#waiting for the updates weekly drives me insane back then
lianchuann · 5 months
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you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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batboyblog · 6 months
Just wanted to say thank you for being a source of actual, factual information on the Biden administration's actions and policies. This hellsite has been astroturfed to oblivion and back by right wing propaganda, and I feel my sanity slipping away more and more every day, but your weekly updates give me something positive to hold on to.
You're welcome! yeah, its partly for my sanity we're living in a very "no facts only vibes" time which is driving me a very fact based kinda person slowly insane so like putting out there the very real things Biden does, every single freaking week is nice
oh! special, here's something that will be on this week's list for sure. The EPA just banned asbestos! if you thought "wait wasn't that already banned?" you're not alone I thought so too, turns out we only enacted a partial ban back in the 1980s. This marks the first time since 1989 the EPA has banned a toxic industrial material. Asbestos is linked to 40,000 deaths every year
and in case anyone thinks "well duh, any administration would ban asbestos! thats not a Biden win!" Trump declared in 2019 that asbestos is "100% safe" and claimed in one of his books that banning asbestos was a mob conspiracy because organized crime would profit from asbestos removal. So you know, if you want asbestos banned vote Biden.
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cod-dump · 1 year
Last to Know
Ghost was assigned to a mission out of country. He was only supposed to be gone for two weeks maximum but shit happened. Weeks turned into months and no one was sure when he would come back. Soap was scheduled to go on leave but he refused, choosing to continue working and waiting for Ghost to come back.
Soap wasn't worried about Ghost, the mission wasn't dangerous and if anything did go sideways he had no doubt the man could handle himself. But he missed him. God, he missed him so much. The weekly, single texts sent to update Soap and tell him he was fine didn't give him anything. He needed to hear his voice, see his face.
This was driving him insane and yet he couldn't tell anybody about it. Soap couldn't tell Price or Gaz why he was so anxious for Ghost to come back. Price had made it clear before that dating between 141 members was a big 'no'. So he kept quiet and tried to make it seem that not seeing Ghost for so long wasn't breaking his heart.
One day, Price pulled Soap into his office for a chat.
"You're going on leave."
"Captain, I'm fine-"
"I'm not giving you the option to decline again."
Soap groans, standing to leave when Price says something that makes him freeze.
"So, how long have you two been seeing each other?"
Soap stood there, back to Price while staring at the office door. He tried to keep his voice level as he spoke but there was still a shake laced with his voice.
"I'm not blind, Sergeant. How long have you and Simon been seeing each other?"
Soap swallows and turns to Price, "What makes you think we're-?"
Price gives him a look and Soap cuts himself off.
"Since December of last year."
Price thinks for a moment before nodding, "That is the time you two started sneaking around."
"You noticed?"
"Stealth hasn't always been your strong suit, Johnny."
Price didn't have any indication to how he felt about this. His facial expression was rather neutral and there wasn't any notable emotions in his eyes. Soap remained standing, unsure what to say or do next. He's gone against Price's rules and Soap knows Price isn't about to let Ghost go in favor of keeping him.
He was fucked.
Price was far too calm right now. Soap has seen his silent anger before and this was looking very similar to it. But there wasn't any obvious anger in his eyes and he was very relaxed in his chair. Leaning back, appearing rather relaxed and comfortable. What ever was about to happen wasn't going to keep Price up at night.
"Who started it? This... relationship?"
Soap blinks, Price staring at him intently, "Me..."
"Has Simon made you feel pressured into being with him?"
"What-? No, sir."
Price hums, seemingly satisfied by this.
"Couple weeks leave, Sergeant. Better be off base by the end of the day."
Soap was waiting for something else to come out of Price's mouth. Something brash, something that showed how disappointed he was, how angry he was that Soap went behind his back. But nothing else came and Price was looking at him like he was wondering why the hell Soap was still in his office gawking at him. Soap left, mind racing. He tries to keep himself calm as he packs his bag. Where was the hellfire? Where was Price throwing him out of 141? Man had a hell of a temper. Where was it?
He left base without incident though he was waiting for something, anything, to happen.
Soap made it to his flat, shaken from his all too calm encounter with Price. He just dropped his bag by the front door and chose to go lay down in bed. This was too much and yet nothing had happened. Did Price already get a hold of Ghost and tell him that he knew? Was Ghost given a different talk, something actually fueled by anger?
Has he even talked to him yet? No, probably not. No, Price must be waiting for Ghost to get back so he can chew him out in person. There is no way Ghost isn't going the third degree, not when he's gone against one of Price's big rules.
Soap laid there for hours, doing nothing but staring at his bedroom's ceiling. Then-
"Fucking hell!"
Soap jumps out of bed, grabbing his gun from the dresser. He rushes into the living room and freezes when he sees Ghost laying on the floor, obviously having tripped over Soap's bag that he had left by the door. He was just laying on his stomach, face down on the floor, completely still. It almost like he was laying there in defeat.
"Simon!? What the fuck are you doing here!?"
Ghost didn't look up and just continued laying on the floor like that, legs propped up on Soap's bag.
"Wow, and I thought you would be happy to see me. Not even a kiss or hug or shit."
Soap puts his gun on the end table before rushing over to Ghost. He kneels beside him, touching his shoulder.
"I am- Fuck, are you alright?"
"Fine. Just tired as fuck."
Ghost finally climbs up, groaning as he sits on the floor, "Why would you leave your bag there for me to trip over?"
Soap lets out a short laugh, "Wasn't expecting company..."
Ghost tilts his head, "What do you mean you weren't expecting company?"
"I... wasn't expecting company?"
"What- You knew I was coming here straight from the air field."
Ghost was very confused, "What- Didn't Price tell you?"
Soap blinks at the mention of Price, "He knew you were coming here?"
Ghost was more dumbfounded, looking around before looking back at Soap, "Yes! Fuck, he's the one who suggested it!"
"Price was supposed to tell you before sending you on leave. Did he... not tell you?"
"No! He fucking called me into his office and asked about us dating then sent me on leave! He fucking knows we're dating, Si!"
Ghost grabs Soap's shoulder, trying to calm him, "Easy, Johnny. He's known for awhile, it isn't a big deal."
"What the fuck do you mean he's known for awhile!?"
Ghost was looking at Soap like he was insane. He opened and closed his mouth multiple times, not saying anything. Soap could tell he was thinking hard with his movements. Finally, he releases Soap's shoulder and lets his hand drop.
"Johnny... he's known since the beginning."
Soap blinks, "You're lying..."
"I'm not. I already had the talk with him back in January."
Soap gawks, "He's known since fucking January!?"
"Johnny, please tell me you're fucking with me. Everyone has known since January!"
"Not me!"
Ghost snaps his mouth shut, biting his lip. He's trying not to laugh because he's fucking with Soap or everything he's saying is true and he's trying to keep himself calm. Keep be either one. After several moments of silence, Soap groans.
"Oh my fucking god!"
"How are you the last to know!?"
Soap lays on the floor, mortified he's been 'sneaking' around everyone, thinking he was fooling them. God, he hasn't been fooling anyone but himself. Worst part was the heart attack Price gave him-
"Oh he's such an asshole!"
Soap stands, leaving Ghost confused on the floor. He marches straight into his bedroom and grabs his phone, calling Price. He waits, tapping his foot on the floor. He could feel his eye twitching as the phone rang until, finally, Price picked up.
"You're a fucking asshole!"
Price immediately started to laugh. Soap's felt his face heat up with a mixture of embarrassment and rage.
"You fucking knew since January! How could you fuck with me like that!?"
Price wheezes, "Am I not allowed any fun?"
"NO! You're not! In fact- You-You're fucking grounded from fun! Banned! No more fun for you!"
Price was losing it on the other side. Wheezing and coughing, laughing like a maniac. Soap was so mad at him but he couldn't help but smile. He hadn't heard Price laugh like this in ages. Actually, he's not sure if he had ever heard Price laugh like this at all. Soap sits on the bed, most of his rage melting away with Price having a field day.
"Calm down, old man, before you pull something."
Price slowly calms himself but the laughter never left him, "Enjoy your surprise?"
"Good. You both need a good bit to relax."
Soap sighs, "Thank you, sir."
"Have a good leave, Johnny."
Soap sighs and looks over, seeing Ghost leaning on the bedroom door.
"That's how you know he likes you."
"By giving me a heart attack?"
"He wouldn't have done that if he didn't like you."
Soap smiles as Ghost comes over and sits next to him. Ghost grabs him and pulls him close.
"Now give me my kiss, you neglectful cunt."
Soap laughs and leans over to kiss Ghost.
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steddieworks · 1 year
finally safe for me to fall - chapter 11
hi!! sorry this is so late in the day, but i've had kind of an insane weekend!
some news about fsfmtf: I've decided to go to a bi-weekly posting schedule, as the weekly one was a bit too much for me to keep up with. I'm going to try to update this fic every other Sunday from now on, but forgive me if I get off track!
Also, I just wanted to let you guys know that we're about halfway through the fic now!! can't wait for you to see what i have in store for the next couple of chapters ;)
read on ao3
Summary: Steve and Eddie spend some quality time after they put the twins to bed.
Warnings for this chapter: swearing, non-graphic descriptions/references to scenes in horror films
Words: 8.3k
The girls sleep nearly the entire way back home from the baby shower. Eddie keeps glancing back at them, a little worried that they won’t sleep tonight if they sleep too much now, but Steve doesn’t seem to be concerned about this. He hums softly as he drives, one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on the center console, his fingers still intertwined with Eddie’s. If he wasn’t so tired and concerned about the girls, Eddie would probably be panicking a little at the new, yet already familiar, touch.
“Should we stop and grab dinner from somewhere on the way home?” Steve asks as they drive.
Eddie turns to glance at him, giving him a little shrug and smile. “That’s up to you. I can cook when we get back, if you want.”
Steve glances at him, but shakes his head. His lips are twitching when he turns his eyes back to the road. “No, I think I want us to just have an easy night. We could order pizza and watch a movie?”
“That sounds perfect,” Eddie says with a smile. He squeezes Steve’s hand, gently rubbing over the back of it with just the tips of his fingers. He marvels at the softness of his skin, the way his fingers flex as he turns their hands this way and that.
“This is okay, right?” Steve asks softly, gesturing at Eddie’s hands when he looks at him.
Eddie smiles. “More than okay,” he reassures easily. “I… it’s kind of stupid, but being an omega, I really crave physical touch sometimes… so this is really nice,” he mumbles, feeling a bit awkward after admitting to that.
Steve hums. “Well, anytime you need that… just tell me, okay?” He glances away from the road briefly, sending Eddie a searching look. “It’s kind of like scenting each other, yeah? That’s beneficial for both of us, but I need you to tell me when that’s not enough, okay?”
“Okay.” Eddie nods. He nods, but he wants to say, “it’s never enough. It’ll never be enough, it’ll just be scraps of you - scraps of what I really want.”
He doesn’t say any of that. Instead, he begins humming a song, realizing belatedly that it’s the same one that Steve was just humming a few moments before, something he’s fairly sure is by ABBA. Luckily, Steve doesn’t tease him for this. Instead, he just smiles to himself, joining in on the humming with ease.
When they get home, there’s a silent agreement that each of them will wake up one of the girls and help her upstairs, so between the two of them, they manage to get both of them out of the car and to the lobby.
“I’m sleepy,” Ivy whines into Steve’s neck as they wait for the elevator.
“I know, honey,” he murmurs back to her. “But we’ve got to eat dinner before we go to bed, okay?”
Ivy whines again, this time Jasmine joining her, so Eddie is quick to intervene. “Hey, how would you two like to pick out the movie we watch?”
Jasmine lifts her head from his shoulder a bit, looking at him critically. “And we can pick any kind of movie?”
Eddie hesitates, glancing at Steve as they step into the elevator. He’s a little suspicious of her tone, but Steve shrugs and nods, so Eddie replies, “I guess.”
“Even a scary movie?” Ivy asks, her voice full of glee.
“Um…” Eddie starts, glancing over at Steve, suddenly much more uncertain.
Steve shrugs again, but waves a dismissive hand. “We’ll see what sort of options we’ve got for scary movies and then decide,” he says, very diplomatic.
The girls don’t seem to love this answer, but they don’t complain, just giving a mild agreement.
Eddie’s relieved when they finally make it inside. It’s not like they had a particularly bad day or anything, but he’s definitely a little exhausted from all the excitement. There’s also a tingling under his skin, some energy that he hasn’t been able to get out. He almost wishes he was the type of person who actually enjoyed exercise, because he thinks that a good run might just be the very thing he needs to settle the buzzing in his bones.
“Alright, how about you guys go get some pajamas on while me and Eddie order some pizza and find a movie to watch, does that sound alright?” Steve suggests, placing Ivy on the ground so she can do just that.
“Will it be something really scary?” Jasmine asks, sounding just a bit nervous.
“It won’t be too scary, hon,” Steve says, sending her a wink. “And if you get really scared, we’ll change it to something else.”
Jasmine nods, turning to go to her room to change into her pajamas, while Ivy lingers behind for a moment. She waits until her sister is out of sight, then turns to her dad and shrugs. “I think we should watch something really super duper scary.”
“Oh, yeah?” Steve asks, quirking an eyebrow at that. When Ivy nods, Steve gives her a little shrug. “Well… we’ll see what I can do about that.”
Eddie knows, realistically, that neither one of them would be able to handle something really scary, and he’s pretty sure Steve also knows this, but Eddie is definitely dubious about what movie he has in mind. Purely for the sake of the twins, of course. Not because he himself is a little nervous about watching something scary. Definitely not because of that.
Well. Maybe a little because of that.
“Pizza?” Steve asks Eddie when both of the girls have left the room.
Eddie nods, smiling at him as he tugs awkwardly at his shirt sleeves. He’s not sure why he feels so out of place all of a sudden, but he does. It’s almost like being on a first date, except obviously that’s not at all what’s happening. He’s known Steve for weeks, and has lived with him basically the whole time he’s known him. There is no reason to feel this weird all of a sudden, but with Steve’s eyes on him, he feels seen in a way that he’s not sure he’ll ever be fully used to.
“I’m gonna…” Eddie says, though he has no idea where that sentence is going. Steve pauses where he was dialing the phone, glancing at him curiously. Eddie blinks. God, he’s being so fucking stupid. “Pajamas.”
And now he can’t even say a full sentence. Great.
Steve smiles at him, a sweet, knowing little thing. “Sure.”
Eddie waits for a beat, as if Steve is going to say anything else, then forces his feet into the direction of his bedroom to actually get changed. The whole way there, he lectures himself mentally for how ridiculous he’s being. It’s silly to be so shaken up by the whole baby shower fiasco- the twins’ slip-ups, the way he felt like he and Steve presented themselves as something like mates- Eddie should not be this affected by it all. He needs to be professional, and put his stupid, childish feelings aside.
Resolved, he tugs on a long-sleeved t-shirt and his red flannel pajamas pants before making his way back to the lounge. He can hear the twins already in there, giggling and talking, and when he rounds the corner, he sees Steve crouched in front of the television, messing with something. The girls are snuggled up together on one end of the sofa, a big blanket draped over their laps, and Eddie feels his heart constrict painfully at the sight. He loves them so, so much.
“Need any help?” Eddie asks as he crosses the floor, pausing beside Steve.
Steve glances up at him, shaking his head with a smile. “No, I’ve got it. Can you go grab a blanket off my bed, though?”
Eddie nods, making a silly face at the kids as he passes the couch.
The smell of Steve overwhelms him just a bit when he crosses the threshold into Steve’s bedroom. He ignores it the best he can, making his way over to the bed and grabbing the fuzzy throw blanket folded neatly at the end. It’s ridiculous, and pathetic, but he can’t help but bury his nose in the softness, just for a minute, inhaling deeply. God. Steve smells so damn good, Eddie doesn’t hardly know what to do with himself.
Well. That’s not entirely true. He knows he needs to stop being like this.
He makes his way back to the living room, pausing when he sees Steve curled up on one end of the sofa, the twins sprawled on the other.
Eddie has two clear choices.
Either he can sit in the space they left between them, which is obviously for him, or, he could sit in Steve’s recliner, avoiding the closeness entirely. It’s practically a no-brainer.
Of course, that decision could never be that easy.
“Eddie, are you going to come sit with us?” Ivy asks, being the first to notice him standing there.
Naturally, her saying that prompts Jasmine and Steve to both look over at him, with varying degrees of smiles on their faces.
“C’mere, honey, I saved you a spot,” Steve says, patting the seat beside him.
Well, so much for making the decision on his own.
“Here,” Eddie says as he sits down, handing Steve the throw he’d retrieved from his room. Part of him laments the loss; it really was a nice blanket, and not only because of lingering scent of Steve that clung to it.
“Oh, no,” Steve says, shuffling so that their legs are pressed together. “I wanted you to get it for you.” At Eddie’s perplexed expression, Steve smiles. “I know you get cold really easily, especially at night.”
Eddie feels his face flush at that. It’s true, of course, but knowing that Steve noticed it… well, it certainly doesn’t help with those pesky feelings. “Oh,” Eddie says after a minute, unsure what else he even can say. “We can share,” is what comes out of his stupid mouth.
Steve smiles, and it’s so damn soft that Eddie feels himself melting. “Well, if you insist,” he teases before pulling the blanket up over both of their laps.
“What is this movie?” Jasmine asks, and Eddie realizes with a start that there is, in fact, a movie playing on screen.
“It’s called Beetlejuice,” Steve replies. He glances at Eddie. “Have you ever seen it?”
Eddie shakes his head, ducking his head a little so that Steve doesn’t catch the embarrassment on his face. The truth is, he’d heard about the film, and while the premise sounds cute and relatively safe, he’s always been somewhat of a baby when it comes to any movie with any hint of scariness, and he definitely doesn’t want to show that card now. “No, I haven’t,” he mumbles, tugging at a loose thread hanging from the edge of the blanket across their laps.
“It’s pretty good,” Steve says. “Me and Robin went to see it in theaters when the twins were really little.” He drops his voice, and Eddie has to force himself not to lean closer than necessary to hear him. “It’s just comedy horror, most of it isn’t scary at all, so I think they’ll be okay.”
Eddie nods. “Great,” he says, his voice a bit weaker than he intends it to be.
He startles a little when he feels a hand on his knee. “You can hold my hand if you get scared, honey,” Steve whispers. He’s got a sneaky little grin on his face, and Eddie is grateful for the dimmed lighting in the room, which hopefully conceals his blushing cheeks.
“Oh- okay,” Eddie squeaks. His fingers twitch with the urge to do just that, but he knows that he shouldn’t. Instead, he laces his fingers together over his own lap, keeping his hands neatly to himself.
The pizza arrives just as the movie starts, so Steve pauses it while he jumps up to go get the food. Eddie goes to collect plates and napkins and drinks while Steve exchanges pleasantries and payment with the pizza delivery guy. They meet back at the coffee table around the same time, Steve smiling when he sees Eddie setting drinks out for everyone. “I was going to do that when I came back.”
Eddie shrugs, going back to his spot on the couch. “I got it,” he says with an easy smile back. He watches as Steve hands out pizza, half-expecting him to go back to his armchair rather than sit on the couch. He’s surprised when instead, Steve plops right back down beside him, accepting the corner of the blanket that Eddie hands out to him with a warm smile.
The movie starts out just fine, the humor aspect more than making up for any of the minor scares they utilize. Eddie finds most of his enjoyment in watching the twins watch the film at the other end of the sofa. Their faces are slack with intrigue nearly the whole time, and the few times they do get jump-scared is quickly followed by raucous giggles when the title character makes a joke of some sort. Eddie can feel his cheeks beginning to hurt from how much he’s smiling at them, but it feels nearly impossible to stop.
There aren't any particularly huge jump scares or anything over the course of the film, but as it nears the end, Eddie does wonder vaguely if the twins will struggle to sleep without thinking about all the weird distorted characters on the screen. They don’t seem particularly worried, though, and when the credits start rolling, Eddie is both disappointed and relieved. Disappointed, because he had managed to be good and spent the whole film with his hands to himself, which meant he didn’t get to touch Steve. And relieved, because even though he’s sad that the night is ending, he’s glad he won’t have to hold himself so tightly wound for much longer, finally able to escape to his room and just breathe.
They clean up their mess from dinner, sending the twins off to brush their teeth and get ready for bed while they collect the trash and leftovers from the coffee table. It’s an easy, domestic routine by now, one that Eddie feels he could repeat in his sleep. Once they’re finished, Eddie glances at Steve where he’s stood at the sink, rinsing out the cups they’d used.
“I’ll go, um… check that the twins are in bed,” he says, fiddling with one of his rings.
Steve glances at him and nods. “Okay. I’ll be there in just a minute.”
Eddie nods back before leaving the room, following the sound of the twins chattering and giggling in their bedroom. When he gets to the door, he pauses, watching as they try to sing the song from the end of the movie, although it’s immediately clear that neither of them know the words. He watches for a moment, just silently laughing at the scene in front of him, until Ivy attempts the floating scene by climbing on top of her bed.
“What’s going on in here?” Eddie asks smoothly, grinning when Ivy shrieks in surprise.
“Mommy, you scared me!” She squeals, flopping down on her bed and beaming up at him.
His heart does that same familiar squeeze when he hears her call him that name. “Sorry, honey. So, I take it you guys liked the movie?” he asks, going to sit on the end of Jasmine’s bed and smiling when she crawls into his lap.
“It was so funny!” Jasmine gushes, her hands flailing as she describes the scene where the Maitlands make their faces all long and distorted in order to prove that they can scare the humans away. Eddie nods as he listens to her talk, Ivy interrupting every few moments, as usual.
“-And then when Beetlejuice turned into a snake-” Ivy is saying when they hear a throat being cleared.
They all glance up to see Steve standing at their bedroom door, his arms crossed as his lips twitch. “Looks like a party in here,” he teases.
Eddie’s heart bursts with affection when the twins scramble off the bed to go to their father, dragging him into the room with them.
“Daddy! What was your favorite part of the movie?” Ivy asks, tugging him over to her bed.
He sits on the end of it, mirroring Eddie’s position on Jasmine’s bed. “Well, how about you two get into bed and I’ll tell you?” Steve bargains, quirking an eyebrow at both of them.
They’re quick to obey, scrambling under their covers and looking at him patiently, clearly curious about what he’ll say.
Steve smiles at them, sharing a little knowing look with Eddie. “Well, I think my favorite part… is probably either the waiting room scene… or maybe the song at the end.”
Eddie snorts at the irony. Steve gives him a curious look, but Eddie just gestures to the twins. “Do you guys wanna tell Daddy what you were doing when I came in?”
Jasmine looks mildly embarrassed, but Ivy, ever the shameless one, just lights up, sitting up in her bed quickly. “We were singin’ the song! Well… we don’t know all the words, but we’re gonna learn them!”
“Is that so?” Steve asks with a little chuckle. He reaches out, patting the bed. “Well, how about we work on that tomorrow, okay? We’ve had a busy day today, so I think we need some rest before we do all that.”
Ivy doesn’t look thrilled with that, but she nods in understanding. “Okay,” she agrees, snuggling back under her covers. She blinks her big hazel eyes up at Eddie then, her little hand reaching out. “Can I have my goodnight hug, please?”
Eddie melts. “Of course, honey,” he says, making his way over to her bed and crouching beside it. She’s quick to roll over and wrap her arms around his neck, snuggling in closely. He pets over her hair gently, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Goodnight, sweet girl. I love you,” he murmurs. He wishes, more than anything, that these were really his children. That he could scent them like their real mother would, that he could let them call him ‘Mommy’ without feeling guilty about it.
“Goodnight,” Ivy replies before pulling away, reaching for her father next.
Steve gives him a knowing smile as they sort of swap places, Eddie going over to Jasmine’s bed next to give her a hug and tuck her in. “Are you warm enough?” he asks, smoothing the blanket out and reaching a hand up to brush back an errant strand of hair.
Jasmine nods. “Mhm.” She holds her little arms out, and Eddie leans in to give her a hug, squeezing her tightly.
“Goodnight, honey. I love you. Sweet dreams,” he murmurs into her hair.
“Night, Mommy,” she whispers as she lays back down.
Steve finishes bidding each of them goodnight, and Eddie waits at the door as Steve gestures to the nightlight. “Nightlight or no nightlight?” he asks.
The girls agree that they would like the nightlight on, so Steve dutifully goes and flicks the button, blowing them kisses as he heads to the door. “Goodnight, girls. I love you, sleep tight,” Steve says.
“And don’t let the bedbugs bite,” Eddie adds from behind him, smirking when the girls giggle.
Steve rolls his eyes, but is clearly hiding a smile when he pulls the door shut behind them.
Before Eddie can panic about being left alone with him, Steve nods to the kitchen. “I think I could use a drink, what about you?”
Eddie would normally decline, but after the day he’s had, he can’t think of a reason to. “Sure,” he agrees before following Steve down the hall and into the kitchen. Eddie leans against the island counter as he watches Steve peruse the liquor options, wrinkling his nose up at the whiskey and bourbon he finds.
“You don’t really like whiskey, right?” he asks, glancing over his shoulder.
Eddie shrugs. “I don’t hate it, but yeah, it’s not my favorite.”
Steve hums, then opens the other cabinet, making a triumphant little noise at whatever he spots there. “Bingo. Red wine sound okay?” He asks, gesturing with the sleek bottle.
“Um.” Eddie swallows hard. Wine is a bit… romantic, he thinks. “Sure,” he says, despite himself. It’s fine. There’s nothing romantic about sharing a glass of wine with your boss after a long day of work.
Steve takes a sip of the wine first, smacking his lips as he considers it. “It’s a little on the sweeter side,” he says, glancing at Eddie. “Is that alright?”
Eddie nods. It would be even more alright if he was tasting it from Steve’s lips, his stupid, horny, traitorous mind posits. He ignores that thought entirely, smiling at Steve. “Yeah, that’s fine. I don’t mind a sweeter wine.”
“Great.” Steve nods and pours them each a generous glass, handing Eddie his before making his way back over to the sofa. “You wanna watch something else?” He asks, flopping back onto the same end of the sofa he’d been sitting on earlier.
Eddie hesitates. It isn’t that late, and it is a Saturday, afterall. “Would… would that be okay?” he asks, feeling like an idiot even as the words leave his mouth.
Steve gives him a look, his lips quivering like he wants to laugh but isn’t sure if he should. “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t, honey.”
And that does make him feel a bit dumb, but then Steve is patting the sofa cushion beside him, and Eddie feels fine going to sit with him. He cradles his glass of wine close to his chest as Steve grabs the remote, clicking through the channels until he lands on something that apparently piques his interest.
“Oh, have you seen this?” Steve asks, turning the volume down a couple of notches and laying the remote back on the coffee table.
Eddie glances at the screen, frowning as he tries to recall if the opening scene is familiar in any way. “Um, I don’t recognize it. What is it?”
Steve laughs, for some reason, and Eddie looks over at him, confused. “It,” Steve answers.
“Yeah, what is it?” Eddie repeats, assuming that Steve had just misunderstood.
Steve rolls his eyes at that, but Eddie can tell he’s not making fun of him. “No, it’s - that’s the name,” Steve explains. “The movie is called It. You ever read any Stephen King?”
Eddie pauses. He has read some, actually, and the name does ring a bell, now that he gets what Steve was saying. The problem is that he actually avoided this one for a reason. Something about clowns… they just gave him the heebie-jeebies. “Oh, yeah, I’ve heard of it,” he says carefully, trying not to betray his sudden nervousness.
Apparently he does well, because Steve just smiles, oblivious to the way Eddie is gulping his wine, like that’ll help. “We don’t have to stay up for the whole thing, but we can watch a bit of it, if you want?” Steve asks, taking a sip of his wine and tugging the blanket over their laps.
“Sure,” Eddie says with a nod. He can do that. He can just watch a bit of it, and then, when it gets scary, he can feign a yawn and escape to bed. Piece of cake.
Except that’s not what happens.
He actually gets sort of invested in the film, and after the first jumpscare with Pennywise in the sewer, he’s lulled into a false sense of security, thinking the film isn’t really all that bad at all. And to be honest, it probably isn’t. The problem exists solely in the fact that Tim Curry’s Pennywise is freaky as hell, and even though Eddie makes it through the whole film, he knows he’ll be hearing that creepy voice, and seeing those razor-sharp teeth in his dreams.
At one point, close to the end, Steve checks in on him with a squeeze of his knee. “You okay?” he whispers, his eyes glued to the television when Eddie glances over at him.
“Um, yeah,” Eddie murmurs back, twisting his fingers nervously. He’d finished his wine half an hour ago, and now his hands are fidgety and anxious as the movie draws to a close.
