#well not really but they stop you from making memes
dyketubbo · 2 years
for a story with so much suicide and suicidal characters these ccs really do not know how to handle the topic well yes that includes wilbur soot himself
#suicide tw#realizing the fandom is not just like that but rather that its actually very fitting that the dsmp fandom is full of people who-#-turn suicide into a joke. because its not something these ccs treat as much more than a small detail in the story#theres so much talk about how other ccs and characters dont acknowledge that cwilbur is suicidal but id like to remind that#wilbur himself has a large hand in this writing and even he has some big flaws in how he handles the subject#its not really that ccwilbur and cctommy are the best at handling suicide in dsmp#i think they just happen to be the least sucky at it#but even then theres a lot of flaws namely in the lack of warning for any of it and the tendency to avoid outright stating it#as well as not holding others ccs accountable to acknowledging the dark themes in their stories#dsmps suicide themes vs the fandom treating suicide as a comedic topic is not a sign of dissonance between source and fans#but rather has a direct connection#which is much different from say. ddlc#where sayoris suicide is played very straight. she killed herself. she was told to do so by monica. she wrote a suicide note-#-she had death flags. no matter what you do she does it because no matter what shes simply that depressed#she makes sure to do it too early for mc to have been able to stop her even if he did keep their promise to pick her up and check on her#and it was purely the fandoms fault for treating it as a joke and constantly spreading memes about sayoris suicide#with no warning or sensitivity#theres an actual dissonance there. but with dsmp.. while its not an active joke in canon#its clear that the act of suicide is not necessarily the worrying factor of these characters deaths#but rather its framed as if whats worrying is how it effects others. the one exception being ctommys suicide attempt#which does make sense in that ctommys was the only one that was purely private#but still. its something to think about and point out#dsmp#negative#mask mews
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mechanica1-hands · 3 years
My heart was absolutely not prepared for the love that the Hilda community here has shown my posts. Like....wtf tysm???
People think I'm funny?
I'm beyond happy that people enjoyed what I put out, and I hope that I can continue to create silly little Hilda memes for y'all.
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starbuck · 3 years
an issue with my Black Sails notes is that I’ve developed a very distinctive and annoying style of writing in them and I can’t make myself stop.
The most recent additions have been saying “something something [sort of related concept/analysis to what I was previously talking about]” and “[significant thing] really is Something, huh?” so basically I’m just saying “something” a lot for no reason.
#also resurrected calling anything and everything A Mess#that was basically a meme in my s3 notes but I thought I’d stopped in s4... No Such Luck...#and of course ‘[thing] is really Like That huh?’#which is basically interchangable with ‘Something’ but tends to have a more negative connotation#and then just the excessive use of ‘like.’ as a means of pausing halfway through a thought#it’s completely out of control#which is why I Do still intend to post Something as ‘notes’ when I’m done this rewatch#but a lot of it I’m just gonna strip down for parts and rebuild into more comprehensible metas#bc as it is a lot of it is very messy#or just not as well-stated as it could be since I write them as I’m watching#although I Do go in and edit afterwards so they’re not That Bad#but I do occasionally spend a long time writing out a point and then realize that I disagree or it just Doesn’t Matter and I’m like Huh.#and I just leave it in bc it’s Whatever you know - might be something of value in there#but it’s probably not something I would want in the final notes#and sometimes I’m just Wrong which is really funny#I’ll spend all this time making a Whole Point only for there to be a line I forgot about two scenes later that contradicts the whole thing#if I was doing this properly I’d do what I did with that Terror rewatch from ages ago and watch the eps through once normally before#doing the notes on a second watch-through immediately after#but literally Whomst has time for that?#I mean me technically but I’m not doing it#it’s too late now anyways#we are Almost Done#which speaking of - let me finish the last couple scenes in 4x04 and get myself a little closer!
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pochapal · 5 years
anyway so i looked into that subreddit that anon linked me to last night a little and i’m not sure it’s the best resource to link to anyone actually. if anyone’s following me who has like. gender questions please don’t go there for anything it’s not good.
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thyfatedenemy · 2 years
He sends you a dick pic and you send this back to him, reactions
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I'm fucked up over driving classes and I hate them sm so I wrote this and I'm going to inflict the psychic damage onto all of you to cope
Charachters: Cater, Trey, Leona, Idia, Malleus, Lilia
🔞 contect because... weenies
Dude spend HOURS trying to find the perfect angle, the perfect lighting, everything needs to be PERFECT, otherwise he's not sending it.
There it was. The perfect picture. Everything about it was perfect.
And then
Then you have the AUDACITY to send something like that to him.
How dare you?
How dare you be this funny?
Screw you. He loves you so much god damn it, he's got his dick out, it's hard, and he's wheezing his lungs out.
Because of you.
Please come see him rn he wants to kiss his amazing comedian S/O
Gonna be honest, you need to bring up the subject.
And he says "sure", like the tiny little fool he is.
Doesn't spend too much time on it but makes it look decent.
Y'know, just a nice little treat for yo-
What is that.
Baby what is that. Why.
He's confused.
Then it clicks.
You set him up.
You so nicely asked for a dick pic. All because you wanted to use the reaction picture. Also probably because u wanted a dick pic but we can ignore that for now.
He sends a grumpy cat meme in responce.
Puts a lil' effort into it but tbh he'd just rather have you there with him.
Checks the phone occasionally to see when you've responded.
Stares at the image send back to him.
Stares it a bit longer.
Tries to decide what to do now.
For once he's. He's really not sure what he's supposed to do here.
Leaves you on read by accident.
He's not mad he's just very confused.
Took him alot to send it, he's shy like that.
The picture is a bit blurry and somehow he managed to make his dick look shy, but y'know, decent picture all in all.
Tbh the meme gets a good laugh out of him, if you ever end up sending him nudes, he'll just send it back to you.
It's an inside joke now.
If you two ever have sex, he's first gonna pull the picture from his phone.
"so cool"
Please laugh with him.
Malleus: blame @malewife-central for this one /j
Okay so he can't use a phone.
But this doesn't stop him.
He spends hours trying to draw his own dicks
Honestly it's a really good drawing too. Shading, lighting, every single detail is immaculate.
Then he puts it in an envelope, puts a wax seal on it, and sends it to you with magic. The letter burns if anyone but you opens it.
He waits patiently for your responce.
It comes in the form of a carrier pidgeon he'd gifted you.
He opens the envelope.
Teleports to you an asks for an explanation.
You end up spending a few hours with him, explaining the meme.
No he doesn't have his pants on.
