#was THE funniest scene in any media ever
kvothbloodless · 1 year
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macguffinandco · 1 year
Hi - we're on Tumblr now!
I'm sorry, who are you?
We're @sashasienna​ and @jonnywaistcoat​, and we make tabletop RPGs as MacGuffin & Co.!
Tabletop what-nows?
Immersive storytelling games where you and your friends can dive into weird worlds, play fascinating characters and have harrowing adventures!
What, like Dungeons & Dragons?
*sigh* Yeah. Like Dungeons & Dragons
Ok, so what have you made?
Well, we've got a collection of system neutral micro-settings called Odd Jobs - it's eleven small and fascinating worlds to play games in, each with a campaign you can play through in a month. They're not designed for any particular system, so you can play them with whatever game you like!
Oh, and it won the 2022 UK Games Expo award for Best Adventure and was nominated for Ennie Product of the Year. Just sayin'.
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We've just released a tarot-themed magical river game called Upriver, Downriver with our dear friend Ella Watts, in which you play the crew of a ship sailing the Great River, either travelling upriver to the mythical Source with it's magic and revelation; or downriver towards the unending Sea with it's freedom and horizon.
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We have KER-SPLAT! - a high-chaos, full nonsense cartoon RPG we wrote with Ross Barlow, where the players can't die and the GM can't stop them in a hilarious cascade of silly jokes. Also, not to brag, but this is the funniest RPG rulebook you'll ever read.
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We also have smaller games, such as Zero Void - a no-prep one-shot zine game, where you play a bunch of desperate space criminals trying to escape a space station before the law arrives.
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Is there any way to keep up with what you do?
Well, following our Tumblr is a great start. We also have a monthly mailing list you can sign up to from our website that will keep you updated on what we do.
We also have a Patreon.
What was that? You're mumbling!
Yeah, like all creators trying to eke out a living, we have a Patreon. If you sign up you get behind -the-scenes updates, small or prototype games, RPG resources, new micro-settings and our monthly TTRPG Gamesmasterclass, where we use our 35(!) combined years of GMing experience to help you run the best games ever.
But what if I want to see your faces?
Then I have great news! We stream boardgames and RPGs every Sunday at twitch.tv/macguffinandco! Jonny also streams videogames every Friday at twitch.tv/jonnywaistcoat, and Sasha steams their Jane Austen Bookclub every Monday at twitch.tv/sashasienna
Sounds cool - where can I find out more?
macguffinandcompany.com, baby!
Wait, so why are you on Tumblr?
Because social media is a nightmare hellscape and it's weirdly the chillest one left. We are on other social sites as well - you can follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook - but this is our favourite.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 11 months
Fun and Games
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hey can i request something with Jensen Ackles, where the reader is Jeffrey daughter and Jensen wife and the fans asks Jeffrey who he find out about her daughter dating Jensen? Something fluff with funny between them
Summary: Your husband brings you along to one of his panels with your dad, and you make the mistake of telling the fans a prank you pulled on your dad. He has some stories of you, too, and everything comes to light right then and there.
Square Filled: locked in a playground (2020) for @spnfluffbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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“Why’d you have to drag me out to this thing? I could have been sitting at home in the bath reading my book,” you say to your husband.
Jensen wraps his arms around your waist and slides his hands to your ass, squeezing your cheeks before sliding his hands into your back pockets.
“What do you mean? You love coming with me to these things.” These things being conventions with thousands of screaming fans for all kinds of fandoms. You love going with him but you kind of wish you could be at home right now. “I’ll tell you what. If you endure the next seven hours with me here, I’ll give you a massage when we get home.”
“A real one?” you grin.
“Oil and all.”
“Will you be naked?”
“Is there any other way?” he chuckles.
“I love you.”
“You stole the words right out of my mouth.”
Jensen leans down and molds his lips against your own. Being married to him is the best thing you could have ever done. There is never a dull moment in the Ackles house. The door to the break room opens and you pull away from your husband. Your dad, Jeffrey, steps inside to steal a quick snack.
“Come on, kids. We’re on,” he grins mischievously.
“What are you up to?” you narrow your eyes at him.
“Nothing. I have a feeling this panel is about to be a good one.”
Your dad leaves and you take a deep breath in to calm yourself.
“He’s gonna tell the story again, isn’t he?”
“Probably,” Jensen shrugs.
“He’s told everyone he knows about that damn story but never to an audience. I better not see a bunch of memes tomorrow about it.”
“Knowing the fans, probably. Stay off social media for the next week,” he laughs and walks out.
“It’s not funny! Jensen!”
You follow your husband to where your dad is, and all three of you step on stage to greet all the fans who came to watch your panel. They cheer when they see you, and you take a microphone from one of the crew members. You’re not an actor, in fact, you’re far from it. However, you love the community Supernatural fans have created, and love going to these things with Jensen and Jared.
After greetings are done, Jensen and your dad get into the groove of things. They thank people for coming out here, yada, yada, yada. This panel is very inclusive so a lot of fans have questions about upcoming episodes, your lives behind the scenes, and just funny stories of things that have happened to you. No question is off the table so you prepare yourself for whatever comes.
“This question is for Y/N,” a fan asks once the questioning portion of the panel starts.
“Hi, what’s your name?”
“Lovely name! I like your hat!”
“Okay, let the girl get to her questions,” Jensen jokes.
“I’m just giving her a compliment. Calm down, old man.” A round of laughter rolls out. “Go ahead, Jessica.”
“I know you were an extra in this last season in a few scenes. My question is, what’s been one of the funniest moments you remember from filming?”
“Oh, that’s a good question,” you grin. You’re not an actor, but you’ve been in a few scenes as a bystander when needed. Jensen loves taking you on set so you can watch, so even if you’re not filming, you’re there to witness their shenanigans. “Okay, you guys remember the episode where my dad guest stared? John Winchester comes back for an episode?”
A round of cheers lets you know they know exactly what you’re talking about.
“You’re really going to tell this story?” your dad asks you.
“I’m telling the story,” you grin. “I’m not sure this is going to make it on the blooper reel or not, but remember the part when Sam was going to crush that small white rock to get rid of John and send him back to the past? Well, we were all super serious and everyone is so in character. Emotions are high and we’re doing our best not to cry. Well, when Jared went to crush the rock, it didn’t shatter as we hoped. Instead, it flew off the table and hit my dad right in the crotch. I swear it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Jensen, Jared, and I were on the floor in tears.”
“It took us a while to get back into character, but that was a nice break from character,” Jensen grins.
“Oh! I got another story!”
“Really? Another one?” your dad asks.
“So, this was when I was visiting Jen on set but I wanted to pull a prank on my dad since he was coming in that week to film that same episode.”
“Why are you telling them this story?” your dad groans.
“Shh, they’re gonna love it. So, I worked with the director to get him in on this prank. He gave me access to his work email that I then used to send my dad an email regarding the dress code at work.”
You can’t contain your giggles at this point.
“Keep it up, Y/N,” your dad nods.
“Shh! I told him it was dress-as-a-clown-to-work day. Everyone was going to be in costume and we were going to surprise one of the makeup artists since it was her birthday. He believed me.” Everyone starts laughing at what’s to come. “When he showed up that morning in the funkiest clown costume set with the red nose, the rainbow hair, and the big ol’ clown feet, we all died laughing. I even got a video,” you smirk.
Before your dad can protest, you had one of the crew members put it up on the screen behind you so everyone can see. Your dad walks in wearing the clown suit and realization rolls over his face when he knows you set him up. Everyone in the audience is laughing while your dad is smirking at you. You’re not paying attention to him to notice it otherwise you would have turned it off.
“Yeah, so that was a fun day on set.” The video ends. “The best part is, we kept him in that suit all day.”
