#which had chests with loot
foxy-lisard · 2 years
Anyone got any fun Minecraft servers to recommend? I lost all the ones I had saved and it's a bit hard trying to find them.
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theminecraftbee · 11 months
on the one hand, watching joe run vaults is very fun! on the other hand, watching joe run vaults actively hurts me, i think,
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windfighter · 2 years
I guess the pro of never getting the salmon-egg I need is that at least I'm finally running up all those old raw vaults-crystals I had lying around
I would like to get back to running big boi-vaults, but I am not lowering myself to fishing, that's like the least fun thing to do in minecraft :P
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These three chests are all filled with raw vaults-crystals, and I had a fourth one as well earlier x3
It's a good thing I moved the budding crystals to the crystal cave where I don't harvest them constantly xD
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won4kiss · 4 months
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𝜗𝜚 ༘⋆ ⋆˙pairing. stranger! park sunghoon x fem! reader synopsis. in which two lost, lonely, broken souls find love at the worlds end. literally. genre. angst ,, fluff ,, suggestive?? wc. 3100. 🫧 — 𝓵𝗂𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗋𝔂
if you enjoyed reading, please reblog & like !! <3
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You remember it clearly because it was a rare day off from your exhausting 9-5 secretary job, one where you had planned to do nothing but enjoy a cup of coffee at your favorite café and catch up on books you have been meaning to read. Instead, the serene sunny morning was shattered by panicked screams, gruesome sights and sirens wailing through the city streets.
The news spread quite quickly, making headlines on news channels before everything had shut down, a mysterious virus was turning people into mindless, flesh eating creatures. Within hours, the city descended into chaos. You barely had time to gather some essentials and flee your un-secure apartment before the streets were overrun with the infected flesh eaters.
As days turned into weeks, you wandered through the overrun city, surviving on scraps and hiding from both zombies and desperate humans. Your optimism, a trait that had always been your guiding light, remained intact despite the unpleasing reality around you.
You clung to the hope that somewhere, there was a sanctuary, a safe haven where people were rebuilding their lives, a place filled with survivors and loved ones, and you would make it one day.
You had seen glimpses of humanity at its worst—looting, violence, betrayal—but you chose to believe in the goodness that could still exist amidst the ruins. Your cheerful demeanor, once a source of joy to your friends, now served as a piece of hope for yourself. You refused to let the darkness win and consume you.
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It was during one of these aimless wanderings that you met him.
You had stumbled into an abandoned convenience store, scavenging for anything useful, when you heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps behind you. Heart pounding, you turned around, with your quite lousy makeshift weapon—a broken broom handle—only to find yourself face-to-face with a stranger, a very handsome one at that..
He was tall and lean, with dark hair that fell over his cold, sharp eyes. His expression was unreadable, a mask of indifference that made your breath catch in your throat. He was armed, a large knife strapped to his belt and a gun slung over his shoulder, the epitome of survival in this new world.
"Put that down before you hurt yourself," he said, his voice low and dangerous with lack of emotion.
You hesitated for a moment, then lowered your makeshift weapon. "I'm not looking for trouble, Just trying to survive." You say with a shaking voice.
He studied you for a long moment, his eyes narrowing at your anxious state. "You won't last long if you keep wandering around like this. The city's not safe, especially for a small one like you."
"Aren’t you just a ray of sunshine! Thanks for the tip," you replied, unable to keep the sarcasm out of your voice. "What's your name sunshine?"
He raised an eyebrow, clearly not used to such direct questions and humour in times like this, he hadn’t seen anyone this happy in a long time. "Park Sunghoon. And you?"
"Y/N." You say with a curious tone.
He gave a curt nod, then turned to leave. "If you're smart Y/N, you'll get out of here before nightfall. The zombies are much more fast and active after dark."
You watched him go, a strange mix of relief and slight disappointment swirling in your chest. He was the first living person you had seen in days, and despite his cold dangerous demeanour, there was something about him that intrigued you.
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The next time you encountered Park Sunghoon, it wasn't by chance.
You had found temporary shelter in an old dust filled bookstore, the thick walls offering some semblance of protection. It was there, while sorting through the scattered books for anything useful, that you heard the familiar sound of footsteps again.
"Didn't I tell you to leave the city?" Sunghoon's voice broke the silence, startling you, letting out a little squeak.
You turned to see him standing in the doorway, his expression as unreadable as ever. "I was looking for supplies. This place seemed safe enough."
He sighed, a hint of frustration in his eyes. "You really have no idea what you're doing, do you?"
You bristled at his tone. "I'm doing just fine on my own, thank you very much."
Sunghoon's eyes softened for a moment, then hardened again. "You're lucky you haven't been caught by a raider or a pack of zombies. Look, I have a safe place not far from here. If you want to survive, you'll come with me."
The offer took you by surprise. You had expected him to mock your optimism or brush you off as a lost cause. Instead, he was offering you an alibi, protection.
"Why should I trust you?" you asked, wary of his intentions.
"Because out here, trust is all we have," he replied, his voice as steady as can be. "And because I could have left you to fend for yourself, or easily killed you already because of how bad you are at covering tracks, but I didn't."
You studied him for a long moment, then nodded. "Okay.. I’m trusting you because you have a very fair point. I'll come with you."
“Smart decision” Sunghoon says with a small smile.
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Sunghoon led you through the maze of deserted streets, moving with the cautious and practiced ease of someone who had long ago adapted to this danger filled world. You struggled to keep up, your optimism flickering in the face of his silent determination.
His safe house turned out to be an old apartment building, protection provided with makeshift barricades and booby traps. Inside, it was sparse but functional, a resemblance to Sunghoon's meticulous nature.
"This is it," he said, closing the door behind you. "You can stay here as long as you don't slow me down, or put my life in danger.”
"Thanks," you replied, your voice tinged with sarcasm. "I'll try not to be a burden." You whisper with a small ounce of worry.
To be honest, you were terrified of being alone, and for some reason, Sunghoon’s presence felt like a warm blanket being put over you.
Sunghoon didn't respond, instead turning his attention to a map spread out neatly on the table. As he planned the next day's supply run, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in your heart at his cold demeanor. Despite everything, you still believed in the goodness of people and humanity, and you hoped that maybe, just maybe, you could break through Sunghoon's icy exterior, and get to know the true him.
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Life with Sunghoon was quite far from easy. His cold, over calculated approach to survival clashed constantly with your care free, compassionate, life risking outlook, leading to more than a few heated arguments.
"Why do you insist on risking your life for strangers?" Sunghoon had snapped one evening after you had returned from helping a group of survivors fend off a zombie attack. "You could have gotten yourself killed!"
You glared at him, your temper flaring. "And why do you insist on shutting everyone out? Not everyone is out to get you, Sunghoon. Some people just need help. Have some humanity.”
His eyes flashed with anger. "You don't get it, do you? Out here, it's every man for himself. If you keep putting others first, you'll be the one ending up dead Y/N.”
"And if you keep pushing every possible human being away, you'll end up alone," you shot back, your voice trembling with emotion.
For a moment, the room was silent, the weight of your words hanging heavily between you. Then, without another word, Sunghoon turned and stormed out of the apartment, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
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Days faded into weeks, and despite your constant bickering, you and Sunghoon developed an understanding for each other. You learned to navigate his cold exterior, seeing glimpses of vulnerability beneath the surface. He, in return, began to see the strength in your optimism, though he would never admit it.
It was during a particularly dangerous supply run that the turning point came.
You had made your way into a heavily infested part of the city, desperate for medical supplies. Everything was going smoothly until a horde of zombies ambushed you, forcing you to take shelter in an abandoned building.
As the zombies clawed at the doors and windows, you and Sunghoon found yourselves trapped with no way out.
"Great plan, Y/N," Sunghoon muttered, his voice dripping with venom and sarcasm.
You ignored his jab, focusing instead on finding a way to secure the doors. "We need to block the entrance, hoon. Help me move this shelf."
Sunghoon hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Together, you managed to barricade the door, buying yourselves some time.
"We can't stay here forever," Sunghoon said, his voice laced with frustration. "We need to find a way out."
“Well no shit” You say as Sunghoon shakes his head at your words, his heart pounding slightly calming down with your familiar bickering.
You glanced around the room, your mind racing. "There has to be an exit somewhere. Maybe a fire escape or a back door."
Sunghoon shook his head. "The back door is probably blocked. Our best bet is probably gonna be the roof if we don’t wanna become their next meal.”
The two of you made your way to the roof, careful to avoid attracting the attention of the zombies below. As you stood on the edge, observing the surrounding buildings, you felt a pang of despair. The city’s view out before you, a sea of ruins and danger.
"We're going to have to jump," Sunghoon said, his voice steady despite the look of terror in his eyes.
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. "We'll make it. We have to." You say with tears prickling into the corner of your eyes.
As you prepared to jump, Sunghoon reached out and grabbed your hand. "Stay close. We do this together."
With a deep breath, you took the jump, your fingers tightly intertwined with Sunghoon's. The jump was terrifying, but you made it to the next building, landing in a heap on the roof.
For a moment, you lay there, gasping for breath. Then, to your surprise, Sunghoon pulled you into a tight embrace. His face hurried into your neck as you feel tears falling onto your skin.
"Don't ever do that again," he whispered, his voice trembling. "I can't lose you, that was too close-“
You pulled back, looking into his eyes. "Sunghoon, I—"
Before you could finish, he kissed you, despite the dirt on both your faces, and crazy knotted hair, it felt magical, like every puzzle in the world had been connected, him capturing your lips with desperation and passion pouring into each second of it.
Without wasting another second, Sunghoon pulls you onto his lap, going for a softer gentle kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in even closer if possible, leaving soft kisses on his neck.
“Stop doing that, or I’ll really lose control.” Sunghoon says caressing your cheek, with that all-too familiar look of love oozing out of his eyes.
“Then lose control” You whisper, and he doesn’t waste another second.
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In the aftermath of the situation, the dynamic between you and Sunghoon shifted. His cold exterior began to thaw, revealing a depth of pure emotion you hadn't ever expected. The arguments continued, but they were now laced with an underlying tenderness, care and love that neither of you could deny.
One night, as you sat together on the roof of your apartment building, watching the stars, Sunghoon had finally decided opened up to you about his past.
"I used to have a family," he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "A little sister. She was everything to me."
You listened, your heart aching for him. "What happened?"
"The virus," he replied, his eyes distant. "We were trying to get out of the city and when she was out of my view for a second- she was infected. I had to… I had to end it."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you reached out to hold his hand and caress his cheek which at this point was now damp with his icy tears. "Hoon, I'm so sorry."
He squeezed your hand on his cheek with his free hand, his grip tight. "That's why I can't afford to be soft, Y/N. I can't let myself care, because caring means losing."
"But caring also means living," you said softly. "It means having something to fight for."
He looked at you, his eyes searching. "And what about you? Why do you keep holding on to hope?"
You smiled through your tears. "Because hope is all I have. And because I believe that no matter how dark things get, there's always a chance for something better."
As Sunghoon stared at you for a long moment, then pulled you into his arms. "You’re right Y/N, things really do get better.” He whispers giving you a gentle smile before pulling you into a kiss where you can feel all emotions clashing together.
The days that followed were filled with a renewed sense of purpose. You and Sunghoon worked together to add more protection to your safe house, scavenging for supplies and helping other survivors whenever you could. The bond between you grew stronger, forged in the fires of hardship and tempered by the tenderness of newfound love.
But the world outside remained dangerous, and the threat of the zombies was never far away.
One fateful night, the horde descended upon your building, drawn by the noise of a desperate survivor's cries for help. You and Sunghoon fought for ages now, but the sheer number of zombies was overwhelming.
"Y/N, we have to go!" Sunghoon shouted, his voice hoarse from exertion.
You nodded, grabbing your backpack and following him up the stairs. The building shook with the force of the zombies' pounding and moaning, the walls creaking and groaning under the pressure.
As you reached the roof, you realized with horror that there was no escape as last time. The neighboring buildings were way too far to jump, and the fire escape had collapsed.
"This is it," you said, your voice trembling. "We're trapped Hoon."
Sunghoon's eyes blazed with determination. "No. We fight."
He handed you a gun, his fingers brushing against yours in a fleeting touch. "Stay close to me." Sunghoon says before leaving a soft kiss onto your forehead.
The two of you stood side by side, ready to face the herd. As the first zombies approached the rooftop, you fought with everything you had, your love and determination for each other giving you the strength to keep going, you didn’t want to give up, not when you had a purpose, someone to want to live for.
In the midst of the chaos, with the last few zombies, Sunghoon was knocked to the ground, a zombie lunging at him. You acted without thinking, firing your gun and taking down the flesh eating creature before it could reach him.
"Sunghoon!" you screeched, helping him to his feet.
He pulled you into a fierce embrace, his breath hot against your ear. "I love you, Y/N. No matter what happens, I love you."
Tears streamed down your face as you kissed him, pouring all your love, fear and desperation into that one kiss.
To your luck, A group of survivors on motorcycles burst onto the rooftop after hearing all the commotion, guns blazing as they cleared a path through the horde in the streets.
"Come on!" one of them shouted. "We've got a way out!"
You and Sunghoon didn't hesitate, following the survivors down a makeshift ramp that led to a big pick-up truck. As the last of the zombies were taken down, you climbed into the truck, your heart pounding with relief, your hand tightly clasped with Sunghoon’s.
As the truck sped away from the city and terror of the night, you focused on the feeling of Sunghoon's hand, the weight of everything you had been through settling over you like a heavy blanket.
"We made it," you whispered, your voice filled with wonder and disbelief.
Sunghoon squeezed your hand, his eyes filled with a mix of exhaustion and a gentle look of admiration and love. "We did. And as long as we're together, we'll keep surviving."
The journey to the survivors' camp was long and bumpy, but you and Sunghoon faced it together, drawing strength from each other. The camp itself was everything you had hoped for in a world gone mad, a place where people were rebuilding their lives and fighting for a future.
As you settled into your new home, you and Sunghoon found solace in each other, your love a guiding light in the darkness. The arguments and angst that had once defined your relationship now gave way to a deep, unbreakable bond.
And in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty, you found happiness. For in a world where survival was never guaranteed, love had become your greatest weapon, your most cherished treasure.
Together, you and Sunghoon faced the challenges of the new world, knowing that no matter what came your way, you would face it together. And in each other's arms, you found the strength to keep going, the courage to keep fighting, and the hope to keep dreaming of a brighter future.
For in the end, love was the ultimate victory, the one thing that even the end of the world couldn’t take away.
˚୨୧⋆。˖˙ ᰋ ──
@won4kiss 2024
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jaythes1mp · 3 months
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1224 words, 7239 characters, 54 sentences, 27 paragraphs, 4.9 pages. Tag list: @zero-s-tea @chemicalsandghosts @yandere-enthusiast @starsdotalk @small-mushroom-fae
Your secrets are ours, kid
Yandere BatFam x Reader — CH10 -> CH9 -> CH8 -> CH7 -> CH6 -> CH5 -> CH4 -> CH3 -> CH2 -> CH1
You had always had a vague understanding that your biological father was well-off, as he would consistently transfer a substantial amount of cash to that woman each month. However, while you were fortunate enough to not have grown up in the most deprived area of Gotham, it didn't necessarily mean that you had lived in the lap of luxury either.
Despite the knowledge that your father was wealthy, you had still scraped by in a small, cramped apartment, constantly relying on his financial support and night jobs to survive. You supposed that your situation could have been worse, but it didn't make the reality any more bearable. You often wondered what it would be like to live in a well-appointed home and never worry about money, but those thoughts were quickly thrusted aside and squashed down by the woman’s polished heel. Every time, the woman’s sharp words brought you back to reality.
You hadn’t deserved that life. She would remind you time and time again.
