#which would be fine bc I get it u got a boyfriend but ur acting like I’m either chopped litter in a trash can or your personal diary that
straytexts · 2 years
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All my two only friends talk about are their boyfriends.
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jaetyun · 1 year
can we get a kim tae rae as your secret boyfriend😌
Taerae as your secret boyfriend; a thread!
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taerae x gn!reader
wc: 1.0k
a/n: this was a collab w the bestest ever @vie2sie 🫶🫶 check her out if you wanna see more of this!
you guys weren't one of those "private, not secret" relationships. it was FULL ON
your parents were too strict on dating. plus with you were in the popular clique the expectations from everyone had you avoiding relationships
and you were doing well
until ur loverboy showed up.
being caught with the schools most known CHOIR KID was not something taerae wanted for you.
so.. this was ur last resort.
not that you didn't love each other! you just kept it on the low
he would defo give you the most extra attention and affection when you'd finally be alone
according to him, it was his only chance since it "wasnt as often as other couples"
night walks and playing in the kids playground (also at night), was THE ideal meet ups.
and yes taerae would always forget his coat to make u cuddle him for warmth.
"its an accident babe!!" "im bringing a hoodie for you next time" ":("
whenever you both would be in school and he would noticed your signature scent, he'd look down before smiling in his locker idiotically.
if someone caught him being DOWN BAD - like doing exactly that, ^^, he'd say he got an a+ on his latest project (bc you were the best he could get 🤞)
eventually the relationship gets spilled because someone got too touchy!!!!
they would end up making taerae uncomfortable through no personal space, and then in you swoop and just randomly kiss him in front of the confessor
oh well.. so much for a secret!
you should've known better before dragging your shy boyfriend to the biggest school event of the year; hoco.
homecoming! it seemed perfect.. or so you thought.
what started as you would "run into each other" and wanting to "act friendly" became you watching him carefully whenever you guys werent engaged in conversation.
you styled him all cute, and between the way his eyes glistened and hair flowed perfectly, he was undeniably eye candy.
taerae never cared for dressing nicely, comfort over appearance in his book! but for this one special occasion, he allowed you to doll him up.
that was mistake #1. all the people approaching him had your eyes burning holes into the back of his skull.
“earth to y/n??” you peer back to your group of friends, softly smiling. you decided to shrug it off for now. taerae s a big boy, he can handle himself fine! even with the pit in your stomach telling you otherwise, you figured you shouldnt be a helicopter partner. i mean.. you guys arent even public
your patrolling became more scarce as time went on, mistake #2. slowly people turned into person, singular. they were *determined* to bring taerae home that night, which you were oblivious to.
his pleading glances become background noise to the drama your friend was spilling.
*ding ding*
what was that? a text! and its from your boyfriend. you glance his way, where you see that person still at it, touching him a little too often and for a little too long.
his eyes bored into you, as if he was asking you to do something. you sent each other telepathic messages with your expressions, with the conclusion being you’d put an end to their roaming hands.
“sorry, im gonna go get more snacks” you blatantly lied, going the opposite direction of the snack bar.
when you approached the two of them, the girl shared an unsuspecting smile.
“oh, y/n!” you gave a short wave, turning to taerae quickly.
“youve met?” you asked, leaving him to firmly shake his head. “not until this party” you slowly looked him up and down, truly taking in his beauty.
you dont blame her for wanting him, hell who wouldnt when he looks like *that*. you link your elbow with his, closing the gap.
“im glad to see you making new friends!”
“we’ll be more than friends after this~” she chimes, sending him a wink. his polite smile remained, even with the subtly eye twitch only you picked up on.
“oh? i didnt know she was your type” his eyes softened once the two of you made eye contact, his gaze staring at your features.
she scoffed out, crossing her arms and popping a hip.
“can you stop being such a bitch?”
you tilted your head condescendingly, the challenge in your eyes just barely being detected.
“im not being a bitch, am i?” your boyfriend mindlessly shook his head, muttering words of agreement to you. she rolled her eyes, pointing at you accusingly.
“you dont even date! ive been with him *all night* and now youre just.. suddenly into him? dont be jealous.” she clicked her tongue, victory written all over her face. people started looking over in curiosity. whys she yelling? you saw more heads turn, but at this point you could care less.
“jealous?” taerae spoke up, removing his arm from ours before wrapping it around your waist. “i think youre mistaken. theres nothing to be jealous over.” his tone made you dizzy, the smirk on his face making you feel as if you had just fallen for him for the second time.
his extra hand gently held onto your chin, pulling you into a quick kiss. she stared back in disbelief. the grin was long wiped off her face, and replaced by pure rage.
“what! but! when..” her stammering only increased, glancing between the two of you with about a million question swarming through her head.
“youre both absurd” she chokes out, storming herself out of the room. it became increasingly easier to ignore all the eyes glued to the two of you. will you end up regretting it tomorrow? who knows! all you could think about right now was the giddy smile on his face.
“why are you so happy?”
“i finally get to show the world youre mine” he kissed your forehead softly, and now you both shared the same expression.
when you finally give the crowd the time of day, all you did was lazily look side to side, facing him again.
“is this our cue to leave?” you chuckled, watching as he nodded in agreement.
taerae looked around as well, giving everyone a small acknowledging wave. “well be on your way!” he pointed towards the door, leading you out.
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wttcsms · 6 months
okay, so just yapping and sharing lots of notes & minor spoilers & extreme details of what i have planned/going on for balancing act (which WILL see an update this month, trust 🤞🏻)
please please please, if u read this, lmk your thoughts & if ur picking up what i'm putting down or else i have to revise my outline LOL
what's fun about balancing act is that we get to see my take on gojo's character; i've received comments and asks saying how they like how i've written not just gojo, but all the in-verse characters we have & i'm excited to expand more on gojo's friendships with everyone around him bc as a fanfic writer, it's a fun challenge to see how in character we can get these people when they're thrown into a wildly different universe.
so, talking abt "my take" on gojo's character: he's a goofy guy. he's cocky; he's a flirt. he knows he's Got It All, and he definitely drives a fancy sports car w a custom license plate that reads SIXEYES (bc this is a finance bro au, everyone claims he must have six eyes w the way he never seems to watch the markets but knows exactly when and what to go all in with). BUT !!! i love balancing act bc gojo is not reduced to "cocky womanizer and then u 2 fuck despite claiming to not like him" we get to see gojo's character shine through in his actions, not only in how he treats reader but also in how he interacts with all the characters. he's silly, he plays pranks, he sometimes (almost always) is annoying, but the things he does for them is always stemming from genuine kindness 🥹 like, i have this thought (my finance girlies will understand what i mean/it'll be explained in the fic) that yuuji is interning at the firm for a summer but he's from a non-target school & doesn't come from the same circles as most of the people in finance; knowing that yuuji feels a bit alienated from his peers, gojo goes out of his way to make dorky company merch and requires that all interns wear it & OF COURSE, it's one of those vests with the firm's name monogrammed on it & it's so pretentious but it's a finance bro right of passage and he did this so yuuji would have that status symbol but he also didn't want to single him out. things like that 🥹 he's thoughtful and we need to talk abt it more and we will explore this more within the fic!!!!
and balancing act is so special to me because it's all about loving someone so much that the mundanity of life suddenly seems exciting; suddenly, the boring, not so glamorous parts of life are an opportunity to showcase how much you love someone. MINOR SPOILER, but a scene that's so sweet and exemplifies this is the fact that you live in a luxury apartment building. authorizing/registering a specific vehicle to your apartment's parking services is a pain in the ass, and it's even more annoying to take off a car from the car registry list. that's why any past boyfriends, u rarely let them into ur apartment (bc it's ur safe space, where u can just be urself entirely) and the ones who do make it to ur apartment always use guest parking, which has a time limit. we, in typical romcom fashion, get the adorable "you're sick and he takes care of you" trope!!! so you have a bad flu and gojo drives you to ur apartment and takes care of you, but he's not registered as an authorized vehicle so he has to go to guest parking. well, he spends days with you while u recover, and he sees all the parking fines on his windshield. it's $100 per every hour he goes over the time limit. it's been days. your doorman is a sweet man who is always looking out for u and never likes any of the boys u take home, and he beefs with gojo (for comedic purposes, i promise. it's a fun dynamic) and gojo knows it's the doorman who reported him to parking services. gojo ofc is returning to the apartment building, holding the stack of tickets in one hand (using the same hand to wave cheekily at the doorman), and goes back in ur apartment to show u all the tickets.
he doesn't hold it against u though. what he says is, "your doorman hates my guts." all pouty and whiny. you tell him that the doorman hates the guts of all the boys u bring back & that he shouldn't feel too special, and that this is his way of saying gojo's overstaying his welcome, which u find hilarious. and gojo is like "well, he's saying you're only worth $100 an hour." blah blah blah, BUT !! circling back to the mundanity of life and how it serves as an opportunity to show our love for someone:
you go through the trouble of registering gojo's vehicle under ur apartment. even though u keep saying gojo is annoying and a pain in the ass and that this fascination he has with u will eventually fade, even though u claim there's a time limit to his affections and you KNOW how much of a hassle it is to unregister his vehicle if things do go south for y'all... you still go through the trouble of registering his vehicle, a sign that you like him. a sign that you're hoping things will be permanent.
and that's basically a major point of the fic!!! that our actions, our silly, simple, boring actions, can all have special meanings 🥹 if you look for it, you'll see that love really is anywhere
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popponn · 9 months
popon my loveliest "grandma", here is my submission for ur event—which is as cute as u 😽:
one. my chosen fandom is blue lock, and my favourite is ofc, mikage reo <33
two. yes to au, and i choose high school au !
three. my chosen tropes are childhood friends to lovers and mutual pining
four. my name is saki, and i am a cancer and infj ! i'd like to add emphasis to my mbti bc i am super introverted irl, and i come off as a rly shy individual at first. but once i've gotten comfortable w u, i am rly talkative, and quite loud too ! i'm also super honest, but at the same time, i can filter the things i say in order to "people please". i'm also pretty sensitive when it comes to the things others say—for example, if someone accidentally insults me, i do think ab it for the rest of the day and do feel pretty hurt. i'm also an overthinker, and i tend to overanalyse certain situations. i think i am pretty caring, since i act like the "therapist" and "mother" of my friendship group, and i'm a realist.
i like and love hanging out w my friends, and i also love shopping (for my own things lol). i also like dressing up for special events (like a fancy dinner party or smth), and i like reading/writing. drawing and painting is also a fun activity for me, but i don't do it as much anymore bc i don't have the time to do so 😞 other things i like are letters written to me by my friends, cute stationery (motivates me to study hehe), pretty hair accessories, rice (i am a true asian), dark chocolate and iced lattes <3
things i don't like include onions (MAJOR EW), some fish, narcissists, selfish people, pick-me people🧍🏻‍♀️, wet humid weather, school-assigned texts (legit hating the one i have to read rn), insects, cramped spaces, people who like to show off (like bro actually stfu 💀)
i don't rly have favourite movies so i'll list my favourite k-dramas and anime hehe: 18 again, twenty-five twenty-one, twinkling watermelon, shooting stars, fruits basket, kimi ni todoke, attack on titan (☹️) and your lie in april <33
my love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch !! i tend to be v affectionate w those i'm close to, and i would wanna receive love in the same ways plus acts of service hehe
five. yes yes !! any language is fine, as long as if u can also incorporate some english songs too 🤍
six. GIRL THIS IS LWKY A HARD CHOICE but i choose fluff <3 unless u can do a combo of both but if not i choose full fluff (thanks !!)
optional question. i love reo's looks. literally i love his hair and ik u don't like it 😭 BUT I LOVE IT and i also love how reo is so charismatic and affectionate hehe <3 he's also so ambitious and hard-working and that is smth that i admire,, AND HE'S SMART ?!?!! smart men are so hot omfg !!!! his wealth is a good bonus but idrc ab these things <3 😸
i hope that's everything u need popon <33 lmk if i need to add more details !! I LOVE U SO SO MUCH and good luck w the event 🫂 MWAH MWAH thank u saur saur much 😽😽
a tune, an image, and a story of... ⋆。˚
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“so?” seeing his friend raising an eyebrow in challenge, or in question, reo uncharacteristically rubs the back of his neck. this topic has always been an odd one for him—it’s one that brings everything into a halt and makes it feel heavy to breathe, yet perhaps because it has to do with you, reo could never think of it as unpleasant. “you know i can’t just…” reo glances towards your direction, talking happily with your friends on the other side of the classroom, “…you know. it’s kind of complicated.” chigiri makes a face that would get him the role of a disappointed mother in a tv drama. “it’s not. you do realize the two of you got more matching things than my sister and her boyfriend, right? and those two are shameless. what the hell are you afraid of?” reo honestly could give chigiri a list there and then. but, with a part of his brain focusing solely on your smile, he merely leans against the window frame and sighs, “…yeah. i wonder.” it’s so simple that it has become the furthest thing from one—reo, unreasonably and consciously, tries to reason.
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you peer toward reo discreetly. sitting across him just like this for the nth time, even after so so many years, you still find your heart skipping a beat and three each time you see him. it’s not hard to like reo. he has good looks, smart, talented, friendly, bright, and is still very much a hard worker despite his family upbringing. it truly makes so much sense why he is so well-liked and popular. you could give your own testament to that, after all.  from the very first day when he offered his hand and name to you, you have known that reo has a brilliance that only few could rival–and even then you would confidently say that no one could ever truly outshine reo in your eyes. you have shared many years with him, growing up with him almost like a confidant to a prince. you have seen many parts of reo and–at moments where he laughs victoriously and at moments where frustration gnaws at him–to every single piece of those, your eyes could only gaze at them fondly. and you are more than aware that being so close to reo, being able to see all of those, is not a privilege given to anyone. it’s because you stand behind the line called ‘a childhood friend’, never stepping on them even out of your selfish feelings, that you could have that privilege. and if, by any means, you could stay beside reo for a long, long time, by keeping those feelings silenced then– “hey,” a pen taps your book lightly, reo’s voice following along with a question, “did you find a question you’re stuck on?”
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“i know you don't want to see me,” reo says to the phone—to you, still panting heavily as he leans against your door, “but at least—please listen to me.” you sit quietly on the other side of the door. your eyes still sting and you know you still don’t really want to see his face. you know you should just hang up. “okay, so,” reo begins, pausing for a moment, taking a deep breath. loudly and confidently he says, “i like you too.” you blink at that. not knowing how to react as your eyes widened. “what—” “i know you probably think i am a pathetic piece of turd right now but at least, i want to say this before everything else,” he continues on, fully relying on his heart and his teammates’ advice—going against every principle of calm businessman hammered into his brain. “i like it whenever we do something together, since long ago. i like it when we talk, i like listening to you, i like being listened to by you, i like it when we walk to school together—actually, can we keep all those even after this? i might actually go bald if we don’t. you still like my hair right—” “reo—” “i…” as if just realizing that he can no longer turn back, reo takes in a deep and sharp breath. after a loud embarrassed gulp, he repeats “…i like you. really like you. as a lover. please go out with me.” for someone who has been on the receiving end of many confessions, reo feels like a newborn baby fish. after all these years, it surely takes a lot of guts and courage—also a fucking stupid fight with you that he should immediately apologize for after this—just for him to spit all those words.