“You think that’s funny?” your dad asks. Jensen can’t contain his laughter but tries to cover it with a cough. “You wanna go there? Fine. It’s my turn to tell a story.”
“Wait, Dad--”
“No, no, no, you had your fun. It’s my turn now.”
“You’re going to drag me down with her?” Jensen asks.
“You bet your ass.” 
You get up to jog off stage when your husband grabs your arm and yanks you back into him.
“Nope. If I have to sit here and endure this, so are you.”
“So, would you all like to know how I knew my daughter was dating Jensen?” Everyone cheers to let him know they are interested. “This was back when I was a regular on the show. Y/N had come on set a few times and was getting friendly with Jensen. I thought nothing of it until one day when I was sitting at home minding my own business.
“I get a call from Y/N where she tells me not to ask any questions and to meet her. I figure she’s in some kind of trouble so I tell her to send me the address and I’m on my way. When she does, I get my beloved baseball bat just in case I need to beat someone’s ass. I rush over to where she is thinking she was at a bar, a friend’s house, whatever. I did not expect to pull up to a child’s playground.
“Still, I’m in protective dad mode. I hear her calling my name so I run over to where she is and stop dead in my tracks. In the child’s castle-dome thing is my daughter, on top of Jensen, naked, stuck in the arch. I mean, I’ve been a little adventurous in my day, but a child’s playground? Seriously?”
“God,” you scoff and shove your face into your husband’s neck.
“Did you call for help?” someone in the audience asks.
“Yeah after about ten minutes of laughing my ass off.”
“Okay,” you say into your mic and pull away from Jensen, “in my defense, that opening looked wider than I thought.” Your dad laughs loudly but you turn to him with a glare. “Don’t start this game with me. I know some shut about you. Better stop now before I tell them about how you mistook some young lady as mom and almost gotten the shit beaten out of you.”
A round of “oohs” sound off, and your dad puts both hands up in defense.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.”
That incident happened nearly thirteen years ago so you can laugh about it now. You don’t care if people know because it is a funny story. You’re just glad to have stories like that to share. It’s all fun and games, but at the end of the day, you’re surrounded by love.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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bahrtofane · 7 months
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after pleading and much excitement on kylians’ end, you finally bite the bullet and take him with you to your hometown of algiers. 
kylian x algerian!reader
word count : 1.3K+
watch it: fluffy fluff fluff, mild over thinking and angst if u rly rly dig deep for it 
luv my country fr fr
theres a small dent on the wall from where you banged your elbow so hard you swore you broke it. you were around 10. it's been years, and the little spot still stands. you never forget to run your thumb over the ridges, the cool wall warming under your touch.
It's been years, but the wall holds the memory, a mirror of you. each flick of your thumb ignites the scene inside your head over and over, you swear you can feel your elbow sting. you remember the way you hissed sharply and called for your mom, who came scuring from the hallway. and how your cousins all lined up to see the damage and soon teased you for being a baby. screeching at the 'crater' you left in the wall. your aunt snapped a picture of the comotion while she laughed hysterically, hand on her hip, head tossed back while the rest of the family filled in to check out the commotion. 
you were given a wet towel to keep in your elbow till the swelling went down. and the teasing never stopped, in fact you're bound to have it happen at any second. your cousins called you bulldozer for years, some still do. that's even your contact name in a few of their phones. 
it's so silly how such a little moment from so many years ago carries on. wasn't even your funniest moment in full honesty. you have much better ones. 
it's been years, and it remains one of your many contributions to your grandmother's little flat. cozy and quaint in the center of algiers. today you bring a new addition, kylian.
you joked about taking him once, just a passing comment while you showed him pictures from your last trip. he hummed, latching onto the idea like an excited puppy to a chew toy. bothering you with itineraries (as if you need one in your hometown?), your texts are a wall of flight screen shots at this point. and of course bombarding you with questions every second he got the chance. 
"should i pack light?"
"what cities will you take me to?"
"do you think i'll need to bring a lot of security?"
in truth, you were hesitant to bring him along.
 going back home is a feeling you can never get enough of. from the moment you step off the airplane and the familiar smell of your country hits your face, to your first dip into the mediterranean, a homemade meal, singing out of cars in the dead of night while you race through the city. 
bringing him is an intimate ordeal. your country is your first love, first home. she raised you in a sense. 
she is a part of him, the same as she is of you. but having him in your grandmother's home? introducing him to your very lively extended family? you don't know about that.
you were worried about your sanity as much as his. you know the questions will be never ending. he's your fiance now after all, wedding in the works. this is only going to add to the disaster that is wedding planning. you know you're going to have to squeeze in promises of inviting your 2nd cousins aunts cats neighbors gardener. 
and how could you forget, he's kylian. kylian mbappe. there's no way you're bringing him to the heart of algiers and going to be free to roam the streets as you please.
you know you'll never be able to do so on your own again once the media puts two and two together. good by freedom. it's easy in resorts or fancy hotels. everything can be arranged. but not here. 
you and kylian value your privacy dearly. french media has barely ever gotten a proper look at your face and you intend to keep it that way. but you don't think you can get away with that here. you want to show him real places that hold history and the people. not just fancy villas on the coast that cost more than you want to think about. 
he pleaded with you anyway, even after you voiced your concerns. "i have an agent and security for a reason. just take me and the rest will come easy. don't even worry."
you frowned, "it'll be in the summer, when everyone else and their mother is going."
"i just want to see it you know, authentically. i want to experience just a part of what you did growing up." he confessed, shy. 
and so you caved. and here he is. leaning against that same wall you rammed into all those years ago, fanning his face with a pile of notebook paper he found lying around after a long day of unpacking the gifts you bought for your family. 
he's had a long day of posing for pictures and videos, all of which you rolled your eyes at. it's nearing sunset, and you press your forehead against the familiar cool wall of one of the living rooms. it's going to be where you sleep for the next 2 weeks or so. 
the couches convert to beds and you get to play the age-old game of war with the mosquitoes that torment you. you haven't told kylian yet. he needs to be ambushed in the middle of the night for the full authentic experience. ha ha ha. 
you look back to where kylian is sat on the couch perpendicular to yours, hes given up on the fanning. hand under his thighs while he watches what he can of the balcony. you can see the sea from here. in all its beauty. the gentle wind it brings flutters the curtains while you hum. 
tomorrow he meets the rest of your family and you can't help the butterflies that pool in your stomach at the thought. your fiance, meeting the rest of what makes this house a home. you can't wait. for now though, all you want to do is nap.
you get up from your couch, sliding on your socks to press up against his side. even if its pushing near broiling temperatures. he doesn't complain, only bringing his hands to cup your face gently, giving your nose a peck. 
"its so beautiful here, " he sighs, "thank you for bringing me."
you hum into his lips, giving them a firm kiss, "you're welcome my love. i'll show you around tomorrow. it's time for my post flight nap."
he gives you a lazy smile, "yes please i was waiting for you to bring it up. it's past my nap time." he pouts.
you roll your eyes and throw one of the couches throw pillows against his chest. he manages to grab it, hurling it back at you. and while you're distracted he curls his hands against your side, tickling you till you yelp and thrash in his hold, back pressed against the couch while you gasp in between laughter. 
he finally lets you go and collapses on top of you, kissing any skin he can reach.
"okay get off, it's too hot for that." you groan.
he at least listens to that, peeling himself off you and retreating to the far end of the couch while you set up yours for what you know is going to be top 5 naps of your life, easy. 
against the gentle breeze and city sounds, you're lulled to sleep. in your vision you see kylian getting ready to do the same, reaching over to press one sound kiss on your forehead before settling down into his little bubble. 
you could do this forever you think. you're glad he came.
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makeste · 2 months
So... How was watching that episode?
