#tw: mentions of assult
svuobsessed · 2 months
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Olivia Benson X Daughter reader
Summary: Y/N Benson is attacked on her way home, her Mum is not happy and Elliot is pissed.
TW: almost SA, description of almost rape, not much only the first part.
Third person pov...
14 year old Y/N Benson was on her way home from school, texting her friends as she walked, her bag on her back, she was heading to the station to meet her Mum so they could go home together.
As she walked she walked past a white man mid 20s, The instant she did she felt his eyes on her, it heightened her anxiety but she kept on walking, slowly she got out her phone from her pocket and began tapping on it.
The man then pushed himself away from the wall and began following the teen, he was tall, kept his head down.
Y/N looked behind her every few seconds while tapping on her phone.
She was planning to text her Mum and tell her what was happening, as she did she began quicker, she heard the man walk faster to catch up with her.
The H/C girl taps her Mums contact and begins typing, they had a code word for incidents like this.
"Hey there" comes voice from behind the girl scaring her. She turns quickly and hides her phone, the teen looks up it was the guy following her.
She stared at the man, not saying a word. This made the man angry, Y/N saw grit his teeth slightly, she then inches away slightly from him.
The guy keeps a friendly smile on his face as he looks at the young girl. "Sorry for scaring ya. Just wanted to ask if you could tell me where the library is?" He asks the girl, Y/N doesnt relax her legs tense she was ready to run if the guy posed as a threat.
She looks at the time on her phone her message to her Mum still open. Once seeing the time she looks back up. "Sorry can't help you" she says to the man unapologetic.
She turns to run but her wrist is grabbed, the mans grip was hard and it was painful. Y/N tried to wretch her arm away but it only made the grip on her wrist tighten, he was twisting her wrist a way it shouldn't go.
Tears at the corner of her eyes she tried to yell for help but one look from the guy said 'you scream and I break it' so she kept her mouth shut, with her hand gone she uses her other to try and text behind her back.
The guy sees this and grabs her phone, eyes in horror Y/N watches as he smashes her phone, struggling in his arms Y/N tries to wriggle away but isn't able to, she is then dragged into an alleyway.
She teenager tries to drag her feet but he is to strong, Tears in her eyes Y/Ns back is forced up again the wall, she begins scratching at the man, his hands , face anywhere she could reach. The guy takes it and pins her wrists to the wall.
He then slaps her face. "Stop struggling bitch! Or this will hurt" he yells at her, the teen freezes in fear, cheek turning a nasty red.
Smirking he begins trailing his free hand to her chest unbuttoning her school shirt, she looked away from him as he kept touching her, "Mummy" she cries quietly.
Thinking of her mum gave her the strength to open her eyes, she starts to stare, the creep looks up at her smirk gone at the new found fury in her eyes.
'Show no fear' she thinks, as she continues staring into his eyes. Luckily he let's go of her wrists, taking the chance Y/N swings her leg back and kicks him in thr groin.
"Fuck! You little bitch!" He yells holding his area, Y/N quickly rips out of his grasp, grabbing her bag she hits him one last time before running out of the alleyway not stopping until she got to the station.
Olivia was sat at her desk, her daughter was late. Looking at the clock again she became even more worried. Y/N should've been there 20 minutes ago.
Elliot waves at his partner from across the table. "Liv? Hello? Liv!" Liv shake sher head ans turns to Elliot. "Sorry El" she tells him.
Elliot shakes his head. "It'll right, are you okay?" He asks her, Olivia goes to answer but us cut off by something behind Elliot.
Face of horror, she stands from her desk and walks around Elliot towards the entrance, standing at the doors was a young girl, school shirt unbuttoned, shirt ruffled, bag barely hanging onto her shoudler, her face was a bright red turning purple.
"Y/N, baby what happened to you?" Before anyone knew it the young girl collapsed in a fit of sobs falling to her knees, Olivia bent to catch her in her arms. The girl only sobbed harder as she clung to the woman.
Liv tried to comfort her but was unsuccessful, eventually they were able to move the two into a room. Olivia sat with her daughter curled up on her lap still holding onto her neck.
Olivia rubbed her hand up and down
Y/Ns back, the girl was clearly traumatized, the team were worried.