“Not too scared?” Steve asks, and this time, he’s smirking when Eddie looks over at him.
“No,” Eddie whispers, his heart thrumming with a new kind of nervousness.
Steve pats his knee, then withdraws his hand. “Good,” he says before he turns his attention back to the television. It gives Eddie whiplash, the way that Steve goes so quickly from this almost-flirting to being completely oblivious. Maybe this is why he’s going insane, he thinks absently.
The film ends with little fanfare, and Eddie doesn’t even notice until Steve leans forward, shutting the television off with a click of the remote. He sighs, standing up and stretching, his arms going high up over his head. Eddie tries not to stare at the sliver of skin the move exposes, but it’s nearly impossible, his eyes drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
“Ready for bed?” Steve asks, startling Eddie into nearly falling off the edge of the couch.
“Er, yeah,” Eddie replies, his face flushed with embarrassment.
Steve is definitely smirking at him. He grabs their wine glasses and goes to the sink, rinsing them out to be fully washed tomorrow. When he’s finished, he wipes his hands off on the towel by the sink, turning to face Eddie with a hesitant look on his face. “Do you want to…”
Eddie’s throat tightens at the half-question. He knows what he wants Steve to say, but he knows, before Steve even finishes his sentence, that it’s not going to be exactly what he wants. “To…?” Eddie prompts, raising his eyebrows at him.
It might just be the dim lighting, but Eddie could almost swear that Steve is blushing. “Can I scent you? Before we go to bed?” Steve rubs his arm awkwardly, as if he’s uncertain about what Eddie’s response will be.
And god, that makes Eddie feel like mush. “Of course,” he murmurs, already moving closer. “After all, we missed our morning shot,” he jokes, referring back to when Steve said that scenting him felt sort of addicting.
Steve shrugs, looking a little bashful as he reaches out for Eddie. “Yeah, well… I didn’t want to like… scent-mark you right before your date. Wouldn’t want to give them the wrong impression, you know,” he mumbles, sounding petulant as he tries to duck his head into Eddie’s shoulder.
Oh. Right.
“Steve,” Eddie says, his voice bordering on a laugh as he gently pushes him back a bit. “You know I wasn’t actually on a date, right?” he asks, quirking an eyebrow at him.
Steve blinks. “What?”
Eddie nods, feeling brave as he reaches out, running a hand through Steve’s flopping hair. “I was just meeting up with a friend from high school.”
“Oh,” Steve says. Eddie notices a distinct shift in his scent, a sweetness that wasn’t previously there tinting the air. “So you aren’t…”
“Nope,” Eddie says, shaking his head. “Gareth is my best friend, but we’ve never been anything more than that.”
“That’s…” Steve hesitates, but then finishes his thought, though he looks a little ashamed. “That’s good,” he says, and yeah, he’s definitely blushing. “I- I just mean, like-” he says, stuttering all of a sudden. Eddie feels blessed to be seeing this so up-close, and for once, he feels like he might have the upper-hand between the two of them. “Like, it’s good that you’re seeing friends! Not that it’s good that it wasn’t a date, but-”
Eddie takes pity on him then. “Steve,” he murmurs.
Steve takes a breath, meeting his eyes again with an embarrassed smile. “Yeah?”
“It’s fine,” Eddie says. He wraps his arms around Steve’s shoulders, tugging him in gently. “I would’ve told you if it was a real date,” he whispers.
He feels Steve’s arms wrap around his waist, and then that newly-familiar feeling of Steve tucking his face against his neck, breathing in deeply before scenting him. “You don’t have to,” Steve whispers back. “Your private life is none of my business.”
Eddie snorts out a laugh at that; he can’t help it. “Maybe not,” Eddie concedes. “But I wouldn’t keep something that big from you.”
Steve makes a soft noise, and Eddie could swear that he feels a brush of lips against his pulse. “Okay,” he allows, although Eddie can practically smell his desire to argue some more. “I appreciate that,” he says. “But… just know… you have a right to privacy, honey. Even though we’re… closer than most coworkers.”
Eddie definitely has to choke down another snort at that. Coworkers - it feels like the wrong word entirely for what they are, but he isn’t about to correct Steve. This thing is already so fragile, he couldn’t possibly bear to actually ruin it for real.
Instead of laughing, or speaking his mind, he tilts his head, allowing himself to be scented and held, pretending in some far corner of his mind that he’s loved by this man. This man, who never ceases to take care of him, to do everything he can to be the best father and partner a person could wish for. And even if he’ll never have that love reciprocated, Eddie will always have the comfort of knowing that Steve is the easiest person to love, and the most deserving of it.
“Can you…” Steve whispers, his breath ghosting over Eddie’s neck and making him shiver.
“What?” Eddie asks, just as softly.
Steve shifts, just a little, and Eddie realizes what he wants right before he asks. “Will you scent me, too?”
Eddie knows for a fact that he’s melting with affection as he nods, nosing against one side of Steve’s throat thoroughly before tilting his head and doing the same to the opposite side. “Good?” he asks softly when he feels that he’s done a thorough job.
“Yes,” Steve says with a sigh. “You know… you can scent me every time,” he says, pulling away slightly so he can look Eddie in the eyes. “You don’t have to wait for me to ask.”
Eddie smiles, but glances down, feeling a little embarrassed. It’s like Steve can just read his mind, sometimes. “But you might not want that every time,” he says, trying to sound reasonable and not like he’s just looking for an excuse not to get any closer than they already are.
There’s a gentle brush against his chin, and Eddie looks up when Steve’s fingers guide him to. “I’ll always want it, Eds,” he whispers. His gaze flicks down to Eddie’s lips, and Eddie feels like he might actually combust at the way his eyes flash.
“Okay,” Eddie breathes, trying to control his breathing, and his scent. “If you’re sure you’re okay with it. And that it won’t bother the girls, for you to smell like me.”
That seems to catch Steve’s attention, and Eddie feels a cocktail of confused and relieved when his gaze is dragged away from Eddie’s mouth. Steve furrows his eyebrows, looking confused himself as he says, “I don’t think they’d mind at all.”
“Are you sure?” Eddie asks, allowing himself to pull out of Steve’s grip, slowly but surely. “I know you’ve been scenting me for a while now, but I don’t want them to feel like…” He wants to say, “I don’t want them to feel like you’re trying to replace their Mom with me,” but he doesn’t know how to say it tactfully. Instead, he stops there, watching Steve carefully for any indication that he understands.
Steve just looks more confused, if anything. “Honey, they love you. I mean,” he laughs a little, shaking his head. “Eddie, I’ve heard them call you “Mommy” several times now. I don’t think you scenting me would be the end of the world,” he says.
Eddie’s stomach clenches, and he knows his scent must go sour with the sudden anxiety, because Steve’s nose crinkles. “Oh… you heard that?”
Steve nods, but doesn’t look bothered at all. “I heard both of them say it today at the baby shower. And… and I know you probably told them not to call you that, but Eddie…” he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t mind it.”
Eddie balks at him. “You don’t… mind it?” he repeats, baffled. “You don’t mind that your children refer to me as their mom, even though I’m not?”
Steve rolls his eyes, his shoulders sagging a little, like the conversation is exhausting him. “Eddie, no,” he says, shaking his head. “I don’t mind that they’re calling you that, and like I’ve told you before, you are the closest thing they have to a mom. If they want to call you that…” Steve shrugs. “It’s fine with me.”
“Oh,” Eddie says. He’s not sure what to make of that. It doesn’t feel normal for an alpha to want their children to call someone who isn’t their mate by such a title, but before he can question his sincerity some more, Steve is speaking again.
“In fact,” he says, standing up a little straighter, like he’s just had a great idea. “I think that you should start scenting them, too.”
Eddie blinks. “What?”
Steve shrugs. “I scent them before school, Robin scents them every time she sees them, but they’ve never really had an omega around to scent them.” He nods at Eddie. “Until now.”
“But…” Eddie trails off. He needs to stop using the twins’ clearly absent mother as an excuse to not be close to his - Steve’s - children. Clearly Steve and the twins themselves don’t have a problem with it, so Eddie maybe needs to stop feeling so guilty about it all the time. “Are you sure they’d be okay with that?” he asks anyway, twisting the rings on his fingers.
Steve smiles at him, reaching out and twisting the rings back to their proper position. “Yeah, honey, I’m pretty sure. Ivy asked me about it, like, a week after I started scenting you. I think it made her jealous,” he says with a laugh.
And oh, that makes Eddie’s heart feel so full. “Okay,” he mumbles. “I’ll… I’ll ask them if they’re okay with that in the morning.”
“Sure,” Steve says with a nod. “Oh, that reminds me, do you have plans tomorrow?”
Eddie shakes his head, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. In the months that he’s worked for Steve, he’s never had plans on a weekend, except for yesterday morning. And yet, Steve still asks, almost every time. “Nope. Figured I’d just hang out here, if that’s okay.”
Steve lights up at that, just a little. “Of course it’s okay. The twins will be so excited that they get to spend the day with you,” he says.
Eddie smiles right back at him. “Same. Maybe we could do something tomorrow?”
“Sure. We can figure something out in the morning,” Steve replies, and Eddie recognizes that for the cue it is. But then, Steve turns back to him, giving him a soft smile. “Are you okay, though? The movie didn’t scare you too badly, did it?”
Damn. Eddie had almost forgotten all about the creepy fucking clown. “Er…” Eddie says, trailing off. When he sees the concerned look on Steve’s face, he’s quick to shake his head. “I- yeah, I’m fine.” He lies. He’ll probably be sleeping with one eye open tonight, to be honest.
“Are you sure?” Steve asks, his eyebrows crinkling up in worry. “You can… you know, if you’re scared, you could…” Steve pauses, gesturing to his bedroom awkwardly.
It takes Eddie a second to get it. And when he does, his whole body flushes in embarrassment. Surely Steve isn’t actually offering- “Um, what?” Eddie asks, suddenly desperate for clarification.
Steve blushes, scratching his neck awkwardly. “You could… come sleep in my room. If you want.”
Eddie blinks at him.
“You don’t have to!” Steve says quickly, and Eddie notices how he scoots half a step away, putting some-much needed space in between them. It gives Eddie a little room to breathe, at least. “But just, like… the offer is there, if you need it. Okay?”
Eddie nods slowly. His brain isn’t moving quickly enough for the turns this conversation has taken, so all he can manage to say is a stuttered, “O-okay. Um… I’m gonna…” he takes a step backwards, in the direction of his own bedroom.
He pretends he doesn’t notice the slightly hurt look on Steve’s face.
“Okay,” Steve says, resigned. “Goodnight, Eds. Um… sleep tight.”
Eddie gives him a weak smile. “Don’t let the bedbugs bite,” he finishes the little phrase, and is rewarded with a very cute smile mirrored on Steve’s face.
He gives an awkward little wave before making his way down the hall to his bedroom, growing increasingly wary of the lack of light in the apartment as he approaches his room. Like the scaredy cat that he is, he flicks his overhead light on immediately as he walks into his room, scanning every corner and crevice for anything suspicious. Content that he is well and truly alone in his room, he flicks the light off, all but jumping into his bed as soon as the lights are out.
It’s not like he never watches scary movies.
He does.
Just… usually he only watches them when he knows someone will be around to… comfort him, if he happens to get scared. Back when he was younger, that had been Wayne’s job, and bless his uncle’s heart - the man had spent many a night sleeping in the recliner so that Eddie could have the pull-out couch, terrified of being left in his own room by himself. Things had changed when Eddie and Henry started courting, but Henry didn’t usually like to deal with him after a horror movie. Eddie remembers being called “needy” and “childish” - both of which were perfectly true, just not very helpful, in the grand scheme of things.
Eddie forces himself to close his eyes, trying desperately to relax and stay calm, despite the images that dance in his head. Sharp teeth, long crooked fingers, a smile that’s just not quite right-
Was that a noise?
If he wasn’t so petrified, he’d probably laugh at himself for how ridiculous he’s being. Instead, he lays stock-still, his eyes just barely peeking open so that he can survey the room around him once more. He realizes how absurd he probably seems, and part of him is grateful that there isn’t anyone around to see this side of him. The bigger part of him, though… that part wishes he’d taken Steve up on his offer.
It’s not like it would be weird. Well… not in a bad way, at least. It would probably just be a little awkward, but surely it wouldn’t be that bad. And it’s not like Steve hadn’t offered…
That, and the lingering feeling that something is watching him from the closet, makes Eddie’s decision for him. He throws his covers off himself, making his way out of his room as quickly and quietly as possible. He closes the door behind himself, his socked feet aiding in his attempt to sneak through the apartment.
There’s a soft light streaming underneath Steve’s bedroom door, so Eddie doesn’t feel quite as terrible when he knocks lightly before pushing it open.
“Steve?” He whispers, peeking around the door.
“Eddie? Are you okay?” Steve’s concerned voice meets him, and Eddie takes that as his invitation, slipping through the doorway quietly. Steve is sitting up in his bed, a book in his lap, the lamp on his bedside table shining dimly. He’s also wearing glasses, something Eddie has never seen him wear before, although they’re actually quite a good look. His eyebrows are furrowed in concern when Eddie meets his gaze, but something in Eddie’s face must settle some of that, because it smooths out as he speaks. “Oh, honey. C’mere.”
“I’m not bothering you, am I?” Eddie asks before he even dares move closer to the bed. “I don’t want to be annoying, I just-“
Steve interrupts him with a shake of his head. “No, no. Come here, I told you that you can sleep in here.”
Eddie shuffles over to the empty side of the bed, feeling a bit like a little kid. “I feel kind of ridiculous,” he admits through a mumble. “I’m twenty-six, you know.”
“I know,” Steve says, giving him a sweet smile as he lifts up the covers. “You can be twenty-six and still be afraid of things, you know.”
Eddie huffs as he climbs into bed beside Steve, his movements a little stiff and uncertain. “Yeah, well you certainly don’t seem scared,” he argues petulantly.
Steve grins at him, patting his knee before his hand returns to his book. “I’m not twenty-six,” Steve jokes. Eddie pouts, and something about his demeanor gets Steve’s attention. “I am scared of things, Ed.”
“Yeah?” Eddie murmurs, turning over to lay on his side, looking up at Steve with wide, curious eyes. This feels important, like sharing secrets at a sleepover. “Like what?”
Steve makes a considering noise, and Eddie watches as he puts his book away on the nightstand. Eddie doesn’t catch the title of it, but vows to check in the morning, just out of curiosity. “Well,” Steve finally says, staring seemingly at nothing as he talks. “I’m scared of spiders. They gross me out, and I despise dealing with them when they’re in my house.”
Eddie snickers at that. “Everyone’s afraid of spiders,” he argues.
“Well, there’s still enough arachnophobia to go around, evidently,” Steve replies dryly. He sits for a moment, twiddling his thumbs as he thinks. His gaze is unfocused, like he’s deep in thought. “I’m scared of something bad happening to the people I care about,” he whispers.
Eddie’s throat tightens when Steve looks down at him, blinking meaningfully. “Yeah,” Eddie manages, twiddling with a loose string on the comforter. “I get that.”
The mattress dips and creaks as Steve twists to flick off his lamp and rolls over on his side to face Eddie. There’s just enough soft moonlight filtering in through the curtains for Eddie to make out the shape of Steve’s eyes and the slant of his nose. He breathes slowly and quietly across the distance between them, and Eddie’s eyes track helplessly down to study Steve’s lips.
“Eddie,” Steve murmurs.
“Yeah?” Eddie breathes back. He’s obsessed with the way Steve’s mouth forms words in the dark, his teeth glinting beautifully every time the moonlight catches them.
Eddie feels a gentle hand rest on his waist, and he tries not to jump at the contact. “Are you still scared?” Steve murmurs, and Eddie’s not sure, but he thinks that maybe Steve has shifted closer.
“Not anymore,” Eddie whispers. He’s not sure that they’re still talking about the movie.
Steve smiles at him, or at least in the dark that’s what it appears like, and Eddie carefully nudges himself forward as well. It wouldn’t hurt anything, surely, for them to be close to each other. And if they happened to get even closer, surely that wouldn’t hurt anybody, since-
Their noses brush.
Eddie draws in a sharp breath, his hand instinctively gripping the covers in a tight fist. If he moved just a centimeter closer, they’d be kissing.
“Eddie,” Steve breathes, his voice broken and soft. Eddie stills, preparing himself for the inevitable let down and disappointment.
That’s not what happens.
Instead, Steve shifts somehow even closer, the hand on Eddie’s waist skating up to cup his jaw. “I need you to tell me no if you don’t want this,” Steve whispers.
Eddie is silent, staring at Steve through wide eyes. It’s wrong, Eddie is vaguely aware of that, but here, in the dark, it feels like it could be okay. It could be okay for them to kiss, just as long as these feelings stay tucked away in this little pocket of darkness and silence.
Even if it isn’t okay, a distant part of Eddie’s brain reminds him, he’s tired of fighting it. He’s tired of holding himself back every time he wants Steve, of pretending that he doesn’t feel something for him. And even if this is just about sex for Steve, Eddie would give him that, if it meant he got to have him in some way.
Steve is still watching him, clearly waiting for some kind of response. Eddie clears his throat and allows his hand to reach out for Steve, clutching the front of his t-shirt with ease. “I’m not going to tell you no,” Eddie says quietly. “Want this too bad,” he mumbles.
“You’re sure?” Steve whispers. “I know you said-“
“I know,” Eddie interrupts. “I… I know what I said. But…” he braces himself for what he’s about to say. He knows it’s desperate, and ridiculous, but at this point, he would do just about anything to have Steve. “It… it’ll be kind of like scenting, right? So… it’s fine.”
Even in the darkness of the room, Eddie can make out the incredulity that paints Steve’s expression. “Like scenting…” Steve trails off.
Eddie gets a horrible idea. It almost makes him sick, to think about what he’s about to say to Steve right now, the lie he’s about to let slip. But part of him knows that he won’t be able to handle it if Steve’s the one who says it first, so sparing himself that pain might be the only way he can handle this at all.
“It doesn’t have to mean anything,” Eddie murmurs.
Steve stills.
Eddie watches him, his heart racing as he waits for any indication that Steve will argue with him, or question him, or anything that would prove that he wants it to mean something.
“Oh,” he says, eventually. Eddie holds his breath. “If you’re sure,” Steve whispers, his hand cradling Eddie’s cheek softly.
Eddie’s heart shrivels up in his chest, any hope he had left going right along with it. “I’m sure,” Eddie lies again. He can’t seem to stop lying.
Steve shifts just a bit closer, brushing their noses together. “Okay,” Steve whispers.
That’s all the warning Eddie gets before Steve is pressing his mouth to Eddie’s. It’s tentative, and somehow even more chaste than that fleeting kiss Eddie had stolen that first time. It still leaves Eddie breathless and wanting, his hand moving to clutch at the front of Steve’s shirt instead of the sheets beneath them. He can feel Steve’s heartbeat through the thin cotton, erratic and comforting underneath Eddie’s fingertips.
Steve doesn’t drag it out. It’s probably less than a minute after kissing him that he pulls away from Eddie, his expression unreadable. Eddie licks his lips without thinking, and Steve’s eyes track the movement. “Fuck,” he whispers.
Eddie’s heart, or the husk left in its place, sinks in his chest. He can’t bear the thought of disappointing Steve, but apparently, somehow he has. “What?” Eddie whispers back, afraid to raise his voice.
Steve closes his eyes, sighing deeply. “We shouldn’t have…” Eddie feels like he might cry. “I’m just going to want to do that even more now.” His voice is strained, distraught.
And, well. Eddie’s only human. And that confirmation of being desired, even if it’s just carnal, makes his heart sing. “Well…” Eddie trails off. “I wouldn’t mind it.”
Steve opens his eyes, but he looks sad when he meets Eddie’s gaze. “I know.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “But you were right… it’s really not a good idea. I won’t… I won’t corner you like this again, Eddie. I promise.”
Eddie feels like he has whiplash from all the back and forth. Every time he thinks he’s got Steve and his feelings figured out, he goes in the opposite direction again. It’s starting to make his head hurt. “Oh…” Eddie finally manages to choke out. “Okay.”
He hesitates. They’re still so close, and Eddie could probably just move back, but it no longer even feels appropriate to be in the same bed. He shifts, trying to subtly slide out from under the covers, but a gentle grip on his wrist stops him.
“Where are you going?” Steve asks, his eyes wide and hurt.
“Oh… I was just going to… I figured you’d probably want me to sleep in my own room,” Eddie explains, trying hard not to make eye contact.
Steve sits up with him, ducking his head to force him to meet his gaze. “Of course not. I don’t think we should let ourselves be so reckless anymore with…well, anyway.” He shakes his head, but his gaze comes right back to Eddie’s. ”I still want you to sleep in here.”
Eddie sighs, conflicted. As much as he wants to be close to Steve, and as much as he enjoys being wrapped up in the alpha’s scent like this, he’s just not sure his heart can take anymore. “Steve…” he starts, unsure of what he can even say.
“I promise I won’t touch you,” Steve says, his voice small. When Eddie blinks over at him, Steve is looking down at his hands, and Eddie can smell the shame rolling off of him.
That makes the decision for him.
Carefully, Eddie resettles, laying back on the pillows once again. He looks up at Steve, giving him a weak smile. “I’ll stay,” he murmurs, even as his mind is racing to a decision that he doesn’t feel he’s brave enough to make.
Steve lays beside him, keeping that promised distance between them. His hand twitches on the bed between them, as if he wants to reach out, and Eddie wishes like hell that he would. But if all this emotional motion sickness has taught him anything, it’s that he and Steve just want different things.
“Goodnight, Eddie,” Steve whispers into the dark. “Sweet dreams.”
Eddie swallows hard. God, he’s going to miss him.
“Goodnight, Steve.”
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If You're reading this, welcome to my blog!
I began working on my first fic, a Twilight AU called Evil Angel, in 2010, and I last updated it years ago, unfortunately. I'd also started two other stories, an Ouran Host Club x Vampire Knight AU and another from one of my favorite books. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and for years, I haven't been able to write due to several health issues. However, in recent months, I've felt my creativity coming back, and I am so happy because that means y'all will get to read the continuation of all of my stories. So, here are some story updates.
All three fics are getting a major overhaul. The stories will still be the same, but due to many errors, a different writing style, and new ideas, all fics are currently being edited. Starting with Evil Angel. That story was the catalyst of my writing journey, and hearing Janey and the crew in my head again makes me more excited to finish editing so new chapters can be written. I hope you all enjoy some of the changes that have been and are being made.
With Your Guardian Angel, there were just some details that needed to be tweaked. Every time I found myself going back to read my stories, there were things that were driving me insane. Multiple docs were created just so I could write down the things I noticed that need to be changed or refreshed.
Destine at Dusk, the Shadow Falls fic doesn't need much of an overhaul, just a few idea updates.
Also, I've made the decision to post my stories on A03 so that I can reach more readers. My username is ColorfulOtaku. None of the stories have been posted yet, and won't be unable they have been edited.
I apologize for the long wait, but I hope you all feel like the refreshed and new chapters will be worth it! So check back weekly for updates!
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abovethesmokestacks · 4 years
Distant Connection 2/7
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word count: 985
Rating: General audiences
Warnings: none
| Distant Connection Masterlist |
Thank you so, so much for the support and reblogs and comments on the first chapter! It’s making me maybe a teensy bit less nervous about this whole endeavour, and also excited to post again. Stay safe, and I hope you enjoy chapter 2.
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Chapter 2: Introvert Olympics
“...so, I guess that’s something we need to take into account when we get to present budget issues.”
It’s day ten, new week, same face that looks from you to something on his screen or scribbles in a notebook. It’s… surprisingly easy. Even better because you haven’t been greeted by a furry butt since Alpine decided to make an appearance. James- Bucky, he said to call him Bucky and even though you haven’t it still applies - is a good collaborator. If that’s because you’re both stuck at home and trying to do the best out of a crappy situation and thus maybe having a little more patience with each other, is hard to say. But he’s knowledgeable, has a few years of project work under his belt and is happy to both take and give advice. 
It could be worse.
A ding sounds through the connection, J- Bucky picking up his phone and rolling his neck.
“Alright, time for a break. I can call you back in fifteen minutes.”
“Oh.” Why does that all of a sudden sting a little? Like he can’t wait to get rid of you. Maybe you’ve misjudged just how well the two of you mesh. “Okay. Sure.”
“Unless… you want to… stick around and have coffee together? Or tea? Coffee? I don’t know, do you drink either?” Bucky flounders, and how is it possible for him to sound so unsure all of a sudden?
“Both, actually, but I might actually go for tea. Caffeine makes me, you know, energized, and I can’t exactly run a marathon in here to get rid of the energy so I can sleep at night.”
Bucky snorts and nods, “I hear ya. So, um, gimme five minutes to get myself coffee? And maybe feed the monster?”
It’s kind of nice. Apart from the fact that the only tea you have home is the one you bought by mistake that tastes of grass, and you can tell Bucky tries not to laugh as you keep grimacing at your mug. It’s easy. There’s not really much talking, not between you at least. One of Bucky’s room mates ducks in and asks something off-screen, you think you hear Alpine meowing when Bucky goes to put away his mug. It’s a good little pocket of calm before you’re back in work mode.
The next day, he doesn’t ask. Just keeps the feed going. Coffee, terrible tea, minding each other’s business. Alpine makes an appearance on Wednesday, apparently patting at Bucky’s leg for attention and he lifts the cat onto his lap.
“He looks used to that.”
“Oh, he is spoiled, absolutely. He claimed this chair when I brought it home over the weekend before we started, and looked so betrayed on Monday morning when I wouldn’t let him nap in it,” he laughs, scratching under Alpine’s chin and the cat stretches his head up until he almost loses balance. “He’s good though. Keeps me sane. And drives me insane. But mostly the first one.”
You take a sip, grimace. Fuck, this is becoming unbearable, you need actual tea and not this… torture. “I wonder how everyone else is coping. God, I would pay to be a fly on the wall of the guy who had the office next to mine. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was scaling the walls on day two.”
“Yeah, one of the guys I live with is struggling a bit. He’s not good with working alone. I mean, he can do stuff on his own, he doesn’t need someone to hold his hand, but he’s struggling outside of the whole work environment with other people around?”
“I mean, I miss everyone, too. Kinda. I mean, they’re fun to work with. But I gotta say, this isn’t horrible? Like, having to work from home, obviously. The reason behind it is though.”
There’s a sage nod from the other end of the screen, Bucky taking a sip from his mug, and ugh, maybe you should give in and just have coffee. “I know. I was a little nervous about how I’d cope, but it’s been fine. Being a little introverted helps. Like, finally something I’m good at, just sitting at home, working quietly, not talking to anyone for a majority of the day. Well, anyone but you.”
His eyes bulge the second the words leave his mouth and he almost knocks over his mug. It’s almos a little cute. “Shit. That sounded wrong. It’s- I’m- This is good. I mean, working with you and talking with you and seeing you. Shit. What I’m saying is-” His mouth is left agape as he struggles to work his way out of the hole he’s digging himself into, while Alpine paws at him and looks highly annoed, and you laugh again, loud and pealing, and Bucky mock-glares at you.
“I’m gonna shut up now.”
“Please, don’t. This is the most fun I’ve had all week,” you say between fits of laughter. “And if it’s any consolation, I’m the same. I don’t mind this. Although between the two of us, I’m clearly a little more hardcore because I live alone.”
“What, we’re doing introvert Olympics now?”
“I might be. I think you’d be disqualified because first off you have room mates, and second, you also have a cat.”
Bucky’s face scrunches up in a smile, “Okay, fair. But I still spend a majority of my time alone, and the monster is not nearly as helpful as you’d think.”
“We’ll be fine when this ends.” You’re not sure where that comes from, but it seems the right thing to say. You have no idea for how long this lockdown will go on. Social distancing until further notice, Fury’s weekly update had read on Monday.
Maybe it is introvert Olympics after all. You look around your apartment, and for the first time, its size and its silence feels just a little unnerving.
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buckysnumberonegirl · 4 years
Flash forward- Across the Pond
Part 5
Read parts 1-4 here 😁
Word count- 1.5k give or take
Warnings: plot development, fluff, angst
Parings- Hugh Drysdale x Reader
Hi hi everyone who’s reading this, this is where we start to get some real development and man am I excited, updates will now be weekly do to work and some other things gluon but I hope you enjoy
“Alright Dove, you can open your eyes now” You smiled and opened your eyes to see Hugh standing there with two tickets and a set of brand new luggage.
“We’re going to England!”
The women at the hair salon insisted that Hugh was going to propose soon, and this trip made you think they were correct.
