#what if I had a different opinion or belief than him and he’s over here ‘the REAL EASTER’ omfg
allofuswantgwinam · 6 months
i haven’t even posted a single thought today so it’s safe to say I’m feeling better today 🤣💀 but i have THOUCHTS AND FEELINGS
there’s this guy i work with and it is a battle bc he gets on my nerves so much *it is not jsut me also wanna throw that out there😭* he only works Saturday’s and I usually don’t have to close with him but I do tn and I just wanna pat myself on the back bc I have been doing really good with all my annoyance with him. bc sometimes it is me asf, like he gets in my nerves sm but I do not need to be an asshole but he is so arrogant and never stops talking and acts like he is the smartest person in the world and it DRIVES ME INSANE BUT IVE BEEN DOIN SO GOOD IM SO PORUD but I also am still me and real at the same time. I just try really hard to be a distance or to just remind myself “he is who he is, deep breaths and do not choose this battle” oh my god. Cause he’s not even an awful person he just is exactly what I said lol he is very nice but I just do not enjoy working with him at all but im mfing doing it and I’ve conditioned myself to just not even fucking care bc it’s just one day. only one. 1 more hour. that’s all 😭🤣
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I read the post where you answered why you didn’t like Malleus and remembered that you placed Leona really highly on your favs list, and Leona is my favorite so do you mind me asking why do you like Leona?
[My TWST character tier list is here.]
[Anon is also referencing this Malleus post.]
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THERE’S A REASON WHY L*ONA IS IN “Unfortunately Enjoy” TIER 😭 I think for like... over a year (2020-2021)? Probably closer to 1.5 years?? I really disliked him and swore up and down that I'd "never in my life simp for the fake cat". This was largely in part due to book 2, which to this day I believe did Leona a HUGE disservice and made him look very unintelligent and uninteresting. Then I was drip fed new Leona content as it steadily came out (vignettes, voice lines, event stories, his return in book 6) and my opinion of him vastly improved. Book 2 was just a really bad introduction to him and it greatly soured my first impressions. sjfyofqebfeiafns B-But now I'm too embarrassed to openly declare, "Yeah, I like a sad muscular l*on man. So what?" Some would say that's tsundere behavior... BUT I SAY I'M COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED FOR ACTING THIS WAY BECAUSE IT ISN'T EASY TO CONFESS WITH YOUR WHOLE CHEST THAT YOU LIKE KINGSCHOLAR OF ALL TWST CHARACTERS
... Anyway! For a much more expanded explanation, I'd recommend this post! It already states a lot of my thoughts, and I don't want to repeat them in yet another lengthy lion-related post. What I'll do instead is summarize the key points for you, plus add some commentary about Leona and Malleus at the end.
Admittedly, he is pretty. VERY pretty. I'm saying this as someone who normally really dislikes hair longer than shoulder length, the "wild"/bad boy aesthetic, and kemonomimi. Leona breaks ALL the rules and still somehow manages to wear everything and anything well because of his sheer confidence and natural grace. His physical features are also very striking... The sharp bright green eyes, the small waist and large chest (there's NO reason why he HAD to be built like that), his stupid smirk, etc.
His pettiness and sarcasm. Leona has, hands down, some of the funniest lines 🤡 I love that he has the balls to speak callously to everyone, including fellow dorm leaders and royalty. His best moments, however, are when he whips out the sarcasm on statements which are so patently untrue--like when he says he is a 'delicate prince' and a 'lost child', both moments from book 6. It's also hilarious whenever Leona speaks in a formal way, showing that he does have the education and the knowledge of how a prince should present himself, but just actively chooses to not make the effort and only does so mockingly or when social grace calls for it.
HIS BIG BRAIN FOLDS, HOLY COW (err, book 2 aside). Leona works smarter, not harder!! He's always one step ahead of everyone else, even if he appears sleepy or disinterested at the time. He figured out the trick behind the "indestructible" golden contracts, he sussed out Jamil WAY before book 4 ever came out (saying that Jamil has "eyes that always glare" and implying that Jamil poses a threat to Kalim's life; this is from Jamil's School Uniform vignette), he takes what he learns in textbooks and so easily translates it to real-world experiences (ie advising the first years on how to more efficiently mine magestones in Vargas Camp), etc. Additionally, Leona knows when to step in and when to be hands off. It's not done out of cowardice or laziness, but rather because he's thinking strategically. For example, he could have resisted capture at the hands of the Ferrymen, but he didn't because it would be smarter to just go with them willingly. It saves everyone a lot of time and energy, and it’s this kind of intelligent thinking that makes Leona really stand out.
He knows how to lead. There are many different types of beastmen, each with own beliefs, values, and traditions that are unique to their own group. As a result, it is very difficult to unify all beastmen within the Sunset Savanna under one rule. Guess who doesn't have this problem? THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S LEONA. There's a variety of beastmen in Savanaclaw, and he effortlessly rules over them and commands their respect.
He actively thinks about how to improve the Sunset Savanna. Leona's ideas are not always the best (like, yeah, you could introduce new technology to the country but expect significant social pushback from the people, who prioritize living in harmony with nature). However, I can really appreciate that he did not entirely turn his back on the people who feared his powers and talked him down. I think he eventually realized the flaws in his way of thinking and actively chose an energy and mining lab internship in hopes of researching ways to slowly implement changes that will benefit the Sunset Savanna while also remaining respectful of the people's beliefs. He is concerned about Falena's lax way of ruling and consistently brings up ideas in various voice lines about how they can improve the Sunset Savanna and its relationships with other countries and tourists. In spite of everything he went through, Leona never wants to hurt those who hurt him with their comments and comparisons to his elder brother. He does not ever want to tear down the system that kicked him down again and again, only wants to challenge it by proving his own merits and the merits of the other downtrodden that he leads.
As much as he wants to deny it, he cares about his underclassmen and goes out of his way to help them. There are sooo many examples of this that it cannot possibly fit in one bullet point. (I would really recommend reading the elongated post linked above, as I go into more detail on this.) Suffice to say, Leona has been shown guiding, instructing, and mentoring many other characters including, but not limited to: Epel, Ruggie, Jack, Jamil, and various Savanaclaw mob students. This really hits me in the heart because I love reliable big brother characters 😭 EVEN THOUGH LEONA IS TECHNICALLY A YOUNGER BROTHER...
He understands his strengths—and he understands others' strengths too. This man is fully aware of his magical might and powerful presence. He uses every last bit of it to full effect and to attain his goals, whatever those may be. One of my favorite uses has to be In Fairy Gala!! He distracted some pixies by simply demanding water and their attention so his partners in crime could escape—and what’s more, this was a plan he came up with on the spot because their mission was being jeopardized by unforeseen events. Leona is also good about pinpointing people’s best attributes and then helping them hone it. This happens a lot during club practice, bur it also occurs in book 6 between him and Jamil. Speaking of…
THAT WHOLE BOOK 6 CONVERSATION WITH JAMIL DESERVES ITS OWN BULLET POINT. This part was peak mentor mode Leona 😭 Sure, maybe he wasn’t the kindest with his wording, but I felt this was the wake up call Jamil needed to hear. What really got me though was the part where Leona tells Jamil there’s still hope for him… “unlike me”. (I believe this part was translated differently in EN to make Leona’s ego sound more inflated (ie “I’m not like you”) which saddens me immensely.) It paints the image that Leona is still struggling to believe his efforts will amount to anything and that he believes more in his juniors than in himself :(( (which informs my headcanon that Leona mentors younger students so that they can have the bright future he doesn’t think he can have for himself).
Emotional complexity. When you get down to it, what started off as a very basic story of jealousy and inferiority complex actually resulted in a deeply flawed, traumatized, and scarred individual who continues to doubt and put himself down but is slowly recovering. Leona is smart and charismatic—he is everything a leader should be, but he doesn’t truly see his own worth. (Ironically, the only people who do are the ones who look up to him and follow him.) And now… Leona’s actually got his eyes set on graduating! He has his internship plans set! I think he’s made such big strides since book 2, and it’s been so rewarding seeing him regain his willingness to try and succeed return to him.
Looking back on it, it’s so ironic how things ended up working out. Initially, I was totally on Lilia’s side when he insulted Leona and said he would never be the kind of leader Malleus is. Now I’m realizing how Leona does many of the things I don’t see Malleus doing (despite Lilia claiming Malleus is more fit to be king than Leona is).
Malleus isn’t harming his people by any means, but it’s more like he’s… stagnant? Complacent? He’s satisfied with the status quo and is comfortable resting on his laurels. And because of that, Malleus doesn’t really seem to consider what he, as a leader, can do for others, be it for his dorm members or doe his country. (Part of this is also how isolated and opposed to change Briar Valley is, of course! That kind of culture definitely shapes Malleus’s thinking.) He tends to avoid situations which involve navigating social complexities rather than dealing with them himself. Think of Ghost Marriage, when Sebek proposes in his place. Think of Fairy Gala, when Silver is the one that ultimately resolves the conflict between the diurnal fae (who have historically not been friendly with nocturnal fae) and NRC. Malleus is so sheltered that has not truly been put in situations where he has to make tough decisions or where he has been challenged. He has never had to claw and scream and beg for people to see his worth.
Leona has been through that emotional wringer, and though he’s been hurt so badly, he still came out the other side. In running from the shadow of his family—of his older brother—Leona found solace in this new kingdom, Savanaclaw. It’s a place to build himself up, to stew over the ideas he has that have yet to be realized, all with a safe mental distance from home. It’s through the many hardships he has experienced that has refined his wit and given it a place to practice, to be used.
When it comes down to it, Leona and Malleus are two sides of the same coin. Both arrogant princes, the second born and crown prince, respectively, wishing for the other’s circumstances. Leona desperately wants that respect and recognition that Malleus has. Malleus longs for the intimacy and camaraderie that Leona is so easily able to cultivate and command. Leona has been forced to adapt, to learn, to grow from his scars. Malleus struggles with the concept of change (understandable, given his background) and actively denies reality if he finds the truth to be unpleasant. He’s not used to facing dilemmas that cannot be solved with magical strength, and has not ever been challenged in such a way. Malleus doesn’t know how to deal with that, which is partly why be panics and loses himself to emotions in book 7. (By the end of it, I’m sure he’ll be given the chance to see the error of his ways though 💦 or at least I hope he does??)
Their characters are very different, and that’s not a bad thing!! If anything, it makes their dynamic so interesting to observe and it offers varying interpretations of the same “prince” trope. I definitely know which of the two I prefer 🤡
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weebsinstash · 7 months
Do you ever wonder how complicated or nuanced it might be setting personal boundaries with a poly yandere Asmodeus and Fizz. Like do you ever workshop Lust Ring worldbuilding culture and realize "oh wait shit wouldn't it paradoxically be really easy AND ALSO borderline impossible to be open with and enforce your personal boundaries in a place perpetually encouraging the most openly brazen of carnal displays"?
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Like. Obviously I like one of them more than the other but silly little guys are growing on me and, just. Imagine being a Sinner and being down in the Lust Ring and realizing they have a completely different culture around just, showing your body and being open with yourself and your desires and, you're suddenly not sure what things are sexual harassment or considered their normal culture and you're not sure what you're even allowed to verbally express discomfort against because. Is it actually something normal and YOU'RE being weird and mean to THEM? Or, are you unintentionally letting people do REALLY creepy things to you?
You move out of Pride and your new coworkers in Ozzie's building are constantly eating dick and pussy shaped foods? Your coworker is throating a dick shaped ice pop at their desk? Your coworkers are varying levels of half naked? That's not perverted, it's normal and healthy and they're confident in their healthy sexuality :) oh, but you think that's weird? You don't want to look directly at someone's tits when they ask your opinion on their new nipple piercings? Aw, aren't you cute, being too shy to be open with yourself! maybe we all need to show you a few things to welcome you to Lust--
Like, I know Ozzie is dead set on consent but I often brainstorm different variations of those opinions or otherwise in a yandere setting. Ozzie is accepting and open and body positive! Therefore he might be completely in the nude while he sits in a recliner and you're asked to bring him something and he ISN'T EMBARRASSED AT ALL. Aw, he doesn't care if you see his dick, he's not ashamed of his body :) and you don't want to tell him to cover up because he's so nice to you, right? Like..... the perfect fucking gentleman BESIDES these um. Conflicting opinions on modesty and boundaries. Like genuinely he is such a good man fr i want him biblicly 😩❤️
These two out here with their fucking "what are you talking about, this blatantly sexual thing we're doing isn't sexual at all, you're being weird and seeing things thst aren't there and also dont kinkshame us wow thats rude?" bullshit. Oh so you got too drunk at an office party so they made sure you got home safely so no one took advantage of you? Yeah that's cool! Or it would be if they didn't take you to THEIR home though! Oh, it was weird for you to wake up literally sandwiched between them in a pair of pajamas meaning they undressed you? Yeah? Well you had to get your sleep and there's only one bed and they wont make you sleep on the couch and Ozzie's chest is nice and broad and warm and Fizz can rest his face on your tummy and-- why are you scowling and looking grossed out, they were just making sure you were warm and cozy, but if that made you uncomfortable, they're sorry you felt that way from them just trying to so something nice for you--
I recognize it's canonically antithetical to his actual beliefs but yandere Ozzie who is like "oh you're not comfortable sharing details about your sexuality or your body or your sex life with me? I mean. Oh gee it would be like so awkward if we were having drinks as friends and I charismatically loosened your lips over time by repeatedly pressing the issues until you give in! It's not a real 'no' if it eventually becomes a 'yes' right?"
Fizz is like. A fucking jester. He's a clown. He's THE silly little guy. So you almost regard him as this nonsexual cartoonish entity until he occasionally has shit slip out of his mouth that reminds you No Honey That's A Grown Ass Man, he's saying shit like "oh wow seeing that crop over there reminded me of the other week where Ozzie and I were doing horseplay and you should've SEEN when I took one to that huge butt of his, he was SCREAMING into the bridle gag and-"
I FEEL LIKE YOU'D CATCH THEM LIKE, ULTRA WEAPONIZING T H E I R RULES. Yeah, consent is important! That's why you're not allowed to flirt with that dilfy incubus, because, what is that in your hand? Gasp, is that a single shot? You've been drinking therefore you can't consent and you're being CARRIED away if that gets you to stop talking to this guy
Like imagine you're this shy bullied little thing and Admodeus is treating you like this precious egg that he can't wait to hatch and then it's like, you're dressing up sexy and coming on to someone ELSE talking about how you wanna suck THEIR dick and suddenly he's all "uh um uh hm you know what?you're moving too fast, people are gonna take advantage of you, you're not ready, let me take you home--"
"BLOWJ0BS FOR ME BUT NOT FOR THEE" for reeeeeeeal!!!!! You're sitting in like, the living room, basically forced to be celibate (unless ya bone them) and in the next room over IN THE ONLY BEDROOM you're hearing like *spanking* *bicycle horn* *that one oh yeah sound effect* *shaking tin sfx* *water splashing* *rubber ducky squeaky noise* *slide whistle* *whoopie cushion* and then the both of them limp out of there visibly disheveled and asking if you want to order a pizza because WOW THEY'RE JUST WAY TOO HUNGRY TO COOK DINNER TONIGHT FOR SOME REASON--
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adonis-koo · 2 years
wicked • 15
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↳ Summary: In a desperate hope to stop war from breaking you are a serviced to wed the most vile man alive, the one who has committed atrocities and war crimes beyond comprehension, he who is responsible for the fall of many nations, the wicked prince who’s heart is made of stone. You are to marry a man who challenges every belief and moral you stand for, all while being faced in a foreign land with nobody but yourself too trust…But are you both truly that different? Or is hate not too far from love?
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader
↳ Genre: arranged marriage AU, enemies to lovers, it’s kind of a period AU??? Historical but also technically not? prince!AU, eventual smut
Word Count: 13k
Previous | Next | Masterlist
tags: jungkook really loves grabbing mc’s throat, dirty talk, breath play, dom!kook, possessiveness, clit play, multiple orgasms, overstimulation (m & f), vaginal fingering, squirting, wet humping...?  is that a thing? slight size kink
Note:I’m so excited to announce chapter 15! I hope you all love it as much as I do, inbox is open for asks and I would love to hear everyones opinions bc im sure yall are gonna be feeling some type of way by the end.
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“How dare you accuse my maid of such a thing!” You hissed out from your seat, glaring into Di Jin with a venomous glare, “She is no such thing as an assassin and you should be utterly ashamed of yourself for even thinking of such!” 
Di Jin slammed his hands on the stable snarling at you, “Then tell me why she’s been missing from several of her shifts the last month? The only person who would be able to get into your room late into the night with guards posted would be her? There was a second attempt, was there not?” 
You shook your head, trying to not let your jaw slackened at the blatant disrespect, “Because I authorized it! Her mother has been deathly ill over the last month and I’ve given her time to be away from the castle to tend to her!” 
Di Jin’s nostrils flared as he leaned back in his seat, as he stared at you for a long moment as if a predator sizing its prey, “What a convenient cover, tell me Princess, have you ever seen this sickly mother?” 
“Have you taken the time to track your servant’s whereabouts when she had stayed out even later than you authorized?” Di Jin growled. 
“I will not have my wife being interrogated,” The doors opened once more, Jungkook who had barely been held back on the other side had managed to break in once more, his father still arguing with him, “Not if I have anything to say about this.” 
Dae Seong had yanked him back by the shoulder, “You’re going to listen to me boy! Let him do what he needs to if you value her safety at all.” 
Jungkook had retaliated by grabbing him by the collar, yanking him closer as he snarled quietly, “If you value anything we still have then you’ll let me be by her side.” Jungkook shoved him away before swiftly walking up to the table. 
Di Jin didn’t even attempt to watch their squabble as he stood up from his seat, hands on the table as he leaned in, “Or have you knowingly let her do this?” 
“Oh yes,” You sneered standing up as well, challengingly glaring back, “It makes much sense that I’d be the orchestrator behind my own attempted assassination. I may be an outsider and I may not know all the in’s and outs of Penumbra but I will not sit here and let you dictate to me who I am or who my servant is!” 
Jungkook puffed a breath in satisfaction at the tongue lashing you were giving the old codger as he went to wrap and arm around you, “We’re going, if you’re finished.”
Di Jin’s nostrils flared at the interruption as you took Jungkook’s hand which had been extended in an offer to help you out of your seat.
“This isn’t over Princess.” 
