#vegetarian unsafe
lago-morpha · 1 year
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dinner tonight is milk tea boba, an apple salad, tomato soup, and a tuna salad melt with gouda cheese. I vastly prefer to eat tuna salad/x and cheese sandwiches while shoving ridged chips in my mouth at the same time
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otterjpg · 1 year
i never see people talk about what imo is the hardest part of dating as a queer person - how navigating coming out can be so hard during the getting to know each other stage... no, im not talking about sexuality or gender, im talking about dietary preferences
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every time my bf leaves food out at rook tempersture for a whole day and then eats it i go crazy. i try to catch it but i can't always and he refuses to throw it out. it stresses me out so much i wish i could make him stop
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suzukiblu · 10 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for @miri-tiazan and an anon supporter; the wet nurse omegaverse. 
Damian makes a disgusted noise, then heads out of the room. Jon spares a last lingering glance at Carl, who flashes him a grin, then immediately looks as determined as a half-Kryptonian pup possibly could and runs off after Damian at a mostly human speed. 
“Why are you two so cute?” Carl sighs longingly for the umpteenth time or so, tossing Lor up a little before folding him into his arms and nuzzling him again. Lor chirps in Kryptonian registers and bites his shoulder, and Carl croons at him adoringly and nuzzles him harder. If Lor weren’t Kryptonian, Bruce might be concerned about how roughly he does it, but Lor just purrs and shoves into the nuzzling even harder, smacking his hands on either side of Carl’s face. 
“Gynot jeju!” he says happily, then bites his cheek. Carl laughs. 
It means . . . well, the direct translation is a little up in the air, but from context, Bruce would translate it as “nice mother”. Or . . . “kind”, maybe. 
Or maybe just “good”. 
Clark exhales, very slowly, and his shoulders slump for just a moment before he corrects his posture and smiles politely at Carl. 
“Is there anything you need for the next couple of days?” he says. “Until the movers can collect your things, I mean.” 
“Huh?” Carl says, looking startled to be addressed. He keeps doing that, for some reason. Especially with Clark, it feels like, though maybe it just seems that way because he's been less rude with him. Well, less verbally rude. Taking Lor out of his arms without even acknowledging him is a whole different ball park, Bruce has to admit. “Uh–no, I’m good, man, thanks.” 
“If you’re sure,” Clark says. Technically supplying Carl with anything he needs should be Bruce’s job, given this is his territory, but the Lane-Kent pack is employing him, so Bruce can live with Clark making the offer. “Think it over just in case, though. If you need anything, just ask.” 
“Um–sure,” Carl says, looking a little confused for a moment before returning his attention to nuzzling Lor. Bruce supposes since he doesn’t do direct nursing, he’s not sure how to react to clients in this sort of situation. 
“Do you have any dietary needs?” Clark asks. “Or restrictions.” 
Carl blinks, looking confused again, then glances back over to him. 
“Uh . . . no,” he says, looking uncomfortable. “No, I’m good.” 
Bruce has the oddest feeling that they’ve just been lied to, but can’t imagine why Carl would. It’s not like the kid being a vegetarian or having a shellfish allergy or something would be an issue. 
Maybe he’s spending a little too much time in the cowl, he thinks resignedly. If he’s suspicious of a damn wet nurse from an agency he went out of his way to find himself, he probably needs to cut back on patrol for a few nights. He can petition Kate for help or let Dick and Jason take the lead on any major investigations, maybe. They work well enough together, even if Jason still won’t come back to the pack. Even if he insists on being practically-stray himself. Even if–
Bruce makes himself stop thinking about that and focuses on the here and now. Clark and Lois have found an acceptable candidate to take care of Lor’s needs, as far as they can tell, and Lor and Jon both seem happy with said candidate, and he needs to stop being a paranoid bastard about it before he starts putting off negative pheromones and making said candidate feel uncomfortable or unsafe in his territory.
He can do that. Obviously he can.
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A take on veganism
While veganism can do good on the world, It's current climate is toxic and unhealthy.
There is no act an individual can to that will effect the level of harm that corporations cause
The especially white vegan view of you have to be fully vegan in everything you consume is toxic, unethical, and often in achievable.
Plastic leather (pleather or vegan leather) is horrible for the environment and your wallet. It sheds a ridiculous amount of plastic products into the environment and does not hold up with time causing you to have to buy more and more. This of course causes more plastic in the environment and more expenses to you.
Most leather is used as a byproduct from cows killed for the meat industry meaning these cows would still be killed if you did not consume leather as they are skilled for hamburger etc. and then instead of discarding their skin it is used for a durable environmentally friendly product.
