#who doesn't have a secret money stash
rottmnt-hc · 1 year
Reading this makes me happy but Leo makes me very sad, someone help! This is why I don't read Bay!Leo fics!
God I love it but bssushsbsgha
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
so sorry for this (very) specific request hope it's not ocish
anyways alastor x wife reader who's a virologist / kinda a mad scientist??(girl just wants to start a apocalypse without anyone to bother her)
Like they got married for mutual benefits (whatever benefits he would gain and her having access to money for her wildest dreams) when they were humans (whether he actually loves her or not is up to you lmao)
They both die (I assume that she would die around when he died from her own negligence caused by her 'freedom' to do her work more often without actually worrying about him finding out) and she avoids him like the plague (not that hard to realize this so called radio demon is your 'husband' when you find his secret stash of 'local cuisine' in the fridge)
Then he goes missing and she finally kinda goes out of makeshift hiding, just chilling doing her evil deeds before finding about the Hazbin Hotel from some gossip
Deciding that, while redemption is most likely not gonna happen mostly for the fact she does not care, she joins Charlie's little program. For her own little project (just wants to have a angel test subject, gotta see if they can be a good carrier for her little virus)
The reader doesn't know that Alastor's back (you think she's gonna use vox tech? Or listen to the radio? Girl uses a non vox tech phone and maybe a computer and does her work) so she goes and knocks on the door to the hotel
Thinking that this shit is gonna be easy, after all her husband is gone so she won't be bothered by him. She can focus on her beautiful creations and maybe destory hell and heaven with a apocalypse for some laughs. While also getting access to heaven through Charlie somehow (maybe even Lucifer, girl doesn't know nor care)
Anyways you can just IMAGINE her surprise that right after Charlie greets her (Vaggie ofc suspicious af cause she knows damn well no sinner wants to be redeemed for the most part) then here comes the strawberry pimp coming to say hello
Would he recognize his lovely wife? Maybe
Ofc reader had a plan, and by plan I mean she just says they were married and now acts like their divorced (death do us part and we fuckin dead)
(Just for example, do what you want <3)
Anyways I'm sorry again (can you tell that I've been watching a lot of mlp infection aus :') )
A/N bestie,, i love an overly detailed request. no apologies. i hope i did it justice <3 <3 I have literally been obsessing over the whole 'we're dead. we've been parted.' reader idea. It's so fun. Also I am very sorry it took me so long to get to this. Also, I am not a woman nor am I in STEM (I'm an enby in history) so apologies if science stuff in this is bad. I'm basing the character off of Entrapta (my love) from Nate Stevenson's She-Ra remake.
Till Death Do Us Part (Alastor x Mad Scientist!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: Gore. Murder. Bodies. Animal cruelty (not detailed at all just like test subjects and burning ants as a kid). Viruses/plague talk. Just capital d Death all around in this one folks. Suicide and starvation briefly mentioned.
Word Count: 2,584
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Y/n hadn't been sad when Alastor died. It didn't really even register on her radar that he was gone until the police showed up at her door. Their marriage was more of an agreement than anything else, a division of labor. Y/n was a talented virologist who came from a rather wealthy family. He got access to her money, using it to start his own radio studio, and Y/n? Well Y/n got a clean up crew.
She had always been fascinated by death. It was a morbid curiosity that had followed her since childhood. The typical 'burning ants with a magnifying glass to mass murderer' pipeline only, murder was not exactly her objective. Since learning of the Black Death in school, she had been fascinated by biological warfare and weaponry. The stories of soldiers throwing infected bodies over the walls of city's to break down their defenses? It was magnificent, masterful, absolutely awe inspiring. Living through the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918, watching how it tore through her city of New Orleans, only furthered her determination.
As soon as she had had the knowledge base to do so, she began working on bio-weapons on her own. She wanted to create a disease, to devastate the world. She wanted to watch the things around her crumble into ruin and know it was by her hand.
She'd found out about Alastor's hobby by accident. They were friends, of a sort, in that Y/n would show up randomly where ever he was and quiz him about radio waves. He worked at a radio station and she knew that. She had followed him, tracked him down. There was no reasoning behind it save he was the first person she'd really found out about that was involved in the business in New Orleans. She would pick his mind about getting the word out about things, marketing, advertising. She was prepping for the main event, for the day she finally created her magnum opus.
One day, when she had shown up unannounced at his door and broken in when he didn't respond to her knocking, Y/n had discovered him dismembering one of his victims. Alastor had stared at her, wide eyed in shock, fear and adrenaline mixing into an intoxicating combination in his veins. Y/n had just smiled.
She had been wondering about human experimentation for a while now. Animals were easy to cover up, easy to bury in the back yard but people? It had always been too risky, up until now anyways.
So it went like this: Y/n funded Alastor's dreams and he hid the side effects of hers. When he died, Y/n didn't really feel anything too strongly about it at all. Yes, it made life harder in that if she wanted to keep using human guinea pigs she'd have to figure out a way to dispose of them on her own but it also made it easier. Alastor had always been so obsessed with image, dragging her to office parties and forcing her to sit down to meals with him. Now that he was gone, she could work on her projects in peace once again. The body thing was something she would figure out along the way. She was smart and she wasn't going to let something like that stop her, not when she was this close to cracking it.
As it turns out, Alastor had been more of a help than Y/n believed. So used to his nattering and persistence, she had stopped eating. It wasn't long before she joined her husband in death. The papers of course had a field day with it. Heiress and Virologist Y/n L/n Withers Away Due to Heartbreak. Y/n L/n Starved Herself to Death and Joins her Murderer of a Husband. Virologist Commits Suicide After Revelation of Dead Husband's Criminal Deeds.
When Y/n had woken up in Hell, her whole world had been turned upside down. If there was life after death, what was the point of killing everyone on earth? She was back at square one.
Rumors were already buzzing through the streets of Hell about some new overlord, some Radio Demon, who had a strikingly similar MO to her husband. Not wanting any distractions this time around, Y/n secluded herself in the outskirts of the pride ring to reformulate her plans.
For decades she worked, trying to create a poison to wipe out the dual planes of the underworld. Work was easier here. No one questioned why she bought the things she bought, no one got upset when people went missing. Hell, no one even blinked twice if they saw her burying a body. It was a veritable paradise for Y/n.
Eventually, news reached her of the Radio Demon's disappearance. Y/n had never been the biggest fan of technology that wasn't involved in her work. In the world of the living, she had barley read the papers. All the machines in her laboratory were ones she had built herself through trial and error. But still, somehow, the news reached her and she felt elated. The last thing weighing her down, the last road block had officially been lifted.
Within seven years, she had perfected the disease. Having run tests on lower rings of Hell, she prided herself on her ability to make it so infections, so deadly. The survival was on par with that of unvaccinated human's infected by rabies. But her plan wasn't complete, no. Taking out everyone in Hell wasn't good enough, she had to figure out how to get it into Heaven as well.
That was when the perfect opportunity fell in her lap. Y/n nearly cried when she caught sight of the interview through the window of a shop selling Vox branded TVs. Charlie Morningstar, Lucifer's little brat, was creating a hotel for sinners, where they could be rehabilitated and sent to Heaven. It was perfect, almost too perfect. Y/n didn't question it, her own excitement blinding her. She barley even took the time to come up with a plan that consisted of more than get into the hotel and get her hands on an angel. She figured that was something that could be dealt with later on.
After a few days of research and snooping, she finally made her move. Having packed her bags and woven her way through the streets of Pentagram City, she found herself before the brightly lit marquee of the Hazbin Hotel. Placing her bag on the ground beside her, the test tubes and various paraphernalia inside clinked gently against one another. Raising her hand, she knocked on the door.
It was Charlie herself who answered, with wide eyes and an earnest smile. A smaller moth demon beside her crossed her arms, eyeing Y/n with doubt. It barley registered with the excitable demon, she was used to the strange looks. The new form Hell had granted her with when she died was odd, after all. She was still the same height, still held a roughly human shape, but her hair had become its own beast. It moved like secondary limbs, falling nearly to the floor from the pigtails she had tied it up into. It shot up into the air around her in joy at the sight of yet another open door in her path, this one literal rather than figurative.
"Hello!" Charlie exclaimed, "Are you here to check in?"
"Yes, check in." Y/n nodded, using her hair to pick her bag back up.
She took a step forward, trying to enter the hotel, but found her path blocked by the smaller grey demon. Her arms were uncrossed now, one of them pointing a spear right at Y/n's neck. Y/n didn't flinch, she simply looked down at it in curiosity, reaching a finger up to touch the end.
"Ow." she said flatly as the spear's tip pressed into the pad of her finger.
Raising it to her eyes, she rubbed the droplet of blood that had pooled on her pointer finger with her thumb before turning back to the spear.
"Is this..." Y/n leaned forward, grabbing the spear's shaft.
"Hey!" Vaggie yelled threateningly as Y/n crouched down, examining the weapon carefully.
"Oh my stars, this is an angelic blade, isn't it?" she exclaimed, her eyes still fixed on the spear.
Vaggie was more confused now than anything and she took the slightest step away from the excited demon. Y/n followed her and soon, they were in the entry way to the hotel. Charlie watched the scene play out with mild amusement, finding her girlfriends bewildered state rather charming. She let the door fall shut.
"It is, isn't it?" Y/n asked again, "But how did you get it? Did you make it? What do you do with it? Is it more effective than normal weapons? Why a spear? I-"
"What's this, we have a new guest?" a crackling voice cut Y/n off.
"Uh, yes!" Charlie stepped in, turning to face the newcomer.
Y/n, still preoccupied with the spear, was now engaged in trying to get Vaggie to let her hold it.
"I think..." Charlie doubtfully added, her brow furrowing at the site.
"Well well well, a little devil." Alastor hummed, turning to watch the show as well, "Honestly, reminds me of someone I knew back when I was alive and kicking. Ah well, what's her name?"
"I don't... actually know that yet." Charlie admitted, fiddling with her hands a bit as she spoke, "But she seems really enthusiastic about being here!"
"It seems she more interested in that spear of Vaggie's than the idea of redemption." Alastor noted in response.
"Are either of you going to help me or are you just gonna sit and watch?" Vaggie exclaimed, trying her best to pry the spear out of Y/n's grip.
Alastor sighed and with a twirl of his microphone, a shadow arose, pulling Y/n off Vaggie. There was a split second where the smile on the girl's face fell. It quickly returned as she caught sight of what exactly had interrupted her escapades. Placing her bag on the floor with her hair, she wormed around in the shadow's arms, turning to face it. Tentatively, she poked it.
"Would you stop that?" Alastor asked, his voice thick with irritation.
Y/n poked the shadow again.
"What is this? How are you doing this?"
When no response came from the demon in question, she at last turned to face him.
She stilled in her movements and Alastor allowed the shadow to disappear.
"No reason to be scared." Charlie quickly stepped in, "I know Alastor here has a bit of a... reputation, but he is actually helping us at the hotel. He's really a great once you get to know him."
Alastor's smile widened as he bowed his head slightly in recognition of the praise.
"If you're going to be staying her-"
"You can't seriously be thinking of letting her stay here, Charlie." Vaggie cut in, "She's been here what, five minutes? And all thats come of it is chaos."
"Vaggie, come on, don't be like that." Charlie turned to her girlfriend, "Everyone deserves a second chance, that's the whole reason we built this place."
"But does she even want to be redeemed? I mean, what if she's... I don't know, trying to take us down from the inside out? What if she's a journalist or some shit trying to write us bad reviews?"
"You flatter me." Y/n smiled and Vaggie scoffed.
"Isn't that all the more reason to let her in? Vaggie, if she is undercover as a journalist or something, we just have to prove to her how amazing what we're doing here is."
"I don't know... I've never seen her before, what if she's another one Vox sent?"
Y/n shook her head, sticking her tongue out slightly in disgust at this notion and Alastor chuckled. There really was something so familiar about this demon and her antics. Even if she was a tad irritating, it was a comfortable familiarity.
"Then we will figure it out, same way we did with Sir. Pentious. Okay?"
"Fine." Vaggie relented at last with a sigh.
Smiling brightly, Charlie turned back to Y/n.
"So, hi. I'm Charlie, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! What's your name?"
Y/n's eyes flicked back and forth between Alastor and Charlie for a moment before settling on Charlie.
"Y/n L/n."
Alastor let out a little laugh of disbelief, a sound he had meant to keep in. He couldn't help it. Of course this little mess of a demon was his favorite crazy wife. Alastor had looked for Y/n on occasion, always keeping an eye on news involving anything scientific but, he had never found a trace. Not that he'd admit it but, in their time together, he had grown rather fond of the girl. Not love, never love, but a sort of familial feel. Everyone turned to face him.
"Are you alright, Alastor?" Charlie asked, walking over to him and placing a hand on his arm which he quickly brushed off.
"Yeah, do you know her or something?" Vaggie added, "Is she dangerous?"
"No..." he paused, his brow slightly furrowed, "She's my wife."
The room fell silent.
"You... you didn't recognize your own wife?" Vaggie asked in disbeleif.
"Ex-wife." Y/n corrected with a little sigh.
This was all becoming so tedious. She hadn't come here to sit and talk with people. While the spear and the shadow had been fun, they had both run their courses and she just wanted to get to work.
"I..." Alastor turned back to Y/n, "Ex-wife?"
Y/n shrugged.
"So you didn't recognize your wife and you didn't know you were divorced?" Vaggie asked, rubbing her temples, "Jesus fuck, man."
"I..." Alastor cleared his throat, "We were married when we were alive. I didn't even know she was dead yet."
"Yeah." Y/n shrugged, "Turns out all your nattering was what was keeping me alive. I forgot to eat, starved to death."
Alastor's eyes softened slightly for a moment at the notion. She had needed his care so badly that she had died with out it. It felt good, in a strange way. Satisfying. They darkened again as he recalled her earlier statement.
"Ex-wife?" he asked again, taking a step towards Y/n.
She looked up at him, her expression blank.
"When did we get a divorce!" Alastor exclaimed once he realized she would say nothing else on the matter without his prompting.
"Oh! We didn't." Y/n nodded, smiling slightly, "Now, can I go to my room?"
"No, Y/n. Why are you calling yourself my ex-wife? We are still married."
Y/n looked around at Charlie and Vaggie, seeing if they were going to back up her claim. Sighing, she turned back to Alastor.
"Do I really have to lay it out for you?" she paused and Alastor just stared at her, eyebrows raised, "Jesus. Uh, Al, we died."
"Till death do us part? That was the agreement."
"I... Well..." he was at a complete and total loss for how to respond.
She wasn't wrong, he just didn't like her answer very much.
"So... the agreement is done... yeah?"
"I mean," Alastor shook his head slightly, "I guess?"
"Great! Can someone please show me to my room now."
Next Part -> Till Death Do Us Part pt. 2
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lancermylove · 2 months
Random HCs
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: No pairing. Featuring DB and Royals.
Warning: None
Prompt: Random HCs for chuckles and giggles.
A/N: For all those who are exhausted, having a bad day, and struggling, I hope this makes you laugh.
Lucifer has a secret stash of stress balls in his office, each one the color associated with a brother. So, whichever brother causes him stress, he takes his frustration out on that stress ball.
He once tried to join a yoga class to relax at Asmo's request but turned it into a competition to be the most flexible.
Lucifer has a weekly "evil laugh" practice session to maintain his intimidating reputation. He has quite the evil laugh, and no one can beat its evilness.
He sometimes wears sunglasses indoors so no one can see him roll his eyes at his brothers' antics.
Lucifer keeps a detailed diary of all the times Mammon has tried to borrow money and failed. He opens the diary whenever he has a bad day and needs a laugh.
