#wish someone would jus hug me n tell me it's gonna be okay
I hate the people from my school so much.
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Double Date
(a blurb from the Flatmate series)
…in which “I don’t want whoever I end up dating to feel second to you.”
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Word count: 2.4k
This is inspired by the song ’gold rush’ from Taylor’s new album ‘evermore’. This song reminds me so much of the flatmate babiesssss.
Harry didn’t believe in his own ears.
His flatmate?
Going on a date?
No way.
But why would she lie about that? And he knew she hadn’t made that shit up, because the guy existed, and Harry had spoken to him and seen Y/N have a conversation with him several times before. However, never would Harry have thought that the two of them would go on a date. He couldn’t even imagine them holding hands. It was just bizarre. Also, Y/N never went out, and she hated people. Did she know that ‘dating’ required being around a person all the time? It would never work.
“You’re going on a date?” Harry asked as he followed her into the kitchen.
“No,” she answered flatly.
“Okay, then can I come with?”
“No!” cried Y/N as she shoved him aside to get to the fridge.
Harry huffed like an angry child as he leaned back against the wall, arms crossed. “If he’s just a friend, why can’t I come with you?”
“Because it’d be weird! You don’t know my friend.”
“Not true. I had two classes with him last semester.”
“Oh yeah? What’s his name?”
Harry’s mouth froze as he opened it and realised he didn’t know the answer. Y/N shut the fridge door and started drinking her milk slowly with an eyebrow raised, waiting for the answer that he didn’t have.
“Okay, fine,” he sighed. “Who the fuck cares what his name is? It’s shady that you don’t want me to hang out with him.”
“He didn’t invite you.”
“But he wouldn’t mind if you did because we’re all friends, aren’t we?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. She didn’t comment and just brushed right past him. Harry knew it was her way of ending the conversation, so he hurriedly followed her out of the kitchen. She flopped down onto the couch and he came to sit beside her. She grabbed the remote to turn the telly on. He snatched it away, forcing her to stay in the conversation. He wasn’t going to let this end so easily. His need to win all the time was his most toxic trait, according to Layla. But oh well, nobody’s perfect. He had to have at least one flaw.
“Are you ashamed of me?”
“No.” Y/N scrunched up her face and reached for the remote. Harry immediately sat on it. “Hey!”
He ignored her reaction. “Then why don’t you want me to go with you and your ‘friend’ to this concert?”
“It’s not a concert. It’s an acoustic night at a cafe.”
“I still wanna go.”
“You’re annoying.” Y/N aggressively hugged a pillow to her chest and turned away from him.
Harry felt guilty. He might have said too much. If he was aware of him being annoying, it must be worse for her. And he never wished to upset her. He just didn’t want her to go on this ‘not really a date’ date.
“What if I bring someone?” he asked, breaking the silence.
Y/N glared at him. “Like...a girl?”
“Or Niall.” He shrugged. “Depends.”
He expected her to be jealous or at least showed that she was jealous. To his disappointment, she gave a nonchalant shrug and said, “Okay.”
“Okay I can go if I bring someone?”
“Sure, then you’ll have someone else to annoy.”
Harry chuckled as he looked at her while she looked somewhere else. “You could be so mean sometimes.”
She rolled her eyes and gave a smirk. “Thank you.”
AJ. That was Y/N’s date’s name.
Why would anyone want to name their child AJ? It was like his parents didn’t even try. Harry hated to be an arsehole. Well, not really. But yeah, he fucking hated this dude.
“I can’t believe you dragged me into this,” Layla mumbled and shot Harry a glare as they followed AJ and Y/N to their table.
“It’d be embarrassing if I’d gone with Niall,” Harry whispered to Layla as they took their seats facing the other two, who were too caught up in their conversation to pay attention to all this shady whispering.
“Just pick another one from your long list of hoes,” Layla said.
“Well, I don’t want to make anyone think I’m taking them on a date.” He flashed her a smile. “So I picked you.”
