#washing your mouth out with soap just won't do
dervampireprince · 10 months
taking care of astarion after cazador's death no smut, just comfort /// gender-neutral reader/tav
after cazador's deminse, after the spawn leave, once it's just you and your companions again, astarion doesn't speak. it's as if he's in a daze. you're torn between giving him space and leaving him on his own, and wondering if he really needs to not be alone right now.
he's still covered in blood, you'd given him a shirt he pulled on over his head, the grime on his skin soaked through and left it sticking to his skin, it was over his face, in his hair. he didn't make any move to wipe any of it away.
the trek out of the castle, out of the dark, seemed so long. you wondered how he was still standing, how he was dragging his legs. you stay by his side, but did not touch him, you make no move to grab his hand, to sooth him. you hoped walking at his side, matching his pace, conveyed enough. you were here. and you weren't going to touch him until he said it was alright.
you only had one plan you cared about when you finally reached the inn. the others talked amongst themselves, one by one their eyes lingering on astarion, apologising, telling him he did the right thing, that they were proud of him. you watched them start to retreat up to their rooms as you spoke with innkeeper.
once done with your conversation, key in hand, astarion still stood at the foot of the stairs.
"were you waiting for me?" you asked. he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes drifted down, he paused. "i want to take you somewhere. and i know you're tired, i promise it's to help you rest."
he nodded, still mute, you reached out to take his hand, stopped yourself, and instead beckon him to follow you.
you wound through the inn, existing out into a small garden, and entering the building on the other side, guiding astarion through the main door and down the corridors until you found the door that fits the key the innkeeper gave you.
inside was a small, private bath, sunken into the ground like a hot spring. it's nothing that fancy, but it's quiet, and fits it's purpose. you press the key into his hand, carefully.
"i can leave, if you'd like. and you can take all the time you need... or, if you'd rather, i can stay and help you wash. and that's all we'll be doing. i'd be touching you, but it wouldn't be sexual. and if you're not comfortable with that, it's okay," you twisted your head to try and catch his gaze. "would you like me to stay or go? i won't be offended or upset, the choice is yours, and if you'd rather i go i'll be waiting for you upstairs."
he still didn't speak, you wondered if his screams and cries earlier have made his voice hoarse, or if he just can't bring himself too. your hand hovered by his cheek, not touching, but trying to guide his head to turn towards yours, and when he finally does there's wetness in his eyes, the blood high on his cheekbones becoming smudged.
"would you like me to stay?"
his teeth sank into his lip, if they drew blood you'd be unable to tell. he nodded his head.
"would you like to undress yourself, or do you want me to help?"
you saw him shudder, and he stepped back and as he started to remove his clothes you did the same with yours. you wade into the bath, sinking down and sigh as the water washes over your tired muscles.
you turned, and reached out a hand towards him. he took it.
he's silent as you reached into the small basket at the side of the bath, lathering soap in your hands and getting to work, starting with his hands, kneading around his nails, up his arms, his torso, his face.
he's silent as you nudged him to move, knelt up behind him, asked him to tilt his head back, poured water over his head, felt him start to relax as he closed his eyes, running your hands through his hair, feeling as though it's the most intimate action you've ever done with him, despite the multiple nights of passion.
he's still silent when you exited the baths, annoyed that you can't just roll under clean sheets but have to redress yourselves, as you hesitated to follow him into your room, ready to bunk with one of the others, but he took your hand, and then you're both silent as you undress again, crawl under the sheets, letting him reach for you this time, now that he's ready, taking him in your arms, cradling his head to your chest, fingers playing with his hair.
you don't imagine the soft "thank you" that fell from his lips as you both drifted off to sleep.
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gremlingottoosilly · 5 months
saw ur monster 141 with pup reader (!!!!) and what about kitty reader who's just the softest, sleepiest, pliant little thing, who's breed is scottish fold so her little ears are flattened on her head - and she's so small, too :(
Cat reader!! yes!! Scottish fold monster breeds have a lot more problems than their cat versions have - weak spine and problems with walking are some of them, unfortunately. You are a lot sleepier than other hybrids, practically helpless in hunting and you don't even know how to play with your prey properly - as a show breed of a domestic cat, you can only lay down in your nest and purr for the amusement of other monsters. It doesn't free you from your breeding duties, however. Soap is, by far, the worst with you. Being a werewolf, he is your natural enemy - and he might mean well when he is dragging you out of your nest so you could run and play together, but you're too lazy and get tired too fast to actually enjoy playing with him...and of course, you simply hate hate hate his enthusiasm about everything!! Seriously, you need some time to recharge, how is this man even for real? He would bite you all the time, too, and you scratch him constantly, but it only makes him want you more( he will laugh and push his face to kiss and lick you all over, and it's so gross, you just can't stop cringing( Gaz is...nice. And you hate the he is nice because he makes it hard for you to hate him. Like many cats, you don't really enjoy bathing yourself. You're doing just fine with occasional showers or licking yourself in your cat form, why would you need to take a bath every night or two?? Gaz is the only one who is capable of dragging you - Ghost could, too, but he doesn't want to waste time, so you're stuck with smiling Kyle and his enthusiasm of spreading various shower gels on your body, making you all soapy and smell like flowers( he is getting his fair share of scratches too, but if he manages to clean and play with your pussy properly, you might allow him to proceed with washing you... Ghost is a cat person, by all his heart. It's weird, to watch this big, shadowy man loom over you like you're his precious pet, but he just won't stop staring at you. It's weird and somewhat creepy, but you love receiving surprising head scratches or belly rubs. What you don't like, is when you want to capture him in belly trap with your claws, but he just disappears in a puff of shadow and escapes(( it's not fair!! Ghost allows you to scratch him, however, when he is feeling like it - after a really good sex, when you both are just laying in your ruined nest, he would push your mouth on his bicep and allows you to bite him and cover him in your marks - it will dissapear, of course, but you just look so cute, like a helpless angry kitten... Against all odds, Price is your favorite sleeping buddy. Why? Because of his body temperature, of course! Gaz is warm too, but he doesn't have this bear-type tummy on his chiseled abs for you to curl up, so you opt to sleep on Captain's chest or lap. Price always laughs when you find him in his office when you push yourself on his lap and lay your head against his warm, soft chest. He won't let you go during the night, letting you bask in his heat - you just look so precious all sleepy like this, and you meowl perfectly when he pushes his cock in your pussy, making you even warmer. You would purr in your sleep and he thinks it's just the most precious sound in the world.
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mellowwillowy · 5 months
CW: A literal Serial Killer, obv gore description.
Yan! Serial Killer who didn't expect to fall head over heels for you, his supposed next victim. Don't get him wrong, he still wishes he could just yank those eyeballs out of your eye sockets and dip them into his cup of tea but he will refrain from doing so, just yet.
Yan! Serial Killer who loves to hide under your bed and waits for you to either fall asleep, stay up like a bat, or do your business. He's savoring every little noise you make like a fine wine.
Yan! Serial Killer who will actually stay in your home like he lives in it. Won't hesitate to make himself a dinner if you are a heavy sleeper (can always just knock you out with sleeping pills). That said he will also shower in your home, savoring the scent of the products you are using
Yan! Serial Killer who actually helps you in one way or another! Oh goodie, you ran out of soap! Here, let him refill it for you. Wait, you got a stain on your shirt. tsk tsk tsk, this will do justice. Hm? Are we running out of eggs? A visit to the market will solve the problem!
Yan! Serial Killer who loves to collect the eyeballs of anyone who dares to look at you for more than 5 seconds adoringly. He's lucid enough to differentiate which one to be spared and which one is not.
Yan! Serial Killer who almost squeals happily when you acknowledge him indirectly. "Perhaps my fairy godmother has finally come to help me," you quoted.
Yan! Serial Killer who can't help but stroke one out on your sleeping figure, his hand lifting your pajama up to reveal your chest. He will go as far as to rub his cock against your sex then whoops, plunge it into your hole <3
Yan! Serial Killer who contemplates whether he should cum inside you or not. One thing leads to another, and he chooses not to (It's rather troublesome to wash you up so he just came inside your mouth <3
!! Gore Warning !! (You don't have to read it if you are not a fan of it, nb: Cannibalism and Necrophilia + Backstory)
Yan! Serial Killer who somehow adores the idea of gutting you and feeling your innards, tasting how your heart beats against his tongue, or playing with guts as though he is making dough.
Yan! Serial Killer who adores you so much that he won't stop rutting against you, fucking you despite your state, cold and unmoving. Dead. He might even treat himself by burying himself deep in your guts huh?
Yan! Serial Killer who will not let death separate you two. Didn't you know that the reason he fell for you? Ah, you didn't know why he is branded as a serial killer too right?
Erickson is a man of wonder, due to his upbringing as the first heir of an infamous dukedom, he has been spoiled rotten with everything he has always wanted.
Nonetheless, he feels like he has never even once been given what he truly wanted because the supposed first heir is supposed to be his twin brother, Noel, who came out first.
In the mansion where his family resided, there was a servant who caught his twin brother's heart. A girl, or a boy? He pondered. It appeared that you were an orphan that his mother took in out of pity for your state.
It was not love nor fascination. It was the urge to take and destroy what Noel possessed and adored. And this kept going even until the three of you grew up as adults.
He would do anything to tarnish his brother's life, his position, his honor, and his beloved. That would also include you, his unrequited lover whom he accidentally met during his killing spree.
It was boredom that killed him and killing people kept him away from boredom. But you? You surely would not fail to ease his boredom for you were whom his brother longed for. And what Noel longed for would be what Erickson longed for as well, alas loving you in his stead.
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thegnomelord · 9 months
Soap Has a Musk Kink
CW: NSFW, what it says on the tin, musk kink, blowjobs, dom/sub undertones, Male Top Reader, Sub Bottom Soap, I wrote this instead of sleeping, this is dirty I need a shower,
As always y'all are free to ask me or send suggestions for what I should write next.
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Soap has an unmentioned fixation with your scent, especially after any mission when you return smelling like sweat and blood and dirt and whatever else you managed to roll in. He's always the first to greet you when you return, hugging you despite your complaints about getting him dirty. You always see this as a sweet gesture instead of what it really is — his perverted need to smell you when you smell like war and testosterone and aggression and fucking alive.
Good Lord help him if it's his turn to spar with you; He needed to buy looser shorts because the combination of feeling your strong hands on him, your sweaty skin rubbing against his, and smelling your heavy musk whenever you pin him with your thighs in a headlock has him rock hard and tenting his pants in seconds. You never notice this, nor his little shuffle of shame to the showers, but the others do, and even he can't help averting his eyes when Ghost gives him a knowing look or Gaz snickers behind his fist as he glances between him and you.
Sometimes when you have a long mission coming up and Soap won't see you for a few weeks, he'll sneak in and steal a pair of your underwear. You'll notice their absence but chuck it up to loosing them in the wash, unaware that they're hidden under Soap's pillow. On lonelier nights when you can't talk over the phone he'll huddle up under the covers and burry his nose in your underwear, chasing your lingering scent as he fucks his cock into his fist while imagining what you'd say if you ever found out. Or he'll take your underwear into his mouth, lick and suck until the material is drenched in saliva and his tastebuds taste like you while he fucks himself on a dildo.
And when you finally come home to him, smelling of the same war and blood and testosterone, he turns completely pathetic.
He can spend hours with his head between your thighs with your cock balls deep in his throat, his gag reflex all but gone as he burrows his nose into your pubes and huffs your heavy masculine scent like it's the best drug in the world. He won't even notice when he starts gagging, mind so blissed out about your scent he'll gladly choke on you and when you finally pull him off so he can catch a breath — he'll whine and ask to let him do that again.
His favorite blowjob moments are when you tell him to clean you off after you shot a load down his throat. He'll happily clean every inch of your sweaty skin, from the tip of your dick down to your ass and perineum, looking up at you with lust drunk eyes and your balls on his face.
Or he'll beg you to sit on him and he'll be unsatisfied if you're not crushing him under your weight. Then he's polishing your balls with his tongue like a man possessed, nuzzling his face into them until every labored and small breath he takes smells like you, until all he can think in his oxygen deprived mind is you.
And please for the love of God mock or praise him. Call him a 'good boy' or a 'disgusting pig' and he's hard as a rock after just a few words. Hell, you don't even have to touch his pathetic cock, put it in a chastity cage and he's still leaking like a faucet.
