#went all the way to the forks of long island for the first time
chaos-and-cookies · 1 year
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Had a v nice saturday w/ my love & my best friends fam 😌
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
Wild cats (Part X)
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X. At the brink
Summary: You got a breather
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Zombie apocalypse AU, living dead, zombies, guts, blood, guns, injures, a bit of domesticity, dirty thoughts, bad thoughts about one-self (don’t know how to explain this, we get into Daryl’s head and he put himself down), descriptive words that are some sort of stereotype: “preppy girl”, “redneck”, “hick”, and some more. 
Notes: Alright I know you liked to see what was in Daryl’s mind even for a bit… let’s shine a bit more light in it.
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You had been at it for days.
Glenn was right, there wasn’t anything left on this world that wasn’t hidden, and that included canned food and supplies
You did not find a working car anywhere, even though you tried to fix some along the way, but still, most of the road, you did on foot, for long seven days you had been walking, north-east or so, going towards Richmond
You were not going to lie, you were hopeful, but some days, especially when the sugar levels were low in which you were impossible to deal with, you were angry, and mean, so those days you preferred to walk back, taking care of the group’s rear. You knew yourself, you knew how to control the demons, but right now… some were escaping you.
You started to question things, to think about how idiots they were being, thinking about that island and how good it must have been for you, so many resources and powdered margaritas you could find to have a drink…
The heat was overwhelming you too, dressed in your thick boots, and the lack of nutrients was taking a toll on you.
You felt terrible
But the mood in general was good, nobody had fought, yet, and they all seemed hopeful, so that was also helping.
You should have gone to that fucking island
You could have been sipping powdered margaritas with lake water on a boat by now…
But you shook your head, you gained nothing by thinking like this.
What was in Richmond anyways?
Nothing, not for you at least
Was it too late? to turn back? alone at least?
You had a bad feeling about this, something in your stomach. But perhaps it was just the hunger talking.
You had always been a person that got very “hangry”, angry when hungry, and today was showing clearly
Judging by the signs, you were about to cross to North Carolina, meaning you were closer to your destination
What if everybody died there?
What if you come across another group like Terminus? What if this time they succeed? 
And for what? 
You felt guilty instantly, Noah was a somewhat sweet kid
You just needed a break
“HEY!”, you all stopped to watch Daryl as he appeared through the woods, waving his arms
“Found somethin”, he said, and you all went with him. “A set of houses”, he told you. 
You all sprinted through the woods.
It wasn’t a big deal, they were similar to the ones you found Carl in, or rather, he found you.
They were miraculously untouched, or looked like it, just like those you found back then.
You divided naturally, you entered the second house there, ax in hand, ready for some walkers… you hit the door with it, and there came the stickers, one dropped from the second floor scandalously, and you killed it right where he dropped
You were going to go for the second one, but in a second a bolt bashed his skull
Daryl had entered the house right behind you
You shared looks, and nodded.
The first place you hit was the kitchen. And to your amazement, it had things, good things. You didn’t even ask, you opened a can of peaches in juice, and you moaned when you just grabbed the first one with a fork and stuffed it almost completely in your mouth 
Daryl watched you, almost entertained
“Fuck this is good, I swear, I’m a monster if I don’t get some sugar”, you said, offering the can to him once you had two
He grabbed it from you, smiled, and ate contently. You kept checking the kitchen, you found some good stuff… you even found some coffee. How long has it been since you drank coffee?
“I might get use to this”, you said, looking at the pantry with an assortment of things
“Ya should”, said Daryl, he stood right by your side, his arm bumping into yours
“Let’s keep checking”, you said with a soft smile
You went room by room, and found batteries, which was always helpful. You had grabbed a small radio from the safehouse in Atlanta, and you sometimes checked it, to see if there was something being said in it. So far, no luck, but still.
You found candles, which were always helpful, and a flashlight. In the bathroom came the real treat, you found toiletries, which were always coveted, and a deodorant.
You turned the water on, and to your amazement, water started pouring from the tap.
“OH!”, you said, almost crying in relief
“That’s somethin”
“We should check where this water is coming from first”, you said softly, “before we even think about drinking it, or washing ourselves with it”
“Fair”, he said
“It might be a contaminated well, a sealed tank, filled by a generator on a nearby river, or a underground water supply, that’s our best bet”
“You got it ma’am”, but he didn’t move, and you didn’t want him to, he had done so much, always taking care of the group, hunting, scavenging, you were convinced that he walked twice as the entire group, always making rounds around you.
“But you should rest first”, you said with a soft smile
“I actually might”, he said, checking the room behind him, he seemed contented
“Do so, and I will cook…”, you were interrupted when a door flung open, and then you heard footsteps going up the stairs, and Carol appeared.
She frowned, -as she used to do-, when she saw you both, just standing in the hallway, you felt as you were two little children and were caught doing something naughty
“Find anything?”, she asked
“Yeah”, muttered Daryl
“You should report it”, she should have left after saying that, but she just stood there, so you cleared your throat
“You should rest”, you said to Daryl, “I will check that thing we discussed”, he nodded, and you walked away from him, passing by Carol who just stood there.
This was awkward and weird
You found Rick, who was just coming out of the first house with Judith in his arms
“We found a bunch of rotten food in the fridge, the smell is vile, but we found some useful things too”, he said
“We found canned goodies and toiletries”, you informed him, “we also have running water, but I wanted to check out the source”
“Good job”, he said
“I’ll help you”, said Magie coming out of the house, “I know I thing or two about wells”
“Great!”, you said happily
It didn’t took you long enough to find it
“It’s filled with an aquifer”, she said with a wide smile, “WE GOT WATER!”, she said excitedly, “the only thing we need to do is to pump this thing a few times”, you were learning, you were actually learning, as Maggie walked you through the entire system that fed the houses with water, and it was incredible. So cool.
“So… what’s goin’ between you and Dixon?”, she asked teasingly 
“What?”, you asked, taken completely by surprise, “Nothin”
“I saw you both sneaking to the house”, she said
“We didn’t do it on purpose, I thought more people were following me”, you explained simply
“Ohh, come on!”, she teased, as she gave the first pumps with that rusty thing, “not a little something something?”, she teased
“I don’t see it”, you said simply, “I mean he is wildly handsome but… I don’t know he barely tolerates me, he thinks I’m some sort of burden”
“No he doesn’t”, you said
“How do you know? he as much as said it to me”, you explained
“If he truly thought you were some sort of baggage, he wouldn’t be so concerned for you all the time”, she said, “I think he really cares for you”
“It's mutual”, you conceded, “but I really think he only hangs around me to prevent myself from getting killed or something…”
“Well, last time i checked… that was caring”, she said, you loved her accent
“How about you and Glenn?”, you asked her, she looked back at you softly, “did you know each other before?”
“No, actually”, she said, “I lived on a farm with my family, and they showed up one day…”
“They?”, you asked
“Rick, Carol, Daryl, Glenn, and Carl”, she said
“Oh”, you said
“The farm get overrun a few months later”, she said sadly, “my dad, Beth and I made it out, we spend an entire winter scavenging, until we found the prison”
So you were right, Daryl went back far with Rick and Carol. All of them had forged a very strong bond, a bond of survival.
“Don’t be that grim”, Maggie teased, “He likes you”
“Yeah, he likes me… far away from him”, you mocked
“I don’t think that’s true”, she teased, you were actually a bit jealous. She and Glenn seemed so happy together, they were such a great, strong couple.
You felt lonely, alright? you were a human being
You started filling the well with underground water, and took turns to pump, at the end became some sort of competition that drew laughs from the both of you, and eventually, some of the group came out of the houses to see what’s going on, as you were on what would be the common yard in the back
The well was about to be overflowed because of your efforts, and Maggie and you ended up sweating, dropping to the grass 
“WE CALL THE FIRST SHOWER!”, you said to Rick, Carol, Glenn, Daryl, Carl, and those who showed up. You stood up so quickly it made you dizzy 
You started running towards the house to prove a point, and Maggie jokingly started trying to catch you and pushed “out of her way”
“Do ya understand what’s going on?”, Daryl asked Glenn, he shook his head, entertained.
The water felt heavenly, dropping on your dirty skin, you couldn’t remember the last time you showered. It was cold, but it was something. 
You felt guilty for that poor towel you used, it ended up very dirty.
But you didn’t care at the end, you were freaking clean, cold as fuck, but clean nonetheless. The apocalypse life was filled with little pleasures, this was one.
You took a second look at your filthy clothes, and almost hit yourself when you thought about the fact that you didn’t even check the house for more…
You came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, you entered the master bedroom, you had seen pictures of the people that lived here, a middle age couple, with teenager kids, so you dove into the closet of the mother, the towel was a bit short, but you didn’t think there was nobody here so…
You heard something behind you, on the bed.
“What’ya doin?, you turned quickly to realize Daryl was looking at you. He had taken your advice, he had tried to sleep and you just sneaked in, almost naked, and he just woken up
“SHIT”, you cursed, trying to hug yourself, “I’M SORRY! didn’t see you there, I was trying to get some clothes”, he only grumbled something and turned around in the bed, to give you privacy, looking towards the wall, you grabbed a henley you found, and some jeans you’d think they fit and you went back to lock yourself in the bathroom on the hallway, completely petrified
. . .
He took deep breaths but nothing was helping him…
Were you trying to kill him?
First you are alone in that house, searching through the kitchen, sharing food, and now you waltz into the room he chose, the master bedroom, almost naked, wrapped in a towel, looking through the closet like it's yours… like it's your room, like you and him….
He groaned, when he felt his pant tighter, was he a fucking teenager?
This wasn’t a fucking fairytale, this isn’t an episode of desperate housewives apocalypse
You would never be interested in playing house, especially not with him. You were way younger than him, from what he knew, you had been here studying here in the states, a freaking master degree, he had barely finished high school. How could you be interested in him? You had a freaking cute accent, you knew more than one language, you…. you… you were not his type, no, he was not your type.
That is what he believed, that is what he knew.
Pretty girls like you don’t go for rednecks like him
If you were still in the old world, and you saw him walking towards you on the street, you would have changed sidewalks, you would have crossed to the other side of the street.
He had to understand that.
He still didn’t understand why he felt… things.. when he saw you. He had never felt anything like this, when he saw you coming his heart jumped on his chest, he felt nervous, and his hands got sweaty, he felt the need to care for you, to protect you, it didn’t help that you were so freakin’ clumsy, almost askin’ to be bitten by walkers… 
And that got him frustrated and being a freaking asshole to you, because he was… frustrated… he didn’t understand why you, of all the women he had ever met, got him feeling like this. 
But at the same time, the way you eliminated the dead was something of beauty, something Daryl had never seen before, you got good moves, and that only made him more of an idiot for you.
He groaned, turning into the pillow when he heard you walking about in the bathroom.
He knew you had come back to the house you both checked, he never imagined you would get out of the bathroom wearing only a little towel, he wasn’t a pervert, he had heard your advice, and he knew since you were in the house he could sleep for a while, relax. 
Now he wasn’t relaxed until he took care of that situation YOU provoked
Well…. rather that you provoked in him
He felt like a teenager, he couldn’t believe he was having this sort of problem in the damn apocalypse.
“I’ll let everybody know what we found so we can cook something”, you said softly, peeking through the open door
He only nodded, looking at you
“You want me to get you after?”, you asked softly
“Yeah, thanks”
Yeah, some privacy is exactly what he needs
Perhaps this… all of this, what exactly he needs
A similar though passed your mind
These little houses in the middle of nowhere, with a working water system… they seemed so heavenly you almost wanted to stay here forever.
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sixlane · 5 months
so sweet
Bartylily microfic | 1.4k words | NSFW
for india @certifiedl0verboy because they said the world needed barty and lily getting high and sharing a costco cheesecake, and also han @honeybcj because the image of barty and lily shotgunning hasn't left my head in days <33
Lily opens her fridge and stares. The cool air and soft light leaks out into the empty kitchen as she contemplates how she became this person. The type who, completely unprompted and for no good reason, buys a whole Costco cheesecake for herself. 
The soft, round monstrosity sits on the bottom shelf of her fridge, taking up so much space she was forced to shove her yogurt into the vegetable drawer. The thing stares back at her, mocking, taunting, begging to be left to mold when she inevitably fails to eat it all. 
The sound of a key in the door snaps her out of the silent stand off.
Fuck, Barty’s home.
She can already imagine his confused smile and snarky comments when he opens the fridge for his nightly Red Bull just to come face to face with Lily’s unexplainable decision. It’s not like they’ve been roommates for long, or friends for that matter. They keep it cordial, stay out of each other's way, smoke the occasional bowl and watch old seasons of America’s Next Top Model, but this seems a little too close to soul-baring for comfort. 
Lily sits down at the table with a glass of water, tries to act casual, tries not to look at the fridge. 
“Hey,” Barty says, dropping his keys on the counter.
Lily nods her head, taking a sip from her glass. For a minute she thinks she’s in the clear because he’s already started to leave the room, but he doubles back at the last minute, realizing he’s forgotten something. 
He pulls the fridge open, reaches down, and stops, just for a second, before grabbing his energy drink and letting the door fall shut. 
Lily pretends she hasn’t been watching him this whole time.
He pops the top on his can, takes a sip and gives Lily a once over. “You having a party or something?”
“Will you leave me alone if I say yes?” Lily deadpans, though she can feel her face heating up. 
“Nope. Then I’d probably have to ask why I wasn’t invited.” He walks over to lean against the island, just a few feet between them, and looks down at her. He takes another sip.
“Ok look I needed more laundry detergent so I went to Costco and obviously I had to look in the bakery section and it was just sitting there. So. I bought it.” Barty’s smile widens as she explains until he’s just grinning at her. “What?” she asks, defensive.
“So you just bought the whole thing for yourself?” He says it curiously. He’s not judging, but she can hear the ulterior motive in his tone. 
She raises an eyebrow at him. “Spit it out.”
Barty huffs a laugh. “One second.” He sets his drink down and heads toward his room, leaving Lily to wonder what his plans are. She can never quite read him. He likes to play up this persona of his, effortlessly carefree and nonchalant, but she has always sensed something just below the surface. She notices it in the way he remembers her work schedule, the way he seems to have eyes in the back of his head. 
When Barty comes back, he’s got a bag of weed in one hand and his grinder and bowl in the other. He holds them up, mouth quirked in a dangerous way, waiting for her response.
Lily reflects the smile back at him. “I like the way you think, Crouch.”
So, Lily grabs the cheesecake, two forks, and some napkins, while Barty packs the first bowl of the night. They light up next to an open window in the living room, inhaling as the warm breeze kisses their cheeks and slides through their hair.
They wait until they’re properly high before digging in, and as Lily brings that first bite to her lips, allows it to settle on her tongue, she swears it’s the best thing she’s ever tasted. 
“Fuuuuuck,” she moans. “This was the best decision I’ve ever made.” She licks the back of the fork, wanting to savor the tangy goodness, and she doesn’t miss how Barty watches before he huffs a laugh and shifts his focus to take a bite of his own.
“God,” he says around a mouthful. “What does Costco put in this shit?” 
“It’s fucking amazing right?” 
It’s at that point that she notices a bit of cake smeared across Barty’s lower lip, so she leans over and wipes her thumb across it. It happens before she can even register she’s done it, but she fully commits, sticking her thumb in her mouth after, tasting sweet and something else.
“You use Aquaphor?” She asks.
Barty stares at her. Red eyes slightly widened. “You can identify Aquaphor by taste?”
Lily smiles with all her teeth and reaches into her back pocket to produce the tube she takes with her everywhere. 
“Put some on,” he says before picking up the bowl for another hit.
She looks at him suspiciously. “Why?”
“Just do it.” He sparks the lighter and breathes in deeply. 
She brings the tube to her lips and smears some on, watching his chest expand behind his t-shirt.
He holds the smoke in his lungs but motions for her to come closer and oh. She sees where this is going. 
The realization doesn’t stop her from leaning in anyway.
Barty’s lips ghost over hers and he breathes the smoke into her open mouth. She inhales in turn, taking the air from his lungs into her own. 
It’s intimate, she thinks, in a way that not many things are. To hold a vital piece of someone else inside yourself. To pass it back and forth with such care, not letting anything slip through the cracks. 
And that thought is what causes Lily to close the barely-there distance. To allow their lips to push together. To allow herself to fully taste the leftover sweetness and Aquaphor and Red Bull on Barty’s tongue, which he doesn’t waste a minute before sliding into her mouth.
It’s sloppy and uncoordinated where they lean over the half-eaten cheesecake between them, and Lily pulls back before her arms give out underneath her. 
They stare at each other for a moment, both smiling and laughing like idiots. 
It’s so easy between them, always has been.
“One more?” Barty asks.
“One more what?” Lily volleys back, eyebrow raised.
“Bite,” He says motioning toward the cake, sly smile across his face.
She rolls her eyes affectionately but nods, leans forward as he scoops another piece, sure to get some of the buttery crust on his fork. He holds it out for her to take but before she can, the pile of cake and graham cracker falls right onto her left tit.
Lily stares down at it, mouth agape for a second before she starts giggling again. Because it’s funny. Everything is so funny she can’t help herself.
That is until Barty’s tongue is dragging itself along the skin there, collecting the cake and making way for his teeth, which bite hard enough to leave a mark. 
He stares up at her as he does it, gauging her reaction. He gets the all clear when Lily fails to stop the needy whine that leaves her throat.
Barty trails his mouth upward, leaving open-mouth kisses along her neck until he reaches her ear.
“You taste so good,” he whispers. Voicing out loud the thoughts she’s been having all night.
Lily lets the corner of her mouth tug up. “You have no idea.”
“Fuck.” He reattaches to her neck and his hands find the button of her pants, dexterous as they undo it and work the zipper down. He reaches beneath her underwear, letting his long fingers slide through her wetness, collecting some before he brings them to his mouth, sucks sinfully and stares her down the whole time.
The haze around Lily’s thoughts sharpens to want, and Barty must see the change in her eyes because he smiles devilishly around the digits before replacing them where she needs them most. 
“So fuckin’ sweet,” he says, circling her clit lazily, not enough pressure to really get her there.
“Please…” she begs, arching into him, trying to push harder against his fingers. She’s too far gone not to act as desperate for it as she is. She wants his fingers inside of her, wants him to lick every inch of her, put his mouth in places it probably doesn’t belong.
“Shhh princess,” he coos. “Just enjoy the ride.”
Once they finish, Lily twice and Barty all over her stomach before licking her clean, Lily will realize they left the cheesecake in the living room under the open window.
Oh well, she was never really going to finish it anyway.
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theoriginal-dc-hoe · 1 year
Surprise Return (Jason Todd x Female!Reader)
Okay this is a bit angsty with love making smut, brief mentions of death, and fluff.
My first fanfic since my return to the fandom! I hope you enjoy!
Story description: You meet Jason, your best friend and the man you love, for the first time after he comes back from the Joker incident...
The lights of Gotham lit up the pitch black sky. It began to rain heavily, making those in the streets run for something to protect them from getting wet. Others paid no mind to the rain, accepting their drenched fate. 
(Y/N) quickly ran into her building with a newspaper above her head. She had grabbed it on her rush back home. The door slammed closed behind her as she made it to the elevator. While going up to her floor, she sighed, knowing she had to wake up early again for her morning shift. The diner being understaffed was not doing well for her physical health. (Y/N) couldn’t help but think about what she would give for a nice, long vacation. She mentally asked herself if she still really needed that crap job. 
Once walking into her one bedroom apartment, (Y/N) cursed while trying to turn the lights on. “Really? The lights are out?” she whispered and groaned while placing her wet umbrella to the side. 
She kicked her heels off while walking into the kitchen. Opening the fridge door, she bent down to see what she had for dinner tonight, using her flashlight to help see in the dark. (Y/N) grabbed some food she brought from the restaurant the night before. 
While turning around, something quickly, but ever so silently, dashed away from her flashlight. (Y/N) jumped, the food landing safely on the kitchen island. She pointed the light towards the direction the thing jumped to, but nothing appeared. 
(Y/N) swallowed and closed the fridge door. For a moment, she figured she was just seeing things. Placing the food down, she opened a drawer and reached for a fork. 
(Y/N) snatched a knife out and spun around, throwing it across from her. It stabbed the wooden wall…right next to a tall man with a red helmet.
“Damn, you still got good aim,” he told her with hands raised up in surrender. 
“You…” (Y/N) took a step back, recognizing him from the newspaper she used for the rain. “You’re that guy everyone’s been talking about.”
“Really?” He tilted his head to the side. “And I’m still just a new guy in town.” 
Her brows knitted together with confusion. “What do you want? If you’re looking for that guy who pushed his wife off the balcony, he moved out a few weeks ago. This is my place now.” 
“Oh, no, babe.” He sat on her couch and patted it. His legs spread out like he was comfortable. “Hm, nice and homey… Anyway, I’m here for you.”
(Y/N) blinked. “I don’t even know you.” 
“Oh, but you do.” He motioned his head with a nod over to the couch across from him. “Sit, please.”
The way he sat, the way he talked, it somehow…didn’t bother her, but she was too stubborn to not let him know that. Why was he acting like he lived with her, too? She kept her eyes on him, studying him as she slowly walked over and sat down. 
“Okay, explain. What do you want with me?” (Y/N) asked. 
“...” He placed his hands behind his head. “When you were a teen you trained with the Batman, huh?”
“How the fuck do you know that?!” She stood up with fear in her eyes, not even because of the strange man in her apartment, but because of all the memories of Bruce telling little ol’ (Y/N) to always keep her identity a secret. 
Oh, Bruce is going to be so mad at me…
The man nodded. “You trained with him and…one night you never went back. Why is that?”
“I’m not telling you anything, you–”
“(Y/N), please…” he said sincerely. 
The man grabbed onto his helmet. (Y/N) stood frozen as he started taking it off. Soft black hair poked out first and the front was white as he lowered the helmet to reveal… 
Tears took over (Y/N) eyes. Her legs gave out and Jason quickly caught her as she started falling down. 
“J-Jason…” she whimpered, voice cracking as she slowly reached for his face with a shaking hand. “You’re…”
“Alive, yes,” he whispered, smiling warmly as he cupped her cheeks. “Alive.” 
(Y/N) threw her arms around him, hugging him so so tight as her chest went on overdrive with euphoria. “You’re back! You’re alive!” she sobbed. 
Jason hugged her back in his strong arms, nuzzling her neck. “Why did you stop working with Bruce, (Y/N)?” he asked again. 
“Because I couldn’t– I didn’t want–” She sucked in a breath. “I didn’t see a point when I lost you that night! How are– Oh, Jason!” 
Jason let her cry in his arms for as long as she needed. He took in her scent, the same one he’s been missing for so long. He noticed his body now practically swallowed her in his hold. 
After a few minutes, (Y/N) pulled back and studied him yet again, looking at how he changed, his form, his hair, his lips and his eyes. She caressed his cheek. “You look so…different,” she whispered. 
His lips picked up into a cute smile, the one she fell in love with all those years ago. “I’ll explain everything, you should get comfortable first… Also, sorry for the lights, I wanted to surprise you.” 
She whacked his arm playfully and giggled. “You idiot, I almost…” She couldn’t finish her sentence about her knife, remembering what the Joker did…
Jason noticed. “I know, babe,” he said softly. “Shower, put some pajamas on, and I’ll get the lights on again.” 
(Y/N) bit her lip and gave him a quick peck before she ran to her room, excitement in her steps. (Y/N) felt like speed as she showered. She put on some pajama shorts and a nice oversized top before she stepped back out to join Jason in the living room. The lights were now on. 
He had placed his helmet and weapons on her coffee table. He ran his fingers through his white and black hair as (Y/N) sat next to him. 
“Where do I even begin?” he sighed. 
(Y/N) held his hand. “I think… I think that night, if you don’t mind, of course.” 
He nodded and started his story from the night the Joker took him as his victim. He told her about the lazarus pit and his plans for coming back. He also spoke about his plans for Bruce. 
“Are you…alright with me fighting that asshole?” Jason asked. 
(Y/N) bit her lip. “I– I don’t know, this is a lot to take in, Jay.” 
“Right.” He nodded. “I understand, I don’t blame you.”
She stroked his hand and gave it a kiss. “...Bruce took us in when we needed someone the most and I’m always grateful for that but…”
Jason tilted his head, more serious now. “But what?”
(Y/N) looked into his blue eyes again. She saw the ghost of his past still lingering in them, still taking over with pain. 
“I don’t want you two to fight, Jason… But I know this is something that needs to be settled between the two of you,” she replied with a sigh. 
“Yeah… Thank you, I had a feeling you’d say that.” 
“Just promise me you won’t get hurt in the process, too?” (Y/N) gave him a hopeful, worried look. 
Jason stared at her back for a moment in silence. He leaned in slowly and gave her a long, deep kiss. (Y/N) felt her cheeks warm up. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tilting her head to the side as their tongues mingled together. 
He pulled one of her legs over his lap. (Y/N) moaned with a deep want and she ground against him. All the passion from previous years, the longing, the yearning, the desperate need for each other's touch grew with a fiery flame that couldn’t be put out. 
Jason stood up with (Y/N) in his arms, carrying her into her bedroom. She gasped with pleasure as he kissed her neck. “Please, I–”
“I know,” he whispered, laying her down in her bed. “I need you, too, I’ve needed you for so long.” 
He undid his belt with one hand and slid it off. Jason removed her clothes and took off his shirt, noticing her bite her bottom lip. “Have you ever…seen anyone after me?”
“No, never,” she replied softly, shaking her head. She caressed his sculpted arms and chest, feeling the scars. Some were deeper than others.
A surge of relief and pride filled his body. Jason leaned down and licked her nipples, enjoying the music of her mewls. He slid a rough hand between her legs, rubbing her clit between two fingers. (Y/N) immediately grew wet from his electrifying touch. It sent her body craving for more. 
“It’s been so long,” he whispered, kissing her lips and down her body. He kissed her breasts and tummy before reaching just above her needy clit. Jason breathed in before stroking her hips, licking her center with his eyes on her. 
“J-Jason!” (Y/N) gasped with delight. “Please, faster?”
“You sure?” He kissed her inner thighs. 
She nodded quickly. “Fuck me, Jason.” She stroked his strong jaw. 
A sexy aura filled his eyes. He sucked on her clit hard first, making her create an arch with her back. Jason’s moans vibrated her bud. 
“Fuck!” (Y/N) cried. “Jason, yes!” 
He shook his head, sucking her clit deeply. He checked how wet she was and once he knew she was ready, he sat up and released his thick, long member. Jason pushed her legs up as he slowly slid in. He moaned sexily once he was in completely. 
“Fuck, so wet,” he groaned. 
“Babe, please,” (Y/N) whimpered. 
Jason began to thrust, holding her legs up and apart. He started slow until (Y/N) begged for him to roughen his pace. 
A surge of pleasure ran through his body. A deep grunt escaped his chest. Her bed began to shake with his movements, making the floors creak and the back of the bed frame hit the wall. 
(Y/N) squealed as she tightened around him. She squirted, making Jason's abs glisten.
She held onto his arms for deer life. “I’m gonna–!” 
Jason leaned down, slamming into her with all his speed and strength. He kissed her deeply with tongue again. They both moaned in the kiss, both releasing as their orgasms took control. Their pleasure mixed together in blissful love. 
Jason slowly came to a stop. He rolled their bodies to the side, wrapping one of her legs around his hips. He kissed (Y/N) some more, covering her cheeks and neck. 
(Y/N) moaned softly. “I really needed that. I really needed you.” 
He gave her another happy kiss. “Same here.” 
She nuzzled his chest, happiness filling her heart with comfort. Her best friend, her love, the man she shared most of her life with was finally, finally back.
Jason massaged her thighs. “...You still up for more?” he asked with a sexy smirk. 
(Y/N) looked up at him. “Oh?” She gave him the same mischievous smile. “Can you keep up?”
"Me keep up?" He grinned with excitement, gripping her ass after giving it a spank. "You’re gonna be up all night, baby.” 
(Y/N) giggled as he rolled back on top of her for more bedroom fun. She completely forgot about her morning shift. Well, that finally gave (Y/N) her answer, she didn’t really need that job anyway. 
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Chapter 9: For The Both Of Us
From: Bigger Houses Series
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Pairing: Mountain Ranger! Ari x Reader
Summary: Your mom comes to town to see your new house and chats with your long-term boyfriend
Word Count: 2,362
Content/Warnings: kissing, nudity under an apron, nervousness, a very important question, fluff, sweet words
A/N: It’s been awhile and I miss my sweet baby Ari. Hope you all enjoy. I’d love to hear your feedback in all forms!!
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
Below is the song which inspired this chapter. Very sweet and heartwarming and just makes me wish someone loved me like that.
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You stirred as the light of the sunrise reached your eyes and the smell of breakfast floated through the house. You stretched out to your side, feeling cool sheets where Ari once was and frowning at the emptiness even though it’s what you had expected it find.
You groaned as you rolled out of bed, your feet hitting the cold wooden floors shuffling over to the dresser to find a cozy pair of socks. You picked up Ari’s shirt from a chair, discarded the night before, and inhaled the comforting scent before walking out to the kitchen.
You were met by quite the sight: two pale ass cheeks hanging out of your apron. Your hands raced up to clap over your mouth as you let out a squeal at the sight. Ari spun around in alarm holding a spatula in his hand.
“What? Did something happen? Are you okay?” His eyes were searching around frantically for a hazard, something that might’ve scared you.
You moved a hand over your eyes and dramatically felt around for one of the stools at the kitchen island to pull it out and sit down. “I’ve been mooned!!”
Ari threw his head back in laughter before turning off the stove and setting down the utensil, waltzing over to your seat. He gently pried your hand away from your face, met with a giggle and your beautiful smile.
“C’mon, I thought you would’ve liked that view first thing in the morning.”
You shook your head, barely accepting the way he leaned in and planted a kiss on your hairline. “I would, but it’s so blinding. So…bright against the rest of you.”
He pulled back with fake offense as he went back to the cabinets to start pulling down plates. “Well what would you rather I do? I can tan naked in your back yard if you want me to even it out that badly.”
You graciously accepted the coffee he slid over to you before he turned back around to serve up breakfast, constantly glancing back at you as your eyes were glued to his rear. “Should I take your drool as a yes?”
You shook yourself back into focus and looked up to meet his mischievous eyes. “Um, no-I mean, not no? Just….um…not right now.”
He laughed at the way you still got flustered after all this time. He couldn’t blame you though, he probably would’ve done the same if that’s what he had woken up to. He presented your food and leaned against the counter to face you while the two of you ate.
You looked up at the clock above the stove as your eyes went wide. “Oh no, definitely not now. Ari, you’ve gotta get clothes on.”
Ari looked at you with a teasing grin. “My sweet Duchess, you live so far away from anything else, why would we possibly ever need clothes?”
You picked up your fork, shoveling food into your mouth, doing your best to quickly savor what Ari had gotten so much better at making. You nudged his plate towards him and gestured that he did the same. Ari went along with your silent demand, a confused look on his face, as you finally swallowed, prepared to talk.
“Because we have to pick my mom up from the airport in less than an hour and she’s staying here for a week.”
Ari’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he ate even faster, thoughts frantically racing through his mind.
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After breakfast at your place, Ari rushed home to his to get showered and changed while you did the same at home. You kept the house generally tidy, so all you had to do was wipe down the counters and straighten things. Ari was back before you knew it, parking his truck to the side of your driveway. You ran outside and tossed him the keys as you hopped into the passenger side of your SUV, Ari preparing to drive.