He has a secret collection of cute puppy videos that he watches to de-stress after a long day. Sometimes, he watches them with Cerberus, and the hellhound's three heads tilt side to side curiously, looking at the videos.
Mammon once tried to make a pyramid scheme business involving selling rare pebbles he found in the backyard.
He secretly practices his cool guy poses in front of the mirror every morning.
Mammon has a collection of sunglasses, each pair named after a famous celebrity from the human realm.
He’s convinced that adding “The Great” before his name on all his social media profiles will make him go viral. Asmo has told him many times it won't work, but Mammon is determined.
The brothers catch Mammon often talking to inanimate objects, like convincing his wallet to magically refill itself. Asmo even has a few videos of these conversations on his phone. If you want to see it, Asmo is taking a payment of cheek kisses for each video.
Mammon once got stuck in a vending machine while trying to get a snack that got jammed. It turned out the vending machine was a mimic. His brothers still tease him about it.
Mammon thinks he’s a master chef because he can make instant noodles without burning them.
The second brother invented a new dance move called "The Mammon Shuffle," but it looks suspiciously like him tripping over his own feet.
He once spent a week trying to train Henry to play video games with him. Then, he spent the following week sulking because Henry couldn't play with him.
Levi’s closet is 90% cosplay outfits and 10% regular clothes.
He has a secret shrine dedicated to Ruri Chan that even his brothers don’t know about. Levi refuses to tell you how much money he spent on the merch; he doesn't want Lucifer to find out and toss him to Cerberus as an afternoon snack.
Whenever Levi is losing an argument, he uses gamer lingo to throw the other person into confusion. Then, he takes a chance and runs away.
He has a collection of every limited-edition gaming console ever released.
Levi once tried to program his own virtual assistant but ended up creating an AI that only responds in overly dramatic anime lines.
Satan secretly watches cheesy soap operas but tells everyone it's for "research purposes."
Satan once tried to teach a cat hidden in his room to fetch his books, but the cat sat on them instead.
He has an extensive collection of cat memes saved on his phone, which he shares during family meetings to lighten the mood.
Satan keeps a journal of prank ideas specifically for pranking Lucifer, but most of the ideas are too elaborate to ever pull off.
He once tried to create a potion to understand cats, but the potion made him meow uncontrollably for a day.
Satan has a habit of correcting grammar and spelling mistakes in grimoires and books.
Satan attempted to join a book club but got kicked out for getting too competitive during discussions.
He has a secret stash of cat toys and treats in his room that he uses to lure stray cats into the House of Lamentation.
Asmo has a dedicated “selfie spot” in every room of the House of Lamentation. If you need a spot to take selfies, just ask him.
He once tried to make his own beauty product line, but most of the products ended up being glittery versions of everyday items. Demons complained that Asmo tried to make them look like fairies.
He keeps an emergency beauty kit under his pillow in case he needs a touch-up in the middle of the night. After all, he needs to wake up looking perfect every morning.
Asmo has a habit of leaving love notes for himself around the house. When the brothers find them, they get very confused.
He once tried to teach his brothers a synchronized dance routine for a RAD talent show, but it turned into a hilarious disaster. Diavolo secretly recorded the video and likes to watch it when he needs a good laugh.
Asmo is convinced that wearing different colored socks affects his mood, so he carefully plans which socks to wear every morning.
Beel once tried to eat a bottomless bag of chips, only to realize it was an illusion created by Satan to keep him busy.
He once tried to enter a competitive eating contest but got disqualified for eating the other contestants' food before the competition started.
Beel has an uncanny ability to identify each ingredient in a dish just by smelling it once. He can even tell the measurement amount, like 1.5 cups of butter.
He once attempted to cook a seven-course meal but ended up eating each course before starting the next.
Beel is banned from most all-you-can-eat restaurants in the human realm. He has even caused some restaurants to go bankrupt.
He sometimes accidentally eats the props in his brothers’ pranks, leading to confusing and hilarious outcomes.
He has a secret talent for falling asleep in the most uncomfortable-looking positions, much to the amazement of his brothers. Satan has a log of the different positions Belphie slept in for science purposes.
Belphie likes to prank his brothers by pretending to be asleep and then startling them with sudden movements or comments.
He keeps a list of the best napping spots around the House of Lamentation, constantly updating it based on comfort and noise levels.
Belphie sometimes sleepwalks into his brother's rooms in the middle of the night and steals their blanket. When they wake up feeling cold, they see Belphie sleeping on the floor, curled up under their blanket.
He once tried to convince everyone that sleeping with a specific pillow would give them prophetic dreams. Mammon tried to turn this into a money-making scheme but failed.
Belphie can identify each brother by the sound of their footsteps. This way, he doesn't need to wake up if one of the brothers he doesn't want to deal with is around.
Someone once told Diavolo he looks too cute to be a prince. Diavolo tried to grow a mustache to look more intimidating, but it was too itchy, and he gave up.
He secretly practices villainous monologues in front of a mirror, complete with dramatic gestures, just for fun.
Diavolo has a secret room in the castle filled with all the human realm souvenirs he's collected, including a giant plushie collection. Only Barbatos is allowed in the room to clean it when needed.
The prince once tried to understand human slang by binge-watching teen dramas. This resulted in him using slang phrases in his formal speech and confusing everyone.
Diavolo has a habit of challenging demons in the castle to friendly competitions, like who can build the tallest pancake stack...much to Barbatos’ dismay.
He secretly practices human dance trends in front of a mirror, hoping to impress you and Solomon.
The prince has a habit of giving overly enthusiastic high-fives, sometimes sending the other person stumbling backward. Diavolo forgets how strong he is.
Diavolo loves dad jokes and often tries them out on the brothers but gets collective groans and facepalms in response.
He has a hidden talent for stand-up comedy but only practices in front of his mirror when he’s sure no one’s watching.
Barbatos has a secret collection of novelty aprons with quirky phrases, which he wears while cooking when no one is around.
Barbatos keeps a detailed journal of all the times he’s had to clean up after Diavolo’s “enthusiastic” projects, complete with the commentaries from the peanut gallery.
He also keeps a list of all the times he had to intervene in the brothers’ schemes. That too by rank of how ridiculous they were.
The butler has a secret talent for juggling, which he practices with kitchen utensils while he waits for dishes to finish cooking.
Barbatos has a habit of organizing the pantry alphabetically, and he gets annoyed when someone messes it up.
He once tried to teach a cooking class to the brothers, but it turned into a comedy show with flying ingredients and accidental fires. Then, Solomon showed up the next day asking for cooking lessons, and Barbatos disappeared into thin air. Now, Solomon is permanently banned from entering the royal kitchen.
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➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
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fungifanart · 8 months
Budget for love
Characters: Male reader, Yuu!reader, Ruggie Bucchi, Grim
CW: Skipping meals, existential dread, money problems
Word count: 2,032
Notes: I heard a voice one night, urging me to write a Ruggie fic...that voice was mine. I just like Ruggie.
Ruggie Bucchi's financial status is, by no means, a secret.
Ever since he enrolled at Night Raven College, he's garnered a reputation for being a money-grubbing cheapskate who can reduce any merchant to their knees through his skill at haggling alone, all due to his lack of financial security.
Growing up in the slums will do that to a guy, he supposes.
Along with that, growing up poor has also instilled in him a certain pettiness and resentment in regards to the more privileged classes, which just so happen to make up a very large portion of NRC's student body.
Well, if nothing else, this makes it easy to simply view most of the other students as potential pickpocket targets.
However, this also makes it easy to forget that not all of them are more well-off than he is, meaning it's especially jarring when he comes across a certain Prefect and direbeast having an argument in Sam's on-campus store.
"C'mon, Henchman! You're telling me we can't afford ONE little extra can of tuna?" Grim argues while clutching said can of tuna to his chest tightly.
"Yes I am, Grim. With our budget, we can barely even afford the bare essentials for this week. That 'one little extra can' will push us over the edge for sure!" The Prefect argues back with the look of a tired father trying in vain to reason with his stubborn child, "Listen, I get paid for my work at the Mostro Lounge on Friday, right? I know you've still got some of your secret stash left, so if you can hold out until then, I'll get you a can of the fancy tuna as a reward. How's that sound?"
That last statement causes Grim's face to light up as he immediately drops the can of regular tuna and hugs the Prefect while exclaiming, "Deal!"
Ruggie doesn't do anything. He simply watches, mildly dazed at what should have been a fact he already knew as the Prefect finishes paying for his essentials and leaves the store with Grim as Ruggie continues to stand there before being brought back to his senses by another student telling to him to move out of the way.
Ruggie doesn't see the Prefect again for a few days after that, their schedules never seeming to allow them even a passing glance in the halls, but the memory of what he saw that day still lingers in his mind for a reason he can’t quite identify right now.
The next time Ruggie does see the Prefect is in the cafeteria during lunch.
It's one of the rare occasions where he hasn't been ordered by Leona to get his lunch for him, so he's taking his time, scanning the tables for a place to sit when he notices the Prefect sitting across from his feline companion while said companion munches away at his food.
Seeing no other open seats, Ruggie walks over and says, "Long time, no see, Prefect! Mind if I sit here?" He asks despite not waiting for the other man's answer and plopping himself and his tray down in the spot next to him.
"O-oh! Yeah, that's fine." The Prefect responds before turning his head back to Grim as he eats, but Ruggie can't help but notice the lack of food on his side of the table.
"Dang, Prefect! I wish I got here sooner so I could've seen the carnage!" Ruggie remarks while playfully nudging the other man's shoulder.
"Huh? What do you mean?" The Prefect asks confusedly.
"Oh, come on! YOU finishing your food before GRIM? I can only imagine how much you stuffed your face to make that happen!" Ruggie concludes with a snicker before taking a bite of one of his sandwiches.
The Prefect blinks a couple times before responding, "Oh, I think there's been a misunderstanding. I didn't get lunch." He says, causing the hyena to choke on his food.
"W-whaddaya mean you 'didn't get lunch'???" Ruggie questions after chugging his water.
The Prefect shrugs, "Just what I said. We have some leftovers at Ramshackle that I could’ve brought, but we were in such a rush this morning that we couldn't even eat breakfast, much less prepare any lunch and running back between classes would take too long. Therefore, we had no choice but to buy lunch from here, but I had barely enough cash to get food for one of us and it'd kill me to see Grim go hungry, so I figured I'd be fine if I skipped a meal or two." He concludes nonchalantly.
Ruggie proceeds to sit there, dumbfounded, as the Prefect goes back to watching Grim eat, his face content, but with a hint of melancholy.
Ruggie knows that look. He's seen it countless times in his childhood on the faces of some of the adults in his neighborhood as they forwent their own food just to let their children eat.
He doesn't remember seeing a lot of them around last time he went home.
His mind snaps back to the present as he looks down at his lunch tray piled high with the food he bought using money he'd snuck out of Leona's wallet and then back at the empty space in front of the Prefect, his stomach suddenly not feeling as empty as before.
Wordlessly, Ruggie takes two of his sandwiches and slides them over to the other man, who looks back at him in bewilderment.
"Ruggie? What's this for?" The Prefect asks.
Ruggie clears his throat awkwardly before responding, "W-well, it's just that it turns out I got more food than I'll probably eat, so I thought 'why not', right?" He says while forcing his signature laugh.
Luckily, the Prefect doesn't seem to read into his awkwardness as his suppressed hunger resurfaces on his face and he proceeds to practically inhale the sandwiches after giving a rushed "Thanks!"
In a matter of seconds, the sandwiches have completely disappeared, leaving Ruggie both amazed and...oddly fulfilled upon seeing the Prefect’s own satisfaction from having a full stomach.
Huh...that's new.
Ruggie's been so used to pinching his and other people's pennies at this school that helping out seemingly the only other student that's in the same boat as him, even without getting anything in return, feels...nice.
Nice feelings like this are few and far in between with a lifestyle like Ruggie's, so now that he's felt it, he proceeds to chase it whenever he can.
From that day onward, Ruggie makes a point to help out the Prefect if he has the time, starting with offering him a simple snack between classes or pointing him in the right direction if he gets lost, before slowly escalating into him stepping in to haggle Sam's prices down for him and even taking his hand and physically leading him to where he needs to go, not noticing the increasingly flustered looks on the other man's face.
He doesn't know when exactly it happened, but after a while, that simple nice feeling turned into something more...warm and fuzzy that he feels blooming in his chest as he and the Prefect grow closer, finding more and more time to spend with each other, whether it being studying together or going out to the market, until one night, they find themselves gazing up at the stars on the hill just outside of Ramshackle.
Looking over at the stars reflecting in the Prefect’s eyes, Ruggie can't deny how beautiful they look. And what he also can't deny is the fact that he's grown attached their owner.
He can’t help but imagine what the future could hold for the two of them.
But then he remembers who the Prefect is.
He's an otherworlder. The one destined to leave this world behind in favor of the one where he actually belongs.
The only future that exists for Ruggie and the Prefect is one where he waves goodbye as the other man disappears into the Dark Mirror forever.
But that doesn't mean he has to be okay with it. That doesn't mean he can't still want the Prefect to stay, preferably with him.
"Can I ask you something?" Ruggie questions.
"Sure, what is it?" The Prefect responds, looking over at Ruggie, the serene expression on his face only further solidifying his feelings.
"Just out of curiosity, what would you do if you couldn't go back to your world?" Ruggie asks, noting how the other man tenses up at the question.
"W-well, I guess I'd keep going here until I graduate..." The Prefect responds in a way that doesn't fully answer Ruggie's question.
"Ok? And then what about after that?" Ruggie pushes.
".......................To be honest, I try not to think about it." The Prefect finally answers with a sigh, "People always say that graduating from here basically guarantees success in life, but how many high-ranking, high-paying jobs are actually there for someone like me in a world like this, even as a so-called 'beast tamer'? And that's not even accounting for me not having any official documentation since I wasn't born here! Hell, the most Crowley will do is cover up the fact that he has an undocumented individual among his students, so if I can't find a way to become a citizen by graduation, I'm out of luck!" He concludes while bringing his hands to his face in frustration.
Ruggie...can't say he's ever thought about that. And now he's feeling extra bad for the Prefect as he thinks of ways he might be able to help.
And it's then that he remembers a certain law in the Sunset Savanna and his trademark mischievous smile spreads across his face.
"Y'know, if citizenship's a big issue for you, we could always get married!" He blurts out, breaking the other man out of his wallowing as he chokes in surprise before letting out a laugh.
"You shouldn't joke about that!" The Prefect says with a giggle and a playful push against the hyena's shoulder.
"Hey! I'm serious!" Ruggie responds in a very unserious tone, "One of the laws in the Sunset Savanna says that if you marry one of its citizens, then you'll become a full citizen yourself!"
The Prefect's laughter dies down as he ponders this information, "Wait, really? How did THAT come about?" He asks, genuinely interested.
"Well, since it's ruled by lions, the kingdom's basically viewed as one, giant pride so being accepted by one of its members means being accepted into the pride, no questions asked." Ruggie explains.
"I feel like that leaves a lot of room for exploitation, though." The Prefect says thoughtfully.
"Hey, that works out for you, though. Doesn't it?" Ruggie says cheekily, earning another soft push against his shoulder.
"Don't act like this is set in stone already when we haven't even been on a proper date yet!" The other man argues lightheartedly.
"Well, if we're not counting all those study dates and market dates, then I guess you're right." Ruggie says bluntly, "So I'm free this Saturday if you wanna make it official."
The Prefect’s giggles stop as he looks at the hyena in surprise, who looks back at him with the first serious expression he's worn since the start of the conversation.