Or better yet — praise and humiliate him. Call him 'your dirty little puppy' while he's choking on your cock and he'll warm it until you decide to tug him off, call him 'a good slut' as he humps his cage against your boot while nosing your balls and he'll cum on the spot if you don't pull your boot away in time, call him 'such a good pathetic boy' as you play and tug the chastity cage while he's sucking on your balls and he'll whine so loudly you'll feel it through your entire body. He won't beg you to be kind or cruel, so blissed out from the smell and taste of pure you that he couldn't plead for anything even if his mouth wasn't ocupied.
By the time you flip him on his back to fuck him good and proper it's as if he's already cum several times with the amount of pre he's leaked all over the bed, barely able to do much besides spread his legs wide and moan like a proper whore just for you. He tries his best to cling to you as you piston your hips, loud and unabashed moans spilling from his lips with every 'slap, slap, slap' of your balls against his ass.
And when you grow tired or near deaf from his voice, gag him with the same pair of underwear he'd stolen from you a month before. Put the pair you'd been wearing on your mission on his face to further silence him and the moment he registers your concentrated musk in his nose as you fuck him to the edge of his life he's coming so hard he blacks out, screaming your name at the top of his lungs that the entire base can hear.
It's not his fault he's such a perve, you just smell too good.
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corroded-hellfire · 4 months
Hi! I had this idea for the As you wish - series. What if reader finds her first grey hair or maybe spot the first lines on her face and panics because she thinks "Eddie was drawn to me because I was so young, what if he won't be drawn to me anymore?!"
Ah, the signs of aging. As someone who has had a line across her forehead for years now, I felt this lol. Despite what society tries to tell us though, aging is good! Never forget that.
Words: 2.1k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Waking up before your alarm clock used to be considered a sin to you. It’s not like you were always out partying all night in college when you were younger, it’s just the principle of the thing. How dare your body naturally wake you up just as the sun is making its first appearance over the horizon? The words “early morning” left a sour taste in your mouth, and you’d do whatever you could to get a few extra hours of sleep.
If growing up and becoming a productive member of society didn’t get your body accustomed to waking up earlier than in your teenage years, being a mom of three certainly did. 
The boys are both teenagers themselves now and won’t get up for school willingly, which means you’ve had to learn a few tricks over the years. But one of those tricks was seemingly fading as time ticked by as well. Eliza used to be up before the crack of dawn, her cries or laughter beating the rooster’s crow to the punch. Now that she’s pushing four years old, she often sleeps later than you or Eddie, which means she’s not readily available to bother her brothers into a wakened state. That still leaves Eddie though, and he considers it a joy to annoy his sons awake—payback for all the years they did it to him. 
But this morning you’re awake not only before your alarm, but before anyone else in the house as well. A few emerging beams of sunlight shine through the gaps in your blinds and warm the side of your face as you turn towards it. A content hum leaves your lips as you open your eyes, blinking away the bits of sleep still clinging to the corners. Your heavy head lolls to the other side and comes face to face with your sleeping husband. 
It’s impossible not to smile at his open jaw dotted with scruff, just a hint of drool pooling in the corner. Telling yourself to get up out of bed and not bury your face in his chest and cuddle back into the blankets feels like a Herculean task as you gaze at his handsome face. 
With a sigh, you push yourself up and stretch your arms up over your head. The bright side of being the first one up is that you can go through your morning routine in peace, you suppose. 
The plush carpet is warm on your toes as you slip from bed and pad over to the en suite bathroom. A fierce yawn erupts from your mouth as you turn on the faucet to wash your face. The back of your hands rubs against tired eyes as you wait for the water to heat to an acceptable temperature. The house is quiet and still around you, giving you a sense of calm that you’re sure won’t last once the kids are awake. 
A green washcloth hangs on a hook next to the mirror above your sink and you lather it with your apple blossom-scented soap before rubbing it over your face. The scratch of the cloth on your skin feels good, taking any remnants of the full night’s sleep off and preparing you for the new day. 
You let the wet swatch of fabric fall back down into the sink and grab the matching towel to pat your face dry. As you hang the towel back on the hook, you lean in towards the mirror above the sink and let your eyes roam over your features. Luckily, it seems like that small breakout you had last week has finally cleared up and your chin is blemish free. Your eyes trail farther up and once they get to your forehead your hands grip the side of the sink with enough force to crack the white porcelain in half.
There is a line across your forehead. 
Immediately, your hand goes up and tries to rub it away. Still there. Maybe it’s a smudge on the mirror. All your hand does is smear fingerprints across the glass surface, but the line on your face is still there. 
Gently, you rub the tips of your fingers over the crease in your skin. When you can feel the indent where it used to be firm, an involuntary whimper falls from your lips. Your forefinger traces the line back and forth from the left side of your face to the right. Tears gather in the corners of your eyes and your arms drop down to your sides.
You have a wrinkle. 
The ugly word has the tears spilling over your bottom lids and you squeeze your eyes shut. This is ridiculous, you try to tell yourself. It’s perfectly normal. Aging is a good thing. You force your eyes open and glare at the unwelcome addition to your face. But why does aging mean you’ll start to feel insecure about how your body changes? Wasn’t puberty enough of that bullshit?
A sharp inhale of breath and your hands fly to cover your mouth as a thought occurs to you. What is Eddie going to think? He was drawn to you because of your youth, so what now? Is he going to find this wrinkle gross? Will he find you unappealing now? Are younger, hotter girls going to turn his head?
The thoughts come on too quickly and you're flooded by a wave of panic and grief. Tears flow freely down your cheeks, and you make a conscious effort not to scrunch your face up, lest you get more wrinkles. 
A small sob wracks your body, and you tighten your hands over your mouth. Part of you knows this is an overreaction, that Eddie won’t care, but the irrational side of you has its claws too deep in you now to let go. 
Eddie’s groggy voice calls out and his footsteps approach the bathroom door. As if it will keep him from seeing you, you press your back against the bathroom wall and keep your hands firmly clutched over your mouth.
A mop of frizzy bedhead pops in the doorway and Eddie looks in the other direction before swinging his gaze around and spotting you. Instantly, he’s more alert as he takes in your body language. He comes to stand in front of you and places his hands gently on your upper arms.
“Princess, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” he asks. 
Not trusting your voice, you shake your head, hands still covering your mouth.
“What?” Eddie asks. “You’re not okay?” Gently, he pries your fingers from your lips and holds them securely in his own hands. “Hey, come on. Please talk to me.”
Try as you might to find the right words to say, nothing comes to mind. Too much is rattling around your head and the only thing that comes out of your mouth are whines as your sobs pick up. Instinctively, you step in towards Eddie and bury your face in his neck. Strong arms wrap around you and hold you close to his warm, solid frame. 
“Hey…” Eddie coos as he rubs a large hand up and down your back. It’s a tone you’ve heard him use with Eliza a hundred times before when he’s trying to get her to take a breath and use her words. “Sweetheart, talk to me. Please?”
It takes a lot of your strength to pull back and wipe your eyes and nose off on your arm. The concern in Eddie’s eyes damn near sends you into another fit, but you manage to keep it together. 
“I-I…” I have a wrinkle is what you plan to say. “I’m s-scared.”
Your husband’s eyebrows pinch together as he studies your face. He’ll probably spot the problem on your face on his own if he keeps looking at you like this. 
“Scared? Baby, what are you scared of?”
At his question, a new round of tears does come. You try to ward them off though, shaking your head and wiping your eyes. I’m scared you’re not going to be attracted to me anymore. I’m scared you’re going to think I’m old. I’m scared I’m freaking out and don’t know how to stop it.
None of those words form on your tongue though, so with a shaky hand you reach up and point to the crease above your eyebrows. Eddie’s gaze drifts to where you’re pointing but this only seems to confuse him more.
“What is it? What am I supposed to be looking at?” he asks. When you jab repeatedly at your forehead with your finger, Eddie gently grabs your wrist and lowers your arm back down. “Angel, you’ve gotta talk to me.”
“A-A wrinkle,” you manage to squeak out just above a whisper. 
Eddie frowns and looks at your forehead again. He squints his eyes and shrugs his shoulders.
“I see a faint line. Why does that scare you?”
“Because it means I-I’m old.”
Laughter is the last thing you expect to hear from your husband. But when you look up at him there’s an amused look on his face as he shakes his head. 
“Babe, you’re twenty-nine. If you’re old, then I’m the damn crypt keeper.”
“M’not like when you met me,” you mumble, looking down in embarrassment. 
“No, you’re not,” Eddie says plainly. “And neither am I.” When you look up at him in confusion, Eddie sighs and gently tugs you closer to him. He takes a seat on the closed toilet lid and pulls you into his lap. “Pretty girl, we’ve known each other for about a decade now. Neither of us are the same. I’ve got gray in my beard now and these crow’s feet around my eyes.”
“They’re sexy,” you’re quick to inform him.
“What makes you think I don’t think your changes are sexy?” your husband asks with a raised eyebrow. 
“This isn’t sexy,” you say with a sigh as you rub your hand across your forehead. 
“Is to me,” Eddie says with a shrug. “I’ve got more tattoos now. You’ve given birth. Jesus hun, I’m in a different decade than I was back then. We’re not a couple in their twenties and thirties anymore—it’s twenties and forties.”
His fingers gently dig into your sides, making you squeak in laughter and squirm around in his lap. 
“Until I turn thirty in a few months,” you say. Words burn at the back of your throat, and you know you shouldn’t say them. But they need to come out and make themselves known. “You’ll still want me, right? When I’m thirty? With these lines starting?”
Eddie stares at you for a moment, his doe eyes scanning your face. You see the moment something clicks in his mind.
“Wait, don’t tell me that’s what you’re scared of?”
When you still avoid looking him in the eye and remain silent, Eddie lets out a long sigh. 
“There is no line or wrinkle that could make you anything less than the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Not a damn thing in this world could make me not want to be with you. I love you. Always have, always will. Wrinkles or not. Acne or not. Scars, gray hair, injuries, sickness, it doesn’t matter. You’re my girl and that’s all there is to it.”
Emotion swells within your chest and it’s difficult to keep it contained. Hoping to convey what your voice can’t, you lean forward and rest your forehead against Eddie’s. 
“Actually,” Eddie adds softly, “I think wrinkles and gray hair are pretty great things. Because it means we’re growing old with each other. No one else I’d want by my side, to go through this with.”
“I’m so lucky to be your girl,” you manage in a hoarse whisper, trying to quell the tears that build up—now for a different reason. 
A soft chuckle has Eddie’s breath ghosting across your lips.
“It’s absolutely me who is the lucky one, princess. I love you so goddamn much.” 
“I love you too—”
Little hands beat on the wood of the closed bathroom door. You and your husband share a whispered laugh as you drop your head down to his shoulder. 
“What’s up, sweet pea?” Eddie calls back.
The banging stops and there’s a beat of silence before your daughter replies.
“I called for Mama.”
A snort of laughter leaps out of you at Eliza’s tone. Eddie shakes his head in amusement and lets out an overdramatic sigh.
“See?” He speaks softly to you. “None of us can live without you.” The banging starts up again, a little faster this time. Eddie winces and squeezes one eye shut. “Even for a second, apparently.”
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soobinsonly1bf · 6 months
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soobin + soft sex
warnings: nsfw, gn!reader (genitals not specified), a lot of fluff, taking a bath together, really soft sex, just full of love, sub!soobin, softdom!reader, asking for consent a lot of times, oral (male receiving), use of pet names (love, baby, pretty boy), unprotected sex (remember to use protection!!), riding, creampie, praising, it's seriously just so pure and sweet
!!nsfw under the cut, minors dni!!
you're both so exhausted, it really was a long day. you just want to go take a bath and cuddle until you fall asleep in each other's arms.
you sit in the bathtub full of perfectly warm water as you hear a knock on the door.
"you can come in." you say loud enough for soobin to hear.
"can i shower with you?" he asks, a little bit shyly. "i just... i thought it's gonna be faster this way." he explains himself. he's embarrassed even tho you both showered together multiple times before.
"of course you can..." you smile softly at him.
soon you are both sitting in the bathtub, soobin between your legs, gently leaning on your chest. you're caressing his arms, spreading the soap all over his soft skin.
"want me to wash your back too?" you ask, leaving a gentle kiss on his cheek before he moves away a little, giving you access to his back.
you're slowly washing his back, using your nails to also scratch him. he enjoys it, you know it by how he shudders and keeps on smiling cutely. you just want to show your love even through little actions like this one.
when you're both finished with washing yourself, you make it to your room, not even minding to wear anything and throwing yourself on the bed. soobin follows your actions, giggling as he throws himself next to you.
you can't help, but want to kiss him when he's just acting so cute, showing his pretty smile and dimples. before you know it, you're on top of him, his pretty cock already hard against his belly.
you kiss his lips, but only for a moment, because soon you're at the level of his dick. you kiss the tip and he just looks so pretty like this... his face blushed, breath much faster and his oh so kissable lips slightly open. you just love him so much.