The two of you started down the mountain and towards the city, mostly quiet, matching the mid-morning misty air. Ari drove with one hand on the wheel, the other holding yours over the center console. You tore your gaze from the window and the passing trees, taking note of his clenched jaw and white knuckles.
“Bear, everything okay?”
Ari simply grunted and nodded, making a turn to get onto the highway and checking his blindspots as he removed his hand from yours to turn down the radio from its already low volume.
You shifted in your seat to face him, concerned since you’d rarely seen him like this. He only went silent when he was really stressed or angry. You knew it wasn’t the second one, or at least hoped it wasn’t.
“I’m really sorry. It totally slipped my mind that she was coming in today. I meant to tell you earlier in the week that she had a good deal on flights, but with how busy we both were, I missed the chance.”
It was true. Ari had had a string of overnight watch shifts and you were working ridiculous hours finishing up a project presentation, plus the two of you still didn’t technically live together. The first time you’d seen him all week was last night into this morning and you didn’t want to put more stress on him when he was already exhausted. He hummed and adjusted in his seat, muscles pushing at his collared shirt.
He took a deep breath before reaching for your hand again and sparing you a few quick glances between focusing on the road. He could see the way your eyebrows were furrowed and raised in concern.
“Angel, baby. I’m not upset. I’m just…a little nervous? I wish I would’ve known your mom was coming sooner. That way I could’ve prepared. Gotten her flowers. Maybe picked out a nicer outfit that wasn’t so old.”
You relaxed a little, squeezing his hand and pulling it up to your lips for a long kiss before looking him up and down. “I think you look great, Ari. She’s going to love you. You’ve already spoken to her on the phone dozens of times. And you know she’s never given a sign of dislike. It’ll be great. Nothing to be nervous about at all. I’m by your side now and I’ll be there the whole time.”
He spared you another glance and a soft smile before looking back to the road and giving a self-assuring nod. You could see the way his shoulders lowered slightly and his grip on the wheel loosened at your reassurance. He knew your mom liked him, he just didn’t know if she’d like the very important question he had planned to ask her.
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When the two of you pulled up to the airport, your mom was already waiting outside. Ari spotted her almost immediately and pulled the car to the curb, smoothly popping the trunk and jogging over to greet her behind you.
“Hi honey. It’s so good to see you. It’s been too long since I’ve been back here.” It really had been awhile. Sure, you’d gone home to visit a few times before, but this was the first time she’d been back since helping you move into your new place. You gave her a hug and a kiss before stepping out of the way, her eyes already on Ari.
She reached her arms up to his tall shoulders, pulling him in for a hug. “It’s so wonderful to see you, too, Ari. Handsome as ever and apparently very handy recently from what I can tell.”
Ari laughed and nodded, greeting your mom and giving her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing her bag and putting it in the trunk. You slid into the back, allowing your mom to take the front seat with Ari as he drove your car. You could see the surprise on her face at the gesture. You had never been one to allow someone else to drive this dear SUV ever since you had gotten it. She raised her eyebrows, but only for a second. Anyone else would’ve missed it, but you knew it seemed reminiscent of something. Perhaps the trust you put in Ari for something like this mirrored what you remember seeing between her and your dad in the earlier years of their marriage before everything went south. Perhaps it spoke to just how deeply you had confidence you could rely on each other. Whatever that look meant, though, she didn’t verbalize it, instead deciding to chat Ari’s ear off for the entire ride home about the new pergola he had just built for your garden that she was beyond excited to see.
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The afternoon consisted of you and Ari showing your mom around town to see all your favorite places that you’d grown so fond of over the time you’d been here. She raved about the quaint little town and fresh mountain air, as well as your home and how you’d truly settled in.
In the evening, your mother insisted she’d teach a couple family recipes to you and Ari before finally relaxing for the evening. Food was very evidently a love language passed down.
The three of you sat in the back yard around a campfire on a few log benches Ari had built for you recently, as well, as you talked and laughed, drinks in hand until you got up.
“All these drinks are catching up with me, so I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Can I get anyone refills?”
“Yes please, Duchess. Thank you so much.”
Both Ari and your mom smiled and nodded at you as you went to grab the empty vessels from their hands.
“Okay, I’ll be a few minutes. I’m probably gonna package up the leftovers, too, before I forget and leave it all out overnight. Will you guys be alright out here?”
You mom smiled and nodded again. “Of course we will, honey. Ari said he’s going to show me around your new garden. We can keep ourselves busy.”
You looked over to Ari to confirm and he gave a wink. “And of course, if you need any help, just text me and I’ll come up to meet you.”
You smiled and thanked them before backing away and ducking into the house.
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Upon your departure, Ari stood up and helped your mom off her bench before offering his arm for her to hook her hand around. She absolutely adored him and they got along so well.
He walked her through the small garden, showing her the small pergola, and the string bulb lights he had hung up to surprise you, along with your favorite flower he had hounded the hardware store to obtain for him just so you could have it planted here. She was absolutely charmed, but it was more than just that; she could see how deeply Ari cared for you and felt the change in the air when Ari took her to a bench at the edge of the garden. From there, he had a view of where you’d be walking through the doors soon so he could ensure the privacy of this conversation.
Ari’s heart was racing like hell and his hands shook. He did his best to fold them firmly in his lap and leaned an elbow on his knee to steady himself before looking up at your mom’s face. She rubbed his shoulder, an attempt of settling the nervousness and reassuring him with a small smile, not unlike the one you’d used so many times before. He took a deep breath, sat up, pushed his shoulders back, and started.
“Now that it’s just me and you, I wanted to talk for a few minutes. I’ve got something to get off my chest.”
She sat up and nodded for him to continue, his worried blue eyes shifting between hers. “I’m sure you already know, having been here before, but I’m just going to come out with it, I guess.”
Ari took another deep breath, eyes shifting towards the sliding glass door, still not seeing you, but smiling at the thought having to do with anything about you.
He looked back at your mom with a dopey grin on his face, although his eyes held an earnestness. “I’m in love with your daughter. And I have been since the very moment that I first saw her. I’d like to ask her a very important question, with your blessing, of course, and if she so chooses to take my hand, you can trust that I will love her more than enough, for the both of us.”
Your mother sat there for a second in contemplation over Ari’s words. They were strung together so beautifully and she could tell that he meant them with his whole being. He had no idea that this wasn’t news to her. She saw it on both sides. At her lack of response, though, Ari’s heart raced even faster and his palms got sweaty. He burst out with nervous babbles.
“I-I know that she’s your baby and you loved her first. But i-it’s true, for better or worse, I’ll treat her like I know you’ve always prayed someone would. You can trust when I say I’ll give her everything I can for the rest of my life. From now, to when she’s dressed in white and you’re giving her away, until my last breath. I’ll give her the world if I can.”
His chest was almost heaving as he panted through his nose, lips pressed together tightly with anxiousness for a response. His body was kicking into survival mode from the stress. He could see across the yard as you slid the glass door open with a smile on your face, walking over to two of your favorite people, the two you loved most. She easily took note of the way Ari’s shoulders eased at seeing you. She patted his knee before standing up to walk towards you a few steps when she turned back over her shoulder. She gave him a warm smile and nodded her head before saying a single word.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: gahhhhh. I love him, your honor. Fun fact: my family just told me that out of all of us, they think I’d be the most likely to elope. Lol bc I would in an instant if it were Ari.
Series Taglist: @patzammit @quebruv @hawkeyes-queen @identity2212 @jamneuromain @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @ronearoundblindly
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cellarspider · 8 months
Thanks to my rambling this weekend, I am overflowing with love for an MMO that hasn’t been in development since 2012, because goddamn the worldbuilding for the setting of City of Heroes and City of Villains was just superb.
Do you want an MMO that begins as a pastiche of superhero comics that lovingly, cheekily engages with its source material, building up a cohesive world where the fantastical stuff feels unexpectedly real and grounded in the society, more so than most of the comics it's inspired by? Do you want that, and then to watch it slowly, gently tip its backstory into existential, cosmic horror via genre critique?
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I'm in no way kidding! More below the cut.
Well, part one of more, because there's a lot to unpack here.
A lot of new superhero continuities these days treats its central premise as an anomaly. For the most popular example, the MCU treats public knowledge of superheroes as something that started with Captain America in WWII. Before his exploits, the fantastical aspects of the setting were forgotten about and hidden from the world. The DCEU begins similarly with Wonder Woman in WWI, a member of a mythic society forgotten by time.
At first, Earth in City of Heroes seemed to go with a very similar premise, though it predates any of those movies: Superpowers were unknown to the general public until the early 1930s, when some people suddenly began gaining incredible new abilities, and mythical critters not seen since ancient times made themselves known.
But that’s just the basic sales pitch. As you dug into the setting and City of Villains expanded the lore, perspective shifted into something entertainingly stranger.
Everyone knew about Nemesis, the clockwork robot-making mastermind who'd terrorized Paragon City from the early 1930s, just when superheroes were first appearing on the scene. Turns out he was an immortal Prussian nobleman born who first went on an automaton-backed crime spree in 1820s, seemingly died when the British Navy bombarded his headquarters in Malta, then reappeared in the 1860s to supply the Confederate Army with mechanical cavalry until General Sherman shelled his mountaintop base on his march to North Carolina. Nobody was ever able to replicate what the did, and with his (apparent) death, he was no longer relevant after 1865. As of the 1930s, anyone who wasn’t a history buff had forgotten about him.
And sure, everyone knew there was an underground city of evil wizards, dead for long eons until they rose again to take human sacrifices from the surface world of Rhode Island (I’m still not over that). But actually, they were active in London during the Victorian mysticism craze, then moved their operations back to their homeland of subeterranean Rhode Island with the outbreak of World War I. They made the news across the continent. They got outlawed in multiple countries. They were a big deal, until the war took the attention off of them.
Hell, one of the people who fought all these weirdos was a random teenager who'd just... always been able to teleport and turn invisible, even prior to the '30s. He wasn't even a main character or anything! His parents knew, and tried to convince him to go get training. Teleportation training. Like y'do, with your socially awkward, teleporting kid.
This setting never actually had a mundane world that was unaware of the fantastical. The fantastical was normal. The arrival of superpowers in 1930 wasn’t a hard fork between history as we know it and theirs, or a reveal of some secret world that rational minds had long denied. It was just a dramatic escalation of what had already been happening, that everyone knew about. Armies of the 1800s had to develop anti-robot tactics. Alastair Crowley publicly dissed an actual wizard cult because they were dangerous competition. Parents worried over the mental health of their superpowered teens. That was normal.
The sheer numbers of fantastical events that started happening after 1930 were not normal. Or at least, not at first. People slowly adjusted over decades, as more and more young people grew up in a world that had always been that way.  
What nobody realized at that point was how the new normal bordered on a state of cosmic horror.
And that’s where the setting really starts interrogating its inspirations.
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erina-leah · 2 years
Back at it again your work makes my heart melt could i ask for the domestic lifestyle master Mihwak basking in the readers presence through their help around his castle, garden work ,cooking, greeting him in the morning etc! I wanna see the silent longing this man can get up to for the readers presence no matter how much he denys it, please and thank you!
Title: Words Are Very Unnecessary
It’s this asker right here, I love them🤲
A/N: WOW THIS ENDED UP REALLY LONG BUT I’M REALLY PROUD OF IT! I went wild with this one. I hope you enjoy it!!
CW: fluff, malewife alert, Mihawk x GN!reader
You stretched your tired muscles, bathing in the morning sun on a balcony of the castle on Kuraigana Island. Mihawk was generous enough to give you a room with a balcony overlooking the shore, and it was a view that you took in every morning to wake yourself up. You smiled to yourself as you gazed at the shore where the man first found you, out cold and washed up from a violent shipwreck at sea. He allowed you to stay on the island until you were better, but neither of you discussed the idea of you leaving since that day.
Taking one last breath of fresh sea-breeze air, you stepped inside, put on a robe, and made your way to the kitchen where Mihawk was already waiting for you, as he did every morning. The scent of fresh coffee and homemade breakfast filled your nostrils, and you sighed happily.
“Breakfast smells great this morning,” you say as you grab a mug and pour yourself some coffee.
Mihawk offered a small smile as he stood in front of the stove flipping pancakes. “And good morning to you too, Y/N.”
You laugh and bid him good morning, gathering what you need to set the table where you two were to share breakfast. You navigated the kitchen around him effortlessly, the two of you moving like clockwork. You had been here so long that you both got used to each other’s mannerisms and habits, and you two eventually fell into routine together. You set the table when he cooked, you washed the dishes while he saved them. It was pretty blissful, at least to you.
Today was no exception to your daily routine, and once breakfast was ready you both sat down and began to eat after you thanked him for the food. It was comfortably silent for a while before Mihawk asked:
“Do you know what today is, Y/N?”
You looked up from your food and shook your head. “I don’t think so.. is it something special?” You started to feel a little guilty if there was something you forgot.
He shrugged. “Depends on how you see it. Today marks eight months that you’ve been here.”
Your fork clattered as you set it down on your plate. You couldn’t believe it had been so long already. “Wow, time sure flies!” you remarked with a slightly awkward laugh.
Mihawk cleared nodded, and cleared his throat in order to continue. “I just wanted to thank you for all of your help since you’ve been here. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course!” you said with a smile. “It’s the least I can do. You saved me.”
It was true. If he hadn’t found you, you maybe be at the bottom of the ocean after your shipwreck. After a few days, you started to feel restless and offered to help him with chores or anything he needed in exchange for your stay, to which he reluctantly agreed. He insisted that you didn’t need to, but it made you feel better about things. It made you really happy to know that he appreciated it.
“You know I don’t mind, Mihawk, I’ll help you anytime.”
The swordsman smiled as he nodded and took another sip of his coffee. He was smiling more lately, you noticed, and you could definitely get used to seeing it. The way his expression softened now and then sent your heart aflutter, and you couldn’t deny your feelings for him any longer. You would never tell him that, though. You were certain he didn’t see you that way. Instead, you settled for this comfortable platonic life with him.
“Well, I just thought I would thank you today of all days,” he said as he’s stood from his chair and began to clear off the table, which you helped him with. Your heart jumper as your hands brushed when he went to grab your mug, and you took the risk of meeting his eyes. He eyes were widened slightly in surprise, but showed no other sign of emotion.
You decided to thank him while you held his gaze. “I appreciate you just as much, you know.”
He didn’t reply, but his small smile was all you needed in order to know that he heard you.
And so the two of you settled into another comfortable silence as you cleaned the table and washed the dishes you two had used. You washed as he dried, as always. Because of your teamwork, the chore was done in no time and you were ready to go your separate ways to tend to your daily routines.
Before you parted, Mihawk faced you. “I’ll be outside if you need me,” he stated, to which you nodded. He would likely be exercising in order to keep up his physique. You expected nothing less from the greatest swordsman.
“Sure thing! I’ll probably do a little dusting before grabbing a book.”
Offering you a quick nod, Mihawk was about to walk away when you stopped him, noticing a crumb on his goatee and brushing it away for him. You then walked off when a kind smile, attending to your own business.
If you had turned around, you would have noticed that the stoic swordsman was a blushing less, because your sweet touch had sent his heart leaping to the moon.
The man mostly avoided you for the rest of the morning since his feelings scared him more than anything. It wasn’t until around noon when you saw him again. You had finished dusting up most of the castle and decided to take a break for lunch. You made a couple of sandwiches and some tea and sat under your favorite willow tree in the garden.
As you were quietly eating, you noticed that Mihawk had come outside and started tending to the garden, pulling weeds and watering the various plants. He always looked so at ease when working in his garden; you could tell it was something he was proud of. You drank your tea as you watched him for a moment, barely able to mask the pure adoration on your face.
Unfortunately, you were caught red handed as you stared. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you suddenly met Mihawk’s eyes from across the garden.
“Would you care to help instead of watch? Or did I interrupt your picnic?” He asked with raised eyebrows and a teasing tone. Flustered, you assured him that he didn’t interrupt anything and skipped over to help him once you finished off your cup of tea. Once he handed you a watering can and directed you where to water, you got to work and fell into a comfortable rhythm.
A silence passed over you, as it usually did when you two worked together, but this one felt more strained than comfortable. It remained for a few moments until Mihawk asked you out of the blue:
“Have you ever thought of leaving, Y/N?”
You blinked in shock as your heart dropped to your feet.
“You can be honest with me,” he said, looking at you with an unreadable expression, a weed half-pulled from the soil in his gloved hand.
“No… I haven’t. Do you want me to?”
The question hung in the air for a moment. Even though you were originally supposed to be here temporarily, neither of you had discussed the idea of you leaving since you arrived. You had honestly avoided the subject, not willing to leave Mihawk’s company that you loved so dearly. What did you have to go back to, anyway? You were just a chore girl on a navy ship, and you didn’t enjoy the job much anyway. You hadn’t had a home in ages, and you felt that this was the closest you would ever have to a real home. You always feared that the day would come where he would no longer need you.
The warlord shook his head as he moved to stand in front of you, taking your hands in his. “No, please don’t misunderstand me. I don’t wish for you to leave. I just don’t want you to think that I am keeping you here against your will. I only want to ensure that you are happy here.”
A wave of relief hit you when you realized you weren’t being kicked out, but you were still rather confused (and not to mention flustered now that he was so close to you, looking at you so seriously as he held your hands in his calloused ones).
“Mihawk, why would you think I’m unhappy? I love my life here, more than I’ve loved anything else. I would trade this life for anything. Please, don’t worry about that!”
He let out a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. “You’ve no idea how relieved that makes me feel. I…” His words got stuck in his throat as he met your eyes again. It would take him ages to admit it, but your sweet and innocent face could bring him to his knees. He may as well be melting into a puddle in your hands. Just looking at you made him so antsy, it was indescribable. Gaining his composure, he finally continued, “I would miss you dearly if you left.”
You could have sworn your heart stopped when his words hit your ears. He was never so open with you in all of your months of chatting and teasing. His voice never felt so genuine, his eyes were never so soft. You suddenly came to a realization that your heart had avoided for months in fear of it breaking, and you found yourself crashing into his arms on the brink of tears.
“Can.. can I tell you something?” you stuttered, feeling that it was now or never.
Mihawk pulled away from you and cupped your cheeks, his face red but painted with an expression so soft you weren’t sure he was the same pirate you knew. “Don’t bother,” he answered. “I don’t think words are necessary.”
His lips met yours for the first time as he snaked an arm around your waist. It was slow at first, and he was so gentle it was as if he was afraid you would break. But you followed the flow, and put every word you ever wanted to tell him into that kiss.
He was right, no words were necessary at all. As always, you would settle into a comfortable silence, telling each other how much the other meant without saying a word.
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fanficshiddles · 1 year
The Call Of Fate, Chapter 19
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The following few weeks were a huge range of emotions for Jade and Loki, but more so Jade. She went through hell and back on almost a daily basis. Loki being the only one that was able to bring her back from it.
It broke his heart seeing her so distraught, but trying to put on a brave face for the most part. He knew how much she was struggling.
Getting fitted for the wedding dress was one of the worst days.
Someone from Arthur’s estate had been sent with a dress to put on her and adjust as necessary. Jade not only hated the dress, it was so not her, it was revolting and uncomfortable. But she was scolded by the nasty old woman over her tattoos, piercings and hair. Told once again that she had to be rid of them. Even when Jade argued that it was too late for her tattoos, she would be left with big marks if she started the process, but she was told it would be better than the awful state of her skin as it was.
As soon as the old bat had left, Jade ran to the bathroom to be sick. Loki rushed after her after seeing her running down the corridor. It wasn’t the first time he’d found her puking after some kind of incident to do with the wedding.
He rubbed her back and held her hair out of the way for her until she felt better.
‘I hate you’re seeing me like this.’ She whispered as Loki wiped her face with a cloth. ‘So disgusting.’
Loki tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘You could never be disgusting, cupcake. Even if you wore a bin bag and had bin juice as perfume.’ Loki smirked.
Jade laughed a little and shook her head with a small smile. He always did manage to make her smile, even in her darkest moments.
She dragged herself up to her feet and went with Loki to get something to eat in the kitchen. Loki had been making sure she was eating plenty, as she seemed to forget to do so in all of her worry. Which was understandable. But she had to keep her strength up.
‘You know, I’ve been thinking.’ Loki announced loudly as he reheated some of Bruce’s leftover pasta for her.
‘Uh oh. That’s dangerous.’ Jade teased.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her momentarily.
‘What’s dangerous?’ Tony asked as he walked in with Clint.
‘Loki has been thinking.’ Jade said.
‘Uh oh. That is dangerous.’ Clint chuckled and sat down next to Jade at the island counter.
‘What’s on your mind, reindeer games?’ Tony asked.
‘Jade is so appallingly bad at cooking. Perhaps she mistakes a herb for poison while she cooks the prince a meal one night… I mean, we can vouch her cooking is bad, can’t we?’ Loki winked at her.
‘Hey! It’s not THAT bad… Is it?’ She whined.
Clint and Tony shrugged a bit sheepishly. ‘I mean… your Bolognese is ok… but you could do with some practice otherwise.’ Said Tony.
Jade crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. ‘Thanks guys…’ She said sarcastically. ‘So as long as I don’t make bolognese I can fuck up any other recipe and get away with it?’
‘I’d say so.’ Loki grinned and slid the plate of pasta across the table to her with a fork.
‘Or just push him off the balcony after the wedding.’ Tony suggested as he grabbed a fork and stole some of her pasta. Loki glared daggers at him for doing so, but Jade just shook her head at him with a smile.
‘There’s a pool right underneath his balcony unfortunately… That thought has already crossed my mind.’ She said with a mouthful.
‘So you chuck in some sharks, that’ll do the trick.’ Clint said.
‘Filling it with acid would probably work quicker. Less chance of survival.’ Tony said.
‘Not as easy to do though.’ Clint countered.
‘Emptying the pool would do just as good.’ Loki shrugged.
‘I don’t think any of that would work, I’d be spotted too easily.’ Jade said.
‘I’ve got it!’ Clint announced loudly after everyone had fallen silent for a few minutes, making the other three jump. ‘Well it’s obvious. She just smothers him in his sleep with a pillow. Easy, no mess and no struggle.’
Jade laughed and facepalmed. ‘I appreciate the throwing ideas around, guys. But I’d rather not end up in prison for murder.’
‘You blame it on a maid.’ Tony shrugged.
‘I’d rather not have a poor maid chucked in prison either.’ She laughed lightly.
‘Hm. I guess not… Well, how would you like to come and watch us kick Loki’s ass in the training hall?’ Clint offered.
‘I think you’ll find it’s your ass that gets kicked.’ Loki growled at him.
‘If asses are being kicked, I don’t care who’s, I’m there to watch.’ Jade said as she put her plate in the sink.
‘I can assure you, cupcake. My ass is not one that will be kicked.’ Loki said firmly as he draped his arm over her shoulder as the four of them headed towards the hall.
But as they were walking, Tony literally kicked Loki in the ass, making him stumble forward a few steps. Jade and Clint howled with laughter while Tony ran off in another direction after the death stare Loki gave him, and he then ran after him, cursing at him on the way.
‘I’m so going to miss this.’ Jade said to Clint once she calmed down with her laughing.
Clint put his arm around her and gave her a squeeze. ‘You’ll still visit, you’re always going to be part of our family now.’
Jade smiled and nodded, trying not to think about it and hold back tears. ‘You… You will look after Loki for me, won’t you?’
Clint smiled. ‘Of course we will.’
‘I know he’s finding it hard too… considering how close we’ve gotten since I’ve been here.’ Jade said with a lump in her throat.
‘Don’t worry about him. I promise, we will look after him.’ Clint assured her. ‘You’ve got enough to be worrying about yourself.’
Jade nodded. ‘I know… But I do worry about him.’
Clint pulled her into him again for a proper hug this time and rubbed her back. They both froze though when they heard Tony screaming from somewhere in the compound, followed by a large smashing of a glass window.
Jade leaned back and looked at Clint. ‘I… think Loki found him.’
Clint scrunched his nose up and nodded. ‘Yeah, I’d say so.’
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dragonmuse · 2 years
@objective-j asked: I really need to know more about this Jim and Lucius thing. They're codependent and singular and I can't help but wonder if that connection ever edges into something romantic? Is it a natural thing for someone like Lucius to connect in more ways than one, or is the lack of attraction something that helps them to function better than Eddy and Izzy ever did?
(so the answer to the latter is YES, not having a sexual relationship definitely helps them, but I wanted to tease out how they got to where they were, so here are some snippets from how they began together from the first two years)
The bar wasn’t anything special. It was on the way between the office and Jim’s dusty apartment. They’d noticed it before and it had never mattered much until today. Booze was something they used as anesthetic mostly, administered late at night on rare occasions when sleep would hover too far out of reach. 
Tonight, they weren’t worried about that. They were in the middle of a long job, more boring than stressful. What they really wanted to do was run down one of their targets and finally do something about it, but they knew they didn’t have the plan straight enough yet.  
So when they passed the part and laughter spilled out the front door, they slowed a little. There was a menu posted on the glass, burgers and the like. They were hungry and if they sat at the bar, it wouldn’t draw the annoying pity of eating alone at a table. 
Jim went inside. There was a barstool open at one end of the bar, the one next to it clear too. A little island of space that they took gratefully.  The bartender was at the other end, back to them, so Jim settled in to wait. Someone had spilled a packet of sugar onto the dark wood, so they drew their finger through it, a nonsense spiral. 
“Abstracts, nice,” someone said and Jim’s finger stilled. “No, keep going. Haven’t had anyone do zen gardening in here yet, but I’m into it.” 
“I think I need a little rake for that,” Jim pulled the knowledge from some dusty drawer in their mind. They looked up and found the bartender smiling down at them. He was young, baby-faced. White guy with ordinary dark hair and brown eyes. There was a puff of fabric wrapped around his throat.  
“Excellent point, hold please,” he held up one finger then dipped down behind the bar. He came back up with toothpicks and the bit of wire that usually kept a bag of bread closed. While Jim watched, bemused, he wound the wire around the toothpicks and then presented the amalgam to them. “Rake away.” 
“What the fuck?” they laughed and took it from his hand. 
“Hey, it seemed to make you all chill, spill a packet for me and I’ll take a turn if it gets slow enough. In the meantime, get you something to drink?” 
“Yeah, whiskey sour. And a cheeseburger.” 
He tilted his head, “You could be thirteen or thirty, your skin is incredible, but uh...ID?” 
“Ugh fine,” they got out their wallet. “Ignore the name.” 
“Long as the picture matches and the birth date is right, I will avert my eyes,” he agreed. He did look very quickly then handed it back. “Whiskey sour. Cheeseburger. How do you want that?” 
“Rare as I can get it.” 
“Still mooing, on it.” 
He went back down the bar. Jim ran a fingertip down one of the toothpicks. No one had done something that ridiculous for them in a very long time. They grabbed another packet of sugar and spilled it out. Hardly their worst crime that week. And it was kind of nice to drag the makeshift tines through the grains. 
“You know it only occurred to me I could’ve just given you a fork after I placed your order in,” the bartender returned with a glass of amber liquid.  
“This was more fun,” they told him and took the drink. “Thanks.” 
“Sure thing, may I?” 
Jim handed him back his frankenstein creation. He repeated their pattern right slightly to the right, giving the whole thing a different dimension. 
“You don’t have a name tag,” they realized. The waitress working the tables had one, gold and gleaming. 
“Don’t I?” He made a show of groping around his shirt with his free hand and to their surprise when he dropped his hand again, a gold name tag had materialized. The name had been picked at, obscured into illegibility. 
“That was fast,” they said appreciatively. “Can you do it again?” 
“Yeah?” He laughed. “Sure why not?” 
His hand went up and came back down, no name tag. With a flourish, he opened his palm to them, showing it off. 
“The pin has a little spring and catch. It’s easy to palm,” he explained. “I hate when people use my name like they know me because they took some 101 business class that said if you use someone’s name it makes them do more shit for you.” 
“That true?” 
“Not for me.”
“Excuse me!” Someone down the bar called. “I ordered a rum and coke ten minutes ago!” 
“Ugh,” the bartender pushed off the bar. “Back with your burger soon-ish.” 
The bartender kept coming back to Jim the rest of the night. For their part, Jim didn’t leave once they’d eaten their burger. They got a second drink and nursed it. Watching Lucius was fascinating, sort of like watching Eddy do her thing with new clients. He would smile and tease and flirt, collecting tips despite making everyone wait for him to do things in his own sweet time.  And eventually he’d be back in front of Jim, not asking how the food was or if they wanted something. Instead, he showed off, palming away a lemon, then pouting when Jim did the same with equal speed. 
“The name tag is different,” they explained. “I can do the lemon. Not the pin.” 
“Oh! I can show you that.” 
They did it twice and then had it down. By the end of the night, they were wearing the gold oval, they’d had three drinks and the bartender wiped down the bar after the other customers had left, stuck out his hand and said, 
“It’s Lucius.” 
“Don’t think I’ll use it to get what I want?” 
“Maybe. Let’s find out.” 
“Jim,” they took his hand and shook it once.  
“Come back soon, Jim,” he said and it wasn’t a customer service line. 
“You hurting for customers?” 
Lucius shrugged, eyes falling down to his work as he smoothed away fallen droplets of booze. He hadn’t touched the pile of sugar yet even though it had lost its pattern an hour or more ago. 
“I’m kind of...I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’m younger, but I thought if I bartended, I might meet people. Haven’t really.” 
He’d spend most of the night talking to people. Jim had watched. He was good at it. They weren’t, generally speaking. But maybe being good at it was just as lonely as being bad at it, sometimes. 
Not that Jim was lonely. They were alone. It was different. 
“It’s on my way home,” they shrugged. “I’ll be by again some time.” 
They waited a week exactly. That seemed reasonable. When they walked in, they expected Lucius not to recognize them. Most people didn’t have Jim’s memory for faces, they’d found.  The same barstool was empty, so Jim headed to that. They’d order a drink, be forgotten, drink it and go home. Fine. 
Lucius came out of the back, holding a small tray. He sat down plates in front of a couple, giving them a wink as he recommended salting the fries. Then he turned and Jim felt the moment his eyes caught on theirs like it was the completion of a circuit. 
“Jim!” He beamed. 
“Hi,” the word got caught in their throat.   
He ignored three other people waving for his attention to come straight to them, “Listen, I had a total brain wave.” 
“About what?” they asked, pushing down whatever had risen in their neck to strangle them. 
“Bar side zen art, obviously,” he grinned, reached into his pocket and plopped down a sheet of gray thick paper. “It’s sensitive to water.” 
“Watch,” he grabbed a glass, squirted water in it then set it next to the paper. He dipped his finger in and drew a squiggle over the paper. Where he touched it went dark, then a few seconds later seemed to evaporate, growing lighter until it wasn’t clear where the water had been at all. “See? You can do it over and over.” 
They copied the move, dipping their finger in then swirling it over the paper.  “Oh that’s...I like that.” 
“Thought you might,” he said, pleased. 
“Can I get a beer or what?” Someone barked. 
“Just a sec!” Lucius said brightly while rolling his eyes so only Jim could see. “You enjoy that. I’ll be back.” 
