#we are {dani}TT{any}
mad-hatter5709 · 5 months
Prompt and first part (1)
“Looks like you’re a natural. We can do a trial where you take him home for three days, and see if you bond. If you don’t, or you aren’t proven to be a suitable parent, he’ll come back here. If you decide to keep him, and you’re a suitable parent, we’ll come back and have some forms to fill out so you can adopt him.” Dan is smiling fondly as he talks, already knowing this short man is going to be a wonderful father.
“And I can keep him if I am proven to be a worthy father?” Damian doesn’t even look up, his eyes fixed on the baby, cradling him close as he rocks gently.
“Yes. You’ll just have to come back here in three days to fill out some forms. Then he’ll be yours.” Dan says. He’s mentally going over a list of which forms he has to have.
“I will prove to be the best father. You will see that in three days.” Damian looks up as he speaks, his eyes filled with determination. He then looks back at the baby and coos softly, his tiny liminal core emanating love-protect-safe as he does.
“Right. If you ever have any problems, call us.” Dan holds out a business card, on the front the words ‘Supernatural Clone Adoptions’ being the only things on there, and on the back there was two small circles with inscriptions and runes in them, the names DAN and DANI printed under the two different circles.
Damian takes the card unthinkingly and tucks it into his pocket, focused on the baby as he walks out of the building, and feels a pulse go through his chest as the baby gurgles. He turns around, where the pulse originated from, and the building is back to how it was the day before, a neon sign turned off, and a ‘CLOSED DOWN’ sign in the window. He looks at the building, feeling shocked but not showing it outwardly. He takes out the card from his pocket, looking at it carefully, seeing the circles are similar to the circle his grandfather always used to draw before soaking in the Lazarus Pits. He narrows his eyes at it, and tucks the card back into his pocket, walking home.
As he walks in the door, he’s spotted by Tim.
“Damian, where did that baby come from?” Tim looks worried, as if he had stolen the baby.
“Tt. Don’t worry about it. Help me keep them from Father. He will inevitably try to adopt the child, but they are mine.” There’s a possessive edge to Damian’s voice, somehow fond in his curt, formal way of speaking.
“Okaaayy, why do you have a baby? Whose baby is that? Dames, we haven’t given you the talk yet, is that your baby? Like.. biologically?” Tim looks even more worried, and he starts pacing, muttering about tests and results and what they’re going to do.
“Drake. I adopted him. You’re of no use if you are going to be wearing a hole into the floor with your pacing. You are not going to do any tests on him, or you will be stabbed.” The venom in Damian’s voice was more pronounced as he thought about anyone trying to harm his this baby, even if it were as simple as a blood test. Blood could be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands, and he wouldn’t want to subject his baby to needles if not completely necessary.
Speaking of needles, had his baby had all the necessary shots and vaccines? Dan had said he was three months old, which means he should have had some shots already. He would have to find out if his baby needed to get the shots when Dan and/or Dani came for the visit to see if his baby was settling in alright. His thoughts were interrupted by Tim.
“Damian. Who would let a fourteen year old adopt a baby? Also, if you’re going to keep him we can’t just keep referring to him ‘the baby’. What’s his name?” Tim had his head in his hands and was sitting on the floor at this point, no longer muttering.
“I.. do not know. I was not told if he had a name, or what it was. If he doesn’t already have a name, I shall call him Danyal. Now are you going to help me keep him from Father or are you going to tell Father that I have acquired a child, and I intend on keeping him? Make your choice now, Drake.” Damian said the words fiercely, but his words were almost.. soft as he said the name Danyal. Tim looked up in surprise.
“Well, of course I’m going to help you, Dames. I don’t trust B not to try to put the kid in a robin suit as soon as he gets word of him.” Tim’s tone is joking, but his body language said he was being serious about helping.
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yetanothergreyjedi · 1 year
Ghosts of Our Pasts: 9
DP x DC Crossover
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne Siblings AU
Masterpost Previous Next
Dani: Yo, what's with the massive group chat I just got dropped into?
Dani: I'm assuming you guys have to do with this
Tucker: ....did... did we forget to send you Danny’s new number? 
Dani: he has a NEW one? I just swapped his contact information like 2 weeks ago 
Tucker: it's actually the same number just backwards... present from the Backwards Day Ghost 
Dani: WOW
Tucker: it was miserable 
Dani: I'm sure
Dani: so about the group chat?
Tucker: Danny met his bio-sibling and he had a fraid too, so idk its like fraid inlaws or something? 
Dani: Bio-sibling? Danny's adopted? 
Tucker:Shouldn't you know this?
Dani: Why would I?
Tucker: You're his cousin....
Dani: Oh... I forgot I told you guys that...  
Tucker: ?
Dani: I'm his clone
Tucker: this is gonna be a wild story isn't it
* Dani started a call that lasted 31 minutes *
Jazz: Danny why did you just put me in a group chat with like 25 people in it?
Danny: Sibling groupchat 
Jazz: What? 
Jazz: Danny, I'm going to need a bit more explanation than that. 
Jazz: you didn't get cloned again?
Jazz: Did you???
Jazz: Danny?
* 1 missed call from Jazz *
* 2 missed calls from Jazz *
* 3 missed calls from Jazz *
Jazz: please tell me Danny lost his phone again and isn't in some kind of trouble. 
Tucker: Oh, it's in his bag... he's out rn...
Jazz: out where?
Jazz: I thought this was supposed to be a 'laying low' vacation? 
Sam: that was before he met his brother 
Jazz: his brother? 
Tucker: yeah! Apparently he's related to the Batman!
Jazz: you left him alone with his brother 
Sam: Yeah...?
Jazz: the brother that killed him?
* multiple people are typing *
So yeah, Danny was officially tasting emotions now. He realized as Damian looked him over. The flour-y taste of concern was replaced with a salty-savory pride as he confirmed that, no, Danny hadn't been shot. (Well, he would've been, if he hadn't decided to not be tangible.) Then Bio-dad dropped down, mugger dude gave off another milk-sour wave of fear. Then Bio-dad saw the gun and huh, he didn't think describe how disappointment tasted with human words. But maybe he should be focusing less on what flavors most accurately described his stupid new empath ability and focus more on the situation at hand.
Together Dami and Bio-dad explained the normal process of cuffing criminals in obvious places so the police can find them. It was simple, didn't really require Danny to do anything, so he disassembled the weapon while he listened. Which he probably shouldn't have done, because now he was being asked to hand it over as evidence...
"Uh..." Danny fished the larger pieces back out of his pocket, but their was a lot of little ones, because he might've phased the screws out to take apart the fun little inner bits and he ended up dropping tiny metal parts all over the sidewalk. 
There was a beat of silence, then Damian clicked his tongue with a little "Tt," and Danny flushed. 
"Sorry..." Danny started.
"It's fine," the Bat said. Amusement, it turned out, tasted like raspberries.
Danny, holding a deadly weapon: "is this a fidget toy?"
Somebody told me once that they didn't see any Canon evidence that Sam and Tucker knew Dani was a clone. And like, their lives are so crazy that peice of information falling into a crack, sure. Where did Danny's concerned about vlad cloning people came from. Like they didn't question it, vlad is weird. They could see him doing it... oh... he did do it? That makes more sense than a sudden semi rational fear.
Also Batman has absolutely noticed some weird things about Danny. But he also knows that Danny has "a weird conglomeration" of Lazarus put side effects, and that Danny said "mood" about being in other dimensions. It might be ooc for him to be patient with answers, but he's in my story so he's gotta play by my rules.
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@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @mur-ururu @luer-mirin @insufferablecatenthusiast @skulld3mort-1fan @alonedustspeck @voidbornposts @meira-3919 @marshmello @aethernorwood @mimilikey @undead-essence @cloudminder @markus209 @everything163 @latheevening226 @roman4517 @moobloomrights @battybatbat @lumosfeather18581 @werv @ahyesanerd @pyramaniac @lexdamo @princessbelix @bun-fish @deeannthepan @edgyboi10000 @thatrandomsarahchick @busterkeel @aconitewolfsbane @spoopyspoony @bright-shade @spidey29phangirl @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @keimiwolf @u-a-wizard-jamie @gay-puff @bicerise @itshype @blackfoxsposts @icanneverdecide @lolottes @chubbypotato @jovialherringtacoghost @saltyladynightmare
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talkingtea · 1 year
Hi TT do you know if any of the cast have found jobs since the ending of The flash? or is Candice the only one, that's still unemployed
JLM and Tom have. Dani is doing something with her writing. Beyond that we don’t know
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jezabatlovesbats · 6 months
In this post, I'm gonna talk about my weird, old Teen Titans OCs and headcanons from years ago. To this day, Scorpion, Melodea and Cadenza are the only ones I kept, but here are the rest.
Melodea was originally gonna be part of this team called the X Geodes. And let me tell you- my TT characters were racially/ethnically diverse, but the problem is that I didn't put enough thought into their backgrounds and wrote them poorly.
It was led by Xander, aka Mayor X, who was the son of the mayor of Baltimore, Maryland. He was a non-superpowered demolitions expert with a hankering for violence. His whole theming/aesthetic was pretty much a Red X ripoff with added dynamite.
There was also Timberboy, aka Timothy, a health-knowledgeable nature hero whose powers were similar to Poison Ivy's. He could grow different types of trees and wild plants (not domestic ones), and they came from a green crystal he wore around his neck. He had a pet snail named Rex. He was Filipino-American and was from California.
MysTerry, aka Terry Lake, who had slate gray skin and black and white hair (one on each side). He was a young wizard. His magic worked in an opposite way to Jinx's, because his main thing was casting good luck charms. He could also change people's clothing. He was British-American and from New York.
Papergirl, aka Pippa Vazquez, the youngest member. Her suit gave her the ability to fold herself into any paper shape. She could also draw things on her suit and make them come to life. She was Mexican-American and from Texas.
I also gave Scorpion a cousin.
Her name was Zephyr, aka Isa Doyle. Scorpion is of French descent, but Isa is, like, half-French, half-Irish. Scorpion is from Arizona while Zephyr is from Galway. Basically, she could control wind. While Scorpion got her powers after being stung by a scorpion, Zephyr was born with hers. She was the Princess Daisy to Scorpion's Princess Peach, in terms of their personalities.
Also, there were Chime and Gong.
Chime, aka Brian Zhong, and Gong, aka Lucy Zhong, were a pair of Chinese-American twins who liked to watch TV together. I forgot what US state they were from. Their powers involved making things happen by playing bianzhong and a gong. Control Freak gave them their powers. He transported them into a show they liked where two characters did that same thing.
I made FIVE characters based on how weirdly obsessed I was with See-More. I absolutely would have denied it back then, but I think that was because I had a crush on him. (I even had Scorpion date him in Season 3, but they broke up during Season 4 or 5. We don't talk when I did that.) I gave him a cousin and also made four characters based on the other four senses.
His cousin was named Salome, aka Exci D. She was Haitian because I headcanoned See-More to be of Haitian descent for some reason. She had one eye. Her powers involved her making things fall apart when she touched them. She was born with those powers. Unlike her cousin, she wasn't a villain and was an Honorary Titan. She was a big fan of C-Pop, J-Pop and K-Pop, so her outfit made her look like an idol.
As for the other sense-based characters, the one based on hearing was Audiosa, aka Gloriosa Rivera. Her ears were really big, and she had the power of supersonic hearing. She was from Salamanca, Spain. She can be compared to Dolores because she's also a Hispanic girl with super hearing, but Encanto wasn't known yet at the time of Audiosa's creation. Also, she was bi.
Tastebud, aka Rosalie Shirinova, was based on taste. She was Aleutian. She had highly developed taste buds, and I think she was armed with food-themed weapons. She was also a lesbian.
Tochit, aka Sentry Kakoso, was based on touch. He was Tanzanian. He could feel things without directly touching them and had telekinesis. He wore these gauntlets on his hands. Also, for some reason, he had three eyes.
Whiffer, aka Dani Shamoun, was based on smell. He was from Abu Dhabi, UAE. He had these pads on his nose that he built himself, allowing him to absorb smells and release them.
I just made my characters' heritage come from random places for no reason. Padparadscha, aka Padma Kumar, might be the most egregious example of this.
Padparadscha's whole thing was her being half-angel and half-demon, but I tried SO HARD to make her some kind of Hindu mythology equivalent of that. She was raised by an Indian family in Sri Lanka. She, Zephyr and Exci D were good pals.
The worst part about all of this is that she was my PERSONA character (the OC representing me). I have no idea why I chose to do that. If I make a new Teen Titans persona one day, she's gonna be white like me.
Also, I once headcanoned that the HIVE Academy had a band class. Here's what everyone, including my old characters, played:
Gizmo- Violin
Jinx- Viola
Mammoth- Cello
Timberboy- Bass
Angel- Harp
Private HIVE- Trumpet
I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R.- Tuba
Wrestling Star- French Horn
XL Terrestrial- Trombone
Whiffer- Sousaphone
Bumblebee- Flute
Melodea- Piccolo
Stone/Cyborg- Saxophone
Scorpion- Clarinet
Mayor X- Oboe
Papergirl- Bassoon
Billy Numerous- Percussion (He cloned himself to play multiple drums and cymbals)
Audiosa- Tambourine
Tastebud- Castanets
Chime- Bell chimes (not the powered ones he used)
Gong- Gong (not the powered one she used)
See-More- Piano
Kyd Wykkyd- Guitar
Tochit- Accordion
Padparadscha- Ukulele
TL;DR: My Teen Titans hyperfixation in 2019 was a time of my life I will never get back because of how badly written my OCs were. I also gave the HIVE Academy a band class.
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himsza · 2 years
How long do you watch motoGP? Do you remember the first race you’ve watched?
Favourite track(s)?
Your dream team (riders from any era)?
Let’s imagine that you are a MotoGP rider (in any era). Which team would you like to drive for and whom would you like to see as your teammate? Do you see yourself as a world champion?
Do you have any suggestions how to make motoGP more interesting and popular?
How long do I watch motoGP? - 5 years since 2017, in which year my friend started to be a MotoGP commentator in my region.
My first race: I don’t remember which particular race it was, but I am certain that Mir has smashed that race.
Favorite tracks: maybe TT circuit Assen and Philip island. All the F1 tracks are off list (just because I hate F1), and they are not Ducati-dominance tracks.
Dream team: I can give you tons of horror teams but dream team? Maybe Dani and Maverick? For the young guys maybe Pecco and Bez (Ducati! Give Bez a chance!!!)
If I’m a rider: I would definitely have Dani as my teammate and maybe we could take the chance at the first year Petronas Yamaha. I would do my best to make sure Dani was top 3 but I think the best I can do is where Fabio finished.
