#why do so many people watch videos in public so damn LOUD
rpgmakerds · 4 months
i wish you could get a restraining order against an app (tiktok)
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 9 months
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Republicans Are Soft on Fascism
(I try to put my head in the sand, but I suffocate.)
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality.
Billionaire Elon Musk blames Jews for the failure of his social Media venture, “X” (formerly “Twitter). It has something to do with the ADL. I saw recent videos of neo-Nazis on a Florida bridge, waving their swastika flags left to right in view of the oncoming traffic. Hitler fan and podcaster, Nick Fuentes, tells the world he hates poor people. Anti-Semitism has come full circle, again, to being blatantly expressed in public. There used to be repercussions for talking shit about the Jews. I am watching this cadre of Jew haters unfold in front of my very eyes.  Lots of American Jews once thought that if they converted to Christianity and married a Gentile, they would be immune to being put in concentration camps or thrown into ovens. I can still hear my father pounding his fist on the dining room table, in a rage, yelling that the Jews are a religion not a race. “Why is he yelling at his family and not to real Jew haters?” I thought. That is a story for another time.
 But alas, you can’t convince a Nazi that Jews are white. They think and feel that Jews are a mogul race of mud people and should be destroyed. Once they find out that you are Jewish—bye, bye!
In 1935, Sinclair Lewis published a book, “It Can’t Happen Here.” It warned about the possibility of Fascism in America. I read that book in 1969. I told my parents and they thought I was crazy. America is the strongest country in the world, they said; it would never happen here!
It is now happening here. What about the owners of massive wealth and the military industrial complex? Do they care? First, the so-called deep state couldn’t give a damn about Jews at risk for death! Second, Nazis are pro-capitalism so long as White men control it. I’ve asked this question a million times: have you ever seen a Right winger protest a Nazi? Neither have I. Conservatives are soft on fascism. They get embarrassed by Nazis because they say the quiet rhetoric out loud. They say things like, “the East elites (Rich Jews) want to run our country” or “the globalists (Rich Jews) want to run the world!” They say, “the Jews will not replace us!” to which the conservative agrees, but thinks the Nazis are giving the game away.
But when it comes to Communism? Holy fuck burgers! Bomb them! Kill them all and let God sort them out! They know that Communists would take away their property and businesses and give it all to the poor. If you ask me, I’d rather live in Stalin’s Russia than in the 1950’s America, anti-communist hysteria. Fuck anti-Communism!!! Conservatives outlawed free speech in America in the 50’s. If you slightly inferred liberal tendencies in your speech, the FBI would tap your phone and follow you to work! You think I am exaggerating? Go through some time machine and find out. During the 50’s, if you were in America and, simultaneously, in the then Soviet Union, you wouldn’t know the difference! In Russia, The KGB would follow you around and, in the USA, the FBI would follow you around.
As an anarchist, I am not surprised. As a Jew, I am highly concerned. Oh, and your gentile spouse will not be spared. During the Nazi’s regime, many Aryans were put into camps for marrying non-Aryan husbands or wives. The price for race-mixing is death.
I sure miss the Jewish Defense League, even though they were Right wing, Zionist revisionists. They were pro-active. Whenever there were Nazi rallies, they were there with baseball bats. I am not pro-violence, but I am not pro-surrender, either. I’ll tell you one thing. I will not walk into a gas chamber peacefully. Never again, motherfuckers!
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brighteyes-things · 1 year
Batboys "he's safe with me" moments
A/N: this was a random idea from one little TikTok video I had in my saved
Warnings: mild violence and mention of injury
Summary: moments the batboys knew they were safe with you, basically the moment you said "he's safe with me"
He was exhausted the entire week but when Friday night came along oh boy
You definitely weren't expecting to see wally knock on your door helping hold up a tired dick but it happened
Why was he tired, there was many reasons
Such as covering shifts on patrol for Bruce, on top of his civilian duties and Nightwing duties in bludheaven, it just caught up with him
Wally explained they were supposed to hang out at the bar to shoot pool and such for guys night
Only for dick to faceplant on the table into his drink, wally saw that as his cue to take him to your place to rest
As you helped lay dick on your sofa and made him comfortable the words left your mouth
"Don't worry K.P he's safe with me, he always will be"
Dick won't say this out loud but that was the moment he fell hard for you
He always knew he was safe with you but hearing you say such made his heart flutter
He's so used to protecting others that he forgets he needs protection himself
Even if it's from further embrassing himself in public
He's thankful for Wally's idea to bring him to you and your kind words
The next morning he shows his thanks by offering to cook you breakfast in bed
You told him to not pull another Tim again
Your his bf/gf so your already a badass in his book and he won't take no for a answer
But jaybird does train you for just in case emergencies when he's not around or can't get to you in time
So this incident occured a few months after you started training with red hood
You and Jason were walking back home at night after a date night, you both weren't paying attention as you bantered about what ice cream flavor was better
And suddenly you were both pushed back by a mugger and when you glanced up there was actually a group of three such muggers
Your boyfriend was about to step in and show them just how he thought about disturbing his night
But God damn he will never EVER forget the next thing he heard
"Awww you think you're safe with him doll face?, Your outnumbered"
The smirk on bird boys face when he heard your comeback
"Your outmatched, and another thing he's safe with me I can kick your ass as my boyfriend watches"
He was a blushing mess because he knew you were right
But those words "he's safe with me" stuck to him as if he needed to hear that
Ever since than he's been trying his best to be more open with you
He realized that not only would he kill for you if needed, you'd do the same for him and he loved you ever so slightly more for such
And after watching you kick ass , he made a promise to give you more advanced training
Just to watch you kick ass again with a smirk on his face
He's head over heels for you
The moment happened out of nowhere and he loves it all the more
It was you, him, and a few people from his team just playing video games spefically Mario kart
Even more spefically the Mario kart balloon battle and Tim was down to his last balloon
Superboy was about to pop his last balloon until the words left your lips
You popped a balloon with the phrase "try again, Timmy is safe with me loser"
Tim smiled ear to ear even if it was only in video game the phrase meant more to him than just that
It meant you'd keep him safe if needed and the way you put your yoshi cart in danger proved such
The moment is his favorite with you because of those words
He doesn't mind protecting others but it's tiring and when he's home he just wants to be Tim not red robin
And you do keep him safe, in small ways at least
To Tim, snuggles, kisses and quality time as a couple count as keeping him safe
He loves you more than coffee itself
Well maybe just as much as coffee
He still loves you though even if you're his second love :⁠-⁠)
DAMIAN WAYNE (aged up) 💚
It was after a mission with killer moth gone wrong that nobody expected
It went from looking at him hoarding lamps to a whole warehouse exploding with Damian and his brothers inside of it
Dami received the most damage due to being in the front force of the blow
It was dick that told you everything that went down and that he'd need a week's recovery at the most
Dami was not happy about the injury especially since it was from C-list villian that's hardly a threat
But your words made him feel slightly better about the bumps, sprains and bruises
"Don't worry I'll keep him safe until he's better again"
He almost teared up hearing such things from his beloved lips
He was taught either killed or be killed and he's still adjusting to the new ways his brothers and Bruce showed him
So to hear that you'd have him kept safe when he's injured and vulnerable felt alien to him
His heart swelled up with admiration for you and for the first time couldn't wait to be taken care of
After he did get better he took you on a date as a thank you for taking care of him
"I don't know what I'd do without you beloved"
He loves you body and soul and what you spoke that day sealed the deal
He Only has heart eyes for you
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
i can never really tell with XZ hahahahaha i’ve had this whole “xz, a mastermind” post on my draft but i probably won’t complete it. take this as my poor attempt to ramble about this thought. I also wanna touch upon a video that’s been going around and why if you go to the bjyx super topic now people are being so loud and telling each other to not be glass hearted. but first things first, one of the accessories he wore today aside from the lion themed bag is a very recognizable scarf.
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1. There was an Anti, days ago who posted about WYB wearing a worn out jacket and saying he’s poor. I mean they can’t find anything wrong with him at all so they just to make anything stick. So people are saying that, the reason why GG wore this old/recognizable scarf is to say that he repeats his outfits too. So what?
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2. The appearance of this scarf lends more proof to WYB delivering winter clothes/accessories to XZ in Shanghai. What are the chances that he was photographed ( stalked ) in CQ every damn day that he was shooting there and he was in shorts. Even if it was getting colder. Then he goes incognito in SH. Shows up very late to early in the morning in Suzhou just in time for Weibo night ( wearing the same GUCCI coat he was photographed in today ). Disappears. Now he decides to grace us with his presence and wears this SCARF. Where the hell did this come from. An old scarf that is probably stored at his Beijing home. Yes, we know he can have his stuff shipped and all that but what are the chances — we were clowning about it and then this “evidence” pops up. It’s some kind of self fulfilling prophecy we have going on here or something.
3. He had his phone out. This usually doesn’t happen when he shows up in airports. It’s like he is confirming to us that what we know about his phone case is true. Plus it is suspiciously similar to Bobo’s ( as seen in Wuzhen but we need a clearer photo ).
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I may be giving XZ too much credit but this guy knows what he’s doing. He can be out of people’s sight if he wants and just show up when he needs you to see him. I don’t think him being spotted in Suzhou that day close to WB night was a coincidence. There were lots of talks about the event being cancelled and no word from the awards show’s account, so him being spotted there was the confirmation. The star of the event has arrived, the show will go on. It’s not a coincidence that XZS often posts personal vlogs/photos of him when rumors about XZ are getting out of control. It gives something to distract the fans. It was on purpose that he showed up in the streets of Beijing ( in broad daylight ) when people said he was in Changsha. What i’m trying to say is him being intentional is not only because of CPN — it’s how he manages his professional career too. He always said that when he goes to work, he needs to know what the purpose is. He can’t just show up.
Tho when it comes to CPN, I think it’s a mixed bag. Some are intentional and other are so natural because they are ingrained in each other’s lives. It’s either he is confirming things that fans are talking about and whether we pick up on it or not is up to us. Hours later, I think I know why this was happened.
THIS VIDEO WAS LEAKED TODAY. I won’t keep it. Watch it and judge for yourself. This was allegedly after 2020 Starlight Event where people were invited for a get together of some sort. The shrimp opinion book who has connections with XZS ( allegedly ) already published a message on this as follows:
As the team has repeatedly refuted rumors, the artist has always been single. This is after 2020 Starlight Awards. A big party organized by the organizers, those who are invited to the event of the day and there were many artists and staff. There are other artists and organizers around the artist. Obviously, the video was intentionally cut out. The people present on the left, right and in front maliciously create and convey false impressions that confuse the public. Now two years later, long after the end of the cooperation, afterwards, it flows out in this form, and the intention is very obvious.Please don't believe in such instigation methods, don't fall for it, thanks!
So when I watched it, I knew their “shippers” would love it. but tbh, the way XZ treats her is like a younger sister. not an equal at all. I think we all have a good guess of why this was leaked now. Right after the entertainment ban at that, making sure to release something “explosive” about XZ. Some people just cannot stand to see him shine on his own merit during the Weibo Event last 11/29 so they gotta do something to discredit him. I feel sad that he had his guard down at the time, It was his first awards show after 227 and i guess he thought he was in a safe environment. Obviously not. I’m glad that he is much guarded now because it seems like everyone around him cannot be trusted. I wonder how many of these so-called friends have secretly filmed him and kept those stuff as ammunition for later on. It’s so disgusting. 💀💀💀
I don’t know how XZS will handle this or if the shrimp opinion book message is their way of putting out the fire. It depends if it will gain traction with melon accounts or whatever. The only consolation is this, we will get a big candy anytime soon. It his track record is to be trusted, then he will drop things. or has already. Anyway, that’s all. The road ahead is long. Some days I forget that our boys have so many people who want to tear them down in whatever means they can, but they won’t win. Evil never wins.
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Spoilers of Pamela’s doc (sorry for grammar error)
I honestly love how Pamela took control/narrative over her story from the ‘Pam and Tommy’ series. I think Pamela doing that made the ‘Pam and Tommy’ series more of a lifetime biopic then a serious biopic that the creators were going for. I wouldn’t surprised if it was Brandons idea to do the documentary (it would be iconic if it was). I love how candid and honest she was. Some parts of her diary/journals being read out loud gave a different feel, it truly made it feel more like a love letter to herself and as someone else said to her sons. I’m glad I never watched the ‘Pam and Tommy’ show but only saw screen grabs from tumblr. Pamela not shading the actors is something I wouldn’t be able to refrain from had it been me but her sons being upset about made me respect her sons. Their defensiveness over her and how she was treated, especially Brandon, is admirable.
Onto something not related to Pamela, I think it’s very fucking weird and annoying how Brittany (Tommy’s wife) can’t keep Pamela’s name from her mouth. I never particularly liked Brittany, especially during her vine era, but I never hated her either. The way she shades Pamela on TikTok with ‘Pamela if I died’ and it’s the soundbite of Wendy Williams “oh she passed” and some thing about so many people being with Tommy and how one in particular keeps messaging Tommy how they miss him. When she got mad that HelloTefi on TikTok did a Pamela and Tommy series. I do believe that she loves Tommy and maybe by extension Tommy loves her too but why does she keep coming for Pamela. If your as secure as you keep saying you are why are you threatened by a woman who doesn’t think about you. My respect for Tommy was gone when he talked about how his kids with Pamela are spoiled and it was because of Pamela. Then Brandon coming from a place of protectiveness and hurt from a child (something I know about because my dad was just as shitty towards my mom) talks bout how it’s not Pamela that’s the issue it’s him and it’s him who is an embarrassment to the family. Damn! This is also info I should’ve known about or should’ve been made public all because Tommy always had to be a victim and have someone woe-me him.
The insecurity was especially proven for me when Trisha Paytas did that Pamela and Tommy inspired photo shoot. The fat phobia and verbal abuse that came from Tommy and Brittany’s mouth made me so uncomfortable. Mostly because Pamela would never and hasn’t at all criticized Trisha and they ( Brittany and Tommy) feel so insecure and threatened by a slight mention of the past. I don’t like how Tommy berated Trisha and said how you don’t look like her (which Trisha did look like Pamela) and said she was too fat or something along those lines to be her. I think the extreme defensive over Pamela really upset/made her insecure. It’s fucking weird how they watched the video and criticized Trisha because Brittany posted it. Now Brittany trying so hard to make it about her saying how she’s fine even though the ironic part is that Brittany was never mentioned in the documentary at all. I know she was hurt and is hurt that Pamela doesn’t want to meet her nor want to be friends with her.
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
Has anyone ever stolen your survey questions before, if you make surveys?:
I don’t make surveys.
Leggings with denim shorts; yes or no?:
Sure why not.
Do you like to burn candles?:
Are Yankee Candles really all that?:
I’d just want something that smells good I don’t care.
Have you ever broken into a public place, like a high school, after it was late and secluded?:
Have you ever gone to the movies and hopped from movie to movie all day?:
Have you ever been to a drive-in movie?:
Yeah, a few times as a kid. I’ve been wanting to go to one.
Would you be interested in going scuba-diving?:
Noooo thank you. Just the idea of deep water terrifies me.
Have you ever heard of the band “Indian Jewelry”?:
Do you go to church?:
I watch the live stream service.
Have you ever had sex with someone you didn’t love?:
No. Or at all with anyone.
Have you ever been in a cave?:
Do you anyone who’s painfully socially awkward?:
Do you actually know anyone named ‘Bill’ or ‘Bob’?:
I do not.
Have you ever scared yourself when you sneezed?:
No, I don’t sneeze loud. Unlike my dad, Omg.
Do you tend to sneeze a certain number of times in a row?:
Like once or twice. Again unlike my dad who sneezes like several times in a row.
Have you ever had to attend therapy?:
I didn’t have to, but yes I’ve seen a therapist.
So, what about Billy Ray Cyrus talking about how Hannah Montana ruined his life?:
Ruined? Damn.
Who were you last in a hot tub with?:
A friend.
What’s your favorite liquid coffee creamer flavor?:
Caramel macchiato, white chocolate, peppermint, whatever else that sounds good when new and seasonal ones come out.
Can you knit?:
Can you do the splits?:
Pfft, no.
Are you wearing any rings?
Have you ever sold anything to a pawn shop?:
I have not.
Have you ever traveled outside of your home country?:
Would you be satisfied growing up to be like your parents?:
Is there anything other than clothes in your dresser?:
How long does it take you to clean your room?:
I tried to just keep up with it and not allow it go get messy but that got harder when I was more bedridden and lacked the energy and motivation due to my mental and physical health getting worse and worse. I wouldn’t even say messy, I just had too much stuff and not enough space. We had a lot of medical stuff and I also did a lot of online shopping, ha
What’s in your closet? o.O:
Medical supplies and shoes on one side and a 6 cubby shelf with a ton of various items.
How many pictures do you take of yourself in a week?:
I rarely take selfies anymore, especially now. Yikes.
Do you use iTunes, or do you unlawfully download music?:
I’ve been using Spotify since like 2013.
Has anyone ever sent you flowers?:
Have you ever had a water balloon war?:
Yeah, with my cousins when we were kids.
Do you have to buy something at every store you go in?:
Do you know anyone who always looks stoned all the time, whether they are or not?:
Lol I know people like that but they actually are high.
Have you ever seen the movie Ghost World???:
Nope. Doesn’t even sound familiar.
The most expensive clothing item you own; how much did it cost?:
Hmm. Sweatshirts and hoodies can actually be. kinda pricey. Like my Adidas ones.
How many towels do you go through in a week?:
Have you ever found a member of the same sex attractive?:
Not sexually, but yes.
Are you good at relaxing?:
No, unfortunately.
Do you count calories?:
Would you rather try Blueberry and Hazelnut Pringles, or Grilled Shrimp?:
The first I guess cause I don’t like fish.
What position do you normally sleep in?:
Slightly turned to my right.
Did you know that sleeping on your stomach can stretch your boobs out???:
I don’t believe that.
What kind of videos do you usually watch on YouTube?:
Mostly ASMR, but some vlogs, mukbangs, hauls, Disney related videos like about the parks, rides, theories, history, etc, and one that explores abandoned places.
Do you still wish on stars?:
never have. <<< me either. I’ve never even seen one.
Have you ever seen an eclipse?:
Have you ever been in any kind of an abusive relationship?:
What kind of parent do you think you’ll be?:
I don’t want kids.
What kind of parents do you have?:
Amazing, loving, supportive parents. They’re the best. My mom is my best friend.
What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you?:
Hard to pick one.
Have you ever had a Nutella and marshmallow fluff sandwich?:
No, but I’ve wanted to try a peanut butter and fluff sandwich I just never got around to it for some reason.I knew a girl in elementary school who has that for lunch everyday.
Where’s your favorite place to eat breakfast at?:
I like diners.
What keeps you up at night?:
Insomnia and my damn mind that won’t shut up.
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skyeet-the-writer · 4 years
The Love Among Us
Chapter 1-- I’d Never Snitch On Daddy
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so i haven’t seen many corpse husband x reader stories on here, so i decided to upload one myself. i’ve been watching jacksepticeye’s among us videos and when i heard corpse talk for the first time, i was like, “hol up” and now i’ve been obsessed with him. also, go stream his music on spotify, it’s amazing. enjoy! x. 
 corpse husband x female!reader
summary: while playing among us, y/n watches corpse kill felix in o2. when his body is reported, however, she doesn’t tell who killed him. 
 word count: ~3.6k
warnings: swearing, mentions of death (not real death), mentions of murder (not real murder)
EDIT: before i wrote this and after i published it, i did not know that corpse did not like to be referred to as “daddy”. had i known this, i would have not even thought of posting this. and since i know now, i won’t refer to him as such in the future. thank you. (10/19/2020)
EDIT 2: this is the first part to my corpse x reader series. i will be adding chapters as we go!
4 rounds before the incident
“I was in coms with PJ!” Sean exclaims. 
“He is doing the liar voice!” Felix shouts with a laugh. 
“I’m not,” Sean tries to say, but everyone talks over him and the voting time ends. Everyone left alive, though it was only four people, had all voted for him and he yells at them as he gets ejected. 
stinky was not the imposter
2 imposters remain
The round ends and everyone unmutes themselves. 
“Lizzie, you saw Felix kill me and you did nothing!” Roomie yells as soon as the round ends and the imposters are revealed. 
“Yeah, because I was the other imposter.”
“Oh. Okay, well that makes sense.”
Everyone laughs and Ken starts the round again. 
“Wait, can I invite y/n to play? She’s doing her twenty-four-hour stream and she just finished playing Monopoly with Mark, Bob, and Wade,” says Lizzie, looking down at her phone as they all appear back in the waiting room. 
“Yes,” Corpse blurts out and there are a few laughs and chuckles. 
“You were quick to answer, Corpse,” Sean teases. 
“Shut up,” Corpse mumbles and there are even more laughs. 
Lizzie smiles and taps into her phone. “I’m gonna invite her.”
“I can’t believe that you actually made that deal, y/n,” Wade is telling you after ending the second round of Monopoly that you’ve played with them. 
You smile and cross your legs on your chair. “Look, I was going bankrupt and it seemed good at the time. Besides, Mark was going to win anyway, he owned half of the board.” Your phone buzzes beside you on your desk and you pick it up. “Lizzie texted me.” There’s a sound effect that plays in your headset and you look up at your screen and smile. “Thanks to _lorieplays _for donating a hundred dollars, that means a lot. Thank you so much.”
“Do you want to play another round?” Marks asks. 
You shake your head, reading the text from your friend in England. “No, I don’t want to lose to you again.” You laugh. “Nah, Lizzie wants me to play Among Us with her and a few others. It was fun playing with you guys.”
