#wanted to draw adult kyle with glasses
sealbuffed · 1 year
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needed to draw them again i love them so much you don't understand
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bruciemilf · 1 year
AU where Thomas and Martha don't die, but Batman's still a thing!
Instead of Bruce becoming Batman, its Thomas. He's already a huge help to the city, so this nocturnal passion is for sport.
If it wasn't obvious enough, he's not the most stable guy. But he's a loving dad and exemplary husband, so it's mostly fine.
God forbid men have hobbies.
He specifically picked up a bat theme to hopefully cure Bruce of his fear! Just imagine that 6'5 error of nature cladded in black, claws with his costume cause he's sexy like that,
"See? I'm not scary at all!" But Bruce is already sobbing and hiding behind Alfred.
"Martha, you'll never guess who I saw on patrol tonight. Bruce's college roomate! The blonde one with the glasses and gay vibes. "
" Oliver?"
"Oliver who?"
" Queen?"
" Well! I think that fits you better, amore."
" Bruce's childhood friend? Known eachother since infancy? Came to you for tech?"
"Bruce had FRIENDS?"
Bruce, from the other room, " Her name is Harley! You paid her college tuition and killed her dad."
" I've never met her in my life, and i keep my kill list detailed.Anyway, I adopted her. Shes seeing that clown boy and I think his superpower is boring me to death."
The batkids still get taken in, of course. Bruce is already a full adult and outgrew his Robin costume. He just barges in with a feral Jason and Dick, " Look, Brucie! Papa's got brothers for you!"
But Bruce? Looks at these two snarling kids, kicking, thrashing, clawing, and takes them in his arms, " Babies. My babies."
" Uh... Come again,,-" But Thomas raised a spoiled BRAT, so Bruce definetly bites him and throws a tantrum until he agrees to pass full custody. Naturally, Alfred and Martha have no sympathy.
"But you're too young to be a dad!"
" I'm 27."
" Young. A fetus. Cousin Gomez's newborn is older than you." Bruce is already drawing the adoption papers. Fight him about it.
Naturally, instead of dating his rogues, Thomas parents them. Imagine you're Selina Kyle and Batman scolds you for getting caught by the cops, " You know better. Villain privileges REVOKED."
Mr Freeze? Thomas gets it. Do what you gotta do, King. You need some pocket money?
Khoa? Problematic son. Thomas adores him and brags about him to every family reunion. "Your daughter tried to poison you for inheritance? That's adorable, Agatha. Khoa kidnapped Alfred last week. Beat that."
Ivy? Thomas invites her to beer and game night and plays matchmaker with her and Harley.
Waylon is his favourite. Naturally, he's the only one adopted legally.
He fist fights Ra's for Talia's custody and she is desperately shoving Damian in his face. Trust her. You don't want to go through with it.
the image of Batman not being a broody, stoic vigilante and instead Gomez Addams with a cape makes me weep
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butchbarneygumble · 2 months
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Imagine how I must feel as one of the only fans of Mighty Magiswords. You know. A headcanons-and-fanfic kind of fan. I even cosplayed Prohyas once.
Of course, it's nothing compared to what the actual victims went through... I'm fine. But it still felt like a part of my identity has been permanently soured. I don't want to seem like I somehow have it worse, that's not my intention. Nothing bad happened to me personally. I'm only posting my own side of how I deal with the situation, to get some closure myself and show solidarity with the victims.
I don't admire him anymore, and that's putting it lightly.
Full story under cut. Content warning for non-graphic discussion of csa.
The news came to me from my ex-but-still-friend. He told me privately, out of nowhere, just dropped it on me. Like, "Hey, sorry to tell you, but the guy you like got arrested for csa". However, I am glad he told me rather than me having to find out on my own.
The news hit me, and I felt nothing in my body. I usually would get this painful fight-or-flight all through my body whenever I read something that upset me, something I've been training myself to get better with. But right now? I just felt like... "huh. That happened." It helped a lot that Magiswords wasn't my fixation of the moment. And like... it's been like I've been slipping away from it. Like I didn't need it anymore.
More and more people were talking about him, and it wasn't positive. Who? Kyle.
I talked to him. Personally, like many people did. He never acted weird to me. I admired him. I loved his art, sent him physical fanart, all that stuff. I knew more than one person said he was not trustworthy but hey, he made a show that saved my life, so it was a constant struggle between feeling like I had to pick sides. I was going through hell by virtue of my dad being terminally sick and needing constant care, so I was gonna ignore the red flags and enjoy my silly sword show that brought me such joy.
Even if as time went on it started get harder and harder.
But you know what a certain depressed horse show said? When you're wearing rose coloured glasses, red flags just look like flags.
I now think dodged a bullet.
What emotions do I feel? Betrayal. Anger. Disgust. Disappointment.
The irony about it all. The sheer painful irony of blacklisting somebody for *drawings*, and then going behind everybody's back to actually hoard *actual* csa, and revenge porn, and all sorts of nasty stuff. For the record: there is nothing wrong with being put off or disgusted by specific sorts of drawings. But the irony here is what's most painful to me. I do not like people using this as a "gotcha" for either side of this tired argument. It's disrespectful to the actual victims.
People say I can easily seperate art from the artist if I want to but... right now I don't think I want to. He's in every pore of its identity. I do not want to talk or think about Magiswords right now, and I don't know if I ever will again.
It meant so much to me. Prohyas felt like Me. Being a goofy capable adult who doesn't stop collecting things he likes just cuz he's an adult. I thought I was trans for a while and the euphoria of relating to Prohyas helped that. Then he got lowkey confirmed nonbinary and I was over the moon.
It was good. Emphasis on "was".
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And to the man himself I have one thing to say: you're another one in a long history of cartoon artists who end up being unsavoury, slimy people, taking advantage of young people, especially girls, in the animation industry. Not something to be proud of. I know we talked and you seemed perfectly okay to me, personally. All I can think is thank god it never went beyond casual chats.
I guess I can finally say I never liked the joke about Vambre not liking pants. Sure, sensory issues exist, but I doubt that was the intention of the design. I have deleted my sideblog where I chronicled ooc screencaps of the show and deleted my little spotify playlist of songs that reminded me of the show. I don't want to finish my longfic where Prohyas and Flonk fell in love anymore. I can't even change it into ocs because it's just so ingrained in the show's lore. So yeah, there's that.
I'll be fine. When the news hit I took it surprisingly well. I was going to an Alestorm concert and it was the most fun I had in ages. So yeah, I've got Christopher Bowes and His Plate of Beans to fill the void of comedy music. Was fixating on Simpsons already so there's that in terms of cartoons. I'm fine.
All I can say is my heart goes out to all the victims, and I'm deeply sorry I didn't see you sooner. I hope you can heal and have some semblance of closure now that he's gotten arrested. My heart goes out to all of you and again, I am so so sorry. I wish you all the love and healing.
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candyunicornsateme · 1 year
(for that tweet) I think it would be cool to see your interpretation of them when they're older (like 20s to 30s)
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Admittedly they are generally young adult/early 20's in a majority of my work of them, but I know it's something to work on a bit, and along with my own soft inclination, I'm sure they look a bit more youthful than I intend sometimes hahaha.
BUT. I do definitely have some late 20's into 30's ideas:
In particular for Kenny I always imagine his hair is a bit longer and he lets himself get really scruffy on the chin, layers hoodies with one those collared brown jackets because idk it just screams the right vibes for him: more mature but still just that grungy guy from a trashy, fucked up home.
For Kyle, he starts wearing glasses, or needing to wear them more, and I like to think he puts on a little weight through college. Stuff like that.
Now if you're really talking older shit, I tend to think now that Kenny would have some particular strong feelings when they're considering buying a house or something like that... because like... he probably never really imagined that happening for himself. Any major milestones or things like that would be a lot on him.
Also I almost always imagine that Kenny would work too much or overwork himself. Like he'll come home, or come hang out with the guys, and just crashes after sitting down for 10 minutes. Especially because I've always loved the idea of him doing jobs with physical labor. Sometimes imagine it as a pretty serious issue or hurtle for him because it's tied to money. (This is a whole other ramble honestly lmao...)
I usually think Kyle has a million existential crises trying to figure himself out and what he wants to pursue career wise and with life in general. Maybe he's a bit rigid and anxious during that transitioning period.
For some reason I sorta picture Stan mellowing out and not caring so much, but still kinda struggles with being torn between his mind and his heart.
Sometimes I've imagined Stan and Kenny would be casual drinking buddies. Like yeah they'd have some complex feelings about drinking for obvious reasons and that does generally overrule this thought, but I can definitely picture it for them, in a lighthearted way especially!!
I'm not sure how many characters to include here or if you meant more visually or character and personality wise, but those are the first ideas that come to mind. But of course these are things I always play around with for different ideas, or just for different vibes, so most of this isn't like set in stone for me lol.
Anyways I gave drawing it my best shot lmao
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
An Ice Touch (CH.1)
Kyle Price. The son of famous sailors, making a name for himself in the art world. He was happy. Mostly.
For his whole life, he watched his fathers in love. So deeply in love. And he wanted it for himself. Where was his lover?
He only now, at eighteen, wanted it more than anything.
He didn’t know what to do.
So, of course, that meant he kept quiet.
And he would keep being quiet.
When he was ten years old, he knew he wanted what his fathers had together. A beautiful, near life-long relationship. And he didn’t have it. He didn’t know how or why, but he just… never tried to make a move. On anyone. He figured that his dad had enough to worry about while he was off on his sailing trips. Why add another person to worry about coming home to?
