#well at least she gets to do it via transference
eudico-my-beloved · 1 year
My arm hurts like hell and my hand wont stop shaking but this idea came to me randomly
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razorblade180 · 6 months
Paimon:We got a fresh batch of potions ready!
Aether:*writing* Put them front and center!
Jean: *walks up* Ummmm
Aether:Hmm? Oh hi! I was wondering if I’d see you.
Jean:Hello. Hard at work I see. *looks around* By a lot…. I just got a report back from Lisa. I knew things were in good hands but can you explain how this gateway into common alchemy is profiting five times its worth? Every time you come to town our budget increases.
Aether:Yeah I think I finally got a formula for success here! It’s all about where we send them. *shows paper* Sales to Mondstadt get the standard cost that breaks even considering how close clients are and the frequency.
Jean:We are selling them .25% under their actual value in Inazuma?
Aether:Inazuma’s are hesitant about trying things out of traditional practices plus the long trip there may reduce potency. However, we don’t really take a loss because I have them delivered by a reliable courier who gives us discount, as well as have them get shipped by a friend named Itto. He’s actually pretty used to the back and forth.
Jean:If that’s the logic, how are we getting away with selling the potions 1.5 times their price in Liyue? They also care about traditions.
Aether:Because Ningguang agreed to endorse us, and Beidou deliverers the shipments. Those are the only seals of approval we need.
Jean:*looks at Lisa*
Lisa:I didn’t tell him to expand. Our cutie has such an eye for business that even Master Diluc went in on a joint business venture.
Jean:*skims paper* We mark up the Sumeru prices by 2.5 times their actual value!?
Aether:I know that might look evil buuuuut *flips page* 80% of the stock that goes there by a merchant named Dori who’s incredibly rich. I’m positive she’s buying them to sell for at least triple their original worth. In the grand scheme we’re getting a bigger net gain than she is on paper but she’s also winning by knowing who and where to sell to. Also desert shipments are handled by a very trustworthy Mercenary.
Jean:And as for Fontaine being double the market price?
Aether:Mondstadt’s potions are approved by Furina de Fontaine. Not only does that attract the high society over there to buy, but it covers the for transport via Gaming as well as the transfer support from the Spina. Don’t worry, I made sure everything is perfectly legal.
Jean:(This is the market project all over again.) Aether, you didn’t have to start an empire, like…at all.
Aerther:I didn’t mean to do it. I just know people.
Paimon: *holds mora bags* Powerful people!
Jean:Well, I leave it all to you then. To think I’m able to redo our budget so freely is like a fever dream. Perhaps the extra funds can go into better training equipment and armor overhaul?
Kaeya:Or we can buy more horses. Just a thought.
Lisa:Do you miss your work that much?
Kaeya:I miss the title speaking for itself.
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cirrus-grey · 2 months
It's that season again so fuck it, TMA Tour de France AU
Jon is a GC contender and the team leader for Ocula-Arachne, a well-funded, competitive team with several previous Tour winners to their name. He was the second-place finisher at the previous year's Tour, and is looking to bring home the yellow jersey this year. He placed well in the Spring Classics, but a bad crash and a fractured ankle have meant he missed the last several weeks of racing. It was uncertain whether he'd even compete in the Tour until the team roster was announced shortly beforehand, and he's coming into it feeling like he needs to prove himself.
Martin is a time trial specialist, but has been made team leader of Solus this year and is competing for the GC. It's his first time riding for yellow - he placed in the top ten at last year's Tour and has been absolutely killing it in the Classics, drawing media attention and pressure for the first time in his career. He seems to be getting better and better as the season goes on, but there are questions on if he's got the team to back him up - their tactics often leave him riding alone, hanging onto the wheels of his rivals rather than protected in the middle of his allies. Rumors of his rivalry with Jon are perhaps exaggerated - they touched wheels in one of the first races they were in together and both crashed out, but whatever grudge Jon held from that has faded as they've found themselves going head-to-head in recent races, and they are often seen chatting amicably as they wait for stages to start or bantering good-naturedly after they finish. Still, building on that early enmity makes for good tv.
Tim is Jon's right-hand-rider and an absolute powerhouse in the mountains, known for being able to drag him up the toughest climbs even when he's having a bad day. There's speculation that he could be a future GC contender himself - he placed fourth in the Tour last year, and possibly could have made the podium if he hadn't had to sacrifice his own race for Jon's. He probably would have been team leader this year if Jon's injuries had kept him from riding, and commentators love discussing if the team made the right decision not to bring him forward. If he harbors any private resentments about being passed over, he's done a very good job keeping them out of the public eye.
Sasha is a breakaway specialist and a former teammate of Jon and Tim. At the end of last season she transferred to team Drugoy-Tsirk - they've got a smaller budget, but they give her the opportunity to ride for herself for stage wins, rather than hanging back to support Jon. There's barely a breakaway attempt made where she isn't one of the riders in it, and she's won most aggressive rider several times already this season. There's no hard feelings toward her from Jon and Tim about the team switch, though they do find it disconcerting how they almost don't recognize her among the peloton in her new red and gold uniform...
Melanie is a sprint specialist for Nemesis-Lancraig, two-time winner of the green jersey and looking for a third. She's received criticism in the past for her aggressive riding style, and been relegated at least once under the accusation of elbowing another rider out of the way during a bunch sprint. She denies it, and the negative press only drives her harder to prove herself. She hates Jon, and it's mutual - in a race early in both their careers, his attempts to gain time in the GC got in the way of her attempts to win a stage via sprint, and vis versa. Both lost, and both still bear a grudge over it.
Georgie is Melanie's chief lead-out rider and recent girlfriend, though they're trying to keep that out of the press. She's got a knack for finding a good line through a bunch sprint to launch Melanie to the finish, and has been courted by several other teams looking to add her to their roster - but she's happy where she is. She tries not to get in the middle of the rivalry between Melanie and Jon - she and Jon rode together before turning professional and helped each other's careers a lot, and they're still on quite good terms when they meet.
Basira is the team leader for Everchase-Z, and the reigning champion from last year's Tour. An experienced professional, she's maintained cordial if distant relationships with her competitors and is well-respected by all. She's here to defend her title, and is favored to do so by all estimates - no injuries, no illness, and an ever-predictive win in the Critérium du Dauphiné mean that she's coming into this race as the rider to beat, and she doesn't intend to let anyone do so.
Daisy is Basira's right-hand-rider and has been so for the entirety of their professional careers. Ever-loyal, ever-dependable, she's pretty much unstoppable when it comes to catching breakaways - she's snatched several wins right out from under Sasha’s nose, bridging the gap from the peloton in a burst of speed and dragging them back to the group - or launching Basira ahead for a solo win. If she's on your tail, it's almost a guarantee that you're going to get caught: marked, paced, and hunted down with the precision of an expert.
I don't have plot for all 21 days of racing, but I do have the pivotal moment in week 2:
Basira has a lead of several minutes on Jon. He's in second, with Martin only 30 seconds behind him for third. Tim is in fourth, only about 20 seconds behind Martin, and he'd probably be ahead of him if he hadn't had to drop back from a breakaway in an early hilly stage to help Jon. Melanie has two stage wins to her name and feels like she's letting her team down. Sasha has one stage win, and is marking the entire Tour as an unequivocal success.
Halfway through week two, they're in the high mountains. Sasha tried for an early break but got brought back by Daisy; Melanie zipped ahead to snag a few sprint points in the foothills, and is spending the rest of the day in the gruppetto, hanging with the rest of the sprinters and chatting (flirting) with Georgie. Early on the penultimate climb Basira got away from the rest of the contenders and gained a devastating lead, putting more than a minute into them before they were even halfway up. Tim managed to hang with her for a bit before being called back to help Jon, who was struggling; Martin, with no teammates to help him, has been chugging along between the two, no chance of catching Basira but dangerously close to pulling into second place if Jon can't find his legs.
Tim drops behind Martin. He rendezvous with Jon, and starts the laborious process of trying to catch Martin again. After several arduous minutes of effort, they do. Tim is beat and has no more to give, so Jon swaps over to Martin’s wheel, hanging with him as Tim falls behind and trying to ignore the throbbing in his still-not-fully-healed ankle. He could just stay here, pace Martin, keep his second place and leave first for another day, but-
Basira reaches the top of the climb and begins the long, fast descent. She's not taking any chances, playing it safe, and Elias (the Ocula team director) is on the team radio shouting at Jon that this is his chance, he's a good descender, if he can get over the top of this climb first not only can he leave Martin in his dust but he can scrape some time back on Basira too, he's still got a chance at yellow-
Jon gathers all his reserves of strength into a burst of speed, passing Martin and charging for the top of the climb. Martin sticks out his tongue as Jon passes, trying and failing to keep up, and Jon grins at him over his shoulder as a gap grows between them. There's enough distance to the top that he pulls that gap to almost 20 seconds before he gets there, and it stretches, elastic, as he starts the descent at full speed and Martin is left still slogging up the uphill behind him.
It's a tricky descent. Lots of sharp corners, narrow roads, pavement slightly damp from a recent rain. Elias is in Jon's earpiece, telling him to push it faster, take more chances, this isn't the time to play it safe, Basira's almost at the bottom but you can catch her-
Jon takes a corner too fast. He doesn't see the paint on the road until it's too late. His wheel loses traction; slips.
The camera on the motorbike ahead of him only sees him start to tip sideways before it's around the curve and out of view. Jon doesn't follow, and every commentator on every TV outlet across the world starts freaking out, asking if they can get a camera in there, what happened, did he crash?? The motorbike can't go backward, though, it would clog up the whole race, so they holster the camera and keep going. They'll slow down if they're needed to track riders coming up from behind, or speed up if the producers want more eyes on Basira. Finding out what happened to Jon will have to be a job for someone else.
Martin makes it to the top of the climb and starts the descent with a sigh of relief. He's alone; for some reason the motorbikes never seem to follow the Solus riders, even if they are in the top three. His earpiece is pretty quiet, too, since Peter (team director) takes a pretty hands-off approach to the whole "directing" thing. He knows his two competitors are ahead of him, though, so he takes a few more risks than he normally would on a descent like this, getting as much speed as he can without losing control of his bike.
