#we could catch a movie. we could go to the walmart. we could go to the grocery store.
diamondnokouzai · 2 years
hi guys. come over.
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beetled-juice · 1 year
Toonjuice, But Make It Horror
I love the animated beetlejuice cartoon so much! but I keep getting hit with ideas of how to translate it from a show for kids into something more along the lines of rated R horror. It would go much further than the musical in terms of the visuals (since it’s still cartoon-esque logic), but I also think it would still be hilarious to keep things like he can’t eat beetles on screen. So these are a bunch of unrelated ideas thrown together for how I would build on the established canon!
Should be kinda obvious, but this is a warning that I'll be discussing horror in its different forms. While I don't think I've described anything that needs specific warnings, I would imagine a general body horror / gore warning could apply, along with emetophobia for a very brief mention of vomiting. If there's anything that y'all think should be tagged please let me know!
To keep in line with how horror movies present demon summoning, I think to summon Beetlejuice you would need to do more than simply say his name. So based on the little ritual and chant Lydia does in the cartoon, I’ve created my own form of a summoning ritual!
To summon him you need to be in front of a mirror or reflective surface, and the summoning must be done in the dark. You’d also need a bowl of water, three candles, and three drops of blood.
In my mind, the summoning would go something like this:
You keep the set up in your bathroom - this gives you easy access to water and a mirror. The bowl you use is made of carved black stone, something spooky you picked up at an estate sale years prior. You use whatever candles you can get your hands on - sometimes it’s birthday candles from Walmart, other times it’s the nice beeswax ones you can get at the farmers market. You also keep matches and a small knife.
To start the summoning, you fill the bowl with the hottest water your faucet can provide and place it on the counter in front of the mirror. You place the candles in a triangle encompassing the bowl and light them. You then pick up the knife before closing the door and turning out the light. In the flickering lights of the candle, you prick your finger and bleed three drops into the water. As you watch the small ripples break across the surface, you begin the incantation.
Though I know I should be wary,
Still I venture someplace scary.
Ghostly haunting I turn loose,
Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse!
With the summoning complete, you look to the mirror for your ghostly friend to appear in. Sometimes he comes right away, other times it takes him a bit to find the right mirror (”got held up in traffic like you wouldn’t believe babes, took me forever to get to ya!”). When he shows up, it’s always sudden and jarring - one moment you’re seeing your own reflection in the dim light, the next you have his glowing eyes and too-large-to-be-human grin staring back at you. He’ll then slowly climb out of the mirror, sometimes oozing out like a snake and other times using the mirror’s frame to haul himself out.
Now obviously you can’t have all of these items with you at all times! If you need to summon him right away, you could just say his name three times. This method, however, comes with a catch - what you summoned is still your Beetlejuice, but it’s not the stripey version we all know and love. You can’t explain what it is he looks like, because this version of him was not meant to be seen by the living. Your brain is simply unable to comprehend what it’s seeing, and the longer you look at him, the more serious the effects. With your first glance comes a pounding headache and ringing in the ears, then comes the bleeding from the eyes and nose, then vomiting, and eventually you’ll either pass out or it kills you.
If you have to summon him this way, keeping your eyes closed may not be enough to save you - his voice, while not quite as deadly, will still cause a lot of damage if he’s not careful. He has to make a concerted effort to speak in human language, and if he loses focus he can easily shift back into a demonic tongue that will make your vision white and your chest hurt. He also has to keep his volume in check, lest he accidentally explode the nearest windows and your ear drums (or worse: your head).
It may seem odd that knowing his name isn’t enough to summon him, but there’s a very good reason for that. Appearing in his true form when his name is spoken thrice acts like a defensive measure - to know his name is to innately hold power over him, because you now have the ability to dictate his summoning and banishing at your will. Summoning a demon is supposed to be difficult, not something you just do at a whim. He hates the idea that his freedom is subject to someone else’s will, so making the summoning as difficult as possible helps prevent most people from ever attempting it in the first place! And that worked well for him until he met a couple of breathers that he actually likes to be around. Luckily, he’s got a work-around for that (loopholes, you know he loves ‘em).
This work-around would allow you to use his name (three times in a row, spoken, unbroken) without the potentially deadly side effect of seeing him in his true form. Unfortunately, this option requires a deal - a contract, to be precise. No, you don’t have to sell your soul - it’s more of an outline of when and how it’s acceptable to summon him. For you and Lydia it’s entirely a formality, with the contract taken down to the bare bones before signing, but for some random stranger it would be approximately a mile long with lots of confusing language to essentially guarantee his continued freedom. He is a sleazy con artist at heart, and he knows how to offer a deal that only benefits him in the long run, so the fact that the contracts for his two favorite breathers are less than a page long and simply grant blanket permission to summon him whenever is a very big sign of his trust in the two of you.
Other Characters:
Now the toonjuice universe isn’t all about Beej (though he may argue otherwise) - it’s also about the colorful cast of dead people who make the neitherworld their home! I’ve included some bare bones concepts for each of them:
Poopsie would be this absolute terrifying monster of a dog. He’s massive, your head only coming up to his shoulder. He has thick matted fur that looks like the colors of an oil slick, and there are definitely parts of him you shouldn't touch because chunks of fur, skin, and muscle will come off in your hands (it doesn't hurt him by any means, but it's definitely gross and a little traumatizing for you). Whenever he barks or growls it's like a sonic boom that rattles your body and knocks the wind out of you, and after the first few times Poopsie learns not to do that around you and Lydia anymore. Unfortunately Poopsie can't give you any kissies because his saliva is like an acid, so while it wouldn't hurt a dead person it would absolutely burn a breather. His breath is also noxious, and it kinda stings if he's panting too close to your skin. 
Even though this Poopsie is the embodiment of a hellhound, he's still an absolute sweetheart to you and Lydia, and he loves when the two of you play with him or give him your attention! He and Beej still have their stupid rivalry, and Doomie still tries to chase him and run him over whenever he sees him, but instead of being this tiny little furball he’s now as big as a truck. I’m also now thinking about how the episode where they have to rescue him from the pound is even funnier with this version of Poopsie, because now you have this monster dog trailing along behind the three of you in the sewers trying to escape the mean dog catcher who maybe reaches up to poopsie's chest
The Monster Across the Street:
I think he's just impossible to look at directly? His form is constantly shifting and you can't quite get a lock on what it is he looks like, like liquid shadow or the way light reflects off water. It's almost like trying to describe the center of a black hole when you can only see the event horizon. When you ask Beej about it he tells you that TMATS is supposed to take on whatever form will allow him to scare someone the easiest - not like shape-shifting, but something more primal that harks back to humanity's fear of what lies in the dark. 
He's still very annoyed with Beej, and at first he’s ready to go after his breather pals for simply hanging around the ghoul, but once he sees that Poopsie likes you and Lydia he immediately becomes very friendly and polite. He loves having the two of you over for snacks and to talk about art (preferably with Beej somewhere else), and he greatly admires how the two of you maintain your calm in and amongst the horrors of the neitherworld.
Most importantly, he still has the southern accent and the cowboy hat and boots.
I think Ginger, Prince Vince, and Jacques wouldn't need to change much - you’d just have to make them a lot less cartoon-y and really lean into the horror of how they’re Almost (but Not Quite) Normal.
A real skeleton with a sharpie-d on mustache is very funny but would also be very unnerving. You can obviously see space between the bones, and without the connections of things like tendons he should just be a pile on the floor. So it's not like how we use wire to string up a skeleton - you can see that parts of him are free floating, like the cracks of light visible between his vertebrae or that his fingers seem to hang in space.
I think adding in things like details about obvious areas of healed scars from broken bones could be cool, like where he broke his arm as a kid. Adding to his backstory we could say that maybe the reason he’s a skeleton in the afterlife instead of a normal ghost is because he died from massive hemorrhaging after so many of his bones were crushed in an accident. Now for the rest of eternity he’ll only be able to see the cracks and the scars; the blood stains and the unhealed calluses; the areas where the bones still don’t fit together quite right. He is truly terrifying to look at at first, but that really makes him sad - he’s an absolute sweetheart, and he hates that his appearance scares people so badly.
You’d also experience the horrific noise of bones shifting and cracking whenever he moves, and the fact that his voice seems to reverberate in the air around you instead of seeming to come from him since he obviously doesn't have lungs or vocal cords. 
I think Ginger can just be a spider, nothing to change with that one
She has very obvious "I'm venomous and will kill you" markings like most animals would have in the wild, but turned up to a 10. I think it would be interesting if her markings seem to change every time you see her, or if they shift and change when she dances!
I can’t tell if it’s creepier if she's the size of a Prius or if she's the size of an actual spider and can just rapidly climb up your body to sit on your shoulder to talk to you? Or, like her markings can change, maybe her shape can change too?
Prince Vince:
Honestly I think Prince Vince is hilarious as he is and I wouldn't really change much about him. He's not meant to be scary, he's pathetic and sad and I love him for that. 
I think the fact that when he's sad it rains could definitely be turned up in terms of the danger factor, like it summons lightning storms and flooding and all that
Having said that, the idea of a prince of hell who's just emo is VERY funny in the midst of this horror world. Like welcome to hell where everything is horrifying and it would probably drive you mad to stay there too long, oh and also the prince of hell is just a moody emo teenager who cries all the time. He looks exactly like what you'd expect of an emo / goth teenage boy and that's why he's perfect
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helenarlett-rex · 4 months
You know... I kind of miss being a librarian. Not so much the actual work itself, and certainly not the people I ended up working for... But I kind of miss the pure insanity you encounter from day to day as a librarian. Any time I needed new material for a Miss Smalls story, all I ever had to do was go to work for a couple of days, and chances were I'd have all the inspiration I needed. Now that I work at a gaming store, I don't really have that. Even working for the second biggest chain of gaming stores in the country (Game X Change... We are second only to Game Stop) I still don't get quite the same level of crazy I did at the public library. It's like, sure, I could tell you about people calling in and asking if we sell random shit a game store would have no reason to sell, like katanas, or police scanners... Or tell you about the crack head family that comes in to sell Pokemon cards and how the dad won't stop swinging the baby around and throwing it up into the air until the baby finally gets so sick it vomits all over my store... Or the bitch area manager who keeps coming in and rearranges everything in the store to the point where no one who actually works there knows where anything is because that is the only thing she can do because she's too blazed out of her mind 24/7 to actually do anything useful but she still needs a reason to go from store to store and do stuff so she can collect a pay check and as the mistress of company's CEO it's not like anyone is going to fire her... I could talk about how that same bitch was dating one of the store managers while sleeping with the CEO behind his back and then dumped him and chose the CEO over him when he found out, despite the fact that the CEO is already married and was sleeping with her behind his own wife's back, and when the manager quit because he refused to work for either of them anymore they were the ones to host his going away party as if they thought that was somehow okay... Or I could talk about how the company is owned by a rich frat boy who has never had to work a day in his life, married a literal Saudi Arabian oil princess, and knows absolutely nothing about the things his stores sell, to the point where the very concept of model kits had to be explained to him and he still didn't get it... I could complain about how every time the Warhammer group shows up to play Warhammer at the tables in the back of the store they leave the bathrooms looking like we were housing a group of circus elephants in there... But that just all seems so mundane compared to the stuff I saw at the library. No more stories about how we had to yell at a man to get out of our tree only to later catch him living in our utility room and find out he was an armed robber who had been going around town in a circle robbing the same three pizza places over and over... No more stories about the insane woman who would steal pork chops out of the Walmart dumpsters because her psychic told her pork cleanses the soul (the older the pork the better) or the extremely racist cook book she was writing... I miss people like Tree Boy and Pork Chop Lady... I miss the weird guy who would come in every night and just sit in a chair and stare at people in silence for five hours... Or the guy with the Crying Elvis t-shirt who was always trying to take pictures of our feet when we weren't looking... Or the guy who wore shorts and sandals under a trench coat and ball cap, never spoke a word to anyone, and only rented children's movies... How many people can say they've had a professional sword sallower threaten to never swallow swords in their building again because he saw an LGBT book on the shelf? How often have you ever found porn hidden in your ceiling? How often have you seen a video on Facebook of a man getting caught without his pants on while he sat in the parking lot of a public park watching children playing on the playground and said, "Oh shit, that's Mr. Gee..." I mean, I could probably do with less pedophiles... And less cannibals... But I still miss that kind of insanity.
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literaphobe · 1 year
random wlw drabble because i got bored
“You know what my dream is?”
“Going to a skating rink. Disco lights. 70’s vibes. Holding hands with my boyfriend and laughing. Maybe even sharing a milkshake. Him catching me before I fall… all that romantic stuff.”
She’s not talking about ice skating, but my skin freezes over anyway, waiting to be sliced over under the blades of her feet.
“Go do that then,” I get up, voice low. Ready to walk away.
She groans. “That’s the thing,” she gets up, following me, like she’s confused. She takes my hand. It stops me. “I don’t have a boyfriend to do that stuff with.”
The very strange thing about her is that she never stops complaining about all the dates she wants to go on with her hypothetical boyfriend. The even stranger thing is: out of all the years we’ve been best friends… I’ve never seen her date a soul. Never heard her gush or moan about a crush who’ll never notice her.
The strangest thing of all… she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. But maybe I only think that because I refuse to look at anyone else.
Maybe if I did, this wouldn’t be so painful.
It’s interesting, actually. Just yesterday, I was seventy steps away from some guy pressing his hand to a dusty eggshell wall. I say eggshell to act like I care about the color of the wall. It was just a dirty sort of white. What matters more is that she was standing inside that hold, frown greasier than the bacon and eggs we make together on lazy Sundays. We’re both terrible cooks.
He looked interested, like everyone always is, because perhaps I’m not the only one who thinks she’s the most beautiful thing to ever exist.
Men catch on. Men want to fuck the living shit out of her.
Maybe if she’d allow it, I’d finally be free.
Thirty five steps away, I saw her politely shove him away. He looked like his world had just ended. I would’ve felt bad if I didn’t hate his guts for trying. I will never be able to blame him for trying. I only wish I could be so brave.
I find myself ten steps away when she spots me, and though the guy remains in her vicinity, it’s like he no longer exists.
“Ready for Walmart?”
Five steps away. I smile at her, because I have errands to run, and she always insists on coming along. She never makes the journey any more efficient. I don’t think I know how to set foot in a grocery store without her anymore.
One step. She held onto my hand.
But that was yesterday, several hand-holds ago. Right now, she’s still doing the same.
“What about that guy? Or the other guy from last week? Just stand somewhere for more than five minutes and someone’s gonna try their luck.”
She seems to dislike this. She frowns, mouth corners turning down on purpose. She’s being cute, because she knows it works on me. Sometimes I wonder if she knows how evil she is.
“Those guys aren’t boyfriends. They’re just… guys. Gross ass men. Are you telling me you’d date one of them?”
“One of the guys that hit on you all the time?”
