#venting in the tags on a . post on tumblr also helps though
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AITA for "causing" someone's ED? (massive TW obviously)
so i (18x) have a pr0ana sideblog. i say this in the LOOSEST sense of the term; while i interact with pr0ana tags and content, i don't make any myself, and my "platform" is nonexistent. i primarily use the blog as a way to feel less alone since i can't talk about my ED in real life. it's a vent blog. i don't have the name of my sideblog anywhere on my main blog, and vice versa.
a few weeks ago, my good friend (18x) found this sideblog and decided not to tell me. over the next few weeks, we had several conversations about my ED and their dysmorphia (though according to them not a full-fledged ED), all started by them. at one point i promised them that i would try to get just a little better every day, and i do! i do try that constantly! but about ten minutes after saying that i posted something on my sideblog about how paranoid i was about calories or whatever, because yeah i'm trying to get better, but that doesn't mean i magically stop struggling. i also told them i was NOT on pr0ana tumblr or interacting with that sort of content, because i wasn't comfortable sharing that about myself. i didn't know my friend knew about the sideblog at this point.
they dmed me a while after this post to ask why i had lied to their face, or as they put it in a vaguepost on their blog, "made a promise and then turned around and immediately broken it." i got very very frustrated, since i think what i do on the internet is my business, as is my mental health. this definitely reflected in my tone, so i think i was definitely TA, at least initially.
during this conversation, though, they basically said that i needed to talk to them about my emotions and stop hiding them, and that i had to take the hand they were extending. here's where the main problem started. they then said that they considered contacting my mother or friends but decided in the long run it wouldn't be beneficial. my mother is emotionally abusive, which this friend knew, and would absolutely involuntarily hospitalize me if contacted about my ED.
i became extremely angry, both that my friend would have my mother's and friends' contact information in the first place (we met through tumblr and have only met in person ONCE -- i do not, clearly, have their parents' contact information or even their names, and this was not information i volunteered to them) and that they would use it as an ultimatum. at this point i became extremely furious and basically told them to leave me alone because no one who genuinely cared about me would do that, and i didn't understand why my mental illness was seen as something i HAD to overcome if i wanted to avoid getting literally hospitalized by my mother. at this point they told me that i was refusing to accept help and that i was "aestheticizing killing myself." they then blocked me. i was still fucking angry. i never blocked them from my main, but i did block all their accounts from my sideblog and change the url.
they later unblocked me and we tried to remain civil. we never stopped interacting with each other's posts or whatever. they initiated contact a few times, which i ignored. the first instance they initiated contact was sending me a poem they'd written about the situation, which made me feel like shit, and the second time was just saying "hey." i didn't respond either time because i didn't know how.
i saw a vaguepost that they made on their blog yesterday that basically said they were fucking angry that, after an entire lifetime of struggling to avoid developing an ED, the "person they used to be in love with" was the reason they were developing one. it was clearly about me and i felt a rush of shame so overwhelming that i didn't really know what to do with it. i dmed them to tell them that i loved them and i was sorry, that i didn't mean to hurt them, and that i didn't want things to end like they did. reading back over the message now, it feels very "woe is me" (i was crying while writing it), but basically it just involved me apologizing a million times.
i woke up this morning to their response, which was: "are you saying this because you miss me or because you don't have anyone else left? i don't want to be your last choice." i hadn't gone into the conversation with the intention of regaining their close friendship because, frankly, i don't want that. i hadn't gone into it with a goal in mind. a problem i've had with this friend in the past is that they seem to view a lot of interactions and relationships as almost transactional in a way that i don't (demonstrated by their insistence that i had to talk them about my mental health in the first place). i told them this, and told them i just wanted to apologize and that i loved them. they said that they were sorry, too, but that the timing made them "suspicious," i assume because they know i've been extremely depressed and lonely lately (i just moved to college without any of my best friends and have been making vent posts about it on my main personal blog).
i know it wasn't the intention, but it made me feel like they were using my mental illness against me yet AGAIN, and i stopped apologizing. as i'm typing this i'm trying to decide whether to block them. but i feel like shit about the whole thing, because i was responsible for the formation of their ED, and i feel like i should be able to handle whatever anger they have towards me for that without getting my feelings hurt and being petty. i don't know. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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askuemki · 3 months
So I have no idea if I’ll keep this post up, but…
A little rant abt re8?? (And cod.. kinda) maybe venting (just a mess :,)
Disclaimer, take my opinions with a grain of salt I just wanna ramble lmao
Also spoilers, maybe (update, definitely)
So I’ve been having fun dipping my toes into Donna Beneviento (god her last name is hard to spell) content. After watching the gameplays and to at least have a basic understanding for the game, I find myself really drawn to her, maybe more than Alcina tbh
By no means i’m a diehard fan or anything, recently it’s been hard to find a new fandom to get attached towards. As much as I adore cod, there isnt really much to get attached too… like sure, task 141 is a fun group and the there is some GREAT art about the ships- but I only got attached because of Valeria, I won’t deny it at all. I’m a diehard lesbian, but there isn’t really much cannon content of her?? It’s really damn disappointing sometimes, man… same with Laswell. I appreciate all of the fanartists out there though, I adore all of the content here, fanfics or fan art. With Farah, she’s a diffrent story.. personally I never really got attached to her, but as a character she’s pretty neat. Her story sort of brings to light the horrors happening today which is a bit of a benefit…?? But ever since I found out things about both Valeria’s and Farah’s actors I’ve been a little off about things here and there. I don’t think I’ll stop posting Valeria content at all, it just might be a little less offen to indulge in different things.
Some personal things have been happening to make me feel really disconnected from like.. fucking everything for some reason?? Like I’m drifting away from fandoms, I’m drifting away from people and I’m like alone again.. I’m lost in a damn dumpster fire. AI art doesn’t help with this at all.. like why do I draw?? I’ve been drawing since I was in kindergarten like I never really thought of the specifics of perusing art, more or so just that I want to. Like hey, I wanna make a game or movie series, and something in me doesn’t realize I need to put in the effort to learn shit with just ends up in me doing nothing but self pitting on something I can change and ugh.. wish I can slap myself to get out of it.