Heading into a turn, he sees a bike tangled in the weeds on the outside edge of the road, mangled and broken. He eases up on the speed so as not to repeat the crash, not thinking too much about it.
He's ten feet away when he spots the radio on the ground and realizes the crashed rider can't call in for help.
He's five feet away when he recognizes Jon's bike, and realizes Jon himself is nowhere to be seen.
He's off his bike and running before he even thinks about it.
There's a sharp drop off at the edge of the road, a steep slope covered in thick-growing trees and underbrush. Martin skids down it, cleats digging ruts in the grass as he tries not to lose his balance. One hand finds his radio, he shouts for the medical car, and then all his focus is on the trees around him, searching desperately for a flash of Jon's jersey, calling his name.
It can only be a few seconds before he spots him. His team confirms later, it's a very short time between his first call through the radio and his second. But it feels like an eternity of crashing around through those trees, desperate, panicking, race entirely forgotten on the road behind him, before he finally finds Jon.
He's sprawled on the forest floor in a dip between two trees, his jersey torn to shreds, his helmet cracked in two, his leg twisted at an unnatural angle. Blood wells up from a deep gash in his side, and his eyelids are flickering, unfocused, barely-conscious.
Martin drops to his knees, hands fluttering around, not sure where to begin. Jon's mouth moves, an exhale of breath that sounds almost like Martin’s name.
("I'm fine, Martin." Later, Jon remembers saying the words with absolute confidence, the concussed certainty that he only needed a minute to rest before he'd be back on his bike. "Keep racing, I'll be up again soon.")
Then his eyes roll back in his head and he slumps to the ground, unconscious.
Martin's brain kicks back into gear. With one hand, he presses down on the wound in Jon's side, trying to staunch the blood flow (Oh god, there's so much blood, he must be cut deep-) and with the other he fumbles for his radio again, finally tuning in to the fact that Peter has been yelling in his ear this whole time.
"-crash? Can you get back on your bike? The car's going to take some time, can you keep riding?"
"Medic!" Martin snaps again, not listening.
"Martin!" Peter sounds more exasperated than relieved. "Where’d you crash? Can you keep riding?"
"Not me," Martin manages. "It's Jon, he- Jon Sims, from Ocula, he's- he crashed ahead of me."
"Sims?" Peter sounds baffled. "You're fine, then? Get back on the bike, we've got a chance at second!"
Martin doesn't move. "He's hurt bad. Where's the medical car?"
"A few minutes out, they're behind a few groups on the climb. Look, I've called in the crash, they're on their way, you don't need to worry. Just get back on your bike and keep riding, this is your chance!"
"I can't leave him!" Martin protests. He doesn't know a lot about medical science, but he can see the amount of blood on the leaves around them and how pale Jon's face has gone. He doesn't dare take his hand off the wound.
He rips the radio from his ear, drops his other hand to Jon's side, and applies more pressure.
(News of the crash spreads over the race radio. In the Ocula car, Elias curses, slamming his hand into the dashboard hard enough to bruise. Then he picks up the radio again, flicking over to the team channel.
"Tim," he barks. "Jon crashed out, we're riding for you now. Try to get as much time back as you can before the finish, we'll reevaluate our strategy tonight."
"What?" Tim claps a hand to his radio - he's been soft-pedaling, waiting for the group behind to catch up so he can have an easier ride to the finish, but now he digs down for reserves of strength he didn't know he had and picks up the tempo. "Is Jon-"
"He's fine," Elias spits, motivation rather than truth. "Ride like a man and you might pull second over Blackwood."
Tim rolls his eyes and removes the radio - he's never envied Jon the kind of pressure Elias puts on the team leader - crests the top of the climb, and starts the descent. When he passes the crash he pays it no mind - Elias said Jon was fine, and he has a race to focus on.)
The minutes drag by with agonizing slowness for Martin. His eyes are glued to Jon's face; his hands shaking where he presses them to his side. He doesn't think he's imagining the way Jon's breathing is growing shallow and uneven, and there's an unspoken terror in his heart as he counts down the seconds until the medical car arrives.
The sound of an engine. A shout in French. "Here!" Martin yells back, whipping his head around. "Er- ici! Nous sommes ici!"
Everything is movement and noise from there. A few paramedics come hurrying down the slope toward them, faces turning worried as they spot Jon. One gently pushes Martin out of the way, taking his place to apply pressure to the wound; the other runs back to the car, shouting something Martin can't understand.
He finds himself standing on the sidelines, leaning against a tree, watching in a state of numb shock as they bring bandages down, start carefully trying to cover the worst of the wounds. He thinks a few minutes pass, but it feels like only seconds before there's the shrill sound of an ambulance siren on the road above and then more people are rushing around, they're loading Jon onto a stretcher, and Martin is following them back up the slope, trailing slowly behind as they carry Jon away.
The vehicles are pulled as far to the edge of the road as they can be to give riders room to pass. A few groups zip by as Jon is lifted into the ambulance and hooked to an IV. A motorbike has parked a little way up the road, and the camera is fixed on the scene, capturing every detail.
One of the paramedics tosses a blanket over Martin’s shoulders and makes sure he's leaning safely against a tree. He barely even notices, eyes locked on the doors of the ambulance as they close behind Jon.
The Solus team car pulls up as the ambulance drives away. Peter gets out, gestures for Martin's spare bike to be taken off the roof and gotten ready. Then he approaches Martin.
"Okay, we've lost a lot of time," he says briskly. "Ocula sent Stoker ahead and he's probably going to take second, but you've got a chance to hang onto third if you get moving now."
Martin turns to look at him slowly. The words aren't really registering, but when the new bike is rolled in front of him he grabs the handlebars and climbs on.
The camera watches as his team director helps him balance, gives him a hearty push to get him going again. He pedals once, twice. The bike slowly wobbles forward, veers to the side, and gently bumps into a tree. Martin tips sideways, not doing anything to break his fall, and is caught by one of the doctors from the medical car, which had stayed behind after the ambulance left.
Peter looks at the doctor, and the doctor shakes their head. He gives a deep, resigned sigh.
"Okay." Peter walks over, helps Martin off his bike, hands him back the shock blanket. "Come on, then."
He's ushered into the team car. A few more minutes are spent clearing the debris from the crash scene, removing the bits of bicycle that are scattered over the road. Then the medical car leaves, and the Solus team car soon after, and finally the motorbike drives off after them.
When Jon wakes in the hospital that night, he finds his whole team gathered around his bed, with Martin sitting closest to him and holding his hand. He's flattered that they'd take time out of their recovery for him like this; horrified when he learns that Martin actually dropped out of the race to help him; shocked to realize how bad his injuries are. He thanks Martin profusely, congratulates Tim on moving into second, and falls asleep again soon after.
It's not until the next morning, when he wakes to an empty room, that the doctors tell him he probably would have died if Martin hadn't stayed with him to help minimize the blood loss.
A few days later, he's cleared for transport, and they fly him back to London so he can finish his recovery in a hospital closer to home.
Martin books a flight back the same day.
They watch the last week of the race together on the tiny television in Jon's room. Sasha pulls one more win from the breakaway; Tim holds onto second by his fingernails, going toe-to-toe against the third place rider on the final mountain stage and winning by the width of a wheel. Basira runs away with first, pulling her lead to almost six minutes, and there's no doubt in anyone's mind that she would have gone home with yellow even if Jon and Martin had stayed in the race.
Melanie sews up the green jersey competition and pulls a final stage win on the Champs-Élysées, outsprinting everyone in a spectacular finish. She yanks Georgie into a celebratory kiss in front of all the cameras, and suddenly no one is talking about Jon's crash at all anymore as news of their relationship goes public in spectacular style.
Jon and Martin’s first kiss is a quieter thing, a private moment shared some weeks later on the day Jon is told he'll be able to go home soon.
It's when he's relearning how to walk on a slowly-healing leg that they start talking about their futures: what their careers mean to them, what they mean to each other, what they're willing to risk for both.
The news that the two rising stars have quit racing doesn't break until the next season has almost begun, but with the way their teams are clearly prepared to ride without them, it's clear the decision was made much earlier.
The television coverage of the next Tour does a little "behind the scenes" package to fill time on the long, uneventful sprint stages. They get team interviews, fan reactions, local color... they catch up with Jon and Martin on holiday by the coast, taking advantage of the lovely beach weather and cheering on the passing racers from among the crowd. They talk honestly about how they reassessed their priorities after the crash, how much respect they hold for riders who can come back from something like that and keep racing, but how the risk of further injury just wasn't worth it for them. When they're asked what their plans are now, they just smile.
"Well, we've got our hands full with wedding planning at the moment," they say, holding up their hands to show off the matching engagement rings. "But we're glad to be taking some time away to cheer on our old teams..."
They drop out of public awareness soon after that, with no regrets. They still enjoy watching the race together every year, and traveling to see some of it in person when they can, but they're more than happy to leave their own racing careers well in the past.
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blueparadis · 2 years
❝ I CAN'T HELP IT ❞ + BACHIRA MEGURU ❪ playing ⌗10, ⌗11 & ⌗12 ❫─── via radio line ❛anatomy of emotions ❜〳 from this is what ____ feels like !⠀
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[ content and themes ] :: abo au + modern au, f!omega!reader, pov!bachira, slice of life, exs to lovers, mutual pinning, flirting, fast burn,angst and comfort, silent confessions, fluff , $mut descriptions; word count— 2k // [ synopsis ] :: After a whirlwind of highschool years, Bachira trips over an old flame and this time he is not afraid to get hurt no matter how many times he falls. // [ notes ] :: this is for my beloved dee @semisgroupie via snow’s valentine gift exchange ( @suyacho ). just wanna say that I've never been so happy with the results of a lottery ;› ß’read by cherry <;3 ( @cherrykamado ) // [ tag index ] :: for blog navigation ; event masterlist is linked in title. also available in my ao3.
Break-ups are never easy. They tend to do more damage than we expect, than we could ever do to ourselves. Humans say that falling in love is the most beautiful feeling. It would never let hope die,however weak it is. It would never let you weep alone. No matter how much you trip and hurt yourself, you still manage to be up on your feet again to follow them everywhere till the last breath. Love is eternal, they say. They never say how to fall out of love. Humans claim that they fall in love only once; true love happens only once unlike such animals. 
