanliness that this manor has. “Wow..” She muttered, looking up at the ceiling, the wood up above was bloody polished too!! 
Amidst her mesmerization Mavis’s ears picked up the sound of footsteps. Quick footsteps, and more than two pairs coming right for them. 
She swirled her head just in time to see 3 new people rushing into the Grand Hall. 
“The Young Master is back, yes he is!” 
“Ah, and Mr.Sebastian too! Welcome back!” 
“Oi, who's the lass?” A man, with blonde hair, scruffy facial hair, a cigarette in his mouth as a cooks uniform covered his body inquired, approaching the woman. 
“This is Ms. Mavis Fairview, she will be our new butler, and your second boss.” Sebastian replied while removing Ciel’s coat, hat, and cane. 
The chef walked up to Mavis’s face, hand on his chin. Smoke from his cigarette infiltrated her nose with a sharp pain. 
“You sure that this is a woman, Sebastian? Looks kinda like a guy..” Silver colored eyes squinted at the man before pinching the burning end of his cigarette out after giving the tips of her fingers a quick lick. “I beg to differ.” She hissed lightly, causing the American to stamper back in surprise. “I-I’m so sorry Ms. Fairview!” He bowed. The woman just huffed and looked at the last 2. “W-Welcome Ms.Fairview!!” They said in unison. 
Her lips pursed slightly. ‘Hmm..they’re rough around the edges, but they’re better than the last batch.’ 
“Mavis, that’s Baldroy, the Manors head chef.” Sebastian introduced the still stunned man. Then mentioned to the others. “And this, is Mey-Rin the house maid, she's..special, in her own way.” Mey-Rin nodded. “Yes, I tend to accidentally trip over my feet lots a times cause of my glasses..” She lightly adjusted them while blushing at how close the clad butler had gotten to her. “And finally this is the Gardner, Finny. He has some impeccable strength.” Finny just smiled. 
The soft sounds of laughter from down below caught Sebastian’s attention. “Ah, terribly sorry, this is Tanaka, head butler of the previous Earl Phantomhive.” Tanaka chuckled, holding a yunomi (a tall tea cup from Japanese culture.)
“Its a pleasure to meet you all.” Mavis replied, bowing slightly in respect. 
‘At least she knows some manners..some.’ Thought Sebastian. “Young Master, may I show Ms.Fairview to the servants quarters?” Ciel looked up at him, as his Butlers face tried to hide the temptation to get closer to the new woman only because of what she was. “No you may not. You’re coming with me so I can retire. Mey-Rin will show Mavis to her quarters.” 
“Y-yes Master!” She piped up, clambering over to the woman and taking her hand then quickly dragging her away. “Finally another lady in the house! Honestly being the only woman here was suffocating, yes it was!” She smiled, surprising Mavis. Here she was expecting Ciel to allow Sebastian to show her to her room. 
Who was a man. 
But also a demon. 
To show Mavis, a new employee, and a woman, to her room by himself. As if he couldn’t sense where she'd go if he didn't. 
As the two left, Sebastian turned to the last two servants and excused them to rest for the night. 
Mey-Rin proudly walked the new employee to her new room, while also explaining some of the areas of the Phantomhive mansion that they passed by without giving Mavis a traditional tour. “Ah! Here we are!” She suddenly stopped in front of a door, making Mavis run into her. “Oops, my bad!” 
She rubbed her nose lightly. “It's fine, I should’ve been paying attention.” 
Mey-Rin opened the door for the new butler, allowing Mavis to go in first, then herself. “Since you’ll be Sebastian's second in command you get a slightly bigger room than the rest of us, ‘bigger’ only because you’ve got a walk in bathroom, yes you do!” 
Mavis looked around, it was a simple get up, and a hell of a lot better than where she’s been sleeping recently. Especially her last job, they made her sleep like an animal. Not like she isn't one though, but still. 