He remembered sitting in his bedroom, at his desk, feeling alone. His father was on a trip, his pops was asleep. The only other people he had been around were Aunt Kate and Aunt Ava, in their own house, half a mile away. The only other house outside of the village.
He didn’t remember how he ended up with his pops holding him tight, his desk frozen, things in his room floating, him crying in his pops chest.
“It’s alright, little one.” His pops whispered to him, “everything is okay. Dad’s safe. Your okay.”
He didn’t remember what he said, just, “don’t tell dad.”
And he never did.
He remembered being sixteen. When he finally had a new friend. His father came back from a sailing trip with someone from another island. 
“This is Johnny.” His father said when he brought him to their house, “He’s going to stay with us for a while until he’s eighteen and finds a home in the village.”
He and Johnny, who later asked to be called Soap, became really close in that time. And he finally started feeling a lot better. It took about two years for Soap to move out, though they kept in touch with letters.
He was eighteen now. An adult. He was still talking with Soap, he started to get fame, he was… happy. Happier, at least.
“Morning, little one.” his father said as he got to the kitchen, seeing him at the counter, turning a small glass of water to ice.
“Hey, dad.”
“You hungry?”
He nodded softly, and his father smiled, “What would you like?”.
“Pancakes?” He said, looking up from the glass, at his father standing above him.
His father nodded, “of course.” He looked down, “I don’t understand why you did this. It just drains your energy.”
He shrugged, pushing his braided hair behind his shoulder, “its calming and entertaining.”
“Its draining.”
“Not on such a small thing. If I were to freeze the sea, it would be.”
He heard a soft chuckle, “Oh, Kyle, what am I gonna do with you, mate?”
“Probably be a little confused because I’m not big on sailing and fishing.”
“Nope, we all love your paintings and how creative you are. Such a smart boy, you are.”
He smiled slightly, pulling his hand away from the glass.
“Your a precious little thing.” His father said, giving him a plate of pancakes, gently cradling his face.
“I agree.” His pops said as he walked in, kissing his forehead, “perfect little boy.”
He smiled a little, “You remind me every day.” He said as he started eating.
“Becuase its true.” his father said.
He smiled, “Thank you.” He whispered.
 He eventually finished eating, and he went back to his room to get his drawing stuff and head out to sketch the ocean.
“Be back for lunch!” His father called out before he left.
“I will be!” He ran out the door, out to his favorite spot to draw. An old tree, branches over the ocean.
It was so relaxing. Just to be off the ground, having a beautiful view of the ocean and mountains and sky. He had always came out here for the whole time he’d been drawing. He had painting supplies in his room at the Lighthouse, but this was the perfect place to just… draw and relax.
He sighed as he walked over on the cliff, looking down at the water below before climbing up the tree, like he had many times before, to take out his sketch book.
He smiled as he sat on the same branch he had many times… 
… And it cracked. 
He started to get off, but, it snapped before he could, sending him down to the ocean screaming.
He fell flat on his back in the water, and he was far below the surface.
He felt something wrap around his waist, then his arms and legs, as he was pulled back to the surface and shore.
He took deep breaths as he was brought above the water, and he realized what it was... 
A Kraken. 
He screamed, curling in on himself. He was scared, his fathers told him about krakens being deadly…
But this one saved him?
"Don't worry... I won't harm you." The Kraken said.
"You... you won't?"
"No. We're not dangerous. Only if we need to be."
Kyle looked at him, seeing that... he was nothing like his father's described. He looked... soft. Gentle.
He nodded.
"What's your name?" The Kraken asked, kneeling down and pulling him up.
"Kyle... you?"
He sighed, holding onto the deep blue tentacles, "thank you... for saving me..."
He smiled, "no need to thank me."
He smiled back, and heard his pops calling for him
"Kyle! Where are you?"
He stood, "coming!"
Alex let go of him, smiling, and turning. 
He turned back.
"Will I... see you again?"
He smiled, "I'm sure."
He smiled, nodding, "I'll see you around, then." He ran up the hill, seeing his father run his hand through his hair, mildly panicking.
"Kyle! There you are!" He said, running up to him, "the tree- did you fall? Your soaked- are you hurt?"
He shook his head, "I fell... I'm okay..."
"Come, let's get you home, changed and warm." He said, gently pulling him along, "did you hit your head? Your powers?"
"I'm okay, pops, really."
He sighed, kissing his forehead, "Okay. Dad's still going to check you out, though, okay?"
"I'm not a child... I'm 18."
"You'll always be our little baby boy."
They walked back to the light house, and Kyle looked out to the ocean, hoping to see the Kraken again.
He looked over, and panicked, running up to him.
“What happened, son?”
“The tree snapped… I fell.”
“Go get changed, I’ll get a fire going.”
He nodded, going off to his room. He felt fine, just a little sore. More then anything, wanting to see that kraken again. He quickly changed, seeing a small bruise on his arm. He sighed, getting a long sleeved shirt on with a different pair of trousers and went back out to the living room, sitting on the couch with a plate of food.
“Are you okay, little one?” His father asked, sitting next to him.
“I’m fine. Shaken, is all.”
He wasn’t bleeding, at least.
“And your powers?”
He looked at the side table, making a small glass of water float, bringing it towards himself to freeze it, which he did.
“Okay… that’s good.” He gently kissed his temple, feeling his braid be taken out and undone,, “eat and rest, okay?”
He nodded, looking down at his half empty plate, sighing, eating what he had left before putting it off to the side and laying down on the couch. He wasn’t sleepy. At all. But he’d fake it for them. They were worried.
His pops sighed, laying a blanket over him, thinking he was asleep. “There’s a storm on the way.” He whispered to his father.
Fuck. That wasn’t good. They had to prepare for that storm. The old Lighthouse might not be able to handle it. They worried that a strong gust of wind would knock it over. They needed to fix it before the storm.
“Let’s get to the village. We need to get supplies.” His father said, standing.
“But… Kyle…”
“He’s… Leave a note for when he wakes up. He’s eighteen, we have to… stop hovering so much.”
Well. That was a first. He had turned eighteen ten months ago. They, understandably, were still getting used to him being an adult and older. But, they’d been getting better.
He heard the door close, and he got up, sighing.
He wanted to warn Alex. That would give him an excuse to see him again, at least.
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11x13kyle · 1 year
(I know I’ve been basically bombarding y’all with questions but this au is so good it’s all I want to think about when I should be studying for my algebra final exam) so from the last fanart I did for this au with the YouTube thumbnail, I liked how I drew cartman but I’m indifferent about Kyle. Any design ideas? I was thinking of giving him a fireside merch hat and glasses or something but idk
i really like how you did it, and i think the way you draw him is up to you!!! if you’re asking about how i specifically picture kyle, i usually see him as needing glasses but wearing contacts the majority of the time, but again, how they look as adults is up to you!! just have fun!
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 10 months
Heart’s Choice - Chapter 6
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Carlos -  
Clutching the plastic evidence bag containing my belongings, I shake my head.
"I'm not working with him."
We stand under the harsh fluorescent lights in the station's lobby, which except for a few dusty fake plants and a row of plastic chairs along the wall, is empty. 
It's nearly midnight.
The chief of police angles a hawkish gray brow at me. 
"Standard consultation fee."
"I think you have me confused with someone else," I say.
"I don't consult with the police. You should contact Julian Hart if you want a psychic."
She puts her hands on her hips, reminding me of how Aunt Toni used to look when she wanted me to do something and there was absolutely no way I was getting out of it.
"First thing I did when I saw those symbols at the crime scene," she says. "He's busy. Out of town with Hunter on some thing."
"Hunter, as in the former detective?"
This comes from John Turner, who hasn't stopped scowling since his boss rescued me.
"One and the same."
"He works with a psychic now?" 
The tiny lift at the corner of his lip reveals his disdain for the idea.
"Well, he married one, anyway. Speaking of, don't you go stealing this one on me, Martinez," she nods at Turner. "I can't afford to keep replacing them."
The flush and look of horror on the detective's face tells me there's a better chance of a snowstorm in Hell.
"Don't worry," I say. "I'll tell you what I know but that's it. I was just tryna help Kyle, not play cop."
The chief eyes me critically. 
"All right. Answer two questions for me, Martinez. Is this some warlock wannabe who found those symbols on the internet somewhere or is this the real deal?"
I swallow. 
I'd rinsed my mouth out in the bathroom but the taste of vomit lingers, stirring my nausea anew. 
"It's the real deal," I say and she nods. "And is this the end of it? Or should we be worried?"
"It's just the beginning," I whisper.
She releases a heavy breath and smooths a hand over her gray hair, which is bound in a neat, single braid. 
"Listen, Martinez. There are indications that Kyle knew his killer. I can't reveal more details until you're onboarded as a consultant but it might shed light on things. Meanwhile, you've got expertise my team needs. You wanna help Kyle, don't you?"
"Yes but..."
"Think about it. Call me when you change your mind." 
She turns to the detective and nods. 
"Take him home."
Turner blinks, taken aback. 
"Do you need your hearing checked? I said take him home."
Turner bristles. 
"With all due respect, Chief, I've got a long report to write up and I don't have time to play taxi driver."
Chief Coleridge is a good twelve inches shorter than Turner but as she draws herself up, she seems to grow taller while he shrinks. 
"With all due respect, detective Turner, tell me if I've got the facts straight. According to the statement that you yourself took, Martinez left his vehicle on the other side of town. His phone is dead. The buses stop running at eight and it's past midnight. The man has no shoes, his clothes are wet and it's forty-eight degrees outside. Am I wrong?"
No, but..."
"So, take him home."
