#vape vending machines.
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vivianwade · 1 year
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wyd when I pull up in this?
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gemsiiie · 1 year
things i’ve learned from the uk since i’ve been here:
- they vape/want people to vape
- they play the lottery a lot/want people to play the lottery a lot
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
I'm worried about electronic waste, e-waste recycling, and such loss of resources.
That's real. For what it's worth, I think it's something we're going to get a LOT better at. The raw materials - and even partially depleted materials that can be downcycled - are too valuable to be left forever.
Tip for anyone worried about e-waste or looking to be more environmentally conscious: Whenever I have something electronic that dies (this includes batteries, power cords, string lights, and vapes), I stick it in an out-of-the-way drawer, and then once every year or two, I bring it all to either an e-waste recycling place or an e-waste disposal place (which, my understanding is most e-waste disposal places do a lot of materials reclamation as well, though if I'm wrong someone please correct me). I just look online to find a place.
Sometimes it's a bit of a drive, but it's so worth it. I encourage others to do the same!
Anyway, here's some headlines about e-waste to hopefully lift your spirits:
^That's Western Australia, not Washington state.
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jaemmphilia · 1 year
★ 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘴 ★ || b.c
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★ summary: yn comes home from work to a pretty jarring surprise from his boyfriend.
★ pairing: bang chan x male!reader, lee know x han, bang chan x lee know
★ warnings and rating: this story will have triggering themes such as cheating, panic attacks, smoking (the reader is a smoker in the process of quitting), and strong language. reader discretion is advised (16+), also the reader isn't a baby-back bitch so he's not gonna forgive chan easily (he's not gonna forgive him at all tbh), mentions of abusive family (reader)
★ word count: 2.1k (2146)
★ binnie's thoughts: i'm so sorry (no i'm not lol)
★ requested?: yes, requested by @arcenass
★ disclaimer: this fic in absolutely NO WAY represents bang chan and the other stray kids members as people. this is just a work of fiction, please enjoy.
© triplejracha, 2023. please do not copy to any other platform.
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You had a really shitty day at work. You were only two minutes late, yet your boss decided that two minutes was equal to an entire hour, and he ripped into your ass about it in front of everyone. With slightly teary eyes and your head hung low in embarrassment, you went straight to work. Once it was lunch time, you realized that you left your lunch on the counter at home. You called your boyfriend, Chan, but he never answered. You thought it was a little out of character for him, he always answers your calls. Even if he’s working hard in the studio, he always answers. It was weird because he has the day off today. 
You were forced to eat a small bag of chips from the vending machine, paired with a flat soda. The rest of your work day left you hungry, your hands becoming shaky. Your shaky hands led to you messing up the code for the app your team was working on. Your team leader had scolded you, and your boss just so happened to overhear, and he sent you home early. 
You’re sitting in your car, your head laid on the steering wheel. Your hand makes its way to the sunglasses holder above you. You press the bottom and pull out a pack of cigarettes and your lighter. You know you shouldn’t do it, but today has been one of the worst in a long time. Just one won’t hurt right? You had been doing such a good job at not giving in to the temptation of smoking, but after so many bad days and degrading words from your boss, you’ve had enough. You started smoking at a young age, your trashy family pressuring you into it. You refused many times, but they promised that they would buy you toys if you did it. Being naive and toy-driven, you did it. 
Ever since then, you did anything to get your hands on some cigarettes. You did gross favors for people, not really caring as long as you got the cigs. When you got older, you tried vaping, but ultimately didn’t like it. You favored the hard edge of a cigarette. Chan has been you rock during your quitting journey, making sure you don’t get triggered into wanting a cigarette. He was patient during your withdrawal, his arms wrapped tightly around your shaking frame as he rocked you from side to side. 
You scoff and light the cigarette, and you take a long drag. The smoke burns in your throat and lungs, and the taste is awful. But you already feel a little better. Breathing out, you crack your window to tap off the ashes. You toss the cigarette out after smoking half of it. You start your car and make your way home, just wanting to fall into the muscular arms of your boyfriend, Chan. He has the day off, and he has no idea that you were off work early. Maybe you should pick up some food for the two of you. You’re still very hungry, and you could kill for some pizza and spicy wings right about now. You also need to get the bitter taste of cigarettes out of your mouth. 
You quickly put in the order while driving (don’t ever do this), and you pick it up before making your way home. You live with Chan in a small house, it has two bedrooms and a library-office space. It has two bathrooms, and a nice sized backyard. You have so many plans for the backyard. You want it to be a comfortable space for family and friends whenever they come over. 
You smile as you think about getting a dog with Chan. You get your keys out of your pocket and you unlock the door as you greet your neighbor, Jisung, with a wave. You don’t really know either Jisung nor his partner, Minho, very well, but you do know that they’re nice people. They had brought over some sweets as a “welcome to the neighborhood” gift. 
You make your way into the small foyer of the house, kicking off your shoes. You happen to miss the unfamiliar pair of white shoes that sit next to Chan’s old and ratty pair of Converse. You make your way to the kitchen and place the pizza and wings on the counter. You assume Chan is down the hall in the office that he converted to a production studio, because he’s not in the living room watching his favorite cooking show. 
You walk down the hall, stopping in front of the door. You don’t knock, simply twisting the knob and pushing the door open. You don’t know why, but you have a sick feeling in your stomach. You blame it on the cigarette, but you quickly realize that it was not the cigarette. 
What you see when you walk in makes your entire body freeze, your jaw dropping open. Chan is in his swivel chair, but there’s someone on top of him, his chest bare as he bounces up and down on your boyfriend. The room feels humid, very likely from the two people engaging in such an intimate moment in your house that you help pay bills for. The small room smells musty, the smell of sweat and cologne creeping up your nostrils and making you sick. 
You feel your entire world shatter right in front of you, your heart feels like it isn’t beating, and you honestly forget how to breathe. You can’t move, your limbs have lost any kind of mobility as you stare at the scene in front of you. 
Chan panics as he realizes he’s been caught. He carefully pushes Minho off of his lap as he pulls on his once discarded boxers. He prepares to spill his desperate apologies as he slips on his shirt. Minho frantically gets dressed and rushes out before things get nasty. 
You feel tears falling down your cheeks, and you mentally scold yourself for acting like a baby. I mean, you did just get cheated on, but you’re stronger than that. You begin to glare, your gaze falling on Chan who has his mouth open ready to make excuses.
