#when i'm done with the squeeing
jtl07 · 8 months
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There's a story behind each trinket, each wrapper, each pebble and Beatrice learns to always turn out Ava's pockets before putting her clothes in the wash. While the machine rumbles, she'll have Ava explain each one, allow herself to lean into Ava's side as she plucks each item from Beatrice's palm. (When they get to the end, Beatrice leaves her palm open and sometimes, Ava will take her hand. And Beatrice will want - Ava; will want to ask what kind of story Ava thinks they'll have, how many chapters, how many novels will it span. It's the same part of her that wants desperately to hear forever from Ava's lips.)
Art for pocketful commissioned from the ever incredible, the incomparable @princington
(More thoughts - about Prince, about their art - below the cut)
Prince has done so many wonderful works of art for the Warrior Nun fandom, especially their fanart for fanfics - there have been countless times I've discovered a new beloved fic through their art. It's even more special when it's your own fic - it's like looking through someone else's eyes, and when it's an artist like Prince, it's nothing short of awe-inspiring. So when I was thinking of getting art commissioned for pocketful, I knew it had to be Prince.
They were very kind and easy to work with, and they took one of my favorite moments I've written and made me fall in love with it all over again. I mean, look at their expressions! If you've seen Prince's work, you know that they have an extraordinary ability in drawing emotion in such a heartfelt way. I love the fondness, the intimacy, the devotion. I just - [goes off to flail and squee for 10 minutes]
And then there's the physical closeness, how Ava's almost in Bea's lap, how indulgent Bea is as Ava is pointing out the different items in her palm (I love that there's a leaf!). There's so much to love in this - the contrasts and "them"ness in their posture, in their clothes. Also the way Bea has her hand tucked between her thighs makes me think about how she tries so hard to keep her hands to herself, yknow? (That theme was one of the things that made me want to write this particular fic to begin with.) And gosh, how comfortable they both are here, in this humble, gentle space they've carved for themselves. It's incredible, seeing this scene like this.
Prince, we're so lucky to have you - thanks for all you do and for sharing your amazing work with us. I'm going to treasure this for a very long time <3
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roo-bastmoon · 2 months
Well done!!
My fellow puppies, kitties, and puppykitties,
It's been an honor to work alongside you this week. We have all given our utmost and done well by our boy.
I'm going to go on rest for a bit, as real-life deadlines are upon me. But please join me in continuing to stream (and purchase when possible), as longevity is the name of the game now.
Looking forward to squeeing with you guys over Are You Sure? and all the good things in store.
Sending you all much light and love!
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rissararity · 1 month
Little excerpt from an Omegaverse Logan fic I'm writing for funzies. Below cut gets NSFW!
Everyone always assumed Logan liked tough, red lipped, leather jacket types and he did…to pump and dump on his ruts.
But on the extremely rare occasion he imagined his perfect mate, she was always delicate and wore calming, peaceful colored dresses and skirts.
Dresses and skirts he could hike up at his convenience.
A lady, and a whore.
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Excuse me while I re-read this until my squee's die down.
I just love the thought of gruff, grumpy Alpha Logan x sunshine omega.
- He'd be the very definition of scary dog privilege. No one messes with his little Dove and lives to take another breath.
- Before they mated, he'd hate every guy she went out with and not think anyone was good enough for her
- He looks so angry in public. Crowds make way as he nears. Yet the chatty little omega on his arm is bouncing on her heels and smiling up at him without a hint of fear or discomfort.
-Total opposites, yet so perfect for each other.
-Dove is tougher than she looks and likes it rough.
-She accepts his feral side and can take his ruts like a champ. He loves watching her normally taught little belly inflate with his loads, and plugging her while she rests to keep it inside.
- She belongs to Logan, after all. She'd be full of him constantly if he had his way, and he did his best to achieve that goal.
-Skirts! The skirts! His rough, calloused hands slide up her soft legs, beneath the pastel blue fabric. She immediately spreads her thighs for him.
-If she's super dtf, she doesn't wear panties under her skirt at all. His sharp eyes can see the lack of panty line a mile away.
-Possessive. He hates when Dove has to be the distraction during a mission and as soon as possible fucks her against the wall in the nearest alley or dark corner as if to re-establish his claim.
-She loves how his touch erases the memory of the previous one, and she actually feels CLEANER once his thick cum is slowly pooling into her panties.
- Sometimes he jumps the gun and does this before the mission is actually done. If they can't risk anyone catching a whiff, Alpha Logan is very happy to plug her tight little pussy with a special device until she can safely evacuate it upon their return.
-Pretty free use, though he very much values her comfort and consent. Her little omega hip wiggles to encourage him just before he enters are a personal favorite.
- Grunts, and growls. Purrs that rub her brain AND her clit. She can FEEL the deep, gruff sounds coming from his thick, muscular torso. His breath in her ear shakes and shutters.
- "Mine." He snarls, arms curling tighter around her as if someone were going to try and take her from him.
-Logan would shred anyone who tried to ribbons, of course.
- Dirty talk! Experienced, confident Logan loves to praise his little cum slut. Telling her he's gonna give her so much she'll be leaking for DAYS.
- Speaking of, you know Alpha Logan has just as much stamina as any super soldier and his loads are twice the size.
-During ruts she finds herself feeling sloshy after a while but she couldn't care less. This is exactly what she wanted.
She may be a lady, but for her alpha, she IS a whore.
And he loves her.
(Might make a fully SFW version of this sometime)
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agendertoph · 4 months
Can I just say that rewatching "The Waterbending Scroll" as a 24 yr old, legit 12 yrs after I first watched it, was such a crazy experience bcus, so like the thing is that I'd dropped off zutara some years ago now, not bcus of any thing in particular, just that I'd drifted from the general atla fandom over the years, but still thought about the ship fondly from time to time
so anyways like. so I get to the ep on my rewatch n I'm thinking "oh hey! isn't this the ep w the pirates and Zuko and Katara? that's nice :D" but bro omg I wasn't prepared
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bro I wasn't prepared at ALLL BRO LIKE!??!?!? "I'll save you from the pirates" HE SAID HE'D SAVE HER FROM THE PIRATES?!?!??!
AND THEN!!! When Katara's tied to the tree, we see Zuko smiling for like the first time ever, n like yeah ok he's trying to get in on her good side by appealing to her emotionally open nature, but vnkjnvjksdf omg he smiled for her?!?!??!
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AND JUST THE REVEAL THAT HE HAS HER NECKLACE?!?!? Like we knew he had her necklace since "Imprisoned" but omg to see it being offered to her as a broker piece, like yeah of course he's going to taunt her w it, but also like!??!?! the fact he CHOSE to reveal he has her necklace LIKE THIS!??!?! LIKE HE'S PUTTING IT ON HER?!?!?! LIKE WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO WITH A WATER TRIBE BETROTHAL NECKLACE?!?!?!??!
oh my GOODNESS, God almighty, bro. bro!!! oh my God, u never really stop being 12 yrs old at heart, huh? this ep had me blushing n squeeing n kicking my feet like I had done so 12 years ago
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dailycass-cain · 2 months
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It's been A LONG TIME, but I feel I am so gonna have to catch up on my thoughts with Birds of Prey. So tonight I'm gonna do a three-parter.
Tonight, part 1 will cover #9-10. So let's start with my thoughts on the two issues.
Starting off, this issue means a bit to me three-fold as #1 it occurred during the character's anniversary month.
#2 Artist Jonathan Case once again draws the character (having gone to town with the character in Batgirls #14).
#3 said GORGEOUS AAPI variant cover by Phillip Tan and Elmer Santos. I remember seeing Tan's Cass at a C2E2 a few years ago and nabbing the print (for myself and a friend). He always drew a nice Cass, and I'm glad AT LAST he drew an official one.
As for the issue itself, it's a nice beginning piece to the new arc as the Birds are basically lost trying to find Babs, along with figuring out their new surroundings.
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For the special costume given to Cass this issue. I saw an article via Screenrant going into detail on how edgy this suit gives off.
I agree it does, but also to a degree of how maybe she views herself internally. Though of all the unique designs, I'm quite curious on how the artists throughout this arc corresponded with writer Kelly Thompson on the unique looks to each Bird.
Regardless the "Victorian Era" Birds as I view this issue give a very Gothic style and lend to the twists and turns this issue has.
Which, leads into one of the major moments Cass gets in the issue.
The first is a move hyped on the covers during the first arc: Barda launching Cass via a fastball special.
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The moment had me squeeing as we get our first tag team move of the two and I hope there is MOAR from them besides the old classic (which you can't go wrong with).
The Birds rescue Babs, and for the briefest of moments everything "seems" right, but well Thompson remembers something OTHER writers kind of neglect with Cass.
In that, she can tell when someone is not truly themselves and is a walking lie detector.
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It's a brief, but if "you're in the know" of the character, yeah Cass would easily see via a few steps of body language and behavior that Babs wasn't really Babs.
It's a character quirk that a lot of writers usually overlook coughs some Batman writers coughs.
Again, Dinah trusts Cass 100% with her insight (as the series has already established) and attacks "Babs" and we get out fight in the issue: the Birds vs. this mangled Bat Babs creature.
This issue also feels like the closest meta Thompson has regarding the whole Babs as Batgirl in the issue too. If you take in the fact that her costume has a rather "classic" look to it. And well...
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And that leads me to the only downer of the issue because like the Birds themselves, as the reader we are left clueless as they are as to whom or what is behind all of this.
However, for this "one and done" different look. I'll give it being something totally different and again this series trying something new (akin to what we've gotten in the first arc).
Case's art is still stunning, and though more minimalist (compared to his Batgirls issues) still packs a punch. The costumes and crazy demon she-bat Babs still pops in my head.
I just wish we got more information other than the teases for the issue, but this is an unfolding story and like the Birds I'm here for the ride.
Birds of Prey #10 continues this wacky out-of-this-world adventure this time with a 50s twist that has the same dark edge of the prior issue. So what about the Cass within? Well...
