#tw: menstrual cramps
tortiefrancis · 1 year
important reminder for people who menstruate:
if your cramps are so painful you can't do daily tasks, take care of yourself or get out of bed. if you pass out or vomit from cramps. if you can't walk or stand up properly from cramps. if you need to take pain medicine when you get cramps or else you will get sick, pass out, whatever.
seek medical help. people talk about how painful cramps are, and it's true, but there's a level of pain that simply isn't normal, and you need to get it checked
signed: someone who was recently diagnosed with endometriosis
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luvthegame · 8 months
ANAKIN who cannot stand the thought of you in any sort of pain. so much so he hates it when you're on your cycle. you two's force bond is so close that he can feel when you're uncomfortable, he can sense your feelings and emotions. when you're halfway across the galaxy with your own battalion, hiding in the bathroom and trying not to cry because of the pain from your menstrual cramps, anakin can feel it as he listens to the chancellor drone on about politics. he knows how bad you feel on your cycle. when you get irritable at everyone, and then later cry in his arms because you "didn't mean to be *that* mean!", anakin's heart aches. so, when he senses you're in pain, he's at your side instantly. how does he manage to make an excuse to see you so much? no one knows. but there he is, making you drink water and glaring at anyone who dares to make a comment about your attitude. he's like your guard dog.
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scary-friend · 15 days
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✨I’m not doing well✨
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wildmelon · 8 months
the way even close friends and family don’t give a fuck about menstrual pain. it’s “aw :/ i’m sorry you’re in pain :(” until you say you can’t do something and then it becomes clear they don’t actually believe how much it hurts.
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copper-compact-disc · 6 months
hey if you don’t have period cramps right now take a moment to appreciate that. just take a second and think about how much better this moment is because you don’t have period cramps. and if you do have period cramps my heart goes out to you
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signed-sapphire · 6 months
I’m currently sobbing in the campus bathroom because of bloody period cramps (pun MOST DEFINITELY INTENDED BECAUSE PUNS, MY DOG, AND TRADER JOES’ TIKKI MASALA ARE THE ONLY SOURCES OF LIGHT IN MY LIFE RN) and I have class in fifteen min sooooo take some Cielo comforting Asha on her period or at least trying to
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Asha apologized to them later she’s just suffering rn (bc I like to make my characters suffer with me 👍)
Also I’m fine, don’t worry, I deal with this every month I’m just in pain rn and yes I’ve been to a doctor but sometimes the prescription is that being afab sucks sometimes
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everythinglgbtqia · 5 months
Nothing worse then the cycle of:
1. Few weeks thinking you’ve sorted out your mental health.
2. Feeling suicidal as fuck and never felt so low for a week.
3. Your period arriving. But every time you forget that that’s why you were about to kill yourself.
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thesewingmachine · 9 months
reasons as to why someone may vomit:
due to nerves.
due to allergies.
due to period cramps.
due to sickness.
due to starvation.
due to headaches and/or migraines.
due to medication.
due to withdrawals.
let me know if you can think of any more please and thank you! :)
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secretkittywolf · 3 months
Suffering with my time of the month and I decided to share some helpful tips that I use when going through this pain.
Tip 1: Prepare your pads before going into the shower.
I learnt this early on and it saves so much time! No need to scurry around the bathroom. Just sit down, sort your pads out, lay them on the mat outside the shower, leave your towel nearby and then hop in. When you get out, your pads are all ready to go and no need to struggle, especially when it comes to winter time and your shivering due to the cold.
Tip 2: Wear black underwear
It will show less but trying to find any blood afterwards is a nightmare. I solely use black underwear for my periods and white or any coloured ones for after and I use dish soap and an old toothbrush with cold water to scrub out any stains.
Tip 3: Towel in bed
If you have a heavy flow, sleep on a towel above your sheets. It will stop the blood from staining your sheets and best to fold the towel for that extra protection
And lastly Tip 4: Juice
If your someone who suffers from a heavy flow, please please PLEASE do this! This will help you! I've been doing this for months and it works!!!
First buy a juice processor. I got mine on Amazon but it HAS to be a juice processor. A blender or Ninja will not work.
Secondly, use this recipe:
3-4 beetroots I use vacuum sealed beetroots but don't use the ones in vinegar. It isn't nice.
1/2 cucumber
1 Orange
A handful of spinach leaves
1 ring of pineapple
1 spig of parsley
Shove these into the juice processor and then drink it daily. You don't need to drink a whole lot but if you want to, you can make more.
It may taste weird at first but it has helped maintain my flow. I'm no longer as heavy as I used to be and those annoying cramps? Reduced to a dull ache.
I'm not kidding. It's that good.
