#we about to drop more angst in this bish
ꜰᴏʀɢᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ɴᴏᴛ | ᴋᴀɪ ᴄʜɪꜱᴀᴋɪ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ᴏɴᴇ-ꜱʜᴏᴛ
Y’all thought it was oVER? lolol Blame Admin T--- I asked her who I should write for BNHA and she said this SO ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As always, thank you all so much for the love and support for this blog~! I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did with writing it~!
I do apologize if I don’t capture his character the best ;;” 
I won’t lie, I was listening to Might U as I was writing this.
» » Admin Ko
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Tedious. At least, that’s what it should’ve been. Yet instead of feeling the normal bouts of irritation at the lack of control he had over the situation at hand, he felt...unnerved. The imaginary seed that was implanted in his stomach all those months ago seemed to only gain in mass.
“...Who are you?”
He shouldn’t have allowed himself to grow these...feelings. Not only did he feel contaminated and utterly sick to his stomach, but the strange ache in his chest did nothing to help soothe his frazzled nerves as those curious yet dim (e/c) hues peered into his sorrowful golden ones.
“...My name is Chisaki Kai...”
“Oh! Hello Chisaki.”
A bout of coughing and another grimace as the pain in his chest amplified tenfold at the horrifying sound. It disgusted him. It truly did, yet instead of feeling the need to get away, he wanted to get closer to her. To comfort her-- hell to shake some common sense into her. Even if it meant he would break out, he just had to do something.
“I...apologize if this seems rude...”
“What is it?”
“...what happened to your arms?”
“...I lost them because I was careless. This...I suppose, is my punishment.”
Her curious stare continued to wash over him as he felt the prickle of goosebumps rise on his shoulders. Turning away, he kept his gaze on the vacant wall of the hospital ward. This was torturous. She was torturous. 
Yet still she managed to worm her way into his heart, and he didn’t know whether or not if he wanted to ask for cardiac surgery or to embrace this newfound emotion.
All he really knew was that if he had only been smarter-- hell maybe even faster at coming up with the quirk-destroying drug he could’ve prevented this. He could’ve gotten rid of the parasite that lurked in her veins.
6 Months Ago
“Patient name: (y/n) (l/n). Quirk: Amnesiac.”
Trudging down the corridor, the man once known as Overhaul, walked in step alongside his parole officer / attending doctor. It hadn’t been too long since his arrest and...amputation. In all honesty, he wondered why he was being granted this rare privilege. 
An assistant for a patient. That’s all they had told him. Of course Kai had to scoff. How on earth was he supposed to help? With the lack of usable limbs and knowledge limited to that of basic medical needs he didn’t really find a real necessity in this patient’s apparent ‘recovery’.
“As it’s name implies, it’s a quirk that deals the user amnesia--- yet in our patient’s case it not only forces her to lose her memories, but practically breaks down her body’s physical state.”
“...In simpler terms?”
“In short every time she loses her memory her body deteriorates along with it. It’s as if her body is, in a sense...rewinding itself forward to make up for the fact that she lost those memories.”
A grimace. If he could, he would’ve spat out that he had been right in his assumption that quirks were just an infestation to the world, this patient clearly being a poor victim of it.
“...And what is my purpose of ‘assisting’ you?”
“As far as I’m aware, you’re pretty damn heartless and selfish. So it should be easy for you to not catch feelings for her whilst being a constant in her life right?”
“Yeah, just someone who she sees everyday until well...”
“She passes.”
“I mean...yeah. Damn you really are heartless.”
“Tch. This is a waste of my time is what this is.”
“Hey, you’re helping me whether you want to or not man. It’s just a visit everyday for like, an hour or two at most.”
Another grimace was given as Kai felt a shiver run down his spine. Despite the place he would be in was a hospital, it still brought the ex-yakuza boss a sense of dread. Especially with the amount of infested bodies that littered the place.
“...how long?”
“Holy shit dude, I get that you don’t want to do this but seriously---”
“How long until she loses her memory you dumbass.”
“..Oh. Well, from what we gather they can last from a day, to a couple of months. Though the longer she stays in a...well, let’s call it a session, the more it harms her body.”
“So say she forgets me tomorrow.”
“Then her body moves forward a day.”
“....After a month?”
“She lurches forward a month.”
“Thus leading to a quick progression in her deteriorating health.”
It was, to say the least, unsettling to hear. Never had he heard of such a sickening twist for a quirk. No matter, the deal was simple. If he was lucky, this would last a year-- as fucked up as it sounded, the sooner she passed the less she would suffer in the long run.
As they neared the door, the clear unease that settled on his features was one that his parole doctor could see from a mile away. 
“Chill dude, it’ll be fine.”
With that, the door cracked open, and there seated quietly whilst reading a book was a woman. By any standards she was normal, average, easy on the eyes with a slight fae-like feel. Though really it was most likely the early evening glow that cascaded into her room the moment they entered. 
All Kai really knew was that it was the moment when gold met glittering (e/c) hues that a seed lodged it’s way into his stomach.
It had started off easy-- well in Kai’s opinion it had. Every other day seemed to be a new start to the ritual that was re-introducing himself to her and making small talk. 
In all honesty, he wouldn’t admit it, but the simplicity of being able to have a normal conversation with someone brought a sense of peace in him. Of course this didn’t mean his usual snark and calculating ways-- or so he says.
For Kai, this change in routine was oddly enough, welcomed. With everything he had gone and the collogues he had imprisoned god knows where, the opportunity to engage in small talk was to say the least, enlightening. It had surprised him. As someone who sought out tactical moves in reading his opponents, he found himself at ease with the simplicity of where he was at.
Granted it was albeit dull in comparison to the interrogations he goes through, it was still a part of his routine that he refused to change. Not when he’s been so invested in it.
That changes when the day he enters her room to find that instead of having to reintroduce himself to her, she remembers him. She flashes him a gentle smile with an endearing, “How are you?” and that in itself has the former yakuza leader lose his breath as he can only comically blink at her before forcing himself to adjust to this strange change.
No later did another change occur that brought a wave of new emotions in him. She had touched him. A caress to his cheek, and unsurprisingly in that moment he broke out in hives. His sight blurring as panic shot through his system at the abundance of thoughts that struck his head as the irritation from the hives had him reeling away from her.
He didn’t see her distressed face. Nor did he see the tears that streamed down her cheeks as she desperately sought out someone to help him. Instead, he awoke to his room laying down with his hives treated. 
He felt violated. Disgusted, yet still. Even with that he found himself at her door a week later. Prepared to start a new with her and a possible replay of what had happened a week prior. Instead, he found her bowed deeply at the waist as she tightly clutched at the thin fabric of her hospital gown.
“I’m so sorry Chisaki! I didn’t know...I deeply apologize for what had happened!”
“Of course! You’re someone I can never forget.”
The pit in his stomach grew tenfold as his feet began to walk towards the awaiting lounge chair. Golden hues met truthful (e/c) ones as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat before once again bowing.
“I really am sorry...I shouldn’t have reached out to you like that...”
“...just be more aware next time.”
And like that, the pit in his stomach continued to grow. With each passing day she retained her memories, the more the pit swelled in size, and the more she began to work her way into his heart.
Present Day
He didn’t know why he felt an overwhelming pressure in his gut. The lack of food he ate was odd enough, but to actively avoid something out of his daily routine? It was unheard of. He even made that stupid request to ask his parole doctor to grab (y/n) that stupid drink she liked. 
Mentally shaking his head, Kai lightly tapped his shoe against the door before sliding it open. 
The sight bestowed upon him though was one that could’ve brought him to his knees as the pang in his chest seemed to duly ache as he dragged his feet into the room.
It was quiet. The warm beams of the spring sun settled on her pale features as dim (e/c) orbs glimmered at the sight of him. He should’ve seen this coming. Especially after she had remembered him the day it set everything out of pattern. Instead, he turned a blind eye. Out of pure ignorance? He wasn’t remotely sure anymore. All he knew was that she shouldn’t be like this.
She should be her stupid lively self, cracking jokes and sharing her stupid stories with him. Not laying there like a corpse.
“Ah...Chi-- Kai, sorry you caught me waking up from a nap. I’m sorry I don’t look more presentable...”
“Nonsense. Now, tell me what you’ve done today.”
“Straight to the point huh? Sometimes I wonder how you’d ever date anyone.”
Though weak, the teasing tone she held in her voice was one that added more weight to his chest as he seated himself in what she declared the ‘(y/n)’s best friend’s chair’. A stupid name if you asked him, but he wouldn’t tell her that.
And like that, she spoke of her day, simple tasks and duties she’s done during her stay at the hospital while Kai listened to her as the best friend she claimed he was. 
As for the new name basis, Kai couldn’t tell anyone when it picked up. All he knew was that it didn’t piss him off as much as it should’ve.
As the time neared for him to leave, she stopped him. A look of hesitance on her face as irritation seemed to grow on his own.
“What is it?”
“....Can I hold your face?”
“With gloves on!”
The statement caught him by surprise. Already he felt the disgusting voices in the back of his head whisper at him yet instead of acting on those voices he found himself mutely staring at her as she fumbled over her words.
All he could really pick out was the light blush that was on her cheeks. The spark of color that brought his feet towards her bedside as she stared up at him with shock in those (e/c) eyes. 
“Tch. What are you waiting for?”
Caught off guard, she could only stare at him for a moment before giddily shifting herself to get off the bed. A noise of distaste left his throat at her motion as she merely rolled her eyes and shushed him as she went to fervently clean her hands before snapping on the gloves.
Yet as she did this he couldn’t help but feel the ache in his chest grow even more at the sight of her frail hands and the subtle appearance of a bruise around her wrist at her careless motion of snapping the gloves on. This was immediately forgone as she walked up to him, mindful to keep a distance before she hesitantly held her hands out in a flower cup motion.
At first, Kai had no idea what she was doing, but as he grew to analyze the situation-- as well as remember the odd videos and photos she decided to show him as she sought a sort of relationship herself-- he carefully put his chin into her hands. The hesitancy of her fingers brushing his cheeks pulled a new sort of fondness in his chest as he finally relaxed his cheek against her shy hand.
Golden eyes peered deeply into glimmering (e/c) as he watched her face light up with the most color he had see on her that day. Satisfied, he waited until she finally let go.
“...Thank you, Kai.”
“No problem.”
“No really...thank you...for everything.”
Unease quickly overtook the fondness in his heart as he straightened himself out. Confusion was clearly matted onto his features as he stared down at her.
“...Why are you saying that?”
“What? I can’t say what I want for once? You let me all the time so just let me say this too!”
Finding the whole situation uncomfortable, Kai made his way to the door once more. Though before he left he motioned with his head for her to get back into bed. In response, he got her usual snark as she stuck her tongue out before carefully getting back into bed.
“If you’re on good behavior tomorrow, I’ll have your doctor bring you that drink of yours.”
The light in her eyes was enough to satisfy him and his worries as she nodded quickly before giving him a mock salute as she excitedly got herself comfy in the bed.
“Alright, you promised Kai~!”
“Who are you?”
It should’ve have hurt him as much as it did, but after 6 fucking months. 6 months of her being a daily part of his life where she did not forget him for a single moment came crashing down. The tremble that clutched tightly to his words as he re-introduced himself went unnoticed as he slowly made his way towards the lounge chair that was once considered to be (y/n)’s best friend’s chair. 
“...My name is Chisaki Kai.”
“Oh! Hello Chisaki.”
He could tell she was straining with keeping up a happy front. Her appearance was frail. So delicate that he feared anyone who touched her would be the cause of her disappearing before his eyes. The drink he had requested for her sat innocently on the bedside table as she gave him a reassuring smile.
“It’s going to be okay...”
“You look...distressed, I wanted to just reassure you things will be okay.”
No they won’t. He wanted to scream it at her, that the rasp in her voice was punching holes into his gut. That the frail breathing she had was worse than his quirk being taken away from him.
And in that moment, they stayed in silence. Merely watching one another with mixed emotions before he broke back into the routine he once thought would be meaningless.
“...What did you do today?”
Her words, though slow, told him of a peaceful day. One with little adventures and many simple moments that he’s come to slowly appreciate in his own life. 
Though as the hour of his leave came, he found it hard to get up from the chair. His feet staying practically cemented to the floor as he watched her peer out the window as the warm rays of the early evening sun cascaded over her. Much like it had that day he first saw her.
Forcefully pushing himself up from the chair, he made his way towards the door. Yet each step he took towards it the more the aching feeling in his chest grew as the fear of his last day in that room came to it’s due date.
“...Kai? Can you turn around for me...just once?”
The words caught him completely off guard as he turned to face her. Those eyes no longer were filed with guarded walls. Instead he was met with the face of (y/n). The woman he came to slowly adore within the past 6 months.
He didn’t even think. Instead he surged forward, practically bruising his legs at the force he decided to stop himself with. Though he didn’t care. The bruises be damned, she remembered him. 
“...Can I hold your face? One more time? I promise I won’t ask again. I’ll even wear gloves!”
“...No need.”
The aching in his chest grew tenfold as he found it hard to speak. The overwhelming emotions that sat in his chest were ready to burst out of him. Though he wasn’t sure how. Instead he bent down slightly, finding her confused face even more endearing before he rolled his eyes.
“B-But...the hives---”
“I don’t care. Hurry the fuck up.”
Like that, the confusion vanished as she gently put her hands together in that familiar flower cup motion. Worry was clearly evident in her eyes as she looked at him, but before she could even question again he placed his chin into her awaiting hands. Already the prickly sensation of the hives began to pool as he could feel them form across his skin.
“It’s fine. Shut up. You said you won’t ask again.”
“T-That’s true...”
“Tch. You can make it up to me by getting better so I can show you the world.”
“...when you’re not in prison anymore, right?”
It was hard to speak now. The lump that once was in his stomach had traveled to his throat as he watched her warm (e/c) glisten with unshed tears as she gently caressed his cheeks, ever so mindful of his hives as she tried to at least move her hands. Instead, the male pressed himself further into her touch as the tears began to fall. If anyone noticed the strain in his voice, they didn’t mention it.
“...If you’re gonna be greedy that do what you’ve been wanting to do you romantic obsessed moron.”
With that, she shifted forward before pressing a sweet kiss to his forehead as the tears came down harder. The lump in his throat making it almost unbearable to talk.
“...Thank you Kai...thank you so much for these six months...”
“Don’t forget me...okay?”
“Idiot...as if I could even forget the one dumbass that made me breakout after my imprisonment.”
A weak laugh was given as she finally pulled away. With her eyes rimmed red, she shifted to make a call for a nurse, though that was cut short as Kai surprisingly climbed into her bed. No words were exchanged as she reluctantly shifted herself down into the bed-- though it did take time, she managed to curl herself in a way where she left distance between them. 
“...aren’t you supposed to go?”
Featherlike and faint, he strained to hear her as he shifted himself down to properly face her as he melted in her (e/c) gaze. The slow dimming of life in her eyes was enough to tell him that it was time. However, he refused to believe it. If anything he’d find her awake the next day with that silly smile on her face. Yet even as he thought about this, the tears that he once thought were impossible for him, slowly began to stream down his cheeks as he nestled himself closer to her.
“....one day won’t kill them.”
“....go to sleep angel, I’ll be right here...”
“...and...you’ll be next to me?”
Patient Name: (y/n) (l/n) Chisaki Quirk: Amnesiac 
Time of Death: 6:05PM
149 notes · View notes
writing-blog-iguess · 3 years
Harley Quinn
Summery: The batfamily hears three stories about batmom and Harley. How they met, how they started dating, and how they ended.
Warning: fluff, angst.
A/N: This bish is 4847 words. I did not mean to write that much.
Man, the amount of love I got from Stories...I'm so happy people enjoyed it. So, I hope you enjoy this one just as much.
Feedback is welcome! And feel free to let me know who or what kind of story of Batmom you want to see next.
There were only two weeks left of summer, and she wanted to move onto campus as soon as possible. But her friend, Selina, had made it a little difficult for her. On the first day the campus was allowing their students to come, Selina had come over and stopped her from packing. And they spent the day together shopping, seeing a movie and eating. Selina ended up crashing at her place after they had binged a show.
When she started packing the next day, Selina did the same. But after a promise of hanging out when she was settled in her dorms, Selina conceded and helped with the packing. And after some whining and pizza, Selina came with her to campus to help as well.
Struggling to keep the heavy box in her hands, she made her way towards her dorm. “You can help me, you know,” she grunted, shifting the box as it was slipping out of her arms.
“I am,” Selina said, holding up a couple of garbage bags full of clothes. “My hands are just full to help you carry your box.”
“You’re funny,” she deadpanned. Selina flashed her a smile, to which she returned one of her own.
“And that’s why you love me.”
“No, no I don’t think that’s it,” she mused, looking at each dorm number. “I think I love your cat more. And that’s why we’re friends.”
Selina gasped mockingly, and bumped her shoulder. “I knew it!” She laughed just as she found her dorm room.
Fishing out her key from her pocket, she handed it to Selina and waited until Selina opened the door. The minute she walked through the door, she was eloped in a hug. It caught her by surprise that she dropped the box she was holding.
“Hiya! I’m your new roommate!”
“And they were roommates,” Dick gasped out, interrupting the story.
“Oh my god, they were roommates,” Tim finished, and three out of the four boys burst out laughing.
“You two are hilarious,” she said, slumping into her chair. They had just finished dinner when the boys started bombarding her with questions about her and Harley. And after teasing them a little about which story. She started with how she met her ex-fiancé.
“Are you two done?” Bruce asked, and the laughter slowly downed a little. Until they caught each other’s eyes, and it started again.
Damian rolled his eyes, and turned to his mother. “I didn’t know you and Selina were in a relationship,” he said, and that had caused Dick, Jason and Tim to stop and look at her.
“No, no we weren’t dating,” she answered, shaking her head. “I didn’t know my sexuatilty until I started dating Harley.”
“And how long did that take?” Jason asked, rolling his cup on the table.
She blew out a puff of air and sighed. “When we were twenty-one. Even then I needed help.”
“I don’t think I’ve heard this one,” Bruce said with a smile. She flushed in embarrassment and looked away before recalling the story.
“Pumpkin,” her roommate sang from the other side of the room. She hummed, blinking at her homework trying to keep awake. She was currently laying on her stomach with her chin sitting on her hand. “Maybe you should take a break. You’ve been at it for hours.”
“Pft, I’m fine,” she answered, though the words were starting to blur together. “Hey!” she said, as Harley yanked the book from her. “I need that.”
“And you need a break,” she pressed, closing the book with a snap. “Come on Pumpkin, let’s get something to eat.”
She pouted trying to grab her textbook. Harley giggled and held it out of her reach. “Harley,” she whined, “the test I'm studying for is supposed to cost half of my grade.”
“You should know that taking care of your body is more important than school, doctor,” Harley teased. She stuck her tongue out, causing Harley to poke it. “Come on, we’ll go to your favourite café.”
She lit up and quickly got out of bed, almost tripping on her feet doing so. Harley laughed and tossed the book onto the bed. “You gotta be more careful, pumpkin.” She made a face, and grabbed her stuff before the two of them left their apartment.
She looped her arm through Harley’s as they walked. Talking about everything and nothing that came to mind. On occasion, she would check her phone, hoping for any messages from Bruce. But there were none.
She hasn’t spoken to Bruce since the last time they hung out, and she wondered if it was something that she did. Though the thought was ridiculous. They’ve only met up a handful of times since he’d been back. And even then, she couldn’t think of a reason why he was avoiding her.
The only thing she could think of was their first conversation they had together. But that was back when he first arrived in Gotham.
Bruce had found the apartment she was sharing with Harley, and decided to pay her a visit before the tabloids caught wind of him being back.
It had caught her by surprise when Harley called, saying there was a billionaire holding pizza. Confused on what she meant, she rounded the corner to find Bruce Wayne standing in her hallway.
After giving him a hug, and a little catch up, the three of you spent the night hanging out. And it felt like nothing had changed between the two of you.
It wasn’t until Harley had gone to bed, that Bruce told you everything that happened since leaving Gotham when he was fourteen. He told you how his training had gone, and all the people he’s met.
It was one thing reading about them through Bruce’s letters. But it was a different experience hearing them from Bruce. When he had finished, he told her it was time to start fixing Gotham his way.
With a sigh, she had hoped that he had changed his mind. Instead of talking him out of it, she suggested waiting a little bit before doing so. Make Bruce Wayne into a public figure, or more then he already is. And then have his second persona make an appearance. Only so people didn’t connect that the two were related.
That had been two months ago. And sure, she’s been busy with school and midterms were just around the corner, and Bruce was busy running a company and….well, being a playboy from what she’s read in magazines. She didn’t read the articles, it hurt a little reading them.
And he was also busy with being Batman. She laughed at the name the media had dubbed him, it almost made her call him up just to tease him about it. But she refrained from doing so. She was unsure where she fit in his new life, and at this point she was too afraid of the answer to ask.
When they arrived at the café, she found a table for them while Harley ordered.
Harley looked over the rim of the coffee cup in her hand when her friend sighed again. “You’re in love with Bruce!” Harley accused.
She dropped her bagel on her plate and stared at Harley in shock. “I am not!”
“You totally are! You keep checking your phone like your love sick, waiting for someone to call you.”
“I am not in love with Bruce,” she stuttered out, “why would I be? He left to go to school abroad, and shows up eight years later! And so what if I thought about him during those years, and was worried about him. That’s what friends do, they worry about them. It’s not like I noticed how much he’s changed or dream about holding his hand or...or kissing him or…or...” she trailed off as she thought back to all the times her heart hammered in her chest when he smiled at her.
Or all the times Bruce made her blush. She thought back to how she smiled when she saw Bruce’s letter in the mail, or how happy she felt as she read them. Or how relieved she felt when she saw Bruce in her apartment or how hurt she was when she saw him with different girls every night.
Then she thought about all that when she was with Harley. Could she be in love with Harley too? But she quickly dismissed it, thinking it wasn’t possible.
She slumped into her chair as Harley set her mug down, and smirked at her in satisfaction. “Holy hell, I’m in love with Bruce Wayne.”
“There it is,” Harley said, giggling as she received a glare. “You’ve known Bruce since you guys were little, how is it only now that you're realizing this?”
“I don’t…” she trailed off, hands picking up her cup. She twirled it around the table as she tried to come up with the right words, “I’m not...when I can’t pick up the cues when it comes to stuff like that.”
“So someone has to tell you that they love you. Like your parents loving you,” Harley mused, she shrugged.
“I know they do and I can see that they love me. But for whatever reason, when it comes to romantic feelings, I have a blind eye,” she explained, letting the cup go in favour of pulling apart her muffin. She huffed out a laugh. “It’s funny. Back in high school there was this guy who asked me out on a date. But he didn’t use those words, he used ‘wanna hang out?’
“I said yes. It wasn’t until he kissed me that it was starting to click. Even then I didn’t fully understand. Selina told me what it was that I knew. I was so embarrassed I couldn‘t face him. I feel like there’s something wrong with me.”
Harley leaned over and took her hands, she stilled her hands and her eyes flitted up to Harley. And her heart stuttered as Harley looked at her. “Nothing’s wrong with you pumpkin. People process things differently, you just happen to need someone to tell you.”
Relief washed over her and she smiled. “Thanks, Hars.” Harley hummed and leaned back, letting go of her hand. She missed the warmth of Haley’s hands, but didn’t think anything of it, especially when she noticed a twinkle in Harley's eyes.
“So, are you going to tell Brucie?” Harley teased, she made a face and shook her head.
“No, I will not,” she said.
“But he might love you back!” Harley exclaimed, “pumpkin, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He looks at you like you hung the moon every night.”
“Even if that’s true, I don’t think it’ll work. At least not right now,” she mumbled, and quickly added when Haley gave her a confused look, “he’s not interested in anything serious right now.”
Harley nodded in understanding, and she looked away when she saw pity in Harley's eyes.
That weekend, she found herself in the school library with Harley and Jonathan doing homework. Harley had just left for drinks, leaving the two of them alone.
Jonathan looked up from his homework and studied his friend. She hunched over her books and tapped her pencil on her head as she was going over a question.
“Are you and Harley dating?” Jonathan blurted out. She froze and lifted her head to look at him in surprise.
“Excuse me?” she asked.
Jonathan raised an eyebrow at her reaction, and stifled a laugh. “I think you heard me.”
“Oh I heard. But what made you come to that conclusion?” she clarified, squinting her eyes at him.
“The way you two act around each other,” he explained, “you're all in love and shit. It’s a wonder you haven’t kissed yet.”
“I don’t….but I can’t….” she trailed off. The words weren’t coming and she wasn’t quite sure if she did or not. “Friends can act like that platonically!”
“That’s true. But with you two, it’s hard to tell. You both have heart eyes every time you either talk about each other, or just being in the same room.”
She stayed quiet, she didn’t have anything to say.
“You know, when Harley told me you process feelings differently than most people, I thought she was joking,” he mused, this time chuckling.
“It’s great to know you talk about me,” she deadpanned, setting down her pencil.
“But I’m serious, do you like her or not?” he asked, and she let her head drop on her textbook and groaned.
“I don’t know. The other day, Harley helped me discover I’m in love with my childhood best friend. And now you're making me question my feelings for Harley.”
Jonathan held up his hands in surrender, though she wasn’t paying attention. “Wasn’t my intent, I just figured you needed to know.”
“Thanks,” she said dryly, and lifted her hand and flipped him off. He laughed and gently patted her head.
“I’ll ask a question or two, maybe it’ll help.”
She nodded but kept her head on the table. Jonathan's smile grew wider, enjoying this a little bit too much.
“When you see her, what do you do?”
She took a moment to ponder the question. “My heart starts to beat faster and I can’t help but think how pretty she is. And I get all flustered when she gets really close or she gives me a compliment. And when she’s happy and smiling and laughing, and my butterflies explode in my stomach when that happens because I did that. And sometimes, when she’s pouting or just sad, I just want to pull her into a kiss.”
Jonathan raised an eye at her statement, and had no doubt that she was blushing. “What about Bruce?”
“The same thing! He winks my way and the next thing I know I’m a blushing mess. And when he gives me a certain look, it’s like I gave him everything and I melt and just want to kiss his stupid face! And I hate him for that, but not really and….hhhhh!”
“Damn,” Jonathan huffed out, staring at her. “You have it bad for both of them.”
“But I can’t love two people at once!” she exclaimed, getting shushed by other students. She paid them no mind, head racing on what she should do.
“Who says?” Jonathan asked, and she paused to think about it. “There's no rule saying you have to like one person at the time,” he continued when she didn’t answer. “Now the question is who are you going to pick? Bruce or Harley?”
“What if they both don’t love me?” she whispered, lifting her head up slightly. “What if it’s all in my head and they laugh if I tell them?”
“I don’t know about Bruce, but Harley won’t,” he answered, going back to his homework, “trust me.”
She spent the next week pondering over her conversations with Harley and Jonathan. And there were a few things she’s discovered.
She’s bisexual.
She’s really bad at feelings and seeing them for what they are. Though this wasn’t anything new, still she hated that she needed help when it comes to emotions.
If she did choose Bruce over Harley, it wouldn’t have worked out. Not only because of him being Batman, but because she didn’t see it as a long term relationship. And she didn’t want that.
And if she chose Harley over Bruce, she didn’t want to make Harley feel like she was second pick. She didn’t want that either.
By the weekend, she still doesn’t know what to do.
Sighing, she fell on her bed. She stared at the ceilings and groaned, pressing her palms to her eyes. “Why is this hard?”
“I don’t know pumpkin, maybe I can help?” Harley suggested, startling her. She sat up quickly and turned to see Harley leaning against the doorframe.
“Help me with what?” she asked, nervously laughing. Harley smiled and walked further in the room.
“Whatever you’re having trouble with,” Harley answered.
She sighed and fell onto the bed again, she took a pillow and hugged it to her chest. “I don’t think this is something you can help with,” she mumbled, closing her eyes.
She felt the bed dip, and felt Harley shift around until she stopped. “I could listen to you rant about it?”
She hummed, but shook her head. “It’s something I need to figure out.”
Silence fell around them as she thought. Harley brought her hand over her face and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. She tensed at the sudden touch, but soon relaxed into it.
“Does it have something to do with what you and Jonathan were talking about last week?” Harley asked after a moment.
Her eyes flew open and she stared at Harley, panicking a little. If Harley knew, there’s nothing she could say that wouldn’t be a lie.
“But I…did he tell you?” she asked, Harley nodded. She groaned and stuffed her face into the mattress. “Damnit.”
Harley giggled and slowly moved her face so they could look at each other. “If it helps any, I love you too.”
She flushed, and looked anywhere but Harley. “But I don’t want to make you feel like a second choice. I don’t want you to resent me because you know I love Bruce too.”
“Hey I won’t,” Harley reassured. Biting her lip, she shook her head. Harley sighed, and moved to press her forehead against hers. “Can I tell you a secret? I loved you before I knew you loved Bruce, and I still love you knowing that. I just hope you can give me a chance.”
She studied Harley for a moment before closing the distance and kissed her.
“Ew! Mom! Gross! We don’t need to hear about that!” Dick interrupted. She looked up to see her boys looking at her in disgust. Jason and Tim gagged mockingly as Dick shuddered.
“What? It was just a kiss,” she answered, amused.
“Yeah but you kissed Harley. And that means you’ve done more than kissing,” Jason said.
“You knew this when your father told you I was engaged to her.”
“It’s one thing thinking about it, it’s a whole different thing to hear it from you, Mom,” Tim said, leaning back into his chair.
She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Shrugging, she picked up her glass and took a sip.
“So Harley figured out you loved me before you did? And this after meeting me once,” Bruce asked, amused. She felt her cheeks burn and looked away.
“Wasn’t my proudest moment, but yes she did,” she said with a shrug.
“And she was okay with it?”
She nodded, smiling a little at the memory. “Yeah. She didn’t seem to mind too much about it. But I didn’t spend too much time being hung up on Bruce. I was too busy with Har-”
“Ma!” Jason exclaimed, stopping her from finishing the sentence.
“I wasn’t even going to say anything bad!” she defended.
“You went to school with Crane?” Damian asked. She turned her attention to the youngest and nodded.
“We had a few classes together, and Harley just sort of adopted him into the friend group,” she mused.
“What I can’t get over, is the fact that Crane had to tell you about your feelings for Harley,” Dick put out.
“Like I said, I have a hard time deciphering emotions. Especially when it comes to romantic feelings. But once I know, then I’m okay.”
“How long were you together before getting engaged?” Damian asked, though it was still hard to believe his mother had someone before Bruce.
“And who popped the question?”
