#was tinged with no small amount of desperation
asideoftrashplease · 2 years
Detangling JC, his motivations, & his feelings on WWX (i)
JC and WWX have a very fraught history, and while WWX’s role as the narrator makes it very clear what his feelings towards JC are, JC’s feelings towards WWX and motivations seem a lot murkier. He goes from treating WWX as a brother, to mounting a siege in a concerted attempt to take his life. His actions and motivations in the aftermath of WWX’s resurrection are also subject to interpretation. This meta provides argument for my interpretation of his feelings and motivations throughout these events.
It is clear from the outset that JC cared deeply about WWX (I wish I did not have to make a case for this because it should be obvious, but there are some who believe that JC did not love WWX). Although he holds bitterness and resentment towards WWX due to his family situation and their rivalry, he cares about WWX and is protective of him. This shines through especially in times of mortal peril. 
When WWX was trapped in the Xuanwu cave, he travelled without stopping to find people to rescue WWX. The trip should have taken 10 days, but because he drove himself to exhaustion in his desperation to save WWX, he only took 7 days.
When WWX is in danger of being discovered by the Wens after the burning of Lotus Pier, he uses himself as bait to draw them away from WWX despite the risk to his own life, which eventually leads to his capture and the loss of his core.
Things started to take a turn after the Sunshot Campaign. I believe a few key events caused resentment and confusion to build and grow in JC over time:
WWX’s refusal to carry his sword, which put political pressure on YMJ
His decision to break out the Wen Remnants, without consulting or informing JC, with put more pressure on YMJ
His decision to defect from YMJ, effectively (in JC’s mind) picking the Wens over YMJ and his brotherhood with JC
His actions at Qiongqi Path which killed JZX — while we know from WWX’s POV what happened, JC and JYL have no idea what went down except from the claims of the surviving Jin cultivators
His attack on the 4000 cultivators at the Nightless City, which ultimately cost JYL’s life
It’s evident that JC is increasingly bewildered, angered, and hurt by WWX’s actions. It’s clear that he’s confused, and just CAN’T UNDERSTAND WHY WWX IS ACTING THIS WAY. All the while, resentment is building in him that he has to clean up WWX’s messes, all while WWX’s actions undermine him as a leader and brings up childhood insecurities and jealousies. But his love for WWX drives him to continually stand by WWX and believe in him — even grudgingly, complainingly, and with growing resentment. Even up to the attack at the Nightless City, even after JZX’s death, he still seems to believe in WWX.
This last event, the attack at the Nightless City, seems to be the turning point where he stops believing in WWX, so I want to cover this particular event in more detail:
A “pledge conference” is being attended by QHN, GSL, LLJ, and YMJ. This conference is a ceremonial affair, centered around their pledge to eradicate WWX and the Wen remnants. It begins with them honoring the fallen with a toast, but while the other three sect leaders make the toasts, JC goes through the motions of the toast with visible unhappiness, and then conspicuously says nothing to honor the dead.
I feel this action needs to be understood in the context of the ceremony. They are standing in the Nightless City, where their comrades died in the final battle to take down QSW, a battle which WWX contributed to greatly. They are pouring the wine on the ground where the bodies lie to honor the fallen: “Here we honor our fallen. Rest in peace.” (Uncontroversial) “Now in the name of our fallen, we will eliminate the Wens who killed them — and the Yiling Patriarch!” (Controversial because WWX was brother in arms to these soldiers, and JGS is stirring shit because he wants the Yin Tiger Seal.)
JC knows the controversial bit is coming, so while the other sect leaders one by one say things like “rest in peace” and “may they live on” he dumps the wine on the ground and refuses to say anything. He is the only one, of the four with cups, who does not speak.
When WWX appears, the others all draw their weapons, but JC reaction is different: “JC’s pupils shrunk. Blue veins lined the back of his hand.” From this sentence alone, it may not seem clear what he’s feeling, but based on the rest of his actions in this scene, I would guess that he’s shocked and appalled that WWX would dare to appear before such a large and hostile mob, A MOB THAT IS CURRENTLY PLEDGING TO KILL HIM AND SCATTER HIS ASHES, thus recklessly and what seems like arrogantly endangering his own life.
After an increasingly hostile exchange between WWX and the mob, JGS calls for everyone to set up the battle arrays to seal WWX in, with the intention of killing him there. But when WWX calls up the corpses buried under them to defend himself, it’s stated that all the sects were in disarray, except for YMJ, which seems to indicate that WWX’s corpses were not attacking the YMJ delegation — and the YMJ cultivators were not fighting the corpses either.
This all seems to indicate that despite JZX’s death, despite the fact that JC has NO FUCKING CLUE what the hell happened at Qiongqi Path, despite the fact that he’s no doubt been fed lies and biased reports from the surviving Jin cultivators, and despite the fact that WWX is currently unleashing an undead army on all of them — he still believes that there’s another side of the story. He doesn’t even know WHAT that story is, but he believes in WWX— grudgingly, and with growing disbelief, confusion, and incredulity—  he still believes, BLINDLY, in WWX.
In the ensuing chaos, JYL is killed, and WWX finally snaps in his grief, unleashing a hellish and completely uncontrolled bloodbath upon the assembled cultivators. It is estimated that this killed three thousand people, severely decimating the cultivation world’s population.
The siege begins after this attack, and we know from the prologue that the siege was headed by JC, and that he was the one behind key tactical maneuvers (designed using his intimate knowledge of WWX’s weaknesses) that allowed them to eventually sack the Burial Mounds. In the aftermath, he was the main person credited by the cultivation world for the defeat of the Yiling Patriarch. When WWX meets JL at Dafan, he corroborates this by revealing, through the narration, that JGS was the second-biggest contributor to the siege — after JC, who was the biggest contributor.
I know that there are other popular interpretations of JC’s motivations here. I will name two:
He participated in the siege only due to political pressure — after what WWX did at the Nightless City, he couldn’t NOT condemn him or the cultivation world would have turned on YMJ too
He participated in the siege hoping to take WWX alive and bring him back home to discipline privately
But I don’t subscribe to either of these interpretations. I believe he FULLY intended to kill WWX. Firstly, if he was only participating in the siege due to political pressure, why contribute so vitally to the siege, why take a leading role and design tactical maneuvers to bring WWX down? He could have just done as he’d done previously, which was to participate perfunctorily in “opposition” against WWX, but contributing as little as possible, or nothing at all.
Secondly, some may argue that he was trying to capture WWX alive. But before this, he had always given the impression of being extremely cautious, to the point of inaction when maybe action would have been better. JC is VERY risk-averse. His characterization before the siege is that he’d rather do nothing than do something even potentially risky. The intention of everyone else was to kill WWX, NOT to capture him. As such, the risk that WWX would be killed in battle is extremely high. Even if by some miracle, he managed to capture WWX alive despite the best efforts of everyone else to murder him, it would be really difficult to stop the other sects from executing him, and getting permission to take him home and keep him under house arrest. It would be a safer bet to try to sabotage the siege from the inside, which is not what he did. In fact, he did the opposite. He was leading the siege viciously and with intent.
So I believe that he fully intended to kill WWX, which means the turning point was JYL’s death. Up to her death, JC still believed in WWX. After her death, however, the very last we see of him is him clutching JYL’s body, completely in shock, having not yet processed her death. I believe his last words to WWX should hint to us what caused the snap from blind faith to blind hatred. These words were: “Didn’t you say you could control it?! Didn’t you say it would be fine?!” To which WWX (who is having 99 fucking breakdowns all at once) finally admits that he was wrong, and that he can’t actually control it.
My belief is that this incident made JC realize that JYL’s death (and JZX’s as well) was largely caused by WWX’s loss of control over his demonic cultivation, and IMPORTANTLY, JC’s inaction re: WWX’s method of cultivation and his seeming descent into violent radicalism. Despite all the warning signs, the growing escalations, the increasingly violent confrontations with increasingly large death tolls— he continued to believe in WWX, even when he could no longer understand or predict WWX’s actions. Everyone told him “you need to reign him in” “he’s going off the rails” “he’s a danger to us all” and JC didn’t take them seriously because he BELIEVED IN and TRUSTED WWX.
And now his sister is dead, his month-old nephew is an orphan, and WWX has massacred three thousand people in a single night, likely including members of YMJ, in a total loss of control and conscience. I think that was the turning point, the crux of the betrayal.
I believed in you. I defended you. I stuck my neck out for you. But you scorned my help. You rejected and discarded me. You betrayed my trust.
You don’t give a shit about me.
You don’t give a shit about anyone else.
NOTE: Right now this meta is getting a little long, so I think this is a good place to maybe cut it in thirds? Part II should cover the siege, WWX’s death, and the 13 years in between, and Part III should cover JC’s actions and motivations after WWX’s resurrection. As the next parts have not been written, I can’t link it! But when Part II is done, I will edit the post to include a link below the cut:
[Part 2 is still in progress!]
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inou-ie · 10 months
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Pairing: Alpha Arlecchino x Omega female reader
Warnings: NSFW, omegaverse, Arlecchino in rut, breeding, crying, hair grabbing/pulling, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, squirting.
As you successfully sneak into Arlecchino's room, a chuckle escapes you. You're surprised by how easily you fooled her 'servants'. Their warnings about the danger of being near your own lover felt absurd as you approached Arlecchino's bed, thinking about it.
However, your smile fades upon seeing Arlecchino huddled up, clutching her chest while gripping onto your shirt, which she probably took before secluding herself. Her irregular breathing indicates her struggle, enduring it all alone.
Despite her vulnerability, you found yourself weakened by the overwhelming intensity of her scent permeating the room, causing your head to spin and your heart to race faster than usual.
You walked closer, taking a better look at her. Seeing your lover suffering like this, you couldn't help but feel a tinge of pain in your chest. You sighed and moved to take a seat in the corner of the bed, attempting to touch her cheek. However, you were caught off guard when Arlecchino quickly grasped your wrist.
"My love..." she breathed out before quickly drawing you into her embrace. Arlecchino's arms wrapped around you protectively, yet possessively. You could feel the heat emanating from her body, her scent enveloping your mind and body.
A small groan slipped from your lips as she tightened her hold around you, suddenly pushing you onto the bed and laying on top of you while maintaining a tight hug. You found yourself trapped between her large frame and the soft mattress.
She didn't speak but continued to embrace you, gradually tightening her hold. After a moment, Arlecchino lifted her head, her eyes filled with desperation and hunger as she gazed at you. Leaning closer, her breath teased your lips. You sighed softly, reaching out to caress her cheek in an attempt to alleviate her pain.
"It'll be alright, I'm here to help..." you said softly and slowly, wanting to ensure she understood your intentions, aware that your lover wasn't entirely herself at the moment.
In response to your words, Arlecchino held the hand that was caressing her cheek, kissing your palm, then tracing her way up to your arms and shoulders until she reached your neck, where you could feel her inhaling your scent.
Silence enveloped the room, interrupted only by the sound of her breathing. She buried her face into the crook of your neck, pressing her body tightly against yours and eliciting a soft sound from you.
Noticing something hard and... big pressing against your stomach made you gulp nervously. Just by the feeling of it through clothes, you got the idea that it's much larger today.
You can't help but let out a moan as Arlecchino started moving her body, holding you close. Her hips swayed sensually as she ground her crotch into yours and you can feel the hardness of her erection through her pants, making you aroused as well.
As Arlecchino continued to move, her breath becomes ragged as she pushed herself even harder against you.
You sighed softly when she finally leaned back but your eyes immediately widened as you watched Arlecchino unzip and open her pants, revealing a massive erection that was leaking precum profusely, looking like it had been aroused for quite some time already.
"Oh fuck..." You breathed out softly, unable to tear your gaze away from the impressive sight of Arlecchino's throbbing member. The amount of precum dripping steadily down her shaft was enough to make you so, so wet in between your legs.
Arlecchino took hold of her throbbing cock, groaning softly as she started stroking herself while looking straight into your eyes. You couldn't help but feel the heat between your legs intensify with every stroke and lick your lips unconsciously at the sight before you.
Just as you were about to sit up, unable to control the urge to suck her off, she quickly pushed you back onto the bed and began removing your clothes with an urgency, almost ripping them apart.
When you were finally stripped down to nothing, Arlecchino pushed your legs apart forcefully. Her gaze never left the glistening wetness between your thighs as she positioned herself closer still.
With shaking hands, she lifted her cock towards your quivering entrance and began rubbing it against your clit. The contact sent shockwaves of pleasure through every inch of your being, causing involuntary gasps and moans to escape from your lips.
Your breath came out in ragged gasps as Arlecchino continued to tease your clit with the tip of her cock, the sensation was almost too much for you to bear – it felt like an eternity had passed before she finally stopped, leaving you trembling and on the brink of orgasm. "Beautiful..." She growled, moving back slightly so that she could see your face contort with pleasure.
Her hips swayed dangerously close to yours again as she began rubbing herself against your entrance once more - this time harder than ever before. With every thrust forward, Arlecchino's erection pressed against your opening, threatening to force its way inside at any moment.
You arched your back off the bed instinctively, needing more contact. Arlecchino paused for a moment, her chest heaving as she tried to regain control of herself until her gaze shifted downward towards your quivering pussy, now slick with your combined precum. A soft sound escaped from between her parted lips, "I... can't be gentle with you, my love..." she managed to whisper hoarsely.
With that, Arlecchino positioned her hips perfectly against yours and pushed forward – the swollen head of her cock slipped easily inside you, eliciting a gasp from both of you. She held onto your hips tightly as if afraid that any sudden movement would cause your bodies to lose contact entirely. With each thrust forward, more of Arlecchino's throbbing member slid into your tight walls.
The moment Arlecchino's cock was fully buried within you, a strangled cry escaped your lips. She really was bigger than usual and it felt like she was stretching you to the limit. Your breath hitched in your throat as you clung onto Arlecchino's hands, feeling her massive erection bulging against your stomach. "Don't move yet..." You choked out, trying desperately to adjust and calm down after being taken by something so big.
Arlecchino growled in response, her grip on your hips tightening even more. She pulled back slightly before pushing forward again – this time hitting something deep inside you with enough force to make your eyes almost roll back into your head.
"I said, don't— ah...!" You can't help but throw your head back when Arlecchino pushed even deeper, hitting something within you, eliciting a mixture of pain and pleasure that caused you to squirm beneath her. The sensation was so intense that you couldn't help but moan out loud, your nails digging into the flesh of her arms as you held onto them for dear life.
Arlecchino began thrusting in and out of you, her hips moving with a hypnotic rhythm that left you breathless. Each time she pulled back until only the head of her cock remained inside you before pushing it all the way in again – harder this time around.
Your moans and whimpers echoed through the room alongside Arlecchino's groans and grunts. You could feel every inch of her throbbing member slide in and out of your walls, leaving no part untouched or ignored. The sensation was so intense that it felt almost painful yet exquisitely pleasurable at the same time.
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse (or better), Arlecchino suddenly lifted your hips up off the bed and started pounding into you faster and harder. Every thrust sent waves upon waves of pleasure coursing through your body while making wet squelching sounds come from deep within your pussy each time she plunged forward into you.
