#vampire Sirius is so hot
srs-moonage · 1 year
sirius as a vampire
remus *he saw Sirius biting his victim in his library: oh my god!
sirius: h-huh?
remus *sweating*: can't you see that sign? *points the sign that says “No food allowed inside the library”
sirius *utterly confused stands straight, dragging his victim*: oh... sorry, sorry! It won't happen again:)
remus, annoyed: as it should!
sirius after he got out of the library as he already figured out what's confusing him: wait... what the fuck?! HEY, ISN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME?
meanwhile, Remus: Oh my god, that scared me! I almost blurted out he's so hot!
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enbysiriusblack · 9 months
had loustat!wolfstar and danmand!jegulus thoughts.
#remus falling head over heels for the weird french guy and letting him turn him into a vampire#literally having nonstop existential crisis' as a vampire and pondering whether he's a monster#RANDOMLY DECIDING TO TELL HIS LIFE STORY AND FINDING A HOT GUY TO EXPLAIN HIS WEIRD LIFE STORY TO#THEN HEARING HIS EX IS A ROCKSTAR AND GOING BACK TO HIM TO ROMANTICALLY KISS HIM BEFORE HE GOES ON STAGE!!!#and sirius ditching his entire family to run off to paris with his depressed boyfriend and become an actor#then getting turned into a vampire. buying a theatre. getting into a weird rivarly with a weird cult leader.#instantly spotting a sad little man and turning him to be his boyfriend <3#then babytrapping him. then getting left. then pushed off a roof. then sleeping for YEARS.#THEN HEARING ROCK MUSIC AND INSTANTLY CLIMBING OUT AND JOINING THE BAND AND BECOMING A ROCKSTAR!!#regulus having a deeply traumatic past. getting pushed into a cult and then becoming a cult leader-#cutting off sirius' exes hands because he finds the dude annoying!! and then letting remus burn his cult down cause he got bored of them!!#ruling new orleans for ages and not letting anyone bother him AND THEN MEETING THE DUDE WHO INTERVIEWED REMUS AND FALLING IN LOVE#james being a weirdo whos oddly unbothered by realising vampires are real and casually listening to remus tell him his entire life story#then asking remus to turn him AFTER HOURS OF REMUS TALKING ABOUT HOW VAMPIRISM SUCKS#then after getting turned down obsessing over finding sirius only to run into regulus who starts stalking him#then dating him but regulus refusing to turn him for years and years because he believes vampires always resent their creator#(obviously in this the lestat/armand thing wouldn't exist. since they'd be sirius and regulus)#NO CLUE WHO CLAUDIA WOULD BE.#teddy??? does this mean regulus would kill teddy?????#anyway. lestat is so sirius coded. louis is so remus coded. armand is so regulus coded. and daniel is so james coded.#marauders era#marauders#sirius black#remus lupin#james potter#regulus black#wolfstar#jegulus#itwv x marauders
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liketolovexx · 3 months
James Potter is easily the biggest of the three. He’s just so muscular and strong, but in a soft way. He’s got a soft layer of fat protecting his muscles, and I imagine he’s very freckled too. Not sure why. He is the epitome of a golden retriever boyfriend. He likes being the big spoon, and has an INCREDIBLE weak spot for getting his hair played with. Like, it’s literally orgasmic to him. He grew up with everything. Love, money, etc, etc, so he’s probably the touchiest (at first), and is all over you from the start. Also, I think he often forgets his strength and squeezes u too hard and you’ve gotta be like “uh.. Jamie..? You’re.. you’re kinda squeezing-“ and he just puts an arm over ur mouth like “shut up, baby. Sorry. Love you.” He’s adorable.
Remus Lupin is just a normal sized boy, and runs hot like a radiator. Honestly. He doesn’t even need all those knitted sweaters and warm coffee because he just is the embodiment of autumn warmth. He’s littered with silver scars from his lycanthropy, so when u see him naked for the first time, he’s so self conscious. He’d have his arms wrapped around himself, shielding his scars from your view, and you’ve got to prize his hands off of himself. “I’m sorry.. i know they’re not.. appealing.. it’s…” and you’re just like “woah, rem, what? You’re fucking beautiful.” You say that, and he’s yours. He’s not used to love like James is, but he’s probably the one to start getting cuddly. I imagine it’s winter and he’s reading in the common room, and ur shivering because by some miracle the fire isn’t on. He looks up from his book, admiring you for a while and then lifts up his sweater. You SHOOT underneath it and basically curl up like a cat against his bare chest. I repeat: HE IS SO FUCKING WARM. You’d probably have an ‘eternal sunshine of the spotless mind’ moment with him at the start of your relationship though. You know when Clementine is saying she always thought she was ugly and Joel starts kissing her and saying “you’re pretty, you’re pretty, you’re pretty…” yeah, you’d be Joel and he’d be Clementine. But once he’s comfortable, he’s a fucking fiend. You’ll never be cold again, trust me.
Sirius Black is skinny and pale. Like a vampire. Endearingly. I imagine he has a nose piercing and an eyebrow piercing, and he’s all tattooed up. Will DEFINITELY get your initial on his abdomen or collarbone in swirly penmanship. Sirius will act like your best friend even when u two are dating. Bless him though, he’s so used to being hurt and abused by those that are meant to protect him that he can’t trust you at first. I think the first time he came to realise you were different is when you asked him what happened after winter break at his parent’s house, because he was being really quiet and flinching a lot which is unlike him. You cornered him in the common room when no one else was there, and asked him “hey, Siri? What’s going on, man? Tell me.” He insisted, “I’m fine. I swear, sweetheart.” You went to tuck his black curls behind his ear but he flinched, which shattered your heart. You said “Sirius, please. I need to know you’re okay, because I need you safe.” And hearing that, he broke down into your arms. From then on, he’s always in your arms. He adores comforting you, because he’s a big brother himself and so he has the instinct, you know? But man, does he fucking adore being in your arms. He WILL curl up beside you wherever you’re sitting or lying, and is always rubbing against you. He always says “I can’t help it, babe, it’s just the dog in me.” Which he seems to find HILARIOUS. Oh yeah, and he literally can’t sleep unless you’re the big spoon or his head is on your chest or in your neck. He likes to feel safe and protected for once, and you do that for him to no end. He’s THE 70s rocker stereotype, and he loves having matching nail polish with you. You’re best friends as well as lovers.
Sorry for yapping to no end guys!!!
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luveline · 8 months
Could we please get vampire Sirius? Like maybe he originally lured reader in to drink from her but was just totally enamoured by her because she isn’t scared of him? Love you xx
love you!!
“Do you often accompany strange men to cemeteries?”
You pick a little piece of lint from your sleeve and move on through the gravestones, “Only ones in need. Padfoot! Come here, boy.”
Sirius feels bad for lying to you about his dog that he doesn’t have, but he’s hungry. It’s like blaming a cat for killing a mouse. Nature is nature is nature, and you’re pretty enough to make feeding from you a thrill and a half. He can’t believe you’d been this potent a fool as to believe his lie in the first place — the moon is heavy as a silver medallion in the sky, light like silk pouring over the cemetery, but it is still a cemetery, and you are still alone with him, a strange man you barely know. 
“You should call him more, he’ll recognise your voice,” you suggest, turning to him with a very nice smile, as smiles go. This is the part where he jumps on you and holds you down. But you’re smiling, not a hint of suspicion about you. “You really don’t know what breed he is?”
“He looks like a mixture of every dog on earth.”
“A creature, then. Nice.” You wait for him to catch up with you before you point to a darkened area of the cemetery. Maroon pitch stains the floor, evidence of past misdemeanours. “Ooh, gross. That looks like blood. How many people do you think get murdered in places like this?”
“Definitely a few.”
“Is there even really a dog?” you ask. 
Sirius takes your hand into his. Your hands are almost as cold as he is, your fingers stiff with frigidity. He doesn’t bother trying to warm them, impossible, but he does attempt a seduction of sorts. He likes when his victims are scared; it gets the blood pumping quickly, and it tastes different. Not sweeter or anything so fanciful, but different. You aren’t easily scared, it seems, so he brings your hand to his lips instead for a kiss pressed against delicate knuckles. 
“Why wouldn’t there be a dog?” he asks. 
“There are other ways to get someone alone, you know?”
“Like what?”
“Like flirting,” you say, your shoulders relaxing as he continues his touching, his fingers dancing up the length of your arm and netting behind your shoulder to pull you in. 
“There’s a dog,” he lies, he promises, staring into the innocent pools of your eyes as hunger burns with the ferocity of tears in his throat. “Why? You thought I wanted to be alone with you?”
He leans in, forcing you to close your eyes as he closes his. “You don't?” you ask. 
His gums sting as the razor tip of his fangs slide over his canines, sharp and thing. There’s no room for words now, only action. He kisses you softly, because if he’s going to kill you he thinks he can manage a kinder goodbye, your glossy lips parting at the pressure of his wading. He opens his mouth and yours opens with it, a gasp rushing between you as you feel the sharpness of his fangs and pull away. 
“Ow,” you say, frowning, “you vampires are all the same.”
“We— what?”
“You have no sense of sweetness about you. If you kissed me nicely at first I wouldn’t mind letting you feed on me." You scowl, pressing your pinky to your bloody lip, dissatisfied. 
"You want me to kiss you nicely?" Sirius asks. 
"I thought so, yes." You turn away from him. "Not very much anymore." 
For some reason, the idea that he could overpower you flees his mind. "Now, wait a minute, darling. I'll kiss you very nicely." 
"Sure you will. My lip is bleeding, I know exactly what you're like." 
"Nuh-uh." Something about your lack of fear —he's shocked, but it's hot. Really, really attractive. "Sweetheart, I've been kissing people for longer than you've been alive." 
"Ew." You giggle at him, your reluctance fading. "Okay, fine. But no biting, okay? You can bite me afterwards." 
Sirius grins and pulls you forward, barely caring about the implication of afterwards as you melt into the circle of his arms and kiss him with an ardency he hasn't felt for a few decades, at least. You shiver at his cold hand where it disappears under your shirt, but you smile into his mouth rather than shriek. (He's in love, probably.) 
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thebestofoneshots · 7 months
Renegades | Remus Lupin x reader
Pairing: Remus L. x Reader + bits of Sirius x reader
Word Count: 6.8 k
Warnings: Smut, fingering, P in V, lots of praise, bit of oral near the end (male receiving) consent is sexy, lusty!Remus, childhood friends to enemies to lovers.
Prompt: As a part of the Maraudween Series, this fic takes you to an Alternate Universe where Remus Lupin is the Sheriff of Moonridge and you’re an outlaw he’s bound to chase after, but there’s a catch, you knew each other in the past, and the tension between the two is palpable, to say the least.
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Maraudween is a Halloween-inspired anthology series where each chapter transports you into a distinct alternate universe. From the real world to old western Texas and even through the dark times of vampires. These standalone tales invite you into a realm of boundless potential. Experience the enchantment of Halloween as it weaves its spell, intertwining the magic of costumes, AUs, terror and spice.
NSFW (Smut under the cut) ♡
The sun was hot against you, almost burning the unclothed soft skin of the back of your hand as you stared at the long dirt road ahead of you. There was a man a few feet from you, tall, broad chest, handsome. The Sheriff of Moonridge, Moony, as Sirius would call him, just to spite the man. Or… The Wolf, like most criminals, knew him. 
Things didn’t go awry on his watch, Moonridge was the safest town in the west and it was because they had a protecting Wolf against all the bandits that even dared get close enough. No one had managed to cause havoc in his town. No one except yourself. 
His hand was on his hostler, so was yours, you could see his grip tightening in the distance, a warning, telling you he was ready, telling you he was faster, telling you you’d be gone in an instant if he took it out. He was the fastest gunsIinger of the West. You smiled, placing your own hand on your own hostler, because it didn’t matter if he was faster, not today at least. 
3 seconds passed, he was looking at the way you smiled when a horse barged in from the side. Sirius and Firebolt. Your smile grew wider as the man on the horse extended his hand and hauled you over it, zigzagging his way towards the Sheriff. 
“Took you long enough,” you huffed. 
Sirius looked back and flashed you a smile as he bit his lip “Saw this beauty,” He said as he raised one of his hands up to your face, there was a small gold ring on his pinky, contrasting against the rest of silver rings he wore “Had to get it for my favourite outlaw.” 
“You’re not gonna appease me with a little trinket.” 
He pouted “Come on baby, you really think I only got one little trinket?” he asked as he nodded to the thick bag that hung from his belt “I’d get you the entire jewellery if that’s what you wanted.” 
You smiled and rolled your eyes, pulling out his gun and firing a warning shot against the Sheriff's feet even in the horse, you had one hell of an aim. That’s how Sirius had discovered you and hauled you into the life of an outlaw after your parents passed away and your uncle was ready to sell you to an old man in exchange for a piece of land. 
When you were about to pass next to the man, you put the gun back on Sirius’ hostler and placed your hand on his shoulder, “What are you…?” he started to ask, but shut his mouth when he noticed. 
You had leaned down and taken the Sheriff’s hat from his head, and placed it on yours “Thanks Sheriff,” you said in a cocksure tone, a mocking smile and a wink before taking the gun from Sirius again and shooting another warning shot. A few more horses had gathered around you, the rest of the gang. 
“Just shoot him somewhere Fox!” Barty said as he got slightly close. 
“Oh, but Sheriff Moons is the only one that puts up a fight, it will be boring if he’s gone,” you responded with a pout. 
“Why the hat?” asked Sirius, he looked to you over his shoulder before turning back ahead, you could hear the hooves clicking against the ground, approaching your group fast. You turned around and saw the Sheriff, chasing after you on his massive steed, a gift from the bankers after he stopped a robbery, if the rumours were true.
“A little souvenir,” you said with a shrug as you turned around and waved at the Sheriff, hoisting your own gun out and shooting at the side of a light post, causing it to fall down on the floor, a few metres ahead of the man. 
“You missed,” teased Crouch. You just smiled, the kerosene from the broken street lamp was on the floor, slipping through the sides and making almost the perfect line, you shot at that this time around and the fire started ablaze. 
“You were saying?” you asked your friend, he gave you an approving look. There was a reason you had been made a member of The Marauders, and it wasn’t just to be the leader’s little plaything as some other bands assumed. 
Regardless of the fire, the Sheriff’s horse had no fear, and jumped over it, still trailing close behind, “Prongs, you got the timing right still, correct?” Sirius asked. 
James nodded, he was Sirius’ best friend, and one of the minds behind the plan of this heist, “Of course,” he said and Sirius tightened his grip on the reins and spurred Firebolt. 
Things were getting faster, you kept shooting at things to deter the Sheriff from following, but he was just as relentless as your gang, and followed behind the three of you. “It’s coming,” you said when you heard the whistle of the train. The chug-chug of it would have been enough to deter any horse, but you had trained yours well. 
When the train was about to reach the spot you walked through, the horses jumped, to the other side of the tracks, your hat –Remus hat– almost flew off your head, but you managed to hold it with one hand while you used the other to grab onto Sirius and avoid falling of the horse yourself. Once Crouch, the last one to cross made it, the train passed right in front of you, making the perfect wall, in between you and the sheriff. 
But that wasn’t the end of the plan, there was a chirping sound from a few carts back and suddenly a side of the train fell open, inside waited for you the rest of the gang. Peter, the mousy guy nicknamed Wormtail and Evan, Bartie's lover. The second guy was a lot more on the peaceful side, but when Barty joined he clarified that he came as a package. Either Evan came with him or he continued by himself, the way he always had been. 
James and Sirius agreed, and he was glad he did, since it was thanks to that, that they had another master planner in the team. All the horses jumped up the ramp and into the train, and Evan and Wormy quickly picked the latch up and closed the cart. You smiled and looked at Sirius, a shine in your eyes that let him know exactly what you wanted, “Was it perhaps dangerous?” Yes. But Sirius already knew you found a thrill for danger when he recruited you. He also knew you ended up in a better mood when he indulged you. 
You gave him a wink and went to the door of the wagon and opened it with a rather strong pull, slipping out only partially, the Sheriff, had been shocked when the train passed and there was no one left, being stunned by the magic of it before realising you’d somehow gotten on the train and chasing behind. He was a few blocks back, and you smiled, pulling off the hat in a small nod and waving to him with it “Thanks for the souvenir,” you shouted. He pulled his gun and aimed a shot, but you moved to the side and he missed by the hair, you were expecting it. You gave the man a pout as he aimed again, but Sirius was faster, pulling you inside and shutting the door before the second shot even reached the cart. 
“You’re absolutely insane,” Evan said in disbelief. 