So I think I’ve been kind of finding myself relating to Donna. Not in her extreme way, more or so just her aspect of being isolated, and just being known primarily for one thing. Like.. our side of art? Damn. Shit. I think I’m worth nothing.. and with Donna we don’t really know much about her besides her being a cursed Dollmaker, and the bare bones of her past. And we both barely fucking speak man… both hide our faces too !! maybe I kin this woman or something I don’t know
But as I was looking through her tumblr tag, I saw a rant about how headcannons and stuff has been stripping away the interesting stuff about the re8 villains… and with the things I’ve seen so far?? I can kinda agree, honestly.
Don’t get me wrong, if it’s not too.. insane? (I know those boundaries are hard to define at times, but maybe REALLY immoral shit for our “normal” world) and people aren’t forcing these headcannons into other people? I don’t mind headcannons. You do you, boo!
But the fan content I’ve seen, people reduce Donna and Alcina (I’m surprised it was pronounced as AlCHIna and not AlSIna, but side tangent over) from the potential they really have. Yeah it’s definitely nice to see Donna more, especially in those intimate moments.. but sometimes I feel like people just depict her as some shy, easily gullible, girl, and not really the mentally deprived woman she is. Like I’d love to see ideas of the different dolls Donna could create, or unique imagery of her mental state outside of having porcelain skin. What about the kinds of plants she takes care of? Or the dolls she makes? I’d love to see more of it, whether she has favorites, or if it’s a situation where she has doll replicas of her deceased family. Man, I really wanna see Donna do more creepy shit, basically.
With Alcina however? She’s kind of reduced to that (I’m going to cringe at these words so terribly, god help me) “hot vampire mommy”.. I’ll take fault for not looking into her content as much, I’m sure there’s great content out there !! (I’m not sure if anyone would do this but.. feel free to send me any fic recommendations or art) With what I want to see for her? I’ve heard from the rant post as a man-hating woman she had primarily female statues in her castle, it would be fun to see what else she has cause of this worldview, as well as more whitty remarks from her; I really enjoy her throwback with Heisenberg. Just in general.. her being a comical villain.
Okay so, the reason why I made this post in the first place before all of this shit threw up from my brain. Belladonna. At first, this ship really interested me, I like the character dynamics, the art was neat. But then something came up in my mind.. (as well as another rant post on the ship..) isn’t the Dimitrescu bloodline related with Donna? Both are failed experiments from Mother Miranda, and technically adopted by her. Though from what I know, Donna is the only one officially adopted. So would that be family..? I’ve seen a few places where Alcina called Donna her sister, and it makes me feel really off.
And I’ve seen in a few fanarts, Donna technically older than the Dimitrescu sisters posed next to them like another sibling??
I would like to endorse the ship, but just the morality of everything is off centered for me. I rather not support weird incest…
So please if people could maybe clarify for me whether it would technically be okay for support this ship.. I’d appreciate it. If it isn’t okay, I have plans on making a fan character anyways, or I can take current characters and make a resident evil au or something, and ship them when Donna. (I have a character that honestly looks like a mix of Alcina and Bela, but by no means she’s relates to the franchise, lmao)
By no means I’m experienced in resident evil lore or the fandom, this is just coming from a newer fan of the series, and what I’ve seen so far.
If you read all of this.. thank you?? I apologize if I sound ridiculous here, this is like the only place I can rant abt things without being brushed off for other shit
Good night now!!! I need to stop pushing my sleep boundaries ugh
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kat-rose-griffith · 3 months
Hi. I love you blog ❤️
But I have an unpleasant question to ask. I hope it doesn’t bring your mood down and I hope that you may have some advice.
I love the Bridgerton community here and I genuinely enjoy the series analyses and the memes and love and praise for the actors. But you know how the situation with Luke has been recently.
I had to block #lukola and lukola content since the comments are mostly generated under this tag. I know that not everyone is using it romantically but I hoped that it will bring down the amount of posts that make me see red or genuinely depressed me. And I still have to block users just to remove their posts from my dash even though I thought that the filter may help.
I want to generate positivity instead of fighting but some posts are just THAT outrageous that I feel the need to dismantle them. By doing that I feel like I keep the hate train rolling simply by bringing the content of these posts into question in order to point out how harmful they are. I’ve also tried doing nothing and ignoring, but it feels like I’m letting the baseless cruelty slide and letting my principles and who I am at the core down.
I’m not sure what to do anymore and I’m thinking about stepping away from all social media for a while. But this thought also makes me sad because I used to love it here and I still (sometimes) do.
Do you have any advice? How do you deal with this? Maybe I have to filter something more? Do you see any way to contribute something good without fighting but also without hiding and running away from the tide?
If I’ve overstepped, I am sorry, and if you decide to remove the ask or not answer it I would absolutely understand. Thank you for listening in any case ❤️
Oh my gosh you’re so sweet. Thank you so much for enjoying my blog. That means so much to me and I truly appreciate it!
As far as advice goes I don’t know if I have a lot. I know it can get really hard to not let other peoples hatred and negativity bring you down. It can get really frustrating especially when the hate is as illogical and unwarranted as the harassment that the bridgerton actors, especially Luke, have been getting. It’s not guaranteed but hopefully the aggression will die down with some time as people move on with their lives. Just know that you’re not alone in these feelings.
I’m personally pretty susceptible to this kind of negativity too. That’s why tumblr is my only form of social media. The way that I try to work with those reactionary feelings is pretty similar to what you’re already doing. Whenever I see something that affects me like that I just block it and move on. Sometimes I do forget to do that and get wrapped up in scrolling through the hate or typing up a response, but then I have to stop myself and think if it’s really worth my time. I remind myself that these people want attention and they want the notes on their posts to feel validated in their opinions. It is hard but the best course of action is to try to just ignore them because they’re truly not worth the stress or energy.
With that I do want to say don’t be afraid to vent your feelings on your own blog. If you don’t feel comfortable putting it in the tag or associating it with your blog because you don’t want to deal with those people harassing you there that’s completely fine. You can always leave it untagged, type it up but leave it in your drafts, create a side blog just for that, or block them when they leave an upsetting comment. I’ve just found that it’s helpful to me to let out how I feel on here instead of holding it in and it’s especially helpful when I find people who actually get it and share my feelings. That’s actually one of my favorite things about tumblr.
