#tw mk ultra
hateaintwinning · 1 month
Unwelcome-ozian is an abuser
Here is a check list of common abuse tactics and Unwelcome ozian's perfect score. Reminder as of writing this the victim is a teenage girl, and was 15 when she began chatting with nwo.
Emotional abuse:
Silent treatment - refusal to communicate.
Gas lighting - playing victim after coercing a teenage girl to tell him more and then ghosting her. He implied he didn't want anything to do with her publicly after privately pushing her to talk to him .
Blame shifting / victim blaming - calling the girl obsessed after he manipulated her and trauma bonded her to them by love bombing and alternating between validating and ignoring her. Ignoring her for weeks and months after asking for updates, and then talking to them for 3 days, promising to read everything, then back to ignoring them despite her pleas to be acknowledged. Then using this trauma to further gas light and harm her by painting her as the aggressor.
Intentionally humiliating a teenage girl - putting her on blast, along with her deep personal traumas and thoughts, intimate details, and identifying information to his follows and the entire internet.
Calculating - not responding to use the victim's emotional upset against her instead of asking her to stop. Using his followers to dox and humiliate her.
Hypocrisy - wanting others to respect his boundaries while violating other people's boundaries. Wanting others to compasionately consider his condition and mental emotional state while ignoring that of others, or better yet using it to insult and dismiss them.
Excuses - using sympathy for his trauma to avoid responsibility. Avoiding criticism (and growth) by acting as though anyone who takes issues with his behavior are trying to silence him, which is a disgrace to all that is being silenced, and further hypocrisy because he is the one who dismisses and silences so many other survivors.
Threats - saying he will post the (dox) stalkers papers again to another website multiple times after staff removed the content for violating community guidelines. Possibly suggesting he may sue the victim.
Stalking / hoovering - admitting to monitoring the victim's accounts, and saving their posts.
Validation/ supply - the people he is the warmest to are teenage girls who validate and adore him. I say this after speaking to many users. He gets a supply of validation and attention online and likely uses this justify himself and or soothe his extremely low self worth.
Lack of empthy - Cruelty and vengeance in his response. Not caring about the trauma he may have been inflicting or the long term damage to his young victim. Score keeping by looking for payback with a malicious attack on his victims reputation.
Lack of remorse - no accountability or acknowledgement of the pain and damages he inflicts. Instead of changing or growing for the better, this is a pattern continuing to develop and escalate.
Inappropriate boundaries - setting no boundaries on what the teenage girl can say or talk about with him one on one. This intimacy was wildly inappropriate.
Breaking boundaries - pushing her to continue when she wanted to stop.
Inappropriate displays of sexuality - responding to her and encouraging her after she calls him "Daddy", says "I love you", and "another part of me think you could never resist reading what I send you" directly after talking about experiencing sexual feelings. He replied saying he will not reject her
I don't like the pop psychology demonization of NPD, but Unwelcome-ozian himself explained there is a category of abuse specifically classified as 'narcissistic abuse', and this fits his behavior the best. Pedophilic narcissistic abuse.
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reallysublimepoetry · 2 months
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silence-iz-violence · 1 month
Unwelcome-ozian 's aggressive and obsessive behavior
Establishing this X/Twitter account belongs to the same person who runs the nwo blog
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This also shows the person behind this has multiple blogs. I want to mention one of the other teenagers who came forward was getting messages threatening to dox them right before I got doxed. nwo is admittedly monitoring (stalking/hoovering) me.
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Obsessive. He had one, in his own words, "brief" interaction with this person.
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Aggressive + obsessive, there's more of this but the limit on posts is 10 images. On the x account this person calls trump a big baby and its strong irony.
I hope this helps shed light on this person and their character. They have a pattern of aggression and violating others.
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McGill University and a group of Indigenous elders have reached a deal to search for the possibility of unmarked graves at the former site of a Montreal hospital, following a court ruling described as precedent setting.
The Mohawk Mothers allege there are bodies of Indigenous patients buried on and around the old grounds of the Royal Victoria Hospital, which McGill is renovating to expand its campus.
"I'm glad that everybody agreed with that, and we all want this to happen and we're going toward justice," Kahentinetha, one of the Mohawk Mothers, said in an interview. "We always said we're here for the children and we want justice for all the children."
The Mothers say they have uncovered evidence of graves following interviews with survivors of mind-control experiments that took place in the 1950s and 1960s at a psychiatric institute affiliated with the hospital. Canada and the United States allegedly funded abusive psychological experiments on vulnerable patients with the MK-ULTRA program, which included experimental drugs, rounds of electroshocks and sleep deprivation.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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opioidenjoyer · 1 month
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Starting my weekend binge, about to MK Ultra myself 🫀
(Do your homework on MK Ultra)
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grinewrites · 7 months
in case youre wondering how much backstory I'm putting into tbc
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i'm doing six hours and counting of research on mkultra for this. good fucking god!!! luke's going through it.
we also get a thalia mention.............
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husqvarna7 · 2 months
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l00ney-m00ny · 1 year
Cant sleep?
Just look up old unethical social and human experiments conducted by the government or other such parties and read about old dead serial killers. It’ll sure give you something to scare your parents and brother out the next morning, and hey, while you’re at it make your father one of the meals someone ate on death row, see if its really good.
You may not get to sleep after all of that, but at least you’ll be educated!
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I don’t particularly like headcanons revolving around MK Ultra in Stranger Things, considering it was a real thing that actually happened. Like okay just remember that this thing actually harmed the lives of SO MANY PEOPLE especially Black Americans. Like at least research the history behind MK ultra (not conspiracies, actual history and facts) before making theories within the show.