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I meant to do a post on this sooner, as opposed to late on a Friday night hours before the next episode drops (eta: well apparently there's no new ep airing this week after all so that makes my timing slightly less atrocious), but yeah. basically I loved it. it hurt in all the right ways.
music was incredible. no shot it was ever not going to be incredible. Hayashi Yuuki thank you for always making my emotions your bitch.
there are admittedly a couple of moments in the anime which I felt weren't quite as impactful as they were in the manga. one of these is the moment when Jeanist, after seeing that Kacchan is (he thinks) traumatized and crying, immediately shifts gears from trying to hype him back up to return to the battle, and instead starts reassuring him that he's done enough and he doesn't have to fight anymore and they'll figure out a way without him. when I first read that part in the manga it absolutely slaughtered me. it's so rare to see media that stars young adults as the protagonists, and portrays them as capable young warriors, and yet also acknowledges that even so, they're still just kids. and to then surround said kids with adults who aren't dumbed down, and who are actually smart and capable and who are actively looking out for them and trying to protect them even though the kids are more OP than they are.
so to have a character that looks at someone like Bakugou and sees past how powerful and determined and ferocious he is, and instead just sees a kid who has been so incredibly brave and who they've asked so much of already. and to have that character make the on-the-spot decision to pull this kid out of the fight, regardless of the consequences, even if it means they might LOSE, just because he thinks the kid is hurt and scared and past his limits, and he needs someone to look out for him. that moment says everything about what kind of person Jeanist is. just, that one part got to me so much.
BUT, in the anime it all happens much faster and the moment gets kind of lost because Kacchan almost immediately starts doing his Deku-style muttering, and Jeanist quickly realizes that his initial read was wrong and this kid is actually FULLY AND COMPLETELY LOCKED IN MORE THAN EVER. which is exactly what happens in the manga as well, to be fair. but in the manga I got to read and absorb it at my own pace, whereas the anime just keeps on going with no concern over whether you've had enough time to process everything that's going on. and so that moment just kind of slips by, and almost isn't even noticeable unless you're looking out for it. it's not really a complaint, because there isn't really any other way the scene could be adapted, probably. but it does give me a good excuse to write a mini-essay about how much I love it, so yeah.
moving on though, in spite of my wishing we could have somehow lingered on that part a second or two longer, I did absolutely love the reveal of Kacchan mumbling and analyzing Deku-style. the first of many outstanding Okamoto Nobuhiko performances in this episode. full nerd powers activated. we'd already seen him do this in Bakugou Katsuki: Rising as well, but this is where it really stands out and it was awesome.
and by the way, shout out to the Big Three who are fucking great. eventually when I get around to posting my manga recaps for this part of the story, those will get more into their antics. for now though, I'll just say that everything was very well adapted. and the part where poor Mirio is all "???? sorry????" when TomurAFO has his brief little Tenko outburst was everything I hoped it would be, and Mirio's actor absolutely nailed it. like I knew it was coming and was anticipating it, and it still slayed me. easily a top five funniest moment in the whole damn series.
Kacchan standing up and telling Jeanist to look after the others filled me with just as much dread as the first time I read it. and the first time I read it, I had already been spoiled. so what I'm trying to say is, knowing what's about to happen does not in any way lessen the intensity of this moment. if anything it just enhances it.
the reveal of Kacchan's powerup was so incredibly badass. I can't even describe how badass it was. just, BOOM. now you see me, now you don't. LA DEE DA, HERE I AM! and the narration in the background talking about his quirk. chef's kiss.
no matter how many anime characters I see pulling off the omae wa mou shindeiru, I will never, ever tire of it. it's the single most badass thing anyone can ever do. especially when they were being underestimated the entire fucking time, and now all of a sudden they're out here scaring the shit out of the big bad himself. no one is faster than Kacchan. KACCHAN CAN RUN FASTER THAN ALL OF YOU. HE CAN FUCKING FLY!! HE'S BEHIND YOU RIGHT NOW!! GOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
and then Nobu hits us with the coup de grace. "Izuku… can I still catch up to you?" fellas is it gay to spend your last thirty seconds of life having an imaginary conversation with your beloved rival even as you're zapping around like a bolt of lightning, kicking more ass than anyone on earth has ever kicked.
and I was already dead by this point, but then the All Might vestige scene kicked in and resuscitated me so I could die again even harder. worth it.
so what really killed me nineteen times during this part was the way that Kacchan sounded so completely and utterly different from how he has ever sounded before. this is a scene that's taking place entirely in his head (or… in OFA land… maybe???? goddammit Horikoshi still owes us an explanation. THAT VESTIGE SHOULD NOT BE THERE I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYBODY SAYS). there's nobody else around. nobody to perform for. nobody to show off or look tough for. it's just him, and this big mysterious yellow All Might ghost thing.
and he sounds like an entirely different person. nervous, shy, sheepish. no crudeness, no insults. just, aw shucks. hand to back of neck. avert eyes. so this is kind of awkward, but... the thing is, I always wanted to... but I was such a brat when we first met... and I just never found the right moment after... anyway yeah I'm sorry and it's really dumb. but I really just. wanted to get your autograph.
just. this is him at his most sincere. this is who he's always been, all along. the one and ONLY time we've ever gotten a glimpse of him with absolutely no walls. and he is NOTHING like what he presents himself as to the outside world. he is sweet, he is gentle, he is self-effacing. he is painfully vulnerable, which is doubtless why he never dares to show this side of himself to anybody, ever. and he is ultimately so calmly accepting of this one last regret during what he believes are his final moments.
anyway. so yeah. it destroyed me. what else is there to say.
and then it happens. and once again, not to shit on the anime at all because this episode was fantastic, but this was another part that seemed much clearer in the manga. particularly that one page where we see that everyone else -- Jeanist; Mirio; Hadou; Tamaki; even Mirko -- tried to save Katsuki from that final blow, but they were all just a split second too late. the anime did its best to show that, but I think it was just harder to convey in that format. whereas the manga did it beautifully in a way that couldn't really be replicated.
but on the other hand, one thing the anime did VERY well was showing Kacchan's ragdoll body just flop lifelessly away afterwards. holy shit. I watched like a half dozen reaction videos to this episode on Youtube, and in most of them the anime viewers didn't quite realize how bad of a hit it was at first… until they showed that. then they were like, D: D: D:
and then last but not least… the image that broke the internet so hard that it spoiled me even in my paranoid social media isolation. Kacchan lying lifelessly on the ground. it's such a well-drawn panel in the manga, and the anime absolutely did it justice. having him be so pale was a wonderful touch. you see him, and you just immediately know. there's no room for doubt at all. it's powerful af. the Youtuber reactors all lost their minds. one woman actually started sobbing. phenomenal cinema.
so yeah! needless to say I thought it was spectacular. pour one out for the anime-onlys though. and now their watch begins.
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lurkingshan · 8 months
10 Things I Love About Ossan's Love Returns
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Y’all. Y'ALL. I am stunned right now. I am verklempt. I never thought I would end up here. But here I am.
I bounced hard off the original Ossan's Love. Like, hard. I DNF'd and immediately memory holed just about everything I knew about it. But people I trust (namely @isaksbestpillow and @twig-tea) said this new series was an improvement on the original, and that I didn't have to go back and try rewatching the first series to dive into this one. So of course I, a jbl devotee, had to give it the old college try.
AND TO MY SHOCK AND AWE, I LOVE IT. This show is excellent. This is Japanese media at its absolute best, showcasing the precision in writing, directing, editing, and acting that they can reach when they are firing on all cylinders. This is the kind of comedy only a Japanese production can get right, because it requires a mastery of all these elements that you just can't get in less mature filmmaking industries. This is the best example I have ever seen of this kind of broad comedic style grounded in real stakes.
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So let me tell you why this show, which is available for the international audience on Gaga (and with subs coming from Sirii, as well!), is worth your time:
This is a story about an established relationship between adult characters. Y'all know how I feel about the dearth of this we get in drama! Maki and Haruta have been long distance for four years and are moving in together to start their married life as this show begins.