Without waiting for a reply, she turns and marches up the stairs to the second floor offices.
Turner mutters a word under his breath. 
I shift awkwardly from side to side. 
"It's okay, really. It's not that far. I can walk."
The detective looks at me and rubs the back of his head, making me accidentally appreciate the sculpted bulk of his shoulder and biceps. 
His expression softens a little, as if he's seeing me for the first time without his cop glasses on.
"Nah. I fucked up big time tonight and the Chief's got both our balls in a vice. Least I can do is give you a ride. Come on."
He leads the way outside and I follow, wincing as my sore feet encounter freezing concrete. 
I got scraped up pretty bad when Prince Charming here hauled me out of the stream. 
He glances over his shoulder at me and frowns, probably annoyed that I'm not keeping up.
"Wait here," he says. "I'll bring my car around."
He strides off at triple speed and I sigh. 
Yep, he's annoyed.
A moment later, a black, unmarked sedan pulls around the side of the building and comes to a stop. 
The passenger side door pops open and I see Turner at the wheel. 
I get in, shut the door and shiver with relief as I feel warm air blasting from the vents on the dash.
I reach for one, intending to angle it more towards myself and for some reason Turner reaches for the same vent at the same time. 
His hand brushes mine and he snatches it back as if burned.
"It's not contagious," I say, rolling my eyes and hunching in my seat.
"The Gay or whatever it is you're afraid of. You're not my type." 
The only lie I've told so far. 
"Besides, you're married, aren’t you?"
He clears his throat. 
"Oh. I'm sorry."
He turns his attention to the road and I figure the conversation is over. 
He startles me when he speaks again.
"I'm sorry, too. I crossed a line, showing you those photos. I'll be lucky if the chief doesn't write me up for it."
I shake my head. 
"You were just doing your job."
"Not very well, it seems," he sighs. "So, what's the deal, anyway? What did you mean when you told the chief this was 'just the beginning?'"
I glance at him but he's facing forward, eyes on the road. 
He's got a sharp jaw and a strong chin and his nose looks like it's been broken at least once. 
A thin scar bisects one brow and a shadow darkens his hazel eyes, as if he's seen too many things he can't un-see.
"I don't know. I'll have to verify some things with my aunt."
"Your aunt? What, is she a ghostbuster, too or whatever you are?"
"Asesina. My family are 'asesinos.'"
"I thought you said you weren't a murderer?"
I glance at him again in surprise. 
"You speak Spanish?"
"Just a few words. I know that one."
"Oh. Well, yeah, it means killer or murderer. In this case it's 'slayer.' Asesinos de espíritus malos, killers or slayers of evil spirits. That was the, er... the 'family business,' traditionally. My aunt's the last one and she's given it up. She still knows all the shit, though."
"And..." I take a breath. 
I recognized the symbols and given what happened to Kyle, there's almost no doubt in my mind as to what they are and yet it still feels like a dream and like saying it aloud will make the nightmare real. 
"It's part of a ritual," I say. "A ritual to summon a powerful demon and gain it's favor."
"A real demon?"
 "No, an imaginary demon."
He glances over and narrows his eyes at me. 
"Fine. Let's say I believe in demons. You said 'part of a ritual.' What's the rest of it?"
A traffic light changes and he comes to a stop, engine idling. 
I stare at the bright red signal, as if it can burn the memories of what I'd seen in those photos from my mind.
"There are three parts," I say. "Three 'feasts' or offerings held at specific times. That was the Feast of Pain. Next is the Feast of Blood. Finally, the Feast of Betrayal, in which the demon possesses and takes the life of a human host."
I shiver so violently i bite my tongue. 
Turner notices and turns up the heat.
"Okay. So what I'm hearing is this killer isn't done."
I shake my head.
"What's he get out of it, anyway? I mean, assuming this 'demon' is real."
I shrug.
"Power, youth, longevity, wealth. Something along those lines, usually."
Turner grunts, but says nothing more.
 The light changes and he drives on, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
A few minutes later, we arrive at the garage. 
He pulls around the back, close to the stairs that lead up to my apartment and parks.
"Thanks for the ride," I say, opening the door. "And don't worry. I'll let you know if I have any helpful information to share but otherwise I want nothing to do with this. In fact, I want to stay as far away from it as possible."
He nods. 
"Good. I respect the chief but I've already got a partner and no desire to run around playing Scooby Do."
I get out, wincing as my bare feet encounter cold, sharp gravel. 
Turner reaches over and opens his glove box, rummages within and extracts a business card.
"Call me if you've got something real for me."
I resist the urge the flip him off 'barely' and take the card, slamming the door shut with a little more force than needed. 
He drives away.
Wearily, I climb the stairs, unlock my door and let myself in. 
Then I toss his card in the trash, take a shower and fall into bed.
I wake, early the next morning, to something tickling my face. 
I brush it away. 
I'm tickled again. 
I brush it off again and roll over.
Spiders don't bother me, little eight-legged freak can go fuck itself.
Meanwhile, my alarm hasn't even gone off yet and I had a late, traumatic night.
A sharp slap has me wide awake and bolt upright in bed.
"What the fuck?"
I peel something off my forehead. 
It's Detective Turner's card. 
Meanwhile, my phone, which I didn't take the time to plug in the night before, is fully charged and placed helpfully beside my bed.
"Are you fucking with me, Kyle? You want me to work with the cops? Is that why you led me under the bridge?"
The temperature in the room drops a good ten degrees and the light in my closet flicks on.
"Are you kidding me?"
The light fizzles and pops and I raise my hands in surrender.
"All right, all right. Don't burn the house down. I'll call him. You happy now?"
The light flicks back on.
I make a mental note to pick up some warding supplies in town, set some basic roommate bounds. 
I don't mind Kyle sticking around but I don't want him watching me sleep.
In the meantime, I study the name on the card.
"Well, Mr. John M. Turner," I sigh. "Looks like you and I get a second date. Set up by a ghost. Too bad you don't bat for my team."
The light in the closet goes out.
I admit defeat and reach for my phone.
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alleyraccoonv3 · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes with my Blorbos Part 1
Ryoma: I just watched Blitzo jump off of a spinning chair. Luckily, he wasn't hurt that badly. But the whole time, Jay was screaming for help, which caused Lance to run in to help Blitzo. Just note that all of this happened in the span of six minutes.
Osomatsu & Lance: (accidentally set the kitchen on fire)
Osomatsu: We need an adult!
Lance: Osomatsu, you are an adult!
Osomatsu: We need an adultier adult! Get Alphys!
Stocking: Wait, hold up, why did you draw yourself like that? Kokichi: Uh, like what? Stocking: Like with gorgeous, muscular legs. Kokichi: Uh, this is what I look like. Stocking: … Kokichi: THIS IS WHAT I LOOK LIKE! Stocking: Okay, then I want big beefy arms. Hot ones. Sneezy: I wanna have a cowboy hat! Kokichi: Okay, arms and hat. (draws them) Osomatsu: Ooh, give me a cowboy hat too! Kokichi: You can't just take Sneezy's hat idea, Osomatsu! He thought it up all by himself like a good boy! Come up with your own thing! Osomatsu: BUT I WANNA LOOK COOL! Floofty: Put Osomatsu on one of those stupid baby tricycles. Osomatsu: NO!! Kokichi: Tricycle, done. (draws it) Rabbid Rosalina, want anything? Rabbid Rosalina, making finger guns: Pew pew. Kokichi: A blaster? No, that's not really our style. Rabbid Rosalina, making finger guns: Pew pew. Kokichi: You know what, okay. (draws it) But it's just for holding, not for shooting.
Blitzo, holding in laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing? Floofty: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language. Blitzo: Blitzo: Water you doing?
Keroro: "I lost a bet." Keroro: The second-most ominous phrase in existence. Ryoma: What's the first? Keroro: "Let's make a bet."
Osomatsu: slams books down in front of Kyle Osomatsu: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night. Kyle: You could of said literally anything else. Osomatsu: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja Blast to fuel my trouble. Kyle: I’m going to just stop challenging you when you say random shit. I won’t win. I realize this now.
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casspurrjoybell-26 · 5 months
May to December - Chapter 5 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
The Obvious
"Are you seeing anyone?"      
 "Well, why not?"
Kyle rolled his eyes at his mother's question.
It reminded him so much of back in the day when she would keep asking him if he had a girlfriend.      
"Work. Also, there's really no one in town," Chaska said in response before bringing food to his mouth and chewing.
"Lots of nice old folks, lots of married people and church girls but not many gay men..."    
Kyle started coughing, cutting Chaska off.
He had choked on his food at the young man's words and need some water and a napkin.
He raised his hand to show that he was okay as he got up from his seat before heading to wash his mouth at the kitchen sink.
So, Chaska was gay.      
All this time Kyle had been wondering about how to ask him the question without asking it and here was Chaska saying it out loud like it wasn't a big deal.      
He went back to the dining table in the middle of the discussion Chaska and his mother were having.
They were now talking about something different... Kyle.    
"He's divorced," Kyle's mother said, making Chaska's eyes go wide.  
"Really? I just thought they were here just for a visit," Chaska muttered, looking form Otis who was now playing with an action figure he had brought to the table before he turned to lock eyes with Kyle.
They stared at each other until Chaska looked away from Kyle to pay attention to his mother that was talking again.      
"Recently but yes. I never really knew his wife, so it's a big deal," the old woman continued as she poured herself a glass of water.
Kyle felt self-conscious.
Was his mother making a jab at him for not introducing them to Anastasia properly?  
"Might be me being selfish but I'm happy that he came back home. I've been lonely since my husband passed away," her voice was low.