They did enjoy it. Usually in meetings, Jim would draw increasingly tiny concentric circles, it helped them listen. Eddy, who did elaborate doodles often with tiny stick figures performing amazing feats, approved. Izzy, who would find the circles on all manner of paperwork, did not.  Would he mind droplets of water more or less? If it was more, would it be in a funny way or in an annoying way?  
“Here, hope you haven’t changed your order cause I don’t have time to make something else,” Lucius passed by, leaving behind a whiskey sour. “Food tonight? I’d get the chicken fingers, they just went into the fryer.” 
He was gone again and it occurred to Jim that the piece of paper might have been sitting in his pocket for days. Moved from one pair of pants to the next in the hope that they’d come by. 
Slowly, they wrote his name on the paper and watched as it slowly vanished. Then again and again.    
The chicken fingers were good. Lucius propping his chin up on one hand and showing them how to make a cube with the dampened tip of his pinkie finger was better. 
Lucius couldn’t pinpoint how he knew something was wrong. He rarely could. The radar that had protected him from his mother’s moods and school bullies was finely calibrated, but inscrutable. 
“You good?” He asked them as soon as he had a moment’s breathing space. 
They were in their usual spot and he had already given them their drink. Most of the time it took them long minutes to sip it and today was no exception. It was sweating gently into the bar napkin. They were messing with one of the tiny 3D puzzles that he’d swiped from an insufferable asshole’s dorm room after a terrible hookup. 
(There was a  box under the bar marked ‘Yellow Napkins’ which no one ever looked in, but was full of things like the hydrophobic paper and bent paper clips. By now, Jim knew where it was and just helped themselves. Did they know it was just for the two of them? That he spent more time thinking about how to stock it then keeping orders in his head?) 
“Seem a little....” he let it drag out, not sure what word to put there, eventually settled on, “not yourself.” 
Jim slid one piece against another. “Long day.” 
“Yeah? Anything I can do to help?” 
He’d noticed early on that Jim wasn’t big on ordinary eye contact. Either they didn’t allow it at all or they caught his eyes and wouldn’t look away long past when most people would grow uncomfortable. Lucius liked it. He wondered what they were seeing when they did that. Today was a catch and hold day. He did them the courtesy of not looking away. Let them search for whatever it was as long as they liked. 
“If I brought someone else here, what would you do?”  they asked. 
“Give them whatever they ordered. A friend or a lover?” 
Their nose wrinkled up, and it was adorable. “Neither. My boss.” 
“Uh, you bring your boss around to your local drinking hole often?” 
“No,” they slid a piece around so it came together with a soft ‘click’. 
“You know I don’t own the place, bring whoever you want,” Lucius tapped the bar with a finger, trying to parse what they were getting at. 
“I don’t want this to be different,” Jim said after a pause. “I want things here to stay the same.” 
“I won’t treat you any different if your boss is a pain in the ass,” he frowned. 
“He might be,” they allowed. “Anyway. He probably wouldn’t come.” 
Lucius watched them slide another piece in, trying one angle then another before it sank into place. 
“Hey,” he ventured, “you want to come over to my crappy dorm room after closing?” 
Jim didn’t pause in their manipulation of the puzzle and yet he felt a change in their attention all at once. Like it had suddenly all fallen on him with fierce intensity. 
“Because you’re my friend,” Lucius told them. His only friend at the moment though he kept that close. “My roommate is out of town and I scored some decent weed for once. We can get high and watch movies.” 
“Can we?” They ask, as if the whole idea was both entirely charming and utterly impossible. 
“Yeah,” he said lightly. “Who the fuck is going to stop us?” 
No one stopped them. Lucius even let Jim hang out as he closed down the bar and no one else noticed let alone said a word. Jim walked beside him, booths barely making a sound on the pavement as he led them back to the dorm. He took them around the back of the building where the smokers always had a door propped. 
“Smells like a locker room,” they observed without any apparent judgment as they stepped into the hall. 
“Yeah, it’s a hellhole, but at least it’s not my mother’s house,” he agreed. 
His room was tiny, barely large enough for the few bits of furniture shoved into it, but it wasn’t like Jim took up a lot of space. There wasn’t much of his personality in the room, just his bed with its utilitarian pieces, his desk littered with art supplies and textbooks. Unlike his roommate, he didn’t have a hundred posters, just a single print of a Maplthorpe photo, black and white photo of a punk shaping his mohawk from behind. Strong hands, strong arms on display. 
Jim studied the photo, then folded themselves down onto his bed, legs crossed. They hadn’t asked which side was his, just gone for it like it was obvious. It probably was. Lucius took down his math textbook and flipped it open. He sliced the inside front cover open a few inches to make a natural pocket for a dime bag and rolling papers. 
“Nice,” JIm gave him an approving nod. “What do you do about the smell?” 
“Well as you already observed, this place reeks already, so mostly just open a window and do the time honored move of also burning incense.” 
“That’s it?” 
“Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.” 
It was only once he’d gotten the joint lit, took a hit and offered it to them that Jim admitted, 
“Never done this before.” 
“What, really?” he blinked. “But you’re like...grown or something.” 
“I’m only three years older than you,” Jim took it and studied it like it might turn into a bug. 
“Still. You just give off that all-knowing air. Just suck in, hold it for a second then blow out. It’s okay if you cough.” 
“Smoked cigarettes before.” 
“Then you’ve got the gist.” 
They took a long toke, held it and did indeed cough a little, but not nearly as much as he had the first time. There was no fairness in the world. Lucius held his fingers out and Jim settled the joint back between them. They didn’t talk as they passed it back and forth. Lucius had oncesmoked like this with a guy before a fuck and it had been like foreplay to touch his lips to the same place the guy’s lips had been. 
It wasn’t like that with Jim. Maybe it was the gradual high or maybe it was just who they were, but what Lucius felt when he sucked in smoke, mouth wrapped around the paper they were sharing was a mellow correctness. As if they had done this a hundred times before. 
“Want to watch something?” 
“Yeah...no,” Jim wavered. “Can you put on some music? I don’t care what.” 
“Sure,” Lucius didn’t have music he thought would actually be to Jim’s taste. Even if he had no idea what their taste was.  So he just threw on Mika because everyone should like Mika in his opinion. “What do you usually listen to?” 
“Why do you have so many colored pencils?” they asked. 
Lucius wavered, then caved to the misdirection. “Because I like having choices.” 
Stoned Jim wasn’t any more interested in giving away information about themselves, but they did flop back onto his bed, boots abandoned on the floor and let him sketch them. 
“Don’t you do nudes?” they asked, watching him under their lashes. 
“I’m versatile,” he moved quickly to catch their lines in case they shifted. 
“You didn’t ask.” 
Lucius paused, “You know I didn’t invite you back here for sex, right?” 
“I wasn’t sure.” 
“I mean, you’re hot and all. We can. You’d need to talk me through a few things. New equipment for me.” 
“You don’t fuck women.” 
“But you’d do me?” 
“If you actually wanted me too,” he started drawing again, needing the distraction. 
“Jim,” he captured their jaw in a swift angle, “are you a woman?” 
“I’m not a man.” 
“So don’t be either.” 
They sucked in a breath, “Tell me the words for it. You have all the words.” 
Lucius gave them the words as he sketched. Jim repeated them one after the other.  They hung in the air around them, drifting in the smoke. Songs bled one into the other, almost entirely unheard. Eventually the sketch was as done as Lucius could make it with eyelids getting heavy. 
He yawned and crawled into the bed, the shitty plastic mattress undulating beneath them. 
“I can go,” Jim realized. “I should go.” 
“Stay,” he muttered. 
Everything about Jim said ‘Do Not Touch’, but they’d never said a word out loud about it. They were warm and unmoving, so Lucius threw an arm over their stomach and pressed his forehead against their shoulder. 
“You shouldn’t,” they warned him. 
“Why not?” 
“You don’t know me.” 
“I know enough.” 
He didn’t then. Not really, but Jim stayed anyway. They both fell asleep fully dressed, stuck together in the tiny bed in a sea of incense and contentment. 
“Give,” Jim demanded, holding out their hand. Lucius sulked, but handed over the knife he’d managed to lift from their pocket. “You’ll cut your fingers off.” 
“I’d just take your wallet, the knife was in the way,” Lucius groused. 
“You shouldn’t be able to do that. You fall over your own feet.”
“Feet are pretty far from fingers.” 
They were standing outside the bar, hidden in the back. Lucius was on his break and Jim had slipped back to join him. 
“Boss is helping me out with my ID,” they told him. 
“Nice of him,” Lucius lifted his eyebrows. “Can’t even get my boss to remember my name.” 
“Worked with him a while. We get each other.” 
“How long is a while?” 
Jim tilted their head against the brick, “Mm. Almost three years.” 
“Holy shit, you actually told me,” Lucuis gave a sarcastic little clap. “A fact! About Jim. I shall treasure this day always.” 
“Fuck off,” they elbowed him hard which he mostly skipped away from, but they felt like smiling. Lucius didn’t actually care if they didn’t tell him things. He loved guessing and even more loved being right with his guesses. 
“Second time you mentioned this boss guy. You must like him.” 
“He’s not likable.” 
“Just your kind of person.” 
“You're likable.” 
“I’m the exception to every rule,” Lucius mimed tossing his hair. “Truly extraordinary.” 
Jim didn’t dignify that with a response. Even if they did agree with it. 
Their birthday arrived with the ID and Jim made a decision about the whole thing at last. Izzy would come with them to meet Lucius. That could be their birthday present to themselves. They had no idea how it would go. If they could’ve asked Lucius without ruining it, they would’ve. He had a way of predicting people. 
It was to Jim’s intense pleasure that Izzy, after an initial hissing cat instinct, caved to Lucius’ brand of terrible customer service and tawdry flirations. Izzy was easy to rile to anger, but Jim hadn’t seen him this straight up flustered before. 
So maybe it was terribly surprising when a few Fridays later, he turned up at their elbow as they pulled on their coat and said, 
“Going to that shithole?” 
He didn’t ask to come along. Just did and like a magic trick, Jim could make both of their favorite people appear in the same place at the same time. Between the two of them, they didn’t even have to talk much, Izzy and Lucius leveling biting comments at each other filled the air.  Jim could fiddle with a puzzle or draw their circles and just listen. Perfection. 
Lucius sat down heavily on the awful leather couch, his breath ragged in his ears. People had just died in front of him and then he’d been whisked away to this fucking terrible apartment with dire prediction of his own death raining down around him. 
“No no,” Jim said softly, coming to kneel before him. Their face was the same, their long ragged ended hair falling in the same drape. “Breathing, Lucius. It’s important.” 
“Fuck,” he gasped. “Who ARE you?” 
They stared up at him, eyes wide and their voice cracked, “I don’t know.” 
“What do you mean you don’t know?” 
“I don’t! I’m not anyone. I’m a blank,” now their breathing had gone ragged. That seemed....very dire and Lucius found himself evening out just to compensate. “Except there’s you.” 
“I chose you,” their hands landed on his knees. “I don’t do that.” 
“Okay...fuck, okay,” he lay his hands right over theirs. And that was calming too. They were so steady there. “Am I going to die?”
“Only if I die first,” they said without any ferocity. Just a cold fact. 
Lucius wrapped that fact up and set it into himself. Like a bit of dirt in an oyster, he grew a pearl around it. 
It was almost their twenty-third birthday when they finally had the plan in place. They left work and kept it simple. Just headed out like it was a regular Wednesday night, except they went by their apartment building. Past the bar that no longer meant anything to them now that Lucius didn’t serve behind it. They were together almost every day from morning until evening and that was better anyway. 
Jim wound their way to shitty restaurant where the man that had once been part of the Siete Gallos ate dinner every week like clockwork. Primarily because he was having an affair with one of the waitstaff and would stumble into the alley after eating to get in a long (and highly unappealing) groping session. 
They waited in the alley. The waitress had her hand on the door when the host called her back. Jim exhaled with relief and hung up the burner. It had been an easy enough thing to call the front and play irate patron with a complaint. The host and the waitress would have to at least talk about it for a few minutes.  
The man was whistling when he came out for his fling. Jim didn’t give him time to notice that she wasn’t there. They had already known speed and accuracy when Eddy crossed their path. It was Izzy that had taught them what to do next. The easiest thing. To just walk away, careful to keep it off your clothes. 
They got to the lip of the alley, already thinking about disposing of the weapon. 
“Did you bring a change of clothes?” 
Their knife was at his throat, another man’s blood still wet on the metal. 
Lucius’ pupils were blown wide and there was the tang of fear around him. But he was also holding still. Trusting that they would pull the blade. 
“I have them by the dumpster a block away,” they did drop the blade and start walking. “Did you follow me?” 
“You were jumpy all day and wouldn’t tell me what was up, of course I followed you.” He walked beside them. 
“You saw.” 
“I saw,” he said gently. 
“That’s what I am.”
Lucius snorted, “Yeah, okay.” 
“It is,” they hissed, trying not to draw attention. 
“It’s something you are. Maybe an important part. But the word Jim can hold a lot for only three letters.” 
“What the fuck does that mean?” 
He reached out and took their hand. The one that was tacky with the spray of blood. He pressed them palm to palm.  
“You should have someone at your back when you do this. A look out. How many are there?” 
“How many were there?” 
“Then you’re just beginning,” Lucius’ hand carried theirs along, not quite swinging between them, but close. “And I’ll be there.” 
“You hate blood. The violence.” 
“There’s only so many times you can watch people punch each other and still get upset over it.” 
“You’re not allowed on jobs.” 
“I watch,” he said as if it was nothing. As if that didn’t mean he’d accessed machines he shouldn't have been able to, knew passwords that were kept secret. “I can’t help if I don’t know what’s happening.” 
“That’s a dangerous game.” 
“Iz wouldn’t touch me.” 
“Mm. Guess you’ll just have to watch my back too.” 
Jim could turn him over to Eddy right then. Call her up and tell her that Lucius was a busybody. Not to be trusted. Nothing awful would happen. He’d get turned loose. Izzy would have to cut ties which he would do without a second thought, then bleed internally about it for months without realizing what had happened. 
“This way,” they tugged him a little, venturing into their tucked away spot. He kept watch as they changed. When they bundled everything up, including the knife and disposed of it in a bag already full of rotting garbage, he helped them with the dumpster lid. 
“There has got to be a better way,” his nose wrinkled up with distaste.  “Maybe a getaway car next time.” 
“You don’t drive,” they pointed out. 
“Then you’ll teach me.” 
“I’m not saying I’ll like it or I’ll even be good at it, but I’ll learn enough to get a license. Don’t tell Izzy or he’ll think I’m honing in on his territory.” 
They go back to their apartment as planned that night, but not alone. Lucius shot off a text to Izzy, telling him the truth  ‘stayed out late with Jim, home in the morning’.  While Jim showered, Lucius made tea laced with rum and they both drank it as the shower’s leftover steam rolled through the studio. 
“What do you want?” Lucius asked them. “Ten years from now when they’re all dead?” 
Jim frowned, “What do you mean?” 
“Consider it a homework assignment.” 
They drank. The television played over them. And eventually, both of them crawled into Jim’s twin bed and fit themselves together for sleep. 
Lucius had planned for this day for ages. It had taken several semesters before he was confident enough to even try and then he had to wait.  Keeping secrets from Jim made him deeply uncomfortable, despite the relative ease he hid from everyone else. Hiding things from Izzy was just a part of life. The man didn’t need to know how deep in Lucius had thrust himself, he was uncomfortable enough with what he did know. 
Hiding from Eddy was a fascinating game. She was excellent at sniffing out deception and Lucius couldn’t test her too many times without becoming suspicious. So he danced a careful line, poking at perimeters without setting off alarms. 
But Jim...Jim was different. He was always honest with Jim. Jim had earned that from him and returned the favor. 
Still this seemed an okay secret. He hoped. 
He waited for a day when they were in a foul mood. It was rare, despite their constant low level irritation, they were rarely truly furious. When they were though, they would let loose in Spanish, half under their breath, lacing into all the monolingual assholes that had troubled them that day. 
In what was so perfect that he almost wished he’d arranged it, they decided to vent their spleen as they walked into the conference room that only Lucius was occupying. 
“Stupid assholes” they grumbled, “how fucking hard is to do what I told you to do? Like you know better than me, you dumb shits.”
Lucius raised his eyebrows and offered, “If you mean Dom and Bradley, they already packed up their things. Liked the touch of stabbing Bradley in the hand that tried to pinch my ass less week.” 
“Anything-”  Jim stopped, switched back to English. “What the fuck did you just say?” 
“Is my accent that bad?” He asked ruefully. 
“How long?” they demanded. 
“I’ve been trying to learn for a year or so. It’s not really my area, but I got an A on my final last week.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” he blurted. Was he flushing? He felt hot. “Really sorry, I just...I wanted to do it for you. For us.” 
“So you can talk to me in whatever way is easier. Whenever.” 
They sat down heavily in their chair. The one that was always pulled up beside his. 
“And you know that no one else here speaks it.” 
“What’s wrong with a little extra layer of privacy?” 
Jim did the eye contact thing. Lucius looked back. Their Mona Lisa smile flickered to life. 
“Too clever for your own good. I like it. But if you hide something from me again...” 
“Never again,” he promised. “It sucked and I hated it the whole time. Want to go out and get very drunk?” 
“Yes. Thank you.” 
All night as they drank, Jim taught Lucius phrases that no classroom teacher would. He learned new verbs and some very descriptive adjectives between shots. As they stumbled back to Jim’s studio, he even learned a song, some half-remembered thing from Jim’s childhood. 
In the morning, they shared a single plate with the obscenely huge omelet Lucius had made with the sad remains of vegetables in Jim’s fridge. Their forks warred over the craggy territory.  
“In ten years,” Jim said as they stabbed a bit of tomato, “when they are all dead, I want enough money and power to make sure no one ever hurts what’s mine again.” 
“You can’t promise that.” 
“Watch me.”
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Twisted Wings Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Dawn was almost breaking by the time Celeste returned to Ramshackle. She had spent the past few hours flying around the island, pondering her meeting with the horned man.
She was hesitant to return, afraid that the horned man wouldn't keep his word. However after several hours of debating with herself, she quietly landed on Ramshackle dorm's doorstep. She couldn't just leave Grim and her new friends without so much as a good goodbye. Perhaps the horned man would keep his word after all.
Retracting her wings, she opened the rickety front door and walked inside, putting away her sword.
"There you are! Where have you been?" Celeste jumped slightly at Grim's voice behind her. She spun to see him sitting up on the couch in the lounge.
"Grim? I went out for a stroll. Why are you not in bed?" Celeste was amazed to see him up so early.
"I had a nightmare and when I woke up you were GONE! I looked all over the dorm for you! I figured I'd wait for you on the couch but I fell asleep..." Grim flattened his ears as he gave her a pitiful look.
"I'm sorry Grim I was gone longer than I meant to be." She went over and patted him on the head, surprisingly he let her do so with no objection. "I won't disappear forever without informing you first I promise." She tried to reassure him but he narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously.
"You say that like your plann' on disappearin'." He grumbled his forked tail twitching.
"Grim, I'm not going anywhere at the moment. Now let's get cleaned up. I suspect Riddle will be waiting for us to continue the investigation." She said as she left the room to put on her school uniform.
A short time later they made their way to the main street. It was still relatively early but students were already out and about. She was relieved to see that she wasn't getting any unusual looks. It appeared that the horned man had indeed kept his word.
Now that I think of it, he said to call him whatever I liked... She thought, remembering he hadn't told her his name. Perhaps she should call him Pan, after all, he appeared to be like a mischievous horned spirit.
"Mornin' Celeste." Cater's greeting snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked to see him and Riddle walking towards her.
"Good morning Cater, Riddle." She said smiling back at them.
Riddle's brow furrowed slightly when he saw her. "Hm. Your tie is crooked you know. A disorderly uniform suggests a disorderly dorm." He reached out towards her and adjusted her tie.
Celeste glanced away, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Oh, your right. Sorry, I'm not used to wearing such things." Usually, Zaphiel assisted her with complicated accessories and with her hair.
"Where are Ace and Deuce?" She asked noticing they weren't with them.
"In accordance with rule 249, it's their turn to wear pink clothes and feed the flamingos." Riddle explained before his expression darkened slightly. "By the way, there was another incident last night."
"Oh no! Was the student badly hurt?" Celeste gasped dismayed.
"Celeste you're such a sweetheart. I believe he's alright." Cater smiled as he reassured her before continuing.
"According to the portrait that witnessed it, the victim was a sophomore from Scarabia house. His name is Jamil Viper. It appears the accident happened in the kitchen." Cater said checking the information on his phone.
"I see. Sentient portraits are quite beneficial for such matters. We have several at home for just that reason." Celeste said recalling the number of portraits that lined Eden's palace walls. They were part of the palace security and would shout if something was amiss.
"So you got talkin' pictures where you're from too? Am I the only one that thinks it's weird?" Grim grumbled.
Riddle ignored him. "It's time for breakfast so he may still be in the cafeteria. Let's go."
They entered the cafeteria and Cater began scanning the room. "Jamil has long black hair. Let's see... There he is!" Cater pointed towards two Scarabia students eating breakfast together at a table not far from them.
Unfortunately Grim darted over to them before she could stop him. "You're the guy who got banged up in the kitchen yesterday, right? Mind if we chat?" He said hopping onto the chair across from them.
Jamil folded his arms and scowled at him. "What is this? An inquisition?" His long black hair was tied in a low ponytail with several tightly braided locks. His dark eyes glittered with distrust as he eyed Grim.
The other boy drew back, startled. "Oh hey! That's the weasel who set me on fire at orientation!" He had short white hair, scarlet eyes, and tan skin. He wasn't wearing a traditional uniform rather he had on a white cardigan instead of a black blazer and a golden head wrap fastened on his head.
"My apologies! He's just eager! We wanted to inquire about how you got injured is all." Celeste said hurriedly, catching up with Grim along with Riddle and Cater.
"Grim you need to work on your tone. You're giving Celeste extra work." Riddle admonished Grim who shot him a glare. "Forgive us for interrupting your breakfast." Riddle apologized glancing back at the two boys.
The boy with white hair grinned at them in a friendly manner. "Wow, a beautiful girl and a fire-spitting weasel. Ahaha what a fun combo!"
"I ain't no weasel!" Grim huffed but Celeste spoke over his rude outburst.
"I am Celeste, Prefect of Ramshackle dorm. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances." She introduced herself with a pleasant smile.
"The pleasures all mine! I'm Kalim, Scarabia's Housewarden. And this is my vice Housewarden, Jamil." Kalim beamed as he gestured to Jamil.
Celeste was a bit surprised to find out he was a Housewarden. His carefree attitude didn't seem to match any of the Housewardens she'd met so far.
"Why do you want to know about my accident?" Jamil asked, giving them a guarded look.
"The headmage has requested us to investigate all of the mishaps involving Spelldrive players." Celeste explained and he appeared to relax.
"The headmage? I see... Well okay." Jamil nodded in understanding and began to explain how he was injured.
"Last night I was in the kitchen chopping ingredients. It was like my knife hand went wild and cut my other hand all on its own." He said holding up his bandaged hand.
"It makes no sense! Even the dorm's head chef can attest to Jamil's legendary knife skills! Were you tired from Spelldrive?" Kalim spoke up shaking his head in disbelief.
Jamil shook his head. "No. Not so tired that I couldn't control my hands. But at one point while I was cooking I felt kind of lightheaded." He frowned as if deep in thought.
"Like you were dizzy?" Celeste looked at him intently, hoping for a new clue.
"Most people would think that, but I know that sensation. I think I was feeling the effects of someone's signature spell." Jamil said narrowing his eyes and Cater gasped. It seemed her guess about someone using telekinetic magic was correct.
"Oh right! Because your signature spell is-" Kalim was interrupted by Jamil slapping his hand over his mouth. Kalim shook him off and gave him a bewildered look. "Why'd you do that?"
"Because we are not talking about me here." Jamil hissed at him before continuing. "Anyway my theory is that someone was controlling my movements with magic."
Cater looked at Celeste. "It seems like you might have been right about telekinetic magic. It would be a way to hurt people and have it appear as if they were just being careless."
"A spell that could control someone... If I could learn how to cast that, I could really clean up on bakery day!" Grim exclaimed excitedly and Celeste gasped as she recalled the events of that day. The hyena beastman and the hotdog bun...
"Grim! Do you remember how you lost your sandwich on bakery day?" Celeste asked turning to him.
Grim scowled, clearly still bitter. "Do I remember?! I'll never forget! ... That sandwich stealing... AAAAAHHH!" He let out a screech as the realization hit him, causing everyone to jump.
"WHOA! Why are we screaming?!" Kalim pulled back confused.
"I, Grim Expert Detective, have solved this case! I know who's got that signature spell!" Grim stood upright and puffed out his chest proudly.
"What?" Riddle looked over at her for an explanation.
"Ruggie used it to get Grim's sandwich on bakery day." Celeste explained and Cater's eyes widened.
"Ruggie? That lil dude from Savanaclaw?" Cater asked and she nodded.
"Let's track him down and see what he has to say." Riddle declared with a determined face.
"Thank you both for your assistance. I sincerely wish you a fast recovery, Jamil." Celeste said glancing back at the two Scarabia students.
"No problem, anytime! Good luck!" Kalim said waving to them as they left.
Cater led them to the classroom Ruggie was supposed to be in. Inside, Ruggie and a few other students were chatting amongst themselves.
"Ruggie Bucchi, we need to ask you some questions about the spate of injuries that have befallen prospective Spelldrive players." Riddle said causing Ruggie to spin around.
"Oh ho. This sounds like some serious business." Ruggie smirked and raised an eyebrow at them.
"How about we move into the hall and keep this in the figurative DMs if you catch my drift?" Cater narrowed his eyes at Ruggie in a slightly threatening manner.
Ruggie flattened his ears at Cater's tone. "I'm cooperating. Let's all try to be gentlemen now." He said brushing past them as they stepped out into the hall.
"Ruggie we have reason to believe that you have been utilizing telekinetic magic to cause injury to other students." Celeste spoke up once they were all out in the hall. She folded her arms and gave him a stern look.
"Do you now? So you've got everything worked out have you?" Ruggie scoffed at her narrowing his grey eyes.
"While we do not yet know exactly what transpired, it is abundantly clear that your signature spell is a dangerous one. I will be casting off with your head to-" Riddle was cut off by Ruggie who had a sly grin on his face.
"But Riddle, are you sure you should be casting such a powerful spell without your magical pen?" He smirked and Riddle's hands flew to his blazer pocket where he usually kept his pen.
"Huh? Wait... What?! Where is it?!" Riddle cried out in alarm when he realized it was gone.
Ruggie snickered at Riddle's reaction. "Children of privilege all of you. So unprepared. So complacent. Like stealing candy from a baby." He held up his hand. In it was not only Riddle's pen but Cater's as well and a star pendant dangling on a silver chain.
Celeste gasped and reached for her star pendant but Ruggie backed away.
"Ruggie please give that back! It's not a magestone, it's part of a matching set I have with my brother!"
"Relax I'm just gonna borrow it for a bit. Anyway, having a showdown in the hallway isn't on my agenda for today so I'll be on my way. Tootles!" Ruggie veered around and darted away taking off down the hall with surprising speed.
They all scrambled after him but Ruggie was agile as well as fast. While she could have certainly caught him at her normal speed she still hesitated to use it in front of her friends. They turned a corner and practically ran smack into Ace and Deuce.
"Huh? What's going on? Why are you running?" Deuce asked surprised as they skidded to a halt.
"The culprit! He's getting away!" Riddle screamed his face contorting and turning completely red with rage as he pointed to Ruggie running down the hall. "You need to apprehend Ruggie Bucchi immediately! Housewarden's orders!"
"What's this got to do with us?" Ace scowled not wanting to get involved.
"Listen to him! He grabbed their pens and my necklace!" Celeste cried out growing more anxious as Ruggie got farther and farther away.
Deuce immediately swung around and started pursuing Ruggie. Ace let out a groan and went after him.
Celeste sighed as they took off with Grim on their heels. Even though Deuce was fast, Ruggie was extremely nimble, clambering up a wall and running along the edge, forcing Ace and Deuce to take the long way around.
With a hesitant glance at Cater and Riddle, Celeste took off after Ruggie. Utilizing her natural swiftness, she was able to reach the wall within seconds, leaping onto the narrow ledge with ease. She balanced herself perfectly and proceeded to pursue Ruggie.
She gained on him rapidly and he peeked behind himself as she approached. "WHOA?! Holy shit you're fast!" He shouted seeing her about to overtake him. He scrambled off the ledge and into the courtyard, hitting the ground running. She leaped onto a higher ledge so she could track him better- she couldn't let him get away.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim burst out into the courtyard panting and hurled a few spells at Ruggie slowing him down. She jumped down in front of him blocking his getaway route.
Ruggie skidded to a halt his eyes wide. "... That was a two-story drop..." He huffed in astonishment backing away.
"...Celeste?... How'd you get in front of us?" Deuce panted catching up to them along with Ace and Grim.
Ruggie frowned. "Seems like I misjudged you. I thought you were just some pampered noble but it seems like you've got some skills."
"Ruggie hand over the necklace and the pens. I think I've more than demonstrated that I'm able to overtake you." Celeste said narrowing her eyes at him angrily.
"Hold on there princess- what makes you so sure that I did it? I only took em in self-defense." Ruggie said putting his hands up. His ears twitched when he noticed how Celeste tensed at his remark.
"... Your actions do not exactly seem innocent." Celeste hissed at him as she crossed her arms.
"Well, what was I supposed to do? Let Riddle collar me? Where's your evidence? Do you have any witnesses who saw me casting a spell? Did anyone snap a picture? You don't have anything like that do you?" Ruggie grinned at her confidently when she didn't immediately respond. He knew he was right.
"You know very well that no incantation is needed for telekinetic spells... As for witnesses, it's rather obvious that you used it on Grim to swipe his sandwich on bakery day." Celeste said after a moment but Ruggie snorted.
"What happened on bakery day had nothing to do with the Spelldrive stuff. You've got nothin' to prove that I did it."
Celeste grimaced knowing he was right. She sighed and shook her head. "I don't understand... Your dorm is so skilled, why do this? Surely you don't need to employ underhanded methods to win?"
Ruggie let out another snort and shook his head. "Someone like you who's had everything handed to em wouldn't understand... Next time make sure you have some proof before you come after me next time. I'll just leave your necklace and the pens here. Tootles!" He set down the necklace and pens by the base of one of the apple trees before once again darting off.
Celeste sighed and picked them up, clasping the necklace back around her neck.
Ace shouted in frustration and Deuce grimaced. "Housewarden Riddle is not going to be pleased." He sighed shaking his head.
"Unfortunately he was correct. While I'm certain he is the one who's been injuring students- we have no solid evidence. We had no choice but to let him go but his use of the term next time concern's me." Celeste sighed running her hand through her dark hair.
"So you guys are still on the hunt, huh?" They all turned to see Jack walking towards them.
Ace glared at him. "Yeah. Hey here's an idea, next time maybe give us a hand?"
Jack's ears twitched. "Celeste seemed to have it covered. That was pretty impressive, I've never seen anybody catch up to Ruggie like that. Where'd you learn to move like that?" He asked eyeing her curiously.
"I had special training back at home." Celeste said thinking back to how she was trained in the army with her mother. She couldn't tell them that, otherwise they'd start questioning her age. Things would get confusing fast since angels aged differently in the celestial realm.