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notes: @yoisami sakiii!! i hope u like this. i tried to potray it in a familiar, soft way that is kind of shoujo esque, i hope i succeeded. also purple and yellow because it's the color of the dawn, and hey reo's hair is purple which contrasts nicely with yellow haha .if it's just a bit entertaining for you it will be more than enough! :> i hope the angst is enough darling even tho it's only implied lolol thank you so much for joining my lil event babe, also happy new year! i wish u many many happiness ahead ₊˚⊹♡
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terraliensvent · 5 months
in my opinion i don’t really blame pokii or bear for getting upset about milo’s part in the original psa. pokii wasn’t even a mod anymore at the time. and the overall content the og (even current) psa contained had nothing to do with her (therefore it was weird to throw pokii under the bus in there at random so i see why she got angry). she is a cham admin after all so im sure this wasn’t good for her image. shes still an admin tho so im sure the cham staff already knows the situation. the psa was mostly issues with bug and coy, and the bearsproutz / ponyzilla incident. i do remember the unorganized shitshow of the og psa and saw the comments pokii made on the toyhouse thread before it was deleted, so i wanted to investigate this myself to form my own opinions.
iirc the former terra mods made edgy jokes in a private gc (like racial and homophobic jokes) and milo + another ex mod(?) (can’t remember who) had issues with it (they’re a poc aka ‘person of color’)
i know you’re gonna say “where’s proof” again probably.. but i promise i clearly recall the og psa had a link to a youtube screencap video scrolling down a private group chat with bug, milo, pokii, bear, and the other ex mod discussing the issue with pokii. i did try to find it but i think it’s unlisted now sadly. though, if you do scroll down a little on this version of the public psa document, there’s a link to the og psa, but you have to request access so it’s probably still in that one somewhere? if someone wants to try and look (don’t want them to have my email so would rather not try and get access myself): https://docs.google.com/document/d/12UMx6drwia7mTdniDAj_vwsi5QQyQu0d0la9cHwGSIE/edit
to summarize:
• pokii said some version of a slur as a joke, but she didn’t say the actual words + there were no screenshots of her saying them where it originally happened. but she admitted she did say a racial joke, and it was done in the private chat with the former terra mods (who were also said to have made edgy / offensive jokes- but pokii was the one who got in trouble for it).
• bear was defending pokii as well since they’re friends(?) and bear is a poc / said she was fine with the joke / made similar jokes too, but milo and the other mod weren’t having it. it was a bit yikes bc i recall pokii accidentally saying what she admitted to saying twice(?), but it just looked like she was getting upset / flustered and milo + the other ex mod barely let her talk or defend herself.
• milo kept belittling pokii and saying things like “ur an adult and u act like this” and “i may be younger but at least i have more sense” every time pokii tried to speak her piece. pokii is an adult (20s) and milo was still a minor at the time (17 I believe) but they were being wildly childish and immature about the whole thing for someone who seemed to have ‘genuine’ concerns about the issue at hand.
• overall it looked like they weren’t interested in a peaceful resolution and wouldn’t leave it be unless pokii got punished despite her trying to make amends. which again, it’s fine if they were uncomfortable with her.. but they definitely kept going for the throat. pokii didn’t lash out once during the whole gc but she was getting pretty heated and did say some heated things (reasonably so imo).
• not to mention milo seemed to be throwing out other baseless accusations to see what would stick (i.e. claimed pokii also said another type of slur towards milo?? but had no proof + didn’t show screenshots when asked and tried to change topics). and also another thing about pokii being creepy(?) with milo’s boyfriend in a private server they were all in, but this was disproven by said boyfriend after. and again, milo refused to provide proof.
in conclusion: as someone who’s a poc myself and has been scolded by others for making slurs in a joking manner, i think it was really a matter of “one joke might not offend one poc but another poc could be offended”. yeah pokii could’ve just.. not said what she joked about (and i honestly have no clue what her race is), but milo and the other ex mod were making her seem like she was a horrible person and jumping down her throat the whole time. we all make mistakes so i can see how pokii and even bear would lash out at milo. especially if they’re just trying to move on (and again bear is a poc and had no issues with it + it was done amongst friends in private and not publicly so they probably thought it was fine). i don’t think someone should be villainized for jokes especially if they genuinely apologize (which pokii did in the video of the gc)
thanks if you read everything- as i did try to show some form of proof. but again you’ll have to request access to the og psa with the video link i mentioned. i know you said you were deleting asks, but i hope you don’t remove mine because i spent a while typing this and trying to do some research / recall the situation. i just don’t wanna get banned and im scared if i try to get the og psa then i could be exposed. i love terras but they seem to be prone to so much controversy every other month.
post related
ill allow this since it was related to a previous ask
i actually do remember the screencap video too, and while i wont say that your rendition of events is completely true just based on the fact that i cant go back and look at it myself, ill just operate under the assumption that it is for now
i think that we can say (based off this) that both sides had their faults. at the same time though, the OG PSA document is gone (replaced with a better one), the youtube video is unlisted, and pokii, bear, and milo arent terra mods (and i assume none of them have any plans to try and rejoin the staff team anytime soon). im inclined to just let this specific saga die, since a lot of the claims are now baseless from evidence being buried, its become a game of he-said she-said.
reminder to all anons to take evidenceless claims with a grain of salt, and dont go out of your way to bother or harass anyone. it seems that everyone involved in this specific saga is attempting to move on.
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melancholiaenthroned · 11 months
BERNARD for the ask game >:)
first impression: ok i got into comics right around the time tim came out so my first impression was very much the general publics of "robin has a boyfriend!" i read the urban legends story about that first and thought it was fine! i liked it well enough. then bc it mentioned that bernard was a friend was high school i went back and read his original appearences and idk i just loved him... he was silly and he was posturing and nobody really liked him except tim LOL. his friendship and crush on darla was also rlly rlly sweet and i got rlly attached to the trio of them. i also rlly liked his og design w the longer hair and sunglasses. i thought the conspiracy theorist thing was rlly fun esp w how close hed get to the truth and tim would have to be like "what ur so crazy hahaha where would batman get MULTIPLE robins".
impression now: im gonna be honest my peak bernard phase was before tim drake robin started when i was really really excited to see more of this character id gotten attached to... erm. in a post tdr world ive kind of distanced myself from him bc he feels like an entirely different guy. which is fine! presumably hes aged and i wouldnt want to live like my high school self forever. that being said, the ways that he is the same feel a bit like a parody now. his conspiracies r way more outlandish and supernaturally based than they used to be, and they way theyve kind of written it so seems like he knew he was gay/bi back in highschool which doesnt rlly read as true to me having read those highschool appearances. hes just tims boyfriend, who knew he was gay before tim did and was just kind of waiting for him, i guess. i do like the chaos cult, i like that in the unspecified time away from tim his life was like. completely fucked. but now that tim is there it feels like hes just been flattened back out. the last few issues of tdr actually started focusing more on his issues specifically w his parents and the cult but. you know. cancelled.
favorite moment: he was so so scared to talk to darla he was like "losers like us cant talk to cool girls like her tim... shes friends with jocks" and then tim goes up to her and the jocks are all nice and polite normal guys and darlas like yeah u guys seem fun. and its just like. he was completely overreacting. like so much for his claims of being a social chameleon 😭 and then next issue darlas just a part of their group and theyre acting like theyve been best friends forever. i think for as much as he pretends to be like. a cool guy who doesnt care that he has no friends. its a rlly nice moment of showing that hes actually really anxious and self conscious and he wishes he could reach out to people but once he has the opportunity he latches on to ppl and doesnt let go. and i also rlly like when darla comes back and he finds out she has powers and his first reaction is like. my life sucks so bad can i come and be ur sidekick. like man:-( he was funny for it though! shoot ur shot
idea for a story: ok this is for a hypothetical "possible in comics" story and not like. a fic. so its not super bernard focused BUT they need to bring darla back now im not joking anymore where is she. idk what the status of shadowpact is post rebirth i dont think it exists anymore? but whatever. tim gets a case that leads him back to louis grieve where we can get a recap for ppl who didnt read or dont remember what happened back then. he can be like heres where i met bernard^_^ also the horrors. anyway the case has smth to do w the mob&darlas family and so he manages to get in contact w her and obviously shes like. i have no connection to that life anymore im not helping and i dont want to remember this. but reluctant team up👍 anyway bernard plays into this bc i think tim keeps it from him whats going on in the case bc he doesnt know that bernard was actually the first to know when darla came back and he doesnt want to upset him by bringing up old memories bc they Never talk about the shooting. and laura obviously isnt telling bernard bc she has no idea he and tim r dating so hes kept completely out of the loop and tim and darla/laura r NOT getting along. he keeps calling her darla and hes whinier than she remembers and theyre getting nowhere in the case bc they dont work very well together. i would also rlly want an issue where it goes over how each of them experienced the day of the shooting and there r small differences in each one to highlight how time has warped their memories and how theyre all a little unreliable. and each of them would be done by different artists 👍 anyway eventually bernard stumbles upon the case and hes pissed off at tim for keeping from him "darla was my friend too" you know. and smth he remembers about that day but the others dont (too caught up in the gang war/being robin) helps solve the case^_^ and hes able to help tim and laura get along again and they part on good terms w bernard and laura staying in touch. and at some point while he and tim r fighting he confronts tim for fucking off after the shooting and not reaching out to bernard until years later, and how bernard was completely left alone after one his best friends died and the other immediately moved away.
unpopular opinion: whyyyy does he want to be a chef its stupid sorry. emt or nurse bernard is the most important thing in the world to me i have no idea why they chose "chef" for his career path but it annoys me to no end. its another thing that just feels flat about his new character. like even if instead of being motivated by his history with unable to save darla from the shooting+the cult he was scared of wounds and violence and avoided it... why chef? idk itd be fun if he wanted to be like a radio host or smth that actually fit his personality. i think money should also be a bigger motivater for him bc he always read as like. upper middle class new money to me whos parents cut him off when he came out. like maybe if they showed him working as a line cook or an actual job i could understand him growing a passion for it but hes just like. a rich foodie. like what.
favorite relationship: he and tim i guess LOL who else does he have. him and darla for friendship and also i think it wouldve been cute if they had dated for a bit in highschool<3
favorite headcanon: i think he should be angrier at tim. for missing dates, for not telling him hes robin, for everything. hes too nice. or if theyre set on the nice thing i think it should be framed as him being a bit of a people pleaser/pushover post cult bc hes scared of tim leaving him and either way tim should have to address being kind of a shitty boyfriend. a nicer one is i think duke would be his favorite of tims siblings:-) hes not weird to bernard like i think the others would kind of be (shovel talk from dick would make me kms) and bernard never had any siblings so he kind of treats duke like a younger brother and tries to like, help duke with his homework, despite the fact that duke is definitely doing better in school than bernard did. i dont know if duke like. likes bernard but hell actually respond to his attempts at bonding unlike damian who has him blocked.
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tyonfs · 1 year
but omg yeah i see what u mean w operation true love HAHA the sister is so annoying so it gives me SO MUCH satisfaction to see her not getting her way rn!! omg if u do decide to start it again lmk!!! 🤭 AND JIMIN AND YE EUN ARE GETTING THEIR OWN WEBTOON??? OMG E2L ARC I LOVE THEM SM CRIESNFKGNRN
i'm literally keeping up w so many webtoons rn (i gave up on anime bc of webtoons im sorry alice 😭😔) but my two absolute favs r seasons of blossom and honey lemon!!! (both of them update on the same day too so that's lucky for me LOL) but i recently found this new webtoon called muse on fame and i am Very Invested already!!! i also keep up w hello baby, go away romeo, operation: true love, maybe meant to be, the guy upstairs, get schooled!, perfect marriage revenge, there must be happy endings, dark moon: the blood altar, and marry my husband!! plus a lot of daily pass ones like designated bully, reality quest etc. OH and i don't even like horror but i found this rlly good dystopian one called everything is fine! it's currently on hiatus but i m super excited for the next season! i might also start purple hyacinth bc it's on hiatus rn and i can catch up quickly! beyond virtual is also rlly cool but it's also on hiatus rn unfortunately :(
which are ur fav webtoons??