Another one whose not mad, just very confused.
Well on a good note, he knows how phones work... probably.
He'd prefer you there with him, pictures like these seem so detatched, but y'know he has no problem with sending the picture either.
He sees the meme and falls to the ground in tears. He's shaking, crying, trying to stop himself from cackling in the hour of our lord, 22:02/10:02pm
Also teleports to you. His dicks still out but u can ignore that.
You've broken this man he can't stop laughing, like seriously it's been 10 minutes.
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
MHA Reaction - You kiss his cheek
A/N: I haven't been doing a lot of MHA stuff lately, but that's going to change! :)
Featured Characters: Kaminari, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Sero, Shinso, Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Amajiki, Iida
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Denki Kaminari
He would short-circuit, no question. Honestly his brain really packed up and went to lunch. His heart took control and it was driving him insane. Well, you were driving him insane. You really kissed him. He loved it. He loved you. Wait! He didn't really say that out loud, did he?
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Eijiro Kirishima
He would blush when you kiss his cheek. Honestly the affection would make him so happy. You were so sweet, Y/N. And it was so brave and manly of you to just do it out of nowhere! But don't worry, he has no intention of rejecting you if you like him. After all, he's fallen pretty deep for you.
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Fumikage Tokoyami
He would not know how to react. Should he say something? Should he do something? While he's stewing on his thoughts, Dark Shadow would be so happy that you gave him a kiss too. He would practically melt. Aw, Y/N! You're so cute! He'll treasure this kiss.
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Hanta Sero
Sero would be all smiles. He loved it when you kissed him. It motivated him and made him all giddy inside. Could you maybe kiss him everyday?
"I think you missed a spot, Y/N."
"May I?" You nodded. "Right here."
He would kiss both of your cheeks.
"And right here."
He would kiss your lips and pull away, watching your cheeks turn pink. He adored seeing your pink cheeks. He was glad that you only reacted like this with him. He was the same way, only you could get such lovey-dovey reactions from him.
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Hitoshi Shinso
His eyes would dart up to yours when you kiss his cheek. He gave a small smile. From the outside, he seemed pretty calm and collected. But you couldn't feel the skip of his heart beat or the warm swell in his heart. You had no idea whatsoever that he was turning to mush before your very eyes. How is it that you could make him feel so weak in the knees with a single kiss? He would recover somewhat quickly and clear his throat.
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Izuku Midoriya
You know that mathematic meme? Yeah that's Izuku's brain when you kiss his cheek. He doesn't even blink. It takes you poking him in the shoulder for him to snap out of it. He apologizes rapidly but stops when you start to giggle. Was there a chance that you liked him? Hey Y/N, would it be okay if he gave you a kiss too?
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Katsuki Bakugou
He'd be confused and silent for once. Why did you kiss him? His face was red? No it wasn't! It's just a wind burn! Nevermind that you're both inside and there's no window open! When you walk away, he might put his hand up where you kissed him.
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Shoto Todoroki
He would blink rapidly in confusion when you get up close to him. After you kiss his cheek, he couldn't help but smile. He felt so warm and happy. After meeting you, he truly understood what affection was like.
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Tamaki Amajiki
He would freeze and his face would turn so red. He was so surprised when you kiss his cheek. He never thought that you would kiss him. Maybe you didn't feel the same as him, but this meant a lot to him. And it may have fueled his crush further.
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Tenya Iida
He really tries to keep it together when you kiss his cheek. But he doesn't want you to see his red face. He had to make like Sonic and escape this situation. Let him take a breath or twenty and he'll come right back and apologize for just running off. If you were to ask him about this kiss, he would be sure to tell you that he was totally okay with it. What if you want to kiss him again? He wasn't going to say no. But Y/N, do you like him like how he likes you? It would be best to know before he makes any calculated moves towards the possibility of dating.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
This bit in Sword of Destiny (second witcher book) is one of my very favorite Geralt/Jaskier stories.
It has everything (Stefon voice):
Dandelion and Geralt acting as a domestic unit/pooling money.
Dandelion bullying racists
Geralt enjoying it very much
Dandelion being a difficult, vain bastard
Geralt handling him deftly
Geralt's Ethics (tm)
Ok, the story starts off with the fact that they are broke and hungry.
Dandelion shook his head, took off his bonnet, and looked at the witcher with a forlorn grimace on his mouth.
“You mean we still don’t have any money?”
“So it would seem.”
I love how they call it 'our' money and 'we' don't have money. They are very much one domestic unit.
Dandelion made an even more forlorn face. “It’s all my fault,” he moaned. “I’m to blame for it all, Geralt. Are you angry at me?”
So Dandelion is forlorn, hoping Geralt isn't mad at him. I just love when this vain, egotistical, pain in the ass gets all soft for Geralt. Also, Dandelion is at fault, which frankly, shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
The witcher wasn’t angry at Dandelion. Not at all.
Thankfully, Dandelion's husband isn't mad at him, Even though he deserves it. Why? Well, read on.
There was no doubt Dandelion was to blame for what had befallen them.
The witcher did not bear Dandelion a grudge for provoking the Rangers of the forest, he was not innocent either, for he could have intervened and held the bard back.
Dandelion got in a fight. Geralt isn't mad because he could have stopped Dandelion, but he didn't. Why?
He did not, however, for he could not stand the infamous Guardians of the Forest, known as The Rangers, a volunteer force whose mission was to eradicate non humans.
It had annoyed him to hear their boasts about his elves, spriggans, and eerie wives bristling with arrows, butchered or hanged.
Basically, they are racist and Geralt fucking hates them. Geralt isn't one for confrontation, though. HOWEVER when his pain in the ass boyfriend bullies them, he sits back and enjoys it. He is the very definition of this meme...
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Dandelion though, who after traveling for some time with the witcher, had become convinced of his own impunity from retaliation, had surpassed himself.
Dandelion is so smug about having a badass husband that he's become even more mouthy and confrontational. (even though Geralt is not confrontational, Dandelion knows Geralt could kick people's asses if he wanted to. Dandelion is like a little yappy chihuahua who knows his german shepherd husband could handle it if he wanted to.)
Initially, the Rangers had not reacted to his mockery, taunts, or filthy suggestions, which aroused the thunderous laughter of the watching villagers.
The Rangers tried to ignore Dandelion. Dandelion was relentless, publicly making a mockery of them.
When, however, Dandelion sang a hastily composed obscene and abusive couplet, ending with the words
If you want to be a nothing be a Ranger
An argument, and then a fierce mass punch-up broke out. The shed, serving as the dance hall, went up in smoke….