You grimace, the thought of your mother, or rather, that woman, entering your consciousness disgusting you. You weren't sure if she'd ever truly earn the title of 'mother.'
It wasn't until you reached the age of eleven that you become painfully aware that not every child had to desperately plead with their mother for food, and that it wasn't normal for parents to hold their kids needs over their own heads.
It had become abundantly clear to you from a young age that the woman was never truly interested in motherhood and had only kept you out of a slim chance that one of the men she had whored herself out to would be wealthy. She targeted men at lavish galas, her sole purpose for going being to hook up with them in exchange for large amounts of money. They usually sent nondisclosure agreements along with the cash, ensuring her continued wealth. However, your existence disrupted her carefree lifestyle. ‘It was perfect, until you came along.’ She’d say.
She had exploited Bruce Wayne for money. Getting him drunk with enough press around to stress about his ‘playboy image’ to bed her. Afterwards, she demanded a large sum of money, and he gave it to her without a second thought. He hadn’t even fully read over the details. Just signing up for a wire transfer to her account every month for the next few years. He hadn’t even been aware of you.
Too preoccupied with training the young Robin to even be aware of your birth.
Throughout your life, the woman had consistently manipulated the truth, spinning a tale in which it was your fault that your father had ‘left.’ And, despite your reservations, a small part of you still believed her words.
She had carefully cultivated your sense of guilt, instilling the belief that your very existence had driven your father away. Her venomous words and manipulative behavior had left deep emotional scars, convincing you that you were unworthy of a loving father's affection. Or rather, anyone’s affection.
That day, when you turned sixteen, was the day that woman unceremoniously ushered you out of her home. Clothes and any belongings that she didn't deem worthy enough to sell for a few hundred dollars were carelessly thrown out into the hallway. By the time you made it back from work, most of your belongings had already been looted by the other tenants and homeless kids who roamed the building.
With a mixture of desperation and hope, you had gathered the few remaining possessions that you could salvage, cramming them into your work bag. Your fingers had trembled slightly as you dug out your old, cracked phone. Desperation clawed at your chest as you dialed her number and slammed your fist against the door.
You hadn’t been surprised when your repeated calls went unanswered. Frustration and anger boiled within you, mingled with a pang of hurt and despair. Deep down, you knew it was futile to even attempt to break down the door, as that would only result in consequences that you were unwilling to face.
With a steely determination, you forced back the tears that threatened to overwhelm you, walking to the nearest bank with a firm resolve. You withdrew every penny you had painstakingly saved over the past two years and closed the account, ensuring she could no longer access any of your hard-earned money.
Armed with the few thousand dollars you had managed to retrieve, you began a desperate search for someone, anyone, who would be willing to offer you a roof over your head. Despair gripped your heart as you realized how limited your options truly were.
At that point, the members of the Batfamily had been cognisant of your existence for about a year. Bruce having taken a DNA test for Alfred’s medical examination. Yet, despite their general awareness of your presence, it seemed they had made no direct attempt to reach out or provide assistance. On the surface, your life appeared stable. You resided with a supportive parent, attended school, and held down a job. From all outward appearances, there didn't seem to be anything particularly noteworthy or concerning about your circumstances.
But they were detectives. One would expect them to possess keen eyes for details, especially when it came to the nuances and subtle signs that might indicate something amiss. Yet, they had missed the marks, failing to acknowledge the more subtle indications of your turmoil.
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Jason discovered you the morning after you had been cruelly cast out from your home. You were found sleeping outside, your weary head nestled against your overstuffed work bag. Wearing an old, frayed sweater for a makeshift blanket.
Typically, he wouldn't have paused to take note of a sight akin to this. He was all too gruesomely acquainted with the sight of homeless, neglected children on the streets. But as his gaze fell upon you, there was an unsettling sense of familiarity that snagged his attention.
The question nagged him persistently, scratching at his consciousness like an untamed itch. Where had he come across you before?
Then, suddenly, recognition flashed across his mind. You were the same child Damian had fixated upon just over a year ago. The demon spawns little obsession.
He let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration. Why on earth were you on the streets? It was blatantly obvious that it wasn’t a safe environment for anyone, let alone you. The mere notion of the young Wayne finding out that his blood kin was unhoused would undoubtedly send the typically stoic demon into a frenzy.
He let out a resigned sigh, leaning down to gently nudge your huddled form. His sharp, calculating grey eyes roved over your slumbering figure, taking in every minute detail with a sense of keen observation.
You stirred at the touch, groggily lifting your head from your overstuffed bag. Your bleary eyes slowly peeled open, blinking owlishly in the early morning light. Confusion and exhaustion mingled in your expression as you caught sight of Jason crouched down in front of you.
That was the day your life began to intertwine with the tightly woven web of the Wayne family. From that very moment, you became ensnared within the complex and sometimes suffocating grip of the Wayne's protective and possessive nature.
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No use of y/n, no use of any descriptive features for the reader, no gender mentioned.
Shorter than usual, but more of a dive into the reader’s backstory.
Comments, asks, and reblogs are very appreciated! Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.
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heli-writes · 6 months
A dragon's heart, part 7.
Pairing: Barbarian!Bakugou Katsuki x female!reader
Summary: The dragonblood tribe is known for being cruel, barbarian warriors that slaughter, loot and rape all places they pass through. They are feared among the villagers and even bigger cities. Having lost most of their women to a plague, they're trying to ensure their tribe's survival by kidnapping women from other places. However, they're not the only monsters in human form out there. When y/n experiences this first hand, she has no choice but to ask for help from no other but the barbarian leader Katsuki Bakugou himself.
Disclaimer: mentions of injuries, mentions of dead animals, hunting of animals, kissing, allusion to arousal
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Series Masterlist
„You shouldn't move yet!“, y/n says angrily. Katsuki is up and walking around camp. It seems as if he's getting ready to leave. Y/n follows him closely.
„Seriously! This wound is not even close to being healed yet. You can still rip it open again!“, y/n keeps scolding him but Katsuki simply ignores her. Y/n grips his arm and pulls it which has no effect on Katsuki whatsoever. He's just too strong.
Y/n doesn't give up yet. Quickly, she catches up to him and stands her ground in front of him. „I'm not joking, you need to sit down!“, she says loudly and stares up at him.
Katsuki almost laughs in her face. She's glaring up at him, anger twinkling behind her eyes. She has put her hands into her sides and huffs at him. Her cheeks are slightly red. He doesn't need to understand her language to know what she is saying. „I'm fine, you little shit. I've had worse injuries and went into battle with them.“, he grins at her. Y/n shakes her head in disapprovement and Katsuki ruffles her hair.
When they're all packed up, it's time to mount the dragon. This time, y/n pulls her up by herself and even helps Katsuki up with his injured leg.
Y/n doesn't want to admit it yet but she's growing more comfortable to ride the giant beast. She clutches the handle of the saddle a little less tight and even takes a closer look at the view.
She's never been this high before. Everything looks so small. Hungrily, she takes in the landscape around her. Now and then, she gleefully points out things to Katsuki.
Katsuki doesn't catch on the things y/n discovers but he's content watching her this excited. It's the first time she truly enjoys flying and her reaction makes him want to take her on a joy ride more often.
This makes an idea pop up in his head. He grips the reigns and y/n tighter and grumbles in her ear: "Hold on tight".
His deep voice sends shivers down y/n's spine. Her neck and stomach suddenly feel really hot. Before she can recover from this sensation, the dragon takes on speed. The wind makes her eyes water and she presses her legs into the saddle.
Suddenly, her sight turns and before she knows it, she's upside down in the air. It happened so fast, that she didn't even have time to scream. It's over just as fast again. Katsuki's booming laugh can be heard against the wind.
Y/n turns around to him and shoves his chest. "You asshole!", she yells half laughing. "Asshole, hm?", Katsuki repeats with a grin. He knows that's an insult. Y/n huffs. "Of course, you know that word.", she says sarcastically and twists around again.
Katsuki laughs again and pulls her closer to his chest. "You're naughty, eh.", he grins.
They fly only for a little while longer before Katsuki lands in a secured area. He leaves the dragon to rest and prepares for hunting. He secures his weapons and then gestures at y/n to come over to him. He gives her a hunting knife and a spear.
"Are we going hunting?", she asks him unsurely. She's pretty sure she will only stand in Katsuki's way but the man gestures to follow her. The dragon takes to the air and follows them as a small point above their heads.
Katsuki scouts the area looking for tracks. Y/n follows him trying to be as quiet as possible. Her father and mother took her hunting a few times and she learned that being quiet is essential to being successful. Once her father wanted to shoot a pheasant and y/n stepped on a branch scaring the bird away. While trying to conceal it, her father was really angry and she had to promise to gather vegetables for the entire family to make up for the lack of dinner.
She watches Katsuki closely. He crouches to the ground looking at the ground intently. Y/n knows what he's looking for. While she's not an expert at reading tracks, she knows how to identify tracks of certain animals: foxes, rabbits, deer, pheasants...
Wanting to help out, she looks around for tracks as well. It's hard for her untrained eyes to see more than leaves and dirt. She can hear Katsuki curse behind her.
Then, she finally sees something that might be interesting. An imprint of a hoof in the dirt.
"Katsuki, look!", she whispers excitedly and waves behind her. Katsuki stops his string of curses and walks over to her. Y/n points at the hoof print.
"Jackpot", he mumbles and gives y/n an appreciative pat on the head. His eyes follow the rest of the trail that y/n didn't notice. He gestures y/n to follow him which she does so on quick and light feet.
They follow the trail for a good half an hour. Eventually, y/n doubts that Katsuki even knows where they are going but every now and then she recognizes a hoof print in the dirt.
They arrive at the edge of a clearing. Katsuki gives her a hectic sign to get down and y/n quickly ducks behind a bush. Katsuki crouches next to her and readies his spear. Y/n lures over the edge of the bush and sees a flock of deer resting in the middle of the clearing. There's a mighty stag just in the middle of them.
Knowing Katsuki, that's probably what he'll aim for. Katsuki nudges her and gives her a sign to stay down and be quiet. Y/n nods and Katsuki gets in position.
The element of surprise is an essential part of the hunt, y/n knows that. She can see how Katsuki's brows furrow in concentration. He looks pretty like this, y/n thinks.
Then, he tenses his muscles getting ready to jump. Before y/n can blink, Katsuki's in the middle of the clearing. Even though y/n knew it was coming, his speed still surprised her. Y/n raises her head above the bush. Almost she gets run over by a fleeing deer.
Then she sees Katsuki ramming his spear into the stag and wrestling it to the ground. The stag tries to defend itself by throwing its antlers into Katsuki's direction but Katsuki throws himself onto the stag's side pushing its body and head down. Katsuki lets go of the spear and struggles to get his hunting knife out. When he has it secure in his hand, he expertly cuts the stag's throat.
Slowly, the stag's movements become heavier. Katsuki stays on top of it nonetheless. It seems as if he's whispering to the stag. Y/n gets up from her position at the edge of the clearing and walks closer as the stag takes its last breath. Katsuki puts his hand on the stag's head and mumbles in his language. To y/n, it seems as if he's saying a prayer. Katsuki closes the stag's eyes and gets up. He lowers his head in respect and y/n stays silent. This seems like a sacred ritual that y/n doesn't want to disturb.
When Katsuki raises his head again, his eyes meet hers. Y/n gulps. She doesn't really know how to behave in this situation. Katsuki removes the spear from the stag's side. He dips his thumb into the blood and draws a line on his forehead. He dips his thumb into the blood again and gestures for y/n to come over. He draws a similar line on her forehead.
"You're a successful hunter, too.", he tells her, "Without you, I wouldn't have found the flock."
Y/n looks up at him with those big, clueless eyes and Katsuki almost has to laugh again. He pats her head then turns to look at the sky. He whistles and the small point in the sky becomes bigger and bigger until the dragon lands at the clearing.
Katsuki drags the stag to the side into the shade. After that, they set up camp. The dragon is relieved of the weight it is carrying. Y/n and Katsuki stack the bags in a way that makes it easier to get ready to fly in the morning. When a bonfire is lit, y/n and Katsuki settle down to eat. They still have some leftovers from yesterday which they eat in silence.
The cold slowly creeps in once the sun has set. Y/n shivers and holds her hands towards the fire in an attempt to keep warm. Katsuki chews on a bit of meat as he watches y/n. Y/n rubs her arms. Katsuki swallows the last bite. Then, he grabs y/n's waist and pulls her over to him. Tucking her into his side, he drags his cape over y/n's body. Instinctively, y/n leans into his warmth and Katsuki puts his arm around her.
Unknown to her, Katsuki's heart starts pounding. Now's the chance to find out if she's interested in him like that, he thinks to himself. Slowly, he shifts and grabs her legs. Y/n is startled when she's suddenly pulled into Katsuki's lap.
Katsuki pulls her close and y/n's head rests on his chest. She can hear the beating of his heart and his raspy breath. Katsuki runs his hands up and down her arms and legs. Y/n's own heart starts to pick up. What is he doing?, she wonders.
When she looks up, his intense red eyes meet hers. There's a certain determination behind them that makes y/n swallow thickly. There's that warm feeling in her belly again.
Slowly, Katsuki drags his hand up her arm, along her shoulder, up her neck until it lies firmly against her cheek. Y/n's breath comes out heavy in anticipation. She knows exactly what is going to happen next. She'd be a fool not to notice how Katsuki's eyes flicker down to her lips.
Then, Katsuki pulls her face closer and presses his lips against hers. Electricity shoots down y/n's spine. It takes a second for y/n to react. Katsuki is just about to pull back in defeat when y/n jerks forward putting pressure behind her lips. She helplessly grabs onto the necklaces that hang around Katsuki's neck.
Relieve floods Katsuki's veins. His hand finds y/n's lower back and he pulls her closer, deepening the kiss. Y/n kisses him back more feverishly. Her arms snake around his neck and one of her hands find their way into his hair. Katsuki kisses back just as feverishly and he pulls her body flush against his.
He can feel the mounts of her breast against his chest and he feels blood rushing into all the wrong (or right?) places. He shifts y/n on top of him so she doesn't notice. It's not the right time for this.
He groans as he lets go of y/n. In all honesty, he didn't expect y/n to go all in like this. She did strike him as one of those shy, easily sexually intimidated girls. Seems like y/n hides a lot more behind her kind, soft eyes.
Y/n's cheeks are red and her breath comes out in slight puffs of air. Katsuki has to smirk at her disheveled appearance. He pulls her close once again giving her a quick, but deep kiss. When he lets go of her, she looks embarrassed.
"Seriously", y/n huffs, "what are you doing to me?".
Katsuki presses another kiss into her neck with a chuckle. He feels happy, triumphant even. This makes it easier on what comes next. He'll take her home and present her to his mother. Then, he'll take her as his mate.
He leans back stroking over her back as she leans into his chest. Bringing home a mighty stag and a woman to his people. How better can he prove himself worthy to be their leader? He's securing their future, no matter what comes.
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nohoney · 6 months
dragon king bakugou who pillages a a nomadic tribe with his men. they cause chaos, taking what they deem valuable and leaving utter destruction until they’re satisfied with the damage. he happens to see the biggest tent that pitched up in the entire encampment and makes his way to it. maybe there’s gold in it, treasure, good wine or ale that will warm his blood, or weapons.
even better, there’s a woman in it.
you’re cowering in the corner when bakugou enters the tent, shouting a battle cry in his language. he slaughters the man that seems to be your husband if the matching circlets are anything to go by, deciding to ignore the fancy and luxurious looking chest and going straight to you. it’s too easy to lift you and put you over his shoulder, you yelping in surprise but seeming to have enough sense to not fight back. bakugou kicks at the head of your husband first before walking through his spilled blood.
he’s directing his men to loot whatever they can use as he approaches his dragon. the beast bows to him, a loyal creature that bakugou had raised since he himself was a child, waiting patiently as he climbs onto the saddle that’s mounted onto the dragon’s back.