"can i?" you ask, just wanting to make sure. when you see him quickly nodding, you slowly take his cock in your mouth, not breaking the eye contact. licking all around the head, doing everything just how you know he loves it. you know how good you're doing when you hear his whimpers and all of the small noises he's letting out.
when he moans louder than before, you know how close he is, so you pull out most of his dick from your mouth, leaving only the head, but now stroking the rest with your hand. soon you feel his salty load on your tongue. you look him in the eyes and smile softly as you pull away from his cock and swallow everything he left in your mouth.
"do you want to keep going or you want to sleep now? are you tired, love?" you ask, leaving gentle kisses on his inner thigh.
"no, no, i- i want to make you feel good too..." he says hopefully, slightly biting his bottom lip as he feels himself getting hard again.
you just smile once again at him, his words melting your heart. "are you sure? i don't want you to push yourself." you ask him once again.
"i'm sure, baby, i promise." you nod, finally accepting. you get on his lap again, for now just grinding yourself against his already hard dick. you lean to kiss his chin, soon leaving kisses along his jaw, as you gently take his cock in your hand and position it against your hole. "ready?" you ask for the last time and he nods.
"wait, wait- you prepped already? and you don't want any more lube?" he asks suddenly, visibly worried.
"hey, don't worry, i won't hurt myself..." you kiss him on the lips, he's just so sweet and caring, always thinking about you first.
soon you're sitting on his cock completely, him balls deep inside of you. you sit there for a moment, not moving, just giving both of you some time to get used to this feeling.
after some time you move up and down, slowly, looking at his face for a hint of discomfort. when you see him opening his mouth and throwing his head back, you know he's fine. you move again, trying to set a steady rhythm, looking at his expression with a soft smile, making sure if everything's okay.
you kiss him again, gently pecking his bottom lip a few times, then the top one. when you move away, you try so hard to keep your eyes open, trying to not get completely lost in the pleasure.
the room is full of small noises, from time to time also louder ones, gentle skin on skin slaps. "you're doing so good, just so fucking good for me... my pretty boy." you keep on whispering sweet nothings and praises to him, as he mumbles how good he feels inside of you.
when you're getting closer and your moves are starting to be much more sloppier, soobin tooks your both hands in his, making you support yourself as you continue to ride him. "'m so close, baby... fuck- so close..." he whines, his eyes shut.
"go on, you can cum inside... cum for me, love." you say between small moans. soon you can't help, but moan louder than before, as you're cumming at the feeling of his load inside of your hole. you keep on moving up and down on his dick, leading both of you through your orgasms. you keep on kissing him all over his face.
you're laying on the bed, all cleaned and dressed up. you in your underwear and soobin's shirt, him in just his boxers. soobin's head on your chest, listening to your heart beat, that is back to normal speed. "i love you." he whispers, kissing your sternum softly.
"i love you too... now go to sleep, alright? i know you're tired." you whisper back, kissing his head and petting his hair.
you just always prefered love making over fucking.
a/n: guys, lemme be honest, i'm literally a goddamn virgin, so if anything i wrote didn't make sense, just let me know, please😭 also, if you see some grammar mistakes, tell me too!
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gadriezmannsgirl · 8 months
Heyyy I have a request can you do one that gavi and her are eating something in his car and she’s wearing his hoodie and she accidentally stains it and she panics because when something similar happend with her ex he yelled at her
Food Stains are a Work of Art - P.G6
Summary: You mess up one of your boyfriend's hoodies and that has you worried
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You were laughing at your boyfriend's antics, he was often very shy; yes but not with you, he loved acting like a fool for you and having confidence with you (after almost a two year relationship) his goofy side never left. You loved it because it meant a smiley Pablo and you loved his beautiful smile since he wears a frown everyday.
"I can't believe she did that" You said shaking your head while grabbing his watter bottle and drinking some from it
"I know, it was crazy. She started singing and dancing to Envolver out of nowhere, she probably was wanting to get Mario's attention"
"There are better ways" You shook your head "Or maybe she was trying to get your attention" You hinted softly with a smile
"The only one I want to randomly sing and dance to Envolver is you, preciosa" He smiled "In fact, you don't need to sing or dance to get my attention since you always have it"
"Such a charmer, you are" You smiled pinching his cheek
"Cállate, que así me quieres" (Shut up, you love me like that) You smiled grabbing his hand that was on your thigh to kiss it softly
"I do" You jokingly bite one of his fingers "But you don't love me so much since you are leaving me die out of hunger"
"McDonald's sounds good?"
"What about your diet?"
"You won't rat me out, right?"
"I don't know"
"I'll buy you a double cheese and double meat burguer with extra fries if you don't"
"You think I'm that easy to buy?" You scoff "Please" You shake your head side to side "Can you add a dulce de leche ice cream?" Pablo laughs
"Will you give me a kiss?"
"Of course"
"Then done" You nod satisfied watching how Pablo turns into the drive through, his hand squeezing your tight once in a while.
You play with the hoodie strings of the white hoodie you stole from your boyfriend and with his hand. It was relaxing for you lacing your fingers through his over and over again.
Being so into your thoughts but you realized when Pablo took his hand away from yours and you went to protest but then when you saw the food you shut up and helped him with it.
"Gracias" (Thank you) He said softly before getting out of the drive thru "Let's go to the beach?" You nod
"De verdad que me encanta como piensas, Pabs" (I really like how you think, Pabs) He smiles lifting your hand to kiss it
And that's how you got to the beach, eating burguers and laughing like crazy at each other.
"No, wait no" You tried to say with your mouth full of Coca-Cola but then Pablo did a funny face and it went down your nose, making Pablo crack up in laughter as you froze after coughing.
You looked down at his hoodie and froze, a big ketchup and Coca-Cola stain was decorating the front of the piece of clothing. Panic went inside your head.
You've gone through this situation before and it didn't ended up good. You were already thinking of the amount of chlorine, detergent, softener and soap you were going to use to make the stain go away.
Or at least, hope to make it go away.
"What's wrong?" You heard Pablo said
"Nothing- I just- I-" You started shaking your head
"I messed up your hoodie" You said softly not looking into his eyes, you didn't wanted to, you didn't wanted to see the anger in them.
"I got food stain on your hoodie, Pabs. I'm so sorry. I promise I will wash this very well-Ugh god! I shouldn't have eaten with your hoodie on if I knew this could happen, I'll buy you a new one!! Don't worry about it, I can-"
"Slow down your horse" Gavi said shaking his head "You will not buy nor wash anything, it's just a hoodie"
"It was your favorite hoodie tho"
"I stained it! You have every right to be mad at me by that"
"No, I don't. It's just a small mistake, nothing too big. Okay?"
"No buts. It's just a hoodie, it's not a big deal. I can buy us another one and done"
"Señorita, para" (Missy, stop) Pablo said shaking his head "Why so worried about a simple hoodie?"
"That was your favorite hoodie! I messed it up!"
"You didn't! And stop it! I don't know what happened before but you don't need to worry about a damn hoodie stain. I won't get mad at you, love. I'll love it even more because it has good memories" Pablo said as you shake your head
"My ex didn't liked whenever I stained his clothes"
"Well, your ex's an asshole and I'm not him. I don't care about a simple thing like a hoodie" He grabbed some ketchup and put it on his finger, staining his hoodie with it
"Food stains are a work of art. You should know that" He smiled softly "But on the other hand, the good news are that we match now"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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Open Mic Night
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary:  Soldier Boy and the reader go to a bar on a double date with Hughie and Annie. This takes place beyond season three in alternate universe. Reader is a supe.  (I'm so bad at summaries, please forgive me!)
Tropes: Fluff, Age Difference, Protective Ben/ Soldier Boy, Established Relationship
Word Count: 3.9K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ just to be sure because this fic contains dude being super creepy and sleazy, swearing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendo, references to past sex, and Soldier Boy. Ben/Soldier Boy might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. This is my first time writing for Soldier Boy, so please be gentle. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
Music swung low and heavy over the crowded bar from the band on the stage that dominated the central wall of the building. Speakers stood like stoic watchmen, thumping and blasting the haunting music on each side of the stage. Spotlights stung the air, spewing colors of orange, yellow, and green onto the figures that writhed on stage.
It was open mic night. That much was inferred from the collection of mismatched people swarming the edge of the stage where a bouncer stood holding a black clip board.
Each one pushed and shoved, trying to shout over the death march ballad flowing from the lead singers mouth and threatening one another with musical instruments clutched in their hands.
The song is an odd choice. You thought to yourself noting the outfit of the lead singer. He was wearing a bright red and yellow pinstriped suit that clashed with bright pink hair that fell past his waist and was braided away from his face.
How does it not get caught in his guitar?
You were still standing just inside the doorway, staring beyond Hughie to watch the lead singer gyrate and writhe against the standing microphone.
You glance over at Ben. He’s hovering by your right elbow, mouth turned down in disgust, but even frowning he looks just as handsome as ever. His dark hair lies in soft waves over his brow, he trimmed his beard so that it’s more of a dusting over his cheeks and chin, he’s wearing a black t-shirt that makes his eyes a dangerous bright green and a pair of jeans slung low on his hips. Even without his suit he looks flawless, every bit the hero that people believed him to be.
“I don’t understand music nowadays.” Ben continues to stare at the lead singer. "It used to make sense."
“Isn’t he talented?” You laugh elbowing Ben in the side. “Aren’t you glad we let Annie pick the place?”
“I definitely am.” Hughie responds. “I think my life has been enriched by watching that man hump the microphone.”
“Oh definitely.” Annie adds.
“Do you think he’d sign my butt?” You ask enthusiastically. “I carry a sharpie with me at all times just for this possibility.”
“Y/n-“ Annie snorts.
“What?” Ben snaps, turning to look down at you. His eyes are narrowed in jealousy and confusion.
“I’m only kidding Gramps.” Your hand entwines with his. “You’re the only one who gets to see it.”
He doesn’t look pleased, but the nickname you assigned him when you first met often makes him angry.
"Don't fucking call me that." Ben mutters.
“You know you love it.” You whisper back.
“Ew. So don’t need that image-“ Hughie makes a face.
“I don’t need to hear it from you. When we all lived in that safe house and you and Annie had ‘alone time’ I wanted to wash my ears out with soap. Y’all could at least have gone to a room on the other side of the apartment, not to mention Annie took out the power every time.”
“You have super hearing Y/n.” Annie’s face flushes. “And you and Ben weren't exactly quiet either.”
"I won't apologize for that." You shrug.
Someone comes in the double doors behind you and jostles past you. You stumble into Ben’s chest, who steadies you with a hand on your waist. The man doesn't turn around to apologize, instead he continues to walk towards the giant wooden bar on the left side of the room.
You ignore the urge to haul him back by the back of the shirt and make him apologize and one look up at Ben lets you know that he's thinking the exact same thing.
Ben watches the man’s retreating figure murderously and opens his mouth, but before he yells something, you squeeze his hand. Ben's gaze drops to you, anger burning behind his green eyes.
“It’s okay. It’s busy and there’s a lot of people. It happens.” You whisper trying to bring him some comfort.
He wasn’t exactly thrilled about the double date. It wasn’t that he hated Hughie or Annie, you think it was because after a long day he’d rather spend time with you than keep up appearances. When Annie suggested it, it had seemed like a good idea but now standing here in the overcrowded bar it was overwhelming. Ben and you had been on dates just the two of you in a bar before, but it wasn’t nearly as loud or as crowded as this one. You spent the night in one of the quiet booths in the corner, his arm wrapped around you while you listened to the music coming from the juke box, music that Ben actually recognized. Sometimes you think he liked quiet restaurants more, where he could breathe, and relax in a booth next to you. You think being around too many people activated his PTSD.
Ben frowns, but tightens his hand on your hip.
Sometimes you thought that you being there helped. As much as Ben didn't like to admit his feelings, you noticed that his actions spoke more. The way that he let you hold on to his arm or the way that his hand often drifted to your waist when in public made you believe that Ben did depend on having you with him. Plus he never seemed to want to let you go out of the apartment alone. Even with something as mundane as grocery shopping, Ben would come with you. And despite him sighing each time you walked down an aisle and complaining under his breath, Ben wouldn't stay at the apartment when you told him to.