You stop him before he can even say anything, “How long?” you spit out, your teeth gritted. Chan is taken aback. He’s never heard you sound like this before. 
You were normally soft-spoken, not liking to raise your voice in fear of scaring someone. It also had to do with the abuse you grew up with, choosing to stay quiet. 
Chan doesn’t have it in him to lie to you. So he simply tells you the truth. “The first day we moved in..” He says quietly, fiddling with the silver rings on his fingers. 
Your jaw drops as you start yelling at him. “What the fuck, Chan! We’ve lived here for almost two fucking years!” you shout, your loud voice echoing off the walls. 
“Look, baby–” he starts but you cut him off with a sharp “aht!” that makes him snap his mouth shut with wide eyes. He’s losing you and he doesn’t know how to fix this. 
“Don’t you “baby” me, Christopher. I don’t want to hear whatever bullshit that plans to come out of your mouth.” You turn on your heels and walk straight to your shared bedroom. You throw open the closet and start pulling out some of your clothes. You hear footsteps behind you and you ignore them, stuffing the clothes into a duffel bag. 
“YN, just listen to me! We can fix this! We can fix us!” You hear him say from behind you, his voice loud and desperate. You can’t believe this man has the gall to even speak after he admitted to cheating for nearly two years.
You bark out a bitter laugh at his words. “Fix us? I had no idea there was anything wrong to begin with!” you shout, zipping up the duffel bag and making your way back to the front door. 
Chan follows you, and he knows you’re right. There’s nothing wrong with your relationship. He honestly doesn’t know why he’s been cheating. Maybe it’s the thrill of it all and the possibility of getting caught, he doesn’t know. 
What he does know though, is that he just lost the most important person in his life because of his stupid, horny actions. He doesn’t have anything to say at this point, and he wishes he did. You’re slipping through his fingers, and he can’t say anything to keep you from falling. 
You’re standing at the door, keys in hand, and you’re glaring at him with so much hate. “Do you have anything to say before I walk out and we never talk again?” 
“I love you, and I’m sorry.” Chan says, his eyes filling with tears. It breaks your heart, but you refuse to give in to people who hurt you. Not again. 
You just laugh and shake your head, your hair swaying with the movement. “I doubt that. You’re sorry that I caught you. And if you loved me, you wouldn’t sleep with the fucking neighbor.” You say, rolling your eyes. Your skin is itching to smoke, but that can wait. “I’ll be back for the rest of my stuff. You better not be here or I might actually kill you.” 
And with that, you were gone. Gone from Chan’s life, from the home you both built together. All because he went and cheated.
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Once you get into your car, you let out all your frustrations. You screamed so loud, banging your fists on your poor steering wheel. You scream and cry until your throat burns, tears streaming down your cheeks. You were surprised that you held it in for so long, when all you wanted to do was cry. 
This moment brings you back to your childhood, when your mother cheated on your father. Her infidelity led him down a path of drinking and drugs. Which also led to him taking his frustrations out on seven year old you. 
You shudder as you think back to your dad’s abusive behavior. You are so lost in your head that you don’t notice Jisung knocking on the window of your car. You look up from your steering wheel, turning your head to look at the male standing there. You hate that he has to see you like this, but you feel bad for him because he probably has no idea that his partner is cheating on him. 
You roll your window down, noticing the deep frown on his adorable face. “Is everything okay? You look really sad.” He says, taking in your tear-stained cheeks, and distressed form. 
You give him a sad smile and nod. “Yeah, I just received some pretty bad news,” you say, and you decide to be a good person and let Jisung know about his partner, “Jisung, can I tell you something?” 
“Sure, YN. What is it?” He asks, giving you his full attention. 
“You might not believe me, but I think it’s important that you know. I just caught my boyfriend of five years cheating on me in our shared home with your boyfriend, Minho.” You say to him, and you take in his expression. He looks upset, clearly believing every word you say. 
Why shouldn’t he believe you? You barely know each other, so why would you pretend to cry and break down in your car for a lie? He had his suspicions about Minho sneaking around, he just didn’t expect it to be with his neighbor. 
“It’s okay. I believe you, I’m sorry you had to go through that.” He says, tears gathering in his eyes as he tries to hold it together in front of you. 
“Get in, we’re going to a bar and getting wasted together.” You say to him, watching his pretty brown eyes go wide. 
“But it's the middle of the day! Isn’t that a little weird?” He asks, but still makes his way over to the passengers side of your car. 
“Who cares? We both just got cheated on and we need an outlet. My usual outlet is smoking, but I would rather get drunk.” You explain, pulling out of the driveway of your house, speeding down the street with your newfound friend. Who would have thought that getting cheated on would lead to a new blossoming friendship? You and Jisung certainly did not. 
The two of you swore off men for a while and ended up moving in together. You miss Chan, of course, but after a while, all that’s left is resentment for the man. You have Jisung to keep you distracted from any lingering thoughts or temptations to send him a message. You continue to smoke, all the progress you made completely flying out the window. It’s unfortunate, but hey, that’s life.
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dimlylittorch · 9 months
Random Thoughts: Edition 2
random unpopular/irrelevant opinions i think the cod boys would have
(John Price, Simon Ghost Riley, Johnny Soap MacTavish, Kyle Gaz Garrick, König, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo Parra, Phillip Graves)
My Masterlist🌱
- cigars are healthier than vapes
- spanking is not a good style of parenting (unpopular bc of his age)
- marriage can be overrated
- black cats are the best cats
- Taylor swift is overrated
- British government is just as wacky as American government
- beating up vending machines is acceptable
- i should be allowed to wear kilts wherever i want
- Scotland vs Ireland discourse is top tier entertainment
- being a childless adult is perfectly okay
- pancakes are better than waffles
- squishmallows should be a required gift for every holiday
- German should be offered as a language option in every school
- pixar is better than Disney
- doorways need to be bigger
- women shouldn’t have to wear bras if they don’t want to, it seems very uncomfortable
- Tex-mex restaurants are overrated
- black cats bring bad luck (him and simon argue often over this)
- chihuahuas are good dogs
- periods should be taught to boys too, they need to understand basic female anatomy
- bring back trains. they were cool
- Americans have the best accents
- pineapple belongs on pizza
- i would look good as a brunette
Thanks for reading!! Let me know if you’d like a part 2! Asks and tips are open <3
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morbidmiracle · 6 months
scene setting inspo: American high school
if y'all haven't already guessed, I'm an American & went to a large public high school (think the stereotypical one from the movies but maybe with a bit more of a focus on academics) ... here's a short inspo list!
