#unf siblings
strawberry-barista · 1 year
Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe
You didn't have to smile at me Your grin's the sweetest that I've ever seen But you did. Yes you did
You didn't have to offer your hand Cause since I've kissed it I am at your command But you did
Oh, Turpentine erase me whole I don't want to live my life alone I was waiting for you all my life Oh Why
Set me free, my... honey-
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
hallooo,it's me again:)) may I request soshiro x reader forced marriage angst but happy ending
I hope I'm not bothering you:). it's ok if you don't want to make it
a/n: i could never say no to such a beautiful request! i love writing angst muahaha
pairing: hoshina soshiro x blind!reader
cw: forced marriage, physical and emotional abuse
genre: angst/ hurt comfort/romance/fluff [wc: 2,9k ]
a/n: this story takes place in the meiji era!
a/n: i am so upset the fic idea in my head was so cute but now that im proof reading its ass 😭 i am so not satisfied with this but maybe a part two will safe it idk rip 😭 and i have to post something can't have u guys go to bed/work/whatever unfed 😔
edited a/n: is this even forced marriage omg 😭🐵
still, enjoy!
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A Vision of Love | Hoshina Soshiro
The world around you had long lost its colors. Your vision was plagued, cursed to pick up the world in vibrations and tones instead of images.
The gods have plotted against your existence long before you had been born, cursing the path you were destined to walk on with failure and hardship.
“You are no child of mine!”
The feeling of your father's hand was imprinted in both your memories and mind. A gruesome sensation, one that had no problems seeking you unannounced. On some days the beast would simply barge into your chambers, striking you to his heart's content.
And for what? All for being unable to carry out his legacy.
“Blind and weak, we should have killed you the second we saw those impurities!”
No day passed by when he wasn't cursing your existence but you had been all too used to it..
You sat kneeled on the engawa of your estate, scrubbing the long corridor facing the entrance. It was one of the many tasks given to you which had to be completed by noon. Pearls of sweat accumulated on your forehead, dripping down the side of your face and staining the cloth of your clothes but that told you that you were almost done.
You heard voices chatting in the distance. Some belonging to your family members and others to the Kaseifu, yet you were able to make out three voices foreign to your ears.
“Please come this way.”
Your father greeted the guests with fake hospitality. It irked you immensely, listening to him put up an act of dishonesty but there was nothing you could have done about it.
As soon as you finished up your work, you brought away the cloth and the rag and hurried back to your room using the back entrance. No using the main entrance when guests are around– another strict rule you had to follow.
They stopped bothering you a long time ago, the harsh rules and strict regulations forced upon you by your family. It was unfortunately not just your father who harassed you but also your mother and siblings– though their approaches of breaking your spirit were more subtle. They whispered and gossiped, calling you all kinds of names to lower your spirit.
All to make themselves feel better.
Your family was a renown clan known for its fighting skills and birthing people of strong flesh. In the world of Kaiju slayers, your family stood on top with another handful of carefully selected clans. But as dysfunctional as you were, ripped of your vision at birth and your laughable body, there was no place for you in the limelight. Thus you had been hidden away in the back of your clan, mixed with the maids and housekeepers to keep the knowledge about your existence to a minimum.
But all that was about to change.
“Lady Y/n.”
The voice of Madam Kiyoko called out for you, the only woman to treat you with kindness in this place.
“Yes, Madam Kiyoko?”
The woman's voice was gentle and sweet, like honey and milk. It calmed your heart and made you feel loved in a way you were unable to experience anywhere else. But this time something lingered in her voice? A hint of grief? Frustration? Even without seeing her face, you somehow knew that the woman was not displaying a smile on her lips.
“I was sent by your father. ..You are to pack your things immediately and prepare yourself for permanent departure..”
“Permanent..excuse me?” The tone in Kiyoko's voice painted your ears, so much that you wished to cover them and hide away.
“Your father has..given you away to another family, therefore I wish to congratulate you on your engagement.” The fabrics of Kiyoko's Kimono shifted, hinting to you that she had gone down to her knees.
There was no word that could properly describe the look of horror on your face. Pain, disgust and vexation– all these emotions tugged on your heart, forcing it to fall into unbearable agony. You suddenly felt all strength leaving your legs, forcing you to fall to the ground.
Hot tears ran down your face as you allowed muffled cries to escape your mouth. You wanted to scream and curse, run over to your father and rip all air from his lungs..
But you of all people knew too well that this day would have come sooner or later.
How else were you going to get engaged? You, who was unable to leave her house without supervision. You, who was seen as garbage in her own home. This was long overdue.
“Lady Y,n..we mustn't waste any time.” Madam Kiyoko spoke, her arms wrapping around yours to lift you back up.
“No..I don't want to, they can't do this!” Although living here was torture, it was the only home you have ever know. A small part of you always hoped to just die here. Life was cruel but at least there was food and a bed waiting for you at the end of each day. There was no telling how the people outside these gates were going to treat a blind woman like you, especially a family selected by your father. The unknown was much more intimidating than the familiar horrors.
“Child, I beg of you to grasp your heart and look at the future with confidence.” The woman tried to encourage you to take the situation with pride. But you couldn't. The fact that someone had accepted you as a wife could only mean that they were worse off than you. Who else would accept such worthless and weak soul into their family? Or perhaps they were like your family, looking forward to abuse and make use of you.
“You musn't refuse your duty as a woman, Lady Y/n, as a daughter of this house. I beg you.” Madam Kiyoko pulled you back up and dusted your Kimono.
“I know that this treatment is unjust and sudden, but anywhere in this world is better than here.”
“But I don't mind the horror! The pain and the humiliation..because I have you..”
Once again the tone in the woman's voice tugged on your heartstrings. The truth in her statement tasted bitter on your tongue. You did not wish to admit that she was right, that living here was a hell your body couldn't bear much longer.
Madam Kiyoko walked you to your chambers and helped you pack your belongings. There wasn't much, only a few essentials which you held dear. As you were preparing for your departure, you heard a soft chuckle from behind you.
“I heard that the Hoshina clan is as good as useless in this modern day and age, since the Kaiju have grown in size.” One of your sisters snickered from behind you.
“Yeah, and that their sons are as incapable as they come.” Your brother mocked.
Their voices were mere background sounds, easy to blend out. Your fingers traced themselves over the silver hairpin in your hand, a gift from the Madam.
“I will forget all about you once I leave this home. The memories, your voices and your scent. What a blessing it ends up being to be born blind, as I have no faces which I will have to wipe from my memories.” Your words stung your siblings in the guts. One of them stepped forward, your brother, ready to strike you down. But madam Kiyoko quickly extended her hand to shield your body from the abuse.
“Do not dare touch the Lady. She is an engaged woman now and therefore no longer under the rule of this household. Striking her would mean raising your hands against the Hoshina clan and I highly suggest that you do not make yourself an enemy of them.”
“She won't survive a week outside these gates. Compared to the people outside, our treatment was merciful. In this day and age there is no space for those who cannot protect themselves, tsk.” Your brother gave you one last glare before he and your sister left your room.
“This family can no longer harm you, child. So look at your future and smile, don't listen to his nonsense.” The warm hands of the woman embrace you in a comforting hug. If only you could take her with you and start your new life together..it was a hopeless wish but one you hung onto regardless
Nobody came to send you off besides Lady Kiyoko. With your bag packed and your heart set to leave, you approached the front gate. You refused to look back as you walked into your new life, each step feeling foreign and intimidating.
You were raised in a traditional household. From the building to the rules it reminded you of the old times. Therefore standing in front of the public transport with no navigation or sense of familiarity deeply frightened you. You could feel them all watching, the people on the train. Surely they were judging your lack of vision and pitying your weak form.
It took you quite some time to arrive at the destination, the lack of any known directions making the journey much more treacherous. But after two hours, you finally arrived at the Houshina estate. If it had been for the old couple you met at your station who guided you all the way here you would have been lost for sure.
“That is just the path we wanted to take!”
They said and took you by the hand. It felt strange, putting your trust into two unknown strangers. For a good minute you believed that they were leading you to a nearby cliff, for whatever reason. But your doubt slowly vanished as they began to talk about their day and all the errands which they had to run.
You took a deep breath and fixed your Kimono before knocking at the gate. There was no guarantee that anybody was going to hear you but this was the only way you knew how to make yourself known.
After around five minutes and almost giving up hope, you heard a shift in motion. The gate opened and before you stood a stranger. They didn't say anything and simply looked you up and down you assumed. Then they spoke up.
“Oh, it's you.”
What an interesting dialect..
Unsure of who was standing before you, you went down on your knees to show your respects.
“My name is L/n Y/n and I am the betrothed of Hoshina Soshiro. It is my utmost pleasure to meet you.”
“There is no need to be so formal, please. And get up, ya Kimono is getting all dirty.” A pair of strong hands suddenly placed themselves on your shoulders and helped you find your way back up.
A scent so sweet was attached to the stranger, one that had a strange note to it. Yet you stayed focused and continued the conversation.
“Did you come here all by yourself??” The stranger sounded almost appalled.
“Yes..is there a problem with that?”
“Your family reassured us that they were going to send someone with you, since you are..”
His eyes locked with yours. Light gray orbs sat in your sockets, robbed of all light. Yet there was a glimmer inside them, one that shone brighter than the sun itself.
“Excuse me for asking, but who am I speaking to?”
“I am just a housekeeper. Anyway, let's get ya inside and perhaps, you must have a long journey behind you.”
“Thank you very much.” The housekeeper took your hands in his, a soft warmth spreading over your entire body. His bold action startled you slightly but you did not allow your discomfort to display on your face.
“Not having an official wedding must be quite frustrating I believe?”
Is this..smalltalk?
“I never clung to the desire of partaking in such festivity. I was told from a very young age that I wasn't deserving of a wedding, let alone marriage. My father eventually giving me away to a family with no future was to be expected.”
“A family with no future?”
“Oh my, I didn't mean it like that! I apologize for insulting your masters..”
“No offense taken. I understand what ya were trying to say.” The soft sliding of wooden doors indicated to you that you were now entering the building. Almost immediately you were greeted by the sweet scent of lavender and tangerines, two odors that completed one another perfectly.
The housekeeper continued to guide you through the building, holding on to your hand so tight you feared he was going to melt into you. Yet despite his grip being so fierce, his touch was gentle and almost protective. You were not used to such kindness, therefore you found it difficult to express your gratitude once he let go when you arrived in the space which you believed was your room.
“When will the rest of your belongings arrive?” The housekeeper asked while taking the bag from your hands. Your silence said all he needed to know.
“If you need anything, don't hesitate to–”
“Young Master? A letter has arrived from the Anti-Kaiju Defense Force, requesting your presence. Oh and has the young woman arrived already? We heard the gates–”
Your head turned to meet the voice at the door. A young woman, you assumed, stood at the entrance of your room, her words and turn indicating that she was talking to the housekeeper.
“Oh, she is already here?? Why wasn't your father notified!” The woman scolded.
“Thank you Ayame, I will see to the letter shortly. And I wanted some alone time with her first, I'm sure my father will understand."
All the woman did was sigh, as if she was too used to his behavior and excused herself from the room.
It didn't even take you five seconds to realize what was going on. Your face froze up upon realizing, a soft gasp leaving from your lips.
“I..apologize for deceiving you.” Soshiro sighed. “I didn't know how to properly introduce myself when I saw you back then and just went with the moment.”
Embarrassed? Shame? Anxiety? You did not know what to feel first. The words you spoke only minutes ago suddenly came back to hit you like whiplash. You just told your soon to be husband that you had no faith in his family, to his face, the gods were probably laughing at you right now. Not just them, but also your siblings and parents.