“It was even though you took all of my money,” Bob snaps. 
You laugh. “Yeah, yeah. See you guys later.”
“Bye,” says Mark.
“See y--” Wade begins but you cut him off when you disconnect from the call. 
“Oops.” You put a hand over your mouth and laugh. “Sorry, Wade. Okay.” You straighten up and glance over everything, making sure it’s all working properly. “I have to pee and I think my roommate ordered pizza, so we’ll be back after this short break. Enjoy this live feed of my pet rats.” You giggle and switch the stream over to a view of your two rats in their cage where you have a camera set up. You take your headset off and head out of your recording room. 
Every two months, you have a twenty-four-hour livestream where you play games with your friends from all around the world. Despite being only twenty-five, your Youtube channel had grown exponentially in the past three years and you’ve had the chance to meet lots of other Youtubers like Markiplier, PewDiePie, and your close friend, LDShadowLady. 
Currently, you’re on hour twenty of twenty-four and you’re beginning to feel the effects of not sleeping for a whole day. You had been drinking coffee and energy drinks for the past four hours and that seemed to perk you up for two hours max. But your roommate had ordered pizza and that would hopefully wake you up. 
After going to the bathroom and grabbing an entire box of pizza, you return to your recording room and sit down. You put your headset back on and eat a slice of pizza before switching the views back to you. “And we’re back. I hope you guys enjoyed my rats because I don’t. They keep me up at night.”
You read a comment while loading up Among Us and laugh. “No, they’re not dead. They’re sleeping. They do that a lot when they’re not fighting.” 
When you finally get into the game and entire the code, you spawn in. You also quickly join the Discord chat and wince when nearly ten voices hit you at once. 
“y/n!” exclaims Lizzie and the other voices die down for a moment before rising to greet you. 
You wince again but laugh. “Jesus, you guys are loud. Hey, Lizzie.” You move your character to the customize tab and go to try and switch your color. But then you frown and realize that you’re stuck with being dark blue. “Damn, I wanted to be white.”
“Do you want to switch?” Corpse asks. 
Your eyes widen you your stomach flips. You hadn’t noticed Corpse was in this game. Immediately, your chat became flooded with keyboard smashing and lots of “omg my shipp” and “y/n rlly said ‘anna oop-’” 
“Uh, yeah, if you don’t mind,” you manage to stutter out and take a bite of pizza as Corpse’s player comes over and the white option becomes available. You select it and also select the goggles in the hats menu. 
“How’s your stream going?” asks Sean. 
You shrug. “Pretty good. I’m super tired, though. I literally almost fell asleep while playing Monopoly with Mark, Wade, and Bob.”
“You went to college, right?” You’re pretty sure that’s Roomie. 
“Yep,” you affirm with a nod even though they can’t see you. “You’d think that those all-nighters writing papers and studying for finals would make me able to do this.”
There’s a laugh in the group and the round starts.
3 rounds before the incident
You scratch your eyebrow and sigh in relief when you’re the crewmate. You mute yourself and slide up in your chair. 
“I like being the crewmate,” you say, heading towards admin as a habit. “It’s a lot less stressful than being imposter.”
After doing your tasks in admin and fueling the engines, you stumble across a dead body in the lower engine and a vent closing. 
“Oh,” you say, and press the report button. You unmute yourself and begin with, “So I saw a vent close but I didn’t see who went in.”
“Who died?” asks Lizzie. 
“Felix,” says Sean. 
You smirk. “It’s always yellow that dies first.”
“Where was the body?” Ken asks. 
“Lower engine,” you reply. 
“I was in medbay with Corpse doing the scan so it wasn’t him,” PJ says and Corpse makes a noise of confirmation. 
This makes your cheeks heat up and you smack a hand over your mouth. Your chat explodes again but you decide to ignore it. 
“And I was doing wires in cafeteria,” Lizzie says. 
“Sean, where were you?” 
“I was in reactor doing the simon says thing,” he answers. 
You sigh. “I hate that one. What about you, Ken?”
“I was with Roomie in electrical doing the power thing. You know, the one where you have to divert it somewhere else.”
“So do we skip then?” asks Lizzie. 
“No one is super sus, so I’m going to skip,” you answer. 
When no one is ejected, you mute yourself again. “I dunno why, but Sean seems pretty sus. Because I didn’t see him on the way down from upper engine. But I guess he could have gotten there in time.” You shrug and run over to the trash chute in the cafeteria. “RIP to Felix, though.”
After doing the trash there, you head down to storage, running into Corpse doing the wires in there. You wait there to clear him and once you do, you run a few circles around him to get his attention and he follows you over to the trash in storage and watches you do that. After that, the two of you head over to electric together and do wires there. 
Suddenly, there’s a body reported and you unmute yourself. 
“Sean just killed Lizzie in front of me!” exclaims PJ. 
“PJ killed Lizzie,” Sean retorts, flipping the blame. “I watched it, he didn’t realize I was there and murdered her.”
“I watched PJ do the scan in medbay, he’s cleared,” Corpse says and you find yourself smiling for no reason. “Sean, you killed Lizzie.”
“I knew he was sus,” you say, grabbing another piece of pizza. You look at the box and your eyes widen. Had you really already eaten half of it?
“Wait wait, how am I sus?” Sean asks. 
You take a moment to swallow. “Because when I was doing fuel earlier, I was running down from upper engine and didn’t see you in reactor. Sure, maybe you could have gotten there earlier, but it was super weird.” 
The discussion time ends and PJ immediately goes to vote for Sean as well as you, Corpse, and everyone else still alive. Sean ends up getting ejected. 
stinky was an imposter 
1 imposter remains
“You’re such a detective, y/n,” Sean says when he gets ejected. 
You laugh. “I just play this game too much.” You then mute yourself and smile. “I am a genius.” 
You end up finishing your tasks quickly after that and then stand in the cafeteria and eat another piece of pizza and read some of the chat. 
“’ What am I going to do after this?’ I don’t know. I might play some Minecraft. Should I have a poll on Twitter? I’m stuck between public Among Us games, Minecraft, and taking random quizzes on Buzzfeed.” You smile and hear another sound effect and something pops up on the screen. “Thank you to coochie man for donating a hundred dollars, that means a lot.” You laugh at their name. “I love your name, by the way.” 
There’s some rattling in the cage behind you and you turn around to see one of your rats drinking water. You turn back to the chat and read another comment. “’ Do you have a crush on Corpse?’” You blush and smile, biting your lip. “I mean, his voice is hot. I’ve never met him since he lives in San Diego and I live in h/t, but yeah, I guess I do. I’ve been listening to his music for the past few days and it’s really good, you guys should go check it out.”
You look up and unmute yourself when a body is reported. “Who died?” you ask. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Are you already done with your tasks, y/n?” Corpse asks. 
God, even the way he says your name is making you blush. “Yeah, I get them done quick.”
“She does that,” says Lizzie, “She always gets her tasks done quick.”
“Ken is dead by the way,” says Roomie and your snort, smacking a hand over your mouth. “I found him in the hallway by navigation. Where was everyone else?”
“I was in cafeteria doing nothing,” you say, leaning back in your chair and spinning around just a little. “I think I saw PJ downloading while I was in there, but I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Yeah, I was downloading,” says Ken. 
After more discussion, Corpse points out that Jaiden had been following him and it looked like she had been faking tasks. 
“No I haven’t,” she says. 
“That sounds like something the imposter would say,” you hum with a smirk. “That’s pretty sus, Jaiden.”
Everyone else agrees and you all end up voting Jaiden out. 
jaiden was the imposter
0 imposters remain
You cheer as the round ends and a blue victory screen pops up for the crewmates. “Good game, guys,” you say and play again, waiting for the host. 
1 round before the incident 
“Oh my god, I’m imposter again?” you groan and sigh when you spawn back in. “I was just imposter, I don’t want to be it again. I’m so bad at it,”
After another short round of you and Felix losing to the crewmates, you all agreed to play two more rounds before Sean had to leave. So you move your character to admin where PJ is and fake the card swipe before moving over to the admin security thing where you could see who was around where. Luckily, no one appeared to be near admin, so you quickly kill PJ and escape through the vent and come out through medbay. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” you whisper over and over, running down to storage. “That was clean.” You fake getting fuel and go back up to the upper engine. 
When PJ’s body is reported, you see that your fellow imposter, Sean, had reported it. You stay silent for most of the round and only say that you were in the fuel area when it was reported. 
“Yeah, I saw her run past electrical earlier,” Corpse says. You blush and glance at your exploding chat and shake your head. 
After everyone skips the round, you mute yourself once more and head towards navigation. “I hate this.” You drag the last syllable and watch Lizzie enter the room. You wait a moment before walking towards her and killing her, jumping into one of the vents. You let out a sigh and flex your fingers. “I’m so stressed.” You exit out of the vent into shields and your heart stops when you see someone else in there but you realize that it’s the other imposter, Sean, and you relax. 
You run past him and go to the trash compartments and pretend to unload those. And that’s how the rest of the round goes. You kill someone, someone reports it and you vote someone off. Eventually, you and Sean do a double kill and end up winning the round.
You unmute yourself. 
“Let’s go!” Sean exclaims and you smile. 
“I can’t believe you killed me, y/n!” shouts Lizzie. “I thought we were friends.”
You laugh. “There are no friends in this game. I’m not loyal to anyone in this game. You could be my best friend and I would fucking murder you.”
“That’s cold,” says Roomie as everyone else spawns back in. 
“Yeah,” you nod. 
“Wait, PJ disconnected,” says Sean, and you all end up waiting for him to rejoin. 
In that time, you look at your chat and say, “Hey, do you guys have any questions for who I’m playing with. I’m asking you, chat.”
“I swear if someone asks about my hands, I’m leaving,” Corpse says and everyone laughs. 
You laugh louder when you read a comment and read it aloud, “_Ironlady _says that you should be a hand model, Corpse.”
“Okay, I’m leaving,” you hear Corpse say over everyone laughing. 
“No, stay!” you exclaim, trying not to laugh. “C’mon, don’t leave.”
He sighs deeply and your brain goes fuzzy. “Fine. I’ll stay for you.”
You beam and your tummy turns. You ignore the whistles and remarks from everyone else and stand beside Corpse. You suddenly wish that the little bean characters could hold hands. 
When PJ joins the server again, Ken starts the round and you cross your fingers, hoping to get crewmate. 
0 rounds before the incident
You mute yourself and sigh when you’re a crewmate. “Thank god.” You let out a breath and go over to admin with everyone else. You swipe your card and go to the cafeteria to do some wires there. 
The game turns out to be rather uneventful. A few people die and two people are voted off before the game gets truly interesting. And that happens when you walk in on Corpse and Felix. 
“I’ve had this song stuck in my head for days,” you’re saying, walking from electrical over to O2. “And I can’t get it out of my head. Maybe singing it will help.” You hum the first part. “Don't go in there, you'll become one. Freaky creatures, monster party. Eyes of yellow, scales and feathers, tails in tethers. Turn the lights off. Bend the nightmare, you control it. Artful dodger, easy does it. Shut the closet, get under the covers. Snakes and lovers. Turn the lights off.” You do a little dance for a moment and continue hum the song, glancing at the chat as you go towards O2 after doing wires in storage. 
“Like, I know the song, it’s just been stuck in my head,” you explain. “And it kind of annoys me--”
But you stop as you enter O2 and watch Corpse murder Felix. Neither one of you move and you don’t know what to do. “Uhhh.” 
Then, without thinking, you turn straight around and make your way away from the scene of the murder. “I didn’t see anything!” you shout to no one. “I suddenly can’t see who murdered Felix.” You smack a hand over your mouth and stand in the middle of a hallway. “Oh my god, what do I do? I don’t want to snitch on Corpse, he’s hot.” You scratch the back of your neck and shrug, continuing on to reactor. “I didn’t see anything.”
You’re in the middle of doing the simon says in reactor when Felix’s body is reported. You unmute yourself and fidget with the sleeve of your hoodie. You know exactly who killed Felix. 
“--was in O2,” says Jaiden and you focus back into the conversation. “And I didn’t see anyone around.”
“I saw you heading that way, y/n, but I know it wasn’t you because I saw you do the trash in storage.”
You look at the screen when Sean talks to you and you chew your lip. “I know who killed Felix.”
“Who?” asks almost everyone at the same time. 
You close your eyes and swallow. It’s just a game, why are you taking this so seriously? Suddenly, a song lyric pops into your head and your stomach flips. You imagine yourself saying it and no one knows who you mean except for him. 
You open your eyes. “I’d never snitch on daddy.”
There’s a laugh in the chat and you blush fiercely, your livestream chat blowing up once again.
“I think we know who it is, then,” says Sean, laughing. 
“Yeah,” agrees Lizzie and your eyes widen. 
“Wait, what?” you ask, watching everyone vote almost as soon as the discussion time ends. “Wait, hang on, who--”
“We know who you’re talking about, y/n,” PJ tells you. 
You vote for yourself and your brain goes blank as you see that everyone voted for Corpse. He even voted for himself. They knew. They all _knew _about your feelings for Corpse. 
The round ends with Corpse being voted out and the crewmates win. There’s some talking, but you stay on the victory screen. You’re trying to decide if your mad or embarrassed or both. 
“I didn’t know you’d say that, y/n,” Corpse says, effectively breaking you out of your trance. “I thought you were gonna snitch on me.”
“You heard her,” teases Lizzie and you can tell she’s grinning. “She’d never snitch on you, Corpse.”
He laughs and you feel something in a certain place. “Oh my god, I’m gonna die of embarrassment.” You put your face in your hands, listening to your friends tease you in the chat. You suddenly want to jump out your window and run into traffic. 
“Don’t die,” comes Corpse’s voice through the onslaught of teasing. “I’ll be sad.”
“Fuck!” you shout and slam your hand on your desk, shaking your equipment and scaring your rats. “I’m so sorry, Corpse, that was really weird, I--”
“Stop.” He interrupts you and the chat goes silent and you look up at the screen even though you can’t see him. “It’s okay. It was funny.”
Your eyes widen and then narrow. Funny? He thought what you said was funny? How could he think it was funny?
But then he speaks again and he sounds oddly flustered. “Uh, I gotta go. Um, it was fun playing with you guys. Bye, y/n.”
“Bye Cor--” but then he disconnects and you’re left talking to no one. “--pse.”
There’s a long moment of silence until Felix breaks it. “I can’t believe you just watched me die and didn’t do anything about it.”
There are some laughs and you smile faintly, rejoining the game. “Yeah, uh, sorry about that.”
“Are you okay, y/n?” asks Lizzie. 
You blush and swallow. “I don’t know. God, I’m so weird.” You run a hand through your hair and adjust your headphones
“No, you’re not,” Roomie assures you. “He has a crush on you, too.”
Your eyes widen and you scoot up in your chair. “He does?”
“I mean, he called you pretty once during a game and said that he watches your videos a lot, so maybe.”
You groan and sink in your chair. “I’m gonna go, I need to run into traffic now.”
A few people laugh or chuckle and Lizzie asks you if you’re actually going to leave. 
“Yeah,” you tell her. “But not to run into traffic. I’m going to go play Minecraft to soothe myself.”
“Aw.” You can practically hear her frown. “Okay. Bye, y/n.”
“Good luck with your stream,” Ken tells you. 
You grin. “Okay, thanks, bye.”
When you exit the game and leave the chat, you scream. You actually scream and it’s loud. Your roommate even knocks on your door, asking if you’re okay. 
You look at them and nod. “Yeah, totally fine. Probably about to have a mental breakdown, but I’m fine.”
“Okay,” they say and lean on the doorframe. “But I’m not cutting bangs for you again.”
You laugh and nod. “Yeah, okay, fine.” They leave and you turn back to your stream, feeling like you’re about to cry. Corpse knows you have a crush on him. And it seems like he has one on you as well, but now you’re embarrassed because you called him ‘daddy’ on stream.
You rub your eyes. “Well, now I know what’ll be streaming on Twitter tonight,” you tell the chat. 
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new beginnings
pairing: Kaoru Sakurayashiki x f!reader
wc: 2k
warnings: angst (not really idk); fluff; exes to lovers; not proofread
notes: first post!! I saw that there weren’t really a lot of writings for Kaoru and decided to take it upon myself to write some!! I hope you enjoy, and please do tell me if there’s a mistake anywhere or if I there’s a warning I should add
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“Are you ever going to skate again?”
Kojiro grins at you, handing you your food. You were on your break from work and decided to visit your old friend from high school.
“Kojiro you know why I can’t”
“It’s been a year I’m sure everyone wants to see you skating again!” You can’t blame him for his enthusiasm, it had almost been a year after you decided to quit skating due to breaking up with Kaoru. Before you quit you were known in ‘S’ as one of the top contenders, good enough to go against Adam, you had never gone on a beef against him since you had no interest to compete against someone like him.
“C’mon (Y/N)! You know everyone wants to see the infamous RIN again! After your sudden disappearance last year your fans have been missing you, there's even a new guy you can compete against!” You leaned in to cover his mouth, you didn’t want anyone knowing the name you were under while skating in S.
“Fine! I’ll visit but I’m not competing, I just want to see the poor soul that caught Adam’s eye.”
Kojiro smiled, knowing you, you’d probably compete either way, he knew that you’d been missing skating in S after he found you practicing. Your break up with Kaoru had changed their dynamic as you wanted nothing to do with him while he regretted letting you go.
The break up was because Kaoru kept insisting to go against Adam, you knew it was a bad idea, you had tried convincing him many times that the Adam he once knew was gone. Kaoru didn't like it as Adam was very dear to him, he had snapped at you and told you that you didn’t know him and that he’d rather break up with you than listening to your nonsense. You pitied the man, you’d heard what Adam had done to him a few days prior and wanted nothing more than to slap the man for hurting Kaoru.
“You won’t regret it! I’ll see you then RIN”
You hit him again, wanting to keep your professional life and personal life separate, “Say that name again out loud and I’m not going”.
Kojiro watched as you left the restaurant, sakura keychain still in dangling out of your bag like it had been so many years ago.
“You guys really are similar in that aspect”
Once you get home you sigh, your job has been taking a toll on you and you really needed a break. You look into your closet and see your skateboard, the only reason why you quit skating is because it reminded you of him, he was the one to teach you how to skate after all. The same man who decided to leave you to chase after the memory of the friend he once knew.
Making up your mind you change into your outfit and head down the same familiar path leading to the mine.
“Yo (Y/N)! Long time no see”
“You asshole! you call me by my name here and call me by my S name in public! Do you have a death wish?” You get closer to Kojiro to give him a piece of your mind, until you see four guys next to him: two boys who look like they’re in high school, an intimidating guy with clown-looking make-up, and a little boy who you think you’ve seen on TV.
“IS THAT RIN?!?” the redhead boy yelled, it caused everyone to turn to you, you were now the center of attention, mutters about the sudden appearance of one of the most known skaters in S.
“Who’s she?”
Compared to the redhead, the blue haired guy seemed like he was new, you assumed he was the rookie that Kojiro had mentioned earlier in the day.
“She’s a really well-known skater in S! she’s beaten a lot of people here, it’s said that she’s on par with Adam, but they’ve never gone against each other!”
“damn right and never will, I like not having broken bones thank you” you muttered, as everyone calmed down, they introduced themselves and seemed intrigued to see an old face.
“I came to see the new rookie everyone’s been talking about, I’m only here to watch though” everyone’s faces dropped, they seemed disappointed to not be able to see you skate.
“Then why’d you bring your skateboard hm?” Kojiro smirks at you, knowing that you’d come here to skate a little, even if it was just for fun.
“Fine, how about this? SNOW” you pointed at Langa and motioned him to follow you, “you’re coming with me, I wanna see why everyone is talking about you” you take Langa along and decide to skate against him in the course.
“Sorry I’m late, I forgot to charge Carla earlier today so she finished charging a little later than usual” Kaoru stood next to Kojiro to see why everyone seemed more excited. “Right on time Cherry! Look who’s skating today”.
Kaoru looked at the screen, it was you, he hadn’t seen you in a year and you never bothered to answer the messages he had sent you, not that he blamed you for that. You looked just as beautiful as he remembered, if not more, the way your hair flowed freely made you look ethereal, and your face seemed to glow while you were skating, an expression he had missed seeing from you.
He wanted to apologize, after the incident with Adam that landed him in the hospital he realized that his friend was gone, no semblance of him left. While in his hospital bed he remembered the words you had told him before he broke up with you. He knew he had no right to apologize now, but seeing you at S made him realize he missed you and wanted you back, if you’d have him of course.
Langa was surprised, your style of skating was different from anything he’d seen before, it looked complicated but you didn’t seem to be struggling at all. Due to him being distracted he hadn’t realized that you’d already crossed the finish line before him.
“That was good! You knew how to snowboard before learning how to skate right?” You asked excitedly, it had been a while since you’ve had this much freedom while skating. “Yes, how’d you know?”
“I’ve always wanted to learn how to snowboard! Your stance seemed similar to those in videos I’ve seen online!”
As you walk back to the rest of the group you see him. Kaoru’s hair got a bit longer but apart from that nothing seemed too different, he still had that unapproachable aura around him. He seemed to be staring at you but you refused to look at him in the eye, you still missed him after all.
“Long time no see (Y/N)” He tried reaching out to you but you didn’t move at all, “Don’t call me that here.”
“Right, sorry Rin”
It seemed that everyone around you was aware of the tense atmosphere, although nobody really knew of what relationship you and Cherry held.
As everyone headed home, you decided to stay back and skate a little, you didn’t know when the next time you were going to be able to skate again after all. That’s when you notice it, just a little behind you were Joe and Cherry trying to catch up to you. “Rin! I thought you weren’t skating anymore?” You didn’t need to turn to see that there was a smile on his face.