"...Huh. Anyways why're you going through all this trouble for the sake of total strangers? I mean, I'd understand if you were out for vengeance for an injured friend or something." Jack asked after realizing she wasn't going to elaborate.
"Several of our friends have been hurt but I wouldn't say I was doing this out of vengeance. I simply don't want anyone else to be needlessly hurt." Celeste said looking up at the tall beastman with conviction.
Ace snorted. "Yeah, yeah Celeste you're too nice. You're both missing the point here."
"What?" Jack blinked as Celeste frowned at Ace.
"We're not doing this for anyone else sake!" Ace said with a smirk.
"This is a chance for us to score some kudos by catching the culprit." Deuce grinned as well but caught sight of Celeste's disapproving gaze. "Oh! And of course help Celeste!" He added hurriedly.
Ace let out a fake cough. "Ahem, simp mhm." Deuce shot him a glare and elbowed him in the side.
Ace moved away from Deuce and continued. "I feel bad about what happened to Trey, but if there's an opening on the roster... I'll take it."
Jack smirked and crossed his arms. "Wow. I was doubting if I could trust people who would suffer like this for strangers... But it turns out you two are total scum." He looked pointedly at Ace and Deuce.
Ace glared back at him. "If we're scum then you're less than scum. You knew all along didn't you?"
"That would explain why you were so confident that you wouldn't be targeted. Your dorm was behind it." Celeste said narrowing her eyes.
Jack sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "All right, I'll tell you what I know. I'm betraying my own dorm here, but I can't stay quiet any longer." He looked down at them with a determined gleam in his eyes.
"I don't care how strong the foe- I wanna face them with my own two fists. I've been training for this tournament and was excited to see how far I could go. But these cowardly schemes are making me sick! A triumph won through treachery means nothing!" Jack declared adamantly.
"I see. So am I to understand that the entire dorm is in on this?" Celeste asked and Jack nodded.
"Leona has Ruggie doing his dirty work. Ruggie's signature spell makes its target copy his movements. He's able to make it look like an accident on their part." Jack let out a growl and shook his head. "I'm disappointed in Leona. He has incredible talent but refuses to use it!"
"Yeah, for as lazy as that guy is... He seemed insanely strong." Grim muttered, his blue-flamed ears twitching as he remembered yesterday's Spelldrive game.
"Right?! Why would you possess such power and not even hone it?! I despise guys like him!" Jack snarled in disgust before shaking his head in disappointment. "The way he played when I saw him three years ago... It blew my mind. That was the reason I came to this school."
Celeste gave Jack a sympathetic look. It seemed he had greatly admired Leona and was feeling let down by his actions. Fortunately, his morals wouldn't let him blindly follow Leona like the rest of Savanaclaw.
"All of these accidents are just an incidental part of their plan. They're hunting bigger prey here." Jack continued frowning.
"Bigger prey?" Deuce asked raising his eyebrows.
"Malleus Draconia, the Diasomnia Housewarden. He possesses monstrous power. He led Diasomnia to victory two years running. He's the reason we were knocked out of both tournaments without scoring a single point. The older dorm members won't ever forgive that. The upperclassmen want to redeem themselves but the way they are doing it is despicable." Jack's face twisted in disgust as he look away.
"So they are plotting an attack on Draconia on tournament day..." Celeste murmured wondering how they intended to take down someone so powerful.
"Yep. That's why I need to stop them!" Jack made a fist with a determined look on his face.
"I believe I've heard enough." They all looked to see Riddle and Cater walking towards them. Cater waved at her cheerfully while Riddle remained composed.
"Riddle, Cater, here are your pens back." Celeste said handing them their magic pens. Relief flooded their eyes when they saw the pens in her hand.
"Thank you, Celeste." Riddle nodded at her before continuing. "I cannot allow such an important tradition to be tarnished by personal grudges."
"So what's the stitch Riddle? We got a plan?" Cater asked after thanking Celeste and tucking his pen back into his pocket.
"As we have no proof of Leona's machinations, nor of Ruggie's assaults, we cannot take this to Crowley. Without solid evidence, that sort of accusation would never stick to someone as sly as Leona." Riddle stated in a solemn tone.
"So we need to catch him in the act?" Ace asked raising an eyebrow at Riddle who nodded.
"Yes. And I have a suggestion to that end. First -" Riddle began to say but was cut off by Jack who raised his hand to stop him.
"Stop. I've told you what I know, but that doesn't mean I'm joining your merry band. Savanaclaw is my dorm, and I'm gonna be the one to settle this. See ya." He said gruffly and turned to leave.
"That would be an incredibly foolish move." Celeste spoke in a warning tone compelling Jack to spin back around to face her.
"What'd you just say?!" He growled at her flattening his ears.
Celeste gazed calmly back at him, unfazed. "The entire dorm is in on this yes? So it's you against the entire dorm- do you really believe you can take them on all by yourself? Do you think they will fight fair as you do?"
Jack drew back slightly in shock and began to protest again but she interrupted him.
"You will not win a battle by charging in head first. You must strategize and plan your movements." Celeste said staring up intently at him.
Jack grew silent for a moment, his ears twisting with uncertainty. "... Fine. I'll hear you out, but I'm not committing to anything. If I don't like the sound of your scheme I'm out." He grumbled crossing his arms.
"Very well. Now if I may continue." Riddle said and proceeded to explain his plan to them.
"That's very clever Riddle, but will Cater be alright?" Celeste asked giving Cater a worried look.
"Don't worry about me hon, I'll be fine. Thanks though." Cater winked back at her.
"Yeah, that plan's actually not half bad dude." Ace said grinning at Riddle and Deuce nodded in agreement.
"Sounds like I got a lot of prep work before the big day." Cater said with a smile before glancing over at Jack. "So how about you Jack? Are you in or out?"
"There's nothing cowardly about it at least. I suppose we can work together this one time." He huffed after awkwardly clearing his throat.
"Cool beans. Let's all get back to our dorms for today. I know I'm about really to keel over." Ace groaned his shoulders slumping with exhaustion.
"Yes, you guys must be tired from chasing Ruggie. Thank you for helping me corner him by the way." Celeste said giving Ace and Deuce an appreciative look.
"You did most of it, Celeste. You caught up to him in no time flat." Deuce said looking guilty that he hadn't been to one to retrieve her necklace.
"Yeah, is that necklace valuable or somethin'? You were really bookin' it." Ace asked with an inquisitive glint in his eye.
"Well, yes. It's crystalized Moonbeam- a crystal from my world. Mother gave my brother and me each a matching necklace when we were children." Celeste said holding up the necklace so they could get a better look. The clear crystal glimmered in the sunlight and emitted a soft glow.
"How many cans of tuna do you think we can get for that?" Grim asked his eyes sparkling and she glared at him.
"None because we're not selling it." She huffed putting the necklace away.
It was after closing time at the Mostro Lounge and Azul was finishing tallying up the sales for that day. It had been a good day for him, Leona Kingscholar had even come to him to make a deal- a first.
Perhaps the angel feather he had acquired had become his lucky charm. His eyes flickered over to it in its glass case. It still hadn't lost its soft iridescent gleam. His mind wandered to what he had found out about angels through research.
" The angels were beings of light energy able to take on human-like forms. They worked alongside humans for thousands of years and were rumored to have given the first mages their magic. They resided in a realm just beyond twisted wonderland and could travel between the two as they pleased. Angels were known to have as many as six wings, the number of wings seemed to relate to the amount of power an angel had. A seven-winged eye known as a celestial seal was used to represent the highest-ranking angels, the seraphim. Angels tended to introduce themselves in relation to a specific star through which they granted wishes. Around a thousand years ago they seemed to have vanished from twisted wonderland altogether and now are widely regarded as extinct."
There hadn't been much information on angels for him to find. He had scoured the school's library in search of more information but came up empty. The one thing he knew for certain was that angels were very much still alive and in twisted wonderland.
Azul let out a sigh and rose out of his chair. Perhaps a nighttime stroll would do him good, he thought grabbing his cane and walking out into the empty lounge. In all honesty, he was hoping to get another glimpse of the angel, a least of her face. He wanted a face to the beautiful voice that now haunted his dreams at night.
He made his way back to the fountain in the courtyard, disappointed to find it empty. He couldn't say he was surprised, after all, it was doubtful that he'd ever see her again. A cold October wind blew through the courtyard, ruffling his silver hair.
There was a soft thud behind him as if something had landed on the ground. He turned and saw a small figure standing in the shadows of one of the apple trees.
"Azul Ashengrotto? What brings you here this time of night?" A soft voice questioned him as the figure stepped into the moonlight. It was Celeste, the girl from flight class. She wasn't wearing her uniform instead a long blue coat and knee-high boots. A black leather waist belt held a winged short sword in a decorative scabbard over her hip.
"I could ask you the same thing." Azul said raising an eyebrow at her as she walked over to him.
"I go on nightly strolls often, I have trouble sleeping you see, and being under the stars makes me feel at home." Celeste said with a slightly sad smile.
"So that's the case. I merely wanted some fresh air." Azul said adjusting his glasses.
"Ah yes, the brisk air is rather refreshing." Celeste nodded as a gentle breeze blew through her inky black hair.
"You said you often walk the campus at night. Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary?" Azul asked her, wondering if she'd seen the angel as well. It was rather frustrating being the only one to have seen her. He hadn't told anyone, not even Jade or Floyd for fear they would poke fun at him for it. It was a rather difficult story to believe after all.
"No, I haven't. Why do you ask?" Celeste narrowed her sapphire-colored eyes and her demeanor became more guarded.
"You have a weapon on you. Perhaps you were expecting some sort of threat?" Azul glanced at the sword on her hip as he avoided telling her the real reason behind his question.
"Oh! Um,... it's a rather special type of sword from my homeland. Only I can use it so it has a sort of sentimental value to it. I find solace in having it at my side." Celeste appeared slightly uneasy now and he noticed she evaded actually answering his question about a threat.
"Oh? So it's a magic sword. To have a custom-made magical weapon like that... You must be quite well off." Azul murmured suddenly very interested in her. He noticed that her attire was well made and that she wore a glittering jewel in the shape of a star around her neck.
"That was in the past I'm afraid. Now I have very few things from my old life." Celeste watched him wearily as he broke out his best smile.
"Say, Celeste, would you be interested in a study guide for the upcoming exams? If you'd like, you could stop by the lounge tomorrow and we could... Make a deal?" He grinned as he put on the charm however Celeste seemed unmoved.
"Thank you but I have no interest in that sort of thing. True, Grim does drag down my grades but I don't intend to stay at this school for much longer. So the grade I make on the exam won't matter."
Azul's shoulders slumped. "How terribly disappointing... So you intend to leave? To where may I ask?"
"I suspect I'll be traveling to all sorts of places... It was never my intention to stay in one place for so long." Celeste said looking away.
"I see. Well if you change your mind, let me know. I'd be more than happy to make deal with you." Azul said and bid her farewell, heading back to his dorm.
A few days had passed since the encounter with Ruggie. As a result, Riddle and the rest of Heartslabyul were incredibly busy with both working on his plan and preparing for the Spelldrive tournament.
So it was a rather rare moment for Celeste to be alone without any of her Heartslabyul friends during school hours. Even Grim had gone off to PE ahead of her while she returned a library book.
The peaceful solitude was short-lived, however, as two tall boys suddenly fell into step next to her. They positioned themselves so close that their sleeves brushed against hers.
"Heya Angelfish! No school of Heartslybul fish today?" Floyd grinned as he saddled up next to her.
"Good morning Celeste. I trust you are doing well?" Jade spoke from her other side.
Celeste stopped and frowned at Floyd. "Angelfish? Why did you call me that?"
"Because you move and talk like one!" Floyd beamed at her and she relaxed.
"Floyd likes to give everyone nicknames of sea creatures." Jade clarified to her still smiling.
"Ah, I see. That's why you referred to Riddle as goldfish." Celeste said with a nod as she recalled their past encounter. "Oh is this about the other day? I assure you that it was a misunderstanding. We were investigating injuries related to the Spelldrive tournament and were concerned that you were potential targets."
"Aww! You were worried about little ol us?" Floyd exclaimed, throwing his arm across her shoulders which she promptly removed.
"So that's why you were watching us? My apologies for jumping to conclusions. You should have just said so. Instead, your friends dragged you away before we could get properly aquatinted." Jade's expression seemed downcast.
"My apologies, I never properly introduced myself did I? I'm Celeste prefect of Ramshackle dorm." They probably already knew who she was but it was rather rude of her not to introduce herself.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Celeste. I'm Jade Leech and this is my brother Floyd." Jade motioned towards Floyd.
"Yeah yeah. All these introductions are borin' me. We're here because the boss wanted us to invite ya to the lounge." Floyd reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card and handed it to her.
"Ah yes, your Housewarden mentioned this Mostro Lounge. So it's a... Restaurant of sorts? And it's located in the Octavinelle dorm?" Celeste scanned the information on the card a bit confused. None of the other dorms she had seen had anything like the business that was described on the card.
"Yes, we serve food and drinks there. We also grant wishes to those in need... As long as they can pay the price." Jade's lips stretched into a sinister smile, revealing his sharp teeth.
"You should stop by soon! We can't wait to have ya over Angelfish, it'll be loads of fun!" Floyd said excitedly.
"Yes, well thank you for the invitation, I'll definitely keep it in mind." She said politely as she slipped the card into her pocket. "Now you must excuse me I must get to class."
"Take care... Angelfish." Jade and Floyd waved to her as she pulled away from them.
Celeste's eyes slowly opened and she sat up in her bed. She frowned in confusion when she saw that she was back in her room in the celestial realm.
Her silk sheets felt cool against her skin as she pulled herself out of her oversized bed and looked around bewildered.
Everything was as she had left it, the spacious room had a seating area next to some well-stocked bookshelves, a vanity area next to her jewelry box, and a golden room divider by her walk-in closet. The walls were dark blue with golden stars painted on them in constellation patterns.
A breeze blew in through the balcony, rustling the sheer canopy curtains on her bed. Had it really all been a dream? Saving the child, the fall, Night Raven College?
She stepped out onto the balcony and looked out over the horizon. She could see the palace stables and pastures for the pegasus that were used to pull carriages. Beyond that was the cloud sea. Dawn was just breaking, coloring the clouds a soft pink.
She glanced over at Uriel's balcony next to her own and called out to him. "Uriel! Are you awake? I just had the most vivid dream..." She waited for a response but there was none. Perhaps he was still asleep.
It had been such a long dream, it felt like she hadn't been home in months. Wanting to see her father she rushed out of her room, not bothering to change out of her nightgown. Zaphiel would scold her for not being dressed but she didn't care at the moment.
She ran down the long hallway, her footsteps echoing on the marble floor, and into the throne room. Her father and the attendants should have been up at this hour but she found the palace oddly empty.
"Seraphim Gabriel?" She called out her father's name as she entered the throne room. She slowed down seeing something was wrong.
"Father?" She eyed her father's figure, which was slumped forward slightly on his throne. Dread washed over her as she got closer reaching out to touch him. Her fingertips brushed against him and her father crumbled to ashes before her eyes. She let out a cry of horror as his magic staff shattered along with him.
Celeste sat bolt upright in bed, this time in Ramshackle. The rickety bed creaked as she gasped and looked around. It'd just been a nightmare.
She slumped forward with a sigh of relief. Grim was still asleep at the foot of the bed, sprawled out with his paws in the air.
There was a slight knock on the door and it creaked open as Jack slipped into her room. "Hey, Grim wake-" He froze when he saw her and abruptly spun around.
"Sorry! Ace said you didn't usually sleep in here so I thought it was just Grim!" He said hurriedly as she slipped out of bed still in her silk nightgown.
"I don't use the bed very often, no. Hold on I'll put on my robe." She said reaching for her matching dark blue old Hollywood robe, it was silk and lined with down feathers that swept the floor as she pulled it on. "It's alright you can look now."
Jack peeked back at her with a faint blush on his cheeks. Grim sat up still groggy and frowned at him. "What are you doing in our dorm anyway?" He grumbled rubbing his eyes.
Jack rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm on my morning run. Today's the Spelldrive tournament and I wanted to make sure you didn't oversleep."
Grim's grogginess vanished. "That's right! Today's the big day!" He exclaimed, leaping off the bed.
"I appreciate the thoughtfulness... And the modesty. Though I don't think my nightgown is THAT revealing." Celeste let out a slight chuckle and Jack looked away embarrassed.
"I just didn't expect you to be in here is all. Besides, it's rude to barge into a ladies' room." He grumbled crossing his arms.
"Alright, I'll get dressed and meet you out at the tournament grounds. Until then take care." Celeste said while Jack made a hasty exit.
Grim left the room in search of food while she put on her school uniform. She paused when she saw Starfell poking slightly out of her bag. She had an odd feeling that she should take her sword with her. With a sigh, she reached over and attached it to her belt before walking out into the hall.
She and Grim went out to the side street that lead to the coliseum. It was unrecognizable, lined with all sorts of merchandise and food stalls. They were quickly joined by Ace and Deuce.
"Man I can't believe I didn't make the team after all that." Ace moaned looking wistfully at the stadium.
"Me neither..." Deuce's shoulders slumped with disappointment.
"There is always next year! And I'm sure you two will have gotten even better by then. Besides we still have important roles to play." Celeste said trying to cheer them up.
Deuce immediately perked up. "Yeah, you're right Celeste. We should focus on the task at hand."
"Yeah. Good point. Focused. That's us." Ace muttered begrudgingly before snatching Grim who was making a run for one of the food stalls.
"Eat later, we need to go!" Ace hissed dragging him with them as they made their way to their positions.
"What's with the sword Celeste?" Deuce asked as weaved their way through the crowded street. He eyed her sword with curiosity as he fell into step next to her.
"Oh, it's something from home. I brought it with me as a precaution... And if I'm being honest... I miss having it with me." Celeste admitted with a slightly embarrassed look.
It didn't take them long to reach their positions in the stands. From their viewpoint, they were able to get a good look at the playing field.
Crowley's voice sounded over the PA system as the tournament started. "Welcome, one and all, to the Night Raven College interdorm Spelldrive tournament! First up will be last year's champion. But can lightning really strike thrice? Give it up for the Reigning light... DIIIIAAASOOOMNIIIAA!"
The crowd roared as what appeared to be Diasomnia students taking the field. Celeste had to admit she was impressed with how convincing it was.
As the players took their places, a murmur rippled through the crowd as a large group of people suddenly leaped out of their seats. The civilians screamed in confusion and fear as they ran onto the field in one large group straight at the Diasomnia players. Crowley desperately tried to calm everyone over the PA but to no avail.
Celeste watched anxiously as the Diasomnia players scrambled to protect their supposed Housewarden only to get mowed down by the crowd. With one final glance at the disastrous scene, Celeste, Ace, and Deuce left to find Riddle and Cater for the next part of the plan.
They had to weave their way through the civilian's being evacuated from the stadium to reach the Savanaclaw dorm. They passed through the mirror and headed to the Spelldrive field where Cater and Riddle were waiting.
Hiding in the shadows of the bleachers, they watched as Ruggie and several other Savanaclaw students ran up to Leona, who was waiting at the edge of the field.
"Leona, I did it! Did you see the broadcast?" Ruggie panted as he halted in front of Leona.
Leona smirked and flicked his tail. "Yeah. That was nice work, Ruggie. So long Malleus. This year, the throne is mine."
Ruggie snickered as the rest of the Savanaclaw students cheered. At this Riddle stepped out of the shadows with everyone following behind him.
"I believe we've heard enough." Riddle said sternly causing Ruggie and Leona to whirl around.
Leona recovered from his surprise quickly and scoffed. "Well, well, if it isn't the Heartslabyul kids. And is that Jack? You transfer to Heartslabyul on us frosh?" Leona narrowed his eyes at Jack who boldly glared back at him.
"Nah. I just don't feel like celebrating the underhanded accomplishments of a bunch of cowards." Jack growled holding his ground.
Leona flattened his ears. "You filthy traitor!" He spat lashing his tail.
"You have tarnished a proud Night Raven tradition. As Housewarden of Heartslabyul, a dorm focused on orderliness, I cannot possibly overlook this." Riddle declared crossing his arms.
Leona snorted. "Listen kiddies- save the heroic speeches for someone who cares."
"Want us to take care of 'em, boss?" Mano stepped forward with an excited grin. His muscles rippled under his tattooed skin.
"Sure. Have a little fun with them." Leona smirked as the Savanaclaw students rushed them.
Mano blasted Deuce with a water spell and pulled Ace towards him with magic, his fist raised. "I've got you HOOKED!" He snarled menacingly, flashing his sharp teeth.
Celeste darted forward and hit Mano in the back of his head with her sheathed sword. He immediately let go of Ace, clutching his head as he turned to glare at her.
"Damn, you're stronger than you look..." He grumbled his dark eyes flashing with irritation as he started towards her. However, he was stopped when Riddle cast his signature spell, collaring him. He and the rest of the Savanaclaw students groaned and struggled against the collars as they realized they had underestimated Riddle.
Leona shook his head in disappointment. "I knew those chumps would be no match for Riddle."
Ruggie only laughed. "Maybe not! But this doesn't change the fact that they were too late to save Diasomnia!"
"Oh? That's quite an interesting claim." They all turned to see Lilia and two other Diasomnia students striding onto the field. Lilia had a wide smirk on his face as he came to stand next to Riddle.
"They seemed right on time to me." The Diasomnia student with slicked-back green hair and sharp green eyes said putting his hands on his hips.
The student with silver hair and lavender eyes nodded in agreement. "Indeed. It's thanks to them that not a single Diasomnia player got hurt."
Ruggie flattened his ears and took a step back. "What? How?! I saw you get swallowed by a stampede!"
Cater grinned and strode forward, waving at Ruggie. "Oh! About that... So it turns out those were actually duplicates of me, made with my signature split card spell."
"What?" Leona hissed in disbelief, his fur starting to bristle.
"Riddle told us everything. So we had him put on that little charade for us." Lilia smiled up at the lion beastman triumphantly.
"So then... Malleus?" Ruggie stammered going pale.
"Oh, he's in tip-top shape of course! He's been clearing up the chaos using his magic to guide people to safety. You can thank him later." The green-haired boy glared at Ruggie.
"H-how could this happen?!" Ruggie cried out in shock.
Leona sighed and shook his head. "... Whatever. I don't even care anymore. I'm done. It's over." He looked down at the ground seeming to lose interest.
Celeste gave him a surprised look. She hadn't expected him to just disregard all of his dorm's efforts like that. For him to stoop so low as to cause injury to other students and then say he didn't care...
"Boss, what are you saying?!" Ruggie looked at his housewarden in dismay.
Leona gave him an annoyed look. "Are you payin' attention? If Malleus is able to take the field then we got no chance of winning. There's no point in even trying. I'm out."
"Y-you can't just...! Malleus might still be in the game, but we took out all the other dorm's best players, right? You're just going to abandon our dreams?" Ruggie looked at Leona in disbelief along with the other Savanaclaw students.
"For all the talk about the world watching this is still just school kids playin' a game. All you wide-eyed tenderfoots talkin' about your dreams... Pfft. The whole thing amused me so I threw you a bone. That's all this was." Leona said with a dismissive tone as he watched everyone coldly.
Ruggie seemed confused. "What do you mean? What happened to working together to turn the world upside down?"
Leona scowled at him. "Are you seriously still goin' on about that? All right fine. You want to hear the truth? You're a hyena who grew up in a dump, and I'm a second-born prince who won't ever be king. And there is NO turning that around!" Leona spat at him baring his fangs.
"What? You've gotta be kidding me! You can't just quit after we've come so far!" Ruggie screamed back at him and the Savanaclaw students also started to protest.
"You're gonna play, even if we gotta drag you out there kicking and screaming!" Mano snarled baring his sharp teeth at Leona.
Leona let out a roar of anger and lashed his tail. "I'm sick of this! Shut up, you nobodies!"
The Savanaclaw students near him suddenly doubled over in pain, including Ruggie. Celeste noticed the air around them had suddenly grown incredibly dry, sucking every last drop of moisture out of her skin. The grass beneath Leona's feet started to turn to sand, spreading slowly outward.
"This is my signature spell, the King's Roar. Ironic ain't it? Nothin' the savanna hates more than a drought. Yet its prince's magic desiccates everything- reduces it to sand." Leona growled clenching his fist as he glowered at them.
Ruggie groaned next to him his skin starting to crack. Mano screamed in pain, the spell seeming to affect him more than the other students. Sabu crawled over to him and tried to pull him further away from Leona.
"Boss snap out of it! Mano's a Merman! If you keep this up you'll kill him!" Sabu shouted his fluffy grey ears flat against his head. Leona didn't even cast him a glance as he continued drying out the area around him.
"Your spell can legit dry out a HUMAN BEING?!" Ace cried out horrified as he watched the student's skin crack.
"Leona I cannot allow this to continue! Off with your head!" Riddle yelled only for his collar to bounce off Leona's neck. Riddle watched in dismay as Leona sneered at him.
"Maybe you're some kind of prodigy, kid but don't go thinkin' your smarter than your elders."
"Leona Kingscholar that is ENOUGH!" Celeste shouted her voice carrying across the field as she moved towards him.
"Celeste are you crazy?!" Ace shouted at her as she fearlessly moved forward.
"How could you? This is not how a leader behaves! Leaders protect their people! As a prince, you should have been taught that!" Celeste cried, her tears evaporating off her cheeks as she stood before him.
Leona flattened his ears. "You sure act high and mighty for a nobody. Who are you to criticize me? I'll turn you into sand." He growled at her narrowing his emerald green eyes.
Celeste knew that his signature spell most likely wouldn't kill her however it could potentially cause her corporeal body to turn to sand. Rematerializing would take time and expose her true nature. She clenched her teeth in frustration as she came to a stop.
"Unleash the Beast!" Jack shouted and transformed into a large white wolf. He charged past her and knocked Leona off his feet and breaking his concentration on the spell.
Riddle took advantage of this and quickly collared Leona who was momentarily stunned. Leona growled and pulled at the collar as Ruggie and the Savanaclaw students coughed violently as they tried to recover.
"He let go of Ruggie! This way quickly!" Deuce said as he ran over and pulled Ruggie away from Leona. Jack transformed back into his human form and looked down at Leona disapprovingly.
"Sebek, let's get the wounded to safety." The silver-headed boy said to his dorm mate.
"Don't presume to order me around Silver!" Sebek barked back at him but complied anyway. He and Silver ran over to Mano, who was in the worse condition, and pulled him to his feet.
"No... NO! You can't collar a lion!" Leona screamed in frustration as his dorm was taken to safety.
His eyes fell on Jack. "Jack! How did you... Transformation potions are forbidden! Where did you get that?"
Jack shook his head. "I didn't use a potion. That's my signature spell." He took a breath and glared down at Leona. "Housewarden Leona, I want you to know... I only came to this school because of how much I admired you! What happened to the man you used to be?"
Leona looked away frowning. "Shut up... Your dreams have nothin' to do with me." He grumbled, grimacing.
"I understand the irony of me being the one to say it, but it pains me to see you like this. You'd be wise to confine yourself to your room and try to calm down." Riddle spoke with a concerned look on his face.
"What do you know about how I feel?!" Leona spat back at him, his tail lashing wildly behind him.
"What Celeste said earlier was correct. If you ask me that collar suits you better than a crown ever could." Lilia said coldly as he walked over to stand next to her.
"...Huh?!" Leona snarled as he scowled at Lilia.
"You bemoan the fact that you're not next in line to be king yet you seem to have no concept of what being a king is really about. With that sensitive ego of yours that so quickly directs all your petty anger at your retainers... Well, the idea of you ever contending with a REAL king like our Malleus- is absolutely laughable. You'd never be fit to rule." Lilia scoffed at him waving his hand harshly to make his point. Celeste glanced over at him as he glared at Leona and she couldn't help but agree with him.
She didn't quite understand Leona's obsession with becoming king. Her father who ruled over Eden had always seemed terribly burdened with responsibility. Constantly having to make sacrifices to keep his people happy and safe. In the end, both she and her brother were glad that the system didn't operate on succession.
Leona threw back his head and started laughing, startling everyone. "Yeah, you're probably right. No, you're EXACTLY right...! I will never become king. No matter how hard I try!"
A heavy oppressive feeling filled the air as negative energy crackled around Leona. Grim crouched by her legs his fur standing on end.
"His magic power is surging... I don't think my collar can hold it!" Riddle cried backing away as black ooze started falling from Leona's eyes and nose.
"He's starting to blot!" Celeste shouted exchanging a glance with Lilia as they both backed away. Riddle's collar broke and fell from Leona's neck as he glowered at everyone.
"I've been loathed since the day I was born. I've never had a place, never had a future! None of my hard work was ever rewarded! How could any of YOU possibly understand? MY disappointment?! MY pain?!" Leona screamed at them, letting out a roar as the blott overtook him. His appearance started to distort and the blott pooled around him as it started to form a phantom behind him.
"What's happening? What's that shadow coming out of him?!" Jack shouted flattening his ears as his fur stood on end.
"That the incarnation of his blott!" Deuce cried as everyone watched in horror. A wind kicked up and dark clouds seemed to form in the sky casting the field into shadow.
"If you can move take shelter! Ace, Deuce help me take the wounded outside! Lilia, please get help from the faculty!" Riddle shouted as Leona's magic went haywire sending clods of dirt and rocks flying everywhere.
Everyone scrambled and did as Riddle ordered however Ace and Deuce paused to look at her. They seemed to be remembering how the blot burned her skin.
"Don't worry about me! I can handle myself! After all, I have Starfell with me today!" Celeste said patting her sword and smiling at them as she dodged some rocks flying her way. Ace and Deuce nodded and ran to help the remaining injured Savanaclaw students.
"Why does this keep happening to us? This is sooo not my brand." Cater said looking at Leona apprehensively.
"I dunno what's going on but if we hit Leona hard enough will it snap him out of it?" Jack said dodging a rather large rock.
"Yes! Aim for the phantom behind him! It must be destroyed as quickly as possible!" Celeste said shielding her eyes from the dust that was being kicked up.
"I... I'll help too. There's no way I'm taking what he said lying down!" Ruggie coughed as dust blew into his face.
"So even the lowly hyena turns against me?" Leona growled his eyes flashing in the dim light of the dusty field. He now had a black mane around his neck and his clothes had become tattered as the blott swirled around him.
"Celeste, are you sure about staying? You don't have any magic to fight him." Riddle gave her an anxious look however she smiled back at him confidently.
"I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. So please don't concern yourself with me." Celeste reassured him, unsheathing her sword. With her sword, she was feeling considerably more confident this time around.
As she drew her sword, the blade ignited into a white flame. Ace and Deuce returned in time to gawk at the flaming sword in her hand.
"YOU HAVE A MAGIC SWORD?!" Ace shouted over the ongoing battle. Ruggie and Jack were blasting Leona with fire and wind magic but he was nimbly dodging them. Cater was shielding Riddle with wind magic while Riddle cast fire spells.
Celeste ignored him and rushed towards Leona, aiming for the phantom behind him. However, as she started moving in his direction he spotted her forcing her to skid to a halt.
The phantom seemed to pull him in her direction. His green gaze locked onto her. "That light...such power... GIVE IT TO ME!" He roared and lunged forward at an alarming pace.
"Celeste! Look out!" Riddle screamed as Leona bored down on her.