Their voices rang through your ears, eating at your consciousness. Not even a day had passed and you already managed to screw up, what a twisted joke this was.
“Ya ain't upset with me, right?”
All thoughts suddenly started to disappear into thin air as his fingers once again wrapped themselves around your hands. Only now did you realize how soft they were, like sunflower petals. And the distant scent of vanilla that lingered on his skin, it was soothing in a way you could not describe.
In an instant you found yourself calming down and remembered that you were no longer in that household. Five minutes have been spent in this foreign place so far, yet it felt much more comforting than your old home. Why was that?
“Saying that your family has no future when I am the one who lacks the ability to function properly..I am so very sorry..”
“Don't tell me yer apologizing for being blind?” Soshiro placed one of his hands on your head, gently caressing your hair with his fingers.
“I don't know much about ya or what you went through before. All I was told is that your family did not think highly of ya and therefore signed you away to the next available family. But just by looking at ya I can tell that you are much more valuable than ya think.” And with that said, Soshiro gave your head a light squeeze.
These gentle touches were so new to you. Being embraced in such a loving way and taken by the hand as if you were too important to lose– and not to mention by a man you just met..it all felt quite unreal.
Soshiro suddenly started to move away from you, the lack of his warmth mildly bothering your conscience, but he had somewhere important to be.
“We shall converse more once I return from my appointment, most likely together with my father. The others will want to meet you so prepare yourself for that. If they barge into your room feel free to send them away”
“Send them away? I could never do that” Hosanna laughed although you didn't say anything funny?
“Im looking forward to future interactions.”
“I..me too.”
To have something to look forward to..did you ever have that in your life? The feelings in your heart were difficult to describe. Was it truly possible for you to find happiness in a place full of strangers and foreign emotions? To seek comfort in the arms of a man you barely even knew? As Soshiro walked out of your room, you quickly searched for the hair pin that Madam Kiyoko had gifted to you. Your fingers embraced it tight, trying to recreate the warmth which you felt moments ago.
Something deep down in your heart wanted to trust his words and believe that you too could experience true happiness in this lifetime. Therefore you desperately held onto this vision of love, in hopes that one day your future would be painted in its beautiful colors.
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cityzenshark · 6 months
Biology of Terrans (so far)
1 - Fuel & energy
Already explained in canon: water. However it's not clarified if they need specifically Emberstone-infused water or just water is enough. Judging by S1 part A, Twitch and Thrash goes about probably a week or two unfed before their body goes on automatic drive to find their energy source and can turn aggressive (like humans when we're tired and hungry). [edit: they do specifically need Emberstone water]
2 - Language
It's shown that the current Terrans immediately knows, speak and read in English. I think this is because the Maltos' mother tongue is English. Should a Terran is born, lets say, in Japan or linked to a Japanese person, their base language and literacy is Japanese. If the linked human is multi-cultural, the Terrans might be multilingual but it doesn't seem to be the case since the Malto kids are half-Filipino.
3 - Basic knowledge
Besides having literacy from the moment they're born, the Terrans absorb knowledge a lot faster without having to download them into their brains like a Cybertronian would. But they still require time, experience and teachers.
[Nightshade's high intelligence should've been enabled/recognized by Wheeljack first but they had to make NS super smart out of nowhere while their siblings took a few episodes. OR Nightshade is super smart because they're data(?) is influenced by Alex since he's present when the triplets are born]
What they need longer time to learn is emotional intelligence. They can't understand mixed feelings or read a situation unless someone explains it them.
4 - High adaptability to Earth conditions (HC)
Cybertronians hate Earth's nature not only because it's disgusting to them, because Earth is not friendly to metals. Rusting materials, temperature-based pressures, humidity, atmosphere, dirt, sand, and water -- the Terrans' life source.
In multiple shows, Cybertronians aren't adaptable to Earth's weather. Snow freezes their bodies, lightning can harm them, seawater rusts, etc.. What if the Terrans are immune to them?
Humans are adapted to the natural conditions of our native home. Ex. Tibetans thrive normally with the mountains' thin air while non-natives need oxygen masks. While Cybertronians have very limited time in frozen lands, Terrans can go about as long as they want. Cybertronians need to wash themselves off of seawater to prevent rust, meanwhile the Terrans are just fine.
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kirislovelygf · 2 years
our spot // part 2 (kiri sully x fem!reader)
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contents: wlw relationship, childhood besties-to-lovers, kissing, fluff, defining relationships, for the gay girlies
part one here
when the girls arrived home, kiri was absolutely mortified.
when neytiri landed with y/n, she quickly ordered her to go home. she was too afraid to argue or even say goodbye to kiri.
kiri watched as y/n glanced at her before walking into the dark village toward her tent. kiri watched and then turned to face her dad.
“dad, i’m really sorry-“
“what the hell were you thinking? sneaking off with that girl like that?” he scolded.
“wha- are you mad cause y/n’s a girl?” kiri asked, hoping she’d be able to turn the argument around on him.
“i don’t give a shit that y/n’s a girl.”
“i give a shit that you lied to your mom and i, got your brothers to lie to us, and snuck out to do something you are way too young to be doing.” he barked.
kiri was absolutely mortified. she still couldn’t believe her parents caught her.
“know what, it’s late. i’m exhausted, just go inside and get to bed. now, please.” he sighed out.
“yes, sir.” kiri huffs and stomped back into the tent where her siblings were already fast asleep.
at least she thought they were.
kiri lied down on her mat with her quilt and turned to face neteyem. his gold eyes were wide open, almost scaring kiri out of her skin.
“jesus, neteyam. what is wrong with you?” she whispered.
“what did i do?” he asked as quietly as possible.
“you were staring at me like a psycho.”
“sorry. my fault. but how’d it go?” he asked. he raised his arm and rested his head in his palm to look at and talk to kiri more comfortably.
kiri rolls her eyes and stared up at the ceiling.
“come on. tell me. what’d you guys do?”
“we just.. talked. and stuff.” she shrugged.
she tilts her head to look at him and he has a knowing look on his face.
“and stuff?” he smirked.
she smiled and looked back up. “fine, i’ll tell you.”
she sighed. “we found a pool, a really pretty one. and we were swimming and.. i told her.”
“told her what? that you love her?” he said teasingly.
“uh- no, i just said i like her.” she whispered.
“hm. and how’d that go?” he asked.
kiri smiled thinking of the moment when y/n said she liked her back.
“she likes me too.”
“i knew it!” neteyam whispered a little too loud.
he slapped his hand over his mouth and the siblings look at eachother before laughing quietly.
they calm down and neteyam pats his sisters arm gently. “that’s really great, sister.”
“yes, it is.”
“sooo.. what happened after that?”
“we kind of.. kissed.” she whispered.
neteyam gasps. “no way!”
“bro, shut up!” kiri slapped his arm and he laughs into his arm, trying to quiet down the noise.
he finally looks up with a smile. “you kissed her?”
kiri replays the moment in her head. “i think she might have kissed me. but we did kiss.”
“ugh, you’re growing up way too fast.” neteyam whispered.
kiri turns to glare at him but it quickly turns to a smile. she hakes her head and looks up at the feeling again, her hands going behind her head.
“so is she your girlfriend now of what?” he asked.
“i didn’t have time to ask her to be my girlfriend because mom and dad caught us.” she sighed.
“oh shit.”
“yeah.” kiri nods.
“how long did dad ground you for?” he asked.
“i don’t know. he said we’d talk about it in the morning.” kiri sighs.
“welp.. good luck.” neteyam whispered as he turned over to sleep facing the wall.
“eywa knows you’ll need it.” he yawned.
kiri glared at him but it quickly falters because she knows he’s right.
the morning comes and kiri is so nervous, she’s still. she’s still and not moving a muscle.
the family eats breakfast in silence and once they finish, jake and neytiri order their kids to go somewhere so they can talk to kiri.
she was horrified as she sat criss-cross on her sleeping mat, facing her parents.
“first things first, you’re grounded for a month.” jake started
“what?! that’s so unfair!” she says.
“hey.” he grumbled.
“kiri.” neytiri shushed. kiri huffs and looks down at her hands.
“i don’t care how mature you think you are, you’re not allowed to go beyond the hunting ground on your own. you know that.” he scolds.
“it’s not like we were doing anything bad. you guys act like we were looking for something to eat us.” she grumbled.
“you really wanna get smart with me right now?” he snapped.
“sorry.” she mumbled.
neytiri sighs. “all your father and i want to do is protect you. we were very scared when we heard you in the forest. we thought you were at home safe.”
kiri looks up at her mom with shame. “you cannot let this happen again.” she says.
“you will not. understand?” jake adds. neytiri was doing her best to stay calm but jake being so strict was making it hard for her. once he said that, she turned her head slightly to glare at him.
“i just wanted to have some fun. i’m sorry.” kiri muttered.
honestly, neytiri wasn’t all that mad. yes, she was angry with kiri sneaking out and breaking their trust, but she noticed many little things about her and y/n.
the way they held each other, looked at each other. she never thought it’d happen so soon, but she did expect it.
neytiri was pleased kiri found someone she was happy to be with.
jake? eh, not so much.
“and about the thing with y/n.. just don’t let me catch ya’ll doing that again.” he sighed, rubbing his forehead like the stressed out father he is.
“okay. fine.” kiri said in a hushed tone.
“alright. go ahead, get outta here.” jake mumbled.
the girl nods and quickly stands up to leave the tent. kiri lets out a heavy sigh and rubs her face.
that’s must have been the most embarrassing lecture she’d ever received.
she walks away from her home, passing by the back side of the tent where her siblings, and spider, were eavesdropping.
“you snuck out?” spider questioned.
“you got in trouble!?” tuk added, the thought of her older sister being in trouble being impossible to her.
“you kissed y/n?” lo’ak said finally.
kiri’s eyes widen. “you kissed y/n?!” tuk and spider yelled.
“shut up! shut up, all of you!” kiri hissed.
she looked at the tent and then at the village and started walking away.
“hey, wait up!” tuk started following along with everyone else.
“what the hell happened back there?”
“nothing! just mind your own business.” kiri snapped as they all marched through the village.
they ended up leaving the village to go talk somewhere more private. like a tree or by a pond or something.
the siblings kept pestering kiri to explain what they heard. kiri didn’t stop walking until theyr reached a nearby pond that’s used for when kids want to go fishing.
she sat herself down on a flat rock and her siblings sat around her.
“okay. you two know i snuck out. so, y/n and i went into the forest and found a pool.” she started hesitantly.
“alright..” lo’ak muttered.
“and uhm.. we talked and then we..” she tilts her head nervously.
spider and lo’ak look at eachother and then at kiri with a grossed out look.
“that’s gross, kiri.”
“wha- i didn’t even say anything.” she snapped.
she then glared at the guys. “and we didn’t do what you think we did.”
“wait, what do you think they did?” tuk asked.
“nothing, tuk. don’t worry about it.” neteyam interrupted before glaring at the boys.
“we just kissed. like.. more than once, but that’s it! and then mom and dad caught us and we had to go home.” she huffed.
spider and lo’ak laugh tauntingly. kiri rolls her eyes and waits for them to stop.
they start laughing even harder and fall off the rock they were seated on, rolling over the grass while holding their stomachs.
“haha, funny.” she groans.
they’re able to calm down a bit and they sit up. “there’s no way-“
“oh my god, imagine my dad’s reaction seeing you two. ugh, that’s amazing.” lo’ak sighs out, wiping the tears from his eyes.
kiri looks to neteyam to say something but he just shrugs. it’s funny, what else are they supposed to do?