“Don’t you have any fangirls to be with?” You retort, speeding a bit to gain distance from them.
“They all went home, why? You jealous?”
“As if.”
“Cherry over here wants to talk to you.”
In all honesty, you’d forgot he was even there at all, if it weren’t for Carla telling him the angles once in a while, you wouldn’t even have noticed him. You were pondering whether you should listen to what he had to say, “He’s been all gloomy ever since he saw you”. You heard someone fall, assuming it was Kojiro you kept going, he deserved it anyway.
You and Kaoru skated in silence for a bit, the only sounds heard were the wheels of both of your skateboards. As you were the first to pass the finish line you stop, getting off of your skateboard and getting ready to go back home.
“So what’d you want to talk about?”
Kojiro looks surprised, he thought you hadn’t noticed him staring at you. Frankly, he wanted to apologize and ask for a second chance, he knew he was undeserving of it though, you only wanted the best for him, but he pushed you away.
“I wanted to apologize for before, I know you meant well, but I only pushed you away when you tried helping me. I should’ve listened to what you said.”
Although it was a bit short and awkward, you knew he meant it. To be honest, you don’t blame him, he only wanted to know what had happened to his friend after he disappeared and came back with a whole different personality. You would’ve done the same if a friend whom you considered family did the same. You knew that even though he had finally come to terms with the fact that the Adam he knew in high school was gone, he was still hurting. You understood all of this, yet it was still hard to forget how angry he’d gotten at you, how he went on and on about how you didn’t know Adam at all (even though you’d been there when all four of you skated together in high school), and how he couldn’t be with someone who talked ill about his best friend. You remember how he broke up with you through a phone call after being late for a date, how you had to show up in your friend’s front door with all of your stuff, in fear of going to Kojiro’s restaurant because he was probably there.
“You didn’t need to wait a year to apologize to me” He flinched, knowing full-well what you were speaking of. He knew he had messed up the moment he ended the call, but his pride didn’t let him go back to your shared apartment to apologize to you, and he assumed that you were probably packing your bags as he headed to Kojiro’s place to drink.
“I didn’t know what to do after I went back to the apartment with your stuff gone”
“Well, I can’t just stay in my ex-boyfriend’s apartment after he just broke up with me can I?”
There was a silent pause, you were basically ready to head back home, but decided to wait to see if he had more to say. “Alright, if you’re done I’ll be heading home now.”
He quickly grabbed your wrist, stopping you from leaving, “it’s late, let me take you home”.
You declined, Kojiro had already promised you to take you back home. At the mention of his name he looked confused.
“Kojiro left a long time ago though?”
You were surprised, looking around for the tall muscle-headed idiot, but Kaoru was right, he left you behind. You were really going to kill him this time, it was probably part of his plan so you could talk things out with Kaoru.
“If it’s not too much trouble, I’d be grateful if you did then” you offered him a small smile, you had to be nice to the person driving you back to your apartment.
The ride home was silent, all he could hear were Carla’s directions to your apartment. As you got home and thanked him for the ride he stopped you again.
“Can I have another chance?” You stayed silent, he took your silence as a rejection and started his engine to leave, but this time, you were the one to stop him.
“You still owe me a meal at Kojiro’s” He blinked, confused as to what you were saying. Then he remembered, he had made you a promise that every time you beat him in S he’d buy you your favorite dish at Kojiro’s restaurant.
He smiled, frown no longer on his face after the promise of a new beginning, “Of course, tell me when you’re free to get it”.
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le deux, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: One rebel from the waist down plus Jeon Jungkook in a sleeveless tee equals two in the back of a car, fucking like animals as Jungkook takes pictures of it all on your phone. Per your request, of course.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; smut (fem reader, semi-public (car) sex, photography/filming of sex, m-receiving oral, cowgirl); non-idol!BTS; reader has a dimple and Jungkook’s inner monologue is basically in love with it; PWP? you decide happy jungkook day! :D 2021.01.09
Jeon Jungkook thought he knew what he was getting into, but he sure as hell didn’t.
When he stepped through the gate, he thought, damn, it’s awesome that so many girls decided to wear such skimpy clothes to a rock concert. He figured he’d see some bouncing titty, flashes of ass, maybe the loss of some underwear because the lead singer was hot as hell. Dude was ripped and tattooed like nobody’s business. Dream body for Jungkook, to be honest.
If only his mom would let him get that many tattoos.
The right sleeve was already pushing it though. He’d have to ease her into it slowly.
Jungkook had gone alone, because his friends weren’t really into rock the way he was, but that was fine with him. He liked being able to enjoy himself without thinking too much about other’s opinions, even if they were his friends. Got to wear a sleeveless band shirt, tight black jeans, left his long black hair in a half-ponytail, and decorated his wrists with silver bracelets. He would have been more covered up if he was with his friends – didn’t want to make them jealous with all the stares he was getting with his tattooed right arm, after all.
And my body in general, he thought amusedly.
If he was younger, Jungkook would have been shyer about leaving himself so exposed like this, but he wasn’t, so instead he merely gave the stares a cocky smirk.
What was the point of working out if he couldn’t show it off a little?
He spied his seat and noticed there wasn’t anyone sitting right next to him yet. Odd. He had purchased relatively close seat and the concert was sold out. Hm. Well, maybe he should get some beer before it started.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her.
She was dressed like every other girl at the concert; smokey eyes, dark lips, black choker, shredded black crop top with an equally short fishnet shirt under it, pleated black miniskirt with silver buttons. A black strap over her chest. Knee-high black boots with buckles running all the way up her calf. Bare thighs and naked waist on display. Nice.
But that wasn’t why he paused.
He paused because she had a tattoo.
A single tattoo of black script around her waist. Her body was facing him, tilting her head at her phone, then looking down at the floor, at the seat row numbers. The tattoo was in English and Jungkook could read, a rebel.  She turned, facing her left, and looked up, counting the stairs. He realized the black strap connected to a clear waist bag that she was wearing on her back. She twisted a little so he got a good view of her back, the part where it trimmed down to the curve of her round, perky ass.
from the waist down.
Holy shit.
She had a rebel from the waist down tattooed around her midriff.
His eyebrows rose so far up into his forehead in shock that he didn’t even realize she was crawling over the people to her seat. She had black, pointed nails and silver chains draped over the back of her hands. A charming smirk, dimple flashing as she apologized for bumping into people. None of them seemed to mind, probably because her skirt was flipping up and revealing the strappy black velvet panties she was wearing. She seemed not to notice.
She plopped herself into her seat and grinned, checking her phone again. She had a black case with a nine-pointed star on it. Held her phone up and took a selfie with that killer smile, her tongue between her lips.
With a start, Jungkook realized she was sitting in his seat.
“Hey, you’re sitting in my seat.”
She sat up and looked around, counting down the row. “Aw shit, you’re right. Sorry.”
She got up and flopped into the seat next to him. Jungkook sat down, careful with his beer and water bottle. The chair was still warm from her body heat. That would have bothered him if he wasn’t staring at her open legs. She sat unapologetically, man-spreading in her seat, thighs laid out like a five-star buffet.
If she asked, Jungkook would gladly partake in said buffet.
Her hands were holding her phone and she tucked her tongue in between her teeth as she typed furiously, nails clacking against the glass, lowering the phone to her lap. A long text exchange was visible on the screen.
“Argument?” Jungkook pondered out loud.
She chuckled darkly. “More like, ‘I ain’t sitting on your dick for any amount of money, you piece of shit, leave me alone.’ You think men could get the fucking hint.”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow even though she wasn’t looking at him. “Block him?”
She scratched her chin, sending the message. “I would, but if I do, my parents are going to have a fit. They’re trying to set me up with him.”
The show was almost starting. He could hear the instruments warming up.
“What are you gonna do about it?”
She raised her head and grinned at him. Her right dimple winked at him with her smirk. Damn. Jungkook loved dimples.
“Me? The same thing as I always do. Find someone to fuck and send him pictures.”
So that’s why Jeon Jungkook was in the back of this random woman’s car, gasping as he was getting the best head of his life.
And struggling to take a picture of it.
“Holy shit,” he hissed, one of his hands hitting the glass of the car window as she took him deeper, tongue running underneath the length, hips swaying, her waist tattoo clearly in his vision. a rebel from the waist down. She had told him her name earlier, maybe when they were making out in the concert seats halfway through the show, maybe when they were practically dry humping each other by the end of the concert. Not the way Jungkook thought he was ending this particular event and he would probably buy another ticket so he could actually listen to the songs properly.
The head of his cock was jammed in the back of her throat, continually being squeezed by her tight, wet vice.
Jungkook wasn’t complaining though, if you get his drift.
Her eyes flickered up and she smirked around his cock, right dimple appearing as her tongue slid out from her plump lips and curled around the base.
Jungkook snapped a photo.
“Fuck, that’s sexy,” he mumbled, turning the screen around to show her. She chuckled low in her throat, vibrating the head of his cock. Rutted him a few more times, making him moan at the euphoric sensation.
She removed her mouth and he almost whimpered, but she was speaking and he was listening, staring at her dimple and glistening pink lips.
“You’re good at taking pictures, Jungkook,” she murmured. “Get one of me on your balls.”
She lowered her head, lifting his cock. Black nails, silver chains, and long fingers wrapping around his stiff length, lifting his wet cock and placing her tongue onto his balls. His eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head. Fuck, he had never felt a better tongue, swiping back and forth, getting the full expanse of his balls as her other hand came up to smush them against her lips. He sucked in a breath and spread his thighs more, seeing saliva drip down, hitting the black towel she had spread out in her backseat.
Evidently, she had planned this shit.
Jungkook lifted her phone and pressed the circular button.
Her eyes flickered up at him again, smirk on display, tongue fully extended and smacking his balls back and forth, jiggling them with the wet pink tip. Hand firmly gripping his cock. The moans coming out of him could rival the best porn out there. His chest was shuddering, his sleeveless shirt forgotten and crumpled in her front passenger’s seat – he couldn’t really remember how it got there to be honest – and his pants were balled up around his knees, making this somewhat uncomfortable but also hot as hell.
Jungkook snuck a glance at her phone and realized he was taking a fucking video the entire time instead of a photo. Shit. He furrowed his brows and stopped it, switching back to photo mode, and took a picture the second she swallowed one of his balls in her mouth.
He nearly dropped the phone on her face as she sucked, eyes sparkling with mirth, doing some kind of crazy figure-eight maneuver with her tongue as he lowered his hand, gasping for breath as she pulled her head back and forth, jerking him slowly at the same time.
“I… might have taken a video,” Jungkook panted out, head tipping back and staring at the ceiling of her car as she switched sides, sucking harder and tonguing more intensely, back and forth, up and down, so wet he was losing his mind.
She hummed onto his fucking nuts and he almost exploded into her hand.
His hips rose involuntarily and the base of his cock smacked her in the nose. She had the audacity to laugh, releasing his balls, spit dripping down her chin. She cleaned it off with her forearm, also letting go of his cock.
“Let me see,” she chuckled, wiping her hand on the towel before grabbing her phone from him. Replayed the video. His own moans filled the car, far too fucking loud. Jungkook’s cheeks heated with embarrassment as she planted her warm, clothed pussy onto his naked thigh, bouncing on it as she gleefully watched herself making out with his balls.
“Nice. I like it,” she chuckled.
“You’re crazy,” Jungkook snickered. And she was, but this was also fun too.
The dimple came back. “Want me to sit on your cock?”
Fuck yeah, he did. “Least you can do for me, since I provided such excellent service.”
She lifted her hips from his thigh and handed him her phone back. Took the two sides of her strappy velvet panties and pulled down. His eyes widened seeing the long string of juices from the black velvet to her crotch, snapping against her thigh, the strong scent of arousal so apparent it suddenly dominated all others.
“Someone is gonna see you,” he breathed, seeing the reflection of her ass clearly in the window, in view of the vehicles around them. People were in their cars, waiting to leave. Maybe some of them were watching this crazy woman jumping on his dick. The thought made him smirk.
She reached over to the center of the car and pulled out a condom from the cup holder.
This woman was definitely insane and Jungkook was loving it.
She grinned back at him, ripping it open right in front of his face. Lowered her hands and rolled it down on his throbbing cock. He exhaled in satisfaction, watching her ass lower and slide her pussy to him, lifting her skirt so he could see. Clean shaven. Probably for the pictures. Damn. That was a pretty pussy, and she was soaking wet.
“You like me that much?” Jungkook teased.
She pressed the head against her glistening slit and placed her tongue in between her teeth, dimple reappearing.
“Fuck yeah. You’re hot as hell.”
He didn’t expect her to say that. His ears burned and his cock pulsed with need. He also didn’t expect her to shove his cock into her that roughly either, jerking her hips into his and pressing down. She chuckled at his breathless gasp, settling her thighs against his waist.
“Take a picture for me,” she purred. “Gonna show him how deep I can take your big cock, Jungkook.”
Did he have a big dick? He knew he was bigger than average for sure, but it wasn’t like he measured and compared sizes on the daily. Also, he tended to get bigger and harder the hornier he was and right now he was maximum aroused because her pussy was clenching around his dick, burying it all the way up to the tightest, deepest parts of her wet hole.
“You’re choking him,” Jungkook chuckled as she gave him a particularly tight squeeze. His cock throbbed in delight.
“Death by pussy can’t be that bad,” she teased. Her chain covered hand nudged his hand holding her phone. “Come on.”
He lifted the phone and she raised her skirt once again, letting him see. God, it was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen in his life.
“Should I take off my shirt?” she asked.
Jungkook made his dick jerk inside her and she moaned deliciously.
“Nah, he doesn’t deserve titties.”
She leaned back, pulling her skirt high and Jungkook took the shot of their joined thighs, her viscous juices shiny and smeared all over his crotch. Man, it had been a great idea to work out until he got that v-line. Matched perfectly with hers.
He turned it around and she bit her lip, grinning wide, dimple indented in her right cheek. Jungkook was beginning to become a fucking sucker for that dimple. He wanted to cause all kinds of trouble just to see it over and over.
“A rebel from the waist down, eh?”
The dimple stayed as she laughed.
“It’s a little bit of a lie,” she said mischievously as she began to roll her hips into his. “Because I’m definitely a rebel from the waist up too.” Her tongue extended, long, so fucking long and wet, almost touching past the midpoint of her chin.
Goddamn, Jungkook was glad he attended this concert.
She put it back into her mouth and began to fuck him hard, putting her back into it and smacking their hips together loudly, rocking the car a little, but at this point Jungkook was ready to go to jail for indecent exposure, head thrown back in her backseat, groaning as he felt her squeeze him with every descent, so wet that he felt like he was going to slip out while also feeling every contour of her pussy clamping down on him. He placed her phone on the seat and grabbed her thighs, sinking his fingers into her softness, drunk on the feeling, moaning her name as she used him like her favorite dildo.
“Ah, Jungkook,” she panted, smirk still on her lips. “You have a great cock. Glad I picked you.”
His eyes lowered, watching her through his lashes, seeing her smug expression. “I’m honored.”
She snickered. “Pretty face, hot body. Down to fuck.” That dimple. “I got lucky.”
Me too, he thought.
She placed her hands on his, sliding them up to her waist.
“Can you fuck me from below? Bet you’re great at it.”
He grinned and slammed his hips into her dripping heat. She moaned wantonly, grabbing his shoulders as he pounded her from below, feeling her clench and squirm, her walls spasming and juices leaking down his balls.
“A-ah, fuck,” he gasped, closing his eyes as he felt it. She must have orgasmed, but was too breathless to say as her nails dug into his shoulders, pushing her hips down as he jerked them up, meeting his thrusts over and over.
“Fuck, you’re so strong,” she breathed, pussy clenching again, splattering more onto his thighs, whole body shivering in his hands as she threw her head back, moaning his name. It sounded positively sinful from her lips and he loved it. The towel under them was soaked with bodily fluids and most of it was hers.
“Ugh, you feel so good,” Jungkook panted. “So fucking good when you cum for me, fuck, I thought girls couldn’t orgasm that easily on dick.”
She chuckled deep in her throat, bringing her head back and looking down at him, hair falling all around her shoulders, plump lower lip in her teeth. Fuck, her face was so fucking pretty.
Pretty fucking naughty too.
“Can’t speak for other girls, but I do love getting railed by a hot guy with a big cock,” she purred, licking her lips. “And you’re so hot you could spark a match.”
Was it possible to get harder because of a damn compliment? Because that was happening to Jeon Jungkook right now, his jaw clenching as he grinned, fucking her harder, deeper, bouncing her on his dick unashamedly, definitely catching someone’s attention out there because of how deliciously she was moaning for him, telling him how good it felt as her pussy violently massaged his entire length.
“Yes, yes, ah, Jungkook, your cock is so fucking good…”
It was getting to his head, shooting down to his spine, coiling tighter and tighter, smashing his hips into her tight, wet hole, every muscle on fire and vibrating with pleasure, her name falling from his lips repeatedly, feeling so good doing something so bad, pleasure so intense he barely heard someone honk their car horn cheerfully at their fucking.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum, fuck!”
He shot into the condom with a fierce jerk, filling it completely as she gasped, pussy tightening and throbbing around him as his crotch was soaked again, exhaling hotly into his face as she came with a shudder of his name, big smile on her lips.
Absolutely the best car sex Jungkook had ever had in his entire life.
She collapsed against him, pressing her hot cheek against his.
“I think someone honked at us,” she laughed, a little raspy from moaning so much.
Jungkook wrapped his hands around her waist, kneading it. “Cheering for me and my dick, I bet.”
She reached down and felt for her phone.
“You really gonna send him those pics?” Jungkook asked, panting from exertion.
“Do you not want me to?” Her tone had a hint of concern. “You’re in them too, so I won’t if you’re not down.”
He chuckled. “Just send him the one of you holding my dick and licking my balls.”
She held the condom down as she got off him, laughing. “Damn, how cruel. Showing off your big dick like that. You’re trouble, Jungkook.”
Jungkook looked over to his left. She sat down next to him, pressing her body close to his. Thigh against thigh, shoulder against shoulder. Dimple clearly visible because of her mischievous smirk. He leaned over and kissed it. He just had to. Her eyebrow raised, smirk turning into a pleased smile.
He grinned.
“That makes the two of us, doesn’t it?”
Her eyes darted around the rapidly vacating parking lot. Then they came back to his face, her lips curving into a grin to match his.
“Damn, I’m so lucky to have met you, Jeon Jungkook.”
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byuntrash101 · 3 years
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Pairing: Privé!Baekhyun x Reader; CEO!Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: EstablishedRelationship!AU, CamCouple!AU, slice of life, smut
Tags: dom/sub dynamics, bratty OC (a lil' bit), orgasm control, orgasm denial, edging, overstimulation, toys, (light) bondage, masturbation (f), oral (m), angry sex, name calling (at the end)
Raiting: +18 (what's new though? 😂)
Word count: 3.8k
Summary: when your (very) busy boyfriend Baekhyun is called back to work to manage his company you decide to make him regret it with (very) suggestive videos.
A/N: I don't know how many times I discarded and started over this chapter but I actually like the way it turned out 💃. Don't hesitate to tell me what you think! My asks are always open!💖💖
Tag list: @lovebuginlove @calamell​ @bobohumyonlyboo @smolbeanmika @making-me-blush @wooya1224 @yixing-jaehyun @f4ncyvelvet @lalalala-lav @deligxt @xofanfics @byunsugar @dixnysustae @to-all-the-stories-i-love @artisticcgroove @myexoobsession  @geniusloey @blahblahblah-boo
Tell me if you want to be added/removed
PARAPHILIA masterlist | General masterlist
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(Artifical love will forever be that bitch! Also the way he pushes his jaw to the front, and breathing heavily like that 🥵🥵)
Paraphilia #2: AUTAGONISTOPHILIA; Being on stage or on camera
"How come he's still in his office... Isn't it Sunday today?" you impatiently whisper to yourself as you turn your face to the calendar that's hanging in the fancy kitchen.
You were right it is Sunday. It's already noon and you haven't seen him yet today. Baekhyun, that is. Your boyfriend. Your incredibly successful but incredibly busy boyfriend but boyfriend nonetheless.
In the quiet of the luxurious house you can hear him speak on the phone. He's probably in a business meeting with some important partners... Yeah they must be really important because he usually always makes sure he saves the Sundays for you.
Baekhyun had always been this way. When you started dating he already was the CEO of Privé. Back then he was already very busy even though it was just a very young brand at the time but it's only gotten worse over the years or better depends on how you look at it...
"The richer, the busier" you say out loud to yourself as you move to the couch of the living room.
You sigh and pull up the cover on your legs as you switch the drama you were watching back on.
Time passes and you are completely caught up in the drama. The romance displayed is very cute and you wish you could be in Baekhyun's arms right now. Then you hear steps in the staircase, you whip your head in its direction and see your boyfriend wearing an expensive and very sleek Armani suit, with his raven black hair brushed back. He impatiently looks at his gold rolex.
His high cheekbones paired with the outfit makes your heart flutter when he appears in front of you. He looks stunning, like a dream.
But something is off about his attitude...
"Are you leaving ?" you ask a tint of sadness underlining your voice.
"Yes I have to... Something came up..." he says fixing a strand of hair in front of the mirror. You bite your lip.
"But... It's Sunday today" You say sulking, giving him puppy eyes
"I know baby but it looks like our website is under a cyber attack and I have to go fix it right now. The banking info of the customers might leak..." his voice is a little harsh and you can't help but to feel hurt by his tone.
"Ok" you say, giving up with a sad smile trying to not let him see how it affected you.
