#vote on this and reblog it
jinxremoving · 1 year
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alanaisalive · 5 months
Now that Eurovision is over, I want you all, especially the Americans, to take a good hard look at how the voting results turned out when people boycotted the event.
In the UK, the viewing figures were down about 2 million people compared to last year. Up to 2 million people made the conscious decision to not watch and not vote because of Israel's inclusion.
The final results of the public vote, Israel came in first place in the UK and got 12 points. Because the only people watching and voting were people who backed Israel or at least didn’t care one way or another.
This doesn't matter. It's a music contest. The boycott was still the right thing to do because it is just a show at the end of the day, and the viewing figures have more impact than the results.
But it is also a good object lesson to show you what happens if you boycott a vote over something that does matter. Choosing not to vote in, let's say, a presidential election will have similar results.
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doyoulikethissong-poll · 11 months
Boney M. - Rasputin 1978
"Rasputin" is a song by Germany-based Afro Caribbean pop and Eurodisco group Boney M. It was released as the second single from their third studio album Nightflight to Venus. The core of the song tells of Grigori Rasputin's rise to prominence in the court of Tsar Nicholas II during the early 1900s, referencing the hope held by Tsarina Alexandra Fyodorovna that Rasputin would heal her hemophiliac son, Tsarevich Alexei of Russia, and as such his appointment as Alexei's personal healer. The song claims that Rasputin was Alexandra's paramour, a widespread rumour in Rasputin's time, with which his political enemies intended to discredit him. It accurately states that the conspirators asked him "Come to visit us", and then recounts a widely popular account of the assassination in Yusupov's estate: that Rasputin's assassins fatally shot him after he survived the poisoning of his wine.
"Rasputin" rose to the top of the charts in Germany, Austria, Belgium and Australia, and went to No. 2 in the UK, Argentina, Finland, Spain and Switzerland. It enjoyed great popularity in the Soviet Union, however it was omitted from the Soviet pressing of the album and Boney M. were barred from performing the song during their ten performances in Moscow.
It's pretty safe to say this song put a impressive and unbeatable record in the amounts of votes and reblogs! 💖 This is currently the most liked song on this poll blog with a whooping 94,8% total yes votes.
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starredforlife · 6 months
hey you 🫵
make ur personal dashcon for all I care. as many snacks and as much nudity n weed as you want for whichever scenario lol. go nuts show nuts yknow? or whatever we used to say
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labyrynth · 8 months
that post about how young people use computers these days (or rather, how they don’t, instead preferring to use their phones) got me wondering
by computer skills i mean basic skills like typing, navigating menus/directories/folders, using word processors or other programs, using removable storage, etc. NOT computer science or programming.
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queenie-in-the-beanie · 2 months
I feel like now is a really good time to mention that freedom of speech in the US has exemption towards threats or incitements of serious crimes such as, mmm just off the top of my head here, political assassination.
Like very funny jokes guys but let's tone it down to non-arrestable levels here, okay? Cool, cool. Don't let the feds get ya. Your accounts and posts are literally public, easily monitored, reported, and tracked back to you. This isn't a conspiracy, this legit happens in these situations, gang.
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hauntoblogical · 1 year
I have seen three different "how much of this site is queer" polls this evening poking fun at staff's 1/4 assertion and not a single indication any of them understand statistics. One someone even replied "This might have some sampling bias" what do you mean might what do you mean SOME
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thefallling · 1 year
Dearest fellow tumblrinas, Do I have a poll for you!
Got curious.
Anyways please reblog for larger sample size
If you do I'll give you a big hug :D (with consent)
(ok just now realizing it says "less that 100" I mean less than! oopsies
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akhuna01 · 2 years
So my village has a charity christmas fair on the last sunday before christmas every year. My sister is in charge of organizing prizes for the lottery/tombola, and she always writes to local businesses to donate items, gift cards, whatever. The companies are usually really generous, it's awesome. First prize is s flat screen tv from a electronics dealer.