“how long did your dad ground you for?” spider asked.
she shrugs. “a month. but that’s nothing.”
“yeah, but dads never gonna let you see y/n again. hope you said goodbye.” lo’ak said as he sat up.
“he’ll come around.” she said.
“ooh, what’d your mom say? i bet she was pissed.” spider asked.
“she was. she didn’t say anything the whole way home. and she brought y/n home on her ikran, i bet she was more terrified than i was.” kiri laughed.
“she definitely was.” neteyam chuckled.
the others laugh along with them before neteyam stopped suddenly.
“speaking of..” he muttered quietly.
kiri looks behind her and sees y/n walking toward the pond. she smiled seeing everyone and kiri’s heart pounded.
both in admiration and embarrassment.
“time to go guys.” neteyam said. lo’ak and spider were giggling the whole time like kids as they stood up.
“hi, y/n!” tuk waved.
“hi, little one.” y/n greeted. she looks up to the guys.
“hey.” spider nods. “hi.” she nodded back.
him and lo’ak look at eachother before neteyam shoved them forward. tuk follows them and neteyam waits a bit.
he glanced at kiri and then at y/n again. “hands to yourself, got it?”
“neteyam.” kiri snapped.
“gross, dude.” y/n groaned. “i mean it.” he says. he walks away with the others back to their village.
y/n looks over at kiri and goes to sit next to her.
“so, how are you?” she started.
“humiliated.” kiri sighs.
they sat with their legs crossed and had turned to face each other on the rock.
“aw, sorry. how’d it go with your parents?” she asked softly.
“i’m.. kind of grounded. for a month. so..”
“aw, what? i can’t see you for a month?” y/n whined.
kiri rolls her eyes. “not exactly. we can still see each other, just not around my dad… or my mom.”
“so, i can’t see you?”
she laughs and kiri shoved her shoulder.
“i just won’t be able to fly and i have to stay at home all the time.” she sighs.
“hm. i wish i could tell you something to make you feel better, but my dad was too knocked out to know i was gone.” she winced.
kiri laughs softly. “no, that’s okay. i’m glad that at least you’re not in trouble.”
she looks up at the girl. she takes her hands and goes to hold hers in her lap.
“you still had fun, right?” she asked kiri.
“i’m always having fun when i’m with you.” she shrugged.
y/n laughs and looks down. “you’re just saying that.”
“i’m serious. i had so much fun last night. exploring the forest, swimming in the pool..”
“hm..” y/n keeps her eyes on her hands holding on to kiri’s.
“kissing you.”
y/n smiled and glanced up at the girl. “yeah, i liked it too.”
“i want to do it again. but as your.. girlfriend this time.” kiri hesitated saying that word.
she’s dreamed of calling her that but to say it aloud was just something else.
“hm.. and how do you think your dad would react to that?”
“i don’t care what he thinks.” kiri shrugged.
y/n laughs softly. her hand goes up to kiri’s jaw and she pulls kiri into a kiss. their lips pressed against each other as y/n’s hands traveled to kiri’s nape.
kiri’s hands went to cup y/n’s face. her heart was beating so hard, she was fraud y/n would hear it or feel it somehow.
the girls kissed once more before pulling away. kiri glanced down at the girl.
“i guess we should tell people, right?” she mutters.
“eh, we don’t have to. i like the privacy.” y/n said as she glanced at the forest around her.
“it won’t last with a nosy family like mine.” kiri told her.
they laugh, y/n’s head falling on kiri’s shoulder just like it did that night at the pool.
the two girls end up walking hand-in-hand back to the village, y/n leading kiri.
well.. dragging. she was dragging her.
“maybe we should wait until my dad isn’t angry anymore.” kiri said as they entered the village.
y/n smiled as they maneuver their way around na’vi villagers, children, and tents. “screw your dad. i want everyone in the clan to know you’re my girlfriend.”
“no, y/n, i’m serious!” kiri grumbled.
on their way to kiri’s family tent, y/n told everyone who was willing to listen that her and kiri were girlfriends.
most of everyone was happy for them and some others, like old people or really little kids, didn’t care.
the girls found kiri’s siblings and spider talking in their family tent. their parents were gone, much to kiri’s relief.
neteyam spots then and smiled before he sees the two girls holding hands.
“hi!” y/n greeted.
“what’d i say?”
“shush!” tuk said, slapping his arm.
the girls laughed and sat by little tuk.
“what is this? you guys dating or what?” lo’ak asked as he chuckled.
“i wanted to say it but yeah.” kiri laughed.
“called it.” spider said, trying to cover up o he with a cough.
y/n glared at him and shook her head. “yeah, we’re dating.”
“finally!” tuk cheered. “uh- you knew?” kiri asked her.
“i’ve known since i was born.” she told her.
the others laughed at what tuk said.
“at least i don’t have to hear kiri complain about you anymore.” lo’ak sighs.
“what do you mean?” y/n asked.
“oh, you don’t know. okay,-“
“no! no, there’s nothing to know!” kiri interrupted. lo’ak glanced at y/n. they laugh quietly.
they’re definitely going to talk later and lo’ak is definitely going to embarrass kiri.
as the siblings talk to each other, y/n glanced at kiri. they hadn’t stopped holding hands since they got here.
kiri was laughing at something lo’ak said before looking at y/n. she smiled weakly and looked away again.
just seeing her made kiri nervous and she didn’t wanna be nervous around her siblings. and spider.
the screech of an ikran caught the kids’ attention. they looked up and saw neytiri and jake flying in before landing near where they suualy did.
“oouu, good luck.” spider taunted. tuk slaps his arm.
“be nice!” she snapped.
“okay! sorry.”
lo’ak laughs as him and the others stand. y/n’s could feel kiri’s anxiety in her palm. she gave her hand a squeeze.
kiri looks back at y/n. “relax. you’ll be okay.” she muttered.
she sighed and nods slightly.
the group went to greet their parents. tuk ran to her dad and he happily picked her up.
he carried her on his hip as the other kids started talking to him and neytiri.
neytiri sees kiri hiding behind y/n, still holding her hand.
she looks at y/n and greeted her by nodding her head.
y/n greeted back but not as one would to olo’eyktan’s wife. she greeted her as a friend.
y/n waved her hand excitedly at kiri’s mom with a bright smile. “morning!”
“good morning.” neytiri nodded back, sliming slightly.
the girl looks next to her and doesn’t see kiri. she sees that she’s standing behind her and tugs at her hand.
“what?” kiri muttered.
“stop hiding. she’s your mom.” y/n snapped.
kiri seethed and looked at her parents. jake had taken notice and looked at the girls.
“hi.” he muttered.
kiri sighed out. “hi, dad. uhm..” she looks at y/n.
“this is y/n.”
he looks at her weird. “i know that.”
the boys laughed under their breaths while tuk and neytiri glared.
“right, uhm- she’s my.. girlfriend.” kiri cringed a bit saying that. it was different saying it to her dad than to her friends or brothers.
jake’s eyes widen a bit while neytiri had a pleased smile.
y/n was prouder than ever, and it showed until jake stared her down. suddenly all of her confidence shrank into a teeny tiny little thing.
he helped tuk down and she went to neteyam’s side.
“you’re dating?” he asks.
“yeah.” kiri nods, y/n along with her.
neytiri was able to break the tension a bit. she went over and held y/n’s hand before smiling softly and saying, “that’s great, you two. i’m very happy for you both.”
y/n felt relieved and thanked her. she looked back up at jake with fear.
i hope an ikran flies over and snatches me away.
“hm.” jake eyes y/n suspiciously before looking at neytiri. she gives him and look and he just nods.
i think he honestly would have rather had kiri be with spider. to him, y/n was a troublemaker.
kiri was even more nervous now than she was before with how her dad was looking at y/n.
“okay. but you’re still grounded.” jake says.
“i know.” she nods. jake grunts something under his breath before walking away.
the girls look at neytiri but she tells them to shake it off.
“he is very protective.” she says. she looks at y/n. “be very careful with how you act. both of you.”
kiri realized she was insinuating the kissing. “okay, mom. we get it.” she said quickly.
neytiri laughs and squeezes y/n’s hand once more squeeze before going to follow her husband.
once they were out of earshot, y/n let out a breath that sounded like she had been holding it in that entire time.
“are you okay?” kiri laughed.
“i never realized how scary your dad was.” she sighed out.
the boys and tuk laugh and gather her around them. they started frantically talking about what just happened.
the afternoon passed by and eclipse comes over the forest. the only light is the fire from the torches.
the villagers were sitting around, eating dinner, talking, just relaxing.
kiri was in her house all day, because as her dad kept reminding her, she was grounded me. the only time she’s allowed out is to go hunting with her brothers and that’s it.
what he doesn’t know is that when they are out hunting, they’re just fooling around the water and scaring all the fish away.
now, kiri was in the tent with her grandmother, mo’at, cooking something. kiri was tucked away in the corner crafting something when y/n came to visit.
y/n walked in and greeted the tsahìk first with the formal greeting, touching her forehead gently and then holding her hand out. she muttered “i see you” before mo’at greeted her back.
y/n then walked over to kiri and sat next to her.
“i found something. look.” she sighed. she snuggled in to kiri’s side with a new discovery in her palm.
she opened up her hand for kiri to see it. a geode like the one she found yesterday for one of the kids.
“whoa, where’d you find this?” kiri gasped.
“it’s a really cool story, let me tell you.” y/n said excitedly.
kiri smiled at her and nodded. “okay, tell me.”
y/n continued to tell her about her journey in the forest, finding the geode, how she found it, something funny that happened on her way back home, and something else.
kiri admired her the whole time, how her face changed, how she expressed herself using her hands, how y/n would lose her breath every couple seconds because she was talking too fast.
all those little things made kiri fall more and more in love with the girl.
mo’at watched her granddaughter discreetly and smiled softly to herself.
she couldn’t get over how similar her and y/n were to neytiri and jake. or tsu’tey and swylwanin.
kiri and y/n stayed this way until neteyam came in and warned y/n that his dad was coming back.
“oh, crap. uh- bye.” y/n kissed kiri’s cheek before standing up and running to the entrance. she quickly said goodbye to mo’at before running out in a direction that jake wouldn’t see.
kiri sighs happily and looks at the geode her girlfriend gifted her. she moved into the corner closet and looks for a box.
she kept a box that carried all the things y/n gave her. rocks, fossils, human discoveries like buttons or jewelry like earrings.
kiri placed the geode in the box gently and then closed it.
mo’at spoke up. “she’s a good one. don’t mess it up.”
“i won’t, grandmother.” kiri chuckled.
she hummed in response. kiri sighs and thinks again, i definitely won’t
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i have crazy ideas, but please, how about a tarsem x reader where when he becomes Olo'eyktan he chooses her as his wife and future tsahìk?
love you baby. 🫶
Ooooooo I love this and love you too bb 🫶🏼🫶🏼 also sorry it took so long 😞
You? Choose.... Me.
Pairing-Tarsem x reader
Summary- You have never been anyone's first choice, so why did Tarsem pick you?
N/N- nickname
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You have never been someone's first choice. Even in childhood your siblings were always put first, and when you got around the age of making friends it got worse. The few friends you did make, if you would even call them that, were self conceited and always made you feel like the odd one out. So you shun anyone trying ro be your friend or trying to make friends. And when you got older, boys and girls turn into options for your mate.
You shunned the whole mating idea as well.
You thought no one noticed you, how you never talked, how you always were in the corner and you looked content while doing it.
But you thought wrong.
He was always looking at you, worrying about you. He being Tarsem. He noticed you first when you were just little children, you were the only kid not playing instead you picked flowers and left them all in a circle he never knew why you did that. But, after that day he was whipped. His eyes light up when you silently enter a room. He even sometimes brought you on pointless adventures, despite your many, many protests. But you still managed to slip through his fingers.