You dug your nails deeper into Arlecchino's arms, but she didn't seem to mind. In fact, it seemed as if she was pushing herself even harder with every thrust inside of you. The bed creaked and shook loudly in time with her movements, the sound echoing throughout the room.
Your tears flowed continuously; this was unlike anything you had ever experienced before. You couldn't believe how rough Arlecchino was being right now - yet at the same time, there was something about her brutality that felt incredibly arousing. She kept hitting something deep inside you perfectly each time she plunged forward.
Your hips slapped against each other so hard that it almost hurt – but somehow, it only served to intensify the experience further for both of you.
As Arlecchino's movements grew faster and more erratic, you could feel her cock swell inside of you. You knew she was about to cum so you wrapped your legs around her waist tightly, pushing yourself even deeper onto her throbbing member in an attempt to get as much of it inside you as possible.
Arlecchino let out a loud grunt before holding you close to her chest in a tight embrace. The pleasure was intense; so much so that you almost blacked out from it. Arlecchino's powerful thrusts continued as she pumped her seed deep into your womb, filling every crevice and cranny with the hot liquid. Your insides throbbed in ecstasy around each pulsing wave of cum that invaded them.
Arlecchino's thrusts grew harsher, pushing further into your already stretched out hole. Every time she pushed forward, another jet of thick fluid poured from her cock, making its way deep inside you.
As she continued to cum uncontrollably, Arlecchino's pace doesn't slow down even for a moment. She pumps her hips harder and faster into your hole, grunting loudly with every powerful thrust. Her cock is so deep inside you now that it hits against your cervix with each vicious jab, causing waves of pleasure to shoot through your entire body.
You can feel the heat building up within yourself as more and more of Arlecchino's seed fills you up. It feels like there's no room left in your womb - but somehow she keeps filling it regardless.
Despite being filled beyond capacity, another intense orgasm washes over you yet again. Your walls clamp down tight around Arlecchino's shaft one last time before releasing their grip completely, sending a torrent of thick liquid shooting out of your hole in long, viscous streams.
Your body shuddered, and it felt like you couldn't move at all. Your mind had been reduced to mush, and your body was like jelly. Arlecchino sighed deeply before holding your thighs apart. Your pussy was covered in her cum, which continued leaking more with each passing moment.
Just as you thought she was done, Arlecchino pulled out slowly, leaving your pussy gaping and leaking. She then flipped you over onto your stomach, lifting your hips up into the air. Her thick cock aligned itself perfectly with your entrance once again.
"...again...?" You whimpered, already feeling full to bursting point from her previous onslaught. But Arlecchino didn't seem interested in listening or understanding with her current state; instead, she pushed herself back inside of you with force that made you bite and grip the sheets tightly.
Her hold on your hips was bruising, and you kept struggling to keep yourself still despite the forceful penetration. Every time she pushed into you, it made a sickening squelching sound as her cum continued seeping out of you with every movement.
"My love... my love..." She repeated her words over and over again until your body began to escape the intense pleasure by crawling forward in an attempt to get away from Arlecchino's relentless assault.
She reacted quickly, grabbing fistfuls of your hair to pull you back closer to her. With one powerful thrust, she drove herself completely inside of you, filling every corner of your being with unbearable bliss.
She fucked you hard from behind, her grip on your hair tightened as she kept pulling you closer to her with each powerful thrust. You tried to speak, but all that emerged were whimpers of pleasure and a hint of pain.
As she relentlessly targeted a spot deep within you, your body tensed uncontrollably while waves upon waves of intense sensation coursed through every fiber of your being until you squirted all over the mattress beneath—and yet still, Arlecchino pushed forward without hesitation or mercy. Your legs shook unsteadily as cum oozed out of you in thick, steady streams.
Everything went black for a moment, and you felt like you were being pulled back into reality by the tug of your hair. You couldn't help but surrender to the sensation as she continued pounding into you with such force that it felt like your body was losing its strength.
Pools of cum formed all over the sheets, and you couldn't even remember how many times you had squirted or how many times Arlecchino had filled you up. Both of you were breathing heavily when she finally released her grip on your hair and body, causing you to collapse forward onto the bed in a state of utter exhaustion. Arlecchino groaned loudly before leaning down to embrace your spent form tightly.
And then suddenly, a long and loud cry escaped your lips as Arlecchino pushed against you with unyielding force—her weight crushing you into the mattress beneath. This time though, she wasn't pulling back; instead, she only kept pushing deeper inside of you. The head of her cock pressed against your cervix, feeling like an attempt to crush the womb that was already bursting at its seams with her cum.
You gasped for breath as pleasure and pain blurred together into one overwhelming sensation. Arlecchino held onto you tightly, her grip biting into your skin as she fought to keep from losing control entirely.
You kept sobbing loudly as she kept you there for what felt like an eternity, buried deep inside of you. Arlecchino's soft grunts and groans filled your ears, a low growl that seemed to come from somewhere deep within her being. Her arms wrapped around you in a possessive embrace, determined to keep you plugged up tightly, desperate not to lose even a single drop of the precious cum filling your womb.
Until finally, relief came in the form of her slowly pulling out of you. Your body protested at the loss of contact with such force that it took everything you had not to cry out. A hot stream of her cum followed where she had been, painting the insides of your thighs white before trickling down the sheets. You collapsed back onto the bed, too exhausted even to move.
Just before you completely lost consciousness, you felt Arlecchino lifting you up gently and placing you on top of her. She tenderly stroked your hair, attempting to ease your pain, all the while expressing apologies and gratitude simultaneously.
From the sound of her voice, it seemed like she had calmed down from her rut for now. You sighed deeply, snuggling closer to her chest, seeking more comfort, which she readily provided. Showering your head and face with kisses, which elicited a weak smile from you. The last thing you heard was her whispering lovingly.
"You did well, my love..."
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narcissistshandler · 1 year
Not very specific buuut bottom!miguel o'hara and squirt? thank u, love your blog
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✧ 𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦 male reader x miguel o'hara
✧ 𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 top!amab reader, bottom! miguel, anal sex, squirt
✧ 𝖠/𝖭 I won't be reviewing this here anytime soon.
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With shaking hands he grab the base of your cock, firm legs keeping him aloft, semen dripping from him as Miguel aligned the head of your cock against his convulsing hole.
As him sink down, inch by inch, his body overstimulated from four orgasms trembles with the mix of pleasure and a tinge of pain. The familiar stretch and the delicious fullness, sends waves of ecstasy coursing through him, his dick only half-hard dripping with need in response.
You hold Miguel's hips firmly, letting him take his time until he is sitting on your hips in a new position. Miguel's entire body shivers at the sensation of having his ass filled all over again, a combination of pleasure and pressure that bother his arachnid senses. You asked him if he wanted a break, Miguel denied, too embarrassed to say that even though he could barely get hard again and his skin felt so sensitive it was itching, he still wanted more, much more.
He began to move, bouncing on your cock with a desperation he later liked to pretend never existed. His entire body trembling with the pressure and sensitivity, eyes flashing between red and brown as your cock stretched his sensitive hole and hit his prostate almost violently.
The bed rocked beneath you, creaking and hitting the wall, the sound almost muted under the animalistic growls Miguel didn't notice was making, mind too hot, whole body hot, so hot and stinging and wanting even more, deeper, stronger... And there's a strange feeling in his stomach that Miguel takes a long time to notice, a pressure and uncomfortable feeling that he blames on overstimulation and sensitivity on his overloaded senses.
Miguel can't stop or contain himself and with a purely animalistic growl as he rides your cock with need, he comes onto your stomach.
Your fingers dig into his waist and Miguel barely understands your 'you're making a mess' words laden with erotic amusement. This causes Miguel to blink, redirecting attention from the ceiling to you under him. His cock spilled screwily, like an open faucet, spurting clear, thin liquid onto your stomach and chest, which dripped down them and onto the sheets. A real mess.
Miguel's face burned, eyes glassy watching one of his hands shooting out to grip his cock, trying to stop the leak, as if none of the moves belonged to him. But the liquid continues to leak through his fingers against the sensitive head, now in small amounts that drip with a low, slow sound that sounds a hundred times louder in his ears.
"It's okay," you seem to say, licking your lips as you try to dislodge Miguel's hand. "You can let go."
Tomorrow Miguel would be so ashamed of this that he would throw the sheets away, pretend that nothing happened and shut you up if you made any attempt to bring the matter up. But today... Without thinking too much about it, with a whimper, Miguel complied and stopped trying to contain his half-hard cock squirt out what like pee or water and pressed the wet hand against your chest, going back to working his hips in sensual gyrations, enjoying each drop of pleasure and discomfort your cock brought him.
There was something primal about it, as Miguel knew that his scent would be impervious to your skin and even after you showered, his spider senses would still recognize you as his. His. His. His.
Miguel's thighs contracted so hard it hurt, the orgasm ripping through his overheated body like a knife slicing through the inside of his stomach. He stopped moving so suddenly his entire body shook in response, hole tightened around you, but Miguel still wanted more, he wanted you inside him until the pleasure left him numb and unable to reason with anything other than your dick.
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bookwormjust · 14 days
Imagine: Azriel’s Anger and Tender Care
The townhouse was quiet, the sun setting behind the mountains of Velaris, casting the city in a warm, golden glow. You lay curled up in your bed, the sheets tangled around you as another wave of pain rippled through your lower abdomen. The blood cycle for a fae was no small inconvenience; it was a brutal, relentless agony that left you feeling drained and raw. You had spent the past few days in and out of restless sleep, trying to endure the pain without letting it spill into the bond you shared with Azriel.
You knew he was away on a mission—one that required his full attention and skill. The last thing you wanted was to distract him with the visceral suffering of your cycle. So, you buried the pain deep, locking it behind a wall within your mind, hoping to shield him from the worst of it. You had become adept at masking your side of the bond, keeping the aches and discomfort at bay whenever he tried to reach out. You didn't want him worrying when he had bigger things to focus on.
But as the days dragged on, your strength waned. The pain was a constant companion, sharp and unyielding, and no amount of hot water bottles or herbal teas could ease the discomfort that wracked your body. You hadn’t left the house, save for a quick trip to the kitchen to grab some bread and fruit when you could muster the energy. Your wings ached, heavy and stiff from lack of movement, and every breath felt like a test of endurance.
You were so lost in the haze of your pain that you didn’t hear Azriel return. The sound of the door opening was muffled, your senses dulled by exhaustion. But the moment he stepped into the house, you felt his presence, a comforting warmth brushing against your mind. He was back—safe, sound, and home.
Azriel’s footsteps were quiet as he made his way through the townhouse, but you could feel the tension in him, the way his shadows flitted restlessly around him as if sensing something amiss. He paused at the doorway to your room, his silhouette framed by the soft light spilling in from the hallway.
“Y/N?” he called softly, his voice tinged with concern as he took in the sight of you curled up on the bed, your face pale and drawn.
You tried to sit up, forcing a smile despite the pain that rippled through your abdomen. “Azriel, you’re home,” you said, your voice strained but grateful. You tried to mask the discomfort, but even you could hear the faint quiver in your tone.
Azriel stepped closer, his sharp eyes narrowing as he took in the scene before him—the uneaten food on the bedside table, the way you were clutching your stomach, the fatigue etched into every line of your face. His shadows darted around you, their touch cool and soothing as they brushed against your skin, sensing the pain you were trying so desperately to hide.
“You’ve been like this the whole time?” he asked, his voice low and tightly controlled, though you could hear the simmering anger beneath his calm exterior.
You nodded reluctantly, biting your lip. “It’s just my cycle,” you admitted softly. “It’s been… rough this time, but I didn’t want to bother you. You had the mission, and I—”
Azriel’s jaw clenched, his wings shifting slightly in a way that betrayed his frustration. “You didn’t want to bother me?” he repeated, his voice rising just enough to show the edge of his anger. “You’ve been in pain for days, and you didn’t let me know?”
“I didn’t want to distract you,” you tried to explain, reaching out to take his hand. “I knew you’d worry, and you needed to focus—”
“I always worry about you,” he cut in, his tone fierce and unyielding. His hands, usually so gentle, gripped yours tightly, the tension in his fingers a stark contrast to the careful way he usually held you. “I can’t stand the thought of you suffering alone. I should have been here.”
You winced, the guilt of hiding your pain from him twisting in your chest. “I’m sorry, Azriel,” you whispered, squeezing his hand. “I just… didn’t want you to see me like this.”
Azriel’s expression softened at your words, but the anger still simmered just beneath the surface, a dark fire that refused to be extinguished. “You don’t have to hide from me,” he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. “Not ever. I want to be here for you, especially when you’re hurting.”
He let go of your hand and gently cupped your face, his thumb brushing away the stray tears that had slipped down your cheeks. His shadows coiled around you both, a protective barrier that seemed to shield you from the world outside.
“You should have told me,” he said, his voice breaking slightly as he pulled you into his arms. “I hate not being here for you.”
You nestled against his chest, letting the warmth of his body and the steady beat of his heart soothe the pain that still lingered. “I know,” you whispered, your voice muffled against his shirt. “I’m sorry.”
Azriel’s wings wrapped around you, cocooning you in a soft, protective embrace. You could feel the tension slowly ebbing from his body, the anger giving way to a deep, abiding concern. He held you close, his hands rubbing gentle circles on your back, easing the ache that had settled into your muscles.
“Let me take care of you,” he murmured, his voice softening into a tender plea. “I’ll get you anything you need—food, water, whatever will make you feel better. Just… let me be here.”
You nodded, feeling the tears prick at your eyes again, but this time they were tears of relief. Relief that he was here, that he wasn’t angry with you but angry at the situation—at the pain you had endured without him. “I just need you,” you admitted softly. “Just you.”
Azriel’s hold tightened, his wings wrapping more securely around you as if to shield you from the very world itself. “You have me,” he promised, his voice fierce and unwavering. “Always.”
He spent the rest of the evening tending to you with the utmost care, bringing you warm broth and helping you drink, adjusting the pillows behind your back to make you more comfortable. His hands were gentle as he massaged the tense muscles of your abdomen, his touch radiating a soothing warmth that eased the worst of the cramps.
Every now and then, his shadows would flit over to check on you, as if sharing in Azriel’s need to make sure you were okay. They whispered against your skin, their cool touch a comforting contrast to the heat of your fevered body.
Azriel stayed with you through the night, refusing to leave your side even for a moment. When the pain flared up, he was there, his soothing words and gentle touch providing a balm that no medicine could match. He held you close, his wings cocooning you both in a protective shield, and for the first time in days, you felt truly safe and comforted.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be here sooner,” Azriel whispered as you drifted off to sleep, his voice heavy with regret. “But I’m here now. And I won’t let you go through this alone again.”
As you fell asleep in his arms, wrapped in the warmth of his wings and the steady comfort of his presence, you knew that you would never have to hide your pain from him again. Azriel was more than just your mate—he was your protector, your comfort, and your safe haven. And with him by your side, you knew you could endure anything.