‘Oh Hugh this is wonderful, it must have cost a fortune’ you hugged Hugh. He held your chin and kissed you “don’t worry about that Dove you’ll get wrinkles” he rubbed his thumb over you forehead, he placed a kiss and said goodbye leaving for work. “We’ll leave tomorrow morning so you should pack, see you when I get home dove”
You picked up one of the bags and carried it to your bedroom. What to pack for a trip across the sea. You’d never been to England, the furthest you’d been from home was Coney Island.
You ironed some dresses and a few outfits carefully packing them away. As you closed your dresser a picture fell.
You knew by the frame which one it was. It was a picture of you and Bucky when you were children, covered in dirt from head to toe, Bucky's arm around you, huge smiles on both your faces (Buckys was missing some teeth).
Every night you hoped that you’d get a letter saying he’d been found, but part of you was glad, because if he hadn’t been found it meant that there was a chance he was out there somewhere.
You weren’t sure what to do about Steve’s house, or even your own. You phoned your neighbor ‘hi Mary how are the kids’
“Oh goodness dear, they’re wonderful, what can a do for you”
‘Well I do actually have a favor, I’ll be heading to England for a little while and I was hoping you could take care of the house for a little bit’
Mary hummed into the phone and you heard her yell at one of her kids before coming back on the line “Sure dear, that shouldn’t be a problem, HENRY I SAID STOP PUTTING YOUR BROTHER IN THE DRYER” you heard the phone drop. You ended the call and finished packing.
The next morning you were off to say you were nervous was an understatement. The plane was not as horrible as you thought but being that high up made your stomach feel all out of turn. Hugh excused himself several times leaving you to stare out into the cold vast openness of the ocean.
When you landed in England, Hugh insisted that he had someone who would take your bags to the place you were staying. A car arrived and picked you up bringing you to a small bar in London, the Whip and fiddle.
Hugh ordered a bottle of wine and sat down at a booth with his arm around you. The music played softly as you two sat together. You sipped you wine and talked all evening until a group of soldiers filtered in. They were loud, but they seemed overjoyed. It wasn’t until you heard them talking that you realized they were American. Hugh looked irritated “I think we should go now now Y/N” Hugh grabbed your hand and pulled you up. ‘Hugh your hurting me a little bit honey’ he continued to yank you out of the bar. In his frustration he didn’t even look where he was going until he ran smack into a man. “Hey watch it, where you going friend we’re celebrating and the Captains covering the tab” the man's uniform read private Jones.
He noticed you and smiled “I didn’t realize I was in the presence of a lady..” his eyebrows furrowed “wait, do I know you from somewhere miss?”
You laughed ‘no sir I think I’d remember a charmer such as yourself, I’m Y/N Y/L/N”
The man stopped, his friend next to him looked up at you. Hugh squeezed your hand causing you to wince and pull away. You whispered ‘Hugh really your hurting me’
The other man stood up “Y/L/N, Buckys…” he stopped ‘you knew my cousin’ you pushed yourself from Hugh. Hugh looked at you, you saw anger in his eyes. “Bucky who the hell is Bucky”
‘Bucky, he was my cousin the one who went missing, his name was James but we called him Bucky’
Hugh looked at you “oh well I’m glad we had a reunion, but I said it’s time to leave” he reached out to grab you only to be blocked by the two men. “Ma’am My name is Dugan and you’ve already met my friend Gabe here, would you like to leave?”
You looked at Hugh, ‘well he’s the only one I really know here, and he is my boyfriend.. so I probably should..’
a familiar voice spoke up from behind you “well kid, he’s not the only one you know here”
You spun around, Bucky stood before you. His hair was a little bit longer and he looked like he had gone through hell. He held out his arms and you ran over to him, he pulled you into a big hug. ‘You need a shower’ Bucky laughed at you “it’s been a Rough few weeks, what are you doing here?”
Hugh interrupted the both of you “I’m going back to the hotel.” He stormed out, Gabe flipping him off as he stormed out of the bar.
“What kind of man leaves their girl in a bar with a bunch of strangers” Dugan turned around to look at you. Bucky frowned “one that’s not good enough for my only Family” he pulled you into another hug roughing up your hair like he did when you were younger.
‘We were here on vacation, I actually don’t know what hotel we were in, it’s our first night…. Bucky I thought you were missing’
Bucky sat down at the bar and ordered two drinks “He was, but what kind of friend would I be if I lost him”
Steve walked up smiling, “you know technically I saved him so he should be paying and yet the tab is under my name”
You were at a loss for words, Bucky and Steve were back, and you were with them. ‘Well thank you Steve. He’s all I have left, I don’t know what I’d do without him’ you smiled at your cousin clinking your glasses together as you drank.
“I saw that guy you were with in New York, he didn’t seem to pleased” Steve sat down, it felt odd being between him and Bucky again, but it also felt safe. ‘Oh, Hugh brought me here. It was supposed to be our vacation… I think he’s going to propose..’ you stopped yourself
“And you're going to say no right? I saw the guy for like 2 seconds and can tell he’s no good” Bucky looked at you, you put your hand on his face ‘Buck if I write someone out after every fight I wouldn’t talk to you, or Steve for that matter.’ Bucky laughed and got another drink. The three of you caught up and laughed. Steve and Bucky decided that you’d stay on base until things were better.
After a few drinks Bucky pulled you aside, “you know, since we were kids you have been head over heels for him” you looked away from Steve who was laughing with a group of guys. “When are you going to tell him Y/N/N” you sipped your drink looking at Steve, he saw you and started to walk over.
A woman in a red dress stopped him. She had all eyes on her including your cousin, who you punched in the arm. Steve and the woman talked for a little bit, laughing with him, flirting. You excused yourself to the bathroom.
Tears streamed down your face as you looked in the mirror, trying to pull yourself together. You splashed water on your face when the door opened “Oh, I didn’t realize anyone else was in here, are you alright?”
You looked up, the woman in the red dress smiled at you holding out a tissue. ‘Oh I’m fine really, just happy to see my family again’
The woman looked you up and down “you must be Sergeant Barnes’s cousin I’ve heard so much about, I’m Peggy Carter it’s very nice to meet you” she held out her hand for you. You shook it “I hear you’ll be staying on base with us for a while, my doors always open of course. It’ll be nice to have another woman around”
You couldn’t help but like her, she was kind and warm and borderline perfect. ‘Thank you, as much as I adore my cousin I think being cooped up with him for a few months would drive me insane’ she smiled at you. “I think we’ll be good friends Y/N”
You nodded ‘I’d like to hope so Ms.Carter’
“Oh please, call me Peggy”
When you got to base you decided to take up Peggy's offer of staying with her, Steve and his troop were set to leave in the morning so you figured it would be best. She showed you around her place, leaving you her spare bedroom. It clearly was an old office space but you didn’t mind.
You thought about Hugh, feeling bad for leaving him without a word. But then again he left you without a second thought.
Peggy lent you a few dresses and suits, promising that tomorrow you’d go shopping if you felt up for it. She seemed excited to show you London, and when you asked about a shooting range she lit up with excitement planning a whole day for you.
You couldn’t help but notice on her desk, a picture of Steve. Your Steve, the small scrawny kid from Brooklyn that you fell in love with.
You fell asleep in the spare room of the woman who had won the heart of the man you had loved for years. Wondering what the next few months would hold for you.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH5
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,590
- Author Note: I suppose im late posting the new chapter because was too tired yesterday, therefore im changing my days of update. From now on i would do update every Saturday/Sunday weekly or biweekly. This is to avoid me forgetting hahah
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Chapter 5
“Who…the.. fuck… are.. you?” Yoongi lurched forwards trapping Seul between the kitchen counter. Every word came from his mouth were dangerously low and disturbing. He cursed something low beneath his breath, something that she couldn’t understand. It sounded like a thick accent from Busan or Daegu to her. Whatever it was, she felt small in front of him.
The breath caught in her throat and her heart twisted at the stunned tone of his voice.
“Stay away from me…” she clutched onto the counter trying to escape from his gaze.
Shit, am I getting caught? She mentally slapped herself for her stupidity.
The corner of his lips twitched into a smirk “Who the fuck are you?” he inquired again this time the tone of his voice was harsher than a minute ago.
Seul bit her lower lips trying to make up excuses, but what else could she say. Her mind went blank for a second and it was not good at all considering how Yoongi’s eyes piercing through her deepest soul. It paralyzed her body.
Getting annoyed, Yoongi leaned closer to her face minimizing the gap that they had earlier “Are you even listening? WHO. ARE. YOU?” he pressed.
She scowled at the proximity as she could literally feel the rate of his heartbeat increases against hers. Why would his heart react crazily like this? Plus, the smell from his hair is driving her crazy. Not that she wanted to creep the hell out of him, it is just he smelled too good. Way too manly, that a woman’s heart like her could melt instantly. Shrugging the thought off, her eyes darted to the guy in front of her. She mentally scanned Yoongi’s feature started with his small and thin lips which still appeared luscious to his nose and eyes. Crap, not this weird thought again.
His eyelashes batted perfectly matching that milky skin of his, how could a man be this flawless? It made sense since he’s an idol, yet heck he is still a man! Metrosexual guy like him really put all his heart into his appearance.
The hell, is she going to play dumb. Yoongi hissed frustrated of Seul’s silence.
“All right, since you are keeping your mouth shut. I am calling the cops” the corner of his lips was tugged into a meaningful smirk, causing Seul to flinch at the sudden threat. She let an unknowing gasp under her breath making the man slamming both hands on the marble counter trapping her body in between “Why? Are you scared?” his brows flinched together showing off the gaze that could kill million Armys.
“Because you are a sasaeng?”
“What did you do to ahjumma?”
“Did you make her give up her job today, so you can stalk me?” accusations after accusations were bombarded right on her face that triggered Seul’s anger in the end. She was still thinking of reasonable stories without uncovering the whole truth. Unsure of the consequences that her mother might receive in the future for bringing her in illegally made Seul became more cautious of everything surround him. First, she must deal with this grumpy monster in front of her.
Wait a minute, why should i? I am working here legally well technically illegally but still I have the staff identification card. Who is he to look down on me? Seul finally got back to her sense after spazzing over Yoongi’s visuals.
Her eyes landed on the bandage near his ears, as bad as this might sound but she found his weakest point. This guy in front of her was invading her personal space, didn’t he realize it was a serious offence. On top of all, none of Bangtan’s members should be around. Referring to their schedule today, they had an award show to attend as early as 6 in the morning.
Mustering up every ounce of her strength one of her hand reached out to his injured ears to give a small squish over there causing Yoongi to yelp in pain.  He cursed reflecting the pain that he experienced at the moment, as his body staggered backwards finally leaving a space for Seul to breathe.
“WHAT THE HELL WOMAN?” Yoongi touched his pulsing ears sending death glare at her way.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, bewildered of his presence at an odd hour like this. “NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT ANYONE BAILING ON THE AWARDS?” Seul continued before Yoongi could even give her the answers.
Yoongi let out a sarcastic chuckle a hint of annoyance and anger “Fuck this. You even know our schedule? ARE YOU INSANE.. THAT IS IT IM CALLING THE COPS NOW!” his face grimaced due to the pain he experienced. He left dumbfounded Seul behind making his way stealthily to his room. As she finally registered what was going to happen next, her eyes widened in pure horror.
“WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!” she skipped as fast as lightning to reach the older guy realizing what he planned to do. A single phone call would ruin everything for her especially her mother. That need to be stopped.
Despite being in the same size as Yoongi except Seul is much shorter than him, she grabbed the back of his shirt, yanking him with all her might putting his step at halt. Yoongi inhaled a deep breath, as his body stumbled backwards crashing the girl against the wall.
“WHAT THE HELL? ARE YOU INSANE” the same thing came out from his mouth as if he was chanting a curse.
“WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING? I am about to answer your questions!” she grumbled lowly, pushing Yoongi body off from touching her body. Lies was the last thing she wanted to do, or more like adding more lies to their existing lies. Yet, what choice did she has?
Yoongi clucked his tongue inside as he spun his body facing the worried Seul “Speak. If you don’t speak in 5 seconds, I swear to god I will make the phone call” he rolled his eyes scanning Seul from top to bottom.  Even though she looked pretty decent to be a sasaeng fan, but her face told him she was far from those title. Was he overreacting?
“Jeez, alright. I am your caretaker for now or at least until my mother got better” his brow ceased into a deep frown.
“What kind of bullshits you are trying to tell now?” Yoongi backfired with a nasty scoff.
“Not bullshits but truth” she heaved a deep sigh as her hand went to rummaged through her bags, finding her mother work ids. “Here..Mrs Hwang is my mother so digest it” she tossed the cards for Yoongi to catch it on time.
He was displeased with the way she acted but played along since this privacy invasion was severe than her attitude. Being in the condition whereby he wanted to believe or denying the fact that Seul was saying the right thing, Yoongi chose not to give in so easily.
“You don’t look like her, are you sure this is your mother? Anyone can claim to be Mrs Hwang’s daughter at this rate considering how crazy a fan like you can be!” Seul gritted her teeth feeling the anger built inside her slowly took over her mind.
Seul crossed her arms “That wont change the fact that I am her daughter you little piece of shit. For a record, I AM NOT YOUR FAN!” he was startled by her choice of foul words making him feel more irritable than before.
“Why would I trust a girl with foul mouth like you? That makes you make even suspicious. I demand the truth now”
“That is the truth. You are just too stupid to realize it”
“Excuse me? Do you think I would buy your ‘Mrs Hwang is my mother’ story? I am much better than that thank you”
“Gosh, as expected idols like you are nothing but pretty faces. A total asshole and dumb some more”
Yoongi shot her a bewildered glare “ First of all, thank you for stating the fact. Oh, secondly, we are bunch of genius. The only idiot in this room is you” he knew the banter was pointless and childish. However, Seul was driving him up the wall with all the nonsense coming from that pretty little lips of her.
“Whoever you are mister, I don’t think I need to explain everything to you. You are not even my employer” Seul grabbed her mother card from his hand harshly, shoving it inside her bags.
“I mean my mother’s employer” she corrected before grabbing the rest of her stuff getting ready to leave.
He took the chance to yank her hoodie with a strong tug, pulling Seul to face him again “Where do you think you are going?” for an odd reason he enjoyed seeing her flushed face. Seul was struggling like cute kitty wanting to escape from his owner’s grasp.
Feisty. He mentally laughed at her silliness.
“You are not allowed to leave. Let’s wait until my manager come back, we must deal with crazy girl like you. That is if you really are Mrs Hwang’s daughter” every word coming out from him was a total psycho. It irked Seul to the core.
“Oh really? How crazy does it sound, I AM INTRIGUED BY THAT MISS MRS HWANG’S DAUGHTER” he challenged with a playful smug.
Seul pressed both of her lips into a thin line. Her eyes aimed for his injured ear again, yet she put a stop of that devil thought upon seeing a small red stain on the bandage. Her tummy churned in sheer fear, he was bleeding.
Shit Seul, think of something. You must leave now. A lot of crazy ideas were attacking her at once but the after effect of her action would bring more harm than good. Whatever it was, she needed to leave now. The guy in front of her would not spare her life so easily.
Should I aim for his crotch..She was about to sway her knee to give a little kick on Yoongi’s private area and as expected he was quick to catch that obvious gaze of her. As if her eyes were telling him the plan inside her head. Interesting.
“Got you” he lifted his leg blocking Seul from kneeing that fragile area.
Seul snorted in annoyance which later turned into a devilish smirk “Oh really?” she was contemplating to do this one thing which would end this bicker between them, so she could flee with ease. Seul thought it was a horrible idea, but slowly let her anger took over her sane mind, Yes.. I will make this little piece of shit shut up.
Snapping her head up meeting his deep gaze, Yoongi raised his eyebrow in confusion “Lower your gaze wom-“ his eyes popped out upon feeling a wet and moist friction against his lips. Seul was kissing him on his lips not cheeks, but his lips. What on earth just happened?
She cupped his cheeks, tiptoeing a little ‘Screw this Ji Seul, just do it and go. You will have to quit from now on’ Seul tilted her head a little ignoring stiff Yoongi as she was now kissing him for real. No more hanky panky.
Seul did not even care if he wasn’t kissing her back even though she could feel his lips quivered beneath hers slowly giving in.Yoongi froze in his spot staring straight into her dark brown eyes. He had no idea how to react neither did he knew what to do. This was a total madness.
Seul cussed regretting her stupid action but she could feel his grip start to loosen up, which meant her plan worked in the end. Because after all, Yoongi was too noisy. Seul calmed her racing heart due to her rash actions but decided to ignore all the stupid butterflies inside her tummy.
It can’t be undone. Screw this.
After for good two minutes locking lips, Seul pulled away quickly with a deep taint blush visible on both of her cheeks leaving shocked Min Yoongi behind. Taking off her aprons, she tossed it away and decided to make a run before Yoongi came back to his sense.
Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Seul smacked her lips, scolding it like it could respond her back afterwards.
Yoongi watched Seul’s figure disappeared from his vicinity as he bellowed his frustration loudly “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!” he raked fingers in his messy hair angrily. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to register earlier incident, she was kissing him on the lips. He was too taken aback that he stood there like a clown and a second later she flees leaving no trace behind.
“MIN YOONGI YOU IDIOT” he hissed pacing around the living room calming down his aching nerve. His heart beating furiously as if he would jump out from it by anytime soon. This was an invasion of privacy and sexual harassment. Would anyone even trust a guy being sexually harassed because after all the world is prejudiced when it came to man being sexually harassed.
Crazy. Clenching his fist, he was determined to find Seul again.
“Min Yoongi that sound insane” said Seokjin with a frown.
Yoongi had been convincing Jin about his encounter with Seul but to his dismay, the older guy would never trust him and assumed he was high with drugs. Heck, he wished he could turn back the time and changed that one scene which kept lingering in his mind.
The kiss was the stupidest thing that ever happened. How could he forget that?
“YAH ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME? SOMEONE TOOK OVER AHJUMMA’S JOB TODAY AND INVADED OUR DORM!” Yoongi facepalmed in frustration. He really wanted to punch Jin handsome face to let out all the frustration inside him now.
“As much as I want to trust you my friend, but I think that is impossible. The security here is pretty tight, how can she enter this building without an access card?  Can you take a chill pill. You must have seen it wrong” Jin sighed.
“The problem is I know what I saw. A girl around our age is here, in our kitchen! And for pete’s sake she is not even an ahjumma in fact.. far far away from being an ahjumma. YOU ARE FRUSTATING HYUNG” he rose from his feet, pacing back and forth with a grimace.
Jin shrugged while his hand massaging his tense muscle “Yoongi I am too tired to listen to your nonsense. Let’s talk about this tomorrow alright? And don’t talk about this to manager hyung. You will cause unnecessary worries” he mumbled. Yoongi watched the older boy lied down on the bed looking dead tired after their hectic schedule.
Sitting at the end of his bed, he ran his finger in his soft hair feeling a little glum after his failed attempt in convincing his own roommate. He decided to call it a day and talked it out with others tomorrow. Maybe, someone would trust him unlike traitor Kim Seokjin.
He threw his body heavy on the bed with a loud grunt. Reaching his finger to his lips, he found his heart felt giddy over the brief kiss that he shared with Seul few hours ago.
Groaning in his head, he buried his face in his pillow ‘DON’T YOU EVER DARE MIN SUGA..’ he huffed.
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 11: Pressing On
Mary Margaret watched the paramedic check his vitals, as the ambulance sped toward the hospital. She recognized him as one of their Knights and recalled that his name was
Gareth, but she didn't know who he was here. He gave her a reassuring nod though.
"His vitals are strong and though he's lost a bit of blood, he'll be fine. I'm sure Dr. Whale will have no problem stitching him up," Gareth offered.
"Great...Whale," David muttered and she squeezed his hand.
"You know there is no competition there," she whispered to him.
"I know…" he said, as they shared a long gaze. They arrived at the hospital and wheeled David in, with Mary Margaret running beside his gurney.
"What do we have?" Whale asked and then saw that it was David and Mary Margaret.
"Stab wound…" the paramedic said.
"Okay...let's get him to a room. You'll need to wait out here," Whale told her.
"I am going in with him...I don't care what you say!" Mary Margaret protested.
"It's usually family only," he replied.
"She is my family," David said, as he saw their fingers entwined.
"And he's mine," she added, though she really wanted to scream at the man she had made a mistake with that David was really her husband. She wanted to scream that to the whole town, but knew now was not the time for that.
"Fine...whatever," Whale said irritably, as David was wheeled into one of the emergency rooms.
"You do know that the Mayor is still your emergency contact in your file, right?" Whale asked.
"That needs to change. I don't want Regina anywhere near him," Mary Margaret snapped and then stopped to try to quell the swirling emotions inside her.
"Oh...okay, we can change that. I'll have the nurse update it to you," Whale said, taken aback by her fierceness and she supposed that made sense. The Mary Margaret under the curse was so soft spoken and a proverbial doormat to everyone. She was still angry with herself that she had ever let Whale near her when she was vulnerable, let alone touch her. David must have sensed that and squeezed her hand.
"It's okay...I'm okay," he promised, as he kissed her cheek. Whale looked away and put David's chart down.
"Well, I'm the doctor and it's up to me to determine how okay you are or not," he said, as he began examining the wound.
After Emma finished the preliminary report and locked Keith up, Ruby's words proved effective, as she found herself at the hospital.
"Hey...you came," Ruby said.
"Uh yeah...like I said, I need his statement," Emma deflected.
"He saved your life," Ruby reminded again.
"Really?" Henry asked, as he arrived with Neal and Gold. Emma sighed in irritation.
"What is he doing here?" she asked him.
"He wanted to go to the diner with his...with David and Mary Margaret. He wanted to see Mary Margaret specifically since the school fired her today," Neal started to explain.
"Yeah...I heard," Emma replied.
"My Mom is behind it...I know she is," Henry replied, causing Emma to sigh deeply again.
"Anyway, I called Mary Margaret to see if they could meet us and that's when we found out David had been stabbed," Neal replied.
"Is he okay?" Henry asked.
"I think he's going to be fine, sweetie. He saved Emma from getting stabbed," Ruby replied.
"I had it under control...he didn't save me. If anything, he got in the way," Emma argued. Neal smirked.
"I'm sure," he said, as they continued to wait to hear about David's condition.
Sidney typed away on the old computer in the newsroom when his phone rang.
"Hello?" he asked.
"What the hell went on at the Rabbit Hole tonight?" Regina demanded to know.
"Uh...well, it appears that the Sheriff arrived to deal with a drunken disorderly that went bad. Except instead of taking the knife wound herself, I interviewed an eyewitness that said Mr. Nolan took the knife for her," Sidney reported.
"You better spin that story in a negative light. The last thing I need is David Nolan being hailed for some heroics!" Regina said irritably.
"Well...people are already saying that's exactly what he is. I was able to cover up that he was homeless for a while, but I'm not sure how we bury this," Sidney replied.
"Then you need to figure it out!" Regina snapped.
"He was there with Miss Blanchard. I can remind everyone of their scandalous affair and their amorous antics in the park earlier today," he said.
"Whatever...just spin it to make them look bad," Regina said, as she hung up. Sidney sighed and decided to run to the diner for more coffee, before he finished and put the paper to bed. He walked out and didn't see August waiting outside. He slipped in and sat down at the computer. He slipped a flash drive into the external USB. The computer was so old that it didn't even have an USB slot, but fortunately Sidney happened to have a solution to that when needed.
August slipped his story into the pages of tomorrow's paper layout, deleting some column about the mine collapse, which was just a story that was in the paper weekly lately. No one seemed to notice that Sidney cycled the same stories over and over again. But August did notice and he had also noticed the changes lately. He now knew that Snow White and the Prince were awake and that meant that Emma just needed a little more pushing toward the truth. He was also shocked to find out that Neal was in town as well and he was hoping to keep a low profile and avoid him. It was good though. It meant that things had accelerated and he was hoping his article would accelerate them even more.
He felt slightly bad about running the story in respect to Kathryn, but taking away Regina's narrative that David and Mary Margaret were somehow a pair of adulterous, terrible people might go a long way to waking people up. He was exposing in the article that David's marriage license to Kathryn was phony and Regina drew it up when he woke up in an attempt to keep him and Mary Margaret apart. Essentially, his article was one hundred percent true, except the part where Kathryn was in on it and went along with it. But once the curse broke, any ill feelings anyone had toward the blonde would disappear. Truth was what they needed now. It was what he needed. Truthfully, he wasn't doing this to help David and Mary Margaret. He was selfishly doing this to save himself. The curse breaking was his only chance or he would soon have more than just a wooden leg.
Mary Margaret waited impatiently, as Whale stitched up David's wound.
"You're lucky...the knife missed all your organs and any deeper, you probably would have needed surgery. But it appears there is no internal bleeding," Whale replied.
"You're sure?" she asked and he looked at her.
"I'm sure...but just the same, he needs to rest once he's home for a few days. For now, I'd like to keep him overnight," Whale replied.
"I'm staying with him," she insisted. He nodded, as he did another test.
"What is that?" she asked.
"It checks his hemoglobin or blood level, which is slightly low. Since we're keeping him overnight, I'd like to give him a pint of blood," Whale replied, as he wrote something on his chart.
"I'll be back soon and we'll assign him a room," he said, as he exited. David smiled up at her once the doctor left and she leaned down to kiss him on the lips.
"I'm fine…" he assured once their lips parted.
"I know…" she said.
"I'm just sorry," he replied.
"For what?" she asked.
"Well...this isn't exactly how our Valentine's Day was supposed to end," he replied. But she only smiled.
"Well...for us, I'd say this is pretty normal and you saved our baby's life. Again," she said. He chuckled.
"We always did manage to find our fair share of trouble," he agreed and she sat down beside his bed and rested her head against his shoulder.
Whale stepped out of the room and found people waiting in the lobby area.
"Is my...Mr. Nolan okay?" Henry asked the doctor, who managed a smile for him.
"David is going to be fine. I stitched him up and I'm going to keep him overnight, just to be safe," Whale replied.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get a transfusion going for David. He's a little low from the blood loss he suffered," the doctor added.
"Maybe I can give him blood!" Henry chimed in. Whale chuckled.
"That's very generous of you, Henry, but I have to give David his type of blood and it's highly unlikely that you have the same type," Whale replied.
"I'm B negative. What type is David?" Henry asked curiously.
"How do you know what blood type you are?" Neal asked.
"Tonsils...two years ago. I didn't have to get blood, but I got a lot of ice cream and the nurses told me what type I am," he replied.
"Well...that's a coincidence. David is also B negative, but I'm afraid we can't take a pint from you, Henry," Whale said, as he started to walk away.
"Wait…" Emma called, as he turned.
"I'm also B negative...if you're short," she said. He looked at her and then nodded.
"Wait at the desk and I'll send a nurse for you," he said, as he walked away.
"Wow...same blood type," Neal mentioned.
"It doesn't mean anything," Emma protested.
"Of course not. I mean, you, the kid, and David all being the same blood type couldn't be anything except a coincidence," Neal mused.
"In my experience...there are no coincidences," Gold said.
"Whatever...you better get him home, before Regina has an aneurysm," Emma mentioned.
"Dad is filing for custody," Henry chimed in, causing her eyes to widen.
"What?" Emma asked.
"Uh...it wasn't my idea, but it's what he wants and I guess I have a lawyer already," Neal replied.
"Are you insane? Regina is going to go nuclear!" Emma hissed to him, as she pulled him aside.
"I know...but if I'm being honest, I want this too. I would have never given him up in the first place if I'd known about him!" Neal hissed back.
"I was in jail! What was I supposed to do!? I couldn't raise him!" she said.
"I know and I'm not blaming you. I got scared and should have never listened to August," he replied.
"I made a lot of mistakes, but now I'm going to make up for them as best I can and clearly our son is not happy with his adopted mother, who happens to be the freaking Evil Queen," he said. She scoffed.
"Not this again…" Emma complained.
"Like it or not, Em...it's all true and my Dad mentioned earlier that our chances in court would be better if we were on a united front," he mentioned.
"Wait...you mean your father wants me in on this too?" she asked. He nodded.
"Even if we're not together...we are his biological parents and you may have given him up, but I didn't. You were under duress and I didn't know he existed. Biological parents have won cases with less," he replied.
"Not against people like Regina. She controls this town. The district attorney is in her pocket, so there's no reason to believe the judge won't be either," she reasoned. He shrugged.
"Maybe not...but people are more afraid of my father than they are of her, trust me…" he countered and she found that she couldn't argue with that.
"Fine...I'm in," she agreed.
"Really?" he asked. She nodded, with a shrug.