“if you fall, i won’t bother to catch you so you better hang on.” bakugou speaks in the common language, one of four he knows and seeing if you understand. you nod your head and hang on tightly, practically holding him in a death grip.
he’s brought you back to his home, pushing you to a gaggle of maidens to get you cleaned up while he takes inventory of what was taken. he expects to hear some update about you; that you’re screaming or fighting back, maybe even crying.
he gets no news aside from the fact that you’re scrubbed clean, you’ve been dressed, and you’re put in his quarters.
it’s a few hours before he finally goes into the privacy in his room. you’re sat by the fireplace, a dragon egg sitting on a bed of warmed coal nearby that you seemed to be looking at before his presence snapped your attention to him. you’re being docile, bowing slightly when he approaches but it makes bakugou be on guard.
you could be one of those witches that plays soft but poisons him in his sleep.
in your lap, the circlet you were wearing before is held delicately in your hands along with some ripped up white cloth that he doesn’t recognize.
“my king,” you speak first, addressing him formally which makes bakugou wary of you, “thank you.”
one of his eyebrows quirks up in question, unsure what he was being thanked for.
“today was my wedding day… i was to be married to a man that was going to make me his fourth wife. i dreaded it for the last year, and i prayed everyday to the gods to intervene in my fate. but nothing happened and i—i was beginning to despair as they prepared me for the ceremony.” you speak softly, your hands delicately tracing the metal of the circlet before petting over the precious jewel at the center of the piece, “but the gods answered my prayers and you saved me!”
a wedding, that explains the amount of inordinate amount of treasure that had been collected.
bakugou is stunned, watching as you stand up to your feet, the circlet and the white cloth dropping to the floor. he realizes now that the cloth you had in your lap was in fact the dress you were wearing before; your wedding dress.
you had been dressed in a robe, colored a rustic orange but with gold details intricately sewn into the fabric. the robe bakugou’s mother had made for him when he had been crowned as the dragon king. you undo the belt of it and let it fall open, the heavy fabric falling off your body as you present yourself to him. the glow of the fire makes your body look heavenly and your eyes shine brightly with an adoration that bakugou had never seen before.
“i want to thank you. please let me thank you for saving me.”
you step to him slowly, kicking aside the circlet and stepping on your wedding dress, your hands delicately touching his shoulders as if testing to see if he would push you away. bakugou doesn’t, still observing you carefully as you invade his space.
“allow me to show you my gratefulness, my king.”
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galedekarios · 8 months
gale's early access dialogue transcripts - part 3: dialogues regarding various decisions & quest progression
in early access, companions used to react much more to the decisions you made in dialogue as well as the overall quest progression pertaining to the main quest as well as side quests, and the events happening around them.
these conversations would be shorter in nature and were usually marked with an exclamation mark ( ! ) over their head.
some of these conversations survived the transition from early access to the full release, but they are very few and far between. the only ones that did survive are 1) gale's reaction to nettie poisoning the protag, 2) gale's reaction to saving mirkon, and 3) gale's reaction to saving arabella.
gale was much, much more responsive in early access and had conversations with the protag about a variety of topics.
following are all cut conversations / dialogues with gale (excluding the deer stew scene and loss scene, which i have covered here and here, but have decided to exclude because they are much longer conversations):
jergal's temple
reaching the druid's grove / emerald enclave
arabella the tiefling child dies / protag stood by and did nothing
protag killed lae'zel after lae'zel tried to prevent them from turning into a mind flayer
karlach vs anders, the paladin of tyr / agent of zariel
after edowin / the siblings brynna and andrick
killing the druids
arriving at the goblin camp
finding out that the absolute's brand is magic
about true souls
dror ragzlin & the dead mindflayer
ogre + bugbear couple in moonhaven
giving the necromancy of thay tome to gale (dialogue option in player-initiated dialogue / gale asks for tome)
on ethel
on ethel's deal
after finishing mayrina's quest
the zhentarim chest / rugan
the myconid colony in the underdark
defending astarion to gandrel the gur monster hunter
handing astarion over to gandrel the gur monster hunter
arka the tiefling (kanon's sister) kills sazza the goblin / protag stood by and watched it happen
letting sazza escape
finding out about priestess gut from sazza
below the read more, you'll find the transcripts of these 23 cut conversations.
where i can and still have them, i will include screenshots and, when i can find them online, i will include links to watch those conversation in video format.
jergal's temple [link to gifset]
Gale: Bad form, isn't it? Grave robbing? Judging by those undead guardians, the architects of this crypt certainly thought so. - Protag Option 1: I'm desperate, not proud. Best to take what I can get.  Gale: Then again, to be alive is to be curious.  - Protag Option 2: Dressing up the dead is pointless. They have no need for trinkets.  Gale: Never lost a loved one, have you? Then again, those who loved these loved ones are dust and bones themselves. - Protag Option 3: A good fight and fine treasure. What's not to like? Gale: I suppose that's one way to spin it. - Protag Option 4: Why care about decorum in a long-abandoned tomb? Gale: Because my mother raised a gentleman. Then again, to be alive is to be curious.  - Protag Option 5 [Cleric]: True. My god might not be particularly happy about it. Gale: You can pray for your sins later. I’m told that does the trick. Gale: Let's have a look at the loot. It isn't for your pockets only.
2. reaching the druid's grove / emerald enclave
Gale: So much for finding a safe haven. - Protag Option 1: This is a druid grove. With a bit of luck we'll find help here.  Gale: Druids master the ancient magic that is part of nature's fabric itself. They can make bloom, and they can make wither. Let's hope the latter applies to tadpoles.  - Protag Option 2: We won't linger long.  Gale: And we shouldn't – but we'd be remiss not to give the place a once-over. Druids master the ancient magic that is part of nature's fabric itself. They can make bloom, and they can make wither. Let's hope the latter applies to tadpoles. 
3. arabella the tiefling child dies / protag stood by and did nothing [link to gifset]
Gale: This place is a snake pit in more ways than one. That poor girl... Such sudden madness.... And what did we do? We stood by and watched. Her parents – we'll have to tell them that we failed.  - Protag Option 1: Our priority remains to find a healer. The most dangerous snake is in our heads, remember? Gale: Distinctly. But it hasn't poisoned my sense of right and wrong just yet. How about yours? - Protag Option 2: We're here on Zevlor's behalf. Let's not lose sight of that.  Gale: Yes, nothing like serving up a dead child as the appetiser to successful negotiations. - Protag Option 3: Her parents deserve to know what happened. And that we are not to blame.  Gale: So inaction equals innocence? There's a small corpse on the floor over there that might just beg to differ. - Protag Option 4: This is none of our concern. Where there's strife, there will be blood. Gale: And where there's blood, there will be vengeance. This troubled grove is about to become far more troubled still. - [Arabella died because protag failed the DC twice] Protag Option 5: The girl really should have left the druid's idol alone. Look where it got her.  Gale: If the errors of youth deserve an early grave, none of us would live to see a dozen summers. There is no justification for this tragedy.
4. protag killed lae'zel after lae'zel tried to prevent them from turning into a mind flayer
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Gale: Lae'zel... that was brutal. Are you all right? I'm here if you want to talk about it. - Protag Option 1: Is there anything left to say? Gale: She was alive. Now she is dead. Might be worth a few words. Then again, maybe not. What a night... - Protag Option 2: She was danger to us all. She didn't leave me with a choice.  Gale: I was not judging, merely offering my sympathy.  One moment we are travelling together, then the next... - Protag Option 3: Don't bother. It's over and done with.  Gale: Words as final as your acts. One moment we are travelling together, then the next...
5. karlach vs anders, the paladin of tyr / agent of zariel
Gale: I have to say I don't know if agreeing to this hunt was such a wise idea. Who's to say who's the real villain in this tale of devils and masquerades? - Protag Option 1: Cheer up! It'll be fun.  Gale: Yes, I used to sign up for a round of Kill-The-Stranger every tenday back home [sarcastic]. When we track Karlach down, let's chat before we chop. - Protag Option 2: You're saying I shouldn't trust a bunch of devil-sworn pretending to be paladins of Tyr? Gale: I'm saying I really shouldn't have to point that out. When we track Karlach down, let's chat before we chop. - Protag Option 3: It's easy: I say who the villain is. Gale: My, so it's you who is Tyr then, the mighty judge of justice?  Go ahead, tell them. I'm sure they'd love to fawn all over their erstwhile patron.
6. after edowin / the siblings brynna and andrick
Gale: I have to say, it's one thing to have a parasite in your head, quite another not to know it's there. What's more, these people weren't on the nautiloid with us. Just how many mind flayers are at work in these parts? - Protag Option 1: The real question is: how does this all link to their belief in this “Absolute”? Gale: Mind flayers excel -> See Option 3 - Protag Option 2: Do you really think there may be more mind flayers around? Gale: This True Soul and his acolytes are ample proof of that...  They 're ample proof of a dread suspicion as well.  - Protag Option 3: Let's move. I don't mean to lose daylight pondering idle questions.  Gale: You really do dismiss these events too casually. - Gale: Mind flayers excel at mind games. To enthral completely is their bread and butter. What if they perfected their craft by convincing their subjects they're not thralls at all, but that they have free will? That the commandments they experience are the will of a benevolent god. How terrifying a level of perfection that would be.
7. killing the druids
Gale: If Silvanus is the mighty oak, his druids were but the weakest of his leaves, tossed by the winds of fury. I can't shake the image of what happened to the grove: the winds have blown and the harvest has come. The oak stands lone and barren.  - Protag [Druid] Option 1: A grove destroyed... I dont think I can forgive myself. Gale: After winter, spring will come, but I'm not sure we left behind much fertile ground. - Protag [Druid] Option 2: The druids caused the harvest. It was only just we did the reaping. Gale: Yes, well, I prefer to pluck apples and pick strawberries. They don't tend to weigh on one's conscience. - Protag Option 3: They were in need of a lesson – and we taught it well. Gale: One usually needs to be alive to reap the benefits of education. If anything, we taught them too well.  - Protag Option 4: They felt threatened and lashed out. A tragedy I wish we could have avoided.  Gale: Their action are on them, that much is true, but the consequences are ours to carry - Protag Option 5: Come, let's move on. What's done is done. Gale: Look around you. What's done is done, but what's wrong is also wrong.
8. arriving at the goblin camp [link to gifset]
Gale: Amid all this grandeur sunk into squalor, I wonder what dismal corner we'll find Halsin in.  - Protag Option 1: Any suggestions? Gale: Prisoners are treated the same by everyone: they serve as serfs, or they waste away in a dungeon. Stands to reason we'll find Halsin in either one of these less-than-appealing conditions.  - Protag Option 2: What grandeur is that? Gale: This must have been a splendid complex once, a temple of impressive proportions. Worshippers lived here. Pilgrims visited. They required food, shelter, ceremony, entertainment. Now that it's nothing but a goblin-ridden death-trap? Plenty of places to hide away a druid, I imagine. - Protag Option 3: With our luck? Marinating in a cooking pot most likely. Gale: A hearty serving of druid stew wouldn't do us any good. No, let's hope the best and keep this in mind: Prisoners are treated the same by everyone: they serve as serfs, or they waste away in a dungeon. If he's still alive, it stands to reason we'll find Halsin in either one of these less-than-appealing conditions. Well -more-than-appealing conditions come to think of it, when one considers the stew alternative.
9. finding out that the absolute's brand is magic
Gut: Hold out your arm so I can mark your flesh. It's charged with magic. Ordinary slobs can't see it; only us that follow the Absolute.  Gale: Charged with magic? Perhaps that explains the ease with which these goblins submit to True Souls.
10. about true souls
Gale: I can hardly wrap my head around what we've just heard. Let's list up the facts, shall we? There are other people here with tadpoles in their heads. They can hear the tadpoles speak to them, and they think it's a new god. I don't know about you, but to me, none of this makes any logical sense.  - Protag Option 1: I concur. There doesn't seem to be a logical explanation. Gale: And yet I suspect something... intelligent behind it all. Some carefully nurtured scheme. - Protag Option 2: I'm seeing too many coincidences – which tend to add up to conspiracies.  Gale: Evil cults and grand designs, is it? Mind you, I'll not even dispute the possibility. - Protag Option 3: I don't care about logic, I care about solutions. Gale: I'm not sure those are mutually exclusive. If we seek to solve we must seek to comprehend.  - Gale: But let's not lose sight of what we've learned here – what joins us and what separates us from these True Souls: They heard a voice we do not hear, a voice that binds them in servitude. As long as we're possessed of our own free will, I venture to say there's hope for us yet.
11. dror ragzlin & the dead mindflayer
Gale: A grand necromantic spectacle staged at the behest of a newfangled god to track down... us. Can't quite say which of these two wins out: to be honoured or to be horrified. - Protag Option 1: The real question is: why are they looking for us? Gale: Several guesses spring to mind, all equally plausible and implausible at once. - Protag Option 2: Not to worry: we easily tricked that hobgoblin – and his god. Gale: We tricked the minion, yes, but its master? I doubt it. - Protag Option 3: Can't say I'm thrilled to be a god's pet project. Gale: Horrified it is then. - Gale: Fact is we're being hunted, but at least we have the hunters at a disadvantage: even here, in the lion's den, they don't recognise us as their prey.
12. ogre + bugbear couple in moonhaven
Gale: One moment they were embracing each other in intimacy, the next they're embracing only death. Can't say I'm proud of our actions here.  - Protag Option 1: Me either. We should have left well enough alone Gale: Don't get me wrong, I know they'd have gladly made us their post-coital picnic given half a chance. It just feels wrong to turn lovemaking into life-taking.  - Protag Option 2: Playing it a bit fast and loose with the word 'intimacy' there, Gale. Gale: I'm not contemplating definitions, I'm contemplating our deeds. Don't get me wrong, I know they'd have gladly made us their post-coital picnic given half a chance. It just feels wrong to turn lovemaking into life-taking.  - Protag Option 3: Don't dwell on it. Ogres and bugbears are nothing but vermin. Gale: And yet they speak and bond and revel. Don't get me wrong, I know they'd have gladly made us their post-coital picnic given half a chance. It just feels wrong to turn lovemaking into life-taking.
13. giving the necromancy of thay tome to gale (dialogue option in player-initiated dialogue / gale asks for tome)
Gale: Much obliged. Narrator: you watch Gale perusing the book with a true wizard's fascination. A few pages in, something startles him.  Gale: A rough read indeed... I'll give it my undivided attention at a more appropriate time.
14. on ethel
Gale: You know, I think there's a little something more to Ethel than meets the eye. 'Hag' is the word they used.  If that's what she really is, she's beyond dangerous.  - Protag Option 1: If that's what she is, that means we killed two innocent men. Gale: But theit sister still lives. And I doubt Auntie has her over for tea and conversation. - Protag Option 2: Hags are powerful creatures. She might actually be able to help us with the parasite.  Gale: See Option 3 - Protag Option 3: She hinted at a reward. That's all I really care about. Gale: Beware of a hag bearing gifts. They're never gifts to begin with.