In again, especially white vegans, the bid to not consume any animal products leads to more harm than good in cases.
Foods like quinoa (grain that has amino acids and protein) and agave (common substitute for honey) harm farmers and the countries who rely on them due to vegans driving up global demand.
Many vegans will boycott honey as it is derived from bees, but will still consume almond milk. This is hypocritical as bees are not harmed in the production of honey, buy are harmed in the transportation to and pollinating of almond groves.
The crazy vegan stereotype turns people away from veganism and decreased animal consumption. The over the top, angry, all or nothing type creates hatred towards the vegan community steating people away from it which creates the opposite effect that it is trying to.
Critic of concepts such as meatless Monday hurts everyone. Most people can't or aren't willing to be vegan or vegetarian but concepts such as meatless Mondays allows for less meat to be cooked when it otherwise would be.
The idea that vegan or vegetarian diets are cheaper is false. This is only true if your diet is mainly beans and rice, but that is not how almost everyone eats. Produce, and dairy and meat substitutes are more expensive than animal products. Furthermore in food deserts or countries/areas where vegan/vegetarian lifestyles aren't common it may be next to impossible to not consume animal products due to low availability and high price.
Most vegans and vegetarians will allow for medications that include animal products, but those who don't create an unsafe space for people who rely on them.
Medications is not the only reason to need to consume animal products and this is where the real danger lies. Any condition that causes a restrictive diet poses a risk in restricting more. Yes, veganism and vegetarism are restrictive diets. Some, but definitely not all, are chron's, gerd, ANY ED, needing to tube feed, IBS, colonoscopy bag users, people on a liquid diet, and much more. Talk to your healthcare provider please before attempting vegan or vegetarian lifestyles if you have any of these types of issues. The vegan movement shames people who rely on animal products to stay healthy and that is dangerous.
Racism plays into the vegan movement as well. Many, again, especially white, vegans shame cultures who use animals. Cultures and traditions who care for animals, use all their parts, farm, and take care of their land and animals are much better than traditionally western practices and the need for veganism is no longer needed. The animals and land are cared for and treated respectfully. Veganism would do more harm than good here.
There us a line between ethical and unethical veganism, however the line is blurred. Knowing when it does more harm than good is not often enough talked about and I believe it's important that unethical veganism is talked about more.
Some ways to help promote ethical living besides veganism
Freegan. A freegan is vegan with the exception to animal products that would otherwise be discarded.
Ethical consumption. Buy from local farmers. Start a community garden. Have your own chickens for eggs. Etc.
Trade and barter. This works around capitalism which is a driving factor towards unethical animal practices.
Support indigenous people. They know how to care for the land and the animals. Importantly their rights have been abused and violated and we need to support them as well.
Shop local. This keeps money out of the hands of big corporations. As well as being environmentally friendly due to less co2 emissions.
Reduce reuse recycle. Start by reducing the products use consume. Then reuse what you can as much as you can. Finally recycle everything you can. This is the order that makes the smallest imprint.
Pescitarian. The only meat pescitarians consume is fish.
Vegetarian. Vegetarians consume animal products but not animals. This can include eggs, but not chickens, milk, but not cow, honey, silk etc. Lakto-vegitarians consume dairy but not eggs and ovo-vegitarians consume eggs but not dairy.
Cutting out any type of meat or animal products.
Only consuming foods that are ethically produced in regards to the environment, animals, and/or humans
Feel free to add more
Remember your health comes first, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, any change is better than no change.
TL;DR Veganism has problems and isn't the end all be all of ethicality. Reduce consumption in general in the ways you can. Remember your health comes first.
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schizodiaries · 1 year
my experience at a mental hospital
Being involuntarily held in a mental hospital can be a frightening, uncomfortable experience. I want to share my experiences at a mental hospital in hopes that, if this ever happens to you, you will hopefully know what to prepare for.
(Note: Every hospital is different and will vary depending on your location, state, country, etc.)
They should give you a booklet that lists all your rights as an involuntary patient. Try to familiarize yourself with these rights.
Phones, watches, and other electronics are generally not allowed. Hoodie/sweatpants strings and shoe laces are also not permitted and will be removed.
Upon admission they may strip search you, to check for scars or smuggled items. They say it’s for safety, but it’s degrading as hell.
They will probably take your blood when you get there, in case they have to prescribe you medication.
You will see a psychiatrist while there. Be honest about your symptoms and try not to mask. The more authentic you are to them, the more they can help you.
They may ask you odd questions, like who the president is, where a certain item in your house is, what month it is, or ask you to spell words backwards. This is to check your orientation and cognitive abilities.
