#ugh. i just lost a lot last night and im not over it
yatgb · 2 months
Maybe this is the salty noob in me talking but i think danger mechanics should actually Do something. Like right now it just feels like"hey youre losing. Did you know youre losing. Hey. Hey. You suck and youre losing." As if i havent been killed 5 times in the past 20 seconds because the enperry dualies dont want to get out of my home base
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crushedsweets · 9 months
i was listening to twin size mattress by the front bottoms and was like. hmm this is the most toby song ever
SO i was wondering do u have any songs that remind you of specific creeps? could be from lyrics or just general vibes yk yk
- 🌙 anon (im new here hi)
HII welcome. ok ok. so i listen to music in a very boring way and never analyze lyrics/artists/albums/etc. but for you i will try to change.
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also these lryics with toby oh wow.. wow. ok. wowwww. wow. ok. wow. STUFF UNDER THE CUT BUT KNOW IM DEEPLY WARPING THE ACTUAL MEANING BEHIND A LOT OF THESE SONGS LOL. i religiously listen to love songs so its hard
toby and honey by coastal club. (my fave song rn..)
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whether its from his perspective or not.. it doesnt even have to be romantic either. just his friendships with everyone around him, both from people like tim and brian seeing this SEVERELY TROUBLED kid. . . 'wide eyed..dying to get outside' feels very :((( yk. he was a kid trapped in a fucking horrifying situation all his life. or him looking at his friendship with nina. "youve got a way with me... alive and so full of life, i'm mesmerized by your love" etc. maybe jack or clockwork with the "i started laughing at the words you spoke, i kinda like you and your stupid jokes"... AGAIN I KNOW ITS A LOVE SONG but i see it applying in so many different forms of love. and i love love. also a ton of like, car and driving references which is um. lyra reference sorry
nina x clockwork and "a big brown dog named bagel" by nep
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ok this doesnt apply so much to my au(nobody is canon in mine but yk)... buttttttt... yeah. ugh. this is so nina @ nat. sorry guys ive been changed. one ask always diverts my attention at the speed of light. "I like the way she bites, the way she talks, the way she looks when I smile" is just SO FUCKING NINA ADORING NAT. nina just wants to be in the most fairytale coming of age movie ya novel lovestory and she says that her biggest dream in life is to get married. she wants to take care of her lover and give and give and give so fucking much and "I'll buy you a big old house on a big old hill And I'll grow old with my baby, 'til she's dead" is so very her. of course i chose clockwork cuz 'she's tall in the knees' and 'some green in her eyes' plus im a lesbian and havent fawned over sapphic relationships in months since i began my creepypasta return. LOL
eyeless jack and "downhill" by lincoln
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there r few words to describe the amount of guilt, horror, and devastation that jack feels after what he's done, all he's lost, and what he has to do to survive. he has a year of his life that he was literally possessed by a demon and went around fucking tearing humans apart and eating their remains. even as he's """recovering""" and settling into a cabin, his friendships with the creeps, trying to just feel okay. he's on his last leg, he can tell that people know he's a shell of what he was but they'll never know how warm, kind, inviting he used to be. "i went downhill at such a steep inline" ... yea he did his life changed immeasurably in a single night and it's never coming back. the lyrics "'Cause I was born into the world on a silken cloud / And I got bored of the world before I hit the ground" ... while he had a ton of pressure. he loved his life, loved his family, was the type to constantly express how grateful he was for everything that got him where he was. and then he hit rock fucking bottom because he wanted to chase a little excitement with the pretty girl inviting him to join a 'club.' poor guy
liu and "i'm not angry anymore" by paramore
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i dont think i need to explain this because um..... lols... liu just wants to fucking move on. he just wants to escape everything. he wants his family back, including the little brother he'd play catch with in the front yard for so many years. but he has his moments where it all comes barreling back, and he makes real fucking brash decisions - he lost his marriage because he spiraled trying to find jeff and moved to fucking alabama. so you know.
jane and "everest" by beabadoobee
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again, i dont think i need to explain this. maybe this could be mary(jane's wife) singing to jane, cuz she was one of janes main supports after her parents death. jane can only act strong for so long but she is so so so fucking sad and mourning and she was always so soft and gentle and sweet and she lost everything in a single night. she spent a short period of time filled with rage, as she would be, but her story eventually evolves into her just wanting to help others with their cases, be happy with her wife, take care of sally, grow old, make her parents proud. she's climbed mountains and is probably in the best place of all the creeps. holds her. i dont touch her character too often because i just want her to settle happily lolz..
ok thats all i got guys :3.. thank youuuuu thank youuu. sorry if my music taste is bad guys. LOL.
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730bliss · 11 months
and again (hook x reader)
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warning: animal death
gn reader, lots of fluff 😫
it was just like any other night after a show. laying in the hotel bed sheets with your friend Hook in a comfortable silence. you were both mindlessly on your phones, you on instagram reels, but you were unsure of what Hook was doing - probably texting someone.
it was silent until a video of someone documenting their final moments with their dog before having to put him down made you tear up. Hook heard your sniffling.
"what's up?" he said.
"the video... someone filmed their last moments with their dog, look!" you said as you showed him the video.
"it's just- i don't, i don't know why im crying so much i- it's ugh," you cried.
you hugged Hook for some sort of emotional support. he hugged you back and fell silent. you guys stayed like that for a while, and you exclaimed how the video was dumb and you shouldn't be an emotional mess over it. Hook tried to assure you it was fine. but the tears stopped when the hands that were around your waist moved and...... it tickled. you let out a small giggle.
he gave you a bit of a funny look.
"sorry, it just uh- it tickled a little bit," you said with a smile.
"oh, you're ticklish?" he asked. there was an underlying tone to this you did not like.
"no," you lied while giving him wide eyes.
he knew you were lying and tackled you. he proceeded to attack you for multiple minutes, all the while you could only lay there and beg for mercy. there was no escape. all you could do was plead until he stopped. Hook was vicious. every time you'd think he was done, he'd go straight back at it again. you were helpless.
you looked up at him, and you both realized the position you were in. upside down on the bed, your hands above your head, and his legs on either side of you so you couldn't move.
maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe something else, but you decided to be bold.
you grabbed his face, and you kissed him, ever so gently. you didn't want to scare him away. but also because the underlying fear of him rejecting you was still ever-present. you pulled apart, but not for long. because he kissed you again.
and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and aga-
"must you smother me?" you asked in between kisses.
"mhm," he said.
"trying to make up for lost time," he added.
"what does that mean?"
"it means i've been too much of a pussy to ask you out for months."
you were content with that answer so you went back to letting Hook kiss you again.
and again.
and again.
and again.
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crazyunsexycool · 12 days
Hearts munition ❤️‍🔥 Eli calls Steve dad without even thinking…..what are everyone’s reactions?
🥺🥺🥺🥺 I think everyone would stop I. Their tracks…. Also this just in time for Father’s Day is perfect.
Call me dad
Let’s set the scene. I’d like to think that Steve had to go out on business for like a week. So Eli is missing him like crazy. Sure they FaceTime but it’s not the same for a kid who’s never had a father figure in his life.
On the other side Steve was also missing Eli. They had really bonded and their relationship was separate from just Steve trying to win you over. So it didn’t surprise anyone that Steve wanted to come home as soon as possible just to surprise Eli.
It was just after 10 in the morning and Eli was lounging in the living room with a book in hand. His head pops up from his place on the couch when the front door opens. He wouldn’t admit to staying close to the front door in order to wait for Steve to show up. This time it finally happened. Steve was in his normal business clothes, a nice navy suit with a white button up shirt but no tie.
“Dad, you’re home!” Elijah exclaimed as he rushed up from his seat and ran to Steve.
You and Bucky who had been walking out of the hallway that leads to Steve’s office froze in place. So did Sam who was walking in behind Steve. Dom and Coulson walked out of the kitchen and stared with disbelief but happiness.
“Hey bubs,” Steve said but it was obvious he was trying to control his emotions as he hugged Elijah. “What have you been up to while I was gone?”
Elijah was so excited he started talking so fast. He just kept going on and on about all the fun stuff he did.
“And I kicked uncle Bucky’s ass at Mario kart again.” He says with a laugh. “But mostly I missed you.”
Steve was sitting on the couch now with Eli next to him. His eyes were brighter than you’d ever seen them and you had to fight back tears. You never realized how much Elijah needed a father in his life. It wasn’t your fault his father wanted nothing to do with him but he was a growing boy that also needed fatherly love. Now he was getting it from the last person you expected.
“I missed you more bubs.”
“Will you read me a bedtime story tonight, dad?”
Steve smiled. “Of course I will.”
“Bath time Elijah.”
“But ma.” He whined.
“Go, I’ll be right up.” Steve nudges him towards the stairs.
“Fine. But you have to tell me all you did on your trip too.”
Steve grimaced slightly. “It was just boring business stuff.”
“Stop stalling and go take a bath.”
“I’m going.” Eli huffs and runs up the stairs.
Steve is a little bit lost in thought so he doesn’t feel you sit next to him. You place your hand on his forearm to get his attention.
“You ok there?” You ask gently.
“Yeah. Im good. How are you how was everything here?”
“Same as always.” You hesitate for a moment. “Can we talk about it?”
“Sure. It was unexpected that’s for sure.”
“Yeah. I didn’t put him up to it or anything.” You say, hoping Steve doesn’t think you’re using your son for something.
“It didn’t even cross my mind.” Steve’s hand comes to rest over yours.
“Does it bother you? I’ll tell him to stop.”
“No! Don’t.” Steve sighs. “You know I care about him a lot. I love that kid and if he sees me as his dad, I’m ok with it. As long as you are too.”
“You’re sure?”
“Dad I’m ready.” Elijah peaked over the handrail of the top floor.
“Elijah you are wearing the same shirt you had on two minutes ago. You only wet your face. Go bathe.”
“Ugh. Fine.”
“We can finish this conversation later if you want to check up on him.” Steve says as he gets up.
“No way, that’s your son now. You deal with him.”
Steve’s smile could light up a room. He nods and heads up the steps before stopping halfway and turning to you. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”
You shake your head and get up to follow him. “I forgot you’re a new dad. You’re going to be in way over your head.”
Later that night the others would gather in the kitchen paying up bets of how long it took Eli to call Steve dad and how emotional Steve would get. They were of course all happy about it but they would also get together and warn Steve they’d kick his ass if he hurt Elijah.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
no thoughts, head empty, being steve’s secret admirer
this either works in highschool au or him working at family video so i’m writing them both up for you to choose!!
after he breaks up with nancy along with billy being billy steve definitely loses some confidence so usually while he wouldn’t bat an eye at notes from secret admirer’s he’s surprised to see a cute little envelope taped to the inside of his locker and since it’s inside he immediately knows it’s a friend of one of his friends. he considers throwing it out but ends up reading it and is really touched. shenanigans ensue with steve trying to make his friends fess up on who it is while reader is bribing everyone to keep quiet and help—
family video where steve starts to find little notes left in different movies he has to rewind the tapes for and is hellbent on figuring out who it is because it should be easy just find out who rents what movies and boom! only problem, reader keeps bribing his friends and some people they vaguely know into renting movies for them to slip notes into. shenanigans ensue <3
Secret Admirer
a/n: BABY IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT I FINALLY GOT TO IT😭😭😭 i got the letters inspired by to all the boys i've loved before UGH,,fucking love that movie. anyways! i really hope you enjoy it and i SWEAR i'm getting to the other ask you sent me!! there are no pronouns used so this IS gender neutral :D credit to the gif owner! <3
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Steve stares at the pink envelope that's taped inside of his locker. He looks around cautiously expecting Billy and his friends to come out and start laughing at him. Sure, he thinks to himself, make fun of the guy who just got his heart broken. Steve grabs the envelope and is tempted to throw it out, but when he sees the pretty For: Steve with a heart drawn next to his name he decides to keep it. He looks at the clock that's above a classroom door and decides to skip his last period for the day. He quickly finds his car in the student parking lot and throws his stuff into the passenger seat before he gets settled into the driver's side.