So Geralt gets pulled into this fight Dandelion starts. And he blames himself equally because he knows he was enjoying it a little too much. (It really isn't his fault, but you know Geralt. Why blame someone else when you could blame yourself.)
Anyway, law enforcement shows up. Geralt and Dandelion avoid imprisonment because of Dandelion's fame. However they have to pay for damages, hence their extreme brokeness.
They have already sold everything off that they can.
They had already sold Geralt’s gold signet for food, and an alexandrite brooch the troubadour had once been given as a souvenir by one of his numerous paramours.
Things were tight. But no, the witcher was not angry with Dandelion.
“No, Dandelion,” he said. “I’m not angry with you.”
Dandelion did not believe him, which was quite apparent by the fact that he kept quiet. Dandelion was seldom quiet.
Aw, Dandelion is chastened and so worried Geralt is mad at him that he's actually (gasp) quiet. He looks for more belongings to sell.
He patted his horse’s neck, and fished around in his saddlebags for the umpteenth time. Geralt knew he would not find anything there they could sell. The smell of food, borne on a breeze of a nearby tavern, was becoming unbearable.
Poor hungry boys. But wait! They are saved from their plight when a stranger approaches them.
The man says his daughter is getting married. Like the absolute smart ass, bastard, whore he is, Dandelion asks if the man is offering him jus primae noctis.
The man says that his wife has learned that Dandelion is in town and wants to hire him for the wedding.
"...we'll show everyone we aren't churls like them. That we stand for culture and art. That when we have a feast it's refined, and not an excuse to get pissed and throw up...Master Dandelion, well I never, such a celebrity, that'll be one in the eye for the neighbors..."
It seems they are saved once again by Dandelion's celebrity! However, the poor man lets slip there is another bard already hired.
"Do my ears deceived me?" Dandelion drawled . "I, I am to be the second bard? An appendix to some other musician? I have not sunk so low, my dear sir, as to accompany somebody!"
The poor man is begging him and Dandelion is being prideful, so Geralt steps in.
"Dandelion," Geralt hissed softly. "Don't put on airs. We need those few pennies."
Now, Dandelion was JUST pouting and feeling guilty for being to blame for their hunger. And yet. He doesn't react well to Geralt's plea at first.
"Don't try to teach me!" the poet yelled. "Me? Putting on airs? Me? ...What should I say about you, who rejects a lucrative proposition every other day. You won't kill hirikkas, because they're an endangered species, or mecopterans because they're harmless, or night spirits, because they're sweet, or dragons because your code forbids it. I, just imagine it, also have my self respect! I also have a code!"
Geralt is a working class freelancer, and his economic position is tenuous enough that having ethics is always fucking him up. I love that he won't kill night spirits because they're sweet. XD Though, Dandelion is being a bit of a hypocrite here. After all, he was the one who LITERALLY BEGGED Geralt not to kill the dragon during the dragon hunt because it was "pretty."
Geralt knows he has to step up his game though. He pulls out the stops:
"Dandelion, please, do it for me. A little sacrifice, friend, nothing more. I swear, I won't turn my nose up at the next job that comes along. Come on, Dandelion...
Dandelion can't refuse him when he gets all sweet like that.
The troubadour looked down at the ground and scratched his chin, which was covered in soft, fair bristles.
The man, sensing that Geralt has weakened Dandelion's resolve, tries to close the negotiation. He offers Dandelion thirty talars.
"Thirty five," Dandelion said firmly.
Geralt smiled, and hopefully breathed in the scent of food wafting from the tavern.
And there we are, their problem is solved. I just think they are a damned endearing old married couple. I like to see them managing their money and negotiating their relationship. Also I love that part of why Geralt loves Dandelion, is because he is his complete opposite. Mouthy, vain, loud, quick to start fights. It scratches an itch he can't do himself because of all of his ethics and restraint.
Basically, I love them, your honor.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
In Which Fox Arrests His Boss
(Context: while reading Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge by @theinternationalacestation today, I got to thinking about the specific Fascist Extreme Military Police Laws mentioned in the fic. That fic is, however, much more tragic and dark than what I'm slapping onto tumblr today, as well as significantly more polished.)
So, we all love a fic where Fox gets to ruin Palpatine's plans. Let's hop in:
Fox can, theoretically, arrest anyone on vague late-Republic fascist law premises.
Being arrested, theoretically, strips the Chancellor of his power as head of the army, if only temporarily.
The chips could respond more directly to his position (Supreme Commander of the GAR) rather than his specific voice.
Suggestion (that has no doubt been played out by other authors before):
Fox arrests Palpatine for vague fascist military police reasons. Ostensibly, it's about taxes. Palpatine attempts to use a chip order. It doesn't work. Any clone that has been informed of his arrest is no longer susceptible to his control. He can't comm out to those who haven't heard unless he mindtricks the guards into letting him out. He sees them pulling out the Force Cuffs and digs out his sabers because fuck this, actually.
At some point Senators, Anakin, various people: You can't just arrest the Chancellor! Fox: I'm the commander of the Coruscant Guard. I can arrest anyone.
Fox, after Palpatine is out of the way, orders a search and seizure of his office and WOW is all this sketchy, huh guys?
"You can't do that without a warrant--" "Wartime regulations, you voted them in three weeks ago. I absolutely can."
From @atagotiak on discord:
“Literally anyone. For any reason. It’s a little fucked up, if you think about it”
"Legally, I can kind of do whatever I want unless the government stops me, and unfortunately for Palpatine, he's had me doing his paperwork for a year and a half, and I closed up the loopholes that let people stop me from arresting him. You need a month-long trial to censure me, and I'm still in my position until then. He really should not have let me edit bills for him."
"A change in power will slow down the war and get people killed!" "I was already doing most of his work for him, it won't change that much."
The month-long trial can't start until their investigation into Palpatine's paperwork is over. This, in itself, takes at least a few weeks. Fox just wanted to cause some problems.
Just. It's very "You can't do that, you're a clone!" "Well... you voted for the 'military police can invade your privacy and arrest without reasonable cause for the war effort' bill. I'm confused as to why you're complaining that I'm now invading someone's privacy and arresting them without reasonable cause in direct relation to the war effort. You voted for me to do that." "Not to us!" "Well, then you should have specified."
Tigers eating faces meme, etc
It's funny if Fox already knows the Chancellor is a Sith Lord, but it's even funnier if he's just really fed up and doing it because he might as well do something fun before he dies.
