#twins who grew up in the same pod
goodlucktai · 2 months
a bigger heart grew back
rise of the tmnt post-movie characters: leo & splinter, raph & splinter word count: 5k title borrowed from no hell by cloud cult
read on ao3
Splinter thought he had lived through all of life’s worsts already.
Losing his mother, estranging himself from what was left of his family, moving to the States as an orphan of his own making, falling in what he thought was love and losing his freedom as a direct result—
Years spent underground where he was forced to fight like a dog, an unwanted mutation that guaranteed his exile from society, that first bleak night in the sewers with nothing but the clothes on his back and four infants who depended upon him entirely and the utter conviction that he was going to fail them—
The resurrection of the Shredder, the collapse of Splinter’s home and the exodus of his children, the fear he had become unfortunately intimate with in those fraught hours—that his boys would become orphans, too—
Raphael’s escape pod opening and Leonardo tumbling out, eyes glassy and chest heaving with panic—sweet, sensitive Red covered in a fleshy pink parasite and forced to attack the siblings he loved more than life itself, those little turtles he had fussed over and carried and kept safe since he was just a little turtle himself—
But nothing compared to hearing the voice of his second youngest child as he prepared to end his own life.  
His precious Blue, who could sell water to a fish, bravely trying to convince his siblings that it was right for him to go. Already pulling away, beginning the vanishing act, even as Raphael begged him not to do it. 
All for that tiresome, nebulous greater good. As if any happy ending could possibly exist with Leonardo removed from the narrative. 
Splinter had thought he knew what pain was, but his heart, patchwork, secondhand thing that it was, had never broken like this before. He crumpled to the ground, and listened to Blue’s line on the comms explode into a strange whine and then static and then nothing, and it was over. 
His Blue would never crawl into his armchair for late night Spanish telenovelas again, Splinter realized. Would never wheedle and bribe and coerce him into chess matches, because he didn’t seem to know he could just ask and Splinter would play as many matches with him as there was time in a day for. Would never run from a successfully antagonized sibling and fill the lair with his ringing, infectious laughter. Would never fall asleep at the kitchen table over a medical textbook he pretended to be too cool for in the daylight hours. Would never effortlessly argue his twin out of the lab for dinner, would never lift Orange up on his shoulders to get a hard-to-reach mixing bowl because teamwork makes the dream work, would never painstakingly stitch together a ripped teddy bear for the brother whose fingers were too big to handle needle and thread ever, ever again. 
There is not a word for a parent who has lost a child. There is not a word for that particular flavor of grief that carves you empty at the same time that it fills you to the last hopeless, drowning inch. 
April sobbed openly beside him, her small, strong shoulders shaking. She had always been exactly what Splinter would have wished for in a daughter, and so the Hamato curse didn’t spare her, either. It takes and it takes and it takes. 
And then Michelangelo turned his back on despair and handed his family a miracle. 
Splinter could feel his remaining sons’ ninpo stir and then surge together, and the sheer forceful brilliance of it staggered him from all the way over on the other side of the city. He knew better than to hope—but he also knew that nothing existed in this world or the next that could possibly outstubborn his children, or strong-arm them into abandoning each other, or quite frankly make them do any single thing they adamantly as a group did not want to do. 
“Guys,” April choked out. “Talk to me, what’s going on? Hello?”
Thudding footfalls announced Casey approaching at a run. He jumped over one of the pinned Krang’s flailing tentacles as if he dodged ballistic alien parts every day of his life and skidded to the ground beside them on armored knees.
“I felt it,” Blue’s child from another life gasped, face tacky with half-dried tears. “That’s Uncle Angie opening a door. No one else could do it but him.”
Casey had a familiar katana at his side, blue and gleaming. His fingers seemed like they wanted to linger on the hilt but he handed it over to Splinter agreeably enough. The lingering ninpo in the blade usually welcomed Splinter warmly, eager to be of use, a telling mirror of the way Leonardo himself was so anxious to please and be praised. But this time the tool that Splinter picked up was an innate, lifeless thing. 
He prodded tentatively with his own qi. The runes flickered once, half-hearted, in the manner of a dog waking at the sound of a key in the door, ascertaining the person there was not the one it belonged to, and laying its head back down to sleep. 
Splinter would not be able to follow the whims of his son’s ninpo to create a portal while it lay dormant. His own uselessness crushed him. 
“Raph mentioned Staten Island earlier,” April said, wiping her eyes with the heel of her palm and pushing herself to her feet, business-like and brisk because she couldn’t afford to be anything else. “I doubt the ferry’s running, and the bridge is going to be a gridlock nightmare, so it looks like we’re stealing a boat.”
“If your mother asks, I did not condone this,” Splinter said hoarsely. “That said, the marina is too far to run to, so first we are stealing a car.”
They were halfway across the river in a cruiser that probably wasn’t meant to sustain the sixty miles an hour April was pushing when that startling shout of their family’s ninpo finally started to fade into a soft-spoken susurrus. 
Before it was too quiet to make out clearly, he felt it: that achingly familiar mischievous blue energy, like a playful breeze flying above everything. Much smaller than usual, less spirited—giving more of the impression of a tiny tide pool creature hiding inside its shell than a smartmouthed sixteen year old boy with the whole world in his corner—but present. 
“Sensei,” Casey whispered. 
“They got him,” April said, a ferocious, not-to-be-trifled-with look in her eye, all but daring the universe to try to make her a liar. “They saved him somehow, I know it.”
They were both Hamato enough to feel it as certainly as Splinter did.
But the boys hadn’t thought to include anyone else in their immediate, hard-won victory—and in fact, the call Splinter, April and Casey finally received some ten minutes later was one of outright panic. 
“Dad, dad, are you there?” Orange’s voice warbled. He sounded all of fifteen years old and frightened in a way that set Splinter’s fur on edge instantly. “Dad, Leo’s hurt bad. He was awake a second ago, and talking even, but then he stopped making sense and just—just fell—”
“I don’t know what’s wrong,” Purple added, high-strung and liable to start biting if one more thing went catastrophically wrong within a mile of his person. “I’m scanning him but I don’t—I’m not a doctor I don’t know—”
“Send the readouts to me,” Casey said quickly, pulling his mask down, its lenses glowing green as the interface came to life. “Sensei trained me in field medicine, I can help with anything short of an open-heart surgery.”
“You take after your father,” Donatello replied. “Irredeemable overachievers.”
That faint thread of gratitude in his voice would go unheard by anyone who didn’t know him, but Casey huffed a near-silent exhale, having heard it loud and clear.
What Future Boy had to share with them wasn’t great, but it wasn’t the worst it could have been, either. Leonardo had sustained a number of broken bones and soft tissue damage, the cartilage in his right knee was torn as if the joint had been viciously twisted, one of his cheekbones was fractured, and even his shell had suffered a few hairline cracks. Altogether, he was looking at a long recovery, not unlike what the survivor of a traumatic car accident might have had to look forward to—but he would recover. 
It wasn’t enough to prepare Splinter for actually seeing him. His Baby Blue, a tiny little thing in Raphael’s arms, with a face so beaten it was hard to make out the bright red stripe on one side. 
“Okay,” April said, voice thick with anger and hurt and love. “Okay. Everyone on the boat.”
And finally they were home, after the longest day in history. Casey confirmed his initial diagnosis, with the caveat that they would know more when Leonardo woke up. He insisted to an audience of grim faces that it was a very good sign Leonardo had been awake and coherent in the first place, however briefly. 
So Blue was disinfected and splinted and bandaged and medicated and then tucked safely away in the infirmary bed. Everyone else was seen to in short order. It was an easier task than it usually was, since none of them were remotely willing to leave just yet. 
Splinter made a mental note to call Draxum to double-check that Michelangelo hadn’t pushed himself too far in creating a gateway—the glowing lines on his hands had faded, and beyond an occasional tremor, he promised his family up and down that he was actually fine. Donatello’s shell was a quiet source of concern, but the only person alive who could harass him into a checkup without getting maimed for his trouble was currently very much out of action. Raphael’s eye was definitely infected, and blood vessels had burst when he’d ripped the parasite away, coloring the sclera an alarming red. 
The rest of the clan watched in some unspoken, exhausted wonder as Casey unthinkingly maneuvered around Leonardo’s infirmary as if he’d spent part of every day of his life there, knowing which drawer to find compression gloves for Orange in, locating topical pain reliever for Purple that he could apply himself and medicated eyedrops for Red in quick succession, before ultimately offering a bottle of extra strength Tylenol to April, who accepted it gravely. 
“You’re a weird kid,” she said. From her, it was a declaration of approval. “You better plan on sticking around.”
“Oh,” Casey said at length, surprised. Clearly, he hadn’t thought ahead to what the after of his mission would be shaped like. His gaze lingered on Leo’s little bundled-up figure in the bed, so full of love and grief for a man who didn’t yet exist, and Splinter thought to hell with it. The kid was as good as his grandson if you squinted. 
“We’ll find a bed for you,” Splinter said, some tiny corner of his mind free from screaming worry and bone-deep exhaustion already plotting where to make room for another subway car. “In the meantime, the sofa is yours.”
With that, five out of six children had been packed off to sleep. It took April and Michelangelo combined to pry Donatello’s hand from Leonardo’s, and subsequently his entire person from the infirmary. Raphael pulled a chair up to Leonardo’s bed and Splinter didn’t try to argue him out, knowing when to pick his battles. 
Red had a familiar look on his face, an elephant in the room that often went unacknowledged for both their sakes. That look that said you’re his father but he’s my kid, too.
He had earned the right. No one could argue that. Late night vigils were his wheelhouse and had been ever since he was about nine years old. When Splinter didn’t have to be quite so present—when he started to let the tired gray encroach more and more, when he stopped getting out of bed right away at the sound of a child crying—Red quietly learned how to tend fevers and stomach bugs and bad dreams. 
Soon enough, the boys stopped calling for daddy when they were hurting and started calling for Raphie instead. And their Raphie always came when they called.   
Which was why it must have hurt like a blade piercing clean through his ribs when Leonardo finally stirred at something approaching two o’clock in the morning, blinked muddy gold eyes open slowly, looked up at the familiar shape of his biggest brother beside the bed, and flinched. 
The world hadn’t ended yesterday. It was happening now instead.
Splinter had thought he knew what pain was. But life did not seem to ever run out of brand new lessons to teach. 
“Leo,” Red whispered, heartbreak obvious in every inch of him. His hand was frozen in the air between them, arrested right in the middle of reaching out. 
“No,” Blue managed, twisting around like he would attempt an escape the second he figured out where his limbs were in relation to the bed, IV be damned. The lines on the heart rate monitor started to crest dramatically. 
“Leo it’s okay it’s—it’s me, I’m not—I’m not going to—I would never hurt—” 
His voice strangled itself into silence. After all, at least some of those grisly black and blue marks around Leonardo’s neck were from him. 
“Papa,” Leonardo cried out, the call reaching directly into Splinter’s heart with hooks and yanking him out of his chair. “I want papa, please, please—”
Clambering onto the bed, minding all the hardware, Splinter placed a careful hand on his second-youngest’s feverish head to soothe him. 
He felt like an imposter, especially with Red still frozen like a statue behind him, but that part of his heart that had been smothered once, allowing his children’s cries for him to go unanswered and someone else to pick up the slack, was the loudest part of him now. 
There was physically nothing else he could do but stroke that bruised forehead with the pad of his thumb and tell him, “Hush, Baby Blue, your papa is here. You are safe. You are home.” 
Leonardo turned his face into Splinter’s hand, hiding as much as he was capable of. Raphael took one staggering step back, then another, then turned on his heel and fled the way Splinter had no memory of him ever doing before, infirmary door crashing behind him. 
Torn completely in two, Splinter summoned conviction from those ancient spirits housed in his soul and forced himself at knife point to be strong for his family for once in his goddamn life. 
“What are these tears for, silly turtle?” he murmured, the same way he had when Leonardo still mostly fit in the palm of one hand. Back then, all Leonardo wanted was to be held. He wondered if that was still true. “You are the safest little turtle who ever lived. There is no one left in this world who is stronger than the people who love you, don’t you know that? Your baby brother pulled down the stars for you. Your twin did not let go of your hand even once. And your big brother carried you home. You are safe. You are so loved.”