She looked at the clock and back to the boys. “Doesn't the patrol start soon?” she asked. The boys looked at Bruce with their best puppy eyes. Well, Dick, Jason and Tim did, Damian seemed indifferent but Bruce could tell he wanted to hear the story as well.
“If it’s okay with your mother, we can listen to one more story,” he said, and she raised an eyebrow at her husband. “What?”
“And I thought I couldn’t say no,” she said with a mumble.
“Shut up,” he said, but smiled slightly.
“So Ma, what’s the story?”
Her hand went up to her necklace and started playing with it as she thought back. “We’ve been together for almost eight years before I asked her.”
She fell on the couch once she got home from the hospital. It had been a taxing day, and all she wanted to do was curl up with Harley and sleep until the morning. But they had dinner plans they needed to get to, and if everything turned out as planned, she and Harley would be engaged.
Over the years of dating, conversation of marriage would come up. Whether it be just then asking about it, or their friends. They both wanted it, but they silently agreed that they wouldn’t take it seriously until they both finished school.
Harley had already finished her last year of residency, and she was one you last year. Granted, she still had a month left, but she figured it would still count.
“Pumpkin, I’m home,” Harley called as she walked in.
“Living room,” she answered back. A moment later, Harley walked in the room and plopped beside her. Harley laid her head on her lap and sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Tiring day?”
Harley nodded and closed her eyes. “I know we had plans to go out, but can we stay in? Arkham really took me out.”
She scrunched her nose, her hands stopped moving. “I thought you didn’t start there until next week?”
“I did, but something happened with the inmates,” Harley answered.
“And they needed a psychiatrist?”
“Apparently some of the inmates needed help and they couldn’t wait until next week,” Harley said, and sighed happily when she resumed playing with Harley’s hair. “So can we stay in?”
“Yeah, we can. We can order take out and watch a movie or something,” she mused, trying to think of a new plan. “What do you want?”
She smiled and reached over, grabbing her phone and ordering food. Once finished, she set the phone before turning back to Harley. She stared at her loving, watching as Harley was slowly falling asleep.
“You’re staring,” Harley mumbled with a smile.
“I can’t help, you’re just too gorgeous to look at anything else,” she teased. Harley blushed and snuggled into her legs.
“Shut up.”
Thinking it’s the perfect time, she went for it. “Marry me?” Harley’s eyes flew open, and she quickly sat down and looked at her.
“Marry me,” she repeated, smiling at the bewildered look Harley was giving her. “I know we talked about it a few times. And since I have a month left of residency, I figured why not. So, marry me?”
Harley looked at her for a minute before smiling widely, and threw her arms around her, laughing. “Of course I will, pumpkin!” Harley said, kissing her all over her face.
And just like that they were engaged.
As the months went by, they planned a wedding. They had decided who was going to be in the wedding party, where the venue would be, and who was going to cater for them. They just needed to book everything, but they weren’t going to do so until they picked out the wedding day.
And for a while everything was perfect. Up until Harley started seeing Joker as a patient. She didn’t see it, not a first. She took it as Harley having bad days or long tiring days at Arkham. And with doctor patient confidentiality, Harley couldn’t talk about their problems.
But Harley could tell her how the day went. If it was bad, she’d drop it and offer to make Harley's favourite foods.
Then Harley started to become distant. She would come home later than normal, and would snap for no reason. She had tried to get Harley to talk to her, but she wouldn’t. She kept saying she was fine and it had been a long day. It was worrying.
All at once, it stopped. Harley stopped talking to her, and stopped coming home.
She was out of her mind, worrying for Harley. She hoped her fiancée would come home. It was to the point that she went out and looked for Harley.
But Bruce had stopped her before she could leave the apartment.
She had found him waiting in her living room after a long shift at the hospital. It had startled her seeing Bruce dressed as Batman standing there, he cowl down.
She was about to greet him, but the sad, pitied expression Bruce had stopped her. “No, don’t…don’t say it. I don’t want to hear it.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, taking a step forward, she stepped back. “But something happened to Harley.”
She shook her head frantically, covering her mouth with her hands. “Nononono, she can’t have…please,” she begged, as Bruce wrapped her into a hug when he was close enough.
“I’m sorry, but Joker got into her head,” he started, tightening his grip as she choked back a sob. “Convinced her that they were meant for each other. Made her fall in the chemicals he fell into. She’s alive, but she isn’t Harley anymore. Not the one you knew anyways.”
She broke down crying before Bruce finished his sentence. She clung to him like a lifeline as the words sunk in.
She expected to hear that Harley died, that someone had killed her. Not this. But this? This was so much worse.
A heavy silence fell once she finished. She was clutching the ring that was threaded on a chain. It helped keep the tears at bay. She didn’t want to cry, not now, not after so many years.
“The next day, Bruce told me the full story,” she whispered, and grimaced as the fight flashed before her. “We fought. Okay, I yelled and he just took him. I said some things I shouldn’t have and I avoided him for a while.”
“I remember that,” Dick said, leaning onto the table. “Bruce looked heartbroken during that time. And every time I tried to ask what happened, he shut me down. Even at gala’s when you were there, he looked like he wanted to go and talk to you.”
Bruce looked at him in surprise. Dick was only eight when that happened, he didn’t think he was paying attention.
On the other hand, she felt guilt crawling in her stomach, and slouched into her chair. She hid her face in her hands when Dick continued.
“That falling out thing happened for a few years, didn’t it?” he asked. She opted to stay quiet, letting Bruce answer the question.
“Three or four years, yeah.”
Tim was about to ask what had happened, but Jason nudged him and shook his head. Tim gave him a look, and Jason gestured to their mom, practically saying I don’t think she wants to talk about it.
“Sorry for bringing up the past Ummi,” Damian said softly. “We didn’t know.”
Rubbing her face to get rid of stray tears, she dropped her hands onto the table. “That’s okay sweetie. I wouldn’t have told you anything if it still hurts.”
“So, how’d you fix your friendship with Bruce?” Jason asked. She shook her head and stood.
“Bruce can tell you,” she said, stretching, “I have the night shift tonight. And I need to get ready.”
With that she left her boys staring at Bruce, waiting.
“It’s time for patrol,” he gruffed out and followed his wife. The boys groaned, saying that wasn’t fair.
“Are you okay?” he asked when he reached their bedroom. He leaned against the doorframe, watching her quickly change and grabbed her stuff before pausing. She clutched her keys and sighed.
“Honestly? I don’t know,” she sighed, dropping her shoulders. “After ten years, it still hurts. Not as much as it did, but still.”
Bruce nodded, and pushed off the frame and wrapped his arms around her. Holding her close. “I’m sorry again for everything.”
“You know I don’t blame you anymore, you don’t need to apologize for it.”
“Feels like I have too. You don’t deserve to have gone through that.”
“No one does but life sucks that way,” she said, giving him a smile. “I have to go.”
Bruce frowned, tightening his hold a little. “I wish you didn’t.”
“I’m a doctor Bruce, but I’ll be careful,” she said, reaching up to kiss him. “You be careful too tonight.” He nodded and dropped his arms and watched as she left the room.
“I love you,” he called. She popped her head back in and smiled.
“I love you too.”
Running out of the manor and to her car, she didn’t notice a figure standing in the distance. Harley signed as she watched, glad that her ex-lover found happiness again. And promised she’d do whatever it took to keep it that way.
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wendimydarling · 4 years
Please Don’t Leave Me
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Title: Please Don’t Leave Me
Summary: Talking about our past is not easy. What happens when it’s finally time to share what you’ve been through with Henry?
Pairing: Henry x First Person Reader
Word Count: 1635
Warnings: Angst; mention of being yelled at, personal hurt, self-harm, attempted suicide, emotional neglect, parental abuse, beginning stages of a panic attack, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and fear of abandonment. (If there’s anything I missed, just let me know and I’ll add it).
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY FREYA! I know it’s next week, but I’ll be off Tumblr because it falls on Thanksgiving this year. You asked me for this fic and I wanted to do right by you, as you’ve done so much for me. I love you, bish! 
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It had been a rough day. And not just your typical rough, I’m talking the kind of rough where you spill your coffee all over your blouse in the car, end up being late for work, forget your lunch, and get yelled at by the boss kind of rough. The kind of rough where every traumatizing past event in your life comes bubbling to the surface. The kind of rough where you want nothing more than to crawl back into your bed and sleep for seven years, and it’s only nine-thirty in the morning.
The one saving grace I held on to as I counted down the minutes of my shift was that Henry would be home tonight, waiting for me. God, I don’t know how I got so lucky, but somehow that kind and gentle soul had seen through the cracked and broken wall that I kept as my only defense mechanism, and had chosen me anyway. He knew some of my past and pain, but I hadn’t opened up about everything; I wasn’t ready to lose him, and I knew he’d be out the door once he heard it all. Just like everyone else. Perhaps that was selfish of me, but for once in my life, I knew what it felt like to be loved, and I was soaking in every ounce I could of that sweet nectar before it was gone.
Finally, finally, my work day was over. I headed to his place as fast as I safely could, anxious and burdened with unwelcome memories. The delicious smell of roast flooded my nostrils as I opened the door and Kal came bounding over. I noticed as I toed off my pumps and tamed the wild beast that Henry had built a fire, and gratitude filled my heart. He always seemed to know exactly what I needed, sometimes even before I did. I headed toward the kitchen, following my nose.
“Hey love,” Henry smiled wide, already pouring me a glass of red. He swallowed me in a warm embrace, his chin planted on the top of my head, and my body tucked firmly in his arms. I melted, sinking into the security of his hug and letting the stress of the previous hours wash away. I was here, he was home, and I was safe.
We ate quietly, talking here and there about random facts or tidbits. I pushed the food around on my plate, taking a bite here and there to satisfy Henry but I could sense him watching me carefully; his concern was evident, but he covered it well, masking it with simple questions or well-timed caresses. Even so, his next question caught me off guard, my fork halfway to my mouth.
“Will you tell me about it?”
The silverware clattered to the plate, forgotten in my fear. This is it, I thought, tonight’s the night I lose him forever. My chest constricted and I could feel the panic slowly rising, tears welling and threatening to spill. Henry quickly grabbed my hand and shushed me, cupping my face in nurturing kindness. 
“You don’t have to,” he comforted, and I closed my eyes, exhaling the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. Henry soothed his thumb over my cheek before pulling me onto his lap, cradling my head in his large hands. I burrowed deep into his chest, letting his scent wash over me in calming waves.
“I just want to help,” I heard Henry whisper. I sighed; he was right, it was time for him to know. I looked up at him, staring at that beautiful face that held so much promise. A face that said so much in just a look, with eyes that sparkled like the heavens whenever they landed on me. Once again, I wondered why his eyes looked like that when it was me they were viewing, but I shoved it aside. Self-deprecation would not help, not right now. Nodding softly, I tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out. I couldn’t tell him, not out loud. I dropped my head in defeat.
Henry shifted me off his lap, grabbing my hand and walking us to his desk. He sat in his gaming chair and patted his thigh, tugging on my arm. I hesitated, confused.
“Come here, love,” he encouraged, guiding me to sit. With both of us facing the computer, he opened a word document and offered me the keyboard.
“If you’re unable to say it out loud,” Henry crooned in my ear, kissing softly under my lobe, “Then write it. I’ll read it as you type, and neither of us has to say anything.”
This man. I swear to god. Relief flooded through me, though anxiety pounced instantly as I was reminded that once we were done, he would be gone. No one else had stayed, my problems were much too great... Why should he be the one to bear the burden of me? I took a deep breath anyway and eyed the screen, my fingertips trembling over the instrument of my demise.
Where should I even begin? Should I go all the way back to the beginning, to my birth? How I was nothing but a mistake, and every day I was reminded as such? Or maybe I should tell him what the scars are from? Perhaps I should simply tell him about failed relationship after failed relationship, both romantic and non. Those are all fun tales, I had no doubt he’d love to hear all about them. Maybe he wanted to know the amount of times I’ve come close to admitting defeat and ending everything. Spoiler alert… that number’s higher than it should be. 
I swallowed thickly and began typing, slow and hesitant words forming on the page. Every thought was carefully constructed, worked over in my mind at least five times before I allowed it to leave my fingers. Henry’s comforting arms were wrapped tightly around my waist, his chin nestled on my shoulder as he read what I shared. Tears slowly brimmed in my eyes, kept at bay only by sheer force of will. Each stroke of a key sounded like a hammer hitting the nails in our relationship’s inevitable coffin; surely he wouldn’t, couldn’t love me after this. No one could. It’s simply too much for anyone to bear, too awful… too hard.
And yet in my ear were the sounds of something different. Encouraging grunts, empathetic hums. Henry kept his promise, he never said a word except for one small sigh of “oh, love” as I hit a particularly difficult moment. His hands rubbed my sides, kisses left tiny wet imprints on my cheek, and every now and then he would squeeze tighter, small reassurances to keep going. 
The words started pouring out of me. I couldn’t have stopped myself if I tried; Every struggle, every loss, every tiring moment; every single thing that had ever happened to me found its way into that document in a flurry of clacking plastic. My hands moved of their own free will and the tears started to flow; long, silent trails of pain releasing years worth of pent up anger and hurt. The salty drops fell onto Henry’s forearms but he just left them there, rooted to his task of protecting me. I would miss how safe I felt in the protection of his arms. 
The final sentence fell out of my hands, and I immediately turned and buried my face into Henry’s shoulder, bitter sobs wracking my frame as I clung to his neck. 
“Please don’t leave me,” I begged, ashamed of myself for being so needy and undesirable. I expected him to untangle himself from my arms, to get up and open the door to excuse me from his home. To force me to leave his life and never return.
The last thing I expected was for him to burst out laughing. 
I snapped my head up and stared at him in horror, which only made him laugh harder.
“I’m so sorry,” he wheezed, “I really shouldn’t be laughing. It’s just… I know why you think I would leave you, it’s all right there on the computer, but you have nothing to worry about.”
Henry wiped his eyes and mine and cupped my face, still chuckling. 
“You think so little of yourself that you can’t see just how worthy you are,” he murmured, adoration and mirth mingling in his eyes as he tucked my hair behind my ear. I furrowed my brow and pressed my face into his palm, relishing the cooling sensation of calm that his skin brought. 
“I know what it’s like to feel how you do,” Henry went on softly, “To feel unwanted and undeserving. But I’m not going to walk away from a flower as strong, as rare, and as beautiful as you just because she’s got a few bruises. I love you just the way you are.”
His admonition shocked the both of us. He loves me? I tried to process what he’d just said, but my mind was raw and I couldn’t think straight. He loves me.
“Yes, I love you,” Henry repeated as though he could read my thoughts, clasping my jaw and looking me straight in the eye. “I love you, and I’m not going anywhere… I’m not going to leave you.”
I smiled widely as tears spilt over once more, happiness bursting from my heart. With anyone else I’d be doubtful, I’d have hightailed it on my own after a proclamation like that before the other shoe dropped... before they could hurt me worse. But this wasn’t anyone else, this was Henry. And being with him made me brave, which is why I found words leaving my lips that I never thought I’d ever say again.
“I love you, too.”
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Call Me Back
Bishop Losa x Reader
Request by my #1 Presidente fan @masterlistforimagines​ : Hiii, can I request “don’t you dare walk away” “call me now, it’s urgent” and “why do I even bother” with el Presidente (aka the only person I request for). I’m thinking maybe they were in an argument and he left mid argument to handle club shit. Maybe something important happens and that’s why there’s the whole call me back part. Like angst to fluff?
Warnings: language 
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: The prompts are from This Post in case anyone was curious! Also, I wanted to make it angsty but not tooooo too angsty because then my heart would be too sad haha. Hope you enjoy it!
Bish Tag: @sincerelyasomebody​ @sadeyesgf​
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Gif Credit: @sonsofeorl​ 
You and Bishop were standing on opposite ends of your dining room table. You were leaning against the back of the chair on the very end, trying to keep your tears from falling. You hated that you were an angry crier. Bishop was standing at the opposite end, staring intently down at the surface of the table. He hated seeing you so upset, and when you’d start to cry that’s when his heart would really start to break.
“I didn’t think it was worth bothering you with,” his tone was level, which sometimes made it more infuriating to argue with him, “It wasn’t that big of a—”
“It was a big deal to me!” you snapped, a tear escaping and trickling down your cheek, “It fucking matters to me! I don’t understand why that isn’t enough of a reason to keep me in the loop. All it takes is one goddamn phone call, Obispo. I’m not asking for a hell of a lot.”
“And I’m telling you, that if I want to keep you safe I can’t always just,” his phone vibrated in his pocket and he paused to see who was calling. With a sigh he hit the reject button and went back to is discussion with you, “I can’t always afford to do that. We’ve had this conversation before, I don’t know why we have to keep having it.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes as you wipe the tears off of your cheeks, “So if I just decided to fuck off for a couple days and not communicate with you at all, you’re saying that you’d be okay with that? That wouldn’t set off any alarm bells for you?”
He shook his head, “It’s not the same, Y/N. You aren’t tied up with a goddamn cartel!”
“That’s all the more reason you should take the five seconds to send me a text so I know you’re at least alive and not dead in a fucking ditch somewhere.”
“What exactly do you want me to send you then, huh? Drop you a casual text saying that the drug run was successful and that we—” his phone went off again in his pocket and he huffed as he answered it, “What?!”
You shook your head and collapsed in the chair that you had been leaning against. Of course he would answer his phone in the middle of an argument. God forbid he get through one conversation with you without having to reprioritize.
“Fuck me,” he sighed, “Alright, I’m on my way. Stay put and don’t do anything stupid.”
You jaw dropped, “You’re kidding right? You’re not leaving right now.”
“It’s shit with the—”
“Shit with the club, yea, I know,” you shook your head, “You can’t just leave in the middle of this, Obispo. You can’t keep dodging this conversation.”
“I’m not dodging it,” he took his kutte off the chair and slid it on, “but the club needs me right now.”
“I need you right now!” you slammed your hand on the table.
He took a deep breath, “I’ll be back soon.”
“Don’t you dare walk away,” your voice was quieter now, “For the love of god, Obispo.”
“We’ll finish this conversation later,” he stormed off and out the door. No goodbye, no I love you, nothing. That hurt more than him yelling.
You buried your face in your hands as the tears began to flow. It was half anger, half sadness fueling them now. You were constantly left feeling like you were being unrealistic with asking certain things of him, and also knowing that what you were asking for was the bare minimum. You cared about him too much to be alright with not knowing if he was safe. No matter how many times you tried to explain that to him, though, he never seemed to get it. Or maybe he did and just actively went out of his way not to get into it because he couldn’t offer you any comfort about it. If that was the case though, you reasoned, that was another discussion he should be having with you.
But you never got to discuss anything. Because there was always something going on with the club that would cut into it.
You wiped the tears off of your face and grabbed your purse and keys from the table. If he could leave, then so could you. You couldn’t keep sitting in the house feeling sad and lonely. You were done with that. If Bishop really wanted to talk to you, he could come and find you.
The radio was blasting and the roads were empty. You had no idea how long you had been driving for. You were all cried out though. You took a deep breath as you blindly dug around in your purse for your cigarettes and lighter. You were able to take one out of the pack and put it to your lips without taking your eyes off the road. Your fingers fumbled with the lighter for a moment before you glanced down just long enough to make sure you were going to safely light it.
You looked back up to the road and screamed, swerving your car to avoid hitting the coyote that was standing in the middle of the road. It scampered out of the way, getting out of the altercation unharmed, but you couldn’t stop yourself from swearing repeatedly as you realized that your car had dragged along the cement median, still there from the never-ending construction. You didn’t want to get out and look at the damage, but you knew that you had to.
You put your hazards on as you safely found a place to pull off the road. You grabbed your phone, turning the flashlight on so you could see what you were dealing with. Tears stung at your eyes again as you took in the damage. A good chunk of it was cosmetic, just scrapes and dents down the passenger side of the vehicle. But you had also busted your passenger-side headlight, and also ended up ripping off the side-view mirror as well. The car was drivable, but if you passed any cops there was no way they weren’t going to give you some kind of ticket.
Your original plan had been to make Bishop come and look for you, but that all went out the window. With a heavy sigh you called him. The line rang, and rang, and rang. No answer. He always had time to pick up for the club, but suddenly now his phone was out of reach. You rolled your eyes, trying not to let yet another wave of tears come cascading down your cheeks.
Your thumbs flew across your phone’s keyboard, “Call me now. It’s urgent” you hoped that maybe he just couldn’t answer a phone call, but maybe he’d have the time to spare a quick look at a text message. You weren’t one to bother him with “emergencies” that weren’t really emergencies. If you said you needed help, you meant it.
You gave it ten minutes before you sent a follow up message, “Forget it. Why do I even bother?”
You scrolled through your contacts until you landed on Chucky’s number. This wasn’t his problem, but you knew that he’d show up in a heartbeat to help you. You dialed and he picked up on the second ring.
“Hey, Chucky. I’m, I’m so sorry to bother you. I know it’s late and you’re probably dealing with your own shit right now, but I’m in a bit of a spot.”
“You know I would do anything for the First Lady of the club,” he sounded so earnest.
It made you smile and shake your head even if he couldn’t see you, “You’re sweet, Chucky. Are you still at the yard?”
“I’m just getting ready to leave. You called me at the perfectly fated moment.”
You chuckled despite the fact that you wanted to cry, “Something like that. I, uh, I banged up my car. I was wondering if you could meet me with the tow truck? I’ll owe you one for sure.”
“All you’ll ever owe me is company and good conversation.”
You laughed as you gave him the mile marker that you were closest to. The whole evening had been a shitshow but it was impossible to not feel a little lighter after talking to Chucky. You just hoped that it wouldn’t take him too long to get to you.
He got to you in about forty-five minutes, which was good time considering you had been driving for a while before all of this happened. He didn’t say a word as the two of you hooked your car up to the tow truck. That was one of the things you loved about Chucky—he didn’t ask a million questions. You hopped in so you were riding shotgun and you both began the ride back to the yard.
As promised, you kept a conversation going with him the entire time, and it almost made you forget about the chaos that had landed you in that truck with him. There was so much to Chucky that you wanted to know about. He was like the most interesting puzzle you’d ever encountered. He was always so kind to you, and you knew he did everything he could to help take care of the club. There weren’t many people who were as selfless and loyal as he was. You were glad to know him.
He drove through the gate to the yard and clubhouse. You let out a deep sigh when you saw Bishop sitting on the steps to the clubhouse. There was a cigarette in his hand and he was staring down at the ground, looking up only when he heard the truck roll onto the lot. He flicked away the last of his cigarette as he jogged over to meet the truck when Chucky put it in park.
“I figured that you would be able to get it off the truck and onto the lift tomorrow?” Chucky offered up as he stepped out of the truck, “Or one of the club?”
Bishop nodded, wanting to dismiss him quickly without being rude, “Yea we got it. Thank you, Chucky.”
“Glad to be of service,” he nodded to Bishop, “Have a good night, Presidente,” he turned back to you, “Despite the circumstances, I appreciate the company.”
You smiled at him, “You’re a good man, Chucky. Thank you.”
He smiled as he walked away, “I accept that.”
It was just you and Bishop on the lot. Everything was dark except for the street lights that shined into the compound. There was a considerable gap between the two of you. You were nervously fussing with your hair, not wanting to try and get into all of this shit with Bishop now. All you wanted to do was go home and go to sleep. The adrenaline was wearing off and all of the crying that you had been doing was exhausting.
“I’m sorry about the car,” you finally broke the silence, “There was a coyote in the middle of the road and I didn’t want to hit it and I just—”
It seemed like it only took him all of two steps to close the gap between the two of you as he came and wrapped you in a hug. He squeezed you tighter than he had in a long time, with one arm wrapped around your waist and the other looped so that he was keeping your head pressed against his chest. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes tight, like he was trying to revel in how you felt in his arms.
“I don’t give a fuck about the car,” he mumbled into your hair as he peppered the top of your head with kisses,” he pulled back so he could look you over, “Are you alright?”
You nodded, “Yea. It really wasn’t that bad. It’s a lot of cosmetic damage. I’ll need a new headlight and mirror though,” you sighed, shaking your head, “Dumb fucking coyote.”
There was the smallest hint of a smile on his face, “I told you that no stray animal like that is worth wrecking the car over.”
“I didn’t wreck it. She’s just got…you know…some battle scars now.”
He shook his head as he pulled you into another hug. He tilted your chin up for a moment so that he could kiss your lips. You closed your eyes and let yourself melt into it for a moment, savoring the taste of him before he rested your head back against his chest again. His arms tightened around you again, “I’m so glad you’re safe.”
You were smiling against his chest but you couldn’t help the words that came out of your mouth, “You woulda known sooner if you answered your fucking phone when I called.”
You felt his chest rise and fall as he sighed, “Y/N, I’m sorry.”
“Did Chucky tell you he was coming to get me?”
Bishop nodded a smile quickly passing over his face as he said, “Barged in on Templo,” he gave you a pointed look, “Which is why I wasn’t answering my phone, by the way. And I would’ve gone with him but I didn’t know if you were still pissed off at me.”
“I’m not done being mad at you yet, Obispo,” you sighed against him, “But I would like to hit pause on this argument for now. I’m tired and I just want to go home with you.”
He scooped you up so your legs were wrapped around his waist as he held you, “I would really love it if you were done being mad at me, Amor,” he pressed his forehead against yours.
You rolled your eyes as he nuzzled his nose against yours, trying to be sweet enough to drop your anger, “Are you really trying to schmooze your way out of this argument?”
He walked, carrying you over to his bike. He set you down on your seat and gently cupped your face in his hand, “What if I’m trying to schmooze and I promise you that going forward I’ll work on being better at communicating with you?”
You smiled, leaning into the warmth emanating from his hand, “Alright, fine, I’ll allow it,” you kissed his palm, “But you’re on thin ice, Obispo.”
There was a small smirk on his face, “I always am,” he handed you his helmet, “So do I get to ask why your next call was Chucky? Why not one of the guys?”
You laughed, “Why? You jealous of Chucky?”
He smiled, shaking his head, “He is quite the charmer.”
You chuckled as you clipped the strap to his helmet, “He refers to me as the First Lady and it does wonders for my confidence.”
“Don’t let it go to your head too much, Y/N,” he tapped the top of his helmet, “Or this won’t even fit you anymore.”
“If it still fits you, I know I’ll be fine,” you smirked before letting out a laugh.
He shook his head at you before leaning in and giving you a kiss, “Always gotta have something smart to say, don’t you?”
“That’s why you love me.”
He got onto his bike, and you were still able to hear his laughter even though you were sitting behind him, “One of the many reasons, Amor.”
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Obispo Losa
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Part two of Obispo and Lily. I have so many ideas for this and I'm so excited to try them out! Thank you all for the love and encouragement!
Warnings: Swearing, Angst
As always, I do not own anything Mayans related. I do own my character and her story.
My first language is English. I do know some Spanish but I am not fluent. I will be keeping the Spanish in this story to a minimum to avoid butchering a beautiful language.
"Come on, it'll be fun!"
"You said that last time, Leti."
"I know and I'm really sorry about what happened, but I swear nothing like that would ever go down here. The guys wouldn't allow it."
"I don't know, Leti..."
"Come on! Bishop has been asking about you. He wants to see you."
"He said that?"
"...In so many words."
"He has been asking about you! 'how's your friend, Leticia? How's her arm? Have you seen her today?" Leti dropped her voice to mimic the low bravado that was Bishop's voice.
"He did not ask you all that!"
"He did!"
"Yes, Lily!"
"Okay, what time is this party?"
"Uhh the guys have a meeting and then we usually party afterwards. Maybe like eight o'clockish? I'll text you the address."
"Sounds good."
"Oh and Lily, wear something slu-"
Lily tapped the red button quickly, not wanting to hear the rest of that sentence. She would wear whatever she wanted and it would not be to impress any man. Or so she thought, until the clock ticked 7:30 and she was buzzing around her bedroom, ripping open drawers and rifling through her closet like a mad woman. Swearing under her breath, Lily's frustration mounted as nothing seemed to fit right.
Lily was a bit curvier than most women, especially her friend Leti. Borrowing an outfit from her would be out of the question and some how everything in Lily's closet just seemed wrong. Blowing out an annoyed puff of air, Lily looked back over her clothes, trying not to be so critical. Bishop probably wouldn't even notice, not with all his friends around. Or so she hoped...
Gravel crunched under her tires as Lily turned off the road and into the driveway of what looked like some kind of auto mechanic business. A sign for oil changes and tire rotations hung out front, welcoming visitors into what looked like a run down garage. Random cars sat around, looking like they were falling apart or maybe just scrap pieces for other projects. A house sat connected to the garage, a porch welcomed any visitors and a large fire pit sat in front of its steps with a few picnic tables dotted around.
Parking her car off to the side, Lily wondered if she had the wrong address. Eyeing the row of motorcycles, she changed her mind. This had to be right.
Lily stepped out of her car just as the front door opened. A man she recognized immediately stepped out. Black hair buzzed close to his head, thin mustache, thick muscled arms. Oh yeah, she remembered him. He had steadied her when the guy had shoved her and then later, Leti had hugged him like they were best friends.
Lily offered him a smile, noting the way his leather vest differed slightly from the others she had seen. "Hi, I'm Lily, Leti invited me?"
"Yeah, hi, EZ."
"Wait, what?"
"Ezekiel Reyes, EZ for short." He grinned, "nice to meet you Lily." His eyes seemed to twinkle in the fading light. Somewhere in her mind she knew instantly that he was someone she could trust and with that realization a portion of her nervousness evaporated. EZ met her at the bottom of the porch steps, shaking her hand gently.
"Nice to meet you too." She couldn't help but return his smile, it was infectious.
"Leticia's inside, you can head on in, I'm going to start a fire." EZ jerked his head toward the door.
"Thank you!" Lily stepped inside, looking around at the unusual decor. A large statue of Saint Mary stood by the door, various framed pictures hung on the walls and the furniture looked like hand-me-downs from an array of different homes with different styles. The place was definitely decorated by men. Lily laughed to herself, smile growing as she spotted her friend across the room. Though the place was dimly lit, Lily could plainly see Leticia working hard behind the bar. Her hands moved quickly, preparing drinks, or food, or both. Glancing up as Lily shut the door, Leticia let out a squeal.
"You made it!"
"I did!"
"Yay! Get over here and help me prep this stuff! The guys will be out any minute."
"Out?" Lily dropped her purse on the bar stool at the end before walking around the bar. As expected, there was a mini kitchen set-up back there. Fridge, stove, microwave, sink, what little counter Lily could see was covered in random food items. Everything from salsa and chips to hot dogs and hamburgers sat before them.
"Yeah, they had a meeting tonight, but it should be over soon." She nodded in the direction of a rusted sliding door. "They'll grill the meat for us, but I like to have the sides and stuff ready to go a while."
