#was about to wage war
dawns-laboratory · 8 months
I swear to you, whoever you art Art Anon.
I will adopt and protect you, show you the world and all that jazz because I swEAR-
I don't know Im tired, and my brain
My brain, I want to write down so much buT I SHOULD SLEEP CLOCK IS LIKE 6 AM why am I not sleeping
I might just have to wait and give this essay tomorrow lmao
At this point I am contemplating actually opening word and writing it down as if an actual essay, that is how into this my brain is. To an excessive degree because I have opinions and I've like-
I swear, I've been so close to going down the path of educating myself to become an art teacher
I stg no, it is time for me to open word I DO NOT CARE, ACTUAL ESSAY TIME, anybody who tries to stop me, I'll fIGHT YOU
Edit: Im gonna sleep and start this tomorrow bUT I HAVE A WORD DOCUMENT FOR IT NOW, LEGIT ESSAY TIME FIGHT ME
I just can't formulate anything in my head rn cuz tired
So I sleep and then I ramble. It is currently called "The Ramblings of a Madman"
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Another Ghost Dragon Prompt? Indeed.
The Ward had made a mistake. Had stolen something that had caused the very Skies to lash out, entire worlds at risk from their actions.
Time Itself shrieked in rage at the loss of Its child, or at least that's how every magic user- and the speedsters, pale and shaken and looking sick- had described it.
Someone had taken the young prince of the Infinite, and it was not the Tyrant King, long since sealed away, that lead the charge, but the Queen Regent that many had long since forgotten.
Many forgot that it was not the Dark who courted Time, but Time who courted the Dark. That It was just, if not more so, merciless as Its partner, and would Devour worlds should Its child- still with newdeath soft scales- was not returned.
Which meant that for the heroes, there was now a Clock ticking down ever so quietly. They had to take care of what was a government branch, had to deal with consequences of going over the law, or their World would End in dragon fire.
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
Thinking about Menelaus singing empty chairs and empty tables and getting very sad about it
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worstloki · 1 year
people just ignore Thor was a feral child, huh? like his life goal was probably to demolish another race at age 12 and he was probably begging to go to war and attempted to murder their father for not letting him via telepathy that he didn't have.
#people are like ''loki stabbed thor at age 8'' like im sorry but thor is older and im pretty sure he would've given loki the knife#Frigga was probably like ohhh you can wage war when your brother is old enough to go with you. can't let you two go alone!#and Thor naturally was like ''ok. i will Arm the Child''#like for SURE Thor was the kid eating dirt while Loki just sat next to him looking very confused about it#Thor: Father said we are Part of Asgard and need to Eat To Grow and then one day will be Big Enough to Fight !#he tries to feed Loki the dirt so he'll grow up quicker too but Loki starts crying and now Thor's forgotten about it and trying to calm him#Thor like no no don't cry i'll find us something else to get big with :(#carries him away and gets dirt all over them both because his hands were still dirty#fast forward the bros are sitting on the ground under a table monching on lemon cakes (or whatever) absolutely COVERED in dirt#they have left a dirt trail behind them so their hiding spot won't be effective for long#and also Thor doesn't think voices should get across what is clearly a sturdy table cloth so he's not sure how they were 'discovered'#Frigga: you cannot get dirty and go in the kitchens#Thor: LOKI WAS SAD. AND WE NEED SUSTAINENCE TO GROW MOTHER. WE MUST FEED.#Frigga: -_-''#(Loki is still munching on a lemon tart. the same one despite the room change because he's eating it slowly while Thor reasons with Frigga)#(half of the words anyone is saying go over his head but he is enjoying the expressions being made)
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redvelvetwishtree · 23 days
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paragonrobits · 10 months
Internet Commenters: I love hobie, he's chaotic neutral incarnate Hobie Brown/Spider-Punk: Chaotic NEUTRAL!? Fuckin' EXCUSE ME?? Hobie: Neutral?? NEUTRAL?! Hobie: I did NOT fuckin' dedicate the short time I got left to a desperate fight against an enemy that I most sure as hell can't win but fought anyway because it was the right choice and the ONLY choice, to be called fuckin' NEUTRAL like the whole reason I do it ain't because I know it was the right thing to do! Hobie: There's people who ain't dead because I put down some rabid dogs that needed putting down. I did it because it was the only moral choice I could live with, even if it ends up killing me, I did it because it was fuckin' RIGHT. Hobie: I am goddamn CHAOTIC GOOD and if you try to slide me any further away from Good on the alignment axis so help me I will find a way to pop into your reality and I will KICK. YOUR. ASS.
