#why was it SO fucking long nothing was even happening half the time!!!!!! also wasn't a huge fan of the fact that they were really
nicolesgf · 2 days
my thoughts on class of 09: the flip side
when i played the first two games i was shocked to find out they were written by a man. when i played the flip side- it all made sense. half of the game was just foot fetish content?? it made me soooo uncomfortable. it was beyond shock value, those scenes were unnecessarily long.
which speaking of, is it just me or was the dialogue drawn out too? like on all scenes. ngl i got a little bored sometimes. the banter and chemistry between the characters wasn't there. and jecka got repetitive too like just yelling at crispin to kill himself every time- where's the sly verbal aggression and quick comebacks? disappointing.
i agree with most people, nicole was pretty ooc. and this game solidified that they really don't give a fuck about each other as much as the fandom thinks. nicole ruined jecka's life in 2 endings- one of them leading to her suicide. and jecka's not nicole's. tho even when nicole killed herself jecka barely gave a fuck bye. but yea jeckole shippers wow they're so goals! (not)
the endings were lame as fuck. the sex slave ending?? what even was that. came out of left field it wasn't even shocking just straight up dumb? it's like they were thinking "how can i make this game more outrageous?" but nobody fucking blinked. three of the endings weren't even real endings, they were just other people dying. they had nothing to do with jecka's story. like what happened after nicole killed herself??
the only positives were the jeckari kiss, the jeckelly make out mention, and emily (of course!). also jecka's voice actress was amazing.
overall the game fucking sucked. it was disappointing and u can tell they went for shock value > satirical social commentary. i also lowkey wanted to see them actually in COLLEGE or post-grad life (like the description of the game said) so idk why we got half of the game set in high school.
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liinos · 2 years
i didn't watch the girls season so idk if it went to shit then but it's so crazy seeing the difference between qcyn1 and qcyn3 like i don't know what the fuck they were doing for qcyn3 but that might be one of the worst structured shows ive ever seen
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lustspren · 8 months
P.S.T EP. 11 | Stay the Night ft Karina.
length: 14k words✦
Karina & Male Reader
genres: anal, oral sex, hard sex, creampie, exhibitionism, dirty talk, titjob, handjob, footjob, facefuck, body worship, shower sex, outdoor sex, ass eating, facial, backshot, sunbathing (?
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You always hated getting up early before everyone else, you felt like an idiot and it was like being in a limbo of unknown people around you. If that wasn't enough, the place was full of unbearable rich men talking about their possessions or businesses as if they were trying to compete with each other. You sank into your seat, waiting for the food you had ordered for breakfast while looking at your phone.
Last night you couldn't fall asleep when you got to your room, you tossed and turned for an hour and a half until you were finally able to relax, so you had about 5 hours of sleep at most. Definitely not enough, but when you woke up there was no turning back.
Part of this insomnia was due to the fact that you couldn't stop turning over in your head what had happened with Noze. It still felt like a very wild lucid dream to you, you and her had fucked Minjeong together, turned her into a sex slave only useful to satisfy both of you, and thinking about it still turned you on a lot. You remembered how she looked into your eyes while she was riding Minjeong's face and how she went crazy with pleasure watching you destroy her. You wanted to fuck her like an animal and have her to yourself, but you knew that would be impossible. Not only did she not have that kind of interest in you, but she couldn't even have it. You were a man.
You also never stopped wondering what she thought about all that, or how she would react from now on. You didn't know if she was going to talk about it openly, if she was going to participate more actively in your services, or if nothing like that was going to happen again. The answer didn't take long to arrive in front of your eyes.
Noze entered the hotel restaurant in a hurry, and from the look on her face as she walked towards you, you figured it was best not to mention anything about past events at all unless you wanted a fork stuck in your eye. You wanted to compliment her on how pretty she looked that morning, but you also didn't think it was appropriate considering she was visibly fresh out of bed.
"Why did you let me sleep so late?" She asked, taking a piece of green apple from your plate to put it in her mouth. She had four more seats available, but she chose to sit next to you at the circular table.
"I didn't even know I was allowed to wake you up," you said, she didn't even answer you before she was already immersed in her phone, you assumed waking everyone up.
"Hey, grab some things for the girls to have breakfast and pack them up, we've got to go," she told you, then got up to make a call.
While you went to the restaurant reception to ask for some plastic containers, the girls were already entering the restaurant with the worst aspects you remembered about them in a long time. They walked like the stupid zombies from The Walking Dead, visibly exhausted from last night's concert. You noticed that Minjeong was holding on to Giselle's arm as her legs were shaky. You couldn't do anything but hold back your laughter.
Once you packed the girls' breakfasts and put them in a bag, you left the restaurant with them and Noze. The vans were already outside, and from Noze's hurry you could tell that all the staff members were ready to leave, the only ones missing were you. You had to jog to catch up with them and leave the hotel.
"You were too busy last night to say goodnight like you always do huh?" Ning joked once you were settled inside the van, she had sat next to you and hugged your arm, snuggling against it.
"Something like that," you chuckled, watching as the girls began to fall asleep when the van hadn't even started.
"Try not to forget it again, those messages make me happy," she laid her head on your shoulder, yawned and closed her eyes. All the girls were now asleep, only you, the driver, and Noze were awake. She was focused on doing all the tasks that she couldn't do because she woke up late, she used a laptop, her phone and a notebook for it.
Noze worked with the efficiency and speed of a machine, you couldn't help but stare in amazement at how she could do so many things so well at the same time. She wrote emails on her laptop, wrote down things on the notebook that you couldn't see from your seat, and made calls, often some of those things at the same time. On the way to the airport you discovered that the reason for all the hustle and bustle was that she wanted the arrival to be as unnoticed as possible, which you were sure would happen since she was always two steps ahead of everyone.
When you arrived at the airport, you were not surprised by the fact that there was not a single flash that bothered the girls while they walked to do all the corresponding checks. Yes, there were a few people who stopped to look when they recognized the girls, but they simply took a discreet photo with their phones or just left with a smile on their face.
When you boarded the jet —which was the same one that had brought you to Dallas—the girls ran to choose their seats and made themselves comfortable to fall asleep again. That left you alone with Noze once again. You had a long time with her ahead, so once it was safe to get up inside the cabin, you went to sit next to her while she worked on her laptop.
"So..." you started, leaving your phone connected to your power bank on the table, next to her laptop, "did you have a good time last night?" You asked, crossing your arms on the table and resting the side of your face on your hand to look at her. Noze gave a disbelieving smirk and she stayed silent for a few seconds while she minimized Excel.
"Yeah, but it wasn't anything special," she replied, playing it cool, you raised both eyebrows in shock as you stared at her, "What? Stop imagining me and Joohyun," she put a hand on your face and made you look away. You laughed.
"When you and her did your things in the dorm... did any of the other members join in?" you asked, emboldened, perhaps a little driven by curiosity. You looked at her again.
"And why are you asking these questions so suddenly?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Because you're always busy and right now it's just you and me," she stared into your eyes for a few seconds.
"Mostly Seulgi," she said finally, "you know, she and Joohyunie are inseparable. But in short, all of them, in every possible combination, multiple times."
“Fuck, that sounds like a lot of fun,” you joked with an incredulous giggle.
"I know right? You would love Wendy, that girl is built differently."
"You should recommend me to her then, don't you think?" Noze's face darkened.
"I would if only I spoke to any of them today," she let out a deep breath of disappointment. You remained silent for a few seconds, thinking about whether it was right to continue asking her about that topic, but you also knew that you would have few opportunities like that.
"How did you and her... you know, how did that come about?" you asked. Noze sighed and swallowed, then she looked out the window and stared blankly.
"Well... at first it was nothing more than a very strong sexual attraction. The first practice we all had watching her was like watching Aphrodite dancing, and I guess she felt the same way about me, because as soon as we had a break, we locked ourselves in a bathroom to... you know."
“Aha,” you nodded, prompting her to continue.
"All our first meetings were the same, we would chat from time to time but the only thing we would meet up for was to have sex, until one day she had a pretty serious mental breakdown during the post-practice night. That was the first time I saw Bae Joohyun and not Red Velvet's Irene. Seeing her like that was... lethal for me, so vulnerable, so... her," Noze sighed and paused briefly, "Meeting the person behind the idol for the first time It's always something special... and she certainly is special."
"Did you start dating since then?"
"Not since that moment, but our relationship did change. She now opened up to me to tell me her problems, and I did the same. Over time we realized that we had a lot of things in common, and that we had a lot of chemistry. We started dating, and well, I was weak, stupid, and I fell in love," Noze couldn't help but let out a small smile, perhaps remembering everything she had gone through with Irene, "We became girlfriends and we thought everything was perfect, no one suspected anything and we were happy. But what I already told you happened, and everything collapsed," her smile faded and she looked down, her eyes began to fill with tears, "Look... entertainment companies are already strict with heterosexual relationships, now imagine a possible scandal between a Red Velvet member and her backup dancer. That was unacceptable to them, and it was a shame for us."
"And... you were still together after that?" Seeing her with tears running down her cheeks made you do something you normally wouldn't have done, you put your hand on her thigh and started trying to comfort her with caresses. She didn't seem to care.
"For a while, yeah," she nodded, "even when I was the girls' manager already, but we knew that wasn't going to work out in any way and we broke up," tears continued to roll down her cheeks, but she was controlling herself in order not to burst into sobs, "I think Seulgi had a lot to do with all of that, but I honestly don't care anymore," you didn't consider it appropriate to mention that Seulgi was one of your regular clients when you were still at the spa.
"When you locked yourself away to cry last night it was because of her, right?" You also asked with a lump in your throat. That was affecting you more than it should. You were sensitive about failed love stories.
"Aha... the day we flew to Dallas she woke me up with a call, she sounded drunk and well... she rubbed salt into a wound that… d-didn't need to be reopened," she put her hands on her face and unable to bear it any longer she burst into sobs. You couldn't do anything but surrender to your protective instinct and wrap her in your arms. She hugged you and buried her face in your chest as she stifled cries.
"It's okay... it's okay," you tried to comfort her by caressing her hair and her back, "let it out," you didn't expect such a reaction from her, and partly you felt guilty for bringing that up in the first place, but you noticed that she had never talked about it with anyone, and that she had not received a hug of that kind in a long time, "I'm not the one to tell you this but... I think you should cut off all contact with her, what she did is not healthy, and it affects you more than it does to her."
"I-It's not that easy," she sobbed, still clinging to your torso with both arms.
"Well, you'll have to, because what happened can't be repeated, for the sake of both of you. You don't need her to be happy. Life teaches us lessons in very cruel ways, and maybe what happened was life telling you that there was a better place for you than there," she pulled away from your chest with red eyes and tear-filled cheeks to look at you.
"You think?" she asked.
"Of course I do, and even if I didn't, you still have to work hard to get over her. Your life can never revolve around one person, it's self-destructive and it has become a burden for you."
"I… fuck," she looked down and stayed quiet as she wiped away her tears, "you're right, it's become a damn burden and I should be stronger than this," she finally pulled away from you, "God, I'm so sorry, I don't like crying like that in front of anyone."
"And don't you think you needed to vent to someone else?"
"Yeah...," she nodded, looking away.
"It's no use keeping things to yourself, the only thing you achieve with that is constantly drowning in what hurts you."
"Fuck, since when did you become a psychologist?" she asked with a laugh that was meant to lighten the mood, "I hired you because of your cock, not for this."
"I'm just trying to help, I'm sorry," you smiled sadly.
"No, it's okay," she put a hand on your forearm and squeezed it gently, "you're right in what you're saying, and I appreciate it, it's just… it's not easy for me."
"I know it's not, but you have to start somewhere, right?" you placed your hand on top of hers, "Chicks don't learn to fly as soon as they're born."
"Are you calling me a bird?" she raised an eyebrow.
"You understood what I meant."
"Aha," she laughed.
"What I'm getting at is that I want you to know that you shouldn't fight those battles alone, I can be there for you, and I promise to do everything in my power to make you forget about Irene for the rest of the tour, I don't know, maybe by finding you a pretty girl or something," Noze laughed again.
"I really appreciate it, dork," she smiled, finally pushing her hand away, "You should go to sleep, there's still a long flight ahead and I know you haven't slept well."
"I'm not sleepy, if I'm honest," you sighed, "I'll wait until I get to the hotel."
"Do you want to watch a movie then? I think I have Forrest Gump saved," she started searching for it on her laptop.
"Aight, good for me," you nodded, sinking into your seat and crossing your arms to watch her movie with her.
The landing in Miami was almost as calm as the departure from Dallas, this time there were some flashes, but nothing that was not tolerable for you and the girls, who were already replenished thanks to the four hours of sleep extras they had between the flight and all the road trips. You and Noze were the only ones who still had dark circles under your eyes, but luckily you were going to have a day off before the concert, that left you with tonight and the entire next day to be able to sleep at some point.
"Hey, would you do the check in?" Noze asked you as you all entered the lobby, "I have to go put some things in order with the staff."
"Sure thing," you nodded, heading towards the reception. Doing the check you realized that there were not enough rooms reserved for the 6 of you. There were only 4 Deluxe Bay View Rooms, "Sorry sir, I just don't understand, it must be a mistake. We didn't reserve a damn presidential suite."
"I'm sorry sir, but that's how everything was registered this morning," the good-natured-looking guy told you, "I'm afraid it's not a mistake," you took a deep breath, trying not to get hysterical.
"Listen to me carefully sir, this is unacceptable. I will need to change the reservations immediately," just as you said that Noze stood next to you and pinched the flesh of your waist without the receptionist noticing. You winced.
"The reservations are correct, sir, there is no problem," she assured with a smile as she continued to pinch you, you tried to get away but when you pulled it became more painful.
"Understood, miss," the receptionist looked at you with some annoyance as you continued to grimace in pain and proceeded to hand out the corresponding cards, "Have a pleasant stay."
"Very kind, thank you," Noze bowed slightly, taking the cards and then pulled you away from the reception desk, "Sometimes it surprises me how brainless you can be sometimes, damn it," she reproached you, finally letting you go.
"Why the fuck did you book a presidential suite?!" you squeaked in confusion, rubbing where she had pinched you.
"Do you remember the favor Jimin said I owed her?" she asked you, "Well, it was about getting you that suite and covering you for tonight and the entire next day."
"Oh," you remained silent with a lost look, everything was finally clicking in your momentarily slow head, "Of course," you looked towards where the girls were gathered, finding Jimin's gaze on you all this time. She shot you a wink, and you were stunned thinking about what she had in store for you.
The six of you went to the elevator and got inside, in a normal elevator it might have been somewhat uncomfortable, but that one was the size of your bathroom. When it arrived at the Deluxe Rooms floor the door opened wide and all the girls except Jimin got out.
"Huh? Why don't you go out?" Minjeong asked with a frown. All the girls were equally confused.
"I'll explain it to you later," Noze sighed, looking at you. Jimin pulled out a mischievous smile, waved her hand to them and pulled out the suite's card, swiping it from side to side. She then pressed the button for the top floor and the doors began to close, the last thing you saw was the sad look on Ning’s eyes. You'd make it up to her later.
"Excited for the time alone?" Jimin asked from beside you as the elevator went up.
"I'm scared," you said without thinking.
"Perfect then," you noticed out of the corner of your eye how she smiled.
When you went up to the presidential suite floor and Jimin swiped the key card, your jaw almost dropped to the floor at the magnitude of the space you were going to have to yourself. The first thing you saw when you entered was the living room, with a palette of brown and khaki colors, which worked in perfect harmony with the warm light and furniture. To the left was a large wooden bookshelf, with multiple square spaces and a huge television embedded in the middle. In front of the bookshelf, a single armchair, a wide stool, a long curved armchair in the corner and a round coffee table in the middle.
"This is a whole fucking apartment, Yoo Jimin," you said dumbfounded, leaving your bags and hers on the couch, "And look at the view, oh my god," you walked towards the sliding glass door that led to the huge balcony, which spanned the entire width of the suite. The views of Miami Bay were worth framing, with the open sea to your left and the buildings in front on the other side of the water.
"Is there anything you want to do while we're here in Miami?" Jimin asked you, walking out onto the balcony with you. The evening sea breeze began to move your hair. She leaned on the railing with both hands as she looked out over the city.
"I'm here to do whatever you want to do, you know how this works," you responded, standing next to her as you looked to the left, towards the sea.
"Good answer," she said with a giggle, "then how about you unpack your things and go buy some Soju and beer?"
"Soju and beer?" You asked, somewhat surprised, you weren't expecting such a simple and down to earth plan from her.
"Yeah, I don't have a preference for any brand so just bring whatever," she nodded and gave you a peck on the cheek, "come on."
"Fair enough," you said, and walked back into the suite with her, still surprised by the fact that you were expecting more elaborate plans, or perhaps more refined tastes on her part.
Once you two unpacked only the necessary things other than clothes and took the suitcases to the master bedroom, you quickly went down to the lobby and approached the receptionist again. You asked where you could get Soju, and after clarifying what you were talking about he gave you an address that you knew was not around the corner, so you were forced to take a little trip. 
You found it necessary to let her know that it would take longer than expected.
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As soon as you read Jimin's answers you ordered an Uber as you went out into the street. It arrived in a matter of minutes. The nearest liquor store was about eight minutes away by car, when you got there you searched through the shelves until you found the aforementioned Soju, which apparently was not so popular there in Miami since there was only a small dedicated section. For the beer you didn't have to think too much, there was an entire aisle dedicated solely to Bud Light and all the presentations of it. You opted for a 20 unit box that you took out of the refrigerator. You also grabbed a few various snacks and a tub of pistachio ice cream. You paid and left with the same driver.
Upon arriving at the hotel again you thanked the driver for his patience and rushed back to the suite. Inside, Jimin kept pleasantly surprising you. She was sitting on the couch with a loose t-shirt and short shorts on, a Switch in her hands, and in front of her on the small round table were two pizza boxes, one closed and the other open. Two slices were already missing.
"Oh, hello," she greeted, staring at the screen, "are they cold?"
"Uh, the beers?" You closed the door behind you.
"Aha," she nodded.
"I think so," you put the bag on the floor and took out the beer box.
"Toss me one," she ordered.
"No way, they're bottles," you refused, taking all the things out of the bag before opening the beer box and taking out two, "Oh, they're aluminum..." she looked at you and you looked at her, "think fast," you threw it to her, and she caught it.
"Come on, you must be hungry," she patted the couch next to her, and you went to sit. She opened her beer and took a swig.
"What did you order the pizzas with?" you asked, opening yours. You took a sip which cooled your throat.
"They both have beef, pork, peppers, black olives, mushrooms, onion and pepperoni," she got as close to you as possible, her warmth comforting you.
"Fuck, that's delicious," you took a slice and took a big bite. The pizza was still hot and tasted amazing.
"Shall we have some Super Smash?" She took another slice as well, took a bite, and put it back in the box. You continued eating the one you had in your hand because in fact, you were hungry as fuck.
"Fuck yeah, let's connect the Switch to the TV. Do you have the HDMI cable?" you brought the last piece of slice to your mouth. You immediately grabbed another one.
"In my backpack, probably. Please don't judge me if you find a vibrator or some shit like that."
"I could judge you for many things, a vibrator in your backpack won't be one of them."
The night went drastically different than you first imagined. You and Jimin played video games for hours, eating pizza and drinking beer like two homies coming home from college after a stressful day of exams. You didn't feel any sexual desire from her on you at any time, nor any sexual innuendo, she was simply behaving as she would with some old friend with whom she had a close relationship. You noticed her close, and not only physically—that too, because she maintained physical contact with you in a friendly and affectionate way—, but also as a person in whom you could blindly trust.
"Have you ever heard of Beerio Kart?" she asked with her legs raised on top of yours. The blue JoyCon in her hand. You had the other one.
"Nope, never," you were in the top-down view of the Cuphead map. You had been playing it for an hour now.
"Well, it's playing Mario Kart, but every time you're about to finish a race, you have to drink a beer. Otherwise, you're not allowed to finish the race."
"Damn, that sounds like fun. I have a friend who is really fucking good at playing video games, I'll save the idea to tell him later. Although I don't know how much free time he has, last time he was doing private coaching to a guy who apparently didn't let him go."
"Coaching of what?"
"League Of Legends, bastard is GrandMaster."
"Pretty impressive."
"You have no idea what that is, do you?"
"Nope. Are you up to play or not?"
"Of course I do, Rina," you had been calling her that all night. She seemed to like it, so you didn't stop doing it.
"Aight, I hope you have enough tolerance then," you noticed a glow of pure excitement in her eyes as she navigated the Switch's menu looking for Mario Kart.
"We'll see about that," you sighed.
The two of you started playing, and Yoo Jimin's competitive spirit came out as the races went on. You won the first ones without much problem, but the alcohol was treacherous, and it began to take its toll on you. Jimin was no fool, she took advantage of your somewhat dizzy state to take advantage of you in the curves in which you crashed and win you multiple races. The intoxication levels grew, as did your friendship. She wasn't exactly a good loser, and neither were you, but you were sure that neither of you had laughed as much in a long time as you did that night.
"We still have the Soju bottles right? How many did you buy?" Jimin's voice was already leaning towards babbling, you didn't expect her to want to keep drinking.
"Only two," your speech was still perfect, but you already felt a little sleepy.
"We'll open them and play until they're empty," you didn't like the determination with which she said that, but you had no choice.
An open bottle of Soju, a new round of racing. It wasn't Berio Kart anymore, it was now Soju Kart, and you didn't like the speed at which those drinks took effect on your nervous system. By the time you finished the first bottle Jimin was already laughing like an idiot at absolutely everything, and you felt like you could fall asleep on the floor if possible. Another bottle of Soju opened, and now you moved on to playing Super Mario Party. You didn't know half of the things you were saying or doing, and you were sure that you never really accomplished the objective of the game. The bottle was half full when you had to stop.
"You know, sometimes I hate all this..." Jimin said in a clumsy voice. You and her were now lying on the couch, you on one side and her on the other. Your legs were intertwined so you could fit.
"What are you talking about?" You looked at the ceiling without blinking. You swore you could see little colored stars.
"To be the leader. It's exhausting..." there was heaviness in her voice, as if she were speaking of a burden, "everyone expects something from you... they expect you to be perfect, to be the standard."
"Well... I don't see that you've done wrong so far."
"I know not. But in this industry everyone is focused on the next big thing... I'm afraid that soon I will fade into the background."
"You do realize how pretty and famous you are, right?"
"That's not the problem. The problem is that every day a girl comes out prettier than me, and Koreans forget very quickly when a better product appears."
"Why do you care so much? You're fulfilling a dream, right? I mean, look around for a second."
"You're right, maybe complaining while lying in a presidential suite isn't the most logical thing to do."
"In Miami, you forgot in Miami."
"In Miami, yeah," she was silent for a few seconds, "But still... I'm exhausted."
"You don't think it's because you drank 10 beers and a bottle and a half of Soju?"
"It could also be," you and she laughed as if you had made the best joke in the world. The reality was that you just seemed like two old drunks, "But no, I'm exhausted from living in the public eye, it sucks."
"If it's any consolation, all successful artists live that way, but of course, Korean fans are completely different from Western fans."
"They think they own your life, yeah... I hate that," another small silence, "but I guess that's the price to pay for fulfilling my dream."
"It doesn't seem like a fair price to me."
"Not really, but seeing every venue we go filled with people singing our songs and showing us love... dude, that makes up for a lot of things."
"Honey, I would love to keep listening to you but I swear I feel like I have two bearskin blinds for eyes," you were falling asleep. She laughed.
"Don't worry, rather thank you. It's nice to feel like I have someone like you for me. A bro," her clumsy voice as she said that made you laugh.
"That's a nice way to friendzone me," you joked. She tapped her foot on your thigh.
"What nonsense are you talking about?" She laughed, "Hey, I'd like you to come to bed with me so we can cuddle... I mean, if you don't want to, it's fine."
"Are you kidding? Me sleeping with you while I'm drunk sounds like the best feeling in the world."
"Come on then, silly."
The walk to the master bedroom was clumsy and bumpy. The suite was gigantic and the bedroom was illogically far from the living room where you were. Arriving felt like the end of a painful odyssey. The huge king size bed was waiting for you, well arranged and comfortable. The lights were off, but the night lights that filtered through the sliding door that led to the balcony did the job perfectly. Jimin took off her shorts and jumped onto the bed face down while you turned on the air conditioning. Her t-shirt had ridden up to the middle of her back and her ass adorned by gray Calvin Klein panties was completely exposed, under other circumstances that would have turned you on, but at that moment you were more in Narnia than in the real world.
"Give me some space, Rina," you took off your sweatpants and the hoodie you were wearing, now you were on equal terms with her.
Jimin settled on the side of the bed and got under the covers. You joined her, and feeling your head supported by that soft pillow made you feel in the clouds. The mattress felt amazing too, but none of those things equaled the feeling of Jimin's body snuggling against yours. She had turned her back on you, inviting you to sleep on a spoon. You put your right arm under her head so she was lying on it, and then wrapped your left arm around her. Her entire body pressed against yours, feeling soft and warm.
"Rest well...thank you for being so real with me, I needed it," those were Jimin's last sleepy, sweet words before she fell asleep. Soon you followed her.
You woke up the next morning alone and panicked. Jimin wasn't by your side. As the morning Miami sun illuminated the side of your face you took out your phone to check your chat with Noze. There was nothing there. You stood up and were surprised again by the views you had from there, at that time the ships were already prowling the sea under the blue sky. You could have stayed there for a while just admiring the scenery, but you had to look for Jimin.
Turns out you were just being hysterical. While you were looking for her you saw her outside on the balcony, so calm and composed eating the breakfast that room service must have brought to the suite. You were still in a t-shirt and boxers, but you were so high up and so far from the other buildings that you didn't mind going out to the balcony with her like that. Besides, you noticed that she was still only wearing her panties underneath her as well.
"Good morning, handsome," she greeted you with a warm smirk, "Did you sleep well? Come, have breakfast with me."
"It's one of the best sleeps I've ever had in my life, yeah," you nodded, rubbing your eyes and approaching the table where she was sitting. When you looked at the plates of food you were stunned. Not only were there at least three fried eggs in different presentations for you, but also a plate of banana toast with peanut butter, a small bowl with pineapple, blueberries, kiwi and apple, and a small glass of Greek yogurt.
"You're going to need a lot of protein to get through the day," she must have seen your shocked face to say that.
"I mean, yeah, I imagine," you scratched your temple and had no choice but to sit down to eat. Jimin was already finishing her breakfast by the time you had just finished one of your fried eggs.
"You should hurry up, I told Noze and the girls not to bother us today," she stood up, "I have a lot of fun plans," just as she said that she took off her shirt and threw it into the suite. Her beautiful pair of tits were exposed to the Miami skyline, and you almost choked on a piece of toast. Making sure you had your eyes on her, she also took off her Calvin Klein panties and left them over your shoulder, "I'll wait for you in the shower, bon appetit."
She re-entered the suite, swaying her sexy hips from side to side. Your eyes stayed on her ass and lower back as long as they could until she disappeared from your sight. Never in your life had you devoured breakfast so quickly as you did that time.
After finishing your breakfast you rushed into the suite, brushed your teeth in one of the bathrooms where Jimin was not and went to where she was. The water was already on. You undressed in a matter of seconds and got into the shower with her. The floor was made of wooden planks with slight separations from each other, and the walls, which formed a wide circle around you with two small windows on each side, were made of black mosaic. The most notable thing was the giant rain shower head that hung from the ceiling like a lamp. Under it, Yoo Jimin letting the water run over her statuesque body.
"So? What's the agenda for today?" you approached her from behind her and put your hands on her waist. She didn't seem startled at all, she'd probably heard you come in. You noticed a mischievous smile while she had her eyes closed.
"Prove that I'm the best," she took a step back and pressed her ass against your cock. You pulled her with you out of the waterfall.
"Oh yeah?" You wrapped your arms around her fleshy frame and buried your face in her neck, giving her a few pecks, "and how exactly do you plan to do that?"
"I already told you I had a lot of plans," she murmured with her hands on your arms, "for now, help me take a shower, will you?"
"Fuck, you don't have to ask me twice."
Jimin extended an arm towards one of the windows and grabbed a soap. You subtly took it from her hand and got to work. You started by soaping her back, moving across her shoulder blades, her shoulders, and patiently moving down to her lower back, which was probably one of your favorite parts of her body. While down there you paid special attention to her hips and her waist, then you climbed back up to her arms, and then you squatted down to reach her ass.
"Treat it well, it's going to be your amusement park today," she said looking down over her shoulder.