also omg i saw u saw the dreamies live!!! THATS SO AWESOME I SHALL HAVE TO LIVE VICARIOUSLY THRU U :') which of their songs did u enjoy seeing live the most? and how were they irl? like . do they look the same as in videos? (idk if this makes sense but like are they taller than they seem or like. basically how are their personalities irl? 😭)
I'm so sorry for the long ask lmao i tend to get too excited whenever someone asks me ab webtoons 💀🥲 i hope ur day has been great and you got to eat lots of good food and stayed hydrated!! – anime :)
HAHAH i’ve been on the webtoon grind for the past 6 years it’s hard to escape 🫨
the art style is still rlly nice so i would consider reading true love operation tbh LMAOAO but love triangles also stress me out 😔 (odd girl out you have ruined me) also i’m not sure if i translated the raws wrong but i think they’re just getting extra chapters :’)) lowkey…….. i like them more than the main couple 🫣
LMAOAODJJ ANIME ANON U EVOLVED INTO WEBTOON ANON 😩 omg seasons of blossom is my absolute fav i remember when the first three chapters were out and i thought it was the cutest webtoon ever and now it’s the most emotionally damaging work of art i’ve ever read 😭💗 i fast passed to the end and wow. incredibly beautiful. and honey lemon is so cute too!!! i hate the boyfriend 😡😡😡 cant wait for her to break up with him!!! omg muse on fame is sooo good i love the art style so much 🤭 hello baby is from the author of age matters right ?? i subscribed but i’m yet to check it out :0 i will have to once i catch up with unordinary LOL
omg i read those too except the daily pass ones 😩 dear x and suhee0 are the only ones i’ve been trying to keep up with </3 everything is fine is one of my favoritesss i’m so sad it’s been on hiatus tho 😔 omg the hybe webtoons im ngl i think the only one that caught my attention was the lesserafim one :’)
hmm i’d say my favorites at the moment are seasons of blossom, villain with a crush, cursed princess club, phone addict, our secret alliance, odd girl out, exchange student, the fox club, act like you love me, my dud to stud boyfriend, and after school lessons for unripe apples 💗💗 my all time favorites would have to be romance 101, swimming lessons for a mermaid, and seasons of blossom 🌷🌷
oh my god i have post concert memory loss from tds2 i swear but they were so unreal 😭💖 like i couldn’t believe they were right in front of my eyes they were incredibleee i think my fav stage to watch was trigger the fever 🥹🥹 ngl i think they’re shorter irl . but my guy friends are also 6’3 and i’m pretty short so i have a skewed perception anyways LMAOAO but they’re so passionate when they perform and RENJUN was so energetic i was so soft watching him 🥰 but they are all so much more gorgeous irl like YES they are beautiful on camera but it’s such a different experience in the flesh
don’t apologize !!! also i hope you’re staying healthy as well and make sure you have a good day 🥰💖
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menalez · 2 years
related to the ‘no actual lesbian characters’ point this always bothered me in degrassi and I’m not even close to being a lesbian, so I’ve watched up to season 11 and I’ve had spoilers for the other seasons + next class (which had the stupid representation of the non-binary character but n e ways) the first named lesbian character introduced was Alex and she had originally been dating this creepy loser but out of no where she became a die hard lesbian after she and Paige became an item which felt just... so forced. I feel like since they made a lot of steps to include a gay male character they were like “oh shit where’s the lesbians” and then rewrote the most futch coded character to be a lesbian, which is... fine I guess but they never even touched on the fact that she was with the moid so it felt like a plot hole they could’ve very easily covered up. I did appreciate how in her stripping story arc they never tried to frame it as empowering like other teen shows (like she’s a literal child?????) and she never expressed any attraction to the Johns which I was rlly scared of. And this was in like 2006 so probably better representation than others at the time. And with Fiona Coyne I also felt like they written her in to be shoehorned as representation since they had already written full character arcs for another gay male and a trans man character, speaking of that the first hint they gave to her being a lesbian was her dating Adam (previously spoken of tif) and solely dating her because she was female and she could obviously see that, and saying “you’re like the best of both worlds” which feels like a cope, and Adam getting super mad about that and breaking up with her. A gold star for the terfyness and representation of butch characters atleast? And later she went on to date multiple other random femmes, I haven’t watched up to the point of her other relationships so she could’ve very well have been botched but :/ Fiona felt more shoe horned than the others because she had literally kissed her brother in a previous episode which... m yeah. And imogen which had been interested in another male character before being given a lesbian character arc, like it’s so lazy... the comphet storylines must be so tiring and is probably to some extent why the master doc exists. Like so many shows have fully fleshed out, researched, and focus grouped storylines for gay male trans etc characters but for lesbian characters they slap on lipstick lesbianism to a random b character then say ‘that’s enough activism for today 🧚‍♀️’
OH MY GOD i was thinking of degrassi too and didn’t wanna say bc i thought no one would know what im talking about. yes the thing with alex was literally so annoying. like the thing that bothers me is they will have these het or bi characters then all of a sudden they’re lesbians and their history with men is not explained at all. they just try to act like it was no big deal. alex was with that piece of shit guy for like at least a year and they were constantly kissing and looking very into each other. they couldn’t find a way to make sense of that for us??? cmon now. but i recall fiona also showing interest in men and then ofc all of a sudden she’s also a lesbian but at least they slowly tried to make sense of that. wait until u get to another one of the lesbian main characters they got in next class. fr it’s the worst one imo. i don’t remember fiona’s story too well but looking at her wiki:
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3 ex boyfriends and kissed another guy, the uncensored one is her trans ex boyfriend that u mentioned, and i don’t recall any of this being explained. i don’t remember her showing any discomfort with them either. iirc she seemed very into them?? if they had put any thought into her having been w men, they would’ve shown her not looking into it and perhaps trying to avoid being with them or SOMETHING but they never do that. ever. like. ur right degrassi’s lesbian rep is horrendous. there’s only one character who iirc is a lesbian that is represented decently but shes a side character and isnt that prominent on the show so.. there’s that at least.
also isnt imogen openly bi?? she basically said she’s into ppl regardless of sex
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luveline · 2 years
idk if you’re still doing your james requests but im currently about to drive to the airport and it’s bringing it up a lot of sad memories for personal reasons - i was wondering if u could write a drabble in which a similar thing happens w james x reader? maybe she’s a little folorn and weepy and he doesn’t realise at first bc he’s excited to go on holiday but then he realises and comfort ensues?
i understand if this is too niche or if u cant write it for whatever reason of course!
thank you 💌
p.s ur most recent drabbles have been giving me LIFE - i love every single one!
tysm for requesting ily <3 hope this is ok <333
James is a ball of energy, has been all the way here. Luckily you’d been spared from having to try and match his enthusiasm while driving by early morning traffic. Now, though, you’re failing to but up a good front.
He’s so pretty, rambling away about the sights they’re going to see, and you feel the gap between you like a yawning maw of loneliness and long nights. You feel awful: James is a great boyfriend and has been so excited for this trip, a bachelor party with old school friends, you really can’t stand to ruin it with your own feelings.
You catch a tear before it can fall and sniffle weakly, furious with yourself. James flinches, head coming up from the little brochure in his hands to look at you.
You flinch yourself and turn your back to him, trying to wipe away any evidence before he can see it.
Firm hands on your shoulders, turning you to the side. “Hey, hey… what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you say, smiling sunnily despite how much your chest hurts.
“Angel,” he says, skeptical. The sunshine is leaking in through the airport's big glass windows, bouncing off of his skin in a way that makes him glow, almost ethereal. His eyebrows have pinched together into a dark brown, almost black line above his eyes.
You smile wider and the action of it pushes another tear from your eye. You wipe it away with spiteful fingers. He makes a grab for your hand and pulls it from your face so you can't be cruel to yourself.
“Y/N,” he says.
This finally makes you frown. James never uses your name, it’s always angel or baby or angelbaby. Names varying in ridiculousness depending on how lovelorn he’s feeling.
“Sorry,” you mutter, dropping the act. You should've known your upset would cut through his excitement eventually.
“Why are you crying? Are you hurting?”
"No," you say quickly. "I'm fine."
"You're not fine, baby, you're crying your eyes out."
An over exaggeration and a fulfilling prophecy; you bite your lip determined to make no sound as the first sob courses through you.
James pushes his hands under your arms to cross over your back, pulling your chest against his chest, hugging you with enough force to lift your feet off the ground for a split second before he remembers to lean down.
"What's wrong?" he asks, sounding sad. "Have I done something?”
"I'm going to miss you so much," you confess. As soon as you've said it you're ashamed of yourself, trying to take it back.
"I'm going to miss you too," he says into the top of your head, hand on a looping course over your back. His touch is comforting and the desperate quality of your emotion begins to wane. "I'm gonna call you every single day, angel. Ten days and I'll be back. We've spent longer than that apart before."
"I know. I'm sorry, I didn't want to cry and mess up your trip before you've even gone," you say forlornly.
"You haven't messed up anything," he murmurs, tightening his arms around you. "You hear me? You've got nothing to worry about, nothing to be sorry for."
You clasp his shirt in your hands. "I'm okay, James, really. Sorry. It just hit me all at once."
"It's fine," he says, syllables dragging. "It's okay. Stop being sorry on me."
You sniffle.
"You better not be getting snot on my shirt."
"I'm not," you say quickly, laughing weakly, though maybe you are. If not snot then definitely tears.
"I'm gonna miss you so much, I hope you know that. And," he says, weaving his hand in your hair to pull your head back gently, meeting your eyes, "I'm sorry for not noticing that you're upset."
"You're excited, Jamie. Plus, I didn't really want you to notice."
He taps under your chin with his knuckle, two quick raps to get you to lift your head properly.
"I'm excited to go. But you know what else? I'm excited to come home to you."
You feel a weight come off your chest. Your smile is genuine this time as you reply, "Come back fast, handsome."
"You think I'm handsome?" he asks coyly.
You burst into laughter.
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twstxreader · 3 years
Same person who asked for hcs of sleep deprived s/o for the vice dorm leaders, i was wondering if i could get the same but with the dorm leaders this time? Cuz i freaking love ur writing 🤧💖 (also yay u managed to turn on anon :D)
Ofcc you cann and TYSM i love writing and the things you guys come up with is wonderful And yessss i had some help with the anon thing lmaoo♡♡♡
You guys would be in his dorm room comfortably stay on hia bed surrounded by text books of all sorts
You've been struggling a lot with work so your lovely boyfriend offered to help you study!
Riddle didn't notice straight away he was to busy trying to explain something to you
You kept nearly falling asleep riddle voice lulling you to sleep but you kept waking your self up at one point you kinda fell onto riddle shoulders and drew his attention
And that's when he noticed the bags under your eyes he felt guilty he didn't notice sooner
Riddle clasped the text book you were working on and moved the books off the bed onto the desk next to the bed he asked if you've been having enough sleel lately and when you said youvebeen sleeping fine hw sighed and gently laid you down
He told you how import sleep is and that it could make yoy ill he kissed your forehead and layed down near you playing with your hair telling you to sleep
You were laying with him again in the garden place with him laying his head on your chest pretty much using you as a pillow
Leona was half asleep his ear twitching now and again
But you kept moving and fidgeting around disturbing the lion everytime he falls asleep
You moves again a little and hear a little grumble and Leona looked up at you telling you ot quit it!
But when he looked up at you he noticed the bags that plagued your eyes
He looks at you like thia
And pretty much rolled off you grabbing you in a tight hold as he rests his chin on your head
He grumbles and scolds you for not getting enough sleep acting as if he is annoyed
But he really does care a lot so he kisses your head affectionately running his nails over your scalp lulling you to sleep.
You came to visit azul at the lounge bc hes been so busy you walked into the vip room and saw your boyfriend at his desk sighing paper work
He greeted you with a hello not looking up from his work
You flopped on the couch with a heavy sighe asked you if everything's ok and you said yes but he noticed your voice sounded weak
He looked up and saw your face you look exhausted he thought
Azul got up from his desk and make his way towards you
He sat next to you and asked if your ok you nodded but you could tell you aren't fooling him he leaned back and gentle pulled you to lay on his shoulder
He stroked your head and told you to take a nap you said no it's ok anf plus he has work to do! But he chuckles and says that he needed a break away ways anf huma as you sift off to sleep
You and kalim would be in the main dorm room
He would be chatting to you about his day and what he did in the light music club and his day and how he nearly set the dorm room on fire by trying to cool but that's not important rn
This little ball of sunshine was speaking really quickly and and you couldn't help but drop off slightly
You didn't mean to! It's juts you've haven't had much sleep at all...
Kalim noticed this and poked your cheek which woke you uo he looked at you witha worried look on your face and asked you if your alright
You sigh w little and hesitantly told him you haven't slept much the past few days
Kalim gasps and like jumps on you pretty much wrapping you both uo in blankets and him holding you close
He told you to rest bc he can't have you dropping off now! Plus he can't have you falling asleep while flying the magic carpet with him.
You were in his room sitting on his bed as he was trying some new makeup on himself
He had his back facing you
You were on your phone looking through it and what not and yawned
While apply lipstick he looks at you through the mirror asking you if you've had enough sleep
Thenhe would notice the black bags under your eyes a gasp
He would get uo and go over to you and would cup your face
Vil would pinch your cheeks scolding you for the not getting enough sleep! Do you k n ow that lack of sleep could mess up your s k i n?! (idek if it does but ehh)
He would face palm and lay your down and tell you to sleep
If you ask him to lay with you he would smile slightly saying he will join you in the middle he just need to take this makeup off
Lmao same
Okok idia and you were playing some games in his room and you guys just having a generally good time
He were leaning on his shoulder
Idia noticed you seemed a little dazed and then he noticed the bags under your eyes
He didn't really know what to do but he kind of did what ortho usually does to hik when hes sleep deprived
He lead you to the bed laying you down telling you you should really try resting while blushing a little
Your protest saying your fine and don't need it but idia say pls at least try and you said ok... Bc hes cute
You asked if he could lay with you and he blushed and his hair changed colour to a reddish colour
He'd gulp and climb un next to you
He lays on his side facing you and his shaking flustered hands held you running his cold thumb over your knuckles
You were in ramshackle dorm just minding your won business on yours phone late at night you looked up from your window bc you thought you saw something in the corner of your eyes
AND YOU DID. MALLEUS. was just standing there. Outside your window?
You shrieked snd fell backwards off your bed and Malleus teleported into your room like oops
He would help you up apologising for startling you
Looks up at the tall gentle fear asking what he was doing outside of your window
Malleus explained he was on one of his nightly walks and noticed the lights in your room was on and came to see if you were alright because its very late and humans shouldn't be up this late he explained
Malleus star you down asking if your alright or if you can't sleep
You nod gently and Malleus said he will help you sleep if you would like
You agreed and he layed down on your bed and gently layed your head onto his chest
Malleus would run his nails gentle across your scalp
He would hum a little lullaby lilia used to sing to him when he was young and had trouble sleeping
Smiling softly and felt your eyelids become heavy and slowly drift off
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shingia · 3 years
can i req suna,, akaashi and iwa (and anyone else u want!!) getting jelly abt the s/o hanging out with another guy and being touchy (like the playful smacking or smth) without knowing the guy was their brother? angst to fluff bc i want the ✨ pain ✨ if u dont wanna its fine too,,
thanks bby,, love ur works so much! stay safe and healthy 😫💗
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me receiving a request : 🥰 the request including suna :🤩 tysmm bby stay safe and healthy tooo <3
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-> suna, iwaizumi, akaashi
-> angst to fluff
-> reblogs help a lot <33
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• he hadn’t asked many questions when you told him you couldn’t come over to his house in the afternoon. but now, as he was replaying your snapchat story for the sixth time, he really wished he did
• maybe if he had insisted on coming with you, you wouldn’t have let this guy - that he had never seen, for the record - act so touchy with you
• was it his fault for not making you feel special enough ? to the point that you preferred the company of other men rather than your own boyfriend’s ?
• just the thought of this was enough to make a few of his usually well-hidden insecurities bubble up - most of them due to what his friends always joked about « suna doesn’t care enough to be in a relationship, they’ll all run away after a week ! »
• so yes, suna was hurt, but you didn’t have to see that. your opinion on him was the only one he cared about, he didn’t want to tarnish it. well... your opinion and his little sister’s, who burst into his room as he was about to watch your story for the seventh time to tell him that « someone’s at the door ! »
• not feeling like getting out of bed, it took him a few minutes to drag his feet to the door before finally opening it. and of all the people he could have expected to see, you were the last of them
• « surprise ? » you smiled as you let yourself in, not noticing the surprised look on his face as you greeted him with a tight hug. « i felt bad for cancelling our afternoon together, so i asked my brother to drop me off »
• you weren’t even done talking that suna had already recognized the man in the car that was leaving his driveway. his embrace immediately softened, and a smile crept on his face as he felt all his doubts vanish in a second
• « nuh-uh, don’t take your jacket off beautiful, i’m taking you out », he told you, determined to spoil you in the way he regretted not doing sooner
• at his words, his sister almost magically appeared next to you, coat in hand and ready to go. « you weren’t planning on leaving without me, right ? » she flashed you a toothless grin, grabbing both your hand and his to drag you two outside
• suna shared a deadpanned look with you, « of course not... » you both said in unison as she was already leading the way to her favorite ice cream shop
• iwa’s trust in you was infinite. but something about the way this guy had his arm playfully wrapped around your shoulders didn’t sit right with him
• his practice had ran late and he was exhausted. but he had promised you he would pop over to the birthday party of your childhood best friend, knowing how much it mattered to you
• but your behavior looked an awful lot like an attempt at making him jealous... and it was working
• was it your way of letting him know that you two weren’t working anymore ? were you just too much of a coward to be clear about it ? he hated to think about you that way. and most of all, he cared about you too much to not step in
• « ok now you got my attention » he told you after pulling you to the side. « if you want to tell me something, go ahead, i’m listening »
• still trapped in the euphoria of the moment, you didn’t really understand how upset he was. but maybe it was for the best, because it allowed you to defuse the tension lightheartedly : « i can’t believe i forgot to introduce you ! » you let out as you dragged him back to where your brother was still standing
• his jaw still clenched, iwa couldn’t even bring himself to shake this stranger’s hand, as friendly as he looked. at least not until you spoke your next words : « he was actually telling me how excited he was to finally met his future brother-in-law ! »
• iwa’s lips slightly parted in confusion, you could almost hear the cogs turning in his head over the music. brother? well that explained a lot of things
• « h-hi, sorry i was... miles away » he apologized before finally shaking the hand your brother was holding out to him
• but once the surprise had passed, another word stuck with him : brother-in-law ? as in « my sibling speaks so highly of you that i’m willing to let you put a ring on their finger even though i have never met you yet » ?