cafeteria food... what kind of food does your school have? this can add a lot more depth to any obligatory cafeteria scenes. is it good food? (probably not) do your characters like it? is there anyone who just survives off snacks and energy drinks?
graffiti on desks/in books
elective classes 😍 (bonus points for more niche classes)
whatever the whole "devious lick" challenge was
student drama (academic -- who's cheating? / jealousy / group/partner projects(🤢) / academic awards, social -- cheating(again) / friend group breakups / gossip&pettiness(not as much as middle school but still), athletic -- team dynamics / school rivalries / the struggles of balancing sports and other responsibilities) ... so many possibilities!!!!
sharing a book
vending machines (bonus points for the vending machine breaking and a character kicking/shaking it to get their snack) (please do not imitate irl)
niche extracurricular clubs
students w cars having an accident in the parking lot
fashion & what people are wearing tells you a lot about them & the possibilities are endless (pajamas/sweats, leggings, sportswear, nice put together outfits, accessories) ... unless your characters go to a private school which may have stricter dress code limitations
field trips!
school cliques -- which group(s) do your characters belong to?
cell phones are pretty much always out (unless the teacher/school is strict lmao)
people vaping/flushing their vapes and clogging the pipes/setting off fire alarms/doing makeup/loitering in the bathrooms
valentine's day 👀
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demon-blood-youths · 7 months
An Unlikely Truce Against Common Enemy || Drabble
Hi everyone! This is Deamon-mun writing a funny drabble for @the-silver-peahen-residence regarding the asks. So here is the cast.
----- Cast -------
The JJK cast ( Yuuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Noabra Kugasaki and Maki Zen'in. All are rped by Peahen mun )
Mineta from BHA and a OC named Bradely ( also rped by Peahen-mun)
Oda's Demons ( Hayato Itachi, Iku Gash, Moudo Namzu, Shukaku Shōtsū, Syuuta Masamune ) rped by me.
Taz Hellion and Kisho/Daichi rped by me.
----- Summary -----
Someone went to the campus of Jujutsu Tokyo High one night. Yuuji and the gang find out who was responsible as they found evidence and so they went to Nagoya. Where the famed Oda's Demons faction lives. How will this play out?
In Nagoya City, where the Oda clan ruled. Three middle-school delinquents are hanging out near the vending machine, vaping and talking about current events.
"Hey! Did you heard?" One delinquent said with messy bangs.
"What?" A second asked with a pompadour haircut.
"I heard some Oda demons went to Tokyo and got into a fight with some school, guys" He informs his two buddies.
"Huh?! How is that news, Jin?" Said the third who has bleached blue hair.
"Yeah! I bet the fraction already beat them up!"
"Yeah, but that's the thing...I heard one of the students there beat up Hayato the Wind Blade!" Said the man with the messy bangs named Jin talking to Seiya with the pompadour and Teru who has blue hair.
"Shit, for real? Whose is it?" Seiya asked.
"I don't know but there are rumors that it must be the Tiger of West High."
"Hah? Isn't the Tiger of West High from Sendai? The hell he's doing in Tokyo?" Teru asked.
"Maybe he must of move to Tokyo due to school or some shit." Said Seiya.
"I don't know, man. But I'm telling ya, it's a rumor. Don't know if it's real or not but I saw Hayato came back with a cast. So it's gotta be." Said Jin.
"You should keep quiet man, you can't let one of the Oda guys hear you, or else we get beat up. Besides! We're going to join them, remember?! We can't go in if we talk shit about their upper ranks!" Said Seiya.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry!" Jin sighed.
"Hey, you three!" The three became startled as a voice calls them out. Shit! The three prepared themselves that it must be the Oda faction. But they were surprised to see something unexpected. A different group approached. A huge group. Three boys and three girls. What the? Jin narrows his eyes at this. Their uniforms. They seemed familiar but he couldn't pinpoint which.
"Yeah? Whaddya want?" Seiya said, looking at them with a scowl, didn't like to be spooked. But for some reason, Jin senses there's something is going on. The three boys and two girls look a bit pissed while one girl looks worried.
"Where can we find the Oda clan around her?" Said a brunette with her hands on her hips, frowning.
The three delinquents blinked at the group and looked confused. The tall dark one whose hair is spiky like a sea unchrin, crossed his arms, "Well? Do you?" He asked.
Then Teru goes, "You wanna know WHERE the Oda fraction is? You gotta be out of your damn mind!"
"Yeah! What business ya got with them?!" Seiya said. Is this another rival faction or what?!
"Something we need to talk about." Said black sea unchrin. The three look at the group like they're crazy. Because they know what a 'talk' means and it is anything but. Jin goes, "Man, if you wanna know. The Oda faction is in charge of pachikos, arcades, and some shitty loan sharks! You guys will be screwed-"
"It's fine." This time, Jin gulped and so did his friends. They see a guy with pink hair with an undercut. He has scars...under his eyes. That guy looks serious and had that look where you don't want to fuck with him. "So...where. are. they?" The pink-haired guy questioned.
"Er..well...they must be in one of the izakaya next to King Maō Parlor. That's their usual spot. Izakaya Bandai. You won't miss them." Said Jin with his two friends nodding in agreement. Then the pink-haired guy smiles, "Thank you." And so the group leaves with the foreigner girl saying a quiet thank you to them with a bow. The three delinquents look at each other, "Do you think?"
"Nah. Couldn't be it...." Then the three delinquents decided to go to iazkaya where the members of the Oda fraction hangs out.
----- Izakaya Bandai ----
Hayato and his teammates, Moudo, Iku, Shukaku, and Syuuta were hanging out. Hayato is eating his meal which is goyza. His favorite food along with some tomato juice and miso soup.
Iku is sulking. After his display at the Jujutsu High, he was punished and suspended from his usual activities for the time being He is drinking his coffee can. Shukaku is talking with Moudo and Syuuta about the meeting and Rioto.
"So..hold on. Rioto goes to a school for sorcerers. Jujutsu Sorcerers? The ones that beat Hayato?"
"Only one!" Hayato interjects. He will acknowledge Yuuji Itadori won fair and square so he needs to recover and train so it won't happen again. The other two don't count as much as he hates to admit.