He has tried to talk to you so many times he just wanted to give up but the idea of being alone without you hurts, it hurts more than anyone could know.
And you, of course you noticed his advances, how couldn't you. But, you couldn't understand the feelings he made you have. It was strange and you wanted it to go away. You didn't want to get hurt like you have been so many times before.
And now everyone, the entire clan, stands watching how the Toruk Makto, the Olo'eyktan, JakeSully being cut by Tarsem, being "killed" transferring leadership to Tarsem, the new Olo'eyktan.
It was sad watching the Sully's leave, JakeSully had been the Olo'eyktan for so long it is strange having a new one, especially when he is one you've grown up with, kind of.
But something in the way his eyes softened when he looked down on the clan, it made flutters in your stomach, flutters you really didn't like but you couldn't help it.
You decided you would just ignore it.
-Few months later-
Over the course of the next few months a few things happened.
Mo'at, the Tsahik for some reason made you take healer lessons when she knew you grew up to be a harvester and hunter but she was Tsahik so of course you would show for daily lessons along with your other duties.
And then Mo'at announced that Tarsem would be looking for a Tsahik. Many women got overly excited and immediately worked on top with intricate designs, and head dresses that shone like a million suns, even though it did hurt the eyes a little it was outrageously beautiful.
Many other women, including you just stayed in the side lines with the men watching some make fools of themselves, some fight, some cry.
The next few months you observed how Tarsem reacted to the floods and floods of courting gifts. He always appreciated them, accepting them with a smile, but he never wore any of the jewelry or the clothes they gifted him. It puzzled you and the clan.
But it didn't puzzle him. He wanted you, he needed you, your very presence alone makes him feel euphoria. You're like his own personal drug and he's addicted.
And today was no different. He watched as you thanked Mo'at for some scrolls you needed. He wondered what for? He always wonders what you do in the little corners you stow away in or your home that you almost never leave. He watched as you walked to the east side of the grassway and three steps back to the perfect corner, the passing eye would just pass right over you, but Tarsem was no passing eye.
He watched you unfold a scroll and open your own scroll and ink (do they have ink on Pandora idfk but we will say they do).
You also opened a bag of small cut up fruit. You smile seeing your mother packed your favorite fruit. You began snacking and writing and reading in the scrolls. To Tarsem, this is when you look most beautiful, you don't have walls up, you aren't making yourself smaller, you are just being.
That was until a girl squealed loudly as she ran to Tarsem. You looked shocked at the girl's outburst, and then at Tarsem he didn't take his eyes off you and you just looked away as you began to pack your things up and leave.
He felt his chest tighten, he couldn't continuously let you go, not after all these years of unsaid words and longing glances.
He walked right past the giggling girls and women surrounding him as his eyes never left your stalking figure.
He followed you all the way to your kelku (home). He stood hands on his waist breathing hard, had you always lived this far from the camp. ''Y/N!'' He said loudly for you to hear but not to startle you.
You poke your head up from your caught and warily look outside of your home and see Tarsem. Stepping out and bowing your head in respect.
''Olo'eyktan.'' You say quietly. ''No need to be so formal N/N, we are friends.'' He says motioning his hand for you to come closer. You nod your head as you step down onto the ground now face-to-face with the man.
''Yes, friends.'' The last word lingered in your mouth, for a small moment you had hope, a small flicker of it, that he would share just an ounce of feeling you reluctantly have for him.
''Y/N not to be what is that sky people word Lo'ak used" You both thought for a moment you had no clue but it seemed he had finally figured it out. "Cliché!" He said and you had no idea what the word meant but it seemed important. "But…..I have something to confess."
You tilt your head, but say no words, only nodding your head in understanding but mostly wanting to know what he wants to tell you.
He steps closer taking your hand in and just as you go to pull away and just hold on you is too strong so you reluctantly stay.
"Y/N I've watched you for as long as I can remember.' Tarsem said and you looked at him with teary wide eyes, you'd have no idea how the tears pulled in your eyes so fast. "I've watched you shun yourself from others, from me." He said and as soon as you turn your head away from him, he catches your chin between his pointer and thumb. "I don't want you to do that anymore because I. Choose. You." Pausing after every word to emphasize his meaning Tarsem steps forward still holding your hands looking deeply into your eyes.
You could have sworn the world stopped after all these years and he wanted you.
"You….Choose Me?" You asked and he smiled. "Yes I choose you." He said looking at you.
You smile, stepping in your tippy toes planting a small kiss on his soft lips.
"I choose you too."
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imaginesofeverykind · 2 years
Viper’s Pit |A.T|
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Recently widowed, you, Vaela Targaryen return home different than when you left several years ago, Aemond is determined to find out why.
Targaryen!Reader x Aemond
WARNINGS: Mentions of abuse, canon typical abuse, mentions of SA, unwilling betrothal, murder, vulgarity. MDNI !
I very much tried to write this in the realms of how women are treated as such in the canon of the show, I do not divulge in detail but there are sprinkles of discussion that might be difficult or uncomfortable to read which is why im taking the extra step to put this warning in addition to the warnings on top here.
Im on the fence about a part 2 :SS so let me know what yall think!!
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Today had been that day the tides shifted, the sun shone brightly on Kings Landing, the clouds were nowhere to be seen other than the horizon of which the direction of the wind blew. The Royal party stood in preparation in front of the keep of your arrival, their most crowned jewel it appeared which would have you scoffing in the effort that was thrown for you.
“How do you think she fairs now? Still a brute, no doubt.” Aegon smirked as he whispered lowly to his one-eyed brother and Sister Queen. Purposefully out of earshot of their dowager mother who would’ve reprimanded him had she heard the insults he hurled toward his own twin.
“The only brute in this family has been you, dear brother,” Aemond smiles to himself, looking to the side at his sister to see Helaena share a faint smile at his comment. It was true the younger siblings and even nephews were fond of you than Aegon ever would be. Born mere moments before he was, you were everything he couldn’t live up to in the eyes of his mother and King Father. Though, you’d argue there was much more he didn’t see behind the scenes.
Duty was never prevalent through you, so much so you took to the yard to spar over embroidery or flower arranging. It enraged your mother that you simply refused to answer the call of duty and be the Princess she wanted you to be, though stern she never hated you and that was clear. Even when you were shipped off to Dorne at a young age to keep an alliance, you slowly understood that your mother didn’t do this out of spite or hatred or malice. Even if you were barely ten and four.
The conquerors Queen, Visenya was a woman who you looked up to, stoic and stern, a warrior Queen who kept her close comrades closed in an ironfist and bloodied her sword with her enemies. Perhaps this had been why you took to the sword over all else, training instead of sleeping and sparring instead of fulfilling the duties of a Princess.
So much that the muscles built over a short time was something a proper woman would never adorn with such pride.
Big enough to push around your twin brother and mediate the family squabbles was a feat that even Ser Criston Cole couldn’t always win over.
But alas, the minute your first blood arrived you were sent as an offering to secure the most attractive alliance at the time, which happened to be Dorne and it had been six years since you set foot in King’s Landing.
You weren’t cold when in this time only your younger brother and sister wrote to you, you missed the death of your own father, the maiming of your now one-eyed brother and the coronation of your twin. But you didn’t care, you experienced life outside of the confines of King’s Landing, but the Gods seek you out for a different fate as you once again arrived at the company of your family and the royal party, to live here after the untimely death of your lord husband, empty handed with no children.
“My dearest Vaela, welcome home.” The sound of your mothers voice was almost unrecognisable, but she stood proud with your siblings, all who have grown into their Targaryen features much like you had. After such a long time away from the Capital, it felt like you were being released back into a cage of unfed dragons, unsure of your fate.
Much to Aegon’s dismay, no longer were you a towering menace of pure muscle to bolster such physical power over him. If he had to guess, you were just short of Aemond’s towering height, in fact if he didn’t know better he would say you and the Cruel Prince looked more like twins than he and you did. Your silver hair was straight, and laid down over your shoulders stopping just at the waist, and the way you filled your dress wasn’t how he expected either. Coming from the hot environment of Dorne meant you wore more exposing items of clothing and sheer silks which didn’t go unnoticed by most of the Royal Party.
Regardless of attire, you still looked of Royalty and like a Princess, more than when you had left.
“Mother.” You curtly bowed your head, eyes settling on the two younger siblings. A wholesome smile pulled at your lips as you brought a hand to each face, caressing delicately, “my sweet sister, my dear brother.” Your voice was soft and loving, no amount of distance could separate the love you had for both Helaena and Aemond.
It was improper to greet The Queen like this but no one intervened nor took action, it was also the only time Aemond would openly allow such affection to show to the public and onlookers. The two of you were close growing up, it made sense that the bonds were never severed and the love remained.
Your eyes flitted to your twin, adorning the Conquerors crown which had caused a shallow scoff, he had not a single ounce of Aegon I in him and he was as pathetic as the man you were sent off to wed. Leeching from the powers he was handed to on a silver platter for being the firstborn son, a man. The only difference between you and him was that you had tits and a cunt and he had a prick, laughable really.
“Your grace,” you lazily bow your head, vitriol falling from your lips as you walk toward the Red Keep, counting the days until you're sent off again to ‘fulfill duty’.
Aemond had a sly smile on his lips, watching you walk away. He was grateful the fire hadn’t extinguished within you after all these years and you were still unmoving in your distaste toward your twin despite the crown that lay upon his silver head.
“Hypocrite.” Aegon muttered, shouldering past the young Prince as he stalked up to the Red Keep. The King was enraged the day Visery’s had died, the manhunt to find him and ready him for a coronation before his half sister seized the throne was the day Aemond reminded him of his duty to his wife and duty to the Realm. It was all about duty with the one-eyed Prince, so much of it being beaten into the oldest son by all around him it was hard not to harbor resentment when his sister could freely break the rules in the Prince's presence without a shroud of ramification like he had to endure.
Lunch with the family had been just as tense as the moment you arrived, sitting beside Aegon who despite being the King didn’t sit at the heads of the table, they seemed to be reserved for your grandfather and mother. An interesting choice, you pondered.
“We are sorry about the news of your lord Husband.” Alicent started, reaching across the table and outstretching what you assumed to be a comforting gesture. In a different world you might’ve taken comfort in your mother, she was always plotting and scheming while the maidens looked after the children, it was a wonder you had all ended up the way you did. Yet you could empathise, she was a pawn in your grandfathers greed and was forced into a loveless marriage which did more harm than good.
You quirked a brow, taking a sip of your wine, “I am not.”
The table had stopped, looking to you for elaboration which made you reluctant to indulge. Your family didn’t even bother coming to your wedding, to check on your wellbeing so how would they know the cruel fate you had been thrusted upon. The only respite from the torturous marriage was the people who had allowed you your freedom to do as you please.
“My princess, you cannot mean such a thing.” Otto had noticed the stillness in the air, he had advised your mother to not let you return after such a long time knowing that it would stir discourse. Alicent said otherwise, offering a tempting compromise upon your arrival should you behave.
“I was barely a woman when I was sent to marry a man thrice my age… No family to see me off to this man, no family to hear the screams of a child when she was bedded that same night. There was no love, no compassion. It would have been more kind to have me fed to a dragon than to be abandoned in the snakepit.” Your tone was cool and eerily calm, a testament on how broken in you had become over the years. Your siblings eyes were full of sorrow, even Aegon had some shred of sorrow in there which was unbecoming of even him.