"I want you to know that I'm actually serious about this." Ruggie says while looking into the Prefect’s eyes, "I wouldn't throw an idea like that around willy-nilly, y'know."
The other man blinks for a couple seconds before his expression softens, "Alright, fine. How about this: IF I can't go home AND we both feel the same way after graduation, then I'll marry you. Deal?" He says while holding out his hand, clearly not fully convinced about Ruggie's conviction.
"Shishishi, deal!" The hyena says before shaking the Prefect’s hand and turning his head back towards the night sky, satisfied.
"Heh. So you're free this Saturday, huh?" The Prefect says before leaning over and pressing a kiss onto Ruggie's cheek, causing his heart rate to accelerate, "I'll look forward to it."
With heat blooming on his face, Ruggie feels that warm feeling in his chest again, but this time, he's able to put a name to it: Love.
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velvetures · 8 months
Helluuuu!! I saw your post about sending requests and mine is actually a really simple one cause I don't have a creative but I just though about a ghost hurt/comfort story
Little Secrets
A/N: So this is very self-indulgent... I hope you don't mind. I think there are quite a few people who struggle with taking meds for depression/anxiety or feel guilty for it. Me included. Hopefully, this helps everyone feel valid, seen, and supported. Summary: Task Force 141 is where you belong. But it doesn't make the work easy by any means. You finally get the help you need and try hiding it. Ghost notices and is the one who sets you straight. T/W: depression/anxiety themes, medication, guilt, insecurity of reader, fem reader, and I'm sure I've missed something, so let me know.
photo by: pedropcl
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You couldn't keep fighting it for any longer.
Staring down at the two orange bottles of pills in your hands and the directions packets in the other, you felt like you'd failed despite the psychiatrist you'd spoken to reassure you that this was certainly not a failure. Your brain kept refuting that this was a step in the right direction. Working as a professional and legal murderer should've meant you had no feelings. No failures of regulating your emotions or having such miserable trouble falling asleep at night. That nice woman who'd put the prescription in for you said it would take two to three weeks to see a difference. It felt like no time, yet an eternity all at once. Relief felt so far away, but insignificant compared to other people you often compared your personal struggles with.
You weren't homeless, you could eat without worrying, you had clothes and shoes all of the time, and never needed to wonder if you would have enough money to take care of your responsibilities. Education hadn't been a problem, you were well-respected despite being a woman in such a male-dominated field and kept up with your work extremely well. At least, when your brain decided to deny that you had the ability to do anything. Or... repeatedly try to convince you that nothing you did was worth a damn or actually made you useful. Vicious cycles of fighting with your own brain, knowing that you shouldn't feel or think this way but have no strength or way of stopping. None of the "hacks," meditations, or affirmation bullshit touched that panicky feeling you had mere minutes after laying down at night.
The pills shaking around in your hands were your last resort. And they made you feel so fucking embarrassed as you tucked them in your pockets before entering back into HQ. Praying to god that none of the 141 would see you with them or hear that slight sound of them rattling in their bottles. By grace or luck, you were able to avoid all of them and got back to your quarters to stash them under your bed in a small ammo box repurposed for some personal belongings. The directions you'd thrown away on your drive back, just taking a picture of them for reference and ditching the paper copies so you wouldn't have to keep track of those.
"This better fucking help," You breathe out heavily to yourself.
Staring up at the ceiling and almost dreading having to take one tonight before bed and the other when you wake up the next morning. Daily reminders of how you couldn't be hard and cold like the others. Cool and collected like Gaz, confident like Soap, unaffected like Ghost, or just so very reliable like Price. It made you feel like the weak link needing support. You'd never needed it before, and within two years you'd suddenly realized that your own mind was winning in a fight you'd never even been aware of fighting in the first place.
Keeping all of them in the dark about this would be safest. If they didn't need to question your stability, then it wouldn't feel like such pressure to perform. And hopefully, after a few weeks, things might start to shift a little. Maybe enough to where you could begin sorting out the other problems without the image of a cluttered attic representing the state of your head. Taking care to not raise the alert of the 141 wouldn't be easy. Always noticing everything out of sheer training and sharpened instincts. Having no other good ideas... You just settled on doing everything you could to keep your little secrets under wraps.
In the following couple of days, you’d become adjusted to the routine of taking your medications on the surface level. While the one tasked with easing you anxiety and depression wasn’t going to take effect for quite a while longer the other -a sleeping aid- was definitely making a significant impact. You were able to actually fall asleep and stay that way, problem was, with a couple missions impending in the near future, you were getting concerned that if you took them when you were supposed to -on a schedule- that staying awake would be next to impossible. And if you didn’t take them at all… you didn’t want to deal with the consequences of breaking a much more healthy habit.
And the reason you were so worried about the missions was because of a reoccurring problem that the 141 began finding you falling victim to. Thankfully you were all on leave, making it a lot more acceptable, but they still began walking into different rooms around HQ to see you sleeping soundly. No matter the noise level, temperature in the room, or the space you’d fit yourself into. And no one was quite as intrigued with your sudden change in behavior was the Lieutenant.
Ghost liked things to have order, and often used regiment or habit as a very small form of comfort when he felt that his physical situation was one that could be trusted. And while the others just thought you’d found a new safety in HQ and enjoyed sleeping somewhere safe, Ghost could see that something much different was happening. Your sleeping wasn’t a new habit.
It appeared far too quickly, and you oftentimes didn’t look like you had much control over it. There had already been three times where he’d watched you fall asleep on one of the guys late in the evening without as much as a single attempt to fight the drowsiness. While Ghost didn’t like to think that he cared that much about you, he found himself paying even closer attention to you than he had before.
“There she goes…” Soap chuckled quietly, pointing to you on the couch; head laying in Captain Price’s lap, eyes closed and sleeping deeply with your arms tucked against your chest and lying on your side.
Price had a loving hand on your head, and had been idly petting your hair much like a father would despite being hardly of age to act it. Yet, Ghost felt that Price’s warmth towards you wasn’t the entire reason you had yet again fallen asleep before 11 o’clock. Purposefully he’d been keeping count, and this was the fifth time in a week. More than enough to raise alarm with the others… but he was still waiting silently for someone else to bring it up.
Price chuckled, glancing down at you. “I carried her to bed last time,” His pointed look at each of them was more than enough to guess what he was about to say. “Someone else needs to, otherwise you’ll be voluntold.”
Ghost internally groaned. Not only was that kind of behavior what made people soft, but it also made seeing through the mask of affection far more difficult. But before Soap or Gaz took initiative, the Lieutenant was up on his feet and approaching Price with every intention of being the one to take you back to your quarters. Looks got thrown around the room, and Ghost wasn’t stupid enough to not notice. It was the first time he’d gotten this involved, and there was certainly a spectacle of him picking you up carefully enough to not wake you.
Even though he was quite certain it would take a lot more to get you up than that.
Your door opened up into warm, glowing light from a little lamp you’d left switched on. He catches sight of your quilt on the bed and the little rug that made the polished concrete floors look so much less like the jail cell his own quarters resembled. The whole room smelled like you too. Sweet, and a lot like cinnamon rolls. Probably some type of candle or other smelly thing that you had thought was worth spending money on. Plenty more reasons added to the list of what separates the two of you. Debating your differences or the reason you preferred your quarters smelling like a bakery wasn’t his purpose for bringing you back to your room.
But even with laying you down on your bed and pulling the sheet and blankets over you, Ghost wasn’t seeing any of the possible signs that could lead him to better understand what was going on with you. Nothing is out of place though. Your room is pretty much spotless save for a sleep outfit you’d laid out for tonight, but wouldn’t have the chance to get changed into. And right about the time Ghost decided he’d been looking into your business too much, he bumped into your nightstand.
It knocked something off into the floor, bouncing under the bed and clattering a bit.
Ghost sighed, eyes rolling up towards the ceiling and having quite the frustrating experience of dealing with the sudden responsibility of making sure you were cared for. And that meant picking up whatever shit he’d been too busy watching you, to not knock somewhere under the bed he’d have to fish around and find. So he knelt down and pulled his phone from his pocket and used the flash to spot a tube of chapstick near the bed frame foot.
That, and an ammo box with your initials spray-painted onto the side of it.
Compared to everything else, it didn’t look like it fit amongst the rest of your things. And damn if Ghost didn’t have a sudden gut feeling that it was the reason you’d been sleeping so much. Why you’d been so out of character; Setting his teeth on edge. Reaching out… Ghost grabbed the lip balm and got back to his feet and sit it down on the nightstand where it couldn’t be as easily disturbed again.
“G’night kid.” His whispers fell on your unconscious ears as your Lieutenant dismissed himself from your room and back down to his own space.
You woke up in your bed after falling asleep somewhere unintentionally, for the who-knows-which time. Just like before, left in whatever clothes you’d been wearing and all of your blankets tucked up tightly around you. It left a lingering sense of disappointment in yourself. A little pinch of sadness rested like a rock in your stomach. You couldn’t really remember falling asleep to begin with. If you ended up keeping this little habit going, there’d be no doubt you would risk everyone on a mission falling asleep at the drop of a hat.
All because of this damn medicine.
One that you needed to grab from under your bed, and sneak into the kitchen so that you could have some water and food. You'd seen one of the tens of sites -during your research of your pills- that it would help digest it better... whether it actually worked or not wasn't something you could tell. But either way, a doctor had said it, and plenty of people taking it agreed. So you grabbed the pill, shoved it in your pocket, and went out into the kitchen to find a glass.
The floors felt cold even with socks on. And while a steady rain poured from the sky, you were more heated with concern that someone would notice you. Notice your sleeping issues, the way you crawled around in the morning for the first couple hours before the pills began working, or the shady way you hid your face in the refrigerator while swallowing down your medication. Surely the stuff had to be working since you'd not been struggling to get your work done throughout the day. But maybe that was the hard part. Taking pills to fix your head, but needing your brain to recognize whether or not you felt better.
"Oh god help me..." You mutter quietly, searching past Soap's energy drinks and Gaz's revolting jug of green juice to find something you could make for breakfast.
A cabinet door shutting behind you nearly stopped your heart. Seeing Ghost's dark eyes evaluating your reaction didn't make your heart rate drop back to normal either. In his typical day-off wear, a pair of well-worn jeans hung low on his hips and an old SAS t-shirt you'd seen him wear countless times stretched tightly over his chest and shoulders. No doubt he'd been up since four. Quite certain he never actually slept, you wondered momentarily if he could benefit from the sleeping tabs you took. But quickly that got covered in anxiety when his eyebrows furrowed at your expression.
"Nothin' to eat?" He asked with a smooth voice, nodding to the refrigerator door you still held open dumbly.
"N-no... just a bunch of shit drinks." You reply, letting the door shut and noticing that he's got a brown bag with grease spots at the bottom corners. He just nods, looking off into the empty common room. Like he's trying to think of the right way to talk shit about both Gaz and Soap's bad choices in hydration.
"Sit. I've got enough to share." He jerks his head to the other side of the counter, turning that wide back to face you, leaving no room for argument.
You're swallowing down a thick bite of a bagel with god-knows-what in British style as Ghost brews tea. Silently making you a cup as well and standing stiffly with both milk and sugar on the table with the expectancy that you tell him how you like it. Not really unusual behavior from him... typically you get along just fine. But it's the fact that he watches so heavily.
"Just sugar, please." You say through a mouthful, covering your mouth with your hand.
He nods, but then starts putting the sugar in, mentioning something about fucking Americans before sliding the mug closer to you with a couple of fingers. Those damned eyes are just as observant as ever when you crumple up the finished sandwich before he even steeps his own drink. It made you nervous. Wondering if those pills were helping with your appetite too. The psychiatrist said it could; Something about feeling less stressed can give your body more opportunities to worry about being hungry. It was one of those facts on the medication packet you'd taken pictures of.
"Plans for today, L.t.?" You ask, sipping the tea, eyes grazing over the cup rim as you stare at the back of his head.
Mask rucked up high enough to eat and drink freely he nods his head. Leaning his lower back against the edge of the kitchen counter
and resting one hand back.
“Yeah, you?”
You shake your head uselessly, “No. Maybe some laundry, but I’m not really even due. Wouldn’t be worth the water in the machine.”
He hums lowly, taking a drink of his tea. You can hear his swallow and a steady exhale of air that follows. Whether it’s him cooling off the steaming cup or just breathing, you cant tell. But it’s so steady that you actually mimic the tempo of it. Feeling the way it expands and contracts your lungs smoothly. Almost settling. Much like L.t. himself in that way. Terrifying until you see just how easily you can be around him. He’s always quiet and composed, even when there’s plenty of reasons not to be. You wished it was something you could do too. Maybe it would help the task force if you didn’t have to spend your energy keeping yourself at an unnoticeable level of consistent panic.
“Know anythin’ about cars?”
“No,” You’re quick to add on. “But I can learn fast.”
You watch the way the back of his mask slides down further and how his head tilts from side to side to settle it comfortably. Seeing the rest of the tea get dumped into the sink and his own sandwich bag get crumpled up. He’s silent as he washes the cups used and methodically cleans up after the pair of you. Even reaching across the counter to swipe a couple of crumbs off your t-shirt with a subtle nod to his own satisfaction.
“I like to hear it,” His hand palmed at the back of your neck. Gently tugging you off the barstool, and grabbing your jacket to toss it to you. “You’re comin’ with me then.”
Learning about cars actually became quite easy… when Ghost was teaching.
He explained the parts clearly, what his goal was, and didn’t get pissed when you handed him the wrong size socket wrench on the first try. On the other end, you’d only been working next to him -well, sitting on the wheel well- for a couple of hours when you started getting tired again. Almost helpless to your own frustration, you yawned. Fighting the sleepy feeling valiantly, and taking as detailed of mental notes as possible while watching Ghost’s greased knuckles tighten a bracket holding his master cylinder in place. Surely it was a cosmic joke. L.t. was fixing his brakes, and it felt like someone had stomped on yours.
“Hand me that,” He muttered, head stuck down in a gap between his engine block and alternator, still effortlessly pointing at a pair of channellocks. “And get in for me.”
You did as he asked, yawning one more time. Trying to blame your sudden exhaustion on the rain pelting the metal roof above you. Sliding into the back of the car and kicking off your boots to let them rest on the concrete floor outside of it. Attempting to be polite by not getting any dirty spots on the mats of the -very original- DB4 GT Aston he’d given you trust to even sit in. The leather seats help you glide into the driver’s seat, giving you a very slim look at Ghost through the gap in the hood.
“What exactly am I doing in here?” You ask, loud enough so that he can hear you.
It prompts his head to pop up from inside the engine bay, giving you those same, observant eyes from earlier. He looks back down, reaches in and taps on something harshly, then looks back to you.
“Roll it over.”
The car starts effortlessly. Practically purring under you, and echoing in the metal hangar making it sound all the more ruggedly beautiful. The whole car hums, and as you watch Ghost go back to focusing on something in front of him, you feel the heat come through the dash. It’s a perfect storm that lulls you even closer to sleep. A dangerous thing, considering the one man who could figure out what was wrong with you was the only one close enough to see. Hell, you weren’t even sure he didn’t already have it figured out, and wasn’t planning some way to tell Price about it and have you removed from the task force.
Unfit for duty.
You could just picture it now. Red pen in Price’s handwriting detailing your medications and how it was grounds from honorable discharge. Perfectly common in the military, but it felt like death in your hazy mind.
Not that you could fight it for much longer.