15. on ethel's deal
Gale: Netherese. A portentous word. Combine it with mind flayers, and it's... unspeakable. - Protag Option 1: What do you make of it all? Gale: What we can do is combine what we know and make our deductions. At the heart of it all, the problem is clear: we've been infected by a mind flayer parasite. So far, however, we've been spared the dread fate that is ceremorphosis. How have we been spared? It would seem the answer is that the parasite is somehow infused with Netherese magic – more powerful, more sinister than it has any right to be. The question remains, however: why? Infected, but unchanging. Blind cogs in an all-seeing machine. - Protag Option 2: If even a hag can't help us, who can? Gale: I... I actually don't know. All we can do is combine what we know and make our deductions- See Option 1 - Protag Option 3: It's all gibberish as far as I'm concerned. Gale: No, there's meaning to it. There has to be.  All we can do is combine- See Option 1 - Protag Option 4: None of this actually solves our problems. Gale: I know, but let's consider this: at the heart of it all, not only is our problem clear, but so is the motive of our enemy: power. All power has a nexus. Find it, and we may just find both the answers and the remedy we seek. - Protag Option 5: Get to the point if you have one. Gale: I was merely thinking out loud, but if you desire a point, consider this: See Option 4 - Protag Option 6: Enough talk. Let's go. Gale: Fine, but while we walk, consider this: See Option 4
16. after finishing mayrina's quest [link to gifset]
Gale: Hags really do redefine depravity, don't they? A promise kept in the cruellest of ways: a loved one returned, undead.  - Protag Option 1: This entire affair sickens me. I wish we'd had no part in it. Gale: We don't always choose the roles we play. All we can do is perform them to the best of our ability.  [Connor killed] At least the curtain's fallen on this tragedy. The lovers' tale is quite over.  [Connor alive] Can't say I'm very enthusiastic though, about the extra you just cast. - Protag Option 1: Hags thrive on corruption. It is simply their nature Gale: A nature that, as far as I'm concerned, deserves to go extinct.  [Connor killed] As extinct as the happiness Ethel cut out of Mayrina. [Connor alive] So does that abhorrent thing-once-man. For god's sake let his eternal sleep be free of this undead nightmare. - Protag Option 3: You have to admit Auntie Ethel knows how to have some fun. Gale: [disapproves] You can't possibly mean that.  [Connor killed] In any case, the man's dead for good. The spectacle has come to a close. Fun's over.  [Connor alive] Although, judging by the newest company you've decided to keep, you may just be depraved enough yourself to mean that after all.
17. the zhentarim chest / rugan
Gale: So you threatened your way into ownership of that chest. Now that it's yours, what will you do with it? - Protag Option 1: I say we hold on to it until we find the rightful owner. Gale: So that means you're not curious as to what's inside? Very well, suit yourself... - Protag Option 2: Let's seell it. We're bound to make a tidy profit.  Gale: See Option 1 - Protag Option 3: I will do what is meant to be done with a sealed chest: open it. Gale: Music to my curious ears!
18. the myconid colony in the underdark [link to gifset]
Gale: Spores that can raise the dead... These myconids certainly are fascinating creatures.  Protag Option 1: They make for good allies.  Gale: Agreed. And there are precious few of those in the Underdark. - Protag Option 2: They're more dangerous than I thought. We should be on our guard.  Gale: They will remain welcome hosts unless we turn hostile. Should be easy enough to avoid. - Protag Option 3: Sorry, but I don't share your fascination for fungi.  Gale: Nobody's perfect. 
19. defending astarion to gandrel the gur monster hunter [link to youtube video]
[Protag defends Astarion] Gale: How thoroughly invigorating it is to stand by one's friend in the face of danger. Even if that friend is an egomaniacal vampire with moral longevity of a mayfly. - Protag Option 1: We did the right thing and that's all there is to it. Gale: It's charming that you think that. - Protag Option 2: Are you saying that you would have thrown Astarion to the wolves? Gale: Never. What harm did the wolves ever do? - Protag Option 3: I'll remember you skepticism if anyone ever comes looking for you. Gale: ?
20. handing astarion over to gandrel the gur monster hunter
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[Protag hands Astarion over to Gandrel the Gur Monster Hunter] Gale: I had a friend who had a dog once. Beautiful animal, but it got mean in its old days. Gale: It would growl and bark at everyone. Even bit him at the end. Gale: Yet still it was the saddest of occasions when he took the dog away for good. - Protag Option 1: It was for the best, I'm sure. Gale: I'm not sure the dog would agree. Gale: Astarion wouldn't. I'm absolutely sure of that. - Protag Option 2: Parting is never easy. Gale: ? - Protag Option 3: Put the mongrel down, did he? Gale: ?
21. arka the tiefling (kanon's sister) kills sazza the goblin / protag stood by and watched it happen [link to gifset]
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Gale: Arka's thirst for revenge has been sated... and the goblin welcomed death with open arms. All's well with the world one might argue. And yet there's something unsettling about witnessing an execution. - Protag Option 1: I take no pleasure in it, but justice has been done. Gale: No one will mourn this goblin I suppose. Let's leave it at that. - Protag Option 2: Somehow that sounds a condemnation. Gale: I condemn nothing - but a question can be a mirror: Gale: If it's guilt you see reflected, the condemnation is your own. - Protag Option 3: I have no patience for the squeamish. Gale: You imply a weakness. I say a critical mind is one of our greatest strengths.
22. letting sazza the goblin escape
Gale: I know I said it's not inconceivable a goblin priestess could help us. And yet... was it really wise to set another goblin free so she can arrange introductions? - Protag Option 1: Passing up the promise of a healer would be far more unwise. Gale: A perfectly reasonable train of thoughts. But what if she leads her entire tribe to the grove? - Protag Option 2: What's done is done. Doubt doesn't help us.  Gale: I'm not quite done yet. What if she leads her entire tribe to the grove? - Protag Option 3: Keep your misgivings to yourself. Gale: But consider the consequences. What if she leads her entire tribe to the grove? -> Protag Option 1: I'll make sure that doesn't happen Gale: I'm not sure you can. - Protag Option 2: Getting rid of the tadpole comes first. Otherwise we might be the monsters that destroy this place. Gale: Harsh. But fair. If not given too much further thought. - Protag Option 3: I don't care, I owe this grove no allegiance. Gale: No allegiance, no. Though we don't need to sign its death warrant.
23. finding out about priestess gut from sazza
Gale: Booyahg – the goblin word for magic. Primitive to a fault, but not entirely without merit. To seek some goblin priestess' help would be unconventional to say the least. Then again, I'm not one to advocate conventionality.  - Protag Option 2: A goblin healer sounds absurd to me. Gale: I wouldn't dismiss the idea out of hand. Goblins come from a warrior culture: to heal wounds is a highly prized skill. - Protag Option 1: I don't care if a cure comes from a goblin, an ogre, or an orc: as long as it works, I'm happy.  Gale: My sentiments exactly.  - Gale: If this priestess is indeed a master in the arts of booyahg, it's not inconceivable she could be of help to us. And if she isn't, we might find items of interest among her shamanic paraphernalia. If her tribe doesn't kill us on sight, that is.
thank you for reading! please consider liking and reblogging this post to support my work. thank you.
coming up next:
-part 1: the three tadpole dreams -> completed -part 2: major cut scenes: the deer stew scene & the loss scene -> completed -part 3: minor cut scenes: abandoned temple of jergal, failed to save arabella, talking to the paladins of tyr and agreeing to go after karlach, edowin and the tadpole reveal, mayrina giving ethel's wand to her or breaking it, handing astarion over to the gur or defending him, reaching the druid grove, killing lae'zel, reaching the goblin camp & looking for halsin, killing the druids, priestess gut & the brand & the cult of the absolute, dror ragzlin and talking to the dead mind flayer, ogre couple, necromancy of thay, ethel, zhentarim chest, myconid colony -> completed with this post -part 4: gale's condition & the way it was treated in early access
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nanabrainrot · 1 year
IV. Gut Reaction [Kirtch] Kinktober
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Day 4: Teratophilia, the sexual attraction to monsters
Warnings! size difference, monster fucking, alien fucking, facesitting, I gave him a ribbed/ridged prehensile tongue like an anteater/alien/cat crossover for horny reasons. @i-drop-level-one-loot is Kirtch’s creator so everyone say thank you to them.
Like a good pet, you wake him up with kisses. The collar isn’t on anymore (of course not at night, what if you were uncomfortable?) and you curl to his side in bed every night now. The weeks, months, years were passing and you were none the wiser: you measured time by how long Kirtch was gone now.
Your lips press kisses to the exoskeleton of his face, warmth greeting him in the morning with soft skin pawing at him clumsily. He was no awful owner by any means, but he was an indulgent one. You climbed on his chest, hands pressing with flat palms against the plates there - cold exoskeleton making you shiver slightly. No matter, he indulged you especially when he made room for you on his bed with the miscellaneous throws of plush, sherpa, faux fur, real fur, satins, and more from neighboring planets or galaxies’ animal pelts. The little sweet bralette and boy short sleep set are moist - the adverse reactions of you to the collar’s chemical seemed to stay in your system forever due to the dosage. Pressing a kiss to the pinchers on his cheeks you coo: “Work today?”
“Of course, little one. I got called in with incentive pay, I told you last night,” he chuckled lightly. Last night, per usual, you were out of your head and airheaded - bucking into the device he used to force orgasms out to tire you faster. Humans were sometimes prone to trouble falling asleep, which he noted dutifully to avoid or a human can be exhausted. One sleepless night was enough to throw off a human’s entire schedule!
You pouted, huffing at him haughtily. All this time with Kirtch had made you bratty, not that you knew. You were just a hedonist who survived off the attentions of your master, the one you initially hated. Now, the days without him were hard and agonizing. It was like leaving your dog at home on a daytrip.
His cold claws graze your skin and you nudge upwards, knees and hands carrying you as you crawl to where his face is with a mischievous grin. Your knees settle on each side of his head: you were a taker who took and took timelessly again and again. You were lucky he was a giver.
The fabric of your shorts gone, you pressed your entrance to his face - a dog in heat. Knowing his strength, you held nothing back from letting your dead weight sit on his face given his size. Slickness pressed on the opening when his mouth was as you impatiently bucked against the opening: wanton and waiting.
Kirtch was a giver. The appendages of his mouth were jarring at first, but the length of his long prehensile tongue licked up and down the slit. It wasn’t a human tongue, the ridges and texture of it stimulating the crevices of your loins with stimulations of all sorts. The gentle licks with the abrasive texture of the muscle made your stomach turn and nipples perk as his big hands went to cradle you above him. He made no effort to alleviate your weight as you squirmed and twitched on him. He was just happy to have you close like this.
The tongue, long and prehensile, stills at your entrance and prods at curiously. Despite his human knowledge, you always found it cute that like human lovers he seemed to have trouble finding that hole at first despite the numerous encounters. You buck, humming in contentment as your head lulls back and your hands stroke the cold shells by his face. Prodding, prodding, you sigh in anticipation. Patience was a virtue and patience had made you stronger than you ever imagined; you weren’t the person you were when Kirtch got you but there were virtues bestowed upon you from this… this situation turned companionship he planted you in.
Prodding, pressing, then sliding, the texture of his tongue is delicious. The movies back of earth with those scary alien tongues always left you with a weird feeling in your belly but the way his tongue felt so thick and ridged inside was a greater pleasure than any dildo you ever played with in your bed back home. Sighing, you stir your hips when his tongue stops when it hits the wall by your cervix and he knows it can go no deeper: you loved being so full, so close to him.
Bucking, your eyes roll as his tongue dips down into where his mouth is obscured by your hips, before sliding back up. The ridges scrape your insides like a ribbed condom or those textured dildos, hot and warm and wet, he fills you before withdrawing. The slow tongue dips back down and jams back up harshly, earning a choked gasp. You stutter, eyes blown wide as the tongue flattened in you: its circumference blown wider to fill you more. The ribs and ridges of the tongue thing press impossibly hard into your walls as you pant lewdly while you struggled to steady you weight by pressing your palms flat on his head. The tip of the tongue swirls around your cervix like a human licks at a nipple and your eyes see spots.
The tongue is long, in and out, flattening and widening then swirling and flicking at your cervix with the hot wet texture of it. You buck, a choked sob as you clench on it. The size of him always hurts given his impressive and inhuman stature; your little body was not made to take the ridiculous dimensions of his races’ appendages in any way. There is a will, there is a way. The way his member left your insides fragile and swollen often led you to seeking pleasure from his mouth while your pussy recovered. A flick of the tip inside, he switched gears and presses hard on your g-spot with a stiff tongue. Drool dribbles from your mouth as your vision slips away while his tongue keeps thrusting in and out, jutting up only to meet the g-spot in beating and steady bursts against the sweet spot until your body was shaking.
Back hunched as you held at his head while you babbled and drooled stupidly, Kirtch withdraws his tongue but only to nuzzle against your clit to drink up the scent of your pheromones to memorize and get him through the day. Regrouping, you still shake on where his tongue emerges from with shaky breaths. He can’t bring himself to move you.
Sometimes it’s okay to be late to work.
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spideyjimin · 3 months
Fantasize | pjm
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⏤ pairing: jimin x female reader 
⏤ genre: colleagues, a loot of smut, and a tiny touch of fluff 
⏤ rating: 18+
⏤ words: 4,240
⏤ summary: when suddenly, you share a naughty-naughty time with your coworker, the one with whom you’ve been flirting for months already.
⏤ warnings: nipple play, swearing, mention of sex, fingering, multiple orgasms, praising, oral sex (f receiving), overstimulation, kind of clothed sex, a bit of handjob, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, and creampie 
⏤ author’s note: to be honest, this wasn’t expected at all 🥴 it’s a bit surprising that I managed to write this since it’s hard for me to write with Jimin being the main character since he’s my bias 💜 & this was all written in one day 🫣 hope you enjoy it, angels ✨
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“Oh, Jimin,” you exclaim with pleasure while the said Jimin is playing with your left nipple.
Your back is fully arched, your hand in his hair as a trail of moans escapes your lips. Minutes ago, you wouldn’t even imagine that your coworker would be here. You’ve been flirting together for a couple of months already. Actually, you’ve been flirting since his long-term relationship came to an end. In all honesty, you never imagined that it would happen. You weren’t particularly close when he was in his previous relationship. 
But then, everything changed. A simple conversation flipped things between you completely. Since then, you’ve been longing for each other and the sexual tension has been growing at an incredible pace. The other coworkers have obviously noted it but they didn’t mention anything. You’re kind of thankful they never said anything because there’s no doubt that it would have made you stop this whole thing. 
Jimin presses gentle kisses in between your breasts before he assaults your right nipple with his teeth. He shows no mercy, biting and intensely sucking it. Your eyes are fully closed since seeing him torturing you turns you too much on. You don’t want to have an orgasm right at the beginning when it’s quite clear that there’s more to come.
However, it’s hard to not be turned on by the entire situation. The top of your dress is slightly pushed down to reveal your breasts, and Jimin’s mouth is playing with your nipples while you’re pressed against a wall from your apartment’s entrance. His hair is caressing your chest which causes chills all over your body. Fuck, this man will be the reason for your downfall. 
While he’s still abusing your nipple, his right hand caresses your pussy through your dress. “Jimin,” you whimper as you feel his touch. 
Fuck, this is way too good! How can you even control yourself with this man? You’re surprised that you can still think correctly. He’s giving you too much pleasure and still like that, you desire more. Oh, all you want is to be fucked by this god. This pent-up tension drove you completely crazy. Some days, you were even craving to spread your legs in the office because the teasing and flirting were far too intense. 
Jimin presses a kiss on your breast before standing tall in front of you. A smirk appears on his face when he sees your state. Completely intoxicated by him. Man, he desired this since the day his relationship ended. To be honest, the second he laid eyes on you he found you extremely sexy. However, it was harmless. Every man or woman has at least once found someone pretty while being in a relationship. 
Nonetheless, the second his relationship ended, he looked at you differently. It wasn’t harmless anymore. He desperately craved you. He wasn’t able to contain himself around you, he wanted to seduce you in every way possible but you were coworkers. For that reason, he kept holding back. Because if it was for him, he would have put you in his bed the moment he looked at you differently. Especially since it was obviously reciprocated feelings. 
Holding back only had the opposite effect. He started to want you more and more. His mind was constantly clouded by unholy thoughts of you. His mind was continually replaying those flirtatious conversations you had throughout the day. The way he desired you was so unhealthy. He tried to flirt with other women but it wasn’t the same. They weren’t you. They weren’t able to turn him on the way you did. 