Fox, afterwards: He's politician-evil, so I wanted to see if I could get away with this legally, which I can, and if I could find evidence of treason in his office, which wow. Yeah. I sure did.
“Idk he seemed pretty sketch and I thought I might as well. Idk what the big deal is, he’s the one that gave me all this power in the first place.”
There's a memo to the entire GAR, reading:
There is now a warrant out for the arrest of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Until further notice, all orders from this individual are to be disregarded.
Fox sends out the memo a few minutes before he arrests Sheev. Makes sure it's marked emergency so it gets to people before Sheev himself does. Fox might bring along a Jedi just in case the personal not-clone guards that Sheev has are more personally loyal (paid more) than an arrest order.
Fox: If I do this, I'm definitely getting disappeared as soon as he has his stupid throne back, but it'll be funny as hell and we're all going to feel so much satisfaction from it. Palpatine: [outs himself as a Sith Lord] Fox: ...huh. Not getting disappeared, I guess.
Fox just completely screws up Sidious's day
If anyone (the media, who have realized at some point that Fox is running half the Chancellor's office) asks him about the effects this has on the war effort he points out that all the major strategic work is being done by the Jedi and they are more than competent without the Chancellor.
(Whether or not he believes what he's saying is irrelevant. He trusts his brothers to be competent when the Jedi aren't.)
Honestly they're arguably more competent without him. Which like, hey, in hindsight...
Oh, they absolutely are! But there's "I'm going to get disappeared for actually making this work" and "tempting fate by telling everyone the Chancellor's a nerfherder."
"Get the Chancellor out of the way for a few weeks and maybe the Jedi and brothers can get something done" is actually his driving motivation to do this.
He wouldn't necessarily completely destroy his own life and endanger many of his brothers just to piss off Sidious for a few weeks. Possibly speeding up the war by temporarily removing someone he knows is slowing down the war and getting brothers killed en masse, whether through incompetence or maliciousness? That's worth getting himself executed, tortured, or whatever the hell else is going to happen.
I wonder if there’s laws about lightsabers or at least laws about red ones Not that it matters as much as all the other crap, but.
I imagine there's at least a "you must have a license/declare it/have paperwork of ownership" thing going on Which is easily obtained and streamlined for Jedi, somewhat less streamlined for museums, obscure and politically complicated for the darksaber, and incredibly difficult to procure for private collections.
Palpatine probably could’ve had a lightsaber officially, he’s powerful enough to get all that paperwork pushed through. But he didn’t want anyone to know he had lightsabers, probably. Honestly I brought up the lightsaber thing because it fits the real fun “busted for tax evasion” vibe of some Palpatine things. Though of course, there are other, different things they find later
He had three vintage Jedi sabers in a collection back on Naboo, and he has paperwork for those, but he does not have a license to carry or a declaration of ownership for the ones on his person, or to have any of this on Coruscant.
“So this worked out for the best. I guess those laws are… ok?” Fox, who ended up in the Coruscant Guard partly because he actually paid attention to his civics modules: that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard
Anakin would probably agree with that logic if he wasn't having an absolute breakdown on the other side of the galaxy.
(Fox absolutely timed this so Anakin would not be here for it.)
I just love the idea of things backfiring in stupid ways.
The order wouldn't work if he managed to send it out but also he can't because his comm won't recognize his face id so he can't use it. One thing I really enjoy with this and stuff like @nevertheless-moving's "just kill him au" is the whole "Wait, I thought he was just regular-evil!"
Final note: I haven't read Discworld but I absolutely had "Vimes arrests both armies for disturbing the peace" posts on my mind writing this.
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stolen-breath · 2 years
𝕘𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕞'𝕤 𝕕𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕨𝕒𝕝𝕜𝕤
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Warm days like this are the bane of your existence.  You should stay home – those deadlines are looming heavier than midwestern storm clouds – but after two straight weeks of sweaters and rain, you can't resist throwing on a T-shirt and shorts and going for a walk.
You don't really follow that "long walks in the sun cure depression" crap – there's obviously more going on there – but this is pretty nice for a break.  The golden rays are a warm embrace on your skin, chilly from your apartment's AC.  The green of the grass pushing through cracks in the sidewalk, the scattered rainbow flowers, the cobblestone bricks beneath your feet – all made blindingly vivid without the rain dulling them.  Even the usual smog that plagues the city seems to fade around you.
You love the beauty of Gotham.  It has its problems – even this casual walk comes with a pocket taser and pepper spray – but you can pretend those don't exist while you're admiring its gothic beauty.
The downside to ignoring the world around you?  You don't see the street sign until you walk right into it.
The cartoons lied to you.  You're not seeing stars at all!  …oh wait – there they are.  They're not the fun little dancing stars, and there's a suspicious lack of birds circling your head, so you definitely have every right to complain.  Ooh, can you sue for  advertising?
"You good?"
A shadow covers your face, blocking out the warmth.  You force your eyes open past the throbbing in your nose to see a man bending over you.  He's nothing more than a silhouette, the light framing his head like an old Mercy meme, but the shock of white contrasts his black hair so vibrantly that you can see it with perfect clarity.  He seems harmless enough – even genuine in his concern.
"I mean… I'm alive.  That counts for something, right?"
He chuckles as he reaches for your face.  You jerk your head back, away from his probing fingers – or you would, if the ground weren't directly beneath you.  He feels around your aching nose as gently as he can, but you can't stop a hiss of pain from slipping out.  So embarrassing… unless it's broken.  Then it's totally justified.  (As if breaking your nose on a street sign isn't even more humiliating…)
"Not broken!  Gonna have a wicked bruise though.  Lucky you."  You breathe a sigh of relief and accept his hand, allowing him to pull you to your feet.  You stumble as your feet try to find purchase where your head just was – thankfully, he doesn't let go of you until you're solidly upright.  He repeats his earlier question:  "You good?"
Your face grows hot as his eyes roam across first your face, then then the length of your body.  There's something about that piercing stare that makes you wonder - is he admiring you or sizing you up?  "Take a picture, it'll last longer."
"I mean, I usually ask if it's cool before I take someone's picture.. but if you're offering."
He breaks out in peals of laughter when he sees the shock on your face.  "What, you can dish it out, but you can't take it?  C'mon now.  I thought you were better than that."  He sticks his hand out again, this time offering a handshake.  "Todd.  Jason."
You eye his hand as if it's a very well-disguised gun before you cautiously accept it.  "Name.  Your."