"Well, in that case..." before placing your soapy hands on her ass you grabbed hold of her thighs and brought your face closer to her buttocks. You gave subtle kisses to both. Her flesh felt spongy against your lips, which traced a long trail of kisses up and down her ass. You soon found yourself immersed in worshiping that wonderful piece of food, but you had to continue.
“Fuck, you have really good lips,” she gasped as you began to soap her ass. While soaping you also massaged and squeezed each buttock gently.
"Wait until you feel them in that pussy."
You moved down from her buttocks to her thighs, to which you also devoted some special attention before moving down to the back of her knees and down to her calves. Soon the entire backside of her body was soapy. Now it was time for the fun part. When you stood up again and turned her around you couldn't help but feel turned on by her lascivious gaze, so you crashed your lips against hers. The steamy kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it was enough to make your cock rock hard.
You began to rub soap over her collarbone and her shoulders, her gaze fixed on you as you made to reach for her tits, but as you did previously with her ass, first you wanted to worship that beautiful pair of mounds. You slightly bent her knees and held onto Jimin's ribs, that was enough to immerse yourself in her tits. She didn't bother letting out an audible moan, as you took one of her nipples into your mouth and sucked on it. You didn't stop paying attention to any of her mounds at any time. You sucked, licked and kissed one, and the other you squeezed and massaged with her nipple being stimulated by your fingers.
"Fuck, you're going to drive me crazy..." she gasped.
A few more seconds of kissing her tits were enough to leave you satiated for the moment. You resumed your original work, soaping up her soft tits to work your way down to her sexy midriff. You squatted down again. Her belly also called you to kiss it, and you did exactly that for a few seconds, distributing saliva-filled kisses around her navel and on her lower abdomen, also including her pubis. More soap, more foam-covered inches of flesh. You omitted her crotch for a moment, instead you gave way to what you had left to soap on her legs.
For the main attraction you stood up and kissed her again. She greeted your lips with a moan, and you brought your hand to her crotch to run your soapy fingers along her slit. You moved your hand away from her pussy and now ran it along her inner thighs, applying full pressure as a small massage to which she responded with another moan.
"Stop," she gasped, pulling away from your lips, "you already soaped me up, it's my turn."
Jimin separated from you and got under her shower again. She removed all the soap on her body in a matter of seconds, and as she stepped out she took the bar of soap from your hand. Now the entire center of attention was you. Jimin soaped both of her hands well and began to run them over your body while she looked into your eyes. Just like you, she had saved the best part for last once your entire body was soaped up.
She gave her hands a final coat of soap before leaving the bar in its place, pressing her body against yours and bringing her hand to your cock. You gasped, and she began to fill every inch of your shaft with foam. She massaged your balls gently too, and rubbed the palm of her hand against the back of your cock, up and down multiple times. You bit your lip and stifled a small moan, and against all odds, she put a firm grip with her fingers around your flesh and began to slowly jerk you off.
“Oh fuck…” you gasped. She had her tits pressed against your chest, and one of her thighs wedged between your legs. You felt her pussy rubbing against your thigh.
"You were looking forward to it huh?" Her sexy, teasing voice prompted you to kiss her. She began to move her hand faster, it sliding smoothly along your shaft. Her other hand didn't stay still, it went from rubbing your abdomen to caressing your balls.
"Since last night," you admitted, giving her complete control over you as you let your head fall back and let out a moan.
"I would have gladly sucked your cock if you had asked me," she took advantage of the exposure of your neck to fill it with kisses and bites. Her hand moved even faster on your cock and the other squeezed your balls gently.
"It would have been anti-climactic..."
"But it would have been nice to choke on your cock with several beers in my system..." she murmured against your neck.
"You can do it right now," you lowered your head and met her lips. Your previously quiet hands now moved into action. With one arm you surrounded Jimin's body, that hand went to her ass, while the other was dedicated to massaging her tits crushed against your chest.
"Don't be too hasty, cowboy," she smiled into the kiss, and now she moved on to using both of her hands to give you a slippery, deadly double handjob.
You moaned against her lips, and squeezed her ass and one of her tits harder. She was using all the strength of her wrists to drive you crazy with pleasure, and you certainly didn't last long before melting in her hands.
"I'm cu- oh fuck!" She didn't even give you time to warn her before you exploded. She pressed the tip of your cock against her sexy belly, while multiple thick jets of hot, thick cum began to paint her milky skin.
"Shit, a heavy load to start with huh?" She smiled, not stopping moving her hands for a single second while you still shot cum against her abdomen. It was a painful overstimulation that made you squirm between moans, but it didn't bother you at all.
"F-f-fuck! Stop!" you screeched just as the overstimulation became unbearable. She stopped immediately with a giggle.
"Look how you left my abdomen, you liked that didn't you?" She took a small step back to let you see her belly full of cum, which slid down her skin to her thighs and her crotch.
"Let's go outside right now," you said with heavy breathing.
"I don't think that's possible if you keep looking like a snowman," she laughed, pointing to your still soapy body.
You went under the waterfall and quickly removed all the soap from your body. Once finished you turned off the faucet and took Jimin by the hand to guide her out of the bathroom. You didn't even bother to dry off, which was quite irresponsible considering that the wooden floor was somewhat slippery and you could fall. Finally you came out onto the balcony, your bodies and hair dripping with water.
"Natural drying?" she giggled when the hot sun was over your heads.
"You could say that, yeah," you wrapped your arms around her still wet body, pressed it against yours and kissed her again.
Kissing her in that passionate and carefree way with the sea breeze hitting your bodies lit a small spark that you needed for the rest of the day. Of course neither of you moved from your spot while you were kissing for fear of slipping up and falling into the sea, but the groping didn't stop for a second. Your hands went from her back to her ass to massage her ass, and then to her front to grab her tits.
After almost a minute of just making out you separated from her lips and grabbed her waist to slowly take her towards the railing, you turned her around, and made her lean against it.
"Are you going to fuck me for all of Miami to see?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at you as she leaned on the banister.
"I'm going to eat your pussy and then I'm going to fuck you for all of Miami to see," you corrected, kneeling behind her.
You had already kissed her ass minutes ago, but when you had it in front of you, illuminated by the sunlight and shining thanks to the layer of water, you couldn't help but worship it again. More kisses on each buttock, this time combined with licks and subtle bites. Firm grabs and massages, and a small spank that she thanked with a squeal.
You spread her buttocks with your hands, seeing her pretty shaved pussy and her butthole, which was your first target when you dipped your face in there. Jimin had a little shock when she felt your tongue against her butthole.
"Hey, that's not my pussy," she gasped, arching her back and pushing her ass toward your face.
"Yeah, I know," you smiled, giving her ass a few long seconds of attention in which you sucked, licked, and used the tip of your tongue to tickle her entire body.
"I hope you're doing that knowing you have to fuck it later," she moaned. Her body was starting to dry out, faster than you imagined. Yours the same.
"Don't worry, I plan to do the grand slam with you."
After giving her butthole enough attention you moved on to what you were longing for. Without a second thought you planted your tongue flat against her wet slit, slowly licking up and down. You noticed Jimin's arms tense against the railing, she let out small moans that became louder as you used your mouth to eat her pussy from behind.
Her delicious pussy felt silky and perfect against your lips. You could have stayed all day with your face buried between her buttocks, which felt like two soft clouds pressed against your cheeks. You placed wet, passionate kisses between her folds, also using your tongue to slowly stimulate her clitoris. Your hands resting on her thighs served as support to sink further, almost suffocating you against her slit.
You squeezed her thighs and then moved back up to her buttocks to give the right one a subtle spank. Jimin moaned louder, and you doubled your efforts on her pussy. You were having a most satisfying feast on that exquisite piece of flesh, but you planned to take advantage of every second of that day to give her pleasure in every way possible. You stopped and stood up.
"Huh? Why are you stopping?"
"Shhh," you shushed her, bringing your hand to her pussy to rub your fingers between her folds and then take two of them inside her.
"Oh fuck!" She turned her face to look at you, and you crashed your lips against hers as you began to stretch her pussy with your fingers.
You took it patiently at first, and after a few seconds you put your wrist into full jog. Her moans were muffled against your lips, loud and constant. The palm of your hand slammed against her ass harder with each passing second, which led to her tits starting to sway slightly. You grabbed one of them with your free hand, pinching her nipple and massaging the spongy mound.
Jimin's pussy was soon stretched and slippery enough, so you added a third finger inside her pussy. That made her separate from your lips, to now moan at the top of her lungs towards the Miami sky. She took one of her hands off the railing and brought it to your cock, stroking it as much as her trembling body would let her. You gave her a path of kisses from shoulder to shoulder, then kissed the back of her neck, and then dove down to her neck to fill it with hickeys.
"Cum, Jiminie, come on," you whispered in her ear as you fucked her with your three fingers.
Obediently, Jimin reached her orgasm within seconds of giving her the command. She removed her hand from your cock and brought it to the railing again, holding onto it tightly as her body began to shudder between spasms. The moans reached a higher peak. At that moment you looked down and looked at the ships passing through the canal. Anyone looking up could see you, straining their eyes, yes, but they could. You didn't give a shit about that.
"Move away, I need to suck that cock," she said between labored breaths once her orgasm passed. You stepped back and gave her space to kneel in front of you.
She took your cock with one hand and started licking it all over, from behind, from the sides, the tip and finally your balls. A kiss and a light suck on your tip made you shiver. Jimin now peppered kisses along your entire throbbing shaft, focusing for a few seconds on your balls before moving back up and swirling her tongue around your tip.
Her lips wrapped around your first few inches. She applied gentle suction on your tip and used her tongue to lick part of the back of your cock. She then pushed her head further, until she took half of your meat inside her warm mouth. You moaned and made eye contact with her as she slowly pumped her head, her fingers gripping the base of your cock and her free hand gripping your thigh.
You loved slow and sensual blowjobs, and you certainly noticed how she was an expert at doing them. Her tongue felt incredible, she never left it still on a single head pump, and her lips had a firm grip around your cock. When she took more inches of your cock her mouth opened slightly, making completely intentional gagging sounds as she reached the bottom. The slow and passionate pumps continued, and in one of those Jimin held onto both of your thighs to bring every millimeter of your cock to disappear inside her mouth.
"That's what I'm talking about, Rina," you groaned in pleasure, throwing your head back for a few seconds as Jimin kept you deep in her throat.
She finally pulled out after a few seconds with a deep gasp of air and a thick trail of saliva connecting your tip to her lips.
"Fuck my face, and show no mercy," she ordered as she looked you in the eyes.
Without thinking twice you brought your left hand on top of her head and with the other you grabbed your cock. She opened her mouth with her tongue stuck out, and you guided your shaft into it to start pumping your hips right away. She had clearly told you to show no mercy, and you had no intention of breaking a direct order.
You grabbed a handful of her hair and started fucking her face at full speed. Your cock moved completely in and out of her mouth with each thrust, and it didn't take long for saliva to start spilling everywhere. Her face scrunched up at the force you exert with each movement. Your balls were slapping against her chin, and she started moaning around your cock to make it more pleasurable.
No more than twenty seconds passed when you brought Jimin's nose back to your pubes, making her choke and cough against your cock, which was deep in her throat. You waited a few seconds until you took out your cock and let her breathe, but you felt feral at that moment, and without giving her a chance to rest you made her stand up so that she leaned against the banister again.
“Say hello to the boats again, honey,” that was the last thing you said in Jimin's ear before taking your cock and bringing it between her ass cheeks. You found her pussy and rubbed yourself against it a few times, and without further foreplay you impaled yourself deep inside it.
"Fuck!!" she squealed, clinging to the cold metal of the banister, feeling you completely inside her warm pussy.
You rested her hands on her waist, and after getting a good hold of your fingers on her flesh you began to pump your hips slowly, letting her pussy stretch around your cock and get used to it. Your shaft was filled with Jimin's saliva, so in a matter of seconds it no longer felt any friction. You had completely free rein to hammer her pussy.
You began to increase her speed second by second, until you reached a point of no return where you rammed into her milky ass hard. Jimin's body began to shake front to back, and her tits began to bounce wildly for any sailor or tourist to see if they paid a little attention.
You removed your hands from her waist and brought both of them to her tits, you stopped their bouncing, you squeezed them tightly and held on to them while you panted in Jimin's ear. Your cock moving completely in and out of her silky pussy.
"You love that I'm fucking you up here, don't you?" You growled against her ear, "You love the chance of someone seeing your delicious tits bouncing while I fuck you hard."
"I-I didn't know you read minds," she managed to say between moans. You took one hand from her tits to her neck to wrap your fingers around it, you applied some pressure, but not too much.
"That leaves you like a... slut," you smiled as you said the word, and her pussy clenched around your cock, "an exhibitionist slut."
"Shut the fuck up and cum inside me, fuck!!" Her screams filled your ears and gave you the urge to fuck her harder.
You stood up straight and gave her ass a dry, spicy spank. Her butt bounced like jelly, and you repeated the same with the other one. With both buttocks now red from your spanks you reached a hand to her hair, grabbed a handful and pulled it hard back. Jimin grunted in pleasure, her back arched and her head now completely thrown back.
Your grip point now was only her long black hair, which you held onto with both hands as if it were the reins of a horse. You were sure it made her scalp burn, but she seemed to enjoy it, especially since you were pounding her pussy so hard that each thrust took a breath out of her. It didn't take you long to find a sensitive spot to hit on her, but to do so you had to raise her knee over her railing. Quite dangerously, but also quite hot.
In that position Jimin soon gave in to the pleasure and came. She pushed her ass back and fucked herself against your cock, erratically but hard. You let go of her hair and grabbed her now by her neck, with both hands and with your fingers tightly held while she herself brought you to your point of ecstasy. When you felt the first drop of your cum come out of your cock, you grabbed her waist and made her stop so she could feel how you drained into her.
"Take that damn load, you little slut," you growled, and moved your hips slowly back and forth as you shot hot cum into her pussy.
"Oh fuuuuuuuck," she groaned too, "it feels so hot and thick inside me," she moaned and looked at you over her shoulder. You leaned forward and kissed her between gasps for a few long seconds.
"As much as I love fucking you with the open sea in the background, we can't stay here," you said against her lips, "we're being too reckless already."
"There's a jacuzzi inside..." she smiled and looked you in the eyes. You didn't even have to respond to her to let her know you were totally in for it.
You pulled out of her pussy and your cum spilled out in thick drops onto the wooden boards, you and her looked at the small pool of cum you had left, and you didn't care in the least about cleaning it up when you got into the suite.
"Where is that thing supposed to be? I haven't gone into all the rooms," you said as you walked behind her.
"I didn't find it at first either, but this morning I did a little detailed tour while you were sleeping," you passed the master bedroom, two bathrooms and a second bedroom before reaching the door where she stopped. She opened the door wide open, letting you see a magnificent relaxation room where the jacuzzi was, "Vualá"
It was a beautiful room filled with natural light from the large window behind the rectangular bathtub, covered by blinds that were open to let in the sun's rays. The jacuzzi in question was on top of a slope, where there were also four artificial bamboo plants decorating each corner.
"Damn, at some point I'm going to ask Noze how much that suite cost," you let out a stunned whistle, taking a few steps forward. Under your feet were four tatami tiles.
"I don't think you want to know, it would give you a heart attack," she walked past you, caressing your shoulder, and walked up the small slope to sit on the thick edge of the hot tub.
"Is it one of those smart bathtubs?" You said, going up with her to the slope.
"Oh yeah, the remote control must be over here," she turned and grabbed the small remote behind her, "hot water?"
"Enough to not roast us, yeah," you nodded, walking around the tub and running your hand along the marble edge as Jimin pressed buttons and you heard subtle beeps.
"Aight, 34 celsius and minimal vibration," she finally stood up, left the remote control on the edge and climbed into the bathtub. You get in with her, sitting at the other end. Your legs intertwined.
"Well? Are we here to chat or what?" you asked, clearly knowing the answer.
"Of course not," she gave you a sly smile and bit her lip, "just close your eyes and relax," she said as she closed her eyes and leaned her head on the edge of the tub.
You did so, imitating her posture and leaving your arms loose. The water temperature was starting to rise and get hot, and the massage panels on the walls of the tub were starting to do wonders for your back and buttocks. For a few minutes the only thing between the two of you was silence and the vibrations of the bathtub. But you soon felt something on your cock underwater, it was Jimin's toes.
"Hmm… I didn't know this bathtub had that function," you murmured with your eyes still closed.
You didn't receive any response from Jimin. She brought her foot further, caressing your balls with her fingers and then using her entire sole to rub you slowly. Your cock grew hard under the water, and she now brought her foot to your tip to rub it in circles with her toes. A moan escaped you as she rubbed the back of your shaft up and down, her sole feeling silky.
"That feature has a plus," you heard her say also quietly, and with that you felt another foot on your cock. She wrapped her feet around your shaft, specifically her toes, and started moving them up and down.
"Rina... oh god," you gasped, refusing to open your eyes and ruin that moment of esoteric relaxation.
Fueled by your moans of pleasure, she continued moving her feet up and down with your cock in the middle, giving you perhaps the best footjob you had ever received in your entire life. You didn't want to leave your hands still at a moment like this, so you took them to the part of her body that was closest to you, her legs. You caressed them as much as you could without stretching too much, running your fingertips over her calves and her knees.
After a few seconds, Jimin increased the speed, putting pressure on your shaft with her toe and occasionally rubbing your balls with one of her feet. Your moans started to get louder. She was doing wonders underwater, you didn't expect such skillful control of her feet, but maybe after that experience on the plane with her you should have expected it.
"Tell me... do you want to be between my tits and cum all over my face?" Despite having her in front of you, her voice sounded distant and magical, like a mermaid about to pull a sailor to the bottom of the ocean. Only this mermaid had feet, and they were stroking your cock up and down.
"God, yeah," you nodded between gasps. If she had been a real mermaid you were more than dead, you fool.
"Then open your eyes and sit up," her tone of voice remained low, not wanting to break the aura of false tranquility.
You opened your eyes, finding a deep, beautiful, lust-filled gaze fixed on you. You didn't want to keep the damn mermaid waiting, so you stood up in the bathtub and sat on the edge of it. The feeling of the cold marble against your ass was somewhat unpleasant, but it was made up for by watching Jimin crawl towards you and emerge from the water to kneel between your legs.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Yoo Jimin," was the only thing you could think to say as she placed both hands on your knees and stared at you.
"So much that you want to fill one of the most beautiful faces in Korea with your cum?" She asked in a husky, sultry voice, her hands running up and down your thighs. You could only see her eyes and her tits.
"Yes, that beautiful," you nodded with heavy breathing.
Jimin moved further between your legs and lifted her chest, taking your cock in one hand and placing it between her heavy tits, which she wrapped around your shaft making an incredible meat sandwich. With her tits now firmly held on either side of her she began to move up and down, making your cock disappear between her tits with each movement.
"Do you like it this slow?" she asked, and you closed your eyes again. Your hands resting on the outside edge behind you, "or do you want me to go faster..."
"Do as you please with me at this point," you gasped.
"Another good answer," you heard a subtle mischievous giggle as she moved slower now. At that speed you felt the softness and fluffiness of her tits in the best way. Two clouds of cotton around your cock, moving up and down.
Jimin gave your cock a thick spit, which served as lubrication now that she was gradually increasing the pace. She was also incredibly good at it, which didn't surprise you at all considering the blatant competitive spirit that girl had. She was completely determined to show you that she was the best at everything, and she certainly wasn't far from that goal.
Within a few seconds those soft and beautiful tits were moving at full speed around your cock, well lubricated by Jimin's saliva and at the same time warm from the hot bath you just had. One reason you had your eyes closed was so you wouldn't admire the lewd scene and cum too quickly, but at that point you didn't care anymore.
She was still looking completely fixed on you, as if she was delighting in your grimaces or the way you moaned. Watching your cock appear and disappear between her tits was an added bonus of pleasure, and it drove your brain completely crazy. Taking advantage of the fact that you were looking at her, she bit her lip in a sexy way, spitting between your tits again so that they would not stop being slippery for you.
"Fuck Rina... I'm so close," you announced with your mouth slightly open, your breathing becoming more labored.
"Paint my perfect face, baby..." she asked with a moan, "fill it with that hot load."
Her words and her constant pumping up and down were enough to push you over the edge again. With a loud moan to the ceiling of the room you began to shoot jets of cum that hit Jimin's face directly, while the remnant fell to her tits and slid down her body.
"Fuck fuck fuck!!" you growled, still letting out weaker streams. She slowed down, and when she raised her face, it was all painted white, from her forehead, her cheeks and nose to her mouth and chin.
"So delicious..." she gasped and moved her cum filled tits away from your cock, "I knew the protein for breakfast was going to help," your cum served as an appetizer for her as she wiped it off her face. with her fingers and brought it all to her mouth.
"I need to fuck you really fucking hard, Yoo Jimin," you said between pants, as you looked into her eyes.
"Let's go outside then, pretty boy," she cupped her hands together in the water and used it to wipe the goo off her face. Once her face was clean she stood up and got out of the bathtub to turn it off. You followed her.
On the floor next to the bathtub were some towels stacked on top of each other. This time you did dry yourself as best you could, and did not leave the room until your entire body was free of moisture. Jimin led you through the hallways and stopped at the suite space that served as the general dining room. There was a wide table, with three chairs on the sides and two at each end. There was a table decoration that you had no idea what it was, but it looked like a literal feather mini circular  bed for who knows what. Above it, a large cylinder-shaped fabric hanging lamp.
"Here?" you asked, not opposing the idea either as you looked at the exit to the balcony to your left.
"Does it matter?"
"Not at all," you shook your head, and wrapped an arm around Jimin's body to pull two chairs away from the nearest corner of the table. You also moved the table decoration aside, and with the empty space you lifted her onto it so she could sit up.
She spread her legs wide, and you stood between them so she could wrap them around your body. Jimin's arms caught your neck as well, pulling you in for a steamy kiss. 
During the kiss you no longer cared about skipping the teasing completely, so you brought one hand to one of her tits and the other between her legs, to rub your fingers between her folds continuously from top to bottom. Jimin returned the favor, latching onto your neck now with only one arm to grab your still slightly sensitive cock and rub it carefully knowing this.
Her pussy began to get wet again, you felt her folds become slippery around your fingers as you rubbed non-stop. Your cock returned to full hardness again, and she wasted no time in pulling away from your lips, spitting onto her hand, and bringing it to your shaft to lubricate it well. You played along, and in a matter of seconds you were inside her. You had already felt her soft pussy engulf you minutes ago, but she felt just as incredible as the first time.
"Give me everything you've got… don't you dare hold back," she moaned, leaning back to rest her hands behind her.
"Believe me, I wasn't planning on doing it, Rina," you buried your face in her long, attractive neck, and with your hands attached to her waist you began pumping quickly from the start.
Luckily the table was of excellent quality, otherwise it would have broken from how hard you and Jimin were shaking it. You filled her neck with kisses and slightly excessive bites, but neither she nor you cared about the damage you did to each other, you were so immersed in pleasure that you transformed the pain into something hot. You would soon confirm that.
Your hands went to her thighs to pull her legs back, pressing them closer to her body and keeping them wide open while you hammered her pussy without any control or care. Her tits bounced hypnotically in front of your eyes, and as a weak man that you were, you couldn't help but take them to your mouth to suck them and fill them with kisses. Jimin tangled the fingers of each of her hands in your hair, pressing your face closer to her breasts as she moaned loudly.
"Oh shit, fuck fuck fuck fuck!! Yes!!" she squealed as you slammed into her pussy at full speed. You separated yourself from her breasts to straighten your back and look at her.
"You like this way huh?" You growled, your jaw tensing as you watched her face distort with pleasure.
"Fuck yeah!! Yes!!" She opened her eyes, crystallized and weak, to look at you too, "slap me, choke me, treat me like a whore!!"
As soon as she said those words you gave her a hard slap on her right cheek. She squealed with pleasure and her pussy clenched around your cock. Another slap, this time with the back of your hand on her other cheek. Same reaction, only this time she stuck her tongue out, and you, upon catching her clear message, spit directly on it. Another slap on her cheek, and now you brought your hand to her neck to press it hard.
The agitation of the moment did not allow you to fully control the force with which you squeezed her neck, but judging by her face when you pressed, you were doing enough to stop her breathing. She grabbed onto your wrist with both hands, and she wrapped her legs around your body to fall back onto the table. You lost your grip on her neck, but she now wrapped her arms over yours, burying your face in her breasts as you fucked her with all your might.
"I'm gonna fucking cum Rina," you moaned against her bouncing tits, a bead of sweat sliding down your forehead and landing right on top of one of her nipples.
"Yes! Give my pussy another hot load, yes!!" she begged between desperate whimpers, and she didn't have to wait long before you exploded inside her.
Just as if your cum was the spark that the fuse inside her needed, as soon as she felt the first drop inside her she came with you. She shuddered like crazy, desperately searching for something to hold on to as she screamed with pleasure. You wrapped your arms around her body and pressed it against yours, breathing heavily against her tits, which crushed your nose and brushed against your mouth with every shudder of her body.
It took you both a few long seconds to recover from that intense discharge of energy, you were both lying on the table, one on top of the other with heavy breathing and without any words to say. When you felt somewhat composed you straightened your back and very slowly came out of her pretty pussy. The cum began to flow through her slit, and fell directly onto the table where another pool of white liquid began to form, which you wouldn't bother to clean up right now either.
"I still have energy left for one more round..." you said breathlessly, "and that ass hasn't been fucked yet."
"Let's do it," she said without thinking, "let's go to the bedroom."
You were gentlemanly with her, and knowing that her legs were probably weak you carried her in your arms to walk to the bedroom. Once inside her you released her onto the still unmade sheets.
"You brought...?"
"Lube? Yeah, it's in my handbag," she told you while lying on the bed.
"Why there?"
"Because no one ever checks it. Come on, look for it."
You found Jimin's handbag next to her suitcase, when you opened it you searched a little until you found the small tube.
"Astroglide Ultra Gentle Gel Lube," you read aloud, her cheeks flushing, "how specific."
"I told you not to judge me."
"I don't, I just find the name funny," you smiled, climbing into bed with her and giving her a peck on the forehead and a peck on her lips. She smiled, looked at your semi-flaccid cock and stretched out one leg to touch it with her foot.
"A few minutes ago this made you rock hard... will it work again?" She asked, using her foot to rub your cock and slowly make it hard again, "You love my feet huh?" She teased, and with a giggle she turned around to position herself on her hands and knees, spread wide and her ass perfectly arched for you.
"The truth is that you have a special way of making me hard with anything you do, Yoo Jimin," you said, kneeling behind her, "do you want me to go slow this time?"
"Are you kidding?" She looked over her shoulder at you with a challenging look, "Destroy my ass like your life depends on it."
"I just wanted to make sure."
You opened the small tube of lube and began to pour it onto her buttocks, you didn't skimp on the quantity, you made sure that her ass was as slippery and shiny as possible. Then you moved on to her butthole, where you took two fingers full of lubricant inside her to stretch as many centimeters as possible before the main attraction. It was evident that her butthole was not virgin, but you were still always careful.
"Mmmgh, fuck," she moaned softly, feeling your two slippery fingers go in and out of her already prepared butthole.
You took out your fingers, and now poured a significant amount of lubricant on your cock, which like her ass, was perfectly slippery and shiny to reflect the sunlight coming from the balcony. Without anything else to do you took your cock in one hand and guided it to her butthole. Jimin looked at you over her shoulder, eyebrows furrowed and biting her lip. You pressed your tip against her rim, and began to slowly push forward. Surprisingly, her butthole engulfed too easily every inch of your cock halfway.
"What the fuck Rina," you gasped, "how often do you take things up your ass?"
"Aeri and I are playmates sometimes, we love playing with our asses," she admitted with an evil smile and then moaned at the imminent arrival of your cock deep in her butthole.
"I wish you could see this... fuck," you moaned, "my cock completely disappeared inside that beautiful ass," you gave her a hard spank, which slipped thanks to the lube.
"Take a picture," she said, reaching under the pillow she had slept on for her phone to hand it to you. You quickly took a few photos from different angles. Then you locked the phone and tossed it aside.
"I'm not Aeri, but I hope I can do it half as well," you said with a sly smile, and the show started again.
You didn't feel it necessary to go too slow at first, and you certainly didn't feel it necessary to go slow at all. Jimin took every inch of your cock into her butthole as if it were her pussy, giving you free rein to go as crazy as you wanted. You also wanted to have some fun, and just like she had done in the jacuzzi, you fucked her slowly on purpose.
