#we’re gonna see if we can fix his computer
Hey Quin? How are things going with y’all?
I want to say better but I don’t think that’s entirely right
For now things are just okay. Like a neural okay
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d0youc0py · 1 year
I am ✨obsessed✨ with your page rn and would absolutely devour literally anything you give us.
I’d love to see your take on a kidnap/break in fic though!
Something like they’re coming home from deployment and their girlfriend/wife calls them (or laswell) freaking out about a weird car outside, or someone following them home.
Just damsel in distress x protective husband vibes all the way 💕
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“If we’re gonna go after them we’ve got to do it tonight. They’re expecting us to wait till they get further south.”
“What about all the civilians in the city?”
“No explosives. Everyone keep your silencers on. They won’t know till mornin’.”
“Ghost has a point. If we wait till next week our chances of hittin’ ‘em are slim. They aren’t expecting it now.”
“Yeah, they aren’t expecting it because it’s too damn risky. We do it tonight they have home advantage. We wait- all of us are on an even playing field.”
“They outnumber us 10-1. We’ll never be even.”
A knock at the door halted the conversation. A errand boy stuck his head in.
“Sorry to interrupt but this came for Lieutenant Ghost. Labeled urgent.” He held out a yellow package for Ghost.
“Thanks.” Price nodded his head, politely dismissing him.
“Johnny I’ve dealt with groups like this before.” Ghost spoke tearing open the flap of the package. “We need to get ‘em while their sitting pretty.” He blindly reached his hand into the package, his brow furrowing when he touched something soft. He pulled out a clump of hair.
His right leg gave out and he grabbed the table to steady himself.
“Ghost?” Price questioned. He gripped Ghost arms to steady him- and also urge him to give him an answer.
“No.” Ghost mumbled. He ripped open the rest of the package frantically searching for any sign that this was a prank. It couldn’t be real. Couldn’t be. “No.” He growled out. He pushed his way out the door his whole body shaking from anger and distress. The rest of the 141 followed quickly behind him. “Laswell.” She jumped as the door slammed open. “What the fuck is this?” The sight of him was enough to send a spike of fear through her heart. He threw the package with your hair on the table in front of her.
“Oh no.” Her eyes were wide and she wracked her brain for any answer she could give him.
“You said it would be alright.” He was seething at the point. Tears welled up in his eyes and he couldn’t be bothered to hide them. The air felt like it was being choked out of the room. Everyone’s skin was crawling. “You said they couldn’t trace her.”
Laswell looked over at Price for some relief, but he had not the slightest clue as to what was going on- or how to fix it. Just that Ghost was more worked up than he’d ever seen. Even Soap was shifting nervously from foot to foot.
“What going on?” Price asked. Ghost growled not answering the question, his eyes still trained on Laswell.
“I didn’t think they could.” She said calmly. “I didn’t enter it into the computer- it’s in your file, but not electronically.”
“Someone clarify what’s going on.” Price snapped.
“Ghost, let’s not jump to conclusions. Are we even sure this is Y/N’s hair?” Laswell tried to soothe.
“You think I don’t know my wife’s hair?” Ghost gritted. Wide eyes and jaws hung open around the room.
“Wife?” Soap whispered.
“Yes, my wife.” Ghost affirmed. “After I had that accident a few months ago I thought it would be a good idea to finally make her my emergency contact. So if I died she wouldn’t be locked up in the house waitin’ for me.” He explained. “You told me it was safe.”
“It is. They had to have gotten her info somewhere else.” Laswell insisted. “I’ll start tracking her down. You need to calm down.”
“Fuck off.” Ghost sneered. Price gave him a warning shoulder shove.
“We’ll go see if we can find anything on our end.” Price sighed.
It only took an hour to find you. Gaz was able to PinPoint your location- conveniently the sight they were debating on hitting tonight. They could barely keep up as Ghost began to load up. The odds weren’t great for them. They knew they were coming, they were outnumbered and they had a hostage- who they knew at least one of the team members would die for in a heartbeat.
“Ghost you need to keep your cool. Stick to the plan. You can’t help her if you’re dead.” Price was trying to talk him through it. Ghost had completely shut down. He’s had nightmares just like this before. You being tortured- just the way he had been. He swallowed back bile just thinking about it. He paced back and forth on the plane, growling and grumbling like a caged bear.
They were ready for the 141. All waiting patiently in their places ready to take down the infamous task force. Smirks spread across their faces and they could practically taste the celebratory dinner that awaited them. What they weren’t ready for was the absolute hell that was about to be unleashed on them.
They all had just stepped off the plane before Ghost was blowing through people like they were paper. Soap would bet his life on the fact that he saw Ghost go through a wall at one point. He wasn’t sticking to the plan. He was moving at inhuman speed. It was impossible to keep up with him.
“Found her. Back building, fourth floor second door on the left.” Soap’s voice rang through the comms.
“Hey, I’m a friend of Ghost’s.” Johnny spoke softly. You seemed to be relatively unharmed. When Johnny pried open the door he caught a glimpse of you diving under a small cot- your hair peaking out from under it.
“I’ve told you I don’t know who that is.” You murmured. He could hear the fear in your voice. Johnny sat down a few feet away from the bed.
“Oh right.” He whispered. “A friend of Simon’s.” Soap corrected. Your head peaked out from the bed. You had a bruise on your cheek- a slap mark?
“Simon?” You repeated slowly. Soap nodded his head. “Johnny?” You asked. Soap smiled.
“So he does talk about me.” His humor was wasted on you, but it did calm you a bit. Suddenly Ghost practically tumbled through the door. You shrieked not realizing who it was and dove back under the bed.
“Sweetheart.” Ghost quickly ripped off his mask, (not wanting to scare you more) laying on his stomach to get a look at you. You shot out from under the bed wrapping every limb you could around him. His hand gripped the back of your head pressing your forehead against his lips. “I’m sorry.” He pressed a few quick kisses against your head, before pulling away, worried eyes scanning all over you.
“I’m fine.” You assured. You had been lucky- well as lucky as one could be in this situation. Your worst wound was a slap to the cheek and a shitty haircut. The worst part was the fear. Fear of what they would do to you. Now that Simon was here you were at ease. His fingers skimmed over your cheek. “Got that because I bit a chunk out of someone’s hand.” You smirked.
“Good Girl.” He growled, pressing another kiss to your forehead. “We’ve got to get out of here, yeah? I’m goin’ put my mask back on and you’re going to stay between me and Johnny, understand?” You nodded your head, while Johnny was still reeling from all the affection Ghost had displayed.
Safe to say the mission was a success.
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You thank the stars above that John always picked up on the first ring.
“Not to worry you”-
“You need me to come get you?”
“No, can you meet me somewhere? There’s a red car that’s been following me and I don’t want to lead it to our house.” You explained, checking in your rearview mirror. Sure enough, a bright, red sports car was bearing down on you.
“Go to the coffee shop. Don’t park until you see my car in the parking lot. Don’t hang up either.”
“Affirm.” You snickered. John was in absolutely no mood to joke with you. You could hear the sound of his car starting.
“Hope I don’t have to get in a fight tonight. Only wearing my boxers and a shirt.” He wasn’t trying to be funny, but it still made you laugh.
“Could’ve thrown a pair of pants on.” You commented.
“If the difference between you being worm food and you being alright was me wrestling with a pair of jeans I’d never forgive myself.” He grumbled.
“I’ll be fine John. Captain’s coming to save me.” Normally he would melt at that but he was too focused dodging in and out of cars. You could hear a horn from over the phone. “Please be safe.” You sighed. “I’m here.” He said suddenly. Your eyes glanced to your phone. You had only been on the phone for seven minutes and it took at least fifteen to get to the coffee shop from your house.
“Don’t worry about it.” He said as if he could read your mind.
“It’s still following me John.” You whispered. Your fingers dug nervously into the steering wheel.
“Don’t get scared on me now, Sweetheart. How far away are you?”
“Ten minutes?” You weren’t entirely sure. “I can take a shortcut through the neighborhood.”
“No.” He interjected. “Stay on main roads with traffic. Doesn’t matter how long it takes for you to get here, just make sure you stay with people.” You nodded your head. “You hear me?”
“Yes sorry. I nodded my head but you couldn’t see that.”
“I’m standing outside the car. Pull up next to me, don’t get out, I’ll get your door for you.” He had his Captains voice on. You wondered if this was how team briefings went.
“You always get my door for me.” You smiled.
“Damn right I do.” He scoffed. “But it’s important this time. I don’t just want to leave your car in the lot because who knows what type of things they’ll put on it.”
“Like a tracker?”
He hummed in agreement.
“You’re scaring me John.” You gulped.
“Don’t need to be scared. I won’t let anything happen to you, you know that. Just want you to be aware of what’s gonna happen when you park. Just stay in your car, yes?” His voice was calm. Like he had done this a million times before. You nodded your head again. “Did you nod your head again?” You swore you could hear a chuckle.
“Yes, sorry. I understand.” Time seems to slow as you finally pulled into the cafe parking lot. It hadn’t closed yet people still wandering in and out even as the sun has set. You were surprised no one noticed the large man in a pair of light blue boxers and white t-shirt. A t-shirt so thin you could see his chest hair. You did as he told and pulled up right next to him. The red car pulled in right next to you. Your eyes quickly fled to your left to look at John. He had a look on his face you weren’t familiar with.
The sound of the red car door opening caught your attention. A medium sized man stepped out. He just looked greasy. He shut his door and began walking over to your side of the car, seemingly not noticing John.
John met him in the middle, using one hand to grab him by his shirt and slam him against the hood of his own car. You covered your mouth, your eyes going wide. John’s face hovered over his. You couldn’t hear anything that was said, but when John finally let him go the man scrambled to get back into his severely dented car. John stood at the front of the car as he started it up and ripped out of the parking lot.
John tapped at your window signaling for you to unlock your door.
“You alright?” He checked, crouching down to your level. You eyes were still wide and you slowly nodded.
“What did you say?” You mumbled. John took your shaky hands with his, pressing a kiss against your palms.
“That’s a secret.” He smirked. “Didn’t scare you too bad did I?” He asked softly. His brows furrowed and he ran a hand up and down your arm.
His face paled. He hadn’t thought about scaring you. He didn’t think he acted too rash. In fact he was holding back.
“Honestly.” He affirmed.
“That was really hot.” You admitted, a hot blush across your face. His face went blank for a moment before a wide smirk crossed his face.
“Then we better get home.” He murmured, pressing a kiss against your shoulder. “Safe to drive?”
“Yes!” You said a little too enthusiastic.
You’re so sweet! I absolutely loved this request and probably went a little overboard. I was only able to fit Ghost and Price in this but would gladly do this with the rest of the 141 and other cod characters! Hope you liked it and thank you for making my day!
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darnell-la · 9 days
can we have part 3 of the forbid threesome?
Just super rough and sweet🥴🥴
note: here's another part of y/n acting up and getting what she so deeply wants and needs. thank you for your guys support. please like, comment, reblog, and follow us!
word count: 3k
3rd person
It’s been weeks since y/n has seen the three men. She thought she could handle them, but after a few days of their rules, she realized those mature and serious they were about this “relationship”.
She wasn’t ready for a relationship. She wanted to sneak around with no strings attached, but now she got herself in a situation that was hard to pull out of. They all won’t let her go.
Y/n had to lie to get away from them. She had to tell them a girl-friend wanted to hang out for her to leave and head home.
Thank god she never had to give her home address when she came to work for Eddie and Steve. They never asked because they “desperately” needed someone. Now she sees they only made it easier for her to stay.
Emails, messages, and calls have been blowing y/n’s phone and computer. Every day and every hour a new one comes through from each of them. What will she do?
To keep her mind off of the situation and maybe ease down so she could talk with them, she dressed herself to head out and club.
She hasn’t been to a club in a while because of work, but maybe this will help ease her mind and make life and discussions easier for her.
“Is that her?” Billy asked, seeing y/n walk out of her apartment complex. “Yep,” Eddie said as he tapped Steve’s shoulder from the front seat to the back. “Can’t believe this shit,” Steve said under his breath, trying to hold himself back.
“She’s going out, and it better be to a friend like last time,” Steve said, but he knows y/n looks too good to just be going to a girl-friends house. “Nah, she’s going out,” Billy said, knowing how ladies dress for clubs, bars, or parties.
“What are we gonna do?” Eddie asked. “Oh, I’ll show you what the fuck I’m going to do-“ Steve angrily said as he ripped the seat belt off of him and went to open the car door, but Eddie leaned into the back seat to stop him.
“Hey, hey! Just wait! Give her a chance, man. Maybe she’d, like, I don’t know, going out to eat with her friend,” Eddie said, but doesn’t even believe himself. She looks too good.
“Don’t think she needs to show all of that off at a restaurant, Munson,” Billy took a hit off his cigarette as he watched y/n stroll to the car, having no clue that she was being watched.
“Let’s go. We can get her back in the house and set it straight-“ Steve tried leaving again but Eddie pulled him back. “Relax! Relax, man. Let’s just wait and if she goes somewhere where she shouldn’t be, we’ll set it straight there and then,” Eddie said.
You would think Eddie is saying this to give her a chance, but he knows himself that she’s heading somewhere she shouldn’t be.
Right now, this is a game to him. Catching her and seeing her scared look, knowing she fucked up again is something he’s dying to see. Hearing her apologize and beg doesn’t sound too bad to him.
“Public punishment doesn’t sound too bad to me,” Billy said as he started his car and whipped around as y/n passed them, still having absolutely no idea.
“Look at that,” Steve said in the back seat as the three men watched y/n fix herself up in her car. “She barely wears makeup, but all of a sudden, she’s fuckin’ caked up?” Steve said.
“Relax, she didn’t even put foundation or whatever that shit’s called,” Billy said. “Still. This shit’s unbelievable. Seriously,” Steve crossed his arms as he sat back.
“Are you guys, like, not upset!?” Steve genuinely asked. “We’re upset, but there’s no reason to freak out. We know we’re gonna teach her a lesson,” Eddie said. “Yeah, but- but that shit’s sad,” Steve said, seeming to never calm down.
“She just fuckin’ leaves us, ghosts us, doesn’t come to work, and now she’s taking her ass out to the club? What if she’s here for some random dude? What if they fuck!?” Steve said, hating the thought of y/n sharing what’s his.
“Well, they won’t even meet if she is here for someone. She won’t even make it inside the building,” Billy said as he leaned back, blood boiling now as well as the thought of y/n being here for someone else.
“Alright, she’s getting out,” Eddie said. Y/n happily looked at the building, ready for the night and hoping she’d get her mind off of the stress she’d been having.
Y/n sadly had to park in the back of the club's parking lots since it was crowded. Usually, she takes an Uber, but she didn’t care for it tonight.
Y/n walked past a few cars, still with a smile on her face until a hand slapped over her mouth and hands grabbed all over her.
Y/n didn’t get a look at the people grabbing her. She was too busy kicking, slapping, and screaming, hoping to get free but they were all strong.
“Who told you goin’ out lookin’ like this was a good idea?” Eddie asked as they all let go except for him. “Hm, princess?” Eddie asked again as y/n looked around, seeing the three men she’d been trying to avoid.
“H-How did-“ y/n went to ask. “We find you? Easy princess,” Billy said a few feet away from me. “I just can’t believe you, y/n. After everything we’ve been through? How could you leave me like that!?” Steve asked.
“What are you talking about!? I barely had a say in this relationship, so what did you expect!? For me to stay and lay back? Please,” y/n said, making Eddie tighten his grip on y/n, telling her to eat g her tone.
“I told you last time, and I’ll tell you again, y/n. You. Are. Mine. That’s rather you like it or not, so don’t fuck with me again,” Steve said. Maybe she’ll understand this time.
“Let’s go,” Steve said, about to get back into the car. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here,” y/n said like she had a choice. “Are you serious, y/n?” Steve genuinely asked.
“Yes, so let me go,” y/n tried taking her arm away from Eddie once, but she quickly noticed there was no chance of getting out of his grip.
“She’s all yours,” Steve sighed as he turned around, slapping his hands over his face in anger. “Gimme,” Billy said, and seconds later, Eddie pushed Y/n towards him, making her trip but she was caught before Billy slammed her onto his car from the hood.
“Do you like gettin’ fucked on a car or what, darlin’?” Billy chuckled as he tugged at his belt and jeans. “Don’t you dare,” y/n said, knowing this was riskier than she’d ever done or thought of.
“Who are you to tell me what to do, sweetheart?” Billy asked as he pulled y/n’s dress up. “Think ima let you walk around here dressed like this, and not stuff you?” Billy said as he pulled y/n’s panties to the side.
Hargrove groaned at the sight. He could never get tired of the view of her plumed and sweet cunt.
“Already wet?” Eddie asked as he took a look. “Yep,” Billy replied, making Steve chuckle to himself. “Of course,” Steve said under his breath, loving but hating how turned on she gets when she doesn’t listen.
“Keep this up, and he’ll break. I don’t think you wanna go through that,” Billy whispered in y/n’s ear before tugging at her hair, almost snapping her neck too hard.
“What will he possibly do?” Y/n rolled her eyes, thinking she could stay tough until Billy snapped his hips forward, making Y/n yell loudly. “Just because I’m not him, doesn’t mean you can talk about him that way,” Billy snapped his hips once again, making sure to dig deep into her.
Y/n tried her best to keep her moans in. She bit her lip, took a deep breath and maybe even laughed a bit to make it seem like Billy wasn’t doing anything to her, but she knew she couldn’t go any longer as the knot in her stomach grew already.
“Oh, you think this is funny?” Billy asked as he leaned down towards y/n’s ear after gripping her hair. “Y-You fuck like an old man,” Y/n said, making Eddie cover his mouth and Steve’s jaw drop.
“Are you fucking serious?” Billy asked, taking a full stop. “Very serious,” y/n laughed. Seconds later, Billy pulled out of y/n and pulled her up. Y/n stumbled as he went in front of his car and then pushed her on top of his hood again, but this time, on her back.
