#tw rape/noncon aftermath
3-2-whump · 30 days
(Re)Living a Nightmare, part 3
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Well, you made it this far, so I guess I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. Heed the tags, decide for yourself.
Basic Summary if You Decide to Skip, or if You Skipped the Previous Installments
Thanks goes out to @whumped-by-glitter my beta reader and angst advisor for helping me out when I got stuck on this one!
TW/CW: blood (lots of it), rape/noncon aftermath, hypovolemic shock, medical whump, stitches (not described in detail), emotional whump, guilty whumper, whumper grows a conscience (?)
Thomas stared at his bloodied hands, at the bloodied knife, at the mess of reopened scars on Khaled’s bloody back below him. The air stank heavily of blood like a slaughter house, and the only audible sound was a faint yet desperate murmuring. “I didn’t kill him…I didn’t kill him…I didn’t kill him…”
What have I done?
The knife fell to the floor with a clatter as Thomas quickly untied Khaled’s hands. He rolled the boy onto his side, unsticking his front from the cooling blood that had pooled between him and the table top.  The small, broken body felt unusually cold under his hands. “Boy, hey –Khaled?” He pulled the torn strip of t-shirt away from his neck and ripped off the blindfold to see glassy, unfocused, tear-reddened eyes. “Khaled, talk to me,” Thomas begged. He raised a hand to lightly slap the boy’s cheek, but lowered it when he saw his lower face painted in blood, saliva, snot, and tears. The dainty golden septum ring in his broken nose gleamed an accusatory red under the cellar lights.
“I didn’t kill him…I didn’t kill him…” Khaled murmured through a ruined throat.
“I know, I know, shh, shh, I know,” Thomas whispered. Of course, Khaled didn’t kill his squad or his brother, and neither did that kid. And he was so close to repeating history and murdering another innocent boy –Thomas thought he would be sick.
“I didn’t kill him…” Khaled whimpered.
“I know you didn’t kill him,” Thomas replied, his own voice becoming gravelly with emotion. He fumbled for his cellphone, disregarding the bloodstains he would get on his clothes by digging through his pockets. Once he found it, he scrolled to a familiar name in his contacts and pressed ‘call.’
Lenore picked up after only two rings, answering with a brusque greeting. “What?”
“Don’t ask too many questions, but do you have any openings at your clinic right now?” Thomas asked, trying to keep his composure as he talked. “It’s Khaled, I think I hurt him bad.”
A static-laced sigh, then a response. “You know the only questions I ask clients are medically related ones. Now, what are we dealing with here?”
“Um, blood loss –like, a lot of blood loss,” Thomas felt the need to clarify. He took a steadying breath before listing off the rest of the injuries.  “Deep lacerations, broken nose,” –his eyes wandered down to the blood trickling out of Khaled’s hole – “nothing too obvious after that, from the looks of it.”
“How is his heart rate? His breathing?” Lenore asked, before directing, “Look at his tongue, the area under his eyes, his skin, do they look pale to you?”
Thomas took the time to check these things, ever more concerned at how limply Khaled accepted his touches. He still had that distant look in his eyes, and even though no sound came out, his pale lips still formed the words ‘I didn’t kill him’ over and over.
Thomas readdressed the doctor. “His heart rate is fast, his breathing is too, and yeah, he is very pale all over. Should I bring him to you?”
“No,” she answered. “I’m gonna call you an ambulance, it’ll be quicker.”
Thomas sighed. He cast a worried glance at the catatonic boy lying on the table. He’d rather not get any of the local hospitals involved, but Lenore said it would be quicker, which meant they were on a time sensitive crunch. Did he really hurt the kid that badly?
He was not aware she was speaking to him. “S-sorry, what?” he mumbled into the phone.
“Where are you located?” she repeated.
“At the old house, you know the one.” He listed off the address for her in case she did not. As soon as she hung up with a promise to call an ambulance, he put his phone back in his pocket and refocused his attentions on the boy. Khaled had stopped muttering, at least, and now he slumped against the table as his eyelids began to droop closed.
“Oh, baby –come here.” The boss shed his coat and draped it over the boy’s sliced-up back. It was already ruined with blood stains anyway; what were a few more? Now with his wounds covered, Thomas scooped Khaled into his arms and carried him up the stairs, far away from the T & I cellar that would spark too many unwanted questions from the EMTs.
“And you’re saying… a ‘mountain bike accident’ caused this?”
Med student Vikash Gill received a reprimanding side-eye from his supervisor, who was obviously not happy with his tone. But what Vik was unhappy about was this young man, coming in stark naked with a bloodied face and a back carved open like a Thanksgiving turkey, and this older man, who obviously looked like he had money and power and some sort of relationship with the patient.
“He crashed his bike, in the mountains,” the older man repeated, his tone clipped and concise.
The young man beside him remained silent, hardly even acknowledging his surroundings. Something was wrong with this picture… Vik lowered his skeptical gaze back to his chart again. “Well, it seems the EMTs already gave him a transfusion, reset his broken nose, and stopped the major wounds from bleeding on the way here,” he assessed, “so it looks like we’ll just have to give him some stitches. May I confer with my supervisor for a minute?”
The man waved him off, which was all the permission Vikash needed to disappear outside the examination room and discuss what he had just seen.
Dr. Helen Kimura commanded a powerful air of authority, despite only standing as high as her young student’s chest. “What was that?” she demanded, squinting up at him through her glasses. Vik had to swallow down his instant defense mechanism; he felt like he was being scolded by his mother. “You know we don’t use that kind of tone with our patients!”
“You and I also know that no ‘biking accident’ caused those injuries!” Vikash argued. “Didn’t you see those bruises? What kind of ‘biking accident’ causes bruises like those?!”
Dr. Kimura rubbed her brow as she took a breath to compose herself. “Look, you’re new to this city, Vik, so I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you don’t know who that man is,” she began, “but that man in there –that’s Thomas Costa. You know, of the insurance group? The guy that owns like a third of this city? Big time philanthropist, donates his massive fortune to the arts and sciences and medicine.” She paused, eyebrows raised, waiting for her young pupil to catch the drift.
Whether Vik didn’t catch it, or just didn’t care, he bullheadedly continued. “But, we have to do something,” he insisted with conviction, “we’re-”
“We are doctors, not detectives,” Kimura interrupted, an authoritative finality in her words. “You want to do something? You patch that kid up, along with all Costa’s other men, and you send them on their way, no questions asked!”
A hint of fear flickered behind his supervisor’s eyes. Vik gulped nervously, casting a glance at the examination room they just left. “How much did he donate to this hospital?” he whispered.
Kimura refused to answer.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Thomas watched the med student stitch up Khaled’s back. All this time waiting and watching left him alone with his thoughts, and his thoughts went to places he didn’t want them to go.
He lost himself back there, lost control –no, that was just an excuse. He wanted to lose himself, wanted to pin everything on that boy, but Khaled had nothing to do with it. Admittedly, it felt good to take out all that pent-up emotion, all that grief, anger, and despair, to finally channel all that toxicity and pain out from himself and dump it somewhere else –onto someone else.
He glanced at the boy he had bought nearly seven years ago. He remembered the scared child who could barely look him in the eyes. Now, nearly seven years later, the boy stared tiredly at him through tear-stained eyes. It seemed the child was right to fear him in the past, considering how close he came to killing him in the present.
“I’m sorry,” Thomas murmured. He reached over to hold Khaled’s hands in his. The rope burns brought unnecessary attention to the tattoos on his boy’s wrists, lining the black bands top to bottom with angry red chafe marks. Khaled made no effort to pull his hands away as a pair of dark eyes stared into his, uncertain and guarded behind their lashes. He cringed a little, sensing only a fraction of the damage he’d done to his key to redemption, not just this one time, but over years and years of using the boy as a punching bag and a fleshlight.  “I am so, so sorry,” he repeated, a little louder.
“You’re sorry?” Khaled hollowly repeated. A rough, scratchy sound scraped out of the boy’s ruined throat. Even the act of laughing sounded painful for him. “Did you smash my head against the table harder than I’d realized? Since when do you apologize, Master?”
Over his shoulder, the med student’s eyes widened a hair as he determinedly continued his work behind them. Thomas had to regain control of the situation, spin the narrative. “I owe you a much more specific apology when we get home, I’ll admit,” he replied, hinting at the unsuspecting stranger patching up the boy’s back. “But for now, all I’ll say is that I went too far. I realize that now, and for that, I am sorry.”
Khaled gave him a skeptical frown, but remained silent. His thinking face was on, with his eyebrows drawn and his eyes slightly narrowed, chewing his lower lip subtly between his teeth. The young med student behind him had finally finished the stitches and applied the new gauze. He rattled off a list of care tips and recommendations to follow to take care of the wounds and prevent complications before hurriedly leaving the two alone. Thomas lifted Khaled off the table and helped him change into the spare clothes the hospital had on hand for emergencies. “Can I, um, get you anything?” he asked awkwardly, finally pulling the ugly secondhand sweater over Khaled’s bandaged torso.
The boy finally answered after a thoughtful moment. “…Nico…”
The gate guard? Thomas wondered. Honestly, not how he expected the boy to answer that question at all. He then felt a slight pang of guilt when he remembered Nico was the only friend his slave ever had. “You want to see your friend again?”
A small nod.
“Yeah, sure,” he shrugged, “I’m sure I could make that happen.”And even though he had no reason to lean on him of all people, Khaled leaned onto the boss’ arm, resting his head on his shoulder as Thomas led them out.
Le Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump @whumped-by-glitter @skittles-the-whumpee @generic-whumperz @bamber344 @there-will-always-be-blood
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transhualians · 8 months
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TW: kidnapping, noncon, stockholm syndrome
man. Stockholm syndrome is so peak romance for me. Just imagine your f/o kidnapping you— you're so terrified and distraught, the bitter sting of betrayal simmering in your chest. You thought that they loved you, that you could trust them, only for that to be ripped away from you.
But, oh, they take care of you so well. They kidnapped you and rape you, yes, but as you sob and sniffle in the aftermath, they make you the most delicious meal— how did they know your favorite food? They keep you in their lavish basement, leaving you with plenty of ways to entertain yourself when they have to leave, so sometimes you catch yourself thinking, "I can just enjoy this. It could be so much worse."
And when you cry and beg them to stop when they violate you, they coo in the sweetest voice, "It's okay, my love, relax, I've got you," kissing your tears away and stroking through your hair as the way their hips slam into you with reckless abandon is anything but sweet. They intimately know every sensitive spot inside of you, every way to steal your breath away and coax heady moans out of you by heart. How could you not fall in love with someone who clearly cares about you so much?
Once they've broken you, you don't even have to stay in the basement anymore— they can take you on sweet coffee dates, bring you to visit their workplace, bring you shopping for cute clothes or lingerie. I just so love the idea of slowly growing more tolerant of your captor, until suddenly you realize that's not tolerance, that's love. You love them.
Now they have to decide: for your engagement, should they get you a ring or a collar? 🥰
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I just saw your post on tmnt crossover fics so please go ahead and ignore my last message😓. But (if you don’t already have it posted somewhere on your blog) do you have recommendations for tmnt crossovers with different franchises?
Oh, it's fine! Let's see...
