#under the sun AND with the love he feels
viktortittiforov · 7 months
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i've been blossoming alone over you and i hear my heart breaking do you hear it too? i could stare at your back all day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - my 1st digital drawing in literal years! funny how the last one i did back in 2016 was also viktuuri. still not over them and never want to be<3
anyways summer of mutual pining lessgooo!!! compensating for the beach episode we never got to experience and only saw glimpses of in the ED. but i'll take them crumbs ✨
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puppyeared · 1 month
i think the reason why im so drawn to spirit tracks and pkmn scarvi is that having the legendary/princess as a companion rather than a goal that marks the games completion makes me feel satisfied the way i would after helping a friend
my brother always teases me about how I still havent finished botw after almost 7 years bc "id rather be out picking flowers" which i wont say is untrue. and yes i know Zeldas been holding off ganon for 100 years, yes i can get some sort of idea what her relationship with link was like by recalling memories and going through her diary. ive always loved botw for its unique storytelling and setting which makes it stand out, because it lets you get to know who you're saving.
but because theyre memories, it only works if theres something for the player to investigate that already happened. its retroactive (but effective nonetheless)
on the other hand, spirit tracks does something similar but instead of having the player try to piece together memories and interpret them as a spectator, you actually have an opportunity to get to know zelda yourself by talking to her and working together. besides making it a gameplay mechanic, giving the player control over how they interact with zelda makes it so much more personable.
and I find that making the goal feel personal instead of an obligation gives me more of a reason to work towards it. I know what kind of person botw zelda was but as the player, shes still very much a stranger to me. but spirit tracks zelda? thats my friend!!!! she invited me to go to the beach after we get her body back!!! i dont want to whip her to make her move faster thats mean :(
you know how hostage negotiators are trained to introduce themselves and get to know the person theyre negotiating with because its harder to hurt someone when you know what their favorite food is? its kinda like that, because it feels like im helping a friend than being told or led to do smth
and although i havent played scarvi myself, i feel an attachment to koraidon and miraidon even just watching playthrough clips because its like!! thats my weird scaly dog!! it loves sandwiches and we're friends!!! you know!!!!!!
#i dont normally write long posts like this but i think ive been trying to put this into words for a long time and it finally happened#my cloth mother spirit tracks zelda and my wire mother lttp zelda#ACTUALLY ANOTHER THING when i was a kid i always felt guilty when i had to catch the legendary at the end of the game#because to me it was like 'i know none of this is real but if i capture you and have you under my thumb am i robbing the world of something#normal thoughts for a 10 year old to have#when i talked to my brother abt this he was like 'i mean yeah the point is to dunk on the NPCs what were you expecting' and i mean i think#i get that its supposed to feel rewarding because the legendary is THE reward. but it doesnt feel right and i dislike he feeling of pushing#others down to get ahead. i guess u can argue sun/moon does smth similar where you have nebby with lillie#but lillie still ends up handing nebby over to the player and i STILL feel bad because im like shit man you raised that little guy#and koraidon/miraidon feels less like a reward but more like overpowered motorcycle lizard that is just so oupydog. and i love him#and in spirit tracks i went out of my way doing some of the side quests bc zelda asked nicely and honestly that was enough for me#i think all of this boils down to.. i feel very protective abt things i care abt so stories that give me a reason to care hits harder#this can also go the other way bc i CRIED when i finished links awakening because i KNEW every person and im responsible for#literally the end of their world. like. there was a family with 5 kids. marin loved singing and cared about me. she was my FRIEND#i just. ugh. i have too many feelings rn. i kinda wanna draw more spirit tracks link and zelda i think that wld make me feel better#yapping#diary#loz#pokemon
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matchbet-allofthetime · 3 months
I need so badly to make an MK au where Lord Raiden was a teen in the sixties and Lord Fujin was a teen in the late sixties/early-mid seventies
And they just encompass their decades as people
And Liu Kang would be so reminiscent of the 80s glam rock and hair bands and all
And then you'd have Kung Lao, who, even though him and Liu are similar ages, he'd be like a solid mix of 80s/90s
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starheirxero · 7 months
do you. want to talk about body horror with tsams eclipse? cause boy howdy im having thoughts
Eclipse’s entire existence is body horror to me in a way I can’t quite properly convey. He never had his own body, he was always inhabiting someone else’s, and the only time he ever looked like himself when was he was cloaking someone else’s body with the star which hurt him badly.
He’s a direct split of Moon, so when he first woke up, he looked at himself and knew he looked wrong. He heard himself and knew he sounded wrong. And never again from that point forward does he ever get to relish in that feeling of a right body again. He just… gets used to being wrong. He gets used to having a flawed existence.