Because by the time the Lieutenant had finished his little bit of work, he came into sight of you, slumped over in his driver’s seat with you lips parted and your arms wrapped around yourself. Nothing short of a pretty sight for sore eyes. His car had damn near rocked you sleep, and for once, Ghost felt his heart couldn’t take the feeling of waking you up. He’d watched you all morning. Gauging your reactions, your lack of conversation, and the way you tried to keep from showing him any sign of being tired. Initially he wanted to be angry. Mad that you were hiding something from the team… from him. But seeing you sleeping there, he knew there was a fight in your head. A fight he knew well. So he left you there to sleep.
Turning off the engine to keep from filling the garage with exhaust, but pulling up one of the small space heaters close to the open door to keep you from getting cold while he worked. Making small adjustments, looking over future jobs, and even entertaining the thought of adjusting you over in the seat a little bit so that he could drive-test his handiwork. But that didn’t come, because Soap arrived with a grin on his face and no idea that you were sleeping.
Until Ghost told him to lower his goddamn voice.
“Sleepin’ again bonnie?” Soap chuckled to himself, looking at you before back to Ghost. “How long’s she been out?”
Ghost shrugged, “Few hours.” Really he hadn’t been watching the clock; far too comfortable to concern himself with it.
“I know you’ve been tryin’ to figure it out,” He started back, resting his hands on the hood. “Why she’s doin’ this so much. Have ya’?”
Ghost shook his head. “No. Not yet, but I’m not concerned.”
Johnny laughed softly, slapping Ghost on the back and beginning to walk away. “I never took you for the type to be worried, L.t.. But since you’re so reassurin’ I’ll take it t’heart.”
Any way Ghost came at that statement, he felt himself on the end of a losing battle. Maddening. Losing a fight wasn’t in his nature. Even if that meant he had to take some of the most fucked up torture to reach it. But what bothered him more than Soap knowing he was concerned about you was the knowing you weren’t okay.
Days out in the field were bad enough. But when they got worse, you were always there. And maybe you didn’t feel much better than he did, yet you always held softness. For everyone. For him. A kind of understanding and acceptance that wasn’t required, or exactly approved of in this line of work. You could keep a secret better than anyone he knew, and while he didn’t burden you with a single one of his, there was always the foreign comfort in being able to come with them if he wanted to. Hiding your own feelings wasn’t right though.
Selfish maybe. Thinking it was okay to linger in his own issues and still demand you give him yours.
But hiding behind his rank and position over you meant he could make that kind of decision without any questioning. A type of don’t fucking ask why that saved him face when carrying you from his car back to your room after you still hadn’t woken up nearly seven hours after passing out in his car. Shouldering open the door just like the night before, he expected to see nothing out of place. The same lip balm on the side table, the same rug, and maybe a different night shirt since you’d mentioned doing laundry. But there was something out of place. And damn if it didn’t make his gut twist up in a ugly kind of feeling. One he’d not felt in years, but certainly recognized as soon as he spotted the orange pill bottle sitting on your bed.
It made sense.
The sleeping. The different behavior. The reason you’d practically swallowed a whole fucking sandwich for breakfast when a cup of tea would typically be all you stomached until afternoon. And thank god… you were finally starting to look a bit fuller. Getting prettier every day, and he finally had something to place the blame on. All hesitations about you being able to handle the upcoming missions faded once he got a good look at the bottle. A medication, funnily enough, that Ghost was well-acquainted with. It wasn’t part of his own personal line-up in his medicine cabinet, but it was one he’d taken for a while.
You’d been in need of some help, and luckily for you, it hadn’t been nearly as hard for you to get help as it had been for him. Actually asking for what you needed -and while frustrating- decided to try and manage it without anyone else’s knowledge. Ghost couldn’t think of a better scenario. Realizing that the only thing he needed to know about was your side effects, and how to best manage them alongside you. Thank fuck you weren’t sick… well… sick in a way that someone couldn’t help you with. A way that he couldn’t help.
So, he sit down in on the floor in your room and waited.
Your wake-up call came in the form of sleepy eyes opening to see the massive silhouette of Ghost sitting in your floor. Dark eyes much softer than you’d expected, and a much more concerning sight of your pill bottle resting in his massive hand. A sight that sat you up ramrod straight in your bed, gasping softly and staring at him with wide eyes.
“Don’t tell Price.” You sputter, rushing to get the words out of your mouth. Terrified that he’s going to get up and run out the door. Just sitting long enough to let you get a good look at his plan before exposing you to the Captain as some sick kind of satisfaction.
His eyes narrow a little, “Don’t tell Price?” His voice sounds hoarse. “Don’t tell Price?”
It sounds that much more broken and gritty when he repeats it. Standing up to meet you a bit more level, fisting the pills in his hand, and lightly making them shake. He can’t understand your fear. Completely blind to the fact that -much like him- you’re fearful of being shamed. Misunderstood for it. Or worse. Ghost can’t recognize why you’re looking at him as if he’s going to be the reason your life ends. When in all reality, you don’t see how he’s trying to figure out why you didn’t feel safe coming to him.
“You’ve been takin’ these… fallin’ asleep on everyone, and-and struggling for who knows how the fuck long…” It’s hard for Ghost to keep his tone even, thinking about it. “Why didn’t you tell me. you should’ve told me. Said something. Anything.”
Caving in on itself, your chest burns. Eyes locked on his and scanning every confusing moment of emotion and each shift as it comes and goes.
“You wouldn’t…”
Ghost takes a fast step closer, “I wouldn’t what?” His hand drops the pills on the bed and quickly grabs your face, soft fingers pressing into your jaw. “I wouldn’t get it? I wouldn’t do what you needed me to? Wouldn’t let you sleep on me?”
Your lips open in surprise at the softness in him. All of him. The gentleness of his fingers, how his eyes lay silkily on you. Even his voice, falling so softly despite it’s rough tone and deep sound, feels like he’s terrified of you being scared away from him. Like that gentle hold on your face is all he can manage, and he’d rather do anything other than let you pull away from it.
“You have to know…” he starts weakly. “You have to know that - that I would do… anything you needed me to. Anything to make this easier for you. Even somethin’ small, I’d do it for you, honey.”
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reblogs & comments are appreciated 🤎
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seleneprince · 5 months
Snape's gang (following the fem! Severus au)
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Sevrina Snape-Prince - Slytherin
-Also known as Ina or Rina by her gang and other close friends, like Lucius and Narcissa. None of them call her Sev or Sevy. They have a silent, unspoken agreement about that.
-A magical prodigy, but doesn't get the recognition she deserves (except for her friends)
-Her skills in Potions are unmatched. Not even Slughorn stands at her level. It's a common saying within her friend group that "Seeing Snape brewing something is more terrifying that seeing her with a wand".
-"Give her a cauldron, ingredients, a quiet space, and she'll conquer the world" - Evan Rosier
-Whenever she hears the teachers claiming that a certain feat is "impossible", she takes it as a challenge (and she mostly succeeds)
-She keeps her hair short for the majority of her time in Hogwarts because it was easier to handle. Also, short hair is harder to grab or pull, a lesson she learnt from the Marauders during her first year.
-Dark humour enthusiast. She crackles at the most fucked up jokes and also shares some of her own. It's also her copying mechanism.
-She has a glow-up in her sixth year, when her friends finally step in and force her to take better care of herself (while also distracting her from her fallout with Lily).
-Until fourth year, she didn't comprehend she also liked boys. The bi awakening hit her hard (you can guess who triggered it)
-She has secretly improved multiple potion recipes for her own benefit and to help her friends, and even invented some of her own. Same goes for spells. She's constantly coming up with new ideas and doesn't stop until they become reality.
-She's the kind of girl that would come up with a cure for Blood Curses when she was in the shower, or create an improved version of the Wolfsbane simply because she was bored.
-She's an overachiever. It started as an effect of the harassment and insecurities she faced, making her eager to prove herself that she was better than everyone else. Now it's more of an extension of her own ambition. She just loves the feeling of achieving something.
-During her first years in Hogwarts, she struggled to afford basic tools, like notebooks and clothes. She relied heavily on Lily and any Slytherin kind enough to lend her anything. This also applies to basic hygiene products, which is why her appareance was so neglected initially.
-The main reason her hair often looks greasy it's because of the amount of time she spends brewing, since the smoke of the cauldrons gets in her hair. She combats it by insistently washing her hair afterwards, but it doesn't always fix the problem.
-She and Aurora are the responsible ones. She voices out her disaproval for the others' antics, but rarely stops them. She can be seen standing close, with faux disinterest and a glint of amusement in her eyes. She only intervenes when they're about to hurt themselves or get caught. If there's a chance of Gryffindors becoming collateral damage, that's when she actively joins the games.
-Snape's angry mom voice is well known by the entirety of House Slytherin and they all know that when she uses it, they must listen and obey. Surprisingly enough, Barty Jr and Regulus Black are often spared from this.
-Addicted to coffee, goes crazy if she's deprived of it for more than a day. Since it's forbidden for students, she acquires it from the muggle world and sets up a secret stash that only the gang knows about. Only shares it with Aurora and Evan, and charges them for it.
-She smokes occasionally, either alone or with Mulciber and Avery.
-A natural Occlumens with a proficiency in Legilimency, courtesy of her Prince heritage.
-Has had multiple jobs in the muggle world to substain herself, including illegal ones. She occasionally sells some of her potions illegally in Knockturn Alley too.
-She never does anything for free. If you want her help, you have to pay up. There's little she's not willing to do for money.
-Eventually settles down for a job in a muggle restaurant during the summer, as a chef. Charity, Aurora and Barty become regulars only to ask for the "chef" to come out everytime to praise her. Snape pretends to be annoyed, but she feels warm at the gesture.
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Edmund Avery Jr - Slytherin
-Rarely anyone calls him Edmund. He's known as Avery by everyone, including those who've known him before Hogwarts. The gang calls him Ave, or Ed, but this one is rare.
-He doesn't think highly of his father and it's annoyed that he's named after him, so he prefers to be referred to by his family name.
-He suffers from a Blood Curse, the result of a failed ritual one of his ancestors attempted centuries ago. It appears each generation and it's similar to anhemia. He coughs blood and can't engage in physical activities too much, as it strains his body. That includes flying.
-Childhood best friends with Mulciber. He's the only person Avery trusts before the gang is formed. He rather cut off his hand than admit this, but is very emotionally attached to Mulciber.
-He's a mean bitch 24/7. It doesn't matter if you're pureblood or not, he'll insult you and make fun of you simply because he can. He's known for making people cry with few words.
-Calls Snape and Charity "mudblood" on the daily. They're used to it already, but he can't get enough of the horror and anger in other people's faces when they hear him.
-If anyone else calls them that, he laughs at it, but secretly curses that person later. They might be mudbloods, but they are his mudbloods.
-He believes in blood purity, but in a cynical way. While he thinks that pureblood wizards are naturally superior and deserve to have privileges in the wizarding world, he has nothing against half-bloods and muggleborns. To him, it's just the way things are, and there's no reason to hate on people simply for being inferior.
-Which is way he frowns upon those who go out of their way to harass non-purebloods. To him, it's a stupid reason to go after someone and a waste of time.
-He mocks people and hexes them for his own entertainment or for revenge.
-"I only make decisions out of spite or greed"
-His parents have always referred to non-pureblood wizards as "mudbloods", so he's grown to normalize that word. He doesn't see it as a slur, just a regular term for those with muggle blood, and doesn't understand the heavy meaning it carries for those who fall into that category.
-He and Charity have a complex relationship. You can't tell if they really hate each other or if all those insults and death threats are just their love language. If they're not being snarky with each other, they're either talking shit about others together or enjoying Charity's secret stash of weed.
-Smoke buddies with Mulciber and Snape. It only makes his breathing problems worse, but does he care? Absolutely not. And it's not like he would admit his weakness anyway.
-Deeply resentful of his condition and hates being deprived of so many things, so he takes it out on the world and everyone around him. That's the main reason of his assholery.
-Aside from his sickness, his magic presented later than normal, so his parents began to assume he was a squib. They grew cold with him and conceived another son to replace him, a healthy and strong boy whose magic manifested soon enough. They doted on him while Avery watched from the sidelines, slowly being removed from the family's picture.
-All changed when his little brother fell from his broom one day and entered a coma. Their parents tried everything to save him and, in the meantime, Avery's magic awakened and his health improved a little. His brother ended up dying anyway and his parents began to pay more attention to Avery, but he ignored them or brushed off their words.
-It's rumoured that he caused his brother's death to absorb his magic and ensure he was the only heir to the Avery fortune. He has never acknowledged this rumour.
-Hates bright colours, which is another reason he clashes with Charity.
-Dark humour enthusiast #2. He's usually the one telling the jokes while Snape laughs at them.
-Secretly craves the same level of comfortability with skinship and affection as some of his friends, but can't bring himself to join them. Doesn't know how to, so he convinces himself he's above that.
-Raging homosexual. He struggled to accept it at first, not because homophobia, but because he couldn't stand being attracted to anybody.
-Needs a can to walk most of the time. However, he's ready to withstand the pain to run away from consequences or to spite people.
-He and Wilkers are more than friends. They haven't labelled it yet but their friends know and are waiting for the shoe to drop.
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Bruce Mulciber - Slytherin
-Also known as Mulci by his friends. Pretty much like Avery, very few people call him by his first name.
-He was named after his uncle, one of Voldemort's first followers, who ended up in Azkaban for his crimes in the First War and lost his sanity. He grew up hearing stories about him, about his "bravery" in fighting for the Dark Lord and the "cleansing" of the wizarding society. As he becomes older, he becomes terrified of ending up like his uncle.
-He feels that naming kids after dead relatives is like placing a curse upon them, as well as an unnecessary heavy weight on their backs
-He and Aurora are distant relatives, both of them being related to the Zabini family. They've known each other before Hogwarts.
-He and Avery have known each other since they were on diapers and they've been glued to the hip since then. He's the one who "translates" Avery when he's being a rude bitch, by just repeating what he said with easier words.
-Group clown #1 and a prankster. When he's not giving the marauders a run of their money with Avery, he's joking around with his friends. Rarely takes anything seriously.
-The tallest of the group, a trait that he makes use of a lot. He also looks older than he really is.
-He has an older sister, who's openly favoured by their parents despite not being the designated heir. She and Mulciber have a cold relationship.
-He uses humour to deflect personal questions and hide how he really feels.
-"If I can laugh about it, then it doesn't hurt"
-Has a dark sense of humour, but it's not really sadistic. He doesn't see the point of inflicting serious pain without a reason.
-He doesn't trust muggleborns, simply because they haven't been raised with the same culture and so he believes they would disrupt the magical society. However, he thinks, if they assimilated the wizarding traditions and left behind the muggle world, he could accept them.
-He feels contempt towards muggles and refuses to interact with them personally. His family has had bad experiences with them in the past and he sees them as destructing creatures that ruin things because of their greed.
-Like Avery, he won't go out of his way to hurt non-purebloods without provocation. He doesn't see the appeal.
-Sees Dorcas more as a sister than his biological one.
-Plays on the Quidditch team as a Beater. He doesn't have the best aim, but makes up for it with his strenght and fluid movements.
-He tends to forget Snape is actually a girl, so he treats her the same as any other dude he's close to and sees nothing wrong in her hanging out with them in "boys activities".
-His friends tend to steal his clothes for themselves because they're so big and warm. He doesn't bat an eye anymore.
-He's a subpar student and struggles a lot, so he gets Snape and Aurora to tutor him.
-It's really attached to Avery and can't imagine a life without him. He doesn't say it, but he's perpetually worried that the blood curse might take him away one day.
-Due to spending a lifetime together, he can sense when Avery is about to have a seizure and knows all the procedures to assist him when this happens.