Shukaku nods, "Yes. Only one and two gave Hayato some trouble." To which Hayato groans but keeps on eating, "Plus Iku..."
Iku clicks his tongue.
"Got defeated by a man named Sukuna, a demon inside Itadori Yuuji. He's seriously stronger than a normal demon! It got my tail between my legs." Shukaku smiles wryly. "But...Rioto went to the one in Kyoto and he told me that there are interesting humans there as well. One that manipulates blood, one that controls human-sized puppets. He called them cursed corpses, non-living objects." The boy continues, "Then there's one that can fly on a broomstick, and oh! There is one who claps his hands to switch objects and people's positions! He said it's disorienting. Almost like my ability!" Shukaku chuckles.
"What about the ones from Tokyo?" Syuuta said. Shukaku begins, "I saw three of them first hand and Rioto's intel proves to be correct. There is one named Fushguro which Rioto nicknames...Dark Lord who summons creatures from the darkness. Or rather....from my observation, he uses shadows as a medium to summon otherworldly creatures. So he isn't too far off." Shukaku chuckles.
"Guess Dark Lord fits, huh?" Syuuta laughed. Moudo speaks up, "And there's a girl who uses nails and hammers! She's really scary."
"Doesn't sound that scary! Nails and hammer?!" Syuuta hums. Shukaku chuckles, "Actually...she is. For some reason, her nails are imbued with cursed energy. Plus, I saw her carrying a straw doll. I was tailing the folks for a while...like a few hours and got a gist of their abilities. But the interesting one is Itadori, he is a fighter much like Hayato yet a human housing a cursed spirit like Sukuna. I wouldn't be surprised if this Sukuna is a demon. It makes me wonder why Sukuna hasn't Yuji signed a contract with him"
"Where is Rioto getting all this information from?"
"Most likely his idol, Daichi who doesn't mind telling him about it."
"You mean that cringed hero guy that Rioto watches every day?"
"That cringed hero guy bested Rioto in a duel. Rioto tells me that Daichi is as strong as his friends." Shukaku reminds him. "How long he's going to be there?" Moudo asked. Moudo likes Rioto. He's nice and helps him out with his mud-earth abilities. In a way, he looks up to Rioto as a fellow brother.
"Until he graduates..." Shukaku said. "But...it's not bad. He visits from time to time after he is followed for a moment. I made sure to erase any suspicion. Oh! I meet his friend, Kamo Noritoshi! He's pretty nice!" He said.
"Where's Rioto, anyway?" Hayato asked.
"With Oda as we speak." Shukaku smiles. The members of Oda were drinking and talking until they hear comottion from outside. Hayato stops eating and hears comottion. That smell.
Doors opened with two Oda followers thrown down onto the floor. Then several people came in. Hayato blinks while Iku is in disbelief before glaring, "Oh what the hell?"
"Eh?" Shukaku blinked and so did Moudo and Syuuta. Shukaku knows those faces. Speak of the devil...
"Where's Oda?!" Yuuji Itadori yelled.
"What the hell?" Hayato said, standing up. "What are you doing here?"
"Don't give us that! You came to our school, you creep!" Nobara shouted.
"Creep?!" Hayato growls, standing up now. "What the hell are you talking about?! We didn't do anything since the match!"
"You came to the girls' room and took their stuff!" Daichi yelled. Shukaku widen his eyes at this. But it isn't because his bangs are covering his eyes. "Wait what?' Moudo is shocked by this. Syuuta laughs, "Wow! Who are these punks?" He stands up. "Do you have any idea who we are?!"
"Um...Syuuta!" Moudo warns him. Syuuta laughs, not hearing Moudo as he walks over to the group. "You guys come here and accuse us of shit without proof. Who do you think are! Even if we, it's not girls like you! You ain't that pretty!"
"Um...Syuuta!" Shukaki goes to interject as Syuuta starts to manipulate water from his glass and starts to form at the top of his palm. Syuuta is wearing his beak mask and it opens, revealing sharp teeth. "Now how about you-"
Several feet flying and Syuuta hits the wall. Syuuta with widen eyes made contact with the wall after Yuuji threw a punch to shut him up. Syuuta crashes onto the ground. "W-what?!" Syuuta asked stunned.
"Yeah.....sorry! Those are the guys we're talking about." Shukaku informs him.
"That's him?!" Syuuta yelled. Hayato grits his teeth, "I don't know where you get the idea like that but we didn't steal anything! Hell! I don't even come near your school!" Hayato said.
"Then explain this." Megumi shows Hayato a purple armband with the bright gold-yellow Oda crest on that. Shukaku raised a brow at this.
"I don't know anything about someone stealing and your girls' stuff!" Hayato said. "What kind of stuff did we steal anyway?!"
'You stole our panties and bras!" Noabra yelled. This silences the Oda faction as they look at them in disbelief.
"P-panties?' Moudo choked as Hayato's face turned red, "We didn't stole something like that! What the hell?!"
Iku scoffs, "Look at these stupid morons." Iku begins, getting most of Jujutsu High students to glare at Iku while Taz is worried. "Why in the hell do we have to go so much trouble to steal your underwear? That's the dumbest shit I ever heard. Do you hear yourself?"
"Then how do you explain the armband-"
"Maybe because you wanna find a fucking excuse to mess with us! Shit, we already apologize and now you come here with this?! Do you think we're the kind of people who do something like this?! If we're stealing something, it wouldn't be shit. It would be weapons and other important stuff."
"That's a good point." Megumi said coldly. "So you stole weapons?"
"Ha?! If we did, we will admit! But we didn't steal shit!" Iku points out, "if anything, it must be from your school and someone doesn't have the balls to fess up!"
"You bastard..." Yuuji is getting sick of tired of Iku's attitude. Iku stand his ground. He remember last time when he got hit. Not by this punk but that fucker named Sukuna. Of course, he is not in the mood to bring him out. But he did see one red eye under Yuji's eye as if daring him to say something to him.
"Okay then. Let me tell you this! First off, Moudo is too chickenshit to try that shit." Iku begins, so the other party can see some sense at least.
"HUH?!" Moudo blinked.
"Shukaku over here doesn't do that shit because he's not into that." Said Iku.
Shukaku nods, "Yep, yep! I wouldn't do that. I have standards!"
"Hayato is a skirt-chasing girl-obsessed dumbass."