He sees the pink envelope sticking out from under his backpack, and his eyes sweep the student parking lot before he grabs it and gently opens it.
Dear Steve, do you remember the Halloween party in 5th grade? My mom helped me plan my costume weeks before the actual party and I was so excited that I didn't tell anyone about it. When I got there, it was like everyone got the memo that costumes weren't cool except for me. I already had a bit of trouble fitting in, but when I got to that party I felt like a complete outsider, and then you walked in dressed up in your devil costume. It was that moment I felt like maybe we were the cool ones, and everyone else was an outsider. I like to think that that's the moment I started to fall for you, the little horns on your head were almost as red as your cheeks when you sat next to me. (the only other kid in a costume.) It kinda sucks that you're more popular now and that we lost touch, but Steve Harrington you will always have a special place in my heart. Yours Truly, your secret admirer.
Steve doesn't know what's come over him but his face is almost as hot as Hawkins gets during the summer and he knows his cheeks are as red as the devil costume he wore that day. He closes his eyes trying to recall the face of the person he sat next to, but he could barely remember what he had for dinner last night. He let out a sigh of frustration and looked at the letter in his hand.
“Who are you, secret admirer?” he mumbled to himself before he stuffed the letter in his backpack and drove home.
“You know, there's gotta be a less weird way to do this,” Robin said from above you.
You shushed her and hid around the corner again, your back pressed against the wall. “What's happening? I'm too nervous to look!”
Robin smiled and let out a sigh. “He's looking around trying to find the person. I can't believe you convinced me to unlock his locker for you.”
You nudged Robin with your hip. “You know you have a soft spot for me and my intense feelings.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. See you after class?”
You nodded your head and made your way toward your last class of the day. It's true though, for as long as you can remember you've always been told that your feelings can be a little…much. Naturally, being told that you started to repress your feelings and tried making yourself smaller. Every single emotion you felt you just wrote down, and soon enough journaling became your favorite thing in the world. Once class was over you made your way past Steve's locker, pouting a little when you didn't see him at the locker.
“Hey, do you think he'll know it's me?”
Robin got onto her bike and looked over at you.
“When was the last time you guys talked?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Maybe last year?”
Robin scoffed and shook her head. “He's got shit for brains, can't even remember what he ate for dinner last night.”
You let out a laugh and hopped onto your bike. A part of you was relieved that he'd never find out it was you, but the other part felt let down. You kinda wanted him to know it was you, maybe something could even come out of this. You were broken out of your thoughts when you felt Robin tug at your backpack.
“Jesus! You almost got hit!”
You watch with your mouth slightly open as a car speeds past you both. You mumble out a sorry to Robin and scoot your bike away from the curb.
“What are you thinking that's got you so distracted?”
Your face flushes as you shrug your shoulders.
“Gross, you're thinking of Steve aren't you?”
“I'll pay you five dollars to put another note in his locker.”
Steve smiled as he pulled into the school’s parking lot. He's gotten three letters this week so far, and they're actually making him look forward to school now. Reading your letters is his favorite part of the day, he just can't seem to figure out who you are. He walks into school and sees Robin messing with his locker. He walks up behind her, making sure to clear his throat after a few more seconds of her struggling.
“What are you doing Buckley?”
Robin freezes her movements and slowly turns around to face Steve. She let out a nervous chuckle and waved awkwardly at him.
“Steve! What are uh, what are you going here?”
Steve furrows his brows. “It's a school robin. I'm kinda forced to come here so I can graduate.”
Robin quickly shoves the note behind her back and nods her head.
“Cool, that's cool. Small world huh? I mean who knew-”
“What's behind your back robin?”
“M-my back? Uh, just my backpack. Yup! My handy dandy backpack, can't live without-”
“Are you my secret admirer?”
Steve knew that she wasn't, but if it meant she’d stop rambling then Steve would ask again and again.
“Gross! In your dreams king Steve.”
Steve let out a scoff. “That's former king Steve to you.” He reached around robin’s back trying to get the note, but robin was quick and stepped back.
“Why are you here so early? Aren't popular people supposed to be the last people here?”
Steve tried to grab the small envelope from her again but failed.
“Can I just see the letter?”
“What letter? I have no letter-”
“Who writes them?”
“Why'd you change your lock?”
They both stared at each other waiting for the other to crack, students were starting to flood the building.
“I asked first,” said Steve.
“God, what are we in second grade? Tell me why you changed your lock.”
Steve rolled his eyes and opened his mouth ready to say something when he got interrupted.
“Robin, we're gonna be late for first period!” you said while walking up to her. Steve turned to look at you, he had an odd feeling that he's seen you before. Your name was on the tip of his tongue, where has he seen you before?
“You know how much I hate history!” Robin said with a pout.
“And you know how much I hate being late, let's go.”
Suddenly it all clicked for Steve.
You looked at him confused. “What?”
“You were an angel! For Halloween!”
You felt your eyes widen and you let out an awkward cough. How the hell did he find out it was you?!
“I don't-”
“Last year! You dressed up as an angel.”
A sigh of relief escaped you and Robin started to laugh loudly.
“Haha yeah! Angel! That was good old y/n here! Well, if you'll excuse us we need to go!” Robin shoved the letter into his chest, grabbed your hand, and started to run toward your history class.
“Bye y/n!” Steve shouted.
You turned your head to catch a glimpse of him and sent him a smile.
“see ya hair-rington!”
Steve chuckled at the nickname and opened the letter Robin gave him.
Dear Steve, I hope you haven't figured out who I am, although I have a good feeling you won't. A little birdy told me that sometimes you don't even remember what you ate for dinner the day before. Do you remember the first time you came to school after you cut your hair? I do, it was seventh grade and you had your hoodie thrown over your head to hide your hair. The teacher made you take it off because of the whole no hoodies on when you're in class, and I remember you taking off your hoodie and the whole class laughed at you. I've never seen someone look so upset before and I don't think my heart has ever been broken until that very moment. When we got to choose partners for that day's assignment everyone avoided you. You were sitting in the middle of the classroom and you looked so…lonely. I decided to help you out the way you helped me with the Halloween party. When I sat next to you, you gave me the biggest smile and you even shared your supplies with me. You've always been so sweet to me Steve, I admire you for that. I hope you find out who I am soon so that we can reconnect or something, even if you know how I feel. I'll see you around hair-rington. Yours truly, your secret admirer.
Steve felt a lightbulb go off when he read your last line. That nickname, the nickname only you called him, the nickname that you gave him in seventh grade and stuck with until today. Steve was quick as he ran to your classroom disrupting the lesson your teacher was giving. All heads turned to him and for a second he felt like he was in seventh grade again. Whispers were circling the classroom and people were starting to point at him. Steve could feel himself starting to back out of the classroom until he locked eyes with you and you gave him a small wave.
“I hope you have a good reason for interrupting my class, Harrington.”
Steve started to fumble with his words, he should've come up with a plan before bursting through your classroom door.
“Sorry, Mr. Robinson! Steve told me he was going to drop off a book he borrowed from me.”
Your teacher looked between you and Steve.
“Yeah! My lock is stuck though, I was just wondering if I could borrow y/n to unlock it for me.”
Your teacher waved his hand dismissing you, mumbling under his breath about how he doesn't get paid enough for this. You walked into the hallway with Steve and rocked back and forth on your heels.
“So uh, what did you actually need?”
Steve reached into his backpack and pulled out all the letters you wrote for him. Your eyes widened as you grabbed the letters with shaky hands.
“It's you, isn't it?”
You let out a nervous giggle and nodded your head. “Sorry if you're disappointed.”
Steve shook his head. He grabbed the letters from you and gently held your hands.
“I'm not disappointed.”
“You aren't?”
He chuckled and pulled you in for a hug.
“Far from it. How about after school today we go down to that diner that just opened up?”
You blushed and looked down at your feet. “Like, to catch up?”
“I was thinking more like a date.”
Your head shoots up to look at him, your eyes scanning his features trying to figure out if he was joking or not.
“As a heart attack.”
A smile returns to your face as you nod your head.
“I’d like that. A date with you that is, not the heart attack. Please don't have a heart attack.”
Steve laughed, and you swear that you would do anything in the world to make him laugh like that.
“Go to class dork, I'll see you after school.”
You smile and kiss his cheek waving goodbye to him while you walk back into your classroom. Steve puts both hands into the air before he sprints down the hall and hits an exit sign with his hand as a celebration. It falls to the floor with a loud clatter and some teachers peek their heads out of their classroom, rolling their eyes when Steve gives them a small wave.
“Harrington! My office, now.” the principal said.
“Totally worth it,” Steve said while making his way to the office.
“Wait, don't give me detention, I have a date tonight!”
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dreamersville · 1 year
FATGUM head cannons
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an? i wrote this so long ago i just wanna clear my drafts out😭😭 soo sorry if its bad but you could always send me a request 💜.
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- because hes my fav and i love him so much i just wanna tackle his 7 foot ass and love him for the rest of his life... ANYWAYSSSSS 
- this man is known by name (and sometimes order) by every restuarnt in a 10 mile radius of his agency. and i knwo your probably like “he a pro hero ofc they know his name” no. his given name and the first time it happen he was shocked 
- sings in the shower, off key, loud and proud, just straight butchering all and every song in his playlist. 
- his home is custom bulit to him. everything is like 2 feet taller than it would be for somebosy in averge height. somebody (me) said it reminds them of jack and the bean stalk and he doubled over laughing
- kiri and tamaki come over to watch cooking show because one he wouldnt be able to fit as comfortably at their dorms, and two because he got a big ass tv and watching on his tv is so much better, and he got snacks out the ass.  im talking pantry overflowing, with everything. tama used to the system but kiri swears he could get lost in it
- im sorry but, he can only cook stroke inducing food. which makes sense for quirk and what not but dont eat it unless you trying to put yourself in an early in a early grave. smothered everything, if its baked, best believe it was fired first. cheesy everythinggggg like omg, i still love him tho
- his favorite food shows be the baking shows, especially Cupcake Wars. he gets up-fucking-set if his favortite contestant loses or gets kicked off before the finalem hes gonna be talking about it for the rest of the week about how unfair it was and the judges didnt know what they were talking about because how could they not win. 
- relationships hcs or what not
- ahhhhhhh love language is most definitely acts of service and quality time. he livesss for when he got a second to just hold you, or be in your presence. it just so calming to him, the acts of service parts is bringing you food to try. ooo when he went on a mission outside of Esuha City he sends you a selfie with  e v e r y new food/ drink he tries on his mission. so expect a lot of of pictures and sometimes videos from him
- top tier cuddles in that giantic ass bed. and he has a weighted blanket with a big ass fan AND black out curtains ????? need i say more
- drags you down into his baking show addiction, but yall always tend to go for the rivals. so yall make bets on who’s gonna last longer. right now you’re winning 7 - 6 
- but you watch Extreme Cake Makers and write down recpies you wanna try and little things the contestant did so you could test it out. so you have notes deicted to ths and you sometimes go back and rewatch episodes to catch small stuff that you missed. he lovess when you get like this all nerdy and focused, it soo cute ugh. 