Such is the theory in this world where alphas, betas and omegas exist along with humans. Not only that, but they are actually thriving well, that is, the prospect of cohabitation has become more flourishing than before.In fact, the head representative of such inhumans claims that within a century , there might not be any existence of humans.
Bachira agrees. He agrees with the theory of love, not the animalistic part. He agrees, if he falls, he will fall so hard that he would not be able to pick himself up, at least he thought he wouldn't. His first break- up at least taught him how he was so not in love with y/n. People tend to miss their partner after break-ups, but he never missed her, not even once. Sure, there was this unsettling feeling at the corner of his heart but it faded with time. 
Sometimes, he even thought that there was not enough love between her and himself so he would miss her, after she was gone like the wind. And now she is standing in front of the list of the candidates that have cleared for higher studies. Bachira did too. He can see his name in the list of dominant alpha males. He can also see her name and her feeble stature at ease amidst the crowd. No doubt she is a human, must be, otherwise what kind of omega would not be able to detect the presence of an alpha?
Bachira starts to walk towards her hoping she would recognize his scent, turn around if he released enough pheromones but he halted, he had to. How could he not when she ran away with tears in her eyes to the nearest restroom. Was she not happy about her selection? Did she see his name too? Who on earth would cry if they had cleared scholarship exams? Humans. Twisted humans.
It has been a week since I saw y/n on campus. I don’t even know her particulars and not that I need to but it would be nice to have some info on her so that I could avoid her at all costs. She was the first person I have ever dated. There were a few after her but it wasn’t like I imagined. I didn’t miss her like I was supposed to miss after a ‘break-up’, I didn’t try to contact her or anything like that after she left due to her father’s job transfer. Now that I think about it, it’s pretty much ;ame reason for a break-up. We didn’t particularly talk after we parted. . . wait, does that mean we never broke up? That’s even more lame. Fuck fuck fuck why does she have to go to same college as I do. It could have been any other college in this gigantic city. . . oh fuck! I hate this, I hate this so much.
Bachira does not have any idea how to react if he were to cross paths with her, how to act like an ‘ex’ and hence he was always on guard. Whenever he could feel her presence he would always resort to detours rather than the normal shorter paths. Part of him felt horrible about himself , and another part was happy that she was coming to college, studying , living her day without being aware of her ex’s presence. Must be nice to be a human, to be so clueless about the raw edges of emotions. While he had his own emotional waves to avoid Y/N had her own inner turmoil to come at peace with. Not only did she crack the scholarship exams but also she was identified as an omega. The worst part was she came to know when she saw her name in the list of omegas who are selected for a pass in higher studies. Throughout her whole life she was taught how to talk like a human, behave like a human, feel like a human and now she is one of them now; a creature of the wild. Even though her parents were able to accept it quickly she took a few weeks to come in terms with it. Why was that? 
Her mother is human but her father is not. He is an omega with dominant genes. After first, y/n thought that her parents had a cute love story, just like one of those fairy tales— beauty and the beast. It felt nice. It felt perfect. She wanted it for herself, she wanted to experience one such fairy-like love story, at least once in her lifetime but it ended when she saw her father yell at her mom, so loud, so harsh that she almost cried. Y/N tried to overlook it as ‘just one-time’ but arguments became regular after that. Home was not home anymore. 
But the sun shone upon Y/N again when the family was blessed with another child, a boy, an omega. She was happy that her mom and dad did not fight anymore but the fear in her heart never went away. And, hence when her father had an order of job transfer she left without saying goodbye to her boyfriend who was as warm as the sun. In her defense, she did not have her personal cell phone yet, nor had a chance to see him at school. 
It was during summer vacation when they left the city without any trace of good memories.
And what are the odds that after a year they would bump into each other after a sultry summer afternoon? “Woah!”, y/n blurted, noticing that her ex was playing soccer with a bunch of guys from her class. 
Thereafter, each Monday she used to sit to watch him play. He has not changed, not a bit. Just a little here and there on appearances. He was taller than before, had a piercing just above his cupid’s bow and had a short ponytail; it seemed like he would let his hair grow.
And, each Monday whenever Bachira could not sense her scent anymore, could not feel her presence anymore he would look back to check and watch her walking through the corridor till she was out of sight. He even got hit by the ball for being distracted but that’s okay. He could let it slide. 
Y/N missed two Mondays in a row and his head was everywhere but not in the game anymore. He could muster up enough courage to pass by her classroom. He almost locked on the probability of not seeing her again, expecting her seat to be empty. Four more steps and he will pass through the back-door of her class room.
The poor fruit juice can was a victim of Bachira’s anger. He never felt so betrayed before, not even when y/n left him without any word or explanation. But the second he passed that back door he was still like a sculpture witnessing the greatest miracle that life has to offer. She was looking outside through the door, with her lips having an upward crescent of mischief that made Bachira lock eyes with her. The bell rang. It was lunch break. All the students were walking out of the classroom, running through the corridor yet only two souls remain still. 
All this time. She knew. She knew that her past was slowly trailing back to her. 
Days rolled on, nights crept in but Bachira could not forget that face of hers, amidst the joyful unified screams of the students y/n was sitting in her place with a smile on her face. He even asked if they could have lunch together or not but all she did was to nod, part her lips to speak yet did not say a word before joining the crowd. 
Thereafter, bachira’s toilet breaks became frequent. He felt like he was in love, again but he knew it better than anyone that it was ‘just a phase’, maybe infatuation or a crush. There is no way he would let an old flame rekindle when there was no affection to begin in falling for her. Yes, sure he liked her but maybe not enough to have her as girlfriend again. But he could tell something was different, something about her felt different. It’s her scent. It’s different than before. 
“Nice play.”, Isagi yelled as he shared a high-five with Bachira. He thought of staying back even after practice since his parents are gonna be home late, it would be better if he dedicated some of his stamina to soccer. Everyone was getting their belongings together, changing dress and as such. 
After a while all the commotion faded. Bachira was all alone in the locker room, the slow breeze soothing his muscles while he kept his head bowed, eyes closed trying to recharge as quickly as possible. There was a feeble sound, someone was humming. Curiosity over took him and when he figured the source it amused him. It was a girl humming and moving her hips, probably practicing her steps as cheerleader, at least her outfit suggested so. 
She closed the cupboard, turned around and almost jolted at the presence of another person, Bachira. He took a few steps towards her. Two to be precise, she backed away with two short steps feeling her back being pressed against the metal locker.
“Let me go.”, y/n tartly responded trying to avert his eyes.
It was as if he was under reflex when he thought for a response. “Kiss me and I’ll.”, Bachira boldly whispered and waited.
Two things began to happen simultaneously . One : y/n slowly began to lose control over her pheromones; she was new at this. It would have been easier if she were introduced to this way of living since childhood. It takes more effort to teach a grown man to behave than a child. It’s a reboot of her whole being within just a few weeks, certainly there would be cases where it would become faulty.
Two : Bachira was starting to feel impatient. He closed the gap with quick steps entering the room and locking the door with a loud thud with his foot. He was already tired from the practice but never before he felt this uneasy, this restless.
“What’re you doing?”she asked, squinting her eyes at him. There was no sound except the dull drilling noise of the fan. Bachira's lips parted to respond, “I . . . —- but his answer ended with his lips on hers. It was a short, dry kiss, just grazing of supple skins against one another. Bachira opened his eyes when he felt a strong push on his chest. Instinct took him over as he grabbed the edge of the bench otherwise he would have knocked his head on the ground. 
“Fuck. . .”, his head felt heavy, vision a little blurred. He blinked a few times before getting up on his feet. He saw her bags and earphones on the ground. There was a bunch of noise in the corridor, giggles and talks of girls. Before anyone could spot any trace of disaster, he grabbed her belongings and left the site immediately.
It was a cold wintry evening when Bachira fell in love again, tasting the tanginess of his first love. He was wrong about so many things. They were still not over, not like this. Their love was just in brilliant sparks back then and now it turned into a wildfire.
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rebels mermaid au where fishman!kanan has been stuck in an aquarium for a few years but can't do anything about it so oh well. He's bored out of his mind. Misses his family :( on the bright side he never gets tired of scaring guests that come to ogle at him. Only downside is he's not allowed to kill them. He tries whenever the chance presents itself, but that's not often. So he's really bored.
Zeb's his primary caregiver. They've developed a grudging respect for each other since Zeb is usually the one saving people from Kanan during every attempt, beat Kanan up the first time Kanan went for him. Secretly Zeb is a selkie that lost his skin and got the job at the aquarium to try and get it back from that idiot oblivious bloke working the rescue & rehab branch (kallus). The condescending son of a bantha doesn't even realize his favorite trench coat to wear outside of work is not,,, technically his. Zeb's been trying for years kriff someone help him.
Hera recently transferred from another branch location of the aquarium with her apprentice Sabine, who's an intern that gained access to the merman's care and research schedule via undisclosed means. She just wants to follow in Hera's footsteps. Hera recently managed to score research access to the merman through merit, hard work, and a good measure of association with the right people. Her focus is behavioral analysis, which---surprisingly---is not a test anyone at the aquarium has yet thought to conduct (not natural behavior, at least. A few specialized tests such as range of tolerance, response to stimuli, and others cracked right off the bat).
At first Hera's given a whole shakedown by security officials "don't do this or that, log all your hours with the asset so we can assign a protection detail, yada yada" but all those rules go against the structure for her research experiments plus she's friends with Mr. Garson the chief of security and manages to sneak in at times when the cameras run on a loop and no one else is there. It's this sneaking around and deviation from routine that first catches Kanan's attention. He's curious of course, and he hasn't tried to drown this particular human before so at least it's something to soothe the boredom. But then, get this, Hera introduces herself and ohoho that ethereal voice stops Kanan right in his fishy little tracks. Then she asks for his name and it snaps him out of his goofy frozen little daze and he blurts out "Kanan" because it's the first thing that came to mind and tbh it's been a long time since he's spoken out loud much less heard his real name.