Most hospitals will have group therapy or activity sessions. It’s not necessary to attend these, but they are beneficial.
You might have a roommate and they might be weird. I say this as someone who was the weird roommate. You can ask staff to switch rooms if you feel unsafe.
Staff routinely checks on you roughly every 15 minutes. It can be annoying especially if you want privacy. Bonus points if they shine a flashlight in your face while trying to sleep.
They will check your vitals every morning, usually quite early in the morning. Try not to be put off by the machinery, which might seem scary during an episode.
It’s cold af. I don’t know why mental hospitals are so cold, but you can always ask the staff for extra blankets.
If you have allergies or dietary restrictions, let them know and they will offer you the proper food. I was able to ask for vegetarian options.
It is incredibly boring at a mental hospital. Keep your self entertained with whatever they have to offer, and take advantage of the limited outdoor time they provide you.
Don’t be afraid to ask the front desk for toiletries, menstrual products, grippy socks, clean underwear, etc. You can also ask for earplugs if things get noisy or disruptive.
They will do your laundry, but don’t expect to get your clothes back. My roommate lost all her clothes after they collected it for laundry. It’s better to wear their hospital gowns.
Try not to be put off by the other patients who might exhibit strange or violent behaviors. Unless they are a direct threat or danger to you, it’s best to just ignore them.
Remember that not the end of the world if you have to be hospitalized. It’s not indicative of a personal failure and it doesn’t make you a bad person. Mental hospitals aren’t perfect, but they exist to help stabilize people during a crisis. Don’t feel bad for needing help.
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lowercasespaghetti · 8 months
Grandma vegetarianism is the all too often case of "well it's only vegetables in there", and often neglects to take into consideration said vegetable were braised in meat fat alongside your roast beef. And it's the "good enough" mentality that makes maintaining and upholding veggie/vegan lifestyles difficult or impossible. Which makes it rather unsafe for those who are veggie/vegan for medical reasons.
And Grandma vegetarianism is just restricted to your gran who doesn't understand/know better. It extends to people careless in food preparation (IE making veggie patties on an uncleaned grill that was used to make beef hamburgers), people who make exceptions in what counts (chicken broth in an otherwise vegan vegetable soup, "because it isn't meat"), and corporations that aren't absolutely 100% completely transparent about ingredients and practices used to make their food and products.
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pewmep · 4 months
Worst plateau ever
i'm a 16 year old girl and i've been eating 800 calories a day (with rare occasional binges/cheats) for about a year. I've lost 86 los in the past year and weigh about 146 right now, i'm also pretty tall coming in at about 5'8. My bmr is about 1500 cals and a maintenance of 2100.
For the past few months or so my weight loss has stalled severely. This past month i've been losing and gaining every other day despite remaining in my deficit. One day i will weigh in at 146 and the next 147. This cycle has been going on for what feels like forever and im still loosing but just at an extremely low rate, about 2lbs each month.
How can I break this plateau? I heard increasing protein works but im not sure how I can incorporate any protein rich foods into my diet. I have a strict safe food list that I stick to and i generally consider most meat to be unsafe and tbh im flirting with the idea of going vegetarian because of how much i fucking hate meat. My goal weight is 130lbs and i only need to lose 16 more pounds, but these last 16 pounds feel more challenging then the 80 lbs i ve lost.
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the-twisted-sys · 1 year
Religion and Plurality - Some general tips
I was reading some articles earlier and realised that there's very few general resources regarding possible religious clashes ,and the general day-to-day communication within polyreligious systems. Bearing in mind this is all objective advice from our own experiences, and certain aspects won't apply to all systems.
General tips:
If any alter has specific religious daily rites or phrases that need to be spoken (all the Abrahamic religions include such phrases and rites, but they occur in other religions too), discuss with the system surrounding what protocol is regarding this.
Setting up a ''religion station'' if you live in a situation where that's possible can be helpful to keep track of everything and provide a space for all your alters to practise safely.
If you have a personal calendar, encourage alters to write down any rites/rituals they need taken care of in the event they aren't fronting.
Subtlety and safety:
If you're bodily in a situation where you feel obliged or pressured to take part in certain religious ceremonies and everyday rites, discuss this with the system and explain the situation. It's always better to choose discomfort over a potentially unsafe situation, generally - but this will be a system-wide decision.
If different members of the system practise different 'structured' religions, look into online worship or religious online communities. All the major religions have easily accessible platforms that you can access discreetly, and all religious holy books can be found for free via google.
If you're still in school, if caught practising something outside of your bodily culture, a good excuse can be that you're researching for a project or culture day.
