#we had such a good weekend but im just struck by how many more we will have
pippindot · 8 months
Lots of good vibes for Pip please. Her tummy is still getting bigger. She does not seem uncomfortable, and is in fact currently begging me for breakfast, but I don't like to see this increase. I'm suspicious this is actually a result of her very low protein diet, as she's having no other symptoms of liver distress. We all need some protein to build albumin, and albumin is what keeps your fluid inside your blood vessels. Low albumin means leaky vessels means ascites. There are some other liver formulations out there with slightly higher protein, so we might climb the scale. The main goal of low protein is to avoid neurological symptoms, and we haven't had any of those, so it should be safe to try. Nutrition consult tomorrow and I hope they're ready for the freight train.
Worst case, I may bip my little self on over to their ER and get some diuretics for her. The timing is very poor since we are traveling for Boofest, but at least we are going to be in an area with a lot of specialty services.
Most of all, she seems in good spirits and is not having any trouble breathing. Let's hope this is temporary and won't require long term medication to manage. I want to preserve her kidneys as much as we can.
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djljpanda · 1 year
hey before I get into the request I want you to know that your writings are addicting, I Ve been reading(on repeat)for like~ 2 weeks and I binged anything. Also remember to drink some water and eat smh thank you.
So how about a Wednesday x FEM reader that is always one step ahead of her maybe rivals to lovers(cuz I'm a sucker for those).
I shall leave the rest in your capable hands and please feel free to ignore/delete this if it doesn't inspire you or if you don't feel like writing it .
thank you <33333
Thank You So Much For Loving My Work. And Don't Worry Im Eating And Drinking Water. And Don't Worry Your Post Does Inspire Me. And Your Welcome.
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Wednesday thought Bianca was bad but you, you to her were worthy to be called her rival.
"Her rival? How when we all know that im better, I already one", to her you were loud and cocky which she hated as you can be a tad but rude.
She thought she would go insane on how you would make those small comments in class, Fencing you had beaten her once and you would always say that , "I wouldn't bother with you. I already know that ill win", but unlucky for you she was better at music and her good memorie and good comebacks made you more irritated.
Many of you and Wednesday friends all ways try to get you two along but both of you would just argue.
But as time came passing by the two of started leaving the other along and that turned into glances at each other. Cause what both of you two didn't realize that there was something growing between you two.
It was the weekend and it was late as you wandered around school grounds till you soon ran into Wednesday. You two didn't know what happen but you both started arguing and that turned to you pinning Wednesday against the hard stone wall outside the school. With you two in this position it struck you, you two were all alone and in this position you looked down at the ravenette as she was thinking too.
With not another your lips smashed together her fingers tangling in your hair, your hands on her hips,you kissing down her neck only for her to bring your lips back as she would nibble on your bottom lip, you two hardly taking air to breath but when you do. "I hate you so much~", as that only rile each other up as with both trying to get closer to each other.
Both soon pulled away with you catching your breath, "At Least I know I'm a better kisser" "You really think that" "Fine you, me dinner than we come back here so I can prove to you again that im better". Wednesday only nodded as you both continued walking.
So from that you both had a date which leading you to challenge her who would be the better girlfriend and now you two have been dating through out the school year.
Once the year was about to be over you helped Enid take her things down as you went back to help Wednesday. "Told you I was good at lifting" "I see you may be right" "Wednesday I think I like you" "We have been dating for a while now" "When did you started liking me" "When you called me horrible during class" " You Addams so easy to please".
"When did you start loving me" "Fencing, I lied you were good, now thinking about it I didn't want to hurt you" "At least I know your not a good lier" "I'm the best liar there is" "Sure you are".
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Consequenses // Thomas Raggi
words // 1590
warnings // smut ahead hehe and not even a full smut, just a snippet honestly
pairing // Thomas Raggi x F!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. ok please let me know on the taglist link if you have asked me to tag you and i havent right now... I lost some of the user names so yeah im so sorry 🥺
request // yes
summary // Reader has been breaking Thomas’ rules by teasing him for days. Thomas eventually is fed up and shows Reader what happens when you disobey.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @bidet-and-legolas @atremendousstrawberrycollection @otaculo @selenophiliaxx
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Music, throbbing lights and booze was the way Thomas and his partner decided to spend his weekend off. An average gathering made to feel like a party amongst the closest friends of the band and everyone’s partners. Of course the guitarist couldn’t resist bringing his lover along. He had not seen her in a while, traveling around and working on new music had made the relationship hard for the two of them, things only becoming harder when they started being unsatisfied with their more intimate relationship. The longing did not help much, instead it brought anger and anxiety, both resulting in ruining both of their moods.
The suggestion came from Y/N in the afternoon after Thomas took a break. They were sitting on the couch watching some tv show neither cared for, slowly trying to relax and potentially do more than sitting on the couch. The thought had occurred a few days ago, while the man was still not there, when his lover was maybe watching a bit of an erotic movie. “Maybe we should… switch,” was all she said. No explanation, no details, nothing.
Not much convincing was needed so here they were. Y/N being dominant was finding it a little hard to just sit there and listen. Thus the dom turned into a brat, choosing to tease the man during their first night together.
It was rather simple to get Thomas all riled up this fine night. They happened to have a small fight before the party (a disagreement over minimal things truly) so they were both in a very tense mood while at the party. Thomas was on the one side of the yard, talking with some of his friends, while Y/N was on the other, revealing clothing and lingerie (with certain movements it was visible to the man - and anyone else that paid attention, but not many did). The man was unable to take his eyes off his partner. See, she knew that the result would be pretty good.
“Keep this up and the result will not be very nice for you, amore,” he whispered in her ear when he finally approached her. His hand right above her ass, face too close for comfort.
“I am not sure I want to stop,” said Y/N, an evil smirk decorating her face. Her hips moved side to side, making sure the man could see. Back on her plotting she was.
At first things went smoothly: a bit of seductive dancing, a bit of drinking… The casual. But soon that would change as well. Ethan was sitting on a pool chair, joking about Y/N’s dancing, having a playful back and forth with each other until Y/N sat on his lap. It was nothing unusual for the two, it had happened plenty of times before, but both Thomas and her knew that this time was different.
By now Thomas is fuming. If he was in a cartoon his face would have gone comically red, smoke coming out his face in an exaggerated way. The cigarette and drink in his hand did little to help restrain him. For that, he downed the rest of his drink in an instant, smashing his cigarette on an ashtray and moving to his friends and partner. “Sorry to cut your fun short,” he smiled, trying to keep it together, “but me and Y/N need to go. Honestly, I’m feeling very tired,” he finished, taking Y/N’s hand in his and pulling her up and towards him.
Their friends did not say much, but rather voiced their goodbyes allowing the pair to leave the party.
Getting in the car was now the easy task, but one of them was dreading it. She knew that this would be so fun, but she was undeniably afraid of what could potentially happen that night. “What do you think you have been doing, dolcezza?” He all but growled, roughly turning her face towards his with his hand.
“Me? Nothing. I was just trying to have fun with my friends.” Oh, the innocent act. If Thomas wasn’t hot and bothered (more of the later) already, he certainly was now.
“I don't think so, baby. I think you have been very very naughty. I think you need a punishment.” His tone was playful but his eyes told a different story. Y/N was in for a long night, and they were still in the car. Thomas’ hands had already begun to travel all around his lover, faces dangerously close. And like that the vigorous kissing started.
“You shouldn't have acted like that tonight, amore,” he commented before he started driving back to their shared apartment. The ride was quiet but the tension and anticipation was loud as hell.
Patience was out the window the moment Y/N opened the door to their home. Thomas pushed her to the wall, attacking her neck with kisses. “I warned you enough times, my love, now it’s time for actions,” he commented, hand slowly traveling up to her neck, lightly squeezing, blocking the blood flow lightly making her lightheaded but so much more desperate for him. “Turn around and put your hands on the wall - just like that, good girl! Now, ass perked up.”
She was very well aware of what was about to happen and saying that she did not want it would be a lie. She was rather used to serving spankings to the man whenever he disrespected her - rather lenient - rules, taking such an adrenaline rush every time, but oh did she get a rush now, too. Thomas was getting more and more confident by the minute, Y/N getting rather aroused from it.
Thus she obeyed his demands, pushing her ass back, all there for him to do what he wanted. Thomas quickly got to work moving up her tiny little skirt to have her exposed to his will. Her ass looked amazing in that white lace thong she wore, making the man undeniably hard. “You know what you’re doing, don’t you? You planned for this to happen-” slap, “you knew I would not be able to hold back, didn’t you, puppy?” slap. “Answer me!”
“Yes, daddy,” Y/N responded very timidly, slightly flinching every time he struck her cheeks.
“Good, good. Now count for me, and you will thank me for each slap.”
“One. Thank you, daddy,” she began with his rhythm getting quicker and his force bigger by each slap of his palm. They reached around twenty five before Thomas decided on his next move. He said nothing but roughly turned Y/N around, pulling her towards their shared bedroom, lightly. After closing the door behind him - more out of habit than any actual practical reason- he pushed her to the bed, legs automatically falling open as he stared with lust in his eyes.
“Just sit there and do nothing,” he ordered, “no touching, or there will be consequences.” He did not go far after that, he only undressed and picked up the condoms and the lube, just making sure that she was entirely ready (not that he truly needed it at the moment - just a safety precaution) and knelt in front of his lover.
“Mhm,” he moaned, “you are looking delicious, but I’m not sure you can handle it. Maybe we should do this anoth-”
“No, no! Please, I can handle it! I can handle anything! Please, please!” she exclaimed, or more so whined, making Thomas smirk like a cheshire cat and proceeding with his actions.
“Anything, you say? Hm, we’ll see about that.” Oh boy was she about to regret those words.
His tongue started to tease her immediately as he finished his sentence. It was small short licks and little pecks on her clit, featherly but was agonizing in this case. The pace was slow, timid, really, all in an attempt to show his love in the most painful way possible. Her eyes were shut tightly, mouth hung open releasing heavenly (or rather sinful) noises - a pleasing confirmation of Thomas’ plan working perfectly. Y/N’s back was arched up as her head hung behind, chest bouncing in the attempt to gain more pleasure by Thomas.
“Thommy, please,” she whined, earning a slap on her thigh.
“You are being ungrateful, amore. I shouldn’t be giving you any pleasure at all. You’ll take what you can.” The lack of contact for the few seconds he spoke was enough to cause another fit of whines, but his breath on her heat made far worse ‘damage’.
He wasted no time moving up and away from his disheveled lover, moving to the dresser. Y/N simply sat there, mouth falling open, but this time due to confusion. It was clear that frustration had already started to pick up. Thomas on the other hand was enjoying the situation fully, finding it rather entertaining how he could make her melt so easily.
“Thommy. Come back,” she uttered in her usual dominating tone. Nothing. “Thomas, come back here-”
“What did you just say to me, puppy?” If he was pissed before, now he was livid, and it was clear as day. If this were some weird cartoon his eyes would’ve glowed red - a thought that did not help Y/N’s pleasurable fear. His hand had swiftly reached Y/N’s neck, not tightening up, yet making his stance threatening. “I think you have forgotten how things are going on around here, my love. You are not on the lead right now. I am. And you will pay for that.”
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Amortentia- Blaise Zabini x Female Reader
   Kody: BLAISEEEEEEE DADDY- im sorry. yeah yeah i’m changing the canonical storyline- cry about it. I’m also fully aware  Amortentia does not work like this lmao. 
   Request: you can make the summary short and less revealing for more fun hehe. Also it's totally up to you, dear! Only if you feel comfortable with it and no pressure! I hope you had a great weekend and drink more water ily <3 - 💐
   House: Hufflepuff
   Possible Triggers / Warnings: Slight slut shaming in the beginning, Draco being a little shit, 
   you had been alone most of your life with your parents being on constant business trips from the ministry that would last for months on end. You were practically raised by your nanny, but she couldn’t teach you everything. You became socially awkward.
   you never had any friends back at home which meant you had no experience  communicating with people your age. You were walking awkwardness basically. It came at no surprise when you were sorted into Hufflepuff, even though both your parents were Slytherins- they weren’t disappointed in you though.
   you had just managed to scramble by through your first four years of school. Four long years without any friends, but you didn’t mind. You could get by just by yourself. You were a strong independent woman and knew how to get yourself out of sticky situations. 
   unless it was stuck up Hufflepuff’s- then you were screwed 
   one fine day in your fourth year you were heading to the quidditch field so you could go watch the game. Slytherin against Hufflepuff. They were both tied at two wins against each other so you were eager to see who would win. You wore a brown buttoned sweater with a nice pear of tan overalls. 
   the fallen leaves under your foot made a satisfying crack noise as you walked along the field. The cheers and other various sounds of students were definitely drawing nearer. You popped another flavour bean into your mouth when a harsh push came to your shoulder, causing the box of flavour beans to fall.
   you watched as they spilled out onto the grass with a look of solemn in your eyes “Dang- that was my last box” you mumble before a couple of snickers were heard in front of you. You look up to see three students wearing their regular Hufflepuff robes with there own casual clothes underneath.
   “Drop something?” one asked. A girl with light brown bobbed hair and green eyes spoke. You nod once “Uh yeah, just my flavour beans. I- uh i can just buy new ones” you spoke, already starting to clam up “Your a hufflepuff aren’t you? Why aren’t you wearing yellow?” the girl asked somewhat accusingly. 
   alert alert. Confrontation detected. Activate escape protocol 17B
   you didn’t answer and went to walk past them when another one of the three, a blond boy with blue eyes pushed you back to where you were standing. Shit. You fold your arms over your chest, looking at the ground “Your one of those Slytherin groupies are you, a house traitor?” the brown haired girl accused. 
   you opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. This made the two Hufflepuffs more annoyed “What? Cant speak? Let me guess, your like those Draco fangirls. Sweetie. Your def not pretty enough for him” she adds, making the boy aside her laugh. 
   did she just say def? Have you ever even talked to Draco Malfoy? Not the time to be thinking about that. “I uh-” before you could speak anymore the girl held up her hand “Don’t even try to defend yourself, Slut” you went wide eyed. No one has ever been so nasty to you.
   “I’ve never seen two Hufflepuffs go at one of their own, before” a girls laugh came from behind you. She had black shoulder length hair and bangs with brown eyes. Pansy Parkinson. In front of her was two boys dressed in Slytherin Quidditch uniforms. 
   You quickly identify the platinum blond boy with pale skin as Draco Malfoy. The hair was always a dead give away and the other boy was slightly taller then him with dark skin. He was very handsome for a boy your age. What was his name again? Oh! Blaise- Blaise Zabini. 
   “For Hufflepuff’s you two are quite nasty” Draco spoke, a grin playing on his lips. The boy Hufflepuff rolled his eyes “Yeah whatever Malfoy, what’re you going to do. Tell your father?” that struck a nerve in the young Malfoy as he went to lunge at them until Blaise put a arm out, blocking Draco.
   “Now, Now. Let’s not get physical. You see, me and my fellow housemates overheard your very deplorable conversation with this what seems like sweet girl. Honestly, how can you bully someone who can’t even get a word in?” Blaise spoke in such a proper way that you almost couldn’t tell he was insulting them.
   the girl and boy were silent as he spoke for a while until the girl spoke up once more “Oh so she’s one of your play things, Zabini?” she questions with a smug look. Blaise’s neutral expression switched into a disgusted one “I don’t have play things. I actually have respect for other woman”
   Blaise didn’t let them get another word in before he stepped in front of you “Are you alright? They didn’t hurt you did they?” he asked, using his hand to lift your chin and inspect your face. Touching- “No” you say in a meek voice. He nods once with a small smile “Good, now let’s go”
   you tilt your head sto side. Go? “Um- go where?” you ask. Blaise gestures towards the quidditch field “The game of course. Me and Malfoy here have to get ready and you and Pansy will meet Theo in the Slytherin bleachers to watch the game of course.” as he spoke, Pansy skipped to your side, linking arms.
   “Yeah! We can watch them make fools of themselves. Now lets go new friend!” Pansy said excitedly before practically dragged you towards the bleachers, leaving Draco and Blaise alone. The young Malfoy turned towards Blaise with a puzzled look “Since when did you involve yourself with Hufflepuffs?”
   Blaise rolled his eyes before walking off, not answering his housemate
   7th year
   after that day you became part of Blaise’s friend group. He’d talk to you as much as he talked to Theo, Pans, or Draco. Ask you how your day was, invite you to sit with him at lunch and even sneak you into the Slytherin house at times. 
   some people found it strange. A slytherin spending so much time with a Hufflepuff, but as stated Blaise didn’t care much of opinions hat didn’t come from his friends, but all his friends adored you. Case closed. It was around the end of sixth year is when your feelings changed from platonic to romantic.
   you no longer saw him as your best friend that saved you from a bunch of nasty Hufflepuff’s all those years ago. You now saw him as someone you wanted to be with, all the time. To hold his hand, have him hold you, for him to just call you his. You fell hard. 
   but there was this fear, this fear that it would ruin everything you had with him. It was too great a risk, so like any normal person. You kept quiet as mouse and refused to let anyone know your feelings. Except for Pansy of course, but she found out on her own. Then told Draco, who told Theo.
   everyone knew except Blaise actually
   it was lunch and the Slytherins were waiting for you to arrive, Draco cleared his throat, getting the attention of the rest of them “I have a terribly good idea” he says, making Blaise look at him curiously “And that is?” he asked, leaning in to here what his housemate had to say. 