Plus there were the mornings when you woke up before him and noticed how he pulled you to him in his sleep or the mornings when he woke up first and didn’t push you away, instead he liked having your head on his chest watching your gentle breath.
However, the look in his eyes as he gazed around the room at the crowd was not calm or collected, it was bordering on manic. He looked almost like he wanted to pick you up and move you to the corner, caging you in and fighting off anybody who tried to get close to you.
“Hey we are going to go get drinks. Why don’t you guys find us a place to sit?” You say to Annie.
Maybe I need to talk to him alone.
“Sure.” She doesn’t sense Ben’s discomfort and pulls Hughie in the direction of an empty booth that lines the wall opposite the bar.
You gently lead Ben through the crowds, past the bar to a small alcove where the restrooms are.
“Are you okay?” You ask.
“Yeah?" Ben raises his eyebrow and you can imagine his thoughts.
Probably revolving around the idea that he's not a pussy and that he's not afraid of anything.
Sometimes you hated that Ben was so guarded and that his usual emotions circled around borderline toxic masculinity, annoyance, and anger. Well, until you started dating. At the beginning Ben had been nicer to you than anyone else, which meant those three emotions appeared less when you were around. But now, you were slowly coaxing him out of his tough exterior to get him to open up more, difficult, but not impossible.
You knew it was only a matter of time until he opened up more to you. In the few months you had been dating he was already doing better than when you first met- when there was a constant parade of women through the apartment and he tried his upmost to get in your pants. 
“Because if you’re not we can leave right now. I can tell Annie that I’m having bad cramps or something and we can go home. Get a pizza delivered or something? Watch one of your old films?” You look into his face, trying to read his expression, but Ben has mastered the art of hiding his emotions. An infuriating skill, because you prided yourself on being able to read people.
“I’m fine.”
“I promise I’m fucking fine.” He snaps.  His broad figure blocks the view of the singer on stage who has begun to gyrate again.
You hoped the song would be over soon. 
Despite his tone, it didn't make you angry. You knew that he tended to slip into annoyance when he was afraid to tell you what he really thought.
He doesn’t look fine. His eyebrows are pulled down low over his eyes and his mouth is turned down in a frown.
“I’m serious. I won’t be mad if you just want to go home, just the two of us. Being out is supposed to be fun and if you’re not having fun-“
“I swear I’m having as much fucking fun as I can listening to terrible music.” He doesn’t smile.
You release his hand and your fingertips raise to brush back some of his dark locks that have fallen into his eyes. “I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I love you-“
 He sighs leaning into your touch.
“I know you think that you have to do this for me, but I’m okay with just going. I know you don’t like crowds or people.” You smile at him, putting as much love and comfort as you can into your tone.
“I’m okay y/n.”
You search his gaze for the lie, trying to uncover how he feels, but you find nothing. “Okay.”
You arch upwards to kiss him hoping that it will relieve some of the tension he was holding in his muscular shoulders.
To say it works is an understatement. As soon as your lips touch his, he backs you against the wall and continues to kiss you feverishly, his hand finding your waist.
I guess that’s one way to channel all that nervous energy.
Ben’s hand begins to sweep lower along your back to grab your butt and bring your leg up over his hip, holding you up against him so you don't have to stretch as far to kiss him. It makes you smile into his mouth, knowing that he was doing that for you, that he cared enough to make sure you were comfortable.
“Ben-“ You breathe.
“What?” He smirks at you. “Didn’t you want me to have a good time?”
“Well yes but-“
“You aren’t having a good time?”
“No? I think I can make you have a good time, a few times before Hughie and Annie notice we're gone.” He begins to nudge you backward in the direction of the bathroom.
“No.” You giggle pushing against his muscular chest, but he doesn’t move.
“Come on doll. Don’t you want me to enjoy myself?” Ben pouts, before bringing his lips down to your ear. "I definitely think you'd enjoy yourself." A shiver travels down your spine. "That's my girl." He smirks, as he begins to kiss your neck again.
“Ben, I do want you to enjoy yourself, but I also don't want to have a good time in the bathroom at a bar.”
“Didn’t stop us last time.” He arches a brow.
“That was much cleaner and we weren’t at a bar with two of our friends.”
Ben frowns at you.
“How about you get me a little drunk, we dance for a bit, and then you get to take me home.” You press a kiss just under his ear, tangling your hands in his hair.
“Or we go into the bathroom for 10 minutes then you get me drunk enough to dance and then you get to take me home.” His hand tightens just under your thigh, rubbing his thumb against your soft jeans.
“You know you want to.” He grins wolfishly. “Have I told you how sexy you look?”
He didn’t have to say it. You were wearing a green top that showed a little more cleavage than usual and your best pair of jeans that hugged your curves. The same pair of jeans that usually made Ben handsy. You had also spent an inordinate amount of time curling your hair before you left the apartment. Plus the green was exactly the same color as his suit, something that Ben loved was when you wore his color or his clothes.
“You have, several times. And I do, but please I don’t want to when our friends are out there waiting for us.”
He sighs, knowing that he’s lost. “Fine.”
Ben reluctantly lowers your legs to the ground, but you kiss him gently on the mouth to kiss away the frown that replaces the seductive smirk he had moments ago.
“Go on. I’m going to go to the bathroom.” He steps around you.
“I have to take a piss. Go on get the drinks. I’m gonna need a lot of them to get through that fucking music.”
“Beer and a whiskey.” Ben winks as he closes the door behind him.
You take in a deep breath to cool down from whatever almost happened, but you saw your ability to say no as a personal victory. Ben was usually able to coax you into doing whatever he wanted.
You hate how easily he won.
You begin the slow trek back to the bar, weaving in and out of the people trying to get closer to the stage or just dancing along to the music. The previous band was gone, replaced by a man wearing a fedora and playing a saxophone. The melody was smooth, and reminded you of what you father used to listen to on long days after work.
Ben would like this song. You think to yourself. You suddenly wished that he was here so he could hold you and sway along to the music, but you knew that getting drinks was equally important.
It would probably take at least two glasses of whiskey to get him out on the dance floor.
You maneuver yourself between two people sitting on stools to talk directly to the bartender. “Hey can I get four bottles of beer and a whiskey.”
“What kind?” The bartender is a blonde girl, pretty, only a few years older than you, dressed in an electric green top and mini skirt.
“Do you have anything that’s really old?” You never got what kind of whiskey Ben liked, just that he often complained that the older stuff was better.
It was a common opinion he voiced.
“Yeah but it’s pricy.” She shrugs
“That’s fine.” You pull Ben’s debit card out of your pocket.
You thought it was weird to use his card, but he kept telling you to even though you didn’t have a shared bank account. One time you tried to pay him back, but he wouldn’t let you and said that it was the man's job to pay for everything.
Another time you tried to pay for dinner and he told you not to worry. But you still felt guilty.
Sometimes you felt like a sugar baby. Given the age difference, it was closer to reality than you would have liked.
You were living together, well, Ben lived in your apartment. He kept talking about moving to a nicer apartment and as much as you wanted to, one day you found him looking at apartments that were worth more than seven times the monthly rent that you were paying currently.
You were going to see one in a few days, but you still hadn’t admitted to him that you didn’t think you could afford it. The only thing that stopped you was how excited he got about going, about moving in officially together in a new apartment that you didn't want to say no. Seeing him excited about something so domestic warmed your heart.
You didn’t know how much money he had, you just knew it was more than you given the fact that he was such a big hero and that he used to be in movies.
You hadn’t had a solid job since you started working for Butcher, who would give you some money under the table but who knows where he got that. You had some money that you inherited from your parents when they died, but other than that, nothing. An unwelcome thought, given the indestructible nature of your powers, which meant there was the possibility you would live forever.
I’m gonna have to start budgeting better.
The bartender turns to look for the drinks, while you lean forward on the bar, closing your eyes to listen to the smooth jazz that floats over the crowd.
Someone’s hand slides down your back and grips your butt.
You snort, not opening your eyes. “Ben I thought I told you-“ You turn around to look at who you thought was Ben, but freeze when you realize it’s the pink haired singer from before.
“Hey baby.” The man smiles tightening his grip on your butt. “I saw you admiring me, thought I’d come say hello.”
“Um. Yeah. That didn’t happen, now can you please take your hand off my ass?” You ask forcing your voice into a cool collected tone.
“I think it did.” He doesn’t remove it, in fact he moves further into you, to pin you against the bar. “Did you like my song?”
One word answers usually were a good way of telling people that you weren’t interested, but this man didn't seem to understand that.
“Aww that’s too bad. I’ve got a few others that I can show you. What’s a pretty little thing like you doing here all alone?”
“We’ll see that’s the thing. I’m not alone and I’m going to ask you nicely one more time to fuck off before I break your arm.”
“A little thing like you do that? Come on baby let’s be serious.”
By now every time he said little your eye twitched aggressively. You did a good job of pretending you weren't a supe on your days off. You hid really well in a crowd, a skill that helped you evade Homelander and Vought more than once. Of course it had its annoyances as well. Case and point.
“Trust me. Me breaking your arm is much better than the alternative.”
I should get rid of him before Ben gets out here. That will definitely not end well if he sees this guy.
“What’s the alternative?” He oozes moving so close to your face that you can smell the stale alcohol on his breath.
The man is snapped upwards away from you and into the air.
Ben looks murderous. His usually bright green eyes have hardened into an emerald, his smile turned into a snarl. He’s holding the man by the front of his brightly striped suit, two feet off the ground, so close that Ben’s nose is almost brushing his.
“The alternative-“ Ben’s voice is a growl. “Is that I break your fucking face for touching my girlfriend.”
Why does he look so hot when he’s angry? You sigh to yourself, admiring the way his muscles tense under his black t-shirt as he holds the guy and how the shirt pulls up just enough for you to see the top of his hip where his low hanging blue jeans have fallen.
There’s something wrong with me.
“Whoa man I’m sorry I didn’t know she was yours.” The man stutters, holding on to Ben’s wrists where he still holds him in the air.
Ben is easily a foot taller than him and broader by a mile. Gazing down at him with enough hatred to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
As much as you liked Ben like this, you knew you had to do something before Ben killed him. Because as much as he deserved a good beating, the man didn’t deserve to die.
“Ben put him down.” You say.
“Ben please.” You put your hand on his muscular shoulder, feeling the heat of his skin beneath the palm of your hand. “It’s not worth it. He’s not worth it.”
“But you are-“ His teeth are gritted together when he looks at you, green eyes blazing in fury. “He shouldn’t have touched you.”
“No he shouldn’t. But he doesn’t deserve to lose his life just because he felt up the wrong person in a bar.”
Ben’s jaw is locked together, nostrils flaring, but even you know that somewhere deep down he knows you're right. He turns his head to look back at the man. “You’re lucky that she’s more forgiving than I am.” Ben drops the man, who lands in a lump on the floor and turns to look at you.
Ben doesn’t look happy, but he still  takes your hand, preparing to shuffle you towards where Annie and Hughie are watching in horror.
But before Ben can say anything the man on the ground rolls to his feet, more gracefully than you would have guessed and lunges at Ben a small knife gripped in his left hand.
He really doesn’t know when to quit.
Although you know that a small knife will do little to Ben other than piss him off, you react. Before he can reach Ben, your free hand flashes out, fastening around the man's left wrist and you pull his arm behind him at an unnatural angle. His arm jolts, the sharp snap of bone overshadows the jazz music, and the man falls to the ground clutching his ruined arm to his chest with a broken cry. All of this happens within five seconds, too fast for a normal person to see.
“Told you I would break your arm.” You say, pulling Ben away before he can do anything worse to him.
“What happened?” Annie asks eyes wide.
“Total jerk at the bar. I ordered drinks but I think it’ll be better if Ben and I leave.” You glance over at the bartender who is talking to the bouncer and gesturing over at you and Ben. “I already paid so y’all enjoy yourselves.”
“Wait y/n we’ll come with you-“ Hughie says. His arm is draped around Annie’s shoulders where they sit in the booth. You think about letting them come with you, but they look so comfortable and they should enjoy their day off.
“No it’s okay.” You squeeze Ben’s hand. “I’m kinda wiped from today anyway.”
“Are you sure?” Annie asks.
“Yeah.” You nod once, before smiling wide at Annie and Hughie. “Let me know if you find the next Billy Joel.”
“There can only be one!” Hughie shouts as Ben and you weave through the bar goers to avoid the bouncer.
When you finally get outside and start towards home, Ben finally speaks.
“We didn’t have to leave.” He’s still holding your hand tightly, but you can feel the heat of his anger stirring beneath the skin.