"I'll be back as soon as I can" he says waving in your direction before grabbing the keys of the Audi and walking out the front door...
You sigh once again. And try to forget Baekhyun's harsh tone and furrowed brows... but after a while you realize that you reqlly can't...
You squirm on the couch, working yourself up... The Sundays are supposed to be for you. He employs hundreds of people, couldn't one of them handle the cyber attack? Plus, Baekhyun is an expert in designing styling and marketing but he knows nothing about programming and other geeky stuff you can't even name. Why is his presence mandatory? You know he's the CEO but still... Would Elon Musk run off to the office if Tesla.com was under a cyber attack?
Probably... the voice of reason in your head answers. But you shake your head, chasing away the annoying truth.
You sigh but in annoyance this time. Then an idea blooms into your mind...
"What if... I made him want to get back as soon as possible" you smirk to yourself.
You grab your phone and press record. You perk up your lips and speak in a seductive tone.
"Babe. I miss you so much..." You say as you bring your other hand to your breasts.
"I think I need you right now" You stop the recording and press send before you can change your mind.
You wait for a second and think it's not enough... And to be quite frank, the idea of Baekhyun having to hide his boner at work because of you made you eager for more teasing.
Without even thinking you start to rub yourself between your thighs as you fill the immense living room with very soft moans.
You took your shirt over your head and slided down your pants leaving them on the marble flooring.
You laid on the couch only in your matching navy blue lingerie set. You took your phone back and made another little video for your busy boyfriend.
"Baby come home" you moaned as your fingers played with your bud through the thin lace. You lower the angle to let him see the sexy lingerie set but also where your fingers were. You felt the thrill of doing something so naughty on camera. You bit your lip as you pressed down harder on your core sending electricity throughout your body.
You hit send and drop the phone. You imagine Baekhyun getting these at the board meeting  and secretly stroking himself underneath the table, his dick threatening to rip out of his pants at any time.
Your phone buzzes as you receive a response. You smirk evilly knowing it's your powerful boyfriend being distracted.
"Stop that" he demands.
The smirk only spreads further on your face. You always liked to be a dissident little brat. So you decide to go even further.
You videotape yourself again. This time you slip your hand inside your panties and gasp at the cold sensation of your fingers against your hot folds. You dip them inside your center, moaning shamelessly.
You set your phone to the side and rub yourself over your panties again. You let the room be filled with soft moans and whimpers. Already picturing Baekhyun's clenched fist underneath the meeting table as the shareholders talk to him about the cyber attack. His mind only being preoccupied with your needy moans and sweet dripping pussy.
"Mmmh... Baekhyun... If you want me to stop..." You pump your fingers inside your heat, you feel your walls tighten around them, excited by the thought of being disobedient but also on tape. "Come and make me" you say showing the camera the long strings of juices coating your fingers. Quickly you press send again.
You smirk again as you moan louder, circling your clit through the drenched fabric of your panties.
Then you hear your phone buzz again. You read the text from, you're sure of it, your very angry boyfriend.
"I'm in the car I'll be over in 10 minutes I want to see you in the R-Room"
A huge smile spreads on your lips. You made it, you made your boyfriend return to you. You were so happy you didn't care about the consequences. You happily hopped off the couch and shuffled to the R-Room. You even left behind your clothes, still on the ground , knowing damn well, the mess was going to piss off Baekhyun even further.
You pushed in the door of the R-Room. This room was the only one of the villa that didn't have any windows. It was completely dark. You pushed on the light switch. In the middle was a table, with leather straps at every corner. One camera right over the table, filming it. Another one was on a tripod on the side. And a third one was for the close ups. Because in fact, the "R" stood for "Recording".
In this room,  you and Baekhyun made sextapes. Baekhyun initiated you years ago. Before it felt so wrong and you refused to be filmed from the neck up. You didn't even want to be fully naked. But now, you would simply slip on the black lace rabbit mask and you let Baekhyun bind you and do whatever he pleased to you in front of the camera.
Recently Baekhyun even convinced you to start a livestream show of your escapades. Quickly you two became really popular. Of course, Baekhyun is kind of a public figure due to his job so he never shows his face but you don't mind.
It was the most thrilling feeling. Imagining thousands of strangers touching themselves to you. Suggesting to Baekhyun things to do to you.
You slipped off your bra. You wanted to be nice and ready for Baekhyun when he came back. You put your hair up in a neat bun, even set up the cameras. You're so busy that you don't hear Baekhyun ruffling up the stairs.
He pushes the door open. Making you jump. He's mad sure but he can't help but to smile when he sees you completely naked, already waiting for him. But he doesn't intend on being easy on you, not after what you did.
You stiffen up as you see his smile fade away, walking towards you. He presses his clothed body against your naked one. He takes your chin in his cold slender fingers, forcing you to meet his eyes.
"You think you can make me this mad purposely just to make me fuck you?" You feel your cheeks grow red. "I don't think so missy" He lets go of you and turns around, ready to leave.
No no no, you think. You worked yourself up so much. You knew you were going to get punished but you didn't imagine that... It never crossed your mind that Baekhyun could actually just leave you hanging like this.
"S-should I turn off the c-cameras?" you stutter in a last attempt to make him change his mind. He stops as an even better idea blooms in his mind.
"You know what? No... keep them rolling"
A smile grows on your unsuspecting lips. Baekhyun goes to the laptop and to your different social media platforms where he types a message:
"Surprise live show to punish a disobedient little bunny rabbit"
Within seconds comments start to flow in. People were really excited to get a surprise unscheduled live. And so were you, cause you had no idea what Baekhyun had in store for you.
Baekhyun handed you the familiar bunny ears black mask. Your fingers trailed the lace details before you placed it on.
Baekhyun did some arrangements before switching the live on. The red light of the cameras started to blink and you knew you were on for one hell of a ride.
"All right everybody! Good evening! We are live today" Baekhyun said as the three cameras stared at your naked body.
You saw the first comments on the screen of the laptop.
"Wow already nice and ready"
"Ugh Bunny is so cute"
"I wish I was there to see Bunny irl"
Goosebumps poked up on your bare skin.
"Everyone today Bunny was very naughty and I had to punish her. So, I told myself why not let all of you enjoy it as well. Bunny..." Baekhyun turned to you. "Explain to our friends what you did" You looked up at your pissed off boyfriend.
"I... I disturbed master as he was busy... and was defiant"
"Good girl" Baekhyun caressed your cheek with his thumb.
You read some comments again.
"Oooh Bunny is in trouble hehe"
"Master!! Can't let this flow! gotta show her who's boss"
"Ok, so Bunny" Baekhyun starts "You will start by pleasing master" You looked up at him again you knew exactly what it meant. Baekhyun's hand left your cheeks to press on your shoulder. "On your knees Bunny".
His hand takes a tight hold on your bun as the other one unbuckles his belt and takes out his already rock hard cock.
"Open wide." he says his teeth shining under the indirect spotlight of the dark room.
You open your mouth and Baekhyun doesn't give you time to approach. Instead as soon as your mouth is open he rams his cock inside, hitting the back of your throat right away.  By reflex you want to pull away but his hand around you bun maintains your head right in place.
Right then and there, you finally mesure how mad you have made him. He's never this rough, at least not right at the beginning before you had any chance of teasing him and running his patience thin. But you did all that… just with your videos… Teasing him until he can only process the desire he has for you through rough angry sex.
He starts the thrust himself in your mouth. You gag loudly on his cock, trying to catch a breath, but he doesn't let you.
"Come on, look at the camera, baby. Let them see how pretty you are with my cock down your throat" Baekhyun whispers in a low husky voice. Your tears filled eyes turn to the camera where you have a look at the comments.
"Uh ohhh... Master really IS mad"
"Bunny's mouth must feel so good"
Baekhyun gradually slows down his pace, allowing you to finally breathe. He pops his dick out of your mouth, while you pant. You look back excepting more face fucking but instead Baekhyun is turning the cameras to the table.
Already? you think. But you still get up and walk to the table, quickly checking the comments again.
"Are we bounding Bunny already?"
"Oh yessss!! The fuck-table!!!"
You sat and one after the other, Baekhyun tied your wrists and ankles to the corners of the table with the attached straps. You were now laying there, leg spreads wide, completely exposed to the +15K people that were watching you right now. You bite your lip feeling the familiar thrill swell up in your chest again.
Then Baekhyun approached with the vibrator. He pressed the button and turned it on. The buzzing sounds made you anticipate the feeling of it. You lightly squirm in your restrains. Baekhyun skipped directly to the most powerful setting. You looked at him, he was wearing that same evil smile again...
He places the vibe on your drenched heat. First at your entrance, you gasped loudly. Goosebumps spreading on your skin. With agonizing slowness he brought the vibe to your clit. The incredible speed of the vibrations took you by surprise and you immediately threw your head back, pulling hardly on the straps as unexpected pleasure took possession of you.
Your moans filled the cramped dark room. Tears started to form again, your body didn't know how to react to such an intense and unknown sensation. You felt you juices rundown your legs and coat your thighs.
"Aaaah Master... I'm cumming" you warned Baekhyun and he instantly switched the vibe off. You looked back up at him with pleading eyes, a desperate whimper escaped your lips.
"M-Master p-please" you stuttered.
"Bunny, you really think you can be disobedient like this and expect master to let you cum?" Baekhyun's low voice sent a shiver down your spine. His hands traveled to your folds, slightly playing with your sensitive bud, he coated his fingers with your juices before bringing them to your lips.
"Taste yourself baby" you hungrily sucked his digits, grazing your teeth on them. But he took them back before you were even finished. Your eyes laid on the screen.
"Ohhh Bunny how do you feel?"
"Bunny's desperate moans are the BEST!!"
Again, you heard the buzzing sound of the vibe. Only this time the vibration was really low, barely audible.
You felt the soft vibrations directly on your swollen clit. You didn't even have time to process the feeling that Baekhyun was pushing himself inside your wetness. You moaned loudly as you felt his hot cock stretch you deliciously. When he reached the bottom of you he gently pulled out. He then grabbed a piece of duct tape and secured the vibe on your clit. You moaned again, instantly missing him inside you. But it wasn't for long because he thrusted himself back in with all his might. A strangled moan escaped your lips, Baekhyun chuckled coldly.
"Oops, sorry baby. Had to check if the vibe was well secured... Yeah it didn't move"
Yes, you knew that much as the delicious sensation of the soft vibrations didn't stop for a second.
Soon he started to move at a comfortable pace. His length explored the deepest part of you and you completely lost yourself along the way. Between the vibe and his never ending back and forth your mind went completely blank. 
"Look at the camera baby. Show this beautiful expression." Baekhyun's deep voice said.
You looked straight at the camera that was a close up of your face. You looked at the tiny return of the image. Your hair was an absolute mess. Your now loose bun was violently jumping with each of Baekhyun's thruts. Your eyes were fluttering close, rolled back. You looked delighted... and god knows you were. Baekhyun's big bulging cock felt like heaven inside you. You were so so so close to your release. Your toes curled upwards as you felt Baekhyun dig deeper inside you, his hands gripping tightly on your widely open thighs.
"Master, aaaah...  I'm so... aaah... close" you said. But then again. Baekhyun abruptly pulled out of you and switched off the vibe. Leaving your desperate little cunt hungry for more of him. You whimpered and looked at him again.
"Not yet baby" Baekhyun's low voice said. You squirmed, pulling on your restrains, protesting. The comments flew in again.
"No orgasm for Bunny!"
"I bet Bunny really regrets being disobedient now hehe"
You felt tears of frustration form in the corner of your eyes. You looked at your still pissed boyfriend.
"Please Master" you pleaded as you bucked your hips upwards, shamelessly showing him and the viewers your red and completely desperate pussy. Baekhyun chuckled coldly.
"Look at you acting like a bitch in heat, pushing up your swollen little cunt up in the air like this" you felt shame but the straps kept you from closing your legs. You could only whimper and squirm. Baekhyun brought his thumb to your mouth and you immediately sucked on it.
"You want to cum baby girl?" he asked, his voice somewhat softening. You nodded sucking vigorously on his thumb.
"Then fucking beg for it like a proper slut" he said back with his harsh tone, through greeted teeth, popping his finger out of your mouth.
One single tear rolled on your cheek. But you would have done anything. Anything in the world for him to finally let you cum.
"Master, please... I-"
"To the camera baby girl" Baekhyun interrupted you. You turned your head to the close up camera.
"I'm sorry for disobeying my master. I'm sorry for being dissident. I will do everything to make master forgive me." Baekhyun raised an unconvinced eyebrow.
"What do you say everybody?"
Your eyes went to the screen again.
"That was weak!"
"Make her beg again"
"I would just leave her like this tbh"
You turned back to Baekhyun as he smirked again.
"Gotta have to do better than this Bunny" You took a deep breath and looked at the staring camera.
"Please, Master. This bitch is yours. She would do everything to please her master, She really has learned her lesson. If you accept to fuck me more I promise I will make master feel better then ever." That intrigued him.
"What do you think guys?"
"Yes she was good enough. She deserved it."
Baekhyun then suddenly thrusted inside you. You gasped as the delicious sensation filled your mind again. You missed him so much these past few seconds. Your pussy was tightly gripping around his fat cock. Holding onto it like it was scared to lose it again, suffocating it in the process. And Baekhyun bit his bottom lip as your warmth enveloped him. He grunted loudly, fucking you senseless.
"Aaaah... master it's so fucking good..." you said moaning shamelessly in front of thousands of strangers.
Without a heads up, he switched back on the vibe, all the way up. The vibration was so powerful, that even Baekhyun felt your whole pussy vibrate and twitch around him. Your nails dug in your palms as you felt immense pleasure wash over you.
"I'm cumming master" You screamed, thrashing your head around, unable to contain your orgasm anymore.
"That's right cum for me baby. Cum on this dick" Baekhyun groaned in a low lust filled voice.
And finally you crossed the edge. Your orgasm washed over you, making you completely drunk on the filling as your eyes rolled back while facing the camera. Your eyes could barely read anymore.
"She's cumming like a real slut haha"
"Wow look at her legs shaking"
But then. Baekhyun didn't stop, nor did the vibe.
"Master, please I just came" You cried out as your voice was cut everytime Baekhyun thrusted powerfully inside you.
"Baby girl. Once begging me to continue, now begging to stop? Make up your mind" He grunted still powerfully slamming his length inside you.
You screamed to the sensation of your sensitive clit being over stimulated. Tears started to roll down your cheeks as you continued to shake. Gradually the pleasure took over you again, not asking permission or even announcing itself. It just simply won you over.
Baekhyun and the vibe both forcing you into a second orgasm, even stronger than the first one. You arched your back and pulled hard on the restrains, the leather dug into your skin. You screamed again, completely losing to Baekhyun's fat cock.
Baekhyun continued to thrust inside you until your pussy was throbbing and sucking him in so much that he had no other choice to release his thick cum inside you. Grunting and cursing, indulging himself in the pleasure.
He slowed down his pace gradually as you fell quiet. Completely exhausted from the forced orgasm. Baekhyun pulled out and you felt his juices mixed with yours slowly drip out of you. Your mind felt numb and you weren't even able to process the words your eyes were reading.
"Bunny won't forget that punishment."
"I came so much watching Bunny shake like this"
"Bunny was fucked out of her mind... look at her... fuck so hot!"
"That was the greatest live EVERRRR"
Baekhyun laughed while reading them.
"I'm glad you guys enjoyed. I'll end it now and will put Bunny to bed" he chuckled looking back at you, chest still heaving up and down, glistening with sweat.
Baekhyun picked you up and carried you to your bedroom where you instinctively snuggled under the blanket. You had a content smile plastered on your lips.
"I'm going to disobey everytime now" you said before immediately passing out. Baekhyun just lightly chuckled before laying soft kisses on your forehead.
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐤 𝐭𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝 + 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫-𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧 !
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; karasuno and fukurodani react to their manager doing the body count/bodyody audio tik tok ! [insp by this tik tok]
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; crack(?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; suggestive themes, maybe a little swearing i can't remember ajaksjq.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; the trend it's to put pictures of all the people you've slept with, in case anyone doesn't know!!
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karasuno !
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-> it was a joke, it wasn’t supossed to get out of the thrid year managers gc.
-> the girls found it hilarious and was a good conversation topic for hours, discussing who you put or didn’t put.
-> they knew, of course, it was fake. you hadn’t slept with oikawa, KYOUTANI, BOKUTO, tendou, atsumu, TERUSHIMA and OSAMU.
-> it was SO obvious it was a joke for them that nobody felt the need to point it out.
-> they just said things like “the most quiet are the worst ones” “OMG DETAILS ABOUT THE TWINS!!” “did terushima yk,, made a good use of his percing” because they KNEW nothing was real.
-> until tanaka and sugawara asked kiyoko for her phone to watch some videos of the new play they were trying.
-> and misaki, from johzenji, sent a “forget about teru— 🤢 can’t even say it,, Y/N I WANNA HEAR ABOUT BOKUTO!!! ik man’s  p a c k i n g”
-> tanaka looks at suga and suga looks at tanaka and they’re like .......tf
-> suga’s finger “slips” and they see the other messages until finally they reach your video.
-> you’re there looking pretty as usual and above your head reads “seems like were showing our body counts with this sound? here it’s mine 🤪”
-> tanaka is about to say “it can be what we’re thinking” but when OIKAWA’S picture appears both their jaws hit the floor.
-> nishinoya sees them and ofc he wants to know what’s so shocking, so he gets closer.
-> he drags hinata too, and shoyo’s like “that’s the great king!! play it again!! play it again!!”
-> fyi: suga paused the video because wOW and they don’t know who’s left in your video.
-> sugawara looks straight in the eye at nishinoya, going “keep hinata, kageyama and yamaguchi away and bring the team” with the MOST SERIOUS EXPRESSION
-> noya is lowkey scared??? like wtf??? but does as he’s told bc suga seems super intense.
-> kiyoko and yachi left to fill the bottles and pick some needed implements from the club room, you had classes for a few more minutes, therefore, there was nobody to stop them.
-> once the rest of the team, including tsukishima because everyone seemed to have forgotten he was a first year too, is together, suga plays again the video, while the littlest ones watch from afar in curiosity.
-> the silence, you will never hear them in a more tense silence.
-> they read what’s your tiktok about, daichi’s eyes go O.O, asahi goes RED, nishinoya seemed to be ready to FIGHT THEM ALL, ennoshita awkwardly laughs, even tsukishima blushes a little.
-> but when kyoutani shows up they’re in SO much shock they kinda forget oikawa before, and daichi whispers an “oh god”
-> then it’s BOKUTO’S TURN and tsukishima just stops functioning. asahi is static on his place contemplating, withouth being able to form a coherent thought.
-> suga highkey wants the tea.
-> tendou feels like a betray to asahi, tanaka and tsukishima. noya, just for a second, wonder what was that like.
-> they aren’t ready for the cherry on the top at the end, a picture of terushima sticking his tongue out, sweaty after a match, SMOKING HOT, and it’s not a picture he posted to his social medias or anything.
-> it’s only suga, and daichi a little bit, who realize that if that picture isn’t public, then either he send it to you or YOU TOOK  IT.
-> that’s when you walk in the gym, just to say hi before going to change.
-> the first year are playing among each other and you are like ????
-> they don’t even notice you’re there so you go nearer to see what they’re watching. and you see the picture of tersuhima yukie, from fukurodani, once sent asking misaki WHY her kouhais where that hot. it was also the only picture you had of him and the one you used in you video the day before.
-> the phone in suga’s hands seems familiar and... that’s kiyoko’s
-> “Y/N” screams asahi when he sees  you and the rest looks like they saw a ghost.
-> a second of silence goes before everyone blows in questions and you just hear names between bambling, “OIKAWA MNASNANPGDF” “MANASKL BODY COUNT ASLKLAS” “MAD DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
-> and daichi makes himself heard despite the screams.
-> “y/n, i know you’re 18 and capable of making your own decisions, but we have to talk about... physical relationships, with our rival teams”
-> kiyoko arrives and quickly puts two and two together and asks yachi to go check on the first years.
-> she looks at you and sees you like WHAT TF DO I DO and nods and say “you shouldn’t have gone through my phone, no matter how curious you are, sugawara-san” COLD AS ICE ISTG.
-> AND SHE CONTINUES “what who y/n does or doesn’t do on her free time is none of your business, all of you, if she decides to get together with anyone it’s just up to her. you should be ashamed of yourself, specially the third years. you weren’t just violating y/n’s privacy, but mine, kaori’s, yukie’s and misaki’s. it may have been a joke, or not, but it doesn’t give you the right. if you ever do something like this again, we will be talking with coach ukai and takeda sensei” SHE GRABS YOUR ARM, TURNS AROUND, CALLS YACHI AND YOU THREE LEAVE LIKE QUEENS????
-> once you’re in the club room, both you and kiyoko start laughing because the team was FROZE in place. not even daichi was so scary.
-> the team then apologizes to both and send an audio to the groupchat too, and never bring the subject uo again.
-> still, they all wonder everyday if you really did or not.
-> and of course, they get so defensive when they see any of the boys in the video it’s hilarious to you and the other managers.
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— fukurodani !
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-> damn yukie making up dares that always ended up bad for either you or kaori.
-> mostly you doe.
-> at a sleepover, she was like let’s make fake body count vids and who falls asleep first has to show them tomorrow at practice!!! it will be fun!!!
-> you accepted because you usually fell asleep after one of them did but that time it was like they gave you a sleeping pill because you fell like a rock after a few hours.
-> as to why you were there, the day after, about to go ask the team if you should post it.