Again, another artist of Batgirls helps with the issue as we get Robbi Rodriguez (who's been drawing A LOT of Cass granting 2016 me a wish) and Gavin Guidry on art duties.
Their art compliments the setting within the issue with this 50s to 60s style with a dark undertone (like the prior issue).
So the issue begins with the newest suits we get a '66 version of Cass. The suit itself uses a bit of what we got with the '66 bat costumes but we get Cass bits to it. The bat symbol. The belt. Oh hey! A domino mask! How Black Bat of this suit!
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I do love the look, and for a "66' Batgirl" look for Cass checks all the boxes making it different from Babs' look.
Though I have to admit it's weird that Babs herself looks a lot more like her short-lived Sean Murphy bat ears look than something more to her '66.
We also get A LOT of exposition in the issue of what's going on, why someone is targeting Babs, and HOW this is happening.
And it works for me given well we need that info dump and this does feel like the part where we NEEDED this. Even if it does feel like a slight retread of Megaera from the first arc.
However, with one tiny bat twist…
The big fight for this issue is the Birds vs. a corrupted Barda. And oh dear me she is utterly terrifying. But like I said we get a twist, and it is SOOOOO Cass-characterization perfection.
Instead of a brutal fight between the two new friends we get Cass trying to reason to Barda, knowing the New God can beat this on her own.
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The moment between the two is just SOOO Cass. Akin to so many stuff with the character in the past. Thompson just GETS Cassandra Cain as a character.🥺
If there's any really nitpick of this issue I have is this issue felt so quick. Like we get so much info, Possessed-Barda, Cass does Cass thing, and that's it. I kind of wish we got more but I get we're sprinkling the Sin and Vixen stuff for later.
But man, Barda/Cass are just the anchor of this series period. Their friendship is something I always wanted and this series hasn't disappointed. I can't wait when Thompson repays this with Barda coming to Cass's aide or does this.
I just wonder WHEN and if I'll have tissues for this moment when Barda unleashes hell or shows this compassion to free Cass from whatever bind.
But yeah Birds of Prey has been my favorite book of the early half of the month, with Tec always complimenting it for the back half.
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
hit me with the sunshine!james and grumpy!reader fluff, loser :)
how delicious! so good i'll ignore the name calling <3 all for you, @theemporium :) i've never done this trope before so hopefully this works!!! | fluff, fem!reader, grumpy!reader x sunshine!james, 1k
"If you keep frowning like that your face is going to stick," James says lightly. He startles you a bit, but you don't let it show. He knows you well enough to tell, anyway. He slides his hand over your lower back as you continue to stare, arms crossed, at the book in your hand.
"Ha, ha," you say, toneless. "James, it's no use." Your lower lip has a small indent in it like you've been chewing on it. He wonders if you'll let him kiss you in the store.
"What's no use, darling? Catch me up, I'm slow." Sometimes, if you're in the mood, you'll bump your hip with his when he teases like that. But you don't move, don't even lean into the hand on your back.
"I think today is going to be a bust." It's shopping day -- different from errand day, you both wander around local shops and buy things you don't technically need. Birthday presents, new clothes, books. It tires you out immensely and James knows that tonight you'll fall asleep in his lap with a movie in the background.
"Why's that?" he asks. You won't ask him to go home early, even if you're not enjoying yourself, since you know he's got things to buy. You won't even sulk -- that's not your style. He'll just be able to feel it radiate off of you, and while he adores your slightly sour disposition, he never wants you to actually be upset. Dissatisfied with the state of the world? Sure, who isn't. Annoyed at slow walkers? Again, join the club. He loves you when you're frosty, he loves you when you're grumpy, he loves you when you're soft in his arms when you wake up every morning. It doesn't matter. He loves it all.
"I--," you start. You set the book back down on the table perhaps a bit too forcefully, as you wince at the noise it makes. "I'm just annoyed they don't have the edition I wanted. When I called last week they said they did." You take a deep breath. "And I'm frustrated that I've dragged you here when it's on the other side of town as the stationary shop we need to go to for Remus and all the other places we need to visit." You sigh again, frown deepening. Time for him to make his move.
He's mastered this by now. James knows that you'll let him underneath your exterior no matter what, half because he's so damn charming and half because you want him to see you, to make you smile. And, if he's honest, he's got no idea why you let him. But from the moment you met it was clear that he was the perfect companion to your mood.
"I'll buy you another book. Two other books. No, three!" You turn towards him and his hand slides to the flesh of your hip, squeeing once, gently. "Well, any more than three and you definetly have to carry some."
You aren't convinced. "James, that's not the point --"
"Well, who needs books, anyway?" He hooks two long fingers through your belt loop and tugs gently. You allow it, falling into his chest and catching the lapels of his jacket, frown still in place. But he can see he's getting there -- your eyebrows are quirked in interest and your shoulders are already looser. He taps the tip of your chin with a knuckle before cupping your cheek. "I could just ravish you in the stacks of this shop, instead. No purchase required."
"James," you scold. Your grip on his jacket tightens and he can tell you're fighting a smile. "I will not be kicked out for public indecency. Who even says ravish, anyway? Who are you, a historical romance hero?"
He nods very seriously. "That's my day job, obviously. How did you not know? You really should pay more attention to me." That earns him an eye roll and tug at the corner of your mouth .
"Poor you," you drone. "Most neglected boyfriend on the planet."
He drags his thumb across your skin, watching it pull. Your nostrils flare. "No," he says. "No, I don't think so. You couldn't neglect me if you tried." He moves his face closer, so close that your noses brush. Your eyelashes flutter and your eyes close.
"Only because you're so bloody loud," you say, softly. "It's very hard to ignore you." He scoffs.
"Careful," he says. "Or I might think you're flirting with me." He drags it out even more, brushing his lips over yours without properly kissing you.
"Now that would be a real blow to my reputa--" you say, but he ends his own game and presses his lips to yours. You gasp and he swallows it, right there in the fiction section of the bookshop. James doesn't let it go on too long, lest you actually get kicked out, which would be a shame since he knows you do like this place normally. So after a few mostly decent-for-public kisses, he pulls away. Your hands loosen their grip on his jacket and he releases your face.
"Shall we go, then?" he asks, finding his voice a little rough. He loves the effect you have on him. You nod, frustration seemingly gone for now.
"I hate when you do that," you grumble, linking your fingers together. He squeezes your hand. "Cheer me up so easily."
"No, you don't," he says, beaming at you. You reach up and flick a loose curl back into place.
"No, I don't," you say, suppressing a smile. "I still don't have my book, though." Well, at least you no longer look put out about it.
"Then we'll go to every shop in the city, silly girl," James says, tugging you toward the exit. "We've got all day."
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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ectonurites · 11 months
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I Feel Sick by Jhonen Vasquez (of Invader Zim fame) has always held a special place in my heart (alongside related stories Johnny The Homicidal Maniac & Squee!) ever since I first read it as a kid... and, well, with the lead of the book being a painter who has to come face to face with their work when it seems to gain a mind of it's own... it just felt like it could be a really cool basis for an AU with these guys!
Plus, I got so attached to the idea while drawing out this comic that I started working on a fic to flesh it all out further—at the time i'm posting this it's not quite done yet, but look for the first half of it from me in the coming days!
In the meantime, you can check out the accompanying playlist if you'd like:
It’s specifically a mix that Will created and listens to within the fic—so songs hold thematic relevance as well as sometimes just being the Right Vibe™️. The timeframe for the fic is late 90’s, which is also reflected in the song choices (well, barring the fact that some are remasters of songs that were done later on, but like, the original songs all debuted pre-1997)
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bronx-bomber87 · 25 days
Happy Wednesday lovely Fandom :) Phew lord we’ve reached the eps I’ve only watched once. Because I was far too destroyed to watch them again. Knew my second time around would be my rewatch. I’m not ready emotionally. Will I ever be though? lol If we don't laugh we cry right? Ha Anyways I’m on a strict timetable before I move. So press forward I must. Sad at the lack of gifs in this one. But also understandable since we were all anxious af after this one. I am excited to do Tim analysis though. I always enjoy that.
Also pre-shout out to Eric and Melissa in this one. They never cease to amaze me with their acting chops and chemistry. Eric really kills me in this one in particular. Let us begin the slow breaking of our shipper hearts shall we? Also thank you to my readers for going through this with me. Once was hard enough. But revisiting isn’t any easier so thank you for coming with me on this journey. Off we go.
6x05 The Vow
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We get our couple immediately after the cold open. I knew going into this ep it was going to be angsty. I just had no idea why or how bad it would be…It’s date night for our beautiful pair. I just love them constantly dating each other. Makes my soul so damn happy. I can’t put it into words well enough. We get ship crack in this opening sequence for sure though. The way they light up when they see one another. That never gets old. Lucy is lighting candles when her man enters in.
Tim couldn’t be any cuter just as happy for date night as she is. Looks like he’s carrying quite a bit into her apt. Lucy instantly notices his present for her. Tim continues with the cuteness and says yes and the beer is for him. This is so domestic I wanna die. This moment started off so precious I knew he we were in for a world hurt tbh. This scene was the calm before the storm.
Tim is not wasting any time getting a thank you kiss in. Lucy is lit up like a Christmas tree as she leans in for said kiss. I adore the smiles going into it. Making my shipper heart giddy af. Also his grip on her arm. Drawing her in nice and close. It’s doing things to me as they melt into each other. Lucy’s questioning face cracks me up as she pulls back. Tim picking up on it right away. Asking her 'What?' With so much sass I’m cackling. How he has grown in his sass heh
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Lucy can’t help but note gift giving isn’t his normal love language. Fact that they’re talking about love languages has me reeling so much. It’s just so cute. I'm squeeing at how friggin precious and domestic this is. Tim challenges her back. Asking what is his love language then? Their banter right here is one of their love languages let's be honest LOL Always top tier with some flirtation mixed in for good measure.