   Draco reaches into robe and pulls out a pink heart shaped bottle. “What in the hell? Why do you have a love potion?” Pansy asked with a amused chuckle. “Well- Y/n confessed to me that she had a crush on someone, but was too afraid to tell them. So i’m going to slip this into her drink to move her along”
   Pansy and Theo both look at each other knowingly. They know full well that little ferret was lying. Y/n told Pansy first. What was he playing at? “That is so wrong on so many levels, Malfoy” Blaise spoke up first, looking at him in distaste. 
   “Hey! She told me that she wished she was more confident so she could tell this person there feelings. I’m being a good friend!” Draco retorted, another lie. Blaise face drops a little “Who even is this person she’s confessing to. It better not be some low life Gryffindor” Blaise grumbles.
   Pansy’s eyebrow wiggles “Is that jealousy i here, Zabini?” she teases. Blaise rolls his eyes before looking back at his plate “Y/n can like whoever she want’s” he grumbles. “Really? ‘Cause your stabbing your steak” Pansy asked, leaning over across the table. 
   Blaise was indeed repeating jabbing at his food with his fork “I will use the slug-vomiting charm on you” he spoke, gritting his teeth. Pansy just smiled innocently “Cursing Pan’s i see” a voice came from behind him. Blaise turned his head around to see you, holding a textbook “Sorry i was late, got caught up”
   you take a seat next to Blaise, seeing a full plate and water put out for you “Thanks for saving me some food?” you say with a small smile. “I did actually, because i’m your favorite” Draco gives you a sweet smile, one that you laugh nervously at “Uh- sure?” you reply. 
   once finished your food, you reached for the cup of water and took a sip. As you go and place it down you notice that they were all staring at you? “What?” you ask and Theo gives you a smile “Feel any different?” he asked. You purse your lips together and slowly shake your head “No, i feel alright”
   Draco huffs and places his head in his hand. You look over at Blaise who had went back to eating his food. You notice something on the corner of his mouth and grab the napkin on your table. Reaching up you wipe away the food on the corner of his mouth. 
   Blaise flinches and grabs your hand “What’re you doing?” he asked, gazing down at you. You snicker a bit at his reaction and gently tug your arm out of his grip “You had something on your mouth, didn’t want it to mess up your handsome face” you reply.
   Pansy chokes on her water, which turns into a coughing fit. Blaise stared at you blankly, just blinking mindlessly while Draco punched the air. 
   now, mind you. A typical love potion last up to 24 hours, but Draco being the idiot he was accidently poured half the bottle into your drink. So it was safe to say it was going to last more than a day. “Your a bloody fool, Malfoy!” Blaise exclaims. 
   “I didn’t mean to pour half of it! Someone bumped into me!” Draco retorts while both Theo and Pansy eat a box of flavour beans they were sharing, just casually watching the chaos unfold. “That my be true, but you still served it to her! You took advantage of her vulnerability!” Blaise shouts back.
   Draco’s face fell, yeah could be a little prick sometimes, but he also cared about you deeply. He couldn’t tell Blaise he was your crush, but he could try to make it right. “I’ll make the antidote, but it will be a couple days” Blaise nods “Sorry for shouting” he says. Draco nods once before leaving the hallway.
   “Hey guys” jeez- you just snuck up on people. Blaise steps towards you “Shouldn’t you be heading to charms class?” he asked, crossing his arms “What? Do you have her schedule memorized?” Pansy questions with a small laugh. 
   Blaise exhales deeply “I have a copy of it actually. Anyway-” he says and turns his attention back to you. “What do you need?” he asks, his tone changing to a more calm one. “Can you walk me to class?” you ask. Blaise raises a brow “Why?” he asked, not that he would have a problem.
   “I want to spend more time with you” you spoke very nonchalantly. You almost wondered how you even spoke those words yourself. Blaise looks stunned for a moment, before a smile made a way to his face. This was just the potion talking, you were spewing nonsense he thought   “As do i? Let’s get going shall we”
   you smile brightly and grab his a=hand, interlocking your fingers. Blaise gives you a small nod before covering his mouth with his hands. Both Pansy and Theo watch them walk away “5 galleons Blaise confesses to Y/n by the end of this whole ordeal” Pansy points, chewing on a flavour bean. 
   Theo watched along her and nods “Your on, 10 galleons they both end up being friends again”
   it has been TWO days and Draco still hasn’t made the antidote. He claimed it was because he had to gather all the supplies without Snape around, which was probably true. Blaise had started to kind of- sort of- maybe- like the attention you were giving him. 
   oh yeah- surprise! Blaise had had a crush on you even longer then you did, he just knew how to keep his composure around you. It was easy for him, but it didn’t make him any less terrified of what would happen if those feelings were revealed. 
   currently, you were both sitting in the courtyard, studying on a bench, your choice. “I think that’s enough for the day. I’m surprised you asked me for my help. You usually never ask me for any academic advice” Blaise spoke, knowing full well why she asked him. The love potion. 
   you look up at him, closing the textbook in your hands “Well, you and Draco are the smartest people i know, but i prefer your company more” you smile lightly as you begin to cram the textbook into your bag. Blaise feels his heartbeat pick up once again. 
   It’s just the love potion. It’s just the love potion. It’s just the love potion. Think rationally Zabini! “I’m glad to hear that” he nods once. You both stand up from the bench and the curiosity gets the better of him. “So, what people have you’ve been talking too the past couple days?”
   he wanted to know if you had actually been talking to your crush. So he could murder them talk to them man to man/woman. You shrug your shoulders “Just you guys, who else would i be talking to?” you spoke “Oh! i have an exam to take in potions! i’ll see you at dinner!”
   you spoke with haste before leaning up to kiss his cheek “Bye Blaise!” and with that you ran off towards the entrance. Blaise held up his hand for a moment before exhaling “She’s- been only- talking to us? Who the hell is her crush then?” he thought aloud before picking up his things and walking away.
   both Pansy and Theo pop up from behind the bushes “For a genius student, he sure is a idiot” Pansy spoke, eating the last bit of her cauldron cake. Theo nods “I thought Draco would be done with the antidote already?” he says. Pansy grinned evilly.
    “Yeah...he should, but i keep hiding the ingredients. Blaise needs more time to realize she’s into him” she spoke, wiping her mouth off. Theo gasps and wacks her shoulder “That’s cheating! and you ate my last cauldron cake!” he sighs, crossing his arms. 
    “Yeah? Cry about it Nott”  
   “It’s done!” a loud shout came from the dorm hallways of the Slytherin house towards the common room. Draco came running towards them, panting like a dog. “What’s done?” Pansy asked, sitting next to Theo eating a bowl of popcorn. No- they don’t know where she got it either. 
   “The antidote for Y/n’s love potion. It took so long because i kept misplacing everything. All we need to do is sneak it into her drink at dinner tonight” he explains. Blaise shot up from the loveseat he was sat on reading a book and snatched the vile from Draco. “Hey! What the hell?!”
   “I’m not lying to Y/n anymore then i have to. I’ll catch up with you guys later” Blaise said before walking out the portrait door. “Alright that’s our cue!” Pansy and Theo stood up “What’re you guys doing?” Draco asked with a confused expression on his face. 
   “Spying on Blaise and Y/n to make sure they confess to each other” Theo explains, walking away with Pansy. Draco blinked a couple times before shaking his head “Guys that is such an invasion of there privacy and trust, they are our friends and we should be respectful......i’m coming with you”
   bestie things i guess
   Blaise had just made it out the dungeons when he bumped into someone “Watch where your- oh Y/n. Why are you down here?” he asked. You chuckle and push away from him “I was going to see if Pansy wanted to have another sleepover, why are you out here? Dinner hasn’t started yet”
   Blaise thinks of his next words before holding up the vile “I need you to drink this Y/n”
   “What why?”
   “Just do it”
   “If you trust me you will. I would never harm you”
   you grab the vile from his hand and pop the cork off. You look at the vile then Blaise who nods once. Exhaling, you pour the strange liquid down your throat, twinging at the unfamiliar taste. You feel almost a swirl around your chest before you look at Blaise again “What was that?”
   Blaise places his hands on your shoulders, your face heating up slightly. Once again you were back being unnerved by this guy, but you didn’t notice “How do you feel about me Y/n?” he asked, making your E/c eyes widen a bit. “I’m sorry- come again?”
   he sighs deeply and looks you in the eye. Ooo eye contact, scary. “the same i did yesterday?” you say vaguely. because who the hell asks that kind of question. Blaise lets go of your shoulders and rubs his face with his his hands. He was frustrated. “Y/n, how do you feel about me?”
   you shrink at his gaze. The first thought that ran through your mind was that Pansy had snitched to him that you were in love with him “I’m so sorry- i didn’t want to tell you because i thought you would think i was weird!” you spurt out, confusing Blaise just a tad more. 
   “What are you talking about!?”
   “Pansy told you about my crush on you didn’t she!?”
   “Your what!?”
   oh if the world could swallow you whole now “Oh merlin- i thought that’s what she told you!” you shout before trying to activate escape protocol 17B again and walk away. Blaise almost thought about letting you leave but you liked him! he was terrified you didn’t! but you do! So, why would he let you leave!?
   he reaches back and grabs your arm, stopping you from walking any further “I get it. You don’t want to be friends anymore” you spoke sadly. Blaise stepped towards you, but you looked down at your feet instead of him “Your right, i don’t want to be friends anymore Y/n”
   you felt your heart shatter. That was until one of his long arms wrapped around your waist and other pointed your chin up to look at him “I want you to be mine and i, yours” he spoke, a slight grin on his lips. Say what now? did Blaise Zabini just confess to you?
   “Is that all you have to say to that? I just spilled my heart out to you”
   “What- what should i say?”
   “Oh! yes- yes. Definitely yes! ”
   “That’s a relief. I thought i had just made a full of myself”
   “You are no fool Blaise Zabini”
   Blaise gave you a small smile before leaning down. Oh shit. He stops midway, lips centimeters from yours “It is okay if i kiss you, correct?” he asks. We love a consent king. You nod slowly, making his smile grow wide before he presses his lips to yours. 
   “5 galleons you little shit, hand it over!” you both pull apart as three idiots come falling out a nearby broom closet. Pansy spilled her popcorn all over the hallway floor in the process. “Screw you Pansy, you cheated you pig!” Theo snaps back, Pansy hitting the back of his head “I am no pig!” 
   Draco was just lying face first on the floor, hoping no one would notice his presence. “Oh right pug-face!” Theo smirks. Pansy gasps before pulling out her wand “You are dead you queer!” she shouts. Theo pulled out his wand as well “You have a girlfriend, homo!” he shouts. 
   Pansy sputters for a moment “That’s besides the point!” they both circle each other as Draco picks himself off the floor “I shouldn’t have come” he mumbles, dusting off his robes. Both you and Blaise look at each other before bursting into laughter. 
   Taglist: @the--queen-of-hell @sonbelleame @dracosathenaeum @pxroxide-prinxcesss 
   Kody- I have no words for this other then- what the fuck did i just write? Anyways, peace!
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saturnsummer · 3 years
permanently inked (G rated)
notes: since everyone freaked out over beam’s tattoo on twitter, i was very much inspired to write a situation when joonhwi gets a tattoo and sol finds out. here's a G rated version, which slightly more details than my twitter one!
joon has always liked the idea of having a tattoo
no, he doesn’t mean the kind you see on mafia gangs or yakuzas. he means the dainty one of fine calligraphy and those minimalistic arts.
but he was never certain of what to get. a ramyeon bowl seemed like what a child would think. having inked the name of his mother or father seemed…too odd. after all, he didn’t grow up with them.
but his uncle…it was a different story.
his uncle from the beginning was his superman. from a young age, he loved sitting in the lap of his uncle while reading reports and asking his uncle the meanings of words of ‘perjury’ and ‘defamation’.
even after his passing, when all the truth had been dug up, he tried all he could to stay angry at his uncle. but all he found was guilt, shame, and regret.
but why does he so badly want something to remember his uncle by?
so when he found himself looking at different tattoo designs, he knew that he wasn’t going to be forgetting about this idea any time soon.
he scrolled through many, many ideas. traditional calligraphy. pictures and outlines. but none of them appealed to him. they were all too cliche or not to his liking at all.
and him as a future prosecutor? he rather have a tattoo somewhere hidden so his clients wouldn’t be scared off.
then he finally stumbled upon a photo of someone’s designed tattoo. it was nothing too complicated, minimalistic and in pure black thin ink.
but what struck him was how it was an outline of a man, with spectacles alongside a lady with long hair.
at that moment, he just knew that this was the design he was going to use. he immediately went to flip through different photos of him and his uncle, but as soon as he started looking at the most recent one, his heart sank.
because all he could remember was how angry he felt towards him, and how misunderstood his uncle must have felt. how lonely he was to die alone with no one by his side. how…he died for the sins of another.
a tear slipped as he shut his album. he quickly stored the album back into his cabinet, but a printed picture fell out and fluttered to the floor. picking it up, he managed a small smile.
it was a photo of him and his uncle on his tenth birthday. he was all smiles, in his favourite power rangers shirt, and his uncle, looking so much younger than before, rid of burdens, tears and troubles, actually giving a smile.
it was the most memorable birthday of joonhwi’s, considering that it was one of the birthdays that his uncle gifted him his favourite action figure along with new books and a playstation 2.
staring at the photo, he couldn’t help but be reminded of the times his uncle would come home with different ramyeon flavours and cooked them in a special way.
eighteen years later, he has still not figured out how to recreate the taste of the ramyeon of his childhood.
with that, he took the picture, stuffed it in pocket and headed out the front door of his dorm room.
but he stopped as he locked the dorm room. what would jiho say? or his new girlfriend, sol? tattoos weren’t a big thing in korea. will they shun him, like society does? or will they accept him despite the permanent decision?
just at that moment, sol called him as she asked if he wanted to have lunch. he hesitated, and asked if he could meet her at the entrance of school. sol just hung up and joonhwi went ahead to the entrance.
there, her hair in a high bun and in a simple sweater and shorts, stood his girlfriend of one month. greeting her with a small peck, she blushes as she ask what’s up.
“what? what do you mean what’s up? how do you know im troubled?”
“everything about your voice says it. spill it, what is it?”
joonhwi couldn’t lie, especially not to her. bringing her to sit at the plush chairs of the lobby, he tells her about his want of having a tattoo, how he wants one to remember his uncle by. not the one that died, but the one from his childhood.
“joon, that’s so sweet of you. you sure? it’s permanent, you know. you won’t regret it?”
“no. sol, it’s been on my mind since i was, what, 21? i just never knew what to get. and…you’re not mad? you’re not disapproving of me?”
“how could i? joonhwi, when i said i’ll be rooting for you in your uncle’s place, I meant it. you aren’t impulsive like i am, and you’ve said it. you wanted it since 21. it’s been seven years, I think it’s a decision you won’t let go, no?”
and he finally realises that the entire time he’s talking she’s been smiling the whole time and nodding while holding his hand in his lap.
sol was never one to judge, and he couldn’t have loved her more at that moment when she kissed his knuckles and pulled him up telling him “come on now, let’s go!”
and with that, hand in hand, all thoughts of lunch was forgotten as they headed to the streets of town to a tattoo shop, safely hidden away from the main streets.
joonhwi had done plenty of research for this particular shop. he has seen the work of the artist, the way her steady hands created straight lines and thin minimalist styles of art. it was what he wanted.
nervously, he explained with the lady what he had in mind as the lady sat patiently and listened, tracing the photo over with tracing paper and asking if she could take a photo.
he contacted the lady a couple more times, as she forwarded different designs, styles and artworks over to him. with sol, they spent hours deciding on the best design.
sol and joonhwi went through the designs in secret on their quiet nights at the bleachers as sol pointed out her concerns with one design and he sat, chocolate milk in hand as they zoomed in on the fine details and shortlisted them.
ultimately, they concluded on the one he always wanted; a minimalistic piece that just outlined his uncle and him. no special shadings, colours or anything. thin, neat and simple. his uncle would have liked it, considering how he knows that the only reason why he is neat is because he observed the way his uncle would adjust the books on the table to perfectly align with the edge.
on the day of the appointment, joonhwi thought of where to put it. he knew he had to keep it hidden away, so somewhere on his arm wasn’t the best idea.
“joonhwi, how about your chest?”
“well…you said you want to hide it, after all, our future jobs aren’t exactly best for tattoos. having it on your chest would be the best, wouldn’t it?”
sol made some sense. it was a good spot to keep it concealed, yet meaningful enough. his uncle was always going to be in his heart and he will always be remembered.
so as the tattoo artist imprinted the design blueprint on his chest, just above his heart, he stared at the mirror with the design.
he was finally doing it.
sol came over behind him as she stepped in front, looking at the tattoo on his bare chest. her fingers traced it lightly before his hand caught hers.