-> you list consisted on kenma, kita, sakusa, daichi, and just for the fun of it, konoha.
-> the girls call konoha aside so he doesn't ruin the prank, and you proceed.
-> "hey guys, should i post this?? i’m not sure if i look good enough to be seen by the world” bokuto practically yells at you that you always look pretty before taking your phone from your hands.
-> “why don’t you ask yukie or kaori?” asks akaashi, that was a question you hand’t thought about and by pure luck, you were saved by bokuto yelling at the team to come and see what you’ve done.
-> konoha is about to head their way and yukie just grabs his arm like “no ❤️"
-> and nobody can contradict yukie’s no so he has no choice but to stay.
-> anyways
-> the team gather around bokuto, who is about to press play. at first it’s just your face, and everyone agree you look pretty.
-> but then they read “did anyone say body count? ;)” and they look at each other like ......what
-> washio leans to stop the video because he genuinely doesn’t know what body count is, sarukui explains it a little too loud, grinning, and washio goes "oh–"
-> thanks to sarukui’s explanation bokuto confirms his idea because one part of him did think it was how many people you’ve killed.
-> they press play again and kenma appears and bokuto just stares, doesn’t react.
-> akaashi’s eyes widened and he GASPS, washio can’t hide his disappointment mostly because why would you make this video and then show it to them.
-> when kita shows up bokuto lets out a surprised squeak, along with washio that’s just question your and his whole existences-
-> sarukui is smirking, his complete expression yells “way to go y/n!!!”
-> sakusa comes as a shock to every one of them, even sarukui loses the grin for a bit.
-> “how did you manage to...?” whispers akaashi, half amazed, half grossed.
-> bokuto then has to pause it for a little to keep his composure, he looks at your like WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME GO THROUGH THIS
-> but when they resume it and daichi welcomes him he thinks it just can get any worse.
-> washio is like “isn’t that karasuno’s–?”
-> the rest is like 🧍‍♂️ while sarukui is SO happy for you LMAO.
-> it’s at the end when no one smiles. konoha’s picture smiles at them and bokuto just stops the video to look at him, only a few meters away.
-> he looks at the picture and then at konoha and so on.
-> can’t get his mind around it????? lowkey no one can.
-> akaashi isn’t even blinking and his eyes are concerningly open, washio is regretting all his past choices that led to this moment.
-> sarukui death stares at konoha. no more fun sarukui, he crossed the line.
-> kaori and yukie are wheezing WHEEZING I SAY and konoha is so confused.
-> his teammates look like dogs about to attack but he hasn’t done anything to upset them?? has he??
-> like robots, akaashi and bokuto get up and walk towards konoha. a part of you tells you to protect him but... what are they going to do tho...
-> your co-managers can’t even breath istg NO HELP
-> you then intervine trying to keep konoha in the team lmao “IT’S FAKE GUYS!! A PRANK!! KAORI!!!! YUKIE!!!! BACK ME UP!!! I’M KIDDING DON’T KICK KONOHA OUT”
-> akaashi partially believes you, but bokuto?? nope.
-> you planted the seed on his mind.
-> the whole team acts weird when they see guys from your vid and are looking for chances to bark at konoha.
-> “AKAASHI HAS TO STAND BETWEEN YOU TWO ALL THE TIME” that’s the new rule he set.
-> just to see them freak out, konoha sometimes flirts with you at practice ;)
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girlgrouptrash101 · 3 years
Yena (IZ*ONE) as Your Girlfriend
Request: “can i request iz*one's yena as your girlfriend please 👉🏻👈🏻 thank you 🥺”
A/N: took a lil break from studying to write for a bit, ( i hope this all makes sense, i’m really freaking sleepy rn yall T-T )
- C
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Choi Yena - is she an idol or a stand up comedian? i guess we’ll truly never know
her bubbly personality and quick-witted jokes were actually the main reason you wanted to get so close to her in the first place, absolutely in awe of how she could bring a smile anyone’s face in mere seconds
which is why, after a few days of pep talks from your friends, you built up the courage to ask miss Yena on a date, to which she absolutely accepted
Yena was over the moon when you asked her, and the shocked look on her face told you just that as she hadn’t expected you to reciprocate her feelings - but her composure dropped for a mere nanosecond before she was back to her cheeky self, her arm already wrapping around your shoulder as she couldn’t wait to go on a date with you :]
one date quickly turned into much more, and you both felt the time flying by as you fell further and further for one another, leading to Yena asking you to make it official just a couple weeks later!
Everyone around you immediately gets soulmate vibes as soon as they see you two together, your chemistry is truly unmatchable
as wild and unhinged as Yena is, she always finds a sense of calm around you that she doesn’t with anyone else, and it’s always so cute to see her her usual cool girl facade bubble away when she’s with you 
she has such a soft spot for you that no one else could ever get, and you love it so much when her chivalrous side comes out - plus the way she looks at you with so much makes you feel like the only person on the entire planet
Lowkey very cheesy, as in hand in your back pocket, don’t touch my baby type cheesy
(which you are an absolute sucker for, by the way)
every sentence ends with baby, no matter the context or who you’re with, she just loves calling you that SOO so much hehe
your guys’ relationship is truly like something out of like a 90′s teen movie, and no matter what Yena does, she always looks so damn cool that you can’t help but get an overwhelming amount of butterflies in your tummy
imagine Yena dropping you a text at the early hours of the morning telling you to come outside - you look out and see her on her motorbike, clad in her leather jacket and black jeans, lollipop lazily hanging from her lips as she waits for you to come outside GOD
and then she’ll take you to a little beach on the edge of town, the two of you snuggled up on the sand, only the sound of the waves to be heard as you shiver a little, even though you’re wrapped up in Yena’s leather jacket, and buried into her side :’)
Cuddles usually start with you laying in bed and Yena throwing herself on top of you, making you go “OOF” and making her giggle like an idiot
but once she gets comfortable, you best believe you guys aren’t moving for HOURS
and if you aren’t wearing an item of her clothing at ALL times its a national emergency and Yena must rectify that immediately
shows her love in many different peculiar ways, from squishing her cheeks against yours, poking her finger in your nostril, randomly nipping your earlobe or blowing raspberries against your skin while she lays her head on your stomach
funky little yena doing funky little dances in public whenever something makes her happy
which you have soon become a part of, leading to the two of you popping and locking in your local convenience store when the ice cream is on sale
However, while she presents herself as a strong, carefree person, none of us are free from worries, even Yena
when her thoughts get too loud, she’s feeling down, or even if she just had a bad day, you’re always there waiting for her with open arms and willing to listen to any of her worries; which she truly appreciates more than you could ever know.
Yena’s truly her authentic self when she’s with you - there’s no front, no shyness, she’s just pure Yena around you, and it’s so comforting to know she feels that comfortable around you to be that way.
(back to the fun stuff, sorry hjdfsjsd)
if you don’t already know how to skateboard, well you’ve basically got your very own tony hawk here to teach you how to become a pro skater
or if you suck she’ll just make you sit on her board and pull you along by the hand, both of you giggling like kids as she speeds up down the street
Her ideal date is somewhere where you two can have fun together, like the arcade, fair, going on trips (although no matter where you go, Yena always makes it fun :] )
you also both love the drive in theater near your house, and you guys go so often that you’ve basically created cuddle paradise in the back of Yena’s car, bundling up in the back, wrapped up in each others arms with the seats pushed down, wanting the night to go on forever <3
has probably said ‘no homo’ after a makeout session before
but to be honest, no matter what she says or does makes your heart flutter and fill with joy, because she truly is the m0st loving and happy spirit you’ve been honoured to have in your life, and you would never, ever change a single thing about her :)))))))))))
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NSFW From Here:
yena cockiest little shit wbk
whenever she’s fucking you and you’re in any way trying to suppress your moans, she is NOT having it, simply opting to fuck you harder until you scream her name in that desperate tone that she loves so much
her favourite thing ever is memorizing the spots that make you moan a little louder, abusing your weaknesses over and over again until you’re a whimpering mess beneath her
HAS to mark you all over or else she’s not happy - leading to hickeys on the inside of your thighs, on your abdomen, your neck, collarbones, anywhere she can get access to she will always claim as hers
plus the satisfaction of seeing your spent body the morning after, the purple marks on your skin a sign of how good she made you feel makes her SO cocky n possessive and like. you’re HERS and no one is going to change that okay?
has fucked you in the back of her car after, or even during, your dates to the drive in theater,,, cuz girlie doesn’t really give a fuck, in her world its just you two and only you two
whenever you’re watching the movie, it usually ends up with you being engrossed in each scene, leaning into Yena’s side comfortably, thinking she’s paying as much attention as you - that is until you feel her hand creep towards the inside of your thigh, and that’s when you know you’re about 5 minutes away from screaming Yena’s name at the top of your lungs <3
when she invites you over to the practice room under the guise that she wants to teach you izone’s new choreo but then somehow you ended up on a chair in the middle room while Yena’s giving you a lap dance>>>>
when you’re in between her legs making you feel good and she’s looking down at you, her eyes hooded and her lip tucked between her teeth telling you how you’re doing such a good job....... FUCK
the kind of girl to whisper the filthiest words she can possibly think of in your ear then pull away and make a cheesy joke that leaves you mind absolutely REELING because like. her duality what the fuck
yena in nothing but a signature black choker with you riding her thigh in one of her oversized t-shirts, falling to pieces as she holds you close, relishing in the feeling of your dripping core against her skin,,,
also THAT mf that’ll tease you under the tables even when you’re with a group of people,, her annoying ass will just be relishing in the way your jaw clenches as you try so hard to not squirm as she teases you with her fingers
and those random times where you′re just like, at work or out shopping or vibing with your friends and then all of a sudden you get a video notification from Yena,,, and its a video of her in front of the mirror on your room, her legs spread and her fingers deep in her own heat, her breathes uneven as she does her best to keep her phone steady as she moans out your name
she LOVES doing that shit, knowing you’re turned on as fuck thanks to her just,, makes her feel so powerful
on those nights after Yena’s been away with schedules for a  while and you finally get to see her, everything is always so intimate between, with longing kisses and lingering touches that truly are filled with not only lust but love too, pulling one another impossibly closer until all your senses are clouded with another.
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jaefluenza · 3 years
A Roadtrip with a Stranger | J.jh
one important rule: do not fall in love 🍑
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🔅 4,831k words
🔅 fluff, overseas student!characters and more fluff!!!
🔅 youtuber!jung jaehyun x reader
🔅 warning: i didn’t proofread this :(
Hey! It’s been so long since I write on this platform. I hope you guys still like my work cause I’ve been working hard to get the desire to write again. Things has been rough for me mentally that makes me kinda lost the feeling of writing. But I decide to write again, yay! Oh and this work was inspired by an admirable travel vlog by Valspire Family where he went on a roadtrip with a stranger. I’ll put the link to the video at the very end of this work. Hope you like it, and I’m sorry that it’s not gender-neutral but you can use your own imagine from this one i guess :) love y’all.
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Jaehyun swam through his e-mails. Okay, no more AdSense pouring in... He wondered. It seems like he needs to create a new content. So, Jung Jaehyun right here is a travel youtuber, where he often travels from place to place, all by himself. He loves traveling. He did it even before he discovered a whole new thing called YouTube. Yeah, that time, he travels by the help of his parents. As an abroad student, he relied a lot on his parents back in their hometown. So he saved some money to travel from close places to places before he eventually wanted to travel overseas as well. Jaehyun learned that he can’t keep using his pocket money to travel forever, he needs to look for a better way.
So when his friends told him to start a YouTube channel, he didn’t even hesitate. As luck sides with him, he started to look through his old memory card where he put all of his videos and photos of his traveling journey. He was so glad that he kept all of them, even though he would reminisce on how he almost drop his camera on a cliff while doing a cheap vlog. Jaehyun uploaded the videos that he edited at 2 am, after doing the assignment he got from college. Such a model student, indeed... And guess what? People love him! His first video got 10,000 views and 167 comments about how he captured the moment beautifully. He even gained 450 new subscribers on his first day of being YouTuber.
Now, after two months of uploading his old local travel videos, he gained more than 23,000 subscribers and thousands and thousands of views, he finally gained independent money from all the ad-sense he received from his videos. So, he’s ready for a new level of adventure, of course, on his own. “Where would I go....?”
He dives through the mailbox again as he only looks randomly at the screen, and suddenly a notification pops up to his surprise. “Y/n (surname)?” He clicked the new e-mail right away, unbothered to look at the subject line first.
“Hey, do you want to go on a roadtrip with me, I guess? this my number, 0xxxxxxxxx text me 🤙”
“Holy shi-” Jaehyun almost cursed before he closes his mouth, shocked by the new thing he discovered on the Macbook screen. A stranger, asking him to go on a roadtrip? Wait, is this real? Well, it has been one of his goals to travel with a stranger, but when he actually goes through it, his head feels like falling into the floor.
He typed the number on the dial pad and add the new contact on his phone. He clicked the message app but before he’s even able to type what he’d want to say, his hand shakes in nervousness. I mean, this isn’t the first time he’s talking to a stranger. He has several moments where he needs to ask some other students he doesn’t know because he has to finish the group project given, but this one feels so different. The thought of going with someone you don’t know if it’s a he or she, spending time with them in the coldness of the night, holding hands with them when you reach the top of an abandoned tower, or holding on an urge to kiss them when it gets too warm in the car... Well, Jaehyun is now thinking so hard when he doesn’t need to. “Okay, okay, let’s get this done. Ask her what’s up and you’re done,” He reassured himself.
“Hey, it’s me Jaehyun. I saw your mail. What’s up?” Sent.
“Okay, okay. That’s good, you did it. Now let’s just eat some chips before they actually reply-” A familiar notification pops up and he can’t push his head away from his phone anymore.
“Omg hi! That was such a fast response! Thank you so much for texting me, I’m such a fan! Uh anyway, i’m (y/n). I want to know if you’re interested to go to the national flower festival with me which is happening in 10 days and if we’re heading there by a van it will be a 4 days travel and we still have 5 days to prepare and tour around the city.”
“Fantastic. Sure. So when do we meet tho?”
“Tomorrow, I guess?”
“Sure. See ya!”
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“So, what makes you so excited today, Mr. Jung? I’ve never seen you this cheerful around college since the first day of your youtuber life.” Johnny chirped at the young man. “I’ll be meeting someone new today,” he replied. Johnny rubbed his ears together to listen more carefully simply because he doesn’t believe that his friend’s gonna meet, possibly a new girl?
“I don’t know, john. They could be a he or a she. They only sent me a mail.”
Later that evening, Jaehyun finds himself waiting in the restaurant where she told him to meet up. He glanced at his watch as he waits patiently and he naturally feels like he’s going on a blind date. He holds himself not to order anything until the person’s arrived.
“Oh my god, it has been only 15 minutes but why do I start to feel like I’ve been scammed?” Almost a minute after he said that, a cheerful young lady walked towards his table and asked, “Jaehyun Jung, am I right?” Damn. This is real. “Uh yeah. Hi! Nice to finally meet you, (Y/n.)” He nervously reach out his hand for a shake and she gladly shakes his hand in return. 
“So, guess we now have to set some plan, do we?” Jaehyun said. Afterall, suggesting a plan making seems to be a meaningless idea because when the girl explained the route plan to the festival, he only got mesmerized, lost in her excited eyes. “Hey, are you listening?” Her gentle accent got him right back into his senses and he only laugh while scratching his nape awkwardly. “Woah, I can’t believe a famous travel youtuber like you aren’t that prepared for a kinda long roadtrip like this. Are you even experienced?” She teased him a smile.
“Hey, that’s mean,” he pouted. “I’m ready, more than ever, if you would know. But, well, this traveling with stranger thingy is kind of new to me so... bare with me, please?”
She smirked, “Hell yeah. It’s my first time, too.”
The two then decided to go buy the things they would need in the van. (Y/n) was the one to rent the van and it was decided when the two agreed that they can only afford an old small camper van fit for two people to sleep in the back seats. So they got almost everything such as blankets, sleeping bags, some little decorations to set the mood, and of course, some snacks and beverages. “I’m surprised that you hate redbulls.” Jaehyun teased the younger lady. 
“Dude, me being overly happy doesn’t mean that I drink redbulls... I only drink eight shots of coffee.”
“Damn, that makes sense, too,” he replied with a cheeky smile.
On the first day of a long drive through so many lonely highways, things weren’t going awkward, thank goodness. She comfortably talks to him like he’s an old friend, and he only replies with grins and smiles. It’s all good, until things got deeper as the sun emerges down the ground.
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“Alright, let me set my other camera before we grab dinner.” Jaehyun shot up from his camping chair to the van after he set the campfire to warm them both. “Sure, indie boy.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“But you are.. an indie boy.”
“Okay, you won’t stop calling me that, huh?”
(Y/n) put her hand under her chin, looking blankly at the fire, reflecting so hard about how she actually starts to enjoy this trip, when she only meet him yesterday. “Hey, what makes you look so serious like that?” The man sat back on his chair after he successfully brought her back into her senses real quick. 
“Nuh-uh, do you really want me to think out loud?” “Oh, no thanks. Now I regret for worrying.” She chuckled lightly. 
“You know what, when I told you that I’m a fan of your channel, I really meant it. I’ve been a subscriber since you only have, uhm, from what I remember, 242 subscribers, I guess? And fun fact, I’m actually in the same major as you but you won’t notice me, anyway. I’m too quiet.” Jaehyun nearly drop his foldable cup when he heard that. “What? Seriously? You’re in the same college- no, same major as me? How could I- Oh don’t worry, I also am way too quiet for my own being. I don’t really make a lot of friends at college. No one really knows who I am if it’s not for my public channel.”
“I can see that you have such a nice personality. I always love how you expressed your hidden feelings through your vlogs. They’re beautiful.”
“Is that a way to say that I’m pretty?” He winked. “Oh come on, (Y/n). Just diss me like you’ve been doing for the past two days of us knowing each other better.” Again, she laughs.
“Do you know what’s the coolest thing ever in this trip?” She asked. “What is it?”
“It is how I made one significant rule in this trip, that is... to not fall in love with each other.” And somehow, Jaehyun lost his smile for awhile. “Oh, really? Well, it’s not quite hard,” he faked a smirk. “You’re mean.”
“Huh, actually, what makes you think that?” He asked sheepishly. He doesn’t want her to catch what’s happening, like how he actually doesn’t really agree with the ‘significant’ rule. “I don’t know. It’s just, my actual purpose of this trip was just to... you know, gain a friend. And that friend turns out to be you! And falling in love means you’re going to lose someone at the end and I hate to lose a friend I just gained from this trip.”
“Ah... that makes sense. But love doesn’t always goes into an end, Y/n.”
“It does,” she smiled with a visible hint of pain, and Jaehyun hates that. “I had the experience. I’m not trying to act like a sad bitch or something, but falling in love sucks. It means you’re ready for a freaking goodbye and farewell.”
He was going to say something but she cuts him up by getting off her chair, possibly ready to cook instant ramen for dinner. “Alright, my stomach’s grumbling. I’m boiling the water, and you, mister, help me open up the packs, please?” And when he looked at her pair of watery eyes, he decided not to say something and replied with a smile. “Yes, maam.”
The night gets colder and now both the youngsters are heading to bed– the back uncovered seats in the van. “So, this is where we’re going to sleep. As you can see, (Y/n) over here is alread inside her sleeping bag. This is going to be such a great sleepover, I guess?” He snickered. “Don’t lie, Jung. I’m gonna put a bug inside your bag tonight when you’re asleep.”
He turned the camera off and lay down beside her sleeping bag, dropping more blankets around him to cover his body better. “This is our first sleep, you know?”
“That’s true. We might wake up like dead.” She said something gibberish after that along with a yawn. “It’s getting hot in here.” She added. (Y/n) wriggled out of her sleeping bag to get more cool air but Jaehyun only looked at her with a weird look. “I’m curling my body into a ball like a caterpillar and you said it’s getting hotter? You’re unbelievable.”
“You clearly haven’t found yourself getting stuck in a snowstorm in Everest, have you?” “I am not that experienced yet. Have you either?” “Nah, I would die.” “Gosh.”
Jaehyun keeps his glances trained at the younger lady, wanting so much to feel the warmth of her body next to him, to warm him- or maybe each other. “Are you sure you’re not cold?” He asked. “Yeah, I’m getting comfortable- not really, actually. Urgh, what am I talking about...”
He chuckled. “Come here. There’s only both of us here, so practically, I am your heater. Besides, it kinda sucks that we cannot afford a van that has a cool heater inside. Uhm.. what I mean is.. do you want to cuddle?”
(Y/n) turned her body to face him. She actually shifted closer but Jaehyun caught the signs that she actually doesn’t want to show her consent. “Come here,” he said gently. “B-but, what about the rule?”
“Cutie, we cuddling doesn’t mean that we’re falling in love. We only need warmth.” Jaehyun put his arm around her without hesitance and she accepted his secure arms. She found herself getting sleepier than ever and now the screen in her sight went black. Jaehyun smiled at the peaceful sight, and he carressed her cheeks gently, not wanting to wake her up, as he says, “Now I’m actually glad that we get this non-heater van. I can become your warmth everytime.” That night, he slept with a smile plestered on his face.
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The sun rises on sight better than yesterday as it prisms over the medium-sized windows of the van and light starts to fill in the narrow space, replacing the coldness. She wakes up first, feeling the ray hits her face warmly. Oh my, it’s already morning...
As cliche as it looks like, when she wants to get up she could feel a pair of strong arms securing themselves around her body. Well, she’s not that stupid to not realize who’s the owner, the only guy she has been with over the past few days. She wanted to wriggle out of his arms, but her brain failed to command her body when the heart does what it wants. And it gets what it wants.