"Okay," Lily wasn't sure what kind of meeting she meant, but it didn't matter anyway. She was too busy trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach to ask anything else. Leti handed her a knife and a bowl of peppers, instructing her to chop them up.
Lily had just finished the bowl and was washing her hands when a metallic screech filled the. Lifting her eyes as the door rolled open, Lily watched as the first few guys stepped through. One broke away from the rest, smiling at her as he plopped himself on the nearest bar stool.
"What's up, how are you?"
"Good, thank you, better than when we first met."
"Glad to hear it!" He swiped a stand of black hair away from his face, smiling at her warmly.
"Lily, this is my dad, Coco."
Lily felt her brows raise, surprised by the information. He looked so young, more like a brother than a father. She didn't comment on it though, instead, she smiled, offering her hand, "nice to meet you, Coco. Thanks for helping out the other night."
"Nahh, that was all Bish. We were just back up if things popped off."
"Sounds like they did later!" Leti jumped in.
"Yeah! Heard Bish broke that pendejo's nose!"
"Serves him right!" Lily stayed quiet, smiling as Leti and Coco continued talking. They really did act a lot alike and the resemblance in their faces was uncanny.
Eyes flicking to the doorway again, Lily was surprised by the amount of disappointment that washed through her.
"Bish is still at the table. Thinking things through I guess." Coco supplied, meeting her eyes with a knowing smile. Lily blushed, nodding as she looked down at her hands.
"Why don't you take him a beer? Tell him the meats on the grill?" Leti suggested, elbowing her gently.
"Yeah, that ones his favorite." Coco leaned across the bar, pointing to one of the many bottles they had just uncapped for the guys.
"Do you think that would be okay?" Lily asked awkwardly, shifting from one foot to the other.
"As long as he's not talking business with anyone, he shouldn't care." Coco shrugged, taking a bottle for himself.
Lily nodded again, grabbing the bottle he had pointed to and striding confidently across the room. Her bravery didn't last long though. By the time she was standing in the door way her anxiety was back in full swing. The coast was clear, no one else was with him.
He sat alone, smoking a cigarette, papers laying in front of him. The room was dark, one single light hung overhead, casting a soft glow over Bishop's chair. He looked like a king sitting in the spotlight. His bulky frame illuminated against the dark of the room.
It's now or never.
Lily cleared her throat, stepping into the room hesitantly, praying he wouldn't throw her back out. He looked deep in thought and extremely tired, probably not in the mood to chit chat. This was a bad idea. Lily berated herself. What made her think this was a good plan?
Bishop's head lifted, cigarette nearly falling out of his mouth as he realized who was joining him. Her breath caught in her throat as he looked at her. Dark eyes fell all the way to her feet, taking in a pair of blood-red heels before dragging slowly up her body to land on her face. The black dress she'd chosen clung to her body in way that she hoped was flattering and not accenting her every bump and roll. She shifted on her feet, suddenly questioning her decision to wear this outfit. That was... Until she watched his tongue poke out of his mouth, wetting his lips almost nervously. Dropping his cigarette into a nearby ash tray, Bishop stood up, almost toppling his chair with his hastiness.
"Hi, Obispo." She smiled, heat rising to her cheeks as he stared openly at her. "I umm... Brought you a drink." She lifted the bottle, stepping closer to hold it out to him. She swallowed hard as he walked around the table, wrapping his hand around the neck of the bottle, grazing her fingers as he took it.
"Thank you." His mustache lifted as he smiled at her, eyes twinkling with something she couldn't place. "Am I drinking alone?" He spoke teasingly, lifting the beer to his lips and taking a slow sip.
Lily watched his throat work as he swallowed it, clocked the way his plush lips pressed against the glass. Clearing her throat again, Lilly took a step back. "I-I don't really drink, but I uh... I wanted to let you know the meats on the grill a- and the food will be ready soon."
"Thank you," he said again with that same smile on his lips. He was amused by her awkwardness, finding her stammering cute. He liked this kind of nervousness, jitters brought on by attraction and not fear. Seeing her retreat another step, Bishop pushed off the table where he was previously leaning. "You don't have to go."
"I should help Leti with the rest of the stuff." Lily jerked a thumb over her shoulder, stumbling as she bumped into a chair.
"Watch that, querida." Bishop gave her a lopsided smile, taking one long step forward, the urge to be closer to her guiding his feet.
"Yeah..." Lily took another step back, tripping over another chair in the process. This time she couldn't catch herself, she was too shaken, too flustered. Bishop lunged forward, wrapping an arm around her waist before she could fall.
He pulled her upright, tugging her against his chest, steadying her with one hand all while holding his beer with the other. The little gasp that left her lips had his heart stuttering in his chest. "Easy does it, querida." His breath fanned her face, his voice low and soft.
He smelled of cigarettes and leather and a hint of spearmint. His hand laid heavy on her back, fingers splayed wide, each one burning a hole through the material of the dress. He was warm and tall and all hard planes where she was short and soft, fitting perfectly against his broad chest. Lily's small hands pressed to his stomach, torn between pushing him away and letting him hold her.
"Bish..." It was soft and breathy and effecting him in way that was completely inappropriate for only talking to her twice.
"I'm here, Preciosa." He spoke with the same volume as her, hushed, low, a tone that shot right to her belly. Her insides seems to melt and mush. A shiver crawled down her spine, goosebumps raising on her arms. He gazed down at her, dark eyes boring into hers as his thumb traced a slow circle on her lower back.
"Lily! Get your ass out here and help me!" Leti yelled from the other room sounding agitated. Lily startled in his arms, and just like that the spell was broken. Her hands were pushing off his stomach and she was stepping away before he could stop her.
Bishop dropped his arm reluctantly, feeling as if all the heat was zapped from his body as he did. It took everything in him not to reach out and pull her back, instead he gripped his beer tighter, sinking back into a chair as she disappeared through the doorway. Releasing a sigh, Bishop raked a hand through his hair. Shit.
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 13
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on on Mayans M.C. are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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Angel snuck out just after dawn; leaving Nina feeling sated, happy and loved. He refused to use the shower in the trailer, and instead headed for home; before he was meant to be back at the yard later in the morning.
It was bittersweet to kiss him goodbye, knowing that when he came back later in the day, he would be ignoring her; and probably having his hands all over another woman. The crumbled sheets on the floor were the only sign she’d not spent the night in there alone. They’d slept there, as there was only room for one person on each cot; and Angel wouldn’t let her out of his arms. Nina bit her lip and smiled at the memory of how the badass biker had clung to her like a baby-monkey, all night; as they’d lain in their makeshift nest. He’d buried his face in the crook of her neck, and made her giggle as his beard tickled the tender skin there. They’d fallen asleep like that, with her cradling Angel's head; and him with his arms wrapped around Nina’s waist.
A tired looking Bishop came out of the clubhouse just as she came out of the trailer; feeling a little more prepared for another shitty day on the lot, after having had the night she’d had. The president gave her a slight smile, before climbing onto his bike, and driving out of the gate; probably going home to get a few hours of sleep.
Riz was seated by the bar, with a mug of coffee and a newspaper. He looked at her with a slight frown on his face. “Hey, Nina… That thing about telling Bishop about the night Angel came by…”, he began. “We’re good, Riz”, Nina said. “You were just following our president’s orders”. Riz chuckled a little. “Yeah, well; it looks like Bish has been bending his own rules…”, he said, and pointed to her neck. Nina spun around and looked in the mirror, discovering a hickey the size of a small planet. “Shit! Goddammit, Angel…”, she growled. “I gotta cover this. Daniella will be here later”.
She sprang into the bathroom, and got the small makeup-kit she’d left there for emergencies there. The cover-stick didn’t do much to erase the evidence of her nighttime escapades. “You could say someone else left it, if she asks”, Riz offered, having appeared in the doorway. Nina sighed, and stomped back behind the bar. Coco and Gilly came through the door just then, ready for work around the yard. “That doesn’t make sense. I don’t go anywhere else. Who would I meet?”, Nina said. “What’s the problem?”, Gilly asked. Nina tilted her head, and let him and Coco look at her neck. “Fucking Angel…”, Gilly grunted. “She did”, Riz chuckled. Nina shot him a venomous look, but couldn’t help but smirk. “Daniella’s gonna notice. This could royally screw with the plan”, Nina said. Coco shrugged. “Nah. I got you, ma’”, Coco said. “Say it was me”. “That’s sweet of you; but I’m not sure it’ll work”, Nina said. “Sure it will”, Coco said. “Give me a sec”.
He dug out his phone, dialing up a number “Letty… No, the last microwave burrito is mine… What was that ding? You already took it, didn’t you… Fuck… Forget it. Look; Niña’s with me now”. Nina’s jaw dropped. “Not, not for real. It’s for a thing with the club… Just spread the word. And don’t touch the… You ate that too… Jesus Christ, Leticia… Just do this for me, would you…? Thanks”. He hung up the call, and shrugged at Nina. “See. Easy”. “Thanks…”, Nina said quietly; still unsure what had just happened.
They sat down for a quick cup of coffee, when EZ came in the clubhouse, hand in hand with Gabriella. The smiling girl carried a Tupperware box of deliciousness as usual, and sat it down in front of Nina. “Once you get into a place that has a real kitchen, I’ll teach you how to make those”, she smiled, as she opened the lid to reveal tamales. “Thanks, Gaby”, Nina smiled embarrassedly. “But I think you’ll realize pretty fast that no kitchen could ever make me a chef. I burnt a cup of tea once”. Coco hooked a curious finger over the edge of the box, and pulled it closer; looking pleased that there was enough for more than one. “So, you are together now?”, Gaby asked. Nina’s jaw dropped, but Coco just shrugged. “Letty works fast”, he said, and nabbed a tamale. EZ was the only one in the room that looked confused, until Nina pointed towards her hickey. “Fucking Angel…”, the prospect sighed. “She did!”, Riz called out from over his newspaper. “It’s just… pretend”, Nina muttered. “What…? You don’t think you’re good enough for me?”, Coco asked with a crooked smile. Nina laughed, and nudged him with her shoulder.
In the late afternoon, the guys were all busy around the yard, and Angel and Creeper had taken the truck out to pick up a load of scrap in a nearby town; which is why Nina almost screamed, when suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist, as she was bent over a box of files in the front office. Angel pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, and turned her around in his grasp. “Fuck, you scared me!”, Nina said. “Sorry, mami”, Angel smirked. “You should be”, Nina smiled. “Don’t you know I killed a guy once?”. The more time had gone by, and distance she’d gotten to the night Gael died, she was able to joke about what had happened. It was sort of cathartic. Angel ran a hand down to cup her butt-cheek. “That pussy slays me every time”, he growled into her ear, before attacking her neck with kisses. “Angel, stop!”, Nina said. “Someone might see…”.
Creeper stepped inside, and chuckled at the sight of the two of them. “Living dangerously”, he said. “Camille needs the bathroom. She doesn’t like the one in the clubhouse”. “Camille is here?”, Nina gasped. “We picked her up at Vicky’s tunnel on the way back”, Angel said. As Creeper went outside again to get Camille, Nina tried to shrug Angel off. “It’s good, cuervo. She won’t talk”. Nina sighed, and let him give her a soft kiss.
Camille and Creeper came into the office. The red-head looked like she’d been through hell and back; with dark bruises up and down her arms, and a black eye. Nina had to bite her lips to keep from crying when she saw her. “It’s back there”, Angel said, and nodded his head in the direction of the bathroom. Camille nodded, and quietly slipped by them; limping slightly. “Oh my god…”, Nina rasped. “I did that”. Angel tightened his hold on her, and cupped her face with one hand. “No, you didn’t. You didn’t do anything wrong”. “But she’s… Did you look at her?”. She looked at Creeper. “Did she say anything?”. Creep simply shook his head sadly. Angel frowned, and took Nina’s hand.
He led her out of the office, and towards the clubhouse. “She’s gonna be ok”, he said, as Nina slipped out of the scrap yard shirt. As sat down by the bar with a cigarette, Angel got her a cold beer from the fridge, and sat down next to her; letting his hand rest on her thigh. “The doc said there’s no lasting injury”. “Maybe not to her body…”, Nina said. “But what she went through…”. She took a big sip of her beer, wiped her eye of a stray tear. Angel leaned forwards, and placed a gentle hand on the back of her neck, to kiss her forehead. “We’ll fix this. And Palo’s already agreed to pay Camille for what Sala did to her”. “He wasn’t alone… And money can’t fix shit like that…”, Nina croaked. “I know…”, Angel frowned. “And at some point, we’ll make all the Vatos pay”.
Creeper came into the clubhouse with Camille, and handed Angel the keys to the truck. “I’m gonna take her home”, he said. “Tell Bish I’ll be back later”. “Yeah”, Angel replied. Nina got on her feet, and walked over to Camille. She met the woman’s eyes, and let out a deep breath. “I am so sorry…”, she said. “I can’t even…”. Camille shook hear head, and dropped her gaze. “No… Don’t feel sorry. I shouldn’t have…”. She sighed, and looked at Creeper, who put an arm around her. “Let’s go…”, he said softly, and led Camille out of the clubhouse again.
Nina took a long moment to try to gather herself. Angel came over and put his arms around her. There really wasn’t anything he could say. Nina felt the weight of the guilt for what happened to Camille weighing her down like all the barbells in Angel’s bedroom. If she hadn’t killed Gael, he would have hurt her – bad – but at least it would just have been her. “What can I do?”, Angel finally said; admitting that he was at a loss. Nina nuzzled up against his chest. “Tell me I’m not a shitty person…”, she sighed. “And tell me you love me”. Angel cupped her face, and made her look at him. “You’re one of the best and kindest people I’ve ever met. And I love you…”, he said earnestly. Nina felt a smile tug at her lips. “More than your bike?”. Angel scrunched up his face, and shrugged. “Well…”. She laughed, and punched him softly in the gut. “Ow… You share the first place”, Angel grinned.
The door opened, and Bishop and Taza came inside. “Put a crowbar between those two”, Bishop grunted at Taza. “Your girlfriend is coming in”, Taza said. Angel and Nina immediately stepped away from each other, and Nina went behind the bar.
When Daniella stepped into the clubhouse, the mood instantly changed. Angel turned to her with a smile, and kissed her cheek; while Daniella shot Nina a poisonous look. “Are you finished around here?”, she asked Angel. “Maybe we could go somewhere else?”. She wrapped her arms around his waist, and pressed against him. Angel threw an arm around her shoulder, and made her follow him over to a table. “Yeah, but I was thinking we’d hang out here”, he said. He didn’t want to go anywherewith Daniella. The blonde rolled her eyes, but finally settled on Angel’s lap – making Nina discretely grind her teeth.
She handed beers to the arriving clubmembers. Hank, Riz, Gilly and Coco came through the door, as Daniella was unsuccessfully trying to seduce Angel into taking her back to his place. Hank and Riz joined Taza and Bishop over some maps for the run the next day; while Gilly and Coco joined Angel by his table. Daniella was laying it on thick, seemingly determined that this would be the night she finally got Angel between her legs again; or at least get her head in his lap. Nina wanted to scream. She noticed the sequined purse Daniella had brought the night before; and when she saw the woman run a hand down Angels chest – her goal obviously being his crotch – Nina couldn’t take it anymore. She nabbed the purse, and almost sprang for the table. “Daniella, is this yours?”, she smiled as sweetly as she could. Angel gave her a short thankful look, as she handed the purse to the blonde. “Yeah… I left it last night”, Daniella said coldly. She took the purse and looked up and down Nina’s body, halting at her neck. “You got a little something… New boyfriend?”, she almost hissed.
Nina gulped, and felt all blood drain from her head, unable to answer. Angel looked between her and the woman on his lap; and it was clear he knew he’d fucked up with his trademark marking of Nina the night before. “I’m…”, Nina croaked. “Yeah…”, Coco said, and tugged at Nina’s wrist; making her sit down on his lap, and placing his arm casually around her waist. He gave Angel a short look. “We good?”. “Yeah”, Angel nodded, and let a smile ghost his face. “We’re good, carnal”. Daniella rolled her eyes, and let out a short, scoffing laugh. She opened her purse, pretending to look for something; but very obviously trying to get Angel to pay attention to the condoms in there. “Baby, let’s just go…”, she said.
Riz and Taza came over to the table; the latter with his phone in hand. “Palo’s coming in”, he said. Bishop and Taza were folding up their maps, and putting them out of sight. “Trouble?”, Gilly asked “Just him and Sala, so no guns”, Hank replied. “They’re bringing the restitution-money”. Angel used the opportunity to get Daniella off his lap. She grudgingly went into the bathroom to fix her make-up. “Fuck it. That’s not enough!”, he said, and checked that his gun was loaded. “You saw what they did to Creeper’s girl”. “She’s everyone’s girl, man”, Gilly smirked. “Even I hit that”. “When?”, Riz asked. “Day before you”, Gilly shrugged. Nina was beginning to get annoyed with the Mayan’s talking about Camille. “You know, women can have needs too!”, she said. “If you wanna slut-shame, how about you start with yourselves…? You share women like they’re lighters for your blunts!”. Angel gave her a short apologetic look. He’d probably had a go at Camille himself, at some point. Coco patted her arm. “We ain’t slutshaming, ma’”, he said. “A woman wants to have sex, and offers it up; that’s all good… This girl, though… It ain’t about the sex…”.
The sound of two bikes came from outside, and Nina was about to get off Coco’s lap, when he held her down. “Don’t. They won’t think to look at you, as long as you’re with one of us”, he whispered. Angel nodded softly; and after a hard look from Bishop, he put his gun back in his waistband.
The door opened, and Palo and Sala stepped inside. They didn’t seem to need an invitation anymore. Bishop stepped up to Palo, and shook his hand curtly. “Palo…”, he said, before extending the gesture to Sala. The Vato enforcer looked around the room, his eyes merely brushing over Nina for a second. Coco had been right, and Nina couldn’t help but let out a relieved sigh. Coco lit a cigarette, before gently tapping her hip, to make her get up. Apparently, greetings were finished, and she was in the clear. Bishop glanced over at her. “Beers…”, he muttered. “Where’s the prospect?”. “Date night”, Angel said. Bishop scoffed.
Nina went behind the bar, and nabbed a round of beers for the men, who all went to sit down around one of the larger tables. Bishop clearly didn’t want Palo and Sala in templo. Daniella came out of the bathroom, and Sala’s head instantly snapped in her direction. She looked a bit caught off guard, and almost ran to stand by Angel’s chair. She put a hand on his shoulder, and he reluctantly gave it a light squeeze. It was like a Mexican standoff. As Nina set down a beer in front of each biker, she looked between the man she loved; the man she pretended to be sleeping with; the woman who the man she loved had to pretend he wanted to sleep with, who also might be the snitch selling out the Mayans to the man, whose cousin Nina killed; who also happened to be at the table. The VM president sat as if he owned the place, and though not a word was spoken, his silence spoke for him. The tension in the room was thick enough to carve with a knife, and the fear was clutching Nina’s lungs in a vice grip. Fuck. Not now, Nina though; a panicked expression reaching her face.
Bishop looked up at her, and recognition struck his face. Giving Coco a discrete look, the younger biker cleared his throat. “You need me here, jefe?”, he asked. “I made plans…”. “No. Go on”, Bishop said, and Coco got on his feet; quickly stepping over to wrap an arm around Nina’s shoulders. “Let’s go, mami”, he said, and led her out of the clubhouse. Palo and Sala seemed indifferent at their leaving, but Nina still couldn’t seem to calm her breathing, and her lungs wouldn’t allow any oxygen to enter.
Once out of sight of the windows and door, Coco made Nina sit down on a crate; and she pulled out her inhaler, and took a hit. Once she was able to breathe properly again, she looked up at Coco. “Thanks… I’m sorry”, she said. “No need to apologize, niña”, Coco smiled. He looked back towards the clubhouse. “We need to get out of here, though. Those putos think we’re gonna go fuck”. Nina gave him a soft smile. “I like you, Coco; but I’m not fucking you”, she teased. “Pfft. You couldn’t handle this anyway”, Coco chuckled. “Come on. Letty’s making dinner as an apology for eating my burrito and my hotwings”.
He took her hand, and made her stand, before leading her over to his bike.
After a night spent in good company, a decent meal, and watching Coco and Leticia fight over a game of Uno, Nina was full; and in a much better mood. Angel called Coco at 11 pm, letting him know that Palo and Sala had left, and it was safe to bring Nina back. At this point, Nina had been exhausted; and had decided to take up the offer of sleeping on Coco’s couch instead.
Coco took her back to the yard in the morning. It was the day of the gun-run, and Angel met them in front of the clubhouse. Nina got off the bike, and looked hesitantly at him. “Clubhouse is on lockdown for the run. No outsiders”, he said, and walked over to wrap his arms around her. He kissed her warmly, before looking at Coco. “Thanks”. Coco nodded, and winked at Nina; before walking into the clubhouse.
“Who are you meeting with?”, Nina asked, as they walked towards the trailer. “Happy, T.O. and Chibs”, Angel replied. She opened the door and they stepped inside. “That’s not a lot of Sons if VM shows up for trouble”, Nina said. Angel must have noticed her worried expression, because he pulled her into his arms. “We’ll all will be fine. Even if the Vatos show up, there won’t be a fight”, he said, and stroked her temple. Nina wrapped her arms around his waist. “But they want your business with the Sons”, she said. “And the Sons won’t give it. They’re not gonna profit of killing any SOA patch; and together we’ll outnumber them, even with EZ staying behind here”. Nina looked confused, and Angel smiled; pressing a kiss to her lips. “You didn’t think we’d leave you alone here…? You might try to cook for us”. She chuckled, and kissed him back. “You never actually tasted my cooking”, she said. “No. I value my life too much”, Angel smirked, and pressed his tongue into her mouth before she could reply.
For a long moment, they let themselves get lost in their kiss, before someone cleared their throat. EZ was standing in the doorway, looking sheepish. “Sorry… Bish says it’s time”, he said. “Tell him I’ll be there in a minute”, Angel said over his shoulder. EZ left them to it, and Angel returned his focus to Nina. “This thing with Dani… I’m not getting anything more out of her. She left just after you and Coco; like she was scared of the Vatos”. “She was probably just scared you’d make her as the snitch…”, Nina grunted. “Yeah, we think so as well”, Angel said. “She’s coming by later, and I’m gonna end it”. “But…”, Nina began. “Bishop agrees. Kissing her ass isn’t working… We might have to be more drastic”. Nina felt her heart stop for a few seconds. “Angel… No, don’t hurt her!”, she said. Angel sighed heavily. “We’ll probably just… put her somewhere for a while. Keep her phone and favorite nail polish out of reach”, he said. “She’ll cave after a few nights tied to a chair in one of our storage-containers”.
Nina blew out a deep breath. “I don’t want anyone else hurt because of me… Even if it is her”. Angel cupped her face, and pressed a passionate, almost devouring kiss to her lips. “Te amo, cuervo”, he said. “You’re too good for this life”. She chuckled slightly, before turning her attention to the door. The Mayans were gathering in the yard, and beginning to get on their bikes. “Go… I’ll be fine”, she said. “Where’s your gun?”, Angel asked. Nina gestured towards the table, where the .38 was laying, next to her extra inhaler. “Good. Just in case”. He kissed her one last time, before going out to join his patch-brothers.
Nina waved them off from the doorway to the trailer, before looking at EZ; who was standing on the porch, with a Tupperware box in his hands. “Chilaquiles!”, he smiled. Nina looked seriously at him. “Marry that woman!”.
With both the clubhouse and the scrapyard on lockdown, Nina spent the morning following Chucky around with a clipboard. The funny little man had decided to do status-count on the scrap; a ridiculous idea in Nina’s opinion, but she humored him. Chucky liked to keep busy.
“That’s… 17,3 refrigerators”, Chucky said; after having counted the items in yet another scrap-pile. “Point three?”, Nina chuckled. Chucky pointed at a stray fridge-door on the ground. “Point three it is”, Nina said, and wrote it down. They went back towards the clubhouse, and Nina saw Daniella standing on the porch with EZ. “You’re not supposed to be here”, the prospect said. “Because you’re on lockdown? Are you forgetting I’m your brother’s woman…?”, Daniella sneered. “I come and go as I please”. Nina went to pass them, trying to ignore the blonde. “Angel won’t be back for another few hours”, she muttered. “I came to talk to you”, Daniella said. Nina halted in front of the door. “Why?”, she asked. “Girl talk”, Daniella smiled. She walked down from the porch, and towards the trailer.
EZ looked at Nina, as Daniella walked away. “I saw her coming out of the trailer about ten minutes ago. I think she was looking for you”, he said bellow his breath. “How long was she in there?”, Nina asked. “I don’t know. Bishop had me polish the table while they’re gone…”, EZ replied disgruntledly. Nina sighed, handed Chucky the clipboard, and got down from the porch; bracing herself for a confrontation.
Daniella was seated on the cot opposite Nina’s sleeping place. Nina sat down across from her, and met her eyes. “Have a seat…”, she said sarcastically. “Comfy…”, Daniella jeered, and patted the cot. “What did you wanna talk about? We haven’t exactly been friendly”, Nina said. “And we’re not gonna start now”, Daniella replied. “I came to tell you to back off Angel”. Nina swallowed thickly. “I’m with Coco now”, she said, trying for calm. “Bullshit”, Daniella replied. “I know that’s just to rile Angel up. You’re trying to get him back… Which is weird, because I thought you were going back north, with those Sons of Anarchy guys”, Daniella said. “You seemed kind of hot and heavy dancing with their president at the party. Good job on moving up in the hierarchy…". “You though I was about to dump Angel for him…”, Nina said, more as a statement than a question. “Well, you’re good at working your way up the ladder quickly", Daniella said. “A few weeks ago, you were just a hangaround; but all of a sudden, you’re doing my job… And my man". “This is ridiculous”, Nina scoffed. “I’m done with Angel. You’re welcome to him”. It chaffed to utter the words. Daniella drew back her lips in a sneer. “I’m not stupid! I saw you two the other night when I came back for my purse…”. Nina almost gasped. Racoons, my ass; she thought. Daniella raised a smug eyebrow at her. “Angel is mine. And I am not letting him go”.
Nina sighed, and shook her head. “So, what’s your big plan…?”. “Like I said, I used to have your job around here; taking care of the clubhouse, keeping the patches happy”, Daniella cut her off. “I know how MC’s work; and how to listen, while pretending not to be. I know how to get the kind of info I need, to get what I want… Also, that Sala guy talks a lot, when he’s drunk. Asthmatic prostitute? You fit the bill”. Nina fought the urge to claw her eyes out. “You killed that guy Palo’s cousin, and he seems like the eye for an eye kind of person…”. “What are you talking about?”, Nina said. “Well, he wants you dead… but maybe he’ll settle for the next best thing”. Daniella placed something on the table, sliding it over to Nina. She gasped when she saw the picture of Abel and Thomas. Looking up to meet Daniella’s eyes, she saw nothing but contempt. “Yeah. I thought that might get your attention”. “They’ll never find…”, Nina began. “Nero Padilla’s farm, in Norco”, Daniella said. She put her hand on top of Jackson’s journal. “Your brother wrote a lot of shit down. Maybe he shouldn’t have”. “You didn’t…”, Nina croaked. “No, not yet”, Daniella said. She sighed, and leaned back in her seat, arms crossed. “Look, I don’t give a shit about what they do to you; but Angel’s gonna get himself killed, if he tries to get revenge for them hurting you… So, I kind of need you alive”. “What are you saying?”, Nina asked. At this point, she was confused beyond belief. Daniella was supposed to be the snitch, but then why didn’t she just come clean about that right now? She already had Nina’s life and family in a vice grip. “You’re gonna break it off with him... You’re gonna leave, and never come back. Or… I give this info to the Vatos”.
Nina felt her heart race from fear and rage. She placed her hand on the table, fingertips grazing the handle of the .38 laying there. “You know what I did…”, she said. “What makes you think I won’t just kill you?”. In that moment, she was sure she could do it. “The fact that I removed the bullets from that gun the second I got in here”, Daniella replied. “And I have people waiting for my call. Specifically, Sala, who’s a sucker for good head; like another person we know”. “You absolute bitch…”, Nina hissed. “Yeah…”, Daniella smiled. “So, what am I gonna tell him? Am I just gonna politely decline that date he’s asked me on? Or do I tell him about two little boys, whom I have on good authority are connected to the woman who killed Palo’s cousin…?”.
Nina suddenly noticed she’d clenched her fists so hard, that her nails had drawn blood from her palms. Her Angel; her love. The thought of his hands on her body, and his grip on her heart. The way he looked at her, which made her feel like no matter what shit life threw her way, she could still be happy; because someone as special as him was in her life, and wanted her. Her nephews – Jackson’s boys. She loved those kids as she had him. She had no doubt in her mind that Daniella would make good on her promise to sell them out, to get what she wanted. Nina’s next move would be a matter of life or death to the last living link she had to her brother. It was the most difficult thing she’d ever had to do, but there was no way she could or would ever sacrifice the lives of those two little boys. She had already killed a person – no matter how despicable he was – and another had been beat and probably tortured in her name. Abel and Thomas were innocent; and they were not going to be victims on her account.
“OK…”, she whispered; her heart shattering in a million pieces as she did. Daniella looked dumbfounded. “Really? You’re gonna chose them over Angel…?”, she said. “Wow, you really don’t deserve him!”. “No. I’m choosing to do the right thing. I’m not the kind of psycho that will let children get hurt, to get what I want”, Nina hissed through her teeth. Daniella shrugged. “You have until tonight. If you’re still here past midnight… I don’t think I need to finish that sentence. Do we have an agreement?”. “Yes”, Nina croaked. “Now please leave…”. “I’m sticking around until I know you’ve done what I told you”, Daniella laughed. Nina slammed his fist into the table. “Get the fuck out of this trailer, before I stab you in your diseased cunt!”, she growled.
Daniella got to her feet, and went to leave; before halting in the doorway. “Don’t worry about Angel. I’ll take good care of him”, she smiled, walked outside, and closed the door behind her.
tags: @cole-winchester @doloreschanal
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viking-raider · 4 years
Fangs Deep - Part IV *Mature*
Summary: Luna and Henry’s relationship continues to grow and develop a firm foundation. Titus invites Luna to a very important Vampire event with Henry, where she ends up causing some serious trouble.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/OFC
Word Count: 9,444
Parts: I II III
Rating: M - Language, Daddy Kink, Sugar Daddy, Size Kink, Caregiver Kink, Fluff, Angst, Slight Bullying, Light Spanking, Aftercare, Vampire Politics
Inspiration: Vampire!Henry is such a mood!