City Chase by GoblinCatKC -- Batman/TMNT, Bruce Wayne takes a trip to New York and ends up caught up in a severe misunderstanding with a local turtle in blue (warnings for fear, canon-typical violence, near-death experiences)
High Energy by PrincessFreak - Batman/TMNT, post-movie story where the Batfamily have to come to terms with some of the turtles' more taboo habits (warnings for tcest, sexual content, misunderstandings)
bloodlines by Kay the Cricketed - Star Wars/TMNT, a really great fandom fusion starring Leo as a Jedi Palawan unable to forget the brothers he left behind (tw family separation)
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx - ATLA/ROTTMNT, four turtle brothers get scattered across the bending world and uniformly mistaken for spirits (tw family separation, mistrust, hurt/comfort, past/current child abuse because ATLA)
Vunerable by DiscowingSuit - Batman/TMNT, only a first chapter, but a good looking one, where the turtles' attempt to save their brother Shredder's clutches leads them to Gotham City (tw kidnapping, graphic depictions of violence, abuse, medical experimentation)
the hogwarts remix aka screaming and magic at all times by cxlesstial, HeyAssbuttImBatman - Harry Potter/TMNT, a fandom fusion with a human!Hamato clan's adventures in the wizarding world (tw angst, hurt/comfort, fantastic racism)
Wands in hand. by SpectrumWriting - Harry Potter/TMNT, another fandom fusion, this time in a series, including Slytherin Mikey, Leosagi, and Shinirai (warnings for fantastic racism)
Casey Lalonde by SpectrumWriting - Homestuck/TMNT, where Casey's relationship with his turtle family is knocked off its axis following the sudden appearance of his very peculiar, extended human family (tw trauma, angst, hurt/comfort, alcoholism, child abuse, child neglect, mistrust, dysfunctional family)
you'll find your way and may death find you alive by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Ghostbusters/TMNT, one of my very own fics starring the much-overlooked Kylie Griffin and Jennika in the aftermath of a one-night stand (tw insecurity, past violence, trauma, species dysphoria, sexual content, self-doubt)
sew this hole up that you ripped in my head by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Samurai Rabbit/TMNT, Leo and Yuichi come to terms with the very different things the past means to each other them (tw past rape/noncon, past csa, trauma, explicit language)
(Note: this list doesn't include crossovers with Usagi Yojimbo, because they've crossed over so many times in-canon I wasn't sure if they counted. If you are interested in such crossovers, my list of Leosagi fics would be probably serve you pretty well)
I wish you the best!
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gottawhump · 2 years
CW/TW: lady whump, aftermath of torture, catatonia, references past torture and noncon. Caretaker POV. My first thought for Rescued prompt.
I held her lightly, not wanting her to fall in the shower. She sunk down to floor, arms wrapped around her knees, head down. I left her there, to hunt through her clothes for a loose robe in neutral colors. Grey, preferably. Something to remind her who she’d been, who she was.
I found something, got her dry and into it. Guided her to her room, settled her into her bed. I pulled the curtains shut tight against the moonlight and the city lights, after seeing her start to shake. She stared sightlessly into the dark, and I felt cold. It reminded me too much of how she’d been not long before we broke the keystone, after spending months tortured and raped by Merrick under the Guild’s auspices. Not recognizing, not responding. But Cien had been there then, enduring what he felt helpless to stop, trying to keep her sane, offering comfort if he could.
Now she’d suffered again. Alone.
She didn’t sleep; I felt her watching me whenever I shifted. Her breath caught whenever I moved my hands too quickly, so I laced them together. It hurt, seeing her wire-tight with fear, still anticipating terror.
“It’s over. Khalara, it’s over now.”
But I didn’t think she heard me, or believed me.
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serickswrites · 5 months
Whump Series
Eyes--status complete. 8 parts. TW: kidnapping, self-sacrifice, coma?, blood, weapons, honestly this is magical shit so i have no idea how to tag it, some team elements, but not overt team whump
Roadtrip--status complete. 12 parts. TW: kidnapping, restraints, drugging, sexual assault, rape, non-con, stabbing, blood, hospital, dehumanization, gagging, creepy/intimate whumper, escape attempts (I hope I got all the tags). Has some team elements, but not overt team whump
Annoyed--status complete. 6 parts. TW: captivity, torture, whipping, blood, creepy/intimate whumper, sexual assault, noncon, videotaping, rescue
Fit--status complete. 5 parts. TW: kidnapping, captivity, restraints, muzzle, noncon, sexual assault, physical assault, drowning, collapse, broken bones, implied hurt/comfort/hurt/aftermath/hurt/recovery
Nothing--status complete. 7 parts. TW: emotional manipulation, noncon, dissociation, physical violence, broken bones, bruises, choking, suffocation, emotional whump, caretaker and whumpee
See--status complete. 5 parts. TW: captivity, restraints, torture, blood, rescue, hospital, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery. Has team elements, but is not team whump
Where--status complete. 4 parts. TW: blood, torture, captivity, emotional whump, hospital, unclear character status at the end
Mutual--status complete. 7 parts. TW: kidnapping, captivity, restraints, whipping, blood, knives, beating, bruises, wounds, suffocation, choking, rescue, explosion, self-sacrifice, video tapes, emotional whump
Prepared --status complete. 3 parts. TW: mcd, blood, emotional whump
Know--status complete. 6 parts. TW: blood, kidnapping, torture, restraints, two whumpers, rescue, hospital
The Gift--status complete. 7 parts. TW: captivity, torture, physical violence, blood, noncon, buried alive, two whumpers, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, hospital
Alive--status complete. 5 parts. TW: torture, captivity, restraints, water torture, electrocution, hospital, emotional whump, self sacrifice, hurt/comfort, hurt/recovery, hurt/aftermath, rescue. Has team elements, but is not team whump
How--status complete. 6 parts. TW: captivity, torture, restraints, whipping, blood, wounds, botched escape, actual escape, two whumpers
Take--status complete. 5 parts. TW: captivity, torture, rescue, scars, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt recovery. 
Dearest Forsaken--status complete. 10 parts. TW: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, wounds, gore, knives, physical violence, electrocution, drowning, choking, white torture, sensory deprivation, rescue, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery. Has team elements but is not team whump.
Late--status complete. 2 parts. TW: drowning, kidnapping, cpr; rescue. Has team elements, but is not team whump
Dramatic--status complete. 4 parts. TW: hostage situation, self sacrifice, guns, gunfire, gunshot, blood, mcd. Has team elements, but is not team whump.
Choke--status complete. 5 parts. TW: captivity, choking, strangulation, drowning, passive suicidal ideation, temporary character death, cpr, rescue, hospital, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery
Rescue--status complete. 5 parts. TW: captivity, failed rescue attempt, torture, blood, wounds, sickness, rescue, hospital. Has team elements, but is not team whump
Bloody Valentine--status complete. 6 parts. TW: mcd, blood, gore, wounds, kidnapping, physical violence, hospital, yandere whumper
Hunger--status complete. 2 parts. TW: captivity, torture, starvation, cruel whumper, fawning, feigned fawning
Ice--status complete. 3 parts. TW: captivity, escape/rescue, drowning, hypothermia, cpr, mcd. Not team whump, but has team elements.
Secrets--status complete. 5 parts. TW: kidnapping, restraints, blood, torture, forced to watch, rescue
Want--status complete. 5 parts. TW: captivity, restraints, kidnapping, yandere whumper, physical violence, drugging, sexual assault, noncon, rescue (x2), MCD, knives
Good Times, Bad Times--status complete. 6 parts. TW: captivity, restraints, torture, noncon, two whumpers, sadistic whumper, creepy/intimate whumper, rescue
52 Weeks--status complete. 8 parts. TW: captivity, restraints, torture, blood, wounds, video tapes, rescue. Not team whump, but has team elements.
In Plain Sight--status complete. 5 parts. TW: captivity, torture, blood, wounds, burns, restraints, medical care, hospital, caretaker and whumpee
Not of This World--status complete. 10 parts. TW: kidnapping, captivity, blood, murder, death (not mcd), noncon, aliens
Say It--status complete. 5 parts. TW: captivity, restraints, knives, blood, wounds, unconsciousness, emotional whump, escape, hospital, hurt/recovery, hurt/aftermath, hurt/comfort, caretaker and whumpee. 
Morning --status complete. 5 parts. TW: referenced captivity, referenced torture, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, caretaker and whumpee
Reaper at the Gate--status complete. 7 parts. TW: restraints, blood, torture, captivity, botched escape attempt, physical violence, electrocution, drowning, illness, fever, rescue, caretaker and whumpee, unclear character status. Not team whump, but has team elements.  
The Sea Inside--status complete. 9 parts. TW: blood, wounds, stabbing, potential drowning, captivity, torture, cruel whumper, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, caretaker and whumpee (mostly comfort tbh)
Legends Rise--status complete. 8 parts. TW: public humiliation, whipping, torture, restraints, blood, stabbing, knives, unconsciousness, defiant whumpee, threat of death. 
Song of the Siren--status complete. 6 parts. TW: yandere whumper, captivity, magic, soul sucking, manipulation, drowning, implied mcd. 
Awake--status complete. 6 parts. TW: head injury, drugging, broken bones, noncon, yandere whumper, unclear character status. 
Come On--status complete. 5 parts (including epilogue). TW: captivity, blood, wounds, infection, bandages, drowning, knives, stabbing, mcd, grief, mourning, hurt/no comfort, caretaker and whumpee. 
Every Breath--status complete. 5 parts. TW: referenced torture, referenced captivity, sick fic, medical whump, yandere whumper, drugging, creepy/intimate whumper, unclear character status. 
Royal Pain--status complete. 6 parts. TW: torture, restraints, bruises, blood, wounds, emotional whump, cruel whumper, self sacrifice, mcd, caretaker and whumpee, hurt/no comfort. 
This Means War--status complete. 8 parts. TW: kidnapping, torture, choking, strangulation, restraints, unconsciousness, rescue, caretaker and whumpee, hospital, unclear character status (multiple)
Secret Agent Man--status complete. 7 parts. TW: captivity, torture, restraints, broken bones, bruises, wounds, injury, blood, knives, hospital, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, rescue, caretaker and whumpee, two whumpers
On a Limb--status complete. 3 parts. TW: captivity, torture, rescue, broken bones, amputation, hospital, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery
Lethal Weapon--status complete. 7 parts. TW: conditioning, manipulation, captivity, hidden injury, gunshot, blood, wounds, unconsciousness, hospital, self sacrifice, hurt/comfort, hurt/recovery, hurt/aftermath. Team elements, but not team whump
The Night We Met--status complete. 4 parts. TW: captivity, torture, restraints, noncon, blood, wounds, drugging, mcd, two whumpers, creepy/intimate whumper, cruel whumper
At Last--status complete. 4 parts. TW: captivity, torture, wounds, blood, bruises, unconsciousness, hospital, escape, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, hurt/comfort, caretaker and whumpee
Words--status complete. 2 parts. TW: emotional whump, threats, torture, captivity, restraints, wounds, blood, stab wounds, mcd, grief, hurt/no comfort, caretaker and whumpee
Once and for All--status complete. 7 parts. TW: kidnapping, restraints, gags, physical violence, torture, blood, bruises, broken bones, noncon, choking, unconsciousness, mcd, two whumpers, hurt/no comfort
Forever--status complete. 5 parts. TW: yandere, drugging, magic, poisoning, unconsciousness, self sacrifice
Stuck On You--status complete. 3 parts. TW: captivity, torture, broken bones, escape, hospital, hurt/recovery, hurt/aftermath, two whumpees
Quake--status complete. 3 parts. TW: earthquake, head injury, blood, unconsciousness, rescue, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, hospital. 
Undercover--status complete. 3 parts. TW: blood, gunshot, wounds, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, blood, gunshot, mcd, hurt/no comfort
Grateful--status complete. 3 parts. TW: referenced torture, referenced captivity, scars, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, caretaker and whumpee
Chatter--status complete. 5 parts. TW: restraints, torture, exposure, hypothermia, unconsciousness, noncon touching, noncon, escape, defiant whumpee, creepy/intimate whumper, hurt/aftermath
Higher Love--status complete. 7 parts including epilogue. TW: captivity, torture, drugging, noncon, sexual assault, rape, hospital, rescue, dissociation, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, hurt/comfort, caretaker and whumpee, yandere whumper, cravings, substance abuse, recovery.
Sweet Nothings--status complete. 2 parts. TW: injury, hospital, unconsciousness, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, caretaker and whumpee
Hook, Line, and Sinker--status complete. 8 parts. TW: captivity, restraints, gag, self sacrifice, torture, stabbing, blood, gun, gunshot, mcd, hurt/no comfort, caretaker and whumpee
Touch Them--status complete. 7 parts including alternate ending. TW: captivity, restraints, torture, unconsciousness, blood, head injury, forced to watch, choking, strangulation, suffocation, begging, noncon, rape, broken bones, mcd, caretaker and whumpee, creepy/intimate whumper. Alternate does not have MCD
Are You Scared--status complete. 2 parts. TW: captivity, torture, restraints, buried alive, temporary character death, cpr, rescue, hospital, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, caretaker and whumpee
On Three
Thin Ice
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
Ready, Set, Go
Two Birds, One Bullet
In Your Arms--status complete. 3 parts. TW: kidnapping, torture, restraints, bruises, beating, rescue, gun fire, gunshot, blood, wounds, bleeding out, unconsciousness, temporary character death, cpr, hospital, bedside vigil, emotional manipulation, self sacrifice, lies, caretaker and whumpee, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery
Still With Us
Make Me
You're Awake
So Tired
Miss Me?