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batsandbugs · 3 years
prompt: Marinette waking Damian up at 2:26 am because they ran out of food so an impromptu night on the town/mcdonald run and he's 'moody' the entire time and yeah
Heh... this has been in my inbox forever, kinda forgot about, and then I didn't have a good idea. Then I had a stroke of inspiration and wrote it all at once. It's not exactly what was asked for, but I'm pretty happy with it. So, uh sorry @animeshitpostinng... enjoy I guess!
Or you can read it here on ao3!
Late Night Bagel Adventures
Damian emerges from sleep to a small hand pushing against his shoulder. He inches away from it and buries deeper into the warm covers, chasing the fading ebb of unconsciousness.
"~Damian~ ~Damian~" Marinette calls in a sing-songy voice.
He groans, rolling over and cracking open one eye. His fiance's face is lit by the faint light coming from the doorway. Her eyes are big and pleading and he immediately knows he is not going back to sleep any time soon.
"What?" he mumbles.
"There's no food in the fridge. Or cupboards."
He resists the urge to shoot her a death glare. "Darling we moved in this morning. We are going shopping tomorrow."
She tilts her head and pouts. "But I'm hungry now."
The foggy grip of sleep disappears entirely - he blames years of awareness training for the light switch controlling his state of consciousness - and he pushes himself up on one arm. "So go order something delivered."
"But it's a waste of money."
He sighs. "Marinette, dearest, you are an internationally famed designer. I am the son of a billionaire. We can spare the extra cash to have someone bring us food at-" he glances over at the digital clock on his bedside table "-two-fifteen in the morning."
"I want a Dani's Bagel."
Admittedly, Dani's was open twenty-four hours a day, so that was not an all too unreasonable request. Except Dani's did not do delivery. And with every bagel made to order, it really was best if you ate them right away.
"Walmart?" he asks, hoping against hope such a compromise would satisfy.
"Not as close as Dani's," she responds with absolute ruthlessness. "Plus I'm craving a cheddar jalapeno bagel, with salmon and cream cheese and capers."
Damian screws up his nose. He loves this woman, but sometimes she comes up with the oddest food combinations. He groans, flopping back onto the bed. "You could go yourself?"
"Pleeeease," Marinette begs, with a hopeful smile. "I don't wanna be alone."
He revels in the heated blankets for one last moment, before throwing off the covers and rolling to his feet. "Fine, fine. But I will not change clothes." He clicks on the lamp and searches for his glasses. He does not have the patience to put back in his contacts.
"Yeah, neither am I," says Marinette, bounding off the bed. She grabs a giant hoodie - one of his - and slips it on over her tank top. Blue sleep pants with little spools of thread and sewing needles cover her legs. "But you should grab a jacket, it's kinda chilly."
"Uh-huh," he grunts, slipping his phone and wallet into his pocket. He grabs another hoodie and slips it on. Marinette beams and bounces out of the room. He trudges behind her. How she contained so much energy after spending the whole day moving in, he had no clue.
By the time he reaches the front entryway, Marinette already tying her laces on and her purse hanging off her shoulder. She's put on a beanie on her head, appropriate considering it is New Jersey in November. She offers him one and he shoves it on his head, not wanting to even contemplate the mess his hair might be after being asleep.
He slips on his own shoes and catches the car keys when Marinette throws them over to him. Locking their new apartment behind they journey out into the night, heading down the hall to the elevator.
Marinette hugs his arm on the way down, laying her head on his shoulder. "Thanks, Dames," she says softly.
"Tt. Yeah, yeah," he mutters, kissing the top of her head. The things he does for love.
They hurry quickly from the warmly lit lobby to the cold dark car. The heater turns the space toasty warm in a matter of seconds and then they are coasting down the street. Dani's is thankfully close by. Damian may not have been thrilled about being dragged from his warm bed and much-deserved sleep, but the sound of food is appealing.
Here in the outer edges of Gotham - not even passing into Gotham proper, they would have to cross the bridge - the city is calm and normal. Just another late night on the town; a few cars passing by, only a handful of lights on in the windows above, all green stoplights, and the faint sound of a siren in the distance. Meanwhile the city proper looms in the distance, bright shining lights against a dark starless sky.
The ride passes in companionable silence, and soon enough they pull into a parking lot next to a small strip retail space. Dani's Bagels sits on the corner edge lit up in cream and purple. Marinette smiles brightly at him as he turns off the car and practically scrambles out of her seat. He follows far more sedately and enters behind her as the bell above the door rings.
"Welcome to Dani's!" calls a voice far too cheerful for two-thirty in the morning. Despite the dim overhead lights, Damian can still hear them buzzing. Even the soft music in the background grates like nails grating on a chalkboard. Admittedly, the store smells delicious, like fresh-baked bread and basil, but all Damian wants is to pull up his hoodie and close the drawstring around his face.
"Heya Litzy!" Marinette calls back. Damian resists the childish urge to stick out his tongue. He is a grown, twenty-six-year-old man, and his fiance is hungry, so endure he must. He fought against aliens, endured torture at the hands of allies and enemies alike, and pushed his body to extreme limits. A late-night food run is nothing.
But he really wants to be at home, curled up around Marinette's space heater warmth, and asleep.
"Hey, mon cher you want your normal?" Marinette asks him.
"Mm-hmm." She knows his order, it never changes. Unlike Marinette who tries a new creation every time she comes in.
She kisses his cheek. "Go take a seat on the couch, I'll order for us."
"Great." He slips away and heads over to their normal haunt, a corner couch in the back. The leather is worn and faded and Damian settles into the side with a contented sigh. He wishes he could turn off how his brain immediately searches for danger and potential weapons and avenues of defense and attack, but it does. And although his body is begging him to go back to sleep, he is far too alert to even doze.
Marinette joins him a few minutes later, curling into his side and laying her head on his shoulder. "Wait," he says. "I forgot to give you my card."
She rolls her eyes. "Damian I'm an internationally famed designer," she repeats back with a teasing smile. "I'm sure I can spare the cash to grab us bagels. Besides, it was my idea for a food run. Your chivalry is noted and lovely, but unneeded."
He grumbles, but since the food is already paid for, he will refrain from pushing.
They settle in quiet, Damian fully appreciative that there is no one here but them. Marinette draws lines on the back of his hand with her finger. Sizzling oil pops in the background as their bagels cook.
Damian almost smiles at the normalcy of it all. This kind of life he could never have imagined for himself ten or even five years ago, but now? Living outside the city proper, with his fiance, in their own apartment, both still in the hero game but with their own lives taking importance? It was not a dream come true, because he never could have imagined to dream of a chance so sweet and so desired in the first place.
Lost in his thoughts he did not hear the worker call out their order, and so the loss of heat from Marinette leaving his side jolts him back to the real world. His mind fog clears as Marinette returns, slipping off her shoes and sitting cross-legged on the couch holding two baskets with their bagels prepared hot and steaming.
"One asiago bagel with plain cream cheese," she says handing him his basket. "And one cheddar and jalapeno bagel with jalapeno flavored cream cheese, salmon, and capers." She grins delightedly, sinking her mouth into a big bite.
"You have terrible taste," he grumbles, taking a bit of his own. Warm bread and gooey cheese and cool cream cheese hit his taste buds and he sighs in delight. Damn, no one else does a bagel like Dani's.
"I don't know," Marinette says, munching on her monstrosity. "I think I have pretty good taste. I picked you, didn't I?"
"Eh, a debatable decision."
She swats his arm. "Stop it, you. I picked our apartment?"
"Arguably also debatable. I still say it is too much space for only the two of us. With four rooms? An office, your workroom, and our bedroom are plenty. We hardly want to encourage anyone to stay over. The manor is close enough."
Marinette shrugs. "Oh, I thought we could use it for something other than a guest bedroom."
"Like what? A movie room?" He takes another bite of his bagel.
"How about a regular bedroom?"
Damian pauses. "Are we getting a roommate? I have no wish for a roommate. We moved out of the manor to have our own space." They would have moved out two years ago when Damian finished his Master's degree, but a serious injury placed his father out of commission, and it was far easier to run vigilante operations out of the cave while living close by.
"Eh, you could call it a roommate. We'll do a lot more late-night snack runs too." Marinette turns to grab something from her purse.
Damian finds himself confused, what in the world could she be talking about?
She hands him a small object, and Damian's befuddled mind takes a second to work out what it is.
"Marinette?" he croaks out.
"Yep," she says calmly.
"We are not getting a roommate."
"Nope," she says popping the p.
"We are having a baby," he says shakily, looking at the positive pregnancy test he holds in his hand.
Marinette holds back a smile and looks at him with wide eyes. "I mean, yeah kinda. If you want a baby?" she asks.
His heartbeat shoots through the roof, and Damian is pretty sure he stopped breathing. His brain can barely handle the number of thoughts swirling through it, and under all of it, there is one thrumming line humming. A baby, we are having a baby.
"I- I yeah. I-," he looks up from the test and to Marinette; his love, and the light of his world, and smiles. "If, if you-"
"Oh yeah," she laughs, her smile splitting her face, as suddenly all her energy this morning finally makes sense. "Yeah, I really want a baby. I know we've only mentioned it in passing, and the wedding is two months away, and we just moved to our own space. But... yeah. I really want them."
"Okay," he says still finding it hard to breathe properly.
"Okay," she says back, and if he lives another fifty years - not likely with his chosen lifestyle, but regardless - he will never find a more beautiful sight than her smile - a mix of overwhelmed joy and utter relief. His eyes dart down to Marinette's stomach, hidden in the folds of his hoodie and his hands twitch before he can stop them. Marinette though reads him like a book - as she always has - and grabs his hands, bringing them to her stomach.
"I'm not showing yet. I think I'm only about six weeks along, my period's pretty regular so I was concerned when it didn't show up. At first, I thought it could be related to... you know, our nightly activities. But nothing had happened. So," she shrugs, "I bought a test. Actually, I bought three tests. All of them positive."
He slowly rubs his thumb over the soft, well-worn fabric. "Anybody else know?" he asks.
Marinette snorts, shaking her head with a fond grin. "Damian, who else was I going to tell first?"
He shrugs his shoulders. "Whoever you want. Your mother?"
She leans in and captures his mouth with a soft kiss. "No, you silly. There was no one else I was going to tell first." She pauses, tilting her head with a chagrined look. "Well, that's not entirely true. I guess my doctor knew before you did. I scheduled an appointment for Wednesday."
Damian shakes his head. It did not count. "Can I come?"
She giggles, "Yes you can come. You can be involved in everything. It's our baby." She snuggles a bit closer, and he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
"Our baby," he muses, still hardly believing it.
The bell rings above the door, breaking the two of them out of their private cocoon. A group of young adults walk in, clearly looking for a snack after a long night of dancing at a club or party or another event. Their loud arguing is enough to intrude on Damian's hazy sense of contentment, and he turns to Marinette.
"You want to head home?" he asks. Already questions form in his head. Will it be a boy or a girl? One baby or maybe more like twins or triplets? What color were they going to paint the nursery? How long would Marinette stay out in the field? Instinctively, he wants to wrap her in blankets and not let her out of the house, but that was a one-way ticket to an ass-kicking, so he tampered it down.
Marinette shoves the last bite of her bagel into her mouth, while his bagel sits half-eaten and cold after being forgotten in the announcement's excitement. "Yeah," she says. "I'm tired."
"Oh really, whyever might that be?" he teases rising from the couch and offering her his hand. She follows, and even though her hair is a mess and she's wearing pajamas, with not a scrap of makeup or refinement in sight, she remains an absolute beauty to behold. "Perhaps after spending half the day trekking our belongings across town and up five floors, waking up your poor fiance, and begging for food at two in the morning, one might just be a little tired?"
"Don't forget the pregnancy announcement," she adds, as they place their baskets on the counter.
"I am not forgetting anytime soon." They walk out of the store, and he unlocks the car, opens Marinette's door, and closes it once she's settled in the passenger seat. He looks into the night before taking a deep breath of cold air, before climbing in himself.
"So..." Marinette smiles. "Good enough reason for a late-night snack run?"
"The best, I think." He turns on the car and relishes in the warm heat pouring from the vents. "You are going to end up being an absolute menace with your cravings?"
"Oh without a doubt," she says without a hint of sympathy. "Maman's stories from her pregnancy are horrid. She ate everything from mint chocolate cookies, to pickles straight out of the jar, to just wasabi on a cracker." Then she winces. "On the other hand, her morning sickness was awful, and had horribly swollen feet and basically didn't get out of bed for the latter half of her pregnancy. Which was longer than normal because I was two weeks late."
His chest aches in sympathy, and he looks at her belly. "You will end up driving your mother and I up a wall before the end of this, won't you little one." He glances up, Marinette's eyes shine with unshed tears and a blissful smile on her face. "But it hardly matters because then you will be here, and we will love you regardless."
Marinette leans across the dash and catches his lips with hers, and its sweetness and warmth and everything Damian scorned for most of life. It took years and so much effort to slowly work around to the idea he could have it too, and when he found it with Marinette he grabbed onto it with two hands and refused to let go.
It was the best decision he'd ever made.
She pulls back from the kiss and touches her forehead to his. "Love you, Damian." She runs a hand over her stomach. "We'll be fine, right?"
He grabs her other hand and places a kiss upon it. "We will do our best which is all we can do. Worst-case scenario we can assure ourselves whatever we do, it can not possibly be as bad as my childhood."
Marinette does a half-laugh, half-groan at his comment. "Your mother's not allowed anywhere near them," she states, with a fierce protectiveness in her voice. Marinette always expressed extreme dismay for the trauma of his childhood and blamed the fault upon his mother. Damian, no matter how much he insisted he had grown past those hurts, had never been able to convince her to anything more than curt civility with Talia.
He tried not to linger on the warmth flaring in his chest every time Marinette defends him. Even against things he was fully capable of defending himself from.
"I do not think we will have much of a say, on that end of things." He already obtained assurances the League would stay far away from his wedding, but the birth of a child might spur them into action. "But we will remain vigilant regardless." He pauses. "When shall we tell the others?"
She pulls back from him, as he puts the car into motion. "I figured I could call my parents today, or well later tonight after they're through the morning rush at the store. And then we're headed to the Manor in two days for family dinner, and most everyone's supposed to be there, so we could tell them then. And after we can announce it to our friends on our socials. We'll survive the press hounding for a few days, but then it'll be the weekend, and something new will come up to distract them."
"You sure you want to tell the press before the wedding?"
She nods her head. "Yeah, my stomach should still be mostly flat even by then, but I'll alter the dress just to make sure, but if even a single person hints or slips they'll be on us like sharks with blood."