“Yes we did. The bouncer was coming.” You stop walking and turn to look up at him. “Plus. I thought it was incredibly hot that you went all Soldier Boy on that guy’s ass to defend my honor.” Your hand drags against his muscular chest, mouth turning up in a sexy smile.
“Oh did you? Because here I thought that you were angry. And that you were going to yell at me for not letting you handle it.” He tugs you forward so that your chests are pressed against one another.
“Nope. Why do you think we had to leave? I want to get you home asap.”
He runs his free hand through your hair, fastening it behind your head, to pull you against him for a searing kiss. “You know, I also thought it was pretty hot when you broke that guy's arm.” Ben whispers against your lips.
“Wouldn’t have expected anything less. Now let’s go home so I can thank you properly.”
Thank you for reading!
If you liked this fic, be sure to try out my series You Call It Madness But I Call It Love!
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luveline · 1 year
Eddie and Roan taking care of reader who just had their wisdom teeth removed maybe? Eddie having to explain why reader is super emotional and out of it, telling her to be super gentle and loving. Lots of fluff 🥹
I'm sorry this took me a whole month!! I hope you like it my love!! eddie and roan —dad!eddie takes care of step mom!you when you get your teeth pulled, 2k
"Be careful," Eddie murmurs, hands at your waist, leading you up the last step to the house with a little too much tenderness. 
You had your wisdom teeth out and he's acting like you had a near miss with death. You're clearly enjoying how soft he's being, leaning your weight on him for closeness' sake rather than a real need for his help. 
"Wayne?" Eddie calls. 
"We're in the kitchen!" 
The kitchen door is closed, but their voices rumble from within, muffled by wood and the sound of the sink running. Eddie nods, assured they got home in one piece, and kisses the side of your head. "You got it. Keep on walking, we'll get you on the couch." 
He hadn't expected the drugs to make you like this. Steve said that when his girlfriend had her wisdom teeth out, she was a mixture of giggly and tearful. One wrong word could set her off. "And whatever you do, man, don't yell. I'm trying to stop her from poking around in there and she's crying in my passenger seat 'cos she thinks I'm mad," Steve said. 
Eddie hasn't had to raise his voice; you seem completely uninterested in your mouth and all your gauze. You'd been giggly as promised when Eddie first came in to help you to the car, but strangely shy when he wrapped his arm around your waist. It's kinda nice —you've never been shy with Eddie, not so obviously. You made the first move, you asked him out, you planned the first date. He's lucky he managed to propose before you had something to say about it. 
"Here, sweetheart, sit down," he says, fluffing a pillow in your designated seat. You sit, and you look at him imploringly. "What?" 
"You'll sit with me?" 
Your gauze muffles your words. Eddie smiles at you adoringly. 
"I'm definitely going to sit with you, but I need to go wash my hands, because we need to take out your gauze, and you need an ice pack. You understand?" 
"You won't sit with me?" you ask, pouting gently. 
Eddie leans down to look you in the eye. He's never so aware as to how much he loves you as he is like this, hands on your forearms, thumbs rubbing sweet circles into your hot skin. "Sweetheart," he says, in the stickiest most loving tone he possesses, "I'm going to sit with you, but I have to take care of you first. And… if you're not upset, I can bring Roan in to see you." 
That's who you wanted to see most. The you without drugs knew Roan wasn't coming to pick you up, but the you that was full of them seemed very concerned. "Where's Ro?" you'd mumbled woozily. "My girl… I thought she was here." 
Eddie watches recognition spark in your eyes, then excitement. "Ro's here?" you ask now. 
"Yes! Of course she's here, this is her home. Are you happy enough for me to go and get her?" he asks. 
You nod hurriedly. Eddie doesn't feel bad for manipulating you. It's almost like guiding Roan into good decisions. 
"Okay." He kisses your hand. "Be good. No touching your mouth." 
"I'm always good," you say with a funny laugh, leaning back into the couch. 
Eddie gives your shoulder one last pet before standing up. He rubs his forehead as he leaves the living room, kicking his shoes off under the stairs and making his way to the kitchen door. He pushes it open cautiously in case someone is behind it, but Roan's on the counter with a dish rag in her hands and Wayne's putting plates away. 
"Hey, little miss," Eddie says, darting forward to give her a kiss. 
"Hello," she says, head dipping under his kiss.
"How's Y/N?" Wayne asks, closing the cabinet. 
"She's fine, she isn't half as woozy as they thought she'd be. And no pain yet. I gotta wash my hands to take her gauze out." Eddie turns on the faucet. Roan grabs the soap squeezee and squirts a big dollop of raspberry hand soap into his palm. "Thanks, babe." 
"Wayne," she says, holding up her arms.
Wayne grabs her and puts her down on the floor, but he says, "Wait, kid." 
"I want to see her," she whines. 
"Will you grab an ice pack from the fridge?" Eddie asks. 
He was asking Wayne, but Roan rushes to the freezer drawers and yanks them open. Eddie did his research thoroughly before your surgery, he knows exactly what you need to make everything as painless as possible. Ice packs, medicine, dry socket prevention. In an event of too much caution, he got six ice packs. That way, if they melt too much, he can swap it for a new one. Six whole times. 
Eddie isn't a worrier, but he worries about this. You hurting, and him not being able to do a thing about it. 
Wayne passes Roan a newer looking hand towel and she wraps it up. Before he can stop her, she's running off to the living room. Eddie's barely catching up when he hears you. 
"Roan!" you yell, the loudest you've been since you came out of the Dentist's office. "Where have you been?" You're ecstatic. "Quick, come here." 
"You sound funny," Roan says. 
She seems worried. Eddie turns the corner, finds her paused in front of your waiting arms. 
"I know," you say regretfully, "but Eddie says I can't take out the gauze and I'm trying to be good." You laugh. "I sound like I have a gumball in my mouth."
"A big gumball."
You drag Roan up onto your lap, pressing your face to the top of her head completely unawares of the future pain you're stoking. "I missed you. Why didn't you come and see me at the dentist?" you ask, whining. 
Roan looks at you with wide eyes. "What do you mean?" she demands. "Dad said I couldn't go, and you said I should listen to dad." 
"You shouldn't," you say, hugging her like a teddy rather than a real living child. 
Roan doesn't complain. "I know." 
Eddie does. "Yes, you should. You should absolutely listen to me, because I'm always right. Like, ninety percent of the time. And Wayne agrees. Right, Wayne?"
"I'm always right!" Wayne calls. "And your dad listens to me, so really, he is always right too." 
"That's not true," you sing under your breath, your nose rubbing against Roan's forehead. She giggles happily. 
"Roan, babe, give her a kiss and then sit down, okay? I need to help her feel better." 
Roan gives you a very soft kiss on the top of your cheek. You make a pleased huffing sound. "I love being your mom," you say. 
Roan's dazzled. With a big smile, she falls down into the cushions to your left. Eddie refrains from squeezing her knee now his hands are clean, gesturing for you to lift your chin. 
"Will it hurt?" you ask. 
"Not even a bit. Promise." 
He takes your gauze out without much fuss and strokes your cheek as a sticker for a job well done. It's a bloody mess and Roan makes a disgusted sound, rushing forward to offer you the ice pack. Eddie discards the mess, wipes your face clean with a cotton pad, and offers you a bottle of water. 
Half of it tips down your shirt. 
Wayne laughs in the doorway. "I can see you have things handled." 
Eddie gives him a hug, lavishing in the proud pat on his back, and Roan climbs on the back of the couch to get a kiss. Wayne gives your shoulder a fond squeeze while he's there. "Feel better, Y/N. I'll be back tomorrow for hotdogs." 
You cheer happily, "Yes, Mr. Munson! Please, I love them so much, I want the special mustard this time."
"You got it. Bye, kids." 
"Love you!" Eddie calls to Wayne's retreating back. 
"I love you Uncle Wayne!" Roan shouts louder. 
"Love you guys," Wayne says, closing the door behind him. 
"He could've stayed," you say. 
"He's late for pool," Eddie says. 
"We have a pool." 
"For eight ball pool, with his friends," Eddie says, laughing. 
You look at him for a long time. Eddie squints at you, until you announce, "I'm really tired." 
Eddie helps you upstairs to your room, to Roan's chagrin. He sets you up in bed with everything you might need, a blanket over your legs, the window open to share the breeze, painkillers in arm's reach. Things are quieter when you're settled, the first hint that you're in pain a strange motion you're making with your hand, fingers jutting on your chest toward your chin. 
Roan sits at your feet. "Is she hurting?" 
"A little bit," Eddie guesses. "How do you feel, sweetheart? Can I help you take some more painkillers?" 
You frown at him. "My mouth is hurting?" 
"You had your teeth pulled out." 
"She doesn't remember?" Roan asks. 
"The medicine the dentists gave her can make her forget things, but it won't last much longer," Eddie tells her. "We'll get our Y/N back in a couple of hours." 
"I'm right here," you say, eyes tearing up. "What are you talking about, Eddie?" 
"It's okay," Eddie says, shuffling closer to you to stroke your face. The ice pack has left your skin painfully cold, even in twenty minute bursts. "Sorry, sweetheart, I don't mean it as a bad thing, I'm sorry. Don't cry, okay?" He kisses your temple. 
You sniffle. 
"She's so sad," Roan says, walking on knees to your hip. 
"We need to be really nice," Eddie whispers, wincing at his misstep. "I need to be nicer." 
"You're nice all the time, dad." 
"Can you cheer her up for me?" he asks.
Roan saves it before his small mistake can butterfly into anything worse, stretching her arms across your stomach, looking at you with wide, loving eyes. "It's okay, mom." 
Your eyes mist up worse. You raise your hand to her cheek. Eddie can tell you're trying not to cry, but you breathe out and sob at the same time. "You're so pretty. I love you." 
"I love you too!" 
"I love you so much.” You turn to see Eddie, prompting another wave of tears. "What the fuck, you're really pretty." Eddie laughs as you slap a hand over your mouth. "Don't say that," you say into your hand.
"You're pretty too, in case you haven't noticed," Eddie says. 
"You make me feel really beautiful," you say agreeably. It's perturbing to have you say something nice while tears bump down your cheeks. Eddie wipes them away carefully. 
"You are really beautiful," he says. 
"Can you make me stop crying?" you ask. 
Eddie tamps down a laugh and rolls his shoulders. "Obviously I can. Close your eyes?" 
You close them. Eddie whispers something to Roan, and they, as gently as they're able to, press twin kisses to the corners of your eyes. 
Eddie pulls away. "That work?" 
Your lashes flutter, heavy with tears. "No. Do it again. Like, ten times I think." 
"You sure?" Eddie asks indulgently. 
"Yessss…" You deliberate. "I think you'll have to help me have some tramadol." 
"Tylenol, sweetheart." 
"Are you sure?" you ask. 
"Definitely. Tylenol will be enough, I promise." 
You sniff. "Okay." 
Eddie has a long couple of hours ahead of him.
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oneforthemunny · 5 months
hear me out okay cowboy!eddie is fixing the sink in the kitchen and sweet girl is just in a really shitty mood. she cusses cowboy!eddie out because she's TRYING to get spanked and he knows it. so, instead of spanking her then, he sets what he's doing down and goes to get a bar of soap all sudsed up and makes her go and stand in the corner with it until he's done fixing the sink and then he bends her over the counter to whoop her ass with a wooden spoon from the kitchen afterwards. but she's all pouty and annoyed when he doesn't spank her right away and he's like "aw, what's the matter? didn't get whatcha wanted? tough luck. nose in the corner til i'm done here."
just that uncomfortable kind of mood where you feel like possessed nearly. like you just need a good rage to get it out of your system. so naturally, you take your rage towards eddie.
starts off as huffy, mean comments at breakfast. he shakes it off as you're just grumpy from waking up early.
then it turns into sulking while he's doing some work around the house. he comes back in, ready to fix the sink in the kitchen that you had been asking to be fixed, only for you to be surly and mean and bitchy.
he just kinda gives you a look; bewildered with a touch of "are you serious?" that just further enrages you.
"don't fucking look at me like that, eddie." you grit, slamming your hand on the counter.
"hey," eddie booms, brows furrowing towards you. "no, you're not gonna talk to me like that."
"i'll talk to you how i want to talk to you. you're not the fucking boss of me." you're not backing down. "and quit looking at me like that. you look stupid."
"excuse me?" eddie's brows raise. "you better watch that mouth."
