#weight loss shopping
zu-za-nn-a · 23 days
Chcecie body check motylki? Bez wciągania brzucha(totalne f@tspo ale może będzie to motywacja dla was żeby tak NIE wyglądać?)...
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thisisthinprivilege · 9 months
My experience with the thin privilege roller coaster
I've struggled with my weight since I was about thirteen years old. I'm now twenty-five, and I have been on both sides of the spectrum. I've experienced both thin privilege and fat discrimination. At my heaviest I wore a size 16-18 and weighed about 200 pounds at 5' 6" tall. I realize that isn't incredibly heavy and I still had more privilege than many people, but I was still what many people consider "fat." I couldn't shop at the same stores as my friends. American Eagle jeans? Out of the question. Better go to Old Navy and check out their "vanity sized" clothing. I could have shopped in "plus sized" sections, or even stores, but I was too embarrassed. I couldn't bring myself to even look at them.
I couldn't get a date to save my life, despite the fact that, over the years, there were several people I was interested in. But they always went for the thinner girls. I remember my dad telling me, "You know, you'd be really pretty if you'd just lose weight. I bet you'd get a boyfriend then."
When I was about twenty, something in my life changed. I transferred schools and was incredibly busy with my homework while also working 25-30 hours a week. I didn't have time for snacks and honestly, I didn't even think about eating most of the time. I was quite unhealthy, often only taking in about 800 calories a day. This continued for months until I weighed 145 pounds. 
And suddenly I was in a completely different world. People held doors open for me. They smiled. If I wore a skirt or shorts, I'd hear crude comments from men, and even the occasional cat call (this is not a good thing and I would never, EVER advocate men treating women like this; I'm simply commenting on the fact that it happened.) My size 8 jeans fit perfectly. I was far more outgoing and confident. I started going on dates and making friends with people who I thought wouldn't have even given my 200 pound self the time of day. I went to the beach for the first time in years. In all honesty... I was happy.
How sad is that? How pathetic is it that losing 55 pounds - in a very unhealthy way - just makes the world open up to you? Instead of people whispering about my weight, they were whispering to ME about OTHER PEOPLE'S weight. And the most sickening part of it all? I laughed along with them. I was happy to finally be included. 
Be it karma, a change in my schedule, or just settling back into old habits, I gained most of my weight back a few years later. Suddenly doors started closing on me. There were less smiles and more shoulder bumps from people who either didn't care or didn't notice me. Men stopped asking me out, and I was even turned down for a teaching job in Japan because of my weight.
Very few "overweight" people are able to say they wouldn't be happier if they were thinner. I'm not saying this to advocate thinspo - quite the opposite, actually. It's the fact that we live in a world that tells us thin people are harder working, more attractive, more intelligent... I'm sure I could expand this list for paragraphs. In many cases, thin people are more likely to be happy because doors (both literally and figuratively) open up for you when you're thin. My self-esteem plummeted when I gained back weight. It wasn't because I was a different person. I didn't magically become lazy or ugly or unintelligent. But the world believed I was, and so I believed I was.
I did lose weight again because I decided to take up running. BOOM - the privilege was back. But this time I aware of it. I remembered that fat me and thin me were the same person. Thin me is not smarter. Thin me is not more charming. The only difference between thin me and fat me is that, in the past, thin me could be incredibly cruel. But thin me will never discriminate against someone for being overweight again, because pounds mean nothing. They do not change who a person is, only the way the world perceives them. 
Although I have learned a lot from gaining and losing weight several times, I wish that this experience had taught me to be immune to wanting thin privilege. I wish that I could eat a bacon cheeseburger and not feel regret for days afterward. I gained some weight back over the winter because I stopped running, and now that the weather's broken all I can think about is wanting that thin privilege back. I keep telling myself "you need to lose ten pounds if you want to wear shorts this summer."
If you're considered "overweight" and you're comfortable wearing shorts, I think you're an absolutely amazing person for saying "screw you" to a world that tells you you shouldn't wear shorts. Because you should wear whatever you want to wear, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
For me, personally, I need to feel thin to allow myself to wear shorts. I care so much about what other people think, and I hate that about myself. So what do I do? I cut calories and push myself too hard at the gym. All because I want more thin privilege than I currently have. Because I want that single digit jeans size back. Because I like when people hold doors open for me, strike up conversations with me, and invite me to parties. How sad is it that to feel like a proper human being I have to feel thin?