(Y/n) feels something different when she’s about two centimeters away from his face, and it surely feels so different when it comes to only seeing him through her iPad screen. But she doesn’t get it. Why is he... so gorgeous? She was about to stare longer but then he opens his eyes beautifully. “Why are you staring at me?” She flinched, not because she was shocked when he woke up, well actually that’s one of the reason, but, actually, because of his raspy morning voice. They sound kind of.. angelic.
“Wake up, let’s see the sunrise.” She finally wriggles out of his arms and goes to open the door. The cool breeze started to hit her lightly, almost makes her flying aesthetically, as she wished that she could wake up breathing this kind of air every morning. “Well, I didn’t know the sun could look this pretty, and we paid for nothing at all.” Jaehyun stood behind her while doing some stretches because his arms were stuck cuddling her last night, not something he could complain about, though.
“Get your camera out, bud. This will definitely get you hundred thousands of view, I’m sure.”
They ended up playing under the warming sun around the van, the camera only watching them. It feels like they are owning the world and she feels so wonderful. She feels so blessed, and it amazes her that she could have this happening with a complete stranger, a young man that starts to fill in her empty insides. She was reassured that impossible things could happen.
“So where are we heading now?” Jaehyun put the camera on the dashboard while he stole a glance at the driver besides him. “We’re passing a small city near here and we’re gonna walk around to see if there’s anything fun to visit.” (Y/n) was so glad that she’s the one driving, otherwise she wouldn’t have any other reason for not looking back at his eyes.
“Or maybe we can just rely on Google.” Jaehyun added. “Nah, that’s just not fun. We still have 14 hours of free times before we have to catch up to the festival.”
“So, yeap. I think we’re being super rebellious right now, slowing down our trip, or maybe (Y/n) right here loves to stay longer with me- Ouch!”
They drove past the yellowish trees and even though it’s in the middle of the day when the sun’s supposed to be up right above the van, the yellowish sky around them doesn’t support the cool breeze Jaehyun feels whenever he put his hand out of the window.
“Okay, I’m trying to wake myself up! Ready?” Jaehyun chuckled before he wobbles his head lightly, preparing himself to press the play button. The girl nodded excitedly, trying a little bit hard to not get so excited because she’s driving. Jaehyun pressed the button and the rock and roll song starts to fill in the car. She laughed at how he vibes so hard to the song, and honestly, she never had anything like this. Chilling past the long highway with yellow trees and the hidden sun makes the whole day so calming. She truly feels so blessed.
“Hey, look!” Jaehyun pointed at a petite tea shop across the street when they both walked around the small city to take a break. The little shop looks very nice with a cute vintage look interior which is visible from the outside. “Do you want to have some tea, like the british?”
“Nah, we should just take some pictures there. I’m going to go get redbulls.” “Seriously?”
After nearly four hours of driving, the both of them finally comes to the hours of the sunset. They pulled over and set the camera to the angle where they can get better view of them chilling under the sunset, or maybe just playing around the van like they did in the morning.
“You know what, I think it’s gonna be pretty cool if we climbed on top of the car and pose to get some footages?” Jaehyun suggested. “Are you crazy? We can’t scratch the car, otherwise we will get charged,” she argued.
“Nah, who the hell cares? It’s not like they will bother themselves by checking all over the car. Come on, I’m gonna go first.” Jaehyun climbed through the back of the van and she only laughed as a response. Sometimes, he’s unbearable.
“Okay, you should climb up now.” Jaehyun reached out both of his hands to help her get to the top of the van, and when she did, she didn’t regret doing his suggestions at all cause, the view is so goddamn pretty. “Woah,” she murmured. They both sat down and try to enjoy the view despite the less time that they have right now.
“What made you want to go on a roadtrip with a stranger?” Jaehyun asked. “Um, I’ve taken a semester off this year, and I don’t really have any friends at the moment to spend time with, so... decided I could go out and gain some randomly.” She chuckled bitterly. “I wanted to do something fun. I wanted to go on a roadtrip, but that’s not very fun alone. So I was like, who is the most spontaneous person I can think of... and so I asked you.”
Jaehyun laughed with his whole heart. “It’s really crazy.” His dimples are showing through and she swears, they are driving her crazy. “And you followed through!”
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” “I know!”
Jaehyun encouraged himself to look at her, this time with deeply moved eyes, and he now realizes that he really admires her young and free figure. “So, are we friends now?” She asked.
When she turned at him, there she goes, with those pair of eyes, looking through his eyes in return. Jaehyun flinched, shocked by how mesmerized he is by her every movement. Like how her hair moves along with the evening breeze, and how her eyelids stutter beautifully, also how her lips turned into a little smile when she opened her mouth. And he smiled back, “Yes, we are.”
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Three days have passed and now they are gonna arrive at the city which is the final destination where the national flower festival will be held, how amazing is that. They visited random cities while taking a break, grabbing lunch at a motel in the middle of nowhere, and stopping by at midnight just to lay down on the empty big road to see the stars. 
As strangers, both of them have been going through a lot of things together, only in a few days. Though the ‘significant’ rule was not so forgotten throughout the trip, they can’t help but feel flattered by each other. The young man, who has been broken inside, admitted deeply inside that she had never experienced anything like what she has been doing with the complete stranger, and neither does the young man. 
Jaehyun knows that she is straight up serious about what she said. It was that one significant rule that keeps him held back, to not fall in love with each other. It kinds of frustrating him that he couldn’t touch her like his brain told him to. He respected her without a doubt, and breaking or hurting her would be the least thing he ever wanted during this trip.
The most ironic thing Jaehyun has ever think of is, how his main goal of this trip was to gain a friend. Now he doesn’t want to be just friends. He wishes for more than that. He fell in love with her.
“I can’t believe it! We’re almost there! I can’t wait to see all the beautiful flowers!” She holds the camera up to his face as he drives to the final destination in the city. “Do you really like flowers that much?” He asked.
“Yeah, they’re beautiful, calming, and entertaining. Whenever I pick one, I always got reminded that wherever you are and whatever you’re being, you can still look pretty and graceful. I mean, sometimes people step on some petite flowers on the street but that doesn’t mean they’ll look uglier and unworthy.”
“That’s true. I mean, look at you, still shining even though your surroundings are dark.” He instinctively moved his fingers to the side of her face, gently brushing her hair aside and she only stuttered nervously.
“Jaehyun,” she faintly murmured. “Okay okay, I know that you have made the one significant rule in this trip and I want you to know how much I respect you for that. I’m also very glad that I’m able to gain a friend like you but... during this trip,” he sighed. “I can’t help but think about you... more than I think I should do.”
She keeps her mouth close, not knowing how to respond to the sudden confession. It’s not like she didn’t expect this to happen, anyway. When it comes to the first time she saw him at the cafe, her insides turn upside down. However she kept it in her heart that she signed up for this not to look for a boyfriend or someone to sleep with, but a friend.
“What if I do the same too?” She replied with her consciousness. With that one sentence, Jaehyun steps on the brake so hard that their things in the back almost sprung themselves to the front and (Y/n) cursed. “What the heck, are you trying to get us dead?!”
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he said breathlessly before pulling over in the middle of the long road. “Gosh, what did you say earlier?”
“I said, are you trying to get us dead?”
“No, the other one before that,” he pleaded.
“Huh? W-what if I do the same too?” She tilts her head.
“So you’re saying... that you like me too? No, that’s too soon. Are you thinking of me too?”
She can’t help but chuckle when she saw his eyes grew big with excitement and... a little bit of expectation. “Yeah,” she replied. There’s a long silence after that and doubt starts to grow inside her heart but then... “So, can I?”
He immediately attached his lips to hers, heart pounding so hard that it feels like he’s going to die because of the thrill. For the girl, his lips taste like... excitement? Happiness, and perhaps love?
A few people that she thought would give her sunshine and happiness actually have never been anything like this. She’s actually glad that his kiss made her close her eyes to the feel. No matter how much she keeps saying it, never in a way that it gets her bored to say no one has ever made her experience something like this. Kissing in the middle of nowhere, under the burning rays of sun, nothing other than the camera witnessing what’s happening between the two of them and it really, really feels like they are owning the world.
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Nice. Now they’re in a motel near the festival as tomorrow is the exact time they would open the gate to all the flowers collected from all over the world. (Y/n) loves flower so much that she decided to check into a motel that has a flower pattern on its wall.
“You can’t just choose this one just because they have a flower pattern on the room’s wall! The review is just so-so!” Jaehyun complained.
“Hey, didn’t you say that wherever I go, you’ll go, and wherever I’ll be, you’ll be?”
“But I won’t be at the same place as you if it’s not guaranteed that they don’t have any bugs at all.”
Booking a room for two which has a twin bed, both of them entered the room, though Jaehyun had to insist to book a room with a queen bed, but failed miserably.
“I’m going to shower first.” (Y/n) goes to prepare her bathing kit and of course, her clothes. “Yeah, sure.”
While she showers, the man wondered if he should officially ask her out, since she said she’s gonna transfer schools soon which means that he might not seeing her again after the roadtrip so maybe an official relationship will make it easier for him to contact her often.
“Should I really do it, like, tonight? I don’t think I should,” he kept the promise ring he bought yesterday at a little jewelry shop when they stopped for a restroom break. 
Before they went to sleep, they spare some time to get a little cute footage for Jaehyun’s travel vlog. “So this is my bed, and that one’s (Y/n)’s bed. I chose this one because it’s quite far from the bathroom since I hate bugs. But you know, I don’t really trust her with keeping me from bugs and- Okay! Okay! I’m sorry don’t hit me with the pillow!”
“Pffftt! Pillow fight!!”
“No! Don’t- my camera!”
A goddamn eyecontact. Hands tangled against each other, eyes both stuttered in shock, as the girl with the pillow accidentaly fell on him. Jaehyun’s free hand instinctively hold her to prevent her from getting hurt, though his brain listens better to his heart, as he feels his heart pounding like crazy against her body.
“I’m... sorry.” “That’s okay.”
“Do you want to sleep with me tonight?” He asked, and later that night, the idea of booking a twin bed room seemed to be a meaningless idea, either.
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“So everyone, here we are today aaat... not the exact final location we wanted to go to at the first place, let me tell you the story. When we checked out from the flower pattern motel we immediately leave to the national flower festival which was supposed to be held just 15 kilometers from where we stayed the other night, aaaand guess what?” he paused and you can hear her faint laugh in the background. “Yeah, there is no festival at all. HAHAHAHHAHAAA- Ouch stop hitting me! Are you that embarrassed?”
“That was what happened, everyone. It turned out that the festival was held at December 16, 2019 and before we started this roadtrip, she read only the date and the month, wow. How can you be so cute and stupid at the same time... I am sooo mad!”
“Well, they put the year 2019 sooo small and my minus eyes couldn’t see it- stop giving me that look!”
“Okay, so because miss (Y/n) over here was quite angry that-” “Really angry.” “Okay, she was really really angry for not being able to see the flowers so, I decided to take her to somewhere as an alternative destination. Am I being too good for you?”
“Yes, you are,” she replied with a smile. “Stop paying attention to the flowers! I’m also here, yo,” he pleaded, somehow nervously. “Why-”
“And this is why I kept insisting to take you to a place with lots of flowers... to pick one among all the pretty petals out here, the prettiest petal I’ve ever seen. So, be mine, please?”
the end of video.
a/n: thank you for reading. honestly, I didn’t know whether to post this one cause it’s really been a long time since I write and it really worried me about how much you guys will like it... also, i’m really really sorry for those who put a request into my ask box since I haven’t completed all of them, like trust me, it worries me every single day bcs I feel like I have a debt to pay lol but don’t worry, I promise you I will complete all the requests but please give me a lot of time! once again, big thanks from me.xoxo
Valspire Family - I Went on a Roadtrip with a Stranger
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sadclearance · 3 years
M!reader and hanta sero! toxic toxic manipulative reunion after breakup
how the #26 hero made headlines with his sex tape
pairing: hanta sero x male manipulative reader
summary: hanta sero and y/n meet again after their sex tape is leaked.
warning: sex tape (sero fucking you), manipulative and toxic behavior, implied/referenced past cheating, suicide attemptish, implied/referenced revenge porn
category: angst(?), fluff(?) idrk 
word count: 4300
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"and then the fucking cashier asked to take a picture!" katsuki bakugo seethed. "i just wanted to get my damn groceries, but everyone's so damn nosy!"
"at least they asked?" mina ashido said, her voice pitched at the end, making it sound more like a question than a statement.
"don't even get me started on the fucking stalkers that don't ask," bakugo growled.
"i don't know how you can live like that," hanta sero laughed at bakugo's misery. "sounds terrible."
is this karma for being amused by bakugo's misfortunes?
the day immediately after, sero is scanning his items after getting everything he needs from the grocery store when the cashier stares at him with wide eyes, glancing between him and the phone in their hand.
"are you cellophane?"
is this what having fans feels like? it's kind of flattering but also annoying that he's being called his hero name during his off time.
"oh, yeah," sero responds with a light laugh, trying to stay polite.
he expects them to ask for a picture or maybe an autograph. what he doesn't expect is snickering.
he vaguely remembers how denki kaminari described being recognized in public for the first time. he was met with taunts from a group of students because a video of him short circuiting had just gone viral.
sero's quirk doesn't even have any drawbacks similar to short circuiting, so he can't think of a possible reason why his cashier would be laughing at him.
he ignores it and finishes checking out because he doesn't want to ask what's wrong with the other person.
when he gets back to his apartment complex, he checks his mail. there's a few bills and postcards from old friends.
the guy next to him bursts out laughing.
he closes his mailbox and gives him a questioning look. that just made it two people that have laughed at him in the past thirty minutes. what's going on?
"you're cellophane, right?"
"uh, yeah?" sero says, completely confused.
"just don't be too loud in this building," the guy says, apparently cracking himself up.
sero is still puzzled. he's been the perfect tenant. the loudest noise that's ever come from his apartment was the merciless explosions from bakugo directed toward kaminari after a particularly bad joke, but that happened two years ago. ever since then, the most that could be heard was maybe kaminari's laughter, but sero doubts that that was even that loud.
when he reaches his floor and opens the door of his apartment, he's greeted with his friends on the couch.
"oh, hey," sero says, shutting the front door with his foot and going toward the kitchen to start organizing his groceries. "i told you guys to start warning me before you come. do i have to start hiding my spare key?"
"we know what you're doing, sero," ashido frowns.
okay, something's up. the pink hero isn't using her normal teasing or upbeat tone, and the television isn't even on.
"what?" sero looks at her with the same expression he wore toward the guy who told him not to be too loud.
"you did this last time, bro," eijiro kirishima gives a disapproving look. "i thought we made it clear back then that we're here for you."
what is kirishima going on about? "last time"? well, sero knows what he's talking about because of the whole "here for you" part. of course he remembers. it was a prominent part of his life because it only happened once, during a time in his life he remembers too well.
see, sero is an easy-going guy. out of everybody in the group, he's probably the most stable.
i mean, ashido is a party animal that drags the group out to upbeat bars at least once a month even when she would do a hundred things she'd regret the next morning. it's not like they didn't like doing it, but she definitely needed supervision.
then, there's kaminari. he's an emotional mess, getting caught up in too many confusing flirty situations. each week, he would have a breakdown in the group chat. "so do you guys think me and x are really flirting? or is this like joke flirting?"
can't forget about kirishima. he's probably the second most stable, but he still has a lot of times where he needs reassurance and comfort.
last but definitely not least, bakugo--the emotionally constipated man who is only the tiniest bit better at communicating his emotions than he was in their first year together.
too long, didn't read: four out of five of the group needed someone to depend on at least once a month.
sero is the one person in their group that didn't necessarily need anybody. this isn't because he keeps shit to himself. he's just fortunate enough to not have any problems that aren't surface level. the most he has to deal with are minor inconveniences like running out of toilet paper, running into a villain on his off day, or getting puked on by ashido on a particularly wild night--nothing that emotionally tears him apart.
well, there was this one time about three years ago when he felt the worst that he ever had before. it was a terrible experience of heartbreak and self-hatred which is why he unfortunately remembers it so well. he kept it all to himself until his friends managed to eventually force it out of him, hence the "we're here for you".
but there is absolutely no reason for them to say "last time" as if it's happening again.
"what are you guys talking about? everyone's being so weird today."
"oh my god," kaminari's jaw falls. "do you seriously not know, or are you pretending like you're okay again?"
"not know what?" today is a day of questions, and he doesn't like it one bit.
"do you not check your fucking phone or something?" bakugo growls with annoyance and the slightest hint of shock. the slight gentleness of his volume gets sero incredibly worried.
"i haven't had time to. why? what's going on?"
the four look at each other, considering if they should enlighten sero on whatever it is.
when sero determines they're taking too long to decide, he takes out his phone from his pocket.
at first, he sees a bunch of text notifications from almost all of his old classmates and coworkers, all asking in various ways if he's okay.
he moves past them and searches up his hero name. what could be so bad that his friends expect him to go back to being as much of a concerning mess as he was the last time they spoke to him like this? he doubts that anything could make him as bad as he was after his breakup with his high school sweetheart.
oh... well, he can admit that seeing his name with a link from an adult video website being the top result and under "trending" doesn't make him feel that great, but he doesn't think that it's that bad.
"there's a video on pornhub with my name on it. is it like a really messed up cosplay of me or something?" sero asks, partially joking. "because if it is, i don't really care, guys. you don't have to worry about stuff like that. i know what it means to be known by the world, and that there are creeps out there that get off to--"
"shut the fuck up and watch the damn video," bakugo scowls.
"you want me to watch porn in front of you?" sero raises an eyebrow, slightly amused--a feeling that clearly isn't being reciprocated by any of the four that are staring at him.
"just watch it," kirishima sighs.
he clicks on it, even if he thinks it's a little weird that his friends want to watch him watch porn. maybe it's so bad that it's funny. he's expecting some weirdo to be wearing a poor version of his hero costume getting bukkaked or something weird like that.
all amusement leaves his body, and his confused smile drops.
it's not some weirdo wearing a knock off cellophane costume. he's greeted with a screen covered by him. wearing nothing.
it's not even the fact that his nude body is exposed on the internet to be shown to anybody and everybody that causes the pit in his stomach. it's because he recognizes the video. he knows what happens in it. he knows who's in it.
he doesn't stop watching as giggling from his phone fills the awkwardly silent room. soon enough, the nineteen year old sero in the video has a cock in his mouth, and his fingers are up the ass of the owner of said cock.
that's not even the worst part. the worst part is the next part, which is where sero from three years ago takes the camera, uses his quirk to tie his ex-love's wrists together, and fucks him while getting everything on camera, including a clear shot of his face.
he watches the entire thing, too frozen to do anything else.
in any other situation, his friends would be teasing the shit out of him. ashido would poke fun at how sero of all people made a sex tape, kaminari would make some stupid pun about how he made a sex tape, kirishima would try to be holding himself back from laughing at how sero used his quirk for such a purpose as tying his partner up for sex, and bakugo would probably call him something along the lines of "plain face cock-sucking bottom bitch", even though the next few scenes that follow show that he's clearly not the last part.
this isn't any other situation, though. this is a sex tape with the one person he fucked over so badly that he still stays up every night thinking about it--regretting it. sero thinks that the universe must think he's one big joke.
"sero?" kaminari asks when sero doesn't speak even after the video ends. it's an awkward situation, really, because as mentioned earlier, his friends just watched him watch himself suck a dick and then proceed to pound into the ass of their former classmate.
he's not nearly as mortified by that as he should be.
he's more mortified that this is trending on every single social platform, not even because he's a pro hero with the world currently looking at his naked body, but because he somehow managed to fuck up y/n's life more than he already had three years ago.
"i'm tired" is the excuse he decides on using as he walks toward his bedroom. "i'll talk to you guys later."
hesitantly, his friends show themselves out, which he's glad for because he really needs some time to process--and wallow--by himself.
sero lies in bed for a while, not sure what to do, before he finally pulls out his phone again and does something that only makes the pit of guilt in his stomach worsen.
DailyHero: Taping Hero: Cellophane and the Video That Everyone's Talking about
HeroWeekly: Cellophane--26th Ranking Hero, Everything We Know About His Video
HeroTribune: Cellophane's Shocking Video
it isn't just hero media networks that are talking about it, though.
CelebrityGossip: Plain Hero Plain No More
since when is he a celebrity? he would find that funny if he wasn't so abashed by today's events.
RecreationalChronicle: How the Tape Hero is Making HeadLines
it makes him slightly amused to think of how that's another one of the stupid puns kaminari would make if the situation wasn't so sensitive.
he clicks on the hero weekly one, which just so happens to be the number one news outlet for hero news. sero's kind of surprised that they said anything about it. they were known for keeping things profession based, and the title of the article frankly sounds like any other drama website. he might be flattered by hero weekly deeming his amateur sex tape important enough to dedicate a whole article to it if he wasn't so plagued with guilt still.
Cellophane--26th Ranking Hero, Everything We Know About His Video
Cellophane, real name Hanta Sero, is the 26th ranking hero in Japan today. This morning, an explicit video featuring him and another man was leaked onto the internet via an adult video website. The original source is unknown, but we can only assume that neither Cellophane or his featured partner was behind revealing this to the public eye.
From what we gather, this video was filmed roughly around or before the first assignment that brought Cellophane lots of recognition. By this time, he was nineteen years old and had graduated the prestigious U.A. Academy a year prior.
The identities in the video are very clear, as there are many clear shots of both participants' faces.
