#why does this man have so many goddamn children
potatoesarecheese · 4 months
I refuse to believe that bruce is a bad dad. I don't care how good the art, the story, the drama-- if a comic makes bruce a bad dad, I'm not reading it
you can't make me
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jackiepackiee · 7 months
Hello, I hope you're having a splendid day!
If your requests are open may I ask for the flags x single parent reader romantic headcanons? I've seen the other one with the mad scientist and I just found it so amazing!
But of course, only if you are comfortable, I don't want to pressure you.
I shall say my good byes now as I have to leave.
Take care of yourself and rest.
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓰𝓼 𝔁 𝓢𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Warnings- parent struggles
Type - headcanons
Of course I added Chuuya.
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Albatross -
Did someone say the fun dad?
He admires how responsible you are
Quite literally watches in awe at anything you do
Making a snack? Wow. Hushing your kid from crying? He’s shocked by your skill
Your kid likes cars? He will have an entire lot for them.
Trains? Look, now the port mafia has a and it’s trained named after your kid
Almost like a brother, sorry
He’s immature and has never been around kids
So so gentle however
He’s not dumb, just eccentric after all
You’ll definitely walk in on him covered in paint by your kid, laughing and letting it happen
Tea parties? Tea parties.
7/10, congrats, you have a second kid
Pianoman -
Thinks the absolute highest of you
Will never pry on what happened to the biological parent
But if they hurt you? He’s pulling piano strings
The kid is babied, no matter the age
He’s a leader, and a protecter
The port mafia doesn’t even know you have one
He likes a quiet personal life
No nanny’s, he will clear his schedule if needed
It’s his kid now, and he’s ready to try his best
Smart man, makes sure to let you get plenty of rest
Knows it must’ve been hard being alone
So he wants you to recover from however long you missed the rest you’ve needed
You kid wants a new toy? He will counterfeit money and buy hundreds
9/10, a great dad
Lippmann -
Why the hell is your kid suddenly speaking other languages?
It’s Lippmann. He’s too smart and will make sure to compliment you in French, or Spanish, or German
Your kid becomes so well mannered
“Look, daddy is on TV!”
It’s always fun to have a movie night and watch his newest film
Your kid is an actor now, yeah
Expect many private shows staring your lover and your child
His favorite? Princess/prince with him as the knight
Such an incredible comforter to both you and your child
You’re stressed? He’ll make sure you’re okay while also dealing with whatever’s freaking you out
10/10, just perfect
Iceman -
So goddamn gentle
Your heart will melt, watch out
He’s soft spoken and it must be magic at how well he can console your kids whines
You may know of his work, but only what he does
Not the victims, days, times, anything
But you kid? Doesn’t know a single thing
“My daddy is a superhero”
Yeah, depends on who you ask
He is technically killing bad guys (bad guys to the pm that is)
When you lay down your kid he’ll pull you to the kitchen and play a record
Slow dancing and lifting you up with immense ease
9/10, you may have death of a overheated heart
Doc -
…kinda awkward
He is good with kids, of course
All his years in med school? He had to have seen some children
He’s shy with you, but not shocked you have a kid
Will never judge you, not for a second
Makes sure your body has healed correctly
Back pains from pregnancy (if you are the mom)? You don’t know how but he will heal it
Your kid is like a walking dictionary, muttering words that would only make sense to a surgeon
For a doctor, it’s ironic how much he offers candy to them
“Be good and you’ll get a lollipop from daddy.”
7/10, your kid is always healthy, but he’s a bit childish too
Chuuya -
if you’re a teen parent he won’t care
Supports you and your child with his new pm check
Remember that one wan episode when he said that he would spoil a puppy if he had one?
That’s how he is with your kid and you
You want to take the kid to a new amusement park but the lines are too long for the kid to wait?
He will rent the entire thing, boy has connections
A lot of the sheep were young, so he is good with kids
Won’t be great as a role model, but an amazing protector
Nothing will ever hurt you or the child
If you want, he will definitely let you move in
Warning, the house will be filled with toys that the two of you won’t know what to do with
Overall 7/10 his heart is in the right place but he’s so young
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 months
Snippet - Coal Dust - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
"You don't even know them."
"I've known plenty like them."
"So have I. Children grown tough as boot leather from the world stomping on them. That was us, once." Quietly, "Or have you forgotten that too?"
"No," she says, with a touch of bleakness. "I haven't."
"Then why turn our backs on what's come before? Why spit in the face of a history that's given us so much?" He leans forward. "This isn't a substitution, Sevika. It’s a second chance. The last we'll ever get."
"To do right by the dead?"
"The living. Our living. The folk we were born to."
Sevika holds her ground. But the vein beats harder, and her fingers flex. The shadows in her eyes are a stormfront.
"The folk we were born to, huh?" she says. "Let me guess. The ones who died of lung-rot. Or cholera. Or a beating, courtesy of their betters. The ones who let us down the hardest, and laid us the lowest. Who proved to us, over and over, that there's no virtue in goodness. Only suffering for suffering's sake." The stormfront breaks, and the grief is a lightning bolt.  "Think of Vander. How he was content to sit on his ass, year after year, while Uppside bled the Lanes dry. Think of Nandi. With her prayers and peacemaking and stupid payasam, like a trayful of sweets could take the sting out of poverty. Think of my old man. Fists like mallets, and what did he do with them? Protected us from nothing. Beat us for everything. Until his own damn fists did the job, and won him a trip straight to Stillwater. Think of that, Silco. All the folk we were born to—the drecks and dreamers and dead-enders—who'd rather let the whole rotten world grind them into the dirt, than lift a finger to fight. You wanna do right by them? Let them die. Because in a world where the strong prey on the weak, and the weak don't dare strike back, it's survival of the fittest. And they've never had what it took."
The pain's an old one. And its roots, for all Sevika's bravado and bravery, run deep. Silco knows, because his do, too. It's a pain born of a thousand small cuts, and one big one, that'd excised weakness from their bones, and bound the gaps, like steel fux, with a fury that never faded.
A pain, he's beginning to realize, that's now gnawing into the creases and crooks of their present selves.
Unless it's exorcised, they'll never be whole. And they'll never build anything worth keeping.
"Is that we are?" Silco says. "The fittest?"
"You're damn right. And that's why I'm not going to stand here and listen to this." Her eyes are red-rimmed, and her jaw's tight enough to crack. "I want you to get up. Right now. I want you to dust yourself off, and walk down that hill, and into that goddamn car. I want you to say, 'Where's my cigar? Where's my whiskey? Where's someone I can gut six ways to Sunday for crossing me?' Because that is who you are. The Eye of Zaun. The man who's clawed his way up from nothing, and takes what he's owed, and doesn't stop till he's got the world dangling in his fist!"
"I'm still that man, Sevika."
"Then prove it!" Tears leap into the corners of her eyes. "I don't care how much dirt's packed into your boots. I don't care how much sun you've soaked up, or how many nights you've slept in some biddy's bed. I just want you to come home. For Janna's sake, come home, and take your place at the top. Among the best. Because the best have earned it, and bled for it, and know the score." The tears spill over, and her voice goes ragged. "That's what I want, Silco. That's what Zaun needs. It's what we deserve."