The writing is unbelievably strong. Everything that happens matters, the characters always make sense, and the jokes are genuinely so fucking funny.
Kurosawa, or Chief, as I refer to him, is one of the funniest characters of all time, in any drama. The way this man had me laughing out loud in every scene! I felt like I got a workout.
This show is a feat of editing. I have been watching a string of shows recently that are getting hamstrung by bad editing, so let me tell you, it was a true pleasure to watch a drama that executes editing tricks so deftly and with such an eye toward sharpening its story and enhancing its jokes.
It has excellent female side characters. We have Chizu, my favorite lady bestie who is here to whip Haruta into shape at all times, and Chuoko, an actual archer who also has her own little romance going, and Haruta's mom, an unbothered legend who just wants to eat her food and get to her dates with her boyfriend.
There's a mystery! Next door to Haruta and Maki are two creepy mfers (brothers?) who are Up To Something. Or not! I don't know but I’ll find out!
We are getting an actual dialogue about gay marriage. Haruta and Maki consider themselves married, but have no legally binding contract and have not yet had a wedding, and they talk about this and their feelings about it often as they are negotiating their lives together.
We may have some aroace rep happening?? This is still pending but my radar is pinging hard for Takegawa to join the incredibly shortlist of explicitly aro and/or ace characters in bl.
DID I MENTION THIS SHOW IS FUCKING HILARIOUS. I cannot overstate the number of times this drama had me straight cackling in three short episodes. I had to get up and do some laps to walk it off.
The show is extremely well paced and I trust it not to waste my time. No small thing in these bl streets! The odd episode order (9) and tight pacing of each of the first three episodes tells me the creators of this show know exactly what they are doing and how much time they need to execute their vision.
This show is airing live for the next six weeks and I strongly encourage you to watch it and come join the fun with us!
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mikuni14 · 8 months
Why I think the way the final episode of The Sign was distributed is wrong, offensive and unfair to fans. And how disappointing I am with this approach, because I sincerely supported Idol Factory and Saint.
Personally, I pay for Gaga, Viki and IQIYI, plus a VPN to watch shows that are not available in my country (like Pit Babe), which, you know, I already paid for 🙄 Additionally, I pay for Netflix, I have combined subscriptions with other people for Disney, HBO, Skyshowtime, Prime, last year we paid for Apple to watch Silo and Severance (I recommend both series btw 👌). I also don't mind paying one-time for a film on the platform, which is how I recently watched Oppenheimer.
Money is not an issue (<- lol), apart from the fact that I support myself and I have to work, and I have to carefully manage my budget in order to feed myself and my cat, clothe myself, pay my bills, and my loss of job will mean obviously giving up access to all these media. I say that money is not a problem in the sense that I WILL SPEND MONEY on something I like. I will save, I will give up something else, but I will spend this money on stuff I love.
The Sign has chosen a certain distribution method for international fans. They chose YouTube and chose a set airing hour. They could have chosen to distribute only in Thailand like Cherry Magic, or they could have chosen any other platform with paid subscriptions. But they chose YouTube. And they released 11 episodes for free and at a set time. And now they CHOSE to make the last ep paid and to create a complete chaos related to the distribution of the finale, because I honestly don't know at this point whether it is paid or not, what is paid and what is not, whether it is on Saturday or Sunday or it's for a ticket or for free on channel3 and apparently they have two endings????, which is always an alarming sign for me, because it's very Game of Thrones/Marvel style shit.
Besides, people have their own lives, their obligations, their schedules. Sometimes you just can't get around certain things and you can't watch a series in the available time, no matter how much you want. Secondly, releasing a product for free in order to limit access to it in the final phase is the worst manifestation of toxic capitalism. This is preying on the desperation and devotion of fans. The third thing is the selection of viewers into those who can afford it, have the time, have the resources and those who do not. And yes, sometimes even just $15 of an unexpected expense makes a huge difference in a person's budget. It's telling some of the fans that you are VIP and can sit in the front row, and the rest of the peasants should wait outside for two weeks 😄
tl;dr personally I want and can pay for: 1) the entire series on a legal platform 2) ADDITIONAL things, like specials, fan stuff, etc. I consider paying for access to the series finale, which until now was free, immoral.
But tbh I really have no idea what's going on, I go with the flow 🤡Whenever I check The Sign tag, I read more and more new information related to the possibility of watching the finale, and it's different every day. And if it turns out that the cut version of the series will be available for free on Channel 3, and the uncut version with subs will be available tomorrow with a ticket, it will be the funniest thing ever. Because that would mean that people paid $15 to watch, I don't know what, a sex scene? 😄
Idk, guys, instead of enjoying the finale, people are wondering how to watch it at all. And if IF starts doing this, won't others follow suit? 11 episodes for free, oh you want to watch the finale, well you have to pay or wait and dodge the spoilers 😈
And one last thing for potential defenders of this system, like "what's your problem, it will be available in 2 weeks, just wait": so you accept that not ALL fans will have a chance to experience the final ep together, which is the basis of the fan community? That some fans will experience and analyze the episodes this weekend, and the rest will wait?
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pieofdeath · 1 month
this is the funniest kiss scene in any media ever
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aj1dordinary · 11 months
chat is this real???
platonic!Johnny Cage x platonic!gen-z!reader
lowkey crack???
im crossed asf and while viewing a MK1 tiktok w/ Johnny and ‘International Love’, couldn’t help but think of how cool it would be to be Johnny Cage’s assistant… like he has the same energy as a Gen Z-er. We’d be besties fr.
just so u know, im black and fem so !reader is gonna be interpreted as black and fem xox
“johnny baby~” you trilled as you step out of the Uber to meet him at his house. as his social media manager, it was your job to record all the content across all social media platforms. with his new movie coming out paying homage to the ‘Indiana Jones’ franchice, you thought it would be good for promo if you recorded you both doing a trendy Tiktok dance.
fans of Johnny Cage knew you nearly as a duo. when people conduct interviews on a set or on the red carpet, people could always count on you ready to capture that night’s funniest quote or moment that would circulate like crazy. you’d also frequently appear in them, physically forcing johnny to keep up with the latests trends as a nearing 40 year old man. The comments would always be filled with remarks like “i fear for your well-being if you EVER get rid of y/n” or “y/n’s mind neverrr misses”. safe to say, your career is secured.
you nearly skip to his door when you notice the door was wide open, obvious signs of a break-in occurring. “oh my god,” you inhaled deeply, the tone coming from a mix of your head and your belly. “mr. cage!” you then screech, you hide in the nearest shrubs while fishing through your purse to find your phone then your taser. when the two items occupy your grasp, you look up to sky, take a deep breath, then let out a war screech. simultaneously, you start the instagram live while holding down the button of your taser, the electric crackles breaking up the audio of you screaming. 
you run in through his foyer before stumbling upon a scene between some japanese guy strapped to a chair, a man with glowing fucking eyes, and two hot guys. ok, maybe one hot guy, the other guy had literal frost coming from his hand… still hot tho.
“Oh damn y’all.. i just caught the behind-the scenes of johnny’s gay porn. my fault og’s.” you said before abruptly ending the livestream.
you barging in phone-first with the need to catch johnny cage’s demise on camera being the first thing you think of before your wellbeing (the taser) had johnny chuckling a bit. if anything, had it actually been his demise, at least you would’ve got his good side. he liked that you were committed to the job as he was committed to cinema. suddenly, a lightbulb idea hit him. 
“oh~” he chuckled. “i hope you don’t mind if i bring my assistant.” he patted the shoulder of the glowing-eye man, before tipping his sunglasses at you . “I’m afraid i won’t be at my 100% otherwise.”
“nuh-uh” you raise your eyebrows, appalled that he was gonna offer your service on behalf.