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saintmuses · 2 months
❝𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙩❞
Judge!Jonathan Crane x Wife!Reader
The ‘courtroom’ to him had always felt like a circus filled with jokers and clowns in formation of criminals. The only pure thing in the room was sitting in his lap; his little wife.
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Warning(s): SMUT. P in V. Exhibitionism and implied voyeurism. Daddy kink (so sorry). Implied power imbalance. Flirting. Minor fluff. Implied possessive!Jonathan. Slight degradation (?). Minors, dni! Note: Judge Crane is such a daddy so sorry not sorry for indulging daddy kink.
Word Count: 1.9k
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Jonathan immediately noticed his wife’s blush and chuckled again. He loved making his wife feel shy, even after five months of marriage, and he made sure to wrap his arm around her while she nestled in his lap.
“Is someone ashamed that she’s a vicious little kitty cat?” Jonathan asked her lovingly, making sure to tease her a little bit.
His smirk grew wider as his wife hid her face in his arm. He loved this side of her so much, the innocent, timid woman who needed to be reassured. Only by him.
“That’s right,” he teased her a bit more, “hide your face. You look even cuter that way.”
“Stop it.” She mumbled shyly.
Jonathan smiled as he brought his wife closer to him, leaning down to whisper something into her ear. “Does my wife want her husband to stop being flirty with her?” He whispered the question as sensually as he could, making sure she could feel his breath on her neck as he spoke.
She shuddered when he said my wife, it sent a spark of pleasure when she was classified as his. “I do love it when you’re flirty, but you’re teasing me because you think me being embarrassed about what I did is cute.” She pouted, grumbling.
“But it is cute, my love,” Jonathan replied, “I think you are the cutest kitten when you get all embarrassed and shy.” He placed a peck on her lips, making sure that he kissed her slowly and passionately. “My adorable, silly, little wife…” he teased.
Something inside of her snapped. “Daddy,” she whined in a low tone. It was the first time she had ever called him that, and it made her extremely shy when she realized what she had called him all because of his words.
Jonathan froze in his seat once his brain registered with what his wife called him, suddenly feeling aroused. He had been craving this moment for so long — something like that was the ultimate act of submission to him, despite her being naturally submissive.
“Did I hear my wife right?” he asked her softly, his voice full of affection but also mixed with a small tinge of darkness.
It took her a minute, but she nodded into his chest, embarrassed.
Jonathan chuckled darkly as his wife hid her head in his chest. “It seems my little wife wants me to play with her…” He pulled her closer into him once more and kissed her neck, his teeth nibbling and his tongue licking her skin playfully.
“Stop calling me that,” she whined, desperately trying to stop herself from calling him daddy again.
“Oh, but I love the way it rolls off my tongue…” Jonathan whispered, his voice twinged with deep sense of darkness. “Tell me to stop calling you what, my dear?” He kissed her neck as he spoke, his words dripping in sultriness and pure desire.
“Stop calling me your little wife,” she shuddered, letting out a little gasp.
Jonathan smirked as he heard how those words affected her which exposed her weakness for it, and he took full advantage of it.
“Oh, I see, my little wife doesn’t like it when I call her that?” he teased as he nibbled on her neck with his teeth, his lips touching her skin with just the right amount of pressure.
She whimpered; her rationality disappeared after he called her that. “Daddy.”
Jonathan felt shudders wracking her body and he laughed softly. He could feel his wife entering her submissive headspace to him as he toyed with her using words that targeted her emotionally. “That’s what I thought. My little wife wants to be daddy’s good girl.”
She squeezed her eyes shut as blood began to rush under her skin. Burying her face into his chest to hide her flushed face.
“But what happens to my little wife when she’s naughty?” Jonathan asked her, nibbling her neck a little harder as he spoke. “After all, I do have to discipline her when she’s disobedient.”
She began to stutter, “I ca-“ but she was interrupted by the loud murmuring from the audience, and she froze finally remembering where they were at. 
Jonathan felt his wife freeze up as the murmuring filled the air. He looked around at the audience, taking notice of their whispers. “Seems the audience has something to say…” he muttered, irritated that the crowd broke their little own world, they knew better than to do that. He looked back at his wife in his lap. “Should I punish them for their murmuring? Would my little wife like to see that?”
She shook her head. “Just make them come back in an hour or something.” She begged silently.
Jonathan smirked at her begging. She truly was his little wife, so shy and vulnerable to his demands and her own desires.
“As you wish my dear.” He declared, “all will return in thirty minutes.” He didn’t really mind. His wife needed her private time with him. His fingers curved around the wooden handle to bang the gravel to declare its finality.
As the audience left, he leaned back and pulled her closer tightly into his lap, pressing his body into her. Jonathan felt her thighs begin to slick with arousal -she was wearing a summer dress- as he held her close to him, his voice getting deep and raspy as he whispered to her. "That's right, my little wife." He nibbled on her ear and whispered a little louder so only she could hear him. "Let your daddy take care of you."
She whined loudly, reaching for his belt. She quickly unbuckled it and unzipped his trousers before reaching in his underwear to draw his shaft out.
Jonathan smirked at his wife’s desperation and lack of control. He knew that he owned this woman, body, and soul.
"My, my. Are we moving a little fast, my little wife? Are you sure that you want to do this here?" he asked her with a low chuckle. "Or would you prefer for daddy to take you home?" Jonathan had a smirk on his face, his teeth grazing her collarbone as he held her.
“If you had stopped calling me your little wife, I wouldn’t be doing this.” She accused softly without any heat.
Jonathan couldn't help but chuckle darkly, “but you wouldn't want me to stop calling you my little wife, now would you?" He then leaned forward to bite down on her collarbone, his teeth sinking in and drawing blood with a small nip. "I just love the way it sounds, my little wife."
She cried softly as she shifted her dampened underwear over the side to sink onto his thick shaft. She gripped onto his shoulders and whimpered at the size as she sunk down onto him. She had never taken him in this position where she was on top of him in the chair. 
Jonathan smiled at her pleas for him, and the inaudible words fell from her lips like honey.
He helped push her down on top of his cock, relishing the heat that was wrapped around his.
She started bouncing on top of him, repeatedly saying daddy in his ear. She was mentally gone as her submissive headspace took over her mind as her cunt took him.
Jonathan’s hands gripping onto her hips as she bounced on top of him. 
“My, my. So obedient and submissive. Such a good little wife you are for me, d’you hear me?” He sighed in pleasure before pulling her back down onto him. “Let daddy take care of you." He cooed softly.
She whined when she tried to bounce some more but his hands kept her in place. “Daddy?” She questioned but he only guided her head to his neck then gripped the back of her neck while gripping her by her waist.
Jonathan smirked at her when she was confused as to what his intention was. He loved seeing her like this, completely and utterly submissive to him.
He started to move at a slow, but brutal pace, pounding up into his wife without any mercy.
She reached to grapple his shoulders because she felt like she was being torn into pieces with his forceful thrusts. “Daddy!” She gasped, holding onto him as he was slamming up into her without holding back.
Jonathan inhaled sharply as he heard her whimpers and felt her fingers gripping his shoulders. He started to pound even harder, with such force that the chair underneath him began to shudder.
“Yes?” He asked teasingly in response to her pleas. “Is daddy breaking my little wife? Does she want daddy to stop?”
“Never!” She shook her head, nuzzling into his neck.
Jonathan couldn’t help but chuckle as he felt her nuzzle into his neck in a clear desperation.
He knew his wife would never ask him to stop once he started — he’d be the one deciding when it would end, and only him.
Her eyes opened wide to see the clock on the wall in front of her. “They’re coming back in five minutes.” She hissed softly, moaning at a certain thrust he forced up into her cunt.
Jonathan tsked softly as he saw the fear fill his wife’s eyes from her sudden realization that they could be caught.
“Oh, no….” he whispered, kissing her neck before nibbling it seductively and playfully. “Does my little wife want daddy to stop what he’s doing? Is she afraid because they might catch daddy fucking her?”
“Aren’t you going to stop when they come in,” she asked him, gripping his shoulders when she felt him quickening his pace.
“No,” Jonathan muttered softly with a smirk, raising his eyebrow. “You are mine, little wife. I know that you enjoy this and that you don’t want me to stop. I can feel your body wanting more, needing more. Daddy has no reason to stop, you understand this, my dear?”
She whimpered in return. “I-“ but she couldn’t finish the sentence because the feeling of him fucking her was overwhelming her.
Jonathan felt her whimpers shaking her body and he smirked darkly — this was the moment he had been waiting for. His mouth was right by her ear so he could whisper softly, seductively, “My little wife just needs her daddy’s attention, that’s all.”
He started to pound up into her even faster, his hand on the back of her neck holding her to him in place. Little noises erupted from his throat in grunts and groans.
She heard the door opening and the audience piling into the court room to return back to their seats on each side of the room. She bit down her bottom lip to muffle the noises that wanted to escape from her throat as she began to get flustered at the idea
Jonathan heard the bystanders murmuring, making his smirk grow wider. What better way could he show dominance over his wife than by having the crowd see her as she was — his personal toy.
His pace slowed a little bit to keep them interested, his free hand reaching up to grab the back of his wife’s head, fingers tangling in her strands before jerking her head backwards.
Jonathan gave a nasty smirk when she gasped with flushed cheeks, his face now visible to the crowd so that they could see him owning his precious little wife.
He pressed his wife’s body into him as he looked over at the crowd that finally settled down in their places. “My wife and I still have business to deal with, go sit down,” he softly commanded.
Jonathan smiled at the sound of his wife’s cries, and he looked down at the makeshift courtroom as he kept pounding into her cunt hard before turning his face to her.
“Do they know what you need, my little wife?” he asked softly, his voice dripping darkly as he taunted her. “Do they see what you become when daddy plays with you?”
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Is this a bullet, Captain?
Hey Doc Masterlist here
Word Count: 840+
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Synopsis: Your captain ventures below deck to your office with a grimace on his face and a slight hobble in his step. You wait patiently for him to explain himself, and hope he has learnt a lesson from this experience.
Warnings: surgical talk, mention of a gun, exhausted Doctor, grumpy captain. gn!reader x platonic!Kid, suggestive talk, swearing.
Notes: Thank you to @feral-artistry for sending another video for inspiration for this little character exchange. I love these so much.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @sinning-23
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“Hey, Doc?” the booming voice of your captain calls to you from the other side of the door. There is a small quiver in his tone, and an almost desperate twitch in his cadence, “Need ya’, Open up.” 
From your reclined position on the bed enjoying a few moments peace and listening to the music coming from the transponder snail beside you. The lyrics come to a screeching halt as you switch the small device off and walk your way to the door. 
Truthfully, you were shocked it took him this long to make it to your office after the commotion you heard above deck. The large explosive sound, followed by the string of barked explicit dialogue immediately thereafter, had you relaxing yourself and awaiting your captain to sheepishly enter your office. 
As you open the door, you ask him monotonously without an air of humor or teasing in your tone.
“Anything to do with: ‘Oh fuck, oh fuck. It’s in my ass, it’s right in the meat of my ass’, by any chance, Captain?” You usher him inside, watching him hobble over to your surgical table. He passes you with a grumbling grimace and nodding his admission to you. 
Huffing out a soft sigh, you motion him over to the bet and ask him to drop his pants with a small gesture to his belt with your index finger. He growls, using his right hand to loosen his belt and hook his waistband over his hip, scurrying out of his patterned pants. 
“Lay face-down on the bench and tell me what happened,” you order him softly, shaking your head at him as he pouts and huffs his disdain for taking your orders, “What’s in ‘the meat of your ass’?” You place latex gloves over your hands and snap them at the wrists. 
Giving him a once over, you notice there is a fair amount of bleeding and an angry looking indent in his left ass-cheek. Placing your hand on his lower back between the dimples, you reach down and gingerly touch the marking before you huff out your disbelief.
“Is this a bullet, Captain?” you ask him, moving over to the side and readying your surgical pliers and placing it in your hands, “It still in there?”
Kid offers you a soft, mumbled conformational hum in response, burying his forehead in his right forearm to hide his flushing embarrassment over his face. You shake your head at him, applying a numbing cream to the circular hole and beginning to dig around in the entrance wound. 
“And what did we learn?” you ask him in a soft, reflectional tone with a slight tinge of condescension. He growled at you, bringing his furrowed brows and pouting lips away from his forearm and scowling at you. 
“Learnt not to place a marine’s fucking pistol in the back of my pants after disarming them,” he spat before offering you a soft smirk, “At least without checking to see if the thing is loaded.” You shook your head at your captain, huffing out a sigh of absolute exasperation. 
After fishing out the bullet, you placed it down onto the surgical tray with a soft ‘clink’ and began stitching up the hole. Kid hissed through the pain, his grimace morphing into a pout once you informed him you stitched up the incision. 
“All done, Cap,” you inform him, prompting him to look up over his forearm at you with gratuity. He glances over his shoulder and sneers at the exposed stitches. 
“What the fuck you call this?” Kid’s barked breath called over at you as you took off your latex gloves and discarded them. You furrow your brows and look over at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Five stitches in your left ass-cheek,” you nod to him, cocking your head to the side and glaring at him. He deepened his frown, looking over his shoulder and back at you again. He growls out at you, pouting like a petulant child. 
“Yeah, I see that, Doc,” he mocks you before sheepishly grasping the back of his neck with a small smile, “I just wanna know where my fuckin’ cool punk-band aid is, is all.” You roll your eyes at him, stalking over to your draw and growling under your breath.
“You’re a pain in my ass,” you huff, fishing out the box of patterned band aids with Kid’s Jolly Roger printed on the exterior. You turn to glare at him over your shoulder, watching as his lips curl into a smirk.
“No, this is a pain in the ass,” Kid gestures to the incision with his giant metal arm, “Now gimme my punk-band aid.” He laid back onto the surgical table and waited to be granted the prize he so desperately sought. 
“Fine,” you relent, unfolding the packaging and reaching down to plaster it over the stitches, “Happy now, Captain?” you scoff, looking down at the red and black pattern over his ass cheek. 
He took one look at it and released a breathy snort through his nose with his laughter. 
“Ecstatic, Doc.” 
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dontsh0vethesun · 11 months
a solace in the dark
kinktober 2023 masterlist
scarlet witch x reader
18+: mentions of murder and corrupted wanda, smut; wanda has a magic penis teehee, daddy kink, slight dumbification and degradation, restraints, edging, oral, breeding kink, overstimulation, fingering, choking, dom!wanda
wc: 1.4k
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You told Wanda from the beginning that you’d be with her until the end. You promised her with each grain of earnestness you could find that whatever she may do, you’ll stay at her side. She’s glad you’re true to your word, that despite the decline into the darkness that took hold of her and dragged her down and down, you stayed with her.
Each life she takes for her own benefit, she dedicates to you. Her sweetest love, the only good part of her heart she has left. The witch adores you more than anything. Even more than the feeling of her magic strengthening with each power she drains, leaving a trail of destruction behind the pair of you that grew with each passing day.
