g0ose-bumps · 8 months
Soap Gets a Visitor
Soap and Ghost but cat edition™.
There was a cat staring at him from the halls of their base. It was sitting in front of his door and it's fur was a striped tawny brown. The size of it threw him off; it was shockingly massive for what looked to be a tabby. There was a hard glint in it's eyes that made it look remarkably human in its distaste.
Soap stares back. He rubs a hand over his eyes tiredly. It was a strange day when he was hallucinating indifferent cats right outside his doorway. Soap should really wake up now.
He wipes his face more vigorously and closes his eyes. Counts to ten and opens them. The cat was still there. This time it looked even more unamused at him. Feline features showing a minute displeasure in the way it grimaced.
Soap boggles for a second. If he wasn't dreaming then that meant there actually was a cat on base. He couldn't believe the balls on whoever brought the cat in. They were really pushing their luck. Aside from working dogs, animals weren't allowed and even then, Soap tried his hardest to avoid them. Dogs and Soap had never gotten along. The scars from his last encounter were just another reminder of that.
The bushy ringed tail of the cat swishes on the ground, thumping loudly at the flooring. The sound shocks him from his stupor and draws his focus to the black tip that was waving jerkily by his feet. The cat seemed to be annoyed at Soap's lack of attention on it and was handily showing him its ire.
Soap makes a quick decision. It wasn't every day he got to pet a cat, and despite Soap's poor relationship with dogs, he liked cats. They were more prone to giving him space and walking away when they had enough. And he couldn't help but have a fondness for them; they reminded him of a certain lieutenant of his afterall.
Soap furtively checks for anyone around. It would be best if there were no witnesses. He didn't want to get sent to latrine duty if he was caught. Soap just knew Price would do it if he had any inkling that he was going to let the cat stay with him till he found its owner.
It was only going to be a couple hours anyway and it was better for everyone if he had the cat in his room. He couldn't let the animal roam around the base unattended.
The sergeant crouches down and offers a hand. The cat only wrinkles it's nose and backs away from the hand.
"Yer a tough customer." He chuckles softly. "Ye remind me of someone I ken." He tells the disinterested animal.
It pauses, yellow green eyes tracking him curiously.
Soap grins and withdraws his hand. "Curious now?" A tail swishes impatiently. "Aye, ye are aren't ya." He replies back teasingly.
The cat gets up and stretches, it's mouth opening to show off its teeth in a large meandering yawn. Soap felt he could relate. He'd been wakened by scratching at the door. According to his beside clock, it was 0400 hours. Too early for anyone not on a night rotation to be up.
Ghost would be up though—albeit on duty. Soap was a little tempted to go and find the man. See how he'd react to the animal. Soap wasn't sure if they'd get along. Ghost liked dogs, but that didnt mean the reticent man would like cats too. Maybe the cat and Ghost would get into a cat fight and hiss at each other; it was a possibility.
Soap widens his door open and scoots back a few steps, crouching down low to encourage the cat to come in with low pss, pss, noises. He holds out a hand just in case the cat decided to rub against it for pets.
The cat only wrinkles it's whiskers and saunters through the door, pass his outstretched fingers. It had the sort of feline grace that was inherent to all cats (and a ghost) that made it seem like they owned the place and was only deigning to come in cause they felt like it and not because you wanted it to.
Soap was already halfway in love.
Despite the dimness of his room, it jumps neatly on Soap's bed, nudging around his sheets for the best spot to lay in. The cat seemed eerily focused on the bed. Soap couldn't help but find it a bit strange. Not that he had any experience in this exact circumstance, but usually animals tended to investigate new areas first. Though it did made sense if the cat was someone's pet and thus, was already used to the general layout. The sergeants room was just a basic copy of every other private room available.
The cat wiggled around some, deciding to lie in the exact centre of the bed. Soap snorts. "You're a demanding one, aren't ya." He sighs, a little helplessly. Warmth spread across his chest like weeds sprouting in pavement. God help him but he always did like the hard to please type.
Soap closes the door quietly. He carefully creeps up to his bed, wanting to see if he could pet the cat. With each step closer, the cat straightens up from its sprawl. It's ears flicks back for a moment and then eases. "I'm nae gonna hurt ye." Soap murmurs softly.
For all that the cat invited itself in, it seemed to be wrestling with itself in whether to flee or not. Closer up, he can see the fine scars that ran the bridge of its nose. It's eyes appeared to be set in a permanent glare. Soap was struck by the resemblance.