- likes to take you through the city at night because its look pretty at night when its lit up. you take a lot of pictures of bridges and in front of different signs and stuff
- omg, if you just so happen to walk past the shower whiles he in there singing his heart out, he’s gonna stop singing and say “take it away babe”. 
- a sucker for your southern nicknames. all the sugar, sweetness, bubs/bubba, honey. say anyyy of these and this man is at your feetready to do anything and everything just to hear you call him that again
- baby be feening for thanksgiving and christmas to come around. first time he was on a long mission, was gone for a week and came back on thanksgiving eve to see that you were cooking up a feast, he was so happy he cried.
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ik the ending seems kind meh .. but then again this been sitting in my drafts
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in honor of speak now tv about to drop, im bringing back my stranger things taylor song casting. i wrote a lot of this on my phone after listening to the album so apologizes for grammar errors or anything
mine: ronance, from Nancy's POV. Careless man's careful daughter. Sitting there by the water mirroring the boat scene. You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded. In the music video, we see the couple fighting when things get tough outside of the relationship, which we've also seen Nancy do, both when she was struggling with Barb and fighting with Jonathan when dealing with sexism from her job.
sparks fly: lumax. Max is the rainstorm, Lucas the house of cards. "I'm on my guard for the rest of the world, but for you, I know it's no good"
back to december: stancy; but just Nancy apologizing for how things ended, not them getting back together. "that night" not just being the Halloween fight but her cheating on him. I think she would feel bad about how things ended and I really want them to talk everything out in season 5. Plz. Also the line, "I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile...how you held me in your arms that September night, the first time you ever saw me cry" Obv with the tan skin and smile, but I hc that after Nancy told Steve what happened to Barb, he held her while she cried
speak now: byler, from Will's pov. Not in a literal wedding sense (though that might make a fun fic...) but more of Mike asking Will for advice about El and Will just finally coming clean. Maybe it doesn't go great and he doubles down with El and it causes some tension or maybe the roles are reversed and Mike comes clean then panics and doubles down and Will is trying to get him back
dear john: Joyce about Lonnie. I hate this man.
mean: El about Angela. Imagine if before the roller skate incident, she confided in Joyce and she told her to just confront her with her words, ya know? Like just call her out for being mean. Then when that doesn't work, she thinks, "well, what would Hopper tell me? Gotta fight back." Makes my heart melt
the story of us: Mike and El, from El’s pov. I just really feel like El would use story tails and romance stories, etc. to compare love to. This song to the letter fight just... ugh.
never grow up: Nancy. First verse to Holly, how she knows what's ahead, both in terms of alternate dimensions and being a teenage girl. She doesn't want her to have to deal with either of the two, just to stay little while she can. Second verse to Mike, seeing him start to become more of an adult and secretly missing her annoying kid brother. (brings more punch to the line “all your little brothers favorite songs”) Third verse takes place after she graduates, moving for school. Her night light mentioned in the verse was her graduation/farewell present from Holly, who says she's a big girl now and doesn't need it.
enchanted: elmax! From Max's POV. Imagine the second verse is them having a sleepover, playing truth or dare. I also love the use of referencing the story tail love metaphor again
better than revenge: stommy; Tommy singing about Nancy. idk it’s the closest I could get.
innocent: Steve and Nancy. First verse is about Nancy (lost your balance on a tight rope, lost your mind trying to get it back. wasn’t it beautiful when you believed in everything and everyone believed in you. , second about Steve. bonus points if you imagine them singing this to each other (not in a romantic way)
haunted: lumax (I’m sorry) Lucas begging for her to come back after her attack. Trying to move on and be happy but he can’t get over her. the chorus too, “somethings gone terribly wrong” “your eye’s gone cold” the bridge too “you’re not gone, you can’t be gone” you can also imagine it as like, she lives but can’t face the party without thinking about what happened too
last kiss: stancy / mike and el (parallel!) I think I’m gonna write up a post about all the parallels I see in the characters and dynamics, but I really love this one. Steve being El and Nancy being Mike. The Wheelers having severe issues with love (specifically saying the word) and hurting those who are head over heel for them. I see this from all of their perspectives, switching based off the lines. first verse is mileven (the plane line, “sit on the floor wearing your clothes” we’ve seen El wear clothes from pretty much everyone in the party) the second verse is stancy from Nancy’s pov (life of the party, “i’m not much for dancing, but for you i did” listing things he did she loved without saying “i love you”) bridge is rapid fire switching. “so I’ll watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep” mike (bylers take a lot of family photos; i can imagine him seeing her in photos will sends) “i feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe” steve “and i’ll keep up with our old friends just you ask them how you are” el “i hope it’s nice where you are…it’s a beautiful day” nancy (i think she feels bad for how things ended)
long live: the whole party. they deserve to feel like hero’s and royalty after everything they’ve been though. i desperately need to find an edit to this
ours: Steddie. the town hates eddie atm and would probably not take well to king steve dating him. the lines “i love the riddles that you speak” and “any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored” i can also see lumax, but this is just such a light hearted song to me so i didn’t want to compare it to the racism we’ve seen be thrown at lucas and his relationship
superman: jopper. i love the idea of joyce hyping him up as her superman. also based on my parents (my dad was a first responder and this song always made me think of them for the “saving the world” aspect) “he’s not all bad like his reputation” i’m ignoring the sad parts and just focusing on the “go be a superhero, i’ll be here when you get back”
electric touch: steddie. eddie’s taylor, steve is patrick. “this could either break my heart or bring it back to life” “got a history of stories ending sadly” (eddie) “everytime i tried for love, it fell apart” (steve)
when emma falls in love: robin. i have no real proof, it just reminds me of her. i love the image of steve saying all of this about her ❤️❤️ (obvs pronouns change and stuff)
i can see you: steddie (it’s a very steddie coded album, leave me alone) from steve’s pov, talking about how he’s always had a crush on eddie and always noticed him but it breaks eddie’s brain fhat king steve has a crush on him
castles crumbling: steve angst time. talking about his “fall from social grace” and how he lost everything, both in terms of reconciling what he lost from being a jerk as king steve and what he lost when he was dethroned
foolish one; byler. “stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love” “it’s delicate but i’ll try my best to seem bulletproof” “maybe someday when we’re older this is something we’ll laugh about” “you haven’t written me or called” “i’ll get your longing glances but she’ll get your ring”
timeless; jopper. soul mates for real
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copsecore · 10 months
My Thoughts About Hot Boi Summer ‘23:
CW/TW: i will be non-specifically AND specifically referencing at least semi-nsfw content so please dont read if that doesn’t fly with you in any way, please be responsible!
Holy shit what the fuck this was Amazing (im referencing the poll on this post because erik did the results on stream, so yeah). David was in my top three picks for the poll and I was gutted that he didn’t seem to get very high - but i think that’s coz it was the first video, so maybe people had forgotten about it/it wasn’t as much in the forefront of the majority’s minds by the time the poll was released. Pretty much no negative thoughts.
WE NEED MORE CUTE 7/11 DATES OKAY PLEASE ITS SO SWEET. Ofc the snack puns coming in Clutch ugh i loved those. My only issue (“issue”) was literally the same as why i wasn’t over the moon when sam was voted for the ba (sue me. i liked it anyway) and that was just that we had a vincent one a few months ago, and also a pretty pre-sexual vid after that. Also the fact that lovely literally grabbed his junk in semi-(hah, pun)public, but it’s the anti-PDA in me that disliked that part, so feel free to ignore it!
Also in my top picks!!! I was a tad gutted when we didn’t get his. Saw a lot of posts begging for people to vote for it because yk him n starlight have been in literal Hell for years and therefore they deserve some smut time. Super cute vid, “A Romantic Night” is totally the right descriptor for it and also AYO WHIMPERY AVIOR??? YES. sorry ahem it’s the demons.
It was so good. The premise of getting a more subby gavin? chef’s kiss, more please. everything about it was good and i WISH the ba had been how i expected it to go, but we aren’t here for my criticisms of That, so whatever. It links back to an old non-canon Huxley preview vid that was taken from us (RIP) when the channel lost loads of vids, or at least thats what it reminded me of, with the whole BBQ-and-somewhat-sexual-teasing aspect it was amazing and i would like to see more switch-esque gav in the future (*manifesting*)
Not too much to say considering I started this post as a way to lightly complain about the poll results, and Lasky wasn’t on the poll, obviously. Regardless, I’m glad this video went the way it did, I think we’ve seen a lot of lasko being quick to jump the proverbial gun in the last few years, with his non-canon vids, and hooking up with gavin, etc, so it was nice to see him break away from that and ask to move slower coz hell yeah dude, progress and growth!! and i think it shows how much he wants the relationship to be more natural, and not racing ahead, even if he does in part want that - it was sweet as hell.
ELLIOTT (ft. The Dragon):
I gotta say it right off the bat that i just found the video on the more boring end. *POLICE SIRENS BLARING IN THE BACKGROUND* AH FUCK-
I’m just not overly surprised that i think Eli got some of the lowest results on the poll, I enjoyed the video, and i liked it (this will be a recurring statement) but i just didn’t like it As Much. Lots of people (including me, ngl) wanted more of the dragon - but erik’s not about to do weird fantasy not-fully-bestiality-esque stuff guys - and i’m pretty sure I only liked it coz cmon it’s erik doing another hot voice, im gonna be down horrendous BUT NOT FOR AN ACTUAL DRAGON. i am Not donkey from Shrek. And yeah, i know Eli’s powers can be kinda limiting with what they can bring to the (pun not intended) sex-table, but does all of his spicy stuff have to be in a Dreamscape? idk.
My Second Favourite Hands Down. How people picked Sam over riding Ash in the front seat of a rental, i’ll never understand /lh the horn may make me jump every time, but it’s okay, there’s repentance in the tongue kissing, and i stand by that, it was the best bit (or one of the best bits), No Criticisms (except Ash please don’t have sex in a RENTAL. wait until you get to a bedroom at least PLEASE-)
Again, i liked it but not as much. I love Guy, he’s one of my favourites, i can’t really say why i didn’t like this video as much as I normally would, maybe the concept just wasn’t rolling with me as well - the whole idea of post-concert seemed vaguely random, but you could argue that about all of these, so it doesn’t count. did anyone else see this or was it just me, coz if it is then i will quietly wave my flag of solidarity from my hole in the ground where nobody can see it.
I voted Anton. It was the sadness with the feelings and the horniness spicyness towards the end, ugh I loved it, Anton come home from war soon please (im terrified he might die because despite everything, nothing Death Related had happened in project meridian yet, and let’s face it, it’s gonna.) - it was nice seeing a different but also soothing take on the “your lover is leaving for an indefinite amount of time” thing, and how it changed in comparison to James’ video on it. Anton deserved the continuation okay. No aggression though.