Silco knows what it costs her to strip the walls down to the bare bricks. To bare her throat, and beg, like the little girl who'd once begged her father not to hurt her. With his absence, he has hurt her. But his change, in all its enigmatic undercurrents, has hurt her tenfold worse. She doesn't understand. And, if he's truly honest with himself, nor does he.
But it's happened. It's here, and it's real.
And he's ready to meet it with every inch of himself.
"What I want," he says, "is better for Zaun."
"So do I." The tears streak. "And we can't have it without you."
"You will. You'll have the best."
He reaches up, and grips her good hand. This time, Sevika doesn't jerk away. Her body's rigid as a high-tension rebar. But their locked hands—his left, her right—with fingers interlaced, are a common fist.
One they've made together, again and again, to drive home a point.
"I know," he says, "I've let you down. I know you had to scramble, and improvise, and fight like hell to stay alive. And, for that, I am sorry. Not because you're not strong enough to handle it, but because the battle isn't yours to fight. It's true: I'm still the Eye of Zaun. But it's not enough. It hasn't been enough for years. Jinx showed me that, and so has this town, and, at last, I've seen the truth of it."  Their joined hands tighten. "But I swear on Vander's blade—on every soul that's fallen to it—I will do right by Zaun. By you. By our crew. By the ones who've given their lives for the cause, and the ones—like Pearl and her girls—who barely had a life to give. Because that's the future we've fought and bled and dreamed for. That's what Zaun deserves."
Sevika looks at him. Really looks. Past the sun's bronzing and the fresh-packed muscle and the lines carved by weeks of toil. Past the skin-deep to the bone-deep, in search for something that's stayed unchanged.
Her grip, too, is a kind of search: the fingers clasping his, testing the solidity of his flesh. His touch, though strong, is cold. It's always been cold. But warmth has a way of seeping into the cracks. It's the only way anything's ever survived, between them.
It's a tether worth its weight in gold.
"Are you sure," she says, hoarsely, "this isn't the coal dust talking?"
"Do I look like I'm missing a lung?"
"No. You look like a man who's been locked in a foundry."  Her eyes linger on his, searching and searching. "Meaning sooner or later, you'll burn everything down."
Silco lets a small smile play over his lips. It's the first sign, tantalizingly, of his usual self. But also, for Sevika, a ghost of the man she'd known—and of the uncrossable gulf between the two.
"I'll burn, all right," he agrees, "but not Zaun. That, I'll swear to."
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mischieffoal · 5 months
Kugrash; Rat Jesus; Bruce Kugrich; you know him, you love him - is a repressed, closeted, gay man. In this essay I will… tell you why I think that, I actually wrote the essay. (It’s not an essay it’s a long text post, it doesn’t have an introduction or a conclusion or citations don’t come for me)
Anyway, I’ve just finished The Unsleeping City chapters 1 and 2 and Kugrash has infested my brain and wormed his slimy way around my heart. I don’t need to proselytise him, if you’re reading this post you already understand the appeal of a crusty, washed-up rat bastard of a terrible father who’s trying to make up for everything he’s ever done. What I particularly loved about him was that he is gay-coded in such a specific way that it makes the poor little meow meow of it all even worse. Was it on purpose? I doubt it. But it certainly is there. 
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(I doubt it was on purpose because the joy of D20 is that all the characters are kind of just pan unless specified otherwise and homophobia is only a thing that villains do in the first five minutes of a character’s introduction. So it’s like, I doubt Murph did this on purpose because he’s probably just being very queer friendly and it comes across this way because of the Kugrash of it all)
Evidence that I remembered to write down is as follows: 
Perry the Pigeon
Kug doesn’t actually want to date Perry, but he doesn't object to going to the wedding with him/sort of leads him on/definitely flirts with him/tries to let him down nicely. 
Murph did just choose the name Perry at random. Could have been a girl pigeon, but no. 
Perry is serious about Kugrash. Like, “still mourning him” serious. 
Perry isn’t only into Kug, he is an established gay pigeon who later marries another man (/rabbit)
2. The Kugriches
When the other PCs tell Wally there’s a pigeon with a crush on his dad, Wally immediately asks “What’s his name?”
Wally and David’s mum is out of the picture. David said that Bruce abandoned them when Wally really needed him, which I think implies she’s been gone since before Kugrash was cursed. Why? Who knows, Bruce was a bastard in many ways - but if his sexuality was so obvious that their son can only imagine his dad dating a male pigeon, it was probably obvious to Bruce’s ex. 
3. Lowell Masters
Kingston: finds out Lowell can Identify things by sticking them up his ass Kingston, two seconds later, pointing at his good friend Kugrash: “This man, what is this man?" Lowell: gives Kugrash an ass jacket Kugrash: “Yeah, yeah, sure thanks, appreciate it.”  Kugrash: “I smell like lube now instead of trash.” Kugrash: “We’ll link up at some point”
4. The totems
All men. When the Intrepid Heroes came up with what their totem animals would be in an Adventuring Party, they weren’t particularly gendered, but weren’t sentient either, so who knows what that’s worth
Perry (see Point 1)
The campest unicorn you’ve ever seen or heard in your life
5. Best friends with a hairdresser
6. “You goddamn beautiful boy, you fucker, you absolute arsehole.” I get it, Kug. Ricky does it to us all. 
To me, all of this implies Kugrash is gay, but quietly. He’s certainly not out-and-proud like Pete is, but his children know. Did he tell them or was it obvious? I don’t think Kugrash knows. I think he’s closeted to no-one but himself. A business man in the 1980s isn’t the most likely guy to have searched his soul for any sexual deviancy, and since then he’s been very busy being depressed/ashamed/a literal rat in the sewers. Misty and Kingston do a lot of work to pull him out of the underground and actually talk to human beings again. They know he’s gay, from the things they say about him (see in particular Point 3: Lowell Masters). I don’t think Kugrash would have ever had a “gay awakening” or a “gay panic” if he’d stayed on the mortal plane, I doubt his sexuality would be that shocking or confusing - I just don’t think he’s noticed. 
Being cursed into a ratman gives you the space to learn all sorts of things about yourself, and if that doesn’t quite work, you can always eat an everything bagel and become omniscient, when you can finally realise that Bruce Kugrich was in fact gay the whole time.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 
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buckybarnesss · 9 months
Where did this idea that Chris Argent is the one Argent who cares about the code come from? He's just as bad as his wife, who wants to murder Scott for existing.
I feel like I have a completely different understanding of this that everyone else does. I like him BECAUSE he's a weak-willed jellyfish of a man. He follows orders, there's not much kindness left in him and it's only directed at his daughter. He's a liar who enjoys tormenting teenagers - he was willing to kill Derek and Scott even though he knew they hadn't killed anyone.
The entire point of the Argents is this corrupt family structure. "Women are leaders" they say, as they lie and gaslight Allison. "We don't kill innocents" they say, while shooting Derek and Scott for being outside at night.
How many times did they get it wrong and kill humans? We'll never know because of course they would just cover up the evidence. They were taking potshots at Scott and Derek and didn't even know WHO they were shooting at.