"yeah? or what?" you scoff, challengingly. "you won't do anything. you act like you're tough, but you're not. you'll just bitch about it like you always do."
eddie's eyes narrow in a way that tells you you'll regret that, and you do. his fingers around your jaw, making you hold the bar between your teeth while you gag in the corner. turned towards him so he can see you. see the way your tears run down your face, every retch and gag from the spit dripping out of your mouth, mixing with the soap. it wasn't what you wanted, not at all. you thought he might fuck you, show you how mean he could be.
instead, he was meaner, washing your mouth out for saying such nasty things. a cry bloomed in your chest, frustrated and furious that you hadn't got what you wanted. you felt like sobbing, stomping and screaming out of pure aggravation. eddie's cutting gaze every time you whimpered stopped that.
and he did give you what you wanted, eventually.
after rinsing your mouth out, letting your spit and sniffle into the freshly fixed sink, he pinned you over the counter, walloped your ass with a wooden spoon. you thought after you hid the fly swatter you might be in the clear in the kitchen, but eddie always got creative.
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heartsforsserafim · 10 months
Can I request sugar mommy Kazuha?
Like Candy
pairing ; sugar mommy!kazuha x fem!reader
genre ; smut/fluff
tw ; spoiling, public sex (kind of), g!p kazuha, jealousy, not proofread
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You were walking around the mall with Kazuha, and some guys started hitting on you. Entertaining them of course, making Kazuha jealous a bit.
She pulled you away from them, taking you into a bathroom stall. "Now of course i shouldn't have this conversation with you. But L/n Y/n i swear if you flirt with another person me and you are over." She says looking into your eyes.
Now of course, you'd think something along the lines of well it's every once in a while but no. Every single person you two come across flirts with you because you're so pretty and although Zuha is just your sugar mommy, she still hates it.
You stared into her eyes, "Okay i'm sorry i won't do it again" she nodded and still placed the vibrator inside of you. You knew where this was going so you prayed no one would try to talk to you anymore.
Soon after the mall trip, kazuha had her guards carry your bags to the car. The vibrator being on the highest setting you couldn't walk correctly, and she wasn't letting you cum so you're stuck here.
She drove home not saying a word to you, making them take your bags inside. She carried you bridal style into the house, making it to her bedroom.
"Now we can do this either easy or hard, it's your choice." She said and removed her own clothes. You looked at her, she looked so attractive mad. You came right there, moaning so loud while you shook violently. "Aw did i say you can cum?" you shook your head, "Now", she says and pulls the vibrator out. She went down to your cunt before looking at you, " is this okay?" "mhm mhm please" she smirked and licked your cunt up to your clit. "Ah fuck! Mmhp zuha please make me cum"
With that Kazuha began eating you out like crazy, using her tongue in ways you never felt her use before, your hair was a mess. Sweat beads on your forehead, you were moaning this girl's name out. Surely her neighbors heard you, "Fuck y/n the way you say my name is so hot." she said and continued eating you out, using her fingers as clit stimulation.
"O-oh god! mmm! z-zuha i'm- ah!" you say and cum in her mouth. She lapped it all up, and stood straight. Your juices all over the girl's face, "You taste amazing" she said, and began taking off her boxers, "Can i?" she looks at you once more, "Use me master~" you say and her cock twitched.
She walked over to your cunt, and grabbed her dick, playing along your slit with it. "P-please put it in" you begged her, she smirked and went in. You both sigh in relief. Waiting a few minutes before pulling out and slamming right back into you. "Oh god you're so warm" she says and began thrusting in and out of you.
Normally she'd be able to control how fast she was going, but tonight she wanted to just destroy you. Pulling out and placing you on top of her, she inserted her cock once more. Thrusting insanely fast, you tried matching her pace. The sound on skin slapping, and moans could be heard throughout that house.
Kazuha felt herself getting closer, and began rubbing your clit so you can tighten around her. "A-ah im cumming! please please let me cum i won't do anything else bad just fuck! please zuha" you begged out, she nodded and began going faster. Laying you on your back and taking complete control over your body while chasing her own orgasm. You both came at the same time, her hips slowing down helping to ride out the pleasure you both felt.
Picking you up, she took you to the bathroom and washed you. "Is the water warm enough?" she asked, "mhm" you said and she began applying soap to your body. "Do you want bubble gum, strawberry or vanilla?" "hm, strawberry" "alright" Kazuha applied the shampoo into your hair, and let it sit for a bit whilst she held your hand. You both made eye contact before laughing, she kissed you before grabbing your towel and having you get in. "I have your clothes laid on the bed, just stay in bed for a bit" She said and left the bathroom. You smiled and went to the room, falling asleep soon after realizing she turned on your favorite childhood cartoon.
Kazuha had your favorite songs playing throughout the house, and she was cooking you something to eat. "Hey" you said, "oh hey, you're up already" "Yea, so what's all this about" you motioned pointing at the table, "Oh nothing!" She said and smiled a bit, "You're so beautiful y/n" she said, making you a bit shy. "T-thank you zuha" She was about to speak but the doorbell rang, she hurried over to it, "Thank you!" she said and closed the door. "What was that about?" you asked, "Uhmm i ordered you something you can't see it yet though!"
You laughed before walking out, "alright!" Kazuha hurried and sat everything up. She bought you a puppy and she didn't want you to know until dinner.
A while passed and she called you down, "Okay can i see it?" you asked after dinner. "Mhm! I'll go get her" her? you thought "Meet pumpkin !" Kazuha said with such a childish smile plastered on her face. "Awww oh my god!!" You squealed and grabbed the puppy, "Thank you so much baby!" you kissed her, she smiled and kissed you back.
She knew she picked a good present for you, already ordering everything else you wanted along with necessities for the puppy. Of course, Kazuha can make this money right back, she was under the hybe entertainment of course. This is nothing to her
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nyaniikat · 1 year
Special present
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Male reader
Fem aligned DNI
Your body shaking from overstimulation, you felt his cum flowing out of your ass but he kept stuffing it back in with his fingers.
"Don't tell me you're already tired now y/n~, we still have a long way to go baby~"
You felt his hand start to pump your cock as he did everything he could to milk all out of you. Telling him you could be his personal fuck toy for the night and he could go as hard as felt like with no holding back (as long as he remembers the safe word) was definitely a great idea.
Usually he would still hold back to some degree or the two of you would have quickies as he had to run around a lot for the league. This time however he could do things as long and slow or fast as he like.
A shiver went down your spine as you felt yourself release again. Dabi sits you up and placing you on his lap and making circle movements on your nipples.
"That's a good baby boy~ what a sweet bitch you are today~"
His words went straight to your dick as you felt yourself harden up again, he cackles at the sight of you getting horny just from him praising you. Lifting you up slightly he placed his dick right in you, forcing you to sit on it. Holding your legs up he fucks you in your abused hole, the cum that was stuffed in there coming out making your hole more sloppy than it already was.
Moans went right out of your mouth as you called out Dabis name in pleasure, one of his hands forced you to turn to him and with that he shoves his tongue down your throat and the free hand went right to pulling on your nipples.
Dabi felt he was close to cumming again, thrusting into you faster he kisses you harder wanting every bit of you
"Ah hann-gh baby boy you're going to be stuffed with my cum again okay? Daddy's going to make you nice and full~"
With that he released into you as you feel yourself let go as well. Heavy panting now filled the room and your eyes could barely keep itself open. Dabi held you close to him as he kissed your face with so much adoration. You were his and he was yours nothing could change that, he was one lucky guy to have someone like you by his side. Someone who was willing to hear him out, someone who would stick close to him no matter how many fights and shitty conversations you had with eachother, before he never liked it when you criticised him for thinking about certain things or doing certain thing, but now he takes that criticism and keeps it in mind after an argument you both had.
Slowly pulling you out of him, he carefully puts you in the pillow/plush fort that you made on the ground with your stolen given plushies. Cleaning up was something he didn't like to do right after sex but seeing how messy and cum filled the sheets were he had no choice.
After cleaning up and changing out the sheets (occasionally checking up on you and you were out like a light) he ran some water in the tub whilst putting boiling hot water in it as well so the two can mix into a comfortable temperature. After making sure the temp of the water was okay he walked over to you waking you up.
"Heyyy bitch~ wake up it's bath time"
"Only if you wash me and clean me up then I'll go"
"Was already thinking about doing that but maybe I won't now"
"You better not change your mind asshole"
Putting your arms up showing you want to be carried, he picked you up and placed you down in the tub and slowly went in to sit behind you. Passing him some soap and a scrub to scrub your back he starts on it immediately as you start putting shampoo in your hair, untangling the mess out. After washing yourself up you just leaned against your boyfriends chest as his hand held yours. Times like these you wish were longer and happend more often, but him being part of a big boy villain group and you making support items for anyone who wishes to buy them you both tend to not see eachother too often.
"You alright sweetheart?"
"Yeah yeah I'm fine, just thinking of how much I love you~"
"That's weird and disgusting of you to say. Don't say cheesy shit again please."
He stood up and went out of the tub, unplugging the plug before picking you up so he could dry you up with a towel.
"Hehe okay okay but seriously I wish we could just stay like this sometimes"
"I mean.. we could but that means fucking your brains out and me possibly having to leave mid way or first thing in the morning."
Seeing you dry enough, he dries himself before dragging you into bed with him
"Ugh true, how long are you able to stay tomorrow."
"I think I'll have to go back by evening so we still have some time on our hands for eachother"
"That's good, I just want you here with me right now"
Cuddling right up to him with his arms wrapped around you, the both of you just stayed in a comfortable silence and slowly fell asleep in each others arms.
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hearts4youz · 9 months
The Captains Daughter -Chapter 3-
A/N Sorry for the longer wait!!! chapters 4 and 5 are ready to go and will be out this week/weekend as well!! hope yall are doing great and enjoy this chapter! its a bit of a slow one, the next few are too but I promise it will get better!!
Word count: 1.1k
Reader pov:
*Beep beep*
*Beep beep*
4:45 AM, your alarm was blaring. You let out an ungodly noise as you stretched your still sleeping muscles, reaching over to shut it off. Breakfast started in 15 mins, reporting was mandatory. You used the restroom, brushed your teeth, washed your face with your standard issue bar of soap, which to be honest, didn't do much for skincare. It was more for sterilization than anything.
You combed your hair back into a low ponytail. Luckily the uniform regulations were much more relaxed here than your old base. Your hair only needed to be tied back in some form if it was past chin length, instead of the required sleek low bun most other military organizations required.
Putting on your uniform and double knotting your shoes, you opened your door and began walking to the mess. Almost running face first into a man with a mustache. You looked up to apologize and realized it was your father.
"Watch where you're going fatass," You joked. (A/N- please tell me yall got the mean girls reference.)
Your dad laughed, your footsteps fell in sync and the two of you walked to breakfast together.
"How was your first day of training with your Lieutenant?"
"I don't think I'm up to his standards," you confessed. Remembering Ghost's disapointment with you the day before
"Ah yeah, Ghost is tough to please. Don’t stress about it kid, if he’s mean to you it usually means he likes you,” He winked.
You rolled your eyes, “he doesn’t even think I belong here, he kicked my ass when we sparred.”
“Ghost is a great soldier, he’s incredibly strong and has seen a lot of hand to hand combat. He can be blunt, but it’s cause he wants to make you better, not boost your confidence,” your dad tries reassuring you.
“Thank you dad, but something tells me him and I won’t get along too well," your opinion unchanged.
He sighs, the two you enter the mess hall and fall into line.
"Speak of the devil," your dad says, lightly elbowing you.
you turned around to see Ghost and Soap had gotten in line behind you.
"Captain!" Soap exclaimed, with just a tad too much energy for 5 in the morning."
You looked up at him and grinned. He had shaved his face, which appeared to have shaved a decade off of his life.
"MacTavish!" Your father clapped him on the back. "You don't look a day over twelve," he teased.
The four of you laughed, the first time you've seen your lieutenant do anything of the sort.
Ghost caught your quizzical expression and quickly stopped, expression reducing to the same stone faced soldier you were growing familiar with.
"Ghost?" Soap wondered why he stopped laughing.
Soaps gaze switched from him to you.
"Oh," was all that came out of his mouth
You were confused, why wouldn't Ghost laugh around you?
Why did soap seem to instantly know why?
Ghost pov:
I was not about to let Y/N see my "human" side, maybe once she proves she can handle herself. I think as I fork bacon onto my tray.
I dared to steal a glance at her, she was back to talking and laughing with Soap and Price. It is odd seeing someone act so informal around him. I know he is her father and all, but everyone else acts so reverent towards him.