This is where I might get more argumentative because I was so disappointed that Sam won the poll, even though I love sammy. It seemed slightly out of character?? with everything we know about Sam, it just seems so unlikely that he would go to a club, let alone start getting, uh, “busy” n shit while at one. he’s not a big fan of PDA because of his past, in my opinion, and i think overall he’s very private, so the setting and stuff just seemed out of place, it would’ve made more sense for Milo’s or smth to be set there - but hell I can’t tell erik how to write his own characters lmao - and still, the ba was Great. with a capital G.
I fell asleep listening to this the first couple of times, which says a lot already. The sensual massage trope has been used as a gateway to presumably spicy off-screen things before (Aaron’s HBW ‘21, Asher’s HBS ‘22) but idky it wasn’t hitting as well as it normally does, maybe it’s wearing thin on my brain. ofc it’s redacted content so i’m gonna eat it up like it’s ass (crude but true) but i listened to it through without falling asleep and was like “yeah it’s good, i like it, but also eh,,,” - like i mentioned, it would’ve made more sense to me if Milo’s and Sam’s were swapped around - anyone agree?
as always, all the videos were really good, and despite whatever came across through this post, overall, i enjoyed all of them, so please don’t take this as a criticism towards erik or any of his work, trust me, i absolutely adore it - i say it every time, but every time it’s worth saying, and also please don’t cancel me. this was a really long post, so a lot of people probably won’t read it, so if you made it this far; well done! have a star 🌟- don’t be afraid to leave any agreements or disagreements in the notes, i love discussing stuff with people! thanks for reading
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
I SEE YOU OUT HERE VINNIE!!!!! so you already know i have gotta ask,
WHOA a lot of energy hey there
UMMM underrated... i wouldn't know what is an underrated moment or not but some of my favorites are, in no particular order
the shinene goodbye in second manga route. like i do dislike this route but BWAHHH BWAHHHHH BWAHHHH THIS SHIT GETS ME SO BAD MAN SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF like iam pretty pissed THIS route where ene didnt Really know shintaro pre ene like in the main route like that so important to what makes their dynamic so insane yknow what i mean ugh *kicks second manga route* but whatever that scene is 10/10 and in my sick twisted mind this 10000% happens post str too. minus saying goodbye and takane dying yknow. i want these bitches to break down to each other bc they were the only thing they had for over a year and for shintaro to tell takane thank you for being by my side and all that shit and they sob together for an hour and how awkward the aftermath would be
ERM. another shintaro and takane moment but more a takane one. seventh novel confrontation. that whole chapter has my heart but specifically when takane gets teary eyed over kenjirou being clearing and having killed her and haruka. and kano reassuring her it is safe to love the person he was at home and at school and takane cheering up and going yeah he's still a really good guy (goes crazy) and i love that shintaro inner comment is being relieved when she cheers up and if he could help it he'd like to avoid seeing her sad again LOL (the whole chapter he's like SHE'S THE DEVIL SHE IS A DEMON SHE NEEDS TO SINK BACK TO HELL WHERE SHE CAME FROM then she tears up for 30 seconds and he's like WHAT THE FUCK MAKE IT STOP) they are bestfriends ur honor
sixth novel when haruka admits to having feelings for takane. this one is DEFINITELY underrated like i BARELY ever see ppl talk abt it like GIRL ITS RIGHT THERE WHAT IS WRONG WITH U. its generally very cute not only cuz of harutaka but because of shintaro and haruka being bestfriends because haruka realises thru yeah shintaro is my friend!!! but then goes into how calling takane a friend doesn't feel entirely right and "gives him a bad aftertaste in his throat... oh, so it's that kind of thing" i love that both haruka and takane have the "i wonder why" line when it comes to being unable to identify why is it that they feel so inclined to each other. it is so special to me too that haruka identifies his feelings by himself and the only reason he keeps them at bay is his health the fact he will die so what even is the point in indulging in his feelings for her. AUGH. i wanna die. i need ppl to talk abt this bit more. especially since i consider the harutaka bit in the lost day hour comic a callback since haruka wasnt gonna include takane in his interviews. like (tears hair off) WHY DIDNT HE WANT TO. he was all like "uhh yeah i got 1 more person to ask but...." and then takane's the one to be like i still havent given u my answer "oh yeah i was thinking of asking you but..." But what you fucking loser. why do you keep saying but. sorry im so normal abt the harutaka in lost day hour
another one i like is novel 6 when kenjirou calls haruka on the phone (goes crazy) their bond drives me so crazy kenjirou is just collecting kids he is such a good dad i was going crazy over this last night like im so sad he's dead in str like my man you have 4 kids STAY ALIVEEEE GET OUT OF THEREEEEEE *ugly crying*um. yeah. novel 6 revealing the iconic yuukei yesterday bit where kenjirou forces haruka and takane to organize a booth in 1 weeks time wasnt really bc of the principal/administrator/whatever but bc he knew haruka wanted it and needed an excuse to get takane moving therefore get haruka moving. if he only told haruka, haruka would laugh it off and be like noooo but if he Forces takane then she will beat sense into haruka for him. it just says so much abt kenjirous character to me. he is extremely caring but sort of hands off in a way, but when he needs to. he knows how haruka is that's why he used that approach. IT MAKES ME CRAZY adoptive dad for real. also remember how haruka wakes up in the daze already seeing through konohas eyes and sees his dear teacher all sneering being like MAN WHAT A PAIN THESE 2 WERE TO KILLLLL omg konoha ur awake lol look!!! and shows him takanes dead body. GIRL. CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT HARUKA WAS FEELING AT THAT MOMENT. the only adult he ever trusted and could confide in + his last thoughts before dying (aside from being like I DONT WANNA FUCKING DIEEEE) is a goodbye to takane and how she has to be happy and live a long life with all the people she will meet even if without him. and then he sees she is dead killed by this man he trusted so much. girl. *succumbs into despair*
UMMMM yeah those are a few of my favorites. i got a ton more tho. every haruka and takane moment is a favorite too.
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room4creation · 10 months
Moooorning I’m so fucking jet lagged clearly … well I’m going to attempt sleep now I am actually quite tired .. sad abt things but not rlly all that fussed I think im kinda getting over stuff idk
I’d journal abt this stuff but my journal is at uni and I’m at home so I suppose you can all read me be sad abt the same thing I have for the past few months …
I’m definitely getting over it. At first I was sad because she had left me high and dry like we were rlly best friends for a little while and then I think it was this one Friday night where she completely ditched me for a boy and also her new friend that I was like yeah ok this is the beginning of the end ,.. and then she was treating everyone around us like shit for this new friend and at first I was sad because I still wanted to be her friend and I wanted us all to be friends but now I’m sad that we even had to do this drama … like I just want things to be simple. I’m sad that everything got fucked and now we have to live with the awkwardness of it. I don’t really miss her as a friend anymore and I think we both know it’s not the same anymore. Sometimes I do… the last time I did was when we were at pres before a birthday party and it was like old times but then it quite quickly became like new times and I was like ah. I’m sad that everyone is angry and annoyed I want us all to just not give a shit anymore. I don’t want to to pretend to be close friends anymore. I want us to go back to first year and never have had her involved at all even though she was involved before me lol. But I suppose friendship groups are not stagnant and they change a lot and people come and go. I just want her to leave to be honest. I don’t want to care about her or the situation anymore. I think I want to go back to when we were in lisbon and things were great but I think maybe things never were.. if you know the lore two of my friends thought we were too much or something and I still think they were kinda wack and crazy for saying all that stuff but idk. Things have been weird before I was even friends with them. So I suppose I wish it could have just been normal from the start and good. Friendships are weird. Weird weird weird. She’s a weird person as well so that doesn’t help, I think I just want to skip to the part where it’s all good. I feel bad for her because i think she will be lonely this year… I think that’s what I maybe feel the worst about. Because her new friends are moving away for a year. I feel sad that she will be lonely this year. I feel sad that I lost a best friend. I feel sad that she was a bad friend. I feel sad that our little group is falling apart and I feel sad that it was never very stable. I feel sad that everyone is angry and upset. I feel sad that we were never enough for her and that she probably never really liked us all that much. I think I’m getting over it because I don’t miss her I miss the idea of the group… I think I’m getting over it because I do want her to have fun with her friends and I want her to pick them over us so life will be easier for all of us. I think I’m getting over it because I don’t really resent her anymore. Ugh. Life is weird. Being sad about boys is so much more fun. Lol
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bluehairedspidey · 11 months
Please tell me more about that sex diary fic you mentioned in the tags of that one post it has captivated me
ok so i just recently started microwaving it in my brain so i dont have a Ton of it fleshed out yet but basically its gonna be a fic series set in the alternate timeline where like on day One of the tournament in mk9 johnny suddenly realizes he's bisexual and is like "I'm pushing 30 and I only just now realized I could be hooking up with guys too? That's nearly three decades of lost time to make up for! Un. Ac. Ceptable." and so he decides he's going to try to sleep with as many men as possible (so like, the majority of the male characters in mk9, mkx, and mk11)
i'm thinking kung lao might end up being his sexual awakening and the first guy he sleeps with because i honestly feel like they could get along well and are a SUPER underrated ship! maybe johnny runs into kung lao the first night of the tournament and the two of them hang out for a bit, maybe have some drinks or something, johnny asks him questions about the tournament and other Lore™, and then maybe theyd have a little friendly practice sparring session where johnny ends up pinned to the ground and impulsively kisses kung lao, after which they take it to his room ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) did they even fucking have rooms on shang tsung's island? where did they sleep?? did they sleep??? idfk
i still have a lot to figure out in regards to where other hookups are gonna take place in the timeline. im thinking hanzo and kuai might be last (so probably sometime in/around mk11), and he'll hook up with both of them together bc theyre husbands <3
i've got a couple other characters i'm thinking will be package deals too. again i need to figure out timeline fuckery, but i Love erron/kabal, and i like the idea of johnny playing matchmaker, so i wanna have him meet the two of them separately and realize how much they have in common and be like "oh i know a guy i think you'll get along with" and then set up a threesome without knowing that the two of them both used to be in the black dragon together lmao (he Does manage to succeed in getting them together tho >:3c )
i might have raiden and bo' rai cho be a package deal too, partially because i love the idea of them being husbands (another beloved rare pair </3) and also because i realized that i dont actually know if johnny ever meets bo' rai cho in the alternate timeline??? so it'd be an easy way of getting him into the story lmao
windwolf is one i also Might consider as a package, but i havent seen their part of the story in mk11 yet so i'll probably wait til i watch that to think about it more
i think the last set of characters ive thought about are johnny hooking up with liu kang and kitana at the same time, and then word of that makes it over to kotal, who then invites johnny over for a good time. johnny thinks "hell yeah" and goes over to hook up with kotal, only to find that kotal also invited liu kang, kitana, jade, and reptile (i have a big complicated polyship with those 5 hjkjhgfdfghjklkjhgf). johnny ofc is not at all bothered by this, the more the merrier >:3
but yeah i think thats most of what i have in mind for now. honestly the funniest dynamic this fic concept is going to introduce is johnny taking his little personal challenge Way too seriously and being like
johnny: UGH i cant believe i have to sleep with [insert character here] someone else: you dont have to. literally no one is making you johnny: but i'm going to
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umsoheytove · 1 year
I ugh……self-doubt buildititilitiiing….