Literally none of them follow the code. They manipulated Allison into setting it aside. The code is bullshit.
"Chris would never torture innocents" bro what show were you watching, you think he didn't know Kate was sexually assaulting and electrocuting Derek?? He didn't seem that fucking surprised to see Erica and Boyd in his goddamn murder basement.
I feel like I am going crazy!!
you are so right.
what do i think of chris argent?
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chris argent is compelling to me because he's not really that good of a person. he has deluded himself into thinking he is.
the indoctrination amongst hunters runs very, very deep. especially with the argents. he never fully becomes deprogrammed. gerard argent deeply damaged both of his children and that is the point. there is no happy ending for the argent family.
kate was gerard's golden child because kate was full tilt sociopathic and enjoyed killing. chris was the lesser of the two in gerard's eyes. we know that while chris did gerard's biding he hadn't been in contact with allison since she was three years old at the time of kate's "death". that tells you chris knew his father's influence was dangerous and corrupting. yet he still let it happen and watched allison be manipulated by his father and become like kate.
three children ended up in his murder and torture basement and the only one i can see him not fully knowing about is stiles because that was gerard's little game. he knew about erica and boyd, he knew what was being done to them and he allowed it. they hadn't done anything to anyone and again they were children. the same age as his daughter. her own classmates. trussed up in his basement.
his intimidates stiles, scott, jackson and derek more than once. people who hadn't done anything wrong. scott, jackson and stiles are all children.
chris also knew full well who and what kate was. he was in denial about it and ignored it. chris isn't a stupid man and i thought it was pretty clear throughout season 1 he had suspicions about kate so he's not even surprised when confronted about it code breaker. he's just disappointed.
he clings to the code because it gives him cover. it gives him a convenient excuse. he can wrap himself up in the code and declare himself a good hunter, not like the others, not like his father and sister when he is. the code is his self-delusion.
he changes because allison died and his code becomes the memory of his daughter. his shitty family and his lack of backbone led down a path that eventually led to her death.
yes allison's decision that night was her own but it was also reckless. why was the archer on the ground? why wasn't she high up like she'd been wise enough to do in frayed or in alpha pact? allison was desperate not only to save lydia but also to prove herself good and make up for her mistakes.
and even when he begins to change it's often conditional.
chris is an interesting character. i like him a lot actually but he's a fucked up person who makes many questionable decisions thought-out the series. he only looks good because gerard and kate are more terrible.
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iamyouknow-yours · 11 months
Marcel is a Mikaelson. He does not have to call himself a Mikaelson as he is fully within his rights to denounce the very toxic family but he is one.
I hate the way the show treated him, I hate the way the characters treated him, and I hate that he is involved with Rebekah. I hate the way he and Hope are only kinda sorta siblings.
1. The show:
So we know Julie Plec is very much a white liberal. We know this. We know she has sexism issues, we know she has racism issues (black women will save us all, really Julie????). I don't know which of her multitude of biases made her (and the rest of the writers) think that the way they wrote Marcel and the Mikaelson's relationships with him, was normal (or like normal in the context of the show). But boy howdy.
The plantation house. We're just going to have the Mikaelsons move into the house where Marcel was owned as a slave????? That's what we're gonna do?????? And where his abusive biological father lived and y'know, abused him. Fucking what the fuck?? I feel like this just epitomises the way the show treats Marcel.
2. The characters:
The family never treats him as part of the family unless they want something from him.
They did not raise him as a son and it is weird and terrible and he was a child!!!!! Why did you adopt him if you didn't want a child???
Why is Klaus so scared of having Hope if he's already had a child?
Why does Klaus treat Marcel the exact same way Mikael treated him just because they're not blood related?? (if they actually explored this it could have been interesting but no they just only half treat Marcel as a Mikaelson).
YOU'RE TELLING ME THEY DIDN'T CHECK?? THEY DIDN'T CHECK HE WAS DEAD????? Not once in the 80+ years did Klaus or Elijah go back to New Orleans or even send someone to fucking check that his SON was really dead??? Didn't think to do that???? No???
3. Rebekah:
Oh my god what do I even say about Rebekah?
They could have at least made her be daggered for the time when he was a child and only meet him when he was already an adult and a vampire because that way she's only technically his aunt and not a full fucking adult who saw him grow up!!!!!!!!
Idk man, they were siblings. Let them be siblings. The whole thing in Legacies where the Mikaelsons just kind of left Hope alone? Weird. Bonkers. Batshit. I know it's because they couldn't get the actors but maybe think about that before writing your fucking show my guy.
Or in TO where Hope was just left alone and Klaus was not there as a dad for like 5(?) years.
Hayley was the only good parent on The Originals or Legacies canon, fight me.
(side note, you're telling me Caroline would leave Alaric, Alaric, an alcoholic, vampire-hating, weirdo (Caroline and Alaric being romantically involved briefly WAS WEIRD GUYS, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HE USED TO BE HER FUCKING TEACHER) in charge of the school for supernatural children??
You're telling me she left him in charge of parenting Lizzie and Josie?? Yeah okay sure.
And look how well that turned out. Locking teenagers in goddamn prison worlds, excellent headmastering there Alaric well done. And just swell parenting of the twins. Favouring Hope over them at all times and letting them bully each other weirdly for years and allowing your mentally ill children to just get more mentally ill from your parenting. Great moves. Very good.
Okay Legacies rant over)
Yeah okay my whole rant is over I think.
TL;DR: Marcel deserved better.
(and so did the kids on Legacies.)
Also PSA, the only reason I have so many feelings about this is because I like the freaking shows okay? I like the characters (except Alaric and Damon and the ones we're supposed to dislike like Mikael and Esther).
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Sorry guys, rant incoming. I considered deleting this but I put too much effort in.
"girlboss" "girl dinner" "girl math" "boy math" "gen z are making fun of us for wearing x" "here's how to dress like gen z:" "girlies" "girl's night" "boy's night" "me and the boys" "90s kid"
"I don't feel like an adult" "I'm 34 and I can tell you, I still don't feel like an adult either." "My parents seemed like real adults when they were my age." "I still feel like a teenager."
Maybe you'd feel more like an adult if you started calling yourself one. Maybe you'd feel more like an adult if you stopped trying to dress like a teenager. Maybe you should move your bed out from the wall and get a wallet. Maybe find a calendar app that works for you.
You are an adult. Even if you live with your parents. Even if you do part-time shift work at minimum wage. Even if you haven't graduated college. Even if you are single. These are adult things to do. Because you are doing them. And you are an adult. Start treating yourself like an adult. Fake it 'till you make it if you have to.
In other, writing-related, news:
That trend on TikTok of 20-40 something women authors (and writers yet to be published) promoting their books like,
"Omg! I can't believe I've sold X number of copies!! I never thought I would!" "Ahhhh imagine publishing your book and all your dreams come true and now you get to meet famous authors and work with big names in the industry!!" "Would you read a book where [proceeds to list a bunch of oversaturated tropes that tell me nothing about the actual plot]?"
It reeks of infantilization. If you didn't believe anyone would want to read your book, why should I? You made it on the NYT bestseller list! Stop acting like a mega-fan who got to meet a celebrity. You are their peer! "Would you read a book--" What if I wouldn't? Why does it matter to you what I think of your book? And for the love of god stop hiding behind tropes you know are already popular. "Here is my book: This is what it is about." Have some goddamn confidence.