• well, it was good to know that your brother agreed with the plans he’d had for you since day 1...
• it was not unusual for akaashi to think that maybe he was not good enough for you. but being actually jealous was a first for him
• he had promised himself to never be too overprotective of you. but the facts were here : it was 3am and the only thing keeping him up was this unknown feeling of pure jealousy
• if he had not been in such a hurry when he witnessed your lighthearted banter and playful fighting with this man in the afternoon, he would’ve come up to you. introduced himself. maybe asked a few questions. if
• suspecting that this unpleasant feeling would not go away unless he talked to you about it, akaashi found himself dialling your number in the middle of the night
• used to his thoughts polluting his mind at unpredictable hours of the day and the night, your ringer was always on. which is why you picked up after only two rings
• « hi angel, i’m sorry to wake you up, i just... » he started, the clarity of his tone letting you know that he had not slept a wink. feeling his hesitation, you were quick to reassure him « it’s ok keiji. what’s going on ? »
• « who were you with ? i mean- this afternoon ? i don’t think i’ve ever met that guy and i was just wondering if... maybe i should ? »
• sitting up straight on your bed, you felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders. if this was the only thing keeping him awake, he should be able to fall asleep in the following minutes. « i was with my brother. but i understand why you were confused, it’s a normal reaction so please don’t blame yourself for that, alright baby ? »
• the gasp you heard on the other end of the line made you chuckle. akaashi’s voice was much less tensed now : « well in that case, yeah i should probably meet him... if you’re ok with that »
• « i’m more than ok with that » you smiled, placing your phone down on your pillow « wanna stay on the phone for a bit ? »
• « that’d be nice », his voice sounded sleepy already, especially above the familiar sound of his covers being pulled up to his chin
• how could he put that in words ? he didn’t even know if he was allowed to be jealous because he knew how often you had to see him deal with his many fangirls
• and that was actually what bugged him the most : that he might have already made you feel as shitty as he was feeling now
• but atsumu wasn’t the type to sit down and seriously open up about his feelings. besides, it was much easier to look like a needy boyfriend rather than a vulnerable one
• so he resorted to what he was best at : physical touch as a way to get your attention
• sneaking up behind you, he didn’t give you any warning before wrapping both his arms around your waist and pressing his chest on your back so much that you almost had to bend over
• he really hoped you would be perceptive enough to understand that he wasn’t just being clingy, but in need of a lot of reassurance. and luckily, it was quick to come :
• « tsumu, let me introduce you my brother » you chuckled, understanding how and why he had been mistaken
• one hand still on your waist, he used the other to greet your brother. atsumu did not really seem fazed by the news. of course he was relieved to know that he had nothing to worry about, but this little experience had still been very eye-opening to him
• after your brother had left to give you two some privacy, tsumu’s grip on your waist tightened, but in a softer way
• « ‘m sorry if i ever made ya cry » he let out, completely out of the blue. you didn’t really understand the meaning of this, but it didn’t matter. your hand found its way to his cheek that you brushed lightly with one finger, admiring the how it was slowly turning red. « being jealous sucks... » he added.
• « it does », you approved, giving him a quick peck on the nose. « but there’s nothing and no one that you should worry about, i promise »
• a fond smile lit up his face. you looked sincere, and he really needed to hear that right now. quick as ever, his hands left your waist to come and rest on your cheeks. both holding each other’s faces, you stared at the other for a few seconds, wondering which one of you would give in to a kiss first
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TAGLIST : @toworuu @catwithangerissues @miyumiya @livy384 @k0u-minamo2 @fullsundear @hsjvwq @kelsuuki @hiraeth-z @velvetvirgos @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner @47meow @japanesevenom @geektastic84 @noir-blanches-blog @idontlikeyourjob @seiri-ami @atiny-grl-with-luv @admiringlove @nachotrash @kellesvt @aintyourholy @Moonlaeli @catchmewiddershins @duhsies @devilgirlcrybabiey @crystal-lilac @ijustwantfreenetflix @mimaki @maitenight
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shotorozu · 4 years
hellolololo!¡! so i recently saw this video where their
s/o goes on to omegle and the other person from omegle like goes “hi ur cute” or “u have snap?” and then their boyfriend just enters the frame,, can u do that to todobakudeku separately :3
if u dont understand u can check this out 😭 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJdEqc7V/ tyy ❤️❤️
“ur kinda cute” on omegle
(tiktok prank)
character(s) : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (bnha)
part two — part three
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, crack — ‘x reader’
note(s) : i love these types of requests 🤩 so i plan on making 3 parts with this (oh and don’t worry, i’ll finish the other tiktok prank series i have going on at the moment)
also, there’s no proofread on this so if there’s any typos or mistakes, sorry! i’ll be editing them in the morning
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todoroki shouto
okay so, the entire tiktok idea was planned— but the part where shouto came in surely wasn’t staged
so, being a curious young person— you wanted to make a tiktok, where you went on omegle just to speak to people for fun
and inside of your head, you’re kinda thinking that “this is dumb, omg im going to get flashed on there.” also while you were setting up your laptop
but you just used the appropriate tags and !! you were set off for an adventure
you set your phone aside, and you filmed most of the experience— cutting out the not so interesting encounters out of your tiktok
and then came on a dude, who had a,, unique reaction. he didn’t seem all that fishy— until he asked you for your snap (your social medias, essentially)
“you’re kinda cute, y’know. how did i not see you before?”
you shake your head, “oh no no! i appreciate your compliment, but i’m very much taken!” your mind immediately flashing back to the image of your icyhot boyfriend
“nahh you’re lying! i don’t see any dude back there”
oh,, and that was because shouto was out getting snacks 🧎 “no really dude, i appreciate it! i’m very much taken and being disloyal is out of the question!”
this dude just kept insisting and insisting, and due to the struggle— you weren’t able to hear the door knob jiggle
it seemed to be that his advances came to an end, and your lover made an entrance— a mop of red and white peaked out from the door frame
and the dude literally got scared and ended the conversation 💀 because you really weren’t lying!
you also figured that it was time to end your omegle shenanigans, and finish the tiktok— because your boyfriend was already there “hi love, who were you talking to?”
you closed your laptop, and offered him a smile “i was on omegle for a tiktok! i’m glad you’re back.” you discard your phone, wrapping your arms around his torso (and also making sure you don’t delete the draft)
shouto doesn’t say a lot, but he immediately accepts your touch, setting the groceries aside.
he doesn’t question the fact that you were on omegle because well,, he had to get used to your shenanigans on tiktok SOMEHOW
a few hours later, you posted the tiktok— and almost immediately, the tiktok gains a lot of attention
“i love how your boyfriend drove the last dude away 💀💀” “man the last dude didn’t take the hint 🗿” “your boyfriend indirectly protected you! we need more guys like him.”
you snicker at the comments, which ultimately gathered shouto’s attention “what’s up, love?”
you show him the tiktok, “the tiktok did well.” he’ll comment calmly, but shouto’s lowkey MAD ?? that a dude had the audacity. but he’s just glad that you’re happy just maybe,, don’t go on omegle anymore 💀
“love— next time, let me in on your tiktoks.” he says, running a thumb along your cheek lightly. because he was actually quite entertained, putting everything aside
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bakugou katsuki
as if bakugou katsuki would let you go on OMEGLE, a place that’s known for having the sketchiest people to ever exist— but make it virtual
but being with you made him realize that well,, if you want to do something, you’ll go through lengths just to do it.
even the great bakugou katsuki can’t really stop you. whatever makes you happy— but oh, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t highly discourage it
which lead you to go on omegle for a tiktok in the other room, while bakugou exercised in the very next room.
when you told him that you wanted to film a tiktok, bakugou only shrugged— “don’t do overly dumb shit.” was what he only told you and he left the door open too
you then set up your phone and laptop, applied the appropriate tags— and went off to make your tiktok
you only filmed the interesting encounters, and the people you met on there were very diverse in personality and just,, in general.
after the 4th encounter, then came a rather interesting dude. he didn’t seem all that ordinary but he wasn’t spectacular. he was just nice
and the conversation was rather normal— until he started asking for your socials “putting everything aside, do you have social media? you’re really cute.”
you reject immediately, “oh no, i appreciate your words but— i already have a boyfriend.”
you just have to hope that he noticed bakugou walking back and forth with equipment, but with his next words— that doesn’t seem to be the case
“i didn’t see anyone back there, a simple no would’ve been sufficient instead.” uh oh
“no really, i—” and before things escalated, katsuki’s head peaked through the door frame, freshly out of the shower “are you almost done, idiot?”
the dude literally looked behind you, and thought “oh shit, their boyfriend is bakugou fucking katsuki.” because bakugou is famous for,, multiple different reasons
the dude’s camera shakes in terror, “oh uhm,, it was nice meeting you!” not long before he dips from of the conversation, never to be seen again.
closing your laptop— you end the tiktok while bursting into laughter, and this action just confused katsuki ever further. he heard you speaking to someone, and when he looked, the person was nowhere to be seen
“what are you laughing at??”
“nothing katsuki, i was laughing at the tiktok i just made.”
then— you figured that it would be best to tell katsuki now that you were on omegle (long story short, he wasn’t pleased)
he scolded you that you shouldn’t be on omegle, but let’s be honest, he couldn’t stay mad at you— so he just cuddles the frustration away
when you upload the tiktok the following hours, it blows up pretty quickly—with comments like “LOL IS THAT BAKUGOU KATSUKI??” “he had guts until he saw bakugou katsuki 💀” “tbh i’d be scared too”
and when you report the news the katsuki, he smirks— “as he should be.”
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midoriya izuku
at this point, izuku is very much used to your shenanigans on tiktok. he’s very supportive of whatever you do all in all
but, about omegle,,, yeah,, as much as he trusts you— he does not trust omegle. he’s aware that it’s a shady place, and he doesn’t advise that you do go on that website bc he cares
so when you brought up the tiktok idea, he proposed that he’d be there, right beside you just to monitor if anyone’s being weird :)
and that’s great! because you also wanted to ask if he wanted to be a reoccuring guest in your tiktok— and of course, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he opposed?
he helps you set up your laptop and phone— all of that sort of stuff, and then you guys were off to make an interesting tiktok
oh, but izuku did apply the appropriate tags because he didn’t want you to see odd things he was secretly nervous but,, you were very ethusiastic, so he was too.
the first several people were interesting in their own way— especially with their reactions to your boyfriend appearing on screen
usually, they’d back off with, and comment on how cute your boyfriend is— wishing the both of you well before calmly leaving to meet new people,
that was how it was, until you met this person in particular.
he sounded very,, egotistical— i wouldn’t say that because you’ve just met the dude, but he acted like everyone wanted him or it sounded like that
then he says, “you definitely have a phone number, right? you’re cute, just my type.” wkdksmd this is awkward since izuku’s right beside you, but he’s just outside of the frame
then, izuku pops out of the frame— in all his cute ass glory, he gives a small wave to the not so pleased stranger
“please, that’s your boyfriend?” he scoffs, “with those arms, he looks like he could be your little brother! now let me ask again—”
it’s really weird?? because have you seen izuku’s gainz?? and this dude’s audacity is extraordinary.
but little did this guy know, he’s looking at midoriya izuku— and,, you’ve seen his performance in the sports festival.
the dude takes another glance at your boyfriend, who’s sitting there right beside you— and he realizes who he was talking to
“oh shit, you’re—” and before the both of you could realize it, he nopes out of the conversation.
after that encounter, you burst into a fit of laughter— the look on izuku’s face being priceless. “you should’ve seen your reaction!”
“haha, i guess he knew who i was,” he says bashfully, cheeks warming up. because it registered in his mind that people actually knew who he was. “can you,, upload the tiktok later? i want to hug you— i mean! if that’s fine.”
of course it’s fine! you oblige, and give him all the hugs he could ever need
after cuddling with izuku, you do upload the tiktok— and an hour later, your tiktok notifications blow up
the tiktok all in all gathered 1M views, 780K likes, and over 1,500 comments— most of them saying stuff like
“your boyfriend’s reaction was so cute?? i know he looked like he was going to punch him through the screen but 👀” “last dude was just not it.” “LMAO HE REALLY TRIED IT” “is your boyfriend IZUKU MIDORIYA??”
when you excitingly showed him the tiktok’s results, he was certainly pleased— because most of the comments were positive, and also because the tiktok’s results made you happy
“i’m glad that it did well!” he’ll sigh in relief, pressing a kiss against your temple, let’s just not go on there ever again
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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elysianslove · 4 years
cheering you up ; haikyuu boys
synopsis; different ways the haikyuu boys care for you and cheer you up when you’re sad
pairings; karasuno x reader, nekoma x reader, aoba johsai x reader, fukurodani x reader, shiratorizawa x reader, inarizaki x reader
genre; fluff
warnings; none probably a bunch of mistakes lmfao
note; i had to repost this like 3 times rip. anyways, im sorry for not adding inarizaki on my last one jbshds but they’re here now!!