“uhhh yuh-huh.” johnny mocked you now turning toward you. the party that you’ve yet to address just look between the two of you riff off one another. johnny (supposedly one of Earthrealm’s defenders) and a young women (maybe the source of his strength/energy)? the two hot ones look at each other through a side eye before shrugging.
“nuh-uh johnny, that wasn’t in the contract. i told you that if you had any body other than me as your assistant right now, you would’ve been got your ass lit up in fucking court. i cant stand your ass sometimes, y’know?” johnny speed walked (sped walk?) over to you as you kept going off on his ass, before grabbing your elbow and dragging you to some corner.
“y/n~” he whined almost on the verge of throwing a tantrum. Meanwhile, you stand firm, tapping your feet as though you were impatient. “you’re embarrassing me in front of a literal god right now. and i mean LITERALLY god.” you scrunched your face up and roll your eyes. “no, believe me I thought the same thing at first, but he literally shoots fireballs out his hand and summons dragons. other two remind me of that show you watch, y’know the intro that goes ‘then everything changed when the fire nation attacked’” he nearly pouted, trying to think of a way to get you to believe him.
You raise an eyebrow, rolling your eyes at the near puppy-dog eyes johnny gives you through the dark lens of his shades, his lips nearly quivering. 
“oklahoma?” you state, both of you binging had been binging ‘Ted Lasso” and thought it’d be funny (for yourselves and his audience) to start implementing it.
“oklahoma.” he returns with bated breath.
You try to see if you can gauge any other emotion before sighing and withdrawing your tense stance.
“i need you to record everything we encounter in this “Outerrealm”. for when i’m busy improvisin’ and kickin’ ass. all of it.” He paced both hands on your shoulder.
“24/7?” you question.
“sounds like an unpaid business trip. what’s in it for me?” You respond almost before he could finish the word. 
“$1 million pension and I’ll let you have 50% of the rights on the new movie i make about this shit.” He responded just as fast.
“done. nice doing business with you old man.” you shake his hand.
almost as quickly as he pulled you away, you fix your appearance before heading back out to the living room to address the crowd of supernatural men.
“alright boys. you heard him, the name’s y/n and i need to be with johnny 24/7. if i can’t go, he can’t go. We have a very tight schedule to run and demands must be met before we let you squeeze in your alleged plans to save the world.” you cross your arms in front of you and look up at the three sweaty and built (damn. damn. damn. d-) men.
“my name is lui kang, champion and protector of Earthrealm. as much as i'd hate to have a civilian on the front line, i anticipate that your liveliness is secure. regardless, if that would make johnny more than comfortable, then i gladly accept your presence.” the  supposed god said. 
“glad we could make this work” you stuck out your hand to shake all three. the god returned the gesture - his hands warm and rough. you offer the gesture to the rest of the entourage, the man permeating the frost didn’t dare look at your outstretched hand, refusing to return the gesture. but he spoke a rough “bi han” that you took as his name. the other grasped your hand and shook it, more amused at your obvious lack of knowledge of who you were dealing with. he was broken out of his thoughts when you look at your hand in near amazement. “kuai liang” he spoke.
“sir, i think you’ve just cured my anemia” your eyes widen in admiration. johnny just rolled his eyes as he cut what you assumed to be the intruder out of the chair. you address him next.
“and sorry for johnny’s affinity for ropes, he’s got a thing for BDSM.” 
“do not..” he mumbles, you throw him a knowing glance.
“kenshi” he merely grunted, wiping broken glass off his suit.
“well,” you start. “looks like shit in here, but i’m sure we can write it off somewhere. what’s next on the schedule kangaroo?”
lui kang looks a bit taken aback at the nickname you chose for him, but he clears his throat to recalibrate.
“we must travel to wu shi academy to prepare for a tournament where Earthrealm’s fate lies in the hands of warriors i have hand picked.”
“and this guy is one of them?” you interrupt. the guy deemed kenshi chuckled.
lui kang smiled and nodded his head.
“well,” you check your watch. “let’s get on with it. we have a tiktok due at 7 PM and a set to be on within a week.” 
lui kang turns and begins swirling his hands before a literal portal appears in johnny’s living room.
“holy-“ you start already pulling your phone out to record like johnny requested. he nudged your side as to say ‘i told you so’.
so thus, your journey begins as johnny’s personal cheerleader and assistant as he sets off to kick some serious ass and not care about the names.
!please!let!me!know!what1you!think! i feel like a suck at writing, but i do maladaptive daydream a lot so i have plenty more ideas i’d like to write about. otherwise, xoxo go piss girl
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these are my thoughts on interview with the vampire S2E2
This first part will mostly be about Louis and Armand,
Louis and Armand are still as cute as always. They are such an old married couple and Daniel's so sassy that it just makes them so good to watch. Armond sitting on Louis's lap is so adorable, they're babies. Noooo, it was just an angle, he's not sitting on his lap. The way Armand is describing Louis when they first met, I can't with these two (14:00). And their faces as their describing that night. Most of the time, I'm only sort of looking at the screen but for that whole scene, I have been pausing for once and re-watching it because I cant miss any of it. I just love them so much and they are so perfect together, they love each other so much, it's literally love at first sight. Normally, i don't really like that trope, but seeing them once they've been together so long, i think i quite like it in this circumstance.(48:30), they just keep getting better, the way he called Louse mon amour is so cute and then telling him to just call him armand, i'm going to have stayed up all night because im keep thinking of them and re watching the scenes. it's been an hour and a half of watching and I'm still only 48 minutes in. I just found out the last 10 minutes of the episode is just the BTS, I'm kind of sad that I have to wait for the next episode but I'm not sure if this would be readable if I kept going.
That's the end of just talking about them, the rest is the actual episode in order,
For some reason, I had just assumed that vampires couldnt smoke, I'm not sure why and it's not like there would be much of a logical explanation. I think it's a little confusing with so many different sets of rules but it's like religion, there are a lot of ways to interpret everything and the tales are all spoken.
I know that something happened to Claudia, I'm not sure what but from what I've heard, Armand and the missing pages may have had something to do with it, I think it would have been quite funny to see her interact with Daniel, I think that she would have ended up killing Daniel before the first interview was even finished.
It's sweet how he kept some many photos of all of those guys who he probably had some sort of relationship with and then armand basically admit to killing them, it's the funniest thing yet.
Honestly, if a group of vampires ran a theater company that did horror shows, no one would think twice about it or if a vampire went on social medias and told everyone they were a vampire, everyone would just assume they were faking. The way they are telling all of this is a lot better than the movie, I felt like they went a little fast and definitely missed a few things that would have made the whole movie make a good bit more sense, i've watched the movie twice now and still don't understand all of what's happening because of how much they had to cut out. Though I think it would have been possible to only do one season, I think it really benefits from having a lot more time instead of being rushed like most movies that were originally books. (17:30)
The fake fake vampire guy, Santiago I believe, and Armond definitely had something going on.(19:17) I really like the community that the vampires had, they don't care what people think the same way so many of us do. Armand also looks like he knows that he's perfect and above everyone, modern him still does but it's a bit less. He also looks like a whore, while @certainunkownlove2 and I were talking about this episode, we decided that the only way he had gotten rich was from being a whore. To quote her, “bro’s a hoe”
I haven't ever done much research into what old theater used to be like but the shadows and what not that they used were cool. If it's not something that they actually did, then it added an extra layer to the vampires in france and if it was something that was actually used, its cool that they did research in to something small like that (again, i haven't read the book so i'm not sure if that would have been the screen writers or Anne Rice)
When i watched the movies, i tried to figure out why they killed the girl on screen but with the show i finally understand and will no longer be kept up thinking about it, instead i'm going to spend my nights thinking about Louis and Armand. Something that i just noticed is that some of the audience has white face paint on, it think its funny that the non vampire audience members play so much in to the vampire thing, though i've never been, the atmosphere is what i'd imagine a Rocky Horror Picture Show show would be like.(24:15)
LOUSE’S FACE (27:55), I'm sure someone has made a meme of it already. Andl Claudia having the exact opposite reaction, it really shows their differences and view on some things, as well as their morals, Armand seems to have some of those same morals as Claudia. 