Y/n went to talk, but Billy was too quick. The older man gripped the smaller girls next tightly as he lined up then pushed in roughly.
Y/n screamed, feeling a lot of pain, but so much pleasure. “Shut the fuck up,” Billy said as he slapped his hand over y/n’s mouth, making sure she had a hard time breathing.
“Gonna call me old again? Hm? Hm!? Gonna keep fuckin’ runnin’ your mouth like shit’s sweet you fuckin’ slut!?” Billy disconnected his hand from y/n’s mouth a few times to slap her across her face.
Eddie and Steve stood on both sides of Billy’s car, watching the anger come out of him. Since high school, they’ve known Billy as the bully, but who knew they would accept and like it being brought onto y/n.
They’ve always been against his actions, but something about watching y/n struggle, cry, moan, beg, yell, scream, and look at Billy with fear, made them harder.
“Are you going to be a sweet girl from now on, princess? I really hate seeing you like this,” Steve lied. Y/n struggled to shake her head, but ended up getting a few inches from side to side, making Eddie laugh.
“Stuck up bitch, huh?” Billy looked at Eddie for a quick seconds as he shook his head. “Who raised you? How could a pretty thing like you be so bratty?” Billy asked, still snapping his hind hard against her thighs.
“Maybe we should discipline her. Show her how life is to pretty little bitches like her,” Billy said, having an idea, so he pulled out and threw y/n to the ground, causing her to whine.
“C’mon,��� Billy said, wanting the other two to join in, so Eddie stepped up first. “On your knees,” Eddie demanded, but she didn’t listen. “On, your fucking. Knees,” Eddie said in a warning tone.
Instead of listening, y/n tried crawling away, but was caught in seconds. Eddie pulled y/n to her knees by her hair and pushed her face into his crotch.
“You like that? You like being close to cock?” Eddie asked, grinding his hips into her face as she tried wiggling away. “Lick it,” Eddie said. “Fuck no,” Y/n replied. “You think you have a choice? Lick it or gag,” Eddie demanded again, but she kept pulling her face away.
“You’re so hardheaded, sweetheart. It’s kinda cute,” Eddie pulled himself out of his jeans as y/n looked into his eyes, basically begging for it but without words. She refuses to tell them how much she wants this.
“I know, baby. Maybe if you were nicer, I’d be gentle. But you’re not,” Eddie said before stuffing Y/n’s mouth full of his cock, instantly making her gag. “Oh yeah,” Billy said as he came over and tugged on her clothes.
“Dirty little whores get treated how we want,” Billy said as he ripped y/n’s dress and bra down enough for her tits to fall out. “Look at these,” Billy groaned as he gripped her chest roughly, making her whine in a little pain.
“Yeah? Been keepin’ these tucked away from us?” Billy said before plopping one of her tits in his mouth to suck on. Y/n tangled her fingers in his hair as she pushed at Eddie’s lower stomach.
Steve just stared at her, watching her be treated how she should be for being the way she is. If only she’d listen. Fuck, even if she didn’t listen, he’d still want to see this.
“C’mon,” Eddie told Steve, and of course, he wasted no time pulling himself out and jerking himself over y/n’s face. “If you’d listen, you wouldn’t be on your knees in public,” Steve said.
“I hope someone walks by and sees this. Sees how good of a slut you are for men twice your age,” Eddie continued to face fuck y/n, pulling her head towards his hip to force her to take enough to satisfy him.
Y/n jumped at Billy’s hand and forced his way up her dress and into her panties. She used her hand that was tangled in his hair to grip his wrist and try pushing him away, but he was too strong.
“P-Please,” y/n begged, but muffled. “Oh, look at that. She might cum,” Eddie smirked down at her, seeing Billy’s hand rub her cunt roughly, trying to force a hard orgasm out of her.
“Hey!” Steve said as he kicked y/n’s arm. “Don’t touch him,” Steve kicked again until she kept her hands away. “Take Eddie’s cock, and let Billy touch that cunt of yours since you’ve treated them so badly,” Steve said.
“And afterward, you’re gonna let me eat that pussy until you pass out, and you dare beg me for no more. Sluts get treated like sluts,” Steve said as he gripped y/n’s hair, making Eddie let her go.
“And pick up your fuckin’ paste,” Steve began pushing her into Eddie repeatedly, making her neck ache, but there was nothing she could do, not when three men were all over her.
“Fuckin’ suck him!” Steve yelled at y/n, making Eddie and Billy chuckle. Y/n looked up at Steve, begging him with her eyes to give her a break, but one look told her that she better listen to him.
Steve let y/n’s hair go after she began to bop her head on her own. “That’s it, baby. Suck him up,” Steve continued to stroke himself, feeling his close he is just by watching her pretty face do what he can’t get overseeing.
Y/n but her eyes tightly with a whine as her body shook. “Mhm, keep it cummin’ princess,” Billy kept rubbing her harder. “I-I can’t, I can’t!” Y/n cried as she pulled away and fell back in her bottom.
“Nah, uh, get back over,” Billy said as he pulled her ankles towards him, making her upper body fall back. “N-No, no,” she begged, but Billy ignored her and continued to rub her pussy, catching back up to her orgasm.
As the poor girl shook on the ground, moaning loudly and begging for Billy to stop or at least slow down, Steve and Eddie leaned over her body, jerking off to the image.
“Look at thaaaat,” Eddie dragged as cum shot all over her. “Fuck yes, baby,” Eddie kept stroking, making sure to drop everything last load onto her. “Get up. Get up!” Steve said as he leaned down and pulled her up by her hair.
“Open up, open up!” Steve shouted, and surprisingly, she did as told. “Thaaat’s it! That’s it, baby, fuck!” Steve came hard on y/n’s face, trying to cover every inch of her.
“You better swallow that too, baby,” Steve said before sticking his cock into her mouth to give her his drops. “Fuckin’ hell,” Steve pushed y/n’s head into him and forced her to stay in place.
Y/n kicked and slapped, feeling her breath be taken away, but he had to get everything out of him, into her.
“Ssh, ssh, just a few more seconds,” Steve’s legs shook. He would love for her to suck him off for a little while, but he had to get in the car and eat her out now. He can’t wait anymore.
“Up, up,” Steve pulled y/n to her feet and dragged her to the car. “Hey, Ian cum yet,” Billy said, leaking in his pants. “You can wait,” Steve said as he opened the backseat door and pushed y/n into the car.
“Dammit,” Billy said as he got into the front seat as well as Eddie. Billy turned around to ask Steve what their next move was, but Steve was too busy diving his face into the moaning girls pussy.
“I’ll just drive back to your place,” Billy said, making Steve hum in agreement. “Steve!” Y/n moaned as she grabbed his hair, not even pulling away. Eddie shifted his body to look back and watch y/n grind up into Steve’s face.
“We’ll get her car tomorrow,” Eddie said as Billy pulled off and Steve stuck two fingers into y/n’s soaking cunt. “G-Gonna cum,” y/n’s hands went everywhere as she came all over Steve’s face.
“Hey man, that’s my car!” Billy said, knowing he didn’t really care. He was just jealous that he was Steve and that he was the only one who didn’t cum earlier.
“S-Sorry,” y/n whined, feeling bad as Steve smirked into her folds. “Don’t be, princess. Just make it up for me and ride me to the house,” Billy said. “Y-Yessir!” Y/n said, making them all groan at her choice of words.
“So you’re a respectful little cupcake now, huh?” Eddie asked as he leaned to the back seat. “Hm, baby? Talk to me,” Eddie said as he rubbed the side of y/n’s face. “Y-Yessir,” y/n said, trying to focus on him.
“Good girl,” Eddie said before connecting his lips with hers. “Maybe now you’ll stay good and not have us stalk and look for you. I’m kinda gettin’ tired of the attitude, sweetheart,” Billy said, secretly hoping she’ll do this again.
It’s kind of fun. Even for Steve, no matter how angry he gets. It only allows him to touch on her however he wants and for however long he wants.
part one
part two
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bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
love, I really love the way you write!! I wanted to see if I could request something, take your time, don't worry
I would like to ask something super angsty with changbin but have like a fluffy ending, like he is really stressed and gets it out on the reader, like calls her clingy or smth.
love you so much!
take your time 💕
Gym bro
Thank you so much for requesting this!! I was waiting for someone to request for a Changbin story lol😭so thank you thank you!
I hope you like it 🩷
“Baby?” Y/n called for her boyfriend while knocking on the door.
He was in his studio writing for their new comeback and he had been in there for hours. It was really bad. He had refused to eat, drink or sleep anything. Making her have to force feed him. Ofcourse he was frustrated and mad but what could she do? She wouldn’t allow to watch him suffer like that.
“Binnie?” She called again due to the fact that he wasn’t replying.
She walked inside the studio. He was on his laptop and it was really dark in the room.
When she tapped on his shoulder causing him to jump and turn but he calmed down when he just saw it was his girlfriend.
“What is it love?” He asked softly while rubbing his eyes. The lack of sleep catching up to him.
“I was wondering if we’re still going to the gym today? You said that we could grab some lunch and have a date after,” Y/n said while running her hands through his messy hair. She had missed him and missed spending time with him. She would grab any chance to just have alone time with him even if it meant going to the gym and stopping at some crappy fast food restaurant.
“Oh, that was today? I’m sorry cupcake but I can’t. I have so much work to finish,” he frowned and pulled her between his legs. His hands rubbed against her thigh as if he was trying to make her feel some sort of way. Break it down gently?
“But babe you’ve been behind that computer for the past 48 hours and when you do leave this room it’s to go to the dorms,” she complained. Her eyes fixing on the computer. He was on a zoom meeting with Chan and Han like usual.
“Okay I’ll tell you what, we can go in like an hour or two. Is that okay?” The frown on Y/n’s lips turned upside down and now she had a cute smile that painted on her face. The smile that Changbin couldn’t help but love. His heart melted whenever he made his girl happy. He just wished he could do it more often.
“Thank you, thank you, thank youuuu!” She kissed him all over his face making the older man chuckle at her reaction.
“I’m gonna go get dressed, I left some snacks on the table for you. Make sure to eat them before we leave,” she got out from in between his legs and gave him a small kiss.
Changbin on the other hand let out a small whine from the loss of contact. He craved her so much. He felt like a zombie behind this screen with no sunlight.
Y/n rushed into the bathroom and got into the shower then quickly put her hair up in a pony tail. She then got into her gym outfit and put her gym bag together before dropping it in the living room.
It had been about an hour and thirty minutes before she went into the studio to check in with her boyfriend.
He was sitting behind the screen, his snacks untouched. She frowned at this but shrugged it off. He was pissed though. It was so obvious it was because he was yelling at his phone. She couldn’t help but eavesdrop.
“What do you mean they’re moving the deadline to this Friday?….I don’t care! It’s a fucking Wednesday Chan, they can’t expect us to whip up 4 songs by the end of Friday!….Ah fuck this, if the songs come out trashy we’re not dropping anything….okay yeah I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up the phone aggressively and threw it on the couch. His hands run through his hair and he let out a frustrated sigh.
“Babe?” Y/n said softly making her way to him. “Are you ready to-“
“Y/n I can’t go. I’m sorry but some of us have actual jobs that require as to actually work. So just hop off my back for a second yeah? And stop being clingy. When I’m done with work is when I’ll tend to you.”
He was pissed, it blinded him. It made him say things that he didn’t mean.
“Oh,” was what she could say. She looked him dead in the eyes. His eyes red and dark. Who was he? Where was the guy she started to date who would always make sure to give her time? Where was the guy who would make her his priority?
She didn’t want all his attention but she wanted to feel like she was still in a relationship.
“I’m sorry for being such a bother, I’ll leave you alone,” she softly said. The tears in her eyes so clear that Changbin felt his body tremble in guilt.
“Just make sure you finish your snacks, you haven’t eaten all day,” she sniffled and made her way outside the studio leaving Changbin to beat himself up.
He was a mess and it was all because of? All because of his stupid management. All because he couldn’t get himself together. Why was she so nice and why did she care so much about him?
“God, why did you have to give me such a perfect girlfriend?” Was all his said before he got up to run after her.
When he left the studio and saw the gym bag that she had packed for him and her laying on the couch with their matching water bottles. He knew he had messed up. It pained him that Y/n was such a sweet soul and he decided to be a bitch.
What made his heart break was hearing her little sobs coming from inside their shared bedroom. He had to make things right, so he pulled out his phone and texted his assistant to make a reservation for the both of them at one of the most expensive restaurants in town and to clear his schedule for the rest of the day.
Ofcourse his assistant was confused at first because they had a lot to do especially at the fact that their deadlines were closer but Changbin didn’t care because at the end of the day he wasn’t going to marry JYP. JYP wasn’t going to raise his kids and JYP wasn’t going to stay with him until he was old and wrinkly. JYP wasn’t going to be the person he would marry so it didn’t matter.
Y/n was laying in their bed. She was still in her gym clothes. Her pillow was being filled with her tear drops. She didn’t mean to be clingy, she just wanted to take care of him and spend time with him. They hadn’t gone on a real date for months and she was so supportive about it but she thought that today would be the day they would finally be able to do things together.
Her body trembled against the soft sheets. She didn’t want to have a panic attack but she couldn’t help it. She loved her Binnie so much that she didn’t want to lose him.
“My love?” She heard his voice but chose to ignore it.
“Babygirl? Talk me please,” he begged her.
“You were mean,” was all she said before breaking down even more.
“I know I was, I’m sorry I snapped at you like that,” his hands automatically land on her waist to pull her in his arms.
“Do you not love me anymore? What did I do? You always work so much. Is it to avoid me?” Her breathing got heavier and Changbin knew what was about to come.
“Hey, shhh it’s okay, breathe baby girl,” he was gentle. Y/n loved it when he was gentle. She also loved it when he was loud and running around don’t get it wrong. “I love you, I love you so much it hurts me. It hurts me that I can’t be a normal boyfriend, I’m always at work or doing work I know and it eats me up. I just want to get everything over with so I can take you out without being worried about what I have to go home too. Please believe me,” his touch was soft as he played with her fingers. She was calming down now and Binnie felt a relief.
“You’re a jerk,” she said quietly.
“Ouch, that hurt,” he said dramatically earning a laugh from her.
“I’m sorry for being clingy Binnie,” she said once she was done giggling.
“No, no, no, I love it when you’re clingy! It makes me feel loved and cared for, I don’t know what came over me inside there, maybe I thought I was talking to Chan or something. I love you being clingy so much, I love it when you cook for me, I love it when you feed me, I love it when you try and get me to do things, it make me feel human again” he was kissing her forehead now and again to give her some comfort.
“Really?” She said looking up at him. Her eyes were so pretty to him even if they were red and puffy from crying.
“Yes really and if you would allow me, Y/n, may I take you out on a romantic date?”
“Is the romantic date to the gym?” She asks rolling her eyes playfully.
“Oh my God, how did you know?” He fake gasped.
“I geuss I know my boyfriend very well,” she shrugged playing along.
“Well sike, no we aren’t going to the gym,” he teased, “We’re going on a real date, get dressed okay? This is my apology gift,” Y/n couldn’t help but smile.
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tomcruiseishot · 11 months
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“None of it matters to me as long as we’re together”
Basic summary: You and husband Ethan Hunt work for the IMF. Unfortunately, the mission fails resulting in the death of thousands and a warrant is put out for the both of you. Despite the situation Ethan is just being really sweet and reassuring to the reader. (Takes place around MI5 sorry if this is inaccurate)
Warnings: Angsty and lots of fluff, very brief mentions of suicide
I stare at my husband across the living room of the MIF-issued safe house awaiting our fate. I begin to pace around the room. Ethan is concentrating on the computer. I’m not sure if the message has been sent yet but I’m sure I know what the contents will be. Something along the lines of “You fucked up the mission so bad we’re either gonna kill you or put you in jail.” My heart is beating so fast I think it’s going to explode. Honestly that would be better than becoming enemies of the god damn state. I hear Ethan’s breath and I know he received the news. I run over to his side and sit next to him on the couch. Ethan reads it aloud,
“We have received your request to remain active in the field, but due to current circumstances of the situation we unfortunately have to deny Agent Hunt and (L/N) from any active field duty until further notice. The MIF is no longer responsible for the actions of these agents and has requested incarceration due to negligence of power”
Ethan slams the computer closed and pinches the bridge of his nose in deep thought. The feeling of dread starts creeping up my body. I start to feel so so small. My job is everything to me. Well, everything besides Ethan. Oh shit. I forgot Ethan could lose his job or worse his life because of my mistake. Fuck fuck fuck. I can’t let that happen. He’s the reason I stayed with the IMF. He’s the reason I’m still alive in the first place. My comfort. My Ethan. I rest my head on his shoulder and take a deep breath. The smell of coffee and cinnamon overwhelms my senses.
Maybe in another world we wouldn’t be here awaiting our arrest and possibly even death. Maybe in another world we’d be sitting in the comfort of our own home that we bought together. Maybe we wouldn’t have chosen such a risky life. Ethan deserves that life. Even if he’ll never be allowed to work in the field again I’d rather die than see him put in jail for my own mistake.
And that’s when the idea hit me. I am going to turn myself in and fully take the blame for the failed mission and all of deaths. They would let my perfect husband go. Suddenly the feeling of dread is replaced by adrenaline and determination.
“We should go.”
Ethan says, “They’ll be breaking in here at any moment. We’ll figure something out. We have to.” He gets up and starts putting all of our emergency cash into his black bag along with weapons, and food rations.
“Ethan,” I say still sitting pathetically on the couch, “I’m not going.” He slowly turns around to face me. “What.” It sounds like a demand not a question. I can tell by the tick in his jaw that he is feeling a mix of desperation and confusion.
“I said i’m not going. Ethan, you deserve a better life and at the minimum a life at all. If I turn myself in and tell them how I panicked they’ll let you go free.” He shakes is head and steps toward me.
“Yeah that’s not happening-” I stand up and walk up to him.
“Ethan I’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. But you need to go.” He looks hurt. I don’t understand- he should be relived. He grabs both my hands and looks into my eyes.