"Fffffffuckkk," she moaned, loving how your cock was moving completely in and out of her tight butthole, "you're a bastard for going so slow on purpose, but it feels so fucking good anyway," she admitted, clutching the blanket under her.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you said, and soon made a drastic change of pace.
Her ass was now bouncing against your pelvis hard, producing a loud clapping sound with each powerful thrust you made. As the seconds passed these sounds became louder and faster, as did the squeals of pleasure coming from Jimin.
"Oh god!!" She moaned, "Yes baby... just like that, fuck that ass, it belongs only to you, fuck!!"
More spankings to her milky, soft ass, which served no purpose other than watching it bounce in hypnotic waves. You brought your hands to her hips, holding on tightly to them as you thrust as hard as you could. At that point your lower body was completely destroyed and short of energy, but you could allow yourself that last inhuman effort.
Remembering her words while you were in the dining room, you grabbed a handful of her hair again with your right hand and pulled it back. Jimin screeched, her head now thrown back and her chest slightly separated from the bed. You used that fistful of hair, which you tangled around your hand and the top of your wrist, as a leverage point to ravage her butthole between frantic thrusts.
With your free hand you grabbed her slippery ass and also her bouncy tits, but finally you left it on her waist. You felt like you were pulling her hair too hard, but again she didn't seem to mind in the slightest. She was being so destroyed and fucked so well in her ass that even the words were forgotten.
Hard incessant thrusts, back and forth, every inch of throbbing flesh going in and out of one of the best asses you had ever had the joy of fucking. Her ass bounced so hard against your pelvis that even that bed sounded like a cheap, flimsy bed. Jimin's moans, so loud and constant that you feared Noze would receive a complaint from the residents downstairs—if there were any.
Another long seconds filled with moans, grunts and loud sounds of flesh hitting flesh were enough for Jimin to have one last intense orgasm. This time you didn't let her take control at all. You let go of her hair, and placed a hand on the back of her neck to push her face into the mattress to assert your dominance. Even though she was screaming like crazy into the blanket you didn't stop fucking her ass until you felt close to orgasm as well.
By the time you felt the tickling in your lower abdomen, Jimin's orgasm had already dissipated. You quickly pulled your cock out of her ass and began to stroke it quickly, aiming for her back, which soon began to fill with cum. You felt your whole soul escape from your body in that load, which fell along her entire back and left her skin stained white.
"Mother of fucking god," you gasped already exhausted once you shot all that was left in your balls at the moment.
"Why didn't you cum inside?" she asked, almost as exhausted as you. Her eyes were closed and the side of her face was crushed against the mattress.
"I'm sorry, I had and needed to see that back full of cum," you swallowed thickly and sat on the bed.
"Take another photo then... and send them all to your chat," you didn't hesitate for a second to pick up her phone to take new photos and send them to yourself.
"Can we sleep for a couple of hours? I feel beat up right now," you sighed.
"Yeah, but find something to clean me up, dork," she said with a tone you couldn't help but associate with Noze. Then you also realized that you hadn't stopped thinking about Noze all day. God knows why.
Once you helped Jimin clean up, you slept for two hours and woke up with your stomach growling. You ordered lunch, and after proper digestion and a good rest you resumed the lascivious activities. You fucked in every corner of that damned suite—you didn't go back to the balcony—, in every way, position and mood possible. The whole day went by like this until when you least knew it, it was 11 at night.
"You know? Uh... I wanted to apologize to you," she said as you lay on the bed, which was a mess. She was cuddled against the side of your body while you smoked a more than necessary cigarette. You had opened the balcony door to let the smoke out.
"Why?" You took a drag on the cigarette, held the smoke for a few seconds, and then released it into the air.
"For what I said on the plane, I didn't really need to bring in Itzy's girls," she took the cigarette from your hand and took a drag, then leaned over you and tapped it to loosen the ash in the ashtray. She blew smoke upwards as well, "As a leader I sometimes feel like I have to play a role in front of the other members. You know, not showing weakness and shit."
"You have nothing to apologize for," you took the cigarette back from her, "You have friends to feel vulnerable in front of, and I'm one of them," she smiled.
"Damn, thank you for all the time you spent with me, seriously," she gave you a peck on the cheek, "I'd love to hang out with you more often, you know, without the porn movie part," you laughed.
"Well, anytime you want to drink a beer and play games I'm a text message away," you smiled and took another drag on the cigarette.
"I'd like that, yeah," she agreed with an adorable smile.
"Besides, you're better than any bro I've ever had. I can fuck you any way I want, whenever I want," you laughed and took one last drag on the cigarette before putting it out and leaving it in the ashtray.
"God, you're so stupid," she laughed and leaned her face against your chest, "Hey, we better sleep now... tomorrow we have to go back to harsh reality."
"Unfortunately," you sighed.
You stood up, went to close the balcony door, turned on the air conditioning and got under the blankets with Jimin. Below them, your two naked bodies were in a warm embrace that you maintained until the moment you fell asleep.
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kooqitas · 6 months
— playing in the park lot ★ with: jjk!
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#pairings: bf!jungkook X reader #synopsis: after getting a little too angry at a random guy wanting his girlfriend, jungkook decides to give him a present. #tags: pwp, angry sex, public sex, no condom, spit kink, both drunk. #notes: JUST STREAM HOPE ON THE STREET! #wc: 1,4k blog em português X twitter
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"no, don't even start, jungkook!" you muttered as soon as you saw your boyfriend staring at the guy on the other side, bringing the beer bottle to his mouth and swallowing the liquid in visible hatred.
"i'm not starting anything! the guy over there has no respect and is eating you with his eyes," muttered, still staring at the man.
"half the party is also staring at you and eating you up with their eyes, and that's not why i'm freaking."
"of course not, you like this shit!" he said loudly, pulling your waist against his.
don't take this the wrong way, jungkook was the perfect boyfriend, he cared for you too much, he'd face a bullet for you or whatever, he just fucking loved you and wanted to protect you from everything and everyone.
but sometimes he went overboard, and that was one of the times.
god, jungkook was completely irritated just because a guy looked at you from afar, and yes, you knew it wasn't an innocent look, but you just ignored it.
"do i like that shit?" you asked offended. "jungkook, if I wanted to fuck with another guy, i would have done it a long time ago." you rolled your eyes, continuing to roll around to the music that was playing. "relax, baby, hm? you know i'm just yours, don't you?"
you stood on your tiptoes, trying to give your annoyed boyfriend a kiss, but it didn't do much good, jungkook was actually angry about the situation, god, how could anyone be so stupid?
for the next few seconds, your boyfriend finally calmed down a bit, continuing to dance with you. that was one of the things you liked most about jungkook, he wasn't the kind of guy who held your waist and expected you to roll around on him all night, he just drove you crazy with him. pressing his hips against yours, rubbing his cock in your body, dancing with jungkook was begging to get wet in his arms, and you liked it that.
due to the large amount of alcohol you had consumed, the need to go to the bathroom became apparent, so you left, heading for the bathroom and leaving jungkook on the dance floor.
you waited a few minutes, the waiting line was infinitely long and peeing yourself silly was always an event.
a comical event, by the way.
but as soon as you'd finished, washed your hands and touched up your lipstick in the mirror, you left the bathroom, looking for your boyfriend on the dance floor.
or at least trying to, since a large hand grabbed your waist.
and you knew that hand wasn't your boyfriend.
"hey, kitten, decided to give your boyfriend a break, have you?"
"don't touch m-"
you didn't even get to finish, because the next second jungkook was punching the face of the guy who tried to kiss you.
and that's the story of how you and jungkook got kicked out of the club.
"there's no point in getting angry, jungkook! i didn't do anything."
"fuck, aren't you going to say anything?"
his boyfriend didn't answer, keeping silent all the way to the parking lot where the car was.
and that's where you got angry. fuck, it could have been anyone's fault but yours, you'd done absolutely nothing.
"jungkook, it's not my fault you're a lunatic who doesn't know how to socialize in public, stop acting like i did something." you pulled him by his arm, spitting the words in his face.
"you knew he was dying to fuck you."
"and what the hell do i have to do with it? literally the only person who fucks me in this world is you, shit! if i wanted to give it to another guy i would have given it to him ages ago, now, if you're going to get angry about something that didn't even happen, maybe i should go back inside and fuck with him!" you shouted.
you didn't even see how it happened, but the next minute jungkook's body was pressing you down on the hood of the car, his wet tongue making a mess of your mouth and his hard cock rubbing against you as he pulled your skirt up roughly.
"jung-jungkook, the cameras." you tried to say, the words being swallowed by the mouth on yours.
"now you care if anyone can see you?" he laughed. "you don't want to fuck, sweetheart? you're going to fuck me right here, right now!"
it would be a lie to say that it didn't turn you on, unfortunately that was a truth you were forced to deal with, jungkook's jealousy made you horny, very horny, and the insanities he committed after a crisis gave you the best orgasms ever seen in the history of the face of the earth.
in the process of lifting your skirt, he ended up breaking the zipper, and too irritated, he just ripped the strap of your thin blouse, exposing your breasts there as he leaned over the hood and started sucking on your nipples.
his nimble hand went to your wet hole, rubbing his middle finger over the lace panties you were wearing. yes, it was a fact that you intended to end the night with jungkook's cock inside you.
you just didn't count on the element of surprise that it would happen to him in the parking lot of the club.
"that dirty little cunt got wet seeing me jealous, didn't it? go ahead, whore, you love it when other guys get desperate to cum in you and i get angry."
without any warning he penetrated your middle and ring fingers, quickly establishing a punishing rhythm while biting and sucking on your nipples.
you moaned something disconnected, your boyfriend looked so handsome with rage and that made you even hornier.
a third finger was added and with your loud scream jungkook took the opportunity to spit in your mouth, slapping you across the face immediately afterwards.
it was pathetic how he put you over the edge in such a short time, and it was only a matter of seconds before you screamed that you were going to come on his fingers.
but he wouldn't let you.
jungkook flipped you onto your back in an aggressive way, the cold metal of the car in contact with the nipples of your breasts was enough to make you cum, but everything got even better when jungkook put his thick cock in your cunt, slamming it hard against you while bending your body even more on the hood of the car.
"my cockslut, you're such a beautiful little whore for me, baby. let me fuck your hot little hole right here where everyone can see you."
and you contracted hearing those words.
"you like it, don't you? desperate for your man to fill your pussy with my cum, you'll take anything i want, right?"
the heavy hand slapping against your ass, leaving red marks, while you drooled on the hood of the car because you couldn't even close your mouth.
"i'd like to take you back inside and spurt in your pussy in front of everyone. you'd love it, wouldn't you? everyone seeing that you're so desperate for cock that you'll accept me fucking you anywhere."
"j-jungkook!" you moaned, and your boyfriend understood what that moan was all about.
jungkook moved his middle finger to your clitoris, making relaxed movements while he thrust into you, calling you a whore, a slut, a bitch. you could only moan.
and when he pressed your face even harder against the side of the car, you came, so hard that Jungkook came right after, filling your hole with his warm liquid.
"good, baby, you were so good! so perfect for me…"
you smiled, feeling good about your recent orgasm.
"shhh, hold on, don't get up yet!" jungkook took his cell phone out of his pocket, squatting down to record a short video of you lying on the hood of the car and leaking his cum. "so beautiful, so fucking mine, i love you so much, princess."
jungkook kissed your back, and as you lifted your head you saw that he was staring at a specific point in the parking lot.
the guy who hit on you was watching everything from the other side.
your boyfriend laughed before helping you into your clothes, or at least what was left of them…
he blew a lazy kiss to the man who was staring at everything and opened the car door.
"you're bad, jungkook!" you laughed.
"me? fuck, princess, you're the one who agreed to give it to me this cunt in the middle of the parking lot."
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gor3sigil · 1 month
Trans drag performers deserve better.
Okay so since y'all seem interested, here we go.
[This is about MY experience as a “former” transmasc drag king, in my local scene. This isn't representative of the drag scene as a whole because drag is a wide, huge scene with pretty much any type of people in it. I have never done paid gig. I only performed a couple of times before deciding to stop.]
I discovered drag with RuPaul like a lot of people, and for a long time, I only knew about drag queens. It’s when I learned about an initiation to drag king happening in my town that I decided to try it. I did a bit of research before the event took place and that's how I learned that drag king is widely undocumented, compared to drag queen. A bit disheartening but I was excited to do something new and especially to get back in my local queer community after 2 years or so of “no contact” with it because trauma (see my post about my first T4T relationship to understand why).
First surprise when I got there, I was the only transmasc present as an attendee. The organiser and person who teached us is agender and go by he/him, and his at the time SO is a transmasc enby but appart from them, I was the only trans person. Most of the others were cis lesbian women. Makes sense. The initiation weekend went really well and we ended up performing in an open scene at the end. I can't count the amount of times I got misgendered by other kings during this weekend and I have to say, it pissed me off so fucking bad because I was the only one getting consistantly misgendered. But I brushed it off and had a blast.
My drag persona is more of a dragula king, really goth, and I did a lipsync performance on a Black Dresses song. I loved it and had a blast. A year or so later, we decided with other drag kings to do a little group to perform together.
Once again, I'm the only trans person.
And that's when the shitshow kinda happened. From all the drag kings present, I was also the only one who wasn't already part of a collective. So the group we had was composed of people from 2 collectives who would basically cheer each other out at every show, and it's great !! But I wasn't being integrated into the group, and I felt defeated. One of the main reasons why I didn't go to drag shows was because I was FLAT BROKE. I couldn't attend these events as they were always or in a bar so you have to at least buy a drink, or had a fee, and I couldn't afford that.
We started doing rehearsals and I set up a discord server for us all to use and organize the said rehearsals. It soon became apparent that they weren't really serious about this group, that they were more involved in their own collectives and it was HELL to have at least one rehearsal a month. But we had a show scheduled for september, and half of the kings weren't ready, didn't know their texts nor songs. I knew it was going to be bad. Also we were confirmed that the gig was going to actually happen 3 days only before, because the people who said they were going to do the visuals NEVER DID and we had to fumble something quick so the event was promoted very fucking late and we weren't sure we could even afford to do it, because not many tickets were sold.
During the rehearsals I got singled out for everything. My voice was dropping because of the T (I had started 8 months prior) and I tried to do my best with the singing parts but got told a few times that my low voice would sound “weird” amongst the sopranos. Also, one of the solo part a king was going to perform was on a very upbeat music and he said we could join IF WE WANTED.
I said I'd pass since it wasn't my style at all.
And when we got to the venue, the venue didn't have any backstage and I had my solo part just after that, so I couldn't just stand there on stage and do nothing. The others in my group KNEW IT as they had performed in this venue BEFORE but just told me “oh, too bad, improvise something” when they were the same ones who told me that taking part in the number was not mandatory.
Regarding the other artists, man, I hated everything. I got misgendered constantly IN KING LIKE - I'M A DRAG KING FFS. Even by others in my group.
When I corrected another performer, a cis gay dude, he laughed at my FACE and told me “but you're trans aren't you like, against gender or something ?”. As I was pre op and still early in my transition I was basically outing myself everytime I told my pronouns and I got so many cis performers ask me invasive questions about my sex life, or being like “yeah I have a trans friend who goes by X but I knew them as Y so it's Y to me but it's not in a disrespectful way you see”.
So yeah, I didn't have a great night. :)
The cis kings called me “girl” or “sis” because “I'm one of them” even after telling them time and time again that I wasn't comfortable with that.
And after this quite disastrous experience, the same ones who called me “girl” and me got into an argument because they wanted to change a song about forced toxic masculinity which is an INCREDIBLY POWERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL SONG into lyrics to talk about femininity. I said that we could use another song then, because there's so few cis men singers who sing about being forced into toxic masculinity and virility that I found that a bit disrespectful to take this important message and make it about women and femininity. There's plenty of songs about that that we could use.
And now guess what ? I was a MEAN MAN who wanted women to NOT TALK ABOUT THEIR ISSUES because I was a very MANLY DUDE DISGUSTING MALE.
The same people who couldn't gender me correctly and called me “sis” a WEEK BEFORE.
So yeah, I got the fuck out and gave up.
I really wish I can perform again one day, but it'll be in another scene.
So PSA: book drag kings, because they are so underrepresented it's disheartening, RESPECT trans drag performers, don't but bioessentialism in drag for the LOVE OF GOD IT'S DRAG. Like imagine being transphobic as a DRAG PERFORMER. Learn the history. And fucking do better.
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melminli · 9 months
Cold Coffee
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - you liked working, and someone else liked you working for them.
word count: 2k+
contains: young president coryo, crack, fluff, secretary reader, coryo being lovesick and shy
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You had a routine. A routine that you strictly followed every day and it started with your alarm clock waking you up at 5 o'clock in the morning. The first thing you did was get up and go to the bathroom to wash the sleep off your face, otherwise you couldn't get anything done. After you had finished everything else concerning your hygiene, you continued with your outfit of the day.
You liked to play around a bit when it came to your fashion choices. After all, you were living in the Capitol. Your job still demanded a certain formality and professionalism, which is why you were perhaps not as free in your choice as others, but that wasn't a problem for you. You always managed to find something elegant to wear since you had all kinds of clothing in different colors and fabrics that were perfect for combining with various other items. Whether vests, suit jackets, skirts, trousers or everything all together, it was entirely up to your mood. (Even though combining everything together was something you hadn't done since your school days at the academy.).
Then the last thing left missing was your hair and maybe some make-up, before you could step out of the house with your pre-packed bag. After a 15-minute drive in your car, you would arrive a few minutes early and were able to go about your duties as planned until it was time to leave at around 4 pm (if you were lucky).
You've been doing this every day for three years. Every day. That may sound exhausting (because it is), but you were also kind of happy about it since missing work would just mean that you had more to do on the following one. You rarely got sick, but when you did it was usually nothing serious so you came to work anyway. On the two rare occasions when you were really seriously ill, you were once off work and once you were lucky (or unlucky) that it was at the time of several public holidays. So yes, you haven't missed a single day of work - until today.
Your alarm clock died in the middle of the night.
"...huh - what's happening?" You asked, slightly drowsy, and it felt like you'd been asleep for far too long, a suspicious amount of long. Your eyes glanced at the clock on your wall, and you had to concentrate to keep the image from blurring. "...It's a quarter past seven." You finally realized, before widening your eyes and jumping out of bed. "It's a quarter past seven! I'm going to be late!"
In your stress to get ready quickly, you decided to get dressed first and quickly picked something out before scurrying to the bathroom to get ready. That was your mistake because while being a bit too hectic when brushing your teeth, you were clumsy enough to get toothpaste on your shirt. "No, no, no - ugh. I can't believe this." You whined and hurried so you could change again.
Hair? fine, make-up? Fuck it - okay, just go out and get in the car. At this point, you were already a whole hour late. When you arrived at the place where your car was supposed to be and couldn't see it, you started to panic and it didn't stop when you realized why. It's in the repair shop! Why, does this have to happen to me?!
"Okay, let's calm down for a minute." You said to yourself and took a deep breath of the cold morning air. It was quiet, only the chirping of the birds could be heard, it was still early in the morning. "That's just the way it is now. I'll just let someone know I'll be late and - " You said and took out your phone, only to realize that it was dead. This all was probably due to a power cut in the night, which also explained why your alarm clock wasn't working this morning. " - alright, I won't do that then. It's cool. Everything's cool."
Your day was off to a pretty bad start already. It would take you at least half an hour to get to work with the train, and you'd have to wait another half an hour since the last one left five minutes ago according to your watch. Yes, the morning commute wasn't exactly popular in the Capitol - the people here usually preferred to sleep in.
"You know what? I'm just going to treat myself to my favorite drink in my favorite café. I really can't do this right now." You finally decide and set off a little more relaxed. "I would argue that I don't get paid enough for this, but I actually get paid pretty well." You admitted but didn't care any more than to laugh about it.
Of course, no one would assume that the secretary to the president of Panem would get a bad wage.
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Hm. Coriolanus looked at his watch again. His eyes had been darting there strangely often since this morning. Well, he didn't see you at all today, and normally you would greet him on the way to his office, and he would greet you back. After a while, you would come through the door and ask if he wanted coffee while you were already carrying it to him in your hand. This was followed by a little summary from you about what appointments he had today, who he was meeting and so on - it's not that important, the point is that he hasn't seen you yet and he didn't know why.
He got up from his seat and opened the door of his office to look out, but like before, you weren't sitting in your seat at the reception desk.
He then decided to look for his nearest employee. "Excuse me, Mr. Pox. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. " He announced his presence as he knocked lightly on the open door with his knuckles.
The man immediately stood up slightly nervously in order to appear respectful. He was older than Coriolanus, but he also wasn't the president. "You're not interrupting anything, sir! How can I help you?" He asked, a little confused. Oh no, he never asks me anything personally, I hope it's nothing serious. I'm not in trouble, am I?
Coriolanus reassured him as he subtly asked his question. "Well, I was just wondering where my secretary was. You wouldn't happen to know anything about her whereabouts?" He said, thinking it was a little stupid of him for not wanting to appear conspicuous. She works for me. I have the right to know where she is. This is not in any way inappropriate.
Pox was relieved when it turned out that this wasn't about him, but immediately felt a little guilty because you seemed to be in trouble. You were his nicest colleague, he liked you a lot. But I can't just lie to the president either. He's literally the president! He'll certainly find out if I do. "No, sir. Unfortunately not, she didn't tell me anything." He replied and just watched as the man in front of him hummed absently, which is why he quickly added. "Maybe she's just late?"
If that were the case, you'd already be three hours late. That was not like you, and Coriolanus began to subconsciously worry a little. She would let me know if she was going to be late. He thought to himself until he realized that you had never been late before, so he couldn't be too sure of his theory. Because that was what it was - just a theory. "Hm. All right, thanks for your time, see you then." He said goodbye to Pox and decided to go back to his office.
There wasn't really anything else he could do - well, except maybe call you. He stopped his steps for a moment at the thought. That feels wrong. Usually, you were the one who called him regularly or barged into his office so he didn't really have to. Well, sometimes he wanted to, but he doubted you would appreciate it if he contacted you after your working hours. He sometimes wished that his thoughts of you would end with your departure, but he hadn't really been successful yet, and for god's sake, he didn't know why. Well, I do - but it's complicated. She's my secretary and this isn't a stupid rom com.
He saw you all day. That is enough. It should be enough. It wasn't like he was looking forward to monday or anything since you started working for him - well, he was, but that was because of other things, for sure. It could be because of other things, he could find joy in other things.
"Oh, Mr. Snow. There you are." Your voice surprised him as he opened the door to his own office and was greated with your face in front of his. "I wanted to talk to you, but then you weren't here. I'm sorry I got in without your permission." You apologized sincerely and took a step to the side so he could enter.
"It's all good. You don't need to apologize." Coriolanus said calmly and sat down in his seat, subtly watching you move in front of his desk. "What is it?" He asked, appearing unaffected - as if he hadn't been thinking about you and what you were doing since this morning.
You looked slightly confused. "Well, I'm three hours late for work." You announced, sure that he would have noticed. "I know this can't be excused, and I'll get straight to work to make up for it, I promise. It's just that my car has a few issues and, well..." You assured him and placed a paper cup on his table. "I know I usually bring you coffee, and this is not the expensive one from here, but from my favorite café around the corner, but well..." You started rambling a bit and were a little more talkative than usual, which didn't go unnoticed. "...It also got cold on the way, and I spilled half of it because someone ran into me on the train." You added when you noticed how his gaze shifted to the stain at your side.
"Sounds like you had a pretty exciting morning. It's all right, don't worry, I'll turn a blind eye since it's the first time." Coriolanus replied with his slightly charming smile. You usually told him so little about your personal life that he unconsciously began to appreciate the little things he got to hear from you.
Like no, he didn't want to hear another stupid story about Mr. Aliose and his fucking hamsters. He almost felt sorry for the guys patheticness, maybe he could live a happier life if he put more effort into finding a wife than getting his pet to do a roll. Or from his other employees who tried to entertain him with uninteresting personal stories he didn't care about - because he didn't care about them.
And the one person he did actually want to hear from, kept their personal and work life very separate. He hated that it wasn't the other way around.
You nodded. "You don't even know. I don't expect you to drink this, by the way. As a matter of fact, I'll make you another one right now. It's just that - I worked really hard to get this to you, and it felt wrong to just throw it in the trash in the end." You let that bit out before returning to your professional self. "I just wanted that at least one thing would go right today."
Stay cool, Coriolanus. Don't freak out, and also, stop romanticizing this. "It's all good. I'm honored that you thought of me." He said, hoping he sounded natural.
A smile graced your face. "Of course, Mr. Snow. I'll be right back." You promised him as you stepped out of his office and made your way to the coffee machine.
As soon as the door closed behind you, Coriolanus let out the breath he had been holding. His hand reached for the coffee cup and turned it in his hand only to discover a small note on it. "For my boss and the boss of Panem :)" He read out loud and smiled as his thumb ran over the drawing of the snowflake. He couldn't help but take the little gesture to heart. "That's so sweet."
I should send out a car to pick her up tomorrow - for business reasons, of course.
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loudstan · 4 months
(67) Days of Whatever the Fuck that Was (PART 2.)
Summary: Chenle wasn't interested in committed relationships until he met the one. The problem is that now she is the one who doesn't want to commit to him.
Pairing: Werewolf! Chenle x Siren! Female reader
Warnings: OOff where do I start. Things get dubious, and even a bit non-conish sometimes so do not read if that's not something you're into. A lot of mind games, manipulation, gaslighting, and all the red flags you can think of. Y/N is MEAN. Also, this is super long so i had to make two separate posts. Read both if you want to know how it started! SMUT.
(PART 2)
“Why’s Jisung crying?” Kun asked when he saw the youngest member of the pack trying to hide how glossy his eyes were a few days later.
“I’m not,” Jisung replied stubbornly, but the words came out broken.
“He watched (500) Days of Summer,” Renjun deadpanned. 
“You watched–,” Kun burst out laughing. “It’s a romantic comedy! How did you end up crying?”
“It’s not romantic, nor funny,” Jisung disagreed.
Renjun sighed. “He’s worried about Chenle.”
“Oh…” Kun frowned. “Is he still hiding in his room?”
Renjun and Jisung nodded.
Kun sighed and hesitantly walked to Chenle’s room, knocking on the door and letting himself in when he heard a monotonous ‘come in’ from the other side.
“Hey, Lele…,” he greeted awkwardly. “How are you feeling?”
Chenle was sprawling in bed, with dark circles under a pair of eyes stuck to the laptop screen.
“Hm,” he replied, without elaborating.
“What are you up to?” Kun asked casually, walking closer to take a look at the screen. “Oh…You’re watching that movie too…”
Chenle barely nodded. “I’ve watched it  6 times. Each time it becomes more obvious that they would never end up together. Funny, isn’t it?” his dull voice said.
“Lele, I’m so sorry,” Kun said sincerely. Not only for what happened to the younger werewolf,  but also for even mentioning that stupid movie.
“It was gonna happen sooner or later,” Chenle closed his laptop and finally looked at the oldest. “She didn’t want me. Not the way I want her, at least.”
Kun looked at him sadly.
“Maybe I could make my own movie,” Chenle joked unenthusiastically. “The title would be (67) Days of Whatever the Fuck that Was.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” the older offered.
“Sure, you could convince her to take me back,” Chenle chuckled humorlessly. “Forget it, gege. There’s nothing anyone could do,” he said, before putting his laptop away and pulling the covers all the way up until they covered his head. “Can you close the door when you leave, please?”
“I…sure,” Kun murmured, walking out and closing the door quietly.  He stood in the corridor for an entire minute as he considered his options. “Fuck it,” he murmured, for once not caring about his manners.
He went back to the living room where Jisung and Renjun were waiting expectantly. “Get up, you two,” Kun told them. “We’re going to the bar.”
“Yeosang, I’m fine,” you insisted after he begged you to go rest for the 5th time.
“ You haven’t seen your mate in a week, and you know that can affect your health. You shouldn’t abuse your body.”
“It’s almost time to close. There are like 5 people here. It can’t be that hard, ” you laughed.
“I can handle it for the last half of an hour,” he offered. “You haven’t been looking too good lately–”
“It’s getting better,” you lied before turning to the customer to take his order. “Hi! What can I get you?”
“Three glasses of Eternal Dusk, please,” a handsome man with a charming smile said, handing you his credit card. 
“Right away,” you replied with a smile, scanning the card and handing it back to him before preparing the drinks skillfully and handing them to him.
 He thanked you and took the drinks to the table where his friends were waiting for him. You thought you recognized one of them, but he quickly looked away, suddenly being very interested in the wall behind him. Over the course of the night, they kept stealing glances at you, quickly looking away and talking secretly in their tiny group. Eventually, the same guy who had ordered the drinks earlier approached the bar again.