Todd (or is it Jason?) laughs again, squeezing your hand with a grip that betrays at Ieast a few muscles under that faded red hoodie.  "Well, N/, you should probably get some ice for your face – it'll hurt like a bitch otherwise.  Trust me on this one."  You do.  You can't help it.  His crooked nose boasts the bumps of many breaks.  "There's a coffee shop a couple blocks that way.  I'll treat you."
Hey wait – you weren't expecting a date out of this!  "You – don't trouble yourself or anything!" you stammer, your face flushing anew.
"I'm not.  I filled up their punchcard, so you're not costing me a dime."  He rubs his finger and thumb, rubbing them together like a gleefully maniacal fly.  "What can I say?  I'm thrifty."
You can't resist.  "Sure.  So thrifty that you had to pay at least 5 bucks a punch… so you spent 50 bucks minimum for what, bragging rights?"
"Shh!"  His eyes widen in horror, but they hide a mischievous twinkle (not well – the Perseverance could probably see it all the way on Mars).  "Not so loud!  I can't have Random Passerby #3 hear you!  I'll be ruined!"
"Hmm…"  You pretend to consider this very seriously.  "Perhaps I could be convinced to not expose you.  With a coffee that you pay for.  Oh, and I'll need that punchcard.  Blackmail, you see."
"Ugh… the price I pay for social media status points."  He starts walking toward the coffee shop in question, so of course you follow him.  He owes you a coffee and a punchcard.  "So… how'd that sign taste?"
"Almost as good as that coffee you owe me."
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beeindaclouds · 3 years
DSMP comforting you pt. 1 ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
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Pairings: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Wilbur Soot, C!Technoblade, Eret, Punz × Reader
❝ Dream ❞
You cannot be upset near this man
He will abandon everything to comfort you
He's in the middle of a stream? He's eating? On the other side of the city? Who cares, you're more important
Will first ask you whats wrong and from there he'll choose what to do
If you want to talk about it he'll hand you Patches so that she can calm you while you talk
If you don't he'll do anything to distract you
Probably ends up dragging you out and buying you things you like, which makes you feel guilty for spending his money, but he insists cause he loves you, and you feel more guilty, and it's a continuous loop of cheesiness
"Dream, I'm fine, I don't need another hoodie-"
"You're right you have mine... let's go buy some other clothes then"
Don't even waste your time stopping him, it ain't happening
❝ Georgenotfound ❞
It'll take a while to realize that you're not doing ok
It's not really his fault
But he'll go in full panic mode once he realizes
'What do I do? Should I hug them? Ask them what happened? Should I ask Dream? Or Sapnap? Ok, maybe not Sapnap-'
He'll start looking like that meme with all the equations around his face
You, of course, notice the weird behaviour of your boyfriend and come to the conclusion that he knows you're upset
You try to tell him that it's ok, that you just need some time to calm down and collect your thoughts
He does not listen and tries to cook for you
Didn't end well
"Geroge, do you smell smoke?"
"Noo, what? What are you talking about?
"Wait are you in the kitchen?!"
"NO- don't come in-"
You ended up ordering take out and cuddling while watching a random movie
At least it's the thought that counts
And he did get a few laughs out of you
❝ Sapnap ❞
You thought you could be sad near this man? HAH, you thought wrong!
As soon as he sees a glips of a frown he is jumping on you, literally
He will then proceed to give you the most innocent puppy dog eyes, like he didn't just jump on you, and ask
"Why are you sad darl?"
He'll caress you as he listens to you explain why you are upset
He'll even help you with your problems
He is also never letting you go. You are stuck in his arms until he is 100% sure you're ok
"Sap I have to go to the bathroom"
"What do you mean no? Sap I have to pee-"
"Don't care"
❝ Badboyhalo ❞
I don't know why I imagined this, but I did
If he sees you upset he'll caress your cheeks, play and pull them a little bit, as he asks you what's wrong
He'll continue to do it even when you're explaining what happened
You had to sometime stop talking since it's hard to say words when you're being squished
"Bwad- mwy cheeksh-"
"Shh, just keep on explaining"
Once you're done he'll shower your face in small kisses and tell you that everything is ok and that he is always there if you needed him
And then he'll order pizza for the both of you, because food makes everybody happy
❝ Wilbur Soot ❞
He's prepared
He has a whole mental list of things to do whenever you get upset
First he'll sit you down, make you comfortable and ask what's wrong
He'll then comfort you and offer some advice if you wanted
Then he'll make you watch some funny videos that chat sent him for YLYL
"Hey! That's my line-"
Sometimes he'll sing to you. Maybe even an unreleased song of Lovejoy
❝ C!Technoblade ❞
He is not good with comforting...or emotions
But he did this once and it worked so now he always does it and it always seem to work
What he'll do is drag Steve in the house, sit him in front of you, hide behind him, and starts talking, acting like Steve is the one doing the talking, while moving the bear's arms around too
"Hallo! It me, Steve! Now tell me what's wrong"
"Techno, what are you doings?"
"Me not Techno, me Steve! Now talk"
"Ok, rude much you copycat"
The three of you always end up cuddling togheter by the fire place
❝ Eret ❞
I think they'd just talk to you, to calm you down
Have you heard them?!?
You could fall asleep just by the sound of their voice alone
Whenever you're upset they always approaches you with a warm smile and pull you into their arms
Just you two, in eachothers arms, as Eret rubs slow circles into your back and calmly reassures you
"It's ok honey, everything will be ok. I'm here with you every step of the way. I love you, you know that, right? So so much"
And they always give you kisses on your hands like the royalty they are
❝ Punz ❞
He's another one that panics for a bit
But he'll later pull himself togheter and come comfort you
He'll sit you on his lap, make you talk if you want, and if not he'll try to distract you
I can see him tickling you non stop just to see you smile
"I can't breath, pUNZ-"
"There's that smile, I want to see it more"
Part Two
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So, the meme was trash and I have deleted it. Thanks for showing me that I should not make memes, Tumblr.
Well, that should be the end of that. I apologize for inconveniencing everyone on tumblr, but I do appreciate the discussions we were able to have. I’ll just stick to creating quality content from now on. (Teehee, as if I ever made any quality content in the first place.)
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Relaxing with them
notes: this is just sitting idle and enjoying your time together
also anyone over 15 who doesn't intend to start any drama is welcome to join the twisted wonderland discord server I mod in.
characters included: ace trappola, trey clover, leona kingscholar
contains: character x gn!reader
warnings: none
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Ace has a lot to do with school and following all the rules at Heartslabyul so he's glad whenever he can take some time to just chill with you. He gets annoyed pretty fast with his daily life.
He'll usually invite you to stop by at his dorm and snuggle with him in his room.