It’s a joke. No one really tries their luck with me. But her fingers brush my wrist, so surely my life is filled with fortune.
“I’d hit on you if I were a guy.”
“I’d reject you,” I tease, and she shoves my shoulder. I pull away laughing.
“No you wouldn’t. Now, come roller skating with me.”
“I’m not your boyfriend,” I remind her. Every time she gets whiney about some hypothetical date or another, I’m the one she lives out those fantasies with. I can’t count the amount of ice cream sundaes we’ve shared, the amount of late-night movies we’ve snuck into, the amount of theme parks we’ve ran through day after day after day.
Sometimes, we do other things boyfriends and girlfriends do. When the night is so quiet, so dark, so unnoticeable it’s like nothing ever happened. When her soft wanting moans are all I hear.
None of it is ever acknowledged in moments like these.
Unfortunately, they’re moments I never forget. Sometimes, I look into the darks of her eyes, and I think she remembers it all too.
“I don’t care,” she sneers, and the attitude in her sweet voice, the darkness it possesses, brings me back to earth. She drags us together, bodies clashing like bribery, and I mumble a yes she doesn’t hear.
“If we keep going on your little boyfriend dates like this, you’ll never actually get a boyfriend,” I remind her, but really, it’s a warning. And if you look deeper, it’s actually a plea. “Wouldn’t you rather be a little more patient? You’d have more fun that way.”
“I only ever have this much fun with you,” she tells me, eyes unwavering, and I want to fall to my knees. I want to beg for release, I want her to set me free. I can’t do this anymore.
Everyday, she breaks my heart and puts it back together again. But the cracks of my heartbreak always remain—it isn’t enough to be held by the scraps and figments she throws at my feet.
I want so desperately to be whole.
“It doesn’t matter,” I tell her, eyes downcast. I cannot look at her. I know, from hundreds of mistakes made, that looking means defeat. I only know myself too well—I am doomed to give in to such beauty.
“Why not?”
“I can’t be your boyfriend.”
“Then don’t be my boyfriend,” she says, stroking my hair behind my ear, like it’s that simple.
“But I do everything you want from a boyfriend,” I insist, finally looking at her. She looks at me like she doesn’t understand the tremors in my voice.
“And do you not have fun? Is it not fun, when you’re with me?”
“It’s… too fun.”
She mocks me with a long drawn chortle.
“No such thing as too much fun. Why are you even complaining? We’re wasting time.”
She tries to drag me off again. I stop her.
“One day,” I confess, our eyes meeting proper this time. “One day, you’re going to bring someone else on these little outings. One day, it won’t be me, and I don’t think I’ll be able to take it. So I shouldn’t get used to this—me and you—before it’s too late.”
She ruffles my hair. “Don’t be silly,” she says, like I’m the oblivious one here. “I’m not gonna go anywhere with my boyfriend unless you have one too. You have no idea how fun double dates are gonna be!”
The glass in my throat shatters. I don’t say another word.
“They’re gonna close the skating rink if we drag this on anymore—if that happens, I’ll actually break up with you.”
Her shrill little giggles pollute the air. This time, I run after her touch; I think I’ll always be chasing for it.
She’ll break my heart irreparably someday. But that day isn’t here yet, so I follow her every whim.
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losingfayth · 3 months
it's nearing midnight and i'm walking home from a friend's apartment.
i'm sure i'm quite the sight to behold at the moment. my choice of gym short shorts is a bit premature for the weather. my hoodie would be perfectly seasonal if not for the curious choice to roll both sleeves up to my elbows. the cold is intense but manageable, and the sleeves don't even reach my wrists anyway. rolling them up at least gives the illusion that i want them to fail at covering my entire arm, rather than admit to any passersby that i chose a smaller size because i thought it looked nicer despite not accomodating my long, gangly limbs very well. the cheap fake crystals of my walmart cross necklace fail to catch the light of the streetlights, and the cross itself seems to contradict with my earrings which read "be gay, do crime." my glasses have rainbow frames. my piercings are numerous. my eyeliner is dramatically winged.
i'm sure i'm quite the sight to behold.
i feel, in this moment, like a character in an indie movie. i visually fit the part, surely, and i'm melancholicly listening to a sweet song about two lovers enjoying each others' simpler pleasures. it's a happy song that makes me sad.
i check my phone for new messages again. i texted my ex hours ago to see if she had time for me this weekend. i haven't heard back yet. she usually checks her phone before bed, so i should've seen something by now. but, then again, it is friday night. she could still be up. she could have plans.
that idea wrenches my chest. i can't imagine who she has plans with. i can imagine who she has plans with. i don't want her to have plans with him. god, please no.
i prayed earlier that we would be brought back together. i sure hope somebody listened.
i'm nearing the crosswalk, feeling like a character in an indie movie. maybe not an indie movie, actually. i may be "manic pixie," but i'm not exactly anyone's dream girl. maybe an alternative music video by some garage band out of portland. maybe that's more accurate.
then again... here's the thing: if i saw me, right now, in this moment, crossing the street in the middle of the night, a tall, alternative lesbian dressed inappropriately for the weather hauling an acoustic guitar on her back, i think i'd fall in love instantly. i would melt as she showed me her obscene pokemon merch collection (we love a girlie who's passionate) or explains her prescription insoles (we love a girlie who can make her own doctor's appointments). i'm no lesbian casanova, don't get me wrong, but i've fallen for girls with less going for them. why do i assume no one else is going to love all the same things i would?
i thought about a conversation. one i might have if i finally decide the jettison my ex-girlfriend from my life. "i deserve better than you!" i say.
...but, then again...
there's not too many people in this world who would put up with my bullshit. there's not too many people in this world who are as kind, caring, compassionate, loving, understanding as she is.
we visited her father's memorial one day. she was beside herself. an absolute wreck. but, before we left, she went to every single other memorial there and fixed it up. she straightened flags and put up fallen magnets and tended to plants. she did it like it was her job. like it was expected of her. and every time i bring it up, she responds the same way.
"it was the right thing to do."
i trust her to do the right thing in so many areas. i trust her to do the right thing almost all the time. the one thing i don't trust her to do right is keep safe my heart. she broke it once, and i'm here in agony again and again for her. if she truly doesn't want me, she should cut me loose for good. anything less is just cruel.
i feel like a character in an indie movie. a movie i want to end already.
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finiffy · 2 years
"hello,hi?is anyone listening if so,look out for the kennies,their going feral without their bitcoin,and-"
the voice has stop,but the video has not,in the remaining half of it,it's showed that of what you believe is a one of the kennies?,attack them,then the video cuts offs with screams and sounds of butterflys?attacking something
you think it's a shitty horror mine movie,your higher ups,sent to you to archive for shits and giggles,you bet they were laughing at you right now,if they could see you
you go over to your computer,to search up what are kennies in the sites website,to your shock it's a real thing,the first few lines in the file say,object:scp-408-j-a/Barry [retracted],and so on,then one part catches your eye
"incident:scp-408-j-a clones"
this event happened in 20××/××/×,this information maybe outdated
a outbreak of scp-408-j-a's,was caused because of scp-408-j accidentally making then one scp-408-j-a,one of them was shot and killed,one was found in WalMart and is now in the care of two scp-408-a's,and the others were found in a forest,or were not found
you look over the not found,in some feeling of horror,was it one of them who attacked the person in video?,what if you got attacked?,so many what if are going through your head as you think about the endless things that could happen
from what you remember the video was taken in a house,or apartment,thats look a lot like yours,light blue wallpaper paper,hard wood floors,the list goes on
you look over at the time,to try and stop thinking,it was around lunch time,thank god,your break was coming sooner then you thought
note:I maybe write more,it's my second time writing a story,and I think I'm making this horror,and this will cover all the scps we have made,flute,ect,i like to call it everyday archivist,also this is your daily how are you ask!how are you finny?,were doing good!!-d-a
I am obsessed that you are making a K***y fic and the fact that you are making it a fucking horror story. This is great cause their existence is a horror of itself
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orphancookie69 · 5 months
Now Traveling: Lake Havasu City, AZ
Was I just there? Maybe. Is there always a good reason to go back? Hell yeah. This time we skipped The Hot Air Balloons and skipped it for some cowboys, I mean rodeo.
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If you are wondering when you should judge your leave by time, judge it by sunrise so the sun is at your back as you are driving to your destination. I use an app called Weatherbug to help me determine sunrise time. While we are talking about tech, another good app to have is Gas Buddy so that you can find a gas station wherever you are at (or going). We left about 7 AM, and the weather on the way was eerily pretty. We stopped at College Street Brewery for lunch for mac n cheese, pastrami, and good beer. We met with a window contractor, no trip is complete without some work right? We watched some movies on Amazon Prime. At Javelina's cantina we had nachos and margaritas.
I brought breakfast for myself, to try and behave a little bit. I warmed up the dice for Farkle, I really need to have my own dice that I bring up because the bets for the game are up to $5 a person per game. We went back to College Street Brewery for lunch, this place is much easier to get in during the week. We stopped by Walmart for some supplies. Stopped by another glass company place. We have a list back at my grandma's house for local places to eat, and we decided to make one for the lake. Because we did that, we had a new place (for me at least) to go to-Bogie's and Stogies at The Refuge. Food was pretty good. We came back and played Farkle. Before bed, we got a few more movies in.
Today was the first day of the Delbert Days Rodeo in Lake Havasu! I got ready to go in my full cowboy attire. There was so much to do there! Good local food trucks, kids stuff, professional rodeo men and women. I was not prepared for how hot it was, and I got burnt pretty good. We had Angelina's Italian Kitchen for dinner, good as always. A movie and bed, it was a long day in that heat!
So the rodeo does go on for 2 days, but since Superbowl is so close-we thought it might be good to have an in house day to catch the games for the squares we do for the superbowl party. We set up lunch at Azul Agave. Our local friends showed us the progress on the custom home they are building, it is crazy how much construction is happening everywhere! We gassed up, can you believe it is under $3 a gallon out there? We did more farkle, watched some football. We ordered pizza from Red Baron Pizza and it was amazing as always. We started to get ready, got one more movie in, and headed to bed.
We headed out around 6:30 AM, AZ time (which is an hour ahead of Cali), and made it home with two stops-one at a rest stop and Wendy's, by 10:15 AM. Pretty good timing. Frosty's are so much better on the road. The first day back is always a little rough for adjustment, but its usually better by the second day back.
Good trip, the timing could not have been better. Back to work and back to reality. There is a wash rag bunny at the condo that always caught my eye, and I think I might have figured out how to make it at home! Keep an eye out for that post, and when in havasu-have fun!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There are plenty of other fights going on but the one at the forefront is the fight with morlock and everybody's fight with Tommy f. And everybody's face demanding stuff so I can go after Tommy f and they get pushed away and pushed down and beat up and killed a lot today is not their day they're running around doing it this morning yeah I think about apartments and stuff and got the shake it out of them they went out and started fixing up stuff and they found out they're sick and old and they get lost some are at home trying to rest and they can't because they feel sick and they're terrified that they let themselves go what they've recovered before so trying to do it by coming down to their boats and got really sick and I take Dramamine and are nauseous they're a bunch of jackasses so listen to that today and we're also listening to make fun of our son because you're saying it's taking over businesses and they don't believe it at all which is fine he doesn't have any money. But it's very disgraceful what they're doing and they say that they are going to provide extra social security income and they don't need it and they're not trying and they don't have a plan to but at least they're saying it and they'll be used to cover and they'll see notes that says it. Right now Mac is putting together a program to do it and it's about the Gap and underpayment and really our son was underpaid for a long time it's still under me people I can't make about $3,000 a month Max agrees and on his way just terrible and they can't save up money too easily and he can't buy stuff you needs. And he's damn well worth a lot more than that and they know it and so if you calculated out it's like half million dollars I'm under payment and missed periods and they found out that they did it on purpose to limit how much money he would have it's extortion and they do it every few minutes they try and limit him they don't not successfully but they get beat up really bad and we're going to try and get the money back from key Bank actually it's straight talk it's KeyBank can't get it out of them and we're going after them for it and for the simple reason that it's fraud you took the card off there and changed the number and they try and do it all the time and we catch who it is and we're resting them and it's big groups of them now and straight talk is going to be ours and Walmart soon after going after Walmart because they're not selling stuff that's useful and they think we're not making anything everybody the time they figure it out it'll be too late and what he says is we could draw them out there depending on what we're ready for and it's something that has been talked about and we're not really ready yet and we don't have to yet we will have to be ready very soon we we know about it and said deadlines and we do have some mega weapons going up yes.
And as far as percentage of morlock remaining I believe my number is fairly accurate the argue about it all the time and it's kind of stuck here and they're really actually using a certain type of torture and slow torture and it's isolation and it's telling the guy off and he hated they actually hated it. And their wimps and they can't take it all and they dish it out all day long and they get their ass to send it to them. Right now I'm working on a series of orders in the idiots here stuff to do them. Got a number of things that we wanted to look at apartments and condos check them out just a couple other buildings but they're to the South and we wanted to see the progress you know the update Google once a month and we started that project last week so won't be another 3 weeks but he is going up tomorrow so he's asking Hera to remind him and he doesn't think he had him look last time and she didn't doesn't want a movie into an apartment so happy with him he's not really so we are going to help do it and we heard what happened and the towers would be a bit early but it would possibly stifle all the others or started going mad. So Leroy should probably call and he'll look into it and that would be advertising and I think I got it approved and they say yes so we're going to look at that there's not much else except a few other companies they're pretty big
**American airlines are in the final stages of negotiations with us we acquired a lot of small airlines and were combining them in each country into one airline and everybody appreciates it they said that was a nightmare and they're not very expensive but their planes are going to be in shape once we're finished repairing restoring and putting in new we are also making sure that American airlines has their stuff together while we're completing the acquisition there's a lot of things have to happen we need walls to go up we have 5100 airports under this company alone and I will contractors are going to Missouri this too much stuff to do and too many walls to make and said we're going to make a lot more walls in the future and you're telling me about it in the future about a week and we need more machines and more Cruise so I can tell Thor and Freya a lot more because we need him around all our apartments everywhere we're going to make tons of walls and make really good friends. So I said that to Thor and Freya and they said back well I guess we've got a friend in him and it's true too we've got tons of machines coming and there are other items were doing them on mostly apartments because they just get swamped if you don't and he said let's do it with the block until we get there and I started right away and it doesn't matter cuz you just finish it up with the machine and we're doing with block and it goes half as fast but it's going instead of go to the same speed if we knew how John Henry was no his tire more John Henry's in other words you have 40 sections of wall going up it's going to get done in a day as opposed to two days with the machine so I man the hell out of it and I'm hiring and hiring and hiring and he says it's the way my children learned at first time to do things and I said good so I hired like a madman and it's working now and we're going to get that banged out today so just take a couple from the airport and move to the cigarettes because the these things keep people calmer so we're going to do that and we have a lot of other stuff going on but this airline is important it's very huge it's got a lot of airports and we have a lot of stuff to check huge grounds massive number of hits and we need personnel and I'm putting it out there we need them as an emergency it's a very dangerous business and everyone should know from 911 and we need hiring people we need people to hire right now exactly now and we have about 5100 people a minute no 5100 airports that needs about 100,000 more people each but that's right on the job we need ancillary and suppliers and more it's a huge huge industry and we have people on board but we need people who are regular spice not just we have super spies now it would believe a lot of pressure on them would be very very welcome. There's a couple more companies we should publish now
Nuada Arrianna
Good we publish this
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murderslugs · 3 years
Getting To Know Them || Slasher x Reader Bf/Gf Scenarios Pt 2
Jason Voorhees
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When you woke, you were lying in a dim living room. The windows were boarded with thick, rotting oak planks and the doors were bolted shut. The only light left to illuminate the room was a small lamp on the old, rustic coffee table in front of you. Beneath you was a somewhat scratchy couch, clearly taken off of someone's front line with a paper labeled "free to take" on it, or from some dump. However, you were thankful that it at least wasn't the creaky wooden floor instead. You scratched at the rope around your wrists, loosened from being wriggled around and messed with.