“I would not be okay. I don’t care if I get to ‘live a life’ it’s not living without you.” I no longer can fight back the tears threatening to spill. what starts as a a few tears turns into a sob as I grab him in my arms. I say between sobs,
“I’m just so worried. How are we going to survive? Where are we even-” He pulls back from our embrace looking into my eyes,
“y/n. Look at me.” He says wiping a tear from my face.
“We’re gonna figure this out. We’ll find a way to fix it. It doesn’t matter if we’re starving or freezing. As long as I’m with you nothing matters.” I smile wryly and kiss him.
“Okay okay.” I start, “But then we should probably go.” I take a big sniff and he grabs my hand and opens the balcony door, getting ready to climb down.
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the-little-moment · 2 months
Angstpril Day 22: Little One
Prompt: Drained
Words: 745
Summary: When everything becomes too much, Cadet Hunter, his brothers, and their favorite doctor help Tech through a meltdown.
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Senna straightened from her computer in shock when the small clone burst into her office, dark curls escaping from his bandana. 
“It’s Tech,” Hunter panted, looking like he’d run all the way. “There’s something wrong with him. Can you come?”
The doctor rose immediately to join him by the door, her unfinished forms forgotten. “Where is he?” She bent to meet the boy’s wild eyes. “Is he conscious, breathing?”
“Our barracks. Yes, it’s—it’s not like that.” The cadet’s face twisted in dismay, fingers tense and fidgeting at the hem of his tunic. “He—I couldn’t get him to come with me. Crosshair and Wrecker are watching him.”
“Come on then.”
Senna snatched her travel kit from the couch as Hunter practically fled her office, leading her out of the medbay and down the hall towards the cadet barracks, dodging past older clones who parted, wide-eyed for the doctor in his wake.  
Inside the boys’ room, she paused while her eyes adjusted to the dimness. “Over here!” Hunter beckoned from the edge of a bunk across the room where the object of his panic sat, knees to forehead, skinny arms wrapped tight around his legs. Wrecker and Crosshair were looking up at her with frightened eyes. They made room for the doctor on the bed beside their brother.
Senna lowered herself onto the bunk next to the young clone, setting her kit on the floor. “Tech, sweetheart, can you tell me what’s wrong?” He hadn’t moved as she’d sat down, not reacting at all to the sound of her voice. She looked him over for any obvious injuries.
“What happened?” She turned to the others.
Hunter bit his lip. “He just shut down like that. He was angry that he couldn’t get his pad to work and then he went all quiet. We didn’t…do so great in training today.” The last part was almost a whisper. 
“But he didn’t get hurt?”
“I don’t think so.” Senna could see frustrated tears building in the boy’s eyes as he tried to answer her questions. Behind him, Wrecker shook his head in fervent confirmation. Crosshair was quiet, eyes fixed on Tech.
She laid a hand on Hunter’s shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”
“Tech?” Turning back to her patient, Senna lightly touched his arm, pulling away when he made a low moan. He suddenly began to rock back and forth on the bunk, pulling in an occasional gasping breath. As she watched, his grip on his sleeves grew alarmingly tight. 
“Boys,” the doctor lowered her voice as she faced the others, “you’ve done a great job, but if you could go sit at the table, I think your brother could use some space.”
They obeyed, and Senna shifted to the other end of the mattress. “Sweetheart,” she murmured to the small cadet, “I’m right here. Everything is fine. You’re safe.” The lights are down, it’s quiet, just give him some time.
She leaned back against the wall, smiling calmly at the three brothers on the bench and continuing in the same soft voice, “We’re just gonna be quiet a little while for Tech, okay?”
Their heads bobbed earnestly.
Ten minutes passed while Senna willed herself to exude serenity. When a shaky sigh was heard, she turned back to Tech. He’d stopped his anxious movements, but his head was still buried in his arms. “Tech?”
“I’m sorry, Senna.” His thin voice was worn with exhaustion.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, little one. I understand.” She raised her hand, then paused, “Do you mind if I touch you?”
The boy unfolded, revealing a tear-stained face beneath his large goggles. Tech wiped his nose on his sleeve and shook his head, still not meeting her eyes. Senna touched his shoulder gently, pleased when he didn’t flinch. “It’s alright, dear.” She was surprised when he turned and pressed himself into her side, his forehead against her collarbone. His delicate hands were tucked between them and she sighed in relief as her arms came up to hold him. 
Senna stroked Tech’s soft, brown hair as his brothers made an apprehensive approach. Bolstered by the doctor’s smile and lifted arm, Wrecker immediately snuggled into her other side. Hunter took his place next to Tech, one small hand on his brother’s back, and Crosshair climbed onto the far end of the bed, not touching anyone, but still wanting to be close. 
“You boys did such a good job.” Senna sighed again as she let her eyes close, just for a bit, she told herself. Then she’d go back to those karking forms. “Thank you for helping me.”
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This one was more whump or hurt/comfort than angst, but that's okay 😅. I love the little Batch so much, especially little Tech.
8 more days of Angstpril! 😳 As always, the rest of the fics from this collab can be found by following our hashtag, #littlekyberthoughts, and by visiting @kybercrystals94, @just-here-with-my-thoughts, and my blogs.
Happy reading. 😬
Taglist: @clonethirstingisreal @lightwise @freesia-writes
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rubydubydoo122 · 2 months
Jason gets de-aged because I've seen fics of Tim or Dick being de-aged, and Bruce losing his memory, but no one has realized the potential for angst if you de-age Jason.
Bruce couldn’t do this. Sure he fights criminals on a daily basis, he’s fought aliens, hell, he’s been to space, for crying out loud. But he could not look at his dead- undead son. He could barely look at Jason as a 21 year old, much less looking how he had weeks before he died. 
“Bruce, I know this is hard, but–”
“No, Dick, you don’t, because you were off planet to even know what was happening.” It was a low blow. Bruce knew that. He knew he was burning bridges, but he wanted to be alone. He didn’t want his kids to see him break down. He could fix those bridges later. 
For a moment, Bruce could see the fiery 20 year old Dick desperately trying to be let loose, but then Dick glanced at his siblings, “Why don’t you guys go upstairs, while Bruce and I talk things through.” Dick wasn’t asking though, and they knew.
So the four of them headed up the stairs, leaving Bruce with Dick and Alfred.
“Are you going to slap me halfway across the cave again? Are you going to take away my keys again? We’ve been down this road before, Bruce. It wasn’t fun for either of us.” Dick leaned against the table and crossed his arms, “The only reason I’m not screaming at you right now is because I know that I have to be here for those kids. Cass, Tim, Steph, Duke, Damian . They need me here, but Jason? Jason doesn’t need me , he needs you . He wants you.”
Bruce thought about all the things that had driven a wall between him and his second son. “No he–”
Dick groaned, “B, when he saw me come out of the Batmobile instead of you, I could see his expression crumble.”
“When he realized you were in the cave, he was so eager to see you, Master Bruce. He was hurt when you barely acknowledged him.” Alfred placed a hand on Bruce’s shoulder, “The boy upstairs is not the broody Red Hood nor the Robin who died in that warehouse yet. He’s the child you brought into this manor to make sure he was loved. The boy, who despite all the darkness around him, still managed to shine brighter than the sun. We’re not saying this situation will be easy, Lad, but you have to try. For Jason.”
“I don't know if I can .”
“Jesus Christ. I forgot you don’t speak Emotions . Fine. I’ll give you a language you understand.” Dick went over to the computer and opened a new Mission planner “Mission: Fun Sized Jason. Rule number 1, Don’t make him upset. Rule number 2, don’t brood more than usual. Rule number 3, Don’t let Jason know something’s up between your relationship with him because that will probably break Rule number 1. Mission Objective, keep Jason happy until we can get him back to full size. Alfred is allowed to add rules and Objectives. Understood?”
And suddenly, Bruce had a little empathy for Damian’s Robin under Dick’s Batman. “Got it.” Bruce gave his oldest son a slight smile. “Honestly, this might be my hardest mission yet.”
Dick and Alfred shared a look, “You’ll do fine, Master Bruce.”
“I’m gonna check up on everyone, I can come back down once I’m done, if you want.”
“I’ll be fine, Chum, I’m just going to call Zatanna and finish putting a bit of info in.”
Dick nodded, “Alright.” He made his way to the stairs, “Goodnight Alfred, Goodnight Bruce, tell Z I said hi.”
Dick’s first destination was the kitchen. It was usually the first place Cass and Steph went after patrol. Because Steph grabs a midnight waffle for her ride home. 
Though when he got to the kitchen, it was just Cass sitting on  the counter with a mug of tea in her hands. She tilted her head, the question of are you ok clear as day. 
If Dick tried to lie, Cass would just see through him. He sat down next to her, “Everything went well with Bruce, it’s just that…”
“It’s strange, conflicting. Seeing Jason.”
“He is a cute child.” Cass rested her head on Dicks shoulder. And Dick rested his hand on hers. “Tiny.”
“Yeah,” Dick chuckled, “Like no one would’ve expected Jason to be as tall as Bruce.”
They sat together in silence until Duke came into the kitchen, and Dick patted the space next to him as an invitation. 
“I’ve been thinking, if you, or Bruce, or even Alred, need me to keep Jason company while you take a moment to work through… memories, I’d be happy to do it. I don’t have any history with him, we’re close enough to the same age.”
Dick patted Duke’s shoulder, “You’re a good brother. Just don’t let Bruce throw him on you too much because I’m trying to get him to try .”
“Maybe it’ll be easier for Bruce after he gets over the initial shock. Even Damian was shocked. He didn't even try to stab Jason. He was wearing Jason’s jacket.”
Right! Damian! And it was strange. He was having a very different reaction than Dick had expected. Dick had to talk to him, but first “Did you get a picture?”
A grin spread across Duke’s face. “I already sent it in the groupchat.”
Dick hopped off the counter, “Lovely. I’m gonna go check on him. And then I’ll check on Jason.”
“Anything you need us to do?”
“Um.. yes, there is one thing.” Dick paused for effect, “Go to bed.”
Damian was leaning on Titus in the corner of his room, with Alfred the cat in his lap. It was a strange revelation that his Akhi was his wayward brother all along. Yet, it also made perfect sense. They both were in the League, and Todd had said something about mother taking him in.  He just did not expect Todd to be Akhi . He didn’t even think that Akhi was still alive. One day Damian had been drawing next to him and the next he was gone. Akhi had two modes; Stay still, or protect. He would immediately fight whoever Damian was supposed to spar and pull him out of reach of any attackers. Akhi would hold Damian while mother was busy, or sit next to him, or follow him if Damian started to wander too far. Yet he rarely ever spoke. Maybe that’s why he never drew the connection between Todd and Akhi. Because even though Todd could be silent if he wanted to, he spouted out the signature Robin quips like second nature. Or yelled at father, taking shot after shot, barely giving father a chance to speak. And above all else, behind Todd’s eyes you could see the calculations, you could see him taking in his surroundings or contemplating risks he was willing to take in the moment, you could see him playing out plans in his head to see every possible outcome. Whereas Akhi had alway had a far off look. Like his mind was never really there. 
There was a knock at the open door, Dick leaning on the door frame, “Are you ok, Damian?”
“Tt.” He started drawing swirls into Alfreds fur, and then smoothed them out.
Dick moved to sit next to Damian. They sat in silence, though it felt like Damian could hear Dick staring with concern.
Damian spared a glance at Dick, “Todd spent time in the League. At Nanda Parbat. Under my mother’s care. With me.” Alfred’s fur was suddenly a lot more interesting than it had been minutes ago, “I didn’t even know it was him, not until a couple of hours ago. I’m the son of the greatest detective, and I didn’t even realize that my Akhi was my brother.” It was making him feel young, seeing Todd like this again, “I thought they killed him, but I- I guess they put him in the Lazerus pit after that, and then he couldn’t come back, because he had to come here, but I wish mother had– Todd, He protected me, Baba . It was only for a little while, but he protected me. He showed me kindness.” Damian met Dick’s eyes which were slightly glossy.
“Well, that does sound like Jason. He’s always had a soft spot for kids.” Dick let out a wet laugh, “He was like… your Guardian Angel.”
“That was horrible Richard. Not funny at all.” Yet Damian could feel a soft smile pulling at his lips, “But yes. He was.” 
“It’s his Bruncle instincts.”
Damian frowned, “Bruncle?”
Dick grinned “Brother-uncle. Since you see me as your Baba .”
he groaned and shoved Dick out of his pet cuddling area, “Nope. That’s it. You do not get any more speaking privileges for the rest of the day.” though he could feel a warmth spreading across his chest. 
“Come on-”
“Nope. Bye! Bye!”
“Goodnight, Baba .”
And Damian could see Dick completely melt, “Goodnight, Bibic.”
The first thing Jason did after he stormed upstairs was grab his journal from the hidden drawer in his dresser. Screw Bruce, he was going to figure out what happened to him. 
The only problem was the dates only went to April 25, 2018. He didn’t even finish the notebook. The entries didn’t seem like something was wrong–
Sheila Haywood .
There was a gun pointed at his back as betrayal and shock sunk into his stomach. “I lied.”
A blonde woman turned away from him while lighting a cigarette.
He read through the page. Sheila Haywood was…his mom? But what about his Mami? The one who raised him? Does that make her his step-mom? 
Jason scrambled back to the drawer to take out a pen and flipped to the next page. He was going to figure this out. 
First off, Bruce was a lot colder. Like close to Kelvin cold. 
Second, all the scars. There’s a certain amount of scars that made sense for whole vigilante gig, but the amount he had was closer to the amount torture victims had. 
Third, If Ms. Haywood was his mom, is Jason in her custody now? Well, he’s 20, so probably not currently, but did he have to leave Bruce? Is that why his room is pretty much the same? 
Fourth, Why was he at the League of Assassins? If he asked Damian would he give him a straight answer?
He heard footsteps coming down the hall, and almost immediately jumped up. And then relaxed when he realized they were Dicks, and they were stopping at the room before his.
He crept closer to the wall to try to catch the words.
“...But I- I guess they put him in the Lazarus Pit…”
Guess he had his answer to number four. Though why would he need one? Did it have to do with number two? Maybe number two should be number one, but he’d already written in pen. 
That also probably answered why his eyes were more green than blue. And the white streak. It did feel a bit too emo for him.
He heard a laugh come from the other side of the wall and felt a twinge of jealousy flare in the pit of his stomach. Sure, he and Dick had their good moments, but it wasn’t usually that easy. There was still tension that loomed over any attempts of brotherly bonding. Sometimes Jason wishes Bruce actually introduced him to Dick before he took up the mantle of Robin, because maybe then they’d be closer brothers.
“Goodnight, Baba.” And just like that a wave of guilt washed over him because he had thoroughly misinterpreted their relationship. Jason honestly thought Damian was Bruce’s. They had very similar facial structures. 
And then there was a knock at the door, before it slowly opened, “Hey, Jason–”
“I didn’t realize you were Damian’s dad.”
Dick just gaped like a fish, “I– what?”
“I was under the impression Bruce was the kid’s dad, baba.” Jason swatted Dick with the back of his hand.
“Oh.” Dick laughed, “No. He’s Bruce’s. He’s also twelve.”
“So?” Jason shrugged, “You’re like, 30. It’s possible. And why else would he call you Baba?”
“Stop calling me old! I’m 27! Also, your math makes that barely legal.”
“‘Barely legal’ does not stop Talia Al-Ghul.”  Jason frowned. He thinks he was 18 when that happened. “Hold up, I’m not 18 yet.”
Dick was suddenly standing ramrod straight, “Excuse me, what?” 
That was his scary voice. Abort, abort, abort , “Why was I in the Lazarus Pit?”
“How much of our conversation did you catch?”
“I zoned out after Lazarus.”
Dick crossed his arms and huffed, “No, we’re going back to Talia–”
“Is Bruce depressed because he lost custody of me to Sheila Haywood?”
And that seemed to send a slap across Dick’s face, “How do you know about Sheila Haywood?”
Jason crossed his arms “I’m a detective, Dick.”
Except so was Dick, and he immediately spotted the journal on Jason’s bed. “It was in your journal?”
Jason nodded.
“What’s the last date in there?” Dick sat down on the edge of the bed.
Jason went to go sit next to him. “April 25, 2018”
Dick nodded, his normally clear blue eyes looked stormy.
“Something bad happened, didn’t it?” 
Dick looked like he was contemplating something, and then turned to face Jason, “I’m only going to tell you this because I know if your older version was here he would tell you.” Dick took a deep breath, “You would say, “I ain’t tellin’ you shit, you don’t need to know.” You would do that while leaning against a wall or something.”
Jason blinked at Dick, because that buildup was rude. “I wouldn’t say that! Also, it’s me . I would tell a younger version of me every moment of my life. I’m pretty sure an older version of myself would too.”
“Look, Jason, I was in space at the time. I don’t know all of the details, and Bruce never felt like filling me in on it.”
“What about the report?”
“Ok, yeah, I’ve seen it, but you know the reports are nothing like actually being there, or hearing the story. And it’s never something you or Bruce want to talk about. You’ll probably get the memory back once you’re back to full size.”
Jason huffed and pulled himself into his sheets. “You’re no longer my favorite sibling. You are dead last. Getting my hopes up that you would give me an answer. That was just cruel.”At least he knew there were reports on the bar computer about what happened. He could sneak down there and figure this out himself. 
“Eh, fifth place is not that bad.” Dick stood up, “or are we counting Stephanie?”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re still in last.” Jason turned over to face Dick as he was leaving, “Though, I do accept bribes.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Goodnight, Little Wing.”
“‘Night, Dickiebird.”
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I made another FunnyBunny interaction because there’s a lot of people that like it and I think their dynamic is cute. I’m putting a break here cause it’s longer and more philosophical and fluffy.
Look Out the Window
Pomni: So this is it, huh? Your room. It’s very uh… I guess… simple?
Jax: Yeah. Not a lot to it. For the longest time I didn’t know what sort of things I wanted in here. Caine can make tons of stuff, but I wanted something that would actually help me relax. So that’s why I sprung for a window.