Hera is just as surprised to hear him talk, actually. She'd been told that the merman didn't exhibit signs of high intelligence (lol) and had been acting pretty bestial so don't expect much engagement. It takes him two seconds to start chatting her up and then like two more seconds to fall hopelessly in love because come on she's hera and he's kanan. Zeb and Sabine eventually catch on to the late night sessions and join in a few times. Where's Chopper in all of this? He's probably a cat that just lives at the aquarium rent free and steals fish and knocks stuff over because he's a kriffing criminal. You'd think an animal that fat would be easier to catch and get rid of but no one's ever managed to do it so they just glare at him bitterly whenever he appears because they know there's not a single thing they can do to stop him. He did primarily terrorize the campus that Hera previously worked at and she brought him with when she transferred.
Enter Ezra after a few months or so idk. Rip the poor guy. He's another mer that got snatched from the sea somewhere and dumped in the aquarium after being subjected to all the same tests and experiements that Kanan had to survive when he was first taken. He's totally out of his element, confused and disoriented and thoroughly traumatized expecting at any moment to be pulled from the enclosure again and subjected to more "scientific" torment. Kanan is very startled to see Ezra. It's been years since he's seen another mer, and this one is just a kid. He's only fifteen! How could they just throw a kid in here for guests to gawk at? It must be the money. As far as Kanan knows, he's one of few mer in the whole world living in captivity, so the rare sight is really attractive for humans and they'll pay big bucks to come and stare all day. He's gotten used to it after years waking up to their dumbstruck faces every morning, but this is all very new to poor Ezra who is fresh off torture, going through puberty, and far more alone in the world than Kanan ever was. The kid takes to tailing Kanan all over the tank, glued to his side and can barely sleep because he's afraid Kanan will get up and leave him alone. At first the clinginess annoys Kanan but he eventually caves to compassion and does his best to offer comfort to the frightened boy.
Sabine asks Ezra if he knows any siren songs, as a joke. He brightens and tells her yeah actually, a pod of his whale friends taught him one and he's not quite perfected it yet but would she want to hear him practice? Not knowing any better, she agrees. Kriff can Ezra sing. Sabine goes catatonic for an hour or so. When she wakes up in the morning she calls in sick and spends hours and hours nonstop painting in her room at Hera's apartment, tears streaming down her face. The art she creates is absolutely breathtaking and if you tilt your head just right it looks like music too. Sabine keeps it covered.
Kanan jokes that Hera must have been a siren in a past life. Instead of getting flustered she bombards him with questions about his culture's take on the afterlife and would it really be possible that she was a mer? He has to backtrack while Zeb laughs at him. No, reincarnation is not a thing as far as his people are concerned. They don't even leave their bodies behind when they die. Apparently that seafoam thing is legit. Why else do you think they never discovered mermaids existed before capturing a live one? Hera's taking notes so fast her paper is smoking.
They order pizza a lot and just hang out together eating pizza at the poolside of the mer enclosure. It's really peaceful at the dead hours of night so there's lots of deep conversation, watching of movies, general cultural exchange, etc. etc. It doesn't take Hera too long to figure out that hey um,, these mers are people too. Why are we treating them like animals and putting them on display? They should be free and stuff. She and the rest of Ghost crew free Kanan and Ezra, maybe with the help of some others. Ahsoka swings by to give them a hand because she's got crazy powerful sea magic apparently and can give herself legs whenever the kriff she wants. Her good friend Rex might make an appearance too idk he happens to be related to a number of the security detail (corries) who hate their jobs and boss and would be more than willing to stick it to the corporation by liberating the aquarium's most prized assets. Kallus got roped into their found family by this point. He still hasn't given Zeb the skin back though what the kriff man. Is Leia there? I'd like to think she's a lobbyist for marine conservation or something, mostly because she visits her dad every weekend and the water tastes like crap sometimes especially when the big corporations play loosey goosey with polluting regulations and sea magic can only do so much to prevent extensive damage to the environment. Luke is not an activist he's just friends with Ezra so he can be a part of it too "oh him? That's my friend Luke. Yeah he can shapeshift cause his mom is human" Luke waves and everyone is too tired to question him or his chaos freak terrifying twin sister.
Oh turns out Chopper is a sea sprite? Feral mercat thing dear lord. Utter terror. The twins don't miss a beat with him because their dad has a bigger one with twice the level of cunning and an even higher body count, if that's believable (Ghost crew cannot fathom a body count higher than Chopper's but they're too afraid to ask at this point).
Anyways everything works out in the end and happily ever after and stuff. I just have fun with merm aus and *technically* this is the last day of mermay innit so i'm popping off
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redredribbon · 2 months
some thedas timeline notes
I was having trouble keeping the DA historical timeline for the Ancient Age straight while also trying to fit some of what Solas and Corypheus say into it, so I poked at the wiki and World of Thedas to try and cement things in my head.
Putting my notes down here in case they're helpful for anyone else (parenthesis are my contributions/thoughts). I'm using the Chantry calendar dates because they're the easiest to track with the game lore. The complete timeline is here on the wiki. Obliviously a lot more happening, this was just things I thought relevant and maybe connected.
-7600 Ancient: Founding of Arlathan (much disputed and may not align with the Chantry calendar easily)
-3100 Ancient: Humans arrive in Thedas (how, why, and where from is largely unknown)
-2850 Ancient: Elven lifespans shorten, known as "the quickening" (from Solas's claims, we can infer this is the creation of the Veil).
-2800 Ancient: The first Tevinter Dreamers claim to hear the whispers of the Old Gods from the Golden City (Unclear if this is implying Old God worship in Tevinter may have started approximately 50 years after the Veil was created?)
-2415 Ancient: Alamarri cross the Frostbacks into what becomes Ferelden (according to Solas, fleeing an angry, lonely spirit; this also infers there were humans living south of Thedas as well as north, where the Neromenians that became Tevinter came from)
-1595 Ancient: Thalsian claims to learn blood magic from Dumat (Solas hints that the ancient elves knew and used blood magic long before this)
-1195 Ancient: Several human kingdoms are united (or conquered) into the Tevinter Imperium
-981 Ancient: Tevinter surrounds and wars with Arlathan (approximately 1,869 years since the creation of the Veil -- what have the elves been doing during this time? How did Arlathan stay undisturbed, because the lore seems to claim it was rediscovered around this time by humans? Is this the same Arlathan? Was it changed or re-established after the creation of the Veil? My theory is at least part of Arlathan if not the whole city was transferred to the Fade to contain the Blight, and became the Black City, but it could be a different elven city or again, only part)
-975 Ancient: Magisters sink Arlathan into the ground via blood magic ritual (Does this imply the ruins still exist underground? Would they be around Arlathan Forest?), and elves are enslaved
-620 Ancient: Emeritus (Kirkwall) is founded (heavily hinted to be the site the ancient magisters did the ritual to enter the Fade)
-410 Ancient: Kossith first arrive in the Korcari Wilds (wiped out or made ogres in the first Blight)
-305 Ancient: Magisters enter the Fade and the Golden City. (Chantry claims this turned it black and created the Blight. Corypheus claims it was not golden and was empty of all but "dead whispers." I personally believe this implies it was already blighted, and they contracted the blight from it and brought it back with them. Note this is 2,455 years since the creation of the Veil, and 580 years since the fall of Arlathan). This is when the Old Gods are "suddenly silent." (Maybe cast underground with the magisters? They had to get underground somehow...)
-203 Ancient: Dumat is slain on the Silent Plains and the Blight is "ended" for the surface races. Andraste is born somewhere around this time. (Her actual date of birth is unclear and highly disputed.)
-186 Ancient: Andraste starts preaching of the Maker. (She is visited by him in dreams. Just saying, this is also a hobby of a particular ancient elf. I'm not saying Solas is the Maker but I am saying it would be extremely funny to me, personally.)
-171 Ancient: Shartan joins Andraste's cause. (Disputed whether he was a single person or a group with "Shartan" as a title for its leaders. There are some theories this may have been Solas. I personally think his shock at the state of the world in DAI/Trespasser is genuine and does lend credence to him not physically waking up in the world until 1 year before DAI. However, I do think Shartan could have been an agent of Fen'Harel or an "ancient" elf with ties much further back.)
-170 Ancient: Maferath betrays Andraste and she is burned at the stake.
Definitely some interesting notes here that I'm anxious to see get addressed in Veilguard, crossing my fingers.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
vines I am staring at your MY canon divergence au and would love to hear more about it!!!
This AU exists for two main reasons:
1.) A lot of fix-it fic for JGY seems to focus on him being "saved" from his canon fate via romantic relationship, and that simply doesn't cut it for me. You really want to free him from the destructive weight of his misplaced filial piety in a way that doesn't just handwave it all away? You save his mom. You save his mom and enable them both to know JGS is a lost cause from the get-go and give them the means to forge a different path.
2.) WQ and MY are my faves and I want them to hang out!
As I said, I will almost certainly not write the whole thing out. I did post the inciting portion where MY actually arriving in Qishan and WQ starts treating MS, but as you can see, I did not finish it over the summer as intended, because I am the world's slowest writer. But I think about the ways it could go a lot! It's a little thing--just pushing a canonical event earlier in the timeline and changing the impetus--but it has SUCH impact. Aside from what I mentioned in the tags of that other post:
-MY no longer has any ties to Qinghe. He and NMJ can still clash (since MY is for all intents and purposes a Wen), but it's not personal in quite the same "I lived in your household for a substantial amount of time" sort of way
-WQ has someone she can talk to who's in similar straits! This is all based on CQL canon foremost, and what's striking to me about her is that she never gets to be a kid. Even at Cloud Recesses, while her peers are having a silly goofy time, she's on high alert doing WRH's work. WN's behavior suggests that he knows the vibe is weird, but he doesn't seem to understand exactly how fucked things are, which in turn implies that WQ is deliberately shielding him from it. That's so much stress that she's bottling up! With MY there in the same situation of abetting atrocities to protect beloved family members, at least she has someone to confide in (while their situations are juuuust different enough to conflict).
-MENG SHI REACTS TO: EVERYTHING. Those five sentences of information about her are so interesting. She's clever! She's shrewd! She's also compassionate, I feel, because MY had to get his altruism and his loyalty to those who show him kindness from SOMEWHERE, and he certainly didn't get it from his dad, WRH, or anyone else he grew up with. I have a whole backstory for her that I cannot write because hooo boy the effort required would not be worth the reward, but I want so much to explore how she'd respond to the fucked-up situation of being beholden to the Evil Regime. On the one hand, she knows the Wen clan under WRH are doing horrible things, and I don't think that would sit well with her. On the other hand... MY inherited his survival drive from somewhere, too. What does MS feel she owes to society when that society abused and degraded her?