"Y/N baby, you gotta tell me whats happened okay" she tells the girl, Y/N had calmed down alot since she was in her mother's arms.
Outside Elliot is pacing, he was worried about Y/N. He'd never seen her so upset before it scared him.
Inside Y/N pulled away from her Mums shoudler, sniffling she told her. Olivia was shocked, she was worried and she was pissed. "Baby, I'm so sorry that happened to you, I swear to god I will catch that bastard" she reassured the teen.
Eventually Y/N passed out from all her crying, Liv gave her a change of clothes a mix of her tshirt and Elliots sweatpants. The teen was currently asleep in the cots in the lockeroom.
Liv sits at her desk frozen as if in a trace, after what her daughter told her she didn't know what to think. As she sat El walked over to her.
"Liv, hey did Y/N tell you what happened?" He asks her, Liv shakes herself awake, the tears in her eyes scare Elliot, he kneels on the floor infront of her holding her hand gently.
"Liv-Ss-she told me she was almost raped" she cries, Elliot pulls her into a hug. If he didn't he would've smashed his fit into the table. "W-what" his throat dry.
Once Y/N was awake she gave them a description of the man who attacked her, she told them everything she rememberd she could never forget the way his hands felt or his piercing gaze.
Days later they caught the guy, attacking another young girl, before hand cuffing him Elliot and Liv managed to get a few good hits in for Y/N, all the team managed to get revenge for Y/N, Fin slammed him extra hard into the table in the interrogation room.
Munch made fun of the guy and told all his insecurities, Casey tore into him during his trail so bad he instantly pleaded guilty and got sent to prison for 20 years.
After that Liv made sure Y/N never walked home by herself again, always either with a friend or member of SVU. Y/N eventually recovered from the ordeal.
The end!
A rather angsty one hope you liked it, sorry for the wait, also for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1302
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starz-collide · 7 months
crying over constance blackwood again
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deadrainbow · 2 years
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Leave me to have grown on my own,
There’s a chance I would have thrived.
The moment you chose to pick me,
Detach me from my roots,
Make me yours,
Put me on display,
Is the moment when my beauty started to fade.
My petals began to welt,
No longer could I grow towards the sun.
No longer could I feed myself
watching my color faded to grey.
There was a chance I could be born again,
But you threw all my seeds away.
Now I’m a dead flower,
Floating in the wind.
Why did he have to pick me?
Why couldn’t he just let me grow?
You picked me so young,
I never had the chance to live.
A. K. D.
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b4b3tte · 1 year
TW : Rape,Abuse,Sexual assault and harassment,pedophilia, alcohol etc
Hello everybody it’s Babette here So apparently Percy the actor for Xavier Thorpe has sexually assault minor and has date raped girls which half of them were underage, him and his group of friends use to throw parties and get girls drunk/high to fuck them, he has also sent minors inappropriate pictures and has dissed his fans and girls who have turned him down, this is pretty disgusting if you ask me, search #cancelpercy on twitter,tumblr or instagram and the fact Percy disabled his instagram comments after women have come forward with sexual assault allegations on twitter says enough about this fucker, I feel so bad for everybody that has experienced and witnessed his abuse, he is a monster if you support him please don’t support,read,like or interact with me or my posts, we should focus on these victims and hope Percy is ended because him and his behavior is not okay and what he did to many girls is horrible lastly this is the least important part as obvious as it is I will not be writing about the character Xavier Thorpe or Percy
Here is the link of all the things he has done
Please spread the word #cancelpercy
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xomoosexo · 4 months
Is this about the cell bit situation
in part. the way that twitter stans talk about things is just so baffling to me. I'm not going to discuss it in depth like I didn't her accusations, but when I heard what she said I thought man thats awful I want to hear how he responds to this... and after reading his document it raised a lot of questions and I'm interested in how she is going to respond to it. the way those stans five hours ago made huge political statements about dropping him and are now making opposite statements about shaming the community and are immediately going back into stan mode and saying they hope he gets a hug... it's just incredibly strange.
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Just to be clear, if you're "pro-life" and think uterus bearing folks have an obligation to give birth, even if they've been assaulted, even if the pregnancy would kill them, get the fuck off my blog. And tumblr, keep these people out of my recommended posts. I know too many sexual assault survivors to have any tolerance for this shit.