Ok so…i felt you so close or linked to you….of course with 8 min from corona to earth light wouldnt take too long to go the distance of the diameter of earth if it were a throughandthrough….still….i feel like you are close and the song choices and the feelings i gathered at the bar I wonder if they were actually you and not some random thotty….
I understand that this is a mating dance of the A^Au! And I do so love the fun of it all…i hope I didnt miss too much on the hunt and i hope i didnt just pick up randomness and assume its fake ass significance too too much…no u kno i felt you verily last night….. too and today….omg…
So as scary as it is for me to ask…here is the thing….I may come of as some ultra confident guy but I obviously am not…..when it comes to Intellect like yours and….omg just fucking take me you are so god damned warm…..im gonna shower too now….
But so yeah…I love this, but i cannot stand people peopling…and even if we would flame out before one turn of the cosmological phenomenological starchart before it sharts itself just once…or even if you think i am too….something….i still want to try and meet….
My heart yearns for true love at least once….
Whatever the Fates may bring to us….I am most assuredly ready to run the other way…..with you….heaving you over my shoulder from certain death if necessary….for a chance to say hi….
I know not….what else I can say to convince you but my mind is just tired with anticipation and questioning and wondering if this is real or some hallucinatory fever dream scenario (ala Dallas, Lost…….’How I met ur mother with a shout out it was good but doesnt fit but hit my mind nonetheless)
I would gladly offer you my ceaseless effort in attempting to fulfill my original vows…..
I promise to earnestly and vigorously ‘make as each day with you better than the last’….
New below
Along this line…..I hope to bring a lot of Light, Love, and Livery to the end of your days….as best I can…knowing how we are bound to fuck up InDefinitively from ‘time-to-time’….and ‘blow our minds while we are blowing our brains (kinda sounds redundant written out…but….also symmetrical so….of course I love it even more now…..)….
If I hear the seaguls laughing at my jokes, is that a sign you would get them or they are too obvious??? These are the stupefying questions namastache you as they are absolutely critical to my understanding FULLY the universe….but more so….To Truly Know You as a Person, and a friend, and whatever Fantasies May Come….but obviously for the S’& G’s…..
So much a do about wasting our precious moments apart that could be together….
I cannot bear solving more unending riddles to meet you….every time I think I’m on the right track my self-doubt kicks in and I worry….
If you would be so kind as to do me one favor….I am actually super shy….its so much easier to talk here first than attempt to figure out what to do next….i think that perhaps you and the Aurora have become so used to being linked and omnipresent (as fuck) and a subtle force existing in the shadows that perhaps you are all scared of an actual first contact…..i cannot fathom this as I have no frame of reference….it brings to mind several key milestones of my own life however….well…basically ‘firsts’ in terms of meeting new people or groups of people
Getting escorted to the school bus as a kindergartener and/or stepping into pre-school for the first time by Mom…. well basically they are all just school…ele, middle, high, first ever job, drivers ed….moving into college…..grad school……starting a first ‘big boy britches’ career-type job….each year bringing with it new excitement and new trepidations at the year ahead….
Suffice it to say…..I have a cursory understanding of what must be a constant deluge of information you must process….I would be happy to help understand how you obtain, filter, sort, retrieve, and landscape your soul…..im sure you have fun toys You (AuSi….new shortened nicname) can all gang probe my brain as long as I understand the variables and potential consequences of such mind fuckery….
So….ok sorry…ugh overthinking as usual….i wish I were kewl and cute sounding like Ke$ha at the end….heheh….
Dearest Tove, et al….
My newest love,
Ushered forth via a new found hate….
You helped reveal my foolish naïveté……
You helped disabuse me of the thought that,
Openness and honesty can be assumed in
most relationships….
Ruined by an ‘UnSpeakable’ Fact (Catalonian accent pronounced as Fäq’D)
Lies seem to form the bedrock of modern
The Bravery and Determination of pure Will to Be and Be Seen…..
It is my honest wish that The Gods restore Your Full Rights and Privileges to join Them.
Not as a newcomer,
But as (an) Old Friend(s),
In Valhalla or Mt. Olympus…
Or wherever Their greatest power may lie,
But definitely…..to simply Be
ToGetHer with Them….
In, Among, and Between The Stars….
You Are….
As You Were….
As You Always Shall Be….
A Valiant Warrior….
So Resilient….
So Brave….
So Patient….
So Kind…..
So Hilarious…..
So Generous….
So Thoughtful….
Such a warmth I have not felt in ages.
May Your Heart(s),
May Your Soul(s), and
May Your Enduring and
Truly Endearing Spirit Be at Peace
Once again….
P.S. Dear new/old WonderKin…..friend…..thank you….if you are able I will be looking out for signs of your Good Works all over this Planet if I have the time, energy, and ability….I cant wait to meet more directly…..someday…..maybe not soon for me but….I’m sure time is a bit ‘liquid’ In-N-Out
All my love and respect….
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nemir · 2 years
it’s quest loving hours
just some random headcanons & things that remind me of him that, for some reason, refuse to leave my brain. you do not have to agree with them, they are purely for me & anyone else who wants to enjoy them uwu also i’ll put it under a cut because long post is long.
--» because you both tend to work the night shift (or just long days in general), you don’t have a lot of time in the day to do things so you’re doing groceries at 10pm on a thursday, dr’s appointments are scheduled for like 3:45pm. last showing at the movies. late-night dinners at the sports bar. --» in the same vein; late night laundromat visits. super super liminal space hours and it’s as if only you two exist in the entire world on these nights & neither of you would have it any other way. you throw balled-up socks at each other, race in the wheely-basket things, dancing up and down the aisles of dryers. sometimes he’ll go out and have a smoke (not very often, since he technically quit. but the weeks where work has been especially rough, he allows himself a bit of stress relief) and you just watch him from inside; you hate the habit but lord he looks so good with a smoke in hand, taking a long drag, the other hand running through his hair. he closes his eyes and leans his head back to exhale. --» rainy summer nights. the lights reflecting off the puddles in the streets, the sound of rain hitting the roof of the car. you’re parked in a field outside of town watching a thunderstorm roll in. --» bob ross paint-along’s for date night. or just for fun. this poor man hardly has an artistic bone in his body (he’s a writer, not a painter) but the effort is there and it’s adorable sitting there, watching him hyperfocused on his canvas, tongue sticking out a bit as he’s lost in the creative process. he also 100% almost takes a sip from the rinse cup. --» 80s music. 80s coming-of-age movies. i just have this feeling in my gut that he would’ve consumed that shit growing up; his mom probably loved all those iconic films. pretty in pink, sixteen candles, breakfast club. he would look amazing in acid wash denim and you can NOT change my mind. lots of hand-me-down clothes from his dad/grandpa or something, from that era. --» dude absoLUTELY grew up in a 80s decorated house. im talkin’, grandma’s house. golden girls type of shit. wicker furniture. BLACK. BATHROOM. FIXTURES. UGH WHY DID THOSE EXIIIIIIIIST. guest bathroom was beach themed with a blue toilet. even though he was born in like ‘91/-’92, does not matter. --» stationary collector. i mean we all been knew, this man loves his pens. but he can’t not grab a new notebook when you’re at walmart/target/whatever. will buy new pens and sharpies and the like, even when he absolutely does not need them. complains that he has no where to put them all, but he’s afraid to use them (and no this is not me projecting shut the fucK UP) --» carnivals at night. unsurprisingly good at the games where you gotta shoot something (JFKLDJFD) and wins you the biggest prize which he is then forced to carry for the rest of the night because he HAD to do it immediately. i dont take him much for a rides kinda guy though, mostly games and the food OH MAN candied apples, caramel corn, funnel cake, those lil mini donuts. it’s the time he gets to treat himself (and you). but just all the bright lights, colours, the bass-y pop music from the rides that gets more muffled as you walk further away.  --» those winter nights when it’s pin-drop quiet, the sky is almost purple. it’s snowing and the snowflakes are big and fluffy. the snow isn’t that good, sticky packing snow but that won’t stop him from scooping up a handful of powdery fluff and throwing it at you! red noses and cheeks, laughs and smiles. big floppy mittens laying over the heater as you curl up with hot chocolate. --» crocheting things for HIM. the very i d e a that you learned how (if you didnt already) and then went out of your way to make HIM something? a scarf, a hat, some slippers for his big ass feet and a HUMONGOUS sweater (gotta contain those ARMS and tiddys yknow?). he keeps that shit for EVER. even when it’s falling apart, he asks you to fix it to the best of your ability because he never wants to lose that, never wants to let go of something so precious. broken things can be fixed. --» yknow those things you can buy that’s like, “the night sky on [date]”? 100% got that for you as a gift. the night you joined the server. the night you started dating. the night you met in person. one of them is on a little pendent necklace that you never take off, which makes his heart burst every time he catches a glimpse of it. --» i feel like he grew up kinda poor, so the idea of crazy expensive frivolous gifts does not spark joy in him (there are some exceptions, of course. but it’s a big deal to him so when you DO get them you know it’s extra special), and he definitely gives ‘something made has more meaning’. he likes making things for you, as gifts. diy king. would also 100% do something cheesy like buying a bouquet of flowers, puts in one fake flower, then writes “the day the last rose dies is when i will stop loving you” on the card. --» speaking of writing things: notes in your lunchbox. both of you, though. you do it for each other. it’s so simple, but very sweet. or if one of you works the morning shift, you leave a sticky note on the mirror “have a wonderful day! i love you! xo”. --» i’d say mix tapes/burning cd’s but uhhhh LOL it’s 2022 so personalized spotify playlists. all the songs that remind him of you/you two. perfectly curated for specific date nights. when the talk of marriage comes around, he busts out a “potential first dance songs” playlist LMAO he was already ready. --» loves a good card game. im talkin crib, rummy, fuckin... this man has the most intense games of solitaire. scrabble nights. tries to beat you at trivial pursuit but you’re a master of trivia games. a lot of those nights end with some cards/game pieces scattered over the table and floor, along with some articles of clothing coughcough --» i can see him being a morning lover. mostly due to working nights. by the time you both get home, you’re exhausted and that is the very last thing on your mind. not to say it never happens! of course it does. sometimes it’s the best way to get out some uhhh frustrations from the work day. but the way the sun spills through the window and over your body just [motor revving sounds], yknow? he can’t help it. you’re so... fucking ethereal.
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Heya! Congrats on the 100+ followers!! Your writing is really good and I enjoy reading your works!
If you dont mind, what would be your headcanons on the TWST dorm leaders of what prefrences they have for a S/O? Like what would they want in an S/O? (Also Im sorry if this has already been asked Im also kinda new to your blog as well ;w;)
Hii!! And thank you 🥰🥺💕 that means a lot to me!! I hope you stay and continue to enjoy yourself here!This hasn’t been asked before so I hope you enjoy!!! ;w; I hope you all enjoy I had a fun time (and a difficult time) writing this out! I think I made it too long, again ;w;
I made this SFW uwu just some fluff!!!! But please keep in mind before you follow me, I MOSTLY POST NSFW works.
Warnings: slight story spoilers for episode 5, for Idia’s part, if u squint
Pairings: Dorm Leaders x Reader
I put things under a cut for length!!
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle would probably want a partner who does well in school - at least someone who tries to! It would go against his own desires to do well in life if he has a partner who doesn’t have the drive to succeed like he does.
He isn’t particularly fond of people who have a lot of potential yet waste it on being lazy. Like I said before, it goes against his own morals.
