#whenever mistress tells us we want it!
pocket-watcher · 4 months
“It’s okay. You can stare.”
She looked up at me in awe. Adorable really, how the thoughts simply drip drip dripped out of her mind.
You could barely see those big blue eyes through her hair as her mouth hung open.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun… but first, I need you to answer something. Okay, pet?”
Her foggy brain took an extra moment to process the request. She nodded slowly once she understood.
“How deep do you want to go?”
Another moment as she tried so desperately to think.
“As deep as… I can…”
“Good girl.”
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yuutryingtowrite · 23 days
Yandere!Maid who looks at the castle in front of him, then the flier in his hands, then the castle again. Unless there was a typo in the address, the job interview should be here. He hesitantly uses the bat shaped door knocker and waits...This place looks so creepy and ominous, was this a prank ? Was it to scare him? Seriously? Sigh…He has had enough of being treated like a fool. As he continues his descent into frustration, bitterness and self-pity, he doesn’t hear the door opening. Nor does he see the butler standing at the entrance until he hears a: “Sorry for the wait, my kind sir. Are you here for the housekeeper position?”.
Yandere!Maid who thinks the butler is telling him a load of bullshit. According to him, the owner of this place is a vampire in search of additional staff members. He resists the urge to scoff. Whatever, if the “mistress” wants to take part in some weird role-play, then so be it as long as he would get paid. The same guy tells him to “please take a seat” in the living room and that “mistress will come and attend to you in a moment”. Soon after his departure, the air shifts. Black particles float around until it materializes something, or rather someone. The poor boy shock and confusion quickly turn into enchantment. Fuck, you are totally his type. This is bad, he can feel his face burning. “Shall we go to my office?”, you ask with a smile.
Yandere!Maid who hates you. Who hates the fact that your personality matches your looks. Who hates how much control you have over him. The other day, your...pet sneezed on him, so he needed another uniform. “It seems that I only have a female one left ”, you told him. “There is no way in hell I am wearing that”, he sneered. “But wouldn’t you look cute in it? Besides, it is either that or cleaning with your normal clothes on until your new uniform arrives here-” “Alright, shut up, just give me that”, he abruptly took the offending dress from your hands and went to change. Since that conversation, his work attire has fully transitioned to said maid outfit. Maybe he becomes a bit too proud of himself whenever he catches you staring at him. And maybe, just maybe he wants to give you a nice view by bending down and taking his time “to clean the table” whenever he knows you are behind him. He will never admit that though.
Yandere!Maid who, one day, demands asks you about your eating habits. As soon as you answer, something regarding animal blood, he turns oddly quiet. You are about to ask what is wrong, but then he surprises you by climbing into your lap. You watch him get comfortable and, with trembling hands, undo the first buttons of his dress. The cherry on top is him pulling on its collar a bit to show a silver of his chest. He now avoids eye contact as he waits for you to take the lead…You are still just looking at him, so, with a blush becoming darker, he snaps at you: “A-are you stupid or something ? Do you want me to spell it out-” “I am just enjoying the view”, you respond with a teasing smile. Before he can sputter more insults, you grip his chin and tilt his head to the side, exposing his neck to your hungry gaze. “But if you insist…Thank you for the meal <3”
Yandere!Maid who has his face buried deep in his pillow while he tries to calm his flustered self down. After you finished drinking from him, he hurriedly got up and scurried to his room without so much as a word. The more he recalls the embarrassing noises he made in front of you, the more mortified he becomes. It was not his fault, it just felt really good and you even pulled him closer and tugged on his hair and-He whines and squirms in his bed as he feels his body turning hot again like that time. The action causes him to feel a sharp sting on his neck. He freezes. That is right. You marked him. You marked him. You marked him.
Don't drink from anyone else, ok?
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sour-leminies · 2 months
My little Fairy
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Pairing: Hook x Fairy F!Reader
Summary: Coming to Merlin Acadamy you grew very close to the pirate with a hook. Everyone had declared you Hook's pirate Fairy. Truth be told, most people couldn't believe how loyal and caring you were to the pirate. So, when you finally snap, for the first time in a long time James didn't have you by his side, and all he knew was he wanted you back. Now.
Warnings: None I can think of, but let me know otherwise.
Taglist: @astrynyx @snixx2088 @4ng3l-ch1ld @herondale-lightworm Just ask to be tagged!
Navigation — other works!
I watched as Bridget and her friends all danced around the court yard - singing and dancing. It was sickening, they were so sweet and yet I couldn't help the part of me that yearned for that kind of friendship.
My only friend was Captain Hook, and if given the chance I'm positive he would have ditched me long ago if not for my help with things. Whenever he wasn't prepared for a test, I'd skip my own class to be in my smaller form tucked away in his shirt - telling him the answers. Or whoever he wanted me to spy on one of his victims he terrorized, I'd do so. Or when he wanted pixie dust, etc. The point was, I'd give my soul for Captain James Hook, and I don't even think he sees me as a friend.
Snapping out of my haze I landed on James's shoulder, whispering in his ear - telling him how Bridget was in the courtyard being all happy. A message he hurried to tell Uliana, before he made his way to the spot. I was still on his shoulder as he entered the courtyard with a dramatic flair.
I remained on his shoulder as he sang and danced, until Uliana turned into a flamingo. Something I couldn't help but smile at. Part of me was jealous of Uliana, and her relationship with James. It looked more intimate than his with Maleficent.
I pulled James through a different door, Maleficent following after us - and we cut the girls off. I now rested on Maleficent Horns. I let out a gasp, that came out like a jingle.
The Vk's all retreated once Uliana ran away - screaming and soaking wet. At least she was no longer a flamingo.
Once everyone cooled down, I was now in my human form laying on my bed, dressed in a nice pretty black dress. My makeup and hair had been done and all I had to do was wait for Hook to get here so we could go to that birthday dinner he promised me.
"Still no Hook?" Maleficent - who was also my roommate asked me. "No, you would think he'd show by now. I mean he's twenty minutes late." I praised the lord that my voice didn't come out as jingles when in my human form. Annoyingly so, only other Faires and James could understand me when I was in my smaller size.
"I hate to say this," my roommate spoke as she sat onto my bed with me. "But maybe he forgot."
I quickly shook my head. No way - he promised me. He had promised. He wouldn't forget me.
Slowly the hours ticked by and by the time it struck eight, two hours after the time we agreed on, Maleficent forced me up, and her hand Hades took me to dinner.
I wanted to cry, but how could I? Just because I love him, doesn't mean he loves me. At that very moment I accept that cold hard truth.
So as Maleficent rubbed my arm, and Hades even pat my head - I had decided that I would stop trying with Hook, it'll never happen anyways.
Over the next few days you ignored Hook. You hadn't made the first move to talk to him, and it seemed he had nothing he wanted you to do for him.
When the third day of you ignoring him he grew antsy. He didn't know what the sudden change in you was, but for some very odd reason - he didn't like it.
He walked out of detention - Something he had gotten when he was caught breaking in Merlin's office. His very first thought was that you weren't there. Typically, when he'd get detention - if you didn't sit in there with him in his jacket, then you'd always greet him with a hug once he walked out the doors.
"Yo, Mali." He called out to the mistress of evil. "You heading to your room?"
The dark fairy nodded her head silently, and James took that as an invitation to walk her to her room. Even though he would never admit it, the real reason was so he could check on his little fairy. The one he was now growing worried about.
You jumped at the sound of the door opening. Looking up from the books you were reading on your bed, you were surprised to see Maleficent, but also James.
"Hook." You spoke, but kept your voice neutral.
The man couldn't help but flinch at the name you used. You never called him that, you always either used Captain or James. Now he knew somethings wrong.
"We need to talk." Came his short reply, but you weren't dumb, you could see the slow anger bubbling up in his eyes.
You slowly got off your bed, and walked out into the hallway with him. "What's the problem?" You were honestly he hadn't already listed things he wanted done, but you were sure he'd start soon.
"The problem? You tell me. You suddenly ignore me, I haven't seen you in three days - but I know good and well Hades has. So you fucking tell me the problem." His voice was slowly growing louder and louder.
"Hey calm down." You tried to keep your guy's voice quiet - but that only set him off more.
"Calm down?! How can I be calm when you vanished. You were gone." Suddenly both of you stopped. You both could hear the hurt, the insecurity, but most importantly the fear laced in his tone. His chest breathed up and down heavily as he realized just how much he bloody missed you.
"Listen, Hook." "James."
He took a step closer to you, slightly pushing you into the wall as he pushed into you, leaning down to breath you in.
Fuck he felt like an addict who needed a hit, and finally scratched that itch under their skin.
"You call me James." His breath fanned over your face, as he slightly leaned up to get a look at your face.
Part of you loved this, as you placed your hands onto his chest, the open part of his shirt so you both could feel the skin to skin contact.
For James it was like your touch awakened something in him. Something that called for your name. Something in him burned for you.
He leaned down, his breath fanning over your lips. Making you close your eyes in anticipation. Hook didn't was a single second. He dropped his hook from his hand, and placed it onto your cheek, while his other hand grabbed a hold of the back of your neck.
You in this moment couldn't deny you loved this - the feel of his lips on yours, the feel of his wanting you. But it was too late.
He had made it clear that you weren't a priority. And even though bread crumbs of his affection felt like a feast - it wasn't enough. You hand to stand up, You deserve better. Something that Captain hook couldn't give you.
You built your strength and pushed him away. "No."
Hook looked at you confused, did you not just feel what happened between the two of you? Because he was more than happy to give a repeat.
"I deserve better than you." You pushed him again, finally letting the tears out. Letting the tears out of a woman who wanted nothing more than the man she was crying over. "I deserve so much more than what you give me." Which was nothing. You pushed him again and this time he grabbed both your hand and pulled you into him, letting you hit him over and over until you were drained - but never letting go of you.
"You done?" You glared up and him through your pretty wet eyelashes. "Good. Now listen. You will have no one other than me. There will be no other man, woman, I don't give a fuck. Your my little fairy." You went to shake you head. No - maybe once you were his but not anymore.
"You don't even make a priority - how can you say that?" Your voice was horse from the mini break down you had while punching him.
"You are my priority." How could you say you weren't? Even when he though nothing of you, from the first moment he met you he had put you as a priority on his list.
"Ask me about how I spent my birthday three days ago." Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck.
You could see the panic cross his face. The regret and self loathing as well. And maybe once upon a time that would be enough, but not anymore.
You pulled yourself away from him and hurried into your room, locking the door.
He banged a couple time before he spoke through the wood.
"I'm sorry, fuck I'm sorry. Sorry can't even explain, let me make it up to you." When he got no response from he, he continued on. "I am sorry about this but we will move past it. Just remember you may think you are free of me, but your are not. I will haunt you, beg for your forgiveness. You want better - I'll be better."
You silently cried while Hook poured everything he had from his heart into his next words.
"I'll be so much fucking better for you, my little fairy. So better."
The rest of the entire week, Hook would try his best; he'd bring flowers to you in the morning, he'd always walk you to class - despite how much you told him to leave you alone.
James knew he screwed up, and he hated himself for it. He didn't know what he had and he took it for granted.
He would scowl at Hades and Maleficent when you all were hanging out at the black lagoon.
Just because you and hook were on shaky ground didn't mean you were no less a Vk. Something that the crew grew to respect about you.
Every time you walked past him - not giving him a glance, he felt his chest tighten. He miss how you would cling to him. How you would rest on your shoulder when you felt over stimulated. The way you would accidently spray him with pixie dust, causing him to float.