Layla rolled her eyes and picked up the menu. “Wait. They don’t have anything with alcohol?” she asked aloud.
“Try this vanilla drink. So you wouldn’t be so fucking bitter all the time.”
Layla smacked Harry on the arm for his comment. Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw Y/N holding back a laugh by biting her lip. If only she knew how cute she looked tonight wearing that babydoll dress and her hair up in a ponytail. He wanted to tell her, but it’d be weird, wouldn’t it? They never complimented each other. And knowing how anxious he’d get, he’d probably say some dumb shit like comparing her to a ghost or something.
“The drinks aren’t the best,” AJ said after the waiter had left with their orders. “But the music is great. My favourite band is playing tonight.”
“Oh, what’s the band’s name?” Y/N asked.
“The Muse.”
“Never heard of them,” Harry said nonchalantly and received a glare from Y/N. He gave her a subtle shrug.
“Well, they’re a small band. But they’re great,” AJ said, smiling.
Layla tapped Harry on the shoulder and leaned in to whisper to him, “He’s handsome and respectful. You don’t stand a chance.”
“You don’t think I’m handsome and respectful?” he asked her, raising an eyebrow.
Layla scoffed. “Handsome, yes. But you’re a hoe.”
Harry was so used to Layla’s sense of humour, he didn’t find these comments offensive at all, just funny, and kinda true. He was far from a saint. “Is that coming from a certified hoe?” he jokingly asked.
Layla smirked and pushed his face away. “Shut the fuck up.”
Harry let out a laugh, shaking his head. When he looked up, he caught Y/N staring. She turned away as quickly as she could but was unable to hide her blushing. Had she been checking him out? He wasn’t complaining. It was flattering, to say the least. With her date sitting right there.
He flinched and turned back to Layla. “What?”
“Stop looking at AJ like he murdered your cat. You’re being embarrassing right now.”
“We’re not actually on a date, Layla.”
“I know.” Layla sighed. “That’s why I’m tolerating you.”
Their drinks were served just in time the opening act - a lady singing Taylor Swift songs - ended, and the main act arrived. Four men stepped on the stage and started setting up their instruments. The main singer introduced themselves as The Muse, and the first song they were going to sing had some weird symbolistic name that Harry forgot as soon as he’d heard it. He was too busy watching Y/N. AJ whispered something into her ear, making her giggle and Harry’s blood boil.
He was most familiar with that laugh. He’d made her laugh like that all the time. Well, yes, it was kinda weird to be gatekeeping someone’s laugh. But the fact that Y/N found this boring bloke funny made Harry’s skin crawl.
Suddenly, Harry caught Layla’s warning stare, so he swallowed his jealousy and took a sip of his coffee, which had already got cold.
The Muse sang two or three songs in a row and interacted with the audience in between little breaks. Meanwhile, AJ entertained Harry, Y/N, and Layla with his boring stories about his academic achievements. Also, he kept bragging about him being able to cook. We get it, Ratatouille, Harry thought. Go open a restaurant in Paris or something!
What Harry found more annoying than this guy having all the qualities a woman would look for in her future husband, was the fact that Y/N was completely infatuated. If she was just being nice, she should win an Oscar for Best Actress.
“Question,” Layla whispered to Harry when AJ and Y/N were lost in their own world again. “Will I be your plus one to their wedding?”
“Shut up,” he scoffed.
Layla shrugged. “I hear wedding bells ringing. Don’t you?”
Fuck bells. Fuck weddings. Fuck AJ. Fuck Layla. Harry wanted to say fuck Y/N, too. But he had a crush on her so he couldn’t hate her. Fuck this whole place. Fuck everyone except for his Y/N.
“Would any of you like to come on stage and perform with us?” asked the lead singer of The Muse.
“Ooooh, this is my favourite part!” AJ said, his green eyes twinkling.
Fuck this dude, Harry thought bitterly, for being handsome.
“You’re gonna sing?” Y/N asked AJ.
“Nah, I suck at singing,” AJ said. “I play the drums, though.”