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soupsbowl · 3 months
come and get your love || steve harrington x reader || part 4: mk ultra
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part 4/?
word count: 2.5k
tw: swearing, mentions of death
You arrived home to a silent house. Your grandmother always went to bed early. You quietly closed and locked the front door, sliding your sneakers off your feet and tiptoeing up the stairs. You clutched Dustin’s notebook tightly as you went. You found yourself standing in front of your father's locked office. The memories flooded back—the briefcase, the hushed conversations, the unspoken fears. Something gnawed at your stomach –fear, curiosity, hunger, perhaps a mix of the three – and you reached for the doorknob.
“What are you doing?”
You nearly jumped out of your skin. Your grandmother had appeared behind you, looking at you with concern.
“Grandma! I’m…I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up. I just got back from work.”
“Why are you trying to get into your father’s office?” Her voice was dark, a tone you had never heard from her before.
“I…wasn’t,” you lied, terribly. You discreetly hid the notebook behind your back, and backed up so you were pressed against the wall. “I think you should go back to bed, Grandma, it’s late. I’m sorry I woke you up.”
Your grandmother furrowed her brows and she stared at you, unblinking. “Why are you trying to get into the office?”
You felt the blood drain from your face. “I... I know something is going on, Grandma.” You didn’t know what to say. Your heart was racing. You took a deep breath before continuing. “I know that Dad’s work at Hawkins Lab has to do with things that have been going on around here. I don’t know how I know…I just…I know,” you admitted, your voice wavering slightly. “And now I need to know the truth about my family.”
Your grandmother’s expression hardened even more. “Y/N, you don’t understand what you’re messing with. Your father’s work at the lab... it was beyond dangerous. It’s complicated.”
“But I can’t shake this feeling that there’s something I need to know,” you insisted, your voice rising with frustration. “I feel like we were somehow connected to everything that’s been happening in this goddamn town. I’m old enough now, Grandma. I have a right to know how my parents really died and what they were involved in.”
She studied you for a long moment, her eyes searching yours. “You have no idea the danger involved in this. Your father… he wanted to protect you from all of it.”
“I know, but I need to understand,” you pleaded, tears welling in your eyes. “I can’t keep living in the dark. If my parents were murdered, I have a right to know!”
Her gaze softened slightly, a mix of sadness and resolve in her eyes. You thought you saw a tear. She turned and went into her bedroom to emerge a moment later holding a key. She unlocked the office. “Come with me.”
She led you into the dark office, the air heavy with dust. The room was stark, almost barren, with only a desk and a chair left untouched since your father’s passing. Papers and books were conspicuously absent.
“He kept everything locked away for a reason,” your grandmother began, her voice low but steady as she looked around the room. “Your mother always told your father not to bring his work home with him. She knew it would lead to disaster. When they left that day…” she paused, swallowed. “The day they died, your father had cleaned out this office, he wanted to take his research and reveal the truth of what was going on beyond the fences inside Hawkins Lab. He knew the risks involved. The lab... they were suspicious of him. He and your mother... they were driving to reveal the lab’s secrets to the press, along with his research and then…” she trailed off.
You listened intently, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Then they got into the accident. Just as they were about to leave town.”
She paused again, looking at you deeply. You brushed away a stray tear that had managed to sneak out of your eye and drip down your cheek.
“I’ve always believed there was foul play involved, but for your safety, it was best not to say anything.”
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you processed her words. The weight of years of secrecy and unanswered questions bore down on you. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“It wasn’t my decision to make. Your father entrusted me with this, to tell you when the time was right, when you were old enough to understand,” she replied softly, her eyes filled with sorrow and regret. “He wrote you a letter. He told me to give it you when it was time you knew the truth.”
An ache spread through your chest as you struggled to comprehend the enormity of what she was telling you. “Show me.”
Your grandmother hesitated for a moment, then nodded solemnly. She moved to the desk and lifted the chair, revealing a small compartment hidden in the leg. Inside was an old, weathered envelope, rolled into a tube shape. She handed it to you, and watched as you carefully unfolded the letter, written in your father’s familiar handwriting:
Dear Y/N,
If you are reading this, then something has happened to me and your mother. I’m sorry for keeping this from you, but I did it to protect you. For years, I have been involved in a top-secret project at Hawkins Lab—MKUltra. These experiments, as difficult as it is to believe, involve, alternate dimensions, powers beyond our understanding. Below are the details of the experiment. I trust that you will know what to do with this when the time is right:
Project Codename: "MK Ultra"
Objective: To explore and harness the energy of the Upside Down to enhance human physical and cognitive abilities, creating superhuman capabilities.
Key Components:
1. Energy Harnessing:
Portal Stabilization: Develop technology to stabilize and control portals to Dimension X, allowing safe and consistent access.
Energy Extraction: Create methods to extract and store energy from Dimension X for experimental use.
2. Human Enhancement:
Genetic Modifications: Experiment with genetic alterations using Dimension X energy to enhance human strength, agility, and cognitive functions.
Psychic Abilities: Investigate the potential for developing or amplifying psychic abilities (telekinesis, telepathy) using Dimension X energy.
3. Field Testing:
Test Subjects: Conduct trials on selected individuals to monitor the effects and improvements in physical and cognitive capabilities.
Behavioral Analysis: Observe changes in behavior, mental state, and any unintended consequences of the enhancements.