Author’s Note: It’s a sorta dark fic and sorta not. Thanks to @wondersofdreaming​ for reading it for me and being its beta! Tell me what you think!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans, @rosie-loves-things, @ohjules, @mary-ann84, @omgkatinka, @the-freak-cassie-131, @heelsamizayn, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4, @michelehansel, @kaatelyyynn, @badassbaker, @mrsaugustwalker, @authentic-bish-face, @rizeandvibe, @severuined, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @bellastellaluna, @wondersofdreaming, @thisisntmyrightera, @michelle-1185, @winchwm, @royallylazy, @sofiebstar, @worldicreate, @agniavateira, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @witches-of-discovery-a, @xuxszx, @ayamenimthiriel, @keiva1000, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @itsreigns, @constip8merm8, @scorpionchild81, @mylifefallingupthestairs, @onlyhenrys, @luclittlepond, @ellixthea, @lebguardians, @geralt-yennefer-jeskier, @cherrybloomn, @p3nny4urth0ught5, @iloveyouyen, @hollydaisy23, @mcuimagination, @psychosupernatural, @sweetlybigdragonn, @whitewolfandthefox, @moviemonzy, @the-soot-sprite, @hell1129-blog, @trippedmetaldetector, @captaingothgirl1996, @dont8mind8me8eue, @peaky-marvel, @desperate-and-broken21, @monstersnmoney, @dancingwendigo, @redhot-mystacism, @thereisa8ella, @black-ninja-blade, @oddduckthatgirl, @rosewinx, @henrythickcavill, @tinabean37, @hnryycvll, @msblkfire84, @romangenesius, @emelinelovesjc, @strangerliaa, @lovieebby, @pinksdaydream, @fanfictionaddiction99, @seb-owns-these-tatas, @oh-for-fic-sake, @sauvage-et-libre, @mis-lil-red, @angreav, @crazyandanonymous4u, @the-mighty-jellybean @syversons, @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair, @iam-laiya, @worshipping-skarsgard, @thetruthandotherstories, @ruthoakenshield​, @lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​, @theonetheycallhannah​, @nina-skyee​, @thatgirly81​, @inanna999​, @suueeeeeee​, @spideysimpossiblegirl​, @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8​, @beckster07890​, @daddys-littlewhitegirl
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“No.” Henry shook his head at Luna.
“Why not?” She pouted back. “It's cute.”
“It's too revealing.” He replied, taking the shirt out of her hands and putting it back on the rack.
“You said, I could have anything I wanted.”
“I did, but I'm not having you walking around with your breasts practically hanging out.” He chided her, directing her away from the article of clothing.
“But, Henry--”
“Do you want to shop, or do you want to go home?” He asked, stopping and looking down at her.
“I want to shop.” She replied, blinking up at him, gulping at the intense feeling coming off of him.
“Then, stop whining.” He told her, jaw tight. “If you try throwing another tantrum, we're going home and you're going to be stuck in the corner, for the rest of the day. Got it?” He warned her, in a low voice, with an edge that dared her to have the gall to defy him.
Luna's mouth dried up and fell open, big blue eyes staring at him in shock, the pure authority dripping off of him and washing over onto her was so intense, she was left speechless for a moment. She had allowed Henry, unspoken, to start acting more as a Caregiver, and Daddy her more, and she was still getting used to it. She hadn't gotten comfortable enough with it yet to call him Daddy or anything of the sort and Henry had so far only gave her stern words, if she started to misbehave and get out of line; before her brain was able to come back online.
“I got it.” She whispered, licking her dry lips.
“Excellent.” He sighed and relaxed again, gently touching her hair. “You want to finish?”
“Yes, please.” Luna nodded, relaxing as well.
“Well, go on then.” Henry smiled, kissing her cheek. “I'll be right here.”
Luna looked between Henry and the clothing section, making Henry smirk, and gave her a gentle nudge, then watched her start to weave in and out of the racks and shelves of clothing. She browsed the selections, picking things up and putting them back down, then held them up for Henry to see, wanting his approval on them, and would smile, when he nodded his head. A text on Henry's phone distracted him for a moment as Luna rounded a corner into another section of the store. He was just about to reply to the text, when he felt a spike in Luna's blood pressure and quickly made his way to her, expecting the absolute worse as he went around the corner.
“Luna?” He called out, panning around for her. “Where are you?”
“Right here, Hen.”
Her voice answered back, making Henry drop his gaze to the floor, where she was sitting cross legged in front of a display of big eyed beanie babies, cradling a gray, blue-eared Elephant in her hands. Henry relaxed, realizing Luna wasn't in danger or frightened; she was just excited at how cute the stuffed animal was, hugging it to her chest.
“Look how cute it is, Hens!” She smiled up at him, eyes sparkling.
“It's a very cute stuffie, Luna.” He smiled back at her, feeling her melting over it. “Would you like it?”
“Yes, I would.” She nodded her head, vigorously.
“He's yours then.” He chuckled, reaching his hand out for it.
“No, I want to hold it.” Luna shook her head, hugging it closer to her body.
“All right.” Henry laughed and shook his head at her, amused.
Luna carried the little stuffed beanie baby around with her as she looked around the store, picking out several articles of clothing, a couple shirts and a super cute pair of shoes. Henry secretly bought her a pair of expensive earrings with her birthstone set in them. Which he presented to her over lunch at a nice restaurant, Luna's mouth dropped open as he opened the velvety box and set it in front of her plate.
“Oh god, Henry.” She gasped, setting her fork down and picking up the box. “How did you even know my birthday?” She asked, looking across at him.
“I'm a very rich man, Sweet girl.” Henry smirked at her. “I can find anything out with the right amount of money.”
“You could have just asked me.”
“I could have.” Henry nodded, taking a sip of his water. “But, that would have given away the surprise.” He chuckled. “Do you like them?”
“I do.” Luna nodded, gently touching the teardrop opal earrings, a ring of diamonds around them. “They're absolutely beautiful.”
“Excellent.” Henry smiled, relieved. “We have one more shop to go to.” He told her, digging back into his food.
“For what?” Luna frowned, closing the box and setting it back down.
“You need a formal dress.”
“For what?” She repeated, lifting a brow at him.
“There's an event coming up in the next few days.” He sighed, finishing his lunch and pushed his plate aside, wiping his mouth with his cloth napkin. “I was going just have Tali watch you, while I attended it, but Titus specifically asked me to bring you.”
Luna swallowed. “Why?”
Henry heaved a sigh. “He likes you.” He admitted, rubbing the side of his face. “You made quite the impression on him two week ago, you are the only Human to stand up to Titus like you did, and live. I was sure he was going to kill you for being so blatantly disrespectful.”
“I didn't mean to be rude.” She whispered, shyly. “I just wanted you two to stop being so angry at each other. It was making me dizzy and like I was going to pass out.”
“You felt him?” Henry blinked at her, surprised. “You felt Titus's anger, through me?”
“I guess.” She blinked back at him. “Is that weird?”
“That is weird.” He nodded, licking his lips, then shook his head. “Anyway, the event happens yearly, the top elite of the Vampire Society go and Titus hosts it, naturally. As his son, heir and Prince, I am required to attend, there's no ifs, ands or buts about it.”
“What am I supposed to do?” Luna asked, uncomfortable and nervous about going to a party full of Vampires.
“Naturally, I'll be your escort, since you are my Nexum, and you'll be by my side, the whole time.” He explained to her.
“What's a Nexum?” Luna frowned, shaking her head at him.
“It's what a Human is called, when they are blood bound to a Vampire. You are blood bound to me, so it makes you my Nexum. It's Latin for bound or linked.” He explained to her.
“That being said, you need to understand something, my baby girl.” He whispered, his voice critical, as he leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. “Whatever you do, whatever you say, will be watched very closely and very meticulously, with extremely judgmental eyes, by several people that can be quite dangerous and cause a never-ending amount of trouble for Titus, and the rest of the Vampire society.”
“I don't know if I want to go with you, Henry.” Luna said softly, feeling her hands start to shake at the thought of saying or doing something wrong and possibly starting a serious conflict for Henry and Titus.
Henry smiled softly at her. “You'll be okay, Luna.” He assured her. “You just need to listen to what I tell you to do. I don't want to tell you not to say anything, that's rude and all. But, I need you to be very careful in what you say, if someone speaks to you, or you to them.”
“Like, what?”
“Don't speak of my business.”
“I don't know anything about your business.” She said, softly. “Other than that, you have a host of Humans that know of Vampires existing and are contracted to one of them, purely to feed on; so they don't go out attacking and killing people on the streets.”
“That's quite enough information for some people, little one.” He smiled at her. “If they ask you about it, try and behave like you don't know anything about it.”
“I'm not a good liar, Hen.”
“I know you aren't, love.” Henry laughed.
“What if they try glamouring it out of me?” She asked, suddenly.
“I'll be able to sense the change in you, if someone tries too, and I will put a swift end to it.” He assured her.
And them. He thought.
“You are part of my world now, Luna.” He sighed, leaning back in his chair.
“Part of me wishes I never dragged you into it, it's so dangerous and unpredictable. But, I love you so fucking much, that thinking about a life without you is painful and almost unbearable. I need you. I want you. I crave you. All the time. I've never felt like this with anyone, the closest is my bond with Titus.” He cleared his throat, fighting down a lump of emotions.
“I will do anything, and everything, I need to to ensure your safety, happiness and well-being. Even if it costs me my life.”
Luna leaned forward and grabbed at Henry's hands, still resting on the table. “Please, don't leave me.” She begged him, afraid at the thought of losing him.
“I won't, if I can absolutely avoid it.” He promised, squeezing her trembling hands. “Now, finish eating and we'll go dress shopping.” He smiled at her, sweetly.
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“I don't know, Henry.” Luna said, chewing on her thumbnail as she looked at all the super expensive and really elegant dresses in front of her. “The only time I wore a dress was when I was going to school and it was for dress code.”
“Hm.” Henry hummed, rubbing her back as he stood next to her. “Do you trust Daddy?” He asked, looking down at her, he had started to refer to himself as Daddy to her more, hoping to help her get used to the term and the theme of it.
It still struck Luna as odd, she never called her biological father Daddy, not even as a small child; he was either dad or Colby. Gulping and clearing her throat, Luna nodded at Henry, still chewing on her nails.
“All right.” He smiled at her, gently wrapping his hand around her wrist and pulled her fingers away from her mouth. “Sit right there.” He pointed to a chair behind them. “And I'll pick something out for you.”
“Okay.” Luna nodded and sat down, watching Henry browse the selections.
“You need something elegant, but practical and appropriate.” He said, taking a dress off the rack, shook his head and put it back. “Nothing too revealing, but still shows those beautiful curves of yours.” He bit his lip and looked over at her.
“How are you with high heels?”
“I'd rather walk on hot nails.”
Henry chuckled, smirking at her. “Then, a dress that pairs well with flats.”
Henry spent several minutes looking through the store's collection, before his eyes landed on a black and royal blue, gradient ombre evening dress, a single shoulder strap with a row of straps at the back. It would hug Luna's curves, without giving anything away that only Henry should be able to see. It's length was appropriate enough for the occasion, but wouldn't be hindered by the fact she would be wearing flats, instead of heels.
“What about this one?” He asked, bringing it for her to see. “It really goes with the earrings I got you.” He smiled, watching her look the dress over. “and your eyes.”
“I really like it.” Luna nodded, licking her lips and getting up to have a closer look at it. “Oh, god.” She gasped, seeing the price tag.
“I don't care about the price, and you know it, sweet girl.” Henry chuckled and turned towards the wall of shoes the store also had. “These will work.” He pulled down a pair of black, almond-toe ballet flats with ankle straps and the smallest of raised heels.
“You're going to look even more gorgeous than usual.” He said, kissing her and taking the shoes and dress to the counter, paying for them.
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“Did you feed Kal the rest of your lunch?” Henry asked, standing next to Luna as she sat at the dining table, his hands on his hips.
“No.” Luna shook her head, blushing as she lied to him.
“I know you're lying, Luna.” He sighed, disappointed in her. “So, tell the truth. Did you give Kal the rest of your food?”
“No.” She shook her head again, gulping.
Henry rolled his jaw and set a chair next to her, sat down, then pulled her into his lap. “Look at me.” He told her, baby blues serious. “Why are you lying to me?” He asked her, once she held his eyes.
“I'm—not...” She whimpered, looking away from him, guilty.
“Hey.” He snapped his fingers at her. “Look at me, don't look over there. My eyes are right here.” He held her chin in his fingers and turned her face back to his. “There's a good girl.”
“Now, out with it and tell Daddy the truth.”
“I'm--” Luna started to repeat herself, but Henry shook his head at her.
“You know, how you started to quietly let me take care of you?” He said, brows lifting.
“Mmhm.” She nodded, sucking on her bottom lip and struggling to keep eye contact with him.
“I think we need to have a verbal agreement on you allowing me to correct you.” He said, licking his lips, he could feel her raised anxiety at the notion of Henry punishing her; the PTSD of her father and everyone else that had abused her.
“I would never hurt you.” He told her softly, caressing her cheek with his thumb. “Or abuse you, for that matter.”
“Would you hit me?” She whimpered.
Henry sighed. “You mean spank you?”
Luna nodded her head, dropping her eyes from his for a moment, before bringing them back.
“I wouldn't spank you, if you don't like it, were uncomfortable with it or it caused you to have a flashback episode. There's several punishments I could give you for misbehaving. From a time-out in the corner, writing lines, taking something away, like your phone or your Switch, or making you go to bed early.” He explained to her, patiently.
“If there was something you did that was so bad , that it warranted me spanking your bottom, I will ask you first. If not, I'll punish you another way. Deal?” He compromised with her.
Luna sat in Henry's lap for a little while, mulling over the options and the explanation he gave her. Considering, if it was something she was comfortable with and didn't scare her, which she knew wasn't ever Henry's intention. Luna was more than sure Henry would never do anything to harm her, put her in danger, against her will, or anything of the sort.
She really didn't mind Henry acting as a Caregiver or a Daddy towards her, the added attention was nice. He would read to her before bed, something she always loved to do, because it helped her quiet down her mind. He made sure she ate breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as stayed hydrated. She had a horrible habit of not drinking enough water, which nearly caused Henry's head to explode with shock, when he realized it. He would give her a bath too, if she was up for it; which she was most of the time.
The strong and reassuring feel of his strong hands massaging her body felt nice, and she marveled at the fact Henry was capable of being so insanely gentle. He could crush any part of Luna's body, with the weakest amount of pressure from his Vampire strength against her feeble Human body. Yet, he was so so gentle as he rubbed the soapy washcloth against her delicate skin, not leaving anything behind, not a single mark, but the soapy suds on her clean and fragrant skin.
No, Henry would never hurt Luna, even if he were to spank her.
And Luna knew that, with every drop of his blood inside her body.
“I'm--” She gulped and blushed, bright red.
“You can tell me, sweetie.” Henry whispered, soothing his hand up and down her back, getting her to relax so she leaned against him, her temple resting against his forehead. “Take your time.” He added, whispering into her ear.
“I don't--” Luna sighed, shifting in his lap. “I don't completely understand this. I know you've been, Daddying, me since we met, that night.” She confessed, speaking slowly, so her words didn't come out in a jumbled mess. “I didn't fully realize it, or even knew what it was, until you said something about it.”
“It confuses me..”
“What about it confuses you, Nana?” Henry inquired, when she paused for a moment.
“Why do you do it?” She asked, looking down at her own lap.
“Why do I love being a Caregiver and a Daddy?” He asked, looking for clarification.
Henry took a deep breath and glanced up for a moment, trying to find a way to explain to Luna the reason why he enjoyed and loved doing it, why the kink attracted him so much. “I love taking care of people I love and care about. I'm very protective of those close and important to me.” He frowned and shook his head, struggling to explain it.
“I know, it's a very different kind of loving, protective care. Drawing you baths and bathing you, picking out your outfits and making your meals for you. Helping you make decisions, or making them for you, when you can't. Making sure you're happy and healthy, taking your antidepressant--”
“I'm bad at that.” Luna blushed, abashed.
“I know you are.” Henry chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. “That's why I make sure to give it to you, myself. Then, I know for sure you've taken it and that important and vital need you have, is filled.”
“I enjoy being the person you come to when you're sad or upset, when you're struggling with something, whatever it is, and be the person to help you fix it. To be that ear, when you need someone to listen to you or the shoulder, you need to cry on; to comfort you. Your support system. I love you and I want to take care of you, in every way, shape and form. Being a Caregiver and a Daddy to you is one of those ways, as is me being your boyfriend.”
“And my Vampire.” She chuckled at him, cheeks still warm.
“That too.” Henry smiled, warmed and touched. “I'm not a normal person, and not just because I'm a Vampire. I'm unconventional in a lot of ways. If you don't want or don't like me being a caregiver and a Daddy to you, I will stop. I'll just be your supportive and loving boyfriend and protective Vampire. All I want is your health, happiness and well-being. To love and cherish you, inside and out. To have your love and affection back.”
“Do I do that?” She asked, glancing up at him. “Share your love and affection back?”
“In so many ways, babe.” He nodded, kissing her cheek. “You take care of me, as much as I take care of you.”
“I don't mind you Daddying me, or wanting to be my Caregiver.” Luna admitted to him. “That's why I don't say anything, when you do it.”
“But, it does make you uncomfortable sometimes.” Henry said, he had felt and noticed it.
“I'm just not used to someone wanting to take care of me like that, or at all, really. It's not a 'I'm uncomfortable because I don't like it or want it.' It's a 'I've never had this before, and don't know how else to react.'”
“If that makes any sense.”
“It does.” He nodded, softly. “I understand that, and I try not to be too overbearing with it. I don't want to push it on you, all at once, and have you become really uncomfortable with it. I'm an extremely patient man, Luna. I'll do whatever it takes and I'll move at any pace you want too. I don't care if it takes you months, or even years, to get comfortable enough to call me, Daddy. I don't care if you never call me Daddy. That's not what I'm seeking from you.”
“If you want to completely give yourself into allowing me to be your Daddy and be your Caregiver, then great. If you only want to give half of yourself to it, fine. If you don't want to do it at all, then we won't do it at all, that's great too. As long as I have you.”
“I'm willing to try some things, to see what I do and don't like, before I decide how much of it I want to give myself over too. If that's all right with you, Henry?” She said, very quietly. “You don't know if you like something, until you try it at least once; my mum always said.”
“That's more than fine with me, sweetheart.” Henry told her, patient and understanding.
“So, I'm all right with you punishing me, if I'm bad.” Luna told him, bluntly. “And, if you feel one of them does require a spanking, I would like to, at least, talk about it before you do it.”
“Of course.” Henry nodded, seriously. “I will never punish you without giving you at least one warning and telling you why I'm doing it and what it is. I try to be a rational person in everything I do.”
Luna wrapped her arms around Henry's neck and hugged him, she actually felt a lot better about the new and developing dynamic in their complicated relationship. Luna had grown to trust Henry, she had started trusting him almost instantly, when they met, and she never trusted anyone more than him. Henry hugged her back, feeling her reassurance mix with his own assurance and relief.
“I did give Kal the rest of my lunch.” She confessed into his ear, still hugging his neck. “I'm sorry for lying to you and feeding Kal non-doggy food.”
“Why did you?” Henry asked, pulling her away from his neck and looking her in the eyes.
“I wasn't hungry anymore and he kept staring at me, so I just did it.” She admitted, nervously licking her lips.
“You already know how naughty that is, don't you?”
“I do, Henry.” She nodded, ashamed of herself.
“All right.” He sighed and raked a hand through his hair. “I don't want you to ever lie to me again, understand? If you do, there will be severe consequences.”
“I understand, Henry.”
“I don't want you to feed Kal anything that isn't meant for doggy's to eat, either. You can make him very sick.” He added, giving her a firm look. “Now, I want you to go upstairs to your room and get your Switch and your phone. You're losing your games for lying to me and your phone for feeding Kal inappropriate foods.”
“Okay.” She whimpered, hanging her head.
“That's a good girl.” He whispered back, kissing her cheek. “Go get them, please.” He told her, standing her up and directing her towards the stairs.
Luna went upstairs to her bedroom, getting her phone and Nintendo Switch. Coming out of her room, she found Henry standing by his bedroom door, his hand held out. With a soft pout, Luna put them in his hand and Henry went into his walk-closet, locking them inside his safe, so she wouldn't be tempted to sneak them; though Henry didn't think she would.
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“Henry.” Luna said, as he got into the driver's seat beside her.
“What, baby?” He replied and started the car, before looking at her.
“I'm scared.” She whimpered, fidgeting with Henry's signet ring, that still hung around her neck.
She had been panicked and anxious about the party for the wealthiest and most elite Vampires in the world, for nearly the week leading up to it. She didn't want to mess up and cause any problems for him and Titus, or anyone else for that matter. Luna had tried, once, already to convince Henry to just let her stay home, even if it meant being babysat by Tali. But, Henry refused to allow it, he wasn't going to defy Titus's wish for her to attend the event, as much as he wanted to give into her wish, about staying home. Henry sighed and rested his hand on her thigh, gently stroking the chiffon fabric of her dress, he felt bad for her, he really did.
“I know you are, sweetheart.” He frowned, kissing her temple and trying to reassure her as much as possible. “But, you'll be all right and you'll be perfect tonight. I have all the faith in you.”
“What if I do fuck up?” She asked.
“Watch your language.” He corrected her, gently. “If you end up saying or doing anything that causes trouble, we'll deal with it accordingly.”
“Will you punish me?” Luna squeaked, she had given Henry verbal consent to punish her, if he felt she needed it.
“That will completely depend on what you do or say, sweet girl.” Henry replied in a measured voice.
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Henry opened the car door and helped Luna step out, then handed the keys to the valet standing on the curb, patiently waiting to be of service.
“Thank you, Bruno.” Henry smiled to the valet, looping Luna's arm with his and walked into the massive building with her. “It'll be all right, love.” He whispered into her ear as they entered the large and spacious room, full of people.
“Are all of them Vampires?” She whispered back, eyes sweeping the room.
“There are several other Nexums here. There's a few humans that are assistants or just arm candy.” He explained, scanning the room himself.
“Nephew!” A voice rumbled with a cheery tone.
“Remus!” Henry grinned at the dark haired Vampire advancing on him, and returned the bear hug. “Bindy.” He smiled at the young lady with him, kissing her hand, politely.
“Who's this sweet dove?” Remus asked, lifting a brow at Luna.
“Remus, this is Luna Davenport, my Nexum.” Henry replied, smiling so proudly at Luna. “Luna, this is Remus, Titus's youngest brother, and this is Bindy, his Child and Partner.” He introduced the three of them.
“It's a pleasure to meet you.” Remus smiled at Luna, extending his hand to her.
“And you.” She smiled back softly, letting him have her hand and blushed softly as he kissed it.
“Pleasure.” Bindy smiled at Luna, leaning in and kissing cheeks with her.
“Is Soren and Emil here?” Henry asked, resting his hand on Luna's hip.
“Soren and Alan aren't here, they've got pressing business in the States to deal with, and Emil..” Remus replied, looking around the room. “Ah, there he is.” He motioned to the entrance on the other side of the room.
“What is Wyn doing with him?” Henry asked, heart pounding.
“Don't you know?” Bindy asked, lifting a brow at him. “The two of them have, apparently, become a thing. Emil adopted her, after Seb died.”
“How did you not know that, after how many decades the two of you were gallivanting around the world together?” Remus laughed.
“I knew she and Emil knew each other, I didn't know about the nature of their relationship.” He answered, feeling a cold sweat start to break out.
Luna looked up at Henry, concerned and squeezed his arm, bringing him back out of his building panic, smiling softly at him as he looked down at her. Henry smiled back down at her, squeezing her hand in return, then shivered as a cold tingle ran down his back.
“Excuse us.” Henry smiled at Remus and Bindy, leading Luna away from them and back into the hallway outside of the event space.
“What is it, Hen?” Luna frowned.
“Titus wants to see us.”
“How do you know that?”
“He sensed us in the area and called for me through our bond.” He explained, stopping at a door at the very end of the hall and knocked, before entering.
“Henry.” Titus smiled, turning towards him. “Ah, and Luna.” He grinned at her, giving her a once over. “You look absolutely gorgeous.” He complimented her, kissing both her cheeks and her hand, chuckling at her blush. “I am glad you came.” He added, softer.
“Thank you for inviting me.” Luna replied, biting her lip.
“Of course.” Titus nodded his head. “You're my son's partner and Nexum, I wouldn't dream of not including you in the family functions.” He assured her, with a light touch of her arm. “Henry,” Titus turned to him. “The Duke of France, Dimitri Rodin, is attending this function. Being that your French is considerably better than mine, I would like you to entertain him and his wife, Louise. There's been rumor that the Duke of Russia, Anton Smirnov, is trying to form an alliance with Dimitri, to undermine my throne.”
“Again?” Henry hissed, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
“Yes, he's still holding the claim of being one of Arius's children.”
“Arius was dead by the time that wrench popped into existence.” He huffed back, gobsmacked at the Russian's attempt to take the throne out from under Titus.
“We know this, but he has already convinced Peter Kindler, Duke of Germany of it, and almost has Isabella York, Duchess of America convinced of it as well. That's why Soren and his Child, Allan, are there dealing with it.”
“It's going to be a very politically fueled night, then.” Henry sighed, running a hand through his combed curls, the styling balm he put in to tame them was bare capable of doing so. “I fear, I won't be a load of fun tonight, baby girl.” He frowned, sympathetically, at Luna, whose mind was spinning from all the information he and Titus discussed.
“It's okay, Henry.” She replied, blinking the tangle of thoughts out of her head. “The fate of whatever you two were just talking about, sounds a million times more important.”
Henry's smile softened, cupped her head in his hands and gently pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Thank you for understanding, honey.” He whispered, resting his forehead against hers. “I love you.” He added, even softer.
“I love you too, Hen.” Luna smiled and whispered back, resting her hands on his hips.
“What?” Henry frowned, pulling away from Luna to look at Titus, who had the strangest smile and elated look on his face.
“I didn't say anything.” He laughed, turning away to look into a small mirror on his desk, fixing his tie.
“You don't need to say anything.” Henry teased back, shaking his head at his Maker.
“Why don't we all go out and make ourselves seen.” Titus replied, turning back around, utterly put together and composed.
The vibe of Titus's authority and power oozed off of him in heavy waves, if there was any doubt to his age and station in the world, standing next to him for a few moments completely crushed that doubt to ash. Henry stepped around Luna and opened the office door, bowing his head as Titus stepped through and kept his head bowed as Luna followed behind him, then brought up the rear of his two most beloved people in the world.
Offering his arm to her again, Luna and Henry followed after Titus as he walked down the hall, the people there, lining the walls to get out of the King's way, bowing their heads respectfully as he passed them. There was a tall chair at the front of the room, on a slight platform; which Titus went straight for and sat down in, taking his place as head of the event, the Vampire Society and rightful King. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing, conversations ending mid-word and eyes drawn to him.
It was eerily silent for several long moments before, slowly, all the champagne and wine glasses raised in the air, toward Titus, and in one voice, echoing in the room came the worlds: “Vivat Rex.”
Long live the King.
“Longo vivas tempore.” Titus chanted back.
That you may live a long time.
Henry quietly translated the phrases into Luna's ear afterwards, then took a sip of his wine, hailing and honoring Titus and his reign.
They stood together for a while, speaking to whoever came to speak with them, but Henry was keeping his eye out for the Duke of France. He had explained to her, between the lull of people approaching them, that each country around the world had either a Duke or Duchess to preside over the region, since Titus couldn't be everywhere all at once. They all answered to him, no matter what, but like all Kingdoms, there was disdain going on. Several of the Dukes and Duchesses, more vocally the Duke of Russia, felt that Titus had reigned as King long enough, and needed to step down and let new blood in.
Namely, anyone, other than the Arius bloodline.
“So, Titus, his brothers, you and so on?” Luna asked, sipping the glass of wine Henry had given her.
“Exactly.” He nodded, sipping his champagne. “Ah, Dimitri!” Henry smiled, seeing the Duke enter the room, both of them bowing to each other. “Comment allez-vous?” He asked, switching his glass to his right hand and shook the Duke's with his left.
“Très bien et toi?”
“Même.” Henry nodding his head, politely. “Duke Dimitri, I would like you to meet my girlfriend and Nexum, Luna Davenport. Luna, this is Dimitri Rodin, Duke of France.” He said, motioning a hand from Dimitri to Luna, giving Dimitri the permission to address her.
“Un plaisir de vous rencontrer, ma chère.” Dimitri smiled, taking Luna's hand and bowing over it, before giving it a delicate kiss.
“Merci, mon plaisir aussi.” Luna grinned back, flattered.
“You know French?” Henry smirked, surprised and impressed.
“Top marks in my class.” She replied, loving the amused surprise on Henry's face to learn something he didn't know about her.
“My little box of surprises.” He chuckled, kissing her temple.
“Your Maker noted that you wished to speak with me, when I paid my respects to him.” Dimitri said, lifting a brow at Henry.
“Ah, yes.” He nodded, setting his glass down and got down to business. “It's been brought to my attention that Anton has been trying to form an alliance with you, on the false pretense of being an Heir to the Arius bloodline, my Maker's bloodline.” Henry started to explain to him, his whole air changed as he started talking business with him, his shoulders relaxed and he locked his arms behind his back, giving Dimitri and their conversation his complete attention.
“Oui, Monsieur Anton, came to my offices in Paris, not a month before. Wishing to discuss a possible business venture together, that could increase our standings in the Society.” Dimitri began to explain to him, brow pinching. “We only spoke briefly on the matter before he was forced to cut the meeting short, because of a...problème.”
“What was the issue?”
“One of the people he patrons summoned him on a personal matter.” Dimitri explained to Henry. “I didn't see the note, so I know not what it was exactly about.” He took a sip of his wine, then handed it to a boy standing just behind him. “I assure you, Monsieur Cavill, I have no intentions on breaking my promise and oath to King Titus. He has been generous and most helpful to me, not only in installing me as Duke of France, after my predecessor, Monsieur Jean-Luc tragically took his life.” He made a cross over his chest, an old habit from his Human life.
“But, personally as well. I would have been in financial ruin, had he not invested in my company, for Vampire-Friendly restaurants.”
“I would hate for you to believe Anton's nonsense and not only lose your position as Duke, but for your company to collapse as well.” Henry told him, in a tone that was filled with pity should such a thing happen, but also lined with a threat that if the Duke dared to cross Titus, Dimitri would lose everything.
“Oui.” Dimitri nodded, gulping and readjusting his tightening tie and collar.