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plant-ago · 5 months
I want to live in a world where the legacy of Robert Reich, US Labor Secretary under the Clinton administration influential liberal thinker, is overshadowed by that of his son, Sam Reich Dropout, who went into comedy and created the only good streaming platform
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
“why would elaena marry a dornishman when they’re nasty evil people who murdered her poor innocent brother daeron”
maybe because once elaena grew up she realized that there were better ways of bringing dorne into the realm than violent conquest, and that daeron got the death he deserved from not just a nobility that is valid for fearing subjugation from valyria but also a smallfolk sick and tired of these people showing up every few decades to set their principality on fire, and put aside any anti dornish sentiments she may or may not have harbored as a child to see the way her family had directly attributed to their suffering, eventually even falling in love with and marrying a dornish man??
also, considering daeron ii attempts a type of proto-reparations act in bringing dorne into the kingdom, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that someone as intelligent as elaena would recognize the inherent racism in the targaryen conquest of dorne and especially considering the very loud anti-dornish, deeply anti intellectual faction in the blackfyre rebellions, realized they wouldn’t be kind or understanding of an intelligent woman like herself and had no interest in herself or her daughters (of which she had four!!) getting shoved back into the maidenvault again?
like, daeron i is on some andrew jackson manifest destiny shit, and if it makes me an asshole for thinking “god i wish someone had merked jackson before he genocided & displaced my ancestors, good on the dornish for realizing you can’t negotiate with imperialists” than i am perfectly comfortable being considered an asshole right next to my girl elaena.
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essektheylyss · 11 months
It is the year 2031. The second season finale of the Bells Hells animated series, episode title, "Red Moon Rising," has just been released. I open a new project in Premiere Pro. I title the project "LudinusDaleth_AMV". I drag "WageWarsGetRichDieHandsome_TheMountainGoats.mp4" into the timeline,
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lord-squiggletits · 3 months
One of my least favorite parts of how JRO wrote Optimus is that he wanted so badly to continue his dark and gritty world building making the Autobots problematic, but evidently couldn't reconcile this with Optimus being a Heroic Paragon, so instead he leaned way too hard into "oh Prowl was the one who did this and it was behind Optimus' back" which if anything I think makes Optimus look worse, not better. Because then it's like, okay I know Optimus trusted Prowl a lot as his friend but you CANNOT TELL ME that over the course of 4 million years, Optimus as the leader of the Autobot army who literally would have access to 99.9% of all the records they produce, would never notice or question where some of these odd/inconsistent details were pointing. It just seems really inconsistent with how a real military would actually function, especially regarding Optimus' character, who is incredibly thorough and responsible and wouldn't neglect to keep up with all the details of his army.
Hell, Optimus knows who the Wreckers are and had them on call for tricky operations when he needed them (Stormbringer) so he's literally not at all ignorant of/averse to the use of special wartime units composed of dubious individuals. He's the fucking commander of an entire army, of course he knows that War Is Hell (TM) and no one's hands are clean. That's not even getting into all the stuff he got up to in phase 2/3, I mean everything from the annexation of Earth to OP breaking humans out of prison against Council orders shows that Optimus is no stranger to immoral and/or unlawful means.
It also leads to a lot of annoying fanon where people write Optimus (sometimes unintentionally, sometimes not) as like some sort of ignorant fool who's unaware of the machinations of his own army or has some sort of naiveté of "b-but we can't use bad tactics against the enemy! I would never condone the use of morally gray means in war!" No, IDW Optimus knows perfectly well all of the bullshit he's enacted/condoned for the sake of trying to win the war. Some stuff is definitely out of character for him and was only machinated because of Prowl, but I think this fandom REALLY underestimates Optimus' personal agency/responsibility as the commander of a whole ass army and ESPECIALLY underestimates Optimus' capacity to condone morally gray Bullshit Of War while still being a good person individually as well as, comparatively, the lesser evil compared to Megatron/the Decepticons.
Anyways what I'm saying is JRO may be a good writer but he's really hesitant to make Optimus morally gray and does some asspulls sometimes to justify most of the bad things the Autobots did as "Optimus just didn't know," and since the majority of the IDW1 fandom only reads JRO's stuff they go running with this premise of ignorant/uninformed Optimus when there's evidence elsewhere in canon to show that Optimus is, in fact, very highly aware of the bullshit he's allowed "for the greater good" and the only stuff he was "unaware of" was the stuff he would literally never agree to the ethics of, like bombing innocent neutrals disguised as Decepticons to get them to join the Autobots.
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
There's this pull in recovery to feel behind in comparison to your peer group, and that's, of course, a valid feeling. It's understandable, but I think a lot of what we don't remember is that... they often aren't starting out in the same place you are.
I think part of the reason so many feel terrible about "being behind" is that it feels like we have to blame ourselves for being behind. If you just weren't affected by it, you'd be right where your peers are, right? It's a way to blame yourself in severe cases.
Recovery isn't about "catching up," I think. It's about pressing the play button and letting yourself live. You might never "catch up," you might never be at the "same level," but that fundamentally doesn't change that your life is worth living how you want it to.