“And now I return home, hollow welcomes as I’m taken from the viper pit and put into a dragon’s den. If it is broken, you wish to see me as then I’m afraid you missed your chance the moment I was wedded.” You brought the cup back to your lips and finished the rest of the wine, the taste souring in your mouth along with your mood. Excusing yourself before even Alicent had a chance to speak.
She was beside herself after the lunch, only now realizing the consequences of her past decisions at the behest of her father. It was Otto after all that suggested removing the boisterous Princess in fear that she may become like the ‘Realm’s Delight’, Rhaenyra and seek to take the throne from her brother. He could see her ambitious nature, mistaking her want to be a knight as motivation to rule the realm.
It was clear upon her arrival that he was sorely mistaken and misjudged her intentions of only a young age.
“Mother you cannot undo what has already been done… Vaela is headstrong and stubborn and she has been burnt by this family, but she does not harbor hatred for you.” Aemond, ever so calmly soothing his mother like he always had done. It was no wonder, she confided in him so often and looked to him for counsel, he was simply magnificent with his words.
“How could you possibly know? She barely greeted me at the gates, barely spoke a word to your brother—“
“Because I know it to be true!”
You had always come to your brother's defense when it involved petty sibling tussles, it was only a shame you were gone before his maiming in Driftmark, perhaps if you had been there things might’ve been different. It was owed to you, that he do the same, defend you in this moment, not that he could accurately compare the amount of times you stuck your neck out for him.
“Vaela has never shared hatred for you, dear Mother… I may only have one eye but I am not blind to the slights of my siblings, all three resent responsibility and perhaps even the King past. You must understand that she is wounded and abandonment has hardened her over the years… Do not mistake this coldness as hatred.”
Right he was, as you sat in the Royal Gardens every day in an attempt to soak in the Sun’s warm and comforting embrace, thrusting onto you the peace you so desired since you entered the Kingdoms capital several days ago. In this time you had noticed the increased array of religious paraphernalia which you had no doubt in your mind was thanks to your mothers devotion to The Seven.
At least she seeked comfort and refuge in a mostly malignant way, the only quarrelsome part about it all was their unending incessant need to rid the old gods from history.
One of the things that had developed in your time in Dorne was your keen hearing, keeping note of which footsteps belonged to who, but you were back in your old home where everyone stepped differently and you were yet to pick up on who they belonged to.
“I do not wish to be disturbed.” Your voice was calm, eyes closed and back facing the main path from where the person approached. It was too heavy to be Helaena’s or Mothers, you knew that for sure.
“We’ve let you be for a week, dearest sister. You can only sulk and avoid us for so long before duty calls out for you to fulfill.”
It was at least a familiar and mostly friendly voice, despite his cadence being cold and blunt. You knew it was a matter of time before Aegon or Mother sent for you to participate in familial habits of eating together. “I’m not sulking nor am I avoiding, I’m merely enjoying the sun… It’s where I have been every day until the moon rises, you should know, sweet brother, you have watched me long enough.”
He had stiffened at your words, deciphering how you possibly knew when he had been so careful and out of sight. At first merely curious as to what you did when you weren’t breaking bread with the family or meandering the castle. Then it slowly turned to silent admiration and even a hint of protection, he was acutely aware of your harrowing experience in Dorne even if it was based on your words the very first lunch you had. There was more to it than you let on which he was determined to uncover.
You sighed in frustration, sensing the overbearing presence of Aemond and knowing he was as stubborn as you were and one would have to give sooner rather than later, so you relent. Preferring to join him on whatever pointless drow your presence was needed for than sit here in silence where your peace was already disturbed.
“Might I say with the purest intention, that your time away in Dorne has allowed your beauty to flourish.” He had curtly nodded in your direction, once you arose from your seated position and finally faced him. He wishes for you to be comfortable now that you were finally back with family, not tense and looking over your shoulder constantly as he noted in the days of watching you.
A smile befell your lips and you bow your head modestly, “you flatter me, Aemond… Out of all of us children you were beautiful and always will be, sweetling.”
“If you think me beautiful, then you would be the first… Or a fool.”
You came to his side, resting a gentle hand to his cheek, fingers grazing delicately over his scar. Despite being in the solitude of the Gardens and only in the company of the little creatures that resided among the foliage, his swift hand came up to grip your wrist and firmly remove your touch from his face. No matter how much comfort he felt when you were near, and the warmth your touch brought to his skin, he simply didn’t need your pity.
“Oh dearest Aemond… My only regret was that I could not be there to console you after such a cruel slight. But it appears in my absence you have found your own strength, I am proud of you.” You had intended to leave the moment like this, beginning to depart from the orbit of your brother who mistook your admiration as belittling sympathies.
“And what of you? The fire within you was so strong when we were children, and what the Dornish have done is return you like a broken sculpture, shattered from the inside out. How is it, that little vipers snuffed out the fire and blood that runs through you.” In so many words he challenged your strength, calling you weak for returning like you had. More maiden than a warrior, his words suggested. When you left, your muscles were defined, prevalent more than your twin, more than even many highborn lords. But upon your arrival, as beautiful as you were, your frame no longer filled with muscles or boasted physical strength. You looked more like the Dowager Queen and Helaena, not the warrior that he looked up too.
You pondered his words for a moment, weighing your options of insults to throw or even debated saying nothing. His words were aimed to hurt and that was obviously accomplished, your silence made that clear as you still considered what to say next.
Hands clasped behind your back you merely bowed forward, which is something you so often did to vex your mother opposed to curtsying like a real lady should. “Thank you, dear brother. For your kind encouragement.” This was not an argument you intended to engage in, for your own sanity’s sake. But your words were loud and clearly heard, the two extreme poles of your personalities seemingly switching as the years went on.
Aemond inherited your anger, while you inherited his calm demure and in this instance his temper got the better of him. You knew of all things after this interaction he would be embarrassed by this, hoping that this will give him the means to approach you much later in the evening so that you might indulge him in the inner workings of what happened to your ‘spirit’ in the many years since your departure.
Just as you anticipated, the cruel Prince's anger stewed with him through the remainder of the day and even followed him into dinner. It wasn’t just you who had noticed his silence during the feast, where he normally would revel in small insults or quips to humiliate The King, he was quiet and did not engage in conversation even when spoken too.
Dinner was painstakingly long, much akin to a pregnancy it felt like — your thoughts wandered while you took refuge in the Library. You weren’t in the mood to read so you sat quaintly on the balcony that looked over King's Landing and all its beauty. Never, had the keep felt as much of a prison as it did in this moment in your life. You had a taste of life outside of the capital and as harrowing as it might have been, it made you a better person.
There was still time, you had thought about perhaps forsaking your family on your own terms and defecting to Rhaenyra’s campaign, but you have nothing to offer. No title, no dragon, no wealth. Nor did you really like her all that much, it would only serve as an act of rebellion but who was to say that your uncle Daemon would even consider your presence outside the realm of a prisoner or hostage.
“I killed him… My husband, I killed him.” Your words were soft and your eyes still sought out comfort in the darkened swells of buildings below. Aemond was typically a quiet approacher, but much like the garden, you had acquired a keen sense of hearing and it was only out of survival that it got as good as it did.
You didn’t turn to face him, nor did you feel like allowing him to see the melancholic expression that had pulled onto your face.
He didn’t say anything, merely stood a few paces behind in the shadows, he would allow you to speak more, “He was an over-indulgent, greedy cunt. A disgusting pig who wasn’t even in an important dornish house. Yet he laid his hands on me time and time again, and it wasn’t just me. When I wouldn’t bear his children I was treated worse than the common whores he bedded regularly. If I fought back, it was a fate I wouldn’t even wish upon our enemies—.”
“I do not wish to hear more, I have heard enough.” His jaw was clenched as were his hands balled into fists, urging him to take arms and burn all of Dorne with fire and blood.
“His face was buried in the cunt of a whore, ass out of its breaches and cock hard when I sliced it off… And well… After that I knew I wouldn’t make it out of this without consequence and I have no desire to start a war… Then again, I fear that even if I had been murdered or executed for my act of violence I would not be mourned.”
Aemond shifted from his position in the shadows, finally understanding what had changed within you. Much like the other Targaryen children you had an overwhelming sense of neglect when it came to its familial ties. “You wouldn’t just be mourned, my sister. You would be avenged. You will be avenged for such cruelty.”
Finally you look to him, as he kneeled by your side, his eye focused on you, “there is no vengeance to be had. He paid with his life, undignified and no cock. The servants helped me shift the blame, our quarrel is not with the lesser people of Dorne, some still revere our House.”
“You are my sister, we cannot allow such blatant abuse toward our house go unpunished—“
“It is done. And it cannot be undone, I reclaimed what was forcefully taken from me.” Your words were stern, and had no intention of wavering no matter how angry the past years of trauma ached for you to unfurl, “I used to believe that me never having a dragon to claim was because I was weak but I have just as much desire to watch our enemies burn to the ground and I know now, that it is not a dragon that people will fear me for, it will be myself.”
A smile pulled on The Prince's lips, his gaze in admiration and love. Guilty that there was ever a doubt in him that thought for a moment that the sister he aspired to impress as a boy, was gone. Alas, you were still in there, but it is your own mental strength that persevered after all this time and this enrichment is welcome to him. “Then it is done, we will burn our enemies to the ground. All of them… Together.”
“Together.” You mused, reaching over to grab his hand. The hand of the only man to ever provide you a semblance of comfort and a love, a love that extended past the boundaries siblings should have.
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Efffy stoneham.
Dark feminine
Cassie Ainsworth
Light feminine
So here we have the two girls from skins well two of the girls from skins Cassie and Effie who I think our central characters for each generation and the most popular girl you see online in the sense of skins characters, and why is this? well they just have a popular and relatable , ways to especially in English culture where Effie even though she has in the first six series selective mutism actually she’s mute I believe and just uses her facial expressions and gestures, many girls feel like her the shy girls feel like her the popular girls feel like her she is wanting to grow up fast she is out parting. She is out doing stuff. She has her brother cover for her. In fact Effie is the only character that Tony is completely selfless with everybody else he is selfish with.