4. Potential Risks:
Unpredictable Mutations: Dimension X energy might cause unforeseen genetic mutations or health issues.
Psychological Instability: Enhanced psychic abilities could lead to mental instability or uncontrollable powers.
Cross-Dimensional Threats: Opening portals could invite dangerous creatures from Dimension X into our world.
5. Current Focus:
Subject Observations: Monitoring subjects who have shown resilience to Dimension X exposure for potential enhancement candidates.
Energy Stability: Ensuring the extracted energy remains stable and non-toxic for human application.
I believed in the science. I believed we could make the world a better place. But as time went on, I discovered the truth—that our work was not as safe as I thought. People were being hurt, manipulated. I couldn’t stand by anymore. I knew I had to reveal the truth.
I’m writing this letter and giving it to your grandmother, just in case anything happens to me and your mother. She will know when it’s time for you to read it.
Y/N, you are special. You have strength and courage beyond measure. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner, but I hope you can forgive me. Your mother and I love you more than words can say.
With all my love,
Your head was pounding, you felt your vision blurring. Somehow, none of it made sense yet it explained everything you had been wondering for the past five years. Your legs felt like jelly and you sat down on the dusty floor, hoping that grounding yourself would help.
Your grandmother looked at you sadly. “I’m sorry Y/N.”
You nodded, but didn’t say anything to her.
“Do you have anymore questions?”
You shook your head.
Your grandmother sighed, then padded quietly out of the room. Upon hearing the door close you immediately began to sob.
The only thing worse than finding out that your father was part of some top-secret experiment that led to his and your mother’s demise was having to process that information during Mrs. Click’s 9:00am history class.
You didn’t sleep a wink the night prior, visions of grotesquely enhanced humans and alternate dimensions flashed through your brain, with the occasional imagery of a burning car and your parents’ smoldering corpses.
Geez, Y/N, way to keep it lively.
Mrs. Click had been droning on about the cotton gin for an agonizing amount of time and you could feel your eyelids getting heavy when she brought up the “riveting details of the Munger cotton gin of the Civil War Era.”
You felt yourself slipping into a tranquil doze when all of a sudden you felt yourself actually slipping, as your head slid off your hand and smacked onto the desk in front of you.
Laughs erupted around the classroom and you felt a blush of embarrassment creep up your chest and onto your face.
“Ms. L/N am I boring you?” Mrs. Click stared at you over the top of her horn-rimmed glasses.
The class giggled quietly.
“No, Mrs. Click,” you said, unconvincingly. You straightened up a bit, trying to exude the confidence of someone not only awake, but engaged. “I’m not bored.”
“Lovely, then perhaps you wouldn’t mind reminding the class what inventor received a patent for the Smooth Cylinder Cotton Gin in 1840?”
You stared blankly ahead. Your knowledge of the cotton gin both began and stopped at Eli Whitney.
"Uh, Eli Whitney?" you ventured hesitantly, even though you knew it was wrong the moment you said it.
Mrs. Click sighed; her disappointment evident. "No, that would be Eli Whitney's earlier invention. The correct answer is Fones McCarthy. Maybe you would know that if you had been paying more attention rather than dozing off on your hand.”
You felt the heat of embarrassment rising in your cheeks as the class tittered again. You buried your face back in your hands, wishing you could disappear.
"Actually, Mrs. Click," a voice cut through the whispers. "I think Y/N was just confused because Eli Whitney's gin was the first major breakthrough. It's an easy mistake."
You lifted your head from your hands and met Steve Harrington’s gaze from across the room. He gave you a tight-lipped smile and a small nod.
Steve? Bailing you out? And paying attention in class? This was new. And unusual.
Mrs. Click looked at Steve, also perplexed at his uncharacteristic participation in class, then back at you, her expression softening slightly. "Well, thank you, Mr. Harrington. Let's all try to pay closer attention, shall we?"
To your relief, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. You gathered your books and made a beeline for the door, eager to escape. Before you could make your way to your locker, a hand gently grazed your shoulder.
You whipped around, locking eyes with Steve once again.
“Geez, L/N you’re jumpy today,” his eyes scanning your face as if trying to find the root of your distress. “I promise you Mrs. Click isn’t going to hang your hide over falling asleep in class. I should know, I do it all the time.”
You gave him a small smile. "Yeah, well thanks for bailing me out, Steve. I really appreciate it."
He shrugged, a lopsided grin on his face. "Hey, I just figured I owed you for comforting me after Tina’s Halloween party the other night.”
“Oh no, we were already even for that. You walked me home after the party, providing me with ‘protection’ as you called it.”
“Well, then I guess now you owe me.”
You were suddenly very aware of how close Steve was to you, and that you were staring at each other. His brown eyes were flecked with green, something you didn’t notice the other night.
Stop staring, Y/N.
You cleared your throat, breaking the spell. "Yeah, I guess I do," you said, trying to sound casual. "How about next time you come by Moretti’s I’ll sneak extra cheese on your pizza – no charge?”
Steve smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling up as he did so. “If I let you borrow my notes from class today do you think you could throw in some pepperoni, too?”
You tapped your chin, feigning consideration. “I suppose I could make that happen.”
“Excellent, then we have a deal.” Steve reached into his bag and pulled out his notebook and handed it to you. “I’ll see you around, L/N. Probably at Moretti’s to cash in the pizza you owe me.”
“I’ll be there.”
Steve smiled at you again before turning on his heel and heading down the hallway.