“Thank you Mey-Rin, I look forward to working with you tomorrow.” She bowed again, making the house maid blush lightly. “Y-yes of course! If you wish to bathe, there are towels in the dresser here. Goodnight, Ms.Fairview.” And then, Mavis was alone. ‘I wonder if shes a mind reader. I thought about bathing before sleeping in these over the top silk-cashmere sheets.’ She thought. 
Meanwhile, Sebastian was undressing the young Earl, discussing about the day, more so about Mavis. 
“Young Master? What are your thoughts on Ms.Fairview?” Sebastian perked up, folding the boys' day clothes neatly together. Ciel closed his one exposed eye, pondering. “I’m still unsure, but if what you say is true, that she’s a half demon, then that only leaves some other possibilities left. We shall see how she does tomorrow. For now, once you’re done here, bring her one of our extra butler suits.” He paused, turning to the servant. “Only. The suit.” 
Sebastian smirked, and bowed with a hand to his ‘heart’, “Yes, my Lord.”
“Ah, much needed..” Mavis smirked, sinking into the bath water more. Only her upper torso was exposed, hair slightly damp from the steam, and a content smile on her lips. Warm baths were the best, being able to just sit in liquid warmth and not give a care in the world was so calming. Much better than waiting for rain, or swimming in the Thames. 
That is, till her sensitive ears picked up the knock at her door. “If it's who I think it is, I'm not interested.” She blatantly spat out, now irritated that her peace was disturbed. 
“I’m only here to deliver your new uniform, Ms.Fairview.” 
Of course he is. With a slight growl, she pushed herself up and closed the bathroom door a little more before muttering, “Fine. But nothing else.” 
With the door opening, Sebastian entered and noticed that the woman was bathing. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted to go in and join her. 
“And please, drop the formality, just call me Mavis.” She barked. In return she heard a soft, “Of course, Mavis.” With the uniform now on the bed, Sebastian opened and closed the door. 
Thinking he had left, Mavis returned to her ‘paradise’. Not noticing that she was purring softly from her comfort. 
“My, you really are a Cat Demon aren’t you?” 
Damn it. So much for paradise. 
The woman squeaked, and let out a low hiss, further confirming Sebastian’s suspicions. He chuckled, leaning into the bathroom’s door frame. Her gaze immediately landed on the man, anger boiling slowly. “Watch your tongue. I am in no mood for chasing a bird around the manor right now.” She said with a knifes edge, adding into her seriousness. Sebastian just stood there chuckling to himself while Mavis sat vulnerable in the tub. She’s pretty much at the demon's mercy. 
“And a defiant one at that. It's not often that other demons, humans even, are even remotely interesting. But you…something really intrigues me.” Sebastians’s words rolled off his tongue without any hesitation. “I’ve heard of half demons existing before, but nothing about them living into adulthood.” He smiled, eyes looking right into hers. “I’ll show you the mansion in the morning. For now, get some rest, little kitten.” 
‘Kitten?!’ She inwardly screamed. To be called in such a derogatory way..it ticked her. But she did notice one thing while looking into Sebastian’s eyes. His eyes didn’t hold malice, or danger, not even a hint of a thought of doing something to ehr. Which caught her off guard, the demons she’s met before wanted her in every way possible, soul included. She’s grown used to those lustful eyes. But she didn't see it in this Raven Demon. 
“Alright, thank you, Sebastian.” Was all she said, head turned away from him. This time, she actually heard him utter a soft ‘you’re welcome’ and then properly left the room. “Perverted bird brain..” Mavis said to herself. 
After the nice bath, the need for rest soon came upon her body. Yes, while it is true that demons don't need to sleep, or wish to (typically), Mavis still had human ailments that she couldn't escape from. Exhaustion, illness, injury, instability, anything a human can get, she can too. She is also able to get seriously injured, while being able to still heal due to her demonic attribute, but it takes days for an injury like that to heal. 
Slipping into some light night clothing, Mavis peeled the sheets of her new bed back and plopped herself down right in the middle of the mattress. The softness of the materials, and the hardly used bed below her easily allowed her to fall asleep.