I am due to continue her training at 4:00 this afternoon. Dread fills my veins. I hate the thought of being in charge of the training that is designed to save someones life. What if I fail to teach her something that she needs in a dire situation? What if I am too soft on her and she remains weaker than her opponents.
No, that won't happen.
You will be hard on her, you will show no remorse, you won't feel bad. She is not your friend, she is your sergeant. I repeat this to myself in my head as we gather our trays and walk to the table. I ate in silence, paying little attention to the conversation. Gaz and Alejandro had joined us at this point. I stared down at the plate in front of me. The bacon here is nasty.
I wanted to leave. I hated it with Y/N here.
Its not that I don't like her, well actually maybe that is partially why.
But, when I look at her, its like seeing a child. Something that needs to be looked after, someone with a lot to learn, someone who isn't ready to face the world.
I stood up to leave without a word. I head towards the gym to get in a quick lift before the morning briefing.
Soap had followed me
"Fucking hell" I said under my breath.
"You cant be a jackass to her forever," Johnny said, jogging to catch up with me.
"Until I can safely befriend her without having to worry about having to identify her body a week later I will be," I huffed.
"Simon, I know it hit you like a truck when Henry Jones, and Bill Anderson died, I know how you get when you hear about the death of anyone," he tried to reason.
"I know you always think it's your fault when something goes wrong. I know you want to protect everyone, and I know you don't mean to be an asshole." I looked at him from the corner of my eye.
"But not everyone else knows that," he continued. "Your colleagues are afraid of you. They think you're heartless. I know you aren't, the rest of the squad knows you aren't, well except Y/N.
Him and I walked the rest of the way in silence. I contemplated his words.
Your colleagues are afraid of you
"I don't want her to be afraid."
"Hm?" Soap turned his head
"Y/N, I don't want her to be afraid of me," I confirmed
"The mask sure isn't helping," Soap joked to break the tension. "Actually, keep it on- whats underneath is worse," he snickered.
"You bastard, I'm not ugly," I cracked a smile from beneath said mask.
Johnny has seen my face once, on a mission. I was sucker punched and it cracked.
"What does she think of me?" I say, curiosity besting me.
"She thinks you're a total dick."
"You can fix that though," Soap said "It's pretty simple, maybe instead of beating the shit out of her to start training, you could ask how her day is going." He sarcastically adds
I roll my eyes, "I'm capable of friendship."
Soap laughs, "I'll put in a good word for you LT."
Smiling and shaking my head, I walk away.
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hopelesslys-world · 11 months
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WARNINGS: NON-CON, Age Gap ( Massimo is 34 reader is 20 ), sex, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, oral (both female and male), yandere themes, stalking, KIDNAPPING, violence, harsh language, murder...
Tell me if I missed something... ( As you can see most of those warnings will make their appearance in future chapters. )
I apologize for any grammar mistakes...
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏, 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 outside. You felt a slight depressed feeling approaching you, not to mention that you were starving like never before.
Right as your brain woke up, you felt someone’s hand lying heavy on your waist. Massimo was sleeping next to you, spooning you from behind leaving no space whatsoever, curled into a ball just like you with his arm around you securely.
Moments of yesterday's fight flashed before your eyes and disgust washed over you. What was he doing here? Being all cuddly and shit? If he won't apologise for his behaviour then you're in for a much terrible year.
You were afraid to move, to wake him, and you had to go to the bathroom. Slowly, you started to slip from under his arm, lifting it delicately. Massimo took a deep breath and turned over on his back. He was still asleep. You got up and headed to the bathroom tiptoeing.
After you were done with your business, you took your clothes off and went to the enormous shower. You turned the water on letting it soak you. Taking your loofah and using a generous amount of heavenly scented soap you began to scrub your body.
The door slammed open suddenly. It was the Man in Black. He was ogling me, not even trying to act cool.
A surprised scream left your mouth and hurried to cover up all your lady parts. "What the hell" you murmured to yourself
“Good morning, baby girl. May I join you?” he asked, rubbing the sleep off his eyes.
At first first all you wanted was to rush at him, pummel him with your fists for what would have been the thousandth time, and throw him out. But your experience of yesterday's fight told you that it would comedown to nothing and only elicit an abrupt, violent, and unpleasant reaction.
Instead, you replied, “You wouldn't leave even if I told you to. So be my guest.”
Massimo stopped rubbing his eyes, frowned, and froze, dumbfounded. He must have thought he had misheard you. You had thrown him off balance.
Time to finally put Plan C into action I guess. You thought mischievously.
You couldn’t change the fact that he had just gone in behind you and seen you naked, no other man had seen you like this before. It was for a brief moment, though. Your hands hugged your breasts protectively while you crossed your legs tightly preventing anyone from seeing your bare womanhood.
Slowly, Massimo approached the expansive shower, grabbed the shirt from the back of his neck and tore it off with one fluid motion. You backed up against the shower's wall, surely but hesitantly you removed one of your hands and began scrubbing again. Keeping your eyes glued to the floor tiles not daring to meet his burning gaze.
Massimo entered the enormous cubicle and turned on the second shower head. There were four of those in total, not counting the gigantic water jet panel that looked like a bathroom radiator.
“We’re leaving today,” the Man in Black said impassively. “We’re going to be away for a couple of days. Maybe weeks. I don’t know yet. We’ll drop by some galas and parties, so take this into account while packing your things. Domenico will take care of everything. You just tell him what you need.”
In the end, your curiosity won. You turned his way and saw Massimo standing with his arms propped on the wall, letting the water flow freely down his naked body. The first man you saw naked in real life and not movies.
The view was overwhelming— toned leg, shapely buttocks, muscled belly were all testament to the enormous work he had to do to keep his body in such perfect shape. Your eyes stopped wandering not wanting to push your luck and create sly comments from him.
The soap disappeared from your body, you turned off the water and moved forward to leave the shower. Without warning Massimo grabbed your arm and you slammed softly to his chest with a gasp. You could feel his erect cock touching your lower back.
"I wanted to say sorry for yesterday, you made me so furious I wasn't able to control myself." He kissed your shoulder. You didn't move. "I want to be gentle with you Y/N, but I don't know how...will you teach me how to be gentle?" His lips started to trail toward your neck and his large hands roamed your waist.
You nodded. Your body was rebelling against you, where did that even come from? He was so mean to you and now you wanted to fuck him?
What the hell!?
"I have to get ready." You said desperately wanting to get out of there.
He let you go with no complaints and you rushed out. You grabbed a bathrobe on your way and threw it over myself, running through the door.
You shut yourself in the ginormous closet until you heard him leave. You sat at a bench scolding your subconscious that wanted you to sleep with him. How did that thought even crossed your mind, it was sick! You didn't know what time it was or how long you stayed in there.
Suddenly, you heard someone knock on the room's door, unwillingly you gathered your wits and left the closet to go and answer the door.
It was no other than Domenico, "Hi." You greeted. You moved aside to let him in, he was holding two gigantic Louis Vuitton travel bags.
The young Italian smiled. “Hey, you are leaving in an hour, so I thought you could use some help, miss. Unless you don’t want me to…”
“Stop calling me miss. I can’t stand it. Besides, you can't be that older, so let’s skip the formalities.”
Domenico smiled and nodded, signaling his consent. “Can you tell me where we’re going?” you asked.
“To Napoli, Rome, and Venice,” he replied. “And then the Côte d’Azur.”
You opened your eyes wider, surprised. You had never been to all those places. You haven’t seen so many places in your whole life!
“Do you know what we’re to do in each of those places?” you asked. “I’d like to know what to take with me.”
Domenico walked over to the closet. “I do, in fact, but I was told not to spoil it for you. Don Massimo will make everything clear in time. I’ll help you pick the right outfits, don’t worry.” He winked at you. “Fashion is something of a hobby to me.”
“I’ll trust you fully if that’s the case. If we only have an hour to prepare, let’s get to it, shall we?”
Domenico nodded and disappeared in the cavernous closet.
"Domenico," you said. He quickly spun around to meet your face. "Could you by any chance bring me something to eat? I'm starving to death here..."
"Consider it done." He then speed dial someone on the phone and arranged you a meal in Italian.
Fifty minutes later, you were standing in front of the mirror, packing your cosmetics into one of the leather bags. You'd tied your hair neatly with a hair clip, Domenico picked a red maxi skirt and a white top, along with white heels and jewellery that complemented the outfit perfectly.
“Your things are packed,” Domenico said, passing you your bag.
“I’d like to see Massimo now, please.”
“He hasn’t finished his meeting yet, but—”
“Well it's about time he does, ” you interrupted disdainfully, leaving the room.
The library was one of those rooms whose location you had committed to memory. You headed down the corridor, and the patter of your hills reverberated from the stone floor. As you reached the right door, you took a deep breath and pulled on the handle. You went inside and felt a shiver running down your spine. You hadn’t been here since your first conversation with the Man in Black, only a while after waking up from your deep sleep.
Massimo was sitting on the couch. He wore a light linen suit and an unbuttoned shirt. Next to him sat a man with graying hair—very handsome and a lot older than Massimo. A typical Italian, you thought. Longish hair combed back and a well-groomed goatee. Seeing you, both of them jumped to their feet.
The first look you got from Massimo was ice-cold. As if he wanted to scold you for interrupting his meeting. But as soon as his eyes swept your entire silhouette, his stare seemed to grow less severe. He said something to the other man, keeping his eyes on you, and started walking your way. He approached you and leaned over, kissing you on the cheek.
“You look lovely,” he whispered, planting the kiss. He took your hand in his and led you to his friend.
“Y/N, meet Mario—my right hand.” you walked over to the man to offer him a hand, but he swooped in, grabbed you by the shoulders, and kissed you on both cheeks. You still hadn’t grown used to that. Where you come from, you only kiss your closest friends and relatives.
“Consigliere,” you said with a smile.
“Just Mario is all right.” The older man returned your smile. “It is good to finally see you in the flesh. Alive.”
Those words rooted you to the spot. What did he mean, “alive”? Had he assumed you wouldn’t live to see him? Your face must have shown some of your emotions, as Mario quickly explained, “There are paintings of you all over the mansion. They’ve been there for years now, but nobody ever believed you were real. You must be as astounded as we are.”
You could only nod.
“I won’t lie: this whole situation is a bit surreal and daunting. But we all know I have no power over don Massimo, so I humbly accept each and every one of the three hundred and sixty-five days he has given me.” Irony was your new best friend now, you rolled your eyes.
Massimo burst out laughing. “Humbly…” he repeated, turning to his companion, who immediately joined in the merriment.
“I’m happy I could improve your mood. Now, I’ll wait in the car so you can enjoy my absence,” you hissed, sending them both an ironic smirk. As I turned you back on them and headed to the door, you heard Mario say, trying to hold back the laughter, “Indeed, Massimo, it’s just as if she was Italian.”
You ignored that and shut the door behind you. You stopped before you exited the house and went out to the driveway. The image of the dead man lying on the paving stones flashed before your eyes. You swallowed, took a furtive look around, and headed in the direction of the SUV parked outside. The driver opened the door for you and gave you a hand as you stepped inside.
Your iPhone was lying on the back seat, right next to your laptop. You squealed with glee, seeing both devices. You turned the phone on only to find out that your password was changed.
You tried and tried again until you were made to stop by the phone's security.
That fucking bastard!
In that moment, the car door opened, and Massimo deftly slipped inside. He took a look at your hand. The iPhone was still in it. "Why did you change my password?" You asked your vision going red. That also means that he scrolled through it as well!
“I don't trust you that much, just yet. You will only talk with your relatives under my supervision.” he replied casually. He pressed the button and then the black glass separated us from the driver.
“The last stop of our trip will be Warsaw. It won’t be as soon as you’d like, but calling your parents more often from now on should assuage her concerns and give us more time, so you can call them whenever you want- while I'm with you.”
That was good news. “Thanks I guess...” You turned your head away looking at the window.
Massimo kept his eyes on you for a moment longer. Then he lay his head on the headrest and sighed. “I’m not so bad. I don’t want to keep you here against your will. I don’t want to threaten you. But, tell me: would you stay of your own will?” He fixed you with a searching stare.
You turned away. Would you stay? Of course not. Without second thoughts.
The Man in Black was still waiting for a reply, but didn’t get one, so he turned to his iPhone, scrolling and reading something on the Internet.
The silence was unbearable. You needed someone to talk to. Maybe it was because of your longing for home. Still looking through the window, you asked, “Where are we going now?”
“The airport in Catania. If the traffic is light, we should be there in less than an hour.”