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karasuno ━━
sugawara koshi; i definitely think he's so in tune with you, and your emotions. he learns your cues very well, and knows every little thing about you that there is to learn. if you're having a bad day, he'll notice right away. he won't comment on it though. all he'll do is these little things to try to cheer you up, but it's going to be very subtle. he'll let u rest ur head on his shoulder, run his fingers through ur hair. he'll sneakily buy u ur favorite snack. doesn't bring anything up until you do. ends the day with cuddles and a chick flick.
sawamura daichi; he notices but he doesn't really know how to react. not because he doesn't know what to do, but because he doesn't want to trigger you or deepen your sadness in any way. he's very careful with you. if it's something throughout the day, he's very quiet and tender with you, just silently lets you rest your head against his chest and rubs your back/arm tenderly. as you're walking home he asks if you want to talk about it, and reminds you that it's good to, but it's also okay if you don't want to.
nishinoya yuu; not a single sad moment with mr noya here. seriously you cannot breathe. ok but in all honesty, when you're sad. he's sad. sends you memes, and you'll be laughing at them with tears streaming down your face because you don't really know what you're feeling anymore. he does a lot of tiktok trends with you, any of the couple ones. grabs your faces and ,,, smooch all over. until you have no choice but to laugh. if you want to cry even more, he'll watch the notebook and the vow a thousand times over, and be a sobbing mess next to you. just don't tell the guys okay? <3
kageyama tobio; he's so.   bad. at this please help him. like he can tell ur sad, bc he's v good at reading people. but like. what the fuck is he supposed to do. anyways. when u two get to be alone and he kinda notices how quiet you are, he just nudges you slightly, and pulls you to him. it's easier to talk to you, he's calmer, when he can't directly look at you. when he feels you start to shake in his arms, feels the wet tears down your cheeks as you start to sob in his arms, his heart kinda breaks. all he can do is hold you, but it's what you need. and he'll listen too, if that's what you need as well.
tsukishima kei; i think he notices, but doesn't bring it up at all. the way he goes about it is he'll tease you to try and bring a smile on your face. because this is tsukki, and you know him well enough, you know the truth behind his jabs, enough to appreciate them. if it doesn't work, he'll just start to make fun of people in front of you, pointing random people out with you and just being like "wanna bet on what's making their relationship fall apart" this sadist i stg. like suga, he subtly makes you feel better until you yourself approach him about whatever's upsetting. actually gives 10/10 advice bc he's v honest.
asahi azumane; he's so empathetic oh my god bruh. notices immediately. "baby what's got u so upset" w a big pout on his face and when u just mumble "nothin" so low he barely catches it and instead throw yourself into his arms, he gives you a big, certified asahi bear hug. doesn't leave your side at all. constantly mutters sweet nothings and encouragements. if you do the bare minimum like make it through class he'll meet you after and be all "im so proud of my pretty baby". cuddles all day. all night. he's not very good at advice but he is the best listener !!! so attentive and you'll feel a huge weight lifted.
tanaka ryunosuke; "aight who do i need to jump" type beat. u love him so much though. that one sentence and sentiment already has you feeling better. immediately hugs you so tight, borderline suffocating you. "wanna ditch school". 100% willing to do so. he doesn't really know whether to approach it with distracting you or facing the obstacle head-on, but he finds a middle ground. eats your feelings out with you. saeko pulls out the embarrassing ryu pictures and suddenly you don't know why you were ever sad.
hinata shoyo; is really oblivious for a bit tbh. when he first meets you at the start of the day and his hyperactive self is greeted by your duller, sadder self, he doesn't think much of it. it's when you don't react to him or interact with him the way you usually would that he starts to notice you being off. he's actually super straightforward about it, and approaches you with some of your favorite snack that he bribed ukai to give him for free and just "wanna tell me whats up, baby?" he's so, so easy to talk to. immediately you're venting. and he listens to intently, gives stupidly good advice. it's like such simple approaches to your problem but?? it works. anyways you love him.
yamaguchi tadashi; will be super worried about what he could do to make it better, and kinda just tries to feed you as much positive energy as he can. once he's comfortable with people, he becomes really chatty, so i see him talking your ear off with the biggest smile on his face that you have no choice but to kind of ? mimic it? he just radiates goodness and sweetness that it shifts your own energy. he on some witchcraft shit on god. anyways when he walks you home or something, he'll just stop for a min and avoid your eyes when he says "ik u dont feel the best, but i dont want you to have to hide that from me, okay?" stan tadashi <3
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nekoma ━━
kuroo tetsurō; drops everything. i mean it. i genuinely think kuroo would be such a good boyfriend that he'll sense it and text u as ur getting ready for school and be like "are u sad i feel like ur sad". you dont really wanna worry him and you'll just reassure him ur fine but he's already at your front door in — not his school uniform. insists the two of you take the day off saying "its fine babe im super smart". you two will spend the whole day just simply existing, talking when needed, he listens to you if you vent, and tries to come up with as many options of solutions for you so you don't feel weighed down. he'll make sure you eat even if you don't have an appetite, and will try to make u do something productive bc in a lotta cases, it could help you feel a lil better yk :)
kozume kenma; i pretend i do not see it — kozume kenma (2020). jbwjwks im jk. he's like tsukki in the sense that he will never address it, and he doesn't outwardly approach you about it. if it's just an off day for you, and you also happen to not have school, you'll go over to his house, hoping to feel a little bit better when you see him. "can i have a kiss, sunshine" to which he responds "why." you just go "im sad" and he gives u a big smooch. he'll have you lay on his lap while he plays his games, occasionally just sneaking in a peak at you to make sure you're okay. he'll ask if you wanna play to get your mind off things for a while. eventually, when things wind down a bit, he'll just mutter "yk i love you, yeah?" and that lights up your world hehe
haiba lev; as soon as he notices you're sad he just ☹️. he picks out a small flower and as soon as he sees you, he just tucks it by your ear, and smile so brightly and youll just be like "oh my god lev please stop being so cute". he won't really know what to do tbh, but the way he's so lost makes it so heartwarming and it honestly cheers you up all on its own. he just. "would a kiss make it better" and if you nod he'll just start kissing all over your face so softly, until he finally kisses your lips. when he pulls away he asks "again?" with a cute smile and if you nod he'll just kiss you over and over again. very simple way of cheering you up, and very foolproof tbh.
yaku morisuke; i think throughout the day, he might pester you a little bit about telling him what was wrong, but after you keep insisting you're fine, he relents, and decides that maybe giving you your own time and space to open up to him is better. he tries not to act differently in that sense, but he finds himself being a little more soft spoken, and gentler with you. i just had this image flash in my brain of you resting your head on a desk, head turned to the right, and then yaku comes and sits to your right, putting his head on the desk and facing you. and just. "hi :)" your heart melts. he kisses your forehead softly and tells you you're wonderful, in case you've forgotten. if, or when, you do open up to him, he'll be very eager to listen, and ready to fight off whoever upset you.
yamamoto taketora; this man is angry. like properly. "who the FUCK put a frown on my baby's face. speak the fuck up. i won't hurt you. ill just mutilate you." if you tell him that it's no one, and that you're just upset, he'll be so confused but he'll just nod and be like "okay. okay. do you want a hug?" and he'll hug you so tight. he'll admit that he doesn't like seeing you like this, and that he'll do anything to make it better. at first he's very cautious, but then he just lightbulb moment and as soon as you get home he'll be like "karaoke night babyyyyy" and then. no more sad.
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aoba johsai ━━
oikawa tōru; very. perceptive. he greets you normally, even if he notices something's off, because he won't want to worsen anything. you meet him right before he has practice after school, and he'll just cup your face, lifting them to brush at your hair, and you just sigh. "my baby's had a long day, yeah?" he'll be very gentle and careful with you, i'm sure. he gives you a kiss, smiling softly into it, and reassuring you that you're much too strong to let a single bad day destroy you like this. he meets you later that night with a lotta ice cream and you two just binge watch any reality show you could find, shit talking the actors together. he himself is terrible at talking about his feelings this dumbass >:( so he understands if you don't want to yk? will encourage u to vent it out though. expect terrible, makes no sense advice
iwaizumi hajime; he kinda like. gets mad? when you continue to be upset and not speak about it? he's not mad at you! he's just. mad. this is iwa okay. anyways. he won't bring it up mostly, only being slightly more affectionate, especially in his hand holding, which is super gentle already as it is. when he invites you over, that's when he actually starts to talk to you about it. he lets you know that there's nothing worse than seeing you like this and not knowing what to do, and that he wants you to be able to talk to him. about anything. even if you think it's stupid. he'll listen, and tell you that it's not stupid if it's making you upset. he cooks for you <33333 then bakes with you <33333 you feel a lot lighter at the end of the night tbh
hanamaki takahiro; (he's so annoying i love him). as soon as he sees you upset he makes it his mission throughout the day to cheer you up in any possible way. spams your phone while you're class with ten thousand wholesome memes. sends you pick up lines. when he meets you in between classes he just yells out "how's my favorite person in the entire world!" and kisses you so wholly in the middle of the school hallway lmfao. while he's walking you home, takes a longer route and purposely, he passes by your favorite store/bakery/ice cream parlor. buys u ur favorite, and pretends to be shocked when you give him a piece. late at night, he'll facetime you, wondering how you're feeling, asking if you needed to talk about it. whether you do or you don't, you two will fall asleep facetiming.
matsukawa issei; the minute he sees you he's like "whats wrong". no hi or anything. he has like this frown on his face, which seems off bc it's rare to see a frown on issei's face, and he just tucks your chin in his palm gently and stares at your pout. "you good, baby?" he can tell you're not, but he wants you to be able to tell him on your own. sticks by your side the entire day, and nobody really mentions it. he talks to you as if it were a normal day, but his voice has a softer edge. he's not distracting you, per se. he's more, talking to fill the space while giving you your own space to think. once you're alone, he'll just drag you to the nearest comfy surface, flop down, and pull you on top of him. if you even try to resist or ask whats going on he'll just "nap and cuddles first." and when u sleep a lil bit of ur sadness away, he'll just let you talk it out as he continues to hold you <333
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fukurodani ━━
bokuto kōtarō; just as empathetic as asahi, if not more. he really does feel it all with you. yk sympathy pains that partners get when women get contractions? bokuto is that partner. with bokuto, i feel like he'd never make you feel like you couldn't just straight up text him "im sad" and feel bad about it. if you ever do that, he'll immediately call, not even bothering with a text. if he can't come over, he stays with you until you've cried your heart out and then laughing until you can't breathe. if he can go over, he smothers you with love. repeatedly says "you know i love you, yeah? you know how grateful i am for you?" and in between kisses "im so lucky. so, so lucky."
akaashi keiji; i feel like as soon as akaashi notices you're down, or you're slightly off, he just grabs your hand and squeezes, forcing you to stop spacing out and focus on him for a second. if you're with a lot of people around you, he'll lean close to you and ask if you wanna go home. he'll be so soft and gentle and understanding, making up some excuse on the spot on why the two of you have to leave. if you're alone, he'll grab your hand and kind of tug you towards him, silently asking you to come into his arms, where you yourself know you feel safest. as soon as you're in the comfort of your home together, he'll like run you a bath and slip into it with you, just holding you until the water grows cold and the droplets on your skin are from your own tears. he'll wait it out, just holding you as reassurance, then make sure nothing's stopping you from spilling everything to him.
konoha akinori; when he first notices, he kinda deflates. like. who would wanna see their s/o like that? his smile is gentler when he greets you, and he's so soft with you. he grabs a pen and lifts your palm up, quickly scribbling down in his unique handwriting "i love you :) <3" on your skin, whispering for you not to wash it off until the end of the day. it is weirdly motivating tbh. as soon as the two of you are alone, he says it to you, face to face, an expected look on his face as if to ask "you know that, yeah?". puts on a movie to tune out the rest of the world, and holds you close to him as it drags on. he'll give advice if you're asking for it, but he's a better listener than anything else.
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shiratorizawa ━━
ushijima wakatoshi; does not notice. in all honesty, he expects you to approach him whenever you have an issue or if you're upset. he's kinda like ? so confused when you're so down and really unresponsive, until he starts to notice how touchy you are. like you're leaning more into his touch, holding onto his hand like it's your lifeline, stealing his vbc jacket because it smells like him. is very straightforward, and will just ask you if you're okay as he walks/drives you home. kinda just stops in front of your house and presses a kiss to your forehead, then pulling you into a hug. "please don't be upset." he won't tell you that it kills him, but you can sense the unsaid words. he urges you to keep his jacket when he notices how safe it makes you feel. greets you the next morning with a new cactus in a pot hehe.
semi eita; is very cuddly once he notices. you'll sit at a table in school and he'll be sitting next to you, but he just pulls you into him and lets you rest your head on his chest, mumbling softly into your hair "i know you're sad and it's okay." he doesn't say anything else, just holds you there with a few kisses in between until he has to let go. late at night, if your thoughts are still keeping you up, he'll be up too, worrying, and will text you at 3 am if u wanna sneak out to meet him. takes you to the park and lays on the grass with you, picking out stars and constellations in the sky, with a soft soundtrack playing from his phone next to the two of you. he makes you feel secure enough to be sad even if you have all the blessings in the world, and makes sure you know that he'll always be there for you, even at 3 in the morning.
satori tendō; cheers you up by making you forget literally everything. replaces the sadness in your brain with just pure serotonin in any way he can think of. he'll take you to an amusement park, get ice cream with you, take you to the carnival in town, to the park, to the beach, to the pool, take you up to his house's rooftop. literally anything. and then he'll say something like "life's too short to spend it being sad over anything, darling." he's so understanding, and if you're frustrated or something he'll tell you to let it out by like wrestling him or some shit. exhausts you so much and you're filled to the brim with dopamine. he makes sure you're always happy, never seeing a dull moment in your relationship with him.
goshiki tsutomu; freaks out. plain and simple lmfao. but once he like grounds himself, he just softly comes up to you and asks you if you wanna talk about it, or if there's anything he can do. if yes, he'll break his leg running to go do it. if no, he'll just sit with you in silence, leaning over to hold your hand, talking to you about volleyball and his aspirations and how well he's improving. he's better at distracting you than helping you face your issues, mainly because he stresses out about giving the wrong advice or somehow making you sadder. he'll take a lot of pictures of you together on snapchat random filters to try and cheer you up, then later on in the night he'll send them to you and be like "look how cute we are ugh what a power couple" i love this dorkhabsjsks
shirabu kenjirō; i think he definitely notices, but keeps it to himself. he’d maybe think he’s imagining things and that you’re okay, so he’d go about his day normally. he doesn’t see you after school, and that’s when he puts two and two together and realizes yeah maybe you are sad. so he texts you, and texts you, and texts you, and gets no reply, so he just. comes over. unannounced. uninvited. just straight vibes. he’s already ordered your favorite take out, and already settling in bed with you under the cover with the lights dimmed and some chick flick playing in the background. gives the b e s t advice because he’s so blunt. like he will tell you if you’re overreacting, but you’re still his s/o, so he’d like wince as he says it. that’s all the sympathy you’re getting <3 but his bluntness will shock you into laughing hehe
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inarizaki ━━
miya atsumu; usually, with atsumu, you’re always experiencing loud days. your relationship is all fun and flirty and suave and cool. but when he notices you’re sad, he goes quiet. like. eerily so. immediately pulls you aside somewhere private if you’re at a public place like school or something, and with his hands in yours he asks you if you’re okay. yk that thing where ur on the verge of tears and someone asks you if you’re okay and you just burst. yeah <3. his heart absolutely breaks and he just pulls you into a hug, resting your head on his chest and wrapping his arms around your neck. he just holds you there, even if you’re missing class/your friends are worried. he’ll stay with you until your tears have dried up, until you yourself let go.