I had a whole ramble about this in my friend’s discord and I talked about how it probably only amplifies his control issues too, because while it may be one thing to control the people around you and the person you possess, it’s another thing to control how you look I think. Like maybe my “Eclipse can be used as a trans metaphor” is showing here, but I truly don’t think it ever helped him to look at his hands and know they aren’t his.
Like, surely there had to be moments where it occurred to him that he had never lived in a body that was built for him, meant for him, and looked like him. Surely there had to be moments where the feeling of always being the unwelcome other in a body crushed him. Surely he had to think at least once that it would be nice to have a body that is a home rather than a temporary stepping stone to survival.
As far as Eclipse is concerned, all having a body is body horror……..
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softcenteregg · 1 year
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Give him the jumpsuit, Oda.
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
what are your thoughts about prongsfoot? personally I think jily is OTP (SCREW JEGULUS/JEGULILY!!) what do u think
heyyyy!! jily is my number one james ship and it’s the only one i really ship. but tbh i dont dislike prongsfoot, i think its valid even if i dont ship it. my fav trope has always been childhood best friends to lovers so maybe that plays a part. also i can respect it because james and sirius have a very deep relationship in canon, and if characters are canonically close friends then theres very few things i can pick on in a ship of them. both james and lily are dead by the time the series takes place, but even after all those years its really evident how much sirius continues to love james and its really sweet. you can tell sirius really believed james saved him from a much darker and lonelier life, and i believe so too. then there are little sweet things like how they shared a mirror to talk to each other when they were serving different detentions, james wanting to make sirius the secret-keeper and only relenting to giving the title to peter when sirius told him to, all showing slight moments of how deep their bond was. the tragedy aspect of james’ death goes so hard too, not just the part where sirius gets locked up for his murder, but also the part where james only made peter the secret-keeper because of sirius’ plan (and also how sirius distrusted remus). so i think its cute and the shippers dont annoy me so… 🤝
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dandyshucks · 2 days
brain is so silly bc I'm thinking "i wish Guz had cold hands so when I'm stressed he could cup my face and it'd soothe the itchiness I get when I start scratching at myself from the stress" and then I realized wait he's a fictional character. I could just say he has cold hands if I wanted. but he DOESN'T, i just KNOW that man is a heater !!! he will get me overheated so easily and that is simply something i am happy to put up with because i love him !!!!
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Get yourself a man like original god. Who else is out here making rap pop experimental all fucking sorts of music. While ALSO having a metal band. With a trademark sound that I could pick up from miles away. He’s worked with kamiyada, babychaos, oni inc, qoiet, becko, sorry x, KELLIN QUINN. His album covers are guro inspired. He even cosplays
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glitter500000 · 1 year
I am so fascinated by the show’s version of Darklina, especially with how Kirigan reacts to it. Like he’s slowly weaving his way into gaining her trust and then gets comforted ONCE when he didn’t expect it and was like “wow maybe this could be real”. Like I fully believe he legit stopped thinking that he was manipulating her in the first place and just thought “she’s just like me”, which is why he was so hurt when they talked in the tent. He said “and what lies are those?” BRO did you forget? (The quotes too like when Zoya was talking about how Alina didn’t fit in and he just cuts her off saying “I know exactly how she felt. The guards used to treat me the same way” like does he really know though? Or him telling Baghra how “without me there’s just her, standing alone” I just, will it really be HER who’s standing alone??? Then when he was telling Mal about how Mal will die all alone and Alina will live on until there’s just the two of them so he doesn’t need to kill him right now, he was so fucking sure of this. This was BEFORE the tent scene in episode 7. Not to mention when after he expands the fold he tells Alina “they’re traitors who tried to kill you. This is retribution” as if she knew about the attempt of her life. Am I looking too into this? Is he really saying this to HER or to himself?)
Also I love how they still showed that this really wasn’t ever healthy relationship. He never sent Alina’s letters to Mal, he never sent Mal’s letters to Alina. He straight up admits to Mal that he read his letters (and I’m betting he read Alina’s too cause when Mal first shows up and introduces himself in his full name Kirigan says “Mal, what a surprise” like he knew his nickname even though they just met) which is a breach of privacy in my opinion. He finds out what her favorite flowers are and gives them to her like “lucky guess I know your favorite flowers”. He stole her fucking journal for the stag drawing and probably looked through it too. A attempt was made on her life and Marie(who Alina was becoming friends with) was killed for it and he just goes “it’s nothing”. Meanwhile he tells her nothing about him except for like small pieces. (“I’d come here through a coin, and wish I could be anyone else” like I think that happened at one point in his life, also the war room scene in episode 4 I don't think he meant for her to be there and he revealed more then he intended)
The antler scene happens and he looks guilty here when they’re placing it on to the point where he would rather look away but at the end of the day when it WORKS and he can draw her light when he wants, he looks like he’s basking in it (showing him what he really cares about)
Can’t wait for season 2 just to see the absolute baggage these two have. Like I don’t wanna see this relationship repaired at all, I wanna see blood between the two. They see each other and it’s on sight
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noniez · 2 years
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caifanes · 2 months
you guys are simply not ready for the conversation i want to have about kristen and riz….