(29:56) Armand should change his business cards to say “maison de putain des vampires” (i'm not sure about the grammar because i had to use google translate but from the tiny bits of french i know, they are all real words) which translate to “the vampire whore house”
(33:25) same daniel. I love his commentary. And just everything about him in this scene. Another quote form @certainunkownlove2, “he’s sassy as fuck”.
(36:01) Cluadia has really grown up, mentally of course, she isn't as kill everyone as she was during most of the first season, she has definitely changed as a character.
(40:08) It's almost odd to see that Louis and Lestat loved each other at one point, and that at least a little, Lestat still means something to louis through the first two episodes of this season, even though it's no longer love exactly.
(41:55) he finally pushed too far. I do like the character backstory, showing more of who Daniel is
Old French music is one of my favorite things to listen to when I'm not doing anything, it often times sounds so happy but not in an upbeat way which is nice at times, i have no idea what their singing about though
As i was editing this, I realized that I had spelled Armand as almond almost every time and i managed to spell Louis with every combination of letters and somehow not have used either of their names, except for once, in S2E1, I'm not sure how seeing how Louis is the main character. Also Daniel, although that was mostly in the first half
the next few may be a little late because of finals
Thank you for reading.
links to the rest of these posts:
S2E1 S2E3 S2E4 S2E5 S2E6
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littencloud9 · 7 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
oh my god. an excuse to talk about my favs please never apologise for asking i love u. heres a list and also a song i assign them because i can LMFAO 🫶:
10. murashige yuzuki - skip and loafer
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yuzuki means SO much to me. she is so so kind and has the biggest heart ever and is always looking out for the rest of the girls, and she’s so perceptive too. and the effort she puts into her art makes me sob. she’s the biggest supporter and i adore her friendship with the other girls 🥹💗
song: there she goes by sixpence none the richer. dw about it
9. mai - avatar the last airbender
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she is SO me. oldest sister core. i adore how much she cares in the show even though it’s always masked by indifference or harsh words. her betrayal scene was FANTASTIC and she is so skilled and powerful i love her. also love her design it’s very cute!!
song: are you satisfied? by marina. i feel i dont need to explain this one
8. kyan reki - sk8 the infinity
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holds him so gently. nothing bad should happen to him ever. he is the sweetest character and he is trying his damn BEST and his arc was incredibly done. super realistic. hurt my soul. him and miya are the most siblings to ever sibling. GIVE HIM PRAISE HE DESERVES THE WORLD
song: outdated by lyric. ps i LOVE lyric it’s my new obsession and her songs send me to heaven. highly recommend !! <3
7. shi qingxuan - tian guan ci fu
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the genderqueer icon. the silliest babygirl. they are the light of my life and i smile every time they come on screen. them and xie lian are the funniest duo ever. and i love how cheeky they are no matter the situation, and that they’re so smart!!
(honourable mention 1: lang qianqiu. he was here before sqx replaced him. his story shattered me into pieces and i hold him so dear to my heart)
song: girls and boys in school by neon trees. i am the biggest neon trees fan and i feel like the vibe fits. also any trashy 2000s pop song fits too. i think sqx would love kesha
6. yosano akiko - bungo stray dogs
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YOSANO I LOVE YOU 💗💗💗💗💗 the moment her backstory hit i was utterly fucking DESTROYED. her fight with kajii and her speech about how valuable human life is (which you wouldnt expect because her ability can ‘reverse’ death) was amazing, and then you get to know WHY she thinks that way with her backstory. and the way she was forced to become a weapon but unlearned that with the help of the agency. oh god. im on my knees. asagiri give me more yosano screentime i beg 🔪
(honourable mention 2: akutagawa. i didnt want to spam this list with bsd characters but just know that he hurts my soul and destroys me mentally)
song: history of man by maisie peters. again i feel i dont need to explain this
5. mu qing - tian guan ci fu
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he is SUCH a little fucking bitch (affectionate). admittedly hes here because hes pretty and sassy. genuinely my fav tgcf character and his attitude is funny. hes also dumb sometimes (with feng xin or xie lian) and i love how hes so embarrassed of affection. please give him more hugs i need to see this man blush. also hes in an 800 year old situationship and there is SO much to unpack there but it doesnt matter because i want to throw him in a blender NOW ‼️
song: best by gracie abrams. i was gonna put a sillier song but i think this fits him and his dumb situationship. get this guy to talk about his feelings
4. edogawa ranpo - bungo stray dogs
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!!!!!! RANPO! hes so me. hes been my fav since season 1 and then untold origins got adapted and i was shaken. holy shit. hes just a boy. he just needs love. he flaunts his brain and power as a direct response to how much he was shamed for it as a child. HIM AND FUKUZAWA. HIM AND YOSANO. im gonna sob. he seems so cocky and arrogant and then u realise hes desperately trying to be the smartest in the room because he knows how much the agency relies on him. hes trying to protect everyone. hes holding the weight of the entire agency on his shoulders. im squishing him I LOVE RANPO
song: mastermind by taylor swift. it was either that or mirrorball. but i think the bridge fits him especially well <3
3. itadori yuuji - jujutsu kaisen
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TOP 3!! ITADORI YUUJI THE MC THAT YOU ARE. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 💞💞💞💞💞 hes pink and silly PLEASE take all his suffering away and give it to gege akutami. I LOVE HIM. he has undeniable willpower AND UNSHAKEABLE CHARACTER and he keeps getting up no matter how many times hes been beaten down. HE FIGHTS SO HARD FOR THE PEOPLE HE LOVES. he wants to save people. he blames himself so much for things that aren’t his fault and it makes me CRY holy shit. and the way he looks past appearances and sees people for who they are inside/their talents and positives. GREENEST FLAG. I LOVE YOU YUUJI. please please please give him back everyone he loves and give him a big hug. put him in a romance anime this jjk shit is NOT for him 😞
song: atlantis by seafret. it was that or not strong enough. both options hurt equally bad. I LOVE HIM ☹️
2. cheng xiaoshi - link clink
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HNGHHSHDHDHHSSJDHSHHSHSSHSHDHSHSHDHHS. CHENG XIAOSHI I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. none of you get it (ps PLEASE watch link click i want more lc friends 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏). he is the best thing of this show and the show is fantastic so thats saying something. HES SO DUMB BUT SO KIND AND AN AMAZING FIGHTER and his backstory omg i need to give him a hug. i love how determined he always is to give people a better life, to change their past for the better, even though hes heavily warned not to do that. and that he is ALWAYS fighting for others. and how understanding he is. his relationship with both lu guang and qiao ling are so precious. he has this warm aura around him that draws the other characters to him u know?? i am the biggest cxs stand i will defend him with my life. i cant say much more with spoilers so ill end here but I FUCKING LOVE HIM PLEASE WATCH LINK CLICK DO IT FOR HIM 🫶🫶🫶🫶
song: waiting room by phoebe bridgers. he knows he cant change anything but god fucking DAMN it does he wish he can. sobs forever
1. fushiguro megumi - jujutsu kaisen
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MEGUMI!!!!! i feel like we saw this coming. ill never shut up about him. megumi i love you. ill defend him with my LIFE. he is the biggest lover at his core and he is so determined to protect those he loves. and his whole thing about never reaching his full potential because he doesn’t believe in his power… ough. and how he loves his friends so much but wont show it. he’ll be like ‘i do NOT care about human earthworm’ and then watch all four movies. he is my son. and yeah as a manga reader ive been suffering for so long but WE HAVE HOPE NOW! megumi nation in megumi we trust 🙏 I LOVE HIM. his sass is also really funny. i love him have i mentioned that. im not even articulate anymore my brain is just HDHFJSBDJDHJD when i think of him. he makes me miserable. his relationships with tsumiki, gojo, toji etc are all so depressing in their own way. HE DOESNT DESERVE ANY OF THAT SHIT BTW GEGE GIVE HIM BACK HIS HAPPINESS. also wait i love how smart he is during battle and how he is so observant, and how he explains jujutsu stuff to people like yuuji who are new to it. HAVE I MENTIONED HOW KIND HE IS. HGDNAJDHSJD. my silly pining gay boy. i am hugging him so gently and making him the warmest soup ever. sorry for the rant MEGUMI THE CHARACTER EVER 💗💗💗🫶🫶🫶💞💞💞🩵🩵🩵
song: the alcott by the national ft taylor swift. this is ESPECIALLY solidified by this edit here that changed my life. LIVE LAUGH LOVE MEGUMI 2k24
wow this is a long post. thank you SO much for the ask sorry for how incoherent this is i love my favs 🤍
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thesunfyre4446 · 8 months
Hello there! Its great you joined the game:) Hope you don`t mind there`s a whole bunch🙈
For Alicent: 4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? 12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
For Criston: 7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? 8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
For Rhaenyra: 18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? 19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
thank you !!!!! <3 <3
4. lmao bronte sisters novels or a mean girls au.