Fortunately, due to her unnatural speed, she was able to dodge him. In a blink of an eye, she was already behind him. She slashed her sword straight through the phantom, the white flame burning through the blott. The phantom immediately dissolved and Leona collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud.
Celeste watched Leona fall to the ground as everyone stared at her wide-eyed. She looked down at Leona lying in a pool of blot, as a dark memory flashed before her eyes.
-50 years ago-
"Seraphim Gabriel, phantoms have been spotted by the gorge in the valley of plenty." Zaphiel stated his report to her father, his expression grim. He wore a long dark blue overcoat with silver trimming, his rapier hung from his belt that wrapped around his white suit.
Her father shared his grim expression, his blue gaze sweeping over to her mother standing next to him. "They've never gotten this close to the palace before..."
"I'll alert the other archangels right away. Celeste and I will take our squadrons out there to take care of them." Her mother said starting to pull back her wavy white hair into a braid for battle. Her green eyes flickered over to Celeste who nodded and started doing the same with her hair.
"Alright, Seraphina I'll leave this to you and Celeste. But just in case... Take Belphron and Albus with you." Her father's anxious gaze swept over them as he moved across the throne room, his white gold-lined cape brushing the floor behind him. Belphron and Albus were her and her mother's steeds that were trained to protect them in battle.
"Father, don't you think you're being a little overprotective?" Celeste sighed as Zaphiel helped her with her armor.
"Your father only wants to protect you. You don't technically have to fight with the archangels Celeste, you're a virtue remember?" Zaphiel quipped, a roundabout way of saying he didn't approve of her decision to fight alongside the archangels with her mother. Her mother's rank as an angel was lower than hers, even though she was married to the seraphim, it didn't change her assigned rank.
"Yes I'm a virtue but I'm also the daughter of the Seraphim of Eden. I wish to protect the angels of Eden, regardless of rank." Celeste said and just for a second, she thought she saw a glimmer of pride in her father's eyes.
10 minutes later she and her mother mounted their steeds and flew to the gorge. Belphron, her large black pegasus, seemed to be able to sense the growing negative energy as they neared the location. Albus, her mother's white alicorn, seemed slightly unnerved as well.
They reached the edge of the gorge and were greeted with a horrifying sight. There were well over 50 phantoms congregated there, black ooze was sapping the life out of all the plants turning the cliffside brown.
"This is far too many for us to handle. We'll have to go back and request b-" Her mother started to say but suddenly a phantom shot up into the air like a black wave and crashed into Belphron.
Belphron screamed and tried to adjust himself but Celeste was knocked off his back. Celeste tried desperately to unsheath her sword and unfurl her wings but the distance to the ground was too short. She crashed into the side of the cliff and everything went black.
When she opened her eyes all she could see was darkness. Fear coursed through her as she struggled to remember what had happened. She reached out and felt the familiar softness of Belphron's feathers. At her touch, Belphron lifted the wing he'd draped over her and pulled himself to his feet.
Celeste groaned and clutched her battle helm as she staggered to her feet. Quite some time had passed since she'd been knocked out as night had fallen. She cast a light spell to illuminate her surroundings.
She had apparently fallen off the side of the cliff after she crashed at the top of the gorge. She looked up but couldn't hear any sounds of battle. She saw that Belphron had several injuries on his legs and flank but none seemed life-threatening. The ground around them was covered in pools of blot.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" She called out after a moment but was only answered by a dreadful silence. She began moving forward and her stomach dropped. All around her were archangels, their bodies ashen. Feathers were strewn about everywhere, and she started hyperventilating.
"Mom? MOM?!" She screamed out her voice echoing off the sides of the gorge as she searched frantically through the bodies of her fallen comrades, the slightest touch turning their bodies to ash.
She finally spotted Albus and ran towards him, Belphron limping along behind her. Tears poured down her cheeks as she saw him motionless on his side, his horn shattered. Her eyes fell on the figure lying next to him and she let out a wail as she recognized her mother.
She fell to her knees, sobbing. "I'm so sorry... This is my fault... If I hadn't fallen." She choked as a cold rain started to fall. She lifted her wings and held them over her mother.
"Don't worry mother I'll make sure you stay in one piece." She choked shielding her mother's body from the rain.
-end of flashback-
"Hey, Celeste are you ok?" Deuce was peering over at her, his blue eyes filled with worry.
Celeste blinked as she returned to the present. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm fine." She said sheathing her sword. She felt a slight dampness on her cheeks and realized a tear had escaped.
She quickly wiped it away and went over to where Riddle kneeling over an unconscious Leona.
"Will he be alright?" She asked and Riddle nodded, rising to his feet.
"We were able to overpower him relatively quickly thanks to you, so I think he'll be fine." Riddle said just as Lilia returned with Crowley.
"Oh, I see that you've already handled the situation. My that a relief." The headmage sighed as he looked down at Leona.
Riddle nodded at the Headmaster as he approach them.
"Please excuse me for a moment. I need to check on the others who were injured." He announced, satisfied that the situation was under control before striding off the field.
Lilia raised an eyebrow. "I have to say I'm impressed you subdued him so quickly. He's quite a powerful mage. I was expecting to see a full-on battle when I returned with the headmaster."
"Thanks to Celeste it was over pretty fast." Jack said glancing at her questioningly. "Where'd you learn to fight like that? You certainly don't look the type."
Celeste thought carefully for a minute before answering. "I trained hard to fight alongside my mother who was a commander in the army, even though I was not required to do so."
"Wow Celeste, so you came from a military family?" Cater said looking surprised.
"Well, not exactly. My father... Holds a powerful position in Eden. So I suppose I also wanted to prove myself to be worthy of the title I was born into." Celeste admitted looking down at the ground, her gaze once again falling on Leona.
"Don't tell me... You're an ACTUAL princess?!" Ruggie said flattening his ears, remembering calling her that earlier.
"Princess isn't really the correct term for it... Our government doesn't operate by succession but it's not unusual for me and my brother to be referred to as a prince and princess." She explained to them and everyone looked at her speechless. Due to the long lifespan of angels, they held their positions for thousands of years, which was why the seraphims family was treated as royalty.
Grim was the first to break the silence. "So that snazzy crown in yer bag at home is REAL?! You've been holding out on me!"
"Wh-! You went through my things?!" Celeste shouted, her voice shooting up an octave in outrage.
"Well I mean yeah, you were gone all night being all mysterious an' stuff and I got bored." He huffed defensively crossing his arms.
Celeste was about to scold him again however Leona let out a groan reaching for his head. "Pipe down my head's poundin'." He moaned sitting up clutching his head.
"Leona... Take it easy, you were unconscious for quite a while. You overblotted. Do you remember anything?" Celeste said softly, kneeling down next to him and his eyes widened.
"Wait, ME...?! I overblotted? No way..." Leona looked shaken as he gazed at the torn-up Spelldrive field around him.
"Celeste! Don't start being nice to him, make him confess! The Spelldrive tournament is about to begin and the headmaster promised I could play if we caught the culprit!" Grim demanded waving his paws about frantically.
Leona's ear twitched. "Heh. If this is a joke I ain't laughing." He growled.
"The headmage got Celeste and Grim to investigate the accidents in exchange for letting them compete in the tournament." Jack explained to him and Ruggie gawked at him.
"Whaaaat? THAT'S what this has been all about?" He cried out in disbelief, his eyes darting between her and Grim.
"He also agreed to fix the holes in the walls at Ramshackle. Isn't that right headmage?" Celeste cast him a stern look and he jumped slightly.
"Ah yes! Of course!" He said quickly with a nod before turning to Leona. "Are they correct? Were you responsible for the injuries sustained by the competing players?"
"...Yeah. That was me." Leona sighed heavily, running his hand through his messy brown hair that had become tangled in the battle.
"Very well. Then Savanaclaw house will be disqualified from this year's tournament. The rest of your punishment will be decided after I discuss it with the victims. Are we clear?" Crowley crossed his arms and gave Leona a stern look.
"... Understood." Leona said looking away. Ruggie and Jack both let out sighs of disappointment.
"Wait a moment, headmage." Riddle called out and they turned to see that he had returned with Trey, Jamil, Harry, and Nameer.
"Mr. Rosehearts? And I see you're with...ah." Crowley trailed off seeing who was with him.
"Correct. I've brought the victims with me." Riddle nodded and glanced at Trey who stepped forward.
"Headmage, speaking on behalf of the victims, I have a request for you. We would like you to permit Savanaclaw house to play in the tournament despite their crimes." Trey said with a serious expression.
"What...? Are you saying you... wish to forgive their crimes?" Crowley gasped in complete disbelief. Everyone exchanged stunned looks however the victims scowled at Crowley's words.
"No. That's the last thing we want." Jamil spoke up scowling at Leona and Ruggie.
"If Savanaclaw is disqualified from the tournament, we'll lose our chance at revenge." Trey said with a mischievous smirk.
"Wh-what?" Ruggie stammered shocked at their motive. "Revenge?!" Jack gasped just as flabbergasted as Ruggie.
"After all, fighting with magic is forbidden on campus." Riddle reminded them, crossing his arms.
"But during a Spelldrive game, it's all in the name of sport right?" Trey's grin grew wider, his hazel eyes glittered excitedly behind his glasses.
"Yeah if we lose our chance at revenge it'll hang over us all year." Harry said scowling at Ruggie.
"You're going to pay dearly for burning my hands. They could've scarred." Nameer growled lashing his tail and flattening his ears as he stared down Ruggie and Leona.
"Plus, I dunno what happened here, but it looks like it left the Savanaclaw kids in even worse shape than us." Jamil smirked at Leona who was still sitting on the ground.
"Normally I would demand their heads. But if Trey and the others insist on settling their grudges on the field... I'm willing to overlook their disregard for the rules this once." Riddle said casting a cold glance at the Savanaclaw students.
Crowley nodded. "I understand stand where you're coming from. However, the question is: Are they even capable of taking the field? Mr. Kingscholar has only just regained consciousness!" He turned and gave them a doubtful look.
Leona however let out a laugh. "Don't you underestimate me, Crowley. I wouldn't even need to be awake to handle this sorry pack of herbivores."
"Don't go grouping me in with them! The audacity!" Nameer hissed at him offended. He flicked his tail disdainfully as he glared down at the lion beastman.
"I got no intention of bowin to anyone. If you want your apology come and take it." Leona smirked goading him further.
"Dear me, aren't I the fool for thinking you all wanted to talk about your feelings?" Crowley shook his head and sighed before continuing. "Your petition is granted. Savanaclaw will be allowed to participate in the tournament as originally planned."
Jack and Ruggie exchanged joyful looks as Leona pulled himself to his feet. He grunted flinching in pain as he stood up.
"Leona, here have this. This will help you recover faster." Celeste reached into her pocket and pulled out the other half of the chocolate bar that she had been saving.
"...huh? It looks like an ordinary chocolate bar to me." He frowned eyeing the chocolate in her hands skeptically.
"It's medicine. The chocolate actually hides the taste. It removes residual negative energy and heals any damage that's been done. It's from my homeland." Celeste explained as Leona wavered for a moment before taking it from her.
"Fine." He grumbled before mumbling, "Thanks." He quickly stuffed it in his mouth as Ruggie walked up to him with a scowl on his face.
"Don't think you've earned my forgiveness." Ruggie glared up at Leona who let out a sigh.
"Right, and?" Leona huffed looking away.
Ruggie sighed his expression softening a little. "Still... I couldn't stand seeing that pathetic look on your face. That smug, sneering grin of yours suits you better. So come on laugh with me!" Ruggie cast his signature spell, forcing Leona to smile.
"Owww! Ruggie what are you doin'?" Leona tried to talk around the broad smile plastered on his face.
Ruggie let out a laugh. "I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do this!"
"Knock it off! Now!" Leona hissed still mirroring all of Ruggie's movements.
Jack shook his head a smile forming on his lips. "You guys are a bunch of idiots..." He let out a laugh as he watched Leona and Ruggie.
"Everything is going to be alright now." Celeste said watching them with an amused expression.
"I have you to thank for this. I owe you one." Jack said turning to look at her. After a moment he hesitantly asked, "... Was all that stuff about you being a princess true?"
"I have no reason to lie about it. However, that is in the past now so please don't treat me any differently than you already are." Celeste smiled up at him and he nodded.
"I don't understand. Did I miss something?" Riddle gave her a confused look after overhearing their exchange.
"Oh man, you totally missed out on some mad Celeste lore. I'll tell you about it later!" Cater said grinning as he gave her a wink.
"Hey, headmage what about my reward you promised?!" Grim glared up at Crowley who was getting ready to leave.
"Oh... Um oh, dear. I'm afraid it's far too late. The tournament brackets have already been announced. What to do...?" He glanced nervously at Celeste sensing her frown.
"Headmage does it have to be part of the tournament officially? Could we make it a sort of warm-up match?" Celeste suggested seeing that Crowley was drawing a blank.
Crowley's head snapped up at her suggestion. "Ah! Yes! That's a brilliant idea, Celeste. However, we will need to work out the other players for your team and an opposing team as well..."
Ace and Deuce both perked up at hearing this and made their way over next to Celeste. "If you need teammates we could help you out." Deuce spoke up looking eager.
"What are you doing? You're members of Heartslabyul!" Riddle frowned at them.
"There's no rule sayin' we can't play for another dorms team." Ace said with a shrug and Trey let out a chuckle.
"He's right! I guess no one thought that would ever happen so no one ever wrote it down." He chuckled.
"I didn't do all that to sit back and cheer for you guys. If I'm getting the chance I wanna play!" Ace said with a grin.
"I'm not like him Celeste! I just want to help you out!" Deuce gave her an earnest look, not wanting her to get the wrong idea.
"Thank you I appreciate it. Both of you... Even if you're doing it for yourself." Celeste said eyeing Ace who tried his best to look indifferent.
"If you need someone to play against, Savanaclaw will be happy to help." Jack announced earning annoyed looks from Leona and Ruggie.
"Jack? Are you sure?" Celeste raised an eyebrow at him. She was surprised he'd offered the assistance of his entire dorm and even more surprised that Leona hadn't stopped him.
Jack nodded. "Of course. We'll give you a good game. After all, we owe you one. You guys don't have a problem with it right?" Jack glanced back at Ruggie and Leona.
Ruggie let out a sigh. "... Yeah sure. What's one more game when we're already on the brink of exhaustion? You're a monster, Jack."
Leona let out a snort. "I don't even care anymore. Come on and take your best shot, herbivores. It may be a warmup match but we won't be playing around here. You better be ready for us."
Crowley let out a sigh of relief. "Ah, splendid. You only need three more members for your team."
Grim let out a frustrated hiss while Celeste thought for a moment. "Oh! Why don't we ask the other members of Ramshackle?" She said after a moment and Grim frowned at her.
"What? There's only us two!" Grim huffed but she shook her head.
"There's no rule against ghosts playing is there?" She smiled and Grim perked up.
"That's right! One of them said he used to be a real good player!" Grim exclaimed hopping up and down with excitement.
"Alright now that everything's decided hurry off to the tournament site." Crowley announced and everyone turned to leave.
Jack paused and smiled down at her. "C'mon Celeste." He said his eyes were filled with warmth as he motioned for Celeste to go ahead of him.
Thirty minutes later, they were all in position on the field. The murmurs of the crowd filled the air as the starting whistle blew announcing the start of the game.
Having no magic, there wasn't much Celeste could do. Halfway through the game she was starting to feel like a dead weight. The Savanaclaw students weren't even bothering to try and hit her with their spells and were ignoring her completely. She saw the disk flying towards their goal and decided she'd had enough. She darted forward and caught the metal disk with one hand earning a loud gasp from the spectators. The Savanaclaw players gave her stunned looks as she in almost the same moment, hurled the disk across the field and through the goal, actually scoring their first point.
There was a roar from the crowd as the Savanaclaw students gawked at her. She noticed Leona narrowed his eyes at her from across the field as they regrouped.
As the next play started she noticed someone in the stands that looked familiar. She frowned and squinted as she watched the man with sky-blue hair and tan skin make his way through the stands as if he was searching for someone. He turned and his green eyes meet hers.
"Zaphiel?" She said incredulously her blue eyes wide. She was so distracted that she didn't hear the warning shouts of her teammates until it was too late. She veered around only to be smacked directly in the forehead by the Spelldrive disk, knocking her off her feet.
She could hear he teammates running towards her as she clutched her head, squinting in pain. However, before they could reach her someone was already helping her to her feet. "Wow, Celeste, that hit you so hard I felt it."
Celeste blinked as she turned to see Uriel standing next to her with a grin on his face. He was wearing a white medic uniform with a cap tilted slightly so it obscured his face. He raised his hand signaling to her teammates that she was alright. "Don't worry! I'll take her to the infirmary!" He called out to them as they gave her concerned looks.
Uriel walked with her off the field, stopping when they were out of sight. He gave her a sheepish look. "So now... Could you tell me where the infirmary is?"
She chuckled and lead him to the campus infirmary. It was empty since the tournament had just barely started.
"Uriel, what are you doing here?" She asked as she sat down on one of the empty beds.
"I haven't seen you in a while and I had a bad feeling. Like you were in danger." Uriel frowned as he looked her over, despite not having any actual medic experience.
"That must have been because Leona overblotted. But it's all over now, really there's no reason to come running to my rescue." Celeste tried to reassure him but he grimaced slightly.
"I know you can take care of yourself it's just... It's difficult without you at home. We're all worried about you. Father's been pushing petitions to the elders to revoke your sentence but you know how long that takes..." Uriel trailed off, looking uncharacteristically stressed.
Celeste looked away feeling guilty. "...Uriel was that Zaphiel I saw earlier?" She asked after a heavy pause.
Uriel let out a light laugh. "Probably. He insisted on coming with me this time. I ditched him at the food stands so he's probably still out looking for me." He chuckled.
"We've always given him a hard time haven't we?" She chuckled, recalling all the times when they'd given him the slip as children. Uriel laughed and nodded his blue eyes twinkling with mischief.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of vials of medicine. He set them on the table next to her.
"Here you should take some... I know the hit on the head probably didn't do much but if you've been fighting overblotted mages it couldn't hurt." He said with a concern returning to his gaze.
"Now that really is overdoing it." She huffed but took one of the vials anyway. "And it's not even mixed with anything. It's the pure potion." She groaned dreading the taste.
"Sorry, it was all I could grab at the moment." Uriel shrugged and she closed her eyes and downed the golden liquid in one go, shuttering at the bitter taste. She felt the potion spread through her, causing a warming sensation.
"By the way, where did you get that outfit?" Celeste eyed his white medic uniform curiously.
"Oh! This is actually one of my magic tools!" Uriel grinned and pointed to a brooch pinned to his pocket. It was a clear stone filled with a rainbow of different colored fragments. "I'm calling it the camouflage pin. It changes my outfit to match to situation. Here watch." He tapped it and the stone flashed before his clothes changed into the Night Raven College uniform.
"Oh, that's new! When did you make that?" Celeste asked but before he could answer Ace, Deuce, and Grim came running into the infirmary.
"Celeste! Are you all right?!" Deuce called out stopping when he saw Uriel.
"I'm alright. It was just a bump on the head." Celeste reassured them. Grim hopped up onto the bed inspecting her forehead.
"I'm sorry Celeste! I didn't mean to hit ya!" He apologized his blue eyes wide.
"...Wow you already got a pet here?" Uriel leaned forward looking at Grim curiously.
Grim whipped around and glared at him. "I ain't no pet! I'm a powerful mage! Who are you anyway?" He huffed puffing out his chest.
"Relax Grim. He was just making sure I'm ok." Celeste said glancing at Uriel.
"Your friend is fine. She just needs some rest, so I'll be on my way." Uriel turned to leave giving her one last concerned look before slipping out the door.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim left after she told them to go finish watching the game. The potion, being in its pure form, made her sleepy and she found her eyes drifting shut as she fell into a deep sleep.
When she opened her eyes again it was dark outside. She sat up in her bed and saw that the infirmary was now full of students, many of them Savanaclaw.
"Oh hey, Celeste is awake!" Grim stood up on the edge of her bed where he'd been curled up.
Ace and Deuce got up from their chairs and walked over to her bedside. "Did ya have a nice nap? You were out for ages." Ace said with a smirk. Both he and Deuce appeared to be uninjured.
"That medicine he gave me... Made me drowsy. Why are you all here? You don't appear to be hurt." Celeste said with a small yawn as she stretched.
"W-well, um... You took that hit to the head and you slept for so long after... We just wanted to make sure you were ok." Deuce mumbled his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"Yeah, I was kinda weird seeing you sleeping so much... You slept through the entire tournament." Ace said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"I did? Who won?" Celeste asked her eyes wide.
"The grand champion was Diasomnia house." Leona sighed from the bed next to hers.
"In the end, there was nothing we could do... It certainly didn't help that we took a beating from every other dorm on the way to the finals." Ruggie said from his bed on Leona's other side.
"I'd heard rumors, but man, seeing Diasomnia's Housewarden in action... That dude does NOT mess around." Ace said his crimson eyes wide.
"Yeah, he was incredible. You wouldn't have believed it Celeste." Deuce added with a nod.
"I have to say that point you scored was pretty impressive Celeste. I bet you'd be a formidable player if you're magic wasn't sealed." Jack said from his chair, his ears twitching. Out of all the Savanaclaw students, he was in the best shape with only a few scrapes and bruises.
Celeste chuckled. "Why thank you, Jack. We happen to have a similar game to Spelldrive in my world so that's probably why."
"Hmph. I'll admit you caught us off guard. It won't happen again." Leona huffed though, in the dimly lit room, she could make out a slight smirk on his face.
"Oh? You think so?" Celeste smiled cryptically and Leona snorted unfazed.
Just then a small boy ran into the infirmary, waving his hands in excitement as he darted over to Leona's bed. "Unca! There you are! I finally found you!" He cried out jumping into Leona's bed.
"Unca Leona!" The boy was a lion beastman with tan skin and bright orange hair. Leona groaned as the small boy clamored on top of him.
"Unca Leona?" Jack asked confused as the boy sat on Leona's chest.
"This furball's my brother's son, Cheka. You know... My nephew." Leona grimaced and everyone gasped.
"So he's next in line for the throne?" Ruggie said gawking at the small boy riding Leona like a horse.
"I saw you play, Unca! You were so cool! Next time I visit teach me how to play!" Cheka bounced excitedly.
"Fine. Fine. Just stop screamin' in my ear." Leona groaned flattening his ears. "Where're all your attendants? They gotta be tearin' their hair out lookin' for you!"
"I couldn't wait to see you, Unca, so I left them all behind!" Cheka said with a mischievous smile.
"Aww, Leona he looks up to you." Celeste said earning a glare from the exhausted lion man.
"Attendants can be rather dull. I'm afraid my brother and I gave ours hard time as well." Celeste chuckled and Cheka turned to her tilting his head curiously.
"Who are you? Are you a princess?" He asked her his brown eyes wide.
"I was once upon a time. Now go easy on your uncle now. He's had a rough day, he needs rest." Celeste said getting out of her bed and walking towards him.
"Is that true Unca? Are you gonna be ok?" Cheka turned back to Leona who let out another groan.
"Yes! I'll be fine if you get off." He grumbled and Cheka slid off him onto the floor.
"I'm sure he'll want to talk to you later." Celeste comforted the slightly downcast Cheka.
"You said you're a princess right? Of what kingdom? Are you gonna marry Unca Leona?" Cheka turned his attention to her and started bombarding her with questions, the last of which caused Leona to choke on air.
"Oh no! I'm not going to marry anyone!" Celeste said quickly throwing her hands up. "H-how about this! I'll sing you a song until your attendants come and get you how does that sound?!" Celeste tried to distract him away from herself.
Cheka seemed to perk up at this. "Ok! I like songs!"
"What? A song?" Jack frowned skeptical of her methods.
"Celeste is actually a really good singer. You're all in for a treat." Ace said with a shrug.
Celeste felt everyone's eyes on her as she cleared her throat.
"Look at this stuff isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collections complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who got everything?
I've got gems and jewels a plenty
Diamonds and sapphires galore
You want gold coins? I've got many
But who cares? I want more"
Singing Celeste made her way over to the window, the moonlight highlighting her silhouette.
"I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'
Down where they walk, down where they run
Down where they spend all day in the sun
Wandering free- wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give if I could live out of these skies?
What would I pay to lay in the grass?
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that world down below?
Out of the skies... Wish I could be... Part of that world."
Celeste finished her song and Cheka clapped happily. Celeste was glad he enjoyed it, she distinctly remembered singing it as a little girl. She had so badly wanted to to the human world.
As if on cue, Cheka's attendant's arrived and escorted him away much to Leona's relief.
"I don't get it, Celeste, if you had all that stuff why'd you want to see a bunch of regular people doing boring stuff?" Grim asked after they'd gone.
"Because I wanted to help them. I wanted to make something of myself. I suppose in the end I got my wish- just not the way I wanted." Celeste said after a moment and everyone grew quiet.
"Celeste... So you helped a commoner and that's why they sent you here and sealed your magic?" Deuce asked trying to piece everything together.
"Ah, something like that." Celeste said feeling the familiar twinge of guilt at not being able to be honest with her friends.
"What?! THAT'S why you're here?!" Jack said aghast flattening his ears as be looked at her.
"It's getting late now. I think we should all head back to our dorms don't you?" Celeste said once again changing the subject.
Ace, Deuce, and Jack glanced at each other before begrudgingly heading out the door, leaving those who were injured in the infirmary. Celeste stayed behind as well, walking over to Leona.
"May I speak with you for a moment?" She asked standing at his bedside.
"Do I have a choice?" He grumbled and she took that as a yes.
"... You're closer to being a king than you realize Leona." Celeste said softly and Leona stiffened.
"Being king is leading your people through hard times and making tough decisions for them. That's what my father always taught me. Your dorm sees you as their king and I'm sure where ever you go your kingdom will follow, as loyal as they are." She continued but Leona stayed silent and she wondered if she'd said too much.
"My apologies. I shouldn't have brought it up. I'll take my leave." She turned to leave but was still able to hear Leona whisper "Thanks." As she left the infirmary.
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anticomedygarden · 2 years
Keeping the Faith part 3
title from billy joel's 'keeping the faith'
also posted on ao3
Part 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
“Now that we’re all here, you’re probably wondering why we’ve called this meeting,” Marlene said dramatically, as if their friend group didn’t have meetings like this weekly. 
Although, James reasoned, perhaps Marlene was making an announcement for the benefit of her girlfriend. This was Dorcas’ first Marauders meeting, after all. (None of the others had taken to the group name as James had, not even Pete, but he still used it whenever possible, hoping it would catch on. So far, it had not.)
Marlene and Lily were standing at the head of the dining table in 300 Fox Way, apparently about to enlighten the group on why they all had to be here at this particular moment. The girls hadn’t even given them time to rest after practice, just told them all they needed to meet at their house for ‘shocking news’, so James, Remus, and Marlene herself were all sweaty and gross, not to mention starving and exhausted. 
Lily held up her pointer finger. “First, Mom made food.” She made her way to the fridge and pulled out what looked like a whole lasagna. She set it on the marble top kitchen island. 
James clapped his hands and jumped up. “Yay! I was afraid you had invited us all over to starve us to death.” 
“I think they’re actually trying to poison us with the smell,” Sirius said, pinching his nose. “Seriously, did any of you shower?”
“You mean after practice when these two-” Remus gestured toward Marlene and Lily “-screamed into the locker rooms that we’d better get our asses moving or they were coming in to drag us out?” He grabbed some plates out of the red cabinet over the sink and set them next to the lasagna. 
Sirius blushed but grabbed a plate. “You could’ve…rinsed off at least.”
Remus turned to James, a look of disbelief on his face. James just shrugged, amused by his friends’ and slightly amazed they hadn’t realized yet that they were both deeply in love with each other. 
“Where were you, by the way?” Remus asked, looking back at Sirius, then repeated the question when he saw Sirius’ back was turned with his bad ear facing Remus. 
“I was in the art room working on a project,” he answered, far too quickly to be true. Remus looked at him skeptically but dropped it, and James decided not to press. 
Suddenly, someone poked him in the back, and he jumped. “Move,” Dorcas said. “You’re blocking the lasagna.”
Lily snickered. “Yeah, James you’re blocking the lasagna.” 
He looked at her, fully prepared to give a retort but stopped when he saw her vibrant smile. He blushed and looked away, quickly scooping some pasta and moving back to his seat. (And, no, the irony was not lost on him. He was just as bad about Lily as Sirius and Remus were about each other.)
A few minutes later when everyone had gotten food and came back to the long wood table, Marlene started again. “So, yesterday,” she said around a mouthful of pasta, “Abraxas Malfoy came in for a tarot and palm reading.” She swallowed. 
It wasn’t particularly extraordinary on its own that Malfoy had come here, though it was strange that he would come for their services and not intimidation. Malfoy was either incredibly stupid or incredibly desperate. Either way, there was clearly more to the story. 
Lily picked up where Marlene left off. “The tarot reading was normal. He apparently has some big decision to make, or someone close to him has to anyway, and he’s a rich asshole, but Marlene got a vision when she tried to do the palm reading.” Lily turned to Marlene who had just returned from getting seconds. “You wanna explain this?”
“Sure,” Marlene said, putting her fork down and brushing a strand of blond hair out of her face. “I touched his hand for the palm reading and immediately went into a vision. I had a really clear image of a world map with all these crisscrossing strings. I’m not sure if the map was in Malfoy’s house or if he just saw it somewhere, but he was there, kinda looking at the map, but there was another guy there that Malfoy kept calling ‘The Dark Lord’. He was old and bald, and his nose was completely gone. Actually, his skin was really gray, like he was sick or something, but he was also kinda ripped, so-”
“Marlene!” Lily stopped her, which was fine with James, and one glance at Sirius confirmed he felt the same way. 
The girls didn’t know simply because they hadn’t been as close when Sirius was still living with his parents, but the man Marlene was describing just so happened to be the guy that ran the gang Sirius’ biological parents were not only a part of, but were an integral piece of the inner circle. 
“Tell them the important part,” Lily urged. 
Marlene glanced up, having been ripped from her detailed description of the worst person in Henrietta. “Oh, yeah!” Dorcas smiled fondly at her girlfriend. “So the map was called ‘Leylines’, and there was one running straight through Henrietta.”
Next to James, Sirius drew in a sharp breath and stood. “I-I need to leave,” he announced. He made his way shakily to the front door and wrenched it open, barely closing it on his way out. 
James looked after him and stood. “I’ll go talk to him,” he said, not having to think twice about it. At this point in his life, James had pretty much accepted his role as the ‘mom friend,’ as Sirius liked to call him. 
When he got outside, he quickly spotted Sirius leaning against the passenger side of the Pig, facing the street. “Hey, Pads!” he called. “Where did you think you were going?” He held up the keys and jangled them. 
Slowly enough that James was afraid Sirius hadn’t heard, his brother turned his head to look at James, fear evident in his eyes. James unlocked the car and they both slid inside. 
After a moment of silence, James said, “Did you actually want to go somewhere, or are we just gonna chill?”
“Just here is fine,” Sirius said, looking out the passenger window. 
James nodded. They sat there for another couple minutes until Sirius finally said, “He’s the reason I left that night. The Dark Lord. His real name’s Tom Riddle, but he calls himself Voldemort, makes his followers call him the Dark Lord.” Sirius shook his head. “Anyway, my parents had decided that they would officially recruit me into the Death Eaters that night. I came home to Voldemort already at the house. I still don’t know where Regulus was. He could’ve been at a friend’s, at school, or, hell, still in his room, but I never even made it upstairs.”