A tinge of guilt suddenly arose from the depths of your stomach as you watched him leave. You had been there when Johnathan drove Nancy home from the party. You had been the one to tell Johnathan to drive her home in the first place. You had heard the couple’s argument outside of the gymnasium yesterday. And here you were, borrowing his notes and staring into his eyes.
Your mind returned to the argument you had overhead between Steve and Nancy. You distinctly remember Steve saying something about “killing Barb.” Barbara Holland had gone missing around the same time Will Byers did last year. Except he was found, and she wasn’t. After everything you had discovered about your parents’ death and Hawkins lab last night, you hadn’t even had time to try and put your detective tendencies to work and further investigate Barb’s disappearance.
You unshouldered your backpack and shoved Steve’s notebook inside. Your eyes suddenly caught notice of the sticker on the front of one of the other notebooks. Hawkins Middle AV Club.
The bell rang, indicating you had three minutes to get to your next class – trigonometry with Mr. Mundy. You pulled one strap of your backpack over your shoulder, and slowly ambling towards the classroom.
In the next three minutes, you took inventory in your head the things that had happened to you over the past few days.
One, came into possession of a middle schooler’s notebook that dictated what could be utter nonsense or clues in the mysterious events in Hawkins over the past year. Two, unintentionally meddled in the relationship of Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler. Three, discovered that the former pair may have somehow been involved in Barbara Holland’s disappearance. Four,  discovered that your father had been involved in human enhancement and interdimensional travel. Five, your parents intended to reveal those secrets to the public and it resulted in their deaths. Six, you were now involved in some deep shit, and trigonometry somehow no longer seemed like a priority.
You stopped dead in your tracks, the hallway deserted.  The obnoxious buzz of the late bell echoed in the empty hall, indicating your tardiness to class.
Seven, you were skipping class to figure out what the fuck is going on.
The words from your father's letter resonated in the back of your mind, urging you forward.
Y/N, you are special. You have strength and courage beyond measure.
You pulled on the other strap of your backpack, turned on your heel, and marched outside.
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missr3n3 · 1 month
Augusnippets Day 10
execution/fake execution/begging for mercy
fandom: cabin tales prequel to day 8 TW: torture, electrocution, forced to watch, unethical human experimentation, major character death word count: 496 @augusnippets
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Rachel's hands had an iron grip around her mouth. The dry, frigid basement air stung at her wide eyes. Her knees buckled, a chill coursing through her entire body.
None of her discomforts compared to what she just witnessed.
“Wha… What the hell?” she squeaked, stepping back from the sight displayed through thick, tinted glass.
Roderick. Kevin. Sam. Jeremy. All writhing in agony from a shock Rachel feared would kill them – perhaps should've killed them. Though she couldn't see Sam or Jeremy well from the window's position, she assumed they had similar, blistering burns around their wrists, upper arms, ankles and neck.
“Hm, thought they would've figured out the premise sooner,” Mr. Barnett sighed.
“Y-you didn't tell them!?” Rachel gasped.
“The idea was to control for more variables than prior attempts at this.” Mr. Barnett quirked an eyebrow. “If they were told this is a prisoner's dilemma, they could've strategized beforehand, sullying the results. If you want to really test humans’ trust in each other, such things must be taken into account.”
“But this – then this is kidnapping! It's illegal!”
“You say that like some of the most valuable research into human behavior isn't also ethically or legally dubious. Does the name MK Ultra ring a bell?”
Rachel feared her throat would completely close up. Her mind raced, desperately trying to cut through the boys' resumed bickering to find a way out. For herself, and for them.
“But… But what the hell are you going to do with the results, then?” Rachel tried with a nervous, tense smile. “I-if what happens here goes public, you'll be arrested! S-so, we should just get them out of here and try-”
“Oh, Rachel,” Mr. Barnett cooed, resting an elbow against the glass with a small, chilling smile. “This isn't about fame, prestige, academic accolades. This…” Mr. Barnett beamed as he started the timer again. Rachel thought her heart would stop from the sheer shock of Kevin's frantic, terrified screams. “This is about knowledge. The truth!”
“Wha..? Who cares about that!” Rachel snapped, voice rasping from encroaching tears. “You can't do this to people!”
“Too late now.” Mr. Barnett shrugged. “I can't do anything now that the timer's started. It's up to them.”
Rachel snapped her attention to the window, beating against the unwavering glass with all her might.
“GUYS!” she screamed. “DON'T VOTE! DON’T PRESS ANYTHING! PLEASE!” Any further words were silenced as she watched Kevin and Roderick press the dials. “Oh fuck…” she whimpered. “Oh fuck, there's gotta be something, there's gotta-”
“Well! It's about time they figured it out.” Mr. Barnett clasped his hands in pride.
“No, NO! STOP!” Rachel desperately grasped Mr. Barnett's shoulders. Just as she did so, her ears rang from the booming screech of arcing electricity. “YOU'RE KILLING THEM!”
“Incorrect,” Mr. Barnett calmly chided, pointing behind Rachel. “They're killing him.”
At Mr. Barnett's words, the foulest stench Rachel had ever encountered stung at her nose.
Burning meat mixed with ozone.
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hateaintwinning · 1 month
Everything Unwelcome Ozian has done regarding this situation are abuser tactics. With the pure arrogance they have, seems like they're someone used to not having any accountability and getting away with hurting people. Who's comfortable hiding behind the internet and feeling superior because of their privacy, while violating others.