"Ye really do remind me of Ghost." Soap tells it wonderingly.
The cat freezes and it's ears flatten out showing the white spot on the backs. Soap manages to get one step away from it and lays a hand out near its mouth. He knew he was gambling. Leaving his hand vulnerable to bites was something only a fool would do. But some instinct of his told him he just had to be patient and outwait the cat.
It's white jaw twitches as if it wanted to bite. Soap waits. The cat bores a hole into him. There's a weighty pause, both of them seemed intent to wait and see what the other did first.
Soap thinks. It seemed to like hearing about Ghost, maybe talking about him would help.
"Ghost was like this too with me." He says.
The cat's orange tinged face scrunches up. "He was!" Soap argues. "He didn't like me talking to him at all." A wry grin forms on his mouth at the memories.
"But I wore him down." Soap inches closer against the bed, one finger touch away from the cat's scarred face. It's long whiskers twitches and it's eyes were dead set on him.
"Yer a bonnie one." He whispers to it.
The cat freezes. Soap takes a leap and strokes the side of its striped cheek. It was so soft Soap wanted to cry. At the touch, the rigidness of the cat melts away. It's tensed muscles unclench, visibly relaxing.
Soap does it again. A deep purr erupts from its chest, eyes closing blissfully as Soap rubs the base of its spotted ears.
"Yer just a big softie underneath the scars." He whispers, more to himself than anything. The words pour out like the fingers that ran a line down the curve of the cat's spine. It's back arched to follow his hand. He could feel the thick muscle and scars that hid beneath the striped fur. It's purrs going deeper still, vibrations shaking the white tuff on its chest.
The cat's striking eyes shut, caught on the bliss of Soap's careful hands.
Soap shifts despite himself, a pained exhale coming from his throat as he moved. His kneeling position by the bed was starting to hurt. The cats eyes open at the sound of Soap's pained grunt.
It got up shakily and walked to the far corner of his bed, away from Soap. "No, don't go." Soap pleads. He wanted to keep on stroking it's soft fur, but if the cat didn't want him to then he'd better give it some more space.
He gets up onto his feet and makes to move away. A plaintive meow stops him in his tracks. He turns to see pleading yellow eyes stare back at him. The cat seemed to want him to get on the bed and pet it some more.
"So demanding. Just like The Ghost." He grins. "Don't tell him I said this, but he's just a needy big guy like yerself. Ye both soak up attention like yer starving for it." Soap muses.
The cat's tail lashes at the remark. "Ach, don't be so mad." He shushes, coming closer to the bed and sitting on the side. "It's not's a bad thing—" Soap swings a foot carefully on to the bed. "Being needy that is." He finishes softly to the cat.
"I wish Ghost needed me more." Soap confides.
The cat's paw raises as if it wanted to push him away. It's all tensed up again, a hunch rising on its back. "It's okay." Soap croons. A hum grows from his throat. He shuffles closer, sheets ruffling up under his movements.
"We all need some love in our life." He lets a couple fingers hover near the cat's face. The cat stands dead still, it doesn't even appear to breath.
Soap rubs the top of its head near some of the scarring. Motor boat purrs stutter and start, sounding more like an engine than feline. It was shockingly loud. Even the cat looked surprised at the intensity.
He was beginning to think the animal wasn't anyone's pet, or at least not any longer. The cat didn't seem used to physical affection. It was scarily alike Ghost in all ways. Soap could tell that just like his lieutenant, those fine scars on its face and body went far deeper than the physical. It seemed simultaneously too confident and skittish with human contact.
Soap continues his mission to have the animal melt into mush. He carefully massages behind its ears and strokes underneath its chin. It seemed to like it. It's purrs taking up the whole room. The cat relaxes even more, going from solid to liquid. It resembled a lazy puddle more than an alert predator. Soap's heart swells until it feels fit to burst. The cat liked him!
Soap gets comfortable on the bed, fully enraptured by the animal sprawled out on it. The cat yawns again, it's eyes drooping in its apparent tiredness. Soap felt tired too. It was just so nice—having company right next to him, so warm and alive that wanted his affection.
His hand falters. He yawns. His eyes shut close. Everything felt like a hazy dream. If only Ghost was here, it'd be perfect. Soap could already imagine it: a nice cottage out in the countryside, a cat slinking around, going as it pleased and a gravely voice and an even more gravely body to cuddle up to. "Wish Ghost was here." He rambles to it tiredly. "I'd think you'd fall in love with him too." Tiredness draws heavy eyes shut.
"Just like I did."