It was as if she was trying not to let Kyle hear her but he did.
His eyes were wide and his lips had parted a little.
His mother hadn't told him that but then again since he left, he'd only ever called in occasionally to send her some money.      
"Your husband was a good man. He fixed the bus before we could go out of town for a kickboxing match," Chaska said, making the old woman smile.
Like most small towns, everyone knew everyone.
Kyle's father had been the go-to mechanic until he passed away.    
Kyle felt his stomach churn.
All this talk about his father was making him unsettled.  
Thankfully the discussion moved back to mundane things and Kyle could relax.      
When dinner was over Chaska helped wash the dishes.
He watched cartoons with Otis in the living room until the little one was fast asleep on the sofa.
Kyle moved the boy to his grandmother's room and by the time he had come out to the living room, Chaska had gotten up and was preparing to leave.
He hurried to the door, insisting to escort Chaska outside.      
"Thanks for the meal," the young man said as he adjusted the straps of his gym bag on his shoulder.      
"I don't think you should thank me, you ended up making half of it," Kyle said, feeling a little embarrassed about what had happened.
He had moved to try and help when Chaska offered to cook with his mother but his mother sassed him away, mentioning that he would make things worse, not easier.    
"No, it was nice. I don't eat with people often," Chaska explained and that only made Kyle curious.
"You live alone?" Kyle asked.
Kyle knew he needed to draw a line with the out-of-place questions but he couldn't help himself from asking.
He just wanted to know more about Chaska and every new answer and piece to the puzzle of a person made him more curious.    
Chaska hummed and nodded, answering Kyle anyway.
The crickets had started croaking.
The night was dark aside from the dim light from the moon.
There were no street lights here and Kyle started to wonder if he should offer Chaska a lamp.      
"Do you need a flashlight?" he asked, breaking the silence that had fallen on them.      
"No," was Chaska's plain answer.
"I'll use the flashlight on my cell-phone."
The discussion was over but Chaska didn't turn away to leave and Kyle didn't close the door behind him.  
Chaska sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Do you have something to say to me?" he asked, making Kyle turn his gaze to the welcome mat in front of him.  
"Yes, I mean, no, wait, no ."
Kyle cursed under his breath as he ran his fingers through his blond hair.
Why couldn't he make up his mind?      
"Yes," he ended up saying, looking at Chaska who now had a raised brow.      
"You're gay," Kyle muttered.
His voice was low, and he hoped Chaska could read his lips in the moonlight.    
"Yes, I am but that's not a question?"
Chaska laughed.
He put his weight on one side, bending a bit as he cocked his head.      
"No, it's not. I was just surprised," Kyle mumbled, as his hold on the front door's handle tightened.      
"Surprised? I thought it was obvious," Chaska said, making Kyle frown in confusion.      
'Obvious? How?' he wanted to ask but a part of him knew it would be a rude question.
Telling Chaska that he didn't seem gay would sound rude.
Kyle internalized a lot of ideas around him while growing up even though his parents weren't a religious bunch but he'd learned what was and wasn't offensive when he moved to the city or at least he liked to think he had.
In the main city, he kept close contact with the types of people that he probably would never have had a chance to interact with otherwise.    
"Does that bother you?" Chaska's question made Kyle blink as he came out from his thoughts.
"Does it bother you that I'm gay?"
Kyle shook his head.
"No, of course not."
"I'm glad," Chaska said and the patio went silent again.      
"Goodnight then," the young man said, being the first person to say his goodbyes.     
"Yes, goodnight," Kyle mouthed, watching as Chaska turned away and walked down the stairs.
He didn't look away or close the door until Chaska was out of sight and when he eventually did the man was the only thing on his mind.      
'Chaska's gay,' kept ringing in Kyle's mind through the night.
He couldn't even focus on sleep when he got to bed.
He was excited and anxious but a part of him was frustrated.
A part of him said, 'so?'      
Chaska was gay but what was Kyle supposed to do with that information?
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siremasterlawrence · 3 years
Lawrenceverse: Reversing Time With Daddy
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My roommate is a male in his 50s or 60s who I have had a crush on for about a year now.
He constantly keeps suggesting that I put him under my spell and hypnotize him for a while.
One day he returns home the door shuts as he undoes his tie, he lets it kay on the collar.
I take him in like a fine glass of aged wine I can’t help myself any more from taking him.
I reach out to grab my kit from my draw and return to the room with a whistle in hand.
I slam his back into the wall staring into his eyes as he smiles wildly at me.
I look deep into his eyes removing the magic whistle from my hand.
I hold handedly lifting it to my lips I blow one hard huff of smoke as the sound raises.
Instantly he freezes in place as I create in my blue prints how it should work.
I blow it hard one more time as his body shook out of control he was falling into trance.
“Can you hear me Clint? Do you near me?”
“Yyyyeeessss, I can hear you “
“Excellent! Let’s play a game”
“A nice long game”
“I want you to fall back in time to your deep end of your core.”
“You falling back in time falling down into a small spinning cycle”
“Into empty space you are in a void”
“We reach subspace forever”
“What is it you truly want?”
“I want to be a kid again, I need a dad”
“Why did you come to me then?”
“You are younger then me but so wise”
“I want to be yours, I need to be yours”
“You seem so close to meal
“I feel like I am yours”
“You feel like my dad”
“I feel so young and weak with you”
“I am so obedient to me Daddy”
.”I will he just that at three no other memory left but mine”
“Hi dad, what’s for dinner?”
The end
Lawrenceverse: Reversing Time With Daddy 2
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It’s not that odd to think that now Kyle has reach his final adult destination he might have forgotten.
However, remembers his two brother own is coming to town to visit him of course with little notice.
All I had to do is plan it out well with little or no interruptions and he will be mine too.
He enters the house bringing in that ego manic and pathetic aggressive masculinity.
I had enough sneaking behind him the flow of the whistle hits his ears.
“Mac…..can you hear me?”
“Yes…I can hear you”
“Do you understand what I say?”
“It is clear and right”
“I have always love you”
“I’ve always wanted you but since your bro”
“Well he let down a gauntlet of interest to me”
“Why are you guys so fixated on a daddy?”
“Ours was a asshole”
“I have always wanted a daddy”
“Count down to ten”
“Begin the process”
“Yyyyeeeessss 1…”
“Relax! Deep breath’s l
“Focus and slip”
“You are at your core”
“Feel the weight of my words”
“Slip back in time”
“I am your daddy”
“Always have been”
“Yes Daddy”
“Good boi”
“Now wake up “
“Hi daddy”
The end
Lawrenceverse: Reversing Time With Daddy 3 & 4
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Part 3
Lance is Kyles other brother who happens to be a cop and is getting older by the day.
He meets us privately at a hotel flashing is going on per my instructions.
The lights are blaring on and off as his mind goes completely blank and open.
“Welcome me in”
“Please come in”
“I am your dad “
“You have the same need they do”
“You will submit to me”
“You belong to me”
“I am your everything”
Part 4
The next day he woke up in a haze fog rolling off of the bed on to the floor.
He tumbles all over the floor bouncing side to side.
“You will address me as Master”
“Master Lawrence”
“You will answer me Sir Yes Sir”
“Sir Yes Sir”
“I am your everything “
“I am your world”
“I lead you “
“You follow.”
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The end
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halkyles · 3 years
ngl the funniest aspect of halkyle to me is the roy/wally reaction to it. big “KYLE DID YOU FUCK MY UNCLE” energy
"What the fuck!"
Kyle yelps and bangs his head on the wall when he flinches away from Hal. "Ow!" he rubs his head and looks at the door. "For the last time-"
"Hal?" Wally asks.
"Wally?" Hal asks at the same time, sounding bewildered. "What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here!" Wally gestures at where they're still linked together, and Kyle, thinking fast, grabs the closest thing and yanks it over them. "This is Kyle's apartment!"
Unfortunately, the closest thing happens to be a glass of water. A full glass of water. "Hey!" Hal yells when the cold water splashes over him, somehow managing to kick Kyle in the gut in his mad scramble away.
"Ow," Kyle wheezes, doubling over.
"Is this a one time thing? Out of all the - Kyle? Out of all the people you could've fucked you had to choose Kyle?!"
"Hey," Kyle gasps, still clutching his stomach in pain. "What gives? I'm a great catch." He puts an arm out to steady himself, and it lands in the water stain on his mattress spreading over the other stains already on his mattress.
"No, no, no." Wally clutches his hair, shaking his head. "No! You can't fuck Kyle!"
"Well, actually, Kyle was fucking me-"
"You!" Wally rounds on Kyle. "What the fuck!"
"What the fuck to you!" Kyle draws himself up to his full height, wincing only slightly. "This is why you need to stop - I gave you a key! At least knock!"
"You gave him a key?" Hal sounds put out. "You didn't give me a key."
"I did knock!" Wally jabs him in the centre of the chest. "And put your dick away! What's wrong with you!"
"I - you - this is my house! I can leave my dick out if I want!"
"And you," Wally rounds on Hal. "Kyle? Seriously? What's so great about Kyle?"
Hal blinks at him.
"Oh, so you tell me to put my dick away, but you don't tell Hal to put his dick away, I see how it is," Kyle grumbles as he gathers up the blankets, pulling it over his lap. "You are taking this way too hard. You know Hal and I are both adults, right? We can do whatever, or whoever we want. I don't have to run all my relationships past you, Wally! You're not my mom!"
"I still don't know how he got in," Hal tries to interrupt.