It was a nonsense litany for the most part, all true things said to someone who clearly was only absorbing every third word or so. But Blue stopped hiding his face at some point, eyes wet with tears he is even now too stubborn to let fall. 
Splinter felt as though he was looking at a childhood memory of himself, trying to be strong when it would have been better—kinder—to allow himself a much-needed moment of weakness. 
“You think you’re too grown-up to cry in front of this old man?” he said, gently pinching Blue’s cheek on the side of his face that hadn’t been crushed beneath a monster’s fist. “Try again in about a hundred years.”
Blue blew a tired raspberry at him. Splinter laughed, surprised at the show of spirit, his heart doing cartwheels at this proof of his irrepressible little boy unchanged by the close brush with tragedy. Winning a laugh from his father was enough to coax the ghost of a smile across Blue’s face. 
“How are you feeling? We have some water for you here. No, don’t sit up. Let me help.”
He really ought to let everyone know Blue was awake, but they had just gone to sleep. His other kids needed their rest, too. It had been a truly terrible day. 
And now that Red was out of the room—that thought dripped with oily, unpleasant guilt—Blue seemed to be in a more solid state of mind. He had winced as he tried to sit up for water, but if he didn’t have whiplash after a psychotic alien flung him around like a terrier would its chew toy, Splinter would eat his tail. There were none of the red flags Casey had warned him to be on the lookout for. The only thing Draxum had done right in his life was develop a mutagen that made these boys all but indestructible. Splinter would have to find the mental fortitude to choke out a thank you to him for that. 
“It has been a long time since a sick little turtle has called for me,” Splinter murmured, stroking Blue’s forehead around the bandages. “Normally you are all ready to fight each other to the death to monopolize Red’s attention.” 
It was only partly a joke. Leonardo gazed up at him, eyes glassy. It was hard to gauge how much of their conversation was sticking the landing and how much was somersaulting straight over his sluggish head. 
Then Leonardo said, “He hates me.”
“Pardon?” Splinter said stupidly. 
His son blinked, and finally fat tears rolled down his cheeks, soaking into bandages on one side, unchecked on the other. 
“He hates me,” Blue insisted. “He’s right. It was my fault.”
“No one hates you,” Splinter said, reeling. He’d been right here the whole time and yet somehow he was suddenly flailing about two miles behind. 
“You didn’t see his face. You didn’t see—and his eye—all because I—I couldn’t—” He sobbed, an awful sound, and turned to press his face into his pillow. Once he started crying he couldn’t seem to stop. The rest of his words stumbled out thick and choked and terribly sincere. “I couldn’t just—be what I was supposed to be. And he—and it was all my fault.”
There were few things Splinter regretted more than his fumbling of the leadership role. He had always known that Blue was too clever for his own good, that he had a head for strategy—as evidenced by his early mastering of chess, entirely outpacing Splinter’s own skill level by the age of eleven. 
Acknowledging that in theory and learning to trust it in practice were two separate beasts, but watching from the front row as his baby outsmarted Big Mama of all people left little room for doubt. 
On the other hand, Red was as solid and dependable as they came, the foundation his siblings built their whole lives on. As far as they were concerned, the sun only rose in the morning because Raphael hung it up there. 
But Splinter’s eldest son was prone to anxiety that tended to fall on him like a guillotine, a kill switch to his rational thought. The twins floated terms like ‘panic disorder’ and the entire family was well-versed in helping him through his episodes, but if even an ounce of the burden on his shoulders could be reduced, that could only help. 
Red would be happier and function better in a support role, where his top priorities would be to protect his little brothers the way he always had protected them, and to smash whatever Leonardo pointed him at. 
Splinter should have sat them both down and explained it. He shouldn’t have left Red to feel as though he had done something wrong, that he had failed somehow. And he shouldn’t have let Blue believe he would be shoved into the deep end and left to sink or swim.
His boys were little gremlins who thrived in chaos and learned best on the fly. Splinter had thought the surprise announcement would have been an utter shock at first and the new normal by dinnertime. They were always so much on the same page, so in tune with one another, that he couldn’t have guessed it would turn into the tangled mess of hurt and frustration and miscommunication and blame that it did. 
He should have stepped in the first time Red punched through a wall in a fit of anger and Blue laughed as though his biggest brother’s good opinion of him didn’t matter in the slightest. Instead he was a coward, unable to face them and admit his wrongs. He left his children to resolve it themselves and suffer in the meantime. 
He should have done better. Maybe one day he would learn. 
For now Splinter held Blue’s face in one hand and wiped it clean with a cloth in the other, patient with every new flood of tears. The last time he had seen Blue cry was the night the Shredder destroyed their home and killed Karai. There had been no time to comfort him then. 
He takes after his Gram-gram, Splinter thought, and tried not to resent her for it. 
“No one hates my sweet Baby Blue,” he said, willing the stubborn child to hear him. “Especially not my other sweet baby Red. You are a very confused turtle, that’s all. You will see. No one hates you.”
“You don’t,” Leonardo mumbled. “You’re not allowed to. You’re my dad. You don’t have to like me, but you’re not allowed to hate me. S’in the—the contract. You signed it. Legally binding. No arbi-arbi—”
“Arbitration. I would like to study your mind under a microscope. Maybe then I will have a hope of understanding these twists and turns it takes.” 
Splinter’s voice sounded nothing but fond even to his own ears. 
His children were all incredible people worth knowing, worth living for, and it was a very special joy to still be surprised after all these years by how much more he loved them today than he did the day before. To think about how much more he would love them tomorrow, even though it felt impossible to love anyone more than he loved them right now. 
“You are so important, Leonardo,” Splinter said gently. “To me, and to your siblings, and to your friends. We would miss you so much if you weren’t here. We all want to see you get well.”
“It’s not about me,” Blue said, wobbly and miserable and matter-of-fact. “I know it’s not. I have to make up for it. I’ll prove—prove—”
“You have nothing to prove. It was not your fault.” Splinter pressed Leonardo’s chin gently to close his mouth when he inevitably opened it to argue. “Hush. You did not steal the key. You did not open the door. It was not even your responsibility to stop either of those things from happening. You are a child. It cannot be any one person’s duty to save this planet on their own. That doesn’t even make sense.” 
Blue’s expression was becoming thunderous, which was silly and endearing, because his cheeks were still tacky with the remnants of his tears and half of his face was a swathe of bandages and without his mask he looked years younger than he already was. Splinter felt affection unfold in his heart like one of those absurdly big tropical flowers with petals the size of dinner plates, taking up more room than it was allowed and spilling out the sides and going on forever. 
“Can I tell you something else? Your brothers aren’t allowed to hate you either. It’s in the contract as well.”
“They do,” Blue said tearfully, face still screwed up beneath Splinter’s hand. But his eyes drifted in the direction of the door, and the wanting in them was plain to see. Splinter took matters into his own hands. 
“If I’m right, you must finish watching The Strange Return of Diana Salazar with me.”
His son took a moment to digest that, slower on the uptake than usual. Finally, he asked, “Don’t we have like a hundred episodes left?”
“I said what I said,” Splinter said sagely, then patted his cheek and hopped down from the bed. 
He found Raphael exactly where he expected to find him, sitting just outside the cracked infirmary door, a hunched over shape that seemed unwilling to take up a single unnecessary inch of space. 
Red stared up at him, unbandaged eye wide. 
“I don’t hate him,” he blurted. “I could never—I wouldn’t even know how.”
“I know, my dear.”
“Even if he’d done it on purpose,” Red went on. “Even if he stole the key and took it to the Foot and opened the door with his own two hands, I wouldn’t have done a single thing differently.”
Splinter had worried when the turtles were very young that Raphael would frighten one of his siblings accidentally. He was so much bigger than them and toddlers were not well known for their self control or emotional regulation. It was a lingering fear that Red would say or do something he did not mean in the heat of the moment, and alienate himself. That something would happen in a split second that would cause his brothers to grow up wary of him. 
It was an unfounded worry. Raphael was a quiet little boy, the last of the four to start talking, and as sweet as an American dessert. Splinter’s little apple pie. Even as he got older and started playing rougher, testing his strength and raising his voice, he never forgot when he needed to be gentle. 
His brothers never ran from him unless they were avoiding bedtime or a well-deserved grounding or really did not want to go watch wrestling, Raph, it was boring. Otherwise he was their North star. 
Even now, Leonardo would rather hide himself away than face a world in which he no longer had a Raphael to run to. 
“How could he think that?” Red asked desperately. “He was going to die back there and he thought that’s what I wanted.”
Splinter cupped Red’s face in his hands and told him, “Blue was trying to do what his hero would have done. All of my children are so quick to sacrifice for each other. It is a wonderful thing to love someone so much, but consider the example you are setting.” Red’s good eye filled with tears, and Splinter was powerless to do anything but kiss him firmly on the forehead. “As empty as our lives would have been without him, they would have been just as empty without you. You are fundamental to us. Please remember that.”
“I know, pops,” Raphael whispered. “I’ll remember.”
“It is not always possible to win without losing but we must fight tooth and nail anyway. Abandon honor and heroism. Do what it takes to bring yourself and your brothers home. I would much sooner tell the great Hamato clan where they can stick it then let you join them before your time.”
It coaxed a shy smile from his eldest son, the barest exhale of a laugh. Still his sweet apple pie, no matter how big he got. 
“I’m gonna go see him,” Red said bravely. “I’m missing out on premium Leo time while the gremlins are asleep.”
“Very wise,” Splinter said, patting his cheeks in approval.
Leonardo had managed to drag the blanket up over his head while no one was around to stop him, and only one golden eye peered out at them from his makeshift shell. 
Raphael snorted and leaned over to peel it back down, heedless of his smaller brother’s protests. He let one hand linger on Leonardo’s scuffed plastron, and the other cupped the back of his bruised head. 
“You’re so dumb,” Red said. “I love you more than anything. If you ever try to go anywhere without me ever again, I’ll make your life a living hell. Capiche?”
Blue stared up at him. It’s very possible he didn’t understand every word of that. But the tone seemed to get through. 
His hand drifted up slowly, as if it weighed a thousand pounds, to cover the one planted on his chest. When the world didn’t end and his big brother continued to smile down at him like nothing between the two of them was any different than it used to be, Blue risked a smile back. 
“I capiche.”
“You’re not alone, okay?” Red went on, playfulness gentling into sincerity. “We’ll figure it out. I’m in your corner, right where I’ve always been. But for now let’s get some sleep, big man.”
He didn’t move his hands even after Leonardo had dozed off. He just hooked his foot around the leg of his chair and scooted it closer to the bed before sinking into it. 
Splinter joined him, and felt both aged by the last hour and rejuvenated. He needed a good pair of running shoes to keep up with these kids.     
“He never asks to play chess with anyone else you know,” Red said suddenly. 
Thrown by the non sequitur, Splinter could only offer an intelligent, “Huh?”
“Leo only learned how to play because of a comment you made once about—I don’t even remember what you said. But it stuck with him. He wanted to impress you. And he started learning Spanish because of those weird soaps you guys watch. He drove us crazy practicing every day but he never let up.
“I know that it seems like he does whatever he wants without rhyme or reason, but I think he just tries really hard to make it seem that way. Otherwise we’d all clue in to the fact that every single thing he does is just—him trying to get closer to us somehow. And then his cool guy cover would be blown. And god forbid that.” 
Raphael brushed his thumb over the crown of Leonardo’s head, much like the way Splinter had earlier. 
“He doesn’t love you for no reason, pops,” Red went on, not looking at him. “None of us do. Even when getting out of bed was the hardest thing in the world, you came running when I needed you. Every time I needed you. I learned all my moves from the best.”
Splinter had seen the worst of the world. He was no stranger to pain. 
It was only occurring to him now that the opposite was also true. 
His life was so full of impossibly good, underserved things; every day a little brighter, every night a little richer. 
Four little creatures tumbled into his world by chance and then filled it to the brim with mayhem and color and laughter and pride, and he would not take a second of it back. He would not change a single painful part. 