James drew in a breath and rested his hands on the dark steering wheel. For how close James and Sirius were, the older Black had kept that night under lock and key, never even giving a hint as to what had happened. James had known it had been big, but he’d just assumed Walburga and Orion had found out Sirius was gay or something like that. He never would have imagined it was this big. 
Sirius continued. “Before I tell you the rest of this, there’s something else you should know.” He paused, trying to figure out how exactly to say whatever it was he was about to explain. “I know all about leylines. I’ve seen the map from Marlene’s vision. It’s in 12 Grimmauld Place because that’s where Voldemort lives. I actually helped make it.” He paused again. 
James decided to help him along. “How do you know all of this?”
Sirius winced, poking at the leather seat. "That's the hard part." He looked James straight in the eyes, and, to be honest, James got a little nervous. "I have powers," he said.
James stared. "Like, psychic powers?" he asked, not sure Sirius was being genuine.
Sirius scowled and fiddled with gearshift. "No, James, not psychic powers,” he said, seemingly offended. “At least, I don’t think they’re psychic. It has something to do with the leylines. If I'm on a leyline, I can sense everything happening within about a 20 mile radius, and I can control hotspots."
"What are hotspots?" James asked, carefully untangling Sirius’ fingers from the gearshift and gripping it loosely, Sirius’ pale skin standing out against James’ light brown.
"They're places where two or more leylines cross," he explained. "Here, that's Cabeswater."
James furrowed his brow. He had so many questions. "So when you say you helped make the map-"
"I mean when I was little, my parents would put me on this giant world map and have someone mark the places I went the most. As far as I can tell, it's all correct. I was always drawn back to Henrietta, though I don't know if that was because I knew it was home or because it had the strongest presence." He wrung his hands. "I still don't know how they figured out I had powers. It's not like there was a test they could run at the hospital for it. Either way, I don't think they know the full extent of what I can do, because if they did, Voldemort wouldn't have let me go so easily."
James nearly protested. Sirius' valiant escape from Number 12 Grimmauld Place could not in any context be described as 'easy'.
Either not sensing or ignoring James' disagreement, Sirius kept going. "At first, it was very casual. Introductions were made, and we had dinner. I mean, it wasn’t that casual since it was still my parents and no one has skin that gray or slits instead of a nose.”
It took a moment for that to register. “Wait, what?” 
Sirius’ mouth split in a grin. “Yeah, his skin’s legit all gray, and he doesn’t really have a nose. It’s just these two red slits. He’s also completely bald: no head hair, no eyebrows or eyelashes, and no body hair. It’s freaky.”
James started. “Maybe he shaves it?”
He shook his head. “No, there’s never any stubble or anything. Reggie and I have a theory that he’s part reptile.” He gazed out the windshield. “Anyway, throughout dinner, Mother and Father did their whole Death Eater, bigotry bullshit rant, but after we were done eating, they started talking me up, which was worrying in itself. Turns out, they were building up to telling Voldemort about my powers. Apparently, he has some mission that requires the use of leylines. He decided he just had to have me. I told them I wasn’t going to whore myself out to a bastard like Riddle, and they told me if I wasn’t going to give myself to the cause, they would make me. We fought, and I ran.” Sirius cast his eyes downward and tightened his hold on James’ hand. “You know the rest.”
Indeed. James would never forget that day. April 12. A year and a half ago, James had just gotten in his car after working out when his phone started ringing with a call from Sirius, immediately sending James into panic mode as, a, the Blacks didn’t know Sirius had a phone, and, b, Sirius never called anyone. Answering had only furthered his panic as he was met with a frantic ‘help, park’ and then nothing. 
Needless to say, he had raced to the local park, probably breaking several traffic laws. What he found there was forever ingrained in his memory: Sirius, passed out on a park bench, blood caked to the side of his head, phone lying on the ground surrounded by broken glass. The subsequent trip to the hospital was the fastest James had ever driven, and he hoped he never had to drive that fast again (though looking back, it had been exhilarating - in the worst way possible). A week later, Sirius was released to the Potters without hearing in his right ear but with a giant cast on his leg that had stayed on well into the summer and had taken months to fully heal, not to mention the emotional aspect. 
James leaned his head against the headrest. Why did all of his friends have so much fucking trauma?
“Okay,” he breathed, still clutching Sirius’ hand. “What do you want to do about it?”
Sirius turned his face back towards James. “That’s it? You’re not gonna tell me to press charges or say you don’t believe  me?”
“You got enough of that when you ran away,” James answered. “And I trust you. If you say you have magical powers, then you have magical powers.”
Sirius practically deflated, and James wondered how long he had been carrying this burden around. Probably as long as he’d known he had magic. 
“Besides, I have a different question,” James said. Sirius groaned. “Is this why you won’t go for it with Remus?”
Sirius choked. “Of all the questions,” he muttered, shaking his head. He straightened. “No, this is not why. I won’t go for it with Remus because he doesn’t like me, and I don’t want to destroy our friendship.”
“Oh, come on, Sirius! You and I both know that’s bullshit,” James said. Sirius looked taken aback, but James continued. “Because it seems to me that you still feel guilty about what happened and are afraid Remus will hate you if you tell him.” Which was incredibly frustrating because James had it on good authority that Remus was involved in things that were just as shady, if not more so, and if one were to ask James, the two of them getting together would really help ease their individual guilts. But of course, no one was asking him. 
Sirius gave him a grumpy look. “Fine, you’re right. But that’s not all it is. What if Voldemort suddenly decides I’m useful and comes after me? I don’t wanna put Remus in danger.”
James softened because that was actually a legitimate concern, though it could also be dismissed if Remus was willing to share just a little bit more about his life outside of the Marauders. 
James tried to respond in a way that would convince Sirius to get over his fears while also not revealing anything Remus wanted to keep private. It was a tough line to walk. “Do you think,” he started gently, “that maybe you should leave it up to Remus to decide what danger he is okay with? And maybe give him the benefit of the doubt in that nothing that’s happened to you is your fault and that you are the only person who blames you?”
Sirius blinked at him as if those thoughts had never crossed his mind. “I-” he hesitated. “I see your point, and I will think about it.”
James knew better than to press. He had been trying his two best friends together for years, and it was through several deep conversations not unlike this one with each of them that he had gotten this far. “Thank you. But seriously, what do you wanna do now? I’ll sit here as long as you want, but everybody is waiting for us, and I am their ride home,” he said. 
Sirius glanced at his phone. “I guess I should tell them what I know,” he said. 
At that, James looked at him. “You don’t have to tell them anything, Pads,” he said harshly. 
Sirius rubbed his neck. “I know, but it’s relevant, now, and they should know-”
“No, they really shouldn’t. What you want them to know is up to you, not the greedy maniac that thinks he runs this town.”
Sirius thought for a moment. “Do you think I could tell them about Voldemort without telling them about my powers or my parents?”
“I think that could work,” James answered. “But only if you want to.” 
Sirius paused, and then- “I think I do.”
James unlocked the car. “Then let’s do it.”
When they returned to the house, the others were all talking about the lit presentation. Apparently, Marlene and Dorcas had chosen Hamilton as their work of fiction, and Marlene was trying to convince Remus to give another theme analysis. 
“Come on, you’re so good at this stuff! You came up with the Puss in Boots one so fast,” Marlene was saying to Remus who shook his head. 
“I’m not helping you cheat, Marlene,” he insisted. “Besides, I’m sure your girlfriend has some great ideas.” 
They turned to Dorcas who nodded. “I have several.” 
Lily spotted them first. “Hey, guys.” The others stopped talking. 
Sirius must have still had a weird look on his face because Remus frowned at him, concerned, and mouthed, Everything okay?
James didn’t see Sirius' reaction, but he guessed it wasn’t acceptable because Remus continued to look worried. 
By the time James sat down, Sirius had put on his ‘I am not okay, but I’m going to pretend I am’ face. “Everybody look at me, I have an announcement!” he declared, face full of false bravado. James had to give it to him; he was really selling it. 
“Jesus, guys, any more shocking news, and I may faint. What’s this, three in the last two days?” Marlene observed. 
“I don’t think it counts when you were the subject of two of them,” Remus said. 
Marlene shrugged. 
Sirius clapped his hands. “Okay, back to me!” Then, before he could be derailed again, he said, “I know who the Dark Lord is.” The others broke out in chatters, but Sirius held up a hand. “Please, hold your questions until the end. This is a long story, and I want to finish it today.” 
He launched into the story he had just told James, careful to avoid any mention of his powers, brother, and parental treatment. 
He finished with the part about the night he ran away, just saying a curt, “They wanted to recruit me, so I left.”
They sat in silence for a moment as everybody processed the information. 
Finally, Dorcas broke the silence. “It seems to me that everything we need to know is at Grimmauld Place.”
Lily and Remus nodded. “The map, Voldemort, information on the Death Eaters…it’s all there,” Lily confirmed. 
“The only problem is how do we get that information?” Remus said. 
Dorcas put her hands on the table. “I could always ask Regu-”
“No,” Sirius cut in. “If Voldemort or our parents catch him, he’s dead.” 
Dorcas’ eyes hardened. “That’s assuming they catch him.”
Sirius met her head on. “That’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”
“It’s not your decision,” Dorcas countered. “It’s been a year and a half, Sirius; he’s his own person with his own mind.”
Sirius fisted his hands. “This is not his problem, and I refuse to put him in danger.”
“All right,” Remus broke in before Dorcas could offer another counter point. “We don’t have to decide anything tonight.” He glanced at the oven clock. “And it’s only 6:30. How about we get started on those lit presentations?”
James sent Remus a look of gratitude, thankful someone intervened before Sirius and Dorcas could really start arguing. Then every single thought left his mind as he realized he and Lily were about to spend an indeterminate amount of time alone together. 
Lily stood. “That’s a great idea, Remus! Why don’t you two take my room, Marlene and Dorcas can work in the reading room, and James and I will stay here,” she decided. 
Remus cocked his head at her. “You don’t want your own room?”
Marlene snickered. “She probably doesn’t trust James in the same room as her underwear drawer.”
“But you trust Sirius?” Remus said, disbelieving. 
“It’s not her that needs to be worried,” Sirius said, biting his bottom lip and winking. 
James sighed internally. They’d get there somehow. 
Once Sirius had closed the door to Lily’s bedroom, Remus turned to him, a strange look on his face. “I know that there’s more you’re not telling us.”
Sirius guiltily turned his face toward the floor. There was no point in trying to hide it. Remus would figure out, he always did.
“But, I don’t want you to tell me if you’re not ready,” Remus finished and held up his hands, because he was actually the best person in the world, tied with James. 
Sirius took that as an invitation, crossing in front of the bed to bury his face in Remus’ chest and hug him tightly. 
Remus stumbled a bit but quickly righted himself. Sirius smiled when the tawny haired boy’s arms came up around him. “Alright,” Remus muttered, resting his chin on Sirius’ head. 
“You give nice hugs,” Sirius observed. It was true. Remus’ tall, muscular frame allowed for the best of bear hugs, and his sweaters were so damn soft, Sirius wanted to cry. 
“Not that this isn’t nice,” Remus started, pulling back slightly, and then laughed when Sirius tightened his grip, “but is there any particular reason for it?” 
Sirius hummed, then, surprising himself, said, “Regulus texted me last night.” 
“What?” Remus gasped, chin slightly digging into Sirius’ head. “Thats-that’s big, Pads.” 
“I know,” Sirius said casually, as if he hadn’t just dropped the biggest news of the past two days. He was totally beating Marlene. 
He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t told James. He hadn’t been sure how to feel about it, and the whole thing had just seemed so personal that he wanted to keep it to himself for a little longer, but he just couldn’t anymore. It was too much. 
“It was just a couple sentences, but it’s more than we’ve spoken to each other in so long, and I almost blacked out when I saw his name, Moons, I swear, it was-” His breath hitched, and he realized with a distant sense of surprise that he had tears streaming out of his eyes. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” Remus pulled back until he was looking Sirius in the eyes. “This is a good thing, right?”
Sirius nodded. 
“Good,” Remus said, bringing Sirius back into his arms. “Did you text him back?”
He nodded again. “I just told him that I miss him; I didn’t know what else to say.”
“That’s enough, Pads, just the fact that you answered is enough,” Remus insisted, hugging Sirius tightly. 
And that - that was fine, because Sirius had only been in love with Remus for three years, three years of pining and avoiding touches, of careful flirting, and it was entirely not worth it, because Remus was so damn nice (not literally of course, his sarcasm could destroy nations), and his sweaters were soft, and he gave the best hugs, and he always went out of his way to make sure everyone else was okay, and James was right, there was no point at all in not going for it. 
Fuck it. He looked up at Remus. “I love you.” 
He watched Remus’ eyes widen, and suddenly he was no longer being held as Remus stumbled backward. “I-w-what? You what?” He appeared to be going through the five stages of grief. 
Well, that certainly wasn’t the reaction Sirius had been hoping for. He tried again, running his fingers through his hair. “I’ve been in love with you for three years.”
Remus breathed out sharply through his nose. “You’ve got to be kidding.” He rubbed his face with his hands, and Sirius felt his brow furrow. He’d thought Remus would at least believe him. 
He walked back toward Remus, just on the verge of crowding his personal space. “You know, there are a lot of people who would kill to be in your position right now,” Sirius said, voice wavering slightly yet still earnest. 
Remus took his hands off his face to reveal an open mouth pulled into an amused smile. “Well,” he smirked, “too bad for them because I am also in love with you.”
Sirius blew out a relieved breath, mouth splitting into a wide smile. “Really?” He wasn’t even embarrassed when his voice came out an octave higher than normal. 
The boy in front of him nodded slowly, and then Sirius' lips were suddenly, amazingly on his.
Abruptly, Remus pulled back, eyes crinkling when Sirius whined.
"Are you really sure about this?" he asked. "Because this kinda ends our casual friendship."
Sirius snorted. Sexy, he thought. "I'm pretty sure our friendship was never casual to begin with."
"That's good enough for me," Remus said, going back in for another kiss, and all thoughts of leylines, his family, Voldemort, the Death Eaters, and school left his mind, at least while Remus' lips were on his.
He wished it could last forever.
Remus had just settled into bed when his phone buzzed. 
Marlene: so how far did everyone get in their presentations
Lily: we got pretty far actually
Lily: we only have a couple slides left
Marlene: over achievers 🤮
Marlene: where’s james
Sirius: he goes to bed at 9
Marlene: he does not 
Remus: yep, every night
Sirius: except weekends when he gets a whole extra half hour
Marlene: oh my god
Marlene: what about game nights
Sirius: he passes out as soon as he gets home, so around 10:30
Lily: james being an old man aside, how much did you get done
Marlene: a decent amount
Sirius: so you just sat there while dorcas did everything
Marlene: no, you ass, this is our first school thing together, she can’t know i’m that kid yet
Remus: understandable
Marlene: and what did you two get done
Sirius: oh, you know, a few slides
Lily: i’m sure
A notification popped up with a private text from Sirius. 
Sirius: she has no idea
Remus: :) but we really do need to start on it
Sirius: meh
Remus: oh my god i can’t believe i’m in love with you
Sirius: :)))))))))) 
Remus: 🙄 good night
Sirius: nighty night lover
Remus smiled, then turned over and went to sleep. 
Regulus, your father and I have decided that it’s time for you to officially join the family business. You’ll take the Dark Mark next weed. 
Those words had been bouncing around in Regulus’ head all night, ever since his mother had cast them at dinner that evening. 
If she got what she wanted (as she usually did), Regulus would be initiated into the Death Eaters next week, starting with the gang’s gruesome snake and skull sign tattooed on his forearm, lovingly named the Dark Mark. 
He hadn’t even tried to fight it. There was no use. He would never win against them. 
But there was one person he knew could stop it, or at least could tell someone else who could. 
But Regulus couldn’t. He had barely been able to just send him a text the night before; how could he ask this of Sirius so soon after reconnecting? 
Of course, this problem was one of the exact things Sirius would want to know about, and he was one of the few people who had the power to help. 
But wasn’t it Regulus’ responsibility to take care of himself? He wasn’t Sirius' problem anymore. 
On the other hand, it had been a year and a half, and Regulus was no closer to his own goals now than he was then, personal or otherwise. 
Finally, after four hours of fighting against his guilt and feelings of failure at needing help, he dug his phone out of his mattress, resigning himself to the help of others. 
Regulus (10:17 p.m.): I need your help. I want out. 
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leopoldainter · 3 months
Now watch it sut down.
Bartholomew spoken, board driven, married the the Bouvier Twins.
Something like first things first that's too long for a picture to develop try coming back when Zac effronze
No, somehow Nancy Cartwright
Take mice direction. D.C.Lingraham
The Ingraham Hour all behind her wall
What's her wall look like
Like Explosion coming up ahead sights slices Manhattan like coming up ahead earlier on Wall Street no I say the same thing there. Cnbc, I was anchoring squakbox.
That's now bereavement:
Ok Elon, how do we say, we don't both need to be here to see you.
I said take a look at this.
Is he talking about the parking lot.
I'm not sure your account really contributes to the current operation.
Shoot the anchor.
Look back a Nirvana
No sandals.
No swimming.
No stork.
What about you say leave it at life guard. A person to save the drowning you see, it's gotta all be about job creation. Otherwise is there no other way to queif. Assuming you were a leader of the whole Island whose I some neighbor Chanel no.5
Previously on Family Guy"a very special episode
Ok, want to impress woman. That's not SNORLAX, or you.
I was called to support a news business Cramer screening, making sure he's telling the truth about no why film her reconing. That's an entirely different test. Crime Wave. Or crest fallen. Blink.
Jump believing ya voted.
Wait till the power flickers and jee-z I set an alarm. But the power went out. We are trying to sleep jerk use the vcr and wash off your own
Rushing around from bed to makeup to green
Hi, sorry we like Jim your late hopefully you can find some kind of tingle floating green straight off the red balloon above otherwise we're going to need to see some ID. Goes paff straight through Paris Tokyo underpants. SquakBawks debloons fork ointment deborah gorge along came must haves like celbei the time traveling pokemon from root kit thirteen million dollars. Ellen DeGeneres doesn't seem the type to share see her cover Mr. You got the wrong Jojo if you think in going tk sing you baby.inch babingolike away like now.
Nurse Joy
Ok so it was premiered using source work in a budhist temple. Apologizing premeditivly for falling artwork and somehow sea has a few of its own like enough diapers to be the size of texas or more than enough plastic for a continent there about the size of Texas!
Hi, green peace survivors, we stayed in the raft and if you go with charity color wristlastnight you can find where Dalrymple left off. See something you like seinfeld.
Ok that'd not ok.
Does that really sound appropriate mr.Dalrumpl, when something says hey look at that view something tells me thus time I'll watch you order the pie.
See from that angle, I think she took some type of mannequin scarf from the Waitroom. You looked in the mirror.
I don't know what I was thinking I can't wear this.
Did you think maybe if he was this far from me how can I tell your looking at my face.
I studied concave convex how was I supposed to l know it actually started up there then floor length. Why didn't I take the chemistry before physics.
Did you take biology
I got this from class.
The one side of a frogs face. No tongue.
Wanting a begger
I want to see where she can get to the point.
So you...what break and enter or just the rust c,mon
No turns over
False.drumlibertyHow so fused to just the lapse
English please.
Your going to need to use nails to get the ribbon out toke. See what happens to Misty.
Well, I have e,t. Instructions Manual walk around like they just go to get from a one you chose the one from grassyknoll
Was not clear from the first orN.
Was caught wanting a postal code. For an other no. So maybe it's evolving if you press B it won't. So trys that BILL'S PC7 so. YYKconsol reach
I receipt.
Ha ha in a few Nikola Tesla yugoeastern European. Con vent.
The ones a window to the courtyard above stairwells a window to chair where Elon asked to meet with the two guys from Cnbc Stuart. So naturally Susan I know they just got you to buy that iPhone but your going to have smooch, no scooch or find somewhere else to work it's time to see what Lauren Simonetti thinks.
You know I thought I don't have an account with them it must be really mini but no, she had some in boxes in her office. I showed her a piece of id she asked where I work. Said no natural beauty
So she must have put something in for you like Tim Hortons
She was typing I can't reach the keys on her board, I was brought up with immigrant parents.
So it wasn't LG
It ... wasn't an apple. iPad? No it was definitely Apple see just one finger slide no no time notifications.
Huh, that's strange
No you may not sit here either miss. A Stuart Ashley here do you know if we're still on musical chairs.
I think Elon Musk just makes mistakes. No, that's why I don't touch electronics always jumps.
Lauren:o I can gotcha.
Caught it, with my hand.
And against this wall here.
Now try notifications.
My dear you broke the screen.
Turn it around.
Oh, I almost got it
Yeah more to come till noon we go.
Visual inter course cell phone on florrElon
Musk would like some more supreme
The cookies on this sight are out ragouse. Mr Christie ,your running from corner to corner like monkey raid glove tail. I know it was green monkey glover. But then there was a fortunate wan to ready to go the the trash, maybe menuTuesday in the street fork steak works right here.
Ehat kind of shelf flayer you want me to poke my index towards a ha dehardKlump.
But she wasn't a professional and that's coming down hard on the cuticle of the nail. Smiling leprd
Obviously not today. It's saturxay
Kryptonite of course of course. To the other:FIRSTARTER,and more sand pipes what the hell bluffs.
Where do you get the sun's off your stems Rocket lawn chair. I do it on the porch, hi there neighbors
In my pants, must have been his own pants
Doors still closed last chance.
Just pee on the floor
Know to many half too part time YIGindependent ?Mario Racine. So many fake ways to go be employed Iike maybe if I could just spend a week at school oh how bout maybe you don't for the week steming from Embrun too the Prescott Russel Scotia Bank Gas station Mother Theresa elementary your going to want to take the bridge past the principles apartment over the Greek door restaurant floor across the bridge steeple polite French re.markable
St.Thomas Aquinas CHS the bull philospher
No no around drrumPrescot = Russel beverCrests twigs and stuff getEducated
This gif
Tumblr media
Swallow gulp
Got the toe in it and ankle twice but bif Naked
Feels jealous, I noticed him that way too.
Waits for 9 laugh Ndoe palm. First flare. Unstoppable.
Could be that sailor moon works on commission and there's sales today rumor and tulanar that's some kind of drug, ,my friend Molly. Naru mom, you came in today well say hello to the pane
Ow japanese labor laws.
Co worker fatso coming up behind
Why you gotta intrup mm. While she's with customers, your gonna get hit!
Correction the vitamins in the carrots help rabit see better.
The Sum of all Fears, Deep impact,Armageddon
Sumatrian coffee.
Swiss process of decapitation and a fench press, left on the counter.
For the bus
That's the kind of stop you can edit. The Americans on FX
According to the scale you have to wait in line.
Try yourself.
An assistant has been notified that the register has arrived please manually to the dcal or select bags in ti.
Give it a second eDei no bags.plasic
0 notes
casspurrjoybell-19 · 1 year
CLAIMED - Chapter 9
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*Warning: Adult Content*     
Pack Beta, Jaxson Ortiz’s eyes were stuck in a blank stare at nothing in particular as he slowly chewed the eggs that his Head Pack Warrior, Corey Cahill had prepared for him. 
Although Ortiz knew he'd probably find them delicious in any other circumstance, they currently felt like sandpaper against his tongue and he only forced himself to swallow because he knew his body required nutrients. 
He couldn't focus on the taste, or anything for that matter, as his mind was fully preoccupied with the idea of his imminent demise. 
He was rendered speechless after Pack Doctor Benji told them their fate, not even able to come up with a single sarcastic remark that could comfort himself. 
Instead, he fell limply back into his chair and stared down at his shoes in shock until he gathered the capability to move his legs and walk to the kitchen in a daze, where he was currently sulking at the island. 
The pair hadn't said one word to one another since then, both stuck in their own thoughts as Corey made them breakfast. 
They continued their silence as they sat beside one another, eating without so much as a peep. 
The dwindling effects of Ortiz’s withdrawals were no longer relevant as thoughts ran around in his head like a child let loose after devouring a year's worth of sugar. 
Nobody knew how much time they had, as Daffodil didn't know anything about the length of time between the tether formation he'd witnessed and the death of those attached to it.
The seemingly obvious answer to all of this would be to just accept or reject the bond but in Ortiz’s head their situation was so much more complicated than that.
The Beta’s fingers absentmindedly rubbed at the place where his neck met his shoulder, faint tingles emanating from the spot where his fading Mating Mark was placed as he pondered, pushing his eggs around the plate and ignoring the hungry rumbling of his stomach. 
Ortiz’s father's voice echoed harshly in the back of his mind, forever reminding him that they being together wasn't possible. 
A Beta being a submissive went against the core rules that were quite literally beaten into him from a young age. 
He knew that if his father were still alive, he would make Ortiz reject Corey and probably set him up with some submissive Omega with a 'good bloodline' that he deemed worthy of bearing his son’s children. 
Ortiz shivered uncomfortably at the thought, clenching his fork tightly in his grasp. 
On the other hand, however selfish of him, Ortiz couldn't find it in him to reject Corey either. 
Somewhere deep down the Beta craved the Warrior’s touch, longing for the feeling of freedom and completion that he'd been given a taste of when he was twisted up in the sheets underneath him soon after they'd first met. 
His Wolf, Luka, who had gone eerily quiet lately, whined softly in the corner of his mind at that thought. 
He desired the feeling of being loved so bad, yet it was the forbidden fruit in his own personal Garden of Hell, complete with father's voice, incessantly reminding him that love meant vulnerability and vulnerability meant weakness. 
‘Besides, once Corey learns about my past, he won't want me anyway. How could someone as perfect as him want someone like me? He was so poised, so in control of his emotions, a perfect representation what of my father expected me to be. Meanwhile, I was a loose cannon, not knowing how to interpret what I was feeling most of the time. I have no direction whatsoever, no sense of control over my emotions, as if my father was still puppeteering the strings of my life from whatever corner of hell that was rotted in. It was so unfair to Corey, being stuck with someone like me who can't even control the way that I react to him, someone who treats him like shit with no explanation. I deserve to die but not Corey. He hasn't done anything wrong. This is all my fault.’ 
Ortiz forced the lump in his throat down, swallowing hard just as he’d taught himself years ago in order to prevent tears from flooding into his eyes. 
"May I ask you a question?" 
The sudden interjection of Corey's deep voice was a welcome distraction to Ortiz’s racing thoughts, as he was beginning to overthink so much that he felt a mini panic attack underway. 
Usually, Corey spoke one word and most of Ortiz’s anxiety would melt off of him like ice under the hot sun but in this instance, the Beta could still feel guilt crawling disgustingly underneath his skin. 
He was so afraid of what Corey was going to ask, scared that he would ask him why he was being so damn stubborn and why he couldn't just accept him already, which was a question that Ortiz, himself wouldn't be able to give an answer to. 
At least not yet. 
Regardless of his fear, Ortiz nodded at Corey’s question, still shuffling the, now cold, eggs around his plate as not to meet his Mate’s eyes. 
Corey waited a moment for Ortiz’s consent before speaking.
"I have been wondering. Why don't you go by your first name?" he inquired, voice as gentle as ever. 
Ortiz was both relieved and stressed out by his question. 
Relieved that it wasn't about their current situation, of which he hadn't even begun to figure out a solution to but also feeling uneasy as he gulped, trying with all of his might to keep his emotions at bay as memories flashed across the forefront of his mind. 
Ortiz could feel Corey's eyes on him as his Mate waited patiently for the reply while the Beta attempted to disappear into the fringe of curly hair that fell across his forehead. 
"I... I don't know. It's just how I was raised," he replied after a moment of contemplation, the heavy truth of his words settling over him. 
He really didn't know why he went by his last name.
Of course, he knew that it was one of the many rules that his father enforced but he never truly understand the logic behind his reasoning. 
"I see. I think that you should use it more often. It is a beautiful name," Corey replied and Ortiz’s heart clenched happily at his Mate’s sweet words. 
Ortiz lifted his gaze past the protective barrier of his fringe, partially meeting Corey’s eyes as he turned towards his Mate in his seat, words flying from his mouth before he could stop them.
"You can use my first name if you want," Ortiz said quietly, holding his breath as he waited for Corey’s reply. 
The Beta caught the hint of happiness that flashed across his Mate’s usually expressionless face as he spoke. 
"I would be honored. Thank you."
Ortiz nodded in reply, bringing his cup of orange juice to his lips to hide the smile that was threatening to take over his face. 
He gulped down the sweet beverage, only lowering the glass once he felt that he was able to bring his giddy emotions somewhat under control. 
"Do I get to ask you a question now?" Ortiz asks, curiosity tugging at him as he glanced down at the ever-present book that sat face up next to Corey’s plate. 
"Go ahead," the Head Warrior said, resting his chin on a closed fist as he leaned onto his elbow. 
His muscles flexed as he looked down at Ortiz with the same striking intensity his eyes always held. 
The Beta clutched his fork tighter, the metal digging into his fingers as he resisted the urge to drool over the large muscles of his bicep that threatened to burst out of the sleeves of his t-shirt. 
"Why do you read so much? It seems like you are always glued to some book." Ortiz mused, forcing himself to meet his eyes fully. 
Corey stared back down at him for a moment, making a humming sound in his throat as he mulled over his answer. 
His eyes flickered down to the novel that laid in front of him before trailing back up at Ortiz.
"Reading is an escape, I suppose," he started, his eyes trained on the other man, unwaveringly. "A distraction."
"Oh," Ortiz muttered, his eyes lowering back down to his forgotten eggs as he thought about what the hell that could mean. 
‘A distraction.’ 
From what exactly? 
He went right back into overthinking mode as he stared at his plate, even though he wasn't really seeing anything. 
‘He needed a distraction from me?’
His head snaps up as Corey stands, his chair scraping against the floor. 
He reached over to grab Ortiz’s plate, nudging his head towards it as if to ask him if he was done eating. 
The Beta nods, lifting his elbows to allow him to slip his large hand through and grab his plate which was still pretty much full. 
He set it on top of his empty one, looking down at it for a long moment before heading over to the garbage can to empty it. 
Ortiz watched him open the dishwasher, placing their dishes into the proper receptacle as thoughts continued to violently race across his psyche. 
Corey's expressionless features were simply impossible to read, like some ancient language that nobody knew how to translate anymore. 
Ortiz longed to understand just for one second what was going on in that handsome head of his. 
Maybe it would help him figure out what the hell to do about this incredibly convoluted, messy situation. 
Corey turned to head back towards Ortiz but his eyes glazed over for a moment as he was contacted VIA the pack link. 
Ortiz perked up, more curiosity nudging at him as he wondered what it could be about. 
‘Did they find out more about our tether? Did they find out how to break it? Are we going to die soon? Oh Goddess, are we going to fucking die.’
Corey’s eyes returned to normal after about 30 seconds, effectively giving Ortiz long enough to fall all of the way down the rabbit hole of his anxiety-riddled brain. 
The Beta clutched the edge of the marble counter tight enough for his knuckles to lose their color as he croaked out stressfully...
"Is there more news?" 
Corey shook his head at the question, Ortiz’s brow creasing in confusion at his Mate’s next words, although he simultaneously felt a little bit of relief.
"No. My Dads want to have a dinner with my brothers and us tonight. They said that they have something to tell us." 