"Maybe you do!" Wally raises his already loud voice. "You can't fuck my uncle, Kyle! That's part of the bro code!" He's leaning over the bed, one knee on the mattress as he grabs Kyle's shoulder and shakes him. "Besides, I had dibs!"
"Well maybe you should've made your move first!" Kyle makes no attempt to shake off Wally. His eyes are stormy as he glares at him, twisting a hand in his suit and yanking him closer. "And for your information, he fucked me first!"
That is... way too much information for Hal to process right now, and also too much information for Kyle to just casually share with Wally. He stares as they keep yelling, and then he sighs and gets off the bed, hunting around for his clothes.
"I should've pushed you off the ship when I had the chance-"
"But you didn't, and what'll that do to me, anyway? Green Lantern, remember? I can breathe in space!" They're practically nose to nose now, spitting in each others face. Hal pulls on his boxers and pauses, staring at them. From this angle, he can't tell if they're fighting or kissing.
"Maybe I should be jealous," Hal mumbles to himself as he leaves the room, hunting around in Kyle's cupboards. This is not something he's willing to deal with without coffee, or whiskey. Depending on what he finds first.
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triplexdoublex · 4 years
Pairing: Colson x Reader
Warnings/tags: smut, cheating, drug use, mentions of foot-fetish, mild blood (nose bleed)
Welcome to my first Colson Baker (MGK) fic. I used a lot of lyrics and lyric references in this. My goal was to make it seem like this toxic relationship and coversations between his and reader are what inspired a lot of his songs.
“C’mon get up,” your best friend Shawnie nudges you, pulling back the sheets of her bed she’s been kind enough to share with you since the breakup. “It’s almost noon,” 
“Grmmphf,” you groan tugging the sheet back over your head.
“I’m not gonna let you stay in bed all day again, crying over ‘Machine Gun Kelly’,” she says as she raises the shades on the window; the midday sun bright rays beaming through the thin sheet over your head. “It’s been three weeks now, get up. We’re gonna have a girls day.”
“He has a real name, you know,” you mumble from under the sheet. “Colson”
“Oh yes, Colson the compulsive cheater, how could I forget?” She rips back the sheet a final time.”How was he dumb enough to get caught this time?” She emphasizes, knowing it's not the first time you’ve caught him cheating. “Lipstick on his shirt? Hickey?” She taps the bed, “I mean it! Up! I'm taking you out.”
“Ughhh fine,” you prop yourself up. “Nudes on his phone actually. Found them his first night back from tour.” You swing your legs over the edge of the bed with a sigh. “ Do you know that dumbass really tried to convince me they were mine, like I dunno what my own pussy looks like!” You let out a half- amused chuckle.
“Wow, that’s pathetic even for him,” Shawnie rolls her eyes. “I don’t understand why you keep going back to him?”
“I dunno — it’s just..” you rake your hands over your face and into your hair. “I can’t explain it --it’s complicated. You wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me,” Shawnie responds, taking a seat next to you on the edge of the bed. “Seriously, I’m listening. I just wanna help you get over him. I hate seeing you hurt all the time.”
“I feel like I’m addicted to him, like he’s my drug or something,” you admit.
“Except what fun is a drug if you can’t even get high off it and only experience the comedown?” She retorts.
“See that’s just the thing — you don’t know him like I do — there is a high,” you smile as fond memories flood back. “When it’s just me and him, when he’s just ‘Colson’, he makes me feel like I’m on top of the world. He treats me like a princess, he makes me laugh, he makes me feel good about myself, and OH MY GOD the sexxxx!” You whine, “You know I always talk about how good it is,” you laugh. “For real our sexual chemistry is just something I never thought I’d experience with anyone. He makes me feel so comfortable and open and unashamed of the things I’m into, and he shares a lot of the same desires. Everything with him is perfect... until tour starts up again”
“I can understand why all that’s important to you, but what about being faithful? Isn’t that important to you too?” Shawnie questions.
“Of course it is, that’s why I keep breaking up with him! And at first I hate him, I really do. I swear to myself I’ll never even talk to him again, but as the hurt wears away, I start craving him again,” A tear rolls down your cheek. “And then I start questioning myself like was I too hard on him? What do I expect from someone who’s living that rockstar lifestyle, getting high and drunk every night with gorgeous women just throwing themselves at him, ya know?”
“No, that is not your fault, you cannot be held responsible for him giving into temptations on the  road!” Shawnie exclaims in a motherly tone. “If he truly wanted to be faithful to you he would.”
“In Colson’s words he ‘fucks up when he’s fucked up’.” you defend him.
“Well maybe he shouldn’t get fucked up if he can’t keep his dick in his pants!” She expresses loudly.”Don’t make excuses for him... Now come on I’m taking you out today; my treat.” 
“Shawnie, really you don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine”
“Too late I already booked us appointments at the spa, and —” her voice then  shifts to a fast whisper “I may have set up a blind date for you with one of Gabe’s friends Kyle for later on tonight!” She finishes with a cheesy grin.
“Shawnie!!!” You gasp.
“Relax, I’ll be there with Gabe too. It’ll be a double date. We’re meeting at Club Hell at eleven. Now get up and get ready before we're late to our appointment.” 
‘Hell… how fitting. That’s exactly what this nights gonna be,’ you think to yourself. You’ve seen Shawnie’s boyfriends friends before and they’re not exactly your type.They’re  
just a bunch of preppy frat boys who’s penny loafers and crisp button down shirts scream ‘trust fund baby’ and ‘my dads a lawyer’.
In the passenger seat on the way home from the spa  you look down at your bright pink toes and can’t help but frown.
“What’s the matter?” Shawnie asks, nudging you with her elbow as she drives. “Do you not like the color?”
“No, no. It’s not that. I love the color, and thank you so much for taking me to get them done, it’s just that Colson always used to take me — the man’s a sucker for a fresh pedicure,” you answer smirking to yourself as you recall his peculiar kink.
“That is more than I needed  to know,” Shawnie’s eyes go wide while keeping them fixed on the road.
“Oh please like you don’t know every detail of our sex life already,” you say tapping her leg playfully.
“But feet is where I draw the line!” She exclaims, pointing a finger.
You let out a chuckle,“Well then I guess I shouldn’t tell you about the time he —”
“Blahhh blah blaaaa I can’t hear you!” Shawnie attempts to cover her ear closest to you with her shoulder, keeping her hands on the wheel, making you bust out laughing. “There’s that smile I miss, I knew it was still in there somewhere,” she smiles back at you. “ Seriously, fuck Colson and FUCK feet!” She laughs.
“I thought you didn’t wanna hear about that time,” you tease.
“What is wrong with you!!!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you clutch your stomach in laughter, “I couldn’t pass up that opportunity, you set yourself up for that.” 
Unfortunately Kyle is pretty much exactly what you were expecting and not at all your type but after a few rounds of drinks you decide to make the best of the night and invite Kyle out onto the  floor to dance  — Shawnie and Gabe to follow, the four of you forming a small circle. Not even five minutes into dancing you spot Colson entering the club with a tall brunette.
You grab Shawnie’s arm. “Look!” you say into her ear trying to be discreet about it.
“Oh my God, of all nights,” She rolls her eyes, “Is that the girl?”
“I dunno I didn’t exactly see her face, remember?”
“Is everything okay?” Kyle interjects, looking confused.
“It’s nothing, just someone I used to know,” you answer, returning to dancing as Colson and the brunette disappeared into the crowd. You were determined to have a good night, if not for yourself than at least for Shawnie. She was trying her best to help you get over Colson and have a good time. 
“Wow, they really pack this place huh?” You yell over the music as the floor starts to get crowded. And as if you spoke too soon one of your elbows collides into someone behind you. Immediately you spin around to apologize. “Oh shit, I’m sorr — Colson!”
“Ah fuck man, why are you here?” Colson rolls his eyes, realizing it’s you.
“I could ask the same thing! I’m tryna have a good night and you gotta show up running shit.”
“Who’s this?” Colson’s date looks up at him annoyed before speaking to you, “Why you talking to my man?”
You throw your head back in laughter. “You’re man? Ha! You’ve got a lot to learn honey. Colson likes to run around. Colson’s everyone’s man! 
“Nah, c’mom,chill, chill,” Colson blocks his date with his arm as she tries to step to you. 
Shawnie reaches for you, pulling you back towards her by your shirt. “Let’s all be adults about this.”
“Fine!” you twist from her grasp. “Just stay away from me and I’ll stay away from you!” You shout at Colson before marching over to the bar. You need another drink. Your friends follow behind and Kyle sits awkwardly in the bar stool next to you. “Sorry about that, that was my ex, wasn’t exactly planning on seeing him here tonight.”
“No worries, seems like a total douche anyways.” Kyle responds.
“Yeah, something like that,” you answer in a daze staring into the crowded dance floor where you find Colson’s sky blue eyes locked on you from across the room. He watches you over the shoulder of his date, her back turned towards you.
“Can I buy you a shot?” Kyle offers.
“Uhh, yeah sure,” you answer, not paying attention, your eyes still focused on Colson.
Kyle pays for the shot, tips the bartender and hands you your shot. You don't even look to see what it is before throwing it back in one gulp. “Come on let’s go dance,” you slam the empty shot glass and  grab Kyle’s hand pulling him onto the dance floor, positioning his back to Colson. You don’t know what kind of game Colson is playing, but you can play it too — your eyes still locked across the room.
When the song changes — Closer by Nine Inch Nails now playing through the club speakers — Colson takes his game to the next level, grinding with “his girl” without breaking eye contact with you. You can’t decide if he’s trying to make you jealous or make you want him. And you can’t decide for what reason you keep playing along but it’s not long before you find yourself rolling your body against your date, your stare letting Colson know two can play this game.
