#will make me drink coffee without milk AND sugar
eye-in-the-wall · 9 months
the more tea i drink the more im like. dont think im a tea guy. lol.
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ratatatastic · 2 months
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#the forsblad agenda deepens#542... you are so important to me...#i was gonna add the fact that ekky does skew a little towards sweets even if he tries to pretend he doesnt#considering the “cookie on the ice cookie off the ice” ritual but he doesnt do it as much anymkre#but he has admitted he does eat half a cookie on the road sometimes with his coffee#which he drinks black; forsy also drinks it black as well#thats not anything surprising considering a good portion of athletes take coffee black to cut back on sugars for health/preformance reasons#its a little surprising because i know forsy enjoys pastries to a certain extent because of fika#but also considering the stated above you dont get an adonis body without certain sacrifices...#and considering the contrast between the rest of the scandinavians admitting they either add cream or milk#(or drink tea woo go sasha!!) to their coffee#it really cements the oh!-ness of him going “i think its just black. straight up.”#two boys cutting back on sweets for the sake of hockey theres romanticism somewhere in there#this is all to say it makes me really happy to see forsy indulge in sweets in the offseason#anyways enough about that lets go back to whatever the fuck forsblad are on#truly cross continental pyschosexual flirting is going on#wdym youre using your cup day to taunt ekky whos (checks notes)#fucking around in the tennis court around the time these shenanigans have started#why are you so obsessed with getting his attention...#if we get an ekky quote about the flying i will in fact eat a shoe 👍
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revasserium · 11 months
death before decaf
opla!zoro; 10,414 words; coffee shop/college!au, vague enemies to lovers, fencer!zoro, sports medicine!major reader, slightly ooc zoro (he's a bit more talkative), fluff and flirting, bff!robin, zoro makes the first move, zoro calling reader "princess", mutual pining, both reader and zoro are dumbasses, making out in locker rooms
summary: sanji and nami bet on how long it'll take you and zoro to finally crack over your caffeine-related discourse; or -- that one coffee!shop zoro au that literally no one asked for.
a/n: i keep on saying "this is the longest fic i've written to date" but this really is the longest fic i've written to date. and no, this will not be the only time zoro calls reader "princess" in one of my fics. trust.
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“How long did you say?”
“Two weeks, max.”
“Nah… you think?”
“Probably closer to a week. Week and a half.”
Sanji stubs out his cigarette on the bottom of his shoe before tossing the smoking nub into the bin, casting Nami a disbelieving look.
“They’ve been going on like this for like three months… and you think they’re gonna crack in the next week and a half? Nah, fam — I call bullshit.”
Nami shrugs, smirking, “Your funeral.”
Sanji scoffs as Nami pushes through the swinging double doors into the main body of the cafe, hitching a smile onto her face as she greets the customers already lined up in front of the counter.
“Yeah, whatever,” he mutters to himself, dusting his hands off on his apron before pushing in after her, putting on his best customer-service smile.
“Mornin’ folks! Welcome to the Straw Hats Cafe, where the coffee’s hot but the people are hotter — what can I get started for you, sweetheart?” he grins as he shoots you a wink and you flash him your best Colgate smile.
“Can I get a decaf latte with —”
“Oat milk, two pumps of caramel, and whipped cream on top? Oh — and a sprinkle of cinnamon cause you can’t have a fall latte without cinnamon, right?” Sanji finishes for you.
You nod, your cheeks flushed a bright, wind-kissed pink from the cold outside.
Behind you, a green-haired boy in a tight-fitting tee and no jacket scoffs under his breath, shaking his head.
“Yep! You know me so well,” you say, giggling and making a point to speak just a bit louder.
“Course I do, darlin’. It’s what I get paid for,” Sanji jots down your order and pushes it to the side where Nami’s already halfway done with making your drink.
“Ah, if it isn’t my favorite mosshead jock — lemme guess, double espresso, no sugar, no nothin’, right?” Sanji punches in the order just as Zoro makes his way up to the counter, his eyes narrowed.
Sanji grins, hiking an eyebrow, “Talkative as always, I see. Alright — that’d be —”
Zoro wordlessly slides a full punch card onto the counter and Sanji pauses.
“Ah — pardon me, I do believe that’s your free drink! You sure you wanna use it on an espresso? Maybe… you wanna try one of our seasonal specials? The maple spice latte’s one of our best —”
Zoro scoffs again, “I’m good. I like my coffee real, thanks.”
Down passed the pastries, you roll your eyes, making an exaggerated face as Nami hands you your drink with a grin.
“Y’know, if you guys just made out I feel like it would fix a lot of this unresolved tension,” she says, even as you nearly choke on your drink.
You’re still coughing when Zoro joins you by the finished drinks counter.
“I’d rather lose an eye than make out with someone who drinks decaf.”
Nami sighs, shooting you a meaningful look as she slides the double espresso toward Zoro.
You wipe your lips with a napkin before leveling him with a glare.
“Well I’d rather gouge my own eyes out than make out with someone who never grew out of his middle school emo-phase.”
“At least I don’t try to use sugar to fill the gaping hole in your life where a real personality should be.”
“At least I don’t make that gaping hole my entire personality.”
You turn resolutely away from Zoro and smile back at Nami and Sanji, both stealing glances at the pair of you even as they continue to handle the Monday morning rush.
“Thank you guys — I’m gonna be late for class.
Zoro tsks, taking a sip of his espresso.
“I’m gonna be late for practice.”
You huff, pivoting away from him towards the door, purposefully letting it swing shut behind you; Zoro swears as it almost makes him spill his coffee.
Back in the coffee shop, Sanji finishes another order just as Nami washes off her hands to take over at the cashier.
“One and a half weeks?” Sanji asks as he rolls up his sleeves and grabs a few metal cups for steamed milk.
“Yep,” Nami replies, shooting another look out the glass door where they can both still see your’s and Zoro’s silhouettes as you head towards the university campus, “Just about.”
“Alright then, you’re on.”
Nami’s smirk only grows, “Like I said — your funeral.”
You’re fuming all the way to your first morning class — Bio-Organic Chemistry — that you don’t notice your friend Robin until she’s standing right next to you.
“Are you mad at your fencer-boy again?”
You roll your eyes, huffing out a breath, “He’s not my fencer-boy, and no. I’m not mad.”
Robin grins, “Your tone says different.”
You cast her a reproachful look, “I just… bumped into him at the coffee shop again.”
“Ah,” Robin says, her voice saturated with understanding.
You groan, “He just… pisses me off so much! Like, why’s he care how much sugar I put in my drinks or if I drink decaf? He’s just a muscle-head loser who thinks drinking espresso shots makes him somehow more manly or something. Ugh.”
Robin’s grin is amused when you turn to chance her a glance.
“Then… why do you care how he takes his coffee?” Her question is light, but you’ve known her for long enough to know when she’s teasing.
“I didn’t! At least… not until he made fun of my drink first. I mean, who does that anymore? We’re in college! Like, grow up!”
“Mm,” Robin hums, schooling her expression into one of careful consideration and marked compassion, “and of course, you’re just engaging in his… childish antics because he started it first, right?”
You sigh, cupping your very sugary latte between your palms as you both duck into the main lecture building, teaming with students shedding scarves and jackets, shaking off the late autumn chill.
“I know, I know it’s stupid but… he just… pisses me off so much!”
Robin chuckles, her smile distinctly sphinx-like as you press your lips into a pout.
“Well, we can talk about it after morning lecture, hm?”
You sigh and nod, waving her off as she heads down the hallway towards her Ancient Worlds class and you head upstairs for the sciences.
You spend the whole lecture in a mood and by the time you’re excused, your temples have started to throb.
But true to her word, you find Robin waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs, a thick leather-bound book clutched to her chest. You give her a questioning look.
“Just some light reading,” she says. You roll your eyes.
“Just say you’re a gigantic nerd and go.”
At this Robin laughs, falling into step next to you as you both start to make your way towards the dining commons.
“Have I ever denied that I was?”
You let out a noncommittal grunt.
Luckily, the commons isn‘t as crowded as it usually is and you both quickly find a seat.
“So,” Robin says as she slides into the seat next to you, propping up her chin on the heel of her hand. There’s a low, lilting tone to her voice that tells you there’s no getting out of it this time.
You sigh again, pursing your lips, staring down at your açaí bowl.
“So what?”
“Tell me about him.”
You scoff, “Not really much to tell — he’s… one of the fencers on the national team. So obviously, he’s got his own head shoved so far up his ass he can probably watch his own lunch dige—“
“So he’s quite good at fencing then.” Robin keeps her voice neutral, taking a contemplative bite of a banana.
“I guess — I mean we’re the top feeder school for the Olympic team, aren’t we?” You jab your spoon into the yogurt, nearly splattering Robin’s new book. She gently tucks it into her bag and motions for you to continue.
“I dunno, there’s not much to tell after that… he’s an arrogant jock who judges people by how they take their coffee,” and at this, you shove a large spoonful of yogurt and açaí into your mouth, glaring at nothing in particular.
“Doesn’t your practical applications class look after the fencing team?”
Again, you grunt, sinking a bit further into your seat at the thought.
“Yeah, I’ve been dreading that all morning, and the class isn’t till Wednesday.”
Robin’s smile is almost too academic as she carefully finishes her banana and gets started on an egg salad sandwich.
“It can’t be that bad, can it?”
You sniff, swallowing another huge mouthful of yogurt.
“It can,” you say, grimacing, “You should see the number of times I’ve had to hold back from dislocating his shoulder on purpose.”
Robin laughs her tinkling, all-knowing laugh, “Every day, I wake up glad to be on your whitelist.”
Your lips twitch into a reluctant grin.
“I’d be nicer too if I were as tall and pretty as you are. But since I’m not one of god’s strongest soldiers, I’ve gotta find other ways of defending myself, y’know?”
“I’m not sure what you do can be called ‘self-defense’ in a court of law but…” she smiles, “You shouldn’t sell yourself short either.”
You cast her a deadpan look, “But I am short. It’s like where 90% of my rage and spite come from.”
Robin grins, “You know that’s not what I meant.”
You make a rather childish face, but a comfortable warmth spreads from the center of your chest out towards all your extremities at Robin’s words. She cocks her head and continues.
“Plus… I’ve a creeping suspicion that your fencer-boy would agree that you’re prettier than you think.”
You freeze mid-swallow on your last spoonful of yogurt, eyes wide.
“Wait — what?”
Robin sighs, looking at you as if studying a particularly interesting monolith carved with all her favorite dead languages. You sit back, crossing your arms, feeling raw beneath her inquisitive gaze.
“You can’t still think that this little… feud you two have is purely based on a difference in coffee preference, can you?”
You realize you’re chewing on your bottom lip and force yourself to stop.
“I — I don’t know how it can be anything else though…” but even to your own ears, you sound distinctly unconvinced. Robin cocks her head.
“Think about it — when we were all little kids and running around on playground, which girls would get their pigtails pulled the most?”
Your frown deepens, “But we’re not kids anymore and this isn’t a play —“
“Yes, I know. Just humor me for a moment.”
You squirm in your seat, your heart thudding erratically in your rib cage, making you feel strangely breathless.
“It was… always the girls that the boys had a crush on,” you answer, your voice growing smaller with each word as the realization seeps into your skin like sunlight. And suddenly, it's too hot. The thought that Zoro might be doing this because he likes you isn’t something that’s crossed your mind. Or rather, it isn’t a thought you’d allowed to cross your mind.
“You know, boys aren’t technically considered ‘men’ until they’re in their mid-thirties,” Robin says, conversational and satisfied to have driven the point home to you. She leans back even as you reach up to press your face into the palms of your hands.
“But…” you try to grasp for some thread of logic that might be able to refute Robin’s claim but come up empty. She’s always been too smart for her own good. And yours.
When you finally lift your head again, it’s to find Robin still watching you, an oddly indulgent smile on her lips.
“C’mon,” she says, gathering her things, “don’t want you to be late for your next lecture.”
She has the audacity to wink as you hurriedly grab your stuff as well.
“Shut up,” you say, bumping her lightly with your elbow as you walk passed her, cheeks darkening with every step. Your next lecture, you both know, is the Nutrition of Sports — which is one of the few actual classes that you and Zoro actually share.
“Have fun in class!” Robin calls as you split ways outside the dining commons. You consider flipping her off but decide against it and opt to stick out your tongue at her instead.
Robin shakes her head, laughing quietly to herself. Really, she thinks, this is just starting to get interesting.
You walk into Nutrition of Sports fully prepared to see Zoro slouched in his usual seat at the back of the class — except, he’s not there. You blink; he’s always been there, always early despite what others might assume of his punctuality. And yet.
“Lookin’ for me, Princess?”
You jump as you hear Zoro’s voice behind you, dangerously close to your ear. Jerking around, you find him smirking, arms crossed as he stares at you.
“Tch.” He saunters into the room, his arm barely grazing yours as he drops into his seat, leaning back with a sort of damnable, feline grace, doing nothing to hide a huge, lethargic yawn. When he makes a show of stretching his arms over his head, you pause as you notice the way he winces, favoring his left side over his right.
You narrow your eyes.
“You’d be a shit poker player,” he says, grinning as he turns his eyes back towards you, catching you staring before you flush a deep purple and stomp towards your own seat, just one row ahead of him.
You noisily start setting up your supplies — an endless parade of jelly pens and perfectly coordinated sticky notes in aesthetically pleasing colors — pretending like you hadn’t heard him.
Thankfully, the professor hurries in soon after as the rest of the students file in.
Halfway through the lecture, you’re stifling the third yawn of the hour as you feel a small, crumpled something hit the back of your neck. You jerk around to find Zoro ducking behind his arms even as you spot the small wad of paper that he’d obviously just tossed at you.
You bend down to pick it up, only to find a note scribbled in slanted, uneven handwriting —
Sugar crash? Ha. Serves you right.
You nearly whip around but the professor clicks another slide and drones on. You huff, flipping the paper over to scribble on the back —
What happened to your arm?
You surreptitiously toss the note back to him and grin to yourself as you hear him sputtering behind you. The professor glances towards you. You flash him a winning smile as you continue to jot down notes; behind you, you hear the distinct sounds of Zoro scrambling to appear as if he’s paying attention.
The rest of the lecture goes by uninterrupted, though by the end, you swear that your hackles are raised from the way Zoro’s been staring at the back of your neck the entire time.
“What?” you ask, whipping around to face him.
Zoro, for his part, has the decency to look sheepish as he clears his throat and sighs, leaning back.
“There’s nothing wrong with my arm,” he says as he looks away, a slight darkness dusting the high of his cheeks. It’s not the first time you notice the bone-chiseled features of his face — like some gorgeous, careless god, rendered by the loving hands of a besotted Renaissance artist and preserved for the world to see — the way a constellation of freckles scatter across the bridge of his nose, the way his jaw is sharp enough to sting the imagination.
“Right. Fine. Sorry I asked.” You shove your notes and pens back into your bag, rolling your eyes as you shoulder your tote, “And… you’d be a shit poker player too.”
And with that, you turn and leave the room without a single backward glance.
You’re gone so quick that you don’t see the way Zoro stares after you, his own eyes narrowed into slits. You don’t see the way he frowns as one of his teammates nudges him with an elbow, reminding him that afternoon practice starts in 15 minutes.
Tuesday night finds you slumped over a stack of books on the 3rd floor of the library, your entire body feeling odd and boneless. Hundreds of tiny flashcards are scattered across the top of the desk, each filled with a system you have to memorize before your test on Friday for your O-Chem course, when suddenly, a white paper cup appears in your field of vision, plopping onto the tiny slip of table still available between all your study materials.
“Hm?” you jerk up, blinking blearily up at a vaguely familiar green-haired figure even as he crosses his arms and sighs.
“There. Some real coffee. Looked like you need it,” Zoro says, glancing away the moment your eyes come into focus.
You stare at him for a solid ten seconds before looking back down at the cheap, watered-down cup of unsweetened coffee on the table before you.
Ew, you want to say, but somehow, “Thanks,” is what comes out of your mouth.
You reach for the cup, wincing slightly as you jerk your fingers back from the scalding exterior of the thin paper cup.
Zoro immediately leans down, snatching the cup from the table to blow on the surface. You watch him with wide, wondering eyes. It takes him a second to catch himself before he blushes a deep shade of maroon and clears his throat, quickly setting the cup back down on your desk, tucking both his hands into his pockets, looking anywhere but directly at you.
“It’s — careful — I mean — it’s from the vending machine downstairs so it’s not as fancy as the stuff we get from the coffee shop —”
Maybe it’s because you’re truly too tired, or maybe because Robin’s been right since day one but — you reach for the cup, carefully cradling it between your palms as you take a tentative sip and grimace at the watery, bitter aftertaste.
“Gross,” you say, though without any malice, glancing up at him. Zoro scoffs, dragging out an empty seat across from you, turning it around to straddle the chair, propping both his arms on the back as he looks at you. Your eyes once more catch on the way he’s gentler with his right side.
“What’s wrong with your arm?” you ask again, taking another tentative sip of the truly awful coffee.
Zoro grimaces, “None of your business.”
You sigh, the will to snark back rather feeble as you consider the mountain of vocab you have to memorize before your Friday test.