He missed teaching you sword fighting, and all the basics. He missed you.
"Y/N!" He called out to you, desprate to get your attention. For the first time, since that kiss you didn't glare at him - nor push him away.
Instead it was worse. He felt his stomach grow cold at the neutral and emotionless look in your eyes. At least when you hated him you still cared. Now he didn't know. Your walls were up so high - it's shadow could darken a valley.
"Yes Hook?" He closed his eyes, shaking off the feeling he had.
"First, it's James. Second, will you go to dinner with me." You opened your mouth to disagree but he covered it before you could make a sound.
"Don't say no." He could hear his heart pounding in his head. "Just come. Meet me at Dip and Go dinner tonight at eight."
He dropped his hand from your mouth, and he found his courage to speak his next words.
"If you don't come I'll leave you alone." He would not, but he needed to know that deep down he still had a chance. And if he didn't have one then he would spend the rest of his life fighting for one.
He walked away, nervous for the reality check that he would soon face tonight.
The clock on your dorm wall ticked, and ticked. Each second growing closer to eight. The diner was an hour away and if you were to make it in time you should be leaving now.
But you just couldn't. You were too afraid. You weren't a fool, you could tell James was sorry, and regretful, but you didn't know if you could trust him.
He had unknowingly held your heart - and then crushed it. What would he do if he had known how much you cared for him? Would he treat you different?
"You should go." You looked over to the dark fairy, you had thought she was out with Hades.
"I'm scared." You had once thought James was your only friend, but Maleficent and even her boyfriend proved me wrong. "That's what makes it worth it."
She walked over to your bed, sitting down beside me before she carried on. "If you even have a chance for love then it's worth it to fight. And if you decide that he's not worth it, then at the very least you owe it to yourself to find closure." Maybe she was right.
Hook glanced at the clock on the wall of the diner, it said eight forty, and he knew that she wasn't going to show. He blew his shot. He wanted to throw the glass Infront of him, the one where he poured rum into it.
He had decided to dress nicely, wore his best clothing, even left his hook at home. He wanted to look his best for you - to show you he could be a good guy for you.
He had already paid for his drink, so he left a twenty bill on the table and walked out. He would wait longer, but he could tell the employees had wanted him out.
He felt like he couldn't breathe as he walked down the path, he wanted to take you on. The trees lit up with beautiful fireflies at night, and it was a view he wanted to share with you.
His vision blurred, and his chest breathed up and down, as his heart ached, pounded. He had no problems with ripping his heart out for you, but fuck, all he needed was you. He felt like a fool - not because you didn't show, but because he was too self-absorbed and if he had opened his eyes from the beginning thing would be different.
He was a villain, and villains don't get happy endings. He knew that he could never have you, simply because you were his happy ending.
He stopped walking, as he tried to calm his heart with his shaking hands. Was he having a panic attack?
"James!" He heard your voice scream out his name, as you started to run to him. Fuck, he didn't care if he was dying as he ran to you with all the speed he could muster.
Once you were at arm's length you jumped into him, and he wrapped his arms around you as tight as he could. Loving the smell that invaded his senses with open arms.
You were late, he didn't know why, nor did he care. You were here with him. That single thought caused him to break. He couldn't hold onto his sobs anymore.
He thought he lost you because of himself. He thought he would spend his entire life alone - longing for the feel of you. He thought that truly lost you. Every part of him rejected that. He couldn't live with that.
He felt his knees start to weaken as he fell to the ground, you still in his arms and he clanged to you crying. You felt your heart break once again - and all you wanted was for your pirate to feel better. You kiss the top of his head, rubbing his back as he let all his fears out, all his emotions.
"I... I love you so so so much." He heaved out, his breath making him repeat. "And I'm... I'm sorry." He was and even you knew that. You were tired as well.
You pulled his face away from your neck, and for a moment he fought you - thinking you were once again going to push him away. You rubbed you thumb across his cheek as you looked into his beautiful eyes. His brown eyes were bloodshot red from the crying, and his eyeliner had started to smidge. His eyelashes soaking together, his lips trembling as he tried to get himself together.
"I forgive you." You whispered out, before pushing your lips against his soft, and wet ones. It was a small, and short kiss, but it was full of the love you had for him. The love he felt like he no longer deserved.
"I'm sorry." His voice came out like a while as more tears dropped from his eyes.
"I forgive you." You whispered once again, and this time he initiated the kiss. Soft, craving, and you could feel his sorrow. Despite the fact he was kissing you, you could still feel him begging for forgiveness.
"I love you." You told him, and while that's all he wanted to hear. He no longer felt like that was the case. How could you love him when he hated everything about himself? How could you forgive him, when he's still kicking his own ass.
"I love you two, my little fairy." Fuck his voice broke again as he rested his forehead against yours. You also couldn't help but cry as well.
James kept his promise. He did become better for you, and only you. He was still a villain, but he was a gentleman to you. He kissed you every time he saw you, gave you flowers every month when your old ones would die.
He did everything he could to become a good enough person for you, and while daily you'd reassure him how happy you are - he couldn't get your heartbroken face out of his mind.
He'd have nightmares of you leaving him all alone. You loved him, and he didn't feel worthy of it, but he'd be damned of someone else had it. He was still a villain.
The first moment where he finally felt okay to breath was when you told him the future you wanted with him. You had wanted a future with him. Him.
You wanted three kids, three girls, and you would love to watch him become a father as you all lived on his ship.
When you were all banished to the Isle of the lost, he hated himself for getting you stuck there, but you'd remind him you'd rather be with him then in some land without him.
When you first got pregnant, he couldn't help but be so joyous of the boy in your stomach. He never told you he wanted a son, but you knew so you also felt happy.
You had named him Harry, after James repeatedly told you he couldn't think of one. The second born was a girl, and you demanded he named her. So, he stole your idea and named her Harriet. Then on the final and last born, you told him he couldn't name your baby girl after he just stole Harry's name and gave it to his sister.
You, James, Harry, Harriet, and CJ lived on hook's ship. And despite the living conditions, you loved your family no less.
A/N: Hiii, if you see this and sent me an Elsa reader x Hook request I promise I am working on that!!
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poppy-metal · 3 months
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hnngnngnggggnnn Patrick being a spoiled little rich boy <3
need to be his sugar baby :( getting to lounge around his mansion and use his black card at any shops you want as long as your mouth or pussy or ass are available to him whenever he wants :((
his little free use girlfriend who he parades around at important events in skimpy dresses that make people stare at you in shock, all so he has easier access to lift up your skirt or tug down the top and reveal your tits if the whim arises :((((
need to be rich!patrick zweigs bratty sugar baby. need to be his little mistress because he never separated from his family and grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth and became pro at tennis and became like all the other boring fucking older men at his fathers country club he swore he'd never be. need him to hate his life and how easy everything was to obtain and how his marriage is loveless and she doesn't even put out and his kids are rich little brats he can't connect with because they're little ipad kids, absolute demons, they wont go outside with him they dont wanna learn to play tennis or any sport or run around and make stick and dirt soup like he did when he was a kid and life is so fucking boring everything is in grays - until he meets you.
at a bar one night. its not the first time hes cheated on his wife - but it might be the first time he's fallen in love. he sees you and wants to fuck you immediately. already decides he'll have your panties around one ankle while he shoves a tongue up your cunt in the bathroom stall - he buys you a drink and you let him. you're sweet and flirty and you draw him in like a bee to a pretty flower - he's subconsciously leaning in, eyes can't stop dropping to your lips.
things take a turn though when you get up to leave and he blinks because he didn't mean to get swept up in the conversation - chases after you to try again - to take you back to a hotel or even in the back of his car - but you tell him no.
he just looks at you. confused. hard. "no." he repeats. rolls it around in his head. foreign. hasn't heard it much before. it sounds sweet coming from your lips.
"you're not fucking me." you tell him simply.
that shouldn't turn him on but it does. he's not stupid. you were attracted to him. he'd seen the way you looked at him - bitten your lip. he knows he's not projecting, because even now you're smiling as you say it.
he rubs a thumb over his bottom lip as he checks you over. strappy heels, but cheap. tight little bodysuit, but not designer. flashy purse but he knows the diamonds on it are fake.
"you in college?"
you smooth a hand down your hair. "sophomore year."
he nods, leans against the brick building of the bar. fishes in his coat pocket for his packet of cigarettes. "what're you studying?" he flips the box open, slides a cig out - brings it to his lips.
you eye him curiously as he roots for his lighter next - trying and failing to ignore the heat in your belly at how good this man looks leaning against something with a cigarette dangling from his lips.
"we already did the small talk, dude. you're not getting any."
he ignores that. lights his cigarette and inhales. he likes that you're obviously irritated but you dont move away. he blows smoke through his nose. says again, "what're you studying."
you huff. roll your eyes. he watches you calmly, taking drags his cig. in the cool night air you can't tell the exact shade of his eyes, but you think they're green. everything about him screams money and dominance.
you cross your arms. "law." short but simple.
he nods like that makes sense, flicks ash.
"that's good." he says it in a way that sounds like he means it but also could be condescending and you dont know why that makes you swallow deeply. "expensive, though."
you narrow your eyes.
"you think im poor?"
usually someone would fumble after being called out like that but patrick just smiles in a way that says he knows you are -
"i know you're not rich."
you bristle. that hurts. you don't know why. who wants to look rich, anyway. fucking snobs. but still, its embarrassing to be told the distinction in class is obvious to someone else who's far far above you. you can already tell the watch hes wearing costs more than the apartment you can barely afford.
"thanks for the unasked for observation, dickhead." you yank your purse strap higher on your shoulder, make to turn away. "I'd say its been pleasant but well, it hasn't. so."
you make it a couple steps before he calls out -
"I'll pay it."
you're alot of things. you're haughty and stubborn and yeah, not rich. you're also down on your luck and struggling and drowning in so many things in the moment - barely being able to afford your own fucking beer at this point when what you wanted to accomplish in life would take thousands, thousands of dollars. so hearing the word 'pay'. well, yeah. it makes you turn around to face the guy.
"you'll what?"
he knows you heard. it was cute how you perked right up.
"I'll pay it." he gestures towards you. "all of it - your semester. your tuition. textbooks. whatever else you need."
you gawk at him.
the thing is. he's attractive. alarmingly so. disarmingly really. he's tall and broad and he dresses well. he has that perfectly styled hair and deep rich man scent that makes your mouth water. a beautiful face with a rouge kind of touch. you'd have fucked a man like him under any normal circumstance, but given the way your life is going at the moment - you haven't the time to waste on pretty men with big dicks.
probably. he probably has a big dick.
"you're fucking kidding me."
"nah." he licks his bottom lip. takes another drag. flicks more ash to the pavement. he looks at you like he's already imagining you naked in front of him. "I'm good for it."
"well duh." you look him up and down. "you look like you just stepped out of a magazine for mens wealth or whatever. why the fuck are you offering? you expect me to suck your dick for it or something?"
you say the last part sarcastically, rolling your eyes - but patrick just looks at you seriously. sucks the humor right from your bones when he says - "yeah, i do."
two things happen in your body.
firstly, you stiffen. the urge to slap him for being so derogatory making your fingers twitch at your sides. your face burns.
secondly and most apparently, your cunt throbs. your nipples tighten. you inhale sharply in a way patrick notices. smirks at.
you blink at him several times.
"i can't believe you just seriously said that to me." you say it kind of breathlessly. you really can't believe it though.