“I bet you do,” Harry muttered, but it seemed like everyone had heard him. He responded to Y/N’s questioning look with an awkward grin.
“What about you, Harry?” Layla suggested, obviously wanting to start some shit as always. “Would you like to sing?”
“Harry can’t sing,” Y/N said quickly.
Harry blinked at her in surprise. “Hey, I can sing. It’s just I don’t want to.”
“Oh, it’d be fun.”
“No, thank you, AJ,” Harry said between gritted teeth.
AJ looked quite offended. Fortunately, Layla came for the rescue. “I’ll do it,” she shouted with her hand raised. Everyone broke into applause as she got up and made her way to the stage.
“Can she sing?” Y/N asked Harry.
He sighed and lifted his shoulders in a half-shrug. “We could only hope.”
Layla strutted up the steps and waved at Harry, Y/N, and AJ. Suddenly, her heel was caught by a wire, and she tripped, falling headfirst into the lead singer. She knocked them both right off the stage against one of the tables and had the drinks spilt all over them.
Harry was frozen in shock until Layla’s cries snapped him out of it and sent him to his feet as he rushed up to help her.
“You got drunk on vanilla?” Harry asked while trying his best not to laugh at Layla being covered in strawberry smoothies.
“Shut the fuck up!” she cried. “I wanna go home!”
“Is she okay?” Y/N asked.
“No, bitch. Do I look okay to you?!”
“I’ll take her home,” Harry said, helping Layla up and receiving angry looks from the other band members, who were checking up on their friend. The lead singer didn’t break any bones. Thank God. Sighing, Harry turned back to Y/N and AJ. “You two...stay. Carry on with your date. Don’t worry about us.”
Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but AJ didn’t let her. “No, we can’t just stay when Layla’s hurt,” he said, eyeing Layla up and down in concern. “You live in the dorm, right?”
“So do I. I’ll take you home.” To Y/N, AJ said, “I’m sorry, Y/N. Next time?”
Y/N pressed her lips into a smile. “Sure. Drive safe, all right?”
“He seems nice,” Harry said as he walked home with Y/N. She’d been so quiet since they’d left the cafe, he was afraid she was mad at him or something.
She gave a nod. To his surprise, she said, “I’m sorry about Layla.”
He gave a dismissive wave. “She’ll be fine. That was probably karma for pushing Liam off the stairs.”
Y/N looked horrified. “On purpose?”
Harry shrugged. “We don’t know. Possibly. I mean, it’s Layla.”
They both laughed together and suddenly went quiet.
“I’m kind of mad at you, though,” Y/N said after another moment.
“Why?” Harry chuckled.
“You shouldn’t have asked to come with us.”
“You said I could if I brought someone.”
“Yes, I didn’t think you’d bring Layla,” she said and rolled her eyes. “Are you two like...hooking up?”
“Ew no, she’s like a sister to me. An awful one.” He laughed and nudged her with his shoulder. “Why? Are you jealous?”
She glared at him. “No. But you two are both attractive. It’s weird that you don’t find each other attractive.”
“You think I’m attractive?” Harry smirked, loving how quickly her face turned red.
“I mean, conventionally attractive.” She cleared her throat, refusing to look at him as they spoke. “Your hair’s always so nice. It falls into place like...dominoes…”
“Dominoes?” Harry chuckled. “Aww, someone’s flustered. Just say you have a crush on me.”
“No,” Y/N said timidly, as if she was unsure. “But...you should stop teasing me like this.”
“Why? It’s fun. I like teasing you.”
“People would think I have a crush on you for real.”
Harry maintained his nonchalant expression, but the butterflies in his stomach were going crazy. “You don’t?” he asked with mock surprise. “And what’s wrong with people thinking you have a crush on me? Everyone has a crush on me.”
That was meant to be a joke. Harry didn’t expect a serious answer from Y/N.
“I don’t want whoever I end up dating to feel like they’re second to you. Because sometimes I–” Her mouth clamped shut. She squeezed the strap of her handbag and walked a bit further away from him.
Harry found it amusing. “You what?”