I also see him wanting someone fun-loving! Riddle grew up in an environment where fun was essentially taboo so he would be drawn like a moth to a flame to someone who has so much energy in them. Remember one of his best childhood friends is Che’nya so he would probably not hate the idea of joking around and being silly once in a while!
Someone who would love sweets like him! Not too often so he could maintain his shape, but someone who would love to indulge him once in a while!
Riddle would love to see an S/O who makes time for him and the unbirthday parties that Heartslabyul hosts! He feels like a good dorm leader and seeing you make an effort to come makes him feel like a great boyfriend too!
“Ah, Y/N, I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to make it today.” Riddle sighed to himself in relief. He feared his rose would come to the party late. “Ah, sorry Riddle! I was late because I was studying for Professor Crewel’s exam but I lost track of time!” You breathed out, a bit exhausted from running.
The redhead only nodded and smiled at you. “Don’t worry about it, my rose. We’ve only just begun the party, so no need to fret.” Riddle’s gentlemanly ways never failed to make your heart soar. “No no, I’ll make it up to you! I’ll bake you a tart sometime, you’ll let me right?” You playfully nudged at your boyfriend’s arm and smirked.
Riddle could only blush furiously. “Th-that would not be a bad idea. I suppose I would accept the gift graciously, dear, but only if we can cook it together. I believe it would be beneficial to both of us to learn!”
Leona Kingscholar
Someone who loves to nap with him like all the time
Leona would definitely want someone who is willing to praise him a lot. Growing up he never really had that and felt like he was overshadowed by his big brother, so this guy needs validation like crazy. Tell him how strong he is, how much you love him, how warm he is… he’ll scoff and look away but you could see the faintest blush on his cheeks. He secretly loves it.
I feel like Leona would like bratty tsunderes, for some reason. He would be the perfect teasing type for them and I think I can just picture Leona and his S/O getting into play fights that lead to something more, if you catch my drift.
Someone who can be “refined” enough for show so that when he brings you home to his family, they can accept you fully. The last thing he wants is his family pestering him about how his potential mate isn’t a good fit.
As tough as he may be he def wants someone at the end of the day to stroke his head and calm him down after a long and stressful day.
“Oi, herbivore, come here and be my pillow.” Leona’s gruff voice broke the silence of his room. He was sitting up on his bed while you studied on his desk. Giggling, you made your way into his bed, crawling over to where he was. Leona pushed your torso down gently and started nuzzling his head on your chest, and you could feel the vibrations coming from his body that was like a low growl. Or was it purring?
“Of course, anything for my big strong boyfriend, the best Magift player in the school, my one and only love~” you endlessly praised him, smiling at him as if he were a rare diamond. Leona only huffed as he wrapped his muscular arms around your form, effectively preventing you from leaving.
“Tch…. Damn right….” Leona mumbled. “Why don’t you tell me more while I start drifting to sleep?” Leona smirked. Running your fingers through his hair carefully, you obliged, feeling Leona’s breathing become more calm as you continued.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul would ALSO want someone who praises him, due to his years of being bullied. Call him beautiful, smart, tell him he’s the most cunning man on campus. He EATS IT UP. This man will swear on his life for you.
He also would want someone who has the ability to work hard… what? The Mostro Lounge needs extra workers sometimes! Azul thinks that if he can own the lounge, manage contracts, AND study hard for school, his S/O should be able to match him!
I can see Azul absolutely praising/spoiling his S/O too. Since you give him so much happiness in his life he should pay it forward, no? What would you like, a new dress/suit? A new piece of jewelry?
Someone !!! Loyal!!! Azul wants someone who he can feel secure with in a relationship, so he probably wouldn’t want you to flirt with anybody else since his insecurities will SPARK UP like crazy!
Azul wants someone who loves him for who he is, unconditionally!
“Angelfish… hello, good evening. I’m sorry if I am a bit more tired than usual, I just finished with ordering more inventory for the lounge and dealing with some paperwork.” Azul sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. You dropped your bags on one of the chairs of the VIP room and walked over slowly to your octomer boyfriend. Bringing your arms to his shoulders, you slowly begin to knead and massage his arms gently. Azul groaned at the contact, muscles aching.
“How is this, Azul? I know how hard you work, you deserve to take a break too, sometimes…” you spoke gently into his ear, kissing the shell of it. The contact gave him slight goosebumps. “Ah, I would love to but, I have so much more to do… I know it’s going to be a late night for me, so why don’t you head on to sleep?” You tsked, upset with his answer. “I know it’s late Azul, that’s why I’m here. You know, if you keep doing this you’ll get wrinkles, right?”
“Ahem! Well. Then, this might be a good place to stop if that’s the case…” Azul huffed, standing up quickly to retire to his room, you in tow.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim wants someone who is cheerful! They may not be a ray of sunshine like he is, but I honestly can’t picture him with someone smug/gloomy. Kalim might be dense but he isn’t THAT stupid. I think he would be able to notice if you were upset which makes him upset.
Someone who is down for anything, Kalim would love to take you on a ride on his magic carpet at random hours of the day so be prepared to drop whatever you’re doing if you want to appease your impulsive boyfriend!
A fun loving person for sure, who isn’t super self conscious about what people think. If he asks you to dance with him he would really love for you to join! He wouldn’t want you to say something like, “oh, but I’m a bad dancer…” Kalim would shake his head and ask you why you would say that! It’s all about having a fun time together, right?
A patient lover is what Kalim would want as well, someone who’s kind, too. At the end of the day when Kalim is ready to sleep after his crazy antics, he wants a partner he can be able to lay next to and feel like himself.
Someone who loves him even if he weren’t rich, Kalim would want someone for their personality and not materialistic things or beauty. Kalim sees someone for their heart ! (*´꒳`*)
You yawned heavily while rubbing your eyes. Was that a tapping noise coming from the window? “Ugh…. What time is it?” Checking your phone, you saw it was 1:30am. You also had a text from Kalim.
*tap tap tap*
You groggily walked over to the window and opened the curtains to see Kalim sitting on his magic carpet with the biggest grin upon seeing you. Opening the window, you giggled lightly. “Good evening Kalim, fancy seeing you here so late.”
“Hi, Y/N!! I woke up and felt bored so, you wanna join me on a night ride around campus?” Kalim practically beamed at you, even this late at night. His smile never failed to make your heart flutter. The boy’s positive energy also transferred to you, effectively waking you up.Stepping onto the carpet from your window was your answer. After getting situated, you kissed Kalim’s cheek and held his hand. “Of course Kalim, I would love to.”
Vil Schoenheit
Someone who can tough out his callous words and treatment. Vil might be a bit much, but the reason why he does this is because he does it with the goal of ultimately helping you. He only wants to see the best out of people, including but not limited to his little sweet potato!
Someone who is patient. He knows he checks who the most beautiful person is quite often and he doesn’t do it to annoy you, it’s just for his own personal validation issues. Lay a hand on his arm, back, or head to give him praises and let him know he’s beautiful to you no matter what.
Someone who is willing to pepper him lightly with kisses (not the face though, he has makeup on!). He definitely eats it up and loves it so much, he feels like you are treating him like a king. He’ll pay that back tenfold and give you beauty treatments, it’ll feel like you’re at the spa on a weekday!
Vil is constantly posting on Magicam, depending on whether you’re comfortable enough to be posted on there he would want to make sure you are okay with him constantly taking photos to be posted on there. Whether it be food you cooked, matching couples outfits, or even pictures of you without makeup, be ready to face comments of all sorts coming from his fans.
“Mira Mira on my phone… Currently, who is the most beautiful of all?” You heard Vil speak outside of his room. Currently you sat on the small chaise at the foot of his bed. Vil told you he needed to step out for a second, so you could get ready for bed now. After putting on your sleeping clothes, Vil finally came back in, seeming more irritated than before. His eyebrows furrowed and his body looked tense.
“Vil, are you alright?” You questioned him as you made your way to his bed, slipping under the covers. Vil only sighed and exchange a quick “Mm.” as he changed into his pajamas and came to join you. He was turned so his back was facing you and he was a bit distant. You knew he didn’t get the answer he wanted when he got those search results back. You didn’t know how to convince your boyfriend otherwise but you decided you needed to talk to him.
“Vil, darling…” you spoke gently as you nuzzled closer, your chest pressing into his back. Your arm wrapped around him to pull him closer, to which he responded with finally relaxing in your touch. “You’re one of the best things that’s happened to me, Vil, I don’t know if you realize how lucky I am to have such a loving, caring, and talented boyfriend like you. Your beauty is simply the cherry on top of the person I fell in love with. To me, you’re perfect. I love you.” You ended your tangent by placing a gentle kiss on his shoulder, dozing off.
You couldn’t see Vil but he trembled lightly as tears silently fell down his face. “Thank you… I love you too, my sweet potato.” Vil whispered into his pillow. With you, he always felt like the most beautiful person.
Idia Shroud
Personality wise, I don’t think Idia would be picky. He’s a shy person and honestly would be surprised he could get an S/O at all! So is Ortho!
Speaking of Ortho, Idia wants someone who is kind and loving to his little brother. Knowing his partner loves his brother would only make him fall for you harder!
Probably someone who would give Idia his own space until he finally felt comfortable and wanted to take it further, he would prob take a few days to even kiss you!!!
Idia wants someone to be his player 2 :) like actually, come over and game with him and he’ll probably be the happiest boy ever.
Big big bonus if you love anime, cosplay, gaming, etc. It’s one thing to be an otaku like Idia but when he has a partner to fully indulge in his interests with?? It’s a win-win situation for everyone! He wants to do a couple cosplay one day if he gets the courage to ask you.
Someone who won’t pressure him too much. If you remember how Riddle pressured Idia into trying to speak publicly, you know how much of a scary situation it put Idia in, even though he was able to do it. Stressing him out is just gonna make him unhappy :(
Someone who enjoys spending as much time inside as he does! I’m not talking a hikikomori but someone who wouldn’t be opposed to staying inside with him 99.9% of the time lol
“Y-Y/N-shi, would you like to g-go on a date with me soon?” Idia fumbled with his fingers, looking away as he asked you. You raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Idia, this is the first time you asked me to ‘go on a date’. Don’t tell me, are we actually going out somewhere?!”
“Eek! D-don’t be ridiculous, Y/N!!” He almost screeched the words out. Suddenly he pulled out a couple of VR headsets with hand controllers, and handed one to you. “Fuhehe, I just made a bunch of simulation locations. We could go to the park, a restaurant, even an amusement park..!” He grinned showing off his teeth.
You giggled at Idia’s enthusiasm, loving the way he gets after speaking about his own creations. “What a wonderful idea, Idia. Maybe we could take Ortho to the ‘amusement park’ too? We’ll be a big family.” You mused. Idia’s face brightened and a faint pink tinge covered his cheeks.
“F-family, huh? Ah, Y-Y/N-shi…. That would be n-nice…” Idia blushed as he considered what the future would bring for the both of you.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus would also mostly not have preferences on a person’s personality. Like, he wouldn’t say something like: “I want someone shy vs someone bold.” Anything his child of man does is interesting to him and he’s entranced by you!
That being said, Malleus would not tolerate rudeness, disrespect to him, Lilia, or his fellow dorm mates, etc. He may love you but he values those bonds more, especially Lilia’s and his grandmother’s.