You shrugged “I like to think I’m fun.” You then placed the hat back in your head “What do we think?” you asked with a smile “Nice souvenir, right?” 
“It’s rather elegant,” agreed Barty. 
“How long are we staying?” Sirius asked Evan. 
“12 more minutes,” the blonde responded as he checked his pocket watch, “then we’re out and ride towards Hideout 6.” 
You smiled and hummed “I love Hideout 6.”
Barty almost rolled his eyes, he knew why you liked it, he liked it for the same reason. It was big, it had comfortable beds and private rooms. He just didn’t like when Sirius and you were too loud.
A few minutes later, you heard a clock chime and James spoke “Time to get down.”
 Peter rode with him, while Evan got on Barty’s horse. You, as you had done earlier, mounted Firebolt along Sirius. They opened the ramp and you all rode down and towards the hideout. In less than half an hour, you’d already gotten there. Evan checked the traps, to make sure no one had sneaked inside while you were gone and you all got in. You took a piece of dried jerky to snack on and walked upstairs, Sirius and the rest stayed, splitting the plunder. While on a normal gang, you wouldn’t trust them to do it evenly without you, you knew Sirius and James would never allow such scheming inside the Marauders. More than a team, the group was like a family. 
You were lying on the bed, the sheriff’s hat over your head blocking out the light when you heard a knock on the door “Who?” 
“The love of your life,” he responded, you rolled your eyes but mumbled something that sounded close to “come in”, not that it had been necessary, Sirius was already walking inside. “I see you’ve kept the hat,” he said before sitting beside you, turning the bag he’d hold onto and letting the contents fall on the bed. 
You took it from your head and sat down beside him, to take a peek at what he’d kept, “Smells nice,” you said pointing at the hat dismissively. Sirius took the hat to his nose, and it really did smell nice. While most cowboys’ hats smelled like nothing more than sweat, this one had a rather distinctive and pleasant aroma, most likely from whatever grooming products the owner used “We should ask him what cologne he’s using now.” 
Sirius sighed “You miss him, do you not?” 
You shrugged, ignoring the question “We’ve picked very different paths to his own,” you said simply, a tone that let Sirius know that you did not want to talk about it. But after all, it had also been why you never shot him directly. 
You all knew The Wolf of Moonridge, except you knew him as Remus. 
Sirius traced his finger over your clothed thigh, and you gave him a soft smile, one that contrasted with whatever mask it was you wore when you stepped outside the hideouts and onto a raid. One that only he and maybe James were allowed to see, he loved it. And then gave you a similar face in return. He grabbed onto your hand and pulled it towards his, taking the ring from his small finger and slipping it onto your ring one. Sirius had always had relatively thin fingers, even for a man. 
You extended your hand with a half smile and looked at it, turning it around swiftly as you stared “Looks good on me, doesn’t it?” 
“Anything looks beautiful on you,” he said, and then smirked “In fact, nothing looks better on you.” 
You gave him a rather incredulous look with his suggestive little tone, he pulled you by the hips on top of him, the rest of the gems and jewels he had stolen already forgotten on the bed as he pulled you into a heated kiss.  You were already halfway removing the buttons of his shirt when there was a rather urgent knock on the door. 
You both ignored it, and went back to kissing, but the person persisted, both of you separated from each other and looked at the door “What?” you said at the same time, annoyance laced in your tone. 
“We’ve been found out. Moony followed us somehow.” 
“What?!” You asked with a frown “Not Hideout 6!” you whined. 
“That clever son of a bitch,” Sirius huffed “Alright luv,” he said, his hand patting your leg “Time for some action,” he added with a half smile.
You hummed in response. As Sirius stood up, you grabbed the bag and threw all the jewels inside, fastening it to your belt before putting your boots on, “Hey babe?” He hummed, “Don’t you think Sheriff Moons grew up rather handsome?” 
Sirius threw you a look “He grew up fine,” he responded. 
“Aye he did,” you said. “If it were a different situation, perhaps we could drag him to our bed.” 
He looked at you, eyes narrowing “You want to drag him to your bed, don’t you?” 
You shrugged, putting on the sheriff’s hat again “He smells really nice.” 
Sirius laughed at the silly innocent smile you were giving him after hearing such a request “If anyone can convince him, it’s definitely you darling…” He dragged you by the waist and placed another kiss on your lips, taking some time to smell the sides of your face, exactly where you had placed the hat earlier “You’re right, he does.” 
When you separated you smiled up at him, and then you heard a gunshot, “I hope he doesn’t fucking ruin hideout 6 for everyone,” you said with a huff as you took a кnife and placed your gun in your hostler. Sirius grabbed you by the waist again, pulling you to him. Your eyes shone with lust at the instructions he whispered into your ear, “And that would work?” you asked, turning to him with a shrewd look. 
“Don’t overestimate your abilities, darling,” he told you with a wink and nodded, a sly smirk forming on your face as you both placed yourselves on each side of the door. Sirius opened it carefully, the gunshots still going off in the distance. 
There was a moment of heavy breathing as the door opened completely, and then Sirius leaned over the frame, only letting a little of his head out as he searched for signs of someone. He pulled back and nodded. The two of you stepped out, guns held high as you walked down the stairs. 
Midway down, you heard a gunshot, the bullet biting onto the wood of the railling and spluttering to the side. You looked around, they were shooting from the outside, Barty and Evan were shooting from one of the windows while Peter and James were on the sides of the front door, the hinges had been torn apart by a gunslinger with surprising accuracy and the door was currently laying on the floor. 
“Well there goes hideout six,” you mumbled “How many?” 
“At least 6 of them,” Barty responded. 
“Sheriff’s with them,” James warned. 
You took a deep breath but nodded looking at Sirius and tilted your head just a little “Andromeda's Strategy?” 
Sirius took a second to process your suggestion and nodded in response “We’re doing Andromeda, get ready.” 
You smiled, in seconds the boys were shooting and both you and Sirius finished walking down the stairs and into a more secluded area. You walked to the side of the house and used a lighter to turn on a long fuse that was connected to the garden with an underground pipe. “Ears!” you shouted, and everyone placed their hands over their own.
3…2…1… Boom!
The explosion caused some of the men to fall back and then started emitting a good deal of smoke. You didn’t say a thing, everyone knew what they had to do. Sirius mounted Firebolt and offered you his hand, but you shook your head “I’m taking his horse, he’ll have to follow.” 
Sirius gave you an incredulous look, and then smiled proudly “I’ll see you at our spot later, deal?” 
You nodded with a little smirk as you bit your lip. “If things go as planned, we’ll definitely have fun.” 
Sirius winked at you and started riding away. You took that as your sign and went through the smoke. The others were still distracted enough not to notice you when you walked behind them, uniting most of their horses and firing a shot just next to them to scare them away. You mounted Moony’s horse and let the last one free, but you didn’t prompt it to run, after all, Remus would have to find a way to follow you. 
Once some of the smoke dissipated, you made sure Remus saw you, pulling the horse back a little to make him stand on his back legs for just a second before riding away. The boys were already riding in all sorts of directions, all different to your own and the men didn’t know who to follow behind, until Remus gave them orders. 
He’s certainly good at giving orders, you thought as you waved at him with a taunting smile on your face. One of his men, a short, disagreeable-looking dude pointed his gun at you, and you stared at him, you knew he was a bad shot from the sole way he stood, legs wobbling and posture askew, poor dude, it might have been his first day. He fired the shot, but Remus pushed him away before he tried again “Not at my horse,” he said sternly. 
You smiled “Yeah, not at his horse,” you repeated and rode off. Remus mounted the only horse left and indicated the others to follow behind the trial of the rest of the marauders. 
“She’s the best shot in the county boss, it’s a bad idea to go alone.” 
“I’ll be fine,” Remus said, offering no further explanation before following behind you.
You both sped through the desert, it didn’t take him that long to catch up with you “Darling, I’m gonna need you to give back my horse and my hat,” he shouted, as he levelled with you. 
“And surrender like that?” you asked with a pout “That wouldn’t be fun Remus,” you said before spurring the horse, leaving Moony behind. 
Eventually, when you lost sight of him, you walked inside a small abandoned-looking little house, where you used to live before your family passed away. You walked inside and waited, you started to get bored at some point and went to rummage through the kitchen. You heard the creak of a floorboard and then someone was hauling you from the back, a кnife at your throat and a strong arm pressing you against his chest with enough force to keep you there but not enough to hurt you. 
You pulled your hips back against his “Is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?” 
He tightened his grip, кnife prickling at the tender skin of your neck “Come on… why do you do this?” he asked. 
“Because it’s fun Moons,” you replied as you felt the кnife pierce just slightly, deciding to pull your hips back again, this time making sure to roll them against his. 
“Stop that!” he ordered. 
“Make me,” you responded with a devilish little smirk, he hauled you off him and onto a nearby wall, кnife still at your throat. 
“Come on darling-“ 
“It’s Fox now,” you interrupted. 
“Does Sirius also call you that now?” 
You didn’t respond, jaw clenching slightly. 
“Thought so,” he said with a nod and whispered your name, almost a plea, completely in contrast with the way he had you against the wall, a small line of bIood already dripping from your neck, “Just… come back.” 
“Back where?!” you said with a frown “With Uncle Cliff? So he can sell me off to the first old banker that asks for my hand? No, thank you.” 
“Marry me, I’ll ask Cliff for your hand.” 
You scoffed the кnife digging deeper into your skin, Remus pulled it back when he noticed, not having realised he had caused you to bleed, “What a hell of a proposal, with a кnife against my neck and one against your ribs.” 
“What кnife against my–?” He looked down and realised your hand toying with one of the buttons of his vest, he sighed and turned back to you “I’m faster. I’ve always been faster.” 
“No doubt,” you smiled, “but you want to slice my throat as much as I want to get married to an old rich banker.” 
“You don’t want to stab me either,” he said as he pulled back, raising his hand and placing the кnife on its hoster. “The offer’s on, either way.” 
You raised your eyebrows, leaning back against the wall and using your ascot to clean the bIood from your neck. “The marriage proposal you mean?” He looked to the side but nodded. “Why didn’t you ask me before?” 
That seemed to take him by surprise “I’m sorry?” 
“Before this,” you said, arms open, trying to express before you became who you were now. 
He swallowed “You’d always liked Sirius.” 
“That’s bullshit.” 
He huffed “I thought you wouldn’t want me.” 
That pulled a frown “What? Why?” 
Then he pulled a look at you, a frown and a small tilt of his head as if he didn’t want to say it. He didn’t want to say it was because of the way he looked, because of the scars, because he had nothing to offer you back then. 
You gasped “Don’t be ridiculous, you must get hundreds of women thrown at you, the Handsome Wolf of Moonridge, you think I haven’t heard the stories?” 
“They’re not like you.” 
“You hold way too high standards for me Moons,  I think I’m just like them, swayed by the handsome cowboy,” you said and walked towards him, placing your hand on his badge “And the little shiny star on his chest.” 
He frowned, “You just want me to let you go,” he said bitterly. 
“Au contraire,” you said with a tilt of the head. “I want you to join us. We could use a great gunslinger.” 
He raised his eyebrows “to stop being the Sheriff and join your gang of outlaws?” 
“Mh-hm,” you said, your hands were now on his neck, tracing over some of the scars with a feather-like touch. 
You stood on your toes to whisper in his ear, “Allow me to persuade you.” 
“NO,” he repeated, stronger this time, you smiled. You could hear the wavering in his voice.
You pressed a soft kiss, wet kiss to his jaw, and you felt him tense, another kiss and he was relaxing against you, his body giving in while his mind still raised with thoughts, you continued kissing until you reached the corner of his mouth, pressing a kiss that lasted just a second longer before pulling away “Tell me if you want me to stop,” you said looking at him, a deadIy serious tone in your voice. 
Remus looked at you, eyes pleading before he placed his hands on the sides of your head and pulled you into a kiss. You kissed back instantly, brushing your tongue over his and deepening the kiss when he parted them to let you in. Remus was kissing you like you were the air he needed to breathe, and you kissed back in a similarly desperate manner. 
Eventually, you pulled apart to take a breath, and you saw his doubtful face. He was about to say something when you leaned down to trail kisses from his jaw to his neck, fighting with the collar of his shirt for more space. 
He saw you reach for your кnife, and he let you, if he was going to diе in between your kisses, then it would be the sweetest farewell a man like him could hope for. But you only used it to cut the buttons of his vest, letting the кnife fall on the floor before pulling the piece of clothing off from him. He allowed you, he’d allow you to do whatever the hell you wanted to him at that point if he was being honest. 
He had been pretty passive up until then, but the moment you grazed over his thin linen shirt with your fingernails he seemed to be brought back. Placing his hand on your hips and pushing you further onto the wall, you smiled in between kisses as he pressed his knee in between your legs. You were still kissing him as you started to rock your hips against his leg, grinding on him shamelessly. 
He groaned at the feeling of your hips rolling back and forth, grabbing your hair and pulling it lightly to get your lips away from his neck, to be able to look at your face again, to make sure it was real, to make sure it really had been you. 
You smiled when you realised he was staring, thinking of a snarky remark to give only for it to be caught in your throat the moment he leaned down to kiss it. Licking over the place he had unwittingly cut and savouring the taste of sweat and copper “I’m sorry,” he mumbled against it as he continued to press kisses, “I’m sorry,” he repeated. Neither Remus nor you were sure if he was sorry for slicing your skin, for not daring to ask you to marry him before you became “Fox”, or for taking this long to finally press his lips to yours, perhaps it was all of it.
“Then make it up to me,” you managed to say with another roll of your hips against his leg. 
He hummed into your neck, a mischievous smile, reminiscent of when you were children appeared on his lips “Tell me what you want.” 
There were so many things that you wanted, but the only thing that could come to your mind in that precise instant was “Fewer clothes.”
“Yours or mine?” he teased and you huffed in response as he pulled his hands from you to unbutton his shirt and pull it off, he then went for yours, untying the ascot with his hands and teeth and immitting your earlier movement by taking his кnife to break the buttons of your shirt apart, and pulling it off along with your jacket, leaving you only with a corset. 
He took his moment to look, to appreciate, before you spoke “Commission a drawing, it’ll last longer,” you teased. 
“Sirius must have hundreds already, I could always confiscate them when we finally trap you.” 
“Or you could ask for them nicely once you join our team,” you countered. 
He huffed a laugh in response “And now?” 
“And now?” You repeated. 
“What else do you want?” he asked, his fingers tracing over your collarbone, torturous feather light touches that made you feel like you were on fire. 
You flushed and his gaze darkened, “touch me,” you whispered and he complied, his hands trailing all over your body shamelessly as he started to flex his thigh muscles, causing you to go back to riding it, with his help now. 
He too, without being prompted, went back to kissing your neck, now trailing kisses down your collarbone and towards the valley of your breasts. Lucious, soft breasts that would press against the fabric of your corset whenever you breathed, taunting him. He wanted to see them bare, and so he trailed his hands through your back and felt the laces. He toyed with one of the ends before looking at you, you nodded and he undid the top, trying to unlace it as he kissed. 
But Remus wasn’t a particularly patient man, even being often teased by his friends due to his sometimes explosive temperament. He went back to his hoster and took the кnife out. “Don’t move,” he commanded. You stared at him with a smirk as he peered over your shoulder, grazing the skin of your back with the кnife before latching it against the lacing of your corset and cutting them all open in one swift motion. 
You smiled, holding the piece of clothing against yourself and releasing only when he had pulled back enough to see. You let it slowly fall from your chest, it wasn’t even halfway down when he fisted it and threw it to the side, desperate to see you. 
To see you up front, to see what his imagination had been showing him for so many years but better, brighter, warmer, softer and alive. He had seen a few of Sirius’ drawings, all from the fantasies of his head from when they were younger, but nothing compared to this, nothing compared to you. 
“Fuck you’re so beautiful,” he murmured under his breath. 
“Could have it every day if you joined us,” you said, taking one of his hands in yours and leading it to one of your breasts. 
He smiled at you, eyebrows raised but complied, letting your hand guide his, squeezing and then pinching your now hardened nipples “Could also have the entire law system behind my back, having to turn my head and worrying about getting shot every ten seconds,” he responded sarcastically as he trailed kisses down your neck towards the breast he wasn’t touching yet, “Not being able to sleep properly, always with a gun under my pillow and a кnife strapped to my leg.” 
You moaned when he kissed your breast, he was enjoying the way the soft, supple flesh pushed under his mouth and sprang back just as he pulled away to look “Wouldn’t it be worth it?” you asked, breathless. 