You sat up and allowed your vision to re-adjust, and saw the same man in flannel and ski-mask in an arm-chair on the other side of the coffee table. He didn't seem to notice your awakening, or he at least didn't acknowledge it. He was reading a book with a maroon cover, and you couldn't make out the small copper-shaded title. You studied his movement. He was calm and showed little emotion in his body language, simply reading in peace.
In a split second, you decided to break the peace and silence. "Who are you?" The man put down the book in his lap, but only looked up at you for a moment, silent. You could see him think, then make a few hand gestures. You came to the realization that it was ASL, but you never really learned the language, despite your interest in it. You saw him take a deep breath and get up, grabbing a pen and a notebook off a table to the side. He slid the items onto the coffee table before you and slowly unbound your wrists. You wrote your question out again, "Who are you?" and slid it around for him to see. He read it, and wrote quickly, in slightly messy handwriting, "Jason. any more questions?" and slid the items back.
From here, you two went on for hours, listing out questions on the notebook and answering them for each other. You filled out pages and pages, ranging from basic questions to things like "what was your childhood like?" Certain things like that, he would pause and then write that he didn't want to talk about it. Through the night or day (due to the lack of natural light, it was hard to tell,) this game went on.
Michael Myers
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Though you tried your best and struggled and squirmed, the man who had taken you still had gotten you tied to a chair; where you sat with a belt tying your wrists to the wooden beams, thankfully with a cushion underneath your rear. You shut your eyes for a second and groaned, throwing your head back. You always thought of yourself as strong and independent, a fighter who didn't need help from anyone. Alas, this was one ass you couldn't kick, and you hated yourself for it.
Across the kitchen, the bright lights shined on the tiled floor, and a tea kettle whistled ceaselessly. The sound of running water stopped as the man who had taken you walked from the bathroom and into the kitchen. The man dried his hands on his pants and took the kettle off the burner, shutting the flames off. You observed him take two random mugs from the cabinets above, and place them on the white countertop. He carefully poured the tea into the two cups, and a light herbal smell filled the air. After a moment, you recognized the smell of hibiscus tea. This was a familiar smell, something your aunt made every morning when you spent the night at her house in the summers between school years.
The man walked over and brought the two cups with him. A low, slightly muffled, silky voice came from behind the mask as he slid a mug across the table to you. "Careful, it's scolding." The tall, built man walked across and unbuckled one of your arms from the chair for you to pick up the mug with. "Drink." He said, before taking a seat before you. This is when he slid the mask off, to reveal a face beneath that you never would have expected. Dark brown, shaggy, messy, wavy hair fell over his forehead, and he blew it out of his grey eyes. His face was scarred and his lips were chapped, but it somehow wasn't unappealing or revolting.
"What's your name? Who the fuck are you?" You asked, leaning as far as you could with your restraints still intact. The man pushed his hair back and sighed heavily, sipping the near boiling tea. "Michael. 24. Libra." He said in a monotone voice. You rolled your eyes. "This is an introduction to your victim, not The Dating Game." You told him harshly. "Well, is there something specific you wanna know? It's not like your giving me anything to go off of, sugar cube." 'Michael' replied with the same energy in return. "Fine. I'm (Y/N). What else is there to say?"
Carrie White
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Like the pale girl suggested, Carrie if you remembered correctly, you came back to the public library next Sunday, around noon. You had finished the book you had most recently checked out, so you had to return it anyways. Walking down the pavement, you saw here in a light sundress, walking up the few steps and into the library. You ran to catch up and followed her, careful not to startle the girl. As soon as you got inside, you carried yourself to just behind her, and tapped on her shoulder.
The girl turned around, and a look of confusion appeared on her features. "(Y/N). We met here last week? I suggested you check out Narnia." You reminded her, an eager smile painted on your face. A spark formed in her eyes, and she returned your smile. "Oh! Yes, yes, I remember. I'm sorry, my mind is awfully clouded lately." You assured her that it was alright, and you two went along.
The two of you walked down the aisles of bookshelves, and she looked for something new to try out. Maybe she would check out a cook-book and try a new recipe, or read up on WW1. Although, you DID notice that she avoided the religious aisle. However, you didn't comment on this, out of respect. You two checked out a few books, and on the paved outdoor steps, you stopped her. "Would you like to go for coffee or tea? Even a pastry? There's a little shop down the street, I'll buy. I'd just like to talk a bit.
Carrie obliged happily, and the two of you took your books and walked down to the small cafe. It had a dim, rustic theme, and brought peace to anyone who entered it's walls. There was a faint vanilla sent in the air, welcoming you two. For about an hour, Carrie sat down with you and talked about your life, your week, basic things. It was nice to get to know her. She seemed kind, and gentle. Everything about her was graceful, from the way she sipped her latte to the way she tucked her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear. As you two finished up your chats, you grabbed your things and greeted each other farewell, agreeing to meet again next week.
Jennifer Check
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The pair of you had become half-decent lab partners over the last few weeks, but she didn't seem to be doing well with the subject. As a result, you decided that you would volunteer to tutor her in the subject after school. So, there you were, on your way to her house after school to hang out and help her study up on the subject and with the homework. It was a cloudy day, and you could tell that a storm was brewing in those clouds above your head. Because of this, you decided to walk a bit faster to avoid being soaked.
As you arrived at Jennifer's house, you knocked gently on the door. When you received no answer, you hesitantly knocked harder. Very suddenly, a slightly older woman answered the door, assumingly Jennifer's mom. The woman looked you up and down, then quickly turned to yell over her shoulder, "Jenny! Your new friend is here!" She then quickly invited you in and brought you a small tray of white-chocolate macadamia nut cookies, offering you to take one or two ((If you have an allergy to nuts, then M&M cookies.)) "I made these for you two while you were studying. There's also sodas in the fridge in case you need a drink." Jennifer's mom said joyfully, before scooping the strap of a purse onto her shoulder. "I'll be off now, I have a job interview to get to. Jen's room is upstairs, first door on the right. Have fun you two!" She informed you before heading out the door.
You walked up the stairs until you found an oak door, and knocked before coming in. "Uh, hi, it's (Y/N), I'm here to help you study..?" You said as you slowly walked in and shut the door behind you. Jennifer was standing, looking in the mirror and smearing concealer under her eyes. She sighed and looked over to you. "Sit on the bed. You know, I was gonna gut you like a fish and drink your blood like a Slurpee, but my mom seems to like you, and I don't think you're too bad. Shame, would have been a great opportunity." She said nonchalantly. As she turned to you, you saw that her face was pale and broken out in acne.
Your heart skipped a beat and the color drained from your face. "I'm sorry, w-what...?" You tried to gulp down the fear in your words. "I'm a succubus, idiot. Don't think that I didn't notice you staring at the blood on my shoes the first day we met. I feed on people's bodies and sexual energy so I can feel good and look good. But I've decided you're worth keeping around, so I'll save that for the next chump. So, shall we get to know each other?" She said calmly as she sat down beside you on the bed.
Billy Loomis
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You were home alone yet again, but this time it was mid day. You were watching horror movies out of boredom on your couch, when you got a call. You hesitantly answered, to hear a familiar voice on the other side of the phone. "I'm here, come let me in." You carried the phone with you. You figured one of your friends had stopped by to say hi, and their voice just sounded messed up due to shitty reception. You went to your front door, and looked through the peephole to see someone in a shitty costume, probably from Walmart, as it was October, and stores were starting to sell Halloween costumes and decorations. You hung up the phone and stuck it in your pocket, opening the door slightly with the chain lock still intact.
"Cut it out, prankster. That's not a very creepy costume. Ooo! I'm so scared!! Listen, I've seen the original Japanese film The Ring a million times, I'm not too scared of much." You heard the person sigh and push the door forward aggressively, breaking the lock. You jumped back in shock. "Hey! You're paying for that, asshole!" You yelled only for a quick response. "No, I don't think I will, beautiful. The man said, taking off his mask. To your shock, it was someone that you went to school with, Billy Loomis. You remember him graduating just the year before you, and were a bit shocked at his sudden appearance. You two had talked a bit, and you could consider yourselves acquaintances, but never really close friends.
Billy took a step forward, and in turn, you took one back. He put his hands up, showing he had no weapons in his hands. "Look, I'm not gonna hurt, that's not what I came to do. I just want to...get to know you. Look, you can pat me down, if you really feel the need. I don't have any weapons on me." You lowered your defenses a bit, but still kept them up. "Why would you want to know me so bad?" You asked hesitantly. "Well, I looked through your window and realized I'd found you again. And I wanted to get to know the pretty (girl/boy/person) I used to look at in the hallways every day." He said in a smooth tone. And that's where your night started.
Thomas Hewitt
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It was a lovely Texas summer day. A warm breeze carried through the semi-tall grass in the fields, and the smell of fresh bread filled the small wooden house. On this fine afternoon, you happened to be listening to some old music, from the 50s-60s, and baking. When you least expected it, you heard a loud knock on the door. You figured it might have been one of your new neighbors looking to get to know you, or ask to borrow something. You strolled to the door and opened it, to see a rather large man in a butcher's apron, curly dark hair, and a rather scarred face on the other side. Though he had somewhat of a threatening aura, you knew that there was more behind his appearance.
You saw him open his mouth, but then stop and think for a moment. He hesitantly put his hands up and made a few broken and hand signals. You realized quickly that it was sign language, as you had an uncle growing up that happened to be deaf, so you learned it so that you two could talk. "I'm not deaf, I just don't like to speak." You watched him sign apprehensively, and responded allowed. "That's okay, hun. What can I do for you?" You asked, and he thought for a moment. "Do you have some salt I can use? Papa shot a..." He stopped for a moment, then looked back up to meet your eyes. "Papa shot a deer, and we ran out of salt to dry out the hide and season the meat." He asked, and you replied. "Of course! Come right in, I keep a few bags in the cupboard, I have a half-full one you can take home." You told him as you allowed him to come in and shut the door behind him.
Your bread sat warm in the window-sill, cooling down. As you handed him the salt, he pointed over to it. "Oh, do you want a piece?" He nodded aggressively, and you smiled. You grabbed the metal baking sheet and put it on the counter, slicing a few pieces. "Here, you can have more than one. I make it all the time, and it's just me here to eat it anyways." You told him. "Would you like to sit down and chat for a moment? I can make you tea or coffee too if you like? You can tell me about yourself. That is, if you don't have to be home right quick." The man nodded again, and set the salt down on the counter. "My name's Thomas. I'd like some...Peppermint tea, if you have it." The man signed to you, his guard down as he clearly felt welcomed in the household. "Okay, Thomas, right on it." You smiled warmly and handed him a thick slice of warm bread with butter and mulberry jam smeared over the top. "Take a seat, dear."
~Author's Note~
Hi guys, I'm so sorry it took so long to get this second part out :( I've just been really stressed and not in a great mental place, plus the factor of writer's block and being scared to burn myself out. But thank you for those who have stayed through the hiatus to continue reading!! Please comment below if you have any character or scenario requests. Goodbye for now, loves!
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codename-adler · 3 years
foxes + onesies (1/9)
based off of that one post i saw and don’t remember, where people once caught Allison wandering around Fox Tower in a giraffe onesie, and i absolutely melted for her. here is the Foxes’ journey to getting a onesie each!
in the aftermath of the “mob war”, Allison still sees Betsy for counselling, mostly to cope with Seth’s death still, her ED and to process her childhood and teenage trauma
Betsy teaches her a lot about self-care (and not in Allison’s traditionnal definitions of self-care, which are: bottle it up, act out, burn through 500$ in clothes, repeat)
all in all, Allison has a lot to come to terms with by the end of the semester, and Betsy won’t be there as much in the summer, so she leaves her with a little list of self-care tips to look at when Ally feels overwhelmed
- pick a time to make yourself some tea, or try out some new ones and tell me about it next time
- try drawing with those wonderful pencils of yours, but in different art styles (because yes, Allison does have a fashion sketchbook. but silly doodles? abstract drawings? anatomy sketches? she never tried)
- watch movies by yourself, and for yourself, Allison
- since you love shopping and spending so much, find yourself a cozy thing, a soft thing that will only be for yourself, when you need to be reminded to love yourself and be gentle with yourself
those were the suggestions that stuck to Ally the most
so the next time she goes out to the mall with Dan and Renee, she doesn’t expect to find anything like Betsy suggested
she does look for some herbal tea at David’s Tea, and ends up getting some hibiscus + rose water green tea
but then they go to Walmart (she wants to gag)
fucking Walmart
the girls need some pads and tampons, and the gatorades are on sale (because all the Foxes, as a treat for winning the Championship and bc they all want to stay close after the hard year they endured, got to stay on campus for the whole summer (idc if it’s unrealistic, sue me, that’s how i roll))
for once, Allison follows Dan and Renee, without looking at anything, without touching anything (what if she catches it??)
then Renee wants to look for socks
that’s when Ally passes a rack of colorful onesies
one brushes the tip of her elbow, and wow it’s so soft
not at all the quality material she expected
she stops in her tracks, lets the girls go on to the underwear section, and really looks at the pajamas
there are lots of unicorns, and pandas, a few mouses, and two giraffes
bright yellow, light-spotted giraffes, with their little ears and antlers and all
the sewn-on eyes are closed and have cute little lashes details
Allison imagines herself wearing it and feels utterly stupid
but- she keeps running her fingers through the synthetic velvety material, mesmerized by its softness
she thinks back on Betsy’s list
the folks would absolutely loathe it. the high school bitches too. God, even Seth would say it’s fucking stupid. Nobody should ever be seen wearing that…
But I wouldn’t have to worry about my man-shoulders in it… or my stomach… or my thighs… I could even go braless, or wear just that cute little bralette I haven’t got the courage to wear yet… and I think Renee would agree it’s cute…
then she hears Betsy’s soothing voice in her head
But do you like it?