"should i be more clear?" he takes one step towards you. "i want to fuck you - you want to fuck me, but you won't do it for free. I'm offering to pay you for it."
"i - im not a whore."
the grin patrick gives you makes a tremble shoot through your whole body. you feel it in your toes.
"you sure about that?"
you really should slap him.
you dont.
you fumble, "you're married." you'd spotted the ring at the bar earlier. it hadn't been the reason you turned him down initially, but still.
"you dont care about that."
"you cant just...... buy whatever you want. im a person."
he nods. he's done with his cigarette so be crushes it beneath his boot. "give me your hand." he just takes it anyway. you watch dumbly as he gets a pen from his pocket - how many things did he have in his fucking pocket? - bites the cap off, and brings the tip to your palm. "this is the number for my personal phone."
of course he had multiple phones. he doesn't let go of your hand when he's done writing. rubs his thumb into the pulse point at your wrist.
"when you change your mind -" when not if. "- i want you to call me."
you go to pull your hand away, but patrick squeezes it.
"one more thing."
he's close enough the spicy mint scent of him fills your nose. he dips his head so he's closer to your ear, you feel the stubble on his chin graze your cheek -
"when you let me fuck you - you will be a cheap whore. you'll let me do what I want to you. and i know its not because of the money. but i understand what its like to need something to let yourself have something else." he turns his head. kisses your cheek. "don't take too long to call, though. I'm not a patient man."
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy 4
Part 3
"And you said yes?", Robin said, her voice impressively even.
"I did", Steve said, phone on speaker as he got ready for work. "I figure, if he's going to have a sugar baby, might as well be me, right? I think this is the universe giving me a break."
"Okay, yeah, sure, until he takes you out and gets you involved in like drugs or something, or takes his anger out on you when he doesn't win a Grammy or something. Or worse, you're a mistress and his actual spouse comes for revenge. OR you actually get really involved with him, help him get even more famous, have very talented children, but then his drug running gets you arrested and when you get out of jail he acts like he doesn't know you and estranges your children!"
Steve paused in putting on his shoes, grinning. "You've been watching Empire."
"Terrence did Taraji so dirty Steve."
"But not enough to learn their characters' names. I need you to catch up so we can watch season 2 together." It hurt being away from her. Before, whenever one of them started obsessing over a show, they could literally sit down and put aside one of their days off to binge a bunch of episodes.
"Sorry, let's get back to you dating a rockstar? Steve? Steve."
"We're not dating. He's just gonna text me whenever he wants to fuck. That's it. He might buy me something nice from time to time." Steve grabbed his keys and went out the door, nearly stepping on something left on the floor in front of it.
"Okay, yeah, sure, but isn't this the reason you cut your parents out? Did they want this exact life for you?", Robin asked.
"No, this is totally different. For one thing, Eddie doesn't want commitment. He doesn't want kids out of me. And even if I attend events with him, I'm just arm candy, but you know, in a good way."
"There's a bad way to be arm candy?"
Steve thought back to the functions he had to go to when still under his parents' thumb. There was definitely a bad way to hang off someone's arm like a decoration. He looked to the little box in his hand. No note, but it had clearly been placed in front of his apartment.
He opened it and found an expensive looking watching inside. The face was a cool navy blue color. He didn't need a card to know who it was from.
"Eddie's different from the guys my parents wanted", Steve said. "And when it's over, I'll at least have something to show for it."
"Just don't be stupid about this, dingus. If this goes sideways, I won't be close by to save your ass."
"Noted", Steve said as he closed the box and continued on his way to work.
The next time Eddie texted him, it was to go to lunch. It was a more casual setting than before, but still a pretty high end sushi restaurant.
"I must admit, I called you here under false pretenses, Steve", Eddie said as they sat in a booth.
Steve smiled at his serious tone. "I gathered, given our whole arrangement." Being taken out somewhere was typically a prelude for something intimate later, even in a normal relationship. When Eddie asked him out, Steve full expected sex. He wasn't complaining, last time had been very nice. He wondered how long until Eddie sent a simple 'u up?' booty call.
"I have to attend some fancy lunch meeting in a couple days and they're taking us to a sushi place", Eddie started to explain. "Problem is, I hate sushi."
"...Did you...are we here to train your taste buds or something?", Steve asked.
Eddie nodded. "These are some pretty important people and I can't sit there and tell them my favorite fish is whatever they use for fish sticks."
"Pretty sure it's cod."
"What? Nevermind. I just need to get one of everything and force myself to acquire a taste for it", Eddie said, eyes narrowing in focus at the menu.
Steve smiled. It was cute how serious he was being. He thought back to previous gatherings when some alpha would try and force a drink on him or when the hors d'oeuvres being served weren't to his liking.
"Want some advice?", he offered, continuing when Eddie nodded with his big Bambi eyes, "Instead of forcing yourself to like something, you should be able to say why you don't like something."
"Sounds like complaining", Eddie said, putting the menu down.
"No, you sound cultured", Steve clarified. "Watch." He cleared his throat and held up his glass of water. "Thank you for offering, but I only drink water from a natural spring. I prefer Canadian or Icelandic, but I'll take Swedish if you have it. Nothing from Switzerland though, it has this horrid mineral after taste to it." He set the glass down, adjusting under Eddie's wide eyed gaze.
"I don't know if that was bullshit or not but it sounded legit."
"It's legit what some girl said at a party once. I've never sourced where my water came from, but it works for just about anything. If you can articulate why you don't like something, it comes off better than just saying you don't like it."
"What kind of parties did you go to?", Eddie smirked.
Steve shrunk a little. "Just, you know, parties. So what's your experience with sushi?"
"Supermarket stuff", Eddie said simply.
"....You're kidding. How long have you been a rockstar?"
"I didn't realize this was an interview."
Steve tapped the table as he considered something. He looked to the other part of the restaurant. The bar where chefs were preparing the food. He almost asked Eddie a question directly, but remembered his role as a sugar baby. It wasn't his job to ask how much something would cost or even to ask Eddie to spend the money. All he needed to do was ask for what he wanted.
So he moved over to Eddie's side of the booth and leaned in close to his space. "I think you need something a little more...fresh."
"Fresh?", Eddie echoed as Steve led him to stand.
"And flavorful."
"And satisfying", Steve whispered the last part before sitting down at the bar.
Eddie didn't know when Steve got him here but he did and he ordered something called 'omakase' and suddenly the chef's hands got really busy. He put a little filet of something on rice and then took a blow torch to it.
"I didn't know you could cook the fish..."
It was placed in front of him, but Eddie was still skeptical, which Steve noticed.
"'Omakase' means you're trusting the chef to pick out the best for you", he said. Then Steve took his chopsticks and picked up his piece. He ate it in one bite and Eddie subconsciously swallowed as he watched it pass his beautiful lips and then slide down that gorgeous throat. He wasn't even eating sexily, that was just how far gone he was.
Then Steve picked up Eddie's piece and held it to his lips. Eddie didn't even hesitate to open up and let it in. Tender rice, delicate fish, a total opposite to the sushi he'd experienced before. And it didn't stop there. The chef served cut after cut and each time, Steve asked him what he liked or didn't like.
Eddie was no slouch when it came to language. So he was able to come up with that on his own. He had just never considered respectfully refusing food and to do so with a haughty air deserving of a celebrity.
"Mmm, great choice on the shrimp", Eddie praised the chef. "Texture is superb. Sweet on the tongue too. Nice one, Tatsuro-san."
"Better than the crab?", Steve asked.
"I'm sorry, but nothin' beats an old fashioned crab boil for me. It's the only way I can eat crab."
"You've got opinions and you know how to voice them. I never imagined that be an issue for you, but I think you're ready now."
"Oh I've got opinions out the wazoo. I was just taught to never complain about food."
"Good boy", Tatsuro commented as he prepared something else.
"Very good", Steve agreed as an oyster on a half shell was put in front of him and Eddie.
Tatsuro winked at Eddie and he tried not to think about it as they finished up the course. He was absolutely not thinking about how oysters were an aphrodisiac, or how he'd had a great time, or how this felt like a date and not an outing with a hot piece. He wasn't doing a good job of being a sugar daddy, was he?
Time to fix that up right away. He paid for the meal, leaving a generous tip and led Steve out the restaurant, arm around his waist.
"You were extremely helpful. I can honestly say I like sushi now", he beamed. "And I think excellent service deserves a reward."
"You gonna give me a tip too?", Steve teased. And there was certainly a tip Eddie wanted to give him. Really the whole thing, but he had another idea in mind. And thankfully the appropriate place wasn't too far from here.
"You're buying me a suit?", Steve realized as they walked into a tailor's.
"I've got an eye for these kind of things. And you need something to match your new watch", Eddie said. He had a feeling Steve knew what to do, so he let him free.
Steve gave him a look and Eddie made a 'go on' motion. So Steve went, picking out different pieces for himself to assemble a new suit. There was a man awaiting any need of assistance and did so once Steve came out of the dressing room and stood in front of the mirrors.
Eddie was sitting before him, watching as Steve appraised his reflection and the tailor took some of his measurements. The suit was in silver, with a black shirt underneath. He finished of the look with a dark blue handkerchief in the chest pocket. It already looked great. Eddie knew he'd be breathtaking once it was bespoke. He ached to put his hands on him but public decency kept him from doing so.
"You look good enough to show off", Eddie praised.
"You look like you have somewhere in mind", Steve said, looking at the other man through the mirror.
"There's a shindig goin' down that I wouldn't mind having a date to."
Eddie put in the order for the suit to be done the day before the event. "Let's head back to my place."
This time, as they traveled, Steve was the one who couldn't keep his hands to himself. His hand stroked Eddie's thigh, getting close to where he wanted but never actually touching.
"What're you thinking about?", he asked when he noticed how hard Eddie was holding the wheel.
"Oysters. And you." And how he really should get a personal driver on hand.
Steve laughed softly and let a finger do circles on his crotch. "I think our chef was trying to be subtle. But I know what oysters are supposed to do."
"And I don't need any culinary suggestion to get me in the mood." Honestly, he kind of felt like blowing Eddie now and probably would have chanced it if it wasn't still light out. "Can you be a good boy like he said?"
Eddie nodded.
"Good. Because we still have to take the elevator."
They didn't get as far as they did the first time they took this elevator but Eddie did attach himself to Steve's back and kissed at his neck. Once again, Steve could see their reflection in the wall. Eddie's eyes roamed his torso, wanting to go further but holding back. He only got bold enough to pinch a nipple through his shirt when the doors opened to their floor.
Steve only moved because of Eddie's prompting, finding it very easy to melt in his hold. They got about two steps out of the elevator before Eddie pushed him against the wall, kissing his lips and running his hands up under his shirt.
"Saw you lookin' at yourself in the elevator. Pretty baby likes how he looks?"
Steve's only response was to moan against his lips and rub against his leg. The closest camera was all the way at the end of the hall, though they'd be screwed if anyone opened up their door. He knew he looked good and liked looking good. And he'd seen the way Eddie's eyes were glued to him at the tailor's. That was a good feeling too.
Eddie took out his key card to open up his door and pulled Steve inside. They migrated to the couch, just needing to get horizontal. Steve lied underneath, Eddie's leg in between his again and providing friction as he rutted up against it. It was so hot, Eddie wanted to watch him get off just like this. If he got his pants off he could watch that sweet pussy drag-
Steve nearly jolted off the couch when a loud guitar riff sounded from Eddie's back pocket.
