#what fucking gets me too is that like...i applied to internships and stuff that i AM qualified for.
supercantaloupe · 1 year
i'm also looking for a job right now (one of those studying a degree needing a graduate degree to work, fml) and the job market is so fucked right now. i hope you do find one soon.
thank you for your kind thoughts. i think at this point, barring any potential one-off gigs i might get asked to play, it's really unlikely i'll get a job this summer. on the bright side i DO have a job lined up for the fall -- i'm working a fellowship at my university while i'm in grad school. it doesn't pay very much, but it funds the degree which is as good as deal as i could hope for (esp cause my program will probably take up to three years). i just really really wish i had something to do in the meantime over the summer; i hate sitting around without something to Do, and i'm bad at motivating myself to do stuff, and i hate the fact that i'm not able to contribute significantly to my own expenses yet. (of course i've extremely grateful to have a support system willing to help me while i'm at this point in my life, but i do WANT to be able to support myself at least in part by now.) but considering the fact that it's already mid june (and i'm out of the country for a week pretty soon), even if there were seasonal positions still available around me no one is realistically gonna hire me for only two months of work. i think i'm pretty much fucked on that account and i just have to get over it at this point. still, it would be nice if even a fraction of the jobs i've applied to so far would even message me back...but almost none of them have. sigh!
#sasha answers#anon#ty for your care. i appreciate it i do#and i hope you get a job soon as well#it just sucks. it's so frustrating. i can't even get a crummy grocery store cashier or barista job#which is about the only thing i'm 'qualified' for (because the qualifications don't require experience)#(and i still somehow get ignored or rejected when i apply...)#the only other shit that's consistently pushed at me on indeed are waitressing jobs and I Cannot Do That#like physically i would not be able to work that job (and i would probably crumple the second a customer was shitty to me)#(but i can't be on my feet for that long without significant breaks i'm just not physically capable)#what fucking gets me too is that like...i applied to internships and stuff that i AM qualified for.#i applied to performing arts jobs#i got interviewed for some of them! i thought i had a really good shot!#but i was rejected from all of them and i don't even really know why#which is just. really upsetting#especially when i have friends my age (and younger! with as much or less experience as me!) getting jobs in this field#jobs they love and love to talk about#and they're my friends. i am so happy for them. i am. i swear#but it also does sting a bit every time#knowing that they got it and i didn't#and some of them like to say how easy it is. how great a gig it is.#just apply! there are so many positions! you don't need a lot of experience! you would love it!#well. i would love it. i know i would. that's why i applied to similar programs here#and i got rejected.#everytime.#and now it's june and i have nothing to do with myself except waste time on tumblr and bake#and it just. sucks.#anyway.#i wanna talk about me#man i even picked my grad program specifically to make sure it would give me Marketable Skills(tm) when i'm out too.
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whore-era · 1 year
college!Ellie comforting anxious fem GF with lots of kisses and back rubs?
a/n: i feel like this headcanon was so bad but i did my best <3 hope u enjoy <3333
college!ellie headcanon: comforting anxious gf
you were swamped. final exams were approaching, a 10 page research essay was due in 3 days, internships to apply to in time for the summer, laundry barely started — everything was piling up.
you felt as if the weight of the world was on your shoulders, and you had to keep yourself afloat. but you could feel it, you were about to crash.
the tab was still open, your research paper halfway done, and you were overwhelmed with anxiety. failing to hold back the immense emotion, you burst into tears, sobbing into the sleeves of your hoodie.
you just weren't sure if you had the power to keep pushing through these last couple weeks, you were drained out dry. weeping into your hoodie, you hear your phone ring.
sliding the button to answer, you press your phone to your ear. "h-hello?" you attempt to dry your face, concealing any evidence that you were just crying minutes before. "babe, i'm on my way over. just wanted to see if you wanted me to pick something up for you," ellie's voice come through the speaker, still unaware of your current state.
"uhhhh, i'm fine, els," you croak, "you don't h-have to come over right now. you must be busy and stuff and i don't wanna get in the way." there's a shakiness in your voice, and you hope to god ellie doesn't notice. she goes quiet for a second, "hmm. okay. fine." you let out a breath of relief, "call you later then, sweet girl," she coos, "i love you." "i love you, ellie." click
putting your phone down and burying your face in your hands, you let out a breath, allowing a few tears to fall down your face. it made you feel bad burdening ellie with your issues — she had her own stuff going on. the last thing she needed to worry about was you.
it wasn't long before you heard a couple knocks on your door. you furrowed your brows, knowing you weren't expecting anyone. still, you walked over and opened the door of your dorm, face-to-face with a big, brown teddy bear. ellie's face poked out from the corner of the bear's head. "we could tell you were bear-y sad, so we wanted to check in on you." you threw your arms around her, squishing the bear in the process. she let out a chuckle, pulling away to see your face, surprised to see your eyes filling with tears.
"hey, hey, hey," she whispers, "c'mon, let's get inside first." gently guiding you inside your dorm, she closes the door behind her. "what's been goin' on, sweet girl? talk to me."
"jus-just been feelin' so— overwhelmed," you breathe out, "f-finals, my p-paper, freaking i-internships—" tears begin to spill, "i don't k-know i-if i can h-han-handle it." you weep into her jacket, and she soothingly rubbed your back, letting you cry.
once you calm down a bit, ellie pulls away a little and cups your face in her hands. "what do you need from me, baby?" she asks, "anything at all, you name it. i'll get it."
"i just— i just want you to hold me."
you both climb into your tiny, twin bed. with her arm wrapped around you, you nestled into her side, inhaling her scent — cedar and mahogany teakwood. she rubbed slow and small circles on your back, calming your nerves.
"i don't know if i'm stuck out for this," you murmur, "college is jus' a lot. don't know if this is what i'm meant to do." you look up at her with big and glossy eyes. "hey," she whispers, "you are one of the smartest people i know, and you are so fucking hard working, always putting in 100 into everything you do."
a tear trails down your face and ellie continues. "you can do anything you out your pretty mind to do, anything, baby," she coos, "you're meant to do this." ellie leans down to press a kiss on your forehead, "and if you're still unsure about school and all, then that's okay too. you can choose something else you wanna do, and i'll be here, rooting for you every step of the way."
you heart warms up in your chest, feeling fuzzy. "thank you," you dote, "i'm so lucky to have you, els." ellie smiles down at you, leaning in to kiss you tenderly.
"always, sweet girl," ellie wraps her arm tighter around you, "now, come here. relax a lil' more, yeah?" you nod and cuddle back into her warmth, and she presses another reassuring kiss on top of your head.
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nerves-nebula · 6 months
i bitch about my parents a lot but i really do hate that they weren't like. evil. i hate that i can trace a lot of my success to the fact that they wanted us to succeed, that my mom sent me to a school with a better art program than the local one. that she made me apply to all these college's and posted happily on facebook every time i got accepted. that she and my dad mostly only communicated about how to best take care of us. and yea she did a lot of that so that she could brag about us being smart and successful and stuff, but that doesn't mean it didn't actually help me. and that doesn't mean she didn't care.
like there's so much potential for love there. so much potential for a relationship but they just suck so fucking much to be around. and when i did get into college she basically just fucking dropped me, if i hadn't made a random friend over the internet i woulda been homeless over summer break because the idea of going back to her was so paralyzing i don't know if i could've done it.
and i want to go to nigeria and stay with my dad but i just know he'll be awful to me too. I want to take him up on his offer to show me around before it's too late, before he's gone and he can't. but he's fucking terrible, man. he'd be completely in control of where we go, what i eat, when i wake up or go to sleep. i can't eat most foods, i especially can't eat anything spicy, it'd be a fucking nightmare and he'd treat me like an idiot if i pushed back.
but i want it so bad. i want to visit him, i miss him. but he sucks. i dunno, i think i missed the chance to get a summer internship, so maybe i will stay with him over the summer. except wait, i have a beard now, i'm on testosterone. i can't believe i forgot about that. he'll probably harass me about that and say a bunch of insane shit (he doesn't know how biology works and is very adamant about it)
so even if i just did everything he wanted and didn't push back at all he'd probably still yell at me and say all kinds of awful shit about me being trans and ruining my body or whatever. GOD I HATE THEM SO MUCH. STOP TEXTING MEEEEEEEEE
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simulation-machine · 4 months
My spring break is coming up in a week and holy crap do I have plans on plans on plans, especially since my summer is gonna be full of school + internship + HOPEFULLY friggin' graduating with a BA in Psychology so that I can start applying to grad schools.
Read more iffin' you'd like! It's long! Here's a picture of my golden retriever napping on her brother's food bowl to entice/entertain you:
Tumblr media
god she is so precious i would literally kill for her
I know that some people are sticklers for this but my thing is that I had no gee-dee clue what I was doing with ReShade, whereas Gshade just kinda clicked and worked for me? That said I have a bunch of resources for learning ReShade so I might end up moving back to it at some point.
My main issue is figuring out the order of all the different effects. It obviously matters, I'm sure people smarter than me have tried to use presets only to be like "why tf does this look absolutely nothing like the baller screenshots this one cool Simblr has?" Annnd it turns out it's order + remembering to turn off certain graphic settings. Also photoshop, but that's gonna take a lot longer for me to figure out lol.
Like I'd been struggling to figure out why @gunthermunch's gorgeous Lithium preset wasn't looking as sexy as it did before annnnd it's because I forgot to turn Edge Smoothing off when switching to it. Jesus wept at how dippy I am sometimes.
Eventually, what I would like to do is maybe make my own preset at some point? I would be kind enough to show the effect order too if I did so. But this requires so, so much more shader knowledge than I currently have.
FUN FACT: My first ever degree was in art, I even went to a very fancy and private art school (School of the Art Institute of Chicago if you're curious)- I dropped out after one semester because uhhh that shit is expensive. Ended up finishing my degree at a much cheaper location in MN. That said, my art was 100% analog and 2D, and it turns out it did not translate super well into trying my hand at graphic art.
It's funny because I've been gifted really neat stuff for graphic art (like a really nice Wacom tablet and Adobe subscriptions), like people just expected my mixed-media ass would know what to do with it. NOPE! But yeah, Sims is sort of my excuse to try my hand at this stuff again, especially since I have a bit more energy now that my soul is not regularly being drained out of my body by customer service and tech support jobs.
This one is hard because I am only on Gen 2 of the Orsons and it's sort of hard to justify starting up another story while that one is less than 1/5 of the way done.
THAT SAID, I don't plan on posting Another Door until I have a decent chunk of it done. Since it's not a casual gameplay story nor a legacy challenge, I plan on editing the bajeez out of the screenshots for it, really honing in on the aesthetic. I want it to look and feel very different from my random legacy challenge.
Fortunately, this story has been fucking up my sleep schedule for *months* now and I have a lot of the writing for it done. The hard part is translating that into the Sims, making sure I get the right poses and stuff, maybe even learning how to make some super easy CC (like, posters and stuff), and stuff related to GOAL 1 above.
What I'm saying is that it's going to take a bit. But I'm super serious about sharing it because it's my obsession and honestly the first time a story of my own design has possessed me in literal years.
Also, I want to make sure I have a significant backlog of the Orsons before I start seriously simming for it, because I don't want to screw over my favorite little pixel babies. This legacy challenge is going to be the one, I have done so much to keep my save files to keep it safe from harm (ask me how many backups I have of the save files. JK don't, the number is frankly silly).
Y'all, my CC folder for this game is honestly an embarrassment. I go so hard on CC shopping because this community is stupid-talented and I like giving my pixel babies nice things and cool looks. When I'm bored and not quite in the mood for gameplay, I just like making neat-looking sims that I do absolutely nothing with because I love fucking around in CAS.
I have built my own PCs since I was 17 years old, and when I first built COMPUTERMACHINE (current rig) back in the autumn of 2018, it was with the goal that it would run Sims 4 flawlessly no matter what I did to it. It's got ridiculous amounts of RAM, I religiously update parts for it. And to be fair, even with the current 6,907,907,890 TB of CC I have atm it runs better than Sims 3 ever had with a measly 50 GB of CC.
But for me, it comes down to finding all the stuff I wanna use. Making myself get rid of the stuff I don't wanna use. Straight up yeeting the CC that I thought was going to look incredible that uh, didn't deliver.
I do CAS CC purges about once a year but have literally never done it for Build & Buy stuff, because OMG some of this shit I've had since 2014. Like when Sims 4 first came out. YIKES. My CAS CC obsession is notable but it's honestly nothing compared to my Build & Buy. Even before For Rent made building lots slow af, my PC was starting to take a solid minute to switch to different buy categories.
It would take a long af time so I want to make sure I have a bunch of content in the queue before I do it. It's gonna be a whole ass thing and be so, so boring to do. So I'm putting it off for when I have a ton of time to do it. Like, oh, my entire Spring Break?
This would obviously need to wait until after GOAL 3 is completed, but I wanna make sure the awesome creators whose stuff I use get credit, and that people know where they can grab neat stuff. It would include not only CC but mods, Gshade/ReShade presets, and maybe even lots and sims I've downloaded from the gallery?
(Since I am super anti-paywall and very unapologetic and rude about it, I will also share where one could perhaps get some of these CCs without paying some dip a Trenta Starbucks Unicorn Frappucino amount of $$$)
It's ambitious as hell because *gestures vaguely at GOAL 3* but it would make things like doing WCIF asks and lookbooks so much easier.
Somewhat relatedly, I wanna make a navigation post, especially once Another Door starts getting posted. That story is gonna be a bit huge with multiple arcs that take place over the course of like, 14 years. Plus once the Orsons get to the 4th+ generation, it would be easier to track things down.
I have been having so much fun sharing my silly little Sim adventures on Tumblr, so much more than I ever thought I would! You all have been so great to me, and all of this stuff is sort of a way for me to repay that. Ever since I stopped being able to be artistically creative ever since a really nasty depressive spell in 2017, Sims has been my #1 artistic outlet. And having people who are even somewhat entertained by my pixels is incredibly motivating.
Basically, if you read all of this, DAMN would you have been a rad livejournal follower of mine circa 2007. On the seriousness, however, thank you all so much for being rad and encouraging and sweet. I promise to do you all, if not proud, then at the very least not disappointed.
Time to hit the bong and take some pictures of Lou and Tatertot before taking my IRL doggos on a walk~
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mixingpumpkins · 4 months
Just applied to USPS because no one will fucking hire me with no professional experience despite graduating summa cum laude a year ago and I might actually kill myself within a year so weehee that’s fun go capitalism fuck everything what’s the point
I wish you knew how much this sounds like me when I got out of grad school [redacted] years ago, because… it does. The summa cum laude, the no one will hire with no experience, the thinking of killing myself because what’s the fucking point when everything sucks so bad. So I’m going to tell you what I really wish someone had told me then. (I’m sorry if this is long.)
You’re right; stuff really sucks right now. Our system sucks. The job market is a complete joke. The whole post-graduation time period when you’re trying to break into the professional world fucking blows, especially if you’ve got people in your life putting extra pressure on you. But please reconsider killing yourself and consider speaking to someone who’s able to offer you more help managing those thoughts than I can. You won’t feel like this forever, I promise, and we need you here.
I’m wishing you the best of luck with the USPS application. It may not be what you wanted or expected with your stellar academic record, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of and a good position, especially for your first experience out of school. It’s an income > $0, probably some benefits since it’s a government job, and, importantly, will give you professional experience. You’ll meet people, you’ll learn some new skills, and you’ll have a job — which is always attractive to other employers as you continue your search for whatever jobs you’re trying for. (I’m actually considering applying to USPS myself, since I got laid off last month. Seriously. It’s not a bad option.)
Your first job out of school in no way sets your career path in stone. I know it can be really fucking hard, especially as a high achiever, to see your peers getting jobs and internships and whatever opportunities when you did everything right and can’t seem to find anything. It sucks. It doubly sucks when you’re feeling pressure to start your career on the right foot, or not “fall behind,” or enjoy your life while you’re young, or not “waste” your education and potential on a job you could’ve gotten without a degree.
All of that is bullshit.
It’s okay to take whatever job you can get — retail or USPS or washing dishes or whatever — especially when you don’t have any prior experience. If it’s not what you want, keep looking for something that suits you better while you work. You’re not a failure if you don’t get a job in your field for your first one out of school. Most people don’t. Some people don’t, ever. That’s fine too.
Is taking literally anything right now going to put you “behind”? No. You can’t fall behind; timelines are garbage. Kill the idea that you are stuck or behind or will never get where you want to be because you don’t see a way of that happening from where you are right now.
Stuff changes fast — maybe not the trash fire that is capitalism itself, but the stuff closer to you. The opportunities around you. Your priorities. Your career plans and options. These shifts make so much of a difference, and it’s hard to see just how fast they can happen when you’re in that shitty space of trying to get your first professional experience out of school. You will get something, and you will start seeing these shifts happen.
Plus… especially now, people switch jobs and entire careers all the time. They get burned out. Their interests change. A random opportunity leads them somewhere they never saw coming. The industry / economy / technology changes, and they’re out of a job and need a new one. (<- That last one is the story of my fucking life, tbh.)
Maybe the classmate who got that dream job/internship right out of school discovered that it actually sucks and they need to do something else. Or somebody’s side hustle pays better than their job and suddenly they’re occupied full-time with something they never studied in school. The kid who got a “head start” on a good career with a well-paying job is laid off and begging for a retail position two years later. Someone’s dad I know who got a degree in finance ended up working as a landscaper for decades instead, then went back to school at 57 and became a nurse.
It is literally impossible to tell where your life will take you from where you’re standing right now. Hell, at this point, I’d say it’s pretty stupid for anyone to assume they know what their life and career will look like in two years. But the point is to give yourself the grace and the time to figure it out.
It may take you 5 years to be somewhere that feels better. It may take you 40. Careers in this day and age are a fucking roller coaster and anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves (and possibly had daddy paving the way for them).
Stay curious about what’s next and spite the fuckers who want you to do otherwise. What could your first job lead to? Idk, let’s find out. What could this detour or layoff lead to? Idk, let’s find out. Who cares if it’s not what you thought it would be? Maybe it could lead to something better. Let’s keep at it and find out.
You’re smart — enough to graduate summa cum laude. No professional crisis or difficulty navigating this shit job market and obscene cost of living nonsense can take that away from you. Tell anyone who tries to make you feel otherwise (including that critical voice in your head) to go fuck themselves.
I really hope you get the USPS job, or something better. Come tell me when you do. And yeah, fuck this unbridled capitalism shit — so let’s give it all the hell that we can in the meantime. 
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erodasfishtacos · 2 years
Okay mama personal question
I wanna do child/teen counselling and forensic…so the thing is I’d have to move all across the globe to pursue it but I’ve been seeing all these people on the net saying that it’s not been paying them well and stuff and ofc money is not my first concern but if I move across and leave my family will I be able to sustain myself comfortably?! And do we get a good placement after masters? Or is it like medical that it’s gonna take years to build coz I think I wanna get a phD too
Also can u actually pursue both counselling and forensic???
PS : I gotta start applying to college next month and this year is sooooo bad nearly 80% of my batch flunked mid terms plus I don’t wanna leave home tbh but I kind of want to get out there :(
You definitely don’t make a lot starting out. Here are my thoughts. If your goal is to be therapist and you want to be successsful and have a good income. You have to get your masters and you have to get licensed. The money comes in when you’re liscensed and that means you can work in private practices where commercial insurances are paying the bigger bucks. You can easily make over 100k in the field with all the degrees.
It is a huge decision and a massive commitment so I would really consider it before you do it.
I’ll talk to you through what my experience looked like
Undergrad degree in psychology with a minor in sociology (4 years)
Masters degree in clinical mental health counseling (2.5 years)
In my masters program, I have to complete 350 hours of unpaid practicum, 650 hours of internship. That equals out to about 40 hours a week in internship on top of five classes.
In my school, to graduate I had to pass the CPCE.
Then after you graduate, you need to take the NCE which is the National Counselors Exam and pass that - that’s about a 300 question exam that I studied about nine months for
Then after you pass your NCE you have to then get 3000 supervised hours of work (about 2.5 years) before you can apply to be an LPC.
I just became an LPC this summer and I’m 28.
My college did not set me up with a job.
PhD is a good idea depending on what you want to do with it. I am planning to start my PhD program when I turn 30 and get it in counselor education so that I can be a professor and teach.
The reason LPC makes money and an unlicensed therapist with a masters doesn’t is because insurance will not pay nonlisenced therapist, thus private practice won’t hire you unless the company accepts medicad and Medicare which pay bare minimum or out of pocket pay.