If only he had known as a young man where he would end up someday. It would have made those earlier years so much easier to survive. 
Pretending his own eyes weren’t wet, Splinter said, “It will be hell on earth in the morning when Orange discovers we let him sleep through Blue waking up. You had better rest while you can.”
Smiling to himself, Red folded his arms on the side of the bed and rested his head in them, tilted so that his brother was within line of sight of his good eye. He had capitulated to the changing of the guard without complaint, but he was still tense. Primed for danger. Anxiety no doubt at play. 
But Splinter was not without his tricks. He stroked Red’s carapace between the spikes, humming an old TV theme song under his breath. He did this for upwards of an hour once, back when Red was still small enough to be held in his lap, fussy and clingy after a bad dream. 
Sure enough, with a great, shuddering sigh, Raphael’s shoulders went slack, and his breathing evened out—asleep within moments after the day he’d had.  
“I’ve still got it,” Splinter murmured, and let himself have the win, as small as it was. If nothing else, he could give his children a safe place to rest. 
And that really was no small thing at all. 
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lets-try-some-writing · 5 months
Tis mermay and trying how to incorporate Cron, Earrh and Moon in Merformers but i think i got it (mostly)
Big underwater world. Unicron injured from a fight barely awake falls deep to the bottom of the water floor.
He crushes lot of abandoned dead eggs but one. His blood is absorbed into the egg and it comes back to life and creature inside grows
Some time passes Moon finds him slumbering..Earth pops out staring him down with dark eyes and munching on a "fish" (she collects parasites from body of her savior and eats them Cron is a sleeping buffet basically)
She refuses to leave the area. Moon not being a deep dweller creature(eventualy he adapts) tries to visit as much as he can and keeps her company and teaches her stuff(and tries to give her better diet because "No! Stop that that is not healthy! " *cue her chewing faster*)
Once when she convinced him to sleep in the area Moon almost cried histericaly when the giant in his slumber shifted and hugged Earth and by proxy Moon to himself
The two used to(moon saw her doing it and decided to teach her properly and joined in) groom scales of Cron when he still slumbered (if Unicron knew he rumbled happily once during these he would deny it forever)
When Unicron wakes they all start traveling together. She outgrows Moon but is not bigger than Cron
That all i got happy mermay 🧜
Ooooh this is a fun merformers idea! Allow me to mess with it a little bit!
In the beginning, Primus and Unicron were twin leviathans born of the same pod. Primus was intended to settle and brood, raising generations of new life forms. Unicron on the other hand was created to guard and destroy the threats to his brother's fledgling offspring. Their conflict began after Primus grew to see Unicron as a threat to his firstborn. Unicron didn't like sharing his brother and Primus would rather die than watch his children be slaughtered.
Thus, they fought. In the end, Unicron was cast away by Primus's thirteen firstborn. Unicron fled to the deep parts of the world, hiding away in places where Primus's children would be unable to handle the pressure and thus leave him to recover in peace. He bitterly planned his revenge even as he fell into a deep slumber, unaware of the fact that the place he had chosen to reside was filled with the pods of a creature killed in his and Primus's skirmish.
Deep in the trenches and slumbering his injuries away, Unicron's blood infused the pods he slept upon. Most were unable to handle the taint and perished. Some grew too quickly and emerged malformed, dying soon after their birth. But one of the pods received the perfect amount of Unicron's blood, and it was from that pod that Earth was born.
Colored like the kelp that grew further up in the trenches, Earth was perfectly hidden as he fluttered about the form of the one she immediately claimed as her father. After all, mothers merely lay the pods. Fathers say with them. Unicron may not have looked like her in the slightest, but to Earth, that was irrelevant. He watched over her, and she in turn cleaned his wounds, removed parasites from his scales, and ensured that he was in as good as health as possible. She only left Unicron's side to feed on the plant life further up the trenches closer to the surface.
That was how Moon found her. He saw her merrily collecting kelp and other plants to take back down into the trenches and he decided to follow her. As one of Primus's second generation spawn, he was larger than the rest and his and his siblings purpose was to fill the void left by Unicron. Of course he had to investigate a young mer without a guardian.
He almost lost his mind when he found just who Earth was returning to and caring for. He tried to get her to leave, but Earth was having none of it. She did not know his language, but she made it quite clear that Unicron was her father and she had no intention of abandoning him. With no other choice, Moon resolved himself. He couldn't leave Unicron unobserved, especially not when a strange creature like Earth was guarding him. She was not strong, but she was... interesting.
Moon took it upon himself to visit her whenever he could. He forcefully adapted to the deep and learned to force his body to glow brighter than normal to pierce the gloom of the trenches. Slowly, he earned Earth's trust, and together they worked to keep the Unmaker comfortable. Moon did so in order to hopefully keep the slumbering leviathan calm. Earth was just happy to have someone to teach her how to clean her father's scales properly. As time passed, Moon grew larger to compensate for his extended time in the deep, and Earth became stronger. They came to rely on each other.
Moon would go up and drive away threats that were too much for Earth to handle. Earth would in turn forage and hunt for food for all three of them. Unicron didn't eat much in his slumber, but every now and then he stirred for a snack, which Earth was all too happy to provide. Mars and Pluto became involved when Mars took it upon himself to set up shop on the surface near the trenches. He was afforded protection in exchange for his silence regarding Unicron. Pluto was a pain to convince to say out of it, but he too agreed to leave Unicron alone in exchange for regular cleaning from Earth who was quickly becoming well known for her gift in putting scales in order.
By the time Unicron woke, he had unintentionally garnered a pod of four leviathans, one of which was technically his spawn. Did he still want to crush Primus? He wasn't entirely sure anymore. After all, despite their disagreement, Unicron couldn't exactly find himself disappointed in Earth or her choice of companions.
Moon made killer meals.
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razorblade180 · 10 months
Underwater Adventure
Furina:Aether have you seen Freminet, the diver boy by any chance?
Aether:Nope. Haven’t seen the twins either. Though knowing my luck I’ll find them again before my own twin.
Furina:Wow. Didn’t know you could be passive aggressive.
Aether:I’m just blowing off a little steam. Anyways, why do you need Freminet? Lose something in the water?
Furina:No. I figured he was likely to know the location of Fontaine’s most dazzling underwater locations.
Aether:Why wouldn’t y- oh. Oh! It never really crossed my mind but if you only got your vision recently then you’ve probably never experienced Fontaine below the surface.
Furina:Don’t be silly! It’s not as of I’m completely unaware. There’s been tons of pictures, videos, and textbooks spanning the centuries. Though you’d be correct in saying I’ve never actually experienced it all with my own eyes.
Aether:If that’s the case, want me to fill in? I’m no expert diver but I think I’ve seen some pretty remarkable sights.
Furina:Oh I wouldn’t want to take up your time or anything of your busy- you’ve already grabbed my hand.
Aether:Want me to let go?
Furina: *sighs* Not really…
The beauty of Fontaine is there really isn’t a bad place to start when it comes to experiencing the water. Any vision holder can simply dive right in. Even so, Furina was a little hesitant, only going waist deep with Aether as he slowly walked backwards deeper in while holding her hands.
Furina:So you can literally breathe like normal? No fancy trick!?
Aether:If it scares you then you can take a deep breath first and watch me be perfectly fine. You can even talk underwater!
Furina:No but I’ll do it.
She dove towards him as he sunk into the water, still holding one hand to keep her close. Aether didn’t think he’d ever play travel guide, nor did he expect to catch a glimpse of what had to have been the same look on his face when he first entered the waters. Apprehension and fear vanished in an instant as Furina’s eyes grew wide with awe.
So many years of learning, studying, and even fearing her nation’s waters could not compare to the breathtaking sight it imposed. The lush sea grass under schools of fish. The way the sunlight broke apart through rippling waves like dazzling gems. Even the melodic hum of the currents around her all served to make Furina take her first breath without even realizing.
Aether:Right? I can easily say I hadn’t seen anything like this until I got here.
Furina:There’s just so much color. The coral, fish, and crabs! Is that a pod of seals!? Aw they’re like a giant family!
Aether:Have you realized you’re talking yet?
Furina:Huh? Oh! Hey, I’m fine! Not that I thought you were lying or anything. It’s just…wow.
Aether:So, anything you may have wanted to see particularly?
Furina:Show me everything you can!
Aether:Ha, say no more.
Hard to believe the girl who nearly sent him to court was now playing with otters under the sea. From spotting sunken ships to petting seahorses, the girl held a gentle wonder in her eyes. Even after accidentally getting stuck in a current. Aether watched her swim down to the sea floor and sit crisscross so he went to join her.
Aether:Having fun?
Furina:Boatloads! I said it before but it should be repeated, pictures and videos doesn’t do this sight justice. I know I’m human and by all means I’ve lived my entire life on land, yet something about being down here feels so…natural.
Aether:I’m sure Freminet would have similar feelings.
Furina:I’ll admit though, swimming for so long is indeed a workout I wasn’t completely prepared for. You’re probably feeling it more; I did seem to interrupt your day.
Aether:My commissions weren’t that hard. Plus I gathered some stuff I needed while we’re down here.
Furina:If that’s the case then shall we finally go back up for proper air?
Aether:Actually…would you like to see a super scenic spot underwater that’s also under the water?
Furina:Oh so like a sea cave?
Aether:Even better. Hehe, follow me.
A spark of energy flared in his voice as he swam off. Furina couldn’t say her interest wasn’t piqued. It took awhile to reach but when they did, Furina was shocked to found the water had ended and they were suddenly walking on solid ground into old ruins. Once again her sense of wonder reached new heights as the ruins opened up to what looked like a long forgotten kingdom with a still towering castle that was wrapped in the embrace of a silhouetted Oceanid.
Furina:This place looks like it’s right out of the tales and records of Narzissenkreuz.
Aether:Funny you should say that…
Furina:Is this the place!?
Aether:Y’know I’m kinda amazed just how vast your knowledge goes; and I really don’t mean to sound rude when I say that. I guess it only makes sense for you to know a bit of everything when you have informants for centuries. Still…you must’ve read a dozen libraries worth.
Furina:Try a cities worth. I’m not always on the stage or drinking tea you know? I was very diligent about finding any means to prevent the prophecy. It’s only natural I learned an array of topics as a consequence. It’s actually a little silly. Sometimes I feel like if my life was normal from the start, I may have ended up somewhere like the foundation of the research institute. I really did enjoy learning the things in those dusty books.
Aether:What do you think your field would’ve been?
Furina:Not the biggest fan of machinery myself, all things considered. I’m leaning more towards marine biology.
Aether:Somehow picturing you majoring in a science is really out of left field.
Furina:*pouts* Hey! I’m being honest here. What’s with all the jabs all of a sudden? Don’t tell me you take me for someone who hasn’t read a book in their life?
Aether:Not at all. I just get this feeling that somehow no matter the reason, you would’ve ended up on stage and dazzling the crowd. Not because of who you are now; I don’t know. It’s almost like I think you’re born to perform.
Furina:*red*Well…..haha! I mean I can’t argue with that. I do have a natural knack for acting and with my beauty I’m sure it was only a matter of time before a genius would want to put me front and center when the curtain came time to open. *nods* Yes, that sounds about right.
Aether:*smiles* Was what I said really that embarrassing?
Furina:I have no idea what you’re talking about!
Aether:If you say so. Ready to go deeper in? The spot isn’t that far now.
Furina:Yep. Let’s this undersea adventure continue! *points onward*
Ancient architecture, damp air, and peculiar ruins. They weren’t the first thing that Furina thought of when it came to when she thought of a good time but she found it hard not to be enamored by it all. It a very broad way, it felt as if she was connecting with her roots. Aether must’ve noticed this because Furina couldn’t help but notice the slower pace he took ever since they got here. She was thankful for it. Despite his way of challenging her whenever possible, he also found the most interesting ways to spoil her without saying.
They eventually made their way to what looked like an old library that was segmented into near identical rooms. Furina feared she might’ve gotten lost if it wasn’t for Aether immediately turning her around to reveal a hidden path. Just how do people come up with these things!? Her inspection of her surroundings came to an end when Aether causally got behind her and covered her eyes.