Darkness chases his eyes. The sound of purrs drowns the rest.
Soap sleeps.
Soap wakes up. He was lying on his bed over the covers. Strange. Wait. The cat. Where was the cat?
He looks around, trying to catalogue any sign of that bushy black tail but to no avail. He gets up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and checks his closet and underneath his bed. Still nothing. He checks to make sure the door was closed. Yup. Closed. His clock beeps at him shrilly. Shite. He had to go.
Soap readies up to go, making sure he got his boots on right and his sheets tucked properly. The cat would have to wait. If it was even there at all. It might have been all some dream of his. Though if it really wasn't a dream, the cat wouldn't have been able to leave his room without being able to suddenly open a door knob with no opposible thumb.
Regardless, he was going to be late if he dawdled longer. He rushes out of his door, not wanting a lecture from Price. Soap only got three metres from the doorframe before slamming right into something solid, large and black. Ghost.
"Sorry Lt." He chokes looking up, embarrassment colouring his cheeks pink. Ghost looks at him oddly. Something about his heavy gaze made the man appear vaguely embarrassed to Soap. Perhaps it was the visible squint in the lines around his eyes. Ghost had decided to forgo eyeblack this morning.
Ghost grunts at him.
"Ye happen to see a cat anywhere, sir?" Soap rubs a hand back his neck nervously. "Big tabby with a black tip?"
Ghost stiffens. "No." He barks agrivatedly and leaves. Soap is left watching the rapidly retreating back of his lieutenant.
Soap blinks. He could've sworn he saw the man blushing at what he said in the brief look he managed before the man beat a hasty retreat. There was a heavy red on the visible patch of skin. It was a noticeable departure from the sallow colour of the man's skin.
Did Ghost somehow know the cat?
One thing for sure, Ghost knew more than he was saying.
Soap was going to find out what.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 3 months
Thinking of werewolf ghost but my mind just kind of went "what if he was a werecat??" And I'm going to explode
Just him having more like cat-like sort of behaviors before it gets dark out on a day a full moon js supposed to happen, Ghost can't really help that he's hissing at anything that bothers him but it's slightly embarrassing.
But werecat!ghost is just like a big house cat, not really able to talk so he'll just meow and stare up at anyone with those big ole eyes.
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Okay I'm going to blow up now byeeee💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
I adore this btw
He's hissing and doing that very unthreatening growl that cats do- he's so stupid /pos
He's sitting right by a window where the sun is and if anyone stood in front of his sun spot he hissed and narrowed his eyes
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sakura-rose12 · 11 months
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The Monster Magical Girls!!
Still subject to change, but this is the gist of them!
Gotta think of a general title for their story. Maybe how a lot of anime is named now: We’ve Been Cursed To Be Magical Girl Monsters!? 😂😂
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cookiehana · 7 months
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howlingday · 5 months
Jaune go's to a monster school au. He is a Human aloud to go because his family His ability and his abundance of Mana. He was never that how to use it the So, despite getting similar results to other students, he uses absurd amounts of manna on stuff that really should abuse that much. Weiss is a vampier, rwby werewolf, yang a dragon, penny a golem, Blake is a werecat, Ren a ghost, Nora a Valkyrie, pariah is a demigod daughter of Aries.
Jaune: Hi, I'm Jaune. Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, and rolls of the tongue. The ladies love it~.
Jaune: ...Okay, maybe they don't now, but they will! Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk about. See, I kind of need to vent, and this is the only way I really can.
Jaune: But what do I have to vent about? I have a great family, a lot of great friends, and a bright future ahead of me! I just... have to survive until I reach it.
Jaune: ...Let me start over. My name is Jaune Arc, the only son born to the Arc family, who are one of the few families on Remnant with access to mana, or magic. I'm not very good at it, but I'm good enough to not be allowed to go to normal, regular people school.
Jaune: So that's why I'm attending Beacon's Light Academy of Magic, which was explained to me at one of the four "Great Mage" academies in Remnant, along with Atlas's Might, Haven's Garden, and Vacuo's End. It's not so bad so far, since I'm learning a lot at Beacon with my best friend, Ruby Rose.
Jaune: What's for lunch, Ruby?
Ruby: (Sniffs) Mm... Beef...
Jaune: What else?
Ruby: Uh... I don't know. Why? The only thing you need to eat is beef, pork, and chicken, right?
Jaune: Uh...