“Right, sure — keep your secrets,” you drone as you set the paper cup down and nudge it further away from you, “be mysterious for the next —” you check your watch, “eighteen hours before Practical Applications when you’ll have to explain to Coach Mihawk why you've been lying about an obvious injury three weeks before your next —”
“Fuck — okay.”
You pause, looking up from collecting your flash cards.
Zoro digs his fingers into his right shoulder.
“I — I think I pulled it at the tournament last week.”
Your eyebrows shoot up, “Your tournament was on Thursday.”
Zoro shifts uncomfortably, “And?”
“And it’s now Tuesday.”
Zoro doesn’t answer this time, but you have to actively fight down the urge to throw the no-longer-scalding-but-still-very-hot-coffee at his face. You tell yourself that the only thing stopping you is professionalism and sportsmanship instead of an unwillingness to damage his Michaelangelo-sculpted features.
“It’s been five days!”
Zoro’s expression flatlines, “Contrary to popular belief, I do know how to count.”
You bite back a frustrated scream as you push away from your chair and round the table to stand behind him, not giving him enough time to be bewildered before you press a palm to his right shoulder, already focused on finding the tender spots.
“Tell me where it hurts.”
You run an expert palm over the width of his shoulders, focusing on his right, fingers digging into various muscle groups until he winces.
You grin as you find a tender patch to the right of his spine, almost beneath his shoulder blade.
“You strained your Rhomboid.”
You roll your eyes and reach over his back for the cup of coffee. You feel his breath hitch as your front presses full against his back.
“Hold still,” you say, pressing the side of the warm cup to the sore muscle.
Zoro makes a choked moaning noise that he tries to bite off, but not soon enough. It sizzles down your spine to curl at the base of your belly, spreading heat through your body in a way you have no urge to examine at this current point in time.
You hold it there for a minute, and then two, till the coffee’s gone lukewarm.
“Here,” you say, tugging the cup away to offer it to him.
He stares at the cup before glancing up at you.
“Caffeine helps with muscle soreness and pain — it’s probably why you’re so addicted to espresso all the time,” you offer by way of an explanation, even as he opens his mouth to ask. He closes his mouth and takes the coffee, downing half of it in a single gulp.
Then, he sets it down on the table before digging a crumpled packet of sugar out of his pants pocket.
“It’s… probably not as sweet as you usually like it but…” he presses it into the palm of your hand, looking anywhere but at your face, “should help the bitterness.”
And then he’s gone, slouching off towards the elevator bank, leaving you gaping after him with the packet of sugar in your hand, your rapidly cooling coffee, and a mountain of revisions you’ve got no hope of finishing tonight.
Wednesday finds you practically sprinting as you reach your Practical Applications course, clutching at your chest as you burst through the gym doors, gasping for breath. Professor Kureha quirks an inquiring eyebrow at you while Mihawk, the fencing instructor, slates you a sharp, rueful glare.
“— as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted,” his bright hawk-yellow eyes flash back over the fencing team, “regionals are quickly approaching and we need you in top form. So — warm-ups stretches, everyone. Pair up and get to it. Zoro, up here with me.”
You duck your head and hurry towards your normal spot along the bleachers, slowing as you notice what looks like a cup of coffee from the Straw Hats Cafe occupying the place where you normally sit. You pick up the cup — it’s still hot to the touch.
On the coffee slip is a single word — Princess.
And though it’s in Sanji’s familiar coffee shop scrawl, only one person has ever called you that.
Heat crests up your chest, prickling at your cheeks. You don’t have to taste it to know that it’s your order — your favorite order. Briefly, you wonder if Sanji made Zoro recite the entire thing before agreeing to put it down, or if he’d spared Zoro the pain of having to say the word ‘decaf’ unironically.
And then you wonder if Nami teased him at all, waiting for his own drink on top of yours.
“Chop chop,” Professor Kureha says, grinning too wide as she wanders over, peering at you over her John Lennon shades, “you heard old Hawk-eyes — time to pair up.”
You hurriedly drop your bag and take a quick sip of our drink, letting out a soft groan of appreciation as the caramel-cinnamon goodness seeps into your blood vessels. Some nameless freshman hopeful from the fencing team is your partner for stretches and you patiently walk him through all the major motions, pushing on his back and laughing kindly when he can’t quite reach his toes.
You feel the faint tingle on the back of your neck that tells you someone’s staring, and you privately think that you don’t need three guesses to figure out who it is. But you don’t give Zoro the satisfaction of looking over till you help the blushing freshman finish all his stretches, giving him an encouraging pat on the shoulder, reaching up on tip-toe to ruffle his hair even though he’s got a solid four inches over you.
When finally, you glance over towards where Mihawk is putting Zoro through his paces, it’s to find him flickering through the motions — flashes of silver, lithe, fluid — and you find your breath held captive in your chest by the sight.
You’ve always known Zoro to be a graceful fencer, but grace has nothing on the way he flows from one move to the next, each muscle drawn like a bow-string, each intake of breath timed and perfect. His arms and legs move in tandem and there’s a bewitching rhythm to the way his body breaks and bends. It is beauty and strength, dance and magic — power and promise and the sword-tip’s whish of premonition.
When he finishes, you suck in a breath you hadn’t been aware you were holding.
You watch as Mihawk murmurs something to Zoro, who winces, looking chastened before Mihawk waves him away and Zoro sets down his epee, making his way over to you.
You open your mouth, about to make some snarky remark but Zoro reaches over his back with one hand and tugs his shirt off in a single, unbroken motion. You gulp, your voice failing you as your eyes settle on the strong ripple of his muscles as he tosses his shirt aside.
Zoro smirks, “Keep starin’ and I’m gonna have to start charging.”
You rip your eyes away, fire licking up the length of your torso as you reach into your bag for a roll of sports tape.
Zoro slumps down in the seat in front of you as you take stock of his sweat-slicked torso, your eyes still catching on the patch of swollen muscle beneath his shoulder blade. You reach forward and run a thumb along it, careful of the way he hisses.
“A hot-patch is only going to do so much,” you say, frowning as you drop the sports tape to focus on massaging the tender bit of skin.
Zoro groans, his eyes falling half shut as you slowly work at the various knots in his shoulders. Your fingers are slow and deliberate, applying just the right amount of pressure. And more than once, Zoro has to bite back what he’s sure would’ve been an indecent moan before it rolls out of his mouth at the way your soft palms press into the planes of his back, the tenseness of his shoulders.
“Keep moaning like that, I’m gonna have to start charging,” you say, much too close to his ear.
Zoro jerks, even as you pull back, laughing. The sound makes his skin prickle up with goosebumps and he doesn’t want to think about the myriad reasons why.
“I bought you coffee, twice,” he grumbles, cheeks pink, his mind still buzzing from the warmth of your palms.
You hum, your fingers flickering over his skin, pulling away for a second before he feels something wonderful and cool pressing against his sore, aching muscles.
“You’re right… you did buy me coffee twice. Even though the first time was horrible vending machine coffee and I used most of it as a heating pad for your injury.”
Zoro grunts, letting you manhandle him as you gently twist his right arm into an array of different stretches to test his range of mobility.
“Still counts.”
You put down his right arm to test his left. Zoro chooses not to think about the way his body tingles where your hands touch him, and especially not where you’re standing too close, your chest occasionally brushing against his shoulder. He chooses actively not to think about the way he can smell the soft, coconut milk fragrance of your lotion as you lean over him, rambling about doing the proper warm-up and cool-down exercises.
He grins as you reach over mid-sentence to finish your drink and you pause, watching him with narrowed eyes.
He shrugs, “Nothin’… just that… seems like you liked your drink.”
Your eyes slingshot from his face to the nearly empty cup in your hands.
“I always like my —”
They widen when you realize that Zoro had in fact ordered a double shot of espresso in your usual drink instead of your normal decaf. And, that you’d been too distracted by him to notice.
“I — it — wh —”
Zoro languidly rises from his seat, grinning, “Thanks for the treatment, Princess. I owe you one — lemme buy you a coffee sometime, yeah?”
You stare after him as he makes his way across the room, back to the rest of the team for proper bouts. You force down another blush as you shove the now-empty coffee cup into the nearest trash can, your heart skidding to the rhythmic squeak of feet shuffling against the floors, the bell-like ting of epee blades, the murmur of the watching crowd.
Thursday morning finds you ill-rested and grumpy as you join Robin in the quad, heading for the Straw Hats Cafe during free period.
“Trouble sleeping?” Robin asks, looking you over with mild concern.
You grunt, adjusting your bag, “Had coffee too late in the day.”
At this, Robin frowns, “But you only drink decaf.”
You grunt again, not looking at her, “Yeah, well.”
Robin blinks for a second before a knowing smile splits her lips, “Ah… so. Fencer-boy’s made his move.”
You round on her, fists clenched, “He has not! He just — he just bought me coffee!”
Robin remains infuriatingly unfazed as she stares at you, “Yes. And to most, that would constitute as ‘making a move’. And here I thought you were a fan of romance novels.”
You turn away from her, huffing even as your cheeks fill with color, “I — I am.”
“So?” she asks.
“So?” you echo, cursing yourself for sounding like a petulant child.
“So…” she continues, patient as always, “he bought you coffee.”
You crinkle your nose, your stomach a roiling mess as the pair of you make your way across the quad and duck into the cafe to Sanji’s bright, welcoming voice, your eyes scanning the queue even though you know that Zoro’s got morning practice. This does not go unnoticed by Robin, though she mercifully elects to not question you about it.
“Yes, he bought me coffee. But instead of decaf, he made it a double-shot.” You try very hard to make this sound like a personal affront, but Robin only dips her head.
“Ah,” she says again, and you feel the urge to run out of the building even as the pair of you shuffle towards the front of the line.
“Hi there, oh! I’ve got a special message for you,” Nami says as you get to the registers, her voice silken with glee as she reaches behind the counter to tug out what looks like a receipt. You glance down at the paper, confused, but she only winks as she moves to ask what Robin would like.
You inch to the side, distracted by this strange turn, your eyes dropping to the slip of paper, upon which is scribbled — Good luck on test tomorrow. Evening bout. Gym.
You stare at the cryptic message for a full minute before Robin ushers you toward the counter where Sanji is pumping out drinks, making girls blush as he winks at them each in turn.
“Ah, if it isn’t my favorite Decaf Princess — though… seems like your tastes are a-changin’ these days,” Sanji says, grinning wide as you get to the counter, pushing a steaming cup towards you. You frown at the drink — cinnamon sprinkled atop a perfectly placed dollop of whipped cream, underneath which you’re sure is your favorite drink order. You look back up at Sanji.
“A certain mosshead jock put in an advanced order for you — said to give you an extra shot of espresso for the test you’ve got tomorrow.”
You sputter as Robin laughs beside you, thanking Sanji for her own Long Black.
“You know, you could just be normal and call it an Americano,” you say as the pair of you make your way out of the cafe. Robin grins, sipping at her drink.
“I could… but where’s the fun in that?” she slates you a glance, “More importantly, are you going?”
“To what?” you ask, not meaning to sound so defensive, but you can’t help it, and even as Robin sighs, you know that it’s useless.
“To the bout,” she says, unruffled.
You hunch into your upturned collar and your thick, layered scarf, cradling your drink, the sweet scent of syrup and cinnamon wafting up to tickle your nose. You blush at the thought of Zoro’s voice, full of morning gravel, shy as he lists out all the extremities you like in your coffee order.
“Maybe. I mean… why not, right?”
Robin nods, humming as she takes another long drink, “Mhm — why not indeed.”
You nudge her; she nudges you back. You both laugh as a church bell rings out from across the quad, sending a flock of birds scattering through the misty, morning air.
Friday evening finds you pushing through the wide gym doors, pressing your hands over the skirt you’d painstakingly picked out, chewing on your bottom lip.
You silently curse at Robin for pulling out last minute, begging off to some Ancient Languages focus group.
“I bet it’s not even real…” you mutter to yourself as you slip into the front row of the bleachers, looking for an empty seat. You somehow manage to look up just as Zoro is about to go on, his mask under one arm, his blade in the other.
You raise your hand in a half wave before catching yourself and shoving it back down, scowling as Zoro’s lips pull into a lopsided grin. You drop into a seat just as Zoro tugs his helmet on and stretches his arms. You tense as you see the slight wince he twitches away as he tests the weight of his blade.
But you needn’t have worried — the bout is quick and decisive, Zoro scoring one point after another, his blade flashing through the air, bright as fish scales. And before you know it, the buzzer sounds, marking his victory. You leap to your feet, cheering with the rest of the crowd as Zoro tugs off his mask and pumps his fists.
You catch his eye and for a moment, the wild rumble of the screaming crowd fades to a dull, thumping baseline. He jerks his head towards the lockers and you nod, swallowing hard as you duck through the still-cheering crowd towards the back of the gym.
When you get there, it’s to find him methodically polishing his blade, his mask set to the side, his thick jacket pulled down to pool around his waist, the rest of his protective wear scattered in heaps on the ground around him. You have half a mind to scold him for being so careless with what you know is expensive gear but you can’t keep yourself from staring at the wide planes of back, curving up to his shoulders, the thick cords of muscle that flex up either side of his neck.
He looks up as you shuffle in, your skirt suddenly feeling a bit too short, too risque for the near-winter weather outside.
You clear your throat and cast your eyes about the empty lockers. You don’t miss the way his gaze skates up your bare legs, pausing at the place where your skirt brushes the top of your thighs.
“Uhm — how’s your shoulder?” your voice sounds too high, echoing strangely along the white-tiled walls.
Zoro licks his lips and puts down his blade, rolling his right shoulder.
“Better but… still not great. Mihawk’s making me to do PT.”
You nod, letting out a soft laugh, “I’m glad. You’d never do it otherwise.”
He scoffs, “You know what that means though, right?” There’s a raw, rolling tension beneath his words, a sort of thickened expectation as he stares at you with dark, meaningful eyes.
You purse your lips, your stomach tightening.
“I —”
Zoro gets to his feet, and you barely register the soft clatter of his blade as it rolls to the side on the bench. He closes the space between you in three quick steps and you find yourself marveling at his speed — wondering vaguely if this is how all his opponents feel when he slips forward, the tip of his blade digging into their shoulder or stomach or the bend of their hip.
“Means we’re stuck with each other. At least till you fix me for regionals in two weeks.”
Your back meets the icy chill of the locker doors and the words are out of your mouth before you can stop them —
“Bold of you to assume that you’re fixable in two weeks.”
Zoro quirks an eyebrow, even as you resist the urge to clap your hands to your mouth, cursing inwardly at whatever the hell made you say that out loud. Your heart thuds an insistent drumbeat inside your chest as Zoro leans casually against the lockers next to you. Like this, you can feel the heat of his skin, the rhythm of his long breaths as he looks you over with sharp, curious eyes.
You think you can taste the sweet, tepid weight of his breath. It smells faintly of coffee and mint and synthetically flavored protein bars.
“Then…” he drawls, propping an arm against the locker door right next to your face, his eyes flickering from your lips up to your eyes and back down again. Your gaze is unabashedly caught on the shape of his mouth, but when you finally force yourself to look up at his eyes, it’s to find them warm and amused.
“How long do you think it’ll take?”
You gulp, “To fix your shoulder?”
Zoro shrugs, “That and… whatever else you think needs to be fixed.”
You purse your lips, an entire kaleidoscope of butterflies erupting in your stomach at his words.
“Who knows? Might take three weeks… might take — forever —” your words cut off as he leans in to graze his lips against yours. And you’re momentarily caught between delight and bewilderment that you’re right — they do taste of coffee and mint and salt — but that they also taste of a dull, throbbing hunger as he leans in to kiss you proper. And then, the blooming realization that you’re just as desperate as he is, pushing in, fingers scrabbling against the skin of his chest as his skim along the sides of your ribs, the dip of your waist.
He kisses you so deep and so long that you’re actually gasping when he finally pulls away to suck a stinging hickey into the smooth of your collarbone, his fingers digging grooves into your thighs as he hoists you up to press you against the cold, hard metal of the lockers.
You let out a clipped moan at the same time he does, and his right arm twitches, though he makes no move to let you go.
Distantly, your mind registers the fact that he’s still technically injured, but the part of you that’s hungry and clawing at the base of your stomach with a fierce, immutable need refuses to listen to reason. It takes more effort than it logically should’ve done to extricate yourself from his grasp, to push him away despite his disgruntled sigh as he stumbles back and stares at you with dark, dangerous eyes.
“What —”
“Fuck —” you hiss, even as you let your head fall back against the lockers, the dull thunk pulling a wolfish grin to his lips.
“Yeah, well —”
“Wait — no —”
Zoro cocks his head, “No?”
You reach forward to tug him back, to kiss him as deeply and desperately as you dare, but you pull away before he can properly sink into the kiss and you pin him with a look.
“We — your shoulder —”
“Fuck my shoulder —”
You shake your head, almost delusional with the heat and want and the insanity of it all, “No! We can’t! We — we’ve gotta take care of it first!”
Zoro rolls his eyes, “It’ll get better if we just leave it alone —”
You shake your head again, laughing as he presses back in, slower this time, grazing his knuckles along the skin of your jaw, tilting you back towards him.