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
My dear [S.U]
Sam Uley x Fem! reader!
Summary: “Did you have a hard day? You can complain to me. Did something make you almost cry? It’s alright, look at me. Starting from now, think of three really good things: the warm air, the dazzling weather, and me outside your window.  I told you, you can see brightness only when it gets dark”
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, death, heart dissease and such. English not my mother language so pls let me know if something’s wrong
gif’s not mine
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"Sorry to bother you, Chief," you said following the man's moves through your house. Charlie Swan was carrying a reclining chair with ease leaving it in the middle of the living room while you stood at the bottom of the stairs with your little four year old daughter in your arms. Cassie was exhausted. It had been a long plane ride and a bit more road travel, which knocked your little girl out as soon as you set foot in your new home in Forks. It was a long time since you had seen that place but of course you remembered Charlie Swan as kind as he had always been. Even when you were just starting to think about moving back to Forks he was the first to help you get a safe home for you and your daughter. You remembered looking up for Charlie's old phone number hoping it was still the same and when you dialed and heard the man's voice behind the phone you sighed in relief. At last life seemed to be smiling on you after a long time and Charlie was quick to offer to help you if you decided to return to town.
He told you about a house for sale next to his. The owner was elderly and preferred to live with one of her children and earn income from the house near the forest that could be bought by curious tourists so Charlie convinced her to sell you the house and at a lower price than she was originally asking because the house needed some repairs that he could do. So you thought no more about it and packed your things to return to Forks after the horrible years you had lived in Brownsville.
Charlie picked you up at the airport in his police cruiser and avoided turning on the siren cause Cassie was already half asleep in your arms when you got off the plane and he didn't want to disturb her, but Cassie had the strength to stay awake long enough to make him promise that next time he would turn on the siren as they drove around town.
The truth was that Charlie Swan was an angel. He arranged everything so you would have a quick return and even now he was bothering to get all your stuff out of the moving truck so you wouldn't have the worry of doing it later.
"Nonsense, I'm happy to do it. Besides, it's my day off."
"And that's why you shouldn't be doing all this. I know vacations for police officers are non-recurring."
"I'm the chief, I have certain privileges."
"Well, I wasn't going to let you do this on your own" he replied, carrying the boxes with your and Cassie's clothes. He set them down on the kitchen island and leaned back against them to rest. You walked over and settling Cassie better in your arms you sat down in one of the chairs Charlie had given you "Billy and Jacob will be here in a little while to get all this settled so you can have your first night here without any problems."
"I still think it's too much. Stop spoiling me like this, Charlie, you even gave me part of your dining room!"
"Ah, it was nothing. Bella and I recently bought a new one and we didn't want to take it to the dump cause it still has some use. The table is made out of good wood and the chairs are freshly upholstered. Look at it, it suits perfectly!"
"That's not the point" you said, glancing sideways at the newly arranged dining room near the kitchen "The point is that you're doing a lot for me and it's not fair."
"Your father would have done the same for Bella if it had been about me" he replied reaching for a bottle of water from the installed cooler. A sudden tension appeared in the room as you both remembered what your father's life was like in Forks "Jackson was my best friend for a long time and when he died...I promised him that I would seek you out and support you as if you were my own and that is precisely what I am doing."
"You wouldn't have if I hadn't left and hadn't abandoned him. He died because of me"
"That's not true."
"He was left alone when I left. He died of grief"
"He died from the heart valve disease he had. Your father suffered it from a young age and even so, you had a right to look for your mother"
"I wish I hadn't" you murmured, cooing to Cassie who was beginning to get annoyed by the noise of your voices "I abandoned my father and didn't find anything worthwhile"
"Well, that doesn't matter anymore, stop tormenting yourself and thinking you killed your father. I was with him. He loved you and he died peacefully, remember him as the good man he was, child."
You sighed. Cassie went back to sleep peacefully
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I know it's not the same, but you have me now and I'd rather die than let you leave again, do you hear me?"
"Easy, I have no intention of doing that" you half smiled "I'm running away from the tracks I left in Brownsville, I have no desire to go back under any circumstances. What I'm worried about is that the tracks won't rub off and show the way to the one I'm hiding from"
Charlie clicked his tongue.
"That should be the least of your problems. I have a gun and I know how to use it. He'll have to deal with that first before he gets to you."
"Thanks, Charlie."
"Although, if Chief Swan is as good at shooting as he is at fishing then you'll have to learn how to handle a gun yourself, honey" a voice appeared from the doorway followed by a young man's laughter.  You looked up meeting the unmistakable face of Billy Black next to his son Jacob. Billy entered your house being pushed by Jacob leaving him next to Charlie as he rolled his eyes "Be a little more modest, buddy."
"There's nothing wrong with bragging once in a while."
"Yeah, but you do it all the time."
"Shut up."
"Make me"
Charlie got up from his spot lunging towards Billy who ina swift movement spun the wheels of his chair avoiding Charlie's attack thus beginning a chase through the house dodging the obstacles of boxes on the floor. Jacob laughed taking Charlie's place in front of you.
"I thought we were coming to help with the move, not to watch them play like preschoolers?"
"Me too. I think Cassie will get along with them."
"Your little girl will beat them up right away"
You giggled quietly avoiding waking Cassie as Charlie and Billy finished their game to go back to the truck and get the last boxes, then you could finally get everything settled at home. Jacob smiled, looking at you
"I'm Jacob. You may not remember me but..."
"Are you kidding? I used to give you the bottle."
"No you didn't."
"Of course i did! My dad used to visit your parents a lot and he used to take me with him. You were a newborn baby and I used to volunteer to help Sarah feed you. You were the worst baby ever. You cried too loudly and squeezed the bottle with your swollen gums. Then you'd throw the milk back and you used to get really messy. Your poop was the smelliest I could remember."
"Don't say that!" he replied, embarrassed "I see you do remember me."
"And Quill and Embry. Tell me, are they still the same old fools?"
"They haven't changed at all."
You laughed.
"Ok, these are the last boxes" announced Charlie walking into the house carrying with him a small box with Cassie's toys. Billy came in behind with some boxes on his lap "I think now we can get everything organized and finishing in time for you to get some rest."
"I'll clean up the little girl's room" offered Jacob standing up "then I'll fill the closet and set up the bed so you can lay her down, you must be tired from carrying her around for so long. is that okay with you?" he asked you. You nodded
"Yes, thank you Jacob."
"You're welcome. Give me that" The boy took the boxes off his father's legs and picked up Charlie's, all with one arm and with the other he carried the folding base of the bed. You opened your eyes wide 
"Easy, big guy, when did you get so strong?"
"I don't know. It just... showed up" he replied disappearing up the stairs
"It showed up" said Charlie "Ah, I hope shows up something like that to me"
"Don’t hold your breath as that happens" Billy joked.
"I should do something for lunch" you said trying to stand up. You were going to put Cassie down on one of the couches and put some cushions around her, but Charlie won't let you. Billy agreed 
"None of that. We'll order something."
"Nothing" interrupted Billy "We'll buy pizza"
"You guys really need to stop doing this" you reproached. Billy picked up his phone
"Ah, sorry, you had to say that earlier, I'm already on the call."
"You guys are unbelievable"
Charlie smiled
"We know. oh I'll get Bella, she hasn't said hello yet" Charlie walked out before you could say anything else and closed the door dismissing the moving truck. Billy smiled complicitly, placed the order, gave the address and left the cell phone on the kitchen bar
"Dinner is served."
"Thank you."
"They had children's menu, so I ordered it for Cassie. I hear their brownies are delicious. Maybe I'll steal it for myself."
"I'll keep it as a secret"
Billy nodded with a smile and as the food arrived you chatted animatedly about what had happened in your absence, he also told you things about your father and all the times they went fishing together before his death. You were enjoying Billy's stories when time began to pass and Charlie didn’t return with Bella as he promised. Jacob was finishing Cassie's room and when the pizza arrived he came downstairs immediately, asking about Charlie's whereabouts.
"He went to get Bella, but he hasn't come back yet."
"That's strange, his house is right next door."
"Maybe something came up for him at the station" Billy shrugged.
You  decided to wait for the Swans to eat, but seeing that they didn't show up Jacob offered to investigate what was going on when suddenly the door opened and a very worried Charlie Swan walked in wiping the sweat from his brow
"Bella’s missing."
Jacob suddenly became alert and Billy remained static in his place. You felt a knot in your stomach. While riding in the police cruiser that morning, you had heard something about tourist disappearances and wild creatures killing people in the woods and you feared Bella might be in that kind of danger. You were never close, but you knew her and occasionally went out together to talk or share a movie night. You still hadn't seen her after the years you were away and the least you wanted was for something bad to happen to her.
"Did you talk to any of her friends?"
"She was with them during classes, but they lost track of her on her way here. I'll call the Cullens, maybe..."
"You didn't know?" asked Billy "The Cullens left Forks, Charlie."
"Where did they go?"
"We'll find her" encouraged Jacob "But we have to go out and look for her before dark."
"I'll go with you" you said "I'll take Cassie to her room and..."
"No, no, stay" Charlie asked you "I left a note for Bella at home in case she comes back she’ll know that she has to come here and wait for me. If she does, call me right away, please" you nodded
"I'll call Harry and ask him to join along with the boys" Billy said and wheeled away down the hallway holding the phone to his ear. Charlie and Jacob left and you decided to take Cassie to the room, go down to the kitchen and make some coffee for the Brigadiers and Bella. If she was alone in the woods and the night was catching up with her then she was going to need something hot to get her strength back. 
You hoped with all your heart that she was all right. For her, for Charlie.
Hours passed one after another with no sign of Bella. Your driveway was carpeted with people and police cruisers specially brought by Charlie to search for Bella. The entire town was scoured by officers from the early hours of the night, yet there was no trace of the chief's daughter. You decided to join the search taking the opportunity that Sue Clearwater was playing with Cassie - who was awakened by the ruckus of the patrol cars - asking if it was a good idea to search for her in the woods, but Harry refused.
"It's too dangerous, we don't know what might be among the trees. We can't risk losing any more people."
You were about to object his words when Jacob came up to you putting a hand on your shoulder telling you that he was right and that the forest was something not to be taken lightly. So you gave up, deciding to go back inside and refill the coffee pot when Jacob alerted Charlie that someone had found Bella.
A tall man walked in a straight line toward the Brigadiers where Billy and Harry watched him with restrained relief. He had a stocky frame and Bella unconscious in his arms seemed to weigh no more than a feather. His cropped black hair was messy and his lack of a shirt told you that the icy cold of the city didn't affect him at all
You knew him. His face was very familiar yet strange at the same time. You were back in Forks after a few years, but you knew that no one could change that much in that period of time.
Sam Uley was holding Bella and Charlie took her in his arms as he came out of the stupor and relief of having found his daughter. The Brigadiers sighed in unison and Billy thanked them all. You wanted to do something, to approach Charlie, to ask him if he needed help with Bella, but your eyes were caught in Sam’s. 
They were dark, wild, like the forest behind him. You remembered him perfectly. 
Before you left Forks you two were close friends and came to like each other as something more, but your leaving ended that and what you might have been up to that point.
You tried to look away, but then Sam's huge body began to shake, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground resting his hands on the dirt. Harry Clearwater reacted and approached him asking if he was okay.
"Tired" you heard him whisper causing you to shudder. Harry helped him up, whispered something in his ear and after taking one last look at you he disappeared into the woods. Harry walked back towards you.
"I thought the forest was dangerous"
"For us."
"What do you mean?"
Harry looked at you. Then he looked at his wife with Cassie in her arms standing at the doorway . He smiled.
"You'll find out soon, child"
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nevereverlandboys · 3 years
Drunken in charge
A/N: So I already posted this on wattpad a while ago. I was busy with learning for my exam, but now I finally managed to edit everything so I can post it on tumblr for those who don't read in wattpad
If you want to get tagged for my oneshots DM me ❤
Pairing: Ouat Felix x Reader
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, fingering, oral, unprotected sex, consuming of alcohol, swearing, really unrealistic sex scene lol, unprotected sex
Summary: Felix is being left in charge for the camp while Pan is absent, so games are off along with every other game. What is there else to do than drink? The second in command uses this opportunity to finally get closer to the reader after being so distant for a long time.
word count: 9968
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The Island was harsh and cruel to everyone in an unfair but equal way. Even though the lost boys lived free on Neverland, they still were ruled by the mischievous leader named Peter Pan. Each of them had their own suffering they would not mention to anyone, rather feel the pain alone and the loneliness followed them with every step. But if someone caught Y/N's eye the most, it was the quiet second in command, Felix. He always stayed close to his leader and would always follow his command. His cold facade never told her a single thought, making him special in his own way. He would leave the girl alone and only joined her on missions, but even then, the second in command would remain quiet. Pan on the other hand, tormented Y/N with thousands of useless tasks, while the lost boys worked on their own duties that seemed to make way more fun. No matter how hard she tried, Y/N would never fit in the group of lost boys, their name alone excluded her. None of them treated her fair, always left her out and acted like she was their servant. At first, the boys all seemed curious, and also a little intrigued about her appearance. They wondered why the shadow brought a girl to Neverland and if she would stay forever or just for a while. Their vicious behavior scared her off the first days, keeping her distance in a small tent. There was nothing special about Y/N, and she wondered why Pan brought her here from the beginning. Soon they boys learned that as well, treating her harshly like everybody else. They mocked her for being too weak, being too emotional,- they mocked her for not being a boy. After a while Y/N stopped asking questions and simply agreed to her new life. There were many good things to mention, nothing here was all bad. No one cared about her exploring the island during the day, at least if she did not go too far. If she wanted to cook for herself, there was no one in the way, and if she wanted to read in her tent, they would not enter- also because she was definitely sure Pan forbat it. The lost boy's feared and loved their leader at the same time, the way he let them live the free life they always wanted and not even seeing how dangerous it could be had convinced them. Y/N had distanced herself from them and their cruelty, rarely appeared to any big occasion and rather traveled along the river that ran it's way through the meadow and pastures. It was a surprise when one boy asked her one day to join a game, leaving her startled and unable to answer since no one ever really attempted to talk to the girl. It woke a piece of hope inside her, some of the younger boys already liked Y/N, yet, there was always something suspicious around the older ones.
"C'mon!" The thin boy yelled excitedly and waved his hands through the air, gesturing to follow him.
"This will be fun!"
Y/N avoided the demanding boy and tilted her head while her eyes wandered through the group before they stopped at the second in command, his eyes already burning on her skin when she detected him on his log, not far. His gaze made her nervous, uncomfortable and she questioned the decision to join the game. Something inside her shook the thought off, that Felix would approach her one day for some other reason than Pan made him, or that he would ask her to join a game.
"No…" Y/N answered nervously and looked back to the lost boy, trying to ignore Felix in the back. She did not trust that boy the slightest.
"I have to clean the kitchen." She  lied and dropped her gaze to the ground. The boy left as quickly as he came, not even trying to convince her further as if the interest was faked like everything else on this Island. After a while she sat alone in silence, watching the smaller boys play with sticks and some older ones preparing some meat and stickbread for the bonfire. The feeling of being watched did not let go. Y/N tried her best not to look suspicious and quickly let her eyes wander further when she found the guilty boy, Felix. 
Why is he still staring at me?
She never found out. The boy stayed exactly where he was and so did Y/N. He would constantly steal a glimpse and for a moment goosebumps spread all over her body, as butterflies rumbled in her stomach. A few days went on and she had catched the second in command staring at her over and over again. Whenever she looked at him, he quickly shifted his eyes somewhere in hope not to be catched. Sitting at the dining table she would catch him, when she did the laundry or cooked in the humble kitchen. The lost boy woke some curiosity inside the girl, the urgent need to know why he would always steal a glimpse, whenever she walked by. He never slipped a nasty comment, definitely strange compared to the other lost boys and their vivid temper. He never approached her or tried to keep up a conversation either. As soon as the sun went down, Pan appeared in front of Y/N's tent, calling her to come out and get some firewood. His second in command stood not far, leaning against the bark of a tree and chewing on a toothpick. He didn't need to wait for his leader's command, already knowing he had to join her. 
"Be quick." Pan ordered sternly, pressing his brows together before strutting back to the other boys. Her eyes instantly shifted over to the lanky, blonde boy, a smirk plastered on his pale face. If Pan knew that this was not a good idea? Felix turned on his heels and led the way through the trees uphill where the bushes covered the edges down to the abyss, not looking back once.
"C'mon, girlie." He said.
'Don't call me that!' She snapped back and paced up. The lost boy's camp disappeared on the ground, the higher Y/N followed the path before Felix stopped in front of a dark forest, the leaves swallowing every light before it could touch the ground. 
"Princess." Felix corrected cockily, watching her step between the trees. She started to blush and was unable to say something, so she decided to simply ignore the giant boy's nickname for her, no matter how flattering his words seemed. She tried to act tough, tougher than she actually was, in hope he would recognise it.
"How in the hell should we get wood in the dark?' Y/N mumbled as she stared into the pitch black.
"Are you scared?" Felix teased and gave her a smirk. His voice was deep and rough, unsettling but still going like honey through her ears. The girl scoffed at him and rolled her eyes, then led the way with firm steps, not even seeing the ground and suddenly tripping over into a mess of wood. 
"Fuck!" She hissed and held her hands to check the unbruised skin. The lost boy started to laugh darkly to himself, before he stepped closer. 
"This wood is full of chunks." Felix explained and bent down to pick up the wood. Y/N rose to her feet and grabbed some wood, not saying another word. Felix remained silent as well, heading with heavy back to the camp. After a while he stopped and turned, watched if she could catch up and continued when the girl was close enough. All the time she wanted to talk to him, using the moment all alone with him, but as she hurried to follow the second in command, no single idea for a conversation came to her mind. It was like someone wiped every thought away and replaced it with the heavy drumming of her heartbeat. As soon as she reached the clearing, Felix dropped the wood onto the ground and left them for the other boys to take care of it. Her chunks landed right next to his and she paced up to catch up with the gloomy second in command, when a tight grip on the girl's wrist stopped her. 
"Where do you think you're going?"
Y/N tilted her head and faced Dave, a tall chubby boy with messy brown hair, his eyes dark and soft like marbles. The lost boy looked like a bear, warm and welcoming, nevertheless it were his words that often scared her off. He only had nasty comments for Y/N, threats and if Pan wouldn't protect her for being a weak girl, the lost boy would probably harm her physically as well.
"The potatoes won't cook themselves!" Dave barked and pushed her harshly away before his eyes wandered over to the kitchen tent. Y/N bit her tongue to stop slipping a nasty comment, marched over to the humble kitchen and let out a growl when she saw the mess inside. 
"Are you fucking kidding me?" She whined as her eyes wandered over the dirty pots and Pan's, knives and forks along with every spoon. At least it was not stinking and disgusting, easy to wash, yet an avoidable effort if every boy would clean after themselves. But why should they? They had Y/N. Deciding to only clean the essential goods and shoving the other things aside, she opened a little basket with potatoes in it and placed them on the little counter. Like she expected, no one came to help her during the cooking, only one boy showed up to ask if she could hurry up. The same boy did not even thank her when she finally gave them the cooked potatoes half an hour later. The selfish behaviour of these boys was the thing Y/N hated most, more reason to focus on the second in command, the only boy who had never shown her this nasty attitude. While every other boy slowly gathered around the bonfire after they ate, Felix stayed where he was. He did not dance like the others and Y/N was not even sure if he could hear what the boys claimed to hear. Pan once said, his flute was special and the girl was supposed to hear her too. None of them had an explanation, still, it did not seem like the first time for Pan, seeing something like this. 
The girl's eyes darted back to Felix, his eyes already burning on her skin and she instantly moved her head to make it look less obvious. The tempting idea of walking over to him burned inside her guts, but with all those boys around, she was like being frozen in place. The second in command never talked to her when it was not necessary, not even one muscle in his face twitched when he interacted with the others. Still, something inside Y/N pulled her towards him from the beginning, as if his attempt to block her out was even more tempting. When she distanced herself from the bonfire back to her tent, Felix stayed at his seat instead of following her like she had imagined he would do. A little disappointed she went to bed and kept twirling all her thoughts around the mysterious second in command. There were so many questions about him. No one ever understood Felix, maybe not even Pan, although they were closer to each other than no one else on this whole Island.  
The following days Pan left Felix in charge, going on a mission by himself. The absence of Neverland's leader made itself noticeable first, when the lost boys stopped playing their big games and went directly to their duties, almost no words slipping from their usually loud mouths as they worked in silence. The day had started boring for everyone on it, Pan was already away for a few days, so Felix was fully in charge. Games were off, along with parties and especially dances in the evening. If Y/N could tell, the dances were the most annoying thing to the second in command, the thing he hated the most. Felix did not like the idea of taking care of anybody else but himself. So it came that even after weeks, Y/N had barely exchanged some words with him. He would simply avoid her and in case of sharing a task, just stare at her in curiosity. It was a lie to say he did not make her nervous, even when it was not in a scary way. The second in command was weird in any way and whenever he built himself up in front of her, she and broad, he made her look even shorter than she actually was. A feeling almost pleasant instead of scary. It was like something pulled her towards the cold lost boy, but the lack of courage would not let her talk to him. If he felt the same?
Felix was intimidating to look at, it was like something was wrong with his face but Y/N could never tell what. His high pitched cheeks were sharp and narrow and there was an awful scar running along his left cheek up to his brows like an 'x'. The most creepy things were his eyes though, whenever she looked into them, she was willingly drowning in a cold puddle that dragged her deeper in. They pierced her, as if he knew every secret inside the girl's head. Nevertheless, he was not ugly, rather pretty to look at. When his blonde hair hung messy over his face and the way he smelled. Whenever she walked past him, she would smell pinewood and musk. Even though he was well known for his cruelty, the lost boy never raised his hand against Y/N, nor called her nasty things like the others did. She was not even sure on how to do it anyways. Felix always looked busy or like he did not want anyone to speak to him. When she thought of it, the girl could not remember one single boy really talking to the second in command except Pan, but then again,- they only talked about plans and other secrets. He was a mystery of his own, a riddle for Y/N to solve. She glanced over to him and saw that he was carving something into a piece of wood. The lanky lost boy had distanced himself from the other boys, having his seat on a log as closest to the forest as possible. Maybe she could strike a conversation about his passion for carving? He was doing that almost everyday without talking about it and when she thought about it, she had never seen the final results. After a while, courage overcame her, so she stood up and walked slowly into Felix's direction, already noticing in the corner of her eyes the disapproving and concerned looks of some boys. They started to talk quietly to each other and she instantly knew it was about her. Their eyes burned more on Y/N's skin with each step further towards Felix, making her feel nervous and jumpy. Rolling with her eyes at them, she still marched to the lanky blonde boy, stopping when she was close enough to him. The heads of the lost boys instantly shot away, as if they felt too scared to let Felix know about their curiosity when he lifted his heavy head from his broad shoulders.
Felix's eyes darted up, his mouth shut tight and his facial expression went blank like always. His look told Y/N that he was strong, but never how he felt. She tried to say something, but the words got stuck in her throat. Unable to speak, she stared with a deadpan face back at the second in command, trying to find an excuse for her behaviour. The idea with the wood seemed so dumb suddenly and she wished she could just melt into the ground or simply disappear as the lost boy stared back at her, locking their eyes and waiting for her to say something.
"Have you seen Pan?" Y/N choked out and sounded calmer than she expected to be. The blonde boy raised an eyebrow suspiciously and nodded behind him into the dark forest. Big trees hovered high up into the sky, all around the clearing, hiding every view. It was pitch black. Y/N swallowed at the sight of the dark woods and she shook her head slowly, feeling so scared of the unknown dangers. There was no reason for her to see Pan, the leader was not a pleasant person himself and the lie only made her more anxious. 
"I think it wasn't important anyways." She mumbled unsure and turned around, feeling how her whole face heatened up at the fact that she talked to the mysterious second in command. Suddenly, the tall boy grabbed her by the wrist, causing her to turn and face him again.
"I'll bring you to him, if you feel scared to go alone." He said dry and rose to his feet, tall and intimidating. The girl was so small next to him, peeking up to him again as her limbs lightly started to tremble. Felix glanced down at her and again, she shook her head slowly. The girl did not know if he simply did not notice it, but when the lost boy shoved her into the pitch black, terror overcame her. What was he doing? Not daring to say a word, before the light around her vanished, she only felt the lost boy's hand on her back as he pushed her gently forwards. Her heart was pounding so hard, she feared he might feel it. Where the hell would he bring her? Where was Pan all the time? 
"Don't." Y/N winced and turned on her heels, running past Felix back into the camp. The lost boy instantly jumped around and stormed after her, chasing her across the clearing towards some big trees. She tripped over one of their big roots, almost crashing down but still finding her balance. This was the moment Felix jumped at the girl, crashing down with her, his heavy weight pressing the air out of her lungs. The lost boy spun her around and pinned her arms down on the floor before she could take a sharp inhale. Y/N tried to free herself in panic, but she could not move at all, when the slender boy straddled her and held her down. The colours in Y/N's  face faded away and her heart pumped wild inside her as if it were about to explode, unable to tell if she felt excited or scared. Maybe a healthy mix of both. She was sure he did not want to hurt her. Frankly, he never did.
"Why in the hell are you running from me." He asked angry, slightly confused and she thought even a bit hurt as he pressed his brows strictly together. 
"Don’t hurt me." She muttered and the pale boy frowned. He loosened his grip and swiftly rose to his feet and pulled his hood back over his head, then strutted quickly away, not even giving her a last glance. 
That was strange, she thought. Her heart was still beating furiously. What happened? The lost boy scared her and made her feel like burning at the same time. She took a deep breath and raised to her feet, wiping the dirt off her clothes. Felix was a strange guy and he only confused Y/N. Why did he just stand up and leave? She was not dumb and clearly could add two and two together. But it could not be that the second in command had some interest in her, why should he? The boy barely spoke to the girl, even when they had chores together. Y/N remembered one of the first days, when Pan sent them both to get some dreamshade and the tall blonde did not even let her near one of those plants, not even mentioning why. When he held the filled glasses, the boy walked a big distance between her back to camp, giving her the feeling of not being wanted. Later she had learned the dangers of it and Felix's strange behaviour now. It was an easy addition but she needed to be sure, not even knowing how to deal with this information.
If I am right.
The next day Felix clearly avoided her. Whenever he felt like she was too close, the lost boy would quickly find another place to go. She did not want to ask any of the boys about it, not wanting them to know, but it was obviously something off. They would not answer her anyways, only giving her questioning looks. After that weird situation in the evening before, the second in command completely vanished. There was no big effort to look for him and when the girl went to bed, she completely forgot about him. He had not given her any duties yet, so she took her chance and left the camp to take a shower and later gather some fruits and seeds, everything edible the Island would offer her without having to kill. She did not know how to hunt and was not sure if she could even catch an animal. Peter once told her that his best man would teach her to hunt, but Felix always seemed to be so busy that she simply never asked him to. At first she had avoided the blonde, lanky boy, not knowing his temper. He had scared her so much but now she could not stop thinking of how he had straddled her and how much she liked it. This was stupid. She barely knew Felix and still Y/N pictured herself with him in so many daydreams now. It was always easier to dream about someone and she was not crazy enough to consider anything about the rough boy. But where would he be? What is he doing right now? God, she needed to stop thinking about Felix. She was overthinking. 
The time passed by and Y/N found herself at the clearing again, watching two boys fight in the distance, with a small crowd around to cheer their violence. Her eyes wandered over the whole area, searching for the second in command. He sat far away next to a few older lost boys that hollered around while drinking some rum. Since Felix would not let them do anything, the only possible solution for the boys was to drink and do stupid things that would not bother the tall scarred one. They were drinking more alcohol than any adult could ever handle. The girl's eyes shifted over the group, seeing how they stumbled and swayed around. Felix sat on a log with his own bottle of rum in his hands, he kept his distance from the other boys, observing them with a blank expression but it was visible that he was drunk, too. When he saw Y/N entering the camp, the second in command's head spun around, meeting her gaze and she could swear his face lightened up.
"Y/N!" Someone big yelled excitedly and jumped at her from the side, almost swaying her off her feet before she could even think of the name "Felix".
"Drink with us!" The chubby boy cheered with a dizzy voice. His dark, bushy eyebrows hung deep over his small eyes and he wrinkled his nose, making a nasty, slimy sound, reminding her of a mull. He was not pretty to look at, mean and vicious, sometimes insulting for no reason. He was that kind of a boy who would mock one and still complain when they did not want to be his friend. 
"No, tha-"
"DRINK!" The chubby boy repeated himself more aggressively and grabbed Y/N's wrist to stop her from leaving before she could even try getting away. His fat fingers would definitely leave a mark later as she furiously tried to yank herself  free.
"YOU ARE HURTING ME!" Y/N whined and buried her nails into his wrist, but the lost boy would not let go.
"It will be fun! Don't be such a lame ass." He gave back and tightened his grip. Felix, who had watched the whole scene from a distance, immediately jumped to his feet and stormed towards them, yanking the boy away and threw him violently into the mud. He gave him the most powerful kick that his anger would provoke, that the sound of the fat lost boy's scream caught everyone's attention. 
"I will snap your fucking neck!" Felix threatened so calmly that the other boys would not even hear it as he pressed his jaw together, his hands forming into fists that his knuckles turned white. The chubby moonface groaned dizzy and turned onto his stomach, trying to lift himself drunkenly out of the sludge. With a closer look, Y/N understood why they all called him Piggy, instead of Mull. He turned his head confused around before he would drop back onto the ground again. The girl's eyes widened at the sight of this cruelty, even though she felt relieved and maybe a little entertained to see Piggy like this. He truly deserved it. On the other hand, she wondered why Felix came so quickly to help after he had tried his best to get out of her way. Y/N's cheeks burned up and she knew it would be the perfect moment to talk to him.
"Go." Felix said. He turned to her and shoved her gently away from the boys towards the tents. His big hand warmed her comfortably on her back, waking the butterflies in her stomach and causing her to shiver. The second in command rested one one of his arms on the girl's shoulder to keep his balance as he swayed between the tall bushes forwards between the trees.
"You should go to sleep." The lost boy said huskily, stopping in front of her tent, his grey eyes staring at the closed curtains. The excitement inside Y/N turned into disappointment when she saw where this actually went, so she stared irritated at the tent as Felix pulled his arm away and stepped away, slowly heading back. 
"I am not tired!" Y/N gave back and knitted her brows together, confused why he just left her now. He could have stayed at the camp instead of joining her in the first place. Why come all this way up here? Felix's head spun around before turning back to stop right in front of the girl. He bent down to face her and made it possible to smell the alcohol in his breath as she stared into his gray eyes illuminated by the pale moonlight. The messy, ashen hair hung half over his face,- Y/N liked so many things about him and right now he was so perfect. He has never been that close before, except when he had tackled her.
"The boys aren't so well behaved," The second in command snickered. "Especially not in that state."
Y/N giggled when she thought of Felix acting like he was a good boy, after all those terrible things he did. There was a reason why he was second in command of this brutal gang and he proved it by the way he treated Piggy. 
"And you're not?" She gave back quite bravely, raising an eyebrow cockily. Felix chuckled low to himself, slightly shaking his head before he gave her a smirk, showing his white palette of perfectly lined up teeth.
"If you want me to," Felix purred and wiggled with his brows. "I'll be whatever you want."