Your eyes burned into his, “You’re right,” You placed your hands on the table as you leaned in closer to him, your voice deathly quiet, “This is just the beginning Di Jin, tread carefully where you walk in these halls.” 
Jungkook’s arm found its way around you once more as you allowed him to guide you out of the room, anger visibly trembling off your body as you tried with every breath to calm yourself down. 
“We need to speak to the others.” You forced your voice to quiet as you both stepped out of the frigid room. 
“I’ve already asked Taehyun to retrieve them all, we’re meeting in Namjoon’s quarters.” Jungkook answered steadily, “We’ll get her back Y/n.” 
“I can only hope.”
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“It just doesn’t make sense,” Namjoon shook his head as he looked through the records that covered the small table of his office where everyone sat, “It does look incriminating,” He frowned at your pitiful state as you rubbed your forehead, “And it doesn’t help that you’ve given her unsupervised access outside the gate’s Princess.” 
You sucked in a harsh breath as you shook your head, “Had I known Di Jin was going to do this I would’ve had someone go with her…Is Taehyung’s word nothing? He helped her mother after all.” 
“Seer’s are not allowed into politics and worldly affairs.” Jungkook shook his head, his hands resting on the arm’s of his chair but seemed to twitch at the way you restlessly shifted in your seat, sitting a hair too far away for his liking, “Even though Taehyung can consort with us in private, his words would be seen as invalid to the court.” 
This made your lips quiver into a frown, the one person who could possibly save her was considered…invalid?
“Not only that but Taehyung could potentially jeopardize his position on the Guiding Hand if he tried to speak to court.” Hoseok chimed, leaning back in his chair in thought.
“And if Di Jin snoops about and Taehyung chooses to speak out regardless, he could accuse Taehyung of being another accomplice of hers, putting him in a cell right next to her.” Jimin seemed painfully sullen, his hand resting on his cheek as he frowned.
“What about her mother? Surely we could speak to her?” Hoseok asked.
“They’ve taken her into custody as well,” Jimin replied once more looking as though the whole situation disturbed him, “By possible accomplice of her, and since her mother has been cured of blood rot Di Jin suspects it was never there to begin with.”
Just his words made your hands curl in anger, “This is ridiculous!” Everyone looked at you as you hissed the words out, “What is the meaning behind this? Truly? There has to be an ulterior motive from Di Jin to accuse her of such a thing.” 
It was silent for a long time before Namjoon sighed, “Many things are hidden to us right now, perhaps for a reason. All we can do is focus on freeing Wheein.” 
“Still,” Yoongi grabbed his chin, “It would be worthwhile to see Wheein’s mother, and someone should speak with Taehyung about this, I’ve yet to see him since the whole incident.” 
“I’ll speak with him,” You volunteered yourself, “I’m sure he’s taken the news hard, and I’d like to see too it personally to assure him that we’ll find a way to keep her safe.” 
“I’ll go with you then.” Jungkook also spoke up, “Taehyung has likely not taken the news well, and knowing him he’ll want to speak with me directly. 
You frowned at this, your heart dully aching at the thought, “The least I can do is apologize to him for letting this happen.” You looked away from Jungkook as you heaved a deep sigh, “This is my fault after all.” 
You just wanted to be kind…especially when it was something you could help with, how could it end this way? Wheein had been nothing but kind to you the moment she introduced herself, and this is what she got in return. 
Had you been looking at Jungkook you would’ve seen the way his fist curled, aching to reach out to you, to do something, anything to try and ease the severe stress and guilt you were under right now. 
It was silent for a long moment before Jungkook spoke, thinking over his words carefully before he redirected himself to the men at the table, “Namjoon, I want you to look back in past schedules of who was on rotation during the nights Wheein went out and I’d like you to speak with them if you feel they’re allegiance is with the Jeons.”
“Hoseok I want you to keep track of Di Jin from now on, try to be covert about it and Jimin…” Jungkook looked across the table at Jimin who seemed to be staring at the wall, as if purposely ignoring the prince, “I know…your relationship with him is distant at best…” Jungkook frowned, “But if there’s any way you could talk to him, make him believe you're on his side…we need to figure out why he’s doing this.” 
“Jungkook…” Jimin sighed softly, looking at war with himself and for a brief moment you were confused until you remembered the words Wheein ushered to you many months ago. 
‘Jimin was the bastard son of the Head of the Guard’
The pieces were all slowly fitting together, Di Jin having been the old head of guard, which meant he was Jimin’s father…You sunk in your seat, oh dear what a mess things were quickly becoming…
Jimin relented, “I’ll see what I can do.” 
“Thank you.” Jungkook’s words were sincere, “There’s nothing else to discuss at this time, don’t let me hold you all from your duties.” He waved to them all as everyone stood up, yourself included as you made your way to the exit. 
Yoongi opened the door for you as you quietly thanked him before stepping out, an odd absence filling your chest at the realization that Wheein was no longer escorting you to where you went, nor would she stay with you when you asked her too.
The rest of your day felt like a void, you still had your duties to attend to the project in the Market, you had to talk and be social with various businesses, walking them through their future new stores and making arrangements with various vendors about what to get for each shop. 
The day had passed before you knew it and yet all you could think about was Wheein, her tear stained eyes and whimpers when you saw her. 
It snapped your heart like a twig to even think about, out of everyone, why did Di Jin have to choose her as his target? It just didn’t make sense. And you firmly believed you were not being fooled here, Wheein had been easily the kindest person you had ever met in Penumbra. 
Arriving at your and Jungkook’s room it was quiet and chilled in the room making you tremble as you shut the door, only a few candles lit making it difficult to see as you glanced around, realizing you had nobody to help you change. 
Your eyes glossed over as you inhaled sharply, you could call for another maid, you should call for another maid. But your stubbornness wouldn’t let you as you stretched your arms towards your back, trying to haphazardly undo the back making your muscles begin to ache and twitch as you huffed. 
This went on for several minutes before you finally stopped and frustratedly dropped your arms letting out a quiet sob as you pressed your hands on your eyes, the one person who you trusted with your entire being was being falsely accused of your own attempted murder. 
Stress filtered your body once more as you hurriedly tried to push back your tears at the sound of the door opening. 
Jungkook had a handful of papers he was reading through when he walked in at the unsightly mess of you halfway dressed and the unmistakable look you always had when you were crying. 
He lowered his papers as he looked at you for a long moment.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Your eyes filled with tears once more before you finally gave up trying to hold them in, closing your eyes as you defeatedly let the warm tears trickle down your cheeks. 
Jungkook sighed, setting the papers down at the desk before he walked over, “You look pitiful.” Standing in front of you he gently cupped your cheek, pushing the tears from your cheeks, “You should’ve called for a maid.” 
“I have a maid!” You hissed out, “And she’s in a dungeon right now for something she didn’t do!” This made you weep once more as you shook your head, “Why would they do this Jungkook? Why? I don’t understand! There isn’t a soul sweeter than Wheein, why would they claim the assassin was her?” 
“I don’t know,” Jungkook frowned, “But if I had to take a guess, it’s because they want to place distrust among us from the inside,” Jungkook replied steadily, “If we can’t trust even our most loyal servants, how can we trust each other? The seed of doubt eventually blossoms in its own time. I’m not sure how, but the Rosewood’s are most likely the cause of this.” 
He gently turned you around before he began to undo the back of your dress, albeit a bit clumsy, but with patience the material slipped off. 
“Not only this but if we let this distract us they might be stirring to do another attempt soon.” Jungkook frowned as you turned to face him, “If you die in Penumbra it’s going to trigger a shattering throughout the entire continent. War will be all we know until we’re the last kingdom standing.” 
“If that's what it takes for Wheein to live I will gladly die.” You inhaled sharply. 
“You will not.” Jungkook grabbed your chin harshly, his eyes glaring into you at your words, “I know you miss her, but crying about it and being unnecessarily self sacrificial isn’t going to get her back.” 
His words stung, and the prick of hurt they caused made you shove his hand away, “You may be right but you don’t have to be so cold about it.” 
Jungkook tucked his tongue into his cheek as he scoffed, “Well princess, somebody needs to tell you, otherwise god only knows what you’ll do.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” You snapped back, not appreciating his bluntness right now, you had come to terms with the fact that Jungkook was nothing like that last love you had known, Seokjin was always dripping in honeyed words and sweet nothings. 
He loved to coddle you and dote on your feelings. Jungkook did no such thing, you had for the most part become accustomed to this, but in these moments of vulnerability it stung having your feelings coldly told to stop. 
“It means the last time you let your feelings overcome your logic this happened.” Jungkook snapped, grabbing your hand and lifting it as he shook it, the marks on your hands still freshly healed and scars evident, “You were unconscious for two days Y/n. Two days! If you hadn’t been so emotional you wouldn’t be wearing gloves every time we step out of this room.” 
It was silent for a long moment as you snatched your hand from his grip as if he had been the one to burn you, eyes watering now but they were glaring at him in hurt and anger and he let out a long sigh, as if realizing he perhaps, went too far. 
“As a Eunoian, we are kind and expect no kindness in return. You might look at me as nothing more than an emotional woman, but I would never turn anyone away who needs my help, that is not who I was raised to be, that’s not who I am. Yes it scarred me and no I may not remember all of those events, but I know I helped, I know I made a difference even if it was only for a few people and I will not let you stand here and chastise me over it.” You stared at him for a long moment indignant. 
How could he stand here and insult you like this? 
Jungkook looked away from you with a briefly strained expression, and you were familiar with it because he always made that face when he was holding his tongue, it made you scoff, “Well you might as well say what you want too, go ahead, get it off your chest since I’m being so emotional.” 
“You know what you sound like right now Y/n?” Jungkook chucked bitterly, “You sound like a martyr,” He pointed a finger low at you, “Nobody is asking you to do that here, not a single person. Whether you like it or not you’re the Crowned Princess, your life does matter more then a peasants because the whole fucking world decided to weaponize the little Eunoian Princess nobody would dare hurt as a political tool to make us heel like a bitch.” 
Your lip twitched at his words, “Oh I’ve been well aware for the last three damn years what I am to the world! Don’t stand here and try to educate me on that, I knew from the moment I was told I had to marry you that my life didn’t matter more than just being a good bitch to the crown!” 
Your eyes watered once more, “That’s what you said on our wedding night and you were right. But it doesn’t change what I believe or how I feel and if that makes me a martyr then so fucking be it! I watched as my own people sent me away with smiles on their faces all pretending as if they hadn’t exiled me from my own country as if I hadn’t given up my studies as a young girl to aide as a healer during the five year war as if I wasn’t allowed to eat if the people were hungry and when we were supposed to celebrate our holidays, we stopped to mourn the burning piles. I knew since I was a child that my life didn’t matter to anyone aside from what I could do or what I could give.” 
“It fucking matters to me!” Jungkook’s patience had finally worn, you were suddenly pressed against the wall, his hand wrapped your throat with the most delicate grip as his forehead pressed against yours, “Don’t you get it you stubborn, hard headed woman? Your life matters to me, I don’t care about any tradition or belief you have if it has anything to do with dying. I just got you, I’m not letting you go.” 
It was silent for a long moment as you felt his thumb tenderly trace against your windpipe as you sniffled. 
“You could’ve just said that without picking a fight. And you didn’t have to be so mean,” Your eyes stung with tears, “Your words do hurt, I know crying won’t get Wheein back, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m terrified of what they might do to her.” 
Jungkook’s expression softened ever so slightly as you closed your eyes, a few stray tears trickling down your cheeks, “I would never cry with anyone else like this, so let me do it with you, let me share the deepest parts of my heart with you, my deepest fears and concerns, my doubts and insecurities. You say you want me, that you don’t want to lose me, then show me you want me, all of me, even the parts you don’t like, even the parts you hate.” 
“I could never hate you.” Jungkook ushered out quietly, his hand moving from your throat to your cheek, “I’m sorry.” 
He kissed your tear stained cheek somewhat hesitantly, “I’m not used to navigating feelings, or emotions, or women…” This made a small smile tug on your lips, one he mirrored briefly as his hand moved to your chin with a little squeeze, “But you talking about willingly letting yourself die makes me upset, anxious and angry, the rest of the world might look at you as nothing more then I tool but I don’t. So value your life, because I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, Wheein would be the first to agree with me.”
It made your lips quiver painfully as you glanced down, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be a martyr, but I would do anything to get her back Jungkook,” Your throat strained painfully “Anything.”
Jungkook kept having these impulses every time he looked at you when you were sad, and he hadn’t noticed it until today, but finally, he caved into the feeling of just wanting to hold you. 
His arms wrapped around you, letting your head bury into the crook of his neck, your body relaxing into him as he pressed a kiss against your head making your arms squeeze around him tighter, “I know.”
You were already scared and upset with the whole situation, you didn’t want things to be worse if you and Jungkook couldn’t settle your own arguments in the process. 
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You had hoped maybe a good night of rest would make you feel better, but opening your eyes had only made you feel worse and Jungkook had taken a bit more of a gentle approach today at trying to get you out of bed. 
“We’ll need to speak with Taehyung before the morning is over.” Jungkook laid beside you as you tugged the blanket back over your head, rolling your back to him, “He’ll be busy tending to whatever the Seers do during the day. Y/n,” He sighed in exasperation, “I don’t mean to sound like a cunt when I say this but sulking is not going to help. And refusing to talk isn’t helping me.” 
Your hands curled around the blanket as you relented with a sigh, “I just…feel overwhelmed by everything, life has to continue on even if Wheein is in the dungeon and even if Di Jin keeps harassing the castle.” 
You turned back to face him, “It’s not that I don’t want to do something about it, it’s that I have so many other things I don’t want to do that I have to do, that so many people are counting on me making sure I get it done. It’s hard to be enthusiastic about starting the day knowing I can’t dedicate all of my time to finding a way to help Wheein.” 
“There’s only so much you can do about that situation regardless princess,” Jungkook wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest as he buried into the crook of your neck, “I’ll make sure everything goes accordingly with Wheein.” 
You still let out a sigh, curling a little at his hand dragging from your waist down to your thigh as he whispered in your ear, “You wanna know what will make you feel better princess?” 
“What?” You mumbled, your curiosity peaked at his tone. 
“An orgasm.” 
“Jungkook!” You immediately sat up right as you twisted around at the cheeky grin on his face, “This is what you want to focus on when we’re in a situation like this!?” 
Jungkook shrugged, “Well I don’t see anything wrong with it, as you said before, life has to continue on and I’m being honest,” He sat up with you, “The first step to getting anything done is letting yourself relax, this is stressful enough as it is, you shouldn’t make yourself anymore taxed then necessary.” 
His lips attached to your exposed shoulder, your thin slip that you seemed to wear more often to bed these days didn’t do you much service as the thin strap fell off your shoulder. He moaned softly into your skin as his hands slid to your waist, “Let me make you feel good. Consider it another apology for last night if you must.” 
You felt obligated to say no, feeling guilty for even feeling desire at the moment when you were in such a perilous situation, but your head betrayed you, slowly tilted upward to expose your neck as his kiss traveled up, leaving a small trail of love bites along the way. 
“Is it…really okay to do this?” You whispered. 
“Only if you’re comfortable.” Jungkook pressed a small kiss on the lobe of your ear, “We don’t have too, but I do think it would make you feel better.” You glared at him playfully as he winked. 
You shifted a little before you sighed, “Well, what would you have us do?” You shifted a little nervously, there would never be a perfect time to get further intimate with Jungkook, and you would admit, something to take your mind off of things would do you some good, even if for a few minutes. 
Jungkook sat up before letting his back rest against the headboard as he gestured you closer, confused you scooted a little closer to him only for his hands to attach to your hips making you squeak in surprise at the way you were suddenly jostled. 
You were roughly manhandled into his lap with your back pressed into his chest once more as he pressed another tender kiss to your neck, “Tell me Y/n, have you ever touched yourself before?” 
The question caught you off guard making you sputter, “I- what?” You could hardly focus at the sight of his hands resting on top of your thighs, how could you be married to him for nearly nine months and only just now realize how big his hands were. 
His fingers were long and thick and his palms were rough and calloused against your soft skin, his fingers curled around your inner thighs, “Have you played with yourself before,” Jungkook let a wicked smirk curl on his lips, “You can’t tell me you haven’t ever been curious about your body.” 
Had it always been this warm in the room? Because it felt like you were burning up at the moment, “I mean yes but- I wouldn’t…Call it playing.” You tried to not squirm in his hold as he suddenly parted your legs, your night slip hardly covering your panties. 
You had been curious about your body in the past sure but you had never really understood the idea of sexual interest, and therefore you never took part in it, not understanding what the big deal was about. 
Jungkook let out a hum as he let his hand stroke from your inner thigh that had you twitching, to your night slip hooking a finger against the fabric as he lifted it, it didn’t take but a small movement to reveal your panties, a shameful damp spot revealing how much your body was receiving him. 
“You like this?” He teased lightly, a hand wrapping around your throat, squeezing lightly making a breathy noise escaping you and your legs instinctively parted further for him, “You like putting your cunt on display for me?�� 
“Jungkook…” You had to shut your eyes at the lewd sight, your shoulders scrunching in embarrassment, why did he have to be so crass?
“Take your panties off.” Jungkook’s voice a few tones deeper and a little raspier than normal as his grip on your throat tightened making a more strained moan escape you shook your head, “No?” He snorted at your defiance, his free hand stroking your thigh down to your cunt making you jump before he cupped it, his palm digging into your clit making you whine out sharply. 
Your hips lifted immediately, trying to grind into his hand unsuccessfully. 
“If you want me to play with this pretty clit you have to take the panties off sweetheart,” Jungkook said, amused at the sight. 
“Jungkook, this is embarrassing!” You whined quietly to him, “What if somebody were to walk in right now?” 
“Let them.” He scoffed, “See if I give a damn who watches. In fact I hope somebody does,” Jungkook’s grip suddenly tightened on your throat making you wheeze a heady moan as he growled in your ear, “So they can see who you belong to. I wasn’t lying when I said this was my cunt, so take off the fuckin’ panties and show me who it belongs too.” 
The sudden guttural demand in his voice had you scrambling to obey as you shaky fingers curled around your panties, peeling them off before you awkwardly kept your legs closed. This however changed quickly at Jungkook’s hands, once more finding their way to your thighs as he pried them out making you whimper out at the cold air seeping against your cunt. 
“Fuuck.” Jungkook moaned against your skin and you could feel his heavy, thick cock harden against your lower back, “Your soaked baby. Look.” He didn’t give you a choice as he grabbed you by a thick chunk of hair making you whine as he forced you to look down. 