They are planning on attacking the teenage victim again and tumblr, and everyone who supports/follows/boosts that blog are giving them a platform to do it. What they did was cruel and pedophilic and they have no remorse. Abusing an already traumatized kid and leaving them even more vulnerable. From what they post and write they know the damage this does, the trauma this causes, how abusive it is. Its sick and they know it, they don't care. The more people who report the more likely tumblr takes action.
"The abuser starts the story where you hit your emotional, mental, and spiritual breaking point"
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reallysublimepoetry · 1 month
Unwelcome-ozian doesn't want or care about supporting survivors. If he knows someone, a kid who's actively being subjected to TBMC and RAMAOA he will make it worse, and publish stories of them being raped online. Along with their identifying information and location. He doesn't care if you're a kid. He will put that on the internet for you to deal with for the rest of your life, for anyone to find.
 He will publish your triggers and mental and emotional weaknesses, personally (re)traumatizing you purposely. As well as putting you through having each of those triggers brought up. He will make aspects of your life and trauma, the names of your abusers and their professions public before you're ready. He will threaten you and leave you in fear and in pain and he will gloat about it, and avoid any accountability or responsibility for how he treats the people he's supposedly here for.
He does this after he gains your trust, and asks you to tell him things. He's an abuser and a child predator who likes the supply of attention and validation and prestige he gets online, who sadistically tears down anyone who threatens his ego. He acts with extreme cowardice and childishness. Don't infantilize a grown man for his trauma history, remember his victims have a very similar history.  remember his hypocrisy.
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silence-iz-violence · 19 days
The Groomer Doc - unwelcome-ozian/ UWO/ U.W Ozain is a predator
All the screenshots and posts regarding the grooming allegations against unwelcome-ozian (UWO / U.W. Ozain) in one place. Its a Google doc.
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pinkeoni · 2 years
Okay I'll make a masterpost
Orange=Major Theory Red=Trigger Warning
Will Byers is Jesus Christ and Other Biblical Stuff
What Exactly Do I Mean When I Say Will is Jesus Christ? (read first)
Christ Figure Will OG Post
Christ Figure Will Part II ft. Mike & Judas
Will as Jesus Actual OG Post?
Will's Cleric Robes
Is Will Actually God?
Will/Jesus Shot-Reverse-Shot
Is Henry the Antichrist?
Hawkins & Sodom & Gomorrah
The Sacred Heart of Will Byers
Will-El-Vecna Christ Figure Triad
The Red Dragon and the Beast From the Sea
Revelations 1:8
Will as a Vessel for God/One
Will Byers Has Powers
Will's Creation Powers: A Man, His Dog, and a Baseball Bat (TW)
Will Can't Remember His Childhood Very Well (TW)
The Upside Down is Will's Original Hiding Spot (TW)
Will’s Birthday: Clowns, Fathers, Baseball & Powers (TW) Part 2
The Dragon Represents Wills Self Harm (TW)
Is It Too Late to Reveal Will's Powers?
Will the Wise Weirdness
Vecna Creates Flesh From Flesh; Will Creates Flesh From Dust
Will as the Creature With a Gaping Mouth
Hinting at Will's Powers Through Dialogue
Will as a Source of Energy
Puzzle Game Powers Hints
White-Haired Will
Was Will a Mistake By the Lab?
Does Will Have Soteria in Him?
When Did Will and Vecna Create a Connection?
Why Did it Take Two Extra Days For Particles to Come Through?
El's Arc vs Will's Arc
Peter Pan: Is the Upside Down Neverland? Part 2
Will's Shadow Walking and Joyce's Vision
Will's Powers Could Be Activated With Drugs
Will Cloned Himself in the Upside Down
Will Transformation Theory
Lonnie Byers Your Days Are Numbered
Figuring Out Lonnie’s Deal
How Much Does Joyce and Jonathan Know About Lonnie's Abuse?
The Importance of Lonnie Byers in Season 5
Will Probably Misses His Dad
Lonnie Phone Weirdness
Lonnie/Lab Hypothetical
Lonnie & Editing
Lonnie/Chester/Bat Demomonsters
Will Might Kill His Dad?
Will's Fear of Clowns is Related to His Dad
Lonnie Byers is Bones
Was Lonnie an MK ULTRA Test Subject?
Larry the LEGO Man Analysis
Lonnie Wants a Family Just Not Will
Stranger Things x Twin Peaks
Will Byers & Laura Palmer Part I Part II
Joyce Byers & Sarah Palmer
Will & Laura Dancing on Video
Joyce & Sarah Hallucinations
Episode One Similarities
The Secret Diary of Will Byers
S2 & FWWM Similarities
Will & Laura Visual Parallels
"I held a mirror up to them"
Character Analyses
Mike & the Word "Girl"
Dustin's Absent Father and the Effects on His Character
El's Dresses
Has Mike and El Ever Had a Mutual... Anything?
El's Monster/Superhero Dichotomy
Mike Wheeler and Audience Perception
Will Byer’s Coming of Age Horror Story
Sam Owens: Playing Devil’s Advocate
The Effect NINA Actually Had on El
Willel Narrative Duality— With Charts!
Willel Narrative Mirroring: Presenting Themes of Sexuality (TW)
“And yet you still have a C in Spanish.”
Max is El's Mentor
Other Theories
Vecna the LEGO Man
Will Vecna Try to "Combine" With Will?