-MS and WQ would also have some things to talk about on the "making great sacrifices for family" front, I think.
-Less seriously, XY meets MS and probably calls her a slur to be edgy, and she hits him right back but in a way that he finds fun rather than takes personally, and now she's on XY's list of People He'll Murder For On The Slightest Provocation.
-MY and/or MS might know about the core transfer and that sure is a fun piece of information for more people not named Jiang Cheng to possess!
-I think MS gets to date WZL firstly on account of WZL being a total catch who respects smart women going by his ??? with YZY, secondly on account of them both getting a lot of shit from society for their work (though the one who voluntarily disables people for a living is treated more respectfully by far bc this is a horrible garbage world!), and thirdly because MS is going to have to bear witness to Xiyao and Chengqing and she deserves something for herself there.
-I mentioned "what about after the war?" in the tags of that other post, but ahhh the Optimal Outcome here fixes EVERYTHING. JGS offers to legitimize MY. MY kind of wants to tell him to fuck himself, but realizes that his and MS are in a highly unstable position and he needs to go all-out on convincing people He Was A Good Guy All Along. (WQ and WN don't have that luxury with their Wen surname.) He accepts on the condition that prisoners are treated with mercy and MS is also granted security. JGS provides exactly neither of these things, as MS is either shunted off to a prison camp with the Wen remnants or she's isolated within Jinlintai as a means to keep MY compliant. How do we solve this? Unclear! Maybe XY finds out JGS is being a dick to Meng Shi, A Person He Likes, and he impales him about it. Regardless, we have MY and the Jiang sibs (plus Jiang-in-law Zixuan) all conspiring together, and in an ideal scenario, I believe in them.
-There are also a lot of sad messed-up ways this could go, but. I do not want it to this time. At least not for my two faves and MS. Everyone else........ debatable.
Again, I cannot stress enough that this is not ever going to be an actual longfic. I have written one (1) longfic ever and it was three years ago and not even that long. But it has POTENTIAL.
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inherstars · 4 months
Spring Thaw | The Last of Us (4 of 7)
Previous section here.
Over the winter, Tommy finally relented to Ellie’s persistent requests and let her come along on a patrol.  Joel’s one condition that was that there was no danger of face-to-face contact with either raiders or Infected, and Tommy’s compromise was to have her walk the dam’s perimeter wall with him during a midday shift.  Raiders were unlikely in broad daylight, and it’s not like any infected could get that far without the ground-level patrols intercepting them first.  He judged it a safe segue into what would eventually be one of her responsibilities, as an adult.
It satisfied the itch she had to feel useful, and like she was actually trusted with some measure of responsibility.  It was also entirely uneventful, to Joel’s relief, although she did get an opportunity to see -- via binoculars, anyway -- the small clusters of Infected that lingered in the lowland terrain outside Jackson.
“You aren’t worried about them making it out here,” she asked, handing the binoculars back to him.
“Well, eventually.  But by then we’ll be ready for them.  They find their way up here a little at a time, during breaks in the weather.  Then they hit a roadblock, or a barricade, or something else they can’t get past, and they just kind of…go on stand-by.  Like they don’t know what to do with themselves.  Waiting for a signal, I guess.  They don’t have enough reasoning power to figure out how to get to us, but they also know we’re here, so they can’t leave.  Kinda causes them to shut down until the situation changes one way or another.”
And then he’d said something that stuck with her ever since.
“Light’s on, but nobody’s home.”
It was the very first thing she thought of once she got Joel on his feet.
He was conscious.  Mobile, even.  But whatever inner life or animus normally decided his minute-to-minute actions was shelved in a distant and unreachable corner of his mind.  He was susceptible to her commands, following her every demand and order, but with the sense he barely understood why.  
It should have been funny.  Instead, she wanted to scream at him to please, please, just come back.
Ellie got him away from the muddy bank, up a steep slope that led into the cover of trees and out of the worst of the slanting rain.  Both of their packs hit the ground, and she helped lower him into a boneless heap to the earth, head sagged, eyes open but unseeing.  She said his name over and over and over, shook his shoulder and occasionally got a limp yes or no blink to her aggressive questioning, but that was the extent of interaction he could muster.
Lights on.  No one home.
The tent was erected in record time, stakes tacked down only as much as necessary to ensure it wouldn’t blow over in the first strong wind.  Convincing Joel that he needed to get back up and transfer into the tent was a Herculean effort in its own right.  He made it on hands and knees, but at least he made it.
Ellie peeled out of her slicker, throwing it into the entryway of the tent with their shoes and both of their packs, trying to contain the amount of water and mud they tracked inside. Joel curled in on himself, clutched the sleeves of his coat and shivered as with want to shake himself apart.  His teeth clicked like a handful of dice, breath shuddering with the force.
“E… Ellie,” he trembled out, the first word he’d spoken since she got him upright and moving.
“I know.  We have to get you warm.”  Warm and dry.  The soaked clothes were leeching heat out of him as surely as if he’d never left the water.  She knelt to their packs, unzipping them and ripping out their contents in blind handfuls.  “Joel, get undressed.”
He shook violently, gripping his own arms to keep himself together, and still whale-eyed at her in refusal.
Her head whipped to face him.
“You don’t know me at all If you think I won’t peel you like a fucking banana myself.  Get undressed.”
That got him moving.  Mostly.  He managed to get out of his slicker and shirt with a minimum of fuss, but had no strength left to unroll the saturated jeans.  Ellie came to his rescue, although it was an absolute comedy of errors trying to jerk the clinging denim over his hips and off his legs, all while he shuddered and rued his very existence.  She threw a dry change of clothes at him -- an oversized sweatshirt, a pair of flannel sleep pants -- then propped him upright as he got them on.  Thank fucking God he thought to pack for the cold.
The shivering wouldn’t stop.  Even after she blotted his hair dry, his whole body ratted with tremors that came from the marrow of his bones.  Ellie unfolded the blanket from her bag, wrapping it around him, cocooning herself into it with him.  A Joel and Ellie burrito.  For all his earlier refusal, Joel curled into her like a hot water bottle, face buried against her shoulder as his breath jagged in and out, in and out.  Ellie squeezed both arms around his neck, holding him as tightly as she could, willing her warmth into him through osmosis.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” she reassured, transferring her arms beneath his, circling his back with the spread of both hands.  He nodded, but jittering, his breath too fast and shallow, the quaking tectonic in its strength.
When would this subside?  When was he going to start getting better?
“Joel, what do I do?” she mewled in his ear, arms squeezing tight around his ribs.  He squeezed her back, the only evidence that he heard her.  Maybe he couldn’t answer.  Maybe he just didn’t know.
Why was this the way of things?  Why did hell always come looking for her guised in cold, with ice flowing through its veins?  She hid her eyes against him and fisted his shirt in both hands.
“You have to tell me what to do.”
Continued here
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joseimukeaddict · 5 months
Probably gonna fail a class so here are random headcanons for Izumi Tachibana from A3!
(It’s pretty long IMO and not proofread, sorry)
(I also am not caught up with the JP main story past Act 10 so sorry if anything contradicts sth that happens later)
CW: it gets kinda depressing near the end, my mood kinda seeped in 😓; mostly backstory stuff
- my girl is bi (more so bc I want a chance)
- her mom was always a stickler for a clean house so she’s super serious about making sure everyone does their chores, even more than Sakyo
- this one is more about Yukio and her mother but that man’s taste is women is definitely serious women in charge (they say you tend to fall for someone similar to your parents *winkwonk* SakyoIzu being the gender bent ver *winkwonk*
- Women on top tho, the men are simps (Yukio has to call at least once a week or else)
- On that note, her mom definitely holds grudges by the way she doesn’t even want Yukio to be mentioned in her household; Izumi holds mini-grudges too but they eventually fade with time bc she’s forgetful and just really nice
- not one to scream at a person when she’s angry, just raises her voice and speaks in a firm tone (she’s really good at choosing the right words though so it’s kinda worse to get her mad bc she’s usually so tolerant and her words hit deep)
- always speaks from the heart so this skill not transfer to acting 😭
- when her dad left so suddenly, she tried watching plays to cope but then started crying in the middle of the performance bc she thought of what her dad would think of a specific scene bc they used to do daddy-daughter play trips
- briefly tried to take up a different artistic hobby instead of theatre but when that failed, she just threw herself into her studies
- average student but she can get higher scores if she really tries
- scores into a pretty good college but a friend encourages her to go to a decent college that at least has a good arts program bc they’re worried Izumi is gonna throw away her life’s passion
- although she had that horrible experience where the theatre head told her she has no acting talent, at least being able to help create plays with backstage work rekindles her love of theatre and gives her an even greater appreciation for behind the scenes positions
- she works her way up the back stage ladder, trying out all sorts of different jobs to get a feel for each of them and eventually gets to an assistant director position
- and she’s absolutely in love with it (my girl is a career woman through and through)
- she gets why her father loved it so much although he was a great actor himself
- so thankful to the friend who encouraged her to go to that college, they’re still in contact (long distance bc she’s still at their home town) and they text and do late night calls often (they’re platonic soulmates dw)
- She was decently popular before daddy issues happened and lost a lot of the fair weather friends and only has a few close ones she’s made and kept over the years; she’s making more connections via theatre nowadays bc MANKAI keeps her so busy (it’s a crime that Liber doesn’t even give Izumi just one friend outside of her relation with MANKAI)
- Although MANKAI and her friend have never met, they refer to each other by nicknames at this point bc of how often Izumi catches them up on what the other is doing
- I know for a fact this girl is a praiser, she’s just so proud about them like a mother (especially when it comes to MANKAI)
- Takes almost no credit for them however, my girl has some insecurity issues being around such immensely talented people 😢
- She’s very talented in managerial aspects but she only found out after years of no talent in various arts
- She’s not one to tell people about her troubles (she knows she should) but people who know her well can tell when she needs a pick me up
- and one last happy one bc wow it got depressing and long: at least every few months, she schedules a weekend off and goes back to her hometown to spend time with her mother, after realizing that she should cherish more the family she has close by after moving into the MANKAI dorm and being reminded of family by the boys (both mother and daughter look forward to this event every time) (what do they do? Just relax and chat over Japanese snacks while her mother gives Izumi some tips on how to better run the dorm) (If you think Izumi is a praiser, her mother is worse, 1000% yaps about her wonderful daughter all the time to her friends behind Izumi’s back)
Sorry it was so long… too many thoughts for MANKAI’s one and only Director…
I have so many more but no one would want to read that much in one sitting. IDK Part 2 when I fail another major assignment that will cost me my grade?