miya osamu; i don’t see osamu as someone that loves pda. i feel like he’d be a more lowkey kinda guy. but if you’re sad, that gets thrown out the window. he doesn’t really in the moment, and won’t think too much when he pulls you close to his side and just wraps an arm around your waist/shoulder. yeah he’ll get looks but he can feel you trembling and shaking from holding back tears so yk, priorities. he’ll definitely stress eat with you. takes you literally anywhere and feeds you as you rant to him with tears streaming down your face and he’s just nodding sympathetically as he stuffs your mouth one bite after the other. romance is beautiful
suna rinatarō; when he notices you’re sad, his first response is alright what the fuck who messed up. he immediately blames someone else, and if he’s right, he’ll only get really agitated. just giving everyone the side eye from where you can’t see as he walks the two of you, your hand in his tight. if it’s not someone specific, he’ll just hum thoughtfully and then nod, before pulling you away somewhere private and just sitting you down and saying “talk.” very, very good listener. i can’t stress this enough. as you’re speaking he’s already thinking of a million different ways to help you solve your problem. walks with you as he traces your hands and just quietly tells you all the solutions.
aran ojiro; oh my god as a boyfriend he ticks all the boxes. he’s great at communicating, always satisfies your needs, is trustworthy and trusts you. the list goes on. immediately knows when you’re off/sad, and just smiles softly as he takes your hand, kissing your knuckles and saying, “let’s go home, yeah?” at home, he makes you some calming tea, probably pulls out some cookies or brownies or biscuits (that HE made but we’re not gonna get into that) and just listens as you talk, whether it’s about why you’re sad or just in general. gives you honest advice, but also a lil biased bc he loves you hehe <3
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konowhore · 3 years
aoba johsai headcanons | watching a volleyball game with them
warning(s): spoilers from season 2-3, not proofreaded 
a/n: these are,,, very long HAHA and i’m so sorry that these are like,,,,,, all ending with reader and bf sleeping LMAO...
prompt: you watch a volleyball game with your boyfriend. you didn’t realize that it was a game between the two teams his team lost to.
but anyways
he had dragged you to watch the shiratorizawa v. karasuno game bc ‘you’re my gf i need emotional support<3′
you didn’t really know much about volleyball, maybe the basics like positions, but you were still excited to watch
his ass would choose the seat farthest away from the court simply bc he didn’t want to be seen and he would make the snarkiest remarks while watching about how they played and you would just be like: .. yea..... 
he’d realize that you’re a little confused abt what’s going on and then go:
“need me to explain anything princess?”
you lean into him and nod a bit, turning your head to smile up at him
his glasses reflect some light but he shifts them so he can look you in the eyes
cue you blushing bc the looks he gives you ?? <333 it makes ur heart cartwheel
anyways he rubs circles on the back of your hand with his thumb, explaining to you about the big play that just happened
you would just stare at him and take glances at the game because he was just so admirable
he knew so much, he played really well
you knew he worked so hard to try and get nationals, yet his team ended up not making it
out of the blue while you both sit and watch, you stretch up to kiss his cheek
oikawa, who usually isn’t too flustered, has pink-dusted cheeks when he looks at you
“yes princess...?”
“nothing, i just adore you.”
the growing smile on his face makes you giggle and rest your head on his shoulder
the game continues, oikawa continuing to make remarks about each team, observing the game
you get a little bored, hugging his arm and watch the ball go back and forth 
oikawa pays really close attention tho bc he offers to take you home awwwwww
“if you’re tired we can go-”
“no it’s okay!! i like hearing your commentary uwu”
stop he’s so in love with you
like he would stare at you after that and just be all <3
and so you two stay for the whole game (you fell asleep some point,,,,,, woke up once to buy water LMAO)
watching volleyball with oikawa makes you realize how much he has a passion for it and you just admire him. so. much. 
and oikawa would be so grateful that you’re so supportive and he’d tell you a thousand times after the game that he’ll do anything for you bc you tagged along and everything pls <3
you two hang out at your place and land upon the shiratorizawa vs karasuno game
you: aren’t those the teams you guys lost to
issei: yeah and what about it. 
he’d jokingly pout and hide his face in your neck
“you’re mean </3″ he’d whine
you laugh and run your fingers through his hair 
he grins, his hands going to rub your back as you two watch the game on the screen
you recognize some of the players from aoba johsai’s previous games, humming while watching them play
issei is only half paying attention
“well he’s cute,” you note, watching the camera pan through the karasuno members, only for it to stop on the captain
issei would roll his eyes and smack your ass a little LMAO 
“he’s short,” he’d retort, chuckling soon after when you look at him and roll your eyes back at him
“okay and”
BYE HE’D JOKINGLY GET MAD AND GO “go date your new boyfriend then<3″
it’s all fun and games between you two tho and it’s soooo cute !!
he can be a little shit but 
anyways you’re cheering for karasuno, occasionally going ‘look at their captain omg <3′ 
issei would sit up with you still straddling him and he’d just press kisses against your neck, making you giggle and try to push him away
“not until you take your eyes off of him~”
you run your fingers through issei’s hair once more, smiling and leaning down to kiss him 
“don’t worry issei, i’m all yours”
he’d lay back again, letting you lay on top of his chest
the game keeps going, you and mattsun sitting in comfortable silence while watching
your eyes are heavy and you don’t pay any attention to it
but then you wake up hours later, still on top of your bf’s rising chest
(pls i love him god i want to hug him and cuddle with him he’s so fucking cute <3333)
tbh semi was one of your old friends from middle school so he asked you to come to his game,,,
your boyfriend wanted to hang out with you so you asked if he wanted to go
HONESTLY he’d be like ‘since when did you talk to people from shiratorizawa’ but he’d be fine with it
maybe he’s a little bitter but lmao
you two go to look for your friend, and when you see him, you call his name and hug him
makki:  🧍
semi: hi uwu
you would introduce them to each other all smiley 
there’s tension and for what
semi: okay well i have to go warm up
you: bye eita ^^
you two would sit close to the school section and holy shit is hiro glad that he didn’t wear his team jacket LMAO he would’ve gotten flamed
anyways not you cheering for eita even tho you have no idea what the fuck is going on lmao
hiro is amused and he just thinks you’re so cute tbh 
he’s staring at you watching you yell out semi’s name even tho he wasn’t in the starting lineup help.
he’s such a dumbass tho pls 
not these girls staring at y’all um......
you’d scold him and he’s just :P
anyways you take a break from cheering and you sit, leaning on your boyfriend’s shoulder
“hiro are you doing okay?” you mumble, playing with his hand
“mhm, are you?”
you nod at his question and watch the game continue
“you sure you’re okay?? you seemed kinda tense, maybevenalittlejealous, when i introduced you to eita”
“i’m fine baby don’t worry”
him: me???????????? jealous>?????????????????? no.
after the game, you drag your boyfriend along with you to tell eita he did a good job
he’d give you a really big and long hug in which hanamaki is just standing there 
you gush about how great eita was, earning a big smile from him
when you leave the gymnasium hand in hand with hanamaki, you cling onto his arm, your smile never leaving your face
“soooo did you like the game?” you ask, looking up at your unusually quiet boyfriend
“did you like meeting eita uwu”
“were you jealous??”
“no comment.”
cue you teasing him while his cheeks become the same color as his pink hair 
he’d just remove his arm from your grasp and then wrap it around your waist to pull you closer to him
i know we all know this but iwaizumi hajime best bf idc !!!
he honestly wanted to go see the game bc he just wanted to see how the teams would play against each other
he had asked you if you wanted to tag along so you agreed
in all honestly, he didn’t think you would want to because you don’t usually seem interested in it whenever he talks about it, but in truth, you listen to every word he says abt it pls TT
he loves u so so much and u love that he’s passionate about volleyball HE JUST,, DOESNT REALIZE THAT YOU LISTEN
like he thinks it’ll bother you if he talks about it too much <//3
he’s the one who is genuinely surprised when you point out a strategy karasuno had used
“y/n i didn’t realize you liked volleyball??”
“you talk about it all the time silly”
and you give him a kiss on the nose and he just :0
“hajime cmonnnn you took me to the game you should tell me more about it uwu”
STOP. he literally,,, loves u so much
he holds your hand, his little smile never leaving his face
you lean your head on his shoulder, watching the game on the court
when the tall blond blocks ushijima’s block, you flinch a bit and stand up to look closer, seeing the tall blond yell and his teammates following suit
you cheer along with them, your boyfriend finally standing up to stand next to you
his eyes are on you only, your hair bouncing with you as you jump in excitement, your eyes shimmering with excitement
his smile just grows as you grin , turning to him in excitement
“did you see that hajime?? :D”
and u just :D
“you’re very beautiful princess, did you know that?”
that alone makes you go pink and you playfully push him by his arm
“baby stopppp”
and you’re both just laughing and watching the game together, spending the whole day with your hands intertwined 
(he.. hajime best boy)
you had started watching the game a bit after the first set started and your boyfriend was busy taking a shower
you knew a lot in all honesty, since shigeru happened to be on one of the powerhouse schools in terms of volleyball throughout miyagi
if he was gonna be honest he wasn’t expecting you to sit down and actually watch a game of volleyball intently
so walking into his room seeing you focusing on the karasuno v. shiratorizawa match surprised him a bit
“you watching the game?” he’d ask
“mhm!! it’s really interesting uwu”
he finds it absolutely adorable but then he tries to flirt and flex his muscles like “babe look i just got out of the shower” AND YOU JUSt,, KEEP LOOKING AT THE TV
yahaba: baby *bites lip*
you: babe get dressed and come watch with me
goodbye he just throws a shirt and some shorts on and basically jumps on top of you in which you yelp and go “shiGERU” and his mom is ON HIS ASS !!!!!!!! she literally comes in and she’s like “shigeru stop jumping onto your gf” and you rlly stick your tongue out at him
him: you’re acting like a child
you: you STARTED IT.
and you guys bicker a little and you just go “well you made me miss half the game” and HE GETS SO MAD HELPPPP
him: clinging onto you, asking you to cuddle him
you: watching the game
eventually you give in and hug him, kissing him which makes him go quiet
“are you happy now you baby?” you ask him
and he just gives you a quick kiss, smiling and also giving you a slight eskimo kiss
the game becomes an afterthought as he brings up the beach volleyball game the third years organized for tomorrow all day, asking if you could help his team out 
(he insists that since you’re the ref, you should help his team consisting of kyoutani, kunimi, hanamaki, and another first and second year win bc kyoutani will just keep spiking outside the lines but you tell him it’s cheating LMAO...)
(btw he’s so underrated i mean he’s not one of my faves but he deserves the world like y’all sleep on him and for what)
he’s super observant and he had been watching recorded games for a while to learn and make sure he plays his best next year pls </3 
he had invited you over to his place to hang out and you really wanted him to take a break from watching all of those recorded games
you emphasized this when you told him you would come over lmao
but alas.........
when he opened the door and you looked at the tv to see what he had put on, you saw the shiratorizawa v. karasuno game
watari: I CAN EXPLAIN.
you: .... sir.. 
PLEASE he’s taking your hand and pulling you to the couch while saying he’ll relax and just watch for fun
you sigh and follow him, letting him pull you down to sit next to him on his couch
you throw your legs over his lap, smiling while looking at him
he would give you quick, soft kisses all over your face and you both just fall into a fit of giggles
stop u literally love watching him gaze at the tv so passionately and observe how they play </3
YOU GIGGLE AT HIM AND HE’S LIKE “what are you laughing about?”
AND YOURE JUST LIKE “you’re so cute uwu”
so y’all are really just out here giggling at each other huh....... 
he??? pulls you into his lap and hugs you tightly
he’s literally so in love with you pls
so you guys just sit there and watch the game while you occasionally ask him questions
he’d be happy to tell you and he’s holding onto you the whole. entire. time.
honestly the game kinda slips away from you because you’re suddenly asleep on his chest, his arms around your waist, a hand gently rubbing your back
and he’s so grateful that he has a girlfriend who cares about him and worries about him :((
he’d turn off the game and then take a little nap with u <3 
tbh you spent so much time with him after the game his team lost bc he kept beating himself up for it which is >:(((((
him: i could’ve-
as you should !!
and when he tells you he’s gonna be watching the shiratorizawa vs karasuno match after school at his place, you tell him you’re watching with him too
“i don’t want it to bore you y/n-”
“it won’t bore me yutaro dw uwu”
no bc the way you’re both in love !!!!!
you would do anything for him tbh but you genuinely thought his passion for volleyball was cute :D
he was always striving to do his best and you think he’s absolutely precious
he’d turn on the game and then immediately come over to sit with you 
you lean onto him, clinging onto his arm and smiling
“y/n are you sure you wanna watch with me??”
he gives u a very soft kiss on the head and you can’t stop smiling bc you know he gets kinda shy abt showing affection
but he feels very warm and you start feeling very sleepy 
you think him making comments abt the game or what he finds interesting is really cute but youre just,, tired ya know
he notices and he’s like “you should sleep-”
“noooo yutaro i’ll watch with youuuu”
“y/n cmonn”
you pout and lean turn to lean your forehead against his arm
“i don’t wanna </3″
“it’s okayyy you can sleep if youre tired”
you look at him and he smiles, leaning forward to kiss your forehead
you can’t help but melt and you’re just,, staring at him dreamily
he’s like “..baby..?”
and you just lean forward and kiss him
“you’re the best bf ever <3″
and he chuckles and goes “and you’re the best and cutest gf ever”
he has you lay down on his bed, your hair sprawled about his pillows
he lays with you, the two of you facing the tv and your back to him
he puts an arm around you, smiling
you slowly fall asleep, smiley and snuggling back towards yutaro
he kisses your head again, telling you that he loves you and hopes you sleep well 
he’s so<333
he acts like he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the game but you guys are chilling at his place and you flip to the channel that has the game on 
at first he’s like “you’re interested ?? in this ????”
you: babe,, of course i am,,  my bf is a volleyball player,,,,,?
PLS? he’d be like ‘oh ok’ and rest his chin on top of your head
it’s so chill between the two of you guys he’s literally just playing with your hair, humming a bit
you ask him smth but he asks you to repeat what you asked because he spaced out 
and when you ask again he just stares at you and is like ‘yes’
YOU JUST LAUGH AT HIM AND HE THINKS YOURE SO PRETTY so he just continues to listen to you ramble abt the game
eventually, he finds himself dozing off and you take notice as his chin starts feeling heavy on your head
“baby c’mon let’s take a nap-”
and he’d shake his head and go “we can finish the game-”
but you can tell he’s tired, especially from practice earlier today
so you turn off the game and turn so that you’re straddling his lap and hugging him tight
he wraps his arms around you and hums, kissing you
you smile and lean back to look at him, his eyes droopy from exhaustion
“sleep bby”
“mm only if you do too”
“i will dw <3″
and you just cling onto him, arms around his neck
he hums,  nuzzling your neck and you giggle
eventually, you two start breathing slowly, falling asleep
(tbh you didn’t rlly even care who won you just watched the game bc it was on LMAO)
you guys were hanging out in your room, his head in your lap while you sat up against your pillows
you were both occupied by your phones atm
he put his phone down, looking up at you curiously
you smiled as he reached to intertwine his fingers with yours
he had been at the gym more often, playing volleyball and practicing 
especially after their loss against karasuno :( 
today was one of the days that he decided he would spend his time being with you 
he doesn’t voice it often, but he appreciates how much you support him and care for him
(you picked him up from the gym the other day with some of his favorite deep fried chicken bits with the cute chicken packaging and he didn’t know how else to show you how much he loves and appreciates you other than by cuddling with you all night pls i’m </3)
anyways he’s just staring at you, admiring you, thinking about how much he loves you while you’re watching some tiktok your friend had sent you 
you had asked if he wanted to watch the game with you on your phone but he had been occupied thinking about you 
“what’d you say-?”