The sounds you were making were driving the man to insanity, him fading and fading away, leaving only the hungry wolf. He hummed as he took your nipple in between his teeth and nibbled on it softly, causing yet another moan to erupt from your mouth. Perhaps it would be, he thought. 
You lowered your hand towards his pants, palming him softly as he groaned into your breast. He was hard and he was definitely big, a testament to his height after all. You couldn’t be sure until you actually saw him, but he felt bigger than Sirius did.
“Fuck, dove…” he said as you started stroking him gently, hand still over his pants, dragging up and down and gripping unto him when you felt the outline against your palm. 
“Language Sheriff,” you teased, this time it was you who pulled his hair and dragged him towards your lips, kissing him with an almost feverish ardour that left the two of you breathless, all the while you continued to rock your hips against his thigh and he continued to flex his muscles against your cunt. And your hand, that devious hand of yours, the sharpest shot in the west, trading the gun for his cock, never stopping the lazy and soft strokes. “Ask me that question of yours again Remus…” you breathed into his mouth when your lips separated for just a second.
He smirked into your lips “Tell me doll, what do you want?” 
You smiled “I want you to…” you breathed “touch more.” 
He looked surprised at your request, and you used the moment to drag the hand on your waist lower, enough to bring it in between your pants. Remus took the opportunity and seized it, using his free hand to unbutton the few buttons that kept the pants in position and freely roam around, you were wet, almost impossibly wet. He didn’t wait too much, tracing his fingers through your folds as he used his knee to hoist you up and get better access, massaging and exploring the sensitive area until he discovered a spot that made you tighten your grip around his bicep, digging your nails so hard you almost pierced his skin. 
“You want more of that?” he asked as he brought his lips back to your neck, you nodded and pushed your hips against his hand again, chasing for more  friction and he chuckled, shaking his head in between kisses “No, no, use that pretty little mouth of yours to ask for it dove,” he tutted. 
You whined in response, and he just chuckled further, taking his hand away and placing it on your leg “Remus!” you warned. 
“Yes, dove? What do you want?” he asked calmly. 
You scoffed in frustration licking your lips as you fought your way to surrender, and then you thought of yet another way to rile the man up “I want your fingers, Remus. I want them inside me, now.” 
He considered asking you to say please at least, to beg, but he was mildly aware that you may or may not bonk him in the head if he dared to do such a thing, so he only listened, dragging his fingers back to your cunt, toying with your clit until he was satisfied with how wet his hands were and then, without a warning, digging two fingers inside you. Your breath hitched in your throat and your nails dug into his bicep even more, leaving little crescent moons imprinted on his skin, very proper for the Wolf of Moonridge. 
“Hurts?” he asked breathlessly. You buckled your hips against his fingers in response. “Good,” he added and started pumping them in and out, curling them inside of you and toying with your clit as he did “You’re so fucking tight,” he mumbled, more to himself, but you heard either way, and clenched around his fingers, causing yet a few other curses to leave his mouth.
As he fingerfucked you, you brought your free hand down, stopping your own strokes to take it off, unbuttoning his pants and letting them fall on the floor with a thud as you also took the button of his briefs off. His cock pretty much sprang and bumped with his belly as they too fell on the floor. You buckled your hips against his hand, head pulling back and biting your lips as he touched a particularly sensitive spot. 
“Fuck Remus,” you breathed out, his name on your lips making the most pleasurable sound he’d ever heard. 
He repeated his actions and in a matter of seconds, he had you panting, barely managing to make a coherent thought until you clenched around him again, hips making the most erratic movements until you leaned down your head against his bare shoulder as he slowed his pace. 
“So… You still very sure you don’t want to be the Sheriff’s little wife?” he asked in cocky tone.
It took you a minute to process his question, his fingers still moving inside you although the pace had slowed significantly, and then you stared down, his cock was still there, hard and proud, a bit of precum brimming from the tip, you smiled and reached down, wrapping your hand around him and relishing on the way he groaned, the sound so close to your ear you almost shivered in return. You moved your hand up and then down and then toyed with the tip. Sirius had taught you how good it made men feel, seemed to be working just as well on Moony. 
As you stroked him, Remus’ fingers became less confident, less focused, almost lost in the pleasure you were giving him, he was panting, you had managed to stand straighter and he had his head on your shoulder now, head cloudy and kissing your neck whenever his head allowed him to make a coherent thought. He had never felt this good with anyone. Whatever it was you were doing to him, you clearly knew what to do. 
“Ask me that question again,” you taunted. 
He seemed fazed, blinking at you in between pants “What,” breath “do you,” another deep breath “want?” 
You smiled at that “I want this,” you tightened your grip around his cock just a little “now.” 
That seemed to bring Remus’ vigour back, he pulled his leg from under you and allowed you to fall back on the ground, you pushed your pants off as fast as you could and Remus took a moment to look at you, to really look at your naked frame and his pupils were blown, much more that they had been in the past. He tried to memorise every curve and corner and crevice, scared he wouldn’t be able to see them again, you saw the way he stared at you and bit your lip “I said now, Remus.” 
He didn’t make you wait another second, placing both of his hands on the side of your waist and hoisting you up on him, so you were straddling him, you bit your lip at the feeling of his thick and warm cock against your folds, and grinded against him by pushing your hips and tightening your legs around his torso. He tightened his hold on your waist, his breath growing heavier as he felt your wetness against him directly. 
You rolled your hips again “All right, hold on,” he said “I’m trying to adjust.” You just rolled your hips against him again, causing the skin around his cock to ride down, and prompting him to hiss. “I said wait goddamnit,” he insisted a bit more commanding this time around. 
 You smirked “I like it when you order me around Sheriff Moons,” you joked, and he threw you a warning look, you opened your mouth again, but he had taken his cock into his hands and rubbed the tip to your clit, so instead of another witty remark you only managed to gasp.
It was he who smirked now, but then he stared at you, looking at you attentively “I’m going in,” he informed, and then he did, slowly, to allow you to adjust to his size, not completely at first, only the tip before pulling out again, next time he went in he pushed a little further again. You breathed slowly, he didn’t move, not until you started to clench around him, almost drawing him in even more “You feel so fucking good dove.” 
That was all the encouragement you needed, you rolled your hips against his, a little harshly and he pushed towards you again, you let a sound in between a whine and a moan and he repeated the action, pushing in and out just to hear that sweet sound of yours again. The sound that made him go wolfish, undomesticated, wild.  
Like an animal, like the wolf they always compared him with, he had no control, not when he was with you. At some point, you felt his lips on yours again, and you kissed back eagerly, you’d never taken Remus as a romantic, but then again, the way he was fucking you against the wall wasn’t exactly the most romantic either, he was harsh and strong and he pushed in and out of you with a ferocity that had you mumbling his name incoherently, sometimes Moons, sometimes Moony, sometimes Remus. That was his favourite.  
Regardless, there was something about the way he held you close to him, the way his hands would travel up and down your thigh, almost reverently, that you could see there was care behind his actions, perhaps something more, something hidden and locked up for years out of fear. 
At some point his movements became a little erratic, you clenched around him, just to tease and he bit your earlobe in response “I’m going to…” 
“Yeah, I know…” you responded. He pulled out of you, ready to catch it with his hand, but then he turned to you, a mischievous smile on his lips “where do you want me?” 
You were almost taken aback by his words, but you wouldn’t pass out such an opportunity, you kneeled down in front of him, and peered at him through your lashes “In my mouth.” 
He froze, and you smiled, the very reaction you had expected. Then you nodded your head and dragged it closer to him, wrapping your lips around his tip, and bobbing your head, just once, and you felt the spurts of liquid into your mouth, you bobbed again, helping him empty himself before separating completely, a line of spit forming between your mouth and his cock. You looked up at him as you panted, breath heavy and chest rising up and down, your nipples still perked, your lips wet and glossy, you were the prettiest sight he’d ever seen and he was about to lean down to kiss you again when you spoke. 
“Have I convinced you yet?” 
Remus didn’t say a thing, he looked at you as a deer trapped in the headlights would, still hazy and seeing stars from his close orgasm, but then he heard someone clear his throat, and he was quite literally looking at a star now, Sirius.“If she hasn’t,” Sirius said as he tilted his head in the most lustful and cocksure expression he had ever seen in his life, biting his lascivious lips before he spoke again “I may have an idea of how we can convince you… together.”
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A/N: well I’d been wanting to write e Cowboy au for a while, and while there are still some other tropes that I would have liked to use (like the ties to the railroad trope) I’m pretty happy with the final result hehe. Especially with some of those dialogues between the reader and Remus. I literally had to stop writing to take a breather more than once.
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resident-gay-bitch · 3 months
Defiance & Desire
18+ wolfstar drabble
James and Sirius sit cross legged on the floor of their dormitory, quill and parchment between them, and lolly wrappers scattered around. 
Sirius taps his chin, listening as James reads out everything on the list so far; all things that would absolutely piss his mother off and have her rolling into an early grave if she ever found out about them. 
There are a lot of things on this list so far. 
“How about… mooning the crowd at the next quidditch match?” Sirius suggests. 
James bursts out laughing, “Merlin, Sirius. That will have Dumbledore rolling into an early grave.” 
“Good.” Sirius grinned. 
“What would Minnie say?” 
“Erm, probably… detention for the rest of my life.” He chuckled, “Oh, Minnie…. Love her.” 
James cracked a bright smile and wrote it down. 
“What else?” Sirius hummed, “I need as many as possible. It betters the chances of them getting back to her.”
“Erm…” James thought for a moment, fixing his glasses, “You could… oh, shag a muggle born… or like, a halfblood or something?” 
Sirius nodded, “Yeah, that’s good… I mean, I’ve done it, but I suppose I could do it a few more times.” 
“Oh, yeah…” James grumbled, forgetting about Sirius’ history with girls, “Ooh, you could shag a bloke. That would really send her.” 
Sirius’ eyes widened, “A bloke?” 
James nodded, “Yeah, like, ya know…” He shrugged, “I’d offer but I’m a happily committed man, Sirius.”
“Hmm.” Sirius bit his lip, thinking about it for a moment, “Add it to the list, I’ll consider it.”
James grinned and hurried to scribble it down, “Shagging… a criminal would work too… that also goes under the category of becoming a criminal. Because, you know, conspiring with them and all that.”
“Ooh, yeah, I’d shag a criminal.” 
“Or like… a creature or something.”
“I’m not shagging an animal, James.” 
James laughed, “No! Like… like a vampire or something, you know? Or a werewolf.” 
“Oh, yeah.” Sirius nodded, “That could be cool.”
“Yeah… hot, right?” 
Sirius shrugged, “Erm, I suppose. I like the muggle vampire romance books, so…”
James sighed and wrote it down, “Oh, look at that.” He hummed to himself, his tone a little playful, a little curious, “A halfblood, criminal… a creature, a bloke…” He chuckled, “You could just shag Moony.” 
“Moony?” Sirius asked, looking down at the parchment. 
James shrugged, “You’d be killing like, four birds with one stone. Your mother would be beside herself.” He laughed, “Ah, I’m just playing fun, Sirius. Obviously you’re not gonna go shag Moony. It’s not like you’re both gay or anything.” 
Sirius nodded his head, “Yeah, it would be funny though.” 
“Yeah.” James sighed, looking back at the parchment, “Ooh! Let the girls do your makeup and go have dinner in the Great Hall in a dress.” 
Sirius gasped, “Oh, James, you’re brilliant!” 
☆ ★ ☆
Sirius swings lazily on his chair, one leg propped up on his bedside table and the other just his toes touching the ground. His hair is tied back all messily, and he’s got his tie loose around his neck and a few buttons on his shirt undone. He’s humming to himself, watching the record spin and spin and spin on the table until it comes to a scratchy stop. 
With an effortless swish of his wand, the record lifts itself up and slots itself away into the Ziggy Stardust sleeve on the shelf. And then he groans, throwing his head back and exposing his long pale neck. 
Remus is going insane. 
“I’m so bored.” He whines, “Why’d she have to make my detention so late?”
“To further punish you, I suppose.” James shrugged. 
“You know, you should be thanking me. If I didn’t take the fall for you, Prongsie Boy, you’d be the bored one right now.” 
“And I’ll forever be greatful for it, shnookums.” James laughs, bouncing over to kiss Sirius sloppily on his forehead. 
Sirius yelps and nearly falls out of his chair, swatting James away, “You’re disgusting.”
“No, you are.” James says, tapping Sirius on the end of his nose like a sappy couple would, going back and forth about who’s cuter. 
Sirius rolls his eyes and smiles anyway. 
“I’ll see ya later.” James calls, “Gotta go do my rounds with Lily.” 
“Bye.” Sirius waves, and goes back to his chair swinging. 
Remus barely mutters his goodbye as he watches, and James laughs to himself as he leaves. 
It’s just them two now. Alone. In their dorm. James out for the next few hours, Peter no doubt distractedly talking with the girls for hours on end. Remus should go down and join them, he said he would, but… well, right now he’d rather watch Sirius swing on his chair. 
Besides, Sirius has to leave for his detention soon, so he can join them later. 
Sirius huffs and a shiny strand of hair flies up out of his face. It slowly settles back down, and then Sirius blows it back up into the air again. He does this a few more times, until it falls off the side of his face and out of reach, and Remus watches, entranced the whole time. 
“Moonshine?” Sirius asks, eyes squinting as he looks out the window. He’s tracking a bird as it loops around the sky. 
“Yes?” Remus squeaks out, then clears his throat and deepens his voice, “Uh, I mean, yes?” 
Sirius shrugs, “Would you ever be interested in shagging?” 
Remus feels his cheeks go red, “What?”
“Shagging?” Sirius asks, turning to look at Remus, and it’s mortifying, “Like, sex… fucking… you know?”
“Ah… yes?” Remus nods, “Yes, I’d be… I mean, who isn’t interested in sex?” He laughs nervously.
“Erm… me, I suppose.” Sirius sighs, looking back up at the roof, “I mean, I do it a lot I suppose- or, well, not that much. But, you know, more than you or Pete and the girls and stuff.”
“Right.” Remus nods.
“But I mean, it’s not that great. You know, if I never shagged again, I wouldn’t care.” 
“Really?” He asks, curious. 
“Yeah, I mean, sure, girls are gorgeous and all but… eh, you know?” 
Remus swallows, “Eh?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs, “It’s just… slimey down there. And like… I don’t understand the whole boob thing. I guess… I ‘spose it’s not really normal, so I just ignore it. But I don’t go out of my way to shag a girl unless she asks, you know?” 
“Sure…” Remus says, because he very much knows- or, well, not really. He knows he wouldn’t shag a girl no matter what, because he doesn’t like girls. So he gets that, but he doesn’t really understand if Sirius is implying the same circumstance or not. 
“Have you ever shagged anyone, Remus?” 
“No.” He swallows, “Never.”
“Oh…” Sirius nods, “But you want to?”
“Yes.” Remus nods back. 
Sirius seems to think about this for a moment, humming to himself in quiet contemplation, and Remus just watches. He has no idea what he’s feeling right now, other than downright confused and so fucking intrigued. 
“Would you ever shag me?” 
Remus chokes. He starts coughing and spluttering, cheeks red and eyes wide, “Sorry?” 
Sirius shrugs, “Sorry.” He laughs, “Didn’t mean to catch you off guard like that. But would you ever shag me?” 
“I… I mean…” Remus rubs his forehead, “I’m… I don’t…”
“Just, you know how James and I are finding things to piss my mother off?” 
“Well, we thought it would be good if I shagged a bloke, and a creature… a criminal, and like… a halfblood.” Sirius smiled, “You’re an unregistered half blood werewolf with a cock, so-“
“Bloody hell, Sirius.” Remus looks at him, absolutely gobsmacked. Lily will go crazy when he tells her about this conversation. “I mean… what?” 
Sirius shrugged, “I mean, it’s not like I’m gay or anything. I just know it would piss her off.”
Well, that’s disappointing. 
“So yeah, do you wanna shag?”
“Are you serious?” 
Sirius smirked. 
“I- no.” He scoffed, laughing into his hands as he hid behind them, “Are you genuinely asking me to fuck, right now, Sirius?”
“Yeah…” Sirius smiled, “Just a bit of fooling around. It doesn’t have to mean anything, and I know we’re both not gay so it’s cool. It doesn’t have to be weird.” 
“Right.” Remus nods, because he’s not gay, no, not at all. 
“Besides, imagine the bragging rights.” 
“Sorry?” Remus hummed. 
“Well, I can say I’ve fucked a werewolf, and a criminal, which is… pretty cool.” He grinned, “And you can say you’ve fucked Sirius Black.”