His hand leaves your clothed pussy to see your reaction. A little moan escapes your mouth. His smirk grows wider on his face. Fuck, you look even better than in his wildest dream. 
“Tell me what you want, baby,” he says with a deep voice. 
Your heart is beating crazily in your chest, your breathing is heavy, and your entire body is on fire. Your pussy is throbbing around emptiness as you want to feel his hand over you once again. Well, all you want is to be filled by him, and you don’t care how.  
Hearing him calling you ‘baby’ makes you feel something inside you. It’s quite strange, you’ve only heard him call you by your name. And you loved the way he was saying your name. 
“You,” you first say. 
It’s impossible to form a sentence with the way you’re feeling.  
“All over my body,” you add. 
Jimin adores your answer. Today, all he desired was to rail you but as always, he was trying to hold back because you’re his colleague. However, with that sexy dress on and all the things you did to tease him made him fall to his knees. He’s all yours tonight. It’s probably not a good idea to surrender to this consuming desire but only god knows what could happen if you continue holding back. 
He gets closer to you, your eyes follow him while you bite your lower lip. Damn, you’re not sure you’ll survive this night. It’s only the beginning and it’s already so good. 
“You’re lucky I want the same,” he whispers in your ear before biting it. 
You moan at the feeling. Fuck, hearing you makes him grow harder in his pants, but he also desperately expects to drive you crazy before satisfying his needs. He licks your ear, causing you to moan again and close your eyes. His hand finds its way again to your pussy, and his fingers rub you through the dress. Now, it's a trail of moans that fall from your mouth. The sound of pleasure encourages him to rub your pussy harder. 
His mouth finds yours for a desperate and passionate kiss. Kissing you was what led you to this situation. You randomly met him in front of your apartment. It wasn’t that random since you don’t live far from each other. A couple of months ago, you moved into this neighborhood, one that he knows too well. During a lunch break, he told you he wasn’t living far from your new place. At that time, he was still with his ex. 
So, when you met, you started talking. It wasn’t a flirtatious exchange as it usually is the case. You were both simply happy to run into each other in the street. At some point, you invited him to come upstairs to grab a glass of wine. The moment he stepped inside your place, the sexual tension between you came back. You couldn’t stop talking and eventually, it was already time for dinner.  
You ordered pizza while still talking and flirting together. Even though you were holding back, deep down you knew it was a matter of time before you’d surrender. Being alone at your place wasn’t possibly the best idea. How will you look at each other after this? 
After the pizza, it was time to leave. However, as you reached your apartment’s entrance and were about to say goodbye, he smashed his lips on yours for a very much craved kiss. You instantly reciprocated that kiss because it had been a long time since you dreamt of kissing him.     
His plump lips move down to your neck, causing shivers to run down your spine. He’s so addictive. His lips on your body feel like heaven. His needy fingers lift your dress up to your waist. As he leaves a trail of kisses from your neck down to your breasts, his fingers find their way to your panties. He doesn’t waste any second before plunging his fingers inside your underwear to finally touch your throbbing pussy. 
“Fuck,” you swear when you feel his cold fingers on your heated cunt. 
That feeling combined with his mouth on your nipples generates tons of fireworks inside you. Fuck, it feels beyond pleasurable. 
“You’re so fucking wet, baby,” he mumbles against your nipple. 
As he says those words, he mercilessly sucks your nipple. You don’t even know what causes you more pleasure, his fingers rubbing against your pussy or his lips on your nipples. Your back arches even more while this man gives you so much pleasure. Jimin loves to sense your wetness all over his fingers, it excites him beyond comprehension. He purposely rubs his fingers slowly to torture you even more. 
His tongue now runs around your nipple before gently sucking it. Amid your moans, you can both hear the slick sound of his fingers touching your juices. It’s quite dirty but it excites you both even more. Jimin moans as this excitement is getting him out of control. He’s really trying to go slow to make this moment memorable but it’s getting harder and harder.   
It doesn’t take you long before a first orgasm hits you violently. You don’t hold back and moan loudly. This sound is heaven to Jimin’s ears. Your body shakes which causes Jimin to smile with pride. He has managed to make you cum. His fingers definitely feel it as you get more soaked in your underwear. However, he craves to make you even more wet. 
So he inserts a finger inside you. Your moans are louder than before, and his name slips from your pretty mouth. His mouth leaves your breasts to be able to enjoy the view. Fuck, he dreamt of this for months and he wants to enjoy every second of it.      
You don’t even notice him watching you with lust, you’re simply lost in your own pleasure. Jimin shows no mercy as he pumps his finger in and out of your cunt. His eyes don’t leave your face while you’re contorting with pleasure. At this exact moment, he’s grateful you held back all this time before surrendering because fuck, it’s beyond marvelous. 
Your hands grab his arm to try to steady yourself. The pleasure you’re feeling right now is so overwhelming. The man in front of you adds a second finger for your greatest bliss. Your mouth falls open but no sound leaves it. You’re panting hard. 
His fingers quickly pump in and out of your pussy. His dark orbs are completely mesmerized by you. Damn, he’s absolutely adoring this moment. And right then and there, a second orgasm hits you. This second one is more intense than the first one but fuck, you’re loving the way he’s pleasuring you. 
“Oooooh, Jimin,” you moan. 
Jimin smirks when he sees you orgasm again. But as much as he wants to continue to finger you at your entrance, he also desires to do other things to you. He removes his fingers which causes a little whimper to escape your lips. He presses a gentle kiss on your mouth. 
“I could fuck you all night, baby,” he says. “You’re so pretty when you orgasm.”
Your cheeks turn red at his words. A sincere smile forms on his sweet face. He can’t help but find you extremely adorable as you get shy. It’s such a contrast after all the flirting and this steamy moment. 
“You’re pretty in all circumstances,” he adds. 
You hide your face in his chest. Even though, this is something you craved for a long while, it’s so weird to get vulnerable in front of him. Up until today, this was a dream, and now, it has become a reality. 
Jimin’s aware that you’re a bit shy in general, which is a part of your charisma. It’s true that it’s a bit odd to be sharing such an intimate moment with you but he wouldn’t want it in any other way. Yes, he’s so fucking attracted to you. It’s not a secret. 
“Why are you getting all shy?” he asks while caressing your back. 
You put an end to this embrace to take a look at the man who has been haunting your dreams for months now. 
“It’s so weird to be vulnerable around you,” you answer. “We’ve been flirting for a while already but I never thought this would happen.” 
“Well, it was obvious it would happen,” he says. “We couldn’t keep flirting forever without succumbing. One day or another, one of us would have caved in.” 
You nod because he’s totally right. It was becoming harder to resist him. You press a gentle kiss on his plump lips. This kiss isn’t a needy one, it’s a very intimate one. One that screams love instead of sex. It’s a kind of kiss you never expected to share because the attraction you had for each other was merely sexual. But in the past few months, you’ve been undeniably building something. You weren’t noticing it because you desperately wanted to have sex. 
There’s no doubt that after tonight, things will never be the same. You won’t be able to look at each other as simple colleagues. 
You break the kiss to catch your breath. “Now, I want to taste and see that pussy of yours,” he whispers. Your heart is beating fast once again in your chest. 
You grab his hand to guide him to your bedroom. His eyes look down at your wonderful ass, and he bites his lower lips. Your ass is even prettier without any clothes on. He can’t resist smashing it and squeezing it. You’re caught by surprise and turn your face to look at him. 
“Jimin,” you simply say. 
“What?” he asks. “I couldn’t resist your pretty ass, it was calling me to touch it,” he adds. 
You roll your eyes with a little smile on your face, but you keep walking towards your bedroom. Once inside, Jimin simply pushes on your bed and he wastes no time to take your underwear off. He pushes you to the edge of the bed before spreading your legs. You let him do whatever he wants of you. All you care about is the pleasure he can give you. 
“Ufff, baby,” he exclaims when seeing your cunt. “You’re fucking pretty.” 
You don’t really know what to say. It’s the first time someone is seeing your pussy and saying that it’s pretty. In the end, it’s just a part of your body that is here for reproduction and pleasure. There’s nothing to be pretty, at least that’s what you think. Jimin thinks the other way. It’s an important part of the body and every woman has a different one. So, when he says that it’s pretty, he means it. 
His thumb automatically touches your clit. You instantly moan at the feeling of his fingers touching you once more. He starts doing circle movements on your clit, and moans flow out of your mouth. Your cunt clenches around nothing and you feel that urge inside you to be filled by Jimin. 
This time, his mouth presses against your folds. Your eyes watch everything that he does, it’s incredible how it feels to see a man in between your legs. His tongue gives you a good swipe up, your body starts to tremble again, and your hands grab the sheets while his mouth works against your folds before going up to your clit. Your moan gets louder as your body contours with pleasure. His hands hold your legs to hold you steady. It’s hard to eat you out with your body moving crazily. 
Nobody has eaten you out like this. “Fuuck,” you whimper. “You’re doing it so well.” 
He smiles since he adores that you’re letting him know that he’s eaten you out well. The tip of his tongue teases your entrance by brushing it. God, this feels tremendously wonderful. Slowly, his tip starts to penetrate you and you hold tighter the bed sheets. You can feel your third orgasm getting closer. Honestly, you’ve never had so many orgasms without being penetrated. Yes, you’re quite sensitive and you can get many orgasms but that has always been once a dick is deep buried inside you. 
Your back arches, your hand gets buried in his fluffy hair while he’s fucking your pussy more and more with his mouth. Your hips start grinding against his mouth. The room is filled with your moans and the sound of his mouth sucking the shit out of you. His tongue leaves your entrance alone so he can suck your clit. As he does it, he inserts two fingers inside you. 
“Ooh fuck, Jimin,” you grip his hair with your hand. 
A moan echoes against your cunt because that grip unimaginably excites him. Jimin isn’t sure how long he can take before completely exploding inside his pants. Giving you pleasure has turned him on in a way he never thought possible. Fuck, he’s never been so fucking horny while only fucking someone with his fingers and mouth. 
His eyes glare up to take a look at you. You’re holding the sheets with one hand while the other is on his hair, your back is fully arched, and pretty whines are falling from your mouth. His name is pronounced in the middle of those moans. You’re so fucking hot like that, he can’t wait to see you under him. 
“I’m about to cum,” you manage to say. 
You finish the sentence and you just explode. A third orgasm bringing you to heaven. Your body trembles with pleasure, and he feels his fingers getting more soaked. His fingers are quickly replaced by his mouth so he can suck everything that is flowing out of your pussy. 
“You taste like candy,” he says as his mouth finally sets your cunt free. “It’s addictive, I could spend the entire night eating you out.” 
That sentence alone makes you clench your pussy. You look at him, his hair is completely tousled, making him look hotter than hell. His lips are a bit more swollen and covered with your wetness. This is a vision you never thought you needed to see. This alone can make you cum right there. 
“You’re so fucking sexy,” you say. 
A smirk grows on his not-so-innocent face before he crawls over you like a predator. His dark orbs are completely filled with lust, and it makes you get wetter. He settles his hips against yours, making you spread your legs wider. You can feel his hard erection against your cunt. His eyes roam your face for a little while before he presses a kiss against your lips. By instinct, you close your legs around his hips to keep him close. 
Your left hand slowly moves down on his body to touch his erection. Fuck, he’s hard as a rock. The feeling of your fingers against his erection makes him moan against your lips. Honestly, right now, all you care about is to have his damn cock inside of you. So you don’t waste any time unzipping his pants. 
“Someone is needy here,” he mumbles against your lips.
“How couldn’t I?” you ask. “After all this, all I want is to have you inside me.” 
Jimin chuckles. 
“For someone that was shy minutes ago, this is quite bold,” he tells you.
“I’m just desperate now,” you reply. “But I’ll for sure will get back to being shy once this is over.” 
Well, even though he adores your shyness, having this desperate and needy version of you is honestly a big turn-on.  
Jimin puts his hand on top of yours. Of course, he wants you to undress him but he needs to remove his shoes first. Otherwise, it won’t be satisfying. In seconds, he removes them and gets back to where he was, in between your legs. You smile when you notice that he doesn’t remove his pants and underwear. He definitely wants you to do it. 
Your hands get back to his bulge before you push his pants down. Slowly, your hand massages his dick through his underwear. The man on top of you closes his eyes to enjoy this moment. You’re teasing him so fucking well. He wants more than this. Your eyes glance up at him to admire the way he melts under your touch. You grab his crotch through his underwear, and slowly you pump him. 
“Fuck, yn,” he whimpers. “You’re doing it so well.” 
A smile full of pride appears on your face as you’re pleasuring him. You don’t rush anything, you take your time so you can torture him a bit. It’s his turn to suffer a bit after all he did to you. Jimin moans, your name falling out of his pretty lips. You can’t help but find it extremely hot the way he moans your name. 
After what feels like an eternity for him, he rests his hand on yours to stop you. 
“Please stop,” he begs. “Don’t want to cum right now.” 
A devious smile appears on your face, a smile that Jimin notices when he opens his eyes. Damn, you’ll be the cause of his downfall. There’s no way you’re going back to being just colleagues. That will never happen under his watch. 
Quickly, Jimin throws his pants and underwear onto the floor. His fingers check out how wet you are. “Perfect,” he mumbles. His eyes glare up at you. “I don’t have any condom with me,” he says. “Wasn’t expecting to be…” You put a finger on his pretty lips to silence him. 
“Let’s do it without,” you say. 
It isn’t the greatest idea to do it without but honestly, you can’t wait for him to buy now a condom. The excitement would be long gone by the time he comes back. Jimin nods before holding his cock and brushing it against your folds to cover it with your juices. Both of you moan with delight. He teases you by rubbing his little monster a couple of times. 
“You’re such a tease,” you say. 
As you say those words, he pushes his cock inside you. Your mouth opens wide to let out a loud moan. He bends down, his face now close to yours, and his lips brush against your ear.  
“It wouldn’t be funny if I wasn’t one,” he whispers. Shivers appear all over your body. 
This man is hot as fuck! But he doesn’t let you think much about his answer since he slowly starts to fuck you properly. Jimin hammers into you with absolutely no mercy. After all this teasing and the preliminaries, there wasn’t any reason to go easy on you once he’d have his dick deep inside you. 
“Jimin, fuck!” you moan. 
The man on top of you quickens his pace. You’re both panting hard, your bed is hitting the wall, making quite a lot of noise, he’s fucking you roughly, and you’re moaning loudly. Your walls clench on repeat around him and it definitely drives him crazy. Your back arches to meet his thrusts while you grab the bedsheets tightly in your fists. Your entire body is bouncing at the pace of his thrusts. Jimin is keeping his eyes wide open to admire you as you contour with pleasure. On your end, it’s quite hard to keep your eyes open. Everything is too overwhelming. 
His fingers move down to meet your pussy and rub it. Jimin really wants to see you cum once more. Three orgasms aren’t enough. He needs a fourth one. His lips plant a trail of kisses on your neck, he’s definitely trying to bring you close to the edge. He’s torturing you in a very pleasant way. 
“Sh-Shit,” you say. “I’m gonna cum.”��
He licks your neck when you pronounce those words. That’s what he wants to hear. He doesn’t stop rolling his hips, he actually goes even harder, and his head pops up to watch you. You’re wonderful. The prettiest girl he has ever encountered. His lips find yours for a filthy kiss, he even bites your lower lip.  
“Then, cum for me, baby,” he whispers against your lips. 
Well, he doesn’t need to say anything else to have you cum. This orgasm is more intense than the previous ones so it tastes even more like heaven. Jimin senses his cock getting covered even more by your juices. Your walls clenching around him are bringing him closer to his orgasm. Your body is trembling intensely. 