Henry suddenly looked down at Luna, startling her for a moment, with the strange and dark tint of his eyes. “Tali.” He said and snapped his fingers.
A tall, dark haired and Hazel-eyed woman suddenly appeared beside Henry, brow lifted at him in question. “Yes, Henry?”
“Will you please keep an eye on Luna, while Dimitri and I speak more about our business?” He asked, his eyes still on Luna. “I don't want to bore her with all this silly politics.” He told her, gently touching Luna's cheek and brushing her hair off her shoulder.
“Of course.” Tali nodded her head at Henry and offered Luna a sweet smile.
“I'll come find you, when I'm done here, sweetheart.” He told her, sweetly, and kissed her gently on the lips. “Do behave.” He added against her lips, before turning back to Dimitri, motion out of the room. “Shall we, Monsieur Rodin?”
“Hello, Luna.” Tali smiled offering her slender and smooth, cocoa colored hand. “I'm Talicia, but you can call me, Tali.”
“Pleasure to meet you, I've heard some about you from Henry and Titus.” Luna replied, shaking her head.
“All good I hope?” Tali laughed, she had a breathtaking smile.
“Oh, of course!” Luna nodded, worried she had offended her. “They hold you in really high regard, Titus especially.”
Tali grinned, looking at Titus over her shoulder as he sat on his throne talking to someone. “I do hope so, or he'll be having a rough night.” She chuckled.
“Excuse me?” Luna blinked at her, caught off guard.
“I'm Titus's Nexum.” She smiled at Luna, soothing away her confusion. “I started out as the CEO to one of his companies, the Hercules Corporation. It's a military company.” She explained to her.
“The government knows about Vampires?” Luna shook her head.
“Oh, yes. It's an open secret.” Tali nodded. “The Hercules Corporation caters to Vampires that are currently in active duty. It's very beneficial for the military and government to have Vampires in their employment. They are hard to kill, heal rather quickly, they're very fast and strong, among everything else they are capable of. I am also an agent for AI6, or Alpha Intelligence, Section Six.”
“It's like the MI6.”
“That's incredible!” Luna replied, really impressed by her.
“It is!” Tali smiled, proud of herself. “Titus took notice of me for my work as an Agent and started sending me on his most delicate cases and missions, and we hit it off and fell in love.”
It was hard to miss the pure look of love Tali had for Titus, and why he and Henry trusted her so much. It was a daunting job to help run a military company, on top of going on missions as a secret agent.
“Has he tried turning you?” Luna asked, innocently.
“Oh no.” She shook her head. “I'm content being Human, I don't want the stress of going through the change, then out living all my loved ones. So, we have an agreement that he won't turn me, no matter what.”
“It must be hard for him, to watch you age, while he stays the same, and then eventually has to watch you die.” Wyn's voice spoke as she came out of the crowd to join them.
“Titus and I know the sacrifice it demands, for the choice I made in not having him turn me.” Tali replied, coldly. “We've come to terms with it. Besides, the ingestion of Vampire blood, especially blood as strong as Titus's is, prolongs a Human's life. It won't be a while yet, until I die.”
“Unless, something was to happen to you.”
Tali narrowed her eyes at Wyn, opening her mouth to say something to her, before her eyes jerked towards Titus. “Excuse me, Luna. I'll be right back.” She said, touching Luna's arm for a moment, then crossed the room to her lover.
Luna floundered for a moment, getting stuck alone with Bronwyn for the first time, since they ran into each other on Kal's walk. “How are you, Wyn?” She asked, taking a large gulp of her wine.
“I'm excellent.” Wyn replied, flicking her red hair off her bare shoulders. “How are you, baby?” She chuckled, menacingly.
“Fine, thank you.” Luna huffed back, finished off her wine and turned around to set it on the table behind her. “What do you want, Wyn?”
“Just to talk.” She replied, running her eyes over Luna's outfit.
Henry had taken Luna to get her nails done and she had them painted a matte, royal blue with almond tips, the dress and ballet flats that he bought her, the Opal and Diamond earrings and Sapphire and Diamond Bracelet, he also gifted her to help tie in the outfit.
“Henry buy those for you?”
“He did.” Luna replied, lifting a brow at her.
“Where is he, anyway?” Wyn asked, looking around the room for him. “So, rude. Your first introduction into proper Vampire Society, and he ditches you.”
“He didn't ditch me.” Luna answered, narrowing her eyes at the other woman. “He had to go deal with a political situation with the Duke of France.”
“Oh, what's that all about, then?”
Luna started to open her mouth, then snapped it shut again, realizing she had already said more than she should have. Wyn smirked at her, knowing she had Luna exactly where she wanted her to be, crossing her arms over her chest in smug triumph.
“It's too late now, baby.” She mocked Luna, popping her lips at her. “You might as well tell me the rest.”
“No.” Luna squeaked softly, shaking her head.
“What's that matter, baby?” Wyn continued to taunt her. “It's not like the whole room doesn't know about what's going on. Everyone is talking about it, it's okay for you to talk about it too. Daddy doesn't have to know.” She giggled at Luna.
Luna's eyes panned around the room, to all the talking people and wishing that either Tali would come back or Henry would, but neither of them did and Luna could feel Wyn pressuring her, until she broke.
“There's something going on between France and Russia for the Vampires, and they want to dethrone Titus.” She blurted out, hoping she'd let it go now and leave her be.
“Bronwyn, leave Luna alone.” Tali snapped as she came back up to them, seeing the distressed and uncomfortable look on Luna's face and in her body language. “Don't you have horns you need to file down? I think I see them coming out right now.” She narrowed her eyes, critically at Wyn's forehead.
“Don't you dare call me Bronwyn, Talicia, or so—”
“Or what?” Tali snapped, stepping closer to Wyn, her sharp heels clicking on the expensive tile floor, completely unruffled by the other woman's attempt at intimidating her.
Wyn looked Tali over and huffed, backing down from her.
“That's what I thought, Bronwyn.” She said, purposely dragging out Wyn's name. “Now, get lost.” She added in a low hiss.
Huffing again, Wyn spun around on her high heels and stormed away, hands clenched into fists as she went. Tali watched after her, until she vanished in the crowd and turned back to Luna, relaxing her tense body.
“Are you all right?” She asked, looking Luna over.
“I'm fine, thank you for that.” Luna replied, biting her lip. “I don't think she likes me.”
“Bronwyn doesn't like anyone.” Tali told her, taking two glasses of wine off a serving plate as a waiter passed her, handing one of them to Luna. “She's always got her fangs in a bunch, and it doesn't help that you're with Henry; when she's still attracted to him.”
“She has no one to blame, but herself for that.” Luna commented, taking a relieved sip of the sweet and fruity white wine in her glass.
“Amen.” Tali nodded and clinked glasses with Luna, both of them laughing.
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“Hey, Henry.” Tali smiled as the Brit appeared. “How was your meeting? She asked, but her smile slowly faded seeing him eye Luna. “What is it?”
“What have you been up too, little one?” He asked Luna.
“I've been right here with Tali, Henry.” Luna frowned at him, not understanding why he was giving off such an angry vibe.
“She's been right here with me the entire time, Henry.” Tali spoke up, noting how tense his body was under his suit. “We haven't left the room once.”
“Is that so?” He asked, tightly, the muscles of his jaw tightening and flexing.
“Yes.” Luna mewled, gulping.
“I only left her for a few moments to speak with Titus, but my eyes were on her the whole time.” Tali explained. “She didn't go anywhere. She only got, unfortunately, stuck talking to--”
Henry's upper lip twitched faintly, then looked to Tali. “Thank you for watching for me, I appreciate it. Greatly.” He told her with a quick nod of his head. “But, Luna and I need to have a private conversation.”
“Of course.” Tali nodded, putting her nursed glass of wine aside and nodded her head to them, before going back to join Titus.
Henry reached out and took the wine Luna had also been nursing and put it next to Tali's, then took her hand and led her out of the event room. He didn't say anything to her as he pulled her down the hallway to the lift, pressing the up button and waited for the lift to arrive.
“Hush.” He cut her off, quickly and pulled her into the lift with him, pressing the second highest button and the doors closed.
Even as scared as she was about what was going on, Luna squeezed Henry's hand for comfort and got a quick squeeze back, relieving some of her anxiety. Stepping off the lift, Henry pulled a card out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket and marched down the hall and swiped it into a reader, then pushed open a door, holding it.
“Go in.” He instructed Luna and followed in behind her.
It was a conference room, a long glass table in the middle with about a dozen office chairs pushed into it. The opposite wall was full length windows, showing off the bright and sparkling lights outside from the street fifteen stories below and surrounding buildings.
“What did I tell you about coming here with me tonight, Luna?” Henry finally asked, his jaw tight again.
“To behave.” She whispered, finally feeling the full extent of the trouble she was in.
“Behave how?”
Her mouth hung open for a few moments, then gulped. “I was to behave, by not talking about anything I shouldn't talk about.”
“Cause it's important to you and Titus, and you can get in trouble, if the wrong people find out about it.” She replied, dropping her eyes to Henry's polished dress shoes.
“And did you behave like you should have, while I was away?”
Luna felt a hard lump instantly form in her throat and blinked several times at the growing burn in her eyes as tears wanted to form. “No.” She mouthed, soundlessly.
“What was that, little one?” Henry asked, brows lifting at her as he leaned slightly forward.
“No.” She mewled, a little louder, shaking her head.
“No, you did not.” He agreed, hooking his index finger into his tie and tugged it loose, too tight around his throat as his blood pressed throbbed in his neck. “You broke the one rule I gave you for tonight, Luna, and not only did you break it and misbehaved because of it, you said some very sensitive things.” He told her, removing his suit jacket and folding it over the back of a chair.
“I will take some of the blame for that, I shouldn't have said it in front of you.” He added, removing his cuff-links and rolling up the charcoal gray sleeves of his dress shirt. “I missed you being slightly into Little Space. That being said, you saying what you did, could and still can, cause a good amount of issues.”
“I didn't mean to.” Luna whined, biting back a pouty lip.
“You still did, little girl.” He told her, pulling out a chair and sat down. “What you said, could start a fucking war, if you said it to the right—or the wrong—person? The lives and livelihoods something like that can take, is astronomical, Luna.”
Luna just nodded her head, resigned to take the punishment for it.
“I promised, we would talk about this.”
Henry sighed, rubbing his face as exhaustion seeped into him. “The price of your actions is immeasurable. So, I'm going to spank you for it.” He told her, bluntly, and watched her shiver. “If it was anything else, I wouldn't. I would have simply taken you home and put you to bed, or sat you in the corner.”
“But, you need to understand the gravity of what's happened and been done, the things Titus and I now have to clean up. You need to feel the impact you just made.”
Luna shivered again and fought to keep her breathing under control and not break down.
“Do you accept this?” Henry asked her, seeking the permission to spank her, like he promised he would.
“What will you do, if I don't?” She asked him, glancing up at him.
“I'll take your Switch and Phone again, you'll be grounded to your room, with nothing; not even Kal, to keep you company, other than your thoughts. You also won't be able to sleep with me, either. If you try too, you'll be grounded for even longer.”
“How long will you ground me?”
“A month.”
Luna's eyes flared wide and her silent tears dripped down her cheeks. She could take not having her phone or games, even not being able to snuggle and play with Kal. But, to be stuck in her room, for a month, without being able to sleep with Henry, to be close to him. The thought of it alone made her hurt and anxious.
“What will be, Luna?” He asked her, patient, but still very upset and disappointed.
“I-I'll..” She gulped and rubbed at her face, smearing her wet make-up. “You-you can...” She took a deep breath and shuffled closer to him.
“You need to tell me, Luna. I'm not going to punish you, until you tell what choice you've made.” Henry shook his head. “Use your words.”
Luna glanced at the door.
“Don't worry about that, little one.” Henry told her, following her eyes. “No one's going to come up here and they can't hear, either. This room is soundproof.” He assured her, feeling her reluctance to be spanked in a building full of Vampires, who would no doubt hear it, if Henry hadn't taken the consideration to bring her here.
“You can...s-s-spank-me.” She mewled, meeting his eye.
“All right.” He nodded, wrapping his hand around her wrist and pulled her closer to him, moving her around to his side and pulled her across his lap, shushing her whine. “Don't tense, or it'll hurt more.” He explained to her, pulling her dress away from her bottom.
“Have you ever been spanked before, Luna?”
“Not exactly.” She replied, watching her necklace and Henry's signet ring swing back and forth on her neck.
“I want you to count each one I give you.” He told her, leaving her black lace panties on. “Nice and clear. If you miss a count, I'll start over at one. Any questions?”
“No, Henry.” Luna shook her head, hugging her arms around his leg and buried her nose into his thigh for a moment, inhaling his scent to help calm herself for a moment.
“Good, start counting.”
Henry pressed his hand down on the small of Luna's back, keeping her in place as he spread the fingers of his other hand open and cupped his palm, bringing it down in a firm and quick swat.
“One.” Luna jerked and hiccuped, surprised by the sting it left behind.
“Good girl.” He cooed at her, and gave her another smack.
“Two.” She whimpered, tears dripping to the carpet below her. “Three.”
“You're doing so good, little one.” Henry praised her, giving the red prints on her clothed bottom a firm rub.
“Four.” Luna sniffled, shivering in his lap. “Five.” She yelped as the fifth slap was the hardest.
“You're such a good girl, Luna.” Henry told her, rubbing her back for a few minutes, then fixed her dress and turned her around to sit in his lap. “Are you going to tell Daddy, what it was that you did wrong?”
The word Daddy made Luna's brain snap and jerked her head up to look him in the eyes. “Bronwyn.” She whimpered, realizing exactly what was going on now. “She told you, what I said?”
Henry blinked at Luna. “How did you know it was Bronwyn?”
“She was bullying me. Calling me a baby, in a mean way, said you ditched me and I just blurted out that you were with the Duke and what you were talking about.”
“She's who Tali said you got stuck talking too?”
“Yes.” Luna nodded, wrapping her arms around Henry's neck.
Henry frowned and cradled Luna against his chest, rubbing her back, even more troubled now. “It's all right, my good girl.” He whispered into her hair. “You took your punishment very well, I'm so proud of you.” He told her, pulling out his handkerchief and gently wiped her runny eyeliner off her face, smiling as she yawned and nuzzled her face into his neck.
“Why don't we just go home, hm?” He hummed, hugging his arms around her. “It's getting late and it's well past your bedtime.”
“I'd love that, Hen.” Luna agreed, her feet hurt from standing so long, she was overly warm from all the wine she drank and her bottom was slightly sore now, as well.
“All right.” He smiled, standing them up and tucked Luna into his jacket, kissing the top of her head.
“Why does Bronwyn bully me?” Luna asked, laying her head on Henry's shoulder as he drove them home.
“Because, she's Bronwyn.” Henry sighed, resting his hand on her leg. “She's upset that I'm with you. That I don't love her anymore. There's so many reasons, baby girl.” He turned his head and kissed her hair. “But, don't worry yourself about it.”
“She's just a bunch of hot air.”
-- Part V --
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That Puta
A/N: y’all, this hurt but it was so sweet.
WARNINGS: SMUT, fights, mention of blood, angst(always a little with me)
TAGLIST: @ifoundmyhappythought @woahitslucyylu @gemini0410 @angelreyesgirl89 @angelreyesgirl @fvckthisbxtchup @claytoncardenasbabymama @vicmackeybullshxt @choppedgalaxynerd-blog-blog @cind-in-real-life @starrynite7114 @phoenixhalliwell @dazzledamazon @whyisgmora
“Did you hear that Angel Reyes’ mom was killed? Good riddance, she was so mean. One time when I went to that carne-whatever she totally tried to—“ You didn’t let her finish. As she chonked on her pink bubblegum and told some story, you grabbed that bitch by the hair and dragged her out into the gravel. She claws at your arms, chest, anything to get a hold of you.
“Shit! Grab her!” Bishop shouts. You let the background screams and shouts dissipate as that little bitch looks at you and scoffs, fist connecting with your eye and effectively pissing you off.
“Are you serious? You think cause Angel doesn’t wanna bang you, that you have the right to-“ You throw her into the gravel, hearing the crunch under your boots as Coco holds Gilly and Creeper back. The brunette with blonde ends stands up, bloodied knees and palms. “Oh baby, he told me he’d never dick you down because you’re too ugly. He told me you weren’t his type, too manly. I guess I see it-“ You toss her aside, grabbing her hair and plowing her through the crowd of screaming girls to the trunk of a car, where you proceed to slam her face into the flat surface of the trunk.
“You don’t talk bad about a dead lady, dumb bitch.” You snarl, teeth grinding as Bishop grabs your arms and tries to pull you away. Yanking your arms away, you pile drive her and hear her sputter. Just as you finally get to her face, your nails clawing at her exposed arms and chest, the sirens wailing in the distance get closer.
“Shit!” Bishop shouts, skittering to you hide you. Hauling you to your feet, he hands you off to Coco and your eyes meet his brown ones.
“Did Angel really tell some dick warmer that I wasn’t good enough?” You whisper, chewing on your lip and looking over your knuckles.
“Tell me, Coco.” You huff, looking into his sad eyes. He nods.
“Yeah, he was just drunk though, he didn’t mean— oh shit. You’re in love with him.” He deadpans, his jaw hitting the gravel as he stares at you.
“That obvious, huh?” As the cops pull in, one calls for an ambulance and Coco makes every attempt to shove you into the clubhouse.
“Who’s responsible for the damage?” A cop shouts, and you rush through the door waving your hand.
“Me officer!” You shout, holding your hands up. At first he chuckles, rolling his eyes.
“I’m serious.”
“So am I.” You grin as you reach down and slam her groggy head into the gravel once more, knocking her out. Strutting towards the cop, his jaw slack, you turn and place your hands behind your back. The cuffs are slammed on and he gently puts you in the car.
As Angel finishes filling out his release form, he sees what looks like you being walked to a cell in an orange jumpsuit, hands behind your back.
“Y/N?” He shouts, watching you look over your shoulder at the sound of his voice. Angel feels the anger swell in his heart as he jerks against the cuffs on his hands. “Y/N!” He yells, his eyes falling on the black eye you donned and the cuts on your lip and your arms.
“Mister Reyes, finish the paperwork.” Nips the officer, tapping the table with an annoyingly fast pace.
“Why’s she here?” He asks, looking over his shoulder just in time to see you put in a cell and the door shut in your face.
“I don’t know. You won’t finish this paperwork so I can find out.” She groans, waving to the paper. Angel scribbles as fast as he can and then stands.
“Tell me, I gotta know.” He barks, nodding to the computer. She quickly does some clicking and looks at Angel with a shocked expression.
“She got into a physical altercation and the woman was sent to the hospital.” She informs, looking at him expecting him to react.
“A physical—a fight? Like a fist fight?” He asks, eyes wide. The woman nods, looking at him. “Does she have bail?” He asks.
“Doesn’t look like—hmm that’s weird. It says refused bail posting.” She shrugs, clicking a couple more things. “She doesn’t want bail posted for a two days.” She states, eyebrows knitted together in concentration.
“Can I just talk to her?” He asks, wringing his hands together. He knew something was really wrong if you didn’t want bail. She nods, grabbing her keys and heading back to the cells. As he gets to your cell, he finds you lying on the cot, staring at the ceiling. “Amarillo isn’t exactly you color, Y/N.” He chuckles, resting a hand on the bars. You don’t even sit up to talk to him, ignoring him. “Y/N?” He asks, his hands now gripping the bars as he gets concerned. “Christ miel, it’s Angel!” He shouts, causing you to jump and sit up. Scowl on your face, arms crossed over your chest, you stare at him.
“I can fucking hear you. I’d prefer not to.” You nip, starting to lay back down.
“What did you do?” He asks, and you scoff. Standing, you stand just out of his reach and lock your jaw, clenching your teeth together.
“What did I do? Stuck up for you! Only to find out that I’m a fucking joke to you!” You shout, throwing a hand at him. Stepping back, he looks at you, confused.
“You’re not a fuckin’ joke,” he shakes his head and you start to laugh.
“To you? Oh yeah I am! That’s the only reason I can figure! You told some crow eating, dick sucking whore that you’d never ‘dick me down’ because I was too ugly. Boy, I’m glad you fantasize about fucking me, Angel Reyes, because it’s as close as you’ll ever be to me again!” You shriek, feeling the tears fall down your face. Sniffling, you swipe away the tears and flop onto the cot, back to the cell door.
“Shit, I didn’t mean it like that. She kept asking me why I was watching you. I just—“
“I don’t want to fucking hear it.”
“You wouldn’t! You were just dying to clock that puta because she got some dick and you didn’t! Ya know, miel, I never took you for a jealous type.” Angel scoffs dryly, feeling uncomfortable being on the outside of a cell.
“Yeah, you wouldn’t know what love was if it jumped out and slapped you.” You call, letting him walk away. Tears fall down your cheeks as you curl up on the cold flat cot.
As Angel slinks into the clubhouse, Bishop’s angry gaze bares holes into Angel’s already annoyed demeanor.
“Glad you’re here.” He ruffs, tongue jaw crooked as his tongue swipes across his lips in attempt to control his tongue. “You didn’t bail out Y/N?” He asks, looking out the slowly shutting door.
“No, Bish. I didn’t.” He huffs, sarcasm rolling off his tongue.
“Why the fuck not?” He growls.
“She didn’t fuckin’ want it.” He retorts sharply, eyes dark and dangerous.
“Why is that?”
“Cause she didn’t fuckin’ want bail. I don’t know.” He shrugs, heading to the bar a drink when Bishop’s hand reaches out and grabs Angel’s shoulder.
“What’d you do?” He barks.
“Me? Of course. Always me. I wasn’t the one who cracked out and sent some chick to the ER and it’s still Angel’s fault! Fucking blame Angel!” He shouts, tapping his chest and nodding. “She’s the one who beat up another chick because I didn’t want her pussy!” Angel laughs dryly, swinging his hand. Creeper’s fist flies at him before he can even react. Stumbling back and grabbing his face, he looks at him incredulously. “What the fuck?” Angel shouts, storming towards Creeper, whose chest is heaving.
“That what you think happened?” Coco asks, eyes boring into Angel’s soul.
“Yeah! She fucking asked me if I said I didn’t wanna ‘dick her down’.”
“Because she dragged that puta outside for badmouthing your dead mom, bro.” Coco points to the photo on the wall of Angel’s mother that he kept off to the side near the bar.
“She what?” He asks, his heart dropping to his soles.
“Leah was badmouthing your mom, and Y/N dragged her out by her hair. When Leah couldn’t win physically she used some old drunk shit to fuel her. She’s in the ER because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.” Coco barks, pointing to Angel as he heads for door.
“Is that really what she did?” He stares at Coco, licking his lips and chewing on his bottom lip, concerned.
“Yeah, bro. She said some shit to hurt Y/N.” He shrugs as he heads outside leaving Angel there hurt. He’d said some bad shit to you. He was currently kicking himself. He hadn’t meant it, not the way that puta made it sound.
Almost a week went by, Angel not hearing from you was painful. He couldn’t seem to function right. He lost his charm.
“Hey, Angel. What do you say we head to my place-“
“Nah, ‘m good.” He shrugs off the sweet Hispanic woman and heads to the bar for another beer.
“Yo Angel! Coco’s got a hundred-dollar bet you can’t beat him in a game of pool.” Gilly shouts from the pool table. Angel shrugs, waving them off and drinking his beer in silence.
“Angel! Wanna hit the cage?” Riz calls, waving to the door.
“Maybe next time.” He calls back, tipping his beer back again.
“Reyes, wanna fuck around and get arrested?” You call, standing at the door.
“Nah, ‘m goo—“ he spins so fast the bar stool falls from under him and he faces you. “No fuckin’ way.” He murmurs, closing the distance between you in almost three strides, grabbing you and holding you tight against him. He squeezes so hard you start to tap his back, signaling he’s crushing you. “I’m so sorry. Coco told me what really happened. He told me what she did. That she’s deserved to tossed out. I’m really sorry, miel. Tell me how to make it better.” He whispers, letting you pull him outside. The cool night air swirls around the two of you as he looks into your eyes for a moment. He finds a lust and longing he’s not sure how he’d never seen it before.
“Angel, I don’t wanna fuckin’ talk about that shit.” You whisper, shaking your head. “This was a fuckin’ mistake. I knew I shouldn’t have come.” You start towards your Harley, but Angel grabs you and you tumble back to his chest. He leans down and presses a warm kiss to your lips. His hand caressing the curve of your body as he slides down and grips your ass.
Gasping, you grab his neck as he hoists you up. Wrapping your legs around him, he walks the two of you backwards towards the weigh shed. Sitting you on the counter, he grabs the squeaky old swivel chair, dusting it off and pulling down his jeans boxers, his cock hitting his stomach.
“Take off your shorts, miel. I want you sit on my dick.” He demands, his husky voice washing over you. Stammering, you yank off your shorts and draw your shirt over your head.
“You’re so fucking hot.” You whisper in his ear, the tip of your tongue tracing the outer edge of his ear as he positions himself at your core,, stimulating your swollen clit. Gasping again, you give a soft moan and sink down on his thick, huge cock. “Christ, bet this is just like you dreamed.” You hush, teasing him as you slowly slide up and down.
“It doesn’t even compare, babygirl.” He husks, his hands smoothing up and down your thighs as you ride him, your hair tossed over your shoulder. “Shit, kiss me again, baby. I fuckin’ love you.” He murmurs, pulling you in for another kiss. Slowly you feel the heat pooling in your stomach and you grip his shoulders tightly. “Yes baby, come for me. Come on. Yes, oh fuck.” Your walls pulsate against his throbbing cock as he thrusts up to meet your rolling hips. “I’m close.”
“Cum for me, Angelito. Please. Please come, baby.” You moan in his ear, pushing him over the edge, hot cum filling you and dripping down your thighs.
“Christ, Y/N. I’m so fuckin’ sorry. I should’ve just told you how I felt. Fuck, that was amazing.” He whispers, pulling you down to rest against his bare chest, shivering as a cool breeze rustles around you.
“Angel, I really do love you. A lot. I’d do anything for you.”
“I know. I don’t want you beating up any more hookers without me there to cheer you on, babes.” He chuckles, pulling your shirt on and wrapping his plaid around your shoulders.
“Shut up. You should’ve seen me, Angel. I dragged that bitch out by her hair, slammed her into a trunk. Broke her fuckin’ nose. It was badass.” You mockingly swing at his nose, but he sends you into a fit of giggles and blushing as he presses warm sweet kisses to lightly scarred knuckles, holding your fist in his hand as he does so.
“I love you so much, miel.”
“Oh yeah? Mister ‘you’re jealous I dicked boobs for brains and not you’?” You mock, pinching his cheeks as the two of you walk towards the clubhouse, Angel’s arm wrapped protectively around your shoulders.
“I promise you, I definitely fantasized about you doing a lot more than that.” He chuckles, holding the door for you.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Old Habits
Obispo “Bishop” Losa x Reader
Request from my fave @masterlistforimagines​​:  I’m back with more requests for everyone’s #1 Daddy: “Do it, I dare you” and “I haven’t forgot you yet” (Prompts are from This Post)
Warnings: Light angst (with a happy ending), language
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Still working through a personal life slump, but I was pretty stoked to finish up this fic. Idk why I’ve been putting Bishop through some things lately, but this one does have a happy ending I promise!
Bish Taglist: @sincerelyasomebody​​ @sadeyesgf​​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​​ @multiyfandomgirl40​​ @sillygoose6969​​
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It had been months since you last saw Bishop. The breakup went about as well as anyone could expect any breakup to go. It didn’t end with yelling and screaming, just a lot of tears and the recognition that trying to force things to work was hurting the both of you. It was difficult to try and adjust to a life that didn’t revolve around each other. You put off getting your things from his house for a little longer than necessary, not wanting to admit to yourself that it was really over. For weeks he still texted you or called you once a day to make sure that you were doing alright. Both of you had to fight not to slip up and say, “I love you,” before hanging up the phone. Old habits really do die hard.
By your second month apart, you both had gotten to the point where you didn’t follow through on the impulse to reach out. Your heart sank a little every time you’d get a notification on your phone and you saw that it wasn’t from him, but you knew that it was for the best. It still sucked, though.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. You still thought about him often, but you had gotten a grip on your emotions over it. He hadn’t tried to contact you, and that let you know that if he was over it, it was time for you to be over it too. After a lot of prompting from friends, you set yourself up on Tinder. It was a dumb idea, and all it really was, was a distraction. But it was an effective one. You’d had your fair share of disastrous conversations, awful first-dates, and not-terrible hookups since joining. Dating apps weren’t really your thing, but you hoped that maybe you’d stumble across someone who could start to fill the gap that Bishop had left.
After another awkward dinner with a man that you would never speak to again, you decided to meet up with your friends who were out at the club. The night was young and you didn’t want your entire Saturday night to feel like a waste. One of your friends was waiting for you outside the door to the club, and she beamed at you as she waved you over.
She wrapped you in a hug, “Date was that bad, huh?”
You laughed, nodding, “Another on the long list of disappointments. I don’t even know why I bother.”
“Well, come on, we’ll make sure the rest of your night isn’t so disappointing. Now that you’re here we can all do shots!”
The night was definitely the perfect distraction from your disaster of a date. You and your friends had spent all night on the dance floor, completely detached from everything else that was going on. You hadn’t even gone back to the bar to get more drinks, which was probably for the best. You were still just buzzed, not drunk, and that was much better for everyone involved.
You finally had to go get some water and sit down at the bar for a minute to catch your breath. You managed to maneuver through the packed groups of people and waited patiently for someone to free up a stool at the bar. You plopped down, taking a deep breath.
You were sitting back, sipping on your water when a familiar face materialized in front of you. Your eyes grew wide as a smile spread across your face. Hopping off of your stool you jumped and wrapped your arms around Angel.
“Holy shit,” you laughed as you stepped back so you could look at him, “What are you doing here?”
He chuckled, “Guy’s night out.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Since when does that not happen at the clubhouse, or over at Vicki’s?”
“It’s called branching out, querida,” he laughed.
“Who’s all here?” you looked around.
“Usual crew of troublemakers,” he nodded towards the door where Coco and Gilly were standing, chatting with a group of girls.
“No EZ?”
“He’s outside, him and Bish are having a smoke.” Your heart dropped into your stomach, and Angel saw the change on your face, “Still not talking?”
You shook your head, “Not in a long time. Never reached out to me.”
“Well, you got about two minutes before neither of you are left with much of another choice.”
“Fuck me,” you rolled your eyes and shook your head.
Angel ordered you each a shot and you took it, praying it would alleviate the nerves building up inside your chest. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you against his side for a moment, “Quit stressing about it, Y/N. You’ll be fine.”