“Damn, girl!” Kyle exclaims, shocked by your sudden shift in demeanour, his hands making their way to your ass, making you cringe internally at his touch. But you keep up the facade letting him push and pull your bodies together on the dance floor as Colson’s glare intensifies. 
‘I wanna fuck you like an animal, I wanna feel you on the inside…’  The chorus starts and you know things are about to get turnt up. Colson’s head dips down, his eyes still glued to yours as he sensually licks a stripe up his date's neck. Quickly, you spin Kyle around leaning into him as you grind your backside against the zipper of his denim. You reach behind your head with one hand, lacing your fingers in the back of Kyle’s hair and pull his face into your craned neck, simultaneously inviting him to taste you and shielding his view of you and Colson’s fervid eye fucking. You feel guilty feeling Kyle grow hard against you, knowing allowing his sloppy mouthing of your neck is definitely leading him on.
“Five.” Colson mouths to you, holding up the same amount of fingers behind his dates back, then motioning with his head to the bathrooms. You check your watch, it’s 12:00 exactly.
Five  minutes pass and you see Colson excuse himself to the bathroom. Immediately you push you date away frantically, making up a lie about feeling light headed and needing to go get some water at the bar, but head straight to the bathrooms. Inside the one person bathroom you find Colson doing a key bump of coke by the sink.
“What do you want?” You ask, annoyed.
“Ain’t that the tight little black dress from the first night we were together?” he asks, sniffing and wiping at his nose, as he locks the door behind you.
“Is that what you brought me in here for, to ask if this was the dress from our first date? You roll your eyes hopping up to sit on the edge of the sink counter, your fresh pedicured feet with open toed shoes dangling down in front of you. 
“MMMmmm you get them done just for me, baby?”
“Fuck off Colson, I didn’t even know you were gonna be here tonight, otherwise I wouldn’t have come,” you quip, folding your arms across your chest in annoyance. “Are you done wasting my time, I’d like to get back to my date.”
“Bullshit!” Colson calls you out. “ Little lawyer boy out there ain’t even your type, I know it and you know it. Your girl set you up on a blind date didn’t she?” He says cocikly. He knows you too well.
“You don’t know shit, Colson,” you lie, jumping down from the counter and heading towards the door to leave.
“Pretty impressive performance out there though, I gotta give it to you — .” Colson steps forward his body between you and the door, backing you back up against the counter. “-- letting him lick and touch all over you —-” he lowers his head, his whiskey-infused breath cascading over your neck and chest and he continues to speak. “-- knowing dayummm well you wish it were me.”
“You need to let me go, Colson. We’re over! You cheated … AGAIN!” You remind him, and apparently yourself, your head involuntarily cocking to the side, opening up your neck to him, your body half ready to give into temptation despite your anger with him.
“I’ll admit I took advantage of you every night that I was on the road,” he speaks in an apologetic tone. But don’t think for a minute i’ma let you convince me that what we started is finished, or for a second that I wouldn't take a bullet to the head for you!” He presses a single knuckle to your temple, his blue eyes piercing though your soul “You know we both want this. I know we’ve had some hard times but you said that even if it took forever that you and me would be together.”
 “You’re insane” tumbles from you lips in a last ditch effort to keep up your guard even though the breathy way it escape your mouth sounds a lot more like “fuck me.”
“Ok, yeah, I’m insane… but you the same!” He says, aggressively pointing at you and pressing his forehead to yours, his lips mere centimeters from your own.
You bite your lip; your guard, your walls, and common sense crumbling down around you. “We’re insane — both of us,” you laugh ,a single tear sliding from your eye. “I guess that’s just the way it goes.” You punctuate your words against Colson’s eager lips with a kiss.
There’s no turning back now, your fingers hurriedly undoing the buttons on the placket of his pink devil shirt as his hungry mouth devours kiss after kiss until you can barely breathe, his hands cupping your face so tight. He tastes of weed and whiskey, but you welcome the nostalgic flavor on your tongue. You slide his now open shirt off his shoulders, and let your hands trail down his tattooed torso. 
“Fuck, I’ve missed this,” he growls breaking the kiss, quickly lifting you back onto the counter, and letting his shirt fall to the floor. Nestling his face into your neck and hair, he breathes you in as if his memory is bottling up your scent for later.
“Colson,” you whine needily. Desperate to feel the heat of his mouth connect with your flesh, you rake a hand through his tousled bleach blonde locks, pushing down on his head until you feel his wet tongue begin to lap at your clavicle. You lean back against the mirror in pleasure as his tongue writes a sonnet across your neck and chest. He spreads your legs with his knee, your tight black dress inching up your thighs the wider your legs go. His hand slides up the expanse of your inner thighs to your core. Hastily, he pushes your panties to the side, the tips of his pretty painted fingers toying with your clit. The faster he rubs the faster and more sporadic your movements and breathing become, your body begging to be fucked. “Uhhh, Fuck me!” Your words echo your body’s pleas.
“Mmmmhh, he lets out a throaty rumble. “Thought you’d never ask,” he smirks, reaching for the delicate waistband of your black lace panties. He quickly pulls them down, struggling when they get snagged on the stiletto heel of one of your shoes. “Fuck it,” he laughs leaving them stuck in exchange for undoing his cherry red belt. With his belt undone he upzips his dark denim jeans pulling them and his ethika boxers down in one motion, springing himself free.
Wrapping his arms around your thighs he yanks you towards him, your ass teetering on the edge of the counter. With a hand behind each knee he shoves your legs back, bending you into one of his favorite positions; folded in half, legs up by your head. He loves how deep he can get like this. 
Still holding your legs back, he bends down, lowering his face to your core, tasting you. 
“Uhhhhh, Fuck, Cols,” you whine with eyes squeezed shut, griping his hair as he moves his tongue in a wide stripe from the bottom up, pausing to focus his attention on the sensitive bud at the top. 
“Ummghmm,” he hums against you before lifting his head. “No time for this right now” he says with glossed lips “but God, I had to taste you again.”
He removes one of his hands from your legs and grabs himself, bringing the tip to your entrance. Quickly, he slides it back and forth through your wetness before pushing in, a low gravely moan falling from his lips as he bottoms out. 
“Shit… Fuck...Oh my God!,” You slap a hand over your mouth.
“Nah, ain’t nobody gonna hear you over the music out there, baby” he says brushing your hand away from your mouth and replacing it with his lips, as he thrusts.
You moan into his mouth and he moves his lips lower, kissing down your neck, so he can hear your pleas of “Harder”. He obliges driving his hips forward with more force, and quickens his pace, the back of your head banging  against the mirror so hard, you swear the both of you are about to have seven years of bad luck. But you don’t care, the slight curve to his perfect cock ramming repeatedly into your g-spot. 
“Feels so good , uhhh right there. Yes!”  You scream out.
“Mmm, yeah you gonna cum for me baby?” 
“Ssso close.” You know you're practically guaranteed to cum before Colson; the man could go all night, often making you cum two or three times before he’s done. But you don’t have that kind of time tonight in this tiny club bathroom with both your dates nearby. A few more hard thrusts and your orgasm begins to  peak in your abdomen, the feeling as surreal as the Dali tatt on his back your fingernails are raking down. “I — I’m Cumming! 
He keeps up his pace, chasing after his own release, groaning with each clench of your walls as you ride out the waves of pleasure.
Still not there yet, he quickly pulls out, grabs you up by your hair, and shoves his cock into your mouth.You can taste yourself as he rams his cock in and out of your mouth. “Yeah, love watching you getting your throat destroyed’” he grits between his teeth, watching in the mirror as he face fucks you. “Uhhgh, gonna —” he exhales heavily, filling your mouth as he holds your head in place. After the last drop is out he pulls you off him with a ‘pop’.
The silence is awkward as you both get dressed, nothing but heavy breathing in the air. “Ah, shit,” Colson breaks the silence, a slow trickle of blood coming from his nose.
“Sit, sit. I’ll get it,” you insist, hurriedly grabbing some toilet paper from the stall, as Colson takes a seat on the counter. You dab at the dripping blood and pinch his nose shut. “Here hold this, like this,” you say, guiding his hand to his nose. “You really gotta stop doing coke, ya know.” you say in a caring tone as you finish buttoning up his shit for him.
He gives you a  simple “thanks” with a genuine appreciative smile. “Guess we would get back out there,” he gets off the counter giving his nose a final wipe.
“Yeah, Shawnie’s gonna kill me when she finds out.”
“Shhh,” he shushes your lips with his finger. “The homies don’t gotta know.”
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sunny-cyrus · 3 years
If that’s what you meant by the tags on this I’d love to hear about your headcanons and why👀
That IS what I meant yes and this will be a bit long since I have a lot of thoughts and such, so thank you :D
Okay so my head canons and making smelly teenaged Stan.
He doesn't clean his face, this is me projecting but since his character does have depression there is the lack of motivation on things and he just thinks "why bother getting rid of the zits if they're gonna come back". Stan also sucks at shaving but doesn't wanna look like Randy, not cause he hates him (though Stan isn't fond of him it just isn't hate) he just fears becoming a Randy clone. Stan still plays board games and his main player 2 is Nicole, he's also gotten better at music stuff. Stan's hat is just his old hat that has been stretched out into a beanie look cause he's like emo or something. Speaking of what he's wearing I looked through my Pinterest board for clothing since I couldn't figure out how his jacket would look, no I am not joking. Now on Stan's hair, I just gave him teenager Trey's hair considering Stan is kinda Trey also it looks crappy but in a good way.