If you're anti-choice, I do not respect you. In fact I think you're morally indefensible. I will not pussy foot around my beliefs anymore. Silence is what got us here. Fuck off.
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cythepoet · 9 months
You're so innocent
So pure and beautiful
That's what they all tell you
Before they rip it out of your hands
They rip the innocence and pureness out of your hands
They said you deserved it
They say you were asking for it
You're left all alone
Ripped apart,
- Cy
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emzchaos · 10 months
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cassvstark · 5 months
location: deep in the woods of the north. in the middle of one of the umber's war camps. as the night is setting on the evening they found a heart tree.
outside the tent, the exuberant cheers of the umber men echoed through the night. their jubilation, however, heralded impending doom for cassana. the discovery of a heart tree in the woods had set the stage for their celebration. something the men had been searching for weeks and what had evaded them so far. until now. night had descended, and the moon ascended, casting a ghostly glow on the encampment. it wouldn't be long now.
within the confines of her tent, the atmosphere was stifling with foreboding. the umber king's impending "marriage" to her under the hearttree loomed like an ominous shadow. the details of what would follow lingered in her mind like an unspeakable horror.
alone and confined, cassana sat on the floor of the tent, the garish wedding dress forced upon her. she couldn't bear to look at herself in the mirror, her eyes averting the sight. it must have been stolen in some raid of a caste. her hands were bound, her head resting against the bedpost as she braced for the inevitable. she tried to ready herself for what might come. what was coming. she had survived everything the umber king had thrown at her already. her entire body ached with the bruises and cuts she had gotten from him. but she stayed strong. she did not break. she would not give in. she was a wolf of the north. a stark and she would not break now
for a moment thinking of what was to come, her vision blurred with unshed tears. she bit down on the overwhelming emotions, rallying her strength once more. in the silent sanctuary of her mind, she implored the gods, the same old who had granted her extraordinary gifts, for intervention. "gods, help me now," she whispered, knowing that they had been vigilant guardians, unseen in the trees, guiding her through trials.
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ladedadoll · 4 months
I remember the way you touched me, how your fingers felt on my fat. It makes me want to vomit, I want it gone, I dont want to hold those memories. When my fat melts away there will be none of me that holds onto your touch. Maybe then I will be free, from all of what you did to me.
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xomoosexo · 6 months
@ that anon i'm probably not remembering everything perfectly, so please do your own research after this
tw: sexual assault/rape, victim-blaming. basically a few weeks ago, fan/friend/mod (all three really) of illumina accused him of multiple instances of sexual assault in the form of him taking advantage of her while she was too drunk to consent, or even remember what took place.
the other day, illumina released (and apparently shortly deleted) a video showing various text exchanges between the two which showed him viewing sex as something he was owed by her due to financial support, or as something she could give him instead of monetary repayment.
he also blamed their sexual encounters on her for being drunk and acting like he couldn't have possibly said 'no' to her, and she should've known not to get into his bed, or something along those lines. essentially confirming her story. he's claiming to be ending his content career but still doesn't seem to realise what everyone's upset about.
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I am so fucking tired of being mistreated and walked over. In order to be walked upon, you must be lying down. and I'm done lying down.
I am only starting to speak up about these kinds of grievances of mine in recent years because they have brought so much pain for the last 15 years. I have had former classmates tell me I didn't face racism growing up, or that I dealt with bullying. I have had others tell me I have nothing to fear on campus. A tall, white, straight man telling me, a queer jewish asian, that I shouldn't be at the very least worried is rich. I have traveled to more than 25 countries and to all four hemispheres, I think I can talk about where and where I don't feel safe. And right now I have felt safer walking through Istanbul at night than walking around my own city. And this is fully due to the rise in antisemitism. and the lack of support from goyim I have seen for the women who were raped and assaulted on 10/7.
I don't talk about being sexually assaulted and harassed for 6 years by one of my classmates because I have a friend who tells me people should have been nicer to my assaulter. This person also follows my main account, which is part of the reason I created this side blog. I don't want people who know me to see these posts. It's easier talking about deep trauma in front of strangers than people I have known for 16 years.