“Another round?” you offered.
“Uh, actually–” he stopped mid-sentence with a wince and hesitantly grabbed a pendant that was hanging from a chain, tucked under his shirt. He inspected the relic suspiciously like it wasn’t his own.
“Everything okay?” you asked.
He looked at you and then back at the pendant, which he quickly hid back under his shirt. “Y-yeah sorry,” he smiled politely. “I was wondering–... you’re not from around here, are you?”
“No, I–uh, I’m from the Scarlet Islands,” you disclosed. “Why?”
“Figures. Your beauty is…definitely not something you see in this town,” he said cheekily, looking at you like he had found out your biggest secret.
“Are you going to order something or not?” Yeosang interrupted the conversation, standing in between you and the customer. 
The man smiled at Yeosang before shaking his head and waving goodbye. “I think we’re done for tonight,” he said, going to his table and hurrying his friends out of the bar.
“What a creep,” Yeosang said. 
“Y-yeah,” you chuckled nervously and started cleaning up now that the last customers were gone.
“Heeey, Sangie,” Wooyoung greeted cheerfully approaching the bar. “Can I steal Y/N away for a little bit?”
Yeosang glared at Wooyoung suspiciously. 
“It won’t be anything stupid, I promise,” Wooyung said, trying to look as innocent as possible.
“I’ll be okay, Sangie,” you chuckled, walking away with Wooyoung when Yeosang finally nodded hesitantly.
Wooyoung guided you out of the ship, to the dock that connected it to land. It was late at night and the place was deserted. The only sound you could hear was the water splashing the wooden ship and the distant voices of the crew members coming from inside the ship.
When you looked at Wooyoung you were surprised to see him taking his shirt off.
“What are you doing?” you asked, astonished.
“I’m getting undressed,” he said, unbuckling his belt.
“I can see that. Why?”
“We’re going swimming!” he exclaimed, stepping out of his pants to present himself in front of you in his underwear. “Why are you just standing there? Do you need me to take your clothes off for you?” he asked suggestively.
“Woo, it’s late…” you tried to reason.
“I’ll push you. Don’t test me.”
You saw a mischievous glint in his eyes and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Fine, I guess it won’t hurt to swim a little bit,” you said, undressing yourself until you were only wearing your bra and panties. The crew had seen you in a swimming suit before, so this was basically the same. And it was dark, so you weren’t worried about him seeing through the fabric once it got wet
You followed Wooyoung into the water and sighed at the feeling surrounding you.
“Feel good?” Wooyoung asked, apprehensively.
“Really good,” you admitted, surprised. Your body had felt heavy and ached for the last few days, but you were suddenly feeling so relieved.
“Seawater restores sirens’ vitality,” Wooyoung commented, very proud of himself. “I read about it.”
“Aaw, were you worried about me?” you teased.
He splashed water on your face as a response. You gasped and splashed him back, starting a childish battle that ended with him holding you tightly against his own body to prevent your attacks.
You were laughing brightly when you felt the soft presence of his lips on yours. It barely lasted a second, but it made all laughter stop.
Your confused eyes met Wooyoung’s untamed ones. He wasn’t laughing, nor did he seem embarrassed or regretful.
“Did that feel good too?” he asked. His voice was thick with implication.
You stared back at him, speechless.
“Don’t worry, this isn’t a love confession,” he said, gently pushing a strand of wet hair from your face. “This is just me saying that I know you’re going through a hard time, and that your body isn’t taking it well. You’re tired, in pain, and so sensitive…” he trailed off.
You blushed. “Woo–”
“I know it’s someone else that you want,” he continued. “But I can help you forget, even if it’s just for a little bit.”
“You don’t have to–”
“You think I get nothing out of it? You may not know this but I have a thing for sirens. I dated one, actually…but things didn’t end up well. I recently found out through Yeosang that she met someone knew,” he chuckled but his laugh sounded empty, hurt. “I should be happy for her. But I can’t bring myself to. Childish, huh?”
“It was you?!” you asked, astonished. “The friend Yeosang told me about–”
“She’s my ex,” Wooyoung confessed. “Well…if you could call that a relationship. We barely held hands or kissed. She was afraid if we…consummated, she would follow me wherever I went. That was smart of her; following a pirate around isn’t anyone’s dream life.”
“Woo…I’m so sorry,” you whispered sympathetically.
“You’re in no position to be sorry about someone else’s love life,” he laughed, earning a playful punch on the shoulder. “What I’m trying to say here is that none of us is with who we want to be, but we have each other…”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea…” you hesitated.
“Isn’t it tiring to have to pleasure yourself?” he taunted, caressing your waist with intent and making you shiver, suddenly very aware of the proximity and nakedness of you both. “You can’t let the man you love make you cum, and I couldn’t make the woman I loved cum…” he murmured, moving his hands skillfully to give you goosebumps. “Wouldn’t it be poetic if we cum together?”
“The mental gymnastics to get to that conclusion are out of this world,” you joked.
“Y/N,” he groaned. “We’re both lonely and horny, and we’re stuck in a lifestyle that won’t let us have a stable relationship with anyone outside this damn ship. Is it really that crazy to propose we help each other out?”
You considered it for a second. He was making sense; you couldn’t be with Chenle if you wanted to continue your current lifestyle…but Wooyoung would always be there. 
“Captain said no relationships within crew members,” you murmured, holding onto the last argument against this reckless idea.
“Captain doesn’t need to know,” he assured you, closing the distance between your lips and kissing you. You kissed him back, focusing on Wooyoung and trying to forget all about Chenle. Without knowing that you would see him sooner than expected.
“CHENLE!” Kun yelled, bursting into the depressed wolf’s room and yanking the covers away from his limp body. “YOU STUPID BOY!”
After getting over the initial shock, Chenle gave him an unamused glare. “We already established that. No need to yell,” he murmured, reaching for the cover again.
Kun took the cover from his hand and threw it on the floor. He then unclasped from around his neck a golden chain with a doubloon hanging from it and waved it in front of Chenle’s face. “Do you know what this is?” 
“No,” deadpanned Chenle.
“It’s a siren detector,” he replied proudly.
“Why do you even have one of those?” Chenle asked, still uninterested.
“I got it from my time in the navy, of course. All sailors get one for safety.”
“Pff, you were not in the navy,” Chenle scoffed.
“Yes, I was? I sent you postcards?” Kun reminded him offendedly. “Whatever, that’s not the point. The point is we went to the bar where your mate works—“
“You did WHAT?!” Chenle asked outrageously. 
“We were going to convince her to take you back,” Kun continued.
“Nooo,” Chenle groaned, mortified. “How did you even know which bar it was?”
“Jisung led the way,” Kun informed.
Chenle glared at Jisung who was standing awkwardly next to Renjun.
“Sorry,” Jisung mumbled. “Didn’t want you to be sad…”
Chenle sighed. “You should have asked me— did you steal that glass?”
Jisung looked at the glass he was holding, still half full of alcohol. “We left in a hurry and I kinda panicked.”
“As I was saying,” Kun demanded everyone’s attention. “Whenever I got near your mate the detector started burning my skin. I asked her where she was from and she named an island that is located in the Forbidden Sea, which is where you can find  the biggest population of merpeople.”
Chenle stared at him dumbly.
“You imprinted on a siren!” Kun exclaimed exasperatedly. “Well, probably a half-siren…she seems to be able to spend long periods of time on land.”
“…That’s ridiculous. I would have noticed if my mate had a fishtail.”
“I guess they don’t teach you guys anatomy in school anymore,” Kun said. “That’s a myth. Sirens look like any other human. Some historical jerk assumed they had tails because the lower part of their bodies often remained hidden under the water. They have legs just like us, and they sometimes come to land, but they need sea water to survive. My guess is Y/N gets easy access to the water by traveling with pirates.”
“But… it can’t be…”
“It makes perfect sense,” Renjun interjected. “Sirens are famous for their mind control. Think about it: isn’t it weird that you always agreed to everything she said?”
Again, Chenle glared at Jisung, who must have spilled the beans about that too.
 “I don’t know, man,” he sighed tiredly. “Maybe I’m just a simp.”
“No but—“ Jisung spoke nervously. “That night when you met her you were so out of it. All you kept saying was that you didn’t want to mark her. Isn’t that weird?”
Chenke knitted his brows. It was kind of weird. “Maybe it was the fever.”
“Just try to remember,” Renjun insisted. “Did you ever have any disagreement that ended with you saying something out of character? Something that you didn’t understand why you were saying?”
Chenle froze. Every encounter with you had ended like that. Suddenly it all made sense.
Holy fuck. He had been played.
 He groaned and pulled his hair. “So Y/N is a master manipulator. Why does it matter? She doesn’t want to see me.”
”That’s the weird part,” Kun says hurriedly. “I heard her speaking with the other bartender, saying something about not seeing her mate for a week. Your relationship,” he said that word making air quotes with his hands, “ended a week ago. So that has to be referring to you, right? That means she imprinted on you too. But if that’s really the case then she wouldn’t be able to stand being away from you after you guys slept together,” he ranted nonsensically. 
Chenle wasn’t really following. He was still trying to process that he imprinted on a siren, and now Kun was saying that you probably imprinted on him too. He didn’t even know sirens imprinted.
“Maybe sexual relationships aren’t that important for her,” Renjun said, trying to make sense of the situation. 
“Sex is a sacred ritual between siren mates,” Kun contradicted Renjun’s theory. “When a siren is brought to their climax by the one they imprinted on it’s game over. The bond is sealed for eternity. Seriously, guys, what are they teaching you in school?”
“Not how to mate with sirens, clearly,” Renjun replied sarcastically, making Jisung choke on his drink.
“Orgasms seal the bond…” Chenle mumbled, sitting up as he pieced together everything he heard. “Game over…”
“Exactly,” Kun said, excited that at least one of them was paying attention and learning from him. “But then she probably wasn’t talking about you when she mentioned a mate because she shouldn’t be able to live without you after two months of–” 
“I didn’t make her cum,” Chenle admitted.
The room was silent.
“You mean– last time you were together?” Renjun offered.
“Ever,” Chenle deadpanned.
Jisung gasped. “You never told me that!” he accused.
“Yeah, thank god, or you would have told everyone!” Chenle rolled his eyes.
“I get nervous when interrogated!” Jisung defended himself.
“Chenle!” Kun shrieked. “Are you saying that in two months of being fuckbuddies,” he stressed, “ you didn’t make her cum once?!”
“It wasn’t my fault!” Chenle replied.
“Right,” Renjun said sarcastically.
“She kept telling me that I wasn’t good enough. That I didn’t deserve to touch her!” Chenle huffed, incredulous at what he was learning. “Whenever she was about to cum she would stop me with that sickeningly sweet voice of hers–”
“The siren voice,” Kun nodded, starting to understand what was happening.
“And I would always end up doing as she said and–I don’t know I thought it was like a weird kink of hers, or that I really was that bad in bed,” Chenle groaned. 
“She was stopping you from consummating the bond,” Renjun breathed out, catching up.
“Wait what?” Jisung asked.
“She imprinted on Chenle and she knew if he made her orgasm  she would be bonding with him forever,” Kun explained. “She literally hypnotized him to make sure he never made her cum.”
“That’s a whole new level of commitment issues…” Jisung said incredulously. “And gaslighting,” he added,  not believing that someone would go that far. 
But Chenle didn’t doubt you would do all that and more to get what you wanted. You were literally insane.  
“Fucking bitch,” he grunted, getting out of bed and exiting the room.
“Where are you going?” Jisung asked.
“Where do you think?!” Chenle yelled back.
“That’s a terrible idea,” Renjun warned, running after him, followed by Jisung and Kun.
“You either wait here or you come with, but you’re not stopping me,” Chenle grunted, opening the front door and walking out of the house in his pajamas.
The three werewolves exchanged worried looks before following Chenle to his car. Kun ended up driving because Chenle’s hands were shaking with rage, and the car was barely parked near the port when Chenle sprinted toward the imposing ship. 
The bar was closed, and everyone was probably asleep, but Chenle didn’t give a damn. He was going to wake up the entire town if he had to.
But he didn’t have to, because he heard you.
It was distant and weak. You were giggling and whimpering, and at some point, he even thought he heard his name. But where–?
He almost tripped when he stepped on…pants? And there were other pieces of clothing too– Was that your top?!
“You okay?” asked an unfamiliar male voice.
“F-fine,” you croaked.
“That good, huh?” the stranger asked.
“Shut up,” you replied playfully.
The voices were getting closer and Chenle’s enhanced vision could see you swimming toward the dock…with a man. 
“It must have been good,” the man insisted. “You were so out of it that you called me a totally different name.”
“Woo,” you whined, ashamed. “I’m sorry–” 
He pecked your lips. “It’s fine,” he assured you with a smile, reaching for the wooden surface. “You’ll get it right next time–,” his sentence was interrupted when out of nowhere someone grabbed him and pulled him out of the water aggressively. 
Your eyes widened in fear when you saw Chenle, manhandling Wooyoung with murderous intent. The pirate landed on his back on the dock with a loud thud and winced, but that was only the beginning of the pain Chenle had planned for him. 
“C-chenle!” you shrieked, getting out of the water. “Chenle, stop!”
“I’ll deal with you later,” he growled at you, getting back to beating the shit out of the man who had dared to kiss you.
Desperately, you yelled at him to stop, tried to pull him away from Wooyoung, and finally screamed for help, hoping at least one of your crew members would hear you.
Luckily, Yunho came running out of the ship, closely followed by Mingi, who looked half-asleep. They quickly assessed the situation and charged in to separate the two men. San and Yeosang joined the scene right after, helping Wooyoung get up and trying to get him away from the threat.
“I’ll teach you not to touch what isn’t yours,” Chenle growled, breaking free from Yunho and Mingi’s grasp, but thankfully Kun, Renjun and a terrified Jisung stepped in, not letting him reach the poor man. 
“Leave right now or I’ll call the police,” Seongwha spoke authoritatively, standing between his crew and the werewolves.
“Call the police then!” Chenle challenged petulantly. “See if I care. One of my pack is fucking a police officer so they can’t do shit to us–” he suddenly fell on the floor completely unconscious. Behind him, there was Jongho.
“I hit a pressure point so he’ll be asleep for a bit,” Jongho explained calmly. “Not for long though, so you should get him out of here fast.”
The three werewolves nodded quickly, and mumbled a thousand apologies while they grabbed his unconscious pack member and dragged him away. 
Seungwha quickly instructed the crew to take Wooyoung inside and tend to his wounds before turning to you. “Y/N, Captain wants to see you.”
The crew turned to look at you, failing to mask the fear in their eyes. They knew that if the Captain asked you to go to his cabin, it meant you were in huge trouble.
You lowered your head and nodded obediently, grabbing your clothes and boarding the ship. You quickly dried your body and put on some clothes before walking to the Captain’s cabin with trembling legs.
“Come in,” he said before you could even knock.
The antique door opened with a quiet squeak.
Captain Hongjoong was standing by a small window while playfully tossing his spyglass from one hand to the other.
“Did you ask to see me?” you asked nervously.
“I did,” he hummed calmly. “Had fun with Wooyoung?”
Your blood ran cold. There was no way he could have found out this fast, could he?
He chuckled. “Come here, Y/N.”
You took hesitant steps toward him until you were face to face.
“Look outside” he instructed,positioning so you were looking out the window. “What do you see?”
You saw the dock where the fight had happened and if you moved a bit to the right you could see the exact spot where you and Wooyoung had been fooling around. Could he have seen–?
“Saw it all,” he purred next to your ear, answering your unvoiced question. “Can’t say I’m surprised. If someone was going to break that rule it was Wooyoung.”
“It wasn’t his fault–”
“Please,” Hongjoong laughed, sitting on a chair made out of a barrel. “You want me to believe that Wooyoung wasn’t the one who started this? I know my crew,” he said, gesturing at the chair in front of him for you to take a seat too.
“He was only trying to help,” you explained, sitting down.
“Yeah, because you broke up with rich boy, right? Maybe if you hadn’t used your siren voice on him things wouldn’t have ended like that.”
You gasped in surprise. He knew about that?! 
He gasped too, mocking you. “Told you, Y/N. I know my crew,” he informed you, changing his tone to a more serious one. “Relationships within the crew are a rule that could be bent if necessary… but I strictly forbade you from bewitching people.”
“I–I know…”
“Wooyoung and you hooked up, alright, no problem. You’re both adults. But what you did to that man,” he said pointing at the window, “was take away his autonomy for your benefit.”
You nodded slowly, ashamed. 
“I’ve been waiting to see if you would solve things on your own, but now one of my men is hurt. You did that,” he accused.
You winced. “I understand. I’ll pack my things,” you said.
Hongjoong frowned.“Why would you do that?”
“I broke the rules and I put the crew in danger. So I gotta leave, right?”
“That would be the easy way out,” he said sternly. “You can’t abandon people whenever you fail them.”
“Then what should I do?”
“I’m sorry,” you said immediately.
“Not to me. To Chenle Zhong.”
Wow. He even knew his full name.
“I ended things with him,” you explained.
“But did you apologize?”
“He’ll move on and find someone better.”
You sighed in defeat. “...No.”
“Do it,” he commanded. “In person.”
You nodded right when someone knocked on the door softly.
“Come in,” Hongjoong said.
Seongwha walked in. “Wooyoung will be fine. Only a few bruises, but no broken bones.”
“Good,” Hongjoong sighed. “Tell him he’s grounded.”
“Of course,”  Seongwha said, but shot you a worried look. “What about Y/N?”
“She has her own task to complete, isn’t that right?” he said, looking at you solemnly.
And that’s how you found yourself unblocking Chenle and texting him, asking him if you could meet. The message showed as read for hours until he finally replied setting a time and date.
He picked you up like he often did in the past, before shit hit the fan. At first you refused to get in the car.
“I’ll be quick,” you said.
“I won’t,” he countered angrily. “I have a lot to say, and you’re gonna listen. Get in.”
His voice left no room for disobedience, so you nervously got in the car. This time he drove in a totally different direction. 
“Where are we going?” you asked.
He didn’t reply. He remained silent even when the car stopped in front of a huge modern building, taking you into the elevator and, once again, pressing the button to go to the highest floor. 
You were in awe when you entered a place as luxurious as the presidential suite, but more homelike. It was a spacious penthouse, with minimum decoration, like it had been recently purchased, with enormous windows that allowed you to see the ocean.
“I’m listening,” Chenle said dryly, standing in front of the window and watching the striking view.
You stood behind him, taking a deep breath in to brace yourself. “There’s something you must know,” you started saying.
He kept his eyes on the view, waiting for you to continue.
“I’m part siren. Sirens can control people’s minds with their voices…and I did that to you.”
He clenched his jaw but remained silent, 
“Everytime you came too close I made you believe that you didn’t actually want that. I treated you like shit to keep you under control, but the truth was that I was afraid of what would happen if we went further. I’m sorry,” you finally said. 
He turned around, glaring at you. “You’re sorry? Do you think you can use and humiliate someone repeatedly and then just say you’re sorry?”
You shook your head. “I know what I did was awful. That’s why I ended things; so you can forget about me and move on.”
“That’s your way of fixing things?” He laughed humorlessly. “Imagine someone broke your leg and then they put a fucking sticker on it, telling you to forget about it. Can you go run a marathon?”
“...That’s not the same–”
“That’s what it felt like to me,” he insisted. “You broke me every time you told me I didn’t deserve you. Everytime you made me say what we had wasn’t special. You don’t get to step on me like that and then tell me to move on.”
“I’m trying to do what’s right.”
“No. You’re doing what’s easier.” 
“Chenle I–,” you sighed. “I’m leaving in three days. There’s nothing I can do for you at this point.”
He met your gaze with eyes that reflected a storm of emotions. 
“There’s something,” he said firmly. “Kiss me.”
A shiver ran down your spine. There was nothing you would like more than to kiss him. “Wouldn’t that make things worse?” you asked apprehensive.
“The person I imprinted on used me for months and is leaving in 3 days. Things can’t possibly get worse for me,” Chenle deadpanned. He stared at your lips and took one of your hands tenderly. “Can you let me have just one moment with you that feels real? Without the lies and the mind games?”
You breathed out against his lips. “O-okay…”
Chenle’s lips were on yours, slow and hot. You felt like you were floating. It had been so long since the last time you were this close to him, you had forgotten how well his lips fit into yours, how gratifying his body felt against yours, how easily he could turn you on with his fingertips barely grazing your skin.
You couldn’t remember why you turned down his touch in the past when it was clearly what you needed the most–even the body ache you had woken up with was subsiding thanks to his ministrations.
It was the little moan that escaped you what brought you back to reality by the time he had taken your shirt off and was kissing your chest while playing with the strap of your bra.
“Chenle,” you moaned when he unclasped your bra and attached his lips to your tits. “I t-think we should stop now–”
He ignored your concerns, sucking on your nipple languidly. 
“Ooh– Chenle I’m serious,” you started to panic at how dangerously good you were starting to feel. With how sensitive you were since you imprinted on him and how much you had been craving for him it wouldn’t take long for you to climax…and that’s a luxury you couldn’t afford if you were to leave with the crew in a couple of days.
“Don’t be like that,” he cooed, unbuttoning your jeans. “You hardly ever allowed me to touch you during our encounters. You can’t expect me to be satisfied with just a kiss when this could be the last time I see you.”
“T-then how about I make y-you feel good instead?” you offered nervously, trying to pull his hands away from you, but he quickly slapped your hands away.
“I don’t think so. We did things your way many times already. It’s my turn to make you cum,” he declared, pulling your pants down hastily.
“NO! WAIT!” you shrieked, grabbing his hands with all your strength.
Chenle stared into your eyes intently. “There’s that terrified expression again,” he uttered. “It’s almost like you don’t want to cum. But that would be ridiculous, wouldn’t it?” he taunted. “Unless there’s something you aren’t telling me…”
You gulped.You indeed hadn’t told him you imprinted on him and what the consequences of an orgasm would be. “I…I just–That’s n-not why I came here–”
“What’s so terrifying about me making you cum, hmm?” he inquired darkly, like he already knew the answer, cornering you against the window glass. “If you don’t give me a good reason I won’t stop.”
You couldn’t tell him, because if you did then you were 100% sure he wouldn’t stop. You didn’t want to do this again, but you didn’t see any other way out right now.
“Pup, listen to me–” you spoke sweetly but he clasped his hand on your mouth firmly.
“No, you won’t,” he spoke through gritted teeth. “You apologize for bewitching me, but you try to do it again the second things don’t go as you planned?” he asked incredulously. 
You squirmed but he didn't budge.
Chenle hummed, placing his free hand on the front of your neck and tracing his fingers over your throat, drawing what felt like random figures. “What a shame. That was your last chance.” 
You gasped for air when he finally uncovered your mouth, but when you tried to speak again no words came out.
You cleared your throat and opened your mouth again, but even though you were saying words, they didn’t materialize into sounds.
You looked at Chenle in shock, and he smirked back at you.
“It’s not nice, huh? Not being able to say what you want,” he asked rhetorically.
‘What did you do?!’ you tried to ask, but of course once again nothing came out of your mouth. 
Chenle understood your voiceless question though and he chuckled. “Here goes my first confession: I found out about what you were a few days ago. I’ve been thinking of ways to stop you from using that voice on me since then. At first I thought about choking you, but I was so fucking mad at you I was afraid I would end up breaking your neck, so I learned how to cast this little spell on your vocal chords.”
Your eyes widened, remembering how you thought that he was just caressing your neck seconds ago.
“I also know you imprinted on me,” he continued speaking, caressing your face. “And I know what will happen if I make you cum so, naturally, I will make it happen.”
Your instinct kicked in and you pushed him, trying to get away as fast as you could, but he quickly caught you and turned you around, pushing you against the window glass with him hugging you from behind. You shivered when the cold material made contact with your bare chest, and the beautiful city view reminded you of how embarrassingly exposed you were.
Chenle’s hand had already found its way into your panties, and he was pleasuring you skillfully and fast, with only one objective in mind.
“Here goes my second confession: I regret not killing that friend of yours,” he whispered next to your ear, while two of his fingers were buried inside of you. “Can’t believe you let him have you like this before me. It drove me mad to find out what you sound like when you’re cumming while in another man’s arms. But what made me even more furious was that you moaned my name. How fucking shameless can you be?”
You wanted to dig a hole and hide in it forever, but first you needed to run away.
He clicked his tongue when you kicked your leg back aimlessly trying to get him off you. “You’re being so rude when I’m making you feel so good you’re dripping down my hand?” He asked, adding a third finger and making you tighten around him.
You shook your head and tried to look at him over your shoulder, giving him your best puppy eyes.
“Do you really want me to stop?” he asked, stilling his fingers inside of you.
You nodded promptly.
He sighed. “I guess I should respect your wishes just like you respected mine–Oh, right,” he pretended to suddenly remember something important. “You didn’t,” he concluded, fucking his fingers into you fast and hard.
You would have screamed if you could. You were so close and it was both marvelous and horrifying. If you gave in it would change your life forever, so you tried to even your breath and will yourself to think of something else.
“Would you look at that?” Chenle taunted. “I can see your ship from here…It’s a shame they’re too far to see how much of an obedient girl you’re being for me, taking my fingers so well, about to give yourself to me completely.”
You did not want anyone to see you like this, but you tried to remind yourself that this penthouse was on the highest floor in an exclusive neighborhood. Surely no one could see you.
“Mm…should I bite you before or after I get you off?” Chenle asked, placing a wet kiss on your neck.
You squirmed helplessly. At this point you knew you wouldn’t break free, and that your efforts were in vain, but you were too stubborn to accept your fate.
“I’m tired of waiting,” he said, abusing that spot that had you rolling your eyes while using his other hand to rub your clit roughly. “Give it to me now.”
Your ears rang and the city lights in front of you became blurry. You felt like the world was spinning around you while the tingly feeling that sometimes you experienced in your fingertips expanded through your body. 
‘Chenle, Chenle, Chenle’ was the only thought in your mind. His firm hands on your body, his warm respiration on your neck, his expensive cologne invading your nostrils, his luscious voice murmuring words you couldn’t comprehend right now–he was everywhere. The feeling was so overwhelming, unlike any orgasm any man had ever given you before. There was no way back now. You were–
“All mine,” Chenle chuckled, removing his hands from your underwear and placing one of them on your throat to remove the spell. “Was that really so bad?” he asked, turning you around to face him.
You glared at him. “Y-you–,” you coughed and spoke shakily, still riding the neverending aftershoks of your orgasm. “Do you k-know what you just d-did?!”
“I’m fully aware,” he replied nonchalantly.
“I won’t be able to leave, you asshole!” you yelled at him as tears started forming in your eyes. “You ruined my life!”
The hand that was on your neck squeezed your throat.
“Like I said, I know what I did. That’s why I did it,” he grunted. “And just for your information, I only reversed the spell to hear you moan. Not for you to get bratty and annoying, so if you try to bewitch me or yell at me one more time you won’t be speaking until the end of my rut.”
You paled. “Y-your rut?!” you choked out.
“Third confession,” Chenle whispered against your lips. “I chose this night to meet because my rut is scheduled to start anytime soon. And you’re gonna help me through it.”
You kicked his leg just out of pettiness. You knew it probably didn’t hurt much and it wouldn’t get you out of this predicament, but you didn’t know how else to voice your anger.
He gave you an unamused look. “That’s it,” he growled, lifting you in his arms and throwing you over his shoulder unceremoniously. You squirmed, kicked, and hit whatever part of him you could reach but it only seemed to add to the punishment that was coming. 
He opened the door to a bedroom, which was also surrounded by wide windows. Like the living room, it wasn’t fully furnished or decorated, but there was a king size bed in the middle and a nightstand, which was all that Chenle needed right now. 
He sat on the bed and manhandled you so you were lying on your belly on his lap, and before you had the chance to ask anything or complain you felt a sharp pain on your ass.
“You’re going to behave,” he guaranteed, landing another slap that made you gasp. “Even if I have to force you to.”
You tried to keep your mouth shut. If he had reversed the spell because he wanted to hear you moan then you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of hearing a single sound from you.
After spanking you a couple more times he noticed what you were trying to pull.
“Really?” he asked, giving you a particularly hard smack that almost made you give in. “We’ll see about that,” he murmured.
He moved you onto the bed, removed your panties hastily and positioned you so your legs were hanging off the bed while still on your belly. You turned your head around suspiciously but you didn’t see him. You were going to sit up when you felt a pair of firm hands gripping your asscheeks and something warm and wet grazing your inner labia. 