“Oh, you cocky bastard.” Remus groaned. 
Sirius laughed, “Imagine it, one of those girls in the halls bragging to their friends about how I’ve been inside them- and what, you’d just be able to say you’ve been inside me! Something they’d never be able to say.”
Remus’ eyebrows furrowed, “I’d be inside you?”
“Well, yeah.” Sirius shrugged, “Oh, unless you prefer it the other way around. I just think I’d prefer if you fucked me, is all.” 
Remus’ brain is short circuiting. He’s beginning to question whether or not Sirius is as straight as he claims. 
“When you said shag, I assumed you mean handjobs.” 
“Oh…” Sirius nodded, looking a little disappointed actually, “Oh, yeah, we can… we can just do handjobs if you want.” 
“Erm, no that’s okay.” Remus cleared his throat, “I can… I can, erm, do that, if you’d like.” 
“Oh, Moons, you don’t have to just do it if you don’t want. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable.” Sirius smiled, so, so prettily.
“No, it’s okay, yeah, I’d…” Remus looked away for a moment, unable to believe he was actually having this conversation, “I’ll fuck you.”
“Oh, brilliant.” Sirius grinned, “You’re really the best, Remus. Like, my favorite person in the world. Mother will be so pissed if she ever found out- and don’t worry, I’m not just gonna go tell her. It’s just the idea of it.” 
“Right.” Remus nods. 
“So, erm… I’ve got detention, so we can’t do it now… how about tonight?” 
“To-“ Remus stops himself mid sentence and looks at Sirius aghast, “You’re just… yeah, okay, yeah.” 
Sirius hummed, “James will have his date thing in the astronomy tower by the time I get back from detention so… we just have to get Peter out of the room somehow.”
“Leave it to me!” Remus says, “I’ve got… I’ll figure it out. I’m… yeah, we’re good mates so I’ll sort it.”
“Oh, Moonbeam, you really are the best.” Sirius smiles, hopping up out of his chair and bouncing over to pet Remus on the top of his head, “Really, I owe you big time.” 
“Yeah.” Remus blushed and ducked his head, watching Sirius waltz out of the room, humming a happy tune. 
☆ ★ ☆
“Holy shit guys, I just…” Remus plops himself down on the couch between Mary and Marlene. Lily is sitting on the floor against Mary’s legs and Pete’s sitting across from her, they’re playing snap. “I… I think I’m gonna have sex with Sirius.”
All four of them went dead silent, turning slowly to look at him. 
Remus swallows and looks up, “He wants to piss of his parents and… apparently secretly having sex with me is the perfect way to do that?”
“What?” Peter gasps. 
“Yeah, my thoughts exactly, Wormy.” Remus muttered, “Erm, we’re gonna shag tonight… he wants… he wants me to shag him, tonight.” 
“Merlin…” Lily grins looking up at him, “Oh, Remus!”
Remus bites his lip, blushing, “Pete… you reckon you can clear the room tonight?” 
“Trust me, I’m staying as far away as possible.” Peter laughed, “Bloody hell, I owe James ten galleons. I really didn’t think that would work.”
“You planned this?” Remus asked, “Wait, you bet on this?”
Peter looked at him deadpan, “I’ve already made fifty galleons from winning bets on Sirius, he’s so predictable. Obviously I bet on this.” 
Remus sighs and sinks down into the sofa, “I’m going to have sex with Sirius tonight…” He looks around at them all, “How do you have sex?”
“Oh, Remus.” Lily mused. 
☆ ★ ☆
It’s just them. Just Remus and Sirius. The moment he got back from detention James was waltzing out of the room with a cheerful grin, off to his date, and Pete was following right after in hopes of finding Marlene. 
So they’re alone already, which makes things so much easier for Sirius. 
“Thanks.” He smiles, “For sorting Pete out.” 
“No problem.” Remus nodded, “He was gonna hang out with Marlene anyway.” 
“Oh, cool.” Sirius said, starting to feel a little awkward, “Erm, so, I don’t really know how this works.”
“Me either, I suppose.” Remus swallowed, “I did some research, though. Figured out some stuff.”
“Oh, Moons…” Sirius smiled, he really is the most grateful for Remus. He really is the best. He just feels so much admiration for him all the time. “You’re such a good friend.” 
“Yep.” Remus nods, “Such a good friend.”
“So like… are we just doing the sex bit, or foreplay too?” Sirius asked, hoping Remus votes for foreplay. Sirius is good at foreplay, it’s his strong suit. It’s the part he likes the best of sex, so he doesn’t want to make it weird by not enjoying any of this. 
But foreplay is what people do when they like each other, most of the time. So Sirius would understand if Remus says no to it. Like, it would be extra disappointing, but he’d get it. 
“Forplay?” Remus’ eyes widen. 
“Yeah, like… kissing and all that.” He shrugs, “Undressing each other .”
Remus swallows, “Sure.” He says, and for some reason his voice just got higher. Sirius likes when Remus’ voice does that, it’s funny and it makes him feel kinda good, like, proud in a way, but he doesn’t know why. 
“Oh, cool.” Sirius nods, acting all nonchalant when really he’s feeling very happy inside. 
“Uhm… we have to use lube.” 
“Oh…” Sirius furrowed his brow. Girls don’t need lube. He really knows less about this sex stuff than he thought. “Right, well, I think we have some of that butter left from the prank-“
“Not butter.” Remus cuts in, laughing at him, “Definitely not butter, Sirius. It’s going inside you-“
“Oh, yuck. I don’t want butter in my arse.” He grimaced. 
“Yeah, I don’t really want it on me either.” Remus laughed, “Like, sex lube.” 
“Oh…” Sirius nodded, “What’s that? Can we make it?” 
“No.” Remus smiled, turning to his bedside draw, “It’s just gel stuff, I guess. Erm, here…” He tossed a little tube over to Sirius. 
It’s see through and has a transparent slime inside, “Oh, where'd you get this on such short notice? It’s half empty.” 
Remus went red again. Sirius likes when he makes Remus go red. “Erm… cause I use it.” 
“I thought you didn’t have sex?”
“I don’t.” Remus splutters, “It’s for… wanking”.
Sirius looked down at the tube, then over at Remus’ crotch, “Oh… really? I don’t need lube when I wank- I mean, not that I wank very often, but it’s always wet enough when I do.” 
Remus’ eyes widened and he just stared at Sirius for a moment, “Right…” 
Sirius shrugged, “This sex stuff is interesting.” 
“Erm, you’ll also have to be… fingered.” Remus gritted out. 
“Can you finger blokes?” He asks, genuinely baffled as he flips the bottle of lube around in his hand absentmindedly. 
Remus nods. 
“Oh, I didn’t know that… why?”
“To make it like… big enough.” Remus nods, “You know… for…” He waved his hands wearily around his crotch. 
“Oh, yeah, I suppose it’s kinda a small hole, hey?” Sirius hummed, the pieces slotting into place now, “Cool.” 
“Yeah, cool.” 
“So… like, I haven’t kissed a bloke before, but I’ve kissed girls.” Sirius smiled, “Have you kissed a bloke before? I know you’ve kissed a couple girls.” 
Remus nods, “I kissed Peter once.” 
Sirius immediately does not like that. He doesn’t know why, but that’s just weird. It’s just so, so weird. Peter? Remus has kissed Peter? What the fuck. 
“Yeah, we made out once-“ Remus cuts himself off, giving Sirius an unsure look. 
Sirius knows it’s because he’s scowling. He’s not even ashamed of it. Remus and Peter made out, how fucking weird. That’s just fucking weird. That’s so gross, that so- oh, is Sirius homophobic? Oh, Sirius really doesn’t want to be homophobic. A lot of his friends are gay, that would be really bad if he was homophobic. 
He huffs and looks at the ground, “Did it mean anything-“
“No.” Remus says immediately, “The girls just dared us one day, since they’ve all kissed each other- it was just stupid. Didn’t mean anything. Never will. Never has.” 
“Oh, cool.” Sirius nods, some of the weight lifting off of his shoulders. The thought still makes him a little queasy, but less so now.
Perhaps shagging a bloke will make him less homophobic. He really hopes it will. He feels really terrible. His whole life he’s been running from the man his parents tried to shape him into, and yet, the shadow lingers. 
It’s terrifying. 
“Erm, so… do we just… kiss?” 
Remus is still for a moment, and he’s looking at Sirius kind of strangely. Sirius doesn’t know what to do with himself in all honesty, he never does under Remus’ gaze. It’s always so intense, it makes him nervous, fiddley… giggly. 
Oh yeah, Remus makes him so giggly. He’s fighting the urge to giggle like a child now. Remus is just… he’s looking at him, like really looking. Sirius feels so special when Remus looks at him, because he knows Remus doesn’t look at anyone else like this. No, this look is reserved especially for Sirius and that’s just… well, isn’t that just delightful? 
But he really doesn’t want to giggle right now. He’s trying so hard not too, because that would be embarrassing. He feels like a girl, which is so weird, and so dumb, because why would he ever feel like that? 
“Do you want to kiss?” Remus asked back eventually. 
“Yes.” Sirius says, without a thought, mouth on autopilot apparently. And that’s probably a good thing, because his brain is kind of a bit useless at the moment. So much is going on up there, yet there are no thoughts at all. He nods his head for assurance, “Yeah, that’d be good.”
“Okay.” Remus smiled and took a couple of steps closer. 
Sirius looked at the gap between them, there wasn’t much of one, but he certainly wasn’t close enough to comfortably kiss. So Sirius took the final step, the baggy wool of Remus’ sweater brushing up against the buttons of Sirius’ shirt. 
“Hi there.” Sirius murmured into the small space between them. If he leant forward, just a smidgen, their noses would bump together. 
“Hi.” Remus smiles, his cheeks flushing a really adorable pink colour, flushed under freckles and scars. 
Sirius really doesn’t know how Remus doesn’t get girls, because he thinks Remus is quite attractive. Well, sure, he’s not dashing in the way Sirius effortlessly is, and he’s not cute in the way Peter is, and he’s certainly not stoically handsome like James. But he’s attractive in his own little way, in the Remus way, the way that he’s just really handsome because he simply is and everyone should just agree because Sirius knows. 
Besides, he looks really cute when he’s about to get kissed. All up close and personal, honey-golden eyes barely visible behind the dilation in his pupils, flushed cheeks smattered under a galaxy of freckles, silver scars that are just so intrinsically Remus, pert lips that look so… so… uhm, Sirius can’t think. He’s too distracted to think. 
Point is, Remus is damned attractive and it’s appalling that not more people think so. 
Remus huffs and bites his lip, and Sirius can feel his eyes searching all over Sirius’ face. But he can’t help but stare at the place between Remus’ front teeth, the plush skin, it’s so pink and shiny. He’s just so… so cute. 
Sirius boops their noses together. 
Remus almost giggles. 
Sirius kisses him. 
It’s… well, it’s so much better than kissing girls. Honestly, Remus must have been practising because he’s just really good at this whole kissing thing. Maybe there’s a spell or something that makes you really good. 
Whatever it is, Remus is it. They’re not even making out and it’s just so much better than every girl he’s ever kissed, ever. 
Remus is really just such a good mate, isn’t he? Gosh, Sirius really thinks so. 
Remus shuffles a little closer and tips his head to the side slightly, opening his mouth and sliding his tongue along the seam of Sirius’ own lips. 
It’s so well done, his smoothness, that Sirius breaks out in goosebumps. Once this is all over, Sirius will have to tell Remus that he really is just so good at all this kissing stuff. 
He’s really that good that Sirius kinda just wants to keep him to himself. Like a little trophy that only he gets to have. No one else should be allowed to be graced with such good kissing skills because honestly, Sirius doesn’t think any girl out there would be able to properly appreciate it. 
It’s so good, when Remus slips some tongue into Sirius’ mouth and reaches up to tug Sirius in by the belt loops, that he moans. He actually moaned, and he’s not even embarrassed because Remus needs to know just how good at this he is. 
Remus tugs him closer and Sirius lifts his hands to grab at the back of Remus’ neck and tug at the jumper over his shoulder because something has just come over him. Something wild. Some primal need or something to just tear Remus’ clothes off and have him. He blames Padfoot. 
They shuffle back to Sirius’ bed until Remus’ knees buckle and he flops down onto it. Sirius shoves himself into Remus’ lap, straddling him and pressing close which just feels… so good. Like, Remus really doesn’t know how good he is. 
He must be some sex god or something. How Remus hasn’t had sex yet, Sirius doesn’t know. But what he does know, is that Remus is so fucking wonderful and Sirius doesn’t want to share. 
How strange is that? 
Remus’ bony fingers reach up to undo the buttons on Sirius’ shirt, but before he can even get halfway, Sirius is yanking Remus’ jumper up and off his body in a rush. 
“So good.” He mutters, leaning in to kiss Remus again. He starts shoving off his own shirt before Remus can do the last button. “Oh, you’re really good at this, Moony.” 
Remus moans against his mouth and wow, holy Godrick, that’s really a wonderful sound. How are his moans even that brilliant? This really isn’t fair. How is Sirius ever supposed to be so good in bed? He really hopes he doesn’t let Remus down. 
“Fuck.” Remus mumbles, latching his lip onto Sirius’ throat and groaning when Sirius digs his nails into Remus’ shoulders, “You- oh, you’re really- you’re so hot.”
Sirius flushes all over, and he dips back down to kiss Remus again. He can’t help but giggle. 
☆ ★ ☆
“Please, please, please, please.” Sirius is mumbling, actually completely naked underneath Remus which is just… it’s really a sight to behold. It’s an image which will be imprinted in Remus’ mind for the rest of eternity. 
Remus can’t help but duck down to kiss him, right on the lips, because Sirius seems to actually really love that. He actually seems to really love a lot of things involving Remus sexually. 
Remus moans, his hips pressing down against Sirius’. The friction from that alone is far better than anything he conjures up in his mind and creates with his own right hand at night. 
“Yeah.” He nods, “Yeah, erm… do… do you wanna do it yourself?”
“Do what?” Sirius gasps, bucking his hips up when Remus doesn’t grind down again. 
“Finger yourself.” Remus says bluntly, because there’s really no other way to say it. 
“Oh, uhm…” Sirius’ eyes fly open, and they flick around Remus’ face for a bit before he flushes more than he already has and smiles, “Can you do it? I don’t really know what I’m doing, and I’ll just probably like it more if you did… you’re like… really bloody good at this sex stuff.” 
Remus knows for a fact that he is not really bloody good at this sex stuff. He’s never even done it before, and he’s being really awkward as he always is. The first kiss they shared he was so stiff for, and he literally opened his mouth and shoved his tongue out really weirdly because he was just so shocked by Sirius actually doing this. He knows that was a terrible kiss, but Sirius just kept kissing him anyway. And then Sirius kinda took the lead there a little and gave Remus some time to figure it out, thankfully. 
So yeah, Remus knows he’s so fucking bad at this. He knows Sirius has been with a good handful of girls who are confident, and experienced, and way nicer to look at. And yet, Sirius won’t stop banging on about how fucking good Remus is at all of this, how his mouth is fucking magic, and how he’s making Sirius all tingly. 
It’s like a dream. A real dream brought to life or something. Remus really pinched himself at one moment to make sure he wasn’t actually dreaming it up. 
But no. It’s real. And Sirius’ is enjoying it. And Sirius wants Remus to finger him. And Sirius wants to have sex with Remus. 
Remus is almost certain that Sirius just… isn’t actually into girls at this point. Or at the very least, is into guys in one way or another. 
Remus grabs the lube from under Sirius’ back, where he’d landed on it a while ago when taking off his trousers. He pops the cap and squeezes a big glob of lube onto his fingers before spreading it around a little. 
Sirius gazes up at him, his legs are slightly open, spread around Remus’ own knees, all just… naked for him. His gaze is heavy lidded, and Remus fights the urge to look further downward. 
“Just be nice, yeah?” Sirius asks, a finger reaching out to draw over a scar on Remus’ middle. “I haven’t been fingered or anything before, so… do you think it will hurt?” 
Remus shakes his head, “Ah… I did it to myself once. If you go slow it doesn’t… I’ll go slow.” 
“Okay.” Sirius blushes again, “You really are the best, Moonshine.” 
Merlin, that name? Oh, Remus is starting to lose it. He’s actually going to lose his mind about it. It’s bad enough as is, when Sirius calls him that just out and about. It makes his heart race and his stomach fill with butterflies. 
But here? Now? Well, Remus is going to implode. He’s so, so fucking into Sirius it’s sickening. 
“Thanks.” Remus mutters, reaching a sticky finger down between Sirius’ legs, “Erm, is that… are you…. Can I?”