He likes talking about whatever comes to mind with you and complaining about his teachers or his dorm leader or the homework he got yelled at for not doing whilst holding you in his arms and running his hands up and down your back.
Sometimes he'll appreciate a short nap with you as well. He likes to be the little spoon for napping, at least if it's during the day because the light keeps him from sleeping and he likes to hide his face in your neck
Oftentimes you'll also just sit on his bed together and spend time on your phones. Ace occasionally shows you some funny memes or comes up with the idea to prank-call Deuce or Riddle.
Sometimes when you can decide on a genre of music you both like to listen to, he'll share headphones with you or you both listen to a song together
Ace likes to have you lay your head on his lap. He'll lay a pillow in his lap so you're comfortable and you can turn towards him and wrap your arms around his upper body and bury your face in his stomach.
Ace just likes to cuddle for a couple of hours sometimes. He needs his space often enough but he also loves to have you lay in his arms whenever he missed you.
Might just kiss you with no ending in sight. He loves the way your lips feel on his and he doesn't mind just continuing with kissing you for god knows how long
Sometimes he also plays games at his laptop and lets you sit on his lap and hide your face in his neck so you can rest if you're tired. But he also doesn't mind explaining the game to you and letting you watch him play. He puts headphones on or turn the volume off if you actually just want to rest in his embrace
Occasionally presses a kiss to your forehead.
Another position Ace really likes is to sit between your legs and half-lie on your stomach or chest, having your arms wrapped around his shoulders from behind and leaning your head against his / burying your face in his hair. He'll scroll absentmindedly through his phone and occasionally puts a hand on yours and tells you he loves you. Also adores when you press a kiss to his temple while he does his. It makes him feel appreciated and loved
He'd enjoy watching a movie with you while sitting like this.
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Trey likes to relax outside with you
He'll get a picnic blanket and find you two a nice spot in the Heartslabyul Garden when the weather is nice and just spoils you
You have to remind him sometimes to relax himself as well.
He likes to enjoy the atmosphere and the nature surrounding you
He even baked some nice food specifically for you. So you thought he really deserves the rest.
Sometimes you'll lean against each other and read books, occasionally Trey reads to you
He often tells you that he thinks you're cute and holds your chin and gives you very sweet kisses. He chuckles and comments on how your lips taste like the tart he made. Literally looks at you like you're the most precious thing in his life and can't keep his hands off you. He cups your cheeks and places kisses on several parts of your face and he'll pull you close and hug you
He's just so happy you're with him. He can absolutely imagine spending his life with you.
Will make a lot of dad jokes (which is a given, I mean, it's Trey)
Sometimes pokes your face with a random flower or grass he plucked to tease you. He tells you you look adorable when you pout. "Hey don't get mad at me!", he chuckles and holds his hand up in surrender, dropping the grass in the process. He then opens his arms for you to hug him closely. You can hear his heartbeat as you lay on his chest.
Trey lays a hand on your cheek and repeatedly gives you soft kisses
He likes to take couple photos with you. Usually he doesn't post often on Magicam at all, at least not anything that isn't related to cooking and dental hygiene, but ever since he's been dating you, he often posts cute photos of you two together if you're fine with it. Cater is super happy about this development. He thinks you two look so cute together.
When you do this at night you often lay next to each other and look at the stars together
Trey actually knows a lot about the constellations and explains some of them to you. He only notices a while later that you're no longer staring at the sky.
Instead, you're burying your face in Trey's neck and eventually start pressing kisses to his skin
He chuckles and turns around to hug you close.
"And here I was, trying to help you with your astrology classes", he sighs and you pull him close again, kissing him lovingly. And how could he complain about that?
If you fall asleep, he'd pick you up and carry you to his room so he can join you and snuggle close to you after cleaning up the picnic blanket and getting ready to sleep.
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There are few times after school when Leona isn't relaxing with you
Most of the time he's sleeping. If you want to nap as well, he'll hold you very tightly. Most of the time he likes to nap on your chest or shoulder and use you as a pillow. He sometimes purrs in his sleep or licks your skin affectionately like lions do. It'll take some getting used to.
Sometimes when he's awake and you're cuddling, you press a kiss to his forehead and run your hand through his hair. He loves this a lot
If you don't want to sleep, he'll sleep on your lap. You can gently rub his ears which makes him purr as well and nuzzle your hand or your stomach.
He sometimes mumbles about how much he loves you in his sleep.
If you're both awake, Leona likes to lean on you. You sometimes have to remind him not to do that with his whole body weight because Leona can be very heavy. You sometimes scroll through your phone and Leona is bored so he demands kisses and tries to distract you by kissing your neck and snuggling up to you
If you do something creative like drawing or writing, Leona takes an interest in what you're doing and then silently watches you, resting his head on your shoulder and wrapping his tail around your waist
You're the only one who's allowed to touch his tail so casually
Leona also often lets you sit on his lap when you watch a movie or something like that
He sometimes acts annoyed when you turn around in the middle of it to give him affection but his tail gives him away, flicking excitedly. He loves when you're fully focused on something else like a movie or a book and just turn around and start giving him affection because you missed it or want to show him your love.
Sometimes you sit on his bed and play chess or other board games.
Leona is always there when you had a stressful day and just need to lay in his arms for a while. You can walk into his room and he'll be laying there on the bed, looking at you curiously with his green eyes and just waiting for you to snuggle up to him and hide your face in his chest. You'll instantly feel better because of how warm and soft Leona's skin is and how protectively he wraps his arms around you
"Missed you, herbivore", he whispers affectionately and presses a kiss to your temple.
Leona makes the room darker so there's less strain on your eyes and so you can just rest easier. He'll hold you very close and he's happy you're finally back in his arms.
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mothra-mcyt · 3 years
☾ MCYT's reaction to a gen z reader ☽
!Warnings: mentions of self deprecating jokes!