Jaune: See, Ruby is a werewolf. Yeah. You heard me. Half-human, half-wolf. I don't really know what the story is, since I don't really pry into her business, but Ruby basically has what's called "primal mana," which is magic based on tapping into your most base instincts and emotions, like fear, anger, and hunger. She's usually cool, except on the days that have full moons later that night, then she gets super irritable. She can still go to day classes, but she has to go to the safety bunker before... Well, based on the claw marks I see getting fixed the next morning, it's something super bad. Like, so bad, Weiss can't go to her night classes.
Jaune: Oh, speaking of Weiss, she's also my friend, and I kinda have crush on her. ...Okay, she's not really my friend yet. More of a friend of a friend. But I'm getting there, I think. But it might be best for me to keep my distance from her because the reason I can only see her so few times is because...
Jaune: Oh, uh, h-hey, Weiss!
Weiss: For the love of... Good morning, Jaune.
Jaune: So, uh, how... How were your classes?
Weiss: Fine, Jaune.
Jaune: Cool, cool... So, uh... Do you... wanna get some... blood?
Weiss: (Puts her book down)
Weiss: (Slowly turns to look at him, Bewildered)
Jaune: ...Is that a no?
Jaune: Look, if someone as flat and uninteresting as romance novel teens can get vampires, why shouldn't I try my luck? You know, besides the fact that I'm Type-O and probably a better meal than a friend to her. Nevertheless, I will keep trying... until she tells me she wants nothing to do with me. Which she hasn't. Yet. But she won't! Maybe.
Jaune: Anyway, being a vampire is kind of a double-edged lottery sword. It's part of something called "genesis mana," or "Blood Magic". Only people of a certain bloodline can access this, but it also curses your family to become some kind of monster, like a vampire, a wendigo, or even a werewolf. And that's why the Schnee family is so picky about who hangs out with who. My dad used to tell me that some families turn away suitors because "certain blood dulls the mana". He also tells me it's stupid, but also stupid to try my luck. Thankfully, he's not here to judge me, and I have friends who're willing to support me, like Ruby and...
Penny: Sal-u-tations~!
Jaune: Oh, hey, Penny. What's going on?
Penny: I have heard about your recent failures with friend Weiss and have been instructed by friend Ruby to cheer you up!
Ruby: W-What?! N-No, I didn't!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Writes on a napkin) Ruby, I have a command written on this napkin. The command is, "Show me every command Ruby gave." You either tell me the truth, or I ask Penny to eat this.
Ruby: She can say no, though, so there!
Jaune: Penny, would you like to eat this napkin with a command written on it?
Penny: Yes, I would!
Jaune: She's also a really great lie detector. I mean, except for when telling her own lies. That's just how golems are, I guess. Penny is kind of a... experiment Atlas is testing out at Beacon. She's going to be attending here as a way to test if golems are sentient and capable of safely interacting with other people. Why a school full of young adults would be considered safe, I have no idea, but I'm glad to have a friend like Penny around. And as far as I can tell, whether you were born or crafted together with "creati mana," you're still human to me!
Jaune: Uh, I mean people! You're still people to me! Hah... Sorry... Last time I said "human," I got on the bad side of...
Blake: You were late to class.
Jaune: Sorry, sorry!
Blake: Being sorry doesn't excuse you showing up late.
Jaune: Right, sorry. I was up late last night, reading a really good issue of X-Ray and Vav.
Blake: ...You stayed up late. For a comic book.
Jaune: A really good one! You like reading, don't you?
Blake: ...
Blake: (Digs claws into the table)
Jaune: Yeah, Ruby isn't the only one who can access "primal mana". In fact, it's a lot more common for faunus to access it than humans, for obvious reasons. But unlike Ruby, Blake seems irritated all the time when it comes to hanging out with me. Honestly, she feels more like a friend of a friend than Weiss does with me. Almost every word that I say seems to piss her off, and I don't know why.
Jaune: Hah... Guess I'm just unlucky with girls as friends, since I get along really well with...
Jaune: Yo, Ren!
Ren: Good morning, Jaune.
Jaune: Any luck last night?
Ren: Not yet. But I did rearrange the recipe in the cafeteria for a healthier meal this afternoon.
Jaune: Oh... Uh...
Jaune: Ren is a ghost, and he's been haunting this school for the past... I don't really know. But what I do know is how Ren got to where he is now. See, he was human, like me, and before he died in school, he cast a spell that bound his soul to the school.
Ren: Wrong.
Jaune: AGH!
Ren: I was attuned with "psyki mana" and could manifest my soul so I could find my best friend after I died. We were supposed to graduate, but when I finally came to life, she'd already left without me.