Jimin only hammers into you a little longer before he’s the one being hit violently by his orgasm. He carefully takes his dick out before cumming over your lower tummy while deep groans leave his lips. 
He crashes down next to you into your bed. You’re both trying to catch your breaths, your hearts still beating fast. A couple of seconds later, you sit on your bed to grab tissues on your nightstand. You hand some to Jimin and you clean your belly. The room definitely smells sex, it’s quite a strong scent. 
“Was it good?” he asks while he cleans his dick.
 A smile appears on your face. 
“It was more than good,” you answer. 
He smiles back at you. You completely undress yourself before putting on new underwear and a shirt. Jimin puts back his underwear and removes his shirt. You both get back in bed and fall into each other’s arms. You put your head on his chest while he holds you tight in his embrace. You remain in silence as you process what just happened. Things are now completely different since you crossed a line. It’s a line that you never imagined would be crossed months ago. However, you’re glad it happened because this was fucking good! 
Slowly, you fall asleep in his arms and there’s no other place he wishes to be. 
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a-killer-obsession · 9 days
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Whoops, you got hit by a bus, and now you're in the world of One Piece. But not everything is quite as you remember it...
General Tags: afab reader, she/her reader pronouns, isekai, monsterfucker reader, vampire!kid, werewolf!killer, wyrm!heat, minotaur!wire, everyone has a human form, smut heavy, unhealthy relationships, dubious consent, serious violence, spoilers for Wano arc, starts pre-timeskip. There will be a lot of more intense kinks, please check AO3 for all current tags.
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Chapter 10 - Terms and Conditions
Now that you're part of the crew, it's time to set some ground rules.
WC: 4k
Masterlist | AO3 | Chapter 1
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You sat sleepily in Heat's lap, well, not his lap really, more like the middle of his tail. It was coiled in a tight spiral, your rump sat firmly atop it, your back pressed against his warm chest and his warm arms around your center. His naturally hot body temperature soothed the aches you still had from yesterday, he was taking such good care of you, knowing how worn out you were from taking most of the crew. He graciously hadn't attempted to mount you, but he hovered close by, which was welcomed given his sweet doting and care you were very much in need of. Your joints ached from the positions you'd been in for such a long period of time and your pussy was raw and aching. You didn't speak more than needed and Killer had provided soft foods, knowing your jaw was stiff from all the pussy eating and cock sucking you'd done. You were happy though. You felt content, and finally safe and secure in your position here. Well, as safe as you could be, now that you were officially a pirate.
“Now then Mouse,” Kid grinned, “let's make things official, aye? We believe ya story now, or at least we're trying our best to. It's still hard to accept yer from another universe. But you've at least proven your usefulness to us, so ya can stay on the crew. How bout it, Mouse? Ya wanna join my crew?”
“Yes captain,” you smiled sleepily, “will my job here be as your… bed warmer?”
“Aye, you'll be our ship whore,” Kid smirked, “only for the four of us here though, unless we decide to give someone a night with ya as a reward. You good with that?”
“Yes captain, as long as my boundaries are respected,” you stated.
“Of course lass,” Kid replied, “Wire will draw up a contract for ya later. He's the most knowledgeable here, he'll make sure your boundaries are laid out for us. Everyone we let have you will be made clear of your conditions. You're still up for the four of us free using you, aye? It was your original offer. I did let you live, after all.”
“Within limits, yeah,” you responded, trying to not let your lust-addled brain distract you from an important conversation. Being free used by four big, strong, attractive, well endowed men? Ohhhh what a horror, the worst thing you could imagine. “I like what we've got going on. Will I be given a share of the loot like the others?”
“Of course lass,” Kid chuffed, “if anything you'll be paid better. You'll be saving us a great deal of money by servicing us instead of having to spend money on island whores. We'll give you your own room, for convenience. Everyone else shares but the four of us, but I'm not sure anyone is keen on losing sleep whenever we have need of ya. There's a lounge in the castle we barely use, we'll have it cleared out for ya. We're on our way back to Sabaody as we speak, you can go to the shops and get whatever you need to get set up once we dock. We'll back pay you for your time since ya started servicing us.”
“Thank you captain,” you replied gratefully. You didn't expect him to pay you for your time as a prisoner. “That's generous of you. I won't let you down.”
“You'll probably find your bed doesn't get much use, unless you're in need of a break,” Kid continued with a chuckle, “but it'll give you somewhere to keep your shit anyway.
“Speaking of resting,” you interjected, “I had a bit of an idea. In terms of the free-using. I was wondering if you'd make me a more long term wearable collar, something that won't irritate my skin, thin perhaps. With a tag that has your jolly roger. I thought maybe we could use it as a signal, if I'm not wearing the collar then I'm in need of rest.”
“EXCELLENT IDEA!” Kid roared, spooking you a little as he thumped his fist against the table, “I'll make ya a collar that'll make everyone jealous of ya!”
“Thank you, captain,” you smiled, nuzzling sleepily against Heat's bicep.
“Tired, Mouse?” Kid smirked.
“Mmm,” you mumbled, “I feel like I'm hungover from yesterday. Drunk on dick I guess. And pussy.”
Killer and Wire snorted while Kid made a boisterous laugh. “Before you fall asleep,” Killer jumped in, “is there anything we need to know for the immediate future?”
“Mmm,” you mumbled, trying to sit upright, to which Heat helped you, nuzzling his face against your back, “you need to get the ship coated before Ace's execution, cos after that the only coater I know will be busy.”
“Where do we find him?” Wire asked.
“You're all familiar with the coater already, in fact you met him the other day,” you alluded, “Silvers Rayleigh, he can coat the ship. You'll find him, or at least his wife, Shakky, in grove thirteen at Shakky's Rip-Off Bar. You unintentionally helped his friend rescue that mermaid by helping the Straw Hats escape, so he should be amenable to coating the ship.”
“He's the coater?” Kid exclaimed, “the fuck is the ‘Dark King’ doing coating ships?”
“Paying for his alcoholism, mostly,” you yawned, making the others snort laughs.
“Alright then Sleeping Beauty,” Kid laughed, before his smile fell to a more serious expression, “we don't have to worry about this whole execution shit, right?”
“There'll be a war, but your crew won't be involved,” you replied, “it'll all happen over at the marine base. You'll just see it on a screen on Sabaody.”
“Alright then,” Kid huffed, pleased and relieved with your answer. It was no secret that there was tension in the air regarding the execution and whether returning to Sabaody was even safe tight now. There were reports that Whitebeard was on the move to save Ace, and it made Kid uneasy, but he trusted your prediction, you hadn't let him down thus far. “Go get some rest then princess, we promise we'll behave till you're up to it. I'll have that collar for ya before your pussy is ready to get destroyed again.”
Kid winked as he stood and grabbed a boob as he passed by, making you squeal and slap his hand playfully as the captain chuckled. You started to stand as well, but Heat swung you onto his back to carry you, making you giggle as you grabbed his horns for support. “Giddy up!” You laughed. He pretended to buck you, which only made you giggle more, Killer shaking his head with a grin under his mask as Heat carried you out. He and Heat were in high spirits, overly relieved and happy that your story had been proven true and you got to stay. You'd promised Heat to do some sunbathing with him on top of the dinosaur skull while the sun was out, it was a good excuse for a nap and a cuddle really.
You hopped off Heat's back as he made it up, he was surprisingly fast and agile in this form. It'd made you curious as to why he didn't use this form more, to which he had told you that it ‘wasn't polite’ to go around in that form, whatever that meant. Maybe it was like how zoan fruit users usually stayed in their human form? Heat laid down first, making a pleased grunt as his head rested on the pillow he'd chucked up here earlier, his long tail stretching along the skull like an arrow pointed at the distant Sabaody that hovered on the horizon.
“I'm really glad you get to stay,” Heat hummed as you got comfy next to him, resting your head on his chest, tucked into the crook of his armpit.
“Yeah, me too,” you murmured back with a big yawn. Heat gave you a soft smile and a little squeeze before the yawn caught him too.
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“Alright, ready to get started?” Wire asked, tapping the tip of the feathered pen against the page in front of him, “I've made a list of kinks the crew like to indulge in. You just let me know which ones you're comfortable with. Ready?”
“Yup!” You smiled back sweetly, leaning forward and resting your face in your palm, your elbow against the table. It was just you and Wire in the navigation room, he didn't want you to have the pressure of the others watching you and potentially pressuring you into things you weren't comfortable with.
“First item - free use for the four commanders, under the circumstances that your collar is on. That much I know you're good with, but what about outside of that?” He asked.
“A big maybe,” you replied, “I'm a regular woman without the collar. If they can seduce me, sure. But I reserve the right to deny them without consequence.”
“Okay, seems reasonable,” he replied, the pen making scratching noises as he jotted it down, “I have a list of things you've already participated in, so I'll just run through them quickly so you can confirm them for the contract. Touching of all body parts, vaginal fingering, vaginal penetration, cunnilingus, blow jobs, deep throating, face fucking, use of strap on, cum on body including face and genitals and inclusive of female cum, cum in mouth, creampies. Threesome, degradation, praise, bathing together, face riding, both giving and receiving, those are the basics, yes to all of the above?”
“Can we make an amendment for no cum near my eyes?” You asked him, “otherwise yes to everything else.”
“No cum near eyes, got it,” he wrote on the page, “the next set is things you've done that are on the more intense side. Gangbang, bukkake, self-wetting, humiliation, somnophilia, exhibitionism, bondage, pet play and master/servant dynamics, both as dominant and submissive. Amenable to all of those?”
“Somnophilia is the sleep one, yeah?” You queried.
“Aye,” Wire confirmed.
“Okay, yeah that's fine,” you confirmed, “but um… I don't want Heat watching me use the toilet anymore. And I'm not eating out of a bowl or shitting in a litterbox.”
“Noted,” Wire replied, scribbling that down, “you were fine with the self-wetting though? What about other watersports?”
“I've never tried but, I'm not not curious,” you replied unsurely, “the self-wetting was… enlightening.”
“I'll put it down as a maybe, for future experimentation. You can change your mind later if you want, same goes for anything on this list,” Wire assured you, “now for the requests. Anal fingering, mouth to ass, anal sex. Receiving and giving. Thoughts?”
“Yeah, those are fine. I've done a few on the giving end as well, but I guess that person wanted to keep it to himself,” you noted, “just uh… only receiving the whole way with proper lubrication. No spit as lube bullshit unless it's only fingers.”
“Got it,” Wire confirmed, “next up, use of toys such as dildos and vibrators, use of nipple clamps, impact play, with hands and equipment. Bondage such as shibari, cuffs, bed, wall and furniture mounted restraints. Sensory deprivation. Tickling. Forced orgasms. Edging. Thoughts?”
“No to the tickling, limited to impact play. I'm not a fan of pain,” you explained, “light smacking is fine, but you can cross off anything too painful, otherwise yes to everything else.”
“I'll cross off knife play and hook suspension,” Wire said as his pen ran a line through several items, “next set. Foot play, non-con roleplay, softcore roleplay such as maid, fisting, sex under the influence of alcohol and drugs, use of purpose built furniture such as breeding benches, double penetration, of separate holes and of multiple cocks in one hole.” Wire looked at you expectantly, his pen paused over the page.
“Uhh, no to fisting,” you ran through the list in your head trying to make sure you remembered everything, “um… yes to one in the ass, one in the cunt. Maybe to two in my cunt, I've never tried. Definitely no to two in my ass.”
“I think you could manage two in one,” Wire smirked, “as long as I wasn't one of them. You took me so well.”
“Mmm, I certainly want to try,” you hummed, “quit reminding me of your big beefy cock or I won't be able to concentrate.”
“We're almost done,” Wire snorted and shook his head, “anything else not on this contract, we'll ask first. You'll be paid the same split as Heat and I get. You'll use the colour system for safe words regardless of if your collar is on or not. Green when prompted to go ahead, orange if something needs to change or you need a break, red if you need to stop. No consequences will come from using the safe words so please don't be afraid to use them. By signing this you agree to remain up to date with your birth control unless an explicit agreement is made to impregnate you, you may expect that from Heat or Killer, Kid and I aren't the type to want babies. If an accident happens, Kid promises not to kick you off the ship. The rest of the crew will keep their hands off you unless you give them permission, otherwise a maximum of once a week we may choose to allow them a night with you as a reward. You won't allow anyone outside of this ship to touch you without permission from your captain. You will remain on this crew unless relieved of your contract by the captain. You'll also be given regular STI screening, as the four of us do, and all other crewmates will be required to use protection with you. Do you agree to all these terms?”
“Sounds good to me,” you hummed, openly ogling Wire's muscular torso, “you wanna fuck?”
“Sign here first,” he shuffled the page over to you and you quickly signed it, biting your lip as he stood and rounded the table. He loomed over you from behind your chair, running his hand up your neck until his hand was sweeping your chin up, forcing you to look at him. You pushed aside the page with its drying ink and sat on the edge of the table, spreading your legs for Wire to slot between them.
“What happened to having a sore cunt?” Wire mused, running his thumb over your lower lip, pressing against the soft flesh. He was all for fucking you, he'd been thinking a lot about your tight cunt and wanted to take his time with you. He worried though that you were ignoring your limits.
“Well you see there's this thing called ‘remembering how fucking big and hot your cock is’ and unfortunately I'm no good at disagreeing with my pussy, she wants what she wants,” you purred back up at him, peeking out your tongue to lick his digit before taking it in your mouth, humming as you sucked his thumb.
“You're so cute when you're being submissive,” Wire grinned, replacing his thumb with his pointer and middle finger and gagging you with them, “I have been wanting to get a taste of that pretty cunt of yours. No collar though,” he hummed, running his finger down your neck and tracing a trail of saliva over where the collar would sit, “so I have to ask, can I taste you, princess?”
“Please do,” you huffed, pulling your legs up so your feet rested on the table, showing off your flexibility as you sat back. You'd never properly redressed after waking up, still just wearing one of Heat's old shirts, large enough to fit as a baggy dress on you, your pussy exposed and inviting underneath. You tugged on the hem of the shirt to reveal yourself to Wire, who hummed appreciatively as he ran his thumb between your folds.
“Already wet for me,” Wire cooed as he knelt, “such a good girl.”
He kissed your thighs softly, making you giggle, before his teeth sunk into the soft flesh and the giggle turned to a moan. He nipped you a few more times before his tongue ran a fat stripe up your cunt, and your hand pushed away his hood to tug at his short hair. His tongue lapped against your pussy as he pulled your legs to rest over his shoulders, giving the occasional suck of your bud that made you whine. He was clearly enjoying himself as well, grunting against your cunt as his tongue bullied its way inside you, licking at your walls while his hand looped over your thigh to thumb your clit. You could feel his pointed sideburns against your thighs as he ate you out, his thumb making small, firm circles on your bud as his thick tongue wiggled inside you.
“Oh fuck that's good,” you moaned, laying back against the table, “just like that, fuck.”
His other hand weaselled up under his chin, the end of his middle finger toying with your asshole and spreading the slick and spit that had rolled down around the ring before sinking in. There was a spark of electricity in your clit as his finger pushed inside your ass, not quite finger fucking you, just toying with your hole for extra stimulation. It made that coil in your stomach pull tight, your back arching off the table as you fisted his hair, holding him tight against you. You could feel the coy grin he made against your cunt, and you made the mistake of looking down, immediately catching his eyes that were watching you carefully from between your legs. Those fucking eyes, they always did something to you, and you threw back your head with a groan, cumming on his tongue, his finger forced out of your ass by the contractions your orgasm made.
He gave you a few more greedy licks that made you shiver before he stood, making a show out of unfastening his pants and laying his thick erection against your stomach as his shorts and briefs pooled at his ankles. He rut his cock between your folds, getting his shaft coated in slick and spit and rubbing against your over-stimulated clit. “You're so pretty like this, blissed out with my cock laying against you,” he noted, “pull your shirt up, I wanna see your tits.”