Yes. Yes I do.
and that’s how Allison takes down the onesie, cashes out and waits for the two other girls outside the Walmart entrance, feeling silly, and jitty, yet quite happy with herself
back at Fox Tower, she washes it immediately, only to stuff it back under her bed
it stays there for quite a few weeks, until it’s almost time for school to start again, her last year at PSU
the boys are out at the beach, Andrew and Neil are God-knows-where, Renee is meeting a friend, and Dan is out shopping with her Sisters
Ally is alone, and lonely
she’s craving something, something that feels close to how one of her nanny used to take care of her hair before bedtime, telling her stories of folklore around the world
guessing that nobody will be back before sundown, she reaches underneath her bed and takes out the giraffe onesie
she gets rid of her high-waisted skinny jeans, her silky cropped blouse and her high-heeled sandals in favor of Seth’s old Marvel boxer shorts, her baby blue bralette she still hasn’t worn, and the infamous onesie
and wow, it’s so baggy
as she buttons up the front, it almost feels like being wrapped up in a giant, fluffy pancake
she giggles to herself, like a little girl
until she goes to look at herself in the mirror, where she straight-up bursts out laughing
she feels so, so light
she puts on a pair of Renee’s fuzzy socks with the sticky soles and leaves her bedhair as it is
she spends the rest of the day on the couch, watching Barbie movies from the hidden collection she has in her closet while painting her real nails in rainbow colors
she makes herself a big cup of the tea she bought, and lights an ocean-breeze candle
between Barbie as the Island Princess and Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus, she even goes so far as going at the end of the hallway to buy some sugar-free gummy bears from the vending machine, completely forgetting herself…
of course, this is when the boys, including Andrew and Neil, are coming back from their day outdoors
she stops dead in her tracks when she turns around and sees them, a *giraffe* caught in the headlights
the boys only notice her because she stops moving so abruptly
she’s speechless
the boys, not so much
Kevin: *oblivious to the onesie situation* So you’re the one hoarding the healthy gummies. Dude give back some.
Matt: Oh, hi Ally… *raises his pointer finger, opens and closes his mouth in awe, lowers his arm back down* Cute?
Andrew: *his face says he doesn’t give a shit, but he’ll let the image make its way to his heart eventually* *very sneakily snaps an adorable pic for the group chat*
Neil: *whispering to Andrew, genuinely confused*  I thought these were for babies? Do we qualify as babies? Why is Ally dressed like a baby, Andrew?
Nicky: BITCHHHHHH I shoulda made a bet on THAT!
Aaron: Well fuck. 60 points to Hufflepuff for cuteness.  Ugh. I can’t believe I said “cute”. Jesus, I wanna vomit. Eurk.
Allison slowly makes her way back to her dorm room without a word, her cheeks flushed and her eyes to the ground, clutching her bag of gummies
she hasn’t felt this vulnerable since Seth’s passing
an hour later, she’s still hiding under her blankets as Renee and Dan file in
of course, they saw the photo posted to their group chat, and they heard everything from Matt and Nicky
Renee gets under the covers with Ally, and Dan proceeds to show off the goods she got with a very silly runway walk
they don’t say anything, until Neil sends a new picture on the GC
it’s a printed version of Andrew’s picture, pinned to the locker room wall with all the other photos they’ve accumulated
and everybody in the chat is dying of cuteness overload
Ally’s got that look of a toddler caught red handed, so open and genuine and surprised; her mouth is slighlty opened in an “o” shape; her mismatched fuzzy socks are peeking from underneath the bunched up fabric at her ankles; the hood is pulled up and slouching over her head…
but nobody, nobody, is making fun of her
we’re talking about the Foxes here. they never pull their punches.
so this? unexpected. shocking. astounding.
and right at the bottom of the picture, in shaky black marker: Baby Ally
with a poorly drawn heart next to it
in Neil’s unmistakeable handwriting
she cries
and never again is she ashamed of wandering around in her giraffe onesie
and if from then on, many Foxes gifts are soft things for her, well, that is called character development
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kvmberly · 3 years
play date.
20 day song imagine masterlist | main masterlist
pairing: topper x pogue!reader
pronouns: she/her
genre: angst lolololololol
warning: topper being an asshole, cursing, toxic "relationship", alluding to sex. pretty rushed imagine im srry.
word count: 854
synopsis: "no strings attached." pff yeah right
a/n: so to me the song play date is about a friends with benefits situation where the love is one sided. so one person loves the person they're hooking up with and the other person just wants the others body. that's how i wrote this idk if that's what miss Melanie wrote it about but i take it that way. also this is so bad im so sorry.
y/n's days could never just be normal. something always had to happen to make her mad and today just so happened to be one of the worse days.
"hey do you want to come over to my house later?" y/n asks continuing to put her clothes on.
topper shrugs, still catching his breath from their earlier activities.
y/n nods a little trying not to show any emotion. it's hard though. keeping feelings in to not make things awkward. she liked topper, a lot, but she didn't want to ruin what they had going on.
"we could like, watch a movie." she added
topper sighed getting up from his messy bed, finding a shirt to wear. "like a date?" he question shaking his head.
"i mean. if thats what you want to call. it, it don't know." y/n stuttered out. her words were slurring together making it hard for topper to know what she wanted. if you asked him, he though she just wanted more sex.
"well if you don't talk clearly, i don't fucking know what want." he fumed. he really didn't care about her feelings.
after his last failed relationship with sarah, he just didn't want anything serious. he just wanted to fuck and dip. no strings attached.
y/n just grabbed her things and heading back to the cut. no goodbye's were said. no hugs were received. and no love was found. not even offering she drive her home. she gets it. she agreed to it, but it didn't hurt any less.
everyday her feelings were growing stronger and she didn't know why. she didn't even know how to tell him. she didn't know where she stood in this.. "friendship." from the start all he told her was it couldn't go farther. no one could ever know that him, a kook, was hooking up with her, a pogue.
he even named her as his maid whenever she would leave his home and his friends would see. when she confronted him about it all he said was, "it's not far from the truth." making fun of her current situation.
he was an asshole
she didn't know why she stayed. every time she wanted to leave, he made her feel like staying by saying little things like "but you make me feel so good." it made her feel like maybe he did like her.
y/n made it back to her home in the cut and fell asleep thinking about that blonde haired asshole.
7 hours into her sleep she was woken by a text message from, surprise surprise, topper.
everything in her body was hoping it wouldn't be about hooking up but of course it was.
feel like coming over?
y/n rolled her eyes while replying.
i have work in 3 hours
you can leave straight from my house
k give me 10 minutes
y/n got out of her comfy bed and got dressed. she so didn't feel like going but she was so in love with that man.
y/n and topper were finishing up when his doorbell rang. topper stopped what he was doing and took a minute to catch his breath.
"topper! open we need to talk!" y/n immediately recognized the voice as rafe's.
y/n rolled over in his bed, "don't get it."
topper got himself semi presentable then replied, "i have to. just stay here."
y/n fell into his bed waiting for him to sent rafe away but got nervous when hearing rafe's voice get closer to toppers room. "yeah yeah yeah, i just need something from your room!"
y/n's eyes widened as she quickly tried to get herself together but stopped when rafe walked into the room. a half dressed y/n was staring at rafe dumbfounded.
"hi?" she greeted, voice cracking
topper ran into his room, a covered his mouth with his hands. "oh my gosh!" he yelled "what are you doing in my bed?"
y/n looked at him questioning what he was doing.
"you didn't know your fucking maid was in your room half dressed?" rafe cursed
"no!" topper lied grabbing y/n's arm.
"what the fuck topper!"
y/n couldn't even talk. she was so surprised that rafe even took toppers word for it. no fuck that. she was upset that topper set her. up like that.
y/n elbowed topper to get out of his hold. she looked him in the eyes and spat on his face. "fuck you."
she picked up her belongings and left his home.
she told herself after that day that she wouldn't ever go back again. but she did. every time. she told him she didn't give a shit about him. but she did, and he knew that. he knew y/n could never leave him.
he was using her and she couldn't runaway.
this is a day late and this is so crappy i'm so sorry lol. i'm in the process of doing drivers ed, school, and cleaning. i wrote this in like 30 minutes in the car while going to Walmart for stupid house things.
- kimberly
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
first time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: The party, finally. Nerds be nerds. They're all dorks tbh. Booze and partying. Clint is a disaster. Natasha is a queen. I beg for comments from y'all cuz I'm short on serotonin 🥺🥺🥺💚✨
This is a Spotify playlist I made for the first half of the party. Sets the mood 😌
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The party was booming, the room was flooded with a large amount of people dressed in various extravagant outfits. It was enough to sweep my eyes over the crowd only once to take notice of the thought and money people had put into their outfits. I hardly noticed any cheesy "angel/devil" or "sexy cat" ensembles, my eyes caught on gemstones and feathers and floor-length gowns instead.
First Avenger to catch my eye was Thor - only because the people surrounding him barely held back from drooling. Hell, I did a spit-take: the usually graceless giant stood casually posted at one of the snack tables, wearing silver robes embroidered with tiny sparkling gemstones; a sleek, angular crown rested atop his head, his blonde hair was longer, lighter and straight. One look at his ears and the realisation struck me: Thor was Thranduil, the Elven king. It made sense since Peter had the thunderer hooked on the Lord of the Rings movies a couple of weeks ago...
Both Loki and Wanda cleaned up no less nicely. The Witch was wearing a midi dress, airy and soft, in pastel tones that brought out the natural rosiness of her cheeks and the scarlet undertones glimmering in the strands of her hair. Unlike me, she chose to wear a sparkling tiara, which Loki had created after a short debate - it was an intricate material illusion meant to last for at least ten hours.
Loki himself was a work of art: dark and macabre fantasy painting. I could barely tear my eyes away from the pale, tall man clad in dark green silks and brocade. The candlelight threw shadows on his angular face and his sharp cheekbones stood out more than ever: twenty minutes I spent on convincing him to let me put make-up on his face paid off spectacularly. Flickering lights toyed with the emeralds and forest greens of the shiny silk of his vest, giving Loki an ethereal glow. His eyes shone crimson red, making nearby people throw equally startled and appreciative looks.
As for myself, the stares I got were no more and no less than I expected. The dress I'd been aching to wear fit me perfectly, earthen tones, hand-embroidered blossoms and delicate golden threading. The layers of my skirt were just voluminous enough to give me the extra airy, floating walk, the medium-height platforms of my shoes lightening my step. The ropes securing them to my legs were decorated with flowers so delicate they looked real.
The peak of my outfit took an arm and a leg in bribery of the resident sorcerer-turned-vampire, but in the end, even Loki himself could hardly look away from his creation. An hour of research and some serious magic voodoo shit was what it took for the fluttering fairy wings to sit between my shoulder blades. I felt them as an extension of my own body, and whilst flying was definitely out of the question, I could flicker them and felt the delicate brush of Wanda's fingers as she admired the translucent, blue-green, marble-patterned sheen of pure, concentrated magic.
In hindsight, I should have simply bought a set of pre-made wings and asked Loki to enchant them to move on their own. Hindsight... I wasn't good at that. So, in this moment, with the wings syncing up with my jittery nerves, the shiny traitors shook with the force of stares directed at our little trio. There was an absurd amount of gorgeous people and breathtaking costumes, yet even then, we stood out like Mona Lisa in an indie art gallery. Muted 'woah's and 'oh-my-gods' traveled across the room, turning even more heads towards us.
"And you wanted to wear Walmart," I weakly chuckled in Wanda's direction, seeing her wide eyes and Loki's arm rapidly wrapping around her waist, catching her a brief moment before she stumbled. The trickster looked unimpressed and bored for all the world to see, but to me, the slight twitching of his eyebrow told me he wasn't feeling that much different from us girls either.
"Brother!" Thor gestured us over with a drink in each hand, parting the crowd of people easily.
Noah, et tu? I had no choice but to swallow my unease, hoping my concealer and highlighter did their job and my face hadn't lost the sublime glow I was aiming for. For a girl like me, the Fae aesthetic wasn't easily achieved: naturally, I wasn't innocent, I wasn't playful... However, I was mischievous. Plenty of that.
Spotting a semi-familiar face in the crowd of partygoers, I gave the man a lopsided grin and a wink without actually taking note of who he was. Tonight, I would be a fairy. I would play.
"King," Wanda mock-bowed with a laugh, carefully embracing Thor. Even Loki did a brief, composite left-handed tilt with a slight smirk.
"Where's the rest of the gang?" I giggled, immediately making grabby hands for the nearest brightly coloured, fruity concoction that fell into my eyesight. Being sober at a party was not something I had planned to be: first drink went down like water as Thor explained the whereabouts of our various friends.
"Steven and James are with Lady Natasha, there is a knife-throwing contest outside on the patio," As soon as those words left his mouth, Loki immediately perked up, not-so-subtly turning his torso towards the large open area.
"Go," I ushered him. "Win us something, good sir," With a chuckle of my own, I grabbed Wanda by the hand for both of us to give a chaste good luck kiss to each of Loki's cheeks. He smiled as I threw a tiny amount of sparkles at him, shouting "GOOD LUCK!" to his retreating back.
"Princess?" I heard a curious voice pipe up behind me, an arm carefully wrapping itself under my wings. Said arm jerked as the sensitive matter of my wings fluttered away from the touch, shivers running down my spine and making me shuffle in place awkwardly.
"Tickles," I breathed out, voice pitched.
Tony's utterly perplexed face came into view as he gave me an open-mouthed once-over. "Darling..." He cleared his throat. I had managed to rob Tony Stark of his words! "You look... Exquisite." His eyes critically surveyed the amount of make-up and glitter on my face before he lifted the inside of my wrist, touching his lips to the pulse point for two long seconds, stealing my breath away with the simple, intimate gesture. It was by far more powerful than having to get glitter out of his beard if he'd kissed me on the lips, or even on the cheek.
"Congratulations, you've caught a Fae," I grinned mischievously, my own eyes widening at the amount of tiny little details on Tony's costume. Delicate, moving clockwork gears and metals interwoven with dark brown, harsh leather; he wore a tophat decorated with a pair of glasses and both his arms and harnesses had moving details of polished, dull-grey chrome. It was unreal, like Tony had stepped out of a Steampunk graphic novel, like he'd just got done filming the Wild West movie. "Nerd," I affectionately brushed my fingers - glitter-free hand - along the handlebar mustache he'd grown out.
Tony spoke over Thor's laughter, pressing himself closer to me, this time careful around my wings. "Do I get to make a wish?"