“Yeah.” Sirius breathes, his eyes falling shut, “O-oh, fuck, yeah. Oh, Moony, you’re so… mhm, you’re so good at this.” 
Remus’ brain melts a little more, because he hasn’t actually done anything. Really, his finger is just sitting there, only the very tip of it has pushed inside and Sirius is there acting like Remus is just about to make him cum. 
Sirius really can’t be straight. He’s either really good at faking it, or really, really gay. 
Remus hopes for the latter. 
“What about that? Hurt?”
“No.” Sirius hums, smiling to himself as he turns his head into the pillows, his hands gripping the sheets, “No, s’good. Oh, Moonbeam, you’re- oh, you’d never… never hurt me. Never hurt me, baby. S’good.”
Remus has suddenly lost all coherent thought. 
☆ ★ ☆
Sirius feels euphoric. 
Really, he wishes he had sex with Remus earlier because this is just fucking brilliant. Remus is really just so good. 
When Sirius has sex with girls, he feels kinda good physically a lot. Like, his cock likes it, he supposed. But it’s usually really boring. It’s just not all that great, he doesn’t get why James likes sex so much. 
But like, with Moony? Well, everything is great. He’s just really good at it, and he must know exactly what he’s doing because no matter what it just makes Sirius feel so amazing. 
Physically and emotionally. Like, everywhere. He feels like a live wire. 
“R-Remus.” He stutters out, because he’s not very good at talking anymore. He’s mostly just loudly moaning and stuff. Like, it’s so loud that Remus actually stopped midway through to cast a silencing charm so people outside the dorm wouldn’t hear. “Oh, fuck, Remus. Please, can you just fuck me?”
“Shit.” Remus moans, “F-fuck, yeah. You… you sure? You sure you want that?” 
Sirius nods, because if Remus fingering him is this good, then he really wants to find out about the rest of it. 
“Yeah, please.” Sirius said, “Really, really, please, Moonybaby. Oh, fuck- you’re so- you’re so good at- uh.” 
“Fucking- okay, yeah.” Remus chokes out, pulling his hand away from Sirius.  
He can’t help but whine about it, feeling so cold and empty. He reaches out to cling to Remus, but all he gets are glorious, sweaty, scarred thighs. 
He lifts his head when he hears a wet sound, and watches Remus smear some lube over himself, quite entranced by it. He watches the slick glide of Remus’ wonderful hands and wishes it was himself between those magical fingers. 
Remus comes closer, and Sirius immediately grabs for him. His arms sling around Remus’ neck, fingers sifting in through hair and clawing at his back. 
“Oh, Moony.” Sirius moans, kissing him as much as Remus will let him, “Please. Oh, you’re so… oh, R-Remus.”
“Bloody hell, Sirius.” Remus grunts, pressing in as close as he can. His whole body shivers as he slowly sinks down, Sirius whining helplessly in his ear. He can’t help it, it feels so fucking good, just like he thought. “Oh, fuck, you’re so- so hot. So fucking… oh, fuck.”
Sirius can’t stop kissing, everywhere. Anywhere his lips can reach he’s attaching himself to Remus. It really is quite delightful, getting fucked by his sex god best friend. 
He thinks about recommending it to James, but thankfully James is a committed man. Then perhaps Peter, but- no, they’ve already kissed, they’ve done enough. Besides, Sirius is apparently homophobic about that so he probably shouldn’t suggest it. 
Maybe he’ll just tell everyone Remus is really bad, so no one else goes and fucks him- yeah, that sounds good. No one else gets to have him, only Sirius. 
He’s probably a really bad friend for that, but, well, he doesn’t really care right now because Remus is just making him feel so, so good. Like, really lucky. 
☆ ★ ☆
Sirius is clinging to Remus like he’s his life line. It’s probably the best feeling in the world. And yes, that includes the feeling of been balls deep inside Sirius. 
Both are fucking amazing, but being clung too by Sirius beats it by just a smidgen. 
He’s shaking, actually, so much to the point that Remus had thought he’d done something wrong. But no, Sirius has assured him it’s purely because he just feels fucking amazing. That Remus is doing a bang on job. 
Really, Remus isn’t sure why Sirius keeps saying such things. Like, sure, now it’s fine because Remus has found a rhythm and gotten more comfortable doing this, but he was so awkward those first few thrusts. They were miscalculated, and kinda desperate, and just not very good, he could tell. But still, Sirius had said it’s the best feeling ever. 
Remus doesn’t know what to do with himself. So he just lets his body do whatever the hell it needs. And what it needs is to make Sirius finish, and apparently, to say dumb shit he’s going to regret later. 
“You’re so… so fucking pretty, baby.” He mutters, kissing Sirius between each few words, “So good, so gorgeous. Feels so good- so good. Oh you’re just so good, so-“
Remus reels back, because Sirius is thrashing almost violently, and is getting louder and- Remus looks down to find white smeared all over Sirius’ stomach. 
Sirius doesn’t give Remus time to process that before he’s pulling him down into a deep kiss and thrusting his own hips up to meet Remus’. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” Sirius is muttering on repeat, smattering kisses everywhere on Remus’ face as he chases his own. “Oh, so- so good, Moonshine. You’re so good, too good to me.” 
Remus presses their foreheads together as he cums and kisses Sirius midway through. When he pulls away, Sirius is dazed. 
He has a faraway, dreamy look in his eyes and a relaxed smile on his lips. His cheeks are bright pink, a stark contrast to his pale complexion, and his skin shimmers with sweat. 
Oh, he really is just so fucking pretty. 
“Fuck.” Remus grunts, shifting until he’s laying down beside Sirius, both on their backs, shoulders overlapped. 
Sirius whines as Remus slips away, and shivers slightly. Remus grabs his jumper off the pillow and lays it over Sirius’ chest like a blanket. 
“Hmm.” He hums, and closes his eyes. 
Remus cleans them both up, reaching the end of the box of tissues on Sirius’ bedside. But they’re clean, so it’s fine. 
They lie there in silence for a while. Remus feels the moment Sirius comes too again, stiffening beside him. It’s awkward, tense. Slowly, Sirius shucks Remus’ jumper off his chest and they both lie there, completely naked, staring at the roof. 
They hear James and Peter come into the room, “Told you.” 
“Don’t believe you.” James muttered back, “Pads, mate, you in here?”
“James, they’re probably having a meaningful conversation.” Peter huffs, “Look at the curtains.” 
“Well, I want to see him.”
“You can later.” Peter offers, “Sirius, if you want James to come in, say something back.”
“Don’t come in!” Sirius shouts, and silence lingers outside. 
“See, he doesn’t want you too.” Peter says after a while, “Completely silent.” 
“The charm must still be on.” Remus muttered. 
“Oh.” Sirius nodded. 
“Fine.” James groaned, “Come to my bed later, Sirius. I’m going to sleep.”
Sirius and Remus lie there for a while, listening to James and Peter get ready for bed. Honestly, Remus is glad Peter didn’t say anything to James about them having sex. 
Or, well, he doesn’t think he said anything. 
Not that he’d be mad if James found out Remus is gay. He’s pretty sure James already knows. But, he’s sure Sirius would want to tell him about that. Sirius would probably have some strange things to say about it, so, it’s best if Sirius is the one to lay it all out there. 
Once the room goes silent again, and the lights are all turned out, they dare a glance over at each other. Just as quickly, they look away. 
Remus starts to feel a little guilty. He knows how he feels about Sirius, and Sirius clearly hadn’t felt the same way. At least not prior to now. So, he decides to bite the fucking bullet, despite his own judgments, and confessess. 
“I liked that.” 
“Yeah, me too.” Sirius nodded, eyes fixed on the roof, “Felt good. You made me cum really hard.”
Merlin, he really doesn’t make anything easy for Remus, does he? 
“Yeah.” Remus nods, “But like… I liked it in a gay way.”
Sirius tenses beside him again. 
“Erm, cause I’m gay.” Remus fills in, refusing to look anywhere but the stupid poster of a half naked motorbike girl on Sirius’ ceiling. “And I like you.”
“You… like me?” Sirius mumbles. 
“Yeah.” Remus breathes, “A lot… I think you’re… brilliant. You’re really, really, fucking brilliant. And also really good at sex.”
Sirius swallowed, “So, do you think I’m pretty?”
“Yeah.” Remus nodded, “I said it, before.” 
“I thought you might have just been doing sex talk.” 
“Oh…” Remus swallows, “Were you just doing sex talk?”
“No.” Sirius shakes his head, “I just… no, it was all honest. But, girls often make up sex talk, so-“
“I’m not a girl.” 
“Yeah, I know.” Sirius swallowed, “So you… you fancy me, for real?”
“Yeah.” Remus nods, “A lot.”
Remus chewed on his lip. 
“Excuse me.” Sirius muttered, and then climbed out of bed. 
He didn’t even stop to put trousers on or anything. Remus listened as he walked over and pulled back the curtains of James’ bed. 
“Oh, Sirius, hey, I- Merlin! Where are your clothes?”
“Over there. Remus and I had sex.” 
There was silence for a while before James said back, “What?”
“Remus and I had sex.” 
“When?” James asked, fucking gobsmacked. 
“Just then.” Sirius said, “Before you came into the room.” 
“Wh- why?”
“It was your idea!” He said defensively, “You said I should just fuck Remus, so I did. I fucked Remus- or, rather, he fucked me.” 
“And you just decided to come tell me this, still very naked?”
“Yeah.” Sirius said, “I think I can still feel his cum inside-“
“Bloody hell, Sirius. You know he can- just, get in.”
“Do you want me to put clothes on?” 
“Merlin, I don’t care, just…”
“He’s gay, you know?” Remus heard Sirius shuffle into the bed, “Said he likes me.” 
“Wow, really?” James gasped, “I had no fucking idea. It’s not like he stares at you longingly or anything.” 
“Oh…” Sirius mumbled, “I think I’m homophobic, by the way.” 
“Yeah, he said he kissed Pete and that made me feel kind of nauseous.” 
There was another long stretch of silence, and then from his own bed, Peter muttered, “You owe me twenty gallons, James.” 
“Fuck.” James muttered, drawing the curtains around them, “Look, Sirius, you’re not homophobic.”
“Erm, yes I am.” Sirius said in defence, “Why else would I get mad about Remus getting involved with other blokes?”
“Oh, Sirius.” James sighed, and cast a silencing charm around them. 
☆ ★ ☆
Remus is startled awake by the curtains swishing back. Not that he slept very deeply, just a little nap. He’s still in Sirius’ bed. He was too anxious to move. 
Now that he sees Sirius standing there, still very naked, he feels like he should have left. 
Sirius lifts up the corner of his blanket and slides under, closing the curtain around them before casting another silencing charm. 
He tugs at the sheet and gestures for Remus to get under. And then they both lie there again, shoulder to shoulder, staring at the roof. 
“You okay?” Remus asks after a long silence. He feels so awkward about it. 
“Yep.” Sirius nods, “Just… trying to figure out the least scary way to ask you to be my boyfriend.”
Remus’ heart falls out from under him, “What?”
“Oh.” Sirius mutters, “I guess I just did, didn’t I?”
“Are you serious?” Remus gasps, turning to look at him. 
Sirius smirks and turns his head slowly to look back at Remus. 
“Don’t answer that.” He mutters, “I’m…”
“Yeah.” Sirius nods, genuinity behind his pretty, pale eyes, “Erm, yeah, James told me I’m gay.”
“What?” Remus gaped, “What do you mean he told you you were gay?”
Sirius shrugged, “Like, I’ve been gay this whole time, and I really like you. I just didn’t know it, is all. I thought I was homophobic, can you believe that? James just made me realise I was jealous.”
“Jealous… of Peter?” 
“Yes. Never look at him again, please.” Sirius said sternly. 
Remus furrowed his brow, looking at Sirius in shock. 
Sirius broke into a grin, “I’m kidding. But really, I did get jealous. I’m jealous about you a lot. It’s why I get so angry at you sometimes.”
“Oh.” Remus swallowed, “That…”
“Yeah.” Sirius smiled, laughing at himself softly, “It’s stupid. I’m stupid.”
“You’re not.” Remus corrects, “You’re really smart. You’re the smartest person I know. Sometimes this stuff is just really hard, I get it. I know.” 
He blushes, and it’s fucking adorable. It’s always adorable. 
“You’re so sweet, Moony.” Sirius hums, kissing Remus’ shoulder, “So, will you?”
“Will I what?”
“Be mine?” He asks. 
“Oh…” Remus’ heart is racing. It’s going so fast, beating so hard he can feel it in his throat, “Yes. Fuck, yes please.” 
Sirius breaks out into the most brilliant smile before rolling over and wrapping himself around Remus, “Yay.” 
Remus hugs him back, entangling their legs together and hoping they never have to untangle, “You really mean it?”
“Yeah.” Sirius hums, pressing his lips to Remus’ skin a few times, “Oh, I was so crazy for not knowing it, Moonshine. I’m mental about you.” 
Remus feels extatic, “I’m mental about you too, sweetheart.” 
“Oh, I really like that.” Sirius mused, “I really like you.”
Remus chuckled, “Okay, sweetheart.” 
Sirius hums, content, snuggling closer into Remus’ side, “God, imagine my mother now. Not just shagging an unregistered werewolf bloke, but now he’s my boyfriend?”
“She’d have a heart attack.” 
“Good.” Sirius smiled, “Oh, I love when everything just comes together like this. James is so exited. He owes Pete a lot of money, they’ve been betting on us for ages.” 
Remus snorts, “I think Pete’s been cheating then. He’s known I’m into you for ages.”
Sirius snorts, “Of course he is.” He lifts his head to kiss Remus sweetly, “Let me take you out on a date, Moonybaby?”
Remus melted, sighing against Sirius’ lips, “Yeah, please.” 
“Oh, I’m gonna woo you so hard, you won’t even know what hit you.” Sirius smiled, “And then we’re gonna shag so much again, because I didn’t know shagging was actually fun.”
Remus snorts and kissed Sirius some more, “I did, I was just waiting for you to prove it.” 
The way that Sirius swooned made Remus feel like he was on top of the fucking world. 
⋅⋆ ☼ ☆ ☾ ☆ ☼ ⋆⋅
HAPPY HORNY SATURDAY! i hope you enjoyed this one, it was very fun to write. just a silly little bit of smut because why the hell not, i say?!
don't forget to reblog and commentary is ALWAYS welcome here. thankies!
Since you guys were interested I’m just tagging you here :)) hope you enjoyed!! <3 @stranger200-blog @addsalwayssick
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
A case of mistaken identity
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James Potter x fem! reader
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Summary: James mistakes y/n, his best friend, for someone else at a halloween party leading secrets to be revealed
Warnings: swearing, post-hogwarts, best friends to lovers, getting together, first kiss, mutual pining, mentions of sex, alcohol, drunkness, hangovers and slight sexual tension, lil angst, mostly fluff, adorable drunk James, wolfstar being beautifully wolfstar
A/n: 3.1k words, thank you for the request! enjoy xx
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Navigation | James Potter Masterlist
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You made your way through the crowd, giggling at some of the costumes. Most people were unrecognisable, yourself included after the use of magic to change your hair colour
“Sorry” you apologise to the third vampire you had ran into in the last few minutes from what you found was not a quick trip to the bathroom but over an hour maze through some ex hufflepuffs mansion
Even after three years the marauders were still invited to everything, and the marauders being the marauders took it as a challenge to go to every party they were invited to. This one being the last in your friend's Halloween crawl. 
“He’s so cute” you smile to yourself as your eyes finally fall on James
You had been to ten parties tonight, most of you just stayed in the same costume despite James pleas. Which meant James had in fact changed his costume nine times between each one, but made sure to wear the same band on his wrist so the rest of you could keep up
“Y/n?” you look to the side, eyes lighting up as you see Remus, dressed as bowie, obviously
He squinted at you, making sure he was right as you had to change to your backup costume after someone spilt punch down you
“Yeah” you nod “Hiya Moony” you grin at him “Having fun?”
He nods too, smiling away now he’s sure you are you “Apart from the fact I’m hiding from my fiance. I’m grand” he chuckles
You giggle “Why on earth are you hiding?” you shake your head in an amused confusion
“Sirius thinks I look hot and can’t keep his hands off me…” he gestures to himself and you nod in agreement, he did look beyond good tonight “...normally I love that but he looks like our ex professor and as much as I adore her there no way I can…” his face scrunches up, shaking his he has to shake the grossness out while you burst out in laughter, holding onto his arm as you lose it “It’s not funny” he’s giggling now too
“MY LOVE” the man of the hour shouts over the crowd, pointing to Remus who smiles at him nervously as he watched Sirius hop down from the table and head over
“I gotta run…you never saw me” he whisper shouts whilst backing into the crowd
You giggle at his retreating figure before turning to Sirius as he approaches “Hi Minnie” you wave
“Oh hello beautiful” his disappointment over Remus’ sudden disappearance fades as he happily pulls you in for a hug, breaking away to kiss both your cheeks “You seen my handsome husband?”