Your face felt like it was on fire at the sight of your body contorted in such a lewd position, your cunt was indeed on display and for a brief moment you couldn’t think of something more unsightly than this. 
This was what men were attracted to? Your lips were puffy and parted covered in stickiness, pubic hair sticking out unfrayed and your clit was engorged, throbbing at just the fact you were actually able to look at it.
Jungkook’s lips pressed in your neck with another moan, “Fuck princess, you have such a pretty cunt, and nobody has ever played with it at all?”
“No,” You whined out, “I already told you Jungkook, I’ve never been with someone intimately, at least for myself. Do you have to..stare?” You felt self conscious on display like this. 
“When it looks good enough to eat how can I not?” Jungkook scoffed, his free hand unable to resist the urge to drag along your sticky slit, your cunt puffy and wet as his fingers reached your clit.
A moan suddenly strangled through your parted lips, whining softly at watching his digits circle your clit as your hips buckled into him with another whimper as he moaned, “Fuck baby, you’ve never touched your clit?” He said it as if he was genuinely in confusion at how you possibly couldn’t have touched yourself before.
“I have,” You whimpered out, “It just didn’t feel good.” It didn’t feel like this, that was for damn sure, just watching his fingers skillfully glide over your clit at your back trying to arch, before they quickly started rubbing back and forth, playing with your clit like it was a little toy.
Jungkook switched from that to suddenly squeezing it between his pointer finger and middle finger, making another raspy, desperate noise escape your hips started to lift up to chase after the friction, “Jungkook please! Please don’t tease me.” You whimpered out desperately. 
Jungkook chuckled at this, releasing your clit from his fingers just to pinch it once more with his thumb and pointer finger, “You’re so needy, every time I try something new you moan even louder.” 
He pinched it even harder making you yelp at the painful pleasure that washed over you before he roughly circled it again, “Keep moaning sweetheart, it lets me know what you like and what you don’t.” 
That's when you realized he meant what he was saying, his eyes were low but inquisitive, as if trying to figure out what made you tick, what made your body squirm the hardest, what made you moan the loudest, your body was a map he was determined to not only study but memorize. 
Your hand frantically found his as you whimpered, “Right there! Kook, right there! Please.” The pleasure had your muscles clenching as the pad of his finger kept rubbing that sweet spot on the side of your clit that had your back arching and whines becoming increasingly loud. 
Jungkook chuckled in your ear, “Look at you, using my hand to make yourself cum, that’s a little greedy for a Eunoian. Are you gonna cum princess?” 
He watched, mesmerized by the way your body contorted and bounced as you grinded against his fingers, which were completely soaked in your arousal as he feathered his pad over your sweet spot. 
The straps to your slip had finally fallen to your shoulders, causing your top to finally slip down, making your tits fall out as you fell apart on his fingers, your eyes squeezing shut and your body convulsing at the pleasure that was blossoming so quickly in your cunt. 
“Cum baby, I know you want to.” Jungkook teased, “I know that little clit feels good, let yourself cum princess.” 
Jungkook let out a grunt at the sight of your lips falling slack, moans suddenly ripping from your throat as you whines became high pitched, hands suddenly clawing at his neck, yanking at his hair as you came. 
“Mmm what a good girl.” Jungkook moaned into your neck, his cock throbbing so hard he felt like he could pass out, it was one thing to imagine these types of moments with you, but to actually be able to experience them was a different kind of pleasure he didn’t even know could exist. 
Your mind was so hazy from your orgasm you hardly noticed his fingers stroking your cunt before a single digit circled your entrance, playing with it a little as Jungkook carefully coated his finger in your arousal before he pushed in it. 
“Ow!” You suddenly yelped in a very unsexy way, jolting up right and out of your hazy post orgasm feeling as you whimpered out at the sight, “Jungkook! Ah…! It hurts!” You whined in complaint, his finger felt foreign inside of you and just like you knew, it was thick and bigger then your own and the stretch made your cunt dully ache. 
“Wow, so Seokjin really never touched you?” Junkook said it as if he was examining to see if you were actually telling the truth. 
You lip curled as you snapped, “Did we not establish that I was a virgin on our wedding night? Why are you so hyperfixated on this?” 
“Because,” Jungkook rested his chin on your shoulder, pulling his finger from your cunt making you sigh in relief as he dragged it back up to your clit, tapping it, “The idea of anyone- let alone him getting to see this makes me want to travel all the way to Kimhae and fucking kill him.” 
He pushed his finger back in but much to your surprise it didn’t hurt, you seemed almost taken aback by this, watching in morbid fascination as his thick finger sunk deeper into your cunt, your legs parting a little further for him. 
You moaned quietly at his finger testingly pushing up before he thrusted it a little inside you making you whine as your hips lifted and lowered a little to chase the feeling. 
“Just the idea of him getting to see this pretty little fucked out face makes me livid,” Jungkook whispered, unable to even be angry at the moment before of the expression your wore, your pupils were blown out and your lips parted at the sight of his finger now rhythmically pumping into you before he pushed a second one in.
It made you wince at the uncomfortable fit, before Jungkook pulled both fingers out and pushed them back in making your lips tremble at watching them sink deeper and deeper into your cunt, your walls clenching around him as he buried them both until his knuckle were flush against your skin.
“Fuck…” You whimpered out, closing your eyes at the overwhelm of being able to feel his fingers so deep inside your cunt, Jungkook, “‘s not fair, wanna make you feel good too…” 
“Sweetheart, shit, you are so fucked out on my fingers, imagine what it’s gonna be like when you’re taking my cock.” Jungkook moaned in your ear, feeling your walls wrap tight around his fingers at his words as he pumped them in a little rougher, making a point to rub his fingertips against the top of your walls.
It felt as if he was searching for something and you didn’t realize what it was until you felt it, his fingers pushing particularly deep this time, hooking as pleasure suddenly shot through your body making you lurch and a loud moan rip from your lips. 
“Fuck there it is, that’s it sweetheat.” Jungkook’s fingers viciously began to attack this spot, rapidly lifting into the spot as his thrusts began short and rough. 
The pleasure had you contorting in painful positions as you whined slurred words out, “Wanna make you feel good too, Kook! Please, please!” 
“Dammit sweetheart, this is supposed to be about you.” Jungkook growled in frustration at how hard his cock was because you kept moaning about this. 
“Wan’ it.” You whined out moaning loudly, his fingers unforgivingly hooking into that spot roughly, you could feel his other arm against your back maneuvering in awkward ways and though you were very pleasured it was difficult to not notice. 
You didn’t understand what he was doing until you saw it, or more like it saw you. His cock suddenly appeared just inches below your cunt, it bobbed a little, smacking against you making you jolt in shock, even with pleasure still blossoming in your body your mouth dried. 
It was so…big
You had felt it before but you had never seen it, and it was so thick and fat, just like his hand, his cock had the prettiest thick vein and it curved just slightly, his head was fat and bulbous, a painful shade of red showing just how hard he had been this whole time and precum kept dribbling from his slit. 
“You wanted it that fuckin’ bad.” Jungkook grabbed your hand before, guiding it past your cunt to wrap around his cock, “Wanna’ feel that wet little cunt.” He guided your hand to give it a few tugs, before he lowered your body a little, your cunt pressing against the top base of his cock, making you let out a breathy moan. 
His fingers started properly thrusting into you once again as you body twitched, eyes nearly rolling back into your head at the stimulation of the feeling of his fat cock being covered in your arousal, your hand giving sloppy, frantic tugs against his cock making him moan into your shoulder.
Your hips quickly start trying to rut into his as you grabbed his hand, forcing his fingers out of your cunt as you rubbed it against his shaft, letting your clit press against it with a loud whine, reaching down to squeeze his fat balls. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck baby, ‘m gonna cum.” Jungkook moaned into your neck as his hips started to rut into you, his eyes hazily watching his cock slide between your glossy lips, arousal messily covering his cock as his tip roughly dragged over your clit making slurred moans escape you. 
“Wan’ you to cum.” You mewled out watching in desperation at the idea of this being inside of you, how would you even be able to take it without being torn in half? His fat tip reached your belly button. 
Your hand wrapped around his cock, holding it against your cunt as Jungkook’s hips became more frantic, “Gonna fuckin’ cum all over you if you keep saying that sweetheart.”
“Cum! Cum, cum please! Wan’ you to cum all over my cunt.” You whined and begged at the sight of precum dripping from his tip.
Jungkook swore out with a growl, his hands digging into your hips, “Bet you wish this was your cunt right now I was fucking, this little cunt is so tiny I don’t even think you could take half of my cock sweetheart.” 
“Kook!” You whimpered out at his forceful, frantic thrusts, one hand lifting your leg up further as his fat tip rubbed past your clit once more. 
“Oh don’t worry baby, I’ll fuck you in this exact position.” Jungkook smirked wickedly against your neck, “I’ll make you watch every fuckin’ second of it too. Fuck princess,” He moaned his hips began to slow, eager to drag out the last moments before he’d finally cave, his cock sliding through your lips once more, he could feel your engorged little bud as he bulbous tip rubbed against it making you whine before let out a deep moan. 
Cum spewed from his tip as your mouth dried at the sight, his thrusts stopped in nirvana but your hand kept tugging his cock in awe, wanting every last drop he had to offer as he moaned wetly against your skin. 
His thighs clenched as he moaned, “Fuck princess, that’s it, yeah fuck, just like that.” He moaned encouragingly in your ear as you stroked his shaft, causing another gob of cum to spill from his tip, this time dribbling down onto your stomach as you reached down further to play with his fat soft balls while using your other hand to tug at his base.
“Fuuck baby.” He moaned into your skin his cock trying to soften but he showed now signs of stopping you despite the increased sensitivity before a spurt of cum shot out before he started swearing out, biting his lip as the pain and pleasure heightened. 
Jungkook let out a breathy moan at the pain of your hand wrapping around his cock, roughly thrusting as he jolted and jumped but at no point did he stop you, in fact he seemed to enjoy the pain and just like magic, you watched his cock start to harden again.
Growing just as monstrous as it was before.
You moaned raggedly before you shifted a little, setting yourself upright before dragging your cunt along his shaft, your hips dragging against it with a loud moan as Jungkook growled out, “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum again baby, relax.”  
You let out a breathy giggle, collapsing your back against his chest as you spread your legs once more, resuming your original position as you pressed his cock back against your cunt, pumping it rapidly, his muscles twitched rapidly before his hips caved. 
Roughly thrusting up into you again as his cock slid between your cunt once more before cum suddenly spurted once more, covering your already messy stomach in even more cum as you moaned, gently tugging his cock to coax more cum, it dribbled and leaked, not nearly as big of a load this time as Jungkook moaned his hips swiveling to prolong his orgasm. 
His cock began to soften and his hand suddenly grabbed your wrist to stop from trying to get it up again, “This was supposed to be about you,” Despite his post orgasm haze he still growled in displeasure, “Fucking brat.” 
One moment his hand was wrapped around your wrist, the next it had released it and shoved two fingers inside you, suddenly fucking you hard and fast making you whine out loud, his thumb somehow managing to rub into your clit causing your back to arch and a loud moan to escape. 
“Yeah? Doesn’t fuckin’ feel good after the first one.” Jungkook taunted you as he roughly thrusted his fingers inside you, his thumb teasingly circling your sensitive clit as your thighs twitched, your eyes glued to the way he was buried knuckles deep into your cunt. 
“Fuck, fuck, kook, ah…! Ah.” Your whines were getting louder and louder much to his delight, your walls getting tighter and tighter each time his fingertips jammed into your g-spot and his thumb found that sweet little spot on your clit with each pass. 
“Doesn’t feel nice cumming so fast does it?” He growled out, “Go, cum like you made me. Get it everywhere. Can feel this little cunt squeezing around me, you gonna squirt all over the bed? Bet you don’t even fuckin’ know what that is babydoll.” 
The pleasure was becoming so strong it started to become uncomfortable in your cunt, your walls suddenly began to rapidly relax and squeeze at each of his fingers thrusts, his fingertips rubbing into your g-spot and his thumb dragging over your clit.
“Feels weird! Kook’ ah..! You whimpered out, body frantically contorting and your cunt blossoming in a weird pleasure. 
“I got you sweetheart,” Jungkook moaned in your ear, “‘s gonna feel so good princess, c’mon ‘s gonna feel so fuckin’ good.” 
You rapidly shook your head, your walls rapidly clenching and your muscles spasming as Jungkook’s thrusts became short and rough, his thumb rubbing rough circles into your abused clit, “Cum.”
The single word made a scream rip from your throat, tears tricking down your face as you came, liquid suddenly spewed from your tiny hole as Jungkook moaned, “Good girl, fuck, get it everywhere baby, fuck yeah, that’s it.” 
The pleasure was so intense you were in tears, sobbing out moans as his fingers pulling out of you, to rub your clit making you throw your head back against him before his fingers shoved back inside you rapidly thrusting making more liquid spew from your hole as your body convulsed, “F-fuck!” You cried out loud. 
You were positive you blacked out for one blissful moment before Jungkook released his fingers from you with a long moan, his hands comfortingly rubbing down your waist. 
“Fuck princess,” He kissed your neck with feathery kisses, “My good girl did so good. Good girl.” Your eyes felt heavy at the feeling of his kiss. 
Just his words drew a whine from you, his hands coaxingly rubbing your thighs as he pressed a wet kiss against your neck, “Mm, we need to get dressed.” 
“You can’t just do this to me and then leave me.” You whimpered out, grabbing hands to wrap them back around you once more. 
Jungkook snorted at this, another kiss traveling further up your neck, “We’ll be leaving together in case you forgot.” 
“I don’t think I can walk.” 
“You are, without a doubt, the most stubborn women I’ve ever met.” Jungkook mused, “And possibly more than I ever bargained for.” 
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You could indeed walk, though a bit awkward at first while Jungkook helped you dress, it didn’t surpass your eyes, the tug on his lips in amusement with every wobble or need to grab his shoulder to stabilize yourself. 
If this was the aftermath of him only using his fingers, you can’t possibly imagine when he…Just the thought made you suck in a deep breath. Jungkook eyes flickered to your form, your arm hooked around his as you both made your way through the castle. 
“Have you noticed?” He asked, eyes lingering on you only for a moment longer before looking ahead once more. 
You could only assume he was insinuating at everyone’s stares and whispers.
“It’s rather difficult to not.” You muttered.
After exiting the courtyard and passing through the meadow to the entrance of the forest, only after you passed through the tall oak tree’s, did you feel you could breath. The sound of birds trilling and the sun lazily peaking through the naked branches gave you a sense of peace you had nearly forgotten about it.
Leaves crunched beneath your feet as your eyes wandered over the vastness of the forest that seemed to stretch on and on, now that the tree’s were naked it seemed the forest was so much more barren than before. 
“Does it look like this? In Eunoia?” Jungkook asked, noting your gaze that seemed to wander. 
“Somewhat,” You admitted, “Winters are mild at best in Eunoia- at least in comparison to Penumbra. The most we get is a bit of a frost on the coldest days, just enough for leaves to fall- not all though. Many still stand their ground.” 
“Frost on the coldest days?” Jungkook’s head snapped to look at you as if you said something bizarre.
This caused a reluctant smile to tug on your lips as you curled your arm around his further, “Yes, some have called Eunoia the capital of the Sun. Our days are always sunny and warm, we’ve never known a true winter.”
“I can tell,” Jungkook replied, his eyes drifted from yours to your attire, “Is that why you’re dressed like it’s already snowed?” 
You looked down at the thick warm sleeves of your dress,they were dramatically long, going far past your hands though a slit made it easy to use your hands if needed, the color a deep maroon that could be mistaken for black if one didn’t pay attention.
“There was frost on the ground this morning.” You replied, a huff escaping your lips, “I suppose the odd looks the servants gave me when I requested my winter wardrobe make sense now.” 
You were too embarrassed to admit you were still cold, even in a winter gown, your dress even collared around your neck, making you feel admittedly strangled but any warmth was welcomed. 
“How will you survive winter here if you can’t make it past the first brisk frost without one of the thickest gowns in your wardrobe?” Jungkook mused, making you glare at him, a pout sporting on your lips. 
“Thickest gowns? This?” You gestured to yourself making him chuckle as he shook his head, “Well that simply won’t do at all, I’ll go to the seamstress myself if I must, I may be married into Jeon royalty but I don’t carry your northern blood.” The pout was still prominent on your lips, “Your brisk day is one of Eunoia’s coldest days, need I reiterate?” 
Jungkook shook his head but the smallest of smiles tugged on his lips, “As if you didn’t have enough gowns as it was, I’ll be sure to let the seamstress make your request known.” 
“Well you’re the one that handles my wardrobe,” Your pupils narrowed, “Now that I think about it, why shouldn’t I be the one in control of it? After all, I am the one wearing them.” 
“Because i’d like to think in someways-” You gasped at suddenly being pushed against the thick, tall oak that stood proud, “You enjoy giving me control.” Jungkook’s hand snaked around your head, grabbing a fist full of hair as he gave it a small yank, “If your display this morning was anything to go by.” 
It was not your voice who said his name however, within a second Jungkook had let you go, the air around you both sobering by the second as Jungkook looked over his shoulder, “Taehyung.” He nodded, a frown setting on his lips as you somewhat flusteredly brushed off your dress.
Just seeing the look on Taehyung’s face made a tidal wave of guilt wash over you. How could you stand here and act like a girl with a crush when someone’s life was at stake?
You peered from behind Jungkook and one look was all it took for the sickening feeling to rush back into your stomach once more, Taehyung looked vehement, his eyes tired and anger evident if his icy glare was anything to go by. 
“Have you both come to celebrate? Now that you’ve finally captured the assassin.” Taehyung’s lip twitched as his eyes burned into you. 
“Celebrate?” You echoed in hurt, immediately stepping past Jungkook, “Taehyung I would never celebrate this! We are doing everything in our power to get her back I-” 
“Well you were the one who let her go to begin with,” He hissed out lowly, his glowering from his hooded figure, “How am I to know that maybe this wasn’t just a calculated tactic?”
You felt your throat dry at his words, it was one thing to handle Jungkook when he was being unfair to you, but how would you deal with another? Let alone one of the first of Penumbra’s kin to show you kindness. 
“Calculated tactic?” The hurt in your voice was evident, making Taehyung’s nostrils flair. 