I am terrified that I will run into him one day. I cry about it at night. I hope that 10 plus years has changed my physical appearance enough to go unnoticed. I think one of the scariest realizations was that he still remembered me in high school, because one of his classmates went to my dojo. And she told me I was still on his list. It terrifies me that I could still be on his mind. I have blocked his family members on social media, because his grandmother and my mom are Facebook friends. Which means he could know what I look like now.
I never express this fear out loud because people around me see me as a strong person, which then makes it hard for me to break down around them. I am the strong person my friends go to for support, but I feel like I would crush them under the weigh of my problems. I mention it in passing sometimes, but I never get into the details. because it scares me to vocalize it.
I have trained in karate and Brazilian Jiu jitsu for 10 years. It took me two years before I was comfortable rolling (bjj version of sparring and training) with male students in full uniform. It took until my 7th year training to be comfortable wearing leggings and rash guard to class. I would wear gi pants and a rash guard, because the thought of men touching my legs with their hands makes my skin crawl. But once the pandemic came around, it was no longer practical to wear gi pants and cheaper to wear leggings. And even though I am one of the highest ranked women at my dojo, I still don't feel comfortable in male dominated classes, especially when I am wearing just leggings and a rash guard. In karate, it took me a few years before I was comfortable wearing just my bra under my gi. because I was worried how it appeared to men on the floor.
I have never been super comfortable wearing revealing clothing, but I have been slowly reclaiming those clothes. And I am slowly trying to overcome this trauma. I spent a good amount of time this summer not wearing a shirt because it was so fucking hot in Portugal (and I only brought seven shirts with me: 3 work shirts, 3 day trip shirts, 1 sleeping shirt). And for the first two weeks, I was living with three men and two women. It scared me at first, but I decided that if I am used to changing around women, and wearing skin tight clothing while grappling, I could wear my bra and biking shorts in my own living space. So I did. and it felt great.
I will keep talking about these events, partially because it makes me less afraid and partially because every time I tell a story, the easier it gets. Maybe one day I will be able to say some of the things in this post out loud. for now I will keep taking small steps
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I wonder how many traumas have blasts like bombs to deteriorate relationships and rip away at the seams of loving bonds before they have a chance to grow. How many relationships could of walked down the alise of forever matrimony but instead were exploded to skeleton and smoke filled ash because of evil deeds done in the dark? How many women flench at loving hands around their shoulders because of grotesque hands that found them in shadows to tear away their innocence before they knew what love could be? How many men have been dismissed by tragities done by another man? How many children live in war zones and battle boxings in living rooms. Littered with liquor bottles and empty kitchens with growling stomachs and nothing but monsters to tuck them in at night? How many women and men hide their bruises with sweaters and layers of fake smiles and developed dark sense of humor? How many women's minds are caged to the little girl or young woman who was sent out like lambs to slaughter with the four letter word of a brutal autroscity haunted in their very own skin, screaming a dying to be loved but fear and mistrust breaks the entrance to very heart that pleads it and the saddest thing of all is hearts that have seen shreds of these violent hideous crimes would never dream of breaking another in the same way. Behind the flesh of violation and harm is the most pure love you could ever imagine 💔
Truama Bombs & Other Musings. // A.N.M
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forfuckssakejim · 7 months
Being in nursing is so hard and sucks so much sometimes. Like. Yesterday I was literally sexually and physically assaulted by a dementia patient and you literally cannot do anything about it. Your fight of flight instincts kick in and most often mine goes to fight and I have to physically stop myself from throwing hands with a 90 something year old.
On the up side, said dementia patient said I was a weird little something because she couldn’t figure out what gender I was and kept calling me a nasty little boy and then calling me a rude little girl before deciding that she wasn’t sure what I was and just called me an asshole. Like thanks, that actually made my day.
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bitchcraftcosplay · 2 years
"Maybe" is not YES.
Pestering your partner for sex until they give in and fuck you bc
"I can't do it myself" or "I'm too tired to do it myself" and "please please please please just really fast I need it so bad-"
You are NEVER entitled to your partners body.
Thank u n have a good nite
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wanderlust1fernweh · 2 years
When you are already struggling with ED but universe doesn't let you sit in peace and also add the s3xual assault to your problems :D
What a life huh
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