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kissitbttr · 6 months
call me nasty for this one but there’s something about how a man smells after coming home from a long day—like the man musk is making me go feral
and i like to think that being simon’s girlfriend none of that shit matters because you like it. no. love it even. especially when he comes home from work, spending hours training the rookies under the sun. you want nothing more than to feel his skin, his lips, giving kisses under his neck and pull him close despite his protests,
“baby, baby—wait” simon chuckles at your eagerness, fingers curling around the belt hoop of his pants. “i need to shower, i smell”
you hum in disapproval, nosing at the scent of your boyfriend smell, feeling absolutely weak for it,
“no you don’t”
he has his hands on your hips, trying to push you away lightly. “i do actually. just give me ten minutes and i—“
“you smell good” you reach out and plop yourself down on his lap to keep him still. licking a bold stripe against his neck covered with thin layer of sweat. “so sexy—so hot—“
he cringes when he takes a small whiff of himself. “i don’t feel like that”
“well you do”
“sweetheart, i—okay, okay fuckin-hell” he exhales watching you fumble with his belt. “how about you come to the shower with me?”
rolling your eyes, you peel yourself back to look him in the eye. “simon. you smell. fucking. good” you’re deadly serious about it, making his eyes go wide. “yes, you smell a little funky and shit but i love it. the sweat, the musk, the fucking dirt. i love it. it’s sexy and it’s turning me on. now will you please let me suck your cock?”
he eyes you for a second, then realizing you’re not messing with him. the dirty lip bite you give him, the lust in your eyes,
oh now, he gets it.
“fuck” he breathes out, letting you continue l unbuckle his belt. “my dirty, dirty girl”
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simonzmama · 30 days
sugardaddy simon??
simon spoiled you in all aspects of the word. bags, jewelz, shoes, clothes, everything. needed help with this? he’s gotchu mama, dw bout it.
such as now… maybe? his tongue curls against yours, the soft, pink muscle gliding across yours. his fingers slip under the lifting material of your pretty skirt, one he’d bought, one he put on you. he can hear the thuds of your heels slipping off your feet n onto the floor of the car, your thighs climbing to gain more leverage round him instantly.
“ya’ like it, hm?” he breathes into your mouth, referring back to the skirt. his free hand tangles into your hair, nails curling against your scalp as he pulls your head back, watching your neck strain and arch as you stare back at him lowly. the diamonds of your pretty necklace glint under the sun streamin’ into the car, n simon can just barely make out the SR engraved into the heavy sparkling crystal sittin just above the valley of your breasts.
“f-fuckin’ love it, baby,” you cry, your own hands fisting his shirt up. your hips drop, jaw falling open as your pretty cunt swallows him up.
your thighs smush fatty against his, the space in the car seemin’ to grow smaller n smaller by the fuckin’ second as sweat lines your forehead. your hands settle against the seat for balance, hips workin’ up a quicker pace, so desperate to milk this man fuckin dry, so desperate to get that sweet release you’d basically thrown a fit for.
you watch the lines in his aging skin crinkle, brows furrowing every so slightly and his lips all parted. simon can’t lie, havin a pretty young girl ‘round him made his lose his mind, n the fact you were always so desperate to please him made him fuckin’ highhh, euphoric to have to something so precious, so desperate.
“yeah, me fucking too,” he puffs, his fingers gliding up the soft length of your thigh before he’s flipping the front of that lil skirt up. his eyes fixate ‘emselves on the way his cock disappears deep within you. he can feel it too, that’s for damn sure.
his eyes goes rolling back, abs clenching under the lining of plush fat that sits atop ‘em. n with the way his belly’s starting to pull into taut knots, he’s starting to feel that thrill fill his veins again, surprised he’s even lasted this long.
“watch for the damn horn,” he scoffs, throat rolling in on itself as his eyes fog over in a thin trail of tears. “gonna have people linin’ up for they own turn.”