For Wiccans and witchcraft practitioners, checking the ''broom closet'' tags on tumblr or elsewhere can be a lifesaver - they're full of tips for those who wish to practise discreetly.
If you have alters with different religious dietary needs, vegetarianism can be a good solution - it covers most major religion's dietary needs, and can help cover up any 'inconsistencies'' to the outside world (ie. one headmate eating pork, one eating halal or another keeping kosher.)
For religious pendants/charms, a piece of paper with the relevant symbol can make a placeholder that's easy to destroy in a pinch.
This will likely be updated as I think of more tips and tricks, if anyone wants to recommend anything, or ask for any specific advice, just let us know.
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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National Llama Day
Smart and highly sociable animals, these animals that are closely related to camels (but without the hump) are unique and interesting creatures. With their big eyes and long eyelashes, llamas are rather adorable – and also a bit feisty!
So get ready to enjoy and celebrate these lively animals on their special day: National Llama Day.
History of National Llama Day
Though they were likely originally dwellers of both North and South America, llamas are believed to have gone extinct in North America during the last ice age, leaving them only in South America.
A cousin to alpacas, llamas were domesticated by humans around 4,000 or even 5,000 years ago, starting in Peru and the Andes mountains. Able to navigate tricky trails, llamas were often used as pack animals in these mountainous areas to carry loads of goods, while their fur was used to make textiles and fabrics.
In modern times, llamas are also often kept domestically on farms, sometimes as guard animals for other flocks such as sheep or even alpacas. Since they can live to be an average of 20 years, or even up to 30 years, owning a llama is a long-term commitment. And they love to live in herds, so it’s best to never have only one llama but at least two, or even several.
How to Celebrate National Llama Day
Implement these and other fun ideas for a no-drama-llama time on National Llama Day:
Visit a Llama Farm
Celebrate National Llama Day in the presence of the guest of honor by visiting a local llama farm, or perhaps see some llamas at a local zoo or petting zoo. Llamas that are accustomed to humans are typically friendly and like to be petted on the front of the neck or top of the head. But be careful not to walk behind them as they have a tendency to kick!
Learn Fun Facts About Llamas
One interesting way to celebrate and raise awareness for National Llama Day might be to learn and then share some fun bits of trivia surrounding this delightful animal. Get started with some of these impressive facts:
Though typically ranging from 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 9 inches tall, some llamas can get up to 6 feet tall and weigh up to 450 pounds.
Llamas can carry approximately thirty percent of their body weight. This means that a 400 pound male llama could carry around 100-120 pounds of weight on their backs for a 10 mile trek without any problems. And if too much weight is put on them? They’ll just refuse to move or will simply lie down!
Llamas are fairly friendly but when they feel angry or unsafe, they will spit at each other (or at humans). Also, they will kick or even neck wrestle with one another if they are irritated.
Eating a vegetarian diet, llamas have an efficient digestive system that contains three stomachs – and their poop has almost no odor so it makes great fertilizer!
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theadventurerslog · 6 months
The Curse of Monkey Island | Part 9
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Long gap here, sorry. Last time I ended, it was time to explore a new area of the island to find out what was going on with the volcano and generally get more stuff I'd need, and right away I was met with a feast, but no people.
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I was able to grab a mug, auger and a big block of tofu: what every adventurer needs.
Then I carried on through the arch toward the volcano to meet a man in a lemon mask.
It's Lemon Head.
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He was part of the Monkey Island cannibals who Guybrush had met back in The Secret of Monkey Island. They moved away after the carnival settled onto the island. Constant noise and tourists, go to where a cannibal felt unsafe to walk alone. And pretty sure the midway games were rigged. So they moved here.
They also don't eat people anymore.
They underwent a 'paradigm shift in their belief system' several years back. There are several replies to this but one that is always irresistible.
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"Pair of dimes?"
The associated protesting text changes every time you hover over that option. How could you not choose it?
Aside from irritating Lemonhead--always fun minus the threats to eat me--the main point of interest here is the volcano. When they first arrived the volcano, Mt. Acidophilus, was regularly erupting, belching up lava, gross. They tried all kinds of sacrifices to try to appease Sherman the Volcano God until one day they tried brie and thing got real bad. Sherman is lactose intolerant and seems to have a very touchy stomach in general--fatty foods can give terrible indigestion too. So they have him on a strict diet of fruits and vegetables.
Another ritual offering was about to happen but they were waiting for an emissary from another village who is very late now, but had better be a vegetarian and non-cannibals are forbidden from witnessing it.