It is fine to mention in passing "this idea was really far-fetched so I didn't know if it would appeal" or "I was struggling with self-esteem when I wrote this". It's fine to fan a little bit. It's fine to discuss the tropes in your book. But why are you building your brand as an author off of your inferiority complex? You are using your poor self-esteem as a marketing tactic to seem "humble" and "relatable" but it's coming across as unprofessional and desperate for reassurance. You are an adult. You are competent. The more you act like it the more you will believe it.
And of course, I haven't seen a man promote his book this way...
On another note, do any of the 20-40 something women writers who do "write with me" videos on TikTok actually enjoy writing or are they just doing it for the aesthetic?
They all have gorgeous minimalism writing spaces full of white and pink and a macbook beneath a window. Their makeup is done and they are conventionally pretty to start with. But their entire video is just them talking about how little progress they made, how many pages they deleted, how often they got distracted, how frustrated they are. And like, yeah. We all have those days. But what about the good lines you can't wait to share? The days when the words just flow? The cool stuff you learned while researching? Why don't you ever make videos about that?
Is this some other attempt to seem "relatable" by only talking about the "bad" side of writing? Because again, it's coming across as lacking confidence at best and, at worst, that you don't actually know how to write. And that is not the brand you want as an author.
Again, its always women. Why must women market their self-esteem issues in order to sell their art? Why must we be perpetually awestruck children (girlies, book girls) in over our heads?
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butterrats · 9 months
I love 2012 Donnie
I severely dislike 2012 April, one could say I hate her.
I am allowed to have my own opinions on these not-real-people characters because it. Is. A. Cartoon.
No, I am not a misogynist because I hate 2012 April. I actually love literally all five female characters they put in the show except her (Wow writers...) I'm a fucking feminist lesbian. Disliking a female character does not make you a misogynist. I honestly think a lot of her slander is undeserved, but I'd be a goddamn liar if I didn't say I kinda (ok I love it) enjoy participating in it. HOWEVER, I do not think she is a bad person. Is she snippy, rude, entitled, and kinda a brat in my eyes? Yeah, no dip. Do I think she's evil and intentionally trying to seduce every guy she sees into being her man slave? Uh no. I think she's annoying and I dislike her, but I don't want her to burn in hell. I want what I want for every character I see on a show: *clears throat* OWNING UP TO THEIR SHIT AND CHANGING FOR THE BETTER AND NOT BEING A MARY SUE AND MANY OTHER THINGS I DON'T FEEL LIKE GETTING INTO AT 11:30 PM. This goes for literally all the characters on the show. I wanna see Donnie and Casey apologize to April for being weird with her, AND I want April to apologize to them for being weird with them. THEY ALL DESERVED BETTER. They all could have developed amazingly if the writers didn't stick their heads up their asses and spew whatever shit they inhaled onto the script. I have so many other examples of this: I want Splinter to realize the generational trauma he's inflicting on his sons, Karai developing her relationships with all her brothers, Casey going into his backstory, insert other example.
No, I am not encouraging "nice guy" behavior by loving on Donnie. Oh wow, a kid with zero social interaction outside of his three brothers an strict dad gets weirdly obsessed with the first person he develops romantic feelings for? Who could've seen that coming? He should have left her alone when she wanted to be left alone and given her space, yes, but goddamn people, these characters are children. They're always making dumb choices. It's TEENAGE mutant ninja turtles. My boy never once tried to force himself on this girl. Never tried turning her no into a yes. Never wanted her to do anything she wasn't okay with. He's not a "nice guy" or an "incel" or a "stalker" he's a smart boy who made some very dumb choices. So did literally every other character in the goddamn show. You wanna talk creepy? Leo knowingly had the hots for his motherfudging sister but that's a whole 'nother can of worms I ain't touching tonight baby. I just personally think Donnie has so many more redeeming qualities to his character. Honestly, in my opinion, his apology to April was good enough for me. Not perfect by any means, but good enough. Donnie is literally one of the only characters who quickly owns up when he messes up, I think that' worth something considering the characters. Honestly, Donnie is a sweetheart, super smart, sassy, and fun to watch, and I think his qualities outweigh his flaws, unlike how I feel about April. (How I feel about her.)
My morality should not be called into question when I have an opinion on a fictional character for fuck's sake. This franchise is beloved, BELOVE IT. Have your opinions, love April, hate April, love Donnie, hate Donnie, just enjoy yourselves (except you, Tcesters, stay the fuck away from me and my son.) These characters aren't perfect, they're flawed, they're young, they're children. It's not their fault they were written like shit. They're ALL good people at the end of the day.
I hate 2012 April's guts and I love 2012 Donnie to death. But that doesn't mean you have to as well. LOVE YOUR CHARACTERS.
Holy jumping Jesus on a hoagie sandwich why did I waste an hour of my life writing this? I need to get to bed, I have work tomorrow. Anyways, hope this gets to someone who needs it, love yourself, love characters, don't fucking ship siblings, eat your homework, and enjoy your life. Love you <3
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nerdyvocals · 1 year
Sometime in the future, Mr. Daniels gets brought up at a class of '56 reunion, and Nancy, maybe a little too drunk, goes on the following rant.
Leonard Daniels? Stupid idiot, motherfucking Leonard Daniels?? Goddamn fool, book-collecting, dust-eating, rat-old-bastard, shithead idiot, dumbest manwhore in Rydell, biggest clown in the circus, laughed out of town, cowboy, motherfucking Leonard Daniels???
No, fuck it, let me tell you something about Leonard Daniels! I hate him so much; why did he have so many fucked up books? Why did he decide to fuck around and find out? Just let me at him! Is he dead? Is he a bastard??? Man has such a visceral affect on me, I haven’t seen that bitch since he got fired, not since the almost-wedding, and I know he has the world’s shittiest beard now. Keep him away from children.
If I wanted to get into heaven and god said “Leonard Daniels is waiting inside!” I would piss on god’s feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down. If I have to deal with Leonard Daniels speaking one word in my presence again, not only will I set him on fire, but I will die as well out of spite just to get reincarnated as another Rydell High student for the experience of going to a school where he does not teach. I don’t even know why he still makes me so mad. He’s been gone for years, but I am drunk and I am angry.
He better have some fucked up backstory to explain why he’s like this; if he’s just some white shithead who wanted a young Hispanic girl because he thought she’d be easy to manipulate, I’ll go ham. Where the fuck is he now? If he’s still alive I’m going to do deeply wish he wasn’t. Crusty old man. I’ll hit him again and his frail old man twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic, huge, meat fist and he will disintegrate until all that is left is his arrest report with “Now You Fucked Up” written across in red pen.
I am not longer breathing, I am about to start hyperventilating.
I hope I can find his obituary somewhere so I can mark it in every calendar I ever get in my life and once a year, I will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who tried to marry a literal CHILD.