"Fair," says Damian, turning down the street to their apartment building. "But for now it is just us."
Marinette reaches for his other hand, and leans her head, catching the edge of his shoulder and sighing. "Yeah just the three of us."
Three of us.
Damian has never liked the sound of anything more.
Thanks for reading, if you like what I do reblogs, likes, and asks feed my soul, and if you feel you can spare a couple extra dollars visit my kofi account here. Thanks for reading!
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loquaciousquark · 3 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E125 (Feb. 16, 2021)
Goooood evening good evening good evening, all! I hope you’re all staying warm and safe and dry in this chilly weather. Tonight’s guests: Travis Willingham and Laura Bailey. 
We open tonight with Travis ribbing Brian for his continuous remodel of his office space. Laura demands a second introduction of herself as she wasn’t paying attention during the first one.
Travis: “You’ve gotta love Julianne Moore. She’s the only actress who can cry and show you all her teeth at the same time.” I was listening pretty closely when he said this and I’m still not sure it had any context. 
Jester thinks there’s a strong possibility at least half the party will die against the Tombtakers. Fjord doesn’t think the odds are quite that high, but it will be dangerous. Laura points out that most of the M9 are also willing to sacrifice themselves for the rest of the party, so that changes their odds as well. Travis: “The game is not a stress reliever. It is not a stress reliever. I mean, it’s fun as shit, but it is stressful!”
Laura thinks Essek will give them a better chance. Travis: “A plus-one? A powerful plus-one, but a plus-one?” Did you see his reaction when we gave him the lowdown? Let’s be real: we kinda trust Essek. I got $50 that when we come back, he’s gone.” Laura is convinced he is trustworthy & wants to lighten his soul.
Jester spent so much time trying to bring out the Molly side of Lucien that to have him then betray them sucked. She knew that trying to bring the good out of everyone they met would eventually fail, but it stung that it was the most powerful one they encountered to first betray them.
She tries to talk about finger gestures during the answer as a reference to the HBO show “Raised by Wolves,” and Brian and Travis tell her to keep digging this hole she gets herself into about fingering. Travis: “Just get off the interstate at the next exit and turn right.” Laura, of course, immediately mimes turning a hard left, and they spent the next few minutes laughing at her inability to tell right from left and that even now she still has to hold up her hands to tell left from right.
Fjord is furious that they nicked the Bag of Holding. The loss of Vess DeRogna is bad enough, but he is genuinely IRL anxious about the loss of the Cloven Crystal. Laura points out that Fjord has also explicitly talked to Lucien about the deep sea creature patron he used to follow as well. He’s terrified one of Lucien’s scimitars is suddenly going to have a big eye sticking out of it. Laura suggests they’ll just succeed, bring back the city, and wake up Uk’otoa for the heck of it.
It was really rough to go from the Gelidon fight to the Tombtaker fight, especially since the first fight sent so well. Travis felt great that he initiated the dragon fight - he knew they had a far advantage in the numbers and felt that it was an open and shut case.
Laura does boggle that if Caleb hadn’t asked for that item from the Bag of Holding, they might have slept all night before realizing it was gone. They’re both relieved that they now know so much more about how the Tombtakers fight, especially the anti-magic cone. The most anxiety-ridden part was when they were trying to run and the TTs weren’t letting them. “You know when you don’t even have squares, when Matt’s black-tableclothing it, you’re in deep shit.” Laura had no spells left - she was so worried if she dropped the polymorph she would have had nothing left.
Travis: “Thanks for healing me, babe.” Laura: “You’re welcome, baby. It was ultimately a waste, though, because we took a rest immediately and you could just spend your hit dice.” Everyone laughs at Travis’s pain. She does say it was worth it in the moment since they didn’t know if they would be able to get away.
They joke that Laura’s just wearing the Fire Resist ring on a chain around her neck/Sprinkle is wearing it now to keep it safe since she’s not attuned to it anymore. It’s pretty hilarious!
Travis hoped that the TTs were originally actively looking for more acolytes rather than just having Caleb & Beau read the book. Otis needs to die. He’s relieved they have an idea of what all their blood rites do. Laura thought the time with them was fun, but it makes her retroactively wish that she’d dropped Zoran in the lava when they had the chance. Travis wishes they’d put a chime on the door of the tower.
Laura loved the tarot card reading, since Taliesin sent her really detailed breakdowns of the cards & gave her a real deck for Christmas. Taliesin told her she did a great job afterwards which she really appreciated, since she’s not sure what she’s doing. She does wish that she knew why Lucien seemed so nervous when she was talking about rebirth.
Cosplay of the Week! @clever_comics on twitter with a lovely Veth in her snowy lavender-colored outfit and pigtails.
Travis on confessing to Jester: “It FUCKING made me crazy!” He’s never been an instigator of campaign romances in the past, but because he loves Laura and was able to connect to her on that level he felt like it was a good challenge instead. He doesn’t think he could have done it with someone he wasn’t comfortable with. It was also important to him for it to be founded on real-game moments and after real-game time had passed, and he felt it was a very natural progression. Seeing the statues rip five years from her in such a benign situation made him realize that to let the opportunity pass wouldn’t have been worth it. He wishes he’d told Vandran what he meant to Fjord as well.
Laura loves that Fjord is becoming more confident as well. The post-Gelidon smooch took Laura completely by surprise since she’s finding Jester is a little surprisingly awkward with IRL affection, and she was surprised Fjord was the confident one there. “It’s so wonderful. It’s a matter of finding a way to get comfortable with it with her away from the Tombtakers.” Travis thought it was important to continue the “go for it” mantra. He notes that he’s pretty private about his personal life IRL, so it’s been a bit of a shift. It’s slower in a way - not a “you’re my one true love” kind of thing, more of a “let’s see where this goes and act on what you can” thing.
They were all “poopin’ in their pants” to get to go to Emon. The worst part was not getting to explore outside the tower since they had to leave again immediately. Kima is so cool, and Travis was actively trying to get Kima to come with them. Everyone boggles that they got to borrow Allura’s staff.
Laura only was thinking about the item-tuned-to-the-target-plane because she’d been texting with Liam trying to iron out their spell choices. She’s so relieved that they were able to get something tuned to the Sea from Allura.
For the most part, Laura knows what spells are the most useful for Jester, but every now and then she does get caught by major component requirements that she hadn’t noted. She wants to get another chalice for Hero’s Feast before they go into the Sea.
Dani points out that a lot of their allies right now are mages (no Kashaws, no Kimas, no Grogs) and they’re heading to a bad place for mages.
Travis has a sudden brain wave about all the TTs being from the Claret Order and wonders if they should investigate that before they pursue. I don’t even remember what that order is and I feel terrible!
Fanart of the Week! It’s a beautiful card by @crovyne on twitter of the Cree counterspell.
Laura really wants Brian to shave the sides of his hair and do Viking braids in the rest. I didn’t want to say anything out loud, but Brian’s hair is really looking pretty...pandemicky.
This is Dani’s four-year-anniversary of her start for Critical Role! Awww, Dani! You’re so short in real life.
Fjord is stoked that the Star Razor is a Vestige, and more now that he knows in-character what that means. It was great to see Allura react the way she did.
Jester doesn’t think they can really go to Nicodranas - they don’t have anymore time. Even more, Jester’s avoiding going home because she doesn’t want the Ruby to see that she got aged up/hurt on her travels.
Travis honestly assumes that the TTs are spying on them 100% of the time now.
Does Jester feel better now that the crest is away from Lucien? Yes, even though it’s gone off course. She thought dropping the crest where they were was a HORRIBLE idea and was appalled so many people were suggesting it. She saw the city with her own eyes, knows the danger of what’s coming, and if they had dropped it in flight she would have dropped with it and defended it as long as she could if that’s what would have kept them from getting it.
Travis thinks that if they can negotiate with Lucien, they should try. Everyone is super worried about Caleb’s and Beau’s new eyes and are fully anticipating they’re on a clock at this point. They wonder if it’ll drive up their exhaustion, allow Lucien to force them to fight against them, maybe make them willing slaves to the mysterious voice...they need to solve it sooner rather than later. 
And that’s all for tonight! New episode this Thursday - usual time, usual place. Stay warm, friends, and is it Thursday yet?
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damianwaynerocks · 4 years
Ghosts in Gotham
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Danny Phantom / DC Comics fanfic
Dedicated to: @dannyphantom-justiceleauge
Summary: The Batfamily has been through their fair share of the supernatural. That’s why they originally weren’t worried whenever ghosts started showing up in Gotham City. Until one day, something happens; Batman is captured and taken into the Ghost Zone. With no way to go in there themselves, the no way to fight the ghosts inside, the bats decide to call the person who can; Danny Phantom. Together, Danny takes Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown and Damian Wayne into the Ghost Zone before the Batman is lost forever.
Words: 2032
ch 2 Masterlist
Chapter 1:
Every city had its hero.
Gotham City? Batman. Metropolis? Superman. Central City? The Flash.
Amity Park? Danny Phantom.
Amity Park had mixed feelings about Phantom. Some said he was a helper, a true hero, keeping the town safe. Others said he was a criminal, doing nothing but wreaking havoc on the town. Either way, Phantom was known for one specific thing; fighting ghosts.
Which is what he was doing at the moment.
"I am!! The Box Ghost!!" a short, stocky ghost shouted. His eyes glowed blue and an aura of the same color surrounded the boxes crowding the back of a movie theater. "Beware!" he raised his arms and hurled three boxes at a figure who easily dodged.
"Come on, Box Ghost," a teenage boy with white hair and green eyes floating above the ground groaned. "I don't have time for this! I have to order the new Cheese Viking game before it sells out!"
"Beware!" The Box Ghost shouted again, throwing more boxes at the boy.
Danny Phantom rolled his eyes as his body became intangible, the boxes easily passing through it. He raised his arm, and a blast of bright green energy shot from his palm, hitting the Box Ghost square in the chest. The Box Ghost, with a grunt, was blown back into the brick wall of the movie theater.
Not wasting any time, Danny grabbed the thermos that he had strapped to his back and pointed it at the other ghost. In a flash of light, the Box Ghost was sucked into the thermos.
"Finally," Danny muttered as he took off into the sky.
Danny Phantom, his real name being Danny Fenton, was a sixteen-year-old halfa, or a ghost-human hybrid. He could switch between ghost and human form at will. He'd gotten his powers from an accident with the Ghost Portal, a portal in his home that was a bridge between the human world and the Ghost Zone, where every ghost resides.
Ghosts repeatedly escaped the Ghost Zone through this portal for one of three reasons; to wreak havoc on the human world, to kill Danny or both. Usually, it was the latter.
Danny returned to his house, passing through the walls of the building with intangibility and landing in the lab. He switched back to his human form in a flash of light, changing his hair color from white to black and his eyes from green to blue.
His family was made up of ghost hunters- aside from his sister -so they had an entire lab dedicated to ghost technology.
"Back you go, Boxy," Danny said as he released the Box Ghost into the portal. "Finally," he sighed, "Time to get Cheese Viking."
"No!" he shouted five minutes later at his computer. The new Cheese Viking, Danny's favorite game, had sold out.
"Danny!" a large man in an orange jumpsuit burst into the boy's room. "Are you okay!? Are you hurt!?"
"No, Dad, I'm fine," Danny replied to his father, Jack Fenton. "Except for that stupid Box Ghost making me too late to get Cheese Viking!"
He hadn't told his parents about his life as Phantom until he was fifteen. Well, it wasn't Danny who told them. His sister found him in his room passed out with a gaping hole in his side, and she had to tell their parents so they could help him.
Jack paused. "But.. you got him?" he asked cheerily. Danny smiled.
"Yeah. I got him." Jack slapped him on the back.
"Thatta boy!" he said with a grin. "Come on, Jazz got a letter from Wayne Enterprises and your mom wants the whole family to watch her open it!"
Jazz, Danny's sister, had just graduated high school and had applied for an internship at Wayne Enterprises, one of the largest businesses in the world. An internship there would kick-start her career in marketing. That was the reason she claimed, but Danny was sure that part of the reason was that Bruce Wayne, the billionaire who owned Wayne Enterprises, was cute.
"Finally!" Jazz, a girl with long red hair and a blue headband huffed. "I haven't been able to look for three hours! What were you out doing?"
"Uh, my job?" Danny smirked as he hopped over the back of the couch to sit on it. Jazz rolled her eyes.
"Open it, dear!" Their mom, Maddie Fenton, urged. Jazz grinned widely, opening the letter. Her smile grew, and she jumped up and down.
"I got it!" she squealed. "I got it!! I got the internship!!"
"That's great, Jazz!" the other three Fentons exclaimed at once. Jazz seemed to get even more excited as she continued reading the letter.
"And," she continued excitedly, "All the interns are expected to attend the next Wayne Gala with their families! All expenses paid!"
"Yes!" Jack cried. "We're going to New Jersey, baby!" As the entire family celebrated, Danny couldn't help but be suspicious. Jazz had applied late and while she was smart, she wouldn't have been anything special next to the other applicants.
Something was up. _
"So what, you think she only got accepted because of you?" A girl with short black hair raised an eyebrow as they walked through the halls of their high school. "Why, exactly?"
"Because, Sam," Danny responded to his girlfriend. "It's weird. I was looking at the Infi-map, and there's a portal to the Ghost Zone in Gotham that wasn't there a month ago. And get this? It's five miles away from Wayne Manor.”
"You think Bruce Wayne wants you out of the way for some plan?
"It wouldn't be the first time somebody did."
"But how would he even know who you are?" Sam Manson asked, "I mean, there's no way he knows that you're Phantom."
"Um, because he's Batman?" An African American boy walking beside them scoffed as though it was obvious. "Batman knows everything."
Danny and Sam laughed. "Tucker, seriously?" Danny shook his head in disbelief. "That conspiracy? Batman and Bruce Wayne have been seen at the same time in the same place multiple times.”
"Okay, well, you can clone yourself! Who's to say Batman can't? Or maybe it's a hologram! Or maybe it's one of his thousand children in the suit!" Tucker Foley counted on his fingers as he rattled off the various theories. His eyes widened, and he grabbed Danny's shoulders. "Dude, you have to get proof."
"There's no way I'd be able to get close enough to Bruce Wayne to prove anything."
"Then trick him!" Tucker said, his eyes bright. "Most of Bruce's adopted kids are boys with black hair and blue eyes! Just say you're an orphan and I bet he'll be like 'Of course you can stay, I am always down for more children."
"Okay, first of all," Danny began, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder and prying his friends arms off of him. “His son Damian? That kid scares me, he gives off Dash vibes. Did you see how he made that interviewer cry?"