“It won’t,” you say, softly, letting him run a thumb along your lips, “but… if you let me take care of it. It will heal faster…” you trail off, letting the implications simmer beneath the surface of all your unsaid words, and it only takes a second for Zoro to consider before he lowers you to the floor and starts haphazardly gathering up his things.
You drag a hand across your lips, watching him.
“So…” you feel yourself blush as you muster up the words but Zoro scoffs, already impatient as he shoves his stuff into one of the larger lockers and slams the door.
“Mine. It’s closer.”
His, is — in fact — much closer than you’d thought. Only two blocks from the campus, and in one of the most expensive dorm buildings. You wonder how much he must be paying for it before you realize that he's on a sports scholarship, but you can’t even bring yourself to be bitter as he lets you into his spacious dorm, the giant living room scattered with game consoles and opened cereal boxes, leading to a short hallway that opens into his bedroom.
It’s cleaner than you’d imagined, with a set of light green linens drawn neatly over a full-sized bed, and two sets of pillows.
“Sorry for the mess,” he says, sweeping some energy bar wrappers into the trash from his desk as he tosses down his duffle bag.
You shake your head, looking around, your eyes catching on the thick volumes of fencing books, the endless stacks of sports magazines, the huge set of free weights on a rack in the corner by the closet.
“Uh… do you want a drink?” he asks, suddenly awkward as he scratches at the back of his head.
You turn towards him with a grin, “No. But I do want you to take off your shirt.”
Zoro blinks before he smiles and moves towards the bed, tugging off his shirt and tossing it to the side. You fight the urge to roll your eyes as he leans back on the bed, his perfectly tanned stomach flexing beneath the slanted desk-light as he watches you through lazily hooded eyes.
“On your stomach,” you say, your voice light and surgical as you open your own bag and tug out a tub of medicated massage cream.
Zoro stares for a second before the smile slips off his face to be replaced by a dull, knowing scowl. Still, he doesn’t argue as he flips onto his stomach and sighs, pillowing his cheek on his arms as he pouts at the wall.
“Like I told you — we need to take care of your shoulder first. Regionals are in two weeks. We can’t have you performing like you did tonight.”
Zoro attempts a glare over his shoulder as you carefully maneuver over his back and straddle his hips, warming your palms with the massage cream before setting to work.
“I still won.”
His voice is tight and petulant. You nod, sighing as you work your thumbs into the dip beneath his shoulder blade where you know he’s still sore. He hisses, jerking away from you. You pin him in place with your free arm and continue to roll your thumb across the bundle of muscle.
Two minutes in, you press a bit harder and he lets out a pitched whine that makes you pause in your ministrations.
“F-fuck —” he buries his face in his pillow, thumping a fist against his bed as you laugh and continue the massage, though taking care to be a bit more careful around his injury.
Nearly twenty minutes later, you climb off the bed and wipe your hands. Zoro groans, shifting to watch you with half-lidded eyes and color-stained cheeks.
“I know,” you say, holding up your hands, “that really hurt but you feel much better now, right?”
Zoro grins, sleepy as he blinks slowly up at you, “Yeah. Whatever.”
And then, a long moment later —
“Hey,” he says, his voice soft, flipping onto his side and shifting on the bed as if to make room for you, “stay.”
You freeze, almost unwilling to believe your own ears as you finish putting away your supplies. You glance at him with tight lips and hopeful eyes.
There’s a tiny grin threatening the corners of his lips as he sighs, making a show of yawning and stretching.
“It’s late… and I don’t really feel like walking you back.”
You fold your arms, “I could just call campus security to escort me.”
Zoro stills for a second but a moment later, he casts his eyes up at the ceiling, “Yeah… you could…”
You make no move to leave.
“But you still owe me coffee in the morning,” he says.
You frown, “Wait, what? How’s that?”
He glances at you, “I’ve bought you coffee twice.”
“Yeah, but I just gave you a free 30-minute medical massage treatment for your shoulder.”
“You would’ve had to do it anyway on Wednesday in Practical Applications.”
You narrow your eyes, “Professor Kureha might not have assigned me to you.”
At this, Zoro scoffs, “Yeah right. You’re the best, and so am I.”
“S-she might not have!” you say, though there’s no real conviction in your voice. You both know that he’s right.
“Yeah. Whatever.” He turns away from you, making as if to go to sleep.
You glare at his back, dropping your bag with a loud thump.
“If anything, you owe me coffee now. That massage was worth at least two coffees, if not more.” You plop down on the edge of his bed, scowling at the opposite wall.
Zoro is quiet for a beat too long and you chance a glance at him, only to find him peering you with a strangely indulgent look in his eyes. You blush, tearing your eyes away.
“How’s breakfast?” he asks, his voice once again going soft. Your skin prickles with heat.
“What about breakfast?”
“Coffee and breakfast. That enough to pay for the massage?”
You can’t help the smile that threatens to break across your lips as you glance back at him and catch his eyes.
“I…. guess.”
Zoro chuckles, the sound so low in his throat that it makes you shiver. Quick as anything, he reaches over to pull you down towards him, easily looping an arm around your middle and flipping you both so that you’re pinned beneath him. You barely have time to gasp before you find his lips on yours once more, slow and sweet and shockingly steady.
You kiss him back, letting him push you gently into the crumpled linens of his bed. His fingers are light as he slowly works your skirt down your legs, reaching behind your torso to loosen your bra and tug your shirt from you in a single, smooth motion.
You shiver beneath him and he pulls back to stare. You search his eyes, feeling suddenly uncertain.
“God, you’re gorgeous…”
Heat crests into your cheeks as you try to look away. But he tugs you back with his thumb and steals another kiss.
“It’s late…” he says, pulling away to press your foreheads.
You nod, chewing on your bottom lip. “Yeah, I know…”
“Let’s sleep in tomorrow.”
You laugh, shifting as he curls his body around you, tugging you easily against his chest and pulling the covers over you both. A moment later, the lights click off and you’re both thrown into darkness. You let yourself relax into his arms, wondering just how you’re going to explain this to Robin tomorrow.
“Don’t think too hard about it,” Zoro’s voice murmurs into the nape of your neck.
You grin, nodding as you press further back into him and he grazes a soft kiss along your skin.
“That kinda thinking needs breakfast and coffee first,” you say, to which Zoro chuckles, nodding as he lets you hook your ankles between his, your bodies settling against each other, warm and perfect, the curves and bends meeting like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle finally, finally finding each other at last.
You don’t have long enough to ponder on the light, musk-salt-sweet of his skin or the way you can feel his heartbeat as it threads along your spine or the way that somehow, the shape of him doesn’t feel foreign against the shape of you, before you’re already falling asleep. And to him, he doesn’t have time to ponder the lovely silk of your hair, just as soft as he’d always imagined, or the way your waist feels perfect beneath his hands, or how he’s somehow he’s always known the rhythm of your breaths before he too is falling into the warm embrace of a dark, sweet, restful sleep as well.
Saturday morning finds you both tangled in each other, the winter sun bright and cold as it slates through the slits of Zoro’s bedroom window. He wakes up first, shifting to stretch until he feels the weight of you beside him. And then suddenly, he's somehow achingly awake and aware of his body against yours, of your paced breaths and his own rapidly increasing heartbeat. For one bewildering moment, he can’t quite remember what brought him here, and then the scenes from the night before — the bout, the lockers, the kiss — the way you’d tasted, how utterly irresistible you’d been, blushing in the dim light of his room, your skillful fingers digging into his tender, swollen flesh — his own rash promise of breakfast and coffee — it all comes rushing back. Zoro lets out a long breath and leans in to brush his lips along your forehead.
You let out a light groan as you shift in his arms, and when you turn, it’s to find him watching you.
“Oh… hey.”
Your voice is quiet, almost shy as you bury your face in the crook of his neck, and he finds himself more endeared than he has words to say.
He clears his throat.
“Morning. Uh… sleep well?”
You laugh, the warmth of your expelled breath ghosting across his clavicle in a way that makes him shiver.
“Mhm… pretty well… and you?”
Zoro clears his throat, “Yeah. Guess it wasn’t… bad.”
He resists the urge to roll away, if only because your cheek is still pillowed on his arm, and he can’t bring himself to pull away from you just yet. So instead, he drops his nose into your hair and takes in the milky scent of your coconut lotion. Tiny, pin-pricks of desire shoot through him, teasing goosebumps into the skin of his back and arms, but he forces himself to lie still as you snuggle against his chest with a contented sigh.
“So… breakfast and coffee?”
Zoro grunts, “Hn. I did promise.”
You smile, letting yourself sink into the thick and syrup of his sleep-deepened voice, his moss-green hair even more tousled than it normally is as he adjusts his head on his pillow.
“Hey,” you say, breathless as you look up at him beneath the sweep of your lashes, your eyes so big and dark and wide Zoro wonders if they might swallow him whole.
“Hey,” he answers, just as breathless, uncertainty creeping up the center of his chest as he stares down at you, lying in the glistening, mercurial light, the bend of your shoulder kissed by the morning sun, the shape of you limned in silver and gold.
You lean up to kiss him before he has the chance to second-guess himself, and though he was the more bold, self-assured one last night, you press in against him this morning, the languid sweep of your tongue along his lips making him groan, helpless, against you. He tastes the satisfied grin at the corner of your mouth as he opens his own, his mind frizzing into gorgeous, white static as you spend what feels like hours exploring the sweet depths of each other's mouths — all tongue and teeth and kiss-swollen lips.
When finally you pull apart, he is more breathless than he’d planned for, his body too warm for his liking, an urgent, pulsing something burning at the base of his stomach as he fights the urge to shove you back and sink his teeth into your skin, to hear you hiss, to make you gasp, to leave the indent of his fingers along the soft flesh of your hips and thighs, to mark you as his in every way he knows how.
But instead, he places a lingering kiss on your cheek and sits up, slowly stretching his arms.
“Careful…” you warn, pushing yourself up as well, watching him, “how’s it feel?”
Zoro tests his right side, drawing his arm up and then to the side, and then pulling it across his torso.
“Whoa… so much better.”
You smile, satisfied.
Zoro chuckles, “Guess I really do owe you breakfast. C’mon.”
He slips out of bed, tugging open a drawer to toss you a thick sweater and a pair of sweatpants. For himself, he only tugs on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, even as you frown, squinting at him from where you’re nearly swimming in his clothes.
“You’ll freeze.”
Zoro smirks as he looks you over, reaching over to pull the hood over your mussed tangle of hair, “Nah, I’m fine.”
You pout, jerking open the drawer to pull out a sweater and tossing it at him.
“You have to keep your right side warm so your muscles don’t just seize up again.”
Zoro stares at the sweater in his hand, looking reluctant before you press your lips into an exaggerated pout.
“C’mon… I worked so hard on getting it better last night… please?”
Zoro groans, rolling his eyes as he tugs on the sweater.
“Yeah, yeah — fine. Let’s go.”
He doesn’t wait for you, nor does he extend his hand. But the pair of you walk elbow to elbow, hip against hip down the bright dorm room hallway, into the chilly Saturday morning air.
“Geez, if you’re gonna yell at me to keep warm —” Zoro reaches over to tug on the drawstrings of your sweater, frowning as he notices how much skin he can still see beneath the opening of the hoodie.
You blush, tugging at it as the pair of you make your way across the empty campus quad.
Halfway across the frost-kissed lawn, he wordlessly reaches out to catch your hand in his, tucking your entwined fingers into the depths of his pocket. You bite back a stupid, dopey grin as you duck your head, quickening your pace to keep up, your footsteps crunching in the dew-bitten grass, the freshly raked gravel.
There’s already a decent line at the Straw Hats Cafe, but when the pair of you walk in hand in hand, both Sanji and Nami pause for a second longer than usual. Sanji’s eyebrows jerk up his forehead while Nami’s lips curl into a much too satisfied grin as she turns back to the humming espresso machines.
You savor in the smell of freshly ground coffee, absently tracing your thumb over the back of Zoro’s hand.
When you both reach the front, Sanji looks between you expectantly.
“Well, well, well — I’d like to say I’m surprised but —” he shrugs, grinning cheekily, “Well then I’d be lying, wouldn’t I?”
Zoro clicks his tongue but you shoot him a sheepish smile, pursing your lips.
“So… the usual then?” Sanji asks, his fingers poised over the register.
“Yep,” Zoro says, curt as ever, though there’s a distinct blush on his cheeks that not even he can write off as anything else.
You nod as well, “Oh, but… I think I’ll try a non-decaf latte this time. Just one shot of espresso though, please and thank you.”
Sanji blinks at you for a second before letting out a startled laugh and nodding, punching in your order.
“Coming right up, sweet cheeks. Right then, that’d be 8.75 for the latte and 5.50 for the double espresso.”
Zoro reaches into his wallet and pulls out a 20, slipping it across the counter. Down the bar, Nami is humming, looking cheerier than you’ve ever seen her this early in the morning as she goes about making your drinks.
Sanji sighs as he shakes his head, handing Zoro his change.
Zoro narrows his eyes but Sanji cuts him off.
“Take it from me, fam. You don’t wanna know.”
You and Zoro share a puzzled look as you both shuffle down to the pick-up counter, where Nami is sliding your finished drinks toward you with a bright, knowing glint to her eyes. Zoro clears his throat and reaches over for a packet of sugar, nonchalantly tipping it into his drink before picking it up to take a sip.
You try not to gape as you grab your own drink, flashing Nami a quick smile before turning to follow Zoro.
He picks a table as far away from the counter as possible, tucked into a corner, nearly invisible to the rest of the shop. When you sit down, he frowns at your chair for a second before reaching out to tug you across the floor till your chair is next to his. He goes back to his drink without a single word.
It’s all you can do to blush and stare at your steaming cup.
“I thought we were getting coffee and breakfast,” you say after a brief moment of silence.
Zoro grunts, “We are. Coffee first.”
You nod, somewhat mollified as you take another sip of your drink. The warmth trickles down your chest to rest somewhere in the center of your stomach, spreading heat throughout your body in waves.
“We could just get a chocolate croissant,” you say, giving Zoro a sidelong look.
Zoro frowns, tapping his finger against the side of his cup, “Dessert isn’t breakfast.”
You scoff, “Says who?”
Zoro’s expression flatlines, “Says me. And I’m payin’ for it.”
You purse your lips, wondering if you should argue more before deciding against it. A few seconds later, Zoro sighs, casting his eyes about the cafe interior.
“We can have a croissant after real breakfast.”
You giggle into your drink, swallowing down the glee fluttering in your stomach, threatening to spill out of your still kiss-chapped lips.
“Kay, whatever you say.”
Zoro rolls his eyes and folds his arms, but his elbow presses against yours and he doesn’t make to move away.
Across the cafe, Nami leans to watch the pair of you, Sanji at her side, looking both stunned and somewhat pained.
“C’mon man, it’s not even been a week!”
Nami grins, rinsing out a few cups and placing them mouth down to dry before pivoting on her heels and holding out an expectant palm. Sanji sighs as Nami’s eyes glitter with mirth and a hard-won glee.
“Right. I think you owe me fifty bucks.”
Sanji narrows his eyes, glancing back at where you and Zoro are tucked into the corner of the cafe.
“Double or nothing on when they’ll have their first fight. I say… not till next week.”
Nami’s eyebrows twitch up. She looks back at where the pair of you are now bickering over where to have breakfast. A smirk teases at her lips.
She puts down her hand, “Alright then… but like I said — it’s your funeral, Sanji.”
Over in the corner, there’s the dull scrape of chair legs as you push yourself away from the table to fold your arms.
“— Belgian waffles are absolutely an acceptable meal for breakfast!”
Zoro rolls his eyes, though there’s still an amused spark behind his eyes.
“Breakfast without eggs ain’t real breakfast. And doesn’t count if it’s smothered in syrup either.”
You make an indignant noise, frowning even as Zoro tugs you back to press a napkin to your upper lip, where there’s a faint line of whipped cream residue.
Sanji backpedals immediately, “Uh — right so, I feel like we need to define what really constitutes a ‘fight’, yeah?”
Nami tuts, shaking her head, “Nope! A bet’s a bet. Now pay up.”
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feedback always welcome :) reqs are closed.
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chantiepie · 5 months
💞ESPRESSO💞 Yoongi +18
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Yoongi x Reader
Synopsis: You are the complete opposite of Yoongi... And he can't get you out of his head.
Warnings: Unprotected sex, masturbation.
Words: 5k.
ko-fi ☕
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Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so
You liked pink, feeling the morning sun caress your skin as you went for your morning run. Your favorite coffee was with milk, you enjoyed pop music, your shoes were always soft and colorful, perfectly matching the delicate bows adorning your wavy hair.
Yoongi was the complete opposite. He preferred black. At night, he went out to drink whiskey, finding comfort in the smooth burn of the drink. In the mornings, it was pure coffee, without the addition of milk or sugar, just the invigorating bitterness to awaken his senses. Ink stained his skin, almost covering it completely, each drawing telling a story he kept to himself.
He couldn't understand where that attraction to You came from. He spent hours thinking about pink bows, something he had never done before. It all started three months ago, when you walked into the bar accompanied by some people he already knew. The moment your eyes met his, it was as if a magnet drew him to you. Throughout the night, even as he tried to disguise it, it was difficult for Yoongi to look away.
He mentally thanked his friend when he called his group to join them, even though there was no direct interaction between you.