*Jax leans on the sill of a window, looking out at the pink-red sunset*
Pomni: A window. So you can see the tiny, fake world we live in.
Jax: Yup. It gives me some degree of comfort, y’know?
Pomni: How?
Jax: Hm?
Pomni: How does seeing this stupid little world we’re all stuck in make you happy? It makes me feel worse.
Jax: *long pause* Yeah. I get it. But… Think about it for a minute. The Amazing Digital Circus… You ever hear about the Law of Entropy?
Pomni: What?
Jax: I heard about it… uh… well, sometime before all this, I heard about it. Basically it’s the reason why things don’t last. *counting off on his fingers* People, places, stories, ideas, eventually it’ll all just go away. And that’s especially true with computer stuff.
Pomni: So what?
Jax: All it takes for a computer to stop working is time. There’s all these little doodads inside it that are pushed and pushed hard every time it gets used, and eventually *finger snap* one of em messes up. This makes another doodad mess up, and then another, and another, until it all falls down. Look outside.
*Pomni looks outside. It’s bright and mostly cloudless like always.*
Jax: To keep that world running, plus all of us, plus whatever Caine wants to dream up, with no hiccups 24/7 hasta take one beast of a computer. Full of doodads. All being pushed and pushed nonstop. Sure, doodads can get fixed. Until too many of ‘em break at once. Then the whole thing comes apart and everything here…
Pomni: So… you’re saying…
Jax: That one day this’ll all stop. Probably not today. Or tomorrow. Or next month. Or next year. But it’ll all end. That’s why I like this window. I can see everything that hasta be kept running, and know that time is gonna run out for it eventually. Then we can go home, wherever that is.
Pomni: I… I wish I could believe all that so easy.
Jax: *shrugs* Well, it’s either that or there’s a butt-ton of redundant systems that’ll outlast time itself and we’ll be stuck here for a nonillion years. *sits on his bed* Whichever you wanna believe. C’mere, you can see the sunset better from my bed. *pats the comforter*
Pomni: Uh… what do-?
Jax: Don’t make it weird Pompom. Just sit with me for a bit.
*Pomni hesitates but sits with him*
Pomni: …It is a pretty sunset. Even if it is fake.
Jax: Think about how much raytracing you’d need to keep it going. Can’t be good for the computer.
*Pomni sits for a while before gently laying her head on Jax’s shoulder.*
—Personally I don’t believeJax was in IT, but he probably read a lot of sci-fi in college LOL anyway bye —
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autumn-may · 11 months
Please tell me about the data boys AU I love the data boys so much and you draw them so CUTE AAAAA
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(Im gonna @ the people who asked about the fic: @dergshadow @mosttsundereofplants @bloody-holly)
(It’s more of a fix-it fic than a au but lol)
Ask and ye shall receive ig 
The short of it is I force data sora and data riku back into the story while flipping nomura off for the re:coded ending ft. Riku and data-riku being friends, data-soriku being fun, and minor 358/2 references. I’ve been calling the au Re:Boot! 
Full concept under cut: (it’s pretty long)
edit:I’m writing it
The long of it is during re:mind the data battles crash, and the Final Fantasy group+Riku theorize that it might have something to do with Jiminys Journal (seeing as the data battles are made with data from the journal) Riku goes to Disney castle and it turns out yeah that’s probably what’s happening! The Disney castle computer displays the words ‘there are new hurts to be undone’. Riku is sent into the datascape in order to help with said hurts. 
   The long of it is  Riku enters to a really bugged up version of the data destiny islands, and is told by the Disney gang from the outside to find a way to get deeper into the datascape and help out. (System sectors). Riku finds it and enters. 
  First and second levels of the sector go pretty standard, fight the buggy heartless and all that however one of the bugs for the second level has a similar silhouette to sora, which is a little unnerving to say the least. The third level looks like rikus data(from when he got bugs in him) and the Disney gang loses contact with riku at this point. 
(YES the three stages getting more buggy the deeper you go is a reference to the boss stages in re:coded. If you even care) 
Riku looks around for a bit and D!riku (that’s what I’m calling data-riku rn) notices him from somewhere in the datascape, and teleports or something to him. After the initial ‘we’re the same guy’ convo D!riku tells him about the bugs, and how he believes that they are caused by D!soras amnesia, as he gained a heart, which is currently sleeping due to the reset (hearts can be destroyed and all that yk the deal). Since the datascape is sorta centered on d!sora, if something’s wrong with his code it might affect the datascape. D!riku tells him that since the reset, he’s been working to attempt to find soras heart, but he hasn’t been able to make much headway (maybe because a heart is separate from data, and isn’t as easily manipulated) 
(That’s my idea for why he wasn’t really there in the post reset stuff on soras side at least ) 
Well where is D!sora you ask? Well let’s go see! They teleport away and oh frick is that the memory pod. (Things are getting uncomfortably familiar for riku) D!riku has him in there as he works to find and wake soras sleeping heart, (instead of having to like, chase him around the datascape with a computer or something, sleeping heart doesn’t necessarily equal sleeping guy in this situation so we just put him in a coma). D!riku opens the way to D!soras data, and in they go.
They search for a bit, and when D!riku gets frustrated at the lack of progress, the bugs slightly worsen (riku notes this). Riku asks a bit about d!rikus relationship with d!sora, saying his drive to protect him is something they have in common. D!riku actually somewhat denies this, reminding riku about how the datascape is centered on sora, d!riku—to some level— is the datascape. it’s just a part of his programming, the journal correcting a glitch in the system through him. Besides, d!soras the one with a heart, d!rikus just a really good AI and also kinda a clone. Riku is so skeptical of this.
Riku says that he doesn’t believe that, d!riku fights to protect d!sora because he just cares about d!sora. Surely d!rikus noticed the bugs grow stronger the worse d!riku feels, if the data scape affects him, surely he affects the datascape as well. And a system as advanced as the data scape wouldn’t be programmed to destroy itself. By going to such lengths, d!riku proves he’s more than his programming, he’s more than the datascape, he has a heart, and he cares about d!sora in a way a line of code couldn’t. 
Well that revelation kinda broke d!riku but that’s fine. The bugs lessen however, so that’s a good sign also the final boss dark side shows up. The rikus prepare for  a fight, and d!riku recognizes this as d!soras heartless. (Bond between d!soriku manifested in the datascape bringing their hearts together)  They win the fight, and recover d!soras heart, which is still sleeping. Riku uses the power of waking, tracing the bond between him and d!riku, and d!riku and d!sora. Rikus able to wake up d!soras heart, restoring his memories, and the rikus leave his data. 
D!riku thanks riku for the help, and releases d!sora from the memory pod. D!sora and d!Riku reunite (i fight the urge to reverse the kh2 scene yk the one) riku feels comforted in his search for sora (idk he sees the bond between data!soriku as able to physically manifest into bringing them together so I mean why not real soriku?)  
The trio go back to the surface of the datascape, Disney gang gets to reunite with the data-gang and they apologize for not being able to help more (“gee well, if we knew you were hurting, we would of sent someone way sooner” “We can’t just leave our friends behind!” Or something idk) and riku comes back to the real world.
Riku talks to the data boys through the computer, d!sora asks about sora which is just a little bit of a punch in the gut (reminder this takes place during re:mind) but anywayyyy d!sora wonders if there’s a way they could enter the real world, since riku was able to come to the datascape. (They probably couldn’t :( they never had physical bodies, they have data bodies) Riku thinks about it and realizes hey wait a minute isnt Evens whole job making bodies for hearts that need them they totally could come to the real world. 
So riku calls up Even who’s intrigued by the idea of hearts that existed only in data, and how they would manifest in the real world. So needless to say, he gets to work. A while later d!rikus separated from the journal, and the dynamic data duo is brought to the real world yippee!! 
(If you’ve ever seen my redesigns of the two data’s they would get their new outfits right here) 
And that’s the main idea! I’ve had it for like,,,a couple months? But it’s been stuck in my brain for a while and i like it a lot, just got a Ao3 account so maybe I’ll write it but no promises 
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da1e3e · 1 month
☆ 𝑼𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 ☆
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| ⋆ [Welcome to part 1 of my Unexpected Nights series! <3]
| ⋆ Pairing: Non!Idol Heeseung x Fem!Reader
| ⋆ Genre(s) : Strangers to lovers - Contains [Smut, Fluff, and Angst]
ⓘ Warning ⓘ - Chapter contains: Attempted S3xu@l Assault
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
An average Night of yours quickly turns into one you least expected…
⋆ As the morning sun arose, grazing me with it’s sun rays, I awoke. I gave out the most serious stretch, finally opening my eyes. I hurdled out of bed opening my large apartment windows, afterwards going to start on my morning routine. Once I was done with that, I headed straight to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. I smiled at the thought of making Waffles, eggs, and bacon, and quickly began making it. Usually I don’t make breakfast, but today felt different. I felt that today was gonna be a good day.
As I was flipping my bacon, I got a call from my bestie. I quickly answer, putting the phone to my ear, holding it with my shoulder. “Good morninggggg!” I say excitedly. “Hiii, good morning queen!” she replies back in the same tone. “What’s up?” I asked, putting the bacon on my plate. “Sooo, I have news.” she says, as I can almost hear her smile through the phone. I grabbed my food, sitting down at the island, “I’m all ears” I say. “So, my dad got me an invitation to this Nightclub, and he allowed me to bring a plus one.” she says seriously. I begin eating,“Okay, keep talking-” I munch in her ear. “Well obvisously your coming with me- but the thing is, I heard a Hot Bachelor Ceo- that’s young by the way- was gonna be there tonight. He’s being accompanied by his Father, anddddd he’s SOO foineee- I wanted us to see him in person .” She giggles, almost squealing. I wasn’t suprised at what she said. One thing about her is, her father is DROWNING in money, so she always got what she wanted. To me, she reminded me of a spoiled, but humble child. “Pookie, you know I don’t do clubs- and I-” before I could explain myself, she interrupted me “Okay! I’ll pick you at 10 okay! dress nice-” she said lastly, hanging up. I sigh, finishing my food. [She’s a damn headache] I think, laughing to myself. But she’s my best friend, and after a long second of thinking, It was safer for me to go with her regardless.
Once I was done with my breakfast, I headed to to go to work. I entered my office, seeing the one face I wish I didn’t have to see. “Good morning Miss Perfect, I have some documents for you” Said my annoying collegue. His name was Anton, and he made me pop a vein almost every morning. He swore up and down that we’re in a challenge for a promotion, but to be honest… I don’t give a damn about a promotion. I’m happy exaclty where I’m at. “Alright, put it on my desk..” I replied, setting my stuff down. “Just so you know, the Director is holding me for employee of the month.” he sneered. “Okay Anton, you can leave now.” I smiled faintly. “My pleasure, Loser.” he finalized, leaving. I sighed, sitting down and getting to work.
After what felt like a trillion hours, around 9:00, I finally closed out the tabs on my computer and started gathering my stuff. Heading out the door, as I go to my car, I remembered something I had forgot. My best friend. I quickly got in the car, racing to get home. I was so in my work, I forgot about the whole task she gave me. Once I got home, I hurredly showered, starting to get ready. Once I was done, I put on some make up, with a black pencil dress with fluffs at the bottom, and my sleek office red bottomed office stilettos. I fixed my hair in a neatly place messy bun, and put a necklace and watch on. After I was done getting ready, I texted my best to let her know I was ready.
After she scooped me up, we headed straight for the club. “So- are you excited!” she asks excitedly. I sighed, “You know I don’t do clubs…however someone has to keep you safe.” She looked at me, bursting out laughing. “You? protect me? I already have so many body guards following me- and besides, I want you to have fun okay.” she cooed. I sat back, sighing even harder.
Before I knew it, we arrived at the Club. It was a grand building, which made me wonder, [Is it a Nightclub.. or a Ballroom..?] I’ve never been to one… so I wouldn’t know. But anywho, we parked, and entered. As soon as we walk in- the smell of liquor and loud music music greets me. As I looked around, it kind of reminded of like- a very party like ballroom. Everything was fancy, letting me know I definitely didn’t belong here. I already wanted to go back home… but I pushed through. I haven’t been out in so long… and this was my chance to enjoy myself. My bestie grabbed my hand, pulling me around through a large croud of people, and Finally, we hit this private area. The entrance had large doors, carefully embroided with what seemed like expensive leather. It wasn’t long before I knew that this was definitely the…
“Welcome to Our VIP section.” a voice says, opening the large doors. I should’ve already knew, but It was still a bit of a surpise to me. And not only that, my heart was racing. I was hoping and praying that wasn’t too underdressed. We walked in, the escort leading us to a table. I felt relieved after finding out that I honestly blended in with everyone else. I sat down, awaiting for what was next. “So, i’m gonna go find this idol- and you just relax okay!” she rushed. “O-okay, don’t go too far!” I replied. She then nodded and went on her way. A waiter then came over to me, asking me if needed anything. Since I was here, I may as well make myself comfortable.
After about half an hour sitting, I ate a couple things and got on my phone. Scrolling through some reels, I heard a voice call out to me. I look up to see a man, well dressed with a nice slick hairstyle. He sat down next to me, and started making small talk. “So, how much… for just one night?” his hungry stare, moving up and down my body. “Uhhm..” I say, crossing my legs, putting my hands over my lap. “What do you mean sir?” I give a nervous chuckle. He leaned over to my ear, and whispered “How much to fuck you all…night…long..” I cleared my throat, getting up suddenly. I couldn’t believe this man had the audacity to ask me that. I sped walk in the direction of the bathroom, hoping the man would not follow me. Sure enough, he was behind me. I panicked, quickening my pace. I try to lose to him, leaving the VIP section. I wonder around the building, looking for my best friend but she was nowhere to be found. Unfortunetely, I run into the man, running to find anyone who would help. “YOUR GOING TO REGRET THIS- COME HERE!!” He shouted at me. After realizing no one was in the halls to help me, I ran into the first room I could.
I bursted into a VIP room, that had a man and three body guards in it. I fell to my knees, putting my hands together in a prayer position, letting all my tears fall. “P-please help me!!” I cried, watching the guards run to me. “Wait.” the man sitting said. I couldn’t see his face, only his clothing, as to which he had on a animal printed button up, with black slacks. Just when i felt at ease- the man that was just chasing me, bursted through the doors. “YOU WHORE- YOU’LL PAY FOR MAKING ME RUN!!” the man shouted at me, attempting to grab me, but got stopped by the guards. “What are- GET OFF ME YOU FOOLS! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!” he snatched his arm back, yelling. With a quiet swiftness, the mysterious man then snapped. With distinct order, they followed the command. They grabbed his arms, carrying him out. As soon as the man was out, I cried, bowing my head on the carpet. “T-thank you” I sobbed, wiping my tears. I’ve never felt so appreciative in my entire life. “Are you alright?” the man question. I nodded, saying “Yes.. Thank you…” finally standing up. “Good. cause that’s gonna cost you.” He said coldly. He then snapped again, making the guards leave the room. I just couldn’t get a break. I stood still, watching as he got up and walked over to me. I flinched, as he sqautted and grabbed my chin, making me look up at him. I didn’t get a good look at his face before, but now- his face was clear as day. “You belong to me now.” He said lowly, rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip. I quickly fell back, scooting away. “W-what?!…my life was in danger- you didn’t have to save me!” I shouted. He chuckled, running his hair back. “But I did.. so now you owe me…” He said calmy, getting up and walking over to me. He then grabbed my arm, picking me up and dragging me over to the love seat. He set me down, planting his hands on the seat on both sides of me, looking me in the eyes. “Either you give…or i’ll take it from you.” as his terrifying breath fanned my face, a tear couldn’t help but roll down my cheek. My night just couldn’t get any worse.
⋆ To be Continued…
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We'll Fix It Together
“What the shit are you doing?” “Trust me.” Trust me. Mobius couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Loki was spiraling yet he continued pretending like everything was fine. Mobius knew better. Something was going on that Loki wasn’t telling him and Mobius was going to find out what. Or, a story in which Loki and Mobius work together to find a solution to save the multiverse and everyone in it.
Words: 4,726
Rating: T
Tags: Loki (TV) Season 2 Spoilers, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Whump, Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Loki Gets a Hug (Marvel), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Temporary Character Death, Time Loop, Mobius figures out what's going on, power of friendship saves the day, everyone gets their happily ever after
Mobius M Mobius had learned long ago to expect the unexpected with Loki. He was a god of seemingly never-ending talents but there was one talent Mobius was sure Loki didn’t possess. Loki was not a theoretical physicist. At least he hadn’t been two minutes ago.
“But, Loki,” OB began as they entered the Temporal Loom’s observation deck “Even with Victor’s Throughput Multiplier, the rate of timeline expansion is too-”
“It’s not too expansive,” Loki interjected, answering OB’s question before the technician even had a chance to ask it. “Now that we’ve added the Lorentz device, we’ll be able to match the vacuum expectation values of the Loom, thus lowering the Timelines speed of expansion to near zero.”
“But that’s-”
“Impossible? It’s not. See, the device will allow the Timelines to fluctuate at their lowest energy state, retaining their vibrational motion which– in turn– allows us to stay ahead of the curve, expanding the Loom’s capacity before the expansion rate exceeds the output. It was a brilliant idea, OB, brilliant! Amazing work. It’s going to work this time, I know it.”
This time?
The god continued chattering away, speaking a thousand words a minute and Mobius narrowed his eyes. He’d seen Loki excitable but this was another level. Loki’s shoulders were tense, his breathing quick, and his eyes were bright with what could only be described as manic exhaustion.
Something was off.
“Now, Victor,” Loki exclaimed. “I need you to reroute all the energy from Operations to here, there’s a book of passcodes in the drawer to your right. And- Casey! Casey, what are you doing standing over there? You’re supposed to be next to OB. You know what, doesn’t matter, I need you to-”
Loki was moving too fast. He needed to breathe.
“Loki,” Mobius murmured. He stepped between Loki and Casey, putting a hand on the god’s chest, hoping to still him.