"Getting him away from Regina is the only reason I stayed in this crazy town. I just didn't think I had a ghost of a chance," she replied. He smiled.
"Well...we do. A really good chance," he said.
"She will wage all out war on us...all of us," Emma warned.
"Guess we'll have to bring it then," Neal said, as Whale motioned to her.
"Go...go give your father some blood," Neal said.
"Don't call him that...he's not my father," Emma replied.
"Yeah...and denial is a river in Egypt," Neal said.
"Shut up," Emma replied, as she walked away. Neal smirked. She was going to deny the reality until she was blue in the face, but he knew her better than anyone. The walls around her were slowly beginning to crack.
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
Broken to Whole
Supernatural : Prompt
Setting: During mid to end Season 3 (Dean has his contract set for Hell)
Word Count: 2263
Warnings: There’s quite a bit of blood and some moments of terror, but it turns to funny and fluffy bits with the Winchesters right quick
Request: “1 with sibling!winchester reader? ok so what im thinking (which you can totally say no to) is that the reader and her brothers (sam and dean) are in a new town fighting a new threat and this threat gets to the reader which lands her in the hospital. her brothers are going insane waiting in the hospital or like a week until one day they’re watching over her and she wakes up?” - @aliciasayshi
“How long have you guys been standing around my bed like a bunch of creepers?”
A/N: After receiving an almost fatal blow, the Winchesters race you to the hospital where they fight with you and your immense fear of anything medical
Part Two: Take a Break
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(Y/N) was panting ridiculously through gritted teeth, attempting to conceal her cries of agony as blood continued to slip from her cut onto the table she laid on. 
“(Y/N)? Oh my God, stay right there!” Dean said, running to her. He grabbed the nearest supply of towels and cloths and started piling them on her stomach and she yelled out, “Sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry. Hang on." 
Dean undid her restraints and instructed her to hold the towels in place while he helped Sam, who was on a table beside her in his own straps. (Y/N) applied pressure regardless of the shockwaves it was sending throughout her body. 
Sam went to tie the now unconscious monster down as Dean went back to (Y/N) and slowly removed the cloth to get a look at the damage, "Son of a bitch. That’s deep, (Y/N/N). We’ll have to go to the hospital." 
She grimaced, and tears started to pour down her face, "I really don’t like the hospital, Dean." 
He winced along with her, sympathy pain flowing his features, "You’re going to need stitches. And I bet nothing is sterile in here, you could get an infection or some other crap." 
(Y/N) continued to cry as Dean pushed against her cut, "Dean, I really, really don’t like the hospital. Please! Just stitch it yourself.”
He shook his head and looked towards his brother, who came over with the same pained expression on his face. 
”(Y/N), we need to get you help, now. You’re bleeding out everywhere. We don’t have the proper equipment and besides - that cut is deeper than any regular stitches can fix,“ Sam stated. 
And as the painful exhaustion started to blur the edges of her vision, Dean scooped her up, regardless of the blood getting onto him, and they quickly got out of the house and into the car. 
Despite her protests, she was put in the impala, crying and squealing with the pain. She tried her best to handle it with grace, but by the time Sam started driving, the bumps of the road enraged her wound. 
She clutched at Dean’s hand as he held her close, hushing her along the way. And all she could remember was physically praying that she’d pass out. 
And thankfully she did. 
When she finally came to she was in a light blue hospital gown, laying in a white hospital bed, covered in clear hospital tubes, and smelling like a bleached, disinfected hospital patient. 
And she was not happy about it at all; her heart monitor starting to raise as her blood pumped faster.
Next to her, sitting in a chair, was Sam. His head was on the edge of the bed and his hand was inches from hers. Dean was up and pacing the room, back and forth, right in front of her bed. 
"Now that I’ve received medical attention, can I please leave this hell hole?" 
Sam jumped up and scooted his chair in closer and Dean fumbled in his mid-turn and somehow managed to make it to the bed without falling. 
"How do you feel?” Sam questioned. 
“Are you in pain at all?” Dean added. 
“How long have you guys been standing around my bed like a bunch of creepers?” (Y/N) tried to sit up more, but failed miserably, wincing, “I’m fine. Can we leave, please?”
The brothers looked at each other and then back at her with contorted eyebrows and serious expressions. 
“You were hurt bad, (Y/N/N),” Sam muttered. “They had to take you to the surgical room to stitch you up." 
Dean made his way to her other side and rested a hand on the elevated part of her bed, "You probably would have bled to death if we hadn’t gotten you here." 
"And I’m thankful for all the modern medicine and blah, blah, blah. Seriously though, when can I leave?”
“It’s just a hospital, (Y/N/N). Why do you hate it so much? You seem fine whenever we do cases,” Sam asked. 
She took a deep breath, “Bad memories, alright? I don’t like being the patient in this situation. Visiting a hospital is fine. Staying in one? Count me out.” She attempted to swing her legs out of the bed and Dean held her down by the shoulders. 
“Not today, sweetheart. You need to heal. You’re not going anywhere." 
She gave each of them a moment of weakness gaze, her eyes filled with fear and pleading. Her heart rate was still raised, and her blood pressure and breathing had elevated. 
"I’m sorry, (Y/N). But this is your best option,” Sam muttered. 
She begrudgingly moved her gaze to her toes sticking up from the blanket and her eyes began to sting. She twiddled with her fingers again and bit the inside of her cheek. Finally, one of the monitors began to beep as an alarm and a nurse came running in. 
“I’m sorry, boys, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’re causing her distress." 
At that thought (Y/N)’s vitals seemed to skyrocket even higher if that was possible. She moved her tear-filled eyes to the nurse and pleaded. 
"No, no, please don’t take them away from me.”
Sam got up from his seat and went over to whisper to the nurse, “She’s just a little afraid of hospitals. Us being here is what’s actually keeping her somewhat grounded." 
The nurse gave (Y/N) an up and down look and then back at Sam, "I see. Well, if those numbers keep rising then I’m going to have to sedate her. She needs to be relaxed for her to properly heal…" 
"We understand. If we could stay here it would really help her, honest." 
Dean went down and clasped one of (Y/N)’s shaking hands, trying to steady it. He eventually had to put both his hands around her one and she felt comfort in the pressure. She squeezed back and stared at the ceiling as her pulse started to lower. 
The nurse gave a slow nod and threw her hands in the air, "Whatever works for you. I’ve got cases that I need to file, if you would excuse me."  
Once they were alone again Sam came to (Y/N)’s other side and took her right hand in his, "Don’t worry, (Y/N/N). We’re not going anywhere. We’ve got time.” He looked at Dean when he said that, but (Y/N) didn’t notice. 
It took her almost the entire day to get her heart rate to a normal range, all the while holding onto Sam and Dean. They took turns watching over her as the other went to get food or take a small break. She complied to all that the doctors required her to do: shots, medicines, check-ups. As long as one of the brothers were there to hold her hand. 
It wasn’t until the last part of the second day that she was actually able to have a normal conversation with the two of them. 
“You know, for a hunter, you’re a bit of a softy,” Dean mumbled, his faced smashed into the bed as he sat there waiting for something to do. 
She actually responded this time, “Don’t give me that crap. Everyone’s scared of something." 
"Dean’s scared of planes,” Sam interjected from his laptop. 
Dean raised his head and glared at him, almost with a smolder on his tired features, “Yeah, well, Sammy’s afraid of clowns." 
"Really?” (Y/N) said. “Planes and clowns and you think you’re some big tough hunters?" 
Sam lifted his eyes from his work, "You’re scared of hospitals and we’re in and out of them weekly." 
There was a silence for a while as (Y/N) closed her eyes and Dean stared at Sam, flitting his head towards the resting girl. Sam got the message to egg her on. 
"Is there anything else you’re scared of?" 
"Like I said, everyone is scared of something."  
Dean gave a puzzled look, "So it’s only hospitals?" 
"And things associated with them. Needles, surgical equipment, hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, stethoscopes… you name it." 
Sam laughed, "That’s a lot, (Y/N/N)." 
"Oh, and haunted houses,” she was on a roll now, her eyes still closed. “Can’t stand them. You know when I was fifteen I tried to go into one and I freaked and blacked out in the line." 
"In the line?” Dean asked, finally starting to sit up. 
“Yep. And I screamed and cried the entire time. The only reason I was able to move through it was because my friends dragged me." 
Not wanting to spoil the nice time they were suddenly having, the brothers pressed on with the topic.
"What is it about haunted houses that you don’t like?” Sam asked, shutting his laptop. “They’re supposed to be fun.”
“Fun? Don’t be ridiculous. What is so great about those freak filled horror fests? I just don’t like being scared, that’s all." 
Sam chuckled and scooted his chair closer to her bed, "But a haunted house is basically like all the places we go for hunts. Why do you enjoy one but despise the other?”
“Yeah, these real-life monsters come at you all the time and you never look scared when that’s happening,” Dean mentioned.
She finally opened her eyes and found them both gazing at her fondly. This was new, full and undivided attention. 
“Why do you guys want to know?”
“Curiosity,” Dean said. “Just wanting to get to know you more." 
“We haven’t seen you in years, (Y/N),” Sam shared a look towards his brother, “We just want to be close again.”
She thought about it for a minute. They wanted to get to know her. 
"I don’t like the dark either.”
“Yeah, Bobby was saying something about that to us earlier,” Sam said, remembering when they had called him to update about (Y/N)’s condition. “You don’t like to sleep. Is the dark part of that?”
(Y/N) moved her eyes to her sterile blanket, “Partly, I guess. I don’t like the dreams that I have." 
Both the boys leaned in, their silence begging for more. And she sensed that. 
"Nightmares, more like. Just a reminder of when I was younger." 
Sam caught a glance with his brother before cautiously moving forward, “Can we ask what your nightmares are about?”
(Y/N) pulled out her hands from under the blanket and played with her fingertips. She ignored the question for a long time before Sam took one of her twitching hands into his and said, "You know you can trust us, (Y/N/N). What is it going to take for you to believe us?”
She thought about her angels, her demons, her nightmares, her childhood. It was all so much information that she had kept to herself for so long. 
Running off to live with Bobby was the best decision she’d ever made, even if it took her from her brothers for over fifteen years. She wasn’t sure the boys were ready to hear all of that. Or if she was ready to tell it all. 
With a deep breath she pulled away her hand from Sam’s grasp and stretched, “I’m starved. Anyone up for burgers?" 
Sam sat back and gave an exasperated sigh, showing the defeat across his face. They had gotten so close, and (Y/N) knew it. She was letting them in too far. 
"Not so fast, kid. You’re not getting away that easily,” Dean said as he leaned back on two of the chairs legs. “You’ve been wiggling your way out of every question we ask. Now we don’t want to drill you or demand answers, but don’t you think we deserve to know something?” He let his chair fall onto all fours, “We’ve been waiting here." 
He was right. They’d been patient with her. She was the one being stubborn and afraid. 
"I just don’t want to push you away,” she whispered. “What if you don’t like the truth?”
Sam held a short smile, “(Y/N), we aren’t just going to up and leave. I don’t know what crazy thing happened to you, but the inevitable in this situation does not involve Dean and I leaving you. We’re here to stay." 
Dean nodded in agreement, "We’ve all got demons, (Y/N).”
“Who’s Lilith?”
Both the brothers were taken aback. 
“How do you know about Lilith?” Sam asked. 
She had to think quick, “Uh… Bobby mentioned her. I know she’s some kind of demon." 
Dean smirked, "She’s the bitch that’s holding my contract. And the one who’s after Sam." 
(Y/N) frowned slightly, "I guess I don’t know as much about you two as I thought." 
"She’s one of the original demons directly from Lucifer,” Sam explained. “She sees me as a threat because I… uh - well, I used to have psychic powers." 
That gave her something to be startled about, "Psychic powers? Wait… what?”
Dean laughed, “Yellow eyes. He’s a demon that had a plan that involved burning people alive and bleeding demon blood into the mouths of babies. It gave them… powers." 
"Yellow eyes? You mean Azazel? Bobby talked about him too… he’s the demon that you two were tracking for the past few years. The one that killed..." 
The brothers nodded, and Sam muttered, "Until Dean killed him. And my powers stopped." 
She twiddled her fingers, "He’s the one that killed mom." There was a silence that confirmed that for her, "But if your powers are gone why is Lilith so threatened by you?”
“I’m not entirely sure. Something about how I was chosen by Azazel to be his successor. I was the only one left standing out of the psychic children. But yellow eyes was stopped before he could get me to do anything else." 
(Y/N) smiled, "Sounds like you guys have been through a lot." 
Dean rubbed his hands together and laughed, "You got that right." 
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lokilickedme · 5 years
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(Okay, I’m going to do this in probably 3 parts because it’s long)
So The Department sorta happened because I wanted to get back into a regular weekly-updating online fic because, frankly, two reasons:
1) I’m worn out/exhausted/a bit burned out from working on novels and very little of anything else for the last year and a half, and
2) I crave/need the instant validation of the comment section at AO3, which you don’t get when you write a book :/
So I called a break, put away my manuscripts for a couple months, and am just indulging in some fun writing for a little while.  And since I wanted something new (sorry WIPs, your time will come again) this is what we ended up with.
I don’t remember exactly what made me go with the police department premise.  The potential for assholery and rampant egomania, most likely?  Well, you know I love that shit when it hides something slightly more noble underneath...and I think I wanted a big ensemble cast because I just adore the dynamics that can occur in groups of disparate personalities who have known each other for a long time.  That way they interact when they know each others’ secrets and there’s that one person new to the group who isn’t in on any of the jokes?  Good stuff right there.
I do remember that the first ideas for this story came to me during the Professor Jeff’s Super Science Show at the library (yeah your guess is as good as mine on that but it happens literally every time).  But if I’m being honest, I’d say it probably had more to do with Benny Hill than anything.  I have this bad habit of sitting on the couch with my laptop on my knees, headphones on, head back, inventing scenes in my head that go along with whatever music I’m listening to.  I’ve got this one insane playlist full of goofy tunes my 7-year old has requested for staging Thomas The Tank Engine crash scenes (don’t ask) and on this particular night that’s what I was listening to because why not.  On that playlist is a 30-minute loop of the Benny Hill Theme.  And all I could see in my head was a foot chase on ice and snow between a female officer, an out of shape Chief of police, a giraffe-legged office assistant, and a probably methed-up wannabe criminal who didn’t actually do anything major but was running anyway because he was bored.  It struck me funny and I toyed with the idea of sticking it into something I already had started, because I do love me some chaotic slapstick.
So the next day I’m driving the boys home from the Super Science Show and I’ve been playing around with it in my head again, and it’s taking shape into something that I know I’m going to have to work with.  We pass the Pupuseria Virolena Salvadoran restaurant downtown, and I start laughing because I’m suddenly hearing David Tennant trying to say that in his Scottish accent.
On the spot I named him Hawk and made him Captain.  And now we have one of our characters, and by the time we pull up in our driveway ten minutes later I’ve got stuff needing to be written down right now.
(the rest is under the cut for length)
Chapter 1 - Prologue - Your Boatload of Bad Decisions Has Left The Harbor
I was so anxious to get into the story but it needed an introduction, or else Greta being in this podunk town wouldn’t have any weight.  So we’re introduced to our heroine, who isn’t so much a heroine as just a decent if slightly too self confident special division officer who had some bad luck.  It’s not elaborated on yet in the story, though it’s heavily referenced multiple times that she disobeyed an order and made the decision to continue a high speed pursuit that had been called off by her superior officer, the above-mentioned Captain Hawkins, whom Greta has something of a relationship with (yeah they’re screwing, what of it).  And in the wake of that decision, Greta’s partner is killed and she’s brought up on charges, suspended, ordered to counseling, and finally shipped off to a small town in Minnesota so she can keep working while her final fate is decided by an investigative committee back in LA.
The opening chase scene was written from things I learned when I was a kid and my dad did vehicle tweaks for the Fort Worth police department from his auto shop.  The officers used to hang out drinking Cokes and telling stories while dad made (possibly illegal) modifications to their cars.  I was there a lot, sitting under his work bench with my books and pencils, listening to everything and remembering it all.  And I thought it was so damn cool.  So here we are.  What else was I gonna do with that information?  Might as well put it to use if it’s gonna be taking up real estate in my head for all these years.
For the record, I really liked Greta’s partner Joe and hated to kill him - but we needed a catalyst, and the cheerful best friend who sings Italian arias during chases while joyfully blasting out windshields is always gonna be the loser in the goner lottery.  For once the male hero dies to further the female lead’s storyline.
Heh, take that Marvel.
Anyway, sorry Joe.  There will be more about you in later chapters, so...gone but not forgotten.
Chapter 2 - Minnewhatever
This part starts out with the last bit of backstory we need to proceed.  Hawk sending Greta off to Minnesota, a place whose name she never does remember or say correctly.  She doesn’t figure she’s actually going to be there long enough to bother learning it, but Hawk informs her that her exile is likely to last at least a year, and he gives her very little reassurance that she won’t be serving every minute of her sentence.
Greta’s feeling a little betrayed here.  She and Hawk have been sort of a thing for a while, friends and colleagues and lovers, but he’s washing his hands of the entire situation and she’s left angry and a bit bereft.  But she still figures he’ll do something to get her out of it, if she’s patient and behaves herself in the new place.
Fast forward to day one in Weemeetwa.  While drowning her aggravation in a bottle of the good stuff, Greta meets her first new acquaintance and decides to just go with the cranky fuck-it attitude that she’s been harboring since the incident, gets shitfaced, and goes home with the guy.  This might have been a dual-purpose shag; Greta’s still feeling betrayed and abandoned by Hawk, so it’s a screw-you that he’ll never find out about - but that doesn’t stop it from feeling good in a vengeful sort of way.  Plus it’s cold and she’s alone and the guy - Andy, a tall sweet longhaired cutiepie with an Irish accent - is all too willing to buy her a drink and take her home for some cuddles.
In the morning Greta wakes up in a strange place full of groaning regret and ends up giving Andy a ride to the station.  She doesn’t count on seeing him again, so there’s no breath wasted on goodbyes.
Chapter 3 -  A Logging Truck, A Mountain, and A Blonde Walk Into A Bar
Now we meet most of the department.  Creeley, a gruff roughhouser with a rude streak forty miles wide, Sarah, the only other female in the department and possibly the only person alive who can keep the boys under control, Kevin, the quiet dispatch agent with an impressive mountain impersonation skill, and finally (for the moment) Chief, the slightly too good-looking and highly put-upon boss of them all.
I knew I wanted Tom Hiddleston to play Chief Tommy Davis.  This is Kong Skull Island-era Hiddleston crossed with The Night Manager, with a handful of extra pounds around the middle and a frustrated sigh that goes on forever.  He’s meant to be an ex hockey player who was waylaid on his way to the major leagues, so he’s strong and sturdy, but an injury benched him years ago and a career in small-town law enforcement has put him a bit to pasture.  Middle aged, somewhere between 40 and 45.  He’s got some stuff in his past but he’s happy now, for the most part, just living his life watching over the town.
Jason Momoa is Bobby Creeley, for obvious reasons.  I knew I wanted a rowdy, rude, loudmouthed team member that’s always crossing everyone, but who everyone knows will be there no matter what if anything goes down.  He’s instantly Greta’s nemesis from the moment she walks in the door.  Gigantic and shaggy with a permanently amused nature and a fear of literally nothing, he’s simultaneously everyone’s best friend and worst enemy.
Sarah Lancashire has been finding her way into a lot of my fics lately as side characters, so it’s no surprise she ended up here as Sarah Pearl.  Steely, tough, and highly immune to the idiocy around her, Sarah is the worn out voice of common sense that the department is running perilously short on.  She’s also my first and foremost girl crush, and I’ll admit right now that I wrote an AU ending almost immediately that involved Sarah and Greta ending up together.  It would be natural to assume Sarah would fall into the default role of mom to the group, but there’s a whole lot of oh hell nope wrapped around that trope.  She would set them all on fire if anyone would let her have some matches, but Chief made a rule against that a long damn time ago.
Dave Bautista has been hanging around the back door of my muse stable for the longest, just minding his own business and waiting his turn, but I never really had any place to stick him.  Well Drax, your time has come baby.  I chose him to play Kevin Saylor based on his GoTG scene in which he tries to convince the crew he’s invisible.  And that’s Kevin, in a nutshell.  Huge and intimidating but quiet and intensely matter-of-fact in manner, he’s in charge of dispatch and immediately inspires Greta’s hatred of using the radio.
My first (and really only) faceclaim for Greta Morley was Zoe Saldana, but I waffled briefly for a couple of weeks, trying to cater to a few readers who told me they wanted to imagine themselves in the role.  I planned to stick with that, and I tried, I promise I did.  But every time Greta opened her mouth I heard Zoe, and by the time she went on her less than fleet-footed pursuit of Wilson with the longsuffering Andy by her side, she was locked in.  Greta’s harboring some serious regret and raw emotional wounds from her not too distant past, and some time out in the American Midwest should be a much needed recovery sabbatical.  Should be.  But isn’t gonna.
Speaking of Andy...Andrew Hozier-Byrne was and is the only person I ever considered for the role of Andy Burns.  Too tall, too clumsy, too cute, too sweet, just a whole bunch of too everything - he was perfect for the role and I may or may not have written it exclusively for him.  Okay yeah, I wrote it exclusively for him.  Andy’s the local cryptid, nobody really knows a lot about him.  He may or may not be a drug dealer.  He may or may not be officially employed by the police department.  He may or may not be Irish or hypoglycemic or a blackout drunk or as goofy as he seems.  Nobody really knows, and to be honest nobody really cares, because if you need it done Andy can do it...if he can remember you asked him to do it.
So Greta has arrived, for better or for worse.  Cree immediately starts in with the sexist remarks and butchering her name, a favor she returns by embarking on what will become a neverending trail of obliterated mis-renderings of the town’s name.  Creeley and Kevin kick off another of many running gags by arguing over whether or not anyone knew she was coming, and before things can get too stupid, Chief makes his first appearance.
And now things start to get interesting.
To be continued at chapter 4, Randy Andy and The Chief of Weemeetwa
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liljoonie · 6 years
BTS Kim Namjoon | Mafia AU | My Perfect Love Ch. 9 | Holding Secrets
*A/N: Note if you missed me. I’m back from hiatus and I’ll be updating weekly, and don’t be silent readers, leave questions and suggestions for more chapters to come.*
The car ride home was weird as fuck. I don’t even know if it was the fact that Namjoon still had his own cum inside of his pants, or the fact that I actually enjoyed it. Bottom line is, I’m confused. Have I just not fucked someone for so long that I’ve become this needy?
“Y/N are you okay?” Namjoon’s silky voice quickly snapped me out of my somewhat trance. I quickly realized that we were already parked in Namjoon’s driveway.
“Y-yeah I’m just tired is all.” 
Namjoon stared deeply at me with concern. “Are you sure that’s all? Because you don’t have to come with me to the dinner if you’re too tired, I much rather have you rest.” 
“No, I’m okay” I replied.
“Are you sure, becau-”
“I’m fine.” I said sternly. Wait, why am I even pissed off?
Namjoon looked at me with a pained expression, then smiled. “ I get it baby, thanks for agreeing to come along with me anyways.”
Shit. Here I am acting like an asshole, and Namjoon is still treating me like a princess. He grabs my bag and gets out of the car, as I do the same. We step into the house, only to be greeted by Suga and Jungkook sprawled lazily on the couch.
“Where is everyone else?” I asked.
“Sleeping, Working, Bitching, the usual.” Suga replies. 
“You coming?” Namjoon asks the the two.
“Nope, I’m okay.” Jungkook replies.
Suga scoffs. “I’m not in the mood to see a fucking traitor right now.” 
The room goes silent. What was he even talking about? Then it dawned on me, Jackson Wang. The one and only person that can rustle Suga’s jimmies in record time. He was going to be there.
“Okay well, Y/N and I will get ready and then we’ll be leaving in a bit.” 
Namjoon hands me the bag and flashes a dimply grin at me, to which I return a smile as well. I head up the stairs and get ready. I attempted my hair, which looked like shit so I gave up and just kept it straight. And, my makeup, which was light and subtle but still elegant. I slipped on the champagne colored dress, and some nude heels, and then headed back down stairs. Namjoon was already prepared, and ready to go. 
“You look stunning” He said.
I smirked. “You said that already.” 
“So what? You look stunning either way.” 
“Ehem” A voice interrupts. “You’ll be needing this Y/N”
Suga hands me a small handgun.
“You never know what retarded shit will go down at a gang related event.” 
“Thanks!” I reply, and Suga looks at me confused and grins his gummy smile.
Namjoon sighs. “Okay, enough chit chat, we gotta go Y/N” 
I smiled back at Suga and follow Namjoon out the front door and back into his car. As I’m getting seated Namjoon draws my attention.
“Baby, I don’t know how to address this, but could you not call me Namjoon when we’re there? I have a reputation to uphold, and the name ‘Namjoon’ isn’t the best name for a gang leader.”
I chuckle at his forwardness. “Of course daddy.” Out of nowhere, I just decided to kiss his cheek to reassure him, which made him blush the entire ride there. 
                                 *TIME SKIP TO THE LOCATION*
 After about an hour, we finally arrived at an extravagant hotel. 
“Okay baby, we’re just going to talk, have dinner, and make a few negotiations.” Namjoon explained. 
I nodded. As I got out of the car, and was bombarded by the extreme sophistication of the entire place. Namjoon and I walked into the hotel, and into the dining hall. There stood an assortment of familiar gang leaders, people that I have seen only in pictures at the police station. 
I turned around to see an older man walking towards us. 
“I see you’ve brought your beautiful girlfriend with you.” The man bends down to kiss my hand, then comes back into eye contact with Namjoon. 
“Thank you, Mr. Shil, Y/N is definitely-” Namjoon pauses. “My perfect love.”
Pfft. ‘My perfect love’, you gotta be fucking with me.
The man continues talking to Namjoon about some non-gang related information, which I really didn’t give two shits about. As I began to zone out, something had caught my eye. 
“Jackson” I faintly whisper. The two men stare down at me.
“What was that Y/N?” Namjoon asks.
“Nam- ... RM can I go see what’s over there?” 
Namjoon looks at me, confused. “What’s wrong with here baby? Why do you want to go over there?”
Before I can reply, Mr. Shil replies for me. 
“Just let the pretty woman go, RM” 
I look up at Namjoon and he looks down at me. 
He just sighs. “Okay, just because I love you.” He kisses the top of my nose as Mr. Shil chuckles at my now bright red face. 
In a pissy mood, I turn around and start walking towards Jackson.
“That little virgin, I make him cum once and he thinks he can do whatever now.” As I vent out my frustration to myself there stands Jackson, talking to another man. I approach them, and the other man looks at me.
“Wow! Jackson is she yours? She’s gorgeous.” The man proclaims.
Jackson looks at me with a surprised face and replies. “No she isn’t. She is with RM, and can you excuse us please?” 
The other man nods, as I follow Jackson outside the dining hall. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask him.
He hesitates, then starts talking. “I’m on a mission”
From then on, I knew he was spouting bullshit. Jackson never hesitates, unless he’s lying, because he is a slow ass thinker. 
“What mission? Because as far as I know, you couldn’t come with me because two people cant infiltrate the Mafia at once.”
“Listen, this is just a small, extra thing that they assigned me to, I didn’t know you were going to be here whatsoever.” he replied. 
“Don’t try to bullshit me Jackson.” I say in a cold tone.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I saw gang files with your full name on them Jackson Wang.”
Jackson grins then chuckles. “Don’t be stupid Y/N. People can have the same name.”
I scoff. “Okay, so how does this sound? Jackson Wang, an arrogant, selfish, dick, who betrayed his own gang, ran away to another gang, and goes undercover as an officer. Does that sound fucking familiar to you?” 
Jackson gulps, he grabs my shoulders and leans into my face. 
“I don’t know what you found out these past couple of days, but I can tell you one thing-” 
“Could you let go of my girlfriend?” 
Startled, Jackson and I turn around to see Namjoon with an aggravated look on his face. 
“Baby, could you go inside to see Mr. Shil, he wants you to meet his wife.” Namjoon says. 
I nod and walk inside, leaving Namjoon and Jackson alone together.
*Namjoon POV*
“Hello old friend.” Jackson says, looking straight at me.
“Listen, I’ll cut to the chase, how do you know Y/N?” I say sternly.
Jackson smirks. “Well let’s just say, Y/N and I are coworkers.” 
“You’re a damn officer? Why the hell are you working as an officer when you’re a gang leader yourself?” I ask.
“That’s none of your damn business, Joon.” 
 Jackson then turns around to leave, as I firmly say.