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eggtartz · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a Rindou x soulmate reader? A soulmate AU where Bonten go to (country name) to discuss some matters with (country name) most dangerous organization, a organization that's just like Bonten that's also feared but in (country name) The reader can fight REALLY good and she's really pretty🥰
She's also a executive in (organization name)
a/n : this one is inspired by the book "you've reached sam" by dustin theo, if you haven't heard of him, go check him out. his book is about 'sam' who died but could still contact his girlfriend 'julie' via phone calls. after one day when julie finally accepted her boyfriend's death, the phone call line finally went dead. so a little bit of inspiration from that, anyways thankyou for requesting anon and enjoy 🫶🏻
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summary : you get a phone call from your so-called soulmate?
rindou was weirded out at the conditions of his days now, it's as if something's wrong, something's missing. he kept asking ran if he had missions or tasks to complete or do incase he forgot but that's not it. rindou became a little paranoia as he wake up and the first thing is raking his memories to find what's wrong with him. "fuck this!"
"oh why does my head hurts so much these days, hey can you bring me the heating pads" you asked one of your maids that was standing near the door. one of them rushed to a shelf and took out multiple pads, placing them in your hand. "here miss". you mumbled a thankyou and kept the pad there while frowning. your body has been feeling funny for some days now, your schedule hectic too. as an executive of the organization there, your job is mainly about defenses and attacks but your body made it difficult to do so.
"it's probably just my period" you mumbled and went to shower and prepare for the day. today there are new members and you had to train them by hand which is the least favorite thing for you. "you okay y/n? seems a little wobbly" your brother, eric who had blood over his cheeks asked. he was training too, but his methods are a little but cruel from yours.
"nah m'fine. let's do some sparring today" he sighed a bit and told everyone there to find a partner to spar with. your brother knew, if you wanted to spar that means you're gonna overdo it hence hurting your body more. often times he told you to go easy but you never listened.
at one moment you saw a younger man tackled the other below him but didn't finished him off. you walked to him and slapped his face "what are you fucking doing? the enemy is on the fucking ground, then you fucking end him." you said dead cold at his face. he turned from you hesitantly and punched his throat.
you looked down at him, blinking. you then turned and walked away.
"oi y/n." your eldest brother, charlie said. amongst the gang, your eldest was the most brutal, eric had given mercy enough for someone to flee but charlie would shot them right in the spot as mercy. "yes brother"
entering the mansion you faced with your boss "boss, i've come" you noticed to him. "y/n you can speak japanese yes?"
"yes boss"
"bonten is going to visit us, regarding the transfers of weapons and drugs supplies. do you think you could go and escort them at the airport?"
"yes boss"
"good. take your men and backups if needed. there's seven of them so you do the math okay? that's all dismiss" you nodded and walked through the door with a aching head. the moment your boss mentioned bonten your head starting banging and pounding.
then suddenly your phone rang. "hello?" you asked the other line. "who's this" the person beyond asked. "huh you're the one that called me shouldn't you know who i am?"
"oh i don't know though, your number was written on the back of my phone" your face was visibly confused so you distanced the phone from your ear and saw numbers behind your phone as well. the number was exactly the same.
"whoa i have you number too stranger. wanna bet on who did it?"
"sure" without noticing, your headache and rindou's paranoia was gone as fate finally met you two. you two talked a lot without even revealing who you are even after ending the call. so exactly at 12pm after training, the stranger would call you via phone to ask how was your day and such. it was like having a boyfriend almost.
the day of bonten's arrival was almost here. you have prepared the best men to go with you, understood the pressure on keeping them safe. you took a black suv and three more suvs to the airport and waited for then there. as a representative, you shaked your hands with the leader, mikey when you met him. unloading the bags into the car you drove the whole gang safe and sound.
"here is your rooms, the conference is held at 2pm. please do present 15 minutes prior, maids come to clean only if needed there's a button there. if you need anything, the service counter there has direct number to our executives. if that's all and no question i shall go" you bowed slightly as the bowed back and went to the elevator and pushed the button down.
your palm was cold and sweaty but meeting a gang like bonten, who wouldn't? you arrived at the meeting room and sat at your chair to ease your head and fished out your phone. you dialled his number and after two rings he picked up. "hi love what's wrong you never called me first"
"i don't know i just feel nervous for my meeting that's all"
"oh really? well don't be, im going to a meeting to after this so i can't be too long" he said while rustling could be heard in the background. "yeah no it's okay i just wanted to hear you"
"aw that's sweet of you" you could hear the smile in his voice. after chatting, the conference room started to get crowdy with gang members who sat on the table. bonten executives too has sat down and everyone settled down before two. "as you might know, this are my executives" your boss introduced. he introduced your brothers, your other friends and finally you.
"last but not least, we have our defence chief y/n. our only female member who can do a single fight close combat, the best at the field. capable of beating 45 men bigger than her size, also responsible for hospitalizing 20 men in her care due to lack of discipline. knuckles stronger than any men in the organization, even mine" you stood and bowed to them again.
your boss the gestured charlie to start discussing about the exports of supplies and such. you grew a little bored so you took out your phone and texted the stranger guy. a ding could be heard from the man's phone in front of you known as rindou haitani. he took his phone and unlocked it, smiling when he noticed it was you. when he replied, your phone lit up.
"no way" you murmured.
rindou hasn't noticed yet because he didn't lifted his head but as soon as the meeting was over you rushed over him. "uh can i talk to you for a moment?"
you pulled him into a storage room and waved your phone at him "so it was you?"
"what do you mean?"
"the one who've been calling me, that was you?"
"huh i don't know you know about that but it can't be you"
"fine call her then" rindou grumpily dialled the number and your phone rang. rindou's jaw dropped. "oh shit so it was you?!" he almost yelled before you shushed him. you can't afford to be caught with one of the executives like this but did it excite you? lying if you said it didn't.
"damn so my soulmate a tough person huh?"
"shuh who you calling your soulmate? c'mon let's go out"
"i prefer staying here" he pulled you to straddle his lap and your grip on the phone loosened. he bore into your eyes, lost in them as he touched your cheekbones too. "you're really pretty" he said. you were blushing so much you couldn't express coherent words. rindou and you were sharing one space now, as he leaned closer and closer. much closer when he almost brushed on your lips but distanced back as you two heard a knock. "rin if you wanna do a quickie, do it now im hungry" his brother ran yelled from the other side of the door, making you blush even more.
after that day, you two were basically clinging to each other. mikey or your boss didn't see it as s nuisance, instead liking that you two bonded. yeah, bonded to the point rindou was found in your bed, naked.
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qfzeeph · 9 months
love love love seeing Kijo Togami headcanons on the byakuya tag AAAAAAAAA and honestly it got me inspired to share my own!!!!! heheheheh I kinda homebrewed the Plot Twist™ and new lore regarding... certain things... from Project Raincode into this so if you don't want spoilers for that I don't recommend clicking the read more. Though that being said it's very much a homecooked-homebrewed version of it so it's also not reflective of what's canon in the universe also. The plot twist IS still talked about however!
so a lot of my writing for Kijo is centered around my own lore (which contains a lot of oc x canon because hehe funny i have no self control) so I'm mainly gonna be focusing on the stuff that isn't super duper specific to that. Also, all of this takes place in the Non-Despair Timeline.
So first of all, tl;dr on my funky version of the Homunculus Project is that some people either became homunculi via injection of DNA or they could have a body double. Body doubles could either live alongside the host OR have their consciousness transferred into a homunculus body. Typically, only high ranking people were offered the latter option. Also in my take on it, they found a way to negate the sunlight sensitivity and the Amaterasu Corporation cut corners that unintentionally made it so all of their subjects to have the issue. The Unified Government's experiments also successfully prevented permadeath, but they didn't know the effect was only short term and after a certain number of years "dying" would result in zombification.
•Kijo was one of the very first people to have his consciousness transferred into a Homunculus body, since he was extremely eager to become even more perfect than he already was. He was a huge backer and part of the project as a whole, seeing as the Togami Conglomerate has such a prominent place in the global government.
•One of the head scientists, a french DNA sequencer, was also one of the very first people to do this as well. She was able to do so despite not having the same status as the billionares because she contributed so much to the project. She decided to work on the project because she was born infertile and wanting nothing more than to have a kid of her own, and being transplanted into a new body was, at least in her mind, the only way to achieve that dream.
•Kijo overhears this and has the idea of procreating a homunculus child. Homunculus children at this point were being given to non-homunculus surrogate volunteers (basically how everyone else who went to Hope's Peak got to exist. It was never a school for the gifted-it was secretly a containment zone for all of the test tube homunculi babies aside from "Lucky Students" like Makoto and Reserve Course students.) She agrees since it's everything she's ever wanted, despite knowing that one day she'd have to give him up when the time came.
•The Woman would be allowed to bear Kijo's child, and he was predetermined to be the heir of the company. However, the traditional competition and inheritance contest had to continue as normal in order to maintain the illusion that there weren't genetically modified children in the family. Her son was never to find out, and him and his father were to rule to corporation for eons to come while also spreading homunculus DNA and offspring to those deemed worthy.
•Byakuya's mom never told him that he was basically destined to win. She raised him with love and care and all the formal training any Togami child would normally have needed to compete and be worthy of the title. It pained her to see him go, but she got to experienced the thing she'd always wanted.