The girl felt goosebumps spread all over her body at his words and for a moment, she just stared speechless back at him, unable to say a word and wanting nothing more than kissing those pink lips. Felix was drunk, he could not think straight and definitely did not mean what he said. The lost boy's breath tickled hers and she noticed how close he was and how she just had to lean in, to steal a kiss. There was no way she would risk it, well aware that Pan loved games and she could not let the thought go, his best man would love them as well. 
"Do you have any suggestions?" She asked as her nose touched his, her lips almost on his as she gently ran her hands over his chest. Felix ignored the question, moving instinctively and rough, grabbing Y/N's neck and pulling her in to close the distance between their mouths. His tongue was warm and tasted like liquor, still it did not bother her at all, when he vividly explored the inside of her mouth. Felix's hands vanished under her hair, grabbing her head and pressing the girl firmer against him while his intoxicated mind led his actions. Y/N gasped surprised into the kiss, not expecting him to do this even though it was what she wished for. Felix was way taller than her and for the moment he was forced to bend down at her height, holding her in his broad arms that pressed her tightly against his chest. When Felix’s pulled away, his eyes were still shut and he ran his thumb over Y/N's lips, licking his own and let out a gasp when he realised that he did not only imagined to do that. Then his eyes widened and she could see that he realised for the first time what just happened, what he just did.
"Sorry…" Felix mumbled unbelievingly and shook his head with widened eyes. He pushed her harshly away and rose to his feet, quickly checking full terror if someone had watched it.
"I was-" Felix spoke hoarse and slowly took a step back, then another one, a few more, until he turned on his heels and sprinted quickly away,  not finishing what he tried to say. 
Y/N stood there for a moment as if she were stuck in place, not able to process what just happened. With a swift movement she stormed through the curtains of her tent towards her bed to hide under the covers. She grabbed a pillow, held it against her face and screamed inside it. It was hard to tell if she felt excited or embarrassed. Felix kissed her, so why should she be worried about something? Maybe it was a test and she failed? Hell no, that would be some serious bullshit if that were the first explanation and she had seen his reaction. The way he held her and how he tasted heatened her up. Every cell inside her body craved for more.
No, what are you doing, she thought and shook her head, replaying that scenario in her head over and over again like a broken record. With a swift move she rolled onto her back and stared up at the curtain ceiling, hoping to find an answer to what her next step could be. If the lost boys would find out, they would never stop talking about it, maybe even start to think she was easy to have. Y/N gulped and squinted her eyes at the thought of them all trying to hit on her. Felix was different though. He was tall and intimidating, his cold stare would pierce through her with a burning desire and his smell intoxicated her mind. Whenever he was around, she could barely think straight, desperately wanting to figure out what laid beneath that cold facade. Never in a thousand years, she could have guessed that he liked her back. On the other hand, he was not able to make proper decisions drunkenly and maybe Y/N was encouraging herself too much. There was almost nothing she knew about the tall boy and falling for him that fast could only harm herself in the end. 
Y/N closed her eyes and brought her fingers to her lips, touching them, while imaging to feel Felix's on them again and remember what they tasted like. The second in command barely spoke to her and now that? There was definitely more behind it. It had to. Her other hand slowly wandered over her stomach to pull up the dress, slipping a finger inside to play with herself. It was not the first time she thought of him while touching herself, but this time something was off. Deep inside her something stopped Y/N, no matter how aroused she already was. She needed to talk to Felix. Under no circumstances she would let him ignore her for days again. Yanking the blanket away, Y/N jumped out of the bed and eagerly left the tent, turning her head furiously around to find the tall boy. He did not sit next to the others anymore and when she walked downhill to his cabin, she could feel her heart pumping furiously inside her chest. The girl stopped in front of the wooden door to knock and when no one answered she knocked again. 
"Felix!" She tried to be as loud as she could be while still not attracting someone else's attention. There was still no answer and she felt dumb for even thinking it was as easy as this to find him after the previous events. He could not be far, the lost boys still needed someone who had an eye on them before someone could get hurt. Their hollering was still audible and the bonfire in the distance let Y/N see a few of them behind the bushes. For a moment she thought of going back to the clearing again, hoping to find Felix there, but the thought of meeting Piggy alone now was no good. 
"Y/N." The girl suddenly heard Felix’s raspy voice behind her and she turned dazzled around, the warmest smile sitting on her lips. 
Felix swayed dizzily into her direction, closing the gap between them two while he tried to keep his balance. The lost boy's head was too high up, making it impossible to steal a kiss from him now. 
"What are you doing here? I told you to sleep." He asked nervously and pulled her away from his cabin towards the trees, his head constantly turning to look if someone watched. When he placed his hand on the girl's back again, his touch sent electric waves through her spine and she wondered how his slender finger would feel on her bare skin.
"Did you drink more?" She asked, noticing how he swayed more and the second in command vividly shook his head in response, grinning like a small boy on a sunny day. 
"You have."
"I can cleanly tell-"
"I am-," Felix grabbed Y/N gently by the back of her neck and pulled her in, his face coming closer again. "-Not. Drunk."
She started to laugh and leaned into his grip, bringing her own hand up to touch his scar. Felix's blue eyes melted when he felt her fingers, closing them and relaxing as her touch traced as light as a feather down his skin. He relaxed for a moment and enjoyed the touch on his scarred skin, before he suddenly woke out of trance.
"The boys better not see us." He cleared his throat and broke apart, letting go of her.
"No one saw us, Felix." His name echoed through the dark forest like honey and Y/N grabbed his hand tight- she was way smaller than his. The girl felt Felix's breath in her face, how his nose almost touched hers and before he could do anything she had already closed the gap between them two, pressing her lips against his. Felix moaned surprised into her mouth but instantly grabbed her cheeks and slid his tongue inside. She could still taste the liquor and wondered if she might have taken advantage of this situation. The tall boy's moans told her otherwise. He moved his hands slowly towards the girl's waist down to her ass, cupping it rough while her smell intoxicated his senses. 
"We shouldn't." He whispered and she heard him move even though it was too dark to see. Nevertheless Felix pressed himself harder against her and she felt through his pants how hard he already was from only kissing. 
"Why not." She breathed against his neck, leaving a trail of kisses.
"The boys," Felix said, his eyes rolling back with a soft moan when he felt her tongue on his throat. It was enough to convince the second in command, his fingers wandered over her delicate body, burying them inside her tender flesh. It's been a long time since someone touched Y/N and she could not resist the lost boy's demanding hands. He lifted her dress and wandered with his palm over her skin to the rim of the underwear, enjoying the small moans when his fingers wandered further to her inner thigh, drawing invisible circles on it.
"Felix…" His grip tightened when he heard the girl purr his sweet name in the most delicious way and he almost could not hold himself back to tear her clothes off right at this place. The lost boy dared to slip one of his fingers inside Y/N's panties and when she did not complain, he pushed his slender index inside of her, feeling how her soft walls tightened around him. If Felix had not realised it earlier, he knew at least by now how much she craved him when he felt how wet she already was. Y/N let out a gasp when he started to push his long finger in and out of her, causing the girl's legs to tremble and her knees to shiver in excitement. She closed her eyes, giving up trying to see something in the dark as she melted into Felix's arms, her face sliding down onto his shoulder. She found her balance by grabbing the lost boy's leg and then she realised that he was kneeling in front of her. Y/N was actually glad that the surroundings were pitch black, feeling her cheeks heating up in embarrassment from her uncontrollable sweet moans. Before she would absolutely lose her mind, the girl managed to push the lost boy slightly away from her while her hands moved down to his belt. Her fingertips ran over the leather and the lost boy instantly frowned at her touch, his whole body stiffened and he stopped moving for a second.  
"W-wait." He stammered, the adrenaline pushing the dizziness of the alcohol away. "I-I… never…" he continued and stopped, his hands wrapped around Y/N's wrist, insecurities overwhelming him as he held her in a safe distance. Now she really wished to see his face, well aware that he must look like earlier when he kissed her, startled and somehow shy.
"Well," she replied after a small pause, her voice echoing clear through the night, "Neither have I."
There was an awkward silence between them two and if the lost boy would not hold her by her hips, she would probably believe he was gone by now. The second in command was embarrassed for no reason, what did he fear? Y/N had no clue how to do this and if she was honest, it was way more appealing that Felix was a virgin, too, even though she did not expect that. All the time she thought he was so confident and now he was so vulnerable to her. The lost boy still did not speak, so she bent into another kiss, hoping to catch his lips in the dark. Felix gasped when he felt her lips on his scar and pulled the girl back in.  This was good, they did not need to talk- should not talk. It would only make this weird. Talking would come naturally. Felix grabbed Y/N's hands gently and brought them back to his belt for her to continue what she had started. She let her fingers trail over the leather to his buckle to open it, enjoying the moment when she opened the button of his pants and slowly pulled down his zipper. The lost boy moaned inside her mouth when she slid her hand into his pants, pumping his hardened cock as best as the tight cotton would allow her to. Felix noticed her struggle and broke apart from the kiss to lift himself up and take off his clothes. Y/N heard how each piece of clothing dropped onto the ground while she waited to be told to do the same. 
"Should I keep my dress on or-"
"Keep it on." Felix ordered and chuckled to himself, then pulled her back against him, his cock pressing against her stomach. The lost boy let his hands slide under the girl's dress and pulled down her panties for more access, then kneeled naked in front of her while his fingers did their magic. They felt so long and strange, making Y/N wonder if she could even handle Felix's cock. He already felt so big in her hand when she touched him again, fully exposed and hardened. The lost boy lifted one of her legs over his broad shoulder and before Y/N could even figure out what he was doing, Felix pressed his tongue against her clit. She let out a surprised gasp and giggled at the ticklish sensation. The lost boy felt how tense her leg was and reached for the girl's hand, holding it and drawing invisible circles on her palm. 
"Relax." He lifted his head and lightly squeezed her fingers, caressing it a little, then pushed his mouth against her slit, his hot breath warming her as his tongue slid over her clit. The comfort of his touch relaxed Y/N instantly as if the lost boy had enchanted her somehow. He pressed his rough tongue harder against her, burying his face between her legs as he ate her out. The girl could not control herself to keep her from moaning, but led the boy's pace with it, whenever something felt good. He buried his nails into the tender flesh of her thighs and with a swift move he pushed the girl down onto the ground, pushing his fingers faster into her. She could not tell which was tongue or fingers, the overflowing sensation spread inside her body up to her eyes as she felt how she got closer to her orgasm. When Felix’s jaw started to ache he broke apart, breathing heavily and leaving Y/N craving for more on the cold ground in the exact moment she would almost finish. Without saying a word the lost boy pulled himself up to her, placing some sloppy kisses on her mouth before placing his arms next to her, so that his weight would not be too much.
"I want you so much." He panted while he slowly let his thumb circle over her aroused clit. 
"Felix-" She pressed her lips onto his and stroked his hardened dick and pulled his torso closer to lead him to her wet entrance. The lost boy let out an uncontrollable moan as he pressed his dick against her dripping slit that already craved him so hard, slowly gliding in to make the girl feel every piece of his mighty cock. He stayed in this position for a moment to adjust this feeling and Y/N felt herself tighten around him, excitement overwhelming her body along with the smell of the lost boy intoxicating her mind.
"Fuck!" Felix hissed as he started to move in a steady motion. His lips caught her once more, pulling her into a long, passionate kiss. Y/N took a sharp breath and pushed her hand against his abdomen, when the lost boy moved, feeling like getting torn apart by him. The lost boy stopped for a moment, shoving one arm under her neck to hold her while his lips softly traced over her chest. After a short moment,  Felix moved again. Y/N buried her nails into his skin and rolled her eyes back as the lost boy thrusted into her core, slowly feeling herself relaxing in this position after a few strokes. The pain faded away and she melted into Felix's body as if he was meant to hold her. The sweetest words kept unsaid, too embarrassing, too emotional, still, there was something inside them both that felt more than just enjoying sex. It was Felix who took her virginity and the thought of being the one who took his let her heart skip faster. The second in command felt like a dream,- his sweaty, hot skin pressed tight against hers, his abs flexed and hardened during every move and he was just so fucking tall. Felix moved both of his hands down and cupped her naked butt, lifting Y/N up and pressing her against the bark of a tree. He buried his fingers into her tender flesh and left a trail of kisses on her neck as far as he would reach her. The lost boy held Y/N as if she weighed nothing, pressing her body tightly against his skin. She could not resist sinking her teeth into his neck, sucking on the delicate spot until she was sure he would not leave without a mark. As soon as Felix realised what she was doing, he pulled her head back by her hair. To his own surprise, she let out a light moan, feeling even more excited from his big hand in them. 
"The boys can't know." Felix purred into Y/N's ear before he licked over her neck, sinking his teeth lightly into her shoulder to hold him back from letting out another moan. 
"Harder!" The girl commanded for Felix's surprise, who had already thought he was already being too rough with her. The lost boy followed the order, pressing himself tighter against her before he paced up, pumping in and out. The sudden sensation flooded Y/N's body and she knew there was something building up inside her, an indescribable feeling of being high. Felix moans got higher, sometimes even stuck in his throat and she was sure he was close too and that he desperately wanted to climax. Before she could realise it, Felix swayed them back onto the ground, gripping her ankles and pressing them against his legs as she wrapped her arms around his neck to capture the lost boy in another kiss. 
"I am almost-" Felix spoke in a hoarse tone. It was so dark and Y/M really wished she could see his face at this moment. Felix was so vulnerable right now and even though his moans were the most beautiful melody in her ears, just the thought of a short glimpse of his face made her feel hotter.
"Felix." She purred when he suddenly hit a spot that would not stop making her feel like being on ecstasy. 
"I-." She gasped when the knot inside her stomach released and she felt her orgasm roaring through her body with thousands of tiny, electric waves. Jaw clenched and eyes pinched, Felix gave it to her in short, powerful bursts, filling her up with throbbing pumps. His abs flexed and his hands tightened around her ankles. He cursed. His body tensed, and she swore she felt his cock pulsing inside of her as he came in waves, thrusting in and out until he felt himself getting soft.
"Fuck…" Felix let her legs fall to the side as he bent to rest his head on her sweaty chest. "That was…"
She combed her fingers through his messy hair, almost out of words how incredibly good she felt. "That was something."
"Yeah." He kissed the spot between her breasts, "It was."
Felix pulled his dick out, not even seeing the mess he made but still wanting more. Neither of them wanted that night to end and for a while, Felix tried to find his clothes and Y/N thought of how she would clean herself up.
"C'mon." Felix whispered and she heard him step away. 
"Wait!" Y/N called and quickly grabbed her underwear- well, the only choice right now-, cleaning herself with it, before running after the tall blonde and crashing into his back.
"Easy, love." He chuckled and grabbed her under one of his arms and strutted towards the dark in one direction, knowing this place perfectly, even drunkenly and without light. 
"Where are we going?" The girl asked after what felt like an eternity for her, but in reality it was just a few minutes. The trees left some space for the moonlight now and gave her a chance to take a peak from the second in command's happy face. His cheeks were dyed a deep scarlet and his hair hung messy and full sweat down his face. 
"Trust me." He said and paced a little up before he came to halt in front of a big tree, the ladder up to it vanished behind some leaves. Felix climbed up first and lifted the girl up into the tree house when reached the trap door. Felix moved towards a small night desk and lit up a candle. As soon as the light flooded the room, Y/N saw the small cot and a self-made desk under one of the closed windows. 
"I built it myself." The lost boy grinned and proudly watched the awe in her face. She swirled around and looked at some little carvings that were placed on the wooden table. Some of them looked like her. When Y/N's eyes detected the little sculpture, she finally understood why she never saw the results and why he burned one earlier. The girl turned around to say something, but Felix stopped her immediately. Before she could say anything, Felix dropped down onto one knee and pulled her into a kiss. His tongue slid over her lips, begging for permission to enter. Without thinking about it, she opened her mouth and felt the lost boy's hand on her hips, pressing her against his body. 
"I never thought you would like me too." Felix moaned and eagerly kissed his way down her neck, back to her face and lips, repeating the same thing on the other side and showing how hungry he still was for the girl. Felix clearly had not been touched in a while, just like Y/N, so it was quite natural that they immediately would have a moment like this sooner or later. But why Felix? What was about him that made Y/N constantly crave more, causing her to feel like an addict without his drugs, whenever his lips left hers? Her cheeks heated up and she smiled in the kiss, thinking of the previous events, how Felix's hands felt on her skin. It was special to be with him and the girl's instincts told her that it was more than just sex, that Felix wanted more, too. 
"I want you again." Felix licked over his lips and looked at Y/N through half-opened eyes before he slowly melted back into another kiss, this time slow and passionate, synchronising with her while his hands moved down her hips and legs. He gently rubbed his hand against her inner thigh and wandered towards her crotch, to shove a finger inside her still wet hole. He smirked dirty when he felt his mess. Y/N wanted him so much, just like he craved her, maybe even a little more. 
"I want to get naked all night long." Felix purred as he pushed his fingers inside and out of Y/N, her light moans echoing in his ears. Without further commands, the girl slipped the dress over her shoulder, letting it elegantly slide down her now exposed body. Felix's cheeks flushed up into the deepest red, his eyes admiring every sight of her that he desired for so long, and truth be told, he was in awe. When the cotton touched the floor, the lost boy grabbed for the hem of his own shirt and ripped it off, then quickly unbuttoned his pants before he crossed them with his underwear through the room. When Felix pinned her down and pulled Y/N into another kiss, he was already hard again, his hot skin burning against hers as her mind drifted off into a feeling of ecstasy. The way Felix's hands trailed down her body gave her chills once more, kept her warm and made her feel wanted. 
"Pan would kill us for this." She mumbled into the kiss when the girl thought of how he protected her earlier, something he never did before and sure did not keep unnoticed to the other boys as well. It worried Y/N for a moment, thinking about how Pan always found out every secret, no matter how little it was. And this was definitely not a small secret, something that could be obvious to others. Or maybe Y/N was just paranoid. 
"Relax." Felix said, frowning at her words as if the same thought had bothered him for a while now, too. "He isn't here. He won't find out."
The blonde boy rolled over onto his back, pulling the girl with him so she would straddle him. The light of the candle danced over his sharp features, letting it shine in an orange light that spread down to his muscles, constantly catching her eyes as if they were glued on him. Felix always looked beautiful in the orange light of the fire. Every night she would catch herself staring at him. He was perfect. 
"You look so beautiful." Felix whispered more to himself than to her, then wiped some hair out of her face. "Unbelievable that someone like you chose someone weird like me."
Before Y/N could correct him, the second in command already captured her lips with his own, burying one hand in her hair while he kneaded one of her breasts with the other one. His words only flattered the girl and she felt the burning desire to finally be one with him again and melt into his body. Felix gasped at her touch and moaned into her mouth when she wrapped her hand around his dick, slowly pumping up and down while gently rubbing at the delicate tip. His member felt long and thick in her hands, but did not scare her off like earlier. Placing the tip at her wet entrance, she slowly slid down onto him, relieved that the lost boy did not push against back,. The stretching feeling made her feel like getting torn apart all over again and she  gave herself a moment to adjust to the size. The lost boy rolled his eyes back and shut them with a loud moan when he felt her walls tightened around, rubbing his thumbs against the tender flesh of her  hips, when she finally started to slowly move up and down. Seeing the ruthless second in command like this was really stunning and lovely to look at. Felix's mouth was slightly agape and the muscles on his forehead were constantly twitching, moving his eyebrows constantly around. Never had Y/N seen so much emotion in his face before. She  pressed her body against the lost boy and sucked at the tender part of Felix's neck. The lost boy used that moment as a chance to turn her over, holding Y/N tight in his arm, the other one holding his weight so he would not suffocate her while he was pumping in and out. Y/N moaned in ecstasy and ran her hands over his muscular back, feeling his skin against them and how his sweat dropped onto her body. She placed her legs on each side of his, clearly noticing the height difference and feeling like a delicate doll as he embraced her. Felix paced up and she rolled her eyes back when he entered in another angle to come even deeper. She never wanted this to stop and kept feeling how the lost boy filled her with his thick manhood, smelling his scent and feeling his hot skin burning against hers. Felix kissed his way down to her chest and caught one of her nipples between his lips, lightly starting to suck on them and intensing it with each time he thrusted in. These were the final strokes that caused Y/N's legs to shiver and tense up every muscle in her body as her climax roared through her whole body, up into her eyes into the back of her head. The lost boy grabbed Y/N's shoulders and when he came, too, the light of the candles danced in his beautiful, scrunched up face. It was a lie to say she did not like that view and the squeaking sound he made when Felix felt his orgasm deep inside her with throbbing pumps. Felix rolled next to the girl, trying to catch his breath and when he did so, he grabbed a towel from the bed for her. 
"We could have used the bed." Y/N broke the soothing silence after a while and Felix chuckled, then nodded in agreement.  
"Next time." He grinned, pulling his boxers up and placing himself back onto the ground. His eyes did not stop looking at the girl while she grabbed her dress and pulled it back over herself. For a long time they just looked at each other, laughing and giggling, kissing each other but remaining silent. This was clearly something none of them expected to happen. 
"What do you see in me?" Y/N suddenly asked, caughting the lost boy off guard, his facial expression went into full confusion. It took him a moment to think about her question before he simply smiled. His eyes would always melt at her sight and in that moment she needed no words from him to realise how much he was in love with her. The lost boy pulled Y/N closer to him and placed her head against his chest, lifted her on his arms and carried her to the bed where he would let himself fall onto the soft mattress. His legs hung over the wooden frame as he gently rubbed his hands over her back while listening to the beat of his heart. 
"I would never let anyone harm you." His voice was just a warm breeze on her earlobe, tickling her like a gentle kiss. 
"What about Pan?" She asked after a while and took a glimpse at his relaxed face and how her question did not seem to have woken any worries inside him now. He had brushed it off earlier.
"I think, actually, he knew way before me." Felix chuckled low and shook his head unbelieving. "He gave me a chance I got wasted."
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lemonlushff-iy · 4 years
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Do you want to play a game?
You do? Good.
You know how these games work if you’ve ever seen one of Clearwillow’s...but game rules are HERE since it’s slightly different! I hope this is fun for people...that was my goal! And I hope you catch the “Easter Eggs” in it. I’m curious how many people will find them all. 
I’ll post everything once it’s done on FFN and AO3, and you can catch what I’m doing for @clearwillow‘s game early on my Patreon HERE! (It might be more smut...It might be fluff. WHO KNOWS! It will be OLR related...and it will go up as soon as it’s finished!)
Special thanks to @underwater0phelia​ for kink help and @clearwillow​ for additional edits...and the IYFF BC for brainstorming! Art by @clearwillow​ for @eringobroke​ - used and edited with permission. 
And now without further ado... The first treat (aka, the “freebie”).
Starting Fires
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the Inuyasha universe.
"Inuyasha, stop," Kagome giggled, trying to wriggle out of his hold as he pressed wet kisses up her neck. "I don't want to burn your bacon…"
"It's just bacon," he reasoned, his hands sliding up under her shirt. Or should he say his shirt? Fuck...there wasn't a better sight in the world than his best friend...his best girl...Kagome...Wearing his shirt in their kitchen in their house. Now that he had her again, he weren't never letting go of her. "I don't mind eating something else for breakfast."
"You will when your stomach is rumbling later," she blushed, grabbing his hands and pulling them down, his fingers grazing over the lace fabric of her panties. "Behave yourself and go grab a cup of coffee."
"I'd rather grab your—"
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She reprimanded, flipping the bacon in the pan. He placed a gentle nip to the side of her neck before moving away from her, a disappointed pout on his lips.
"Fine. But let it be known that I'm doing it under protest," he grumbled, moving to his cabinet to pull out a mug.
"Your protest has been duly noted, Sir," she teased, turning away from the stove to pick up her own cup of coffee. She brought it to her lips, sipping from it as she watched Inuyasha pour himself some. Their life together felt so surreal still. It felt strange to wake up in their house and cook them breakfast.
But it was a good kind of surreal.
The kind where she found herself pinching her arm to make sure it wasn't all some crazy dream. This was their life. And...she loved it.
"Mmm," he moaned, taking a sip from his cup. "As good as ever, Kags," he grinned toothily, and she risked entering his personal space to press another kiss to his lips.
"Glad you like it," she replied, running away from him again when he moved to squeeze her ass. She removed their bacon and eggs from the pan as a text message chimed on both of their phones, and Inuyasha raised a brow in curiosity. She watched him slide his thumb across the screen, before muttering out a low "Huh" as he read the text.
"What is it?" she asked, picking up their plates and placing them onto the island.
"See for yourself," he shrugged, placing the phone down next to her plate. "It's from Sango."
That already piqued her curiosity. Kagome picked up the phone, leaning over the countertop as she read it.
"Hey Guys!" She began aloud. "Miroku and I decided to throw a Halloween party this year. We know it's a bit last minute, but we were hoping you guys could come since you aren't heading back out to California like you thought. Let us know if you can make it! Trying to plan in terms of food. Love you!"
"Love you too," he grinned, and she couldn't stop the shy smile even if she wanted to. She didn't think she would ever get tired of hearing that again from him. The words were like a balm to her soul.
"What do you think?" Kagome asked, handing him his phone back as he began digging his fork into his eggs.
"Up to you," he shrugged. He really didn't care either way. He was just glad he didn't have to go out to California with her. Though, to tell the truth, he wouldn't have minded. They could have had a night in...just the two of them...And he was always a fan of nights in with her. But..."We can go. I know you wanna…"
It was true too. He had seen the way her eyes lit up when she was reading that message. The way she was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. Kagome didn't want to spend the night in. She wanted to spend her first Halloween back in Montana at a party with old friends.
He shrugged.
"Don't matter either way. I'm fine going. I'm fine staying home and fucking ya seven ways from Sunday."
"What! It's tha truth," he replied with a smirk. "And you can't tell me ya don't like the sound of it," he continued, running his tongue over his fangs. The cute little blush he pulled from her was worth it.
"Well...How about a compromise?"
He paused, lifting his brow in curiosity.
"Go on…"
"What if we went to the party...Just for an hour or two...and then afterward we can come home and have sex? Oh! We can even wear couple's costumes again!"
The phrase couples costume made his butt clench so tight he could probably twist off a beer cap with his cheeks.
"I'll agree to go to the party...but not the couple's costume."
"But Yash," she whined, coming around the island to take his hands. "That's part of the fun…"
"I'll wear something slutty?"
"N—" He began, ready to tell her no again when his brain processed her offer. "Keep talking."
"I'll wear something slutty and sexy?"
"...Uh-huh...And what else?"
"...And you get to take it off of me?"
He almost said yes...but he was a greedy fucker. He was probably gonna take it off of her even if she hadn't offered that.
"Do I get to do more than that?"
"You mean other than wear a matching outfit?"
"I do."
"Well," she began, tilting her head to the side and pursing her lips in thought. "I'm assuming that sex is a given…"
"But you can say it anyway, and make it interesting," he shrugged. If he was going to get roped into this...because he was going to say yes, because he loved her...then he wanted to squeeze as much as he could out of this.
"Ok...If you do it, sex is on the table...and I'll also add you picking the place and position," she decided, causing his eyes to light up.
Place and position huh?
"Well...In that case Darling, you've got yourself a deal!"
Her childlike squeal and the way she giddily clapped her hands, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, made him feel like he made the right decision.
"Now let's talk costumes…"
He groaned, shaking his head and digging his fork into the eggs on his plate.
Then again...Maybe not…
He let her prattle on for a while, running different ideas past him...But he knew that it ultimately wouldn't matter. He was going to give in to whatever she wanted. If she wanted him to go as a hot dog, and she was going to be a bottle of mustard? That was what was going to happen. Wasn't sure how she could make it sexy...but sure. Her call. Prince and Princess? No fighting it. Batman and Catwoman…
It had piqued his interest, but she almost instantly changed her mind. The cowl would be uncomfortable for his ears.
So, she decided on a fireman and a dalmatian. He looked over at her phone when she held up a picture of the costume she had found for him and sighed.
"That's what you want?"
It didn't look too bad. And it looked like he could maybe get away with just wearing the pants. He was going to have to be sneaky about it though...He could do just a t-shirt and those pants.
"Please?" she beseeched, batting her long lashes at him. "It will be so cute! And you'll look so good!"
He tilted his head to the side, and she chewed the inside of his lip as she watched him roll her suggestion around in his head. She really liked the fireman outfit. She thought it would be fun! And he would look good in it too...She could already picture him slowly taking off the jacket to reveal his bare torso...the suspenders holding up his pants hanging limply at the sides as he slowly peeled himself out of—
"—What are you thinking about Kagome?"
She looked up at his face and saw him looking at her, a smirk stretching his lips as he limply held the phone, leaning down across the island.
"N-nothing," she blushed, swiping out to grab the phone from him, but he pulled it away from her at the last second.
"Nu-uh. I can smell it when you're lying…and I can smell it when you're—"
She insisted, grabbing the phone from him this time, and his grin turned predatory.
"Ain't nothing, or you wouldn't be smelling like that," he countered cheekily before his gaze began to darken. "Ya know...You don't have to keep that bottled up…"
"Inuyasha," she warned as he straightened, running his carefully filed and declawed fingers along the island countertop as he slowly came around to her side.
He was ignoring her, however.
"Kagome," he replied, closing in on her in just a few short strides. "Were you thinking about me in that fireman outfit?"
Sometimes she swore he could read her mind.
"Liar," he purred, placing his hands onto the granite top on either side of her hips. He had effectively trapped her...and he was looking at her like prey.
It made her swallow because her mouth was suddenly dry. And made her lower abdomen heat. The intensity and desire in his gaze...the slight glint of fang in the morning light…
Fucking hell...She wanted to be his prey. Wanted to be captured and eaten and...eaten…
He inhaled deeply, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lowly moaned, "Fuck Kags…"
"W-what," she swallowed, and his smirk widened into a fangy grin before his lips crashed into hers.
I WILL ONLY DO THIS WALL OF TAGS ONCE! All future treats will be completely hidden under cuts so I don’t spam everyone’s timeline with in your face kink!
@clearwillow, @keichanz, @dangerouspompadour, @nartista, @kaze-ranna, @superpixie42, @sticky-llama-perfection, @pinkpigeonstudio, @mcornilliac, @itzatakahashi, @zelink-inukag, @juliatheanimelover7, @i-dream-of-soup, @smmahamazing, @the-lucky-ones311, @cyncyn981, @animemomma96, @ayari17, @underwater0phelia, @sailorbabydoll92, @l-taisho29, @animelove1313, @littlemissinukag​, @gofoulpuppycollector, @umacaking, @chanin29​,  @willowandfog​, @lebiishoujo​, @theinuyashareader​, @bluejay785​, @irrationalandimpossible​, @cstorm86​, @ruddcatha​, @desiree239​, @littledaisy91​, @liz8080​, @cannibalsforbreakfast​, @horriblehowl​, @arcprz​, @daisy-st-pati3nce​, @senneth-pendra​, @nsr0716​, @eringobroke​, @kagometaishostory​, @thisshipisbananahs​, @sunsetskys​, @ajoy3fanfics​, @sangoslays​, @v0dka-cat​, @cloudsz04​, @lavendertwilight89​, @yurawiththegoodhair​, @saturnsilence​, @lavaffair​, @blairex​, @fawn-eyed-girl​, @fandomobsessions016​, @neutronstarchild​, @preciouslyours​, @kalsies​, @shnuggletea​, @ladyphoenix0711​, @littlestuffstohide​
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