“I pretty sure he went that way pretty” you point in the opposite direction to where Remus actually went
“Thanks” he kisses your nose, causing you to giggle “You gonna go get your husband too?” he winks pointing to James who was telling a bunch of people about one of their best pranks
You feel your cheeks grow warm. Your friends had joked about you and James being a couple for years, only time they stopped was when James and Lily dated the last year of school, but promptly started up again when they broke up a few months after graduation
“He’s not my…” you start but Sirius is already off and left you “...boyfriend” you finish rather solemnly to yourself before heading over to James, it was getting late now and you were crashing at his since Sirius would be staying with Remus…if he ever found him
Walking up you find he’s finished telling his story and has now headed to presumably pour himself another drink, so you gently tap his shoulder to gain his attention before he gets to the table.
He does a double take at you, giving you this weird smile, one that makes your heart ache as it isn’t the normal beaming one you’re used to 
“Hey” he greets although it sounds more like a question
“Hi” you smile back the best you can “I…” your cut off
“Sorry. I really don’t have time” he says a little cold looking away, chin tilting up as he surveys the crowd
You shoulders drop, instantly deflating and feeling beyond stupid for the tears already pricking your eyes. Pouting as you look down
James turns back to you then, head dipping down and presumably sees how upset you are “Hey” he coos, a tentative hand finding your shoulder although he does wobble a fair bit, displaying that although he’s holding himself rather well he’s still incredible drunk “I’m sorry I’m just looking for someone”
Your eyebrows furrow, lifting your head to meet those big brown eyes you loved more than life “Who?” you ask, not masking your sadness
He looks a little sad himself, almost conflicted “Can you keep a secret?” he asks, almost breathing out as he guides himself and you down to sit on the edge of the couch “Whoa…thanks” he chuckles as he almost falls off the couch but luckily you steady him
“I can keep a secret” you nod 
He doesn’t seem to clock the worry on your face nor the utter heartbreak that spreads across your face at what he says next
“I’m looking for this girl. She’s the love of my life, loved her since forever” he starts and all you can do is try your best not to cry
He’s talking about Lily. He has to be. Except he’s too drunk to remember Lily bowed out at party number eight
“She’s so beautiful, and smart, way smarter than me but not in a know it all way…”
He keeps going on and on, heart shattering as you thought your days of these rants ended years ago. You can’t help the tear that falls down your cheek, so you turn your head away to wipe it. You feel silly. Over the last years you and James were the closest you had ever been and you had naively let yourself believe that you finally had a chance, turning down perfectly lovely dates and saving yourself for him, only to find out he never let go of…
Your head darts to him “Yeah?” you put on your best smile, tilting your head
“You’re not surprised?” he raises an eyebrow “Most people think I still love Lily” he shrugs looking away and you just stare at him baffled, if he wasn’t talking about her then who was it? 
“You don’t love Lily?” you ask, eyes wide
He turns back “Think you’ve had just as much as me” he chuckles but then his face falls and he looks at you seriously “Lily was my first love, and in another world she would have been perfect. But Y/n you know…” he starts smiling “She’s the one, the great big beautiful one I always dreamed of” he turns back to you “You remember her from school?” he wonders while it hits you then. 
James loves you! You! The knowledge causing very piece of your heart that was just shattered on the floor to rebuilds itself and you find yourself nodding 
“Yeah I remember”
“She’s wonderful ain’t she?”
“Yeah” you nod again, seeing that shine he always wore as he speaks of you “You okay?” you wonder as his pretty face drops to a frown
“I wish I could tell her. I’ve wanted to so many times it was just never the right one you know?”
“Yeah. I know” you have to agree, same boat and all that, merlin you could have giggled knowing he was suffering the same affliction if you weren’t sure he’d grow poutier 
“Have you seen her? I…” he spaces out for a second and you’d find out later was the all the jelly shots finally kicking in “…I’m gonna be so hungover” he whines, holding his head and almost falling backwards so you have to steady him once more
“You want me to take you home?” you ask him
“No. I can’t leave without y/n and as nice as you are she’s nicer, her hair is nicer…I want her” he babbles a little, kind of like a child describing why one of his toys was better, and you find yourself resisting the urge to kiss him
“Last time I saw her she was with your friends, helping M-Remus hide from Sirius cause he was trying to kiss him” you tell him, having to remind yourself to call your friends by their real names as only marauders and co could use the nicknames
He laughs at that “I can’t blame him, if y/n didn’t look so cute in her costume I’d hit that too” he admits causing you to giggle a little, it was a well known fact everyone was a little into Moony “You think you could go find her for me? Even if she’s staying with them…” he hiccups “...I just need to hear from her that she's okay. Would you be able to find her? Please” he asks you so genuinely, and you have to give it to James for placing his trust in someone who he thinks is a perfect stranger and not his best friend…and you guessed love of his life!
“Course you just wait here” you tell him making sure he isn’t going to keel over while you move around the couch and out of his eye line
Kneeling down you pull out your wand from the strap it was kept in on your thigh under the skirt of your costume. You change your hair back to normal, and also the colour of your shawl so he thinks it’s different, waiting around for a  minute before heading back over
“Hiya Jamie” you greet, big smile on your face “A girl told me you were looking for me?”
He eyes you for a moment and then that big grin takes over his features, the one you had been waiting for. He knew it was you this time the silly dear
“Hi!” he’s perked up significantly now “Are you okay? Having fun?” He asks, standing up shakily and taking your hands
You nod “Yeah” lacing your fingers properly with his “I am getting a tad tired though. You want to go home?” you wonder
He nods like a bobble head, following you mindlessly through the party to say your goodbyes before eventually getting back to his and Sirius’ apartment. James was half asleep at this point and you were barely able to get him to brush his teeth before he fell face first into his bed. You didn’t do much after that, just take off his glasses which had miraculously not been lost nor destroyed, and also his shoes 
“Goodnight my love” he murmurs, hand lazily reaching out to you and falling onto the covers as he passes out
Your heart was fluttering beyond control “Goodnight Jamie” you whisper, placing a kiss to his temple and adoring the little smile he wears as he hums in his sleep
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James woke to a killer headache, groaning as he found himself flat on his stomach, cheek pressed into the mattress. Blinking he glanced around the room which he vaguely recognised to be his even if his vision was a little fuzzy without his glasses. He scooched up the bed, slowly but surely making his way to the pillow, resting a moment before reaching over to pat around for his glasses, eventually finding them
“What a night” he lets out a groan like sigh as he turns to fall onto his back, slipping on his glasses and finally seeing the world 
He glances at the clock, 10:30am. He smiled at the knowledge, he could get in another hour in…wait. 
He sits up abruptly, ignoring the stinging in his head as he fails to remember how he got home nor when he last saw you
“Fuck…y/n!” he panics, shouting out and clambering out of bed
He half slides along and into Sirius’ room, yelling your name as he does and freaking when he finds it empty. Backing back into the living room he’s about to run to the phone and call Remus in case you went home with him and Sirius when he hears a small clank and turns to the kitchen
“Morning” you giggle at him, clearly finding his theatrics in looking for you hilarious whilst you seem to be mixing something
“Morning” he relaxes instantly, you’re safe, you’re here…and you're wearing his clothes “Sorry love I couldn’t remember a thing and panicked I’d…”
“Abandoned me or something?” you cut him off teasingly
“Never” he chuckles back and you know he means it, he’d never willingly leave you
Walking over to the kitchen, he admires you in his old quidditch jumper, adoring how it wears on you now you’ve charmed it, hanging just below your arse which he will make note to try and not stare at as you turn around so he tries to instead peer into the bowl 
You notice however, turning around to face him and hiding it behind your back
“What you making?” he eyes you
“Something nice” you smirk, and James can’t help but smile at the way your entire being glows this morning, you look so happy 
It completes him
“Can I inquire what that something nice is?”  he leans down a little, matching your grin
“I don’t know” you shrug “It’ll cost you” you look him dead in the eye placing the bowl onto the counter but far enough it’s still out of view
James feels his heart race, you’re looking at him like you know something he doesn’t. It’s a little scary but also thrilling, whatever it is he loves the electric tension in the air
“Oh really?” he steps forward, continuing to match your energy “Name your price my love” he throws you a wink, licking his lips as he watches your cheeks rise and your resolve faluters with shyness before its back
“A kiss” you demand oh so softly, shocking him
His smile doesn’t leave but it softens as his eyes widen in surprise “A kiss?” he confirms, mind trying to figure out if this was some kind of trick question 
Did you really want a kiss, a real life altering kiss? Or was this like a friendly cheek kiss…or worse just a joke and he was too hungover to realise
“Yes” you nod, eyes flicking to his lips then back to eyes “James”
“Kiss me” 
James doesn’t move for a moment, just stares at you, realising you’re completely serious. He lets out a small breathy laugh as he smiles so wide as he cups your cheeks and kisses you with everything he has
He loves the way you smile into the kiss before melting into it. He loves that as he walks you back towards the kitchen table you hop onto it without question and grab his shirt to pull him back in but closer so he stands between your legs. He loves every little hum, noise and every little erratic breath that escapes those perfect lips. He loves that it’s better than anything he could have imagined
“Whoa” he lets out a breathless chuckle when you part, chests heaving as your foreheads rest on one another 
“Think you overpaid just for pancake mix” you giggle and he joins you, hand cupping the back of your head as he presses a kiss to your forehead
“Yeah but I was making up for all those years I could have been doing that before…merlin” ge brushes some hair from your face “I’ve fancied you forever” he confesses, smiling like an absolute madman but he doesn’t care, not when you’re looking at him the way you are now
“Likewise big guy” you peck his nose
“Wait” his eyes blow wide, cupping your cheeks “Seriously?”
“Siriusly” you grin at him nodding in his grip
His heart bursts, both from the confirmation and how cute your cheeks are all squished together, oh and the added sprinkle of the pun that was well over used yet still made him chuckle to this day
“Did…” James lets out a nervous chuckle, feeling his cheek grow warm as the question dawns on him “Did…something happen between us last night?” he asks with a raised eyebrow, eyes falling down to your exposed thighs and more so the boxers you had also charmed and stolen and a downturned grin plays on his lips 
“Eyes up here” you pull him away from his stares, looking bashful yourself under them
“Sorry” he means it, you don’t look upset but he does feel bad his hands finding the outside of your thighs and pressing his thumbs into your skin soothingly
“Nothing happened last night when we got back” you tell him with a soft smile “I helped you to bed and then I crashed in Siri’s room”
“Oh” he breathes out but he isn’t disappointed, no, he’s happy he didn’t drunkenly forget his first anything with you, although it doesn’t explain why you’ve suddenly made a move “How…” he shakes his head, disertanty in his voice and you know him well enough to know what he’s asking
“How much do you remember from last night?” you wonder, hands dropping from his chest to slide up his forearms
His eyes flutter at your movements “Ugh…don’t think I can remember anything after party number…nine?” he eventually gets out  with a shrug “Oh merlin what happened? You said nothing happened when we got back did we before…” he points between yours and his lips, making a kissing motion with them 
You laugh at that “No” you assure him giggling and he nods again relieved 
“So what then?” he moves closer, pinching your thighs impatiently to which you squeal and squirm cutely
In all honesty James didn’t care what force brought this upon him, he just wanted to thank it…which in around an hour after you both had returned to bed but to to sleep he finds he’s inclined to thank his drunken self
“Give me the short version for now?” he asks and you raise an eyebrow “You heard right” he raises an eyebrow, smirking and he hopes you understand his meaning
Which you do, of course you do and he adores the way you turn away and press your lips together, smiling “A case of mistaken identity” you say a little vaguely after a moment, turning back
“Thats all I’m getting?” he pinches you again to which you poke him in the side back causing him to bark a laugh
“You said short version” you defend
“Come on” he pleads but you bring your hand to your lips and pretend to lock them “You aren’t gonna give me anything, are ya?” he eyes you, scrunching his nose up and rubbing it against your own causing you to giggle
“Well” you look in though “Maybe another kiss might loosen my lips” you grin happily at him
“Yes mam” James winks, wasting no time in indulging you
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Thank you for reading ♡
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wolfstarlibrarian · 1 month
Hello light of my life (seriously you improve it daily with recs)
Im after basically any fic with a vampire Sirius (I actually saw some vampire Sirius and cowboy Remus art so if that exists I’d like to know). I also have a vague memory of a fic with vamp Sirius as Remus’ roommate?
Oh you're making me blush! 😳 But thank you so much for the love. It really means a lot. ❤️ And yes! The Librarian has a older list of Vampire fics as well as a bunch of new ones (including the one you mentioned). Hope you have a bloody good time reading them.
Vampire Sirius 1
Vampire RS 2
My Roommate is a Vampire by @moonyverse “Remus! Why didn’t you tell me?” Lily asks. He continues wiping, focussing on a particularly stubborn stain. “Tell you what?” “About your secret boyfriend.” Remus spins around. “My what?” “Don’t act so surprised. Your neck is covered in hickeys and you thought I wouldn’t notice?” "Er, yeah… sorry." Remus wracks his brain to think of an excuse. Anything but the truth. He sputters out a lie, "It was a one-time thing, is all." It was better than telling her his roommate is a vampire whom he lets take his blood on a biweekly basis.
I Don't Bite by @mooncat457writing Halloween was Sirius Black’s favorite holiday. He loved every part, from planning the perfect costume to throwing the kick-ass party that everyone would talk about for weeks to come. Okay, and sure, maybe the irresistible curly-haired, green-eyed cutie dressed as a werewolf that just walked through his front door didn’t hurt either.
A Taste of Your Love by starsnsoul the one where Sirius is a vampire and Remus a cowboy and they fall in love: “It’s dangerous out here at night,” Remus wet his lips, suddenly aware of how dry they were, “and we’re quite far from the nearest town.” The man in front of him continued to gaze up at him, eyes twinkling with a dangerous look, seeming to dare him to ask risky questions, to probe and let curiosity kill the cat. “What’s your name?” he asked, feigning ignorance to Remus’ concern. “Remus.” He answered without a second thought to who he was telling this to, something about the other man made him want to lay himself out bare, secret’s spilling out into the night air, all the good and the ugly. Something about the other man was dangerous but Remus felt the blood in his veins ignite at the thought. “Remus,” the man with eyes like the moon whispered, “I’m Sirius.”
A House by the Sea by @lurikko The wizarding world is on the brink of a war, Sirius is the heir of the House Black, and Remus is a vampire.
I'm starving, darling. by @marigoldwrites-blog
Remus is accosted by a vampire on his way home. Strange in itself. But when the vampire realises he has anaemia, he starts bringing him food. And medication. And nice little treats to make him feel better. And - well. Remus never claimed to be a man of strong convictions.
all the hot singles in your area are dead by atropos_aeneas The first vampire who comes to campus is annoying. The second one is an unwelcome, if begrudgingly pleasant, surprise. The third, fourth, and fifth vampires, on the other hand…No matter. Remus has been alive far, far too long to have his resolve broken on behalf of someone like Sirius Black.
To see more recs, join the WolfstarLibrarian on TikTok
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artbyace · 1 year
daily marauders headcanon pt 10
beach special cuz i’m at the beach 😎
remus takes sirius to dog beaches in padfoot form and he runs and runs and runs. remus throws a ball for him and occasionally he gets absolutely demolished by a wave trying to get it and remus doubles over laughing cuz padfoot emerges looking like a drowned rat
james is the ULTIMATE beach boy. swimmers build, he looks like a goddess lifeguard with beautiful dark tan and a lil sunscreen on his nose. (actually now that i’m thinking about it i need a james lifeguard au). he also tries to get people to play volleyball or other games with him 24/7
both lily and regulus are the absolute opposite and burn immediately so they act like vampires, hiding under the umbrella, and applying sunscreen to each other every 30 minutes while watching james do his thing
marlene is a sandcastle builder, dorcas is a reader.
pete is a sunglasses and a ridiculous hat guy that makes him look kinda like a dad but in a very cute way. definitely tries to bodysurf and occasionally almost drowns
evan and barty are suntan and look hot boyfriends while pandora likes to sit in the tide pools and collect hermit crabs (they r her friends <33)
mary treats the beach like a fashion contest. she has the absolutely most beautiful bikinis and coverups and hats and the most extra glasses. also the designated snack provider and reminds the crew to stay hydrated
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daintyys · 8 months
halloween party at hogwarts? u can pick the pairing n stuff i just think halloween parties are so fun (maybe couples costumes?🤭)
fem!reader x sirius black, 568 words
It was Sirius' idea to do matching costumes. You thought it was a bit cringey, but he was convinced it was a spectacular plan. "I'll be a Vampire, and you'll be my victim. Isn't that a good idea, baby?" You would nod silently, not wanting to sound objected to the idea.