Strength in Your Bones
Tender is the Night
Again and Again
We've Had a Good Run
Shake and Shiver
Frozen Tears
Heavy Burden
What Have You Done?
Devil's Advocate
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Thin Ice
You're Doing Great
On Three
Twenty-Three and Me
Strength in Your Bones
So Tired
All Quiet
Let Me Help You
Another catatonia request--TW: referenced torture, referenced captivity, catatonia, caretaker and whumpee, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery
Dangerous Game--status complete; 3 parts. TW: captivity, restraints, torture, threat of death, pursuit, escape, stabbing, blood, mcd, hurt/no comfort, failed rescue
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aftgficrec · 28 days
Favorite Neil/Jean or Neil&Jean fics?
In the aftermath of the publication of The Sunshine Court the relationship between Neil and Jean has been put under the spotlight a little more (no spoilers here though!), but there have always been authors who have shown this combo the attention it deserves. In addition, many fics under our raven!neil tag feature friendships or relationships between Neil and Jean. - S
Previously recommended:
Neil Josten & Jean Moreau:
close friends Neil & Jean here
BFFs Jean & Neil here
Neil/Jean tumblr fics and headcanons here
‘Afterthoughts Chapter 68’, ‘Jean, Neil, and Kevin hanging out’ here (plus some more Neil & Jean under previous recs)
‘not very good at this’ here
Neil Josten/Jean Moreau:
Neil/Jean fics here (you can also find a link to our Neil/Jean tag here)
More Jean/Neil fics here
‘we’ll survive, you and i’, ‘Heart on Your Sleeve, Eyes on the Street (the Heart-Eyes Remix)’, and ‘Doves & Ravens’  here
Some of our favourites from previous posts:
Your humble and silky life by moonix [Rated G, 3582 words, complete, 2019, locked]
Jean’s life these days is quiet, uneventful. His best friend has a hopeless crush on the unattainable Minyard, Jean’s colleague at the botanical garden. Jean has a standing appointment every week with the most beautiful woman in the world, who is happily married to someone else—but that’s okay. There’s still Jeremy the waiter, whose smile is the highlight of Jean’s week.
tw: animal death
Black As Is The Raven, He’ll Get A Partner by nekojita [Rated E, 644156 words, complete, 2018]
When Wymack, Kevin and Andrew came to recruit Neil Josten in Millport, Neil decided to say 'no' instead of 'yes' to joining the Foxes and does what he does best, which is run. Unfortunately, that brings him to the attention of the Moriyamas, who return him to his 'rightful' place. Now Neil has to learn how to survive at the Nest with his only ally another 'asset' long kept under Riko's heel.
tw: violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: dubcon, tw: blood, tw: panic attacks, tw: drug use, tw: alcohol, tw: minor character death, tw: homophobia, tw: involuntary outing
Apart from Your World (A Part of Mine) by ApprenticedMagician [Rated T, 17647 words, complete, Aftg Big Bang 2018, locked]
David is shipping him off to the Isle of Anglesey and, frankly, Neil could use the time and distance away from an ugly break-up that still hasn't smoothed over. The problem is, if he isn't being reminded of his ex (courtesy of working alongside his identical twin brother), then he's being reminded of the mother who abandoned him (courtesy of their assigned patient who suffers the same affliction she once did). All around, it's shaping up to be anything but the trip he signed up for.
tw: references to past abuse
NB: find art for this fic by @llheji here
So Keep Your Heart On Your Sleeve (And Keep Your Eyes On The Streets) by CasTheButler [Rated T, 4162 words, complete, Aftg Winter Exchange 2018]
Cause it's a God damn long drive fall, Back to normality. Jean starts at a new school on a new soccer team, makes some friends, and spends the whole time falling in love with a punk. Written for the 2018 AFTG Winter Exchange.
tw: panic attacks
And here are some fics we haven’t rec’ed yet:
Neil Josten & Jean Moreau:
Je crois en la chance de rejoindre la mer by Elyant [Rated T, 2007 words, complete, 2021, locked]
Part 4 of The Devil Makes Three
Jean has chosen the café whose tables were closest to the large windows overlooking the tarmac. After spending so many years underground and under the harsh fluorescent light of the Nest, he doesn't think he will ever have enough of the natural warmth of the sun. A duffle bag of clothes that are too new to feel like his, the tin of home-baked cookies Renee thrusted into his hands before he left, and a small package wrapped in kraft paper are his only baggage.  He's waiting for a plane from London to land because of a phone call he received a few nights before. He is therefore purposefully two hours too early for the flight that will take him to South California, to meet the team in crimson and gold that will become his family, even if he doesn't know it yet.
tw: implied/referenced abuse
from rain by ratbandaid [Rated T, 62807 words, complete, 2023]
Over time, Jean grew unsure as to why he'd been so intent on running from the mafia. He barely took care of himself and could hardly call whatever he was doing living. After all, he knew that one day, he'll be caught and dragged back, kicking and screaming, to be killed or worse: put back in the hands of Riko Moriyama. But when a snot-nosed, cocky brat, Neil, stumbles into his life, Jean slowly realizes what he's running for.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: violence, tw: nightmares
based on this art by @estavs
NB: This one contains slight spoilers for The Sunshine Court:
epic understatement by LadyTimelessness [Rated T, 335 words, complete, 2024]
he's pissed off that jean had to go through this. they're basically nothing to each other, but damn it, neil wants to crack grayson's skull open that second. faith in the world finally burns out in the fire of disillusionment.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder
Neil Josten/Jean Moreau:
Skip the Last Dance For Me (the Trojan Horse remix) by justadreamfox [Rated T, 3572 words, complete, Aftg Remix 2020]
Neil and Jean are free of the Nest, and wearing the Trojan red and gold, but they've still got "normal" life to navigate and friendships (past and present) to juggle. Really, sometimes you just want to be alone with your boyfriend.  Ft. Exy, pizza, and Steven Spielberg.
Nothing Mattered Until You by Lostintheuniverseslies [Rated M, 22497 words, complete, 2023]
On the docks in Marseille, Neil fell in love. But his mother ripped him away and for years he never dared hope to see Jean again. He believed that he would die before ever getting the chance. But when recuperating with his uncle after his father is killed, Neil's chance comes. Unfortunately, he isn't the only one who went through some horrible things over the years. Despite their horrible pasts, they decide to try for a future together. Going to college and even making some friends along the way. But Riko has other plans and wants back what he considers his.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced domestic violence, tw: stalking, tw: harassment,  tw: dissociation
It's Friday, I'm in love by Greenfallleaves [Rated T, 5834 words, complete, 2023, locked]
The day Neil had found himself pushed into the strong chest of their school’s new student Jean Moreau had been one of his luckiest in hindsight.
Hold my breath in your hands by Greenfallleaves [Rated G, 2154 words, complete, 2023, locked]
Adapting to the world outside the nest hadn’t been easy for either Jean or Neil but now that they had had a few years to get used to it, they got to complain about (i.e. enjoy) spending quality time with their friends.
sleep notes by nanatsuyu [Rated T, 2928 words, complete, 2024, locked]
Neil smokes a joint and discusses the possibility that Kevin is an honest to God vampire.
tw: recreational drug use, tw: implied/referenced abuse
A kiss while someone watches by @stabbyfoxandrew [tumblr, 2024]
Nathaniel never really saw the point of kissing until he was brought to the nest. Or rather, until the first time Jean Moreau backed him up against the wall of their shared dorm during an argument.
Jean & Neil by @ziegenkind094
Raven!neil au - napping by @dawnatlas 
Raven!neil au - partners by @dawnatlas
‘Stitch by stitch, tape and gauze…’ by @dawnatlas
two by @02511213942
Neil and Jean find an empty pool at night by @aminiyard
i believe in jean moreau supremacy by @caraleadraws 
secret santa gift for @nekojitachan by @aminiyard
Hello sunshine court by @estavs
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take off your clothes and disappear
A mini-pre-canon look at the developing partnership between one Minyard and one Day. Comes in three parts. Examines the parallels, the dancing and the departures between the OG gays. 
Warnings for r*ape/non-con. No explicit details, but the implications are def there. Beware!
“The leash goes both ways,” Minyard says. “Why are you awake?”
Why are you, Kevin bites back, because their deal isn’t and shouldn’t be a prelude to a relationship. He will hold up his end of the bargain no matter what, and so will Andrew Minyard. They will be functional that way; give and take, rise and fall, a consistent back and forth Kevin can imagine already on the court. For that, Kevin Day offers him a modicum of the truth, from one scarred hand into another:
“Riko,” he says, but Minyard probably already guessed that. He clears his throat, licks his lips. Blinks away any residual tears. “He was touching me.”
Minyard's eyes harden. Kevin witnesses the coolness slide farther and farther from composure and for a sliver of a moment allows himself to breathe victory: not so soulless after all. 
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whumping-every-day · 5 years
oh! it was asking what u thought the diff bt whump and romanticizing bad stuff (like abuse) is? bc i think i like whump? (or maybe its angst?) but i thinks its bad to have stuff where a rape victim falls in love w their rapist or abuse is framed as right/good instead of terrible and wrong but we're exploring it knowing that its wrong bc its interesting and sorta like horror movies i guess? where u scare/horrify urself but in a good? way? idk if the latter is whump..how best do i avoid it?
Hmmm. This is a good question, which I think I’m interpreting correctly? In my experience, with whump, it’s usually very clear that the abuse and whatnot is wrong. A good portion of whump also involves the recovery after abuse, and I think that that would be difficult if the abuse is romanticized. I have to admit though, I’m not an expert! This is the sort of thing where opinions might vary person to person, I think. Maybe my followers have something more eloquent to say on the matter? 
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Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Walker (TV 2021) Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Ruby/August Walker (Walker TV 2021), August Walker & Stella Walker, August Walker/Faye, August Walker & Geri Broussard, August Walker & Cordell Walker (Walker TV 2021) Characters: August Walker (Walker TV 2021), Stella Walker, Ruby (Walker TV 2021), Todd (Walker TV 2021), Trey Barnett, Cordell Walker (Walker TV 2021), Faye, Geri Broussard Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Rape/Non-con Elements, Hiding, Confessions, Threats, Revenge, Stella is a good sister, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s01e17 Dig, Episode: s01e18 Drive, Rape Aftermath, Episode: s02e02 The One Who Got Away, Episode: s02e04 It's Not What You Think, Episode: s02e03 Barn Burner, Episode: s02e10 Nudge, Boundaries Series: Part 3 of Whumptober 2021, Part 1 of AFG- Gen, Part 1 of No Means No Multiverse Summary:
August nodded. And for some reason that made him feel dizzy. That was not good. Maybe this had been a bad idea. He clearly wasn’t feeling well. He made to get up and tell her as much but he couldn’t get his limbs to move the way he wanted them to. Or very much at all really. Just enough to shove himself off the couch and onto the patio.
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peter-parker-recs · 3 years
The Battle is over, and now Peter has to deal with the fact that Tony Stark is very much alive. With the Avengers all living in the Tower, Tony navigates the fact that a lot has changed in the past 10 months.