I think what it is about Effie is her style. Her acting is incredible that you really feel it the British culture the millennial culture and also what makes it more believable than euphoria not believable because euphoria are amazing. It just seems a lot more comfortable and at home, it was a time capsule and I am a millennial. I am 34 and I actually didn’t watch skins when I was younger. I didn’t actually watch it till about 2021. I was 31 and a lot of people say that they saw it when they were too young and it affected them and I personally cannot comment on that but the amount of girls I’ve seen saying this is Lot LOL and that’s why I guess it was very controversial for me generation two is my favourite. I love it I love JJ and then we really get to see coming into her own and show her story a bit deeper and how Tony’s accident and their sibling relationship has affected them. You see the breakdown of her parents marriage, you see the relationship with panda and and the disloyalty between that I thought love triangles are really a rare thing and not many people did them. You got roasted and myself have been in a couple. I think this is why I relate to it so much and I hang onto my teenagers so much because, I felt a different way. I felt that the confident happy me and I think that’s why people felt the familiarity with Effie even all these years later and it will be one of those things that many generations will go to watch upcoming generations will go to watch it’s timeless, basically And she uses her dark feminine energy which is in her personality just the way she was on the bus with the homeless man burning things smoking a very young age going out at a young age being phased by people looking at her there’s a scene where in general to wear the first episode if you walk into the school and everyone is staring at her and her outfit!, because nine times out of 10 they’re jealous and then in the next scene Katie wants to come up and be her friend because she feels like the only other girl and her level is this what makes Effie more relatable than a character like Katie, she doesn’t need the validation
And the boy is going ooh la la Effie and Katie answers him instead and he’s like looking as if he’s just unfed and I think that’s why a lot of girls were like her she’s on faith but at the same time she has the depth to her in the series of generation two and the end of the series one of generation two like we do in all of the skins we see the development and the character development was very well done Connection with her the lack of connection almost with her parents at her mum
And how she wanted to get out and be with the boys and play games with Freddie and a lot of girls probably want to be her and that’s why they’re so much love for her confident the lack of accountability the clothes the farm the and the boys of course
 so as you can see I’ve put Effie and I’ve put Cassie in this because I feel like they’re too opposite end of the scale but Cassie starts off innocent suite and then goes into a darker soul. I’m vice versa with F both these guys are relatable but in different different ways I feel with Cassie it’s the side of ourselves that we’re not so keen on, the side of ourselves that is introspective afraid to speak up and allows ourselves to get used by people that we love which can feel awful. This is why when panda and Effie show up and she’s with the girl and then she’s with the boy she’s allowing herself to get used again, used to, she almost felt like she didn’t deserve any better than being treated that way disrespectful who was obsessed with Michelle who was never gonna have properly because she loves Tony and Tony his best friend Cassie too but it always annoyed me because I always felt Cassie was better than said and she was sweet and kind and always wanted a bit too much as a teenager can’t get diagnosed with personality disorders but but but but because in teenagers you exhibit personality disorder trait so that’s why a lot of people with personality disorders included get called childish or immature, but Cassie was definitely exhibiting to be and trace with almost avoidant dependent and quite borderline also exhibited that and she did go through the psychotic depression due to drugs and traumas could be histrionic and may be even,
I have shown both girls colour pallets at the top of this page and how Cassie is the light feminine and Effie is the dark feminine even in clothing that’s what I mean clothing sometimes but more grungy chat a lot of chains a lot of jewellery Cassie has a lot of bows frilly little dresses, Peter Pan collar.
You even see it with the hair colour the eye colours everything we had the dark colour is the grey or black the dark hair the dark make up Cassie has has the blonde hair but the brown eyes with the pink light pink white a lot of the time and shimmer sort of colours and when she’s with her parents she is often overlooked by their relationship. The little baby doesn’t even really get much care unless it’s with Cass to look at these characters and very similar and how girls have both types of personalities relate to these girls very well you don’t often hear people say about Michelle Emily Katie panda Naomi it is mainly Cassie and Effie and I feel it is because of these two concepts, the introvert and the extrovert and the almost as well thank you guys
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ravenspeakrp · 3 months
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Welcome to Raven’s Peak, Jac, we’re excited to have you! Valeria 'Ria' Nunez (Sofia Carson, Human) has been accepted. Please be sure to stop by the CHECKLIST for the follow list, tags to track, and other reminders.
FULL NAME: Valeria ‘Ria’ Nunez SPECIES: Human  AGE: 30  DATE OF BIRTH: 17th April, 1994 PLACE OF BIRTH: Raven's Peak  GENDER IDENTIFICATION: Cis Female  NEIGHBORHOOD: Cherry Heights OCCUPATION: Waitress WORKPLACE: The Golden Spoon POSITIVE TRAITS: Independent, Hardworking, Compassionate NEGATIVE TRAITS: Impatient, Complacent, Tense LENGTH OF TIME IN RAVEN’S PEAK: Her whole life  FACE CLAIM: Sofia Carson
Valeria 'Ria' Nunez was born to parents who never should’ve been parents. She wasn’t even a year old when her father bailed, and her mother didn’t have the slightest fraction of maternal instinct. Her formative years were spent being raised by her neighbours in the trailer park, the ones who knew that if they didn’t try to help, the young girl would likely go unfed and unbathed. But there was only so much they could do. Ria developed a thick skin at a young age and learned to hold her own. She had to if she wanted to survive.
Being the oldest of six kids, with a mother who really had no interest in being a parent and a father who was never around, Ria didn’t get much of a childhood. She spent years acting as a stand-in parent, doing all of the things that a mother would do, all because her own mother couldn’t be bothered. It took a toll on Ria, she hated that she couldn’t spend more time with her friends, that she couldn’t just spend more time on her homework. But if she didn’t do it, who would? Not her mother, and definitely not her father. Neither of them were the type of people who could be counted on for anything.
As soon as she was old enough to get a job, she did. After years of living off of microwave meals and food from a can, she wanted to be able to provide her siblings, and herself, with a real meal at the end of the day. Whatever job she could get, she took. From newspaper delivery, to cleaning, to waitressing. She did it all. It took a while for her to actually save up enough money to start providing her siblings with what they needed, but after juggling all of her responsibilities, she finally did it.
After leaving high school, Ria went from working part-time to working full-time. College was never really on the cards for her. Sure, she was smart enough, but there was no way she could afford it. Plus, she couldn’t leave her siblings with her mother. She increased her hours at the diner where she worked, and took all the cover shifts and over-time she could.
Now entering her 30s, Ria is still doing everything she can to provide for her siblings. She works hard, and rarely finds a moment for herself. After working her butt off, at the age of 25, she saved enough to move her siblings and herself out of the trailer park and into a small rented home in Cherry Heights. She still lives pay check to pay check, but she’s managing a little easier now that the three oldest kids have moved out on their own.
FILLING CONNECTION: No  INSPO:https://nz.pinterest.com/jacccattack/valeria-nunez/
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rukbat3 · 7 months
Babylon 5 Rewatch - Infection
This is a post I originally wrote several years ago for Mark Oshiro’s Mark Watches blog. I don’t really plan to edit them before posting, so there may be some references that don’t make sense. If you see words that look like gibberish, they are actually rot13, which was our way of discussing spoilers. There are plugins you can install to decode the text (Cryptext is the one I use), or you can copy/paste to rot13.com, or just ignore it.
Well, that was an episode that happened.
I have a very clear and specific memory of the first time I watched this episode. I mentioned before that my best friend programmed her VCR to record all of the episodes while she was at marching band practice (two episodes per tape!) and I would often find the time to watch them first. That was certainly the case for this one, and I had snuck upstairs after my bedtime to watch the tape as usual. The episode was going along normally; Franklin had explained to Sinclair what the weapon was and how it was created, and Sinclair had gone to inform Garibaldi about his plan. Sinclair is about to jump down through the hole in the floor onto the lower level. “How will you get it to follow you?” asks Garibaldi (paraphrased). “Simple,” says Sinclair. “I’m gonna try and make it mad.”—And the tape cuts off! If I hadn’t been trying not to wake up my parents, I probably would have screamed.
It turns out that my best friend’s younger brother had decided he wanted to watch something else and hadn’t even noticed something was recording. This was the first time that happened, and probably the most memorable, but it wouldn’t be the last. We missed a few pretty important episodes due to younger sibling interference! However, I managed to fill in most of those holes the second or third time TNT went through the series. For some reason I kept missing “Infection.” It wasn’t until quite a while later when I was on a road trip with my family, and we had finally stopped at a hotel after being in the car all day, that I discovered that “Infection” was playing on the room TV. My family wanted to go out to dinner, but I just couldn’t pass up my chance to finally see the end of this episode, so I sent them off without me. :)
And was it worth it? Well…
Let’s just say this episode is not subtle. It has a moral to teach, and it wants to make sure nobody misses the lesson. The World War II parallels are obvious, and even called out briefly in the episode. Gurer ner n ybg bs Jbeyq Jne Gjb ersreraprf naq gurzngvp cnenyyryf guebhtubhg gur pbhefr bs gur frevrf—WZF pregnvayl unf n jryy bs snibevgr vqrnf ur yvxrf gb qenj sebz—ohg V guvax guvf vf gur svefg. Fnqyl, rirelguvat srryf zber eryrinag guna rire abj.
I kind of love that Garibaldi calls Sinclair out on what we have come to accept as typical captain-y behavior (mainly due to Star Trek). “You keep putting yourself in danger,” he points out, and we realize not only that he’s right, but that Sinclair shouldn’t be doing it. I love even more that Sinclair listens to Garibaldi and doesn’t get defensive, but realizes that this is something he needs to work on. [season 3] V guvax guvf vf na rneyl vaqvpngvba, abg bayl bs Fvapynve’f pbzznaq fglyr, ohg bs uvf riraghny ebyr nf n eryvtvbhf yrnqre. Ur’f n irel gubhtugshy zna, jvyyvat gb pbagrzcyngr gur ernfbaf sbe crbcyr’f orunivbe—rira uvf bja.
[season 2] Naq gura jr trg Fvapynve, jub tbrf evtug onpx gb gur npgvba-pncgnva zbqry naq fgnlf gurer. Jubbcf!
[season 2] V unq sbetbggra gung Vagrecynargnel Rkcrqvgvbaf trgf vgf svefg zragvba va guvf rcvfbqr. Vg’f fgenatr gubhtu. Jul jbhyqa’g Senaxyva or noyr gb svaq bhg nal vasbezngvba nobhg gurz, pbafvqrevat gung Furevqna qrsvavgryl xarj uvf jvsr jnf jbexvat sbe gurz, naq gurer qvqa’g frrz gb or nal ryrzrag bs frperpl fheebhaqvat ure rzcyblzrag? N ovg bs rneyl vafgnyyzrag jrveqarff, creuncf?
[whole series spoilers] V sbetbg gb zragvba orsber, naq abj frrzf nf tbbq n gvzr nf nal, gung rirel gvzr V urne Fvapynve fnl, “Vg jnf gur ynfg bs gur Onolyba fgngvbaf” va gur perqvgf (naq Furevqna va frnfba gjb), V trg puvyyf. Gur travhf bs gur yvar vf gung lbh urne vg fb bsgra gung lbh fgbc urnevat vg. Naq gura Vinabin, ng gur raq bs “Fyrrcvat va Yvtug,” fnlf, “Vg jnf gur ynfg bs gur Onolyba fgngvbaf. Gurer jbhyq arire or nabgure.” Naq whfg—V whfg— *htyl pelvat* Naq gura lbh ernyvmr vg jnf gurer nyy nybat. *funxrf svfg* FGENPMLAFXV!!!
Favorite scene: I know it’s cheesy, and maybe that makes me a hypocrite, but I just have to go with the scene at the end of the episode between Sinclair and Mary Ann Cramer. “Ask ten different scientists about the environment, population control, genetics, and you'll get ten different answers, but there's one thing every scientist on the planet agrees on. Whether it happens in a hundred years or a thousand years or a million years, eventually our Sun will grow cold and go out. When that happens, it won't just take us. It'll take Marilyn Monroe, and Lao-Tzu, and Einstein, and Morobuto, and Buddy Holly, and Aristophanes, and all of this—all of this—was for nothing. Unless we go to the stars.”
I didn’t recognize the name Morobuto, and I wondered if it was a name I should be familiar with or one that was made up for the show as a future famous name. So I looked it up, and the B5 wikia says [Word of God, no spoilers] gung ur jnf n snzrq Nsevpna cuvybfbcure naq yrnqre va gur rneyl 22aq praghel. Ur havgrq frireny bs gur jneevat Nsevpna pbhagevrf naq sbezrq gur Prageny Nsevpna Oybp. [season 4 to be safe] Vg’f nyfb vagrerfgvat gung rira guvf rneyl ba, jr’er trggvat uvagf bs gur ovnf, abg whfg va gur trareny cbchyngvba, ohg va gur cerff, gbjneqf vfbyngvbavfz.