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tempest-toss · 1 year
PLEASE DO YAM AND EASEL FOR THE TEN FACTS MEME, also the Godfather and Lily if it’s be okay with you!
Yeah! Four people get ten facts!
Has a literal green thumb
Finally got a break from all the sadness because I felt a bit bad
Yam's original design was much akin to that of a street beggar
Yam technically is the only skip I've made that has at least one parent alive
Much of the Flora Fighters document was intentionally outdated or falsified. If the Foundation truly updated it they would find that Yam is no longer a rookie, but the group's mechanic
Yam has a surprisingly good grip and upper body strength
Yam will have a poly relationship, but he's a bit shy right now
Yam is one of my most tortured characters having suffered the most out of any character
Yam has a minor anomaly that affects his hair color and length
Yam is seemingly one of Tempest's fav characters
Easel is a recycled character from another story of mine
Easel's weapon of choice is his paintbrush
Despite being stronger and older, Easel somewhat fears his fellow Great Collaborations
Easel was originally designed to be much more douchey. It never stuck
Easel has mixed feelings about Opehlia, as he thought she would send him back to the Gallery
Easel is blonde with paint splatters coloring it
Easel is very short, barely taller than the younger skips
He is a bit of a disaster gay, as 230 was the first time he was really free to explore his own identity
Easel can bring his creations to life
The Foundation theorizes that he may be responsible for a certain group of paper dragons in a box...
For those newer to the blog, he was originally Site Director Enigma of Site 230
He is referred to as dad, uncle, or grandpa by most if not all of the skips at Site 230
One of his requirements for his successor was that they had to be proficient in psychology
Under his rules, all staff at Site 230 had to be anomalous
He has a major sweet tooth
He never quite left the mafia, if you really think about it..
He is very terrifying, he just hasn't had the chance to show it yet
There is ongoing debate on who is in charge of Anomalous Welfare. Who's to say four people can't share it?
He finds explosions tacky
Despite his comments about "being younger than you think" he has a salt and pepper hair thing going on. Thankfully it isn't sporadic, and very neatly lined
Lily Teca
Has a deep disdain for comics, but not for manga
Has body image issues thanks to being turned into what she is now
She can no longer drink water ever since her throat turned to paper
She has no offensive abilities or skill in weapons
She still styles her hair. Or whats left of it.
Hates dog-earing with a passion
Loves passion fruits
Is allergic to cats
Loves roasting marshmellows
Knows every single book in her mom's library, including the exact times left until the checked out books become late
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WTNV quick rundown - 44 - Cookies
Featuring the voice of Jasika Nicole as Dana Cardinal and Lauren Sharpe as Lauren Mallard.
All that glitters is not gold. Particularly that thing over there. That’s maybe a giant insect of some sort. It’s really too dark to tell. Welcome to Night Vale. 
Cecil, in order to be a good uncle, is trying to sell Girl Scout Cookies for Janice so that she can go camping with her friends. He has a lot of cookies, so many that there isn't really any space to move in the studio or in Daniel's producer booth and is urging people to come and buy some.
The 'guys in sales' all of which are named Shawn and wear matching suits and wool hats do help by buying some as well as other coworkers and some listeners. Cecil says that nobody from management has bought any and how it would be nice if they supported him.
This seems to shame Daniel (who is described as blushing, having a lot of blood in his face) into talking to Lauren about purchasing the cookies.
Lauren (described as programme director and Strexcorp executive) comes on air to express how very supportive they are of the girl scouts (lamenting that she never was one herself). She also says that Strex is taking over the entire girl scout organisation. This seems to be because they are looking to definitely not 'hunt down' and just 'find and meet' talented girls especially those who can pilot helicopters.
She also seems interested in Janice and, ignoring Cecil, is the one who summons the weather.
Weather: "Haunted" by Maya Kern, mayakern.bandcamp.com
Cecil softly encourages the girls to hide away during their camping trip and seems to be already turning against Strex, though trying to keep himself safe by carefully planning his words of rebellion.