That description doesn’t do this fic justice at all. It starts as a fix it fic and explaining the reversal of Tony, Natasha, Vision, and Loki’s deaths and then continues into Peter having stepped up to have a significant share in SI as well as co-leading the Avengers, as well as creating significant medical and technological advancements plus keeping up with school in the aftermath of everyone being brought back, it deals with Peter becoming a lot more spiderlike, Peter having a guilt complex the size of the milky way and slowly getting better, Peter having 5 parental figures and an even longer list of family members, Peter opening up about Skip, all superheroes to ever exist having a soft spot for Peter, plus an identity reveal all in one wrapped up with a nice little Parley love story bow. The way this is written is incredible the author manages to write all of these different tropes amazingly and manage to weave it into a cohesive and beautiful story that surpasses anything I could’ve expected from it by miles. There should be a TW: for very very vague allusion to past rape/noncon but you have to kinda already know the story behind Skip Wescott, there’s also a scene where someone attempts to roofie Peter but they aren’t successful because of his spider DNA and it’s a really minor part of the story.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
i sincerely hope that this is taken as the compliment it is but, no joke, your bbu stuff has made me despise the brutal potential of capitalism even more than i already do and (on a more serious note) helped increase my sensitivity to human trafficking at a time when i'd become numb to it. your writing about the complex ways people act when they survive rape genuinely helped me be more compassionate to behaviors i didn't sympathize with. thank you so much for writing big things so well.
Kauri’s aftermath of purposeful, continued rape and assault - his resulting hypersexuality and unconscious need to recreate aspects of the circumstances, but in a way HE can control - is a common response. 
So is Chris’s avoidance, and inability to handle the specific kind of intimacy that made up his own assault. He was ace before he was assaulted - Tristan was asexual long before he was Chris - but without Oliver in his past, there would be things he could happily do with Laken that they might ask for that he cannot, because he’ll never quite get over that feeling of powerlessness and fear. 
Antoni, assaulted but not in the same ways, seeing his own situation as ‘different’ and simply bottling it up and hiding it from people he believes have had it ‘worse’ than he did, is also a very common response.
Peter, although you haven’t seen much of him, recontextualizing it into an inevitability like rain or a snowfall that you can plan for and survive but cannot prevent (”sometimes they pick you”) is also common. 
And all of them are different people, with different reasons for reacting the way they do. All of them respond in ways that allow their minds to adapt to their experiences and keep moving.
All of them, at their roots, are surviving deconstruction of their intrinsic identity and ownersip of themselves, and rebuilding a shattered foundation.
None of them is ‘wrong’.
I’ve made no secret of believing unfettered capitalism is a vehicle for evil to be perpetrated by the wealthy against those who can’t fight back. I don’t make any secret of it here, either. I think empathy degrades when we treat people as disposable commodities. The BBU is, at heart, corporations that have worn down our concept of empathy enough to make something this dehumanizing happen out in the open, no longer hidden, and people simply shrug and go to work and do the laundry and turn their eyes another direction.
While I’m not really interested in writing the downfall of WRU in my work because I tend to focus on more immediate/personal things, I have peppered here and there references to the fact that people are growing more empathetic, that movement forward is possible, that there’s hope.
There’s always hope.
Tumblr media
Revolutions are built on hope.
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If you're taking requests, maybe some Leonardo Hurt/comfort or fluff with his brothers [I don't mind if its TCest or just Family relationships]
Requested by JebbySaysRandomThings. You can also find this list on AO3 here.
"I swear, I don't know who's killing you!" by leones @leonsi - Leo’s brothers help him celebrate an important milestone (tw past self-harm, depression)
The Chronicles of Karai Getting Her Shit Together by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - A fairly sprawling Leorai epic, but with heavy levels of family hurt/comfort (tw rape/noncon, csa, underage rape/noncon, trauma, self-harm, suicide attempt, anxiety) 
Tension by butterballturkeyofficial - Leo’s brothers help him take a load off in a very special away (tw explicit, mild dysfunction, tcest)
A Son for a Daughter by sleepingseeker @sleepingseeker - Leo experiences something terrible and his family does their best to put him back together (tw rape/noncon, graphic violence, torture, mutilation, trauma, victim blaming, csa)
Haunted by Kiraynn - Raph finds a unique method to help Leo heal (tw trauma, past rape/noncon, explicit, tcest)
Underdark by Nekotsuki - Leo and Mikey fight for their lives after an underground accident (tw injury, sickness, self-sacrifice)
Release by Blackdragon @blackdragon-sama - Raph and Leo soothe each other in Northampton (tw tcest, injury, trauma)
Bro, You Literally Got Hit By A Bus by emmals16 - Mikey fights for Leo’s life after a brutal accident (tw injury, gore)
Panda Wolves by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - Leo’s family is forced to go to reality-bending lengths to save him and each other from the past (tw trauma, past csa, victim blaming, underage rape/noncon, internalized acephobia, PTSD, blood, sex trafficking, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, depression, vomit, animal death, past abuse, attempted child murder)
Equal Exchange by starsonthewalls - The Hamato family is caught up in the dark side effects of healing hands (tw violence, sickness, themes of self-harm, family dysfunction)
For doing what I could not. by leospigtails - Mikey and Leo hold each other together in the aftermath of Mikey’s fight with Splinter (tw tcest, explicit, past abuse)
The gift horse's mouth. by leospigtails - The Hamato family wrestles with a disturbing change (tw bad parenting, nonconsensual bodily modification, tcest)
Scared to Shell by Bookdancer - Leo helps Mikey deal with his childhood fears
Without You by Windify - In which outside forces lead Leo to spill some comfortable secrets (tw nonconsensual drug use, self-esteem issues)
shellshocked by redhairedmuses - Leo’s family has to--literally--put the pieces back together after an ugly encounter with Shredder (tw violence, gore, injury)
soft words and even softer blankets by leones @leonsi - Mikey gives Leo a place to rest after a hard day (tw mental health issues)
“Unarmed,” “Separation,” “Never there,” “Fearless,” “The way Everything Breaks,” “Nothing else mattered,” and “Rest” from Whumptober 2020: Leaving Tonight by Pebr - The more comforting of the brutal stories from this brilliant series (tw torture, violence, blood, gore, trauma)
Whispered by Pebr - Leo and his family confront something monstrous and put each other together in the aftermath
What Else Do You Have Recorded? by arachnid_writes - Donnie forces Leo to come to term with his long-buried issues (tw self-esteem problems, privacy violations)
More than a sword. by leospigtails - Leo and his family are sucked into a universe-spanning adventure with dark implications (tw major character death, tcest, implied mind control, violence, sexual content, trauma)
“dear john (i see it all now that you're gone)” from did you take him to the pier in santa monica? by cxlesstial - The Hamato family cling on to each other after the end of everything they’ve ever known (tw implied character death, apocalypse, trauma, grief, guilt)
The Dangers of Mysterious Powders by blozinxz for Luescris - Leo’s brothers keep him together after his reality is knocked off his axis (tw self-doubt, simulated bullying, violence, unreality, nonconsensual drug use)
Send Your Lifeboats Out For Me by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - Leo does his best to keep a dark secret from his family, but it won’t last forever (tw rape/noncon, victim blaming, internalized victim blaming, trauma, mental health issues, torture, violence, gore, injuries, explicit, tcest)
These nightmares always hang on past the dream. by Werepirechick - Leo and his family find each other in the aftermath of vicious nightmares (tw PTSD, guilt)
Deadweight by MorikoTheHalfAngel - A grittier, far more painful reflection on the Hamato clan’s time in Northampton after the Invasion (tw injury, trauma, near-death experiences, guilt, grief, internalized ableism, mental health issues, PTSD)
Aggressive Empathy in the Abyss (AEITA) by Gemma Winchester (PrincessGemma12), PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 - Leo and Raph try to support each other when the past threatens to drag them down (tw past underage rape/noncon, rape/noncon, trauma, explicit, tcest, nightmares, drug use, unhealthy relationships)
Bad at Communication by Lovely_Dovely - Donnie does his best to give an insomniac Leo some much-needed distraction (tw anxiety, insomnia)
Both my knees by Pebr - Leo and his brothers fight for their lives in a vicious intergalactic arena (tw violence, torture, grief, trauma, guilt)
Derelict by Pebr - Leo gets sick in the middle of a snowstorm and the fallout puts all four brothers in escalating danger (tw blood, violence, hallucinations)
If it makes you happy by samstoleaburger - Mikey gives Leo some support after a bad day (tw implied bullying)
Sacrifice by Silvermoon27 - Leo’s sacrifice to stop the Kraang invasion takes a very different turn with painful implications (tw violence, trauma, abandonment, injury, family dysfunction)
“I've Got You,” “Where Did Everybody Go?,” “They Look So Pretty When They Bleed,” “Panic! At The Disco + What's a Whumpee Gotta Do To Get Some Sleep Around Here?, and “I Think We Need A Doctor” from Whumptober 2020 by ceraxxxx - The more comforting stories from this magnificently painful collection (tw violence, injury, anxiety, blood, gore)
quietude by obsceno - Donnie helps Leo deal with overwhelming thoughts (tw guilt, tcest, self-doubt)
sad thing is, this isn't even that abnormal. its just another weekday. by Werepirechick - Leo and his family come to terms with a pair of small, strange possibilities from another universe
Let You Down by Windify for poulnabrone - Leo’s brothers find out what’s been bothering him after Parasitica (tw trauma, hallucinations, unreality, simulated character death, guilt, grief)
Safety Net by Werepirechick - Leo’s family helps him come to terms with the damage to both his mind and his body after he wakes up (tw trauma, injury, nightmares, dissociation, panic attacks, past violence)
With a Touch of Blue by Windify - A turtle without memory or a name stumbles back into the arms of his long-lost family (tw PTSD, torture, violence, forced cannibalism, amnesia)
Surrogate by leones @leonsi - Leo’s brothers help him set long-held burdens down (tw bad parenting, alcoholism, trauma, vomit)
Inward by Captain_Jade - Leo and his brothers come to terms with a tangle of their brightest dreams and darkest nightmares (tw gore, violence, temporary character death, unreality, mindfuck)
Chruściki! by leones @leonsi - A gorgeous little collection of Christmas stories about the lives and loves of the Hamato clan (tw miscommunication, past bad parenting, trauma, mental health issues, implied abuse, implied neglect, poverty, self-doubt, pregnancy, touch starvation, mommy issues, family dysfunction, injury, loneliness)
Control by leones @leonsi - Leo seeks power and control at an ugly price, until his family refuses to let him get it away with it (tw unhealthy coping mechanisms, guilt, denial, eating disorders, vomit, bad parenting, neglect)
Into Calamity by MorikoTheHalfAngel - Two very different versions of the same clan deal with trauma from atop sides of a single, life-changing event (tw torture, abuse, identity erase, trauma, violence, self-sacrifice)
Everything is Fine (Even When It's Not) by CamsthiSky - Leo may be injured, but he’s still determined to comfort his little brother (tw injury)
“Chapter 3,” “Chapter 7,” “Chapter 18,” and “Chapter 28” from if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones by sonicthehedgehoglover2 - Most comforting/Leo-centric stories from this great whump collection (tw trauma, blood, insomnia, self-esteem issues, past violence)
“Colors (Leonardo)” from Visions: One Word Prompts by Gemma Winchester (PrincessGemma12)  @princessgemma12 - 10 sentences about Leo’s different universes (tw implied animal death, gore, violence, surgery)
The Violence in These Delights by Sundayeyes - Leo and his brothers come to terms with the shapes desire can take (tw explicit, tcest)
I Promise I'm Trying by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - Leo’s brothers support him in the face of an oncoming revelation (tw internalized transphobia, transphobia, imprisonment, torture, past abuse, gender dysphoria, self-doubt, explicit, medical health issues, reproductive misery)
Emotional Support Turtles by hushbats - Leo’s brothers know how to tug him up out of bad places (tw implied mental health issues)
Compassion Is Not Optional by Crowdog - Leo’s family won’t stop before he gets the support he needs, no matter what the Ninja Tribunal thinks (tw injury, self-esteem issues, ableism)
“Green” “Planning,” “Dance,” “Future,” “Black & White,” “Beds,” “Noir,” and “Found” from and maybe it'll be clear when we get there by leones @leonsi for This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - All the stories about Leo and his brothers from this magnificent Multiamory March series (tw tcest, incest, self-esteem issues, vomiting, cannibalism mention, implied sexual content, OCD thought-process, grief, trauma)
setbacks by leones @leonsi - Raph does his best to help Leo keep it together at mealtime (tw anorexia, eating disorders)
memory is the foulest gift by leones @leonsi - Mikey and Leo help each other come to terms with something terrible years after it took place (tw underage rape/noncon, csa, pedophilia, trauma, denial, family dysfunction, offscreen suicide attempt, guilt)
maybe that's the point by leones @leonsi - Donnie and Leo try to come terms with everything weighing them down (tw mentioned suicide, suicide attempt, PTSD, flashbacks)
Curled In by Luescris - Raph helps Leo for the first few painful steps of recovery (tw injury, trauma)
ride it out by leones @leonsi - Raph does what he can to keep Leo from losing himself completely (tw dissociation, PTSD, trauma, possible turtlecest)
oh, but I'm not bitter. i'm just tired. by leones @leonsi - Leo’s brothers offer him support after his separation from Karai (tw past unhealthy relationships, breaking up)
Chain Reaction by roktavor - Leo’s attempt to rescue Raph takes a bad turn that leaves them both fighting for their lives (tw captivity, blood, injury, guilt, bitterness, nonconsensual drug use)