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bisexual-ashe · 2 years
apparently my brain is currently fixated on a five whump idea where the entire fam has been kidnapped, but five isn't aware of this (they can see him but he can't see them kinda thing) and they get to watch him be tortured
and hey, maybe the kidnapper takes advantage of the fact that five doesn't know his family was caught too, maybe they tell him they abandonded him, or hate him
and over time it breaks him down and all the others can do is watch
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pendragaryen · 3 years
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Bellamy Blake Appreciation Week 2021 👑❤- Day 2: Favourite badass or dramatic one-liner scene
S5 Episode “The dark year”                          “We thought we should let you know that you killed your own people. Enjoy your walk.”
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt.10
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan, Jacob Black x Bella Swan
Warnings: none
Words: 2543
Summary: Bella goes missing and you help in the search for her.
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
 The vision had grabbed Alice by the throat just as Bella had left the Cullen house. The tumbling of Bella’s red pickup truck and a pale man with red eyes pulling Bella from the wreckage. She couldn’t see the face though. It was covered with shadows and despite Alice trying to look further to see where Bella had been taken, there was no luck. Frantically and not wasting time, she startled a sullen Edward as she threw open the door to tell him what she had just seen. Not long after, the Cullen siblings hop into their respective cars and speed off; following the route where Bella had taken hundreds of times. They sniffed around the perimeter to no avail. She was gone without a trace. Whoever took her knew that the Cullens would promptly be out searching for her.
Uncertainly, Jasper glances at his mate who fretted about; willing another vision to come but there was nothing else to help them find her.
Edward slams his fists against the already dented hood of the pickup. “Damn!” Black had overtaken the gold that usually tinted his irises. Black and glaring into the trees as if the kidnapper was still there. It had to be Victoria’s doing. Who else?
“Ed. . . we have to tell her father. It’s late and if he tries to contact her. . . he’ll know something bad has happened.”
The last thing they wanted was to involve humans in this Victoria mess. Charlie Swan was an officer though. If he suspected foul-play on Edward’s behalf, he could very well arrest him under the suspicion of his daughter’s disappearance. And he would be partly right. If only he hadn't let Bella leave while emotional and upset.
Reaching into his back pocket, Edward pulls out his phone and searches for Charlie’s number.
With a groan you toss to your side and glare at your phone as it begins to ring again. Fingers curl and snatch it with a type of viciousness reserved for birds of prey. Bleary eyes focus on the tiny screen and the name that was lit up. It was Jared. Weird, really weird. What did he want so early in the morning?
Your phone was ringing nonstop as you tried to push yourself further into sleep. Early morning light played peek-a-boo with your blinds. That’s what you got for forgetting to turn your phone off but no one ever actually called you. Kids your age insisted on texting. The only people you called on your phone were your parents and grandparents.
You flip open your phone. “What?”
“About damn time! Get your butt over to Sam’s immediately! We got a problem.”
That was enough to wake you up as you pressed your phone closer to your ear. “What happened?”
“The Vampire Girl is missing.”
Brain still foggy with the residue of sleep, it took you a moment to register who Jared was talking about. Your stomach twists uncomfortably inside of you. “Bella?”
“Yeah! They found her truck early this morning off the side of the road. No sign of her. Jake is going crazy.”
Stumbling out of your bed you tell Jared that you were on your way as you struggle to put on a pair of pants.
The whole pack was already there by the time you arrived. In human form you weren’t quite as fast but you were still able to make it to Sam’s in record time. Inside of Sam’s house Jacob was on his feet in the middle of the living room. “I have to go look for her! Those leeches may not be able to track her down, but I can!”
“We can’t just run into the heat of things. Humans are interfering now. According to Edward, the police are on the search for her. They’re infiltrating the forest in their efforts. Unfortunately until they leave, we have to keep our heads down. It wouldn’t do if they were to see us out in the open. What with the recent string of missing people and murders, there’s too much going on.” Patient as ever with his pack brother, Sam stared down Jacob.
He grimaces in reply and clenches his jaw. “So we just let Bella die then?”
“Who says she’s dead?” Paul points out. “If it was the Cullen’s enemy then she might still be alive.”
“Probably being used as bait.” Adds in Leah with her monotone voice. Of course she wouldn’t care about the welfare of some leech lover. “The battle will be in a few days. Just wait until then.”
That was the exact opposite of what Jacob wanted to hear and he showed it as he vehemently glared at her.
Wanting to diffuse the tension, young Seth pipes up. “The police aren’t even patrolling near our territory yet. Technically they’re still on Cullen terf. We can still look around our side.”
Sam thought differently though as he shakes his head. You forgot a lot how young Sam actually was. He was still a young adult, not even 30 yet. Weary lines are deep under his eyes and you knew being alpha was taking its toll on him. “No, eventually they’ll come to our side when they don’t find anything. Her father is part of the police department. He won’t stop until he finds his daughter. We need to wait until the battle.”
Jacob had had enough. “Well I’m not waiting. I’m going to look for her.”
“Don’t be stupid Jacob. I understand you’re worried about her, but we have to use our heads and not rely on our emotions.” Sam served Jacob with a calm look that made Jacob even more upset. Everyone squirmed; you didn’t go against the alpha. Never. His word was law and by the way Jacob’s body froze, it was clear the wolf in him wanted to obey it’s alpha. “We stay here and let the humans run around until they’re tired.”
That’s when Sam realized you had been standing near the front door. “(y/n). Come here.”
A deep breath to steady your nerves, you carefully make your way beside Jacob and avoid everyone’s penetrative eyes. “Have you heard anything from the Cullens?”
You frown and feel a hint of a blush on your cheeks. “Um. . . No. I don’t really have their phone number. . .”
He nods and sighs. “I know I’m asking a lot from you, but I need you to go to the Cullens. We at least need one wolf representative to keep an eye on things on their side.”
Protests heavy on his tongue, Jacob fired off at Sam for being unfair; making you shift uncomfortably from foot to foot. Like you wanted to. You knew why Sam was assigning you to this. You weren’t hotheaded like Jacob. For the most part you had controlled your emotions perfectly in front of the Cullens. But you also knew that you being there would be a sensitive topic since Bella was missing.
Sam snaps back at Jacob. “Enough Jake. I’ve made my mind up and you need to step down. Now.”
The younger boys nervously glance at one another, even Seth was growing apprehensive of a fight. Taking it upon themselves, Embry and Quil usher a pissed off Jacob outside. After the front door slams shut everyone lets out a collective sigh of relief.
You gulp down the dry lump in your throat. “Sam. . . I don’t think it would be a good idea sending me. Like you said, we shouldn’t use our wolves in front of humans. If I did find something, well, I couldn’t interfere. What good would I be over there?”
“(y/n), residents of Forks are disappearing left to right. All around. If you can scout around town and the Cullen perimeters, we might be able to keep the newborns within our boundaries. We need to keep an eye on the police who are entering dangerous territory.”
There still had to be some kind of patrol. You understood that but still felt helpless.
Always helpless.
Especially as you walk through the woods all the way to the Cullen’s side of town. You stayed clear of any patrolling human cop. They didn’t know the woods quite as well as you did.
Heartbeat thundering in your ears, you approach the front door of the old Victorian house. Alice readily opens the door and greets you with a small smile. “(y/n).”
“H-Hey Alice.” You fiddle around with the belt loops on your pants. “I heard about Bella. . . Sam sent me to see if you guys needed help or anything. . . Also to scout the area.”
She nods and steps aside so that you could enter. He was home. You had smelled him when you were a mile away. Scolding your fluttering heart, you reminded yourself that
Edward’s girlfriend was missing and in trouble. There was no time to deal with your stupid imprinting feelings.
“Edward has been a mess. He feels guilty.” Alice tells you once you are seated on their couch, trying to avoid your reflection that was caught in their large screen tv.
“Why would he feel guilty about it?”
Pressing her lips together, she quickly glances back to the hallway that led up to the stairs. You noticed that her eyes weren’t quite as gold as they normally were. Bright gold was tainted to a dull shade. “Bella broke up with him before she left.”
There had to be a mistake. Certainly Bella would have never broken up with him. They were in love.
A vindictive snarl in your head pointed the finger at you. Accused you that their broken relationship was your fault.
Alice furrows her brow and reaches for your hand. “I’m sorry. It must be a conflicting thing for you.” Her hand was cold against your warm blooded skin. Not in an unpleasant way, but it was nice. Like a soothing cold breeze. She goes on “We picked up a scent of another vampire. It’s not Victoria’s though. I’ve looked into the future as far as I could and I don’t recognize the vampire she’s with. All we’ve been able to deduct is that she’s tied up in a small space. That’s the thing with visions. They don’t show the whole picture.”
That’s right. Alice could see into the future. Crazy to think that you knew someone who could actually do it.
“Good, (y/n)’s here.” Jasper enters the living room, hands in his pockets. To you, he always looked frazzled with messy hair that was oddly perfect. Heavy shadows hang from his lower lid perpetually. “Are you scared of heights?”
For a moment you gawked at him. “Um, not really.”
He nods, liking the answer you gave him. “Follow me.”
Everything about his approach was odd, but Jasper had to be the oddest of the entire Cullen clan. You rolled with it and followed him up the stairs toward the door at the farthest end. The one that reeked of Edward. Your footfalls slow down before altogether stopping a foot behind Jasper. He turns and gives you a soft smile.
“It’s okay.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
Hand on the knob, a swift twist opens it and reveals Edward's immaculate room and large bay window that looked over the vast legion of trees that made up the forest. In a close by tree you could make out the large body of Emmett hoping from tree to tree like a spry monkey. The closer you looked, you could see Esme having just pulled herself up onto one of the thick branches. Her horse riding boots dug securely into the bark as she prepared to fling herself to the next rung to get her higher up.
Edward has his back to you and Jasper, both he and Carlisle have their heads outside of the bay window. “Get higher Rosalie. Otherwise they’ll see you.”
Slowly the bobbing of a gold crown emerges. “Shove it, Edward!! We could just wait for them to leave!”
“We can’t take the chance, Rosalie.” Carlisle patiently reminds her. “This is time sensitive.”
Rosalie growls and abruptly makes eye contact with you. Gold against (e/c). You could feel all of her disgust and resentment. The expression she gives you makes the other two turn around.
Carlisle does his best to muster a welcoming smile but it falls short. Warmth floods your cheeks despite you trying your best to stay neutral. It seemed your body had a will of its own now. Your wolf chemistry was desperately reaching out to him no matter the circumstance. The pull was instantaneous and you found yourself angry and bitter about not having any control.
“Sam sent you.” Edward states. Even though he couldn’t read your thoughts anymore he could probably still read Sam’s. You knew Edward was able to hear thoughts that were miles away.
“Yeah. I guess I’m, like, neutral ground for both our sides.” you awkwardly reply, a bit embarrassed by the way your voice came out.
There was a flash of a pained look on Edward’s face, though it was brief. “Like Switzerland. . .”
“Uh, sure. I suppose you could say that.”
Rolling his eyes, Jasper pushes you forward. “We need you for tree patrol.”
“Does that mean I don’t have to?” Rosalie calls out.
Shaking his head, Edward shouts “No, Rose!”
“We need all hands on deck at the moment if we are to cover as much ground as possible.” Jasper explains. “It never hurts having as many people as possible. Plus wolves have an exceptional tracking nose. It surpasses even that of a vampire tracker.”
Hesitantly Edward hands you an oval shaped ring. “Bella was wearing this before she left.”
An engagement ring. The sinking of your stomach was so rapid that it nearly pulled down your heart as well. Gingerly picking up with your thumb and forefinger, you give it a deep inhale. Even in your human form, you vividly smelled Bella as if she was standing beside you. You allow the scent to overcome you so that when you opened your eyes you could practically see the trail. Barely visible like a strand of thread, you struggled to zone in on it as the other scents around you were threatening to cover it up.