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rainyfestivalsweets · 9 months
Grocery shopping/Food
Inflation is a huge thing right now and people keep asking how to lower your grocery budget. I grew up poor. Here are some tips I learned over the years. Just my opinions/tips:
There are alot of things a person can do to build food stability- IF you have the space and resources.
First one is gardening. An herb garden, a patio pot garden or a yard garden. I also did little stints of guerilla gardening, which is basically planting veggies in weird places. You can Google victory gardens to see how they used to do it back in the 40's.
Also, if you have a house with a yard, consider planting a fruit tree and some fruit bushes.
But as far as grocery shopping goes, if you have a limited budget & are on a weight loss journey, the first thing you should do is stop (or severely limit) shopping from the inside grocery aisles.
Because these foods might seem inexpensive, but it is really common to overeat those foods. They are designed to be hyperpalatable.
I recently saw an episode of Heavy where the person was cooking 3 boxes of some meal.... and eating them all.
If you buy these foods at all, you need to practice portion control with them. Check the box for the serving size and then divide it into individual servings before you start eating it.
It is really important that you don't beat yourself up for wanting this food. It is designed that way. Your body is a biological machine of sorts and it has evolved to *want* foods that have certain levels of fat, salt & carbs. It is because these are the foods that helped us survive.
When shopping the perimeter, I normally take a walk around to see what foods have volume so a low price. Some suggestions are potatoes, collard greens, radishes. But really, I will try anything that is low cost. Give it a shot and see if you like it.
That is how I starting eating collard greens. Walmart had huge bags of them for like $2. I bought a bag and threw in some greens with every meal. Why not?
You don't need designer greens that are $10 a pound.
So yesterday, the thing I would have bought for cheap and tried was fresh bunches of turnips greens for $1.29, and mustard greens for about the same (I am traveling tomorrow so I won't have time so cook it).
Be curious and explore. You may be able to find ways to stretch your budget using unpopular foods. Unfortunately, the internet has popularized some previously staple foods - eggs, cottage cheese, cauliflower etc. But do what you can with what you have, and use portion control so that you are making things last.
Sometimes you can find frozen foods for good prices- I found pags of peas at Walmart for $.84. Peas! Hell yeah! I added Pease to everything. Peas have some protein and a good nutrient profile.
In contrast, a box of weight watchers protein candy bars were $5 for 4 bars. ON SALE. Ugg. That is a treat option... but those food products are so freaking expensive per serving I am trying to limit those.
Other things I did was watch videos on how people got by in the depression...and try some of those meals. Read older books and see what they were eating.
Our food acquisition has changed dramatically in the last 100 years. People used to do alot more foraging, hunting, & fishing. We don't have access to some of those things anymore. And if you do have access, definitely try those things as well. If you have access to buy food from a farmer/rancher, do it.
Now we have food deserts. But that is a post for a different time.
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sushis4kalyo · 7 months
Une petite (ÉNORME) victoire ! 🏆
Aujourd'hui est une date importante
Dans un mois, cela fera 2 ans que je concilie séances de sport et rendez-vous chez la nutritionniste ... et aujourd'hui, on a passé un cap.
Outre le fait que j'avais rendez-vous vous aujourd'hui et que j'ai perdu 1.4kg depuis le mois dernier ... j'ai aussi pu m'acheter des vêtements dans une boutique où rien ne m'allait auparavant ! Et ça, c'est juste énorme !
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sampilled · 1 month
paper bag by fiona apple playing while I'm in urban outfitters <333 trying and failing to find a cute dress that will fit me <33333 they really want me to kill myself :)
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ohbutwheresyourheart · 2 months
I have so much to do and so little energy for any of it
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manic-pixi-dreamworld · 2 months
Possible sensitive topic proceed with caution:
The clothes I ordered came today and I was ready to have a really bad time because…clothes BUT everything fit so well and they are all a size down from what I usually get 😭 my hard work is paying off
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lonesomeandmad · 1 year
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Otp w/ Bee asking if she liked the skirt (I got it) lol
Soooo today I went thrifting and guess what?