“you sure?”
“i am. i am now.”
“it looks beautiful.”
leaning back onto the chair, sol grabbed onto his hand and squeezed it for comfort.
“if it hurts, just squeeze my hand, alright? it’ll be over in a bit.”
the artist got to work, as she dipped the needle into the ink, needling the ink permanently into his skin. joonhwi’s eyes were shut as he held his breath from the sting.
sol rubbed his biceps as she whispered to him. “you’re okay, it’s alright. shall we get ramyeon or army stew later?”
joonhwi knew sol was trying to distract him. and so he did his best. he chatted about their meals later, what should they do with the next week before they get back to school with their regular lessons. sol suggested to start studying, but joonhwi only agreed if sol were to take it easy and not cram. as a 3L, she didn’t need to faint again.
sol was right, though. distracting him worked, as the artist finally finished her work on him and wiped the blood and ink, before cleaning it. she stuck a clear film on it, and advised him on how to properly care for it for the next two weeks.
as promised, sol and joonhwi dined out at a army stew restaurant in town they always wanted to visit and they had a nice quiet lunch, a rare day for them to be on a date alone and eating out.
jiho found out the night after, as he noticed the different aftercare products on joonhwi’s desk. he didn’t say anything or ask, but nodded in acceptance. (secretly, he thinks his hyung looks cool.)
as they met with the group on casual study sessions, bokgi pointed out the plastic under joonhwi’s white shirt and joonhwi finally announces he has a tattoo.
“HYUNG THAT'S SO COOL WOAH” is what bokgi says before earning a smack from sol who clicks her tongue disapprovingly. “min bokgi, don't get any ideas of having a tattoo!”
bokgi was about to argue back, but realised that he was indeed about to say he wants one too. joonhwi just laughs as he wraps his arm around sol's waist.
when they find out what it meant, they fall silent.
"it's lovely. i think it's poetic" yeseul says, but the tension was still there. they knew how much joonhwi respected, admired, hated, resented his uncle. despite all the emotions and thick tension, joonhwi stood up, "come on, they're serving dakgalbi today, let's discuss our weekend plans over lunch."
two weeks later, as joonhwi removed the bandage on his chest, he smiled at the permanent memory of his uncle, now engraved on his chest above his heart.
maybe he did enjoy his childhood.
his emotions were always temporary. his anger, guilt, shame, happiness, sadness. but one thing he knew he wanted was permanent was his memory of his uncle. the one he grew up loving, the superman he looked up to.
the uncle, seo byungju, that raises him like his own son.
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nepenthendline · 4 years
First date - Ukai
I hope this SOMEONE @mintmatcha​ likes this Ukai because they deserve it
this is like a drabble in bullet points
Request: im not gonna say who but I know SOMEONE who would really like more cute ukai stuff. 👉👈 maybe a little first date action???
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You and Ukai had met after you visited his store a few times, you’d struck up conversation each time you came in, and you soon learned about him, such as his career as a coach and the farm he tended to
He’d talked about how things were going to be busy in the farm soon since many of the produce would be fully grown, resulting in hours of tedious picking before the efforts went to waste
After a few months, you had exchanged numbers with the cute store owner, resulting in you both calling every now and then, checking up on each other and learning more about each other’s lives
He was so sweet; he always seemed to complain a lot about the kids he worked with, but behind the words you could hear the tenderness
Every time the kids came in after school when you were also there ‘browsing the store of its goods’ aka checking out the hot guy behind the counter, he would always tell them to take care of themselves, and give them free snacks or drinks for their journey home
You’d gotten to a stage where you felt you were good friends with him, you’d come to him when you were feeling a little worn out for a chat and so would he
One evening, you got a text about how it was berry picking season, and how he couldn’t make your usual call since he had work to do in the farm
You remembered picking berries as a child, and how fun that was then, so you texted back, telling him about your memories
Much to your surprise, his reply mentioned if you’d like to come with him and pick some too, giving him a hand as well as keeping some for yourself to bring him
Of course you agreed, free berries and time with the cute guy? You’re sold
You wanted to look cute but also berry-picking appropriate, so you wore jeans and a baggy sweater, much like how he looked when you arrived
It was sunset when you got there, only some warmth of the sun left
He gave you an apron to pop on, coming behind you to help tie it, leaving you a little startled from him being so close
You two chatted about the farm, your childhood, your futures - it felt so natural to talk to him, he was a calming figure to be around
He had to scold you a couple times as you ate the berries straight after picking them, but the chuckles he let out after showed that he didn’t mind much
“I have to say, you’re quite good at this, although I don’t have much to compare to since this is the first time I’ve picked fruit with someone other than my mother,” he commented, his head tilted to the side in thought
“Scandalous, letting another woman into your farm? What is this, a date?” You teased, popping another berry in your mouth
His eyes went wide as he stared at you, his cheeks going red and he stuttered out, “w-what? A date? N-no, no,” he quickly looked away, cursing himself for getting so flustered
You’re smile dropped a little, you were only kidding, but you really were interested in him
You both continued picking for a little while in silence until he spoke up
“Um, I mean, this can be a date if you want?” He let out hastily
“Is that what you want?” You asked, with a gentle smile
He nodded, the pink still covering his face
“Then this is a date,” he let out a breath he was holding, and smiled to himself
After a few hours of picking, you two had finished and were now sitting side-by-side in the field with multiple baskets of fruits in front of you
It was dark out now, and the stars were filling the cloudless sky; you both stared up watching them twinkle
“Thank you for coming, and for helping out, I had a good time,” he said, looking to his side at you
“Me too, thank you for inviting me,” you were about to return his smile when you heard a strange, scary noise in the distance
You jumped in your seat, letting out a little squeak
“What the hell was that?” your voice trembled as he chuckled at you
“It’s just the crows in the trees nearby, it’s nothing to be scared of”
“Don’t laugh at me! That sound was scary!” You retort, picking up one of the berries and throwing it at him, watching him laugh and dodge
You were going to throw another when the sound happened again, leaving you to curl up into yourself while he laughed even harder
“C’mon, let’s head back before you get yourself eaten by a crow,” he stood up, brushing himself down and picking up the baskets while you sat on the floor with your jaw hung open
You quickly stood up and tried to follow him, but it was so dark out that you couldn’t see where you were going and tripped a couple times
“Here, hold my hand, that’ll stop you falling over,” he said it so casually, but his face was turned away from yours - you couldn’t see in the dark but he was flustered
You reached for his hand, clinging onto his arm with your other hand
He was so warm, and you could feel his muscles tense under his hoodie - something he must have built from years of volleyball and training
You didn’t say anything, but the late time and his warm made you feel a little sleepy
You couldn’t help but lean into him as you both walked back, resting your head on the top of his arm as you both slowly walked
“You know, if you want to get more free berries, you’re going to have to keep coming back to pick them,” he teased, looking down towards you
“Are you asking me out on a second date?” You questioned, smirking
“Well, waiting for next harvest season is a little to far away, so we could go out for dinner at the weekend?”
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ipsomaniac · 2 years
it has been a while since my last defeatism spiral! here we go
i have no strategic intelligence, no ability to systematically and deliberately apply my mind to things, and this means that all the intelligence i do have - my self - is ephemeral, insubstantial. i lack the ability to capture any impression of my mind, in any medium, and i lack the ability to teach myself to do so.
my intelligence quickens in response to stimuli - i am expressive and creative in verbal conversation or in response to things that are in front of me. but i have no ability to create structured approaches to learn skills, create things and achieve goals. and without structure i am lost, because my intuition is broken.
my intuitive, free-flowing mental mode is entirely a passive and reactive function in response to realtime stimuli. when i try to dip into this well of fluid impressions to capture something, the act of trying to give form to an idea sets off an exponential feedback loop of meta-commentary - not only self-recrimination about my lack of skill but also indecision and criticism regarding the approach itself, the fact that even the thing i’ve chosen to capture is the wrong thing, that I am practising wrong. thus: “i have 2 hours on my weekend i can dedicate to art: i should try to have fun and be playful and enjoy the activity to reinforce a positive pavlovian response and improve my motivation. therefore i will do a painting of a photo i took, without pressuring myself to make it good. but, i notice despite myself that it is not good; i perceive i lack the skill for this to be fun; i should focus on building foundational skills first. to do that i need to do joyless exercises like live-sketching boring objects in front of me or practicing drawing lines and spheres and cylinders. but i do not have the motivation or energy to do that. first i need to build motivation; so i should do something fun...” round and round and round (that is only one layer of it).
and all of this is so insanely distracting (and happens so quickly - for self-criticism, unlike creativity, is a mental arena in which i am blessed with mercurial quickness, far outstripping the leaden pace of the creative abortion itself; within the first few lines sketched on a page or a word document i’ve constructed a kaleidoscopic cosmos of involuted meta-criticism far more grandiose than the sum total of all my creative potential) - all of this is so fucking distracting that it utterly severs the connection to my intuitive mind. and by the time i call it quits i often feel half lobotimised. struck by aphasia. shredded.
so intuition won’t get me there. and i dont know how to create structure. so perhaps i should just pick a thing i want to do - drawing, say - and get lessons. but then i have to spend time researching and deciding which lessons to commit to; and in the process of doing that, i start thinking “this is a waste of time, i should be using this time to practise instead...im doing this wrong...” round and round and round for so many years now.
when i think back to all the drawing and writing and composing shitty little songs i did when i was a kid and a teenager - when i think about the native fluency i had, how easy it was, how i just did this for fun! to relax! by instinct! ... i cant bear it
being weak-willed and strategically unintelligent like this: it’s like having a weak core, physically. this one very boring mundane part of you has atrophied and no matter how much you develop your legs and shoulders you will be weak until you fix this. to fix it you need to be smart and strategic and have a plan and be motivated to practise even when it’s boring. but all of these things require will, and strategic intelligence...
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw!reader
Warnings: Slight swearing, bullying
Word count: 4,728 (this is the longest one I've ever written)
Request: Hey do you think you could do a Draco imagine? I was thinking with a ravenclaw reader who’s actually shy and clumsy.
A/n: Sorry this came out later than I anticipated, its regents week for me and I was crushed by exams. I hope to have part one of my Draco series out over the weekend. Hope you guys like this ridiculously long one!
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“Ms. y/l/n” You heard an all too familiar voice say.
“Yes Professor?” You asked turning around swiftly to face the raven haired teacher.
“What happened with your potion, it was a complete disaster?” The teacher asked.
You flushed, it was no secret you weren't exactly great at positions, you were too clumsy to measure anything out, you managed to cut your finger and you always messes up the order of ingredients.
“I'm so sorry professor i'm just not very good at positions. I have been studying I swear, it just..” Your voice trailed off. “I'm sorry professor.” You mumbled looking down.
“I want you prepared for the test next Wednesday, you should be able to manage that?” He asked eyebrows raised.
“Of course professor.” You mumbled still quite flush from the whole conversation. You turned to leave walking back towards your common room. About thirty seconds later you saw the last person you wanted to. Mckenzie Clarkson. She was a fellow housemate who unfortunately was extremely popular, pretty, nimble footed and of course, smart. She was basically everything you weren't, in your mind.
“God your pathetic.” The brunett girl laughed, her stunning green eyes narrowing. “You have lost, what was it? 30 points for us today.” The girls behind her giggled whispering things to each other. “You shouldnt even be in Ravenclaw. Your far to stupid. You cant even get into the common room without help, you trip over your own feet and you are practically failing all your classes.” She smirked clearly feeling very good about herself, as you willed yourself not to cry. You hated crying, so you just glared up at her anger rushing through you like a wave, but you kept it down, what could you possibly say to her?
“Can you just let me go?” You asked voice weak.
“I don't know can we?” The hallway erupted in laughter.
“Just let me leave.” You said voice a bit stronger now as your anger grew.
“Fine.” She smirked as she moved out of the way. You quickly began to walk through the group of girls, the embarrassment was suffocating.
Just as you were about to break free of the group, a girl stuck he leg out sending you sprawling to the ground. Your hands, full of books that scattered as you attempted to get your arms in front of you, it was a failure and you landed on your elbow directly followed by you face. You groaned in pain as you felt blood begin to seep from your nose.
“Oops.” The girl giggled before they all turned to leave laughing and joking.
You lay there for a few seconds squeezing your eyes shut, begging the tears to retreat. You eventually pushed yourself up so you were sitting. You were surrounded by books and papers, you had blood rushing down your face dripping onto you shirt and you had had enough. You simply pulled yourself to the side of the hallway drawing your knees to you cest and began to cry. You knew this wouldn't stop. You were far too shy to say anything and even if you weren't the girls were right anyway. Why were you in Ravenclaw when it took you a good twenty minutes just to figure out the password to your own common room?
Just then your heard voices. You quickly moved grabbing your books and sprinting out of the hallway before anyone could see you. You sprinted the whole way back to the tower. You were greeted by the raven statue you had grown to hate. You groaned loudly.
The statue spoke, “How is it possible for you to stand behind your father while he is standing behind you?” it asked, making you groan again.
“Can you please just let me in, im covered in blood.” You grumbled knowing that it wouldn’t answer. You tried to think. How can I stand behind something that is behind me? You racked your brain for an awnser but it seemed impossible. You couldnt help it you began to cry again. Frustration, embarrassment and sadness filled you as tears streaked you cheek. Why were you put in Ravenclaw? What could that stupid, good for nothing, hat possibly seen in you that made him shout “Ravenclaw” like a farmer yelling for his next sheep to slaughter.
You then heard footsteps beside you. You turned to see Cho Chang. She was in the year above you and was everything a Ravenclaw should have been, pretty, athletic, and of course wicked smart. You wanted to hate her for being so perfect but you couldn't.
“Hey,” She said softly, “I heard what Mckenzie did. That's messed up.” She attempted to sooth you.
“It doesn't matter.” You attempted to smile but it was more of a tight lipped grimace.
“She’s wrong you know.” Cho smiled.
You gave a half hearted laugh, “What could possibly make me a Ravenclaw?”
“So much y/n,” she said, “You are crazy good at Wizards Chess for one.”
“That’s just a stupid game.” You grumbled.
“No, it takes strategy and I've never seen a single person beat you.” She pointed out.
You blushed not used to getting praised.
“Also i've seen your artwork, its beautiful, absolutely stunning.” She smiled making you blush more.
“Thanks.” you mumbled.
“Look don't let one girl get you down.” She advised before asking the statute for the riddle. It answered and she stood there thinking for a second.
    “Oh!” she exclaimed, “Your standing back to back.”
    The statue spun open as you hit your forehead onto you stack of books making you stumble, barley catching yourself before you fell. You cursed yourself before ascending the stairs to your room. You had had enough humiliation for today.
    Draco rolled his eyes as Zambini told another terrible joke beside him, “What do you call a red head with no brains?’
    “I don't know, you with red hair?” Draco mocked.
    “Close but no.” the other boy snickered, “A weasley!” He erupted into laughter as they rounded the corner, heading to the common room.
    As they continued talking Draco felt something thump against his foot. He looked down to see a leather bound book which he had kicked a few feet in front of him. The platinum blonde raised his eyebrows before bending down to pick it up.
    “What the..” Balises voice trailed off.
    Draco looked up to see a small puddle of blood at the end of the quoridor.
    “Some idiot probably got hurt in potions or something.” Draco scoffed, though he was a bit confused. They continued walking being careful to avoid the blood. Draco's mind was quickly brought back to the book and he opened it to see what it was. What he saw stunned him.
    They were sketches. Not crappy sketches that was done by some kid, but damn good sketches. Most of them looked like they were for herbology. There were various plants with notes about them scribbled in messy handwriting in the margins, but every few pages there was something different. On the fifth page there was a drawing of a creature he didn't recognize. It was a black horse-like creature with big leathery looking wings. He wondered what it was. They had now arrived at the common room and Draco went directly to a couch sitting down on the black leather, continuing through the book. On the eleventh page there was a drawing of a broom stick. It was read Nimbus 2000 at the handel. There were various other sketches of random objects littered throughout the pages of plants and each was extremely realistic. His thoughts were interrupted by Daphne and Pansy.
    “Did you draw those Malfoy?” Daphne asked plucking the book out of his hand ignoring his protests.
    “No, could I have it back?” He asked glaring at the girl.
    Before she could respond Perkison interrupted, “Who’s is it Dracy?”
    “Don't call me Dracy” the boy groweld, “and I haven't the slightest idea.”
    “Oh, how did you get it?” Daphne asked.
    “I just found it, now give it back.” He stood up snatching the book up before retreating upstairs.
    “Who pissed in his cheerios?” Pansy grumbled plopping onto the couch.
    The next day you had herbology first period, you quite liked herbology you were good at it too. You loved how you could just sketch after you finished the drawing of the plants and of course you love your grade in the class. It made you feel less like a loser. Just a little less. When you plopped yourself into a seat next to a Ravenclaw boy named Casey. He was always very nice and often complimented you drawings. You would be lying if you said you didn't like him a little.