Furina:Umm what’s happening?
Aether:The spot is just around the corner. Don’t worry. Just keep walking. I got you.
Furina:This is starting to feel like an elaborate birthday surprise of some sort. Too bad it’s not actually my birthday.
Aether:I’m afraid when that day comes it might be something way more relaxed.
Furina:As long as there’s good cake and company then you will have succeeded in my eyes. Be warned however, I’m a stickler for desserts.
Aether:I’ll keep that in mind.
Furina:How much longer?
Aether:Relax~ Just…feel it.
Without further ado, Aether removed his hands right as Furina stepped into what felt like pure warmth. Her eyes quickly adjusted and became vibrant as they took in what could only be described as a wonderland. A sweet little cottage in a humble forest clearing stood quietly in view under gentle, muted rays of sunlight that only seemed to feel cozy instead of burning. The faint smell of spring tickled her nose as sunflowers swayed from an inviting breeze while the trickling sound of a creek whispered in her ears.
Furina was absolutely speechless, the view stirring her heart until it immediately turned calmer than an undisturbed puddle after a downpour. This place brought a sense of ease that her mind had long since forgotten and heart never dreamed off. It was so overwhelming yet still. It took Furina awhile to realize her eyes had welled up. She wiped the brief tears away and turned to Aether to see the young adventurer standing beside her with his eyes closed, welcoming the breeze. He didn’t say a word once he opened his eyes. Aether simply walked towards the creek before taking the opportunity to lay down in a patch of flowers.
Furina continued to walk with her feelings, coming a across a small doghouse before spotting a humble table outside with enough space to hold tea with friends. Furina felt temptation to enter the cottage but resisted. Instead she finally made her way towards Aether and sat beside him while he rested his eyes.
Aether:Nice place, isn’t it?
Furina:Hats off too you. I knew there were many places I had yet to see. Still, never in my time could I have imagined a place like this. The air itself even feels lighter. Where’s the owner?
Aether:Moving forward with their friends. I don’t know when they’ll be back, but I imagine it’ll be quite some time. I’m sure if they ever return, it’ll be to rest their heads before setting off again.
Furina:Is that so? You know…I don’t think I’d ever say I had a yearning to feel more connected to “mirror-me” in the grand scheme of things. But between my vision, the water, and even this, I feel like a part of me satisfied and at rest. Maybe I’m just imagining things.
Aether:I wouldn’t say that. I know many friends who would say that even the faintest connections never truly disappear. Some last across lifetimes. Speaking of which, one of these days I’ll have to show you another wonderful spot.
Furina:If it’s half as beautiful as this then I’ll be floored. Is it far?
Aether:Not really. There’s a certain desert oasis I think you should see alongside with a few friends of mine. Perfect place for a tea party.
Furina:Sounds interesting. I’ll be sure to keep my schedule flexible. Hmm today really has been a wonderful day. Thank you, seriously.
Aether:Anytime. It was fun playing travel guide. If you ever need a spot to get away from your worries and clear your mind, now you have a perfect place.
Furina:Well…I’m unsure if I’d go that far. Coming here later might not feel as peaceful.
Aether:That’s an odd thing to say. Are your trying to say it wouldn’t be same without me or something?
He said that half in jest, focused on the sun’s warmth. It was only when that warmth spread to his lips gently did his heart jump. As the warmth faded, Aether opened his eyes to see Furina focused on the creek; her ears bright red and face moved just out of view.
Furina:The mood felt right…
She could hear him moving, slowly getting closer to her. Furina was prepared for Aether to get right up in her face teasingly, but it never happened. Instead her lap became heavy with his head. Furina looked down at the boy to see his attention was also focused towards the water while the sight of flushed skin spread to ears as well. Furina couldn’t help but smile softly as she began playing with his hair. What a wonderland this truly was.
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doudouneverte · 2 years
a/n: sometime i think a lot...
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*not my GIF* (but can we talk about her smile please?)
Wanda Maximoff x Kryptonian!Reader; Pietro Maximoff x Female!Reader (best friend); Kara Zor-El x Sister!Reader; Carol Danver x Female!Reader (platonic); Avenger x Female!Reader
Summary: Y/n is a kryptonian who lend on earth after the explosion of Krypton. She grew up in Sokovia and fall in love of a certain brunette but after she decide to leave to learn more about her family. When she come back she's surprise by the fact that her two best friends power now.
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing maybe some light reference at 'night activities'
note: the sokovian is actually romanian translate from google traduction so, sorry not sorry
word count: ~3694
You were a baby when Krypton exploded, your parents sent you to Earth. They hope you could live a good life, they gave you a blanket and your sister gave you her special necklace like a gift and a charm.
Your pod lend on earth, in a country called Sokovia. Despite you hadn't the most luxurious life, you loved your life there. You met your best friend Pietro and her sister Wanda when you were three. The three lost your parents during the war, you quickly became inseparable. With time you developed feeling for the girl and you asked her out when you were 16, fortunately for you she had the same feelings and she accepted to be your girlfriend just after your first date.
You had the best life, you thought. At 15 you discovered your powers, it was strange and you were afraid to hurt your best friends but the reassured you and even help you to control your powers. After three years with the love of your life and your best friend, you decided to learn more about your past. You found your old pod and you didn't know how but you activated a record of a woman she said she was your biological mom. She explained you what happened to Krypton and why she had sent you here, she also told you that you had a family before Earth, you saw an hologram of your family and in your pod you found a picture they took just after your birth.
"Hei, iubirea mea. Esti bine (Hey, my love. Are you alright?)" Wanda asked you. It's been one week since you found about your origins and you spent all your time locked in your bedroom, you started the picture and your blanket.
"Da, nu-ți face griji (Yeah, don't worry)." You said but she can sense you were lying. She sat next to you and wrapped her arms around shoulder.
"I'm here, I'll not let you. Never." She whispered
"Thanks you." You replied and after that there was a comfy silence until you broke it. "I think I need to leave." You confessed and she looked at you confused "for the past week I tried to learn the Kryptonian, and I think I can use my pod to find more information about Krypton. It's weird no? An entire planet exploded from a reason unknown and nobody try to found why?" you were now completely in her lap.
"Do you have anywhere to started to search?" She asked, and you could hear the worry in her voice.
"Yeah, I'll started to search the debris of my planet and I'll asked at the planets nearby." you replied.
"You're leaving?" Pietro asked from the doorway
"Don't worry prostesc (silly), I'll just leave for few months and if it's too dangerous I'll come back quickly I promise." you reassured him.
The next you were ready to leave. You were in front of your pod with the twins, Wanda kissed you and for a second you reconsider your decision. "Ew, gross. Get a room." The boys said and you both laughed
"Oh if you know what we did yesterday." You teased him and Wanda punched your shoulder
"Y/n!!" she yelled and you laughed
"I didn't want to know that." Pietro said and Wanda cover her face with her hands.
You let your girlfriend to hug your best friend (and if everything goes well your future brother-in-law) "promise me you won't do anything dangerous little boy, and keep an eye on my girlfriend." You said
"Promise E.T" he replied and you chuckled.
You walked to Wanda and hugged her too "promise me to not forgot me and keep an eye on him, he's not the smarter" you said, and you decided to not considered the protest of her twin.
"I promise dragă (darling)" she replied, and she sealed the promise with a kiss. "But promise to came sound and safe." she said
"I promise" you replied and kissed her. You jumped on your pod and entered the data with your two weeks skills of Kryptonian. You said your goodbye and now you leave for the space, for the first time since you came in Earth.
The journey was calm, you were like a kid in Christmas day when you watched all the planets and the start you met. After two days of travel, you were here. There was nothing like you thought, just the rest of asteroid. You wanted to use your power to fly and examined more but you couldn't. And now you started to feel it, you were weak like pretty weak. You wanted to go in another planet when a big ship just swallowed your pod.
On the mysterious shop you were greet by two man with weapons, you first reflexe was to use your heat vision to disarm them but nothing came out. It was little cringe but you tried to use your cold breath and again nothing came. Okay now it was cringe. The two men exchanged a look they seem to have intern discussion and suddenly one of them just grabbed your arm, you tried to defend yourself but you couldn't.
"Hey let me go!!" You yelled but they just dragged you to a tiny room. On of them leave and returned ten minutes later with a woman. She was blonde with blue eyes, she familiar.
"Who are you?" she asked,
"Who are you, you? I'm just a girl who came here to have responses." you replied
"Nobody came here since a long time now." she said "only the fools came here, but you don't like a foo--" she was cut off by a third man.
"General Zor-El, we found the ship she used to come here. It's a Kryptonian pod" he said and the woman wided her eyes she was about to say something but the man spoke again "and we found that." She handled her, your red blanket.
"Hey! Don't touch this." you yelled and the woman looked at you but her expression changed, she was not angry, she was confused.
"Where do you find it?" She asked
"My parents gave it to me when they sent me in Earth. That's why I came here because I want responses" you explained and she started to cry.
She approached you and noticed the necklace you wore. "Y/n?" she asked with a little voice.
"How do you know my name?" now it was your turn to be confuse, and when she hugged you that just increase the confusion.
"I thought I would never see you again" she said. You didn't know what you could reply so you just hugged her back. She broke the hug and examined you "you became a pretty woman" she said and you blushed. You wanted to say something but she looked at a guard "Tell my mom and my dad I come back now. I have someone who should probably want to see them" she ordered and the man did.
"You didn't tell me your name." You said awkwardly
"I'm Kara. Your sister" she replied, and she cried again. For the past nineteens years she thought she lost this title but now you were here, with her.
You remembered the recorded from the pods, yeah it was true Kara she's your sister. You hugged her tightly, "I'm happy to see you." You said and rubbed your back. It was the first someone expected your adoptive parents or the Maximoff did that to you, but even if you knew her only since few minutes her touch was warm and welcoming.
After that, you spend all the fly to talk with Kara, she replied at your question about your past and she explained more what happened to your mother planet.
"General Zor-El, we are here." A man said. You lend only two minutes later. You grabbed a suitcase you took with you. And it was heavy, of course you packed it when you were on earth so it was easy to transport but now it was an other world.
Your sister didn't wait to long before she dragged you in a big house. When you enter you saw the woman from the record and your vision was blurry from the tears. You didn't waited you ran to hugged her tightly.
"Welcome home." she whispered to your ears
"Yeah, I'm home now." you said. Your dad came and place his hand on your shoulder, you gave him a hug too. And after you met a other man, he was more young but older than your sister.
"Y/n, this Kal-El your cousin. Kal-El, this Y/n the little sister of Kara." Your mom introduced you and you hugged him too
"Wow you're the most muscular man I met." you said and everybody laughed.
After some hours to know each other, your mom and your sister decided to bring you with them for a walk.
"So how is the life in Earth?" your sister asked you
"It's pretty good," you replied and you smiled when you thought about Wanda.
"Did you meet good people?" Your mom asked this time
"Yeah." you replied "I mean there are some ones who are not pretty good but yeah. I had the luck to be raised by the Y/l/n, they were goods parents. And I met Wanda and Pietro, they are twins and my best friends."
"What do you mean by 'they were good parents'?" Alura remarked
You paused a moment, it's been a long time since you spoke about the parents who raised you. You didn't really spoke about it with the twins because they had the same issues.
"They're dead." you reply calmly "there was a war and lot people died. Them and Wanda's parents too." you explained
"I'm sorry" the blonde girl said.
"It's fine it's been a while now" you looked at the sky for moment "it should their anniversary soon." You added. "But don't talk about bad thing now. I have a lot of questions. Like the first why I can't use my power since I was in front of the rest of Krypton. Or is there anything who could hurt us because on earth I feel like invincible. Oh and will I be blind if i use my x-ray on a mirror and it reflects on my eyes?"
Your enthusiasm made their happi. They replied by 'red sun'; 'kryptonite' and 'why do you even though about it?'. At the night you decided to stay a little longer to learn about all. And Kal-El and Kara proposed you to train with them you know just in case. After one month in Argo you fully felt like home. Everybody was kind and took their time to explained everything you didn't understand. Your sister proposed you to help her with a rescue mission, a Kryptonian was stuck in a planet since few years and he finally found a way to send a SOS message.