Lucy being cute as all hell replies ‘Terse nods mainly.’ I mean she isn’t wrong haha There have been some wonderful sets about this line. Man sure does love his terse nods. For her especially. Mainly her really. Tim continues his trajectory towards adorable with his reply. Letting her know he’s trying to change things up.
The smile on that man’s face. Oh my word. I said this a lot in S5 and I’ll say it again. Have we ever seen this man so damn happy before her? The answer is a sharp no. Not ever. She is the absolute joy in his life. It just radiates out of him when they’re together. Especially when they’re bantering. Ugh my heart. These two kill me in the best way.
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Lucy then turns into an adorable little bean herself. Asking Tim if she can open it now? She is so excited about this impromptu gift. No way she can wait through their dinner to open it. Tim say of course she can. I’m sure he was hoping she would open it right away. Especially with the thought he put into it. Also well done on the wrapping good sir.
Lucy’s reaction is delightful. It reminds me of the way she reacted in 6x03 with her trophy. Blown away by this man’s thoughtfulness. Not only that but making her laugh in the process as well. We get a second in love 'Lucy smile' in the second gif. He is so gone for her. Man they were really setting us up for a fall with the goodies they packed into this scene.
I love how Tim locks eyes with her and is beaming ear to ear. No one makes him smile like that except Lucy. Legit the sunshine in this man’s life. I can’t get over how damn happy he looks. My heart might implode at how happy he is. Happiness looks so good on him. Also how proud he looks as well at his choice in gift. Patting himself on the back for it hehe
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We see it’s her KIA radio in a display case. Lucy looking at him like he’s hung the moon and stars. Bringing out her own in love 'Tim smile.' She too is beaming right back. Heart eyes paired with that joyful smile. Tim for this moment (not the rest of this ep) is once again 10/10 for her. Commemorating her takedown of Jeff Budny. Saw an excellent parallel between this and 2x12. About Tim giving back things that saved her life for him. My damn heart. I’m fine….
Tim continues on to say it was to memorialize the radio that saved her life. So grateful to that radio for taking the hit it did. I remember thinking how that radio represented her communication problems. Little did I know it would soon represent Tim’s as well. The irony of this gift will hit us painfully hard later in this episode. Having watched rest of the season as well it represents their’s as a couple too. *sigh*
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Anyways we get a SECOND kiss in this moment. That’s how I knew it was coming like a freight train at us. We got cuteness, flirtation, banter and two kisses in one scene. They were setting us up for a very hurtful fall. They just look like two happy idiots in love. *dreamy sigh* I wanna die it’s so precious. They fall back into each other for this second kiss.
The look in Lucy’s eyes ready to thank him for this radio. Not with dinner but some sexy times. That kiss before it’s interrupted looked like it was headed for the bedroom. Dinner be damned at that point. The way Tim is leaning heavily into that kiss too. Ready to go in for more. His patented first kiss need an immediate second one well underway. Phew lord. He was more than ready to receive that thanks LOL
Sadly Tamara steps through the door. Doing what she does best. Be a wet blanket for their bedroom endeavors. I love her anyways though haha She instantly apologizes saying she forgot it was date night. Tim sighs as they pull apart and Lucy goes into mom mode after she hits Tim. haha It’s so cute. Little damn family up in here.
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Tamara says she can hide in her room. Lucy replies that’s not necessary. That she can make a plate for her room if she’d like though. Then the scene takes a giant shift in tone. Tim receives the phone call that ruins our entire shipper lives. It sounds dramatic but it’s really not…Tim’s whole demeanor changes. Lucy is crazy intuitive to it. Her internal Tim radar going haywire. The tight way he replies and says he has to go.
Lucy wanting follow up questions. It’s the way she says. ‘Just wait.’ Not wanting him to go. *heart clutch* The sheer panic and worry developing in her soul and in ours. That gnawing unsettling feeling we feel through out the rest of the episode. Breaks my heart. She clearly spent the whole day waiting to be with him for their date night. Only to have him taken away with no answers. Lucy looks SHOOK as her entire heart walks out the door. It's written all over her face. His abrupt departure filling her with questions and worry. So it begins…
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We see Tim pull up in his truck to the pre-arranged spot. A man comes out of his own car and enters in. I was on pins and needles waiting to see wtf this was about. Who the man was. Why he had the power to make Tim, basically run from date night with his girl. I knew in the back of my mind had to be his military past. Only thing I could think of to make him spook like this.
They shake hands when he gets into the truck. He thanks Tim for coming. Our boy replies he didn’t have a choice. If Ray is alive they have a big problem. The intrigue meter continued to grow. Who was this Ray? What problem did he present to them both? Tim looks like he’s seen a ghost when he’s shown Ray’s photo. He was supposed to have died in an air strike….He's been working as a gun for hire and came into LAX the day before.
Tim asks why he would come to L.A? Apparently his mom is dying of cancer. That’s who they’re staking out. It’s here we find out what the vow is. And it’s not a good one….Tim is not onboard for honoring this pact they made. To kill Ray if he ever resurfaced. To pay him back for the friends he killed. We see the conflict on Tim's face. How he doesn’t know how he’s gonna tackle this. Eric killing me softly early on in this one. His eyes alone scream so much emotion.
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We see Lucy unable to sleep. In what I can only assume is Tim’s shirt. I think Melissa confirmed it was and thanked the fans for their keen eye. It’s the little things we love so much. Lucy is clearly missing him. So naturally she sleeps in a shirt of his. Also her DOD ring and her necklace are in plain view as well. Killing me softly. She can’t sleep because he’s supposed to be next to her. His consistent calming presence is missing and she can’t relax enough to rest.
Their date night was supposed to end with him asleep by her side. Not this. We can see the anxiety just seeping out of her. Don’t blame her one bit. No one knows that man better than her. From the second he took that phone call she knew. Deep in her gut that not only was something off but very very wrong. Her whole being emanating unease and concern. I feel you Lucy. The rapport and connection they’ve built over last 5 seasons coming in hot here.
Lucy looks sick to her stomach and it makes me wanna cry. The hurts so good is ever present in this scene. She is missing him and crazy worried. Her rampant anxiety is not letting her rest. My guess is other than 6x01 they’ve scarcely spent a night apart. The way he took off is scaring the shit out of her with good reason. So she tries to quell it with a phone call. Sadly she gets his VM. Her message to him makes my stomach sink more. Lucy is used to being his go to. She was left in the cold and her stress level is rising due to it.
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Tim watches her call and VM come in. He looks pained at not being able to answer it. It’s the way he sighs and closes his eyes. It’s killing him to keep her at a distance. Eric out here trying to murder my feels with his superb acting. This truly begins the immense breakdown that is their communication. Lucy showed her hand at it before this ep in 6x04. Now it’s Tim’s turn at it. We had indications of it but s6 showed us how glaring it is. The cracks in their foundation were there. We just didn't want to see it. These are the issues Eric wanted to tackle.
Honestly when we're on the other side of this I'll be real grateful for it. Till then this just hurts. Now Tim’s communication probs are particularly glaring in these in this ep and the next. Pains me to write it but our boy has serious issues with stuff like this. You know he knows she is at home worried sick. That’s why he looks so pained. Tim knows her just as well as she does him. Very aware she is panicked and worried about where he is. If he’s ok. Absolutely killing him to keep her in the dark. To Tim right now he think's despite that it's the right call.
This is Tim Bradford so he thinks he’s doing it to protect her. To keep her from his dark past affecting her. If he distances himself and handles it solo it’ll be ok. Because he doesn’t need help. Wants shoulder this alone. Oh Timothy, my love you are so wrong. It pains me how wrong you are. His childhood issues screaming out in this decision. Which we will get into. That gif of Captain Holt's ‘Paaaaiiiin’ gif is fitting right here. *sad sigh*
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Greer rejoins Tim in the truck with his recon. Tim is clearly uncomfortable with this whole thing. Weighing so many things at the moment. What he has to lose with any action they do. His soul is already so heavy with the past. It pains me to watch this. Tim is trying so hard to talk Mark out of this. Asking what they’re really going to do? What the point of all this really is? Noting them even talking about this is criminal conspiracy. Greer gas lights Tim this entire episode and I do not appreciate it.
Saying he can’t believe the ‘Reaper.’ is going soft on him. He is softer because of a wonderful woman named Lucy Chen. He’s in love with a person who is beautiful inside and out. One who has changed him so much. So yeah he’s softer now Greer. Also the first time I heard that nickname it made me fan myself. Is that wrong? lmao Idk if it is but I found it insanely attractive. I probably shouldn’t haha But here we are. With me still finding that service nickname sexy. I am who I am. Tim says he isn’t soft. He’s only thinking of what’s at risk here.
They can’t be committing murder, because of a pact that was made years and years ago. I love Tim’s line about they made it in the anger and fog of war. No doubt, with his nickname alone, we can see how angry Tim was going into the service. How could he not be? He came from a household where his emotions were suppressed heavily. So there is zero doubt in my mind he went into the service full of anger. Not only angry but loyal af as we know. That combination alone would result in this pact/vow being made.
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Tim is almost reflecting on how much he has grown since that moment in time. There was a lot of talk about the ways Tim hasn’t changed following this episode. Hell even inside this ep with him keeping Lucy at bay. But he has. He changed so very much since Lucy came into his life. It’s why he brings up the lives they’ve built. The life he is currently building with his soulmate. The jobs they hold.
That angry young man doesn’t exist anymore. The one who would murder for his squad in retaliation. Now Tim still has that instinct in him. Don’t get me wrong; scorched earth for those who mess with his loved ones. But this? This situation puts the life he’s built at risk. Puts the love of his life at risk within the department. Unfortunately Tim is still loyal af and Greer uses that against him.
Gas lights him some more. Saying how they’ll never get to build lives because of Ray. Pulling on that thread of guilt that lives deep inside Tim's soul. Trying to reawaken a man that is long gone at this point. But is still loyal to a fault. Weighed down with enough tortured guilt to keep this going. I resent Mark for using it against him I really do. Friggin stunard...My Italian rage coming out for Greer.