A few months prior, a video had surfaced that showed Damian Wayne insulting a girl who was trying to give him an interview. The two-minute video ended with the girl crying.
"And second of all-" Danny was cut off as he was shoved to the ground. He looked up to see Dash Baxter, a muscular boy with blonde hair.
"Watch where you're going, Fen-freak," Dash sneered, "Before I shove your puny face into a locker!"
Danny gritted his teeth as he sat up. Dash had been picking on him from the beginning of high school. Two years later, he hadn't stopped.
On any other occasion, Danny would have said something in response, but Dash had already continued down the hall.
"Why can't you just zap him or something?" Tucker grumbled. "He's the worst!"
"Yeah, I know," Danny stood up, wiping dust off of his shirt. "But I can't. It isn't right."
"Your moral code is dumb," his friend snapped back.
"If you're going to Gotham," said Sam with a pointed look at Tucker. "Who's gonna be here to help with the ghosts?"
"I've got it covered," Danny replied swiftly, looking up. "Dani's coming down.  It'll be fine. I have to keep Jazz safe, and figure out what Brucie Wayne is up to."
"I am sure Father would have a better plan than to invite some under-qualified intern to the Manor."
A seventeen-year-old boy with spiky black hair rolled his eyes. "Damian, she isn't under-qualified. She meets all of the qualifications for the internship."
The first boy, an Arab thirteen-year-old with the same spiky hair and bright green eyes, scoffed. "There is no way a person from some backwater town would have received the internship if we hadn't needed her brother."
Tim Drake and Damian Wayne, the youngest children of Bruce Wayne. Damian currently held the Robin mantle, while Tim used Red Robin. The brothers were in a large cave decked out with a plethora of high-tech equipment.
"Okay, but you think every place outside of Gotham is a backwater town." Tim pointed out as he swiveled his chair to face a massive computer.
"Amity Park is a backwater town. The citizens there are animals," Damian retorted, crossing his arms. "You just cannot see that because you are also a backwater type."
Tim laughed as he realized what the younger boy was basing his opinion on. "Damian, please tell me you haven't generalized an entire city just because of one tourist from Amity Park ran into you and spilled soda on your shirt."
"It was my favorite shirt! And that cretin did not even apologize!" Damian spat. "The nerve!"
"Okay, well, put aside your dumb grudge and think about the objective," Tim responded. "I think, if you look within that thing you call a soul, you can see that letting one intern that you think is under-qualified is worth getting Bruce back."
"Tt. I suppose," Damian admitted begrudgingly. "If this Danny Phantom character truly has the potential to save Father."
"He's the only one who can." Tim reminded him. "We can't get into the Ghost Zone without a ghost, and I don't think any of the ones we've seen so far would be willing to help," He paused. "Plus, don't the Fentons make ghost hunting gear? Who knows, maybe they have a ghost sword."
After a sudden wave of ghost attacks in Gotham, Bruce had poured in countless hours of research to find out as much as he could about ghosts. He had discovered that they came from another dimension and that there was one person who was an expert at fighting them; Danny Phantom of Amity Park. It didn't take very long for him to uncover Phantom's true identity.
"Tim! Dames!" a voice shouted. "My boys!" Tim and Damian looked towards the stairs and saw a taller man with black hair and blue eyes jump the railing of said stairs, landing in the Bat Cave.This was their oldest brother, Dick Grayson, also known as Nightwing. He grinned brightly. "How's it going?"
"Making sure that we have every possible outcome of this mission prepared for." Tim replied as he continued typing on the Bat Computer. Damian nodded.
“Yes, and so I have decided that I shall accompany them on this journey."
"Damian, no." his older brothers said at the same time. Damian scowled.
"Why not? I am plenty capable of-
"Because people would get suspicious if Batman suddenly didn't have a Robin," Dick answered, strolling towards the younger boy. "That's why Jason, Tim, and Stephanie are going. They won't be missed," He gave Tim a nervous look. "No offense."
"None taken," Tim replied, waving his hand. "Sorry Damian, you'd just get in the way."
"But I have died before!" Damian huffed, his hands clenching into fists. "That combined with my skills- which are far greater than yours, Drake, I might add -makes me much more qualified than you."
"Little D, dude, I just told you," Dick ruffled his younger brother's hair. "It'll be suspicious if you're gone. And besides, I need you. We're a great team."
"But my father is in there-"
"Master Damian-" their butler, Alfred Pennyworth, interrupted the trio's squabbling. "You won't be going anywhere until your homework is done."
"Homework? Finding my father is much more important than an essay on why the Roman empire fe-"
"Master Damian." Alfred repeated in a low tone. "Now."
Damian scowled as he trudged up the stairs. It didn't matter how tough the person was. When Alfred told you to do something, you do it. "I will be going with you, Drake!" he called behind his shoulder. "I promise you that!"
Dick and Tim exchanged a glance and rolled their eyes.
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ddlovato0820pl · 4 years
Sławne osoby wypowiadające się o Demi
Jednym z Waszych pomysłów na notkę było to, żebym napisała parę cytatów popularnych osób, które wypowiadały się o naszej Demi. Tak więc będzie napisana osoba, cytat i wspólne zdjęcie razem z Demi o ile takie posiadają :) Mówiło o niej mnóstwo osób, ale wiadomo, że nie wszystkich pamiętam i nie dałoby rady o każdym napisać, ale chociaż kilka osób wymienię :) Zaczynamy!
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Hillary Clinton:
- “Chcę podziękować jej za jej odwagę za to jak bardzo pewna siebie jest.” - “Jestem naprawdę zdenerwowana. Znam ich obydwoje. Ja naprawdę życzę im obydwojgu wszystkiego co dobre, są wspaniali.” (o rozstaniu Dilmera)
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Lil Wayne: 
O występie u Ellen: “Bądź dumna.”
O występie w Carpool Karaoke: “Demi Lovato zawsze wymiata.”
O coverze “Hello” Adele: “Demi Lovato może śpiewać wszystko.”
Rihanna na Twitterze:
“Demi Lovato jest super!!!
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“Ten album @ddlovato jest WOKALNYM OGNIEM! Śpiewaj mama!”
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“Jestem podekscytowana spotkaniem Demi Lovato. Tak, rozmawiałam z nią i była bardzo miła. Jestem bardzo podekscytowana, że ją spotkałam. Byłam zestresowana. Ona mówiła coś w stylu: ‘Chcę Cię wkrótce zobaczyć’, a ja byłam jak: ‘OMG!’.”
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“kontaktowałam się wczoraj wieczorem z @ddlovato i wysłałam jej kilka “taaak” i gratulacji z powodu jej głosu w #confident! zroooobiłaś to!”
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Katty Perry na Twitterze:
“Nowa piosenka Demi Skyscraper jest czystą perfekcją. Jej głos jest jednym z najlepszych nieodkrytych piękności. Nie mogę się doczekać całego nagrania.”
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Nick Jonas: - “Demi nie tylko ma talent, ale jest także najzabawniejszą osobą jaką znam. Jestem z niej dumny” - “To był rok pracy nad sobą i bycia lepszym, ale ona jest niesamowita - i jest lepszą piosenkarką również, ponieważ jest zdrowa, ale byłem naprawdę zaniepokojony tym, że mogę stracić przyjaciółkę i … co było tak ciężkie, że gdy miała naprawdę wielkie załamanie byliśmy w trasie lata temu. Rozmawiałem z nią i to było po prostu jak 'Spójrz, widzę, że coś się dzieje’. Ale trzeba pozwolić komuś dokonać wyboru samemu. To podróż, wiesz? I nadal nią jest”. - “Ona jest dobrą przyjaciółką i oczywiście najbardziej utalentowaną osobą jaką kiedykolwiek spotkałem."
-"Przeżyliśmy wiele wiele razem. Przez wiele lat nawzajem się wspieraliśmy. Między nami jest wiele uczuć, dla tych, którzy patrzą na to z zewnątrz może być ciężko w pełni zrozumieć nasz związek. Ja to rozumiem, ale nie chcę by to wpłynęło na moją miłość do niej. Sposób w jaki to działa dla mnie i dla niej jest całkowicie przezroczysty"
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“To było więcej niż mogłyśmy sobie wyobrazić.”
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Miley Cyrus:
- “Nie mogę żyć bez Demi Lovato i nasze ewentualne rozstanie jest po prostu niemożliwe.”
-  ‘Jestem jej wielką fanką. Kocham ją. Znamy się od długiego czasu. Myślę że one obie (Demi i Shania) wykonały wspaniałe albumy i to bardzo ważne, że kobiety wspierają się wzajemnie. To był zaszczyt wypuścić album tego samego dnia co one. ( Demi i Shania Twain)“
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“@ddlovato absolutnie wymiatałaś wczoraj. twój najlepszy występ jaki widziałam/słyszałam.”
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Zendaya Coleman:
Czy masz jakąś starszą gwiazdę Disney'a, która wyciągnęła do ciebie pomocną dłoń? Zendaya: “Demi jest zawsze dla mnie bardzo miła zawsze wyciąga do mnie pomocną dłoń. Utrzymuje ze mną kontakt, sprawdza co u mnie. Po prostu bycie uroczą i dobrą osobą jest zawsze niesamowite”
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Simon Cowell:- “Ona i ja mieliśmy nasze wzloty i upadki, lecz traktuję ją jako prawdziwą przyjaciółkę. Drzwi zawsze będą otwarte. Dziękuje Demi.” - “Nawet jeżeli potrafi być naprawdę wkurzająca, uwielbiam z nią pracować, jak wszyscy.”Selena Gomez:
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Selena Gomez:
- “Naprawdę podziwiam Demi, bo w wieku 13 lat pisała piosenki o rzeczach, których nie mogę nawet pojąć.” - “To jasne, że czasami możemy od siebie odejść, ale zawszę biorę pod uwagę to, że jest dla mnie jak siostra.” - “Myślę, że ludzie zapominają kim ona dla mnie jest. Znam ją od 7. roku życia. - "Demi jest moim ,,lekarzem pierwszego kontaktu” dla serca i duszy" - “To było piękne. Najbardziej niesamowite jest to,że nie ma żadnego retuszu, ani niczego. Ona reprezentuje to w tak piękny sposób.. bycie szczerą i nieprzetworzoną. Szczerze mówiąc ona jest niesamowita.” O rozbieranej sesji dla VF
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Lionel Richie: ” Demi jest jedyna osobą, która faktycznie stawia działanie za słowami"  Warto wspomnieć, że ten Pan był zachwycony Demi, gdy zaśpiewała jego piosenkę Hello na Grammy. Artysta prawie płakał.
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Iggy Azalea:
-“Myślę, że Demi jest kimś kto przeszedł długą drogę w swojej osobistej podróży obrazu ciała i muzyczne. To było naprawdę niesamowite patrzeć na kogoś kto znajduje uznanie we własnej skórze. Jestem bardzo dumna z tego gdzie ona zaszła z tym albumem i jestem podekscytowana, by inni ludzie mogli zobaczyć co się w niej zmieniło” O zaręczynach Demi i Wilmera: “ Musi się zaręczyć. Wilmer lepiej kup jej pierścionek Widzieliście Demi? Ona jest bombą! Nie wiem na co on czeka… Słuchaj lepiej kup pierścionek Demi. Chcę być zaangażowana w to razem. ”
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Jimmy Fallon:
- "Moja najlepsza przyjaciółka tutaj jest i ona naprawdę umie śpiewać” - “Myślę wszystko się zmieni na następnym Grammy… Tak myślę, że weźmiesz ich trochę ze sobą do domu” - “Naprawdę byłaś fantastyczna, niepowtarzalna na Grammy tamtej nocy”
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Wilmer Valderrama:
- “Jest najpiękniejszą kobietą jaką kiedykolwiek spotkałem”
- “Wiesz, byliśmy najlepszymi przyjaciółmi przez około sześć lat. Niekoniecznie umawialiśmy się przez 6 lat, ale mamy 6 lat przyjaźni i to było … to było piękne. Ja po prostu pokochałem ją dokładnie wtedy, kiedy potrzebowała, żebym ją pokochał.. i wiesz, po prostu pozostajemy uczciwi. To jest to” - “właśnie opuściłem samolot z Toronto i mam wam milion rzeczy do powiedzenia, ale jedną z tych rzeczy, które mogę powiedzieć szczerze jest to, to było dawno temu kiedy widziałem jak ona była wzorem do naśladowania minęło sporo czasu, aby zobaczyć kogoś kto ma odwagę by być tym kim chce być i czy można brać niczego od dzisiaj, odejść od zrozumienia, że od dzisiaj życie będzie lepsze. Niech Bóg błogosławi was.’
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Madison De La Garza:
- “Pomaga mi to kiedy Demi staje zawsze w mojej obronie w internecie. Na przykład rok temu dostałam tonę negatywnych opinii po tym jak opublikowałam na Vine i na TT filmik, na którym gotujemy z Demi. Ludzie wyśmiali mnie mówiąc, że mam garb. Demi była zdenerwowana i pisała wiadomości prywatne, w których krzyczała na nich, a potem powiedziała swoim obserwującym, aby i oni stanęli w mojej obronie. Czasami chciałabym, żeby nie zwracała ludziom na to uwagi. Ja nauczyłam się aby tego nie robić, ale kiedy ludzie mnie hejtują to Demi nie potrafi się powstrzymywać.” - “Mówimy o wszystkim i o wszystkich. Wiem, że z nich wszystkich mogę zaufać Demi” - “Sądzę, że kiedy ludzie mówią, że chcieliby Demi Lovato jako swoją siostrę nie zdają sobie sprawy z tego, że to naprawdę ciężkie być spokrewnionym z kimś kto bezustannie jest w trasie. Ale jest naprawdę dobra w organizowaniu czasu, tak aby spędzić go ze mną.Kiedy tylko widzi coś zabawnego robi wtedy screenhopa i wysyła go na naszą specjalną grupę esemesową (to jest do mnie, mamy i naszej starszej siostry Dallas). Na mój telefon ciągle przychodzą powiadomienia. Kiedy tylko Demi jest w domu nasze relacje wyglądają zupełnie jak normalnych sióstr. Jemy jogurt, oglądamy kanał ID, bo mamy na tym punkcie obsesję i rozmawiamy o wszystkim. Wiem, że mogę jej zaufać.”