“Casey,” Loki continued, stepping around Mobius and politely shoving aside his hand, “we need to widen the voltage input and invert the temporal decay.”
“What about the ion decoupler?” OB asked.
“It’s fine. We’re gonna route it directly with the primary compartment.”
“Won’t it overheat?”
“No, it's not going to overheat ‘cause we’re going to allow it to interface with Timely’s adaptive exponential computing system. Those upgrades will allow the Loom to scale the capacity to manage the branches. The rings,” Loki made a circle with his hands, “the rings are too small, we’re gonna make them bigger. Let’s go!”
Mobius shook his head in disbelief. When had Loki learned all of this? His knowledge of mechanical engineering was on parr with OB’s now.
“Better watch out OB,” Mobius crooned, “looks like someone’s-”
“Someone’s coming for your job! That’s right. OB, watch your back!” Loki finished mockingly like this wasn’t the first time he’d heard Mobius make that joke. He let out a hysterical chuckle.
What. The. Fuck. Something was off. Something was wrong. And Mobius needed to figure out what.
“Casey,” Loki exclaimed, “get the multiplier down to Timely as fast as you can and-”
Mobius grabbed Loki by the lapel of his jacket and yanked the god around.
“What the shit are you doing?” Mobius seethed.
“Trust me,” Loki quipped.
Trust me. Mobius couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Loki was spiraling. There was something going on that he wasn’t telling him and needed to let Mobius in; he needed to explain what the hell was going on. Mobius kept his hands clutched firmly on Loki’s jacket.
“I know what I’m doing.”
Loki turned back to the computer and entered in a code he definitely hadn’t known earlier that day. A chill crept through Mobius as the pieces started coming together.
“Casey,” Loki suddenly barked into the intercom. “Don’t forget to latch his helmet. Latch. His. Helmet. Okay…” Loki wiped at a bead of sweat on his brow with a trembling hand. “And now we reconfigure the locking mechanism– can’t forget to do that again. Alright. Measurements look good. Dock secure. Yes, here we go. It’s gonna work this time.”
This time. There was that phrase again.
Mobius’ heart plummeted to his shoes with a sickening realization. Suddenly, everything made sense: Loki’s timeslipping, his frantic mood, the eerie way he was able to anticipate everybody’s questions before they had a chance to ask them.
Casey came up from the loading dock. “Mr. Timely’s ready.”
“I know.”
I know.
This wasn’t the first time Loki had lived this moment.
Loki moved back to the keyboard.
“Access denied,” a computerized voice sounded overhead. “Password required.”
The only question was how many times had Loki lived this moment.
Mobius put a hand over Loki’s before the god could finish typing in the password. “Loki.”
“Mobius?” Loki flinched. “What are you-”
Read the rest on AO3
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s-creations · 1 year
The King Arrives - Chapter 3
(A few days after ‘Plant Care’ from ‘Hues’ Collection)
Everything felt off.
Everyone was on edge.
Something was wrong.
They don’t have long to fix it.
Fandom: Super Mario & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships: Luigi & Mario & Wario (Nintendo) Warnings/Additional Tags: Violence, there is cursing!, fighting ghosts, separation, illusions, here we go!, this is gonna get crazy!
“Alright, so, let’s run through this again.”
“We have very limited time to fix this issue. We’re not 100% sure where the Boo that’s causing this is located. As well as where Mario’s been placed. And I don’t think we have the time to see if clearing out more Ecto-Ghosts would help us in this situation.”
“Welp, that’s it, we’re dead.” Wario stated.
Peach sighed weakly, “Not helpful…”
“So what do we do? There’s nothing we can do. Either because we don’t know where to go or we don’t have the time,” E. Gadd hummed, “Yes…I think we’re well and truly stuck.”
Letting out a devastated whine, Luigi looked back to the computer screen. Eyes scanning the information. As if something was going to magically pop out to solve all their problems. “There has to be something…anything! When you saw the large area of energy, was it moving slow? Fast? M-Maybe we could predict-”
“Sonny, I honestly couldn’t tell you. It was a small blip on the scanner that it means nothing. As well as you seem to forget this place is a maze now! With that shake, the entire castle could have reformatted in some way.”
Biting his lower lip, Luigi gripped his hair as his mind scrambled for some kind of solution. Eyes eventually lighting up. “W-What if we killed two birds with one stone?”
Peach gasped softly while Wario gleefully commented, “Well, a little barbaric, but I’m down for it.”
“Calm down, you youngsters,” E. Gadd waved his hand, “It’s a human turn of phrase. We’re not actually going to do that. What are you thinking, sonny?”
“Divide and conquer,” Luigi started, “When we went out the first time, we thought if we just cleared out enough ghosts we could find the way to fix it. But we don’t have time to do this again. So we do this a different way.”
“We go out and capture more of those Ecto-Ghosts. Even if it doesn’t help clean up the scanners, maybe it’ll upset whoever’s in charge enough to have them slip in some way. Even then, we can be in a position to keep an eye on the scanner, so if something does come up, Wario and I will head that direction immediately. If this Boo is issuing a challenge, then we need to show that we’re ready for it.” 
E. Gadd slowly nodded, “In theory, yes, it could work… But we technically have one more issue to focus on.”
The professor pulled the Poltergust closer, holding out the nozzle. “While I’m super impressed that my creation could capture a Boo, I don’t think it’ll be enough to tackle the big Boo. The vortex, sure. But definitely won’t be able to contain it. Especially if you mean to capture other ghosts before the face down.”
“So we need to contain in another way… How do your containers work?”
Practically giddy about going over his inventions some more, E. Gadd said, “Oh, it’s quite simple actually. See, it all comes down to energy. Both positive and negative. In simplistic terms, ghosts are negative energy. That’s not to say all ghosts are ‘evil’, negative doesn’t measurably mean bad. But since ghosts aren’t living beings, their energy is negative.”
“So…dead energy?” Luigi asked.
“Rightly so! Good analogy. My containers work with ‘positive’, or lively, energy. The easily created form would be electricity. When ghosts are caught in the vortex, it’s not wind that captures them, but a positive charge current.”
“And since positive and negative attract,” Luigi excitedly continued, “Ghosts are basically stuck. Like magnets!”
“Exactly! Well done Luigi!” E. Gadd exclaimed.
“How does this science speak help us?” Wario called out.
Luigi beamed as he faced the other, “If we can positively charge an inanimate object, a big one, we can trap this leader!”
“I can do that, with my Thunderhand!”
E. Gadd clasped his hands together, “Yes, yes, that could work! You give a strong enough charge, you can make your own container!”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Wario frantically pulled Luigi away. Making sure he had the younger brother’s attention. “This is dangerous in so many ways. First big one that comes to mind is that you haven’t been trained to use your powers.”
Luigi shook his head. “It doesn’t hurt me and I’ll be using it on an object, not a person. No one but the ghost is going to be hurt.”
“Also, ghosts don’t really feel pain. Just wanted to quickly put that out there.” E. Gadd interjected. Slowly backing away as Wario glared down at him.
“You’re still putting yourself in direct danger,” Wario weakly argues.
“We’re all in danger if we don’t get this solved,” Luigi frowned, “Please Wario. I know what you promised Mario. But you can’t let your worries stop me. I know what to do, let me do this.”
Wario was more than a little shocked by this. But he eventually let out a soft laugh, playfully pulling Luigi’s cap down. “Alright hero, let’s play this your way. Where do we start?”
“I have an idea of what to use, I just need to have a clear path to it,” Luigi answered with a smirk, “E. Gadd, could anything be used as a container?”
The professor nodded, “In theory, yes, but it’d have to be pretty sturdy.”
“How about a frame?”
Time: 3:02am Stability Lost: 94%
“Move with a quickness, but don’t do anything stupid.”
“Those are two conflicting orders you just gave, professor.” Wario commented dryly.
“We’ll do our best,” Luigi quickly answered, “Just try and keep us as up to date as possible.”
“I’ll give it my best. But even with what the Toads are collecting, we still have a lot of interference.”
“Just…please call us the moment you see anything.”
“...I will.”
Luigi let out a slow sigh, eyes traveling over the darkened walls. Hearing the Toads from the nearby rooms doing their best to capture as many ghosts as quickly possible. Worried over the broken segments of the once sturdy castle falling away to show the void they were all trapped in. Wishing there was something more they could be doing. Time was ticking down. He could only hope that this would work.
“Hey,” Wario smirked when Luigi looked over to him, “Mario’s gonna be really proud of you when he hears about this.”
Luigi’s heart leapt. “Y-Yeah? You think so?”
“I know so! I’m blown away at how well you’re handling all of this. Probably the most level headed out of all of us. …Minus that professor. I can’t imagine how proud and impressed he’s going to be when he hears all of this. You lead the charge against the capturing ghosts and you worked out a plan. You’ve been on fire!’ Wario gently shook Luigi’s shoulders, the younger brother laughing softly.
“I’ll feel better when all of this is over.”
“Fair… Can I ask you something?”
“Uh, sure.”
“This morning…or, well, yesterday morning, when everyone was losing their minds. When we had no idea what was going on. We were a wreck…except for you. You weren’t affected by any of this.”
“Huh…you know, I didn’t realize that.”
“Yeah, like, I knew something was wrong. But I was more worried about Mario. Just trying to make sure he was okay.”
Wario nodded slowly at that. “...You know what’s weird.”
“You and Mario seem to like…neutralize each other.”
Luigi blinked. “W-What do you mean?”
“Okay, well… Both of your powers seem to calm down when the other is around. No matter how unbalanced you’re feeling. Mario is literally willing to do anything to keep everyone safe, but especially you. His first instinct is to get you out of harm's way or to just take down the problem.”
“I really thought it was just older brother instincts. But what you said just now. About wanting to make sure Mario was okay. It…I don’t know, it just made it sound like you were immune to what was happening.”
Luigi paused to think that statement over. “...I’m not sure. I mean, we aren’t the only siblings here, right? Why would a pair from Earth be the thing to counteract so much?”
“I mean, I’ve seen siblings get along before. But not like you two.” 
“Maybe… With the conversation E. Gadd and I just had, I sort of theorized that it was my powers.” 
“Didn’t you say that positives and negatives attract?”
“I mean, yeah,” Luigi continued, “But we’re also talking about magic powers and ghosts. So, I’m not fully sure how all of this works. It’s all just a guess…”
As they reached a break in the hallway, both jumped when their communicators went off, Luigi answered first, “Professor?”
“I have good and bad news.”
“That’s not what we want to hear.” Wario replied.
“I found the source of the energy…sort of.”
“Sort of?” Luigi frowned.
“There are two.”
“You said before there was only one!”
“There’s another issue with this. While capturing the ghosts have helped, that’s not what caused the readings to appear.”
“This was…deliberate?” Wario voiced.
“If I had to take a guess here, one path leads to Mario. The other goes to the true source.”
“It’s a trap…” Luigi swallowed weakly.
“Can you tell which one is which?” Wario asked.
“No, both look exactly the same.”
Luigi frowned, “How close are they?”
“Complete opposite sides of the castle maze.”
“We’re really at a crossroads, huh.” Wario muttered weakly.
Luigi was about to reply when a heavy chill washed over him. Same as when he’d faced the Boos, same as when he’d first encountered an Ecto-Ghost, but he felt the chill bite into his bones. His entire right side felt as if it had become covered with ice. Without really knowing why, Luigi knew it was him being called.
“Can you get my brother for me?”
Wario frowned softly, but nodded. “Yeah… Be safe, okay?”
“You too…”
With that, they departed. Wario going left. Luigi going right. 
“Yes professor?”
“I’m getting some heavy interference coming through. I don’t think I’ll be able to talk to you for much longer.”
“Is everything set up where it needs to be?”
“Just as you requested.”
“Okay… See you on the other side?”
“You got this Luigi.”
The hum on the communicator cut off and Luigi was left alone in the darkness. The hallway seemed to stretch into the shadows, seeming infinite before him. His own footsteps were the only sound that broke through the eerie quiet. 
The darkness at the end was soon broken with the appearance of a large set of double doors. Ornate and colored a dark purple with black accents, towering over Luigi as he approached. The human unable to help but think he was walking towards the open mouth of some dangerous animal.
The doors suddenly opened, a deep rumble seeming to shake the floor. A black void now stretched before Luigi. Heart hammering as he stood before the emptiness.
The human jumped away hearing his name echo out from the open doorway. A deep laugh following it.
“Well, don’t just stand there… Please…come in…”
Taking a deep breath, Luigi squared his shoulders and walked in.
The door closed behind him.
Time: 3:58am Stability Lost: 94%
Just as the first time he’d faced the Boos, Luigi was surrounded by absolute darkness. Feet seeming to connect with solid ground he couldn’t see as he moved forward. Hands clenching the nuzzle, looking around fearfully.
It was quiet. 
It was concerning.
There was a sudden sound of a heavy thud. Luigi jumped back, only to scramble frantically as a sudden spotlight was shown. Letting out a relieved sigh, finding Mario, unable to hold back a wide smile as he walked forward.
“Mario!” Luigi rushed forward. Happily wrapping his arms around his brother. “You’re okay! You’re really cold. What happened, what did they do to you?”
The older brother pulled away slowly. Luigi’s happiness faltered slightly seeing the worried and exhausted look Mario gave back.
“Why didn’t you listen to me?”
“W-What? What are you talking about?”
“I told you to find Wario… I told you to run.”
“I-I know, I know you did, b-b-but I wasn’t just going to leave you-”
“Why do you always make this so difficult?”
Luigi took a step back. “What?”
“I told you to get away, to run. I knew I could handle this on my own. I didn’t want you getting in my way. Like you always do.”
Mario’s voice was cold and neutral. Cutting through Luigi like a knife. “M-Mario-”
“Why do you think I keep leaving you behind? This world was built for me, and I’m not going to let your fears rule over my life.”
“W-What about…the Piranha Plants? You said-” Luigi shivered weakly as Mario laughed. Sharp and icy.
“I said Peach wanted your help!” Mario laughed out, “She’s been so convinced that you’re supposed to be some great ‘hero’ too. It’s taken forever to convince her otherwise. This kingdom doesn’t need two heroes when it has me.”
Luigi weakly shook his head. “...Y-You… Y-You don’t mean that-”
“I mean every word. You’d be more useful rotting away in Bowser’s dungeon. I don’t need you.”
Legs giving out, Luigi collapsed to the ground. Tears fell from wide eyes as they watched Mario stalk forward. “You don’t… You don’t mean that- Please, Mario…”
Mario merely smirked, teeth sharp, staring down at Luigi with a cold glare. “Why would I need a weak little nothing like you by my side?”
Even with the pain and grief clouding his mind, Luigi felt something nagging at him. Feeling his world crumbling around him, he knew something about this just felt wrong.
This…This couldn’t be Mario…
It’s not!
Everything about this was…wrong…
You need to get back up!
How had Mario escaped? Wouldn’t he have come looking for them?
Weegee, get up!
Everything about this was wrong. Mario needed Luigi just as much as Luigi needed Mario. They were brothers. 
Those words…
“Those are my words.” Luigi choked out, tears no longer falling.
“What was that?” Mario hisses, eyes flashing purple.
“Those are my words, you’re using my words.” Luigi stood back up, wiping his cheeks before glaring at his brother. “That’s every negative, harsh, self-deprecating thought I’ve ever had about myself. Everything I’ve told you…and that you’ve always fought against.”
“I…” ‘Mario’ faltered, “I was… I’m using your words against you now-”
“You wouldn’t do that. You get upset, you get frustrated, you’re stubborn.. But you’re not malicious.” 
“What about Wario-”
“You were annoyed, sure, but nothing like this! You don’t act like this, you never would! I don’t know who you are, but you’re not Mario!”
Before the fake brother could get away, Luigi grabbed onto the nozzle, whispering ‘I hope I’m right’, and activating the black light. He shut his eyes tightly as ‘Mario’ let out a scream of pain. Only opening them again when the sound stopped. 
‘Mario’ had been replaced with a dress mannequin. Luigi let out a yelp when it clattered to the ground.
“You insolent little pest! Do you really think I would let a simpleton like you could truly face me?”
Luigi’s attention snapped up. His resolve falling, his eyes widening. 
A Boo, larger than Luigi had previously seen, was floating right above the shaking human. Soulless eyes, an inky black with a shining outline of purple, seemed to bore into Luigi’s soul. Feeling as if his insides were turning to ice. A mouth, currently twisted into a deep frown, showing off rows and rows of jagged teeth. Purple saliva dripping out from the down turned corners. Entire form an icy white, with a large jeweled crown resting on top of the large form. 
“After all the trouble you’ve caused, I don’t know which punishment would be more deserving. Being trapped in your own nightmares for the rest of your pathetic life, or just consume you whole now.”
“W-What… W-Who are you?”
The Boo laughed. “You, peasant, may call me King Boo. I’m about to become this world’s new ruler. …Once I get rid of you.”
Clenching his fists, Luigi glared back as best he could. He knew that his entire form was shaking, which wasn’t helping the situation. “W-Where is my brother, w-where’s Mario?”
King Boo laughed again, floating uncomfortably close to Luigi. The human felt as if his spine was about to break with how far back he was leaning. “You are a curious human. Fearful, panicky, a coward…”
Luigi felt himself tense further as the large Boo started to travel around him. A chill traveling down his spine.
“Yet you break through my illusions. No matter how powerful they are. You weren’t affected by my powers or the fear that I feed into the air. …You captured one of my Boos.”
Luigi heard the warning hiss in the last statement. “...I-It honestly wasn’t that hard.”
He let out a small scream and stumbled away as King Boo stopped short in front of him again.
“Should I rip off your mouth or tear out your throat for that comment?”
Luigi recovered quickly and glared back. “I-I’m not afraid of you-”
That got a roaring laughter from the Boo. “What an absolute BOLDFACE lie! You’re shaking like a newborn Yoshi.”
“O-Oh, I’m terrified! I would like nothing more than for this h-horrible nightmare to be over. B-But I’m not afraid of you. So, I’m g-going to ask again. Where’s Mario.”
