hyacinthecanard · 10 months
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Quick doodle of Jon and Sansa in a AU somewhere post-ADWD. (I got lazy with the clothes don't mind that <33)
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seabeck · 3 months
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Another comparison. It’s slightly longer and just generally denser. Man I hope I can find the skull next time!
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faybelinesworld · 8 months
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miafalls · 8 months
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decolonize-the-left · 5 months
Hi, I saw you other post and wanted to contribute to the discussion if that's cool.
I'm white, grew up middle class in the suburbs. My parents were both first generation immigrants. I grew up connected to their culture, their parents were Catholics from Northern Ireland who came to the US with their kids during the Troubles due to the violence there. But both of my parents were also pro assimilation; they taught me about my family history, but I wasn't meant to talk about it with others outside of our culture. I didn't understand that as a child, but I later learned that it's because they were afraid of being judged and were worried that it may decrease their social standing.
They are both conservatives, always voting red, and they constantly talk about how immigrants do harm and are terrible for this country to others, acting as though they themselves aren't the children of immigrants. Their parents fled violence and discrimination, yet they judge other people for doing the same. They see themselves as the exception. They're white, and see themselves as entitled to all of the benefits of that.
When I was in middle school, I started becoming aware of the contradictions present in the house I grew up in. I realised I was queer, I started experiencing more misogyny, and I started making friends and finding support in punk/anarchist spaces in my hometown. When I started to push back against my parents, I was met with anger and indignation. How are I not want what their parents "fought so hard" to get? Why couldn't I just accept the privilege and be happy with it? How could I find kinship and community outside of the spheres of whiteness? Why couldn't I just be cishet, and follow those rules to preserve my family's "dignity"?
What was especially crazy to me is that though they felt a "connection" to their Irish culture, the moment I began supporting Irish republicanism and Irish socialists/communists, I was suddenly a traitor. I was somehow a traitor for opposing the oppression that Britian wrought, entirely because I was applying that to other people. They want Ireland free from the British Empire, but they are against Landback in the US, Palestinian sovereignty, and other movements against colonialism arcoss the world. Basically - its not okay when they do it to us, but its okay when we do it to others. They also support kicking the brits out of Northern Ireland, but don't support the destruction of the capitalist policies that have hurt and killed thousands of people. Their people too!
When I got kicked out, I was taken in and supported by the punks, antifascists, anarchists, and communists of my community; a support that I had never seen before. The suburbs were always lonely, cut off from the rest of the town, and people there would rather die than ask others for help. The difference was insane. I'm broke now, disabled, uninsured, and struggling financially, but I have, like, actual friends. I have a community. We all pass the same $20 back and forth to each other to make ends meet, we pool money to buy things in bulk so we all have enough, we go all in on one Costco membership every year to make it easier. I have support here, even if I don't have the same degree of "comfort".
What I gathered from all this is that white immigrants and their children occupy a very weird place in American whiteness, especially those who came to this country fleeing poverty and/or violence. They're traitors to other immigrants, in thinking that they're somehow "more superior" due to their connection to whiteness. They're willing to throw anyone and everyone under the bus to further their own social standing. They feel especially entitled to it, believing that other white people just had it handed to them rather than having to fight for it, but are also terrified of other white people realising that. They put on a great show of whiteness in the hopes that being accepted into this group will makes them safer, while beating down others looking for safety.
I think Irish Americans are especially guilty of this, specifically Irish Catholics. They use the very real oppression and violence that their parent/grandparents faced to deflect from their own shittiness, while also keeping that under wraps around other white people, lest they be seen as less American.
The difference is insane. I don't know how they live like that, genuinely. They're so wrapped up in their privilege and their identity as white that they deprive themselves of real human connection. They beat others down with glee while exempting themselves from the same rhetoric.
I don't have a nice, clean end to this ask, this is more of a collection of observations than anything else. I think international solidarity is required to fix the problems in this world, but I genuinely don't know how to reach some of these people. They have a death grip on whiteness at the expense of their own humanity.
I never responded to this because I didn't know how or what to say; anon said it all already and there was nothing to add.
I am constantly thinking about the things being said here.
"we pass the same $20 back and forth to each other to make ends meet" and "they're so wrapped up in their privilege and their identity as white that they deprive themselves of real human connection" live in my head rent free
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tapwateronly · 5 months
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mirai-e-jump · 8 months
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ovur · 2 years
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eternal--returned · 1 month
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Doodling while reading White Oleander
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levmada · 8 months
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please just
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
This may be a dumb question but how do you know if bone needs degreasing vs if bone needs whitening. What does it look like?