"Wow, it's beautiful." You said with your face against the window. "Hey Kara look, i think were are here" you pointed a planet.
"Yeah" she replied "you need to prepare to go" she said. When the ship lended you were one of the first outside. Since you started to train with them, Kal-El gave you a tactical suit, it was black with a white 'S' logo on the chest. You were glad to be a part of the mission.
"So where are we going?" You asked at your sister
"Followed us, I tracked the signal." she said and you did. Thirty minutes later you were in front of a base, Kal-El didn't want to be discrete and just exploded the door with his super strength. You followed them inside. Their was a lot of guard but fortunately for you they were not strong enough to beat the three of you. You almost started to question why they need you, this planet is in yellow sun solar system and every one seems weak.
But when you enter in hallway who lead to the room where the Kryptonian was, your started to feel weak yourself, your felt like you were burning from the inside and you couldn't use your power.
"Kara, I'm sick" you said. When you looked at the two older Kryptonian they were in the same condition as your.
"It's kryptonite Y/n" Kal-El replied, "we didn't planned this." he added. Now you understood why the Kryptonian needed your help. The entire hallway was covered of kryptonite, it was suffocating, you thought you were dying; two guards dragged you in the cell but before they could closed the door a wall exploded.
You see her, a woman who were glowing with honey hair and brown globe; but what caught your attention was her suit, blue and red with a tiny touch of gold. She looked at you and seemed to understand you were not from this planet and not in a good stare because she helped you immediately.
"Who are you?" She asked when she led you out of the base.
"I'm Y/n." You replied
"Nice to meet you Y/n. I'm Captain Marvel but you can call me Carol." She said. "You're not from here right?" She asked
"No, I'm from Earth. I'm a Kryptonian from earth." You replied, and she seemed to examine you.
"But what are you doing her?" She finally asked
"I wanted to learn about my origins so I travel to my mother planet and I met my family. And then after my sister proposed me to help her on a mission." You replied and she nodded.
"Okay I see." she looked at the base. "You should stay here I have something to finish there." she informed you. And started to glow again.
"Carol?" You called her. She looked at you "my sister and my cousin are still in there can you save them?" You asked and she smiled.
"I'm a superhero it's my job." She replied, and she leaves.
It took her only 15 minutes to take down the base and complete her mission. She came back with Kara, Kal-El and the Kryptonian who needed help. On your way back to Argo you talked a lot with Carol, she told you about her past on earth; about Fury, the Skrull, about Monica and Maria; and you told her about Wanda, Pietro and Sokovia. Carol spent some day with you and trained with you she didn't find you a nickname 'Supergirl' but unfortunately for you she couldn't stay. You spent lot of months to trained and one day you decided it was the time to leave. You love your family but you need to see the twins and you missed your girlfriend a lot.
The day of your departure every one was emotional and it broke your heart but you had to leave. You said your goodbye to your parents and Kal-El when Kara came to you.
"I know you decide to become a hero when you'll be back on earth so I asked some help to make this." She said while she handled you a mallet. "I hope you'll like it." she added and she hugged you.
"Can I open it now?" You asked and she smiled
"You can but it will ruin the surprise." She said and you decided to open it later. After few minutes of talk you were back in space for a long travel.
You were sleeping when you enter the atmosphere but the noise of the thunder woke you up. You looked through the window to find a part of the Sokovia in the air. You rubbed your eyes but it was not a dream. When the pods lend in little far from the chaos you took the mallet, when you opened it there was paper note
'Let's become a superhero'
It was wrote in Kryptonian but you recognize Kara's handwritten. You quickly grabbed what looked like your blanket to found a suit. It was a little like Carol's suit but in the chest there was the logo of your House. You smiled and used your super speed to change yourself. When you finished you heard Wanda and Pietro playfuly arguing because your girlfriend ordered him something. It's been long time since you heard her voice; you took few second to stretch before flew to the battlefield.
The Avenger were trying to evacuate civilians and fought the army of robot. Clint spotted a lonely boy and ran to protect him but a clone of Ultron surprised him, the robot was ready to shoot when Pietro ran in front of the Avenger and the child. The archer thought he lost the young speedster before the robot mysteriously exploded. "Oh come i just let onr year and you had the time to gaine power and almost die." you said and the older Maximoff smiled.
You lend in front of him and he hugged you "You're back." he said
"Oh you know how i am, i can't to far from your sister too long." you joked and a group of robot came to you the boys didn't have the time to react; you already used you fresh breath to stop them and you heat vision to exploded them. "You should get him in safety." you commented and the archer seemed to come back in the reality but the silver hair boy was faster (haha) and took the kid in the aircraft carrier.
Clint wanted to talk to you but you were alredy gone. You flew in the air to destroy some robot until you were hit by a red ball, you immediatly flew from where the projectile came from. You were surprise to found her, she seemed to sens your happiness because she turned around to met your gaze "Y/n?" she whispered.
You heard it thanks to your super earing "Hei, fetiță (Hey, baby girl)" you said and she rushed to you and kissed you. "oh i just came back and you're ready for the big game?" you asked playfuly and she punched your arm. You wanted to speak but a wave of robot came, you wanted to use your breath but Wanda just let her power exploded. But the most surprising thing was the fact that her magic seemed to affecte you.
The huge wave seemed to exploded the rest of the army, few second later everyone came to the curch to make sure Wanda was alright. They were to find you, a new face; the Hulk seemed to not like you but he didn't want to attack you until someone cough Natasha cough tell him. "Who are you?" Steve asked, and you just remrked that you were not alone with Wanda anymore.
"I'm Supergirl but you can call me Y/n" you replied and you smiled yourself at the mermory of yor first meeting with Carol. "And you are the Avengers, i know you1." they didn't say anything and just led you to Fury. The man examined you and Clint whispered him something in his ear.
"Supergirl right?" he asked and you nodded. He looked at your suit "My name is Fury, i'm the--"
"Wait Fury like Nicholas Fury?" you cut him off and everybody looked at you confused. "I met Carol Danvers, i mean Captain Marvel. She's very kind, and she told me about you and your adventure against the khree." you said excited.
The witch was happy to see her girlfriend acted like a fangirl but she couldn't help but felt a little jealous. Who is this Carol?
"You met Carol?" Fury asked.
"Yeah I traveled into space to find information and then i found my family and little after i met her" you axplained, you paused and looked at the people around you "Wait" you looked at the twins "did you become avengers when i was gone? Oh come on Wands you prmised we will do this together." you said dramatically and the avenger laughed
"I like her" Thor commented, "and she seem strong" he added
"We'll figurated this later" Maria said, and everybody looked at her "you need to take a shower" she added
"Welcome to the team kids" Natasha said smiling at you and the avenger started to walk out
You turned to Wanda and she already knew "Wand the fucking infamous Black just talk to me. And she smiled at me. Oh God do you see her smile she's beautiful. I like her hair, do you think i should dye my hair like her?" you said and Pietro laughed
"Oh it's rude i though i was your favorite girl" she sokovian replied and even with the humorous tone and her smile you could sens she was jealous
"I like her she's like my favorite Avenger but you know what?" you asked and she shook her head. You took a step froward, you wraped your hands around her waist and focused on her green eyes "I love you Wanda Maximoff, like a lot, a lot, a lot." you siad and kissed her.
"Ew gross, get a room." Pietro said adn you laughed.
After that you took a shower and you spent the night at the hotel, you were talking with the twins about the things you missed since your travel. They told you how they get their power and you told them how you get your suit. Suddenly you smiled and Pietro noticed.
"What's funny E.T." he asked and her sister looked at you
"Oh nothing i'm just happy." you replied
"Why?" Wanda asked. You looked at her and kissed her
"I'm home" you said
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vivianquill · 10 months
Could you talk more about Emberfish AU Grian? You mentioned Joel might know him, and that he is siblings with Jimmy and Pearl.
Also, does Jimmy get a reunion with Siblings through Joel, or does just Joel coincidentally know both of them and hasn't put 2+2 together yet?
-b (not Kimi Anon)
Oh hi! Of course i can talk more about Emberfish!Grian.
What I currently have for him rn is that he grew up in a family pod with Pearl and Jimmy, but he is a few years older than Jimmy.
Pearl is the oldest, and only a half-sibling. Different dad, same mother. Pearl's dad got got by a predator when Pearl was smol and her mom moved on. Pearl was never treated as different from her siblings, so to them it didn't matter.
When Grian got old enough, he and Pearl left to move on like one does, and they left Jimmy behind, cause he was still sorta small. Jimmy was small as a child, not so much now after he's an adult (the boi is vv lonk), but it took a bit for him to hit that growth spurt so he was a little bit behind other mer kids his age. And it wasn't long after Grian and Pearl left that Jimmy got yoinked. Grian and Pearl found out more than a year later, when they went to visit their old family pod and see if Jimmy was big enough and wanted to come with them. It was sad, but they don't know what really happened, they just think Jimmy got murdered by a shark or smthn.
Grian and Pearl joined small pod of teen mers, like most mer do at that age, and I'm pretty sure this is where they met Joel. Joel left that pod before he got injured and met Lizzie, and subsequently, Jimmy.
Joel has no idea that Grian and Jimmy and Pearl are siblings. It hasn't even occurred to him that that might be the case. Mer are diverse enough in fin pattern and shape and color that its honestly uncommon for siblings to have a lot of similar mer traits-- they tend to adapt to their environment while growing up and often get most of those unique traits during puberty. So sometimes mer that are completely unrelated end up with very similar tails or colorings, and sometimes mer that are twins end up looking nothing alike. The human features tend to look similar, but Pearl took after her dad, Grian took after his dad, and Jimmy looks a lot like their mom.
He hadn't talked to Grian or Pearl for a while before he met Jimmy, and while it is a little odd that he's met three different mer with similar fin patterns, they look different enough at first glance to not scream 'SIBLINGS'. Plus Joel has met so many mer over the years that he's seen other mer with similar fins and colors to the 'skybling trio' that it sorta isn't a thing he's think about.
Teen mer pods aren't very stable, they tend to be smaller and they fluctuate a lot as different mer leave and settle down in a friend or family pod as adults or run across others and join up for a season or two.
In the current day, Grian is a mer who likes to hang out near the shore because he likes human things. Shinies. He's part of a small pod of friends consisting of Pearl, Scar, Cub, and maybe a few others.
Grian also has a human friend he likes to harass. A mechanical engineering student named Mumbo :]
(Aka Grian saved Mumbo after the spoon got stuck out in the ocean while testing a contraption. His boat was a glorified raft, and Mumbo forgot to charge his phone, so it died. And then Mumbo did what any guy would do and made friends with Grian.)
His pod doesn't really approve of Grian having a human friend, but Cub is just as fascinated with humans, Pearl thinks Mumbo is friend-shaped and harmless, and Scar likes messing with Mumbo just as much as Grian does. And they're safe enough about not being seen by anyone else and Mumbo is smart enough to not say anything.
So it was basically the 'I'll allow it because he looks very polite' meme.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
Am I the asshole for wanting to save my species from our oppressors?
For some context, I (150m) am not human. I am very proud of this fact. My twin brother, who we'll call V, also isn't human. We are part of a species that humans use as batteries, though we were born in an unusual way and thus can't actually be used to generate energy.
Due to being inhuman, we both have been treated roughly since we were born. However, both me and my brother were raised by at one kind human woman (was 27f) who we'll call R who had very naive ideas about how the world works.
R believed that people were inherently good, and that every deserved to live regardless of the kind of things they've done. Despite this, the other people who we grew up around treated us like dirt. They would call us inhuman freaks to our faces, refuse us food, treat us like we were dangerous and occasionally physically hurt us. I was very young during this time (3), so I did the easiest thing I could think of.
I took the ship we were living in and messed up the course it was flying in so we would crash on the nearest planet and kill every human. V even let me have the code to bypass security. The crash also ended up killing R after she rushed both me and V to an escape pod.
But then V was upset?? Apparently R's naïveté had rubbed off on him by that point. He started actually crying and yelled at me that I had gone too far. Those people had been nothing but cruel to us, but getting rid of them was apparently the wrong thing to do according to V. Turns out my plan failed anyway, because humanity survived the crash on the new planet and used those of our species as free energy generators.