While the video itself is shocking to many, Cellophane's partner is what surprises us the most. Y/n L/n was a hero that graduated alongside Cellophane from U.A. Academy. He was famous for being so fresh out of high school, but after just one year of unbelievable success--around the same time the infamous video was recorded--he went completely off the grid. To this day, nobody has seen him since.
sero stops reading because he feels more shitty the more he reads. he knows what the article is talking about. y/n cut off almost everybody from u.a. after their breakup. his friends tried to assure him that it wasn't his fault, but it was an awful big coincidence that his abrupt disappearance happened the exact day of their breakup.
he wonders what y/n's up to nowadays. is he still in japan? is he still pursuing a heroic lifestyle? perhaps he's been doing what aizawa did. maybe he continues to fight crime, just minus the recognition and media time.
if y/n really is living a peaceful life right now, did sero just shatter that? the world had sort of forgotten he existed at all after a few months of his disappearance, so he probably would've gotten away with roaming the streets freely without being recognized. did sero just ruin that for him?
he needs to know. he needs to try to fix things, even if he knows he can't. he needs to... he needs to talk to him, even after all these years.
when sero asks kaminari to meet him alone, the electric hero's kind of nervous. last time, he was happy with the entirety of their friend group comforting him. why did he want some one-on-one time all of a sudden?
apparently, he was right to be nervous because what sero is asking of him is hard for him to do.
"hey," kaminari says with the best smile he can muster in his anxious state.
"hey," sero greets back, taking a sip of his hot coffee.
"thanks for buying," kaminari says, twirling the straw in his cup with his hand, the ice of the iced coffee moving and crashing together.
"no problem," sero nods.
"what's up?" kaminari asks, putting the tip of the straw that lays in between his fingers into his mouth to take a nice long taste of the sweet treat.
"i need to talk to y/n," sero says, looking down at the coffee between his two hands instead of up into kaminari's eyes.
"i--what?" kaminari asks, almost spitting out his drink.
"i know you still talk to him, and i know why you can't tell me how to find him, but--"
"sero," kaminari frowns at the frantic desperation in his friends voice. "it's not that i can't. i mean, i probably shouldn't, but... that's not why."
"then why?" sero's voice is pleading, but his eyes hold angry frustration.
"look, the thing is, i don't even talk to him that often," kaminari sighs. "we've talked maybe twice since you guys broke up. we're not the friends that we used to be before."
"i understand that there's boundaries that shouldn't be crossed, okay? believe me, i really do, but i really need a chance to talk to him again. if he tells me to go away, i swear i'll drop it. i'll leave him alone. please."
"i know, i know. i know you aren't a stalker ex. just..."
kaminari's lips tighten into a line, a habit he's picked up over the years whenever he's faced with any kind of decision--whether it be deciding what flavor of ice cream he should get, or, apparently, if he should let his best friend see the guy he broke the heart of.
"okay," kaminari hesitates.
"thank you! thank you thank you--"
"don't thank me yet," kaminari says with a weak shake of his head. "before you talk to him, i need you to know that he's not the same person you knew."
"i understand," sero nods. he doesn't expects his meeting with him to go well anyway. sure, he hopes it will, but he's mentally prepared himself for the worst outcome, which his brain has decided is for y/n to yell and start throwing things at him.
"i... i don't know how to put it, really, but the few times that we talked, he's sounded... weird. like creepy. i don't know, man," kaminari shudders at the thought, but sero's too caught up in his anxious excitement to really care.
"it's okay. i understand," sero repeats.
"if you're sure," kaminari pauses. "truth is, y/n wants to see you, too."
"really?" sero feels all too hopeful, and he can see the worry paint kaminari's face.
"i don't know if it's in a good way or not," kaminari says carefully. he doesn't want to hurt his friend, but he doesn't want to set him up for disappointment either.
"i'm not expecting anything," sero says, but his words aren't very convincing when there's a clear smile growing on his face.
"just be careful, bro." kaminari writes an address on a piece of paper.
"you don't have to worry about me," sero reassures with a smile.
as he wanders through the streets, he's shaky and nervous and scared and ecstatic and--just everything.
y/n wants to meet with him. the possibilities are endless, but at least he now knows he won't be turned away--at least not immediately.
he goes between riding in cabs to treading amongst the shadows on the street, changing whenever someone recognizes him from the trending news.
he endures long hours of stares and whispers, encouraging himself with the thought of being able to see y/n again soon, whether that be a good thing or not.
"fiftieth floor of paragon hotel..." sero mutters to himself as he presses on the cold metal button. lots of questions come to mind, like where will y/n be? he didn't get a room number with the address. how will y/n react? will he stay civil? will he give him a chance to explain himself? did he only want sero to come so he could vent out his anger and frustrations?
when the elevator doors open, he sees a single door.
he hesitantly turns the knob until he's hit with a cold breeze from the night air.
it's the roof.
his brain's new worst conclusion is that y/n's going to push him off, but he's more okay with that than he should be. he has a quirk that can save him even if that happens, and if anything, he thinks it'll help him feel a little less guilty about everything he's done to make y/n's life more shitty.
"y/n," he calls out softly when he sees y/n just standing there, looking up at the big white moon in the sky.
nothing's really changed. his appearance isn't much different from the last time they saw each other, and sero's still enamored by how the stars above could never compare to the bright light that is y/n.
but that's not something he should be thinking about right now. his head shouldn't be filled with hopeful thoughts.
the object of his love to this day turns around upon hearing his name.
"sero," he greets with a smile. "you made it."
"yeah. i did," sero hesitantly steps closer to y/n. "listen, y/n, i'm..."
fuck. why is that the only thing he can get out of his mouth? he has so much to say--he's been thinking about it every night for the past three years--every hour for the past few days. so why is his mind blank now of all times?
"how're things with... i can't even remember her name," y/n laughs a little, and sero frowns. he doesn't know why he's laughing about the mistake that's been haunting him forever, but he swallows down those feelings. people grieve differently, and if anybody had a right to how they react to that night, it's y/n.
"i'm sorry," sero finally manages out. "she... i haven't talked to her since then. she's not a part of my life."
a casual "weird" is y/n's only comment before he turns back to look at the moon.
"you know... you know she never meant anything, right? we were--"
"'we were drunk, and i was lonely, but that's not an excuse, but she meant nothing, and you're the only one i want'," y/n finishes for him.
sero's heart sinks. has he been playing that night over and over in his head, too? has it been hurting him all this time as well?
"i remember." y/n's smile is still there, albeit more grim, and it unsettles sero.
"yeah..." and sero doesn't know what else to say because apparently, after years of mulling it over in his head, he hasn't come up with anything better than his initial rambles of regret. though, he still has something else to apologize for-- "i'm sorry. i swear it wasn't me who leaked it. i deleted--or at least i thought i deleted my copy years ago. maybe i didn't do it right. i don't know. i can't imagine how hard this must be for you. god, i'm so sorry. i managed to ruin everything all over again a whole three--"
"sero," y/n interrupts, sitting on the low ledge, eyes still on the sky.
"yeah?" sero swallows thickly at how desperate he sounds. he hates how messy his words are--hates how they pour out sounding so slow and stupid.
"do you love me?" y/n asks.
"what?" sero completely blanks. did he hear him right?
"do you love me?" y/n repeats, fully turning his body to him.
"yes." he doesn't hesitate for even a second, even though he wonders why he's asking that question at such an inappropriate time, because he has no doubt in his mind that he loves y/n and has since the moment they met.
"i don't believe you," y/n smiles as he stands up on the platform.
"what are you doing?" sero asks obliviously.
"what i should have done all those years ago," y/n smiles big, and it scares sero a little. "if you really love me... then you would catch me."
sero barely has time to process what he said before y/n lets himself freefall backwards.
sero's brain hadn't even considered that this would be one of the possible outcomes.
"y/n!" sero screams as he runs toward the ledge. he panics as he watches y/n's body get smaller and smaller the more he falls. he rips off his civilian long sleeve, shoots out his tape to stick onto the floor, before throwing himself off to go after him.
he uses his free elbow to launch his tape at y/n, knowing his own body wouldn't be able to get to him fast enough.
he wants to let out a sigh of relief when he sees that y/n's dangling by the white line rather than falling, but he knows from past experience with hero work that they're not completely safe just yet.
pulling himself up with the clear film he had luckily had the brains to think of placing first, he makes it back onto the roof of the building, slowly pulling his other elbow to haul y/n's body up as well.
"are you fucking crazy?!" he raises his voice for the first time in a long time. he doesn't think he's ever felt this angry and frustrated and mortified in his entire life.
y/n doesn't bother unwrapping himself from the tape as he uses a hand to pull sero's face close, kissing him softly.
and sero can't help but melt, which is the opposite of what he should probably be doing. a simple kiss shouldn't be able to pacify him with a situation like this at hand, but it does.
"you love me," y/n smiles when he pulls away just enough to feel the harsh pants coming from sero--the result of both the terrifying moment he just had to experience and his reaction to kissing y/n again.
"i do," sero nods eagerly, and shit, those aren't the words that are supposed to leave his mouth right now. he's supposed to ask what the hell is wrong with y/n. he's supposed to ask why he would do that. he's supposed to curse and swear and--anything but act like it's all okay.
"you love me," y/n says again before pulling him in for another kiss.
when sero puts his arms around y/n's waist and pulls his body as close as possible to his, he feels the buzz of y/n's phone.
"do you--do you need to get that?" sero asks as he reluctantly pulls away, sounding like a whiny child.
"i'm sure it's nothing important," y/n says before throwing his phone off of the roof, and sero pulls him back hungrily, because as strange as that action was, sero can't bring himself to care when the love of his life is back in his arms after three long years.
[12:39am] reporter to y/n: i got myself a promotion! been an honor working with you. again, thank you so much for selling it to me.
i wrote part of this in may last year because i thought the title was funny then i didn't know how to end it but then i got this sero request so
not proofread but when is it ever
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arigatouiris · 4 years
an inconvenient crush // kenma kozume x reader (1/2)
Author’s Note: A new story?? SO SOON?? Thank you for all the love for my previous Kuroo story, it meant the world to me. I write for myself primarily, yes, but it brings me SO MUCH JOY to know that my words reach you. It helps with the motivation to put them out more often. Thank you. This story is very close to my heart because I’m a gamer, although I don’t stream. I’m more like Kenma though, personality wise. Haha.
Word count: 5k+
Pairing: YouTuber! Kenma Kozume x Streamer! Reader
Summary: YouTuber Kozume Kenma has had the biggest crush on Twitch Streamer, (s/n) (y/n), who in actuality simps heavily after Kenma's secret YouTube persona, puddinghead0.
What happens when their paths cross?
Kuroo is honestly tired of Kenma's second-guessing, and (y/n) is a bit of a crackhead.
Warnings: unrequited love, one-sided crush, slight angst, pining, crackhead reader, internet bullying, slang, gaming references, haikyuu manga spoilers, fluff
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C h a p t e r O n e : puddinghead0
Kozume Kenma suddenly turned existential when his eyes shifted to his phone screen for the 12th time in ten minutes.
Was he always doing this? Was he always obsessed with his phone to a point where he'd constantly check for notifications? Did this mean he was deeply lonely on the inside and wanted approval from people on a virtual platform, which meant that the approval was also virtual and none of it was real? Did it mean that he craved to nullify the growing void in his chest by distracting himself with a black mirror that showcased light that could permanently impair his sight?
He let out a breath and forced himself not to look at his phone. He didn't care. It didn't matter. That's what he always said.
    "Hey!" His classmate/room-mate screamed from the entrance to his flat, "Are you watching her stream? Posted two minutes ago!"
His phone was definitely slow. He had been checking his phone but there was no notification. Letting out a breath, and giving himself a mental reason to actually check his phone, Kenma opened the notifications tab to see the one notification he had kept his eye out for had been buried under ridiculous facebook notifs.
An inconvenient crush, that's what he told himself whenever he looked at you. You were a streamer, a bit different from what he did on YouTube because you were primarily on Twitch. There were reaction videos of you on YouTube, which was where he found you, but damn—how could one be pretty while rage-quitting a game? It was abnormal. Nothing about you was normal; college student/Twitch streamer, an apparent baker in your mother's bakery, game reviewer for Sony, and you were insanely cute.
    "She's getting to that part," his roommate commented from behind Kenma's back, while Kenma really just wanted to watch the video in peace, "Shit, she's gonna cry."
You did cry, quite a few times, and too easily if he could add. You cried at the ending of God of War, you cried to The Last of Us (which made sense, but you were perhaps just bawling throughout the entire game), you cried in a game called Detroit: Become Human, you cried far too easily, but you never really quit. He loved how passionate you were about games, and it was the sort of passion he could completely understand.
    "Oh shit," You said in the video, your eyes scanning all over the game screen, "What's happening? What's happening?"
Kenma chuckled at how cute you were, god, you were killing him. You looked worried, and he could visibly see a sweat drop on your forehead, but you were so focused that it didn't matter. Suddenly, there was a screaming sound from the game you were playing, and your eyes popped open as wide as they possibly could and you just sat there, unmoving. He loved how you never squealed or made any loud reactions, except when you were in a fight with a difficult boss, but whenever something traumatic happened, you just froze and sunk it all in. You were currently playing the second part of The Last of Us, and a traumatic scene was definitely happening. Kenma had just finished playing it the night before, so every scene you were playing was familiar.
    "I officially hate this game," You said, your voice breaking and he desperately wanted to hold you, "Fucking hell."
    "God, she's amazing." Kenma's roommate said, eyes turning into literal hearts.
    "Hm." Yeah, she is, Kenma thought, but could never really say.
As a YouTuber himself who streams games, he was aware that you were not as popular, and it was a fact that he really didn't like. Sure, you were on a less popular platform, but Twitch was incredibly popular by itself as well. He also understood the bias that came with being a female gamer, and while it sounded ridiculous to him, Kenma was one of those people who believed gaming required no gender.
He adored your content, and he secretly adored the hell out of you, so seeing you soar would only make him happy.
    "I... I can practically feel what pain she's feeling right now," You spoke about the game, a lone tear threatening to leak out of your eye, "But! We shall persevere. I've been waiting 7 years for this game, so I won't let... won't let something like this halt my interest. Let's see if this has a point to it all."
God, he adored you. But, Kenma considered it an inconvenient crush because of course, the world was small. The first big crush he has on someone and he hoped it would remain over the internet, but it just had to become something more tangible, something that could make him weak in the knees.
You, a college student/Twitch streamer, an apparent baker in your mother's bakery, a game reviewer for Sony, insanely cute, and also happened to be one of his YouTube channel's biggest fans.
He had only recently discovered your personal twitter handle, and dear lord, you were simping after him with no remorse. It wasn't as if he was all you talked about, but he had also noticed the trajectory of the games you were playing were on par with his own timeline. Kenma had finished his final stream for The Last of Us II just the night before and you had now started playing it. Right before that, it was Bloodborne, and before that, it was Final Fantasy VII Remake. However, your public handle was a lot more professional and despite knowing that it was there, he hadn't sent you a follow request because well, Kenma called himself an introvert in every matter but Kuroo just said he was shy.
While he knew that he could easily approach you and have you know he knew of your existence, Kenma preferred not to get into such detail. It was comfortable admiring you from afar, and it was comfortable being where he was—he had his company to work hard over, he was also a computer student and a YouTuber. Sure, he had his hands full especially after calling you abnormal for something that he himself was doing, but he never really fit into a bracket anyway. Kenma's latent obsession with you was something he wasn't particularly proud of and this wasn't because it had anything to do with you, but simply because he didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Change, in many ways, scared him. And by changing the structure or dynamics of him admiring you in secret, while you admired him not so secretly, Kenma was certain that it might not lead where he may have wanted it to go.
Surely, Kuroo was against this sort of caution, calling it cowardly and saying it lacked passion; but Kenma knew it was just a crush. There was no way he could deduce the kind of person you were based on how you gamed or reacted to games, based on the little tid-bits of information you gave out while playing those games, or even how you openly spoke about how much you admired 'puddinghead0's videos. Kenma hated Kuroo for giving him that name, but he was too lazy to come up with a new one.
    "Also," You sprung up in the final two minutes of your latest video, "I'm on Patreon, now! I honestly have no idea how it works, but if you really like the content I make and want to support me, you can become a patron and wish me luck!"
Kenma waited for his stupid roommate to go out of his room before he could open Patreon and find your link, which was thankfully in the description. Without a second thought, he donated to your profile but cussed instantly when he realized what he had done.
He had sent you a donation as himself, as 'puddinghead0's Patreon.
Without a second thought, Kenma called Kuroo and explained what had happened.
    "That is why, Kenma, you need to check a thousand times and not let blind love navigate your actions—"
    "If I knew you were going to spout such nonsense I wouldn't have called you."
He could hear Kuroo snicker while he ran a hand through his hair. Kenma groaned before Kuroo said, "How bad is this, Kenma? She'll be happy. Of course, this means she'll know you watch her content, but how bad can this be?"
    "I didn't want her to know."
    "And leave her devoid of the happiness of having her idol appreciate her content? You're cold, Kenma."
    "You don't understand. What if... What if she tries to contact me?"
    "You, my friend, have not even shared your personal account anywhere. The only way she can contact you is by commenting on your videos, which I am sure you check constantly to see if she did comment, or Tweeting, which she does every three days."
Kenma blushed at the accusation because it was true.
    "She won't know who you are. Besides, there's no harm if she even does contact you! Just tell her casually that yeah, you like her contact. I don't see what the big deal is."
    "Of course you don't—"
    "Oh, she's tweeted something."
Kenma's entire body froze. Leaving Kuroo on the call, Kenma opened Twitter on his laptop and there it was, your latest tweet.
I am trying NOT to freak out over puddinghead sending me a donation on Patreon, pls save my soul, I am dead.
Kenma groaned before hearing Kuroo laugh once more, "She's adorable!"
I know that, Kenma thought before feeling his entire face flash up. Ending Kuroo's call, Kenma looked at your public profile before then moving to your personal one. He wasn't following that one either, but he wanted to see your tweets, he wanted to know more about you—he wouldn't deny any of these facts, but Kenma believed it was far too idiotic to dream of getting to know you through a virtual media. He wasn't even the sort of person to become close to people he met in real life, how could he allow himself a virtual friendship?
The thought staggered him, and the idea behind it was what kept him at bay. Kenma wanted to know about you, talk to you, learn about who you were and what you were doing, but he felt the media that connected you was what separated you.
It wasn't cowardice at all if he was just sticking to the facts and being real.
The next day, Kenma walked to his class by himself, listening to the latest podcast by Joe Rogan. While the external sound wasn't entirely muted, Kenma could discern sounds of people talking, cars moving around, and other noises even though he was playing the podcast on full sound. However, there was one sound in particular that stood out. Kenma paused before turning to his right, noticing a crowd of people had gathered there, with some sort of event going on. He didn't pay attention to half the events that his college conducted, his mind was obviously quite busy elsewhere, but when the announcer moved around in a weird Joker cosplaying outfit, Kenma was a tad bit intrigued.
Was it gaming related?
He slowly moved toward the crowd before finally being able to hear what the anchor was saying.
    "We've got prizes for the top three best performers, and one of the participants is the one and only (s/n) (y/n), streamer from Twitch!"
Kenma froze, half-minded to run the hell away from there. But, it seemed as if his feet were stuck to the ground. How had he not known this? Didn't you always announce the events you go to? Why were you suddenly here? A second later, he spotted you, hair put up in an updo, a plain black tee, and regular jeans. You were smiling, but some part of that smile seemed a bit hesitant.
    "We will be playing a bit differently today! Instead of the usual Fortnite battles or Apex Legends, we'll be going went and battling out on Red Dead Online! And of course, if you beat (y/n) here you earn bragging rights!"
He noticed you shift in your position a little bit, clearly uncomfortable with the attention you were getting; it didn't even look like you wanted to be there. Kenma could feel his chest hurt, and his palms were sweating now. That's all it is, he told himself. An inconvenient crush, an inconvenient crush, that's all.
Kenma sighed before noticing how he barely knew anyone there and was almost thankful for that fact; but before he could thank his stars, a hand threw itself around his neck and sprung him forward, earning the attention of not just everyone there, but especially you.
    "We have our first participant," It was his goddamn roommate, "Kenma's a brilliant gamer!"
Kenma's eyes immediately found yours, and you were looking at him with wide, confused eyes. Although this was set in the open and the atmosphere was quite cold, Kenma felt nothing but warmth radiating all over his body at the mere sight of you; you were just a few feet away, and you were giving him a rather sympathetic expression, and god, you looked so fucking pretty—
    "That's great! Sign up, ya'll! Winner will be winning a brand new DualShock 4!"
Oh fuck, Kenma thought before he felt his heart beginning to pound. He was now seated beside you, and he could practically shrink into non-existence. You were unmoving, and you weren't looking at him, but would you have looked at him if you knew he was puddinghead? Insecurity swarmed his being and he could practically feel steam escaping his ears but a moment later, he thought he'd die.
    "This was so last minute," you said, rubbing the back of your neck, "The anchor's my cousin and she's so demanding."
    "Oh," Kenma said, feeling his heartbeat skyrocket, "I see."
    "Yeah! I mean," You giggled now, "I'm not even good at Red Dead Online!"
Kenma smirked, knowing the fact already. You struggled with Red Dead Redemption not because you were bad, but because you couldn't progress with a plot so divisive. You wanted to explore more, and since the game was so vast, you barely bothered with the Online version. You turned to him now and tilted your head.
    "You're a gamer, I heard? Kozume-kun, right?"
Fuck, she knows my name, "Y-Yeah. I game when I'm free."
    "Do you have a Twitch or YouTube?"