“Stay away from Y/N or else.” 
He turns to look back at me. “Or else what Namjoon?”
I smirk. “Well you don’t want to Y/N to know that her closest friend has actually been lying to her this whole time, I know more about you than anyone else.”
Jackson chuckles. “You know what’s ironic? Y/N became a police officer, in order to find her damn sister, who was kidnapped by your father. I’m sure that she’ll be happy to hear that information as well.” 
Out of frustration I grab him by his collar. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
“Then don’t test me either.” Jackson sighs, then continues talking.
“I’m your friend too Namjoon, and to tell you the truth, Y/N is using you.”
What the hell is that supposed to mean? How could someone like Y/N use me?
“She loves me Jackson.” I reply.
“We’ll see about that my friend.” 
Jackson leaves, as I stay frozen in my place. Soon after I walk into the dining hall only to be greeted by Y/N. The mere sight of her makes me smile.
“What did you guys talk about?” She asked.
I chuckle. “Why is my baby so nosy?” I asked as I look back down at her, cuddling her slim body with my arms.
Everything about her drives me insane. Her deep brown eyes, the subtle pink hue of her lips, her long straight hair, her gorgeous figure. Everything I’ve ever wanted in a girl is right in front of me. I am completely hers, but is she even mine?
~ “Y/N, do you really love me?” ~
- Kim Namjoon
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It Takes A Moose
Sam x Reader 
Request by @pjofangirl18: Hi, I love your stories, and I was wondering if I could request a Sam fic where the reader is kinda tall (like 5’9”) and she’s super insecure about it so he makes her feel better and all of the fluff 😱😍 thanks!    
Word Count: 2016
Warnings:Language. Feelings of insecurity/self worth issues in regards to height. 
A/N: Thanks for being so patient. I know that this has sat on my to do list for a while. This one was easy to write, because being a tall girl, I have all my life dealt with insecurity. I have always been built like my dad - tall, broad shoulders, and no hips. I hope you like it :) 
*Unedited- please excuse any spelling/grammar/autocorrect fails. *
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You stare down at the shredded jeans in your hands. Yep, it’s that time again. Time to go try to find some jeans that fit at least reasonably well. It’s never an easy feat, especially with live on the road. Even when you do find a brand you can count on, you can’t count on ever store having them. In fact more often than not, it ends up being a brand that like four stores carry, and they’re only available in select branches of that company.
This store is nothing different than the many you’ve walced through over the year. Full of all kinds of crap you don’t need, and too many perky sale associated trying to get you to buy said crap. The wall lined with demon is finally in view, and you begin looking for your correct size. “Ah ha.” You say pulling out a pair of faded blue jeans. Perfect. You survey the tags looking for any indication of the length. Short. “Dammit.” You put the pair back and immediately go searching for another pair your size with a long inseam. Short. Short. Regular. Short. Regular. Yep. No longs. “oh for fucks sake!”
You settle on a pair of regulars, hoping that they would do the trick and not look like high waters on you. After all, you needed a pair of pants and fast. Dean’s  dead set on hitting the road in just a couple hours. There’s not really a whole lot of time to go traipsing around looking for a needle in a hay stack.  
The girl at the counter is a short, petite little thing, with a chipper attitude. The kind of sunshiney personality that was a little too much, and you almost wanna punch ‘em, yea that’s her. She picks up the jeans from the counter to scan them before really looking at you. The moment her eyes traveled up to meet yours the words fell out of her mouth, “Wow. You’re like super tall.”
All you can muster is flat tone, and a curt smile, “Thanks, I hadn’t noticed.”
Just as you suspected, the jeans were a little short. Not anything too bad, but enough where it would probably drive you insane. With a huff of frustration, you bend down and roll them up a little to make them look like sufffed capris instead of looking like a twelve year old boy who was outgrowing his clothes.
The boys finish packing everything up, and you all it the road to a new town, and a new case. The drive is pretty uneventful, sam gives updates the case, dean blares his music. You sit in the back, headphones in, and escape the world for a while.
This case is one that’s a little more uppity than others. It’s going to require a little finisse to pull it off. See the curse object that’s been killing people, yea it’s now locked in a vault waiting to be auctioned off to anyone with the money to buy it. The man who possessed said object, is hosting a high class gala, auctioning off several other high dollar items, all locked away in individual vaults, in separate rooms, which he only knows the locations of until they are present at the time of auction. Paranoid bastard.
All of this of course means we have to go under over, which mean dressing up, and being high class, neither of which All of this of course means we have to go under over, which mean dressing up, and being high class, neither of which could be considered strong suits in your life. Awesome.
“Woah, woah, woah. How come I have to be the distraction?” You say crossing your arms.
Dean chuckles, “Nothing personal sweetheart, I’d do it, I just don’t the Mathers swings that way.
You roll your eyes. Dammit, you know he’s right. You’re the only one who can pull this off.
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You put the finishing touches on your make up and step out of the bathroom to see if the boys are ready yet. They both look sharp. Holy shit look at Sam. Good god, if he looked good in flannel, he looked damn fine in that tux.
Dean snaps you out of your daze, “Here, picked you up something to wear.”
The dress he’s holding is sexy as hell, but ther’s no way you could wear it. It was a black cocktail dress with a sweetheart neck line, and lace detailing. “Dean, I can’t wear that.”
“What? Why?”
You sigh, placing a hand on your hip. “It’s way too short.”
“It’s supposed to be short.”
“No, it would be just a short dress on someone shorter than me. With my height, that will be like a shirt.”
Sam steps in, “Y/N. At least try it on. You never know.”
You snatch the dress from Dean’s hand, grumbling as you make your way to the bathroom.  Once the door is shut, and you remove your robe, you let out a big sigh, and get ready to pull the dress on. Oh the fabric is lovely. Please fit. Please fit, you plead with the dress. One final tug on the zipper, and it’s on. You pull on the hem of the dress, adjusting it so that it lays the way it was made to, and look up at the mirror. “Holy Shit!”
You fling the door open and ste out into the room. Both boys can barely keep their jaws off the floor. “I take it, the dress fits.” Dean says sarcastically.
Sam swallows, “You look amazing, Y/N.”
You can’t help but to find yourself blushing at his statement. “Thanks.”
He offers you a smile as Dean bends down and grabs something else out of the bag. “And this will complete the outfit.” He says holding up a pair of sleek black stiletto heels.
“Okay, I am not wearing those.” You interject.
“Y/N, come on, this has to look legit.” Dean pleads, “Every woman in that place is going to be in heels. You’ll stick out like a sore thumb.”
Rolling your eyes, and calling him a few choice names, you reluctantly put on the damn stilts they call shoes. Yea and being a foot taller than every other woman in there won’t make me stick out.
As you stand up, it becomes painfully clear, just how tall you are now. You were now eye level with Dean, and were only a couple inches shorter than Sam. Luckily the latter was going to be your date tonight, so at least you’d still technically be shorter than your date.
The moment your foot hit the smooth marble floor of the extravagent, ornately decorated mansion, your mind is flooded with the insecurity you often feel when it comes to your height. Dean was right, all the women had on sky high stilettos, but you were also right, you stand taller than all of them that you pass by.
Sam seems to pick up on the change in your demeanor, but chooses not to make it a thing, to which you a are grateful. All you want is to grab this thing and get the hell out of Dodge. The problem, in order to do that, you had to go and try to flirt with Mathers long enough for Sam to figure out what room the cursed object was in, and recover it.
Everything in you screamed at the thought of trying to outdo these other women, and the closer you got to him, Mathers only ampliphied those screams. He was a gracious host, and even talked with you for a moment, but his interactions were nothing like those he was having with the other women around you. Yep, seems about right, once again your height has warded off a man.
Out of nowhere Sam rushes by, grabbing you by the arm, and makes a beeline for the door. “Time to go.”
Trying to regain your balance and keep up with Sam in these heels is proving to be quite the challenge. “What about the thing?”
“I got it, but uh, let’s just say the guards upstairs didn’t take so kindly to me collecting it.”
Dean’s right on time, pulling up, just as you stepped down off the last step outside. Your doors are barely closed when Dean peels out of the drive, tires squealing. Sam carefully places the object down into the curse box and locks it. Job done.
Dean left to go to a bar, and when Sam emerges from the bathroom to find you laying back on the foot of the bed, feet dangling off the end, and your arm slung over your face. You ca’t see him, but you can tell he wants to say something, but is holding it back. He paces the room, gathering stuff up, and just trying to be busy.
“What Sam?”
“Nothing.” He continues his collecting, but stops shortly after, letting out a sigh. “I just…. Why do you put yourself down about your height?” You slowly sit up, still not willing to look him in the eye. “Don’t think I don’t pick up on all the little digs you make about it, and the way your demeanor changed like that” He snaps his finger, “as we walked in tonight.”
“It…. I don’t know. It’s just been that way my whole life. Everything had been a challenge when it came to my height. FInding clothes is hard, having to deal with perky little sales associates that like to make comments like, ‘wow you’re tall.’ And you can forget about finding a man. I mean, they all seem to think there’s something wrong with a woman my height.”
He sighs, moves to the space in front of you, and squats down. “I wish I could tell you that dealing with the same old comments about height gets better, or that finding clothes will be easier, but I just can’t do that. What I can say is that not every man feels that way.”
“You can’t say that Sam. I saw it on all the faces there tonight. I just-”
The feeling of his warm hands coming to rest gently on your thighs, stopped you dead in your tracks and caused you to finally look him in the eye. “Y/N. I can say that, because I’m living proof of that. Do you really not see how I look at you?”
He lets out a breathy laugh, “I mean, do you not pick up on all my little attempts at compliments, how every now and then you catch me looking at you for no reason, or how I always manage to need something right by you, so I have to brush against you to get it?”
“I guess I just never thought it could mean anything, so I didn’t really think anything of it.” Your eyebrows furrow as you process what he has just told you. “Wait. So you like me?”
“Yes.” He chuckles at your confusion. “Y/N, I really do like you. All those other guys don’t know what they’re missing.” He says as his hands slide down your calves, and begin undoing the buckles on your shoes. Once each shoe is gone, his fingers gently smooth the tension built up from the pressure the shoes put on your feet. A  grin plays at the corner of his lips. “Besides..” he bends forward and presses a kiss to your right shin. “Your height only means I have more of you to love.” He continues kissing up both your legs, “God I love these long legs.”
He stands up, pulling you to your feet. “Oh and I don’t have to hurt my neck when I do this.” And he bends slightly, connecting his lips to yours in a sweet and loving kiss.
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The Anything and Everything: @tillielynn16 @fandomaskedstuff @naruko88558855 @saltysamgirls @hillface89 @unusualcorn @trilloku-blog @perpetualabsurdity @ria132love @emoryhemsworth @mogaruke @dramaqueenrolf
The Sammy Boy:  @ahdysj22
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daynamartinez22 · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 312
Click on the video above to watch Episode 312 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
All right, and we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts number 312. For those of you who have a calculator in front of you, or your smartphone, you can take 320 divided by 52. And you get the number six. This is six year anniversary of Hump Day Hangouts. So technically, it’s a little bit over six years going strong, because there’s been some very rare exceptions to this. But we’re calling this the six Year Anniversary Show. We have got a lot of good stuff. I’m going to go into some of the fun stuff we’re going to do today on top of answering the questions which I can see a bunch more coming in. So we want to leave enough time for that as well. But real quick, say hi to the guys and yeah, guys, if you have anything to add about the six year anniversary and your experiences through it, by all means have a have a go at it. So I’ll just kind of go around here on my screen and Marco your first man up.
Am I I’m usually laugh. Well, here I am. What’s up everybody? Six years, six years. And I know I missed last week. But I posted a picture. So you guys can see it’s sunny and warm. And I was at the beach and I had lots of fun. And in the middle of the rainy season, we only had rain one day really bad weather wet rain, most of the morning and it was the morning that I left. Other than that the mornings were fantastic. A couple hours of rain in the afternoon, then back in the pool. So I’m you can’t beat it.
Sorry about that. Get some? What’s up? Come get some or not. How about you? I guess you’re headed into some nice warm weather nowadays, aren’t you? Yeah, man. It’s actually pretty nice out there. And it’s getting nice and warm and sunny, shining. So everything is great. And being in Miami for two weeks, that was pretty cool to actually break, break up a little bit with a routine that a lot of networking and super excited to be here and got one of these as well, which is you know what’s waiting for me in Miami. So that was pretty awesome. And yeah, man, life’s good. Excited to be here. Six years ago, I wouldn’t have imagined that we will be keep on doing this thing that always call him the hang up. And it’s been, it’s been quite a ride. And it’s you know, and it’s also been the number one source of I, you know, I’m inclined to say the number one source of awareness and leads and everything that Semantic Mastery has to offer. So this stuff works. That’s why we keep on doing it because it works to bring leads and if you put your best content out there, people will come and respect you and buy your stuff so that we’re kind of a testimonial that this type of approach works. So I’m really excited to be here. Good stuff. All right, Chris, about you, man. thing. Good. Glad to be here today.
Six years of Hump Day. Unbelievable. Wow. Yeah. How are you doing today? Ah, not bad. I’m doing really good. I was excited about this. I was like, man, I wished at the last minute I forgot. I wish I had like the birthday kind of hat like the cone. But I didn’t have anything. I was like looking in the closet. The last minute I was like, I’ll do something fun for we’ll do some fun stuff for the holidays over Christmas. But yeah, I’m going backpacking after this that has nothing to do with Hump Day Hangouts. But I generally go out for a run. And then I was like, You know what, we’re gonna go and answer the door, there might be a wine delivery. So Bradley wants to tell everyone how you’re doing. And I’m going to go get that real quick. Right on. Because the birthday cake, six year anniversary episode, 312 52 weeks per year times 312. That’s fucking insane. And we’ve only, like I’ve missed two Hump Day Hangouts, I think in six years, and they were basically scheduled, like time off. So that’s pretty consistent. I’m proud of that, guys. And I know we say this often, we probably don’t say it often enough, you know, we truly enjoy doing this every week, or else we wouldn’t have done it for six years for free. It’s a it’s been a lot of fun. And, you know, I really do enjoy coming here and doing this every single week. So thank you all for making this, you know, possible for us to do this for six years. And here’s to another six, I hope.
Outstanding. I couldn’t agree more. I was gonna say the same thing. So I’ll just pile on what Bradley said. It’s fun seeing the questions and the ton of just the wide variety of stuff we cover. So I did want to touch before we dive into it. We got a few things going on. And I’m pulling up our notes. We wanted to do some fun giveaway. So Marco, do you want to tell them about yours first?
Yeah, best question today and you have to be live for this. Be here at the end. I will select the best question today. And I will give away 30 minutes of my time for consultation. Or you can ask me anything. I mean it literally you can come on for half an hour and just ask away and I’ll answer what I can’t guys.
Charge 1500 dollars per hour, or any part thereof. So that’s what I’m giving away because you’re here to celebrate our sixth anniversary because we’re here to help people, right? We’re here to help people. That’s why we decided to do Hump Day Hangouts, it was our way of giving back. It wasn’t really, I mean, we didn’t think we would generate, like this kind of buzz and as many people as we’ve gotten into the mastermind over the years, nobody could have expected this six years ago, but we wanted to have a way of giving back. So there it is, I’m giving someone 1500 bucks on me outstanding. And to follow up on that I’m keeping an eye on the live viewers and on our YouTube channel. If we get over 100 Live, what we’re going to do is we’re going to give a 50% SEO shield discount based on a random drawing. And then we’re, the rest of us are going to pick a couple of questions that we like, based just on the question itself, and we’re going to give away two or access for two people into two x your agency. You can find out more about that on the sidebar, or go to two x your agency.com. So go tell your friends go tell your friends who lives and we get to 100 that’s gonna be pretty, pretty cool. That’s right. That’s right. That’s right. All right, all we got to do is see that number 200. So get your friends and family to come jump on Hump Day hangouts briefly, but yeah, subscribe. I’m saying your YouTube channel to help us stay free help us stay live. subscribe to that channel. push that button. Yeah, that said that’s for sure. And guys, we have several people here it looks like that from the just came off the webinar we did for Mike Martin, Mike Martin and his mastermind group and Marco and I just spent two hours a little over two hours with those guys. It was great. It was a lot of fun. We were talking about the SEO shield. So welcome to all of you. This happens every single week. Again, this is 312 episodes and running. So please feel free to join us every week and post your questions and by the way you subscribe to our YouTube channel so you get notified of updates also, uh you know you can post questions ahead of time and we’ll get to them and you don’t have to attend live you can always it’s certainly great if you do attend live but if you can’t we understand but we can still answer your questions if you post them at a time you can always watch the replay.
Awesome well just want to say real quick before we get into the questions which we’re going to dive into. If you are new like Bradley was saying welcome is one of the best places you can get started is to check out the free training available at the SEO shield.com that’s th e the SEO shield calm you can find out more about shielding your site and never worrying about algorithm updates again we also highly recommend grabbing the battle plan we used to sell that for $100 we cut that down a lot you can check that out a battle plan dot semantic mastery comm we wanted everyone to have easy access to that it alone is a high value in within that area we included a membership area with ton of additional video training if you want to dive deeper into some areas we’ve got all of that so you can either get exactly what you want, or you can get way more than that for pay and nothing more so head over to battle plan dot semantic mastery comm to grab that and for those of you who already have a digital marketing business, the mastermind may be the place for you to network with others like you to get firsthand access to us as well as other members who are growing their agencies consultancies or their online businesses. You can find out more about that at mastermind.semanticmastery.com And last but not least mg y be head over there it’s mg y v.co that’s done for you services whether it’s the SEO field syndication networks our way s drives decks link building press releases and a lot more stuff head over there check it out it’s what we preach because it’s what we do save time white label get this heavy lifting stuff done some by someone else us so that you can then get the good results with it and spend time growing your business not working in it all the time. or non space just popped on here. I wonder if he had something you want to say are you just wanting to be here man?
All right, well, I’ll wrap up my spiel I just want to make sure because I know every week we have you know people joining us who don’t know where they should start exactly where to go. So again, just a quick rundown the SEO Battle Plan, battleplan.semanticmastery.com, Mastermind, mastermind.semanticmastery.com and mgyb.co.
Alright, guys, if that isn’t yet last thing before we get into the questions, uh, are we allowed to talk about syndication Academy at all? No, no, no. Yes. Yeah, absolutely. Should we talk about bringing on our, our cohort with all that and like just kind of teased a little bit, okay. So So what it is is Syndication Academy’s process being updated guys. It’s going to be awesome. We’re going to be version three that we’re going to be launching or 3.0 or whatever, whatever we decide to call it. But essentially, it’s the third iteration of Syndication Academy. It’s in progress. Now. We will be launching that soon. I don’t know when exactly but soon, and it’s going to be way better than it has been in the past for various reasons, but we’re going to have continual updates on a regular basis.
got somebody that is going to be doing, taking over kind of the training aspect of it, as you know, under our guidance, but it’s going to be great. I think most of our audience will appreciate the new member of the team. And we’re excited to bring, bring her in to introduce her to you guys in the coming weeks. And she’ll be joining us on Hump Day hangouts once or twice a month also, just to kind of help answer questions and things like that she’s going to be very active in the Facebook group. And it’s, it’s going to be a lot of fun. And I think it’s going to be really great. You know, syndication Academy was what was our like, flagship product, it’s really what put us on the map of Semantic Mastery. And it’s, you know, it hasn’t changed a lot. The interfaces of the web to Dotto properties have changed. But the the foundation, the fundamental principle of how why it works hasn’t changed at all. And we launched that product, and I think 2013. So think about that, or 2014, one of the two, so it’s six or seven years old, but it hasn’t changed. But we’re going to update the training. It’s in progress now to where everything will be new and current. And then we’re going to be doing continue updates on a regular basis. So we encourage you guys to check out syndication Academy, and be on the lookout for the updates that are coming. Well, we wanted to give people extra value, right? more value for their buck. So she’s gonna be there in the Facebook group answer questions. She’s gonna be there comments, concerns, if you have a particular website, maybe you find a great website, you don’t know how to really go into that website. You tell her she go and look at it, do the update, she’s going to be doing update webinars, she’s gonna be doing everything. She’s really cool. She’s fantastic. And I think I think that this is gonna be really good when it launches, then.
Yeah, me too. So I’m excited about it. Alright, guys, let’s go ahead and get into questions. I’m gonna grab the screen and make sure I’ve got all my not safe for work, tabs closed.
Alright, I’m kidding. All right, real quick. I have a funny story about that. So I do the productivity stuff on the side. And I had a video. And I’m getting better as I go. I it’s funny looking back videos I did for Semantic Mastery, for productivity for this other stuff. And like years ago, like I remember the first one I did for Semantic Mastery. I was like, I didn’t show my face was just screenshare. I’m like, Hey, this is this is Adam moody. You should look at this. And like it’s really cringe worthy. But like that’s, you know, you got to go through that stuff to get better, right? And somebody commented on one of my videos is just vicious, right? It’s YouTube. And I was doing a review on a mind mapping tool. They’re like, yeah, maybe you should use the tool to organize your thoughts. So you don’t just Bumble your way through this.
Yeah, like, you know what I thought about it. I was like, Aaron, thank you like,
So anyways, please, please continue. Yeah, if you want to see some embarrassing stuff, go back and look at the first few episodes of Hump Day Hangouts. And like how awful that I was. I was approaching 300 pounds at that time. So like, I was a lot different. I’m a, you know, two thirds the man I used to be.
Yeah, we it was it was pretty awful. I mean, don’t get me wrong, like it was it was fine, even back then. But we’ve certainly got a lot a lot more comfortable on webinars. I think so.
All right. I’m finally on camera after six years. Yeah. Groundhog Day. All right. Let me grab the screen.
What Are Your Thoughts On Map Geo Networks From An SEO And GMB Standpoint?
Okay, we should see it. So you guys are seeing my screen, correct? Yes. All right. Let’s see where we’re at. Looks like we’re starting with Jonah says hi guys. A term that I’ve heard a lot about recently and local SEO is map geo networks. What exactly are they are based on your experience? Do they offer much value from an SEO and GMB standpoint? Thank you. I don’t know what a map geo network is. Does anybody else have any idea what that is? No, no, that’s something that that we do. We do what’s in local GMB Pro. Right that that is? Yeah, well, but in conjunction if we if needed. Some people just like to work from the GMB but obvious as you look for more targets of course, you need that SEO power shield to complement it add more power and everything else that we have to offer. But I’m sorry, I need you guys know that that map geo network, Adam Hernandez, Chris, anybody? Not am I and no, that’s about it. Nope. Yeah. Yeah, I’m interested. I mean, I’m curious as to what that specifically means. Now I know. You know, we’ve experimented with and used like driving directions creating driving directions maps, that works for adding relevancy for oftentimes, it’s more for In my opinion, it works better for storefront businesses. So point of sale business businesses where the customers come to the business instead of the service area businesses where the business goes to the customers because when you do a service area business, you could create like driving directions maps to kind of help optimize for locations but you know, your if you have a service area business, you unpublish your street address, right. So, you guess you can use like center for wherever your business is physically located. Come on guys, a lot of the lead gen stuff that we do are spammed GMB listing. So we hide the address anyways, you know what I mean? But my point is like, you know, driving directions, if that’s what you mean. Also, like in RYS Academy, we use my maps. And there’s a lot of really cool ninja stuff that you can do with my maps too. But as far as what a map geo network is, I’m not familiar with that. So I’m sorry, I can’t really comment on it. No,
How Do You Fill Out The MGYB Info Form If You Want To Setup The SEO Shield For A Multi-Location Project?
Noel says, I bought the SEO shield. And I want to set it up for a local multilocation project in the state of New Jersey, how shall I fill out the info form for that? So I provide the info about the main location NAP anyways? Or shall I leave these fields blank? Yeah, okay, that’s great question. If you have, you know, a multi location business and one of your locations is your primary location, or headquarters or main office, or whatever you want to call it, which typically there is one that’s going to be the main location, then yeah, you can set up your original SEO shield order with that being the NAP, the brand, and then you know, the NA p listed on that. And then for each subsequent location, you want to use an ri s expansion stack, right. So use the ry s expansion service, and then you add your na p details, your keyword specific to those look that location into those orders. So essentially, you’ll have your main brand, with its current na p if it’s got, you know, if it’s associated with one, there’s another way that you could do it is to create like your main drive stack g site, where it’s just brand and keyword but no location. And then you could have subject, you know, our ys expansions for each location thereafter. But if you have one location, that is like considered a primary location or the headquarters, then you can make that as you know, associate dnap, or that specific location with the primary drive stack and G site like that. Because Because again, it’s kind of like your, your first location, your primary location, that’s perfectly acceptable as well. So you can do it one of either ways, just keep in mind that what you want to do after you’ve built that initial stack, or, you know, had it built for you is to do the ROI expansions for each additional location. Does that make sense? Anybody want to comment on that? I was perfect.
How Do You Deliver Stagnant Results To A Client?
Moving on, Mohammed. Mohammed has been with us for a long, long time. And we’re always glad to have you, Mohamed, thank you for being here. He says, Hey, guys, more of a communication question here. How do you deliver worst, unexpected or even stagnant results to a client? What I mean is, what do you do when something isn’t going your way during your service for the client? And they asked for an explanation, I just tell them, you know, I think honestly, the best policy guys always have when it comes to client work, even if it’s a bitter pill to swallow, so to speak, it might be difficult sometimes to have conversations when things don’t work out. But um, I just, you know, I think honesty goes a long way. Because sometimes you can salvage a relationship by just being honest, because people aren’t used to that I found, especially in our industry. So, you know, you can always say, look, we’ve tried this, and I can understand why I’m not being able to get results. Here’s what I proposed as an alternative or something like that. Oftentimes, you will end up losing that client. That’s, that’s been my experience. But sometimes you can, you know, they’re they’re willing, because of the honesty, and the communication is good, they’re willing to attempt to something else. You know, that that happens. I’ll give you a current example, I took on a client about seven or eight weeks ago now in a landscaping and Tree Service Company. And I, you know, I try to just stick with Tree Service stuff, especially now after taking on this newer client that does, they also do landscaping, landscape design, lawn care services, outdoor pest control, which I’ve got another client in that industry anyways, and irrigation stuff like lawn sprinkler systems and stuff. So there was like multiple other like service categories that I am not familiar with, because I’ve not done SEO for those types of services. And so they hired me to do SEO as well as manage their Google Ads campaign. And so for the outside of the tree services, like I’ve got those Google ads, you know, narrow, I’ve got those on point, don’t I mean, like, I understand those, because I’ve been doing it for so long. When it comes to like landscaping, lawn care, irrigation services, and all that kind of stuff. It’s taking longer to dial that those ads campaigns in than I expected, and the conversion rates are terrible. And I’m not 100% sure why. And so that’s, and that’s a newer client, too. And I’ve already had to have that conversation with them as to why you know, why we’re not seeing conversions for the ad spend. And so I’m actually shifting strategies away from doing search PPC, and doing some more branding type stuff such as YouTube ads, Google Display Network ads, and things like that, which are a lot less expensive. And since we weren’t getting conversions on the PPC, the search PPC campaigns anyways, it’s like you know, we’re spending money and not getting results. So why not spend money on more of a branding approach which is keeping that brand in front of people.
so that when they are ready to make that purchase decision, so anyways, my point in telling you that Muhammad was that, you know, that’s a newer client. And so that’s a tough conversation to have with a new client say, Look, I don’t know why this ads campaigns not producing results. But you’re right, we, you know, you spent, you know, however much money on ad spend in the last month, and it’s not really produced. So let’s try a different approach. This is what I suggest. And they were on board with that. So in my opinion, or they may, excuse me, in my experience, that’s, you know, always be honest with the client, if something is baffling you, you know, just explain that. And hopefully, you can salvage a relationship. If not, they might cut you loose, and that very well may happen, Mohamad. But that’s kind of, you know, learn from it and move on. That’s all I can say. Anybody else? Yeah, before I can give him any advice on how to deal with this, I need more information. Because it this is this is very, it’s wide open to speculation. How did you deliver worse than expected? First of all, over what period of time has this been? Has it always been worse than expected? Or have you been delivering results? When you say stagnant results? What do you mean by stagnant results? you’re producing results. And and they they haven’t peaked? That you you kind of hit a plateau, but you’re consistently delivering results, or you’re just not delivering results? If you are delivering results, maybe you need to reframe the, the conversation, if you’re not delivering the results, then my question to you would be why haven’t you delivered the result? So that needs to be looked into? But before any of this can be answered? At least from my point of view correctly? I need to know like over what period of time, Has it always been worse than expected results or stagnant results? Or did you deliver results at some point? And then now you’re not? Right. There’s a lot of things here that are not explained. That would require a different answer.