I needed a way to see their ceremony and they were waiting for their vegetarian emissary.
Tofu time!
The chisel or the auger can be used on the block of tofu to make a mask, which you then put on for the glory of a giant block of tofu over Guybrush's head.
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But it worked and I was allowed into the ceremony.
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"God of the Volcano who resides in Mount Acidophilous... Accept this sacrifice we make unto you... in the form of flesh with high amounts of fiber and wholesome cellulose... free of all fat and trans-fatty acids... so that it might nourish you and bring your favor upon our humble village... and not upset nor agitate your Ulcertive Caldera... Okay boys... toss 'im in! You've been a wonderful audience! Thank you and good night!"
Then they hang out roasting marshmallows and I was free to do things.
I'm sorry for this, Sherman. I tossed a bit of the nacho cheese into the volcano.
"You fool! You've given cheese to a lactose intolerant volcano god! Do you know what that means? You've brought about the Coming of the Divine Dysentery!"
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Yeah... as a fellow in lactose intolerance, I'm sorry, buddy, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
The volcano erupted.
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And that got the lava flowing under the barbecue at the hotel.
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And now there's just lava running through its paths on Blood Island and it is cool looking!
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Goodsoup, was of course thrilled and the tourists will come pouring back.
It was time for me to get that tar replacement for Haggis.
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I dumped my cheese into the pot and once melted it looked like just like yellow tar. Guybrush dragged it back and Haggis approved: "The consistency of tar... but with a tangy pepper taste!"
And I got the slippery greasy hand lotion.
We were told by Goodsoup that there used to be a ferry that crossed over to Skull Island where a diamond could be found, but it stopped coming after the lighthouse went out.
I had the mirror I took from the hotel, so I went back to the lighthouse to put that back in place.
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I still needed a light source.
I'm not sure if I remembered to mention getting the tip jar from the hotel, but it was something I was able to grab once Goodsoup was cure of his hangover--Guybrush was totally taking it to fill it with tips. There were also fireflies in the clearing where Elaine is, so that's light, but they were going to enter an empty jar.
There was a barrel of sugar water at the windmill. The door was still locked. Umbrella to the rescue.
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I used it to hook onto one of the windmill blades and was carried to the top where the barrel was. I filled the jar with sugar water and was able to walk back down.
With the jar of sugar water I was able to catch some fireflies.
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There are two mistakes that can be made with the fireflies: no putting the lid on the jar, so they simply leave again, or not poking holes in the lid (chisel again! or auger) before putting it on and then they die...
While I was there anyway, I used the hand lotion to get the ring off Elaine's finger. The cursed ring explodes into nothing and now I just needed the complete diamond ring.
I brought the light back to the lighhouse and with a mirror and fireflies the restoration was complete.
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I returned to the little beach bay area to meet The Lost Welshman.
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He was, well, lost out in the mist and refused to make a return trip to Skull Island without a compass.
If a reminder is needed the encyclopedia was one of the items that was kept from Puerto Pollo with the still legible entry:
"A compass is a magnetized bit of metal, floating in a solution."
I needed to make a compass which I had all the materials for:
Fill cup with the sea water Use Big Whoop magnet with the needle to magnetize it Stick the magnetized needle in the cork Put the needle cork in the mug o' water.
One working compass and good enough for The Lost Welshman.
He sailed me over to the dread Skull Island...
"Even the bravest of men must dread the horror of this place. Steel your courage boy! Now! Before you gaze upon the terrible, horrible face of... SKULL ISLAND!"
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A very dramatic scene to which Guybrush can only exclaim, "That's a duck! It looks like a great big, enormous duck! It should be called Duck Island!"
The Lost Welshman says you need to squint and turn your head a bit and oohhh so scary.
Guybrush: "If you squint and turn your head it looks like a bunny."
This exchange lives in my head.
Anyway, the not-so-scariness of this island aside, he did warn us to beware of King Andre, the greatest smuggler in the world. He runs the smuggling ring here and is as ruthless as he is bald. They make their home in the glowing cave that could be seen from the shore.
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Little bit of story-time. My memory is a bit fuzzy on this, but from what I can recall I had caught a brief look of and heard a bit of the The Lost Welshman when my parents were playing. Then also at around that time dad had, but in a hard to tell if he was being serious, sort of ominous, sort of joking sort of way, had made a comment about Guybrush dying, gasp.
I have no idea how far I'd seen into the game at this point, but definitely hadn't gotten to the fake death of spiked hangover cure. I was probably still back at Puerto Pollo. Regardless, dark, very death-like ominous figure plus that comment stuck with me, and very reasonably, I expected them to be connected!