Reagan/Bush '84 and the Looming Danger of Homophobia
No Longer Will
The OTS Shot
"It Was a Seven" & The Seventh Seal
Will's Missing Left Hand
Will "Creature With a Gaping Mouth" Visuals
Is Vecna Absorbing Will's Memories For Strength? (Birthdaygate)
Will & Hopper Parallels
Color Stuff
"Love, Mike"
Collar Theory
Max Could Activate the Doomsday Clock
Thoughts on Will's Scrapped Letterman Jacket
Sam Owens Fishiness
Henry as Will's "Good Angel"
Mike and El Confession Parallels
Mike & El + Steve & Robin Parallels
On Character Biases and Parallel Storylines
Is the Upside Down a Living Thing?
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battleangel · 10 months
Why I am Antinatalist
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TW: mentions & descriptions of r*pe.
Absolutely fucking sickening.
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Dude, its motherfucking December.
Its practically freezing temperatures outside, in the 30s.
So, tell me why the fucking humidity is 80%+?
I am 42 and I have never seen humidity levels this high during winter.
Whats the cause?
Climate change endlessly driven by capitalist excess, human greed, zero sum late stage capitalism, consumerism, overconsumption, materialism, corporatism, lobbying and profiteering.
Basically, humanity.
Humanity caused climate change.
Therefore, end humanity.
Its not complicated.
Neither is antinatalism, which is the belief that is morally unjust to create a life.
The better question is, why is society so endlessly pronatalist?
Why is pronatalism the default stance?
Because people cant get over their disgusting self-serving obsessive egotistical need to have little mini-mes running around as extensions of their pathetic self-aggrandizing selves and their disgusting myopic need to continue their respective bloodlines, add to their lineages, create their own family trees and create and propagate endless children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren and so on because individually if you (universal) have 1 to 2+ kid(s) and those kid(s) go on to have their own kid(s) -- when does it stop?
When does it ever stop?
How many ecocidal, environmentally destroying, climate change causing and contributing, landfill filling, ozone depleting, overconsuming, plastic using, oil guzzling, carbon footprint having, non biodegradable using, GMO consuming, pollutant causing, fast fashion shopping, Amazon Prime Delivery in 1 Day demanding, 1400 pounds of trash a year generating, thousands of gallons of water wasted a year just showering, electricity consuming, excessive indoor temperature control (AC/heat) energy vampire little cunts do you need to personally shit out to feel "complete" and "fulfilled"?
Pronatalism is a motherfucking joke but is the literal default in virtually all human societies.
Humanity is nothing but a self-replicating virus that has caused immeasurable harm to the planet and inexplicably to itself as a species yet still it continues to endlessly self-replicate as mindlessly as the Borg on Star Trek.
Never an independent rational emotionally detached logical reasoned out devoid of societal pressures, rewards and punishments thought, just wombs to be endlessly assimilated by the Pronatalist Borg Masculine Patriarchal Seed Collective.
How many little shits will you generate even from having "just 1 kid" because then how many kid(s) does that "only 1 kid" go on to have?
Just dont have them.
Stop your own personal lineage with yourself.
Stop adding to the human experiment.
It has failed.
I would think it would be obvious but here we are at this late stage in the game in 2023 with people allowing themselves to become impregnanted and I am endelssly pressured as a woman to immediately say, "Congratulations!"
Congratulations for fucking what?
The human experiment has failed for endless reasons:
Genocides. War crimes. Ethnic cleansings. Chemical warfare. Mass graves. Mass incarceration. Public executions. Lynchings.
Terrorism. Carpet bombings. Civilian slaughter. Bombing schools. Bombing hospitals. Hostage taking. Hostage execution.
Human experimentation. Tuskegee Airmen. Forced sterilizations (Puerto Rican women by the US government).
MK Ultra. Big agriculture. Big pharma. Military industrial complex.
Raytheon, Northrop Grumman & Lockheed Martin company stocks exponentially increasing 300%+ since 20k+ Palestinian civilians have been murdered over the past 2 months.
Endless wars. Endless profiteering. Duopoly. False agendas. Propaganda. Misinformation campaigns.
Burning innocent witches at the stake.
Forced births.
Crack epidemic in the 80s caused by Reagan flooding the Black inner cities with crack cocaine.
Endless exploitation.
Hundreds of millions killed by the death cult known as capitalism via houselessness, poverty, hunger, famine, lack of universal health care and affordable medical insurance, violence stemming from capitalist patriarchal systems held and endlessly reinforced by militarism, police states, toxic masculinity, sexual violence, misogyny, oppression of females and femmes, transphobia and homophobia, policing of women and femmes behavior, dress, mannerisms, sexuality, career choices, life decisions (marriage, motherhood) and personality and a constant demand for women and femmes to be polite, "nice", agreeable, inoffensive, pliant, and especially likeable at all times even and especially when we are being mentally/physically/emotionally/sexually/spiritually/financially abused, manipulated, gaslit, harrassed, assaulted, attacked, controlled, coerced, raped, beaten, isolated, ostracized, humiliated, silenced, repressed, suppressed, oppressed, intimidated, stalked, threatened and even killed.
As a woman and a femme, you are endlessly groomed, societally conditioned, raised, brainwashed and endlessly pressured and rewarded for constantly apologizing, shrinking yourself, making everyone else feel comfortable at the expense of yourself, endlessly justifying yourself, endlessly having to explain yourself and defend yourself, never being confident as it will be misconstrued as cocky, never being assertive because it will be misconstrued as aggressive, never speaking up for yourself because you will wrongly be called a bitch, never taking charge as you will be hated, never being logical by detaching your emotions as you will be accused of being cold and heartless, never deciding your actions and behavior through reasoning and logical deduction as you will be endlessly pilloried for not thinking with your heart instead of your head, endless pressure at all times to perform emotion and to "wear your heart on your sleeve", constant demands at a societal macro level to perform feminity, maternal care and emotional labor at work meetings & functions, holiday parties/dinners/events, performing emotional labor in all situations and environments regardless of personality (having to attend baby showers at work even if you are an antinatalist and/or childfree woman, having to excessively emote if there is a personal tragedy reported at work with no corresponding requirement for male employees -- miscarriage, hospitalization, accident, death, firing, layoff, etc.).