Another thing that I try to do is just make my blog a nice place that I’m proud of, which is why you liking my blog has made me very happy. I try to share as many things that I like as I can. With the negativity in the tag surrounding Luke I’ve just been trying to counter it with any positive post that comes to my mind to drown out how negative and hateful some people have been. These people aren’t the majority, they’re just loud. That’s why whenever I’ve been making posts about this season I’ve been putting them in Luke and Nicola’s tags. If you have other social media accounts spamming the cast and their tags with love, complements, or just anything that’s not hateful to counter the hate spamming that they get is always a good idea too.
All that being said if it is all too much I always recommend just stepping away from social media for a second. It can be very overwhelming and hard to remember that it’s not real life, so if you ever feel like it’s effecting you too much just check in with yourself and walk away, for at least a bit.
I know that’s not great advice, but I’m going to post this in all of the tags that I use for bridgerton to see if anyone else has any advice that might be a bit more helpful. I’m very sorry that you’ve been experiencing this too and I hope that it gets better. Thank you so much for liking my blog, that really did make my day
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worthless-misery · 11 months
After years of having this blog I felt like I should at least try an intro post, maybe...? So...
As it says on my bio, my name is Amber. I am a 22 year old black/latina transgender woman, and I currently live in Costa Rica (fucking hate it here). I speak Spanish too, and though I really don't like the language, I can interact in it too, if you'd prefer (in messages or asks and such ♥️)
I've been diagnosed with depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. Was also diagnosed with Asperger's as a child. I've been hospitalized twice for said disorders, and I've been medicating for at least 8 years now.
I made this blog soon after I was released from one of my hospitalizations in 2016. I had lost all my "friends" irl soon after getting out, and I saw this site as a safe place to express my feelings. This is a side blog, so I sadly cannot like or follow from it (or at least don't know how to), so I'm sorry I can't interact with you in that way. :'(
Last few things...
Racists, transphobes, homophobes, xenophobes, TERFs... All that gross shit, DNI.
I'll try to tag posts with more "explicit" talk about mental disorders with a #tw. However, please let me know if you find something without the tag that might need it.
I only have a Tumblr. No Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok... None of that. Yes I'm weird, sorry. 🥺
I suck at replying (like reaaaally suck at it, to be honest...) But that doesn't mean I never will. Feel free to message me if you ever want to talk or vent, as I said on my bio. 💖
This is me irl if you wondered (ew):
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And most importantly...
You are loved.
You are beautiful.
And you deserve to be happy. 💖
Please try to seek professional help if you are dealing with mental disorders.
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roboticonography · 9 months
it's getting really upsetting to see certain corners of the fandom demonize peggy. do you have any thoughts on the matter?
Oh, if only this were a new thing, anon!
I’ve been in the MCU fandom since before there was an MCU to speak of. Shitting on women characters and the actors who play them has been going on forever. People posted about how they hated Pepper Potts, saying she wasn’t a good partner to Tony because she didn’t constantly enable his erratic behaviour, or sacrifice her safety to accommodate his trauma. They posted about how Pepper should have died in Iron Man 2, for the good of Tony’s story, and when Iron Man 3 came out, they said the same thing. It was fucking exhausting.
People also posted about how they hated Natasha Romanoff, how they hated Jane Foster, how they hated Wanda Maximoff, how they hated Sharon Carter. 
And yes, there were Peggy-haters then too. They called her a “karate-kicking fucktoy” and a “vengeful feminazi” and those are the most polite terms I can recall. They complained that she was too powerful, they complained that she was too feminine, they complained that she was pointless without Steve, they complained that she talked about Steve too much. And so on, and so forth, ad infinitum.
Now, to be clear, I am not talking about some of the very valid criticisms people had about the Agent Carter series - its writing, its casting, etc. I am also not talking about the very valid criticisms people have about the larger MCU related to representation, or lack thereof, across multiple fronts. I believe it’s possible to enjoy a piece of media and still have issues with some (or even many) aspects of it, and I enjoy reading posts that grapple with those issues. I’m not even talking about venting about a popular character you can’t stand: that has its place, though I’d argue that the place is probably not in the tag for that character. (I guarantee you, your “unpopular opinion” is never as unpopular as you think.)
I’m talking about misogyny. The same tired, rehashed, played out bullshit woman-hating that has existed in fandoms, so many fandoms, for at least the 25+ years that I’ve been active in them.
And that’s still what’s happening.
Many of the posts I’ve seen that fall under this category are expressing anger that one character or relationship or storyline or interpretation of canon is getting airtime, while another one, one they like better, is not. I’m not going to argue with anyone about that. You like what you like, and you're entitled to be annoyed if you don't get it. But if your argument is sound, you should be able to make your point effectively without calling the character the grossest euphemism for vagina you can find, or speculating on the exact sex acts an actor had to do to keep her character popular.
Other posts I’ve seen are just absolute buckwild conspiracy theory nonsense. The only thing I have to say about that is, yikes. Get well soon.
Tumblr, like other social media platforms, recognizes that they get more engagement if people are forced to play in the same sandbox, which is why it probably feels like you're seeing a disproportionate number of hate posts. And anyone who writes for money on the internet knows that hate clicks are often the juiciest clicks, and so they will write articles and listicles and polls with titles and subjects designed to get your blood up. It’s become increasingly difficult to avoid seeing other people’s ridiculous opinions. But that’s still the strategy that I find best helps me enjoy fandom. 
So if “certain corners” of the fandom are not to your taste, anon, then my advice is this: block, blacklist, and just don’t engage. Don’t feed the trolls. Instead, put that energy into positive interactions. Make art. Comment on things you liked. Find your friends, and have conversations that inspire you and amuse you, instead of ones that make you angry and tired.
Thanks for the ask! Take care.
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antimony-medusa · 5 months
heyy im thinking of joining ao3 with my works, but they’re not fanfics, they’re original writings. do you think it would still get accepted/viewed by folks? bc from what i see on tumblr it sounds like ao3 is mostly engaged with fanfic, i could be wrong but thats what it sounds like lol
Ohhh, original works on Ao3 my beloved.