"Don't be rude, Tony. The Fair Folk should be treated with politeness and respect," Bruce's amused voice signaled his arrival before I even saw him. His costume and Tony's complimented each other: whereas Tony the wngiy obviously was some sort of inventor, Bruce was a doctor, or perhaps, a chemist. Instead of moving gears, he had an array of brightly coloured vials attached to a gold-and-green embroidered belt, and a single monocle replaced his usual rectangular glasses. The scientist gallantly raised my palm to his lips, fighting a smile of his own. Utter nerds! "You're the most beautiful thing in this room, Princess. Everyone can't take their eyes off you," With that, a brief, bright flash of green blinked in his eyes and then I knew, Bruce and Hulk would be on my back, watching out for me wherever I would decide to go.
The knots in my back, in my stomach, slowly began to unwind, the feeling accelerated by the warmth of alcohol sitting low in my belly. I was happily sandwiched between my two men, chatting with Wanda and Thor, nibbling on the spooky treats that Tony's catering services had provided. They were delicious.
Sam appeared, dragging a flushed Clint in tow. The archer had evidently gotten well into his drinks, seeing as he was holding a horn in one hand whilst the other still barely held onto his head. Despite the costume fail, he seemed to be having the time of his life.
"We need glue," Sam announced, smiling in our direction. "Well, hello, ladies," Briefly, abandoning his bird bro, Sam kissed a giggling Wanda on the cheek and wrestled one of my hands from Tony to peck it, too. "My, my eyes have been so blessed!"
"What are you?" Wanda asked the man curiously, pointing at his... a sort of toga, brown leather shoes that looked more like hooves and a crown of... grapevine?
"Dionysus," Sam mock-bowed, "And this is my Pan. Who happens to be a lightweight and enjoys annoying witches that can throw knives with scary precision!" The man announced, annoyed, whilst Clint just drunkenly giggled as he was helped by Thor - the Asgardian-Elf was doing something to the archer's headdress and putting the wonky horn back in its place, hands steady despite Clint's swaying and squirming.
"Classy," I toasted Sam. "Who's the knife-throwing witch?"
"Natasha," He grabbed a drink of his own. "She went as Yennefer, both fossils are Witchers and Pietro is Jaskier. He looks like a proper court jester in that purple... Thing," The dark man was giggling, too, somewhat tipsy.
"The Ass of America could fit his sizeable rear end in leather pants? How much KY jelly did they use?" Tony snorted mockingly as all of us laughed. I remembered seeing an interview with Henry Cavill and his troubles regarding the leather pants - Tony's question was valid and you can fuckin' quote me on that.
"Man, don't ask me. I've already seen more than enough of him and Barnes in the supply closet," Sam winced, downing the remainder of his drink in one go.
"And what were you doing in the supply closet, Wilson?" Natasha was absolutely breathtaking in the black mesh dress. Pietro next to her looked like a masquerade attendee - in a good way. He had gone with the video game version of Jaskiers outfit and was a bright addition to or our mostly black and pastel coloured party.
Sam grumbled something unintelligible, striking a conversation with Pietro and Clint, pulling the rest of us into it one by one. People came by and went, saying their hellos and asking to take pictures - the party was attended by mostly SI and trusted SHIELD employees with the exception of a few B-level celebrities Tony knew personally, no press was allowed beyond their designated area so all of us could afford some degree of frivolity.
Steve and Bucky - oh my God their costumes were tight - shared kisses and heated glances over the tops of our heads. Bruce's hand snuck under the highest part of my skirt, caressing my legs and Tony's soft pecks on the top of my head filled me with the warmest sense of adoration. Loki, being the gentleman he was, had won both me and Wanda each a stuffed spider which we gracefully accepted, thanking the trickster with a dance.
Or three. Wanda went first, eyes sparkling and smile ten miles wide as she soaked up the admiration, the envious stares of the people in the room. The witch looked simply stunning, she was glowing, and Loki next to her shared the sentiment wholeheartedly - a small grin decorated his face, eyes kindest I'd ever seen them. In that moment, Wanda truly was a princess.
Three and a half drinks in, I swayed gently to the music, unbothered by the smile creeping on my face as I watched the two magical people dance and mingle. "You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey..." Singing along was a pesky habit of mine that manifested itself after a certain amount of liquor circulated through my system. It wasn't like I was a bad singer - my parents had made me take music classes until I was sixteen - but it was generally an embarrassing moment nonetheless. In that moment, I didn't give a damn. "You're as sweet as strawberry wine..." Trust Tony to pick the kind of music I actually knew and liked.
A flash of purple and my glass was snatched out of my hand and promptly downed. Shamelessly grinning, Pietro gave me a look with that cocky tilt of his lips, blonde hair in utter disarray. "That your work?" He nodded towards the dancing couple, giving the empty glass to Bruce who was now watching my swaying with a careful eye.
"My and Loki's," I replied dryly."Thank you," Pietro replied sincerely. "Wanda needed this," Briefly looking me over (fuckin' glitter! I was missing out on so many hugs!), the blonde settled on squeezing my hand between his own. "May I steal your lady for a dance?" He addressed Bruce, seeing as Tony was immersed in a conversation with some dude dressed as Marty from Back to The Future. IT department, maybe?
"You may, but no funny business," Bruce looked godly in his outfit with the stern expression: eyebrows drawn together, lips pursed and irises having just a tinge of green. Hulk watching me added an unexpected sort of spice to our interactions. It made me feel...
"Let's go, Printsesa," Pietro unceremoniously dragged me to the dancefloor, all but stomping over other people's feet, shoes, tails and various other accessories. Boys will be boys... And we danced, and we laughed - until Loki and Wanda floated over to us, promptly swapping partners with fluidity I didn't expect from either of the twins. I watched Pietro spin Wanda with a smile as the Witch shrieked and cursed at her overenthusiastic brother.
"How's it going, Lokes?" I addressed the resident vampire, placing an arm on his shoulders. Tall ass bastard.
"Better than I expected," He admitted. "Although I cannot say I appreciate intoxicated Midgardian males."
"Nobody likes drunk dudes," I rolled my eyes. "I've lost count how many faces I've punched and balls busted at parties. They just don't learn."
"Oh, indeed, you're a fighter, little one. How could have I forgotten?" Loki teased me, doing an elaborate twirl to narrowly avoid the slap I was aiming at his chest. Tall, cheeky bastard.
I definitely should have put salt in his tea sugar.
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze, Pt. 6
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Cursing, Wild Thoughts™️, Angst, Yearning, 18+, Walmart shopping, Anime discussion, Anthony Ramos. Lots of Plot
Word Count: 2.8 K
Plot: Linden Marshall just finished law school at Columbia University in NYC. Daveed Diggs is still creating magic with his platonic life partner Rafael Casal in the form of their Blindspotting musical, Bay Boys. Linden’s boyfriend WAS Mark Monaco, star of the superhero movie series Invincible.  They were together for years, and her trauma and his addictions were toxic. She knows now that wasn’t love. 
A/N: Keep in mind that this the same AU as Arrivals, with Holly Woods, but is BEFORE Rafa and Holly get together. 
Read the previous chapter.
Isabela, Puerto Rico, May 2023
“We are about 30 minutes from our destination. Please stay seated with your seatbelts fastened. The pilot will let you know when it is safe to do otherwise. Enjoy the rest of the flight.”
The flight attendant’s announcement woke up Daveed. He felt warm and happy. And he had you in his arms.
Daveed moved his head down into your curls, and kissed the top of your head., checking to see if anyone was watching. Everyone was knocked the fuck out. 
You had fallen asleep on his shoulder about 45 minutes into the flight after passing around champagne bottles. You were so cute, but he could tell that your neck was gonna be wrecked when you awoke.
Daveed had carefully maneuvered you so that he could pull up the armrest without waking you. You were dead to the world, so you waking up wasn’t a problem. 
Then, he pulled you to his chest, situating the blanket around you two and leaning back.  If he wanted anything from you right now, at the top of the list would be to be able to hold you like this and to show love.
He questioned that word in his mind. Love, really? He did love you, even if it was only as a good friend. But could it be more? Were you ready for that? Was he?
Daveed looked around to see Craig watching him and giving a thumbs up.  No one else noticed, Rafa was on his laptop and he could have sworn that Anthony and Jasmine were doing something nasty under their blanket behind you.  
He settled back into this feeling of being with you and fell asleep too, happy and content.
You woke up to a strange rhythm under your ear. It was a blue covered heartbeat, you recognized as you opened one eye, and it was insistent and hard, yet warm and safe. You shifted, held Daveed’s torso tighter and tried to drift back off. His arms tightened around you in response.
 Then your eyes popped open.
“Oh shit!”  You realized what was going on. You sat up slowly and squinted at Daveed’s smile and his damn low sexy voice. 
“Hey sleepyhead.”
You blushed and wiped your mouth. 
“Shit, I’m sorry…” you wiped at his onesie. “I think I drooled all over  your…” 
You didn’t finish the sentence when you glanced at Daveed and caught his eye. 
What you said that night came back to both of you. D’s eyes darkened and he licked his lips. For a minute, you were trapped by the static energy of your attraction. Daveed could do a lot with those lips right now if you’d let him. 
But of course you fought it.
You took a deep breath and sat up, separating from Daveed more fully. You had to get it together. You reached for your phone and checked your face, making sure you weren’t too crusty.
“Practically perfect in every way.” Daveed was watching you.
“That’s your first mistake.” You clicked your camera off. “ Anything that’s perfect isn’t real. Or alive.”  You had learned a lot in therapy.
“Truth.” Daveed looked at you appraisingly. “Such wisdom from a young one.” He leaned close to you.  “That’s why I said, ‘practically.’”  He was staring at your lips, not wanting to give up on meeting them again.
“I’m not a ‘young one.’ I’m thirty in two days.” 
You lifted your chin as a child would do, Daveed noted.  It was appropriate, because you were being stubborn as fuck right now.
He chuckled and stayed close, not letting you off the hook.  
“And I’m 40. I could be your…”  
The timbre of his voice was causing your pussy to vibrate. Holy fuck.
“...Daddy,” you said, huskily.  
You opened your mouth to breathe, as Daveed grunted quietly in his throat. God, you wanted to fuck him. You remembered that you knew how big he was. Your eyes widened and you watched his mouth.
Daveed would teach you about Daddy. He wanted to rail you until your pussy curved to his dick.  Got damn.
Daveed wanted you and you wanted him. It was crystal clear. He began to reach for you under the blanket when the flight attendant’s voice intruded on your vibe.
“We are beginning our descent into Rafael Hernández Airport, please stay seated with your seatbelts fastened and bring your tray tables and seats to an upright and locked position. The temperature is 75 degrees and the current time is 12:47 am.  We should be at our gate shortly. Thank you.”
That’s it. The moment was gone. You reached for your water bottle and took a drink to cool down. You were grateful.
Daveed was frustrated, as he sat back, brought his seat up, but held the blanket on his lap for a little while longer. It wasn’t fair, he almost had you. He closed his eyes. Now he felt like a child.
The crew finally arrived in town around 2 am, after the two hour flight and renting a couple of cars to get to Isabela, a village on the seaside.
Loud music was playing to avoid falling asleep, Rafael driving one car and Ant the other.
Arriving in town, the two cars headed straight to the Walmart to get some food and things. It was almost 2 am, but everyone was re-energized and playing around, glad to be free for the time being on the island.
Daveed had to concentrate to read the titles in the video section.  His mind kept going back to the moment on the airplane.  But he vowed not to chase you up and down this island. He didn’t want to crowd you.  It had to be your decision.
You had to come to him. And  the thought of you made him want to cum. He’d have you to think about in the shower tonight, or today, whatever.
He needed to stop thinking about it.
Daveed was looking for Black Dynamite to watch in the condo in case it rained. He knew better than to think that Walmart had it, but he tried anyway.
He did see Afro Samurai tho… He picked it up as Rafa approached him with a toy xylophone and a big grin.
Puerto Rico did something to all of you. It was like some weird no inhibitions pollen or something. When you stepped off the plane you decided to not overthink shit. You were just going to respond naturally, fuck the consequences.
This was your weekend, after all.
You walked into the entertainment section and heard some vaguely familiar music. As you got closer, you realized what it was.
Daveed was in the book section rapping “Rubber Duckie” as Rafa played a toy xylophone.
I got my rubber duckie
I'm in the tub with bubblies
He isn't very fuzzy
I know my duckie loves me
Call up my homie Ernie,
You know the orange one, ya heard me
D was going in, being silly and laughing with his bestie. He was fucking adorable.  You grinned at them and turned down the dvd aisle.
“I can’t believe they don’t have Cowboy Bebop.”  
You shook your head as Daveed and Rafa walked up and flanked you at the display, a shopping cart by Daveed’s side.
“It’s a classic.  Children will be referencing the War on Titan and it's after effects a hundred years from now."
Rafa just nodded and stroked his chin, having enough sense to be quiet.
“Wait, Attack on Titan is right here Lindy…” Daveed reached for a dvd and held it up in front of you.
Rafa shook his head and covered it with his hand.
"Spike Spiegel wasn't in Attack on Titan.  That's an entirely different anime series, my dude." 
The sardonic wit in your voice. Daveed just nodded, face on the floor, and put the blu ray down.
You squinted at what D had in his hand. 
"Afro Samurai is 20 years old as well.  You know that and not Cowboy Bebop? You put shame on your house. Old Man.”
You gave him a sexy grin and sauntered away shaking your head.
Rafa had been watching the scene, head on a swivel. All he had to say after you left was, “Boom. Roasted.” 
Daveed just chuckled, surprised and exhilarated at the same time. It seemed that you were up to letting loose a little bit.
He looked at Rafa who just watched Daveed falling. He couldn’t catch him this time.
"Man. Tonight looks like the beginning of an EPIC weekend,” Rafa said as he pushed some more dvds into Daveed’s cart.
Then he pulled a pack of Magnum XLs off the shelf that he had been hiding under his arm from you.
Daveed looked at him. Rafa stared back.
“What?  All these beautiful women on this island. I’m not gonna be unprepared or take any chances.”
Daveed shook his head, grimaced and looked around to see where you went, but you were nowhere to be found.
You were busy eating some Hot Cheetos that you’d grabbed on the chip aisle and were turning down the candy aisle when you saw Grumpy Care Bear standing there with a basket full of food, dvds and shit, looking at some sour patch kids.
"Oh hell,"  you said as you turned right back around.
"Ay, yo.  Lindy. You can get your candy. I'm not going to assault you with my inferior anime knowledge."
He laughed that sexy laugh and held up his hands. He sort of regretted calling you back because you walking away...Damn. Even in the Pikachu onesie.
Daveed continued to hold up his hands to show he didn't intend any harm, a smile on the lips that were your weakness earlier.  Fuck me, you thought.
You smiled back at him and went for the Jelly Bellys. You crunched loudly on your Cheetos as you clocked him out on the low. You felt bad. A little. 
"Look, I'm sorry about that in the dvds.  I'm just passionate about what I like."