As for what you’re planning to do.. I am a child and family therapist.
I did all of my internship and practicum at a children’s psychiatric hospital
And all my supervised hours in an agency that does family therapy funded through the state
Any type of specialize means more education, trainings, certifications, etc…
I am certified grief counselor but I had to take endless trainings for it.
As for the forensic side, I’m not sure what job you’re thinking out and I’m not knowledgeable on that side.
This isn’t trying to steer you away from the profession.
However, even though I would do it all over again, I wish someone would have told me how fucking difficult it was going to be.
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nope-body · 5 months
I don’t know why I’m suddenly so lonely and feel like a failure. Probably something to do with it being 1:35 am. Maybe also because I feel like I’m holding myself to higher standards with COMPANY and I’m afraid of failing there. I really want to prove that you can put on a good show without the theater department or the student theater organization and I want to be able to show the results of centering clear communication on a production team. I want to be able to do this show and research accessibility in theater and apply my learning to what we’re doing. I also have a ton of other commitments that I can’t make any less of a priority. For example, the disability student org that I am basically in charge of. I can’t just put a whole organization on pause, and I don’t want to. The struggle is that no matter how much I try, I don’t have someone I can rely on to lead a meeting if I can’t make it. I have no one else I can rely on to keep track of the tasks that need to get done and even if I ask someone to do something that doesn’t mean it will get done! Even if it’s my friend. I end up having to do everything myself, or close to that. I did half our treasury stuff last semester and I’m not the treasurer! I have no training! But it needed to get done, and we had a deadline. I’m also worried about doing inventory for the burlesque club I’m part of, because I thought I would be able to get that done over winter term and I haven’t had time so far. I want to prove that I can do this work, but I have to be able to do the work. And I can, the issue is do I have time.
And I’m trying to do all of this with chronic fatigue. I have to rest more often and for longer than other people. That takes up time! Time that I can’t really do anything with. And I know that being disabled in theater means you have to have a more impressive resume than most able bodied people with your same skill set to even be considered for a job, but I also can’t overwork myself to get that impressive resume. And I got a job again, but I’m worried that a lot of the hours I’d be able to sign up for would conflict with the show I’m working on. But also I need some sort of income, and this is the only job in theater here I can get. And I’m trying to find summer opportunities but they’re next to impossible to find, especially because I can’t do standard summer stock work and because for some reason a bunch of theaters aren’t running their summer internships this summer. I’m overworked and I feel underworked and I’m doing too much and too little and I don’t fucking know how to navigate this. I have no guide in this area of disabled and in theater. I can only trailblaze so much before I need to see a path to create. But also why do I have to be the one to do all of this? Why is it up to me? Why is there literally no one to support me in the place I need support most? My own academic advisor wants to learn from me, but I’m the one asking him for help! Also, I have only been visibly disabled, moving through the world as a disabled person, for like a year and a half. How did I end up in this position where I am viewed by so many people as someone who is super knowledgeable about “the disabled experience”? Our intimacy choreographer, who studied accessibility in theater over the summer for a professor’s project, thinks I know more about accessibility in theater than they do. I don’t know why! I have done basic dramaturgical research for the musical 13 when I consulted for it, and then acted as an intimacy choreographer for them during tech week for like two days in an effort to create less harmful representation on stage, and then I quit for the second time because they were so horrible and hostile to me. I have been a disabled person in theater spaces. And now I’m doing this private reading about accessibility in theater this coming semester. That’s it. I don’t actually know very much at all! I don’t know if there is even that much to know, because disabled people in theater are so hard to find! Most of the articles I’ve found (there’s like 5) just talk about disabled people being underrepresented in theater and that theater spaces need to become more accessible so disabled people can be in theater more. It’s so hard to find any discussion that even includes all aspects of theater in that statement, and I haven’t found anything that takes the discussion beyond that simple statement of “theater needs to be more inclusive of disabled people”. Because what do we mean when we say that? Who do we recognize as disabled, who do we recognize as being skilled enough to be in theater, how does that get unevenly applied to disabled people? What efforts can we make to be more accessible for physically disabled people even when our spaces aren’t accessible? What changes are we actually willing to make to the way we do theater to make it more accessible to disabled people with fatigue, with mobility issues, with chronic pain, with visible disabilities, with disabilities and chronic illnesses that have inconsistent and unpredictable symptoms? Are we actually willing to make any changes at all, or just pay lip service to inclusion?
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mcrmadness · 6 months
9,11,19,20 for the ask!
Thank you! ^^
9. Best month for you this year? Hmmmm, maybe May/June. That's when me, a Finn, I was on a ship and traveled to Stockholm, Sweden for the first time in 19 years! Just to see my favourite German band perform in a club :D In general the trip was nice, and it was fun to see Stockholm again cos the last time I was there, I was 13 years old and it was just one day, and now we stayed there for like... 4 days or something. I also got some nice photos from there. In May we also finished the first school year and I finally got my well deserved summer holiday. In general I really like the summer here in the Nordic Countries cos it's so special and different, as long as the heat waves they the fuck away.
11. Something you want to do again next year? Go to a concert of my favourite band? :D Well I actually already have tickets and if everything goes as planned, it should happen too. Also traveling in general is nice, that concert takes place in Berlin, Germany.
19. What’re you excited about for next year? Besides the concert - I am excited for the fact I applied to the Erasmus+ program and hopefully get to do an internship in Berlin, Germany next year. Around the same time as that concert. I am thinking about doing a 3-4 month long internship (already working on that!), after which I would then return back home in Finland and I could finish with my school and graduate in December :p
20. What’s something you learned this year? SO MANY school related things. I am studying media and visual expression, and it's a very positive thing when school means actually learning new things :D I got this ask already when I reblogged this ask set the last time and there I answered to this something about graphic design and vector graphics as we had just had those at school. But there are so much more too. I've learned so much about cinematography and photography this year that it's insane, and I'm constantly learning more! I've also been bingewatching related videos on youtube and learned even more about cinematography especially, and storytelling, and stuff like that. I'm definitely studying just the right degree for me, and I'm super excited for what the current and upcoming courses will be like as well!
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
Good lord, I watched some clip on YouTube with Aubrey Plaza having an argument with another actress about like... a position she was applying for or something... and how this company was clearly exploiting the "internship" model as way of getting free fucking labor. Which... is bullshit, and always has been. Sorry. Work is work, I don't care if someone is a student or an elder... labor is labor. "Experience" or "exposure" or whatever, the world's biggest con and should be fucking illegal. Straight up. It's literally gatekeeping a career that wasn't gatekept to begin with, using the excuse of "it's a competitive market, this is a coveted position" to exploit free labor. And in this clip, Aubrey Plaza's character called it out. And was pushed back against. And god, I could fucking feel it. My heart clenched. It was visceral. Because I've been there. It made me really upset.
It's when people get into a position of power and control. And they forget where they came from. And they look down at younger generations who are in completely different circumstances with a smug sense of superiority. And then they exert that control over others, intentionally taking advantage of them, intentionally making life way more complicated, taxing and demanding than it even remotely requires. Just... because it's "what you do." Because it's trendy. I will do everything I can to stay as far away from both sides of that shit as I can get. Ugh. That really put a bad taste in my mouth, but thankfully I've been able to let go of that anxiety and "oh shit" pretty quickly lately.
I woke up last sleep cycle again, but I was able to get back to sleep pretty quickly. But this whole waking up mid-sleep thing is making me wake up later and later each time. This time, I didn't start drinking coffee until after 7 PM. That's no good.
I did my workout, which was actually pretty taxing today. In fact, I actually woke up sore for the first time this morning. It was my back, but not from the workout... from the yoga. Figure that one out! I did a bunch of back-focused yoga that was... I guess activating muscles I don't normally use, for extended durations of time... in order to help me sit up and support my spine and all that. And it was really tough, but that just means I need to do it more often. It will pay off. But man, that made me really sore. So yeah, yoga today was nice, and did some things I don't normally do. And my workout was a lot of upper body stuff, which wasn't too bad, just tiring. Just the right level though.
I ended up getting everything in my day situated and... streamed. I streamed 3.5 hours, from about 10pm until about 1:30ish. I listened to several albums all the way through: Mars Volta - Deloused in the Comatorium, Polyphia - Remember That You Will Die, David Maxim Micic - Bilo IV, Periphery - Periphery V: Djent is Not a Genre. I got a lot done on my piece. I don't think I had many viewers, if any for most of it. I had one new person drop by and chat for a bit, it was nice to see a new face. They told me my music was leveled too high over my voice... which is always really fucking frustrating... since I literally can't soundcheck my own stream. It's actually impossible. It's a classic streamer problem and it's so infuriating when you don't have any friends at all to just... drop in for 5 minutes at the top of your stream to just help you get your levels right. Ugh. Towards the end of the stream, a kid from the old art days dropped in. He's from Chile. He was talking briefly about how he's abandoning drawing because he doesn't have time for it with school. Which is always really painful to see. You see someone who clearly has a passion for something difficult, so much that they will go out of their way to continuously fail at it for years with no reward in sight... just to get better at it, and just because the process itself is rewarding. And... to have them abandon this trade... rather than nurture it... because society demands you have the ability to recite some potpourri of mandatory required information in a variety of different fields.
Like... I get the idea of standardized education, don't get me wrong... But... doesn't the internet kinda change that shit a bit? For real? Like... most people I have met who are high school graduates don't actually know when, where or how to apply the quadratic formula... despite knowledge of it being a requirement for graduation. Or cellular reproduction, like I was rabbit-holing on last night... that's life-science shit, right? That's basic biology. I don't remember the last time I even met a person who didn't graduate high school, how many people out there that are not actual biologists do you think could... off the top of their heads... be able to tell me what a eukaryote is. Or tell me what the Golgi apparatus does. This system of cramming information into peoples' heads doesn't work. From what I have witnessed, most people fake absorbing this information in the short term, just enough to be able to pass a "test" on it. Or they just get really fucking good at cheating. I don't feel like this is good for a society. I feel like, especially in highschool and shit... when you start finding things you're passionate about and interested in... you should really be encouraged to go down that path, and people should be helping you develop the tools you need to get there. General education of course is important, to a degree... but I think we go a bit too over-the-top with it... and that increased demand ends up being too big of a bar... and then people don't even try to pass that bar... and the average come out of it with a lower education than if the bar was lower in the first place.
All this to say... I wish that kid didn't have so much peer pressure on him to do a whole bunch of other mandatory shit... if what he wants to do is draw. But... that's also making a lot of assumptions, and kinda projecting. So yeah, I held off on giving him this rant and kinda saved it for here. Instead, I encouraged him to find time anywhere he could to just do a little bit. Even 10-20 minutes of doodling is better than quitting art outright because you're too busy. Coming from experience.
So yeah, I got a ton of work done. Stream was slow but successful. I put a link in my discord group but didn't do that thing where it annoyingly pings everyone in the group... and only that one kid showed up. No one else. So... I'm guessing they need an intrusive announcement to know I'm going live. Which makes sense, if I have one or two viewers, I literally don't even show up on most peoples' following list. I'm too far down. That obscurity snowball effect.
So... to address this and some other stuff... I started getting my head into back-end mode. I set up a Ko-fi. And I'm getting geared up to set up a Tumblr. I have a good feeling about it. Here's the catch, and what I deeply struggle with. I struggle to just... keep Instagram updated. It's just not a habit for me. I know it sounds lame for people who are used to posting on social media every day... I barely even visit Instagram once every 2 weeks. I'm simply not on social media other than this. So... in my head... I have to deliberately go out of my way to do a little photoshoot of my new work... and past work. Then I need to write context for them. That needs to be separate so I can post the same thing multiple places. Then I need to set up the posts... on Instagram, on Ko-Fi, on Tumblr and on Patreon probably... Right? I'm horrible about keeping up to date with that kind of stuff. Then on all of those, I have to figure out the right hashtags, which is super stressful for me, if I'm being honest. I just... don't feel like I'm good at it or something. So... it just feels like it's a whole thing.
Figure that shit out. I get all stressed out and try to avoid posting finished pieces on social media... but I'll effortlessly write like 7 pages on here every single night. Maybe it's the whole... "what's the point, it's just going to get 10 views and 3 likes and not actually lead to anything." Like... here... I'm not doing this for exposure at all. My intention of this is literally just for it to exist and be publicly accessible. If people find it, cool. If not, whatever. It just... is. But when I go to put my art on display, just like streaming, my intention is the opposite, it is to be found. To be discovered. For someone to find it and engage with it and go "holy shit, this is cool" and want to see more. That's the fucking point. Here, that's not my intention. I think that's the big difference. So... I put so much more pressure on myself to make the presentation perfect. And make sure I have my ducks all in a row, and everything is proofread and punctuated, and the lighting is right and I release... and nothing happens. 3 people who treated me like human garbage for years and for some fucking reason still follow me on Instagram but don't even fucking speak to me... they like my post and that's it. So yeah... the idea of taking the big leap it takes to post on Instagram... and adding in the work of also posting on Tumblr, Ko-Fi and Patreon? I mean... I'm going to have to copy-paste... or else I'm gonna have to devote a day to it.
I dunno, I'm probably blowing all of this out of proportion. It'd probably be easier if people were excited to see what I devote my life to. Even more so if they were encouraging behind the scenes, too. But without that? God, it's like trying to build momentum in a vacuum or something. Any forward movement needs to be generated exclusively by me.
Geez, I'm a ray of fucking sunshine today, eh? XD
But yeah, it was raining all night and I streamed for 3.5 hours and drew the whole time and only took one break. And I kept my voice down. I'd like to be louder, I'd like to be able to stream until like 3 or 4. Or whenever I want. But I guess this is extra incentive to get an earlier start to the day. I'd like to start streams by like... 7 or 8. That gives me a solid 4-5 hours before I need to think about being super quiet. But yeah, stream went well, considering... and I'm planning on streaming again tomorrow.
And that was pretty much the whole day. So... I'm gonna do tarot now.
OH. I set up the Ko-Fi specifically so that people would have a place to donate for stream-related stuff... i.e. Tarot readings. So I need to price that soon. If anyone is still reading... I don't normally break the fourth wall but here I am... XD If you've been reading for a bit, you probably have a good idea of my tarot experience, since I've been doing it every night. I've been studying off-and-on for about 3 years now. I'd really appreciate your input on pricing ideas for like... per-card spreads. Like one-card, three card... and then I can figure out some weird elaborate ones for bigger spreads. Like... what you would expect for a price, keeping in consideration what people charge "IRL". I was thinking that subscribers could have one free one card reading per week? I feel like I'm kinda just giving them away if I do "you get a free reading every stream" for the... $2.50/month I get out of a sub. That's just depressing and I think I'm worth more than that. I don't even know where to start with pricing though. I have been leaning towards like... the $15-20 per 3-card reading range, but I'm worried I won't get enough interest. Because people are just used to bargain-basement prices. So... I could do like... Ko-Fi does "cups of coffee" as increments, and I could say... one cup of coffee = one card... I think that makes sense, and seems fair to me... though it is kinda on the cheap side, if I'm being honest... So, any thoughts on that I'd greatly appreciate, if you don't mind sharing your thoughts. Also, I'm going with Ko-Fi because I get a substantially better cut than Twitch Bits - and I mean substantially... - so I also need to check to make sure Twitch isn't gonna be a little shit and tell me I can't use it for donations.
Okay, tarot time for real.
Past - Ace of Cups (A new relationship and the accompanying surge of emotions.  Getting in touch with your feelings.  Matters of the heart.  A deepening bond.) Present - Ten of Wands, inverted (Burdens, heavy responsibilities. Taking on too much and overloading yourself.) Future - Queen of Pentacles (A person who is warm, welcoming, nurturing, down-to-earth.  She is resourceful, grounded, independent and confident.)
Alright, this one isn't too tough for me to connect the dots on.
This threads starts with Ace of Cups - the big emotional eruption that comes from new ventures. The first date feeling, the first day at a job, that kinda thing. A moment where you get a big rush of emotions and it's better to just... submit to them and experience them than to try to reason them. It can also signal a new relationship but, you know... I'm in isolation here so... I guess it makes it easier to rule that kinda stuff out... XD
This connects to inverted Ten of Wands. Ten of Wands is carrying the heavy burden. It's taking on too much and being overloaded. I don't think it's a signal of catastrophe, but more of a warning. And I feel like the inversion here is kinda emphasizing that this overload is not necessarily something I should be taking pride in... it's something that if not kept in check will take a physical toll on me.
This connects to Queen of Pentacles. She's a new one for me, so I'm still a bit unfamiliar. The card description had a nice background on the Pentacle - a coin with a pentagram, which represents the four elements and the point above which is the Spirit (reason). The pentacle is a symbol of Life, an idealized life, where all of the base elements and urges and impulses are kept under the watchful guidance of the Spirit. And the Queen is the one who unearths the embodiment of this symbol. The Heart of the Pentacles. When I read the description, I pictured The Oracle from The Matrix. Warm, welcoming, nurturing, grounded, confident, kind, maybe a little sassy. She has fresh baked cookies for you. :)
So... there's a few ways to read this. But basically... my excitement with new ventures and new relationships can lead to me getting too overburdened. And rather than my typical RPG inventory assessment and the cleaning that happens when I get Overburdened... where I filter by importance and drop the shit I need the least... when I'm getting into a new relationship/friendship or starting a new project... I tend to revolve around the newest, most emotionally engaging thing. So... like right now? If I were overburdened by adding in streaming on top of art and yoga and working out and housework... I would likely, by default, keep streaming and drop housework, then drop working out. Which isn't necessarily the smartest way to go about it. I also tend to push push push and don't really take enough time to just chill and have fun. So... keeping that balanced is important, and I think the inverted Ten of Wands is really signaling a heads up for that. The end result being... a nurturing, loving, kind, confident, grounded person... a well-balanced stable person, who seems really nice and fun to be around.
That's definitely insightful. Tarot utterly fascinates me, because... I really see it like an inkblot kinda thing, like a Rorschach test. And you take those symbols (in context of their own narratives) and put them in the context of your own life. So the way I just interpreted that? Those same exact cards, the same draw on a different day or (especially) with a different person, could mean something completely different. And people see this lack of being able to replicate results as... "scientific inaccuracy". And they use it as "evidence" to dismiss the value of tarot. Which is deeply upsetting, of course, but I'm not going to get into that. Beyond that, it just really detracts from the whole point. If I drew a card that had a picture of The Emperor from Star Wars... and showed that to you and went "does this remind you of anyone?" Or showed you a picture of Trinity kissing Neo as she unplugs him at the end of The Matrix and present that image as like... something to keep in mind, something to think about, reflect on and maybe keep an eye out for things that remind you of that today. A reminder of priorities in your life, or what you're working towards. I feel like it adds a layer of meaning to life, a... cinematic quality. It reminds me that life is a story, and I'm both the main character and the author. And I don't control everything... in fact, I don't really have a lot of control at all... but I do have choice and intention. And these images can be reminders of those choices, so we can be a bit more intentional and mindful with our choices.
The randomness is what filters out bias. I have never seen tarot as "predicting the future", I don't even really believe that the future has been written yet. At least... I don't think... and honestly... I'm okay not knowing... and I'm okay going along living that way. XD I believe that tarot presents you with images and symbols that you can choose to take into consideration as you move forward. And if you choose to engage, your consideration of those symbols literally changes the course of your life, of your own doing. It can assist us in considering events and symbols in life that we can all relate to, at some level, and mindfully choose whether we want to steer our lives in that direction. It allows us to be more deliberate and aware of certain aspects of our life, and be more active in how we manifest our own future. So, in a way... it shows a potential future. At least a potential course of events, or interconnected symbols. And you can do whatever you want with that. That's my take on it.
Alright, it's late. Gonna wrap it up.