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diamondcitydarlin · 5 months
man the replies on that last post I reblogged are just evidence pieces of how the term 'p*dophilia' has just become a dogwhistle/buzzword some people like to use on anyone either 1) not also joining into/endorsing their violent hivemind cult of bullying people on the internet 2) anyone telling them to stop. I don't think they realize this is a play right out of the conservative playbook (that has often been used against queer people no less): call anyone disagreeing with your fascist policies a predator or p*do to immediately shut down them and their arguments.
Literally, that post said: "Stop bullying people for fictional situations they may create or enjoy"
Like...what?? That post said nothing about specific fictional situations with minors!! Why are y'all always jumping to that conclusion?? Does that not seem a bit WEIRDER to you, that you're ALWAYS thinking about that?? That you're ALWAYS assuming this is what people are talking about??? I don't wanna say 'PROJECTION' so I won't, but honestly it makes them look all the more suspicious to me if I'm honest, esp as someone who was a victim of that as a child. Just saying.
It gets even more hilarious/weird when you've seen these people in action in fandom and know by 'p*dophilia' they usually mean either a) a fictional age gap relationship with two consenting adults or b) a ship that involves two adult characters, one of whom they ship with someone else and want to invalidate the pairing or sometimes c) a character that is an adult that they've hc'd as 'minor coded' whatever the fuck that means, so now everyone has to share that view and behave accordingly.
But idk man, it's just so fucking weird when people on here say, 'Leave people alone to enjoy their own fictional situations' and then these kinda people immediately jump to assuming they're talking about fictional p*dophilic situations, which I'd say 99.9% of the time is not even what they're talking about. They're PROBABLY talking about the thousands of other ships and situations that are not remotely the p-word but have been characterized as such to invalidate the pairing bc of ship wars or whatever.
It's just weird. It's so fucking weird and annoying, and at the end of the day it's only a justification for harassing and bullying and gatekeeping people out of places and it has been used time and time again by hateful people (again: queer used to be considered synonymous with the p-word when homophobia was even more rampant than it is today, and even TODAY gay people are still being accused of it just for existing)
Like i dOnT whO nEEds 2 HeAr ThiS but bullying people on the internet for fandom stuff is not going to save the children of the world from being preyed upon. If that is really one's goal, to HELP children, there are so many things offline in the real goddamn world that one can involved with to help. But sure, you just keep going on bullying, harassing and doxxing and watering down an important distinction on the internet. I'm sure that's gonna save so many children.
Fucking ridiculous.
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talon-the-hawk · 1 year
Incorrect One Piece Quotes
Franky: Coca Cola is a health potion, Pepsi is a mana potion. Chopper: What’s grape soda? Franky: It’s fucking purple baby!!!
Usopp: I failed my safety training course today. Nami: Why, what happened? Usopp: Well one of the questions was "In case of a fire, what steps would you take?" Nami: And? Usopp: Well apparently "FUCKING LARGE ONES" isn't an acceptable answer.
Nami to Usopp : First rule of battle, Usopp... don’t ever let them know where you are. Luffy, shooting out of frame: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo! Nami: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
Luffyi: Nami , I want a bedtime story! Nami : I’m busy, Luffy. I’ll tell you one tomorrow. Luffy: If you don’t tell me a story, I won’t go to bed! Nami : Once upon a time, there was a person named Luffy, who always wanted things their way. One day, their friends got sick of it and locked them in the brig for the rest of their life. Everyone else lived happily ever after. The end. Luffy: I don’t like these stories with morals.
Chopper: Do you think different paints have different tastes? Luffy: They do. Usopp: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
Roger: How many children do you have? Whitebeard: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference
Zoro: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
Marco: Yesterday, I overheard Haruta saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Ace replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Sabo: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
Ace: ...
Luffy: ...
Ace: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt? Whitebeard: Whitebeard: Why are you eating dirt? Ace: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
Marco: Hey, Ace? Ace, playing a video game with the squad: What? Marco: Can I share something with you from earlier today? Ace: Wh- what is it, Marco? Marco: Well, I sent you a text early in the morning. Ace: Mhm. Marco: Because I have to go out of town for a weekend this month. And, so I was like- I won't give specific dates, but I was like, do you have any preference whether I go this weekend or the next weekend? Ace: Yeah? Marco: Your response. Ace: *trying not to crack up* Marco: At 9:30 in the morning. Marco: "motherfucking Jesse Eisenberg jesus Christ motherfucking Facebook movie jesus can you believe this shit" Ace: *laughing* Marco: No- no- no punctuation. Random capitalization. Ace: You just made me dieeee... Marco: So I respond, "I have no idea what we're talking about right now." Marco: 45 minutes pass. I get a text from you. Marco: "goddamn created Facebook and fucking lawyers and shit right fucking winklevoss twins goddamn rowing the boat fuck yo shit i cant even fucking believe this shit have you seen this shit fuck I just watched this shit fuck Jesse eisenberg man" Ace: *wheezing with laughter* Marco: I respond "Ace, you're scaring me." An hour passes- Marco: You respond, "motherfucking spiderman Spiderman you put in the time fuck put in the time motherfucking built shit with his bare hands fucking best friend shit jesse eisenberg" Marco: "im very tired" Ace: *struggling to breathe* Marco: And- and I'm just like, "No- no worries, Ace, I'll- I'll do most of the talking at the hangout today-" Marco: IMMEDIATE, like, response, like I'm talking 5 seconds later, Marco: "no man ill just talk all day shit man you have to be so interested in the shit I have to say about the Facebook movie fuck dude I just watched it a year and a half ago fuck Jesse Eisenberg man he fucked over Spider-man crazy Winklevoss twins rowing Trent Resin or did the soundtrack fuck this guy who invented Facebook I don't like dying I can't think of who the fuck invented Facebook All I can think is who played the guy who invented Facebook who the fuck invented Facebook" Marco: And then, in all capital letters, two hours later, Ace: *falling over with laughter* Marco: "MARK ZUCKERBERG."
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bardicbeetle · 6 months
hey. Hey. You got any analysis of the Lost Boys or thoughts on the movie to share? who's your favorite character in it and why??
Analysis on the movie I've been many levels of obsessed with since age 14 you ask?
...this is going to end up undercut for length I can already feel it.
The Lost Boys is my comfort movie, my I-feel-like-shit-nothing-is-fixing-it movie, my I-can't-write-please-help movie and my go-to for when I am inflicting media upon a new friend. I know it backwards forwards, upside down and inside out, I own the out of print novelization written by Craig Shaw Gardener, I posted the original prequel script to fanfiction.net in the early 2010s because I found it buried in a forum post and wanted it to be easier to find, I have listened to every version of cry little sister that G Tom Mac has ever put out in addition to the entire stage musical he produced. The fic I wrote for it in 2011 is still on Wattpad and to this day for some fuck ass reason gets 1000s of hits per year. I have another fic for it on ao3 that still takes up brainspace for me on a minimum weekly basis.
Honestly do not know who I am as a writer if not for this film.
It is such a huge part of who I am as both a fan of media and a vampire writer and as a horror enjoyer in general.
And it is undeniably, baked into its bones, queer as fuck.