But when Halloween came, you ended up very excited. There was to be a huge party, with everyone invited. Sirius was especially jumpy, not able to hold back his excitement at the thought of you being attached to his hip all night.
You got ready together, obviously, and as you changed into your black corset, he watched in awe.
"Let me tie that for you, jolie fille." He whispered into your ear, tucking your hair out of the way. You blushed, for he was so fucking romantic.
He kissed your neck tenderly as he tightened your corset, biting lightly at your skin.
"Ow! Sirius, did you just bite me?" You asked, giggling.
"Well I'm a Vampire tonight, aren't I?" He said, tying the strings of your corset into a bow.
"Yes, Sirius. You are."
You both looked hot, and you knew it. Walking into the party, Sirius had his arm tightly behind your back, smiling down at you.
"Oi! It's Mr and Mrs Black!" James shouted, running over holding Lily's hand. They were dressed as a doe and a stag, not surprising. "Bugger off, Prongs." Sirius answered, kissing your forehead lightly. You blushed intensely, admiring the decorations of the common room.
Everything was illuminated in an orange glow. It was gorgeous. Jack-o-Lanterns bobbed up and down midair, and the room smelled of freshly brewed tea. The party was fantastic, and the music even better.
You eventually found yourself involved in a heated make-out session with Sirius, when all of a sudden you two were being pulled apart and dragged to opposite sides of the common room. It was obviously game time.
The game was Mummy Wrap, and you and Sirius were chosen as the Mummies-to-be. Whichever team had a better Mummy would win an entire case of Fire Whiskey. Your team consisted of you, Lily, Remus, and Marlene. Sirius' team was him, Peter, James, and Mary.
Alice Fortescue had enchanted her wand with an amplifying charm, and was doing most of the announcements for the party.
"Teams! Get ready to start wrapping!" She called.
You looked over at Sirius, exchanging grins.
“3.. 2.. 1.. GO!"
You were extremely surprised how fast you became wrapped with toilet paper, and how loud the cheering was from onlookers. Seemingly as soon as it started, the timer went off and the wrapping was over.
"Sirius!" You shouted, not being able to see a thing with your face covered.
"Yes, Y/N?" He yelled back, laughing.
"I miss you!" You giggled, struggling to keep your balance.
"I'm sure I miss you more, sweetheart." Sirius purred.
Sirius' team had won the competition, as you had ended up falling over and ripping your Mummy-Wrap before the judging started.
The rest of the party had gone by with a blur, and next thing you knew, you were being carried to the boy's dormitory bridal-style by Sirius.
"That was bloody awesome, Sirius." You cooed, putting your arms around his neck.
"You're bloody awesome." He gushed, dropping you onto his bed.
"Now," Sirius hummed. "how am I supposed to get this god damned corset off of you?"
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solarisburns · 3 months
Recently got back into the shadowhunter universe by cassandra claire so here is who I think would be parabatai's
James and Sirius - do I need to explain? alone they are one half of a whole, share thoughts, closer than brothers, always each others first choice
Pandora and Regulus - it just makes sense, they complete and compliment, the one's sent to do the dirty work, they would use the bond as an excuse for regulus to escape his parents, grumpy and sunshine y'know?
Bellatrix and Andromeda - a little unconventional but they were as thick as thieves, makes the betrayals hurt just that little bit more, i think Andromeda for a time would have stabilized Bellatrix a lot
Mary and Marlene - the duo no expects til their already kicking ass, one's willing to play the politics while the other is fighting, can't imagine a world without the other in it, (marlene is also Alec coded in the meaning she was in love with her parabatai for a hot minute)
It is important to me that you know Lily and Remus are Warlock besties (yes, wolfstar are malec variants here) and Dorcas is a vampire in this AU. Barty was a shadowhunter but got turned into a werewolf because his father betrayed him
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underburningstars · 11 months
blood in coffee 26
(Part 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31)
for @jegulus-microfic prompt ignite, wc 354
Regulus is looking at him with a shell-shocked expression. Though James doesn’t think he said anything that surprising. 
“You–what?!” Regulus is still looking at him with wide, spooked eyes.
“I wanna turn into a vampire,” James repeats. “I just talked to Remus about it, and he said that it’s possible.” Regulus turns to glare at Remus who simply shrugs.
“James,” Regulus breathes. “Turning into a vampire isn’t that simple. Your whole life will change forever. You’ll lose so much of your life. It’s nothing like the crap the books or shows tell you. It’s a lot more difficult to settle somewhere and make a home in a place only to run away after a while because otherwise, people will start suspecting. And I know how much you lose the idea of settling down.”
James scooches closer to Regulus and takes both his hands in his own. “Love, settling down isn’t about buying a house with a white picket fence where we’ll live for the rest of our lives. It’s about falling in love with someone and wanting to spend the rest of your life with them, no matter where you are.”
Regulus is looking at him with unabashed adoration and James squeezes his hands. He smiles widely when he feels Regulus squeeze back. 
“Why can’t you say stuff like that to me, Moony?” Sirius whines and Remus rolls his eyes. 
Regulus scowls at Sirius. “You ruined the bloody moment, you dickhead.”
“Have your little moments in the privacy of your room. And hey, now that your boyfriend has decided to ignite his inner vampire you’re not gonna have to be depressed anymore, so I’m done coddling you.”
“You were depressed?” He asks Regulus who answers instantly with a deadpan, “No.”
“Yes, he was. So depressed.”
“Shut up or else I’ll set your hair on fire Sirius. I’ve done it before, I’m not afraid to do it again.”
Sirius glares at Regulus but keeps his mouth shut while James is trying to wrap his head around the fact that Regulus once lit Sirius’ hair on fire and why the hell is he finding that hot?
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crxmsonmars · 5 months
obliviate. - a jegulus au by mars.
kinda long so bear with me! so this starts basically in james' second year and reg's first.
"my brother's going to be sorted this year" sirius tells him proudly and james looks as eager as him cause if sirius was this AMAZING to be around, then surely his brother must be the same. and then he's sorted! 'regulus black' - and james sees the similarities immediately,, dark hair, watercolor eyes oh hell he's cute
and in the middle of james' comparison, regulus is sorted into slytherin, putting a barrier between the brothers and a stop to prongs' thought process ab baby black bc at 12, he had that ideology that slytherin was a bad house and regulus was not at all similar to sirius but ofcourse yk time changes everything
third year, he spends more time in the library. regulus does too. mostly silent, pouring over his books. james wonders why he looks so small and vulnerable
fourth year, regulus makes it onto the slytherin quidditch team as their third-year seeker and he's hella good at that, but never show-offy. james wonders why he doesn't like being centre of attention
fifth year, regulus has THE glowup. all baby fat gone, cheekbones that can cut through glass and a sharpass attractive jawline. and was his hair slightly longer too? james wonders why he's never noticed reg's smile before
sixth year, sirius starts talking to his brother more and they bond, spend more time together. regulus seems to notice james for the first time. james still sees the shy little first-year every time he looks at regulus
regulus has a sassy personality, he's mean, he's elusive, he rolls his eyes too much, but james can't see past the fact that his best friend's brother is fucking angelic. james is pretty sure regulus could get away with murder despite having blood on his hands
there's a party, there's laughter, there's drinking. and in the dim lights, the only thing james sees is regulus black because there's nothing more beautiful than watching the candleflames dance like shadows in his eyes, the ghost of pure joy in reg's smile
that year is james' favorite year. they talk, discuss quidditch strategies. when james sees regulus alone in the library, he pulls up a chair and sits with him. even though reg sasses him, he likes that. he learns regulus' favorite color when they're in honeydukes. he discovers regulus' love for astronomy during late-night hangouts. he counts the freckles on reg's face while they spend hot afternoons lying on their backs in the sun. he finds out how perfect their hands fit together like two halves of a whole
they're stupidly in love. regulus starts wearing turtlenecks and no one but remus can tell what the secret glances between james and regulus mean. sirius jokes about regulus hiding a vampire bite on his neck but remus knows it all
james is having the time of his life: secret boyfriend that he's head-over-arse in love with, his best friends, his family, his entire life set before him. everything he could ever wish for. and when sirius finds out, the worst he gets is a smack to the head with a shoe. well, that's the best it gets.
seventh year. regulus is distant, afraid. cheeks hollow, eyes darting, constantly on edge. james worries but never pushes too hard. they still go on dates, of course, but lesser than before - something is holding reg back. "i love you" james says and "i know" he gets in return. and that breaks his fucking heart bc he thinks he's not good enough for regulus. he thinks he's somehow making reg lose interest him and he doesn't want that so he does everything a bit more, tries hard, too hard. pushes himself past the limit.
and regulus can't look him in the eyes when he asks "what's wrong". the sleeve is pulled up, the mark shown, a look of betrayal and not one broken heart, but two. but james has never been one to give up. he tries to convince him but regulus is fixed on it. he doesn't want james to get hurt and live life without him but he doesn't realize that without regulus, james feels like he has nothing to live for.
that night, he's obliviated. that night, the marauders graduate from hogwarts. regulus has another year to come back to, but no james potter. his lifeline hanging by a thread as death and the consequences of his bad decisions loom closer. and james, well, he has his whole life ahead of him, doesn't he?
the paper is printed. the dark lord, vanquished. a young boy killed in service. james thinks he might've known him, seen him at hogwarts but nothing seems to click. he lets go.
james watches his friends get married. he shares their happiness yet, never once looks for his own. too busy as an auror, he makes an excuse - a reason to justify the restlessness of his heart. his friends grow worried.
james forgets a lot. he was once the boy that knew everyone's birthdays, their favorite colors, their everything by heart blindly. now he's a man that can't remember what day it is despite having looked at the calendar a moment before. he's a man that can't remember his own address sometimes. he's a man with strange fuzzy dream of a boy that looks like his best friend. a smile, stolen kisses in greenhouses, holding hands. he forgets his present a lot.
he grows old alone. surrounded by his friends' children. they say he has dementia, a muggle disease. he can't remember who he was sometimes. they wonder why he sits in his armchair in the middle of the night and stares out at the sky, waiting for something he can't remember.
he dies surrounded by his friends and family. it's peaceful, it's quiet. as he takes his final breath and his eyes flutter shut, he feels young again. he opens them again and there's a boy - sirius? no, can't be. he looks younger. an angel? must be. james thinks he's dreaming. the boy holds his hand out with a smile that james had once memorized.
"i'm sorry to make you wait, love."
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
Veronica and JD
🎃Halloween party🎃  
Remus Lupin x reader
Words: about 1.3k words
Warning: Sexy Remus, just some mention of sex I think?, sexy Remus, mention of drinking, I already said sexy Remus ?
Author’s note: 10th day and we are still here! To be truth this is one of my favorite prompts, and I hope you like it as much as me.
p.s. I know I have a big problem with Heather, it’s kinda my obsession, but htat damn film is so good :)
✒️:   “Trick or Treat.” “I choose treat, but I know something sweeter than this candy.” “And what would that be?”
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Halloween is approaching, and at Hogwarts people are already feeling the festive air. Pumpkins decorate the bare hallways and the ghosts are happier and do nothing but play tricks on all the students. 
This year, after the prefects had spent almost a month convincing McGonnal and Dumbledoor, a party would be held on October 31 in honor of the famous holiday. No one believed it when the professor had broken the news in the Great Hall a few mornings ago, but when everyone had realized that it was not a joke by the Maraurders, as was initially believed, everyone had taken to scrambling to organize everything in every little detail and beginning to think about clothes. 
Lily and James had decided that they would go together and thus have costumes coordinated according to a Muggle movie that the redhead loves so much namely Grease. At first Sirius didn't want to dress up as anything, but when he had eavesdropped as a Hufflepuff girl who inerested in him hoped to see him dressed up as a vampire, because, quoting verbatim, "he was extremely cool dressed up as Dracula," he had changed his mind immediately. Marlene and Dorcas would follow Lily's idea, while Regulus still did not even know if he was coming. 
Remus had told no one how he would disguise himself, thus leaving the mystery for each of us to try to fill in with our own ideas. 
I had decided to dress up as the character in a movie I had seen last summer namely "Heathers," and I would be dressed as Veronica. 
Finally the fateful evening arrived and almost all of us headed to the party venue together, all except the werewolf. After a few seconds all I can do is lose them in the bedlam of that room. The happy couple immediately head for the dance floor and Sirius pretends to vomit when he sees them smiling and dancing tightly together to a Cindy Laupner song, though we are all happy that at least they have finally found love. 
I, on the other hand, am still here, drooling over the same boy since I was thirteen, when I know perfectly well that I am nothing more than a friend to him, and that only hurts. I've spent many moons by his side, I've seen him at his worst, and I haven't even been frightened of the monster he claims so much to be, but I still haven't been able to confess to him that I like him. 
Sirius left me a few minutes ago after seeing the girl he was looking for and now I am standing here by the refreshment table. I can't help but snort as I lean against the cold wall in contact with my hot skin from the heat of the room full of people. I notice that someone is leaning against the wall next to me, and just as I turn around to see who the asshole is that I have to tell to shit for entering my personal space I see Remus in all his glory. He's wearing a long black coat, his hair is tousled as usual. He has on a regular black T-shirt, jeans of the same color, and boots, very different from his school attire. Her costume is nothing special, yet I feel like I have seen it somewhere before. He seems to read my thoughts, because he immediately gives me the answer. 
"JD." He says with that sexy little smile, which God I have to try all my strength not to faint. "My costume. JD, the one from Heathers." Good to see you Veronica." 
She continues with the same little smile as she walks over and holds out her hand to me. I don't know how, probably the alcohol, I find the courage to answer him in kind. 
"Long time no see my dear punk." I say with the same little smile, just above the volume of the music. "You know, I had thought of all but that for your costume. I didn't think you were a fan of this movie." I continue, while still watching it, not wanting to miss every single detail. 
"You were the one who gave me that idea. If I'm not mistaken your exact words were, 'Fuck, JD could do anything to me and the only thing I would say to him would be thank you,' yes I think those were them. And how can anyone not watch a movie after such a review and you know what? You are absolutely right, he is damn attractive, but Veronica is no joke either." He replies, finishing by giving me a wink. 
Suddenly a wave of embarrassment rises up and warms my face, as I think about how I would do anything as well to him since he is so much more attractive d, when I start looking around, to get back to talking to the boy. 
"Trick or Treat." I ask him, as I grab a mouthful of candy from the coffee table in front and start eating it, and in response he looks at me confused, then replies. 
"I choose treat, but I know something sweeter than this candy." He says pointing to the candy on the table in front of us. Now it's my turn to be confused. 
"And what would that be?" I ask trying to be sensual, although I guess I didn't succeed very well. He swallows laboriously before answering me, weighing the answer. Then he brings his lips close to my ear, and whispers something that makes my candy go sideways. 
"You." He whispers, and I can't help but stare at his lips, and I see him do the same. 
"Are you flirting like me Lupin?" I ask, joking. 
"You've finally noticed," he replies seriuosly with a smile, coming closer still. "You have no idea how much you drive me crazy, how much I desire you, desire everything about you: your lips, your heart, your heart." He says inches from my lips, as I close my eyes and breathe in his intoxicating scent. 
"And what exactly are you waiting for JD?" I ask with a small smile. He replies with another smile before throwing himself on my lips. His are warm and soft and taste of tobacco and chocolate, an aphrodisiac flavor that lead me to hold him even tighter to me, putting my hands in his hair as he grips my waist with his powerful arms. 
When we part, breathless, we still wade into each other's eyes and without saying a word, laughing like madmen we leave the hall running through the corridors of the castles under the stunned and delighted gaze of our friends, still shocked at what has happened. 
At the back of the room were Minerva and Sirius looking at you shocked, before the professor started laughing like no one had ever seen her do, even Dumbledoor is shocked. 
"Yes, yes prof I understand no need to twist the knife." Black says, searching his pockets for the money he owed his professor. A few weeks earlier the two had made a bet: she had said that within a month you and Remus would confess to each other, while your friend had said it would take at least three months. As it turned out, Minnie had been right once again. 