"Shit", Eddie hissed when he realized who was calling. He could ignore it, but he knew they'd just keep it up until they got to his door.
"You need to take that?", Steve asked, voice a little breathless.
"Just-just gimme a moment, it'll be quick." Eddie answered and Steve could be patient. He just couldn't be good and patient. He rubbed at Eddie's arm before taking his hand in his own. He brought it to his lips and swirled his tongue around his index finger, keeping his gaze down at first and then looking up at Eddie.
The man above him was speechless, up until whoever he was talking to shouted at him from the other end and got his attention again. Well, half of it anyway. The other half was on Steve sucking down two of his fingers now. Eddie groaned both in frustration and the beautiful man under him. Steve was only half following the conversation but it sounded like their time together might be cut short.
Eddie hung up with a sigh. "Baby...baby I gotta go."
"Right now?", Steve asked.
"Yeah but...but if you could, I mean you can stay here until I get done. It'll be quick, just a couple of hours tops. And I can take you out to dinner too."
"You want me to stay?"
Eddie's hair shook as he nodded. He stood up, glad he had a bit of time to calm his boner down. Then he saw Steve lying there on the couch, lips kissed wet and certain his lips farther down were just as glistening. He leaned over to cup him between the legs, feeling the warmth through his clothes.
"Don't forget who this belongs to", he growled when Steve whimpered.
"Okay." And because this man was sent from above, he whispered, "Daddy."
Eddie couldn't hold back then, kissing him hard, tongue marking his insides while rubbing Steve through his pants. He unzipped them, thinking he could just get him off quick when the ringtone sounded again. Pulling back was the hardest thing to do.
"Keep it nice and warm for me", Eddie said before fully removing himself.
"Hurry back."
And then Steve was alone. In a rockstar's hotel room. He thought about what a sugar baby might do when their daddy went off for what must be a very important but impromptu meeting, especially when it stopped such a heated moment. It became very obvious what he needed to do and so he headed straight for the bedroom.
Part 5
I need you to know that when I first envisioned this fic it was literally just supposed to be smut with connecting scenes but it somehow turned to "don't catch feelings" and "oops we're accidentally dating" the fic so here we are.
Tag Team
@awkotaco24 @lingeringmirth @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @tartarusknight @velocitytimes2 @mrsjellymunson @trashcanniballecter @marklee-blackmore @dragonmama76 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @a-little-unsteddie @sllooney @starman-jpg @oxidantdreamboat @xxbottlecapx @chaosgremlinmunson @newtstabber @tiny-enthusiast @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper @y4r3luv @hello-fellow-nerds @anonymousbandgirl @alyelf @potato-of-the-lord @beckkthewreck @greatwerewolfbeliever @croatoan-like-its-hot @pluto-pepsi
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actuallysaiyan · 6 months
You Never Fail To Satisfy(Nanami Kento x FemDom!Reader)
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warnings: smut, use of the word mistress, slight cock torture, blink-and-you'll-miss-it pet play, femdom, biting, slight choking, bondage, general lewd themes pairings: Salaryman!Nanami Kento x Fem!Dom!Reader word count: 1k summary: Kento comes home tired, but you want to show him who's boss a/n: this is my last braincell hard at work! I dedicate this to @benkeibear and @kenpachisbrat as without the conversation we had, I wouldn't have thought up this delicious masterpiece.
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Kento stumbles into the house, his shoulders slumped. It’s been a long day, and all he wants to do is come home to his pretty lover and relax. But the minute he walks into the bedroom, he can tell things aren’t going to go his way.
“Mmm there’s my big, strong lover. My hardworking salaryman,” you coo from your position on the bed.
Kento’s eyes bulge when he sees just how you're dressed. You’re wearing just one of his button-up shirts, the first few buttons aren’t even fastened. You beckon him closer, and Kento knows better than to refuse.
“Sit on the bed, baby.” 
It’s not a suggestion, it’s not a question. It’s a demand and Kento knows better than to defy you right now. He knows what kind of mood you’re in, so he’s going to comply. He sits on the bed, his stress beginning to melt away bit by bit.
“That’s my good boy,” you whisper in his ear. You position yourself behind him, your legs at his sides as you begin to massage his shoulders. Despite the comfort and softness, he knows there’s more at play.
Your hands begin to caress downward, rubbing his chest and neck before your fingers attack his tie. You loosen it, pulling it down from its place on his neck. Then with deft hands, you pull the tie behind him and you begin to fasten it to one of his wrists. He groans softly as you tighten the tie, then you pull the other wrist over so you can tie them together. You tug on the knot to make sure it’s keeping his hands together.
“Now, isn’t this just so perfect? Are you ready?”
Kento swallows hard. “Y-yes…”
You smirk to yourself. He gets all shy whenever you dominate him like this, but only because it turns him on so much. He’s already rock hard in his pants, You then straddle his lap, pushing your breasts in his face.
“You been missin’ me, huh?” You ask him, tugging on that beautiful blond hair.
His eyes are glazed over with lust already, “Y-yes, missed you so much…”
You tug even harder on his hair, “Ah, ah, ah…you gotta use the proper term with me.”
Kento groans, his eyes rolling back as you continue to pull on his hair. His cock twitches in his dress pants, straining against the expensive fabric. Another harsh tug on his hair causes him to buck his hips involuntarily.
“What is it, baby? You need me to take care of you? I need you to use the words.”
Kento whimpers, “P-please mistress. I need you…”
You chuckle darkly, “Oh, sweet man…you’ll get off. Eventually.”
There’s a darkness in his eyes that he’s seen before. It’s driving him crazy that he can’t touch you. His senses are overwhelmed with the scent of you and the feeling of your nails raking against his scalp. You tug on his hair once more, then you press your lips down upon his.
“You’re already so hard, baby…” you reach down, squeezing his cock through his pants.
He whimpers, and a string of curses fall from his lips as you continue to palm him and squeeze him. His cock is throbbing in his pants, a stain beginning to form from all the precum leaking out. You continue to tease him, squeezing and rubbing him. He’s twitching and throbbing, his whole body shuddering as you don’t let up.
“Do you really think I’m going to let you cum?”
His head falls back and he’s pleading with you. You give his cock a hard squeeze, making him grunt. His balls feel tight already. Then you pull your hand away from him completely.
“Baby,” you warn him. “I need an answer when I ask a question.”
Your hand comes up to his throat, not putting enough pressure to block the airways, but just enough to let him know you’re being serious right now. His eyes widen a little bit, and his voice comes out a bit strained.
“I wanna cum, mistress. Please mistress, I’ve been good. Lemme cum please? Then I’ll lick your pussy really good.”
This makes you remove your hand from his throat, sliding down to the button-up shirt he’s wearing presently. Your fingers undo the buttons slowly. You’re teasing him again, but he’s being so good for you, so you know he needs a reward. 
Shivers run down his spine as your nails rake up and down his chest once it's exposed to you. On his cheeks is a cute, rosy tinge. You begin to play with the light-colored chest hair that’s sprinkled on his broad chest. Then one of your hands pulls on his hair to pull back his head, exposing more of his neck to you.
“You’re so fucking pretty, baby.” you murmur against his skin. Kento squirms as you press delicate kisses to his throat. 
 Then he shudders when your teeth graze his Adam's apple. Your eyes flicker up to his, making sure he’s still enjoying every moment of this. You begin to nip and suck on the sensitive parts of his neck, then you move down to his collarbone. He inhales sharply when you nibble on his pec. 
“Awhh what is it? You love it when your pretty lover showers you in affection?” You ask him.
His eyes roll back as you suck on his pert nipple. He’s been so good so far, you almost feel bad about teasing him like this, but it’s been so much fun for you. Then you look back into his eyes.
“Ken, honey…remember what I said about wanting an answer.” You lightly tap on his cheek. Your heart melts when he nuzzles his face in your palm.
“I’m sorry mistress, I’m just…I need to cum,”
You make a big show of considering it before your hands begin to work on his belt and zipper. When his cock is freed from the confines of his boxer briefs, he’s panting and whimpering like a little puppy.
You flick the leaking head, making him whine so pathetically. He’s been pent up since he’s been home. Maybe even before that. His head falls back as you slowly begin stroking just the head of his cock.
“If you can last five minutes of me stroking your cock without cumming,” you whisper in his ear. “Then I promise to let you cum in my pussy.”
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coff-in · 3 months
Wait ahhhhh I just read the polycule grave siblings with their child and immm tearing uppp. Why didn't they just explain poly to their kid 😭😭. Can we get a fluffy kind of angst continuation?? I could imagine reader decides to leave or tried for a bit to think about some stuff/get time away and Andrew and Ashley are (yandere if you want) like no you're not leaving us!!! And the child feels bad and cries they don't want their momma to leave!! Any kind of little bit of hurt with fluff!! Youre writing is so big brained I'm in awe ❤️
notes from coff-in: this took a while and it's still not finished. i'd like to continue this later though if possible... there is no fluff with this angst (i forgor it, my bad). still, please enjoy what i have made so far (cliffhanger, 1.3k words)
direct continuation of this, [gender neutral] reader-insert (although referred to as 'momma' by the child), verbal abuse, suicidal thoughts/ideation, incest
[reader] doesn't tell andrew or ashley what happened that night. neither does their child. maybe they knew that they'd get in trouble for yelling at [reader] and speaking to them like that with their parents. if [reader] doesn't mention anything, then they shouldn't either.
andrew and ashley can tell that something is up. it's not unusual for [reader] and their kid to be quite, especially with each other, but they notice how they skirt around each other's presence. their conversation are short, direct, and brief. andrew notices the sudden tension that enters their kid's shoulders whenever [reader] talks to them. ashley can feel the air of change around [reader], how their sibling is more quiet and reserved.
they suppose it's time for a talk.
[reader] gently crawls out of their shared bed one night. they slowly make their way to the bathroom to look at themself... they don't even recognize their face. they're not a graves. not legally at least, only andrew and ashley (along with their child) are legally carrying the graves name. they're not... they're not really a part of the family, are they? they're just a weird insertion, misplaced and forced. their skin, their body, their blood, their words, their thoughts... they don't really belong in that house... in that home. 'just some mistress. some pet andrew and ashley keep around.'
they didn't mean it. they're just a kid. they don't fully understand the situation they're in or the relationship that [reader] has with their parents, their siblings. it still hurt.
'do you think you're all that? do you think you're somehow special?' the voice in [reader]'s head digs down into somewhere deep, stringing together words that weren't meant for them but presenting them as a gift all the same. she's not talking to them, but it feels like she is. 'you're just another hole! and you're not even the only one!'
she wasn't talking to you, but it still hurt. it still hurts.
'the only reason they're with you is because they feel sorry for you!' what type of sibling relies on their siblings this badly? 'DO YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN HER?!' that's not true, they both asked you to be there with them. 'you're not needed. they have each other. they have their kid. none of them need you.'
the voice changes in [reader]'s head. their mind always knew how to cut deep, to make it personal. and soon their reflection was talking to them. the voice that never leaves.
'you're just another dead body they drag around, another thing to dance around and bury. their lives would be so much easier without you! they would even celebrate your disappearance! just like mom and dad did.'
'how about you jump off the bridge and join them?'
they barely hear the soft knocks against the bathroom door, but they turn their head slightly when they see ashley peek in. [reader] can't look her in the eye even though the reflection of the mirror. her black hair is down and messy, brushing against her face and shoulders like a wedding veil.