You obediently did as he asked in your post orgasm daze, squishing and kneading your tits for his enjoyment. He groaned as you pulled at your own nipples, your hips rolling to grind against his shaft on their own accord. “You want it bad, huh? Cute little bunny, horny little thing,” Wire purred, putting more force into the rutting. He took himself in his hand and pressed the head of his cock against your entrance, pushing only the tip in and stretching you out. That on its own was enough to make you whine and try to shift to take more of him. “So greedy, trying to get more already. I'm gonna have fun taking my time with you,” he teased, pulling his tip out and sinking it back in over and over, making you whine at the emptiness each time he removed himself.
“Please!” You begged, “want it, want it so bad.”
“Yeah? You want this?” He asked, suddenly sinking himself in, to what he knew was your limit, before entirely leaving you empty again, his cock rubbing against your clit. “Use your words baby.”
“Want- want your fat cock,” you whimpered, “want it splitting me open. Wanna feel you filling me, please.”
“Such a good girl,” Wire cooed, bullying his cock back inside you, but not moving any further. You only said you wanted it inside you, you never said anything about moving. Wire was a master of restraint, any of the others would have already been fucking your brains out by now, while he enjoyed watching you writhe against the table as he warmed his cock. “That feel good, baby? You like keeping my cock nice and warm?”
“Y-yes,” you whined, “feels so full, hnng. Fuck me Wire, please, please please please.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” he toyed, before pulling out most of the way and slamming back in, prompting a scream from you at the sudden heavy thrust. He did it over and over, pulling out slowly, then pushing in hard and fast, driving you insane as you got enough stimulation to feel incredible but never enough to sustain the building orgasm, and you got the feeling that was purposeful. Wire was only doing exactly as you asked, he was testing you, teasing you to see how far you would go to beg for it. You reached between your legs to rub your clit, but he quickly grabbed your wrists and folded them against your chest, pinning you down.
“Please,” you begged, “more, please, wanna cum on your cock so bad.”
“How bad do you want it?” Wire teased, “what are you gonna give me in return?”
“Anything!” You cried, “please, anything, please fuck me harder!”
“You're gonna let me frost your face, and you're gonna wear it for the rest of the day,” Wire growled, “you're not washing it off till bedtime. Everyone's gonna see what a little slut you are.”
“Yes! Yes!” You whined, trying and failing to fight his hold to try and fuck yourself with his cock, “please, please, please.”
“Good girl,” Wire praised, before finally committing to a hard and fast pace that had you shrieking and seeing stars. Your pussy made obscene squelches as he fucked it, Wire making grunts and tightening his grip on your arms as he used you like a cock sleeve, loving the way your pussy was already fluttering around him, so desperate to cum, choking his cock like it was desperate for him to breed you. “You gonna squirt for me, bunny? Gonna make a mess?”
“Y-yes,” you moaned, unable to escape his hold as he started to overstimulate you, making you dizzy as you felt your orgasm rushing at you. “C-cumming!” You shouted before your thighs clamped around him and shook hard, cum dripping off the side of the table and on to the rug below, some of it drenching his abdomen. His cock never stopped pumping you, the wet sounds now increased tenfold with the added lubrication while you squealed and writhed before finally stilling with a heavy pant.
“Good whore,” Wire purred, “such a good girl.” You barely heard what he was saying, practically lifeless against the table, all you could do was whimper pathetically. Wire got close to his own peak and pulled out, climbing onto the table and straddling your chest. He pumped his cock over you, pleased by the half-lidded puppy dog eyes you were giving him, too weak and fucked out to do more than lick the end of his cock or feebly suck on the tip when he pushed it between your lips. “Close your eyes sweetheart,” he cooed. No sooner had you closed them did he grunt, and you heard his palm hit the table next to your face for support as the first hot spurts of cum hit your face, aimed mostly for your lips and cheek, some of it getting in your hair. It was a large load, and you could already feel it start to drip as he panted, rolling off you to lay on the table beside you, his legs hanging over the edge while yours were folded up, feet against the edge, knees together and still shaking.
“What do you say?” He teased.
“Th-thank you,” you whined.
“Good girl,” he huffed, before surprising you with his softness as he linked his hand with yours, “you're gonna do well here, and we're gonna take good care of you.”
“Mmm,” you replied sleepily, resting your eyes for a moment and enjoying his warm hand encompassing yours. Later you would go to dinner with Wire's cum still coating your face, sitting in his lap so it was clear to everyone who's cum it was. Everyone told you how pretty you looked, and promised they'd paint you too soon.
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[Next Chapter] - coming soon
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Magpie Stash
Pairing: Astarion/ g/n unnamed Tav Tags: fluff, trauma Length: 1k words Summary: While looting, Astarion comes across items he wants to own.
A/N: Another headcanon which I may have shared with some of the talented fan fiction writers out there before. So, if that’s the case, don’t come for me! But holy Hells this got much longer than I planed! I guess this is s drabble now? Or a whole ass fanfic? You tell me 😂
Thank you wonderful @nyx-knox for the beta reading! It was *chef‘s kiss* ✨
Astarion has not owned anything in 200 years.
The only things he could call his were his wits and the clothes on his back - and both he cared for and mended meticulously.
But suddenly he’s part of a ragtag group of strangers, and he finds himself looting a temple not far from where they crashed with a damn Nautiloid after being abducted and infected by mindflayer parasites. And frankly, he’s not entirely sure what part he finds most surprising.
Finding food, weapons and healing potions is a priority. For the others. Not so much him. Honestly. Why should he bother looking for food he won’t even eat? He doesn’t know these weirdos.
But he humors them and even aids his positively helpless companions by picking locks. And as he opens the lid of a gilded chest, something catches his eye.
Beneath old parchment and a rotten carrot he finds …. pretty things? There’s a particularly sparkly ring. A skilfully bound book with gilded letters on the cover. A fine silk scarf hemmed with the most delicate fell-stitches …
He has no idea if those items are of any value. They certainly are useless for the group. But … they are beautiful. And he wants, no he needs to own them. So without giving it too much thought, he takes them.
He has no intention of selling *HIS* items to the vendor they meet at the Tiefling Camp. Hells, he doesn’t even have the intention of showing them to his companions.
He wants these pretty things for himself, he wants to keep them safe. The spawn siblings used to steal from one another all the time, so he’s used to being protective over his meagre possessions. Can’t shake 200 years of hypervigilance that easily.
Over the next days and weeks of travel, Astarion fills up a little purple leather pouch with whatever catches his eye. Going through the diverse collection of beautiful bits and bobs for a few moments before meditating becomes a secret source of calm for Astarion. A soothing ritual, especially after the more straining days.
Which is what he’s doing now. He sits on his bedroll cross-legged, inspecting the things. His things. His little private treasure trove. That he owns.
A bejeweled comb, random gold coins, a tiny picture frame containing an even tinier painting …
The only piece of his treasure that gave him more of a bittersweet feeling had been a silver hand-mirror he had found in the goblin infested village. To be honest, he was not too mad when he accidentally smashed it in frustration the other night after talking to Tav.
Tav. Their unofficial leader. They never seem to have a problem sharing the things they find. They share their food with the group, their scrolls, and they even gave Astarion that freakish but intriguing tome they had found in that cellar. Far too generous, if you ask him.
As Astarion packs up his collection he hears coughing outside. Again. It’s been going on all night.
He peeks out. Tav is on second watch. The night is cold, and they just added another log to the fire. Still, the cool wind is picking up and Tav pulls their cloak close around their neck - which unfortunately does not prevent the coughing.
For a moment, Astarion considers just ignoring them, letting them hack up a lung. But to his dismay, he … cares? He finds he doesn’t want Tav to be cold or sick. But it’s just because he just doesn’t want their coughing to get annoying. That’s all. Obviously.
So he leaves his tent and saunters up to their leader, who greets him with a sleepy but friendly smile.
Astarion holds out his hand to Tav, holding a long piece of white fabric. He’s offering them his beautiful silk scarf with the immaculate fell-stitched hem that he had inspected a lot over the past weeks.
„You’re coughing too much, darling. It’s keeping me up and I do need my beauty sleep.” he says with mock indignation and his trademark smirk.
„Thank you.“ Tav says as they take the scarf from his hand and wraps it around that oh so delicious neck of theirs.
After an awkward moment of silence Astarion offers a final „Well. Good night, my dear.“ with a courteous bow and walks back to his tent.
He can’t help but wonder at the strange feeling in his chest. Tav can and will never know just what big of a deal this small gesture was for the pale Elf.
For the first time in 200 years Astarion gave away something that was his simply because he wanted to. He wanted them to have it. Because they needed it more than him. And not only that. He does not even expect anything in return. How in the Hells did that happen?
He’s sure it’s nothing.
A few years from then, Astarion finds himself in the cellar beneath Tav’s and his home. He’s looking for something, and he’s sure it has to be here somewhere.
“Aha!” From the trunk before him he pulls a skilfully bound book - even though the gilded letters on the cover have worn off with time.
He opens the book - and huffs in relief. And nervousness. It’s still right where he left it between the pages all those years ago.
Hidden inside the old book lies a particularly sparkly ring.
He smiles. A lot has changed since that day they looted that temple and he found his first little treasures. Back then Astarion couldn’t fathom sharing his magpie stash - or anything, for that matter - with anyone. And now? Now he shares a home with the person he loves. And he plans on sharing so much more with them.
What better way of showing that than by proposing with the first thing he ever called his? Because now there’s only one thing, or rather person, he wants for himself. The one person he wants to share everything with.
He looks at the particularly sparkly ring.
Yes. This should do nicely.
So, and on a completely unrelated note: When does a headcanon become a full on fanfic lol?
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mind-player · 11 months
Little Escape
Basically, Tav getting addicted to organizing loot as a means of a short little escape from the horrors they've seen. Astarion thought that it would be fine, however, if it didn't get to the point where they started to neglect their own needs.
He decides that perhaps a break is in order.
Words: 957
Astarion kept stealing annoyed glances above his book at you from where he stood in front of his tent. Everyone gathered around Gale with bowls and bread, all banter and grateful sounds for long-awaited food. 
Conversely, you kept fussing around with the loot everyone snatched from earlier that day. You were sorting through it with piles of books, letters, potions, and poisons surrounding your little area. Your tongue stuck out in concentration as you created a new pile of unenchanted armor and useless trinkets that could be sold to the next trader they came across on another adventure. 
"Tav! Come and get your food!" Karlach thankfully called, probably pitying how you were usually always the last soul to eat (only thanks to Astarion cutting in and saving you a bowl) because you'd never even noticed the smell of food in the air. 
Suppose loot wasn't occupying your mind. In that case, it was filling canteens and waterskins, sharpening and polishing everyone's weapons, doing laundry, brewing potions, or burying your nose in a text you found that day- anything that made you forget everything around you. 
Astarion honestly wondered if you even had a stomach sometimes. Or a need for sleep. 
You blinked and glanced up from your fort of loot, shaking your head, and Astarion almost rolled his eyes to the back of his skull. 
"I've gotta get through this first."
"They're doing it yet again. I wonder if it's just my cooking," Gale sadly pondered aloud as he poured a bowl for you anyway. 
"It's not that; Tav just gets lost in things sometimes," Shadowheart told him, not really as a reassurance, but more just as a matter of fact. 
"I will say that they keep a very organized camp because of it," Lae'zel stated, grabbing your bowl and walking over to place it next to you. 
You mumbled a quick thanks as you organized the books neatly into a chest, moving on to put some helpful scrolls into a pouch, potions the same. And, of course, as Astarion predicted, you ignored it for about ten minutes before he decided that you might like a lukewarm meal over a cold one that night. 
Astarion closed his book and made his way over, leaning against an enormous chest. You didn't even notice his presence or stare, you busy bee. 
"Would you like some help?" he offered, which was rare. 
At first, he thought you didn't hear him, as you were too lost in picking through some enchanted jewelry. But you eventually glanced up at him, tilting your head a little at the vision of him. 
"No, thank you." 
Then Astarion's eyebrow twitched as Wyll called over his shoulder, "I've tried that one before!"
The vampire ignored him and tried once again because, of course, he was just as stubborn as you were, dammit. 
"Are you sure, Tav? This is a pretty infrequent opportunity to finally put me to work around here. Would you like to eat? Bathe? Rest? You know, basic things that everyone needs but you somehow neglect?" 
You blinked and grabbed a circlet, raising it to inspect, unanswering. Were you really ignoring Astarion now? 
Astarion huffed and muttered under his breath, "Fine. Enjoy your frigid stew. That is if you even eat it."
"Wait," you called, standing from your spot and swaying a little. 
Astarion glared at you, but his expression slowly slipped away the closer you came toward him. Your eyes finally focused as you fixed the golden circlet atop his head. Your fingers brushed some of his white curls to the side as you took in his entire face. 
His cursed undead heart would've been beating out of his chest at the sudden sight of you and your eyes on him, only him. It was like your attention was always there, with the corners of your lips rising into an appreciative smile. 
"Beautiful," you told him, completely engrossing his attention in you once again. The dark circles under your eyes, the dirt and blood spatter on your skin, and your frazzled hair from a hard day fought. Every part is endearing, especially compared to how much you did for everyone else and maybe for yourself despite your fatigue. 
This adventure only offered some bouts of control, but most days, it just didn't. If there was something to make you forget those chaotic moments, painful moments, in getting lost in these things, then Astarion reasoned it wasn't so bad- if even for a moment.
But he'll be damned if he was going to let you deprive yourself of your needs. 
"You're quite sly, you know that?" Astarion asked, grinning back. 
"Why, I have no clue what you're talking about," you replied with that cheeky smile that Astarion secretly adored. You gestured to the enchantments and said, "You can help me put these somewhere for everyone to look through tomorrow." 
"And what exactly do I get in return?" he asked. "Aside from these cherished adornments."
You weren't surprised by those words. Astarion was sure you already knew he wasn't going to give. 
"I'm not quite sure. What would you like then?" 
You wanted to hear him say it, and he would have indulged you if it meant you finally understood how important it is to take care of yourself.
"There's many things I'd like. For starters, you could finally eat that sorry bowl of stew. Otherwise, the entire camp has to suffer Gale's river of tears." 
"I heard that!" the wizard crankily hollered all the way over from his tent. You glanced over at the table and noticed everyone had finished eating by then and returned to their bedrolls. 
"That was the point!" Astarion announced before turning to you. "Think you can manage that, darling?" 
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 4 months
Before he and Odysseus make up, Astyanax must undergo some character development, so here it is
Astyanax closed his eyes to sleep at Calypso's island, far from the greek man and the goddess, and when he opened again, he found himself at an unknown place.
It was clearly divine intervention, even if he didn't know which god was playing with him, caution was more than necessary. His weapon was next to him in the dry soil and dust that covered everything that his eyes could see.
Ruins were everywhere, but that didn't stopped him from imagining what was there before. In the wholes of the ruin his mind was able to rebuild an image of a past era of prosperity. Giant destroyed walls talked about years of siege and the doors, crooked and rotten in their place, of what was once the city, spoke about days of glory long gone.
Then there it was, a pile of a structure which shape can't be recalled, but the dirt and the moss were no obstacle for Astyanax's mind.
"This is Troy." He said, to the ghosts of those who died there.
"This is where Troy were once", a thundering voice corrected him, condescending. "I want to show you something, come."
Disobedience and a snarky reply crossed briefly by Astyanax's mind, but in the last second he kept those to himself, opting for following the Thunder Bringer. Broken stairs and rooms which once had colour and life greeted him as he ascended, testimonies of a time that was no longer his.
"Why did you bring me here?" He asked.
"I have a mission for you."
"I'm not interested in being your champion, Zeus."
Then the thunder God used the dusty cloud of his sandals to take form and looked him in the eye. His expression was of amusement.