After 10 minutes, he watched you, laughing at everything that was happening, engaging in lively conversations with the group.
After that encounter, things went from bad to worse for Yoongi. He was never one to get emotionally involved with anyone, preferring casual or no-strings-attached relationships. However, your presence stirred something within him in a way he couldn't understand. You were everything he avoided: outgoing, funny, sweet, the type of girl who seemed destined for a conventional life, marrying some heir who majored in business at Harvard and now works at a major Wall Street investment firm.
In that regard, he wasn't wrong. Yoongi, after that night, didn't make any advances since he discovered during the conversation that you were committed and that your boyfriend couldn't attend because he was tired, having recently been promoted. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but think about you, even when he tried to keep his distance.
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso
The second time you guys met, during a game night, or as they call it when the real goal is just to drink, Taehyung asks about your boyfriend. Yoongi continues to pour whiskey pretending not to hear..You respond that he's not coming because he's been really busy lately and quickly try to change the subject by letting out your classic laughs. 'What a surprise,' Tae whispers while sending only an eye roll. You listen, ignoring afterwards. However, Yoongi realizes that something isn't right in your reaction.
During the small party, as he scans the room, most people are standing around smoking or chatting, and the lights are partially dimmed, emitting only a kind of light that slowly changes colors. He notices two shadows in a corner near the kitchen and quickly realizes it's you and Jimin talking. From the movements and body language, he can see your expression of disappointment, with a look of indignation that he can't ignore. It's not sadness, but rather a clear disappointment that hangs over you.
Min rises from the couch, deliberately ignoring the tempting gestures of the redhead seeking his attention. With determined steps, he crosses the room, passing by everyone without exchanging a word, and ascends the stairs towards the balcony on the upper floor of the house. His steps echo softly through the hallway as he approaches the open area of the balcony, where the night breeze welcomes him.
Upon reaching the balcony, Min takes a deep breath of the cool night air before reaching for his pack of cigarettes and lighter. He eagerly seeks nicotine, longing to find brief relief from the tensions surrounding him.
The glass door is open, inviting him to enter. He settles into one of the chairs, immersing himself in his own thoughts, when he notices someone approaching and sitting beside him. He recognizes the presence without needing to check.
"Can I have one?" The question is simple but loaded with meaning. Min needs no more than that to understand. Without uttering a word, he extends the cigarette along with the lighter, sharing the gesture in silent understanding
"Someone asked about you yesterday," Jungkook, a guy who recently started working at the same bar as Yoongi, said casually as the two of them organized the glasses to open the establishment.
Jungkook, the youngest among the staff, was still attending university, carving out his path for the future. The guy had moved to the capital in a rush, without having had time to plan properly. Now, he found himself dependent on his parents for expenses, which made him feel like a burden on his shoulders. Determined to become more independent and relieve the financial burden on his family, Jungkook began looking for part-time jobs or ones that were only on weekends, which led him to Hoseok, who introduced him to the opportunity to work at the bar.
The next morning was just another ordinary workday for Yoongi. As he organized the glasses, his mind wandered among the bar's tasks.
"Someone asked about me?" Yoongi asked, trying to disguise his interest, but his curiosity was evident in his tone of voice.
"Yes, it was a girl," Jungkook replied, grabbing more glasses to organize. "She seemed interested in getting to know you better."
A shiver ran down Yoongi's spine. Was it her? Was she finally showing some interest? He couldn't help but feel a mixture of hope and anxiety.
"Do you know her name?" Yoongi asked, trying to sound casual.
Jungkook thought for a moment before responding. "I think it was... Yuna? Yeah, I think that was it."
The excitement on his face quickly faded, turning into a bored expression. He remembered her, the redhead, she was very pretty, but his mind was already made up.
Jungkook noticed, but chose to stay silent about it, quickly changing the subject and focusing on Hoseok's birthday that would take place at the bar in a month.
I can't relate to desperation My "give a fucks" are on vacation And I got this one boy and he won't stop calling When they act this way, I know I got 'em
The third time he saw you... Well... He wasn't sure if he really saw you or if it was just his mind conjuring up your image. It was late at night, during his off-duty hours, and Yoongi was outside a liquor store, along with some customers who had become closer to him. The night was too hot to stay indoors, so he decided to accept one of their invitations to hang out. Let's just say it was just for drinking and smoking outside some liquor store downtown.
After many bottles, including one being accidentally dropped on the ground, he looked at a corner and there you were, or at least he thought it was you. You were wearing a blue dress that reached mid-thigh, adorned with a large bow of the same color adorning your hair from behind.
Suddenly, everything flooded back into his mind, as if a wave of memories hit him, turning into a tangled mess of soft colors, filled with smiles and shared moments, as if he were reliving a scene from a romantic movie. Among the flashes of memory, images of cute teddy bears and affectionate gestures emerged.
It seemed incredibly real, but it all happened so fast. He began to doubt his own sanity, something he had been doing for some time, and the idea of ​​going after to find out who that person was came to his mind. Under the influence of the adrenaline that alcohol provided, he began to seriously consider the possibility of acting, taking advantage of the fact that nobody he was with knew you. This propelled him to overcome his shyness and hesitation, especially in front of the common circle of friends you shared.
One of the friends, probably taller and louder, nudged him on the shoulder with a wide smile. "Hey, Min! What are you staring at so intently? If you keep frowning like that, you'll get more wrinkles."
Yoongi shook his head, trying to play it off. "No, it's nothing. Just... I think I saw someone familiar over there on the corner."
The friend laughed, patting the pale man's back. "Ah, okay, we get it. Let's focus on the bottles, alright?"
Yoongi just nodded, but deep down, the glimpse he had of the figure on the corner continued to echo in his mind, like a soft melody he couldn't forget.
Walked in and dream came trued it for ya Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya
"Please, Madonna is a queen," you declare to Jimin with conviction as you both enter the venue, amidst a lively debate about pop divas worthy of a Twitter thread.
"Not just a queen, she's a goddess, along with Cher, baby," Jimin backs up his argument.
The bar belonged to Yoongi, and it was a cozy yet stylish establishment tucked away in a trendy corner of the city. The entrance greeted patrons with a neon sign flickering with warm hues, drawing them into a world where music and conversation flowed freely. Inside, dim lighting cast a soft glow over plush velvet couches and rustic wooden tables, creating an atmosphere that was both inviting and intimate. The walls were adorned with vintage posters of iconic musicians and artists, adding a touch of nostalgia to the modern ambiance. Behind the sleek bar counter, shelves lined with an impressive array of spirits and liquors glimmered under the spotlights, inviting guests to indulge in their favorite drinks. As you and Jimin settled into your seats, the sound of laughter and the clinking of glasses filled the air.
The noise of the music in the bar was loud, but not loud enough to prevent Yoongi from hearing your voice as you entered the establishment. His eyes locked onto you, dressed in a pink dress that hugged your curves irresistibly, outlining each contour with elegance. The suggestive neckline added a touch of boldness, leaving anyone who looked at you drooling with admiration. Your hair cascaded over your shoulders, framing a delicately made-up face that exuded confidence and charm. You seemed like a vision of pure sophistication and sensuality, and a subtle hint of jealousy struck Yoongi, though it was something he would never admit out loud.
Finally, it was Hoseok's birthday party, and the bar was packed, considering he was so sociable, seemingly friends with half the city. Yoongi didn't know even 20% of the people there, but he had let his friend invite whoever he wanted as a gift.
As a way to not make it too obvious that he had a crush on you, Yoongi kept himself busy with party duties. He served drinks, helped set up with Jungkook and Taehyung, who, by some miracles, actually started to pitch in... More often than not, they ended up hindering rather than helping.
As they worked on the preparations, Yoongi occasionally cast furtive glances in your direction, observing your movements and conversations with the other guests.
He found himself looking at you again, chatting animatedly with Jimin. You whispered to each other and glanced around, seemingly engaged in a private conversation that no one else could hear. His attention was soon taken when the music stopped, and he saw the guest of honor for the night on the small stage used for live music nights.
"I'm glad everyone's here and I want to thank you all, but especially Yoongi," Hoseok pointed to the dark corner of the bar where his friend was busy making drinks. When Yoongi realized that all eyes were on him, he felt a warmth creeping up his cheeks. But what really embarrassed him was noticing that you were watching him with your big eyes and a smile that made your face glow. "He provided this exclusive space for us. This party would have been impossible without you, brother."
He definitely wasn't used to being the center of attention, and the sensation made him uncomfortable.
As the party was in full swing, a sweet pop song started playing, and that's when he noticed the commotion around him. You were closer to him, and he didn't know how that happened, but something slipped from your lips as you stared into his eyes:
"Oh, he looks so cute wrapped 'round my finger."
You put the straw to your lips and gave him a slight smile. Before he realized it, you had vanished into the crowd.
But this empty space didn't remain so for long. Jimin, the guy he always saw you with everywhere. Something Yoongi suspected at first until he realized, through social media, that besides you being really friends, the guy with the big lips and cute smile had a girlfriend who strangely looked a lot like him. Jimin also got closer to Yoongi a bit before you showed up. He was friendly, not always, but had an aura of a playful boy.
"You got the message, right?" Jimin stopped in front of Yoongi and said this with a somewhat arrogant smile on his face as he nodded toward the upstairs, which not ironically was where Yoongi kept a second home when he wanted to escape from the world or felt too tired to go to his luxury apartment. The older man returned the smile, not wanting to show that he was lost.
"What are you two up to?"
"Why would we be up to anything?"
"You know you're always involved in something, right?" Yoongi raised his left eyebrow slightly as he questioned.
"Are we communicating in questions now?" Jimin repeated the act.
Yoongi remained silent, just waiting for the next response.
"Uh, I'm just getting things done here," he spoke again, pointing to Yoongi's house with his head. Jimin was already pushing him towards the stairs, not allowing Yoongi to think things through. "I need you to grab JK's bag, he left it there."
"Why is his bag in my house?"
"I don't know, just go already."
Yoongi climbed the stairs, trying to go unnoticed, a bit suspicious about what was going on. As he entered through the wooden door, he found the place completely silent and everything in place, the small living room and kitchen were in perfect order, with no sign of anything suspicious. He decided to turn back and return, but before he could do that, a loud noise coming from the bathroom made him freeze in place.
"That's a heavy door," the unmistakable female voice reached his ears, and in seconds, he understood all the strangeness that had occurred downstairs. You appeared in the hallway leading to the bedroom, perfect as always, but stumbling a bit with your tall white boots, most likely due to the force of the door.
Yoongi quickly turned around trying to leave the place unnoticed, but when he tried to open the door, it was locked from the outside. He mentally cursed Jimin for whatever the hell he was trying to do. He turned his gaze to you.
"Uh," he cleared his throat, trying to get your attention. Your surprised expression gave away that something was wrong, but he could see a hint of shyness glimmering in your eyes.
"Yoo-o-ngi?" You cleared your throat, still a bit incredulous. "Is something wrong? I needed to wash my hands. You know? Drinks, dancing, spilled... Jungkook told Jimin and that you authorized me to come here because of the bathroom line... Um, that's it, I guess?" It was like a meltdown, you spoke hurriedly in seconds, Yoongi barely caught on. That nervousness had an explanation.
What Yoongi didn't know was that you were enchanted by his figure, the way he remained mysterious, his large and firm hands holding the whiskey glass... Yoongi was far from the type of guy you were used to dating and attracting, but people like him were your ideal type of guy, the one you imagined before falling asleep or when watching a romantic comedy. It wasn't just a crush, you genuinely had developed an admiration for him in this short period of time. His organization and the way he fought for his goals were like a moment of silence in the daily chaos.
It was difficult for you to find a moment to talk to him because it seemed like the only thing he knew how to do was work. Besides, it would be strange to show up alone at his bar, right?
But it was becoming complicated to hide when you two met. Most of your friends had already noticed your glances, you weren't someone who could pretend. Now, in front of him, alone in a place illuminated only by the moonlight, it was difficult to hide.
"Jungkook didn't warn you, did he? I'm sorry, I-I..."
"Y/N," Yoongi's voice echoed through the hallway, sending a shiver down your spine. Your eyes met in the dim light, sparking with palpable tension. You held your breath, feeling a wave of desire course through your body. Yoongi's intense gaze pinned you in place, as if you were ensnared in a spell. You could feel the electricity in the air, the attraction pulsing between them like an invisible current. Your lips parted, ready to form words that were never spoken, but the sound died in your throat. You couldn't decipher what he was feeling.
"Just shut up," that wasn't what you expected. "I think I know exactly what's going on."
The tone of voice used left you feeling flushed, it was embarrassing. You tried to ignore all the reactions of your body and began to think about the events. And when you realized the plot, all your eyebrows raised and your cheeks violently reddened in understanding.
Jimin had convinced you to make a move today.
"The plan is easy." He spoke with calculated confidence, as if conducting a masterclass. The images on the TV screen flickered, displaying a variety of suggestive outfits. "You throw him some charm, something subtle but not too subtle, it needs to be teasing but not overly, something like a discreet invitation," Jimin explained, sliding the slides skillfully.
"I'll choose the clothes that please me," you retorted, with a tone of disapproval.
"Your clothes already have a vibe of another reserved, so it's all right," he replied with a mischievous smile. "Continuing, second step: you'll touch up your makeup in the bathroom upstairs. You know how it is, at these parties the main bathroom always gets crowded. Are you understanding?"
"Yes, Professor Park," you replied, feeling somewhat frustrated. "But why do I need to touch up my makeup?"
"Think with me, Y/N," Jimin said, adopting a persuasive tone. "That will probably happen after a while. I want to make sure that, by the time he sees you and you talk, you look absolutely stunning." You trusted Jimin's guidance, even if the reasoning behind it didn't make much sense.
"So, I'll lead the conversation with him and keep him around. When you come back, you'll be ready. You'll throw the charm, disappear, and then come back triumphant," Jimin concluded, outlining the plan with unwavering confidence.
Your hand automatically hits your forehead. You felt a little humiliated, especially considering his strange reaction.
"Yoongi, what did he tell you to come up here?" You don't look at him, avoiding any proximity.
"Does that really matter?" He was in front of you, making it impossible to look away. He saw you biting your lips in a moment of pure impulsivity, and that aroused him to the true Yoongi, the guy who doesn't need to woo someone, he fucks without a care.
He leans towards you, his lips meeting yours. His lips were soft, but you could hardly feel them, due to the force with which he grabbed your waist with one hand and the other behind your head, pulling your hair slightly. Their bodies pressed against each other, seeking relief for the tension that had built up between them.
You moaned in the form of a sigh, and he let out a arrogant chuckle in the middle of the kiss.
"Y/N... We haven't even started and you're already moaning like this?" Yoongi didn't want an answer, but he leaned back slightly from your face, pulling your hair again, this time with force, forcing you to look at him. He took advantage of your stretched neck to lick it up to your ear.
"So needy," he put his tongue back into your mouth.
Suddenly, Yoongi returned to what he was before he met you. The arrogance was in the air. You could only moan and murmur.
When one of his hands slipped between your legs, you choked in the middle of the kiss, stopping in alarm, but that didn't discourage Yoongi, who continued to move his fingers lightly over your panties.
Your mouths were close to each other, but remained separated, so close that Yoongi could feel your breath hitting his lips. Some strands of saliva still connected you. The older man's movements began to get faster, his reactions were making you embarrassed, you were about to climax without him even having touched you properly. A finger slipped into your wet hole.
"Yoongi," you were in ecstasy, broken, looking at his face, eyebrows furrowed, eyes closed, and mouth slightly open. You felt his breath close to yours, sighing, but without touching, it was a tease. Yoongi's hand slid to your jaw and held it firmly. He knew you were close by the pulsation of your pussy and the grip on his fingers.
"Yoongi... I'm going to cum, please don't stop, please," you whimpered as the tingling began from inside your belly, he kept up the pace; it was so wet there.
"Yes, fuck, cum on my fingers," that was enough.
And so you did, in small gasps and with tightly closed eyes, you melted over him, almost falling to the ground.
You barely noticed when he put you on top of the kitchen table and, with a gentle push, laid you down, pulling up your dress to your waist. Yoongi's large rings made contact with the warm skin of your belly, bringing more sighs.
Yoongi looked into your eyes asking for permission, receiving only a pleading look to continue. You threw your head back, completely lying down. It was only possible to hear the metallic sound of the belt being opened and a light sound of his pants falling to his ankles. Peeking, you came across the most promiscuous scene you had ever seen. Yoongi looking directly at your pussy still covered by panties, with his lips between his teeth, while he masturbated lightly. He grunted like an animal before approaching.
He pushes the panties aside and slowly slides into you, earning a dragged moan from you. He takes advantage of his position and, running his hand over the outside of your thighs, he pulls you closer, returning to vigorously swinging his hips towards you.
His breathing becomes heavier as Yoongi's gaze fixates on the action that is taking place. He is ignoring everything as if that were the only thing that mattered, just listening to the sound of their skins colliding.
"Don't stop," your voice comes out in a whisper, knowing that he is close to climaxing. The movements accelerate more than possible, and Yoongi's voice becomes a tangle of grunts and sighs until he buries himself deep inside you.
You feel every movement of his, every part of him inside you, an overwhelming sensation that makes your whole body tremble. Your breathing becomes heavy, your heart beats irregularly, and the heat between you is palpable, enveloping you in an intense aura of desire and passion.