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It’s here we find out more about what went down between them all. Not only that but WHY him being around is such a damn problem for Tim/Mark. I would be remiss if I didn't note this. How much I am enjoying Tim in street clothes. Mmm nice and scruffy too. He is scruffy most of this season and I am here for it. He looks so good in that jacket it’s sinful. How can he make such a simple jacket so attractive? Yum. Ray asks what they’re doing here? Greer pipes in to bring him to justice. He asks for what?
Tim starts to list off the numerous reasons why. Going AWOL, faking his death, felony grand theft, stealing half million from the government. Just to name a few sweet lord… Then to top it off, he called in an air strike on his own guys when they came for him. Ugh. Real peach this one. That there wasn’t enough of Henderson and Coyle to fit in a shoe box….ooof. It’s here we find out what Ray has on them. That he read the after action report. That it didn’t read that way. Tim justifies it by saying it only reads that way so his wife and daughter got his death benefits.
Of course that’s the most Tim Bradford thing ever. ‘Some things matter more.’ Only breaking the rules if it’s for the greater good. We talk a lot about Lucy’s empathy but don’t sleep on Tim’s. It runs very very deep. This is proof it was a huge part of him before the Isabel trauma buried it and Lucy resurrected it. That being said this doesn’t look good at all for Tim. By bringing Ray in it endangers their service record and their current jobs. Because as kind as what they did was. It has consequences because they lied on an official government document. My stomach turned even farther with this scene.
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Eric KILLS me in this portion. This man has no right making me this emotional. How has he not won any awards? His beautiful shimmering blue eyes cutting me deep. Eric is so expressive in just his eyes alone. But he gives this scene everything he’s got in his arsenal my god. They get away from Ray’s to talk. Tim immediately says they’re not killing him. It’s not happening. (Someone needs to capture this scene in gif form BTW) It's a crime there isn't one. Mark tries to appeal he’s dead anyways.
Tim won’t hear of it. Says it won’t matter when the nightmares come knocking. And we know he’s had those nightmares. Not just about the service but about 5x19. About the life he was forced to take. Tim says they need to just come clean about everything. They don’t have a choice. Greer fights him some more. Saying it’s just going to blow up their lives as a result. Tim tells him he won’t let that happen. He’ll take the fall for him. Ugh Tim no. You have a life that’ll get blown up too my love. A woman who would be devastated to watch this take you down.
There's a Lyric from a band I love. "A thousand scars betray me Oh, what's another one?" That is Tim in this moment. What's one more emotional scar? Better than Greer losing his life because of what he chose. Tim's integrity is one of my fav traits about him. It’s the one I relate to the most. Because I am the same way. It drives a lot of my decisions. He's so willing to fall on his sword because he bears the weight of that decision still. Mark pleads some more but Tim won’t have it. Says he can’t with tears in his eyes. (I'm fine....) He is not that hot headed young man anymore. Life has kicked him around and he’s seen things. This isn’t the path and he won’t let Greer take it.
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Tim follows up with he won’t let him do it. Even if it’s without him. It’s here where Eric just rips my heart out with his performance. When Mark asks him if he would arrest him if he killed Ray? It’s the way his voice breaks. Tears threatening to fall when he chokes out ‘Yes.’ Rip my heart right out writers sweet lord. Greer says he’s out then. But I wanna deck him for his reply after that. He hangs all future crimes Ray does on Tim. I don’t curse very often in these. But how fucking dare you sir. How dare you put that on this man.
He is already riddled with so much guilt and shame. His soul is ten times heavier than it should be. Because Tim shoulders things deeply. Not only that he does it solo. A chunk of what weighs his soul down isn’t even his fault. Tim is a much deeper empath than he’s given credit for as I stated earlier. He absorbs the feelings and pain of those around him. Takes them in and never lets it go. It’s why he was and honestly still is so rigid as a cop. That iconic line ‘Rules matter boot.’ Was his PTSD in a line and we had no idea back in S2.
Because anytime this man has let his guard down to break the rules it’s hurt him. Mitch, Isabel and we now find out about this. Tim did the right thing and yet he’s paying the price not Ray. It’s the hitch in his breath as Mark takes off that’s the final emotional blow for me. I just want to hug him so much. The way he tries to catch his breath after he’s gone. Finally releasing all the emotions he was bottling up. You can see why he was wants to retreat to one person who will make him feel whole again. It’s why his next scene is with Lucy….
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This scene we get to see Melissa shine along side Eric. Killing us softly with their angsty goodness. We watch the sheer amount of relief run across Lucy’s face. It's evident when she hears his keys in the door. The happy relief is fleeting though. Her opening line is salty af as it should be. ‘Oh good, you’re not dead.’ She is ready to rip into him and rightfully so. Hurts to watch but she has every damn right to. She kept it together for work. But now that he’s in front of her she doesn’t have to. Her sass turns into the anxiety and worry she’s gone through. Telling him that his sorry isn't good enough. (it’s not…)
Saying she spent the last THIRTY-SIX hours. (That's a day and a half Timothy...) Worried he was bleeding out in various landmarks all over the city. Ugh poor Lucy. That’s very taxing on your nervous system to be in that state of mind for that long. That’s way too long to go without communication. But this is pre-therapy Tim so...Communication isn’t his strong suit when he isn’t in fight or flight mode. One of my fav lines of the scene. ‘Telling me you’re alive is NOT optional.’ Hell no it's not. The hitch in her voice and tears in her eyes. Gah killing it Mel.
Trying to communicate clearly to him this behavior isn’t going to fly. Not ever. Rewatching this season, it pains me how many hints the writers gave us about their communication problems. Now Lucy is trying here. With telling him what he did was not ok in the least. She then asks what the hell is making him so crazy? Expecting him to tell her. Tim’s reply is vague and only serves to make her angrier. Especially when he says he’s doing it to protect her status at the station. She asks if he committed a crime?
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The irony of this scene is that radio being prominently shown. How it was a happy thing 36 hours ago. Now it’s a symbol of their dysfunctional communication as a couple. Tim tells her no…Not technically. The fire continues to build in Lucy. Angrily retorting how it’s serious enough she could be disciplined for not reporting it then. Tim tries to do his protection line for her but it doesn’t land at all. The fire in her is raging at this point. She stands up and angrily asks what he’s doing here then? Tim is so taken aback by this. His reply breaks my heart. Stumbling over himself ‘I...I came to see you…’
To Tim it’s his default to go to her. When he’s upset or lost he goes to Lucy. Seeking her out like the sanctuary she’s always been for him. Has been for years. Even more so since they got together. Tim came to be near his comforter and happy place. Wanting her to envelop him in her arms and take his hurt away. Unfortunately my love, she can’t help or take away what she doesn’t know about. It’s why her hellfire continues on. Lucy absolutely obliterates him with her reply. 'To what? Order take in? Watch TV? Pretend like nothing is going on?' Tim so desperately wants to sink into solace he’s used to. But he won’t let himself tell her what's going on.
Thus denying himself the one thing he came here for. Her. Lucy (who is wearing the same blouse from 5x12 btw. Way to push the knife deeper writers) tells him if he’s not here to tell her to truth.... We pan back to Tim’s face. She can read him like a book and knows he’s not going to. She then tells him he’s needs to leave. My heart is on the floor at this point. I totally understand her drawing this boundary. I truly do. Lucy is trying to show him there are consequences to his actions. Holding him accountable. That he needs to communicate and trust her. Lucy wants him to see despite the ramifications she is there for him. Sadly Tim doesn’t see this hence her asking him to leave. My poor shipper heart.
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To make matters worse Eric is personally attacking me with his teary eyes and hurt puppy dog expression. Had to get this gif in. Why? Because it beautifully captures the devastation of her sending him away. We haven’t seen him this visibly upset since 4x09. Except this time his person isn’t there to make his tears go away. She is the one causing them and sending him away. The range of emotions flitting across his face has me bawling my eyes out. The man deserves all the awards once again. The way his eyes convey so much. How utterly wrecked he is. It's written all over his expression.
Eric brought it so hard in this episode holy hell. Tim came to her seeking out the comfort of normalcy from her. As we all know our boy needs his routine and structure to stay sane. Lucy has become an intricate part of that. He sought out his girlfriend to stabilize himself. Sadly there was no comfort to be found for him. Gotta give to get my poor broken boy. As much as it’s frustrating to watch him do this I get it. As I said earlier he has the tendency to shoulder burdens alone. It’s how he has survived most of his life. Doesn't excuse it just explains it.
His childhood is a massive proponent of why he operates this way. He came from an abusive household as we all know. Where he had to turn off his emotions and learn not to ask for help. If he did it only served to further the abuse. Also it was looked upon as weak. Was seen as useless if you did. When that is ingrained in you at an early age it is so friggin hard to get rid of it. It's an instant default for him. It’s not something being loved properly just gets rid of. If anything it only makes it worse on some level. Because it means you something to lose as Tim does in Lucy.
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To explain Tim’s side of it I need to give a little piece of me. I can relate because of what my mother did to me growing up. It’s something I fight to this very day. I hope one day it’ll be easier and less of a deep grove in my brain I go to. Most of my childhood as I’ve shared was full of emotional abuse. My mom didn’t like it if you spoke your mind or messed up in any way. If you did you got the silent treatment for weeks on end. I wish I was kidding. She once went three weeks without speaking to me as a kid. Pretending like I didn’t exist. Felt like I didn’t have a mother. As I got older her default punishment only got worse. When I went to college my baby sister got engaged couple years in.