It wasn't a letdown per se, but you can imagine my surprise when I did eventually reach this point and was met with this life-jacketed, sandwich eating, bit cranky but okay fellow and he simply took me to Skull Island while the 'death' wasn't a death after all. I suppose don't judge a book by a barely seen cover? It's some misunderstanding that has stuck with me ever since.
Anyhoo, I needed a way to get into the smuggler's cave and the only was up to cliffs at the top, where I found a man, LaFoot, and a dumbwaiter.
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Beautiful view up there.
LaFoot was only filling in for someone else and didn't exactly know what he was doing but offered to let me use the dumbwaiter despite how rickety it seemed and not being built for much. It wasn't like there were many options though, so it was time to take the plunge.
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While Guybrush falls there's the opportunity to use items, or let him fall all the way down to the rocks, but he's fiiine, lovable cartoon character and all. To get down safely you need to use the umbrella while plummeting which will let him float gently down to the smuggler's cave entrance.
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Where I met King Andre and his assistant, Cruff.
Andre is voiced by Dave Fennoy who also voiced the pawn shoppe owner in King's Quest VI. As I recall I commented then that he'd voiced someone in this game, and here he is. And Danny Delk, who voices Murray, was King Otar in King's Quest VII.
They have a whole James Bond villain type exchange culminating in Guybrush asking if he expects him to talk and
"No, Mister Threepwood! I expect you to buy!"
"Is it madness to sit in a cave at the top of a deserted island accumulating vast amounts of gold and jewels and stuffed animals... stockpiling plunder from across the entire Caribbean and passing the savings on to you? Is that madness? Or GENIUS?!?"
All through the conversation options, periodically LaFoot would open the door to say various things and get yelled at for letting the wind in and risking the candles blowing out.
Then we got down to business and I had the chance to ask about merchandise which opens up a completely optional fun item.
I got a little LeChuckie doll toy. He paces back and forth spouting off the usual sort of cutesy toy sayings before ending each round with something threatening and nasty. It's great.
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And he was aaall mine. "I'll be haunting ye into the hereafter!"
Then we got down to business. I needed to buy the diamond and I had a whole lotta money. Unfortunately, he wanted an awful lot of money. However, he and Cruff are fond of poker and were willing to play a hand for the diamond.
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You do need to have some money for the buy in and that where the whole lotta money from the life insurance comes in.
Once started you're given a pretty crappy hand: two of spades, three of hearts, four of clubs, eight of clubs and king of diamonds. You can keep losing and keep trying with the cards getting sillier and sillier. You can also add some card like things to your hand as well resulting in things like "a squadron of demon-trolls, a High Priestess of Darkness... and, uh, Stan, Lord High King of Life Insurance Needs."
Ultimately though, it was time to win with a five of a kind: the five death tarot cards. Even they couldn't beat five of a kind. ....But could Guybrush beat a pair? A pair of murderous smugglers?
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As things started to look bad, LaFoot opened the door again letting in a gust of wind and blew out the candles. Chaos ensued. Andre and Cruff tried to attack Guybrush but it was too dark to see what they were doing and they ended up fighting each other instead.
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Guybrush made his escape and got back to the ferryman, though he had one last thing to do before leaving which was dropping LaFoot down the dumbwaiter... Bit of grudge holding there. I'm sure LaFoot was fine too...
Once back on Blood Island the Ferryman decided it was time to pursue other opportunities. He heard there was still an opening for a chef on Scabb island (another Monkey Island 2 throwback) and sails off. Except, oops, Guybrush forgot to tell him the magnetized pin would only hold its compass-like properties for a short time. Oops. Oh well!
And with another task complete it was time for another scene at Monkey Island which opens on a roller coaster through the giant monkey head.
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The riders are plunged into lava, coming out as skeletons on the other end, more recruits for LeChuck's undead army.
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And we see Dinghy Dog reporting to LeChuck that he's found them! They're on Blood Island.
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Not looking good for Guybrush and Elaine and next time we'll see how that goes.
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nelfs · 8 months
when I went through that awful situation with my old roommate where she was super unstable and I felt unsafe/uncomfortable in my own home I interviewed at a queer co-op house and didn't move in because I A) I was lazy and didn't actually feel like moving all my stuff and B) they didn't want me to keep meat in the house because vegetarianism was a big value of theirs..... BUT ONLY ONE OF THEM WAS A VEGETARIAN!!!!! im so glad the people in the notes on that last post are seeing how batshit the queerpolyco-opcommunity is and how bad the boundaries are. I know so many houses like that too. I go to those places to party but always feel uncomfortable when they actually get involved in my personal life. I feel very validated rn lol
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explosionshark · 1 year
Uh, genuine question, but what should non vegans and/or non vegetarians do to be respectful of vegans and/or vegetarians?