#mental health#recovery#i always conceptualize it in a metaphor of planets...#...because it feels like my own has stopped completely and everything in it has withered away...#...i don't think people think 'time has stopped but the world is moving on without me' as profound until you experience it...#...because i'll look at other people and what their metaphorical planets look like and i just... find it heartbreaking if i let it...#...and i think the comparison in recovery can easily be a way for you to weaponize your own suffering against yourself...#...because it DOES feel good and it feels productive to be the punished and the punisher...#...and that shields you away from recognizing that it's almost literally the opposite of freeing or productive#to me it's akin to the viewpoint that suffering is divine and is a Test Of Mettle#that if you only suffer until the day you die you will Be Rewarded...#...but i find that there is no glory in a war waged against yourself...#...that the battlefield is coated only in your blood is not a testament to you Deserving a Good Life...#...you already deserve a good life regardless of what war you are fighting. and that's hard to swallow...#...because then it feels like your suffering to prove yourself was POINTLESS...#...and you have to swallow the fact that you suffered and you didn't 'have' to#i just want people to start to internalize these ideas or even just think about it in context of themselves#i don't *want* you to suffer for your recovery (though this is a pretty impossible task regardless ime)
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worstloki · 2 years
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when u've just been through the most harrowing experience of your life (your brother lied to you) (and also u got a gf) and then have no idea what the end fight of the movie is about even though you're the main character of like, life,
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queerdiazs · 8 months
wip wednesday ✨
hii 🫶🏼 hoa eddie is giving me fits but i simply don't care, that bitch is going to suffer from the shenanigans he's caused one way or another, so please enjoy him being a goofy goober
He lays his chin on Buck’s shoulder, stuffs his face against Buck’s neck and breathes deep. He shuts his eyes and smiles. “Did you use my shampoo?”  “Your soap, too.”   Eddie laughs. “It smells nice on you,” he says, inhaling deeply one more time before opening his eyes and staring down at the catastrophe in the skillet. “Buck, I think you burned that piece of bacon.”  “S’fine,” Buck says, jerky and stunted, and stabs the overcooked piece of bacon a couple times before he gets enough leverage to pull it out of the grease. It’s charred and dark next to the other pieces on the paper towel. “I’ll still eat it.”  Humming, Eddie nuzzles his face across Buck’s shoulder. “Are we just having bacon?”  “There’s still some of that pudding cake leftover in the refrigerator.”  “Bacon and cake for breakfast?” Eddie pinches Buck’s side, eliciting a small giggle that has the stiffness in his shoulders dissipating. Whatever it is that’s weighing on Buck is still heavy, then, but not so big that Eddie can’t take it every once in a while. He doesn’t mind being Buck’s rock whenever he needs to. “Yum.”  “And coffee.” Buck flicks Eddie’s forehead, just hard enough it makes a funny little noise, and adds a few more pieces of bacon. “Breakfast of champions.”  Eddie wrinkles his nose and snuffles, kind of like a puppy, and tugs on a piece of Buck’s wet hair. “I’m glad you’re here, Buck,” he says, and it’s all ooey-gooey emotions in his tummy, too-sweet and sticky like honey, and, oh, that’s different. That’s very… different. “I’ve got a lot of laundry to do and you’re my favorite little helper.”  “But I’m injured,” Buck whines, pouting his fat bottom lip out.  “Are you?” Eddie smile, ear to ear. “I thought you said you were okay.”  Buck fakes a cough in Eddie’s face, tongue out and all, because he’s a brat. “See? Injured.” He shrugs. “Guess I can’t help with laundry at all.”  Eddie’s grin widens so far his cheeks chub up. “You’re so fuckin’ adorable, Buck,” he says before he can stop his heart from talking out of his mouth. And it’s fine, maybe, that he’s got shit for brains sometimes, because Buck’s face lights up in a glowing red blush that has Eddie’s heart beating a little fast in his chest. He wonders if Buck can hear the thudding; it’s loud enough and they’re so close Eddie can feel Buck’s heat. “Buck—” “Eddie—” Christopher’s alarm, fucking Crazy Train, rips through the kitchen and startles both Eddie and Buck apart. Eddie’s heart races and Buck’s face is as red as the tomatoes sitting in the windowsill and perhaps it’s a good thing they were interrupted because Eddie’s not exactly sure what he was going to say. 
i was tagged by @wildlife4life, @wikiangela, @honestlydarkprincess, @fortheloveofbuddie, @disasterbuckdiaz, @thewolvesof1998, @daffi-990, @try-set-me-on-fire, and @callaplums mwah i adore all of you
and i'm casually no pressure tagging @eddiebabygirldiaz, @eddiediaztho, @callmenewbie, @exhuastedpigeon, @jesuisici33, and everybody else who wants to partake in the tomfoolery
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pinkeoni · 1 year
thoughts on asexual will?