I picked clothes not even checking the tag for sizes. I mean I was also stoned and on the phone so I was distracted but still.
I’ve lost so much weigh, my confidence is so much better than before.
UGH it feels so nice ❤️
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2daymegastore · 5 months
Grow your muscles with our supplements.
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2Day Mega Store provides you healthiest gym supplement so that you can grow your muscles without and side effect. 2Mega Store is a one roof market with all your daily essential including kitchen store to personal care products. We prefer only fresh and healthy products for our customers, because our customers health is our priority. Visit 2day mega store and have a very unique and safe shopping experience.
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bluejayooo · 9 months
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Grocery Shopping
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creepyscritches · 1 year
Fuckin nuts that we've been having injectable diabetes med shortages (to the extent that pharmacies run out and can't fill diabetic patient prescriptions) due to it being increasingly prescribed for weight loss. We don't tier necessity for drugs, so diabetics are spending periods of time w/o their glycemic control (these drugs aren't insulin) :/
The meds are prescribed off label for patients w bmi over 30, but I cannot stress enough how common that bmi is. Currently the reporting baseline for coding morbid obesity is a bmi of 40 or greater--basic obesity USED to begin at bmi of 25, that's fucking nuts, that's just most healthy weights!!!! Clinical weight-loss is a good option for people who want/need it, but prescribing vital DM drugs for a huge swath of the bmi demographic to the point of causing national shortages for non-permanent weight-loss........girlies.....................dont even get me started on the influencer culture swarming the drugs or we'll be here all day
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medicalisland · 8 months
Unlock Your Fitness Potential: The Ultimate Beginner Workout Gym Plan to Kickstart Your Fitness Journey
Are you ready to take charge of your fitness journey? Look no further because we have the ultimate beginner workout gym plan to kickstart your path towards a healthier and fitter you. Whether you’re new to the gym or just starting out on your fitness journey, this comprehensive plan will help you unlock your fitness potential. Continue reading Untitled
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thisisthinprivilege · 6 months
 I've been getting a lot of negative hate about my body size. 
Firstly with my family:
My brother constantly reminds me of how if I want a boy to like me I should get off my "lazy" butt and work out or I will always be single. I've called him out and told him how this severely damages my self-esteem, but he just says "Don't take it to heart, I'm only trying to help you." I would understand this if I were unhealthy, but I am not- I am healthy, but now he just won't listen to me and still continues to call me out on my weight! 
My father once took me out shopping to Forever 21' and even though they had my size in everything, he loudly in front of a large group of people said "Maybe we should go to a store that actually has clothes for fat people." I was so embarrassed and I still am even though it happened June 2013.
My mother is very loving and is always calling me beautiful. She recently told me that I could be a super model IF I weren't so fat and I told my friends how this hurts my feelings, but they simply said I'm just trying to find reasons to feel more self-conscious and if I were actually hurt with what people told me I would have lost weight ages ago. 
Secondly with my friends:
I have three really close friends which all of them are very thin or average and I've heard them repeatedly say "I feel fat!" Or "I am so fat, I look so gross." I don't know if they realized they say this around me a lot because they always seems to ask for my opinion on if they look fat or not and it just makes me feel so bad because they obviously think being fat is bad so do they think I look gross? 
My brother's best friend recently told me that the only option I have is to be a stay at home mom because I'm too fat to do anything else except for that option and I asked him why he thinks this and he sayed "because only skinny girls are successful unless they are funny but you aren't!" 
Thirdly: I recently got a lot of self-confidence and decided to go shopping for clothing, I picked out a bikini for fun since they were some out already and tried it on, showing my sister what it looks like. Anyways an old lady was in there and she was giving me disgusting looks and even told me "Young lady you should be ashamed of yourself, walking around in a bikini meant for skinny people with your stretch marks showing. You disgust me." (Some thing along the line of that, maybe even a bit more harsh.) And it left me so low in self esteem that I didn't even buy it.  
Lastly: I went to dinner and the waitor kept asking me if I'm sure I want to eat this since its high in calories, I said "of course" especially since I hadn't eaten all day, but he didn't know this and even if I hadn't eaten all day I don't think he should have pestered me and he continued after I said this even going through the menu and pointing out healthier plates. I felt so disgraced, I couldn't eat my food and left immediately.