Not just from the overt point of here is a film in the 1980s about men sharing blood, directed by an openly gay man, hands us platonic and familial and romantic interactions between male characters, who are allowed to hold one another, allowed to express emotion, allowed to exist freely and without shame I am--so very abnormal about this movie.
I'll be the first to admit it's not perfect by any means, it very much exists a time capsule of its era, but also, to momentarily put the bar on the floor, it isn't slur laden and full of take-backs for any of the emotional vulnerability like other things around then were (see: Once Bitten, which while unarguably very much more on the comedy side of horror-comedy, i'm going to put into the same category by virtue of Camp Vampire Movies of the 80s).
It hands us one of my favorite mothers of all time. Lucy Emerson is a treasure, she spends the whole movie trying her goddamn best to remember that she is stronger than anyone gives her credit for. That she chose to divorce an abusive man, pick up her two sons, and leave without more than signing the papers and getting out. She doesn't care if they're poor, she doesn't care if she could have gotten something from her ex-husband, she wants her boys safe and there is a very large implication that sticking around to do the whole song and dance would have ended badly. Lucy lives for her sons, she wants so badly to make the world easier for them than it was for her, she wants to be part of their lives and part of their interests even if she does not understand them, and I maintain that Had Max Actually Succeeded, it would not have been long before the Lost Boys themselves were Lucy's as much as her own two sons, and that would not have ended well for Max. Protecting mother, lioness, made to be underestimated so you are always caught off guard.
Edgar and Alan Frog are near and dear to my heart, these idiot vampire hunter children were just so very much what my brother and I were in terms of Making Up Games To Play--ignoring the fact that for these two it's real, not that it ever had been before the Emerson family rolled into town and Sam's brother got mixed into the Lost Boys group. Edgar wanting to be in charge of things and wanting to protect the people he cares about and the town he is too stubborn to admit he loves despite being what, 12? 14? Alan being quieter but just as absolutely ready to go "yeah we are totally experts at this" as his twin, the fact that neither of them have any idea what they are getting into. Dipping barely into the sequels territory (which...they aren't good. by any definition. but Edgar and Alan are the best part of them both) we get Edgar dealing not only with his perceived loss of Alan to half-vampirism, but his whole loss of Sam after having to kill him and I just.
NOW, dipping into the main event there is Michael, who spends this whole movie just trying to figure out where the hell he's supposed to belong at this point. He doesn't see any point in starting a new high school in his senior year, he doesn't want to upset his mother by just absolutely dropping off the planet, he cares deeply about his family and wants to help however he can because they are struggling for money. So what does this seventeen year old kid do? He starts picking trash up off the beach for eight hours a day. He gives that money to his mother under the guise of it being "leftover from christmas" because he doesn't want her to worry about him working. He feels so fucking lonely without the friends he left behind in Phoenix and he feels like he's too old to supplant himself into a new friend group in Santa Carla before everyone goes their separate ways after high school anyways.
Enter Star and the Lost Boys.
Yes, Michael is taken in by Star because she's beautiful and mysterious and he's a teenage boy seeing nipples through a tank top, but beyond that he sees in her, in David and the others, how self sure they all are of the decisions they've made. This group is all within his age, they're all living in a goddamn sunken hotel half claimed by the ocean, they have motorcycles like him, they smoke weed and eat chinese food and Marko keeps pigeons and Dwayne can skateboard and Paul is a music nerd and what the fuck how do they manage to seem like they have their lives more together as a group of teenage runaways than he does?
He's enamored with it, obsessed with it, the movie speeds up a timeline of something that does in fact happen over the course of a couple weeks, of him hanging out with them, slowly experiencing more and more symptoms of vampirism from the blood he drank the first night, unable to stop coming back, unable to really figure out what it is they have figured out that he doesn't, and hoping that maybe if he stays with them he will eventually feel the same confidence in his own existence that they do.
But couple that with the horrifying reality that he is becoming a monster. His younger brother is terrified of him, the family dog bites him, the horses won't go near him, he pulls a mouse out of a trap freshly dead and squeezes it like a spent juice box into his mouth, he is falling apart at the seams by the time David decides it's time to finish things. And that's what David wants, he wants Michael in a position where he is no longer lucid enough to resist once there's blood in the air.
And it almost fucking works.
I stand by my belief that the entire movie hinges on the beach party where the Lost Boys kill a whole bunch of Surf Nazis. The whole thing, the outcome of the final fight, the failure of Max's plan, all of it hangs on that one night, and whether or not Michael can actually manage not to give into the bloodlust. He does manage, obviously, he leans into the shock and fear and near throws himself out of that tree because he knows that if he doesn't, he will join the blood bath happening not ten feet away. He is starving and exhausted and everything in him is screaming that if he just gave in, it would all feel so much better.
But he doesn't.
He lays in the sand until he cannot hear any heartbeats left.
Lays there clawing his hands into the ground like if he can hold himself still enough then maybe this will stop being real.
Three of the four boys don't pay much mind to this, Dwayne Paul and Marko have slipped back into regular antics despite being coated red. Their faces have returned to normal, their eyes no longer brilliant gold rimmed red, they are laughing and shoving and having a good time.
But David is furious. He's quiet about it, he isn't loudly angry, something I think he probably absorbed from Max over the years, he tells Michael what needs to be done if he wants to stay with them, and then he and the other Lost Boys leave him there in the sand, burnt flesh and ashes drifting down to him on the breeze.
The thing about David is that he realized the night on the train bridge that he didn't care about Max's bullshit plan. He didn't care that he was originally going to feed Michael to Star. He is fixated on getting Michael to join them, not just for himself, not just to keep Star around, but also because there's a refusal to give up in this kid that has him excited, a stubbornness that he wants to break. It's the thing that eventually leads to his death.
I think, perhaps, I have yelled enough.
Oh, shit, favorite character.
I think without any doubt it has to be David. Especially after reading the novelization, the comics, the original prequel script, he's just, he is such an interesting character and his motivations are so obvious despite how much he would appear to hold them close to his chest. He's a root character I can trace a lot of the tropes that carry over in my own antagonists to, and some of my protagonists as well.
double anyways, camp vampires from 1987 my beloved.
Thank you Katie <3
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kindred-sims · 1 year
Part 2/2
TW: Emotional abuse, verbal abuse
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"How dare I? How dare you! I'm a guest in your home, is this how you would treat your guests?" Sterling scoffed at Caleb. "Really, I would've thought that even simple farm folk could raise their children with at least some manners..."
"...Jo, go put Carrie back to bed. I don't want her here for this."
Caleb spoke both sternly and plainly, keeping his angered gaze focused on his father-in-law as Jo numbly walked out of the room with their daughter in tow. He hadn't been proud for yelling in front of the two of them as he had, but his anger had been kindled, and he could no longer force himself to remain as pleasant as he'd tried to be all evening.
As far as he was concerned, Mr. Blythe had crossed a very strong limit with his words. And that was a limit that no man should ever dare cross as long as a Wakefield was around.
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"If you must know Mr. Blythe, my parents did raise me to have good manners, and they certainly raised me to be gracious," He tried to keep his voice level, but his ire was too hard to disguise, and it was taking everything in him to not begin shouting again.