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Kelly Rowland zapytana na twitterze o to co reprezentuje Demi odpowiedziała: "Siła i piękno. Kocham ją”
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Joe Jonas:
- “Cały czas staram się sprawiać, żeby się śmiała to taki fajny dźwięk.” - “Można by pomyśleć, że są rodzeństwem (Demi i Nick), czasem więcej niż Nick i ja. odbierają od siebie nawzajem, grają w gry … Demi jest świetnym słuchaczem, zawsze utrzymuje Nicka uśmiechającego się - nawet kiedy sytuacja jest poważna. Tak, znaleźli wielkie wsparcie w sobie i oprzeć się na siebie twórczo. Głos Demi jest silniejszy niż kiedykolwiek.” - “Ona jest najlepszą wersją siebie samej jaką znam. Teraz ona jest zdrowa to jest coś o czym większość świata dzisiaj wie.” - “Kiedy Demi słyszy jak ja i Nick rozmawiamy ona będzie jak"Co mówisz?” Ona lubi plotki. Lubi słuchać o mojej dziewczynie.“
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Justin Bieber: O wypowiedzi na temat kubków: “Och słyszałem to. Zapytałeś jakie jest jej ulubione danie, a ona odpowiedziała, że kubki. To była najśmieszniejsza rzecz jaką słyszałem. O kurczę to było zabawne. To nawet nie jest danie. Kubek nie jest daniem. Ale hej bądźmy mili pewnie miała długi dzień.”
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Britney Spears:
“Mimo, że jest naprawdę młoda, ma doświadczenie o sobie. Jest fajniejsza ode mnie.”
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CHEAT CODES:  "Demi była pierwszą piosenkarką, z którą pracowaliśmy i to było świetne. To była jedna z tych rzeczy gdzie przedtem, jak wtedy kiedy zaczynaliśmy - pisaliśmy, produkowaliśmy, śpiewaliśmy, miksowaliśmy wszystko sami w naszych pokojach. Więc to była jedna z tych rzeczy, gdzie z upływem czasu … Fakt, że byliśmy w sanie pracować z artystami jak, wiesz … Tak utalentowanymi jak Demi. Ona jest słodka, bardzo utalentowana, zabawna. Myślę, ze to coś czego większość osób nie wie, ale jest zabawną dziewczyną, więc spędziliśmy świetnie czas.”
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James Maslow:
“Myślę, że Demi jest niesamowicie utalentowana. To znaczy po prostu  chodzi o zdolność i jakość wokalną. (…) widziałem ją na żywo kilkakrotnie na żywo i jest niewiarygodne, że ona jest prawdziwa. (..) Jest tylko jedną z najlepszych wokalistek naszych czasów i mam na myśli, że byłbym zaszczycony jest super utalentowana. Czego chcieć więcej” (zdjęcie to manip :”))
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John Mayer:
“La La Land @ddlovato tkwi w mojej głowie. Właściwie to nie tkwi.. Wybieram śpiewać. Selekcja B jest wyrafinowana” - Napisał na twitterze.
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Bella Thorne:
“Moją girl crush jest Demi Lovato. To oczywiste, kocham Demi. Jesteśmy naprawdę blisko. Demi jest tak piękną osobą wewnątrz i zewnątrz. Kocham wszystko po stronie czego ona stoi.”
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Camila Cabello:  “Ona jest wspaniała, kocham ją. (to, że kocha Never be the same) sprawiło, że poprawiła mój dzień. Tak bardzo mnie wspiera. Jest tak słodka, była jedną z tych dziewczyn, które śledziłam gdy byłam młodsza. Byłam wielką fanką Demi i kochałam jej wszystkie piosenki. Miałam obsesję na punkcie Unbroken (płyty), miałam również obsesję na punkcie wcześniejszej Demi jak 'Trainwreck’, 'La La Land’, 'On The Line’. Dosłownie mogłabym wymienić wszystkie utwory na tym albumie. Demi faktycznie ma wpływ na to jak śpiewam. Sposób w jaki ona śpiewa w Don’t forget to sposób w jaki ja teraz śpiewam.”
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“Jest naprawdę bardzo miła, jest cudowna. Prawdziwie dba o ludzi i w trasie zawsze upewnia się czy jest dobrze.” - Ally.
“Ona zawsze bardzo nas wspierała - od samego początku.” - Camila.
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Luis Fonsi:  “Ona jest niesamowita, jest świetna i piękna. Jest niesamowitą wokalistką i artystką. Jest perfekcjonistką poszła do studia i nagrała wokal po angielsku i po hiszpańsku w czasie krótszym niż godzina. I ona powiedziała, ’ mogę zrobić to lepiej mogę poprawić wymowę. Zwłaszcza w języku hiszpańskim chciała mieć perfekcyjną wymowę. W pierwszej części utworu miała hiszpańskie słowo, z którym miała trud i powiedziała, że nie opuści studia dopóki nie będzie to doskonałe. Nadal uczy się hiszpańskiego. Jest bardzo podekscytowana aby śpiewać muzykę na żywo. będziemy mieli kilka spotkań bardzo szybko.”
"Pracowałem z Demi Lovato. Pracowałem z niesamowitymi światowymi artystami, którzy teraz naprawdę chcą być częścią  łacińskiego ruchu. (...) ale nie będę kłamać praca z Demi była niesamowita. Ona jest tak wspaniała, występowaliśmy z piosenką (Echame la culpa) w wielu miejscach "
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Lady Gaga na Twitterze:
Lady Gaga:  pozdrowienia dla Lovatic *zabierz mnie do swojej liderki. Jej głos jest prze-pię-kny* (głos kosmity)
Demi: ahh!! Dziękuję!!!
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Ryan Tedder:
“Jest trochę gwiazdą pop, racja? Jest szalenie utalentowana. Weszła i pozamiatała. Ma jeden z największych zakresów (wokalnych) w muzyce pop, prawdopodobnie najwyższy z wszystkich wokalistów, z którymi pracowałem.Może śpiewać pełnym głosem, np. trzy oktawy powyżej środkowego C. To po prostu szalone, wiesz? Praktycznie poza pianinem i robi to z kompletną mocą i kontrolą.”
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Mama Demi - Dianna De La Garza:
- “ Pewnego dnia Dallas wbiegła do jadalni z niepokojem 'Demi odwiedzała trochę dziwnych stron o anoreksji i bulimii’ Westchnęłam. 'Prawdopodobnie trafiła na nie przez pomyłkę’ Jestem przerażona patrząc wstecz. Czasami tak bardzo chcemy wierzyć w najlepsze dla naszych dzieci, że ignorujemy to co oczywiste. Lata później znalazłam pamiętnik Demi. Jedno zdanie w szczególności zmiażdżyło moje serce 'Nikt nie kocha grubej gwiazdy rocka. Chyba będę głodowała żeby ludzie mnie polubili."Dianna powiedziała, że Demi nie przestrzegała godziny policyjnej i bała się, że dostaje narkotyki i alkohol - "Każdej nocy ustawiałam alarm na godzinę 2 w nocy. Jeśli nie było jej w domu to dzwoniłam do niej dopóki nie przekroczyła drzwi wejściowych. Co powiesz swojemu dziecku, które płaci wszystkie rachunki?”
Wspomniała o momencie pobicia tancerki przez Demi: - “To był decydujący moment, w którym wszyscy powiedzieliśmy, jako rodzina:” Ona potrzebuje pomocy. Ona potrzebuje poważnej pomocy. I nie ma znaczenia, co stanie się z jej karierą - musimy skupić się na uzyskaniu potrzebnej jej pomocy"
Dianna i Eddie błagali ją o przyjęcie pomocy: - “ 'Może byłoby lepiej gdyby mnie tu nie było’ westchnęła. Ten moment był dla nas niepokojący. W tym momencie nie widziałam 18 letniej młodej kobiety trzymającej się swojej kariery. Widziałam wyczerpane i przestraszone dziecko."
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Patti Labelle:
“Demi Lovato jest moją nową crush girl. Widziałam ją na Saturday Night Live i śpiewała jej balladę jak wielka kobieta! A potem widziałam ją w Good Morning America, ujęła mnie.”
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“To inspirujące widzieć ją jak używa platformy do pomagania innym.”
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Tak jak Lil Wayne, również skomentował występ Demi u Ellen: “Dziękuję, Demi za podzielenie się inspirującym przesłaniem.”
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“ ‘Stone Cold’ Demi Lovato jest zdecydowanie umysłowa. Na prawdę jestem zrelaksowany słuchając jej. Jeśli jej nie słuchaliście. Bardzo polecam.”
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“Kocham Demi i myślałam nad duetem. Jestem podekscytowana jej powrotem, ponieważ sądzę, że za mało ludzi wie jak wspaniałą piosenkarką ona jest.”
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Neymar: Neymar został zapytany w wywiadzie o Demi. Padło pytanie czy był/jest z Demi na co miał odpowiedzieć lub zjeść robaka. Ney powiedział, że zje robaka oraz 'zostawię to pytanie w powietrzu. Nikt nie może powiedzieć tak lub nie.’
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Lucy Hale: "Właśnie skończyłam (oglądać) @ddlovato dokument Simply Complicated i wow. Mam tak wiele szacunku do ludzi, którzy łamię bariery i pozwalają ludziom wkroczyć w najciemniejsze miejsca tego kim są. Te ciemne miejsca mogą pomóc innym wiedzieć, że nie są sami. Brawo damo. Jesteś takim aktem prawdy"
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Christina Aguilera: "Przeszliśmy przez kilka damskich imion. Potrzebowałam odpowiedniej piosenkarki i ona przeniosła to na wyższy poziom. Prawie płakałam, kiedy pierwszy raz usłyszałam ją na płycie."
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Scooter Braun:  " Demi skontaktowała się ze mną i miałem zamiar powiedzieć 'nie'. Mam trójkę małych dzieci, mam duży biznes, jestem zapracowany. Ale spotkałem Demi i wiedziałem, że nie ma szans bym odmówić, gdy się z nią spotkałem nie czułem nic innego jak szacunek za to wszystko z czym się zmaga. Po spotkaniu byłem pod wrażeniem dobroci jej serca, uprzejmości. Wiem, że ma problemy z którymi będzie się zmagać do końca życia, ja w przeszłości miałem do czynienia z ludźmi w jej sytuacji, więc pomyślałem, że mogę jej pomóc nie tylko w karierze, ale także jako osobie. Poczułem odpowiedzialność, by rozwinąć się w tej roli, ponieważ przyszła do mojego domu i poprosiła mnie o pomoc, więc gdybym odmówił nie byłbym osobą za którą się podaję. Dobrą wiadomością jest to, że powiedziałem 'tak'. Kocham ją. Jest absolutnie fantastyczna, tak utalentowana, jest ciepłą osobą. Wie z czym się zmaga i nie ma zamiaru nigdy więcej o tym kłamać i myślę, że pomoże wielu ludziom. Czuję się błogosławiony, że to mnie wybrała. Mam nadzieję pomóc jej zrozumieć, że może być sobą, że przejdziemy przez podróż wypełnioną szczęściem. W jej przeszłości byli ludzie, którzy jej nie pomogli, byli tacy którzy zrobili wszystko co byli w stanie. Teraz tu jesteśmy, zrobimy wszystko co najlepsze możemy. Jestem po prostu bardzo szczęśliwy, że pomogę jej pomagać.”
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Meghan Trainor: 
"Gdy wygrałam nagrodę Grammy za  Najlepszą Nową Artystkę pierwszą osobą, którą przytuliłam była Demi Lovato, ponieważ jest najmilszą, najbardziej wspierającą artystką jaką spotkałam. Byłaby z Ciebie dumna"
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Dawid Kwiatkowski o występie uczestniczki #TheVoiceKids z utworem 'Stone Cold' "Ja uważam, że to jest najtrudniejsza piosenka z repertuaru Demi Lovato i to jak ona to śpiewa jest oczywiście niesamowite"
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Sam Smith: 
“Dorastałem słuchając, śpiewając jej piosenek i próbując śpiewać jak Demi Lovato. Trenuję do dziś od dłuższego czasu. Bardzo ją kocham”
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3 notes · View notes
nightangelreviews · 5 years
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Bring Me The Horizon “Amo” Label: Sony/RCA Genre: Pop Rock, Alternative Metal, Electronic, Experimental Release Date: January 25, 2019
*Disclaimer* This is my 2nd time going through the album, so my words might represent what I feel for something that could be partial to the latter of the album.
Vocals: 9.5 Instrumentation: 7 Creativity: 9 Originality: 8 Production: 10 Flow: 6 Composition: 7.5 Lasting Value: 8
Tracklist: 1. I Apologize If You Feel Something Honestly, this kind of does set the tone for the album. It’s going to have major electronics, practically in every track, and unexpected music genre’s at every turn. The album is really experimental, and it’s telling you right off the bat. 6/10
2. Mantra As an ACTUAL kickoff to the album, this is done really well. It’s a blend of TTS with greater pop rock influences, which sometimes can go south. This though, is a high energy, fun track that should please anybody not looking for something Suicide Season or before. 9/10
3. Nihilist Blues (feat. Grimes) And here we start with the experimentation. If this wasn’t on a BMTH album, you would never ever guess it was them, as most of the song is heavy synth with very Oli’s vocals being produced beyond outside his normal sound range. If this was released outside the album, or say under a secret band moniker, I would probably appreciate this more, but this track addition on, especially being so early on in the album, really breaks up the flow from what we really should be expecting from this album. 8/10
4. In the Dark This track is pretty forgettable. It takes the weirdness and experimentation showing off this album, and mixes it with a generic formula. There’s nothing that stands out about this track, especially compared to the other highs throughout the rest of the album. If you want something chill and beach-y, then this is for you, but not for me. 4/10
5. Wonderful Life (feat. Dani Filth) I hate calling this the “heaviest” track on the album, because it’s really not that heavy, especially compared to any BMTH album before TTS. It has some alternative metal sense to it, but they probably could’ve done more to this to warrant a “heavy” track. Besides that, the song’s not bad, it has it’s high points like the last bridge of the track, but it feels off at times, like it’s provoking the listener to expect more than what’s been presented. 7/10
6. Ouch Pure garbage filler. It works with the electronics of the album, but come on, we don’t need interludes in the album unless they’re necessary. 2/10
7. Medicine The first serious poppy-rock track, and it works really well. I want to sing along with this track every time it comes on. An album with tracks exactly like this would have been probably the best way to go if they seriously wanted to break into mainstream. 10/10
8. Sugar Honey Ice & Tea SHIT, this sounds like a Fall Out Boy track. If only FOB was more like their copycat song, then they’d be better. You gotta praise them when a band does another band’s sound better. 9/10
9. Why You Gotta Kick Me When I’m Down? When that very first 60 seconds kicks in you honestly don’t really know where this track will go, but when that chorus hits you realize you’re 100% in and ready for the rest. This has heavy R&B and Rap influences, and it totally works too. It’s experimentation is on levels with Nihilist Blues, but this feels like it belongs after hearing the last 8 tracks. Only part that is questionable is the little snippet at the very end of the track. 9/10
10. Fresh Bruises A ridiculously long interlude. Why does this exist? It’s all repetitive electronics and computerized vocals, showcasing no prowess towards the sound of the album. Be gone with you! 0/10
11. Mother Tongue Soft, poppy song. But it’s not tiring as you hear many vocal ranges from Oli here. It fits pretty well with a mixture of Tracks 7 and 8, but on a slightly lighter note. It’s also the song with Amo in the lyrics. 9/10
12. Heavy Metal (feat. Rahzel) This song was pretty alright, until the end. I want to tell you what the ending is, I really do, I also want you to listen to this track yourself to find out that the ending is the perfect amount to say that it’s not enough. I came out of that song saying “That’s it?!”. If there was any hype to this track at all, the hype definitely wasn’t real. 6/10
13. I Don’t Know What to Say I liked the Strings section. That’s about it with this one. 3/10
Songs Kept: 7 out of 13
Final Score: 70/100%  |  Grade: C
Verdict: I don’t say this often, but give us more of the poppy stuff.