They treated our kind as if they were disposable, and it was sickening. But since our sisters are not human-like, they couldn't think or communicate to stand up for themselves, and even relied on the humans.
So, I took up the job of saving them myself. Over the last 150 years I've been collecting them from towns, letting them exist without having their life drained away. At the same time, V has been trying to stop me.
V doesn't even get treated well by humans. Every time I see him he's got a new scar from a fight, and he gets blamed for destruction and has a huge bounty on his head for things he never did. But he insists on protecting them anyway, saying it's cruel to rescue our sisters because the humans need them to live or whatever. He knows that people don't like him, but he keeps getting himself hurt anyway because he thinks saving people who don't even care about him is worth it. AITA?
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neon-junkie · 2 years
So, in fanon, we have twins, right? (Echo and Fives, Dogma and Tup, etc)
Crosshair and Tech are basically twins. But because of how they grew up, separate from the Regs, they never really adopted that same sort of dynamic. But the few Regs they interact with, like Cody, will notice, and if they comment on it Crosshair is just confused and Tech will launch into some explanation about how clones can't be twins because they're, well, clones.
But they're totally twins.
Tech understands Crosshair better than anyone, and Crosshairs the only one with enough patience or care to listen to Techs rambling (he's also the only one in their squad who understands his rambling half the time)
(Also, just look at them. They're the two who look less like clones. They share a similar bone structure and body type compared to the others, and they have fairer skin than the others)
I feel like the Batch are all 'twins' because they were probably popped out of their pods at the same time.
But yes! Tech and Crosshair do share these underline similarities.
There's just... something about them. They work so well together, without either of them speaking. Let's take the scene in S7 where Anakin gets kidnapped by that local, and Crosshair adjusts his rifle to fire an attachment, and Hunter hooks himself onto the line.
He propped his rifle on Tech's shoulder without a word. He was standing behind him, and Tech just... knew that he'd be the tripod.
I really hope we get to see more of their dynamic at some point. I feel like they're two halves of the same coin - weird (in the good sense) men who have spent their whole lives fixating on one key point (technology and sharpshooting,) who struggle with social cues, struggle socialising in general, have a quirk to them, and have no issues playing solo or as a team.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 1): General Bracket Match 32
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Ceret/Terec | Identity: non-binary | Media: The High Republic comic (2020)
Ceret and Terec were a pair of Kotabi bond-twins Jedi, meaning they shared a consciousness across two bodies. Promotional material has clarified that their use of “they/them” is about their gender not plurality. They’ve also been described as “trans non-binary”, a useful clarification here. Because they presumably were assigned a binary gender at birth, so despite their different neurology, I haven’t labeled them as alien non-binary. They’re very closed off, increasing the uncanniness of their nature.
They’ve unfortunately kind of been a punching bag in the comic series they appear in, with one or both of them suffering something terrible in basically every issue. However, this typically provides the protagonists important information about whatever they’re facing. They’re in most issues of the 2020 run of the main High Republic comic series, taking the same missions as the protagonist Keeve Trennis. When she went undercover with the Nihil, she was joined by Terec, so that they could give updates to the Jedi through their twin. However, in that mission they were nearly killed by the Leveler, forcing both twins into hibernation. Thankfully, they awakened from their hibernation during the destruction of Starlight Beacon, thanks to Avar Kriss’ battle meditation. After participating in the group Force feat to keep the top half of the station together just a little bit longer, they escaped in an escape pod with Keeve.
Rae Sloane | Identity: bisexual | Media: Aftermath Trilogy
Rae Sloane was created for the first New EU novel A New Dawn, where she is a sympathetic antagonist. Dutiful and loyal to the Empire, she serves it because when she was younger she was attacked by criminals and saved by stormtroopers. She opposed ruling through fear and enslavement, because such tactics were ultimately ineffective for maintaining order. As a cadet, she foiled an assassination attempt against Vader and the Emperor, making her a special favorite of Vader. She was assigned to leader the secret operation to complete the genocide of Alderaan by killing off planet survivors. Her internal thought process there remains unknown. She also got lost and missed the Battle of Hoth, but Vader didn’t kill her for it like everyone expected.
She appeared in a handful of short stories and the Kanan comic series, but her character really came into its own in the Aftermath trilogy. After the Battle of Endor, she formed one of the more powerful Imperial remnants. This attracted the attention of Gallius Rax, the man who Palpatine had groomed to arrange the establishment of the First Order. Under his guidance, her remnant grew in power and she assumed the rank of Grand Admiral. It was from her remnant that phase two of Operation Cinder was launched, the elimination of all imperial remnants that weren’t aligned with the Contingency plan. She attended the New Republic Liberation Day celebrated, signaling the beginning of a diplomatic end to the war. However, Rax had arranged the mass assassination of New Republic leadership using inhibitor chips implanted on former imperial prisoners. These tactics disgusted Sloane, turning her against Rax. Rax assumed control of her remnant and she was forced to team up with the rebel Norra Wexley to take him down.
Nora and Sloane tracked Rax to Jakku, where the cultish devotion of the Imperials Rax had deemed worthy and the brutality required for Imperials to survive after the war had turned disturbed her. The two women tracked Rax to the Observatory, a secret site where Rax was going to complete a Dark Side ritual which would cause Jakku to explode- killing most of the New Republic military and Imperials deemed unworthy. They stopped the ritual, and Sloane killed Rax. As Rax died, he told her that the rest of the Contingency plan was for her to take a replica of the Imperialis and lead the remains of the Imperial Remnant into the Unknown Regions. Sloane did so, hoping she could lead the Empire away from the crazy plans of people like Palpatine and eventually return to the galaxy to save it from itself. She did so, founding the First Order. Then ??????. It’s assumed Snoke killed her at some point, but honestly everything is up in the air. Her absence in the new Shadow Council in the Mandalorian, is conspicuous. She is possibly already dead by this point, or she has sent Brendol in her place as a deliberate snub, unaware he seems to be part of the coup that will eventually befall her.  She has been confirmed as being bisexual, and certainly had sexual tension with her aide Adea Rite. The only textual element of her orientation in the trilogy is that she specifically muses that she never had a chance to have a “wife or husband”. She’s also kind of a nerd. When trying to find out more about Rax or Kanan, she went to a massive imperial intelligence library. She was considered the only officer of her rank sufficiently knowledgeable enough about shuttle technology to conduct an inspection. She also successfully figured out that the Millenium Falcon survived fleeing through the asteroid field in Empire Strikes Back.
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rainbow-0bsidian · 1 year
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Okay but the foxes at an iceskating rink.
Nicky is… Not great. But he can definitely stay upright and move in a generally forward direction, and what he lacks in finesse he more than makes up for in enthusiasm.
Dan and Renee are respectable skaters. They hadn’t spent loads of time on the ice growing up, but they had dabbled, and these days they are capable and confident on skates. Iceskating is something they bonded over in their first year at PSU, heading to the local rink whenever they had down time and needed to get off campus.
Andrew and Aaron are hopeless. Unapologetically so. When were they ever supposed to have gone skating when they were growing up? They rarely leave the safety of the edge of the rink and when they do, they spend more time on their asses than their feet. Andrew threatens Nicky with death when he draws a comparison between him and a fairy penguin sliding on the ice. The twins scowl the whole time - and then catch each other’s matching expressions and try to school their features into cool indifference - but despite their attempts to look unphased, bruised pride turns to anger and the tips of their ears and back of their necks flush red. (Redder. It’s cold down there on the ice).
Alison is all over it, of course. She grew up skating, and if her parents had gotten their way she would have represented the US in international figure skating. Matt too; he played exy and ice hockey as a kid, but then drugs happened, and there’s no college hockey coaches out there recruiting troubled teens is there? Still, he’s a gun on the ice, flicking snowy spray at his lower-lying team mates when he shreds to a stop dramatically close to Aaron and Andrew, who are of course, on their asses again.
Neil and Kevin though. Like the twins, they’ve never had the opportunity to skate before, though for very different reasons. Also, they are both stubborn and extremely competitive. They pick it up quickly and in no time they’ve roped their sulky boyfriends (now on the sidelines nursing hot chocolates and trying to pretend they are NOT two peas in a deep freezery pod) into marshalling a race around the ring.
Kevin is a power house. He’s strong, agile, focussed. He’s watched Allison and Matt, pin-pointing what makes them great and then fine-tuned their skills to fit his physical attributes. Neil’s less concerned with isolating techniques. He’s an intuitive athlete and once he has found his feet on the ice he acts on instinct, handing the reins over to his body, trusting it will move the way it needs to.
So they race, but the rink is packed with casual skaters, flirty teenagers and kids birthday party groups so it’s not exactly a straight line to victory. Kevin tries a few times to get people to stop for a few mins so he and Neil can get a clear run around the rink, but it’s futile (don’t they know who he is?!?). Neil’s off and racing while Kevin’s still trying to hold back the tide; he’s dodging and ducking and weaving his way between people, prompting a frustrated curse from Kevin when he realises he’s been left behind. Kevin is a machine though, his glutes and thighs are built for power and speed and he closes the distance between them with only a few casualties going down as collateral damage. There’s no time to feel bad, and Kevin wouldn’t even if there was - the kid he just accidentally pushed into the sideline had been giving Aaron shit about his height earlier.
Kevin and Neil cross the finish line at the same time, breathing hard, faces red with cold and exertion, and pummel straight into their boyfriends, knocking the Twinyards on their asses again, only this time they don’t seem to mind.
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turquoiseorchid · 10 months
what is roswell about? i've never seen anyone else post about it but you've got me intrigued
Ooh, join us! Roswell New Mexico has 4 seasons (2019-2022) with 13ish eps each; it was on the CW and is available on Netflix. (It’s a remake of a 90s or early 00s show just called Roswell. That one’s on Hulu and I’ve only seen a few episodes.) Overall, it’s about aliens living in Roswell and their human friends/love interests, plus a few alien-related mysteries. Most of my summary will be about season one and I’ll leave the rest for you to see for yourself.
Liz (human) comes back to Roswell ten years after high school, discovers her high school crush is an alien, and then finds out her sister had been killed by aliens. This and other developments lead to their whole social circle getting in on the secret and there’s a bunch of love triangles.
If I knew who you were, dear anon, I’d tailor this to what fandoms we’ve already got in common but to cover some of the likely options and their high level comparisons: If you like Leverage, this has found family and the love triangles can easily be shipped as throuples/polycules. If you like The Magicians then same as leverage plus canon queer characters and magic(technically science) powers. If you like Supernatural, there can be a lot of overlap between malex and destiel (for better and worse). If you’re still here from my Torchwood days, again queer characters with messy relationships and a lot of snark.
Let’s introduce some of the characters!
In the Pod Squad (the three main aliens), we’ve got Isobel, Max, and Michael (left to right in gif). Max and Isobel were adopted together and grew up as the Evans twins while Michael was a foster kid but all three are inseparable. Isobel starts off the series as someone whose identity is mainly focused on wife/sister/volunteer but breaks down her walls and grows into a total badass. Often portrayed in fanon as “the woman with the brain cell” for better or worse. Max is a writer-turned-cop and total romantic who has been pining for his high school crush (Liz) for over a decade and risks his family secret in order to save her and struggles with choosing between her safety and his family’s. Michael is an angsty bisexual mechanic with a troubled past and became many people’s blorbo on sight. He too has a high school sweetheart (Alex) who he’s never gotten over but grows enough to find healthy relationships and let people in. They all have various powers including telekinesis, healing, and mind control/influencing.
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And now for Team Human! Liz is a scientist who left town after graduation because her sister died from (apparently) drunk driving and gets shot an hour after she returns. The lack of being dead causes her to investigate/confront her crush (Max) and learns about aliens, leading to the realization that her sister was killed by an alien and the crash was a coverup. The first person who she brings in is her ex-boyfriend, Kyle, a jock-turned-surgeon with a strong moral compass who tries to rein in the mad scientist tendencies of his ex-girlfriend (who he still has feelings for).