Daveed wondered if you liked him. Like liked him liked him. He allowed himself to go there. 
You sucked the Cheeto dust off your fingers and it was making D feel some kinda way as he watched your fingers go in and out of your mouth. His eyes began to slide down your body.
He needed to stop. Daveed cleared his throat and looked at your face.
"No problem. I get it. It's all good." 
Diggs unconsciously licked his lips and grinned, causing you to stare for a second at his casual hotness. This couldn't continue. You frowned.
Daveed sensed the change in mood, grabbed his Sour Patch kids and backed away.
“I’ll leave you to it.”
That was a close call you thought as you felt some weird pang of disappointment at him leaving. But it was what it was.
Soon enough, you all left the store.  Rafa stole some of your Jelly Belly’s. You just handed over the pack to him and pulled out some more. You were prepared.
When the crew finally got to the house, you dropped your bags and ran to the beach, celebrating four days of freedom from work, acting, fame, fortune, and expectations.
After a few minutes of staring at the waves, y’all made your way back up to the house.
When you walked in before Jazzy turned the lights on, you recognized a large dark expanse which seemed to be the back wall. As your eyes got adjusted, you noticed the white rolls of the waves on the shore. 
The back wall was floor to ceiling glass.  When the lights came up, it turned into a mirror and 6 characters in onesies stared back at you.
You were at the back of an open concept space with a huge u-shaped sectional sofa and a beautiful, big kitchen with a bar.
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Daaaammmmmmnnn! This place is gorgeous!  Craig’s mouth was hanging open. You reached over and closed it.
“Welcome to our home away from home!” Anthony was bleary eyed and smiling wide. 
He pointed to the right of the house.
“Me and Jazzy’s room is over there,” he then pointed to the right of the house. 
“The birthday girl’s room is opposite over there, a mirror of the master,” then he pointed to the back of the house behind you and to the right,  “and the other four bedrooms are here.” 
Ant started pulling their luggage toward their room, talking over his shoulder. 
“Everybody gets their own room, even me, when I fuck up.” 
All of you cracked up laughing whole Jasmine nodded her head.
It was almost 4 am, so you all were tired.  You gladly pulled your suitcase to your room, feeling grateful and warm for being the guest of honor of your friends.  Your room was the bomb.
You walked into a spacious room with bamboo wood floors,and exposed wooden beam ceilings and several floor to ceiling windows.  There was a huge fluffy white rug under a comfortable king sized bed in the middle of the room. 
Two uniquely designed bamboo lounge chairs and white pillow ottomans faced a window where you could look through and see the pool and beach.
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It was a luxury get away and right now, all you wanted was a shower and the bed.
You put your suitcase on the floor and got down and opened it.  You shook your head at what you saw.
Daveed, Craig and Jasmine came running at your screams.  Rafa and Ant were behind.
“What happened.”
You were embarrassed. But so irritated.
“Craig. You got the wrong suitcase.  This is Mark’s shit that he never came to get.  None of my clothes are here.  I have nothing to wear.”  You felt like crying.
“I’m sorry Lindy, you said that your summer clothes and bathing suits were in the rolling soft Louis bag…”
I mean the large one. This is the medium one. It’s okay, Craig.
“You have nothing to wear hunh?”
Daveed was smirking at you and you ignored it, crossing your arms and tapping your foot.
“But it’s perfect!”  You looked at Jasmine and her chipper British accent.
“We can go shopping for your birthday tomorrow. Treat yourself!”
You couldn’t help but smile at Jazzy’s happiness. She was right. Rafa and Ant went away and left y’all to that talk. Daveed was glued to his spot.
“OOooooh. Good Idea.” Craig was in. 
“Ok.I’m tired as fuck. I just wanna shower and sleep now. I’ll not need anything tonight.
Daveed couldn’t get the image of you in the shower and naked in bed out of his head now. He cleared his throat.
“I can give you something to wear shopping tomorrow, Lindy.”
His voice was soft.  You smiled at him and he was a goner.
“Man, you are like three times bigger than she is?”  Jasmine didn’t understand.
“Hold up. Are you willing to sacrifice, D?  Can we cut up one of your t-shirts and jeans?”
Daveed felt pain. The only t-shirts he had were Oaklandish.  
“Let’s compromise. You can cut my jeans all you want, but not the shirt.”
Craig smiled wide.  “Deal, if you throw in a belt.”
“Damn, Diggs…” was all that Jasmine said, smiling and shaking her head.
“Thank you Daveed. I appreciate it.” You were blown away.
Daveed played it off. “No problem…” And then he just turned around and walked out of your room.
“Girlllllllll!!!!”  Craig and Jasmine squealed at you and it took you a minute to get them out of your room.
You walked into the en suite bathroom and marveled at its beauty. It was large, with a huge tub and a walk in glass encased shower with an overhead waterfall  shower head. 
You turned on the shower to get it hot, stripped off your onesie and your underwear, wrapped yourself in a towel and went back into the bedroom.
You stopped short, because there was Daveed standing in your room, clothes in hand.
He had immediately gone to find his least favorite jeans and the Oakland shirt that would suit you the best.  He decided that you would look beautiful in blue.
You just in a towel was a sight to behold. He was sure that underneath that towel was paradise.
You stared at each other for a minute, Your eyes were glued to his.  
“Th-thank you again Daveed.”  He couldn’t discern if your hesitant, sexy voice was for him or from embarrassment.
“Sorry, I…. didn’t think you’d be… sorry.” He put his hands up and backed out of the room.
“Daveed.” You called, softly. “Stop.”
You approached him with a smile on your face. Daveed’s eyes were wide, not knowing what was going to happen.
“Thank you. I mean it.”
You stood on your tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, your lips lingering. Daveed closed his eyes and fought the urge to grab you and hold you close to him.
“You’re welcome.” His smile wrinkled his eyes as he smiled down at you. 
“Goodnight, Linden. Have sweet dreams for me.”
You just stared at him as he turned and left the room.
Daveed was just outside your door when he heard your reply.
“Yes, Sir.”
Read the Next Chapter.
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woahajimes · 3 years
MERRY CHRISTMAS, TOTI!!! I uh, I wrote an alternate ending to the fic... i made it romantic even... hope you like it! (edit: i FORGOT TO TAG YOU! BIG facepalm gdgrterkja @totita030 )
**part one**
Jonathan Kent lifted his head from in between his knees. He met Damian’s eyes, just after Damian had spoken, then he lowered his head again, closing all contact with the figure in front of him. He knew what this was about, and he was tired of it. His weak hallucinative brain was playing games on him, making him see things that never were real. 
Jon lifted his head as Damian broke a small silence. “Why did I just catch a piece of Kryptonite, Jon? Why are you- why are you bleeding?” 
Jon reached for the bag beside him, tosses it at Damian, and with that same hand, he wiped his eyes, clearing his view, a small portion anyways. 
Damian placed the crystal he had caught in the bag and held it in front of him. “Why?” He gestured at the pieces of Kryptonite scattered on the floor. 
Damian continued, “Did you have a fight with your teammates? Your dad? Have you even called your family on earth? I know I haven’t received a call from you.” Damian paced on the floor, crouching down and picking up pieces of Kryptonite Jon had thrown just earlier. “Did you fight with your girlfriend? She was the one that sent me here, she said you weren’t ‘doing okay’.”
Jon moved his legs slowly, crossed his legs slightly. “I don’t have a girlfriend,” Jon mumbled.
Damian walked towards Jon, then crouched to pick a piece of Kryptonite beside him. “Is that why you’re… doing whatever it is you were doing? Did you break up with your girlfriend?” 
Damian walked away from Jon, and Jon couldn’t help but stare at him. Could this be, could he be real? Or was this his mind toying with reality and not, as it always did?
“What?” Damian snapped. “Why are you looking at me like that? It’s not like you’re crying over me or anything.”
Jon kept quiet, he just stared at Damian, blankly, trying to figure out which occasion this was. He turned away, leaned his head back on the wall. 
Damian’s eyes widened as he picked up another piece of Kryptonite “No. No, no, no, Kent!” His voice was harsh and unforgiving. “You don’t- you can’t just hurt yourself because of me! It’s not- I’m not-” 
“What?!” Jon raised his voice, it rung a bit in his ears. “Are you not worth it, Damian? Are you going to pull a fucking movie scene on me?”
A silence fell between them, and Jon watched as Damian picked up more pieces of Kryptonite, each smaller than the last time. He felt like a child, a child that had just thrown a tantrum. He hadn’t noticed he shattered so many. 
“Do you remember that letter your wrote? For english Class?” Damian tied a knot in the bag of kryptonite, despite there being slims of pieces on the floor. “The whole ‘best friend’ paragraph.” 
Jon nodded, and Damian continued. “Well, i guess the whole school wrote them, because I had to write one as well.” Damian took out a piece of paper, then read it to himself. Then he crumpled it into a ball, threw it at Jon. 
Jon caught the ball, barely, and he opened it, despite flinching with every movement of his hands. He started reading it. 
I moved in with my father when I was ten years old. I knew what to expect, all things different. He wasn’t affiliated with those my mother was, he didn’t do things the way my mother did. I have learned a handful of things since then, one of them, one i hold dear to this day, the importance of an Acquaintance.  Someone with nothing but good intentions towards you. 
After three years of living in Gotham, Jonathan Kent and I met through our fathers, yet I made the realization still a few months past that. 
I am still unsure of where it came from, the whole trope of ‘having someone’s back’. In order to have somebody’s back, you must stand behind them. A friend would do that, whereas a best friend would not. A best friend would stand beside you, risking all they can to help you. 
Jonathan Kent is my best friend because he has been there for me countless times. If i had to describe him in a word, I would say he is constant. I suppose those don’t describe him in literacies, but in my life, he is constant. A constant ally, Jon had been patient when we met, when thigns weren’t the best they could be. I warmed up to him, although it could be said that it went both ways. 
Jonathan Kent is my best friend because he stands beside me, every single time, when things get hard, and when they don’t.
Jon looked up from the paper, saw Damian leaning on the wall in front of him. Tears prickled Jon’s eyes, he held the paper up for Damian to see. “Did you mean this?” 
Damian shrugged, and Jon couldn’t pinpoint a specific feeling behind it. “I used to.” 
“You- used to?” 
Damian straightened his posture. “Well, yeah,” he looked at Jon. “You had just… left. Like that, out of the nowhere. You had said you were going off to your grandpa’s but i thoguht you meant the Kents. I was convinced you meant the Kents. You always did like to visit Kon.
“But then you didn’t show up for Patrol, not even that thursday, for Kebabs,” Damian pursed his lips, then continued. “So I talked to Clark, and he said you were in space. With the grandfather you had never mentioned.
“I wasn’t worried though. I knew you’d be fine,” Damian paced around the room. “I mean, you always were. And then you came back, and I don’t know how i feel anymore. I thought you were mad at me or something.”
Whatever warmth that had built up in Jon’s chest evaporated. He snapped right then. “Oh, yeah, Damian? Well, i’m sure that it wasn’t you that spent years lost in outer space, trying to figure out why not a soul had come look for you.”
Jon laughed bitterly. “You hadn’t tried for years to keep your sanity, Damian. You- you weren’t hearing voices those three weeks I wasn’t there!” 
His wounds were closing rapidly, allowing Jon to fly himself to his feet. His head spun lightly the moment he straightened himself, his torso felt like static, an all-too familiar feeling. He sat on the bed, kept his hands in his lap. 
“You’ve mentioned that a lot,” Damian pointed out. “You hearing voices. Care to elaborate?” 
Jon kept his eyes straight at the door. “It was weird. I was seeing things that I knew weren’t real, but I couldn’t help it. It was tempting, a little company. Someone to talk to, someone to keep habits with. Though, I wasn’t seeing as well as I was hearing. If I closed my eyes, i could pretend I was at home, that I was being called down to dinner. That the chains around my wrists were just… handcuffs from walmart, that I was playing cops or something. 
“Even now, it feels like- you’re not real, Damian. Nothing is real. I’m still in the volcano prison, and I’m about to die, I’m powerless. I haven’t seen the yellow sun in years, I’m so weak, Damian,” Jon met Damian’s eyes. “So, so weak. And I’m dreaming this up. All of it.
“Or maybe,” Jon continued, filling the gaps of Damian’s silence. “I’m here, with the legion, in the dumb future, and I’m in this room, alone. All alone, just a wall in front of me, the frame on the wall.” 
Damian stopped pacing, he stood right in front of him. “Jon,” Damian reached his hands out, cupped Jon’s face, tilted his head upwards. “I'm real,” He whispered, then he kissed him softly, but with yearn. 
Jon pulled away after a beat too long, he was still just inches from Damian. “Are you sure?” he whispered back, and only by what was left of his super-vision he had heard what Damian answered, right before Jon’s lips crashed against his. 
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brelione · 4 years
Trying To Help (The Best Boys)
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Series Masterlist
Warnings:Mentions of death, not super sad kind of just conflicting I think (figured id give you guys an emotional break), mentions of blood.Not proof read because im a lazy bitch.
“Hey pretty boy.”You whispered, trying not to cry.Topper frowned, not understanding where he was or why everything felt so weird. “Im sorry I drove off a bridge.”He replied, his voice sounding funny as if he had been talking with food in his mouth.
 “Dont be bubs, you didnt mean to….”You replied, hoping your voice wasnt hurting his head.His eyes closed again, too lazy to keep them open. “Rafe should be here soon.”You bit the inside of your cheek anxiously.
His nose scrunched up, a look of disapproval on his face. “Why does everything always gotta be about Rafe?”He asked, his eyes opening wide when he realised there was a cast on his arm.He moved the fingers on his right hand, making sure that one wasnt broken too.Needles and IVs had been stabbed into his arm and hand, an air tube across his face and at his nostrils.
He noticed your hand on the bed, reaching for it with his good hand.You let him hold it, glad he wasnt mad at you.The room was quiet and dark but not so much that it was awkward, the two of you just trying to keep eachother calm. “Hey,guys.”The door opened to reveal Rafe.
He was wearing a backwards hat, a light blue polo shirt and black pants.He looked just as much of a mess as you, a guilty expression on his face.His eyes flicked over to you and Toppers hands as he sat in the chair next to you.
 “Is that Rafe?”Topper asked, too tired to open his eyes again. “Yeah, dude.You really fucked up this time.”Rafe smiled but his face quickly fell into a frown when you didnt do the same.You began to drag your fingertips along Toppers arm, feeling a bit better when he grinned at the feeling.
“So how was the movie?”He asked, feeling his eyes water up. “Um...yeah, we didnt end up finishing it.Guess it wasnt the same without you there.”You muttered, your fingers trailing back down to his palm.
He hummed, taking in a deep breath when he realised you could hear his heartbeat increasing from the monitor. “I knew you wouldnt finish it.Between you and Kelce screaming and….and Rafe being an impatient slut.”Topper smiled, opening his eyes ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of Rafe’s reaction.