“Yes, after all rumors of you-”
“Enough.” Jungkook’s voice cut through the air like ice, an arm wrapped around you pulling you closer to his side, “We’ve come in grief and sobriety to apologize this is happening and that we are going to get Wheein back. I understand you’re upset, within reason to be,” 
Jungkook’s pupils narrowed as his voice grew as cold as the chilled wind that blew by, “But heed your words to my wife and your future Queen.” 
You were too stunned to even speak, hurt still expressed on your face at the insinuation that you had purposely done this to her, you would never! 
Taehyung’s lip twitched, “Is that a threat, Your Highness?” 
“My words are plain,” Jungkook replied, his eyes cutting low, “Take them as they are, we’ll leave you to be.”
“That would be for the best.” Taehyung’s hood lowered if only a little, those gray eyes glaring into you and even when you walked away from him you could feel his gaze burning into your back. 
To say you were horrified, was an understatement. 
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While Jungkook did not wish to depart with you he had reluctantly done so, but not before trying to ease your distraught at Taehyung’s words, what was he going to say if Jungkook had let him finish? 
It made you anxiously pick at your nails, hardly able to even focus on your book as you heard a voice clear making you glance up. Namjoon gave a small bow and a sad smile, “How have your studies been coming along Princess?” 
“Terribly,” You admitted with a sigh, ���How do you not let something consume you Namjoon?” 
It was a rhetorical question you had been asking yourself all day as you stared up at the ceiling, murals of battles painted in glorious displays, ones you had seen while walking in but had never paid attention to until now. 
“I think,” Namjoon paused as if to gather his thoughts, “Love is a worthy contender to be consumed by.” 
This made your gaze shoot back down at him as you cocked your head to the side as he smiled wryly, “Apologies, I enjoy a good tragedy every now and then. Love can consume, but it can also save, you should honor your emotions where they’re at. These are unprecedented times.” 
“That is a particular choice of words.” You mumbled staring down at your book but no matter how hard you tried, words were simply words, not a sentence nor a passage that gave your mind any relief to its occupied thoughts. 
“They are, but it’s the truth,” Namjoon frowned as he looked away, “Princess…” He paused as if debating his words, “Many things are afoot right now, the expansion on the East has officially been put on hold, the west is stirring with restlessness, and now Di Jin has been enlisted to reopen a fresh wound of Mabon.”
“What is it you are trying to say Namjoon.” You sighed as you looked up at him, you wished everyone would stop speaking to you in riddles, why was it you could not hear Taehyung’s full words? Even if they were hurtful, you had the right to know. 
“I am saying…that though we may not fully understand why these things are happening, to be prepared Princess.” Namjoon gave you one last smile before he stood up and gave you a small bow before departing. 
You sank further into your seat as you let out a small sigh, “Fucking hell.” 
“That kind of language is not befitting of a Princess.” 
You jumped upright in your seat once more at the voice that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, your eyes darted to your right where the beautiful- yet ugly sight of the Rosewood Knight Claudin appeared from. 
“Are you here to just mock me?” Your voice grew cold as your eyes glared at him, time may have moved forward but his attempted assault on you and siding with Seohyun was not easily forgotten. 
This made a thin, snake like smile tug on Claudin’s lips, “Anything but, Your Highness.” 
Your hands slowly curled into fists as your patience wore thin, you had been known by your family to have a temper your whole life- this was without a doubt true, but to consider violence? This was a first, and right now Claudin’s face was looking more and more like a punching bag each time he spoke. 
“You’re tired of everyone speaking to you in riddles? Isn’t that right?” Claudin strolled closer to you making you frown but did not speak further. He paused for a moment only to smile once more, your curiosity was piqued. 
“Then let me speak plainly to you Princess,” He kneeled down in front of you, “Penumbra’s trust in you is failing, immensely with each passing day. They no longer trust you. Dare I say some never did.”
It was an ugly truth that made you want to vehemently deny it, “What have I done to warrant this!? I have done nothing but try my best to become a Penumbrian.”
“I know Princess,” Claudin’s voice is oddly soft, as if laments for you, “But it is not what you’ve done, it is what Eunoia has done.” 
“...What of my homeland?” You frowned, your gaze weary and catious, could you truly trust anything that came from this man’s mouth?
Jungkook hadn’t mentioned anything about Eunoia to you. 
Claudin frowned at this, “I thought you would’ve heard Princess…” He paused for a moment as if gauging your reaction, “Eunoia has enlisted their kingdoms people into fortifying an army with Kimhae.” 
“Eunoia would never-”
“I am merely telling you what’s been running rampant on the streets,” Claudin replied calmly, still kneeled at your feet, “Telling you what nobody else dare does, you want plain words, here they are. It’s come across to Penumbra, that Eunoia is conspiring with Kimhae. Why else would they need an army?” 
“What source did you get this from?” Your lip twitched in anger. 
“Source?” Claudin smiled in humor, “This is common knowledge Princess. Or has the Prince just really kept you this in the dark? And from your own kin at that...” 
You don’t even know what possessed you in the moment but your temper had finally gotten the best of you, slapping him right across the face, “Enough! I won’t listen to any more of these lies of your weaving,” You stood up, towering over him as you glowered, “I don’t know what game you’re playing Rosewood, but it’s going to get you killed.” 
“But these are not lies Princess,” Claudin gritted his teeth, his hand grabbing your wrist making you try to yank away, “If you do not believe me, then perhaps you should go out into the streets yourself. Learn the truth nobody else in this castle will tell you.” 
You only managed to escape his grip from wringing your hand from the silk black glove you wore. The material still in his hand as you briskly walked out of the room. 
What did he know anyways? Eunoia, conscripting an army? Only the coldest day in hell would see that through. 
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Even long into the night you still laid awake, mind restless as you shuffled in bed, laying down as you glanced at the dark hair of your husband who had been exhausted from the day, soundlessly sleeping beside you. 
His hair was darker then you remembered upon first meeting him and it was a fair bit longer too, now brushing over his lids as he slept, moving a little as if discontented, his hands extended out in reach of something. 
Your eyes stared at his hand, only an inch away from where it had been resting on your waist previously before you had shifted for a little space to move about without disturbing him. 
Just because you couldn't sleep didn’t mean he didn’t deserve too. 
Had he really been withholding information about Eunoia from you? You had been aware from the beginning that being in the castle kept you isolated to a certain degree, and that you would slowly become out of the loop of politics of the outside world due to being an outsider and Jungkook’s wife. 
But you…something swelled in your chest, there was no denying you and Jungkook had grown close over these last few months, if you both sharing a bed willingly every night was any assumption to go on. 
So surely he would’ve told you this information had he known it, and he would have to know this, because he was the Crowned Prince, heir to the throne, which meant, Claudin was surely lying. 
Yes, Claudin was simply lying to get under your skin and weasel his way to further his agenda, whatever that was. 
You closed your eyes contented, intending to shuffle a little closer to Jungkook once more, who’s brows were pinched, still in a sign of discontentment. 
‘Meet me in the Fool’s Barrel at past 2 if you seek the truth’ 
Your eyes snapped back open at the memory of the single sentence left on a piece of parchment at your nightstand earlier before you finally got up, quietly standing before you glanced back at Jungkook, the night was long after all, and surely he wouldn’t miss you in the time you’d be gone. 
With that you shuffled through your wardrobe for something suitable for the occasion before going over to Jungkook’s side of the bed, grabbing the sheathed knife from his stand before pressing a gentle kiss atop of his head. 
The parchment was rolled tightly in your grip and your dull brown hood was pulled low as you managed to sneak out during the guards rotation and Yoongi was talking with a fellow guard at the corner of the corridor.
The halls were dark and dim and just as this morning you felt stifled here, at the gates of the courtyard did you finally consider that this was reckless, if not entirely stupid.
Did it truly matter whether you knew or not? 
Your hand nearly crumpled the paper in anger, it did matter to you, it was your right to know what people thought of you, good or bad, and nobody had the right to keep that from you.
Your hand ghosted over the dagger strapped to your waist before you fixed your hood once more stepping outside the gate. 
The tavern was lively and bustling, unshocking for this hour, nobody paid you any mind with your hood as low as it was, unsuspecting that they were amidst their princess, searching through the tavern, the very same one you had made a total fool of yourself in earlier in the year, you found the person you were looking for. 
Claudin was leaned against one of the wooden beams, a hood on himself and a cat like smirk coiling on his lips as he held up your missing glove, “Here to take my offer Princess?” 
You snatched it from his hand, “If you so much as even put a hand on me, I will slit your throat.” You whispered to him.
This made him chuckle as if amused, “So the Eunoian bitch really does have a temper to match the title. Follow me Princess.” 
The Eunoian Bitch.
You weren’t that familiar with the title until you had come to Penumbra and your husband had made you well acquainted with it, and though you never inquired further about it to Wheein it wasn’t difficult to tell how the title had come about. 
You wouldn’t deny your temper, Jungkook had gotten to see it in full force when you first married, the title once upon a time insulted you but you had grown past it at this point, you wouldn’t be insulted, it seemed men loved to call you a bitch because you were not a pushover. 
Men were allowed to throw tantrums all the time without the blink of an eye, Dae Seong was living proof of it and yet nobody gave him a title for it.
You had followed behind Claudin closely as he exited through the backside of the tavern and led you down the increasingly narrow halls of the city that you didn’t even think existed, it was as if he was leading you to something of secret. 
And after Claudin had weaved and webbed his way through these increasingly dark and unsettling alleyways did you realize, this was exactly what he was doing, you heard the commotion before you saw it. 
Exiting the alleyway to reveal a well lit area of what looked like a crowded market place, though the stalls could hardly be seen as such. 
Claudin looked up from his hood towards ahead and then at you, “Welcome to the Underside. If you want information, this is where you shall find it.” 
Your eyes had gone wide at all the spectacles as you followed beside Claudin, fixing your hood a little lower as you watched a man breath fire from his mouth and the loud cackling of women before the shouts of a thief that shoved between you both. 
It was clear, you were in the belly of Penumbra’s criminal activity, just the thought made your hand ghost over the wickedly curved dagger strapped to your hip. You had never shed blood other than your own before,  you had taken an oath to never kill when you had first become a healer during the five year war, not only this but as a part of the royal family of Eunoia you had to vow that not only would you never kill but you would never devour as your earlier predecessors once did.
You could hardly stomach the sight of watching someone be killed, let alone killing someone yourself, but Penumbra had a certain way of hardening you these days. After all, you did just threaten to slice Claudin’s neck open if he tried anything on you. 
This was unsafe, and surely reckless, but you wanted answers and you wouldn’t back out now to get them. Claudin seemed delighted by the sternness in your expression, refusing to back away from the danger of this perilous situation as he guided you through the rowdy streets. 
Rounding the corner there was a crowd ahead making you tilt your head as you glanced at Claudin who only nodded ahead, both of you coming closer to the spectacle that you immediately deduced was a mockery of…you.
Your lip twitched in simmering anger at the mockery dress and hair of a man who’s voice pitched high, annoyingly so as he flounced about with the narrator, vacillating between ditsy and vexing.
“This is how they view you,” Claudin leaned in at your side as the crowd cackled at the man, “A predator dressed as prey, a Eunoian spy, here to cause our downfall.” 
“Now whatever shall our Bitch do!? Attempted murder afoot but wait! What is this between her breasts!” 
Your expression was deadpan as you watched the man grab a scroll from between his fake set of breasts, one even falling out revealing a bundle of cloth making everyone gag, “Ahem!” He coughed out high pitch, unrolling it as he read, “Oh dear husband! It appears my kingdom is on our borders! How could you not have seen? This was my plan all along!”
They placed a crown on his head which warranted boo’s from the crown, “Down with The Eunoian Bitch!” Someone cried from the crowd. 
You shook your head unable to watch any longer as you brushed past Claudin, eyes darting between the various sights on the streets, a group of four men continuously kicking a young boy, the prostitute against the wall with a man, and on the far side a crowd of people cheering as they threw darts and knives at wall, a poor imagine of your face as the target. 
“You’re upset.” Claudin followed after you with a remark.
“Of course I’m upset!” You hissed out, whirling around, “I’m being accused of something I didn’t do! My entire country is being accused of something we didn’t do- haven’t even done! Take me back to the castle.” 
Claudin shifted his foot with exasperation but was cut short with the cold metal pressing into his neck, “I said take me back to the fucking castle, now.”
Claudin held up his hands in a mock of surrender,  “You and your husband share an odd similarity of barbarously threatening me.”
Your lip twitched and your grip on the blade didn’t relent, “Maybe if you weren’t such a cunt that wouldn’t happen to you. Castle. Now.” 
“If you so wish, my Princess.” Claudin resisted no more as you sheath your weapon following stiffly behind him the whole way home. 
A spy…they thought you were a spy sent by Eunoia? You had learned to ignore the slanders thrown your way, but to have your whole kingdom’s credibility question? As if Eunoia didn’t house the fallen kingdom of Seoul? As if Eunoia wasn’t held responsible and damn near torn apart by the continent when Penumbra raised?
It was beyond just an insult, it was treasonness to even think about it. 
The castle was…much busier than when you had left, Claudin departed with you at the gates as you dismissed him, arriving by yourself only to swear at the sight of your knight walking towards you with hell's fury. 
“Where the hell have you been Princess!” Yoongi hissed out, grabbing your arm vehemently, “Do you want the Prince to kill me?” 
“Shit,” You ushered out, “What’s happened?” 
Yoongi gritted his teeth, “You mean to ask what’s going on after you snuck out past hours without telling me or anyone else, let alone your husband, what’s going on?” 
You deserved to be reprimanded, you knew that much but that didn’t mean you wanted to deal with it, you groaned, “Did he call for a search?” 
“Of course he did, Jungkook nearly had my head on a pike when I told him I thought you were with him,” Yoongi ran a hand through his hair, “Where were you?” 
“...” You said nothing for a long moment, your expression troubled as you sighed, Jungkook was not supposed to wake up to find you missing, how were you supposed to tell him you went into the depths of a crime ridden area only to discover many ugly truths tonight, ones he had most likely kept hidden from you. 
“Where did you go Princess?” Yoongi ushered, now concerned. 
“I went to the Underside.” 
“Fucking hell!” Yoongi ran a hand through his head again, “Do you know how incredibly stupid that was! Without anyone to protect you!? Penumbra may not be as pious as other kingdoms but rumors still run rampant.” 
“Yes,” Your gaze grew cold, “I’ve become aware as much.” 
Yoongi frowned at this, and you could tell by the look on his face he knew, they all knew, didn’t they? “Come along Princess, let’s get you into the parlor, the others are trying to keep Jungkook from ripping the city apart to find you.” 
You felt a stab of guilt at his words as you followed alongside him into the castle where residents all gawked at you as you kept your hood up, covering your face from their judgmental looks. 
Yoongi weaved his way through the corridors before the doors of the parlor were opened, the first person to whip around being the distraught figure of your husband. 
Your hood was pulled down before he immediately embraced you, his muscles which had been previously tensed had relaxed as he pressed a kiss against the top of your head, “You worried me sick,” He chastised you, “Where did you go? You should’ve told Yoongi- better yet taken him with you!” 
Jungkook cupped your cheeks as he pulled you away a little to inspect your face, making sure you were uninjured, “I’m sorry,” You mumbled, lips quivering only a little in both hurt and confusion at everything you were digesting. 
“Where did you go, Y/n?” Jungkook asked you once more, this time his voice was a little more calm, releasing you upon hearing you try to clear your dry throat. 
Walking over to the table where a pitcher of water was, you poured yourself a glass, glancing between your husband to the two other figures in the room, both his aunt and uncle, Areum and Jeong Dae as the least wanted person at this time walked into the room.
“Ah what coincidental timing.” Di Jin had walked in behind you, everybody's eyes staring at him for a long moment, “Because I just received word that the Princess was spotted coming out of the Underside.” 
The room erupted into worse chaos then you could have expected. “My wife would never step foot in that pit you caused.” Jungkook snarled out.
“It’s true.” You muttered, unable to see the two men baring teeth at one another and despite your low tone it caused silence throughout the whole room.
“Out. The lot of you, these are matters for the family only.” Areum’s voice followed after you as her eyes narrowed on both your friends and servants alike and with that everyone departed.
“Feeling honest, are we Princess?” Di Jin looked haughty at you.
“Y/n,” Jungkook’s voice was wrought with anger, though it was obvious he was trying to keep himself calm, “Why?”
It was like the dam you held your anger in snapped out, rushing out and into every vein in your body as you slammed your cup down, “Why don’t we talk about how everyone’s been keeping me in the fucking dark!”
Everyone looked taken aback by your heated glare, “Talks of Eunoia raising an army and sending me as a spy while consorting with Kimhae!?” You spat out glaring at all of your in laws.
And the oddest thing happened, it could’ve been a trick of your eyes, but you could’ve sworn you had seen Jungkook visibly flinch at the words. 
His eyes were like steel as you glared at him.
“And you knew it! Didn’t you?” You pointed an accusing finger at him as he looked away from you.
Di Jin let out a loud laugh bringing your attention to him, “Well let’s be honest here dear, everyone in this room has suspicions of you being a spy.” 
“Stay out of this.” You snapped, “My affairs with my husband are no concern of yours.” 
“Oh but it seems they are.” Di Jin had a sneering smile on his face as he held up the paper he held in his hand.
“Di Jin.” Jungkook’s voice was low in warning.
You snatched the paper from his hand before Jungkook could even stop you walking away from him and closer to the fire, the only noise being the snaps and crackles as everyone looked at you tensed. 
The more you read the tighter your grip became as Di Jin spoke, “Interesting, how even your husband assumed you were a spy? Was it not?” He hummed innocently, “I’ll be watching you very closely from now on girl, lest a case of treason be opened against you.” 
Your eyes only glared down at the paper, Jungkook’s royal emblem no mistake and the date an even harsher blow to your heart as tears of wrath began to blur in your vision, “Leave. Now.” 
Di Jin frowned at this, perhaps hoping for a more expressive reaction from you, as if he was trying to get you to dig yourself a hole, but you would not submit yourself to that, you would not allow him to weave his little web of instigation any further. 
“You heard her Wolf.” Areum frowned deeply, walking to stand in front of him as her eyes burned like coals, “Your duties are done for the evening..” 
“You're welcome.” Di Jin sneered one last smile before exiting. 
The door shut quietly behind him as your lips quivered and your nails nearly torn through the paper, trying to calm your breaths down but truthfully, you were rendered speechless. Everything you had become accustomed to, the delicate, tender blossom that was slowly growing between you and Jungkook felt as if it had been abruptly yanked from the ground and stamped under a boot. 