To a wonderful man. They're still married and happy btw. But my mother could see herself losing her control over my sister. Told me to pick between her and my baby sister. The choice was easy. I picked my sister. She then abandoned me and didn’t speak to me for 18 months after that. Her doing that made me feel like, whenever I stand up for myself or make a mistake with someone I love, I’m going to be abandoned. I just recently got into a fight with said sister. I had that exact same panic after I stood up for myself thinking she was going to discard me. She has proven time and again that’s not true. It’ll never be true. My sister and her husband have always made room for me in their lives here in CO. Made me feel loved unconditionally.
The same will be true when I join them in TN when I move. And yet that deep ingrained thought that she would abandon me still appeared. Worried that because I had stood up for myself she would do what my mom did. She didn’t cause loves me. But I’m still not used to the idea of unconditional love. It’s hard to grasp when you’ve never really had it before. So this is where I related to Tim so hard and defaulting to doing this alone. I’m in my 30s and this still affects me deeply even with therapy. Tim is pre-therapy and not seeing the unconditional love Lucy has for him. Which is a precursor for 6x06 honestly. You could have the best human in the world loving you and still not accept it or understand that you even have it.
Tim doesn’t know how to ask for help and to see Lucy would love him through his mistakes. He’s protecting her but also himself in this moment. Because he’s ashamed of what he’s involved in. That she won’t love him anymore due to his past sins. So he’s keeping her at a distance from him. Thinking it’s protecting her from his toxic past. But also protecting him from losing her as well. This scene, sadly, is the result of many miscommunications since they started boiling up and over. A gradual escalation toward breaking apart. This was a incredibly hard scene to stomach and watch. Lucy is vibrating with how upset she is when he says ‘Understood’ and leaves. Un-break my heart you guys.
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Another banger of a song running through this final scene. The songs always hit and work so well with the tempo of a scene. It’s ’Teeth.’ By mallrat. Have a whole playlist of songs from this show I love it. We see Lucy looking at her phone fighting the urge to call Tim. Despite their epic fight she misses him. It clearly shows. Tamara brings her out of her thoughts by plopping on the couch. Asking her what she's doing?I adore her saying she is going to be a good girlfriend. Trust her man. *heart damn clutch* HER MAN. It’s the little morsel we all needed after that heated argument of insane pain.
I am most grateful for Tamara in this moment. Wanted to shove her out the door in the opening scene though. LOL Nolan is such a failure to be there for Lucy earlier in the ep. Where as Tamara is clutch af in this moment. She is emotional support while Lucy goes through this. Talks it out with her. Tamara asks if she’s heard anything? Lucy tells her about their heated fight last night. That it’s been their only contact….That Tim just stood there. Lucy seems so at a loss and it hurts my heart.
Tamara makes her laugh and says they should put a tracker in his truck lmao Lucy calling her out for being a bad influence. Tamara follows up that No, she’s just a really good teacher. Lucy is floored replying what? Wasn't able to fit this in but her lessons learned are hilarious. No coffee in gun hand and head on a swivel. The swivel part had me laughing so hard. What a goober. I love them. Just the levity Lucy needed. I need more of them in S7.
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We pan back to Tim in his truck. Longingly looking at his phone. Specifically at Lucy’s contact page. He is breaking on the inside without her and yet can’t force himself to let her in. Also would’ve killed me if it had a pic of Lucy or of them. I would’ve legit died of happiness. What a missed opportunity writers. He is missing her so much and is dying to reach out. Wants her by his side but can’t overcome his wiring to do so.
His default is to go to her. To talk to her. Once again just another look into their broken communication. When one stops so does the other and it goes to shit. They are partners in every sense of the word except for their communication. They were stellar at that with work. It blows my mind how quickly that broke down when they got together. They had something extra special to lose when they did though. *sigh* s7 you have work to do.
We see Tim refocus his sights on Ray. Tasked with the mantle Mark Greer thrust upon him. He’s now on a crusade to catch him before Tim has anything else to add to his soul…. Phew this was an emotionally draining one to get though and it’s not even the harder of two. Phew lord. Thank you to every single one of you reading these, liking them, reblogging or commenting (love me some comments don’t be shy) they mean the world to me. I shall see you all in 6x06 where can sob together. ❤️
Side notes-non chenford
All the Aaron and Blair scenes are so icky knowing her endstory. Bleh.
Beauty of rewatching I can skip all the Nolan content. Snoozeville again.
Smitty only hanging out in therapy office for snacks lmao Needed in a tense episode
Lucy’s crack about asking Celina To Aaron. Lmao. Commend our girl for cracking jokes and keeping her shit together on shift.
Nolan is absolutely useless when Lucy comes to him for help. Their friendship truly fell apart when Jackson died. Any rapport or connection shot to hell. He can’t read the utter panic she is in and I hate him for it. As useful as a paper hat in a rainstorm to keep you dry.
Also the lyrics used earlier from my fav bad RED. The lyrics ARE TIM. In this episode to a tee Here's the link https://genius.com/Red-cauterize-lyrics
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ordinaryschmuck · 17 days
Full Family AU Part 16
"I'm not going to bed yet, am I...?" Luz asked, fully dressed in her jammies after taking a bath.
"You are soon," Camila said. "We're just getting you and Vee ready for now."
"Okay...Vee's fun, by the way," Luz said with a smile. "I taught her a lot of things. How to walk, draw, and...re...call...itate?"
Camila snorted, trying her best to hold back her laughter. "Do you mean "re-calibrate?"
"That's the word!" Luz exclaimed. "Papi likes to use too big of words."
"He sure does."
"But, yeah, I taught her that thing Papi taught me! Watch!"
Luz then started shaking herself all over, only stopping once she got dizzy. Camila had to stop her from falling on her butt.
"I wish he taught you something a little less...chaotic."
Luz giggled, her eyes still spinning. "Yeah..."
"This one's bath is done," Manny announced. He entered the room with Vee, still wearing her sundress. "This dress of hers really is like skin. Just washed her in the tub and the pizza sauce just went off her. Look: It doesn't even leave a stain."
"I'm sorry," Vee muttered.
"What are you sorry about?" Manny asked with a chuckle. "Not everything you do is bad. This is actually a great thing. Save us money for laundry."
"Assuming she can change shape into wearing different clothes," Camila pointed out. "Is that something you can do, sweetie?"
Vee played with her thumbs. "Shapeshifting requires magic. I only have a little left..."
Luz gasped. "Magic?!"
"Oh, right. Uh, forget that, Mija," Manny told Luz.
"Forget it?! She said magic! Magic's real?!"
Vee nodded, getting Luz to squee!
"Luz, not now," Camila said. "What do you think you're capable of doing?"
"...Maybe changing what I wear one more time?" Vee suggested. Camila hummed for a second, stroking her chin as she tried to think of something. Wordlessly, she went to Luz's closet, opened it up and do a bit of digging. While she was distracted, Luz ran up to Vee with her smile brighter and wider than ever before.
"What kind of magic is real?" She asked. "Is it something everyone can do? Can I do it? Is it something that comes from the heart? You also said something about storing it? What does that mean? Can you do magic? Ooh, is shapeshifting part of your magic?!"
"Luz." Both Luz's parents gently chastised the young girl, making her stop with the constant questions. And for good reason, because it was starting to make Vee hide behind Manny's leg due to all the attention on her.
"Sorry," Luz muttered, looking down in shame.
"It's okay, querrida," Manny said, "But you need to turn your excitement down a couple notches. Just for tonight."
"Okay, Papi..."
"Ah-ha!" Camila returned from the closet, holding up one of Luz's swimsuits, a pink sparkly one-piece with a star in the center. "Can you shapeshift into wearing something like this, Vee? Not the exact color or design, just...the suit."
"I...can try..." Vee closed her eyes and concentrated, the dress shrinking and changing into a one-piece, just like Luz's. But as the dress changed, so did other parts of Vee. Her ears, which were circle, started looking more like Vee's basilisk ears, which blended in with the rest of her hair. Vee's mouth started to become more curved like a cat's instead of the thin line it was before. And when she opened her eyes, her pupils were yellow and blue, just like in her basilisk form. "Did I do good...?"
Camila and Manny stared at her, not sure to respond.
"You...did good enough," Camila chose to see. "But..."
"Her face is different," Luz broke the news first.
"Oh..." Vee played with her thumbs some more. "I'm--"
"Don't say it," Manny interrupted. "It's fine. We can just...tell people you were born this way if they ask. I mean, it's not too weird, right? For someone to look this way."
"I guess not?" Camila said, unsure herself.
"But isn't that lying?" Luz asked.
"Lying is only good when it's for the people you love," Manny told her.
"Might want to revitalize that one," Camila said as she went to the closet. "Until then, we can't have Vee sleep in a swim suit. So..."
She pulled out another pair of Luz's jammies.
"Luz and Vee seem about the same size, right?" Camila asked.
"Only one way to find out," Manny agreed.
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willow-lark · 2 years
10 MORE byler fic recs!!!
with the discussion going on in our fandom lately, i wanted to try and uplift some really good fics i've read recently! pls check them out and show the works and authors some love 💕💕 (also thank you to the wonderful @andiwriteordie for motivating me to make another one of these. check out all of her fics along with these ones! :D) (also, my other rec lists: x x x)
we'd be great together by makeit_pink (T, 1/1, 2.6k) - mike and will are having their weekly movie night when they end up sharing a kiss. short and sweet. so, so cute and full of fluff!!
The Manuscript by @whereyouare13 (T, 2/10, 10k+, ongoing) - it's 1997. will byers is a popular sci-fi author, but his editor has rejected his latest romance book. things only get more complicated when mike wheeler re-enters his life. i am a SUCKER for reunion fics and i love will's relationship with robin in this one!! i CANNOT wait to see what happens next.
let the stars fall by @etchedstars (T, 1/1, 3k) - the world is ending. mike and will share a moment. oh??? my gosh??? i literally have not stopped thinking about this one since i read it. legitimately haunting. beautiful prose. mwah.
don't you know the truth (that i'm so in love with you) by mikeslawyer (G, 1/1, 14k) - soulmate aus my beloved. this one is SO GOOD!!! top tier angst right here. and the ending??? the ending??? my HEART. i'm sorry i'm not more eloquent but asdfgjkljk
i'll be watching you. by @beanieblogs (G, 7/?, 12k, ongoing) - in autumn 1983, hawkins national laboratory kidnaps will byers. he and el then escape together. HELLO??? THE concept of ALL TIME. it's more about the willel sibling bonding than byler so far but you should read it anyway. gosh. this is great.