And also, a second more specific question, i get that unless the person has actually said something, irl wise it’s generally kinda dumb weird and probably a bit rude to go out of your way to avoid any mention of meat as food in front of a vegan/vegetarian, but online, where the rules are obviously different,
would it be good practice to tag posts that are about or mention meat or other animal products being used as food? Because i imagine even if you don’t care it just might get a bit grating? Like when you keep having to hear a bout a fandom you’re apathetic about
Again, promise this isn’t mocking or anything, these are genuine questions, 🙏 i just believe that similar to religious beliefs, veganism/vegetarianism shouldn’t be mocked and instead respected
None of this is dumb or weird! I think it's nice that you're trying to be mindful.
Personally, I don't think tagging for meat or animal products or stuff like that is necessary. I feel like 99% of the fast food ads I see on billboards or commercials is more obnoxious than like someone posting a pic of their dinner and talking about how good it was.
Tbh the only content I actually see on Tumblr that bothers me In A Vegan Way falls into one of two categories.
Exploitative Animal Images: idk to me this ranges from like mildly annoying to hellish. I feel like a lot of images of animals clearly in distress or in unsafe circumstances get passed around as memes a lot here and it's genuinely kinda disturbing. I mean obviously pictures of living animals captioned with something obnoxious about the kind of food you want to turn them into is one example.
Other stuff would be like videos of wild animals in domestic settings where they don't belong (I hope I never see another pet sugar glider video in my entire fucking life tbh) or like otherwise in captivity under CLEARLY shady circumstances (those tiger farms for example). Otherwise stuff like videos of people scaring their pets bc they make funny faces or silly noises about it. A lot of this stuff is pervasive in Internet humor or like cute animal pages and it can be easy to overlook but I think it's worth being critical of thinking about the circumstances animal content is produced under. Tbh I think this is a good internet rule in general - esp when it comes to meme images of violence and stuff like that.
The other category is probably more obvious and the thing I most frequently block/unfollow people over - please don't reblog weird anti-vegan propaganda. I feel like I don't really have to worry about this from you, anon, since you're clearly approaching from a respectful place but there's been what feels like a significant uptick in anti-vegan content couched in progressive language on this site recently.
From blatant misrepresentations of what veganism means to holding vegans solely accountable for stuff everyone does and/or corporate marketing, to weirdly hateful and defensive screeds - there's a LOT of really popular bad takes going around. And some of it is truly wild and really shows how little people read a post before reblogging it - a couple years ago I saw several majorly popular blogs on Tumblr reblogging an anti-vegan post that had lines about the "occult implications" of veganism buried somewhere in the text and it nearly drove me insane. More mundane examples would be the recent rise of 'vegans love to pollute with fake leather bc they're ignorant babies' type posts. A lot of these don't even have to be outright hostile to be annoying, but they all fundamentally fail to understand what veganism is about. It's not a health movement or an environmental movement or a 'lifestyle' movement - the #1 concern of veganism is animal rights.
Not saying there aren't overlapping concerns like environmentalism that can be used in the messaging, but at the end of the day whether something is good for your health or for the planet is a secondary consideration to 'does this system harm a living being unnecessarily.'
Anyway I hope that was a helpful answer!
Thanks for reaching out! Have a good one!
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restorativemeal · 1 year
Menu Three
Menu three from Rowan Bishop and Sue Carruthers' "The Vegetarian Adventure Cookbook"
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Dinner Party Guests: 2
Injuries: 1 minor
Thoughts: Various
Instagram Features: ½ (own)
Menu Three:
Carrot and Orange Soup: Carrot, onion, garlic, orange juice, orange rind, vegetable stock, nutmeg, cinnamon, salt and pepper. 
Satay Rissoles: Brown rice, peanut butter, edamame, eggs, butter, lemon juice,chilli sauce, onion, garlic, soy sauce, celery,  tasty cheddar cheese, wholemeal flour, sesame seeds, salt and pepper. 
Ratatouille: Onion, garlic, tomato, zucchini, capsicum, eggplant, italian herbs, salt and pepper. 
Creole Salad: Apple, pear, pineapple, lemon juice, natural yoghurt, honey, lettuce, shredded coconut. 