Jaune: Wait, you didn't cast a spell or anything?
Ren: In order for me to cast, I would require access to my aura, which was lost in my final moments. But my soul is still present, though it requires time and effort to manifest.
Jaune: ...
Ren: You can just say you don't know.
Jaune: I don't know. But, uh, were you able to get into the office?
Ren: No. Access to the office is protected from every mana variant known to Remnant. Nothing magical in nature, including a ghost, can enter.
Jaune: Geez, that's rough. You know who might be able to help?
Nora: Alright, alright, what's going on now?
Jaune: Uh, well, I was just making my way to class when suddenly-
Nora: Were you attacking this poor girl?!
Jaune: What?! No! It's the other way around!
Nora: HA! Yeah, right! Look at you! You're twice her size and SHE attacked you?
Ruby: You stole my comic book!
Jaune: I did not!
Nora: Oh, really? Hand it over, kid.
Jaune: But-
Jaune: ...On second thought, nevermind. Valkyries aren't really that helpful, are they?
Ren: It depends on what the situation is. If it's in response to a violent crime, they are merciless and will do whatever it takes to protect the innocent in the magic realm.
Jaune: But if it's a petty crime?
Ren: They... can be a bit biased in who they assist. Unless their opponent is a hostile monster with a weapon, they're not good with delegation and diplomacy. But they do care.
Jaune: Well, you could always ask one, right?
Ren: Unfortunately, no. Valkyries are protected by a specialized armor that prevents the effects of mana. A ghost like me can't even be seen by them, let alone get near one.
Jaune: Dang... Well, best of luck to you.
Ren: Thank you. Also, before I leave, I was asked to find you.
Jaune: Really? By who?
Jaune: Uh, h-hi...
Pyrrha: H-Hi...
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: ...
Jaune: So, uh-
Pyrrha: DADDY, NO!
Jaune: Wha-?
Jaune: (Sees giant boar barreling at him)
Jaune: Ugh... Great... You ever heard of helicopter parents? Well, with someone like Pyrrha, her helicopter dad comes equipped with a rocket launcher and twin machine guns. And a hatred for any boy that gets close to his daughter. Kind of expected since her dad is the God of War. And when I say god, I mean ALL the gods of war to have ever existed. It's part of her "deity mana," where a very lucky few are literal descendants of the divine. And hers happens to be the embodiment of war, violence, and combat. So not only can her dad kick my ass, but SHE can kick my ass!
Jaune: I don't know how I'm going to survive this school, but hey, here's hoping I can at least make it to graduation!
Jaune: ...Er, no offense, Ren.
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crowandmoonwriting · 9 days
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mercurysketches · 8 months
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first four prompts I've done from Mab Graves Drawlloween ✨️Lite List✨️
check me out on insta where I post them every other day!
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Aki's dream (every man's dream)
Happy Birthday Aki!
Artist: @spemmort
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werecat-witch · 3 months
Just as I had finished preparing to leave for the mountain, the new werewolf pack leader came by.
She asked what I was up to, and I told her about the dwarves’ poltergeist issue they want help with.
And now she’s joining me for it.
It’ll be nice to have some company for that long ass drive, and it’s… kinda great that it’s her?
Because like, we’re the leaders of our factions. So it’s good that we’re getting to know each other.
No other reason. None at all.
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chocolatepyrusart · 2 years
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Fling Posse Halloween phone background!!! 💛💛💛
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g0ose-bumps · 7 months
Soap Gets a Visitor (3/?)
Soap has a bad time but the cat makes it better. Tw: vague description of panic attack
"What do you want, sergeant?" Ghost's dark drawl, was unamused. He was sat at his usual spot in his office. His blackened bulk was bizarrely conspicuous in an otherwise bland office space. The lieutenant's slim profiled laptop was open and a couple papers were strewn on the wooden desk.
Soap fidgets, his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. This was harder than he'd thought it would be. "I wanted to say I'm sorry, sir." He eunciates carefully. Ghost always preferred it when he spoke British English.
"I had no right to ask you about things I had no business poking my nose into." He looks down and away from his lieutenant. Soap could tell that the man wasn't very happy with him. The suffocating miasma that choked the air from the moment Soap opened his mouth, made it feel as if he couldn't breathe.
Taking a breath felt like one too many.
Ghost justs laughs, gravel thickened voice turning it into something mocking. "You definitely shouldn't have, Soap." The other man spits his name out, as if the very sound of it offended him.
Soap flinches.