-Has been weirdly fixated on Mary McDonald since fourth year, much to his embarrasment and his friends' amusement. Because of her muggleborn status, he doesn't dare to approach her but he can't ignore her either.
-In the privacy of the dorms, he's a bit more calm and serious than people think.
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Dorcas Meadowes - Slytherin
-Dorky or Dork for her friends. Anyone else that calls her those will get hexed until they cry.
-Plays as a Beater along with Mulciber. Her bludgers always leave marks and she makes it so the pain lasts for a couple of days.
-A mean lesbian
-The only living heir to the Meadowes family, so whoever marries her would have to acquire her surname instead
-She and Marlene McKinnon have a complicated past, and it has led to a tense relationship in the present that not even they can grasp. Both groups of friends try to avoid these encounters.
-Childhood friends with Mulciber and Avery, which means she has also witnessed Avery's seizures as they grew and knows how to handle them.
-Her friendship with Mulciber and Avery is no longer what it used to be, but they still care deeply about each other.
-She doesn't agree with the blood supremacism and bigotry. One of the reasons she distanced herself a bit from her childhood friends.
-Has a lot of friends from other Houses, specially in Hufflepuff.
-She was bethrothed in her second year with a fellow Slytherin classmate. They get along fine but they're not friends. Acknowledging his existence can be uncomfortable for her at times.
-She and Snape hooked up at some on their fifth year, after Slytherin won a match against Gryffindor. Prior that, there had been some intense sexual tension between them for weeks.
-Only the gang knows about this, thought. One of their many little secrets.
-She can be impulsive and reckless, getting into fights for what she believes or simply to defend her pride. There's no between.
-If she thinks she's right, she'll make sure her point gets across and the other person feels stupid for talking back.
-She gets off men's tears
-Fascinated with muggle inventions and eager to know more. She bombards Snape and Burbage with questions at any chance.
-Mostly an average student, but shines in Defense Against the Dark Arts. She's terrible at Transfiguration, though.
-You wouldn't guess she's from a noble upbringing. She's a troublemaker, with a rash attitude, wearing her uniform in a messy manner and curses like a sailor.
-But if the situation calls for it, she knows how to pull off the etiquette and act like a perfect aristocrat lady
-"My mother didn't raise a fool. A psychopath, maybe, but not a fool"
-She's overprotective of her friends and more than willing to beat someone into a pulp for them.
-She's a bit of a tsundere. She bullies her gang constantly and acts like she doesn't care, but the minute they're in minimum danger she's freaking out and ready for war.
-She's open about her sexuality and has never felt asshamed because of it. She only feels frustrated because she knows she wouldn't be able to follow her heart after she graduates.
-She almost ended in Gryffindor, but the hat ultimately decided she was too ambitious and cunning for it.
-Hates Voldemort and the Death Eaters, seeing it as most of her family and friends are being sucked into that cult, while she can only watch. She leaves when someone in the common room brings up the topic, or else big ass fights ensues.
-She's only few inches shorter than Mulciber. She loves the feeling of towering above people and make them nervous.
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Evan Rosier - Slytherin
-Only the gang calls him Evan. Snape calls him Eve sometimes.
-Plays as a Chaser in the Quidditch team and it's also the vice-captain. He's considered the best Slytherin has had in years and has beaten records in his broom.
-He's grown up in the centre of a tough succession crisis, where he suffered multiple attempts on his life from his own relatives, and so it forced him into a permanent state of paranoia because he couldn't trust anyone or anything in his family.
-His cousin Pandora was the exception, since they were engaged at that time and so she couldn't benefit from his death, but they didn't talk much until Hogwarts.
-The engagement was called off by their own accord, since they grew to love each other as siblings, which made the idea of marriage disgusting to them. Althought, it's rumoured they had other reasons to do it. More personal reasons.
-When he arrived at Hogwarts, he was a fucked up kid in expensive robes and became known for lashing out at the slighest provocation.
-He was unpredictable and dangerous, like a tickling bomb, and so people stayed away from him, even his fellow Slytherin.
-He met Snape on first year when she sat next to him during some class. He was used to people being too afraid of him to aproach, so he was shocked that someone finally got the never. And a half-blood, no less.
-"I've been treated like a monster for so long that I forgot what it feels like to be looked at as a person"
-He and Snape clicked right away, and he was the first to accept her as a fellow Slytherin despite her blood status.
-He shares the room with Mulciber, Avery and Wilkes. It was a hellish experience at first, due to Evan's paranoia, until they were finally friends.
-He has improved a lot on his trauma, but there are still situations that trigger his extreme survival instincts, like someone touching him from behind.
-For obvious reasons, he's a light sleeper, and keeps his wand under his pillow.
-He also checks everything before eating it, changes the bedsheets himself and basically refuses to let anyone do stuff for him, in case it's manipulated.
-Because of this, he's an hyper-independent person and knows a lot of skills most rich pureblood kids don't, like cooking and cleaning.
-If he even eats or drinks something you made, it means he'll trust you with his life.
-Very protective of Pandora and sensitive to any comments that sound remotely offending towards her. He has sent people to the infirmary in her defense.
-Asking for help it's like saying "i love you" for him. He's admitting vulnerability to someone.
-He's incredibly good in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Again, for obvious reasons.
-His favourite subject is Potions, mostly because he loves watching Snape shine in the class.
-Has been invited to the Slughorn Club, but refuses to accept unless Snape goes too.
-Doesn't really buy into the blood supremacy rethoric, but believes the muggle and wizard world should remain separated and never interact with one another.
-His family trauma has left a permanent mark on him, in the form of sadistic tendencies, insomnia, and a very high pain tolerance.
-Beneath his calm and smooth demeanor, he's still that feral child willing to torn anyone into pieces if he deems it necessary and fantasizes about bathing in his enemies' blood.
-Another dark humour lover, but like, very fucked up. There are times only Avery laughs while the others look at them concerned.
-He's cousins with Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa through his father's side, so he's grown close to House Black.
-Snape and Pandora are the only people who can calm him down when he's mad. He'll only listen to them.
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Wilhelm Wilkes - Slytherin
-He prefers to be called just "Will" by his friends. Wilkes is for everyone else.
-They also call him WilWil to mess with him. He shakes his head when they do, but he's instantly smiling.
-Formerly a Durmstang student, until he transferred to Hogwarts in third year, for unknown reasons.
-German father and British mother, so he's fluent in both languages.
-The hat considered putting him in Hufflepuff, but it eventually decided he was better off in Slytherin.
-A cinnamon roll that could and would kill you
-People have a hard time linking him to Slytherin because he's so sweet and kind with everyone all the time. He stays out of trouble and the teachers like him. Younger students look up to him.
-Classy gay that gets along better with girls than with boys, and cares a lot about his appareance.
-Big and bulky, gives the best hugs and makes you feel protected.
-Quidditch team captain and Keeper.
-He and Pandora were bethrothed in third year to unite both families. He wasn't thrilled with the idea, but he prefers Pandora over some stranger. They also have some secret agreement regarding the union.
-He has psychopathic tendencies, but hides them well.
-Sunshine boy. Even Gryffindors are somewhat friendly with him.
-He trips a lot and clashes with things.
-The clumsiness dissapears when he's duelling, though.
-Always in a good mood, greeting everybody when he arrives to class with a huge smile. It's rare to see him serious or angry.
-"Don't mistake my kindness with naïvety. My reluctance to violence doesn't mean I'm uncapable of it"
-The only person that enters History of Magic with a smile and actually asks questions to the teacher. His housemates see this as another proof of his madness.
-He's not as innocent as he looks. He's a Slytherin for a reason.
-The only time his clumsiness dissapears is when he's duelling.
-Secretly, his favourite subject is Herbology. It gives him joy to care for plants and helps him relax.
-Naturally good with children and animals, so the younger slytherins often go to him for help or comfort.
-He and Avery are golden retriever/black cat coded.
-Excuses Avery to people when he offends them and drags him out of the conflicts.
-He often agrees with the boy's mean comments and chuckles with him, but doesn't let it show because of his good boy reputation.
-He sneaks into the girls' dorms a lot to spend time with them and even sleeps there sometimes.
-Due to his good grades and reliable nature, he was chosen to be Prefect.
-Extensive knowledge in Dark Arts, courtesy of Durmstang.
-He rarely gets angry, but when he does, it's absolutely terrifying.
-People have a hard time denying him anything because of his face. His puppy eyes are deadly effective.
-He and Pandora get along great despite their arrangement. He's very fond of her and viceversa, and they both agreed to try make the best out of the situation when it comes to it.
-He's very physically affectionate. Cheek kisses, forehead kisses, hugs, cuddles, cute nicknames. Everything. It's hard to discern when it's platonic or romantic.
-He has a lot of admirers.
-Actually indifferent to violence, unless the victims of it are people he cares about. If he saw a random corpse, he would simply shrug it off and go call someone to check it, or examine it himself out of curiosity.
-He and Avery have an on-and-off relationship, but they always remain fiercely loyal to each other. It's an emotional mess no one else is allowed to meddle with. Unless they want to suffer.
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Pandora Rosier - Slytherin
-Mostly known as Dora by her loved ones. She's not as attached to the Rosier name as Evan is.
-She was raised separatedly from the crisis succession mess, in a different house from his relatives. She only saw them all in family dinners, where fights were strictly forbidden.
-The reason for this was that she was born with a rare gift, an extension of Legilimency that allows her to see people's emotions and their thoughts without even trying. This made her very valuable for her family, as they all coveted such gift.
-Which is why she was engaged to Evan. They wanted to ensure the gift remained in the family, away from others.
-Until she learnt how to shut it out, she was constantly hearing everyone's minds at once in her own head and sensing their emotions as if they were her own, overwhelming her to the point of anxiety and several bursts of accidental magic.
-She can also project her own thoughts unto others and show them what she's thinking.
-She knows everything before anyone else does. She's always one step ahead in most situations. Like nothing ever surprises her. She keeps what she knows mostly to herself.
-There are rumours she might be a Seer too, but only a fool would believe that, right?
-She's very introverted and wary of people. Her overprotective upbringing thwarted her social skills, along with her gift.
-Most people who have approached her hadn't done it with genuine intentions, so it fed her general distrust towards others.
-She and Evan didn't have a close relationship until Hogwarts, despite being engaged. They broke off the contract on their first year, despite their family's protests.
-Snape is the first person she hasn't been able to read instantly, which sparkled her curiosity and fascination towards the girl.
-When she found out Snape was a natural Occlumens with a spark of Legilimency, she was delighted at finally meeting someone similar to her in that way.
-But mostly, she was happy to meet someone she could actually get to know like a normal person instead of already seeing everything about them from the first moment.
-This new found obstacle in her gift frustrated her, because she relied on it heavily to navigate the world around her, and also thrilled her, because it was something new for once. A change.
-As they grew closer and began to trust each other, Pandora was able to see more and more of Snape, but only as far as the girl allowed.
-She and Snape talk to each other a lot through their Legilimency. It's common to see one of them chuckling or frowning out of nowhere and throw a knowing look at the other, with no words exchanged.
-Due to her struggles with verbal communication and getting people to understand her, she usually shows her thoughts to Snape or Evan first and then they help her put them into words.
-(She has Helaena Targaryen vibes. If you know her, that's pretty much Pandora's character)
-She's very eccentricy and chaotic, which only fuels people's waryness of her. The only reason she's not downright bullied is because of her family (and Evan).
-Careful, though, she's far from naïve. She's every inch of cunning as any other Slytherin and doesn't forget a slight against her or her loved ones.
-"The thing about always seeing people for what they are it's the never ending amazement of how utterly fake people can be"
-After breaking off the engagement with Evan, her parents hurriedly tried to set her up with another pureblood, pressuring her to accept a good match soon. Out of all the candidates, Wilkes was the only one she remotely liked.
-Her favourite subjects are Astronomy and Divination.
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Charity Burbage - Hufflepuff
-Also known as Cherry. Don't you dare call her that if you're not her friend. She'll take it as an insult.
-She comes from a traditional British rich family. Very strict but loving.
-Muggleborn. Doesn't give a shit about being called "mudblood" and would answer to it with a smile just to be petty.
-She's the third of four sisters.
-Her father runs a line of restaurants, one of which is the where Snape works in the summers. After finding out the odd jobs her friend was taking to survive, Charity inmediately got her the job.
-The fact that it gives them the perfect excuse to meet more often during holidays and Charity can boss her around is pure coincidence.
-Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you #2
-The type to insult someone to their face with such grace that they don't process they're getting insulted until a while passes.
-Gossip queen. She knows everything about everyone, and it has nothing to do with a mysterious gift. She's just nosy and sneaky like that.
-A typical spoiled rich girl with a rebellious vein. A mean girl with an angel-like facade. She's a demon dressed in pastel colours.
-When she's really pissed at someone, all etiquette and grace goes out of the window and unleashes a torrent of curses that shocks even Snape, who's by far the most foul mouthed out of the group.
-"I'm an awful person. But I'm also rich and pretty, so it doesn't really matter"
-Fighting to get Hogwarts their own cheerleader team for the Quidditch matches because c'mon, can't they see how perfect it'll be?
-Also, she would have an excuse to design the uniforms and be the captain, because of course she would be.
-Bisexual. She's dated a lot of people before falling in love with Aurora.
-Charity had no chill and made her interest in Aurora publicidly known when asking her out. But she didn't harass her like J*mes Potter with Lily, until Aurora finally paid attention to her. Instead, she waited patiently as she wooed her and knew when to stop.
-She has a passion for gardening. Her room is fully decorated with different plants and flowers she religiously cares for. Because of this, she possesses an uncanny talent for Herbology, rivalling Professor Sprout herself.
-She's specially proud of the stack of weed she's been cultivating for years behind the teachers' back and that she only takes out for inter-house parties.
-She takes advantage that her common room is right next to the kitchen to sneak in for snacks whenever she wants to or to meet up with Snape when the girl is having insomnia again.
-Because of this, she has befriended some of the elves and knows their names.
-Cares a lot about her appareance and always makes sure to look her best in any situation, including emergencies. The type to take her time to escape during a fire because she doesn't want to be seen on her pyjamas.
-She's the one that gets Snape out of her shell. Convinces her to go out to Hogsmeade with Aurora and herself, drags her out of the library to take breaks, helps her with her social skills and overall just reassures Snape that she also deserves some happiness.
-Very clingy. Skinship comes of as necessary for her as breathing, so she's seen wrapped around people like a koala and cuddling with her friends. It makes her feel loved and safe.
-Knows more about people than she lets on. She has enough shit to blackmail them and even ruin someone's life.
-When she gets really angry, she becomes considerably quiet and uses few words. That's a sign she's plotting your ultimate demise.
-She and Avery have a confusing dynamic. They hate each other most of the time, either arguing or throwing insults whenever they're in close proximity, but they are times where they're civil towards each other in an almost friendly manner. They've been caught getting high together with no one else around, and judging people together as they sit side by side, all like it's an everyday activity for them.
-She enjoys when her friends rant to her about their passions, even if she doesn't always understand theml. She just loves seeing them so open and expressive with her, and she encourages those feelings.
-She aspires to become prefect only to share her duties with Aurora and spend more time with her, but her grades aren't high enough yet. She's constantly bitching about the female prefect because of this.
-She's very, very petty. Doesn't ever forget a slight and goes great lenghts to return the favour.
-Loves pastel colours and country music. You know she's been in the Slytherin common room recently by the colorful pamphlets and flowers she leaves behind to "light up the place" (although she does it mostly to piss off Avery).
-She does ballet since she was little. She practices whenever she has free time and performs in muggle shows. Gets the best seats for the gang, and not even Avery dares to miss a show.