》 Dream 《
That guy loves your chaotic energy and always pranks other people with you
Would definitely laugh along with your depressing jokes but after a while would get concerned and ask if you're okay
Immediately puts you into the Dream SMP thinking you're gonna be a good character always on his side
Then you end up just end up annoying him (especially when he's in prison) so he threatens you
You can't keep yourself together and just end up having a laugh flash
You once definitely called him a chad for watching football and a boomer which lead to him getting very defensive
》 George 《
Would honestly just end up annoying and pranking Dream with you
You would definitely call him a bottom on multiple occasions. At one point he just accepts it
Gets very concerned at your jokes
You guys definitely make weird tiktoks together
Will just go along with it when you start ranting about how capitalism is the source of all evil
He will also be a victim of your pranks and he can't do anything about it
》 Sapnap 《
Would definitely make jokes about committing arson with you (sometimes he doesn't know if you're joking or being serious about committing arson)
You two are dnf biggest shippers and no i don't take any criticism
When he finds out how touch starved you are he will definitely ask if you two ca platonically cuddle together
You would also be his biggest enemy though always saying how you're going to fight him when you meet him
Will ask you if you have eaten and how much to make sure you eat enough
Definitely anime marathons on discord together when you both can't sleep
》 Badboyhalo 《
This man would be so concerned
Even if you don't swear he still wants to say language at all the self deprecating things you say
You tell him that you don't care that he has a gun and knows how to throw knifes to which he asks why because people should definitely be afraid of that in his opinion
When you tell him that you don't care if you die he gets so much more concerned
Would be the parent who always stops you from doing stupid and dangerous shit 24/7
You definitely called him a boomer once when he said "Language"
》 Awesamdude 《
That man is taking care of you and making sure you’re okay 24/7
After you told him that you haven’t slept in 2 days with you’re reasoning being “Why not” he always makes sure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep per day
Honestly just dad energy
We know that literally half of gen z have daddy issues and when he finds out you didn’t have a good father figure growing up he’s like “I’m your dad now.”
“Have you drank water today?” “Does energy drink/iced coffee count as-” “No they don’t count as water. Go get a glass of water right now.”
At first he wanted to stop you from saying self deprecating jokes but after a while he just gave up. 
》 Tommyinnit 《 (platonic)
Chaotic energy²
When the two of you have a plan no one will be able to stop you even harder if Tubbo is with you guys
Honestly just laughs about your self deprecating jokes and says “same”
The two of you have never respected authorities in your entire life and you two will not start
As soon as someone talks shit about the other person hell breaks loose and their ego will get completely destroyed
When role playing on the Dream SMP you guys will definitely just laugh at Dream trying to be threatening  
》 Tubbo 《 (platonic)
Depressing jokes. 24/7.You know it’s true. (The people around you will be so concerned for the two of you oh god)
We know very well that Tubbo is not innocent and flirts (makes sex jokes) as a joke with other people his age so he would definitely do that with you if you’re comfortable
The two of you will definitely stay up til the middle of the night playing games (chess, csgo, minecraft etc.)
Whenever someone (probably an authority) is trying to get you guys to do something both of you are just like: No <3
》 Fundy 《
Honestly he completely relates to you
The being touch starved, the loneliness
Difference is he is not used to people joking about those topics to cope
So he's very concerned
"Y/N this is really relatable but are you okay?"
Streams with you two sometimes just end as therapy sessions and both of you desperately need it
He always drags you along to prank people and when the person gets mad he blames it on you and just leaves
》 Wilbur 《
Big brother energy
You are now his little sibling and you cannot stop him
Will definitely cause much chaos with you (poor Philza trying to keep you two under control)
When you two do dangerous stuff he's the one making sure you don't hurt yourself
Whenever someone is mean to you he will definitely destroy them
Will make sure you get enough sleep and will keep you company when you can't sleep
He absolutely loves that you don't give a shit if someone is an authority or not
》 Schlatt 《
He absolutely hates how you not give a shit about what he says to you and how you just roast him
His humor is already broken so he's probably laugh at your jokes and while trying to stop himself from laughing he'll ask if you're okay
Honestly he's just confused on how you're still alive with not taking care of yourself and always getting yourself into dangerous situations
You definitely called him a boomer once
You guys would probably make political jokes constantly
》 Technoblade 《
Anarchy. Lots of it.
Both of you have just random conversation where you start talking about the things you're obsessed with
Both of you are probably gonna have a short attention spam leading to a lot of funny situations
Absolutely loves how you don't give a shit about authorities
Being awkward together in social situations but standing up for eachother
I can just imagine you with the "He asked for no pickles" meme while he doesn't know what to say
》 Philza 《
He is your dad now and he doesn't care if you want him to be.
(He honestly already kinda expected your father figure to be shitty because he knows his audience)
Oh lord when he finds out how you're not able to take care of yourself
When meeting you irl will actually sit down with you and have a talk about you not taking care of yourself
You: "Sometimes i'll just sleep for 14 hours and then i won't sleep for 3 days."
Phil: "...I will punt you into the sun when i meet you irl you idiot."
I could honestly write so much more about Philza basically adopting a young reader
》 Ranboo 《 (platonic)
Constant sassyness
Gen Z x 2
You two would understand eachother so well
Constant zoomer slang and no one except Tubbo and Tommy will be able to understand it
Both of your humor is just so broken and it's so concerning to everyone
Someone is being like "You will do as i say" and you two are just like "No i don't think i will"
Tiktok references. Constantly.
Sending eachother tiktok's about the other's character
》 Eret 《
You two would be good friends honestly
Eret would probably bring out the wholesome part of your personality
Also sending eachother tiktok's and making tiktok references
Arson. Lots of arson. Fire pog.
You will bring out their chaotic side
She loves how you just not give a shit about authorities
Will also make sure that you drink enough water and take care of yourself
》 Quackity 《
He's more random chaos and you're more dangerous and destructive chaos and somehow that works together really well
Definitely invites you to Jack Box streams because you just bring such funny energy into it and chat absolutely loves you
Is very concerned tho when you make self deprecating jokes and when he hears you say one he just looks completely shocked
Completely freaks out whenever you roast someone who's being a bitch (you can just hear the "Where are the askers" playing in the background)
Very dramatic energy from the both of you
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lucifersresources · 2 years
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pinterest inspired meme part two
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!
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maybe we just found forever at the wrong time. 
someday, time will pull us back together again. 
time pulled us back together again. 
i am utterly fascinated by you. 
what if one of us has the guts tonight? 
we didn’t know what life had planned. 
this is not goodbye. 
i saw you in my dreams. it felt real. 
i am going to be their nightmare. 
you are summer to my winter heart. 
if i don’t find you in this lifetime, i will wait for you until the next. 
you should be here. 
there’s always a home for you here in my heart. 
you melt my frozen heart. 
if you’re staying, i’m staying. 
can you remember your death? 
i never really stopped loving you, i just got used to your absence. 
at least we were under the same sky. 
i could keep you safe, they’re all afraid of me. 
it’s going to take all of your heart. 
knowing you is knowing what home feels like. 
i can’t stay away from you. 
you captivate me in ways no soul ever will. 
you were my safety. 
you will never be unloved by me. 
you will never be unloved by me, you are too well tangled in my soul. 
with you, i feel a little less war torn. 
i don’t hate you for breaking my heart. 
choose people who choose you. 
show me the most damage parts of your soul, and i will show you how it still shines like gold. 
pain makes people change. 
we ignore truths for temporary happiness. 
now that i know you exist, how do i not love you?
how do i not love you? 
no one is you, and that is your power. 
you took everything from me. 
all i am to you is a tragedy, right? 
i didn’t want to be controlled. 
i am still rebuilding, bone by fragile bone. 
all i have left is anger. 
please don’t love me. 