7. träumerei by @tenderforgs (G, 1/1, 3.5k) - a beautifully done character study of will byers. i'm really obsessed with the prose & description in this one. just stunning!!
the body is a blade by @tenderforgs (T, 1/1, 1.6k) - GOD just kill me now will all of these beautiful will character studies???? augh. i want this fic tattooed on me. literally weeping.
Every eye trained on a different star by @ohfallingdisco (G, 1/1, 2.9k) - will comes out to bob. everything i never knew i needed. i miss bob every single day. this is so so good!! it really made me tear up.
stars by the pocketful by @thesapphicbard (T, 1/1, 1.1k) - will and mike share a sweet moment. THEY ARE SO IN LOVE!!! completely adorable. this is the kind of fic that i need to have 5 other apps open to read bc every line is so squee-inducing. i love it sm.
Mike Wheeler's Guide to Being a Supportive Friend by @mike-wheeler-ik-what-you-are (T, 1/1, 1.1k) - a guide to supporting your best friend when he comes out to you. god i love fics like this!! i'm never not down for a good delve into mike wheeler's brain. lighthearted and really funny!!
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waratah-moon · 2 years
happy birthday week!!!
could i request ‘dont kink shame me’ with eddie?
This screams cheerleader!reader to me. Early in their relationship... sweet girl is so innocent and Eddie's having such a hard time not corrupting her 🥺 thank you my love! 🎂 bday prompts list 🎂 masterlist / send me a message Warning: SMUT (guided hand job, oral m receiving, inexperienced reader)
It only took the slightest movement for Eddie' to gasp, a soft groan slipping past his lips. "Need you to stay still, baby girl."
"Why? I'm just getting comfy." You were sitting on his lap, watching him roll some joints in preparation for the big party happening at Michael Wright's tomorrow night. Eddie was nothing if not a business man.
"Because when you move, things happen."
"What do you-oh," you realised what he was alluding to, a small smile breaking the corners of your mouth. "Is that all it takes? Really?"
"Sweetheart I get hard if you look at me a certain way. Doesn't take much when I'm around you. Especially in those thigh highs."
"My socks are turning you on?"
"Don't kink shame me."
You let out an airy laugh, hopping off his lap and stretching your arms above head. Eddie bit his lip, eyeing the sliver of skin exposed by your lifted blouse, the backs of your thighs barely covered by your ridiculously short skirt. You turned to see him watching you, and you smiled, moving back to straddle him so you could see his face.
"Hi," you pressed a chaste kiss to either corner of his mouth before finally bumping your nose against his. When you moved, you could feel an unmistakable growing hardness beneath you.
You hadn't done much with Eddie, your relationship was less than two months old. Eddie always treated you like a delicate glass ornament that would break if he gripped you too hard. He knew that your previous experiences with exes weren't positive, so he was doing his absolute best to make sure you always felt safe. You'd only gotten up the courage to ask him to touch you beneath your clothes last week, and in that moment he focused solely on you and making you feel good. And god, you'd felt great. You'd been meaning to return the favour, but hadn't had the chance. And you weren't exactly sure how to anyway.
"Baby," he groaned when you pushed down, focusing your weight onto his lap. "What's gotten in to you?"
"Eds, I've been thinking. Last week, when you, you know," you drifted off hoping he'd catch your meaning so you wouldn't have to spell it out. He nodded, egging you to go on. "I wanna say thank you, properly. But I don't really know how."
"Baby girl, you don't have to-"
"I want to, Eds. I really want to," your hands slipped from his shoulders landing firm against his chest. "Can you show me?"
"Fuck, sweetheart. Are you sure?" You nodded, and he let out a breath, pressing his mouth against yours and prying your lips open with his. He pulled you down flush against his lap, and you instinctively rocked your hips. "Just like that baby girl. God, you're getting me so hard."
You whimpered. His crotch was grinding against you in such a way that it made your thighs clench. "Hop off and sit next to me." You did as he said and he quickly undid his zipper, pulling his jeans and boxers down and letting them fall to his ankles.
Eddie's cock stood to attention, the tip red and leaking, pressing against his stomach. Your mouth instantly watered at the sight and you reached out to touch it. His skin was taut along the shaft, but felt velvety soft. There was a prominent vein along the underside, and his breath hitched when you traced it to the tip. When you reached the tip, the pad of your finger brushed over the slit, smearing fluid around the head and down the shaft. Your hand went to grasp him but he stopped you.
"Wait, baby, lick your hand first, get it nice and wet." You licked your hand, tasting salt on your palm, returning it to his shaft. "Don't grip it too tight. Move your hand up and down."
You followed his instructions and he let out a groan when you squeezed near the base. "Like that?"
"Ye-yeah, exactly like that. Go a little faster." You quickened the pace, a growing wetness between your legs when his breathing became unsteady. You leant forward and blew a stream of cool air against the tip. His voice cracked. "Shit, shit, Jesus H Christ."
"Not good?" You looked up at him to see his eyes hooded.
"No, that felt incredible, keep going," he pulled on your pony tail, scratching your scalp. You leant forward again, kitten licking the tip and earning a shuddered breath from Eddie. He tasted like earthy musk and salt. It wasn't entirely nice, but your love for him outweighed the unpleasant taste. The head of his cock fit nicely in your mouth, filling out your hollowed cheeks perfectly. "Holy hell baby girl, what are you doing?"
"Dunno, it just felt right. Is it okay?"
"Yep, yep, yep. If you keep licking I'm gonna-" he yelped when you swirled your tongue around the head. "Fuck, pull back, I'm going to cum."
You leant back, your hand resuming it's earlier pumping motion and your thumb tapping the slit. Eddie came with low moan, gravely and deep, spurting white liquid over your hand. You couldn't help the grin that spread over your face; proud that you'd gotten that reaction from him.
"Holy shit, baby. Fuck," he raked his hand through his hair, pushing back the curls. He leant forward and kissed you softly. "Are you okay?"
"More than okay," you smiled, kissing his nose.
read more cheerleader!reader here
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found family!ler!Marc Spector and lee!reader. you can pick any scenario, with cuddles in it
Tickle Hug
Summary: See prompt above :)
(Thank you for your patience while I get this done Anon ❤️😅 I'm sorry it took a while to get to completion ❤️🥲 Hope you enjoy! ❤️ :))
"I'm gonna get ya!"
You squealed as you ran into the living room. The sound of Marc's footsteps pounded behind you.
"Tickle tickle Y/N," the older knight teased.
"No! Dohon't say thahat!"
Marc followed you in your path around the coffee table. "Why?"
"You know whyhy!"
"No." The eldest cut off your path. "I dohohon't."
"Eeek!" You turned the other way and tried to run away, but Marc managed to wrap you in a bear hug from behind. "Ah! No!"
The eldest knight scooped you up. "I'm gonna get you Y/Nnnn!"
"Noho!" You tried to squirm out of Marc's arms. "Lehet mehe go!"
"No can do Y/N." Marc sat down on the couch with you in his arms.
"You look too cuhute." Marc wrapped you in a hug. "And that means yohou hahave to be tickled!"
"Yeeeees." The older knight began to spider up your sides. "Yohou knohow thehe rules."
You broke into a stream of giggles. "Noho!"
"Ahall cuties muhust be tickled upohon ehentering the apartmehent."
"Thahat's juhust aha lihie!"
Marc moved up to your ribs. "A lihie?"
"Why would Ihi lihie?"
"Soho yohou cahan tickle uhus!"
Marc spidered up and down your ribs. "If you guys weren't so precious, Ihi wohouldnt hahave to make thehe rule."
You tried to retort but each word became swallowed up by all of the embarrassingly bubbly giggles filling the living room.
"See? Yohou cahan't deny iiiit."
"Shuhut uhup!"
"Whyhy?" Marc smirked as he tickled your top most ribs.
"Shut uUUUP!"
The older knight wiggled his fingers into your armpits. "Do thehe teases make yohou more sensitive?"
"I think they doho. Yohou're little face is ahall reeed."
He wasn't lying. You could feel the heat pouring off every part of your flustered face. "MEANIHIE!"
"Awww, aham Ihi being mean to the little babyyhyhy?"
Marc had switched from tickling your armpits to blowing raspberries into your neck. The switch made you squeal and snort as he continued blowing them around your neck then onto your collarbone. "MAAARC!"
"Yeees?" The older knight "innocently" asked in between the berries.
Another snorty filled squeal left your mouth. "JEEEHEHERK!"
"Oho Ihim a jerk nohow?" Marc blew a raspberry on the other side of your neck.
"Do you want me toho stohohop?"
You stayed quiet.
"Not even juhust aha liiiittle?"
You bit your lip.
"See? Absolutely adorable!" Marc exclaimed before he rushed forward to nuzzle your neck while his fingers danced along your sides.
The sudden attack had you squealing and melting into a red faced pile of laughter. Although you wished you could smack the grin right off Marc's face, you were enjoying the moment. It felt good just to laugh and giggle in Marc's arms as he playfully tickled you.
"Stop being so precious!" Marc growled into your neck.
"Ihi dohont have aha beard."
A snort slipped out of you. "YOU HAHAVE FACIAL HAHAIR!"
The older knight pulled away and flashed you his signature smirk. "Oh?"
You hid your bright red face in your hands as you turned into Marc's shoulder.
"Awww, hiding are wehe?"
You didn't respond.
"Ahaw cohome on now Y/N." You felt Marc's hand spidering on to your tummy. "Dohont hide from me."
You kept your head hidden in Marc's shoulder, small giggles slipping out at the ticklish feeling.