Before you could attempt to argue with him about how wrong he was, Bishop and EZ appeared on either side of him. Your breathing hitched as you took in the sight of Bishop after not having seen him in months. You forced out a hello to both him and EZ, and Angel took that as his cue to drag his brother off to find a different section of the club to hang out in.
It was just you and Bishop facing each other now. Every part of you wanted to get up and hug him, but you knew that it would undo months of work. You weren’t over him by any means, but you could at least pretend that you were.
“Wouldn’t expect to see you in a place like this,” you finally said.
He smiled, shaking his head, “Me either. It definitely,” he glanced around the club for a moment before returning his eyes to you, “wasn’t my idea.”
“Just being a good team player?”
He laughed, “Something like that,” he paused, “Can I get you a drink?”
You smiled, “Angel bought me a shot before you got here…but I’ll take a beer.”
He lingered close to you as the two of you talked. Somehow you managed to hear each other through the music and the sounds of a million other conversations happening around you. the bartender would wordlessly refill your empty beer glasses and neither of you commented to get them to stop. Every now and then Bishop’s hand would brush against yours as he reached for his glass and you didn’t comment on it, but you knew that you both noticed it happening.
You had been afraid that the conversation was going to feel awkward, or forced, but it wasn’t. Truthfully you had completely forgotten that you were there with your friends. By the looks of it, Bishop had decided to leave the rest of the club to their own devices. The two of you caught up about the safe topics. He asked you about work and you asked vague questions about the club, just inquiring to how everyone was doing.
“How’s my boy Chucky?” you asked with a smile.
Bishop laughed and nodded, “He is doing as well as he ever was. He and Leti are a dynamic duo now. Keeping each other out of trouble.”
You laughed, “That’s good,” you paused, biting down on your lip for a moment before saying, “I need to step out for a second and grab a smoke.”
“Want some company?” he was trying not to look too eager.
You smiled, “Sure.”
Bishop placed money on top of the bar and followed you towards the door. You’d caught Angel looking at the two of you and you purposely didn’t hold eye contact with him. As you were reaching the door to the club, you felt Bishop’s hand press lightly against the small of your back. You looked back and smiled, arching your brow.
“Hands to yourself, Bish,” you laughed as the two of you landed out on the sidewalk.
He chuckled, “Or what, you’re gonna fight me?”
You smiled as you leaned back against the outside wall of the club, digging your pack of cigarettes out of your purse, “You’ve seen what happens to men who get too handsy with me.”
He smiled, shaking his head as he took the cigarette that you offered him, “Do it, I dare you. It’s been a while since I’ve had to fight someone.”
“That’s not a streak you should be looking to break,” you laughed as you lit your smoke and passed the lighter over to him.
There was silence between the two of you for a little bit. Despite the fact that there was more physical space between you, it felt so much more intimate now that you were outside without the chaos of the club to distract you. If it had been a few months ago, the two of you wouldn’t have had any space between you—he never could manage to keep his hands off of you whenever the two of you went out. The gap between you felt wrong, but you weren’t going to be the one to close it.
“How badly do you want to be home right now?” you asked with a smile as you exhaled a cloud of smoke.
Bishop laughed, “You know dance clubs have never been my thing,” he stepped in a little closer to you, “But this part here isn’t so bad.”
You felt your face start to get hot and you couldn’t meet his eyes. He wasn’t touching you but you could practically feel the heat radiating off of his body. Without even meaning to he was making you feel so small, but part of you didn’t even mind it.
“Be careful, Obispo,” you were trying to keep things light but your voice came out so soft, “I think you’re forgetting who you’re talking to.”
His free hand came up and tilted your chin so that you were looking at him, “I haven’t forgot you yet, not even for a second,” he didn’t break eye contact with you, “And believe me, I’ve tried.”
You let out a shaky breath as you tilted your head up so that his hand was no longer touching you. You dropped your cigarette to the ground, snubbing it out with the ball of your foot. Bishop hadn’t back up at all and you were forced to look at him. There was a familiar light in his eyes, something that you had been missing desperately. He took one last drag before putting his cigarette out as well. You leaned back against the brick wall, trying to grant yourself a little more space between the two of you.
“I’ve missed this,” he said, visibly fighting the urge to pull you in close to him.
You nodded slightly, “Me too,” you swallowed hard, trying to force the words out, “You stopped answering my texts.”
He rested one hand on the back of his neck as he took a deep breath, “I figured that it would be best for you…for both of us.”
“I hate being broken up,” you blurted out. You quickly reached up and covered your mouth with your hand, unsure of where that had come from. It was true, sure, but you weren’t planning on saying it. You shook your head, “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean, I know why we did but fuck, I just mi—”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence. He stepped in and pulled you into a rough kiss. One arm snaked around your waist while his other hand rested against the back of your neck, pressing you into him. After a moment the shock of it wore off and you fell into him, hands gripping his kutte and pulling him as close as humanly possible. He pushed your back flush against the side of the building and you couldn’t help but to moan into your kiss.
He finally pulled his lips off of yours. You tried to catch your breath as you rested your forehead against his. His grip on you loosened as his hands slid around your hips and found themselves nestled into your back pockets. You smiled at the comfort of the familiar gesture. You brought one hand up to the side of his face, tracing along his cheekbone and feeling his stubble slide underneath the pad of your thumb.
“I’ve missed you so much, Y/N,” his voice was hardly a whisper.
You gave him a quick peck on the lips, “I’ve missed you too.”
“I thought it would be better if we weren’t together anymore, and maybe it’s selfish of me, but I want you to come home,” he pulled away slightly so that he could look you in the eyes, “Please.”
You felt the anxiety melting out of your body. You had spent months imagining him saying those words and it was finally happening. “Can I come home tonight?”
He chuckled, nodding, “I’d love that,” he pulled you into a hug, letting your head rest against his chest, “And I would really love if we left now so I don’t have to go back in there.”
You laughed into his chest, “I guess that’s fair,” you pulled away, letting your hands slide so that your fingers interlocked with his, “Take me home Obispo.”
He laughed, tugging you in the direction of his bike, “It’d be my pleasure.”
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Theirs- Chapter 7 - OT7 x Reader
Genre: Mafia AU! BTS; Yandere AU! BTS; Angst; Fluff; Smut; OT7 x Reader
Rating: 18+
Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Warnings: Cursing; Mature Content ; Mentions of abuse and bullying; Yandere BTS; Gore; Stalking; Gore scenes; more to be added throughout the series
Words: 4.9k +
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Tag List :
@themisses777 @snowythellama @i-am-canada-13​ @honeycutelove @im-a-space-child @minhyunie-lovely @kawaiimusiccollection @perfectlyfangirling @technicolor-blues @karissassirak @decafe-jeonseagull @cherryicy123 @blackpanther4550 @ahslde @bangtanlove16 @joyful-jimin @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @sjt-kpoplover @letmebefreeblr@kaykay-loves @someslightobsessions @ttimeawayy @taerifficocean @bts-edits-bitch @saywheaaat @namjoonsslutakakoreanmanswhore @aretha170 @moxxie84 @hypophrenium @ruth619 @teenykoo @risefallrise-blog @lustremyg @3dmegamorea @alphajevie @theclosetedkpopper @livingbubbles-blog @kpopgirlbtssvt @kaoelle @dankcuddles @beetea-s @jinxxminxx @miinoongi @lizzy-min-bish @vi-hoshi @xcharlottemikaelsonx @m0chilattae @nomimits7 @amazedforjjk@tearsqueen @multifandomgirl29 @namjooniewifeu99 @jianing2603 
Credits to the GIF
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As soon as Hoseok’s voice filled the apartment, the three of you stopped breathing. You could see the panic filled eyes of Jungkook staring at Taehyung as both of them contemplated on what to do. They were dead meat; they knew that much.
“Munchkin, why’re you so quiet? We’re he-” You looked up to the door once you saw it open, Jimin standing at the doorway his eyes on you. It wasn’t long until all the others stood next to him at the doorway of your own bedroom. It was so quiet that if a drop of your sweat fell on the floor, it would be heard.
“Jungkook, Taehyung. Tell me, what is going on here? Why is Y/N, my innocent princess, looking like this? What in all worlds did you two do?” Jin’s voice was low and if looks could kill, the two male standing next to you would be dead by now. It was the first time you actually saw Jin as upset as he was now. He usually kept calm during every situation. This was a new one for you.
“I…Hyung, Taehyung started it!! I only went along with it, but it was all his own doing!” You heard Jungkook say hurriedly as he kneeled down on the floor. He was throwing his own hyung under the bus. You giggled at the situation going on. Who knew this could happen?
“WHAT? No! Not true! It wasn’t me, hyung!”
“Really? We were gone for 3 hours, Taehyungie. And I do remember you saying that you wanted Y/N’s affection as well.” Jimin said as he stepped forward, his eyes on Taehyung who was now kneeled down next to the maknae.
“Y/N seduced us!! We couldn’t say no to her. But it was her, right Jungkookie?” Taehyung said as he elbowed the younger who nodded his head. You gasped as now all eyes were on you. What was this? How could they be putting the blame on you? You stared at Taehyung and Jungkook who mouthed a sorry before they looked at the ground, small smiles on their faces.
You knew the others wouldn’t get angry at you, but it was still annoying to have to get out of this embarrassing situation.
“Is that cum dripping down her hand?” Namjoon’s voice filled the room, staring at the hand that was yet to be cleaned. Taehyung got up as fast as lighting and grabbed the towel from Jungkook, cleaning your hand as fast as he could. He quickly got down on his knees again, bowing his head. If this weren’t so embarrassing, you’d be laughing your ass off right now.
“Cum? No. I don’t see such sinful thing on the innocent body of our baby.”
“Get cleaned, Y/N. We know it wasn’t you. Taehyung and Jungkook will get punished for not being able to hold it in their pants.” Hoseok said before you heard Yoongi let out a loud sigh as he turned around and left the room, giving you a last glance. His face was emotionless, but you knew there was something going on in his mind. His eyes gave it all away.
“But hyung! It wasn’t just us! This is so not fai-” Jungkook’s voice was interrupted as Jimin his head with a stack of papers.
“You still want to complain? Huh? You have the fun all for yourselves and still complain?” He said as he hit the younger males on the head back and forth. You giggled as you got up, heading to the bathroom. So, they weren’t mad for what had happened, but because they hadn’t been a part of it. That was cute.
As you were about to close the door to the bathroom, a foot stopped you from doing so. You were now face to face with Namjoon. He held a smirk on his face, as he got closer to you. “Baby girl, you might’ve not started it but you’re no angel in this. You were clearly enjoying the scolding Jungkookie and Taehyungie were getting. Next time you decide to be so naughty, I’ll have to punish you myself. And let me tell you, I’m not as kind as Taehyung and Jungkook.” Namjoon said as he closed the space between you two, kissing your lips. All you could do was nod your head as the male left the bathroom after giving your ass-cheeks a firm squeeze.  
You and the boys were sitting around the dinner table, eating while you talked. It was a pleasant atmosphere and you were enjoying it very much until the thoughts of their job came to mind again. They left this morning, where did they go? What did they do?
“What’s troubling that mind of yours, angel?” Hoseok asked as he noticed how you were frowning over something.
“It’s just…If this is going to work, then no more secrets. I wish to know what you do. What you did today and what you are going to do tomorrow and in the future. I don’t want to be held in the dark anymore, please.” Your voice wasn’t loud or demanding, but calm. You wished for things to work out, but you needed to know more.
As you were lost in thoughts once again, the boys stared at you smiling widely. They didn’t wish and wouldn’t let you know everything. It was a dangerous world, but the fact that you wanted your relationship to work out pleased them.
Namjoon awkwardly fake coughed to get you out of your thoughts as Jin and Jimin who sat both next to you, held your hands and intertwined their fingers with yours.
“We went to take care of the guy who disrespected you in our club and some other… stuff. He needed to be dealt with, love. It wasn’t anything much honestly and before you ask, no he isn’t dead.” Yoongi said as he poured himself some wine and gave you a small smile before finishing his food.
“Unfortunately, he isn’t no.” Jungkook scuffed as he too finished his dinner.
You nodded your head at them and looked down at your plate before looking up at them again. They did so much for you that you were barely aware of any of it. How could you not have realized everything they did? Were you really that blind? Did they cross all lines and boundaries for your safety and happiness?
“I love you all so much.” You said before putting a piece of meat to your mouth. At your words, all the boys either chocked on their foods and drinks or stopped chewing all together. As you finished chewing and stared at the boys, they all smiled at you and were about to reply until your phone started ringing from the bathroom where you had left it earlier.
“I’ll get it!” Jungkook said as he stood up from his seat and jogged to the bathroom. He got your phone and looked at who was calling, making sure it wasn’t anyone who you couldn’t speak to. Upon seeing ‘Mother’ on the screen, he frowned. Didn’t they tell her to call earlier than this? Surely not when they were eating. Jungkook walked back to the dining table, hoping for the screen to turn dark.
As you noticed Jungkook’s frown, you immediately understood who was calling. Throughout the years, the relationship between you and your parents had diminished a great amount. They never approved of the boys and your friendship with them, yet that didn’t stop you from hanging out with them. When you told them, you were moving in with them, your parents disapproved of the idea entirely. You never understood what they had against the boys. They didn’t even know them.
“My parents are calling…” You mumbled out as you grabbed the phone from Jungkook and gave him a small smile before accepting the call.
“Y/N. So glad you could pick up. I was simply calling to make sure you were coming over on your father’s birthday. Hopefully, you didn’t forget about it.” Your mothers venomous voice said from the other side of the line. You could almost hear her smirk. You hadn’t forgotten about your father’s birthday; it was impossible for you to since you had been good with dates since little.  
“Of course not, mother. Me and the boys will be there tomorrow morning to congratulate father. That is, if you let them come over. If not, I’ll leave my present by the doorway.” You replied in the same tone she was giving you, not bothering to keep the façade up any longer. The woman you dared to call for mother scoffed on the other side.
“Just be here by 11am sharp.” She said before hanging up, leaving you to listen to the silence. With that, you let out a deep sigh and looked at the boys. You knew they didn’t like them either, yet you couldn’t go there without them.
“Please come with me tomorrow. I know I didn’t consult any of you on the matter, but I can’t go there without you. They’ll throw shady comments and say rude things and all I want is for things to go at least a bit okay. If I go alone, they’ll use me to disrespect you and I don’t want that because I care for you so much but I know it is also selfish of me to ask you to join me because I know you don’t like them either but it’s just this once and after that you won’t have to-”
“Princess calm down. Of course, we’ll go with you. We love you too much to just let you go there alone. Plus, we love birthday cake as well.” Jin said as he started collecting the plates from the other boys, giving you a kiss on the forehead before also taking your plate and leaving for the kitchen to grab desert.
“Jin-hyung is right, angel! We’d hate to let you go there alone.” Hoseok said, giving you a huge smile. “But what are you going to give your father? Do you have a present prepared?”
You shook your head and sighed. With everything that had happened, you hadn’t had time to go out and buy anything.
“How about a bottle of wine? We have some nice wine here, so you can just give him that, munchkin.” Jimin said as he sipped down his wine, thinking of other ideas of what the present could be. You on the other hand were pleased with the bottle. Your father loved wine and the boys had a great collection so giving him a bottle as a present wasn’t such a bad idea.
“That’s actually a really good idea, Chim! A bottle it is. I’m sure he’ll love it.” You said excited and happy with the thought of giving your father a fine bottle of red wine for his birthday. Better than socks or nothing.
You woke up at the sound of ruffling coming from beside you. You didn’t want to open your eyes, knowing it would mean you’d have to get up and you were too comfortable right now.
“Hmm angel. You look so beautiful first thing in the morning.” You heard Hoseok say from behind you as he spooned you against him. His voice was raspy, indicating he had just woken up as well. So, the ruffling noise wasn’t made by him. You smiled as you opened your eyes and met face to face with Jimin. He was already staring at you, staring at your morning face as his legs intertwined with yours.
“Morning munchkin.” He said, stretching as you stared at the tattoo in his ribs. You traced it with your fingers, smiling at the reason why he got it in the first place.
“I still remember when you got it, Chim. ‘Nevermind’ was our promise.” You giggled and placed a kiss on the tattoo before you blushed and sunk deeper into Hoseok’s embrace. “But to think you’d actually get it tattooed. You’re crazy.”
Hoseok chuckled from behind you, placing kisses on the back of your neck. “Angel, we all are. We’re crazy for you. Having you here with us is what keeps us sane.” He mumbled into your ear, sending chills down your spine before the door flew open.
“Namjoon-hyung forced me to get up so all of you need to get up as well.” Jungkook let out an annoyed sigh, his eyes still closed. You knew both him and Taehyung had stayed up all night playing like they usually did which meant always made them the worst to wake up, not counting Yoongi of course. Plus you were sure this was part of the so called punishment Hoseok said they’d both be getting.
“It’s your own fault for staying up late, Jungkookie.” Jimin said as he ruffled your hair, getting up from your bed.
“Pfft. Just get up. It’s already 9am.” Jungkook said as he left the room. At the sound of those words, you jolted up.
“9am?! Oh my god. Hobi, get up!! I need to get ready. We’ll be late! We can’t be late! Geeeet up!” You said as you stood up and headed to your wall–in closet, starting to pick something to wear. You needed to look presentable or else your parents would assume you didn’t put any effort in looking good and they’d, of course, comment on it.
“Alright ma’am, I’m up! I’ll go get ready too, Angel. Don’t take too long.” Hoseok chuckled before leaving the room, closing the door after him.
After almost 15 minutes of choosing what to wear, you left the room in a white casual long sleeved dress. You let your hair down and put some earrings on, them going well with the high heels you decided to wear. Almost your entire outfit had been things the boys had gifted you along the years, yet you happily wore it. You rarely styled any of the things they gave you, but today you decided to simply rock it.
“Princess…damn. You look ravishing with that outfit on. You should dress up more often, so we get to see you rocking those dresses you have.” Jin said as you entered the kitchen, finding all the boys sitting and talking, all in suits.
“Thank you, Jinnie and all of you look very handsome as well. Hopefully today goes okay.” You sat down next to Taehyung and smiled before taking a pancake and eating.
It wasn’t long until all of you were done eating and getting into the respective cars, making your way to your old house. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You knew this would go bad; it always did but you weren’t at fault. You tried to make things work, but your parents were extremely stubborn and if things didn’t go their way, they simply didn’t approve of it or thought it was bad. Lost in thoughts as you looked out of the window, your parents’ home soon came into view. You let out a nervous sigh as Hoseok parked the car behind Jin’s. ‘They’re here with me so everything will be okay. No matter what happens, they’ll always be by my side.’ You thought to yourself as you grabbed the bottle and got out of the car, soon joined by the 7 boys who stood close to you.
“It’ll be okay, cutie. We’re here.” Jungkook said as he carefully knocked on the door, you nodding as you held the bottle close to you.
Only seconds later, the door opened, revealing your mother fully dolled up. She stared at you up and down before looking at the boys and giving the eight of you a fake smile. You assumed this would be a small gathering yet judging by the number of cars parked around and the sound of people talking from inside, this was anything but small. Of course not, your parents had always loved to shine for their friends. Buying things, they could barely afford so they kept their appearance up. It was all so fake and that was also a reason that when the boys offered you to stay at their house, you barely gave it two thoughts. It’d be better than to stay there with such fake people surrounded by fake friends, fake designer clothes and fake happiness.
“So glad all of you could come. Please come in and make yourself at home.” She said, giving room for all of you to come in. The boys walked ahead of you, making sure no unwanted surprises would come your way. “Using their money, I see. Wouldn’t expect any less from you.” Your mother mumbled into your ear as she pulled you into a hug, holding you tight in her embrace. Her arms felt like snakes crushing you, taking all your energy away. “I could almost say you’re exactly like me when I was younger.”
“I think that’s enough.” Taehyung said as he grabbed your mother’s hand, taking you away from her. Taehyung hadn’t exactly heard what the older woman had said to you, but he realized it couldn’t be any good when he turned around and saw the look on your face.
“Oh, I was simply giving my daughter a hug. Is that not allowed, Mr. Taehyung?” Despite not meeting them often, your parents knew all of the boys’ names well. After all, they had been around since you were only 13.
Taehyung snickered at the woman’s comment, yet his eyes were dark. He felt he could strangle her if he were given the opportunity. One thing that drove him mad was the way your parents had started treating you after meeting the boys officially once you turned 15. It drove him to the brink of madness.
“It certainly would be if you weren’t such a witch, Mrs. I don’t like my sweetheart to be tainted by such hands of yours, you see.” Taehyung said before he wrapped a hand around your waist and leaded you to the living room where the other boys found themselves. Your father sat on an armchair as the other guests congratulated him. He looked happy yet as soon as his eyes fell on Taehyung’s hand that still held you, his smile dropped.
“My daughter has arrived. Y/N, come here.” Your father called, giving you one of his smiles. To other people that smile would come of as genuine and honest, but you knew better. You had seen the damage that smile held, the words that could come out of that mouth. Yet you decided to play his game for now. They were still the people that raised you till a certain age, you owned them that.
“Father. Happy birthday. Since you love wine, then I couldn’t find a better gift to give you than a good bottle of red wine.” You said as you walked over to him, handing him the bottle
“My daughter, always so thoughtful. Thank you. I shall treasure it.” He said, looking at the bottle. To many, the relationship between your parents and you were a normal, healthy one. Many of these people were just as fake as them, not seeing pass their own need for material things and power.
That’s why they wouldn’t stay for lunch. That was too intimate and none of them wanted to be a part of such. But of course, their excuses went along like they needed to work, or had something planned. They all knew it was simple excuses and lies yet they still pretended as if it wasn’t. It only took an hour before everyone who called themselves friends and acquaintances of your parents left the house.
Now it was you, your 7 boys and your parents. All in one room, all having lunch. The silence was unbearable, and you hated it. It wasn’t a comfortable silence but a deadly one.  
“Are you done whoring around and ready to come back home?” Your mother asked as she eyed you from the other side of the table. With the question filling the room, the boys stopped eating and placed their forks and knives down. Your mother was bold to ask something like that in front of them.
“Excuse me what? I don’t think I caught what you said, mother.”
“You heard her, Y/N. I think it is time for you to stop with this act you’re pulling with these boys and come home. Stop this, understood? We can set up a date between you and the son of EL – electronics. Their company is doing quite well nowadays, and he is a lovely young man.”
“Your father is right. We’re getting older and you need to soon settle down with a capable man that is financially stable, of course.”
So, this was what it was all really about. They wanted to set you up with someone. You knew your mother’s invite was too good to seem true. You got up from your seat and stared at the man and woman you once adored. You weren’t going to give them the fight they so wanted and wished for. You were done with their little games and tricks.
“That’s not going to happen. You never liked any of them, I understand that. But because you don’t approve of the best friends, I brought home over 7 years ago, doesn’t mean I can’t be with them. From now on, do not call me or come near me. I wish to cut all ties I have with you.”
“You’re trying to take her from us? She’s fucking ours so you two better fucking lay low. We won’t have any problems getting rid of you.” Hoseok said as he grabbed the knife he used and stabbed it on the table.
“Hoseok-hyung, calm down.” Namjoon said as he got up. He took out his check book as he walked over to your father. While Namjoon made his way, Yoongi pulled you close to him, holding you against him. He placed kisses on your neck as his eyes were on your mother. If she wanted a show, he would give her one she wouldn’t forget.
“Y/N, you’re ours. And you won’t leave us. We won’t let you leave even if we have to tie you up to our bed. You’re ours to keep forever. Not even your lame excuse of parents can keep us from claiming you as ours.” He said loud and clear, making sure everyone in the room heard him.
“Mr. Our baby girl made it clear to wish to cut all ties with the likes of you so here.” Namjoon said as he wrote down something on the check and ripped it out, placing it in front of your father.
“Stay away from her from now on or God have mercy on you because we won’t. Upset her anymore and I’ll know. This money surely is enough to…buy your distance, no? Or are you greedy for more?” Namjoon said, a smirk curling his lips. By now, all the boys were either smiling or chuckling enjoying the show that was going on in front of them.
“YOU! You insolent boy. How dare you speak to me that way?!” Before you could even comprehend what was going on, your father had raised his hand at Namjoon, ready to hit him across the face.
You were fast to close your eyes, but the sound that you were so sure you were about to hear, never happened.
When you opened your eyes, Namjoon held your fathers’ arm in the air, as his other hand were around his neck. “Sir, I don’t believe I have given you any reason to hit me, have I?” Namjoon asked as he squeezed harder.
On the other side, your mother was making his way to you, yet was soon stopped by Jin, who towered over her, “I don’t think you want to do that. You touch our princess and we’ll show you where that money comes from. I’m sure you don’t want that. Please refrain from touching our princess.”
As your mother let out an annoyed sigh, you then looked at your father who was at the verge of passing out on Namjoon’s hand.
“Joonie, please. Let him go.” You said as you tried to walk over to them yet were stopped by Yoongi’s hold.
“This is all your fault! You unthankful whore! We raised you and this is how you repay us?! YOU WERE A COMPLETE MISTAKE!” Your mother yelled at the top of her lungs, but were words seemed meaningless as you felt water being splashed against your face and dress. A few drops had gotten on Yoongi and only when you turned around, did you notice that the liquid wasn’t water, but wine. The dress the boys had gifted you was now ruined together with your heels. Not only that but Yoongi’s suit was also most likely ruined as well.
“Yoongi-hyung, please take Y/N out of here and go get yourself cleaned up as well.” Hoseok said in-between gritted teeth as he grabbed the knife, he used to cut his meal earlier.
With that said, you were being pulled out of the living room and your old home, into one of the vans and being driven away.
3rd person POV ON
As soon as Namjoon heard the front door being closed once again, he let the older man go. “That was a good scene. Glad we could make a deal.”
“How could you make us do this…we may have never approved of any of you but she’s our daughter.” Your mother now sobbed as she sat down on one of the chairs. At her sobs, Jungkook laughed.
“Didn’t you hear Yoongi-hyung? She’s ours and not even you will keep her from us. You were a small obstacle in her life we needed to get rid of.” The maknae said as he made his way to the woman who sat in tears. “Plus, we didn’t do anything. It was a deal. You agreed to it, didn’t you? You wanted money so bad you’d do this to your daughter. That is why you aren’t worthy of being in her life. No one will ever be worthy of her attention and affection besides us.”
The older man who was coughing on the ground looked up to the leader, who still had a smirk on his face. “Once she finds out, she’ll leave all of you! You’re crazy! You made us do a deal with you just for Y/N to believe that we hate her, just for her to believe we are monsters when you’re the real monsters in the end!” He said as loud and clear as he could yet coughing tremendously afterwards.
“Hoseok, could you please?” Namjoon said as he took a seat on the chair in front Y/N’s mother and crossed his legs, grabbing his glass of wine and sipping it.
“Of course.” Hoseok replied as Jungkook now held the woman in place, both her palms on the table. Hoseok made his way to the woman and smiled at her before stabbing one of palms down to the table with the fork he held so tightly throughout this entire scene. As Y/N’s mother screamed in agony, her husband tried to get up from the floor only to be kicked back down by Jin. “Tae, Jimin, please take care of the man before we have to leave.”
“Of course, Hyung.” The younger males replied as both got on each side of him, now kicking him with full force wherever they felt like it.
“See, unlike you, we’d do anything for our girl. We’d never give her up the way you did.” Jimin said as his shoe connected to the stomach of the beaten man.
“Hoseok, the other one too.” Namjoon carefully said, looking at his watch, making sure they weren’t late for a movie night with Y/N later.
Hoseok smiled and repeated the same action he did earlier, now with a knife. The older woman had now both her palms stuck to the table, both utensils going straight through her hands.
“I hope you understood our message. Two doctors are on their way to help you and take of your…accidents. Stay away from Y/N or next time, it’ll be worse.” Namjoon said as he now got up and fixed his suit, finishing his glass of wine. He then grabbed the check he had written down and let it fall on the father of his lover. The man was bloody, laying on the floor as he grunted and sobbed in pain.
“It was a pleasure to make a deal with the both of you.” Jin said he grabbed a napkin and tossed it to Hoseok as all the others made their way out of the house.
“Oh, and don’t try to tell Y/N anything about this. The money’s exactly to keep you quiet and away.” Taehyung snickered before he left, being the last one to leave.
With that, they left the older couple bleeding and crying. The doctors were quick to arrive, giving their bosses a nod of head before rushing inside to make sure the older people inside the house didn’t die. After all, death is an escape for some people. And the boys weren’t kind enough to let the people who wronged you, find an escape from the hell they’d put them through.  
Preview of Chapter 8
“You’re ours, right? Tell me you’re ours and that you’ll never leave. Promise me, munchkin.”
“I’m all yours.”
“I want to go to the club, come with me.”
“Look at her, moving her body like that. God, it’s such a turn on.”
“Get down on your knees, baby girl. I think it’s time for you to find out what the hyung line can do to that body of yours.”
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toukatan · 4 years
Oh my god Beni why didn't you tell me that you like kda too, THE NEW EP IS AMAZING DRUM GO DUM BEING MY FAV
Hope you are doing okay beni, new chapter is among us and then one more chapter until end of year can you believe that
Which one was your fav in the new kda ep, drum go dum is so good, kai sa you go girl
Im back to studying japanese so been a bit busy but always sending love! Hope you are doing good too, and whats you been up to? Im now just waiting for new chapter to come and give us angst ❤️
we can discuss the three songs, i don’t needa talk about the baddest + more those two slapped harder than reiner punching zeke in titan form
villain: this bish did not have to go this hard on this track like every god dayum line describes evelynn so well like riot games? nah riot studio at this point. the vocals for this song was so ugh alluring and seductive?— if that ain’t eve idk what is like ‘is it really a surprise, if i'm playing with your mind? and i treat you like a prize, then i throw you to the side’ sis can play with my mind STRAIGHT UP VILLAIN YEAH NO FEELIN
i’ll show you: im a once so my onceblade ass was happy to see twice here too! i really like the lyrics in this track, it’s completely different from the traditional k/da sound but it’s screams ahri — but i think the lyrics reflecting ahri’s earlier pop star solo career to being the badass leader, queen she is and forming k/da and finding herself with the girls and that ish is so sweet i love to see it
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aight let’s talk after my long ass discussion of the legends k/da— back to japanese? yesss you study— boy you’ll be able to read effortlessly and go to japan without translated apps and listen without a translator too omg legend! nah wait you just sent me an ask while im answering this one i— wbjsbsnans take care of yourself over there btw?
and as for me? nothing new we boring as ever, hayfever being a real bully these days though but i am well and hope you are too 💗💗 AND RIGHT 2020 BOUTA SAY BYE LIKE SNK BYE
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gingerpeachtae · 5 years
Concentric [12]
Words: 7.4k
Genres: fantasy!AU, angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, eventual smut (?)