People leave, she knows that fact all too well; chaos magic may fade, but you - her perfect little accomplice - will be with her forever.
She cupped your cheek with a smile reserved for you, towering over your body in nothing but her underwear.
“You were so good for me today,” she murmured along the skin of your throat, dipping her face into the crook of your neck to heat up your skin with her breath. “You know just how to please your witch.”
With each mission she sets the pair of you out on, you prove your loyalty - the Scarlet Witch has taught you well. Death and destruction are a second nature to you now, all too familiar with the way life fades from somebody’s eyes. She’s never loved you more.
Black tipped fingers trailed over your chest, pulling a pert nipple to be rewarded with the small whine at the back of your throat. They wandered over your body as her lips moved with yours, until they found a place around your neck, pushing the breath out of your lungs until your head grew fuzzy.
“Now, be a good girl and take what I give you.”
Her voice was tinged with that darkness that fills you with anticipation, the kind that lets you know she has frustrations to take out on you.
Your hands that had once lay upon her waist were soon above your head, encased in red tendrils that allowed zero movement. No amount of fidgeting got them to give way and the pain that surrounded your wrists with each fight against the restraints made you hungry for her touch.
“Have you not learned by now, sweet girl?” she tutted. “There’s no escape. Even a dumb little whore like you should’ve worked that out.”
She knows you don’t want reprieve but she also knows the forceful promise of having no choice in the matter makes your cunt throb for her; with your naked body in front of her she can see the soaked mess between your legs.
“Or is that all you are, hm?” the woman mused, peppering kisses across every part of your exposed body she could reach. “A stupid little fucktoy. Needy and pathetic, completely dependent on me.”
“Daddy, please,” you breathed out in frustration, only making her smirk at your writhing desperation. “I want you - I need you - please. I’m all yours.”
The woman knows she practically owns you but hearing it from your lips is nothing short of divine.
Your hips lifted into her on their own accord when her tongue licked a swipe through your pussy, grunting into you at your taste. Hands tainted with darkness crawled up your body, nails scraping over your flesh as her tongue worshiped your cunt like drinking from a holy altar.
The peripherals of your vision took in the sight as much as you could in your held down position; the head between your thighs and the lusting eyes that peered up at you, the stygian digits that clawed at your body and toyed with your nipples.
Each flick of her tongue was as perfect as ever, teasingly poking at your entrance and her lips that sucked your swollen bud made your legs threaten to clamp around her head.
Your pulse raced with the fast approaching orgasm readying itself to wash over you and that’s what made it that much more aggravating when she pulled away with glistening lips. She merely chuckled at the pointed glare you shot her way as she wiped her chin clean of your juices and with a flick of her wrist your arms were free and she was on top of you again.
“I’m gonna fuck a baby into this pretty belly of yours,” she rasped, her lips ghosting yours with her words as the cock she’d fashioned herself with nudged at your hole. Her soaked pussy had been transformed into a dick that throbbed with ravenous hunger for your body. “You want that? You want daddy to fill you up?”
Your head swam at the mere concept, your body grew painfully hot and any words you tried to muster didn’t seem enough to verbalise your enthusiasm. Instead, you settled on a grasp of fingers around her length, guiding it into you with symmetrical moans from the both of you at the feeling of her sliding into the warmth of your sex.
You clenched around her as she stretched you open, pushing deeply into you until you’d taken it all. With one hand pulling her face to yours for a kiss filled with utter electric fervour, and the other grabbing at the plush of her thigh, you encouraged the snapping of her hips into you.
The gentle pace she set out on contrasted the fierce roughness that surrounded any other part of her life that didn’t involve this. Her and you. This bubble of solace that serves as the only comforting escape either of you can fall into. With all of the loss the both of you have endured, the stability of having each other eternally was sacred.
And to know this all powerful witch could have moans pulled out of her by you only made you love her more. The feeling of your greedy pussy pulling her into you made her groan into your mouth, feeling the throbbing of her cock with each time she bottomed out into you.
The hand that wasn’t holding her body up settled around your neck, stealing the breaths you tried to take whilst she sunk her teeth into your collarbone.
“You’re gonna look so pretty all swollen with my baby,” she uttered, quickening her rhythm with the soon nearing releases creeping up on you.
“Fuck, I’m so close,” you stuttered out, wrapping your legs around her waist to pull her into you as much as you could, grabbing at her back with streaks of pink decorating her skin from your nails.
“Me too, honey,” she returned with a choked moan falling into the plane of flesh between your breasts.
With her cock filling you up, and the tightening of your cunt around her it didn’t take much for the both of you to cum; the room was filled with the lewd sounds of skin hitting into skin, groans of pleasure accompanying the audible sound of her filling you up.
You felt the warmth of her seed painting your pussy, overcome with pleasurable sensations as she fucked her cum into you, milking herself of all she could with slow glides of her hips into you; her new position on her knees allowed her to watch your shaking body bathe in the moment. She watched hungrily how she disappeared into you, how your chest rose and fell to catch your breath.
Wanda watched the perfect way you whimpered at the emptiness when she pulled out of you, and how you squirmed at the fingers she thrust into your leaking hole. The cum filled cunt soaked her fingers when they buried themselves into you and the woman couldn’t deny the sadistic amusement she entertained herself with whilst your dazed body begged for reprieve when her thumb rubbed over your sensitive clit.
“One more,” she whispered. “For me.”
You couldn’t even form a half-amused, snarky comeback at her faux innocent tone, too overstimulated by it all as she quickly worked you into another orgasm with the attentive assault she forced onto you.
Tears filled your eyes at the bordering painful ache but you let her pull you over the edge and took the fingers she nudged at your lips, slackening your jaw to suck them into your mouth. Her cum coated your tongue as you licked her digits clean, basking in the taste, distinctly hers and faultlessly sublime.
And when she pulled you into her side whilst your heart still thrummed in your chest, you smiled into the soft kiss she pressed to your lips, knowing that it beat for her and hers beat just for you.
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wrathofrats · 5 months
Hi, hello, it's me again! How are you? I have a rather odd request (at least from my perspective) that I don't actually see much of.
Trans ftm Dew x Swiss? Pretty please? I haven't seen much of it, at least with Swiss that is
Hi hi! Sorry it’s been a while, but I’ve saved this for mushy may!
I’m doing well my icon. Not an odd request at all! (But I do love and encourage odd) and obv we love trans ghouls over here
Day 8- sex turning into making love - Swissdew
As always thank you to @forlorn-crows for the prompts and @ghuleh-recs for the banner (:
Warnings for a small amount of degro. This is smut. But obv Swiss is super sweet at the end ok I promise it turns into fluff
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There were certain things about Swiss that dew tended to crave.
A sick need for a harsh and loving hand, to be made to feel small, lesser. To be put out of his own head and taken care of when he felt especially out of control of himself. Dew liked to fight for it, so he himself didn’t have to admit he needed help. And Swiss always knew exactly what he needed. He was always there to force him into submission when dew couldn’t disassemble that roadblock himself.
“Maybe if you didn’t whine like a bitch droplet I wouldn’t have to treat you like one” Swiss laughed, watching as dew squirmed when Swiss ran two fingers along his folds. The slightest touch to his clit made him clench and screw his eyes shut, sensitive and already abused.
It’s how Swiss always got him before allowing dew the privilege of being actually fucked. Writhing, begging to be full but shying away from any contact because it was always borderline too much. Dew loved it, needed to be forced out of his head and put at Swiss’ mercy in order to genuinely stop thinking for an hour or two.
“Think you’ve earned it yet?” Swiss coos, sucking on dews release that threatened to drip down his fingers. “Are you dumb enough to get my cock yet baby boy?”
“Please-“ dew moaned, strangled and barely coherent.
Swiss can’t deny him like this. Hes pretty, spread out and desperate. Small tears cling to his lashes and threaten to fall down his face as he digs his fists into the bed sheets when Swiss finally pushes in.
There’s always a strange sense of pride that wells in Swiss’ chest when he has dew in his bed. He’s more than glad dew trusts him enough to let go of his own ego and inhibitions to allow Swiss to be in control. He deserves to be taken care of, even if dew usually insisted he enjoyed being somewhat of a loner when it came to needing anything.
“God you’re beautiful like this dew” Swiss mumbles when he bottoms out before he can think twice about it. His tone is calm, loving, a gentleness that isn’t expected and leaves dew feeling dizzier than he already was.
“You’re just -“ Swiss starts, staring down at dew with what can only be described as infatuation.
The harsh grip on dews hips soften, thumbs soothing over the more than likely bruised skin. His hands more than engulf his waist, just slightly kneading into where they hold him.
“I love you, you know that?” Swiss pulls out, watching as dew gasps and throws a palm over his mouth to stifle his whine. He leans over to kiss dew on the chest, trailing up along his neck. Dews thighs are pushed up against his abdomen, practically bending him in half as Swiss starts to fuck him in earnest.
“Kiss me- Swiss please need your lips” dew whimpers as his hands tangle in Swiss’ locs for some sense of grounding. Swiss happily obliges, capturing dews mouth with his own.
Their lips slot together perfectly, dew tasting of smoke and spice as he always does. Something about the neediness in how sloppy dew forces his mouth onto Swiss’ makes his stomach do flips, a sweet tinge of desperation in his panting breaths when they have to pull apart.
Swiss fucks him slow, hitting him deep but showing dew a gentle courtesy he knows he doesn’t get extremely often.
“Faster” dew cries, Swiss can feel a gush of slick around his cock when dew clenches down.
“Wanna take my time with you droplet, let me savor having you like this”
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spdrvyn · 10 months
wrong kind of rivalry — MIGUEL O'HARA
☆ you and miguel are constantly at an impasse, but your coworkers seem to think otherwise. requested here.
rivals to lovers. fluff. hurt/comfort. lotsa romance. sorry, this one took a while for me to put out, school and stuff </3
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"Not even a chance. Every single I enter the room, those two are arguing about hoo or ha." 
"That's 'cus you don't see the chemistry, ol' man."
Mayday babbles in the carrier, reaching out of her dad as her little fingertips graze the stubble on the lower half of his face. He coos at her and Hobie smirks, flicking a curl that curtained her forehead. 
"I bet fifty pounds that those two are shaggin' behind our backs." 
"Shagging? Uh, oh, oh—" Peter covers his mouth in shock, before moving them to cover Mayday's ears. "Don't say that, there's a baby present." 
Hobie chuckles, "She don't have a clue," 
"Clue about what exactly?" Miguel frowns, putting his hands on his hips. His presence seems imposing like actually, but at least one person has gotten jumped by his sudden intrusion in conversations. Would you really be part of this strike force if it hadn't happened to you?
"Clue about the world, existence, growing up." Peter retaliates, but it's clear that it was just a panic response. Mayday giggles and Miguel raises a brow at it. 
"Right," he rolls his eyes, walking past the both (technically, three) of them. It's hard to tell if he's actually out of earshot, but neither of them care. 
Peter leans in closer, "Fifty dollars." 
The bellowing silence of the room was enough to sweep anyone away, the two spiders awaited the familiar hum of the portal as they waited and waited and waited.
Unfortunately, both of them had lives to attend to. Peter knew that M.J. couldn't, wouldn't, be mad at him but he could already imagine the amount of subtle glares he'd be getting while putting Mayday to sleep. Hobie also had his own duties, uninformed and mysterious but duties nonetheless.
That works well on your part, those two don't get to see you and Miguel huffing and puffing back on the way to his office as irritated banter fills the air.
"I just don't get what's so hard to understand about this,"
"Maybe if you just left it be, there wouldn't be anything to discuss."
The way that Miguel seems to just want to brush this off causes your blood to boil, it makes you want to get syringe and suck the life out of yourself. The urge to pull your hair was growing too strong.
Not to mention the eyes of multiple Spider-people on you, it was an embarrassing sight. For them to see you chasing after your rival a.k.a. boss as he ignores whatever the hell you're talking about.
Before the big, intimidating sliding doors to his office close, you trail quickly behind him. You're desperately out of breath, limbs aching from the long trip you've made to the tip top of headquarters, but you try like you always do.
"I messed up, Miguel." the dejected tinge in your tone makes Miguel's nails dig into the inside of his fist, his lips purse into a straight line. "You're allowed to be mad at me, just because we're... different now doesn't mean that I'm free from punishment."
"Different? Is that what you're calling our relationship now?"
"Dating feels like such an awkward term,"
"Maybe our secret is getting to you," Miguel's lips quirk up into a small smile. God, he looks pretty. Big fingers cradling your chin upwards so that you can look at him. Properly. "Anomalies slip more often that I want, it's just a fact and it's bound to happen every once in a while. I've gotten used to it by now."
"I know, but still-"
"No buts," he says, firm. "Do whatever you want, try to recompense for your mistakes but I'm letting you know now that it's fine."
You let out a frustrated sigh, Miguel lets go of your face but not without pressing a kiss to your temple.
"I will find a way to make it up to you, just watch me. I'm very capable." you frown, making your way out of his office.
Miguel shakes his head, gaze locked on the determined look on your face. Sure you will.
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truths33k3r4 · 4 months
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Raph’s mind was drawing a gaping blank... Well, besides the panicked screaming echoing on repeat...
Today had already been full of uncomfortable situations. Enough tears had leaked through his eye sockets to rival those bad actors on one of Sensei’s tv shows. He became a stinkin’ breathing waterfall. Of..emotions. And now, here he was being clung to by a complete stranger. A stranger like him, but still a stranger. And now she’s crying TOO.
Raph lifted his eyes to the sky in a desperate plea.
Why did it have to be me?? Why couldn’t Mikey have done this?? Why do You enjoy stretchin’ me to my limit??? I’ve already been FEELING enough, now I got to deal with OTHER’S EMOTIONS???
Small hands continued to latch onto his. He didn’t try to pull away, but DANG IT ALL he was fighting against the constant urge not to.
I could text Mikey. Y-yeah, I could text him, he could come, do his little empathy magic, while I leave and sort things out… Ughhh but he doesn’t always carry his phone on ‘im. UNLESS OF COURSE HE NEEDS BLACKMAIL AGAINST ME- THEN IT MAGICALLY APPEARS IN HIS FLIPPIN’ HANDS.
The silence in the room amplified the awkwardness of his situation a staggering amount.
I could text Leo……
He wasn’t that desperate yet.
As he continued to try to make a plan of escape, a small sniffle pulled him out of his thoughts. He lowered his gaze back onto Lotus. However much of a complete stranger she was, she was still- well she looked just like a kid; So small and skinny.
And scared.
This… isn’t about me….right..
“Hey- hey, kid. It’s.. it’s ok. Ya need to calm down. At least take a breath.”
Lotus’ shoulders rose and fell as she forced a small puff of air into her lungs. It was pathetic, but at least she tried.
“I guess that’ll do for now.” Raph mumbled as he changed his position on the floor to something a bit more comfortable. “How about you do it again? In and out. Just try to hold it for three seconds.”
Lotus took another shaky breath in and was able to hold it for a little over two seconds, before she let it out again.
Still pathetic, but still progress.