“Look, you don’t have to-” he begins but you cut him off.
“No. It’s okay. If we find her then we’ll find who took her. Maybe even find Victoria and ruin her army before they advance. This isn't just about Bella. There are other human lives at risk too. Others have gotten killed because of Victoria.”
Gratitude radiated in his eyes that just made you want to die. Alice must have been wrong. They couldn’t have broken up so easily.
You climb onto the windowsill and adjust yourself before leaping from the safety of the window to the tree across from it. A simple feat. You had been jumping off of the cliff for months with the rest of your pack. Splashing hard into the ocean was the fun of it all. You’re surprised that you stuck the landing as it was the first time that you had jumped onto a tree. Looking ahead of you, you follow Bella’s scent.
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch​​ , @dangerouslittlefairy​​ , @burn-crash-rqmance​​ , @casedoina​​ , @avadakadabra93​​ , @daryldixonstorm​​ , @blue-aconite​​​ , @xanniestired666​ , @esposadomd​
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Review: The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han
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You know that particular kind of contemporary YA that's really popular right now? A diverse character cast that lives and grows through their experiences together and through heartfelt conversations, and ends up as more developed human beings while their complex interpersonal relationships evolve?
Well, this book is kind of the opposite. More precisely, it's written in the kind of mystical, dark, lucid YA voice that was more popular before the light-hearted, uplifting kind took over. It does have complex teen characters and some form of (questionable) coming-of-age, but it lacks in representing healthy relationships. Often, it takes itself (and compulsorily cisheterosexual teen "love"/destiny) too seriously. Many younger readers would love that, but past that age it just feels toxic and pretentious.
A lot of Belly’s inner monologue is super relatable. It reminds me of how insecure I felt as a teen girl, how I strived for particular kinds of beauty and male approval. (It came hand-in-hand with my “I’m not like other girls,” phase, and so does Belly’s.) The three other teen main characters, Steven (Belly’s brother), Conrad, and Jeremiah are all older than Belly and spent most of their summers hazing her with mysoginistic undertones—she’s left out because she’s too much of a girl, and at the same time she’s not deemed womanly enough to respected as a real girl. (Other girls either fall into the f*ckable or non-f*ckable category … and that’s it. That’s all women are to these boys.) The way the mixed messaging has turned her into an incredibly anxious individual is palpable, and relatable, and painful to read about.
Understandably, at 15 (and possibly the kids' last summer at their Cousins beach house), we find her still trying to prove herself, by forcefully pretending to be tough by enduring hazing (so she’s part of the bros) and then nervously micromanaging herself to look “effortlessly” beautiful (to be f*ckable by Conrad, but also not too “full of herself” like the other women he hung around with). The boys (unsurprisingly) respond by mocking her and trying to manipulate and police her back into her “old” (ie weak + unf*ckable) self.
(Note: The couple other teen girls lightly highlighted here are self-obsessed, brainless man-eaters.)
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Conrad is basically your next door teen f*ckboy. Moody, selfish, emotionally unavailable to the degree that a tiny spark of vulnerability or attention from him makes women swoon for him. When he’s secretly in love with someone, he’s overly possesive, controlling and hot-and-cold mean towards her, and sabotages all her relationships. : ) That’s how to get the girl, folks.
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We’re told that Jeremiah, Conrad's brother, is Belly’s “pal”, because he’s more decent and open about his emotions than Conrad and he shares (most of) what he’s going through with Belly, and vice versa. But he’s also shown to be incredibly disloyal. He doesn’t take sides during conflict (he only tries to “dissipate the tension” by joking around, even when serious sh*t is going down), and he either idly watches or actively participates when the others are treating Belly badly.
(Can I just add here—I find love triangles in which the two alternative love interests are SIBLINGS just … gross. There, I said it. But I suspended that personal ick feeling for the sake of giving this well-loved book a chance.)
Steven is the sibling edition of Jeremiah. Less *bosom buddies*, a little more detached (but attached in a familial way), a little more protective in an annoying, controlling way. Still a bully. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just another flavour.
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Cam (Belly's summer boyfriend) is the only teen that I liked in this book. He is gentle, sweet, and has a healthy approach to dating. He is the ultimate non-judgemental soft™️ boy that will find you beautiful despite no matter how you look, who is vegetarian because to avoid animal cruelty, who will always ask before he touches you.
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The other boys jeeringly respond by indicating he's obviously not macho enough, and Belly is so easily influenced by them that she is immediately embarrassed of Cam instead of being supportive of him, even though she initially liked his positive traits. She eventually decides he is unexciting; totally not toxic enough for her. : D She leads him on to make Conrad jealous, sends him a bunch of mixed messages, and then outright ghosts him. So much for the one decent man in this book. (I would read a spinoff on him in a heartbeat.)
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The moms of these characters are BFFs and perhaps the only similar-age healthy relationship portrayed in the book. However, they either ignore or laugh off the boys' bad behaviour, not only towards Belly but towards Cam as well ... which is literally just bad parenting???
(My sister joked that the moms should’ve gotten together, and that would’ve turned it into the ultimate K-Drama star-crossed enemies-to-lovers fiasco. Made me laugh so hard.)
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With all of the above set up, I still held out hope for a satisfying ending. I wanted to see Belly realize the boys were all trash, gain true confidence in her self-worth, and open herself up to other, better romantic relationships. (Our girl had repressed bi vibes for sure, too.) There was a powerful, relatable statement in the beginning where Belly said now that she was older (more in-tune with her own body and tastes), she truly felt pretty for the first time. I wanted her to lean into that power, and realise it was never about how she objectively looked but about how she felt about herself; that the boys were just sh*tty human beings scared of confident women, and had hence done their utmost to gatekeep her from becoming just that. I was hoping that would be the theme of the book.
The book leads us slightly in that direction, and then Belly explodes into a few monologues, finally speaking her mind to Conrad and Jeremiah, but then within a couple pages she’s already forgiven them both, despite not getting any proper apologies. In fact, I'm pretty sure neither of them really heard her properly, or cared. I felt like the romance theme needlessly overshadowed the main concerns of the plot. The end left me uneasy. (I know a lot more drama goes down in the next two books. I looked up some summaries and ... yeesh. Ick factor intensifies)
A GR community review for the final installment in Summer said that there's a difference between an author truly caring about the characters growing through challenges and an author just using their characters as pawns to create trashy digestible drama, and I agree. The book’s redeeming qualities turned out to be in its little descriptions, relatable emotions, and how beautifully the language flows. (I effortlessly read it in a couple sittings.) So much lost potential. I adore Jenny Han's To All The Boys I Loved Before trilogy, perhaps because it's newer, but also perhaps because she put more of herself, and more affection, into her characters.
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I picked up this book because there's allegedly going to be not one, but TWO Taylor Swift rerecordings in the adaptation. I really love the TATBILB adaptations (the aesthetic! the wholesome characters!), and seeing that they've already made a few changes to TSITP (Belly is Korean American! Like the author!) and that it's coming out in 2022 (plus I have to grudgingly agree “This Love” is a stunningly good fit), I'm going to hope for the best. <33
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/end rant! thanks for reading!
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doctor-plagueis · 3 years
Nora’s (Arc) worries
Nora was often called reckless and impulsive, but there was one thing she always had planned for her everyday life, and she did it expertly, speaking of its almost time to do it today!
She stalked her prey with surprising silence, she could not afford to mess this up, getting closer she saw her target : her Beacon partner, and friend (Also secret crush) Jaune Arc.
Nora had taken upon herself to take care of her partner, making sure he eats, sleeps and drinks well. Nora would even personally train him in the gym and had made Pyrrha herself train his swordsmanship, Jaune had come a long way in the semester he's been in Beacon... Anyways back to the task at hand!
When Nora got to Jaune she...touched him, not sexually! No she was taking his temperature making sure he wasn't feverish or sick, checking his breathing and making sure he was alright.
" Phew, you're ok.... alright, Jaune's...ok... " Nora said worriedly, she was scared of something.
" Nora " " Ah! Ren don't scare me like that! you almost made me wake him up " " Sorry? Anyways, why do you always check on Jaune first thing in the morning? " Ren asked the question with a hint of worry and curiosity while moving out of the dorms with Nora, wouldn't want to wake their teammates up for no reason.
" I guess you don't remember... " she said slightly... saddened? " Remember what? " " The time you were sick Ren! " She almost shouted " You were sick! We didn't have money! And I was scared of losing my brother! And, and unf!? Ren!? Why are you... "
" Sorry...big sis... " said Ren while embracing Nora " Sigh it's ok, I'm sorry for getting out of hand... " Nora's voice was calm and reassuring, almost motherly, stroking his back and hugging him all while holding back the sobs in her chest, she had to be strong if she was to be a huntress!
" 'm fine now Renny you can let go " " Ok... " They're words were whispers but they were deafening.
" So...do you have a thing for our leader, sister? " "What!? nooooo.........." Nora lied...badly " I'm just making sure my partner is healthy and well Renny "
" Nora, you can talk to me you know " " I know but i swear I'm just checking him ou~p checking up on him! Hehe he he... " " Well now, that was a slip up wasn't it? " Ren said smugly, and approvingly?
" Sister, if I were you I'd make my move sooner than later, I believe you know others have their sights on our...how do you say it? Ah yes "Fearless leader" "
" Wut? " " Oh for Brothers sake sister! Seriously, you haven't noticed? Nothing at all? Ruby has a blatant crush on him (I think she's also crushing on Penny), Weiss has started warming up to him after he stopped the forced flirting and freaking Pyrrha! You haven't noticed Pyrrha yet, HOW!? " He said almost unbelieving his sister is that oblivious and all she said after was.....
" .........oooooooohhhhhhh...........crap! "
Hey y'all! This is my first real long one shot thingy, so please review it and tell me if i did well!
You might've noticed a few things so I'll just get the out of the way shall I?
Ren calling nora big sister : my personal head canon is that nora is the oldest member of both teams.
Ren calling Nora sister at all : this is a Nora's arc thing so i decided to establish Ren and Noras relationship right out of the gates ( They "became" siblings while surviving in Anima alone )
Will this be updated? : Hard maybe my blog is still about my OCs so don't expect much fanfic here
That's all folks! See ya!!
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cinnamonest · 4 years
Great now all I'm thinking about is getting my back blown out as Crepus absolutely fucks me into the mattress via mating press, whew bOi that cock of his is not small and unf the stomach bulge it leaves is drool worthy, growling lowly about how he thinks Diluc (who's like 3 years old in this scenario) needs a sibling or two and is like "daddy's going to put a baby in you, darling, you'll look so cute carrying my child." he's talking in a growly gravely tone (akin to corpse h*sband because damn that voice of his makes my panties soaked so fast) that does something for me. Lightly gripping my throat as he does these deep, hard thrusts that I just know are gonna make it hard to walk straight for at least a week. Has a smug smirk as he's buried hilt deep inside of me, grinding his cock, and is like "that reminds me, I'll need to make you mine, I'll make arrangements to get a marriage certificate ready." Fucker bucks his hips suddenly, loving how I'm whimpering and trying to kiss him. He's like "on our wedding night and during our honeymoon I'm gonna breed you nonstop, doesn't that sound great?" And I'm nodding and babbling about how I want him to cum in me and knock me up. *Screams into pillow* this is bullshit -daddy issues anon
A-anon... Have you ever considered... Writing a fic...? I... I'm so bad with dialogue and that was so nice I...nnnnnmmm
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kieraelieson · 4 years
My cat, who I know was fed by a sibling earlier in the evening:
🥺🥺 Please... 🥺 I ask only mine own small dinner... 🥺 You have left me unfed for so long... 🥺🥺🥺
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