Cliché (it was too late for me) by leones @leonsi - Leo finds himself stumbling into love into a tale of coffee shops, family, queerness, fanfiction, and inescapable redheads (tw speciesm, anxiety, homophobia, eating disorders, turtlecest)
Sharp Tooth by PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 - Leo helps Raph celebrate a very special part of his body (tw explicit, insecurity, tcest, past underage)
Of Late Nights and French Movies by pleasantnonsense - Leo and Donnie deal with the night together (tw insomnia, trauma, past violence)
Dawn Into the Dark by Cass_Phoenix - Leo’s back with his family, even if the Foot isn’t quite ready to let him go (tw mind control, trauma, grief, violence, disorientation)
it's not revolutionary by leones @leonsi - Raph helps Leo learn to live with some particularly loaded scars (tw past self-harm, internalized ableism)
some sunday in autumn by guide_to_the_galaxy - The Hamatos put themselves back together in a dark aftermath (tw trauma, grief, major character death, injury, guilt, abuse, gore, grooming, mental health issues, manipulation)
minor casualties by guide_to_the_galaxy - Leo and Donnie are worn to the core, but they still have to keep standing (tw trauma)
you're faking all your pain, you're bleeding on a stage by leones @leonsi for This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo’s attempts to ignore his disability are interrupted when his brothers give him an unavoidable gift (tw internalized ableism, chronic pain, self-esteem issues)
Withstanding all the Time, Changes and Seasons by guide_to_the_galaxy - Leo and his family both win and lose after the end of the world (tw violence, injury, apocalypse, grief, major character death, trauma)
let all i have been be as a dream by Anonymous - Leo raises his family out of the ashes of a lifetime of betrayal (tw csa, underage rape/noncon, teen pregnancy, child pregnancy, trauma, victim blaming, unhealthy relationships, family dysfunction, possible misgendering)
It's Nothing To Be Overly Concerned With by Anonymous - Leo’s family is willing to embrace every part of him (tw infection, hiding sickness, insecurity, self-esteem issues)
Seven Days Until Christmas by Kay the Cricketed - Leo’s family is happy to welcome the holidays with open arms
Presents by babygirl127 - Leo receives a very sweet Christmas present (tw sexual content, tcest)
inside the telescope by guide_to_the_galaxy - Leo’s vision is failing, but his can still be certain his brothers are at his side (tw implied ableism, unreality, bad parenting)
Gravid Problems by Gemi for Blackdragon - Leo and Raph deals with an abrupt change in their lives (tw tcest, pregnancy, implied sexual content)
Big Brother by orphan_account - Leo’s brothers may not be out of their eggs yet, but he’s still determined to look after them (tw fears of child death)
To Punish by squishyturtlefuckfics - Leo gives Raph a bit of loving discipline (tw dubcon, explicit, tcest)
Good Earth by Alessa_DC - Leo and Mikey go on vacation with a certain samurai rabbit
“Granted” and “Dip” from The 100 by Alessa_DC - Fluffier Drabbles from the Good Earth AU (cw implied sexual content)
Twin Thing by HolyMangos - A childhood story: Leo knows he’s Donnie twin, but Donnie hasn’t quite realized it yet (tw possible childhood trauma, loss of a home, family infighting)
A warming hug from a warm family to warm your heart by Lokisbur - The Hamato family comfort each other about a shared nightmare (tw trauma, panic attacks, discussions of character death)
The Job of Big Brother by EchoKazul - Raph makes some surprising discovers on a trip through time (tw discussions of child and animal death)
The Corner Store by KicsterAsh - Leo and his brothers have an unusual journey after being left out of doors for too long (tw health issues, accidental abandonment)
Forbidden by Mendeia - A fluffy, funny story about the rules that the people of TMNT 2003 universe try to inflict on each other
What We Are by eternalglitch - Leo and his brothers have their father talk through a painful discovery (tw identity issues, discussions of speciesism, isolation)
Big Boy Weapons by MoTexas55 (CupNoodles55) - Leo and his brothers receive some very special gifts from their father
Winter by ihaveathingforpink - Leo and Donnie work against each other, then together in their struggles to outsmart the winter chill 
Sleepy Bunny by StupidBolts - Leo and his family are glad Usagi feel comfortable enough to rest in their midst
And I appreciate how you raised me by moogsthewriter - April helps Mikey give Leo a very special gift
The guilt you dont deserve [comic] by Traitmill - A comic about some very specific ways and his family cope with trauma (tw past blood and gore, injury, trauma, guilt, explicit, tcest)
still new york by cxlesstial - A human AU with fluff and pain in equal measure (tw grief, trauma, past child abuse)
Mutant Nightmare by HamsterMasterSamster - The Hamato family comfort each other after barely getting away from Bishop alive (tw nightmares, trauma, past imprisonment, past torture, past experimentation, implied speciesism)
Donnie gets five hugs by servantofclio for theherocomplex - A collection of Hamato hugs, including between Leo and Donnie (tw insecurity, injury)
Warm Fuzzy Feelings by PrincessFreak - Donnie has his own way of expressing gratitude, but Leo and the others aren’t complaining (tw tcest, explicit, underage/underage)
Quotes by what_should_i_post_here - A collection of quote-based oneshots full of fluff and angst (tw insecurity, separation, memory loss, family dysfunction, trauma, tcest, explicit)
All That You Are by taizi @taizi - Leo takes his role as Raph’s big brother very seriously
Through the Looking Glass by PrincessGemma12 - Leo comes to terms with his new life and isn’t afraid (tw self-confidence issues, implied sexual content, possible tcest)
I Want a Hug by Fanficallday247 - An in-depth exploration of family connections and cuddling
Safe and Sound by SleepingSeeker @sleepingseeker - It takes work before all the little Hamato brothers can cuddle together, but the reward is worth it
A Place Called Home by insomaniac_06 - A family puts itself together bit by bit (implied child abuse, implied alcoholism, homelessness, child neglect, foster care)
Close Encounters of the Same Kind by Captain_Jade - The Hamato clans deal with a shifts in the barriers between their universes (tw unreality, health issues, self-doubt)
Work Break (Like It Or Not) by pragmatic_shard - The Hamato clan teams up to rescue of their own from himself
Mikey’s Recipe for Sewer Christmas Cake by fireworksinthenight - The turtles team up to celebrate Christmas in their own way
On Beautiful Nights and Their Consequences by Anonymous for Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - Leo’s brothers help him deal with a new member of the family (tw implied sexual content) 
patchwork by guide_to_the_galaxy - A family puts itself back together in a garden (tw trauma)
A Mission For Mistletoe by CrimsonSai - Christmas celebrations take an unusual turn (tw insecurity, relationship issues, tcest)
“(Leo/Donnie) Recruit & Uniform” from Sink Deeper (Hypnovember 2021) by squishyturtlefuckfics - Leo just wants Donnie to come home again, but he doesn’t know how lost they both are (tw mind control, unreliable narrator, brainwashing, imprisonment, implied tcest)
 “(Shredder/Leo) Accidental” from Sink Deeper (Hypnovember 2021) by squishyturtlefuckfics - The past drags Leo back, but his brothers know how to find him (tw trauma, past csa, underage rape/noncon, explicit, slut shaming, mind control, mental health issues)
When Life Gives You Kittens (You Guard Them Fiercely) by NamelessWanderer - Mikey helps Leo welcomet some new friends into their lives (implied trauma, some family infighting)
Words Best On Paper by TheAngelofFate for BrightLotusMoon - Mikey tries to put his feeling about the new version of his brother down on paper (tw trauma, family dysfunction)
Starlight by ASWF - A collection of fluffy drabbles about the 2003 turtle clan (tw injury, insecurity)
all these stars are shinning for us (Human LeoMikey AU) by Hyakkei - An unrelated human AU about two boys in love and their big family (tw possible tcest)
mikan mischief ! by wanderers_LM - Leo and his family figure out their little brother’s new habit of age regression (tw discovery)
“Baby, I’m Dancing In The Dark With You Between My Arms” - Raph gives Lavinia a pleasant evening ride (tw explicit, tcest, pregnancy, breeding)
Filters by Anonymous - Leo finds himself shifting between bodies and realities as he comes to terms with two very different families (tw trauma, health issues, violence)
Colors by PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 - A collection of polyamorous stories with heavy doses of both darkness and fluff (tw underage rape/noncon, rape/noncon, csa, teen pregnancy, teen parenting, unexpected pregnancy, insecurity, sexual content, child loss, implied abortion)
A Petal Falling by FoxTheWriter - Leo deals with the ways his responsibility to his family does and doesn’t keep him together (tw anxiety, anxiety attacks, panic attacks, eating Disorders, suicidal thoughts, depression, possibly bad parenting)
Quiet Support by babygirl127 - Leo gives Raph a space to breath (tw injury)
Call Me By Your Name by PrincessGemma12 - Raph and Leo work out a body swap (tw explicit, tcest, body dysphoria, self-esteem issues)
A Gift by unorthodoxx - Leo and his brothers do their best to keep Mikey safe while giving his chance with Draxum a chance to bloom, and they don’t mind using threats to do it (tw past experimentation, implied dehumanization)
Grand Self-Mythology by BiographyDivider (Princesa_Pens) - A family works to preserve the legacy of one of their own (tw self-doubt, insecurity, discussions of nausea, implied trauma)
Pulling Weeds And Other Ninja Things by leones @leonsi - The Hamato clan finds finds a sweet new way to bond 
Mikey's List: The 222 Things Mikey Is No Longer Allowed To Do To Blind Leo by Anonymous - A tale of family love, one turtle’s somewhat irritating dedication to comedy, and owls (tw past separation)
as time ticks by, still i try by leones @leonsi - A collection of stories about love and survival for for Suicide Prevention Moth (tw suicidal thoughts, self-hatred, implied self-harm, PTSD, depression, self-esteem issues, violent thoughts, gore, future warnings to be added)
Icosahedron by AngelDormais - Leo’s family resists his attempts at self-sacrifice (tw explosions, self-destructive behavior)
Diffraction by AngelDormais - A collection of prompts about the ups and downs Leo and his brothers share (tw grief, fear, injury, trauma, character death, guns, violence, blood, torture, drugs)
The Secret Anthology by Amitica Revenant - A collection of stories about turtles and the soft or painful things they experience (tw trauma, violence, injury, blood, major character death, near-death experiences, dissociation, family separation, mentions of speciesism, homelessness, classism, family dysfunction)
Firebird Scratches, TMNT 100 Themes Challenge! by Firebird Scratches - A collection of stories about the turtles and the ups and downs they deal with in life (tw blood, injury, major character death, sickness, mental illness, trauma, violence, grief, trauma, family dysfunction)
Do you feel it? by Riu_wiu - Raph forces Leo to come to terms with some incovenient feelings (tw turtlecest, guilt, and possible dubcon)
By Your Side by Kiraynn - Raph does his best to help Leo cope (tw injuries, past violence, turtlecest, trauma, and self-worth issues)
Analgesia by @sleepingseeker - Leo looks after Raph after a bad injury (tw injuries and past violence)
An Eggplant Among Pickles by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - Leo’s brothers help him deal with some new discovers about his body (warnings for turtlecest, body image issues, explicit sexual content, self-loathing, insecurity, and dubcon)
More Like Me (And Less Like You) by Kareh - Leo’s brothers help him bear the weight of their childhood (tw child abuse and self-hatred)
“E is for Eigne” from The ABC's of Turtle Tots by PrinceyAtNight28 - Leo and Mikey try to deal with a day out turned bad (tw injuries, guilt, and probable childhood trauma)
Prognosis by servantofclio - Donnie tries to give Leo both support and truth at Northampton (tw for recovery, trauma, and internalized ableism)
Of Burdens and Failures, and Impossible Choices by fireworksinthenight - Donnie and Leo deal with their shared tendency for self-destruction (tw injuries, explosions, and self-sacrifice/suicidal behavior)
Stained Bandages by Sanjuno - Leo and his brothers deal with a threat from within (warnings for violence, blood, gore, past csa, past underage rape/noncon)
Castaway by FearlessinBlue for EchoKazul - Leo finally arrives home, even if he doesn’t quite recognize it (warnings for apocalyptic settings, violence, identity issues, and past torture/abuse)
My R by cxlesstial - Leo’s battle with his darker impulses forces him to confront everyone else’s--accompanied by this amazing video, and followed by this one (general tw mental health issues, heavy discussions of suicide, grief, self-loathing, heartbreak, and suicide attempt)
The Salamandria Saga by kalachelone - A story about Leo and Donnie facing the end of the world together (warnings for turtlecest, trauma, implied character death, apocalyptic imagery, family separation)
Alpha by NeatTea, orphan_account - Leo makes a decision between his father and his brothers, once and for all (tw abuse, dehumanization, discussions of child death, graphic violence, character)
Blood Moon by sairoone - Leo is stolen from his family, but not lost forever (tw violence, amnesia, manipulation, character death, grief, trauma, identity issues)
after this first time by cptsuke - Leo needs support after his first kill (tw trauma, blood, violence, mental health issues)
Destruction by goodstoryfan - A series about Leo being broken apart before coming home again (tw torture, abuse, trauma, mind control, violence, mental health issues, PTSD, family dysfunction, self-loathing, apocalypse)
Recovery by @sleepingseeker - Mikey helps Leo as best he can (tw drug addiction. possible ableism)
quietude by obsceno - Donnie tries to support each other as they discover what they have in common (tw panic attacks, mental health issues, and implied turtlecest)
Whumptober 2021 Prompt Collection by FluffyAngstWriter - A collection of stories with a bit of comfort mixed in with a lot of hurt (tw gore, imprisonment, sickness, delirium, mental health issues, starvation, torture, mind control, sleep deprivation, panic attacks, nightmares, drowning, trauma, major character death)
Deepest Darkest by FormlessVoid , with this art by 10yrsy - Raph helps Leo come to terms all the secrets Fungus Humungous made him face (tw nightmares, feelings of abandonments, fears of loss, trauma)
Play Pretend by blackdragonsama @blackdragon-sama, Elphaba-Fae - Leo and Raph might just be each other’s only ways out of a nightmare whose extent they haven’t yet realized (tw rape, molestation, blood, manipulation, turtlecest, violence, torture, and imprisonment) Similiar warnings for the related art.