“That’s it. Keep doin’ that. I know it’s been a bit.. scary comin’ here. Especially with my crackhead brother freakin’ you out… But uh- we may be freaks, but we don’t bite.”
Lotus finally looked up, and released some of her grip on Raph’s hand. It seemed that all of her tears had finally been spent, now replaced with a look of complete exhaustion.
It hadn’t been an easy day for anyone.
“Th- thank you, Rapha-…. Raph.” Lotus brokenly squeaked with a grateful smile. “You- you sound just like your brother.. The blue one- Um…Leo.”
Raph jolted in surprise as his brows creased in doubt.
“I’m nothin’ like him.” Raph offhandedly stated.
“Yeah sure,” Lotus scoffed, highlighting her exhausted complexion with a tinge of playful sarcasm, “ how could brothers ever act alike? My bad.”
Raph sat there with his mouth slightly ajar, blinking.
“I mean- YEAH, we’re brothers, but that doesn’t mean we’re all the same! This ain’t no cartoon where the only thing that defines us is our costume colors!”
“Huh. But you’re all soooo alike.. It’s probably a good thing you wear different colored masks, so people can tell you apart.” Lotus taunted, making Raph’s face burn in exasperation and a hint of embarrassment.
“N-NO, WE ARE NOT.” Raph sputtered indignantly, “I’M the tough guy, Don does machines, Leo’s the leader, and Mikey-” Raph takes a millisecond to think, “-We don’t know what Mikey is- But we are NOT ALL THE SAME.”
Raph looks back at Lotus and notices the gigantic, Mikey-Grade smile now shining on her face.
Little. Twerp.
Raph had to admit, it was funny. Clearly Lotus had enjoyed every second of tormenting him, but there was no way he was going to let her get away with it.
“Ya little brat! You’re trying to tick me off on purpose- what, did Mikey put you up to this???”
Raph playfully punched Lotus’ shoulder to congratulate her on a job well done. Though, going by her slightly pained expression after the hit, he realized he apparently punched her a little too hard..
“Heheh.. My bad..” He apologized as Lotus began rubbing her now sore arm.
“It’s fine..” Lotus snickered through a wince.
The room went silent.
Great. First emotions, now awkward silence. Just hittin’ all the marks today.
Raph used his unclutched hand to rub at his neck, as Lotus began looking around the room. Normally, during a moment of silence, a person would be contemplating what their next opener will be to a conversation, or even just taking in the scenery around them.
Not Raph.
No, he was too busy shriveling in the burning heat of awkwardness and feelings. He felt like a worm slowly getting cooked on the sidewalk.
Master Splinter had always taught Raph and his brothers the importance of caring for others; Putting their needs before your own and all that jazz. But just because he was taught that from a young age, didn’t make it any easier for him to do. He tried though! .. In his own way. A little jab to the arm here, a quick “good job” there… But that was the extent of his emotional capabilities.
And now here he is. The most emotionally-inept brother stuck with the impossible goal to comfort a weeping female turtle mutant. Fantastic.
The grating silence was disturbed by a prompt “SORRY!” from Lotus, as she finally released Raph from his prison her grip. Raph chuckled to himself as he began massaging his now freed wrist.
“It’s fine. You got a good grip on ya.” Raph was very grateful Lotus had decided to cling to his left arm.
“O-Oh.. Uh.. thanks.” Lotus shrugged, as she forced her hands back under the covers. She then tried to lay back down, but winced as she moved her recovering leg.
“Hey, you ok?” Raph turned to her, gripping his hand steadily on her shoulder to hopefully grant her more stability, “You shouldn’t be movin’ around too much. You still gotta heal.”
Lotus only nodded as a response, as Raph helped her lower her head back down to the pillow.
Ok- before things get quiet again- JUST SAY SOMETHING. Chat about the weather, favorite tv series- SOMETHING.
“Soo..Where’d you get those marks on your head and arms?”
“..Um.. I was born with them?.. I think?” Lotus said in uncertainty as she looked over the star-like markings decorating her shoulders.
..She thinks?
“..How about you?” Lotus gestured to Raph’s arms.
“I was born with em’ too.”
“Even those scars?”
Raph’s pupils constricted as his eyes widened. His hand slowly raised to touch the deep green slash over his right eye, as his gaze lowered to peer at the lightning bolt scar imprinted into his skin at the tip of his plastron.
“N-nah. Didn’t get these until I got older.” His voice lowered almost to a whisper as memories replayed in his mind. He had to take a deep inhale to slow his brain down. He pointed up to the scar on his face. “This was an accident.”
Please change the subject.
“Oh..” Lotus nodded in understanding, “What about-”
Raph and Lotus both flinched as Don came staggering into the bedroom. His throat choked on every breath being squeezed out of his lungs, and his shoulders trembled.
“-DON?? What’s goin’ on? Are you oka-”
Raph looked into his twin’s eyes. He recognized the overwhelming fear plaguing his brother’s face. He knew it all too well. The silent link between the two connected in an instant, with message after message from Donatello.
“Don, it’s ok! BREATHE.”
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Raph watched as his twin’s gaze went from panicked to unfocused. He probably didn’t hear a word Raph had said.
The crimson-clad brother got off the floor and turned to Lotus.
“You good? I- I gotta take care of my brother-” He promptly asked, twisting his head from Lotus to Don with each word.
“Yeah, I’m fine-”
“-Kay. Rest up. Chill. Don’t move your leg. Take the two pills on the side table.”
And with that, Raph ran to his twin just in time to catch him before the purple-clad brother fell to the ground in a wheezing heap.
. . .
Donatello’s head pulsed with a deep ache as all his anxiety and fear combined into a tormenting storm in his body. Thunderbolts of adrenaline shot through his arms and legs forcing them to tremble. His instincts shouted for him to find help. GET HELP. GET HELP NOW.
Without his permission, his legs began moving towards the brothers’ bedroom. He didn’t register quite yet what he was doing, but it felt right to search for some semblance of comfort from one of his brothers. And by the fact that his heart rate and breathing were accelerating at a dangerous pace, he knew he needed to move as fast as he could before his low oxygen levels caught up.
Donatello’s mind still thundered loudly with the echoes of his horrible memories, but then the sound of someone’s worried tone parted some of the clouds.
“-D-N?? W-’s goin’ on? - yo- oka-”
The world remained a shadowed blur as he fought to gain back control of his body. The voice- Raphael’s voice, was telling him to breathe, which sounded like a wise thing to do. With each forced breath, Don’s vision slowly cleared. The red and green blur in front of him crystallized into the face of his worried twin. Don’s head continued to swim in the raging currents of adrenaline, but at least now he knew he was safe. The subtle waves of his brother’s comfort washed over him in a cool, refreshing tide. Fear and panic drained from his mind, leaving nothing but peaceful exhaustion. With a deep sigh, every ounce of adrenaline left him.
Quickly following his sigh, he all of a sudden felt the sensation of his brother’s arms wrapped around him, along with the coarse texture of grout and tiles scratching into his knees.
How did I get on the floor??..
Oh- right- Hyperventilation leads to low oxygen levels.. which leads to dizziness..
which leads to f- faaaain-
..I don’t feel so good…
Ahhh my loving brother. So gentle. So polite.
Well that would be rude.
..Why are we counting?
Wait- what did he say again?
Oh- he wants me to take a breath so my oxygen levels will return to normal leading to-
Don’s thought was literally smacked out of his head.
“H-heyyy!” Don coughed, after taking a big gasp after the blow, “Ow.”
Raph’s smack wasn’t even that hard compared to those he’d given during one of their thousands of arguments. It was quite successful in clearing Don’s head..
Still though- ow.
And that's it for this chapter! :)
I have SO MANY PLANS for this book guys- I have a timeline, notes in my phone, in my notebook, AND on my computer!!!! THIS IS GONNA BE FUNNN~
I know my last book ended on a cliffhanger with the flashback, and TRUST ME- WE WILL CONTINUE WITH THAT- But first, I wanted to slowly bring you all back to the current story, where it's a bit more... calm, before I explain what happened to Don, Lotus, and Raph. Just take this little breath..
..cause you're gonna need it.
Anyways, hope you enjoy!! If you liked it, please feel free to reblog this!
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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s0ft-d3cay · 5 months
I'll Lend You My Heart While It's on My Sleeve
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Mike Schmidt x Male Reader | Hope you all enjoy!! The voted one shot will be the next post I make, just fyi.
WARNINGS: Aunt Jane, arguments, reader comforts Mike, reader is very snappy with Jane, Aunt Jane gets read like a book, reader and mike hold hand the entire time, reader is VERY protective of Mike, Reader has scary dog privileges, Reader is encouraging to Mike the entire time, A serious conversation between Mike and Aunt Jane, reader and Mike hug at the end(<3), use of Y/N, not beta read
WC: 1,866
It was clear, Aunt Jane was not expecting Y/N to defend Mike. Glaring daggers at the man in pure disgust, practically shaking in anger. The man had been pointing out things she could've done while Mike and Abby. "That doesn’t give him the right to disrespect me...he should be respecting me regardless because I’m still his aunt!" The woman demanded. Not used to being on the receiving end of her wrath, the woman was desperate to fight the man back.
Her words were harsh and degrading, not at all hold back her insults and negative comments towards her nephew. A hint of anger could be seen through Y/N's calm attitude, but no one except Mike would know that. Only imagining how much it would take for the man beside him to crack, he’s quite impressed with the amount of patience held. Feeling the anger boiling beneath his skin more and more as his aunt continues. In Mikes mind, she's getting herself in a grave with Y/N and that thought alone had him hiding a smug smile. Y/N was a stubborn man to his core and he'd go tooth n' nail to prove someone wrong.
"Mike and Abby don’t have to do anything regarding you, Jane. You’ve given them nothing but trouble, even now you still demand respect like a toddler. Respect is earned, not given out like free samples. Maybe if you didn’t waste your time on fake pearls and ugly clothes you’d actually find out what shutting up and listening will do for you. I mean…you’re already half-way there with the amount of times you’ve helped them out." Y/N snaps, effectively using his final blow of the ridicules argument. 
His sharp eyes turning to Mike and his conjoined hands, sitting back in his seat with a proud huff. He soon sends Abby's teacher an apologetic smile for his outburst. Jane let out a snare of annoyance as her eyes set on Y/N. Seething everyone else continues along with the meeting, leaving the woman absolutely fuming.
"We’ll meet you in the parking lot, Mike’s got a few things he wants to tell you." The woman's eyes narrow upon hearing what he said, once Abby’s teacher had concluded the meeting. Her jaw was still clenched tightly, not prepared to deal with her nephew’s ‘friend' had a pair of balls when speaking to her. Her eyes were staring him down, a hateful glare was on her face as she responded to him. "Is that right? Well, I don't see how me and him have anything else to talk about.” Y/N’s eyes sharpened as he replied. "I didn’t say anything about you talking, we’ll be waiting outside." He remarked bluntly, turning to walk out the room with Mike a few steps ahead. Leaving the woman no time to rebuttal him.
Y/N's blunt remark definitely made Mike's smile grow wider, now in the parking lot along side the other man. "You doing alright so far?" He asked, his voice softer with Mike. A totally opposite to how he spoke to aunt Jane not even minutes earlier, the man’s heart skipped a beat at that small change. "Yeah, I’m alright…" Mike replies leaning against his car, his own gaze wavering on Y/N. A tinge of thankfulness courses its way through him, with Y/N Mike would’ve kept his mouth and stayed quiet. But now…now he had support, someone willing to stand up for him. And that alone made a huge difference.
The two men leaning against the side of Mike’s car, a silence of unknown and understanding swirling around them as time passed. A breeze wafting pass the two, gently reminding Y/N of an idea. He smiles, looking over to Mike. "Hey just remember, after this we have nothing but cuddles and movies for us at home when we're done." Y/N brings up with a coy grin. The mention of cuddles and movies brought light to Mike's mood, a light chuckle escapes him. 
Mike brought both his hands to clasp over Y/N’s, their fingers sliding perfectly to clasped their palms together. "And the best kind of cuddles and movies to boot..." Bringing their intertwined hands up over his heart, lightly squeezing them. Feeling less anxious, even with the ever growing impatient footsteps approaching them. He couldn’t be bothered with Jane’s incessant need to be the center of attention. Mike had more important matters at the moment.
The calm silence is broken by her when she speaks up. "Let's get this over with." She declares to Mike in an insulting tone, speaking to him as if he was still a child. With her arms crossed and expression covered in boredom. Jane wanted nothing to do with the upcoming conversation. And that had triggered Y/N’s instincts, a flare of irritation spun into white hot resentment.
"Listen Jamie, if you’re not ready to have an adult conversation then you can fuck off." Y/N cuts in taking an intimidating step in front of Mike, standing tall to the woman with a grimace. Catching her off guard, once again not expect him to be the one to speak and take charge. Glaring back towards at Mike before returning her eyes to Y/N, as though she's trying to find an angle with the stubborn man. "And you? Do you feel like you're grown enough to talk to me like that? You think you're better than me somehow now because you're friends?”
"I know I’m better than you will ever be..." He states with a smug expression, watching as she essentially gets more and more annoyed with him. "But that’s not why you’re here, you’re here to listen and not talk. Am I clear?" He questions, voice full of authority and conviction. She wanted to retaliate, instead she found it wise to just obey this time around. Still spoke back in a condescending manner. "Crystal." She answers, her face still full of pure annoyance. Y/N takes a steps back against the car, turning to Mike with a kind smile. Giving him the floor as he playfully bumped his shoulder.
Mike clears his throat as he takes a step forward, preparing himself for things to go south. "I've done everything for Abby...and I will continue to do everything I possibly can to give her the life she deserves. And...I don't expect appreciation and help from you, nor do I need it. All I want is for you to stay out of our way and accept the fact that YOU are doing nothing to help her." His words hit a sore spot, her glare turned even more intense as she continued to stare right at him. Her expression morphed to alarm, taking back at the accusation. But he held his ground and spoke clearly and calmly, despite his trembling closed fists. 
He said what needed to be said, now she needs to accept her place in this situation. He was the one that stood by Abby through it all. He’s the one that stuck it out and he deserves more credit than she could ever give him. But Mike knows, she's not the type to acknowledge his efforts. No matter how badly he wanted to hear it, it would never be a reality…at least not for him.
Y/N watches in awe as Mike spoke, though voice shaky and hands trembling he pushed through it. The man couldn’t be more proud, knowing the weight of confronting an abuser was a heavy one. His eyes flickered between him and Jane, sharpening every time they landed on her.
Mike's voice remained firm as he spoke with a sense of finality. "I will never let you back into Abby's life in any way, shape, or form. We don’t want someone like you around us and...I never want to see you again." Done dealing with her, done listening to her just sat around and pretended like Mike hasn't done something useful. He’s done..
Jane stays silent, not knowing how to respond since being put in her place like this, speaking after a few moments. "Fine, I'll leave you three be." She responds stiffly, her glare still intense and a hint of anger in her voice. She couldn't admit that her nephew was right. Couldn't admit that she's at fault...couldn't admit that she's in the wrong.