There's no fucking way I'll answer that, "No—"
    "Ah, you must really be having a great time then."
Kenma blinked before turning to you with confusion. What did you mean?
    "Don't you enjoy streaming?"
    "Ah, no, no," You flailed your hands shyly, and Kenma believed he could combust, "It's not like that. I just think, after a point, streaming becomes more for the fans than for yourself. I used to do it for me, but now... I'm needed in places like this for promotion, and I need to have a Patreon if I'm popular or it'll look weird, I don't know... Too many restrictions. I just love gaming, you know?"
Kenma found himself smiling, "Yeah, I know. I've seen your videos."
Kenma's eyes widened. He wanted to slap himself on his forehead.
    "I—I mean, y-you're popular."
    "Thanks! You're really sweet, Kozume-kun!"
Fucking hell, Kenma placed a hand on his forehead, She's too cute.
    "Say," you said, a sly tone to your voice, "Do you want to get out of here?"
    "I'd do anything." Kenma honestly agreed.
But, you couldn't just up and leave. You were called here as Twitch streamer (s/n) (y/n), and that meant your behavior was restricted. As much as you seemed to hate said restriction, Kenma was certain that you wouldn't go against it. It could take a big blow against your viewership, and you wouldn't take that chance.
A second later, your hand gripped his wrist before you shot him a wink. Kenma's heart jumped to the skies before you pulled him away from the crowd, with participants lining the entrance to enter their names. Sure, you were doing something bad—your cousin wanted you there, but not once had she even asked if you wanted to be a part of this event. Just as Kenma was pulled in without his consent. You weren't a competitive gamer, and you were not going to be, even if it was for someone else. After running away a fair distance, Kenma felt the part of his wrist burn right where you were touching him.
    "I think I need to run more in real life and not just as Ellie." You said, and Kenma chuckled.
    "Running's good."
    "I used to run track," You said, turning to him. "Now I run in games and that's it."
You have no right being that cute, he thought before clearing his throat. He slowly pulled away from you, which made your eyes widen before shooting him an apologetic smile. He was a bit confused as to what you had done, did this mean you didn't care about losing followers?
    "You might think that I've committed career suicide," You scoffed, "Honestly, this is the bravest I've been in so long."
    "What do you mean?"
You shrugged, "Ever since I became a bit popular by streaming, I've just... I could feel myself change with the way my viewers wanted me to be? I don't blame them or anything, I just think that the love I get from them makes me yearn for more. And that yearning leaves me... inept to be myself. It's the downside of wanting to remain popular, I guess."
    "It's not like you can't be yourself and still be popular." Kenma added.
    "Yeah I know," You said, "I mean, just look at puddinghead0, we don't even know what he looks like, and wow. I adore his content."
Kenma froze once more. Was this being recorded? Did Kuroo finally tip you off and was this being filmed for his reaction? Whatever it was, he wasn't going to reveal to you now.
    "Y-Yeah, I think he just doesn't care."
    "I wish I was more like that because I end up caring. I like the comments and the views and the love. Agh, it's such a weird complex moral question. Don't even get me started."
Kenma laughed at your reaction before you turned to him and stuck a tongue out. Kenma rolled his eyes before waving a hand at you.
    "If anything," Kenma said, looking at the ground, "You didn't lose this follower today."
Your eyes widened at his statement. You smiled before nodding, and let out a chuckle.
    "Thank you, Kozume-kun."
Locking the door to his room, Kenma began to edit for his latest video. He was making a review for The Last of Us 2, but his mind was elsewhere. He still hadn't told Kuroo that he had met you, which would only cause the black-haired man to tease him relentlessly. Letting out a sigh, he felt sleep douse his eyelids as he continued the edit, right before a notification popped up on his phone.
It was you.
He narrowed his eyes before checking the date and time; it was unusual for you to stream live on random days. He'd learned your pattern by now. You'd been doing this for a couple of months, and it was quite easy for him to know just when and what time you'd begin. However, the screen for The Last of Us 2 was open and you looked like you had just stopped crying. His heart broke at the sight, and he instantly closed the tabs to his own edit, before opening your video on his monitor. You were taking deep breaths before chuckling.
    "Hello to everyone that's still with me," You sounded so broken, Kenma felt helpless as he continued staring at you, "You might be wondering why I'm... yeah. So, I did something and I guess I got punished for it? I was forced into a game contest and I think walking out of it made some of my followers mad. I even spoke to this other person about walking out and honestly, it didn't hit me then that what puddinghead's doing takes a lot of courage."
    "Ah, fuck, (y/n)," Kenma groaned.
    "I guess even when I expected to lose followers, I didn't expect the hate? Some of the comments were just... nasty. I..." You sniffed, "...I didn't expect that you would hate on someone for making a personal choice? And I didn't do it to offend anyone, I seriously don't know how the internet works. Oh, oh wow—" You looked troubled and Kenma could see why. "—losing out on viewers now, great. 'Don't be a whiny bitch', 'This is why girls shouldn't game'..."
You took a deep breath before calming down and saying the few words Kenma feared you might eventually come around to say.
    "This is (y/n), signing off to a world where gaming is appreciated and is not filled with a community of hate. Hope to see you there."
And the stream ended.
Kenma sighed before leaning back, no thought in his head. He knew for a fact that his room-mate must have seen the stream as well, and Kuroo would be calling him about the entire ordeal just to ensure he had something to say about it. Kenma, on the other hand, felt like he had practically pushed you to make this decision and partly felt like taking the blame, despite the common sense telling him that he had nothing to do with it. You weren't the sort of person who would jump at something without a second thought, and even if he didn't know you personally, he had been following you and your streams for months now. It felt like he knew that part of you quite well.
Kuroo was the first to call. Kenma stared at the phone for a bit before letting out a breath and getting back to editing his video. He only had to add commentary, and his mind was already circling on what to say.
Uploading the video took him exactly two more hours, after having missed three calls from Kuroo and twelve messages. At one point, Kuroo had even stopped contacting Kenma, thinking he was busy with something, and he was spot on. Kuroo's eyes wandered on the new notification about his friend's YouTube channel, which was weird considering it was not yet time for him to post something. He knew quite well that Kenma might have definitely seen (y/n)'s stream, and wanted to desperately talk to him about it, but without a clue of what the boy was thinking, Kuroo simply clicked on the notification and let the video play out.
It was the review for the game, The Last of Us 2, and Kuroo knew while giving the review, which was around 8-9 minutes, Kenma would speak his thoughts that were a tad bit uncensored toward the end. He'd talk about the drama surrounding the game, he would even bring up the entire hate that this game was receiving, but instead—Kenma had a rather strange dialogue instead.
    "One thing I don't understand is how toxic the gaming community can be, at times," Kuroo paused, narrowing his eyes at his friend's words, "While we welcome new gamers to the entire journey of learning and discovering the joy of gaming, we also tend to put them down if they didn't adhere to a certain trend. I came across one such incident happening to (s/n) (y/n)'s Twitch channel."
    "Holy shit!" Kuroo sat up straight, eyes wide as saucers at the bold move his friend made.
    "I'm part of this community and I think I have the right to call out how toxic we are in general," 
Kenma's voice didn't even waver, but after knowing him his entire life, Kuroo could deduce that the boy was a bit angry, 
"(y/n) didn't particularly do anything wrong, and she's received some nasty comments about being a female gamer, and I think that's...just disgusting. She has all the right to either attend or ditch a gaming event, and no one has to be forced to do something they don't want to do. We all have games we don't like despite being gamers, we don't have to do it all. I support (y/n), and I'll admit, I'm saddened by how her fans have treated her. Her content is great and I have immense respect for her. I hope she decides to come back and stream more. That being said, I think The Last of Us 2 is..."
As he got around to talk more about the game, Kuroo knew that this was a huge step for Kenma, and he had no idea what suddenly made the boy rethink his entire decision on never bringing her up. Now that he had, he's indirectly initiated a conversation with her, she'd definitely try and reach out now—in any way she possibly could, just to thank him at least.
Kuroo noticed his phone ringing a second later and a grin made its way to his lips.
    "What just happened?"
    "I met her, Kuroo," Kuroo almost had the wind knocked out of him, "She was at my college campus. I was walking back to my room since classes were canceled. There was some sort of gaming event. She didn't want to be a part of it, and neither did I, and we ditched. It was—"
    "You like her more now, don't you?"
When Kuroo received nothing more than silence from Kenma's end, he was certain. His precious, introverted, best boy had fallen for someone. It was a proud moment, almost.
    "You have to tell her—"
    "Kuroo, this... this is all I want to do."
    "That's bullshit, and even you know that."
    "What? You want me to open up to her and tell her I'm the YouTuber she's been gushing about for so long and I was the one who kind of pushed her into doing what she did, and so that she can hate me afterward for hiding the truth because I wouldn't be losing out on anything and she—"
    "Whoa there, Kenma. I'm just saying go talk to her as her favorite YouTuber. You're overthinking this."
    "No, you're underthinking this. I did what I had to do. It was... hard to see her like that."
Kuroo let out a sigh but before he could say anything, Kenma had already ended the call. That boy needs to grow a pair, he thought, a bit annoyed at Kenma's nature of avoiding his feelings. While Kenma believed it was for the best, he knew he was simply running away from it. Kuroo knew his friend adored (y/n), but the boy couldn't categorize that as real feelings because he's met her just once. Finding something real virtually scared him more than finding something real in real life, and while Kuroo wanted to understand that, it only annoyed him because Kenma wasn't even trying.
When you watched puddinghead0's recent video, you were jaw-dropped in awe and absolute admiration. Tears filled your eyes, but what was more was how his voice now seemed a tad bit familiar, though you didn't pay any heed to it since you've been following this channel for an entire year now. It moved you to know someone you've been admiring has been watching your content, but at the same time, he was speaking up for you? You wanted to thank him, you wanted to send him a message and say you were incredibly grateful for what he's done and the only way you knew you could say something was on Twitter.
So you mentioned him on a tweet and poured your heart out within character limit. You wondered if he would notice your tweet since you've mentioned him countless times before, but even if he didn't, even if he paid you no heed after all of this, you were still grateful. However, a second later, you received a new follower. You blinked upon noticing that it was Kozume-kun from the other day. A soft smile fell on your lips at the soft recollection of running away from a gaming event, after which everything spiraled, but you didn't in any way blame him. Your mind again drifted back to puddinghead0 and you sighed.
I'd kill to see him, man, you thought, eyeing your tweet of him dreamily.
A second later, there was a notification. You almost spat out your heart at the mere words: puddinghead0 likes your tweet.
puddinghead0 likes your tweet.
puddinghead0 likes your tweet.
    "Oh my god—" You choked on air. However, a second later, you found it difficult to remain sitting on your bed.
Don't thank me, I hope you're feeling better. You didn't deserve any of that.
Is that a—
...deserve any of that. <3
Fuck me.
Kenma almost dozed off in class right before it ended. It wasn't like it was school where the teacher would wake him up after noticing him asleep, no one really bothered. Kenma was pushed awake by the momentum of the class once it was over and he leaned back before gathering his things. Tightening his hair tie, he casually walked out of class and got to the campus. He spotted the event area, where the gaming event had occurred and instantly spotted his room-mate and a bunch of people gathered there. Rolling his eyes, he walked away from there, not wanting to gather any attention.
He had failed. Kenma froze to his spot before turning to spot his room-mate dashing over to him, a wide grin plastered on his features. Wrapping a hand over Kenma's shoulders, his roommate brought him to the others he was talking to, before releasing him.
    "You're that guy (y/n) ran away with during that event, right?" One of them asked, and Kenma didn't bother to respond.
    "Why did she run though? I mean, it doesn't make sense for her to just up and leave."
    "I've been telling you," The same guy said, "She's not the one playing those games. She's just the face."
Kenma frowned. What is this dick talking about?
    "Man, I think that's harsh," His roommate said, "I just think she's too chicken to play in front of people—"
    "She's literally a streamer." Kenma said, rolling his eyes.
    "Yeah, but why did she—"
    "If you can't understand that she doesn't owe you shit, then there's no helping it. She didn't want to play at that event, and she didn't. I don't see why you aren't calling me a fake gamer for running too." Kenma snapped.
The others shrugged, "That's because we've seen you play—"
    "It's bullshit." Kenma said before walking away. You all are bullshit, he thought before the frown on his face settled into an uncharacteristic glare, directed at what who knows what.
A moment later, he felt his phone buzz with a notification. Kenma opened his phone and saw that he had a message from you, but what confused him was—
The message was directed to Kenma and not puddinghead. His heart jumped as his fingers roamed over the notification, wanting to open it only when he was in the comfortable confines of his room. Swallowing the bubbling anxiety, Kenma fought the urge to smile as he continued walking back, unaware of what the Twitter message could be. It would normally take him around 12 minutes to get to his apartment from campus, but that day, Kenma merely took 7.
On reaching his room, he finally allowed himself to open your message.
(y/n): Hey! I've taken a break from streaming for now, just wanted to let you know. I don't know why I'm sending you this message, but talking to you that day made me realize that I don't really need to seek approval constantly. Also, puddinghead liked my tweet and I'm a bit too happy so I needed to gush, don't @ me
Kenma chuckled, feeling his heart jump at every word you'd said. He knew you didn't realize that you were gushing about him to him, but that didn't matter. He wanted to gush about you too. He felt a stone stuck at his throat at how real all of this felt, despite having only seen you once.
Kenma Kozume: I think he's the sort of guy who isn't too loud about the things he likes. And I think a break is a good idea, (s/n).
(y/n): Call me (y/n), came the immediate response. Kenma's eyes widened at the fact that you were online, and that the two of you were currently exchanging messages live.
(y/n): Yeah, I got the feeling from his videos that he's perhaps a private person. I'm still really glad that he supported me, I can't thank him enough. I'm feeling much better already!
Kenma smiled, I'm glad that you are.
(y/n): Also
He blinked.
(y/n): Do you want to co-op at Bloodborne? I'm trying to get a platinum, haha.
    "Fuck," He let out a breath before chuckling uncharacteristically. "You can't be serious."
(y/n): I'll send you my PSN, and you can add me as a party member. Only if you're up to it, I mean.
Kenma Kozume: Sure, sounds like fun. Also
Kenma gulped. He felt like this was showing off, but he didn't care. He was going to say it.
Kenma Kozume: I already have platinum in Bloodborne. :)
(y/n): Ah, screw you.
Kenma chuckled. He wouldn't admit it, but his heart was hammering against his chest and his palms were sweating. Soon, he'd be connected to you via the DualShock and the two of you would be co-oping in a game that was designed to make players fail. He wasn't too sure how much more his heart was going to take, and while he knew he had to tell someone, for some reason, Kenma wanted to keep this a secret. It wasn't because he was ashamed or he didn't want anyone to find out.
It was simply because it was too good to be true, and he didn't want to lose out on a chance to get to know you more. Because, if this kept up...
If this kept up, Kenma was surely going to fall in love with you.
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prettyvampiress96 · 3 years
“I can always tell how turned on you are,”
“I know what you like,”
“Oh fuck, don’t stop.”
“Faster,” “I need you to hold onto something then.”
“I’m not made of glass. You won’t break me.”
“I want to please you,”
“My kisses turn into bites, are you okay with that?”
“You’re a bit of a masochist it seems.” “…Maybe.”
“Sorry, but seeing you with bites like this makes me so hard.”
“You are such a good girl. Now stay still. I’ve almost had my fill.”
“We have some time until the sun comes up.”
“Choke me and bite me,”
“You can’t cum unless I give you permission and after I’ve had plenty to drink.”
“I’ll do anything you want. Just let me cum.” “Anything?”
"So desperate for it aren't you? Well, if you want it so bad you better start taking it."
"I'd hold onto something if I were you."
"I love it when you moan my name."
"Let me give you a reason to stay in bed."
"You can get louder can't you?"
"If you want to cum you better beg."
"Bite me!" "If you insist."
"Can you feel what you're doing to me?"
"Get on your hands and knees, right now."
"I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it."
"I'm afraid I can not longer remain professional."
"I think I like you better with a gag in your mouth,"
"Perhaps I need to remind you of your place."
"Be a good girl and spread your legs."
"I know a workout you might actually enjoy."
"Come on Take it all on your own like a good little pet."
"Think you can handle that much."
"Let me show you what happens to little brats who don't follow the rules."
"How do you feel about two at once?
"I had no idea you were into this kinda thing."
"I swear I'm gonna fuck the next person that comes through that door,"
"I want your cock in my mouth."
"Mind if I join?"
"I'm either joining or watching, you pick"
"Don't forget who you belong to."
"I really don't care. You still look hot and I'm trying not to fuck you senseless."
"Maybe I should get you a collar so you don't forget who you belong to."
"You better watch your fucking mouth."
"Do you really think it's a good idea to talk like that to me?"
"I love the way you look with my fingers inside you."
"You keep acting like a brat I'll take you over my knee right here, I don't care how many people are watching."
"You deserve a reward for being so good today, what would you like it to be?"
"I can't wait to put bruises all over that pretty skin,"
"You look so good on your knees like that."
"These walls are pretty thick. Which means you and I can be as loud as we want."
"Did you touch yourself while I was gone."
"If you leave the house wearing that then the second you come home I'm bending you over the bed."
"Oh kitten, don't make me tell you twice."
"Y-you're not...w-wearing anything under that are you?"
"The only way you're getting off is on my thigh."
"You make a sound and it's game over."
"Just let me finish this and I swear I'll go down on you till you cum at least three time."
"If I have to stop what I'm doing, you won't be able to walk the next day."
"I haven't even touched you and you're already wet."
"Come here, you can sit on my lap till I'm done working."
"I'm not jealous! It's just....you're mine."
"If we weren't in public right now, I'd have my head between your legs."
"If you don't like my teasing then why are you moaning?"
"Wow I didn't realize you were that... flexible."
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard you forget that guy's name."
"You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll."
"She/He may seem all sweet and innocent but behind closed doors she/he is just so dirty."
"Ah. He/she's playing hard-to-get. That's cute."
"Just eat me," "...But you'll die..." "that is not what I meant-"
"How quickly can you cum."
"Touch me and you lose."
"Stop dancing like that or I'm going to cum in my pants."
"I'm not going to touch you unless you beg."
"You can't tease me like that and expect not to be punished."
"Did you just look me up and down and bite your lip? Cause if you did, we're having sex right now."
"Your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that stunt."
"Dammit now all I can think about is you licking my cock like that damn ice cream."
"Fine. Then you be the judge. Which of us is best?"
"Come sit on my face, let me show you how much I missed you ".
"If you called me just to get off to my voice then I'm hanging up."
"I'll fuck you for as long as you can stay awake...maybe after that too."
"I was trying to keep my thoughts at bay, but damn you're provoking, you know that?"
"You really shouldn't come close to me while I'm in this state."
"This is interesting...I'm finding it hard to relax."
"Are those handcuffs?"
"You won't be getting any sleep tonight."
"Will you let us fuck you?"
"Don't worry, I'll make you feel really good."
"You're the one that aroused me, let's have fun."
"These are so wet, aren't you going to remove them?"
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?"
"Oh fuck me," "That's the plan."
"One more cheesy pick up line and I'm gonna bend you over the table and fuck you in front of everyone."
"If you try wearing that out, I will rip it off of you."
"How about I take you under the table right now with my fingers?"
"I need you in every shape of the word. I need you emotionally, physically, and at this exact moment, sexually too."
"I think you'll be happy to know I'm not wearing any underwear."
"How do you feel about adding another person to the mix?"
"You look good all soaking wet."
"Are you sure that's what you want? I could really hurt you."
"If you're going to act like a little brat, then I'm going to treat you like a little brat."
"I don't care how good it feels, you better not cum until I tell you to."
"You take my fingers so well don't you?"
"When I get home I expect you to be undressed and waiting on all fours for me."
"You better be quiet or everyone going to know what a naughty little slut you are."
"If you keep making those sounds I'm not going to be able to stop myself."
"Such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
"I love to see you squirm, now I want to hear you moan."
"Too bad the others are watching, or I'd be on my knees with you in my mouth."
"Put me out of my misery and open up those long legs for me."
"Keep playing that video game. I want to see if you can keep your focus while I suck your cock,"
"I don't need any foreplay. I just need you inside me. Right now."
"Be rough with me. Blindfold me. Throw me against the wall. I can handle it."
"Keep the lights on. I want to see your breasts bouncing up and down."
"Don't spend too much time on your hair, because I'm going to be yanking on it soon."
"I never realized how meaningful sex could be until we got together."
"You're mine tonight, and that isn't ever going to change."
"My body wants you as badly as my heart does."
"I can't believe how wet you are already."
"I looked at your photos at work today, and I couldn't get rid of my hard-on."
"You're too flexible for your own good."
"I can tell you're stressed, Let me fix that."
"I made you a bath. Want to take it together?"
"I bought us a new mattress, since we wore out the old one."
"If you keep fucking me this good, I'll marry you,"
"I just showered, but I don't mind taking a second one with you."
"We're the sexiest couple I've ever seen."
You're the reason I smile so wide and come so hard."
"I'd fuck you from behind, but then I wouldn't get to see those pretty eyes."
"Come to bed. I can't sleep without your hips pressed against mine."
"The only thing hotter than seeing you orgasm is seeing myself buried within you."
"I'm going to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours."
"I thought we agreed to share her."
"I want to fuck you like I'm never going to see you again."
"Friends? No I don't think so. Friends don't know the way you taste."
"It's not my fault you keep turning me on."
"Looks like you had a bad day, Wanna take it out on me?"
"You know I get cranky if I don't get to eat you at least once a day."
"You make fucking a religious experience."
"Look at you, stretched out and trembling."
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