    After sitting down and greeting the boy you opened your bag to look for your sketchbook. It was nowhere to be found. What the heck? You thought as you searched through your bag with no luck. Then it struck you. You must have left it in the dungous yesterday. You cursed yourself quietly.
    “You okay?” Casey asked beside you.
    “Yeah I just lost my book,” You smiled at him blushing a bit.
    “Oh. I could help you look for it later if you want.” He offered.
    “O-oh I wouldn't want to bother you.” you blushed
    “It's no bother, I swear i want to help.” He smiled flashing a pearly set of straight teeth.
    “Ok, s-sounds good.” You stammered, you felt your face grow impossibly warmer.
    The lesson continues and you talked occasionally to Casey, you did your sketch on a piece of lined paper, you would transfer them when you found your notebook. After Herbologioy you and Casey headed down to the dungeons to look for your book. You had never really hung out with him out of class and it was nice. You were fighting a blush the whole time, you weren’t really one who interacted with attractive boys out of class.
    Draco began to make his way down to potions, he was still working through the drawings, there were many creatures he had never heard of before. It was odd, how had he never seen so many of these before? He was halfway through the dungeons when he heard giggling. It wasn't Pansy’s shriek, it was a soft quiet sound that made him think of the patter of rain on dewy grass. He turned the corner to see two figures in blue robes. One was a tall boy with dirty blond hair and deep brown eyes. Next to him was a y/h girl with y/h/l y/h/c hair that shone in the candle light. Her eyes were a stunning y/e/c that shared a soft yet sharp gaze with the world. He was taken aback. How had he never seen this girl before? They both looked at Draco expecting him to speak but he didn't, he simply kept walking brushing past the two, tucking the leather bound book back into his robes.
    As he walked away, he heard the boy mutter something to the girl, causing her to gasp and laugh,
    “Casey!” she scolded him
    “Oh come on y/n that was funny.” He teased back and Draco almost gasped in surprise. That was y/n? y/n y/l/n? No way. You were in his potions class and you never even spoke up, you were constantly messing up positions too. How was that girl the same one whose name he had grown deaf to Snape yelling? I didn't seem possible.
“Shot, I have to get to positions.” you told Casey glancing at your watch. He said goodbye as you walked quickly to your worst class. You were actually unusually excited, Luna one of your best friends had offered to help you out because you had the class together and she was quite good at potions. You entered the classroom quickly and found Lun, sitting next to the girl. As you waited for class to start you chatted about the different potions and what might be on the test.
“Wait for the dragons egg you have to turn it to powder first right?” you asked to see your friends gaze elss where.
“Dracos staring at you.” She said simply as if she hadn't just said an impossible sentence.
“What?” you asked turning around to meet a pair of silver eyes already on you. They quickly dodged away making you blush tremendously. “I saw him in the hallway eairler, and Casey made a stupid joke about him, hes probally plotting my death.” You sighed reality crashing on to you.
    “I don't think so.” Luna said in her usual dreamy tone.
    “What else would he be doing?” You murmured returning to your notes.
    Before Luna could answer Snape entered the room and you snapped your eyes to the front of the class.
    “It has come to my attention that many of you are getting nothing done in this class.” He stated harshly. You cringed this was not going to end well. “And because of that fact I have made a new seating chart,” You groaned, just when you were getting excited about positions.
    “Listen for your name and your partner,” He continued. “Parkinson, Belby. Goldstein, Crabbe. Greengrass, Lovegood.” You glanced at your friend who was as usual, smiling. You are happy for her as well, there were much worse partners to be had. “Corner, Zambini. Boot, Blustrode. Y/l/n, Malfoy.” The rest of the names went out of the window when you heard your partner. This was not going to be good, not good at all.
    When Draco heard your name called, then quickly followed by his he felt like he was going to throw up. And it wasn't because he knew you were probably going to botch whatever potion they made, it was because he wasn't sure if he could focus around you. He blushed madly and tried to think about something else. It's just a pretty girl you bloody idiot. He scolded himself. You just met her today, he reminded himself Well just realized she existed today. He was shaken out of his thoughts by Snape's voice.
“If you don't like your partner, too bad. Move together please.” Draco glanced over at y/n who was already packing up, Zambini moved from his seat apologizing to Draco for his partner and moved toward the back where Micheal was seated.
    He then saw you make your way over to him your cheeks a bit red, the same way they were when you were talking to that Casey boy in the hallway. He grimaced, how was he jealous of someone he had never spoken a word to? He then decided he would ignore every good quality you had and focus on the bad ones. That way it would be easier to pretend to hate you right?
    The second you sat down his plan failed. You smelt like vanilla and roses. He wanted to lean closer to you and inhale your addicting scent forever, but instead he moved over or so he couldn't breathe in your intoxicating fumes.  
    “Hi, i’m y/n.” You said sweetly sticking your hand out.
    “I know who you are.” Draco responded ignoring your hand and continuing to stare at the board, slouching in his seat.
    “Oh ok.” You murmured. He saw a small frown take over your soft pink lips and he felt angry for being its cause.
    Snape explained that you were to make a Confusing Concoction potion and told you you had till the end of class. The potion wasn't too complicated. You thought you might be able to get through this one.
    “I'll get the water you can work on the feathers.” Draco drawled trying not to get to close to you as he stood. You pretend not to notice.
    “Ok.” you nodded. You grabbed the feathers and began to separate the barbs from them. Not but two feathers in you yelped with pain as a barb pierced your thumb. You yanked it out hissing in pain as you saw blood drips from the wound. Draco who was now back and heating the water grimaced at the sound of your pain but refused to show that he cared.
    He sighed loudly, “Look you go clean up and I will finish the feathers.”
    “Thank you.” you whimpered walking towards a sink face red as the blood dripping from your hand.
    Draco let out a breath he didn't know he was holding after you walked past. He then sat down and began to work on the feathers. His fingers moved easily to separate the barbs from the stalk and he couldn't help but wonder how you had possible stuck yourself with one so quickly. He then heard a thump and an apology and looked up to see you stumbling back to your seat face a brilliant red as Millicent and Boot glared after you. He snickered a bit turning back to the feathers.
    Once you had most of the ingredients in you had to wait for 30 minutes for it to boil so Draco sat down and pulled out the book of drawings he had found.
    He was flipping through the pages again when he heard a gasp beside him. He looked up eyebrows raised.
    “Where did you find that?” You asked pointing at the book.
    “In the hallway.” He smirked, “Why do you care anyway?”
    “Because it's mine.” You whispered causing his cheeks to flush.
    “This is yours?” He asked surprise sewn into his voice.
    “Yes.” you nodded, “I lost it when..” your voice trailed off face growing red, “after potions.” you finished voice quiet.
    “You sure this is yours?” It came out harsher than Draco had intended but what could he do about it now?
    “Yes.” you breathed out face growing warmer. “It does have drawings in it, doesn't it?”
    “Well yeah but they are like, really good.” Only after he said it did he realise how it sounded. He instantly was filled with guilt as your face flashed with sadness and anger.
    “Yeah, well, they’re mine.” You grumbled voice quiet.
    “Here.” He handed the book to you, your hands brushed before you snatched the book away and he felt like he was going to burst at the feeling of your skin against his.
    Just then the timer on your position went off and the two of you continued to work.
    That's how it went for two weeks. You and Draco would share very few words as you worked together. Your grade did improve, but you were still quite prone to accidents and Draco rolled his eyes everytime. You went from being sad he didn't like you to being mad. He was always so rude. He would avoid speaking to you, looking at you, hell he avoided you altogether, his seat was always poised at the other end of the desk as if you were some sort of plague. All of this made you angry and frustrated. What have you done to make you so repulsive? You knew you weren't the best at potions but you had only messes up three the whole time and you were improving. You had never been rude to the boy even once, how come he hated you so much?
    “I just don't get it.” You pouted turning to Casey who was walking you down to potions.
    “It's not your fault y/n, he's like that with everyone.” He explained, “He's just a dick, not much you can do about it.”
    “But maybe if I was better at potions the-” you were interrupted by Casey.
    “Y/n its not your fault, you are amazing and sweet and kind, it's just him okay? Don't let him make you doubt yourself.”
    You blushed furiously at his words, “Thanks Case.”
    “Plus if he's really pissing you off just blow a potion up in his face.” he jeered.
    You laughed loudly, “He'd probably kill me with his icy glare.” you teased.
    “He is always glaring at you.” Casey smiled.
    “Thanks for walking me.” You said.
    “Of course, i’ll see you around y/n.” He beamed.
    “See ya.” You said before entering the classroom. You were met with Draco's frozen glare.
    “Hello Malfoy.” You greeted.
    “Y/l/n” he responded his voice vacant of any emotion.
    You sat down and glanced at the board to see what position you were working on. You then looked at Draco who was already looking at you making you blush.
    “I'll get the water.” You said promptly before standing up and snatching a cauldron. Only when you did this you left foot got caught behind your right and you plummeted to the ground. You dropped the cauldron with a clang and you hit the ground. You instantly heard laughter erupted throughout the room and you felt tears well up in your eyes. You then heard a snicker and you didn't have to see his face to know it was Draco. You blinked furiously face a deep shade of crimson. You then pushed yourself off the ground, lifted the cauldron from a few feet away and turned to face the slytherin boy. Your shyness suddenly disappearing in your rage and embarrassment when you saw the everlasting smirk perched on his lips. You felt two tears cascade down your red cheeks as you thrust the cauldron into his hands.
“Screw you Malfoy.” your voice trembled through gritted teeth. You then quickly left the classroom, laughter disappearing behind you. You made it maybe two cordors from the classroom when you saw Mckenzie. You instantly turned to run but were cut off by a few other girls already behind you.
“God y/n, such a clutz.” She snickered. “I think you belong in a physical therapy building not a wizarding school.”
You only whimpered feeling helpless and small.
“Boo-hoo poor, poor, y/n all alone.” She rubbed her eyes with her fists.”You do realize that Casey only hangs out with you because of a dare right?”
Your eyes widened in confusion.
“I made a dare that he couldn't get you to go out with him in a month and here we are, only two weeks in and you are practically drooling over him.”
You felt a sob leave your mouth. You wanted to say it wasn’t true but you knew it was. It sure as hell wasn’t a coincidence he asked to help you find your book the exact day she said she struck the deal with him. You felt angry. Sad. But most of all embarassed. You were always so embarrassed. Why where you always so fucking embarassed?!
“Guess I'll have to go out with him now that I told you about the bet” She smirked picking at her long blue nails.
“Of course.” You muttered tears falling of your chin.
“What's that?” Mckenzie smirked.
“Of course he would want to go out with you.” You began to sob and you saw Mckenzie’s smirk widen and your anger out did you.
“Of course, some douchebag like him would want to date a slutty bitch like you.” Anger dripped like poison from your voice. All of the laughter around you stopped as you felt yourself smile. You looked up through your tears to see Mkenzies mouth wide open in shock, her eyes wide in her sockets.
Anger took over her features and she pulled her wand from her robes with a shriek. “Stupify!” she shouted and you were sent sprawling backward. Your head hit the stone wall and black dots danced in your vision. You groaned closing your eyes but they popped back open when you heard another voice.
“Back off!” it yelled anger knit into its frame. You turned to see Draco heading strait at the girls. He whipped his wand once and suddenly Meckenzi flew into the air. She then dangled there like an invisible rope was tied to her ankle.
She shrieked for the girls below her to help but they just turned and ran fearful of the boy heading toward them. After the other girls disappeared Draco flicked his wand again and Mckenzie fell to the ground and began to cry.
“Get out of here before I do more than hex you.” You heard him growl.
The girl instantly stood up sobbing as she stumbled away. Draco's eyes softened when they landed on you.
“Are you alright?” he asked as he rushed over to you.
“What do you care Malfoy?” you mumbled attempting to get up only to stumble over your own feet and plummet to the ground, well you would have hit the ground if it wasn't for a pair of strong arms wrapping around you. You looked up at the blonde, his grey eyes were set on your lips and felt your heartbeat speed up to extremely high. Draco's face was now quite red as he helped you back to your feet.
“Why do you hate me?” the question rose from your lips before you could stop it. You flushed immediately after it left your mouth. Draco looked taken aback by the question.
“I don't hate you.” he stated.
“Don't lie to me. You avoid looking at me, you don't speak to me, hell you sit as far away from me as possible.” You paused looking at the boy, “I just want to know why.”
He laughed he actually laughed. What could possibly be funny right now? Was this all another joke? Did he really find your misery that funny. You flushed madly turning to leave.
“No wait love, don't leave.” Draco begged his laughter stopping abruptly.
You felt heat rush to your face at the nickname and turned around looking at the ground. Your gaze was turned upward when you felt a finger slowly lift your face upward. You had never blushed so much in your entire life.
“I don't hate you y/n. I would never hate you.” He smiled, not his usual smirk but a genuine smile and it made you go weak at the knees. “I don't think I could ever hate you.”
“Then why do you act like you do?” you asked, “Why do you avoid me? Why do you never talk to me, never look at me?”
He sighed, “I avoid you because whenever I get near you, I smell you. And it drives me crazy.” His hand caressed your cheek bone and you were pretty sure you face was on fire. “Your scent is beyond intoxicating. When I talk to you I lose track of everything else and I can only hear your voice echoing in my head.” He whispered, his minty breath danced across your face making you shudder. “And when I look at you, it's like the world disappears and it's only you standing there. Everytime I look at you I have to battle myself not to lean in and taste your lips.”
You stared at him. You couldn't breath, your It had been replaced with butterflies that were now fluting inside you madly. You were pretty sure this is what death felt like. But then something clicked inside you and your realized this wasn't death it was love.
“When it comes to you, I can focus on nothing else.” Dracos lips were so close you could feel them brush yours and you couldn't take it anymore. You grabbed the back of his head and smashed his lips onto yours.
You had never felt anything like it before, his lips danced on yours with grace you couldn't even begin to fathom. You felt his tongue slid across your lips and your eyes widened in surprise. You then shut them again opening your mouth a slight bit. You ran your hand threw his hair as he explored your mouth with his tongue pushing you up against the wall softly. You didn't want to break the kiss but you felt your lungs burn begging for air and you drew away from him.
You were both panting when you pulled apart. Your face was a bright red, your lips swollen, and hair disheveled but to Draco, you had never looked more beautiful.
“Merlin,” he gasped out, “I'm never going to focus again when I know you kiss like that.”
You flashed a brilliant red and giggled, Draco then decided he couldn't stop himself anymore, he pressed his lips against yours once again.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Goode Case, 14/14 (Multi) - Juno
Chapter Summary: Jaida, Brita and Jackie try to plan for the three of them to go bowling. Of course, that might not work out quite as planned!
(A/N: So ….. this is the end of TGC! It’s the epilogue, and I wanted to give them all an ending, so here it is. I’ve been so blown away by the support I’ve received for this fic, even though it’s completely insane and no one asked for it! Thank you to everyone who has left me a like, kudos, comment, or just read it and enjoyed it. It really does mean the world! xo Juno)
Tuesday 14thNovember
Brita:Do u want to go bowling this Friday? Xx
Jackie:The three of us??
Jaida:I don’t think three is quite enough sis. Not for a good game. We’ll be done in half an hour!
Brita:LOL if that’s a hint then yes u can ask Jan xx
Jaida smiled to herself. If she hadn’t been thinking it before, she definitely was now. She was having a great time getting to know who Jan was, and what made her tick, these past ten days or so. Hearing Jan’s unbelievable singing voice at full pelt in Jan’s little Fiat 500. Playing around doing lay-ups at the basketball court and normally losing to Jan, even thought she was the shorter of the two. Getting their legs tangled in the sheets at the end of the day …
Oh yes. Jaida had enjoyed every minute.
Jackie:Ok, I don’t need to read minds to see how this will go……..
Jaida: lmao really? X
Brita:Enlighten us Jacqueline xx
Jackie:Obvs we three want to go
Jackie:Jai invites Jan
Jackie:Brita wants to invite a gf if Jai is inviting one
Jackie:So now Aiden is coming
Jackie:Aiden always brings Crystal
Jackie:Crystal always brings Gigi
Brita:Aiden isn’t my gf
Jaida:and Im Oprah
Brita:shush Jai xx
Brita:we just had a couple dates so far thats all xx
Jackie:Ok so I actually laughed
Jackie:Heidi & Nicky heard me
Jackie:So they invited themselves
Jaida:oh that’s cool no problem x
Jackie seemed to see more of Heidi than Jaida did right now. Jaida might have felt strange before, the thought of her friend and her colleague mingling, no careful divide in her mind; but that was fading fast. Nicky had started teaching Heidi some useful French, rather than just more swearing, and now they were organising for Nicky to come into Heidi’s kindergarten class with some basic French for the kids.