9 notes · View notes
Chapter 7 update available on ao3 here!
Start from the beginning here
Or read below the cut!
Daenerys stands and feels a slight stiffness in her joints from sitting upon the throne of forged swords. It is only mid-afternoon as she enters the small council chambers. Varys and Grey Worm are seated at the table already and Tyrion follows closely behind the Queen.
“I don’t believe there will be much to discuss today,” Tyrion sighs, “The matters today seemed simple enough, the city seems eager for the upcoming tourney.”
“How fare the common folk?” Daenerys looks at Varys.
“My birds report that there is much drinking, some various tavern brawls but Grey Worm’s patrols seem to break it up before there is too much damage in the form of structures or bystanders. Also, the brothels are full, the shopkeepers are trading goods and coin is in surplus, the bards are singing praises of the war, of the Dragon Queen and the White Wolf, of the Targaryen name on all corners. All is peaceful. You fit the throne well.” A knowing smirk passes from Varys to the Queen. She had once made him promise to tell her if she was failing the people, and she continues to pester him about that promise to this day.
“Thank you, Varys, please inform me at once if your Little Birds report any ill tidings.” Varys nods at her. “Grey Worm, how are patrols? Are the guards overworked? Are there any injured?”
“This one is happy to report that the guards are fully capable. The shifts are well covered and the small scuffles have resulted in few injuries and no deaths.” A smile crosses Daenerys’ face and she turns to Tyrion.
“How is the coin?” She asks her Hand
“We are making profits from the tax on merchants and still leaving them happy with what they are able to take home to their families. As people flock to the city for the tourney, they bring with them trade goods, imports and gold from afar. I daresay we will have enough to pay the tourney rewards and pay back part of our debt to the Iron Bank.”
Daenerys nods and looks back at Tyrion. “How fairs the city itself? The rebuilding of the former Sept of Baelor?”
“Quite well, Your Grace.” Daenerys and Jon had agreed that the decimated ground of Cersei’s madness was an eyesore upon the city. They had decided that instead of simply rebuilding, they would at first repurpose. The war had cost many lives and the winter afterward even more. The Queen and King had a hastily constructed orphanage built in its place to serve as a home where the parentless children could recuperate. Daenerys had spent many days there herself, feeding, bathing, clothing and even singing to the children in the days after the war. She would make sure that the kitchens of the orphanage were stocked before her own Keep was.
Now however, most of the orphans were grown. Fewer beds were being used and it didn’t make much sense for the large building to remain an orphanage. They had decided to return the grounds to their former faithful purpose and construction had started only a year prior. “I believe that the stained glass will be installed soon.”
“Very well,” Daenerys nods. “If there is nothing else the small council has need of me for, I shall retire to the needs of my children.”
“As you command Your Grace.” Tyrion nods at her and the scraping chairs echoes through the chamber.
Daenerys stands and makes her way through the winding halls of the Keep until she finds the children’s rooms. Missandei is there with Visenya and Lyanna, a couple of handmaidens flit in or out of the room. Dany pauses outside of the door, hoping to overhear them uninterrupted.
“Miss?” Lyanna’s voice meets Daenerys’ ears and she smiles, imagining the furrow of her dark-haired daughter.
“Yes Lyanna?” Missandei answers.
“I was thinking about what brother read this morning…” The child muses.
“About the dragons?” Missandei clarifies. “Or about your mother?”
“Both…” Lyanna huffs. “If mama birthed three dragons, could she birth more?”
“Well…” Missandei ponders. “It would depend. In order to birth more dragons, there would have to be more dragon eggs. As far as we know, the Queen’s eggs were the only remaining. It could be that if there are more eggs, that there could be more dragons.”
“So if there are more eggs, how do you hatch them?” Lyanna continues her questions.
“I do not know for sure. When I met your mother she already had her dragons. I was not present in their birth. I do know they were born in flame.”
“Only death can pay for life.” Visenya’s voice cuts in, an eerie tone of a child that seems to know something she shouldn’t.
“What was that?” Missandei’s inquiry is laced in concern and surprise.
“Only death can pay for life…” Visenya’s answer is more firm. “That’s what mama said this morning. She had to give up her dead husband to birth her dragons. In order to birth other dragons, only death can pay for life.” The room is silent and it’s at that point Daenerys has decided to break the tension. She knocks on the slightly open door before walking in.
“Mama!” Lyanna sings out as she scrambles out of her chair and runs to the waiting arms of her mother. The young princess wraps her arms around Daenerys’ neck and hugs her tight, kissing her cheek.
“Are you done with court Mama?” Visenya asks as she too approaches her mother.
“I am.” Dany nods at her older daughter, kissing her white blonde hair. “I came to steal you away from your lessons. Where is Daemon?”
“He’s down with Arya in the training pits.” Missandei answers standing and smiling.
“Let’s go see how he is doing. Would you like to join us Missandei?” Dany asks. She knows that Missandei’s affection for the children runs deep as she cannot have her own, or at least cannot have them with the man she loves. Missandei nods and approaches the trio, Visenya reaches for her tutor’s hand as they begin their trek down to the courtyard.
“What did Missandei teach you today?” Daenerys asks her daughters as they make their way through the Red Keep.
“We learned about the Houses of the North.” Visenya answers. “About Papa’s Kingdom.”
“That’s where Papa is going today right?” Lyanna asks.
“Yes, he should be arriving there tomorrow.” Dany answers.
“That is where Aunt Sansa is the Hand of the King. She lives there with Uncle Gendry and their two children Catelyn and Jon Eddard.” Visenya continues to recite the information she had learned earlier. “She rules the North in Father’s stead as he is the Protector of the Realm. His duty is to protect the Queen, to lead the armies, to keep the peace and to serve justice.”
“That’s right.” Daenerys answers. “And why did he remain King in the North?”
“Because the North Remembers.” Lyanna whispers. It wasn’t the answer the Queen expected and she looks at her child with curiosity.
“What do you mean by that?” Daenerys queries. Lyanna blushes and purses her lips.
“I don’t know.” The princess brushes her dark curls from her face and shrugs as she looks up at her mother. “I’ve heard father say it sometimes. When he talks about the Great War.” Daenerys sets her mouth in a line, unsure of how to continue.
“You father remained King in the North because he is a Stark. Starks have always ruled the North.” Missandei answers.
“But Papa is also Targaryen.” Visenya argues.
“Yes, he is.” Daenerys answers. “His father was Rhaegar Targaryen, his mother was Lyanna Stark. Who you were named after.” She squeezes the small hand in hers. “He is of both houses, therefore he was born to be a King. That is why he and I agreed that he would rule the North and I would rule the South.”
“But what will happen when Daemon becomes King?” VIsenya asks.
“That would mean Mama and Papa would be DEAD!” Lyanna shouts, her lip trembling as she stops in her tracks and looks up at her mother.
“It does.” Daenerys kneels next to her youngest daughter. “Valar morghulis.”
“But we are not men!” She argues, large tears welling in her eyes. “We are dragons!”
“Lyanna,” Dany coos as she pulls her daughter close to her. “Death is what gives our lives meaning. We must do what is right so that when we die, our lives served a purpose. If no one died then there would be few consequences to living. To loving. You are how your father and I continue living. You and your sister and brother. You are the meaning to living. Someday you will become the rulers and your children after you. You must always try to make the world a better place for them, just as I want to make this world a better place for you. Do you understand?”
“Y-ye-yesss!” Lyanna sobs as her tears wet the fabric of her mother’s dress. “B-but you and p-papa can’t die yet. We’re t-tt-tooo little!”
“Oh sweetie…” Daenerys’ heart breaks just a little and she fights the lump rising in her throat. “Your papa and I aren’t going anywhere right now. Gods be good we will be here to witness you have babies of your own.”
“P-promise?” Lyanna whimpers as she pulls her head back, her face splotched red and her ice blue eyes made brighter by the tears.
“I promise.” Dany kisses her daughter’s forehead and hugs her tight. “Alright. Now quit those tears and let’s go down and watch Daemon get knocked around by your Aunt Arya.” Lyanna smiles and nods as she wipes away the tears.
The Queen and her companions arrive to the training yard a short time later, the sound of wood crashing against wood catching their curiosity. As they turn the corner they find Daemon, training sword in hand and sparring with Daario Naharis. Arya and Gendry stand back to the side and watch the pair. The Little Lady of Winterfell stands next to her father, her rapt attention on Daemon.
Daemon is much smaller than the Sellsword Captain, his reach is not as long and he is clumsy but he is still young. Daenerys watches the pair and furrows her brow. She has seen what Daario is capable of and it makes her uneasy. She can tell the Braavosi is holding back, but still, to see the glint in his eye of playing with Daemon as if in a game of cat and mouse raises her hackles.
“Aunt Arya!” Lyanna calls out as she runs to the small woman. Arya smiles and lifts Lyanna, tossing her swiftly in the air before attaching her to her hip. The two have the similar Northern features. Daemon’s attention is broken from the spar and as a result he is disarmed easily by Daario.
“You must never let what is around you detract from what is before you. Keep your eyes on your opponent.” Daario smirks at the Young Prince and Daemon nods, picking the training sword up and resting his eyes on the form of his mother approaching.
“Hello Mother.” He bows his head in respect. “Is court out early?”
“Yes, the city seems busy preparing for your name day tournament and business with The Crown seems to be not as important. I see training is going well.” Daenerys eyes the bearded man next to her son, who claps a hand on the young boy’s shoulder and smiles at her.
“Your son has a talent. More training and he’ll be a proper swordsman. From what I hear, his father is the best in the Kingdom.”
“You’ve heard correctly.” Gendry boasts as he steps toward the trio. “King Jon is quite formidable in in battle. In hand to hand, he’s nigh unstoppable.”
“I may have to challenge him to a duel.” Daario looks at the Queen, a flash of indiscernible emotion crosses his face before he smiles again.
“Mother,” Daemon begins. “If it’s alright with you, I’ve invited Daario to dine with us tonight again. He’s promised to tell me of his time serving you in Essos.”
“Is that so?” Daenerys smiles at her son before turning a fiery gaze on Daario. “I suppose if you’ve already invited him, it would be difficult for me to say no.”
“I understand King Jon has left the Capital. There would be a seat next to you that is unoccupied, no?” Daario’s smirk makes Daenerys want to smack him.
“Please mother?” Daemon looks at her in such a way that she smiles.
“I suppose that would be fine. Daemon, you may sit in your father’s chair next to me and Daario may sit between you and Gendry.” She looks over to Gendry, a surprised look on his face.
“Of course, my Queen.” Daario and Gendry respond at the same time.
“Excellent. Daemon,” Daenerys reaches for her son to join her. “Would you care to go and see the travelers and merchants arrive down by the docks?”
“Oh can we?!” The Young Prince’s eyes light up and he looks back at the young red-haired girl standing by Arya still. “Would it be alright if Lady Catelyn joins us?” The young girl smiles at the Queen.
“I don’t see any reason why not.” Daenerys answers. The Young Prince returns his training sword to the rack and walks to the young Baratheon girl, offering her an arm again. Lyanna, having been deposited back on the ground is holding her sister’s hand, the two giggling and pointing at their brother.
“Shall we?” Daario offers his arm to Daenerys and she fights the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, letting politeness win, she takes his elbow. Gendry falls in line with Arya. Missandei joins Visenya and Lyanna as they near her. A group of guards flank either side of the young princes and princesses and follow behind the group as well.
Gendry and Arya stay just out range to be overheard, forcing Daenerys to make pleasantries with Daario. “What do you think of King’s Landing?” Daenerys asks the foreign Commander.
“I don’t think my opinion on this city matters much.” He states. “But for what it’s worth, I think it’s beautiful, if only for the reason that you reside here.”
“I would warn you to quit while you are ahead.” Daenerys glances at him from the side of her eyes, but keeps her face placid. “Your saccharine words fall on deaf ears.”
“I apologize.” Daario answers coolly. “I cannot deny that I have witnessed your affection for your King first hand. Thank you for the summons for that by the way. Here I was, thinking that perhaps seeing me at the feast had renewed some sort of-“
“Stop.” Daenerys squeezes his arm, lowering her voice as she continues. “I did not summon you to my chambers whilst I was in such a compromising position.”
“Ah, so it was your husband?” Daario muses. “He wished me to witness the way he fucked you with your hands tied and his head between your-“
“STOP!” She hisses, almost too loudly, glancing around to see if any of their party noticed their tense conversation. “I apologize for you having to witness that. It should not have happened. I was under the assumption that Jon apologized as well.” She looks at him.
“He did.” Daario nods. “And yet, I did not feel it was sincere. Tell me something, if your husband and you are so in love and if he fulfills your every desire so well, then how come he needed to prove it to someone as lowly as me? Perhaps my words last night affected him more than you?”
“I could not say.” Daenerys answers tersely. “My husband is a proud man, it is true. He has a lot to be proud of. We have three beautiful children together and Gods be good, after last night, a fourth on the way.” The Queen looks at her escort sharply. “That does not mean he is infallible. He can be foolish or reckless when it comes to proving himself to me. Love makes us do things we wouldn’t normally do. Make no mistake, I was furious at him for having put you in that situation. It was not fair to you and it was beyond embarrassing for me. But ultimately, he is a good man. He is loyal to me, worships his children and is dedicated to making the seven kingdoms better. I forgave him last night and I simply ask you to forget what happened.”
Daario huffs and looks at her with a tone of annoyance before he nods once. They were quiet for a while, both lost in their own thoughts until he breaks their silence. “I have not seen the Old Bear, Jorah Mormont around. Is he hiding? Or is he out doing your bidding still?”