The last thing you remember is him with you in the shower, bathing you while you played around like two idiots. The hot water running down your naked bodies, the laughter echoing in the small space of the bathroom. Shortly after, without even bothering to dry off, you both fall onto the bed, your bodies still wet, but your hearts filled with an intense and profound connection.
Jimin would be punished for lying.
Is it that sweet? I guess so That's that me, espresso
Two men were inside a large black car parked in front of the bar across the street. The party had ended an hour ago, nearly 7 a.m., but they remained there for an important reason.
"Did it work?" The man with large eyes asks.
"Believe me, I don't give it five months for Y/N to show up with a grumpy mini-Min ready to cry on my shoulder," he says, taking another sip from the cold beer can, taken from Yoongi's special stock, but he knew he deserved it, as they had taken care of the place and closed after the party.
"Anyway, I hadn't even noticed... This... um... thing they have... Jimin, when you wanted to talk to me, I thought it was about Yuna," the other comments.
"Haha, that was a lie. She's obviously attractive. I just wanted to test him a little before leaving my best friend in his hands," Jimin says naturally, gesturing with his hand to support his own plan.
"Lie?" Jungkook turns his body fully towards Jimin, with his eyebrows deeply furrowed and his arms open in indignation.
Jimin puts his hand on his shoulder and follows his gaze to the second floor of the establishment.
"You know, a good cupid needs to ensure all possibilities." Jimin checks his phone one last time before leaving, and only one notification catches his attention.
"Your NETFLIX login is no longer available. Would you like to sign in with another account?"
A scream was heard throughout the neighborhood.
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Hello everyone. Just popping in to let you know that next week I'll be posting the second chapter of Get This Man <3.
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HOW I’VE BEEN SUCESSFULLY LOSING WEIGHT: Notes from a former binge eater ♥️
*this guide is to show how ~I~ do things and offer advice on how to do it MY way. I am in no way encouraging anyone to do themselves harm. First off,
That being said.. this is literally the longest I’ve ever gone without bingeing. It’s just,,, easy this time. Once you get a feel of what it’s like to be skinny you just don’t crave junk as much anymore bc you KNOW it’s not worth it. The trick is to eat clean 90% of the time and allow your favorite treats 10% do the time. Fit them into your calorie limit!!! Here’s some personal favorites that have helped me lose like 20lbs in the past 2 months.
I tend to do one higher- calorie drink during the day (protein shake, Starbucks, etc) and one healthy filling but low cal meal and a sweet snack at the end of the night.
Mediterranean salad (~150): mixed greens, chopped bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion. Little bit of feta cheese. Balsamic vinegar (not dressing or vinegarette!!!!) I don’t add meat but you could totally add chicken for low cal high protein choice. You could also add olives but I don’t fw them.
Chocolate Protein shakes from the gas station (loll). They’re 220 cal on average and a great treat. Strawberry one is good too.
SEAWEED SNACKS they’re literally 30-60 calories for a pack and kill my urge to eat chips!!! Please give them a try!
Soups. Soups that are already portioned and have the calorie amount posted. I add extra seasonings and spice to boost metabolism.
Coffee!! With almond milk and a little coffee creamer. It’s worth the calories if you want a coffee just make one it’s better than going to Starbucks.
Sushi: I’m vegetarian so I get an avocado and cucumber roll. It’s so good with fresh ginger and a little soy sauce. Sometimes I will be craving it allllllll day and have it as my OMAD so rewarding 🥹
Miso soup>>>>>> add tofu and seaweed and onions!! And mushrooms if you like them.
Monster Ultra energy drinks,,,, yeah I know they’re bad for you but I love them.
Fruits!!! I especially love strawberries, watermelon, cherries, blackberries, pineapple and mangoes.
Trail mix: dried cherries, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, cashews. High in calories but perfect for killing hunger. High protein keeps you full and muscles strong, high healthy fats will keep your hair and skin and nails beautiful.
Chocolates: SMALL PORTIONS. if you can’t eat just eat a piece without bingeing, do NOT buy a big bag. what I do is I buy a bar of whatever chocolate I’m craving for my bf and we share it piece by piece. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white, hazelnut, with coffee beans, with toffee, fruits, chocolate is the best thing ever 🍫
Starbucks! My fav drinks are matcha lattes (hot/iced), iced white chocolate mocha, caramel macchiato, and occasionally a pumpkin spice latte. Peppermint mochas on the holidays. Oat milk always
Baked goods. Same deal as the chocolate, ONLY BUY THE PORTION YOURE GOING TO EAT. If you have been craving a croissant, go get one. One. Don’t buy a whole dozen of them. You will end up bingeing trust me. My favs are cinnamon rolls <3
I’m going to the gym!!! Consistently for the first time in my life. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Spend 30 min on the treadmill alternating between incline walking and easy paced jogging. Put on a YouTube video. Wear pink and bring a cute water bottle. You have to make an experience out of it! I stick to cardio and full body stretches plus ocasional (light) strength workouts w my bf.
I don’t drink anymore. Just 🍃. Alc is so high in sugar and carbs and it’s literally poison bro. I know it’s hard to stop but once you do you’ll feel so much better.
I rarely weigh myself. I’m at my bfs house all the time so I only step on my scale maybe 3 times a month. It’s been a game changer!!!
I practice mindfulness and speak kindly to myself. Basically sweetspo + affirmations to myself all the time.
Taking more pride in your appearance will also help motivate you. You think you’ll still want to binge after you took a full body shower, clean PJ’s or outfit, painted your nails, skincare and makeup done, whitened your teeth and lit a candle? No thanks.
Limit stupid, negative, useless media consumption. Watch things that have to do with your hobbies/ interests and your social media algorithms begin to kinda clean themselves up over time. My pages are all about exercise, study blogs, beauty tips and sciencey stuff. No more drama or celebrity nonsense. Cut down your following!!
Remember you only have one life on earth. You’re young and hot once. Don’t you want to grab this chance while you have it? Unfortunately your beauty is your currency especially as a woman, so if there’s anything I can do to give myself a better life I will. Losing just a few pounds of fat will make the craziest difference in ways you’d never expect. Free and discounted stuff. More people smile at you and listen to what you have to say. Both literal and figurative doors will be opened for you.Clothes fit better bc they’re more flattering when your body is fit and healthy. While it feels good to get validation from other people, the best part of it is looking in the mirror and feeling proud instead of ashamed. The inner confidence that comes from successful transformation………….there’s no other feeling that compares. If you know, you know. I’m just saying,, the choice is yours 🤷🏼‍♀️
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nappingmoon · 1 month
I think the way to higuruma’s heart is through acts of service.
wc: 1.3k
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the first time you wake up in higuruma's bed is the day after you meet him. he's still sound asleep, and he looks like he needs it, so you let him rest while you get up. when confronted with the choice of slipping out the door or staying, you don't think twice. you make your way into his kitchen, and it's clean-- simple in a way that is just so him. you grab two mugs and get started on a pot of coffee.
you’re not too familiar with him yet; unsure of how he takes it, so you make a simple batch of black coffee and decide to wait to ask him, finding you like the idea of learning along the way.
when higuruma walks into the kitchen, still groggy and hair tussled, it takes him a moment to digest what he’s seeing. he blinks slowly, eyes adjusting to the light pouring in from the window. you’ve got a cup in your hands, full and still steaming, while another sits empty to the side.
“I didnt know if liked sugar and milk in your coffee, or I would’ve brought you some in bed, handsome.” you say, lips just hovering over the lip of your cup. you place it down softly on the coaster and stretch for a moment before grabbing his and turning around, filling it with the rest of the brew. you call out over your shoulder, asking for the instructions to his preferred tastes, but are met with silence. you turn.
“h-” he starts, but seems unsure of how to finish. “how did you figure out the coffee machine?” he asks, and you both know it’s not the question that was supposed to come out. why are you doing this? why are you still here? most of his other endeavors have always fled in the morning, the bed cold and the house empty by the time he awakes. he felt the connection between the two of you last night, but normally the people he pursue leave without a trace, and he’s gotten used to it. it’s what he knows. so why are you in his t shirt, sipping from his mug, and acting like this is normal? why does he find himself wishing it was?
“there’s only four buttons on here, and one is for the clock. you don’t think me so simple, do you?” you tease with a smile.
no, he doesn’t. quite the opposite, in fact. he thinks you’re brilliant. you had met at a bar downtown and talked and talked, the tension eased by a few fruity cocktails. taken by your wit and humor immediately, he found himself inviting you over to extend the night a little, maybe have a glass of wine or two. not entirely surprisingly, you ended up in his sheets, all giggles and sloppy kisses and passionate touches. he fell asleep, sated and content with his limbs intertwined in yours.
instead of answering your question, he replies, “just a splash of milk, please.” 
your quirked brow betrays your skepticism. "not even a little sugar?" he seemed to have had the largest sweet tooth last night, if you correctly remember the sweet drinks that were downed absentmindedly between quips, stories, and touches that lingered just long enough to be more than friendly.
he's sheepish when he replies "i shouldn't, right? i have to limit my sugar somewhere or later down the line I am going to have to see my doctor more often and I am trying to avoid that. she's a scary lady."
he's not finished with his sentence before you tip in a small dash of sugar. "you're still in your early thirties. give it another decade or two before you start worrying about your blood sugar." you bring the mug over, bare feet padding softly on his hardwood floor as you approach. "i don't think a little sweetness in your life will kill you."
as he takes the mug from your hands, his fingers brush over yours. he doesn't look away from you eyes as he lifts the mug to his lips, but just before he takes a sip, he murmurs, "it might."
you hum and walk back over to where your mug sits on the counter. leaning against it, you ask, "how'd you sleep?"
"better than I have in ages," he replies, and his tone is oddly sincere. "I wasn't expecting you to still be here."
"should I not have been?" though you try to sound confident and carefree, a light waver in your voice reveals the fear at the idea that you've gravely misunderstood him and embarrassed yourself to no end in the process.
your thoughts don't get to stray far, however, because he's quick to respond. "no, no. it was a pleasant surprise. you have been a truly pleasant surprise."
your cheeks warm and you suddenly find his cabinets fascinating. "you're not supposed to be smooth first thing in the morning, you know." you grumble.
he's closer now, directly in front of you, and he places his mug down, just to you right. as he retracts his hand, it comes up to tilt your chin back towards him.
he's so handsome it's unfair.
"i'm sorry, sweetness, can I make it up to you with some breakfast?" he asks, his voice entrancing and still thick with sleep. the gesture and the question leave you breathless, so you just nod affirmatively. he places a kiss to your temple before turning and digging around his fridge and grabbing the ingredients he needs to get started.
soon after that, you become a constant in his life. he hadn't planned on you as a part of his routine, but you just, fit. in the mornings he finds himself spending less time in the bathroom mirror fixing his suit. now he wakes up eager to get dressed and sit on the edge of his bed with his choice of tie, waiting for you to take your spot between his legs and tie it for him. seeing the furrow in your brow as you adjust it just right, fixing the collar and tugging on the lapels to make sure he's perfect, it all makes him swoon.
before you, his lunch couldn't even be considered a break. he would just pop open whatever prepackaged meal he had bought that day and eat it in between readings of contracts and reviews of cases. now, he leaves his office without fail, never missing the time to eat and listen to you talk about your day.
when his bouts of insomnia get worse, you're there to help him. the house starts to smell like lavender. you've got all kinds of melatonin gummies and you don't let him say no to a massage, first focusing on his temples and scalp, then laying him down to work the knots out of his back. he's snoring by the time you're halfway down.
when he gets really stressed and the pressure starts to get too much, he comes home to a quiet house. he finds you in the bathroom preparing a bath with salts and soaps. you usher him in, insisting on taking care of him- carding water and shampoo through his locks and providing him with a safer space than he's ever had in his life.
higuruma is a lawyer. he deals with people who spin words all day. lies, loopholes, and secrets are all imbedded in his quotidian conversations with clients and colleagues. you, however, don't ripen him up with flattery or kind words. you don't make promises you don't intend to keep and you don't mince and twist your words to use against him. you simply do what you think is right. your actions have captured him far more than any words alone could do. in return, to show you how much he has truly come to love and need you, he looks to what he knows best. contracts.
though, when he's down on one knee, the legalities of it mean nothing to him. all that is important in that moment, and for the rest of his life, his you.
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cosmerelists · 4 months
Rosharans Rate Foods Not Native to their Planet
As requested by @makothedorito :)
@makothedorito wanted to know what would happen if Stormlight characters encountered food not native to their planet. Here's what I think!
1. Szeth reviews Mountain Dew
Szeth: Horrible. Szeth: A bright, unconscionable green color. Sickly, horribly sweet. Like acidic poison in my throat. Szeth: Also made me feel, strangely, as though even without powers, I could fly. Szeth: ... Szeth: 3/5 stars.
2. Lift reviews Mountain Dew
Lift: Actually,SzethonlytooklikeonesipbeforeItookitfromhim. Lift: IsawthecrazylookhewasgettinginhiseyesandIwaslikenosir. Lift: Luckily,IdrankthewholebottleandI'mnotbeingaffectedatall! Wyndle: [crying]: Mistress, PLEASE use Regrowth I think you're dying!
3. Shallan reviews chocolate
Shallan: Oh, 5/5 for sure! Shallan: Radiant likes the dark chocolate because the "bitterness adds to the sweetness," apparently. Shallan: Veil likes milk chocolate coating other things--so like sugar with another, harder layer of sugar. Shallan: I gotta say--I like the bars! Something about being able to crack off pieces and eat them is so satisfying. Adolin: So the 19 wrappers I see around our room... Shallan: Head's up, I may never sleep again!
4. Rushu reviews coffee
Rushu: My research indicated that this drink is supposed to make you alert and eager for action! Rushu: But...my thoughts have never BEEN so sedate. Honestly, I could take a nap right now. Rushu: Odd. Rushu: 4/5, I suppose.
5. Nomad reviews hot 'n' spicy wings
Nomad: [a single tear running down his face] Nomad: Finally...some good fucking food...
6. Renarin reviews steak
Renarin: You would think that "well done" is the opposite of "badly done" but Renarin: ... Renarin: I suppose I know what it is like to eat leather.
7. Bridge Four reviews pizza
Lopen: Man, it's great! Look at this one--so thin and droopy you have to roll it up to eat it! Rock: What is your insanity? This one that is so thick you must cut into it with a large knife is the way to go. I want my pizza to be as deep as my fist. Lopen: Thin is better!! Rock: Thick is superior!! Skar: I can't say why, but I'm partial to the one cut into squares. Really crackling crust, too. It just feels right, somehow... Rock: Skar, friend, I respect your opinion even though it is 100% wrong. Kaladin: Isn't all pizza just a tad...greasy? Lopen: Ha ha! You say such weird things somethings, Kaladin! Lyn: Ooooh....this one with ham and the sweet yellow fruit is AMAZING! Best pizza of all time hello?? Lopen: ... Rock: ... Skar: ... Kaladin: ... Lopen: I can't believe we have to kick Lyn out of Bridge Four. Lyn: HEY
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lucysarah-c · 1 month
Hii do u think levi likes coffee? and if he doesn’t but his s/o does, would he try to put her into tea or would say something like “how can you drink that shit?” ?
Hi, dear! How are you?
Ah, maybe I’m mistaken, but I believe—take this with a grain of salt—that Isayama mentioned Levi actually hates coffee? I’m not sure if it was said in an interview or as an extra detail at the end of a manga volume, but I think I read somewhere that Levi finds coffee way too bitter.
Which perhaps makes sense, since it’s mentioned that Levi takes his tea without milk or sugar because he considers it a "luxury." Plain black coffee is probably a bitter taste that Levi simply isn’t used to.
Now, if his girlfriend likes coffee... I personally think Levi is the kind of person who doesn’t like being told what to do with his life, so he applies the same logic to others, lmao. Levi wouldn’t mind if his girlfriend liked something he doesn’t—he’d even put it on his grocery list and buy it when he does the chores. Levi sleeps very little overall, so he’s probably the one who wakes up first. If he can wake up earlier by nature and allow his girlfriend to rest 20 minutes more by being the one to make breakfast, he will.
That’s Levi—he’ll learn how to brew coffee even if he hates it, just for her. Will he annoy her about it with love? Absolutely. Something like, "Ugh... I slept horribly last night."
"Maybe it’s because of that crap you make me prepare every shitty morning. If you switched to tea..."
Or he’d bring her mug and say, "Here, your liquid crap," and yet kiss her forehead and leave the mug as she works.
I’ve mentioned it multiple times, lol, but Levi’s love language is "acts of service mixed with degradation."
Lots of love!
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toxictigertonic · 1 month
Alright, I've been cursed with new blorbos (don't worry DJ will always be my number one). Outlast trials has me in a chokehold, specifically Franco, but all the prime assets are running around in my brain causing problems. I'm subjecting you to my stupid food headcanons as a result:
- This mother fucker drinks hot sauce. Like. Chugs the shit. You can't take him anywhere without him bringing a bottle of Tabasco.
- Takes his coffee black, but will add a little sugar if no one is looking. Can't let people know that he doesn't like plain black coffee.
- He feels like a big breakfast kinda guy, with all the fixings. If you took him to a diner that'd be what he'd get, no matter the time of day.