Khoshekh is fine, though very badly hurt. He is missing his right eye and part of his front left paw. He had a feeding tube for a while. Cecil is very happy to at least be able to hold him and says things are looking fine for him.
Carlos is allergic to cats and is taking medicine for it whilst Khoshekh is around.
The reason Cecil has to help Janice in particular is apparently because Abby is out of town and Steve is somewhat inattentive to Janice's scouting activities.
Steve apparently engages in 'sports-gambling', is inattentive to details and has bad taste in shoes. But this is just Cecil's anger and bitterness talking so...
Dana manages to flicker into NV reality for long enough to tell Cecil that she is able to be in many places if she concentrates and turns her head but is still physically in the otherworld. She says that she sometimes talks to John Peters (you know, the farmer?) and former intern Maureen who flickers in and out of the desert otherworld's reality. She's even made friends with some of the nationless army which wanders the desert.
She also reveals that she tried to visit her family for her brothers 26th birthday, but ended up at his 33rd birthday. She sees her own self there, at age 29, looking very important and respected by her family. The other her seems to know it would happen and be ok with it, but Dana (our Dana) flickers away before she is able to ask any questions.
Using these times/dates/ages we can say that Dana in 2014 (our 2014) was roughly 22 years old.
The NV highway department gives us instructions on how to get abducted by aliens they're apparently helping.
Girl scouts in NV are taught about nature, surviving in nature, controlling nature with their minds, radiation immunity, and advanced knife-fighting skills. Several of them also have skills in oil painting, parasailing, library science, slingshots, or helicopter piloting as mentioned. Lauren is clearly trying to use this information to find and capture Tamika and her militia.
Janice loves the outdoors.
On Cecil's college degree it says 'a real people person' in Russian on the bottom. He says he does not like guiding a conversation towards buying and selling, preferring to tell stories which deeply affect people in their own unique way.
As well as more average girl scout cookies, there as also cookies which may be made of metal in heavy, unmarked boxes and a 5ft by 5ft crate with 'peanut butter patties' scrawled on the side in permeant marker. There is breathing coming from inside.
'You have always been important. You have always been something. Age just reveals the facts that always were, Dana. Experience uncovers the you that always was.' (this is such a nice quote)
Stay tuned next for a life-time of self-questioning followed by conflicting answers from an unreliable source. Good night, Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.
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derealfeelz · 1 year
Favorite Pet Animal (Kodoku's Lilacs, The Life of a Flowstar, No. 68)
So I wish I would've thought of this last night, I fell asleep while having no idea for a post lol. But since I fell asleep by accident and that I'm a pretty lazy person, it made me think of my favorite pet. Before this tho, I did have one of these and they were mean as hell, but this one is just such a sweetheart. It's like they were two different animals since they had such different personalities. Anyways, let's get right into it.
The majority of my family are dog people, while me over here, I'm a cat person. Ever since I was younger, I just seemed to love cats, although not really having a nice one before the one I had. Before, we had a female cat that was mean as hell, it was sometimes nice to be, but she wasn't a good cat. We kept her for years until she just had to go, we didn't need her mean ass in this house anymore. Even then, I seem to still have a love for cats, I had dogs and I like dogs, but cats still seem to be my favorite.
Fast forward years later, we have a new cat, and he's a pretty and nice cat with soft fur. Ever since we had him, he's one of my favorite pets, since he's always attached to me, he used to sleep with me in the bed too. Unfortunately, one of us here has turned out to be allergic to cats, so he's an outside cat now, but he still comes and visits around. He likes to sit on my lap nowadays and rest there, but since he can't come in the house with us, I can't sleep with him. Nevertheless, he's one of my favorite pets and I love him.
Before I end this post, I'd like to say I like dogs too, they are playful and fun, depending on what you get. The most recent ones I had, they were playful, but can be somewhat like cats too, laying around on the floor, I remember laying with them too. Unfortunately, we had to get rid of them for certain reasons, but at least I still got my cat. Hopefully, if I ever get my own place, I'll have a cat to be with since I have such love for cats. Anyways, see ya.
Sincerely, Kodoku.
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