“Well…if you’re so determined to see him…”
The double doors opened once more with a heavy slam. Luigi gave a quick glance to his only exit before facing King Boo. Already slowly backing his way towards it. 
“How about I give you a head start? Before I deliver your corpse to your soon to be broken brother.”
Heart hammering, Luigi’s legs tangled together. Causing him to topple to the ground. 
“Tick tock, I’m being generous as is.”
Back on his feet, Luigi rushed towards the double doors. King Boo’s cackle echoing from behind, seeming to follow the human. Luigi tearing down the long hallway that seemed to end much sooner than he remembered. Tucking himself into the first room he came across and slamming the door closed behind him. Pushing against the door as he waited to see if King Boo would come bursting through any second.
It was a tense first moments before Luigi realized he had more time than he previously thought. Letting out a shaky breath before stepping away from the door. Stealing his nerves and letting out a short, sharp whistle. Polterpup immediately popped up from the floor. Wagging his tail happily. 
“H-Hey pup. Ready to lead me through?” Luigi asked. To which they gave a bark, circling once and sat back down once more. “O-Okay. You know what to do…”
Polterpup phased through the door. Luigi waited a few more moments and stepped back out into the hallway. 
It was still quiet. 
“...No way I just lost him like that.” Luigi whispered in surprise. He couldn’t wait around. Filling his lungs with air, Luigi bellowed out, “What’s the matter? Bored already? You’re all talk and no show!”
That got an immediate response. 
A heavy, angry atmosphere fell over Luigi. The walls and floor alight with purple bolts of energy traveling through it. Items in the hallway now free floating, suspended dangerously above the ground. The large Boo taking up the entire end of the hallway. Harshly glaring down at the human.
“You were saying?”
“Oh shit.”
Luigi turned and ran. Feet pounding against the slowly breaking floor. Stumbling when something heavy landed right behind him. He didn’t look back. Focused on moving himself forward as quickly as possible. 
A flash of light caught Luigi’s attention. Polterpup turned left, Luigi following close.
Another long hallway filled with numerous doors lining them. 
“How many h-hallways did you make!” Luigi shouted, “You’re not very creative, are you!”
He let out a yelp as something heavy just barely missed, the hair on the back of his head ruffling as he just avoided it. Looking back showed a large, slime covered tongue being slammed into the wall. Which fell away to reveal the swirling void laying beyond it. 
Polterpup’s form disappeared behind one of the many doors. Luigi practically launches himself in with King Boo dangerously close behind. Clearly uncaring as the castle broke apart to accommodate his large form. Luigi left to jump between the large portions of the broken floor. Knowing he had to stay on the small path or he was going to be lost to the void. 
Once more, the spectral pup was the beacon of hope Luigi clung to. Following the corporeal form while mentally chanting, ‘I must be close, I have to be close.’
As Luigi took a sharp turn, King Boo unable to keep up, the human’s heart leapt. Finding Polterpup sitting by the door on the opposite side from where Luigi was.
Grabbing the nozzle and switching to the black light, Luigi waved the beam of light over the large Boo. Who let out a hiss, Luigi swearing he saw steam rising off of the other, hiding his face with his arms. Allowing Luigi enough time to run through the door and slam it shut behind him. Polterpup following close behind. 
It was strange to be back here after so long. Even if it was just the morning before. The broken glass was long gone, but the large golden frame was still leaning against the wall. 
“Thanks pup,” Luigi panted out, “Now, go hide.”
Polterpup whined softly. Clearly not like the idea of leaving the human alone. 
“Go, I’m not letting him hurt anyone else. I’ll be fine. Just go.”
Polterpup gave a small huff before phasing away. 
Letting out a slow breath, Luigi pulled off his gloves. His entire body warmed up as the blocked energy was finally released. A few small arches of electricity jumped between his fingertips. 
He could be amazed by this later. Luigi instead grabbed the nozzle once more and faced the door he’d just run through. Taking a stand as he waited for King Boo to finally arrive.
At some point.
Where was he?
Surely King Boo wouldn’t just-
“Found you.”
That was the only warning Luigi received when he was hit with a bolt of purple energy. Feeling his body turn cold before he was released, collapsing to the ground. 
“What was your plan here?” King Boo laughed, “That your little, dinky vacuum would hurt me in some way? All you did was piss me off.” 
Luigi let out a small groan as he got up onto his knees. Trying to stand once more, only to be sideswiped by the Boo’s large tongue. The human hitting the wall hard. Sliding to the ground, the clothes and skin burned from where the saliva had touched. 
“You are weak! I’d been hopeful your blood would have benefited me as your brother’s had. But I might be a bit disappointed on that front. At least we still have him to feed on.”
Luigi looked up weakly, “T-That’s why you t-took Mario…”
“Boos don’t care about hunting. If our victim escapes, we don’t follow. We don’t go out of our way to invade… Until I met your brother.”
Luigi had gotten himself back up. Leaning against the wall he’d been flung into prior. A flicker of movement behind King Boo catching his attention. Seeing Polterpup holding the frame in their mouth. Slowly floating closer to Luigi, clearly keeping an eye on King Boo in case they needed to run.
“S-So what?” Luigi asked weakly, “What about Mario? You guys got a taste of his blood, b-big deal. W-Why do you get to be the b-big leader to call the s-shots?” 
King Boo laughed softly, mouth stretching wide. “Who among us do you think actually sank their fangs into his flesh?”
“Human blood…is such an interesting delicacy. Very enlightening, if you catch my drift. By the look of horror on your face, it appears you do. We thought his fears were delicious. But his own life essence is what made me.”
“...What are you going to do to Mario?” Luigi whispered.
“Feast on his worst nightmares for as long as possible. Then drain him. But don’t fret, you won’t have long to worry about this. You’ll meet the same fate soon enough.”
Luigi felt his powers crackling as his anger rose, bubbling in his stomach. “I am going to make you regret ever going after my brother.”
“Oh really?” King Boo hissed “And what are you going to do about it?”
“Return the favor.” 
King Boo let out a small hiss and floated back as Luigi flashed the Strobe Bulb. Allowing the human the needed few precious seconds to run past. Barely avoiding the Boo’s teeth as King Boo gnashed down. Grabbing the golden frame from Polterpup’s mouth, placing it on the ground with the nozzle propped against the top.
Just as King Boo turned to face the human, scowling deep and crown crackling, Luigi activated his own powers. 
Bolts of pure white energy encapsulated not only the frame, but the Poltergust and surrounding area as well. King Boo faltered as his illusions faded away. Letting out a shriek as he was trapped in a familiar but far more powerful vortex. Letting out hisses and cries of pain as the bright bolts contained him. Pulling him to the suddenly glowing frame. 
Luigi held his ground as King Boo fought back. The human focusing on holding onto the frame. Feeling something pulling at the back of his overalls. Overworked mind providing that it was Pulterpup, doing their best to help Luigi keep his ground. 
The entire hallway seemed to tremble and shake over the struggle happening. Two large powers fighting against the other. Area crumbling as it could contain the energy that was building.
“You little pest!” King Boo growled out.
"You did this to yourself! This is a warning to you and your little minions! Stay away from Mario!”
Getting on final surge of energy sealing King Boo away in his decorated prison. 
The human was launched away from said frame as it sent out a pulse of clashing energy. Luigi tumbled until he hit the wall once more. The Poltergust gave out a heavy cracking sound. Polterpup whined softly as they rushed over to Luigi, laying across the dazed human’s lap.
The frame gave one final shutter before clattering to the ground.
Luigi panted hard, eyes still wide, with his hands still crackling. He started to stand, only for the entire castle to let out a heavy groan before beginning to shake. Luigi and Polterpup huddling close together as they wait for everything to calm down once more. 
The ground soon stopped shaking…
The area became lighter…
Daring a peek, Luigi slowly lifted his head. The heavy air was gone. It didn’t look like the caste was breaking apart. There was the sound of a gentle breeze and birds chirping from outside.
Luigi slowly relaxed. Polterpup shaking themselves out of Luigi's hold, panting happily. The human letting out a shaky laugh upon seeing the familiar town resting below the castle upon reaching the window. 
“...We did it… It’s done… It’s over-”
Luigi jumped back when the golden frame violently shook. King Boo still clearly trying to break free. The human shrinking away as Polterpup stood between him and the frame, growling at it.
“You little pest! As long as I have followers. As long as I have a conscience. As long as I know you’re still breathing… I will come back. I will hunt you down. You’ll never know rest for as long as I’m here. Your last breath…will be done by my means…I promise you this…”
The frame stilled once more. Wide eyes staring it down as if waiting for it to jump to life once more. Despite Polterpup’s whines of worry, Luigi cautiously walked forward. Eventually close enough to lean over to see what happened.
The internal section of the frame had turned into what Luigi could only describe as a painting. King Boo's face taking up the majority of the given space. Glaring out at the world before him, eyes burning purple. Still moving slowly, Luigi picked the frame up. King Boo didn’t move. All was still quiet.
Letting out a slow sigh, Luigi tucked the frame under his arm. Turning to Polterpup hearing the spectral pup whine softly. “It’s okay pup… I think he was all talk, I don’t think he’ll be back… Come on, let’s go check on the others…”
Opening the double doors revealed the Great Hall. The area as bright as the area he’d just left. Everyone clearly felt the same relief as Luigi. Knowing that the danger was gone. 
Luigi perked up hearing his name called out by Peach and E. Gadd. Happily accepting a tight embrace from them both. “H-Hey-O… Everyone okay?”
“As far as we can tell, yeah.” Peach replied. 
“The Ecto-Ghosts and Boos fled!” E. Gadd beamed, “Your plan worked, well done Luigi!”
Luigi smiled weakly. “T-Thanks…um, the Poltergust. I think…it’s cracked…”
He passed said item to the professor, who merely shook his head. “It’s alright, my boy. Just cosmetic. Nothing major to worry about, an easy fix.”
“Luigi,” Peach whispered fearfully, “What is that?”
She was pointed to the frame. Which Luigi held out for the other two to look over. 
“He calls himself King Boo. He’s the same one who bit Mario. Says the blood made this change.” 
E. Gadd gasped eagerly as he took the frame. “Curious… So many questions. But that can be dealt with on another day. How are you feeling?”
“...Tired. A little sore…my hands hurt. I should put my gloves back on…” As Luigi slipped said item on, another thought hit him. Tired eyes scanning over the room. “Wario…is he back? Where’s Mario?”
Before either could answer, the double door on the opposite side opened. Wario walked in, looking exhausted but unharmed. Mario’s limp form resting in his arms. 
Luigi was pushing past the other two the next second. Running over, desperately pulling at Wario’s arms until Mario was passed over to him. Luigi collapsed to the ground as he held his brother close. Pressing his ear to Mario’s chest, relief hitting him hearing a steady heartbeat. He felt something cold pressing against him, knowing that Polterpup had joined him
“Where was he?” Peach asked. 
“Your parent’s old room, oddly enough,” Wario answered, “I think whoever was in charge of running the show made themselves really comfortable there. It was…weird… How’s everyone here?”
“Shaken, but fine. Everyone’s finally counted for.”
“So…we’re in the clear?”
“Looks like it.”
Luigi jolted when a hand was placed on his shoulder. Unaware of how close he’d been to falling asleep when he opened his eyes. Unaware of when he closed them. Blurry vision landing on Wario, who was kneeling in front of him. 
“Hey,” Wario said softly, “How about we got you and Mario to an actual bed, yeah?”
Blinking slowly, Luigi slowly nodded. He put up some resistance when Wario tried to collect his brother again. Only letting go because he couldn’t keep his hold strong. With Mario easily held up in one arm, Wario offered the other for Luigi to cling to. Which the younger brother took happily.
Twins in hand, Wario looked to Peach. Who nodded and gestured for him to go. “I want to check on everyone again and talk with the professor. I’ll join you shortly.”
“With doctors?”
“With doctors.”
Wario walked out, Luigi shuffling behind. Polterpup trotting along happily at their human’s side. 
Deciding on a guest room far enough away for the chaos of the Great Hall to not be heard, but not far enough before Luigi collapsed, Wario shepard everyone in. He was about to close the door when a flash of the night’s events hit him. Wario decided against it. Leaving the door open just crack.
Just in case.
The twins were non-responsive as they were placed down on the cushioned bed. Luigi did jolt away when Wario started pulling off one of his shoes. 
“Just me,” Wario whispered, “Figured sleeping in your shoes wouldn’t be comfortable.”
“...Yeah…” Luigi concluded, allowing Wario to finish before laying down. Pulling Mario close, forehead pressing against his brother’s. Polterpup claiming their spot on the foot of the bed. 
Exhaustion pulled at him, but Wario couldn’t settle down. He found an extra blanket to drape over the twins. Patted Polterpup’s head before turning to the fireplace, turning it on to chase away the dark and cold. Opening the curtain slightly to allow the slowly growing sunlight to pour in. Then, he paced the room while constantly checking that the twins were still sleeping soundly.
Wario wasn’t sure how much time had passed. But his mindless stupor was broken hearing the door being gently knocked on. Looking over to find Peach peering in. 
“Hey.” She said softly.
“Are they asleep?”
“Yeah… Little worried about Mario…” Wario fell quiet as a few Toad doctor’s came shuffling in. Walking over to the bed to check over the brothers. Both still unresponsive. 
Wario was led out of the room by Peach, who left the door open just as he had before. Joining at the wide window that showed a new day starting. Basking in the warmth the early morning sun provided. 
“Is it shameful for me to think we would never see the sun again?” Peach voiced weakly.
“Nah, I had the same fear as well.” Wario replied. 
“...Did all of this really happen in one night?”
“Are you tired?”
“Think you’ll be able to sleep?”
“Absolutely not. I want to keep an eye on them anyway.” 
Peach smiled knowingly. “Just in case?”
“Just in case…” Wario let out a sigh, shoulders dropping as he tried to let himself relax. It was over, they won. Everyone was safe. 
So why did it feel like a huge loss? 
The start of the answer came when Peach eventually whispered out, “I’m sorry.”
Wario, stunned by that, looked frantically over to the princess. “What? What are you talking about? Where you secretly working with the ghosts or-”
“I feel like I did.”
“Peach, come on, I… I don’t have the energy to figure out what you’re talking about.” Wario’s worries grew when Peach let out a weak sob, tears falling, “Peach, I need you to talk to me. You’re freaking me out.”
“Grambi, I don’t know where to start,” Peach choked out, “Last night… I kept reliving my worst fears. I saw my parents die again. I felt that sickening feeling when you stopped talking to me. I…I…”
“Hey, I’m here. I’m right here.” 
The princess shook her head, looking over to Wario with tears falling, “I’m scared of losing him.”
“Mario,” Peach whipped her eyes desperately, “It’s so silly the more I think about it. But I’ve become so attached to them both… I feel as if I’ve been so…horrible to them.”
“I really need you to back up and explain what the heck is going on in that brain of yours.”
“...I need to show you and Waluigi something.”
“I love him and I’m not going to lose him because I’m terrified.” Wario was a little shocked by the sudden confession, Peach seeming just as surprised. But she shook her head and continued, “I know that sounds silly to say. They haven’t even been here for a full year. Mairo and I had just made this connection. But I will do anything to keep him. Him and Luigi. I just…”
Wario reached out and wrapped an arm around Peach, who more or less collapsed against him. “How about we get some sleep before we go even more insane, yeah? We’ve all had a long night and this… You’re rambling.” 
Peach merely gave a small nod as a reply. The sound of footsteps drew their attention back to the room. The small parade of Toads giving small waves as greetings.
“Mario was dehydrated, but otherwise fine. Luigi had a few burns, a few bruises, but has been treated for both. Just let them rest…which you two should be doing as well.”
“Will do. Thanks for looking them over.” Wario said while leading Peach back into the room.
The brother had been tucked into the bed proper. Wario noticed two pairs of overalls draping over the foot board. Luigi was clinging to Mario once more, the older brother showing clear content.
Peach broke away to move a chair closer to the bed. Taking Mario’s hand in her own. Wario turned to Polterpup, who hadn’t appeared to have moved. 
“Were you a good…ghost? Caused no trouble?” The spectral pup let out a small whine before rolling onto their back. Tail wagging as Wario rubbed their stomach. “Good to hear.”
Wario pulled up his own chair. Settling down with a low grunt, reaching out to place a hand on Peach’s arm. A quiet understanding as they watched the twins sleep.
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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Welcome to Generation 4, and no spoilers but what the fuck. For reasons that will become obvious, I have to start this generation with a culminative update on everyone post-college. We begin, as all bad things do, in the main house. Sophito and Eliza have been invited over so we can ask their dumb asses to move in (since we’re over the household limit, fml) but we’ve ran into the problem of them refusing to get out of the hot tub.
-So babe, after we bang in the hot tub do you wanna knock my new teeth implants out? -You know it! -SOPHITO GET OUT ALREADY SO I CAN ASK YOU TO MOVE IN -In a minute, mom, gawd!
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-Do you think your mom will like me, Soph? -I can’t see how she wouldn’t after watching us have sex in her hot tub!
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-Great job knocking my son’s teeth out, Eliza! -Thank you, Mrs. Miguel!  -Please, call me Mom! 
LOL ya I had a feeling you two violent lunatics would hit it off. 
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In case you were wondering, Shajar remains THE WORST. Cyneswith is more excited to see Sophito again than his own mother is.
-Welcome home, son! You made your mama proud with all that hoeing, huhu!🌸
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Ah, it’s like we never left!
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Jojo is unironically 106yo so it’s wedding time, no time to draw this out at all.
-This wedding looks like garbage >:(
Excuse me?? I even got you those Celebration balloon chairs, I normally get the cheap garden ones and call it a day. If I even bother getting chairs at all, that is!
-I don’t care!!! I want my dream wedding!!!
Ya, best we can do around here is your dream divorce.