Foot Turtles - Beautiful Crime by Rinnegades AMVs - Leo and Raph try to get each other back in intertwined stories (tw mind control. canon-typical violence, family dysfunction, flashing)
jade green eyes turned white by subtlyfailing - Raph’s time under Saki’s control is longer, and so is his road to recovery, but Leo won’t give up (tw mind control, violence, blood, verbal abuse)
Into The Fire by staringatstars - Mikey and Leo make it through hell together (tw violence, abuse, imprisonment, poison, family dysfunction, fears of death, manipulation, torture, trauma, memory loss, and homelessness)
“You don’t have to face this alone.” by leos-wormstache - Raph does his best to help Leo out at a dark time (tw trauma, fears of loss)
Return of Honor by Firebird Scratches - Leo and his brothers have their father back, but Leo’s role in the family has changed in ways they’ve only begun to recognize (tw violence, family conflict, trauma, past injury)
White and Colorblind by StillThunder86 - Leo does his best to recover and heal his brothers as best he can tw violence, mental health issues, identity issues, torture, trauma, abuse, and general darkness)
The Only Thing Left by Connie Nervegas - Raph and Leo try to resurrect each other after the end of everything (tw gore, smoking, alcohol, suicide attempt, major character death, family dysfunction)
A Paper Trail by sleepyxcoffee -  The turtle race to save Leo and Splinter from a viciously banal evil (tw violence, gore, torture, misogyny, racism, speciesm)
Between the Lines , What Doesn't Hurt , and From the Depths of Dreams by jusXtrust - Raph witnesses Leo endure something terrible and tries to help him heal, with mixed results (tw torture, rape, imprisonment, trauma, sexual coercion, explicit, humiliation)
Captain Ryan Wouldn't by Flynne - Leo tries to figure out an evolving look on life with his brothers’ help (tw violence, fire, pain)
These Scars Remind Me The Past Is Real by xXNerdFighterXx - Leo lashes out at Raph’s coddling, at least until he learns why (tw family dysfunction, injury, trauma)
The Devil In I by Kareh - Leo’s family try to help him come home after he’s stolen away (tw brainwashing, torture, abuse, trauma, violence)
the more things change by breeisonfire - The Hamato clan try to come back together after a painful arrival home (tw past grief, trauma)
Know my name (as it's called again) by moogsthewriter - ATLA AU where Leo leads his brothers in bringing the Avatar home (tw family separation, family infighting)
Broken Brother by Koalagriton - Leo brings Raph home, piece by piece (tw alcohol, tcest, mind control, abduction, violence, mind control, identity issues)
Stealth and Sacrifice by GoblinCatKC - Leo’s brothers struggle to keep him from slipping away (tw violence, blood, self-harm, identity issues)
This art by @72stars - Leo’s family do their best to comfort him after City Fall (tw past mind control, trauma)
The Red Room by GoblinCatKC - Leo has his own ways of healing in the aftermath of unimaginable cruelty, and Raph tries to help (tw self-loathing, violence, underage rape, underage prostitution, torture, imprisonment, manipulation, victim blaming, trauma, and abuse)
Cigarette Smoke by SaschaR - Leo tries to help his brother deal with ugly shards of the past (tw past underage rape/noncon, trauma, smoking)
“Burrow - Raph/Leo - drugged, comfort” from sub!Leo prompts by GoblinCatKC - Raph gives a drugged Leo a safe place to hide (tw tcest, paranoia, much darker warnings for other stories in this collection)
And of course some of my own shit
Darkness Eating Me Alive - Leo’s fracturing at the edges, but Raph’s here to help him keep the past back (tw nightmares, trauma, vomiting, past mind control, past abuse)
“Blue” from ABC TMNT - Leo sets out to avenge his brother (violence, gore, death, torture)
“Killer” from ABC TMNT - Leo soothes Mikey in the aftermath of an ugly fight (past violence, grief, guilt)
“Unspeakable” from ABC TMNT - Leo’s voice disappears after he barely escapes a nightmare, and he and his brothers struggle to deal in the aftermath (tw past rape/noncon, trauma, violence, ableism, implied past suicide attempt, past victim blaming)
“Zombies” from ABC TMNT - Leo tries and doesn’t quite manage to keep it together at family dinner, but his family is here for him (tw gore, violence, simulated character death, simulated parent/child incest, simulated csa, simulated rape/noncon)
“Halloween” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze - Leo struggles to relax while celebrating with his brothers (tw some paranoia, implied speciesism)
“Jealousy” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze - Leo fights for his life to escape something terrifying (tw attempted rape/noncon, violence, gore, blood)
“Mirror” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze - Leo helps Raph adjust to his new life with his old family (tw insecurity, fears of abuse)
“Nightmares” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze - Leo and his family seek refuge with each other in the wake of bad dreams (tw simulated rape/noncon, simulated csa, trauma, simulated violence, simulated child abuse, torture, explicit, simulated medical experimentation, insecurity, nightmares, unreality, self-loathing, simulated character death)
“Oxygen” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze - Leo helps his brothers stay together and they do the same for him (tw panic attacks, trauma, insecurity, past violence past mind control, past near death experiences)
“Quiet” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze - Leo and his brothers don’t have to hear to live lives like no other (tw canon-typical violence, character death, grief)
“Terror” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze - Leo and his family deal with the ramifications of a citywide attack (tw 9/11, implied Islamophobia, grief)
“Vivisection” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze - The Hamato family won’t stop before rescuing one of their own (tw torture, gore, experimentation, self-harm)
“Whispers”from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze  - Leo’s family follows him into the dark as best they can (tw trauma, injury, grief, guilt, self-doubt, discussions of self-harm)
“You” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze - Leo and Jenny bond over their struggle to understand their new bodies (tw body dysphoria, past violence, past character death, trauma)
“Zoo” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze - Raph finds Leo barely holding on and helps him his way back to solid ground (tw trauma, past rape/noncon, past sexual slavery, past torture, past imprisonment, self-harm, shame, guilt)
The Nature Of The Wind - Leo won’t stop before he saves his brothers, no matter the cost; his family helps him come back together in the aftermath (tw underage rape/noncon, trauma, csa, violence, self-harm, mutilation, gore, explosions, blackmail, manipulation, abuse, torture, self-loathing, victim blaming, trauma, internalized victim blaming)
“Change” - Two brothers face destruction in different ways, but their family will always be there for them (tw violence, gore, death, insecurity)
“Green” - Leo and his family take a moment to savor a world they’ve never experienced before (tw implied ableism)
“Kindling” - Leo confront an impossible fracture in his family (tw betrayal, child abuse, child death, violence, character death, grief, guilt, trauma, past mind control)
“Orphans” Leo gets an important insight into Donnie’s perspective on their new lives (tw implied child abuse, past homophobia)
“Quick” - Mikey moves faster than everyone around him, at least until he’s sent crashing to a halt and Leo has to pick up the pieces (tw violence, ableism, attempted rape/noncon, violence, gore, trauma, guilt, vomit)
“Snowfall” - Leo gets caught off guard by the past and his brothers race to bring him home (tw trauma, violence, guilt, internalized ableism)
“Artist” - Leo may be out of commission, but Mikey still knows how to bond with him through an unusual medium (tw grief, trauma, injury)
“Gone” - Leo and his brothers struggle to survive when their father doesn’t come back home (tw hunger, childhood trauma, cannibalism, blood, family infighting, self-sacrificial attitudes, animal death, imprisonment, speciesism, fears of abandonment)
“Heartbeat” - Leo’s brothers won’t stop until they get him back (tw near-death experiences, implied childhood trauma)
“Intruder” - The Hamato family comes to terms with a new houseguest (tw nightmares, trauma, implied child abuse)
“Mantra” - Leo will burn himself out to keep his family, but they refuse to let him (tw self-harm, hiding health issues, blood, vomit, nonconsensual memory alteration)
“Settling” Shredder may be dead, but the aftermath is harder to bear than anyone expected (tw past violence, past grief, trauma, family separation, past mind control)
“Unbroken” - Raph helps Leo take his life back after dealing with Oroku Saki’s final surprise (tw past underage rape/noncon, past csa, teen pregnancy, past mind control, birth, abortion, fears of victim blaming)
“Visual” - The Hamato clan weave themselves into the surface of the city through the art (tw violence, trauma, past mind control, past speciesism)
“Wounds” - The Hamato family takes a more extreme beating in their final battle with Shredder than in canon, but they won’t let it break them (tw violence, speciesism, gore, death)
“Zealot” - Leo will not stop before getting his brother back, no matter what (tw implied csa, implied underage rape/noncon, victim blaming, child abuse, poison, death, betrayal, semi-explicit content, trauma)
Merry Fucking Hangover - The Hamato family takes stock of themselves after an evening of somewhat rambunctious Christmas celebrations (tw implied sexual content, alcohol)
“Bruises On The Skin And Heart (Indigo)” from Covered In The Colors, Pulled Apart At The Seams - Donnie lays down the law for Leo and Raph (tw injury, family dysfunction, trauma, grief, threats of torture)
Strange Little Shadows - 50 sentences about Karai, Leo, and Raph (tw tcest, implied sexual content, self-harm, injury, grief, trauma)
Can We Keep Him? - The Hamato family has different reactions to a new guest (tw paranoia)
The things that we could be - Leo, Raph, and Karai take in the stars together (tw explicit, tcest)
“When The Sky Comes Crashing In,” “You're Killing Me Slow” “The Weight Of The Air Is Torture” “Left For Dead On The Devil's Altar” “Wish I Could Unchoose It (All I Have Are Bruises)” and “I Hope I Stay Awake” from Bye, Bye, Baby Blue by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - The most relatively fluffy stories from this very wimpy collection (tw underage rape/noncon, csa, torture, betrayal, self-harm, trauma, insomnia, paranoia, speciesm, drowning, child abuse, victim blaming)
“He wept. He promised ‘a new start.’”  “His vanity requires no response/ And makes a welcome of indifference,” and “Stay with me” from The Waste Land - The most hc/Leo-centered stories from my mutantapocalypse collection (tw implied rape/noncon, violence, identity issues, trauma, amnesia, grief, guilt, mental health issues, restraint)
“I'm so fab, I'm gone with the wind bitch,” “You ain't never gotta worry, I'm down for you baby,” “But I'm brighter when you make me fade,” “I need your discipline (I need your help),” and “Oh tidings of comfort and joy” from Kinktober 2021 - The most hc/Leo-centered stories from my Kinktober 2012 series collection (tw explicit, dubcon, pregnancy mention, tcest, degrading language)
“Stop Worrying And Love (The Bomb)” from Midnight Whispers - Leo and his family try to build something dark and new out of the ashes (tw cannibalism, apocalypse, trauma, tcest, implied pregnancy, abortion)
“The Dark Meaty Bits” from Midnight Whispers - Leo has a strange request for Donnie (tw injury, discusses of violence and torture, trauma)
gone away is the bluebird for Katstories - Leo fights for his life until things take a sudden change (tw violence, unreliable narrator)
NYC KFC (ILY) - A little shot of the Hamato family celebrating Christmas in a special way