One thing before I go, because I want to put this in writing so it concretizes in my brain. I had a really profound inspiration burst today. Seem to be getting a lot of those lately... :) I was doing the organic cellular membrane pattern and I was completely in autopilot mode, which is such a cool place to get to. And I started to picture the shapes I was drawing... as stones. As pebbles, as gravel. Like... a mosaic. Like a stone path. And I suddenly got really excited. These designs? I could do nature installations. And I could incorporate moss too, if I wanted. So I could do bubbles of moss, and stone "membranes" separating them. Or stone bubbles, and moss membranes between. I could do this really easily too. I would just need the space and materials. And I started brainstorming it on stream and was talking about how... miraculously, I had already learned the skills for how to sort stones by size. It's called "classifying", which I learned from rockhounding and gold panning. Where you get different filters (which are basically like... plastic or metal mesh) of different sizes. And you shake the gravel, and the small ones fall through and the big ones stay on top, and ta-da... you've classified your stones by that size. And I'm really inspired to do a piece like this... so... here's my thought right now. Either I find a space to do this, which I would need a property owner who is okay with it. I'm in a city now, I can't just do this in my landlord's yard anymore. OR... I could create some form of installation indoors... work on a micro-scale... meaning... stones 1" maximum in size... get a shit ton of gravel ordered from somewhere, maybe work with soil too, harvest natural moss? If I can just figure out... the structure, the housing. When I picture it, I'm picturing like... a super shallow wooden box, kinda; almost like a picture frame laying down, or a super shallow sandbox. Like... I look over at my windows and see a spot under my windowsill that would be perfect for a big one. And that bay is like... 7'x1'. So... I would need some kind of backing, like plywood or something... some kind of wood along the sides to keep everything in... maybe just normal 2x4s... and... that's it? Maybe handles so I can move it, but I can always add that shit later. I can start on a smaller scale too, then work my way up. I've kinda already started on this with the terracotta pot that I have, but... it's the depth of it that throws me off. If I had something shallow and broad, I could build a flat base to it and just work on it like it's a canvas. And, again... if I can waterproof this too... I can add in water features and pumps and shit down the line... Micro Zen Gardens. It's a cool idea. I've had this idea for a while now. I just... really wish I knew what materials to use for this and how to put that together. The rest would be a dream come true. Then, later... down the line... I'd love to do a full-scale installation with actual rocks instead of micro gravel. Like a full park or some shit. That would be absolutely insane.
Okay, just needed to get that out. Bedtime for real now.
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suhnnyskiess · 2 years
Hi bestiesss, quick life update + rant ahead <3
so idk if anyone will read this its way more for myself to keep record and to rant away bc i am in dire need of assistance LMAo
So basically a few months back after I quitted my job I started to apply to other internships and stuff to get credits to get my degree. Nothing came back to me until last week when I got two calls from two different people telling me that I got an interview for one of the internships I had applied and I also got a call from one of the projects I applied with uni to get credits to graduate and-
Tomorrow I have an assessment of said internship and I don't know how to say to them that if I am chosen I am not taking them? Bc well, I fucked up and today on thw interview i said I could immediately start working with them, but now that I've actually think things through I don't feel ready??? Bc I have the time I gu3ss??? But at the same time I have that other project going on which exites me more and ugh
BUT I WANT THE MONEYYYY it's like a paid internship and I know I would learn a lot and idk I'm just confused on what to do. My plan as of now is to go unprepared to the assessment tomorrow and explain to them that I thought things today and that I can't commit completely so I hope there are other applicants so I won't feel too burdened if I don't accept LOL
So yeah? That's why I've been kinda MIA??? Not really bc I've queued stuff but like, I hate being an adult ugh 😭😭😭
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joonberriess · 2 years
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·˚ ༘ 💌 IMAGINE┊jungkook as a boxer and your boyfriend. he’s your ride or die and you’re his too. a modern day Bonnie and Clyde.
TAGS — toxic!jk, possessive sex, angry sex, angst, glamourized toxic relationship, abusive due to jk’s aggression be warned, headcanons + some plot!
WORD COUNT — 3.5 k
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+     Jeon Jungkook is an infamous underground boxer, he doesn't play by the rules and he doesn't like a clean fight. You can guess what type of person he's like out of the ring. He's your typical asshole: snarky, perverted, and only intelligent in what seems like the streets. He's got issues. Loads of them and he isn't one to shy away things often being blunt since he could care less what people think of him.
+     Jungkook has a horrible habit of being in and out of relationships, none making it past a day or two cause his attention is being caught by a new girl. He can sweet talk like he's your prince charming but fucks you like a common whore. He's cocky too, knows the ladies want him and it strokes his ego to know they're all dying for him.
+     He meets you at a family wedding he goes to, you're sitting so pretty in the center with your arm tucked into your daddy's. So you're a good girl, he muses, it's all the more reason to approach you. He's infatuated, he has to have you now as there's no way he can skip out on the opportunity of a lifetime as he considers it. You end up rejecting him many many times cause you know of his reputation.
+ In your relationship he's possessive and jealous. Jungkook fully trusts you, he doesn't trust anyone else and sees himself like your protector to which he is (to a certain extent) but he needs to understand not everyone is threat. Jungkook loves you more than life itself, he's downright obsessed with the idea of being with you until the end of time but overall he tries to be a good boyfriend to you. Even if your father doesn't approve of him, *cue the "daddy pass the salt" fiasco.
━ (음악)
; his playlist
1. todas mueren por mi - cartel de santa
2. first class - jack harlow
3. love n hennesy - a.chal
4. bonnie & clyde - dean
5. malibu - ph-1
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"Y es que es asi, todas muren por mi, y es que es asi, todas muren por ti," - Cartel De Santa
"If I were you I wouldn't," some girl pipes up from beside you, "woman to woman, he's not good for you." You're not stupid, you know who she's referring to and you can feel a small amount of annoyance hit you.
"Well," you softly smile, it's in your nature to be polite even if she is meddling in what doesn't concern her, "good thing you aren't me."
She scoffs, mumbling something about it being your loss but you see it as a win. You're so used to all these girls pitying you and trying to "warn" you about Jungkook. You know perfectly the type of guy he was and is right now. It wasn't like you jumped in blindly you made sure to be very clear with him, one screw up and you were leaving.
Jungkook's infamous playboy behavior exceeds him, no one can believe the once eligible bachelor is now in a relationship. His little groupie is so disappointed their favorite fuck buddy was off the market. They wonder how you do it given his little reputation and stuff. Do you ever get tired of random girls telling you he used to text them? Or how about the ones who "tried" warning you of his fuckboy tendencies?
Though Jungkook isn't the only one who's questioned often times. You're his polar opposite, you're not made for the lifestyle he leads on. As far as the public knows you're the daughter of a rich businessman who's family friends with the Jeons. You study in a prestigious university majoring in literature and working a internship in a journal company. They perceive you as a socialite and total snob due to your rich girl status, how wrong they were..
You finish applying a small layer of strawberry gloss on your pouty lips and head back out into the arena. You sit front row next to Yoongi who's watching Namjoon motivate Jungkook before the next round begins. They're both his mentors and you've come to see both men as friends and older brothers. "He's doing great so far, if he keeps this up he'll win right..?" You softly say to Yoongi.
"Yes, Kook's doing great with his speed and catching the poor bastard off guard but he needs to slow down or else he'll slip up and the other will get a upper hand on him. We don't need Kook to come back with fractured ribs again." Yoongi replies with a sigh, offering some peanuts to you.
"No thank you," you hum, "you know how he is, always eager and overzealous."
Yoongi grunts as he slouches in his seat, "Well he needs to cut that shit out before he gets his ass knocked out one of these days. If it ain't his opponent, it's gonna be me." He smirks lazily.
The match goes back into motion as the referee is yelling something to the crowd. Your heart is beating quickly, you pray to the gods above they send you your man back in one piece with no broken bones (his case fractured ribs). You've never liked this because the blood and the violent punches scare you. Especially because this is Jungkook you're talking about.
You watch with close eyes, Jungkook looks angry and it's both hot and scary at the same time. He's got sweat building up on his forehead, hair sticking to his skin, and jaw clenched as he throws punches left and right. So far Jungkook has been in the lead all night as he chooses to surprise his opponents. You're feeling a little bit of adrenaline running through your veins as you watch the match.
"C'mon, you got this..." You whisper softly and clench your fists.
The poor dude doesn't stand a chance anymore, he's losing his momento and his technique is getting sloppy. Jungkook must have tired him out already.. You find yourself smiling and yelling with joy as Jungkook manages to corner him. He's so, so close and your breath hitches in anticipation as the final punch is thrown and the dude goes falling to the ground. Everyone cheers for Jungkook, chanting his name as Namjoon crowds Jungkook after he's announced winner.
You eagerly make your way up to the stage, watching as Jungkook walks towards you simultaneously with dark eyes. He licks his lips chest heaving from the aftermath of the match, he seems like he's running on pure adrenaline now. Before you can even reach the ropes he hauls you up effortlessly, grabbing the back of your hair with one hand and roughly squeezing your ass through your dress with his other.
He kisses you with his all groaning softly while his hand kneads your ass massaging it in a more comforting manner rather than sexual. You bring your small hands to cup his face as you kiss back. Everyone's still celebrating and some close friends that came are catcalling you two. Jungkook tightens his hold as he pulls back, forehead against yours as he pants hotly against your mouth.
"I fuckin' did it baby," he mutters to you, "did it just for you."
You smile softly, "I'm proud of you," you mumble back and kiss his lips very gently, contrast to earlier, "I knew you could."
Jungkook chuckles breathily, "Let's get the fuck outta here yea? I wanna fuck the shit out of you in the locker rooms." He grins slapping your ass.
You want to chastise him but he does end up fucking you in the showers. Your little fur coat is messily thrown on a bench and a trail of clothes leading to the shower cubicles lay strewn around. It's a little steamy in there and Jungkook's got his strong arms pinning you up against the tiles as he works his thick cock in and out of you.
Your moans are soft and whiny, your toes clench and your thighs shake every so often from his cock stroking your g-spot from this angle. His wet body presses up against yours, his chest is firmly pressed to yours and your nipples rub against his wet skin every time he bounces you up and down his cock. "Mmm.. yeah," you softly moan, "right there, 's so good," you whine quietly.
Jungkook grunts quietly as he adjusts his grip on your bubbly ass, fat spilling from between his fingers as he hoists you upward and begins to drive his cock into you faster. "Right there baby? Want me to fuck you harder with my fat cock? C'mon baby, tell me you love it, love how full it makes you feel and hard it makes you cum.." He whispers in your ear.
You moan loudly at the dirty talk, back arching a little, "I-I love it..! Fills me up so good Kook, only you can make me cum like this!" You whimper towards the end, arms sliding down from his shoulders to simply being wrapped around his back.
"Damn right I am," he growls, "you're fucking mine, this pussy belongs to me and I don't wanna see anyone near it. Only I'm allowed to fuck you like this," he says as he pistons his hips faster, "say it. Say you belong to me, let them hear it baby,"
You squeal at the change of pace, arms coming up behind you to grip the top of the half-wall as he rocks you back and forth on his cock. It's too much and you can feel your pussy clamping down on him, "I'm yours! My pussy belongs to you," you cry, ".. Jungkook..! Jungkook!" You call out over and over as he fucks you like a man on death row.
Jungkook smirks softly, "Damn right," he kisses you while he plows away at your sensitive pussy. He thoroughly marks you as his and makes sure the whole damn hallway could hear you that night. He walks you down the hall later that night feeling refreshed as ever with his arm around your waist holding your ass as you stay cuddled up to him with a sweet adorable smile.
"Dame un poco love with some Hennessy, you know I like it when you're mad at me," - A.Chal
You're bubbling with annoyance as you storm around your shared apartment trying to find something to do, something that doesn't involve seeing his face. Jungkook was following occasionally, muttering curses and shaking his head at your "childish behavior". He's getting riled up too even though he has nothing to be angry about, he also has no right either since he started this whole mess.
The "mess" you're referring to occurred moments before arriving at home together. You were both hungry so you both said "hey, fuck it why not try that new barbecue place down the street?" and then you both went to the damned restaurant.
Everything's chill you're both enjoying the scenery around you, the waitress is very friendly and helpful and you both get your order and drinks quickly because the place isn't busy. Everything's going so well. You're happy, Jungkook's happy, everyone is so where did it all go to shit?
Jungkook is to blame (partly because he didn't look for the fight) but it was those preppy assholes from your university. They're sons of your parent's friends and you have met them before. Yet it did not give them the right to comment about your boyfriend or relationship.
They came over saying shit like "does your dad know who you're with?" or "why don't you ditch this lowlife and come get some drinks with us?" You're beyond angry and open your mouth to give them a piece of your mind but Jungkook beats you to it.
"Her dad perfectly fucking knows who she's with and where she's staying at, I don't recall ever asking for your fucking opinion on my girlfriend." Jungkook lowly mutters as he glares, "If I were you I'd fucking leave before I get my ass beat for acting a fool."
The one who started it laughs, "I dare you to put your hands on me, if you do—" he's cut off by Jungkook punching him right across the face.
"Say that again? I couldn't quite hear you?" Jungkook smirks as he yanks his head back, "C'mon, what were you gonna do?"
You scramble to get up, "Jungkook please," you softly beg, "let's just go okay? Ignore them they're not important."
Jungkook doesn't let up, only delivering another sucker punch to the gut. "Say it," he growls.
"L-Let go of me! My father will hear about this and when he does you're in so much shit! y/n get your—" he's cut off once again by Jungkook who's fucking livid.
You can see the crowd forming and the waitress from earlier on the phone speaking frantically. You feel angry, and worried because Jungkook was going to be in huge trouble if things weren't stopped now. You shakily breathed and looked around unsure of what to do.
It's about to turn into a full on fight because Jungkook pushes the asshole to his limits and now he's going to fight back. But you'd be damned if anyone put their hands on your man like that. You lift a bottle of soju and smash it against the dude's head as he's disoriented, "We are going home." You seethe to Jeongguk and toss the broken bottle top to the floor.
You're angry as hell right now and the press can kiss your ass, hell you work for the damn press you'll write the damn story yourself. You mutter to yourself and get into the car, arms crossed and face fixed to a cold stare.
“Baby,” Jungkook breathes out, entering the vehicle and sitting there looking at you in disbelief, “baby..?”
“Home.” You glare, and the rest of the ride is driven in silence and the occasional comment that dies out on Jungkook’s tongue halfway as he lets you mope around.
That’s how you’re in this predicament, pacing around at home angrily and huffing because the day is ruined. Not by Jungkook (maybe), but by those preppy assholes who think you’re friends or something. You didn’t even like them, you tolerated them. There was a difference between being cordial and rude.
“y/n.” Jungkook calls out, you ignore him and he calls out to you a total of two more times until he himself grows impatient and bothered. “Fucking hell y/n what do you want me to do?! Apologize? Say sorry for fucking defending myself against those daddy’s boys?!” He erupts in your face, hands holding your arms so tight you know you’ll bruise.
“You attacked him in a restaurant Jungkook! That wasn’t the fucking ring in there and you know it! Don’t you ever just leave boxing back in the ring? You always do this when things don’t go your way or the slightest inconvenience hits you and I’m sick of it! One of these days Jungkook they’ll arrest you and so help me I won’t be there to help you.” You glare, shaking him off as you pound your little fists on his chest.
Jungkook scoffs, “Oh that’s what we’re doing now? Taking their side? You fucking slut,” he shoves you hard making your back hit the wall as you stumble a little, “given the opportunity you’d jump at any chance to get on their cocks wouldn’t you? You’re a good for nothing—”
You cut him off with a slap, “Who the hell do you think you are? Accusing me of this stupid crap get over yourself Jungkook! You’re so far up your own ass you don’t even know what you’re saying to me.” You snap as you storm past him, heading right to your bedroom to pack a overnight bag.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going? I’m not done talking to you!” Jungkook yells as he follows you, “Oh classic y/n move, pack your shit and run from the problems yeah real classy move.” He sneers.
“Leave me alone,” you say as you shove random clothes into a bag, “I’m done talking with you, I’m not going to sit here and let you disrespect me or our relationship.”
Jungkook grabs the bag from your hands, “You aren’t going anywhere, you’re gonna unpack all this shit and we’re going to talk because isn’t that what you always want?! To talk?!”
You stare into Jungkook’s eyes as he crowds you, “Fuck. You.” You seethe angrily, you’re not one to cuss but when you do it’s because you’re absolutely losing it.
“What was that?” Jungkook suddenly growls, “Go on, repeat that shit to me.”
“I said: fuck you Jungkook. You’re a goddamn asshole and it’s a miracle I’ve stayed this fucking long with you!” You yell in his face as the both of you have a screaming match.
Things are thrown, picture frames shattered, and the room is in such disarray you’re not sure anyone can sleep in there. You take your anger out on him, letting all the pent up anger from before bubble up. This feels exhilarating but tiring at the same time, yelling took so much energy..
At one point he grabs you roughly, pressing you on the wall as he smothers you in a harsh kiss. The sexual tension had built and was at its’ boiling point. You found yourself kissing him back just as fierce and hungry. Your hands tangled in his hair and you harshly tugged on the soft strands.
“Fuck,” he moans against your mouth as he reaches down to unbuckle your jeans and push his hand inside your panties.
You arch into his touch, hands coming down to grip his forearm as you move your leg to wrap around his waist and pull him closer. A soft shaky sigh leaves your lips as his hand cups your soft pussy, his finger dipping between your folds to rub at your clit.
He presses on the bud and rubs back and forth as his head drops down to your neck. He leaves a series of hickeys on your skin as his free hand grips your hip tightly and holds you firmly against him. “You like that?” He murmurs hotly in your ear.
You pant and wiggle around in your place as your lower half is engulfed in pleasure. Your sensitive clit makes your hips jump in surprise every so often whenever he rubs in a particular way. The feeling is a little overwhelming but in a good way.
“Love it,” you whisper back and tangle a free hand in his hair as you grip it tightly, “but I want something else.”
“Tell me baby, what do you want?” Jungkook pulls back to stare down into your eyes as he slips his fingers past your tight slicked up hole as he fills you.
Your mouth falls open, eyes fluttering shut as you tighten your grip, “Mmm–you, want your cock in me,” you moan out, “want it to fill me up, make me cum over and over again..” You whisper seductively as you lick your lip.
Jungkook groans softly as he picks up the speed in your panties. He moves his fingers quicker, creating this squelching noise as your wetness dribbles down to his palm. His hand is cramping but the pain is worth it as he watches your face contort into pleasure. “Yeah..? What else baby? C’mon be a good girl and tell me.”
“Ohh..! Mm–want you to hold me down on the bed and make me take it. Don’t want it to stop until I’m crying and shaking, want you filling me up with your cum till it’s dripping–Jungkook,” you whine as you arch your back, “Call me your little slut, choke me, slap me, god just ruin me,” you whimper.
Jungkook moans at your words, he curls his fingers to hit your g-spot. The anger and sexual tension from before left you excited, you knew you wouldn’t be able to last long due to your overzealousness. You moan and cry out for him as your pussy is rapidly approaching its’ release. You clench on his fingers and shake as he sends you barreling into hot pleasure.
It’s utter bliss as you slump into his arms and sigh happily as you ride out your orgasm. He slows down and manages to hold you against him as he pants softly, “I’m sorry baby,” he breathes out.
You swallow thickly, staring up at him with a soft pout, “I’m sorry too..” You murmur and cradle his face, “You know I’d never mean those words right?” Not even you were sure if you meant those words..
Jungkook nods slowly as he presses his forehead to yours tenderly, “I didn’t meant shit either, you know how I get.. I promise I’ll try harder next time to not lose my temper in public.”
It’s a lie, he’ll be on his best behavior for a week max and then it’s back to normal. You’re used to this and you find yourself not caring as you hum in agreement, “Good.”
You love Jungkook. You’d do just about anything and he’d do the same. You’re a match made in heaven.
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[ ☁️ ] : ps that lil collage, pics edited so don’t worry ;)
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kerie-prince · 3 years
the intern
Peter Parker x Reader (college au)
requested: (anon) plz plz plz give me some college aged, super powerful ( think stark ceo powerful ) peter parker shit. idc what the rest of the story is about, i just need a brooding, smoldering, suit wearing, extremely expensive, college aged spiderman. plz and thank you!!!!
warnings: language
summary: When you start a new internship at Stark Industries, you're not only surprised to find Peter working as your boss, but that he's not the shy neighborhood boy you grew up with
a/n: this doesn't follow canon so for this imagine, hammer industries is just a rival company and the snap never happened lol also i don't know anything more than operating a phone so don't expect me to write sciencey, techy stuff lmao
(gif source)
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you were running across the road to jump into a cab that was available. Your phone hadn't been charging all night as you thought it had which caused you to wake up forty-five minutes before the start of the interview. You need this internship before you graduate from Empire State and get your degree in robotics.
On the way there, you nearly got car sick as the driver took sharp turns and nearly ran past intersections seconds before they became red. Once in front of Hammer Industries, your heels clicked loudly as you ran inside the tall building. You checked in with the front desk and took the elevator up to the 10th floor.
Just as you arrived, Justin Hammer was calling your name. “I'm right here!” you nearly tripped on your heels and your breaths were short.
“I've called your name three times, do you understand what that makes you look like, correct?” Justin stood unphased as you stood up straight and tried to steady your breath. “All these people are on time. Some of these folks have been here for hours, even.”