Releasing a long sigh of exasperation before she decided to speak again. "But understand this, if I hear ANYTHING happening in that house of yours...I will be calling the authorities." Her tone condescending and desperate, throwing in one last warning. Having-no needing to make sure she had the upper hand in this situation somehow. 
At the note of the conversation ending, Y/N takes a step to stand beside Mike with a toothy dangerous smile, his own suspicion of her attempts on one upping the two men. "We’re sure you will…don’t do it to often or we’ll arrange a restraining order on you." The man states back bluntly with a smug expression, smiling with his teeth in a grimace towards Jane. Y/N's presence by Mike’s side definitely made the woman uneasy. The man definitely knew how to gain the upper hand with her. “Huh, you don’t even have the resources to even get a restraining order!" She scoffed mirroring Y/N's smugness, planning to challenge the man.
"Mike might not, but I do." He replies with the same amount of bluntness in his tone. Not taking her smugness lightly as he pushed on. "I think this conversation as reached its end, stop calling the house every week and stop pestering. We’re all adults here, so why don’t you start acting like one." Y/N dangerously offered to Jane, setting his expression to a blank one as he spoke his last statement.
Jane's smugness fades from her face, realizing she was not coming out on top of this conversation. Her grip on her purse tightened as she looked away, trying to hide the fact that she was a bit scared by him. “Whatever!” She quickly muttered, walking away from the two, back to her car.
Y/N waits until the woman dips in her car, speeding off. He gently grasped Mike's hand once again, allowing the silence and his spoken words to settle. Mike smiles at him after he took his hand again, his hands stopped trembling as his heart rate began to slow down. The entire encounter was nerve racking, but knowing that it was something that he needed to do in order for Abby made it feel worth it. Sighing out of relief once she had left, thankful that it was all over.
Mike moved closer to the other man and rested his head on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around Y/N, anxiety washing away through each exhale. His grip reconnecting to the man's hand, tightening slightly. The two now flushed to one another, feeling their combined heartbeats against each others chest. Mike took solace in Y/N, a victorious chuckle released from Mike. "Can we stay like this awhile longer? I…I just wanna hold you...” He whispered agains the Y/N's shoulder.
"I don’t mind it…" The other man responded sweetly. Wanting to give Mike as much comfort as he could, after the fact. "We can stay like this as long as you’d like…"
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights of any of the characters I write about, all the rights go to their respective creators
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thestormynobody · 3 months
Sunrise Eight
You awaken in a clearing; which doesn’t seem quite right. Weren’t you doing something? You were…right? Keeping watch maybe? You failed that one if that’s the case. It’s also blindingly bright as if it were midday. Surely someone would have woken you up by now? If you were to reach Bambouche in a reasonable amount of time you needed to keep to the travel schedule. Odile was pretty clear about that. So then why—?
The party bustles around camp. They smile and greet you but it sounds distant like you’re hearing their voices from underwater. Maybe you’re still groggy? The trees bear in on you. It feels cramped and yet everyone seems impossibly far away. Isa and Bonnie are talking but you can’t make out the words. Odile has her back to you.
A shadow falls over you and you look up. Mirabelle.
“Good……………………..more like………….afternoon?”
“....What?” Your head hurts.
"Were you……That's just like you…..at a time like this"
“Mira— I don’t—? What are you saying?” This isn’t right. Where are the others? They were just here but you don’t see them anywhere.
"I guess that's....some rest while we can! …..ready for tomorrow"
Wait. No. That’s—
“So we can finally face against the King!”
Mirabelle goes rigid and her expression blank and in a voice that isn’t hers:
“You’ll be going back! Back to when everything started!” “I know you thought your quest is over, but it can’t be!”
“Somethings broken, somethings failing, rotting!!!!
No No No NO NO NO NONONONONONONONONONONO The trees are gone. Mira is gone. There are only all too familiar black walls and the smell of burnt sugar.
you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach you feel a tug on your stomach—
“Woah!!!! Sif!!” Isabeau just barely manages to catch hold of the collar of Siffrin’s cloak before they tumble out of the tree they were sitting in. Their arms flail wildly, their eye wide. Isabeau manages to haul them back onto the tree branch. “You okay there bud?”
They just stare at him wide-eyed for several long moments. Their whole body was shaking slightly.
“Siffrin, are you with me?”
Slowly, carefully he reaches his hand out. He hesitates for a moment then gently touches their shoulder. “Sif. Hey. It’s okay.”
They blink. Once. Twice. “I-Isa?”
He offers them a smile tinged with worry. “Scared me there for a second. Gotta be careful sleeping in trees. You…” he trails off as they reach their hand up to where his own hand rests on their shoulder. For a moment he wonders if they’re going to move it off of themself. Should have asked. Instead they just kind of rest theirs over his as if confirming it's real. He can still feel them shaking slightly.
“You’re real…right? I need you to be real.” Their voice is small and strained…desperate.
Oh Change, that could just about break his heart. Throwing caution to the wind he pulls them into himself; hugging them tightly. “Yes, I’m real. I’m here Sif. I’m here.”
They collapse into him.They breathe in. And out. The two sit quietly for a bit. Allowing Siffrin some time to center themself.
They give a barely perceptive nod.
“Wanna talk about it?”
They immediately shake their head no but then seem to think better of it. “I thought I was back in the loops.”
Oh. Yeah. That makes sense. “I can understand why you panicked….this isn’t the first time is it?” He’d seen how tired they looked. Noticed how often they offered to keep watch. He hadn’t pressed them on it before but in hindsight it made sense they’d have nightmares after everything they’d been through. He still didn’t have many of the details but he knew enough to know anyone would have come out of that situation with a fair share of trauma.
“No, it's not the first time…” they mumble into his chest.
“I wish you’d told me! I could’ve helped!”
“They weren’t so bad at first. I knew I was dreaming the first couple times. I didn’t-—want to bother anyone with it.”
“Sif—” Change can be hard. He can’t expect Siffrin to have completely shifted their mindset overnight. He knew firsthand how hard it is to talk to people when you feel like your problems make you a burden.
“I know!” They realize how loudly they spoke and more quietly repeat: “I know. I’m trying. I just— didn’t think it was a big deal. I thought maybe they’d go away the further out we got from Dormont but—”
“Instead they’ve been getting worse.”
There must be something… “Hm…Oh! How about this? We come up with some kind of codeword. Something you didn’t hear in the Loops so if you wake up thinking you’re back we can prove that you’re out?”
“Like what?”
They blink up at him looking mildly befuddled “Why waffles?”
“I like waffles!” A small smirk plays across his lips “Are you saying my suggestion is…wafful?”
“Pfft…hahahaha—” they laugh as if it was the funniest joke they’d ever heard. It takes them a moment to regain composure. They catch their breath, “Stars..”
Success. “Alright, alright, how about….sunrise? Cause um— it's a new day after the bad ones?”
“I may not need it every time but maybe-I can ask how many sunrises it's been since the loops sometimes?”
“Of course”
“.....how many has it been?”
“Eight.” they repeat softly. One day the number of sunrises it’d been since the loops will out number the number of loops. That day was a long way off but it was a start.
The two sit in silence for a bit til he feels them squirm a bit and realizes he still has them trapped in a hug and quickly releases them. “Ah! Sorry Sif!”
“S’okay, just lemme move into a more comfortable position.” They scoot so they’re beside him then lean against him.
He tries not to appear too flustered about the fact they are actively choosing to remain in very close physical contact. He was not expecting this though it is not unwelcome. They still hadn’t really talked about what exactly they were. Friends? Well obviously. Something more than that though? Maybe???? Now was hardly the time to bring it up though. Sif still needed time, and he was willing to wait as long as they needed him to.
He rests his arm around them. A safety net so they don’t fall again. “You can get some rest if you need to. I’ll take over keeping watch and if you have another nightmare I’ll be right here.”
They don’t protest this proposal and instead shift even more so they are practically laying on him. “Mmkay…” they say sleepily. They’re quiet for a long moment. Long enough he thinks they must have fallen asleep but then they say: “....thank you Isa.”
“Of course.” The two of them look out into the night sky. The stars were especially beautiful tonight. He watches as Siffrin lazily traces a pattern in the air between a few of them. Following their gaze he can just about make out a shape. Though he’s not sure of what.
“...it's a constellation. The little bear. You use their tail to find your way home…”
He starts to ask them what they mean but he realizes they have fallen asleep. Well. That’s okay. He looks out into the sky. It was no wonder Sif loved them so much. They were really quite pretty.
One day they’d talk about feelings and patterns and futures. But for now. There were stars.
Ok, so its probably a stretch to say this is Isatmonth prompt: Isabeau when I was already writing this before hand but hush Siffrin having nightmares post loops is a pretty common headcannon but I wanted to throw my hat in the ring so here we are. Huge props to Mos2.5 and Bethany from Isatcord for helping me workshop the keyword and to Nube for helping me with grammar. Commas my enemy....
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pixelyssa · 4 months
Bye I am acc desperate atp I need helpppp
Basically I go on holidays mid July and I just know the food will be so tempting (and I’m so scared of letting myself go) and my family will obvs notice if I don’t have anything but I also want to have a nice time 😭 what do I doooo??!!
And even if i eat small amounts of things I’ve no clue how many c@ls would be in them
I will be so so grateful for any tips or advice u have!! 💓
ily stay safe bb 🩵
hey! if i was in this situation i would just heavily r3strict for the week before. that way the vacation will be like a reward. ofc thats probably not good to advise you to do 😭
maybe instead of that, you can up your workouts and make sure all of ur meals/snacks are nutritional (get ur proteins and ur veggies) vs f00ds with just sugar and sodium. and that can help u have the energy to up ur workouts too.
u said you might “let urself go” no honey, its not a choice… its brain chemistry. if ur thinking about the f00d ur gonna be having over a month from now… youre in deep. you won’t “let yourself go”. youll be anxious either way. youre not gonns get used to e@ting normal and then just stick with it, even if h do youll slowly become obsessed with ur image again soon and go back to ur ways.. thats the fuck of it all… might as well ENJOY ur vacay.
it would rlly suck to go in vacation and be trying to guess the c4lories in everything, and ordering what u think is the lightest option. you should e@t what you want.
you can still r3strict certain f00d groups. if i was going on vacay with my family theyd buy snacks for the hotel or wherever we’d be staying. i would avoid those, bc i would normally avoid them at home.
going out to restaurants id do the same thing i do at home when i go to restaurants, order something that sounds good so i can enjoy myself, whether its a salad or a big mf burger lol. and i eat till im full. (if u dont have that sense, leaving 1/2 or 1/4 of the meal on the plate is a good measurement.)
if theres an appetizer, i have maybe a bite of each one and say im saving room for dinner, (my family and friends know i get full easily) & same goes with dessert. if it looks rlly good ill have a bite, but since i ordered what i WANTED for dinner, im satisfied before a dessert comes out and i play it off that im full.
i would probably figure out what we’re doing for food and decide what is most worth it to me and save my c4ls for that.
id also make a list of things i wanna enjoy. for example: my trip to nyc i wanted to try
-new york pizza
-a pastry and latte from the cafe next to my hotel
-a martini
-something fried from a food truck
-any non american food restaurant (italian, french, idk)
-a croissant from this popular cafe in times square
and i just kinda rationed it out. i remember my bf wanted to go for a walk, i new we’d pass the bakery, so i pointed it out and indulged there. got a matcha tea and a macaroon & then played off being full until dinner and chose something light (i think i made us get sushi that night which is pretty low in c4l) another day, we took the metro to soho and we walked around ALL day, so by the time we got back to the hotel it was late. we ordered the pizza i wanted to try… and i didnt care bc i had 20k steps done. i was still able to have everything i wanted the whole time, i just r3strictied the things that werent on my list.
idk what kind of vacation ur going on but a lot of them call for lots of walking, so thats a plus. you will not g4in that much. thats why i said id go crazy a week before, so that i dont feel like im g4ining it just feels like its fluctuating normally.
either way if u let urself enjoy it atleast ur metabolism will get faster! (im toxic) lol metab week(s?) ❕
me and my bf are planning a 2 week trip to europe. 2 weeks before we go i would push myself to burn way more c4l than normal. and i wouldn’t w3igh myself in that time. in 2 weeks i could lose like 4Ibs and not even know, that way when i get back from vacation and ive g4ined 3Ibs i wouldnt even notice. then life goes back to normal!
i hope that makes sense, and i hope its not too much. i really hope u enjoy ur vacation & can allow urself to enjoy a few of the f00ds wherever ur going. 🩷
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hippolotamus · 3 months
Hi sweetheart 🫶
Please tell me/ snippet me about Mirrorball, Weather and Time, You're where I wanna go, and Bridgerton AU? (I'm being so restrained by not asking for them all)
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James, my darling, my love. I know this is from an older ask game but I will never miss an opportunity to yell about this WIP. It is quite possibly the love of my life as far as creations are concerned. Thank you for asking about it. Some words for you. This is Buck's POV about the train ride to Chicago. The amount of time for the trip is a total guess on my part but the tears shed while I wrote this little bit were very authentic (all previous snippets here)
After three days on the train, Buck is ready to be almost anywhere else. Even if that place has a temperature that’s barely above freezing. He’ll accept that in exchange for being able to stretch his legs, to breathe crisp air that bites when he inhales and isn’t tinged with thick, black smoke from a steam engine.  The ride itself wasn’t awful. By all modern standards, especially compared to the coach passengers, it was smooth and comfortable. He and Lucy had access to any amenity possible. A private sleeping area, their choice of plush, cushioned chairs, and a private dining table.  Buck’s two favorite features were access to the observation car and the ability to talk to the conductor any time they wanted. He had a seemingly endless stream of questions about the train and its parts, fascinated by the enormous wheels, gears, and pistons and what made them run.  At night, when the crew was scarce and Buck couldn’t sleep, he found himself drawn to the grand glass panes that afforded a spectacular view for miles in every direction while it was still light. While that was noteworthy, he preferred the safety of darkness. An inability to distinguish small nameless towns from rolling fields of wheat and grass. At most he could see countless stars dotting the inky expanse as they sparkled and shone alongside the moon, appearing as a silvery sliver that might be plucked from the sky if only he tried hard enough. To anyone else, the view was practically worthless. But to him it was the reprieve he so desperately craved, as much there as any other setting. Because in the absence of light and detail, of giddy chatter from another pair of newlyweds that are sickeningly in love, there weren’t cabins and houses that might have been home. No bright mornings spent chasing until he was inevitably caught and rolled in the dirt, being rewarded with laughter and kisses. No afternoons in the shade of the giant oak, or on the porch if it was raining, listening to the soothing cadence of devastatingly pretty words from a book of poems. No evenings watching the sun set before falling into bed himself, wrapped in the kind of love only found in fairytales.