Hernan Yeah, I agree, I agree with what you guys said, like, I think it’s a matter of managing expectations, right?
It all comes down to that like, and it’s something that I’m trying to become better add as well like managing expectations from the get go telling the clients Hey, listen, you know, we’re going to be working together, you’re going to be a partnership, we’re going to be working together for a couple months, 3456 months, like, however long it takes, this is a partnership. And if this doesn’t work, then you try something else. And if that doesn’t work, then you try something else. And then if that doesn’t work, then you try something else. I think that totally being upfront with the client as to how things are going, things are not going and whatnot. I think that that’s pretty cool. Like we, as entrepreneurs tend to, you know, be really optimistic, and we tend to overestimate what we can do for the client. Because, you know, you’re excited about about getting a new client and all of that, I think that having an upfront conversation, it’s a good idea. But also, I think it’s it’s our responsibility as agency owners, or business owners to be surrounded with people that can help out, right, it is our responsibility. Like, I’m part of masterminds. I’m part of groups, I’m part of communities that I pay for every single month. So I can go in and say, Hey, guys, this is the scenario that I’m going through with this client, what do you guys recommend, right, and then I will get a lot of input and a lot of, you know, good ideas as to what to try with the client. So it is I think it is my responsibility as a business owner, to be part of those communities and have those resources ready, in case, you know, shit hits the fan, which it will for one client or the next and whatnot. So I think that i think that that’s, that’s, that’s the position that you need to be in and invest some of your money to actually be in that position. But other than that, I’m, you know, I’m straightforward with the clients, I would rather not take a client, like, for instance, right now, I get a lot of people searching me or coming my way for Facebook ads, right. And there’s a lot of hype, a lot of hype, when it comes to Facebook ads, like people promising the word people promising that or, you know, and it happens with SEO as well, like people saying, Yeah, we’re gonna rank in one month for 50 keywords for $500 a month. And that’s Bs, you know, that’s Bs, for the most part, like it is right. And so I tend to be conservative when I’m talking to a client like really, really conservative and rent really over deliver, right. So that’s the position that you want to be in because with the stuff that Marco is showing, with the stuff that Bradley’s showing, you can get those type of results. When you don’t want to tell the client right? You wanna, you want to surprise them in a good way you want to tell them, hey, listen, this is gonna take time, but then you know that you have, you know, the tool in your toolbox to actually go ahead and give them results in a faster than anyone else way. So that’s my approach to this. I think that that, that you need to be upfront with the client and just just do it, you know? Totally.
Yeah, totally agree with what they’ve said and I, the thing I tried to do and the words I’ve used before and still do you know, things happen. Manage expectations, but say, you know, if you were in their spot, what would you want to hear? And and, you know, that just helps you maintain the course of Yes, transparency and let them know, hey, if something went wrong, that’s what’s going to happen, you work towards letting that not happen and you hope to manage expectations, but things go wrong. And you know, you can turn a client who feels burned to a client who, hey, this didn’t work out well, but maybe those still refer people to you, because they understood that you know, something went wrong, you are honest about it, you know, you talked through it, you didn’t work through it, or they decided not to continue, but they were, you know, I would respect someone who says, Hey, I tried, here’s what happened, things didn’t work out. You know, what do you want to do from here? You know, we can either try these things, or, you know, I understand if you don’t want to continue working, and that type of person, I’d be like, well, I would certainly consider, you know, talking to them. If I understood their process, maybe and, you know, they change things. And we did things differently. But the person who tries to say, Oh, well, this is actually Okay, and is trying to blow smoke up my ass. I’m not going to work with them again. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that’s really good. Like I said, I think honesty goes a long way in this in this industry. And sometimes, I mean, you’re gonna sometimes you still lose the, the client, and that’s fine, but you’ll still be able to sleep better at night, knowing that you were honest, you know, at least I do.
What Is The Best Way To Use SEO Shield And Press Release To Rank Client’s GMB And Money Site Quickly?
So, alright, so the next question is general dentist in the metro region of 1 million population with a dozen competing dentists within one mile. So what’s the best way to use the SEO shield and press releases to get the clients GMB and money site to rank quickly and get the phone ringing? Um, well, with press releases, you know, you can get results with press releases. rather quickly. If you do the press release silo like PR silo stacking, right, we did a free webinar on that. You can see that mg y b.co. The webinars tab, you can also go to Semantic Mastery YouTube channel. So youtube.com slash Semantic Mastery, use the channel search features search for press release SEO or PR silo stalking or any one of those terms. And you’ll see the webinar that we did Marco and I, that works really, really well. What we found over cuz it’s like the local PR pro method, right? That’s one of the courses that we have is local PR Pro.
And it changed slightly from the original training. And that’s part of the reason we did that webinar about the press release silo stacking, because you can silo press releases together and mirror sites. silo architecture from your money site. Just like you know, it’s when we talk about theme mirroring all the time, right. And again, that was network Empire taught me about theme mirroring many years ago, and is more relevant today than it was then in my opinion. And so you know, you can mirror the silo structure from like blog posts within a silo using press releases, and that works incredibly well. Same thing with GMB posts by the way. So and you can use those in conjunction if you’re trying to rank the GMB right you can publish GMB posts that are siloed together, daisy chained together, right and then you can use press releases to promote the GMB posts which ultimately promotes the Google My Business profile. So, you know, those work really well. The key with the press release silos that I found, especially for something like what you’re talking about here, with a general dentist in a metro region with a dozen competing dentists within a one mile radius is it it’s probably going to take multiple press releases within that stack or that silo, in order for you to get results. Press Releases will work great for that. But you might need to do half a dozen or more to get any results and in quick succession to so you know, that’s a great option. Like you know, somebody that has a press advantage account their own account and has a lot of credits, or maybe picked up one of the subscription offers when we had those available for 12 done for you or 10 done for you on a month like then you could use scheduled or published press releases in quick succession. And you’ll get results from that rather quickly. But to to outside of press releases when using the SEO shield. Remember, it’s about on page First of all, haven’t good on page structure. And then second of all, it’s just how much how aggressive Can you be with your off page to the SEO showed? Now let Marco pick up there because, you know, in certain cases where you don’t have a lot of control over the on page, which happens, you can still brute force it using the SEO shield. It just requires a lot more off page a lot more aggressive off page strategy. So Margot, what would you say? Alright, from this, if he’s looking to do is that three pack? Right GMB? didn’t look local GMB Pro, local GMB pro to start, get those posts going on a regular basis, see how many you need to do per day or per week, per month, whatever it is to trigger the phone calls to start getting into that three pack to maybe take over some knowledge panels, but that’s going to require stacked post silo post. Once you have that in place, and you should be mimicking right ready to set or theme mirroring what you’re doing on the website. So this is a specific service that you want to push General Dentistry for just as an example. You should have a general dentistry stack
In your GMB’s, and once you have that, then you push that press release back to that, which is going over to your website, but your website has to be siloed correctly also so that everything flows properly. Once you hit that with the press of these, then you hit those when link building the press release the post, and your drive second G site to all push power over to your money site where you’re going to have that Google Google My Business map embedded iframe so that everything flows back into the GMB. That’s how you’re going to pop that into into that three pack lots of local images and I can for a dentist, I’ve been racking my brain about this question, because what images can you show like outside of the dentist’s office other than a dentist’s office to show the services about the desk? Well, you might want to just show geolocation near the desk, right one mile radius from the dentist, where you might be at at a competitor’s office, but you’re talking about the other dentist that the image that you’re uploading is to the other dentist, you’ll you’ll have people who come to the dentist upload images and say, Oh, thanks, Doc for a great smile, just whatever you can reviews also work. Link building to the reviews, and I’m not going to give something away that that’s fantastic. Right now, that’s going to be an update to local GMB Pro. But guys, local GMB Pro, then local PR Pro, then you start hammering, then you do the iframes plus the link building, everything is a madness, a reason to the madness, there’s a reason for everything, everything works in conjunction, if your money site isn’t siloed correctly for those silos, then it’s not going to work correctly. Because you’re not going to push the power back the way that you’re supposed to, you’re not gonna start building that power the way that you’re supposed to, you’re not gonna pop the three pack the way that you’re supposed to, or the knowledge panel, everything works in conjunction. So thinking that you’re just going to do it with with the with the SEO power shield, which you can, it’s kind of missing the point of all of the power you should be pushing, right? If you only do the SEO power shield, the amount of power that you have to push is exponential. Right? So it’s going to require a whole lot more than just an SEO shield. And it’s going to require a whole lot more than probably one link building order. Or one press release stack is going to take multiples, and it’s going to take multiple images. And it’s going to take consistency over time. And then link building consistently over time.
Yeah, and just expand on that briefly. You know, Marga just hit the nail on the head, like, you know, I’m not in the dentist industries at all. So I don’t know if these would be proper silos, but because I don’t even know if General Dentistry would have I guess it would have, you know, could be a silo. And then there could be like cosmetic dentistry, for example, I don’t know that you’re, all I’m saying is create a silo on the site, right? Exactly like what Marco said, then once you have that, right, you can create the same mirror that same type of silo structure with GMB posts, just as Marco said, then you can also do the press release. PR silo stack the same way, right. So it’s mirrored exactly the same way interlinked, the same way that you did the blog posts on the money site, then the G site, you can mirror all of those, right, each one of the pieces of content you publish on your blog, you can create a page or sub page within that silo on the G site, and embed the blog post embed the G bet GMB post, and embed the PR press release. Right, you don’t even need any new content for the G site, right, you just add you embed those pieces of content that you produce that are all interlinked. And the perfect silo structure, you know, the internal linking the the link wheel that we create with our silos, now you’ve got a G site page with those properties embedded and you can just hammer those with link build link building gigs. And that’s that’s how you get results. And not again, some additional power you can pull in, we just talked about this on the mike Martin webinar earlier today. But the blog posts that you were publishing for that silo that are interlinked correctly, also going to syndicate out to your syndication network, right. It’s part of the SEO shield, go grab those post URLs, put those in or embed them into the pages on the G site. So you understand now you’re taking the theme mirroring of each one of the silo from your main money site, that’s your point of origin. And you’re mirroring that into all of the other properties in the SEO and then the G site ultimately, and that that becomes your link building target, right. So you can power up every single one of those pieces of content, they were all mirrored correctly and interlinked properly, so that all the juice flows exactly where you want it to, to the top level page that you want to rank for, in this case, your GMB profile for general dentistry and whatever location you’re in. So again, you can get really creative and that’s the beautiful thing I love about we just talked about this, like I said with the mike Martin crew that I love about the SEO shield is that you don’t have to go that deep into mirroring all of your assets like that. You only do that if needed. You know what I mean? So my point is I always start with top level mirroring. And then as I determine what level of competition is and how much it’s going to take, I can go deeper into the mirroring process as needed. And get to all the way down to that really granular point that I was just talking about where you can take all of the different pieces of content for that particular silo and mirror that onto the G site and just embed all of those iframe all those different pieces of content into their corresponding one to one ratio pages on the G site, right, and then just hammer their way with that if needed. Again, I don’t do that on. That would be an enormous amount of work if you had to do that for every keyword, every post everything else. So I don’t do that. I only do that when absolutely necessary. But you’ve got a lot of options available, right? A lot of tricks up your sleeve that you can pull out when needed.
Last but not least, I forget that the schema on the website on the pages on the service all have to be correct. Because if you’re messing up the schema of the schema isn’t right. If there’s any ambiguity between him and another dentist, you’re in a whole lot of trouble. If you want to learn more about entity and technical SEO and how to put this all together, join the heavy hitter club. We’ll be happy to help you out. Man. that’s a that’s a really good question. Yeah, fantastic question. Might be a winner. Maybe.
What Is The Best Way To Push Footprint To Get Into The Client Into The GMB Local Pack Further From His Location?
Next question. Tom Yeah, let’s roll through it. Guys. If we have time for a second question. Once we get him to rank in the GMB immediately around his location, what is the best way to push that footprint to get him to the GMB to get him in the GMB local pack further and further from his location? Local GMB pro does I mean the methods that we teach in there is specifically for that very reason that you just asked about. It’s about expanding the footprint and part of the reason we did that was because local GMB Pro is about expanding the footprint for a GMB location. Right. Whereas, you know, we’ve done other training, we don’t sell this anymore, but we we call it local lease Pro, which was about getting multiple GM B’s. But you know, when when Google’s gone through in phases, like they have in cycles where they go on a rampage of suspending gmds which right now is one of those times I wouldn’t recommend making edits in GM B’s at all. I’ve experienced the suspension in the last two weeks or so myself. So you know, if you can’t secure new GM B’s, which is an easier way in my opinion when it’s available when that method is available to us, then you can with work with the local GMB pro method you can expand that footprint from so that your maps profile your GMB profile can rank in maps packs outside of your immediate physical location, if that makes sense. And again, there’s the specific methods are tied in local GMB Pro. It takes consistency though, and and it does take some time for you to build that authority to where you can rank in adjacent areas because the way that the maps results are being displayed now as a proximity filter or proximity.
You know, they the GMB wants to return businesses that are physically located in close proximity to where the searcher is at the time that they perform the search. It can be overpowered, but it does take consistent effort and time to to make that happen.
Especially Yeah, this is especially important in dentistry. If you’re an emergency dentist, you’re never going to go too far out from from your radius, because nobody wants to be an hour away from the dentist when when you have that today. But if you have a cosmetic dentist, now you’ll go out of your way to find a really good or cosmetic surgeon for that matter, right?
When they have to whatever do a bone graft in your mouth or whatever, you will go out of your way to find the best one, not not that one not a good one close by. So you really have to pay attention to what you’re doing general will probably include a an emergency dentist somewhere in there. And I’d be careful when you’re trying to extend it too much where it won’t make sense to the person that’s getting that display because then you will be displayed to people who will not take action and that can be a negative negative signal.
Adam, if you guys are done with the question, I got something but I wanted to let you wrap that up. Sure. All right. So we wanted to interrupt this important broadcast to let you guys know we mentioned that we were going to give away to or access to two people for two x your agency and you guys can see that on the sidebar there you can go to 2xyouragency.com. Let’s see I this is a pretty clear cut case of the squeaky wheel sometimes gets the grease. So let me find the name here. I think it was our Vorhees. So I’m gonna direct message you and we’re going to get you access you were just asking you have an agency what’s the best course to get you started? And so this is going to be the place to get you started go through to x your agency we’re going to give you free access and then you should definitely come join the mastermind after that. All right. So I’ll dm you in a minute and then Hernan you have you pick someone else for the second one right? Yeah, green Rhino. We got green Rhino somewhere around
So do you want to miss it? Do you want to? Yeah, I’ll shoot him a message to both you and then what we’re going to do is have you guys contact support and we will get you access right away. So Marco is going to be doing an announcement here towards the end picking his best question. And with that, let’s get back to the questions. Awesome. It’s like Christmas in. Well, November. Whoo. Yay.
What Is The Best Course To Get Help With Running An SMM/Traffic Agency?
Our Vorhees was just on our I recognize that more, I think is Robert. Anyways, he was just on the mike Martin webinar. So again, welcome, by the way, that’s pretty cool that you joined and got something free join Hump Day Hangouts and got got picked a winner. That’s pretty cool. Anyways, uh, so he says, I have an agency what is the best course or should get me to help me running with SSM traffic agency? Well, two extra agencies more about growing your agency, prospecting and such. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we talked about the pipeline, there’s three parts to extra agency pipeline results and scaling like essentially, you know, filling your pipeline with prospects, then getting results, which is just using, you know, depending on what what it is that you’re offering, if SEO and traffic generation is part of what you do, I don’t do social media marketing for any of my clients other than we post you know, from we publish blog posts to their blog, which syndicates out to the syndication network properties. So that’s, that’s about the extent of what I do for social media marketing for, for my, my clients. But I do you know, SEO, and traffic generation, well, if you’re, if you’re doing good at SEO, you’re gonna generate traffic and other methods too. But um, but SEO is certainly a great way to generate traffic. So you know, to x, your agency will be good for you. But as as Adam said, you know, mastermind is where you get access, it’s about business building. It’s if you want strictly SEO, stuff, go to heavy hitter club. If you want more about business building and more general knowledge, where we get into SEO, as well as pretty much anything else you want to cover. That’s what the mastermind is for our semantic mastery. Um, I’m going to recommend, he’s already getting to X ray agency. So you guys giving him a flying, start, rather than a head start. I’m going to say, the semantic mastery mastermind and the heavy hitter club, because he has an agency, and he should have people helping him he shouldn’t you shouldn’t be a one man band. Right, you should have a VA or more that I help you run your agency because if not, you are a bottleneck. Because you have to take care of everything. You don’t have processes in place, or you do have processes, but you can’t implement them fast enough for you to cover all of the clients that you need to cover, especially if you’re good and you’re already getting results for your clients. So I’m going to say mastermind mastermind comm and let us help you build your agency and to the heavy hitter club, where you are your VA, if you should choose your VA can go and learn the technical SEO aspects aspects that you need to get results. And not only that, if you join the mastermind, you get a deep discount for the heavy hitter club. And it’s better than if you were not to join the mastermind and only joined the heavy hitter club, you get a better discount by joining the mastermind.
Yeah, and you get a lot of our products that, you know, included in mastermind our significant discounts on some of those that we collaborated with others. So there’s a lot of benefits for that.
How Important Is It To Protect An IP Address Or Footprint When Logging Into Different GMB Accounts?
So Okay, moving on. Next one is from Robert says, How important is it to protect IP address or footprint when logging into different GMB accounts? Does Google care? should we care? You know, it’s not it’s not the IP, it’s the browser, right? It’s no longer an IP issue. It’s it’s the the browser that creates the issue. For example, you should be using ghost browser or some sort of, you know, cache keeper or or, you know, profile keeper ghost browser is the one that we recommend right now.
We used to recommend something else, but it’s been, you know, not been supported for quite some time. So anyways, Ghost browser, go check it out. semantic mastery, comm slash ghost browser. It’s inexpensive, but that’s great. And here’s here’s the thing, because of public Wi Fi being so prevalent, right? There’s, you know, dozens and sometimes hundreds or even thousands of devices logging into the same IP, right, from a public Wi Fi or whatever. So it’s not that it’s not the IP that triggers like it used to years ago, right? We used to we used to always have to use proxies and all that kind of stuff where else it would trigger just from logging in like this, like from different accounts through the same IP, it could trigger you know, IP locks or re verification issues and all that kind of stuff. I don’t experience any of that now at all. I use a the old the old profile keeper, it’s called browse eo that’s what I’m still using. I’m still waiting for the fucking update to come through. That’s supposed to been a year ago now. Anyways, it’s outdated. It’s the only reason I’m still using it because I got so many damn profiles in there that all have their own search history, and everything else built up the ideas and Ghostbrowser will do that. And that’s updated regularly. So ghost browser is what we recommend. Now, I don’t use a ghost browser just because like I said, I got so much of my business already integrated into the browser to platform that I wish I wasn’t. So married to. Anyway, my point is, I’m logged in. And same I don’t use proxies at all. And I’ve got dozens and dozens, if not over 100 different profiles that I log into fairly regularly from the same IP. But each each time I log in that session is the previous session is restored. In other words, my browsing history, cookies, cache form history, you know, form fills, all of that stuff is kept for each separate profile. You can do that in Firefox, there are some Firefox profiles, which is I guess, native to Firefox, you can do it that way, it’s a little bit more manual. There are also some Firefox extensions that will do stuff like that I’ve not used any of them. I know that ghost browser is a really good tool for what it is that you’re talking about, I recommend you use stuff like that, guys, because here’s the thing, it’s unnatural to do like what we used to do with like syndication Academy, years ago, when when I first developed that, like, it was about either using proxies or we even if we weren’t using proxies, we would go like I would always use Firefox, a clean installation of Firefox, and I’m clear cache and cookies between logging into the next set of profile accounts. That makes sense. But if you think about that, every time you clear your browser history, you’re you know, clear, clear cache and cookies. And you’re logging into an account with like, zero, history, zero, you know, cookies cache, all that stuff like zero browsing history, that looks unnatural. But it doesn’t, it doesn’t look unnatural now to log in using the same IP, but every time you log in, you’ve got you know, your previous recession is restored, or it’s kept your, your your excuse me, your previous session is restored so that it keeps all of like what your previous history was, and everything else. So you can literally build the profile, just like, you know, normal people.
Obviously, with mobile and everything else, there are still some tricky things that you know, can occur. But my opinion is you should be using something like ghost browser doesn’t have to be ghost browser, but something that does that same sort of function.
We have to do, right? We have, I can’t, because even even the TV and the fridge are smart. So we have like 12 devices connecting to the internet through the same IP because I have a static IP. So I have multiple multiple laptops, multiple phones, I have 12 Android, and I have iOS. We have three other iPhones and three other Android devices. No, it’s it’s over. It’s about 15 devices, from the same IP going through the same router through the same modem. So all of this shit about a footprint and all that that’s like way in the path. But we understand that people are still worried and they want to separate things. Great thing about the new syndication Academy is that the the the person doing the training is going to be showing you guys how to save those Firefox profiles and how to use it. She uses that rather than go ghost browser. She’ll talk about that, or browse Yo, I think she’ll talk about browser too. She went directly through Firefox and it’s showing how to do that. Yep. So cool thing about the new training.
There’s a lot of cool things about the new training looks. I’m excited about it. Um, Tom, Tom says congrats on six years, guys, I’m still here lurking every Wednesday. And that’s awesome. I think if I remember correctly, Thomas, or at least used to be somewhat local to me. And he’s been lurking in the background, and he very rarely even comments, but it seems like every year on our anniversary, he does let us know that he’s still here. So that’s awesome. Thank you. Appreciate that.
Do You Think The SEO Shield Will Lose Its Power Slightly When Google Finishes The New Passage Indexing Update?
Alright, moving on. Ah, let’s see BB. What’s up, baby. We knew you’d be here somewhere. He says Hey, guys, number one. Do you think when Google finishes the new passage indexing update, the SEO shield will lose slightly its power. Honestly, I hate saying this again, guys, because I don’t keep up with all the fucking I’m not all the updates and stuff all the time. What is the passage indexing update?
I’m not familiar with that.
Yeah, man, I have no idea. Okay, um, do I think it will slightly loses power? i? Well, I don’t know. Because I don’t know what that indexing update is that you referring to?
So I can’t you know, I don’t know. But we will find out. I can tell you that. And here’s the thing. That’s, you know, part of the reason why I don’t keep up with all the different updates and stuff is because the SEO showed our methods tend to stick and be a fake proof. And again, knock on wood. I mean, again, I’m grateful that our methods have continued to work even update after update. Oftentimes, I’m not even aware that an update is occurred until other people bring it to our attention like in a hump day hangout or in one of the groups
And it’s just because most of the time, I don’t see a lot of fluctuations. Occasionally, I’ll see maps fluctuations for stuff because they’re always tweaking the maps algorithm. But, uh, you know, typically I don’t know. So the idea with the updates are, wait and see. If it does if it does significantly affect anything that we’ve done. Well, fortunately, we’ve got the SEO Mad Hatter’s, the mad scientist, Marco and Rob, behind the scenes that will figure this shit out, and will tell you once we figure it out, that’s typically what happens. But fortunately, we haven’t really had to do any major like scrambling to update anything. And the last several years, we’ve been very fortunate in that respect. Any comment? Oh, I’ll worry when Google updates its ranking score algorithm.
Because that’s what we’re targeting through everything that we do.
indirectly, like, we’re also directly targeting PageRank. That’s, that’s our doorway, into the ranking score algorithm. If whoever is talking about this update, passage, indexing isn’t talking about how it affects PageRank and ranking score. They don’t know what they’re talking about. Because that’s what we’re worried about. And if we’re worried about the artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is being targeted through everything else that we do. And so we’re targeting the major aspects of what Google is looking for. When it comes to rankings. We don’t we don’t really worry about it, let them update, and then we’ll see what happened. If something happens to our properties. We’ll go We’ll take a look. And we’ll figure out another way to push them up. We always do. Yeah, I remember when BERT first was implemented, you know, there was on a bunch of SEO, you know, blogs and stuff, people were saying you can’t optimize for BERT.
Alright, well, I guess we didn’t know when we did it. So. And again, it’s a semantic web guys. Yeah, you can mark it just he said this just earlier today. But you know, if it’s a bot, a machine learning a bot that you know, you if it’s a machine learning, but you can train it, what you want it to do. And that’s what essentially what we’re doing. So you said it much more eloquently than I did though, Marco, how did you say it? Show me a bot that’s coded to learn? And I’ll show you about that I can teach and train. There you go. Much more eloquent than what I said.
What Do You Mean By Supporting Article?
So, Alright, number two is what do you mean when you say supporting article or an article within the site to match a keyword or something? Yeah, supporting article again, maybe by now you should have already read this article. And if you haven’t, I want to immediately upon the end of today’s Hump Day hangout to go read this. And this goes for everybody else on here to go to look for Bruce clay SEO, right, look at or what a silent website silo architecture. That’s what I’m looking for a website.
Let me spell correctly. siloing. There we go.
All right, go take a look at this. This is an article that he published. This looks like maybe an updated version of it. But I mean, it’s Oh, how old is this article with the marbles and stuff? He’s got quite a few. He’s got this one right here, SEO. So Bruce claim.com, slash SEO slash silo, it’s the the page itself has changed slightly like the interface or the look. But I’m sure the article is the same. And I think this article was written in 2011. I don’t know if it’s, I think I think before that, maybe even before that, I might have been introduced to it around that time, but 2011. But this is like, this is like the foundation of what silo architecture is all is. This is a fantastic article. And so I would go through and read about this, this should answer your question. I mean, I’ll answer your question now. But I would recommend all everybody go read through this article. This is like foundational stuff that like all websites, silo architecture has been built upon this basically, this method, it’s really, really fabulous. Okay, so as far as what is the supporting article? Well, if you know what your top level keyword is, that you’re trying to promote, right, so usually, that’s a commercial intent type keyword.
And, well, there’s gonna be longer tail versions, or variations of the keyword that are more specific, or, you know, again, variate variants of the original keyword, that kind of stuff. Well, those can you can optimize content targeting those other search queries or keywords, right synonymous terms, LSI keywords like Latent Semantic Indexing, keywords, co occurring, co occurring keywords, there’s a number of different terms that you can target that are basically describing the same thing. And so supporting articles is just publishing content that would fall within that silo within that category, that topical category that makes sense, and yes, it can be published. When I talk about publishing sporting articles, remember I’m primarily talking about publishing content on the blog, because that’s your, your point of origin, right your Epicenter like ground zero, right? That’s the golden frame. It’s, that’s where your money site is. It should be your content distribution engine, so to speak. So I typically mean publishing supporting articles in your blog, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Right? You don’t, you don’t even really need to have a blog. Right. You can have a GMB website and just a GMB asset and you can use the GMB posts to publish supporting articles and create a silo structure in your GMB just like you would on a money site. Even if you don’t have a money site, right. My point is like you can create your top level keyword post publish a post in GMB specifically targeting and optimized for your top level commercial intent keyword. And then you publish GMB posts underneath that that interlink are linked back up to that. And daisy chained together, we talked about internal linking inside the mastermind, a lot of you hit her club a lot. But again, if you interlink those correctly, so you’re publishing posts that are whether it’s a blog post a GMB post or press releases that can work to put your publishing content that supports that top level term. Does that make sense? And so again, it’s about interlinking. That’s called adding depth to a silo, right, adding breath, right, or width to a silo would be adding like subcategories, and then adding content to that. But adding depth to a content silo is, is adding more terms more supporting content, to add depth to that topic, right. And that that’s where it’s almost like and I learned this from network Empire many years ago, when I got went through their certification program and all that stuff, I think that was in 2014, when I did that, is that you know, if you understand silo architecture, and you have your keyword set, right, your keyword theme for that particular silo very, very tight, it’s very relevant, then by just adding enough depth to that silo and proper internal linking, you’ll be able to rank that term. And we’ve seen that proven time and again, through our own testing, but also like Jeffrey Smith, for example, SEO bootcamp SEO ultimate pro plugin, he’s freaking amazing at on page and doing an adding breadth and depth to topical silos and getting results with very little off page work. Sometimes even no off page work just because of how good he is at interlinking and setting up silo structure and creating topical relevancy between supporting posts and all that it’s just fucking amazing what he can do. And so again, it’s very very important guys, this we always talk about you know, starting with on page silo architecture is incredibly important. Then you start mirroring that stuff into your external or your your entity assets. Anyways, you want to add on to that Marco? Not perfect. Okay, keep moving. We’re almost Oh shit, we’re out of time. Guys. Can you believe that?