“i asked if you wanted to watch the game with me..? if you don’t want to it’s fine-”
“oh sure”
and he’d adjust himself so that he’s sitting with you, shoulder-to-shoulder, leaning his head so that it lays on top of yours
you’d just be all smiley, leaning into him more while playing the live stream of the game
he seemed focused, watching the game intently
you tried to focus on the game, but the only thing you could think about was the way kyoutani was holding your hand, rubbing the top of it with his thumb
eventually, as the game continues, he huffs a little, making you look up and smile at him
“you okay? we can stop watching if you want-”
“it’s fine-”
and then he adjusts himself, scooting away from you to lay his head in your lap
he reaches for your hand and puts it on his head, looking up at you
you oblige, gently rubbing his head and smiling
his eyes are closed, a slight hum coming from him
after a while, you realize kyoutani had fallen asleep, so you turn the game on your phone off
during this, kyoutani grumbles, reaching for your hand
you can’t help but giggle a little, rubbing his head while humming a little
“get some rest baby~” you croon quietly, staring at him lovingly
he opens his eyes a little, giving you a small smile
“you too okay..?”
when he closes his eyes, you smile, mumbling a little ‘i love you’ to your boyfriend
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Texts from the Lost Tomb part 6.1
🎶 Back on the bullshit I never got off🎶
Is this another unnecessary story arc?? With three sections??
Wushanju Crew Chat
Wang Meng: You know, I’m someone who appreciates consistency in my day. My life is pleasant, very few issues indeed if you ignore the big ones. And yet. Yet here we are. With unresolved messes at the end of a day.
Wang Meng: We need to talk about Huo Daofu and the glittery bead curtain.
Wu Xie: did you turn on that suggested word thingy lol
What glittery bead curtain
Wang Meng: I closed the shop at 6:00pm this evening on the dot. I locked all of the doors in and out of the shop very carefully, especially in light of recent events. The hall leading to the back office was empty. I filed the day’s paperwork, updated and sent emails, and then spent an extra hour organizing receipts and dusting. When I came back out, there were glittery iridescent bead curtains over the front entrance to the shop.
What could this mean?
Wu Xie: uh that you need to spend less time at work?
Wu Xie: I think we can be relatively secure in thinking a glittery bead curtain isn’t a hostile threat
Wang Pangzi: SAYS YOU
Wang Meng: Ugh, forget it. I should have just taken them down, regardless of who they belong to.
Zhang Qiling: They are not mine.
Wang Meng: Do we know anyone who *would* sneak in and put those up? For whatever reason, legal or not? Even as a joke?
Wu Xie: okay let’s think about this; for starters, I didn’t break into my own shop
Wang Meng: You would be in danger of doing some work in the process, that’s true.
Wang Pangzi: LOL
Wu Xie: ANYWAY let’s keep going. For example, Xiao Ge would only break in somewhere for a good reason. Xiao Ge, did you do this?
Zhang Qiling: No.
Wu Xie: okay who’s next
Zhang Qiling: How can we be certain *you* didn’t do it?
Wang Meng: Admittedly that was my guess, too.
Wang Pangzi: WOW I SEE HOW IT IS
Wu Xie: Oh yeah him! Oops I got distracted
Wu Xie: Ugh fuck off
Wang Meng what abt Huo Daofu??
Zhang Qiling: ?
Wu Xie: oh sorry xiaoge I didn’t realize you wouldn’t have spent much time around him last year
He and I go way back
Zhang Qiling: Way back where?
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: ?
Zhang Qiling: I wanted him to feel welcome. I wanted to be sure he understands he has a place here. A specific place.
Zhang Qiling: Rationally, I understand that.
Main Chat
Wang Meng: Huo Daofu is coming for the weekend—didn’t Wu Xie tell you? Wu Xie asked me to check in a week ahead so we could start getting ready for his arrival
Wu Xie: oh yeah I did do that
Wang Meng: Fortunately I know you and so I already went ahead and took care of everything.
Re: the trip
He made a deal with Wu Xie’s doctor that he would do periodic checkups on him here at Wushanju
Bc Wu Xie hates being in the hospital
And frankly the hospital hates him too
Zhang Qiling: Is it safe for him to be here with a criminal loose on the premises?
Wu Xie: Right, back to the curtain! Let’s focus on the curtain, hmm?
Wu Xie: okay but who else would do something so oddly charming yet illegal and—wait.
Snake Eyes Chat
Wu Xie: hey, Glasses hasn’t been in touch lately right?
Li Cu: uh nope
Unless u count the outdated memes
Why, is money or Xie Yuchen missing
Or is this curtain related, I saw Wang Meng’s tweet
Wu Xie: haha no nothing to worry about really
(I mean maybe? but who knows)
Wang Meng is probably just getting a little paranoid in his old age
Li Cu: better than getting reckless and stupid as hell in ur old age
Wu Xie: …hey:(
Unknown Number: Li Cu, we discussed this.
Wu Xie: ????????
Li Cu: *sigh* fine, reckless and stupid as heck
Unknown Number: …close enough.
Wu Xie: EXCUSE who is that
Madame, Sir, Non-Binary Tree Spirit, etc—whomst the fuck
Are you
Li Cu is underage FYI
So Im staying on this chat
Li Cu: okay first of all, it’s not like that
Second of all I’m literally not underage I s2g
u threw the embarrassing surprise bday party, okay so u should remember
And C, that’s my counselor and I invited her. She wanted to meet u and I knew u wouldn’t agree to a visit so I added her to our chat
we have been discussing u
Wu Xie: Oh wow!!!!!!!
What a surprise:)
hi so nice to meet you:)
Main Chat:
Wang Meng: I assume that means something to someone here?
Not my problem? Good.
Wu Xie: wait i give him an allowance
has he been collecting on two allowances??
Zhang Qiling: Three. I knew about both of yours.
Snake Eyes Chat
Wu Xie: so uh may I ask your name?
Unknown Number: you can call me Ms. Lee.
Now, if you’re comfortable talking in this format, why don’t you tell me how things have been going?
Wu Xie: oh everything is normal and fine and safe as usual, why do you ask:)
Li Cu: I heard about ur necklace thing. nice of you to NOT mention it.
another dangerous adventure. again. prick.
Ur lucky your cool boyfriend cares about you so much or you’d have already died like ten years ago
Wu Xie: lol try twenty years ago
Li Cu: That isn’t funny.
Unknown Number: …What?
Wu Xie: shit ur right, okay that was a bit glib, my apologies.
…I use humor as a coping mechanism?
Unknown Number: and Li Cu, how do you feel about that?
Li Cu: he doesn’t even know what that phrase means
He doesn’t cope, like ever
In fact
It’s kind of why we met
Which is a funny story in retrospect tbh
Wu Xie: haha what are you talking about sweetie hahaha need I remind you of certain anecdotes that could idk send me to jail maybe lmao
Unknown Number: …You know, perhaps an in-person meeting might be more effective?
Wu Xie: haha such a nice idea but why
Main Chat
Wu Xie: If I go to jail, I’ll have to create alliances for protection, right, that’s how it works on tv
Who do we know who spends time in jail
Other than Hei Yangjing, he’s only ever there for like 12 hours and i suspect he just gets himself arrested bc he enjoys the breaking out process
Also how’s the curtain case coming along
Zhang Qiling: Has someone threatened you?
Wu Xie: well not yet but soon I’m sure
Snake Eyes Minus Your Fucking Therapist Chat
Li Cu: okay how tf did u pull off spy and undercover shit
u are sus as hell
Wu Xie: damn son is it pick on Wu Xie night
I missed the flyers or I would’ve invited my uncles
Also re: the curtain it’s been mostly solved
Li Cu: I’m not your son, idiot.
Wu Xie: …oh. Sorry, sorry, you’re right, bad choice of words, haha
Forget i said anything
Delete this chat even
Li Cu: shit I meant
Legally, biologically, I meant—
…I turn into an asshole as a coping mechanism?
Wu Xie: oh that’s all okay! I have to go do something else now let me know if you need anything okay kid thanks!
Li Cu: goddamn it calm down who’s the kid here
lemme organize my thoughts so I can articulate my emotions fuckin healthily or w/e
Ugh maybe for like one afternoon we could go to Ms. Lee together? She knows how to word stuff
Wu Xie: uh…okay.
Li Cu: Anyway you don’t need to worry abt jail
As if you would survive prison for one day you’d piss off half the place in like an hour or less
I gave Ms. Lee the heavily edited version of the desert highway to hell roadtrip and i discussed it more in terms of like “nightmarish but still wouldn’t take any of it back”
Well maybe the sand
that shit was everywhere
Wu Xie: oh kiddo. It’s fine, really…You don’t have to explain yourself to me.
Li Cu: no, no it’s just
I do technically have a dad
who is an asshole. Being a son doesn’t really mean shit to me bc it sucked.
So you need to stop backing down just cuz ur guilty abt stuff. I’m really really glad ur not my dad in a good way. Do u get what I mean there
Where’s the mafia widower I followed into hell, huh
Wu Xie: Ur a good kid, despite my influence. I’m really glad you have someone to talk to after everything I…after everything. Wow this talking through feelings thing is kind of weird but nice ur right
Jfc no wonder it took me and xiaoge so long to—you know what, we won’t get into that
Li Cu: ew tmi
Also re: this week’s recent necklace fuckery
I moved my stuff here, I live here now
So you can’t die anymore
Or else…Idk I don’t have a threat planned
anyways abt the curtain
Wu Xie: oh my god, kid…kid you have no idea
I am in tears.
Li Cu: see this is why I can’t be nice to you I can sense the hallmark channel from here
Ugh don’t be sad in ur room that’s dumb
Go hug Pangzi or something
Maybe delete this chat
Or the curtain thing
Focus on the curtain thing
Just stfu and go away
Wu Xie: <3 screenshotting this <3
Li Cu: I take back everything I said. This is why Xiao Ge sleeps on the roof. I hope the ghosts of the Wangs put up that curtain to strangle you somehow. Go die in a stupid way, it’ll suit you.
Wu Xie: lol don’t worry I’m not gonna embarrass you with it or anything
Main Chat
Wu Xie: omg guys look how cute my kid is *sending screenshot*
Wang Pangzi: I MEAN
Wu Xie: no but read the whole thing:):):)
Zhang Qiling: It is indeed very hard to remain angry with you. And you are welcome to join me on the roof.
Wang Pangzi: UH NOPE
Wu Xie: ok true but babe ur like a sexy cryptid
Wang Meng: so, are we just accepting that there is a glittery curtain of unknown origin, and Huo Daofu is going to have to see it while he’s waiting for you at Wushanju bc you’re going to family therapy?
Wu Xie: right
Wang Meng: I’m going to go dust something.
Unnamed Chat:
Unknown number: so the curtain…
Unknown number 2: yep, not my best work but I kinda panicked last minute u know
Unknown number: what is in the water at Wushanju that makes everyone dumb and attractive
Unknown number 2: relax they’ll figure it out
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rosie-moons · 3 years
Beauty and the Beast 1 {} Tale as Old as Time || myg
~Pairing: worstboyfriendever!yoongi x travelenthusiast!reader
~Genre: Angst with a sprinkle of fluff
~Word Count: 3.4k
~Warnings: yoongi being the worst boyfriend 😥😥😥, reader crying 😔😔😔, very cliche scenes, a breakup (not the major part though), yoongi crying 😢😢😢, yoongi cheating on reader (YOONGI I SWORE IF YOU HURT OUR OC LIKE THIS I WOULD PUNCH YOU TILL YOU BLEED but you’re saved for the sake of this story 😡😡😡), reader being too forgiving, swearing
~A/N: well. i just had to give you guys angst after dp, didn't i? i know yoongi's stupid in here but pls don't get mad at him bc he's my bb and i love him too much 🥺. also HOMOPHOBES STAY AWAY, CHOHEE AND NARI ARE MY BABES AND I'LL PROTECT THEM NO MATTER WHAT!
In your relationship, Yoongi had always been the beast.
Missing dates, drinking at the bar and getting wasted almost every night, overall just fucking around… it was common sense that this was what boyfriends were supposed to do, right?
“Right.” was what you always thought- that boys were uncaring and stupid and undeserving of any love.
Well, any love except for yours.
Somehow, Yoongi always thought that you didn't deserve him, that you were the ugly, cold-hearted beast, that you were supposed to love him without anything in return.
And you always thought he was right; forgiving him after his sobbing apologies again and again, taking care of him after drunken nights again and again, convincing yourself that he really did love you again and again- until you decided this couldn’t go on.
No, you had a life outside of Yoongi.
You had dreams.
You had friends, a good social life, a whole group of boys who’d give you the universe if it meant you could be with them.
Why did you choose Yoongi though?
Why not any of those boys, some of whom were more attractive, more caring, treated you better?
“Soulmates,” your best friend Nari huffed, turning her head to look at you. You were having a long-anticipated spa night together, cool cucumber slices resting on your tired eyes and some sort of coconut scented oatmeal mush plastered over your face. “You gotta stop believing in that shit, Y/N.”
You sighed.
“I’m trying, okay? It’s just that… I think… I think believing that one day someone will love you for eternity is better than living every day in heartache. At least it gives you hope, a reason to smile, I guess. Don’t you think so too?”
Nari paused for a minute, nodding subtly as she chowed on a cucumber slice. “Now that I think about it, I guess you’re right…”
You smiled, proud that you’d convinced her.
“...but nah, I still think you should face reality more than your imagination, you really have your head up in the clouds too much. All those fairytales- you know why they’re called fairytales and not realistic tales or something? Because they’re just to lull kids to sleep, all that perfect romance doesn’t exist,” her expression softened. “Hey, I really didn't mean to upset you... I was just- are you thinking about him again?”
You shut your eyes tightly, trying to stop the overflow of tears threatening to spill out. “I… no, I’m not. I just… I don’t…”
“Hey, Y/N, it’s alright…” She immediately scrambled off her massage chair, coming over to yours and pulling you into her arms. “He’s a stupid fucker who doesn’t deserve you. There’s so many good guys who’ll die to be with you, Y/N, I’m sure even Seventeen’s Mingyu would date you if you gave him a chance. Really!”
You sniffled, burying your face in your friend’s chest. “Not everyone’s obsessed with Seventeen like you, Nari.”
“Well,” She hmph’ed. “Are there any K-pop groups you like, then?”
“How about TXT? Enhypen? Astro? You like none of them?”
“Enhypen’s okay, I guess…”
“There we go! Okay, okay, who’s your favorite member?”
“The one with the really nice smile.”