12. that she's actually really hilarious. i feel like alicent is one of these people that will just out of nowhere say the funniest thing ever.
another HC that i have is that post driftmark, after vis is too sick to join them for their family meals aemond and aegon just trash talk him nonstop (like, it's brutal. they read him to filth), otto and helaena are laughing and alicent pretends to be angry but ends up joining them.
7. acknowledge that he's actually the father that stepped in for the targtowers.
8. NOT acknowledge that he was coerced by rhaenyra, try to make his bond with alicent about their hatred of rhaenyra, saying that he "hates woman" for insulting one woman that hurt him in the past.
18. her relationship with jace. i love that she's honest with him, and i love that he respects her even when he disagrees with her (daemon take notes). i'm really looking forward for their s2 scenes.
19. her relationship with viserys. he made her his heir but never prepared her for the role. he never talked to her about the danger she was placing herself & her children in by having bastards & gave her a false sense of security that she can get away with everything. fuck him. he was a horrible father to all of his children.
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Into the Woods:
Aside from giving her several good songs, the plot of the musical explores the lessons she takes away from her adventure and continues past her "Happily Ever After." Her new found maturity is represented by her giving away her riding hood and replacing it with the pelt of the big bad wolf. (And she begins carrying a cartoonishly large knife for self defense.)
She wears the Wolf's fur as a coat after her grandma kills him. She gives her cloak to the Baker to help him. She's a badass. She's only a kid. She taunts Jack into going up the beanstalk again.
She's just a feral child tbh. One of her lines in THE VERY FIRST SONG, delivered totally casually, is "into the woods, to bring some bread to granny who is sick in bed! Never can tell what lies ahead, for all that I know, she's already dead!" Everyone else gets a major life change by the end of Act I - Cinderella goes from being a maid to a princess, the baker and his wife have a child, and Jack goes from being poor to being rich - and Little Red just goes from being a feral child to being a feral child WITH A KNIFE, which she constantly brandishes in Act II! And she gets a cool wolfskin cloak to boot. She also goes through Trauma and Losing Her Family in Act II. Poor meowmeow. She has a sweet tooth too and on the way to Granny's house she eats half the loaf of bread and all of the MANY sweets she has in her basket... so silly. She also has AUTISTIC SWAG!! Constantly misses social cues, super bouncy and excited! Basically she's just the ultimate scrunkly and you should all vote for her
She’s so cool and sings cool songs :)
(Spoilers) Bratty little girl who has no value of life in Act 1, forced to reckon with the consequences of everyone's selfish actions as a mourning and vengeful Giantess widow tears through the land in Act 2.
The most iconic little shit. I love her. Has a knife and laughs while threatening people off with it. Allowed to be more than just naïve. 10/10.
the movie is SO SUCKS and she is SO BADASS i love her. please please i'm begging you use the stage musical version instead of the movie
SHES SO GREAT like ohmygod first of all she’s written in such a real way? like she’s not completely helpless just cause she’s a little girl but she’s also not a cold unfeeling girlboss just cause she has a knife (unless you’re watching the movie but the movie sucks). she acts like a kid would really act in these situations. it’s a little depressing to think about cause it’s so widespread for media not to do this, but for all the shallow, surface level girlbossery in modern media, it’s refreshing to see that sondheim treated the women in his art like people. they didn’t have to be held to any sort of standard just by nature of being women. they are just themselves.
She's got really awesome songs + she's just a hungry little girl who wants some food and also to go see her grandmother. We get to see her process grief and learn how to be on her own and then we get to see her learn that she doesn't have to be alone because "no one is alone". We see her grow from a naive little girl to a girl who lashes out at everything so she doesn't end up in danger again into a girl who wants to look out for and be there for people because they are alone just like she was and she doesn't want them to have to feel like she did. Also she has a knife and she's not afraid to use it. Her first cape is somewhat magical and is used in a potion to reverse a curse and give this couple a baby and then her second cape is really cool and made out of the skins of the wolf. She group effort helped kill a giant through gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing. (and also in my opinion the wolf-grandma-little red cottage scene is one of if not the funniest scenes in the show) [also Into the Woods is amazing & I love it & my best friend played little red]
Tweenage girl with a lot of anger. There is no stronger force on this earth
she's classic little red but she's a lot more cool she got a knife from her grandmother after the wolf incident and she wears the skin of the wolf she also interacts with other fairy tale characters and uhm she's very much a little girl with a knife she's perfect
Edgar w.bg would want you to vote for ItW
Original Fairytale:
The girl, the myth, the legend. The one who started it all. She skips into the forest with head held high, unknowing of the wolf and the many, many retellings of her story. Something, something, puberty, something, something, men are wolves. Just let my girl wear her red cape and be on her way to Granny's, please and thank you.
I feel like in a lot of modern adaptations they get lost in making Red Riding Hood more a girlboss who fights back or making her secretly (or not secretly) the real wolf or having her and the wolf be love interests, they lose a lot of what made the original fairytale so good. AND SO CHILLING! We have been told this story so often since childhood we can forget how frightening it can really be. A lost young girl, punished for the follies of childhood. I also think that even in the "happy" endings when the huntsman saves her there is this sense that she will never be the same. Her childhood is over. And that's haunting! The horrors of unprotected innocence.
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koskela-knights · 3 months
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This is still the funniest and, in hindsight the saddest line in the newspaper you can read 😂
This together with other lines, is what the NPCS say at Eternal Deer Fest and ironically this line about Jaakko didn't make it into the game (unless I’m mistaken).
It’s all funny and sad becos for all those Deer Fest lines being very self aware and meta, this one is one that feels opposite IRL.
Jaakko is ehh… very forgettable and forgotten 💔 And as I mentioned in some earlier posts, one big possible reason is the limited screen time he has. There are 2 mandatory scenes (in Watery they block the path to Coffee World + the jail scene) All the rest is optional (ads, notes and mails). Over half the players never knew Jaakko had kids and those being the thermos costume kids.
Like Remedy, how are we made to care about him if we barely interact or see him at all??? Not in the game and ever since the game got released we barely see any promo pics or in-game footage on your social media either
Sometimes it feels like he was just the guy to die so Scratch could have a cool jacket 🥴 His death seems so irrelevant with no impact that Ilmo’s Cult revelation is an optional conversation, his grief brushed over and in the DLC the Kalevala Knights straight up don't exist.