As for Brita … well, if there was one thing Jaida had learned about her through the Goode case, it was that she often had a slightly devious ulterior motive in these innocent suggestions. And although Jaida still didn’t feel as if she knew Aiden very well yet, she’d noticed that Brita had never spent more time daydreaming in the office; prompting a few pens being thrown at her by Jackie all last week.
Brita:How many is that? I suck at math lmao
Jackie:is that nine?
Jackie:one more to make it even??
Jaida: Dahlia, I said I would organise something with her
Brita: sis u cant invite Dahl without Rock xx
Jackie:Ok look
Jackie:We can’t have eleven
Jackie:That’s an even weirder number than 3!!
Jackie:Maybe we should stick to us 3
Jackie:No friends
Jackie:no gfs
Jackie:No psychics
Brita:no psychics? So we not going either?? LOL
“Hey, Jaida.” Widow came out of her room, waving to Jaida on the couch, as she walked past to the kitchen. Jaida gave her a smile and a wave back.
Widow was still walking a little slower than usual, but finally getting back into a routine. She’d flown back from KC on Sunday night, but even the week before that, she’d seemingly made some progress. She had even started coming to talk to Jaida, feeling a bit more comfortable sharing things with her.
Jaida was struck with inspiration.
Brita:also Jackie why cant u just type a message in one line Xx
Jaida:I got it, my housemate Widow to make it 12 x
Jackie: Who?
Brita:yeah u may not have met her yet
Brita:Jai I thought u said she doesn’t like big crowds xx
Jaida: something tells me things may change x
Friday 17thNovember
“Child, I still don’t get why it’s called football.” Jaida teased Jan, as they sat waiting for their turns to come back round. Heidi was lining up her shot in the distance, but neither Jaida nor Jan knew the scores at this moment. “They don’t even use their feet! They use their hands! And it’s not a ball! It’s an egg! Hand-egg!”
“Jai, if you insult my precious Patriots one more time, I’ll –“
“Jan! Focus!” Heidi was calling her. “Your shot, boo!”
“Be right back after I hit a strike!” Jan reached over to kiss Jaida gently on the lips.
“Oh, so you’re not coming back?” Jaida tutted, unable to stop the grin spreading across her face. Jan playfully slapped her arm and grinned back at her.
The aisles were only good for six people each, so they’d booked two beside each other, and it looked like couples’ night in the opposite lane. Brita’s impressive round of strikes and spares was almost matched by a few strikes from Crystal, all of which she claimed were flukes. She hadn’t stopped laughing all evening, clinging to Gigi, who smiled coolly and pushed her hair out of her eyes whenever Crystal did so. Gigi herself was making a respectable score behind the two of them, claiming to just have a magic touch.
Dahlia, however, kept sinking almost every ball into the drain and sulking as she did so, going into the sixth round with only seven points on the board. Aiden, whose twelve points were almost as bad, ended up insisting on the fences being raised after her third straight round of hitting nothing, prompting Rock to hit trick shots for the rest of the evening, bouncing her bowling balls between the fences and making her turns take twice as long.
It was Widow who came to sit in Jan’s empty seat, the mischievous glint in her eyes slowly returning as the days went on. Jaida returned her smile, and Widow reached and rubbed Jaida’s forearm.
“Thanks for inviting me, sis,” she muttered. “It’s – it’s a good night.”
When Jaida had asked, Widow had hesitated in coming out as part of a large group. Following Tori’s funeral the previous weekend, Widow had insisted on a quiet time all week. But the crowd brought her straight in, particularly Heidi and Brita, who she had already met. She even seemed to click with Jackie almost immediately, both of them shrieking with glee at discovering a mutual love of Overwatch and swapping Xbox names to link up later.
But Jackie and Widow were already competing. On the scoreboard in their lane, Widow was leading the team, but only by two points, with Jackie right behind her, almost matching every single strike. Jaida was enjoying seeing them show competitive sides that they rarely did, both of them playing up the competition by pointing menacingly at each other after each turn. Jaida, Jan, Heidi and Nicky were all lagging behind them, all in a cluster, but none of them minded; they were far too amused by Jackie and Widow to care.
Jaida looked at all their names altogether on the scoreboard, and the other names on the other lane. It still felt a little weird, but Jaida was actively trying to focus on it, and tell herself that it was all good. The separation she’d held onto for so long had crumbled, and here they all were – friends, colleagues, housemates, girlfriends – all in the same space.
And bringing her friends together, into one space in her life, made Jaida feel a lot more complete.
She grinned at Widow and turned to watch Jan, who was picking up every spare bowling ball and testing their weights, before commenting on the balls all being too big and settling on the lowest weight. Jackie, next to her, was giggling at her comment.
“You like them, now that you met them?”
“I hate to admit it, but yeah,” Widow chuckled. “They’re all really, uhm –“
“Exuberant? Energetic?”
“Loud,” Widow chuckled again. “I’m getting a headache. But – they’re all so nice as well.”
They were interrupted by a whoop of joy and a leap in the air; Jan had somehow managed a strike with her tiny ball and was twirling on the spot, her blonde hair spinning a whirlwind round her face and shoulders.
“Your girlfriend – Jan – is she your colleague as well?” Widow motioned to Jan.
“No, I met her through Brita.”
“And the three students? Sorry, I can’t remember their names.”
“I can’t discuss the case, but I met them through work.”
“And the girl with blue hair?”
“That’s Dahlia’s girlfriend, Rock.”
“Rock?” Widow repeated. “As in, rock solid? Rock ‘n’ roll?”
Widow’s eyes moved between them all on the opposite lane. Gigi was lazily twirling a finger through one of Crystal’s curls, while Crystal gazed enraptured at the scoreboard, for once still and silent; Gigi seeming to be the only person able to quieten her. Aiden, whose turn it was, held a bowling ball to her torso and was trying to keep a straight face as Brita, stood next to her, held another ball and was somewhat innocently demonstrating which fingers were best to use for the holes.
In their own lane, Jan and Jackie were calling to Nicky, whose turn it was; but Nicky was curled under Heidi’s arm in the booth next to them, her long legs swung over Heidi’s lap, holding her phone and scrolling down while they both stopped for a few seconds, chuckling at whatever was on the webpage they were going through.
Jaida smiled at Widow’s bemused expression. “You’ll get used to them.”
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we-are-inevitable · 4 years
love and it’s decisive pain
Prompt: "Could you make a modern spin where javid is established but they are hiding it at first. And David’s parents find them and tease them cause they knew already?" (i had to repost this and can’t remember who sent this ask, but thank you!)
Rating: M (for good measure)
Warnings: Mentions of violence and homophobia (to third party, unnamed characters), vague NSFW concepts, coming out anxiety. feel free to message me if i need to put any other trigger warnings, and i will gladly do so!
Word Count: 2,364
Read on AO3! Fic under the cut.
The decision to never come out was something that David had made peace with long ago.
He had been fourteen when he made the vow. Fourteen and vulnerable. Naive. At first, he had wanted to come out. He had known something was different about him, since the first time he heard Sarah talk about a boy she liked, and realized that what she was describing- what she felt for a guy in her class- was the same way that he felt about guys, too. At the time, he had been twelve, just now starting to realize that liking guys was even an option- and apparently, it was the only option that he saw fit for himself.
At age twelve, David realized he liked men. 
At age thirteen, David realized he liked only men. 
At fourteen, David realized he was in love with his best friend who had just moved to the school.
David had thought about the possibility of bringing it up to his parents, but he had never found the right time, never found the right way to say it. He had even considered trying to tell Sarah first, or maybe even Les, but he figured that Les was too young and Sarah just wouldn’t understand that her baby brother was anything other than straight. Nonetheless, David had made… a plan, per se, of just how he was going to do it. He had written it out and everything- he was going to wait until he left for school one day, maybe kiss his Ma on the forehead and give his Dad a goodbye hug. Then, he was going to walk to the door, yell, “Hey, I’m gay!”, and take off like a shot down the flight of stairs in their apartment building.
It was a plan. He never claimed it was good.
But that was before he saw just what could happen if he did. He saw a news report, of a couple being attacked on the subway for daring to be brave enough to hold hands in public. He remembered seeing the pictures on the TV, seeing the bruises and the bloody noses, and that struck enough fear into his heart that he had resigned himself to being alone. He would lurk in the shadows. Give his unconditional love and support to others. He would be the best damn ally he could be, but after seeing the pain, the heartbreak, the fear in the faces of the men on the TV that night, he knew his choice was the right one. He wouldn’t be able to survive if something like that happened to him.
He had successfully made it three years without anyone knowing the biggest secret of his life. Not even his closest friends knew, even though most of them were in the community themselves. It wasn’t as though he didn’t trust them- no, no, he trusted each of them with his life. Crutchie, Race, Albert, and Elmer, along with many others, had already told him that they would take care of him if anything ever happened. It had been joking, but David didn’t doubt their loyalty for a minute.
But then there was Jack. 
Jack, the guy that David had been crushing on for three years.
Jack, the guy who had the most intense stare, most beautiful smile, most effective puppy dog eyes, most lovely laugh and talent and, God, David could listen to him talk, listen to his accent, for hours on end.
It was Jack that had caused his crisis, who had been the guy behind the story, the guy he wanted to come out for. He remembered the night that Jack told him he was bi, a conversation that had happened at four in the morning one summer night when they were both sixteen. Oh, how Davey longed to tell Jack then. How he longed to lean over, gently cup his cheek and kiss the worries and insecurities out of him. 
Instead, he had just reassured Jack that he didn’t care, that he would always be safe with him, and that he was always there if Jack needed to talk.
They had been in a similar situation about a year later. Another late night, safe on Jack’s fire escape, where they had been for hours watching the sunset and idly talking about the people that passed on the streets below. Jack had kitted it out with everything- some christmas lights wrapped around the railings, two thick blankets laid out on the floor and an old-fashioned radio playing some music behind them. In a way, that fire escape felt more like home than any other place on earth.
It was everything that David had ever dreamed of.
They had gotten pretty silent, but it was a comfortable drop in conversation as they both watched the bustling streets of New York. It was Jack who broke it eventually, taking in a deep breath as he looked down. “‘Ey, Dave?” “Yeah, Jackie?” David asked softly, pushing himself up from his back. He stopped about halfway, kicking his long legs out in front of him, braced on his palms. 
“You… You  know how I told ya, that I’m into dudes?” Jack approached the subject carefully. Davey gulped. His mind immediately went somewhere bad- that Jack had a boyfriend, that Jack had found out that he really only liked women, that Jack had been... hurt. “Well, I-... There’s a guy,” Jack started, and Davey could see him tapping a familiar rhythm onto his knee. Jack did that when he was anxious. “And, well- I like ‘im. A lot. But… But I dunno if he’s into guys, and even if he is, I don’t think I’m the kind’a fella he would like--”
“Are you kidding?”
“Jack,” David said with a sad grin, furrowing a brow. “Any guy would have to be crazy not to like you back. I mean, have you seen yourself? You’re hot,” David said with a soft laugh, gently nudging Jack’s shoulder with a fist. “Plus, you’re talented. You’re crazy good at art, you can sing and play guitar, you’re wicked smart. Unless a guy just wasn’t into smartasses, I don’t get why anyone wouldn’t be into you,” David joked softly, but every word was the truth. He didn’t understand why Jack was so insecure, why he was so self deprecating, but he knew it had been something he had struggled with for a long time.
“...For sure?” Jack asked, his voice smaller than David had ever heard it. “Jackie, I wouldn’t lie to ya,” He said with a grin. “Everything I said is true, y’know. You’re an amazing man, any guy would be lucky to--”
David was cut off with hands fisting his shirt and dragging him into a kiss.
Time stopped for a moment.
David could feel his eye’s widening, could feel his heart pounding, mind racing a mile a minute. He must have froze, because suddenly, all too suddenly, Jack was pulling away with a flushed face and a look of terror in his eyes. “Fuck, Dave, I’m so sorry, I didn’t--” He cut himself off with a deep breath, immediately turning away from David to face the New York skyline yet again.
David took in a shuddering breath a few moments later. “...Jack, you idiot,” He muttered, and Jack winced, turning to apologize yet again, until Davey pulled him in for another kiss. This time, he was in control. The kiss was soft, hesitant at first, until the both of them got confident enough to take it to the next level.
David had his arms wrapped around Jack’s waist, the angle a bit awkward, until Jack had fixed it by moving to sit in David’s lap. That was when it hit David that this was real. He was kissing Jack Kelly, and Jack Kelly was kissing back.
After that night, they kept things lowkey. David still wasn’t ready to come out to the guys, which Jack understood wholeheartedly. Their relationship may have been a secret, but it didn’t mean tht they didn’t like it. No, sneaking around was fun. Making out in the school bathroom, going on dates disguised as hangouts, even being there for each other on their eighteenth birthdays was something so much more magical than anyone knew. 
They lived in that bubble of safety until they finally told the guys the night after their high school graduation. They had been together for close to a year that night, and it just felt right. All of them were together, hanging out in the park and discussing the crazy graduation parties that had happened the night before. Something must have lit a fire in David, because Jack made eye contact with him as Race was telling a story, and David kissed him in front of everyone else. They had to fess up- after Race finished his agonizingly long story, of course- but David had never felt happier.
That next week, David was riding the high of finally making it. He had a boyfriend, he was officially moving on to college in the fall, and he was finally, finally safe and accepted.
Until that next Friday came along.
David had thought that they had the apartment to themselves. Jack had even climbed through the window for good measure, but David knew that his parents were going on a weekend getaway in Boston, and Les would be at a friend’s house until Sunday, so he didn’t think to lock the door.
It started out as cuddling and watching some old western movie that Jack had fallen in love with, before cuddling turned to kissing, and kissing turned to David pressing Jack down against the bed as he nipped and sucked dark marks onto the tan skin of Jack’s neck. Jack was a blushing mess, murmuring soft pleas as his hands carded through Davey’s dark hair. “Davey, baby, come on, stop teasin’,” Jack muttered pitifully, eyes shutting, before they suddenly flew wide open at the sound of David’s bedroom door opening. “David, we just came back because your father forgot his wallet, and-- Oh, my good Lord!”
The door was shut just as fast as it had opened, and David was so thankful that they were still clothed, until he realized what had just happened. 
He could feel himself visibly paling as he launched away from Jack, hurrying to stand up. “Oh, fuck, oh, fuck--”
“Babe, babe, calm down, it’s--”
Jack didn’t have time to say another word before David was already out the door and down the hall.
“Ma!” David said quickly, chest heaving as he came to a standstill in the living room. He was red faced in shame, and could already feel the tears welling in his eyes. “Ma, it- it’s not what it looks like!” He rushed out, gulping when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned and saw Jack, looking just as scared as he did, as he desperately buttoned his flannel to try to cover the marks. “We-- I didn’t-- I thought- Ma, I’m not--” “David.”
David went silent, staring at the floor with wide eyes, refusing to meet his mother's gaze. He vaguely registered his father coming into the room, who stopped mid sentence when he saw Jack and his son.
David could feel his world crumbling, but then he felt Jack’s hand gently grab his, ever so slightly intertwining their fingers. He glanced over at Jack with wide eyes, who looked at him and gave a gentle nod, taking a deep breath. 
Slowly, David looked back up, gulping. “...Mama, Dad, Jack and I--” “We know, dear.” 
“You-- You know?”
David finally took a good look at them. His father was standing behind his mother, a strong hand on her shoulder, but they didn’t look… angry. Or upset. Instead, they were smiling at him. “David, hunny, we’ve known for years. We… found a note that you had written- something or another, of how you wanted to tell us. At- At first, we were… shocked. We didn’t really know what to do, so we decided to wait it out until you told us yourself, we just didn’t expect it to take four years,” Esther added with a gentle laugh.
“It didn’t shock us to find out you were with Jack, either,” Mayer noted, glancing between the two boys. “Jack, you spend an awful lot of time at our house, more than any of the other boys. As long as you don’t intend on hurting our son, you’re part of this family, too.”
That was David’s breaking point.
He couldn’t hold in the sob that rose up from his chest, and though the Jacobs family had never been the most physically affectionate, David found himself running across the room. He pulled his mother into a tight hug, crying softly into her shoulder, and he took in a deep, shuddering breath as she rubbed his back. He pulled away and wiped his eyes, only to be pulled into another hug by Mayer, which was a shocking moment in itself.
One of them must have gestured to Jack to come closer, too, because when David looked over, Esther had him wrapped into a tight hug. David stepped away, and watched with a fond smile as Jack shook his father's hand.
Things seemed to calm down after that, though David still had watery eyes, but he couldn’t help the immense joy that flooded his chest. He gulped and wrapped an arm around Jack’s waist, who in turn began rubbing his back.
“Like I said,” Mayer spoke firmly, “take good care of our boy. Now, we have a reservation at the hotel to meet by midnight, so we should get going,” He said, looking down at Esther, who nodded. 
They said their last goodbyes, but just as the door closed, it opened again. Esther poked her head in and grinned. “One more thing- use protection!” She said quickly, before the door shut with a final click.
David would have been mortified, if not for the bright laughter that bubbled out from the boy beside him. 