“All of them have nice smiles, Y/N. Do you know his name?”
“Uh… Sun-something. I think his last name is Kim.”
“Sunoo? You like Sunoo? OMG! OMG! MY BEST FRIEND LIKES SUNOO!” Nari jumps off the massage chair, making “whoop whoop” noises as she dances across the spa room.
A beautiful raven-haired spa attendant creaks open the door, stepping in. “Hello, ladies. I hope you’re enjoying your evening. I just heard… something, and was wondering if you’re doing okay.”
Nari freezes with her left foot still in the air, arms bent in an awkward position. She coughs, blushing as she scrambled to a standing position. “Yes, um, we’re doing fine. Thank you, er…” Her eyes flicker down to the attendant’s nametag, “Chohee ♥” scribbled in pretty cursive handwriting. “...Chohee.”
You flashed your signature wide smile, giving her a thumbs up. “Yep! Nari just gets excited easily, everything’s okay!”
She smiles back, pretty pink lips devoid of any lip gloss or lipstick. “Alright, then. Call me if you need anything!”
“Wait!” Nari calls after her as she proceeds to shut the door. “How are we supposed to call you if we don’t have your number?”
Chohee laughs awkwardly. “Oh… haha… I meant, like, physically call me, not, like, with a phone… haha… but… I mean… like...” She takes a page from the tiny notebook in her pocket, writing something on it. She hands it over to Nari. “Here’s my number, just don’t… spam me… or anything… um…” She clears her throat. “I hope we can… be… friends… or… something…”
Nari smiles shyly, accepting the paper. “Yeah… thanks, Chohee. Um, it was great meeting you…”
They giggle dumbly together before a shrill “CHOHEE! WE HAVE CUSTOMERS WAITING, YOU KNOW!” interrupts the glassy moment. Chohee immediately jumps back into professionalism, clearing her throat. “Sorry, uh… Nari…? Was that it?”
Nari nods.
“Yeah. Nari. Um, I have to go…”
“Oh, we shouldn’t be interrupting your work, should we?” She laughs. “Thanks for… uh… everything…”
“No problem.” They giggle again. “I really have to get going though… Bye.”
“Bye, Chohee.”
Chohee’s eyes widen. “Oop, gotta go. Bye!” She runs off, Nari yelling one last “BYE!” as she waves.
When she finally closes the door and meets your eyes, she’s practically jumping up and down, heated cheeks glowing a fiery red.
You quirk an eyebrow. “Now do you believe in fairytale love?”
She coughs, picking at a scratchy stud on her arm. “I… no… I mean… maybe…”
You clap your hands once, grinning as you watch your friend’s face burn hotter. “Well, would you look at that! For once, I’m not the one that’s crazily in love and stupidly giddy!”
“Stop, Y/N!” She whines, playfully hitting your arm. “And plus, um, our face masks are hardening. It’s time to wash them off. I’m going to the bathroom. Um. Bye!”
And she’s taking off towards the bathroom, the sound of running water jolting you from your thoughts about… him.
You bite your lip, wondering how pathetic you could possibly be. He doesn’t love you. He probably has a girlfriend and is about to get engaged. He probably doesn’t even remember you.
You look up at the blinding white ceiling, the soothing forest sounds playing from the speaker you forgot about now your only source of comfort.
Because the last two were “probably”’s, but the first one was a fact- Yoongi didn’t love you, and he never did.
“For the last time, Nari, I’m 100% sure she likes you back. Just text her, tell her to meet up with you, confess at some cute caf-”
“No, Y/N! You don’t get it, I’m, like, really, really sure she likes the coffee shop server we met the other day, they were practically making out and- oh god, don’t even remind me about the lovey dovey googly eyes!” Nari stomps her foot childishly as you sigh for the upteenth time.
“Nari, just-” Your eyes widen, a brilliant yet sneaky-ish idea popping into your head. “Actually, it’s okay if you don’t want to just yet. I advise you to go take a shower though, wouldn’t want to be stinky, right?”
“But I’m not going anywhere special-”
“HAHAHAHAHA it doesn’t matter HAHAHAHA just go, go take a shower, go go go right now!”
“You’re acting weird…”
“HAHAHAHA am I now?”
“Um. Yeah. Alright. I’ll go shower. Bye.”
“You’re being very enthusiastic.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah… bye though.”
It was an ordinary Saturday morning with Nari lounging at your place, complaining that Chohee wasn’t paying attention to her. So you’d tried to convince her to confess- which didn’t work, by the way.
Anyway, with Nari now in the shower and screaming along to “Chandelier” by Sia, you were ready to launch your plan into action.
Swiping her phone off the counter, you typed in the password (which she’d told you, as you told her yours as well) as fast as your glittery fake nailed thumbs could manage, plastic click-clacking against the oil-smudged screen. Nari had a habit of never washing her hands before texting, even after some good ol’ cheetos or fried chicken.
You click on the Textalk app and swipe down until you find Chohee’s contact (written “Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑").
10:42 am
Nari Lee said: hey chohee :) u there? Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: nari Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: r u ok Nari Lee said: of course im ok :D Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: O-o hmm but u never use emoticons Nari Lee said: oh i just found out that i like them haha
10:43 am
Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: *raises eyebrow* Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: ok yeah im here, wassup? Nari Lee said: so… i was just wondering if ur free today for lunch, i have something to say to u Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: oh yeah ofc! where?
10:44 am
Nari Lee said: um how about magnolia cafe? @12? Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: awesome! ill be there <3 Nari Lee said: sweet!
“So…” You say, casually sliding into Nari’s room. She’s in a fluffy white bathrobe, brushing her hair and singing to herself. “What do you say for lunch at the Magnolia Cafe today?”
She shrugs. “Why not? I just showered, anyway.”
You smirk evilly. “Great! Make sure to put on some makeup and wear something nice.”
“Got it!”
“Y/N!” Nari whisper-yells to you. “What in the name of my fuckin’ soggy underwear is Chohee doing here?!”
You hum, unbothered, as you skim over the menu. “How should I know? Anyway, I’m going to order some brunch. How about you?”
“Y/N! Ugh, shut the fuck up, I’m having a life threatening crisis right now! And why is she looking at me? And waving?”
You just smirk, shrugging. “Oops, gotta use the toilet. Bye!” You then dash off towards an empty table right behind theirs, wanting to laugh like a commando mad scientist. Your plan was done, and now it’s just time to see if it works.
Chohee walks over to Nari, and you see her visibly gulp. “Hey, Nari! You said there was something important you wanted to say to me?”
“Uh… I don’t… no? I don’t have anything to say?”
“Oh? Ah, I see. You’re making it suspenseful. Haha, I think I’ve had enough suspense. Spill!”
“Um… I like omelets?”
“I… I like plants?”
“Excuse me?”
“Uh, I like you- WHAT AM I SAYING?!” Nari’s hand flies up to cover her mouth. Chohee furrows her brows.
“You… like me? Like, like like me? As more than a friend?”
Chohee leans over the table and kisses her full on the lips, the sight so endearing you chuck out your phone and snap 18 photos. When they separate, Chohee’s grinning, Nari’s face a dark crimson and her bottom lip trembling. She touches it.
“You… kissed… me…”
“So does that mean-”
“I’d love to go out with you, Nari.”
And they’re giggling again.
“HAVE A SAFE TRIP!!” Nari and Chohee call after you for the 26th time, waving like maniacs. You smile.
This was going to be the most exciting 2 weeks of your lifetime- you were going to Italy.
The small coffee shop is cute, light Italian jazz music playing in the background. The wooden walls are adorned with pictures of the owner’s family, the sweet smell of coffee beans drifting in the air.
To put it simply, it’s perfect.
Perfect for an exhausted coffee lover like you.
“A latte, please-” You pause when the server furrows his brow.
“You… eh… wan’ coffee wit’ milk, no? Not jus’ milk?”
“I mean, um…” You immediately pull up your phone and type into Google Translate. “... caffe latte.”
He nods. “Non c’e problema!” And a minute later, your latte is in your hands, the delicious smell wafting up your nostrils.
You sit down on a cushioned seat, marveling at the decorations and how cozy and warm it makes you feel. Taking a sip of your drink, you smile.
The moment is peaceful and happy, the chatter of the other customers fading in your ears as you just smile. No one to interrupt your daydreaming, no one to come over and call your name-
Your eyes shoot up, a familiar pair of cat-like ones staring at you. His hair is black as night, swept carelessly against his perfect forehead. His cute pink lips are jutted out in a tiny pout, pale moonlight skin practically shining. He’s ethereal, and hasn’t changed one bit.
“Y/N?” He says again, tilting his head slightly.
“O-oh. Um. Hey, Y-Yoongi, um, didn’t expect to see you here…” You laugh nervously, scratching the back of your head.
He laughs too, sitting down in the seat opposite yours with a black espresso in his hands. “Yeah, I found a job here. You?”
“I’m on vacation.”
You stare at each other, having nothing to say. It’s like you want to stretch this moment out forever, stretch it until it erases all the horrible things he said and did to you.
He speaks again. “How long has it been?”
He closes his eyes, clasping the mug between his hands tightly. “How-how long has it been- since I last saw you?”
You look down at your lap. “2 years.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Your eyes start to wet, a lone tear slipping past your eyelids. There was no barrier now, more droplets following the first one’s lead and cascading down your cheek. “Stop.”
He doesn’t stop, instead choosing to nab at your heartstrings with more words. “I’m so sorry, I only realized how bad I fucked up when you left… I never stopped thinking about you, Y/N, I thought about you every fucking day-”
“Stop it now-”
“And I realized that I love you more than anything, that you were the treasure I held onto without even knowing I valued you that much. Why do you think I chose to come to Italy? Because I knew it was always your dream to visit here, and I hoped I would run into you somehow. I lived like that, in heartbreak and hope and desperate love and whatever the fuck else every single day, just praying you’d forgive me, praying that you’d come here and tell me that you still love me-”
“Yoongi.” You stand up, slamming the table. Your chest is heaving, breathing heavily as you try to take in everything that he said. “Stop. It. Stop saying sorry. “Sorry.” So what? Sorry won’t help anything, I don’t love you and we are over. In fact, there is not even a “we” anymore. You are you and I am me, completely separate, all ties cut, whatever you want to call it.”
“Y/N-” Yoongi’s voice is desperate, those forlorn eyes swimming with melancholy. You cut him off.
“Shut up, Yoongi!” His lip trembles, looking up at you. You feel a pang of guilt, but throw it away along with all your other feelings. Everyone at the coffee shop is looking at you two, the server mumbling something.
You don’t care.
No, you don’t care about anything.
Not about how much you missed him, how much your heart ached, how much you wanted to just fling yourself into his arms and kiss him- convinced he was a changed man.
Not about how he was pleading you right now, fat droplets rolling down his blanched cheeks as he whispered “I love you”’s over and over again.
Not about how the coffee shop server was hurriedly jogging towards you, incomprehensible Italian filling the air.
This was supposed to be a safe place.
The sweet scent and lulling conversations you fell in love with just moments ago, replaced with bitter words and the sound of tears.
You don't care.
You don't care.
You don't care.
Why are you crying, then? Why are those salty droplets cascading down your face? Why are you fighting so hard between your heart and your brain, trying to decide which to listen to?
Should you take him back, act like nothing has happened like your heart tells you to? Or should you give him the ignorance he deserves, leave the coffee shop and try to forget about this whole catastrophe like your brain says?
"Do you love him? Yes, you do. So choose me, your heart."
"Choose me, Y/N, your brain. I'm telling you to be rational."
You shut your heart out, brain taking over control. Yoongi deserves this. This of indifference, apatheticness, maybe even hatred.
“I don't love you, Yoongi.”
And you were out.
That night in your hotel room, you cry and cry and cry until the familiar “ding a ling ding a ling ding a ling ding dong” of a Textalk video call wakes you up from your thoughts.
You pick up, wiping all your tears until there is no trace of them left. “H-hey, Nari,” You hiccuped.
“Y/N, what is going on?” Nari’s eyebrows are furrowed as she tries to read your face. “It’s the first day of your dream vacation and you’re crying? Tell me what happened, please.”
“Yeah, you don’t look too good…” Chohee chimes in, sticking her head into the screen. “Don’t tell me you were robbed or something? Oh, no. No no no no. Please let it not be that.”
You smile halfheartedly, trying to change the subject. “Hey, Chohee. Staying the night?”
She nods, concern still painted over her face. “Mhm. But that’s not important, can you please just tell us what happened? It’s okay if it’s something small or stupid, we’re your friends and we’ll be here for you no matter what. We’re just… really concerned, and-”
“Yoongi.” Nari says suddenly, eyes wide.
“W-what? Y-Yoongi? What- what about him? I-I mean, I d-didn’t run into him, I-I’m just a-asking…” Your eyes are wider than cantaloupes, praying she wasn’t some psychic and had mystical powers or whatever.
She sits up from her previous lying-on-her-stomach position abruptly, looking at your stunned state. “Yoongi… do you remember he said he always wanted to visit Italy? He… was he there? Did you run into him?”
You are unable to speak, stuttering as your lip trembles. “Y-yes.”
Chohee and Nari both scream.
“Guys!” You yell, trying to somewhat calm them down (although you needed calming down yourself, too). “Stop! It wasn’t much, okay? Just- just some… talking, and then I left! That’s all!”
They look at each other, not sure whether to believe your explanation or not. Chohee opens her mouth a few times, as though pondering if she should speak or not- and no words come out.
“Really!” You exclaim, trying to convince them. You throw your hands up into the air for exaggeration, trying your hardest to look like you’re telling the truth. “We were like, um, best friends! Like nothing happened! And the coffee server didn’t come and shoo us out! He didn’t! And Yoongi didn’t cry or apologize or anything!”
Nari sighs. “Look, Y/N. I’m only saying I believe you because if I don’t you’ll bug me forever. But seriously, as your best friends, Chohee and I hereby promise to smack Yoongi in the face and shove skunk poop up his pretty nose. Right?” she looks at Chohee expectantly.
Chohee nods. “Yep. And don’t forget about the eating facial cream and drowning in turnip juice part. Y/N, I don’t care who it is, but if they dare to hurt you I will not hesitate to knock their teeth out.”
“If they even dare to insult you in any way, I’ll help Chohee knock their teeth out. I'll do most of the work, obviously, since... actually…” Nari pauses, biting her lip as she thinks. “Maybe, if it’s Mingyu that insults you, I’ll let him go…”
Chohee smacks her arm, rolling her eyes as Nari yelling a loud “what was that for?”. “For heaven’s sake, Nari! That totally ruined the moment.”
Nari shrugs, shooting Chohee a glare. “What, are we shooting a drama or something?”
You smile, looking down into your lap as your two friends bicker and give each other friendly smacks.
Maybe, just maybe, this world wasn’t unfair to you after all- you found happiness outside of Yoongi and the world of romance.
Okay. I did okay with the ending, right???? I did okay with the plot, right???? I didn't make Yoongi too horrible, right????
Welp, anyway, remember to check my blog for updates on when part 2 is coming!
-*+ Rose +*-
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