Malleus wants someone who is willing to teach him human tendencies, since he is curious about them. Malleus will also probably never stop asking you about your life in the previous world, and listen passionately as you describe the hobbies you had, family members, etc.
As long as you continue to love and treat Malleus like a normal person and with kindness, he will continue to love you endlessly. He’s so unused to it that he will feel so special as you only coo in awe instead of fear away, if he showed you a magic trick or maybe donned more of his draconic features like his tail or long claws.
You walked with Malleus under the bright moonlight in the woods near Ramshackle dorm. His height and charm never failed to impress you. And his face, he was so very handsome. His striking green eyes always made you feel hypnotized and his horns were so well taken care of, you almost wanted to reach out and-
“Hm, Child of Man… you do know it’s quite rude to stare, yes?” Malleus chuckled and suddenly broke the silence, making you gasp. “Ah, sorry Tsunotarou. I-,” searching your thoughts, you just couldn’t think of anything quickly enough. “I just couldn’t help myself. You’re very attractive.” You murmured, admitting defeat.
“Oh? Do I not intimidate you, my dear? Usually humans and even other fae fear my features and tend to shy away…” Malleus looked down in thought as he continued walking. You wrapped yourself around one of his arms as he walked, effectively stopping him in his place. “Well, you don’t intimidate me! I like being around you, so, let’s keep it that way. I want to stay with you for a long time so don’t get too tired of me okay, Malleus?”
Hearing you say his given name only made the fae’s heart beat harder in his chest. Surely you knew what you did to him. He smiled down at you, green eyes softening in your gaze.
“I assure you I won’t, little human.”
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lovelyyy-luna · 3 years
halloween night
pairing: (fezco x fem!reader)
fandom: euphoria
type: fluff
warning: mentions drug drop off’s and having a joint
word count: 1277
date: march 22, 2021
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Halloween was always such a fun time when you were younger, but since you weren’t a child you wanted to actually do things that normal people your age do around this time of year.
You got together with your friends and dressed up ready to party.
“Come on Y/N, you would look so hot in this,” Kat whined.
“I'm not sure Kat this doesn’t really feel like me.”
“Ugh, that’s the point of Halloween, Y/N. You aren’t supposed to be yourself, you’re supposed to be what you secretly want to be.”
“Um, I don't think I secretly want to be little red riding hood.”
“Hello you are going to be SEXY little red riding hood,” she laughs and then you start to relax and laugh along with her.
You finish getting ready and your group heads out to the party.
Walking down the sidewalk you felt a wave of nostalgia seeing all the little kids all giddy and probably high off sugar.
You reach the house and you go in. the music thumps throughout the house and you can feel the bass in your chest.
You get two drinks in you and you decide to go out for some fresh air. The cool air nipped at your face and sent chills down your arms. You lean against the house trying to keep warm.
Then a familiar face comes from the side of the house. Fez.
“Hey, Y/N. Why aren’t you in the party?”
“Got a little rowdy in there for me. Why aren’t you in the party?”
“Oh, I’m just here for business. Halloween is one of my busy days.”
“Oh, I bet. Why didn’t you dress up? It’s Halloween!” you chuckle.
“What are you talking about? I'm dressed as a drug dealer.” he laughed and had a half-lit joint and handed it to you. You inhaled and held it for a few and then exhaled while rolling your eyes.
“So uh, do you want to get out of here? I have a few more drops to do, but maybe we can go back to the shop and watch a scary movie?” he asked.
“Really? I mean yeah I’d love that. Let me just let the girls know.” you left to find your friends.
You only found Maddy, “Hey girl! Isn’t this party awesome so many cute guys right?”
You can tells she was drinking, “im leaving w-”
“What? No, you can't go! I met some guys and they think you’re really cute.” she says poking your chest.
“Thanks, Maddy but I'm going to hang out with Fez.”
“Ooh really? Well, have fun! Try not to get pregnant!.”
You playfully shove her and go back outside.
You find Fez on his phone and you stand in front of him, “ready to go?”
He shut his phone off and nodded his head and walked to his car while you followed.
You got in the car and he grabbed his bag full of product to double-check he had everything for the next drop.
The car ride was mostly quiet. The only sound was the radio on low and since you were driving in a residential area you were going slow and can hear the sound of the kids still out trick or treating.
He finished the last two drops and you headed to the shop. He unlocked the door and both of you headed inside. Ash was nowhere in sight. But you found him in the back of the shop passed out with candy wrappers surrounding him. Even though he was in the dealing business he was still a kid.
Fez put a blanket around him and then headed back to the front of the shop. “Do you want anything?” he asked.
“Um sure.” you look around and grab a bag of skittles. You and him sit behind the counter and he pulls out his laptop and pulls up Netflix and puts on a scary movie.
The shop was a little cold and you scoot a little closer to Fez resting your head on his shoulder but he didn’t mind.
The movie was getting kinda creepy and some scenes caused you to jump and Fez laughed at you. “Do you want me to put something else on?”
“No, I like this movie.”
Both of you finish the movie and he gets a call on this phone and he heads to the back to take the call.
You sit there waiting for him to come back. He comes back out and is very annoyed.
“Everything okay Fez?”
He sits back next to you. “No Mouse needs me to do six more drops next week but I don't have enough product.”
“Can you tell him that?”
“Only if I want to get beat up or some shit.”
You chuckle, “Fez you always figure it out in the end.”
His head dropped down and was cradled in one hand and you grab his other hand trying to soothe him.
“Sorry for bringing down the mood.”
“You didn’t Fez. um, how about we go for a walk so you can clear your head?”
He nods and you both walk to the door and he locks it behind him.
The air was still cool and it was nice out. There was still a chill and you got goosebumps. Fez noticed and took his jacket off and told you to put it on. You didn’t want to argue with him so you do what he said.
The walk was quiet and then interrupted by Fez stammering to ask you a question, “Uh, um Y/N, can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“What did you think of today?”
You looked at him confused. “Like what do you consider what we did today? Okay, let me start over. Us hanging out, do you consider it a date?”
Your face started to burn up, “um well let me see if it hit all my dating criteria. Was it just us most of the night? Yes. Did we have good food? Skittles are always a good call. Did I have fun tonight?”
You stop in your tracks and he does as well and he stood in front of you. You can see the fog of his breath.
“Yes, I had a lot of fun tonight.”
He smiles and goes in to kiss you. But just like any cheesy typical romantic moment, your phone starts to ring.
You both sigh and you answer it. It was Jules, she didn’t know how to handle all the girls completely plastered. You tell her that you’ll be right over.
“Im sorry. Do you think you can drop me off at Kats?”
He nods and you walk back to the car.
In the car you listen to whatever was on the radio, quietly singing along to it. You were lost in the song not noticing Fez looking at you every couple of seconds smiling.
You pulled up to Kat's house and just sat in the car. You didn’t want to leave, you wanted to finish what was almost started.
You get out of the car and walk by his side of the car. Through the window, he grabbed your hand. “Y/N?”
You bend down to the window, “yeah Fez?”
He pulled you in close and kissed you deeply. His hand slipped through your hair.
“Y/N! Hurry up! They are acting up!” Jules hissed at you.
You both laugh and part ways.
“Hey Y/N! When you are done babysitting your friends I’ll come pick you up for a second date.” he smiled from the car
You were flustered and nodded your head and went up to Kat's room.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Should’ve Known Better
Pairing: EB!Frank x Reader
Summary: You should have known better than to sleep with a friend.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Smut, FWB set-up, a little bit of toxic shit, angst
A/N: Frank got the most votes when I asked which other Seb character I should write for, so here it is! This is very personal to me lmfao it’s somewhat based on my own experience that really fucked me up a couple of years ago aksncajscna no but for real, stay away from the friends with benefits kind of relationship if you can’t keep shit purely sexual lmao also some guys are just fucking assholes even if they’re your friend lol
ALSO, I tagged those who are in my Everything Bucky Tag List. I’m not sure if I’ll write more Frank in the future too so I won’t be creating a separate tag list for him yet.
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"Do you love me?"
It was a simple question that was supposed to make you think. Given your experiences and your personality in general, you were supposed to cringe and ignore it. Maybe even make a joke out of it, especially that it was Frank who was asking you this question.
He wasn't supposed to ask it too. He wasn't one to ask such thing, not especially with the relationship that the both of you have. It was clear from the get go that this was nothing serious.
So why was he asking it now?
And why did you respond to it right away, as if you knew your answer even before he asked?
"Come on, it'll be fun."
You should've said no. You should have known better.
"I'll make you feel good, you won't regret this."
It did feel good, you were going to give Frank that. Possibly the best, even. But the latter part? You weren't so sure. Were you regretting it? Honestly, no.
Maybe not yet.
You'd rather not think about it for now.
"What's there to lose? We know each other too much to develop feelings anyway, you said so yourself."
Oh there's plenty to lose. Maybe a decade's worth of platonic (was it really platonic from the beginning though?) friendship. Your self-esteem was on the line too, but you didn't know it yet. You'll get there though, whether you like it or not.
"I'm free next Friday, come over. Spend the night with me. What do you say?"
You should've said no. You should have known better.
"Next Friday. I'll see you, okay?"
You should've said no. You should have known better.
"Ugh, fine."
But you said yes because you didn't know any better.
That first night with Frank was something else. It was fun and he kept his promise to make you feel good. So, so good. You never thought that sex could be that fucking good. At least, not with your previous partners. Not that you had many in the first place.
But god, Frank knew what he was doing and he loved doing things to you. He loved the entire process of knowing your body, what you liked and what you loved. How you liked to be kissed and touched and fucked.
He studied your body like his fucking life depended on it and you let him. You let him own your body because you needed someone to. You needed to feel something, wanted to have a purpose even for just a short while, even if it meant being someone's fuck buddy.
You felt lost for the longest time, but as you laid on Frank's bed with his tongue lapping up your cunt, you actually felt like you belonged somewhere.
You weren't a booty call, definitely not. And when things escalated between the both of you, Frank was already single and had broken off with his recent girlfriend, Daphne. You weren't a doormat nor a side chick. Frank had been your friend for the longest time, one of your closest actually. He knew you the best and not just physically. Frank knew the darkest parts of you the same way you knew him like the back of your hand. He was the most open to you, he said so himself.
"I don't know what I'd do without you." he told you one time.
Frank wasn't afraid to show you his true colors; how he wasn't the kind to settle for one or how he would often end up with someone immature or toxic. He himself was toxic and for the most part, you tolerated him.
That was the mistake on your part.
You let him be himself, that's why you held a special place in his heart. Not even his past girlfriends could get rid of you. You were untouchable.
"Are you sure she's fine with us going out?" you asked Frank one time, as the both of you headed to the movies.
He scoffed, "Yeah, don't worry. I already told her you're my best friend. You're off limits." he chuckled as he placed his hand on the small of your back, guiding you inside the cinema.
"You're fine." he reassured again, this time wrapping his arm around your shoulder and then cradling your head playfully.
Looking back, you sometimes ponder whether the friendship was really platonic. You were sure of it when the both of you first became friends; he was a couple of years older than you. You sort of looked up to him like an older brother for the first few years of your relationship. And he was very caring too, always looking out for you.
Your other friends were the first one to notice the closeness. They often told you that Frank seemed to have a thing for you. You brushed it off though, saying that it was impossible.
His girlfriend then was an acquaintance of yours. She was nice and wasn't bothered by how Frank was affectionate towards you.