Okay so there are two general baskets of Original Works, and one is "everything original people are putting on Ao3", and one is the one that people do in exchanges, where people sign up to write relationships like "Teen Who Is Turning Into A Werewolf & Her Sister" or "Retired General/His Arranged Marriage Spouse Who Was Formerly The Enemy General".
In my experience people broadly speaking do not really find the stuff in the first basket on Ao3. I'm in the tag right now and a lot of these works have very low hits. The stuff in the Second basket, which is things tagged interestingly enough that they catch people's eye, with a fun high concept— maybe? Some of these works clearly have a following!
Okay so there are 286,322 works in the Original Works tag, with something like over a hundred works posted a day, and there are not hundreds of people hovering in the tag looking for whatever gets posted, because honestly, like half of it is people posting vent fic. The spectrum of quality varies WILDLY, like it does in any big tag, and there is a lot of stuff that is people just starting out. Also a lot of it is people writing niche porn. Original Work is a very horny tag. So you have to find a way to rise into people's vision.
And this HAS been done— I'm subscribed to two people on Ao3 specifically because I loved their original works, I have an original work that's sitting at 200 kudos, there's an 86k novel I read in chapter updates last year that updated on fridays where I was like "ohhh it's friday it's jewel day" for ages and it's sitting at almost 2k kudos. I have read a published novel that started as an OW on Ao3, though I can't find the title now. But again, this is the stuff that rises to the top of the 286k fics in the tag, this is not everything. So how do you rise to the top and get seen?
My first advice is luring people over from another source. So if you already have a following from other fic, some people might follow you to original works? And then if it's GOOD, they'll stick around. This is the equivalent of "this romance author I liked is trying thrillers— I might try it?" So not everybody is gonna follow you, but some might. And if you already have people following your blog where you talk about your writing on Tumblr, you can say "check it out on Ao3", and people will head on over!
And then my second advice is that if you tag and do the summary interestingly, people might click when they see you. But you have like 2 seconds to catch people's attention, so how do you maximize that?
A) if do your relationship in an interesting way that tells people something, that helps. "Original Male Character/Original Male Character" just tells me it's M/M. "Supervillain Working As A Barista/Flirty Superhero With A Caffeine Addiction" tells me a LOT more. If you can cram your whole story concept into 100 words there, you can do a lot to hook people.
B) same as you do for any fic on Ao3— your summary and tags written in an interesting way. This is the equivalent of having interesting cover copy in a bookstore— why would people want to pick up your story? Certainly not if you say "this is kinda bad but please read it", they'll put it right back. But if you say "Alice is a woman on the run from the mafia with a dark secret— she's slowly turning into a vampire. Can she find a community, learn how to feed herself without endangering her soul, and maybe even find a girlfriend or two before her past catches up with her?" Well then people know what your story is about and are much more interested.
C) you don't want to become that person with a wall of tags nobody reads, but if you do tag the right tags so that you show up in OTHER tags people might be searching: if I find your fic when I'm looking for "asexual character" or "alternate universe - high school" or "meet-cute" or "fluff and angst" or "open/bittersweet ending", or alternately, a lot of really specific porn tags, and you've made your summary and relationship and tags interesting, I might click through.
And then my third advice is to do exchanges. A LOT of exchanges do include an Original Works component, and if you can write short stories, you can lure people into reading your work because you're writing "Lonely God & Baby Abandoned On Their Altar" or Lighthouse Keeper/Siren Trying To Wreck Ships" or something, because people DO click around exchanges reading the original works because they're fun and there aren't 286 of them, there are 12 of them in an exchange. If you like writing for a challenge, you can get people to read your work if you write it for an event.
So I'm not an expert in either original works or getting my work seen, I am not good at search engine optimization, but that is some stuff I have seen other people doing. Good luck!
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snickerzanddoodlez · 1 month
SnickerDoodlez | She / Her | 16
Nice to meet y’all! You can call me any variation of my username! I’m the director of Wordgirl: Rewired, the unofficial fan reboot! (This isn’t just a pipe-dream project- we have already released a few ten-minute episodes!) If that interests you even at all, check ‘em out! And by the way, applications are open!
My other main blogs are @my-silly-little-guys and @crown-of-roses-thsc, for OCs and my Henry Stickmin AU comic respectively! My newest main is @the-only-teruteru-fan, which…tells you all you need to know-
My main socials are Tumblr, Toyhou.se, and YouTube! I also take commissions!
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1. I try to avoid venting on this blog, so don’t worry about that! It will happen from time to time- a teenager with depression, who woulda guessed?- but I try to keep it private! If I do vent, it’s usually just through passing jokes, angsty art, a short post, or words of encouragement I wish I’d heard!
3. My rules and boundaries are few- just keep in mind that I am 16!
4. I’m a huge advocate for cringe! Create that Mary Sue! Be the next Ebony Darkness Dimentia Raven Way! I encourage it! I’ve obsessed over my fair share of Danganronpa characters- who am I to judge?
5. Do not spread hate. While I do think that everyone has a right to express their opinions or beliefs, I do not want anything to do with people who advocate for zoophilia, racism, pedophilia, etc.
6. I’m a Christian, but I don’t often post about it- my relationship with God is between Him and me! However, please don’t let this be a turn-off for you- though you’ve no doubt heard many stereotypes, I do not associate myself with Christians that are hateful or cruel…that’s not following God’s teachings.
7. l ask that current events are discussed elsewhere, as for me and many others, these blogs are places to escape reality. As well as this, please do not message me or send me asks pertaining to charities and seeking donations- though I wish those who truly need it help and support, this just isn't a place for it.
8. I am perfectly okay with people monetizing content pertaining to my creations, so long as the content itself is their own work! As well as this, I’m okay with people translating my work or making creative interpretations!
9. Please send me asks! Please! | need! Social interaction! And to talk about! My OCs! PLEASE TAG ME. IF YOU'RE DEBATING WHETHER YOU SHOULD OR SHOULDN'T, THAT MEANS YOU SHOULD. Although just a warning, I’m not always a fan of tag games! (Basically, I’d say- if you’re tagging me because you specifically thought of me, thought I’d be interested, or the post is about me in any way, please tag me! If you’re tagging me just because I’m a mutual and it isn’t something that I need to see, then I’m going to be less keen. But hey, I don’t really mind!)