•Byakuya doesn't find out ANY OF THIS until his dad "dies" (since the project ended up being faulty and nobody knew that the immortality effects did not stop the body from giving out on itself,) and subsequently gets reincarnated as a zombie within a day. It crushes him, he is full of angst and confusion, like imagine your whole life you believe your talents were earned not given, and they turn out to be given instead of earned (this is actually where more of the oc x canon lore comes in because my character also suffers from genetic modification, and her altered DNA is what cancels out the effects of his altered DNA. We have an in-joke in my friend group that Chere gave Byakuya radiation poisoning and that's why he's allowed to live almost painlessly lmfao) that and like, imagine knowing that one day your body is gonna just give out on you and you'll wake up the next morning as a zombie. that's kinda scary man ngl
•tl;dr: Byakuya Togami is a superhuman because his dad and mom are genetically modified superhumans. His dad wanted to play god and raise a god heir. Byakuya did not choose this path and now has to suffer the consequences of it. Byakuya is also the ONLY homunculus child that was born from two homunculi, all the others were surrogates. That's why he's the Ultimate Perfection ;) ...this probably doesn't make much sense and is like SUUUUUPER fucking out there and weird but I'm posting it anyway I'm tired of being a coward
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starguardianniom · 2 years
What I want to see in season 6 of Miraculous Ladybug
New costumes for the main heroes. That little bell can go since Adrien now lives happily with his mother and Nathalie. And I'm seriously dead tired of Ladybug's onesie pyjama that she calls her super hero outfit. It's a onesie pyjama. She looks like she's going to a pyjama party with a mask and gonna do some yo-yo tricks while at it. The upgrade she gets whenever she uses Lucky Charm is better, but also always temporary, which sucks because it looked a bit more mature and well thought. I'd like to see some red in her hair maybe and ditch the pigtails, sure she had them in honor of Socqueline but she needs her own style now.
Less focus on Marinette and Adrien, the other characters can shine more, given now everyone had permanently their miraculouses, I'd like to see how the class live with their kwamis all the time, and see what kind of cute relationship they have. Don't freaking tell me that they're not gonna show us the rest of the team more after being permanent, I would scream so hard.
Ryuko, Rooster Bold, Caprikid, Miss Hound and Minautaurox transformations scenes.
More Julerose.
More Natharc.
Little closer circles of friends in the Miraculous Team, like Rooster Bold, Miss Hound, Caprikid and Minautaurox being all besties because they all joined at the same time so they quickly latched onto each others more, and Miss Hound and Minautaurox shipping Rooster Bold and Caprikid together. Purple Tigress, Pigella, Polymouse and Vesperia being another quatuor of close friends as they were all chosen quickly one after the others. Viperion, Ryuko, Bunnyx, King Monkey and Pegasus being a quintet. Some fun competetion between all of the groups maybe. Of course, Carapace, Rena Rouge, Ladybug and Chat Noir are the 4 mains maybe, and they are splitted in 2 with Rena and Carapace together and Ladybug and Chat Noir on the other, still all close. Felix maybe being an odd duck among all of them, yet is still closest to Ryuko.
Felix having to work hard to be trusted completely. Maybe still face punishment in an unusual way, like having to transfer to Françoise-Dupont in the class to learn social etiquette or something else.
Lila telling the truth to Adrien about his father and showing her proofs.
Adrien freaking out over it and maybe breaking up with Marinette over it because how could she keep all of those secrets from him when they concerns him the most?
Adrien and Kagami being told they're sentimonsters.
Kagami freaking out over it too.
Character arc about Adrien, Felix and Kagami coping with being magically created humans via magic feathers.
Lila being better at being a a villain than Gabriel ever was.
Cooler villains, with great names and looks and powers.
At least one episode where everyone swaps miraculouses, the shenanigans and who gets which miraculous are endless combinations. Hell maybe one where we could see briefly everyone wielding each of the miraculous at least once, maybe via Second Chance, by that I mean the team having to swap miraculous each time it doesn't work until the find the loop that works.
The Tsurugi family's background and origin story.
Lila's real origin story.
Power ups for the entire miraculous team, and even Lila too as Chrysalis, can't believe Gabriel could have gotten power ups and never used them after getting the translations of the Grimoire.
More Luka and Juleka siblings moments,
More Adrien friendships moments with the rest of the class outside of Marinette and Nino, and also outside Kitty Section too.
Adrien and Kagami joining Kitty Section as permanent members.
Nathalie and Tomoe having their crimes revealed by Lila and them being arrested.
Chloé coming back later and having changed from having to live with her mother and expectations and none of her previous power.
Seeing what the Miraculous Team looks like in Adult!Bunnyx timeline.
Maybe new unifications if something happens to someone on the team, and not having just Ladybug and Chat Noir use them, I could see Kagami with the Dragon and Tiger.
Seeing more family members, like where the heck are Nino's parents after 5 seasons? Or Kim's 2 dads I think? Rose's parents could also be neat. Marc's and Nathaniel's too.
The Order of the Guardians being more there.
Alternate universe/timelines where Marinette and Adrien are either evil, or not Ladybug and Chat Noir, or are Mister Bug and Lady Noire since the beginning, or any other miraculous they could have.
Sabrina making up for following Chloé's lead for so long and getting close for real with the rest of the class.
New school year with Zoé, Kagami and Marc joining the class?
Everyone getting kwamigatas or whatever the little necklaces Marinette, Adrien and Alix have from their kwamis.
The heroes using their necklaces to talk to past holders again.
Chat Noir getting new powers.
Remember everyone that I'm listing what I WOULD LIKE TO SEE in season 6, NOT listing everything that will happen in it.
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enbyleighlines · 9 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 26
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I love how this game does not shy away from how fucked up some of the people can be. Like this man was seriously intending on stuffing a laguz and giving it to his child. The anti-laguz prejudice in Daein runs so deep, man.
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It was around this moment that I realized that I didn't have a meteor tome for Soren to use on Micaiah, and if I wanted to get that conversation, I needed to steal the meteor tome on this map. Unfortunately, getting Heather close enough to the mage to steal the tome before the mage used up all 5 durability of meteor AND without Heather dying proved to be trickier than anticipated. And once I finally managed to get Heather to the mage in time, it turned out her strength wasn't at a high enough level to steal it.
And so I had to restart the map from the beginning, return to the base, and try to get Heather's strength stat up. I only had enough bxp to level her up twice, but she needed 3 more points of strength. So I gave her blossom and finally, finally, got her strength up to 19.
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All of that hard work for one meteor tome. Ugh. I really should have remembered to transfer Calill's meteor tome to the Greil Mercs via Neph or Brom, but I guess I wasn't thinking that far ahead.
Oh, well. At least I managed to pull it off.
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And we're back with the Dawn Brigade! I am glad that Sothe reacts so strongly here. I do understand where Micaiah is coming from— she can read Pelleas's heart, and knows that his intentions are good. Even knowing that, I can't help but feel frustrated at this part in the story. I'm not blaming Micaiah, but man. The whole situation just sucks.
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However, I am judging Micaiah harshly for this line. What the hell, Micaiah? Why would you even say that? You do know that's the exact reason you shouldn't be joining this war, right?
Anyway, I'm going to skip ahead a couple of maps. The fog of war map was long and boring, and the whole time I was just distracted by how nervous I was about the next one. In order to get all the extra content that I want, I have to A. have Soren attack Micaiah, and B. have Ike attack the Black Knight without dying.
And I was right to be nervous, because this chapter was a nightmare. I lost count of how many times I had to redo this map.
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Getting Soren to attack Micaiah was the easy part. He has already become a dodge tank, so I wasn't worried about leaving him within the range of the wyvern knights. I just gave him an Elthunder and he easily wiped them all out.
Anyway, I love this conversation. I really wish Soren and Micaiah got to interact more. I also love how Soren starts out cold and indifferent, but the second Micaiah brings Ike into the equation, Soren's temper flares to life. To be fair, I always thought it would be uncomfortable to interact with Micaiah. I love her, but imagine being around someone who can look into your heart and read your thoughts. I feel like it would feel so violating. Especially for Soren, a man who deeply values his privacy.
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On the other hand, getting THIS conversation took a lot of trial and error. It wasn't necessarily getting Ike and the Black Knight to interact that was the hard part. It was 1. ensuring Ike's survival, and 2. making sure that no one else entered the Black Knight's range. Twice I made the mistake of leaving someone in the BK's range. Once it was Boyd, and once it was Soren. And the worst part was, I had battle saves that locked me into those situations, so Both Times I was forced to redo the battle from the beginning. Ugh.
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However, at long last, I finally managed to make it to the end of this chapter without losing a single unit. Thank Ashera.
And that's it for this part. This was definitely the hardest part of my playthrough thus far, and I think I need a little break to rest and recover. See you all in part 27!
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tussive · 6 months
Long vent post about a friend of mine I'm worried about. Going to put it behind a cut so it doesn't clog up anyone's dash and you can just ignore if you don't want to see me ramble for like 20 pages lol.
One of my really good friends is currently in jail stemming from mental health issues. I don't want to go into the whole deal of what happened out of respect for her privacy but it's just shitty. Like I know there's really nothing that I could have done, or anyone else for that matter, short of physically intervening or contacting the police. I don't think any of us really had the resources to even really get to her, let alone do anything once there to help and she never directly said it but I felt it was very much implied she would rather via suicide by cop than be forced to go back to the hospital.
But like just looking back. She started believing I was an imposter so we haven't really spoken in over a month. She told me months ago that she thought some of the users from the forum we met on were imposters as well, but I just thought it was like a fleeting delusion? Or I don't know. She's schizoaffective and has always struggled with psychosis and stuff. She apparently left her mom a voicemail since she's been arrested and has accused her of being an imposter as well. I'd really love to write her a letter, we would exchange letters sometimes anyway just as a fun thing to do, but also I know how important letters can be when you're incarcerated. But if she's still suffering from Capgras delusions, I don't want to just agitate her more either.
For months now I've wanted to reach out to a mutual friend about her mental state, because it's been very clearly declining. I didn't know what to say though, or like if I did, what could be done. And we aren't like friends really, I mean we know each other from posting in the same Discord servers or whatever, but we weren't even friends on Discord. So I didn't want to add her and then message her and bother her with this stuff. Especially because I didn't know how she would react to any of it and I was kind of afraid she may tell our friend what I had said and that would make things worse.