Warnings: extreme violence/depictions of death up in this bish
Summary: You had been ready for the end of the semester. You had been ready to spend time away from your best friend, Jimin, and finally move on from the feelings you harbored. Yet, after your friend was forced to reveal a secret, you found yourself in a new world that was chock full of magic, war, and wonder. So, here you were, basically thrown into your own fantasy novel, with your best friend on one side, and six male warriors on the other.
A/N: If only I enjoyed writing fluff as much as I enjoy writing this stuff lol. Sorry it took me awhile to get this cranked out but here ya go! Please engoy and send me your thoughts! 💙
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It had been over a minute since Jungkook left, yet you were still staring at the spot where he disappeared into the darkness of the forest. It was between two thick trees, one of which had a vine creeping up the side, and a branch was stretched across the opening. You remembered how he had placed one hand on the branch while ducking his head to go beneath it, all the while still not looking back.
The wind rustled the leaves and tall grass around you, causing the delicate green blades to lightly graze your legs. You shivered at the contact. It made you recall how lightly Jungkook had trailed his fingers against your skin. How it had made your body tingle and your breaths to come out in short gasps. You squeezed your eyes shut and turned your face away from the opening between those two trees, trying to block the memory out. Trying to block him out. You could hear Tae and Hobi shifting their feet beside you, probably unsure of what to do or say to you. Another gust of wind sent your hair dancing across your face and with a tiny, frustrated exhale you grabbed at it and held it back.
Tae, in a voice as soft as the moonlight, called out your name, which made you slowly ease your eyes open and release your hair. You took a few seconds to calm your breathing before looking his way. Both he and Hobi had their eyes on you, their faces a mix of confusion, intrigue, and guilt.
“So…” Hobi began awkwardly, pursing his lips and pulling out one of the blades of his forearm to toy with.
“So what?” You tried to sound nonchalant, but you knew that you were failing miserably. “You heard him. We were… sparing.”
Tae frowned while Hobi sighed and returned his blade to its sheath before crossing his arms and raising his chin so that he was looking slightly down at you. It was a daunting look and so different from his typically cheerful expression. For the first time, you felt like his demeanor matched his outfit.
You gulped and looked down, not wanting to face his intimidating stare that was obviously calling your bullshit. You didn’t elaborate, though. It wasn’t exactly easy to say you had almost canoodled with their brother not once, but twice. That both times left you extremely confused yet turned on. That regardless of him being a rude asshat and basically insulting you, you were wanting more. That you had no idea what either of you were doing, let alone feeling.
How could you explain something that you couldn’t begin to understand yourself?
Noticing your lack of response, Tae came up to you and grabbed your hand before suggesting heading back to the village to go to sleep. “And you can tell us what happened on the way, okay?”
You nodded your consent and he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
The three of you began walking away from the moon-lit clearing and into the darkness of the trees. Hobi came up to your other side and snatched your free hand in his. He started swinging your clasped hands back and forth through the air but didn’t ask you any more questions. Both he and Tae just held your hands and walked in silence, waiting until you were ready to talk.
After raking your brain for several minutes for the best way to approach and word the situation, you hesitantly opened your mouth and told them what happened. But only the basics and none of the explicit details. So essentially, you told them how you and Jungkook had gotten, erm, close after the training seminar but were interrupted like how you were just were again and afterwards, he keeps highlighting how he doesn’t find you attractive because your human and blah blah blah.
“Aish, that kid.” Hobi grumbled and blew a raspberry.
You expelled a puff of air and removed your hands from theirs so you could press them against your head stressfully. “I mean… it’s okay if he doesn’t think I’m pretty or whatever, I just…”
The white-haired Saeni nodded in understanding. “You’re just confused because his actions differ from his words.”
You gave your hair a tug in frustration as you confirmed Hobi’s statement.
“I think he may just be scared,” the other Saeni with you said.
You peeked at Tae curiously. “Of what?”
Since your eyes were no longer watching where you were going, you tripped over who knows what and quickly grabbed his arm to steady yourself.
“Of you,” he replied with a smile as he helped you regain your footing.
“Why the heck would he be scared of me?”
The two males gave each other a knowing look before Tae said that Jungkook should be the person to tell you why.
You huffed and stepped over a pile of twigs, wondering how much further until you made it back to the village.
Why did I have to walk so fucking far?
All you wanted to do was cuddle with Tae and be lulled to sleep by his soft snores and the sound of a crackling fire. That was all you fucking wanted right now. But alas, you just had to make things difficult for yourself and walk eons away from the village.
You licked your lips as you moved a branch out of your face. You decided you didn’t want to talk about him anymore. You were tired, pretty much emotionally drained, and he was so annoying you were this close to getting a migraine.
Glancing at the male beside you, you coughed before lightly clapping your hands together as you stepped around a tree inconveniently in your way. “Since we’re on the lovely topic of, uh, feelings and being confused and whatnot… how are things going with you, Hobi?”
He sighed deeply and brought out another knife, twirling it in his hand.
Tae, on the other hand, drew his eyebrows in a curious manner. “How’s what going?”
Shit, does Tae not know?
You sent a sheepish look to the older Saeni, raising your shoulders a bit apologetically, but he just glumly hummed.
“I… I don’t know. He’s been acting weird lately and fidgeting a lot. Maybe he found out and is uncomfortable with me now.” He picked at his nails with the knife, a frown evident on his face.
Fucking hell, Mr. Sparkle Hands. Looks like I need to have a talk with him and his shitty flirting technique.
“Wait… what are we talking about?”
You went over to Tae, who had stopped walking in his confusion, and grabbed his arm to get him moving again. “Um, it’s nothing you need to worry about TaeTae. Promise.”
You could sense Tae pouting; he didn’t like being kept out of the loop, but he also knew when to leave something be.
You then turned to Hobi and gave him the best reassuring smile you could muster. “I’m sure everything will be okay.”
He sent you a smile back, but it wasn’t quite as sunny as it usually was. Then, he returned the blade to its home and braced his hands on a fallen log before jumping over the obstacle, you and Tae soon following suit.
The three of you walked on in relative silence after that until you finally made it back to the village. The low light of the many fires spread throughout the area alerting you of your arrival. As you neared, you looked around to see where everyone was. First, you caught sight of Jin and Namjoon speaking and laughing with some of the villagers straight ahead. You let your gaze shift to the right, where you saw the one and only asshat sitting in front of one of the fires, his arms resting against his knees with his head hanging low. The orange light from the fire flickered across his features, but you couldn’t make out his expression. Across from him, Yoongi sat with his back to you. From your angle you couldn’t tell for sure, but it looked like they were having a serious conversation since Yoongi kept gesturing and Jungkook was continuously huffing. You stilled as you watched them, wondering what they were discussing. Beside you, you heard Hobi take in a deep breath as he squared his shoulders then began making his way toward them. At his approach, Jungkook lazily tilted his head up to greet his brother, but saw you standing in the background. His head shot upright and he opened his mouth slightly like he wanted to say something, but you abruptly turned away, acting like you hadn’t seen him.
The new scene you were looking at, though, wasn’t much better. Your eyes landed on Jimin and Jiae, who were still huddled close while her guards watched them from behind. Seeing them together made you remember why you left in the first place as you felt a fresh flood of hurt stab your chest. Quickly averting your gaze to the ground, you tried to subdue the internal pain.
Tae nudged you tenderly. “Hey, come on, little scorja. Let’s go to bed.”
You let him tug you away from the others and over to the fire where you had left your things in a dazed state. You snapped out of it when he started rolling out your sleeping mat and blanket, protesting that you could do it yourself. He just shushed you and told you to wait and let him do it.
Once finished, he instructed you to lay down and get comfortable while he got his things. Following his orders, you nestled into your blanket and put one arm behind your head to stare up at the night sky. You started counting the stars, hoping it would distract your mind and make you drowsy.
Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen…
You felt Tae drop down beside you and ask if you were good. You gave him a limp thumbs up in response, not looking away from the stars, and he murmured a sweet good night before wrapping his arms around you and letting his breaths grow heavy. As you felt his arms around you relax into sleep, you let your head loll to the side and take in the empty space next to you. You did nothing but look at the empty spot for several seconds, just thinking. Then, with a deep inhale through your nose, you returned your gaze to the endless black expanse high above you.
Twenty. Twenty-one. Twenty-two…
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Some hours later, you were roused from your magnificent dream of eating copious amounts of mozzarella sticks by a gentle sensation trailing against your jaw. You stirred, groaning slightly, and went to wiggle your body to the side to return to your cheesy dream, but something held you down. You were forced to remain on your back, but you didn’t think much of it. It was probably just Tae clinging to you. After a few seconds of trying and failing to fall back into a slumber, the sensation against your jaw became heavier and more familiar. You stirred once more and began to register a presence looming above you.
“I’m sorry…” You heard a voice you recognized whisper.
Cracking your eyes open, you saw a blur of burgundy and a flash of peridot in the low light of the fire’s dying embers.
You couldn’t make out anything else besides him. He was all you could see; everything else was absorbed in a dark, rich black. You couldn’t even make out the moon or the stars. He was beside you, in the spot he usually took up that was empty when you went to sleep. In the back of your mind, you wondered why he even bothered coming over after he left you earlier. But the thought was lost as he brought a hand up to thread through your hair and cradle the back of your head. Although your mind was still cloudy, you automatically tilted your head into his hand to give his mouth better access to your skin.
You knew you shouldn’t be letting him do this. You really, really shouldn’t. You knew that. But you couldn’t find the will to push him away. You couldn’t bring yourself to make him stop.
“I’m sorry.” He continued to work his lips against your jaw, kissing the skin gently.
It was warm outside, though you couldn’t help but shiver with every movement of his mouth. Occasionally, he nipped at your throat before smoothing his tongue over the bitten skin, making your breath hitch. He was probably leaving marks, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Instead, you wanted to reach up and touch him too, but your limbs felt sluggish, like you were dragging them underwater through a current. Maybe it was because you were just brought out of a deep sleep? You closed your eyes to concentrate, but you still felt like you were lagging. You just weren’t able to raise your hands.
His sinful ministrations weren’t helping you focus either. The hot air of his ragged breaths hit your skin as his lips dragged until they hit a certain sweet spot that left you gasping and trembling. He paused briefly, most likely smirking to himself, before diving back in.
Cocky asshat… but what is he…? Isn’t Tae right next to us?
You tried to turn your head to check, but his hand held you firmly in place as he sucked harshly at that one spot. The feeling made your eyes roll back in your head and you released a delicate whimper.
“I’m sorry…” He bit down gently, no doubt leaving another mark to join the others. “I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want… it’s just that I…”
He stilled his actions and you felt him pull back.
“… I don’t want you.”
All the air in your lungs was suddenly expelled as you snapped your eyes open to look at him in disbelief. His green eyes were already locked on yours, staring at you deeply, but it seemed like there was no emotion behind his. It didn’t look right.
He stared directly at you as he continued. “Nobody does.”
You felt a lash of pain course through you and borough into your heart. With eyes wide in shock, you tried to push him off, but you still couldn’t move your arms. The more you struggled, the heavier and more sluggish they became. You couldn’t move your arms, your legs, your head. You couldn’t look away from his gaze. Dead green eyes and a never-ending blackness behind him. That was all you could see. It was suffocating.
“Even your own best friend doesn’t want you. He has no need for you anymore.”
A lump formed in your throat and tears began to prick at the corners of your eyes.
No… stop…
“Nobody needs you. Nobody wants you.”
You wanted to shrink and hide, but you couldn’t. You were trapped. Unable to move. Caught in his arms and gaze. From behind his head, the endless black background began to grow and pulsate. Tendrils of black smoke began to curl around the edge of his handsome face and enwrap his form. It moved as if it had a mind of its own. As if it was alive. With each beat of your heart, it expanded. You felt like you couldn’t catch your breath, not past your choked-up throat and the increasing pace of your inhales. You were stuck looking at Jungkook’s face as it began to crack and reveal small rivers of smoky darkness underneath his skin. His mouth slowly morphed into a small, manic smile as the cracks traveled across the expanse of his face and reached his eyes. The white of his sclera was shattered by rivulets of night as the cracks and smoke invaded his orbs. In mere seconds, the green of his irises was gone, and he stared at you with obsidian eyes. You watched in horror as he began to cry a semi-translucent black. The liquid trailed down his cheeks, some of it branching off and following the cracks in his face. It trailed down, down, down until it dripped off his chin. You flinched, expecting to feel the drops hit your face, but when they fell, they turned back into wisps of smoke.
Which then began to curl down toward you.
The entire time, Jungkook just maintained that twisted grin on his face while observing you with blank, dark eyes.
“J-jungkook…” You tried to break free from the heaviness weighing you down, but you had no progress.
His unhinged smile grew wider, causing more cracks to appear on his skin.
More smoke.
More struggle.
“Jungkook, stop!” Your body shook as you tried to move away.
The smoke was almost touching you now, dancing just above your nose, and he was still just looking down at you with dead, onyx eyes. With a jolt, you felt yourself start to sink into the ground, like the earth was pulling you down.
“Jungkook! Kookie!” Tears leaked down the side of your face as you begged. “Please!”
His unnerving smile faded until his lips were set in a straight line and he tilted his head to the side. “You need to wake up and realize that nobody wants you.”
All you could do was sob as you were drowned in smoke and earth. You weren’t even struggling anymore. What was the point? You just cried as you were swallowed by the dark. The obscuring black overtaking your vision. You could barely make out Jungkook.
“You need to wake up, Y/N.” His voice echoed down to you.
Nobody needs me…
“Wake up!”
Nobody wants me…
“Y/N, wake the fuck up!”
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You jolted awake, upper body rising from the ground quickly as you gasped for breath and felt the solid earth beneath you. No smoke. No sinking.
A dream. It was just a dream…
Your eyes darting around, trying to get your bearings but not able to fixate on anything. All you could make out was blurs of brown, black, red, green, blue, white, grey, and orange. You felt a weight on each of your shoulders give you a hard shake and you blinked numerous times as you registered a person in front of you. Burgundy hair. Green eyes. Jungkook.
“What’s g-”
He gave you another forceful shake, rattling your brain. “Fucking Illai, would you get up!? They’re coming!”
You blinked a few more times, finally focusing fully on the male and your surroundings. The first thing you saw was his steeled face, then his worried eyes. He moved to cradle your face with both hands but looked away from you as someone called his name. You realized there was yelling all around you. Frantic and rushed.
“What’s going on?”
He looked back at you and whipped the blanket off your legs, allowing the cool air of the early morning to attack your lower limbs.
The sun was just beginning to break over the horizon and you could see the other members of the kiela grabbing their weapons and running further into the village.
“You need to get up. Get your bow and follow me. Now.”
He let go of your face and you haphazardly made it to your feet as he explained, “Some villagers spotted a large group of draikensu headed this way.”
Oh… oh SHIT.
You placed the strap for your quiver over your head and on your shoulder, grabbed your bow, and dug through your backpack as fast as possible to find your daily petals. Ripping the small side pocket open, you grabbed them and stuffed the delicate objects into your mouth, shaking slightly as their magic assaulted your freshly awakened and still freaked out mind. Before the effects even subsided, you rose and nodded at the male, who grabbed your hand and began pulling you along. As you marched past the various shacks, animal pens, and structures, you saw the villagers hurriedly gathering their belongings and trying to reinforce their homes. Some were grabbing whatever rustic weapons they could find, and others were trying to help direct the flow of scared Saeni rushing down the paths. At the heart of the village, you saw the kiela grouped together as they listened to Namjoon. The leader was pointing in various directions and at various members, probably giving them orders.
Much to your surprise, Jungkook led you past them and toward a large shack that was being filled with the village’s children and parents who were unable to fight. Their frightened screams and cries began to full your ears and you looked to Jungkook in absolute disbelief as he brought you toward the doorway.
You tried to yank your hand out of his. “You can’t be serious! I’m not going to hide in there while you’re out here figh-”
He cut your words off as he yanked you around to face him and grasped your biceps. “Shut up and listen. You’re not going in there, you’re going to guard it. You and Mingi.” He tipped his chin toward Jiae’s guard, who you hadn’t noticed before.
He was helping direct the children and parents into the wooden structure. He appeared calm, but you could tell he was trying to get them to move their asses a bit faster. Jungkook suddenly gave you a shake, bringing your attention back to him.
“Jiae is in there too, part of the reason Mingi is watching it while the others help us. Just find a hiding spot and take out any fuckers who try to get close. But do not… do not engage with anyone who isn’t an immediate threat to you or the kids, okay? Don’t draw attention to yourself.”
His green eyes softened momentarily, and he opened his mouth to say something else, but you heard Namjoon calling for him.
With a sigh, his eyes hardened once more and he whispered, “Just be careful.”
Then, he turned and ran back in the direction of the kiela, leaving you to deal with a lot of panicking Saeni.
As you stared after him, you felt someone bump into you. Quickly, you broke your eyes away and reached out to steady the frantic female holding a small baby in her arms. She locked her eyes with yours and began hyperventilating, asking what she should do, where she should go. With a gentle hand and comforting words, you guided her to the entrance of the shack. Once safely inside, you turned to Mingi and gave him a questioning look. He described how two young villagers spotted the draikensu while hunting this morning and ran back to alert everyone. With how far away they had been when they saw them and how much time had passed since, they should be arriving at any minute.
Okay. Cool cool cool cool cool. Let’s keep it calm and composed, Y/N.
A few more Saeni and their children arrived at the shack while others were still running around with weapons or toward their homes. You had no idea where the kiela was or what they were doing. Hell, you had no idea what you were doing.
You looked up through the doorway and saw Jiae with a young boy in her arms looking at you over the crowd. You met her wide, frightened eyes and did your best to send her a reassuring smile as she was forced further into the back to make room for the last arriving additions. With how your mind was reeling and emotions were running, your smile might have come out as a grimace, though.
“Everyone get inside!” You heard someone yell in the distance, making the worried kids and parents stuffed inside the building cry out.
Shit. Shit. Shit. They must be here.
Ushering in the last Saeni, a father holding the hand of his daughter, you waved your arms frantically to get everyone’s attention. It took several seconds, though, as many of them were too scared to focus properly.
Once you had most of their eyes on you, you brought a finger to your lips and softly said, “You all need to stay very quiet, okay? I know you’re scared and it’s going to sound scary too, but it’s very important that you stay quiet.”
Jiae, majority of the parents, and a few of the older kids nodded, and they began trying to console and hush those who were blubbering and shrieking. Knowing you didn’t have the time to do or say anything else, you hastily closed the door and you heard someone bar it on the other side. Stepping away from the door, you locked eyes with Mingi, who gave you a curt nod and unsheathed his sword before taking up a position directly in front of the shack.
Alright, find a hiding spot. Find a hiding spot. Come on.
You did a 360-degree turn, taking in the now barren village and trying to decide where you should go. Spotting an opening with a protected back, you jogged to a nearby building and crouched down behind a pile of empty, wooden crates. They were stacked in an ‘L’ shape, providing you a clear view of Mingi as well as the pathway to the right of the shack. Your back was covered by the building itself and if you needed to, you could retreat further into the corner so that your front and left sides were protected too.
Let’s hope that years of camping in Call of Duty will come in handy here. You thought as you reached back to grab an arrow and loosely notch it.
You shifted on your feet as you heard yells and strikes of metal against metal start to erupt around you. The unmistakable screams of dying people already echoing in your ears. You lightly practiced your draw as the soft morning light was occasionally broken up by brief flashes of mint blue. You couldn’t see what was happening from your position, you could only hear the rising chaos. You didn’t know how many draikensu there were, in which direction they were attacking from, or what the kiela’s plan was. You could only stay where you were and listen. You tilted your head up to look over the crates to see if Mingi had any sort of plan, but he was focused on observing his surroundings.
Apparently, his plan was just to wait and take down whoever came by.
Okay, breathe. You can do that. Just get ready.
You felt your heart start to beat harder and harder and harder as you waited. Your palms began to sweat as you took deep breaths, trying to calm your raging pulse as the world went to shit around you.
Suddenly, you heard the sound of feet racing against the earth and through the slits in the crates to your left, you saw a smudge dart past. Peeking over the crates, you mentally prepared yourself to pull your bowstring back, but found it unnecessary as Mingi cleaved through the Saeni in one, powerful stroke of his sword. He slashed down diagonally, causing blood to spill onto the dirt while the Saeni spun as she fell with a pained cry. She collapsed and twitched once before stilling permanently; her blood pooling beneath her and soaking into the earth. Hearing an outraged yell from your right, you whipped your head in that direction and saw a male charging down the path toward Mingi.
Luckily, he hadn’t seen you yet, as you were tucked into the corner and his eyes were only fixated on his dead comrade. You turned your body, still crouched down, and drew your bowstring back. You did your best to breath out slowly and focus your aim despite the adrenaline and fear singing through your veins. With a shaky breath, you released the arrow and gasped as it thumped into the male’s lower abdomen. A blossom of crimson immediately sprouted on his torso. He staggered back from the impact but did not fall. Instead, he slowly raised his eyes from the shaft protruding from his body until he saw you huddled in the corner.
Ohhh shit. New arrow. New arrow!
Hastily, you pulled another arrow out, notched it, and took aim as he broke the shaft off with an angry, pained yell and began stalking toward you. To your side, you heard the harsh clanging of metal. Mingi must be fighting another draikensu. You needed to finish off this one fast and help him. You sent the second arrow flying into the male, this time hitting the right side of his chest. You watched as his steps slowed and he brought a hand up to brush against the shaft extending out from his body as he gulped for air. Blood cascaded past his fingers as he gingerly touched the wound. Metal in flesh, wood sticking out from skin, blood overflowing. He fell to his knees and leaned one hand on the ground as the other continued to clutch at his maimed body. He began coughing and bloody spit dribbled onto his chin as he continued to collapse. You just watched with wide eyes as his arm gave out and he finally and fully sagged to the ground, his mouth still trying to gasp for breath.
A defiant outcry captured your attention away from the slowly dying Saeni and you glanced to the left to see Mingi fighting two draikensu. You grabbed another arrow from over your shoulder and went to shoot one of them, but the sight of a new Saeni rushing down the pathway made you shift aim. Swiveling to your new target, you fired off the arrow. You missed. You weren’t even close. She was moving too fast. Cursing, you quickly sent another flying. Compensating for her speed this time, it hit her directly in the chest; the force of your shot caused her to land on her back as blood bubbled up from the entry point.
You heard garbled cries and grunts of exertion and you once again peeked over to check in on Jiae’s guard. He had several dead Saeni surrounding him as he breathed raggedly. Blood coated his sword and dripped off the tip. His face and body were painted crimson. From the shack, you could hear the whimpers from the children, but you were glad they were inside. You were glad they couldn’t see the carnage happening around them.
The ringing and crashing sounds of fights occurring throughout the village was still loud and clear, though you primarily heard your shaky and labored breathing. It almost muffled everything else. Your heart was frantically beating, and you swear it was about to jump out of your chest. Pure adrenaline was thrumming through you, making your hands tremble as you unsteadily reached back to grab yet another arrow.
Stay calm and don’t die. Stay calm and don’t die. Stay calm and don’t die. You repeated the mantra over and over and over in your head.
You perked up as a new Saeni began making his way down the path. He was going slowly, kicking in doors and upturning crates and baskets. You inhaled and raised your bow, narrowing your eyes on his chest as he rummaged through the contents of a smashed box. Waiting for him to go upright. You were so focused on him, though, that you failed to see his buddy turn the corner and lock his eyes on you. He called his comrade’s name before charging straight at you. With a yelp, you switched aim and messily shot at him, but he easily evaded the shot and rammed his body straight into yours like a fucking linebacker.
His tackle forced you through the crates and you felt the air in your lungs get knocked out. Shattered wood littered the dirt underneath and around you. Struggling to regain control of your body, you felt yourself spasm briefly as the Saeni leaned back from where he straddled your waist and grabbed a knife from his belt. Without a second thought, you let your bow drop to the ground and you thrust your forearm up to block his arm that was descending toward you with the blade. The low morning light glinted off the weapon. Your arm shook as you strained to keep the knife away from you. With a strangled grunt you sent your other fist straight into the male’s stomach then genital area. As he wheezed and went limp on top of you, you managed to bring a knee up and buck him off you. The action made a piece of broken wood dig into your side, and you winced from the sharp, stabbing pain. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Mingi attack the Saeni you had initially targeted, their blades locking. Heaving your body to your knees, you grabbed the male’s wrist holding the knife while he was still disoriented and twisted as hard as you could. He hissed in pain as your maneuver caused him to release the weapon. It landed on the ground softly a few feet away. Panting, you went to grab it, but the male grabbed your leg and dragged you backward. Your hands fought for purchase on the ground, but found none, so you tightened your hand around a jagged piece of wood. Splinters dug into your palm. The pain helped you focus. He flipped your body over and crawled on top of you once more. He leaned down to try to wrap his hands around your throat. Striking out with your makeshift weapon, you scratched his hands and wrists deeply. Pulling back, you roared before thrusting it into his side. He shrieked in pain and reared back. You were able to scramble out from underneath him. While he slowly wrapped his hand around the wood stake buried in him, you turned back over and dug your fingers through the dirt to propel your body toward the knife. You had just closed your hand around the hilt when you felt him grab you again. With a scream, you slashed at his stomach with the blade, knocking into the wood in his side you did so. The arc of the knife opened his gut, making him release you to clutch at the severed flesh. Breathing heavily, you rose to your feet and adjusted your grip on the knife’s handle before plunging the serrated metal into the junction of the male’s neck and shoulder. Then you ripped it out. Blood spilled out from the wound and drenched the male’s body. It flew through the air after the blade and spattered against your skin and clothes. Once again, it surprised you how easily the metal entered the body. How simple it was for the cold blade to puncture warm flesh and how effortlessly it could be removed.
With a rasping wheeze, the male collapsed forward. He died with a face full of wood, dirt, and blood.
The scent of iron filled your nose and made your head light. As you backed away from the corpse, you looked up to see Mingi shove his sword through the middle of the other Saeni. He met your eyes as he pulled the sword out from the Saeni’s body, and you nodded at him to signal you were okay before letting go of the bloody knife. You quickly scanned the ground before bending down to retrieve your bow, pushing your sweaty and blood-coated hair out of your face as you did so.
You sighed and looked at your destroyed camping spot. Most of the crates had been demolished. There was no way you could hide there anymore. That left you with standing out in the open or… you glanced up then at the few crates left intact. There weren’t many but maybe…
You hurriedly stacked four of them and stood on top of the wobbly structure. You took a deep breath and counted to three before jumping up and grabbing the edge of the roof. You squirmed, your lower half flailing, as you dragged your body onto the top of the building. Luckily, all the morning training with Jungkook had started strengthening your arms so while it hurt it wasn’t an impossible feat. After successfully pulling your body all the way up, you leaned your weight forward so that you wouldn’t fall off. It was an open gable roof, so you had to compensate for the slant. The last thing you wanted or needed was to tumble off the damn thing.
Now that you were higher, you had a much better view. Not only for defending the shack and helping Mingi, but for seeing what was going on around you. Plus, nobody could freaking tackle you from up here.
Up ahead, you saw eruptions of blue light at the edge of the village and you could make out a Saeni with orange hair standing on top of a building much like yourself. Jimin. He was sending arrows down into the blue light, no doubt to assist Yoongi. As you trailed your eyes to the left, you saw some villagers engaging a group of draikensu, but they were not faring well. They were quickly being cut down, red flooding the pathway. You wanted to help, but you were too far away. You could only watch helplessly as they fell one after another. Close by, you saw Taw and Jin fighting, quickly disposing their opponents. The way they fought was almost… beautiful. Their attacks were fluid and they moved as a unit. But there was too much gore and chaos to truly appreciate their grace. Thankfully, they didn’t seem hurt, and you watched as they ran to aid the villagers. Turning your feet carefully, you shifted to look behind you, and caught glimpses of white and burgundy running between the shacks. Hobi and Jungkook. You heard chokes of pain following their path, the two of them a deadly and efficient combo.
Turning back around, you looked to the right and saw Namjoon running down a path in your direction. His brown hair was matted down from sweat and blood and his hammer was at the ready in his hand. Close behind and holding a short sword was Suho, another one of Jiae’s guards. They were checking each crossroad as they made their way toward you and Mingi when, all of the sudden, three draikensu charged into view from around a corner behind them. Namjoon immediately wrecked one of them with his hammer, the impact making the Saeni fly back into a building and slump to the ground. He then turned his attention to the second opponent, who slid below his next swing. You sucked in a breath as the third draikensu, who had gone after Suho, thrust her sword deep into his belly. You froze as you watched her place a hand on his shoulder to steady herself as she sickeningly twisted her blade inside him. With a laugh, she yanked the blade out and kicked Suho to the ground, the light in his eyes dimming to a dull glossiness. Smiling, she turned to Namjoon, who’s back was to her as he focused on the Saeni before him.
Just as Namjoon slammed the head of his hammer into the chest of the Saeni in front of him, the female behind raised her sword. Time seemed to slow down as you watched her prepare the strike. You didn’t even think, you just acted. Notched an arrow and sent it flying past Namjoon’s brown hair and into the body of the female draikensu. The thump caused the Saeni to stagger back and gaze at the arrow now implanted in her thigh in shock. It also alerted Namjoon to her presence. He quickly turned on his heel and crushed her with a yell. You swear you could hear the crunching of her bones from your position, a good thirty-five feet away. You felt your shoulders relax slightly and you released a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding as you acknowledged that Namjoon wasn’t about to be gutted before your eyes.
The leader of the kiela took in Suho’s lifeless body for a few moments, then turned and raised his eyes to see you staring at him. Before either of you could do or say anything, you registered movement to your left. Shifting your crouched figure, you saw more draikensu making their way through the village. You flexed your fingers and shook your hand out, trying to control your shaking as you drew out another arrow and readied yourself.
Fuck hiding and waiting for them to come to me. If I see one of those fuckers and they get close enough, they’re dead.
The dark thought didn’t mortify you as you steeled your nerves for the next wave of onslaughts. You probably should have been a little more repulsed by the idea of killing these people, but you weren’t. You felt no guilt in sending arrows toward their hearts and blades into their bodies. They were trying to hurt not only innocents, but people you cared for. You felt no remorse. They could all go to fucking hell.
You gritted your teeth and breathed in through your nose as the draikensu neared closer.