10. Reach out to me for….whatever you want! Think I’m cool? Thanks! Got a question? Go for it! Wanna be friends? I’m flattered! I’m pretty open with things!
Oh, and my biggest fandoms right now are~
-Hidden Beneath! (Or the fandom I wish it had, haha!) @my-silly-little-guys
-The Henry Stickmin Collection @crown-of-roses-thsc
-Warrior Cats
-Danganronpa @the-only-teruteru-fan
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campgender · 3 months
So I say this with all the love and respect in my heart- I understand you feeling isolated or othered by people saying “men dni” on posts/blogs that you relate to, but fairly regularly complaining about it publicly from the standpoint of the man who is being asked to not interact, has a very “not all men” smell to it that makes it hard to like, empathize with the very real issues underneath this particular phenomenon. Also, in a very real moment of honesty, I think you know that you- tme bigender high femme fagdyke- are not the man in question that women don’t want to interact with. I don’t mean for this to come across aggressive or insincere, I just think it might be beneficial for you to reframe how you’ve been thinking about this issue, and it might help you feel less targeted by other queer people who are not trying to attack you.
wait, so i am a real man when it’s sexist of me to complain, but i’m not the real man they mean so the exclusionism i’m complaining about isn’t actually affecting me anyway? okay, got it: my gender is whatever gets me to shut up fastest.
speaking of my silence i’m very fascinated by your definition of ‘fairly regular’ since to my knowledge i’ve made 5 posts in the past 3 months that even reference this phenomenon, all of which except the ask meme response i posted yesterday are & have been unrebloggable due to my rampant fear of being accused of this very bullshit for so much as glancing in the direction of my own experiences!
if you last read those posts when they were made then it makes sense why you wouldn’t remember what i said in the longest of those, back on march 10 (link):
To Be Clear. my issue is not with people having certain boundaries, even when i disagree with the political implications! but i have had the tags “#men dni” and “#men do not interact” and “#men don’t interact” filtered for years, and i have the text “men dni” and “men do not interact” and “men don’t interact” filtered even though tumblr’s filtering system means that also blocks posts that are specifying something like “cishet men” (or even, occasionally, “i’m a man, men dni blogs don’t rb”), unnecessarily blocking posts people would’ve been fine with / happy about me engaging with, out of an abundance of goddamn fucking caution but apparently the burden remains on me to check individual bios before liking + reblogging a post every time i think the op might potentially be expecting me to self-gatekeep out of it.
but of course as you’ve so kindly pointed out the expectation to self-gatekeep is all in my head! never mind how many people reblog my femme posts with a cool url or insightful tags whose blog when i check it out specifically says something to the effect of “trans men this means you too” after their men dni policy. but since i obviously haven’t been thorough enough in my brief sporadic generally filter-tagged vent posts, let me be perfectly clear:
while i may feel a twinge of disappointment over a femme gender meme & frustration over a butch positivity post created by blogs with ‘men dni’ policies, my core issue here is blogs that self-brand as femme/queer/dyke/whatever archivists who are expecting me to gatekeep my access to my own history. that is why i started reading full texts myself & that is why i post excerpts anyone can reblog & that is why my tumblr has been left to run her queue for days at a time while i try to resolidify myself in the arguments of four decades ago instead.
so thank you for the reminder that no amount of self-censorship is enough 💖 i’ll try harder to stop playing this rigged game 💖
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personadaylight · 4 months
But even though they're plastic, you still want them, right? ═════════ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ═════════
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Hello and welcome to my blog, where I do stupid stuff yeah and I also post art sometimes
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I'm a minor . Please do not start asking why I have alts or other accs! it is for my own personal reasons or something else more to be added Asks surrounding fund-me things I can't help you with , I'm sorry I'm here on tumblr to have fun and to enjoy simple things which means asks about serious things is not for me , that also includes vent asks
[ TAGS!!! ]
[ unfiltered thoughts ] I forget to use it because my adhd is fighting against my autism [ asks ] Answering inbox [ reblogs ] Reblogging posts [ I'm sending out an SOS ] I'm not in danger. it's a reference to a song [ marart ] when I post new art this tag will be used [ my art ] or this tag [ messy ] a tag for maybe if I feel tired or like a light vent , I'm not exactly one to vent but maybe If I feel odd I'll use this note, I forget to tag things
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I have ADHD and autism !!! please use tone tags if you can. Do tell me if you want me to stop reblogging or interact with your blog if you feel I'm spamming you ^^ I love it when mutuals interact with me, just probably not in DMS It is reserved for friends I've really gotten to trusting ! (doesn't mean my DMS aren't open! you can always ask or maybe you already have DMS so I'm fine with that)
LISTEN HERE FRIEND !!! I post random stuff and that means these random thoughts no one asked for and etc etc - sick miku (I wrote this specific part while I was sick) also, my intro isn’t mobile-friendly bc it looks wonky on mobile :,) Atleast , it does for me
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drawing from nsotf nsotf, DDLC, ISAT, vocaloid (m-mesmerizer), STP, WoF, atrd (askblog), Lacey games
( I bet that your pronouns are uhh she / haur haur haurhaurhaur haur haurhaur haurhaur ) ( 07 ) ( miku's aus )
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(I haven't actually fallen off a bridge before)
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turtletaubwrites · 4 months
With your message about ur mental health and stuff, thank you for putting that out there. Mental health is extremely important, and it’s good to prioritize that. On that note, it brings me such joy that you have a community here and that you enjoy writing as much as I enjoy reading your stories. Genuinely, if you ever need to reach out or rant to anyone, there is a community of people here for you. We really value the time you put into your stories. The care you put into the characters and the plot. Thank you for the check in. On that note, ahhhhhh I love numbers game so much! Also I’m the same way with the white beard pirates. I love their dynamic so much and ahhh I won’t go too into now since I don’t wanna get you off track. Just know when it’s the white beard pirates time to shine I will be here!!!!!