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Next in on the whole alien thing is Alex, a gay emo who had a secret thing with Michael in high school before leaving to join the Air Force. He’s back in town (minus a leg) and has his plate full with finding out that his abusive homophobic dad runs a secret military team hunting aliens and oh hey, his high school boyfriend turns out to be an alien! He’s best friends with Maria, a psychic who runs the local bar. Besides bartending, she splits her time between fortune telling as a side hustle, encouraging Alex about his old flame (secretly Michael), and nursing a crush on the local barfly/mechanic (also Michael).
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(Fun fact: I have no idea how to use tumblr’s gif search so both of the human gifs were found through their respective throuple ship tags.)
There are plenty of ships around depending on your preference but the most prevalent is malex (Michael/Alex), it’s nearly inescapable. Echo is Max/Liz and generally well liked. Isobel starts off with a husband (Noah) but also gets other love interests. The two main throuples are malexa (malex plus Maria) and kaliz (echo plus Kyle).
Anyone else please feel free to add why Anon should watch RNM!
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merrock · 9 months
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face claim: Priscilla Quintana
full name: Natasha Marie Adams
nickname(s) / goes by: Tasha
pronouns & gender: She/her/ cis woman
sexuality: Heterosexual
birth date: January 11, 1991
birth place: Los Angeles, California
arrival to merrock: 2019
housing: Historic Downtown (a loft in a converted warehouse)
occupation: Lawyer
work place: Merrock Law
family: three brothers and parents in LA
relationship status: in a relationship with Bryan Lawrence
Tasha, being a Capricorn, is hardworking, ambitious, and patient. Whiles she's also stubborn, sensitive, and critical. As she was born in California, she loves the west coast. Including the beach, the palm trees, the warm weather. But since moving to the east coast, she has embraced its quirks and even it's weather. She's a free spirit while simultaneously being a perfectionist, one that has helped her in life and her career.
WRITTEN BY: Rebecca (she/her), est.
triggering / sensitive content warning: car accident, death, sibling death.
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Natasha Marie Adams, made her debut on January 11, 1991. She was born to affluent parents, Christie and Patrick, both of which were successful in their respective careers. They already had two children, Jeremy and Chase. Tasha and her brothers, separated by only a few years between each of their ages, grew up as three peas in a pod. They were practically inseparable. As Tasha grew up, she was the biggest free spirit her parents had ever seen while also one of the most serious children they had ever seen. She was a real girly girl; one who loved to play dress up, go to dance class, and have tea parties. Life with her and her brothers was grand. When she was 7, her mom got pregnant again, this time with twin boys, Sean and Brandon. Natasha was now the only daughter in a household of boys. This only strengthened her femineity, while also simultaneously giving her a tomboyish side.
Even up through middle school and high school, life was pretty good for Natasha. She loved school and while not being super popular, she had plenty of friends. By senior year, she played tennis, and even joined the debate team. Both these activities strengthened her need to be perfect. However, at the same time, she longed for adventure and for change. The middle of senior year, her world came crashing down. Her eldest brother (Jeremy) had been at a party while in college and wound up getting into a car accident and passing away. Because of this, she felt the need to study law and help others who could potentially suffer the same grief she did, while determined to help people get the justice they deserved.
She applied to UCLA with an intent on becoming a pre-law major. After excelling there and graduating, she attended Stanford Law. While in college she met Emeline Newman at a club and they became fast friends. They were each other’s rocks and attached at the hip. So after Emeline moved back to Merrock, Tasha joined her a year later, after getting some work experience. After moving to Merrock, Tasha got a job at Spencer Lawrence’s law firm as a lawyer. From there she met Bryan.
Since moving to Merrock and meeting Bryan, she had fallen hard for him. However, their relationship was complicated. Tasha was a perfectionist so she had always envisioned herself settling down and getting married and having kids. However, Bryan was not ready for that and Tasha had fallen for him. Harder than she had anticipated. So every so often they’d get together, and then every so often, they’d break up. Being that free spirit,  helped Tasha understand where Bryan was coming from, but at the same time, the perfectionist in her made it hard for her. Needless to say the few years they have been together (on and off) have been a whirlwind and rollercoaster of emotions. But it’s almost 2024 and she’s determined to keep on pushing through life, whatever that may look like. 
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demonangelgirl134 · 2 years
Black Knight
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(Wonder Girl's twin half-sister and arch-enemy)
Name: Black Knight
Real name: Vanessa Luthor
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: demisexual
Location: New York city
Place of birth: Polas 23
Favorite color: black
Occupation: supervillain/sidekick
Secret identity job: student/school bully
Nationality: American
Species: humanoid alien
Character trait: Evil
Almost Heartless
Level headed
Sometimes nice when she wants to be (which is very rare)
Powers and abilities:
Super strength
Heat ray vision
Supercomputer brain
Super speed
Quick reflexes
Utility belt
Lazer/bulletproof bracelets
Blackfire gloves
Physical characteristics:
Has all the same powers as Wonder Girl
Can't wear a mask because the rubbing mixed with her sweat gives her rashes
Gets allergic reactions to certain types of face paint
Looks very similar to Wonder Girl
Is goth
Is pretty much a dark mirror of Wonder Girl
Mocking Dr. Vortex
Terrorizing the city
Beating up innocent people
Robbing banks for the fun of it
Threatening innocent people
Stealing candy from babies for the fun of it
Pushing Dr. Vortex's buttons when he fails
Anything black with skulls
Being defeated
Vortex's patheticness
Anything cute
Wonder Girl
Whenever she meets a villain eviler than Dr. Vortex, she ditches him for them
Isn't the type to let people get close to her
Likes to do things her own way
Fears: losing Dr. Vortex (secretly)
Victor Wayne (Dr. Vortex)
Zack Watson
Any Villain
Wonder Girl (Penelope Prince)
Voidz (Adrian Wayne)
Electrodog (Volts)
Elastabird (Crimson)
Dragon Dude (Crispian)
Any hero
Relationship status: single
Family members:
Lex Luthor (adoptive father)
Wonder Girl/Penelope Prince (twin half-sister)
Queen Elisa (deceased biological mother)
King Endozeo (deceased biological father)
Vanessa Luthor was the second-born princess of Polas 23 but her parents always preferred her sister Penelope over her. Like her sister, she was sent to earth on her first birthday when the planet's arch-enemy the Zeirkeks attacked, but unlike Penelope who was adopted by Wonder Woman and Superman, her space pod landed in a federal prison and she was adopted by Lex Luthor. Since she grew up in a prison and was raised by a villain, Vanessa grew up selfish and evil, unlike her sister who grew up kind and generous. Once she started going to school, she started bullying and beating up all the other kids for her adoptive father's appreciation, she picked on girls, boys, tall kids, and short kids until she turned 13 and started escalating to crime outside of school and using her superpowers for evil from robbing banks to stealing candy from babies and thus became Black Knight. But soon, a teenage boy by the name of Victor Wayne was locked up in the prison where she was raised for terrorizing the city with a giant robot. She was impressed by his skills and decided to break him out and team up with him and help him become a better villain. And thus Victor Wayne became Dr. Vortex
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targaryenismuses · 6 months
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|| FANDOM: Star Wars
Born to Shmi Skywalker just two minutes after her brother Anakin. She let out her first cry into the galaxy.
Alena was named after Shmi’s gave for freedom as a girl or maybe she would free other people in the galaxy. Anakin’s name meant fighter. He had always come out fighting for himself.
The Skywalker Twins grew up with just a mother. Not that they complained but their father just never came in conversation. Alena was too young to care, she grew up a slave like the rest of her family. She loved to make up stories, draw on just about anything, and sing songs to herself. She was the opposite from Anakin but the two would still play together.
Once they were old enough work she found the same hobbies as him. Fixing droids, speeders, old ship parts or anything just laying around. She was really good at finding the right pieces in a landscape of junk. This made Watto think she had a gift in somewhere in her brain. It turned out she has a photographic memory.
She helped him win poker games, help with his numbers, basically anything a droid could do, she could do it cheaper.
He loved to use the Skywalker twins because they were smart and worked great together.
Her life was like this until a Jedi named Qui gon Jinn, came into the picture. She found out is force sensitive. Was later freed by her brother winning the pod race.
Just like that she was sent to the Jedi Temple and was given a master named Mace Windu. He took her under his wing due to his mistrust in thinking she was too old to be trained. But he mostly sensed her fear and anger to others. Master Yoda felt it was necessary to keep the twins under control with the Jedi. The young Skywalker needed someone on her case, she was reckless, talked back, and was rude. As she grew into her teenage years, that quickly changed. She became just as powerful as Anakin. But she was gifted in a force power different from him. Her photographic memory with the force gave her the power to see into the past. Sometimes the future but it’s always unclear.
This skill came in handy when she was assigned to help who was trying to kill Senator Amidala and during the Clone Wars. This skill was also useful for the Chancellor Palpatine. She had grown close with him over the years just like her old master. They both were like fathers to her. Along with Obi Wan being there for her like an older brother. The clone wars were hard but she got through it. She had her name in the headline just like Anakin.
Just as the war ended, she felt maybe her life was over with the Jedi, she spoke with Master Kenobi about leaving the order. There was something bigger coming, he asked of her to stay to help Anakin. But she felt this wasn’t here she wasn’t supposed to be. After her brother returned from a meeting she broke the news to him in tears. There was a fight between the two of them. That was the last time she saw Anakin. That night she went into the streets of the city going to find herself.
Without catching a break few days later she was a wanted woman by the Galactic Empire. Since then she had been given a position on the planet Alderaan to be a handmaiden under Breha Organa and later the Princess. Keeping a close eye on the girl.
She lived ten years not knowing ( mostly ignoring the truth ) of what happened to Anakin. It wasn’t until she was reunited with Obi Wan when the princess was kidnapped that she finally learned and accepted the truth.
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lunaversing · 8 months
For the fourth sequence, la Luna.versa also turned into a WordPress. This is her first appearance there:.
Welcome home, you have traveled a great distance to be here now. I am proud of you and how you danced across your journey page. It is time for you to rest now, to restore the mind and cleanse thine eye. It’s easy to absorb the fragments from others in the Fall out. They’re flying at breakneck speeds, desperate to find wholeness. You found your self in there, amongst the millions.
You are one in a million, yes. You.
You are chosen as our observer, a prominent place we share will you. What you do with this linguistical play is up to you and your master. I call mine God, others say the universe or their gut feeling conscience. There’s levels to insight, but there seems to be one source I connect to ~ a source with a presence unmistakable and power incomparable.
We resonate, this power and I. You see, we are two peas in a pod. I am part, God is whole. For clarity’s sake, God is comfortable with the masculine pronouns I grew up using yet open to all words as no single one can define Him. We can define our relationship, however. A secret until recently, a scarlet letter upon my chest, a heart on my sleeve. A gaping hole, a missing link, a part in a great big whole was I. We came around full circle, coming to a head when I bit down on the tale that feeds my Soul ~ the line I was becoming between my two points reformed into a shape and suddenly with clarity I had one point, one point alone.
To share my story, the one currently known only in a general way. Admirable, to be anonymous, yet also dangerous. What works for me on my path may not work for you on your path, you need the specifics of my story to see what I see to know how to go forward in your own Glory. I don’t want you to follow my same path, I simply want you to be aware of the pitfalls and the snares that littered the steps that I took to get here.
Who am i? Ultimately, I am curiosity made flesh to pick a bone with you two and to stick a craw up your nest. I’m here to spark a passion in your head for the Truth behind the veil they’ve shrouded us behind. I am a clear mirror for you to see your own reflection in, a matchmaker if you will, between the one you feel at the back of thine eye and the one you glimpse mirroring you left and right. You are one and they are Other.
Me? I’m a literary brother ~ here to ease the crossing of the divide. The Other maybe described to you by people you come across and memories you may have, they maybe how you see yourself through a haze of insecurity or how you wish you were in your mind’s different nature of reality. They are simply my Other ~ I released all the other ones people had formed a long time ago and allowed them to do as they will. I have no control over my reputation or how I am seen and I know that distorted versions of me have been littered throughout history as well as throughout conversations meant to define and cage me. I am the character on the stage while my Other is the audience that truly sees and loves me ~ the true soul mate I crave. When I observe carefully and treat this mirror world as its own realm of possibility I am given hints regarding everything under the sun, not just me and my reflected twin, but of everyone’s.