"No one is talking of champions here, boy. I have a mission for you, that's all."
"Still not interested."
"But you are so filled with rage! Wouldn't you like a chance to unwind?"
"I'll pass, thanks for the offer."
A long, patronizing laugh came from Zeus.
"First, take a look at what I have to show, and then decide."
The room, looted and ruined, changed to depict a scene from the past. Sounds of slaughter came from the balcony, and there, in the corner, there was a cradle.
An echo of man entered the room, and something tightened in Astyanax's chest when he recognized the man as none other than Odysseus, a young version of him, old, yes, but younger, and maybe tired, but Astyanax could still see some hope in his eyes.
The scene developed in front of him as Odysseus had told him, which only reassure him that the man had been telling him the truth that dreadful night in the beach.
Astyanax could only watch, as a young Odysseus disobeyed Zeus, faked a baby Astyanax's death, and took the child version of him to safety.
""Come on, little ghost," the young Odysseus mumbled softly, even covered in blood, "where are the clothes for your diapers stored? We must go."
Astyanax blinked away some tears while the illusion faded away.
"I would like you to kill him." Said the king of gods. "That's my mission for you."
"As you have seen, he disobeyed me."
"Well, tough, I said no."
"This is your chance to avenge your home, your father! Troy's legacy lives runs through your veins..."
"Is this what the Trojan Legacy is??!?!?" Astyanax exclaimed with fury. "A meaningless death after another! Sonless fathers killing fatherless sons!! Bloodshed that never dries! Ruthlessness, and the greediness of the gods turning everything they touch into ruins."
"Careful, boy, shut your mouth before is too late."
"Or what? You will kill me? You have wanted me death since I was a baby! And now you want me to kill the only man I have called father and for what? Because you are bored??"
"Hector, crown prince of Troy, was your father..."
Astyanax coughed after yelling so much, he even turned red, so lost in his self righteous fury that he forgot to breath for a second.
"Are you done?"
"Not even close." Astyanax muttered with a dangerous edge in his voice.
"You will kill Odysseus of Ithaca because, I, Zeus, God of Thunder, has told you so."
"Eat me, asshole."
Then Astyanax turned around and started his journey downstairs, to see if the greek army left something valuable behind. Something useful. At least he hoped not everything was at the bottom of the sea with the Ithacan fleet.
Zeus didn't stop pestering him, the dusty cloud following Astyanax.
"Where are you going? I did not finish saying my piece!"
"But I did, now fuck off, I need to get back to Calypso's."
"To kill Odysseus, I assume."
"Your assumption is wrong." The characteristic hint of sass was back in the boy's voice, as he took a long wooden stick from the ground, maybe it could be useful...
"I am Zeus, God of Thunder..."
"And I'm Scamandrius of Troy, son of Hector and Andramoche, Ghost of Troy, the Infant from that night, I'm the 601st man, I'm the One you wasn't expecting...and last but not least, I'm Astyanax the cynic, son of Odysseus...and I'm going to let him go and that's final."
"Why? It's an order, kill him!"
"No. He is not my enemy. You are."
"Are you threatening me, boy?"
"No, I'm stating facts. He's not my enemy and even if I kill him, that won't bring Troy back."
"Merciness is not a valuable skill."
"And that's the difference between men and gods. The need for mercy." Luckily for Astyanax, the curtains were still in place, so he took them down.
"That's naïve."
"Is it? It's because of an act of mercy that I am alive. Mercy is a weakness, yes, but is a strength too. Civilizations raise and fall because of it"
"He is still a threat."
"To whom? He tried to kill me because you ordered it, he is a mere puppet in your scheme. There's nothing personal in that. He's dangerous to you, and you want to toy with him by making me kill him. My answer is still no, by the way."
"And you are letting him go, out of mercy."
"And out of love." Astyanax looked at him with something that was tinted with sadness. "You know, I feel sorry for you, so many sons and daughters and none of them has called you dad...and it shows."
"You know nothing about me, mortal."
"Neither do you about me, puny god. As I was saying, I choose to let him go, because I'm also Astyanax the merciful, but I'm no idiot. He is a nobody, but you, in the other hand, have much to explain. What would you tell the other gods? Would you return home and tell them that you challenged a child? That you were so scared that you just couldn't stand the thought of me being alive? Go, go and tell them who defeated you, tell them about me, tell them that a boy with no beard beat you in your game. Tell them that your ego blinded you and a boy outsmarted you."
"Do you think is wise to talk like that to a god?"
"No, but is it fair to me to chase me like this? I was a baby, not a threat, back in the Trojan war, yet you wanted me dead. Troy was a beautiful place, without the gods' interferance, yet today is all dust and ashes. And now, you just ordered my death, again, because that's what all the 'kill Odysseus' nonsense is, you just want him to kill me. Is this what you want your legacy to be? A capricius whimsical god with no sense of morality! I just want to live in peace, is that too much to ask? Of course you choose not to speak. If your choice is to tell the other gods...Tell them where to find me. Tell them I'll be in Ithaca, and so will my father."
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If it's not too much to ask, could you do 3, 8, and 14 from that list? I think they would work together really cute!
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Astarion x Tav, Astarion x Reader, Astarion x Asexual!Tav, Astarion x Bard!Tav
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Protective!Astarion, Asexual Angst
Warning: Tav has a shitty ex, allusions to past coerced sex (if unknowing at the time), mild acephobia
Prompt(s): hiding face in neck, shielding the other one with their body, putting an arm around the other’s waist
Astarion x AsexaulBard!Tav Masterlist
A/N: My first thought was pain. Apologies.
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It was supposed to be a good night. You sought, you found, you looted which meant a warm place to sleep, plenty of food and celebratory atmosphere. Astarion had even gotten his hands on wine he wouldn’t turn his nose at. Everything was perfect, until a new bard began to play.
The second you heard his voice, your hair stood on end. Hoping against hope it was just your imagination, you turned your attention to the performance. A familiar half-elf took center stage, armed with a lyre and devastating smile; Ronan.
Your whole body froze on the spot as old feelings rushed back to you, a mixture of shame, anxiety and the sensation of being so utterly small.
“My love? Are you alright?”
You blinked, realizing Astarion was standing next to you, concern clear in his eyes.
“Yes,” you said, automatically. “Just, taken by surprise is all.”
He frowned, unconvinced before following your eye line to the stage.
“Do you know him?” he asked.
“I, ah…yes,” you said, your hands starting to shake. “We used to be…together. It was a long time ago.”
There was no point in lying, but Gods why did you have to have this conversation now? And why were you acting like this? It had been years. You had moved on.
Your thoughts were interrupted as Astarion reached out, slipping his arm around your waist and pulling you to his side.
The effect was instantaneous. Whatever tension your body held melted away. The speed of your heart slowed. The scent of rosemary filled your lungs and you remembered where you were, safe and sound.
He pressed a kiss on top of your head, taking a deep breath of his own.
“Did he hurt you?” he asked.
You shook your head. “No, nothing like that. He didn’t do anything on purpose.”
Astarion’s grip on your tightened ever so slightly. You didn’t need to look up to know he was staring daggers across the room. His hold on you was likely the only thing keeping Ronan’s neck out of his teeth.
“He never forced me to do anything,” you assured, trying to remain calm for both your sakes. “I always said yes. Being intimate is what you’re supposed to do when you’re in a caring adult relationship. He wasn’t abusive or cruel, so there was no reason for me to say no…even when I didn’t really want to.”
“That’s reason enough,” Astarion said, firmly.
“I know that now,” you amended. “At the time though, it didn’t feel good enough. We had more than one argument on the subject. Eventually though, I came to the conclusion that, if it weren’t for the feeling of obligation, I never would have said yes in the first place. He wasn’t happy about that and we ended things.”
“Less than amicably I imagine.”
You had to laugh. “Understatement.”
Astarion remained silent for a long moment, his fingers rubbing absent minded circles into your skin.
“Explain to me then, how you can confess all that and still claim he didn’t hurt you.”
Something hard twisted inside your chest, as if he had pressed his finger right into the tear of an old wound. “I wasn’t as if he were holding me at knife point,” you said, feeling the need to defend yourself. “Like I said, I didn’t know saying a blanket no was even an option. Sex is well…expected at a certain point. I can hardly blame him for not questioning the script society had laid out. He just–”
“Made you believe you needed an excuse,” he finished.
Your lips parted, ready to argue, but you found yourself unable to think of anything. Fresh shame rose inside you, but you couldn’t for the life of you name its source. For defending him? For not leaving sooner? For even thinking that your pain was worthy of acknowledgement? All of it swirled together until you became sick to your stomach.
Astarion’s eyes softened, as he pulled you into a proper embrace allowing you to hide your face in his neck. You weren’t going to cry. Not here. Not now.
“I’m sorry,” you said, unsure of what else to say.
“Don’t be,” he said, softly. “It’s not a competition, you know.”
Your instinct was to argue. There was still a guilt you felt at having him hold you like this, as if your experience were in any way comparable to his; but, that wasn’t the point. You had been hurt and he wasn’t going to let you pretend you hadn’t. If you didn’t already love him before, this would have sealed it.
You pulled away, feeling your ability to speak come back to you, just in time to catch his expression shift into something hard and dangerous.
You turned in the direction of his gaze, your own stomach turning as you and Ronan made eye contact. He was coming right for you.
Astarion’s whole body went rigid. Instinctively you grabbed his wrist, keeping him from going to the dagger on his belt.
“Don’t,” you hissed.
The clear and present fury in his eyes, cooled at your warning, enough to let you know he wasn’t going to kill Ronan; at least, not right away.
Ronan, somehow, remained oblivious to all of this, his focus seemingly all on you.
“Well, isn’t this a small world?” he said, greeting you with a disarming smile. “You’re looking good. Who's your friend?”
Your lips pressed into a fine line. Either he was an idiot or being purposefully obtuse. Both ground down on your nerves.
“It’s nice to see you too,” you said. “Ronan, this is my partner, Astarion. Astarion this is–”
“The ex,” he concluded. “Charmed, I’m sure.”
Whatever confident facade Ronan started the conversation with faltered slightly at Astarion’s bold dismissal.
“And really darling, I thought we discussed this,” Astarion continued. “Partner always requires unnecessary explanation. I stand by "lover”, it suits us much better.“
You held back a smile. You had discussed this, at length. Your impression, however, had been that he liked the air of mystery the title "partner” provided. Something about leaving people guessing whether you were partners in business, crime or romance. Apparently, current company required something a bit more obvious.
“Lover?” Ronan questioned, his brow rising. “Changed your mind about a few things then?”
“Not even a little,” you said, coolly. “What do you want?”
He raised his hands up in surrender, his expression a parody of innocence.
“I was simply intending to say hello and catch up. No need to be frigid, but I suppose some things don’t change. Best of luck to you, partner, they’ve got their legs locked tighter than a counting house vault.”
Rage flashed across Astarion’s features as he took a step forward, his body acting as a shield between you and Ronan.
“Would you mind repeating that?” he said, his voice low and full of teeth.
Ronan’s eyes widened slightly, his mouth falling open. You just knew he was about to say something stupid.
“Astarion,” you warned.
He glanced back towards you, his expression intense, but not unreasonable. You knew then, all you had to do was say the word and Ronan would be reduced to nothing but a bag of blood. It was tempting, but not worth it. At least, not worth it while in public with countless eye witnesses.
You shook your head.
He nodded in understanding and turned back to Ronan, his lips parting in an amicable smile.
“It seems you get to survive that comment,” he said, cheerfully. “I suggest you don’t take such mercy for granted. Now, run along.”
Ronan didn’t need telling twice as he shot you one last bewildered look before making his exit.
The second he was out of sight Astarion turned all his focus back to you.
“You’re sure you don’t want me to kill him?” he offered.
You had to smile. “Waste of an evening.”
He considered that, nodding his head from side to side. “I suppose. Still, a little nibble just to scare him wouldn’t hurt anyone. At least, not much.”
“I think you scared him well enough,” you laughed. “Besides, I’m selfish at heart. I want you here, with me, for the rest of the night. No more distractions.”
Astarion grinned, pulling you back into his arms. “If it’s me you want, my love, it’s me you shall have.”
And there he stayed, keeping you safe in the present with the promise of more in the future. The past could not be undone and would no doubt follow you in small and big ways for the rest of your life. The difference was, you had somebody who understood and loved you enough to carry some of the weight. It was more than anyone could hope for and he was yours.
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 16 days
You know what I love? Flavour text on my items!
So here's some BG3 flavour text I found for Aylin's, Isobel's, and Ketheric's items, many of which are not lootable in-game - and some of which the characters themselves aren't seen wearing. I've had this lying around for a while, but now the toolset has given me a simple way to pluck out some neat "loot" visuals to go with the words. I'm going to list their names as they appear in the files, as well as include the non-unique descriptions some of them have (when they simply inherited from the template of another item of an appropriate type).
Nightsong's Armour
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Nightsong's armour is evocative of her personality - prickly, hardy, and about as agreeable as a clenched fist.
Nightsong Helmet
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The Dame's resentment and anger toward Ketheric cannot be overstated. Still, her dreams rove sweeter corners, beyond the cruel hardwood floors of vengeance, the rooms of pain and discipline. Hers is a complex house, a house of the heart.
Nightsong Boots
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Scratched in places, scorched in others, and worn thin at the heel, these boots bear the indelible marks of experience. (Metallic Boots default text)
Nightsong Gloves
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Made from steel hammered thin, these gauntlets are a fine investment for any warrior. (Metallic Gloves default text)
Moon Devotion Robe
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A memory from her childhood: a warm bed. Through the cracked window, she could see the moonlight cupping the plums in the tree as if in silver hands. The name of the goddess Selûne came to her, and never left.
Isobel's Boots
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Isobel's boots are haphazardly repaired, and have a humble snug fit for the wearer, snug as strong faith in the chest of a religious devotee.
Jhannyl's Gloves
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(Left image is Isobel's actual visible gloves which don't have a "loot" equivalent, right is the visual for the ones that she actually has in her inventory)
Divine runes accentuate the finger pads. While not a religious sect, the Harpers do not demand the occlusion of religion in their members.
Isobel Headwear
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She prayed for words and received silence. She prayed for intimacy and slept alone. She prayed for fruit and ate charcoal. She prayed for death and wanted to live. Then she grew older, and received things she'd wanted. Still she prayed.
Isobel's Circlet
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Provides its wearer a touch of elegance but no additional protection. (Circlet default text)
Reaper's Embrace
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Heavy steel bones and teeth enclose the armour's chest and neck like a grotesque exoskeleton that both swallows and protects the wearer.
Ketheric Circlet
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Grants the wearer an austere presence, but no magical benefit. (Circlet default text)
Ketheric Circlet B
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In his youth, Ketheric Thorm has the same puzzled, ever-curious brow belonging to any kid. Lamentable, that the brow this circlet adorned warped with tragedy and a sick determination over time.
Ketheric's Boots
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Scratched in places, scorched in others, and worn thin at the heel, these boots bear the indelible marks of experience. (Metallic Boots default text)
Ketheric's Gloves
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Not linked to any description and no "loot" visual I could find, but they're neat and have more little skeletons on them, so here they are.
Ketheric Cloak
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Woven of heavy wool, this cloak is solid of make if somewhat stiff to wear. (Cloak default text)
Ketheric's Shield
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In the theatre of dreams, Ketheric killed his wife every night. That wasn't how things happened... but always upon waking, he would glare into the dark, long-faced and solemn, and he would think: 'I keep you alive with my memories, beloved. I kill you with what I've become.'
Ketheric's Warhammer
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This hammer's weight is centred on enchanted obsidian at the base of the head. Some nights before bed, Ketheric would sneak a whey-faced glance at the hammer, and think about the stone, and wonder what unknown facet of his heart bore his weight.
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