Daenerys sighs and looks at him, a sadness morphs her face. “Ser Jorah died before Daemon was born.” Daenerys answers quietly.
Daario’s gaze drops to the ground. “How?”
“Many lives were lost to us in the war.” Daenerys answers. “Jorah died sacrificing his life for all of us.”
“No, he sacrificed it for you. Never forget that.” He looks at Daenerys and it’s as if he can see the guilt she carries at the loss of her most devoted advisor and friend. “He wouldn’t have died for anyone else. It seems you have a way of doing that. Of inspiring love so strong that men would do anything to prove themselves.”
“You didn’t.” She observes and before he can respond her daughters are rushing to them with excitement. The docks have come into view and the princesses want their mother to share in their joy at seeing the foreign ships with exotic sails. There are wares and goods being unloaded and the people of all types are walking among the docks.
There are Dornish wine merchants, silk vendors from the trade cities in Essos, jewelers with bright baubles and delicate chains, the diverse peoples from all over the world spot the royal family and point from afar. Small children approach with flowers and hand them to their Silver Queen, women curtsy and swoon at the sight of the young Targaryens, men’s eyes are drawn to the beauty of their Queen as she holds the hands of her children. She smiles and waves, politely asking some questions of their stay and what lands they traveled from.
As the bustle of the docks and the marketplace swallows them, Daenerys catches Daario’s eye and suddenly she understands what her husband meant the night before. I’ve seen him lurking, watching you from afar. As if he wants to conquer you all over again. She decides then that she will double the guards that are guarding their rooms for the remainder of time that Jon is away Just to be safe.
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hurt-care · 7 years
North to South
I’m a huge suck for Jon Snow so if you’re gonna put him in icy water and then show him looking sad in a bed covered in fur blankets, you better believe I’m gonna write the interim bit where he’s sick. (And hello, vanillas, if you stumble here. This is sickfic/sneezefic. But you’re welcome to check it out, I guess?)
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North to South A Game of Throne fic
If you're not planning on watching the show or just want some backstory for what is going on here without knowing anything about the show, here's some fast facts so you can still read and enjoy the story: -Jon Snow is a man from the North who recently fell through the ice on a mission and barely made it back to safety. When he was found, he was unconscious and mostly frozen. He was taken on board a ship belong to Daenerys Targaryen, "Mother of Dragons" and candidate for the throne. They've expressed some subtle feelings for each other up to this point, but nothing major. Daenerys "Dany" has recently had one of her three dragons die during the mission where Jon was wounded/frozen. Davos is Jon's squire of sorts (he's a knight) and Missandei is Dany's head handmaiden and advisor. 
When he wakes, he feels a hundred shooting pains across his body where the frostbite has nipped at his toes and where his skin prickles as it slowly returns to a normal temperature. Everything is stiff and achy and generally uncomfortable. But when he opens his eyes and sees her, it all fades away against the rush of sadness.
“I'm sorry,” he says. His voice sounds far away and barely a whisper to his own ears. He swallows and tries again. “I'm so sorry.”
He knows what needs to be done, even with the cold addling his thoughts. When she slips her warm hand out of his, he's no longer the King in the North; he's a subject of Daenerys Targaryen.
She leaves him lying alone in bed, his mind racing. In spite of his injuries, there's a warmth of desire pulsing through him and he closes his eyes, settling down under the furs and letting the heat spread through his limbs. But he's still weak and even the short visit has tired him enough to send him back to sleep quickly as the need for rest outweighs his want.
The next time he wakes, he's drowning again. The icy water's grip tightens around his throat as his furs and armour drag him further and further below the surface. Dead hands grab and twist at his ankles, pulling him deeper, but as he fights back and kicks upward.
And then he surfaces with a gasp, trembling from the cold. But he isn't back on the ice, north of the Wall; he's on a ship headed south and someone is trying desperately to help him.
“There's a good lad,” Davos says, holding onto Jon's shoulders and pushing him back into the mound of lumpy pillows. “You're okay.”
Jon falls back, coughing violently.
Under the thick pile of furs, he's shivering convulsively, unable to control his limbs. And the coughing won't rest, spasming and gripping his lungs in a fight to breathe. Davos shoves another pillow under his head, forcing his chest more upright, and claps a hand to Jon's upper back, giving him several sharp blows. Jon coughs hard once more and then regains his breath, going boneless and weak despite the chills vibrating his muscles.
“We have to keep you warm,” Davos urges, pulling up the furs so they're almost around Jon's neck. He tucks another small pelt around Jon's head like a hood. Jon doesn't protest. The ship is draughty and without the facilities for a fire, so he's grateful for any warmth he can get.
Davos rubs his hands up and down the outline of Jon's torso under the furs, trying to create more warmth. Slowly, Jon's quaking chills start to subside and he can mostly keep his teeth from chattering.
“You okay?” Davos asks. His worried face betrays the confident sound of his voice.
Jon nods weakly.
“Better,” he says, voice raspy. With sleep has come a deep-seated congestion in his lungs and nose that have left him breathing with a distinct rattle. Davos frowns and tucks the furs closer.
“I'm going to see if Missandei or one of the guards has some herbs to help your breathing,” he says to Jon.
“I just need rest,” Jon protests, his words followed by a snort and sniffle as he fights the congestion. He untangles a hand from under the furs and presses it to his nose. It does little except to encourage a sneeze that Jon muffles with his fist.
“Health to you,” Davos replies. “You need medicines if they have them. I'll be right back. In the meanwhile...”
He reaches into the pocket on his belt and retrieves a rough linen square.
“It's not particularly soft, but it's clean,” he says, handing it over.
Jon takes it and presses it to his nose, stifling a second, more irritated sneeze.
Davos leaves the room and Jon lies still, feeling the gentle lull of the boat rocking his aching body. Where the magically-healed scars on his chest are marked, there are sharp pains as each cough and sneeze stretches the damaged skin along the stab wounds. He rubs the one over his heart absentmindedly, soothing the irritated scab.
He tries to relax, mentally willing his muscles to quit shivering, but every time he feels himself begin to slip back into sleep, he's startled by the reflex of a cough or the overwhelming itch in his nose as it demands to be cleared again and again.
When Davos returns, Jon is stuck in the cycle of a painful sneezing fit, curled up under the furs with the handkerchief held to his nose.
Eh-TSGH! Nhh-heh—eh-TGSGHH!
He pauses, looking up through watery eyes as the door opens. Davos has his hands full and Missandei is not far behind. Beyond them, he sees Dany watching silently. Their eyes meet for a moment before Jon is forced to blink with the onslaught of another sneeze.
When he looks up again, the door is closed.
“Alright, lad,” Davos says, setting down a pile of accrued bowls and herbs and other odds and ends. “Let's see if we can get you settled a bit.”
He starts by tucking a wine skin under the blankets against Jon's chest. They've emptied it of its intended libation and instead filled it with hot water.
A metal bowl is set on the table by Jon's beside and Davos shuttles three burning coals from a bucket into the bowl. Overtop, he sets another metal vessel into which Missandei pours a jug of water and adds a handful of herbs. The liquid begins to simmer and steam, releasing a strong scent. Jon cannot yet smell it, but he can feel the hot moist air slowly begin to work at the congestion.
While the water begins to boil, the pair work to heat another metal vessel and brew a pungent tea that is offered to Jon in a ceramic cup.
“Can you sit up a bit?” Missandei asks, kneeling at the bedside. Jon pushes his hands down and sits up a little, sliding out from under the mound of furs. Even the slight effort results in a small fit of coughs. Missandei adjusts the hot water wine skin and then guides the cup into his hands, encouraging him to drink.
He sips at the broth tea, letting the hot liquid slide soothingly down his irritated throat. Between the tea and the steaming bowl, his nose is starting to dribble a little and he sniffs, trying to stem the flow.
“Sounds like it's working,” Davos remarks as Jon pauses to blow his nose before finishing off the tea.
“Aye,” Jon rasps, grateful. The warm broth has made him drowsy again.
Davos adjusts the furs and pillows, helping him to get comfortable. When Jon is finally asleep once more, they leave him alone to rest.
He wakes to a smoking basin at the bedside as the last of the coals burn out. The pungent steam has stopped and the room smells only vaguely of the medicinal vapour. Jon rolls over in bed and stretches, checking his body for pain. The warm wine skin has slid off sometime during his rest and is now sitting cooled on the mattress at his side.
Though his head still feels stuffed with cotton, he does feel an overall improvement. After two days in bed, however, he's beginning to feel restless. He sits up slowly, testing himself with careful movements. He manages to get himself to the edge of the bed and he stands on legs that wobble like a baby deer. Carefully, he stumbles his way over to his pile of thawed clothing and layers on the heavy cloak over his trousers and shirt. When he's dressed, he's panting and wheezing with exertion, and he takes a moment to sit down and wipe his running nose. Then, he tucks Davos' handkerchief into his pocket and mounts the stairs outside his room to the main deck.
The sea air is crisp and biting compared to his airless room and his lungs seize up for a moment, making him cough. He grasps at the ship's rail and bends over, chest convulsing. With a gasp, he recovers and leans heavily against the rolling side of the ship, looking out at the choppy waters.
“Jon!” a voice says, alarmed.
He looks up to see Dany approaching. He offers a wan smile.
“Your grace,” he croaks. His voice is barely a raspy whisper, so he clears his throat with a sputter and tries again. “Your grace.”
“You shouldn't be up here,” she says.
“I needed some air,” he offers in explanation.
“There are windows in your chamber we could open,” she says, looking at him with an expression of great concern. “You're not well enough to be up here. It's too cold.”
“I am a man of the North,” Jon says, though he's loathe to admit that he is quite cold and that the sea air is starting to bite at his still-sensitive skin. He disguises a shiver by moving to sit on a crate.
Dany remains standing over him, silent.
Jon bends forward, sneezing into his hands. Embarrassed, he digs in his pocket for the handkerchief.
“Seven blessings.”
“And again,” Daenerys repeats. She sits at his side and extends a hand out tentatively. It rests on Jon's cheek and she can feel his teeth chattering.
He cannot help but lean into her touch. Her hand is unnaturally warm and when she removes it, his cheek still seems to radiate heat from her.
“Come back to bed,” she says, holding him by the shoulders and helping him to stand. He stumbles but she steadies him, leading the way back down the stairs to the ship chambers.
He stands shivering before her as she gently unlaces his cloak and heaves it onto a chair.
“Sit,” she instructs and he lets himself collapse onto the edge of the bed. She tugs off his boots and swings his legs onto the downy mattress, pulling the furs up over his shaking body.
“I'm sorry we have no facilities for a fire here,” she says, lowering herself to sit on the edge of the bed. She reaches her warm hands to touch his brow and Jon practically melts under her touch. “I wish I had some way to help warm you.”
“Your hands,” he says, eyes closed and face relaxed as she smooths the hair off his brow. “They're very warm.”
She smiles.
“I've been told,” she says. “A mother of dragons runs hot.”
The mention of her children opens the still-healing wound of her loss. Jon shifts under the covers, reaching his hand up to hers.
It's only for a moment that they touch before Jon suddenly withdraws his hand and turns his head away.
“Seven blessings,” Daenerys repeats.
“I'm going to be the most blessed man in Westeros,” Jon quips softly and he feels his heart swell at her resulting smile.
“Let me see if I can help any with that. If not, we'll have to get a second round of Missandei's broth tea.”
She reaches out both hands and gently presses her fingers along his sinuses, sliding downward with a gentle pressure. He winces but does not pull away.
“Does it hurt?” she asks.
“A little, but it's helping,” he says.
She guides her hands over his face, smoothing over his eyes and the worried crease in his forehead and up into his tangle of curly hair. The hair is oily and matted from days in bed but she combs through it, taming some of the mess back off his face.
“You need a wash, Lord Snow,” she tells him.
“I know it,” he says with a grimace. “Not much chance I'll be dunking my head in a bucket of seawater anytime soon though.”
“I'll see if we can heat up enough for a basin, then,” she replies, standing to go.
“Davos can see to getting me washed,” Jon says, feeling himself blush. The heat in his face is a strange sensation.
Dany smiles at him and lets a small laugh escape.
“Rest,” she commands. “I'll send one back with him.”
She leaves Jon in search of the ship's cook. When she returns with Davos and a steaming basin of water with clean cloths, Jon is asleep again, snoring softly.
“I'll tend to him, your grace,” Davos offers. “I'll wake him before it cools.”
“No,” Dany says, looking down at the sleeping man. “Leave it there. I'll sit while he sleeps.”
Davos sets the basin down on the bedside table and follows the command to leave. Daenerys picks up the cloth and dunks it into the warm water, wringing it out before bringing it to Jon's face.
She smooths it along his brow and across each cheek, then up to his hair and behind his ears. Jon sighs in his sleep but does not wake. She tucks the cloth around behind his neck, gently scrubbing at the nape and down to his shoulders.
Carefully, she folds back the furs and wipes the bit of chest above his shirt. Jon mutters something inaudibly and his head lolls to one side as he snores louder, struggling to breathe.
“Jon,” Daenerys whispers, gently trying to move his head back onto the pillow. “C'mon.”
He groans and rolls over, coughing fiercely. Each inhalation between coughs is a deep and wheezy rattle. Dany reaches under the blankets, finding the shivering curve of his back and she rubs her hand along his spine.
Jon's coughing doesn't settle and he wakes up, red-faced and covered in a cold sweat. He tries to sit up and is guided by Daenerys, who kneels on the bed at his side and mounds pillows behind his back for support.
He coughs and coughs, mouth desperately sucking for air between each violent spasm. His nose runs freely down his lip, mixing with damp sweat. Daneyres wipes his face with a clean cloth and tries to help him regain his breath.
Finally, he goes limp, breath coming in and out in an exhausted whistle. When he needs to sneeze, he barely has the strength to turn his head away.
“Please go,” he mumbles, wiping at his nose with the back of his wrist.
“Not when you're this unwell,” she says, reaching out to wipe his face off again. He allows it, but keeps his eyes downcast. “I need you recovered by the time we reach King's Landing.”
“I hear it's warm there,” he replies, eyes drooping with sleep.
“Warmer than the North, that's certain,” Dany says.
Jon sneezes again, shielding his nose with his hand.
“You're not having a very good time of it, are you?” says Dany sympathetically.
“It's hard to rest when you can't really breathe,” Jon admits, and then gives his nose a sharp blow.
Daenerys stands and circles to the other side of the bed. She settles herself tentatively next to Jon and gathers a pillow into her lap.