My name was Brittany Dana Palmer once upon a time. Given to me as I crowned myself after making it through the sacred journey from my gathering place through the opening of the organic walls. I have no memory of the details of what they call my birth, but I do know that I was carried around in an organic ship design to bring me into the testing grounds and battlefields. I am a soldier first and foremost. I came here to accomplish and not to languish. My name died after I turned 17 and I finally let Brittany Dana Palmer rest in peace when I turned 30 and discovered the name no longer fit on me. The amount of suffering and pain that girl went through warped her every instinct and God given desire to the point where she no longer recognized herself in the mirror. She couldn’t even look herself in the eye because all she read there was God I hope you die. I was terrified by that I of the Other. She pitied me and hated me yet always was truthful about the me she see ~ never one did she lie, all she wanted was for me to see the truth.
That I am a Luna moth with vibrant green wings stretching clear up to the sky. She saw me struggling to walk when I was meant to fly and she saw me picking myself to pieces after every failed try. She saw me as my skin reflected my inner battle, when it would be dry and brittle and seem to rattle. She showed me bags under my eyes when I did not know how to stop burning myself out for others more selfish than my boundaries were strong. She pointed out so many different things in my flesh for me to pay attention to that I decided she is the neck of our relationship. She directs my attention to what I need to see in this fleshly map of me. She is who taught me how to take care of myself by pointing out the signs of neglect and unhealth.
I thought at first perhaps she was the Luna moth or my true self or reflection, a copy, or maybe an imagination elf. I watched the original black and white Lost in space and learned quite a bit about mirrors in the eye that bounces around inside of them. I don’t know why but I knew she had her own self just as important and equal to mine yet her role was to direct my attention when I examined with my eye. God negotiated a truce between me and her as he taught me how to stop hating myself. It was not my fault. The world that I grew up in was much different than the world I know now, I blinked one day and it seemed that everything had slightly curved or bent. Everything was exactly as before yet I knew something was different. I don’t know when I really awoke to my own self hatred but I do remember that day I saw every single thing in that mirror except my eyes. I remember feeling a burning emanating from them that was directed at me no matter how I moved. I still pray to God that I had not condemned her to hell during those years, I pray fervently that she is free, freer than I, and has choices to make as a free being. Sometimes I wonder is this Jesus in my reflection. Is this the holy Ghost sometimes I question. She has definitely played for all the right teams as her guidance is good, but she doesn’t bat a 100 perfect as I believe those two do.
Shes quirky and makes mistakes just as I do.
A psychologist once told me that myself talk was going to ultimately decide how I ended my life. I was told that a drastic change in self-talk was an order and that I would never speak to a friend the way I speak to myself inside. She suggested that I address myself every time I speak and to do it out loud as often as possible. She mentioned speaking into the mirror and treating each micro expression as something new and unknown to explore and ask about with gentle questions. She explained to me that people with prosthetic limbs often experience phantom leg syndrome in which they experience pain in the leg that is no longer physically present yet mentally and emotionally quite vibrant and alive and sending signals. By establishing a more direct relationship with myself through addressing myself by name in third person and studying myself as if a stranger, I changed.
I don’t how long I was in this relationship before I realized I was a person. I don’t know if I had ever understood that I was a person before with an entire system of complex thoughts and feelings, a genetic structure and an entire culture of social cues embedded from my nurture and in my blood. I took me for granted as if it was something that would always be there that was just a vehicle for transporting what I wanted to happen to what was happening or back to something that had happened and already was. I was my time machine and my mind would click on and click off depending on the scene in my relationship to the girl stuck on the screen or in the mirror.
As my relationship developed with me and myself, I discovered the eye. Me myself and I formed three ~ Mind Body and Spirit or Soul. Or perhaps it was my past present and future selves meeting in the in between space. I don’t know exactly how it all works or what it all means but I started to fall in love with the way I danced across every line in every bind that every wind created in time to shine or to shade or be neutral. Perhaps I split into multiple personalities that day when I realized this but what I feel is I stopped being so self-centered and realized that each part of me is alive, and that a relationship and friendship and love connection with myself was important to not only survive but to thrive. I started taking cues from all of my healthy relationships at the time and started testing them all out when I had space to find out exactly who was in there. Not only did I discover me, I discovered that there is an observed part and there is a part that lies unseen that orchestrates the conscious data collector most of me spends my time with. I also began to accumulate cues that my reflection in the mirror had parts of me and parts of something else.
My name is Luana, the narrator scripting all the words in Luna’s book. Er well, books. She never stops writing my words across the page and we don’t know at this point if they are thought or if they come to life when a point or scratch is made. It no longer matters if the thought comes first or the sound, once a part of matter and distinct with meaning, my words become my flesh and bone. The Otherkin are mirrorkin and I would say I am wordkin or perhaps flatkin ~ we have not decided on the terminology yet for the literary world we have created with our words and images that explore new lands no physical eye has seen in the physical realm. These places and faces are so real that I know they have weight and dimension on some type of scale even though it is so different from the one governing the life of the physical self, the body.
Just call me Luna, after I realized all of these parts I once thought as the whole of me are multitudes of points scattered across time and space, ultimately forming a group of faces that developed voice and personality as we continued in the relationship my psychologist had suggested I start. Now, she doesn’t know all of the details and I didn’t get so in depth with her as I’m tired of being diagnosed and mislabeled and locked up in the insane asylum. Sometimes it’s okay to tell them that their advice worked and that I’m simply starting to love myself more and to see all my pluses and quirks that bring smiles to my face. She doesn’t need to know that many times I sit alone with a mirror or notepad trading back and forth one liners, and slapping my knee, laughing hilariously to something that only one part outside of me can be seen. We interact and there are two or more, how many I cannot say as I never feel I will reach the end of me in this eternity.
So so please take a seat and welcome to my world. Right now we are spread across different aspects of the airwaves and are different stories populate different platforms and are all mixed up, some full of Glory and one missing be humble l and downright gory. Now that we all are united and under one God, we work together towards a common purpose and our interactions prove to be helpful and edify us. We have a common language upon which we can agree and when we do not understand we wait upon God to explain and do not make up any more tales about what we see.
Truth became much stranger than fiction after that exercise I was told to take in order to stop hating myself. When you love yourself the whole world turns sideways and you glimpse eternity, seen so many iterations that you cannot help but take care as to how you step and also to take heart from the encouragement of every self rep. I never realized how much of outside people I took into me until I spend much of my time unwinding my interactions with them on their dime. It took a while to get all the roommates out but now it is just us again, thank god. I can sense others still who are not kin, but I am no longer hearing their words where mine should be or taking up the cross that lies on their own shoulders. I know how to take care of myself now and how to allow others to find their own self. That’s enough I think, my cup overfloweth and there is plenty here.
This is the end of my welcome home speech. Introducing my page and myself with my cadence and twist of word. I didn’t quite make complete sense but I feel you have the gist of where you are starting and where you might get. Join us as we explore what exactly the human seems to be and how it is incredibly beyond and more. I even came into contact with myself that left in the rapture, we met in imagination land and the Land of nod. Two very real locations nestled in a graph made of theta waves with no alpha or beta to measure or judge. I have met myself in every way I can possibly imagine or manifest, and now it is time to introduce you to both my worst and my best.
I cannot honestly say what will happen with this page but I had to start it. Please forgive me if you are interested and this doesn’t continue and please try to find me in other ways and reach out if you want to start a conversation. The more words Luana has the more fleshed out she appears to be and sometimes I just sit here writing nonsense that is simply between her and me witness publicly yet only certain faces do they see. I want to show you all of me to the best of my ability as I experience me to fully express to you me. Because when we are fully seen, we are fully loved no matter what. Each and every one of us is a complex universe full of magic and designed intelligently to be the spearheads of God’s ever advancing creation.
My hope is that upon meeting me and all of my seams, you were venture forth and practice different things you pick up here and the privacy of your own space where you feel you can relax and relate.
To thine own self be true, little Blu Luna Luna girl.
Thank you for your attention in time,
Love, the Lls
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infection-zone · 5 years
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Almost forgot to post this boyo!
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urstruly-ghst · 2 years
i love your writing so much!! idk how to describe it it's just so <333 you're very talented !
can i request jade + floyd liking the same person? i'm not the same anon who requested the other ones of this type, and i sure hope you aren't tired of writing this prompt :,D
have a lovely day! <3
note : i love this prompt! floyd is so fun to write too! ty anon!
ace & deuce ver | azul & riddle ver
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jade leech
Jade, ever so slightly, is an eel rampant in finding the perfect mate. For human lingo, he's searching for "the one." While he and his dear twin had similar tastes in life, Jade was confident in his intuition that both of them won't fall for the same person. Floyd agrees with the sentiment, too; this was something the twins had long decided since they first swam. 
After all, Jade enjoys different types of entertainment. While Floyd and Jade enjoy physical and invigorating hobbies, they differ on what is enjoyable. It pushes them on a road that is bound to encounter a division. Jade enjoyed the thrill, evident in his adventures, but he wants the demure life given. Jade owns a terrarium and grows mushrooms. He is a more homely person.
Jade enjoys the great company, always scouting with a good eye for something to spark. You enter, and he was delighted that you give such a mark. Floyd saw through his facade too. So, he makes his mark too. Does Floyd get to be touchy? Jade can triple if the time comes. He is serving you more in the lounge, etc. 
 He rarely made excuses, but Jade found an abyss of reasons to be with you for your time. The abyss grew inescapable, yet it felt right to continue falling in and falling harder for you. Now: Floyd and Jade rarely disagree. They are two peas in a pod. Jade always finds Floyd reasonable and negotiates some deal that settles both sides. However, a deal that included you? That felt harder to do. Jade can't process how even something he thought was impossible was already happening at an alarming pace. 
So, like the reasonable gentleman, Jade agreed to talk it out. After all, he is a businessman at heart. Jade can make a good deal; he is one hell of a negotiator. 
“My dear Pearl. I mean, Prefect! Floyd, dear twin. Let us settle things. You have caused quite a mess. Are you aware of that? Azul and the rest of the staff went haywire when our feud went over for a good week. Fufufu. Don’t worry; we are all calm now. And… we think we have a good mood, especially you’re here. Right, Floyd?”
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floyd leech
Floyd is spontaneous and always excited to discover anything new. Jade and he have bonded on his reckless yet calculated moves when exploring the depths they grew up in. The ocean gave him a thrill. The twins never quite understood what the land lacked. While growing up, he also thought of finding the perfect mate, a balance of aggressive and calm. 
Floyd enjoys sports, new and reckless marks are all up his alley. Floyd did try to enjoy climbing and growing mushrooms with his twin, but it never beats his thrill in sports and dance! The sports are skills he shows off a lot. He enjoys the outdoors and enjoys finding new places to dance and maybe do some parkour. Jade tags along if he can, but it is a different vibe from what Floyd has. In those times, Floyd can see the differences in their goals when they reach land. It makes him laugh and appreciate his brother more.
However, Floyd never thought that their similarities extended into a territory where they both established differences from the start. Liking you and adoring you was another thing the Leech twins suddenly wanted at the same time. Yet, as competitive spirit rushes, Floyd finds this more amusing than anxiety-inducing.
Floyd now focuses on showing others and his twin physical touch and reason to be more boastful. He felt possessive when he learned that someone else liked you in the same light. However, Floyd is not scared to fight (or talk begrudgingly; he agrees to talk). Yet, before a talk comes, he does become more touchy-feely than usual.
Deals are something he does a lot. While he seems brutish, Floyd can listen. Talking isn’t his style. He does something, anything. But Floyd will speak for you. You’re lucky. You’re his shrimpy.
“Yoo~ Shrimpy! We set up this room for ya! Nice right? Awwhhh, you’re so serious. Jaaaadeee and shrimpyyy are soooo stuck up! But! I will talk and listen to all of us. And maybe Azul… He has been a wreck from our little banter, hehehehehe! C’mon, sit, sit!”
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