"But they also taught me to put my family first above anything else, and that's what I'm doing now. For that, I'm not going to let you stand around and continue belittling my wife any longer--"
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"I'm sorry, your wife?" The other man let out a harsh chuckle. "Forgive me for saying so, but I believe she's been my daughter longer than she's been your wife. I'll treat her however the hell I please, and I'll be damned if some oafish farmer is going to tell me what to do!"
"Papa, that's enough!"
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Try as she might, Jo hadn't been able to bring herself to leave Caleb alone with her father, and had swiftly returned after ensuring that Carrie was settled. She didn't know why, but overhearing his insults toward Caleb -- combined with the nasty things he had to say about Carrie, had caused something inside of her to snap, and she knew she couldn't stay quiet anymore.
She didn't want to either.
For nearly twenty-one years she'd been dealing with his cruelty, and she was done playing the timid creature.
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"Oh, you stay out of this, girl, this doesn't concern you--"
"No. I think it does," She spoke firmly, stepping between Caleb and her father. "Papa, my whole life you've been treating me as if I'm an inconvenience to you, and you've never once given me any indication that you love me or actually care for me. And for what reason? Because I'm not the son you wanted?"
"Christ, Josephine, I've heard all I want to hear--"
"I'm not finished yet," Jo kept on, both her voice and body trembling something terrible. She was terrified, but she couldn't stop. "I could've handled it, you know? If you only came here to insult me further, but you didn't. You've not only insulted me, but you deliberately chose to insult both my husband and child, and I refuse. I refuse to let you do those things any longer."
"Like hell you can refuse me, I'm your goddamn father! I'm the only family you have left you ungrateful brat! What do you think your mother would say, or your grandmother?"
"I'm not a child anymore, Papa!"
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Jo surprised even herself with how loud she became, but she didn't back down. So many years of hurt, so many years of pain all came spilling out in that one sentence, and by God did it feel so freeing.
"That isn't going to work with me anymore, it won't. You're not my family, you have never been my family," she continued "I have Caleb and Carrie now, I don't need anything from you. I don't want anything else."
"Well I--"
"And furthermore, if I do have a son someday, I will never tell you. Because I'd rather my children have no grandfather at all versus one who is a cruel, selfish excuse of a man."
Sterling looked taken aback by all these words, staring at Jo like he was trying to figure out where his shy, meek daughter had gone. Maybe this was who she really was, maybe he'd never known her at all.
Either way, it was nothing Jo would lose sleep over.
Still seated on the couch, Cora was the next to say something, her voice a hushed whisper.
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"Sterling, I think its best we leave now..."
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He didn't respond, stood silently for about another minute, before finally grumbling under his breath and following his wife out of the parlor. He glanced back one more time as they departed, a searing fire burning in his expression.
"I hope you're satisfied, Josephine, truly. I thought marrying you off to this simpleton might humble your selfish ways, but I can see now that that was only a fool's dream," he said cruelly, but Jo refused to look at him, keeping her back turned. By now, her resolve had crumbled, and she refused to let him see her cry. Not as he had so many other times before.
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"You'll get what you want, mark my words. You couldn't pay me to come back to this pigsty, even if I wanted to. You won't be seeing me, or a cent of your inheritance for that matter. I have every intention to have everything transferred to Edward as soon as he turns eighteen. At least I know the family fortune will be in more...competent hands."
"Oh keep your damn money, Mr. Blythe, we certainly don't need it." Caleb hissed, refusing to take his eyes off either of the Blythes until they'd left the house. He turned to Jo, and it only took one glance at her face for him to pull her into a tight embrace.
"Its over now, love. They're gone, you can cry," He held her close as she sobbed into his shoulder, her entire body shuddering. "I've got you, its alright..."
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"God, he's so horrible. He's so horrible, Caleb, how dare he say such awful things!" Her voice was muffled, yet audible enough to know that it was breaking. "About you, about Carrie...what did she do to him besides exist? She's only a baby, she didn't do anything, she couldn't have..."
His entire shoulder soon became doused in her tears, but Caleb didn't care. Only kept holding her, until he was sure she was going to be okay. That she was going to feel safe again. Because while he may be an oafish farmer who couldn't read or write all that well, he knew how to care.
He knew how to love.
Because he loved Jo more than her father could ever claim to. He'd meant every word of his wedding vows the day he'd recited them, and he had every intention to uphold them for as long as the Good Lord would allow him.
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stackthedeck · 1 year
I haven't read any of his comics, what did Zeb Wells do?
so i'll be real with I haven't been keeping up with this run, I read the first couple of issues and was like fuck this is ass and decided to wait till the next writer (which is kinda a shame because Wells has written some good stuff in the past) so I've just been picking up the details from mutuals but I pirated the latest issue and god it's worse than I thought (oh shit this got long, rant under the cut)
so Peter and MJ are trapped in an apocalyptic dimension with this dude Paul because sci-fi bullshit, Peter gets sent back and MJ and Paul are trapped there with no other human beings. Peter proceeds to make enemies of the fantastic four and Captain America because he won't say the words "my girlfriend is trapped in an another dimension and I have to save her" but he does say that to Norman fucking Osborn (I don't care that he's "good" now I still can't stand him he's still a manipulative asshole). He gets back to MJ and finds out that more time has passed for her and she's got kids with Paul now.
Listen, Marvel Editorial has been character assassinating Peter Parker for years, I've given up on Peter centered comics past OMD but I'm just so fucking over the way they treat MJ nowadays! And everyone is framing it as "Peter got cucked by Paul" when it should be "MJ was trapped with one man for years in a hellscape and are we sure that she had a choice here?? Are we going to unpack her trauma??" No because it's always about fucking Peter!!
I get it, Marvel editorial wants MJ and Peter separated so Peter can date someone else, fine I'm good with that. But it shows such a flagrant disregard for MJ's humanity that the only way they can imagine doing that is by essentially locking her in a closet with another man. Who the fuck is this Paul guy and why is he entitled to MJ?! She's exposed to all of humanity again and she's like nah hell dimension husband. Like this is literally what Kang did to Captain Marvel like fuck and I understand that Paul isn't a bad actor here but this is so sketchy. If you want a jaded MJ that's been through hell and back in the apocalypse cool we did that in the 80s and it was so much better. MJ is a capable full character that isn't just a hole to be fucked goddamn!!