You can also do:
1 Apple
1/3" of ginger
1 carrot
1/2 cucumber
1 spig of parsley
3-4 beetroots
It works just as well.
I really hope these help anyone who's suffering through their period. These have helped me and I want to help others
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sincerecinnamon · 8 months
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Who wrote these results-
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ronirasch · 4 months
crazy there’s a whole population that will never understand what it feels like to stand up on your period on a heavy flow day
like you guys just exist in a world where you don’t feel blood leave your body once a month
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1tz-4ll-m3 · 7 months
When I was younger, I asked my grandma why women have periods, and she told me that it was gods punishment to all women for Eve taking the Apple from the snake.
Like, wtf? Why do I have to suffer for something Eve did? I wasn’t involved 😭
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charetchi · 2 months
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tummy ache.
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meowierz · 2 months
use me as an example when someone says "periods aren't that serious"
My panties is an entire crime scene. Vampires are disgusted. Mosquitos are disgusted. Deranged serial killers are disgusted. Every time I wipe I am in risk of clogging my toilet. Speaking of the toilet, every time I go there I can't get up for hours because of the pain. Well get to that later. I have bleed through panties, they are now called "period panties" and I only wear them during my period because the stains won't come out. And that's on dark panties.
I have recently started passing out from the pain, for 3-5 hours. I have drunken so much medicine that I've run out and have to do pills. I'm in so much pain, I can barely eat or get off the toilet. Moving makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. Thankfully I never had but the feeling itself already makes me want to cry. There have been days that I have gone home from school early and I have extremely strict parents (mainly when it comes to school).
My whole body changes for some reason. My tits hurt like shit, to the point where I don't want to wear a bra but my dads in the house so I have to. I'm sweating more often, which is weird because I'm not moving at all. I'm either extremely hungry or not hungry at all. Everything feels extremely heavy.
I still have to do things around the house. Take care of my cats, myself, sometimes my mom, doing dishes, making my bed, laundry, and other cleaning. Thankfully, my mom usually does most of it but sometimes my attitude (that I don't even notice) stops her from that and it makes the pain even worse.
I still have way more years of this, unless I have a child but that is an even more painful and scary process. I have to go until I'm 40 until this shit ends. How am I going to go to college in the future? Work? Take care of kids? Hell, even go to school in a couple of weeks. Because my period hasn't always been this bad but ever since last year its just been getting worse and worse. Ever time I come on I genuinely feel like it's my last day on Earth and niggas have the audacity to say "its not that deep" Crazy because when I gave my dad a simple bear hug, he was curled up on the couch. He works out by the way, mainly does arm and STOMACH exercises. BTW, yes im black. I can say that word. I'm
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crybaby-bkg · 6 months
I did all of my work early for the week so I could prepare myself for the first period since starting my new birth control and I just. never came on. I feel like I should be concerned but google is telling me that it’s normal :/
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I guess we’re starting this account off with a bang, and immediately discussing periods. I don’t think anyone should be ashamed of periods, because they’re normal, but society is fucked, so I’m embarrassed while making this post.
I got my period today. It didn’t come as a shock at all, but I’m still upset by it. I don’t normally have a ton of dysphoria surrounding my period. Sure, I normally have worse dysphoria near my period, but usually the period itself doesn’t cause it. A lot of things that didn’t give me dysphoria before have been giving me dysphoria recently though.
A period is “A sign of becoming a woman.” And every fucking period product has some kind of quote about being a strong woman. Everything about periods is feminized, albeit for obvious reasons, but I still hate it.
My skin doesn’t fit quite right today. My dysphoria presents itself in a lot of ways, and I can’t properly explain any of them. Today my skin doesn’t fit right, and I want to rip it off.
Sometimes I think I’m overreacting when my period gives me dysphoria, (it might not happen a lot, but it has happened) but then I put it into perspective. There’s a bunch of videos of cis guys using machines to feel period cramps, and their reactions compared to someone who has periods’ reaction is surprisingly dramatic. And I think about it I were a cis guy, and got put into a girls body, rather than being born this way, how much stress I’d be in regularly, not even counting periods. And I think of how a vis guy would react to a period. I think I’m handling this well. I think I’m doing better than a via guy would.
I’m also having horrible bottom dysphoria (I know, shocking), and it’s weird, because it’s not like I want a penis, it’s like it’s physically been removed from me, and it’s been replaced by something wrong. Earlier today I forgot I didn’t have a penis, and said it hurt, because I forgot I was having pre-(at the time)-period cramps. It’s like a piece of me is physically missing.
My body it wrong today. It’s wrong every day, but it’s bothering me a lot today. I don’t like it :(
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