-Because of this, she's very flexible, and combined with her short height, she can fit basically everywhere.
-She convinces the gang to go through a complete self-care routine with her. Face masks, snacks and everything. No one can ever say no.
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Aurora Sinistra - Ravenclaw
-Also called Rory by her friends. Charity lovingly calls her Roro sometimes.
-The voice of reason, constantly reminding them what the rules are and warning them when a certain idea is definitely going to get them in trouble. She never tries to stop them tho.
-She's usually the responsible one, but enjoys breaking the rules from time to time too. She blames her friends for being such a bad influence.
-One of the best students at Hogwarts. Straight A and a perfectly clean record. Gets along with the teachers. No one would ever suspect she's done anything wrong in her life.
-She does. Quite often in fact. She's just really good at hiding it.
-The Sorting hat considered putting her in Slytherin, but her thirst for knowledge eventually placed her in Ravenclaw.
-She excells at Astronomy and Ancient Runes, two of the hardest subjects in school. Hence why she's considered a brilliant student.
-Her long-term dream is to become a teacher at Hogwarts, specifically the Astronomy teacher. The short-term dream is to win Ravenclaw the House cup.
-She was selected as a prefect by both the teachers and her classmates.
-Lesbian. She kept a low profile about it until she fell in love with Charity.
-They met in a study group, on their third year. They clicked instantly, despite their differences, and became close friends quickly. They found every chance to meet up and spend time together.
-When she realized she had a crush on Charity, she panicked for a moment because she was afraid of ruining their friendship, and she wasn't ready to come face to face with her sexuality yet.
-Until Charity confessed her own feelings too and decided to make her courting with Aurora as publicidly as she could.
-Seeing Charity being so open about her love and her own identity gave her the confidence to embrace herself too, and so that's how they began.
-Her mother was born in the Zabini family, just like Mulciber's mother. She's particularly close to Belladonna Zabini (Blaise Zabini's mother), who sees herself as a mentor figure for Aurora while they're at Hogwarts and a big sister for Mulciber.
-It was Belladonna who introduced her to the intricate art of poisons and ancient runes. Aurora goes to her whenever she needs a certain substance for her own plans.
-Comes from a very rich, privileged background, but she was still taught the importance of hard-work and sacrifices. She knows that, in order to achieve her goals, she needs to earn them first.
-Charity introduced her to muggle shows and now she's obsessed with them. She's working a way to bring electronic devises to Hogwarts purely to have a TV where she can watch them.
-She befriended Snape when Charity brought her to one of their study group sessions. Instead of being put off by the girl's snarky nature, she found her entertaining and a worthy intellectual rival.
"Attempted murder. Can you imagine how would that look in my reference letter? Everyone would know that I failed at the task"
-She already met Snape in their second year, when they were paired together for a Potions project. Aurora has always known of Snape's intelligence and respected her for it. The only reason she didn't reach out earlier was the girl's obvious retinance to anyone that wasn't Lily Evans or a fellow Slytherin.
-She never starts a fight, but she knows damn well how to finish one.
-When she wants to get back at someone, she doesn't do it right away. She waits it out, letting the person think it has been forgotten, and when they moved on, she surprises them with a carefully planned out revenge that they wouldn't recover from in a while.
-She and Snape sneak into the Restricted section of the library together whenever they can. They haven't been caught yet.
-She also loves research and developing new runes or spells. As long as she's gaining knowledge, she doesn't care if it's morally correct.
-If you want to do something forbidden or morally wrong, she's the person to go. She won't stain her hands for you, but she'll tell you step by step how to do it.
-She and Mulciber met through Belladona, but became closer when they both joined the gang.
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Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Jr - Slytherin
-Or if Daddy Issues was a person.
-His father has always been an absent but extremely demanding figure in his life and his mother tries her best to make up for it. It's not enough.
-He's completely, one hundred-percent devoted to be the best at everything so he can impress his father and win his approval. It's the thing he craves the most.
-He met Regulus on the train and talked his ears off the whole ride. They've been inseparable since then.
-He arrived at Hogwarts touch-starved and insecure, so when second year Snape showed him some kindness without second intentions, he glued himself to her and the gang like a lost puppy.
-If he decides to befriend you, he's going to do so. You cannot escape. He got all his friendships by annoying the shit out of them until they relented.
-"Bad attention is better than no attention at all"
-As a result of his lonely upbringing, he's actually very socially awkward and doesn't understand most social cues. He genuinely thinks that friendships are made when someone picks a person and "brands them" as their friend.
-ADHD. Since these disorders aren't widely known in the magical world, everyone just assumed that Barty was lazy sometimes and purposely loud. His parents considered him another case of a difficult child and tried to suppress that kind of behaviour by strict means.
-Despite this, he's managed to be a brilliant student and never get anything beneath an Outstanding in all subjects.
-He has hexed himself a few times to force his brain to concentrate at the task, but he only hurts himself and worsens everything.
-His friends helped him come up with methods that allowed him to concentrate in a way his brain could handle. He feels less stressed and anxious thanks to it, but he still puts a lot of pressure over himself.
-He and Snape bonded over their terrible fathers. Barty tries to defend his, while Snape straight out calls both men out on their shit.
-Has hyperfixations and struggles to keep his mind on just one thing at a time. Physically uncapable of staying put in one place for long. He needs to be moving and doing things.
-It's a vital rule in the gang to never let him taste coffee.
-He knows a lot of silly facts about all kind of topics he gets fixated on and he'll rant about them for hours to whoever is willing to listen. Usually Regulus.
-He was expected to end up in Ravenclaw, just like his parents and most members of his family. Him getting sorted in Slytherin was received with dissapointment in his house, particularly his father.
-He's been physically punished when he displeases his father or his performance isn't good enough to his standards.
-Loves quidditch and really wants to join the Slytherin team, but his father doesn't approve because "i'll distract him from his duties", so he simply goes to every match he can to watch.
-(He's canonically the only character to have taken 12 OWLs. Not to mention he managed to fool Dumbledore himself when he was posing as Alastor Moody and also manipulated the entire Triwizard Tournament so Harry could win, and no one suspected a thing. Boy is a fucking genius)
-Speaking of which, he and Snape are friendly academic rivals, like Aurora. They're constantly trying to outdo the other in class and get the most points.
-He and Regulus look up to Snape a lot and see her as an older sibling figure. In Barty's case, almost a maternal figure.
-The one thing he wants most in the world is validation. He spends every breathing moment in his life seeking it and drinking the smallest drops he gets of it. Seriously, anyone that shows him some sort of approval, will instantly win him over.
-His aspires to follow his father's footsteps and become a Minister, most likely to take his place after he retires.
-Takes his studies very seriously and gets mad when people distract him from his homework or studying sessions.
-Gay. Homosexual. Gay.
-His worst fear is dissapointing people.
-Panic attacks are to be expected during exams week and when doing homework. Or when his father mails him after the seeing the results. Or right before he returns to his house.
-He's been conditioned to turn away from any source of entertainment or superficial interests because "he can't afford getting distracted". Now he'll gladly join his friends in any fun activity they propose and plan them (as long as his father doesn't hear about it)
-Indifferent to the pureblood supremacy rethoric, although a bit prejudiced due to his father's teachings. He doesn't care if someone is a muggleborn or half-blood, but can be condescending towards them without realizing.
-A lot of repressed anger that's bound to explode.
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Regulus Arcturus Black -Slytherin
-Reg or Reggie for his loved ones. No one outside them is allowed to call him that. Unless they don't mind getting hexed.
-Was kind of a little shit when he arrived to Hogwarts. Snobby, arrogant, and prejudiced, pretty much like Draco. He slowly improves with the gang's influence, but not too much.
-The Seeker in the Quidditch team. He's good at it, but not exceptional.
-Contrary to popular belief, the Blacks aren't really royalty among purebloods, but they consider themselves as such. Regulus is no different.
-He's grown up spoiled and without ever having to lift a finger for anything. The type of rich guy that thinks dirtying his hands for something is below him, so convinces other people to do it for him.
-He used to be close with Sirius growing up, since they spent all their time together and they were still too innocent about the world they lived in. The relationship grew strained when Regulus started to envy Sirius' position and the latter began to reject the family's beliefs.
-By the time Regulus arrived to Hogwarts, they were more like acquaintances than anything. Sirius had his friends already, all of them so utterly different from the people Regulus was supposed to mingle with, and that was it.
-Deep down, he feels sad for having lost the contact with his brother, but comforts himself that "Sirius made his choice".
-One of the reasons he stood up with his parents against Sirius during the disagreements, besides the fact he genuinely agreed with them on their beliefs, was because he didn't want them to get mad at him too. He never understood why Sirius just couldn't play along and make thing easier for everybody.
-His relationship with his mother is loving but complicated. He cares deeply for her and values her opinion a lot, but he feels her love for him is transactional. It'll exist for as long as he remains a good son in her eyes, and if he dissapoints her, she'll turn her back on him.
-Because the concept of hard work hasn't been drilled into him and he's used to get what he wants easily, he's not really a great student. He manages well enough so his parents don't get mad at him.
-He looked down on Snape at first, since she's a half-blood and so he believed her sole presence tainted Slytherin's prestige. Seeing how talented she was, surpassing him and many other purebloods, made him dislike her even more, because she defied everything he was raised to believe and defend ("purebloods are naturally superior and blah blah")
-He began to look at her differently when he saw Narcissa took the girl under her wing and openly doted on her. If his cousin deemed the half-blood worth of her attention, he trusted her judgement.
-Slowly, he grew to begrudgingly respect Snape and trust her. He still has prejudices and struggles to see her as an equal, but they're getting there.
-Deep down, he cares a lot about Snape and thinks of her as family. Although he much rather face a Crucio than admit this.
-While his views regarding half-bloods and muggleborns aren't quite the same as they were in his first year, he still believes firmly in pureblood supremacy and sees the non-pureblood wixen as second class citizens.
-Thinks that there should be separated schools for pureblood and those who aren't. This way, it'll all follow the "natural order".
-He avoids talking to Sirius, but when they cross paths, they usually throw snarky comments to the other.
-He plays a big role in helping Barty out of his shell and pushes him to have fun. In return, Barty motivates him to work harder.
-He and Barty are glued to the hip. You'll rarely see one without the other.
-Physically, he takes a lot after his mother.
-Always dressed in the finest clothes and using the most expensive tools. Appareances are a must for him.
-He and Wilkes are the only ones that genuinely enjoy doing Charity's self-care routines. Might be the only muggle thing he doesn't disapprove of.
-Doesn't know how to swim, but can keep himself afloat. He refuses to learn because "a man of his status doesn't need to learn such skills".
-Quite an egocentric, due to his upbringing.
-Secretly, he likes being coddled, but it's too embarrassed and proud to let it happen.
-He claims to find pranks childish and unbecoming of a pureblood heir, but he actually loves them. He'll cough and turn his head away to hide his reactions.
-Very close to the Black sisters, specially Narcissa. Refuses to admit it, but felt heartbroken when Andromeda left.
-He likes the Rosier cousins too, with Pandora being one of his best friends.
-He used to dream about becoming heir and prove he was better than Sirius, but when it finally happened, he realized such title came with new responsabilities and expectations he never had to face before, and he's not sure he can keep up with it.
-He can be very possessive with people and has a hard time "sharing" them.
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looniecartooni · 3 months
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There's a lot of talk about Mimic selfishly being a Diamond Cutter to "reap the rewards" or get riches. Which kind of begs a lot of questions. One- what kind of rewards did a secret volunteer militia hardly anyone know about even have? And two- when has Mimic expressed an interest in riches?
Extremely long post below:
It's no question that Mimic is selfish. He's literally lead people into death traps and left them to die at the hands of Eggman long before he was known to be a stabby octopus. All he practically talked about in Bad Guys was how he wanted to be off Eggman's list and when he was given ONE JOB to guard- he decided to pull his classic "Eggman goes full hog on my former teammates". Just the very idea that Silver could figure him out was enough for him to completely shatter his reputation in a way that fans are continuously angry and divided on. It's no question that this man is willing to save his own skin for his own benefit.
So... what did the OG Diamond Cutters even have that would be considered a reward? Well- again, they are a private army that one would have to do some deep investigating or talk to Whisper about in order to figure out (otherwise the Neo Diamond Cutters probably would not have had their name). There's also a lot that has intentionally been left unexplored either for future writers or because Ian Flynn claims that "they're just a part of Whisper's backstory". That all said- they do have some relatively expensive looking items that I'm sure you would not just find laying around (probably- I'll get back to that).
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As we know- they had a base in the middle of the ocean with helicopter landing pads, wispon tools for combat, masks with a lot of cloud recording space and the ability to talk to wispons. And as we can see- they even have a vending machine which can be pretty pricey... and collects money!!! Surely they'd be earning quite a bit for all this- and they are referred to as mercenaries so... someone could be hiring them and paying them, correct?
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Well- until you consider that they have Smithy and wisps. Smithy- much like Tails- was the one who made a good majority of the gear that the OG Diamond Cutters used- especially wisp related items. So- who is to say that he couldn't fix up an old vending machine to work as a fridge? Or an old oil rig to act as a base?
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Now the timeline between Whisper losing her team and the present is a bit skewed. Whisper doesn't have worn down clothes, but Mimic seemingly does- and the OG Diamond Cutters base looks a bit broken down. The masks inside are still in one piece and functional, suggesting Whisper collected them after the incident and possibly would have kept with the upkeep of the base. Which when you really look at it looks kind of like a couple old storage units or sheds- possibly an old research facility. There do appear to be individual- looking houses that maybe the crew had claimed as their own or used as training facilities, but we unfortunately don't get to see what is inside these to really know what Mimic could have considered prized possessions or what not. Most of what we see later on is actually an empty hallway leading to the meeting room with a vending machine. Again- things could have been cleared out or tampered with, but what the Diamond Cutters seemed to have had mostly are repurposed items and the work of an engineer.
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So... what would Mimic really be getting? Was he secretly stashing a bunch of treasure somewhere? Is the man an assassin for funsies and secretly a billionaire from a bunch of different items?
Or rather... what does Mimic like/value besides his own life? We know for sure that he likes his Diamond Cutters uniform even though its practically falling apart. Ian Flynn once said on a Bumblekast said that he had it because he still believes its his (though Evan Stanley could potently change that- who knows).
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(sidenote: I just noticed that on this model page, past Mimic has a button on the collar of his poncho, but present doesn't. I have another theory that suggests that this uniform either has the ability to shapeshift adding to the "Smithy made a lot of the DC's stuff" idea or since Mimic can make clothes look damaged, he's actually faking wearing the OG uniform.)
Speaking of- Evan Stanley recently confirmed that Mimic has a specific kind of extreme gear he likes to use.
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Mimic has been shown and even claims to be really good with computers, going as far as sporting a smart phone suggesting that maybe he's a bit of a techy. And what did the OG Diamond Cutters have a lot of? Advanced tech! Ones that could talk to and interact with wisps! Which he... gladly traded away for his life and got the creator destroyed- along with the weapons. And when is wisp left him, he seemingly shrugged it off.
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Of course- without the wisp, all you mostly have is an advanced video recorder on your face. And he was deciding between his life against a big tech giant and the tech in his eyes. So... outweighed benefits? Still... if he valued the Diamond Cutter technology at all, he probably wouldn't have traded it so easily or seemingly left it at the old base (then again, without a wisp, he'd only have a giant hammer which probably would not be as swift and easy as a knife which he also seems to value. But he has also been seen to be trigger happy with firearms and smiled a big smile when he had that flying power core. But again, we only know that he carries a knife as a weapon of choice). We can likely assume that he hasn't been going back and forth to the old base as Whisper suggest they go there for the final battle, and he asked Eggman for an extreme artillery to basically wipe it all out. So, he either didn't value it enough to possibly obliterate it or it's a touchy memory subject considering how he tends to clam up whenever anyone starts seemingly bringing up the team besides himself.