You yelped and Chenle chuckled against your center before diving in.
It had been a long time since someone ate you out from behind; usually you were the one in charge, so being in such a compromising position was humiliating yet he was making you feel so good…
No. You couldn’t let him know you were enjoying this. You bit your lip and grasped onto the bed sheets desperately.
His tongue slid inside of you and he landed another slap on your ass, feeling you clench around the wet muscle. He pulled away for a second to say some cheeky comment, but a malicious kick almost landed on his face.
Furiously, he stood up and climbed on the bed, grabbing you as you were crawling away and forcing you to turn around to face him.
“What the fuck was that?” he growled. 
“Fuck you!” you hissed in response.
“Fucking brat,” he spat, unbuckling his belt and straddling you. “After all you’ve done you think you have the right to be angry?”
“Oh and you’re any better?” you asked indignantly. “You forced an orgasm out of me even though you knew what that implied–”
“Agreed,” he conceded, unbuttoning his pants. “We’re both terrible people and now we’re stuck together, so you might as well get used to it–”
“I may be bonded to you but you don’t own me! I’m sure Yeosang can help me find a way to undo this–Hhmp!” your ranting was interrupted by Chenle grabbing your jaw firmly and  shoving his cock in your mouth, absolutely not in the mood to listen anymore.
“Mm, yeah that’s better,” he hummed, thrusting the head of his cock in and out slowly. “Such a beautiful voice but all that comes out of your mouth is poisonous.”
You tried to complain, but the vibrations only pleased Chenle even more. 
“Yeah, go on, princess,” he encouraged you mockingly, sinking some more of his length into your mouth. 
You shot him a dirty look and hollowed your cheeks to give a hard suck, tasting the salty liquid that the tip oozed.
He moaned and his body bent in pleasure. “Oh yeah?” he sneered, pulling out slightly to thrust back in. “Do your worst, princess, fuck–”
“Hmm,” you moaned around him, stretching your lips and straining your neck to bob your head. 
Chenle felt like his head was spinning. You had pleasured him with your mouth before, but this was different. He had never had so much power over you. It made him feel euphoric. He placed his hands on your head to keep you in place, pulling your hair unintentionally. His mouth hung slack and he fucked your mouth rhythmically.
It took you choking when his cock hit the back of your throat for him to cum in your mouth with a guttural moan, trapping your head between his pelvis and the mattress until you drank every single drop.
With a jaded sigh, he climbed off your chest to start going lower, kissing every corner of your body on the way until he positioned himself with his face between your legs to continue what he had started.
You let out a broken moan when he captured your clit with his mouth and sucked insistently. 
Your legs kicked his back and you pulled his hair angrily but you couldn’t refrain from moaning, much to his delight.  He sucked, and sucked until the stimulation was painful, and almost wished he moved his mouth somewhere else but he was suctioning your clit with obsessive intent, wanting it to feel so good it hurt, wanting to break you.
He alternated between flattening his tongue against you while shaking his head and going back to harsh sucking until your stomach contorts and your mind goes blank, making your legs shake in pleasure.
…Except he doesn’t stop. 
It was the first time he had you cum in his mouth and now he was captivated. He wished you had let him do this sooner. How dare you keep this away from him all this time?! 
“Do it again,” he grumbled against your core  between sloppy licks.
“Are y-haa…are you insane?!” you whined, trying to push him away.
He looked up at you with reddened eyes and growled, slapping your inner thigh.
“I said,” he spoke roughly. “Do it again,” he commanded, getting back to work.
This time he was all over the place, licking and slurping every drop of your release and making you shriek in pleasure and embarrassment. He wouldn’t let any of it go to waste. This belonged to him. You belonged to him. And he would take it as many times as he wanted.
You trembled when he once again focused your clit, like it was his new favorite toy, and circled it with his tongue going clockwise and then counterclockwise, and then flicking it barely with the tip of his tongue.
You whined and the death grip you had on his hair to push him away ended up pushing his head closer to your center.
He moaned appreciatively and let you fuck his face until he heard you gasp brokenly, so he sucked hard, bringing you to yet another orgasm. 
Your body relaxed on the bed while he cleaned you up with his tongue languidly, making you wince and convulse sporadically. 
Once he finally licked all he could find, he climbed back up so he was face to face with you.
“I hate you,” you croaked.
“Yeah?” he purred, kissing you, letting you taste yourself on his lips. “I don’t think you do…And even if you did, that’s too bad, because I’m obsessed with you,” he concluded, diving in for another kiss.
He was right, you didn’t hate him. You were just mad, and scared, but you loved his lips on yours, and the way his body rocked against yours, and his hard cock pushing against your entrance–
“Ah–haaa, fuck–Chenle!” you moaned loudly when he pushed in slowly, stretching you out delightfully. 
He swallowed your moans with his kisses, between hushed praises for taking him so well. 
“My pretty princess…” he breathed out once he bottomed up completely. He grabbed one of your thighs and pushed it up and outwards before rolling his hips experimentally. He starts very slowly, allowing you to feel every vein of his cock dragging against your inner walls and you have no words to describe how good it feels.
His eyes lit up when he hit a spot that made you arch your back, aiming to hit it harder.
“What happened to that fierce attitude?” he teased when you let out a strangled moan.
You only looked at him with wide eyes, grabbing onto his shoulders clumsily without knowing what to do with yourself. Having him inside of you after having consummated the bond made everything feel 10 times more intense. There was nothing you could possibly say to express how good it felt to have your mate’s cock kissing your cervix so divinely. 
“Poor Y/N,” Chenle spoke condescendingly, using his thumb to wipe some drool off the corner of your mouth. “Cock so good you can’t speak?”
You try to think of a comeback. You really do, but how could you when he was filling you all the way up and hitting all the right places–at the same time?
He chuckled darkly, snapping his hips hard once, twice and then building up a steady rhythm that had you screaming like he always wanted you to.
“Oh g-god…” was the first coherent sentence you said, throwing your head back.
 “That’s my princess,” he praised, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. “Submitting for her mate–haa…,” he moaned as he nosed along your neck, looking for the right spot to leave his mark.
“C-chenle–” you whined, feeling yourself getting closer the more his pelvis grinded against your clit.
He sank his teeth into your skin and you felt that white pleasure consume you again, making you cum with a silent scream and your legs shake around Chenle’s waist.
He winced when you contracted around his cock, murmuring nonsense about how tight and perfect you were for him while licking the fresh wound on your neck.
You were shaking like a leaf, whispering his name like it was the only thing you knew and he just didn’t stop.
“Fuck! P-please!” you cried out when he pressed his hips against yours harshly and moved them in a circular way before resuming his unrelenting assault. 
You didn’t think you could take any more so you tried to push him away weakly, but he pinned you down by your wrists. 
Both of you knew you weren’t actually trying to rebel anymore, but his wolf loved to show off his strength, making you submit. He had wanted to dominate you the moment he met you, but his rut had turned that want into a need. 
“C-can’t,” you sobbed, but the more you squirmed, the harder he fucked you.
“You’re g-gonna take it,” he grunted, squeezing your wrists and thrusting fast enough to make you see stars. 
Tears slid down your face but you nodded obediently and that sent Chenle into a frenzy. He let go of your wrists to grab onto your waist, sitting up and ramming into you at a speed he didn’t know he was capable of.
“Aah…Haa, fuck, Y/N–my obedient little mate, yeah…” he moaned.
You whined at the praise, letting him fuck every coherent thought out of your head.
“All you have t-to do is take it,” he spoke with slurred words as he impaled you into his cock like a ragdoll. “Let me have you like this,” he emphasized the last word with a hard thrust. “Let me m-make you feel good mm…”
You nodded dumbly while he pounded you on the bed.
“Look this pretty–oh fuck, so pretty for me,” he sounded strained, and his movements were haltering. “Let me g-give you anything you could…oooh anything y-you could possibly want,” he was getting desperate, feeling his knot starting to form was pushing him over the edge. “L-let me…,” he gulped, forcing his knot into you and making you scream. “Oooh Y/N, fuuuck–”
You couldn’t breathe. It was too much. He was too deep, and he was trying to pull you impossibly closer as his cock throbbed inside of you and he finally came with a shaky sigh, shooting endless spurts of cum inside of you.
Your eyes rolled back as he convulsed on top of you, once again pinning your wrists just for show, to remind you he was in charge.
Once both of you came down from your high, Chenle took in the view and beamed with pride. 
You were sprawled out on your back, with his mark on your neck, fucked dumb, submissive, completely overstimulated, impaled on his cock, and full of what soon would be his pups. 
This was what he would wake up to everyday, in this very apartment he had bought for both of you.
Meanwhile, on the ship, Captain Hongjoong put his spyglass down and walked away from the window, letting out an impressed whistle.
“Seongwha, make preparations for a farewell party,” he requested, sitting on his chair and putting his feet on the table. “Looks like Y/N’s staying in this town.”
“You’re so mean,” Seongwha replied, unimpressed. “You knew this would happen when you sent her to speak with him.”
“She’ll thank me one day,” Hongjoong assured him, winking playfully.
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mabelstone · 4 months
Why would you be loved?
hozier x f!reader
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part two of lullabies <3 | part one | masterlist
cw: teeeeeny bit of violence at very beginning ... also 18+ ok if u are unfamiliar with me... this is my thing. this character is FICTIONAL before u attack me for sexualising THE hozier
word count: 3.2k
*i've decided i'd like this to be a slow burn... but don't worry! i will add things to keep u interested (or attempt to)
The sticky slap of their skin echoed through the room, my heart thudding loud enough in my ears to deafen the noise.
I lurched forward, grabbing the leggy blonde from the bar by her hair, yanking her off of Joe and slamming her naked body into the wall. She gasped loudly, falling onto the ground where she watched on in horror. I grabbed the nearest object I could reach - his bedside lamp - smashing the ceramic over his head, screaming in his face about how he's fucked this up for good.
Except that's not what happened.
I opened the door to the same scenario, except I didn't lose my temper and tear the two of them to shreds. My heart still pounded harder than ever, but I simply backed out into the hall without a sound. My eyes must've been something of a Tim Burton character as I walked back outside, leaving the front door wide open. I didn't even grab anything as my handbag was still over my shoulder. I dug around for my phone, finding nothing but an old gum packet, some lipgloss, and some loose change.
"Fuck," I muttered under my breath, running my hands through my hair. I had my phone in the bar. Did I leave it in Andrew's car? Fuck, did I leave it at the bar? I began to panic, frantically walking down the street. As if I could walk all the way back! It was at least 15 kilometres from my place. I didn't care though, continuing to pace in the cold in clothing more suited to warmer weather. I kept replaying what I saw over and over in my head. I'd usually call my mum, but...
The way his hands were digging into her skin, the way she kept repeating how good he was making her feel. I felt sick to my stomach, and the alcohol wasn't helping. I'm not sure they even saw me, but once he finished (judging by the sounds he was making, wouldn't be too long) he'd see the doors open and connect the dots.
I turned my head as I heard someone whistle from across the street, inexplicably grateful to see Andy's car. "What're you doin'?"
"Do you have my phone?" My voice sounded foreign to me, robotic and desperate at the same time. I crossed the street, heading straight for the passenger side.
"Your lifeline is right here, hence why I am," he laughed, holding my phone out to me. I just stood at the door expressionless, and he probably thought my drinks had been spiked or I'd gone mad. "You... alright?"
"Joe is cheating on me," robotically sounding again. Though saying the words out loud made it suddenly real. Joe is cheating on me.
"What?" His eyebrows shot up, dipping his head to see my face better. "What? When?"
"Like, literally right now," I laughed. I began to laugh hysterically, having to rest my hands on the top of his car to steady myself. I laughed so hard, tears began to stream down my face and my stomach hurt.
The next thing I knew, that familiar warm hand was on my back, followed by a soft, "c'mere". I turned to face Andrew, immediately bursting into tears. Real tears this time. He pulled me in close to his chest, one arm easily wrapped around my shoulders, the other cradling the back of my head. I sobbed into his shirt, likely accidentally digging my nails into his back as I clung to him. If I did, he didn't comment on it. He held me tight, rubbing soft circles into my spine with his palm. I don't know how long we stood there for, but when I pulled away, his shirt was soaked and covered in mascara.
"I'm so sorry," I gave a half hearted laugh, gesturing to the stained cotton. "I will wash it for you, I'm good at getting stains out."
"Don't be ridiculous," he smiled that poor you smile he always did, but this time it felt like a comfort as he shook his head. "You can come back to mine and shower. Then we can figure this out."
"No, no, I don't want to put you out." I protested, wiping under my eyes, undoubtedly smudging the black into my hairline. I sniffled, wiping my snotty nose onto the sleeve of my cardigan. If Joe was right about Andy being infatuated with me, I definitely just destroyed that in one simple, snotty gesture.
"I insist," he smiled, leaning against the side of the car. I was exhausted, and a nice shower in a house that didn't reek of infidelity sounded too good to reject. I nodded and climbed into the passenger seat for the second time tonight, switching on my phone to see no new messages. Maybe he didn't see me after all.
I slipped into an oversized hoodie of Andrew’s after my shower, steam on the mirror and condensation on every surface from the amount of time I was in there. I felt guilty using his water, but time slipped away from me by the time I realised. He had real shampoo and conditioner, not that pathetic 3 in 1 bullshit Joe used. I stole a hair tie and hid my messy curls in a bun. I honestly looked like a mess, but it was definitely an improvement from before. My eyes were bloodshot and puffy. Most of the alcohol had fleeted my system, so now I was just exhausted and forced to bask in the reality of the situation.
I walked into his living room where he was sat, one arm slung over the back of the couch while the other flicked through Netflix. It was strange to see him in his space, so comfortable and… domestic. No, we’re not doing this. Yet.
I looked down and saw a black border collie mix strewn across his lap. “Oh my goodness!” I swooned as I headed straight for the dog. Andy mustn’t have heard me, jumping slightly and cursing under his breath. “How rude of me. Who’s this little angel?”
“The breaking of my heart,” he began, hand over his chest as he stared lovingly down at his dog. “Elwood.”
“Elwood? Really?” I quirked an eyebrow, looking up to Elwood’s owner.
“It’s a beautiful name for a beautiful boy, I don’t understand the issue?”
I rolled my eyes, going back to snuggling the dog, kissing his face all over. “He is beautiful. Yes you are!” Elwood wagged his tail excitedly, slobbering happily all over my hands.
Andrew chuckled down at us, averting his eyes back to the TV, a soft smile lingering on his lips.
“Thanks for letting me use your shower, Andy,” I smiled, sitting beside him on the lounge, feeling like the human embodiment of the calm after a storm.
“Oh, that’s no problem at all," he grinned earnestly, playing the pilot of Breaking Bad softly in the background. He lulled his head to the side, eyes glistening in the soft golden lighting of the lamp in the corner of the room. "Want a tea?"
"Please," I nodded, Elwood now snuggled into my lap. The moment he left the room, I was left with the crushing reality of what'd just happened. The horrible sound that plagued my phonic memory, as if it were played through headphones at a deafening volume. I tried to focus on the TV, Breaking Bad had always been my favourite. It was no use, the gut wrenching ache within me only multiplied by the minute, tears welling in my eyes, daring to fall.
"I wasn't sure how you take it so I bought everything with me," he placed two tea cups onto his coffee table, along with a carton of milk and a canister of sugar.
"So adorable, you remind me of my gran," I teased, desperately trying to blink away any trace of sadness before he had a chance to see. I didn't need to burden him with any more tears.
"You know, I've been called far worse," he shrugged, taking his tea black, sitting beside me on the couch. "So I'll take it."
I hummed in response, mixing in my milk and sugar.
"So... maybe a redundant question, but, how're you feeling?"
"Well," I chuckled bitterly, sipping from my tea. "Probably feeling as you'd expect. Actually, that's a lie. I don't know how I feel honestly."
His eyes studied my features, and I deliberately avoided his gaze. His dog snored away in my lap, the TV just loud enough that any amount of silence couldn't be awkward.
"Has... anything like this happened to you?" I asked, despite the voice in my head telling me not to.
"Ehm, yeah. Not too long ago, actually," he sighed, running a hand through his hair, his chocolate curls flicking up at the ends, framing his face beautifully in the light. "We were together for three years. She was sleeping around with a friend of mine. She broke it off with me when she decided she'd rather be with him."
"Her loss," I mirrored that same pitiful look he always gave me, the slight drop in his expression making me feel guilty for even asking. "You make a mean cup of tea."
"If only she could appreciate the art of English Breakfast," he sighed, a sad smile lingering on his lips despite the sarcasm in his tone.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Andy," I sighed, tempted to reach out for him but deciding against it in fear of breaching some unspoken boundary. "I'll get out of your hair soon."
"You can stay- only if you'd like," he offered awkwardly, eyes flickering to mine as he fiddled with the handle of his cup. "There's a spare bedroom."
"No, no. You've been so kind tonight, I don't want to push it," I shook my head, misjudging the height of the coffee table, my cup hitting it with a sharp clank. Elwood startled, throwing his head back to look at me. "Sorry, buddy."
"You're not pushing anything," he laughed, shaking his head now. "It's late. The decision's all yours. But I must say, that bed might be nicer than my own."
"Quite persuasive, aren't you?" I grinned, throwing my head back against the couch, weighing up my options. Well, I can't go home. "Okay. I'll stay... if you're sure that's okay?"
"Well, because you're twisting my arm..." He joked, that bright, happy smile making its glorious return. "I'll get you a spare toothbrush and a bottle of water. You've had a big night."
"Yeah," I breathed, rubbing at my burning, no doubt bloodshot, eyes. "I am exhausted."
"Come, I'll show you to your room," he got up from the couch, extending his hand to me. I took it in mine, warm and calloused; so large, his fingers reached my wrist as he helped me from the couch. I followed behind him, the soft padding of our feet up the stairs slowly becoming the only sound audible. Elwood trailing close behind, of course.
He showed me to the guest room, nothing special, but somehow a massive comfort. A navy blue, fluffy duvet with a bedside table, a simple lamp and a copy of Inferno by Dante Alighieri atop it.
"Oh, I'll grab that toothbrush," he waved his hand as if he were finally able to dismiss the thought. I chuckled at the way he hurried out of the room, the exhaustion rippling through my body as I sat on the edge of the bed. He was right. This might be the comfiest bed I've ever had the pleasure of sitting on. I zoned out, staring at the carpet as I finally sobered up. These past few weeks had been fucked, and I knew they'd only get worse. My phone started buzzing rapidly as Andy came back into the room, a bottle of water, a toothbrush still in the packaging, and a sheet of panadol in his hands. He silently placed them onto the bedside table, both of us just watching my phone ring. It was Joe.
Against my better judgement, I picked up on the last ring, raising the phone to my ear.
"Where are you?" His voice was hoarse, unsuspecting. Idiot.
"Doesn't matter," I sighed, nauseated at the sound of his voice.
"Well, it does. I've been worried sick about you, you're meant to be home now. How would I know you hadn't been kidnapped or gone home with some creep?"
"That is ironic," I laughed, though there was no humour in my tone.
"The fuck are you on about? Get home right now." He was getting angrier by the second. Andrew could hear every word, his brows knitted together in disgust as he listened on.
"I did come home. You were a bit busy," I swallowed harshly, my voice failing me, beginning to shake.
There was silence on his end for a good thirty seconds, all air in Andrew's small guest bedroom thinning at once. "...Babe. We will get through this."
"I don't think so."
"Don't say shit like that. I love you, Y/N. We'll get through this stronger than ever. Just come home, baby. I'll make it up to you," he was speaking fast, panicked almost.
"I need some space," I replied weakly, eyes filling with tears again.
"No. I love you. Come home. Please, babe, pl-"
I hung up on him before he got the chance to manipulate me straight back into his arms, Andy watching me with a frown. Suddenly, it was all too real, and I was breaking down in front of him for the second time tonight.
He didn't say anything. I felt the bed dip beside me, his warm arm wrapping around my shoulder, pulling me in close. We stayed like that for a while - my head leaned against his shoulder as I cried, his head atop mine - until I felt like there was no water left in my body. I heaved a massive sigh, sitting up straight again.
"Oh, Andy, I'm so s-"
"You've nothing to be sorry for," he hushed me, sincerity written all over his face, kind emerald eyes revealing that he wasn't doing anything for secondary gain; he was just a beautiful soul. "Get some rest."
"Okay," I agreed, pulling back the covers with his help. I wanted him to stay, I didn't want to be alone. I wished he could've just laid with me, no meaning attached, but just to have the warmth of another to occupy the cold, empty bed. Instead I thanked him again, pulling the covers up to my chin.
"You know where my room is. I'll be there if you need anything," he smiled earnestly, flicking off the light before walking out.
Goodnight, Andy, I almost said, but sleep washed over me quicker than I could form the words.
I woke early, bathed in velvety caramel coloured sunlight, slowly beginning to register where I was. I made my way down to corridor to Andy's room, his bedroom door barely ajar. I put my ear to the door, not wanting to wake him if he were still sleeping. I heard soft pants escaping his lips, letting my curiosity get the best of me.
I gently pushed the door open, revealing the glow of his milky skin in the same light. His beautiful halo of curls sticking to his slightly sweaty forehead, his face contorted in pleasure and concentration as he worked himself beneath the covers. I couldn't suppress the noise of surprise that escaped my lips as he whimpered my name.
"Fuck-" He gasped, pulling his hand from under the cover. "I'm sorry, I-"
"Keep going," I encouraged, slowly making my way to him. Confusion plastered all over his face, he obliged, slipping his hand back under the cover. I sat before him, our eyes locked on one another as he picked up the pace. "Gooood, that's it."
His brows furrowed as he continued to worked himself, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat with each swallow. I slipped into bed beside him, my hand replacing his. His breathing pattern grew irregular, every vowel of my name dripping off his tongue, igniting a fire deep in my core. I began placing wet kisses along jawline, making my way down to his neck, then his chest, then-
And then I actually woke up, heart beating at a million miles an hour. What. The. Fuck. Shame immediately coursed through my veins, burying my face into my pillow as I replayed the dream over and over until it was committed to memory. Am I an awful person?
I could vaguely hear Andrew singing along to Let's Fall In Love by Ella Fitzgerald in the kitchen, cautiously making my way down the stairs. I was disgusted in myself for even thinking of him in that way, let alone loving every shame filled second of it.
"Mornin'," I made myself known, sliding onto one of the stools at his breakfast bar.
"Good morning," he chirped, sliding a cup of coffee toward me. He had his glasses on this morning, his hair pulled back into a bun. "How're you feelin'?"
"Good," I lied through my teeth, concealing it with an enthusiastic nod. "Better, yeah." I just gave you a handjob in my dream and now I want you to pin me to the couch and make love to me all day. Oh, and I'm supposed to be grieving a near 6 year relationship, but now I'm just really fucking confused. "How are you?"
"Hungry. And I hope you are too," he grinned, revealing a big stack of pancakes he'd just cooked for us, as well as a bowl of chopped strawberries.
"I am, that looks lovely," another lie. I had no appetite. But I also couldn't say no to a man so sickly sweet. He sat beside me, soft jazz serenading us from his record player.
"What've you got on today?" He queried, plopping a pancake onto each of our plates.
"Might visit my ma, update her on... everything, I guess. Then I've gotta get my car. Maybe some clothes. Fuck, I don't even know what to do," I laughed awkwardly, taking a sip of my coffee. "You performing tonight?"
"Hoping to," he nodded, taking a bite of a strawberry. "You know you're more than welcome to spend the night here again."
"I couldn't possibly burden you for another night," I deflected, mirroring his actions and popping a strawberry into my mouth.
"You actually don't have to fight me each time, you cay just say no," he chuckled, shaking his head at me.
"I love spending time with you," I confessed, resting my hand on his arm, then retracting it just as fast. "I just don't want you to think I'm using you."
"Nonsense," he waved me off, scoffing. "It's nice to have some company. Plus, Elwood has taken a strong liking to you."
"The feeling is mutual," I laughed, breaking off a piece of my pancake for the dog happily wagging his tail by my feet. "I'm sure you have lady friends come and visit."
"Only ones who ruin their tea with milk and barely touch their pancakes," he remarked with a wide grin. I felt my cheeks turn hot at his stupid comment, finally digging in to my breakfast.
Maybe things weren't going to be so bad after all.
i don't love this... but this desperately needed an update. feel free to send requests of some stuff you'd like in the next chapter xx
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romana-after-dark · 14 days
Ignore if it’s too gross:
But what about poor reader being so terrified of logan while he’s non conning her that she wets herself?
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Taglist Masterlist
Buy Me A Coffee : Kofi : Go Fund Me
Logan Howlett x fem!reader
Summary: as stated above lol
Warnings: piss kink! non con! crying! Mild feet! Almost sufficating!!! Reference to the school but reader is not a student. IDK the lore its a short peice but thats NOT whats happening. Still dark af tho so dont read if thats not your thing.
AN: this essentially the same thing as Cry Harder with Joel so if you love joely, give 'er a go.
A/N: Also anon, its not gross!!!! I dont do this big ones like incest, bestiality or incest ofc, and theres other stuff i dont write but also long as its isnt those first three i aint gonna be pressed. Send away! You're so sweet for asking!!!
450 words
He had to shove your face into the mattress before you woke up the whole school.
"Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up!" Logan growls, flipping you onto your stomach when you were crying too loud. He couldn't have anyone hearing what he was doing to you, but fuck he couldn't take it anymore, the way you pranced around in those tight little tops and hot pants on and up. You wanted this. So why the fuck were you crying?
Face down, Logan pressed your face into the mattress with his foot on your head while his strong arm wraps around your middle to pull you up, cock stretching you open. You could feel his balls slapping against your pussy with every thrust, sobbing into your blankets as he fucked your powerless body. There was nothing to do but cry.
But Logan didn't like that.
"Jesus fucking christ!" He growls, slapping your ass to make you shut up but that just made you yelp more. Logan he wasn't going to let you ruin this for him. He wasn't going to let a warm cunt fuck up by having a mouth. If he was caught, it'd be all over for him.
Logan shifts he weight, leaning more on the foot on your head and shoving you in deeper, and finally your cries were muffled. Even though you were screaming now, body writhing in panic he wasn't stopping, not when he was this close. You were so fucking wet, so fucking warm and fuck, so fucking tight... Fear did that like nothing else.
You pulse around him, contractions of fear rather than an orgasm, and he was about to cum inside you. So fucking close. Ball drawing up, he was growing sick of your screams. You didn't need to fucking breath all the time, you were getting enough air, he was sure. Just being dramatic.
"I said, shut the fuck UP!" Logan punctuated his final word by punching down on the mattress, extending his blades with a *ssshing!*.
A blood curdling scream Logan was sure would be ear piercing if he wasn't half sufficating you erupts into the bed, and suddenly his cock is flooded with a warm liquid. You didn't cum. It sprays out around his dick as it rams into you for a final few times, spreading down both your legs and his as Logan groans, head dropped back in pleasure. So good, so fucking good.
Balls emptied inside you, Logan finally pulls himself out of you and your hips fall to the bed as your face rises, gasping for air.
Logan pulls on his jeans and heads towards the door.
"Quit being so fucking dramatic."
Thanks for reading!!!!
Im loving writing Logan. I've gotten several Logan asks on either account and please keep coming! you might get a paragraph, a few paragraphs, or a fic. WHo knows!
If you like triple frontier or tlou, please consider chcking out my other stuff!!
Dont be afraid to join my taglist or follow @romana-updates
@del-ightfulling @hornystan
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adventuringblind · 5 months
Entitled To You (3.6K words)
Norstaptri x Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: An incident with Lance sends the boys into a frenzy. She just wants to do what she loves.
Warnings: Explicit depictions of r@pe, injury descriptions, panic attacks, Oscar plots a murder, Lando throws hands, Car crashes, Author doesn't know legal stuff, Head trauma and blood.
Notes: This one is a request from @Lily234566 I know this wasn't the original pairing but I was struggling to fit the Ferrari boys in there so I had to scale it back... I'm sorry and I hope you still like it! T_T
Side Note: Sorry to the Lance girlies reading this. AND obligatory message of I don't know these people and this is purely FICTION! HEAD THE TAGS! DONT LIKE THEN DONT READ!
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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“Max!” She peeks her head into his driver's room. The bright beaming smile she receives in return after their 1-2 nearly kills her. “They want me for a media thing, apparently.” HIs smile drops into a pout. The sad puppy eyes might convince her to stay. 
“Again? Don’t they know we have plans!