Also, I couldn’t say if I’ve ever shared the teeny tiny playlist I’ve started for this one but here it is 💞
I can’t remember who was or might be into this so I’m gonna take a guess at some lovelies and hope I got it right 😘 @daffi-990 @shortsighted-owl @bidisasterevankinard @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening
@tizniz @bi-buckrights @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@the-likesofus @thekristen999 @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @wildlife4life
@loveyouanyway @diazheartsbuckley @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley @stereopticons
@spotsandsocks @your-catfish-friend @filet-o-feelings @wikiangela @steadfastsaturnsrings
@giddyupbuck @kitteneddiediaz @jesuisici33 @watchyourbuck @shipperqueen6
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Liability Part 3
Pairing: College Student!Rafe Cameron x Cousenlor!Reader
Summary: Rafe comes stumbling and stuttering into the Readers workplace unannounced, hammered, and ready to give her a run for her money. Except the night ends with Rafe following her home like a lost puppy.
Warnings: Angst, intoxicated!Rafe, swearing, flirty talking.
Word Count: 4.6k
A/n: I love this part because I love whiney men. So does @tee-swizzle, shoutout to that hottie.
Part 1 ; Part 2
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“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” I mutter, eyes bulging out of my head as I quickly ring up the customer in front of me with the most sincere smile I can muster. I shove their receipt in their direction before quickly moving to the end of the bar as I reach up to rub my eyes, double checking to see if my eyes are deceiving me. 
I watch as Rafe and another man stumble into the bar with wide smiles until they come face to face with my extremely protective bouncer Rob, who happens to be twice the size of both of them. I’m quick to step in between the both of them with a huff, pressing hands against Rafe and Rob’s chests.
“You know this punk?” Rob asks, not bothering to look down at me as he stares Rafe down, thick brows furrowing together as I shove him away. He holds his hands up in surrender as my eyes flicker to Rafe, stomach churning at the boyish smile spread across his cracked lips.
“I counsel this ‘punk’.” I huff, folding my arms over my chest as Rafe grins, head tilting cutely at me.
“Hey doc.” He mutters, gruff voice sending shivers shooting down my spine. There’s a large gash on his cheekbone and a dark bruise forming under his eye, blue eyes ringed with a red tinge and a frown tugs on my lips.
“Rafe, I’m not serving you-”
“He doesn’t need any more.” His friend to the left of him laughs and mutters, ‘Josh’ under his breath, connecting the dots in my own head. The quarterback. 
“Any more? He’s been drinking?” I ask, reaching out to wrap my fingers around Rafe’s wrist, pulling him towards me and away from Josh who’s got a shit-eating grin on his lips. He just gives me a dumb shrug and reaches over to pat Rafe who’s dumbstruck eyes are stuck on me.
“I thought that was obvious given the fact he hasn’t been able to look up from your tits.” My knees wobble beneath me and my lips part in quiet shock as I lift my gaze up to look at a blushing Rafe who averts his eyes from me the second I catch him staring. He breathlessly mutters a quiet ‘I’m sorry’ under his breath and he reaches up to rub the back of his neck bashfully.
“Do you want me to remove him?” Rob mutters behind me but I just shake my head, reaching up to fist some of my hair as my mind races with thoughts. I could let him stay, let me stare at me for the rest of the night and be a permanent distraction or I could kick him out and tell him to go sleep it off and tell him that I’ll see him tomorrow. 
But the pitiful look he’s giving me, the kicked-puppy, ‘please help me, I’m sorry I’m pissing you off’ look makes me fold almost instantly.
“No- fuck, no. Just…” I pause before shoving a finger into Josh’s chest. “Don’t let him out of your sight. I have customers to take care of.” 
It took nearly two hours for Rafe to stop looking at me from across the room, him and Josh tucked safely into a corner booth where Rob can keep an eye on the both of them so I can go about my shift and take care of the desperate and needy customers across the bar.
The amount of people in the small bar has diminished significantly in the last half hour, drunks finding their way to taxi’s or begging their significant others for rides. The only noise now is the sound of snoring coming from the man at the far end of the bar, fingers loosely wrapped around the frosty, yet empty, glass in front of him.
“You are so fucking pretty.” My head snaps up from the sink in front of me to see Rafe gazing at me from across the far, forearms resting against the sticky bar and a dopey smile spreads across his lips. 
“You’re so fucking drunk, Rafe.” I laugh, sliding a glass of water towards him and he takes it gladly, sucking down in a moment's notice. He lets out a deep, strained breath, giving me an appreciative nod of approval. I toss a rag over my shoulder and give him a sideways look, almost asking him what he’s doing here but instead he just snaps his fingers and points a finger at me.
“I wanted to tell you, I’m not a manwhore.” He claims with hooded eyes, his words slurring together.
“Oh yeah?” I ask, flattening my palms on the counter in front of me, leaning forward towards him. I can’t ignore the way his eyes venture south the minute the V of my shirt dips as I inch towards him and I also can’t ignore the audible gulp that leaves him at my subtle change of position.
“If I was as skilled as you claim, then I would have no issue talking to you.” He explains but he doesn’t do too good of a job convincing me that he has absolutely no issues talking to me when he’s red in the face and stumbling over his words. Typically, I wouldn’t be able to exploit or point out his awkwardness in our sessions but here? Like Rafe would say, it’s completely off the record. 
“Well, we’ve discussed your issues with older women.” I tease, sending him a wink from across the bar, deeming the amount of space between us- the three feet of solid wood- a good enough barrier to keep me from stepping a bit too far over the line. 
But what is the line?
Where even is it because as I stare back at him, blue eyes flickering between my own, there’s nothing resembling any sort of boundaries between us other than the bar.
When we’re in sessions together, we flirt, sure, but to have him in my environment where I’m comfortable and confident- it’s a whole other ballgame- a dangerous ballgame. There are no rules here, no one’s looking over my shoulder, no ones mandated to be here.
We’re two consenting adults, out in the world. 
“You’re not that older than me and I know for a fact that you think I’m hot.” He states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world (it is, duh) and I can feel heat rising to my cheeks, eyes flickering away from him. “See?”
“Rafe, I’m three years older than you-”
“And that makes you a cougar.” He coos in a teasing voice, pulling a disgusted scoff from me.
“Rafe?” I ask, pouring him another glass of water, handing it to him before pointing to the barstool beside him. He gives it a sideways glance before glancing innocently back up at me as my lips fan out into a strained smile, tired of his accurate, yet annoying, teasing. “Shut up and sit down.”
“Yes ma’am.” He looks a bit like a deflated kicked puppy as he slides down onto the bench, running his fingers down his scalp with a deep breath, cheeks puffed out. He nurses the glass of water for a few minutes, sneaking glances at me as I serve other customers, sending fake smiles their ways before instantly deflating the minute they look away from me.
I feel like I’m babysitting Rafe on top of already babysitting the drunk, fumbling idiots tonight. 
When I get a free second, I look up to look for Josh, wondering if he’s sober enough to go home and take Rafe with him or, in the worst case scenario, I could offer the both of them a cab if he’s unable to drive. But when I look over at the booth that the two of them were sitting at, Josh is nowhere to be found and I begin to ask myself the question of why Rafe came up to the bar in the first place if Josh was still here.
“Wait…” I mutter, looking at Rafe with slitted eyes. “Did Josh leave?” I hiss, watching a nervous look pass through his expression and his head tilts to look back at the abandoned booth.
“Yeah, we had a party with one of the sororities. I didn’t want to go, I wanted to come here.” He explains simply, eyes softening as he looks up at me and I pause, heart melting at his sincerity.
He wanted to see me.
“Well that’s sweet, I’ll admit that. But how will you get home?” I quiz, flattening my hands against the bar as Rafe fumbles around in his pockets, brows knitted together, before coming up short.
“Josh has my keys and he drove.” 
“Fuck.” I mutter, fisting my hair once more as I look around at the crowd surrounding the bar, waiting for me to take their orders. I send a frantic look to my coworker and she gives me a firm nod before diving into taking orders. 
“It’s alright- I’ll figure it out.” He reassures but my head shakes almost immediately, worried that he would try to drive home or find Josh and just get even more drunk. Though I'd rather do my job and see him tomorrow, I'd rather make sure he's safe and not too terribly hung over for our session tomorrow.
“No, I’m not just going to let you wander around aimlessly or let you couch hop.” He pouts at my disagreement, lips parting but I cut him off before he can argue with me. “Just- can you wait till the end of my shift?” I ask with a huff, looking up at the clock behind me to see that I’ve only got about an hour of my shift remaining.
“I’ll take you back to my place.” A few beats pass, hesitancy passing across Rafe's expression as his eyes widen and a look of giddy excitement breaks across his face.
“Can I meet your cats?”
“Yeah honey, you can meet my cats.”
“I really expected you to be a jeep type of girl. Never would’ve expected an old Ford Bronco, though.” Rafe laughs and pats the hood of my car, fingers trailing slowly against the side as he opens the driver's side door for me. Chivalrous? I slip past him and down into my seat as he bobbles on his feet. “I mean it when I say you just keep getting cooler.” He chuckles, making his way around the car so he can fall down into the passenger seat with a sigh, sucking in a deep breath of air before pressing a hand to his chest.
“Thanks Rafe.” I laugh, starting the car up while stealing glances of him out of the corner of my eyes, worried that he’s suddenly overcome with nausea just by the look on his face. “Stick your head out the window if you’re going to barf.”
“Not going to barf.” He shakes his head, pressing a finger to his lips and he lets out a shameless hiccup. “I have a stomach of steel.” He grumbles through a burp and I roll my eyes, lowering his window a bit as a look of relief passes over him.
“What did you drink anyways?” I ask, pulling away from the bar, leaving all of the stress of the last few hours in my cars wake.
“I just took whatever shot Josh handed me.”
“Well that’s fucking stupid.” I snort, turning the car ever so slowly as Rafe rummages around in my glove box, pulling out a single stick of gun before shoving it into his mouth.
I bite back a giggle, always assuming that Rafe can't get any sillier until he does. It’s wholesome to see him like this- though inconvenient that it’s under the influence of alcohol- it’s nice to see him laid back and playful and not his typical stoic behavior. 
“I just needed to let go after my dad left.” He mutters vaguely and all too casually, lips tugging down into a frown and I pause at a stop light, glancing over at him with a frown.
“He came to see you?”
“Yeah. He always knows where to find me. And I think my sister drove him, which is almost worse.” My brows furrow at the thought of Wheezie being behind something that caused Rafe so much physical and mental pain but he just shakes his head, waving my concerns off. “Sarah, not Wheezie.” 
“So you do have other siblings.” I ask, heart thumping wildly against my ribs at the thought of him potentially opening up to me more and more, etching at his intoxicated walls with ease.
“Sober me would not be chill with drunk me giving out this information for free.” He tuts with a smirk, sticking his nose out the window to breathe in the fresh air as the green light in front of us reflects on his face. 
“Is Sarah a daddy's girl?” 
“To a pitiful fault.” He scoffs, jaw tensing hard and his eyes flutter shut.  “He’d do anything for her.”   
“What about your mom?” He shakes his head almost immediately as the world leaves my lips and I frown, heart hurting in my chest once more. His story just keeps getting sadder and sadder.  “Oh.”
“I have a Rose. My stepmom from hell who hates just about everyone but my dad.” He grits, the frowns on both of our faces only deepening as he peers over at me, sensing the tension that’s swarming between us in the car.
“So you really just have Wheezie, huh?” I ask but he just shakes his head, snapping himself out of his gloomy mood, hand reaching over to clasp my free hand that’s not on the wheel, my heart aching for a completely different reason now.
“And you.” He whispers nervously, his eyes not meeting mine as he stares out the window.
“I meant like your family.”
“I know.” How fucking sweet is that? 
Did Rafe just acknowledge me as someone he considers family? Yes. Am I going to bring it up later when he’s stone cold sober and can’t avoid me? For fucking sure, you betcha.
 “I see you more and talk to you more than any of them, including Wheezie.” He explains, fingers still linked with mine as if they’ve belonged there the whole night and I don’t make any effort to push him away, instead I just squeeze his hand as I turn the corner, hiding my stupid smile as best as I can.
“That’s kind of sweet.” I whisper but it goes over his head, drunken eyes locked on me, stuck on me, as his tongue sweeps out across his lips. “I’m gonna bully sober you for this.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” 
“Me too.”
By the time we get to my apartment building, I’m itching to ask him who caused the deep bruises on his face and who’s caused all of his emotional turmoil that I’ve gathered since the start of our sessions months ago.
If anything that he told me about his family is true, I can guess who it is but to hear him say it would open the door for me to ask more about his dad.
He seems relaxed, tucked into the heated seat beneath him as his eyes follow all of the lights passing outside the car, a drunk, calm smile on his lips. I don’t want to ruin the moment but a part of me feels that, if I don’t ask now, I won’t have the opportunity to ask again.
“Who beat the shit out of you, Rafe?” I ask, parking the car and unbuckling before turning to look at him, his expression dropping in the dim light coming from my apartment building. He pauses, lip tucking between his with a sigh and he reaches up to run his hand along his scalp.
“Good ol’ dad.” He mutters sarcastically and I reach out to tilt his chin towards me so I can get a better look at his cuts and bruises, my heart aching painfully in my chest at the thought of him hurting.
“Your dad did this?” I ask, fingers lingering briefly on his jaw but he just bats me away, brows lifting as a scoff escapes him. 
“Big shock, I know.”
“Why?” I ask, ignoring his sass, settling my hands in my lap so I don’t reach out to him once more but- the truth is- I want nothing more than to reach out to him, to wrap my arms around him in the small space of my car, to engulf him in a hug that manages to take all of his pain away.
But instead, I stick to myself.
“He found out about my mandatory sessions with you from a text with Wheezie.” He admits, sucking in a deep breath of air before shrugging.  “I-I don’t blame her, ya know? She’s just a kid.”
“Rafe…” I whisper, catching his attention and his eyes flicker up to mine, brows briefly pulling together as if my worry confuses him. Maybe he’s never had anyone worry about him before. 
“What?” He asks, pausing briefly but, after a moment, a look of realization passes across his expression and a small bashful laugh leaves him. “Oh, it’s fine, sweetheart. I can take it.” He brushes me off, but the smile on his lips is nothing but pained and, if I stare long enough, I can see tears pooling in his eyes.
“I don’t doubt that, I just-” I hesitate, not wanting to make him more upset or start an argument with him when he’s already reeling and intoxicated. “Should I be worried?” 
“If you want to be.” He laughs, giving me a sad smile as his head leans back against the headrest, soft eyes flickering back and forth between mine.
“Do you want me to worry about you?” I ask and it seems to be the breaking point for him because he sniffles and gives me a small nod, reaching up to dig his fists into his eyes, rubbing away his tears. 
“It would be nice for someone to.”
“This is cute.” Rafe mutters, stepping into my apartment as I lock the door behind us, kicking my shoes off to the side as he wanders around. “I thought there’d be more plants.” He laughs, finger poking at a fake plant on my dining room table, red eyes flickering back to me. “Your office has a lot of plants.” 