I'm sick of Peter and MJ being broken up by sci-fi bullshit, MJ has so many fucking reasons to leave his ass, but the fact that their relationship has to end every time through external forces is 1. lazy writing and 2. shows a disregard for MJ's agency in the story. Before one more day when Peter was on the Avengers and they were married and MJ was surrounded by heroes, she was at one of her lowest points emotionally, she felt isolated and overwhelmed and she felt so powerless. This was causing obvious strain on their relationship, if they wanted to break them up, MJ could have said "I can't live like this anymore, I'm not asking you to change, but I'm not cut out for this." but no it was the literal fucking devil!! And I know that Marvel knows that this could have happened because they did it in Life Story!!! Hey remember Judgement Day, where Peter's ultimate reward for being a hero was seeing his high school girlfriend again, not I don't know, getting his children back from the dead?? Yeah, what the fuck did MJ think about that! I want to see MJ lash out at Peter for that if there was ever a time to pull out the "I'm tired of feeling like the runner up to the perfect ghost of Gwen Stacy!" then was the time!!!
they can character assassinate Peter all they want, Miles is the better Spider-Man with the better stories and what I've been reading instead of the new run, but there is no other Mary Jane. Fans already discount the entire era of their marriage because of omd and fans and writers alike boil her down to the slutty party girl so her "cucking" Peter is only going to make it worse and I know she's going to be written out of Spider-Man comics or if she is there she's going to a cardboard cut out of her character. I miss when they were friends, but these writers can't imagine a woman and a man being friends without thinking the woman just wants to sleep with him. I'm fucking sick of the misogyny of the comics industry
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rollinpinwheel · 6 months
Daily HC: Love, Hate & Sex
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Romantic // Platonic, aka “Love”
Pinwheel can fall in love with anybody, he's panromantic if you will. That being said, this is not an emotion he's ever tapped into. Pinwheel doesn't tap into many emotions in the first place, the most common states you'll find him in is deliriously happy, sassy, filled with schadenfreude, frustrated perhaps, or manic if it's a good day.
That's not to say he can't feel hate or sadness, or love for that matter. He has that spark of sentience from Asmodeus programming it into all of his fizzies, but he is constantly running away from those feelings. Not thinking too hard on them, or else he might never come out of that depressive slump. He would be furious, realise life is unfair, and most of all, meaningless, bro would have a goddamn mental breakdown. So he dissociates, lives off of dopamine highs, and at times, is near delusional to stay in denial.
Okay so what the fuck does this got to do with love?
Well, since he is constantly keeping his feelings surface leveled, not daring to tap into anything that might leave him thinking about his situation for too long… he is very much the same with relationships. He doesn't consider people friends, and he has never even thought about love, because he hasn't let himself do it. He thinks love is being appreciated by an audience… people cheering and you getting something out of it, in this case, their hard earned cash… he never stopped to reflect on anybody Actually loving him, because nobody has approached him about it, not even the kids he performs for. He will mock Blitzø saying nobody loves him…
But he doesn't know what love is. Literally.
If he was to fall in love, you'd give this machine a goddamn character arc in the process. A robot discovering emotions they do not understand.
There's also the fact that Pinwheel is a fucking challenge to deal with. There are those who adore his silly antics on the stage, foolish children or delighted parents, but anybody who Knows Pinwheel, knows he's a crude, rude, disgusting piece of scrap metal, that while he's good at quips and he can be kinda charming at times, there is little else to appreciate…
I just say good luck. And also I wanna know Why-
Will go into detail how his body works in blue text, skip if it bothers you. Ace Solidarity, I've got those days too ♤
Pinwheel was created to fuck. Yes he's an entertainment bot in a theme park, but at the core, he is one of the earliest prototypes of Mammon's “collaboration” with Asmodeus. He's got the package, I'm considering having him have different sets of genitals, he's got that heart ass, he's got a cum dispenser and storage for both oral and anal, he can heat up and cool down on demand, he's got soft little silicone tits shaped like hearts, he's Got It All.
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And this man has never scored.
MIND YOU, he just isn't sexually attracted to strangers. He wears his intact cherry with pride, refusing to “stoop to his fellow fizzies’ level”, pleasuring nobody even if they beg him to (Fizzarolli-stans you're gonna get banned from the daycare park). He's just simply too good for you. Have you seen this body? Have you noticed that he's a Star? You can't have this, even if you did dare to get close enough to cup a feel.
That's not to say he can't develop sexual attraction, or have days where he's feeling a bit frisky. He just needs to develop an emotional connection with the person in question first… and this might take some time, he can't just switch his drive on.. and some days it just isn't going to happen. If you can woo this fizzy then yes, there's a chance you catch him one day wanting to try out all those functions he's got going on…
Or your sexual tension from your intense hatred might also be a kind of connection that tips the scales… you just gotta make it personal. He is hated by many people, but so far, he doesn't want to fuck any of them. Make it hot, coward.
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Just to put it out there, this is the post that set this off though I've been seeing shit like this for weeks. I'm not reblogging it because I don't want to directly spread this.
Can't believe I have to say this, but: AO3 is not an inherently community properties. It is a Non-Profit Organization that was begun and organized by people with certain ethos in mind; in a very condensed nutshell, the freedom to write and share any and every kind of fic, no matter what subject matter it contains. Period. They wrote the charter to suite their ideals, funded it alongside like-minded individuals, and manned it for many years. People who believe in the dream that they set up are the ones largely running the show now (a few founding members may still be around, though I'm not sure about that,) but so far that ethos has remained in tact.
While AO3 was always meant to serve the community (and they do,) it was never meant to be run by anyone who does not share their ethos. That's why actively contributing to the organization itself--ie, through volunteering, and/or donating--is a requirement for having a say in what the archive does. You do not get to vote on board elections if you are not involved. You do not get to be on the board if you do not do these things. That is how all non-profits work. A non profit is not a union (and outside of possibly the original vote to organize, no union I've ever heard of allows non-union members to vote on union procedure, policy, or in elections.)
One of the reasons why this is true is that anyone who doesn't agree with the founding tenants of absolute free speech, no matter how vile that speech may be, will not stick with the organization long enough to change things internally--that is a feature, not a bug.
Why? In this case, because of that ethos. Because of the fic bans and the purges that the idea for AO3 was born out of, which always stemmed from "concerned individuals" and calls for "morality." Completely unironically, because of all the shit that's happening to regular libraries across the US right now. Essentially, because of all the things AO3 was always meant to stand against.
God fucking damn but am I tired of this latest round of anti nonsense disguising itself as "Proship" and "Anti-racist" and "Anti-harassment" in order to try and drive a wedge between AO3 and its donors. I've seen this song and dance before. We all have. It used to be "child porn" and "think of the children," and now its "harassment," and "abuse!" Ie, the exact things that the modern lefty is hard programmed to fall into line behind without actually considering the evidence.
People please read through this shit critically before just assuming its valid. Note the lack of actual, clearly displayed and easily legible proof*. How all the "I've complied everything in one page!!!" posts seem to just be paragraphs after paragraphs of conjecture and vague statements without, again, any goddamn proof (except, maybe, a list of links entirely removed from context, appended to the bottom.) Be critical of authoritative statements about how things "should" be run without any sense of where that authority is coming from, and the lack of solid answers (or even suggestions) as to how the problems should be fixed in any way that isn't "Fire everyone I've decided is responsible for this (again, without proof,) and replace them with people who want to completely rewrite the ethos of the site to allow bans on content that everyone (and by 'everyone,' I mean me, the speaker) agrees is objectionable."
There is an alarming number of parallels I've been seeing lately re: how people are currently attacking AO3 and how bad actors in various states are forcing through book bans. Please be mindful.
*"easily legible" is kind of a weird phrasing, but i can't think of a better one. What I mean, specifically, is a good 90% of the "proof" links I've found are all links to mid-page comment streams on anonymous wank boards which mostly start mid-conversation, effectively removing them from their original context, and never site any sources of their own. Literally everything is He Said/She Said levels of bullshit with some corporate buzz words tossed in to make it sound more valid than it is.
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