They recently moved her from a city jail to a county jail and that has me very concerned because everyone I know who has been in jail says the same thing, county jail is the hardest time to do. Because they just have so few resources comparatively. One of my other friends was in jail one time and he told me there was a period of time that they just fucking ran out of toilet paper. It's only been a day but she apparently hasn't been getting her meds either since transferring.
It's very unlikely that she'll be released anytime soon also. She's being charged with a felony. Mutual Friend (MF for short from now on to make this more readable hopefully) is in contact with her mom thankfully who is keeping us updated. Either MF offered or Mom asked, I'm not sure which and it doesn't really matter, about if I'd be willing to do something like be a character witness for her, so I gave MF my phone number to give to Mom, so I'm just kind of waiting on a text now. I don't really know how the logistics of that would work, but luckily she does live somewhat close so even necessary I could likely travel there in person but it'd kind of be inconvenient. I'd totally do it though and I'm glad that if that's what needs to be do, it is at least a possibility. I'd do anything I could to help her, unfortunately that's just not a whole lot.
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Venomous teachings au question:What will Wu do when it will be revealed that Lloyd is the green ninja(if he is.It would be funny and ironic if it was Nya for example)?You mentioned attempted kidnapping in one of the earlier posts.Also,when will it happen?
I haven't hammered out exactly when Lloyd is revealed as the true Green Ninja, other than it being after the Great Devourer is released and defeated (and event that starts Wu on a bit of a downward spiral), so what Wu does, and when he himself finds out aren't fully set in stone, but I have a few ideas I'm thinking of.
In VT, Garm still defeats the GD, but it's by finding his True Potential. He spent pretty much his whole life blaming himself for Wu getting bit, and everything that Wu's done bc of the Venom, and he's able to let go of his guilt and kill the Devourer.
And just like in cannon, it's known that Garmadon is the one who killed the Great Devourer. Which throws a massive wrench in Wu's plan; he had a hand in the GD getting released, and he had planned to use that to get Garm and Nya to give up the Sword of Flame. He wanted to use the chaos to draw them out and then play the whole 'the power of all four Golden Weapons is the only thing that will stop the Devourer, and I'm the only one who can use all four Weapons at once' card that cannon!Garm used. He also wanted to use that as a bit of an ego boost.
Nya and Garm both get captured after the Devourer is dead, and Wu is able to get the Sword of Flames by using Nya's life as leverage. Misako and Mystake are able to bust the two out during a very public kangaroo court """trial""".
And this is where things get messy. The ideas I'm working with are:
1) Lloyd is revealed as the GN via an accidental run-in with the Ninja. Mb they've tracked Garm, Nya, Misako, Mystake, and Lloyd to wherever they're hiding and Lloyd gets close enough to the Weapons to set them off? Something like that.
2) Lloyd is revealed as the GN in a run-in with Wu after he has the Mega Weapon, which reacts to Lloyd the same way the GW's would.
3) Lloyd is revealed as the GN minuets after Wu is defeated. Garm nearly kills himself using the Mega Weapon to defeat Wu, and Lloyd runs over to him, getting close enough to the Mega Weapon to set it off.
If I go with 1, then Wu doubles his efforts to capture Lloyd. The Ninja would be put under his spell by this point, so they wouldn't question what the whole light show was about. His main goal would be to turn Lloyd to his side through manipulation or magic, whichever works. Lloyd, as both Garmadons child and the actual GN would make a powerful asset. And if he couldn't be turned, well, he's still a very valuable hostage.
2 would be pretty similar to 1, but Wu would have gotten a bit more unhinged at that point. Like, he's gone a bit mad with power and stolen the throne and pretty much everyone has figured out 'this guy isn't actually the good guy'. In this scenario Wu would still be trying to capture Lloyd, but his goal would be to use the Mega Weapon to transfer his power into Kai, and then keep him alive just long enough to kill him in front of at least one of his parents.
And in 3, the only person who would actually notice the Mega Weapon glowing green at Lloyd would be Misako. Garm and Wu are both unconscious, Lloyd and Nya are freaking out bc Garm gets kinda messed up from using the Mega Weapon, Pixal is focused on making sure Nya isn't killed by a nasty injury of her own, and the Ninja all just got freed from Wu's spell and are dealing with the emotional and physical fallout from that. Misako is the only one holding it together enough to see the light show. Her response is to get to Lloyd and Garm, kick the MW away from both of them, and then take charge of the situation. I have no idea when (or if) she tells anyone the truth. (Also Kai might also notice. Haven't fully decided on that one yet.)
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lythea-creation · 7 months
My Little Secret - Noaf x fem reader
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summary: How long will (f/n) and Noaf manage to keep their relationship a secret? (This is an old Wattpad story)
warnings: none
word count: 1.286
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
This Oneshot doesn't follow the main story.
I had never been a fan of going to school. When all children had been excited about their very first day of school I had already dreaded it.
I had been a few steps ahead of them as most of them had just decided a few years later that school was not exactly a great place. Changing toys for work was not something to look forward to, right?
So that was my daily routine. Getting on the bus to drive to a school I despised.
A prestige all girls school who was famous for educating well, while I knew by now that everything was not about knowledge and hard work but power and connections. That was the world I lived in.
Being gay in an all girls school was not helping either. But at least nobody knew my secret.
My two best friends Mariam and Dina would have kinda been my light in the dark at this horrid place if it had not been for Layan and her friends who loved to pick on mine.
Usually they left me alone as they never got a great reaction from me. They had tried to make me upset before but apparently my careless attitude toward them had left them frustrated. So they had simply stopped.
The only time I interacted with them was when they overstepped a line when it came to my friends. But most of the time I stood back and let Mariam stand up for Dina and herself as she was perfectly capable of doing that on her own.
Long story short I would prefer not to get on the bus at all in the morning. But it was not up to me and knowledge was still important to me. So I pulled through.
Well … at least until Noaf transferred to our school, my class to be specific. The way she entered the classroom with her piercings and stunning black outfit caught my attention right away. She seemed to be so confident and laid-back that my indifferent behavior for most of my school life suddenly vanished.
I could not help myself but leave Mariam and Dina behind for a moment and approach Noaf in the first break.
“Your boots are amazing! And I love your piercings”, I heard myself talking before I actually realized what I was doing and the anxiety kicked in.
“You think so?”, she shot back with an apathetic expression.
I cocked an eyebrow at her. “Uh … obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't have said it.”
Suddenly a chuckle left her lips. “Calm down. I'm just kidding”, she enlightened me.
“That's not funny”, I claimed feeling my cheeks growing hot from embarrassment.
“If you could have seen yourself I'm sure you would change your mind”, she assumed with a grin. “Anyway. What's your name?”
“(f/n) (l/n). Totally forgot about this whole introducing myself first thing”, I admitted.
“I see why. It's really overrated”, she joked.
We kept on talking until the break was over.
Over the cause of the next weeks Noaf and I grew really close.
Noaf had joined my friend group soon after our first conversation and now we were always hanging out together as a group at school, sometimes even after school. But it did not stop at that.
Noaf and I were texting every day. Every few days we would also call each other to talk. We had even met without Mariam and Dina after school a couple of times, just as we were doing today.
Noaf and I had decided to cook together as my parents were eating dinner with some friends. Prepping everything was easily done, but the food needed to cook for a while. So we talked and listened to music for a while.
“(f/n), we forgot to stir the food”, Noaf suddenly noticed.
I jumped to my feet and quickly checked our meal which was rather black than colorful now.
“Dammit!”, I cursed.
Noaf and I had been so fixated on one another that we had completely forgotten to take care of the food.
I dumped everything into the trash can and took care of the pot.
“I think we have more ingredients. Can you check, please?” I requested and explained her where to look.
“Do you really think this will work out this time?”, Noaf questioned with a chuckle when she returned with the ingredients.
“Well. If you hadn't distracted me our food would be on our plates instead of the trash can now”, I shot back with a grin.
“Oh. So it's my fault?!”, she joked.
“Of course it is. How could I focus on anything else when you're around?”
Had I seriously just blurted that out? Why did this always have to happen around her? Where was my cool?
Noaf seemed to be taken off guard by my words as well.
After a while of silence she spoke up again: “Did you mean that?”
“Well … uh … yeah”, I admitted.
Suddenly Noaf's hand was cupping my cheek. “So you don't mind if I get closer, do you?”, she reassured.
To answer her question I closed the gap between us and kissed her. Honestly I was doubting this was not a dream for a moment. I had never expected Noaf to reciprocate my feelings.
When we parted again I dashed around all of a sudden.
“What's up?”, Noaf exclaimed worried.
I turned back around to her and relaxed. “I really just thought we had forgotten about the food again although we didn't even restart yet”, I proclaimed with a bashful chuckle.
Now Noaf burst out laughing. It was rare to hear her laughing like that. So I enjoyed every second of it.
“So if we could put my little moment of panic beside and return to where we were before that, please. How am I supposed to ever let you go home now?”, I half-joked.
Noaf chuckled. “Don't worry, babe. After all you're my girlfriend now. So you won't get rid of me that easily.”
She stayed true to her words. For the next three weeks Noaf and I met every day after school. Nobody knew about our relationship except our families as we had not wanted them to accidentally walk in on us making out and find out that way.
“My parents just bought a popcorn machine for me. Are you guys in for a movie night today?”, Dina invited us.
“Oh yeah! That sounds great!”, Mariam rejoiced.
“What do you think, babe? Did we have any special plans for today?”, Noaf asked me.
“Wait … babe? Are you guys dating?”, Dina exclaimed.
“Oh shit! I'm sorry”, Noaf apologized for telling our secret.
“It's fine. It was time to tell them anyway”, I assured her with a smile.
“So you guys ARE dating! Since when? Why didn't you tell us?”, Dina interrogated us.
“Woah, calm down”, Noaf replied with a chuckle.
“To answer your questions: three weeks and we didn't want to make a fuss about it. You know that it's not a great idea to draw any unwanted attention toward you when you're in a class with Layan and her friends”, I explained.
“Understandable”, Mariam agreed. “But you're in for hanging out with us without being all lovey-dovey all the time anyway, aren't you?”
“Oh yeah! I wanna see the romance in the movie, not on the couch next to me”, Dina chimed in.
Noaf and I looked at each other and started laughing.
“I think we can work that out”, I assured them.
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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