- ⭐️ anon
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😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you!! It means so much to me that y'all are here hanging out, reading my words, AND being so dang kind!! 😭🙏🏼
I'm also so grateful that I can be open about my mental health here. I do my best to tag it, and "keep reading" the heavy or in depth stuff, but it is so lovely. I used to be incredibly open and outspoken about mental health awareness, and would discuss my diagnoses publicly (even did some keynote speaking about it), but that was before I got my BIG diagnoses 3-4 years ago, and with my current job, I haven't felt comfortable speaking openly about it. It makes me pretty dang grumpy.
Unfortunately there's still a lot of stigma surrounding Bipolar and OCD. I've been open about PTSD and ADHD, but haven't felt safe enough to share the others.
Thank you for letting me have space for this, it means the world to me!
And yes, don't get me distracted! Lol, not that anything could pull me away from NUMBERS GAME right now, but you keep putting the Whitebeard Pirates in my head!!!
You are the loveliest, ⭐ anon! I hope you have big smiles today!
~ Lynna 💜✨
Below the cut is an update on my current mental health, and possible episode. It is a personal vent about the yuck, so please, please don't read it if you're not down for a dump at the moment! I will not be offended if you scroll past! (cw bipolar, cw mixed episode, cw vent post)
Tumblr is really weird about the cut sliding around on ask posts for some reason, so if you see any text below this, please scroll past it!
Thank you so much for the kind words!!
It's rough out here.
I already have a hard time doing things. ANY things. Executive dysfunction with ADHD is one of the biggest struggles I've dealt with my entire life.
Right now though, it's all piling up. Friends and loved ones texts and calls. Random life tasks and responsibilities. Work tasks put off (and my company falling apart isn't helping me with that motivation 😩). Job hunting is not happening as it should.
My physical health is not great right now, and it's making it more difficult for me to want to participate in the outside world.
I have a feeling I'm in another mixed episode (a lovely cocktail of mania and depression 🙃). The intense hyperfixation that is going beyond the adhd levels, plus the espresso depresso times point to that.
Or maybe I'm just focusing on the thing that is bringing me comfort and joy during this difficult time.
Either way, all I want to do is write. I'm working with my therapist on pushing myself back into doing other things in the world. I'm going to visit family this weekend. I'm slowly, slowly getting there.
But honestly, I'm just so grateful to have this right now. To have these stories, to have people read them and enjoy them, and talk to me about them. I've never had a hobby or hyperfixation that was so rewarding, healing, or this long term. I know that I would not be doing well with my current circumstances if I didn't have these stories running through my brain everyday, and the satisfaction of capturing and sharing them.
Life sucks (not always, lol 🙃), but we find the things that make it bearable. That give us some joy.
Right now, that's Cross Guild smut & angst 😅
And all of you kind, funny, wonderful people in this lil corner of the internet.
You have no idea how much it means to me 💜💜💜
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masked-and-doomed · 11 months
Hello, I'm Kat/Kats (or Yomotsu), welcome!! I am so normal about my boyfriends.
Please feel free to ask me about my OC, UG!! Hell, even cooler if you do it in a roleplay kinda way.
Other places you can find me:
@katsdoodles - art blog/archive.
Discord: thatonekats
👆 just in case. Tumblr explodes. Talk to me if you wanna ig (I am not good at conversing. So. Keep that in mind.)
Ao3: ThatOneKat2
👆 Might as well have it here. I've been more in a writing mood this year.
Twitter: @ThatOneKats
I have a twitter now I fucking guess. A bit of bonus content there (a little bit more of unhinged thoughts) but you're not missing much if you don't go there.
Suspected BPD, have been diagnosed autistic. I will feel things very intensely either forever or feel nothing about it in the next hour max. You may see vent posts. Every now and then. Check the tagging system to block em out.
I am deeply in love and sickly affectionate for my 4 darlings. They're my boyfriends, girlfriends, besties- our relationship? Is uhh whatever man. It's love. It's love. (Also not the best fathers but hey I take what I can get)
First two being Yomotsu Hirasaka (pfp), and Takao Hiyama. They are my most intense hyperfixation of 2 years.! They are from Mirai Nikki/Future Diary. An anime/manga which I don't really like.
The next beloved is Pocketcat! He is from Fear and Hunger. He's. A silly :) There's so much intrigue of him aaaghhh ough he is so sad.
Last one !! Faust. From Guilty Gear. He's a. He's somebody. Got him on Valentine's Day. He makes me a different kind of ill. Alas, this doctor cannot cure me.
They're 💙 just like me fr. I love them. URL is them btw. Masked men, doomed.
(comfortable with sharing and gushing together with everyone. I don't mind if you send or @ me in stuff that has Faust shipped with someone, (I like appreciating art of Faust in any form :] ) just know I'm uncomfy with all (canon x canon) Faust ships except Happy Chaos, meaning that I won't talk about them (eg., fau.slayer) together.)
I am. Also obsessed with my lambs as well. (The Conclave, consisting of Axus, Libraria, Baldias, and Chronus) They mean a lot to me. I wish to give them happiness they didn't have the time nor place for. You will see me reblog lambs and tag it as them. Feel free to send me lamb pictures, effectively beaming Conclave to me.
NOTE! I do sometimes post about needing my darlings to kill themselves, or wish great harm upon them. I will not always have positive things to say about them. I am a hater as much as I am a lover. (Not the "I want him dead" (lovingly) (though I do have sadism and would enjoy killing them for the fun of it), I have genuine hatred towards them all (Libraria the least) and I loathe their existence.
(if I had to guess, this is the bpd doing its thing)
Yayaya tagging system time!
#ah rambling - general yapping tag
#[MN/funger] rambling - ramblings of MN or funger
#[MN/funger] bangers - memes/shitposts of that fandom
#oc time - posts about the little OCs I have (currently empty. DW about it)
#unnamed girlie - posts about my self insert. (UG for short)
#UG spoilers - in case you wanna go through the UG tag but not be spoiled about the endings and such.
#guy in my head - headcanon posts
#doodle tag - stuff not high effort enough to put into my art blog goes here
#reblog moment - reblogs! So you can filter them out
#lovesick - yandere / obsessive behaviour
#gatito - kitty tag.
#belalang beloveds - grasshopper tag. Belalang is grasshopper in Malay :)
#art save - images I wanna draw (typically memes I wanna draw with my guys)
#art reference material - reblogs of posts with helpful art stuff
#general reference material - reblogs of posts with whatever that isn't art. Not really 'general' perse but I don't have another word
#epic meowtual art - art by the meowtuals!