Rapes, sexual trafficking, sexual slavery, slavery, child sex trafficking, child molestation, child abuse, pedophilia, murders, tortures.
Pharmaceutical industrial complex, pathologizing of normal behavior by the psychiatric industrial complex, overmedicalization, misdiagnoses, overprescribing prescription medication, excessive nonsensical harmful medical interventions, extending life beyond all sense and reason to the point where the interventions are needlessly painful, harmful and completely unnecessary versus accepting death as not just a part of life but a beautiful transformation that should be embraced and not feared, contrived forced and constantly pushed and reinforced fear of death, sexual repression.
Women getting a scarlet letter for being a slut, whore, hoe; men getting an "attaboy" for being a player, stud, ladies man for the exact same sexually promiscuous behavior.
Tyranny of motherhood and demands for women to do constant endless unpaid domestic and emotional labor for their children for absolutely zero compensation and very little social reward beyond perfunctory lip service once a year on Mothers Day.
Endless materialism, endless consumption, endless consumerism, capitalist excess, corporatism, lobbying, fake news, us vs them, tribalism, political prisoners.
Child soldiers, child brides.
Famine, poverty, houselessness, lack of clean water, gun crime, gun deaths, drivebys, AK-47s, machine guns, serial killers, serial rapists, Columbines, Sandy Hooks.
False flag events, paid actors, green screens, sound stages, scripted events, rigged elections, Mandela effects, strangers in Moscow.
Gang violence, frat hazings, initiations, kidnappings, abductions.
Religious cults, priests raping altar boys, Eagle Scouts raping Cub Scouts, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, IDF, US military.
Elementary schools, churches and theaters being shot up.
Police brutality, Ahmed Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Say Her Name, Hands Up Dont Shoot, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Its just a bag of Skittles officer.
13 year old boy shot dead, not by the police, but by a Stand Your Ground civilian.
Dont Tread On Me Zionist Proud Boy.
Islamophobia, racism, white supremacy, racially motivated killings, hate crimes.
Donald J. Trump and Elon Musk.
Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook.
Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel.
Roger Goodell and Vince McMahon.
She was asking for it, what was she wearing, was she drinking, why was she out so late, she went upstairs with him what did she expect.
Theres no such thing as marital rape, feminazis invented that term in the 90s.
I dont care if you have a headache.
I dont care if you dont like anal, flip over and stop complaining.
Its not my fault that youre bleeding.
Then stop tensing up and it wont hurt so much.
I bought you the anal numbing cream and youre still complaining? Its lidocaine. Shut up.
I want anal every week so were having it.
I hit you open handed no bruising. Stop complaining.
I want to cum on your face. Theres nothing wrong with facials. Stop complaining. Leave your glasses on. Now take them off. Open your eyes. Keep them open.
Im into golden showers. Stop complaining.
Im into scat. Stop complaining.
Im into spanking. I didnt hit you that hard. Stop complaining.
Im into choking during sex. Its okay to not be able to breathe. Its only for a few seconds. Stop complaining.
I like biting your nipples. Its supposed to hurt. Stop complaining.
I like slapping your cunt. Stop complaining.
I like spitting in your mouth. Stop complaining.
I like roleplaying. Youre going to be 8 years old. Im going to be your uncle. Yes, during sex. Its just a roleplay. Stop complaining.
When can I put one of our videos on stileproject? You'd be good in porn. Why cant I upload them? Why do you say no to everything?
Okay, put your forearms on the floor and your legs on the coach on either side of my waist. No, were going to have anal this way. Im tired of doggy and Im tired of you riding me and Im tired of missionary. Were going to have anal in different positions. Youre tiny and flexible. Do it. Stop complaining.
Then stop gagging and stop throwing up. Theres no reason why you shouldnt be able to deepthroat me. Then work on your gag reflex. Stop complaining.
Get in the bathroom stall. Now. We'll be done in time for the start of Revenge of the Sith. Face away from me. The wall. Stop complaining. Pull your shorts down. Hurry up. No, in the butt. I dont want to wait to get to my house. Hurry up so you can still get your popcorn shrimp. Stay still. Stop moving so I can get it in. Be quiet. Youre not bleeding that much. Stop complaining.
Take your jeans off now. Do it. Im not in the mood for your little girl shit. Take them off. Stop crying. Both pant legs. Now. Hurry up so I can take you home to your fucking father. Stop crying! Be quiet. Hurry up. Its the least you can do after you danced all night at your cousins party.
Dont lie to me. Youve had sex since the restraining order. Shut up. Dont tell me what to do. Nothing hurts. I dont believe you. Hm. It is tight. Youre not hurt. Shut up. Be quiet, let me do this. Stop moving around and stay on top of me. Stay still. Stop shaking. Youre not bruised and youre not swollen. Stop talking. I still dont believe you havent had sex since we stopped dating. Dont talk to me. Leave me alone.
Dark side of private life.
Abusive spouses, murderous spouses.