I barely see people talk about him. Not here, not by Remedy themselves and neither on Discord. If there are rare occasions he is brought up, those convos don't last longer than an hour and that would mainly reference the time before the convo gets derailed or people just dont engage about him or Ilmo.
If there’s even Koskela fanart, the biggest chance it’s of Ilmo. But barely ever Jaakko. If there is, you notice the notes are significantly lower than Ilmo pieces.
So who knows, maybe Remedy was aware of how less of an impact Jaakko’s death actually was gonna make and cut that line from the game. Talk about The Meta Game becoming too Meta lol
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frostyreturns · 15 days
Frosty Reviews Idiocracy
This is one of those movies that people kept telling me I needed to watch because it seemed like a movie I��d like. Now that I have seen it I have no idea how this movie escaped me before now. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I even knew it existed and I just never saw it available anywhere. It must have been pretty low budget and didn’t have the marketing power behind it but even still it seems to have a cult following. I like most everything Mike Judge does so it should have been a no brainer.
It’s a dumb comedy but if a dumb comedy was a fairly accurate speculative dystopia. The idea is people are just going to keep getting dumber and dumber until one day a know nothing dumbass from our time would be considered the smartest man in the world. Part of the reason for the speculation is the idea that stupid people reproduce a lot while smart people reproduce very little. I have a bit of an issue with this reasoning…I think not reproducing is more of a midwit thing than a smart people thing. People smart enough to use protection when they are not ready…but not smart enough to figure out the benefits of a larger family and to be able to create the wealth to provide for it. The dumbing down of the world thanks to the fact that dumb people breed more is just part of the picture and the movie never really tackled the fact that we’re being dumbed down on purpose with drugs, porn, shitty education, lies, constant mindless media distractions, fluoridated water etc.
I bet if the movie was made or remade today social media especially stuff like tik tok would be prominantly featured, it’s kind of a real shame it’s not there because it would have been so perfect. I can so easily picture scenes where there’s some serious problem they need to address and the characters are just in the background doing tik tok dances instead.
I thought the movie was pretty funny but the funniest thing to me was the backstory behind the footwear. The movie was obviously super low budget which is a shame because otherwise I think this could have been a much better and more widely known and loved movie. At times the shitty backgrounds took me out of it a little. It was so low budget Mike Judge was dealing with some wardrobe stuff himself and when he was looking for footwear he asked for ugly shoes that they might wear in a future where everyone is retarded. He specifically asked that they be sure not to use anything that might become popular…the shoes they used for the movie were crocs and the wardrobe woman assured him they were so ugly there was no way they would ever become popular.
At times the joke felt like it was stretched a little thin, the premise was funny and many of the jokes were funny but there was times it felt like…maybe a whole movie wasn’t needed for this joke. The specifics of the plot were kind of inconsequential and I never felt really invested in any of the characters enough to care what happened to anyone. Particularly Dax Sheppard…I can’t stand the fucking guy but I do have to say he was cast perfectly for the role I totally believed him as a brain dead dipshit.
Most of the jokes were running gags one of my favourites was the way that the Fuddruckers restaurant slowly changed its name to buttfuckers. The whole movie isn’t just dumbasses laughing at people getting hit in the balls 24/7 there’s a subtle genius to the humour. The way the fat uninterested Costco employee greets them all by saying “welcome to costco I love you” says so much about the future he’s painting a picture of. A dehumanizing mega corporation that doesn’t even bother trying to appear like it cares and just pays an employee to just lie directly to you…stripped of all nuance and subtletey. It says they have to try less because people are too stupid to see it for what it is. There’s just something about a faceless corporation pretending to give a shit about you that feels so offputting and dystopian. I once got a birthday email from my bank and it kinda made me want to find out who was in charge of that decision and go take a shit on their desk. You’re not a fucking person don’t talk to me like you’re a person.
Some of his predictions are right on although he was wrong about Costco being the main megastore that eats up everything else and tries to be the one and only store, this was made before Amazon became basically what he was predicting costco would be. And he also rightfully predicts an oversexualization of society…his examples are silly like starbucks becoming a place where you get handjobs but it does seem like as things get shittier more and more people are resorting to some kind of sex work. I’ve never been on twitch because the idea of watching people play video games makes me a rage, but im told it’s basically impossible to use it without seeing half naked women turn it into some kind of erotic content.
I also thought the movie displayed the dunning krueger effect pretty well. Initially the main character who is from the past and is thus the smartest person alive is treated like the dumbest person they’ve ever seen…becuase they were too stupid to recognize how stupid they are so even basic common sense looked and sounded retarded to them.
In many ways we already live in the idiocracy, we’re getting dumber and we reward shitty dumb behaviour. The movie was essentially a reduction to absurdity of a real phenomena that’s only gotten a lot worse since it was written. The political pageantry was especially prescient because we’re currently watching a shit show involving a former and probably future president that’s actually been on WWE before.
Idiocracy was a good blend of dumb nonsense movie and intelligent satire. Definitely worth at least one watch despite the sometimes horrible cgi and somewhat lagging lackluster plot. It’s funny and it definitely holds up.
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deramin2 · 11 months
People calling any queer death "Bury Your Gays" is so funny/maddening to me because it shows they do not engage with queer media. They only engage in straight media that grudgingly has queer characters that can easily be gotten rid of and so live in constant hypervigilence over it. Or they've just been part of queering straight media where they're introducing queerness to the story themselves and always under threat of that being explicitly not true (or superhell).
But if you actually watch queer media by queer people you'd know there's no taboo on death in queer media at all. It's a frequent subject actually. What makes a good death, what we learn from those dying, how we hold onto and honor the dead while moving on. Films like Spoiler Alert (2022), Philadelphia (1993), Love! Valour! Compassion! (1997), or shows like Rūrangi (2020-) and Angels in America (2003) introduce queer death or the inevitability of it right at the start and then grapple with how it ripples out.
To act like a community that's faced genocide by disease, hate crimes, and high suicide rates on top of the mundanity of death that they should never talk about death is deeply offensive. It's anti-queer because it denies us talking about our biggest struggles. Including death in dangerous jobs or lifestyles we were pushed into to find freedom while marginalized. If we're not allowed to talk about death then we're not allowed to talk about reality.
I want people who want only soft kids shows to go back to watching soft kids shows and leave the rest of us the hell alone to make meaningful art about reality. I want people to stop using "representation" and social justice language to stifle and oppress queer speech. I want people to shut the fuckup about wanting queer media if they refuse to engage with our actual industry and traditions, most of which is independent. Instead of complaining nothing's out there because it wasn't advertised to them with a big budget and was too human when they did notice it.
I used to think I hated romcoms. Turns out I hate straight romcoms. Queer romcoms are all about deconstructing three tropes and norms I hated and they're great. Some of the best and funniest and most relatable films I've seen, even as an aroace person. Even the sex scenes are so much more meaningful they don't annoy me or feel awkward. (Riotously laughing at the sex scenes in Bros (2022). Peak comedy.)
I want to chew the furniture because 3 years ago I switched to watching mostly queer media and very little straight media. There's so much more out there for me to watch still, and they're done of the mist diverse and thoughtful and real stories I've ever had the pleasure to watch. We have such a rich and brave media tradition. And people just blow all of it off to complain about anything breaking into the mainstream actually being part of those traditions. Including traditions of challenging and complicated relationships that lack definite resolution. And including death. So many of our best films include death as an inevitable part of life. Death as the contrast that reminds us to live and love every day. To honor our elders (and those who became elders at 20 taking their last breathes too soon).
I'm taking "Bury Your Gays" away from people as a concept until they learn what it actually means and properly engage with real queer media culture through more than fandom discourse. You've all lost privileges through your rampant ignorance. Come back when you've learned to be a grown up.
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