Hooooo boy okay let's get into it.
I know this wasn’t your intention, sweet anon, but you just opened a whole can of worms that I’ve been sitting on for awhile.
I wanna start by saying that I'm not against any asexuality hcs, nor do I think that Will being asexual in the show would be a bad thing, but I do think that people who read Will as canonically asexual may be ignoring what is actually happening in the text and is erasing his sexuality.
I was on twitter when season 3 dropped, and I remember it being popular opinion that Will was asexual despite all the of the incredibly clear queer coding that was going on with him. “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls” like come ON! My 70 year old dad knew what that meant! But he’s not a repressed gay! He's asexual! He doesn't like anyone!
Could Will be asexual and still in love with Mike? Absolutely! But that isn't what's happening in the show! Will isn't portrayed as sexless because he's asexual, Will is portrayed as sexless because he's a gay guy at a time when gay sex was especially vilified and demonized. No one says “AIDS” outright in the show, but there are still clear indicators that this is what’s happening in the text. It was assumed that Will was kidnapped and killed (and possibly raped, based on Troy’s line about “another queer”) because he was gay when he was just twelve years old, and this is reiterated a couple times in season one. At the top of season four Eddie is reading a magazine article that links sodomy with Satanism and violence.
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I’ll just say it— there are certain people that would rather Will be asexual than gay because they view homosexual desire as a bad thing. There seems to be this rise of conservatism online in regards to queer sex, including amongst young queer people. “No kink at pride” and “No sex in movies” are all popular opinions that I’ve seen in queer spaces on twitter.
I remember when Heartstopper came out there was this tweet that went around, where the op essentially said he was glad that there was gay rep that was “wholesome” and “nonsexual.” Does there need to be sex in Heartstopper, no! There never needs to be sex in queer media, especially ones where the actors are young! But it’s these opinions, the ones that put sexless queer rep as superior to queer rep with sex that snowballs and begins to vilify queerness as a whole. Queer rep shouldn’t have to purify itself and become palatable to conservatives in order to be valid.
I understand why queer people hold this opinion of themselves because I was also a gay teenager, and the reason is internalized homophobia. With right wing media ramping up their homophobia, it’s hard not to let their messaging crawl into your brain. especially when your peers start to say something similar. Queer teenagers are constantly being told that their natural sexual desires are harmful and they start to believe it themselves. I know, I’ve been there.
To reiterate, I don’t think that all people who hc Will as asexual hold the opinions of all the stuff I talked about above, I also don’t want to make it seem like I’m putting down ace rep either! I wanted to bring all of that up because it is still a problem and very much happening. Like I said before, Will being asexual wouldn’t be a bad thing if it was the case, but that isn’t what’s happening in the show. Will is TEXTUALLY a HOMOSEXUAL!! HE LIKES MEN!!
I always need to clarify with these types of post, but no I don’t want to see an explicit sex scene with Will. HOWEVER, I do think that the sexuality part of his sexuality is something that can and should be explored in a mature and tasteful way. We know that season 5 is going to be his “coming of age” story, and I believe that his sexuality is going to be a big part of that, and it’s already part of the text.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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When The Company Doesn't Care About the People...
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flowerflamestars · 8 months
Effloresce snippet
Cassian could not unsee that this man- a legend looming large, hated and admired, and so clearly, starkly loved- was exactly what Nesta Archeron was. 
“You should marry him,” Cassian choked out, before he could stop himself. “Keep it.” The pain was one thing- Cassian could handle pain. But what destroyed him, a slow, rising, drowning horror, was how Nesta’s spine ironed out. Always straight. Always proud. And still, there was a marked difference by the time he finished speaking, a rigid screaming tension in every icy motion. Nesta poured the wine, not a drop spilled, precise to leave an inch of golden glass. Sipped, barely letting her chin drop before an utterly graced revolution to nod at the Illyrian at the door. “You may go.” A clean salute, a silently shut door, every screaming second raising the hair on the back of Cassian’s neck. Nesta stared him down, her dawn-blessed eyes every dream Cassian had ever had. “Jurian,” Nesta said, not a question, a lance, a thousand teeming echoes like wind through ice torn trees. It just kept going, beautiful. Chiming terrible, only for Cassian to hear. “I should marry Jurian.” Cassian’s loyalty didn’t leave room to falter. It would be better- she’d be safer. A queen among her people, for all that she would never cease to hold singular ruling providence over his soul. He wasn’t an animal, and he wasn’t gods damned high fae. Cassian could resist killing Jurian, could even like the damned man, probably. “Who,” Nesta’s teeth clicked together, snap of her jaw audible, “Said I wish to marry anyone? I have no interest in being anything but an Archeron.” Blue and red and gold, pinned up on his jacket like it had melded to his bones. Archeron.
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