Jungkook had grown anxious at your expression, you were abhorrently livid, if your body language was anything to go by, “Y/n,” He finally sighed out, “What did you expect me to do? It’s no secret that the court has doubted you from the very moment-”
“This isn’t about the fucking court!” You hissed out, every ounce of self restraint thrown out the window as you marched over to him, “This isn’t about Di Jin, this isn’t about anyone but you! What the fuck is this!?” You cried out shoving the parchment into his chest, pain wrought in your expression, eyes glaring with rage and betrayal, “After everything we’ve been through together!?”
You ran your hands though your hair trying to calm down your rapidly beating heart, tears vehemently stinging your eyes as you shook your head, “I’ve have bared my soul to you, again and again, I- I have tried my best to understand Penumbra, your culture, you. For months! And I…” 
You closed your eyes, letting the defeated tears trickled down your face, “I genuinely believed that you…” You couldn’t even bring yourself to say the words that squeezed too tightly in your throat, a sob finally bubbling from your lips, “Why!?” You whimpered out, finally staring at him, “Why did you not tell me about Eunoia? Or the rumors, or…or any of it!” 
It would be one thing if he had this investigated when you had first arrived in Penumbra, but he didn’t, this was recent, too recent. All of your fresh memories with him spiraling in your head, the intimacy you had nervously shared with him.
“Because, what if it was true?” Jungkook’s jaw clenched, “I don’t take any pleasure saying that Y/n! But I needed to be sure that you weren’t playing a game with me.” 
Your lips trembled in disbelief as warm tears dripped down your face, “No I said those words to you!” You pointed an accusing finger at him, “I asked you those same words and you looked me in the eyes and lied to me!”
“I wasn’t lying to you!” Jungkook immediately hissed back, “I’m not in a forgiving position! I needed to know you were on my side for certain and those words I said were not a lie! I don’t expect you to understand, nor do I expect your forgiveness, but I did what I had to do!” 
You stared at him for a long moment in disbelief, tears dripping down your chin as Jungkook sighed, cupping your cheeks as he brushed the tears away, “I’ve meant every word I’ve said to you, and the feelings I have, it’s all real.” He pressed his forehead against yours, “But you can’t expect me to have zero doubts in your credibility, you were going to marry the Prince of the kingdom that took great pleasure in slaughtering my people.”
“That isn’t fair Jungkook!” You tried to bite back your sob, your heart as if it was being torn to shreds, “Everything you’re saying isn’t fair! You know it isn’t!” 
“Life isn’t fair and it isn’t kind Y/n,” Jungkook frowned at the new tears that dripped down your face, “I’m only sorry that I’m the one having to tell you this.” 
“Fuck you!” You spat at him, shoving him away, “Paint it how you want, but it doesn’t change what you did, you choose to not trust me. You choose to have me investigated and you choose to look me in the eyes and tell me this was not a game to you.”
“No.” You snapped sharply, looking up at him as your voice trembled softly, “Me and you, we’re done. You’re right, you don’t deserve my forgiveness nor my understanding. The only thing we have left is the fact that we’re both bitches serving the same crown. You are nothing more than a liar Jungkook.”
“You don’t mean that.” Jungkook shook his head, his jaw clenching. 
“I mean every fucking word.” You seethed.
You turned around, shoving the doors open to the room as you shoved the tears from your eyes, everyone had looked at you in baited breath but you only walked over to Yoongi, “Take me to my room. My room, please.” 
Yoongi had parted his lips but said no more, doing as you asked as you shoved the tears from your eyes, trying to pick up the broken pieces of your heart that laid cracked and shattered from Jungkook’s heartless words. 
He really was as wicked as they said he was. 
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devouredbyflame · 5 months
Loki’s Faces
I get that this is mostly considered “UPG” however, I didn’t really create all of this inside of my own head so it’s not personal. It is observed behavior from Loki during my years of time working closely with Him and in relation to others.
I don’t think any resource ever has done Him any justice and I think it’s the best practice to just not assume anything people write about Him here or otherwise is factual or evidence of His character.
Loki is controversial - but only because you cannot place Him under one single signifier. He is accessible but not because He is interested in being everyone’s friend - in fact, I’ve never really known Him to tolerate just anyone and He actively doesn’t.
The standards He has for those - humans as well as Gods - who He allows to see His true face are high.
Those who are just around for show tend to not see the entirety of who He is and instead see what He isn’t. He wears different masks for different reasons and not because He is them - they are apart of Him, but they do not define Him.
Most people will likely never see the fullest extent of Loki if only because they can’t or don’t want to. So much mixed information goes around in His community because people don’t often see who He is beneath all of the grandiosity and playfulness.
Otherwise, He is extremely private and keeps to Himself most of the time. You’ll find He doesn’t share information about Him to just anyone. He also doesn’t go out of His way to show just Himself to people, either.
It’s intentional that not everyone gets to see His truest form or nature. It would be like showing everyone your hand in poker. When all of the cards are thrown, you have the power to be defeated. Loki uses His secrecy to His advantage and tends to only show people what they want to see because it’s easier than giving them the benefit to having any sort of power over His moves in the game.
The point of this is to say most people don’t really know Loki. When I say “most” I’m not talking about only a select group of people do know Him, I mean mostly, people don’t know that He isn’t obvious about His most truthful intentions, personality, and otherwise unless He chooses to be.
I’ve been led down false paths by Him that lead to dead ends for years. I’ve been told false things that I really only told myself were true that He let me believe because it suited what He wanted from me.
I stayed in groups I thought were good for me because I thought that’s what He wanted for me. I stayed with people because I thought He wanted me to stay with them because He wanted me to power through difficult things.
In reality, Loki is an extremely discerning and opinionated Deity and would sooner have told me what He really wanted for me had it not also developed who I am as an individual and given me the power of discerning Him from my own false narrative and belief about Him. He has let me fail and believe false things about Him and others so I can get to the truth of the nature of my relationship with Him and also the truth of the people around me.
Loki is a trickster. Not because He lies or tells people false things, or because He’s full of jokes and games or leads them into chaos but He let’s them believe things that are false to show otherwise. He shows people some of who He is if it suits the way He intends on it going. He doesn’t show anyone the cards in His hand unless He knows it’ll be kept secret and hidden or if it suits His intention.
The best thing you can possibly do with Loki is to allow Him to show you Himself. Allow yourself to be part of the game and allow yourself to be shown the truth. You’re going to fail in front of Him and it will probably be miserable, but that’s part of the strategy. You’re also going to be proven wrong many times.
He will let you go in circles until He can convince you what He wants you to do. He will let you believe things about Him or others even when it hurts your feelings. He won’t try to convince you unless you’re willing to listen and give it the benefit of the doubt.
If things haven’t changed for you, if you keep having the same issue again and again, it’s probably because there’s more to it than whatever you think He is trying to say.
People who don’t like Loki or get uncomfortable by Him only tend to do so because they don’t like what they see in themselves because of Him. They don’t actually know who He is. And they likely won’t.
Trust is a reward for the failure. Trust in Him and trust in yourself because it is not handed to you willingly. If you can’t listen to your inner guidance, you’ll never really know the truth anyway and you’ll never fully listen, either. The reward is always greater than the cost in the end. Loki is generous to those who wander and those who are willing to get lost along the way.
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bluestarjay · 4 months
Most of my hinata headcanons are based on the fact that most people write him pretty shallowly- as nothing more than his height and love of volleyball, his need to fly, and the fact he's friendly. The really well written stuff writes him well, as a kind of enigma, but even then, one of his main traits is: Oh, he's pure sunshine!! His eyes shone with pride and determination, a hunger to win; to fly, etc, etc. Right? With most ships, it's just about how beautiful he looks in the sunset/sunrise with his hair and eyes. My point is that he's mischaracterized without really being mischaracterized because it's all *true*. he is absolutely gorgeous, and he does have a hunger to win and fly, and volleyball is his entire world, but there's sooooo much more still.
Normally, I hc him according to canon; according to scenes from the manga/anime, and then further analyzing it, yk? But I *truly* think hinata shoyo would be a good liar and hard to read.
It's already somewhat canon that people find him confusing, in the fact that he's a people pleaser and switches up really quickly to make people happy. He'll say something, and then someone will disagree, and he'll immediately switch up so that person won't dislike him for his different opinion, ykwim?
And then people never know what he's thinking, either. He's completely oblivious to his own feelings but is hyper aware of other people's feelings. He doesn't notice when he's running a fever of 102° but notices that someone has 2/5 symptoms of the flu 💀💀 like my guy can remember suuuuper specific details about a person's life, like the day their great aunt's cat died, but forgets his own bday.
He's actually really smart, but he's failing all his classes bc he can't focus. I think he'd be really good at math, but really only with like decimals and uhh money math, like he's good at calculating tax and saving money, but that's bc he grew up especially poor and had to be cautious with money. He'd probably be better with Japanese literature than English literature bc obvi that's his native language, and I think he'd really like linguistics post Brazil.
But, he also has his signature death stare, and I kinda came up with a hc based off it; since we all agree he has adhd, a part of it is zoning out, and i think he'll sit hunched over like L and just do his little death stare out to nothing or nowhere in particular, or will sit on his bed zoned out doing the death stare out towards the door, with the lights off, and someone will walk in and scream. He just randomly hunches over like L sometimes, and daichi will tell him that it's bad for his back, and he'll say, "But it's comfy :(" actually I think I'm just writing autistic hinata rn oopsies it's ok tho we love autism hcs here!!
Since he's really small (probably underweight actually), he can fit into really small spaces, and he thinks they're comfy (me guys). But at the same time, he loves big fields and gyms bc he likes to run around. Basically, he says and does really conflicting things, and it confuses people, which is another reason he was bullied in middle school.
He started doing the death stare as a defense mechanism in middle school actually, bc older, taller kids tried to use that to their advantage and bully him, but glaring at them weird made them walk away. Also, contrary to popular belief, I hc he can fight. So many people have just decided he's, like, too weak to fight or smth?? Like they think he can't defend himself physically, which I personally think he could, but yk, anxiety, so he doesn't. Like my guy is an athlete, have you seen him?? He may be small, but if he wasn't frozen in fear and anxiety, he could beat someone's ass!!
I said before I actually do think he could lie, bc one again, he's a people pleaser, and I feel like once when he was a kid, a family friend or someone or like when he was at a friend's house, they made dinner and he didn't like it, so he lied about liking it, but the person knew he lied and called him out on it and he cried bc he lied abt liking it and lying is bad, but also telling them he didn't like the food is rude, which is also bad. So then he decided he'd learn how to lie. Also, ik he uses his height and baby face to his advantage!! ***Depending on the person*** he can get away with just about anything bc "🥺🥺🥺" and then when everybody else calls him out for it he's like "L fuck you hehehe 😜💪💪" Like he drew a 🍆 pp on the wall or something once and then blamed it on kageyama and the teacher believed him.
And even though he's a people pleaser, he's managed to find peace in playing pranks and being mean, in a normal teenager way ofc, because suga helped him come out of his shell (suga purely bc he is mischievous but still responsible and nice)(and then suga asks Asahi why he can't be like hinata bc Asahi can barely even write with pencil on a desk, let alone sharpie anything so 'vulgar' on school property (it's not *just* because he's scared bc it's vulgar it's also bc he doesn't think those kinds of jokes are funny, and simply doesn't understand why writing on school property is fun (that's how I feel, idk 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️) ))
BTW, guys, half of these are to spite my friend who calls hinata a "bean 🥺" even though she's not on Tumblr. Also, I think I'm gonna start organizing these kinds of posts so they're easier to read, haha. Does anyone want any character specific hc posts since I always do hinata?
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thelonesomequeen · 6 days
Immediately no. //
RIGHT? I can see why he's off social media. So he can say dumb shit like this unchecked. He sounds sounds prickly and defensive in more than one part of this interview. He's certainly been on a roll lately. I get that he's sick of certain aspects of fame and the industry, and truthfully people should be able to play any role they want, but the flipside of that is there are going to be opinions, favorable and otherwise. That's life.
I think Seb needs to let his publicist do the talking from now on and just focus on doing a good job on film and looking pretty in pictures. He keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Like...read the room, pal.
Between this statement and Jeremy Strong on Colbert lamenting that society "likes to mock these people (politicians)"... they aren't passing the vibe check.
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This part, specifically, was so rough to me. I like Seb a lot, but that excerpt is SO out of touch with reality and what everyday people are going through and how they feel. How does he not see why people aren't jumping for joy over this movie? It's a bit baffling to me. The right believes it's a hit piece against Trump, and the left is just so fucking EXHAUSTED by Trump and the feeling of political despair. So much so that it's affecting every day life for a lot of people. Trump has single handedly torn this country to pieces by bringing out the worst in EVERYONE whether they're for or against him. The era of division that we're all currently feeling easily comes back to Trump. How many of us have looked at people we knew personally and said "wow, I didn't know this person was this shitty and felt this way about ×, y, or z until 2016/2020" when it came to beliefs and publicly saying the quiet part out loud? He and his brand of politics have ended friendships, marriages, and ruined relationships for entire families.
This is literally a movie NO ONE asked for or wanted. On either side. And I don't think there are many people in the middle here. To not understand that is really, truly something. I do understand what he was getting at when he commented on it being judged and everyone having an opinion before seeing it, but again, Seb also needs to realize where regular people are coming from in terms of Trump. People are tired and the last thing anyone wanted was more Trump in our faces.
I’m sure it’s frustrating to put a ton of mental and physical work into a role just to have the public shit on it, and part of me does feel bad for the cast and crew who seemingly put a lot of effort into this movie, but they also had to know going into it that this would be extremely polarizing. They should have prepared for blowback and negativity. If they didn't…..well. It might just be time for them to go outside and touch grass and get a dose of the type of reality regular, non famous people are dealing with lately. Outside of fangirls who will follow anything Seb does, no one is excited to see this. I won't go as far as to say the movie shouldn't have been made, but I just think it's the absolute wrong time for it right now. I think different release timing could have easily changed public perception and judgement of the movie prior to its release, though. 🦎
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purrple-sectors · 2 months
I wasnt planning of ever talking about this topic and situation, but I've come across this pinned post below, so I want to set the record straight and clean
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This post of the user @user04sblog is falsely accusing me and @danieldrivesfast of doing something we didnt. I'm going to explain what did truly happened to me and why this accusation is not only false but also totally uncalled for.
This user left a reply on one of my recent posts I did about the hungarian gp.
For context in this post I was defending that given the circumstances and what happened in the race that it was normal for the McLaren drivers, and specially Lando to feel pissed, after the shitshow that was that strategy. I also laid down a perspective of how complex the situation truly was, with intention of trying to convey how hard would it be to anyone if they were put on the situation Lando was in. Broadly speaking I did quite of a shittalking about McLaren, always trying to be with a tone of trying to diffuse the drama (hence my final statement of "we should let them sort everything out at their own pace") the main point of the post was laying down some aspects for people to think over. You can read the post here
They left the following comment:
they screwed piastri by pitting their golden boy norris first. And norris screwed up by losing pole as usual. Overall Piastri had the better race and was the deserved winner. Unlike bottler… Also don’t compare him to max … if max was in that mclaren he would win every single race unlike norris who can’t convert a pole to win…
Now I'll bring you down through my thought process for this comment and why I replied the way I did
When I first read this, given the context of my post, it gave me an uneasy feeling, the usage of "bottler" was straight a red flag for me since when people use ill intended titles to refer to drivers normally means they're an hater, and usually dont want to have a civil discussion, but what did really thrown me off was the accusation of me comparing Lando to Max, when I didnt do it anywhere on my post and in quite contrary I was saying how different it would be if Max was put in the same situation as Lando. Also the way they did so statement like, in a way like everything they said is the factual truth, ticked me off as someone that wanted to pick up a fight.
At this point I'm sure they really didnt read my post and probably just saw some key words, some positive words towards Lando and jumped straight to attack. And when I clicked on their blog I came across some quite aggressive imo anti Lando opinions and some posts basically saying how anyone that weren't admitting how Lando was acting like a brat was wrong, backing up my previous belief.
I hate picking on fights (I'm only doing this post bc of the VERY PUBLIC PINNED post that's falsely accusing me), so I decided to be passively aggressively by responding this:
@user04sblog I'm so sorry you didnt understand my post but I wanst anywhere comparing Lando to Max, so dont be accusing me of doing so :) Let's be honest, if Max was put on the same position Lando was in, the outcome would be pretty different like it has already been shown before on the Brazilian 2022 gp. If you are here just to hate on my opinion and that Lando has every right to feel emotion like any human being, then I kindly invite you to fuck off my blog. :))
Well this ended up being more aggressive than what I intended but in the end I was trying to convey three points. 1- Refuting the Max Lando comparison by giving an example and making it clear I wasnt doing anywhere on my post. 2- Try to imply that I knew the user hadn't really read my post since they were doing out of the pocket statements on a post that was mostly focusing on the physiological part of the situation. 3- Making clear that unnecessary hate behaviour isnt welcome on my blog.
The last one was more like a warning, if I was truly reading the room wrong, the person could simply say it. I was simply trying to set down, straight away, a line on what was and what wasnt okay in my blog.
This was the ONLY time I interacted with this user. Looking back I maybe could have responded better, but still this isnt worthy of a serious accusation, towards me, of abusive behaviour.
They then proceeded to reply to me, accusing me straight away of abusing them just for sharing their "opinion" on "this public platform", not even giving a "valid counter" and indirectly calling me a baby. I deleted those last replies since I didnt wanted them in my blog (I have a screenshot as evidence tho), but I did literally previously gave a counter argument with Brazil 2022. Also I'll firmly say that while Tumblr may be a public platform, I strongly believe I have the right to protect my safe space (my blog) like any other user and that, that first comment was more of a statement than an opinion.
Now, while I havent presentiated the other situation, I've entered in contact with the other person involved and she explained what happened to her, backed up with some evidence, I strongly believe she was also unfairly accused. D's situation is imo even more unfair since this user went on a totally unrelated to her post rant, even calling unprovoked her delusional. She told them off and the user then blocked and accused her of abusing them.
I didnt interacted with this person a single time after my first reply and once again I'll say that I strongly believe what I did doesnt deserve public defamation. Also I defend that the acclaim of abuse is totally misleading, since it implies a repetitive type of behaviour that didnt happened.