"hey hun... are you okay?" her voice is deeper when laced with that sleepy drowsiness, "andrew and i missed you in bed. what's wrong?" the door creaks further and she steps closer towards her sibling, resting a hand gently on their shoulder.
"i... um..." the words they want to say claw at the back of their throat while they try to hold them down. their child hates them, and they're tarring the home andrew and ashley fought for, they're tarring the live they deserved. the truth gets silenced in their mouth, "i couldn't sleep."
"hm? was it a nightmare?"
"hm. come back to bed, [reader]. we'll help you go back to sleep." 'you're just another hole.'
[reader] shies away from ashley's touch, "n-not yet... i can't really, uh." they can't ruin the nest they've lovingly made with each other, they can't overhear the secrets they whisper to each other. the secrets they're not meant to hear. "i can't sleep just yet."
"tell me what's wrong. there's been something bothering you lately." ashley's hand landed on the bathroom sink. "you know you can tell me or andrew anything, right? we're here for you."
[reader]'s eyes shyly dart their way to ashley's face, "it's... it's really dumb. i mean, well, it's just not that important. just a nightmare. a stupid thought that got too scary and too loud." they manage to force a small smile on their face for ashley, "i'm fine, sis. just need a little time to breathe."
ashley hums dismissively while placing a chaste kiss on their cheek, "well, when you're done taking your breath come back to bed so we can smother you, m'kay?"
"okay ashley."
she gave [reader] one last look before quietly exiting the bathroom, closing the door quietly behind her as she left. [reader] stared at the door that lead out of the bathroom, that lead towards the bedroom, and turned back to the mirror. their reflection stared back at them...
they turned off the light and left the bathroom.
the next day, andrew and ashley decided to stay at home with [reader] after they dropped off their kid at school. they were both concerned for [reader] after last night. they didn't get nightmare like andrew did, even after everything that happened since the quarantine. this was something new, something recent. it clawed at ashley since that night.
"do you think it had something to do with [kid]?" ashley asked andrew, who was sitting on the couch, watching her pace around. he shrugged his shoulders. "i assumed it does, but if it was really something important i'm sure they would've told us by now. our last date was about a week ago."
"... they used to do this before, remember? when they'd stop talking after making us upset." she turned to look at her brother-husband, a small shocked look on her face. "we had to then cuddle them in your bed and tell them that they did nothing wrong. they'd cry and thank us, and apologize for being a burden... do you think they're doing the same thing now?" he look at ashley with his green eyes. a small sad glint could be seen in them as he frowned. she scoffed and looked away from andrew towards the front door.
"they better fucking not. we left that shit behind us!"
"yeah... we did, didn't we? maybe it still affects them though." andrew sighed and followed ashley's gaze.
[reader] handed ashley's child a couple of crumpled bills and some coins while in the car. the child took it and looked up at [reader], confused.
"what's this for?" they asked.
"i won't be able to pick you up from school today," [reader] answered after a slight pause, "that's bus fare money. you could buy yourself something nice, if you want to and just walk home."
"why? why aren't you picking me up from school?" [reader]'s eyes avoided the child's.
"i'll be busy... it doesn't really concern you. just try not to get--"
"it does concern me!" the kid interrupted [reader], taking them aback. "is this about last thursday night? are you running away from me? i'm sorry, momma. i'm sorry that i said that stuff to you!" their eyes began to water and they sniffled, "i didn't... i didn't mean it! i was just mad, i-i was mad because everyone at school s-said that it was weird! i don't want you to leave th-though! i don't want you to leave me..." [reader] took in the child's face: wet eyes, fat tears, snotty nose quickly clogging up. they didn't want to cause a scene and now they're making a mess of this child's morning.
the child leaned over the center console of the car and wrapped their arms around [reader] as tightly as possible. they buried their face into [reader]'s jacket, "don't leave... please don't leave, 'm sorry."
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patchofgrey · 3 months
Frequency: Chapter 1 snippet
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"Tenten…" Neji cooed softly. "It's over, now. We're here with you."
The bun head didn't stop sobbing. She brought her up and covered her face with the casts. For the first time in her life, she felt utterly powerless and alone to the point where not even Neji's presence was comforting. She felt like a discarded kunai; rusty, dull, and rough.
"Do…you want us to leave?" Gai asked after a while.
Tenten sniffed and looked down at her lap. She didn't want them to leave her here by herself. She didn't want to be alone. The bunhead shook her head. Taking a chance, Neji reached his hand out to her. The weapon's mistress looked between him and his hand; deciding whether or not she should take it. Lifting a trembling hand, she laid hers on his. Through the cast, she could tell his palms were warm and comforting. The Hyuga watched as Tenten went in and out of focus.
"Tenten…" he whispered, leaning over her.
She couldn't see his eyes. She was too ashamed to and she was so mad at herself for feeling this way. Tenten was Konoha's weapons mistress! She was fearless, cunning, and head strong…but that all seemed to not matter now. Her body refused to listen to her and her mind was acting as a bubble; restricting her control over her emotions. Another tear fell from her eye; she hated crying in front of them. She was weak and could no longer do anything to think otherwise. Her confidence was stuck down, her motivation was shot…she was a mess and she knew it. But, that's what made her so angry at the same time. Tenten jumped when she felt Lee's fingers wipe away her tears. A bit taken aback, the taijustu specialist retreated to his sensei's side, his eyes wide at the reaction…but Neji didn't let go of her hand.
"If you two wish to leave, go ahead." The Hyuga looked at them. “It is obvious she is not in the right mental state. There may be too many of us here right now.”
"And yourself?" Rock Lee asked, stepping forward.
"I will stay here until she is ready to leave."
Rock Lee was about to object to leaving but he was silenced by Gai's hand on his shoulder. There was nothing they could really do. It was clear to Gai that Neji had full intention of taking care of his partner until she was fully recovered and of sound mind, which meant Neji would be not taking any missions until he is satisfied with Tenten’s condition. Gai was also aware of the affection Neji held for Tenten; their romance was kept a secret for a few years until after the war. Love, as they learned as chunnin, was dangerous for a shinobi; however Neji had made it a point to find a balance of prioritizing his duty as a ninja and lover for Tenten. The couple understood the risks, and managed to make it work. When their cell became ANBU, it was evident that they had to push down their feelings even more; Neji’s actions during the last mission would have cost them more if he had acted on protective impulse.Gai motioned for Lee; The two taijutsu specialists left the room. Tenten licked her lips; a notion that had not gone unnoticed. On the side table there was a bundle of towels and a few water bottles. Reaching for one, Neji held the opening to her lips.
"I can do it myself…" Tenten murmured darkly.
Drowning the whole bottle, the bun head licked her lips and laid back down. She was drained both physically and mentally. Neji stood and closed the window blinds to lock the sun's rays from creeping into the room. Sitting back down, the Hyuga took her hand once more.
"Did you sleep when we got back?" Tenten asked not to look at him.
"No." The ANBU Captain admitted.
Her screams were still clear as day whenever he closed his eyes. He tried so hard to meditate once he returned to his apartment; alas he was unable to calm his mind from the mission. The Hyuga was still a bit shaken to the point that he struggled to keep her attached to him when the medical ninja tried to carry her off to the hospital, he didn’t want them touching her at all. Sakura was trying her best to reason with the Hyuga, stating she was safe now, but he still refused. It took Gai and Lee to hold him as Sakura helped her staff bring Tenten inside to be cared for. His eyes wouldn't close…not even his mother's tea helped. Tenten hummed in response. Tsunade had knocked her out with medication, but she still woke up three hours after arriving at the hospital.
"Where…is my scroll?" Tenten asked suddenly.
"Gai sensei brought it in for you. Your mother is home…I don't think she got the news yet. All she knows is that you were injured in some way."
The bunhead sighed. Her mother would be crawling all over the room in a matter of minutes if she was told already.
"Try to rest," Neji stroked her exposed fingers with his thumb. "I'm not going anywhere."
Nodding, the bun head took a deep breath and attempted to take in the stillness that she was fortunate enough to return to.
Read the rest here(FFdotnet) and here (AO3)
Read the Prequel here (FFdotNet) and here (AO3) Warning: Rated M for applied r*pe scene.
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gauloiseblue · 6 months
Though he made the same mistake twice, he soon knew her name through other people's mouth
The town's people seem to take interest in her, as well as him. Whenever he walks through the market, one or two people will stop him, either to ask him about himself, or introduce themselves to him
It was nice and casual, until he told them where he lives
It's a wonder how people's face change when they hear it, and how her name immediately rolls out of their mouth, as if they're all under the same spell
Though he promised not to find out about her, he couldn't help it when people talk about her to an extent
"She's very strange, she doesn't talk too much either about herself."
"That girl is surely pretty. Pretty and mysterious. The kind of woman that mothers tell their sons to stay away from, don't you think?"
"She's a witch, I saw her feeding a black cat everyday, it must be her familiar."
"I think she's a mistress of some gang leader, or a politician. Have you look what's inside her house? You should, and you'll agree with me on this."
She's very kind, she bought my son a huge toy, telling me that it's rare for someone to like… what's that toy's name? Lego. She said it's rare for someone to like it."
"I heard she bought a bull for the cowman down the road, that's why the old man refuses any payments from her."
"She's up to no good. Did you know that she hired a young man to work in her garden? Oh, poor boy, he didn't know he'd get eaten by her."
"She's very misunderstood. Me and my husband almost closed our bakery because we couldn't manage our debt really well, but she helped us when I told her that. She didn't ask for anything, but people kept telling me that she's gonna take my husband. She's not! She just likes our bread. But people wouldn't listen. And because of that, she rarely visited us anymore."
"Oh?" He commented, "Have you talked about it to her?"
"Yes, I told her everything, I even told her that no matter what, I'd trust her more, but she dismissed me, telling me it's not wise." Her face heated up as she spoke, "You might think that I'm a fool, but sir, I can see people's heart. She's very kind, but she's lonely. I think she's been distrustful towards other people for so long, that's why she seems strange."
"Well, she does seem to be in her own world."
"But she's very kind, sir. I can assure you that. I hope you'll see it someday, because I think she really needs a friend."
He smiles, "She already has it. A good friend, in fact."
"Oh." She blushes at his words, "I'm not a good friend sir, I can't even defend her in front of people."
"But you did change my perspective on her." He told her, "I think that's enough proof."
"I'm glad if you do, sir." She smiles, which lets her innocence shine through, "Oh! If it doesn't bother you, sir," She then fumbles on the paper bag and puts a loaf of sourdough and other breads inside, "Do you mind if you give it to her? I know she's been baking her own bread now, but I want to give her something."
"Sure, I'll send your regards to her."
It seems to lighten her mood, and she shouts 'hope you'll come again sir' when he leaves
On his way out of the market, he replays most of his conversations in his head. Even though it's all just gossips, there should be a grain of truth in it, and it tickles him with the fact that he can easily find out about it
After 15 minutes of walking, he catches the sight of her home. It does look mythical from far, maybe that's the reason why the kids in town called her a witch
To his surprise, she opens the door when he knocks. She narrows her eyes when she sees his face
"You've visited my house three times in a row, do you like me that much?"
"Maybe I do." He gives her his smile, "Went to town today, someone from the bakery asked me to deliver this to you."
She picks up the paper bag from him, and furrows her brows when she sees the content
"Oh no… I just made bread today."
"You can always have room for one more."
"No, sourdough won't last that long." She said, "... Guess I have to give it away."
"Give it to me, then."
She eyes him and the paper bag in his hand, "Didn't you already buy one?"
"I always welcome free foods."