 “Hmm...you’re lucky your arms already broken, pussy.”Rafe smiled, becoming less tense when you rolled your eyes. “DOnt be fucking rude.”You whispered with a small smile. “You know what...its the quoting the Kardashians daily for me.”Topper bit his lip as he waited for you to respond. “Its...the breaking my flower pot for me.”You replied, tapping your fingers against his palm.You grinned,recalling the memory.
You and Kelce had spent the morning together after a sleepover.You had scrolled through your pinterest feed as usual, coming across a ton of diy plant pots and decided to just go for it.You told Kelce about your idea as you two sat down for breakfast, both of you half asleep as you drank coffee. “Yeah, okay.”he agreed, putting on his shoes once he had finished his eggs.
 “So how many pots should we get?”He asked as you buckled your seatbelt.You shrugged, not really having a proper answer as he began to drive to Walmart, cursing when he couldnt find a parking spot.Once he did he waited for you to go back to your pinterest boards and figure out exactly what type of paint you would need for the project.
It was far too early for the store to be busy, holding on to Kelce’s back as he grabbed a cart. “What isle?”He asked, stopping to grab a bag of cheetos. “Uhhh….I dont know.Hold on.”You pulled out your phone, holding onto him with one arm and resting the phone on top of his head.
 “Thirteen.”You replied, squealing and holding on for dear life as he began running through the store, coming to a halt when he reached the isle.You hopped off of his back, grabbing some small pots and some medium pots and putting them into the cart carefully. 
“Can I paint spongebob on mine?”He asked, his eyes glancing through the paint colors on the hunt for a bright yellow. “I dont care, paint whatever you want.”You replied, grabbing the primary colors and tossing them into the cart.Kelce being Kelce had freaked when he saw the variety of stickers, buying at least thirty dollars worth of puppy stickers, marvel stickers, car stickers and shiny spikes. 
“No weeds are gonna mess with this plant when im done with it.”He said proudly as he grabbed every single strip of spike stickers.You had rolled your eyes, picking out some pearl like stickers and tossing them in the cart.Kelce smiled, getting an idea.
He moved all of the items to the opposite side of the cart to leave an empty space, picking you up quickly and putting you inside. “Kelce-seriously?”You sighed, holding on to the side as he pushed the cart quickly, swerving it against the tile on his way to the plant isle. 
“Yep, its easier this way.”He replied, stopping the cart once you guys got to the other side of the store. “Ooh….can we grow sunflowers?”He asked, tossing the bag of seeds into the cart before you could answer. “Get lavender too.”You replied, taking out your phone to play subway surfers.
Kelce huffed, arms wrapping around your shoulders and placing a kiss on the top of your head as he watched you play. “Whats your high score?”He asked, playing with the baby hairs that had fallen out of your braids. 
“I dunno, higher than yours.”You grinned, hearing him gasp. “Fucking rude.”He muttered, flicking your temple. “Fuck you.”You replied, avoiding a train. “Fuck you!”He exclaimed driving the cart to check out.He grabbed a few packs of gum as well, scanning the items at the self checkout.
You two then spent the whole afternoon painting pots and covering them in an obnoxious amount of stickers.The small one that Kelce had done all by himself was covered with spike stickers that kept falling off. “It wont stay stuck!”He exclaimed, becoming frustrated.
 “Kelce, babe, its cause you’ve got paint on the sticky part.”You sighed, grabbing a paper towel and putting it under the water to wipe off the yellow paint from the pot.He was a pouting mess for the rest of the afternoon but was happy with the outcome of the pot, taking a photo of it to post on his snapchat story. “How did you do that?”He asked, pointing to the pastel rainbow pot you had painted.You shrugged, just going off of what you saw in the video.You two had decided to just go sit on the couch and watch some cartoons while you waited for Rafe and Topper, leaving the pots to dry on the table.
Once Topper had gotten there he had given you a quick greeting and went into the kitchen to get something to drink, accidentally elbowing one of the pots in the process and sending it to the floor, the clay colliding with your tile floor. “TOPPER!WHAT THE FUCK?!”You exclaimed, rushing into the kitchen.
“Its the stealing my hoodies from me and then pretending you didnt for me.”He replied.Your heart dropped as you realized you were wearing his hoodie right now, beginning to freak out when you realised you werent even wearing pants.
 “Shut up.”You replied, squeezing his hand lightly.Kelce came through the door a few seconds later, sighing loudly. “These people are ridiculous-I had to convince them that I was Top’s adopted brother.Did you have to do that?”He asked Rafe, going to stand at the end of the bed.
 “Nope.”Rafe replied.Kelce bit the inside of his cheek, staring at Topper. “Concussion?”He asked, noticing the bandage that was peaking out from Topper’s forehead.You nodded, looking between the two boys. “How you feeling?”Kelce asked.Topper grinned, peaking one eye open. 
“Like shit.”Topper replied, a small smile on his face. “How long am I gonna be stuck here?”Topper asked, finally acknowledging the fact that he was in a hospital.Rafe shook his head, looking over to Kelce as if he knew anything about the situation that you and Rafe didnt.
Kelce shrugged, not knowing either. “I mean, with that kind of injury one could only assume a good two weeks or so.You wont be able to drive- (Y/N)- how did you get here?”Kelce asked, realising.You had texted them from the hospital which meant that Rafe hadnt driven you.
You went quiet, feeling their eyes on you. “Uhhh….I drove.”You replied, hoping they wouldnt push further.Topper opened both of his eyes this time, wanting to make sure he had understood properly. “What?”Topper asked, cringing at the lisp he now had.
He shouldve known his voice would sound different.He had literally bit off part of his tongue. “I drove.”You repeated, feeling a bit insecure.Rafe just looked confused, Kelce was shocked and Topper just couldnt believe it.
 “How’d it go?”Topper asked, wanting to sit up when he realised that he couldnt really move that much.You shrugged, trying to figure out why the attention was on you when Topper had literally almost died.
 “I dont really know, kinda just did it.I dont really remember it either.”You replied, feeling Rafe’s hand drift onto your knee, tapping your knee cap.He had been doing it for years.He was awkward most of the time and didnt know what to do if his hand was empty, usually going to hold yours or just touch you in some way to feel more grounded.
 “Why dont you remember it?”Topper asked, unable to grasp the whole situation.Thank god he didnt know that the nurse had told you about his ‘last words’.He wouldve had a heart attack on spot. “I was in shock, dum dum.I was just-just trying to make breakfast and then the fucking hospital calls me and tells me that you drove into a river.”You laughed, a few tears rolling down your face.
Toppers heart beat quickened,squeezing your hand tight. “I said I was sorry...did you at least drink water this morning?”He asked, wishing he could hug you.You laughed, wiping your face. “No, no I didnt cause I thought you were gonna die!”You replied, sniffling.
 “For the love of life, Topper.Keep up.”You let out a shaky breath. “Im trying my best, sunshine.”He answered, not paying attention to Rafe or Kelce.It felt like you were the only one who was actually in the room with him.
 “I mean, I guess its just karma.Have any of us ever left during a movie night?All im saying is I think its like a curse or something.”Topper answered, trying his best to get you to stop crying.Kelce couldnt even think of something to say, the situation was overpowering him.
You just sighed,leaning your forehead against the mattress, staring down at the floor. “Why’d you leave?”You asked, still not understanding the full situation that lead to Topper leaving your house.Rafe shifted in his seat, squeezing your knee, almost trying to tell you not to bring it up again.
 “Just...wanted to go home.”He mumbled, knowing better than to bring up the argument that he no longer cared about.He couldve laughed at it.As jealous as he was as Rafe even he could admit that the son of a bitch cared about you more than anyone and to accuse him of not caring about you was the stupidest thing he had ever said.And that was saying a lot.
SOmetimes he was close to positive that Rafe didnt care about him or Kelce but there was never a single doubt in his mind that Rafe didnt love you.Now he kind of wish that he had died since it would leave you with Rafe and Kelce.
They were both better friends than he could ever be no matter how hard he tried.It wouldve been better for the whole friend group if he had stayed dead. “You have a concussion, bubs.Nothing you say is relevant for the next two weeks.”You joked, feeling the tears roll down your face and onto your collarbones, not even bothering to wipe them away anymore.
 “You have a single brain cell, (Y/N).Nothing you say is relevant.”He replied, laughing a bit.It didnt do much but hurt his head and make his tongue sting. “See?That’s not relevant.”You replied, lifting your head up from the mattress and kissing the back of his hand lightly.
Rafe smiled slightly, glad to see that you were a bit better and that Topper hadnt yelled at him to get out. “You know what?I just think I should say something really important.”Topper announced, thinking that he sounded louder than he actually did.Rafe squeezed your knee tightly, worried that Topper would tell you what he knew and that Kelce would freak out about it.
 “I dont think im allowed to watch tv with a concussion-fuck.”Topper grumbled, hearing Rafe let out a sigh of relief.He noticed Kelce still standing, getting up and asking you quietly if you two could share your seat.
You huffed, standing up and allowing him to sit in your chair, sitting on his lap, feeling self conscious when Toppers hoodie lifted to reveal half your thigh. “I mean, you could always do other things to pass the time.”Kelce replied, sitting down in the chair.
 “Hmm...like what?”Topper asked.Thank god Kelce was an optimist, the rest of you would be absolutely fucked without him. “Like….coloring, reading or….I dont know, thinking.”Kelce suggested, going quiet soon after. “Read what?”Topper asked.
He had never liked reading.Back when you guys were still in school he would refuse to read anything, tossing his homework down as you and Kelce tried to do yours.You usually had to harass Rafe for hours to do his work when all he could focus on was you.He would purposely annoy you just so you’d talk more and get all mad.
Between him and Topper you never got your work done, having to read to Topper so he would get some of his work done. “I could read you the Harry Potter books, ive got them downloaded to my phone.”You replied, a small grin on your face.
Toppers face became red, wanting to protest but deciding that he’d rather have you read to him than continue with the upsetting conversations. “Yeah, okay.”He answered, closing his eyes as you began to read.Kelce was smiling as you read, making comments every once in a while. 
“Wow, what a bitch.”He muttered about Vernon.Rafe squeezed your waist, resting his head against your back.It was some time in the afternoon when the nurse came in to check Toppers IV and give him some more medication. “Theres food available in the cafeteria, a warm soup or something soft would be best for your friend here.”She gestured towards Topper before leaving.
She had given you all a weird look, trying to figure out why a patient’s girlfriend was sitting on the lap of his assumed brother.Kelce bit the inside of his cheek, hearing his stomach rumbling. “Alright, well im going to the cafeteria. (Y/N), can you come with me please?”He asked.
You sighed, shaking your head. “Im not wearing pants.”You answered. “Can you stand up for a minute?”Rafe asked.You huffed, getting off of his lap, eyes widening when he pulled off his shorts and handed them right over to you.
Kelce wasnt even surprised, just hungry.You awkwardly pulled up the shorts, tying them tight around your waist and following Kelce into the elevator.Everything was going smoothly until it came to a stop. “What the hell?”Kelce asked, hitting a ton of buttons at once. “Kelce!Stop that!”You smacked his wrist, screaming when the elevator moved slightly, coming to a stop again. 
“What should I do?Im pressing the red button!”He exclaimed as he pressed it again. “I dont know!Press it again!”You exclaimed, clinging onto his arm. “Oh my fuck-shit dammit!Now we’re gonna die!”You exclaimed. 
“We’re already in a hospital, we’ll be fine.”He answered, pressing the button again. “Kelce!It’s gonna fall!”You exclaimed, holding onto him so tight you were starting to shake. “No its not, its fine.Just wait for someone to come fix it.”He spoke, pulling you onto the floor so you were sitting against him. “It’ll be fine, just wait.”He repeated.
“Im sorry, man.”Topper sighed, looking over to Rafe.THe brunette simply shrugged, not really bothered by it anymore. “Apology accepted.”Rafe replied.Topper let out a sigh of relief, glad that the tension wasnt as strong.
 “But like, can you be honest real quick?”Topper asked, waiting for Rafe to answer. “Yeah, yeah okay.”Rafe replied, dreading what Topper would ask. “Did you guys do anything?”He asked.Rafe frowned, not knowing what to say.
He didnt want to tell Topper something that you werent okay with him knowing but at the same time didnt want to lie. “Yeah, yeah we did.”Rafe replied, holding his breath.Topper simply hummed, letting out a breath through his nose. 
“Were you careful?You know she doesnt….hasnt done those types of things.You didnt hurt her though, right?”Topper asked.Rafe was a bit confused, thinking that Topper would get all jealous and grumpy. “Yeah, yeah I was….she was fine, like she said she was fine and I told her she could….ya know, stop me.She didnt though, I was careful.”Rafe’s cheeks were red, trying not to go into too much depth.
Topper nodded a bit, sighing. “Thats good...so like, are you guys dating now or whatever?”Topper asked, trying to ignore the pit in his stomach.Rafe gulped, not really knowing the answer himself. “I dont know….its all complicated I guess.”He replied, feeling guilty now that he was actually talking about it.
 “Okay...hey, do you think she knows?”Topper asked, hoping you wouldnt walk in at the wrong time.Rafe laughed at the comment. “Damn, man.I dont even know.Like, she obviously knows I do.Ive made it pretty obvious but like...you’ve made it pretty obvious too at this point I think.I feel like she doesnt think anyone would like her like that no matter how obvious we make it.I dont know, I feel like right now wouldnt be a good time to talk to her about this though, lets just not say anything to her.”Rafe muttered, realising he had promised you that he wouldnt tell anyone what you two had done last night
. “Hmm...you know whats fucked?”Topper asked, blinking slowly.Rafe hummed, waiting for him to continue. “I lost my two year streak with her.And you.”The blonde smiled, wiggling his toes carefully.Rafe laughed, pinching his nostrils. “Yeah, thats fucked.”He agreed.
“Nobody’s coming.”You huffed, holding on to Kelce’s hand as you leaned against the elevator wall. “You dont know that.”He replied, not sounding genuine at all. “I dont know….do you wanna talk about something?”You asked, thinking of ways to pass time while you guys were trapped.
He sighed, nodding. “What do you wanna talk about?”He asked, flicking at your fingertips. “I dont know...how are your cousins?”You asked, realising that that’s where he had come from.He chuckled, shaking his head.
 “Alec would not stop complaining about sushi, I guess her favorite restaurant closed and now shes all pissy about it.Shes really fucking tall now.”He sighed, kind of glad that he was able to leave the house.You nodded, trying to think of something else to say.
Alec was his 17 year old cousin, she was nice sometimes but she could also be a lot to handle from what you had heard.She was pretty cool though, always commenting on your instagram posts and hyping you up.It kind of gave Rafe a little competition since she always commented before him.