“Yes, sir. I’m so sorry–”
“Shame, I really liked your resume and your report on the expansion of nano-technology. Try again next year, maybe.” Justin started to call out the next participant and when she got up you stepped in front of her, “Please Mr. Hammer, I need this internship or I can't graduate.”
The people in the waiting room had their eyes on the two of you, tension so thick that it was almost hard to breathe. “Then maybe you should have come on time,” he pushed you aside to let the next person in to interview. You quickly ran back out and spoke to no one all the way home. Your eyes and cheeks were aching as you held in the tears during your Uber ride. The driver wanted to ask if you were okay, but if you were to break down in his car he’d probably be stuck having to listen to what happened and if he was honest with himself, he didn't actually care.
Once you got to your apartment, you made a straight line to the kitchen. “Hey, how’d the interview go?” MJ, your roommate, asked while still looking at her computer. You reached into the freezer for your emergency ice cream pint, snatched a spoon and walked into your room without saying anything. “That bad, I guess,” MJ said to herself.
You sat with MJ and Ned in the cafeteria, but had not touched any of the food on your plate. Your head was laid on the steel table and you just continuously groaned. “I’m a failure,” you whined.
“No, what you are is fucking dumb,” MJ commented as she ate.
“Thanks, Michelle, that makes me feel so much better,” you looked up to glare at her before laying her head back down. Ned felt bad that his friend was in despair, “How come you didn't ask Peter for help?”
“Huh?” you lifted your head back up some of your hair falling onto your face.
“Yeah, Peter already works at Stark Industries, why didn't you just ask him to get you in? You could even skip the internship altogether and be in full time,” Ned suggested. You gave it some thought, but something about it didn't sound right.
“No, I don't want to bother Peter. I don’t want him to think that I’m only calling him for a job,” you sighed. Ned texted Peter anyways. Unexpectedly, Peter texted him back immediately.
“He says it’s fine,” Ned showed you his phone to read the text. ‘Yeah man, tell her to come in tomorrow and Ms. Potts will interview her’
You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding and pulled out your phone.
‘Thank you so much for helping me out’
‘No problem, anything for a friend’
The Stark Industries building was huge. It almost looked taller than the Empire State Building, and maybe it actually was. Your legs were shaking as you stared up at it. “Here goes nothing,” you assured yourself.
The lobby was bustling with people; workers walking around, a group of kids that seemed to be here on a field trip, and some teens taking pictures in front of one of Mr. Stark's Iron Man suits.
The trip up to the 17th floor was crowded with people as more and more entered in every passing floor. You had to squeeze yourself out and accidentally stepped on someone’s foot in the process.
Looking around, your jaw dropped. It was an open laboratory with groups of people putting together small robots, flying drones, and people laughing and talking. It was such a fun and cool looking environment, you wondered why you didn't just apply here in the first place.
Pepper Potts spotted you walking around and approached you with a tap on your shoulder. “Hi, I’m Pepper. You must be Y/N,” she reached her hand out to shake yours which you accepted. “Hi, nice to meet you.”
“Peter’s told me a lot about you. Come, follow me,” Pepper’s office had glass walls and a view of New York from behind her desk. You weren't particularly fond of heights, but even you would love to have an office view like that. Pepper gestured to the chair in front of her as she smoothed her dress to sit in hers. “So, I see here that you had an interview at Hammer’s. Can I ask why you chose them?” You didn't even know how they got that information. You hadn't seen or spoken to Peter in quite a while, so how Pepper knew that was beyond you. You sat there with your lips moving to say something but nothing was coming out.
Pepper seemed to have caught on what you were thinking and elaborated, “Before I do any interviewing, I do full background checks on everyone.” She had a gentle smile which made you feel better. You thought she would scold you or something considering the question did more than catch you off guard.
“My mother used to work there for a long time and I figured that I would follow,” you explained. Pepper nodded her head and wrote some notes down. She looked onto her computer and looked at everything there was about you. “Well, I see here that you have exceptional grades. 4.7 GPA since you started school and your paper on nano-technology has gotten much praise. I think even Tony read it.” No way. The Tony Stark read my paper? “So tell me, do you see yourself working here at Stark Industries?”
You looked outside and watched everyone in the open lab again. “Yes.”
“Then that’s all I need to hear. We’d love to have you here,” she reached over to shake your hand. You looked at her surprised and hesitantly shook hers. “Welcome to the team, Y/N.”
“Thank you so much!” You cupped her hand with both of yours and shook it a little too quickly, but she didn't seem to mind. You were ecstatic to start your path to your career, and at a dream place at that.
Your alarm rang at the time you set it to, but there was no need for it. You couldn't sleep all night. Today is your first day of your internship and you were feeling so many things at once. Excited, nervous, happy, scared…
You tried to restrain yourself to a light breakfast, but MJ’s pancakes were to die for that you ate two whole stacks. You looked through your closet just about fifteen times; you had already picked an outfit the following night with the help of MJ, but when you put it back on, you hated it. It sucked for your roommate seeing as she had to sit through you changing from eight other outfits.
You tried to picture the lab again to see how other people dressed for a better idea to base it on your outfit choice. From what you remember, it was pretty casual, so that’s what you stuck to.
You were given your pass the day you were hired, so you had no issue walking inside. The elevator was just as packed as it was last time, but you were more composed so there were no toes being stepped on this time. You weren't exactly sure as to where you had to go, so you looked around to see if there were other interns to ask where to start.
“Y/N!” Peter’s voice surprised you from behind. Your shoulders jumped a bit, but relaxed at the view of his face. His face… you actually hadn't seen him for quite a while. Months, maybe. His jawline was more defined, and his once floppy hair was styled neatly. You tried to not look him up and down, but the temptation was definitely there. And the other thing, his voice was deeper than you last remembered. Is this really Peter Parker? “Hey, Peter.”
He gave you a hug that nearly made you lose breath. He was stronger than you remembered. A memory flashed back to when you were in junior high; you, Ned and Peter were hanging around the local park and you beat Peter on rounds on the monkey bars. He gave up after a couple bars, but you went back and forth a couple times. ‘Show off.’ But now, he had muscles that the shirt he was wearing hugged his biceps.
The hug was quick, and you had to pretend that he didn't just squeeze some life out of you. “Do you work on this floor?”
“Yeah, you’re actually assigned to work with my team. Come, I’ll show you around.” He started walking and you noticed how his posture changed. Damn, I know it hasn't been this long since I've seen him. Why does he look so different? He was wearing trousers. Trousers? Peter hates trousers. But his ass is looking great–
“Hey guys, this is Y/N. She’s going to be working with us as an intern. And I'll say this beforehand, no she's not going to be taking coffee or lunch orders,” Peter introduced you. There were various aged people in this group. Some were your age, and one person looked to have been in his thirties. Peter is in charge of this group? They all said ‘hi’ to you and went around introducing themselves.
Once that was finished, Peter pulled a chair for you on the table. “You’ll take notes for me while I give this presentation,” he whispered to you before walking in front of the table and started writing on the clear glass board.
He was talking quickly and didn't stumble over his words like he used to. Everyone was listening to him attentively and you jotted notes down as quickly as you could. Every now and then, you would steal glimpses of him and feel a sort of… well you felt something. Amazement? Inspiration? Adoration?
No doubt was Peter one of the smartest people you've ever met and here he was leading his own team and making potential products for Stark Industries at such a young age. Seeing him at work was so… it was indescribable to you but all you could think of was how different he is now. In a good way, of course.
Peter Parker has been your friend for years and to see him change from a bumbling, shy, adorable nerd into a confident, intelligent working man attracted you.
When you got home, you thought a lot about your first day. Being an intern at Stark Industries was really fun, so far. You weren't expected to do silly things like get coffee or lunch for everyone or pick up someone’s dry cleaning. You actually learned something and even had your opinions heard on some of the things that Peter suggested for his team’s upcoming product presentation.
If this is what it's like to be an intern, you couldn't imagine what it would be like working full time.
“How'd it go?” MJ stuck her head in your room. “It was fun. I'm working with Peter,” you explained your day to her.
“Cool,” was the last thing she said before she went to her own room for the night.
In the past few months, your internship at Stark’s has been going swimmingly. Everyone's been so nice, and the work is so fascinating. You've gotten closer with Peter and along the way, he felt like he was more than a friend and boss to you.
Currently, everyone was getting ready for their final presentations for the upcoming annual Stark Industries Convention. It was going to be Peter’s first year presenting his own project with his team and you were so excited to be a part of it.
The time you’ve spent with Peter was really fun. He was a good mentor and a great friend. The only thing was that you couldn't help but look at him a little too long, and you’ve found yourself thinking about him during your classes or doing your homework. The shy boy from Midtown High was no more, replaced– no, grown into the Peter you know now. But you pushed all feelings aside to focus on your next thesis paper and mock-up of the handout brochures of Peter’s project.
Sometimes, you didn't even feel like an intern as Peter would ask for any ideas you had to make the project better and even let you help with assembly. He stayed true to his words and you’ve never once had to run for coffee or things like that. There’d be times when you would study some of the little parts under a magnifying glass and he’d come up slightly behind you and explain about some of the bits on the working table.
And every time he did that, your breath would be stuck in your throat and you’d have to remind yourself that this was just Peter helping you out and you’re just learning. But it was normal to want more every now and then… right?
The convention was just a few days away and you had trouble finding something to wear. These events were usually black tie events, but did that mean the presenting teams as well? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?
One of the guys on your team, Richie, sat with you during lunch and talked about how he was probably going to wear the same suit as always. Not because he couldn't afford a new suit, but he was just a simple person and he only wears it once a year for the conventions and that’s all, so it’s still in mint condition.
The girls on your team and some from others were going dress shopping the day before and invited you to join. You were excited mainly because now you don't have to bother MJ for it.
Speaking of MJ, you were going to ask her to come with you. Pepper sent out the electronic invitations to everyone in the company and authorized plus ones to even interns. She’s never been to one – for reasons you were still confused about – but you wanted your best friend to be there for you. And if not MJ, then you bet Ned would still come with you. Wait, what if he’s going with Peter?
On cue, Peter had sat in the chair next to yours in the small break room, “Hey, Y/N.”
“Oh, hey Pete. You excited for Saturday?” Peter quietly stirred his coffee and gave you a small smile, “Uh, yeah. I’m nervous, but I’ve worked really hard on this. And everyone, too. Including you.”
You slightly blushed. I didn't do all that much you thought. You two just sat there taking small sips from the hot, bitter beverage.
“So… I wanted to ask you something,” Peter started.
“Mhm?” The coffee nearly slipped past your lips. You quickly grabbed a napkin to lightly dab some of it off of your lips.
“Well, as you know, we can bring anyone with us to the convention,” he trailed off.
“Yes?” Is he going to…
“And I wanted to know if you were bringing MJ with you.” Oh. You nodded your head and thought you hid your disappointment well but without knowing, Peter actually caught it for a split second. “Good. You can come with me,” he smiled and stood up.
You were in awe; without effort, Peter just asked you to be his date for Saturday.
“Dude, how are you not ready yet? He’s gonna be here any minute,” MJ sat at her computer per usual working. Your music was too loud for her taste playing from your shared bathroom. Peter said he would pick you up at 7, and it was currently 6:50.
You had put on and removed your make-up at least five times. Something was always wrong; one of the wings would either be thicker than the other, the blush would be the wrong shade, or the lipliner kept going out of place. But, alas, you finally nailed it.
Your hair was styled half up with elegant curls and braids. In between some braids were little bits of baby’s breath flowers. Most likely, you were going to have a hard time taking those out but they looked cute and it was too late to take them out.
Your dress was right above your knee and flowed comfortably so you wouldn't have a hard time walking. It was a neutral taupe color and had a V-line that ended just above cleavage and hugged the curve of your waist. You paired it with simple black heels and a small, white handbag.
“He’s here,” MJ informed you.
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, “what do you think?” You spun around and held your arms out. “You look really pretty. Now go get ‘em. I’ll watch it on the live stream.” She gave you a lazy thumbs up and resumed her work.
Outside was Peter in an all-black apparel. His dress shirt had only one button undone, and he had a loose blazer that accentuated the dip of his shoulders. He stood against the limo with his hands at his sides. God, he’s gonna be the death of me.
When he caught sight of you, he had a flirtatious smirk on his lips and held out for your hand. “Peter, where’d this limo come from?”
“Mr. Stark set it up for me,” he stated like it was no big deal. Must be nice being his favorite. He held the door for you to climb in and closed the door behind him. “We’re ready, Happy,” he told the driver. Happy rolled his eyes, closed the window and drove off.
The convention was off to a great start; Tony Stark came in with his suit as he always loved to do and started introductions before everyone else scattered around to look at the projects of the many departments in his company. Some groups of certain departments had large stages, some had small stands, like Peter’s.
There were still large crowds coming to see the smaller presentations, and everyone seemed to be fascinated with Peter's. You stood on the side as his team operated the machine and Peter spoke. He looked confident and it was mesmerizing to watch him.
After the night was over, all employee’s and some guests were brought back to headquarters for the after party. You walked around with Peter and had flutters in your heart every time he held the small of your back. The most exciting part of the night was meeting Tony Stark in person. He greeted Peter warmly, and then his eyes landed on you, “Peter, who’s this?”
“Oh, this is Y/N. She’s a friend of mine,” he gestured for you. You shook Tony’s hand and stood starstruck. “The one you don’t shut up about?” Pepper hit his shoulder and laughed nervously.
“Wait, I’ve heard about you. Buddy of mine works at Empire State and he showed me your paper, it was really good.” You were still shocked that he had even read it and here he was talking to you about it. You went back and forth talking about nano-technology.
On the way home, you and Peter talked and laughed about things you told him as you caught him up to what was happening on campus when he couldn't be there. It was a really fun night, and Peter was more noticeably relaxed now that the hard part was over. “Alright, home sweet home,” Happy announced through the window.
“Well, that’s me,” you smiled sadly, not wanting the night to end. You reached to open the door but Peter climbed out from his side. He walked around to open your door and just like he did earlier, held his hand out for you to grab and assist you out the limo. What was different this time was that he kept his hand in yours as he walked you to the door of the apartments. “I had a great time with you tonight,” Peter confessed.
“Me too,” your voice was soft and low for only him to hear. Peter’s eyes switched from looking into yours to your lips before he grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you. The kiss was needy, passionate, but had a certain gentleness to it. Once he felt you kiss him back with the same fervor, he deepened the kiss and brought one hand to pull your waist closer to him.
You pulled apart to regain your breath and looked to admire his swollen lips and he copied the same notion. He leaned in to give you a gentle kiss and pulled away, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Peter.” Your cheeks were flushed and your face was warm. You watched him as he left and ran inside. Upstairs in your apartment, you found MJ and Ned sitting on the couch with a bag of chips in each of their hands.
“Good night?” Ned asked. You just nodded and walked slowly to your room.
“We saw the whole thing, by the way,” MJ said nonchalantly. You looked back to glare at your best friends, Ned smiling innocently at you and MJ keeping her straight face.
You changed into your pajamas and laid on your bed on your back, looking up at the ceiling. You couldn't wait to go back to work on Monday.
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tennessoui · 3 years
49!!!!!! Please
finally!!!! baby, finally!!!!
49. Boss/Intern (35yo!Boss!Anakin, 19yo!Intern!Obi-Wan)
Obi-Wan rubs his hands rapidly down his face. He feels distinctly like he’s about to burst into tears, which would be a very bad thing to do here and now. His supervisor had come in fifteen minutes ago to tell him everyone was going to lunch. She’d invited him along, but he’d said no.
He always says no.
Lunch for the rest of the office means he gets to have a scheduled breakdown at his little cubicle.
He just. He just doesn’t know anything.
He’s only had this internship at Temple Tech for one week and already he’s floundered and fucked up more than anyone else probably has put together in their lifetimes.
He shouldn’t have ever applied, but he had been getting so desperate for summer employment, any sort of employment and, yes, this internship was out of his career field, and yes, he did have to lie at least five times on his resume, but it was an internship and it was paid.
It had felt like a good idea at the time. But then he actually got the job by some stroke of hellish luck, and he’s been learning every day since that it was actually probably a terrible idea. The learning curve is too steep. Obi-Wan is trying, but wow is he bad at it. Tech. Data stuff.
On his open computer, the sound of an email pinging rushes through his ears and he takes his hands off of his face to look. It’s from Anakin Skywalker. The boss.
Obi-Wan thinks he can feel his fingers grow numb. His heart feels like it’s stuttering in his chest, like it’s about to stop once and for all.
Temple Tech is a start-up company, still small but growing quickly. At its head is thirty-five year old Anakin Skywalker, which shouldn’t be any sort of a problem because Obi-Wan’s nineteen now and he can keep it in his pants, even if Anakin is hot as hell, smart as well, and so terribly kind whenever they run into each other.
Which happens a lot. Because it’s a small company, operating out of one renovated warehouse turned office. The floor plan is open enough that Obi-Wan’s able to see Anakin’s space--he gets a proper office, as part of being the boss, but he’s chosen to make the walls glass so it doesn’t feel as if he’s cut off from everyone else--from across the room. And Anakin is big on making everyone who works with him feel like family. A lot of companies say they do that or support that, but Anakin actually does. For one thing, he tells them to call him Anakin, not Mr. Skywalker. For another, he’s open about his personal life, but not so much that it makes anyone feel uncomfortable.
He’s quick with a smile and so understanding, and if he ever gets mad—and from his stories of his younger days, Obi-Wan knows he must have a temper—it’s never been in public.
And Anakin has never commented on how often Obi-Wan blushes around him, or how hard it is for him to focus on his work if Anakin sits on the edge of his desk to talk with him. Or any of the other employees, Obi-Wan has had to remind himself many times. Even though Obi-Wan feels hypersensitive and like a schoolgirl whenever Anakin is in his general vicinity, Anakin is a professional. He’s Obi-Wan’s boss. Nothing could ever happen between them. Not while Obi-Wan works under Anakin.
Even if Anakin is so nice and so kind and has asked to meet him now when everyone else is out of the building. It’s not suspicious and it’s definitely not cause for concern of any kind.
He thinks about shooting back an email, confirming it, but he’s never been good at the whole office environment thing. Instead, he logs off his computer and stands up.
It’s a short walk to Anakin’s office, hardly enough time for his palms to get sweaty.
Anakin’s typing something when Obi-Wan enters the room and he looks up at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh,” Obi-Wan says, aghast when he realizes he’s forgotten to knock. “I’m sorry, I--”
“Obi-Wan, come in, please,” Anakin gives him a slight smile and gestures for him to sit on the couch next to his desk. Obi-Wan takes a seat hesitantly. It’s as soft as it’s always looked.
Anakin types for a few more seconds on his computer before pushing away from his desk all together and taking a seat next to Obi-Wan on the couch.
“I’ve noticed you never go out to lunch with your coworkers,” Anakin says, positioning himself so he’s facing Obi-Wan completely. His body language is open, like he’s read one of those business books on how to sit so everyone knows you’re nice but you have an agenda.
It puts Obi-Wan on edge, and he fidgets around on his seat.
“You’re not in trouble, b--Obi-Wan,” his boss murmurs. “I just want to know why. Do you not like them? Have they been mean to you?”
“No!” Obi-Wan denies immediately, looking up at Anakin and biting his lip when he sees that the man’s attention is fixed so squarely on him. “No, of course not. Everyone here has been amazing.” He widens his eyes and raises both eyebrows. “Really, sir.”
Anakin looks distinctly uncomfortable. “I’ve told you to call me Anakin,” he criticizes, and Obi-Wan blushes more.
He’s really messing this up.
“Sorry, sir, I mean. Anakin. Sorry. Anakin,” he coughs. His palms are sweaty. He’s sitting on his attractive boss’s couch when everyone’s gone on lunch, and his palms are sweaty.
He doesn’t even want anything to happen.
Alright, so that’s a lie. He definitely has spent a lot of late nights thinking about something happening between them, just like this, but those are fantasies and Anakin is his boss. More than that, Anakin is a good man. He’d never take advantage of an intern in that way, no matter how frequently Obi-Wan feels as if he’s walking around with a sign around his neck that says, Take Advantage of Me, Mr. Anakin, Sir!
“Why don’t you go to lunch with them, Obi-Wan?” Anakin asks softly, gently.
Obi-Wan’s hands clench down on themselves. It’s really the moment of truth, now. He really can’t keep lying, not when Anakin sounds so concerned. He has no right to be concerned! He shouldn’t care about Obi-Wan at all; hell, he shouldn’t even know him!