She looks at him, before chuckling, "So you're that kind of people." She said, stepping aside, "Come in then."
He takes the offer gladly
The inside of her house is as enchanting as the outside, with statues, colorful rugs, and artworks scattered around the room, making it almost like a museum
The kitchen is also the same, with different kinds of plates and mugs. The gramophone sits on top of the island, playing a familiar song
"You like Prince?"
"I do." She said while checking the oven, "You know him?"
"Big fan of him."
"I didn't take you as someone who likes Prince."
"What's your take on me then?"
"You like metal."
"I do like them."
"That's good." She takes her eyes off the oven, "5 more minutes, and it's done. Have you had breakfast?"
"Not yet."
"Does smoked salmon sandwich sound good?"
She pulls the ingredients and the plate, and cuts 2 slices of the baker's bread, lightly toasts them, before assembling the rest of it on top of the bread. He winces when she spreads the cream cheese on top of them, but he knows he has no right to complain
There's a change in her demeanor, as if she's no longer cold around him. Or maybe that's just his pride talking
"Here you go." She pushes the plate toward him, "Hope it's to your liking."
Which, surprisingly, it is. The cream balances the saltiness of the smoked salmon, and the leaves (he has no idea what those are) on top of it gives a slight bitter, but refreshing taste.
She takes the bread from the oven, and put it on a rack to cool it down
While he eats, he watches her unpack the bread from her friend
"She's too generous."
"Liv." She sighs, "I can't possibly eat this many breads. She even gives me brioche."
"You can always share it with other people."
"Yeah," She said, "Mr. Harris likes sweet bread."
She begins to wrap the bread with parchment paper, and ties it up. She then stores the rest of it, except for a small bread, of which she gives it to him
"Liv's brioche is good, you'll come to like it." She told him as she put it in the paper bag, along with her bread
"Thanks a lot, (name)."
"So you've learnt my name."
"Can't help it, everyone in town talks about you."
"Guess it's inevitable then."
Back at home, he unpacks his groceries, along with her bread
Out of curiosity, he slices himself a piece of bread to taste them, and although the sourdough he ate earlier was amazing, something about a handmade bread that makes him warm
Maybe he, too, has been alone for too long
《 Prev | Next ��
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blues824 · 1 year
The Remarried Empress where GN!Reader is Kusuo Saiki; they're a psychic (only Navier and Heinrey know) who obviously knows the kinda shit Rashta is doing and warns their Empress accordingly so she can be prepared.
They take no shit from anyone; they're wary of Heinrey (who found out when they scared the crap out of him by announcing (telepathically) that they know he isn't a normal bird) at first but when they notice how happy their Empress is, they begrudgingly stop keep such a close eye on him, they don't care for Ergi much at all, they despise Sovieshu and Rashta, and they make sure Navier can de-stress healthily.
Most of my Remarried Empress requests are Sovieshu and Rashta slander 😭
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Like most of the other Remarried Empress fics that I write, Sovieshu despises you. He is unsettled by your emotionless face, and you are often very sarcastic. Can’t be breaking the 4th wall, bro. It’s weird, according to the Emperor.
Plus, you were getting painfully close to Her Imperial Majesty, and His Imperial Majesty did not like it at all. She seemed to know something about you that kind of caused that closeness, but no matter how many times he threatened asked, she would not give anything up.
Eventually, once the whole thing with the divorce is going on, you demonstrate the true power you have and you let Her Majesty know what Sovieshu is planning on doing beforehand. You also used your telekinesis to force the guards back from the gate and push said gate open.
That being said, Sovieshu thought you were a real piece of shit for doing that (not those words, as it would have been very improper). As he watched his ex-wife leave the Empire, he made the servants go get him two bottles of alcohol, one whiskey and one wine, as he was planning to drink his sorrows away.
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She could tell that you were causing Sovieshu a bunch of despair, and she didn’t like it at all. The man warned her to stay away from you, but she couldn’t help herself. Unfortunately, as we all know, she can’t seem to handle sarcasm. She’s a bit sensitive. So, you just chose not to speak at all to her.
It was making her frustrated because she wished to know why you were so prone to only keeping close to Navier. However, every time she opened her mouth to speak to her, you were already gone and she was left alone in the corridor.
But, there was one time where she was planning the whole divorce thing with Ergi, and you ‘overheard’. You even let her know telepathically as you teleported to Her Imperial Majesty to go tell her what the young mistress was planning to do. It didn’t matter, since Navier already figured it out.
Honestly, both women’s goals worked out. With Her Formerly Imperial Majesty remarried to Heinrey, Rashta didn’t have a need to give up the throne. However, you still posed a threat because you could report her to the authorities and she could be tried and executed for the crimes she has committed thus far.
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She is one of the only people who know about your powers, and she is glad that you told her. She was also one of the only people in the castle that you could tolerate, considering herself and every single one of her thoughts were dedicated to the good of the whole Empire.
Whenever you can tell that she is overwhelmed by the whole Sovieshu-Rashta thing, you use your powers to kind of help relieve her mind a bit. By that, I mean you read her mind to see what she likes and doesn’t like and you have some of the servants prepare a small meal that you both could enjoy within her garden.
When the mistress of the Emperor was planning something with Ergi. You used your telepathy to gather intel (much like a spy), and you reported back to the Empress. However, she already knew that once Rashta became Empress, she would never want to give up the throne.
Then there was the escape sequence, which you were a big help in. Your powers allowed you to turn the soldiers who were guarding the gates into stone. You promise that you will make it to the Western Kingdom the minute you were sure that she wasn’t being followed.
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He is the second person who knows of your powers, mainly because you told him that you knew he was Heinrey when he was in Queen form. You were able to keep his secret, but you did keep a close eye on him (a little pun). 
As time went on, your protective tendency over Navier drew itself back. You could see that Heinrey really made Her Imperial Majesty happier, but you made sure to warn the bird-man that if he were to cause the Empress any emotional distress, you would gladly turn him into a statue that would reside in the garden.
During the divorce arc, he sat down and asked you what he should do to help. You were the one with the idea to have him in the courtroom so that he could immediately request a marriage to Navier, and you would handle any other difficulties with your psychic abilities.
Honestly, you were scary whenever you got really serious and fierce, and the To-Be-King really took note of you taking off your green glasses and turning the guards to stone. It was a sight to behold: you in the midst of a bunch of armed statues.
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beebeetheclown · 8 months
Happy F*cking Birthday
Jeryd Mencken x fem!reader Headcanon
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So.. I’m horny and have been struggling to write a Mencken one shot, I put the two problems together and bam! I have created this💀 I hope I did okay?? I don’t do head canons often and am used to writing for Kendall but.. enjoy!😉😋
Tags: f/m, Jeryd Mencken x reader, smut
★ You were known as Mencken’s mistress in society. Photographers and writers would often put you in their works to write about some drama scheme to sell their articles faster, people loved the drama and schemes. Some people hated you, others admired you. You told yourself that the ones that hated you were just jealous of you and wished they had what you had. It wasn’t narcissism in your eyes, you were just confident. Men like Jeryd Mencken loved confident women.
★ Your relationship with Jeryd wasn’t a normal relationship. Sometimes, the two of you would sleep with other people. You’d occasionally get angry with him for sleeping with another girl even though you slept with other men, Kendall Roy being one of them. You would hit him in the arm or even sometimes give him a slap across the face when you heard that he slept with someone else, but doing so only turned you both on. Every time the two of you would argue about something like sleeping with someone else, you would end up having sex until you were both too exhausted to go any longer.
★ Jeryd liked to think that he was a very powerful man and always made sure that you knew that it was true. He’d tell you that none of the other pathetic men you would sleep with could fuck you better than he could. Sometimes when he would tell you this, you would push his buttons just so you could get him to fuck you harder.
★ Jeryd had first started to see you when he met you at some get-together that you were forced to attend. The two of you only lasted about ten minutes of small talk before he took you into a separate room. From the small talk, he could already tell how catty you were and he liked that about you, he loved to be challenged and put catty women in their place. He was seeing someone at the time of this get-together but he gave you his number after the two of you fucked. Later, you both went back out to the group of people and acted like nothing happened, not speaking to each other for the rest of the party.
★ The truth was, you knew he was right about everything, how no other man could fuck you like he did. Some could take you over the edge but Jeryd made your vision go blurry. You never used any kind of toy or had ever been tied up, it was always just casual but causal didn’t mean gentle. He praised you sometimes but it was mostly his degrades that made you crazy for him.
★ Whenever you were out together and there were photographers snapping pictures, you never cared to act innocent, you gave them what they wanted because it entertained you. You would wear skimpy outfits for the cameras just for fun. You’d flirt with guys when Jeryd was right by your side just to get him annoyed.
★ When his birthday came, he didn’t have a huge party, it was a dinner party which you did not attend. You knew he must have been at the dinner party between five and six p.m. and you knew it would be a formal thing, so you thought it would be funny to send him a photo. You sent a photo to him of you in your baby-pink bra, it was his favourite bra. He saw the picture when he was at dinner and he smirked to himself, he knew the game you were playing.
★ Two hours after the dinner party when everyone left, he didn’t want to give in so easily, but his hard on made him give up on the game and he called you, you picked up right away,
“Happy Birthday Mr. President.” You say in the teasing tone you knew he loved.
“Was that picture my birthday present, or do I get something more?”
“Ungrateful are we?”
“No, I am not ungrateful. I’m just wondering if that’s all I get.”
“Well, what else would you like?”
“Why don’t you come over and give me what I want.”
“I would, but I actually have another gift for you here.”
“Oh yeah? And what would that be?”
“That would be spoiling the surprise.”
★ When he was on his way to your house, you stripped out of your clothes and got a roll of wrapping paper and measured it by putting it around your body. You cut the wrapping paper with your measurements and wrapped it around your body then wrapped a ribbon around your waist and tied it in the front so the paper stayed wrapped around your figure. To top it off, you put a bow on the top of your head. When he arrived at the door, you had to walk so carefully so the paper wouldn’t rip.
★ His eyes immediately lit up when he looked down at you and saw you in nothing but wrapping paper,
“Well, what do I have here?” He asked with a grin.
“It’s your present.”
“And since you're my present, does that mean I get to do what I want with you?”
“I think you’ll have to unwrap the gift first, silly.”
He closed the door behind him and backed you into a wall. He took the bow off your head first before he brought his fingers down to start tearing the paper apart. He tore the top half first, making your chest exposed to him. He kissed your breast before getting the bottom half off. He untied the ribbon so slowly and when the ribbon was in his hands, the paper fell to the ground.
★ Without a word, he grabbed your shoulders and spun you around so that you would be facing the wall. He told you to put your hands on the wall and you did so. You just looked straight ahead at the grey wall until the colour changed to a red, he was putting the ribbon over your eyes, using it as a blindfold. You didn’t ask him any questions and just listened to him undress. You were breathing so heavily now, your breath and the sound of his belt clattering were the only sounds that filled the room. After a few seconds, he spun you around again, quickly and harshly,
“It’s my fucking birthday, say it.”
You couldn’t see him, but you could feel his hot breath on your lips,
“It’s your birthday Mr. Mencken.” You whisper back.
“Yes, that’s right. It’s my birthday and you're my birthday gift.”
“And what is your birthday wish Mr. Mencken?”
“My birthday wish is to have you how I want you, no excuses.”