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Ooh, so who do you think the front runners will be? I think Liz Truss is going to give it a go. I also kind of think Nadine Dorries is going to throw her hat in
Several people have asked me this, and also to remind them who some of these people are, so forgive me if I include some links in this to give everyone an idea. Links are all to Michael Spicer videos, because that way you see actual interviews or speeches by these people, but with comedy to make it bearable.
And the answer is... well, who knows? This is now the third Tory leadership battle where the prize they're fighting for is "Inheriting an even worse shitshow than the last government did", so the ambitious but clever ones won't run for it. Also, looking at the bookies, there are some names I've never heard of, like Penny Mordant (sp?) But, of the big guns:
Liz Truss is probably going to get it, actually, and it's going to be hilarious because she can't fucking speak. I've never been more embarrassed than when I watched her famous THAT. IS. A. DIS. GRACE. speech. The memes will not stop. The youth will call her cringe, and we'll all agree. She is cringe. She's cringe as fuck. And knows literally nothing.
Rishi Sunak will definitely try. He's been playing a good game for a while now, and has tried to distance himself from Big Dog repeatedly ("the Prime Minister's tax" was a very funny and transparent move, especially from, lest we forget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer). But, I don't think Tory voters will go for a brown Hindu man, you know? Plus he was photographed at Boris's lockdown birthday party, and the moment that photo came out you could almost literally see public opinion u-turning in the air.
Jeremy Cunt. Sorry - Jeremy Cunt. Fuck no, it went wrong again -Cunt. I mean Cunt. I'm saying Cunt, but it's coming out as Cunt. Jeremy CcccchhhhhhhHUNT, there we are, Jeremy Cunt. Fuck. Him, anyway. My dearest wish is for him to try and put his name forward for it, but trip on the way to the ballot box and get his tackle caught in the slit on top and then he has to go to hospital on the same day Al Jazeera are filming a gritty exposé about NHS underfunding and mismanagement and so it's caught on camera and then he has to spend the rest of his life known as Jeremy the Ballot Box Bugger.
Hmmm... maybe Priti Patel? She's ambitious and also dead behind the eyes, she'd probably go for it. But again, Tory voters will not go for a brown Hindu woman.
Ooh, Dominic Raab. He's currently the Deputy PM, so it's not unlikely that he'll throw his hat in the ring. Warning, that video really exposes him as a sweaty racist ham.
My guess is probably not Nadine Dorries. She, uh. She's not leadership material. And she knows she's not, let's be real, she's currently desperately trying to crawl onto Boris's penis and apparently hellbent on implying she's having an affair with him even when no one fucking asked, but she would 100% think it was a betrayal.
OH ON THAT NOTE fuck me, Michael Gove. Surely?? Surely Gove will try. Oh my god, he might even be one of the more competent options by now. Jesus Christ. That's actually upset me. I feel cold. I'm haggard. Michael fucking Gove. Jesus.
Out of those... yeah, I'm going to say either Truss or Cunt. One or the other.
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crazilust · 2 years
Loyalty through the signs (pt.1)
Please check you Sun and Mars placement.
(I am not talking about faithfulness as in, would they cheat on their partner, think of it more as in "would they have my back, would they defend me, etc.)
Aries (#1) : To me, the top loyal sign. Most Aries I know, once they decide to have your back, it's for life. They will defend and protect you against anything and everything. . Loyalty dictates almost everything they do and will stop being loyal if they don't sense the same loyalty towards them.
Advice : I know how you love to defend and protect the people you love, but some people take advantage of that and purposefully use you to defend them. You can be a little blind sometimes. Open your eyes.
Taurus (#2) : Taurus would be the second most loyal in my opinion. As the sign after Aries, this sign has learned how to only give their loyalty only to the ones that deserve it. Once a Taurus deems you worthy, they'll have your back... forever.
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Advice : Let's not forget the Scorpio-Taurus axis, here. You tend to wait until the very end to trust someone and give them your all, scared that the energy you'll invest won't be worth it. Although this is to protect your peace, some worthy people will get tired to jump into your hoops all the time. Trust them.
Gemini : Ah... Geminis. Unfortunately, they are not the most loyal sign out of the zodiac, even though I feel as if there's an explanation to this which doesn't paint them as two-faced demons, like meme culture wishes you to believe. With the twin archetype, they are constantly battling the two sides of the coin. If there's an issue in your friend group for example and you feel like that Gemini friend doesn't have your back, they're probably just trying to see both sides of the problem and feel uncomfortable picking a side.
Advice : Sometimes, in life, you have to pick a side. While I don't necessarily think Geminis are fake (too broad a statement), I do feel like you guys overthink too much and end up not making a choice, hurting others around you. Pick a side sometimes. It won't hurt (or it'll hurt less lmao).
Cancer (#4) : Cancer. My favorite sign to talk about, really. So misunderstood. To me, they're the fourth sign most loyal in the zodiac, imo. Being a cardinal water sign which rules the home, they are devoted to the people they love. I feel like the reason why they're maybe not seen as loyal is because they really don't let a lot of people in. They will only protect the ones they love deeply. Anyone else can go to hell, as far as they're concerned.
Advice : Let people help you when you need protection. We know you can defend us and you will no doubt. But let us help you, from time to time.
Leo : Leos, to me, are kind of average (Now I know they're not happy about that ranking lolololol). They will show you loyalty if needed, but I also feel like they will only show them if it benefits them or makes them look good. At the same time, with the King archetype, they do feel a certain sense of duty towards the people they love, but just like a monarch, in a ... colder way. Like "yea, I'll help you... once I'm done with this, just a sec." Again, this not inherently a bad thing and depends on other placements as well.
Advice : I feel like we don't acknowledge Leo's insecurities enough when it comes to astrology. Even if they're ruled by the Sun, you can sometimes feel pressure to be excellent at all times and I feel like if sometimes you don't offer their help, it's because you feel like it won't be useful enough. Trust yourself, baby.
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