"HEY!" Hayato yelled. But Iku continues, "But he won't cross a line of breaking into some girl's house and stealing someone's underwear. Hayato considered that some fucked-up shit!" The Oda members were surprised that Iku stood up for him. Yuuji widen his eyes slightly at him. The last time they met, Iku didn't want to apologize and blames Hayato entirely even if he had some part in it.
"AND! Syuuta over here just met you for the first time!" Iku jabs a finger at Yuuji's chest while jerking a thumb at a Syuuta who is being helped up by his squadron.
"As for me! That kinda thing is so fucking low, I don't do shit like that." Iku said. Shukaku adds, "And besides...wouldn't your school know who enters your school regarding that field spell?" He points out this with a question.
By field spell, they must mean the barrier that detects anyone passing through that has cursed energy. Demons carried cursed energy however...their other members either have low or no cursed energy.
Taz did tell her friend that the smell didn't come from any of the key members since the smell was new ever since the armband is discovered. So her friends suspect, it must be a non-demon member that Taz hasn't smelled before. But there is someone that can do this.
It couldn't be...right? She did say that Mineta was involved but when he did join the Oda clan? Maybe Mineta was hired to get panties. They need to get to the bottom of this.
"Hayato-sama!" A member of Hayato's squad barges in, "We got a problem!"
Oh now what...
"What is it?" Hayato asked.
"Someone is messing with our girls! Some guy tried hitting on one of them and kidnapped one! It's Tsuru! She got kidnapped!"
Kidnapped?! The jujutsu sorcerers thought.
"WHAT?!" Hayato shouted this time in anger, getting up from his seat. First the sorcerers, now this?! Today is not his day. Hayato goes to leave not before looking at Yuji and the others, "I will deal with this later but right now, I gotta save one of my own first! Also, I will track that fucker who went into your girls' rooms with my smell, deal?!"
Yuuji blinked but nods. "Okay....deal." He said,. Yuuji is a patient person and hearing that Hayato got mad that someone of their own got kidnapped, he can't get in between that. It's much bigger than stolen underwear. The two groups walked out and hoping Hayato keeps the end of his deal.
"You know...this reminds me of something..like a week ago" Shukaku begins to which Megumi looks over to him with a look. "What's that?" He asked before Shukaku went to explain the way there.
------ Somewhere -----
Inside a restaurant where they sell fried chicken. Two boys treat themselves on a job well-done One of them is Mineta, the infamous pervert known for stealing the panties of the opposite sex. He and Bradley are with two other boys who are of a similar mindset.
"I told you the plan worked didn't it?" He said. Mineta laughs as his new friend, Bradley is laughing. Both clink their glasses together while Bradley has his arm wrapped around a fair-skinned beautiful girl in a school uniform with brown short hair wearing a feather hairclip who is uncomfortable being here.
"Yeah...I couldn't believe it. I didn't think that planting an armband you took off from a gang like that would work. We haven't been caught yet!" Mineta said as he had the goods in his bag. The goods he nabbed from the Jujutsu High girls.
"Yeah! I told you it's a smart move! Nobody will know it's us. Once they find it, they're going to go down and fight them!" Said Bradley with a grin. "Instead of us!"
"Anyway! How do you know those Oda guys?"
"Everyone in Nagoya knows about them! I came here in search of beauties and they stopped me! A guy named Hayato always taking the girls and the girls around here loved him! It pisses me off"
"Yeah! One time, I was messing around in a host club and that damn bastard stepped in and throw my ass out of there!" Bradley said. "I saw him again when I was asking some high school girls to hang out with me. Got my ass kicked again! So I got mad and came across one of their group, beating them up. Some of their members are so weak. Nobody knows who though but me!" Bradley laughed.
"Wow! You're a genius!" Mineta said with two boys nodding their heads in agreement.
"Yeah! I got my revenge and you got your goods! Hayato is going to be pissed when accused of stealing panties! That is going ruin that bastard's reputation with the ladies, alright. Hayato wouldn't let that shit down and beat the shit out of those Jujutsu High guys. Ain't I great, sexy?" He asked. The girl narrows her eyes, "You're disgusting."
"Hey! If you get to know me then you would be all over me. I don't get why you see in that guy, Hayato!" Bradley goes on. Tsuru glares at them but then her eyes light up, starting to smile, and to which Mineta and two other pervert pales.
"I mean! I'm the toughest and the smartest. Those Jujutsu guys have no idea what we did! Mineta said that they're the scariest but to me, they're so dumb that their so-called magic didn't realize that we entered their school last night. I mean...what do they do? Curse people? It's so lame. Yeah, the girls were so cute, I can't help but take pictures of them." Bradley laughs.
"And you managed to snag the goods! I mean...we both got we what wanted. I bet those Jujutsu students had no idea that they were tricked into believing it. Not only that, I took into the fact that those two groups fought each other once over some girls! So yeah! I did it!" He laughs.
"Bradley!" Mineta starts to tremble in fear as two angry people stand behind a sitting Bradley too invested in bragging about his so-called executed plan.
"Saying what?"
"What?! It's true! Hey! You know! We should see the fight and see who owns it. After that, maybe I should snag that raven-haired cutie from that school, or maybe that brunette with the short hair or oh! That cutie with orange markings on her cheek! Or that blondie. She looks super cute! I wanna grope her a-"
"BRADLEY! STOP!" Mineta screamed with tears in his eyes. Bradley blinks, "What! I'm just saying-"
Bradely's words were caught in his throat as he slowly turned over to his shoulder, seeing two pissed-off guys. Hayato and a guy wearing a Jujutsu High uniform as he has pink-haired hair with an undercut fashion. Hold on...he sees this guy somewhere.
"W-wait...you're that guy from New York." Bradely stammered. Yuji glares at him. "Yeah. I never thought you were the one behind it. But I can't be surprised."
"Oh well...."
"You fucking little shit, you got some guts framing us." Hayato growls.
"And break into our school and try to trick us with that plan of yours by having us fight against the Oda guys!" Yuji scowls. And they're not the only ones. There were people from the Jujutsu High and Oda faction pissed off. Looks like they heard it all straight from Bradley's mouth.
"Oh yeah! That's the guy that my squad talked about. He snatches one of our armbands from us." Shukaku said in a cheerful voice. Megumi cracks his knuckles, "You don't say?" He said, glaring at the creeps right now.
"Heh." Bradley grins nervously while Tsuru snakes out of Bradely's hold. "Hayato! You're here! This creep groped us and took me to this place!" Said Tsuru holding his arm and pointed at Bradely angrily.