Now speaking more directly to the user @user04sblog , while I dont speak on the behalf of @danieldrivesfast, I politely request you to delete that pinned post on your blog. I genuinely dont want to drag this further and you dont even have to hear of me ever again, but that post needs to be deleted. If you delete it, I can even delete this post if you want and we can pretend that this never happened.
To end this I want to leave a note to other people reading this that I dont condemn criticism and disagreement but I wont tolerate unnecessary hate on my opinions, specially on ones with intend of diffusing a situation. Also that if I ever annoy you, make you angry or respond you with unnecessary heat, I would greatly appreciate that you calmly point it and/or explain your point of view, since I sometimes have a hard time reading the tone, but obviously I'll still accept that you completly have the right to not be happy with me, However I trace the line at public defamation especially if its uncalled, unnecessary and if we could have sort it privately beforehand.
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foreverformula1 · 1 year
How are people thinking that Verstappen doesn’t care?
I have a lifelong personal feud with the societal belief of how not crying or smiling hear to hear 24/7 with showing teeth means that someone isn’t happy enough.
But he doesn’t even have a resting face. I would understand other peoples’ point of view (while disagreeing) but I truly can’t right now.
He looks always happy and content. Even last race (when this discussion came up). Do we see the same person?
He also is one of the most educated drivers in the sport. He knows the countries, drivers and tracks better than most drivers who have been in it for at least 5 years before him.
He always celebrates with the team, smiles to the press too. I think that those who think that he doesn’t care are projecting. He looks like any other driver especially after getting used to winning. But he always looks grateful.
If anything, I have noticed that at least what his public image suggests, he doesn’t have many other interests aside F1 and motorsport.
Even Sainz, who got pole and arrived 3º in the race (his firsts of this season & at Monza!) somehow looked abnormally unfazed and the Sky Sport Italia noticed it and commented that he probably was tired. I could understand a curious reaction to him, but Verstappen? He’s good, what’s there to get confused at?
Is it because he doesn’t cry? Because he doesn’t act like his career depends on every detail even after being established?
With all due respect, he’s a grown man who has been winning since he was 17/18 years old and he still reacts positively and excitingly sometimes even. All the other drivers also don’t cry after every win. Especially after receiving the pole tire/prize , after the first or second time they look just normal with a smile.
And please, since multiple people have been naming how even Kimi reacts more than Verstappen; get over it, you know very well that he doesn’t. Just because he cried a couple of times, it doesn’t make him more grateful than Verstappen. Listen to the differences in the way they talk and what they say. I am going to leave it here, Kimi defenders know but pretend not to so I won’t rant about it. I am sure Kimi loves F1 and is somewhat grateful for it. But his attitude is not great and I am not referring to his nonchalance.
And let’s not make it a privilege issue as if Verstappen’s family was swimming in money just because his father was in F1 and had connections. They were surely at least upper or middle class but he had the sponsors (also thanks to his parents’ connections) and probably a freaking ton of them since he was winning literally everything (look it up, it’s seems unreal). He had the privilege that many drivers didn’t but he freaking deserved everything. He skipped F2 and won races in F1 a year later. That’s hard work being rewarded with opportunities. Sacrifices are still sacrifices. His entire life is around racing. His knowledge in racing is higher than other drivers too.
Sorry for the long rant, this discussion truly rubs me off. It’s based on a fantasy/imagination and it makes me angry that people over the age of 14 years old still think that you must portray emotions a certain way for them to be real and valid, especially because he is showing them. The “problem” is that he doesn’t cry each time. Plus, it takes for granted that he doesn’t have a personal life that affects him once in a while. Not only that, but he’s literally like every other driver, unless they are midfield or lower and struggling.
Edit: I suspected something when that one user wrote that he doesn’t care unlike Vettel as the latter won Girll the Grid and Verstappen arrived 2th, as if there aren’t 18 other driver behind him which would suggest that they literally care even less but doesn’t criticize them. But I was sure it was pretentious and not just a differing opinion when it ended with how he doesn’t care because he is a homebody who likes his cats and doesn’t party and drink alcohol (something not advised to indulge into too much for athletes). The eugenic belief that introverts are mentally insane or evil has bothered me for my entire life; I almost didn’t get the last phrase because it was very not relevant and completely out of pocket.
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demondwellersword · 1 year
it’s always been you.
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sasuke x f!reader
warnings: gore/violence, angst, canon-divergent (instead of sasuke leaving he just disappeared; the reader takes the place of sakura but with different jutsus/skills. i also diverged from the original story of the fairytale a bit)
notes: i recently watched the movie belle (i highly recommend it!) and i absolutely fell in love with it. i thought sasuke would be a perfect fit for a beauty and the beast retelling, so i took a few liberties with the source material. enjoy! 
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You were confident you’d never been more anxious in your entire life. Even your first mission felt like a walk in the park compared to the fear that currently had a vice grip on your entire body. Your heart pounded in your ears so loud you doubted you’d even be able to hear your name get called. Your chest hurt with such a ferocity that it felt as if something was slowly cracking your ribs one by one. Your hands shook so much you could barely pull the scroll out of your pocket to check (for the fifth time) if you were in the right place at the right time. 
There had to have been some kind of mistake, you thought to yourself, heart leaping into your throat at the sight of Shizune, I’m nowhere near strong enough to be going on a mission like this.
“I’m glad you could make it here on such short notice, (Name). I know this is all a bit sudden, but I figured you were the best person to take on a mission like this.” 
All you could do was bow and utter a meek, “Of course, m’lady.” 
“Let’s get down to business then. We’ve been fielding more and more complaints about people on the outskirts of the village seeing some sort of monster moving through the trees at all hours of the day. A few brave—in my opinion stupid—souls have tried to catch it, but not a single one has even gotten close.”
“Is that where I come in?” You asked timidly.
The Hokage nodded. “I need you to patrol the outskirts and see if you can catch a glimpse of what’s been terrorizing the villagers. You’ll be leaving with Sai and Naruto tomorrow afternoon. But (Name),” the Hokage beckoned you closer, lowering her voice slightly, “you have to promise me that you won’t tell Naruto why you’re in the village.” 
“Yes ma’am.” 
“I’ve told Sai the same. There’s a chance this could provide us with a lead on the disappearance of Sasuke Uchiha, and we can’t have Naruto, well...”
“Being Naruto?” 
“Exactly. I trust you and Sai will be more than equipped to handle this, but still exercise caution and use your best discretion. We don’t want anyone else disappearing, got it?”
“Yes ma’am.” 
“Good.” As you turned to leave, the Hokage spoke one last time. “Be careful, (Name). I hope you’re able to find what you’re looking for.” 
Lady Tsunade’s final words rang in your head every sleepless hour that led up to your departure. What you were looking for, what you had always been looking for, was Sasuke. You were the last person to see him before his untimely disappearance, and the weight of it had crushed you ever since. No matter how good of a kunoichi you’d become there was a constant grey cloud hanging over your head—the belief held among many of Konoha’s citizens that you were the reason its brightest star had suddenly disappeared from the sky. 
You guessed it was why Lady Tsunade had given you the mission in the first place. She and Kakashi were the only people you had confided in about the relentless ridicule you’d been subjected to, so she knew better than anybody else how much it meant to you. It was why now, as you stood at the village gates waiting for Sai and Naruto to arrive, you felt as if the dango you’d eaten for lunch was about to rise back up from your turning stomach.
“Hey (Name)! What’s wrong? Aren’t you excited to be going on a mission? You talked to Granny Tsunade yesterday, right? How’d it go?” 
All you could do was blink in response to Naruto’s rapid-fire questions. Your eyes drifted over to Sai, noting that he looked just as lost as you did. 
“Good afternoon, (Name). You seem to be upset, is there something you would like to talk about?” 
“No, but thank you Sai.” You gave him a kind smile. “We should probably get going so we can get settled before ni—“ Sai shot you a dangerous look. “Before it gets too dark out. We’ll need to find a place to stay for the night before we do anything else.” 
“Good idea, (Name). You and I can take up the rear. Naruto, how about you take the lead and start heading toward the outskirts.” 
“Who died and made you leader?” Naruto remarked with a huff, starting with a leisurely pace toward the treeline in the distance. 
“Thank you, Sai,” You said once Naruto was out of earshot, beginning to bound through the trees a safe distance behind him. 
“Lady Tsunade informed me of the importance of this mission to you. I don’t know what kind of bond you two shared, but it seems that he means a great deal to you. Am I correct?” 
You nodded. “He was my best friend. I...” 
You swallowed thickly, the words dying in your throat. He was more than just your best friend or your teammate or your partner. For all of your shyness and all of his aloofness, it seemed you two were the only ones who understood each other. When you were young you’d been a calm, united force against the arrogance and unpredictability of Naruto; as you’d grown older you each became powerful in your own rights, but had never entirely abandoned each other. 
“You’re much quieter than usual. It said in my book that often times subjects like this can be difficult for people to discuss, even if many years have gone by since it happened. I hope that you’ll be able to find Sasuke again, (Name).” 
The rest of the journey was spent in silence, your mind racing with thoughts. You had never entertained the thought of what might happen once you saw Sasuke again. It was always too painful, the wound always too fresh. Even now you felt a pain stab at your chest, but you couldn’t stop your mind from venturing to the thought. Would he remember you? Would he recognize you? You’d cut your hair since then, gained muscle, learned how to master the water change in chakra nature. You were different now, yet at the same time you felt as if you had remained exactly the same.
Even more concerning, would you recognize him? How much had he changed from the boy you’d promised to see tomorrow all those years ago? In your more heartbroken moments you allowed yourself to try and imagine what he would look like now, but what if you’d been wrong? What if he was unrecognizable? Would you still feel the same as you did then? 
“Hey! (Name)!” 
Naruto’s voice snapped you away from your doubts, bringing you to a screeching halt at the village’s outskirts. Sparse houses dotted the landscape, broken up by a few shops and restaurants that paled in comparison to the village proper. Lady Tsunade had arranged for the three of you to stay at a merchant’s house while he was off selling his products in another village, and Sai had been entrusted with the key a day prior to your departure.
He led the way to the modest home near the forest, which upon entering was found to be immaculately cleaned and finely furnished. Naruto immediately threw himself into a plush armchair, sitting back in it while Sai scolded him for disrespecting the house. 
“I think I’ll go rest for a bit if you two don’t mind.” You exchanged a look with Sai, making sure that he understood you’d be sleeping before you departed that night to look for the monster. 
“I’ll let you know when we’ve returned from talking to the villagers. Rest well.” 
You awoke to Sai standing in your doorway, his hand raised and a smile on his face. “You’re awake.”
“Yeah, I managed to wake up on my own, but thank you for checking on me. Is Naruto asleep?”
“He just left for the bath house a few moments ago. I think I’ll join him. I wanted to stop by here and make sure you were awake first, and it seems you are, so I’ll be on my way. Please be careful while you’re patrolling, I wouldn’t want to get on Lady Tsunade’s bad side again.” 
You smiled, thanking Sai once again before he left. You pulled on your shoes and gathered your weapons, taking a deep breath before setting out into the night. The wind that met your face upon opening the door was pleasantly cool, marking the beginning of the shift from summer to autumn. It helped to wake you as you disappeared into the forest, bounding between trees while keeping your eyes open for anything out of the ordinary. 
After an hour of searching all you’d come up with was a spider in your shoe and an overwhelming sense of defeat. You slumped back in a tree and sighed, wondering if Lady Tsunade had sent you on little more than a wild goose chase. As you rested your mind drifted to Sasuke, thinking of the low-rank missions you had gone on together as genin. It had always been the two of you taking care of the actual objective while Naruto got distracted, same as it was with you and Sai now. 
But you knew better than anyone all the ways that it hadn’t been the same for a single second since Sasuke had disappeared. In his wake he had left a gaping absence, a black hole that got closer to consuming you with every day that passed by. You hated it. Hated the feeling of waking up and knowing he wasn’t there, that for all you knew he would never be there again. Hated the way the villagers whispered about you, the way that they feared and reviled you. You who had shot their brightest star right from the sky. You who was no better than the Akatsuki members—why didn’t you just join them? It seemed you would fit right in. 
Yet for some reason you dug your heels in and kept stubbornly defending the Leaf, taking any mission that someone was kind enough to give you. No matter how dangerous it was, you had to prove that you were better than the rumors. You had to prove that you were strong enough to get Sasuke back. It hadn’t been a mistake that you were the one left behind, you just had to bring him back and—
Something moved beyond the tree line. 
You readied a kunai and slowly crept toward the shadowy figure in the distance. It was still for the time being, resting in what seemed to be a crouch. Its shape was unlike anything you’d seen before, the distance and darkness making it hard to pick out any specific details. Just as its image became clearer it stood up, quickly bounding toward a point in the distance. 
You immediately followed after it, breaking out through the trees to follow it on foot. You tried to move as quietly as possible, hoping that you could stay far enough behind it that it wouldn’t sense your presence. You could now see that it had a pair of massive, grotesque wings that looked like a pair of fleshy claws. It was vaguely humanoid, with a mane of thick black hair that bounced against its back as it ran. You allowed yourself to draw closer to it, making sure your footsteps were quiet enough that it couldn’t hear you. A pang of fear pricked at your chest when you realized there was a chance whatever creature this was could sense chakra, but it was too late now to implement any sort of measures to conceal yourself. 
You matched the creature’s every step, following the winding path it took with a grim determination. It was leading you further and further away from the village, which you could only guess was a deliberate move. The longer you travelled the more you could begin to see the landscape change, the empty grassland giving way to what appeared to be an abandoned village. The creature’s pace began to quicken, obviously drawing nearer to its destination. You took the opportunity to slow down and duck behind one of the empty houses, watching as the creature made its way to an expansive house in the distance.
As you drew nearer to the house you began to realize just how impressive it was. It was built much like any other house you’d seen in the Leaf, though far more elaborate and ornate. It was more well-maintained than it should have been, and as you passed through its front gate you were amazed to see that all the structures of it were seemingly intact. 
You walked along the corridor enclosing the central garden, peering into any doors that had been left ajar as you searched for any sign of where the creature had disappeared to. You could sense a distant chakra somewhere in the house, but every time you got closer to it it seemed to disappear completely. You sighed and stopped for a moment, walking through an open door into a wide, empty room with a few dusty pillows and a shredded tatami mat in it. You took a seat in the least cobweb-covered area of the room, giving yourself a moment to rest and collect yourself before you continued the search. 
Just as you lowered yourself to the ground you heard a loud crash from the other side of the house followed by a sharp yell. You ran toward the source of the noise, ducking into one of the rooms to hide as you looked for the source of the noise. You could hear the wood floors creaking, heavy footsteps drawing closer and closer to your location....
“YOU!” The growling roar of the creature’s voice filled your ears, making your instinctively shrink back and press your back into one of the corners of the room. 
You hurled a kunai at its chest, watching in horror as the creature deflected it and appeared in front of you. It reached a hand out to wrap around your neck, slamming you back into the wall hard enough to make your teeth rattle. You tried desperately to cast a jutsu that could get you out of its grasp, but before long your vision began to ebb and all you could think to do was claw at its hands in an attempt to grant your survival. 
“Why have you come here?” You continued to grasp at its hand. “Answer me!” 
Your head swam, blotches of blurred black occupying more and more of your vision. You stared into the eyes of the creature, knowing it would be your last sight before you inevitably died by its hands. And when you looked into them, a single thought occupied your mind:
You could remember the first day you’d met Sasuke Uchiha like it was yesterday. Unlike the rest of the girls in Konoha you weren’t immediately enamored with him—in fact, you’d thought he was a bit of a stuck-up jerk. You were convinced the only reason he’d passed the tests was because of his natural talent, and you resented him for already being regarded as the best. You’d spent months training to pass the test, spending hours upon hours studying your family’s water-style jutsus in order to get a spot on a team. 
It wasn’t until after your first mission that you realized you had more in common with Sasuke than you’d previously believed. On your journey back from the Land of Waves the two of you had gotten to know each other, and you felt hopeful that the two of you would become good friends. 
As the months passed you and Sasuke began to forge a bond that would eventually lead to your current heartbreak. The more he opened up to you the more you fell for him, and the more you believed that you would have a real chance at a future with him.
You were so sure, in fact, that you had made a plan to ask him out on a date the day he’d disappeared. You’d worn your favorite dress and gotten a bouquet of the prettiest flowers you could find from Ino’s family’s shop, deciding you would ask him to meet you at Ichiraku so the two of you could talk. 
You had waited there for two hours. 
The shop owner had given you a free bowl of ramen when you had slumped into one of the seats, barely holding back tears as you picked your way through a bowl of tonkotsu. You wordlessly returned the flowers to Ino on your way back to your house, sniffling your way into your room without a word to anyone about what had happened. You didn’t know how long you laid in bed and cried, but to you it felt like an eternity. 
The sun was beginning to set when you finally dragged yourself out of bed to look for him, hoping that maybe Kakashi had passed him by in the village at some point that day. When you asked him he awkwardly asked if you had been crying, abandoning his inquiry as soon as your lip began to quiver. He’d told you he’d help you look and you made him promise to keep it a secret from Naruto, following him into the village with a heaviness to your heart.
Four hours passed before you concluded that he was simply gone. The last thing you’d said to him was that you couldn’t wait to see him again. Now the words felt like knives buried in your chest, stabbing at you as you fell to your knees and sobbed at the village gates. 
Weeks would pass without any sign of Sasuke, and each day that elapsed more rumors began to spread. You became something of a recluse, burying yourself in your training in order to fill the hole that had been left in your life. You’d barely even cared when Kakashi told you and Naruto you’d be getting a new partner—what did it matter, anyway? You liked Sai well enough but you had to agree with Naruto (something you would never admit to out loud), there was no replacing the empty space Sasuke’s disappearance had left behind. 
And now here you were, staring into the same red eyes whose powers you had once resented, now buried within the face of something you had described as a monster. 
You were surprised to awaken in one of the rooms of the house, watching as sunlight illuminated your surroundings. The door connecting the room to the rest of the house was firmly shut and sealed, and the windows all had paper bombs attached to them so they couldn’t open. Save for a few cobwebs in the corners the room was relatively clean, and it was furnished with a dilapidated futon and a few pillows. There was a small box tucked into the back right corner of the room which held two days’ worth of food and water and what you swore were the shedded scales of a snake. 
Whatever—or whoever—that creature was had forced you to stay here, but it seemed as if it wasn’t doing it out of pure cruelty. You would formulate a way to escape nonetheless, hoping you’d be able to make it back to the village before anyone went looked for you. But perhaps even more importantly than that you couldn’t rest until you saw the creature again. Its eyes....you knew they were Sasuke’s. You didn’t want to think about how it had come to possess them, but you had to keep grasping onto the hope that he was still alive somewhere in there. 