Plagued by chronic fatigue but determined to get my life back in order following menu two, I decided to be nonchalant about menu three. It was the first four page spread of Bishop and Carruthers’ cookbook, but I refused to engage at full capacity. This week made me think about labour, the household and emotional labour that I put in on top of my full time job. Clocking into emotional labour, I spent two days in bed on Monday and Tuesday. I wondered about the way I allocated time, did cooking these menus fall into leisure time or was it household labour? I wondered what Bishop and Carruthers did during the day, did they also do things to trigger turmoil in an ordinary life?
On Tuesday evening I rose from convalescence only to drive to a fruit store in my area and spent the evening chopping vegetables. I cooked the brown rice too that night, thinking it could be better for the mixture if it aged a little in the fridge overnight. That was the extent to which I prepared for the menu. Four hours later and lying in bed I remembered I had left the brown rice on the bench, rendering it unsafe. On Wednesday, after a positive first day back in the office, I stopped at the supermarket for the last few ingredients I had forgotten and a bottle of sauvignon blanc to keep myself nonchalant for the next two hours. I had announced to my two guests that dinner would be on the table at 8:30pm and had written myself a comprehensive list of the order the cooking would take that day in my work diary.
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Chopped celery/salary
Leisure time mixed with household labour turned into hard labour in my kitchen that Wednesday night as I attempted to make four dishes in two hours. I spent time dressing the table at the very beginning. I’d bought napkins with the Eiffel tower on them, and placed dried flowers a past flatmate had picked about seven months ago in the middle of the table. The Carrot and Orange Soup, I didn’t boil long enough, the carrots weren’t soft when I put the soup into the blender, or else the orange juice was too pulpy, the blender blended until I smelt burning. The Rissoles came together nicely, I was skeptical considering what had happened to the rice cakes the week before. I had used an extra egg this time, in case it was true that eggs in the 1980s were different.
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Je ne sais Rissoles
The dinner party ate about 45 minutes after I had said that we would. The Carrot and Orange Soup, presented and served, was inedible due to a gritty texture. The Rissoles were flavourless though edible. The Ratatouille was edible though I received complaints that the eggplant hadn’t cooked, no fault of my own as I had followed Bishop and Carruthers’ instructions line for line, minute for minute. The final element of the menu was the Creole Salad. Highly discussed but had little takers and no place in the menu perhaps. 
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Burnt hand serving hot bowls of soup, Creole Salad pictured in the largest bowl
Menu three felt like a return to order, as I had predicted. Following Menu two there was a stark need to detach from the internalisation of this journey toward self-discovery and reconnect with the material element for Menu three. I posted a photo of myself cooking to my Instagram story.
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gloamfall · 2 years
thought of some Lepidia lore at work today that im going to turn into a codex note in the mod later, but its about their cuisine!
based on how butterflies will eat rotten meat and blood irl to absorb the nutrients, lepidia also have a preference for eating and preparing meat that has partially decayed or started the decay process
their vegetarian food is pretty normal (fresh, well-cooked, and safe for other species to consume), but anything meat-related from a lepidia chef is most likely unsafe for other species (except for those that can also digest decaying meat without issues)
obvs this is going to be mostly in the lore, because im unsure if i can give lepidia meat-based food adverse effects for non-lepid characters, but we'll see
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idolsummons · 2 years
@escapedartgeek 。・゚✫ continued from ♥
Guilt gnawed away at her. Once a decision had been made about where they should order from, Hana had asked Zora to go and order the food. The less she had to interact with people, the better; one might think she would get used to the stares and the way people would step away from her but, despite not betraying her feelings, it never really got easier. The smallest little thing was what caused her grief, but she was so used to fending for herself... Alas, that was not the reason the food remained untouched. They had retreated, at Hana's behest, to somewhere that no others wandered. Though the area was dim, lit only by the moon with the distant streetlights seen far from their location, she did not feel unsafe (such was a difficult thing to feel when everyone else feared you). She hoped Zora did not feel uncomfortable with the current arrangement. 'No, it's just....' Hana looked down at her vegetarian fried rice. Damn it. She tried so hard to fit in. Even when it was just the two of them - and it was possible that Hana wanted to impress the one who she felt was the only friend she'd ever made - she tried so hard to ignore those thoughts in the back of her head. She had learnt what was and wasn't considered normal to some extent, and she knew that her usual diet when she was alone was not considered normal. It was why she had chosen this meal, trying so, so hard, to not repulse them, but those thoughts kept speeding through her mind like a bullet train. Kill. Destroy. Consume. Flesh. I Hunger. 'I'm not really all that hungry, actually. Um...' She pushed her container towards Zora. 'You can have some, if you wanna try it. If not, I'll just save it for later.' Vegetarian food would surely end up in the bin.
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