I'm sorry for writing so much, but all of this has been making me so sad lately that everything I've worked at to make me feel beautiful has been thrown away. I know not to let what people do and say get to me, but it has effected me deeply. Thank you for letting me vent.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 6 months
Big Lots Haul
Some shit I bought at Big Lots this weekend:
Individual packs of snacks of popcorn, fruit & bars.
I like these. I am trying to include fruits and snacks in my eating plan. Keto doesn't allow for either of these...and that made me go a little nutz when trying to smash myself into a keto box.
Calorie counts on the bars. Because honestly sometimes I don't know why I buy these, it seems disingenuous.... because they are super processed and that is something I am trying to avoid for the most part. Obviously not going to avoid them if I bought them.
At least I stopped myself from buying shit I already had/have. And some things that the price point just wasn't good on.
They had Lankato products, yay! But I still have some from the last time I bought it.
$9 & change for 4 Quest cookies? No thanks.
Maybe I will do a post to figure out how to pair these in a satisfying way.
I feel like I eat ALOT. Or have the urge to eat alot. 🤔 It Is maddening. Sometimes it is just out of habit, & sometimes I am legitimately not hungry- like I just ate something.
Alot of that comes from being poor as a child and not knowing where my next meal would come from. Obviously I overdid it when food became available.
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hag-darling · 2 years
Me, 6 months ago: Finally, after learning how to measure myself, I have found my correct bra size!
Doctor: You have ADHD. Here is Adderall.
Me: Oh no
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prohealth365 · 10 months
Rejuvenate Your Body with Sports Massage Bray
In the fast-paced world of sports and physical fitness, athletes and fitness enthusiasts constantly push their bodies to new limits. However, such strenuous activities can often lead to muscle fatigue, soreness, and injuries. To address these concerns and promote faster recovery, sports massage Bray at ProHealth365.ie offers a holistic solution. Let's delve into sports massage and discover how it can benefit you.
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What is Sports Massage?
A specific type of massage therapy, "sports massage," targets athletes and individuals engaged in rigorous physical activities. Unlike traditional relaxation massages, this technique focuses on improving athletic performance, preventing injuries, and aiding post-exercise recovery. Through deep tissue massage, stretching, and pressure point techniques, sports massage wicklow helps alleviate muscle tension, reduces inflammation, and enhances flexibility.
The Importance of Sports Massage Bray
For athletes in Bray, Ireland, and beyond, sports massage is crucial in maintaining peak physical condition. ProHealth365.ie, a leading wellness center, offers tailored sports massage sessions to address individual needs. Whether you're a professional athlete or a fitness enthusiast, incorporating sports massage into your routine can yield numerous benefits.
Ø Enhanced Circulation and Muscle Flexibility
Sports massage stimulates blood flow, which allows oxygen and nutrients to reach the muscles more efficiently. This increased circulation helps remove metabolic waste products, reducing muscle soreness and improving overall flexibility.
Ø Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
A skilled sports massage therapist at prohealth365.ie can identify areas of tension or weakness by targeting specific muscle groups. Regular massage sessions can aid in preventing injuries by addressing these problem areas and promoting better muscle balance.
Ø Faster Recovery
After intense workouts or competitions, muscles often become weary and tight. Sports massage assists in speeding up the recovery process by loosening tight muscles and reducing post-exercise
soreness, allowing athletes to return to their training routine more quickly.
Ø Stress Reduction
Participating in sports and physical activity can result in increased stress levels. Sports massage not only benefits the body but also calms the mind. The relaxing nature of the massage helps reduce and increases feelings of well-being and releases stress chemicals.
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Incorporating sports massage Bray into your wellness regimen can be a game-changer, enabling you to perform at your best and stay in top shape. With Prohealth365.ie's expert sports massage therapists, athletes and fitness enthusiasts can experience the many advantages of this specialized form of massage therapy. The benefits of sports massage are undeniable, from improved circulation and flexibility to injury prevention and stress reduction.
Visit prohealth365.ie today to explore their sports massage services and take a step toward enhancing your athletic performance and overall well-being. Trust the professionals at ProHealth365.ie to provide you with the care and expertise your body deserves. Embrace the power of sports massage to keep your body in peak condition, so you can continue pursuing your athletic goals with passion and vitality.
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