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he mumbles, staring down at the stretch of fabric on his knees.
Anakin hums. Obi-Wan wonders if he learned that from his fancy How to Run a Business books as well: don’t say anything, just let the other person talk until you know everything you need to know to crush them.
Damn if the silence doesn’t work to get Obi-Wan speaking again though.
“I...I’m behind on the work,” he admits. “I don’t have time to go to lunch because I need to figure out how to do my work.”
Anakin makes a sympathetic noise deep in his throat. “If...if your workload is too heavy, Obi-Wan, we can look into cutting it. I don’t want to be known as the company that runs its interns into the ground.”
Obi-Wan’s throat tightens too much and he shrugs. He can’t cry. He really shouldn’t cry. He did this to himself. “It wouldn’t help,” he whispers.
“What?” Anakin asks, leaning forward to hear him better.
“It wouldn’t help,” Obi-Wan says again, louder this time. Anakin blinks at him, and Obi-Wan finally tells him the truth. “I don’t know how to do any of this. I...I lied on my resume. I needed a job, for my student visa. I needed the money to keep it while not in school. And...and internships are supposed to look good on your resume, so I...I thought I could figure it out, I’m smart, sir, I’m so smart. I don’t know why I can’t figure it out.”
He drops his gaze to his hands again and breathes out shakily. He’d been carrying the weight of that secret for far longer than he should have been. It should have been a relief of the utmost degree to give it away. But instead he’s waiting for the punishment. Anakin will have to fire him now. Anakin might even get mad at him for lying.
When his boss doesn’t say anything for several long seconds, Obi-Wan chances a glance up at him through his lashes. Instead of anger on his face, there’s only a confused sort of sympathy.
“I’m...not sure I understand, Obi-Wan,” he says slowly. “You lied on your resume to get this internship, but...why couldn’t you have just applied to an internship in a different field? One you actually want to study? I know you like biology, you’ve told me more about biology in the past few weeks than you’ve told me about yourself.”
“None of them wanted me,” Obi-Wan sniffles and hates himself for it. “I tried, I promise. I promise I didn’t want to lie, but I needed the money, and this internship paid so much better than working at a coffeehouse would.”
Anakin puts his hand gently on his shoulder and Obi-Wan can’t stop himself from turning into the pressure of it. “It’s alright,” Anakin murmurs. “Oh no, please don’t--please don’t cry, b--Obi.”
“It’s Obi-Wan,” Obi-Wan wails.
Anakin hushs him. “Alright, Obi-Wan, alright. Let’s see what we can do.”
“You’re going to fire me,” he says with absolute certainty. He doesn’t even much like his job at Temple Tech, but how is he supposed to find another one on such short notice?
Anakin is quiet. He doesn’t say no.
“Look, I’ll try harder, I promise,” Obi-Wan stutters out, turning to look up at Anakin with wet eyes. What a picture he must make. Nothing professional about him at all. Nothing worth keeping around either. “I promise, please, don’t--I’ll--I’ll stay after hours, I’ll work late, come early. I need this job, sir.”
Anakin’s eyebrows furrow and he looks genuinely regretful, which is little comfort. “Obi-Wan, it’s not about...your work ethic. I promise, your work ethic is stronger and better than most of the people on my team.”
Obi-Wan wipes at his eyes hastily. He knows there’s a but coming soon.
“But I can’t...if you’ve lied on your resume, you can’t put Temple Tech there later. That’s not fair for anyone else who applied and was rejected in favor of you. The spot you have...I need someone there who knows what they’re doing with computers. Who wants to be there. Obi, it makes sense that you don’t know anything about tech. You never look like you really want to be here unless you’re talking to someone else.”
Obi-Wan’s bottom lip trembles and he can feel another wave of tears coming. “I understand, sir,” he mumbles, standing up and preparing to leave the office and Anakin Skywalker behind forever. He’s never been fired before. He doesn’t know what the decorum really is in this situation.
Being tugged back and into his boss’ arms doesn’t feel like how it normally goes, though.
But he can’t resist melting into Anakin’s tight hug, rubbing his cheek on the man’s nice shirt. He wants to give him something to remember him by, even if it’s just tear stains on expensive cotton.
“Lemme help you,” Anakin suddenly says, voice very gruff. Obi-Wan freezes in his arms and tilts his head to try and see Anakin’s face. Help him?
“I don’t understand,” he admits, biting his lip.
“I like you, Obi-Wan,” Anakin confesses. “I do. I’ll be sad to see you leave. I was already going to be sad to see you leave when your internship concluded, but this is much sooner. I…”
He trails off as if trying to make up his mind. It doesn’t take him long to nod to himself.
“Be honest,” he warns him, but there’s a joking lilt to his voice. Obi-Wan, personally, thinks that’s a little too soon. “Do you know how to clean house?”
Obi-Wan pulls out of Anakin’s arms to stare at him.
“Or walk dogs,” Anakin adds.
Slowly, Obi-Wan nods. Cleaning up a house and walking dogs feels like something he can figure out how to do. Feels pretty self-explanatory for the most part. The only thing he’s confused by is why Anakin is asking this of him.
“Would you...that is, just for the rest of the summer, until your classes start again--how would you feel about cleaning my house? And walking my dogs?” Anakin seems to hold his breath.
Obi-Wan feels like he’s stepped into the Twilight Zone or something.
“You’re...firing me,” he says slowly. “But...you’re offering me a job? As your….maid?”
“‘We should call it housekeeper,” Anakin says quickly, a pained look flashing across his face. “Too...many connotations with maid.”
“Why?” he has to ask. “I mean. I lied to you, sir. I...you’re firing me.”
“Because I need someone in that position who knows what they’re doing,” Anakin explains slowly.
“Do you want me in another position, sir?” Obi-Wan asks. He blushes furiously as soon as the words are out of his mouth.
Anakin’s eyes darken and he clears his throat. He doesn’t say no, and his silence, the double entendre of his silence, makes the breath catch in Obi-Wan’s throat.
“You said you needed money to keep your visa,” Anakin says. “I’m trying to offer you an honest means of employment. I need someone to keep up my house and walk my dogs. If you can do it, I’d hire you over anyone else in a second.”
“Why?” Obi-Wan whispers, suddenly so very aware of how close they’re still standing to each other, how nice Anakin smells, how handsome he looks with just the beginning of a silver streak at his temple.
Anakin sweeps his gaze over Obi-Wan’s face and chest, and Obi-Wan has to wonder what he sees there. Whatever he does, he must like because he smirks. “Work ethic,” he murmurs.
145 notes · View notes
xavadak3davrax · 3 years
Crisis of lust /George Weasley
Summary: Fred and George are the most powerful lawyers England has seen in years and y/n is fresh out of college and looking for a place to do her internship. What happens when George decides to hire her? A lot of things.
Warnings: Smut (18+), daddy kink, dom/sub (Dom George) and if you squint very much dom y/n for mere seconds. Spanking, female receiving oral, male receiving oral, unprotected sex (because somehow I find that hot lol).  There’s angst and fluff and mentions of things such as anxiety and more sad moments but nothing extreme!
a/n: this is lawyer George, it’s 11.7 k words. I got carried away and ended up making this in only one part aha. As always English in not my first language, any mistakes or wrongly worded phrases, please excuse me. Titles are not my thing so yeah this is just horrendous. As a lot of people around tumblr say: don’t be shy, reblog! Thank you so much to everyone who even takes time to read my stuff. Love you all!
Weasley’s Law Firm was the most famous law firm in whole England. They were known for hiring the best of the best. They also got the worse of the cases there is. Fred and George worked extremely hard on those cases and that’s what got them where they are today. Every murder case there was they were the first, people came to.
They had all the knowledge, all the experience, all the fame. Although they started small, they very quickly became who they are today because they are that good. Now both of them only take on the biggest cases and usually they came from very famous people, otherwise they keep themselves busy by taking their firm a step further.
While Fred was busy working on a case from a famous singer who was now being accused of murdering his wife and a whole lot of love affairs in between, George was working on another very important thing.
Interns. Every year their firm hired at least two interns. Becoming an intern for them was extremely difficult, and the skills required were almost never met (reason why they either ended up with one intern, or none at all). The type of work they needed from them was not fetching coffee or take some copies of some documents. They required their help all the time and their knowledge. Last year they had taken two, top of the class and they showed to be so good they recommended them to another very good law firm that took them in that moment. How could they not? Coming from the Weasley Firm they were the best of the best.
This year however things were proven to be a lot more difficult. It looked like anyone wanted to join them, people with so little qualification that George wondered how they even met the requirements to apply to their firm. Universities usually advised certain students, who they knew not to be good, or had the necessary demands, to just not attempt their chance at it.
George’s headache was even stronger now, and it only had been two hours since he started.
“Mate need your help.” Fred’s voice took him out of his trance and made him look at his brother. George nodded and Fred put the documents on his secretary. Pointed with his head towards them and George picked them up and had a look.
“Oh shit.” George said, laughing a little loudly. “She was involved with his assistant. That does make him suspicious. Finds out his wife his sleeping with his assistant, feels betrayed, takes his chance when she’s in the pool, makes it look like an accident.” George looked at his brother who nodded.
“I mean yeah, but to confirm that theory we need acces to the cameras he has displayed around his house. He’s been refusing that since the beginning, told him how that makes him a suspicious and that he should just give us those, since we’re trying to help him not get convicted. Any advice?”
“Ginny is very good with persuasion, maybe we should give her a call? She’s always our best chance.” George suggested, and when Fred widen his eyes, he knew he had had a brilliant idea.
“Yeah thanks mate. I will. By the way still looking for interns?” Fred nodded to the papers in front of him. He had to look through every curriculum.
“Yes, this year is proving to be hard. Everyone thinks they can get in, almost everyone had a bad average grade.” He brough his hands to his red bright hair and pulled at his hard, letting a groan leave his mouth. “Can’t take this shit anymore.”
Fred came around the secretary and leaned down next to him to get a better look at the people he was looking at. All of sudden his hand came to the table and pointed at girl. “Look, she finished top of her class, with 20.” George opened his eyes and looked at where he was pointing.
“How did I miss her?” it came out in a whisper, only because George was a little loss at her beauty. Sure he had seen a lot of beautiful girl applying to his firm, and he had a lot of them working for them, but he never saw anyone like her.
He tried to pull if thought out that. She was no minor, after all she had finished college and was looking for a place to do her internship at, but that didn’t mean it would not be wrong.
“I don’t know, but you did. And let’s look at the rest…” Fred said in a wondering voice his finger coming over the list of names. “You also have, his name is Elias, he’s in the same situation as y/n.” He looked at his brother, then got up from the crouched position he was in. “You were making a big fuss. I mean I clearly understand your point, besides these two no one else is even close. But I found you the interns. I have to do your job and mine.” He joked in the end earning from George a punch in his arm. That made Fred groan.
“Go on about your day asshole, I will take care of the rest. But thanks for the help.” George screamed the last part a little because Fred was already exiting the door and closing her.
So George arranged his secretary so the only things in front of him was y/n’s and Elias resumes and applications so he could read them and actually decide if they were to be hired or not. And if yes proceed to send an email to them to tell them the news.
Some people might think they would prefer to give this job to their secretaries and let them do this. But one year they did that, and ended up with some of the worse people they could find, just didn’t know how to do the simplest of jobs. It might sound mean, but they had a reputation to maintain.
So every year they alternated had to who had this job. This year it had been him. And after an hour of so of reading everything, he did decide to hire them. So he proceed to write their acceptance email.
y/n was sitting in her sofa, a tub of her favorite ice cream in her hand. She was in her last week of collage (ever) and she was patiently waiting to receive any type of email from the firm she had applied to do her internship.
She would be lying also if she said she hadn’t receive some emails already accepting her. The problem? Well they were all last options, those were she said to herself ‘if I don’t get in it I will need something to cushion the fall’ her mother had told her that expression and it stuck with her to this day.
y/n really, really wanted to work for The Weasleys. They were the best of the best, everyone was racing to get a place in their firm. She wanted to be confident, with her grades how could she not? But she also knew a lot of people were had good has her, she for sure would be competing with the best of the best.
She was close to answering one of the emails of the firms she already got an email from.
She sighed. Looked at the pot of ice cream and then got up to go get her computer. When she had it she came back to the sofa and slumped on the couch and groaned quietly. That stupid horrid anxious feeling coming down on her. Every time for the last few days when she was to open her pc that’s how she felt. That desire to see an email from that firm.
When she opened it for a few seconds she didn’t get any notifications.
“Fucking stupid computer.” She muttered, sometimes her pc didn’t connect to the Wi-Fi and she hated that. Because then she would get millions of notifications that she didn’t get because she wasn’t connected. But it connected a few seconds later and she was flooded with messages.
In between all of those if she wasn’t paying any attention she would’ve missed it, probably deleted it too. The email she was so dreading. She didn’t know how they worked. Did they sent an email if you didn’t get in? or did they just sent if you got in? some firms would do both. Not that y/n had gotten any, every single one was accepting her and very eager to work with her.
With trembling fingers, and her breath caught in her throat she open the email, but closed her eyes quickly before she could read what it said.  
“breath, everything is going to be ok. Even if you don’t get in, you have a lot of other option.” She pepped talked herself, and then after what felt like an eternity to compose herself, opened her eyes and started reading.
Her mouth moved but no sound came out as she read through every word. The words “congratulations” “we’ve accepted you” “we wait for your response for further meetings” making her mind go dizzy. And then a scream left her lips.
“I got in, Oh my god I got in.” She almost threw her computed on the ground from how happy she was. Every night she didn’t sleep, every night out she had denied her friends, every hour in the library and every cent her parents had spent on her was worth it.
Her parents weren’t rich or even close to it, but they had promised her and her siblings that they would pay for their education until they could. When she had entered the best university and the most expensive she told her parents she would find work and pay for everything. They told her no. Her mom and dad found each a second job and payed for it, even finding a small flat in the middle of nowhere but still close to where she attended, for her to stay in. And now, everything they ever did for her was paying of.
After calming herself down she started to formulate a response to the email. And then proceeded to call her parents, steric and with a smile they were sure they could hear and see from the other side of the phone.
She started today. Although very happy and grateful for the opportunity she couldn’t help but let the nerves consume her. Some money she had money a little while a go from some old clothes she sold, she decided to spent it on a new suit. She didn’t very much like dresses, and skirts. In all the important meetings and presentations she had throughout her years in collage, she always wore suits.
But for her first day on the firm, and to give a good impression she couldn’t just wear one of the old ones. So she bought this black suit. The pants were all black and a little tight and came to rest on her ankles. The jacket of the suit had a little cleavage and was supposed to not be worn with anything underneath. She had only her bra in, one you wouldn’t be able to see. The jacket closed beautifully around her, and made some of the nerves subside. Her confidence radiating all over her. ´
She looked at herself one last time in her mirror and then picked up her purse and rested it on her shoulder.
“You can do this.” y/n murmured as she closed the door of her apartment and made her way to catch the bus. A bus were if her plans were correct, she would arrive 30 minutes earlier, but she didn’t care. She wouldn’t have to get in until the hour they had arranged, but at least she knew she would be there at said hour and not be late on her first day.
Can you imagine, being late on your first fucking day and give her (hopefully) new bosses that impression? They would deny her right then and there and she would not have the chance to show her potential.
As planned she arrived early. Their firm was one of the biggest and modern building in the city so it wasn’t hard to miss. She decided to get herself a little comfort drink while she made the time pass. When only five minutes were left for her interview she entered the firm. Everything was spacious, and very open and they got all the light in here that was possible. She felt small in such a big space. Although taking and studying law, she always had social anxiety. The friends she had were the most amazing people and took her right under their wing and always made her feel safe. She wishes they were here to help her.
“Hi, my name is y/n y/l/n, I’m here for an interview, I-“ her words came a little shaky. She took a deep breath and smiled at the lady behind the big counter, her face had a smile that made y/n a little less nervous.
“You’re here because you are the intern right?” she completed her sentence and then wrote something on her computer. “The other intern is also here. You both will be interviewed at the same time, Mr and Mr Weasley will both be in there to talk you through everything.” She gave her something of a smile. “You can take the lift, they’re in the last floor. Iris, their personal secretary will instruct you when to come in.”
“Thank you so much.” y/n said, bid her good day and then went on her way. When she got to the second floor she was met with a beautiful modern entrance that had some very good looking and comfortable chairs in. In the middle a glass table with some law magazines. ‘of course,’ she thought to herself ‘what else would they have here’ she laughed a little.
She she looked better she found a tall, blonde guy sitting in one of the chairs. The white button down he wore had hugging his muscles very well, y/n might’ve felt drool pulling in her mouth. It only intensified when she looked at his pants and the way they hugged his legs. His black necktie made everything look together. He didn’t wore a jacket that’s why. The jacket was hanging in the arm chair.
“You must be y/n.” he said, getting up from his position to come and greet her. His hand stretched out, the veins in his hands very prominent. She had to put herself together, she was here to work.
“Yes, and you are?” she was a little lost, the lady downstairs hadn’t told her his name, but told him hers.
“Elias, it’s a pleasure.”
“pleasure is all mine.” She smiled.
“The lady at the front told me to wait here, she will call us when they’re ready for us. Do you for any reason know how they look?” He asked quietly trying not to bring attention from the people working in this floor. From what y/n understood, their offices were here, and their secretary was also here but some other people worked here to. Potential important lawyers?
“Ahm… no, not really. Tried to look them up but no photos. Very private aren’t they? Wonder how they do it, being so well known among everyone. Specially famous people.” y/n said when she brought her thoughts to focus on Elias again. She sitting next to him and they chatted for a little, until they were called.
“They will see you now. You can go down the hall, and it’s the last door to your right. It’s the meeting room.” Iris spoke eloquently, and that made y/n and Elias share a worried look before they got on their merry way.
“That made a little nervous, I mean, didn’t expect much less from someone who works with such big people, but… you know what I mean?” Elias spoke, worry in his voice. Not being able to form many words do to her being nervous, y/n just nodded.
“Do the honors.” y/n managed to let out, a small and brief smile on her face. Elias opened the door after knocking and hearing a ‘come in’ from inside.
The table wasn’t full of people but fore sure y/n would have a hard time, until they introduced themselves, knowing who Fred and George were. They had invited other lawyers, she assumed, from their position and all, she had to be. She was now regretting accepting this.
“Please com in and have a seat.” One man with spiky, red hair pointed to the chairs that had y/n’s and Elias name. They proceeded to do just that.
“I’m George, this is my brother Fred, and these are some of our best lawyers. Please don’t be frightened we just like to make sure the interns we are giving a chance have actual potential and are not just ‘grades’, that’s why they are here.”
y/n had to swallow very hard and hope to not be heard. If she was gonna have to work here and look at that all day was she gonna be able to do it? God helped her. If she thought Elias was attractive mere ten minutes ago… what did she thought of these two men, who were clearly twins but somehow had differences that made her more attractive to the one who was speaking.
“We are going to make a series of questions, from all of us and see how you answer and handle very specific situations. “ It was Fred speaking, he held what she expected to be a smile on his face, while his brother had a way more serious demeanor.
They nodded, not knowing if they should speak or not. George held his eye on the girl slightly longer than he did on Elias. She was more beautiful here than in the picture she had presented in her portfolio.  How could he handle that? And if they kept her she was to work on their floor all the time? He needed to control himself, now.
The questions started and they alternated between y/n and the boy next to her, making sure the majority of the questions were different for both of them, to actually see their potential and not some copy of the others answer.
When it ended y/n felt like her heart could be heard by everyone around her and that it would come out of her chest. She didn’t have a very good perspective on things, in a way, if they were good or bad. So she didn’t know if she had done a good job, the faces everyone had at the table didn’t help a little.
Elias gave her a look, a reassuring one. And under the table, like they’ve knew each other for years he squeezed her hand gently.
“I think you both did an amazing job, I think everyone agrees?” Fred gave a questioning look around, starting at his brother and then to their co-workers. Everyone was nodding. “So I think this is all, you are hired as our interns.”
She could scream again, like she did when she had gotten the email saying she was accepted. But she controlled herself. Gave Elias hand a squeeze back and when everyone got up they both followed them.
“I think my brother will now sort with you both every last detail. I won’t be present mainly because I have an import case to work on, but we trusted each other with our lives. So you won’t miss me.” Fred tried to loosen the mood with a small inexistent joke.
Everyone started to leave and only left George, y/n and Elias there.
“If you would follow me please, my office will be a bit more comfortable than these chairs.” He passed through them and like lost puppies they followed to his office.