Not a dumb question at all! It's just very situational.
It's pretty uncommon for bones to only need to be whitened to be fully cleaned. The main example I can think of would be nature cleaned bones. Most of the time if the bones look white or mostly clean with just bit of dirt or dried tissue left on them, they can just be soaked in peroxide for a couple days and that be the only cleaning they need. The peroxide will sanitize the bones and dissolve small bits of dried tissue. Otherwise, it's best to go through the processes of degreasing and whitening to make sure the bones are clean. The spectrum of grease stains in bones is so vast that sometimes it's difficult to tell which process to start with.
For example, between these two images, which one looks like it needs to be degreased and whitened vs which one only needs to be whitened?
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Just going off the colors, most people would assume the left doesn't require much to any extra cleaning, and the right still needs to be degreased.
However, the wolf skull on the left was boiled and bleached, and had grease locked into the skull that had to be cleaned. Here's how it looked after a few weeks of degreasing. The grease that was baked into the bone from the heat damage has resurfaced at this point:
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The right image is two fox skulls I cleaned for a client. They were both macerated and had already been degreased in a mixture of ammonia and water by the time I took that photo. This is how one looked after a couple days in peroxide:
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And here's the same wolf from above before I put it in the peroxide to whiten. The skull is devoid of grease and mostly cleaned, just needed to be sanitized by the peroxide to be considered clean.
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In general, it's best to degrease and whiten any bones you're not certain have been fully cleaned when you find or purchase them. The natural grease won't harm the bones in any way but it can be rather smelly or make the bones feel oily to the touch if the grease is excessive. A light soak in dish soap and water for a few weeks and then a day in some peroxide is usually enough to make the bones display quality. It's more about sanitizing them just to make sure they're clean and the color or quality is up to your own personal preference.
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
I love your blog it always inspire me to work more on my feminine energy and my appearance 😢
I am kinda not that good looking and I think I’m also a little intimidating or maybe I’m a little serious. And it seems that this appears on my face.. it’s really hard on me because nobody from where I live approach me or even want me as their friend.. “males”.
Although I’m tall, my body is beautiful and I have a long black hair.. I know my face isn’t pretty, and that makes me depressed and down most of the time although I don’t show it and I fake my confidence. I’m really so tired of this and I’m not financially free yet to do any plastic surgeries. What do you advice me to do!!
Thank you so much
Hi love! Thank you for your kind words and support. I'm so glad to hear my blog is a valuable resource to you!
Plastic surgery, Botox, and fillers are not always (rarely, honestly) the answer to facilitating your "glow up." In my opinion, the safer, more subtle, and more natural the treatment, the better. Some things you can do to enhance your natural features to suit your beauty preferences include:
Curate a gold metal-worthy skincare routine
Get your brows professionally shaped (and/or lamented) and tinted
Practice face yoga
Use a face sculpting tool (like a microcurrent facial device or a gua sha – depending on your needs/goals)
Incorporate strawberries into your weekly diet for whiter teeth
Manipulate your face shape with makeup (contouring and highlighting your nose/cheekbones/chin, be mindful of your blush/eyeliner/mascara application, use natural lip plumping agents/cosmetic products)
Ensure you're consuming a healthy diet and getting all your essential nutrients (nothing replicates a healthy glow from within)
P.S.: Male attention is not a worthwhile currency to strive for. Put effort into looking your best for YOU. Sure, it's nice when other people notice your external beauty, but most "male" attention or even "friendship" has deeper motivations than flattery or friendship. Something to keep in mind :)
Hope this helps xx
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gazagfmboost · 1 month
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Dentists Hamza & Wafaa Sameer
Vetting: IG content going back to 2012 & pictures at work Instagram: hamza.s.harazeen Fund Currency: $ USD
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Hamza reached out hoping to fund an evacuation with his beloved wife Hamza after losing their home to bombardment. They dream of rebuilding their life together in a place that is safe & allows for them to use their dental degrees to bring beautiful smiles to their community. I invite you to help bring hope to this determined couple, by giving a heart to the post- donating any tiny amount or by re-sharing their story in hopes that someone who has the means might see it! I appreciate your thoughtfulness so much!
Help Wafaa & Hamza Escape War gofund.me/0f3f8b77
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aedelia · 1 year
Remember to brush your teeth
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roughridingrednecks · 3 months
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