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Mimic tends to be one track minded when it comes to what he wants. To a point where even Starline calls him dense for it. One thing he does seemingly love on top of everything is freedom and lack of attention. He makes sure to tell practically everybody he meets that he doesn't want attention- which is of course mostly due to him not wanting to be on Eggman's radar anymore or going back to jail which reconnects with valuing his own life. Buuut there is something else to consider when you look at how he reacts to different spaces he gets put in as two separate people.
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Now- Mimic is pretending to be someone other than himself here. And this man has no shortage of contradicting himself. It is kind of odd how he hesitates with the idea of getting a whole room with furniture and books and everything to himself. Compared to a room where there is barely a spot to sit. We also see him drinking a lot of boba at the order, suggesting he isn't one to turn down what amenities they have to offer (unless its a part of his image as Duo to drink boba or he's just extremely thirsty as a fish out of water straining muscles to turn into a cat).
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But this may put into perspective what Mimic sees as a reward and what might make him extra "I need to literally destroy everyone around me so that I feel safe." The OG Diamond Cutters gave him freedom and cool weapons he could test, possibly a living space with things he could want/need. Having absolutely nothing or possibly dying takes that all away. He'd rather die than have nothing, but he probably would not have died for what he might have considered (or convinced himself) was nothing. It doesn't appear he's particularly attached to anything in particular except the freedom to be able to have access to said things. No matter what or who it cost :'{.
And to expand on this further (because I can't just let a horrid man come off as horrid), this suggests that Mimic has been in a situation where he's felt like he's had absolutely nothing.
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Aside from the OG base being located in the middle of the ocean and being Sega's only token sea creature, Mimic has notably been very paranoid about being trapped or killed (understandably by ticking off Eggman and the whole jail thing). He has a history of repeatedly being trapped (likely back when he was a Diamond Cutter and possibly as a present-day assassin, but perhaps there was a time before that as well). And it's been enough to where he prefers death to being trapped... or underestimated- still unclear at this point.
But it's very clear that he doesn't like the idea of there being any liability of him even remotely possibly being trapped (usually leading to the sabotaging of people like Silver or the Bad Guys team- or even his old team) to a point where its all he talks about. Even to Clutch who he is weirdly not outwardly showing signs of suspicion or malice to (to my observation yet) keeps checking in with "are you sure so and so is not going to be a liability? I heard that so and so is a liability."
He could still have feelings of distain towards Clutch or working for him, but Clutch is seemingly giving him what he wants or playing into his interests. Minute Clutch reveals he's been dangling a carrot on a stick, Mimic will probably retreat to his usual habits. Perhaps that's partially why he was willing to even be an OG Diamond Cutter- because the reward of freedom outweighed the torture of being captured. Hence perhaps there was no reward or riches. Just being alive.
And the idea of that being taken away is perhaps the worst kind of torture. One he's willing to expend others for his own benefit. Does he regret it? Well with his OG team, the answer is unclear.
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kingwuko · 2 months
Mako's take on being a sugar baby?
Mako's take? I love to joke that Mako definitely should be a sugar baby. Just quit the force, pack up his bags and show up in Ba Sing Se at the palace doors. If he was just like "Hey Wu is that invitation to live the life still open?" Mako would want for nothing.
Buuuuut. I actually don't know how comfortable Mako would be with it. I think Mako would feel like he needed to pull his own weight and would feel weird about just hanging around and being the King's concubine live-in boyfriend. I feel like Mako needs to do something.
I also think Mako has too much trauma around his history of poverty to just be comfortable letting someone else take care of him. Mako, unfortunately, strikes me as someone who is constantly worried that anything good that happens will end, and that he'll always have to fight to survive.
It would be a long journey for Mako to just accept that Wu will take care of him forever. Until then I think he's gotta feel like he's working, making his own money, and I feel like he'd even have some secret money stashed away for an emergency.
So Mako's take on being a sugar baby is that he isn't one and doesn't want to be one. I think he would absolutely accept living in luxury and letting Wu foot the bill, but I think he'd also keep working. And sadly, I think that somewhere in his mind he's always waiting for the other shoe to drop and for him to lose everything again 😭 because of this he'd be unwilling to let go of the kind of financial independence of earning his paycheck through his job.
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dragon-kazansky · 30 days
Things I hate about working in a cafe:
Card payments aren't instant. Don't walk away assuming you've paid. That card machine needs to register the payment.
Don't bring your dishes to the counter. Leave them on the table. We can clear and wipe your table all in one go. Leaving them at the counter doesn't help us at all.
If your child makes a mess, please clean it up. We're not responsible for your children. You are.
Coffees aren't instant. If we're busy, you'll have to wait for your drink. I'm not magic.
I know you've ordered food. Food needs to be cooked. You'll always get your drink first. If you don't want food poisoning, let your food get cooked first.
As much as I love dogs, no, you can't bring them in. No matter how behaved they may be.
I don't set the prices. I just work here, love.
No, there's no secret stash of ice cream in the back we're not telling you about.
I'm sorry the baby on the next table is crying, but we can't get involved. Talk to the parent if it's really bothering you.
No, I can't give you a takeaway cup with nothing in it. They cost money.
"That's all the money I have." And I'm sorry you don't have enough, but I can not give you your order for less than the price it comes to.
Pre ordering doesn't really work in our cafe. You can pre pay if you want. Doesn't mean your food will be ready in time. It gets busy in here.
"It's too noisy in here." Go outside then.
"Can we close the door?" No, it's our only ventilation because our stupid AC broke down.
"What time is the next family swimming session?" I don't know, I just work in the cafe, love. Go ask at reception. (The cafe is located in a leisure centre)
"Are you open Christmas day?" Dude, the leisure centre itself isn't even open that day. Why would we be?
Customers who won't move when we are closing. Like, guys, go.
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trash-soup · 2 years
Weird and fun and slightly unhinged (and SPOILER FILLED) Stardew Valley headcanons i have:
My cows are transmasc (like Otis from Barnyard) so every time I (the player character) see them i say "Gentlemen" and give them a nod
Maru and I share notes on things we've built in the past few days every time we see each other
M. Rasmodius had two kids with two different women in town (which is why the witch divorced his ass): Abigail (duh) and WAIT FOR IT...Sebastian. We know nothing about Sebastian's father, but Seb himself is very attuned to nature and has the same slight smugness at the beginning as the Wizard. Do Seb and Abigail know they're related? No. Will they ever? Who knows. Do they feel a strong connection between them? Yes. Has it been confused for a crush and will it dissapate into a sibling-like relationship eventually? Absolutely.
Marnie knows she deserved better than Lewis. That's why she's been considering Marlon.
Gil (the monster slayer rewards guy) is Jodi and Harvey's dad.
Lewis siphons money from the town's taxes into various "town _____ funds", most of which he keeps for himself. (gold for a solid gold statue is expensive) the only reason he doesn't keep the agriculture fund is because I moved into the farm.
Evelyn and Grandpa had a long and storied romance before she met George. They were middle school sweethearts all the way through high school, but when they graduated, she left for a job in the city, and he stayed behind on the farm. He eventually met our grandmother, who he married, and when evelyn came back she was a bit saddened but she kept in touch with both of them. Soon after she met George, and that was that.
Pam and Clint are cousins
Gunther is actually running a small smuggling ring with his wife, the Travelling Cart woman (I call her Maureen). They smuggle artifacts and supplies over enemy lines.
"Our beloved Mona" in the cemetery is actually Jas and Shane's Mom, Marnie's Sister. Shane had a rough relationship with her, opting to go with his dad in the divorce, but when dad turned out to be an abusive ass, he came back to mom's. He and Mona got along a bit better and he even started thriving in school. She would make him homemade Jalapeno bacon pepper poppers as a reward for good grades, and threw him a pizza party when he made the Varsity gridball team. After he graduated, she had Jas and named him her godfather on top of being her half brother. Then she had an awful accident about a year and a half later. Shane spiraled, latched on to the addictive tendencies given to him by his father's genes, and began drinking. He asked aunt Marnie if they could crash with her for a while. He's still reeling from his mom's sudden death 7 years later when we move in.
Demetrius is working on secret military projects but can't let his family know, so he wanders off (to the lakeside and to the fountain) to work on them.
Harvey has a shelf in his apartment full of ultra expensive and intricate model planes, half of which were gifts from Jodi
Kent and Harvey have a strained relationship due to Kent having seen the true horrors of war and Harvey glorifying service in the armed forces. They get along but only just.
Pierre's secret stash is not porn, but Money. He keeps a rather large sum of gold tucked away from his family "just in case".
Shane and Alex hang out and talk about gridball more than you would think. In fact, Alex is one of the very few people Shane likes.
Claire (the cashier from Joja) hates Morris. She hates working for Joja. She hates the fact that they're causing problems in the valley. She wishes she could just own her own business here some day. And she does. When the Junimos restore the Joja building into the movie theatre, she gets a mysterious letter in the mail that says "Come bak tu valley, muvee plase is yours" (Junimos had to ask hat mouse to write it)
I have a ton more but that's it for now.
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
I can imagine Koko crying because she took a unique photo that no one has of the reader, with the following dialogue:
Inu: are you ok?
[see photo]
Inui: Wait, where did you get that photo?
Recommended Readings: High Heels
the Tiktok is long gone lmao, but no matter, I will answer based on the ask below! short one this time folks, i’ve been feeling unusually pooped these few days, hopefully i’ll be back up to speed next week
I would say having unique, one-of-a-kind photos wouldn’t be such a head-turner in itself given each of the boys, both Toman and Black Dragon, would have their little stash of photos that they’ve taken individually with you as well as those that they got from stalking you in their down time.
But there would be that one photo that Koko can’t seem to put down, staring at it for minutes on end to the point that Inupi takes notice and he nearly gets caught by Taiju during a Black Dragon meeting. This black-haired boy would be quick to tuck the picture away into a inner coat pocket though, and even scurry away should he fail to try and hide the photo in time, though eventually Inupi does catch a glimpse of what he was trying so hard to hide. Turns out, it was one that had even Inupi doing a double take, snatching the priceless piece of paper out from Koko's hands to have a second and third look. And it was enough to drop the jaw of the usually stoic delinquent and earn a light blush that dusted his cheeks.
A picture of you laughing at someone off camera while half submerged in what looked like an onsen. And very obviously not having anything covering your chest, which was mere centimetres away from being exposed above the water surface. Koko would make quick work of relieving a malfunctioning Inupi of his picture, his own face beet red, and the black-haired boy would run off before the other had a chance to ask him so many questions. Like where on earth did he get that photo, who took it (he had someone he needed to break the arms and legs off from) , and why was he oogling you in public when he knew it was so close to being a very indecent picture - what would you think of them if you caught Koko in such a compromising position? What would you think if you knew someone had peeped on you?
They'll be dumped so quickly it wouldn't even be funny. Best to keep this on the down low, and Inupi warns Koko to keep the picture safe, and for the love of all things holy stop looking at it in public. Of course Koko doesn't listen, and of course he tried to charge Inupi an exorbitant amount of money since the other looked at it. Inupi didn't pay up.
Anyway, no doubt that rumors quickly spread about the photo among the deliquent gangs: that Koko had this one picture of you he couldn't stop looking at, and no one quite knew the contents but they "heard from a friend of a friend" that it was quite lewd. Eventually reaching the ears of the Toman boys, it instantly peaked both their intrigue, protectiveness and fury all at once in an instance. A lewd picture of you owned by someone else? Who took it? How did they take it? Were you being peeped on? How lewd was it? Mikey and Kazutora got a good trashing by the others. Though all six boys at least agreed on three points: that this had to be kept a secret from you at all costs at risk of you finding out and freaking out, they needed to confront declare war on the Black Dragons and take that picture, and they needed to keep it safe for themselves destroy it immediately to protect you dignity.
Okay your friends still had time to come to a decision on the last one after they have wrestled it away from those scum buckets - even if it was very inappropriate and your Toman friends would never dare think of you in such a manner, it was still a one-of-a-kind picture of you none of them owned, and they would very much like to add it to their collection. Something so intimate would be best owned by people who would never take advantage of you after all.
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cherryatombomb · 2 years
Simon Riley headcanons
help girl this man is rotting my brain. anyway here r things that might not show up in my fics but i still think apply to him :] some of them are explicit autistic! ghost others are not but. he always is in my brain u get me. could be considered x reader bc i only mention s/o vaguely so go wild gang
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Good with body language, figuring people out via how they act. Mostly good at understanding tone and such - but passive aggression is where he falters. He just doesn't get it mostly, struggles to register it. Surrounds himself with people who are pretty blunt so it doesn't matter, but oh man he hates passive aggression
Speaking of, he's so blunt. He just doesn't see why he should need to sugarcoat himself and will speak his mind all the time. Doesn't see it as being rude, he's just an honest guy.
Love language is physical affection he just has no idea. He's SO touched starved please hold him.
When he gets comfortable with an s/o he's just so cuddly when sleeping. Like, full on limbs everywhere, you have no idea whose limbs are whose. He loves it.
Favourite positions for cuddling are either his s/o on his chest, or him on their chest. Both becoming weighted blankets for the other, it's GREAT.
Also loves quality time, but when the person he's spending time with and himself are doing separate things in comfortable silence, it's so cozy.
The mask is a sensory comfort for him, that's why he wears it so often. He also doesn't emote expression-wise that much, which some people find disconcerting, so it helps. Mostly communicates physically through his eyes.
He's got a secret sweet tooth, and has multiple snacks stashes hidden throughout the bases he stays on. Gummy sweets + chocolates are his favourite.
He has dimples bc I think they're cute. That's all.
Good with kids but they scare him in the like "they're so sweet and I'm not sweet how do I handle it??". They think the mask is cool and just think he's pretty cool. Uses his shitty jokes for good if he's ever in a situation where he needs to calm a kid down, but makes sure they're more pg. Everyone thinks it's so funny to see this intimidating masked man make a joke abt fish being so-fish-ticated (sophisticated) when wearing bowties, but its okay bc it makes the kids giggle
Shows his affection in subtle ways when in public, he's not really a PDA guy. Like, pinky fingers intertwined, or feet touching when sat down. Not very obvious about it, but he's there nonetheless.
If his s/o is in the military he'll like do their armour straps before a mission, or clean their gun in between missions
Loves petting hair. It's so soft and feels so nice under his hands ohh he loves it. Lay on him and let him pet ur hair and he can die happy
Has a list of names of people who his s/o has mentioned hurting them. If they ever show up this boy will just glare the Whole Time.
Speaking of he's so protective but tries not to be overbearing with it. Like if someone's hitting on his s/o he trusts them but will just loom behind them to see if they need help. Waiting for them to either leave, or for his s/o to sic them on him like a guard dog, bc lets be real, that's who this man truly is
Loves picking his s/o up he's so strong so he can pick up most people. Only done in private time but will sling his s/o over his shoulder or stuff bc he loves hearing their response it's so fun
Good at art, but only really does charcoal landscape paintings. Very protective over this because he's kind of embarrassed about it but he finds it comforting
Not really a gift giver, he mostly just gives people money so they can buy it themselves because he's very practical.