"Did he now? Don't worry, I got this." Hayato said, patting Tsuru on the head, assuring her that everything was going to be fine while baring his teeth at Bradley.
Sweating bullets, Bradley laughs now, "Oh come on! I was joking! I didn't mean all that. It was a prank bro! I-" A resounding smack is heard as Yuji smacked the shit out of Bradley. Out of his chair and onto the floor. Mineta screams, telling his friends to run.
"MINETA! GET BACK HERE!" Yuji shouted, seeing him run or rather crawl under the tables of people sitting there, causing panic to escape to the outside.
"No way! I won't get caught again! Not again!' Mineta thought because he didn't want to bear the full brunt of Itadori's fury. Bradley can deal with that!
But he and his accomplices didn't get very far. His escape route is cut off when a giant skeletal hand blocks his path in the alleyway. Mineta and his friends cried out in terror seeing a huge skull with glowing red eyes looking down on them. Iku is standing in their way, glaring at them with a sneer. "Think you can outrun us in our turf?" Iku said.
Megumi grabs one creep and knocks him out with a punch. Another creep that is like a lizard tries to scale the walls but Nobara hits that one with her nails using her hammer, impaling the lizard creep's sleeves to the wall Iku helps out by taking the lizard off the wall and drops him between the two angry sorceresses.
"This is what you get for taking pictures!" Nobara yelled, hitting the creep with her toy hammer. Meanwhile, Daichi keeps firing at Mineta which the little pervert hero student keeps dodging. "HOLD STILL! YOU LITTLE-!" He yelled as Eito squawked angrily. Moudo helps out by trapping Mineta in mud. Mineta gasps, "NO!" He yells before he got blasted by a fireball.
Meanwhile, Bradley tries to fight Yuji and Hayato off.
"You bastards! I ain't afraid of you! You never stop me from getting sexy women! I am HIM!!" Bradley activates his quirk by turning his arms into metal and preparing to duke it out against the two.
But he was no match for the unlikely tag team beatdown that Yuji and Hayato delivered. It was straight-up jumping to which Tsuru and Taz saw justice being served. Tsuru is cheering for Hayato while Taz hopes her big brother will be alright and win this fight.
"You piece of shit! Who do you think you are?!" Hayato hits Bradley with a whirlwind punch, making the pervert spin in the air.
"Take this, you asshole! How dare you do that to my little sister and my friends!" Yuji punches him in the gut making Bradley bounced across the ground roughly.
Both boys were cursing Bradley out while beating the shit out of him in the process. Soon, the one-sided fight is over and Mineta, Bradley, and their accomplices are rounded up and tied up with rope in the middle of the street. Beaten and scared.
"Ugh! I can't believe I have to buy another set of panties!" Nobara groans, glaring at Mineta and Bradley. Taz is upset while Maki comforts her. Tsuru goes to the girls, "I can help you guys buy new ones! I can show you some stores that sell them affordable and of good quality." She tells them.
"Please do." Said Maki. With that, the girls left with Tsuru leading the way. Now it's the boys taking care of this mess.
"What should we do with them, Itadori?" Megumi asked. Daichi is frowning, "We should curse them! Gojo-sensei gave us permission to beat them up."
"Hmmmm...." Yuji thinks. Already, he can hear Sukuna suggesting punishments for him to enact. Very visual and a bit gory for his taste.
"Now..boys...can we..." Bradley starts to negotiate but nobody wants to hear it.
"SHUT UP!" Three boys shouted at Bradley angrily. Mineta is shaking and is ready to cry.
"If I may...." Shukaku said. "How about you lend these troublemakers to us?" He suggested to the three sorcerers. Hayato nods, "Yeah! We can put these little shits to work!" He tells Yuji and his friends.
"After all...these guys think they're so smart that they thought their plan can work. Trying to mess with us both." Iku added. Syuuta nods. Now thinking about it, Yuji makes his decision. He looks to Hayato, "If you want them, take them. These guys brought trouble to your town and took your friend so I'm not against that, to be honest."
"Good." Hayato nods. "Anyway...nice...uh...bitchslap you give this creep! That was good."
"Thanks!" Yuji grins, "Also that whirlwind knock the air out of him! And oh! Sorry about barging in and accusing you of something you didn't do." He apologies.
"Eh. It's fine. I would be pissed too if something happened to my friends who are girls." Hayato said. After that match, Hayato did a lot of reflection. "Like Tsuru for example." Tsuru wouldn't like it if she knew what he did back at Tokyo. Ugh. Seeing Bradley reminds him about the bad choices he made. It really hit him personally.
Iku snaps his fingers for the Oda members to take Mineta, Bradley, and their two accomplices away.
"Wait! Where are we going?!" Mineta cries, panicking.
"Yeah! You can't do this!" Bradley yells. Shukaku chuckles, "Don't worry! You're going to pay for your crimes with some community service!"
"Meaning you guys...especially you two going somewhere far away that nobody will save you. Not even the pro-heroes." Iku smirks so evilly. This got Mineta and Bradley scared shitless. Mineta looks to Yuji and his friends, "Hey...hey! Come on, Yuji! I'm sorry! I promise I won't do it again! Think about my classmates! What will they think if I go missing?!"
"Yeah! Mineta is a pro-hero! He has friends." Bradley nods.
Yuji stared blankly at the two before sighing, "I will let Midoriya know. But you know? You two need to think about what you did" He said it.
"Midoriya might agree with us that you need help so this is a better time than ever." Said Megumi sternly. Daichi nods in agreement.
"Take him away," Megumi said. Iku grins. Bradley and Mineta were crying and pleading with the Oda members but their words fell on deaf ears as they were being taken away. And so this leaves, Hayato, Moudo, and Shukaku with the Jujutsu High boys. There was this awkward silence...
"So!" Shukaku smiles, "You guys must come a long way! How about you and your group stay for the night? We will offer to pay for the hotel!" He smiles at the group. Yuji, Megumi, and Daichi look at each other.
"You know! I'm kinda tired." Daichi replied to which Megumi sighed, "Fine." He shrugs.
"Okay! Why not? We can tell Sensei about it." Yuji smiles.
"Great! Follow us!" Shukaku gestured for them to follow. Hayato follows them along with Moudo. And so, the relationship between the Oda faction and Jujtusu High is the start of getting on good terms with each other after dealing with a common enemy. Bringing a truce between them.