Yeah, this was a happiness he could get used to, he thought as he pulled Jack in for another kiss. 
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todefine-istolimit · 4 years
It Don’t Run in Our Blood- Chapter 3
Au: royalty
Rating: Mature
Ships: royality, dukexiety, loceit
Warnings: major character death (but not really), sympathetic dark sides
Summary: Roman is a prince in love with Patton, a commoner. Remus is a knight who has fallen in love with his trusted servant Virgil. Logan is the royal adviser who’s Love was lost at sea (But he’s not really dead.  think princess bride here). Now the trouble is navigating laws, love, and social conventions, all while carrying around shiny swords! ((Title from Royals by Lorde))
If you prefer to read it on ao3
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: welp here we go with chapter three, a little Remus perspective and pining~ (sorry I took forever to post again, this has actually been sitting in my docs for weeks and I just haven’t had time to edit it until today)
Remus stood by the door to the armoury watching for a moment as Virgil polished his armour. Virgil was like muscular, this had escaped Remus until yesterday when he joked about Virgil staring at him naked. Then Remus had realized he wished it was true, he wished Virgil would look at him like that. 
Last night he had been hit with dreams that the situation had been the other way around and Remus had been the one staring.
Remus had a crush and he was dying because Virgil could have literally anyone he could possibly want and there was no way in hell his first choice was gonna be Remus after how much they argued and bicker. Especially since Remus was a prince and Virgil had always expressed disdain for the rich of the kingdom.
He cleared his throat and Virgil whipped around. 
He visably relaxed when he saw it was Remus. Remus shook off the feelings that evoked and spoke, “Virgil, my brother has invited me on a trip to the summer mansion in the woods to ‘hunt’ and hide from the government. So, I will be leaving immediately to go disembowel animals with Logan to cover for my brother spending time with his boyfriend. If you would please saddle my horse then you can have a few days off to yourself to get boyfriend or kill a man your choice." 
Remus hoped Virgil chose the second option, why did he keep bringing up Virgil getting a boyfriend? That was the last thing he wanted. The words just kept falling out of his mouth without meaning for them too. He hated the idea of Virgil being with someone else, but that was stupid because he wasn’t with Virgil. 
He hoped that Virgil didn’t like his brother.
"You’re going out into the forest with just his majesty for back up? Please, as if. I’m coming with you,” Virgil rolled his eyes as if this was a given.
Remus would love for Virgil to come along but he wasn’t sure if he would be able to stop himself from flirting with him if they were out in the woods without as many prying eyes.
“It’s not just with my brother, Logan will be there as well, and Patton.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, “Yeah and Logan is the only one out of the four of you who keeps a level head in a crisis, I’m coming.”
Virgil could have phrased that last part many different ways that might have helped Remus’ mind not snicker a little at it.
Remus shook his head managing to restrain himself from just saying what was in his head for once, "Then I’ll just end up protecting you from being killed by assassins who would take your head for a trophy, so stay. You’ll just be a distraction,” Remus said being entirely truthful because even now Virgil was quite distracting.
“Oh please assassins aren’t even the concern. In those wood the thing to worry about is rock slides and you know it. And anyway, distracting from what? Making awkward conversation with Logan and trying to kill enough animals to make it seem like you guys were actually hunting? I’m the best hunter out of us anyway. ” 
Virgil was right. Logan was the best swordsman out of them, Remus was the best at general combat, but Virgil was the only hunter worth his salt among them. 
Remus was running out of good reasons for Virgil to stay.
Virgil shrugged, “But fine, I have a few days off. I might just so happen to wander into the forest following the same path that you guys did.” He smirked, knowing he won.
Remus sighed and ran a hand through his hair, so he really didn’t have a choice in it anyway,  “Fine just come then! What do I care? Get ready to go.”
Virgil grinned and Remus was almost certain he was going to have a heart attack if Virgil didn’t stop being this way immiediatly. Remus didn’t know what “this way” was, but he knew Virgil needed to stop being it or Remus would die from the strain of not saying anything.
The two of them made their way to the stable and Virgil started pulling out all the horse tack
Then Remus realized something, “Well if your coming you should go pick up Patton, it’s less suspicions for you to just be picking up your friend for a trip into the woods." 
"Good point, here, you get the horses strapped up, ” Virgil ordered and dumped the saddle into Remus’ arms. Remus immediately lost his grip on it and it fell to the ground, but Virgil was already walking away. Remus was almost certain that was on purpose.
Remus knew that if it was anyone else doing that he would have fired them several times over, but this guy… it was like Remus was a puppet and anywhere Virgil tugged he just jerked in that direction. That should be scary, but Virgil had more than earned his trust.
He decided that if Virgil would be with them that weekend then he would tell Virgil how he felt. He hated having secrets and this one had been weighing on him for like almost a whole day now.
~some time later~
They were riding through the woods all five of them and Remus was chattering endlessly.
“-And of course those are just the natural disasters! But what we really should thinking about is the bandits who would just love to kidnap Patton and Virgil and hold them for ransom!”
“Okay I get Patton by why me?” Virgil asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Because they would ransom you I already said that, ” Remus rolled his eyes 
“Well obviously he’s saying he would pay large sums of money for your safety. Which would indicate that he values your continued existence,” Logan said dryly, Remus had made the mistake of telling Logan about his crush.
“Yeah something like that,” Remus looked down at the past below him and his horse, hoping that nobody saw the blush building on his cheeks.
“Mr. Logan your embarrassing them!” Patton whispered.
“'Mr. Logan’?” Logan murmured in confusion.
Virgil cleared his throat, “Well if I had any I, I would pay large sums of it for you too." 
Remus’ breath caught in his throat and he made a sound akin to a rabbit being struck by an arrow.
Roman grown loudly from the leading horse, "I cannot believe that after all this time the best you can offer each other is 'I wouldn’t let you get murdered by kidnappers’. Is that really the highest compliment you can offer each other?”
Virgil laughed, “Oh yeah your majesty let me just start being like you when Patton and constantly dote on how beautiful my prince is. Erm well that is- it- well not my prince of course! That wasn’t what I meant and… uh sorry.”
Remus didn’t mind being Virgil's… wait no focus diffuse the tension!
“Aww Virgil do you think I’m beautiful?” Remus laughed. Virgil was beautiful in the way the ocean was during a storm. Throwing boats against the rocks, shattering them. You were a little afraid of what would happen if you went too close. You might lose yourself. 
And die a horrific painful death but that part didn’t apply here.
“So what was that you were saying about wild animals?” Virgil said changing the subject not at all smoothly.l
“Yes!” He said looking around frantically for something to talk about, “yes there’s wild animals all over these woods. Rabbits, squirrels that the chew your toes off of your feet and rip out your hair!”
“Remus they’re squirrels not exactly monsters,” Virgil laughed
Remus stopped short,  “What did you just call me?”
Virgil stopped too and looked at Remus with wide eyes realizing what he said, “I’m sorry! I meant your highness, sire! I didn’t mean to call you by your name, of course…” He exhaled heavily, “God I’m just going to go ride at the back of the group.”
And Virgil fell back as the rest of them continue riding leaving Logan riding in between himself and Remus.
It was a long ride after that.
tag list: @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @melodiread @itismakyo @dabookwormcat @lo-ceit @gayformlessblob @ollyollyoxinfree
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pandawritespoorly · 5 years
With Time: Chapter 7 - The Best Group Chat
Author’s Note: A short chapter - just a quick catch-up. Next update will be Saturday, and oh boy we've got another akuma. If I'm so insistent on writing them I should probably figure how to actually write fights.
Chapter Summary: Some text interactions of the Quantics and Felix and what they've thought of Marinette up to this point.
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Kid Mime: So!!!! Wat do you all think of our new frend that weve had 4 a weeekkkk!!! Because I love herrr!!! We r going to keep her right!!!????
  Melodie: Oh you bet we are. I’m a little worried about her though, I mean did you see that bruise? 
Melodie: Also she is precious and very sweet. If she doesn’t seem uncomfortable with the arrangement, we should keep hanging out with her. 
  Felix: Are you referring to the bruise on her face? It did seem unlikely to have been caused on accident.
  The Mom Friend: Wait wat? When did you see that Felix? r you sure?
  Felix: On Thursday, when she seemed overly tired. She was falling asleep in class and her palm wiped some make-up off of her face. She excused herself to the bathroom when she realized, but I did see a rather concerning bruise on her face, and there seemed to be scratch above it. I assume you were referring to another bruise?
  The Mom Friend: enuf that im concerned
  Melodie: The make-up means that she’s hiding it, and come to think of it, she is dressed rather warmly for the current weather.
Melodie: I meant the bruise on her arm, it was pretty big.
  The Mom Friend: yea long sleeves an pants in early spetember is kinda wierd
  Felix: While I find this to be disconcerting, we would do best to avoid jumping to conclusions. It would also be for the best to avoid mentions of her past school - when it was mentioned on Monday, she seemed rather uncomfortable.
  The Mom Friend: yea we don’t want to make assuptions and i don’t want to upset her
  Melodie: She’d better have just fallen…
  Kid Mime: Al’ no murder
  Melodie: … 
  Felix: She may just be shy, it would be best to give her time to adjust to her new environment.
  Melodie: I do hope she decides to join us soon though. I think she seems like a pretty cool person, especially if she could get out of her shell.
  The Mom Friend: allegra, give er time dont want to force her it might make her uncomforable
  Melodie: I know, that’s not what I meant, I just worry about her. 
  Kid Mime: Im with u there. i wory about her sometimes something just… i dunno
  Felix: It is understandable to be concerned. It seems likely that she may have rather low self-esteem, and lacks confidence in herself. That, as well as the fact that we still do not know where she got so many bruises.
  Melodie: I think we were right about why she was wearing longer clothes, did you guys notice she’s wearing short sleeves now.
  The Mom Friend: poor thing at least she heeled now
    The Mom Friend: does anyone no y mari was so tired today
  Lovable Grump: I noticed, but she did not mention any reason in particular.
Lovable Grump: …
Lovable Grump: Claude, I’m changing my password again.
  Kid Mime: NOOOO pls we all have fun nicknamesssss
  Felix: Your nicknames have a tendency to be longer than my actual name, which makes them unnecessary.
  Melodie: Accept your fate Felix. Claude can not and will not be stopped. Also Allan, I don’t know know about Marinette. She did seem pretty tired today though….
  The Mom Friend: hmm…
  Felix: That is unfortunate for you.
Felix: It is not the first time that Marinette has seemed overly fatigued. She does commissions does she not? Perhaps one of her projects kept her up.
  The Mom Friend: maybe she should take on les if shes being overworked
  Kid Mime: *mom instincts activated*
  The Mom Friend: im just concerned about her health
  Melodie: He’s got you there, Allan.
  The Mom Friend: only a little longer
The Mom Friend: then to mari’s
  Felix: Claude, you should calm down. You do not want to overwhelm her.
  Melodie: I’m excited too! She actually wants to hang out with us after school and she invited us over to her house!
  Kid Mime: do u think i can finally get her number
  Felix: I doubt she’s interested in your memes Claude.
  Kid Mime: but i cant even send her cute baby animal oictures
Kid Mime: or texxt her good moring
  Melodie: You mean texting her good morning like five minutes before first hour? After you’ve already seen each of us in person anyways?
  Kid Mime: YES!
  The Mom Friend: all of u guys need to pay attention in class
  Kid Mime: :(((((( fine
    Melodie: Why did she give us a bunch of pastries and thank us?
  Felix: Perhaps she thought we were rather nice guests. Though I will admit I thought it rather odd as well.
  Kid Mime: as much as i like baked goods i don’t get it??? I feel like were missing something? It seemed liek she was thanking us for soemthing else????? all we did was come over
  The Mom Friend: did anyone notice that there was a school right across the street?
  Melodie: Hmmm.
  Felix: As much as I wish to get satisfactory answers, it is not our place if she does not wish to share.
  Melodie: Fine, switching topics: Thoughts on Adrien?
  The Mom Friend: u mean the boy you accused of bullying her
  Melodie: >:(  I just thought he seemed suspicious
  The Mom Friend: u meant well
  Felix: Marinette was correct. The two of you should never have been introduced.
  Melodie: He seemed nice. (Besides the puns) I liked him
Melodie: He’s got my approval
  The Mom Friend: thats good i dont think it wood be good if two of her friends didnt get along. He seems to understand when shes upset so thats cool very good
  Kid Mime: does our mom have another child now?!
The Mom Friend: …
The Mom Friend: …maybe
  Kid Mime: :)
  Felix: Moving on, I’m impressed with the connections she has at such a young age.
  The Mom Friend: allegra stop snooping on the internet we just agreed not to do that sort of thing
  Melodie: …
Melodie: Fine…
  Kid Mime: i still didnt get her number :(
  Felix: Perhaps you could ask her at school.
  Felix: It really is not.
  The Mom Friend: let him be dramatic
The Mom Friend: its his middle name
  Kid Mime: it is
Kid Mime: as my unofficial official mom, he wood no
Author’s Note: So basically, they're worried, but want to respect her privacy. I could have just said that, but I love their interactions.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  They're all just such sweethearts.
One thing I forgot to put in the note at the end of chapter 6 was my reasoning for Marinette getting to that point. I forgot one big reason (I'm sorry. This is why i need to write things down.) But for the most part it's that Marinette often takes the blame/apologizes for things that aren't her fault, so I feel she is quick to blame herself. That, combined with how she sees the good in people, I think she could have trouble identifying that she isn't at fault for how things turned out at her old school.
Okay, so this past weekend I was struck with the ability to write - don't ask I don't understand either - so basically now I'm writing chapter 11. Yeah, I managed to write the next 4+ chapters in a day. As much as I'd love to post them all now, I need to keep a regular schedule for the sake of my sanity and still need to edit them a bit. But hey, at least there's no chance of waiting too long now.
I really love seeing your comments so don't be scared to write one! I can assure you that it's one of my favorite parts of this.
Thanks for reading, and constructive criticism is welcomed! See (well, not 'see') you guys Saturday, with an akuma that doesn't like being lied to.
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the-gay-trashmouth · 5 years
Tumblr media
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Angst
Ship(s): javid
Notes: ahahahhahaha OUCH THAT HURTEDED MY GUYS!!!
Davey jumped when he hears his old nickname called out from behind him.
“Ey Mouth! Wait up!”
Honestly, after the strike, Davey was quite used to random newsies from all different boroughs coming up to talk to him on the street. After all, he was Davey Jacobs, the Walking Mouth of Manhattan, one of the great strike leaders, even if he was barely a newsie anymore. Sure, he still sold on the weekends, but after his father found a new job he was off the streets and back in class.
But, when he saw Spot Conlon making a beeline for him on his way to said class, he knew something was wrong. Spot looked like he had ran all the way from Brooklyn, and he rarely ever crossed the bridge if he could help it.
“Ey! Mouth!” he skidded to a halt just a few feet away from him, “you’se gotta- shit, he’s tryna go again, you’se gotta stop ‘im”
Davey furrowed his brow, taking a step towards Spot, “who? What’s going on?”
Spot huffed, “Its Jacke Boy. One a’ my boys saw him down at the trains, said he was buyin’ a ticket. You know as well as I do he ain't just goin’ for a quick ride”
David felt his heart freeze. Jack- Jack was at the tracks? But, but he thought he’d… he didn’t even come say goodbye-
A million thoughts raced through Davey’s head. As he dropped his bag to the pavement and started running in the direction of the train station, one thought forced itself to the forefront of David’s mind.
Jack will  be gone if I don't run fast enough.
Fortunately, David was good at that.
He ran faster than he’d ever ran before, weaving through pedestrians and barreling over a poor newsie hawking today’s headline (he thinks it may have been Jo Jo, he didn’t get a good enough look). He didn’t even pause to apologize, his mind racing with thoughts like I’m too late, he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone-
His breath came out in short bursts and his legs were burning but he didn’t slow, he just pushed himself harder. Forcing his screaming legs to pump faster, begging time to slow down, for a train to be delayed, for the tracks to have been struck by lightning, but most of all for Jack to still be there.
By the time the train station came into view, David lungs were screaming and his legs felt like they were going to give out under him. He buried his discomfort and pushed his way past dozens of people, blue eyes scanning for that blue shirt and mop of brown hair he knew so well.
Finally, he saw him. Sitting on a bench and staring at the trains.
“Jack-” his voice came out cracked and strained, “Jack!”
He forced his way forward as Jack turned and looked at him with those wide, golden-brown eyes eyes. He saw him say something that looked like his name, but he couldn’t hear it over the hammering in his ears.
“Jack,” he said again, just as he got close enough to reach out and grab him. He didn’t, there were too many people around and he knew he couldn’t risk it, but god, did he want too. He wanted to bury himself into Jack’s arms and never let him go.
“Davey? I- What’re ya doin’ here?” he asked, pushing himself off the bench and standing in front of David. He could barely form a response, all his mind could think about was the fact that he wasn’t too late Jack’s still here oh thank God-
“I- You...” he trailed off, still trying to catch his breath. He looked at Jack, chest aching, “you didn’t even come say goodbye”
Jack looked to his feet, “I, uh… yeah. I didn’t think ya’d wanna see me,”
“You could have at least told me you were leaving,” he said softly, voice breaking under the weight of his own emotions.