We All Need Someone To Lean On - A collection of cuddles for National Cuddle Day, with heavy Hamato feels (tw implied underage rape/noncon, implied csa, trauma, mental health issues, sexual content, sickness, blood, emotional manipulation)
Conversations Between The Folds Of Time And Space/In A Warehouse - The Hamato family try to deal with being abruptly shoved into the same dimension (tw violence, family dysfunction, trauma)
Yo Woody - Mikey tells Woody about his struggles to reach Leo (tw family dysfunction, past mind control, trauma, mental health issues, past underage rape/noncon, past csa, trauma)
“The Confession,” “Rose Petals,” “Homemade Crafts,” and “Broken Promise” - Stories from my Valentines’ Day drabble collection that might fit the request (tw tcest, implied rape/noncon)
“needle and the thread (gotta get you outta my head)” from - Leo’s got a scar--and a secret--that he can’t hide anymore (tw exposure, past torture, past csa, past underage rape/noncon, trauma, shame)
“strawberry syrup too easy to swallow” - Leo and Raph share their own means of coping
“why aren't you scared of me?” - Donnie won’t let Leo break himself for anyone, not even his family (tw trauma, self-doubt, self-harm, past underage rape/noncon, past csa, past mind control, past abuse)
“if only i could speak, i'd scream” - The past has a habit of sneaking up on Leo at surprising moments, but at least he’s not completely alone (tw underage rape/noncon, csa, trauma, internalized ableism)
light in the crack that's separating your thighs - Leo and his brothers have a very exciting time together (tw explicit, tcest)
i promise that you'll breathe again - The Leo, Raph, and Mikey of the SAINW universe survive their final battle with the Shredder and build new lives together (tw tcest, alcohol, trauma, implied sexual content)
gonna pop some tags - A 5+1 story about the Hamato family’s experiences with love, shopping, and sex toys (tw implied sexual content, tcest, trauma, past injury)
oh have you ever met that funny reefer man for BrightLotusMoon - Renet, Leo, and Leo do some consciousness-raising together (tw drug use, implied JKR bullshit, tcest)
just gettin' started, don't you tiptoe, tiptoe (ah) - Raph and Usagi have some fun with Leo in the woods (tw consent play, explicit, tcest)
we'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you - Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey write letters to the new child in their lives (tw tcest, implied experimentation, sick kids, fears of child death)
“Violet (Spirit)” from Kaleidoscope Snapshots - Splinter gives Leo and his brothers a gift they never thought possible (tw fears of rejection and sexual content in related stories)
the music fills me good and it gets me every time - The Hamato family explores different ways of loving (tw explicit, tcest)
i'll be there to hold you (don't be afraid of the dark) - The story of a boy and his beloved demons (tw past abuse, blood, gore, dubcon, mental health issues, implied cannibalism, birth, pregnancy, sexual content, consensual somnophilia, guns, violence)
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whumpsideblog · 4 years
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@grovegrocer​ here you go! Thank you for the request!
 Trope: Forcibly Stripped  Character: Jason  Fandom: Original work
 tw as there is a r*pe mention in this one, and obviously noncon stripping.
 This one is a continuation of the actual series and the rest can be found here
 Taglist: @inky-whump​ @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​
 It was days before Calum came back, which was unusual. The first thing Jason noticed was the bandage covering his right eye.
 “C-Calum…? What happened…?” He asked. He didn’t respond though, he wouldn’t even look at him. The last time Jason had seen him like this, he ended up being brutally beaten in the stomach until he vomited, he knew better than to keep asking questions this time. Calum didn’t ask him what he wanted done this time, instead he just cut his bindings and stepped back.
 “Take your clothes off. Now.” He ordered.
 “W-what?!” He tried to back away from him but it just hurt his broken knee more.
 “Clothes off. Now.” He repeated.
 “No… no, I’m not going to do that.” He glared at him. Calum sighed heavily, getting on the floor with him. 
 “I gave you a chance, just remember that.” He told him. Jason tried to keep him from pulling his shirt off, hugging himself protectively, but Calum just got up and fetched a knife, grabbing him and starting to slice through the shirt, eventually able to just rip it off him.
 “D-don’t I get a choice?!” He stammered, already embarrassed. Sure Calum had seen him shirtless before, but he’d never been forced to, not like this. 
 “Today your choice was to undress yourself or let me do it. You made that choice already.” He sounded so cold and distant, Jason wasn’t sure what he did, or what someone else did, but he knew it must’ve caused this shift in behavior. He started to unbutton his pants, causing Jason to really panic.
 “No! Stop it!” He tried to shove his hand away, he gripped his wrist, he dug his nails into his skin but Calum just wouldn’t stop. He only had one good hand to both support himself, and try to fight off Calum, and it wasn’t working out well for him. In a desperate attempt to make him back off he balled his good hand into a fist and slammed it against his injured eye. He fell back almost immediately, biting back a cry. He could see it all over his face, he was in agony, but that was quickly replaced with anger. 
 “Why do you have to fight me?! You never fight me, why can’t you take it just this once?!” He grabbed ahold of his hair, slamming his head back against the tile and effectively dazing him long enough to undo the buttons and unzip his jeans, effortlessly yanking them down. He only stopped when he tried to pull them down over his knees and he screamed as it further disturbed his injured knee, tears filling his eyes.
 “P-please, stop! Why are you doing this?!” He cried, trying to cover himself. His face burned red with embarrassment, he couldn’t believe Calum was doing this to him. He couldn’t believe this was the same man who sat and held him while he cried, the same man who snuck him painkillers and tried to comfort him. 
 “Because I have to.” He snapped, using the knife to cut through his pants, making it easier to remove without bothering his knee. Despite what he was doing, he was still trying to be careful in his own way. He managed to get his pants off him, and his shoes and socks had long since been discarded. He looked him over for a moment, and Jason did his best to cover himself given his position. 
 “What are you going to do… you won’t… you know… right…?” He asked softly. Calum seemed to pick up on what he was implying, and for a moment that anger disappeared, his features softened and he almost looked apologetic.
 “No… no, Jason, I won’t do that to you, I’d never do that to you.” He said softly. “I… I have to do something though, okay? Can’t you just… be good, let me do this?” Jason nodded, trying to blink away his tears. Calum held the knife to his arm, barely pressing into the skin. “Start counting, okay?”
 He didn’t want to do this, but Savaro ordered it. Do the job, collect the “payment”, and do so without question to him, and without comfort to Jason. Savaro had made it very clear that if he offered an apology, if he tried to comfort him, they’d both suffer greatly. 
 He didn’t want to do this, ignoring Jason’s questions about the bandage over his eye, trying to ignore that sad, pathetic look on his face, ignoring his cries and his pleas for him to stop. He tried to be harsh towards him, make it clear that he wasn’t going to go easy on him, but he just felt awful. He didn’t even blame him for punching him in the eye, even if it did hurt like hell. 
 He didn’t want to do this, when Jason asked if he was going to rape him. He’d done a lot of horrible things in this place but he’d made it very clear to his boss that there was one thing he refused to do and it was that. Other collectors weren’t as kind, and knowing that Jason was actually scared that he would made him sick. He knew that he was a bad person, and that he could never change that, but he never wanted to sink that low. He couldn’t even apologize to him for giving him the idea that he’d do that to him. 
 He didn’t want to do this, carving cut after cut into his skin. Deep ones where he knew he wouldn’t bleed out as easily from, shallow ones in more sensitive areas. Cuts that ran across healing wounds, cuts that made him whimper and whine and cuts that made him scream. He hated this, he hated that he had to do this, he hated that Jason stopped fighting when he asked nicely, he hated that Jason was ever here to begin with. He considered stopping, taking the brunt of it himself, but he knew Savaro was at the end of his rope with him, one more mistake could cost him his life. He hated himself, he hated this life, but for some reason, he just couldn’t let himself die.
 He knew when to stop, to keep him from bleeding out completely. He couldn’t do anything to help him, laying in a pool of his own blood, and could only hint at him using the shreds of his clothes to try and bandage at least some wounds. It wouldn’t help that much, and he wouldn’t be saved until he was on the brink of death, but he didn’t tell him that. Jason didn’t want to talk to him, and he didn’t blame him at all. He felt sick as he left the room, disgusted with himself.
 He felt even worse when Savaro eventually called him into his office. For once he wasn’t being punished, at least, not physically. Instead Savaro wanted him to look at the aftermath of what he did. He had a monitor to watch all the cameras in the building, but he only had one pulled up, for Jason’s room. He was somewhat relieved to see that he’d moved, he hadn’t done too much damage if he was moving. He’d curled into a corner of the room, it must’ve been agony to drag himself over there and move his legs enough to curl up. Jason knew there was a camera in the room, even if he wasn’t sure where, he was clearly trying to hide himself from it. 
 He looked sick, pathetic. He was already a skinny young man but even in the camera footage Calum could see his ribs protruding out, he hadn’t eaten nearly enough in his time here, only given what would keep him alive. His hair hadn’t been brushed or washed in his whole time here, he just looked like a mess. What upset Calum the most though was the knowledge that he did this to him, and no amount of comforting or secret favors could ever change that.
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Gray hasn’t seen Natsu in years - not since he moved away with his boyfriend Joel and Natsu stopped texting him. A chance run-in at a bar brings Natsu back into Gray’s life, but the encounter puts Gray in danger when Joel finds out. Natsu quickly realizes that Gray’s stuck in a cycle of violence, and wants to help him escape. But leaving isn’t that easy, and sometimes loving someone might not be enough.
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Chapter Summary: Natsu takes Gray to the hospital, and Gray has to decide if he's ready for help.
Chapters (19/22):  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster/Original Male Character(s) Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape Aftermath, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Natsu just wants to help, but Gray feels like he can’t leave, Non-Linear Narrative, Trans Character, Tumblr: FTLGBTales, ftlgbtpride2019, Coming Out, First Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, I promise
**TW for discussion of abuse/rape/noncon
it’s hard to love with a heart that’s hurting  
cour· age | \ ˈkər-ij noun : mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
xviii november .
Gray doesn’t talk on the way to the hospital. All he can do is grip Natsu’s hand as hard as he can and focus on not throwing up again. He’s cold and sore and exhausted, and no matter how far he presses himself back into the seat, he still feels exposed and defenseless.  