★ As you couldn’t see, you didn’t know what his next move would be. You didn’t know if he would get down on his knees for you, didn’t know if he’d pick you up and take you to the bed, you had no choice but to wait for what was to come next. He picked your one leg up to wrap it around his hip and he began to fuck you against the wall. With his first thrust, you already felt as if you were going to lose your balance and fall over. You breathed out his name as he continued to rock his hips into you; you seriously needed for him to put you down on the bed or couch as your one leg that was keeping you up was already shaking. He only stopped his movements when he knew that you were close to the edge. He pulled out just before you could cum.
★ Leaving the ribbon over your eyes, he picked you up and walked you towards the couch and set you down. He was too eager and impatient to make it to the bedroom. He spread your legs and began to fuck you again. His hips meeting your skin along with the noises coming from your mouth were the only sounds that could be heard echoing through the house. The windows were open, meaning that the neighbours or anyone who was outside could hear, but that didn’t stop you from calling out his name. You wanted the people to hear what Jeryd Mencken could do to you.
★ You finished together, you finished around him and he spilled inside you. He only took the ribbon off your eyes when he had gotten dressed again, teasing you and not letting you see him exposed. When the ribbon did come off your eyes, he looked at you deeply, “Thank you for my present, I enjoyed it. When do I get another one?”
“That’s too far away.”
“A good gentleman has patience.”
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horrorlesbians · 8 months
Right, re: the sexism in TDS1, i think the season definitely engages with the sexism and violence of rust and marty in interesting ways. I forget the exact quote but early on rust says something like "I'm a bad man, we need bad men to keep other bad men from the door" which I've always found to be a pretty on the nose commentary on these themes. Marty & Rust justify their violence, sexism, and abuse of people's rights because they see themselves as good guys (in Marty's case), or in service of a greater good/lesser evil (in Rust's case). Which, they are the protagonists and sympathetic so I understand & in many ways agree with a reading that, like most cop shows, TD kind of ends up valorizing rust and marty. ANYWAY I've always thought it to be engaging with it the way you framed it in that other ask - the women and children in these men's lives are treated like shit, and I don't think the show justifies how they're treated like shit (tbh i don't even think the show paints women in a shitty way or blames them, it's that the protagonists do that which isn't the same), but MARTY justifies his behavior by believing that (1) its Not That Bad because it could be so much worse and (2) I'm A Hard Working Hero and I Deserve Slack. This ended up very rambling but i hope that makes sense
i think the most interesting thing about season one is that rust and marty are both not good people, as you mentioned rust views himself as a bad man but a correct bad man. he breaks laws and abuses his police power and uses violence to get what he wants but he does all of it because he knows/believes that it's the only way to get the badder man, the man abusing and killing women and children. his bad actions are correct and validated in his head because he has to catch his bad guy. obvi being undercover in narco for as long as he was changed him and how he views the law, like how he tells the woman he buys drugs from that "of course im dangerous, im police. i can do bad things with impunity". i can sympathize with rust far more than marty because you can see more/understand more why rust became who he is.
marty is a cheating controlling asshole who treats women like property and wants to impose his view of womanhood onto them. he gets mad when rust mows his lawn and talks to his wife when marty isn't home because marty is a cheater and most cheating men assume all other men are cheaters. but he feels it is warranted how he treats women, he tries every excuse in the book to write off his behavior to his wife but at his core he does what he wants and doesn't care much how it hurts others. he only cares because it affects him, he blames his mistress for ruining his family as if he didn't ruin it by sleeping with him.
rust is defined as a type of outlaw detective who does whatever he wants, regardless of using violence and police red tape, because he has convinced himself that he is right about his theory. he will put himself and marty in countless dangerous situations, attack and kill people (especially in the drug plot in the middle of the season) because he has convinced himself all of this has to happen. granted, at the end of the show rust Was right about everything so his actions seemed warranted but even he states that he was aware he might have been insane in his actions. he is so far gone into his desire for justice and to catch His killer nothing else matters, after he caught his killer the only thing he mentions about the case is how he didn't realize who it was when he first met him.
marty is interesting to me because he a womanizing cheating asshole who will hit his daughter without hesitation and cheat on his wife whenever he wants but will blow a suspect's head off because he was abusing children and finally quits because of a violent death of an infant. he claims being a family man is so important and wants rust to get a woman but breaks apart his own family because of what he wants.
anyways. i love when the main characters are bad people, far more interesting that way.
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
I know you deal in adopted NPCs, so I'm gonna ask some specific ones based on that :>
For Kaidan: What is their stance on taking a life? Do they kill without a second thought, in the name of a god or daedra, or do they adhere to pacifism? For Lucien: Do they regret journeying to Skyrim? (You have to understand how much I restrained myself from asking "what's his opinion on the bandit problem?") For Pascale: If they are a magic user, what is their favorite school of magic? Do they have a natural talent for magic, or does it require diligence and study? For Borgakh: What is their favorite kind of food that can only be found in Skyrim? For Olur: What are their opinions on the civil war? Do they support a side or leave them to their own devices?
Hello friend! Heh you know me very well with my habit of adopting NPCs and shaking them very hard giving them loving safe homes. For this ask game I will take a page out of your book and answer in-character. :D
For Kaidan: What is their stance on taking a life?
"If you're doubting the strength of my sword-arm, you've no need to worry. I've killed many things, many people; I haven't lost a patron yet! To tell the truth... I used to not think about it at all. Brynjar never talked about how he felt when he had to kill someone, but by that time whenever we weren't on a job he was always at the bottom of a bottle, so maybe it bothered him more than he let on."
Do they kill without a second thought, in the name of a god or daedra, or do they adhere to pacifism?
"A pacifist? Do you know what a sell-sword is? I'll give you a hint, I'm not a shopkeeper specializing in edged weapons. The only thing anyone in Skyrim needs to know is that I was brought up by and as a Nord, and I honor our traditions. I call upon Kyne for strength, if She feels I'm worthy. Anything more is no one's business but my own."
For Lucien: Do they regret journeying to Skyrim?
"Skyrim, on the whole, has been simply marvelous! I'll grant you there were some slight hiccups in the beginning. And a few brushes with certain death in the middle. Some recent moments where I thought it would all end. But it all worked out ! And just think about all the exciting adventures I would have missed if I'd decided to stay in the Imperial City, locked up in some tower only reading about the things I've seen! I thought I'd be fortunate to write a few treatises, but now I've got enough material for at least ten volumes!"
(You have to understand how much I restrained myself from asking "what's his opinion on the bandit problem?")
"If that's supposed to be a joke I'm not laughing. Sit down Kaidan. I'm going to assume you didn't mean anything by it, and we're all going to forget it was ever asked."
For Pascale: If they are a magic user, what is their favorite school of magic?
"Oh I adore Conjuration! People don't seem to know all the things you can summon - sure they know about weapons like bows and swords, but did you know there's things like furniture in Oblivion? You can take it, too! Sometimes there's sticky stuff on it or it smells bad, but if you keep trying you'll usually get something good. Lockpicks are my favorite. And that doesn't even touch on my familiar, or atronachs! Conjuration means never being lonely, and your new friend has to do what you say!"
Do they have a natural talent for magic, or does it require diligence and study?
"Mistress Clarreau -my governess- said that I had the largest magicka pool of any of her students! I didn't have to study for most spells at all, but she always making me do exercises and such like. Do you know how tedious it is to light and extinguish a candle flame one hundred times when you could just as well burn the entire castle to ash with a thought? It's very tedious. Maybe I wouldn't want to burn down the castle if I didn't have to do such ridiculous things as exercises."
For Borgakh: What is their favorite kind of food that can only be found in Skyrim?
"My favorite food can now only be found in the Ashpit, Outlander. And that is if Hearth-Wife Grutha feels like giving the slaves who serve there her recipe golden-cup mushroom and goat cheese pasty."
For Olur: What are their opinions on the civil war?
"It's a lot of humans fighting a long way from here over one of their gods. The chaplains in the Legion always said the gods were better than Daedra like Malacath but if they were they wouldn't need mortals to fight for them, to my way of thinking. But if things go too poorly for the Legion they're going start calling up levies, and those of us who have served before will be first on the lists. I hope Mor Khazgur is too isolated for them to bother with me."
Do they support a side or leave them to their own devices?
"The last time a lot of Nords calling themselves "Stormcloaks" came through the Reach things were bad. I was very young, but I remember the smoke from the burning Reachclan camps turning the sun red, and the air poisonous. You know the stronghold Rahkzuga Yal? No you don't, because it doesn't exist any more. The Nords in blue didn't care if what they burned belonged to Reachclans or not, only that it didn't belong to Nords. The Chief and his Shield-Wife died defending their stronghold, and it still burned. Now his son Ghunzul and the Rahkzuga clan is having to make do in some ruin down south in Falkreath. I don't know why they didn't clear out of Skyrim altogether but they always were strange ones.
"But that doesn't answer your question. I support whichever side will leave Mor Khazgur alone, and not meddle in things they don't understand. I don't understand the Reachfolk and their hagravens so I don't meddle with them, and things are just fine as long as outsiders don't get involved. If only more people acted like me."
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spnexploration · 2 years
Collared part 12
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: You take matters into your own hands
Warnings: A hint at some poor past mistreatment but nothing too graphic
Word count: 1.6k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 11 <- -> Part 13
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Your master came to get you in the morning. You were happy he was back. You told yourself it was because it was clearer what the rules were when your master was around, but you also felt some strange emotions about his return.
You pushed them to the side, you still had a job to do.
You also had been very bad last night. First you fell asleep on Sam. Then your master saw you asleep on Sam, even worse. And then you had spoken to him like you weren't a slave! Your sleepy brain hadn’t caught up to what was going on, and you had become altogether far too relaxed around these brothers who let most things slide. That would never have happened with your mistress.
You were going to have to do better. No one would keep a disrespectful slave.
You didn't eat breakfast. You pushed the cushion away, then held your wrists behind your back and your forehead halfway to the ground, one of your punishment poses. It hurt, but that was the point.
“Are you feeling ok?” your master asked, picking up your untouched food.
“Yes, master.” You couldn't see his response, with your face nearly to the floor.
You followed your master with your head bowed and your wrists behind your back. You quickly dropped to your knees, again removing the cushion, and assumed the punishment position.
“Ok, what is the matter?” Your master asked, sounding a little exasperated. You must not be punishing yourself enough.
“I'm sorry, master.” You pressed your forehead to the floor.
His voice softened. “What are you doing, sweetheart?”
“Kneeling, master.”
“Why are you- look, actually, can you sit up and look at me?”
“No, master.”
“I- I didn't mean that as a question. Ok, I would like you to sit up and look at me.” You raised your forehead from the floor, keeping your wrists tightly held behind your back. You reluctantly looked into his beautiful green eyes.
“What's going on?”
“I do not understand the question, master.”
“Why are you kneeling on the floor with your hands behind your back and your head on the ground?”
“It is my punishment pose, master. Would you prefer I use a different pose?”
“Why are you being punished?”
“I was disrespectful, master.”
“Last night, master.”
“Is this about when you woke up when I came home?”
“I fell asleep on Mister Sam, master. I was disrespectful to you. I was not in the proper position. I looked at you without invitation, master.”
“Jesus,” he said, running his hand down his face. “Who told you you needed to be punished?”
“I require punishment for my actions, master.”
“Did Sam or I say anything about you being punished?”
“No, master.”
“So you decided it yourself?”
“I require punishment for my actions, master.”
He put his head in his hands.
“Ok, new rule,” he said, looking up again. “You do not punish yourself. If you believe that you need to be punished, you tell Sam or I and we will decide. Do you understand?”