#ask game - reblogs of ask game posts
#ask game answer - answers to asks abt the ask game
#hello asker - ask tag
#tag game - reblog of posts that are meant to have you tag other ppl to continue the chain
#negative. And #/negative are used for vent posts. Make those sometimes.
#hxrny aroace on main - (mind the x) epic posts where I feel feelings for some characters (carnally)
#fanfic shit idfk - posts related to fanfics I'm reading (or something like that)
#girl what you on?? - posts where I'm in some sort of delirium, talking to my beloveds. And being ill about them.
#shit I send to fictional guy - posts I'd send to fictional characters. Will prob have their name tagged too.
#unnamed oc core - wow it's just like him fr. Many things will be tagged this btw. They are not okay. (Same person as UG jsyk)
#pocketkitty - for posts I don't want in the pocket.cat tag or reblogging posts that are like pocket.cat. (only applies to him everyone else gets tagged with their name in posts that are like them)
#robot nephew - similar to pocketkitty just that it's. Mr robo.t K.y
#silly doctor man - I fell into gui.lty g.ear and now I'm in love with this bozo. When I don't want it to be in the main tag. Yes like pocketkitty and robo bo.
#mister omelette - guy that asks which came first the chicken or the egg. Answers himself, it's omelette.
#mask quartet - fucking stupid masked bitches trying to save humanity gone wrong
Liveblog tags:
Guilty gear: #pride in my gears: sign, #pride in my gears: rev, #pride in my gears: overture, #pride in my gears: strive
Tag me in stuff you think I like!! I don't mind! Or like tag games.
There's also a *cough cough* side blog. For degenerate thoughts of mine. If you want it just give a DM ig.
Pictures i want here
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(This applies mostly to Faust. Sorry not sorry Faust. I will give you the worst horrors.)
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(This is me any time someone mentions Conclave. I wish I could say I was exaggerating. I'll just say that Conclave has spiked my libido and I've been the fastest to draw suggestive art of them and write smut of them than of any other character I've fallen in love with. I need them carnally. And I tell you, it is a need.)
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reapkusho · 5 months
Hey. Welcome.
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You thought you'd get some cool blog? Nah. The whole blog is an organized collection of chaotic thoughts. A better introduction is available under the cut. Enjoy.
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chuuya nakahara theme! matching with @still-fatemeh!!
married to the most gorgeous ever @shrii-kk <3333
TW for topics with abuse, ranting, breakdowns, cussing, among other things.
Currently mainly fixated on Blue Lock (back on my rin itoshi brainrot bullshit) <3
I'm Reaper — you may refer to me as reaper, reap, rai, or any other nickname along those lines. Simply put, I am:
MINOR 𝄞 she/they 𝄞 questioning 𝄞 writer! 𝄞 anime enthusiast 𝄞 multifandom 𝄞 Filipino 𝄞
But if you want to know more...
tags here! 𝄞 mutuals here! 𝄞 carrd here!
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KUNG KILALA MO KO SA TOTOONG BUHAY HINDI MO KO KILALA!! I am a minor—so, basic DNI. Anything that passes as a bot to me will be blocked.
I'd also like to ask people not to send me stuff about donations. I am unable to help and it stresses me out.
DNI: nsfw accounts, zoo/necro/pedophiles, AI "artists", if you're racist, sexist, overall a shitty person, proshippers, if fatphobic, transphobic, or homophobic, misogynists, ableist, zionists, haters with no reason, people who are rude to any religion, people who can't take opinions, anyone who jokes about rape - respectfully, fuck off.
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Most posts will be about rambling, rants, and fandom content. I'll post a lotta updates about myself tho :3
Occasionally, I do fandom matchups (for most fandoms i interact with). I also do kin analysis (are those a thing? whatever.) if you're willing to, then I'd be happy to do any exchange with you :) I don't do requests as of the moment. matchups (or exchanges) i've done are under the tag #reaper's matchups. and kin matchups i've done are under the tag #reaper's kins.
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Fandom I interact with: bungou stray dogs, blue lock, jujutsu kaisen, haikyuu, assassination classroom, boku no hero academia, chainsaw man, yu yu hakusho, five nights at freddy's, obey me, black butler, school bus graveyard, horimiya, angels of death, vtubers (NijiEN, etc.), oshi no ko, death note, genshin impact, countryhumans, (yes), hazbin hotel, steven universe, twoset violin + more!
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Kins: bsd chuuya nakahara, suehiro tecchou, hajime iwaizumi, kageyama tobio, bsd sigma, michael kaiser, isagi yoichi, shu iura, kakeru sengoku, mahito (yes.), geto suguru. depends what matters more to kinnies honestly. take this information as you will, be chill please.
Hopefully the way I write here and these characters up there ^ will give you an idea of how I am. I'd say I'm a cool person to talk to.
Characters I kin are so precious to me if you refer me as any one of them I will literally explode (please do).
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NOW PLAYING: Oh-oh-oh I can't help if thinking about it, only makes me cry, it keeps me wet - you know you keep me wet! 'til I run dry!
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Writing blog is @reaper-in-reverie. though it's mostly inactive...
vent blog is @nemesistic-catharsis. tw obviously :)
I also run the @mahito-spotted blog >:)
I now also run the @gods-chosen-emperor kaiser rp blog, and @egoist-jinpachi >:3 meet the others! | and our memories!
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Oh, and my asks are open. Please send some, don't be shy. I don't bite (most of the time). <3
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userboxes were found on pinterest or here on tumblr.
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nsk96 · 8 months
Hey y’all,
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I’m gonna go on hiatus again for a month, avoiding all social media. Making a proclamation like this seems to be the only thing that is effective “enough” (meaning that at some point, I’ll probably break the vow of staying away, but a few days away is better than none).
I’ve been struggling with my mental health due to everything in my life being too overwhelming for me to handle, which you can probably tell by how many times I vented for January. As a result, I’ve resorted to doom-scrolling across 3 different apps (Tumblr included) to help me feel better temporarily.