They spent hours talking about everything. George wanted them to be on the same page, and following everything precisely. y/n tried her best to memorize every word he said, but it started to get harder when after a while George felt bored of his position and dragged his chair away from his desk and then crossed his right leg over his left knee, leaving him in a powerful and extremely hot position that made y/n have to cross her legs and try to be as discreet as possible while trying to alleviate some of the pressure she had.
Why was she acting like a stupid teenager? For heavens sake, this was her work place, that was her boss, and she should not even thinking about him as other than that. But when his hands came to rest on his crotch her attention switched to the very prominent bulge he presented. Her eyes were not there for even a minute, but she still felt guilty when she looked up to see him looking at her. She looked away fast. He continued with what he was saying.
y/n hoped Elias was oblivious to the situation.
After while George got himself of that position and looked at both of them.
“This is everything, if for any reason something comes up you can always ask Iris, or any other thing, email me or my brother or ask Iris to speak with us. Right?”
He popped his tong and proceeded to get up when everything was settled.
Their first official day started the next day. And then after that is was smooth sail for a while. y/n helped Fred a lot in his cases and he loved how she was just so vibrant to have around. Took him a while to get her out of her shell, to show her she could treat him as a friend rather then her boss. He felt like he somehow could trust her a lot and when they were very concentrated on a job and they were both tired he would tell her bits and pieces of his life. Usually about his girlfriend Angelina and how they’ve been tighter for years and he is thinking of proposing. Or how he feels old and wished he could be an intern all over again. To which y/n would say:
“Aren’t you considered the youngest and most successful lawyer of all time?” Those were facts, Fred and George were in fact all of that. At twenty five they had a massive empire, that they built from scratch and with only the help of a very few close ones.
He would share small details of his childhood, of him and George. Usually those gave y/n some hope that George would one day be to her what Fred was to her. But until now all she got from him were small short and cold answers from anything she was working on. Usually Fred asked her to go bribe them out of him. Elias was the one who worked more closely to George and even him was usually in other lawyers offices doing close work with them.
“George is stubborn and weird sometimes. He always loves to work with you lot, I don’t understand why this year is different.” Fred stated, looking at y/n for a moment and shrugging when he couldn’t find an answer to it.
“Mister knows everything and everything needs some closure, is now left speechless.” y/n joked and they both laughed a little loud. His office door open because the case they were working on required y/n to leave all the time in search for answers. They didn’t notice George at the door.
He cleared his throat. Fred looked at him, and y/n that on the other side of the desk, back to George turned around to also look.
“Elias is sick and had to go home, I have come important matters to take care of, would it be a nuisance if y/n could do it?” She noticed he spoke more to his borther than to her.
“Sure, what she was doing can continue tomorrow or whenever Elias comes back. Right y/n?”
“Yes of course. Mr. Weasley you just have to show me what to do.” She got up and showed herself ready to work. After her first day her clothes were a little bit more casual, but she still wore pants, but George still had dificlty in not imagining those beautiful legs wrapped around his head.
‘Get your head out of your gutter George’ he always thought to himself when these thoughts came, ‘she’s young, and working for you.’
“Yes, come with me.” He instructed and turned around to leave. y/n waved to Fred and closed the door after she left. She knew her work with him wasn’t nearly done, but without Elias she would have to split herself in two and help both of them. Since Fred always had her help, he would have to to what he could for the time being without her.
“We have to through all these voice messages, the case calls for it and four ears are better than just two.” His voice was always so serious how could he work like this? Elias never complained to y/n on their lunch break or when they decided to do something outside work, that almost always ended up in work talk. They just didn’t have much in common besides that.
“yes sure, can you give me paper and pen or a pencil will do just fine.” George gave her a puzzled look “Well with Mr. Weasley every time there’s voice calls or something we take notes to pin point important stuff.” George knew that by Mr. Weasley she meant Fred but she knew that outside she called him Fred, they were that close. She had only ever heard Mr. Weasley came out of her mouth when it was related to him.
“Yeah you’re totally right. Here. Have this.” He gave her the notebook in front of him, the one that had all the important notes on the case. She sat down on the chair in the same place of Fred’s office and waited for him to start the audios.
She placed her head on her hand, and her elbow was resting on the desk. She looked at George who just started the audios and the tried to concentrate. Silently throughout all the time she was there she took many notes, George was a little taken aback, what was he missing that she clearly wasn’t, when it ended she looked at him. He barely had time to start something because she started first.
“So according to the first call, the lady in question didn’t know the person on the other side, but that person knew her very well, otherwise how could they be so sure of such personal information. The thing was she wasn’t paying attention and didn’t notice any of the signs of what was to come.” y/n started, and when she continued talking and demonstrated so well everything he didn’t dare to interrupt her. Although by the end he knew the girl in front of him has just solved him the case. He was also a little embarrassed because some of his notes were not has good as hers.
“You just solved me a casa.” George said astonished with what had just happened, his mouth opened in surprise and the look y/n gave him was brilliant.
“Did I? Really?” She couldn’t hold her happiness, although working here for a while and helping, and having done so much, Fred usually referred that she had done much more than any other intern they’ve had, she hand’t actually solved a case by herself. Fred and her always came to conclusions together.
“Yes, yes you just did.” George couldn’t believe that the case he has been working on for the last week and a half, and that he was getting to a road with no end was just solved. When he decided to listen to the audios he didn’t expect much from them because he thought he had worked through everything. Well, he guessed wrong. “Do you have any idea what this case might’ve costed me hadn’t you just solved it?” George wondered out loud. She denied, not being able to form words. The way he was looking made her panties soak, which is a current occurrence because every time she see him even from a far he manages to do something to her.
“It would cost us millions of dollars and very bad fame. You see we are working with some of the most influential people England has. Winning is very important.” George said.
“I thought every person you worked with was influential and important?” It came out a genuine question.
“These people can manipulate everything around them, if they wanted to end mine and Fred’s career, they could with a snap of their fingers. Winning them this case on the contrary, will give us something in all out time working he never had in this scale.” He stated. “Thank you so much for your help.”
Well that was first, y/n never heard him say a ‘hi’ to her, and a ‘thank you’ to anyone else.
“You can go have your luch now, I’ve kept you here for… oh for a long time.” He said when he looked at the hours. Two o’clock was away past their lunch our. Fred hadn’t come knockinh why? They always had lunch together. “How about had as a thank you I offer you lunch?” What a bold fucking move George Weasley, what will people think if they see you out and about with your little intern ahm? ‘Fuck that’ George thought to himself.
“Is it appropriate?” way to ruin the opportunity y/n, she thought.
“Lunch as co-workers of course. Celebrating early the win.”  He persuaded, now that he was all in, might as well convince her. When she nodded he continued. “Well have you ever tried the Italian on the main street?”
He meant the beautiful restaurant that looked straight out a movie? The one she’s been eyeing since she started working here, but the prices have kept her way because lord forbid her of spending fifty pounds on a fucking meal?
“I was thinking maybe something more on my price range?” She suggested, trying not to offend him, or look poor in front of him. She wasn’t and the money she received working for them was good but she started to pay for her stuff now, to relieve her parents of the bills and so money was always a little tight on her side.
“None sense, I will pay for us both. No one needs to know. Now come on, or we will eat our lunch when we’re suppose to be snacking” He was already getting up, got his jacket of the back of the chair in a swift motion and walked to the door.
No one was to be seen in the hall, which was weird given the hour of the day. Everyone came from lunch and this was the hour of chatting a little bit, drink a coffee or something else and going to the bathroom before resuming their work. Some forces where on their side because besides Iris, no one saw them leave together. And Iris was nice enough to keep everything to her.
The restaurant was to the brim. y/n thought they would have to wait hours or not even have a place. But the very nice employee at the front, as soon has he saw George swiftly pull them in and into one of the best tables they had.
“I’m a regular.” He justified, when they were seated and her eyes weren’t on him for once but instead on the menu.
“yes of course.” She wanted to had, and the most powerful man there is, but she kept that to her.
“If you have any doubts choosing I would suggest the chicken marsala.” Did he think, even though she had just solved his case, that she was dumb? The tone in his voice suggested everything but a suggestion. It was almost a command. What type of fifty shades was this? Although she did like the dominant side he radiated to her.
“Sure, I’ll have that.” And George gestured to the employee working around the tables on the place they were before starting their request. And while they waited they talked. In just few minutes he felt like he was Fred in there. Because y/n was talking openly and so freely that he couldn’t believe she was doing that to him.
It felt nice for her hear her talk like that, like she had no worries and that she felt safe in speaking to him like that. He also talked and y/n was surprised he even wanted to share something with him.
“I also lived in a flat while studying, me and Fred shared one I mean.” He corrected. “Two teenagers leaving alone in a apartment after coming from a big family? Sweet, we were in paradise.” When y/n laughed he had do contain the smile that was to appear on his face.
“I can’t even begin to imagine what two boys would do all alone.” Her tone was suggestive. George coughed a little trying to hide the smirk in his face. If she was trying to rile him up and get something out of him it was working.
“law if difficult, but we never studied they way some of our pears did. We partied, and people were impressed because they never expected the best parties to come from law students, yet, they did come from us. Took us a while after collage to build our reputation to what it is today, a lot of people didn’t take us seriously. Then Fred hit the jackpot with a giant case and things just grew from there. I had my big moment a few months later.”
Now that was all information y/n had no idea about. Fred never shared that with me.
“Fred shared a lot of things with me but never that. I’m shocked.” When George looked at her accusingly but in a joking manner she found herself correcting what she said. “I mean, it’s just… I’m sorry, but you both have this like dominant strong image around you that it’s hard to think you ever did party. There’s zero photos of you on the internet, all of your cases have closed doors. I mean? People create an image, even if not the correct one, about you.”
“You have a point there. You have very good points that I didn’t have any idea about. But then again Fred took you all to him so it’s hard to know anything.”
“Mr. Weasley just likes the way I work.” She felt the need to justify herself almost immediately.
George rolled his eyes a little. “Still, you are working for both of us and although Elias does a good job I found out only today how hard working you are.”
If he was trying to make her feel guilty or sometime of thing it wasn’t working.
“Well, Mr. Weasley, I never worked for you because first, today was the first time you actually felt the need to call me and only because it was urgent and Elias wasn’t there and because every time I try to ask you something, for Mr. Weasley’s work you always answer me shortly.” She stated. George lost words at that, but only for a brie moment.
The next words that came from George were fast and wouldn’t have made any sense if y/n didn’t have all her attention on the beautiful man in front of her.
“I don’t have you work for me because, “he stopped for a moment, thinking his brain might stop him there, but was wrong, “because it is wrong to fantasize about someone who works for you, someone who is your boss. Is it not?”
Her cheeks started to feel warm, and her body was next. She squeezed both hands together and crossed her legs tighter tightly, the warmth from earlies mixing with we warmth from now.
“It is profession to crush on your boss?” She wanted to come out like is words hadn’t just affected her, but it came out shyly instead. George’s breath came out uneven and he put both of his hand on top of the table and closed is hands into fists is knuckles turning white from the force. He breath very deeply, y/n watched his nostrils flare and his eyes turning a very dark shade.
“It is. But I guess we’re both bad at keeping things professional.” He wanted to ass more but their food arrived and he was forced to tidy up is posture and look like he wasn’t hard under his pants.
They ate in silence. And when they finished George paid for their food, and when they got up he put a hand on the end of her back, almost at the curve of her ass.
“We should keep things professional.” y/n got way from his touch and looked at him. “Wouldn’t want to loose my job because I wanted to fuck my boss no?” The smile she gave him made him know that wasn’t scared of what they had said at the table. And that if both of them found it hard to hide the sexual tension before, now that they were both made aware that it was returned, it would be even more difficult.
George ended up winning the case that same week. Fred had made Elias and y/n work very little that day and in their floor they did a small celebration party due to the fact that this was major win for them. Everyone wanted an interview with both of them, their phones hadn’t stopped ringing. Iris had to put it on hold so she could come celebrate with them since they had insisted. They were in the meeting room, and although they were known around, Elias and y/n stayed in a little corner, champagne in their small cups a little bit of cake in their hand. Elias had chocolate and y/n had red velvet.
“You know we are not alone in this room right?” Fred asked his brother, coming up next to him and bumping his shoulder. George looked at him questioningly. “You know other people will notice if you continue to look at her like you wanna rip her clothes of.” Fred joked and laughed when George mumbled angrily under his breath. He was regretting telling George what had happened at lunch and even more so telling him the crush he’s had on his intern since she started. Although Fred stated, and very well, that of the crush he already knew. If any of the thing either one or the other did that made him have his confirmations. It was small things Fred would notice. Like every time George came into his office and almost every time he had nothing of interest to say, he would find a stupid excuse that Fred was always to nice to snitch on him in front of her. Or how her looked lingered a little to much when she was in his presence, and how Fred had to call her name various times before she looked at him again.
How George only seem to need something from him in the hours y/n was in his office. How, if she wasn’t there, George would be caught red handed with nothing to say or do, because he just wanted to look at her.
“Shut up.” He said angrily. “Stop trying to make me do something irrational. It’s wrong. And we’re not in the right place to have that conversation.” He wanted this conversation to be the end of it, however Fred was not done.
“You know I don’t mid right? If things are done correctly I wouldn’t mind.” Fred looked at his brother. They were both tall, taller than almost everyone in the room, so they both had a good look over y/n and Elias at the end of the meeting room, close to the door.
“What is there to be done correctly? Haven’t you understand she works for us? And let me also tell you from what I’m seeing when her year long internship ends that the possibly of us hiring her is big?”
“If someone else doesn’t hire her first.” Fred said only to tease him. He was very much planning on hiring her, and planning on giver her a notice before the internship ended so they could assure her position in the firm.
“They won’t. We are the best of the best. And as you said before she had other opportunities but waited for ours. Do you think she would be stupid enough to say no?” George scoffed and then moved his head from side to side, his eyes still on the girl in green. She brought a suit today, she knew today was gonna be big and she had spoken briefly to George the other day and told him about it. She was gorgeous.
“Elias and her are alone in the corner, why don’t make yourself useful for once little brother and go talk to her. Oh look just faith speaking.” Fred said the last part when Elias was pushed to the side by one of his colleagues, a lawyer who was been working on a small case.  
George composed himself the best he could and made his way to her passing some people who were congratulating him again, and wanted to talk but he had her on his mind.
“May I just say, you were very impressive today, Mr. Weasley.” She beat him to it, speaking first. George had invited y/n and Elias to watch firsthand, front row seats at court. She was very thankful for such a big opportunity, she hoped one day she would be where George was, and be has amazing has he was presenting all the facts and making everyone subdue to him and his ever brilliant knowledge.
“Thank you. Couldn’t have done it without you y/n. You were brilliant, and I wish you could’ve been there. Be the one to defend.” He had his back turned to everyone in the room and since he was tall he covered y/n a little. He was lanky to she could still be seen.
“I think I will have many opportunities no? I mean working for your firm will give me a very good profile, and people will want me, that is, if you give good recommendations.”
“We could always skip the recommendations and hire you.” She looked at him her eyes big and shiny, having him say that made her heart beat a little faster. If she could work for them permanently and be a lawyer to them? Dream come true.
“That would be very nice, yes.” She tried to keep her cool, and then closed the distance between them, but trying to not make it to noticeable for other people not to see. Her mint scent hit his face and his teeth came to rest on his bottom lip, her closeness made him nervous. “Working for you permanently would be a challenge no?” she had her arms crossed, but uncrossed them to rest on hand on his arm and squeezed it. She was about to cross the biggest line there was.
“I could do so much more than working couldn’t I Mr. Weasley? I bet I would look good working on my knees, under your desk, only for you so see.” She spoke almost inaudible, only he could hear it and with the noise everyone was making he was sure they didn’t have a clue what she just said. To everyone else they were just chatting about his win.
George trembled and he had to put all his willpower into not doing something stupid. He had no words. And didn’t have time to say, Elias came up behind her and called her, and he lost all her attention. People had the nerve to always be interrupting them. She left, because they both had to work on something Elias needed help in, and y/n always ready to please, offered to.
After that, if they thought they had ever felt sexual tension, then they weren’t expecting to go through this. Fred couldn’t take George anymore, everyday in his office going on about how he needed to get laid. How lately he just felt like everything was building up and the work piling on his desk wasn’t helping.
“You should just go to y/n, I think she would be more than willing to help.” Fred hadn’t meant for his words to sound wrong and George understood where he was coming from. Fred felt y/n’s sexual tension before he even hit the floor at 8 am every morning. He even asked Angelina for some advice on how to try and make them understand that he was ok with them.
George wanted to scream at the top of his lungs. “You are no fucking help, ever. I might as well visit my ex.” He stated. In that moment y/n was knocking on the door, she was speaking before she was looking and knowing George was there. “Fred I brought you what you asked, and also some ideas for presents for Angelina.” She said, and finally looked up, every word she was gonna say next. She has just called him Fred in front of his brother. She would only say that if he was alone. Fred didn’t seem to mind.
“Thank you so much y/n. My brother here was just leaving right George? Me and y/n have some things to do.” He looked at George who huffed and left without another word to y/n.
“Sexual tension still?” She questioned, bold question to make to anyone but her and Fred were more than co-workers, they were friends now and he didn’t mind.
“Yes. You two should meet up.” Came Fred’s voice sounding uninterested, and y/n rolled her eyes as she sat in front of him starting her work. Fred looked at her when she wasn’t looking and wanted to laugh at the annoyed and very frustrated face she had.
When five hit the clock Fred got up, after staring to organize his desk minutes before.
“I’m going, don’t wanna be late to my date with Angelina. You’re staying?”
“Yes, there’s still so much to be done and the lady hasn’t stopped calling Iris today asking for anything we might know. This is going to take while.” y/n stopped what she was doing for a moment to look at Fred. “Do you want me to leave? I can go to my desk or the meeting room?” The desk she barely used, it’s only use now being of support to her bag and computer.
“No, you can stay I trust you. Just please don’t stay up to late. Tomorrow we can give her something to occupy her mind.” She nodded, and said goodbye as he left and closed the door behind him.
y/n only got up two hours later to turn on the light in room because it was already dark, but her brain so focused on what she was doing that she didn’t think much of it.  
“Fred are you seriously still working?” Came a sudden voice that scared her and made the pencil she held drop to the floor. “Shit sorry, y/n? Where’s Fred?”
“Mr. Weasley left sometime ago, a date with his girlfriend. He let me stay because I have to finish this.” She pointed to the papers in front of her and the proceeded to pick up the pencil. George came in and closed the door behind him. She had to prepare herself to bask in his presence, his knowledge and his extreme intelligence. y/n was not only fisically attracted to him, but also mentally. He was just so intelligent it was scary sometimes to work with him, even though she had helped him solve that case a sometime ago. It was still hard because she was afraid to make any wrong moves.
“Well I thought it was just him in here and was gonna tell him to drop his work and go home. It’s not him but it applies to you to. Besides I had to stay up late too, I’m the only one here and the security will want to close everything up in a short time. I bet if they had done their patrol already that you wouldn’t be here.”
“I will leave when they come here, but for now I have to really finish this.” She turned to her work again, trying to ignore his presence completely. He came closer to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
“Well I have nothing to do at home, I can help you with what’s left. Two heads are better than one.” He said. He pulled a chair from a corner and put it next to hers. She gave him some papers for him to analyze. “Surprising that Fred stayed with this case, i usually take care of financial stuff.” He said more to himself than anything but y/n heard.
“I think he only took it because I told him I like this type of cases and could help him. I’m doing most of the works, he’s working on the arguments and such.” She looked at George. Being the end of the day, he has his shirt unbuttoned, his tie was hanging from his left pocket of the jacket and he just had a tired look on him.
“Ah I see, stealing you all to himself.” y/n denied with her head. “Unfair, seen as he knows very well I’ve been meaning to talk to you since the party the other day. Or did you forget what you said?”
Shit, y/n wasn’t expecting him to act on it. But oh boy, how she was happy he did. Every dream she’s had since that day was of her on her knees sucking him of until he cums in her mouth. While he calls her little pet names and makes her stay with his cock in her mouth because it’s warm. And then in her dreams he would slap her ass, slap her little clit until she trembled and made her call him ‘daddy’. The name would come out shy at first and then when he was destroying her it would come out more strong and sure.
She swallowed hard and pressed her legs together.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He put his hand on her leg and pulled them apart, so her legs were separated and he looked at her sternly. “Keep him this way.” He demanded.
“I thought you were gonna help” she whispered, hand coming to rest on top of his and caressing his long fingers. Shit, they would hit every spot inside her so good.