For those that are close to him, though, I can see him making some effort - a personal sentimental gift alongside the money
Gifts his s/o one of his knives so they can protect themselves. Will teach them how to use it if they aren't military
Likes to fuck with new recruits who are scared of him because he thinks it's hilarious. This man is a MENACE
Cat person for SURE. They just get each other. The need to fuck with people and seem kind of hostile but also love affection on their terms? That's so Ghost.
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not-a-space-alien · 9 months
K&J x MMSS 4: Valen & Jim Part 7
Part seven of the fourth crossover with @whumpsday!
K&J masterlist
MMSS masterlist
K&J x MMSS crossover masterlist
To be added to the taglist, contact @whumpsday
Warnings for this chapter: None
In this chapter:
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Valen thinks about it over the next couple of days. He doesn't like making rush decisions.
He calls Jim every day, and every day he hears about how scared Jim gets at night. Jim tries to downplay it, and it still sounds horrible. He can hear the tiredness in both his and Liz's voices.
He barely knows Jim. He doesn't have to babysit Jim. He can't focus on the work that had seemed so important last week.
He starts getting mail from Priscus. A picture of a cat, saying it's his if he comes back to the estate. Sent directly to Valen's supposedly secret address. The wording in his communications is getting more insistent.
He calls Jim and says he'd like to move in with him and Liz, if such a thing is still agreeable to them.
Jim jumps on the offer ecstatically. "Of course it's still agreeable! We'd love to have you! Come on over!"
Valen regretfully tells his landlord he's breaking the lease. He's not attached to any of the furniture. He packs up his books, his lab equipment, his clothes, the blood he has on hand. His stash of valuables he'd taken from the Kithrara estate. Priscus will surely demand those back as soon as he's no longer in denial that Valen isn't coming back, and wasn't just "borrowing" them. Which will likely happen when he finds out Valen is now living in human territory, at which point he'll be out of reach even to the Kithrara family's manipulation tactics. He needs his ill-gotten goods to save himself from having to work a job.  He’s capable of it, he simply doesn't want to and tells himself his research project is more important.
His things aren't too heavy to carry, but they are a little bulky. He buys a cheap car. It's even harder to drive. He's already shunted his previous car off onto Jim to be rid of it. There are no rentals that will allow him to return it in human territory. He may just abandon it on the side of the road when he's done with it. Having money has let him turn to being wasteful as a coping method for his anxiety.
He loads up all his things and stops at the store to get a generous supply of blood packs. He puts them in a cooler and drives straight to Liz and Jim's house.
Jim runs out to give him a tackle-hug as soon as Valen arrives. It's the first time he's been outside at night since Valen took him to the store. "I missed you."
Valen lets himself be pummeled by the hug. Why had he ever left this? What could be more important than this? "I missed you too."
Liz follows. "Welcome back, roomie. Lemme help you with your stuff."
When Liz starts to carry his things, he untangles himself from Jim. "Please, please allow me. It's much easier for me, don't trouble yourself. Where shall I put them?"
Liz waves him off. "I can carry shit no problem."
"We cleared out the extra room. We can still share a bed and stuff, but that way you've got your own space to put all your stuff," Jim says. "Hey, you wanna see something fucked up?"
"Stop showing it to everyone who comes over," Liz admonishes.
Valen's eyes widen. "Oh dear. What is it?"
Jim strips his shirt and turns around. His back is covered in bullseye rashes, like someone stained his skin with red watercolor. "I got Lyme disease."
Liz rolls her eyes. "Put your shirt back on."
"I feel like crap, but it looks kinda cool!" Jim insists. "'Fore you ask, already saw the doctor, already on meds for it."
"Oh dear!" Valen cries, "I hope it clears up quickly." Jim has been showing his bare back to "everyone who comes over"...? For some reason, the thought of more humans coming over to the house where he now lives hadn't really occurred to him. It's really scary, for some reason, to be surrounded by humans. "Who, um, who have you been showing this to?"
"Laken. Friends who I haven't seen since before. Plus a reporter. They wanna put me on TV," Jim brags.
Jim is going to be on TV. What is Valen going to do when more humans keep showing up here? He starts to second guess his decision. Can he really live here, in human territory? Everyone here except a small group of Jim's connections will see him as a dangerous and hateful animal, or a curiosity at best. "Ah," he says nervously. "Just, just give me ample warning before that happens so, so I don't also get on TV."
Jim puts his shirt back on. "Oh hey, yeah, of course. It'd be during the day, and not here. And you know, they were asking about the story of how I escaped, and that's all you. You're like a hero. But if you don't want me to go on, I won't. You feeling comfortable here's more important." 
"Well, you can–I don't want to limit you. You deserve to tell everyone your story. I'm just nervous as to what it could bring if, if the spotlight comes on me at all." He rubs his arm. "Thank you for calling me a hero, but there are probably people out there who would think that doesn't matter."
"Well, I think it matters," Jim protests.
"I made sure all the hunters in this district know you're with us. You won't run into any trouble here," Liz assures him.
"I'll make sure to keep you out of the spotlight," Jim says.
Liz pats the trunk. "Hey, open it up so I can start helping."
They unload Valen's stuff, and he shyly asks if there's somewhere he can have space to set up his lab equipment so he can continue working on his project.
"Wherever there's room, go for it," Liz says, gesturing around the house. "Kitchen, living room, Mom and D–your room. Wherever you wanna set up.”
He catches the slip up in what Liz calls the room, and figures that given all the clues, Liz and Jim's parents must have passed away. "Was that your parent's bedroom?" Valen asks. "I'm sorry. Thank you for sharing it with me. Are you quite comfortable with me using it?" Part of him is afraid they're about to tell him their parents were killed by vampires.
"Yeah. Better that someone's using it." Jim says. "It's been... almost ten years, now. Time kinda gets away from you, huh."
"Mm-hm." Liz looks away. She doesn't like talking about it.
"My condolences. Well, I'm glad the two of you have each other now, at least."
"Yeah. And now we got you, too." Jim smiles at him.
Valen eventually decides to set up his lab in the living room, liking the idea of being out in the open where anyone can come ask about what he's doing, to give him an opportunity to gush. He does make note that he'll have to carefully label anything that comes in contact with the mushrooms, since they're dangerous to humans.
Things are alright for a while. Jim is a lot less paranoid than he was when Valen was hundreds of miles away, and the hunter that shot at Valen comes over briefly to apologize and thank him for bringing Liz's brother back. 
Valen is touched that all the vampire hunters and miscellaneous humans around accept him so easily. Despite his good deed, he'd expected much more pushback and more suspicion. But everyone is just being nice to him. It's refreshing, and not at all what he expected. 
Jim has trouble re-meshing with his old friend group: they've grown into different people in their time apart. But he has Liz and Valen, so he's okay. Laken takes a liking to Valen. Valen likes Laken a lot; they're bold and curious and don't take themselves too seriously.
Valen encourages Jim to get in touch with his old friends, but he himself has lost most of his old friends and he knows how difficult that can be when things have just changed. He encourages Jim not to let it get him down, and reminds him he'll have plenty of opportunities to make new friends down the road.
The hunters in the area know to leave Valen alone. Valen goes back to vampire territory every once in a while to get more blood, and occasionally other supplies he can't seem to get on this side of the border. He generally dislikes being in vampire territory, though, because of his own paranoia about being found. He avoids anyone who might have even tangential connections to his husband's family, not even telling his own family where he went. He misses them, a little, but he can't bring himself to be too sad about cutting them off. Talking to them usually only earned him misgendering and scolding.
Jim and Liz argue about her returning to work. Jim doesn't want her to, he's terrified for her safety, but Liz insists that this is her calling and she needs to protect people, and that Laken will get themself killed without her. Jim does end up conceding, begrudgingly, since he can't actually stop her.
Valen agrees with Jim that vampire hunting is dangerous, but he reminds Jim it's a noble profession that needs to be done to protect humans. He offers to start escorting Liz on hunts to help ensure her safety, but he sees the look on Jim's face at the thought of the consequences of that possibility: either he will be alone at night, or he'll have to come as well. Valen retracts the offer in front of Jim, but then later privately reoffers to Liz.
Liz declines Valen's offer for now, but thanks him and says maybe they can try that when Jim's more stable. Honestly, she's worried about Jim being alone at night, too. She already lost him once.
Jim sleeps in Valen's room. He's loathe to be apart from him for very long: not just because he likes being around Valen, but also because of a creeping feeling of danger he gets whenever they're apart. He's not coping as well as he'd like to think he is.
Valen gets more comfortable around Jim and the idea of another relationship, in whatever form that will be. They are both dealing with different kinds of trauma, and unfortunately they are creeping into territory where it's very easy to trigger Valen, sleeping next to each other and being affectionate. Jim has Valen to get him through his bad episodes, but for Valen, Jim is usually the cause of those episodes, which Valen tries to hide to spare his feelings. He knows logically that Jim can't overpower him, but the wounds of being overpowered are deep, and it's all he can do not to slide into learned helplessness rather than speak up about his feelings. He's less afraid of being physically dominated and more of the emotional side: Priscus had been kind early on in their marriage, and then had gradually lost patience and gotten more and more condescending and pushy. What if the same thing happened with Jim? Jim could start being less considerate, less respectful, and whatever positive emotions he'd been experiencing would be gone and their memories tainted. It felt fragile, just as safety did for Jim, the shared fear of being treated as an object manifesting in different ways for both of them.
He thinks that if Jim one day started telling him how to cut his hair or dictating what he could wear, he would never recover enough to trust anyone with his heart again.
Valen occasionally makes comments to Jim along the lines of "Thank you for allowing me to wear trousers," which probably strikes Jim just as weirdly as the occasional relapse Jim has where he begs and promises to be good strikes Valen and Liz.
It feels good. No one is too pushy. Everyone is just concerned about keeping each other happy and safe.
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
was really expecting that leverage au idea to go a different direction & was honestly pleasantly surprised by the jamie + zava positioning. but i thought i'd share what i thought was going to happen!
roy's getting old, so the rest of the current team is trying to find sort of an apprentice for him to train to be their new hitter and then he can eventually take over for ted as mastermind when ted magically gets suspicion off of him and can go back home to be with henry.
they find jamie. and they're like this guy is perfect. he's got that doggedness that you have roy. you could kill him and he'd still get up and kick your ass. he's perfect. and roy's like no he's a fucking prick. he can't do this job, he's only good for the old shit i was doing. he doesn't fit with this team, he's too volatile and he doesn't think with his heart. so they let him go on his not-so-merry way, but ted and beard keep an eye on him and keeley also keeps an entirely separate, secret third eye on him.
[nebulous in between times]
they get jamie back and roy starts training him, and while roy is still not fully warmed up to him is when jamie almost ruins a job by taking time out to Solve some random kid's Problem dad.
idk who would be hacker in this case though. but nate (shelley) is sterling lol.
See yes yes- I also began this idea thinking like, well if Roy is the Eliot stand in (and obviously like who else would he be), then Jamie would make the perfect sense as the Quinn. The up-and-comer bruiser who thinks he can take on The Roy Kent. He does well when he catches Roy off guard at first but then we have the iconic Quinn line-
“Why won’t you go down?!”
So yes I started there but then it occurred to me: the sass, the clothing, the obnoxious quality to talk at length, the younger guy who looks at Roy in a ‘no really are you an antique?” way. The one who can’t believe the cops are using cassette tapes for surveillance. The one who is casually charming and makes friends and enemies whenever he’s undercover. The one who lied about stealing Roy’s sandwich and feels no shame (it was a damn good sandwich).
(“D-E-D dead baby.” “D-e-a-d.” “I know how it’s spelled. I can hack a bank, I can spell ‘dead.’”)
It’s Jamie.
“Now our client’s ex is this posh twat named Danthony. He’s worth eleventy billion dollars and his taste in classic cars is a fucking joke. The good news is his shell companies are messier than Roy’s chest hair, so it wan’t hard to find where he stashed the money. I also found some embarrassing footage from when he auditioned for Love Island *plays video* it was not fire.”
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taraljc · 5 months
Somehow despite having watched The Gentlemen all the way through and enjoying it tremendously and thinking about it non-stop for 2 days it only occurred to me just now that the whole reason Eddie is made Duke instead of Freddy is almost certainly because the Duke and Duchess knew that Eddie would be able to handle Susie. And I do kind of love how the whole family embraces their new enterprise in positive ways that will probably lengthen Freddy's life by several decades because instead of doing so many lines of coke his heart is going to explode, he is now smoking every new strain of ganja that Jimmy comes up with.
I really genuinely wanted Freddy to die a horrible death in the first episode, and then by the end of it I was like ok Fredward, you can stay.
Speaking of ridiculous posh people, the three posh siblings calling each other increasingly bizarre pet names is so hilarious in part because Jack and Susan are such normal non-gangster names. And all the way through the way that Susie alternates calling people by their chosen diminutive versus full name when she's cross (she is the one to call Jimmy 'James' that one time she found out that he was in fact telling his new girlfriend where her super secret apartment was).
Anyway I have been thinking about a wish list of what I would like to see if The Gentleman gets another series and I think mostly it is this:
Terence Stamp.
Geoff taking over training Jack and him and Charly getting on like a house on, which would result in the use of 'my sister and your brother' in two very different contexts.
Freddy takes over Henry Collins' club, and ends up in a very stable threesome with Tamsin and Gabrielle's cheeky bestie.
Johnston tells Bobby Glass where the money Keith nicked is stashed, and that becomes a whole big thing.
Every time we see Susie at home, it's a different home. she has given up her penthouse and is moving from place to place after the whole mess with Henry Collins.
More JP, and especially his cousin riding that horse possibly permanently seeing as how we saw JP on one of those gigantic draft horses so clearly they have the means and the knowledge to keep it.
Sabrina and Geoff come clean to the boys about Charly and possibly Geoff moving into the manor, or Sabrina moving into the cottage which would involve a lot of hilarity given his menagerie.
at least one episode about the network of servants who actually know everything about everything because rich people treat their staff like furniture and say all sorts of things in front of them and there's no way Lawrence doesn't know absolutely everything that's going on at all times.
The return of the Gospel, whom Bobby Glass paid off with £8 mil and the promise of a segment of his business in exchange for never touching a hair on Edward or Fredward's heads.
Collins' accountant Thick Rick moving in with Tibsy at the newly renovated and gangster-free Faringbourne, and quietly and efficiently reorganising the entire back end of the operation so that the money laundering is all done in house rather than via preferred vendors who go insane on social media now and then.
One of Eddie's exes who is entirely less flexible (morally speaking) than the princess is now at the head of the Europol task force currently investigating Susie Glass' weed operation.
We find out why Blanket is named Blanket
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anns-works · 1 year
Ok, but before there was small time window between Jay inheriting Cliff Gordon's stuff and him actually being able to sell them. During which, the media got a wiff that Cliff Gordon's house was being cleared, so it was the perfect time to snoop around.
So anyways, Gale Gossip is there, interviewing one of the workers (who very much doesn't want to be here) abt the progress on their work so far, and whether or not they have found anything ~interesting~. The dude awkwardly says no.
But then a guy yells that they've found something weird. So Gale rushes over excited to be the first on the scene to cover this.
There is a secret room apparently. They've fun some fun stuff in there ("Huh, I never thought Cliff Gordon would be into this stuff." "Oh, I DEFFINATELY did, my friend owns me so much money..."). And get this, get this; there is a wall absolutely COVERED with pictures of everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, Mr. Gordon here had a affair with.
And thats how Ninjago was left abuzz from the sheer fucking trainwreck of a day that has been dubber "Gordon's Secret Stash". the best part of which was the fact that my guy fucked not only half of Ninjago (Zeus has competition), but also managed to knock up the previous master of lightning. I t took a good While for #JayIsHalfGordon to stop trending.
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