A day passed before you made a plan, and it wasn’t until night fell that you began to implement it. You were to cast your tidal wave jutsu directly at the door, hoping that one point-blank blast would be enough to break the wood and free you. You took your place at the opposite side of the room and began to cast it, stopping when you heard footsteps approaching. You lowered your hands and sunk down against the wall, sitting as if you’d been there for hours on end. 
The door slowly slid open, and before the creature could stop you you cast the jutsu and bolted for the door. You ran as fast as you could down the corridor, taking a sharp left and landing yourself in the western edge of the house. There was a single room tucked into the corner that you took the opportunity to hide in, flinging the door open as the creature closed the distance between you. 
The room seemed to be in a more severe state of disrepair than the rest of the house, and the sight of it gave you a pause that you knew would surely cost you your life. There was a single dust-covered window in the room whose light shone upon a single iridescent white snake, curled up and sleeping in the room’s center. You saw the shadow of the creature blot out the light, throwing a kunai at it to buy you enough time to escape. 
You ran from the house and into the empty area that surrounded it, heart pounding in your chest as you made your way for the village. You could hear the distant bark of wild dogs growing closer, fear in your eyes as you watched them skid to a halt and surround you. You tried to distract them with shadow clones, but their ferocity made quick work of them. Your hands were shaking far too badly to properly cast any justus, and you could feel in your heart that this would be the place where your story finally came to a close. 
You watched in fear as the creature grabbed you and pushed you behind it, taking a harsh slash to the chest from one of the dogs as its hands moved to cast a jutsu. Your heart lurched as you watched the creature cast a fireball, falling to its knees as the grass in front of it caught flame. With the last of its strength the creature grabbed you and gave its fleshy wings a flap, taking off from the ground and starting back toward the house. 
It began to rapidly lose altitude as its wounds gushed blood until it finally fell just beyond the front gates of the house. You carried it the rest of the way, heart pounding in your chest as you took it back to the room you’d been held in. You sat in the room for what felt like hours, casting a healing jutsu on its wounds until you could no longer physically sustain it. 
You collapsed by the creature’s side, tears prickling in the corners of your eyes as you finally allowed yourself to take a good look at it. In the fading light of the day you could see that scars had formed across its muted brown skin, and that it’s clothes had been torn in the fight. You sucked in a breath before directing your gaze to its face, heavy tears slipping down your cheeks as you took in the sight. Buried under the thick black markings across its face and the strange color to its lips you saw him. 
You saw Sasuke. 
The longer he slept the more his features began to return to their normal state, as if whatever jutsu had been cast upon him was reversing itself in midst of the peace of sleep. The man who laid before you looked as you had always imagined him, just as beautiful as you’d remembered him. The sight made you ache, knowing what would return once he awoke. You had no idea what this curse was or why it had been placed on him, but you were determined to do whatever it took to reverse it. 
You sat with Sasuke until he woke up, hating to see the way his features shifted back into the monster’s as he sat up and looked around the room. 
“You. You’re still here.” He touched the scars along his chest, looking back up at you. “Why did you save me?” 
“I...” Your breath caught in your throat. Why was it suddenly so hard to talk to him? “I couldn’t just leave you to die.” 
“So you carried me all the way back here? And for what? So you can feel a sense of accomplishment? Or was it to ensure that I was wounded and wouldn’t attack you again?” 
Tears welled in your eyes. You reflexively leaned back, pulling your gaze away from the venomous look in Sasuke’s eyes. “I-I healed you best I could—”
He scoffed at you in response. “So what is it then? Have you been sent to torture me with the hope that something might change?” 
Your lip began to quiver. “I just want to help you, Sasuke, please.” 
For a moment, he paused. You shifted away from him, worried for what would happen next. “What did you just call me?” 
“How do you know my name?” He barked, looking as if he were ready to attack at a moment’s notice. 
“Y-you don’t remember me?” 
You could barely swallow back the sob that tore its way out of you, your chest aching as a hand clasped over your mouth. How could he not remember you? Had you just been fooling yourself, childishly tricking your mind into believing that you meant something to him? Had you honestly thought that you could save him? You, the weakest one among all of Team 7. You who had tried so hard to shine as brightly as Naruto or Sasuke, but who could never even be a star in Konoha’s sky. You who had so naively believed that life was like some kind of fairytale, that all it would take was true love’s kiss to reverse years of heartache and torment. 
You who thought you were something more than what you are. 
“Answer me.” 
You tried to stand up, tried to run away and become the coward you always knew yourself to be, but felt Sasuke’s hand wrap around your wrist and grip it tight. He pulled you back down to a sitting position, holding you so tightly that you couldn’t move. 
“I...” Hot, heavy tears now streamed down your cheeks, and your voice came out as a raspy whisper. “Sasuke you have to remember me. Please.” 
His claws dug into your skin. “Who the hell are you?” 
“(Name),” You stammered, heart hammering in your chest. 
Sasuke’s eyes narrowed. He studied you, your chakra, your clothes and everything that sat trembling before him. His scrutinizing gaze bore into you, laying you bare, breaking you down to your simplest of pieces. 
You were nothing more than a foolish girl who had wandered here believing that there was no force in the universe greater than love. 
How wrong you had been. 
Because it was hate that made beads of blood bloom against your skin. It was hate that manifested in two red eyes tearing you apart with more sting than the sharpest kunai. It was hate that had morphed the beautiful into the grotesque. It was hate that had wiped the slate clean, that had erased a life you’d thought you built. It was hate, all consuming and never ending. 
“Please let me go. I’ll leave and I won’t come back. I won’t tell anyone that you’re here, just please...” 
“You’re different. But your chakra is the same.” 
No waves of relief washed over you. Only a sick feeling deep in your stomach, heavy and dark  and thick as storm clouds. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, too afraid that you might see a shadow of his past self looking back at you. Any hope you’d once had that he would look at you with the same softened look he had before evaporated the moment he’d awoken. All you hoped for now was that you would make it out of here alive. 
He loosened his grip on your hand. “How did you know I was here?” 
How much did you want to tell him? “There....there were reports of-of something on the outskirts of the village....” 
“So they sent you here to investigate?” 
You nodded. “I didn’t want to hurt you, I promise. I-I didn’t even know it was you until...” 
You stopped yourself. Until I looked into your eyes. The curse of the Uchiha clan, always so beautiful to you. How many times had the power of those eyes saved you? How many more times did you think they would? Were you ready to let them destroy you too? 
“Why have you come here?” His voice had softened considerably, though it still held an edge of skepticism. His hand still held you in place, though no longer tight enough to make you bleed. And you, you were still terrified of him. You didn’t believe in any of this, not in the way you should have. Not in the way you had when you’d followed him here. 
To save you, Sasuke. To bring you home. 
Sasuke let go. “Why did it take so long?” 
You finally looked up at Sasuke. You saw beneath all that he had become. You saw that he was still the boy you snuck out to see, dancing across the rooftops of Konoha to the sweet melodies carried on the nighttime air. He was still the person you dreamt of every night, conjuring all manners of fantastical scenarios for your reunion. He was a monster now, yes, but this wasn’t the fate he would be resigned to. 
“I didn’t think I would ever find you again.” Your voice had returned, however small, your cheeks still shimmering with tracks of tears. “But I hoped I would. I never stopped looking for a sign that you were still alive.” 
“But why? I would think by now you would’ve given up.” 
“I-I couldn’t. I guess....” you sighed, “I guess I just couldn’t accept the fact that you were gone. The truth is, well...” 
I love you, Sasuke. That’s why I never stopped looking for you. I’ve loved you since we were kids. Not a single day has gone by where I haven’t dreamed of what it would be like to see you again. How stupid is that? I had always hoped this would be something magical but at this point I just wish you’d tell me to get lost. Please stop being so nice to me, it’ll only make what happens next hurt worse. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to say it. Your hands fidgeted restlessly in your lap, eyes darting to the ground the second he looked at you. After all that had transpired you couldn’t even open your mouth, the words dying in your throat every time you tried to force yourself to get them out. 
A heavy silence settled between you and Sasuke. Did he know? Did he feel the same? Was he just waiting for you to say it, readying himself to reject you? Would the blow come soft, or would it hit harder than any jutsu that had been flung your way? You weren’t ready for the answers—but then again, you doubted that you ever would be. 
So in a moment of what would prove to either be pure stupidity or shocking boldness, you planted a hand on the floor, leaned forward, and pressed your lips into Sasuke’s. 
It felt as if time had frozen around you. Sasuke was motionless between your lips, so still that you cracked your eyes open to see if he was even there. Each second felt like an hour, ticking by at an excruciating pace. Just as you began to pull away in shame you felt his lips slowly press back against yours, a hand sliding up to gently cup your cheek. 
You leaned into him, his touch like pure electricity against your skin. It was utter bliss; everything you had ever dreamed of and more. When you finally opened your eyes and pulled away there was a moment where you felt as if you were in the twilight of sleep, worried that this was all some kind of cruel dream meant to distract you from the fact that you were still trapped somewhere in the house. But when you looked at Sasuke you knew this was as real as anything, a truth even greater than fiction. 
“Sasuke, you’re...” 
“An act of true love.” 
“The person who cast this jutsu on me, the one who trapped me in this form, they said that the only thing that could reverse it was an act of true love. They said I would be stuck like this forever because no one would ever be able to defeat the hate in my heart. But you, (Name), you...” 
“I always did, Sasuke. Every single moment, I never once stopped.” 
Sasuke collapsed into your arms, no longer forced to bear the weight of what his past had forced him to become. You didn’t expect things to go back to the way they were, you knew that was foolish, but you did hope that the future the two of you would forge together would be a brighter one than the one you had long ago forced yourself to make peace with. 
In a few days’ time you would return to Konoha with Sasuke in tow. You knew there would be celebration, but you’d make sure he had time to recover first. You would make a bed for him on your couch or in your room or wherever he wanted to be, and you would go to sleep every night knowing that he was safe by your side once again. You couldn’t know exactly what would come in the weeks and months and years that followed, but you hoped that you would get the chance to spend them by Sasuke’s side. 
For now, though, it was enough knowing that he knew. It was enough to have said it without saying it, despite—or more likely because of—all that had happened. You held Sasuke close for as long as he needed, letting go once he sat up to look at you. 
“I always hoped it would be you that found me.” Sasuke’s eyes couldn’t quite meet yours. “I thought...I thought that you were the only one who could possibly break the jutsu.” 
You blinked. In all this time, had he wished for you the way you had him? Did he dream of this future too? Did it comfort him, or scare him? Had he believed you wouldn’t come, and was that why he lashed out the way he did? Was he scared of what would happen when you saw him not for who he was, but for what he’d become? Was he scared that you wouldn’t love him? 
“I’m glad I found you, Sasuke.” 
“I’m glad you did too.” 
You pressed another kiss into his lips, savoring the taste as if it would somehow disappear again. 
“Let’s go home, (Name).” 
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dire-vulture · 2 months
🍇 🍋 🥝 my evil questions
🍇Share the “villain” or main antagonist of your clan and talk about them!
honestly that's a tough one..i definitely have some morally dubious dragons here and there, but they're generally either staying out of other's ways so as to avoid trouble, or they just have very specific rivalries. (looking at you, Warglobe.) for dragons that could be said to antagonize the community as a whole though...
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Paragon's probably the strongest contender, he's a pompous tundra and a con artist lying about his fortune telling abilities, but he's also Tarragon's younger brother and he's more than happy to use Tarragon's innate protectiveness over him to his advantage, pushing around other dragons and facing relatively few consequences. I think he has somewhat chilled out since his earlier years in Florabrisa though. Like, other dragons definitely got sick of his shit and usually he'd just flee when things start to go south, but he already sort of came to Florabrisa as a last resort specifically for Tarragon's protection so dfgsdf with few other options he's mostly laying low now and is just a regular at the clan tavern. Other dragons at the tavern probably have lots of opinions on him though fdgsfd
i also just wanna give an honorable mention to my Pearlcacther Millisievert! She considers herself a pillar of the community, and in many ways she really is, but she's also a busybody and overly concerned with appearances, so bascially she tries to act like a self-appointed HoA for Florabrisa dfgsfd if you're doing something she disapproves of, she is going to let you know and has lots of words to say about it. dfgfd still, she's hardly evil. she's just not fun to rub shoulders with.
🍋What’s the most dramatic/emotional moment in your lore? Explain it, or write one short paragraph of prose set during that moment
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ooohh..the most dramatic has gotta be Tamarind and Zaffre's divorce, which i 'summarized' here. Not great when two of your clan's four leaders have a serious falling out and one of their kids go missing dfsfdgfd Zaffre left the clan for half a year after that, before returning to her duties as leader.
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and i don't talk about this all that much, but honestly i should and it is related to the above..Florabrisa's biggest victim (and really the only one thankfully) is Clash and I feel so bad for her fdgsfd She's Zaffre's eldest daughter, from her relationship with Kyurem years before meeting the other future Florabrisa leaders. Zaffre was a hardcore survivalist plague dragon who liked living on her own in the wilderness, far away from society, and Kyurem thought that was exciting and loved the adventure and the two fell in love. But then once they had Clash, Kyurem realized they didn't want their daughter to be isolated from everything and grow up with no friends or outside resources. Zaffre vehemently disagreed, believing Clash would have everything she needed in the Wilderness..so due to these different beliefs they split up (no divorce because they never married) and took turns raising Clash. The arrangement seemed to go well at first, young Clash learning lots of useful survival skills with Zaffre and getting more social benefits with Kyurem, but as Clash started getting older (like..6 or 7 at this point) it was becoming clear she wasn't really enjoying her time in isolated wilderness with Zaffre, and even in town with Kyurem where she enjoyed her favorite luxuries like candy, musicals, and indoor plumbing, she wasn't fitting in well with dragons her own age. Zaffre begrudgingly started letting Clash stay with Kyurem for longer periods, and then Zaffre herself decided she would start slowly reconnecting with society, starting by getting in touch with an old coworker/friend named Moraine, who introduced her to Tarragon and Tamarind too.
Honestly Tarragon tends to get the credit since he picked out the location and name, but in many ways, Florabrisa was actually Zaffre's baby. She had been burned by civilization and other dragons many times, but she always saw herself as a leader and she secretly wished she could start her own community. And she was really missing spending time with Clash too...basically after giving tons of pep talks to her friends who were all struggling with Dragon Capitalism in their own ways, she convinced them to start Florabrisa, in large part because she hoped this would finally be the right environment to raise Clash, and of course enjoy her new marriage with Tamarind and have a family with him too.
But then, once they all started getting Florabrisa set up and having to deal with leaderly duties and actually managing a community, Zaffre really didn't have all that much time to raise Clash, and in having a nest of eggs with Tamarind, then Moraine and Tarragon having their own kids too (including taking in Keiji when his parents suddenly died), they kind of ended up shouldering Clash with babysitting duties when she was barely a preteen fdsdgf Clash loves hatchlings, and wanted to be a responsible older sister, but it really wasn't fair to her. I like to think Tarragon, Moraine, and Kyurem did their best to make sure Clash wasn't having too many responsibilities put on her, but Clash tends to be very closed off and great at hiding her feelings, so they still missed a lot of things dfgsfd and there was still the problem of Clash not fitting in with her peers, given her odd fashion sense, stilted speech, and apparent lack of emotions, all of which other kids would mock her for. This unfortunately did not go away in Florabrisa. In fact, Millie up there in the first question is only two years older than Clash and for most of their teenage years was her biggest bully, since Millie (who of course cares so much about Florabrisa's well-being) saw the marital problems between Zaffre and Tamarind, and as a concerned citizen she loved throwing fuel into the rumor mill that Zaffre was cheating on Tamarind with her old flame Kyurem, with Clash right at the center at that,,, Clash had it very very rough growing up fgfdh
So yeah. Florabrisa's cruelest irony is that it was founded in part to be the ideal place to raise Clash, but then they all just. completely flubbed that part. i am so sorry Clash :(
sometimes i have to wonder if she should have even stayed in Florabrisa, but I think as an adult she's found peace and she's much better supported now. She has her wife Antikyra and they have a child who is going to get the dream childhood that Clash deserved!
omg. well, so much for one short paragraph dfgsfdg it's been years and i just finally needed to talk about Clash i guess xD;
🥝If you were to start over on your lore and remake it entirely, what would you change?
Kiwi time dfgsfdgfds. ummm lets see. give Clash a better childhood for starters sfdgsfd
For years I thought to myself if i restarted my lair, I would make it a swamp instead. but then i made my swamp tab and pretty much gave myself everything i wanted so dfgsfd i really don't know! I have thought before that if i had a chance to do something new with my progens, I would make them an M snapper and f bogsneak who are just friends instead of the typical married-progens-thing, but honestly i would never change Moraine and Tarragon and married progens are still fun regardless dsfgsfd having a snapper progen would rule though.
thank you!! and i am sorry for the length of this dfgsdfgdfg
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forgeofthenine · 10 months
I also wish to simp over the tieflings😁
So I have a question for you. In your opinion, which would be the fittest class for being each tieflings batchelor partner?
My best friend and I were playing bg3 yesterday (both sipping for Dammon so the conversation was more focused on him) and the question came out.
My bf defended that for our fav blacksmith a paladin would be the best option for going on a date. Cause they're usually loyal to their beliefs, tend to have a kind nature and they're always in need of good armor and weapons. It was paladin for her.
But I differ. I firmly believe that a nice ✨Bard✨ would be the correct answer. And here's why:
1. Dammon is a kind, polite and (probably) organised soul. Most bards have chaotic energy. I believe that a bard partner would be a nice influence on him and vice-versa. He calming his partner when they get too overexcited and them trying to get him out of his comfort zone.
2. They're both artists in a way. I think that a bard would admire and see the beauty in Dammon's job. Maybe even getting curious about it, ask him questions and see him work. He would be so happy. And also Dammon would admire and enjoy the Bard's music, singing, drawing, etc. (whatever bardic gift you got people, it doesn't matter to him. He'll love it)
3. We all know Dammon reads smut and I sincerely cannot picture a more smut reading class than a bard. Like I can perfectly see the scene of the bard discovering "A pleasurable deal" (I think that's the name of it, if not I apologise) and being totally chill about it, read a few pages with all the calm in the world and Dammon finding them out, grabbing the book terribly ashamed of it... Just to see them mock him a little bit to finally say "Hey and if when you finished with it you need any recommendations I have a few that might interest you". (Insert all the fantasy young adult with spice novels here)
And finally but not last:
4. (And this is a more personal one) I have the personal belief that if you play a bard you are personifying the need of a traumatised being who always tries to feel better through music and a charismatic behaviour while being in need of a found family even if you're in denial. I might be wrong, it might be me who plays bards this way but it's just a single theory I have.