As for Mineta and Bradley, they are forced to do hard labor by the Oda faction with Iku watching over them. "You miss a spot!"
"This freakin sucks!" Mineta cries.
"Don't worry...we will find a way out of here," Bradley said. Mineta huffs, "Yeah right!" As they continue to clean.
To be continued??
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chaosprompts · 11 months
IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA STARTER SENTENCES PT. 3 - trigger warning for : sexual themes, violence, and alcohol mentions.
i ended up having to do it all by myself !!
listen ... listen. it looks terrible, like really really bad.
what have i done ??
oh oh hottie alert at two o'clock.
the name's ___, i have a bleached asshole.
knock knock dickface.
if you don't get out of the way right now i'm gonna bring out the big guns.
oh hit me with your best shot you stupid bitch.
not everyone has the gift.
i don't remember that night.
i don't remember most evenings.
for the love of god please do not ask me about his dick.
i'm gonna take off my bra, blast my nips !!
he literally has the worst life imaginable.
my life has been in a bit of a tail spin.
i am trying to get my life back on track.
i spent the money on these sweet ass kettle drums !!
you gotta make it sexy !! hips and nips.
i accept payment with the following things: coins, cash, checks, food, vape pens, pens in general, and scissors.
ooo don't get caught.
what do you want from me ??
i'm gonna get a little bit rough with you.
i ain't going to no hospital !!
hey turkey's gobble gobble.
so what's the plan we just gonna bum rush this guy from behind or what ??
are you seeing this ??
hey !! hey !! gimmie some eyes !! cool your jets !!
i got all numbers.
give me the hotdog, baby !!
keep this up man. keep this up and see what happens.
i will strike you down !!
well, can i bare my soul to you for a second ??
now you say another word and i swear to god i will dice you into a million little pieces.
you haven't thought of the smell !!
god bless cream pies, and god bless america.
i command you to stop.
well the last few years i've been settling for fives, y'know ?? and i've been giving you the tens, okay ?? but i realized i could be a ten guy too.
i'm gonna go slam ass.
by any chance do you have homosexual tendencies ??
you ?? i don't know who the hell you are.
begone vile man !! begone from me !!
i am un-tethered and my rage knows no bounds !!
did you bomb and fail and bomb just like i knew you would ??
that's all that happened and nothing else happened.
oh oopie daisy !! looks like i broke it.
i didn't know it was gonna come off like that.
i've got one of those hella sweet lives.
don't do that.
the point is you'll be dealing with me today.
are those fake hands ??
have you been drinking paint ??
he totally could have done it.
oh my god you're bleeding !!
oh my god what am i looking at here ??
oh go to hell !! you go right to hell !!
you dumb idiot !!
you're not the alpha here you crusty ass fool !!
i will destroy you !!
begone from me you soy boy beta cuck.
i beg you to stop.
you can't believe what happened !!
can i get your house key ??
get away from me.
there's a lot of money in rollerskating.
you're talking about thumbing through vending machines for loose change. you think that's comparable to my thing ??
twenty-five cents is not gonna get us shit man !!
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dasha-aibo · 10 months
Look at this German vending machine
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It's nothing special. Sure, there's beer and disposable vapes, but that's just local eccentricities. Oh, and American snacks because they're fancy and unique. So far, so sane.
BUT. This vending machine harbors a dark secret. For you see, there's a second half to this peculiar apparatus.
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And also eggs, condiments, cheese and soup
For whenever you need to barbecue in a hurry, I guess
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newtthetranswriter · 8 months
Hi I was wondering if you could do a match up for Tokyo rev, Fairytail and jujutsu kaisen.
im a very paranoid person, I always rethink things over and over, I have really bad social anxiety, I like editing, drawing, I write a few fanfics on wattpad here and there.
I tend to get turned off really easily, I don’t mean sexually! I mean like I could be really good friends with someone and all it takes is for them to say one mean thing to me and i automatically dislike them, this doesn’t go for family though! Or close friends that I have known for 10+ years.
I have an ed, so I have trouble eating, I also am Autistic so I get annoyed very easily and over stimulated, I’m quite a frigid person, I don’t like hugging, but I don’t complain if someone hugs me.
I’m also very shy, I have trouble opening up to people and trusting them, I’m 18 and very weird, I also vape but idk if that’s important.
I love your writing btw!
A/n: Hello and thank you, I’m glad you enjoy my writing. I hope you enjoy this and have a great day. I hope it’s okay I mentioned them trying to help with your ed, if not just let me know and I can edit that part out. Anyway, enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
Tokyo Revengers: Ken ‘Draken’ Ryuguji
He doesn’t pressure you to do anything that could cause anxiety, don’t want to go out today, okay let’s stay here and watch a movie
Draken isn’t a very touchy person so not hugging isn’t a big deal, he just enjoys being around you
He’s also a frigid person so most people wonder how you ended up together but it’s simple, you understand each other
Tries to keep you out of over stimulating situations, like crowded malls or hell if a toman meeting caused a panic attack once he’ll constantly reassure you that you don’t have to go
We all know he’s close with Mikey but if y’all are out and about and Mikey gets too crazy over dumbshit he’ll just leave
Ken just wants you to be comfortable, also you being around lets him leave when Mikey is having a tantrum cause he’s gotta make sure you’re ok first
As for your ed, he does what he can to help, be it offering you foods he know you like or even just asking every day if you ate
He won’t force you to eat, but really wants to make sure you are getting some kind of calorie intake, even if it’s just a tea or coffee from the vending machine, it may not be food but at least it’s a little bit
He just wants you to know he supports you and when you are ready he will help in whatever way he can
Fairy Tail:  Gray Fullbuster
Gray is fine just relaxing in quiet spot and watching you draw or write
He would also stop fighting Natsu as much when you’re around just so you don’t have to deal with the noise
He also doesn’t mind that you aren’t a fan of hugs, he’s more of a I’m fine just being around you kinda guy
Gray also won’t pressure you to eat, suggests something every now and then but understands that it can be hard so let’s you move at your own pace
If he senses you’re overstimulated he will do whatever he can to either help you calm down or get you away from the stresser
Even though he’s part of team Natsu he will try and take some missions that just the two of you can handle so you can have a break from the ruckus of the guild hall
Jujutsu Kaisen:  Megumi Fushiguro
Megumi is the kinda a guy who will just sit and relax and if you happen to be in the same space cool
Doesn’t force you to deal with anything you don’t want to, such as yuji or gojo being obnoxious, he will tell them to leave if they’re bugging you
Asks you about things you’re working on, how's that new drawing going, or what are you editing today
He also tends to be cold so you not opening up quickly isn’t a big deal for him, take your time he’s there for you
Megumi will make sure you’re eating, not in a pushy way but more of ‘did you eat today’ if you say no he helps you pick something small and if you say yes he drops the subject 
He doesn’t want you to feel pressured to get help, he’ll suggest it but he’s aware how hard admitting when you need help can be
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iii-days-grace · 10 months
i got some cute organ shaped sticky notes AND BONE PENS from shein the other day! i'll write all this down later yayyy
list of things we know about Nurse Jim so far! [2]
tea drinker [1] but indulges in sweet hot drinks from the vending machine, especially vanilla.