When they pull into the  ER parking lot, Gray lets go of Natsu’s hand and wraps his arms around himself. “I’m sorry,” he whispers as a wave of guilt washes over him. “I didn’t—I’m sorry.”  
“Don’t apologize,” Natsu says gently as he turns off the car and turns to look at Gray. “I’m really proud of you. I know you weren’t ready.”  
I was never going to be ready, Gray thinks.  
Gray tries to pull in on himself, but everything aches and he winces, shifting uncomfortably. He can feel Natsu studying him out of the corner of his eye, and Gray wishes he could disappear.  
“We need to get you checked out,” Natsu says after a minute. Gray reaches up and tries to pull his torn shirt back into place to cover up the red marks on his neck.  
“’m fine,” he says automatically, but his voice is raspy and he starts to cough. His throat hurts so badly that tears well up in his eyes.  
“No, you’re not,” Natsu says, reaching out and putting his hand between them –  an offer, not a demand. Gray doesn’t take it. “Gray, it—”  
“He didn’t mean to,” Gray interrupts, because that’s what he’s always said, and if it’s not true, then that means that…  
“Yes, he did,” Natsu says, voice gentle  but firm. “It wasn’t an accident, and I know that you know that.”  
Gray groans, pressing his forehead to the window. He’s so tired, and all he can think about is Joel waking up without him, wondering where he is.  
“I… this was a mistake,” he whispers, and he can’t stop himself from shaking, no matter how hard he tries. The words are spilling from them and they aren’t even his. They’re Joel’s words, even here, even after Gray has left. “I have to go back, I have to—I can make it right.”  
Natsu shakes his head. “You can’t make it right,” he says, “because you didn’t do anything wrong.”  
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Tears spill down Gray’s cheeks and he wipes at his face, wincing when he brushes over his bloody nose. Everything hurts, and he’s trying so hard to push it away like he always does, but he can’t. It’s all raw and ragged like the edges of the cut from the bar fight, but there’s nothing he can do to stitch it back together.  
He swallows, then reaches out tentatively and takes Natsu’s hand.  
“I’m so, so glad you texted me,” Natsu said, running his thumb over Gray’s fingers. “I know you’re scared, and I know you think you should go back, but he could have killed you.”  
“He wouldn’t,” Gray whispers, but the words are weak and he doesn’t believe them.  
“Maybe not tonight,” Natsu says. “But he’s dangerous, and you deserve better.”  
Gray takes a shaky breath, looking between Natsu and the pale white of the neon sign for the emergency department. If he goes in there, if he tells them, he can’t go back.  
“Gray, look at me,” Natsu says, squeezing his hand. Gray wants to be stubborn and keep staring out the window, but Natsu’s voice is so soft that he can’t help looking over. “There you go.” The smile Natsu gives Gray makes him feel a little bit less lost. “I know this is really hard and scary, but I’m gonna be right here with you for as much as you want me to be, okay?”  
A quiet sob breaks from Gray’s chest and he squeezes Natsu’s hand, trying to keep himself here. It hurts - not just his body, but a deep, heavy ache in his chest that makes him feel like he’s drowning.  
He wants to leave himself, not feel anything, but he can’t.  
“Please don’t go,” he whispers around the tears as Natsu lets go of his hand and gets out of the car.  
“I’m not,” Natsu says, coming around to Gray’s side and opening his door. He reaches out for Gray, letting Gray be the one to take his hands. When Gray stands up, he nearly collapses, and Natsu catches him, holding him gently by his forearms.
Gray hesitates because everything hurts, and if nobody touches him, it can’t get worse. But he’s tired and terrified, so he leans into Natsu, letting out another sob when warm arms wrap around him and Natsu presses his face into Gray’s hair. Gray grips Natsu’s shirt tightly, shaking against him while Natsu makes soft, comforting noises.  
“I’m not gonna leave,” Natsu whispers, kissing the top of Gray’s head and letting Gray fall apart in his arms. “I promise. I’m never going to leave you again.”    
Doris is working again, and when she takes Gray into the back, she glares suspiciously at Natsu.  
“It wasn’t him,” Gray says quietly, staring at the floor. Doris squeezes his hands, then nods for Natsu to come sit next to Gray while she starts checking him over. 
There’s not much she can do. He doesn’t need any more stitches, and all she can do for the multitude of bruises is give him ice and painkillers.  
He lets her see all of the injuries and write them down on her clipboard, never looking at her. Natsu holds his hand the whole time, keeping him grounded, keeping him here and protected and safe.    
“Did someone do this to you?” Doris asks, just like the last time.
Gray’s fingers tighten around Natsu’s, and for a terrifying second he wants to say no, wants to change his mind, play it off as a one-time thing because Joel’s a good person, he just had too much to drink.  
I know what it’s like to love somebody so much that you want them to be the best thing in the world for you, even when they’re not.  
“Yes,” Gray says instead.  
Everything after that is a blur of phone calls and voices that Gray doesn’t listen to. It’s hazy and vague and when Natsu helps him up from the chair, Gray can barely feel anything at all.  
Doris moves them to another room that’s smaller and carpeted and has a couch instead of hard plastic chairs, and drapes a blanket over Gray’s shoulders.  
“Do you want me to stay?” Natsu asks, crouching down in front of Gray. Gray grips his hand tightly and nods, and when Natsu sits down next to him, Gray presses himself up against Natsu’s side. Natsu carefully puts his arm around Gray, rubbing his shoulder as he shakes.  
“You’re gonna be okay,” Natsu whispers. “I’m here, I’m not gonna leave you.”  
It seems like a lifetime before somebody knocks on the door. Gray looks up to see Sting in the doorway, accompanied by an older female officer that Gray doesn’t recognize.  
“Hey,” Sting says gently, crouching down next to the couch. “How’re you doin’?”  
Gray shrugs. Everything feels unreal, like he’s made of nothing but occasional sparks of pain.  
“I know it hurts, but I’m proud of you,” Sting says gently. His expression isn’t one of pity or judgement or disbelief – it’s understanding. Solidarity. “We’re gonna do everything we can to help, okay? Do you know where Joel is right now?”  
“Home,” Gray says, staring at the badge on Sting’s uniform. “When... he passed out. Drunk. Probably still asleep.”  
“Does he have any weapons in the house?” Sting asks.  
“I... don’t think so.”  
Natsu rubs his thumb back and forth over Gray’s shoulder, and Gray focuses on that, on the pattern, on the way it doesn’t hurt.  
“He... Bella.” Gray’s throat tightens and it’s not just the bruises. “My dog, she...” He rubs his face. “I had to leave, she... s-saved me, and I just, I left her, and...”  
The tears that were previously numbed away appear again, and Gray rests his head against Natsu’s shoulder.  
“I’m going to do everything I can to help you, and her,” Sting says, then squeezes Gray’s knee and stands up. He moves toward the door, reaching for the radio on his shoulder.  
“Dispatch, this is Eucliffe, requesting officers at 6 Willowdale Crescent for domestic disturbance and assault. I’m with the vic at the hospital, suspect is possibly under the influence and potentially violent, uncertain if weapons are present on the premises.”  
There’s a staticky response as Sting leaves the room, but Gray can’t focus on what they’re saying.  
… domestic disturbance... assault... violent...  
The sound of a chair scraping along the floor makes Gray jump, and Natsu squeezes his hand reassuringly. When Gray looks up, the female officer is sitting in front of him, holding a notepad and smiling apologetically.  
“My name’s Kelly,” she says. “Is it okay if I ask you some questions?”  
Gray nods, staring down at his bitten nails.  
“I know you’re probably really tired,” Kelly says gently. “I’m sorry that we have to do this now, but we need to know as much as possible so we can help keep Joel away from you. Do you think you can tell me what happened?”  
This is the precipice, and Gray has to decide whether or not he wants to jump.  
“My... he...” Gray swallows, then squeezes Natsu’s hand tightly and starts again. “Joel attacked me.” He brings his hand up to the red marks on his neck. “He choked me. I... he was drunk.” Nothing feels real. “He... the bedroom, he p-pushed me...”  
He can feel the ghost of Joel’s breath on his neck, Joel grinding against him, Joel biting his lip until it bled.  
Natsu runs his thumb up and down Gray’s arm, and it draws Gray back into the room.  
“He t-tried...” The words are stuck. He tried to rape me. Gray just has to say them, but he can’t. “H-he... I...”  
“Did he sexually assault you?” Kelly asks, voice soft.  
There. She said the words for him. “He tried to,” Gray says quietly. “I... I got away and hid in the bathroom.”    
Natsu makes a soft, sad sound, and holds Gray a little bit tighter.  
“Has Joel physically injured you before?” Kelly asks.  
“How many times has Joel hurt you?”  
Gray almost wants to laugh at the absurdity of the question. “Lots,” he says.  
“Can you estimate?” Kelly asks. “How often does it happen?”  
Gray leans into Natsu. “We’ve been together – we were together for five years,” Gray says. Now that he’s admitted it, said it out loud, it doesn’t seem as impossible for them to believe him. “N-not often at first. But, um… at least once a week. Or couple of weeks.”  
“Has he ever forced you to be intimate before tonight?”  
Gray nods, then turns and presses his face into Natsu’s shoulder. Natsu wraps his arm around Gray, kissing his head and whispering, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”  
There are more questions – how did you get that injury? Can we take pictures of the bruises? When did this happen? Did he use any weapons? Gray answers them as best he can, but the more he talks, the more his throat hurts, and the more the exhaustion pulls down on him.  
Natsu offers to leave the room while Kelly photographs all the injuries, but Gray can’t let go of his hand. If Natsu stops holding onto him, Gray will turn into a thousand tiny pieces of nothing and will never be able to put himself back together.  
“I know lots of people have probably told you this before,” Kelly says after she’s finished photographing and filling out the report, “but this isn’t your fault. Do you have somewhere safe to stay?”  
Natsu immediately nods, squeezing Gray’s hand. “We’re gonna stay with Sting and Rogue tonight,” he says to Gray. “So we don’t have to drive all the way back to my place. Is that okay?”  
At this point, Gray can’t do anything but nod.  
Gray falls asleep in the car on the way to Sting and Rogue’s place. He barely wakes up when they arrive, and Natsu wraps an arm around his waist to help him to the guest bedroom.  
“You with me?” Natsu asks softly, crouching down in front of where Gray’s sitting on the bed. Gray slowly drags his gaze up to Natsu’s and gives a half-hearted nod. Natsu’s holding a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, and he sets them next to Gray. “Those are Rogue’s, they should fit you – I'm gonna go get your stuff from the restaurant tomorrow.”  
Gray reaches out slowly and touches the clothes, then looks back at Natsu. “I...” He’s so tired, and talking hurts his throat, but he manages to whisper, “stay?”  
Natsu takes Gray’s hand, bringing it up to his lips and kissing Gray’s knuckles. “You sure?” he asks. “I can pull out some blankets and sleep on the floor if—”  
Gray shakes his head. “I need...” He sighs, rubbing his face.  
Natsu nods. “Do you wanna get changed and I’ll come back?”  
Everything hurts, and Gray’s pretty sure he can’t do it by himself. “Help?”  
Natsu’s hands are gentle as he runs them up Gray’s arms, giving Gray plenty of time to pull away before he undoes the buttons on Gray’s ripped shirt, pushing it back over his shoulders. “Okay?” he asks as he guides Gray’s arms into the hoodie, careful to avoid the worst of the bruises. Gray nods.  
Once Gray’s changed, he curls up on the bed and Natsu lays down beside him, resting his hand between them for Gray to take. Instead, Gray shifts closer, wrapping  Natsu’s arm around him and pressing his face to Natsu’s chest.  
“I love you so much,” Natsu whispers. “And that can mean whatever you need it to mean.”    
Gray bunches Natsu’s shirt in his fingers and tucks a leg between Natsu’s, getting as close as he can. Part of him knows he shouldn’t want this, not after what Joel did, but all he wants is to feel safe, and Natsu is the safest place he knows.  
Natsu starts humming softly, running his fingers lightly up and down Gray’s back, kissing his forehead, holding him close. The last thing Gray remembers thinking before he falls asleep is that he can handle the world if all that’s in it is the circle of Natsu’s arms.  
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