But guess what, we're having a Bard here. And what better option to have a family with than Dammon.
🤣🤣🤣But really, I would like to hear your opinion on this debate. If you had to choose what would it be and why?
(All classes are equally nice and fitting, no hate here to any of them👌🏻)
I know that this got long ah so thanks for reading it. I love your blog and I hope that everything goes perfectly well on your day-to-day. Byeee!!💛💛💛💛
🎻- Anon
This is actually a very fun question because I've never actually thought about matching people based on classes.
I agree with both of you that either a paladin or a bard would definitely work well with Dammon thematically. However, I raise the option of him being with an artificer. While I love opposites attract tropes, Dammon is a fiercely proud and passionate man, his dedication to his work is enough to scare off almost anyone. So, who would work best with such a wonderful but independent man? Someone who understands his thinking on a fundamental level. An artificer that knows what it is to be an artisan, to dedicate yourself to 'making', to spend late nights working on various blueprints. I just feel like he'd work well with someone that understands him and doesn't fault his dedication to his work.
For Zevlor, I'm a big supporter of the Zevlor x cleric idea. I feel like as a paladin, having him with a cleric just works so well thematically. He's a paladin who believes himself to be disgraced and what's better to help 'bring him back to the light' and support him other than someone else that understands his relationship with his patron god and his intense need to protect everyone. It's easier to accept help from someone that you feel understands your issues, and I feel like being with a cleric just really suits Zevlor.
Rolan with a sorcerer. That's it. Imagine the sass, the cat fights, the endless bickering before they even realise they're attracted to each other. Rolan definitely does the whole 'sorcerors just can't control their magic and tried to make it a thing', specially with a wild magic user. It never quite ends either, even after years of seeing each other Cal and Lia still walk in on their little sarcasm spats. I don't feel like there's a deeper reason to this, other than the fact I feel like Rolan had very little guidance in learning magic (much like a sorcerer might) and is doing a bit of light projection to start with.
So here's my humble opinions, I'd love to hear everyone else's and I hope everyone is having a lovely day <3
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meanya · 2 months
I think the internet has divided us on issues and politics because talking about problems and bad things on the internet isn't the same as in person.
The other day, a friend who's more politically active thank I am invited me to go door-to-door advocating for a local Senator running for office. I was nervous about this, but luckily we didn't get a lot of negativity or anger from neighbors. Matter of fact, a lot of people said they'd met the Senator, has been to his rallies, had had drinks with the man, new his wife even! Felt so weird to hear that. When I think of election season all I can think about is Trump and Biden, I almost forget the importance of local elections and just how tight-knit those relationships are...
One guy we met said the Senator had complimented his old fancy car while going door-to-door a few years ago, and he knew he'd vote for him after that.
I've been thinking about that ever since. He complimented his car...
It's really sunk in since I heard that that the way we experience and understand problems is through personal connections. That's how we empathize with people, that's how we understand the different dimensions of a problem. Not through articles or even statistics, but through conversation.
I believe that a political Tweet with a thousand likes will likely have less of an impact on a thousand people's beliefs than one conversation between two friends will impact those 2 people's beliefs. Connections matter. Knowing a person before diving into what they think/believe means everything.
That's hard to come by on the internet though. Not impossible, but hard. Even here on Tumblr, the first thing you see on a new person's blog is a summary of who they are and maybe a DNI list. We can decide if someone is like us or different, decent or morally reprehensible, worth a follow or a block, all without ever exchanging a word. We can decide whether to speak to or cut off a person so quickly now, and in doing so we may sometimes lose opportunities for growth...
When my dad was overseas in the early 2000's during W Bush's presidency, he struck up a conversation with a local. They had some beers and played pool. That local never would've talked to my dad if he'd introduced himself as U.S.American before striking up conversation, he would've dismissed him immediately.
Everyone knows that politics seem to be getting more divided every day. I think the only solution is to talk to people we know in person, and I think that's harder than ever for us for a lot of reasons.
Take a moment to think about the last time you had an argument in a comment section somewhere online. Think about the things you said to the person for a moment.
Try and remember the last time you talked like that to someone in person. Isn't it almost always easier to type insults on a screen to a pfp than to insult someone to their face? It's easier to talk about subjects you have a strong opinion on online anonymously with strangers, isn't it? Easier to insult someone's intelligence when you don't know or care who they are. Insulting a stranger online over a divisive topic has no consequences for you, but it also typically has little impact on the person you're talking to, even if it feels cathartic for you in the moment.
In real life, divisive topics are scary. I think we've become afraid of divisive and polarizing topics for a lot of reasons; Cancel culture, Covid, discomfort, etc. I think we're afraid of stepping out of our comfort zone (to a healthy, safe degree that is.) I think we're afraid of getting into an argument, afraid of losing people. That's understandable, arguments are unpleasant after all... And I think a lot of us lost contact or blocked former friends and family members during the Trump presidency. I also think a lot of our social skills in general deteriorated a bit during Covid when the internet was the only way to communicate with people.
I think we're afraid of being wrong about something, afraid of messing up, afraid of upsetting someone, of being lumped into a group or called bigoted, small-minded, disgusting, perverted, secretly racist or sexist or homophobic or antisemitic or evil... The very idea is gut-wrenching, no? Easier to avoid such a conversation altogether isn't it?
And I don't know a lot about politics or government... but I do know that we here in America can do better than Trump and Biden. I also know that my ability to affect who becomes President is probably much smaller than my ability to affect who becomes Senator, and even that is much smaller than my ability to change a friend's mind by talking to them about a divisive subject.
It's easy to say "the world is fucked" and "all politicians suck." It's hard to have hope. It's hard to get your hopes up and think you can make a difference in the face of a million dissenters who will laugh at you for trying.
I think maybe this is the way to start though. I think we discount the impact we have on the people around us, but stories and relationships are powerful things.
Have a difficult conversation this week. Ask someone their opinion on a complicated issue. Don't put yourself in danger of course, but get a little uncomfortable. That's where change starts. Humanity is made of humans, and if you know some humans, then you can change humanity. That's where real change begins.
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ihearyou-jikook · 1 year
Of course, they don't owe us anything. The problem here is the narrative "jikook are the same" that jikookers are spreading as facts. We don't see jikook, we don't know if they see each other, we saw taekook hang out multiple times, how can you say that jikook are the closest if facts prove that taekook are the closest. The difference is that you have old memories of jikook hanging out all the time, being always together, but in the present you NEVER saw jikook together out of the work, only in the company when jimin was practicing. Jk invited Jimin to his home when he knew that Jimin was working and he couldn't go, and Jimin said (in his live) that he didn't go to Jk's house. And Jk now is in USA and before leaving he saw Tae and Hobi but not Jimin. These are facts. You can have jikook Weverse interactions but you can't change the reality, and the reality is that Jimin and Jungkook have other priorities in their lives and they're not that close as before.
This is gonna be a long one because I’ve got things to say.
Alright Anon, lemme make my views clear here first and foremost since there are a lot of assumptions going on in your ask.
I believe JM and JK are in a long-term committed relationship. I’ve come to this belief on my own from watching them over the last decade. I appreciate their relationship and I want nothing more but for them to be happy. I do not ship people, and I don’t think there are any other romantic relationships in BTS. 
And since Tumblr is exploding over this latest Weverse lives. I want to be clear about this as well: I love Tae. I have love for all BTS members. I do have biases named JM and JK. And I am not ashamed of it.
Now, I don’t know what your views are but it doesn’t sound like you are a Jikooker. Maybe you are a Taekook shipper? Maybe you don’t like anyone believing JM and JK are the closest in the group or romantically involved? 🤷🏽‍♀️
I’m not sure. But you’re definitely out here trying to convince me otherwise when there is no need. 
Again, I'm smelling some attitude in this ask, Anon. 
“Jk invited Jimin to his home when he knew that Jimin was working and he couldn't go, and Jimin said  (in his live) that he didn't go to Jk's house.” -Anon
Mhm, JM told us he was working so much that all he had time for after work was sleep and to get up to do it all again. JK also said he missed JM in Weverse. 
So I’m wondering what your point is?
Maybe JK wanted to publicly let JM know he was missing him by inviting him over regardless of being at work. My husband tells me to come home when he's bored while I'm at work and he knows I can't do that. It's cute, and makes me feel loved and missed even if I saw him that morning.
“How can you say that jikook are the closest if facts prove that taekook are the closest...And Jk now is in USA and before leaving he saw Tae and Hobi but not Jimin. These are facts.” -Anon
Oh these are the facts? Right, right. And you also said the problem is:
“The problem here is the narrative "jikook are the same" that jikookers are spreading as facts.” -Anon
Yet here you are stating so-called facts. Right?
These are what facts look like about that Weverse live:
JK said he asked in their group chat if anyone wanted to hang out.
Tae & Hobi hung out with JK at JK's place. 
Tae started a Weverse live while Tae & Hobi waited for their Taxi.
Now. Let's talk about Jimin.
Maybe JM was sleeping in another room. Maybe he left a little before Tae & Hobi because he had work early in the morning. Maybe he couldn’t go because he was working. Maybe he wasn’t feeling good. Maybe JM saw JK earlier in the day. Maybe JM stopped by in the morning to give hugs and kisses before sending his man on his way to LA. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Do you see what I'm doing here? I'm speculating. I could do this all day. So can you. 
At the end of the day it's all speculations and opinions.
To say that Tae and JK being seen hanging out a few times = Tae and JK are closer than Jikook and is a fact, does not make sense.
So if I hang out with a friend 3 times over 4 months, that must mean I am no longer close to my husband? 🤔 Interesting.
Look, I am here with a Jikook blog to share my love and appreciation for them and to connect with others in the community. I am open to conversations about them and hearing other people's opinions whether I agree or not. 
What I am not here for is for someone to tell me what I am doing or thinking, when they are not me. To tell me that I have "old memories of Jikook" while contradicting themselves when talking about "facts" and "reality" when all of that is just opinions. 
In my opinion, Jikook are doing just fine. They are two adults with busy work schedules yet they still find the time to literally watch and interact with each other's Weverse Lives while they are working or resting. Jimin watched JK box live and wanted to tie his hair up for him when he was eating chicken all while he was at work. JK did almost a 100-minute live dedicated to Jimin's promotion content while barely interacting with ARMY. Jimin just mentioned JK being asleep in his Billboard Thank You Weverse live all because of someone doing the annoying "I am JK's wife" bit (He's got tabs on his man). All of this has happened just this year, in the last 4 months. 
It looks like they are each other's priority to me. 
But apparently, none of that matters the moment Tae starts a live at JK's place right? That Weverse interaction is the only one that matters right? There are even people out here not even acknowledging JK’s Jimin's fanboy live like it didn't happen. 
If you want to base your beliefs and opinions on a few interactions and call it a day, by all means. It doesn't bother me. But I don't need you to tell me about what I believe.
If you're concerned about me and my support of Jikook, don't be. 
I'm doing just fine, and so is Jikook. I'm not pressed about Tae and Hobi being at JK's or JK being spotted hanging out with Tae in public a couple of times. I'm happy about it. I'm glad JK is spending time with them, especially Hobi before he starts MS.
&& I got to see JK folding undies. We good over here. 💃🏾
Anon, I wish you peace and love.
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I know you don't do hate on here and I really respect you for it - you're one of the very few accounts, that, despite avidly supporting one particular driver/team, does not go out of their way to shit on the other ones. This makes your race analyses all the more enjoyable, as I can always use them for reference, even against people that try to start fights on the topic of driver vs driver - I know you will always be taken seriously because your takes are as objective as possible (the only subjectivity being a sprinkle of extra praise for Charles here and there, but hey, he deserves it!)
All of this being said, however, I need to ask your personal opinion of the McLaren boys as drivers and as personalities - since as another die-hard Ferrari fan I cannot stand McLaren as a team but have found myself being fond of Oscar on occasion and ugh I just wanted to see if you get the rare flashes of affection too, because it feels almost sacrilegious to say that about a McLaren driver.
Anyhow, love your account, keep up the great work <3
Ah thank you so much, I have my opinions etc, but unless it becomes relevant to what's happening on track there's no point in just trying to knock other drivers, I'd rather spend my time enjoying my team and my drivers than anything else.
On the Mclaren line up, I do very much like Oscar, he's a good driver and I find him extremely relatable to me personally, it's just a shame he's in that orange team. But I get it, he wants to be in a good car and Mclaren are currently the ones able to give him that.
Lando isn't my favorite, I just don't vibe much with his humor.
As a duo they seem fun, I enjoy them on the rpf side of things, for those unaware I am a fic author (pretend to be shocked)
But yeah I can separate them just as people from the team. But I can not and will not cheer for a Mclaren driver to win or be on the podium
I like a lot of drivers. I respect good race craft, if you are good on track chances are I am compelled by you.
You can like a lot of drivers, but there is a difference between liking a driver and who you actively support during races. I like Oscar, I like Max, but on track I am cheering for one man to win and that is Charles, and if not Charles then Carlos because he is in red. I want red on the top step before anything else.
Also with objectivity. I don't post the most objective things, what I try to do is look at what actually happened and figure things out from there, with the goal not being to post my first emotional response but rather to take a step back and see it from there. I don't like the way a lot of narratives get spun about races. And I think a problem in F1 journalism is a lack of transparency when it comes to bias. I try to combat that by being abundantly clear where my bias stands, and where analysis crosses more into opinion. That way a reader can take or leave what I say and have no real doubts about what my angle is on a topic. There are a lot of journalistic outlets that have a clear bias, but because they will never admit it, what they say can be very misleading to a lot of people.
I am very much of the belief that no driver is above critique, and I want when I critique someone to matter. That doesn't work if I am bashing them weekly over nothing. Yes even Charles, if he makes a mistake I will point it out (not my fault he's just had a stellar season with no glaring errors yet. There are few things that maybe could have been better, but my man has yet to stumble) Does that make sense? Like when I do point out an issue with a driver I hope that the words will carry real meaningful weight.
Thank you so much anon, the support truly means a lot <3
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darkfictionjude · 4 months
Etymology nonnie here!
On the topic of MC's gender. I don't think this is one of the IFs where it was clear the author had an specific gender for the MC while writing the story. I have read some where it was clear the protagonist was written as female/male, and it clashes when you play as anything else.
I say this because I always have played as male. And there wasn't any instance in which I said: "Hmm, this would make more sense if MC was a woman". Now, I do recognize that a female MC can make some themes more evident, powerful, or adds something that otherwise wouldn't be present. For example, Sally's infantilization of MC, his condescension and overprotectiveness gains a different aspect. It can be read as misogynistic, since it would conflate the way Sally conceives and dehumanizes MC with the way women are seen as lesser, and less capable than men. Not that Sally is purposely being misogynistic, but rather than it gets involved with the other issues his relationship with MC has.
It also makes the Orla parallels more obvious, since both her and MC would be the daughters. It would he expected MC was like Orla, that she followed her steps. It makes sense that Prudence tries to mold MC into Orla 2 Electric Boogaloo.
However, that is not to say there isn't things that are interesting or exclusive for male MCs. For instance, it makes Prudence need to make MC a second Orla significantly more abusive and delusional. She is just so disappointed by MC, so disgusted, that she strives to change him into her favorite daughter.
Or, for example, it makes MC more of an anti-Orla. Because now MC is everything Orla isn't. Orla is popular, conventionally beautiful girl, beloved by all, the favorite of her mother, the ideal. While MC is an unsettling boy, hated by most, despised by Prudence, the kind of boy no one wants as a son.
There is also the relationship with Nia. Either a friendship or romantic. Nia's way of understanding feminism, in my opinion (so I may be wrong), holds a very bad overall evaluation of men, and expects them to fail at the bare minimum when it comes to behavior and their actions regarding gender issues. I ignore if Nia believes men can change and evolve from this sorry state (I hope so, otherwise feminism is in a losing battle and it would absolve us men from our wrongdoing). But this belief does provide an interesting conflict to be solved, that adds over the intrigue any relationship MC and Nia already have. Could Nia believe less on a male MC than on a female one? That is an interesting question to ask ourselves.
Now, both male and female MC seem to fail at conforming with the traditional ideals of either gender. Female MC is too detached, too unpolished, too uncaring. While Male MC is not muscular, is not strong (the right way), is stoic for the wrong reasons, doesn't care nor understand sports, etc. So, both also have to confront society by the simple fact they aren't what society demands them to be. Which goes in line with the other present issues MC has, as their mental health and declining social standing (both personal and of their family).
I apologize to non binary folks and their NB MCs. For I cannot think of anything that it isn't obviously unique to them that could be applied to the discussion. Which may come from my own ignorance, as I'm very much a cisgender male (I did explore my identity at one point, and I confirmed it). My redeeming feature is just how gay I am, lol.
Also, unrelated: I have to thank Selfie. I didn't expect the praise and the kind words, and it's appreciated. I think you are cool too, since you usually provide a nice positive energy with your asks. I'm glad you enjoy reading my asks, since I sometimes feel I'm just obnoxious by writing such long ramblings. Or worse, that I'm writing too much but saying too little. Which may be just insecurity from my own part, even if it does not stop me. As long as Jude enjoys it, I'll try to continue. Since I do really love this IF.
Etymology nonnie you really decided to talk to me today huh? 😌
Yeah people have said to me that mc doesn’t really feel like they have a gander in the way think and I feel that’s great. It falls in line in how detached they are to society and thus societal creations. They don’t act like a man nor a woman because they don’t see a reason to and wouldn’t understand why the should to. I’ve read many IFs where I’m like “yeah the MC is clearly a woman”
One of my fears is one day writing an MC that leans too far to one gender despite the reader choosing another gender as apart from flavour text I want all my mcs to have universal thoughts that we all have. I think it has to do with me, as a person while a feminist woman I don’t think like a man nor a woman so it helps to create a protagonist who is gender selectable for their thoughts that don’t pertain to gender but other topics
Speaking of flavour gender text, in one of the routes for who you choose to go talk to that will come up especially sexual harassment women face
It would be interesting to see what Nia thinks of a male mc when you are allowed to talk to her further 😌
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