ex-smoker. secret vaping habit.
magically good at getting kids to drink medicine. he just lines them up and it goes down the hatch.
great at decorating cookies, has an open baking habit, always brings something seasonal.
[busy with work though, so there's actually not much in his kitchen except baking stuff. has some specialized pans and ingredients, too)
Bonus: C.O.R.E. and S.I.D. the surgery-imaging-coffee robots, are also at pediatrics to do checkup scans and minor procedures and stuff.
jim would basically have many human children and two adult robots to mind xD
(i swear this one is relevant, @custer-mp3 and i know from our time at coffee shops that the bikerish guys are often quite endearingly big tea drinkers. but he likes sending kids with coins to get him snacks and beverages)
a lot of them food based for some reason, i guess i was hungry today?
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Castrated men live longer.
It only takes 0.2 seconds to fall in love.
Research shows vaping can shrink testicles and cause sperm counts to plummet.
New scientific research suggests finding new scientific discoveries is getting harder.
Not having enough sleep per day leads to a desire for sex, depression and alcoholism.
You are 13.8% more likely to die on your birthday than on any other day of the year.
Ferrero, the maker of Nutella, uses about 25% of the world's hazelnut supply.
In a lifetime, the average person will spend over five years of their life on social media.
Canada’s largest cemetery is plagued by groundhogs who keep digging up the bones.
People who sleep late have more mental stamina and can outperform early risers.
Steve Jobs was adopted. His biological father was Abdulfattah Jandali, a Syrian Muslim.
At least 1/7th of subscription service revenue is from people who forgot they were subscribed.
People who read books live an average of two years longer than those who don't, according to a Yale study.
Studies have shown that people who frequently use emojis in text messages have more active dating and sex lives.
In 2023, Canadian residents were shocked to see an enormous phallic iceberg float past their home town of Dildo.
A Japanese woman was having laser surgery on her cervix when she farted, igniting the laser and setting herself on fire.
A study found that marrying an older man reduces a woman's lifespan, but marrying a younger man reduces it even more.
The world’s first nudist colony, founded in India in 1891, was called The Fellowship Of The Naked Trust. (Good job Tolkien didn't name it!)
The most powerful way to win an argument is by asking questions. You'd be surprised at how it can make people see the flaws in their logic.
Athletic shoes are called ‘sneakers’ because, when they were invented, people used them to their advantage to move around quietly.
Walking for just one hour twice a week increases the size of the hippocampus, the brain area in charge of verbal memory and learning.
The word ‘dude’ was first used in the 1800s as an insult towards young men who were too concerned with keeping up with the latest fashions.
The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses, and still thinks you're completely amazing.
In Detroit, a man was arrested after installing and bolting a marijuana vending machine to the front of his home and selling weed to his neighbourhood. He was making over $2,000 a day.
Movie theatres in Iceland, Switzerland, Egypt, Turkey and India often have a 10-minute intermission in the middle of the movie, giving viewers a chance to visit the concession stands or use the restroom.
Diddy has reassigned his publishing rights back to all the artists and songwriters who helped build Bad Boy Entertainment. Ma$e, Faith Evans, The LOX, 112 and the estate of the Notorious B.I.G. have already signed agreements to regain those rights.
The TV show ‘Dallas’, about the family of an oil tycoon from Texas, was named by a producer. When the writer protested saying that, “Houston is the oil city,” the producer said, “Who knows that? Who cares? Do you want to watch a show called ‘Houston’?”
Peter Mayhew, the actor who played Chewbacca in Star Wars actually had to be accompanied by crew members dressed in brightly coloured vests while filming in the forest of the Pacific Northwest. This was to ensure that he wasn't shot by hunters who might mistake him for Bigfoot.
In 1940, the Nazis sent 12 spies to Britain to pave the way for an invasion. However, the spies were captured, partly due to their poor knowledge of British customs and lack of fluency in English. Two spies were arrested for biking on the wrong side of the road, another for ordering alcohol at 10 a.m.
The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is an area in London where an emissions standard based charge is applied to non-compliant road vehicles. Plans were announced by London Mayor Boris Johnson in March 2015 for the zone to come into operation in September 2020. Sadiq Khan, the subsequent mayor, introduced the zone on April 8th, 2019.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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pawgliacci · 4 months
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Forget the cigarette vending machine, the future is vape vending machine
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lesmiara · 1 year
Anyway there's this butch girl in my third period who sleeps the entire time and I can smell her weed-stench from across the table. I let her copy my notes/work when she wakes up, she always gives me something she bought from the vending machine. Even though I keep on telling her she doesn't have to give me anything. She always makes me laugh ... when she's awake. She passes my 4th period every other day, because she's skipping I assume, and makes silly faces in the window because she knows I'm the only one sitting in the view of the door. Occasionally she convinces me to come out and stay in the big bathroom stall with her and rotate her evil banana flavored vape that I hate so much. I miss it when she had a berry flavored one. I want her so bad it's making me experience divine visions. Women please help.
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notjahrethh · 5 months
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"do you vape" at Cumberland Blue Line Stop.
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Horse Hockey at Cumberland Blue Line Stop.
(high femme) (there was also an obelisk and a monolith - super scary - don't use the vending machine past the turnstiles near the monolith, it does not work.)
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yes and...?
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bad to the bone at the reservoir today
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Nothing better than red wine except maybe elk, yep, im an elk enthusiast.
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here in Busse woods, they got rid of the other sign though, so believing will help.
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meijers in Schaumburg (the bags don't cost money)
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