“Ye-yes, master.”
“You were not disrespectful last night. You do not need to be punished. You are allowed to fall asleep wherever it happens. You are allowed to fall asleep on one of us. You are- you are allowed to look at me!”
Nothing your master was saying made any sense.
He looked at you intensely. It was hard to withstand, but he had told you to look at him and you had to obey.
“You don't agree with me, do you?”
“N-no, master,” you said hesitantly, unable to lie to him.
“Ok, look, I'm the master, right?’
“Yes, master.”
“Right, I'm saying you're not to be punished for last night. No special poses, no pain, you can use the cushions if you want, and no starving yourself. Oh, and you don't have to call me ‘master’ all the time, either.”
“Yes, ma-sir.”
“Good girl,” he said. “How about you get your cushion back?”
You set yourself up like you normally had.
You were terribly confused.
“Do you think we’re going forwards or backwards if she no longer cowers from us thinking we’re going to punish her, and instead just takes matters into her own hands?” Dean buried his face in his hands.  
Sam, sitting opposite him that evening, both grimaced and laughed. You were already in bed.
“Hey, leadership material though, she saw a gap and she filled it,” Sam said.
Dean just groaned.
You woke in your bedding on the floor. You didn't know what time it was, but neither brother had come to get you. You weren't sure what to do. Your master had been very clear that you weren't confined to your room, but you weren't really sure what was expected of you.
Justifying to yourself that you couldn't be a good companion unless you were with the brothers, you cautiously opened your door and crept out. It felt like you were breaking a rule, even if your master said it wasn't.
You looked through the rooms you knew, but you couldn't find your master or Sam. Perhaps it was very early?
In one room, you found shiny pieces of metal on a table and a chair that was pushed out. You looked more closely. You reached out and touched a piece. You picked it up, turning it over in your hands. It was cold, and seemed to fit in to the palm of your hand. You were fascinated.
You heard footsteps behind you. “You're up early,” your master said as he walked into the room. You hastily dropped the piece you were holding and fell to your knees. He probably hadn't been able to see what you were doing from behind you, but the clatter of the piece falling would certainly have given you away.
Your master walked to the table and touched what you had been holding. He crouched down in front of you and nudged your chin up to look at him. “Do you know what this is?” he asked, holding the piece.
“No, sir.”
“Ok.” He seemed to consider something. “Sweetheart, these are all pieces of one of my guns. I took it apart to clean it.” You were shocked, you didn't know guns could do that.
“Now, I know you didn't know and I'm not angry, but Y/N, I don't want you touching guns. In fact, that's an order,” his voice turned a little firmer, “no touching guns.”
“Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir.”
“It’s ok. I'm not angry and you're not in trouble. I just don't want you getting hurt.”
You didn't really know how to reply to that, so you just stuck to the default, “Yes, sir.”
“Let's go get some breakfast, hey?”
Your master tinkered with his car again that day. You liked it when he went into the garage, it was interesting watching his hands move and you got to stand up and watch him.
You liked it even more when he invited you to do something with his car.
This time, he showed you the car’s battery. He said if it didn’t have charge the car wouldn’t start. He showed you how to make sure it was connected, and said electricity would flow from it down the cables. He offered you to touch the cables to check they were connected, but you were too scared of the electricity. You didn’t want to be shocked like the cattle prods back at room 14.
He was chattier when he was with his car, seemingly happy to tell you all about how different parts worked. You didn’t respond beyond the odd “Yes, sir,” but he didn’t seem upset about that.
You liked watching him. Watching his calloused hands as he twiddled with things and cleaned other things. Watching the concentration on his face, and occasionally his tongue that would stick out while he did something complicated.
Sometimes his eyes would find yours, but for some reason, in the garage you were less afraid to look at him. Less afraid of being caught looking at him.
Plus, he would smile at you when he saw you looking at him, looking at his hands, looking at his car. His smile was nice.
“Sweetheart, I have a lot of phone calls to make,” Dean was telling you. “So does Sam. So we’re going to put on some TV for you to watch while we do these, ok?”
“I can remain quiet, sir.”
“I know you can, you’re very good at doing everything that’s asked of you. But I think it’d be better if you go watch some TV.” What Dean didn’t tell you, Sam was thinking, was that they wanted to be able to talk about you and about what had happened to you to others, and didn’t want you to hear it.
You replied your usual, “Yes, sir,” although it sounded a bit reluctant to Sam. He led you out of the room.
He opened up one of the streaming services on the TV. He’d set it up with some of the parental controls, blocking anything too mature. He handed you the remote and encouraged you to flick through the menus, to see if there was something you wanted to watch.
He was looking at you, not the screen, when your expression changed. “I- I think I know this,” you said quietly. He grinned, he hadn’t expected you to find something you remembered. Maybe this was part of the key to getting you to remember your life without the collar?
“Great!” He said. “Do you want to watch it?”
“Umm, yes,” you said, sounding a little braver than normal.
He turned to the TV to see what show you’d picked, and his ears went pink. He liked that show too.
Gilmore Girls.
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crmsnmth · 4 months
You spoke your words in cursive They curved and looped in graceful handwriting And by god, it was beautiful whenever you chose to speak to me I could listen to you read the phonebook and stay attentive from A to the yellow pages But at that point I'll have to kiss you Temptation is such a weird mistress
You had feathers in your touch soft like down, let me use you as a pillow your fingers in my hair as you tell me about your day and I went move, stroke my head Let me be your dog And I swear to you, I'll be so goddamn loyal You'll never learn what my back looks like
Footsteps tapping outside my bedroom door Life moves fast, but right here I think we're frozen in time Of course, that's what we call wishful thinking because time is never frozen Marching forward to the ultimate universal Inside my room, the scent of watermelon candy in the air
I close my eyes as I listen to you speak I don't want to lift my head for this So just keep on speaking your words in loops and lines How you pulled it off, I guess I'll never know how to speak in cursive
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ceilingfrogs · 2 years
The Wedding Committee
Sangchengmonth2020 (on ao3) ((note: this is a continuation of day 8: The Fanciful Courtship)
Day 31: Marriage (the last one!!! Finally!!! No more fic challenge for me)
“Are you out of your mind,” Wei Wuxian shrieked at Sect Leader Nie, an ill-advised thing to do, “That day is not nearly as auspicious. Look at this day.” He thrust a calendar in the Sect Leader’s face, far too close for Nie Mingjue to have any hope of reading it. “This is a much better day for a wedding.”
The calendar hid Nie Mingjue’s quickly reddening face.
“Are you out of your mind?” Nie Mingjue roared back, shoving the calendar and Wei Wuxian away.
Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng watched from afar the table where both Nie Mingjue and Wei Wuxian were seated as well as an unfortunate number of aunties, the bloodthistier of them all present.
Neither Nie Huaisang nor Jiang Cheng had been invited to the wedding planning, their opinion on the matter deemed unimportant. Even Jiang Yanli had a say and she wasn’t even here, having sent a list of her demands ahead of time.
“Should we tell them our courtship is a farce?” Nie Huaisang asked.
“No.” Jiang Cheng watched as the aunties smiled. He’d never seen them smile so much. Their smiles were not pleasant and did not distract from their long, sharp, perfectly manicured claws.
The screaming continued as Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng walked away in a completely-casual-and-not-at-all-fleeing manner.
The wedding arguments became commonplace around Lotus Pier. Jiang Cheng got used to it; the shouting and the occasional sounds of fistfights fading into the background as he continued doing actually important work.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Nie Mingjue said, “We can’t seat him there; Madame Kuang hates him and is likely to stab him with the dessert spoon—if they even manage to get that far in the meal,”
“An even better reason to put him there,” Wei Wuxian said.
“He is a sect leader. You will show some respect.”
“Oh, please. Don’t act all high and mighty; you don’t like him either.”
“Of course not; Sect Leader Yao is the most intolerable man I’ve ever met.”
“Would it be so bad if we were to marry?” Nie Huaisang asked in between brush strokes, eyes on his most recent painting.
Jiang Cheng dipped his bare feet into the cool waters, ripples dancing over the surface of the lake. They were seated in Nie Huaisang’s preferred pier—the lighting here was especially flattering to the lotuses. Apparently.
“Marriages of convenience happen all the time,” Jiang Cheng not-answered. It wouldn’t be the worst thing to be married to Nie Huaisang, he thought, but he didn’t want to be the first to admit that out loud.
“What do married couples even do?”
“I don’t know. Hold hands, pretend to be happy whenever official dignitaries come to visit, try not to make it obvious how many mistresses they have.”
Nie Huaisang made a face at that.
“Anyway,” Jiang Cheng continued, “I don’t think we have a choice anymore.”
“At least they won’t be expecting us to produce any heirs.”
It was Jiang Cheng’s turn to make a face.
Nie Huaisang returned to his painting as Jiang Cheng continued to sway his feet in the water, the calm of the afternoon only disturbed by Wei Wuxian and Nie Mingjue’s distant shouting.
“Nie Huaisang is joining the Jiang household, therefore the purple napkins would be more appropriate!” Wei Wuxian screeched.
“Purple and red? I’ve never heard of something so ridiculous. Grey and red is a much more pleasing combination,” Nie Mingjue screeched just as stridently.
Jiang Yanli arriving months before the wedding was unexpected but not altogether surprising. Wei Wuxian’s letters regarding the planning hadn’t been frequent enough for her liking (ignoring the fact that, per her request, Wei Wuxian had been writing to her every day about every minute detail from which shade of red best suited Jiang Cheng’s skin tone to the exact number of red dates ordered for the big day).
Jiang Cheng had barely hugged her before she was marching away, dragging both Wei Wuxian and Nie Mingjue with her. Jiang Cheng hadn’t known Ajie had such amazing upper body strength.
“She’s going to eat them alive,” Nie Huaisang said.
Lotus Pier became much quieter after that, the kind of quiet that came with prey trying to go unnoticed by the predator skulking about, roaming, searching for its next kill, for the next poorly arranged flower display or the next happiness symbol out of place. But there was less shouting. Jiang Yanli didn’t shout; she was much too dignified for that. Instead, she smiled prettily while telling everyone in a kind and calm manner exactly why they were all morons and why they would be going with her ideas instead.
“Stop pestering me,” Nie Mingjue whispered down from the ladder, “I know what I’m doing.”
“Listen here, you over-muscled brut.” Wei Wuxian whispered back, brandishing Chenqing as close to Nie Mingjue’s face as he could get when he had to contend with both Nie Mingjue’s naturally superior height and a ladder, “If you don’t stop with your nonsense, I’m going to have you slaughtered, then use your corpse as a puppet and make it hang up the lanterns the correct way.”
“Now, now, boys.” Jiang Yanli said, appearing out of nowhere. Both of the fully grown men—each a powerful cultivator in his own right—flinched, the ladder wobbling precariously. “There’s no need to argue; everything will be perfect.”
In a certain light, her smile almost looked like Mother’s.
Jiang Cheng muttered, “I think we might have taken this fake courtship too far.”
Nie Huaisang grimaced slightly in agreement.
Standing in front of the shrine, surrounded by family, friends and unfortunate guests they couldn’t not invite without causing a sect feud, dressed from head to toe in intricately embroidered red robes, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang knelt down, side by side and kowtowed to Heaven, Earth and their family, declaring their union to the Universe as Wei Wuxian and Nie Mingjue cried their hearts out.
The aunties’ smiles were all teeth. Ajie’s smile was worse.
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