Overall though, it makes me feel much worse because I feel guilty about wasting time and procrastinating, and I’ve lost quite a few hours that I could have used for studying. (As if I wasn’t procrastinating enough without social media. Without social media, my procrastination has always been 4 walls and my thoughts, and whatever activity I could do at whatever ungodly hour of the night).
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Then I’m also saddened by the fact that writing my fan fictions or novels, or even reading, would have been healthier coping mechanisms. And I’m always frustrated about not having time for these things (though the writing is understandable because I can’t write when I’m mentally burnt out…and I’m past burnt out since 2022).
I’ll probably still stop by to vent since this site is my safest mode of diary-keeping. I will miss you all, my mutuals and followers and seeing your posts and your tags under your reblogs💙
It will also sting to be cut off from my only sources of news for such a long period, but maybe it will allow me to focus more on the crisis here at home until I finish prepare my first-aid/medical kit, go-bag, and escape plan. I still have classes to get through and then I start rotations near the end of March.
I don’t know how long things at home will be “stable” enough. I found out from my mom a couple days ago that my dad found the handgun that was hidden (the one mentioned on a previous diary entry). Neither of us has asked him about it. We just know that it’s no longer where it was and neither of us have moved it.
Whatever happens, just know that I’m determined to come back and determined to live as long as the universe wills it. Toodles for now, stay safe, stay hydrated, stay awesome ❤️
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(My dad has been discreetly digging through their room searching for the handgun for so long that it was only a matter of time until he found it. Another instance of my mom not listening to me. I told her the day that she and I previously found it, to let me store it in my room but she refused. Now he has it. I don’t know what she was thinking making it easy for him like that)
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I’m trying something a little bit new today. A positivity post because I feel like shit now. For those of you who don’t know my ex broke up with me two days ago and I didn’t really feel anything about it. Turns out I had just numbed my feelings until it hit me on my dog walk today. So trying positivity to make me feel better.
@intothedysphoria is where I got the inspiration to do this. Max makes positivity posts when he feels down and it’s something I admire so much. He also writes such good disabled Harringrove content. Like I don’t even ship it and here I am liking all of the posts because I love it all. And he has been so kind to me on discord when I vented about the breakup. I know right now is a rough patch for you, Max but I just want you to know that you kind of feel like a positive force that teaches me brilliant chaotic gremlin things. Thank you for that!!
@hargrove-mayfields is so amazing too. EJ, you were the first person I have truly interacted with online for any fandom ever. I couldn’t have asked for a better person. You have been nothing but sweet and lovely to me, and though you don’t see my jumping up and down frantically whilst waving my hands in the air every single time we interact and especially when you let me get my grubby mitts on a fandom event (again), I kinda want to let you know I maybe do that. So thanks EJ for being amazing.
@skutter We have never interacted but this is a post to make me happy so I wanted to tag you. I really couldn’t believe it when you shared one of my posts for the first time. Because you are like the only other person who blogs about Red Dwarf I could find. And I barely get to ever talk or do anything about Red Dwarf with anybody my age because I’m really the wrong generation for classics like that but oh boy, your posts bring my so much happiness when I see them. Thank you so much for helping me indulge in a silly little brain rot I have.
Also tagging @shieldofiron, @carito-dorito, @salthat, @peachyaliien (who tumblr will not let me tag despite me literally opening her blog), and anybody else on the @disabledbillyandsteveweek discord (check out that tag for stranger things content) who let me be a bit of a mess over there.
A final thanks to my irl friends Abi and Ciara who will probably never know or see this post. You two have been so amazing over the past few days and I am so sad we are all leaving this weekend down our own paths. We will meet again at Christmas when we return from the land beyond (England is that hour plane ride away beyond). My DofE besties who have been with me for so long, I can’t wait to go out tonight which you two arranged beautifully just for me.
Ciara and I have been friends for 14 years, and boy have we been through thick and thin together. We might no longer be as close but I will always remember you for being my first crush and my closest childhood friend. Also the legend who said in response to my I think I’m autistic said yeah, we all knew that.
Abi, we met later but we have been inseparable since. From chucking things at each other, to me making fun of your height (you aren’t *that* short, our friends and me are just tall), and to being the crush who made me realize oh shit, I’m gay.
And to the frankly hilarious coincidence named Jay. You bastard. Why did Ciara have a crush on you and then Abi went on to date you now. Do I have to expect my ex to date you soon? Do I? Will you haunt my romances for evermore?
Anyway thank you to anyone who actually bothered to get up to this point. I see why Max does these now. I feel better.
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thesoupisburning · 6 months
hi!! i'm soup or whatever other name you can find on my carrd - the link is in bio. i'm 20, i'm literally insane /srs, and i really really like writing and attention. this is the stuff i mostly post about that's original (or. original in the tags at least) (for sorting i mean) but i post a shitton of other stuff too (search my tags). if you interact, i'm a big chatterbox, so get used to it. i am also super paranoid! so uh. if you get blocked for being a bot, i'm sorry but you shouldve acted less like a bot. tags and more info below the cut! toodles!
btw, 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
#soup shut up challenge in which i ramble excessively, either in an original post or in the tags. more for my sorting or blocking potential guy who wont shut up tirades.
#burntsoupart it's art!!! made by me!! waahhhhh
[note. i put image id in alt text if i'm posting an image. if i've forgotten, please let me know! i need it too :sob:!]
#burntsoupwords this'll be for fic and analysis i guess. we'll see if i actually bother to sort this shit at the end of the day, but!
#iiritw my cringefail ocs and their cringefail world; the title is 'it is raining in the woods' and i promise it was conceived before stp, though the similarity delights me. follow for loser murderers and hot woman divorce
#data and soup my little experiments mueheh
if theres any ive forgotten or've yet to create, they'll go here. other than that, typical stuff. triggers are typically tagged by the word alone, and vents tend to be untagged. sorrry about that, but im usually not thinking straight when i'm venting on my tumblr account </3
i am ALWAYS okay with reblogs! if i wasn't, i wouldn't be on the reblog site. and if you're concerned, ask me - my inbox and messages are always open!
i can't directly help you if you contact me via asks. i'm more approachable if messaged, but i'm also incredibly paranoid, so just. be wary of that. i'm doing the best i can, and that's not perfect, but. asks are not a good way to ask me to ask for help.
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