The lieutenant stares at him, droopy eyes going lazier still at Soap's rigid form. "Are you a sergeant, or are you a dog?" Ghost wonders. He shuffles some paper aside and squints at Soap.
"Answer me." He demands.
Soap makes eye contact and regrets it. The lieutenant didn't look furious, didn't even look annoyed. The lines gathering under his eyes, were all scrunched up in distaste, a tinge of sadness in the corner of them.
Ghost was disappointed.
Ghost was disappointed in Soap.
Soap whispers. "A sergeant."
"Say it louder for me, Soap." Ghost commands briskly.
"I'm not a dog, I'm a sergeant." Soap repeats, trying to keep his tone as even as possible.
"Then you can stop following me around like one." Ghost sighs. "It's disappointing." He gets up and stands beside his desk, arms crossed, showing off his towering stature which loomed over Soap's sitting form.
"I really thought you were something special, sergeant." Ghost tells him sadly. "I thought you could be something more." He shakes his head.
"But you proved it wrong to me, just like every other person has." Ghost grimly looks away.
Panic shoots through Soap's veins. "I'll make it up to you!" He begs. "Give me another shot Lt, I'll do better, I'll be better for you." Tears prickle at the corner of his eyes.
"And how?" A darkened voice asks bitterly. "You've failed me. I don't need someone who pries into my secrets, ruffles through my sanctuary, scatters all my things like I'm just some freak show on exhibit."
Soap can't breathe. Grasping hands were tearing at his throat.
"Am I just that to you? Something to ogle at and stare. A freak?" The man breathes. The bleached white skull on Ghost's face was becoming more angular. The lines going down it was dripping bits of white onto the flooring. The darkness was growing.
Soap chokes out. "No, Simon. You aren't anything like that at all. I just—"
"Just what?" Ghost spits. "You don't even deserve to say my name." His form distorts, becoming more shadow than man. Creeking shadows grew from the lieutenant's body, drawing towards Soap.
"You're nothing to me, Soap. I don't need you." The shadows clung to Soap's body like flies swarming a rotting carcus. It tugged at his clothes, the little hands digging at his skin.
"You can't be anything for me." Black tears were falling from Ghost's eyes, eyeblack and shadow mixing to create pitch black droplets that raced down the white of the mask.
Ghost shudders. Pained eyes pleading.
"Nobody can."
Soap shouts Ghost's name. But nothing comes out. There's pressure at his throat.
He screams.
"Simon!" He cries out, blood pumping and heart going a kilometre per second. His breaths stutter, lungs expanding to take in large gasps on air. Soap could feel tacky tears drying on his cheeks. There was scratching at the door.
He shakes, checking his throat to make sure there weren't anymore hands scrabbling at them. His covers were all rucked up and sweat cooled on his body. The room felt cold and foreboding.
The scratching sounds intensified.
Soap checks the time on the table. Red electric numbers tell him it's 0300 hours. Halfway between being considered a late night and an early morning. He hastily wipes away at his tears, taking the dry part of his sheets and toweling off the sweat. Soap could do laundry another day.
Everything felt shaky. Soap knew what he wanted, but getting him would be impossible. The nightmare told him that. Even if Soap barged into Ghost's room, he'd be turned out and barred. He couldn't imagine a lieutenant wanting to coddle their sergeant after having a bad dream. And especially not Ghost. Not after the man had made it his mission to avoid Soap.
A whine pours from his throat at the thought. Soap couldn't help it. He just—
Some more scratches interrupt his spiral. And even more faintly a meow.
The cat!
It was really here! Soap rushes to turn on his lamp, making sure to pad on silent feet to the door. It wouldn't do to betray Ghost any further by waking up someone else and outing Ghost's cat to everyone.
He carefully twists the doorknob open to find yellow eyes staring back at him through the gap. The green surrounding it's dilated pupils swirled. The cat meowed again worriedly. It's eyes ringed with white markings were wide and surprised to see the state of Soap.
It paws forward carefully, hesitating briefly before butting a large head into Soap's shins. Soap had worn just his pants to bed so he could fully appreciate the touch of silky fur brushing against his legs.
There was a muffled purr coming from the cat, vibrations chasing away the tremour trapped beneath his skin. He crouched down, slowly telegraphing his movements so the cat wouldn't flee. Soap had nothing to worry about, for the animal just purred noisily and ran straight into his chest.