- Would he disgusted by energy drinks EXCEPT classic redbull. Now imagine this man hyped up on caffeine.
- Would still eat his scrambled eggs if he got shells in them. Would say some shit like "the shells put hair on your chest"
- Trusting this man to bake anything is a fire hazard, it doesn't matter if it's those pre cut cookie rolls, they're catching fire.
- Says he hates desserts then stares down a slice of pecan pie from across the room like it owes him money.
- The only one I trust to cook tbh, and that's not saying much.
- If you took her to get coffee she'd get the sweetest thing on the menu (and Futterman would bitch and moan about it the whole time) or she'd get a chai latte. Futterman would demand a black coffee.
- I would trust her to make me an apple pie and then she'd put the drill in it bc the crust came out wrong.
- She feels like a woman who really likes jam. Maybe I am projecting but jam is cool.
- She will not touch an energy drink bc they taste bad to her, and bc Futterman would throw a fit about how bad they are for your teeth. No caffeine fueled death sprint for her, but based on her singing and the whole angel dust thing I don't think she needs it.
- I would make her pancakes she seems pretty cool.
- Likes the batter for desserts more than the finished products.
- God help us where do I begin
- On one hand I wanna say he makes some bomb ass Italian food. On the other hand I wanna say he burns cereal.
- Speaking of cereal, he's the kinda guy who let's his cereal turn to paste in the bowl before he eats it.
- Considering what we know about the wolf's milk drink, I'm frightened by this man's palette. Genuinely terrified.
- I think he would die if he tasted hot sauce. I think Coyle is aware of this fact and has plans.
- Give him an energy drink if you wanna see him start doing flips. He thinks they're gross but he's also like "fuck yeah pure sugar I love these"
- Likes his cookies so underdone that they're basically raw (me too chief)
- If you cooked him a homemade meal he'd cry while eating it. Then he'd get pissed because you made him cry.
- He's my little skrunkly doo so I'm feeding him wet plaster ❤️
If I'm wrong about anything bc it's actually stated in the lore I do not care tell Red Barrels to get their facts straight (/J I SWEAR)
I haven't had time to look at Gooseberry's or Coyle's lore so I don't know if they have some super important amazing cooking skills that I'm missing out on. Feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong or have your own ideas about these idiots.
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pekoehoneyncream · 4 days
Colonel König Headcanons
Part One!
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Words: 400~
TW: None (sfw)
Same drill as with Price, bit too many headcanons to post in one go, so we're splitting it into two.
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König prefers coffee over tea. His favourite drink is “Kaffee Verkehrt” which means ‘upside-down’, it's a popular specialty coffee in Austria that has more milk than coffee and is served in a tall glass.
He takes his normal coffee with lots of cream, but no sugar. He likes the sweet rich taste that whole and heavy cream has over the more typical half-and-half, he also likes that he can use less of it and still make his coffee taste creamy.
When asked how tall he is König answers 208 centimetres, and if they ask what that is in feet, he lies and says 6’8. He did not like the way people snickered when he said 6’9, so he no longer says it. No one's called him on it yet and he prays that no one ever does. 
Carries around multiple handkerchiefs. He handwashes them and keeps them clean. His mother thinks one-use tissues are a rich-man’s idiocy, and so does he.
Doesn't like being asked about his past or his family, but he'll sometimes mention his mother or an ‘Uncle Alexi' when giving advice or talking about how he learned something.
Grew up poor. Not Charlie & Chocolate Factory ‘there's only one bed and we all share it’ poor, but needing to be mindful of money, and make everything last as long as it can, repurposing things, collecting coupons, trading with neighbours, paying with meals or labour where you can. That kinda thing.
Was raised as an only child by his widowed mother. Big Momma's boy. Or Mutter's boy, in König's case. And his mother raised him right! All the aunties around their neighbourhood knew him as “Annika’s polite young man”. Annika never had to worry what the neighbours would think.
König still calls his mother every week and gets Care-Packages from her frequently. Anytime Annika finds something she thinks he'll like she sends it over, alongside a bottle of his favourite jam, and some cookies, and a new handkerchief, and etc, and etc. Every phone call includes König being asked if he's taking care of himself, when he's getting married, and if he's sent back this or that container yet. 
König sends a good two-thirds of his paycheck back home to his mother. He doesn’t need much as he's often living out of a duffle bag when on missions, and he likes his mutter to be able to live a good life without worrying about money.
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There we go! I hope you enjoyed it!
I was thinking I'd post part two of Price's headcanons tomorrow, then a poll for whose headcanons to post next the day after that, then part one the winner's headcanons, then part two of König's headcanons. Etc and so on. You see how I've planned this out.
As always if there's anything you want me to write about please let me know, my ask box is Open!
PekoeHoneynCream's Masterlist
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gremlinmodetweeker · 13 days
TF 141 and their Morning Drink Preferences
TF 141 Dump
TF 141 Headcanons
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Obvious tea drinker
Or is it that obvious?
Painfully British of the whole lot of them
Will only drink black teas, absolutely despises herbal, green or rooibos teas
Of the black teas avoids anything floral because he thinks it’s a bit too frilly for his palette
Never adds sugar to teas, says it ruins the flavor
Will add milk to help cool a tea, but only just slightly
Claims drinking a freshly made cup of tea on a hot summer day helps cool him down
How this works is beyond me, but he claims it anyways
Thinks adding cream is a vile concept and anyone who does so should be interrogated by the CIA
He’ll drink a cup of tea with Ghost, but he’s really more of a coffee person
Prefers medium roast with a heavy serving of cream
He can’t stand adding milk, but will use it if there’s nothing else
Adds sugar when he gets a chance
Despises sweeteners and will make little digs at anyone who does use sweetener, usually citing health reasons
Don’t try arguing that adding two spoons of sugar is just as bad, he won’t hear it
As for tea he prefers rooibos, which drives Ghost up the wall
Is down for anything, really
Doesn’t like hot beverages
Prefers either a cool glass of water or juice
Does not understand caffeine addiction whatsoever
Claims the drinks are healthier and more refreshing
People just think he’s incredibly dehydrated in the morning
Will take orange juice from concentrate without batting an eye, but really enjoys more exotic juices if he can get his hands on them
When stationed in foreign countries he’ll try juices made from native fruits
Really likes cactus and mango juice, but is not opposed to papaya
Dislikes southern lemonade with a passion, claims it’s far too sweet
Is surprisingly peppy in the morning despite only drinking juice
Whatever’s there will work
However, he tends to prefer teas
He’s especially fond of green teas
He goes on about how healthy they are for the mind and body
Also will go on about how easy they are to transport and keeps a small sachet of matcha powder (the cheap stuff) on him to prove his point
He thinks Ghost is a snob and should just get over himself
Has tried to sway the others, but they all tell him matcha tastes like grass
He thinks they’re all idiots
Coffee only
Does not fuss over his coffee whatsoever
Whatever’s in the canteen will do
His one gripe is adding cream or sugar
He will only take his coffee black
Some have tried to win him over with coffees made with cream/milk/sugar, and he’ll be polite enough to drink them and thank them, but he really doesn’t like it too much
He will tell them to not fuss too much if they get him another coffee so they don’t do it again
Cannot stand people whining about how they take their coffee and how the military doesn’t give out the good stuff
He just considers them weak whiners
This includes Ghost when he complains about not having enough black tea in the canteen
Price glad to say it to his face
He could not care less about age or temperature
He’ll pull a day-old cup straight out of the fridge and down it like there’s no tomorrow
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Art from This Post
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I just made myself a cup of a new tea, one from a set that a friend sent me. I was super curious to try it with and without milk in it, so after I take a sip without, I'm going to add milk to my tea.
That may seem like such an inane little story to post on a blog, unless you have an eating disorder. I'm sure many of you know what a big deal milk in tea can be, and what an important act of self-love it is.
It was poured into many of our ears, approaching teenhood in the mid-2000's, not to "drink our calories." For those of us whose restriction was weight-based, many of us practiced filling ourselves with water, with our coffee black and unsweetened whether that was how we liked it or not, and with tea that never contained milk.
Like many people who've struggled with binge eating and with restriction, I struggle with creating anxiety-inducing rules about when is okay to eat, especially if I'm between meals and worrying if I should allow myself a snack, or if it's okay to quench my thirst with anything other than water. This is especially true between meals. For some reason my brain has accepted the "extra" caloric intake as part of a meal, but still balks at the idea of introducing these things independently into non-meal parts of the day. I would like to note that my chronic illness and my body's reaction to food has also influenced this weird relationship between me and my favorite treats, such as a piece of candy, or a beverage that might happen to contain a greater-than-zero calorie count.
But tonight, before bed, I want to try this tea. And it sounds like one that'd be super tasty with milk, as it has cocoa powder and vanilla in the blend. So I let my tea cool in the room with me as I type this, telling myself that I can get up and go back for milk after I taste it.
Now I have gone to the kitchen.
Now I have poured in a splash of milk and tasted. It's soy milk, as regular milk sometimes hurts my stomach and I don't want my sleep to be disrupted. Due to my chronic illness, this is still something I have to think about, and I'll be honest, I hate it. Things like this make it so hard to tell myself I can let go of my food fears, because my brain knows that some of my food fears will turn out to have validity, and so what if they all do?
Now I have poured in another splash. Tasted.
Now I have poured in a third, much larger splash. Tasted.
Oh, this is it. This tea tastes like a warm dessert. But now it's too cool, so I need to microwave it back to its best heat. I used to not want to microwave my food. As a teen I heard a hippie say that microwaves destroy the nutrients in your food because the radiation breaks down their molecular structure. This is absolutely false. In fact, it's been disproven that microwaves break down nutrients any more than other methods of heating food, but for a long time I believed it. And even after I learned the truth, I still found it hard to convince myself it was okay to use microwaves for a very long time.
I have just finished my tea in my room. I took the time to identify that I wanted it. I took the time to truly taste it in several different ways, consider how I felt I wanted it and bring it to those specifications. It wasn't planned for any specific time or day, but I agreed to give myself this the way I wanted it anyway. I've been drinking my coffee with milk every morning, too. I actually like black coffee, but I like it better with milk. And I give myself things throughout the day that I enjoy, to enhance my experience of my existence. Life is hard, and it's okay to allow yourself, to the fullest extent you can, the small joys that bring you through the day.
I wanted to share this with you. I hope you don't feel the crushing weight of morality when staring at a bottle of regular soda and the sugar-free, when you wake up with your morning coffee, when your self-care regimen includes a cup of tea. I hope you practice actively giving yourself the love you need this week. And I hope you give it to yourself exactly the way you need it.
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skinnyyaly · 3 months
Tips how to fast for longer (what works for me)
Sit down for sugar free sodas, energy drinks, black coffee, tea without milk or sugar etc throughout the day. It tricks your brain into thinking you’re sitting down for a meal. Makes me not think about food all the time.
Gum is your bestie if you desperately want to chew something. But be careful because it can give you intense stomach pains but I’d say it’s worth it. Make sure it’s sugar free tho.
Sleep as much as possible. You get skinnier by the hour and time passes by much quicker when you sleep.
Video games makes time pass by quickly for me. I’m also distracted and don’t even think of eating or the fact I’m literally starving.
This one is sad but if you often end up breaking your fast or binging when you’re with friends then don’t hang out with friends. Wait until your fast is over.
If you have a overwhelming urge to binge go for a walk. And don’t bring any money. That way you can’t eat.
Scrolling tumblr keeps me motivated.
Remember it’s easy to loose weight all you have to do is not eat
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b3ach-bunn7 · 8 months
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Gojo Satoru, your prettiest customer, insists on ordering the most insane drinks possible. As a barista, it’s your duty to fullfill them.
alternate!universe, fluff, happy ending
(This is a long one guys 🙈)
You love your job. The truth is, the people who romanticise working at a coffee shop were exactly right. Yes, the hours can be long, and the occasional Karen can turn what should be a five-minute interaction into a half an hour one. And sometimes you go home with burns from a hot coffee pot, or spills on your favourite trousers. But you love every part of your job.
Except for Gojo Satoru.
Your most troublesome customer. You know he goes to your university, because you’ve seen him wearing a hoodie with its logo on it. You assume you both have different majors, because you don’t cross paths at all.
But he comes to the shop every day without fail. And he orders the most complicated, diabetes-inducing drinks known to man. He strolls up to the counter, blinking those bright blue eyes at you, with his perfect smile and his hair that looks so soft to touch and starts rattling off his order.
Okay, it’s not the worst thing in the world. Gojo is easy on the eyes, and it’s quite funny to see how far he’ll take it. You’re not exactly sure if he even consumes the stuff he buys. Maybe he’s trying to impress you. Maybe he’s trying to annoy you. You think he succeeds more with the second option, but it’s fine. You like the little challenge everyday.
Today, you’re wiping down the counter when you see him appear behind it and begin drumming his fingers against it.
“Hi, sugar.”
You look up, unamused. He’s wearing a black compression shirt that hugs his muscles and grey sweatpants. He’s probably come back from the gym, judging by the sweat that sticks some strands of his white hair to his forehead. He looks good. Whatever.
“Gojo. What monstrosity will it be today?”
He hums under his breath. He rests his cheek on his palm. His skin is so clear. For all the coffee he drinks, at least.
“I would like… A single shot, 4 pumps sugar free peppermint, nonfat, extra hot, no foam, light whip stirred grande white mocha.”
Your mouth gapes. “Gojo. What? That’s not- what even is that?”
He laughs, loud and boyish. The shop is quite empty, so, you can take your time to mock his ridiculous request.
“I don’t know. Thought I’d try something different, you know?”
“You try something different everyday. I think this one wins the stupidest order yet.”
“Don’t be like that, sweetheart. You know you like it. I bring some joy to the darkness that is your shift.” He pouts and leans forward.
You rolls your eyes. You turn and grab a cup to begin concocting his drink.
“Don’t call me that. And it doesn’t bring me joy. It does test my memory, though,” you pause, “How many pumps of peppermint was it?”
“Four. And what’s wrong with sweetheart?”
“I’m not your sweetheart, Gojo.”
He groans. He watches as you flit around behind the counter, going to steam the milk for his drink.
“Come on, what else am I supposed to call you? I don’t know your name.”
You point to the name tag pinned to your shirt.
“Yes you do.”
“That’s not your name.”
You nod and insist that it is. His eyebrows raise and he nods towards it.
“Your name is Brian?”
“Cute, right? I don’t like strangers using my real name, so they let me print a fake one.” You smile.
“It’s a shame, really. Brian suits you.” You stick your tongue out and Gojo grins.
The drink doesn’t take long. You make one of the fancy milk designs on the top, and slide it over to him.
“Here you go.”
He thanks you. He peers at the design at the top, eyeing the drink.
“I like this. You should learn how to draw my face on there.”
“Ah, yes. You’re right, that does sound like a great way to pass my time.” You nod sarcastically.
He sips the drink carefully. His nose scrunches and he sticks his tongue out.
“Oh, that is not good. At all.”
You laugh. You reach over and grab the drink, taking a swig. Gojo protests, but you can tell his effforts to get it back are half-assed. You wince, the warm peppermint drink sliding down your throat.
“Yeah, gross. How did you even come up with this?”
He shrugs, “They just come to me.” He nods at the cup in your hand, “You know, we basically just kissed.”
You snort, “You can keep dreaming, Gojo.”
“Oh, you’re definitely in my dreams, baby. All the dirty ones.”
Oh, he’s feeling brave today. You turn to hide the flush that dusts your cheeks. You wipe down the steamer.
“Baby is gross.”
“Tell me your name then.”
You point at the name tag on your shirt. Gojo groans and runs a hand through his hair. You glance down at the ignored drink on the counter.
“Gojo, you haven’t even touched your drink.”
He shrugs. “Oh, well. It’s not like I can’t pay for it.”
You hum under your breath. Rich people.
The shop starts filling up, and your manager pops his head around the door to tell you to get a move on.
“Sorry, Gojo. You gotta get a move on.”
“Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You wave him off, sighing as he drops his drink in the trash.
The next day, Gojo walks in with someone else. A girl, short brown hair and an unlit cigarette in her mouth. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen him with anyone else. Maybe she’s a girlfriend. Gojo seems awfully close to her, a smile gracing his lips as she says something to him.
You’re staring. You turn away quickly. It’s none of your business what he’s up to and you don’t care, anyway. Gojo could be married for all you care.
He bounds up to the front. Gojo has a way of taking up every space he’s in, and as he leans across the counter, he’s all you can see.
“Hey, cutie.”
“Hello. What can I do for you today?”
“Aw. No complaints. You like cutie?”
“Feels like something a 12 year old would call his discord girlfriend, but. Sure, let’s go with that.”
He laughs, but he straightens up quickly.
“Look, I’ve got no time for our cute banter today. I’ll have a Venti, triple-shot caramel macchiato, with three pumps of vanilla, two pumps of hazelnut, one pump of caramel, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and extra whipped cream on top.”
“No time for banter, but time for all of that.”
“Oh, and a mocha.”
You smile. “Who’s that normal order for?”
He points at the girl he came in with, who’s gone outside to smoke her cigarette.
“Shoko. Luckily for you, she likes normal people drinks.”