Indeed, you were untouchable. You were the best friend after all.
"We fought again."
You rolled your eyes at Frank as he sat across from you at a local coffee shop near your place. It was your birthday and as always, you spent the most part of it with Frank.
It was like a tradition already, to celebrate your birthday with Frank first before you went out with your friends. Or even family. It was that kind of friendship.
"I'm sorry but who are we talking about again?" you joked.
Frank made a face, "Daphne." he responded. "I just told you about her like, two days ago."
You snickered, "I was kidding. But honestly though, you have to stop flirting with other girls. It's been really difficult for me to keep track of your record, Frank. And are you and Daphne even official?" you asked, taking a sip from your cold brew.
He rubbed his chin and shrugged, "Sorta. Well, we were official two weeks ago. Now though, I'm not so sure. Here's the thing, Daphne can be really..." he said, trying to search for the right words.
You hummed and shook your head, "Immature?" you said and mindlessly scrolled through your phone.
"You should really stop dating girls who are immature, Frank. I swear to god, this is like...I don't know, the fifth time you dated someone like her? Why don't you settle for someone who actually acts her age?" you blurted out.
Frank groaned and transferred to the seat next to you, his body facing yours and his hand landing on your thigh. You didn't mind, didn't think it was too touchy or intimate for someone who was in a relationship. It was pretty common for Frank to be this touchy with you anyway, you never paid much attention to it nor given it any malice.
"We fought because of you actually." Frank admitted with an apologetic smile.
Your head snapped towards him, a scowl etched on your face. "What did I do?!" you asked in defense.
"It was my fault. Daph saw your photo inside my wallet." he said.
"You should really throw away that photo. Jesus, why do you still have it anyway?" you complained.
Frank scoffed, "That's my favorite photo of you. I don't wanna get rid of it."
That was the last day that you considered your friendship with Frank platonic.
Come over
I miss u xoxo
Miss eating u out
Miss ur moans, wanna hear them again
You groaned at the continuous notifications that flooded your phone. While you were at work. After that first night with Frank, he had gotten extra clingy. No lies though, it felt nice to be wanted like this.
im free nxt Sat
Cant wait to see u, missed u a lot
dude, we were at the mall together just last wk
U really dont get attached do u?
Frowning at Frank's reply, you honestly didn't understand what he was implying.
what u mean?
Work kept you busy for the entire week, with Frank bombarding you with sweet texts. You've avoided being sweet with him, it felt wrong. You weren't an affectionate person but Frank was, it was sort of one-sided. It wasn't a big deal anyway.
No one from the rest of your friends knew what had become of your friendship with Frank. You just thought it wasn't something that should be revealed. It was like your and Frank's little secret. You had to admit, the thrill only made the sex better.
Whenever the both of you went out with other people, the tension was there and it was fun. It was fun trying to brush off the way Frank's hand would steal touches from your waist, or how he'd subtly squeeze your thigh. The looks you exchanged from across the room; how Frank's "fuck me" eyes were meant for you and only you.
Things like that made you feel a certain type of way. But you never dwelled on it, or at least, you thought you didn't.
"Yeah, fuck...just like that, baby."
Frank's fingers dug deeply into the skin of your ass as he guided your hips. You gripped onto the back of the couch as you bounced on his cock, head thrown back from pleasure as Frank suckled one of your nipples. You could feel each of his fingers pressing down against your skin, it's probably going to leave bruises again.
"Frank, shit. I'm close." you panted against the skin of his neck, your arms wrapping around his shoulders and pulling him close.
Frank grunted and took your face in between his palms, forcing you to look at him as he began to thrust his hips upwards, eliciting a high-pitched whimper from you.
"Wanted to see you like this ever since." he breathed out, pressing his lips against your open mouth.
"Wanted you since we met, d'you know that?" he asked, grabbing a fistful of your hair and tugging your head back so he could nibble on your throat.
You shook your head and gripped his shoulders, nails scratching at his skin as you continued to ride his cock, "God, Frank...so close." you moaned.
You felt Frank's lips curl into a smirk against your neck, his fingers gripping your hair to keep you in place as his other hand slipped in between your bodies, finding your clit and rubbing it to help you reach your climax.
Every single time he touched you, you felt like your entire body was on fire. You felt the most alive, the most free whenever Frank fucked you. Maybe because he was truly gifted in bed or maybe he just knew your body and how to make it sing.
Or maybe it was because of the way he looked at you whenever you fall apart for him. Like he only had eyes for you, like it was only you that he could see.
Sweaty bodies and hoarse voices, the smell of smoke and sex lingering in the air. It was such a familiar ambiance by now. You liked how the aftermath of fucking Frank was never awkward, if any, it was a comfortable experience with the both of you just talking casually about how each other's day went.
"So I'm talking to this girl..." Frank said, turning you around so he could spoon you. Oh, the irony of the intimacy and conversation.
"Where'd you meet this girl?" you asked.
"Tinder." Frank snorted before pressing a kiss on your nape. "No, but she's different. I don't know, there's something about her."
You merely hummed in response.
"Think I might ask her out."
The first sting. The first realization. The first denial.
You should've said no. You should've known better.
The art exhibit wasn't a flop, but you wouldn't call it a success either. When you got a call from the organizer asking whether they can include your paintings in the exhibit, you said yes instantly. What can you say? You were a struggling artist who was seeking validation.
But now that you stood in front of your works with barely ten people attending the one-day exhibit, you thought that this wasn't a validation. It felt like a wake up call that maybe, art wasn't your calling and that you should probably give up on your dream.
"These are amazing."
You were on the verge of breaking down when you heard his voice. Turning around, you were surprised to see Frank. He was nodding his head as he approached you, his eyes scanning each of your painting.
"What are you doing here? I thought you had work." you asked.
Frank gave you a face, "Did you really think I'd miss out on your first exhibit?" he said and pulled you into a warm embrace.
"I'm proud of you." he whispered before kissing the crown of your head.
One validation from Frank was all it took for the walls to crumble down. He was the one who had been there for you all along and that was why you completely trusted him.
Frank will never hurt you, he'll never bring you down.
Or so you thought.
"Do you love me?"
It was a question that was supposed to make you think. But you didn't, because even before Frank decided to ask you that, you already had your answer.
You knew your answer for the longest time now, but decided to lock it into a box that you kept in the deepest part of your heart. It remained there unbothered and almost forgotten, up until this point.
That's why it was so easy for you to respond to it without even batting an eye.
It was too late when you realized that you had just admitted that you were in love with Frank. But you felt like it was the right time for you to bring out the key to that box, open it and just set your truth free.
They said that the truth will set you free, but why does it feel like it only imprisoned you?
"Shit, I was kidding." Frank said, his face panicked and body stiff from your unexpected admission.
Before you could even say something, Frank let out a nervous laugh as he ran his hand through his locks. "Wow, I didn't...are you serious?" he asked again.
It took you everything to brush off the pain, "Yeah, but it's no big deal. Come on." you shook your head and forced out a breathy chuckle.
Frank heaved out a deep sigh, "Fuck, I was messing with you. Are you sure it's fine? I mean, would this change anything?" he asked.
You deadpanned, "No, Frank. It wouldn't change anything. Like I said, get over it. It's not like I'm in love with you. I just love you...if that makes sense? You're my friend." you explained, more like lied.
"Look, it's not like I'm unattracted to you. I like you, I like spending time with you. It's just that I sort of don't see myself committing to you."
It didn't sink in to you immediately, Frank's statement. You didn't pay it any mind because again, you knew Frank. He wasn't one to commit so that was fine, you understand where he was coming from. It's not like you were going to force yourself on him too. But then you accidentally glanced at his phone and saw the messages he'd been exchanging with a certain someone.
When r u coming home?
In a little while, Daph
That night, Frank's statement hit you like a ton of bricks but again, you chose to deny what you actually felt. It's fine.
You're fine.
You should've said no. You should've known better.
Those words rang in your ears on the day that you found out. Your body turned cold, your vision blurred and your head spun. You'd never experienced hurt and anger like this, the kind that consumed you.
The kind that made you realized and admit that fuck, you'd truly fallen for Frank only for him to break your heart.
It didn't help that you were having such a terrible day at work. And Frank was so sweet to ask you whether you wanted to meet up with him. Not for sex, but to talk. The sex came rarely recently and was replaced with wholesome trips to the grocery, shit like that.
You knew there was something special going on. Even after he told you that he didn't see himself being with you, there was something.
Apparently, that something was just an assumption. Because when you asked Frank to meet you up that night, he said he couldn't and needed to be somewhere. That he'd meet with you the next day instead, a promise.
But then you saw him post a photo of him and Daphne. And it made your blood boil.
u back together?
No. Not really, been trying to fix it but u know how it is.
if ur trying to fix it with her then im out, frank
Wait what? Hey, are u mad?
r u fucking serious? u knew i love u and u come here parading ur ex, what the fuck is that all abt?
Shit, hey. Look, let's talk later, okay? Im out, will txt u when Im free.
Frank didn't text you back for the rest of the day.
You should've said no. You should've known better. But you said yes because you didn't know any better.
Were you regretting it? Yes. Sometimes.
You didn't know which hurt the most, the fact that Frank kept you in the dark while he was trying to patch things up with his ex, or that he considered you his best friend and still chose to break your heart.
He knew you the best, your relationship and trust issues and out of all the people, he really had to be the one to fuck you up the most. You trusted him so much, trusted him not to hurt you. Hell, if he doesn't want to commit then that's fine. But for him to treat you like a second option? Fuck that.
For him to confuse you with his actions, the intimacy...were all of those even real? All the times he came to your support when you had no one, when he was there for you on days you felt alone. What were those? He made you feel so fucking special, like it was possible to actually turn the friendship into something more than just fucking.
All this time you thought it was one-sided because you never actually showed Frank how much you meant to him the same way he did to you. Turned out that it was one-sided, but only because you were the only one who fell.
The following day, you received a voicemail from Frank. You pondered whether you were ready to listen to it but at the same time, you wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. It was pretty stupid, he fucked you up and there was no excuse for that. But the friendship you had with him had a strong hold on you.
"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. That was my mistake." he started off. "I thought that this was really just sex and having fun, but I want you to know that I like you. I really do, you're special to me. Please give me a chance to make things right. Daph and I...I want to end things with her. Please stay, I don't know what I'd do without you."
“I just didn’t expect that you’d end up falling for me, I mean shit. You know the real me, how fucked up I am when it comes to relationships. Just please...please stay?”
Did you stay? Sort of. But you kept your distance, didn't meet up with Frank after that and only responded to his texts occasionally. Did he end things with Daph?
He didn't.
He said he would but instead, they got back together.
It was fucking selfish of Frank to ask for you to stay only for him to get back together with his ex. It'd be better for him to just slap you in the face then.
Being told that he couldn't see himself committing to you but then going back with his ex was the cherry on top. God, if that didn't mess up with your self-worth.
You totally stopped talking to Frank, ignored his texts and calls. You stayed away from him, tried to get over him and eventually, you did. But you'd be lying if you said that he never left an effect on you. Because he did, Frank did a number on you and it would take you a long fucking time to completely recover from the damage he inflicted on you.
You should've said no. You should've known better. But you said yes because you didn't know any better.
And that's okay, because there's nothing wrong with taking risks and ending up in heartbreak.
You live, you love and you learn.
Everything Bucky Tag List:
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