Respected couple, matriarch and patriach, pillars of the church and community, married for almost 50 years.
Golden anniversary, golden showers.
Dark secrets, dark pasts, hidden criminal pasts, hidden felonies, hidden convictions, hidden prison sentences, lies to daughters, lies to mothers, lies to wives, repressed background check reports.
Might makes right, force, violence, imposing physical will, domination, vanquishing, crushing, destroying.
Humanity has had hundreds of thousands of years to fix these issues.
But we havent.
Were still -- as a species -- murdering, killing, raping, shooting, stabbing, enslaving, ethnic cleansing, erasing, occupying, colonizing, settling, imprisoning, making thousands of animal species extinct, filling thousands of landfills, destroying thousands of acres of rainforests, destroying ecosystems, overfishing, overextracting earths resources, killing indigenous people for diamonds, emeralds, ore, minerals, etc., pillaging, causing climate change, unsustainably raising the planets temperatures, causing wars and genocides, profiting off of and creating jobs for the manufacture and sale of weapons and bombs used to kill civilians mothers daughters grandmothers babies toddlers children teens students hospital patients fathers sons grandfathers teachers doctors nurses volunteers protestors intellectuals conscientious objectors love warriors revolutionaries prophets, AI cloning metaverse social media messaging apps streaming shows endless scroll always on never off, non stop notifications Slack Teams Google Meet Citrix Trello Asana Outlook Gmail corporate slave golden handcuffs modern day plantation.
The solution to all of the above unimaginable suffering is human extinction.
The solution is stop reproducing.
Stop procreating.
Stop pronatalism.
Stop humanity.
Reject societys non-stop endless brainwashing, programming, conditioning, grooming, messaging, demands, pressures and coercion to be pronatalist and reproduce endless bodies for the capitalist Borg machine.
Stop producing workers for them!
Rockefeller invented modern day public education and school systems because he wanted a "docile and obedient" workforce.
Thats all K-12 is because its all it was designed to be -- a feeder system for corporate, nothing more nothing less.
K-12 -- and college -- works exactly the way its designed to.
It breeds endless acquiescence to authoritatian figures.
Coaches, band leaders, music conductors, dance instructors, choir leaders, school counselors, school nurses, teachers, disciplinarians, principal as God figurehead.
Organized religion is the exact same -- endless acquiescence to authoritarian figures (priests, bishops, nuns, ministers, pastors, imams, Catholic pope as ultimate authority and God figurehead).
Corporate is the exact same (supervisor, +1, VP, Officer, CEO as ultimate authority and God figurehead).
Nuclear patriarchal family is the exact same (older siblings, older cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents, mother, father as ulimate authority and God figurehead).
Government is the exact same (local representatives, mayor, governor, Congressmen/women, Senator, Speaker of the House, Supreme Court justices, President & Commander In Chief as ultimate authority and God figurehead; provinical representatives, Prime Minister, princes & princesses, dukes & duchesses, King as ultimate authorities and God figureheads; Queen is ultimate maternal archetype - "God save the Queen!").
Law enforcement is the exact same (beat and traffic cops, detectives, officers, seargants, captains, Chief of Police as precincts ultimate authority and God figurehead).
Military is the exact same (foot soldiers cannon fodder sausage for the sausage factory, squad leaders, corporals, seargents, captains, generals (1 through 5 star), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as ultimate authority and God figurehead).
End the karmic cycle of humanitys universal suffering.
Say no to pronatalism and no to breeding.
Say no to continuing environmental destruction, ecological destruction, ecocide, rainforest destruction, landfills, environmental waste, climate change, ozone depletion, animal species going extinct, wars, genocides, ethnic cleansing, chemical warfare, civilian slaughter, carper bombings, hostage taking, executions, tortures, lynchings, slavery, sexual slavery, sex trafficking, child trafficking, rapes, molestation, abuse, child abuse, domestic violence, murders, shootings, stabbings, drivebys, fatal hazings, kidnappings, abudctions, child soldiers, child brides, political prisoners, civil wars, tribalism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny, hate crimes, racialized violence, toxic masculinity, military industrial complex, police states, militarism, empire building, war machines, commodification, profiteering, capitalism, excess, materialism, overconsumption, consumerism, lobbying, duopoly, fake news, agendas, misinformation campaigns, forced births, misdiagnoses, overmedicalizations, pathologizing of normal behavior, CTE, concussions, head impacts, permanent brain damage, violence, misogynoir, terorrism, mass shootings, human experimentation, forced sterilizations, mass incarceration, prison industrial complex, military industrial complex, medical industrial complex, corporate plantation, man as machine, dehumanizations, beatings, objectifications, fetishizations, cheapening of human life, commodifications, globalism, slave labor, slave wages, exploitation, endless wars, death squads, rape rooms, comfort women, profiteering, religious cults, forced baptisms, family secrets, abusive family patriachs and matriarchs, capitalist death cult, dictatorships, cults of personality, strongmen, deceivers, manipulators, gaslighters, thieves in the night...
Stop contributing to the endless cycle of human suffering and do something to end it.
Dont reproduce. Dont procreate. Dont have children.
Abstain from sex and be celibate, masturbate, watch porn, read erotica. Or have sex and use birth control, pills, sponges, patches, injections, surgical implants, spermicide, condoms, tubes tied or lasered, withdrawal, Plan B and/or abortion. Or have sex other than vaginal sex (oral, anal, manual, intercrural, etc.).
Just dont add to the already failed and flailing on its ass 7 billion plus strong current human experiment.
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