Jack scuffed the ground with his shoe, “ya’ would’a tried to get me to stay”
“Of course I would, I don’t want you to go,” Davey admitted, taking a step closer.
“Davey, there ain’t nothin’ for me here-” David cut him off.
“Nothing for you here? Jack, what about the newsies, Crutchie, /Me?/” his voice was strained, and he could feel his eyes burning with the oncoming tears that he refused to let fall, “are we not enough for you? I thought we were a family?”
Jack looked at the ground in guilt, avoiding David’s eyes like the plague. He could feel tears burning in his eyes, so he took a step closer.
"I thought we were in this together..."
Jack took and step back, still refusing to meet David's eyes. "The boys aint got no need for me no more, hell, I aint even a newsie no more, with them movin' and you off to school again I just-"
"Wait, what?" David cut him off, stepping forward again, "what do you mean you ain't a newsie anymore? We just sold together last weekend!"
Jack tried a grin, "yeah, one for the road, ya know?" He sighed "a little one showed up at the lodgings an' needed my bunk, an' without Les, ain't no one wanna buy a pape from a grown ass man"
"So? Just because you can't sell anymore don't mean we aint a family, ya know?" He took another step closer, only a foot away from the other boy now, "you know who came and got me? Spot. Not even Spot wants to see you go"
"Davey-" Jack's voice sounded strained, "please, it's really for the best-"
"How? God, /please/ explain to me how exactly, is it for the best? Cause right now, Jack, ima be honest, I ain't seein' it!" He hated the way his voice cracked and how desperate he sounded, but he couldn't say he wasn’t.
He saw Jack sniff and a part of his angry resolve cracked, “Dave you’d hate me if you knew-”
“Doubtful, Jack-” David was cut off by the train whistle. His stomach dropped as Jack stiffened.
“That’s me,” he tried to take a step away, but David grabbed his arm and dragged him into a hug. He buried his face into Jack’s shoulder, lanky arms wrapped tight around his shoulders.
“Please don’t do this,” He begged, tears falling freely from his eyes now, “I- Jacky please, I-”
He was cut off by Jack, who pulled him impossibly closer, “I love you, Dave. I… I really, really love you,” he muttered into his neck, fingers gripping at the fabric of his vest.
Davey froze, shocked. Out of the things he expected Jack to say, that was Not It. He was so shocked, he barely even reacted when Jack pulled back.
“Jack..” he muttered, trying to find the words to say. His brain still hadn't caught up yet, and Jack was already backing away.
“Im… I’m sorry Dave-” then he was running, leaving David scared and desperate.
“Jack, Jack wait-!” he stepped forward, reaching out for him, only to be blocked by oncoming train goers as the final whistle blew. He stood staring at the train, where Jack had already disappeared in the midst of all the chaos. A tear slipped down his cheek and the train let off one final blow before it began chugging down the track. He caught sight of that oh so familiar mop of brown hair from the back window, and his heart broke in two.
Jack was gone, Davey…
“I love you too…”
Was too late.
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raiswriting · 4 years
dancing with your ghost
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inspired by this song
warnings: symptoms that are similar to mental health issues like depression but never explicitly stated
genre: pure angst sorry
pairing: lucas/yukhei wong x reader
summary: ummm heartache???? basically the aftermath of a ‘hey let’s pretend to be dating bc i need someone to take to this wedding and you need someone to scare off your ex’ type of story
word count: 1582
a/n: lmao i am reposting this because it absolutely flopped the first time hehehe ALSO i made a playlist to go with this story. the first half or so is the same playlist that is mentioned in the story then the second half is more about the theme of it. i put way too much effort into it but i hope you enjoy it!! 
there was an emptiness that couldn’t be filled
an ache that couldn’t be soothed
a feeling of nostalgia for what never was
honestly you couldn’t be sure if this hole in your chest was a bad thing anymore. you’d grown so used to it that the thought of one day living with out it seemed so fantastical and out of reach. you found a sort of morbid comfort in the sorrow
time has slipped away as routine comfortably took its place. mondays became indistinguishable from wednesday or friday. the only thing separating saturday and sunday from the rest was the lack of work.
your thoughts drifted from the idea of getting up and taking a shower or even just washing your face to the cup of tea that’s been sitting on the coffee table and once more to your phone lying next to it. it lit up with yet another text message to which you would send yet another half-assed response of ‘id love to get together but work has been super busy lately and i need a me weekend.’ you wonder how many more ‘me weekends’ you’d be able to have before someone saw through it.
you just couldn’t have that face to face conversation with any of them. how do you explain that none of it was serious. or that all he needed was someone to take to family get-togethers for when his uncles would ask about his love life. or that you had grown so used to his hand in yours that the emptiness you felt when he wasn’t there scared you. or that you missed him. how could you look someone in the eyes and say that you had not only lost a love but also a best friend. how do you describe that hurt. how do you say that you feel unlovable. how.
you couldn’t say those thoughts aloud because as soon as you did they’d become real. he would really be gone. and happy. and in love. and you would have to admit that you were hurting. you’d have to admit that it was really over.
so instead you lay here on the sofa. and keep it all in. sometimes you can’t help but remember him. and how happy he’d been.
the knock on your door drew your attention from the sheet of cookies ready to go into the oven.
there he stood in the doorway with a smile so bright that it put the stars on the clearest of nights to shame.
‘hey y/n’ he pulled you into a warm embrace. the scent of his cologne was intoxicating. strong and inviting, the prefect reflection of his personality.
‘hey lucas. i wasn’t expecting to stop by today.’
‘yeah i just wanted to share some good news with you. like really good news. like i came here as fast as I could kind of news.’ he spoke so excitedly as he followed you back into the kitchen.
‘well spit it out,’ you reply while placing the sheet of cookies in the oven.
‘i found someone,’ his smile wider than ever.
you almost dropped the sheet of cookies as you took in what he said. you knew this day would come. the day he would find someone to actually love and care for. the day he no longer needed you. but still you hoped and prayed that maybe there was something there. maybe the secret touches shared between just the two of you actually meant something. that maybe he’d choose you.
he didn’t.
‘so get this. i was walking into the coffee shop on seventh street that me and you usually go to. and i bumped into this gorgeous girl and spilled her whole coffee so i offered to buy her a new one.’ he rubbed the back of his neck and looked to the floor. ‘so cheesy and cliché i know. but y/n this girl. we talked and talked and she made everything seem to….right. when I looked into her eyes i just felt…’ he sighed and leaned against the counter.
‘…like everything just seemed to make sense for once.’ you finished the sentence for him as you checked on the cookies.
‘yeah exactly’ he didn’t even try the hide his love struck expression. it was clear as day that he was really falling. ‘when i talked to her it was so easy. almost as if we knew each other for years.’
we did.
you looked him in the eyes for the first time since he broke the news and forced a smile to your face. you couldn’t even fathom the idea of ruining this for him.
‘lucas im ecstatic for you.’
‘of course. if there’s anyone who deserves true love and happiness in life, it’s you.’ and you meant that. it just hurts that he found it in someone else.
‘and hey. at least now you actually have someone to take to all your family functions.’
he chuckled lightly, ‘yeah you’re right. i don’t know if your cheeks could handle another one if aunt maya’s pinches.’
‘the pinches i could handle,’ you say as you forced a laugh out, ‘but I’d have to buy a gym membership if i had another dinner at your parents house.’
‘it’s not my fault mom loves insisting on third helpings’ this time he let out a full real laugh, remembering all the shared glances between the two of you at a dinner table. wondering how you could possibly eat another slice of meatloaf.
‘we can celebrate your new found love with some cookies, if you’d like. they should be done in a minute or two.’
the smile dropped slightly from his face. ‘oh y/n. i’d love to really but i promised angelina that i’d meet her again for coffee. i just stopped by the tell you the good news.’
‘of course, of course. you should get going then. a love like this comes around once in a life time.’ and who am i to stand in the way of someone living their lifetime.
lucas cast a sympathetic look before pushing himself off of the counter and embracing you once more.
‘thank you for everything y/n. seriously. you’ve helped me out so much. if you need anything let me know.’ his cologne was still so strong. and it hurt to know that someone else was going to experience it like this.
‘that’s what best friends are for lucas. you’ll be the first person i call when im sick and throwing up everywhere.’
you could feel him chuckle lightly before placing a kiss on the top of your head.
‘you got it y/n.’
the door shut, leaving you alone.
your hands shook as you took the cookies out of the oven and set the tray in the stove top. they shook as you turned it off. they shook as you took off the oven mits. they shook as you ran them down your face only to find them wet with tears. and they shook as you lowered yourself to the kitchen floor.
your hands were steady now and found their way to that playlist like muscle memory. you had long since deleted all the photos of you and him. but you just couldn’t find the strength to delete this. he had made it for you before the whole fiasco of pretending to be together had ever crossed either of your minds. he said that ‘these song remind me of us.’ and maybe you had gotten your own hopes up. maybe you had searched too deeply between the lines of lyrics. maybe you looked so hard that you had only found what you wanted to. because they were just songs. songs of bad timing and unrequited love. but at the end of the day still. just. songs.
as they played throughout the room. filling the stale silence as your body began to move, lifting you from the couch. your gaze landing on the sweater which rested on the arm of a chair. it was his. he had left it accidentally when spending the night here one time. you had meant to give it back for some time now but haven’t been able to. everytime you had gained the courage to call him and ask him over, he was busy. eventually you stopped calling. and he stopped texting. stopped checking in. so there the sweater sits. still smelling of him.
your body began to move once more reaching out for it and pulling it close to you. maybe if you breathed in enough of his scent, it’d feel like he was here with you again. of course it didn’t but it was as close you could get.
your hips swayed to the rhythm. as your feet worked their way around the living room. stepping over pillows and discarded take out. you danced for the first time in what felt like years. you felt the tears fall but paid them no mind. still clutching the article of clothing impossibly close to you, you sang along with the lyrics.
Yelling at the sky
Screaming at the world
Baby, why’d you go away?
I’m still your girl
Holding on too tight
Head up in the clouds
Heaven only knows
Where you are now
I stay up all night
Tell myself I’m alright
Baby, you’re just harder to see than most
I put the record on
Wait ‘til I hear our song
Every night I’m dancing with your ghost
Every night I’m dancing with your ghost
a/n: there it is. i was listening to this song today and got super inspired and just had to write. there’s also a reference to a hobo johnson song if you can find it ;) thanks for reading. let me know if you’d like a prequel to this when reader and lucas were together. i hope you enjoyed and pls feel free to leave constructive criticism. thanks, rai :)
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how does it feel, to have a family?
found the beginning of this in my google drive, so decided to finish it ! we love irondad also peter being The Best friend/brother :) i should be studying rn but im so overwhelmed with everything and writing is truly escapism at its finest
Tony already felt like he knew y/n.
Somewhere, in between Peter’s ramblings of what he ate for breakfast and the latest corner-store robbery, little pieces of them found their way in. That they helped Peter on his english essay and got him an A. Or that they dyed their hair last week, and Peter thought it was super cool that they had the confidence to do something different. Even down to what they talked about over lunch. For the most part, Tony just accepted this like he accepted Peter’s nerdy puns and Star Wars theories, a part of him that just was. Like Ned and MJ, y/n was a support. A friend. That was good, right? Teenagers needed friends, god knows Pete could use more of them outside of the suit. So y/n became a constant, background hum in the anecdotal existence of Peter Parker.
This went on for months. Peter’s trio of friends became four and everything seemed fine. Normal. Until Peter let tidbits of information that set off alarm bells for Tony, the first of which came after a long weekend in the labs. Tag-team parenting was harder than anticipated, he ruminated after realising Peter was not in the car when he should’ve been.
“Peter, why are you making another sandwich? You’ve already got lunch and we’ve got to leave if you’re gonna get to school on time. May’ll have my head if you’re late again.”
“Y/n hasn’t had lunch at all last week and I haven’t seen them eat anything at all since Thursday, I thought I’d try to help,” Peter mumbled, jamming the lid back on the peanut butter jar.
“Yeah, cool, okay, whatever, just get your spider butt down to the car.” That was strange, but it could mean anything. They could’ve forgotten to eat, or simply eaten when Peter wasn’t around- it’s not like they were together 24/7. Regardless, it was really none of Tony’s business what Peter’s friends did, or didn’t do. What was Tony’s business, was getting his spiderling to his education. “Underoos, let’s go!”
The second time was when Peter left his school bag dumped on the floor of the lab, chemistry textbooks and loose papers sprawled out under the workbench. Tony only realised this as he tripped on the strap, bracing himself against the desktop to stop him falling and knocking over a piece of machinery in the process. Grumbling, he knelt down to replace the contents back of the bag, preparing a lecture for Peter about the importance of lab safety and keeping track of his belongings, when he noticed a sheet of paper crumpled into a ball. Curious, he unfolded it, reading its contents under his breath. “Midtown School of Science and Technology… Parents Evening… huh. Wonder if he remembered to show May this.” Shaking his head at the unreliability and overall disorganised-ness of the teen, he set off to go find him.
“Pete, no wonder you’ve lost so many backpacks if you can’t even remember to take it to your room when you get here! How many times do I have to tell you, just because you can just stick yourself to the ceiling doesn’t mean that the rest of us want a concussion-”
“Sorry Mr Stark.”
“Oh, right, so when you’re in trouble it’s back to formalities? ‘Mr Stark’ still almost broke his wrist regardless of what you call me… What are you doing?”
“Texting who? Adult’s talking, doesn’t mean the kid gets to zone out.”
The softness in Peter’s voice suddenly jerked Tony back to the previous time y/n had come up. He remembered it’d had something to do with a sandwich, of worry and not eating. It suddenly struck him that they’d hardly been mentioned at all since; something gone relatively unnoticed in the constant stream of babble from Peter, but was in retrospect was decidedly odd.  He decided to play nice.
“Are they okay?” Tony paused for a second. “I haven’t heard you mention them in a while.”
He regretted it immediately, because Peter shut down. “Yeah, they’re fine. I’m sorry, I won’t leave my bag in the lab again.” He walked out, grabbing the backpack from Tony’s hand on the way out, leaving the older man too stunned to even respond. Something had struck a nerve, and if it was hitting his kid that hard he was determined to find out.
The third time was when Tony went digging.
The phone call had started with no intention of mentioning y/n; he simply wanted to talk to May and ask her about the flyer from Peter’s school. He had meant to bring it up earlier when he confronted him about the backpack, but after the dramatic ‘storm out and sulk somewhere else’ sequence that Peter had pulled, Tony had thought better of it and left the kid to his own devices for the night. Instead, he went straight to May, to at the very least make sure she knew about the flyer and that she was going. She picked up on the third ring.
“Hey, is everything okay?” May sounded, exhausted, like she’d been woken up by her phone. Ignoring the fact, Tony proceeded.
“Did you get the flyer about the parent information evening?”
“No, what parent evening? Pete hasn’t mentioned anything, if that’s what your getting at”. In her apartment, May shifted her quilt and propped herself up on her elbow, intrigued.  
“It’s on the, uh, 6th. Sorry, it’s kind of hard to read since your nephew shoved it down the bottom of his school bag.”
“Shit,” May whispered under her breath. “I’m working a double shift that day. I won’t be finished work until 10, there’s no way I’d be able to make it. No wonder he didn’t say anyth-”
“I’ll go.”
In all honesty, Tony really didn’t know why he said that. Not in doubt of his love for his kid, but in fear of overstepping boundaries. Were they there yet? What would Peter think? He hadn’t asked, maybe he wasn’t comfortable with Tony just showing up to a school function. Too late now.
“Tony, are you still there?”
“What, yeah, May, just multitasking.” “I said, if you’re going to go, there’s something you should know about. You’ll have to talk to Peter about it though, it’s not really my place to say. Just... ask him about y/n, his friend.”
Huh. Y/n. Again. Interesting. “Okay, thanks May. I’ll talk to you again later, have a good night.” “You too Tony, maybe try and sleep at some point.”
“Will do. FRIDAY, end call.” Tony rubbed his hand over his face. There was something going on, but if Peter wasn’t going to talk then he’d never figure it out. “FRIDAY, where is Pete?”
“Mr Parker is currently in his room. Would you like me to alert him to your imminent arrival?”
“Sure, FRI.” Tony hurried to the elevator. He needed to somehow get to the bottom of whatever was going on. There were several possibilities. Y/n and Peter could have had some sort of falling out, a fight. There could’ve been a relationship thrown into the mix, teenage angst and hormones jarring their friendship. Or, as Tony feared, something had happened to y/n, something Peter was trying to fix but, for whatever reason, couldn’t. Before they could get to that, though, he was going to have to talk about the parent night.
Of course, these things never go quite as planned.
No answer.
“Pete, please let me in”
Really, it didn’t matter either way. Tony had every intention of overriding the code.