Lastly on Stan, he still despises weed and would never take it and he still has sparky! Big Gay Al just co-owns him.
Kyle's hat isn't the original his mom didn't want him wearing his old clothes since she didn't want others thinking she doesn't buy her son new clothing, another time of me projecting. But Kyle bought the exact same hat everytime except there being the slight differences of the hat and he never thinks it's the same. I thought about his future design where he's an adult and Kyle has the same green/orange look so Kyle just really likes green and orange. He wears vests and a sweater mainly cause I realized just the vest would be cold. He has one of those purse bags I forgot what they're called but it's from his mom and he gets made fun of by Cartman a lot.
Kyle still enjoys and plays basketball I'm not gonna give details since I have no clue how basketball works. He needs glasses but refuses to go to get them, Stan has to help him read stuff that's far away. Kyle doesn't want them since that's like a Jewish stereotype (from my research it is Im just going off that). Kyle gets into other people's business but that's cause he thinks he could fix things, he doesn't mean to be a jerk. Cartman still gets on his nerves and over the years of being mad about Cartman, a lot of small things that make Kyle mad he overacts to them (projecting sorta again). Kyle just wants to help.
Cartman was fun to draw and think about actually! So we've seen the times he's dressed up and such so he ends up having a pretty obnoxious wardrobe when he's older but mostly wears his jacket with flames and he always claims how "it's kewl the flames are sick, you guys!" His shirt is actually cheesy poofs branded, I have a south park shirt that is pretty old and the print on it is very faded so the shirt is similar to that and also shows how long Cartman has been a fan of cheesy poofs. He wears sweatpants. Cartman makes sure to wear the most expensive and popular brand of shoes so he can show off to Kenny.
His hat is actually his old one just with pins, the pins are an emoji and a cat (which is from a series called bee and puppycat) Cartman's favorite animal is cats even if he doesn't know how to care for them. He has hair clips, many many hair clips he also wears eyeliner/paints his nails! He's been shown to crossdress alot so I feel like Cartman would just subtly wear stuff like that more often. I don't think he really brushed his teeth often and with all the bad foods he eats he ends up with braces. Cartman has subtle stubble and acne, all the boys have acne actually but that's cause they're gross teenagers (Stan's is the only one who has the worst acne second to that is Kenny.)
He still has his 'bff' necklace matching with Kenny after that episode where he claims they're 'bffs' with that necklace Cartman actually ends up liking that idea and brings it up to Kenny years later. Lastly Cartman likes to play loud and obnoxious music while they wait for the bus, Kyle is the only one who's actually annoyed, Stan always recommends songs when Cartman runs out and Kenny just laughs.
Okay so Kenny, he ends up growing out his hair after liking the long hair while being princess Kenny he even takes off his hood to show it off! But he gets cold easily so wears a scarf to cover his face up thus keeping the muffled voice. Kenny also cross dresses whether that be a gender thing or just a thing he likes he still does it and enjoys doing whatever. He has the matching bff necklace. Kenny like I said before gets cold easily and because he took off his hood his ears get bright red cause of the coldness.
Kenny has a great relationship with his siblings and he likes that with Kevin he doesn't need to take up a parental role! Kenny doesn't fear death which would be obvious and has given up on figuring out how it works though he is very smart and not being a ten year old anymore would mean he could figure it out but Kenny just wants to be with his friends and not think about dying, pretend it's a dream or like nothing happened like how everyone else reacts after it. Kenny does get really sad over it though.
That's pretty much it! This was very long actually, but Im glad you wanted to know about my head canons and stuff for this :D I had fun writing this all down!
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sunflowerdigs · 3 years
So, I did a little sarcastic-y review from the salt mines for RNM 3x09. Warnings for excessive sodium content, Maribel mourning, a desire to recycle cardboard, and, of course, Malex opinions. Without further ado:
- Every time Michael smiles I forget for like 5 whole seconds how much I hate that Malex keeps me shackled to this show. Too cute that he brought Alex lunch (and probably hoped he could sneak a glimpse of him) and they're going on their first date (omg omg omg).❤❤❤❤❤
- Kyle should yell at people more. Starting with his garbage friends who left him in a barn without proper triage or jello cups while he was in a coma (why didn't they just keep him at DS if he's having appointments there anyway? Nevermind... ). Alas, he's starting his understandable rage tour with Uncle Edgelord, who, naturally, makes a dramatic statement and tries to leave. I am so glad Kyle called him on that.
- Delmanes would be cute if Greg didn't have the personality of cardboard. They've created a character who is actually only here to remind us of how special and amazing Maria is. Turns out that's not super interesting. And it's so painfully obvious that it's a pair-your-spares situation. I really wish they'd just give her Kyle, he has the patience of a saint. Anyway, Isobel's pigtails are cute af (rip my Isobel/Maria/Kyle heart - I would have taken Isobel interrupting Delmanes and Heather's post with pigtails today as signs if not for genetics).
- Anatsa and Isobel's development seems to have taken place completely off-screen, like everything else gay on this show, so I'm guessing it's gonna stick. Honestly...I guess this is controversial but Isobel and Maria have really good chemistry and a history. I know their bond is supposed to read "sibling" but it doesn't for me. And rather than waste time watching them flirt with these one-note (ah, Greg chimes in right on time with a convenient line any rando could have delivered) LIs, I'd much rather see them get closer. The whole related thing has thrown a wrench into it for me. That said, it's nice to watch a woman be encouraged to go after another woman. 🎉
- Alex the sci-fi/fantasy nerd figuring out immediately that the hallucination is his own subconscious is 100% legit. Much like Kyle not letting his uncle pull a classic tall-dark-and-broody exit, I appreciate Alex's 4th-wall break moment.
- Not Max and Liz proving that discussions about s2 drama can occur on Roswell New Mexico?! What? Must be a straight thing. Lucky them.
- Isobel is actually acting a lot like Sherlock Holmes when he's on a case, from the wardrobe to the focus, and it's hot. Also, totally believable that Isobel would be able to pull up that pod from under the ice because we know she's been training even if it didn't happen onscreen. Because she told us. Just a suggestion.
- I love the idea of Jim Valenti as a double-agent, but I don't see how Eduardo thought he could keep Kyle safe by never knowing him. It feels like there's a lot more here Eduardo isn't saying.
- It wasn't a sister-fight that Maria and Isobel had, but whatever (no one got physically shoved or brought up a horrifying memory from 100000 years ago to shove in someone's face in public - doesn't count).
- Also, why would you waste a glass by throwing it into the fireplace? Wouldn't it just explode back in your face? Man, the show is trying so hard with Maria and Greg, I want to give them some kind of romance-novel award for effort (but not success).
- Not Liz and Max showing us that it's possible to move forward by discussing your past mistakes like adults instead of pretending they didn't happen!? What? Must be a straight thing. Lucky them.
- Draw a line on the bottle? No way, Valenti, he obviously wants you to chuck that whole thing straight into the fire in a fit of passion to prove that his words had an emotional impact.
- Also, Kyle wins the prize for this episode for that speech to Uncle Edgelord. Everyone go home. When do I get a Kyle and Alex spin-off where they travel the world, defying sci-fi tropes and seducing beautiful men and women?
- Not Liz and Max talking loudly about aliens while breaking and entering! This one is actually very believable, I take it back.
- It was idiotic of Liz to trust Heath. And Echo keep having this same fight because MAX IS RIGHT BUT THE SHOW WON'T LET HIM BE. Which is so obnoxious. I would forgive Liz for almost any sin (like, idk, getting a better romantic storyline because she's straight) because she's gorgeous and smart and tough and I wanna go live with her and her mad scientist energy on a deserted island somewhere. But she's being real dumb rn.
- I love the t-shirt and if Vlambase doesn't sell one I will. But he couldn't have held up a radio and blasted some Barry White? I feel like that would have cleared everyone but Alex put of the building real fast. Also, what is time on Roswell NM? Was Alex just setting the alarm every so often for kicks? Does Eduardo really not check in on staff who are working with dangerous technology for days on end? Also, why is this entire plot happening over a single goddamn episode instead of two or more so that we can really feel Alex wasting away under the machine's influence? The reason this twist is at all surprising is also the entire plot's undoing - Alex's demeanor wasn't exactly one of a man obsessed (or an addict, tbh) in his last scene.
- Anyway, back to Rizzoli and Isles. I definitely am always super excited to hear the details of my sister's sex life. All the time. That is totally a sister thing except where it's really not. Do any of these writers actually have a sister? I feel like they must because the Michael/Max/Isobel sibling chemistry is always bang on but Maribel is just...flirty lady city. Oh, and look, the beard just showed up with coffee to cockblock - it really is R&I!
- Back to Alex's plot line, which, much like Isobel's coffee, is Express To-Go. He's become haggard and worn in the time it's taken Michael's mom to find a cute sweater in the void. Seriously, we wasted like 3 whole episodes where Alex was presumably sitting in DS twiddling his thumbs and now he's being worn down by the machine in a single episode? Why didn't this plot start back in episode 3 or 4? Like...look, I don't come on here to be an asshole. But I just really hope they're taking note of what worked this season and what didn't because HOLY PACING FIASCO BATMAN. Just because you're giving us Malex doesn't mean everything else can just be hot garbage (not the acting, Taylor's doing his best to sell this). Also, when did Alex put his leg back on? I have so many questions but they aren't the good kind, so Michael better ride in soon and save this mess.
- Regarding what Nora is saying, it's fine, it makes sense but the zero build up makes it completely ineffective. Alex is afraid he doesn't love enough - it would have been nice to see that over several episodes instead of just being told in a burst of sudden exposition but, you know. Nice straight things we can't have, I guess.