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guideaus · 8 months
im on the Not What He Seems ep of gravity falls, and this might just be me speaking as someone who knows what's gonna happen, but i dont get how stan is really teased as possibly suspiciously evil just bc he's secretly working w some hi-tech machine. i get the lying and all that isnt received well, but i think his character until this point is like half doing crimes as a joke, including lying, so its kinda hard to take "he stole important gov shit!!" seriously, unless its the gov part im supposed to suddenly not laugh abt? or the crazy hobo character thinking its the apocalypse, who until recently was also a joke.
i think the "stan pines is dead" attached to the "grifter at large" newspaper snippet is supposed to suggest this guy killed the real stan and took his identity, but again, why would they suddenly get suspicious of a person they've been living with who they know lies out his ass daily even over nothing
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sanatomis · 19 days
cw. none except satoru being disgustingly cute (part 2)
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satoru isn’t used to people calling him anything other than his surname. gojo-san to most, gojo-sensei to others. it’s simple, and gets the job done.
only a handful of people stick to calling him by his given name. to them, he’s satoru. it’s easy, and rolls of the tongue, and he greatly prefers it over the sound of his surname. it makes him feel like an actual person.
satoru never entertained the possibility of being called anything else other than those two names. he didn’t think it would ever happen.
for once, he was glad to be proven wrong.
“tough day, pretty?” you ask gently, and he sighs with a nod as he throws himself into your opened arms. his body moulds easily into yours, and he lets out a heavy groan as he settles onto the couch with you. the groan is loud, and over-exaggerated.
it’s so satoru.
you have to stifle a giggle.
“everything went horribly wrong,” he grumbles, his voice muffled against the fabric of your shirt. “the higher ups were up my ass again, my students laughed at me again, and when i finally made it to that bakery you liked they were out of your favourite pastries so i couldn’t get them for you—again!”
“oh, my poor baby,” you coo, and gently push his bangs out of his face. he nods in agreement, faking an immense amount of sympathy for himself. “‘s okay, at least you tried, hm? i think that’s very sweet.”
satoru hums, as if he’s deeply thinking about your words. “’m still your baby?” he mumbles, deciding that’s the most important thing right now. his eyes briefly flutter shut, consumed by utter bliss as you play with the hairs on his undercut.
“mhm, still my baby.”
“yeah? what else am i?”
this time you do giggle. he does this sometimes. you aren’t exactly sure why—but on tough days, satoru likes to crawl into your arms and listen to you call him every cheesy nickname under the sun. it’s easily providable and makes him so very happy, so you always indulge him.
“my honey bun.”
“my boo bear.”
“my sweetheart.”
you laugh softly. “my mochi,” you coo, and pinch his cheek. it’s a little squished because he’s laying on your chest, but it emphasises your point.
he grins under your touch. it’s adorable.
“keep them coming, please?” he asks, and you do. you always do, unable to refuse him. especially when he asks so sweetly.
“my sugar cookie.”
“my muffin.”
“my baby cakes.”
“my angel.”
“my love.”
“my husband.”
“h—huh?” satoru stammers, looking up from your chest. he lays his chin on your sternum, baby blue eyes blinking up at you. they’re filled with awe, surprise, and utter glee. “that’s, i’m not. . .”
“just testing the title, baby,” you tell him, and continue playing with his hair. he bathes in your touch and you smile softly as he grabs and kisses the palm of your hand. “what do you think, hm?”
“i think you should call me it again.”
“mhm,” he mumbles.
“my dearest husband.”
“my handsome husband.”
“my sweet husband.”
“again, please?”
you hum, impressed. “my well-mannered husband.”
satoru chuckles, and lays back down on your chest. his white hair tickles against your skin, and he sighs in content.
“i think i want to be your husband for real.”
“yeah,” he mumbles and nuzzles further into your hold. “y’ve got the same ring size still, right?”
“i sure do,” you say, a content smile on your lips as you watch him slowly doze off to sleep.
“hm, good to know.”
for satoru, those nicknames make him feel as if he’s something even greater than a person—it makes him feel yours.
he’s not just gojo, the strongest. he’s not just satoru, the at-times somewhat immature adult with the sweet tooth of a child.
he’s yours. your baby. your honey bun. your boo bear. your mochi. your boyfriend. your love. and for satoru, there’s no greater thing in the world than that.
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astreids · 20 days
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just memorized your coffee order because it was the most basic decent thing to do. not because it gave him an excuse to talk to you, even if it was for two minutes.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just always kept a spare hair tie with him because you once mentioned that you always forget to bring an extra with you during missions. not because he always remembered every little thing you had ever said.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just didn't particularly like gojo, especially when he was making you laugh. not because he wanted you to laugh like that with him.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just felt his heart drop to his stomach when you got injured on a mission because that's what he'll feel for any other colleague. not because he couldn't bear the idea of not seeing you ever again or hearing you call him 'kento, my angel.'
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just asked to be paired with you because you spoke the least amount of nonsense and you proved to be a good company. not because he was slowly losing interest in talking to anyone else who wasn't you.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just read the books you recommended because they were already on his reading list. not because he wanted to talk to you all the time about everything and anything under the sun.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just brought you your favourite food whenever you seemed in a bad mood because he needed you to focus on the task. not because he didn't like seeing you upset and the thought of you being all sad and teary-eyed made his heart hurt.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just hated the idea of you loving someone else.
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