A shit. Do you update to how we use the battle plan video to be newer than 2017 video in there. Now, I had mentioned this in the Facebook group also. Um, yeah, I think we’re going to be updating the battle plan again, Shawn, I got him covered. He’s gonna reach out to me. We’re gonna look into that. Okay, and we’re gonna, we’re gonna be doing another version of the battle plan here in a couple of months. So it’s coming. All right now. Now the most important question that was after this. So what’s Marcos secret to a beautiful tan? Oh, Chase, your kids are on the beach for a week or so a newsie.
Awesome. Man. We got a lot more questions.
How To Clear Google Cache?
I can hang out for about 10 minutes. I’ll go I got a call. Yeah, I can’t though. So if if last thing I want to do is I want to answer pavlos question, guys. If that’s we got enough time for that. And I’ve got to wrap it up, guys. I’m sorry, but I didn’t Marco’s got to make his announcement for one the best question so he’ll be after FDA answer this question, brother. Okay. So Pamela is asking about Google cache. He says How to Clear Google cache. I have an old GMB that was used for two types of services. Now when I’m doing a search Google shows my GMB for old keywords. need your advice on how to clear keywords that Google’s associate with the GMB listing? Thanks a million? That’s a really good question. Um, I don’t know how to force Google to clear cache other than the habit re crawled. And again, even even if they recrawl, it doesn’t mean that they’re going to refresh the index essentially. I’ve experienced that with YouTube videos, believe it or not, like had a YouTube video that I was did a live stream like a live like it was a pre recorded video, but I was streaming it. And when I went to go set up the stream, it just used like the generic term or whatever that was in there. And for whatever reason, it indexed with that term, even though I had edited it, and my video stayed ranked for like this generic like it was it was like it was weird. The I can’t even explain it, like the title tag, never updated, even though like it was weeks before Google finally updated the title tag in the search results from like, whatever the, you know, my live stream or whatever it said to the actual keyword that the title was that I had updated within minutes of Google indexing that that that original stream, so I don’t know how to force that. That’s a really good question. Margo, do you know how to force that? No, Google will take its sweet old time and get to it. The only thing I could mention would be, you know, you can’t use the request indexing function inside a search console right now.
So if it’s a GMB and it doesn’t have like its own website associated with it, then I don’t you know, you search console is kind of useless for that anyways. But you could try to resubmit through search console, although, like I said, requesting indexing is turned off right now, I talked about this last week, let me just show you very quickly, if you do have a self hosted website, this is something that you can do.
It’s called the instant indexing plugin. And it’s by rankmath. Instant indexing plugin right here. If you go and install this on a WordPress site, it, let’s see, where’s the that’s fine, whatever, you can download this for free. And you connect it to the Google Indexing API. So you have to go into developers.google.com. And set up the Indexing API. They’ve got help files, it’s real easy, it takes about 10 minutes to set it up. And then you can submit through a WordPress site. There’s a you know, you can submit URLs directly to search console. So you know, that’s that’s what I’m using right now, since the request indexing feature has been turned off inside of search console for now. So I’ve got this installed on multiple sites right now. And so it’s great because if it’s, if you’re updating a page or a post or a media file, you can you can, you can change the options. But if you’re updating a page or a post or publishing it for the first time, it will instantly submit it to the Google Indexing API. And you can also there’s a in the in the instant indexing plugin settings, there’s a tab where there’s a box that you can submit URLs directly to indexer. There, you can also like, you know, call it to see what the indexing status is, and stuff like that. So again, very, very cool. It’s free rankmath and instant indexing plugin, check it out.
Alright, guys, do what you’re going to do.
As far as like picking a winner, or whatever you’re going to do is somebody somebody helped me out because I know that we picked two people already. And we got some really good questions. So I’m typing one of them. So yeah, you guys help Marco out? If you guys see a good question.
Someone that didn’t win already, we can pick the same person to win multiple times makes no difference to me.
We said green miners question was really good. Yeah. But they just wanted to extra agency in the neck.
Yeah, but they’re in the mastermind. They said so we can pick them. I told them we’d pick something else. So. So yeah, that’s who it is. Oh, there you go. We’re at it. privately, send me a private message on Facebook.
Your 30 minute consultation? Perfect. I’m gonna also send them something else. So cool. I also just sent you instructions just to make sure shoot us an email, get in touch with Marco and we’ll get that set up. Yeah, really quickly. Also a green Rhino. If you’re in the mastermind, keep in mind, listen up the Hangouts remember, is a free forum. So we can only talk about things on a conceptual level. Don’t don’t not use the webinars in the mastermind. That’s what they’re available for. So that we can deep dive into anything you want to talk about get is as specific as you want. We can audit your out your properties or look at what you’re doing for marketing. If you want, we can do that. So the mastermind again, remember, if you want to ask in depth questions and get really thorough answers, and like we’ll we’ll go into screen shares and do all kinds of cool stuff. That’s what the mastermind is for us the masterminds submit questions form, and also ask questions in the Facebook group, and we’re happy to you know, answer them in the Facebook threads. But also, if it requires a longer answer, then we can cover those in our mastermind webinars, and each one of us do our own mastermind webinars. So don’t forget, use that instead of saving your questions for Hump Day hangouts where we can only talk about them on a conceptual level. I just want to make that clear, so that you get the most out of it.
Okay, that’s awesome. All right. Happy sixth guys. onwards.
  Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 312 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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localwebmgmt · 4 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 312
Click on the video above to watch Episode 312 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
All right, and we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts number 312. For those of you who have a calculator in front of you, or your smartphone, you can take 320 divided by 52. And you get the number six. This is six year anniversary of Hump Day Hangouts. So technically, it’s a little bit over six years going strong, because there’s been some very rare exceptions to this. But we’re calling this the six Year Anniversary Show. We have got a lot of good stuff. I’m going to go into some of the fun stuff we’re going to do today on top of answering the questions which I can see a bunch more coming in. So we want to leave enough time for that as well. But real quick, say hi to the guys and yeah, guys, if you have anything to add about the six year anniversary and your experiences through it, by all means have a have a go at it. So I’ll just kind of go around here on my screen and Marco your first man up.
Am I I’m usually laugh. Well, here I am. What’s up everybody? Six years, six years. And I know I missed last week. But I posted a picture. So you guys can see it’s sunny and warm. And I was at the beach and I had lots of fun. And in the middle of the rainy season, we only had rain one day really bad weather wet rain, most of the morning and it was the morning that I left. Other than that the mornings were fantastic. A couple hours of rain in the afternoon, then back in the pool. So I’m you can’t beat it.
Sorry about that. Get some? What’s up? Come get some or not. How about you? I guess you’re headed into some nice warm weather nowadays, aren’t you? Yeah, man. It’s actually pretty nice out there. And it’s getting nice and warm and sunny, shining. So everything is great. And being in Miami for two weeks, that was pretty cool to actually break, break up a little bit with a routine that a lot of networking and super excited to be here and got one of these as well, which is you know what’s waiting for me in Miami. So that was pretty awesome. And yeah, man, life’s good. Excited to be here. Six years ago, I wouldn’t have imagined that we will be keep on doing this thing that always call him the hang up. And it’s been, it’s been quite a ride. And it’s you know, and it’s also been the number one source of I, you know, I’m inclined to say the number one source of awareness and leads and everything that Semantic Mastery has to offer. So this stuff works. That’s why we keep on doing it because it works to bring leads and if you put your best content out there, people will come and respect you and buy your stuff so that we’re kind of a testimonial that this type of approach works. So I’m really excited to be here. Good stuff. All right, Chris, about you, man. thing. Good. Glad to be here today.
Six years of Hump Day. Unbelievable. Wow. Yeah. How are you doing today? Ah, not bad. I’m doing really good. I was excited about this. I was like, man, I wished at the last minute I forgot. I wish I had like the birthday kind of hat like the cone. But I didn’t have anything. I was like looking in the closet. The last minute I was like, I’ll do something fun for we’ll do some fun stuff for the holidays over Christmas. But yeah, I’m going backpacking after this that has nothing to do with Hump Day Hangouts. But I generally go out for a run. And then I was like, You know what, we’re gonna go and answer the door, there might be a wine delivery. So Bradley wants to tell everyone how you’re doing. And I’m going to go get that real quick. Right on. Because the birthday cake, six year anniversary episode, 312 52 weeks per year times 312. That’s fucking insane. And we’ve only, like I’ve missed two Hump Day Hangouts, I think in six years, and they were basically scheduled, like time off. So that’s pretty consistent. I’m proud of that, guys. And I know we say this often, we probably don’t say it often enough, you know, we truly enjoy doing this every week, or else we wouldn’t have done it for six years for free. It’s a it’s been a lot of fun. And, you know, I really do enjoy coming here and doing this every single week. So thank you all for making this, you know, possible for us to do this for six years. And here’s to another six, I hope.
Outstanding. I couldn’t agree more. I was gonna say the same thing. So I’ll just pile on what Bradley said. It’s fun seeing the questions and the ton of just the wide variety of stuff we cover. So I did want to touch before we dive into it. We got a few things going on. And I’m pulling up our notes. We wanted to do some fun giveaway. So Marco, do you want to tell them about yours first?
Yeah, best question today and you have to be live for this. Be here at the end. I will select the best question today. And I will give away 30 minutes of my time for consultation. Or you can ask me anything. I mean it literally you can come on for half an hour and just ask away and I’ll answer what I can’t guys.
Charge 1500 dollars per hour, or any part thereof. So that’s what I’m giving away because you’re here to celebrate our sixth anniversary because we’re here to help people, right? We’re here to help people. That’s why we decided to do Hump Day Hangouts, it was our way of giving back. It wasn’t really, I mean, we didn’t think we would generate, like this kind of buzz and as many people as we’ve gotten into the mastermind over the years, nobody could have expected this six years ago, but we wanted to have a way of giving back. So there it is, I’m giving someone 1500 bucks on me outstanding. And to follow up on that I’m keeping an eye on the live viewers and on our YouTube channel. If we get over 100 Live, what we’re going to do is we’re going to give a 50% SEO shield discount based on a random drawing. And then we’re, the rest of us are going to pick a couple of questions that we like, based just on the question itself, and we’re going to give away two or access for two people into two x your agency. You can find out more about that on the sidebar, or go to two x your agency.com. So go tell your friends go tell your friends who lives and we get to 100 that’s gonna be pretty, pretty cool. That’s right. That’s right. That’s right. All right, all we got to do is see that number 200. So get your friends and family to come jump on Hump Day hangouts briefly, but yeah, subscribe. I’m saying your YouTube channel to help us stay free help us stay live. subscribe to that channel. push that button. Yeah, that said that’s for sure. And guys, we have several people here it looks like that from the just came off the webinar we did for Mike Martin, Mike Martin and his mastermind group and Marco and I just spent two hours a little over two hours with those guys. It was great. It was a lot of fun. We were talking about the SEO shield. So welcome to all of you. This happens every single week. Again, this is 312 episodes and running. So please feel free to join us every week and post your questions and by the way you subscribe to our YouTube channel so you get notified of updates also, uh you know you can post questions ahead of time and we’ll get to them and you don’t have to attend live you can always it’s certainly great if you do attend live but if you can’t we understand but we can still answer your questions if you post them at a time you can always watch the replay.
Awesome well just want to say real quick before we get into the questions which we’re going to dive into. If you are new like Bradley was saying welcome is one of the best places you can get started is to check out the free training available at the SEO shield.com that’s th e the SEO shield calm you can find out more about shielding your site and never worrying about algorithm updates again we also highly recommend grabbing the battle plan we used to sell that for $100 we cut that down a lot you can check that out a battle plan dot semantic mastery comm we wanted everyone to have easy access to that it alone is a high value in within that area we included a membership area with ton of additional video training if you want to dive deeper into some areas we’ve got all of that so you can either get exactly what you want, or you can get way more than that for pay and nothing more so head over to battle plan dot semantic mastery comm to grab that and for those of you who already have a digital marketing business, the mastermind may be the place for you to network with others like you to get firsthand access to us as well as other members who are growing their agencies consultancies or their online businesses. You can find out more about that at mastermind.semanticmastery.com And last but not least mg y be head over there it’s mg y v.co that’s done for you services whether it’s the SEO field syndication networks our way s drives decks link building press releases and a lot more stuff head over there check it out it’s what we preach because it’s what we do save time white label get this heavy lifting stuff done some by someone else us so that you can then get the good results with it and spend time growing your business not working in it all the time. or non space just popped on here. I wonder if he had something you want to say are you just wanting to be here man?
All right, well, I’ll wrap up my spiel I just want to make sure because I know every week we have you know people joining us who don’t know where they should start exactly where to go. So again, just a quick rundown the SEO Battle Plan, battleplan.semanticmastery.com, Mastermind, mastermind.semanticmastery.com and mgyb.co.
Alright, guys, if that isn’t yet last thing before we get into the questions, uh, are we allowed to talk about syndication Academy at all? No, no, no. Yes. Yeah, absolutely. Should we talk about bringing on our, our cohort with all that and like just kind of teased a little bit, okay. So So what it is is Syndication Academy’s process being updated guys. It’s going to be awesome. We’re going to be version three that we’re going to be launching or 3.0 or whatever, whatever we decide to call it. But essentially, it’s the third iteration of Syndication Academy. It’s in progress. Now. We will be launching that soon. I don’t know when exactly but soon, and it’s going to be way better than it has been in the past for various reasons, but we’re going to have continual updates on a regular basis.
got somebody that is going to be doing, taking over kind of the training aspect of it, as you know, under our guidance, but it’s going to be great. I think most of our audience will appreciate the new member of the team. And we’re excited to bring, bring her in to introduce her to you guys in the coming weeks. And she’ll be joining us on Hump Day hangouts once or twice a month also, just to kind of help answer questions and things like that she’s going to be very active in the Facebook group. And it’s, it’s going to be a lot of fun. And I think it’s going to be really great. You know, syndication Academy was what was our like, flagship product, it’s really what put us on the map of Semantic Mastery. And it’s, you know, it hasn’t changed a lot. The interfaces of the web to Dotto properties have changed. But the the foundation, the fundamental principle of how why it works hasn’t changed at all. And we launched that product, and I think 2013. So think about that, or 2014, one of the two, so it’s six or seven years old, but it hasn’t changed. But we’re going to update the training. It’s in progress now to where everything will be new and current. And then we’re going to be doing continue updates on a regular basis. So we encourage you guys to check out syndication Academy, and be on the lookout for the updates that are coming. Well, we wanted to give people extra value, right? more value for their buck. So she’s gonna be there in the Facebook group answer questions. She’s gonna be there comments, concerns, if you have a particular website, maybe you find a great website, you don’t know how to really go into that website. You tell her she go and look at it, do the update, she’s going to be doing update webinars, she’s gonna be doing everything. She’s really cool. She’s fantastic. And I think I think that this is gonna be really good when it launches, then.
Yeah, me too. So I’m excited about it. Alright, guys, let’s go ahead and get into questions. I’m gonna grab the screen and make sure I’ve got all my not safe for work, tabs closed.
Alright, I’m kidding. All right, real quick. I have a funny story about that. So I do the productivity stuff on the side. And I had a video. And I’m getting better as I go. I it’s funny looking back videos I did for Semantic Mastery, for productivity for this other stuff. And like years ago, like I remember the first one I did for Semantic Mastery. I was like, I didn’t show my face was just screenshare. I’m like, Hey, this is this is Adam moody. You should look at this. And like it’s really cringe worthy. But like that’s, you know, you got to go through that stuff to get better, right? And somebody commented on one of my videos is just vicious, right? It’s YouTube. And I was doing a review on a mind mapping tool. They’re like, yeah, maybe you should use the tool to organize your thoughts. So you don’t just Bumble your way through this.
Yeah, like, you know what I thought about it. I was like, Aaron, thank you like,
So anyways, please, please continue. Yeah, if you want to see some embarrassing stuff, go back and look at the first few episodes of Hump Day Hangouts. And like how awful that I was. I was approaching 300 pounds at that time. So like, I was a lot different. I’m a, you know, two thirds the man I used to be.
Yeah, we it was it was pretty awful. I mean, don’t get me wrong, like it was it was fine, even back then. But we’ve certainly got a lot a lot more comfortable on webinars. I think so.
All right. I’m finally on camera after six years. Yeah. Groundhog Day. All right. Let me grab the screen.
What Are Your Thoughts On Map Geo Networks From An SEO And GMB Standpoint?
Okay, we should see it. So you guys are seeing my screen, correct? Yes. All right. Let’s see where we’re at. Looks like we’re starting with Jonah says hi guys. A term that I’ve heard a lot about recently and local SEO is map geo networks. What exactly are they are based on your experience? Do they offer much value from an SEO and GMB standpoint? Thank you. I don’t know what a map geo network is. Does anybody else have any idea what that is? No, no, that’s something that that we do. We do what’s in local GMB Pro. Right that that is? Yeah, well, but in conjunction if we if needed. Some people just like to work from the GMB but obvious as you look for more targets of course, you need that SEO power shield to complement it add more power and everything else that we have to offer. But I’m sorry, I need you guys know that that map geo network, Adam Hernandez, Chris, anybody? Not am I and no, that’s about it. Nope. Yeah. Yeah, I’m interested. I mean, I’m curious as to what that specifically means. Now I know. You know, we’ve experimented with and used like driving directions creating driving directions maps, that works for adding relevancy for oftentimes, it’s more for In my opinion, it works better for storefront businesses. So point of sale business businesses where the customers come to the business instead of the service area businesses where the business goes to the customers because when you do a service area business, you could create like driving directions maps to kind of help optimize for locations but you know, your if you have a service area business, you unpublish your street address, right. So, you guess you can use like center for wherever your business is physically located. Come on guys, a lot of the lead gen stuff that we do are spammed GMB listing. So we hide the address anyways, you know what I mean? But my point is like, you know, driving directions, if that’s what you mean. Also, like in RYS Academy, we use my maps. And there’s a lot of really cool ninja stuff that you can do with my maps too. But as far as what a map geo network is, I’m not familiar with that. So I’m sorry, I can’t really comment on it. No,
How Do You Fill Out The MGYB Info Form If You Want To Setup The SEO Shield For A Multi-Location Project?
Noel says, I bought the SEO shield. And I want to set it up for a local multilocation project in the state of New Jersey, how shall I fill out the info form for that? So I provide the info about the main location NAP anyways? Or shall I leave these fields blank? Yeah, okay, that’s great question. If you have, you know, a multi location business and one of your locations is your primary location, or headquarters or main office, or whatever you want to call it, which typically there is one that’s going to be the main location, then yeah, you can set up your original SEO shield order with that being the NAP, the brand, and then you know, the NA p listed on that. And then for each subsequent location, you want to use an ri s expansion stack, right. So use the ry s expansion service, and then you add your na p details, your keyword specific to those look that location into those orders. So essentially, you’ll have your main brand, with its current na p if it’s got, you know, if it’s associated with one, there’s another way that you could do it is to create like your main drive stack g site, where it’s just brand and keyword but no location. And then you could have subject, you know, our ys expansions for each location thereafter. But if you have one location, that is like considered a primary location or the headquarters, then you can make that as you know, associate dnap, or that specific location with the primary drive stack and G site like that. Because Because again, it’s kind of like your, your first location, your primary location, that’s perfectly acceptable as well. So you can do it one of either ways, just keep in mind that what you want to do after you’ve built that initial stack, or, you know, had it built for you is to do the ROI expansions for each additional location. Does that make sense? Anybody want to comment on that? I was perfect.
How Do You Deliver Stagnant Results To A Client?
Moving on, Mohammed. Mohammed has been with us for a long, long time. And we’re always glad to have you, Mohamed, thank you for being here. He says, Hey, guys, more of a communication question here. How do you deliver worst, unexpected or even stagnant results to a client? What I mean is, what do you do when something isn’t going your way during your service for the client? And they asked for an explanation, I just tell them, you know, I think honestly, the best policy guys always have when it comes to client work, even if it’s a bitter pill to swallow, so to speak, it might be difficult sometimes to have conversations when things don’t work out. But um, I just, you know, I think honesty goes a long way. Because sometimes you can salvage a relationship by just being honest, because people aren’t used to that I found, especially in our industry. So, you know, you can always say, look, we’ve tried this, and I can understand why I’m not being able to get results. Here’s what I proposed as an alternative or something like that. Oftentimes, you will end up losing that client. That’s, that’s been my experience. But sometimes you can, you know, they’re they’re willing, because of the honesty, and the communication is good, they’re willing to attempt to something else. You know, that that happens. I’ll give you a current example, I took on a client about seven or eight weeks ago now in a landscaping and Tree Service Company. And I, you know, I try to just stick with Tree Service stuff, especially now after taking on this newer client that does, they also do landscaping, landscape design, lawn care services, outdoor pest control, which I’ve got another client in that industry anyways, and irrigation stuff like lawn sprinkler systems and stuff. So there was like multiple other like service categories that I am not familiar with, because I’ve not done SEO for those types of services. And so they hired me to do SEO as well as manage their Google Ads campaign. And so for the outside of the tree services, like I’ve got those Google ads, you know, narrow, I’ve got those on point, don’t I mean, like, I understand those, because I’ve been doing it for so long. When it comes to like landscaping, lawn care, irrigation services, and all that kind of stuff. It’s taking longer to dial that those ads campaigns in than I expected, and the conversion rates are terrible. And I’m not 100% sure why. And so that’s, and that’s a newer client, too. And I’ve already had to have that conversation with them as to why you know, why we’re not seeing conversions for the ad spend. And so I’m actually shifting strategies away from doing search PPC, and doing some more branding type stuff such as YouTube ads, Google Display Network ads, and things like that, which are a lot less expensive. And since we weren’t getting conversions on the PPC, the search PPC campaigns anyways, it’s like you know, we’re spending money and not getting results. So why not spend money on more of a branding approach which is keeping that brand in front of people.
so that when they are ready to make that purchase decision, so anyways, my point in telling you that Muhammad was that, you know, that’s a newer client. And so that’s a tough conversation to have with a new client say, Look, I don’t know why this ads campaigns not producing results. But you’re right, we, you know, you spent, you know, however much money on ad spend in the last month, and it’s not really produced. So let’s try a different approach. This is what I suggest. And they were on board with that. So in my opinion, or they may, excuse me, in my experience, that’s, you know, always be honest with the client, if something is baffling you, you know, just explain that. And hopefully, you can salvage a relationship. If not, they might cut you loose, and that very well may happen, Mohamad. But that’s kind of, you know, learn from it and move on. That’s all I can say. Anybody else? Yeah, before I can give him any advice on how to deal with this, I need more information. Because it this is this is very, it’s wide open to speculation. How did you deliver worse than expected? First of all, over what period of time has this been? Has it always been worse than expected? Or have you been delivering results? When you say stagnant results? What do you mean by stagnant results? you’re producing results. And and they they haven’t peaked? That you you kind of hit a plateau, but you’re consistently delivering results, or you’re just not delivering results? If you are delivering results, maybe you need to reframe the, the conversation, if you’re not delivering the results, then my question to you would be why haven’t you delivered the result? So that needs to be looked into? But before any of this can be answered? At least from my point of view correctly? I need to know like over what period of time, Has it always been worse than expected results or stagnant results? Or did you deliver results at some point? And then now you’re not? Right. There’s a lot of things here that are not explained. That would require a different answer.
Hernan Yeah, I agree, I agree with what you guys said, like, I think it’s a matter of managing expectations, right?
It all comes down to that like, and it’s something that I’m trying to become better add as well like managing expectations from the get go telling the clients Hey, listen, you know, we’re going to be working together, you’re going to be a partnership, we’re going to be working together for a couple months, 3456 months, like, however long it takes, this is a partnership. And if this doesn’t work, then you try something else. And if that doesn’t work, then you try something else. And then if that doesn’t work, then you try something else. I think that totally being upfront with the client as to how things are going, things are not going and whatnot. I think that that’s pretty cool. Like we, as entrepreneurs tend to, you know, be really optimistic, and we tend to overestimate what we can do for the client. Because, you know, you’re excited about about getting a new client and all of that, I think that having an upfront conversation, it’s a good idea. But also, I think it’s it’s our responsibility as agency owners, or business owners to be surrounded with people that can help out, right, it is our responsibility. Like, I’m part of masterminds. I’m part of groups, I’m part of communities that I pay for every single month. So I can go in and say, Hey, guys, this is the scenario that I’m going through with this client, what do you guys recommend, right, and then I will get a lot of input and a lot of, you know, good ideas as to what to try with the client. So it is I think it is my responsibility as a business owner, to be part of those communities and have those resources ready, in case, you know, shit hits the fan, which it will for one client or the next and whatnot. So I think that i think that that’s, that’s, that’s the position that you need to be in and invest some of your money to actually be in that position. But other than that, I’m, you know, I’m straightforward with the clients, I would rather not take a client, like, for instance, right now, I get a lot of people searching me or coming my way for Facebook ads, right. And there’s a lot of hype, a lot of hype, when it comes to Facebook ads, like people promising the word people promising that or, you know, and it happens with SEO as well, like people saying, Yeah, we’re gonna rank in one month for 50 keywords for $500 a month. And that’s Bs, you know, that’s Bs, for the most part, like it is right. And so I tend to be conservative when I’m talking to a client like really, really conservative and rent really over deliver, right. So that’s the position that you want to be in because with the stuff that Marco is showing, with the stuff that Bradley’s showing, you can get those type of results. When you don’t want to tell the client right? You wanna, you want to surprise them in a good way you want to tell them, hey, listen, this is gonna take time, but then you know that you have, you know, the tool in your toolbox to actually go ahead and give them results in a faster than anyone else way. So that’s my approach to this. I think that that, that you need to be upfront with the client and just just do it, you know? Totally.
Yeah, totally agree with what they’ve said and I, the thing I tried to do and the words I’ve used before and still do you know, things happen. Manage expectations, but say, you know, if you were in their spot, what would you want to hear? And and, you know, that just helps you maintain the course of Yes, transparency and let them know, hey, if something went wrong, that’s what’s going to happen, you work towards letting that not happen and you hope to manage expectations, but things go wrong. And you know, you can turn a client who feels burned to a client who, hey, this didn’t work out well, but maybe those still refer people to you, because they understood that you know, something went wrong, you are honest about it, you know, you talked through it, you didn’t work through it, or they decided not to continue, but they were, you know, I would respect someone who says, Hey, I tried, here’s what happened, things didn’t work out. You know, what do you want to do from here? You know, we can either try these things, or, you know, I understand if you don’t want to continue working, and that type of person, I’d be like, well, I would certainly consider, you know, talking to them. If I understood their process, maybe and, you know, they change things. And we did things differently. But the person who tries to say, Oh, well, this is actually Okay, and is trying to blow smoke up my ass. I’m not going to work with them again. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that’s really good. Like I said, I think honesty goes a long way in this in this industry. And sometimes, I mean, you’re gonna sometimes you still lose the, the client, and that’s fine, but you’ll still be able to sleep better at night, knowing that you were honest, you know, at least I do.
What Is The Best Way To Use SEO Shield And Press Release To Rank Client’s GMB And Money Site Quickly?
So, alright, so the next question is general dentist in the metro region of 1 million population with a dozen competing dentists within one mile. So what’s the best way to use the SEO shield and press releases to get the clients GMB and money site to rank quickly and get the phone ringing? Um, well, with press releases, you know, you can get results with press releases. rather quickly. If you do the press release silo like PR silo stacking, right, we did a free webinar on that. You can see that mg y b.co. The webinars tab, you can also go to Semantic Mastery YouTube channel. So youtube.com slash Semantic Mastery, use the channel search features search for press release SEO or PR silo stalking or any one of those terms. And you’ll see the webinar that we did Marco and I, that works really, really well. What we found over cuz it’s like the local PR pro method, right? That’s one of the courses that we have is local PR Pro.