“And I am, aren’t I? I’m attending to a more important and demanding matter.” His hand came up from her knee to her thigh and then leaned inside towards her core, he could feel all the heat radiating from there. She nodded and guided his hand to be right on top of her still clothed pussy.
“Please, help me.” She said sweetly and seductively, any doubts she had and concerns if the should even be doing this in the first place all melting away.
“Yeah? Want my help baby girl? Since you like to be so bossy and know it all, tell me, what do you want me to do?” George pressed his fingers, quickly finding her clit and letting the pressure there for a moment, a moan coming from her mouth.
“Undress me, and please touch my pussy. I’m so wet.” She pleaded.
“Then get up, come on now, be a good girl.” He sair almost impatiently, and saw her get up and fumble with the buttons of her jacket and then with the button of her pants. “Shit.” George was amazed how good she looked, the black panties and bra she had made her look even more delicious if that were possible. The panties were laced and so her wetness could be seen from them. “On the desk.” He instructed, and y/n without thinking did what he asked.
If Fred ever found out they had sex in his office he would never see the end of it and he might as well think about creating his own firm because… wow.
“I’m so wet.” She brought her hand to his hair and pulled on hit the groan that left George was brutal. “Please kiss it.”
George didn’t need to be told twice, he brought his lips to her covered pussy and kissed, although mixed with the fabric of her panties, he could very much taste her distinct, sweet, taste. He kissed it again, and again until she was restless enough to pull his head back her eyes a darker color.
“Take them of.” She order, George looked amazed at her commanding tone.
“be careful there little thing, might just stop here.” He had taken his hand to move her panties to the side exposing her engorged and redish clit, asking to touched. She mewled, her hand coming to rest on her belly and her fingers digging a little.
George took his mouth to her clit and sucked it gently, gaining from her the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. He sucked again so have that reaction again, her legs came to rest on his back pulling him to her. She moaned his name.
“Sound so fucking good moaning for me princess, just love it so much.” He took the moment she was distracted to rip her panties open, she gasped.
“What the fuck George.” She looked at him incredulously.
He slapped her thigh and squished it. “Watch you language there or daddy might just leave you hanging.”
The fact that not only had he used the word ‘daddy’, the word she so dreamed of him calling, he had also called himself that. He couldn’t be real.
“No please.” Any dominance she might have tried complete disappeared at his words. Two of his fingers played with her wet hole while his mouth kissed the inside or her thigs, kissed just above her pussy, above where she wanted to be touched the most. Her eyes closed and one hand was behind her, to support her and the other still on her belly.
He entered the two fingers, slowly, looking at her, at the way her head fell back, his name fell out of her mouth, and the hand on her tummy came to push him agains her cunt. Non verbally stating where she wanted his mouth to go.
HE wasted no time attacking her clit with his tongue, his fingers moving slowly in and her out her allowing to fill her, to be close to her.
“Daddy, shit.” Her legs slid down his back almost to his butt, they were shaking a little.
“You just so good baby girl, so sweet, fuck, I’ve been imagining this ever since I saw you. How tight you would be, how sweet, how responsive to your daddy.” He moaned, he was so hard the zipper on his trousers opened a little. His free hand came to unbutton and in a very messy way he pulled his boxers down and freed his cock.
His cock was swollen, red, and we was leaking the stinky susbstance y/n wanted to taste. It came slapping to his belly, rock hard. He put his hand on it stroking slowly letting some moans slip out of his lips, which came shocking against her clit and she shook.
“Fuck. Are you touching yourself daddy?” She asked innocently, pulling some of the red hair that had fallen onto his face to have a better view of his wet swollen lips, from mounding at her pussy.
“I am baby, I am, you just, taste so good, feel so warm and squishy.” All the vibrations from his voice were crashing on her clit making her even more sensitive.
“I- I’ gonna cum, George, fuck.” She was so close, so so close, but he stopped, seized his movements at her pussy but his fingers still buried inside of her.
“You’re gonna come, with me deep inside that little pussy, yeah baby?” He asked, moving away from her. Pulling his fingers, she sighed happily, and took his hand as soon as it was out her. Bringing her face close to his hand and putting his fingers in her mouth, sucking feverishly on them.
George groaned, the hand on his cock pressing his tip and he felt like he could come there at sigh.
“I wanna suck you cock daddy, please.”
“Since my girl asked so nicely, I can’t say no.” Hearing him say ‘princess’ ‘my girl’ made her stomach feel with butterflies, and her heart skip a beat. Shit this crush was way out of hand.
She bounced of the desk, and pushed his chair a little, the wheels helping her do so. She came down to her knees, the view making George think the most sinful things.
Her hand took his out and put it in his thick thighs. Her mouth close to his where she left small wet kisses. Her hand started to stroke him, coming from the base all the way to the rudy red tip. She took the pre-cum that was coming out and used it had lubricant making the sensation so much more intense to him.
She opened his legs to fit in between them and looked up at him for a brief moment, her pussy pulsing around nothing wishing to be touched. He had his head back, both hands at his thighs kneading the flesh there. His mouth opened looking like his was gonna moan but no sound came out.
She understood them we was trying to control himself.  
“Moan for me daddy, let me hear you. Let me know I’m making you feel good.” She squeezed his tip tightly and his hole body shook, a moan he couldn’t control of her name.
“You’re making me feel so good, shit, your hands are so small and can barely wrap around my thick shaft isn’t that right pretty princess? And why don’t you put that dirty mouth of your to work.” Her mouth came to meet his tip and engulfed it in her lips, sucking softly on it, her hands massaging the rest of his cock for now.
Her tongue playing with his tip and then she not so slowly took more of him into her mouth. Her hand resting on his balls and massaging them. And then coming up again twisting around the part of his cock she didn’t have in her mouth.
He put his hand on her hair, making a pony tail out it and helping her guiding her movements, even thought she didn’t need that, he just wanted to feel in control.
She breath in deepley and relaxes her throat and before he knew it she was taking him all of him in, hitting the back of her throat, gagging around him, her spit and his come dripping down the corners of her mouth.
“Sucking my cock so messily baby, but so fucking good- ah fuck” he cried out his legs feeling numb from all the pleasure. Her hand moving more vigorously on his balls. She pulled out slowly, her free hand not touching him, touching her needy clit.
“Come on, up you get.” He was out of breath, pulling her by her hair and instructing her silently to sit on the desk again. He got up, one hand spreading her thighs apart and the other stroking him, the color red spreading from his head all the way thru his length from the way he was feeling.
“Next time, daddy, I’ll suck your cock until you come. I won’t let you pull out.” y/n said, hands coming up to knead her breast thru her bra.
“Take that off, want you naked while you make a mess on my cock.” He smacked his cock on her clit the sudden touch making them both shudder. With trembling fingers she tried to pull open her bra, and with some difficulty she eventually managed.
George filled her up nice and slowly letting them both ride the high of feeling each other so closely. George feeling her up all the way, her pussy adjusting to his size. He was big, long and thick and y/n hadn’t had sex in a long time and no guy she was with was that big. George was way above average and she could feel it very well and would feel it even more the next day.
“Daddy shit.” Her feet met his ass and pulled him towards her, George wasn’t all in but her sudden movement made him do just that, fitting snugly in her pussy, brushing her sweet stop that made her spasm around him.
“You are just perfect all over aren’t you baby? So perfect and angelic but the dirtiest whore for your daddy.” His hand took the hair that still fell on his eyes and his other hand touched her clit and pressed it, sinful sounds coming from her, her clit touched and played with along with the pressure and size of George’s cock making her senses stop working and her loosing every train thought she had.
“I’m gonna love to play with this pussy.” He started moving his hips, taking his hand of her clit and taking both her legs in his hold. He bent her legs at the knee and close tho her chest the knew position made her scream. He hit her g-spot right there and then, and her legs became gelly.
“Found it baby, now touch you precious clit for me.” He instructed and she did has she was told, all the pleasure she felt becoming to much, her pussy was throbbing, her nipples were hard from all the pleasure and his cock inside her felt heavenly. He was so smooth, and heavy. She made rapid little motions on her clit while George sped up his movements his hips meeting hers ever, bottoming out with every thrust and touching every little part of her cunt.
When her legs started to quake powerfully in his hold he knew she was starting to get close. She had been teased and denied one orgasm, and she would do it again if he demanded, but the way her breasts moved with power of his hips and strokes, and how she clenched around him swallowing him holy he knew he would be mean to do that.
“You gotta ask for permission.” He slapped her hand way from her clit to pus his there, to control the pressure and the little up and down movement.
At first she couldn’t form words, her vision was going white, the shots of pleasure thru her body to much.
“P-please can I cum?” A gentle whimper came from her mouth as the waves of her orgasm become stronger.
“Yes baby, go ahead soke my cock.” His hand moved even quicker on her clit and that’s when they both felt it. Her orgasm rippling thru her, strong waves of pleasure felt all over her body, her legs quacking, her arms stretched out beside her, her pussy convulsing, her juices coating his cock deliciously.
“Squeezing me so tight baby, I’m gonna fucking come.”  She puts her head in a way that she can look at him, all destroyed and proper fucked out. He doesn’t have time to warn her again before his climax comes crushing down on him. He almost looses his balance for a second, so strong that everything in his body paralyzes. He buries himself to the hilt in her pussy letting his cum shot deep in her and falls on top of her, his arms don’t give him much support but allow him not to crush her. He hides is face in her neck.
“We really did it ahm?” came her voice, sounding still a little afar since he was still recovering from his strong orgasm. He just nodded unable to form any word.
She waited a little, her hand gently brushing his back making goosebumps appear on his skin. The gentle and sweet gesture making his heart flutter.
“We did.” Came out after a while, finally regaining his posture and picking himself up, pulling out of her. The movement making them moan a little, the emptiness she felt felt weird. She was somehow already used to being full of him.  
He pulled her by the arms so she could sit on the desk and not stay laying down.
“Does this change anything?” She asked shyly. He nodded.
“It does, because, I’ll be dammed if I don’t make you mine.” Intertwining their fingers he brought to his mouth to kiss. She smiled britlhy. “If you want me, that is.”
Her answer came in an attack of kisses all over his face and ending up in his mouth.
“We didn’t even kiss thru all that shit. And you kissed my cock.” He joked and she punched him gently on his chest.
“Watch your mouth. And also how we will explain to your brother this?”
“What he doesn’t know doesn’t hurt him.”
They got dressed, both of them taking their time because their bodies were still not at the maximum potential. A knock on the door startled them.
“Mr. Weasley are you still in there?” It was the guard. George made a gesture with his finger over his mouth for y/n to keep quiet.
“Yes Augustus, be out in a minute.” George said a little loudly and finished up getting dressed and waited for y/n to do the same, and then proceeded to organize the mess they made so Fred wouldn’t know about anything.
Opening the door Augustus was there waiting, a few feet from the door he smiled at George, did he knew it was George now that he could see him? Or did he still think it was Fred? Wouldn’t look good if he did, Fred is probably at home with his girlfriend.
“Augustus, my brother gave us some last minute work and we completely forgot the time. I’m so sorry.” George apologized. Augustus understood then is was not Fred. He only nodded, looked at y/n and also nodded and then watched them leave, their hands intertwined while he heard a little laugh coming from the girl.
Next day y/n came in at the same time as always, but neither Fred or George were to be seen. She sat at her desk and started to work on the things she should’ve done yesterday but got a little to busy to do so. Fred came in first.
“Good morning y/n. Already working on the case?” He asked bewildered, stopping in front of her desk. She nodded, now that she was seeing him, after what she had done in his office words were hard to come out her mouth. “Good, well when George comes in can you please tell him to come to my office? Iris is coming in later today so I can’t leave her that warning. You can also come in with them for us to work on the case.”
She nodded again, her words still not forming. About half an hour later came in George, way later than usual since he came in at the same time as Fred or a little after. When they made eye contact the smile he shared with her was so big and bright that made some of the nervous feeling she had subside. She had spent all night overthinking if that was a mistake, but by the looks of it wasn’t.
“Mr. Weasley your brother wishes to speak to you.” With some of the lawyers doors opened she had to address him like that.
“Thank you y/n, gonna put this in my office and then I’ll go right in.”
And when he came around she got up to follow him. Silently she spoke to him.
“he said to come in too, so we can work on the case.” She felt the need to justify herself.
“Ah yes, the case you should’ve worked on yesterday I am correct? Got a little to distracted no?” He put his hand on her back and pulled her to him. He kissed her lips gently. If her hands weren’t full she would’ve put his face between them. They were lucky that they in a part where no one could see.
“Ah fantastic that you both still know how to follow some orders.” Fred said, when he saw both of them enter his office. y/n swallowed hard, that sentence had a lot more meaning to it.
George tried to hide his smile, he thinks he might know what could come out of this, but how did he know?
“Next time you both decide to shag, which mind you I have nothing against, finally actually, do it at home, in George’s office somewhere… but please not my fucking office.” He looked at both of them trying to portrait himself as mad but failing terribly. A smirk resting on his lips.
y/n wanted to hide so badly, dig the biggest hole ever and burry herself there from how embarrassed she was.
“Hod do you know?” George asked incredosly, one thing they refused to have were cameras in their offices, it was a private place for them.
“Well my dears there’s a thing called a fucking phone.” He pointed to the phone he had on his desk, it was used to call around the firm, but Fred had his house number on there in case Angelina needed anything and couldn’t reach his personal phone. “Having my girlfriend pick up the phone, and come in the bedroom saying ‘someone is having sex on your office’ sure makes you both have a good impression. Lucky me I was at home with her when that happened.”
George looked at y/n who was feeling hot and embarrassed all over. Shit, it must have been her in the moments of pleasure she might’ve pushed some button. Fuck, shit.
“Just that. But finally you both decided to do it, I was done earing from one or the other just plain bullshit.” Fred rolled his eyes, continuing to write what he was doing. “Even Angelina was happy, not about the phone sex, about you two getting your shit together.”
y/n looked at George and took his hand in hers again.
“So are we together?” She asked him.
“Yes, but to make it official let me take you on a proper date. Today, sound good?” She nodded.
“Great you two, but please don’t let it end in office sex.” Came Fred’s voice again, making the three of them laugh.
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felix21im · 3 years
"Ice Cold", a Leon Kennedy x reader fanfiction
As an Art and Design student all you want to do is just knuckle down and finish that one goddamn piece you've been working on for months. Too bad your time is constantly stolen by your Waiter job with minimal pay, but hey, at least the tips are good if you unbutton your shirt that one more time.
Chapter 6: The Bar
“You have to be kidding me right now!” You couldn't believe what you were hearing. “It was the first time I haven’t shown up to work, I always did my job exactly how you wanted me to and this is your thanks? I told you what happened and you don't even care at all! I was literally unconscious and in shock after what occurred that day.” You exclaimed and shook your head, not believing what you were hearing.
“I'm truly sorry, but you know how we handle things here. I'm sure a young and outgoing person like you will find a new job without any problems. We will send you the money for the last days you were working. Now, if you will excuse me, I’ve got a restaurant to take care of.” Your boss, well ex-boss, went through the door and left you standing in his office in disbelief. You picked up all your personal items before then heading to the front door. You looked around once more, thinking about all the years you were working here. You said one last goodbye to your coworkers before heading out the door, leaving this part of your life behind.
You went to your own car - finally having a driver's license after Leon made sure you got your private lessons - ready to drive home. But as you were sitting down you realized that that wasn't what you really wanted. The best thing to do now was to see Leon, so that's exactly where you were going.
You pulled into Leon’s driveway and parked in front of the front door. “I didn’t know you were going to be here today.” Angel greeted you as you stepped out of the car.
“Neither did I.” You answered and walked to the door, letting yourself in. You found Leon in the kitchen and he was leaning over a bottle of whiskey. “Leon?” You raised an eyebrow, thinking it was kind of early to drink but didn't say anything to him.
You must have scared him as he shot up to look at you. He looked rough, his hair was a mess and his grey clothes were stained. “Buttercup!” He smiled as he walked over to you. “I didn’t know you were coming over today, I thought you were at work.” He planted a kiss on your forehead and rubbed your arms.
“I got fired.” You simply blurted out, rather than trying to avoid it. “Since I didn’t go to work that one day last week my boss seriously wasn’t happy.” You lightly waved Leon off of you and sat down at the kitchen counter. “I’ve never missed a day for like three years but one day! One day! Is enough to get me fired.” You placed your head in your hands and groaned.
“Well fuck that guy.” He pulled a cereal box out of a cupboard under the kitchen island and placed it into a bowl.
“Fuck that guy…” You replied. “Now I need to waste the next week of my life trying to find a new job.
Leon finally put some milk into the bowl too. “You’re a college student, you don’t need a full time job.” He placed the bowl in front of you as you looked up at him. “Eat up, Buttercup.”
You looked down at the cereal and you pushed it around with your spoon. “I’m not really hungry, Leon.” You pushed the bowl back towards him and you brushed your hair with your hand. “It’s not that I need a job, I just like having one, it keeps me busy and the extra money never hurts.”
“But wasn’t the pay terrible?” He raised his eyebrow as he began to eat your food. “And super sexual? Your co-worker Mimi told me about how you would unbutton your shirt and wear super tight pants so that the customers would tip you more…”
“True.” You admitted. “So I’ll look for something different. Maybe I can be a personal assistant like Angel and Daisy.”
“They’re more than just assistants y’know.” Leon continued to eat. “Those two have joined me on a job, saved my life once or twice.”
“It’s four in the afternoon, why are you eating cereal?” You eventually asked.
“We don’t have any food, Angel wasn’t able to go shopping this morning.” He said as he placed his empty bowl in the sink. “How about an office job?”
“That’s a bit boring, dontcha think?”
“Umm. How about that internship you were going for?”
“I still have three months left of college, once I'm done with that and I have the grades for it, I can apply.” You admitted as you got off the bar stool, not having eaten any of the food Leon gave you. Leon watched you while you were filling your glass with water and some ice to cool down. You drank it and watched Leon do the same, just with his glass of whiskey. “Isn't it a little too early to drink?” The words left your mouth before you were even thinking about it. Now it was Leon's turn to raise an eyebrow at your comment.
“Are you my mom or what now? I think I know when or when I cannot have a drink.” He snapped at you, which really surprised you.
"Obviously I am not. But that's not really responsible of you, is it? I just don't get it, why you're drinking at this time and so often in general the past weeks." You thought about what you were saying, realizing his drinking behavior dates back to the first time you even met. "I get that your job isn't easy and stuff but day drinking? Really? Seems kind of low to me, Leon."
Leon let out a laugh and shook his head. "If all you want to do now is complain you can leave. That's not what I wanted you here for."
You looked at him again with big eyes. "So you don't wanna talk? I don't know what it is that’s between us, but it can't always be good and fun. I'm literally just worried about your health!"
"Worried? I think I know what's good for me much better than you do, I'm not the child here." He spat at you as he drank from his glass.
"So if you’re not ‘the child’ does that mean that I am?” You looked at him speechless. “That's how you see me? I understand that I'm a lot younger than you but I'm not a child! And just because I'm trying to talk about something serious? What is going on with you Leon?" He didn't even look at you. Instead he poured himself another drink and took a sip. You shook your head and let out a scoff. You then grabbed your jacket and went to the door. Before leaving you looked back to Leon, hoping he would apologize or stop you from leaving, instead you got nothing. You slammed the door behind you shut and you heard something break. “A fucking mansion and his front door cant even handle a slam..” You muttered to yourself as you went over to your car. Angrily you left his driveway and drove in the direction of home.
Your roommate was home for the holidays, leaving you in your apartment alone. Rather than sitting on the couch feeling sorry for yourself you tried to get some work done.
Looking for jobs was much harder than you remember. “Host. Nope. Grocery store worker. Eh, I guess that could work. Stripper?! Hm, if I'm desperate enough, maybe…” You spent hours looking and applying to jobs, most of them being just over minimum wage but any money is better than none.
Eventually you gave up and just began to watch TV on your laptop, endlessly flicking through the channels available to you. Since none of it looked interesting you put on something random and picked up your sketchbook. As the noise played in the background and your pencil ran across the paper your eyelids became heavier and heavier, those combined with the fact that it was now eleven at night.