That's when Marc's hand started poking in a circle on your tummy. "Round and round the garden like aha teddyhy behear."
You squeaked.
Two fingers walked down your tummy. "One step."
You tensed.
The fingers moved farther down. "Twooooo step."
You held your breath for half a second.
Then suddenly, Marc's full hand dug into your lower tummy. "Ahhhhh tickly under thehere!"
"Squeee!" You rushed your hands down to grab Marc's wrist. "Naaahahaha!"
"Thehere yohou ahare." The older knight stopped his tickling and rubbed his nose into your cheek. "My little Bahambinoho."
"Nohoho!" You pushed on Marc's chest. "Nohot aha Bambinoho!"
"Yehes." Marc squeezed you close. "Yohoure my Bambinoho."
You stuck your tongue out at the man.
"Ahand yohoure aha goofy Bambino." The older knight ruffled your hair.
You whined. "Not myhy hahair!"
"Looks better thahat wahay."
You slipped under the hand and wrapped Marc in a hug. "Love yohou."
The older knight returned the hug. "Love you tohoo kihiddo."
For a brief moment, you two enjoyed the hug. The only sound filling the room was your residual giggles as you recovered from the tickle attack.
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prince-liest · 5 months
First off; I LOVE 666!!! 'Multi-series hard kink/edge play pwps (though I'm with you on the 'without plot' being a total misnomer) that are actually in depth psychoanalysis of characters and complicated relationships' is one of my favorite parts of any fandom ( I'm being specific with that because no really for years in a lot of fandoms there's been that one ((or 2)) series that like. Will stick with me forever and make me think about sex/intimacy/myself differently. And your fic is 100% that for HH). I have a lot of squeeing about a lot of it that I hope to be able to coherently comment about at some point but for now!!!!
I was wondering if there was specific purpose behind where certain scenes take place? Like if they're at 'Vox's place' or 'Alastor's place'? because I thought there was a pattern of when Vox is (or ends up) subbing it's at his place (where he would feel safer and therefore more comfortable being vulnerable maybe) and vice versa with when they're at the hotel. But looking back at it to write this maybe I'm making that up? Because they just mostly do take place at somewhere of Vox's? Because I guess Alastor did end up 'going home' at the end a lot. In which case is there specific reasoning behind them not being at Alastor's place as often? (Does he just have less privacy at the hotel lol?) Idk I thought I was getting something, especially with that 'we're at the heart of your territory' line in part 8??? The more I type into this rambly chatty ask the more I think I was just overthinking. But it stood out to me anyway. ANYWAYS. *Finally pauses to breathe*
I really appreciate your series and I love your interpretation of these two weirdos relationship!!! Every snippet and every update I see drives me crazy!!! Thank you so so much for all your work!
Ahaha, I'm so glad to have written that fic for you in this fandom! Someone left a tag on one of the art posts for 666 recently that said "can't wait to see what emotional revelation unsafe kink will lead to this time" and it's. Pretty on point for the series, ehehe. With the likes of Alastor and Vox, it's really hard to dive into any form of intimacy without, like, emotional repurcussions, and that's my favorite thing to write! Thank you so much!
As for your question: To be perfectly honest, there's no specific pattern behind which location I choose for a fic as far as their roles are concerned! They mostly take place preferentially at Vee Tower because Alastor doesn't want to invite all the fuss and bother of Vox's...everything...to the hotel until much later in their reacquaintence. It's much easier to decide that he's done with whatever's going on and to dip out of Vee Tower than it is to have to remove Vox from the hotel (or, well, at least in theory: he portals Vox back into his own bed pretty easily after their night of drinking, haha).
Alastor inviting Vox over for drinks is a sign that he's actually, like, opening up a bit in certain ways by actually inviting him into his living space. Previously they'd mostly only been at the hotel transitionally, and during the second time they slept together, which is also the first time Alastor actually slept with Vox for reasons other than "for the meme", and was looking for a more comfortable, controlled environment to try this new thing in. (And also gave fewer shits about kicking Vox the fuck out without a second thought.)
In a way, the locations follow the general pattern of Alastor's emotional evolution throughtout the series: he's fine with it being at his place at first because he feels more secure and doesn't give a shit about Vox; then he transitions to being more careful and shutting Vox out of his personal space; and now he's slowly gotten to the point where he's comfortable inviting Vox in on occasion.
Alastor's opinion tends to matter more between the two of them as far as location is concerned, so it's mostly down to that, plus occasionally me thinking, "Hm, this episode would be cool to do in blue shark tank mood lighting," hahaha.
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hanayori89 · 8 months
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🌻 Hello all- I just wrote this little one (two it’s a two) shot. My mother recently passed away on 1/24. My existence feels hollow. Writing is the only thing keeping me grounded, the only thing that makes me feel like myself when I feel I don’t know who I am. When you read this little works you’re supporting not just a writer- but a grieving human. Thank you 🌻❤️
A Little Too Not Over You
“Hey, watch it!”
A rotund woman ran into you, causing you to ricochet backward and stumble off the curb. You watched as she stopped, shifting her weight back and forth on her feet. The sheer trace of her underwear beneath her shoddy dress told you she wasn't wearing much else beneath it. She continued forward, hurriedly crab-walking as she winced from her seismic thighs slapping together.
You grimaced, feeling the phantom sting of chafing between your own thighs.
"Hurry! Someone said he was down here!"
The racket of charging feet stomping against the pavement made you duck for cover.
You watched from behind an empty stall as a throng of rowdy, jubilant women of all ages, shapes, and colors came stampeding down the street.
"For Din's sake..." You muttered in disbelief.
Today was the biggest delivery day of the month, and your cargo now sat, ripped and dented from the abuse of hordes of running feet. After you discerned the coast was clear of all signs of estrogen besides your own, you ran toward your box and retrieved it. You squinted as you read the delivery address on the mottled label.
Bombchu Bowling Alley.
You hoisted the precious cargo on your shoulder, relieved that it would be your last delivery of the day. On an average workday, Castle Town never took you nearly as long as it did today. But whatever had the citizens in a tizzy also threw your schedule into the same energy of disarray.
You glanced upward, admiring the way the dark dusk clouds patted down what little light of the sun remained. The drawbridge that connected Castle Town to Hyrule Field would soon close, blocking any visitors from leaving or entering.
With that thought in mind, you scurried down to the Bombchu Bowling Alley, relieved that with the promise of night came the promise of the end of your shift.
"Well, I'll be. Are you actually awake during your shift?" You greeted your friend, Ally, the clerk who ran Bombchu Bowling.
She gave you a wistful sigh. "If I actually had customers, I wouldn't be over here falling asleep." She jumped over the counter; her magenta pinstriped crop top revealed her chiseled abs, which came as a surprise considering she seemed to sleep for a living.
"Got my goods?"
"Got my money?"
Ally fluttered her caked lashes at you in amusement. "Always right to the point." She reached into her pocket, fishing out the rupees she owed you. "You really saved my hide doing this freight business; your costs are much cheaper than those of Lon Lon."
"Well, I won't talk ill of Malon; we are friends after all. But she has her hands full these days and running a farm ain't cheap. Besides, I love to explore Hyrule. Especially since-" You stopped yourself from saying it.
The words seemed to be obnoxious and loud, despite not leaving your mouth. "He's never once come back to see you?"
"He's a hero now. Why would he?" Your voice rose as your wounded ego flared. "Besides, I have my business and my life now. I appreciate the time we spent as kids and what he's done for Hyrule, but I've moved on, and I'm sure he has too."
"Have you, though?"
Your mouth shot open in protest. "What's that supposed to mean?" You didn't need to prove to Ally or anyone that you were over Link.
So, what if you saw his stupid face every night for seven years since he left?
Or that you sometimes sat outside of the Kokiri woods by the tree you both met.
Or the fact that every date you've ever been on always left you empty because no one seemed to compare.
So, what?
"Y/N," Ally said your name as if she were a medic about to tell you that you had a terminal illness. The empathy in her voice was present, albeit earnest. "Did you see the crowds gathering today?"
You nodded. "How in Hylia could I not see them? It would be like not seeing King Jabu Jabu in Zora's Domain. I almost got run over! This one woman-"
"He's come home."
"The Hero...er- Link, he's returned. He's here, in Castletown."
"Link? Link has come back?"
Her eyebrows rose in concern as you let out a bitter laugh.
"So, Link has come home? That's what those females were fussing over? How pathetic." The venom that coursed through your veins over Link's abandonment somehow didn't manage to overshadow your curiosity as to what he looked like after all this time. You stopped entertaining the thought. "They can have him and all the tears they'll cry when he leaves them too."
You left Ally standing there with her unopened order. You walked towards the door, your throat raw with the taste of acid. "Let me know if there's any issue with your order. Have a good night."
You didn't bother to look her way as you slammed the door shut behind you.
Link had returned.
So, what?
"Why are you crying?"
A boy with eyes haunted by unwelcome duty ran past you. He turned toward you, surprised, as you revealed yourself from behind a tree.
"Why are you sad? Whatever it is, it can't be that bad."
“I'm supposed to go meet Princess Zelda. But I won't make it. I'm going to die."
You tilted your head at the boy's assured declaration. "How are you so sure you're going to die?"
"Look at me! I am a Kokiri! If we leave the forest, I'll die! That's why Saria looked so sad. She must have known she'd never see me again. She must have known..."
You walked up to the sullen boy swathed in green. Drawing your arm back, you walloped him in the shoulder.
"HEY!" He growled.
You began to laugh hysterically. "Silly forest boy, if you were dead, that wouldn't have hurt. There is no pain after death."
He began to begrudgingly blink with recognition. "So then, it's true. I am not one of them after all. I am not a Kokiri." His eyebrows furrowed in thought.
"Apparently not because you're very much alive."
He looked at you. "I must go to the princess." He didn't ask you to escort him, but something in the way he spoke made you silently understand that you were to accompany him.