“No, and why would they care anyway?” She looks him up and down and whines because he’s standing in front of her with no shirt on. “Just - I’ll meet you guys back at the room. It’s something to do with being a female in F1… again.”
“I’m starting to think they have nothing else to talk about.” 
She shrugs as she walks out of the hospitality, waving to Christian on her way by. The goal is to get past the Mclaren garage without seeing Lando because otherwise she is not going to the interview. His pout is worse (better?) than Max’s. 
To her pleasant surprise, Laura is the one conducting the interview. “I’m sorry about this being last minute! They said they wanted you to do it with someone else next week and I offered to do it now.” 
The interview passes with ease and thankfully doesn’t take long at all. The banter in-between is also entertaining. 
She’s exhausted when they finish. Ready to go back to the hotel and fall into bed with her boys. Hopefully They’ve ordered food - and dessert. 
The paddock is nearly empty as she makes her way through. Maybe, had she been paying more attention and not focussed on her aching body, she would’ve caught on to the footsteps behind her. 
They are heavy, she assumes possibly a mechanic still packing up to continue on their way to the next circuit. That’s what she still thinks when the hand on her bicep yanks her around the corner. 
If she weren’t as exhausted, then fighting would’ve been a possibility. However, that seems out of the cards as he pins her against the nearest wall. Her forehead hitting the surface hard enough to make her dizzy. 
“Not so confident now, huh?” 
The fuck- “Lance? What are you?-” He slams her head again and cages her body against his own. She flails, only to be slammed again. “Would you stop doing that please?” 
“Not after that stupid stunt you pulled today on track.”
“You mean the one where you showed you don’t know what brakes are?-” Again, her head is sent into the hard surface. She can feel her nose starting to bleed. “Must you?!” She decided to shut up when he does it again and everything starts to go fuzzy. 
His fingers dip beneath the waistband of her fireproofs. The cold evening air hits her bare skin and she panics more than before. Her head is too cloudy to fully comprehend what’s happening. 
“I feel like I'm entitled to a bit of compensation after that stunt.” 
“You’re entitled to nothing. You took yourself out!” She hisses through gritted teeth. Still, Lance continues to get her clothes lower. And slams her head again harder - you know - because she wasn’t disoriented enough already.
“Would you shut up?” She doesn’t say anything this time. Her mouth feels numb and her ears are ringing. Her exposed lower half is met with the bare hands of someone she doesn't want touching her. 
It's - well - it hurts. He's groping at her thighs, ass, even her tits which she isn't sure how he's managing. His hands are everywhere they shouldn't be. 
And then nothing. 
A vague awareness of what's happening seeps through her veins and invades her senses. She tries to scream. Attempts despite the sheer pain of the snap of hips she didn't ask for. 
His finger beat her to it. A hand encloses around her throat and cuts off her oxygen. The black spots dance around her vision. She wants them to stop moving; they are making her dizzy. Or was she already dizzy? 
“See, it's not so bad. Don't you feel less guilty for ruining my race now?” No, she doesn't. She wasn't guilty before. 
She blacks out. 
Waking up with sore limbs and a killer headache is not how she pictured this night going. She tries to yell for help, but a mere creaky rasp escapes. 
When did she lose her voice? The thought makes her panic more. The sob she lets out hurts more than there is sound. 
Her face and hair is sticky. At least Lance had done her the courtesy of not finishing inside of her. 
Still - what the fuck even happened? The fragmented memory is trying to come back to her slowly. Each small piece remembered is another broken cry. 
She can't move. 
It's dark again. 
The anxiety between the three boys is certainly not something they are used to. Oscar can pinpoint the exact moment Lando started overthinking and Max had to bear hug him so he didn't pace a hole into the cement of the parking lot. 
The fourth seat in their car remains empty and their messages have gone unanswered. It's getting more concerning with each passing minute. 
“Max, she always responds.” 
“I know Lando.” 
“She always calls if she's going to be longer.” 
“Would you feel better if we went and looked around for her?” 
The Brit nods his head in a fashion that might give him whiplash. It's better seeing him feel helpful then sit helplessly. Though Oscar can't help but agree with Max's original point. that they should wait there at the car just in case since that's where they were supposed to meet. 
Granted, it's only been twenty minutes. It's still long enough to be murdered. 
They Methodically peer around corners and wave at the mechanics who give them skeptical looks. They were supposed to be out for post race celebrations by now. 
Oscar freezes when he sees it. The human shaped lump lying on the ground. He rushes over with long strides. The closer he gets, the more familiar the person on the ground becomes. 
“Max! Lando! I found her!” The other two boys come sprinting in his direction. He's on the ground trying to clear her hair from her face only for it to get stuck in the sticky substance coating her features. 
“What the fuck?” 
Her fireproofs are still on, but it's obvious what happened. The handprints on her neck, the blood trickling down the sides of her face. “We need to bring her to a hospital.” 
Max hoists her up in his arms. Mainly because Lando is on the brink of tears and struggling to breathe through his panic. He loves deeply and with his heart on his sleeve. Oscar just hopes he can keep the Brit calm until they find more help. 
“Can we at least clean her up?” Lando pleads with him. Big Hazel eyes brimming with tears. 
It's always a struggle to tell him no. “We can't, not if it can help us figure out who did it.” The tears start right after that. 
“So that’s what happened then? Someone really-” Oscar has to maneuver the puddle of tears that is his boyfriend into the passenger seat of their rental car. Max tosses him the keys, opting to be with her in the back and keep her comfortable. 
The tricky drive to emergency is more because Oscar is too far in his own thoughts to pay attention to the traffic lights. He can hear Max moving her around, attempting to put pressure where blood still flows freely. 
Oscar doesn’t bother with parking. He pulls off into some empty area and helps Max shoulder her weight inside the doors while Lando runs ahead to find help. 
It’s fast after that. They take her away and start patching her up while the three of them are forced to sit in the waiting room. Oscar and Lando are left to their own devices while Max paces about on the phone with Christian. 
He feels like a knife is being driven through his chest each time his mind tries to come up with what could’ve happened. Who would do something like this? Unfortunately, a lot of people. The question is more of who could’ve done it and gotten away. Someone with access to the paddock this late. Security, perhaps? Maybe even a sleazy mechanic? A driver wouldn’t make any sense… right?
“When will they let us see her?”
“When she wakes up, most likely.”
He’s not sure when he falls asleep. The exhaustion finally hit him like a truck despite his persistence. He’s awoken by Max’s constant shaking and aggressive whispering of his name. 
“-She’s asking for us.” 
He’s up faster than Lando when Jon threatens an ice bath. They follow the nurse down the halls with an uneasy anticipation. They creep inside the sterile room and find her staring at the wall. 
Lando doesn’t hesitate to move further into the room. Always having been more in touch with his emotions then the other two boys. “Hey love, can I come closer?” 
She looks at him. The bandages plastered over the sides of her head and around her face now visible to them. She returns Lando’s gaze with glassy eyes. It’s damn near shocking when she tries to pull things off her body in a desperate attempt to reach for Lando. 
Lando gets to her before she can get everything off, specifically the IV, and catch her arms. Oscar and Max finally pull themselves together and manage to get her to lay back down with some coaxing. 
She’s shaking violently. Her grip on Lando’s arm is sure to leave bruises. “Who - who f-found me?”  
“We did, schat. We got worried when you didn’t respond.” Max drags the two chairs in the room closer and pulls Oscar down into one.  Lando, against all odds, manages to wriggle his way into bed with her. 
“I know who it was. I - well - does anyone else know?” 
“Just Christian and us.” Oscar can feel the fight Max is putting up to not ask her more questions. The way he’s grounding himself with a hand on Oscars knee instead. 
“You don’t have to tell us.” He attempts to reassure. Maybe calm her mind by giving her an option. “Just know we’re here, alright?” 
“I don’t want it to be a big story. It’s already going to be since I can’t be in the car for the next four weeks. Oh fuck - everyone is gonna know-” Lando hushes her; gets her to somehow hold him tighter.
“Christian said it’s up to you, whatever happens.” Max nods at her encouragingly. “We go at your pace.” 
“They did a rape kit. They’ll know who it is. It was all over so it couldn’t have been hard to get DNA - oh fuck” 
Her heart rate picks up. The nurses rush in. They send her back to sleep. 
Max wants to know who it was who touched her. The rage simmering underneath her skin is almost too much to keep contained. 
On the more fortunate side, they were allowed to stay since she wouldn’t let go of Lando. Then when he did have to get up, they rotated. 
The doctors and nurses learned to approach her like she’s a scared animal. The heavy footsteps seem to set her off and there is now a sticky note on the door saying to tiptoe when entering. It’s endearing to see her doctors and nurses trying so hard not to startle her. But seeing as they’ve now had several incidents where she’s panicked, they are taking more caution. 
Oscar and Lando have meandered away in search of food. Max opted to stay put and made the promise to bring him back cheat foods. He’s too stressed to not eat something of comfort. 
Her physio is supposed to come by today with the stuff she left at the track and get an update from the doctors themselves instead of Max’s botched attempts at repeating back. It will also be nice to see her comfortable, as the one blanket that travels with her everywhere will also be dropped off. 
“Max?” He tightens his hold to show he’s listening. “It’s not fair… You, Lando, and Oscar make a mistake on track and nobody does that to you. I - It wasn’t my fault.” 
The thing is, Max is smarter than people give him credit for. The only incident on track was with Lance. An incident that was his own fault. “He’s at fault, not you. None of this is your fault.”
“They are going to say I was asking for it or something.” 
“In those fireproofs? The only ones asking for it are me and Oscar… for obvious reasons.” He chuckles proudly at his little self compliment. 
It also manages to get her to crack something of a half smile. “Are you complimenting your own ass?” 
“And what if I am?” 
She doesn’t eat anything despite it being sat in front of her. Soft foods are the only thing she’ll be eating. Her throat, albeit not as bad as it could've been (thank you F1), is still damaged and needs to rest as much as possible. 
They had to keep her for observation due to where the head wounds had been. It’s been a rough thirty-six hours, but they are managing.
Despite the hectic situation, Max has come to learn that the female lying in the hospital bed is a better person then the rest of them. Oscar was detailing a full proof murder plan while she was telling him not to make it a bigger deal then it is. To which Oscar politely put his ten step plan with four contingencies down and told her that it’s ‘what he had coming to him’. 
Max has not had to stop someone from assassinating a rival before, but Oscar seems like a reasonable guy. “Death is too good for him.” 
“Mm, you’re right, I’ll just make sure he doesn’t die then and can’t see my face.” 
“Or, we make his life a series of inconveniences! I feel like daddy’s money could get him good therapy. It can’t solve every minor problem.” Lando has a gleam in his eyes. 
Him and Oscar start pouring over ideas once more. The girl simply shakes her head and goes back to eyeing her pudding like it’s assaulted her. “I don’t want to leave here, Max.”
“Why not? I’d assume you want to go home? Sleep in a comfortable bed?”
“Out there, they can get to us. Here is safe.” 
He considers how to reassure her. Only, there is nothing he can think of. The truth is that outside of this hospital room, there is no guarantee they won’t run into trouble. 
“I can’t promise that we'll never have something bad happen again. But-” He looks to the McLaren duo brainstorming ways to make the Aston Martin garage regret existing. “We’ll be there for each other. We’re here for you. When you want us and when you need us, yes?” 
“Pinky swear?” She extends her pink to him. 
Max accepts and curls his pinks around hers. “Pinky swear.” 
It’s not fair really, that they had to leave to go do things. Lando would prefer he at least stayed with her so she isn’t alone. Alas, they are preparing for her discharge and he had to run around getting things together for their trip back to Monaco.
He comes back to a partially opened door and smiles at the other two boys being able to get back before him. Then again, as he gets closer he can hear the angry tone. One that Max uses when he’s pissed off about something. 
Lando panics and rushes inside. Only to be met with the sight of the last person he wants around right now. 
Now - he wouldn’t say he’s prone to violence. Lando prefers to keep the peace when it comes to conflict unless he’s trying to piss someone off on purpose to get a reaction. This is not one of those times. 
Lando’s knuckles collide with the Canadian’s jaw faster than he can fully become aware of what he’s doing. Lance stumbles backward and holds his jaw, glaring at Lando like he’s the one in the wrong here. 
“Get out!” 
“We were just talking-” 
“I said. Get. Out.” He’s seething. The thudding in his chest becoming louder with each second Lance remains in this room. 
He’s not prone to violence. 
Really, he’s not. 
Yet the second crack of knuckles into Lance's chin gives him some sick satisfaction. Isn’t there something about equilibrium? Can he pin this on restoring the balance or something? Regardless, he isn’t going to dent the fact that it feels good. 
The nurses come running and start asking questions. Max and Oscar have to drag Lando away kicking and screaming. 
Worse is when they try to tell him that there are pictures out on social media. Christian has been calling Max non-stop. Oscar has been dealing with Zak. Their relationship isn’t a secret and neither is their current location.  
“They're sending us a different car to see if we can’t get out discreetly.” 
“What happened with Lance, Lan? Are you alright?”
Everyone is panting. Their eyes trained on the door. “I punched him. I restored the equal-brey-um… thing.” 
“Yeah that!” 
He’s not sure how they get on the plane. He’s still amped up about the whole punching thing and running purely off adrenaline. 
They’ve been sitting in silence, mulling over their options. Creating statements they can put out. It’s hectic and they keep trashing them because nothing fits. 
The female has been apathetic. The last thing she wanted was for this to get out and now it has. Seemingly everything is flashing before her eyes. Her career will be gone soon enough, so what’s even the point? 
“Don’t post anything. We don’t have an obligation to confirm or deny the rumors. If anything, we can say that you were just driving me to the hospital and being good friends or whatever.” She won’t look at them. Still - Lando can hear how upset she is, the waiver in her voice. “I’m going to be kicked out anyway.” 
“Christian said-”
“Damn what Christian said! He knows this isn’t going to get any better and if I say who it was then Daddy’s Money is just going to pay his way through.” She's hyperventilating now. Her body collapses against her seat and Oscar makes an effort to get her to lean against him. “It’s not fair!”
lando Can’t help but share her feelings.
She stays holed up in the Redbull garage the next weekend. The appearance is hard, people want to ask her questions. Her boys had been caught in the middle of the riptide and haven’t come back to shore yet. 
At least she’s here. She’s trying her hardest to look stronger than she is. On the inside things are falling apart. 
The team knows to give her space and not ask about the ordeal. She takes refuge in Max’s room when things are too much and the other drivers keep their distance. 
They know it was one of them. She’d been adamant on not saying who it was, but it’s obvious there are sixteen who it could have been, given her partners insistence that none of them go near her garage for the time being.  
She just wants this whole thing to blow over. She wants to lay in bed with her lovers and not flinch when they go to touch her. 
She knows, however, that until she deals with things that healing can’t happen like it should. Or at least, that’s what her therapist says. The one she is now required to see. 
Things get worse when she’s back in the car. Her media duties are limited so she can focus on driving and ‘listening to her body’ as her physio likes to say. 
She can’t hear her body over the sound of her mind going staticy as Lance closes in on her. The catalyst for everything. She panics and ends up in the wall. Not the worst crash ever, but certainly hurts her pride more than it has already.
The thing is, it keeps happening. Even as she’s able to let her boys back in. As her podium finishes start to come back. Her fireproofs (which they’d gotten her all new ones) start to feel comfortable again and she doesn’t feel the need to be out of them the second the race is done. Still, Lance is using this to his advantage. 
Finally, after he almost killed her on track (again), she’s had enough.
The trial goes better than she thought it would. Despite the money differences, Lance won’t be able to race anymore. It’s not some grand spectacle either, just an announcement like usual. It’s more the closure she needed versus the publicized drama it could have been. 
She wins the next race. 
“If I ever see him again, it will be too soon.” 
“It’s been over a year now, Lan. I’m getting better.” There is a genuine smile on her face. The car awaits to take them back to the hotel. It was here that it happened. She almost considered not racing because of it.
“Lando got a taste of blood and now he’s feinding for it.” Max has a comforting hand around her waist. A grounding presence. 
“I mean, I never threw away my murder plot…” 
“You’re a genius Oscar!”
She shakes her head. It’s not like any of this has been easy. It never is. Still - her boys are here and they’ve been so patient. 
“There’s her smile.” They all beam at her. 
She smiles back.
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elizais · 6 months
arguments and make ups
when he realises he fucked up,, -dazai x gn reader warnings: nothing too specifically mentioned that you are arguing over
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proper fallouts with dazai were uncommon. little bickers were bound to happen yet this had spiraled a little from something you just wanted to ask about. you were asking a genuine question over god knows what, it had been a long day for the both of you and sarcastic answer after sarcastic answer had put you both on your last straws.
stood in the kitchen, he was still joking around and it was frustrating. he's a man too smart for his own good, yet he hadn't realised that you were tired and didn't want to drag anything on. sighing, you pinched the bridge of your nose for a moment and looked at him.
"no, osamu, it's not-" you spoke, yet he only heard those 4 painful words. you don't call him that. you don't call him osamu. you call him 'samu or something sweet only he can hear. he became instantly lost in his own thoughts, staring off into space and you saw he wasn't listening to your point.
groaning, you walked into the bedroom. neither of you even remembered why or when this started. he stood there, knowing his sweet nothings wouldn't get him out of this situation. he should have just given you the answer straight up and not wind you up like he would for amusement any other day.
nobody ever called him osamu, at work he was dazai, chuuya called him an array of insults and at home he was 'samu. for someone so clever, and who always has a plan, he would have never planned to upset you. his mind began a competition of what voice inside his head could say 'no' the loudest to every possible solution he came up with.
if he was thinking rationally, he would have known you just wanted two peaceful minutes after a stressful day. he waited until he could hear you turn the shower on before quietly leaving the house after taking some leftovers out of the fridge for you to see when you come out to eat.
he wandered up and down yokohama's streets a little, feeling regretful. he knew you wouldn't hold a grudge but he wasn't going to forgive himself. you always treated him so well, never making him feel like a 'demon prodigy' or half of the 'double black' duo, and you unknowingly proved odasaku wrong. he always thought of how oda's words that claimed "there is no place in this world that can fill your loneliness" died the moment he met you.
osamu checked the time, thinking he should head back. he knew it would take more than a silly keychain of toro inoue to save his case yet he still bought one as he passed a corner shop.
arriving back home, you walked out of the bathroom door as he took off his shoes. he quickly shrugged off his coat and rushed towards you, pressing a chaste kiss to your hairline with a whisper of "give me 5 minutes, love." and hurrying to the bedroom and bathroom to get changed and have a shower - knowing it will boost his chances of getting you to cuddle with him as he apologises.
scrolling on your phone on the couch, you heard soft footsteps plodding over. a man who resembled an ashamed dog with his tail between his legs carefully sat down next to you. not looking up from your phone, you could feel his sorrow radiating off of him.
"darling, you know i-" you cut him off, "'samu, it's just been a long day." you responded calmly, looking up at him before a faint smile tugged at his lips. he could tell you were feeling better and wrapped his arms around you. falling down so that his back was laying on the couch and holding you on top of him.
"i'm sorry" he sprinkled in hundreds of times through peppered kisses on your head. giggles filled the room as he wriggled you around, smiling and forgetting about a silly frustration.
whoops!! accidentally forgot this is a blog with silly little fanfictions - consider this an apology pretty pleaseeee also: sorry for not chatting with my mutuals recently! life got in the way and shit hit the fan for a second!!
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depresssant · 3 months
'geto would burn in the fiery sea of hell if it meant only he would be the one thing your heart-stopping eyes could see'
warning!!!! : yandere is a warning in itself 💀, yandere!geto, unrequited love, kidnapping extremely suggestive themes, idk what else 😭
also reposted bc i accidenly deleted the first one 😬
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to say that geto suguru was helpless was an understatement.
he was at a lost, and it felt like the entire world was against him. so many conflicting thoughts battled with him day by day, and time came to a stop the second he watched that bullet go through riko's head. that helpless feeling of not being able to save what was dear to you... to be able to not do anything except for watch as something slipped out of his grasp⏤he felt like it was happening all over again.
dark thoughts⏤ones that only you seemed to get rid of⏤dropping him over the edge plagued him like a disease with every twist and turn. these were the dark thoughts that only you washed away with your warm touch and loving smile.
but now?
now you were cold and hostile.
all because of a damn rejection.
geto knew his decade long friendship with you would never be the same after that fateful night you confessed to him. that night⏤just a week and a half after riko's death. he had rejected you. geto was scared. what if you died just like riko? you were a sorcerer with threats that had you walking across the line of life and death. what if you, too, withered from his grasp? 
but he supposed you already did.
bit by bit, you had started to ignore him. you were clearly distancing yourself. you knew he was going through internal struggles, and while you once would've been there right by his side, you weren't this time. you just... stop talking to him, acting like he was the plague, and a single look would kill you.
it killed him.
it killed geto to see you hurting because of him, and it hurt even more that he wasn't able to help. the raven haired man was bitter and angry at the time. he should've understood that you were just trying to give him space after realizing your confession wasn't thrown in at the best time. you were trying to help him in the best way possible while hurting yourself, and he was too fucking stupid to realize it.
geto had stormed into your dorm for an explanation as to why you were ignoring him. the worst fight of his life occurred that very night where you told him you never wanted to see him again. so he had granted you your wish.
thinking back at it, both of you were hurting. riko's death and the following had affected you just as much as it had affected geto, but he was too selfish to realize he wasn't alone. he was too conceited to realize that even when keeping your distance from him, you were still there for him. he was just too proud to reach out.
well... that would never happen again.
he furrowed his brows but he said nothing as he watched you struggle against the chains with a look of panic on your beautiful, beautiful, face. geto had plenty of time to reflect on his behavior⏤to sort through his feelings and plan, and now you were finally back in his arms.
with a sigh of relief, said arms pulled you into a suffocating hug. he held you so tightly he felt like his arms would cramp up, but that didn't matter. all he wanted to do was just crawl into your skin, become one with you, so you two would never apart again. he wanted to kiss those pretty lips of yours until his own became bruised and swollen. he wanted to hold you like this for the rest of eternity because the sound of your heartbeat was the best type of music he had ever listened to.
this was wrong, some part in him screamed. holding you captive like this just for himself was immoral and evil, but... all for himself? geto would burn in the fiery sea of hell if it meant only he would be the one thing your heart-stopping eyes could see. those eyes... those eyes pulled him in like a moth to a flame, turning him into a person he never thought he'd become. but perhaps that was one of the million things he loved about you.
"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" you hissed, pressed up against him, and geto felt completed. "you're insane! how the hell do you... do you⏤"
"i love you."
his hands were all over your body frantically, leaving a blazing trail of fire in every place that he caressed, and it was like he was trying to become one with you.
"... geto... what is this? why are you doing this?"
lavender eyes as alluring as a violent ocean rested on yours. "it's a form of acceptance. your confession? darling, i accept your love. i want your love... i need it."
"that was in high school! it was just a silly crush!" your brows furrowed in anger at first, but your expression crumbled. a face that you once adored now looked down at you with stinging eyes, fangs out and all. 
"don't lie to me." geto grabbed a hold of your inner thighs, pushing you down onto the bed and nuzzling into your neck as if he would die if he didn't. you'd be lying if you said that you didn't like it. it was something you had been waiting for, for a very long time.
"we're meant for each other. you just need a little help understanding it."
his hold you was like a snake wrapping around its prey, constricting like a suffocating pillow until said prey finally fell limp. you were the prey and geto was the snake.. and, well...
he was threatening to swallow you whole.
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jack-ackles · 4 months
i have waited long enough to say this but LORD DEBLING IS AN ASSHOLE.
i cant fucking take all these tweets and "opinions" saying penelope should've ended up with debling and that debling is better than colin
all those people can go and (i can't stress this enough) fuck themselves!!!!!
A man in his mid forties looking for a bride in a room full of eligible women in the age group 18-22
He was looking for a wife in the room full of girls who wished for a good match, loving and dashing husband.. but HE wasn't looking for "love" as he would always love nature more.
He wanted to marry asap so that he could leave for his tour, which also meant:
he wanted a wife who would basically be his housekeeper and look after his estate.
which probably also mean, since he doesn't have a family, he would leave for his tour but not before getting his supposed wife preggo so that he will have an heir to continue his legacy in case something happens to him. that's why he was looking for a wife urgently this year.
he was looking for someone LOYAL? but when did he ever give any hint that he would not cheat? he was the one to roam the world meet thousands of people.. no promise of being loyal himself but wanted to leave a wife behind him to take care of his properties AND be alone waiting for him?
The way he didn't need more than one hint that penelope was in love with someone else to cancel his proposal makes me sickkk, not a chance, no understanding, just a direct assumption that she WILL cheat behind his back.. its a proof he just wants a housekeeper and someone to make and look after his heir, NOT. A. WIFE!!!
Also, lets look at this from penelope's angle.
to all who think lord debling is in the race and there is a debling-penelope-colin love triangle are sadly mistaken and once again i blame media illiteracy of people.
the only reason pen even looked at debling's way was because she gave up hopes of LOVE and a happy fulfilling life. When she realized if she wants freedom from featheringtons for rest of her life she needs to get out there and marry someone from whatever options she can get,to fit in society. she gave up on waiting for colin to love her back, she gave up on colin (and thus, the first polin kiss). And the first, only and best option she got was lord debling.
And as for colin..
When he said "I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington", The intent behind his words was not to belittle Penelope but rather for his friends to know that the nature of their is relationship as friends only.
(ofcourse this is obvious because colin could never say bad things about penelope.. evrr!! but once again.. media illiteracy! or should i say colin haters)
saying colin is a rake who "slept around half of europe".. colin is 22 or 23 years old. trying to fit in society. trying to find a purpose, trying to find intimacy and not feel distant. he is young, he was single, young, didn't have realization of his romantic feelings for yet.
but people are acting like debling in his mid forties did not sleep around.. he literally travels all the time, colin is still half his age. And also, in the show nothing implied he would stay loyal while on tour after being married.
colin didnt realize pen was in love with him so as his friend, a man, he always kept his distance respected her boundaries as a woman. He interacted with pen very less at the balls and events because he is seen as an eligible suitor in the eyes of society and it wouldn't help pen get suitors. in season 3, he hears pen and wants to help her (selflessly as he did with others) to get a suitor - but started realizing his feelings.
but the day he realizes his feelings for pen he didn't play around like other MLs, went straight away to pen, managed to come on right time to stop debling's proposal, he didn't play around.. just confessed his feelings then and there!
i am 101% convinced that whoever keeps saying pen should've ended up with lrd debling really wants her to live a miserable, lonely life even after the show keeps telling us she wants a loving, fulfilling life after what she has to go through with featheringtons.
wanting penelope to end up with old ass debling who is distant detached over a young tall and handsome man who is also her bestfriend, who she also loved ever since she first saw him?.. its cruel. its simply HATE.
"colin couldn't match her intellect"
"colin will definitely end up cheating"
"who would want to marry a rake over a rich smart explorer who would be gone for years and you could live a life like jane austen"
"it felt like throwing the fat girl a bone"
stfu. gtfo. kys. fys.
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manicpixiefelix · 3 months
head, heart, hand. {Felix Catton/Reader/Oliver Quick}
Part 24.
Summary: The night of the Henrys dinner has you experiencing the extremes of friendship, as the distance between you and Farleigh only seems to grow further apart, while you, Venetia, and Felix proceed to get arguably too close.
{ masterpost }
Need to Know: They/Them. Explicitly NB Reader. FWB!Reader/Felix. Reader is from a well off family but has pretty much been adopted by the Cattons.
Warnings: SMUT; Felix/Reader/Venetia where the reader is the literal line between this being incest and this being just an incest-adjacent-but-definitely-still-taboo-grey-area. Drunk sex, oral (f receiving), reader's AGAB is never made specific.
A/N: 9442 words. HOLY SHIT. hello again friends, there has been so many different versions of the smut scene in this chapter, but im ultimately very happy and satisfied with what ended up in the final cut (I wrote this A/N and then rewrote the scene AGAIN (5th time I think I'm now at) and now I'm happy with the set up for it too 😌). that being said, i also rewrote the scene with Farleigh because I rewatched the Henrys dinner again and the original scene, while it would make sense emotionally in one sense, the scene I ended up with now I think works better, it still works emotionally but also it means he aligns both with the film and with the extra context the fic provides, yanno? if this chapter had you thinking or feeling anythings, you know i always love to know and hear them <3
TAGLIST IN COMMENTS!! // TAGLIST ALWAYS OPEN ! (just message or comment to be added)
The minute you step into the dining room by Oliver's side, Farleigh shoots you a withering look. Unfortunately he's already seated, a Henry, and a Henry's Wife on either side of him, and Oliver's in your ear quietly asking where he's meant to be sitting himself. All you can do is direct him to his seat, anxiety once again beginning to bubble in your gut. When you mouth an apology to Farleigh, he rolls his eyes, and turns to the Henry on his left with a fake smile. Fuck. It had been a long time since Farleigh had been genuinely upset with you, and even longer since you'd actually deserved it the way you know you do now. All you can hope is that you get the opportunity tonight, or at the very least tomorrow morning, to talk things out with him.