The sound of your phone vibrating on your wooden desk ripped you from your sleep. At first you ignored it, being far too tired to want to actually open your eyes. It started to vibrate again. You rubbed your eyes, trying to see clearly in the dark and waking yourself up. You looked at your phone confused, wondering who wanted you so late at night. You unlocked it and looked at the time first. “Almost two in the morning... damn”, you muttered to yourself. After that you checked your notification and let out a sigh. Multiple messages from Leon just in the past few hours you were asleep. You didn't even bother looking at them, knowing that he was drunk. Most of the messages didn't even make sense and there was no way to read or understand them. Before locking the phone again, an unknown number called you. Unsure about who it could be, you waited for the call to end. But soon after the same number called again. You let out a sigh, answering the call. "Hello? Can I help you?" You asked tiredly. You didn't recognize the voice talking to you, but you could hear Leon mumbling in the background. The person told you something about Leon being totally wasted and that he requested for you to come and pick him up. Unsure about what to do, especially after the argument you had earlier, you still agreed to picking him up. You ended the call and put your phone away. Putting your head in your hands, you let out another sigh and shook your head. You quickly went to your kitchen and put on a pot of coffee, needing caffeine otherwise you would fall asleep before you even got to Leon.
As you grabbed your jacket, phone and coffee you looked at your car keys and shoved them into your pocket. You knew you couldn’t take your car as you didn’t want to leave it at the bar considering it was twenty miles from home. “Why couldn’t he have gone to a local bar?”
You waited outside in the rain for a taxi to come and pick you up. You’d be sure to charge this cost on Leon’s credit card.
Faint music was in the background as you walked through the door to ‘Billy’s Bar’ and it only took you a second to find Leon. “Buttercup!” He waved and blew a kiss at you the second he spotted you.
“Hey Leon.” You somewhat smiled as you sat down next to him at the bar. “What mess have you gotten yourself into?” You muttered as you waved over the bartender, them giving you the bill. “How can you rack up eighty dollars in one night?”
You searched Leon’s pockets for his wallet but came up empty. “Woah there Buttercup, let’s go home first before you start to pull my pants off.” You simply rolled your eyes at his drunk comment.
You groaned as you gave up the search for his wallet and eventually you just placed your own stack of cash on the bar, giving a little extra for the bartender as a tip. “Come on.” You got off the stool. “Let’s get you home.” Leon got off his stool and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, giving you a kiss on your forehead. “Jesus Leon, don’t do that…” You wiped the kiss off of you and shook your head as the two of you left the bar and into the pouring rain. “Keys?” You held out your hand and he placed his keys in your palm. The keys to one of his fancy cars that you don't even know the name of but you were pretty sure that it was an Audi of some sort. It had four doors and four wheels, good enough.
“I can drive Butterc- cup.” He hiccuped as he talked, proving just how much he shouldn’t drive.
“I’ll be fine…” You clicked the keys and the lights on the car flashed. You took Leon to the passenger side of the car and forced him off of you as you opened the door for him. He leant on the roof to help himself into his seat and you then closed the door behind him. “Alright, it’s just like my car… just a lot quicker and a lot more expensive…” You mumbled to yourself as you hopped in the driver’s seat and started the engine. The loud roar was enough to make you almost pee yourself due to your nerves.
You gripped your hands on the steering wheel and put the car into drive. The car immediately shot forward and you instantly slammed on the breaks, causing Leon to bash his face on the dashboard. “Oh fuck!” You put the car into park and looked at Leon’s nose. “I’m so sorry.” You carefully brushed your hand on his nose and luckily it didn’t feel as if it was broken.
“I’m fine…” Leon’s eyes rolled back in his head and he leant back in his seat. You simply huffed at him and leant over him, grabbing his seatbelt. As you went back to your seat you sighed at him as you looked at him sleeping.
You buckled your own seatbelt and started the car again, now more carefully. You checked all the buttons and hoped for the best as you left the parking spot slowly. Before you stepped on the gas once more to drive onto the street you looked over to Leon, who was now half asleep. Just sometimes he looked up again or out the window without saying anything. Which was probably better because he wouldn't say anything useful anyway in his state. You drove on the main street and gripped the wheel, concentrating on the dark and rainy road before you. You tried putting on some music but soon shut it off again because it just irritated you. So you just drove around silently trying to find a way to Leon's house. Every now and then Leon muttered something, more to himself than to you. You shook your head blaming yourself for his behavior. Letting out a sigh you concentrated on the road again and silently went on.
You drove for around five minutes before Leon began to get bored. “Buttercup?”
“Hey Leon…” You replied to him, keeping your eyes on the road because you didn’t want to swerve into a ditch.
“You’re the best.” You could see him smile at you in the corner of your eye. He held out his hand and you simply ignored it. “Please?” He wiggled his fingers, wanting you to hold his hand. You scoffed as you dropped your right hand from the wheel, placing your hand in his. “I love you, Buttercup.” He smiled at you again but you simply ignored it.
“You’re drunk, Leon.” You took your hand back from him, in annoyance.
You wanted him to say that he loved you, but not like this, not in a drunk slur. “I’m serious.”
"Yea, sure you are." You rolled your eyes and looked straight to the street, not giving him anymore attention.
"You're so mean, Buttercup." He began whining like a little child which made you laugh sarcastically.
"You’re behaving like a child now, Leon. I told you earlier today that it doesn't have anything to do with ages." You shook your head, thinking about the argument from earlier.
"I'm sorryyy..for snapping at you like that earlier.. do you forgive me? Pleaseeee Buttercup.." You raised your eyebrow at his apology, not thinking much of it.
"I can't forgive you when all you do is lie when you’re drunk. Say sorry again when you're sober and we'll see." You felt him moving in his seat, now directly facing you. You gave him a short look and tried pushing him back into his seat. "Leon, please sit down correctly. I can't concentrate like this."
He had a smug smile on his face now. "Am I all you can concentrate on now?" Leon came closer to you and you backed up, now shoving him away with your right hand. The road in front of you was still slippery and dark and you couldn't drive like this. In a short motion you stepped on the brakes and stopped at the side of the street. Now facing Leon as well you tried pushing him back into his own seat, hoping he would leave you alone now. He still resisted and even though he was totally drunk he still was stronger than you. He grabbed your wrists and came closer to you, almost sitting on your lap now. You were able to keep some distance with your legs but it wasn't an easy task. "Buttercuuup.." He began again as he started playing with your fingers. "I'm serious.. I loveee you, since the first time I met you." You looked at him, searching his face. People always say that drunk people speak the truth but a part in you didn't want to believe it. Not because you didn't have feelings for Leon, but this whole situation seemed wrong to you. You realized it wouldn't get you far when arguing in this state so you just let him talk, not giving it much thought. Leon continued talking but he soon noticed you didn't even listen anymore. As soon as he came closer to you again you snapped back to reality.
You unfastened your seatbelt and got out of the car. You walked through the rain to Leon's side of the car and also opened his door. He looked at you confused but didn't say anything. You loosened his seatbelt and almost threw him out of his seat and out the car. He just about caught his balance, looking at you perplexed. You tried finding the right words but didn't even know what you were doing here. Leon leaned on the side of the car, already totally soaking wet. "Leon, I don't know what's going on with you but I can't continue driving when you keep on annoying me like that! So please just shut up or we're gonna stay out here until you're sober again, I don't care!" You shouted towards him, hoping he would even hear you through the loud and heavy rain. You came closer to him again, waiting for an answer. It seemed like hours passed, but Leon didn't say a thing. You groaned and opened the back door. You grabbed Leon's arm and pushed him inside. Overwhelmed by the sudden force, he fell into the backseat taking you with him. So now you lay on top of Leon, both of you totally wet. You felt Leon's warm breath and also the smell of alcohol. You suddenly felt hot and everything around you seemed to stop, all you saw was Leon. He looked you deep in the eyes and you into his. Without even thinking about it, you felt Leon's big hand on the back of your head, pulling you closer to his face. And the next thing you felt were his lips on yours. For a split second you leaned into the kiss, before realizing what was happening. In an instant you shot up and pushed yourself away from Leon. He looked at you, confused and heartbroken. "Leon. Let's just get you home now." You helped him put on a seatbelt without speaking another word and then went back to the driver's seat. The rest of the drive home neither of you spoke a word but every now and then you felt Leon staring at you from the back.
Finally you arrived at his home. Even though it was raining you could still make out the driveway and main door. You didn't bother parking the car in his garage, so you stopped in front of the door. You took the keys and before leaving the car you looked back at Leon. He wasn't asleep. He looked out the window, like most of the time during the ride. It reminded you of a child that wanted to stop at the local McDonald's but his parents didn't want to. You shook your head and tried hiding your smile. After that you left the car and also helped Leon out. Both of you didn't say a word as you walked to the door. Leon's arm was around your back for balance but you didn't mind it. It was better than letting him walk alone and him ending up injuring himself. You opened the front door, which was unlocked to your surprise. Apparently no one in this house thinks it could be possible that a thief would come here to say hello. You took off your own jacket which was totally drenched and hung it up. You then did the same for Leon, without any words exchanging either.
"I should probably get you something dry to wear. You're gonna get sick otherwise." You said more to yourself than to Leon but he still heard you and agreed.
"Let's.. just go upstairs and change there. It doesn't matter if the house gets dirty." Leon already started walking towards the stairs but you soon followed after noticing how he couldn't even walk straight. You then helped him upstairs and you went into the bathroom.
"I'll get you something to sleep in, just.. sit here and don't move. Can you do that for me?" He nodded silently and you left the room. You went into his bedroom and got some pajamas for him and also something for you to wear. As you entered the bathroom you found Leon sitting in the bathtub, naked. Even though you've seen him half naked before this wasn't what you wanted to see. Covering your eyes you threw his pajamas over. Obviously he didn't catch them so now they were lying next to him. "Jesus, Leon. What are you doing? I asked one thing of you and-"
"Sorry, Buttercup.. I just didn't want to freeze." He put his legs closer to him and rested his head on top of them. You shook your head and even though you didn't want to, you had to agree with him. You were also cold and wearing wet clothes didn't help. You sighed and looked at him. "Are you gonna shower by yourself or do you need help?" You felt like his caretaker right now but you also couldn't leave him hanging now. He looked at you with big eyes, which basically begged for you to help him. You sighed once again before walking over to him. You started the shower making sure it was warm enough. It was just a quick way of warming him up, not wanting to spend any more time with a naked and drunk Leon. After you were done you helped him out of the bathtub and put him into a towel. After drying him a little bit you helped him get into his pajamas and walked him into his bedroom. You watched him get into bed and before taking a shower yourself you saw him drifting off into a deep sleep. Closing the door behind you silently you went back into the bathroom and took a shower and changed into some of Leon's clothing. Nothing too special but at least it would keep you warm. After you put all the wet clothes away you went downstairs to try to get some sleep as well. You entered the living room and lay down on the big couch. Just a few minutes later you felt sleep take over and take you into a world of dreams.
You woke up the next morning to Angel's voice. "Hey there. Sorry to wake you up, I just wanted to see you before heading out again." You sat up and stretched, looking at Angel. "Thank you for bringing Leon home. I wasn't home yesterday and.. I'm sorry you had to see him like that." You shook your head, putting a hand on Angel's shoulder.
"Don't apologize for that. It's no big deal.. I think. Does this happen often? He was so.. weird yesterday." You looked down, feeling guilty for snapping at Leon like that yesterday, maybe being the reason for him ending up drunk.
"It's, well, it happened before. He always likes to drink but I'm not sure what's going on to be honest. But don't worry, okay? It has nothing to do with you or anything. Chances are high he's just fed up with work, I don't blame him." You nodded, smiling at Angel now. She then stood up and gave you a small smile before turning to leave. Before leaving though she turned back to you. "I prepared some coffee for you and Leon. Maybe try waking him up. And.. try not to be too mad at him, would you?" She waved to you one more time before leaving the room and soon the house.
You got your two mugs of coffee and you went up the stairs to wake up Leon. As you put your hand on the doorknob you could already hear his snoring so you made sure to be quiet. He laid face up on the bed and his hair was extremely messy, so rather than waking him up like you originally planned you just sat on the chair by the window and drank your coffee. The rain from last night was still just as terrible, if not worse to the point where you couldn't even look out the window, you needed some other source of entertainment. You picked up one of the books that Angel had placed in there as decor and began to read it. It was only a small book, something about a knight in shining armor there to save the princess, just like all the other fairy tales. As you were reaching the end of the book you could hear Leon beginning to stir, his breathing had become a lot lighter and his snoring had stopped, meaning he was pretty much awake now. You took another sip from your coffee and you could see Leon sitting up in bed. He had his hand on his head and you could tell that it was pounding. “Good morning, Sleepyhead.” You gave him a faint smile as you tapped the table, another mug of coffee waiting for Leon.
He groaned as he waved his arm at you, wanting you to bring the coffee to him. At first you just shook your head at him and clicked your tongue but he wouldn't give up, you were too tired to argue about it so you just sat on the side of the bed, your back facing him. “You’re mad."
“You think?” You snapped at him, still looking forward, at the blank wall in front of you.
“I’m sorry, Buttercup.” He sat up properly and shuffled towards you, being careful not to spill his cold coffee. “I was being stupid. I had a bad morning and I just wanted to chill out for the rest of the day, have a nice drink and just relax by the pool or something.”
“Oh so me arriving for a surprise visit, that's what derailed your day?” You turned to face him and you could tell that the two cogs in his brain were working overtime.
“What? No!” He shook his head as he tried to get a grasp on the situation. “I overreacted to you asking about my drinking problem-”
“Oh so now you admit that it's a problem?” You interrupted him, by now your body was fully turnt to him, just by your body language he knew that you were more than just pissed at him.
“It’s always been a problem.” He ran his hands through his hair. “I can try and explain it.” You simply huffed at him, wanting to hear his excuse but still wanting him to know that you're angry. “After Raccoon City I began to get pretty bad nightmares. Like really, really bad nightmares. You can guess why.” You simply nodded at it, feeling guilty now that you got him to explain. “I couldn’t sleep for weeks at a time, so I tried my best to just keep myself busy. Hobbies, people, anything. I would sometimes go out to bars and whatnot and I figured out that after a few drinks I would usually sleep better that night.” He adjusted himself in bed so that he was fully sitting upright, his full attention on you as he talked. “I’ve been doing it for years, Buttercup. It’s just a hobby I guess.”
You didn’t really know what to say. Sure you lived with college kids so you were around drinking fanatics 24/7 but an actual alcoholic? You didn’t have much experience.
“Buttercup, I’ve tried everything.” He leant forward and grabbed your hand, rather than you recoiling like the night before you accepted it and you shuffled yourself closer to him, sitting cross legged next to him on the bed. You hesitated before leaning your head on his shoulder and also grabbing his hand.
"I don't know how I can help, Leon. But you can't continue like this. I.. I didn't recognize you yesterday, you were so different. I don't want to worry about you, when you're out for a drink. I just-" You looked up to him with big eyes, some tears forming inside them. You felt so helpless and even bad for not noticing anything earlier. Leon squeezed your hand.
"Shh.. it's okay, Buttercup. After I met you, I tried to stop drinking, you can even ask Angel. But the nightmares never end. The only time I was able to sleep through the night was.. when you were here and slept next to me. Knowing I wasn't alone, feeling you next to me, it helped me." You blushed and gave him a small smile, but deep down you knew this wouldn't help long-term.
"Even if I stay here to sleep in your bed, you will always want to drink. And I can't be here with you all the time. You need.. we need something else to fix this problem." You took a deep breath. "Leon, I think you need professional help. Like, I don't know, medication to help you sleep?" You looked at him unsure of what you could do to help.
"I tried that before, Buttercup. I swear I tried it many times before but I also fell back into this habit. I can't change it anymore." You shook your head.
"No Leon, stop saying stuff like this. You may have tried before but.. now I'm here. I'll help you. I promise I will not leave your side, we will do this together. We can work in small steps, you hear me? Like.. you always drink your whiskey with ice, right? What about you trying to put in less alcohol and more ice? Step by step? It's worth a shot and this way it isn't cold withdrawal. What do you say?" You looked at him with big eyes, kind of proud of your idea. A small smile rested on Leon's face as he looked at you.
"It's worth a shot. But don't get your hopes up too high. This won't be easy and.. if things don't work out, I don't know who I'll be then."
"Leon. I am not leaving you alone now. We will do this together and no matter what happens, I'll be here. I believe in you." You lay your arms around him and hugged him. You felt his arms around your body and smiled. After a short while you let go of him. Both of you took a sip of your stone cold coffee and sat there in silence, the only sound being the rain outside the house.
You saw Leon fidgeting around and looked at him questioningly. Before you could ask what he was thinking about he began speaking. "You know, uhm, what I said yesterday. I meant it. Sure, I was drunk and all but…", he turned to you. "I love you. I have for a long time now but I didn't know how to say it. But I really do." You looked at Leon with big eyes, shocked that he would bring this topic up again. Unsure of what to say you stood up and walked around the room. Leon's gaze followed you and you felt bad for not saying anything. After walking up and down you finally sat back next to him again. "Leon, I.. I don't know what to say. I mean.. I. God. Leon. I love you. I really do." You let out a small laugh. This whole situation felt so bizarre to you. You saw a big smile growing on Leon's face and you had to return it. He grabbed you by your arm and pulled you to him. You looked each other in the eyes, knowing what both of you needed now. Leon closed the gap between you two and after so long you kissed him. Without being drunk. Just a real and honest kiss, both of you wanting it and knowing it was the right thing. “So what was the bad news that you got yesterday morning?” You asked him as you pulled away.
“I have to go to Italy for a job.” He smirked. “But I think I might drag you along with me, we can have some time together once I'm done with work.” You thought about the offer for a split second before agreeing.
"At least I don't have a job where I have to ask for permission anymore." You jokingly said, trying to make the best of the situation.
"Well then we have a plan. Sooo, you better get home and pack your things. We should be at the airport early tomorrow morning. I'll text you the time and pick you up. Sounds good?" You nodded before going for another kiss. You stayed at Leon's house for a while longer before eventually going home and packing your stuff. You were excited to be by his side at a job and couldn't wait for it anymore. God knows what you've gotten yourself into...
Taglist: @trinswhimsys @dixanadu @oppsie--channie
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kokokichichi · 3 years
you're already back in school? my second year of uni starts in october and I'm kinda stressed about it especially time management part, any tips on starting of strong? sorry about asking for study advice on Gogy blog
TIP #1
GO TO OFFICE HOURS. GO TO FUCKING OFFICE HOURS. You're dealing with people who know the material for that specific class best and people who will be grading your shit. It doesn't help to build a positive relationship with them, and more often then not, if you have homework questions, they'll do them for you.
(**only if you have a decent professor or decent TAs. if not, continue on to tip #2)
TIP #2
MAKE FUCKING STUDY BUDDIES. Bro, do not underestimate the power of friendship. Especially for classes where homework is graded based on accuracy. Comparing homework answers has saved my ass multiple times. You know when you're up at 3 AM because your code won't work? Only God and a (smart) friend can help you then. I don't care if you're shy, get yourself added to the class group chat.
TIP #3
FUCKING DO SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF CLASS. Research, a club, volunteering, a job, whatever. You'll thank me once you start applying to internships and you need to write your resume. Honestly, unless you're applying to grad school or med school, your GPA doesn't matter **that** much. I think it's generally preferred that you have experience over that perfect 4.0.
TIP #4
USE YOUR TIME FUCKING WISELY. Kind of a "duh" thing, but like for example, plan your classes closer together. I generally plan my classes back to back to back because if there's an hour in-between a class, I know I'm gonna just fuck around and not get anything done in that time frame.
TIP #5
MAKE A FUCKING LIST OF SHIT YOU NEED TO GET DONE EVERY DAY. Like deadass, make yourself a checklist. (ex. finish physics hw, create prototype outline, read textbook chapters 7.5-7.6, etc). Be realistic and specific (no "get started on this" - say exactly what you want to need to get done). And fucking commit.
TIP #6
GET READY THE NIGHT BEFORE WHAT YOU WANT YOU FUCKING NEED IN THE MORNING. This will save you so much time, and help you not have those five minutes after your alarm goes off where you're contemplating jumping off a building (is this a universal experience or is it just me?). Pack your bag, get your outfit ready, all that jazz.
TIP #7
PLAN THINGS TO FUCKING LOOK FORWARD TO EVERY WEEK. I don't care what it is - a date, a dinner with friends, letting yourself have a day to completely do whatever the fuck you want. Give yourself a motivation to get through each week, or else you'll be in fucking hell. Just these little things can make stuff like finals week all the more bearable.
TIP #8
UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS GOING TO BE FUCKING HARD. This is more about me because I planned a really fucking hard semester for myself, but college.... is difficult. It's a ton of fun but you WILL be up 2 AM studying for a quiz or crying into your pillow because your boyfriend dumped you. Everyone goes through the same thing and makes it out alive. You will too.
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