A sniffle sounded from just behind the door. “I’m fine, Mr Stark.”
“Yeah, and I’m the queen of England.” Tony realised he was handling the situation in the exact opposite way he’d wanted to. “Look, kid, I just wanted to talk about the parent evening at school.”
“I already know May can’t go, it’s fine.” Peter’s voice was barely audible, choked.
“No, see, here’s the thing, I talked with her earlier and we were thinking maybe I could go in her place,” he slid down the door to sit, knees up, shoulder pressed to the doorframe. “I completely understand if that’s too much, or if it’s overstepping the boundaries of what this,” he gestured even though Peter couldn’t see, “Is.” There was a tense, almost awkward, moment of silence, before the door slowly shifted inwards. Tony accepted the olive branch, pulled himself standing and went inside. Looking around, he realised Peter had balled himself up behind the door, head buried in his knees. Tony had never been more thankful that the kid wasn’t looking at him; he was pretty sure he’d done a terrible job of hiding his reaction to the uncharacteristic sight.  
The door was pushed closed with a soft click. Mindful to keep distance, Tony settled himself on the carpet a metre or so away.
The sob that followed broke his heart in two.
“Hey, buddy, hey, can you look at me for a sec?”
Peter’s puppy-brown eyes blinked over his folded forearms. Suddenly, he seemed worlds younger than 15.
“Did you want me to go to the parent night?”
Slow nod.
“Okay. That’s good, great! Can’t wait to hear all about how great my genius kid is…” he realised he was getting off track again when Peter’s face dipped back out of sight.
“You don’t have to, but did you wanna tell me what’s got you so upset? I know something was up earlier…” That was as close as Tony was going to get to apologising for not being softer, sooner. Something must’ve struck the same nerve as earlier in the lab, because Peter’s breathing hitched.
“It’s y/n.”
“I know I asked earlier, but is everything okay between you two?”
As if knocking down a dam wall, Peter launched into a rambled explanation. “May usually goes to both our classes because their parents don’t go. And lately they haven’t had any food to eat at school and they’re getting really skinny and I don’t know what’s goin’ on but I’m worried, ya know? Like I wanna save them like I save people when I’m Spider-Man but I can’t help and I don’t know what to do. May said we can only do what we can but I dunno what that means either, Mr Stark, like do I just deliver groceries to their house as Spider-Man or somethin?”
Taking mental note of how hysterically high Peter’s voice was, Tony made sure to keep his level, barely above a whisper. “Peter, do you think they’re being hurt at home?”
“H-heyyyy, y/n,” Peter stuttered as you swung open your locker. He was leaning against the wall, obviously trying to act casual and making his strange behaviour even more pronounced. You just raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to drop the charade.
“Okay, okay, yeah uh so are you doin’ anything on Friday?”
“Interesting question, but no. You do realise that today is Friday, unless you’re talking about next week, which I’m free too. You know I don’t do anything on Fridays,” you turned to grab your AP psych textbook out of the top shelf of your locker, not realising the bottom of your shirt rode up to the base of your ribcage. When you turned back around, Peter’s eyes were practically bulging out of his head. “What?”
“Oh, uh, nothing. I just… Mr Stark asked if I wanted to have a friend over to the compound for the weekend, since we don’t really have much to work on… and Ned’s busy… and it’d be really super cool there’s a whole theatre room and a bunch of Lego sets and some of the avengers might be there…” Peter trailed off.
“What are you saying?”
“Did you wanna come to the compound for the weekend?”
You laughed. “Peter, it sounds cool and all but I don’t have any clothes or anything on me for a whole weekend. Unless you or Mr Stark knows how to sew jeans from my textbook, than I’m super unprepared.”
“Wait… Aren’t you a similar clothes size as me? I have a bunch of clothes there, you can just borrow mine. Or we could get Happy to swing past your hou-”
“NO. I mean, I, uhm, don’t have a key? So I can’t get into my apartment? So I can’t get my clothes? I guess I left my keys at home?” You trailed off into an awkward laugh, scuffing your sneakers into the cheap linoleum.  
“Okay, cool cool cool. Uh, do you mind wearing your jeans twice? My clothes would just be a little oversized on you, but like does it matter if you have a clean top and something to sleep in?”
“Guess not. Are you sure you want me there?”
“Dude, are you serious? Of course I do! You’re my friend,” Peter hesitated, noticing your hands fumbling with the sleeves of your hoodie. A nervous habit. “It’ll be fun, I promise. I’ll see you after class, yeah?”
“Hey kid. Hey, kid’s friend,” Happy’s greeting was curt, delivered with a glance up at the rear-view mirror as you and Peter a slid across the back seat of the car.
“Hey Happy,” Peter responded. You said nothing, eyes down, practically radiating anxiety. At Happy’s enquiring glance, he shook his head; now was not the time or the place to be asking questions. That’d come later, if it got to that point. Peter wanted to try and make you as comfortable as possible, not freak you out.  
The rest of the car ride was silent. You weren’t asked to speak, and so didn’t; and it almost felt like there was an unspoken agreement between Happy and Peter to just wait. Nothing much happened after, either. You followed Peter to his room, and sat cross-legged on the soft carpet to construct a Lego set. Eight pm rolled around and Tony poked his head round the door. “Hey, Pete, and y/n, yeah? You guys hungry?”
Peter looked at you and you shook your head. You’d already accepted a granola bar off MJ and the banana from Ned’s lunch, you honestly didn’t think you could stomach much more. You weren’t sure if it were even medically possible, but you were pretty certain your stomach had shrunk in the last few months. In staring steadfastly at the lego in your hands, you missed yet another knowing glance over your head; unbeknownst to you, both Peter and Tony’s concern for you had just increased tenfold.  
“Okay, well, we’re ordering pizza anyways, so what do ya want?”
“Uh, I’ll grab a meat-lover's and they’re vegetarian, so I guess a margherita?”
“Cool. Avengers are in the living room, if you wanna hang out there for a bit,” Tony turned and left, asking FRIDAY if she “got all that” as he walked. Peter let the silence hang, almost awkwardly, before asking if you wanted to take Tony’s offer of moving to the living room. You shrugged.
“I don’t mind, whatever’s easiest- whatever you want, I don’t know.”
“I promise you they’re super nice.”
You moved to unfurl you legs, shaking out the numbness as you stood. Your friend moved to follow, albeit in a significantly more athletic fashion, taking the lead as you waited for him to walk slightly ahead before you followed him down the hall. Sure, this wasn’t exactly what you’d expected, but then again could you really expect anything in this place?
The one expectation that was realised was that the Avengers were loud. Arguing over the TV playing something no one was watching, what felt like three conversations going simultaneously. But they were nice, and after a while you felt almost a part of this sitcom-esque, hodgepodge family of heroes. If it were anyone else, it would have felt almost painfully domestic; the mario kart competition, the playful insults around mouthfuls of garlic bread, the throwing of cushions countered by almost subconscious brushes of apology. The unspoken need for safety, for calm, for them to have this escape, was all too obvious. You felt that need, you filled that need with Peter and Ned and MJ and sometimes, it was enough. But this… This was different.
The fun and games went on for a few hours, replaced later in the night with movies and yawns and collapsed bodies under blankets. The quiet was nice, the casual gestures of affection between them all taking you by surprise. Despite giving in to expecting the unexpected, you were still caught off guard when the one-and-only Tony Stark came and took a seat next to you on the floor.  
“So,” he looked at you hard, scrutinising. An involuntary shiver wracked your spine.
“I was talking to Pete. And May. About Midtown’s parent-teacher night,” the pause was anticipatory, waiting for a reaction. The only one he got was you staring even harder at your socked feet, head bowed.
No reaction.
“Hey, look at me. You’re not in trouble, I just think I can help with something.”
This elicited a tilt of your head, a glance through your peripheral. The same trick that worked on Peter worked on you, to some extent.
“I guess Peter already told you May can’t go, and so he wouldn’t be going”
“And I was talking to May, and we agreed that if you were comfortable, I’d be more than happy to act as your parent as well as Peter’s,” at the mention of his name, Peter sidled over to join the conversation.
“Y/n, ya know, I know your home family isn’t the best, but you’re my family. And that- that means my family is your family too. You know May loves you. I love you, Ned and MJ love you. Everyone here loves you too. You don’t even really need to talk for people to see you’re amazing. You deserve all the family in the world.”
You moved your hand to rest on his, a silent thanks that meant more than you could ever put into words.  
“Will you let us be your family?”
“Pete can vouch, I’m amazing at being a humiliating parental figure,” Tony received a playful slap on the arm from Peter in response.
“Shut up, you’re a great da- mentor”
��Huh.” Tony shifted to lean back against the sofa. “I don’t mean this as a one off, either. You need something, you gotta tell someone, kid. Tell Peter, Ned, May, I don’t care who. But if what Peter’s saying is right, and you’re not… Not being treated right, we wanna help. We can help.”
“He’s right. Y/n, none of our families are conventional. I don’t have parents anymore, but I do have May and this whole deal. Tony didn’t have the best relationship with his parents, but he’s made his own family with Pepper and Rhodey and Happy and me.”
You heard a sob, and it took a few seconds for it to sink in that it was you. Peter pulled you into his side and you clung, thanking him and Tony over and over and over again because it was so nice. Too nice. It was unfathomable how any human beings could seem to genuinely care and want to do something and it wasn’t just empty promises it was real-
You weren’t alone. You were with family.
And you knew that you weren’t completely on your own before, of course you did. You went to school every day and saw your friends and it was okay, kinda. But keeping that secret and being okay and making out like the shit at home didn’t affect you? That was hard. But maybe, just maybe, you wouldn’t have to do that anymore.   
After what felt like a year of wet, messy crying into Peter’s shirt, Tony stood up, back cracking.
“Alright, that’s enough feelings for tonight. Children need to sleep- spider or otherwise,” he directed at Peter before he could even breathe in protest. He bent down to your level, lowering his voice.
“Y/n, we’ll sort all this out tomorrow, yeah? We can make sure you’re getting enough food, schedule so you’re not at your house too much if you don’t want to be, figure out a system so we know if you’re not safe. It’ll be okay, kiddo. We got ya.”
And for the first time in your life, you felt like you were home.
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My worst goodbye
Per my therapist request im "journaling" breakup I guess. I mean its been a long time coming but this time it was real and needed to this might be long but here goes:
The force,
I dont even know where to start so I'll start from the begining. The night I met you, when I walked into that bar I had no intention of meeting my soul mate. Yes soul mate. I never believed in them until I met you. But after 9 long years ive learned sometimes we meet our soul mate and we dont get to keep them. I had quite a bit to drink, see you didnt know this but I was 19 I just looked old enough to be there and I had gotten divorced a few months before my world would be forever rocked and changed. The night carried on the christmas air was no match for the drink and the long sleeve I had on. I removed layers the more I drank and I stayed close to the bar. This tall man with the bluest eyes id ever seen was taking care of my drink needs but young me saw a mountain I wanted to climb. I was informed you were married when the regulars realized my attention wasnt going anywhere but you. I flashed the bar (dumb kid is probably what you thought) but everyone in there knew it was for you. Hell I said I wouldnt do it unless you were there. The night carried on, my friends were restless trying to protect whatever modesty they felt I had that night. I wanted to go to the after party I was told youd be attending. They refused and wanted to get me home. Closing time was coming. I wrote my number on a napkin and waited. You went back towards the bathrooms and I knew somehow in my awe struck drunken stuper that was my chance. I walked back caught you right at the end of the hall. Do you remember what I said? I can. The words and moment is forever burned into my brain. "I can keep a secret". Slipped my number into your front pocket smooth as fuck. Which isnt me. But you know that right? Because after that night you saw sides of me no one was ever allowed to see. You saw me grow as a person and into a woman. That was the begining of the end. That singular moment with rumple on my breathe as I stood on my tip toes to lean as close to your ear as I could when I spoke those words. I took in how you smelled. I had no idea soon that smell would be my favorite and put my spirit at ease.
I woke up the next morning with a text from an unknown number. Then the conversation started. You filled in the parts of the night that wasnt clear. You made me nervous. A sensation that would never die down. Tuesday. She'll be at work. Dinner and hang out at the house? Sure. I bet you thought you were getting lucky that night. Not as lucky as I was going to be I guess. Because see even though this is a goodbye, and one thats tearing me apart I was so lucky to feel this. Not everyone gets to experience this with anyone in their entire life. You had a young child. Maybe 3 months I think. Timing in the universe is shitty like that. We sat on the couch. Me almost shaking with nerves but trying to keep my calm because I refused to look a fool in front of you. Do you remember what we watched? Big bang theory. And from then on anytime I saw an episode (I never watched it myself) my thoughts would gravitate back to that couch with you. Do you know how hard thats going to be on me now because that shows everywhere. I guess thats not your problem though. We didnt have sex. I was too nervous and I mean I felt like I was going to puke you made me so nervous. But there was a warmth. This tiny spark of a fire that was felt by me at least. We made out alot. But everytime you reached for my belt my gut screamed "No! Not yet" and ive never been one to ignore my gut. I left. I parked my car a few houses down. The late December air felt so cold against my face because my cheeks were burning like id be in the gym. This couldnt be real. I texted you when I got to the end of the street. "Im sorry I couldn't have sex with you I was so nervous if you dont want to meet up again i get it." I expected you to blow me off. I mean you are older and a bartender. I knew in my head what you were use to with women. I had only been with two people my whole life but you. You reeked experience. Then my phone did something that felt magical in the moment. It lit up with that text. That text reassuring me you wanted to see me again. The text that made me float the whole way home.
The visits became more frequent. Sex with you was amazing. You engulfed my body in what seemed like worship. Not one inch of me ignored. Hands and mouth just exploring the new territory. I was more adventurous. I wanted to make you happy in every way possible. Theres a need inside me to make sure youre happy. There's this new feeling like in a woman and not just some highschooler whos date is trying to get lucky. Theres a chemistry unmatched and indescribable in all honesty. It happened on the couch. The 2nd time I saw you. You carried my straddling body to your room all that was on was my unbutton jeans and your jeans. Your arms lifted me with such ease I gasped. I remember. See how much I remember. Your bedroom smelt like soap and the sheets smelled clean. The only light in the room was the green from the clock by your bed. Then before I knew it your mouth was where no other mans had been. You gave me a new experience I had been deprived of before. Then you were inside of me when I felt like my body was going to stop. Laying there after wards, your hands playing with my spine while we had small conversations in between sighs I considered if this could be forever. I knew right then you were different. I knew we were different. I knew there was something in my way but never desired to remove it. Your kiss at the front door when I was leaving had a longing. Like you didnt want to send me away. It was dark. The neighbors didnt know but as bright as I felt like I was shinning I wondered if they were peering out of the windows to see the source. Was any of this real for you? I dont think I want the answer because it was so real for me. This all sounds crazy. You're married and I knew but here I was.
It got to where id barley make it through your unlocked door without you scoping me up like youd waited all week to get your hands on me. The text in between visits didnt seem like enough any more. So I started doing what any logical in love person would do. I started getting hotel rooms and going to the bar on the weekends. I had to see you more. Hear your voice. See you smile at me from across that bar knowing I was picturing having you under me on every surface there. It made it fun right? Like we had a huge secret right in front of everyone. Including your sister in law who bartended with you some nights. It was a rush right? Knowing I was going to be in that weed infused hotel room half drunk mostly stoned in the see through black robe you love(d) so much. Knowing there was nothing between me and you but this thin fabric. Do you think people could see it on our faces? Your friends became mine because I was at the bar so often but none of them knew. Our conversations grew and we became friends who just happen to explode with this chemistry. It was more than what it had been but that was the most itd ever be. Remember the Halloween you dressed at a 20s gangster. Remeber the red dress i rushed into the bar in on new years eve so I could kiss you by midnight. Do you remember taking me in your arms around my waist and kissing me in front of everyone? I'll never forget because that was a moment where I thought this is how it could be. I met you for lunches. I met you at quicktrips for a five minute visit. Boyfriends came and went but you never left. I kept you around. Remember the apartments down the street I moved into so I could be closer. You whistling while I was waiting at my open front door. That smile. You nuzzling me after on the balcony while i smoked. I hated you had to leave me every time. You lingered in my door hesitant to walk away. The good thing about me living so close is you got to spend more time with me.
I stated you were my soul mate. I mean it. I have forever missed my chance with the one person I truly believe was made for me. All because a year of timing. You told me so many times had it not been for your baby youd leave. I believed you. I love my husband and my daughter but no one will ever light the fire you did inside me and still do. Which is why I need to walk away. Youre a source of confusion in my life. I cant allow myself to question if my relationships right because I dont have the feeling I did with you. Does that make me bad? I dont think so. I love him and dont want to hurt him which is why I have to do this. Cutting an imprint with you is one of the hardest things ive had to do but hurting him would be harder. I'll never forget a million things about you. Memories with you. I honestly hope you'll never forget me. I wish I could tell my daughter about you one day and how she never needs to settle unless someone makes her feel like you made me feel.
Love always
Youre biggest fan.
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