You never thought you could be a killer, but you just wanted to protect the kiela, Jiae, the remainder of her guards, and the villagers. If getting your hands bloody accomplished that, then so be it. You’ll be a killer if it meant keeping them safe.
Maybe, once it was all over, you’ll look back at your actions and become nauseous and disgusted at yourself. But for now, you simply narrowed your eyes and looked for your next target.
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It wasn’t that much later that you slipped down from the rooftop. It had been several minutes since you saw any draikensu and you hadn’t heard any residual sounds of fighting in that time, so both you and Mingi agreed the battle was done. It was good thing, too, because you only had two arrows left in your quiver. As your feet hit the ground, you stumbled awkwardly over the broken crate pieces. Mingi was quick to limp over and steady you before you both silently took in the bodies littering the area. Pushing your dirty hair out of your face, you squinted in the rising sunlight as you braced your hands on your knees to inspect the slash on Mingi’s upper thigh. He sustained the injury after flinging himself in front of a draikensu that was getting ready to throw a dagger at you from behind. You prodded at the wound, grimacing as you did so and causing him to suck in air sharply. Thankfully, the cut didn’t go deep, and the bone wasn’t showing, meaning Yoongi would be able to easily heal it with his magic.
You looked up into Mingi’s eyes, taking note for the first time that they were a soft hazel before sending him a tiny smile. “I’m sorry you got hurt because of me, but… thank you.”
He shook his head and told you to not worry about it before limping over to the shack that held the parents and children. He knocked of the door three times and voiced who he was so that they would unbar the door on the inside. He opened it just a crack and spoke to someone in a hushed tone before reclosing it and making his way back to you.
“I told them to wait until we cleared the bodies out, so the kids don’t see.”
You inhaled deeply and nodded your head in agreement. “I’ll start doing that lovely job. You sit down and wait for Yoongi to get here.”
The male opened his mouth to protest, but you placed your hands on your hips and raised a brow, just daring him to challenge you. Now that everything had calmed down, your adrenaline was starting to wear off, and you realized just how tired and sore you were. You back hurt like a bitch from being body slammed into the ground. Your arms ached from using your bow. You mind was heavy from exhaustion. In other words, you were cranky and was not someone to be arguing with at the moment. You and Mingi stared at each other for several heartbeats until he huffed and sat down on the ground. He stretched his injured leg out in front of him and applied pressure to the bleeding wound with his hand.
Satisfied he complied and wouldn’t be walking on his leg anymore, you pursed your lips and looked at the mess of blood and lifeless flesh scattered around you. With a sigh, you figured you might as well get started. The sooner it was over, the better. Walking over to the nearest one, you bent down and grabbed the Saeni’s leg before beginning to drag the body around the corner to start a pile of corpses.
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ducktales-wco-oo · 4 years
✩ How I Run My Blog! ✩
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Slow As Hell, for the most part. True, there are times when I yeet replies out because me and/or my muse are ridiculously invested in a thread, or inspiration instantly strikes. However, my default tends to be Really Slow. Something I try to make prominent to everyone since I understand some people prefer to not wait months at a time for a response- which is something I often end up doing. For a variety of reasons: be it because muses are fickle, it tends to take hours at a time for me to craft replies, I literally have hundreds of threads... As a result of this, I don’t drop threads too often either? Usually, they're lingering in my drafts, and it isn’t uncommon for a hella old one to suddenly be thrust onto the dash.
Of course, I never expect people to reply to Old Threads if they don’t want to, and don’t mind either way! I just like offering a response so I didn’t just abruptly drop it. :3 But yeah, I am a very slow roleplayer and while I hope my writing is decent enough to be worth the wait, I’ve had experience interacting with others who obviously prefer things to be quick and constant. Which I am not. Not delving into THOSE experiences because yeah- They weren’t the best. lol But I just want to make it clear that my speed does not equate my interest in a thread or in interacting with others. I am just a hella slow person who wants to write about birbs. 
My replies tend to get L O N G. I am not adept at short threads, and even ones that start out as really small back-and-forth replies are pretty much guaranteed to get longer on my side within a few responses. My muses like to get introspective and I like to get descriptive- I’m talking several paragraphs before they start to talk or even get to the point where they aren’t thinking-about/reacting-to whatever your muse did in the last reply. XD I’ve noticed that my average seems to be three-to-five paragraphs, but it isn’t uncommon for me to break the double-digits at times. Of course, I never expect my partners to match length and as long as I’m given more than a couple sentences in return, it’s all good. 
Whenever I add a new muse, I often post a Starter Call for them. They tend to vary in length, but are often two-to-three paragraphs long because I’ve tried to make single sentence ones and it never seems to work out. Occasionally, I’ll throw out random Open Starters when inspiration or a random idea strikes. These starters are free for as many people to respond to as they want, and are ALWAYS open regardless of how long ago I posted them.  
My Inbox is always open and I am constantly reblogging RP and Ask memes for it. However, again I shall bring up my Turtle-Like speed because my asks do tend to snowball. Right now I have 966 asks, so it’s no surprise that sometimes they can get lost in the pile. But I have a habit of answering random ones whenever threads aren’t working or I’m in a mood for something specific that a reply won’t give, so that’s why I continuously reblog things. I like having a healthy stash of stuff to answer when needed. So don’t be surprised if an ask you forgot you even sent is suddenly popping up onto the dash. XD 
I am semi-selective, meaning that while I am willing to RP with people I am not technically mutuals with, I won’t RP with everyone. I’m not trying to discourage people from approaching or make anyone feel poorly, there are just certain writing styles that I tend to gravitate towards and click more easily with. For example, if I notice that someone’s blog is filled with a surplus of one-liner back-and-forth, uncut replies, chances are I’m not going to follow because I don’t want my dash constantly cluttered. Maybe I’ll RP if they approach and give more than single sentences in our threads, but I’m not going to automatically promise to interact with everyone. Because I did that before and honestly, it’s not fair to me or the other person if I’m not actually enjoying replying to a thread. 
I don’t take graphics or Aesthetics into consideration when it comes to following or interacting. After all, what is important is the writing and the fun. :3 
I have a tag for random things that I thought would be fun to explore- #Got The Quacking Craze || {Wishlist}
But if I have to state some specific things, I suppose that right now I’d enjoy threads in some of my AU verses. Specifically, the Siren AU for Fenton because I LOVE that fluffy fish and it’s a shame that I don’t often get to write in it. Another AU that I like is the Robo AU for Louie, and I’ve rarely used it as well. Not to mention, his negaversion Louis is a precious boi who I definitely wouldn’t mind more interactions with. Oh! It’d also be cool to have threads that take place when my muses are kids- particularly: Fenton, Gladstone, and Mark. 
Or threads that take place during College/Teen years. Again with: Fenton, Gladstone, and this time Imma throw Panchito into the mix. Some College Caballeros, perhaps? Some Fenton-still-with-his-assnugget-bf Angst? Some glam-rock-phase Gladstone dealing with the jealousy of his peers, the still-lingering guilt of having ‘killed’ his parents, and crushing on his nerdy best friend all wrapped up in the facade of Teen Drama? JNFFJKSDFNDSF... 
Honest Notes: 
As well as being slow with Replies and Asks, I am oftentimes slow with my IMs. This is nothing personal against anyone! I just get overwhelmed at times and have the memory of a potato. Which means sometimes I’ll think I replied or just flat-out forget until days later. Plus Tunglr LOVES to screw with my messages, so more often than not I’m not even alerted of them until hours upon hours later... Long story short, I really do enjoy talking with all of you and love getting messages from my friendos. Seriously, I don’t mind if when I’m flooded with them. It just sometimes takes me a bit to gather up enough energy to reply coherently.
Random Side Notes: 
My blog is pretty messy and while I’m trying to whip up bios that are more than just notes for my own benefit hastily scrawled down whenever I was in a muse-adding frenzy, lots of info about my muses tend to either be in my own head or jotted down on the random Headcanon posts I sometimes throw into the wild. XD I also have a habit of analyzing the HELL out of things when I get excited, so long-ass posts like those sometimes pop up as well. 
Speaking of excitement, there WILL be times when I gush about the star of this blog- *motions at Fenton* and everyone must Accept That. Because he is my FLUFFY SON and I shan’t apologize for loving him with every fiber of my being. X3 Sometimes I’ll go off about other characters too, but more often than not it is HIM. OOC posts are a thing too.
Sometimes inspiration comes in bursts and muses take over the blog for a day or a few- like right now, how Fenton is dominating everything. My birbs are fickle bishes and I’ve learned to just let them fight over who is going to get the attention, then roll with whoever wins. This is why I encourage people to interact with as many muses as they want and start as many threads as they’d like. That way, no matter which muse is strong or what kind of thread I am in the mood for, there’s a chance something will Work With Me. Besides, I’m always up for new threads and ideas, regardless of how many things we are juggling already. 
That being taken into account- Please understand that I oftentimes don’t know WHO the Hell I’m going to feel the muse for or WHAT threads they will be. So no rushing or nagging for replies because all that does is make my muses drag their feet. :’3 
Tagged by: @soul-heart-and-beyond​
Tagging: Whoever wants to! :3 
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yehet-me-up · 5 years
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pairing: Minseok x reader (female)
rating: M - explicit sex, unprotected sex, mentions of violence
genre: undercover federal agents!AU, angst, smut
word count: 3,165
For @gingersaysjump - requesting either "Make me" or "You should be mine by now" for my Min, smut style. I peach emoji YOU TOO BISH 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑
‘We shouldn’t even be talking, Min. It’s dangerous. He could have this place bugged,’ you say harshly, desperate to get away.
Shoving your phone in your bag, you turn to him. The lighting in the apartment makes his eyes appear golden and you almost cave. But if you don’t leave now, you never will.
‘Y/N, come on.’ he implores, reaching for you. His carefully constructed facade of strength cracks. ‘Please don’t go there tonight. Say you’re sick, that you -’
‘You know what we both signed up for. Why do you suddenly care?’ The waver in your voice is a dangerous giveaway and you swallow it down, willing yourself to keep it together. 
Before you can let him talk you out of it, you turn and push through the door.
‘Stay out of the way and let me do my job,’ you yell over your shoulder.
‘Don’t walk away from me, I’m talking to -’ Minseok calls after you, the last word muffled by the door closing.
You ignore him, heart hammering in your chest, and continue striding down the black marble hallway. The sound of your heels echo in the expensive penthouse apartment. With a jam of your thumb you call the private elevator and wait, knowing he’ll catch up with you any second.
‘Come on, come on,’ you plead, hoping it will reach you before Minseok does.
The polished chrome of the doors reflects you back to yourself. The tight red dress barely reaches your mid-thigh, hugs your curves. The shoes cost more than what you paid for rent each month back in college. 
The sharp wing of your eyeliner, mussed waves of hair that spill across your shoulders, the scent of the cologne he bought you; all claim you as property a man you despise. A man who is not the man you love.
The elevator dings and the doors slide open silently. As they should. The apartment your boyfriend bought for you must have cost upwards of five hundred grand. The thought of it makes you feel sick. No part of your training prepared you for how it would feel to be so thoroughly owned by a mafia boss.
Your life isn’t your own, not until you and your partner get a confession, evidence, anything to prove that Jimmy De Luca murdered his brother Donny after he turned state’s witness. After eight months you feel like you’re about to break.
Minseok comes around the corner, striding into the elevator to stand next to you just as the doors close, radiating intensity and frustration.
Neither of you press a button and stand there, waiting. When you dart a look at him you see his hair has become even more undone. You can picture him standing in the apartment, running his fingers through it in frustration, or concern, after you’d left. It’s become impossible to read him.
The image makes you want to wrap your arms around his waist and press your face to his neck; to beg him to hold you and tell you it will be alright. That it will be over soon.
The ceiling of the private elevator is black and you look up at the tiny lights in the ceiling, dotted to look like stars. Neither of you can afford to be soft right now. If Jimmy realizes his girlfriend and his driver are both undercover FBI agents, you’ll be dead before you can blink.
‘Please don’t go to him tonight,’ Minseok hisses under his breath.
You turn to meet the heat in his eyes. ‘We both have to do our jobs,’ you start, staring him down. ‘You have to collect me and I have to... go to him.’
He opens his mouth to object and you reach a reckless hand to his shoulder, clutching the fabric. The motion brings you closer together, toe to toe. He brings a hand to your waist without seeming to notice. It settles on your lower back, hot and possessive.
‘We have to do it. No matter how much we don’t want to,’ you say softly.
Emotion blossoms in his features, raw and open. ‘I can’t take much more of Jimmy talking about how you’re his. How much he loves fucking you. It makes me sick, I -’
‘Me too, Min.’ Dread pools in your stomach. The tears and anguish you’ve suppressed for so long bubble to the surface.
‘I don’t know how much longer I can do this,’ you say, the truth escaping around the one person you know you can trust.
His breath ghosts along your lips, sensitive from long nights of biting them to hide your disgust at the man that the entire De Luca mob and all of the Chicago underground thinks you belong to.
Minseok leans into you, his other hand reaching to cup your head, so gently that you gasp. He walks you back so you rest against the wall of the elevator. With a noise of frustration he rests his forehead against yours and breathes as if he’s fighting himself.
‘You should be mine by now,’ he whispers against your lips, fragile enough that he sounds ready to break.
You watch him, hope roaring in your chest, washing away the acidic fear and disgust. Even though you love him, he’s never breathed a word to you about how he feels. Never let anything but concern and focus color his expression when he speaks to you.
It took you by surprise, the way you fell in love with Minseok. Your first big undercover op was supposed to be fast. Jimmy was known for bragging, for being careless. It was only the work of his lawyer that kept him out of jail in the past.
But instead, as the weeks turned into months, you and Minseok had forged an unbreakable bond over late nights strategizing, in the minutes when he’d pick you up to take you to Jimmy’s. 
Minseok’s eyes on you from across the room are the only thing that holds you together some nights at the club, when you’re forced to sit on Jimmy’s lap and tolerate his hands and his lips on you.
Even if he never said it, you know you’re the reason he stays sane, too. The way he returns after a shakedown, blood on his knuckles and a dead look in his eyes, always terrifies you. For months you’ve been there to steady him when he looks ready to come apart at the things this job has forced him to do, to become.
Somehow, against it all, you found love in a horrifying situation. Maybe he has too.
‘Min, I-’ you drop your purse to the elevator floor and cup his face in both your hands.
He searches your face, his brows pulling together. ‘Do you want me?’
You nod, fingers digging into the flesh of his neck, already pulling him closer. He makes a low noise that’s almost a growl of triumph and pulls you flush against him, claiming your lips with his. 
The way he kisses you is not gentle, pressing against you hard enough to bruise. The way you return his kiss is not gentle either, but just as rough and needy. Neither of you have it in you to be soft and patient tonight.
Months of being shaped and grated down into the kind of people who could survive this life have turned you both into people you’d never have imagined. His kiss is a baptism, a cleansing for all the things you’ve done that keep you up at night, the things you’ve done to cope.
In the field office, the first time you saw him you thought he was a bit of a nerd, but in a cute way. Answering all the captain’s questions a millisecond after he asked them, like a teacher’s pet. Boxy glasses, a bad haircut, even a pocket protector - you couldn’t imagine how he’d survive an undercover op. But then again, you’re sure you looked just as green and untested.
He groans against you, kneading the flesh of your hips with strong hands. Tonight he feels like the only real and solid thing you can hold onto. You pour everything you feel into his open mouth, desperate to shed the lies and find the forgotten truth of who you are.
You surrender to the moment like a forest surrenders to a wildfire - completely, knowing nothing will be left behind but ashes. With your lips you beg him to bring you back to yourself, to remind you what hope tastes like. To remind him in return that goodness exists.
Weeks of agony and desperation fall away as he holds your waist so tightly you want to crawl inside him and live, safe and protected, forever. Months disappear, sliding from your soul, as he traces your lip with his tongue, begging entrance into you.
You moan into his mouth, shuddering as his tongue strokes yours, clinging to him like he’s the life raft that will carry you through this nightmare. He slides a hand down to your thigh, pulling your leg along his waist and gripping the flesh of your ass. You feel his need against your core, as insistent and unquenchable as your own.
He pulls back and looks at you again. His eyes are wilder, his breath coming faster. ‘You should be mine by now,’ he repeats on a groan.
‘Make me,’ you plead, dipping your head to pull his lower lip between your teeth. ‘Jimmy owns my entire life. We have to finish this assignment, Min. But first, please give me this. Make me yours.’
He looks down at your heaving chest, at the way you look slotted against him - perfect, as if you were always meant to be there. ‘Are you sure?’
His hand slides along your thigh, towards your center, and your eyes fall closed with a sound of need. ‘Please.’
When you look back to him you can’t remember anything you’ve wanted as much as you want to be with someone like him. Someone who respects you and knows you down to your soul.
 ‘Yes, Minseok. Now. Tonight.’
‘Thank God,’ he says and recaptures your lips.
You work your mouth against his with equal hunger. If he’s going to take you tonight, you’re going to make sure you claim him, too.
He must feel the same about you. You know it when you kiss along his jaw, scraping your teeth along the spot where it joins his neck. You know it when you tug on the hair at his nape and he groans into your skin. You know it when you grind yourself against his length through his slacks and feel him shudder with need.
Suddenly, he drops to his knees, slowly kissing his way down your neck. Trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down into your cleavage. Ghosting his mouth along your stomach before lifting the edge of your dress and pressing his lips to the sensitive skin above your underwear.
You grip his hair to steady yourself, watching in fascination as he slides his hands up your bare legs, teasing the skin. When his fingers reach the edges of the fabric he waits for your permission to carry on. 
The warmth and kindness in his eyes is so starkly offset by the barely healed scar along his cheek, the bruises on his knuckles. You can’t help but love him, this complex man who is your partner and your equal.
After a beat you nod, desperate to feel him against all your most desperate places. He slides the fabric down and you step out, helping him.
‘Are you wet for me, love?’ he asks softly, drawing a hand upward to lightly work his thumb against your inner thigh.
You laugh, your first real one in days. ‘Why don’t you be a good detective and find out for yourself?’
He smirks up at you, his brow raising. And then he disappears beneath your dress. His free hand holds the material to your hip, firmly grounding you to the wall. With no preamble his tongue traces your slit, tasting the wetness of your arousal.
‘Oh fuck,’ you moan. 
Dropping your head back against the wall you stare up at the fake stars on the ceiling and allow yourself to imagine you’re free to love each other.
You reach out a hand and it hits the wall behind you, sliding down, slick with heat. The enclosed space feels like a sauna as he explores you, his agile tongue finding every spot except the one you most want him to.
He pulls back to look up at you, his cheeks pink with desire and his lips wet with your need. He shrugs out of his jacket, tossing it to the floor. You have half a mind to call him ‘the devil’ in jest as holds your gaze. But then he lifts a hand to cup your mound, massaging the flesh, and the words scatter from your mind.
‘If we had the time,’ he says darkly, standing, not moving his hand from you. ‘I’d take you somewhere where I could kiss every inch of you. I’d eat out this sweet pussy for hours until you were satiated. I’d work myself so hard and so deep in you that you’d feel nothing but me for weeks.’
‘But we only have tonight,’ he says against your ear, stepping close. ‘And I’ve got to make it count.’
He sinks a finger inside you and you gasp against him, clutching his arm. It feels like time has frozen, locked you in this moment. The stroking of his finger feels so good you can’t help the moans that fall from your lips.
Need courses along your skin, jagged and insistent. ‘It’s not enough, Min. I need you closer. I want you inside me, now.’
He nods and the floodgates open. Time slams back into motion and you reach for him.
You unbutton his belt while he works the digit inside you, faster. He adds a second finger and you clench around him, crying out. Once his belt is undone you work at his pants, undoing the button and sliding the zipper down, finger stroking along the press of his erection.
He grunts, pulling his hand from you and fitting his lips against yours. You shove his pants down as far as you’re able, whining with need against him. Before you have time to bemoan the loss of his fingers within you he’s lifted you onto the railing and shoved his pants and underwear down his legs.
Holding your gaze, he positions himself at your entrance. With one stroke he’s sheathed himself inside you, filling you to the hilt with a grunt. You gasp into his open mouth and tighten around him.
After a beat he moves, gripping your hips and slamming into you. Months of frustrating and boring sex with Jimmy and you’d forgotten how it feels to be filled, to be with someone who knows what they’re doing. He angles your hips down and every stroke of his length inside you brings him against your clit.
You cling to him, bringing your mouth to his exposed shoulder. Orgasm building fast at the base of your spine, you grip his arms, digging your nails into his clothed skin. 
After months of wanting to put your hands on him, you savor the opportunity. You reach inside the collar of his shirt and run your fingers down the column of his neck, slick with perspiration. You stroke his sides and explore his chest.
He teases the skin behind your ear with his breath, his lips, his tongue. While he buries himself inside you he captures the lobe of your ear with his teeth. The bite of it sends a shock to your core and you feel yourself open further for him, taking him even deeper. 
You ache to be consumed by him, to have him covering every inch of you and obliterating the fact that anyone else’s hands have ever known the way you feel.
Your attention narrows to the delicious friction of him inside you. How long have you been in this elevator? Minutes? Hours? Days? You couldn’t care less. Fuck the rest of the world except you and Minseok in this hot, black metal space. You dig your fingers into his hair and pull, drawing a groan from him.
‘I knew you’d feel perfect,’ he pants against your neck. ‘Shit.’
He slows his pace, pulling back to rest his forehead against yours and holding your focus. Every stroke of his is hard and deep now and you cry out, eyes closing from the intensity of it. 
He kneads the undersides of your thighs, willing you to stay with him. ‘I want to see you when you come around me,’ he demands. ‘I need you.’
Capsizing in need, in him, you force your eyes open. If he wasn’t holding you up you’d melt into the floor. You almost come instantly from the sight of him - chest exposed, shining with sweat. Eyes half-lidded and lip pulled between his teeth as he watches you take all of him, over and over.
‘Come with me,’ you plead, body already giving way to the heat and electricity blooming low inside you.
He nods and you drop a hand to your clit, swirling around the hypersensitive bud. His insistent, deep strokes send you over the edge and you clench around him as you come apart. He makes a noise that’s half a whine and half a growl as he bucks into you messily, finding his own climax.
When he stills you can’t help the grin that tugs at your lips. With a heavy hand you brush away the hair that clings to his forehead before pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
He eases you down off the railing and slowly rubs feeling into your numb back and legs, surrounding you with care. Without words he puts you back together, kissing your cheeks, your mouth, your chin. For now, you are his and at the tenderness in his eyes you know that he is yours. 
He pulls you into a hug and sighs, tension draining out of him as he holds you.
For as long as you dare you allow yourself to rest in his arms, safe in the enclosure of his body and this space. He relaxes slowly, sinking into you and you smile as you feel his heartbeat slow and his breathing settle into a rhythm. 
But even perfect moments have to end at some point.
Your phone vibrates and you know who’s calling. You lift your head and see he’s staring at your purse as well.
‘Nothing’s changed. I’m still his, for now,’ you say softly.
He cups your face gently and presses a kiss to your lips. ‘Everything’s changed. You’re mine. As long as we both know that, the rest of the world doesn’t matter.’ 
The words are barely a whisper, but they reach straight to your heart.
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talldren · 5 years
Steven's Mental Descent
So, basically I'm going to go through all the episodes we have so far in Future and see how we started in the THERAPY-needing department and where we are now.
Little Homeschool, we get a quick look at how things are going, Steven is making jokes about his identity crises, so that's a thing. He seems very chill, but as we saw with his chat with Amethyst, he has a small insecurity issue with Jasper. He goes to see her, they fight, and two things happen.
His powers emerge
She calls him out
Now, when she calls him out it clearly distresses Steven to the point his gem brings out the heavy weaponry, and I think it's safe to say that's what sparked this whole issue, really. So now, by the end of the episode, Steven has two big issues: he's now in unfamiliar new power territory, and he's insecure.
Next up, Guidance. Steven is mostly fine, but now since he's a bit insecure he's feeling a bit off, so when Amethyst presents her new idea (which is awesome) to him, he decides to improve it to boost self esteem (tho that's probably not how he sees it). Well, he broke the perfectly fine thing and now has to fix it with Amethyst. So with the help of super speed they save the day. Now, Steven has much biggy issues.
He's really insecure
His powers apparently affect fusions too (unfamiliar territory, again)
He has no plans for his future.
Rose buds. Oh, boooooy. He has no idea where to put his mom's portrait (how to view her) and then The Zoomans show up to show off their intergalactic cruise ship. Steven has that whole Rose Quartz hellstorm I'd rather not type out and ends up putting the portrait in lion's mane (shoving his complicated emotions to the back of his mind). So he's still insecure, he's repressing his emotions, he has no plans for his future and his new powers are still a problem. Great.
Volleyball, my trademark sport. Steven can't fix Volleyball's scar (insert insecurity). He goes to pearl, they go to the reef and everything goes to heck. The two pearls form mega pearl and bust out of that overgrown oyster. So after it all, Steven's powers are causing him too much trouble, he's repressing his emotions which are getting far too complicated, he has no plan for his future, and he's super insecure. Damn.
Bluebird. Fuck her. Steven is getting "pranked" and finds the prime suspect and obvious fusion of Team Rocket- *cough* sorry, Eyeball and Aquamarine. They do seemingly innocent stuff that doesn't seem too innocent to start with until Steven finally calms down. Then they threaten Greg. Greg makes the ultimate sacrifice for his son, losing the thing he cherished more than anything else (even you, Rose) and Steven drops the father bomb. Steven kicks ass, then those two get their shit together and fight well. The trio of mothers return and Alexandrite that bish nice and good. They blast off again and Greg mourns his hair (like most middle aged men with retreating hairlines). So now he's repressing emotions, his outbursts are getting more frequent, he has no plans for his future, and his insecurity is mixing with that good teen angst. Joy.
We are skipping that tease of an episode because nothing happens, just chalk it up to our boi is tired.
Snow day consists of Steven talking to his family about wanting them to view him as an adult, him hetting the break he needs, and far too much relatability for us teens. So, not much changes, good and fluffy.
Why So Blue is an uneventful ep in the stress spectrum.
Little Graduation. This. This is where it gets real. Steven is realizing that his friends are leading private lives he knows nothing about, that they're spending time doing their own things. And that they're slowly leaving him. His insecurities are doubled, his powers are more than troubling, he's repressing his thoughts and feelings hardcore after the incident, and now everyone has a future planned but him.
Prickly Pair. Steven finds a venting outlet in a cactus he brought to life. It grows up a troubled soul and a tattle tail. He is now repressing everything because he doesn't want the gems to freak, his insecurities are overwhelming, he has no control over himself, and he's being left behind.
In Dreams. Steven is getting desperate, he pushes himself out of his comfort zone to get peridot to stay, and luckily it's something as light-hearted as a reboot betrayl he doesn't think he likes. They end up hanging out normally after hugs and find it's all calmed down. A calm before the storm if I ever saw one.
Bismuth Casual, they go out, Steven can't human, and they work it out via awesome fusion skating. It's cute, but Steven's feelings aren't truly addressed by anyone but Bismuth, who provides a short pep-talk. Also, Connie, your boyfriend jokes about a vital part of his body being rippef out, obviously uncomfortable, and you smile and ignore him. WHY.
Together Forever. It all hits the fan, okay? It's too recent to recount the details. Steven's insecurities are sky rocketing, he feels more left behind than ever, Garnet's being high and mighty, and he probs just lost the love of his life. The man has hit a low.
Growing Pains. So now he's being left behind, he's so very insecure, he's already lost Connie (so he thinks, anyway), his powers destroyed a hospital (maybe full of patients, he doesn't know), and he's ruined his dad's tour. Well, at least Greg is supportive and kind.
But the next episode might be when the "van crushing" that audio leak mentions happens so, maybe that'll be a short lived comfort.
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twistnet · 6 years
safe [ bishop losa ]
⋯ SUMMARY ; who knew running into the arms of the santos padre mayans president would get you out of a sticky situation
⋯ WARNINGS ; female!reader, slight angst [ men being creeps ] + general fluff [ comfort ]
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bishop usually wasn’t out as late he was currently. but the need for late night groceries was essential, so here he was. the small bag of basics was quickly paid for as he shoved the remaining cash into his jacket pocket.
he forwent wearing his kutte, given that he was by himself and it was honestly just too late to be causing any trouble. the chime overhead dinged as he left the small store, only to have someone run into him, almost sending his groceries to the ground. 
before bishop could turn and shoot a glare at the person, a soft voice quietly spoke up, “i’m so sorry sir, but this man has been following me for the past few blocks and...” you paused, looking up at bishop with frightened eyes.
bishop quickly looked over her shoulder, finding the possible man having ducked into a dark part of the street. when he locked eyes with you, his softened as he wrapped an arm around you. “no worries. i got you. you wanna tell me your name?” he asked to diffuse the tension as he guided you to his bike. you told him your name, huddling closer to the man.
“it’s a pleasure to meet you. i’m bishop.” they stopped at his bike, as he turned you  with a serious expression, “do you have a ride home?” his hand dropping to lightly hold your hand, watching as you lightly shook your head.
“would you be alright if i took you home? i know we don’t know each other that well, but i'm still worried about you. no one deserves to be alone. especially with someone following them.” you nodded quickly, “yes, please.”
bishop smiled as he stashed his groceries, turning to help get you on the bike before getting on himself. he turned, passing you back a helmet and watching to make sure you got it on correctly. “you’re gonna want to hold on, princesa.” he teased, as his motorbike roared to life and he took off. leaving all your worries behind.
you tightened your arms around his middle a little tighter on some of the curves as you guided him to your house. finding yourself deflating as he pulled in front of your house. the rumble of the cycle died as he looked back at you with a small smile. you reluctantly unclamped the helmet, heading it back to him.
“thank you so much. for everything.” you said quietly as you carefully got off the bike. “it’s no problem. it makes me feel better knowing you’re safe.” you blushed, playing with your key ring as you smiled at the man before you.
“well, thank you again bishop. have a safe ride home please.” you stated as you turned to walk of your driveway before he stopped you. “would you wanna, like- i mean, if your not busy...we could get lunch? or even coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?” bishop rushed out, cursing himself for stuttering.
“i would make all the time in the world if it meant i got to see you again.” either it was the bold streak in you or your confidence skyrocketing, but you leaned down to press a sweet kiss to bishop’s cheek. pulling back you smiled once more. “so the answer is yes, bishop.” you waved lightly, “goodnight, bish.”
bishop sat on his bike, watching as you made your way up to your door. once the door shut safely behind you, a smile broke out in bishop’s face as he started his bike up. hearing the crinkling of paper, he shifted finding a small piece of paper with a number carefully written across it. “that sly girl.” bishop laughed to himself as he spared one last glance to her house before pulling away.
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