- If Michael and Alex want their relationship to "purr" they could, idk, talk through their past misunderstandings like people in relationships do. Or the show could keep throwing exposition bombs at them, idek.
- Are those empty toilet paper rolls inside the machine? I knew the CW was budget but come on...
- And we finally get the Heath connection and it's to our brand new trope-y character, Wise Old Black Man Dallas. It's surprising but only because the 4th alien didn't exist before this episode. So, good job.
Overall, not the worst episode of RNM ever. I only wondered why I watch this show maybe 3 times this episode. And Michael's enthusiasm for Alex was adorable.
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xx-flowerfker69-xx · 3 years
So uhh… I decided to add more characters to the semi-ironic Evillious Chronicles x Undertale AU (Evillioustale? Underchronicles?)
Whether they'll become an angel Or an insane familiar That depends on you standing before their eyes
The Master of the Heavenly Yard brings atonement; this will show the way to Utopia
A follow up to the Master of the court Sans sketch I made a while ago
Here are some sketches w/ color. Sorry guys, I’m honestly dropping my quality lately, I’m not in the zone, hell, I didn’t even want to make an effort to draw hands and paws.
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Explanations will be given after the “keep reading” thingy
Warning: spoilers for both Undertale and EC ahead
Master of the heavenly yard: Asriel Dreemurr
Design wise: Here I took a lot of creative freedom for the design, a mix between that one pic of the MoTHY/Behemo? from the back with a coat and inspiration from different outfits from characters who are royalty such as Kyle Marlon and Arth with a pinch of Allen. I wanted to make an outfit that looks like it could definitely belong in the EC universe. The color scheme is based on his robe, but I paired it with a black coat because it looked nice. Yes, he is an adult, if you were wondering. I kept the God of Hyper death horns because they looked cool, mostly.
Why x as x: in the true pacifist ending Asriel breaks the barrier achieving the monster’s biggest dream, going to the surface. I interpreted this as a Heavenly ending where utopia was achieved. I also thought of making him a twin god instead of frisk, but decided no to. After all, I realized that in order to make this work one would need to take a lot of creative liberties and diverge heavily from both the undertale and EC canon, specially in the EC character assignment/ reincarnation aspect.
Hänsel & Gretel: Chara & Frisk
Design wise: very straight forward yet controversial. Before some of you try to cancel me, and I’ve done more questionable things anyways, I want to specify that I’m non-binary myself. That being said, Chara having a dress doesn’t make them a girl, I use and love dresses myself. Injust wanted to make obvious which twin they were. I originally thought of giving both of them the Hänsel outfit, or having them both with their hair down so they didn’t look like the OG Hänsel and Gretel (as in the EC ones) with a different color palette. In the end, I decided to respect the original designs but have them both with their regular hairstyles as well as change the color scheme to fit them. The glass bottle is now a golden heart.
Why x as x: Chara being the first fallen human in my mind translated to the beginning of the story and Frisk is the one who takes the journey and depending on your actions you can make them end the story in various different ways, so they end the story. Also, at the end of the genocide route, if you want to continue playing you have to give Frisk’s souls to the first fallen human and they, so to speak, create a new world, which reminds me of the line “To birth something you have to kill…” in the song Creation Girl Gretel; Therefore, for me it fits that they could be irregular twins. Chara would be the “Creation girl” (Creation child in this case) just like Gretel and Frisk would be the “Ending boy” (Ending child in this case) just like Hänsel. So yeah, they are irregular twins heavily based on Hänsel and Gretel. But another important question arises, if they are Hänsel and Gretel, that means they are failed vessels for the twin gods. I’m still working on making that make sense, but I do have a couple of ideas. Who are their real parents and their “real parents”? Also working on that. Though Toriel as Eve and Asgore as Adam appeals to me.
At this point I do have more ideas for other characters, mainly Master of the Hellish Yard Undyne. But, yeah, enjoy this I guess.
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
Under The Water
While shifters were somewhat common, and magic users were even more common, the two mixing was not that common.
Half human and half siren. That in itself wasn’t that common.
There could be at least twenty magic users on the island that village was on, including himself.
Rodolfo Parra was the only shifter. He never hid it, he didn’t have to. 
He understood nearly everything about humans at this point.
The one thing he did not understand was the hatred, fear, and mistreatment of Krakens.
Ever since he was a child, he knew that he was a little unique. The village he grew up in had never seen a shifter, let alone a siren shifter. They were moving around a lot. At the time, Siren’s were on the verge of being endangered. So they were on the run.
Until now. He was an adult. He was in a village on his own, his parents weren’t there with him. It was a small village, but it was nice. The people were nice. The lighthouse keepers were likely the cutest couple he had ever seen, and their son was honestly adorable. He loved it.
He sighed as he went to the well, but smiled when he saw John and Phil, the lighthouse Keepers, walking to the village, towards him.
“John, Phil! I wasn’t expecting you today!” He said, smiling, thought he looked worried when they ran up, concerned.
“Rudy, we hate to be the barers of bad news, but there’s a storm on the way and we need help if you can give it.” Phil said.
He panicked a little, but he nodded, “I’ll let everyone know, go to my scrapyard, get something to reinforce the lighthouse.” He said.
They nodded, running off to his house to get metal that he had collected from the ocean.
He ran to tell the village, quickly getting the word around before he ran back to his house.
He could hear the thunder in the distance. He could sense how bad the storm was going to be.
They spent about two hours trying to get the lighthouse reinforced, and Kyle came out at some point to help. Apparently, the poor kid fell in the water while he was drawing. Lost his sketchbook too. Thankfully, it was a new one, so, it wasn’t a horrible loss. But it was sad. He might’ve hurt his head, too. But he wanted to help, and he seemed alright.
They ended up being able to get quite a bit done in that time. Most of the Lighthouse was renfoced. They just had to get the glass replaced and the top part done.
The storm was probably going to hit overnight.
Rodolfo saw Kyle sneak off to the dock, but didn’t think anything of it. Maybe he had something down there to save.
He got some metal from a scrapyard while Phil found some glass
"Do you think it'll hold?" Kyle asked once the glass was put up.
"We'll see." John replied, "we can't do much more unless we get stronger metal or get more to just try and reinforce it."
Phil sighed, "we got everything we could take from the scrapyard… anything on the ship?"
"I'll check." Kyle said, running down to the dock.
He wanted to follow to see if there was something down there. But he didn't. He did hear Kyle jump up on the ship and doors opening. So he knew he was there.
He came back a few minutes later with a few more pieces of metal. They could use it to get the weak parts better reinforced. It was… well, it wouldn’t be fine, but it’d be better then not helping it at all.
They didn’t need to panic.
“That should do it.” John said, sighing, “Rudy, you need to take care of your own house.”
“Are you sure this will be okay?” He asked.
“Yes. Go, you need to make sure your house will survive.” Phil said.
He nodded, running back to his house in the village, seeing the other townsfolk scrabbling to get their windows and doors boarded.
He was doing the exact same.
He managed to get it done just as the sky turned dark and grey. 
The next day…
He stayed up all night, not able to sleep through the night due to the storm.
“Oh, god…” He whispered when he got outside, seeing the damage. The windows and doors were all boarded up, so, it seemed like it was okay… mostly.
He went to the lighthouse to check on them, and saw that it was… 
“Oh… oh my god…”
The tower of the lighthouse was gone. Knocked over.
Phil was outside, crying on his own.
He ran over to hug him, hugging him tight while he fell to his knees.
“It’s okay, Phil, it’s alright.” He whispered, holding him tight.
“It’s gone… It’s all gone…”
“We can rebuild it, make it stronger.”
He sighed, looking at it.
They could use some of the metal from it. Rebuild it from that.
John sighed as he walked out, seeing what was left of the tower.
He went up to Phil, holding him tight, looking at what was left.
“We’ll fix this, Phil… I promise.”
Five days later…
Rodolfo sighed as he got back in the water. He was helping John and Phil with the Lighthouse. It was… bad. But, the whole village came to help. They got the tower built, got the light put back up. It was okay.
But he finally got back in the water, shifting as he did
He smiled as he started swimming around for a bit, going out to the open ocean.
He loved this. He loved swimming round like this. It was comforting in a way. Not worrying about needing air. Just being able to do something he loved.
Something felt… wrong, this time.
He brushed it off, thinking it was just from the storm…
… Until he got caught in a net, that was.
He was screaming for help as he was brought out of the water, trying to break the net as he just barely got out of the water.
But he saw jet black tentacles coming out of the water, going to the ship and snapping it in half while snapping the rope on the net, dropping him back in the water
Or, almost, before he was caught by the same tentacles 
He was gently brought back under water, and he looked at the Kraken that saved him
"Are you okay?!" The Kraken asked 
He slowly nodded, "shaken... but I'm alright."
"Good... my name is Alejandro."
He found himself melting in the gentle touch, and he sighed.
"Your... your a shifter." Alejandro said, looking at the sigil on his tail, towards his hip 
"Human and siren..." He said
"How... unique. I've never seen that."
"It's not common..."
"Shall I take you back to shore?"
He nodded, and Ale gently led him to the shore, and he sighed
"Thank you, Alejandro." He said
"No problem. I'm glad your okay."
"Can I... meet back up with you?"
"I'll come back here for you."
He nodded, smiling, "thank you so much..."
Alejandro smiled, “See you soon.” he swam away, leaving Rodofo stunned, but happy.
Kraken’s were mostly harmless. They only did harmful things if provoked… as he just saw.
He was excited to see him again.
He hoped it was soon.
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