“Here,” she says, patting the pillow. She helps to guide his head to the elevated position on her lap and puts her hands soothingly over his sinuses, letting the heat of her fingertips radiate across his skin.
Jon sighs in relief and closes his eyes. Her hands work their way along his face and down to his upper chest where he fingers pause briefly as they skim the top of one of his scars.
He reaches up and takes one of her hands in his.
Raising it to his lips, he kisses her knuckles and Daenerys suddenly draws back, pulling her hand away.
“Jon,” she says. “I can't.”
He opens his eyes, looking up at her.
“I can't,” she repeats. “This meeting at King's Landing. It can be my only focus. Do you understand?”
He feels his stomach drop. He's taken advantage of her kindness and mistaken it for passion.
“I'm sorry,” he says.
She smiles gently.
“I should go. You should rest more.”
He nods, lifting his head from her lap and settling back into the pile of down pillows. She leaves him alone to sleep and when he next wakes, he's alone but with a fresh steam vapour rising from the nightstand and a cup of hot broth close at hand.
When they dock in King's Landing in a day's time, he's mostly recovered though he still wears his fur cloak despite the warm air, keeping himself wrapped tight against the coastal breeze. When he steps on land, he notices the scent of jasmine flowers from a nearby tree. He inhales deeply, grateful for his clear, strong lungs and the fragrant smell that reminds him of the scent of Daenerys skin close to his.
He thinks of it again later as he raises his fist to knock on her chamber door.
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sbknews · 6 years
New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/new-clinica-mobile-unveiled-at-the-circuit-de-barcelona-catalunya/
New Clinica Mobile unveiled at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
Since the first Clinica Mobile opened in 1977, the installation has gone from strength to strength and undergone an incredible evolution. At the Gran Premi Monster Energy de Catalunya, the new-look Clinica Mobile for 2018 has been unveiled – offering more space, more facilities and even better care.
The new facility, thanks to an innovative structural concept, means the Clinica is now able to provide one medical room, two rooms for physiotherapy, one room for rehab and relaxation, a spectacular terrace, a reception area and two offices: one for Dr Michele Zasa, Head of the Clinica Mobile, and one for Dr Angel Charte, MotoGP™ Medical Director – allowing even better integration between the Clinica and Quirónsalud MotoGP™ Medical Direction. The 210 square metre structure covers two floors, and took six months to construct.
Clinica Mobile can count on a staff of 25 people who work on rotation at every GP: six physiotherapists, one doctor, two trauma and orthopaedic surgeons and one radiographer come to all races to provide general medicine, physiotherapy, rehabilitation therapy and traumatology and orthopaedic consultations. The Clinica is equipped to provide x-rays, cryotherapy, laser therapy, magnetotherapy and tecar therapy – again underlining its importance and status as a vital part of the paddock.
“Thanks to Quirónsalud, Dorna and the rest of the partners of the Clinica Mobile, our service to the riders and all the personnel of the paddock will be better than ever – with more space, more equipment and more resources. We are honoured to have Quirónsalud on board as our main sponsor, and we are sure that together we will continue to bring the best service to our athletes,” says Michele Zasa, Head of the Clinica Mobile.
Julio Fernández-Llamazares, Quirónsalud Director of Communications and External Relations, says: “Without doubt, we’re following a natural evolution in order to maintain the high standard of excellence both within our hospitals and at sporting events for which we are the official medical service.”
“The new Clinica Mobile allows us to offer a professional healthcare service along the same lines as within my professional life at the University Hospital Dexeus,” adds Dr. Ángel Charte.
Carmelo Ezpeleta, CEO of Dorna Sports, says: “When we first became involved in MotoGP in 1992, one of the key things we wanted to improve was safety. With a facility such as the Clinica Mobile, the World Championship continues getting safer and safer, and we’ve taken a huge step forward during recent years. This evolution and new facility assures the level of care will remain incredibly high for both the riders and the personnel in the paddock during each race weekend.”
“The Clinica Mobile increases safety when we’re racing,” says Marc Marquez, reigning MotoGP™ World Champion. “For every rider it’s very important, because most of the time after crashing we depend on them to enable us to compete. It’s where our ‘guardian angels’ really are.”
“The work of Michele Zasa and all the team is exceptional, and they give you the assurance that you can count on them in any situation,” adds Jorge Lorenzo, three-time MotoGP™ World Champion. “The time we spend at the Clinica Mobile are not always pleasant, because it’s often after a crash, but they always provide excellent treatment and the best possible response. That’s key for every rider.”
“For the riders, having the Clinica Mobile is a guarantee,” affirms Andrea Dovizioso. “They are always willing to help you with everything and this gives great peace of mind. The Clinica Mobile is one of the keys to the Championship working as well as it does.”
Dani Pedrosa agrees: “The Clinica Mobile is a key element in the paddock for all riders, we almost always have some small physical discomfort and being able to count on the experience of a team of professionals like the Clinica Mobile is vital to enable us to give our best on track. Sometimes on track we subject ourselves to extreme physical situations, but we know we’re in good hands and that’s a great help to us.”
“Going to the Clinica Mobile during the Grand Prix helps us to relax muscles but also reduce the mental tension of a Grand Prix weekend,” adds Maverick Viñales. “You can also talk to the physio and for a while it allows you to disconnect from the sporting side, and that’s also important.”
“Having the Clinica Mobile, above all, gives us peace of mind,” says Pol Espargaró. “We know that in the day to day we can go to them for anything: a physical problem, a massage, even if you have a cold, and we can treat these problems thanks to them. And we need it much more when we have an injury, or we have been newly operated upon. Unfortunately, I’ve experienced this a few times; physically very hard weekends, and the Clinica Mobile provides the necessary relief. And, above all, they know us and they know what the riders need.”
“For the riders, the Clinica Mobile is of great importance,” agrees Aleix Espargaró. “The medical team and physiotherapists that we have is are a necessity and important for our day to day life at the track. They take care of us when we suffer an injury, when we’re ill, and also when we need recovery muscle massages. They make sure we’re always physically at 100%! ”
After the Gran Premi Monster Energy de Catalunya, the paddock will next head for the Motul Dutch TT at Assen.
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Model Dani Mathers Snapchats and body-shames nude wife at the gym
Playboy playmate Dani Mathers violated two hallowed safe spaces on Wednesday: the gym locker area and Snapchat.
The 2015 Playmate of the Year posted a photo of an unsuspecting lady in the nude, with the body-shaming caption, If I cant unsee this then you cant either.
@DaniMathers Earnestly? You adoration empowering women? Does this definitely sounds like empowerment? GIRL. Just stop. pic.twitter.com/ BglwhW7lIP
Bonnie Reynolds (@ bonniereynolds) July 14, 2016
When devotees called her out on Twitter and Facebook, Mathers posted the following apology TAG 4 TT
Mathers referred to the click as road traffic accidents, promising “shes never” and will never do anything like it again. “This is not who I am, ” she said.
But many detected the confession was lackingparticularly her effort to defend the snarl, saying it was meant to be a private word, which wouldn’t be any less of a violation of the womans privacy , nor would delete the sentimentality in the caption.
Mathers tweeted a lengthy defense, before removing her account on Thursday.
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
However, many were non-plussed by Mathers’s apology.
@myhairisblue @DaniMathers “I didn’t mean to pique anybody. I was just taking an gullible woman’s nude photo to scorn her body.”
Mike Drucker (@ MikeDrucker) July 14, 2016
@DaniMathers your ugliness cannot be unseen now.
Fa Mulan (@ Mulan_1 998) July 14, 2016
Some are calling for L.A. Fitness, the gym where she took the photo, and Snapchat to step in and ban Mathers for infringing the woman’s privacy.
Dani Mathers needs to be banned from @Snapchat AND @LAFitness. Taking nude photographs of people who aren’t aware is earnestly nauseating.
KK (@ acalialee) July 14, 2016
If @LAFitness substantiates all women& figures they should ban @DaniMathers for posting a vile and illegal nude cracking of another member
ktms1 (@ ktms1) July 14, 2016
. @LAFitness, I urge you to cancel Dani Mathers’ membership in light of her brutal and body-shaming demeanor in your cupboard room.
Rachel Vorona Cote (@ RVoronaCote) July 14, 2016
As of the writing of this article, neither Snapchat nor L.A. Fitness have commented on the incident.
Others are hoping the main victims will press charges.
@DaniMathers absolutely appalling behaviour, to violate the status of women for the world very see is disgusting, you should look commissions for this !!
katie finn (@ katie7 7f) July 14, 2016
and/ or (@ tricksterfaux) July 14, 2016
And pro wrestler and multitude of Playboy TV’s Boarding Pass , Reby Hardy, tweeted the following helpful reminder:
We got @DaniMathers out here sneaking nude pics of women in a women’s cupboard area, but yall still afraid of trans friendly showers. OKAY.
Reby Hardy (@ RebySky) July 14, 2016
The post Model Dani Mathers Snapchats and body-shames nude wife at the gym appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2AbDfmu via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Model Dani Mathers Snapchats and body-shames nude wife at the gym
Playboy playmate Dani Mathers violated two hallowed safe spaces on Wednesday: the gym locker area and Snapchat.
The 2015 Playmate of the Year posted a photo of an unsuspecting lady in the nude, with the body-shaming caption, If I cant unsee this then you cant either.
@DaniMathers Earnestly? You adoration empowering women? Does this definitely sounds like empowerment? GIRL. Just stop. pic.twitter.com/ BglwhW7lIP
Bonnie Reynolds (@ bonniereynolds) July 14, 2016
When devotees called her out on Twitter and Facebook, Mathers posted the following apology TAG 4 TT
Mathers referred to the click as road traffic accidents, promising “shes never” and will never do anything like it again. “This is not who I am, ” she said.
But many detected the confession was lackingparticularly her effort to defend the snarl, saying it was meant to be a private word, which wouldn’t be any less of a violation of the womans privacy , nor would delete the sentimentality in the caption.
Mathers tweeted a lengthy defense, before removing her account on Thursday.
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
However, many were non-plussed by Mathers’s apology.
@myhairisblue @DaniMathers “I didn’t mean to pique anybody. I was just taking an gullible woman’s nude photo to scorn her body.”
Mike Drucker (@ MikeDrucker) July 14, 2016
@DaniMathers your ugliness cannot be unseen now.
Fa Mulan (@ Mulan_1 998) July 14, 2016
Some are calling for L.A. Fitness, the gym where she took the photo, and Snapchat to step in and ban Mathers for infringing the woman’s privacy.
Dani Mathers needs to be banned from @Snapchat AND @LAFitness. Taking nude photographs of people who aren’t aware is earnestly nauseating.
KK (@ acalialee) July 14, 2016
If @LAFitness substantiates all women& figures they should ban @DaniMathers for posting a vile and illegal nude cracking of another member
ktms1 (@ ktms1) July 14, 2016
. @LAFitness, I urge you to cancel Dani Mathers’ membership in light of her brutal and body-shaming demeanor in your cupboard room.
Rachel Vorona Cote (@ RVoronaCote) July 14, 2016
As of the writing of this article, neither Snapchat nor L.A. Fitness have commented on the incident.
Others are hoping the main victims will press charges.
@DaniMathers absolutely appalling behaviour, to violate the status of women for the world very see is disgusting, you should look commissions for this !!
katie finn (@ katie7 7f) July 14, 2016
and/ or (@ tricksterfaux) July 14, 2016
And pro wrestler and multitude of Playboy TV’s Boarding Pass , Reby Hardy, tweeted the following helpful reminder:
We got @DaniMathers out here sneaking nude pics of women in a women’s cupboard area, but yall still afraid of trans friendly showers. OKAY.
Reby Hardy (@ RebySky) July 14, 2016
The post Model Dani Mathers Snapchats and body-shames nude wife at the gym appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2AbDfmu via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Model Dani Mathers Snapchats and body-shames nude wife at the gym
Playboy playmate Dani Mathers violated two hallowed safe spaces on Wednesday: the gym locker area and Snapchat.
The 2015 Playmate of the Year posted a photo of an unsuspecting lady in the nude, with the body-shaming caption, If I cant unsee this then you cant either.
@DaniMathers Earnestly? You adoration empowering women? Does this definitely sounds like empowerment? GIRL. Just stop. pic.twitter.com/ BglwhW7lIP
Bonnie Reynolds (@ bonniereynolds) July 14, 2016
When devotees called her out on Twitter and Facebook, Mathers posted the following apology TAG 4 TT
Mathers referred to the click as road traffic accidents, promising “shes never” and will never do anything like it again. “This is not who I am, ” she said.
But many detected the confession was lackingparticularly her effort to defend the snarl, saying it was meant to be a private word, which wouldn’t be any less of a violation of the womans privacy , nor would delete the sentimentality in the caption.
Mathers tweeted a lengthy defense, before removing her account on Thursday.
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
Screengrab via Daily Mail
However, many were non-plussed by Mathers’s apology.
@myhairisblue @DaniMathers “I didn’t mean to pique anybody. I was just taking an gullible woman’s nude photo to scorn her body.”
Mike Drucker (@ MikeDrucker) July 14, 2016
@DaniMathers your ugliness cannot be unseen now.
Fa Mulan (@ Mulan_1 998) July 14, 2016
Some are calling for L.A. Fitness, the gym where she took the photo, and Snapchat to step in and ban Mathers for infringing the woman’s privacy.
Dani Mathers needs to be banned from @Snapchat AND @LAFitness. Taking nude photographs of people who aren’t aware is earnestly nauseating.
KK (@ acalialee) July 14, 2016
If @LAFitness substantiates all women& figures they should ban @DaniMathers for posting a vile and illegal nude cracking of another member
ktms1 (@ ktms1) July 14, 2016
. @LAFitness, I urge you to cancel Dani Mathers’ membership in light of her brutal and body-shaming demeanor in your cupboard room.
Rachel Vorona Cote (@ RVoronaCote) July 14, 2016
As of the writing of this article, neither Snapchat nor L.A. Fitness have commented on the incident.
Others are hoping the main victims will press charges.
@DaniMathers absolutely appalling behaviour, to violate the status of women for the world very see is disgusting, you should look commissions for this !!
katie finn (@ katie7 7f) July 14, 2016
and/ or (@ tricksterfaux) July 14, 2016
And pro wrestler and multitude of Playboy TV’s Boarding Pass , Reby Hardy, tweeted the following helpful reminder:
We got @DaniMathers out here sneaking nude pics of women in a women’s cupboard area, but yall still afraid of trans friendly showers. OKAY.
Reby Hardy (@ RebySky) July 14, 2016
The post Model Dani Mathers Snapchats and body-shames nude wife at the gym appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2AbDfmu via IFTTT
0 notes