You turn to start making their drinks. Today’s order is much tamer than usual. It actually sounds like it might taste nice, and it’s sugary enough to satiate his sweet tooth. You wonder if he’ll ask that girl to try it for him.
“So. You got any plans today?” You say.
“Mhm. My friend and I are going shopping. She asked me to keep her company, but I think she likes my credit card’s presence more than mine.”
“Makes sense. At least she gets something out of the card.”
“Ha ha ha. Come on, she gets mean when she’s impatient.”
You shake your head, waiting for the milk to steam. “It takes as long as it takes.”
“Okay, Carla.”
You tell him he’s wrong again and laugh at his whining. You finish his drink off with an alarming amount of whip cream, to his request, and place it and the mocha on the counter.
“Done in record time.” You wink.
He tries it, and perks up.
“I’m impressed. This one actually tastes nice.”
He slides it over to you, and you take a sip.
“Yeah, you’re right. It is nice.” You say, incredulously.
“Can I have a sip?”
You look to the left and Gojo’s ‘friend’ has appeared. She smells a little like cigarettes but she’s so breathtakingly pretty that you don’t think anyone‘s really worried about that. She takes a drink before Gojo can protest, and she winces.
“God, it’s so sweet. You’ll die an early death if you keep going on like this.”
“Well, good thing it’s not for you.” He grabs it and passes her the mocha.
The girl looks over at you and smiles.
“Hey. I’m Shoko. It’s nice to meet you. Gojo doesn’t shut up about you.”
You tilt your head at the boy, who is looking away from the two of you, and coo.
“Aw, how sweet!” You awe, pressing a hand to your heart.
“He calls you Barista girl. Says you make the best drinks.”
You shrug. “I wouldn’t say best. I am the only one who will make his insane orders, though.”
“That’s true. He doesn’t even drink them half the time. Just throws them away the second he leaves. It’s like the only reason he comes here is so-“
“Okay! Okay, we’ve got to go.” Gojo claps his hands together, cutting off Shoko, and steering her away.
She grins, waving at you. She yells it was nice to meet you, and you say it back, much to Gojos dismay, and wonder what the real reason he comes here is.
The next time Gojo comes in, he looks good. He’s wearing a black button up, the top few buttons undone, the sleeves rolled up to show his forearms. There’s a silver chain around his neck, and his hair is done up in a way that looks effortless and prepared at the exact same time. He’s also holding a bouquet of pretty flowers, pink and white and perfect looking.
God. You move away before he notices you blatantly staring at him. It’s almost closing, and you’ve got ten minutes before you’re free to go. You should be annoyed at his presence. You and Choso, the guy you were working with tonight, had just cleaned up, and you know Gojo’s order would probably need every appliance in the building. Any other customer would be shunned away, a quick point at the clock.
But Gojo’s not any other customer. Not that you’d ever tell him that.
“Hey, Gojo.”
He smiles. “Hey, gorgeous.”
Your cheeks heat up. God, if only he wasn’t so attractive. It would be so much easier to act like you don’t care when he calls you all those things.
“You look nice. You going somewhere after this?”
“Mhm. I’m going on a date.”
You pause to where you’re emptying out the coffee pots. A date? He was seeing someone else after spending god knows how long flirting with you?
You shouldn’t be surprised. He’s never asked you out, and Gojo is attractive enough to be someone who doesn’t care about girls' feelings. You know you should’ve seen this coming. It probably was just a little fun he had everyday, joking around with the oblivious, head-over-heels barista who allowed him to act like a dick with his stupid coffee orders.
“That’s nice. What can I get for you? You need to hurry up though, because we’re closing soon.” Your voice is flat, and your hand rests on your hip.
“Uh. Just a coffee.”
You frown. “No obnoxious order today?”
“Nah. I’ve got places to be. And I need to be awake tonight, if you get my drift.” He winks and you scoff.
You turn and fill the coffee pot, a little more aggressively than normal. You unfortunately do get his drift. Before you can say anything in response, Choso comes out from the back.
Choso is cute. He looks intimidating, always monotoned and looking sleep-deprived, but he was a sweetheart. He always ties his hair into little buns, draws cute designs on top of the lattes, and always makes sure you don’t close alone. Plus, he looks good in an apron. You think you’d like him if it weren’t for an annoying blue-eyed boy and his stupid orders.
“You okay if I clock out?”
You turn to him and smile. “Yeah, I’ll lock up. You working tomorrow?”
Choso takes his apron off and drapes it over his shoulder. You turn to face him, effectively ignoring Gojo.
“What? Choso, come on, I can’t work if you’re not there, it’s so boring!”
He laughs, crossing his arms and leaning against the counter. It make the muscles in his arms stand out, and wow. Does he work out? Probably.
“You’ll be fine without me.”
“I won’t.” You pout.
“Goodbye.” He walks away, nodding at Gojo, who looks just peachy waiting for his coffee.
“So who’s that?”
You turn back to face him. “Choso. He works here.”
“Yeah, I figured. You like him?”
“Yeah. He’s great. My favourite coworker.”
Gojo nods slowly. A weird sort of quiet settles over you two. A part of you wants to ask who’s he’s going on a date with, but you respect yourself too much for that.
“What time do you get off?” He speaks up.
You pause slightly. “Me?”
Gojo raises an eyebrow. “No, the other barista behind the counter. Yes, you.”
“Oh. I’m done in ten.”
“Okay, good. Our reservation is in half an hour, so we should make it.”
The coffee pot whirs to let you know it’s ready. Instead, you keep staring at Gojo, who’s looks all too serious for somebody speaking nonsense.
“It’s a nice place, don’t worry. Thought I’d splurge, to impress you. These are for you, by the way.” He thrusts the flowers towards you.
“I- What? Gojo, what’s going on?” You laugh, a little hysterical, confused as to what the hell is happening.
He grins. He walks right over to the you, leaning over the counter, so you’re a couple inches away from each other.
“You really think I’d ask anybody else out? I’ve been asking for these stupid orders at for weeks now just to throw them out so I could talk to you, that wasn’t a hint?”
“Yeah, but I just. I don’t know, I thought you were just messing around!”
“Are you really that clueless?”
“Hey! You-“ You stop for a second.
You take the apron from around your neck and throw it behind you into the office. You cross your arms and you nearly laugh at the nervous look that crosses his face.
“Did you make a reservation and dress yourself up for a date you didn’t even ask me to?”
Gojo scratches the back of his head. “I-“
“And then come in here and just tell me when it’s happening, without even giving me time to prepare myself?”
“I- Barista girl, I can explain.” He clasps his hands together.
“And you still don’t even know my name.”
He sighs. “The mystery is part of the fun, babe.”
You smile slightly. You have no idea what went through his head, but it’s cute he tried so hard. Even if it was a little weird.
“What if I had plans tonight, huh?”
Gojo shrugs. “I was hoping you’d cancel them for me.”
“And if I didn’t?”
“Not too sure. Maybe throw the coffee I’m still waiting for in your face?”
You perk up suddenly, remembering the pot that was still bubbling behind you. You take a cup and fill it for him, fit it with a lid and give it to him.
“So. Are you going to ask me out properly?”
He nods. His face is determined and he grabs the flowers from your hands. He takes two steps back and he walks forward.
“Barista girl, will you do me the honours of going on a date with me tonight?”
You frown, sighing dramatically, “I don’t know. I’ve had such a long shift. I’m tired.”
Gojo grabs your hands, pulling you towards him. The counter gets in the way, but you don’t think he cares. The two of you are still close enough that if you moved a couple inches forwards you’d be kissing. He smells like something expensive, and it overwhelms your senses. His lips quirk up in a little smirk, and you think your skin is buzzing where he’s touching you.
“I’m sure I can help wake you up, baby. You just gotta say yes.”
“I- I kinda look like shit, though.” You whisper.
“Don’t say that, you look beautiful.”
You know you don’t. Your hair is being held up poorly by a claw clip, random strands falling out of it. Your mascara is slightly smudged under your eyes, and there’s a lovely new coffee stain on the shirt you're wearing, courtesy of Choso knocking into you before you got a chance to put your apron on.
But he’s looking right at you like you’re the most incredible thing that he’s ever laid his eyes on that you feel like you might actually believe him.
“Okay. Okay, fine. If you let me go home and freshen up. Put a dress on, or something.”
“Oh, I can get behind that.”
You snort a laugh, stepping back. The nervousness from before is gone, and he’s grinning at you excitedly. He waits the few minutes it takes you to lock up, and holds his arm out for you to take while he walks you to his car.
It’s seven in the evening and the sun is just starting to set. The sky is beginning to turn, seeping from blue to orange to pink, and the light is catching off Gojos face. He’s speaking animatedly as he talks about the restaurant he’s taking you too, oblivious to your staring. He’s planned every last detail, somehow remembering when you said that you loved Asian food about a month ago.
You don’t really know much about Gojo. You do know enough to say that he is so sweet it makes your teeth rot.
You say your name, then, softly enough that he nearly misses it. He stops mid sentence and turns to you.
“Is that your name?”
You nod.
“You have a very pretty name.”
You smile. “Thank you.”
He nods slowly. “You can call me Satoru, by the way.”
“Okay, Satoru.” The name feels nice on your tongue.
He groans when you say it, hand reaching up to cup your face.
“God, it sounds so beautiful when you say it. It’d sound even better if you were screaming it, though.”
You roll your eyes, face a fiery red, and let a laughing Satoru lead you into his car.
Gojo satoru the man that u r.. also that cosplayer is EXACTLY how I envision him in my brain.. so obsessed..
again, any requests r welcome! (I’m literally lost for ideas)
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romcomxb · 3 months
tg coffee orders ig
mav drinks instant coffee. and he can barley cope with anything else, even normal coffee. it’s something about how you can’t get the ratios right, it’s always too milky, stuff like that. he picked it up from goose, who always had instant and mav never understood it, but then he died and it was one of the ways mav wanted to carry on his legacy. but other than that his order is pretty basic, milk and one sugar.
ice says he loves a good long black but he can’t really stand the stuff. when he’s out with people with work he just has to grin and bear it because he’s stubborn like that, but when he’s at home/with mav, he makes a mean cappachino with the frothiest milk you will ever see, two sugars, and a decent covering of chocolate powder.
hangman is probably has cream in his coffee not milk. (my dad does this and it makes me wanna cry/hj) he has a flat white with one sugar, and usually a half strength shot.
mav’s habits of instant coffee rubbed off on rooster, and he hates himself for it. he has like triple the usual amount of coffee stuff, boiling water, no sugar, and the tiniest bit of milk, just enough to stop it from being a lb. when he learnt that his father did it the same way, he probably laughed it off, but it actually made him feel pretty proud of himself. if for some reason their out of instant/going to a caffe, he has a double shot latte with no sugar.
nat just chugs energy drinks left right and centre. it’s a problem but no one can stop her. if she’s having coffee she has a long black/ iced long black, and actually enjoys it. for her it’s either milk and a shit tonne of sugar, or ‘as black as hangman’s soul’ as she puts it.
bob doesn’t drink coffee, and the others respect him immensely for that. the fact that he can get up in the morning and focus WITHOUT any type of caffeine?! unheard of. he does love a good hot chocolate, or if he needs it, a mocha works just as well.
idk please dispute this if u have other ideas :]
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thelittleliars · 8 months
P.S. I Want You | Chapter 4
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: dirty talk, mentions of fireworks, (i think that's it)
Words: 5.3K
AN: I wrote like 95% of the chapter months ago and only recently it felt like the right time to edit it and change some things. I had plans for a chapter 5 & 6 happening but I'm honestly not really feeling this series anymore. I still love it dearly and that's why there will be another chapter at one point. I can't leave it all hanging like this! P.S. I Want You Masterlist
Morning rolled in way too fast for your liking. You did sleep in but it simply wasn't enough as you still felt very tired. The sound of your doorbell ringing worsened your mood, you grumpily stood up and walked towards your front door. You let out a breath of air before taking a long breath in and prepared yourself for social interaction but it was as if the universe was having it with you that day because when you opened the door, you somehow knocked your elbow against it, the pain hurt like hell. "Fucking shit!" You shut your eyes before collecting yourself and look at the person standing in front of you. Natasha stood there all shy and for a moment you didn't realize that it was her but when you did you tried to remember what happened the night before. It came to you fast that the two of you fell asleep on your couch. With one look at her clothes you instantly knew she had left at some point at night. You didn't know why you felt sad and betrayed that she just left without waking you up and telling you it face to face but the fact that she was here again had something to mean right? 
She looked in your eyes for a while before asking if she could come in. You of course let her in and closed the door after she stepped into your apartment. Why she was here so early and in a new set of (changed) clothes was something you were wondering but had no desire to ask with that sour mood of yours. Without another word you went into your kitchen, Natasha followed you silently and only spoke when she saw you started to make coffee.
"I hope you're not mad at me for leaving without a note. Everything was suddenly too much for me and I had to get some air. This morning I felt guilty for leaving you so I wanted to buy you coffee to make it up to you but literally everything seems to be closed today." She frowned. 
You shook your head. "I'm not mad even if it might seem right now. All I need is coffee to wake up properly." 
"Okay." The small grin that appeared on her face made her look even more adorable but you didn't tell her that. Instead you told her to wait here as you wanted to freshen yourself up. Natasha took a look around your apartment again as you quickly brushed your teeth, made your hair and changed clothes before grabbing your phone from your nightstand and headed back. "No wonder everything's closed today. It's the 20th - St. Stephen's Day!" You grabbed two mugs and poured the fresh hot coffee in it, then walked over to the kitchen table where Natasha had sat herself when she saw you entering the room again. You quickly walked back to get the milk. "Need any sugar for your coffee?"
She shook her head. "No, I drink it black. Sometimes with milk to switch it up." At first she only sipped on her coffee to test the taste of it, which was heavenly, she had to complimented your coffee making skill that made you giggle. You appreciated her words anyways. "St Stephen's Day huh? Does anything open at all today?"
"Museums and thermal bath are open and so are most restaurants but that's it. Today's national holiday is to celebrate the name day of the first king of Hungary, King Stephen but also the day of the foundation of Hungary and 'the day of the new bread'." You told her as much as you could, which was barely anything but she still listened intently. And boy you felt how intently she listened to every word that came out of your mouth. Her gaze was hot as it wandered around your face, taking in every micro expression as you talked, and every now and then went to your lips. She knew you noticed it as she saw your ears turning into a shade of pink. "Would you be up to go to a museum? Wait not forget it. It's gonna be packed." You were embarrassed that you didn't think it through before opening your mouth to suggest something. What you didn't expect was how sweet Natasha was reacting. "I wouldn't mind going with you but after what happened last year I don't think it's the wisest to go outside when it's packed. There's a high chance of people recognizing me and I don't want to ruin our time together. I came here for you and only you, not for other people recognizing an ex-fugitive and Avenger."
"So a day in? Just you and me and our sexual tension." You wiggled your eyebrows. Natasha was suddenly taken aback from your boldness, she also wasn't expecting you voicing your sexual attraction so openly. You constantly look so innocent that she hadn't gotten in her head yet that your mind is very dirty. "I give it to you. You hide the lust well, I almost don't see it in your eyes but there are seconds where you crack. And what I see then.. oh lord it's fucking sexy." The redhead's body froze, her eyes widen in shock and desire, her breathe got faster as she tried to stop the thoughts from rushing in her head, she failed miserable though. She slowly could feel how turned on she got, that's what had her shift in her seat, you saw it and hid your smirk behind your mug as you drank the coffee. "It's quite hot in here maybe I shou-" She cut your teasing short. "NO! I mean it's not that hot in here. A window should do it otherwise I recommend a cold shower." 
You smiled at her before you looked down at your mug. "I'm sorry for teasing you so shamelessly. I don't know what came over me. All I know is that you gave me a huge boost of confidence." 
"Wow look at that. First being so bold and now getting all shy? 
"It's all your doing! You drive me so crazy that I don't know how to act around you." 
"I do have that affect on people." She smiles smugly. It's as if she wanted to kill you. 
"Have you had breakfast yet?" You changed the topic. She told you that she didn't had anything but your coffee so when you offered to make something she quickly agreed. It was not much but you both were alright with scrambled eggs, bread with cheese or jam and some oatmeal. The two of you ate quietly breakfast quietly, only asking each other a few questions occasionally. Afterwards you retreated onto the couch with another fresh cup of coffee. As you watched a tv show you couldn't help but stealing glances at her. The woman looked so stunning with her loosened braid and the redness of her hair.. it amazed you each and every time you saw it, even drove you almost mad because you couldn't believe how she was real. Your glances turned into a stare at some point. When you got caught you got lost even more in wondering how she could be real that you didn't notice how close she came and where her hands went. "Y/N?"
"Gosh Nat." You almost moaned because of her beauty. "How are you even real? I have trouble believing that you're not heaven sent." The moment you finally realized her closeness to you, it felt like as if your heart wanted to jump out of your chest, it was beating that fast. "Right now the biggest urge I have is to make you mine. You intrigued me the second I first saw you and the more you wrote me your postcards, the more I knew I won't ever be able to let you go. We don't know each other that long and I honestly don't know that much about you but I like you a lot. But I'm honestly so afraid to scare you away by asking you to be my girlfriend so instead of asking I'll just let you know my feelings and when you're ready you can ask me or simply say an answer. Until then can I kiss you to still my urge?" You were right of having to be afraid of asking, Natasha was too overwhelmed and scared to answer. Though she had no doubts about kissing you so she leaned forward and closed the gap. Those soft kisses she indicated turned into a full make out session because you couldn't seem to get enough of her. Something in her mind had switched and everything turned more heated. Open mouth kisses lead to tangling fingers in each others hair and hot kissing trailing down your throat. "Oh sweet fucking Jesus." You cursed and moaned quietly. "I want to fuck you so bad and then I want you fucking me til it's dawn." 