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-Oh Sophito, standing here with you, in front of our families who don’t give a fuck and June in a wedding dress, brings up so many emotions.. Mainly the urge to scream hysterically.. -It’s gonna be ok babe, just stay calm. Focus on me and the fact I managed to not pop the collar on my wedding suit!
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Awww, congrats guys!
-What the fuck is your mother wearing?
LOL sorry I forgot to change her formalwear!
-It’s still better than June’s. 
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Despite some small sartorial problems, this is actually one of the better weddings we’ve ever thrown? There’s smustling..
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..brotherly reunions..
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..more brotherly reunions..
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..and a zombie vs robot deathmatch! I don’t know what more Liz wanted, tbh.
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A great wedding, if I say so myself!
-It was not. 
Whatever! Time to move on!
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Daniel reunites with his bebes and meets their intendeds, who have moved in next door!
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-Blue Meatballs, what a throwback! Going from my brother to my daughter.. Wow, I REALLY don’t know how I feel about that.
Let me help, you feel happy! 
-Do I though?
Yes, because June is happy, God help us. 
-Ok then!
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June’s little sisters idolizing her is SO CUTE I CANNOT..
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..it also makes perfect sense as Cleo and Cecilia are the biggest fucking nerds I’ve ever played, I think I’m legit gonna go in a Curious Bros direction with them.
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We leave Daniel in perpetual happiness with Tara and his human and cat bebes-
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-and move to Asshole Manor! Ok you two, take a break.
-What? But that’s only the 8th time we’ve banged today!
-It really can’t, we’re 90yo! 
Ya exactly, so the time has come..
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..to reconnect, and in Gunther’s case, MEET your kids. Reginald stop thinking about crypto FOR 1 SECOND GOOD LORD
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It quickly becomes apparent that we’re dealing with a level of estrangement that a few visits aren’t gonna fix, so it’s time for Gun and Mel to take their kids on a vacation! Isn’t this exciting, kids? 
-Fuck our lives💜 -I’m a woman of science but I kept praying for our plane to crash.  -It’s only 3 days, guys, how bad can it be?  -Our rooms have no computers, Reginald. -That’s not a thing, then people wouldn’t be able give financial advice on the internet! -Ya, they are not. -YOU’RE LYING. GET AWAY FROM ME
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-Listen son, this isn’t easy for me to say.. -It’s ok, dad, I think I know what you’re thinking. -Then would you please get out so I can bang Melody in this sauna?
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-Let’s go, kiddos, this is gonna be fun!  -Uh, mom, where’s the pilot?💜 -I’m the pilot! -Since when?? -Since this very morning when I took a class! I’ve topped 7 careers, how hard can this be? 
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-I am relaxed.. I do not need to give financial advice on the internet..
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-I am centered.. I do not need to give financial advice on the internet..
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-I am floating.. I do not need to give financial advice on the internet.. -Hey kid, any suggestions on what to order around here? -You mean.. ADVICE on how to ALLOCATE your meal BUDGET?!?
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How’s it going, JuJu?
-Having a lot of fun eating soup with chopsticks💜  -Can we go home already? I’m losing career momentum, at this rate I won’t be Chief of Staff by age 23! 
Fine, fine, we’ve made some valuable bonding progress already:
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-Aaaaah, isn’t this great? -It sure is, mom!💜 -How many ‘get promoted’ wants do I need to roll before you take a hint? -You know, June, you get your workaholism from me!  -Oh ok then, that definitely makes up for being a teen girl growing up without a mother! 
OOF, ok this will take some time, let’s check out.
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We return home and June straight tops the medical career-
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-AT THIS AGE. I CANNOT. You know what will make this day even better??
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We’re officially Blueballed! Man, that doesn’t sound right. Look at Melody in her matching teal dress, supportive queen! 
-It seems like yesterday I was trying to break Lakshmi and Gunther up, and now here she is, marrying my daughter!
Ok, legit let’s not think too hard about this because it’s very upsetting. Julian and Stacy I’ve decided I will not marry since they don’t want to and they’re married in their 💜s anyway. Next household..
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..and I’m gonna let this picture speak for itself. I found out something genuinely shocking: BRIT AND HALF-ALIEN PROF ARE BFFS. Like they’ve been friends since BEFORE Trista banged Gunther, in her memory panel she become besties with Brit first?? Wtf. 
-We’re gonna be family now, isn’t that exciting, Brit Brit? -OH YA, IT’S EVERY MOTHER’S DREAM: HER SON GROWING UP AND MARRYING HER BEST FRIEND -I know, right?  -THIS IS SICK! -You’re on to talk, Castor, he’s probably into older women because of you and Brit!  -BRIT WASN’T MY PROFESSOR, TRISTA -I wasn’t Reginald’s professor either, I’m an art prof! So I’m broke to boot!  -I’m gonna go lie down. -Ya, right behind you, darling, but I think I’m gonna vomit first! Which is a shame because I just ate some excellent quail’s legs! 
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Brit is acting up against this marriage like a rebellious teen, soaping her own gaudy fountain.
-That will teach Reginald! 
It really won’t!
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What about now that Reggie gave birth to a beautiful ginger half-alien bb named BRITANNICUS? (I figured Half Alien Prof knocking him up made canon sense, hehe.)
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-Ok, I accept this🖤
Good! Time for our final household!
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Sugar and Claire! They adopted a bunch of Wulf’s 30 pets and moved into this beautiful house that I of course didn’t build.
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Sugar autonomously knocked Claire up the literal second they moved in so we had a shotgun wedding..
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..catered by Claire!
-What are these salads you guys are eating?? -Oh uh.. we kinda brought them with us.  -WHY -Uhh.. We don’t feel worthy of your food? -AWWWW. That’s true, you’re not! 
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Sugar actually started the military career at like level 8 thanks to his insane college grades and I was like wtf??
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-I got fired :(
Ya, that’s more like it.
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Claire is also doing shockingly well, she’s a lvl 9- 
-And I’ll be a level 10 once I figure out how ovens work!
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-and she gives birth to a beautiful bb whom Sophito attempts to kidnap after showing up uninvited, wtf. Anyway, the bb is a boy and I name him Spice! Now Claire has Sugar, Spice, and everything nice :)
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I don’t know what drugs Sophito is clearly on because it appears he came over to legit.. help the new parents? Like he fed Spice and then started cleaning? Very shocking stuff in this family.
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Sugar is a really good parent, I don’t know where the fuck he could have possibly learned this but it’s super cute!
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I’m so proud of you!!! And boy was that cavalier hat doing a lot of heavy lifting when it came to your face. 
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Spice grows up and the Don nose claims another generation :(
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-Ah, I’m so glad my son is learning this at age 2 and not age 12 like I did :)
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Claire is skilling like crazy because let me tell you, she is UNQUALIFIED AS FUCK. Like legit Wyatt-tier when he started as a SWAT Team Leader and was missing half the necessary skill points..
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..and it turns out to be a complete time waste because she tops her career by chance card LOL
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Congrats, Claire!!! 
-I knew I’d make it! Claire’s Frozen Meat Delights™ is going global! 
It sure is! Globally banned! What a perfect day, I’m sure nothing will ruin it! Why am I hearing hearts??
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-I couldn’t help it, we practically have the same face!
-My genes! 
BRUH. Real talk I legit didn’t know what the fuck to do with this, I haven’t felt as bad as I did for Claire since DANIEL. I think this is very true to life too, like how many hot girls ‘give a chance’ to some fug guy because he was nice/funny/whatever and he ends up cheating?? Fucking hell.
I quickly decide there’s no coming back from this because I even stopped Sugar and then he went back and BANGED JESSICA AGAIN and is full on in love with her:
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-so I invite Jessica over so Claire can catch them, this is truly BULLSHIT.
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Claire loves him so much she’s straight up heartfarting over him WHILE DIVORCING HIM. HE’S THE WORST
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And poor Spice goes into aspiration failure because he had a fear of his parents divorcing, amazing! Great job, Sug!
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Poor Claire immediately goes to teach Spice to talk so she can repair his aspiration..
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..and beats up Jessica’s dumb ass. She then rolls the want to go on a date and I’m like don’t have to tell me twice:
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WILFRED IS BACK LOL. Bro I still cannot fucking BELIEVE this has happened, Sugar was so loyal the entire time, I think once he got married it triggered the Cyn genes?? I have no other explanation for it. 
Now the question arises, what the fuck to do with Sugar, because I’m not playing a single Sugar household. So, with a heavy heart: 
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-It’s ok, bro! -You’re not judging me for destroying my family for no reason whatsoever? :( -Of course not, who am I to judge?
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-Sophito’s right, honey, your family, including your dad’s hot ass, will always be here for you with no judgment! Because we have absolutely no room to judge💗
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Sugar happily heads off to work the next morning along with Sophito but I’m not seeing him getting in the car..
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-Listen here, you absolute disappointment, as long as I’m head of this family you’re gonna be paying rent to live in my crypt! -Well that won’t be very long, you’re 108! -Sophie is gonna be head after me, so good luck with that! Now fork over that 55k bonus! 
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-I don’t have that, Claire got it in the divorce! -YOU FUCKING WHAT. SO WHAT DO YOU HAVE -The 20k I moved in with :( -THAT’S AUTOMATIC -I know :( -GET OUT OF MY SIGHT 
Welcome home, Sugar!
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Same, Sandy, same. 
109 notes · View notes
elenavampire21 · 29 days
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Warning mentions of sexual activity, p in v , kissing
Summary: Ethan gets a very surprising shock when seeing who his next client is and it’s someone very close to home
@worldofheroes @helloitstsyu @love2write2626 @elenavampire21
A Surprising Mission Client
Ethan,Luther and benji was busy discussing their next mission and who is the next target. That’s when Luther handed Ethan a folder with information and benji had pulled up a picture of you.
Ethan was so distracted with reading the information he was unaware you’re a girl and that you’re stunning. Benji glanced at Ethan then to Luther and rolled his eyes.
“So Ethan do you know what you’ve got to do and remember try and be careful getting the passcode, Ethan are you even listening to us.”
Ethan nodded his head and carried on looking at the information notes still never looking up to see your beautiful picture.
“Yeah yeah Benj I know try and be careful getting the passcode from the big scary guy whilst you come with me and Luther be lookout in the van I got it everything will be fine. It will be easy and simple.”
You’d gone into your secret room and checked the safe making double sure the passcode chip was safely and securely stored in. Slowly walking out and heads to your large walk in wardrobe and flicked through your collection of sexy bikinis and found the perfect black fitting one so slipping it on and heading out to your large pool.
As Ethan and Benji arrived at this big massive private mansion. Benji announced he was here to help fix your computer and Ethan was helping to ask for your help in finding something. The maids smiled and politely told both to head out back.
As they headed to the back both Ethan and benji admired your house and when they arrived to the doors that’s when Ethan slowly slid his sunglasses down.
Could he actually be seeing this a gorgeous stunning beautiful woman not a big angry annoying muscular man. You’d slowly swam into the middle then slowly emerged from the water revealing your perfectly fitted bikini that sculpted your figure perfectly.
“Ah hello you must benji and I’m guess this must be the infamous Ethan Hunt and I can tell you’re gonna try and get the passcode off me”.
Ethan automatically held out a towel for you as you swayed towards him and seductively wrapped the towel around yourself. Slowly eyeing Ethan up and down before heading inside to get comfy.
Benji looked at you and grabbed his laptop out and put up a plan of the mission.
“Yes that’s us, miss y/l/n we’re hoping you’d be able and willing to help us retrieve more information by allowing us to use the passcode chip you have in the progress of hopefully stopping this explosion.”
You’re quietly listening to everything benji is saying but sneak glances at Ethan who is unable to drop eye contact with your beautiful face.
“Okay I’ll let you have the passcode chip but only if you can do me one little condition” you were smiling and still staring at Ethan.
Both of them looked at each other then turned to look at you. Benji nodded his head and held out his hand to accept.
“Then we accept and want to know what is this one condition hopefully you can agree to the terms.”
You shake benji’s hand and smile then look at Ethan and gently places a hand on Ethan’s arm.
“Actually this one little condition requires mr hunts help but I do look forward to doing business with your team.”
Benji knew something was gonna happen and to politely leave. He was about to tell Ethan he’d be waiting in the car but Ethan indicated just head back to the safe house he’d easily get a taxi back.
Now that you and Ethan was alone he passionately kisses you whilst running hands down your waist and groans then slowly kisses down your neck and across your shoulders.
“Mmmh very good acting there I think you fooled Benji into actually believing we didn’t know each other and seriously you had to wear thee revealing bikini I bought for our first date naught minx.”
You move your neck to one side and moan and both aggressively start kissing each other and pulling back you playfully pout.
“Well I did learn from the master oh come on when can I get to tease my fiancé, does look extremely more sexy, benji will be supper pissed once he finds out about us kinda had a feeling he was flirting with me.”
Ethan raises a brow and looks unimpressed and shakes his head.
“Seriously one benji was not flirting with you and two I’ve never teased you a lot. Now can I please finally fuck my fiancée now.”
You wrap arms round Ethan’s neck and burst out laughing.
“Oh my god Ethan your jealous someone else is flirting with your fiancée don’t worry I’m all yours now let’s go deal with my little condition.”
That’s when Ethan taps you on the ass indicating for you to jump into his arms as he slowly back’s you onto the bed and slowly kisses down your chest and removes your bikini bra.
Both are passionately kissing each other and moaning Ethan slowly removes and throws your panties onto the floor next to your bra and quickly strips off he shuffles to hover over you and takes his hard cock into his hands giving it a little pump before lining himself up as sliding into your wet fold with a groan.
Gripping onto Ethan’s shoulders and arching your back letting out a groan and breathing becomes hitched.
“Ugh fuck yes Ethan mmmh love when your all riled and jealous, can’t wait to become your wife now are you gonna fuck me good missed not having your arms wrapped round me in the swimming pool today. Totally shocked you”.
Back at the safe house benji was worried wondering why Ethan hadn’t come back yet whilst Luther was relaxing and watching a football game. Benji was secretly trying to track Ethan’s phone and swears when he cannot access the tracking information.
“Fuck sake he’s totally switched his phone off ugh Ethan you seriously better not be doing anything dangerous and stupid.”
Back at your and Ethan house all that could be heard was skin hitting skin both of you two moaning and groaning as Ethan is pounding into you and squeezing your tits.
“Ahh ahh fuck oh god yes ugh Ethan shit I’m gonna cum hold me.”
Ethan fucks you harder and faster and can feel he’s also getting closer to release his cum with one big thrust he cum’s inside you
Ugh fuck yes baby cum with me I’ve got you mmmh missed cuddling and having sex in the swimming pool this morning.”
As you both try and catch your breath and feel Ethan collapse onto his back pulling you into him and softly kisses each other.
Looking and admiring Ethan you burst out laughing.
“Well that’s definitely accomplished my little condition and to be true to my word I’ll give you the passcode chip for the mission, babe I know you probably have to head back to the safe house but honestly I wanna just be held in your arms tonight I’ve missed you since you’ve left for your last mission it’s been weeks since we fucked, kissed or held safely in your arms.”
Ethan Still tightly wrapped you into his arms and gently stroked your face and sat up.
“Glad I got achieve this little condition, I’ll bring the chip straight to benji, hey baby listen I wasn’t actually planning on heading back to the safe house, honestly I’ve missed holding and cuddling you and I’m not going anywhere tonight. Hate that it’s been weeks since we fucked, kissed on you feeling safe in my arms.”
4 notes · View notes
Trial and Error: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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Sam and Dean's rooms are completely opposite of each other. Dean knocked down the wall separating two rooms so that you can have a much bigger room, but he managed to make it his own even with all of your things. Dean has different kinds of guns on the wall, his record player on a desk with his albums still wrapped in plastic on a rack beside the record player. You added some things such as cute throw pillows, a bean bag, and a desk with a computer and little trinkets on it.
It's a cute room but still has room for Dean's things to go. Sam's room is in a different hallway than you and Dean, so you decorated a room near Sam's so you or Dean can use it if you ever need a break from each other or are fighting. It's a good set up you all have, and you're glad you found this place.
"Wow," Sam comments from the doorframe. "Not bad."
"Not bad? I haven't had my own room since ever. I'm making this awesome. I got my kickass vinyl, we've got this killer mattress." Dean sits on the edge and grins happily. "Memory foam--it remembers me. It's clean, too. There's no funky smell. There's no creepy motel stains."
"I added a few nice touches with my magic. This used to be a queen bed," you grin.
"I'm gonna go fix us some grub."
Dean leaves his room, leaving you and Sam alone.
"Knocking down this wall was the best thing I could have done. We have a bigger bed, a bigger room, and a bigger closet."
"Yes, because you need that."
"Of course I do."
"How are you doing with the babies?" Sam asks.
"We're doing okay." You smooth your hand over your growing belly and tap it a few times. "They're both kicking, they're both healthy, and I can't wait until they're both here. Only two more months to go. What can go wrong?"
You turn to leave the room but you stop short when you see Amara standing in the doorway. Suddenly, you have a splitting headache the longer you look at her. You groan and hold your head, turning away from her. Sam immediately goes to your side and prepares to catch you if you fall over.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," you sigh.
"That wasn't nothing. What's going on?"
"I've been having headaches whenever Amara comes around. Really bad ones. Dean doesn't know. It's probably nothing."
"Y/N, that's serious. He should know."
"What is he going to do? It's nothing, Sam. If it gets worse, I'll let him know, but I don't want him to worry about nothing."
You pass by Amara without looking at her, ignoring the pain in your head. The farther you get from her, the less the pain is. Soon, you don't have a headache anymore, but it does get you wondering how harmful this is going to be.
Sam heads to the library and digs into more books. He's been reading everything he can, trying to soak up all this knowledge knowing that one day, he's going to need it. You take a seat next to him, and that's when Dean comes in carrying three plates with burgers on them.
"What are you reading?"
"Sort of everything," Sam chuckles.
"Oh, good. Somebody's gonna have to dig through all this, and it ain't gonna be me."
"You made these?"
"We have a real kitchen now."
"I know. I just didn't think you knew what a kitchen was."