Before you can get too caught up in your thoughts, however, Venetia is slipping past you with a tight smile, pinching your ass as she goes. You hear Felix, half a step behind her and having seen the moment, sigh her name with exasperation, but she just turns throws him a playfully amused smirk before she's making her way to her seat by Oliver. It is a surprise to think they'd come down together, but Felix explains quietly to you that he'd felt the need to speak to her about Oliver, about what happened. The two of you take your seats together, Felix sounding exasperated as he explains that Venetia had said nothing had happened between her and Oliver; you know Venetia's watching the two of you, even as you make a point of fixing your gaze on the array of cutlery before you.
"Ollie was right," Felix muttered, fussing with the stem of his wine glass, clearly wishing it wasn't empty, "she was so pissed she doesn't even remember coming on to him- why 's she got to be like this, honestly?" At least he sounds more disappointed than angry. When you look up, chancing a glance over at the woman herself, you see her staring right back at you. Felix is still mulling over his empty glass, but the look in Venetia's eyes as she raises a single, perfect eyebrow at you says that she knows exactly what you're being told right now.
And that she knows you know she lied to Felix.
That woman has absolutely no remorse; the way these lies are really beginning to build is making you feel even more queasy than you already were. Instead of giving her the satisfaction of any kind of reaction, you simply avert your gaze, tipping your head to the side to instead look at Felix.
"I think it's because she likes seeing you pout," you teased softly, tone light in an attempt to bring up his mood. Felix's expression immediately shifts to something both embarrassed and faintly pleased, already anticipating your praise, "it's a cute look on you," you continued, wetting your lips, "at least I think so." There's a faint blush on his cheeks now, expression almost bashful. For a moment his gaze flicks to his sister, who's thankfully looked away as the staff have begun to serve drinks, but just as quickly he's looking back at you.
"You're shameless," he mutters, trying and failing to fight off a grin.
"And what, dear Felix, would I have to be ashamed of?" Lips quirking into a smug, little smile, you take quiet joy in the snort of laughter that escapes him. You're glad to see his mood has turned around considerably before you let your attention drift away, striking up a conversation with Henry of Suffolk on your other side.
As always, your planning pays off over the course of the dinner, engaging in lively conversation with the rest of the guests, masking your nerves with a bright smile and thoughtful bouts of small talk with everyone around you. With each name and detail you remember, you see those around you growing more comfortable and amiable with you just as they grew more intoxicated. Nobody goes overboard, of course, well, at least not in a way that would be completely unacceptable, but spirits are high and the guests are more than eager when Sir James excitedly informs them all of the wide selection of songs their karaoke machine has since Venetia had asked him to update it.
"Does this mean we get to hear you attempt Crocodile Rock again, Jimmy?" Lord Henry, Sir James' godson and always a little too enthusiastic for moments such as these, is the only person in the world who you think would ever call Sir James 'Jimmy'. He's done it once or twice before that you remember, but it still catches you off guard, and the laughter that escapes you is almost undignified, not that anybody notices. Sir James himself laughs along, as the rest of the table seems thoroughly amused by the idea, though he claims he may need to open another bottle of wine before he considers stepping up to the microphone himself.
Once dinner has concluded, several of the guests, yourself included, opt to head outside briefly to smoke before retiring to the larger drawing room the Cattons used to entertain groups like this. Felix declines your invitation, choosing instead to check in with Oliver as the evening was progressing. Considering Oliver had only just stopped looking like a deer in the headlights whenever someone tried to make conversation with him, you were sure he would appreciate a more familiar moment of kindness.
You, however, were afforded no such kindness. Stepping outside, your attention is immediately caught on Farleigh, perched on one of the railings by the stairs, pointedly having removed himself from the others who had also chosen to take in the evening air. Elegant and beautiful and so clearly full of disdain, his eyes narrow as you make eye contact with him. Pulling your own ornate cigarette case from your pocket, you join him, asking to borrow a light. Silently, he offers his lighter, and you thank him quietly, feeling his ice cold gaze boring into you.
"To what do I owe the pleasure," he sneered, voice low enough that only you could catch his words, "of you deciding to finally grace me with your presence." It stung.
"Farleigh," you sighed, gaze imploring as you finally met his, taking a draught from your cigarette. But he in unwavering in his irritation. Sighing, you let your focus drop as you tried to recall the lines you'd prepared earlier, "I am not merry, but I do beguile the thing I am, by seeming otherwise."
Farleigh snorts derisively, letting your words hang in the air as he finally looked away, raising his own cigarette to his lips. The way he smiles hold absolutely no warmth.
"You know he's lying to you," there's a casual cruelty to Farleigh's voice that you'd heard so often in your life, but so rarely directed at you, "I don't know what he told you and Felix, but he's lying, I know what I saw -"
"I know he's lying," you admit faintly, "I believe you, Farleigh, I know you wouldn't fuck with me and Fi over something like this," you kicked the stone steps idly with the toe of your fancy shoes, trying to keep your own voice just as light, "and Ollie knows it too."
"Know what?"
"That I know he's lying," finally you look up again, meeting his gaze but having no idea what to read in his expression, "that I believe you despite what he told us."
"Does Felix know?"
Farleigh knows he doesn't by the way you immediately go quiet. There's genuine disgust in his voice when he calls you spineless, when he tells you that your so blinded by love that you can't see that this can only end badly. Part of you believes he's right, but you still try to have hope despite that.
"You don't get it," you finally huff, scowling in an attempt to hide how hurt you were by his words, "and it's not that you can't, it's that you don't want to," you jab him in the chest for emphasis, cigarette between your fingers, "because it's so much easier for you to dismiss Ollie out of hand since you've never liked him, or even bothered to get to know him. Isn't it fucking easier for you, Farleigh, to hope we turn against him so you don't have to keep putting up with him?" Lip curling into a sneer, the vitriolic way you speak surprises even yourself.
"I'm not the bad guy for giving a shit about you," his voice is rising despite how he was fighting to remain dismissive and nonchalant, "and not trusting a fucking stranger -"
"This isn't you giving a shit about me," you couldn't help but scoff, wine drunk and more than able to match his bitchy energy with your own, "you give a shit about you, Farleigh; you and your fucking pride," you spit, finding yourself altogether tired of his ongoing attitude towards Oliver and how he was trying to now mask it as altruism, "what happens if it all works out, what then, Farleigh?"
"It's not going to~" Farleigh sings meanly under his breath with that same humourless smile as before. Despite being toe to toe with you, he'd been avoiding eye contact as best he could, until now. There's something in his eyes behind the icy anger that almost looks hurt. Farleigh's voice is a whisper as he leans in, nose to nose with you, "and when it goes badly, when you let him break your heart, and my cousin's heart, when you finally realise that he's fucking using you because nothing will ever be enough for him," Farleigh's lip curls derisively as you feels hot, angry tears stinging your eyes, threatening to spill, "don't you dare come crying to me that you 'loved not wisely but too well', because I know," for just a moment you feel pinned by the intensity of his gaze in this moment as he turned Othello's words on you yet again, "and I'm fucking warning you now."
He steps out of your space, sighing loudly, as if completely oblivious to the tears on your cheeks and how he's torn your heart to shreds. But then, as always, he knows you well enough to intuit exactly how to twist the knife.
"Don't look at me like that," he rolls his eyes, "you know I'm right," then, eyebrows raised, he even has the gall to ask if you're even going to finish your cigarette, which had gone out. Shaking your head weakly, your running entirely on autopilot as you pass it over to him.
As you stand there, the air feeling too warm on your skin, your collar too tight, the taste of smoke and ash suddenly sickening on your tongue, despair wells up within you, choking you too from the inside out. Farleigh's words play on repeat inside your head, and you know you should leave, shouldn't engage further, you weren't in your right mind to begin with, drunk and a mess of emotions. But one thought sticks out, loud above all the others.
"Everyone uses me, Farleigh," you choke out, "you- you really think that bothers me?" And you look to see him shocked in the face of your teary anger.
"If Oliver were to ask for the world, I'd give it to him," you tell Farleigh with a defiant scowl, not bothering to lower your voice as you wipes your tears roughly, "I can afford it after all. When it comes to the people I love, I can afford anything, or did you you and your pride choose to forget?" Everyone around you has gone quiet, all eyes upon the two of you, but none of them matter to either you or Farleigh in this moment. Standing as tall as you're able, you square your shoulders. Without giving him a chance to reply, you take your anger and lingering sense of betrayal as you turned on your heel and stormed back inside.
Tomorrow you were sure you'd regret making a scene, regret your harsh words and arrogance, but you had no idea how else to get through to him at the time. If Farleigh was jealous because of how loving and accommodating you were to Oliver, he'd need to get over himself. There was nothing you wouldn't do, no price you wouldn't pay, for the people who made you and Felix happy, you thought he knew this. What in the hell could ever reassure or even convince him if, after so much of your lives together, all the years and moments and love shared already, didn't make it abundantly clear that that meant him too?
Pulling off your suit jacket the minute you step through the doors, you throw it into the hands of a confused member of the staff, just telling them to put it somewhere for Duncan to take care of. However, before you can even find Felix amid everyone gathered in the drawing room, you find your focus, and your arm, snatched by a mischievous looking Venetia. Considering she and Felix appear getting along once again, you decide you have all the time in the world to humour the girl who'd never once been afraid to ask you for something she wants. Perhaps she'll be able to take your mind off of Farleigh and all he'd said. At the very least she hands you another glass of champagne.
"You've been so cold to me these past few days," Venetia pouted where she was clinging to your arm. It seems in the dim light and in her current state she is completely oblivious to the fact that you'd just been crying, thank god, "if you don't sing something with me, I'll start thinking you don't even like me." She's wearing that beautiful, dangerous grin of hers that she always wears when she knows she's on the edge of pushing your buttons about something. But in this moment Venetia is mean and pretty, and you're feeling tipsy and indulgent, so you let yourself be coerced by the sight of her smile.
"Careful, pretty girl," you teased with a smirk, letting her drag you over to Duncan who had been granted the role of overseeing song selections, "I might start believing you want me around."
Surprisingly, Venetia looks up from the song book in her hands, as if surprised by your accusation.
"As if anyone else would be half as good to me; of course I want you around, pet," and then immediately turns back to poring over song choices. It hits you in a way you hadn't anticipated, and you know part of that was due to your altercation with Farleigh. Still, it was the kind of fond sentiment Venetia was so often shying away from admitting that sometimes you genuinely forgot how much she actually appreciated your place in her life. So often it seemed that she took you for granted, and you played along because it never outweighed how much joy and pleasure you took in making her happy, even if it was often at your expense. But Venetia was just as much a masochist, and quietly loved that you so often gave as good as you got.
Duncan's expression doesn't change from its carefully controlled neutral veneer while he watches you and Venetia flipping through the song book. For a moment you recall how often you'd begged as a teenager for him to let you join the service staff at Saltburn for events like this simply so you wouldn't have to be looked at or talked to. He'd of course never let you, nor had Elspeth when you'd gone to her with the proposal. Still, he'd taken you aside during your third Summer and asked what it was about the events that made them so difficult for you. He'd been putting together detailed dossiers on the events at the estate for you ever since.
You still think you'd make a good team member for the staff, but to you, Duncan was utterly irreplaceable at Saltburn.
"Oh, this one, don't you think, pet?" Venetia asks, tugging you once more to bring your attention to where she was pointing out a Fall Out Boy song. The one where the groom finds out his bride is a whore; the nerve on her after what she did two nights ago. Keeping your composure, however, you raise an eyebrow at her.
"Thought you weren't a fan of that tragic, emo stuff," you smirked, to which Venetia rolled her eyes, scoffing for you to pick one then, "what about ABBA?" You suggested knowingly, "everyone loves ABBA" Despite her attempt at remaining put out by you, her mood picks up when you at least tell her she can pick the song, and she's grinning with an almost childlike glee at the idea. Still, you know you don't have to worry too much, there's only one ABBA song you know she'll pick.
As Venetia's adding her song selection to the list, your focus finally drifts back around the room. You finish your glass and note that Farleigh's finally slunk on from outside, taking up brooding in an arm chair in a particularly dark corner of the room and refusing to look anywhere but his drink. Finally, however, you spot Felix in conversation with Oliver, his arm around the shorter man's shoulders where they've staked their claim on one end of the wide, ornate sofa. For just a moment his gaze finds you, and he gives you and his sister the briefest exasperated smile, like he knows exactly what you've been talked into.
There's still a few others who have yet to have their turn, so the two of you decide to get yourselves another drink -
"Grab one for me too, will you?" Felix calls after you from where he'd settled himself on the sofa.
"Of course, my darling, useless brother," Venetia practically sings back, swanning past him with an arm once more firmly tucked in yours.
"Thank you, Vee, I love you too," you think you can hear Felix rolling his eyes fondly. Still, Venetia's giggling as the two of you make your way to the drink caddy in the corner of the room.
Venetia snickers quietly, barking at you so low only you could hear as you poured Felix a glass of champagne after your own, and a third for Oliver too. But you don't have it in your heart to be mad, and grin as you knock your shoulder with her's.
"Watch yourself, Ven," you warned her playfully. Her laughter lights up the little corner of the room you both occupied. Your lingering reasons to stay mad at her regarding her tryst with Oliver seem to be disappearing faster as the night went on. It almost definitely has something to do with the drinks, but you can't seem to bring yourself to mind.
"Why would I need to watch myself when I've got you to do it for me again," and she gives a little twirl as if to emphasise, which becomes twofold when you catch her by the elbow to steady her as she almost over balances, "see?" Her voice is low and flirty, stepping into your space as she picks up her champagne glass, "so don't get all bitchy again," but her tone is sweet when she teases you, "I need my knight in shining armour."
"It's called consequences," you chuckled, though you still let her wind her arms around your neck in a gesture that would be far too intimate for even this secluded corner of this setting if most everyone else weren't also inebriated, "if you insist on jeopardising mine and Fi's happiness you'll have to learn to take care of yourself."
"But you like being good to me," her smile is sharp and she leans in, her forehead against yours. This rare, unashamedly needy side of Venetia was really quite endearing. Groaning, you allow yourself to give in for just a moment, kissing her quickly.
"God fucking help me, I do," you agreed with a vaguely frustrated huff. Venetia actually giggles, tells you this is why she loves you, and send more than happy with this result to let you both get back to the task you'd been at the drinks caddy for originally. It seemed no one had taken any real note of the intimate moment in the corner of the room anyhow, it kind of just seemed that that was how this night was progressing all around.
When you get back to Felix and Oliver, both with a drink in each hand, she drapes herself rather inelegantly on the arm of the sofa by her brother after she hands him his drink. Oliver seems surprised when you hand him one too, looking at you, leaning against the back of the sofa, with this wide-eyed look of gratefulness. The four of you watch with quiet amusement as one of the younger wives of the Henrys makes a decent attempt at Total Eclipse of the Heart.
"What'd you end up deciding on?" Felix murmurs loud enough for only your little group to hear, and Venetia giggles when all she says is the name of the band. Felix's smile grows wider, turning fond as he looks from her, to back at you. When he makes a noise of understanding, even you can't help but grin, despite how Oliver's voicing his confusion. All Felix can respond with is, "it's a very old, very stupid joke," which Venetia immediately scoffs at, reminding him that it's 'our song' in reference to the three of you.
As they bicker about whether or not it's stupid - you're of the opinion that it is, but that's part of the reason why you love it - you lean down to murmur to Oliver with a smirk;
"Does Your Mother Know?"
As the realisation hits him, a startled laugh escapes him, his hand coming up to cover his sudden smile. Felix turns to him, leaning his head against yours, asking Oliver now to weigh in on whether it was stupid.
"Dunno; does she know?" He grins in return, eyes shining in the low, golden light of the room. You, Felix, and Venetia all burst out laughing at that, earning a scathing look from the man who'd just stepped up to take the microphone, and the four of you loudly try to both apologise and shush each other while unable to fight off your collective giggles.
By the time you and Venetia step up to the microphone, you have no idea where your jacket is, the top few buttons of your fancy jumpsuit are undone, and you can't stop smiling. It's as if your earlier altercation with Farleigh is almost entirely forgotten. For a moment, everything's easy again, everything's okay and bright and Venetia is by your side as the two of you pass the mic back and forth between you both. It's the most lively song of the night so far, and you can see Elspeth laughing into her wine glass as she watches you both with fondness.
A song that had once been put on by Venetia herself in an act of malice, blasting it from her little, portable CD player when she'd caught you and Felix making out by the lake as teenagers, had since developed into the soundtrack of countless bright memories. The three of you had cheered when it had come on in a club in LA none of you were old enough to be in, it was always on road trip mixtapes, and had been played throughout various hotels all across the world as you'd been getting ready together to go out on the town.
It was your song after all.
All you could think in this moment is how much you hated when Felix and Venetia were on bad terms.
When the song ends, there's a smattering of applause. You pass the microphone over to the next singer as Venetia takes your hand and pulls you back over to Felix, who's regarding you both with amused exasperation. Oliver's gone to get himself another drink, Felix tells you as Venetia drapes herself on his lap, and you take the now vacant seat beside him.
"God I haven't heard that song in ages," Felix snorts, arm around Venetia to keep her steady as she gets herself more comfortable.
"We should go clubbing again," you insist, head resting on Felix's shoulder, tucked up against his other side, then, "Vee, you should come visit us at Oxford some weekend!" However both Cattons beside you scoff dismissively at the thought.
"God, I wouldn't be caught dead at some dreadful, uni, bar night."
"That's mean, Ven, they're fun!" Felix's dismissal immediately turns to playful indignance, "I'm more worried about your bursting into flames the minute you try to step foot on campus."
"Why would I burst into flames?!" Venetia's eyes went wide, but Felix looks equally as bright and shocked.
"Because that's what you said would happen when mum asked you if you'd ever consider enrolling after I got accepted!"
Venetia's mouth snaps closed, embarrassed smile and faint flush giving her away as her own words seem to be coming back to her.
"Oh yeah," she mumbled, "right," then, after a beat, she looks to you, "do you have any smokes on you, pet?"
"For you, Ven, always," you teased, feeling all kinds of contented and warm in this moment, by their side. Pulling your pocket book out of your pocket, you offer one to Venetia before apologising for not having a lighter. Felix tells her he's got it before she can even stand, and grunts as he tries to keep her balanced on his lap while reaching into his own pants pocket to pull out a little, ornate lighter. He flicks it open, holding the flame aloft for Venetia, who rolls her eyes as she lights her cigarette off of it.
"I still can't believe you have a formal lighter," she snickers.
"I only ever use it here," Felix grins to himself, gaze fixed on the silver lighter in his grip as he flips it open and closed, "honestly I don't even think I'll bring my suit back to Oxford this semester, I only wore it once, and Y/N knows where we can hire them."
"Of course they do," Venetia gives you a knowing smile, and you simply shrug, your mood unable to be ruined by anything, even canine allegations, in this moment.
"At least I'm consistent," you smirked, and Venetia reached over, her tone both saccharine and teasing as she scratches beneath your chin and calls you 'good doggie'. Felix groans at that, as he always did, pressing his forehead against her shoulder.
"Why've you've always got to ruin things, Vee?" He asked, exasperated, but Venetia simply leaned further into him, wrapping her arm around his shoulders with a blithe smile.
"I haven't ruined anything, Felix; do you think I've ruined anything, pet?" Venetia's sharp gaze turns on you, and Felix turns his face to look at you too. All you do is shrug; right now you were taking her degrading nickname as a compliment.
"I can't believe you put up with her," Felix snorts.
"Because you haven't tasted the dog treats she buys me," you counter without even really thinking, though the minute Venetia starts absolutely cackling and Felix looks at you in absolute, horrified disbelief, you clarify, "I'm kidding, oh my god, Fi, I'm totally kidding!" Which thankfully is enough to alleviate his concerns, and he's then laughing just as hard as you and Venetia.
The others are looking at you again, the three of you lost in your own little world, but you can't even begin to care. Everything in this moment is warm and familiar and right. Your anxiety over events stands no chance when you're drunk and laughing with the Catton siblings by your side.
These were moments you loved. These were moments where you felt loved, where this house felt like your home. These were your people, Felix and Venetia, Farleigh too more often than not, and you knew, if given time, you could make Oliver feel just as loved, just as home as Saltburn had long since made you feel. But Farleigh and Oliver were far from your mind tonight; Oliver hadn't returned, and Farleigh was keeping his distance from you, and Venetia had kicked her legs out over you as your focus drifted back to the guests providing entertainment, trying to be a little less shameless, as Felix had so rightly called you earlier, about your love for them both. That being said, at least you weren't the only one... Why Henry had thought taking off his jumper like his rendition of Apple Bottom Jeans was a strip tease was beyond you, but at least it was amusing.
"Fuck it, I'm getting another drink," Felix announced, gently tapping on Venetia's thigh to indicate for her to finally get up and move. When she mentions that she could use one too, Felix is already offering you a hand, knowing you'd be coming along too.
The three of you make your back back over to the drink cart in the corner, all tipsy enough to enjoy bopping along to Henry's questionable singing to the catchy tune, each collecting another flute of champagne. Gaze scanning the gathering, your eyes zero in on the what you recognise to be Farleigh and Oliver together on one of the sofas facing a wall adorned by several royal portraits. Something about the sight, after your earlier conversation with Farleigh, makes you uneasy, and you find yourself finishing your drink quickly, turning back to the siblings in an attempt to distract yourself. Venetia's more than willing to pull you in to dance with her for the moment.
But then you hear it, and your blood turns cold. There's something about hearing Farleigh's voice rise brightly above Henry's singing, bringing the embarrassing display to a close, that makes a strange, guilty kind of anger flare to life in your chest.
Turning back, you watch with a dawning almost horror as he volunteers a clearly reluctant Oliver for the next song, one he is choosing for him. Unfortunately you know Farleigh too well to assume it's anything other than some sort of trap for your poor friend.
And much to your chagrin, you're right.
Oliver stumbles awkwardly through the lyrics he clearly doesn't know in front of a less than lukewarm audience. He doesn't seem to realise exactly what he's singing, that it's all a cruel joke, until -
"I love you-" Oliver's voice falters, falls as the next words flash up on screen, "you pay my rent."
But Farleigh's not looking at him, even as Oliver calls him over, tries to salvage the situation, insisting with as much ire as he can despite clearly being embarrassed, that it's Farleigh song too. Farleigh's looking at you, something vindictive in his gaze before he turns away, agreeing without hesitation, stepping into the spotlight without a shred of concern despite the song and it's less than kind implications.
That spiteful fucking asshole!
"No," leaves your lips as an involuntary, furious gasp. You don't even realise you make a start towards him until you feel Felix's hand holding your arm firmly, as if anticipating you better than you can.
"That's..." Felix doesn't have the exact words for it, part of him not wanting to believe his cousin was truely being malicious, but you knew better. Still, clearly he was as disappointed as you were angry.
"Come on, it's -" but Venetia stops laughing and just sighs when both you and Felix turn on her with less than approving looks. She rolls her eyes, arms crossed delicately over her chest as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
"I'm so fucking done with this," you hissed furiously, stalking out of the room. As much as you love Oliver and want to reassure him, you're in absolutely no state to do so.
While you don't exactly expect the Catton siblings to give up the remainder of their night for you, there's still a swell of gratefulness when you hear Venetia's heels against Saltburn's floorboards as she trots after you.
"You know usually -" you begin to rant, absolutely seething with rage as you blew past several bemused members of staff ferrying food and snacks to the drawing room, "- and yeah, I'll own up to this - usually it's my fault that I don't have fun at events like this," you turned on your heel suddenly at the bottom of the red staircase, feeling particularly dramatic and petty in your drunken fury. Venetia catches herself before she can run into you, watching you, letting you rant with amusement in her eyes. Not that that deters you in the slightest, "he's so petty, so fucking petty and vindictive."
"You know how Farleigh gets," Venetia's voice is still warm, despite your fury.
"Yeah, he's entitled," you hissed venomously, "I love you all to death, but you really all can be so fucking entitled, yes, including you," you added without a moment of hesitation.
"What'd I do?" Venetia laughed brightly, but you narrowed your eyes at her. She knows what she did. In the next moment, as if suddenly remembering, she raises her hands in mock surrender. But there's a softness in her eyes as she gently lowers her hands to your shoulders, reassuring you that they all loved you too.
Behind her however, coming out of the drawing room, Felix is approaching with a less than enthused expression.
"Ollie won't talk to me," he's actually pouting, "says he's fine," clearly Felix doesn't believe him, "says he just wants to be left alone," clearly Felix doesn't like that either.
"Y/N's calling us entitled," Venetia supplies with a candid kind of amusement. While Felix's expression turns to confusion, you groan loudly at her antics and turn on your heel, throwing your hands up in the air with exasperation as you head back through the house towards your bedroom, fully retiring from everything that has happened tonight.
"What are we being entitled about?" Felix asks, trotting behind you with his sister in tow. You don't dignify it with an answer, but Venetia snorts.
"Them, I assume."
"Oh," Felix contemplates for a moment, before picking up his pace to match your stride, "I'm sorry, I didn't -"
"It's fine, Fi," you sighed, taking his hand as he walked in step beside you, "I'm mostly just mad at Farleigh -"
"How come you're all understanding with Feef, but I get my head bitten off?" Venetia stepped up to your other side, tone incredulous as she keeps up with you both, "you'd let him get away with murder!"
Felix sticks his tongue out at his sister with a petulant kind of glee.
"God, I'm so tired of taking sides," taking the steps up to the second floor, you huff a long, world-weary sigh, "I just want to forget this night ever happened, honestly."
"I can help with that," Felix's tone is laden with smug innuendo, and finally you feel yourself beginning to relax, giving his hand a squeeze. Beside you, Venetia is quiet, but you can tell she wants to say something. Apparently Felix can tell too, however, as less than a moment later he says, "come on, out with it Vee, what've you got a problem with now."
"Will I be called entitled again if I say I'd appreciate their company tonight instead?" Venetia bites back at her brother as the three of you come to the end of the blue room and step into the long gallery. Felix's grip on your hand grows just a little tighter; you know he's trying to come up with some kind of response that doesn't make him sound entitled to you too.
"Don't make me choose," you muttered finally when you get to your bedroom, forehead pressed against the door, "please, I just want to be good to you both, you know this," then after a soft sigh you hear yourself whisper, "I just want to be good."
After a beat, Venetia laughs airily.
"Careful about what you're implying, pet," but she actually sounds coy when she says it. It hits you a moment later what she means, and though you initially tried to deny it, Venetia can't help herself but continue, "I mean, I know our family's blessed with good genes, but -"
"Venetia, you're the one who asked if I think about Felix when I fuck you," you turned on her, feeling altogether flustered at the idea and desperate for her to stop talking. Venetia turns bright red, letting out a mortified shriek, but surprisingly Felix is grinning at you.
"Do you?"
"I..." but you can't look either of them in the eyes, "not usually -"
"Ha!" Felix immediately turns to shout in his sister's face, but despite this, Venetia lights up as if thoroughly vindicated.
"I knew it! I fucking knew it!" She crows with a delight neither you nor Felix had seemed to anticipate, "'He doesn't have a cunt, Ven'," she parroted your own words back at you from long ago in a mocking immitation, "god you were so fucking smarmy about it too, I knew you were lying!"
"I wasn't being smarmy, I was trying not to hurt your feelings!" You couldn't help but laugh, given the situation, however Venetia, head held high, barges right past you, opening the door.
"What hurts my feelings, pet," she tells you suddenly sounding incredibly matter-of-fact, making herself at home on the edge of the bed, looking at you both still in the doorway, "is that I'm pretty sure you're better when you go down on me while you're thinking about Felix," she gives her words a moment to settle in before emphasising - "like distinctly, probably measurably better."
When you turn to Felix, you're not quite sure exactly what you're anticipating, but it's definitely not for him to be looking as ridiculously smug as he does at that moment. You know he can tell how embarrassed you are by this all, but he clearly is taking it as a personal victory.
"For the record, I'm not shit at giving head when I'm not thinking about you."
That stupid, beautiful, smug bastard just grins wider at you.