We have one shop for home decor that's sadly giving up its business, and donated a whole box of glass decorations.
Among them, this glass shrimp. In a fancy jewelry box.
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I'm the only one who loves him 🥺❤. My sister wanted to throw it in the bin because 'who would want a glass shrimp'.
Edit: sold!
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coconut-cats · 2 months
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Found out Jasmine Sherman has ballot access in 48 states and ballot access was the only thing keeping me from loudly supporting them but lets fucking gooooooo!!!! That's enough states to stand a chance!!!
They are:
Pro Palestine, Pro-Sudan, Pro-DRC
Pro human rights
Pro landback
"you're dreaming! They won't have the Senate or Congress necessary to enact-"
Jasmine said they fully intend to use executive orders to immediately enforce age caps and term limits among other things.
In fact you can go their site and see that in most cases the policies are already written. And I don't mean a little blurb that says "I support gay people" in a section called 'lgbt' i mean they have the policies written. I mean Jasmine has already written the policy reform and posted them. You have policy questions? Read the policy.
Can't read? No problem, they also use audible for hoh users who would benefit from having the policies read aloud instead.
Also they said in a recent TikTok that with the supreme court ruling recently confirming that presidents are immune from the law as long as they're acting officially, Sherman could even utilize their new presidential power to guarantee housing and rights.
Would Kamala do that?
Sherman thinks presidents thus far have been fascists who abuse power for their own gain while under utilizing and pretending to be powerless when it doesn't suit them. They say that they fully intend to use that power to it's full capacity for the betterment of people in the US, especially now that they have the supreme court ruling to back then up. That the people have been abandoned for too long and need someone who actually wants what's materially best for them.
Harris is NOT your only realistic option! Spread the word!
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divine0 · 1 year
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Bad Lip Reading - Seagulls! (Stop It Now) 2016
Bad Lip Reading is a YouTube channel created and run by an anonymous producer from Texas who intentionally lip-reads video clips poorly for comedic effect. Some of the channel's original songs are available on Spotify and Apple Music.
In December 2015, Bad Lip Reading simultaneously released three new videos, one for each of the three films in the original Star Wars trilogy. These videos used guest voices for the first time, featuring Jack Black as Darth Vader, Maya Rudolph as Princess Leia, and Bill Hader in multiple roles. The Empire Strikes Back BLR video featured a scene of Yoda singing to Luke Skywalker about the dangers posed by vicious seagulls if one dares to go to the beach. BLR later expanded this scene into a full-length stand-alone song called "Seagulls! (Stop It Now)", which was released in November 2016, and eventually hitting #1 on the Billboard Comedy Digital Tracks chart.
Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars films, publicly praised "Seagulls!" (and Bad Lip Reading in general) while speaking at Star Wars Celebration in 2017: "I love them, and I showed Carrie [Fisher] the Yoda one… we were dying. She loved it. I retweeted it… and [BLR] contacted me and said ‘Do you want to do Bad Lip Reading?’ And I said, ‘I'd love to…’”. Hamill and Bad Lip Reading collaborated on Bad Lip Reading's version of The Force Awakens, with Hamill providing the voice of Han Solo. The Star Wars Trilogy Bad Lip Reading videos led to a second musical number, "Bushes of Love", which hit #2 on the Billboard Comedy Digital Tracks chart.
May the 4th be with 71,6% of you!
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its-a-hare-pom-pom · 10 months
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mylittleredgirl · 5 months
thinking about the poll about canon vs non-canon ships that didn't define terms, and the current fandom focus on things "going canon," so i made up a scale.
this is NOT a question about whether canon matters to what you ship (or matters at all), just how to define the phrase "canon ship."
many ships start low on the scale and slow burn their way up, so vote for the point when you would have called them "canon." i agonized over the order (especially #4-6) for a day and a half, but i went with the order in which i think joe random with a nielsen ratings box and no tumblr account would notice/call something a romantic relationship.
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So how about that debate huh
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