Natasha stopped and looked into your eyes that were hazed. "You sure do have one hell of a dirty mouth for a virgin." You raised an eyebrow. "I'm way too old to be a fucking innocent virgin. Virginity is overrated anyways." 
"Who needs an innocent virgin anyways when you can get a dirty mouthed virgin because that - that is way sexier." You smashed your lips against hers again all while grabbing her waist to push your bodies so close together that there wasn't any space. Despite the kissing getting wild again, you nor her made a move beyond that. You both kind of knew it wasn't the right time. "I think I need an awful cold shower." 
"Me too. How about we save water by taking one together?" She teased you a last time. You groaned and hid your face in her neck. 
"You're the worst." You mumbled as you continued to hold her.
Later that day, hours after Natasha had gone to the place she rented and you had a cold shower, you hit her up with a text message.
Today 6:34 PM Fireworks along the Danube start at 9pm. Wanna go with me? I can give you a cap and sunglass as cover.
Today 7:22 PM At what time should I be at your apartment?
Today 7:24 PM Around 8:30 would be great.
Today 7:29 PM Okay sounds good. See you then :)
Exactly at 8:30 pm the doorbell of your apartment rang. Natasha was punctual and that impressed you significantly. You were once again shocked when you saw her in a grey black striped hoodie and a grey-brownish jacket over it. That outfit suited her so well. After giving her a compliment, you grabbed your keys and stuffed them into the pocket of your pants. 
Together you took the metro that stops at the Parliament. There were already a tons of people which shouldn't be a surprise but it was anyways. You took Natasha's hand in your own to move through the crowd without loosing her. After a couple of minutes you found a perfect spot to stay and watch the fireworks. "I really hope that not more people will come right now. I hate when crowds basically squeeze you to death."
"You have me here so you won't get squeezed to death. I'll protect you." 
"Well thank you my dear knight in shining armor." The redhead didn't say anything, she only raised an eyebrow. "Sorry my bad. I meant to say thank you my dear Avenger."
Natasha scoffed and shook her head. "You're unbelievable." You grinned at her and asked her why that was so. "You didn't know about the Avengers until a few days ago and now you're poking fun at me!"
"Wrong. I knew about the Avengers just not that all of you are the Avengers or what you look like." You explained. The banter continued until they started the firework show. And it blew you away, fireworks always blew you always since it fascinated you deeply. The sound, the colors, the patterns, the explosions. Somewhere in the middle Natasha turned your head towards her and pulled you into a sweet kiss. During that moment it really felt like a once in a lifetime kiss that created butterflies in your stomach. It was probably the start of you falling for the Black Widow. 
On the other side of the world, Yelena laughed her ass off as Kate showed her what tabloids had written about her sister. She found it extremely funny that Natasha had gotten recognized overseas this quick. She had left New York only 3 days prior and now headlines were flying around without stopping anytime soon. 
Black Widow was seen with alleged girlfriend in Budapest.
Black Widow back in Budapest! 
Black Widow spotted kissing an unknown Woman in Budapest. 
Black Widow getting cosy with a local in Budapest. 
Yelena not only sent screenshots of the headlines of the articles to her sister but she also sent the blurry photo that showed you and the redhead kissing in the middle of the crowd. 
Today 12:44 PM When are you off work? 
Today 2:16 PM At 4pm, why? 
Today 2:17 PM I'll be waiting for you at your apartment then. Need to talk to you as soon as possible. 
Her text seemed very urgent to you, it  confused you to why she needed to talk to you asap. The curiosity was killing you especially because you couldn't just call her to ask what was up. You were still at work, you had your break a little before Natasha first wrote so there was no way you were able to get another one. For the remaining two hours you were plagued by wondering what Natasha wanted to talk about. It made you incredible nervous when you saw that she wasn't standing in front of your door. You quickly unlocked your door and went inside. Natasha was pacing around your open living room and only stopped after the sound of a door closing. She quickly shoved her phone into your hands, the chat with Yelena was open - you noticed the tiny heart behind your name, the blurry photo of you together was the first of the many screenshots Yelena sent Natasha. You had to admit that the photo was pretty cute and made you feel all warm inside but that was before reading the countless headlines.
"I thought we were safe yesterday!" She started pacing again. The frustration on her face was something you noticed instantly. You stood there nervous, not knowing how to feel about everything. There weren't paparazzi's here so you should still be safe in a way. 
"Nat look, we tried our best among the thousands of people that were on the streets. I know it only took one to recognize you but we are still lucky that the photo is very blurry to even make out my face." You tried to see the positive side of the situation. "And now when we go outside together then well I guess I have to wear a cap and sunglasses too. But I don't mind that as long as I'll have you."
She stopped in her tracks as she needed to be still in order to analyzing your face. The sigh you heard from her sounded defeated, you can only imagine what she must be feeling like. "I don't want you to hide yourself just to be with me but if that's the only way not to drag you into this public shit.. god this is so fucked up!"
"We just have to lay low for the next couple of days. And after that we just need a cover."
"What if I cut and die my hair?" 
"W-what?" You wouldn't mind seeing a new hairstyle on her but it still shocked you. 
"Nobody would recognize me of I cut my hair short and die it blonde. I always wanted to try it out and this is the perfect opportunity for it."
"Are you sure Natasha?" She nodded. "Okay uhh one of my co-worker's husband a hairdresser. They're both always discreet with things. I could ask her tomorrow at work." 
"You'd really do that?" You nodded. "Then yes please ask her." She walked over to you and gave you a kiss. "Thank you." Once again you only nodded your head. Suddenly your stomach grumbled loudly, you had yet to eat something before starting dinner. Natasha playfully scolded you for not having eaten yet. You then took an apple and ate it in front of her. "Do you want to stay for dinner?" She hesitantly agreed your invitation. "Okay good. I need to go to the grocery store though. Wanna stay here or come with me?" 
"I think it's best to stay, if that's alright with you?" You assured her that it was fine and to make herself feel at home. Grocery shopping didn't take long but you came back to Natasha sitting in your reading chair with your fluffy blanket and a book in her hand. A cup of hot coffee or tea and a lit candle were on the small wooden table next to her. The sight of her melted your heart and since it seemed like she hadn't heard you coming in, you took the chance to secretly take a photo of her. After looking if the photo came out good you proceeded putting all the groceries in the kitchen.  
Then you were leaning against your bookcase that was near her. "How's the book?" You asked softly, not wanting to startle her. She immediately put a piece of paper in the book and closed it. "It's amazing." Her attention was fully on you. 
You smiled at her answer. "I'm glad to hear it. That's one of my favorites." 
"I figured." She replied. "You have a lot of different editions of the book and you even put those post it notes in it." She pointed to the colorful index makers you had put in it. And since you loved annotating every book you read, you had your stuff for that in a small box on your shelf. 
"I'm usually very picky and cautious of giving other people my books but if you're certain that you want to finish the book then I'll even allow you to annotate it too." You came closer and pointed to the markers. She was thinking about it before something else came to her mind. Natasha decided to snatch your hand and pulled you onto her lap. She then gently put the book onto the table. "I might want to finish something else first." The woman told you as she leaned towards your face. 
"Something or someone?" You asked while watching her eye movement closely. She sighed and rested her forehead against yours. "You're driving me crazy."
"What if we just decide to have sex?" You asked boldly. "I mean we're both adults with clear conscious of what we'd do. We also went on a date already.. so what do you say?" She sighed. "I don't want your first time to be rushed. I'm afraid that one day you'll regret losing your virginity to me." Her concern was heart warming and instead of answering as softly as her you needed to make it more jokingly. "Aren't first times always something you regret?" You raised your brow. 
"Let's wait and see if you still find me attractive with short and dyed hair." She countered back. You gave her a sad smile. "Not gonna lie, I'll miss your red hair." You rested your arms on her shoulders and put your hands in the nape of her neck playing with her hair. "I definitely need a photo of us where you still have your red hair."
"You have that paparazzi or rather fan photo." That was true but it wasn't the same. "But it doesn't show my pretty side." You pouted. 
"You have a pretty side? Since when?" She joked. You put your hand over your heart. "Man this is cruel. My confidence took a hard hit from your words."
"Let me make it up to you with a kiss." She said before she kissed you gently.
"I need more than one kiss." She was about to kiss you again when your stomach announced itself. You kissed her quickly before standing up. "Apparently my body need me more than I need kisses. Sorry! I really should start dinner." 
"Now this is what you call cruel." She groaned while you giggled. 
Natasha went back to reading as you cooked dinner. You did a simple creamy tuscan chicken pasta for her. If you had more time you would have made Csirke Paprikás (Chicken Paprikash) but the spaetzle for that dish take a while to make. Maybe you could invite her to stay over the weekend and surprise her with the delicious food. 
When you were finished cooking, you set the table and called Natasha to come. Both of you made light conversation over the food that the redhead seemed to love. As it was getting later she said her goodbyes and thanked you again for dinner. For the first time in a long time you slept like a rock that night.
The next day around 12 pm Natasha received a text message from you, telling her that the hairdresser husband had some free time and could squeeze the redhead in if she was sure to really cut and dye her hair. 
Natasha was very conflicted if she really should do it but she knew she had to choose quick so she didn't think about it too long before she texted you her answer.
Cancel it. I have a better idea. 
You didn't hear another word from her that day and half of the following day. Shortly after she knew your work day were over she asked via text message if she could come over. You texted her back, saying she was welcome anytime. So it wasn't a surprise to see her in your apartment when you arrived home. "How'd get in?" You asked her as you studied Natasha. She still had her red hair and it was also still the same length as before. 
"Picked your lock." Then she shrugged like it was nothing. You closed the door behind you before taking off your shoes and walking further in the room. "I need to buy a better lock then. So.. you haven't changed your hair."
She hummed and nodded in agreement. With slow but steady steps she was quick to be right in front of you. "Something constantly reminded me the sad and longing expression you had on your when I said I'd change it up." That was only part of the whole truth. She couldn't never admit the other part out loud. She'd come off too strong otherwise. 
"You should do what feels right for you and not get influenced by others." You told her. "Though I'm actually a tiny bit glad you're still a redhead."
"You sure are into redheads huh?" You blushed deeply since she was spot on. "I'm flattered." 
"Y-you're flattered? When you look like that." You looked up and down her whole figure. "Like a  - like a literal goddess and I look like a potato!" She leaned towards your ear, feeling the hot air that was her breath, it gave you goosebumps and as soon as her raspy voice hit your eardrums you got weak in the knees. "Potatoes might look average to some people but once you change them into fries, those 'potatoes' are suddenly pretty popular."
"You're seriously comparing this with actual potatoes??" She nodded. "Yeah why not?"
"Because that doesn't make me feel less flustered." You admitted quietly while she smirked at your confession. "Oh my, Y/N does this little teasing actually turn you on?" 
"How couldn't it? I mean with a voice like yours..! Anyways -" You tried to change the direction of the conversation but she cut you off. "No, no don't change the topic on me now this is too interesting. Tell me, what are things that turn you on?"
"You can't be serious Nat."
"Do I look like I'm kidding?" She looked so serious that it kinda frightened you. "I uhh-" Your brain was empty, you didn't come up with anything. "You put me on the spot and now I can't think of anything!" Natasha giggled, she loved the affect she had on you. "Enough about me, what is something that turns you on?"
"The other person being dominant especially in a domestic environment. And when someone plays with my hair." She clears her throat and looked away after she said the last sentence. The woman had said the other reason that she swore she wouldn't admit out loud of why she did not cut her hair cut. You gasped as you realized exactly that. "I guess there are more things but I-" You cut her off with a short unexpected kiss. Natasha thought she'd be embarrassed after admitting something so personal but she didn't feel that way. It was because you didn't judge her, there was no need for judgement in your eyes. She leaned her forehead against yours as she took in the needed comfort you gave her. You saw her relaxing even more when your arms went around her shoulder and your fingers curled in her hair. "I guess your voice is the biggest turn on for me. The different tones of your voice when you talk, especially your teasing voice has just something.. I don't know how to explain it but let's just say the range of your voice is sexy as fuck. But don't get me wrong, I can and do appreciate your voice simply as it is without getting turned on! I don't want you to think that I sexualize anything you do or say." 
"Thank you for being honest and treating me like I'm human." With the way she talked you assumed that most people didn't treat her well and that broke your heart. You were lucky that people weren't cat calling you on streets so you can only imagine how much worse it must be for women who are as stunning as Natasha and also who were in the public eye constantly. "Fuck everyone who doesn't treat you like human! You are not a puppet, you are not a robot or some toy to be played with! You and every other single woman are human beings that simply should be treated like any other human being." You took a deep breath to calm you down. "The idea that just popped into my head is ridiculous. I wanted to show you how you should be treated.. with sex but that's not the only way to demonstrate being treated right or be intimate with one another. So my dear Natasha Romanoff, what does your heart desire? Do you like flowers? Chocolate? Or books? Some people like CD's and Vinyls better. I'd even buy jewelry if you're into that? I'd even make those self made 'friendship' bracelets for us even though I don't have patience for that type of stuff."
"Your consideration is very heart warming Y/N." You felt her playing with the hem of your shirt. It made you think that she was a bit nervous. "I honestly don't know if I like to be showered with so much affection. I had a rough childhood with a much more difficult teenage hood so maybe a hug is all I need right now."
And so you hugged her for a long time. Turned out you needed a hug as badly as she did too. After a while you both moved to the couch and cuddled. At some point though you had the urge to hold Natasha in a spooning position. She agreed when you asked if it were possible to spoon for some minutes. Those few minutes turned into 30 minutes of enjoying each other's closeness. That half an hour was intimate and it somewhat bonded you both in a way you couldn't describe. "Are you ready to get up?" You asked as you planted a kiss on her shoulder. She turned her head as much as she could towards you. "5 more minutes?" You nodded and quickly stole a kiss from her. "I hope you don't mind me stealing so many kisses from you. Also in those five minutes you requested, could be switch positions? I wanna be hold by you now." You pouted with your mouth like a little puppy. 
"Your kisses are always unexpected but I let it slide since they're nice." She then turned her body with her hands on you, ushering you to do the same. You groaned at the sudden warmth change but turned around anyways. The arm that was looped around your waist had a nice comfortable weight and you almost didn't want to change that if you hadn't schemed another plan already. You wanted her hand to rest somewhere else, somewhere where it'd be more cozy, and that would be your boobs. You grabbed her hand and lead it up your t-shirt until the palm of her hand was touching your breasts. "This is so much better." It was the only thing you said. Not even a minute later, you felt soft pressure as she had started to groped your boob gently. The bra you wore was holding back a lot but from everything that you did feel was simply heavenly. "If only I were naked." You uttered the words with an almost inaudible moan. To tease you even further Natasha began to leave warm - nearly wet kisses on your neck. "Oh fuck, don't stop please." The pleading was now turning on the redhead. She never thought that being a little submissive would be so sexy. "Sweet Jesus I'm in heaven."
"We've barely even started yet Detka and you're acting all on edge already." She mused. You groaned again but this time at the little embarrassment you felt. "It was one moan! Don't judge me for something you are doing to me." The redhead grinned then dove back into kissing you. She lulled a few more moans out of you before she stopped. "The 5 minutes are over. Let's get our butts up and do something productive."
"If your 'productive' isn't making sweet love in the bedroom then no thank you." 
"Do you own a strap on or a vibrator?" You shook you head. "Then we won't make sweet love in your bedroom."
"Why are you trying to find an excuse right now? You of all people know that we don't need that to have fun. You have ten wonderful functioning fingers and big mouth to use. Not only that but scissoring, tight riding, abs riding exist."
The Widow looked embarrassed to the ground while trying to find the courage to tell you the truth. She huffed before speaking up. "I have scars." 
"Scars? That's it? Wow that makes you really so inhuman I'm scared." You joked which you then realized was the false move since you saw Natasha visibly tense. "I'm- I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that. Look, we all have scars. Either visible ones or hidden inside of us but those just show us how human we are, that we're not invincible." You took her hands into your. "Nat, having scars doesn't mean you're damaged or ugly. It means you survived the worst and shows how strong you are. And besides the point, I find scars so incredible sexy that I'd fall to my knees and worship every little one you have." She smiled at that before her lips crashed into yours. Hot and wet kisses were happening followed by a swift move of her lifting you up by your ass that got you wrapping your legs around her waist. Before you even knew it your back hit the mattress and your hands were pinned above your head. Her mouth wandered around your whole body, later followed by her hands that left not spot undiscovered. 
Taglist: @dcrogoy , @arcturusseer , @comet-forgot-you , @arualdcg , @kksalexa , @imnatobsessed , @presser24 , @jasminerose28 , @wannabe-fic-reader , @lonewalker17 , @mrsrushman , @ctrlamira , @red1culous , @alianovnasposts
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