Sirius annoyedly hands the money to the teacher, watching her smile. 
"It's a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Black, now if you don't mind I must go and toast the union of my favorite alumni." She says before walking away as the oldest Black follows her as shocked by her words he shouts. 
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tadaxii-i · 11 months
i need you to tell me about rosestarkillerchaser like they're a sales pitch please
You got it bestie *hiss* (I definitely didn't have to research what a sales pitch was, what are you talking about?)
Hey, you! Yeah, you, hi!
I'm gonna make it short, I'm *your mom haha*, I just saw you had a bunch of marauders on your feed, yeah? You like them? I really really do, especially Regulus.
And you know Reg, you know Reg! He's got a hard life, he deserved better, yada yada yada, so we got him a boyfriend, obviously; but love, what if I tell you there's better out there?
At PBAM INC, we've got the best value deals for rareships on the market. And I know what you're saying, you're saying "rareships? I already have James! I don't want to replaces him" and neither do we! That's why I'm here, today, to talk to you about rosestarkillerchaser.
I know it's a mouthful *corporate laugh* but that's also was Reg will say right before a night with them!
And well, between you and I, my love, who would want to deny Reg anything, yeah? Not me, that's for sure, and I know it's not you either!
With rskc - i'll shorten it for your pretty mouth - you could have everything you've ever wanted and a half for your sad, pathetic little wet sock of a blorbo.
Now imagine- please close your eyes, my love, and imagine. Regulus, poor Regulus. His mother's a bitch, Sirius doesn't want to be around him anymore. Barty and Evan tell him to stay away from the Gryffindors, but James slithers past their watch. He's hot, Reg knows it. And Barty, he's so determined to protect his best friend, yeah? Because he loves Evan, and he loves Reg too, in equal measure, and he want to hate James. But James is soft touches and starlit eyes and everything Regulus ever wanted and well, how can one guy be so likeable? Barty, by virtue of well-intentioned protectiveness, finds in James what Regulus saw in him, with his pretty eyes and the dimples on his cheeks. In an effort to hate James Potter, he falls in love with him.
And you might be thinking, "how is this beneficial to James? He deserves full love and attention too, my boy" and I agree with you! But I assure you, beautiful, that Barty bites, and he bites hard. He'll bite him too, when the time comes. Wouldn't you love, to ask, a reprimand, "Barty, have you been biting?" And he would look around sheepishly, but you, you wonderful soul, you could look James in the eyes, and he would uncross his arms from behind his back and tell you "I don't mind" when his arms are bloody and bruised. Isn't that the most wonderful thing you've heard today?
Of course, we're not robbing Barty of a proper, full time boyfriend. See, you and I, we need to make sure the dog is on his leash - and if that leash is called Evan Rosier, oh, what can we do but rejoice? And Evan can have Regulus, too, in the quiet ways that Barty and James don't allow themselves. He is masterfully calm, and when I say the guys will team up to make him lose his composure, it's a once in a lifetime deal I'm selling you.
The AU potential is immense too! Vampire: three mean, mean dudes to bully one poor human, yummy! Royal : the more roles the merrier! The drama! College: do I even need to say it? Cowboy, Band, Band! The band au where all of them are boyfriends! Were you expecting it? Because I can deliver it to you, right at your front door!
Our boys have so much potential, don't you see? James' unforgiving hero complex, Regulus, a self appointed marty, Barty who can Make Himself Worse and Evan who hides as much venom in his veins as the rest of them: don't you see how great they can be?
That's why I'm here right now, lover, so hear me out; for the feeble price or free-ninety-nine and a kiss on the forehead, monthly rskc delivered, right under your doorbell, for your own pleasure. It's been approved and mandated by the SONS, the RPA and even the CBTPC, and I have the best deals, today, on the market, even wholesalers and resellers. It's a steal, don't miss out on it!
Here's my card, I'll be waiting for your call, yeah? Remember, PBAM, okay? Have a great day, lover, and with every great day, comes a great ship! Toodles~
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resident-gay-bitch · 6 months
sirius being dramatic when finding out about jegulus + very side wolfstar and rosekiller
Sirius strode into the apartment without warning, tossed his keys onto the table with a loud clunk, and took a dramatic bow with a wolffish grin.
“So, what do you think?”
“Of what?” Regulus asked, deadpanning him, “Your dramatic entrance? You’re not a vampire, Sirius- also I told you that key was for emergencies only.”
“This is an emergency.” Sirius glared at him, straightening up, “I need compliments.”
“Oh, how out of character for you.” Regulus said sarcastically, stirring his tea with his spoon at the table.
Sirius flipped him off.
“Please, tell me your thoughts.” Sirius grinned, showing off his new look and flourishing his hair, “Honest opinions only, unless they’re mean. If they’re mean, just tell me I’m pretty instead.”
“You’re pretty.” Dorcas smirked, and Sirius flipped her off.
Sirius had gone on an impulsive whim this morning after a quiet breakfast with Remus had revealed he quite likes the edgy punk look. And whilst Sirius is well aware how much Remus adores his long hair and pretty rebel boy demeanour, mixining it up for a few months could only mean a bit of fun.
Besides, if the way Remus’ brain seemed to short circuit that time Sirius came home with a septum and a nose piercing meant anything, Sirius is sure the other man would absolutely melt now.
He’d gotten himself an eyebrow and lip piercing today, as well as an extra three in his ear. It was a painful feat, and Sirius will not admit that he cried and had to be given a lollipop like a child, but he did it.
He also cut his hair short, just below the base of his skull, short wavy locks that no longer frame his face like they once did. And underneath, he’s died it electric blue.
He chopped one of his old metal band tees through the middle for a rough crop, and put Remus’ too big black ripped jeans on, letting them sit low on the waist with a studded belt to keep from pantsing himself. He’s never really been one for having his briefs stuck up out of his pants, but he happens to be wearing dark blue ones today, and they match.
“I think you look lovely, Sirius.” Pandora smiled over her tea, sitting at the table by Regulus. Out of Regulus’ entire group of friends, Sirius likes her the best. She’s always the nicest to him. “Very punk rock.”
“Thank you, Pandora.” Sirius smiled.
“I think you look stupid.” Regulus said, because of course he did.
“Thank you, Reggie.” Sirius smiled.
“I think you look like me.” Barty said, leaning up against the kitchen counter, one foot on the cabinets behind him for stability.
Sirius furrowed his brow and looked Barty over. And… fuck, yeah, he did. Barty was also wearing a messily cropped shirt, briefs that stuck out of the hem of his low baggy sweats, but he usually wears jeans like these when he’s out and about. And his hair is almost identical to Sirius’, however there’s green in it rather than blue. And the piercings, he’s got loads of them, skin smothered with tattoos too.
“You stealing my look, Black?” Barty grinned.
“Yeah, Im very attracted to him right now.” Evan, who had his head resting on Barty’s shoulder, smiled, “You should go blue, Barty. Its hot.”
“Hey.” Barty nudged him in the side and Sirius blushed.
“Well, thank you Evan, however, I am happily committed.” Sirius smiled, taking another little bow, “I suppose I take that as a compliment too, Crouch?”
“Obviously.” Crouch snickered, “I feel honoured that the Sirius Black is trying to look more like little old me-“
“That was an accident.” Sirius pressed, pointing at him, “I just wanted to look cool for Remus.”
“So you think I look cool?” Barty laughed delightfully.
“That’ll work.” Dorcas grinned, “Remember when Remus and Barry shagged-“
“I don’t need a reminder of that!” Sirius shouted as the same time that Barty said, “Cas, I told you to stop bringing that up around Evan.”
“Oh, so she can bring it up when I’m not around, huh?” Evan asked with a snake like grin, “Do you like to reminisce when I’m not there, Barty? Are you unfaithful?”
“Never, dove.” Barty kissed Evans forehead and sent an evil glare Dorcas’ way, “Dorcas just likes to stir the pot.”
Dorcas and Pandora giggled to themselves.
“Okay, enough about you lot, more about me.” Sirius interrupted, “On a scale of one to ten, how much do you think Remus will want to shag me when I get home? Ten being a lot-“
Sirius’ speech was interrupted by someone else letting themselves in through the front door and striding into the house.
“Love, I broke my glasses again, can you please fix them?” Sirius recognised that voice instantly, it was his best friends voice afterall. James walked right past Sirius in the entry way and leant in and smacked a kiss right on Regulus’ lips, “Missed you.” James muttered again, “I know it’s only been three hours, but I always miss you.”
Sirius is feeling a lot of confusion right now.
Regulus sends him a panicked glance over James’ shoulder, and then awkwardly looks up at James with pink cheeks. Sirius takes in the sudden tension in the room, at the way Pandora is sending Sirius a pleading look, at the way Dorcas is biting her lip in anticipation and looking between everyone, at the way Barty is clearly trying his best not to burst out with laughter, and the way that Evan is jabbing an elbow into his side and looking remorseful.
Suddenly Sirius is no longer confused. He feels more betrayed than anything.
James is fucking shagging his baby brother, isn’t he?
“Oh, Barty, by the way-“ James starts but he interrupts himself midway through, “I swear you were just-“ James turns and points in Sirius’ direction, and then spins back to Barty, “Why are there two of you?”
Barty bursts out laughing, “There’s only one of me, Potter.”
James swings back and forth, looking between them for a moment. And Sirius remembers how genuinely blind James is without his glasses. He usually can’t tell Remus and Peter apart when without them, their hair too similar in colour. So Sirius decides to help him out.
“James.” Sirius prompts when James’ back is to him, and he watches the way the other man immediately stiffens, “Are you snagging my brother?”
Regulus stands and slides James’ glasses onto his face before solemnly petting him on the cheek and sighing, “You’ve been wanting to tell him somehow.”
James slowly turns around, “Oh, Sirius, hi! Didn’t see you there, wow, new look. Very punk, Remus is sure to love it- hey, why don’t we go show Remus now? Yeah, let’s go right there and not talk about anything else-“
“James.” Sirius prompts again, glaring at him, “Are you, or are you not, shagging my brother.”
“Uhm, well… shagging’s quite a vile word, don’t you think? I prefer… love making-“
Behind him, Regulus groaned and began to bang his head on the cupboard whilst all of his friends lit up with laughter.
“Love making?” Sirius gasped, “James, that’s disgusting.”
“Well, it’s not really, it’s quite lovely.”
Sirius pretends to gag, “How long?”
“Erm… bit of an odd question considering it’s your brother.” James shrugged, “But, usually at least an hour-“
“No!” Sirius gasped, slapping his hands down over his ears, which hurt due to the new piercings. “I meant you two! How long have you been shagging?”
“Oh.” James turned bright red, “Yeah, I suppose that’s more logical. Uhm, maybe… like… mhgh…”
“I’m sorry?” Sirius asked, “Mind not mumbling?”
James pulled a wry face and shook his head. Sirius cocked an eyebrow, which also hurt.
Regulus groaned and leant over James, shoulder, “Six and a half month-“
“What!” Sirius shrieked, “You’ve been fucking m’y brother for six and a half months and haven’t told me?!”
“I don’t need to tell you all my personal business, Sirius.” Regulus said.
“Yeah, but, James does.” Sirius points at him.
“It’s true, I do.” James agreed, “Which is why I’m so sorry, Pads. I didn’t want to keep it from you, it’s just, we thought we should at first because I know you scared away the last two guys Reggie was involved with. And then… and then I just felt bad for lying and so I kept lying and… and now we’re here.”
Sirius shook his head at James, “I’m so disappointed in you.” He squinted his eyes, “Just fooling around with my brother like that-“
“We’re not fooling around, Sirius.” James defended, “We never were.”
“I don’t understand.” Sirius shook his head, “Are you shagging or not?”
James snickered, “Look, I didn’t even know I had a crush on Reggie till he kissed me one day, and then I immediately realised I liked him and… and well, we started going out. The shagging didn’t start till after then.”
Sirius took a little step back, looking them both over.
“It’s genuine, Sirius.” James smiled, putting his arm around Regulus’ shoulders, “I just didn’t- I was too scared… I was worried you wouldn’t approve of me for him.” James shrugged, “But we’re not just shagging… I love him.”
Sirius was taken aback, stuck silent for a moment. James loved him? Regulus was gazing up at James with flushed cheeks and a a smile he’d never seen his brother wear before, and it seemed like Regulus loved him back.
Sirius burst out crying.
James immediately rushed to his aid, making them both sit at the table, two chairs pulled out to face eachother. Regulus groaned and went to put on a new pot of tea.
James took Sirius’ hands, shushing him and looking terribly guilty, “I- I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Sirius. Is there something I can do to make it up to you? Is… Is there something I can do to make me worthy of him? I can’t lose- I can’t lose either of you, I’m so sorry, Sirius.”
Sirius sobbed so hard he couldn’t even speak. He shook his head to try and communicate with James, but the message did not go across clearly.
James had started to cry too, “I’m sorry, Sirius. I’m so sorry, I should have- I know I shouldn’t have lied, especially not for so long. But I was so worried- worried about this. I can’t-“ James sobbed so hard he started hyperventilating, “I don’t want to loose- loose-“
“Okay.” Pandora muttered, getting in between them, “Look at me, let’s take some deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. With me now, come on, in through the nose… out through the mouth.”
Sirius and James sat there for a moment, following pandoras instructions. James’ glasses were cracked and foggy, and Sirius was dreading having to reapply his eyeliner for a second time today.
Regulus set some teacups down on the table and poured them each some midnight blue coloured tea, “Dora’s recipe. Supposed to calm you.”
“I’m sorry.” James muttered after taking a big sip of tea, “I don’t know what to do, Pads. I can’t lose you both.”
Sirius took a few sips himself, taking a moment to compose himself, “You’re not going too.” He smiled, his eyes begging to water again, “I’m sorry I freaked you out.”
“What?” James asked, taken aback, his voice sounded hoarse.
Sirius set his cup down with shaky hands and burst into more tears, but he smiled through them, and they weren’t nearly as heavy as before, “You love him?!”
James sent a nervous glance over at Regulus and tentatively nodded, “As much as I love you- but, differently, of course.”
That only made Sirius cry harder. He tried to talk again, but all that came out was incoherent nonsense.
“Sirius, stop wailing and just talk for Godricks sake.” Regulus scoffed, “Or you can fucking get out of my house.”
Sirius took a deep breath and sniffled, “I’m sorry… I just… you love him! Reggie deserves to be loved.”
“Oh.” James muttered, poking his glasses up his nose. Across the table, Regulus went silent. James smiled and nodded, “Yeah, of course he does.”
“And you deserve to be loved.” Sirius mumbles.
James snickers, “Well, I hope I do.”
“And… and you have such a big heart, and love people so… so… in the best way.”
James smiled and nodded.
“And Reggie-“ Sirius sobbed more, “He struggles- but he really loves who he loves with his whole heart.”
Regulus embarrassedly buried his head in his hands and Barty gave him a playful shove.
“Out of everyone in the world, I approve of you both the most for eachother.” Sirius sobbed, “And it just makes me so happy that you love eachother!”
There was a moment of silence before James started laughing in that way he does when he really adores something. He reached out and grabbed Sirius’ hands, squeezing them tight.
“It makes me so fucking happy that you approve.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Sirius sniffled, “You’re my best friend, and he’s my brother. You’re my two favorite people, it only makes sense that you love eachother.”
“Do you mean that?” Regulus asked across the table.
“Of course.” Sirius nodded, reaching over to pet Reggie’s elbow, “And when you get married James will be my brother in law-“
“I bloody know!” James grinned, slapping his knee, “How good will that be?”
Sirius grabbed onto him excitedly.
After a moment, James smiled and wiped at the black smudge from Sirius’ tears, “This new look got anything to do with Remus’ thing for punks?”
Sirius smiled sheepishly, “Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He liked it enough when you got those nose piercings, he’ll probably pass out seing you like this.”
Sirius chuckled.
“Come on, let’s clean you up and get you back home to him.”
Sirius smiled and nodded, “Thanks, Prongs.”
When Sirius got home, Remus did in fact malfunction. He couldn’t talk proper words for two whole minuets before he pointed to their room and muttered, “Bed, now.” And Sirius could never say no to his Moony.
★ ★ ★
Wow I wrote this at a regular hour in the day, hats off to me. This was inspired by @gaybubblehead and my texts about how they hc sirius goes through a phase where he looks just like Barty in terms of style and stuff and I honestly agree he would do that. I mean they came up with the entire idea of this basically and told me I should write it, and for once I actually delivered. lol
So this one’s for you my dude <3
It was silly, I started this with barely any direction and just let the story write its self. I should be writing my Christmas fic butttttt no.
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