"Obviously you're good," Venetia rolls her eyes, "we both know I've put too much time into this part of our friendship for you not to be, but," she pauses, wetting her lips as she waits for you to look back at her. When you turn back she's leaning back on her hands, wearing a surprisingly similar, pleased look as she very obviously leers at you. Of course you both already know the answer, but she asks anyways, just in the hopes of hearing you admit it; "I'm right, aren't I, Y/N?"
"Why does it even matter?" You tried weakly, unable to look at either of them as you made your way to the dresser to start removing your jewellery.
"It's a matter of principle," Felix, why, you think to yourself when you can hear his big, dumb grin in his voice. It's enough to remind you that you're all still rather drunk, but not enough for you to stop the conversation from heading in a very dangerous direction at full speed.
"No, Felix, shut up -" Venetia orders almost immediately at the sound of his delight regarding the implications she'd put forth about you, and he protests, but she ignores him, turning her focus back on you, "you're a slut for my brother, you've made that abundantly clear," she rolls her eyes dismissively, powering on despite how you were left reeling by how casually she'd said it, "who cares, I've made my peace with it, but -!" Eyebrows raised and eyes suddenly shining with a terrifying amount of glee, she grins at you, "if my theory is correct, then after tonight, Felix can hold it over my head until I die, and I get one of the best orgasms of my life."
Oh! Okay, this was a legitimate offer. Huh. Wait. Why did it already feel like you were the last one to realise she was being serious? Why did it already feel like you were the only one left to agree?
You weren't used to Felix and Venetia being on the same wavelength... Though honestly, if quietly, you really weren't complaining the more you think about it.
As much as you fucked around with them both, had spent a countless amount of time sharing casual nudity in the field together over the years with endless teasing and occasional curious questions here and there, and had spent more than a little time speculating about Venetia's desires on your own time, you hadn't... At least, not since you were all teens, and definitely never together like this.
Yeah, sure, there had been definitely quite a few times where you'd been with one of the siblings, or Farleigh, while one - or a few times both - were there, around. Sometimes it was accidental, sometimes it was something of a dare, or a twisted game, or a strange type of learning experience, but you were dumb, horny teenagers being dumb, horny teenagers.
But there's no youthful naivety in the way Venetia's looking at you now. Surprisingly, however, Felix speaks up in favour too.
"It does mean that you don't have to choose between us," he points out, voice gentle and warm as he approaches you. You've gone still by the dresser, conflicted desire pooling low in your gut as you spent more and more time considering it. Felix drapes himself over your shoulders, voice low and enticing in your ear, his gaze focused on yours in the mirror's reflection, "and I want the chance to make you feel good after the shitshow these few days have been," he murmurs, though he can't help but smirk as he adds, "we all know you get off on being good to us too."
"Are you sure? It's Venetia," you reminded him, giving him a last chance at an out even if you know he won't take it.
"Yeah, but I'm not fucking her," he points out flatly, "and it's not like it's much worse than what happened during that layover in Dubai a few years ago-"
"You two are absolute animals for that, god, I forgot about that," Venetia practically cackled as your eyes go wide as you too suddenly recall the moment Felix was talking about, "I still can't believe Y/N's into -"
"Shut up, Venetia!" You hissed through clenched teeth, mortified at the memory of what she'd witnessed when you and Felix had gotten back from the hotel bar and toppled into the bed across from hers in the little hotel room, "you promised you'd never bring that up, on pain of death." Venetia only laughs louder. Still, Felix had a point; somehow this was much less embarrassing. At least for you.
So it takes you only a few more moments of deliberation before you inevitably give in to your collective desire. Just for a second, however, before acting on it, you find yourself seeing right through Felix's intentions and seductive tone. He of course did want to be good to you, you knew that to be true, and you did get off on getting others off, but there was a key part that he was purposefully leaving out. He knows you see it; his expression is scrunching with amusement already as he rests his chin on your shoulder, anticipating your next words -
"You really wanna hold this over Ven's head, don't you?" At your words, your bright laughter, Felix immediately breaks, doesn't even try to deny it as he's laughing too.
"I really wanna hold this over her head forever and ever, yes."
"It's not like you'll ever tell anyone," Venetia points out archly from the bed. Upon consideration, you both realise she's absolutely right, and Felix's face falls for a moment, though you pat his cheek in consolidation.
"We'll know," you reassure him, and he's bright once more, ascertaining that as long as the three of you know it's worth it; you're the only three who would give a shit in the exact, weird way he needs you to anyways. Venetia blows a loud, petulant raspberry at you both.
Glancing over your shoulder, suddenly more than a little nervous despite your excitement building too, you see Venetia still thankfully grinning. Felix steps back from you, heading to sit down by her side. The two of them now regard you with eerily similar, evaluative looks.
"I feel like Farleigh once warned us something like this would happen," Felix says with a half smile, glancing at Venetia as he pulled off his bowtie.
"Which is why - again - we're never ever telling anyone about this," Venetia says firmly, which Felix snorts a quiet laugh at as he agrees, "especially not Farleigh," reaching up, she unclasp her own sparkling ensemble where it was tied at the back of her neck. As she does so, her gaze fixes back on you, on where you were now hovering with nervous anticipation. You could feel your heart thundering in your chest very suddenly - this is not where you had expected this night to go, not that you were complaining, it was just that you didn't quite know how to proceed. God you hoped at least one of them would set up and take the lead, because there was no way you could bring yourself to even consider taking charge in this moment.
Before Venetia can even get a word in, however, Felix speaks up, teasing you in a low voice.
"Thought you didn't want to choose?"
"I didn't- I don't," you assured quickly, feeling all tipsy and giddy and nervous and excited all at once, frozen to the spot when you can't be sure which one you should be acting on, "this is definitely the perfect solution to that," you giggled nervously, beginning to fidget, before suddenly looking at Venetia in alarm, head whipping around to look at Felix, "but I'm not getting off to the fact that you're siblings, for the record -" Felix makes a noise of vaguely horrified surprised, but Venetia just laughs.
"You can if you want," she teases coyly, "if it helps." Helps you get her off, you know she means.
"Fucking Christ, Vee," Felix mutters under his breath, but you can hear his amusement. This, thankfully, has alleviated your concerns, and you grin.
"So we're all- this is -? I just- I didn't expect- are you both -?"
"I'm rather excited," Venetia smirks casually, standing and turning away from you, sweeping her hair over her shoulders as an indication that she needs you to undo the zip down the back of her jumpsuit, "part of me does honestly wonder if all those whorish noises you both make are still real," she speaks as if you're not even here, even as your hands glide over her, helping her out of her clothes.
"Hey!" Felix protests as he's beckoning you over, "those weren't meant for you!" Venetia pouts for a moment when you leave her side, but gets over it quickly, draping herself, nude, back across the bed you and Felix share.
"Se ducing the street rat?" She asks candidly, to which both you and Felix both tell her to be nice, almost in synch. In response, Venetia fakes gagging and mutters that she hates you both. Then, after a moment of deliberation, she idly mentions with a vague air of disgust that she doesn't want to think about Oliver and Felix together.
"I don't want you thinking about Oliver at all, actually," Felix says cattily as he's undoing the buttons of your jumpsuit, to which she rolls her eyes and calls him possessive, "do you want to leave?" Felix asks her with a frank, unimpressed look, "you can go if you're going to be a pain; you don't have to be here, Vee."
Venetia groans as if putting up with Felix in this moment was quickly becoming a much bigger downside than she'd anticipated, but she does agree to stay and not to talk about Oliver. Felix's expression softens then when he casts an amused look to you where you've finished making quick work of undoing his dress shirt. Once he too has you unbuttoned, you shrug off the jumpsuit, letting it pool by your feel before you kick it away. His hands hold your bare thighs securely, all bickering forgotten in this moment as he gazed up at you with nothing but affection in the way he's regarding you. Leaning in, you kiss him, unable to fight back your own smile.
"But if it turns out you're bad at fucking and Y/N's been faking it with you this whole time, I will tell Farleigh," Venetia warns sharply, interrupting your moment as she seemed unable to help herself from needling the two of you even now. Which may have been her plan all along, you realise upon seeing her smile as you both arc up with indignation at the implication.
If Felix is fucking you absolutely senseless out of spite, you all know she'll still benefit from it.
It becomes something of a blur after that, Felix rolling his eyes as he undoes your buttons while Venetia refuses to help you out of your clothes before it's a rush of sweat and sex and breathless pleasure, moments to breathe and more wine. The Cattons push and pull and puppet you for their pleasure, much to your own, and you lose track of how it should feel wrong when it really starts to feel so fucking right.
Venetia was absolutely right; you absolutely loved how spoiled and entitled they could be, especially if it's you and your body they're acting so entitled over.
Finally, on your back, legs wrapped around Felix's waist, you're bracedagainst Venetia's trembling thighs as she desperately rides your face. All three of you seem to know she's getting closer, and Felix fucks you in deep, steady strokes. But he leans forward, his hand coming to rest firmly on the back of Venetia's neck as she's gasping and panting. He pulls her close enough that their foreheads press together, Venetia, incoherent and eyes squeezed closed, and his other hand gently hold her face, thumb brushing against her cheek.
"That's it, Vee, show them how much you appreciate them," Felix mumbled encouragingly, and Venetia gasps at the sound of his voice, winding her arms around his neck, bracing herself against him as she grew steadily closer to her peak.
"You're such a freak, Felix," Venetia whimpers, as if she wasn't a completely willing and enthusiastic participant in the events, "I can't believe -" but then you whimpered against her cunt, tongue fucking her desperately as you dug the nails of one hand into her thighs, fingers of the other finding her clit and setting a relentless pace. The change had her swearing and moaning, sharing desperate panting breaths with her brother, never quite crossing that gossamer thread into something they both couldn't justify, that line in the sand neither could talk their way into coming back from.
"Let them get you off, Vee," Felix murmurs, "if you're gonna call them a dog, let them be a good one for you," you let out an appreciative noise, at his praise, keeping up how insistently, thoroughly you were fucking her with your tongue and fingers. Venetia comes with her forehead braced on Felix's shoulder, him holding her close, fingers running through her hair as she gasps and shudders, her thighs twitching either side of your head.
Venetia catching her breath shuffles back, breathing hard as she sat back against the bedpost at the foot of the bed, giving Felix the chance to focus on fucking you properly himself. In the next moment he's over you, has your knees pressed against your chest beneath him before your head has even stopped spinning from the sensations of it all. The way he's smiling down at you, all amused and affectionate - god, he almost looks proud - while his cock is deep inside of you at this new, perfect angle, its enough for you to know you won't last much longer.
"It's actually really gross how hot I find you right now, pet," Venetia's smirking at you when you angle your head to look at her, your expression one of dazed bliss. She reaches languidly down the side of the bed to where you'd left your jumpsuit, fishing around in the pocket for your cigarettes. You hear Felix's warm laughter as he presses his face against the crook of your neck, but thank fuck he doesn't stop, because you're so damn close. You've lost the ability to speak, to even really think, so caught up in the way you're coming undone under their combined attention and affection.
"You always this pretty when you're about to cum?" Venetia's voice is low and sultry, reaching out to caress your cheek with her free hand. She's sitting by you now, leaning down on her elbow to drink in the sight of you like this, "or just when Felix is being especially good to you?" And she kisses you messily, a pleased moan escaping her as she tastes herself on your tongue. Felix gasps 'fuck' against your collar, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as the feeling of you cumming around him tips him over the edge too. Venetia grins against your lips as you whimper and gasp into her mouth, hand fisting in her hair as the pleasure overwhelms you.
When you let her go, she's smiling softly, her forehead pressed to yours as you pant, trying to catch your breath, reorient yourself.
"They're always this pretty," Felix finally says a little breathlessly. Venetia laughs softly, sitting up again, though she takes your hand. Felix gently lowers your legs back to the bed before he moves to stand; you can hear the grin in his voice even if you're still to dazed to even sit up. It's with absolute bliss that you gaze up at the ceiling of stars you'd painted for him, watching the faintest traces that are still glowing.
"I think you're just always good to them," Venetia teases fondly before she gives your hand a squeeze, looking down at you, "he is, isn't he? He's such a loverboy when it comes to you, it's sickening, truly," but there's no bite to her words. There's a pleasant fog in your mind leftover from all the sensations you're still coming down from, so all you can do is beam up at her, nodding.
And when Felix laughs, you feel it light up in your chest.
"Can I borrow a robe?" Venetia asks idly, finally dropping your hand; she too stands, "my point has been well and truly proven, and I think I've had enough of you both for tonight." After Felix tosses her a robe, he offers you a hand to help you to your feet; he sounds somehow both proud and sheepish when he apologises after noticing how your legs are trembling.
With her sparkly ensemble and shoes in hand, Venetia's left the room before you even make it to the bathroom to clean up.
"Oh God," in the shower, Felix seems to be hit by a realisation that leaves him more than a little mortified, "I hope Ollie didn't hear any of that." The thought hadn't even occurred to you, and for the barest moment your expression mirrors his as your hand comes up to cover your mouth. Then, after another moment of consideration, Felix's seems to become more thoughtful than concerned as he utters, "actually," he deliberates, "is it weird that I think Ollie would be just as into that as we were?" He has a point, and you snort a laugh, shaking your head, and Felix's embarrassed laughter joins yours after only a moment more.
Unfortunately, as you would find out the following morning, not only was Oliver completely oblivious to the vaguely taboo tryst that had happened in the room attached his own, but it somehow wasn't even the most scandalous thing that had happened that night.
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r3starttt · 1 month
PAIRING: ellie williams x abby anderson
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CW: modern au. rushed and ugly
SUMMARY: ellabs having a subway crush on each other... kinda
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Ellie who for the first time is early to collegue, and Abby who for the first time is right on time- yes, never late.
Abby's books falls from her half closed bag, landing on Ellie's feet and in front of her eyes as she looked for her sketchbook that had to be somewhere in her backpack, right?
"Here" their voices overlap as they exchanged looks. Abby offering a very ashamed yet quiet chain of apologies. "Not at all, it's okay. happens to the best of us" Ellie answers, extending her the book, the pads of their fingers brush.
"Can I?" Her words trail off with an awkward 'uhm' Abby's throat suddenly too sore. Her index finger points at the seat next to Ellie. Stupid, it wasn't empty, but there was sure loads of space for Abby to sit at. Plus, why would she even ask? she could've literally just- "Yeah, no problem"
Ellie, who after minutes of looking stupid just moving her hands all over her backpack, gives up on looking for her sketchbook. She won't be spending that much time humiliating herself with this random blonde on her side, who not only seemed ridiculously pretty compared to anyone else awake this early, but also- by the book on her current hands, was fucking smart and probably around her age- maybe ellie was paying too much attention.
"You've read it?" yup, maybe she wasn't only paying too much attention but also staring. What the fuck.
"Uhh- no, yeah. I- yeah" Her palm cupped the back of her neck, the fuck was she doing? "I have a friend that lend it to me for a while but... too much for me" Ellie was suddenly too aware of her body. Of the hoodie she'd decided to wear today feeling too heavy. A warmth enveloping her body and painting her cheeks, she swears it's so visible it's making her freckles hide beneath the provably intense red.
Abby isn’t paying much attention to her face really, but she can definitely notice the blush and the quivering on Ellies voice.
“Yeah, it’s too long and some words are oddly… philosophical for no reason” Abby’s last words came out as a mumble- quiet. Ellie, for her sake and the friendly strangers sake too, decided to just nod in agreement,
Abby who couldn’t really pay much attention to her book, choosing to look- from the corner of her eyes- at the strange girl who had eventually found a way to distract herself. It’s not that she was being purposely intrusive, but the portrait of the old lay sitting in front of them being perfectly drawn on what seemed like and old ticket was ridiculously impressive.
The words portrayed on the thin paper between her fingers- already too overwhelming - now turning blurry and simply unreadable. The position of her neck and the phrases she kept on speaking to herself in her mind were causing her a headache. Plus, the situation next to her was way more entertaining.
Along a vibrating beat, quiet enough for only the two of them to hear, the brunette- auburn? shaked her leg up and down, sometimes along the beat coming from her headphones.
her body slightly curled as she tried to find a comfortable position to draw without the thin ticket sheet breaking.
Abby could never believe on coincidences, or destiny, or anything spiritual. But maybe today could be the exception.
Abby who had to compliment on the drawing before she grabbed her backpack and stood up. And Ellie who offered the drawing, expecting nothing but to remember such decent interaction with this random girl she met on the subway.
"Seriously, take it" Ellie quickly offered, noticing the shaking along the wagon due the stop. Her fingers barely grabbing at the ticket, practically letting it fall between the blonde's fingers. "Can I borrow your pen?" Abby's braid fell on her side as she leaned a little, maintaining her composure as she tried to hold her book and phone without moving the finger she had between the pages she hadn't finished reading.
After a clumsy nod, Ellie borrowed the pen, not really paying attention to the blonde in front of her and more worried about all the people fighting to get out first. Abby, on the other hand, saved her phone on the pocket of her jacket, quickly opening the book right where her finger lay, putting the drawing instead. "Here, have a nice day"
Abby who ran off as the door was about to close in front of her face. And Ellie, who smiled stupidly as she saw a nerdy bookmark with two letters 'a' in cursive and a phone number on the back.
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
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A Difference In Fate
You knew Miguel had been hiding something from you, you just didn't know what. Stupidly, you thought the best of him.
TW: Agressive Miguel lmao
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You weren't meant to find out.
Miguel wasn't sure for how long he'd hide it from you. Maybe a month, a year, forever. It didn't matter.
He'd only known you for a short amount of time, but he knew he was too late when he started to worry about what you thought about him. When Miguel told you about what happened to Gabrila and that universe, he felt a deep shame he'd never felt before. Yes, he lived with the guilt that came from destroying an entire fucking universe and all the billions of innocent people inside, but he was also terrified that you'd leave him because of it.
When you didn't, after a night of tears and shame, he knew he'd never let you go. Even if it killed him.
Which is why he lied, when he had that meeting about Miles that you had missed, he lied and said that it was nothing.
When you asked why Lyla wouldn't give you a rundown of the meeting, he lied again and said it must be faulty in her coding, and that the files couldn't be recovered.
Sure he felt guilty about lying to you, but he more so felt a sense of anxiety about when you'd find out, not if.
Another thing Miguel loved and appreciated about you, was that you were incredibly acute and intelligent. Nothing ever went past you when it came to people or plans. You always quickly noticed the small details or came up with new strategies.
That, and that you were just incredibly fucking lucky.
"So, what do you think about that last meeting?" Peter B. Parker from Earth 616B asked you, catching you off guard from the paper you were reading. His tired eyes and five o'clock shadow seemed worse than ever. He seemed to be having a rough day since the whole morning he had been mostly silent, like there was a weight in his mind holding him down to drag him to the depths of hell.
"Oh, I didn't make it. What was it about, anyway?" You shrugged, spider mask pulled up to your forehead to take a bite out to the 'Original Spiderman Burger'
He stared at you for a bit, blue eyes watching your movements. "Did Miguel not tell you?" He asked, genuinely taken aback at your lack of knowledge of the situation.
You chewed quickly, covering your mouth while trying to answer as fast as you could. "No, and he still won't. I want to know! Was it about something embarrassing?" You laughed, grabbing your drink.
"It was about the anomaly." Peter said, voice curt and timid.
You raised an eyebrow at his odd behavior, usually, you and Peter easily bounced off one another, both your jovial and rather silly personalities perfect companies for each other. To see him being so quiet with you was worrying.
"I got that man, just tell me, I don't bite. My teeth aren't as sharp as Miguels." You elbowed him, smiling like you would a timid cat. You took another drink to try and give off a relaxed aura, but inside your heart was picking up with his lack of relaxation.
"It's-the anomaly is the kid I talk to you about all the time. He was never meant to be a Spider-Man. We're not allowed to interact with him in any way until we figure out a way to find a solution." Peter said solemnly, turning to hunch over his uneaten food. His own masked burger staring back at him.
You scoffed with liquid in your mouth, swallowing before giving out a barking laugh. "What does that even mean? Not meant to be Spider-Man, who's meant to be Spider-Man? It just happens, it's luck not fate." You grumbled, face screwed up half in disbelief and half in genuine confusion. Suddenly you jerked up in shock, and quickly turned to the older man.
"Isn't he the kid that made you want to have a baby in the first place?" You placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, feeling his cold shoulder through the soft fabric of his suit.
"Yeah." Was all he said, a grave look on his face.
You tilted his shoulder at you, and watched his eyes slowly move over to your kind face. "Hey man, don't worry about it. Miguel seems tough, but on the inside, he's just a big softie. Trust me, I'd know. I sleep with the man every night. We'll figure it out, alright?" You reassured him, smiling brightly at him.
Peter looked down again and hit his fist on the counter. "Yeah, you're right. It always works out in the end, huh?" Peter's voice was strong like all the hope he had lost was now found and stronger than ever.
"It's kind of sad, you know? Like, it wasn't his fault he wasn't supposed to be Spider-Man." Pavitr Prabhakar said, hands deftly working to fidget with his yo-yo.
Both your guy's hair swayed softly in the warm Mubattan air. You played with the bottom of your spider suit feet. "Yeah, sounds like he's just a kid."
"Well, I'm sure it'll figure itself out, after all, we're all Spider-People right? Everything is great!" Pavitrs voice got fainter as he whipped away, probably going off to swing around Gayatri's neighborhood.
You looked off into the sunset, eyes squinting at the bright light of the sun. Still, you basked in the warmth as you sat, just pondering and mulling over your feelings over the whole situation.
You liked Pav, as you've all started calling him, his happy-go-lucky and glass-half-full personality was infectious, and he was overall just a joy to be around.
It made you have a gut-wrenching bad feeling, especially since he hadn't had his canon event yet. You wished there was a way for him to just be happy and be Spider-Man without the life-altering loss that came with it.
"That's the price you have to pay when you become Spider-Man." Miguel said later that evening, sitting at the table while he filtered through emails, videos, and reports.
You came over and kissed his head, swiping away all the red screens taking over your shared table. Instead, you replaced his work with food, more specifically asada quesadillas.
"Okay sure, but he's just a kid y'know? Like, he's barely able to drive a car and now has this duty to protect a whole ass city. Let alone deal with an unbearable loss that would break a full gown adult." You challenged, staring at your boyfriend across the table. You had brought up your feelings about Pav and how the guilt of his misfortune weighted you down.
You still haven't told him that you know about the kid. Miles. For some reason, a part of yourself told you that you should. That you should hide that knowledge because for some reason a part of you thought he'd be upset. No, knew he'd be mad.
"It's the fate of the universe." He sighed, eating his food as if the whole conversation was boring.
"But what does that mean? Doesn't fate bring in the idea of gods or goddesses? A higher power saying this should be the way? And what about destiny? Then doesn't that bring in the question of whether or not it's real, let alone that we have to abide by those rules?" You started, rambling about the subject. This whole situation seemed wrong, like Miguel's ideals weren't quite right. You knew Miguel was intelligent, insanely so that he created his own AI and created a multi-diversional portal travel and created a society within his universe to combat world-breaking enemies.
Still. Something about this was wrong.
Miguel growled out your name, dropping his food on his plate to stare at you so intensely it made you gulp. He clenched his fists on the table, obviously trying to hold back his anger before he spoke to you.
"You know what happened to me when I tried to break the rules. God or not, things happen for a reason." Miguel said, eyes lowering to try and continue eating.
"What about us? We're from different universes, yet we live together, and we're dating. Are we fate? Or are we pure coincidence?" You asked, trying to get him to explain in a more logical reasoning like you know he's capable of.
Miguel slammed his fist on the table, rattling the dishes placed down and you. "Can we drop this? This conversation is going nowhere." He was getting angry, you could tell. But still, something in you nagged and ate away at your soul.
"Yes, perdón amor." Your eyes fluttered down, and you gulped away the hot stinging of your throat.
"I'm sorry hermosa, but you know this is the only way." Miguel offered, holding his hand out across the table to reassure you.
You met him halfway, and smiled at him shakily. Still, you didn't believe him.
"He was your friend?" You asked curiously while you went over the blueprints for the watches. You wanted to customize yours further, so you invaded Lyla's security, (asked pretty please), and now were trying to see what changes you could make.
Gwen Stacy was behind you, arms crossed while she looked to a wall, dissociating. "Yeah, and I can't see him at all even though I want to. So badly." She sighed, tired eyes looking down. You looked back to her, offering a sad smile.
"We'll figure it out honey, I'm sure."
"Why are you dating Miguel?" She suddenly asked, and at those words, you whipped around and gave her an incredulous look. Your hands on your hips with a disbelieving smile.
Both of you looked up to see Hobart walking in, sauntering over to your workstation. "Hey." He nodded up to both of you, immediately going through your files.
Both you and Gwen greeted him before you turned your attention back to the girl. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you're just so nice and understanding while Miguel is...well Miguel." She said, exasperation filling her voice.
You laughed, brushing her off. "Hes not that complicated, just rough around the edges, I promise."
"What do they say, love is blind?" Hobie spoke up, eyes hyper-focused on the watch details.
"That's not applicable to this." You waved him off. Walking over, you put both hands on Gwen's slim arms, giving them a grounding squeeze. "Everything will be fine, we just need time to figure out a solution to this problem yeah? Miguel and everyone else has been aware of this problem for a while, it's just now it has a name!" You smile, trying to uplift the depressing mood.
"Yeah, and his name is Miles Morales, a sixteen-year-old kid." Hobie said, his hands drifting down from whatever he was doing with his watch.
You sighed, hanging your head down before you walked back over to your table. "Thank you for the optimism Hobie."
"You're welcome." With that, he walked out.
That conversation went the same with Jess and many other members of the spider society, saying that 'taking care of' Miles would be for the greater good.
But what is the greater good? What good were the protecting? Apparently, Miles's universe has been doing fine so far, what's so wrong with that?
Apparently, his whole existence was flawed.
At the end of that day, when everyone either went home or started a night shift to find out where Miles had gone, Miguel returned home.
When he opened the door, he half expected you to be at the table or living room searching for Miles for him, to be directing people, or actively searching for him with Miguel. Of course, he knew you really wouldn't be.
Miguel only returned home to check up on you, after everything.
The whole time you had stood back, and without his knowledge helped Miles escape Miguel's wrath. But he didn't know that.
The front door creaked open, and Miguel was greeted with a dark and quiet house. The only light that was seen was the yellow light of your shared bedroom down the hall.
When he closed the door and silently crept in his own home, he could hear quiet sobbing coming from the room
"Amor?" He peeked in his room, fully stepping in at seeing your hunched-over form. Basically in the fetal position, sitting at the edge of your bed you had your hands on your head.
You looked up, and when he saw your face he immediately stepped back. Rage still filled him, but seeing you made him completely break down.
Your face was one of pure fury, an anger so deep and true it morphed your wet face into something unnatural. Your hair was wild and messy, your face also covered in small scratches form god knows what, and your knuckles were white from how hard you were clenching them.
"What the actual fuck are you doing here? Don't you have a child to murder?" Your snarled mouth pulled back to show off your teeth. Even though you didn't have fangs like him, doesn't mean a bite from you wouldn't hurt.
Instantly, Miguel snapped back. "Don't you dare-"
"No, shut the fuck up. What the fuck was that? Who even are you?" You asked, standing up to your full height.
"I was-am stopping an anomaly from destroying the entire multiverse. I'm saving-" Miguel's voice was raising by the word, his large build hunching over to try and intimidate you.
"Don't talk about him like he's not a child! Don't act like you're not hunting down a literal child? What is wrong with you?!" You screamed, voice raw from the running and crying you'd done all day.
"This. This is what I didn't want to tell you! You don't understand the gravity of the situation! Pinche-" He started, eyes glowing that sparkling red you had grown to love after the long three years you'd known Miguel.
Now they just disgusted you.
"I knew! I've known this whole fucking time! But I trusted you to know what to do, because I love you, and I know you're so smart. But this? I-i can't-" You turned around, hands shakily typing frantically into your watch.
"Lo siento, lo siento preciosa, no quise gritar-" Suddenly Miguels voice was filled with sorrow, and he reached out to hold you in his arms. The same arms that held you, cradled you, strapped you down, and lifted you up.
"Stop, just stop." You sobbed, quickly opening a portal to god knows where, just anywhere but here-
Miguel called out your name, and you turned around to see his eyes piling with tears. His face twisted into the most pained face you've ever seen, his fangs popping out of his lips, his mouth pulled back to a vicious snarl, and his eyebrows furrowed down so deep he grew another crease in his forehead.
You looked down to hold back another sob, shaking your head while walking closer to the portal.
You didn't even glace back at him when you left.
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