"I'm nesting, okay? Eat."
You take a bite of the burger and moan at how good it tastes. You knew Dean could cook, but you didn't know it could taste this good.
"Wow," Sam says with a mouthful of food.
"You're welcome." Dean takes a big bite of his food when his phone rings. He finishes his bite quickly before answering. "Yo."
"Dean? Come quick," Kevin says on the other line in a panic.
"Kevin? What's wrong?" Kevin hangs up, leaving all three of you confused. "I want to finish my burger."
"Come on, he needs our help."
It takes five hours to travel from the Bunker to Garth's Houseboat in Missouri. Without detours and stops, it takes Dean less than four to get there. Sam and Dean take all the precautions when it comes to Kevin due to the kind of work he is doing. Dean enters the houseboat, but Kevin is nowhere to be found.
"Kevin? It's us," you call out.
Dean hears something coming from the bathroom, and he opens it to see Kevin on his knees, vomiting into the toilet. He has a bloody nose and looks absolutely wrecked.
"Found him."
"Get up," you instruct, helping him to his feet. Sam grabs Joanna so that she is out of the way, and you bring Kevin over to the table and make him sit down. He tries to move out of your grasp, but you glare at him in only a way a mom can do. "Let me see you."
"I'm fine."
"Shut up and let me look at you."
Kevin knows it's no use in fighting you, so he leans back and lets you examine him. With your magic, you're able to heal his bloody nose, clear up some of his sinuses, and relieve his body of pain. He sighs and closes his eyes, free of some of the pain he's been in for a while.
"Wow. You look like hammered shit," Dean comments and you glare at Dean. "Are you sleeping?"
"Not really."
"Are you eating?" you ask and cross your arms.
"Hot dogs, mostly."
"That is not acceptable, young man. You need sleep, a good meal, and a shower."
"I know, and I've been getting bad headaches and nosebleeds, and I think maybe I had a small stroke. It was worth it."
"What was worth it?"
"I figured out how to close the Gates of Hell."
"Come here, you smelly son of a bitch."
Dean gives Kevin a big hug, lifting him off the ground. He sets him down and scrunches his face up in disgust once he gets a whiff of Kevin.
"What does this mean? What are we looking at?" you ask.
"It's a spell, and it's just a few words of Enochian, but the spell has to be spoken after you finish each of the three trials."
Kevin hands over the piece of paper with the spell written down on it, but you pass it off to Sam who has a better understanding of the words. What with all the books he's been reading at the bunker.
"Trials like 'Law & Order'?"
"More like Hercules. The tablet says, 'Whosoever chooses to undertake these tasks should fear not danger, nor death, nor...' A word I think means getting your spine ripped out through your mouth for all eternity. Basically, God built a series of tests, and when you've done all three, you can slam the gates."
"God wants us to take the SATs?" you joke.
"I guess. Uh, he works in mysterious ways."
"Yeah, mysterious, douche-y ways. Alright. Where do we start?" Dean asks, wanting to get started.
"I've only been able to crack one of the tests so far, and it's gross. You've got to kill a hound of hell and bathe in its blood."
"Awesome," Dean smiles.
"Excuse me?"
"Hey, if this means icing all demons, I have no problem gutting some devil dog and letting Calgon take me away."
"Where are you going to find one?" you ask and cross your arms.
"Well, Hellhounds like to collect on crossroads deals. So, all we have to do is track down some loser who signed away his life ten years ago, and get between him and Clifford the big dead dog."
"That doesn't sound easy."
"It's not," you and Sam say at the same time.
"Look, you get on the net and see what you can dig up. I'm gonna go for a supply run because we need goofer dust, and the kid needs to eat something that's not ground-up hooves and pigs' anuses."
Dean leaves without leaving any room for argument. Your lower back has been hurting recently, so you take a seat on the only small couch that's inside the boat. You close your eyes for a minute or two, but when you open them, you see Amara on the other side of the boat. A splitting headache comes back to haunt you, and you're not able to hide it from Sam.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay."
"Y/N, this isn't healthy."
"It's fine, Sam. It's not a big deal."
If you admit to yourself that there could be a serious problem, then you have to admit that your babies aren't okay. Anything that has to do with your babies is serious, and you will not be putting their lives in danger. If Amara wants to cause trouble for you, then you'll power through it and deal with the consequences later.
Maybe if you don't admit there could be a problem, then there won't be one.
"Go take a shower Kevin," you say and focus on him instead of Amara.
"I don't really--"
"Don't make me get up and smack you. I said, go take a shower." When he doesn't move, you narrow your eyes at him. "Now."
"Okay, I will." Kevin heads to the bathroom with a pout, but when he comes back twenty minutes later, he looks a lot better. He shaved, cleaned himself, put on clean clothes, and took care of his body for once. "Okay, I feel a lot better."
"You look better. Mama knows best," you grin.
"Speaking of, you have to slow down," Sam says. He has been researching demonic signs anywhere that would suggest someone's ten years is up while you relax. "Get some sleep. Take a day off, and at the least, open a window."
"No. You said nuking hell is how I get out. That's how I go home."
"Kevin, he's right. That's how you get home safely, but you can't live like this."
"You think I want to? I hate it here. I can't leave because every demon on the planet wants to peel my face off. I can't talk to anyone except you guys or Garth when he swings by, or my mom. Right? When she calls, all she does is cry. I just... I need this to be over."
Your heart breaks for Kevin because he didn't ask for any of this. He got dragged into this because God made him a prophet, and you had to trample all over his life.
"Let me ask you this. How do you expect to do your absolute best here if you're not at your best? You need to take care of yourself or else you'll struggle more than you should. Work smarter, Kevin, not harder."
"I know," Kevin sighs.
"Taking one day off or even half a day is not going to kill you or anyone else. Get some sleep and recharge your body."
The heavy front door squeaks open, and Dean comes in holding a grocery bag of good food for Kevin to eat.
"Did you know that there are, like, 6,000 kinds of tomatoes?" He sets the bag in front of Kevin, and the young man can't help but dig into whatever Dean got. "Did you find anything?"
"Yeah. There had been demonic signs ten years ago in Shoshone, Idaho. Meet the Cassitys who are small-time farmers who struck oil on their land in February of '03, which is weird because geological surveys—"
"You had me at weird," Dean cuts his brother off. "Does it sound like a deal?"
"It's the best lead we have right now."
"Okay, let's go visit the Beverly Hillbillies." Dean gets up and turns to Kevin. "You stay here, work on step number two, and if you come across anything about Hellhounds, drop a dime, okay? Between the claws, the teeth, and the whole invisibility thing, those bitches can be real bitches." Dean reaches into the plastic bag and produces two bottles of medicine for Kevin. "I got you a present. The blue ones are for headaches, and the green ones are for pep. Don't O.D."
"Thanks?" Kevin sighs.
"Are you sure about that?" Sam whispers as they walk away.
"Sam, we are on the one-yard-line. It is time to play through the pain."
You groan and get up, grabbing Joanna's hand who has been silently playing with her stuffed dolls.
"Call me if you need anything, okay?"
"Thank you."
You follow behind the brothers back to the car where you strap Joanna into her car seat. Once everyone is in, Dean heads back on the road to make the twenty-hour drive from Warsaw, Missouri to Shoshone, Idaho.
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
HPMA AU; A Christmas Prince
Chapter 1: A Wayward Prince
Summary: Dawn’s boss Kerry Crouch requires he fly to the tiny kingdom of Alderly to write an article on the succession crisis that has been brewing there for almost a year. After the death of the previous king, the crown prince has been shirking his responsibilities, allegedly jet-setting all over the world, living the high life. Now, the interregnum is drawing to a close and if Prince Quentin doesn’t step up, the whole country could be plunged into chaos.
Words: 1.9K
Dawn Harvelle, Evan Harvelle, and Kerry Crouch by @potionboy3​
Pandora Lovelace by @gcldensnitch​​
Rocky Weasley by @magicallymalted​
Beginning | Next Chapter​
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Chapter 1: A Wayward Prince
Dawn stared at the cursor blinking back at him from his computer screen. The article he was editing was utterly incomprehensible, not to mention several hundreds of words over the maximum limit. He was not getting paid enough for this. He got up and scanned the office for Fischer Frey, the culprit behind his current headache. It didn’t take long to find the man, chatting away at the coffee maker.
“Get a load of my next piece,” Fischer was saying. “Ugly Christmas Jumpers of the Stars.”
“Celebrity jumpers?” asked his brother Colby. They were twins, but out of the two of them, Fischer was definitely the worse. “That’s riveting.”
“It’s going to be brilliant; I tell you,” said Fischer.
“Hey, Fischer,” Dawn interrupted.
“Not now,” Fischer said.
“This’ll take just a sec,” Dawn continued, ignoring him. “I just had a couple of questions about your article, the Fashion Week piece that I'm editing.”
Fischer turned towards him and gave him a withering stare. “What about it?”
“Well, see, the thing is that Kerry wanted 300 words, and this is 650,” Dawn explained. “And one of the designers you quoted wasn't even on the floor, so...”
“Look, Dawn, I really don’t have time for this,” said Fischer and took a sip of his coffee. “Just clean it up.”
“It's not just a clean-up, it's a major rewrite.”
“What are you, the executive editor now?” Fischer snickered.
“No, I'm just trying to explain that–,” Dawn tried. He was starting to get really annoyed, which was saying a lot, since Fischer pissed him off on most days.
“Just fix it,” Fischer said and walked away. Colby gave him an apologetic look and followed his brother. Dawn sighed and headed back to his desk, just to see Rocky and Pandora waiting for him.
“That went well,” said Pandora.
“Let me guess, you're gonna rewrite his stinky old article because you don’t want to lose this job?” Rocky asked.
“It’s sort of part of the job description, isn’t it?” Dawn said and sat on his chair with a heavy sigh.
“Technically we’re junior editors, not writers, so–,” Pandora started.
“I’m just going to muddle through this one and maybe one day I’ll become a real journalist,” Dawn interrupted. And maybe he was also going to murder Fischer Frey in his sleep.
“Maybe we can grab pints after work and shit-talk Fischer?” Rocky suggested.
“I’m in,” said Pandora.
“I’m probably going to need to rope you guys into a murder plot while we’re at it,” said Dawn.
Suddenly, the door to Kerry’s office flew open, and the boss himself peeked out. “Dawn, I have to talk to you, get in here,” Kerry called. Dawn looked at his friends.
“He couldn’t have heard me plot Fischer’s murder, right?”
“That old man has the ears of a fox,” said Rocky.
“He’s like the Chuck Norris of editors-in-chief,” Pandora added helpfully.
“You guys should’ve become stand-up comedians,” said Dawn and got up, heading towards the boss’s office.
“How can I help?” asked Dawn upon entering.
“Urgent business,” Kerry replied, taking a seat behind his desk.
“If this is about Fischer’s Fashion Week article–,” Dawn started.
“Forget about Fashion Week, this is something else,” said Kerry in an uncharacteristically enthusiastic tone. “Sit.”
Dawn took a seat.
“What do you know about the royal family of Alderly?” Kerry asked.
“Uh… the tiny country in Central Europe?”
“Yes,” said Kerry.
“Wait,” said Dawn, remembering following the news coverage last year. “Their king died, and the prince who's supposed to take over is a total flake.”
“A flake, an international playboy, a scandalous socialite…” Kerry added.
“Playboy Prince Quentin took off before daddy died, which wouldn't be a problem, except they have this interregnum thing…” Dawn said, trying to remember.
“The time between two reigns,” Kerry explained. “In Alderly, it's a maximum of a year, which is about to expire.”
“So, they need a butt in the big chair by Christmas day,” said Dawn. “But if the prince is MIA, then what happens?”
“That's exactly what you're going to find out,” Kerry said. “His Royal Highness is due back this weekend, but just in case he abdicates, I need somebody there to capture the fireworks.”
“In Alderly?”
“They have a press conference scheduled for the 18th, and I need boots on the ground.”
“Not to shoot myself in the foot here,” Dawn started. “But why me?”
“None of my regular writers can spare spending Christmas away.”
“Right,” said Dawn. He should’ve known it wasn’t about his talent. “I’ll think about it.”
Dawn, Rocky, and Pandora hovered over Dawn’s computer screen, looking at articles written about Prince Quentin of Alderly.
“This bloke is your assignment?” asked Rocky. “He certainly gets around.”
“Oh look,” said Pandora, clicking open another article. “Another secret girlfriend.”
“Brilliant…” muttered Dawn. He was annoyed just by the sight of the prince.
“Seriously, Dawn, this assignment could jump-start your career,” Rocky said.
“I know…”
“I say do it,” Pandora offered.
“I…” Dawn considered. He had planned on spending Christmas with his dad, and he wasn’t sure he could just leave him alone for the holidays. But then again, Rocky was right. If he pulled this off, it could really do wonders for his career at Beat Now. “I’ll talk to my dad.”
“Guess that means rain-check on the drinks?” said Rocky.
“Yeah,” Dawn agreed.
“Well,” said Pandora. “This is exciting.”
After work, Dawn went to visit his father. Evan Harvelle had put up a few Christmas decorations and was now making tea in the kitchen. Dawn was beginning to feel like he definitely couldn’t spend Christmas in Alderly while his dad was alone at home.
“Hey, listen. Christmas Eve,” Evan said, brigning two steaming cups of tea to the living room. “Instead of doing our regular pizza, I was thinking maybe we could go eat somewhere a tad fancier,” he suggested and then noticed the look on Dawn’s face. “What? Dawn, what?”
“My editor has given me a story to cover,” Dawn blurted out.
“Your own story?”
“It's about the royal family of Alderly,” Dawn explained. “The prince, he's a bit of a playboy, he might even abdicate.”
“Kiddo, this sounds like it's going to be your big break.”
“Yeah, but the thing is, I'd have to be away through Christmas, and I know that you'd be alone. I just–,” Dawn began, but his dad cut in.
“Sounds like you need a bit of Fatherly Advice 101,” Evan said. “Sometimes you just have to take a chance.”
“That’s… really deep, dad, thanks,” Dawn laughed.
Evan laughed too, and said: “What I mean is, you really want to write your own stuff, you’re always talking about it,” he took a sip of his tea. “So shouldn’t you stay true to your dreams?”
“Sounds like a fortune cookie,” Dawn commented.
“All right,” said Evan, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, the point is, don't worry about me, you go over there to Aldi-whatnot–”
“Alderly, that's it,” said Evan. “And you make me proud.”
“And maybe learn to appreciate my advice, it’s great.”
“Sure, dad…”
It had snowed in Alderly, because of course it had. Everything about the tiny country looked like it was intentionally made to look like Santa’s village. Dawn followed a hoard of other journalists out of the airport and joined a queue for taxis. It was a crisp day, and Dawn wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck.
“When is the prince supposed to arrive?” he heard one of them wonder out loud.
Another replied: “An hour ago, maybe he’s missed his flight.”
“Probably shacked up with some countess somewhere,” the first man continued, snickering.
Then Dawn was finally up for a taxi, and as he opened the door, a man rushed past him and got in without so much as a glance at him. Or maybe there was a glance, but as he was wearing sunglasses, it was difficult to tell.
“Hey!” Dawn protested.
“I’m sorry,” the man said. “I really have to go.”
“No but this is my taxi!”
“My apologies.”
“You can't just do that, you selfish twat!”
The man pulled the door shut behind him and the car sped away. Apparently, the cozy Christmas vibe was only for show in this country.
“First time?” asked a nice lady in a gray pantsuit once they’d all filed in to take their seats in the room reserved for the press conference.
“Sorry, what?” asked Dawn.
“First time covering the royals?” the woman continued.
“First time covering anything,” replied Dawn. He was beginning to realize he was in way over his head. “Any words of wisdom?”
“Pick a new career,” the lady laughed.
“Oh,” said Dawn. “Thanks, I guess?”
Right then, the double doors swung open, and a palace aide walked in. He made his way to the podium in the front of the room.
“I wonder if he’ll show up this time?” whispered a man behind Dawn.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” said the aide into the microphone. “Thank you so much for coming today. I realize you've traveled a great distance to be here, but I'm sorry to announce we're going to have to cancel the press conference. Prince Quentin is... unavailable at this time.”
“More like he's avoiding the press,” the man behind Dawn said.
“Does this mean that the prince is abdicating the throne?” asked the woman next to Dawn.
The aide looked distinctly uncomfortable. and said: “I can assure you, his coronation is very much on schedule, and will take place at the annual Christmas Eve Ball.”
“Then where is he?” someone in the crowd asked. Everyone raised their hands and thrust their recording devices forward, shouting out questions at the same time. The poor aide scanned the room.
“Uh, the polite young man with the red scarf,” he said, and Dawn realized he was looking at him. Many pairs of eyes turned to him, and Dawn cleared his throat.
“When are you rescheduling the press conference?” he asked.
“We, uh, don't have any plans for that at this time.”
“Is it possible to arrange an interview with Prince Quentin?” he persisted. He needed this story after coming all this way.
“There will be no interviews with the prince,” said the aide with a finality that dampened Dawn’s spirits. “Thank you so much for coming.”
“King Stefanos would never have done this,” someone said.
“Talk about a real jerk-around,” the man behind Dawn complained.
“Should've known it would happen with this guy, what a waste.”
“Drinks on me back at the hotel?”
As the crowd started to spill out of the room, Dawn made a spontaneous decision. He was not going to go home empty-handed.
Dawn used the commotion of scraping chairs and chatter to slip out of the room from a side door, instead of the main entrance. He wondered, briefly, if Alderly had the death penalty and if so, how lax they were with its implementation. He removed his press pass and stuffed it in his pocket. The door led to a fancy hallway decked out for the holidays. Nobody was there so Dawn took out his phone and snapped a few photos. He walked down the hall and entered another, similar room to the one that had held the would-be press conference. The walls were decorated with paintings of long dead people. Dawn was taking more pictures when he suddenly heard someone clearing their throat behind him. Dawn spun around, dread creeping up on him.
“May I help you?” asked a stern voice. Dawn was so screwed.
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