The breadth of the cat bowled him over on the ground with a quiet whoomph. Soap was fully laid out on his back with a fuzzball of a cat sitting on top of him. The cat seemed satisfied at getting onto Soap's chest, purring like Soap's own personal breathing heater. The underside of its belly felt so warm and fluffy against his chilled torso.
Soap carefully toes the door closed, unwilling to get up from the floor, just this yet. Not when something so massive, soft and adorable was on top of him. It was shockingly heavy too.
It's ears twitched under his appraisal of it. The black stripes on the top of its head and under its eyes scrunched up at him. Soap didn't know how or why the cat came to him tonight, but he was pathetically grateful he wasn't alone. Not after the dream.
A choked sob wells up from his throat, unbidden. The cat meows worriedly and moves further up Soap's body to nestle it's head in the hollow of his neck. The whiskers tickled his skin and he giggled helplessly at the feeling. His arms came around to cuddle the creature to his body. It wiggled around in his arms, most likely unused to the sensation.
"Sorry I just..." He rasps to the cat, unable to continue without tears welling up. His throat hurt, most likely torn up from the yelling be must've done during the whole ordeal. Soap hugs the warm body against him, burying his face into the ruff of it. "Thanks fer being here." Soap says into it's fur. "Thanks." He repeats fervently.
A prickly tongue laps at his ear, causing him to shiver. It brought him out of the fugue. "Yer probably wondering why I'm like this huh?" Soap whispers. A gentle nip on the ear told him yes. "Don't tell Ghost this, but I had a dream." The cat freezes from the sound of Ghost's name. Gaz's suggestion that the cat was Ghost's was starting to gain some credence. The cat was certainly reacting everytime he mentioned Ghost.
"A nightmare more like it." He sighs, reburrowing his face into its ruff. The cat squirms some more in his loose arms. It's muscles rippled, and it felt more like holding onto lightning for all that the animal wriggled. He let go and the cat neatly jumped out to poke at his face with a soft paw. It seemed to want something from him. Soap wasn't too sure what.
Soap sat up with a groan. He shivered at the chill. With no shirt or cat to warm him, he was feeling the cold tendrils creeping in. The reminder of the shadows made him feel colder still.
The cat butts him with it's head insistently. It twirled around his legs sinuously, motioning for him to get up. Soap huffed a shaky laugh. "Alright, Alright." He murmurs to it.
It herds him up onto his feet and headbutts him the rest of the way to his bed. A breath escapes him, sounding like a half aborted laugh than anything else. Looked like the cat wanted to lie on the bed, the lazy thing. "Ye really like the bed don't ya?" He asks it bemusedly.
The cat just gives him the most Ghost like glare he'd seen from it yet. A denial. "Ye do like me huh?" Soap asks, touched from the fact that it wanted him to lie down on something softer than the floor. The cat looks away and swipes a paw at his shin. It's claws were unsheathed, so it was more like a friendly swat. Soap grins.
He jumps onto his bed. Thankfully the sheets weren't sticky anymore. His impromptu lie in on the floor had given it enough time to somewhat dry. Soap was thankful. He didn't want the cat to think he was some sort of slob. Though honestly, he was sure it was rethinking him on account of his breakdown. Even now he still didn't feel 100 percent.
The cat settles in with him of course. This time however, it resumes it's place on Soap's chest. It's paws curled underneath its thick body in a dense loaf and it looked at him expectantly. Soap could just imagine if the cat could speak human, it'd be saying something along the lines of, 'Well what are you waiting for? Tell me your troubles puny human.' If Soap imagined a certain lieutenant's voice and accent that was only for him to know.
Soap brushes careful fingers near the base of one ear, following the black stripes up its forehead and settling his hand on the back of its head. The ear twitched, flicking his fingers off. "I know ye belong to Ghost" Soap tells it. The cat slow blinks at him. "I wont tell a soul, don't ye worry bout that." He could feel the pinprick of tears in the corners of his eyes again. That damn dream.
"I won't betray Ghost's trust." Soap whispers wetly. The cat looks at him in alarm, it's ears swiveling up at attention. It gets up and squirms itself into Soap's neck and purrs, rubbing it's head into the bottom of his jaw.
Soap cuddles it again. He wanted more of its unjudging affection. "I'm afraid Ghost doesn't need me anymore." Soap whispers into the dim room.
The purring from the cat rumbles in his chest, chasing the cold away. It was a reminder that he wasn't alone in his dark, empty room of his. Despite the thoughts that were screaming at him—despite that throbbing fear lurking in the shadows, Soap had the cat.
The cat needed him.