Another good thing, you enjoyed flying a lot.
Massimo reached into the glove compartment and took out a black paper bag. “I have something for you,” he said, handing me the package.
You frowned and sent him a questioning look.
The elegant gold lettering on its front formed the words “Patek Philippe.” youknew that name. There could only be one thing inside. You also knew how expensive those watches were. “Massimo… I…” your eyes wandered back to him. “I can’t accept that.”
He laughed out loud, sliding on his aviators. “Baby girl, this is one of the cheaper gifts I’m going to give you. Besides, don’t forget you don’t get to decide for another few hundred days. Open it.”
You knew this was going nowhere—arguing with him never did. It could only lead to misery for you, especially since there was nowhere to run now. You pulled a black box from the bag and opened it. The watch was marvelous—pink gold encrusted with little diamonds. Simply perfect.
“You have been pretty isolated today. I had to reward you. I know I’ve taken much from you, but you’ll start getting it all back now,” Massimo said, fastening the watch on your wrist.
[ series masterlist ]
TAGLIST: ( THANK YOU ❤️ (if you want to be added comment in the chapters or send a message:) ) @lucidlivi
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melancholymegumi · 5 months
melody's current thoughts…💭
yandere!shindo with a girl that really , really needs to shut the fuck up.
content warning : yo’s 2 faced and he snaps , spankings , figging , neglect , reader doesn't eat food properly , belt use , shit writing it's the afternoon and I'm surviving of a granola bar , Yo is referred to as “daddy” , mentions of reader getting 'grounded', ddlg , implied yan dad bf!yo tell me if I need more warning..
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Shindo’s tired. he loves you by all means, that's the whole reason he kidnapped you after all! he loves you, and never wants to let you go. But god , for fuck sakes you are a handful. He's nice, he brings you food, gives you freedom to explore the outside of the house (that is covered with trees and bodyguards, but is equipped with slides , swings and classic playground stuff.
He gets that getting kidnapped and only having access to a TV and only allowed watching shows that he approves are a bit boring, especially since all of the movies are pg 13. He's just worried for you! He doesn't want you to see all the nasty blood stuff– you're not ready. It's why he kidnapped you in the first place. But still, why can't you leave him alone or be good for one second? Eat your food. It's not hard, but because it isn't your usual food– of course you're not eating it.
Untill, he finally fucking snapped. “you know what sweetheart? You don't wanna eat? Fine. You don't wanna talk to me because you're throwing your tantrums? Good. Since you don't wanna talk, I'm not fucking talking you either. Not until you have some fucking manners and respect.” and he just walked off, slamming the door of his room shut. Don't worry, you can't escape. He has cameras everywhere afterall.
Finally, after about 2 hours he came out of his room. Familiar white-tee hovering over his body with his hair still wet, making the shirt low-key see through. You walked up to him, trying to sit next to him as he flipped through the movie on the TV. That's weird. He usually pulls you onto his lap. “daddy?” no response. That's when it hits you, he's actually ignoring you. He didn't even utter a word , pushing you back on the floor by his feet. Which made you tear up, sniffling and hugging his legs.
He's still ignoring you— what the fuck. He just kept watching the movie , not even acknowledging your existence. Not until you started apologising. “s-sorry! ‘m sorry daddy! won't be a bad girl again– please! you're being mean.” that's when he sighed, giving you relief. But you knew that's not it. there's no way he'll forgive you that easily.
Your suspicion soon came true– when he muttered under his breath, his voice pretty yet poisonous. “go in your room. I'm gonna go to the kitchen, and you're gonna go pick out a belt. I don't fucking care which one is it, if you still hasn't chose one we're gonna use the paddle. I don't want to hear any noises when I'm spanking you , got it? and after that you're going to scoot your ass to the toilet , brush your teeth and go to sleep. I'm not cuddling you tonight, since you wanna be a big girl and run your mouth. Be grateful I'm not washing your mouth out with soap.”
you , of course ran straight to your room. But there's still an unanswered question. What was he doing in the kitchen? regardless, you picked out a belt, one of the belts that probably doesn't look like it hurts the most. It's the one which he wears outside everyday , a Calvin Klein’s belt that was somehow thick and thin at the same time. He soon finally came into the room – something. “so you do know how to listen. Over my lap. C’mon.” You whined at his words — only for him to shoot you a glare, which was enough to make you shut the fuck up.
He laid you over his lap, shoving two fingers in your mouth, forcing you to gag on it. with the one hand he had left , he suddenly shoved something into your ass – it was a piece of ginger. The sudden burning and uncomfortable sensation made you squirm , trying oh, so hard to not bite his fingers– and then he suddenly spanked you.
“If you squirm, I'm hitting you with the fucking belt and that's how many days you're gonna get grounded. Start fucking counting.”
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Pet au: How would the brothers react to an owner who wants to help them bath?
Lucifer: No. Absolutely not. Lucifer is usually pretty obedient, but seeing him naked is something he won't allow. He hates being without his clothing, hates showing any skin. He knows that he's not in his prime and wouldn't want you to see him naked. He'll even lock the door when he's taking a bath because he doesn't want you walking in.
If you insist, then Lucifer is extremely uncomfortable. His knees are up, and he's crouching to try and hide as much skin as possible. Looking at you with an expression that tells you that he just wants to get this over with. He might even snap at you to hurry up if he thinks you're dragging this out.
You can try to coo and compliment him, but he'll only give you a scowl in return. Do not do this if you want to build trust with him. If you respect his wishes and let him bathe alone, he might ask you for help preening his wings after his bath.
Mammom: flushes a deep red when you suggest that you're going to help him bath. "Wh-why do ya want to do that?! I can bathe myself, ya know!" He insists, but he doesn't put up too much of a fight if you insist.
He's very embarrassed when he realizes that you're going to see him naked and will try to argue that he should bathe in his clothing. "It's a two for one deal! Now ya don't gotta do laundry!" When that doesn't work, he gets into the tub. At first, he'll try and act all cool and like he's unbothered that you're seeing him at his most vulnerable. He'll try and be self-sufficient, scrubbing his own body and trying to insist that he can wash his own hair.
But the warm water relaxes his muscles, and soon, he's only half protesting as you run your fingers through his hair. Mammon can't help but relax into your touch. No matter how closed off your relationship is, Mammon becomes absolutely boneless in your care. Will whine and pout if you try to move away to grab the conditioner. He does not want to leave the tub, even when he's a raisin and the water has gone cold.
When he finally comes back to his senses after the bath, he's extremely embarrassed and will avoid you for a day or two, but after that, he's asking when his next bath is.
Levi: is immediately blushing the second the word "bath" leaves your mouth. He very obviously doesn't want you to see him naked, but is too skittish to actually say anything. Levi already needs help with cleaning his tail, and you two do that when he's fully clothed. He's already absolutely mortified during that, so he doubts that he'll survive you seeing him naked!
When you two get into the bathroom, he will try to stall for as long as possible. Sometimes, he's standing completely still, not even breathing, in the hopes that you'll get bored and leave. When he's finally naked and in the tub, he's curling up into the tightest ball. When you tell him to close his eyes when you rinse, he doesn't open them until the bath is over.
The only way to get him to relax, after many, many stressful baths, is to bring anime into bathtime. You get anime themed bath toys and even play anime on your laptop that's sitting on the bathroom countertop. The anime helps. He can't keep his eyes closed when there's anime to watch. The bath toys make him more active during bathtime, as he quickly starts to explain the plot of the anime the toys are from. Soon, he's playing out scenes and rambling about characters and their arcs. After a few baths, Levi whines when you try to get him out of the bathtub, pleading for just one more episode.
Satan: You kinda have to help him bathe when you first get him because he's never been in a bathroom before. Whenever he got too dirty at the ring, his handlers would hose him down from outside his cage. So, working a shower nozzle? Using soap? All new concepts to him. He finds that he feels embarrassed when you bathe him. He doesn't understand why - he's been naked in front of handlers countless times before.
Getting his clothes off is easy. What Satan struggles with is the concept of sitting down in water. He doesn't understand how this is an effective way to get clean. Aren't you sitting in your own filth? You have to explain to him that most people aren't actually that dirty when they bathe and that the soap cleans all of the dirt. The first time you bathe him, he's actually dirty enough that you gotta refill the bath a few times.
When he gets settled and the bath water stays clear, Satan finds himself relaxing into the warm water. He expected that water to be freezing cold, as the water was only ever freezing when his handlers used the hose, so he wasn't looking forward to having to sit in freezing cold water. So the warm water is definitely a surprise, but an incredibly pleasant one.
He can't help but relax in the tub, even when he's still unsure about his place in his home, and the relationship you two are fostering, the warm water washes alway all concerns. As the water seeps into his bones and softens him, he can't help but lean into your gentle touch as you scrub through his hair and whine a soft trill whenever you smile at him.
Asmo: he's immediately all for it when you bring it up. He's always looking for a way to show you his best assets, and this will be a perfect opportunity! He doesn't understand that you're not looking for that kind of bath, even when you insist, multiple times, that you're not going to sleep with him.
He still doesn't believe you and is extremely confused when you don't get into the bath with him. Well, no matter, he can still show you what he was made to do as you scrub his hair. Maybe he can convince you to join! Maybe this whole thing is a test! Yet when you pay his flirting no mind, when you look away to grab a bar of soap when he flutters his eyes lash at you, Asmo starts to get a little worried.
The bath can either go two ways: Asmo slowly gets more and more stressed as you don't pay attention to him the way he's expecting. Until he's breaking down and begging you to just get it over with and fuck him. Or he settles down and lets himself get pampered, and relishes in all the products he gets to chose from. The trick to get the former instead of the latter is complimenting Asmo. If you make it seem like you still like him, and that you're just trying to get him to look his prettiest (for you, his mind fills in for him) then he has a must better time letting himself relax and enjoy himself. Even if you refuse to get into the bath Asmo will still try to convince you to wear a face mask.
Beel: He actually prefers that you're there. When he was with his previous owners the only way for him to get clean was when one of them washed him down with the hose. He also never had a reason to go inside his own owner's house, so he's never been inside of a bathroom before. So he's quite nervous about accidently breaking something.
When you get him into the bathroom Beel is quite nervous. He feels too large, no matter the size of your bathroom. Your presence calms him down a bit, at least if you're here he can simply stand off to the side and let you turn the shower nozzle. If he touched that on his own he'll probably break it. When he realizes that he's going to have to get naked to get into the bathtub he gets a little bashful. He never had a reason to get naked in front of his previous owners, so he'll ask if you can turn around when he takes off his clothes. It doesn't matter if you're going to see him naked anyway, for some reason him stripping off his clothes while you stand there watching him is just too embarrassing for the gentle giant.
Beel tries to make himself as small as possible in your bathtub. No matter how big it is. It has less to do with you seeing him naked, and move about him accidentally taking up too much space, or getting in your way. When you get him bathing him he actually gets a little exicted, as everything is so new to him. I hope you're using baby shampoo because Beel doesn't understand the concept of closing his eyes when you rinse. When you get into the rhythm of scrubbing his hair, rinsing, and repeat, Beel actually feels himself relaxing. The warm water is relaxing muscles he didn't even know was sore, and your touch is so gentle. He actually forgets about his rumbling stomach for a while as he leans into your touch. 
Belphie: if you two built up a good relationship than he's fine with you bathing you. He'll probably fall asleep the moment he lays down in the warm water. You have to remind him to stay awake, or else he might accidentally drown a bit. It's not his fault! The water is just so warm and soothing, and aren't you his owner? Isn't it your job to make sure he's safe and doesn't drown? Belphie immediately falls back asleep after making this argument. You have to get one of those baby float things for Belphie's neck when he's in the bath. It paints kind of a ridiculous picture, but Belphie doesn't care. The bath is relaxing, but you can't take your eye off of Belphie for too long.
If you two haven't built up a good relationship! Nope. No gonna happen. He's not going to be vulnerable around a human. Hissing at you when you mention the idea, and says that he's not going to go in the bath with you. Unlike Lucifer, who will only verbally deny you, Belphie will actively fight you if you try to force him into the bath. You have to practically drag him kicking and screaming into the bathroom. It's the most energized he's been in a while, but he's not getting into the bathtub without a fight.
Getting his clothes off is basically impossible when he's fighting you, so you have to bath him when he's still wearing most of his clothing. When he's actually in the bath he's scratching you and throwing bottles of soap at you. It's less about him being naked, and more not give you what you want.
Even if you back off after mentioning the bath, Belphie becomes extremely suspicious of you and will start locking the door whenever he's in the bathroom.
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