 “What about Jax?Is he still an ass?”You asked.You had met Jax a total of two times, both times he had called you hot and stared at you.He was 17 so it was kind of weird of him but you hadnt had to deal with him in a good six months.
Kelce shrugged, not having much to say. “Yeah, I dont think hes ever gonna change.He tried to download porn to my phone.”Kelce replied, biting the inside of his cheek. “Hey, is it true that Rafe kissed you?I mean, he told me but I figured he probably just dreamt it.”fuck.
Now everything was coming unraveled and you’d have to figure out how you wouldnt hurt anyone. “Uh...yeah, he did.”You answered, biting your bottom lip.He was silent.That was scary if something was so shocking that Kelce had nothing to say.
 “Alright...so how do you feel about it?”He asked, keeping his voice calm and steady.He was tired of not knowing what was going on, not understanding the new tension between you and Rafe.There had always been something there but recently it seemed to get a lot more serious.
But then again he had noticed the way you held Topper, how you’d sigh whenever the blonde kissed your forehead or when he’d hug you.He didnt really want to say anything, figuring that when you wanted to date one of them you would.
Now he sounded exactly like Topper, you were pretty sure those were the exact words that he had said to you. “Um….yeah, I dont really know.I guess that like im not mad about it but I just...I dont know how to feel.”You answered, knowing that it sounded stupid.
Kelce nodded, understanding. “So do you like Rafe?LIke, you know.”He asked, pulling at the sleeve of the hoodie out of boredom.You shrugged, not knowing the answer. “(Y/N), come on now.I see the way you look at him...its a little bit of something.”He pushed.
You knew he was right but you’d rather die than admit it. “I dont know, Kelce.Its just weird, I guess.Like we’ve been friends for like...eight years and now all this shit is happening.”You answered.
He nodded, trying to think of the best advice to give you. “Alright, well life is too short for shit.If you like Rafe then I think you should go for it.All that matters is that you’re happy and if he makes you happy then you should be with him.”Kelce squeezed your hand, waiting for you to speak.
Of course Kelce would say that.That was the most Kelce thing you had ever heard him say. “Yeah, but I dont think I want to be with him.”You muttered, not knowing how to explain what you were feeling.Kelce was confused, trying his best not to show it.
 “Okay….but why?Do you like someone else at the same time?”He asked, trying to piece everything together.The elevator began to move again, scaring you both. “Shit.”You sighed, holding on to his arm as he helped you up. 
“We’ll talk about this later.”It sounded like more of a question.He had never been great at being assertive.A few staff members apologized, explaining that a patient had went roaming around and they had to stop the elevators to prevent them from leaving the hospital.
Kelce held onto your hand tight as you made your way to the cafeteria.None of the food looked particularly appetizing, eventually deciding on a small container of mac and cheese for yourself, a turkey sandwich for Rafe and finding a sealed bowl of potato soup for Topper.
Kelce had grabbed a few sodas and a gatorade for Topper, reuniting with you as you both went to the line, paying for the food.You two had decided on just taking the elevator again, figuring it would be difficult to walk up the stairs with so much to carry.
Luckily it didnt come to a stop this time, the two of you completing the trip successfully and walking back into the hospital room.Rafe and Topper were laughing about something, Rafe sitting in his boxers.It was quite funny.You all ate in a pretty much silence, having to help Topper elevate the upper half of his bed so he could eat properly. 
“I hate hospital food.”Rafe sighed, biting into his sandwich while keeping you balanced on his left thigh.He tried to ignore all of the thoughts he was getting, figuring that the lack of caffeine in his system was making him horny.
That first night in the hospital had been the hardest.You were the only one who was allowed to stay while Kelce and Rafe had to go home.You had given Rafe his sweatpants back.
He decided that he needed to talk to you, taking your hand and getting far away from the room where the trauma patients were seperated from the elderly. “How are you?”He asked.You kind of wanted to punch him.What the hell kind of question was that?
 “I just...im fine.”You forced yourself to grin, not wanting to be rude.He licked his lips, looking around. “Thats...not what I meant.”His face flushed a bit, his ears pink. “oh-oh....um, yeah im fine.”You repeated.He hummed, hands ending up in the pockets of your hoodie.
 “Thats good....im sorry that I went so fast, I know you wanted me to be gentle.”He apologized, kissing your forehead. “Its fine, Rafe.”You answered, hugging him.He huffed, accepting the hug. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, I can stop by your house and grab you some clothes.”He offered, staring down at you.You nodded, accepting the offer.He leaned down, kissing you gently, feeling himself get weak.
You pulled away after a moment, kissing the tip of his nose before standing on your tiptoes to kiss his forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”You grinned, kissing him gently. “Alright, text me the clothes that you want...do you want one of my shirts?”he asked, smiling when you nodded. “Alright....okay, tomorrow.”He repeated, finally letting go of you.
You ended up staying up for a majority of the night, holding Topper’s hand as you read to him, switching from Harry Potter to short stories.He had moved over in his bed ever so slightly, groaning in pain, staring at the small empty space he had made.
You took the message, hesitantly laying next to him, becoming stiff when he wrapped his good arm around you and let you rest your head on his shoulder. “You’re cold.”He mumbled, holding you tighter.
The nurse came in to wake him up every hour and a half since sleep was bad for concussions.You barely got any sleep, more focused on listening to make sure his heartbeat was steady.
Rafe and Kelce came at seven in the morning with coffee and donuts, a container of chocolate flavored yogurt for Topper.Rafe had stuffed one of your backpacks full of clothes, grabbing whatever he thought would bring you comfort.
He had grabbed you a new shirt from his closet, a mint blue and purple striped polo that was pretty long on him which meant it would fit you like a baggy dress, spraying it with his cologne.
He grabbed your facewash for you, a hairbrush, some hair ties, some socks, soft pants and some loose fitting shirts.He felt a little guilty for looking through your bras and underwear but he knew he couldnt just not bring you some, grabbing a few random ones and stuffing them in the bag.
He grabbed your polaroid camera and a few of your photos, thinking that you might show them to Topper.You were glad to be able to change into some pants, thanking him quietly and slipping in the bathroom to change, sighing when you noticed how wattery and irritated your eyes looked, changing into the shirt that you had seen Rafe wear a couple of times, sniffing it and feeling a calm sensation run through your body.
You sat at the foot of the bed, pulling your knees to your chest as you drank your coffee, taking long, slow blinks.That had been your first day without sleep.It wasnt until the third day that Kelce and Rafe were becoming really concerned.
It had began to rain outside, Kelce and Rafe were trying to convince you to leave and go home. “No.”You answered, sitting in one of the chairs.Topper was asleep.“No-no, you.We’re going home- dont give me that look.You can come back tomorrow but tonight you’re going to sleep in your bed, okay?”Kelce asked, not really giving you any options, picking up your bag.
 “No.”You repeated, wanting to scream when he grabbed your arm, bringing you outside the room. “(Y/N), you havent slept in days.Just come home.”Rafe tried to convince you, going on to explain that you could ride with him or Kelce and then tomorrow the three of you would go into Rafe’s truck and Kelce could drive your car back to your house so you didnt have to worry about it.
You agreed eventually, going back into the room to say bye to Topper, kissing his cheek. “Hey, dont worry about me.Got it?If I find out you were worrying about me im gonna break all your flower pots.”He threatened, a small grin on his face.
You had decided to drive with Kelce, holding his hand as he drove on the wet roads.He was careful to drive slowly so he wouldnt freak you out, informing you that Rafe was going to go stop at a Papa Ginos to grab you guys dinner.
Your house felt foreign to you, the couch not comfy anymore.Kelce frowned, noticing your discomfort. The anxiety felt like it was eating away at your brain.Kelce tried to think of a way to help, the thoughts not coming so easy to him anymore.
The stress was building up inside of him, the stress from dealing with everyone elses problems combining with his own. “Come on.”He grabbed your hand, bringing you upstairs.
Your legs were tired from being held to your chest or bent at uncomfortable angles so you could lay in the hospital bed.He opened the door to your bedroom. “Lay down.”He told you, hoping his voice hadnt come across as creepy.
You raised your eyebrows, not understanding why he was telling you to do this but going along with it anyways.He got onto the bed next to you, wrapping an arm around your toso, one of his legs resting across your thighs with his head directly under your chin.
 “What are you doing?”You asked.You couldnt deny it, it was quite a comfortable position. “Im trying to help.I saw this thing on Tik Tok the other day that if you lay on someone its like a weighted blanket and helps with stress.”He explained, pulling your comforter up over your bodies.
It only took you a matter of seconds to fall asleep, Kelce grinning.The feeling of cuddling someone helped him too, a small sigh escaping his lips as he closed his eyes as well, falling asleep before Rafe pulled into your driveway with a pizza in the backseat.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 3 years
I Learned That From You: Seven
Clint sat behind the wheel of his car and gnawed on his lip anxiously. “I’m not sure I can do this, Tasha,” he said softly. 
The spy made a soft sympathetic noise and rubbed the back of his neck, “Maybe we need to catch her at work… Not at her house?” she suggested.
In the back seat, Bucky made a soft irritated sound but, when Natasha shot him an angry look, he didn’t say anything. In a way, he could understand why Clint was torn up. But it didn’t make him not angry. Clint had been struggling for weeks to man up and tell his ex-wife what he’d done. Ostensibly to keep from hurting her. 
Clint nodded slowly. “I just-”
“I know,” Natasha said, “But you know that she deserves the truth, Clint.”
The archer hung his head and took a deep breath. He knew that you did. And that was his own fault. But he didn’t want to do this. He wanted to talk to you. He wanted to keep talking to you. To keep feeling the way he felt when he knew that you were happy. 
Neither Bucky or Natasha said anything as Clint pulled down the street. And Clint took in the sights. The town looked exactly like you described. It was idyllic and sleepy. Brick and white picket fences. Tree-lined streets. Big enough to have a college but not big enough that there was a Walmart. The kind of town you always wanted to live in. To raise a kid or two in. The kind of place that Clint wouldn’t have been caught dead in when he was 20. 
The kind of place that sounded like heaven now. 
“Do you want to get something to eat?” Nat asked, “Wait for the shop to open?”
“I don’t think I can eat,” Clint said.
“Well I’m fucking starving,” Bucky said, “Try the diner up there.”
Clint sighed, but pulled the car over to park off the street. Bucky and Nat were there as a favor to him. Nat for moral support and Bucky to maybe- well. To be perfectly honest he wasn’t sure why Bucky was there. Maybe to show you that Bucky was real and Clint really hadn’t conjured someone up to trick you. And in that vein, he needed to make sure that he wasn’t being a dick. They hadn’t put him in this mess. 
So. He got out of the car and followed them. And it looked like every 50’s diner that he’d ever seen in a movie. Complete with a jukebox and a lighted dessert case. 
A uniformed waitress took their order, all bubbly and beaming. Natasha’s burger, Bucky’s pancakes, and Clint’s black coffee. And Clint watched the foot traffic on the sidewalk. He knew that your shop was somewhere on this street. It was a shop made from a converted newspaper office. Second Chance Treasures. An eclectic little boutique shop that held antiques of all kinds and refurbished furniture. The kind of store you’d always wanted. 
And he was sure that inside, it was perfect. Down to the last little detail. You’d always been good with tiny details. And making plans. Saving money. Clint wasn’t sure how. Your home life had been just as horrible as his. But at some point, evidently, you’d made up your mind that the family curse was going to end with you. And Clint wished that he had come to that way of thinking himself, just a little faster. 
“Penny for your thoughts,” Nat said softly, pushing his cup of coffee closer to him. 
Clint smiled a little sadly, “Just wondering how things could have gone, I guess.”
Bucky restrained an eye roll with effort. He didn’t understand any of this. Or rather, sometimes he understood it, kind of, and sometimes he was at his wits end. Today, he was at his wit’s end. He wanted Clint to grow up. Just go find this girl, tell her he loved her and move on. The wistful looks and whining were working his last nerve. Especially since, for Bucky, there was no second chance. Any of the women he had loved before were either dead or wishing for death at this point. And you were here. Alive and well. On the dating scene even, not married with three kids. 
The bells above the door chimed and Bucky watched Clint’s head snap up, “Shit,” he muttered, going pale. 
And Bucky half turned to see what he was looking at. A woman with long hair half piled on her head. Paint spattered over alls. And a wide, friendly smile. Bucky turned back around quickly. And absurdly, he could almost understand. He wanted you to talk to him. He wanted to talk to you. To see that big smile up close. 
He tried not to turn back around. And Natasha was frantically trying to get Clint to stop staring. To not draw attention to the table by making an idiot out of himself. 
It was all too little too late. Even over the din in the diner, Bucky could hear your soft little gasp of “Clint?”
And the flurry of movement as you pay for your coffee and run out the door, dodging a handful of old farmers on the way. 
Bucky applied himself to his pancakes, pretending that he wasn’t moved. Pretending that he hadn’t even seen. Anything to keep from hearing the devastation and the confusion in your voice. 
“Clint,” Nat muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Tasha,” Clint muttered, lips bloodless, “What do I even say?”
“I’m sorry might be a good way to start,” she answered. 
But both Bucky and Clint had a sinking feeling that “Sorry” was just not going to cut it.
Clint sat behind the wheel of the car and stared at your shop front. The closed sign mocking him from across the street. “C’mon, Y/N,” he muttered, pleading with you like you could head him, “Throw me a bone here.”
But the sign didn’t move. Even as they could see you moving around behind the glass. 
“Maybe Nat can go talk to her first,” Bucky piped up from the back seat. “Explain how stupid you are.”
“She knows-”
“She knew almost 10 years ago,” Nat said looking at Clint. “It’s not the worst idea.”
And Clint nodded after a moment. It was true that you might respond better to another woman. Someone you could commiserate with. Someone else who knew how dumb Clint could be. The woman that had taken over trying to keep him alive. 
You looked up to see the redhead from the Diner standing in the door about to knock and sighed. “Just a second,” you call, walking around the jewelry counter where you had been frantically fixing a display of antique broaches. 
When you unlock the door and open it, leaving your closed sign flipped, she opens her mouth, but you hold up your hand for silence. “I don’t want to see Clint,” you tell her. 
“He needs to see you,” she said quietly, reaching down to stroke Rocky’s ears when he came to investigate. 
“Why?” you challenge. “It’s been 8 years. What the fuck could he have to say now?”
Natasha exhaled slowly, “He should probably tell you himself.”
You sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose, “I can’t. I just-” you exhale slowly and look up at the ceiling for a second, looking for control. Admiring the details on the antique light fixtures you’d restored. “It was hard enough to move on. To even want to move on.”
Natasha felt a twinge of sympathy and reached out to squeeze your hand. Before, she’d felt for Clint. His pain. But now? Watching you, a real, live woman. Watching you try and tamp down  the pain. She wanted to punch Clint in the nose. 
“That’s what he needs to talk to you about,” Natasha said softly.
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