"Come on, I'll take you as far as I can."
"Thank you."
You both traversed Hyrule Field together with chatter that had such ease it caused time to pass with lamentable haste. As you approached the drawbridge that led to Castle Town, you could feel the boy's aquamarine eyes overtly examining you.
You gave him a playful side-eye. "Don't go falling in love over there."
Little did you know, you would eat those words for seven years straight.
"Wait! Hey, Wait!"
Two guards stood; their gargantuan helmets eclipsed their vision but left their prickly and soured lips on display. They ignored your begging and continued to crank the bridge upward; the hinges were in desperate need of lube to ease the egregious grinding sound that filled the air.
"Wait! I need to leave! My cargo wagon is outside!"
One of the guards looked at you and scoffed. "Rules are rules, little miss. This bridge closes at 7 p.m., as it always has for years. You know better."
You stomped your foot. "It's 6:58! If you're not going to let me leave, then I fully expect to be compensated with a room at an inn since you cannot be so kind as to let me pass."
Both of the guards exchanged glances and began to laugh.
The guard that had ridiculed you earlier now walked up to you, dipping his head close to your ear. "I can make an exception if you do something for me." His gruff, come-hither voice made your ovaries revolt in disgust.
He crept his fingers along your shoulder, resting them on the thin cotton of your sleeve and slowly pulling it down.
"I would rather mate with a goron." You felt a collection of foamy saliva sit at the base of your throat. With an uncouth gurgle, you spat in the guard's face as a Deku shrub would shoot a nut.
"You little-"
An arm dressed in a gilded gauntlet slithered around the guard's neck, wrapping him in a chokehold. You couldn't see the face of the man who intervened, but you caught glimpses of green fabric behind the guard's body. The color reminiscent of a vast forest and the special boy who hails from its verdant haven.
"What's your ID number?" The voice's curt command wasn't enough to hide its feathery resonance or the way it made your core pool with warmth.
The guard fumbled beneath the unforgiving grasp of his captor, his voice escaping in hoarse spurts. "7..."
"7 what?" The man's muscles swelled as he wrapped his arm around the guard's neck tighter.
"7...5...2...7." Satisfied by this response, you watched as the guard was disregarded and thrown to the ground.
"I'll be sure to speak with the princess in the morning, 7527. It would behoove you to leave the premises at once. Now get out of my sight."
The other guard squealed from behind. "Ach! "It's him! Let's get out of here."
Your eyes slowly wandered to the man before you.
The shadows that hung beneath his eyes were the perfect accessory to the familiar glint of unwelcome responsibility that had remained in his eyes all these years. His lips tugged upward, and an insecure smile seeped cheek to cheek, transforming his aged face into that of the youth you had fallen in love with years ago.
"Hello, Y/N."
You stood there, as if you were staring at Dampe's ghost, which would be a lot more palatable than Link standing before you as a grown man.
A grown man.
You felt your flesh incinerate as you observed the chapped and gargantuan hands beneath the gauntlets. Your eyes stalled on the flashes of muscle that couldn't be hidden beneath his padded gambeson or his tunic.
You could hear a soft chuckle as he realized he had rendered you speechless. He reached upward, pulling off his signature green hat and setting free a wave of long, silky blond tresses. "Have I aged so terribly that you cannot possibly find the words?" For as much as your gaze seemed to procrastinate on certain areas of his body, it was incomparable to the way Link's eyes refused to move away from your own. His Adam's apple bulged, shimmying down his throat as he took a deep breath. "The passage of time is usually cruel, but it relieves me to see how incredibly kind it has been to you."
He took a few steps toward you, desperate for your acknowledgement. After another minute of silence, you reached your hand forward. Link mirrored you, lifting his hand upward in an attempt to gently place his fingertips against your own, as if you were his reflection. The romantic gesture was severed thanks to your hand plunging forth and latching onto one of the shiny gray hoops that swung from his ears.
"Farore! You pierced your ears?"
You could make out a little droplet of sweat trailing down his jaw as he released a nervous laugh. "That's it? It's been seven years, and that's what you noticed about me?"
You folded your arms. " It's not my fault; it's been seven years, Link. Oh, forgive me, do you still go by 'Link?"
He frowned. "You're right, Y/N. You're absolutely right. I cannot say anything that will mend the rift of time between us. But" He got down on his knee and held your hand, your delicate fingers resting in between his firm grasp, weakening your resolve.
"The bridge is closed for the night. Give me just tonight to try. Please."
"Fine." You surrendered. You were going to humor Link. But it was not to appease his own guilt over his absence.
No, it was to prove to yourself that you were over him.
But if you truly were, then why did you need to prove it?
Edited: 2/1/24
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evil-robot-husband · 1 year
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Resonance by @charlieslowartsies...
‘Do you understand, young heir? A Prime is not a scout, not a medic. Their ferocity in battle is unmatched. They stop only when the opposing spark is snuffed out.’  “But Optimus isn’t like that—” Cade choked out, his breath leaving his chest as he watched the battle turn horribly one sided. Yes, apparently, Optimus could be and currently was just like that. And it was horrifying.  This wasn’t a fight, not anymore. It was target practice.  ‘A Prime never loses.’ remarked Excalibur coolly. 
Bound in full-cloth with acrylic paint details and acrylic edges. Typeset and binding done by hand, by me.
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What to even say about this fic? Number one, it's fucking amazing. Number two, if you haven't read it, you need to read it now.
I read this and immediately thought "I need to hold this in my hands," so I made that happen! It took me less than a week (thanks, ADHD hyperfocus!) and every bit of it was fun.
Charlie did a fantastic job capturing Cade and Optimus' characters, to the point where I've basically accepted their work as my new canon and can't hear anything that Bay has to say because I'm too busy cheering on Cade as he sleeps on Optimus' giant metal chest.
What was I saying?
Right. Not only is the characterization amazing, the plot is absolutely captivating. It's fun! It's exciting! Every chapter has something that made me squee!
Yeah, so, read Resonance by CharlieMcarthy. You will thank me later.
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silviakundera · 22 days
Best drama love stories? Two characters who will move heaven and earth for each other? Who convince you true love exists by just how much they adore one another?
So I've been thinking about this anon. An upon consideration, the questions you asked are very different things to me!
The drama love stories which truly convince me that maybe true love does exist by just how much they adore one another, by how much I can understand & feel the mutual bond between them... are not necessarily the characters in dramas who I see "moving heaven & earth" for each other.
Why? I guess because in my mind, it's 1 thing to go to extremes when your back is up against the wall and everything is falling apart - because when adrenaline is flowing and heroics are called for, yes it's very dramatic and exciting to jump off that cliff together. Humans get very hyped up and extra like that. But that doesn't necessarily make me think of true love. To me, true love isn't a dramatic act of sacrifice that a stressed & despairing person is driven to, through circumstances beyond their control. It's not the story of the worst months of a person's life and the person they are desperately clinging to as external factors torment them. True love is a connection, tactic understanding, a partnership. It's living for someone and every moment feeling better & brighter because that person experiences it with you; experiencing beautiful moments with someone when living your lives as a pair. A person who makes ordinary life into something extraordinary.
Don't get me wrong: I love dramatics and big hero moments and badass rescues and also my red flag romantic lead!. All of that are some of my fav dramas. But they don't often give me that feeling of wow, I believe in love again, fuck I'm too single right now. and then I'm back on the dating apps.
So I'm going zero in here on some couples who gave me that rush. Ships who have a lot of messy, harsh conflict, or are too surreal for me to personally relate to (like being in love with a god) won't be included.
This is very very subjective and personal! Only what gave that feeling to ME, silvia.
You Are My Glory - devastating relationship propaganda. Watching this drama for the first time really did make me sign up for a dating app again lmao. The last 10 episodes are established relationship comfort couple goodness.
Bad Buddy - Pat and Pran are my gold standard for friends & lovers. By the end of the drama I truly believed nothing could come between them and they would never want to live without each other.
Fake It Til You Make It - a squee-inducing relationship between adult professionals that feels real and obtainable. This is the relationship I want for me & the drama makes it seem not completely out of reach.
A Tale of Thousand Stars - Hallmark channel romance done right. A classic romance novel on screen that just hits all the tropes, with great pining. I know in this one they don't truly hook up until the end, but then we got the 2 episode My Skyy mini-series of established relationship epilogue. also: HE GAVE UP INDOOR BATHROOMS AND THE INTERNET. If that's not true love, what is?
The Princess Royal/The Grand Princess - I'm cheating here because it's truly the novel version of this couple that are epic and unforgettable for me. The drama is good but couldn't capture the rich depth of the otp, in their second time around. But the novel version omgggggg inspiring, someone please marry and divorce and remarry me NOW.
A Journey to Love - a drama that earned it in every way; we see them falling in love and we see their devotion. The way they loved each other exactly how they NEEDED to be loved. I felt that.
Parallel World aka West out of Yu Men - it's easy to make a split second decision to die for someone, it's harder to live for someone and even harder to give up well laid plans & forgive the unforgivable. When all the secrets come out and it doesn't end them... that's when I knew this couple was epic to me. idk but I just felt the connection between them and felt the drama earned my belief that nothing could turn them against each other.
Hidden Love: like sliding into a warm bath. 💕💕💕💕💕 I absolutely believed in their love, in every way.
Story of Minglan: They took a very long time to get there but oh when they do! Beautiful mutual support and a loving relationship of respect and partnership that would have been rare in that time period/setting.
The Spirealm - Reality is whenever you are. Enough said. (Yes, this is a strange one. But I stand by my choice, this censored danmei adaption was ultimately very romantic to me. 😭)
The Rebel Princess/Monarch Industry - There's a certain warmth and passion between them that stands out for me in the sea of other costume dramas.
Just misses the cut:
The Untamed - almost on the list, but disqualified by Lan Wangji leaving the love of his life to go be a politician at the end wtf ??????? sorry not sorry but that it stains the epicness of the romance for me
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