He sniffles into the cat, trying not to grip too hard. It didn't seem to like getting hugged too much. But the cat lays there unbothered by the wet tears that Soap was most likely dripping into its fine fur. It seemed to purr harder the more Soap tugged it into himself. It probably liked the warmth enough to tolerate the squeezing.
"I'll tell ye a secret." He whispers to it. "I say Ghost is needy, but the actual truth is this:"
"I need him much more than he ever did me."
Soap smiles weakly. "But perhaps ye already knew that. Yer here afterall." The cat whines sadly. "Or maybe ye missed my pets, that could also be an option I'm willing ta believe in." It's tail swishes a bit jerkily.
"A bit of both huh." He sighs, warmth building in his chest. "I can live with that." Soap felt a bit less ragged, the bits that had torn were being mended back together. A good cry always made him feel better. Add in the warmth and attention of another beside him and Soap was beginning to feel himself again.
Soap's hand follows the black stripe on its back down to the base of its tail, combing down fur with gentle hands. The engine purr of the cat increased and it snuffled a bit. Hot breaths of the cat tickled his neck. "Yer so bonnie." The cat meows weakly.
"Yer a braw one, protecting me from the night horrors." He compliments. The cat squirms at his words. Soap knew the cat liked compliments and that it was quite shy about receiving them, but his words were true. The cat was the prettiest he'd seen and the scars added charm in his opinion.
It deserved all the praise he could heap on it anyway. The persistent creature had quite literally rescued him from dwelling on the rest of the nightmare. It felt more like a guardian angel come to save him.
They laid there for what felt like hours but was probably minutes. Soap was beginning to feel a little sleepy, his thoughts focused on the mindless action of petting soft fur. He felt content to have the cat lie there for eternity. It was a little piece of heaven just for them.
The cat purrs deep and low into his neck, lulling him back deeper into sleep's darkened hands. This time, Soap knew he'd be guarded from unwanted dreams by the creature in his arms. Despite its shocking tolerance of Soap's trespasses, he knew the cat was a ferocious one.
Like The Ghost, it wore the tapestry of its battles on its body. Soap was just honoured it had chosen him of all people to touch it.
Soap's eyes droop, his arms slackens. Darkness creeps, but the purring chases the shadows away.
Soap falls asleep for the second time.
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bea-witched-art · 2 years
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drew some cute monster girls for halloween~~ You can find stickers and pins of them on my redbubble here  Will be making more~
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sakura-rose12 · 11 months
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Monster Magical girl progress!!
Just some rough ideas for the moment! Gonna build on them some more!
They all have a second form which is more monster!
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Purrcival Phantom is the 16-year-old Son of the Phantom Cats. He is a natural entertainer who is fun-loving, easy going and energetic. He is an extrovert who possesses great charisma and good social skills, making it fairly hard not to like him. Purrcy is charming and, while not boastful or in vain, enjoys the spotlight, being the center of attention and has a good sense of humor with a penchant for being overly dramatic. He loves to gossip, but often exaggerates his stories based on rumors for flair. While mischievous and a bit impertinent, Purrcy's antics are harmless and are simply playful in nature, often taking to being caught or scolded by others in good stride. Despite his wisecracking and impish demeanor, he has a very tender, sweet, and responsible side, especially towards monsters he cares about a lot. He has a protective drive and does everything to help friends calm down or lighten up again, usually with a perfectly timed, witty remark, that could come off as him not taking bad situations seriously, but that's also just his way of coping himself.
This purrfect OC belongs to eiusmodi.
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thesundowncrew · 2 years
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The fact that I had the inspiration for this piece at the eleventh hour & finished what is essentially three separate illustrations combined in under 48 hours is mind-blowing to me. Anyways get spooked! Hope you had a good #halloween 🎃👻☠️🐺🦇😘 Stay safe!
From left to right:
Catarina inspired by Tim Burton's 'The Corpse Bride'
Nightshade as a werecat, inspired by the actual werewolf cat, Lykoi.
Axel in this modern halloween remake is a hardened medium & occultist, accompanied by the spirit of his younger sister, Miruna.
Liore inspired by Charlotte Elbourne & Samhain inspired by Meier Link from Vampire Hunter D.
Fun fact: the beginning of this pic connects with the end, creating a sort of loop which was a last minute idea I had when adding the final touches. You can see it better on my ig (deesdoodleswastaken).
These are all characters from my comic, Tales of Sundown, on #webtooncanvas 🍀
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aromanticannibal · 1 year
I have to become a monster high doll actually like now
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