And it changed slightly from the original training. And that’s part of the reason we did that webinar about the press release silo stacking, because you can silo press releases together and mirror sites. silo architecture from your money site. Just like you know, it’s when we talk about theme mirroring all the time, right. And again, that was network Empire taught me about theme mirroring many years ago, and is more relevant today than it was then in my opinion. And so you know, you can mirror the silo structure from like blog posts within a silo using press releases, and that works incredibly well. Same thing with GMB posts by the way. So and you can use those in conjunction if you’re trying to rank the GMB right you can publish GMB posts that are siloed together, daisy chained together, right and then you can use press releases to promote the GMB posts which ultimately promotes the Google My Business profile. So, you know, those work really well. The key with the press release silos that I found, especially for something like what you’re talking about here, with a general dentist in a metro region with a dozen competing dentists within a one mile radius is it it’s probably going to take multiple press releases within that stack or that silo, in order for you to get results. Press Releases will work great for that. But you might need to do half a dozen or more to get any results and in quick succession to so you know, that’s a great option. Like you know, somebody that has a press advantage account their own account and has a lot of credits, or maybe picked up one of the subscription offers when we had those available for 12 done for you or 10 done for you on a month like then you could use scheduled or published press releases in quick succession. And you’ll get results from that rather quickly. But to to outside of press releases when using the SEO shield. Remember, it’s about on page First of all, haven’t good on page structure. And then second of all, it’s just how much how aggressive Can you be with your off page to the SEO showed? Now let Marco pick up there because, you know, in certain cases where you don’t have a lot of control over the on page, which happens, you can still brute force it using the SEO shield. It just requires a lot more off page a lot more aggressive off page strategy. So Margot, what would you say? Alright, from this, if he’s looking to do is that three pack? Right GMB? didn’t look local GMB Pro, local GMB pro to start, get those posts going on a regular basis, see how many you need to do per day or per week, per month, whatever it is to trigger the phone calls to start getting into that three pack to maybe take over some knowledge panels, but that’s going to require stacked post silo post. Once you have that in place, and you should be mimicking right ready to set or theme mirroring what you’re doing on the website. So this is a specific service that you want to push General Dentistry for just as an example. You should have a general dentistry stack
In your GMB’s, and once you have that, then you push that press release back to that, which is going over to your website, but your website has to be siloed correctly also so that everything flows properly. Once you hit that with the press of these, then you hit those when link building the press release the post, and your drive second G site to all push power over to your money site where you’re going to have that Google Google My Business map embedded iframe so that everything flows back into the GMB. That’s how you’re going to pop that into into that three pack lots of local images and I can for a dentist, I’ve been racking my brain about this question, because what images can you show like outside of the dentist’s office other than a dentist’s office to show the services about the desk? Well, you might want to just show geolocation near the desk, right one mile radius from the dentist, where you might be at at a competitor’s office, but you’re talking about the other dentist that the image that you’re uploading is to the other dentist, you’ll you’ll have people who come to the dentist upload images and say, Oh, thanks, Doc for a great smile, just whatever you can reviews also work. Link building to the reviews, and I’m not going to give something away that that’s fantastic. Right now, that’s going to be an update to local GMB Pro. But guys, local GMB Pro, then local PR Pro, then you start hammering, then you do the iframes plus the link building, everything is a madness, a reason to the madness, there’s a reason for everything, everything works in conjunction, if your money site isn’t siloed correctly for those silos, then it’s not going to work correctly. Because you’re not going to push the power back the way that you’re supposed to, you’re not gonna start building that power the way that you’re supposed to, you’re not gonna pop the three pack the way that you’re supposed to, or the knowledge panel, everything works in conjunction. So thinking that you’re just going to do it with with the with the SEO power shield, which you can, it’s kind of missing the point of all of the power you should be pushing, right? If you only do the SEO power shield, the amount of power that you have to push is exponential. Right? So it’s going to require a whole lot more than just an SEO shield. And it’s going to require a whole lot more than probably one link building order. Or one press release stack is going to take multiples, and it’s going to take multiple images. And it’s going to take consistency over time. And then link building consistently over time.
Yeah, and just expand on that briefly. You know, Marga just hit the nail on the head, like, you know, I’m not in the dentist industries at all. So I don’t know if these would be proper silos, but because I don’t even know if General Dentistry would have I guess it would have, you know, could be a silo. And then there could be like cosmetic dentistry, for example, I don’t know that you’re, all I’m saying is create a silo on the site, right? Exactly like what Marco said, then once you have that, right, you can create the same mirror that same type of silo structure with GMB posts, just as Marco said, then you can also do the press release. PR silo stack the same way, right. So it’s mirrored exactly the same way interlinked, the same way that you did the blog posts on the money site, then the G site, you can mirror all of those, right, each one of the pieces of content you publish on your blog, you can create a page or sub page within that silo on the G site, and embed the blog post embed the G bet GMB post, and embed the PR press release. Right, you don’t even need any new content for the G site, right, you just add you embed those pieces of content that you produce that are all interlinked. And the perfect silo structure, you know, the internal linking the the link wheel that we create with our silos, now you’ve got a G site page with those properties embedded and you can just hammer those with link build link building gigs. And that’s that’s how you get results. And not again, some additional power you can pull in, we just talked about this on the mike Martin webinar earlier today. But the blog posts that you were publishing for that silo that are interlinked correctly, also going to syndicate out to your syndication network, right. It’s part of the SEO shield, go grab those post URLs, put those in or embed them into the pages on the G site. So you understand now you’re taking the theme mirroring of each one of the silo from your main money site, that’s your point of origin. And you’re mirroring that into all of the other properties in the SEO and then the G site ultimately, and that that becomes your link building target, right. So you can power up every single one of those pieces of content, they were all mirrored correctly and interlinked properly, so that all the juice flows exactly where you want it to, to the top level page that you want to rank for, in this case, your GMB profile for general dentistry and whatever location you’re in. So again, you can get really creative and that’s the beautiful thing I love about we just talked about this, like I said with the mike Martin crew that I love about the SEO shield is that you don’t have to go that deep into mirroring all of your assets like that. You only do that if needed. You know what I mean? So my point is I always start with top level mirroring. And then as I determine what level of competition is and how much it’s going to take, I can go deeper into the mirroring process as needed. And get to all the way down to that really granular point that I was just talking about where you can take all of the different pieces of content for that particular silo and mirror that onto the G site and just embed all of those iframe all those different pieces of content into their corresponding one to one ratio pages on the G site, right, and then just hammer their way with that if needed. Again, I don’t do that on. That would be an enormous amount of work if you had to do that for every keyword, every post everything else. So I don’t do that. I only do that when absolutely necessary. But you’ve got a lot of options available, right? A lot of tricks up your sleeve that you can pull out when needed.
Last but not least, I forget that the schema on the website on the pages on the service all have to be correct. Because if you’re messing up the schema of the schema isn’t right. If there’s any ambiguity between him and another dentist, you’re in a whole lot of trouble. If you want to learn more about entity and technical SEO and how to put this all together, join the heavy hitter club. We’ll be happy to help you out. Man. that’s a that’s a really good question. Yeah, fantastic question. Might be a winner. Maybe.
What Is The Best Way To Push Footprint To Get Into The Client Into The GMB Local Pack Further From His Location?
Next question. Tom Yeah, let’s roll through it. Guys. If we have time for a second question. Once we get him to rank in the GMB immediately around his location, what is the best way to push that footprint to get him to the GMB to get him in the GMB local pack further and further from his location? Local GMB pro does I mean the methods that we teach in there is specifically for that very reason that you just asked about. It’s about expanding the footprint and part of the reason we did that was because local GMB Pro is about expanding the footprint for a GMB location. Right. Whereas, you know, we’ve done other training, we don’t sell this anymore, but we we call it local lease Pro, which was about getting multiple GM B’s. But you know, when when Google’s gone through in phases, like they have in cycles where they go on a rampage of suspending gmds which right now is one of those times I wouldn’t recommend making edits in GM B’s at all. I’ve experienced the suspension in the last two weeks or so myself. So you know, if you can’t secure new GM B’s, which is an easier way in my opinion when it’s available when that method is available to us, then you can with work with the local GMB pro method you can expand that footprint from so that your maps profile your GMB profile can rank in maps packs outside of your immediate physical location, if that makes sense. And again, there’s the specific methods are tied in local GMB Pro. It takes consistency though, and and it does take some time for you to build that authority to where you can rank in adjacent areas because the way that the maps results are being displayed now as a proximity filter or proximity.
You know, they the GMB wants to return businesses that are physically located in close proximity to where the searcher is at the time that they perform the search. It can be overpowered, but it does take consistent effort and time to to make that happen.
Especially Yeah, this is especially important in dentistry. If you’re an emergency dentist, you’re never going to go too far out from from your radius, because nobody wants to be an hour away from the dentist when when you have that today. But if you have a cosmetic dentist, now you’ll go out of your way to find a really good or cosmetic surgeon for that matter, right?
When they have to whatever do a bone graft in your mouth or whatever, you will go out of your way to find the best one, not not that one not a good one close by. So you really have to pay attention to what you’re doing general will probably include a an emergency dentist somewhere in there. And I’d be careful when you’re trying to extend it too much where it won’t make sense to the person that’s getting that display because then you will be displayed to people who will not take action and that can be a negative negative signal.
Adam, if you guys are done with the question, I got something but I wanted to let you wrap that up. Sure. All right. So we wanted to interrupt this important broadcast to let you guys know we mentioned that we were going to give away to or access to two people for two x your agency and you guys can see that on the sidebar there you can go to 2xyouragency.com. Let’s see I this is a pretty clear cut case of the squeaky wheel sometimes gets the grease. So let me find the name here. I think it was our Vorhees. So I’m gonna direct message you and we’re going to get you access you were just asking you have an agency what’s the best course to get you started? And so this is going to be the place to get you started go through to x your agency we’re going to give you free access and then you should definitely come join the mastermind after that. All right. So I’ll dm you in a minute and then Hernan you have you pick someone else for the second one right? Yeah, green Rhino. We got green Rhino somewhere around
So do you want to miss it? Do you want to? Yeah, I’ll shoot him a message to both you and then what we’re going to do is have you guys contact support and we will get you access right away. So Marco is going to be doing an announcement here towards the end picking his best question. And with that, let’s get back to the questions. Awesome. It’s like Christmas in. Well, November. Whoo. Yay.
What Is The Best Course To Get Help With Running An SMM/Traffic Agency?
Our Vorhees was just on our I recognize that more, I think is Robert. Anyways, he was just on the mike Martin webinar. So again, welcome, by the way, that’s pretty cool that you joined and got something free join Hump Day Hangouts and got got picked a winner. That’s pretty cool. Anyways, uh, so he says, I have an agency what is the best course or should get me to help me running with SSM traffic agency? Well, two extra agencies more about growing your agency, prospecting and such. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we talked about the pipeline, there’s three parts to extra agency pipeline results and scaling like essentially, you know, filling your pipeline with prospects, then getting results, which is just using, you know, depending on what what it is that you’re offering, if SEO and traffic generation is part of what you do, I don’t do social media marketing for any of my clients other than we post you know, from we publish blog posts to their blog, which syndicates out to the syndication network properties. So that’s, that’s about the extent of what I do for social media marketing for, for my, my clients. But I do you know, SEO, and traffic generation, well, if you’re, if you’re doing good at SEO, you’re gonna generate traffic and other methods too. But um, but SEO is certainly a great way to generate traffic. So you know, to x, your agency will be good for you. But as as Adam said, you know, mastermind is where you get access, it’s about business building. It’s if you want strictly SEO, stuff, go to heavy hitter club. If you want more about business building and more general knowledge, where we get into SEO, as well as pretty much anything else you want to cover. That’s what the mastermind is for our semantic mastery. Um, I’m going to recommend, he’s already getting to X ray agency. So you guys giving him a flying, start, rather than a head start. I’m going to say, the semantic mastery mastermind and the heavy hitter club, because he has an agency, and he should have people helping him he shouldn’t you shouldn’t be a one man band. Right, you should have a VA or more that I help you run your agency because if not, you are a bottleneck. Because you have to take care of everything. You don’t have processes in place, or you do have processes, but you can’t implement them fast enough for you to cover all of the clients that you need to cover, especially if you’re good and you’re already getting results for your clients. So I’m going to say mastermind mastermind comm and let us help you build your agency and to the heavy hitter club, where you are your VA, if you should choose your VA can go and learn the technical SEO aspects aspects that you need to get results. And not only that, if you join the mastermind, you get a deep discount for the heavy hitter club. And it’s better than if you were not to join the mastermind and only joined the heavy hitter club, you get a better discount by joining the mastermind.
Yeah, and you get a lot of our products that, you know, included in mastermind our significant discounts on some of those that we collaborated with others. So there’s a lot of benefits for that.
How Important Is It To Protect An IP Address Or Footprint When Logging Into Different GMB Accounts?
So Okay, moving on. Next one is from Robert says, How important is it to protect IP address or footprint when logging into different GMB accounts? Does Google care? should we care? You know, it’s not it’s not the IP, it’s the browser, right? It’s no longer an IP issue. It’s it’s the the browser that creates the issue. For example, you should be using ghost browser or some sort of, you know, cache keeper or or, you know, profile keeper ghost browser is the one that we recommend right now.
We used to recommend something else, but it’s been, you know, not been supported for quite some time. So anyways, Ghost browser, go check it out. semantic mastery, comm slash ghost browser. It’s inexpensive, but that’s great. And here’s here’s the thing, because of public Wi Fi being so prevalent, right? There’s, you know, dozens and sometimes hundreds or even thousands of devices logging into the same IP, right, from a public Wi Fi or whatever. So it’s not that it’s not the IP that triggers like it used to years ago, right? We used to we used to always have to use proxies and all that kind of stuff where else it would trigger just from logging in like this, like from different accounts through the same IP, it could trigger you know, IP locks or re verification issues and all that kind of stuff. I don’t experience any of that now at all. I use a the old the old profile keeper, it’s called browse eo that’s what I’m still using. I’m still waiting for the fucking update to come through. That’s supposed to been a year ago now. Anyways, it’s outdated. It’s the only reason I’m still using it because I got so many damn profiles in there that all have their own search history, and everything else built up the ideas and Ghostbrowser will do that. And that’s updated regularly. So ghost browser is what we recommend. Now, I don’t use a ghost browser just because like I said, I got so much of my business already integrated into the browser to platform that I wish I wasn’t. So married to. Anyway, my point is, I’m logged in. And same I don’t use proxies at all. And I’ve got dozens and dozens, if not over 100 different profiles that I log into fairly regularly from the same IP. But each each time I log in that session is the previous session is restored. In other words, my browsing history, cookies, cache form history, you know, form fills, all of that stuff is kept for each separate profile. You can do that in Firefox, there are some Firefox profiles, which is I guess, native to Firefox, you can do it that way, it’s a little bit more manual. There are also some Firefox extensions that will do stuff like that I’ve not used any of them. I know that ghost browser is a really good tool for what it is that you’re talking about, I recommend you use stuff like that, guys, because here’s the thing, it’s unnatural to do like what we used to do with like syndication Academy, years ago, when when I first developed that, like, it was about either using proxies or we even if we weren’t using proxies, we would go like I would always use Firefox, a clean installation of Firefox, and I’m clear cache and cookies between logging into the next set of profile accounts. That makes sense. But if you think about that, every time you clear your browser history, you’re you know, clear, clear cache and cookies. And you’re logging into an account with like, zero, history, zero, you know, cookies cache, all that stuff like zero browsing history, that looks unnatural. But it doesn’t, it doesn’t look unnatural now to log in using the same IP, but every time you log in, you’ve got you know, your previous recession is restored, or it’s kept your, your your excuse me, your previous session is restored so that it keeps all of like what your previous history was, and everything else. So you can literally build the profile, just like, you know, normal people.
Obviously, with mobile and everything else, there are still some tricky things that you know, can occur. But my opinion is you should be using something like ghost browser doesn’t have to be ghost browser, but something that does that same sort of function.
We have to do, right? We have, I can’t, because even even the TV and the fridge are smart. So we have like 12 devices connecting to the internet through the same IP because I have a static IP. So I have multiple multiple laptops, multiple phones, I have 12 Android, and I have iOS. We have three other iPhones and three other Android devices. No, it’s it’s over. It’s about 15 devices, from the same IP going through the same router through the same modem. So all of this shit about a footprint and all that that’s like way in the path. But we understand that people are still worried and they want to separate things. Great thing about the new syndication Academy is that the the the person doing the training is going to be showing you guys how to save those Firefox profiles and how to use it. She uses that rather than go ghost browser. She’ll talk about that, or browse Yo, I think she’ll talk about browser too. She went directly through Firefox and it’s showing how to do that. Yep. So cool thing about the new training.
There’s a lot of cool things about the new training looks. I’m excited about it. Um, Tom, Tom says congrats on six years, guys, I’m still here lurking every Wednesday. And that’s awesome. I think if I remember correctly, Thomas, or at least used to be somewhat local to me. And he’s been lurking in the background, and he very rarely even comments, but it seems like every year on our anniversary, he does let us know that he’s still here. So that’s awesome. Thank you. Appreciate that.
Do You Think The SEO Shield Will Lose Its Power Slightly When Google Finishes The New Passage Indexing Update?
Alright, moving on. Ah, let’s see BB. What’s up, baby. We knew you’d be here somewhere. He says Hey, guys, number one. Do you think when Google finishes the new passage indexing update, the SEO shield will lose slightly its power. Honestly, I hate saying this again, guys, because I don’t keep up with all the fucking I’m not all the updates and stuff all the time. What is the passage indexing update?
I’m not familiar with that.
Yeah, man, I have no idea. Okay, um, do I think it will slightly loses power? i? Well, I don’t know. Because I don’t know what that indexing update is that you referring to?
So I can’t you know, I don’t know. But we will find out. I can tell you that. And here’s the thing. That’s, you know, part of the reason why I don’t keep up with all the different updates and stuff is because the SEO showed our methods tend to stick and be a fake proof. And again, knock on wood. I mean, again, I’m grateful that our methods have continued to work even update after update. Oftentimes, I’m not even aware that an update is occurred until other people bring it to our attention like in a hump day hangout or in one of the groups
And it’s just because most of the time, I don’t see a lot of fluctuations. Occasionally, I’ll see maps fluctuations for stuff because they’re always tweaking the maps algorithm. But, uh, you know, typically I don’t know. So the idea with the updates are, wait and see. If it does if it does significantly affect anything that we’ve done. Well, fortunately, we’ve got the SEO Mad Hatter’s, the mad scientist, Marco and Rob, behind the scenes that will figure this shit out, and will tell you once we figure it out, that’s typically what happens. But fortunately, we haven’t really had to do any major like scrambling to update anything. And the last several years, we’ve been very fortunate in that respect. Any comment? Oh, I’ll worry when Google updates its ranking score algorithm.
Because that’s what we’re targeting through everything that we do.
indirectly, like, we’re also directly targeting PageRank. That’s, that’s our doorway, into the ranking score algorithm. If whoever is talking about this update, passage, indexing isn’t talking about how it affects PageRank and ranking score. They don’t know what they’re talking about. Because that’s what we’re worried about. And if we’re worried about the artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is being targeted through everything else that we do. And so we’re targeting the major aspects of what Google is looking for. When it comes to rankings. We don’t we don’t really worry about it, let them update, and then we’ll see what happened. If something happens to our properties. We’ll go We’ll take a look. And we’ll figure out another way to push them up. We always do. Yeah, I remember when BERT first was implemented, you know, there was on a bunch of SEO, you know, blogs and stuff, people were saying you can’t optimize for BERT.
Alright, well, I guess we didn’t know when we did it. So. And again, it’s a semantic web guys. Yeah, you can mark it just he said this just earlier today. But you know, if it’s a bot, a machine learning a bot that you know, you if it’s a machine learning, but you can train it, what you want it to do. And that’s what essentially what we’re doing. So you said it much more eloquently than I did though, Marco, how did you say it? Show me a bot that’s coded to learn? And I’ll show you about that I can teach and train. There you go. Much more eloquent than what I said.
What Do You Mean By Supporting Article?
So, Alright, number two is what do you mean when you say supporting article or an article within the site to match a keyword or something? Yeah, supporting article again, maybe by now you should have already read this article. And if you haven’t, I want to immediately upon the end of today’s Hump Day hangout to go read this. And this goes for everybody else on here to go to look for Bruce clay SEO, right, look at or what a silent website silo architecture. That’s what I’m looking for a website.
Let me spell correctly. siloing. There we go.
All right, go take a look at this. This is an article that he published. This looks like maybe an updated version of it. But I mean, it’s Oh, how old is this article with the marbles and stuff? He’s got quite a few. He’s got this one right here, SEO. So Bruce claim.com, slash SEO slash silo, it’s the the page itself has changed slightly like the interface or the look. But I’m sure the article is the same. And I think this article was written in 2011. I don’t know if it’s, I think I think before that, maybe even before that, I might have been introduced to it around that time, but 2011. But this is like, this is like the foundation of what silo architecture is all is. This is a fantastic article. And so I would go through and read about this, this should answer your question. I mean, I’ll answer your question now. But I would recommend all everybody go read through this article. This is like foundational stuff that like all websites, silo architecture has been built upon this basically, this method, it’s really, really fabulous. Okay, so as far as what is the supporting article? Well, if you know what your top level keyword is, that you’re trying to promote, right, so usually, that’s a commercial intent type keyword.
And, well, there’s gonna be longer tail versions, or variations of the keyword that are more specific, or, you know, again, variate variants of the original keyword, that kind of stuff. Well, those can you can optimize content targeting those other search queries or keywords, right synonymous terms, LSI keywords like Latent Semantic Indexing, keywords, co occurring, co occurring keywords, there’s a number of different terms that you can target that are basically describing the same thing. And so supporting articles is just publishing content that would fall within that silo within that category, that topical category that makes sense, and yes, it can be published. When I talk about publishing sporting articles, remember I’m primarily talking about publishing content on the blog, because that’s your, your point of origin, right your Epicenter like ground zero, right? That’s the golden frame. It’s, that’s where your money site is. It should be your content distribution engine, so to speak. So I typically mean publishing supporting articles in your blog, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Right? You don’t, you don’t even really need to have a blog. Right. You can have a GMB website and just a GMB asset and you can use the GMB posts to publish supporting articles and create a silo structure in your GMB just like you would on a money site. Even if you don’t have a money site, right. My point is like you can create your top level keyword post publish a post in GMB specifically targeting and optimized for your top level commercial intent keyword. And then you publish GMB posts underneath that that interlink are linked back up to that. And daisy chained together, we talked about internal linking inside the mastermind, a lot of you hit her club a lot. But again, if you interlink those correctly, so you’re publishing posts that are whether it’s a blog post a GMB post or press releases that can work to put your publishing content that supports that top level term. Does that make sense? And so again, it’s about interlinking. That’s called adding depth to a silo, right, adding breath, right, or width to a silo would be adding like subcategories, and then adding content to that. But adding depth to a content silo is, is adding more terms more supporting content, to add depth to that topic, right. And that that’s where it’s almost like and I learned this from network Empire many years ago, when I got went through their certification program and all that stuff, I think that was in 2014, when I did that, is that you know, if you understand silo architecture, and you have your keyword set, right, your keyword theme for that particular silo very, very tight, it’s very relevant, then by just adding enough depth to that silo and proper internal linking, you’ll be able to rank that term. And we’ve seen that proven time and again, through our own testing, but also like Jeffrey Smith, for example, SEO bootcamp SEO ultimate pro plugin, he’s freaking amazing at on page and doing an adding breadth and depth to topical silos and getting results with very little off page work. Sometimes even no off page work just because of how good he is at interlinking and setting up silo structure and creating topical relevancy between supporting posts and all that it’s just fucking amazing what he can do. And so again, it’s very very important guys, this we always talk about you know, starting with on page silo architecture is incredibly important. Then you start mirroring that stuff into your external or your your entity assets. Anyways, you want to add on to that Marco? Not perfect. Okay, keep moving. We’re almost Oh shit, we’re out of time. Guys. Can you believe that?
A shit. Do you update to how we use the battle plan video to be newer than 2017 video in there. Now, I had mentioned this in the Facebook group also. Um, yeah, I think we’re going to be updating the battle plan again, Shawn, I got him covered. He’s gonna reach out to me. We’re gonna look into that. Okay, and we’re gonna, we’re gonna be doing another version of the battle plan here in a couple of months. So it’s coming. All right now. Now the most important question that was after this. So what’s Marcos secret to a beautiful tan? Oh, Chase, your kids are on the beach for a week or so a newsie.
Awesome. Man. We got a lot more questions.
How To Clear Google Cache?
I can hang out for about 10 minutes. I’ll go I got a call. Yeah, I can’t though. So if if last thing I want to do is I want to answer pavlos question, guys. If that’s we got enough time for that. And I’ve got to wrap it up, guys. I’m sorry, but I didn’t Marco’s got to make his announcement for one the best question so he’ll be after FDA answer this question, brother. Okay. So Pamela is asking about Google cache. He says How to Clear Google cache. I have an old GMB that was used for two types of services. Now when I’m doing a search Google shows my GMB for old keywords. need your advice on how to clear keywords that Google’s associate with the GMB listing? Thanks a million? That’s a really good question. Um, I don’t know how to force Google to clear cache other than the habit re crawled. And again, even even if they recrawl, it doesn’t mean that they’re going to refresh the index essentially. I’ve experienced that with YouTube videos, believe it or not, like had a YouTube video that I was did a live stream like a live like it was a pre recorded video, but I was streaming it. And when I went to go set up the stream, it just used like the generic term or whatever that was in there. And for whatever reason, it indexed with that term, even though I had edited it, and my video stayed ranked for like this generic like it was it was like it was weird. The I can’t even explain it, like the title tag, never updated, even though like it was weeks before Google finally updated the title tag in the search results from like, whatever the, you know, my live stream or whatever it said to the actual keyword that the title was that I had updated within minutes of Google indexing that that that original stream, so I don’t know how to force that. That’s a really good question. Margo, do you know how to force that? No, Google will take its sweet old time and get to it. The only thing I could mention would be, you know, you can’t use the request indexing function inside a search console right now.
So if it’s a GMB and it doesn’t have like its own website associated with it, then I don’t you know, you search console is kind of useless for that anyways. But you could try to resubmit through search console, although, like I said, requesting indexing is turned off right now, I talked about this last week, let me just show you very quickly, if you do have a self hosted website, this is something that you can do.
It’s called the instant indexing plugin. And it’s by rankmath. Instant indexing plugin right here. If you go and install this on a WordPress site, it, let’s see, where’s the that’s fine, whatever, you can download this for free. And you connect it to the Google Indexing API. So you have to go into developers.google.com. And set up the Indexing API. They’ve got help files, it’s real easy, it takes about 10 minutes to set it up. And then you can submit through a WordPress site. There’s a you know, you can submit URLs directly to search console. So you know, that’s that’s what I’m using right now, since the request indexing feature has been turned off inside of search console for now. So I’ve got this installed on multiple sites right now. And so it’s great because if it’s, if you’re updating a page or a post or a media file, you can you can, you can change the options. But if you’re updating a page or a post or publishing it for the first time, it will instantly submit it to the Google Indexing API. And you can also there’s a in the in the instant indexing plugin settings, there’s a tab where there’s a box that you can submit URLs directly to indexer. There, you can also like, you know, call it to see what the indexing status is, and stuff like that. So again, very, very cool. It’s free rankmath and instant indexing plugin, check it out.
Alright, guys, do what you’re going to do.
As far as like picking a winner, or whatever you’re going to do is somebody somebody helped me out because I know that we picked two people already. And we got some really good questions. So I’m typing one of them. So yeah, you guys help Marco out? If you guys see a good question.
Someone that didn’t win already, we can pick the same person to win multiple times makes no difference to me.
We said green miners question was really good. Yeah. But they just wanted to extra agency in the neck.
Yeah, but they’re in the mastermind. They said so we can pick them. I told them we’d pick something else. So. So yeah, that’s who it is. Oh, there you go. We’re at it. privately, send me a private message on Facebook.
Your 30 minute consultation? Perfect. I’m gonna also send them something else. So cool. I also just sent you instructions just to make sure shoot us an email, get in touch with Marco and we’ll get that set up. Yeah, really quickly. Also a green Rhino. If you’re in the mastermind, keep in mind, listen up the Hangouts remember, is a free forum. So we can only talk about things on a conceptual level. Don’t don’t not use the webinars in the mastermind. That’s what they’re available for. So that we can deep dive into anything you want to talk about get is as specific as you want. We can audit your out your properties or look at what you’re doing for marketing. If you want, we can do that. So the mastermind again, remember, if you want to ask in depth questions and get really thorough answers, and like we’ll we’ll go into screen shares and do all kinds of cool stuff. That’s what the mastermind is for us the masterminds submit questions form, and also ask questions in the Facebook group, and we’re happy to you know, answer them in the Facebook threads. But also, if it requires a longer answer, then we can cover those in our mastermind webinars, and each one of us do our own mastermind webinars. So don’t forget, use that instead of saving your questions for Hump Day hangouts where we can only talk about them on a conceptual level. I just want to make that clear, so that you get the most out of it.
Okay, that’s awesome. All right. Happy sixth guys. onwards.
  Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 312 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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