“I can’t keep plants alive for the life of me.” I giggle, pinching the plant to show him how fake it is and his head dips back in laughter, his blushing cheeks seen in the dim light above him. I sway awkwardly for a moment as he leans against my counter, eyes trailing over me. There’s a weight to his gaze, one that makes me want to curl in on myself and hide from him but I can’t move.
“That’s ironic since your job is to talk a bunch of morons out of killing themselves.” He teases, kicking off of my counter to step up to me, my own feet walking backwards until I hit the wall. He doesn’t stop until our toes touch and the air sucks from my lungs at his proximity and, with there no longer being a bar between us, keeping us apart from one another, it’s game on. Who’ll break first. “You’re so pretty.” His voice cracks, fingers brushing against mine. 
“Rafe-” I start but the words fall flat, stuck on the tip of my tongue and my mind blanks as his blue eyes flicker back and forth between mine, hanging onto every potential word that can leave my lips. He looks just so ready for me to talk to him, for me to open up, to step over the obvious line I’ve drawn between us but now that line is just muddled and broken.
“This is off the record.” He whispers, his fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake as he brushes them up my arm, all the way up to my cheek. His hand splays across my cheek, cool palm against my heated skin and I gasp, heart stopping in my chest. He’s never been this close, he’s never touched me for this long and now that he is, there’s a part of me that never wants to let him go. “I think you’re so beautiful.” Even if I tried, I can’t seem to bite back the grin that spreads across my lips and my hands reach up to fist his shirt in my hands, grounding myself to him and reality. This has to be a dream, some twisted, fucked up fantasy that my brains created. He’s been all I’ve thought about for the last three months, how could I not see him in nearly everything I do. 
But this isn’t a dream, not with the way that he’s looking at me, not with the weight of his hand against my cheek and the way his thumb drags over the crease beside my eye- he’s here, though he reeks like alcohol, he’s here.
“And I could go on and on for hours about what I think about you. B-But I wanna know what you think about me.” 
“Why?” His hand trails, moving to rest on my shoulder and my knees wobble as his thumb brushes against my collarbone, shamelessly dipping under the neckline of my shirt. His eyes don’t move from mine though, even with his fingers dancing across my bare skin, he wants nothing more than to capture every fleeting, flustered look passing through my gaze as I stare up at him. 
“I read somewhere, uh, that people who are abused as kids crave validation when they’re older.” He stutters out, eyes finally breaking from mine to follow the tips of his fingers as he traces along my skin. 
“So you want validation?” I ask, hands splaying flat against his chest, attempting to put some distance between us so I can focus on the weight of his words because I can’t seem to think straight with him this close to me, practically breathing in every choked exhale that escapes me. “About what?”
“Anything and everything.”  
“You’re a needy drunk, Rafe.” I giggle, attempting to be playful but my expression drops as he leans in close to me, nose brushing against mine.
“You have no clue.” I would usually make fun of him for sounding so pathetic but the way that his words almost sound like he’s begging and, if I didn’t know him better than that, I’d say that’s exactly what he’s doing. His eyes, though hooded, are focused on me and his lip is jutted out in a small pout. His hand trails down to rest on my waist, fingers slipping beneath my shirt to rest on my bare waist and a shiver runs down my spine.
“You really want to fix that whole paygrade predicament don’t you?” I ask, letting myself go just enough to slide my hands up the expanse of his chest to rest on his shoulders, fingers briefly squeezing the tense muscles that seem to relax under my touch.
“Desperately.” He whispers. “I wanna know shit about you- and, I know, Wheezie told me to go about this a little more sober and a bit less, uh, needy. But, without alcohol, I genuinely can’t talk to you, face to face, I-I mean.” He rambles, sucking in a big gulp of air.
“How drunk are you?” I ask, biting at my bottom lip and he grins handsomely. 
“Drunk enough.” I pause, collecting my thoughts as he waits patiently, hanging onto every breath that escapes me as his hand slips further beneath my shirt, moving to trail his fingers along my spine, pulling me impossibly closer to him. With our chests pressed together, it’s even harder to think and I feel myself in a comfortable state of claustrophobia.
“I think you’re wildly intelligent.” I whisper, hand snaking around the back of his neck to drag my fingers along his scalp, pulling a low groan from him. A car passes by my window, illuminating Rafe’s face for a moment and, if I would’ve blinked or glanced away, I would’ve missed the small blush that dances across Rafe’s skin.  “And I think you’re wildly handsome.”
“You already told me I’m handsome though.” He whines with a playful smile, leaning down to press a simple kiss to my cheek, the action making my stomach flip in all different sorts of directions, my head spinning and my eyes shamelessly flutter shut.
“Well, what do you wanna know?” I ask, head thumping against the wall as his lips travel down my jaw, barely kissing me but instead just skimming along my skin until his nose brushes against the shell of my ear. My lip slips between my teeth, biting hard enough to draw blood but it’s the only way I can keep the plethora of noises that desperately wish to escape me.
“If you feel the same way when we’re in the same room together?”
I know I should push him away, tell him and his husky voice to leave me alone and that this shouldn’t be happening between us, that we shouldn’t be flirting and letting this come between his possible healing but I can’t seem to get myself to the point where I actually say stop because no part of me actually wants him to stop.
“How?” I ask but I know exactly what he means because I’m feeling it- feeling him- right now.
“Like you have bugs crawling under your skin, o-or like your heart is beating so hard that it feels like it could break your ribs.” There’s a grin in his voice, I can hear it as he speaks and his hand coming to rest on my cheek again forces my eyes open so I can gaze up at him, feeling so small in his grasp. “Like you could just lean over the table and…” He trails off, eyes flickering briefly down to my lips and I pause for a moment, brain fogging over as I’m completely and utterly consumed by the fact that he could kiss me right now- he could do worse than kiss me- and I would do nothing about it.
“And what-”
“I really wanna kiss you right now.” He pleads, slotting his leg between mine as I let him hold me against the wall behind us, and I find myself nodding before I can even get the words out. I’ve never wanted anyone to kiss me more than right now- all of my other kisses have been fleeting, one night stands, random guys from college kissing me in the middle of a frat party- but nothing has ever felt like this. The anticipation, the waiting, the mutual need to just be close to one another- it’s sickening in all of the best ways. 
Ways I never thought I would experience.
“Rafe.” I moan, nails dragging against his scalp and he groans, chest rumbling as his fingers push my hair behind my ears before using his thumbs to tilt my chin so his lips are only inches from mine.
“Please let me kiss you. You can be mad at me tomorrow when I’m sober.” God, he said please. 
“I-” I pause, throwing caution out the window. “Okay.”
“Okay?” He asks with a timid laugh, wide eyes almost double checking that I actually agreed, scared to do anything without my complete and utter consent. “Fuck, okay.” 
He’s slower than I would’ve anticipated, blue eyes not closing until the last minute when his lips touch mine in a gentle peck, testing the waters before diving back in. His strong hand against my cheek leads the kiss and I let him, letting my body curve into his as he dips me gently over his forearm that’s snaked around my waist. He feels nervous, heart pounding against his chest so hard that I can feel it against my own ribs- or maybe it’s just my own heart racing. He hums quietly and goes to pull away but I don’t let him get far, chasing his lips desperately, clinging to him now that I finally have him so close. He lets out a shocked moan as I deepen the kiss, tongue skimming against his lower lip, tasting the alcohol on his tongue as a shameless giggle leaves me.
His forehead rests against mine as we catch our breath, his eyes still shut and I allow mine to sweep over his expression, loving the soft smile on his lips that grows with every peck that I place on his lips. He looks so tired all of a sudden, the deep bruise under his eye worsening with every passing moment but he doesn’t seem to mind the cut on his lip anymore even though it’s open and bleeding once more. His tongue sweeps out, a small hiss leaving him at the taste of blood and his eyes finally open. A green film passes across his expression and I find myself pushing him away from me as he sucks in a deep breath.
“If you’re going to throw up, please don’t do it in my mouth.” I giggle but he just sways on his feet, hands reaching out to my hips to settle himself. 
“I need to sleep.” He mutters, reaching up to rub his eyes like a sleepy child, a loud yawn leaving him as I reach out to pat his chest, wrapping an arm around him to help him over to my couch. He’s passed out the minute his head hits the pillow and I let out a deep sigh, reaching out to pull a blanket off of the back of the couch, wrapping it around him the best I can as he snores quietly, a small smile still on his lips.
Well fuck, if this isn't a Title X form waiting to happen.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
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moonlight-prose · 11 months
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a/n: this day was written late yesterday and if it wasn't for @soulores cheering me on for kinktober i might not have skipped it. but here we are! marc spector is especially filthy in this story and i am here for it. honestly this man just deserves some really good head. so i'm here to deliver. and with this fic week two is complete!
day sixteen - sixty-nine + anal play | kinktober 2023
summary: "yet for a moment you felt entirely at peace. as if the universe had stopped time to give the two of you this moment—this small amount of serenity to indulge in the fruit of each other’s bodies."
word count: 1.3k+
pairing: marc spector x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, sixty-nine, anal play, oral (f + m receiving), giving marc sloppy head, marc giving you sloppy head, spit play sort of.
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Fingers curled desperately into the bed sheets below, heart practically beating out of your chest. Yet for a moment you felt entirely at peace. As if the universe had stopped time to give the two of you this moment—this small amount of serenity to indulge in the fruit of each other’s bodies.
You sighed, head resting against his bare thigh, eyes fluttering shut as his palms cupped your ass. Pulling you even closer to his mouth. A single touch from him made you go dizzy—nearly incoherent with the way his mouth pressed a line of kisses up your inner thigh. The two of you barely got moments like this. An entire afternoon simply dedicated to watching each other fall apart.
Sunlight filtered in through the windows, warming the bed as he worked his way upwards, his moan muffled against your supple skin. His thumbs kneaded at the flesh of your ass, spreading you open until the cool air settled right along the tight puckered hole he’d been ignoring. Your body shivered at the sensation. His tender caresses and even softer kisses made you ache—your heart screaming out for more than just this.
“You smell so good baby,” he said, his voice deep and hoarse with sleep. Just thirty minutes ago you’d been curled in his arms, waking up to the sound of Steven’s alarm going off.
“Marc,” you whined, hand sliding along his muscled thigh, nails scraping the skin until he shivered beneath you. “Need you.”
He grunted, hips bucking up and cock practically begging for your attention. It leaked against his stomach, smearing precum everywhere, and you felt your mouth water at the sight. Could practically taste him on your tongue. With a soft grip, you maneuvered him towards you kiss bitten lips, eyes drooped and glazed with lust as you admired the ruddy head of his cock. The redness that tinged his entire body.
“C’mon baby,” he breathed, biting into your ass and drawing a moan from your lips. “Put me in your mouth yeah? Get me nice and wet for you.”
Heat spilled into your body, causing you to clench around nothing and he groaned at the sight—his thumbs spreading you even further. You felt shameless. Open for him to take what he wanted and perhaps that’s what spurred you on. What made you take him into your mouth with a soft moan—cheeks hollowing when he grunted long and rough against your skin. His taste burst across your tongue, heady and delicious as you took him further. Until the head of his cock reached the back of your throat.
“Fuck,” he groaned, thumb pressing lewdly against your entrance, curving in and spreading your hole slightly. “You take me so fucking well baby.”
You moaned, tears stinging your eyes at the lack of oxygen in your throat, but the feeling of his thighs shivering made you keep going. Until you had no choice but to pull up, gasping for air—hand rapidly pumping him. He slid his thumb to your clit, mouthing along your ass, a grin being pressed into you when he heard you moan. The sound, high and broken.
“You like sucking my cock don’t you?” he said, the smile prominent in his tone. As if he was teasing you for getting so fucking wet from this.
“Uh-huh,” you mumbled, eyes trained on the pearly drop of precum that slid down his length. Sticking to the skin of your palm as you continued to pump him. “Want you to cum down my throat.”
“Shit.” He let out a long groan when your tongue licked from the base to his tip, lips wrapping around him again. Only for him to yank your hips back, mouth sealing over your dripping pussy—ripping a cry from your throat.
His hips bucked up into your mouth, causing you to gag, but that seemed to be exactly what he wanted. Sure Marc loved to tease you. Rile you up to a point of begging. But when it really came down to it, he was far more eager than you. Willing to devote as much time as humanly possible when it came to making you cum. Which is why when his tongue slid along your pussy, lips sucking your clit into his mouth, you felt the tightness in your stomach grow at an impending rate.
Pulling yourself off of him, you moaned a sloppy version of his name, your throat thick with need. He licked at you like you were the only meal he’d get, the only taste he could ever want on his tongue. And it didn’t take long for him to bring you to the very edge.
His thumb slid up, spreading your slick until it pressed at the tight ring of your asshole. White flashed behind your eyes, your body attempting to curl away from his touch as the pleasure heightened to an intense degree. But he simply yanked you back. Spitting against your entrance and spreading it upwards with his tongue. Until you were loose enough to let his thumb sink into you right to the knuckle.
“So fucking tight back here,” he groaned, sucking one of your lips into his mouth and letting it go with a pop.
“Oh god Marc.” In an attempt to get him right where you were, you lifted your head and spit directly onto the head of his cock. Watching in awe as your saliva mixed with his juices. Making a mess of your hand.
Taking him back into your mouth, you relaxed until he hit the back of your throat with ease. A strangled groan being ripped from his chest and pressed into your ass. It caused pride to bloom in your chest—knowing you could render him as incoherent as he could you. There was nothing quite like it.
The pleasure was mounting faster than you expected and you bobbed your head, attempting to drag him down right along with you. Yet you didn’t expect him to sink two fingers into you at once, filling you completely and stretching you in a way you hadn’t felt before. A slurred cry was muffled around his cock as you toyed with his balls, your hips pressing back against his mouth as he licked at you loudly.
“Cum for me,” he growled, sucking at your clit roughly, teeth scraping along the throbbing bud.
Moaning around his cock, you felt your entire body go taut. Pleasure filling you to the very brim, until you could hardly stand it. You gushed into his awaiting mouth, eyes rolling back as he doubled down on his efforts, dragging you even higher. Until your legs were trembling and you were choking on his length. Spit drooled down your chin, tears spilling free, but Marc could feel it. The way his stomach tensed, balls drawing up in an almost painful way.
A sound tore from his chest, reverberating against your pussy as he spurted into your mouth, nearly dripping down your throat. And you drank him down, moaning softly at the taste of him now permanently etched on your tastebuds. Only when he tugged at your hair, pulling off his cock did you stop. Sliding your fingers through the mess on your neck and licking them clean.
You laughed lightly, draping yourself over his thighs. “Better than breakfast.”
A smack echoed in the room, his hand hitting your ass as his chest rumbled. “Careful. I’m more than happy to keep going.”
The offer was awfully tempting, but you could hear the clock ticking in the distance.
He sighed, head falling back against the pillows, hands kneading your ass gently. Exhaustion riddled your bodies, calling you back to that lovely state of sleep. Yet you knew the remainder of the day awaited. Kissing his thigh, you rested your head against his leg, feeling his lips drag along your skin.
A soft moment of peace before you had to leave it behind for good.
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