“Y/N, you can’t just say something and never finish it.”
Y/N gave him a glance, biting her lip. “Sometimes I feel like...I care about you too much. It makes me uncomfortable.”
“Why’s caring about me makes you uncomfortable?” He smiled, unable to hold it anymore.
She said nothing and only walked faster to get ahead of him. Harry sped up and fell into steps beside her again as he cleared his throat into his fist. “Just so you know,” he said slowly. “I care about you a lot, too. Don’t worry.”
She didn’t look at him, but he could see her cheeks turning red. He loved it. Her shyness when she was around him made his heart swell. Maybe that was why he enjoyed teasing her. He wanted proof that he could make her feel something, no matter how insignificant it was.
“Okay,” was all she said.
It made him laugh. “You’re being mean.”
“Only to you,” she replied.
“Good,” he said, hoping she’d heard him.
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honeynutouran · 3 years
Close your eyes (Kaminari x reader)
Summary: You had a bad day and your best friend Denki Kaminari wanted to cheer you up.
Word count: 1.5k
Girl reader x Kaminari
Y/N = your name
A/N Hell, so I haven't written in a bit and I had this idea so here it is. not sure if it is any good but I hope you enjoy it.
Warnings: you feel a little bad about yourself and Fluff
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You sighed as you walked back to your dorm from training. It was a long day and training is getting harder because everyone in your class keeps improving and you feel like you have hit a wall and that you are not going anywhere with your quirk. You rounded the corner to head down the hall to which your dorm room belonged to be greeted by the goofy smile of your best friend Denki Kaminari.
“What do you want Kami?” you ask the boy as you walk past him and to your door, he follows behind.
“Thought we could play Mario Kart or something, you seemed down at training today.” He explained as you both walk into your dorm.
“I suppose so, but I need to shower first so just get it fired up and chill here as I do that.” You say grabbing a towel and some clothes to change into after your shower.
“Alright that works for me, just don’t take so long, last time I got so bored I started to look through your books.” He complained as you rolled your eyes at him and went to the bathroom.
After your shower you started to put your clothes on then came to the realization that you forgot to grab your bra. Normally at this time, you would not need one because you would just chill out in your dorm for the rest of the night. But since Kaminari was over you would need a bra.
“Hey uh, Kami.” You start already regretting saying anything and realizing you could have just grabbed a sweater or something once you left your bathroom.
“Yeah, what’s up?” He asked almost instantly. You felt a blush creep up to your cheeks, what was that about.
“Uh, never mind its nothi-“you got cut off
“What is it Y/N?” he said in a tone that he only used with you.
“I forgot to grab my bra.” You were thankful there was a door between you two as you felt a heat spread across your face.
“Need me to give it to you, I mean you don’t need to wear one, I have seen you wear a shirt without one before. It is not that big of a deal.” He replied and you could practically hear his smirk.
“I care Kami, so just close your eyes or something as I come in to grab one then go back into the bathroom.” You begged.
“Fine, but I could have just hand-“
“NO!” you cut him off that time.
“Fine, my eyes are closed come get your stupid bra.” Soon after he finished talking you slowly open the door and peek your head out to see if Kaminari had actually closed his eyes. When you see the coast is clear you open the door the rest of the way and head over to your dresser you grab the correct bra and start to head back to the bathroom. But on your way over you glance over at the boy sitting on your bed, his eyes still closed as he sits with his legs crossed holding them together. You think about how cute he is and how sweet it was of him to give you your respect and to comply with keeping his eyes closed. “are you in the bathroom yet, this is taking forever?” he asks, and you realized you had spent more time fonding over him then you did grabbing your bra. You head back to the bathroom and give him the okay to open his eyes.
After you got out of the bathroom, for real this time he smiled at you and handed you your controller.
“Ready to get your ass handed to you?” you asked and he laughed in reply knowing you weren’t bluffing as you won most of the time.
After about 2 hours of playing different games, you felt yourself start to get tired. But every time you would sneak a glance at Kaminari he had the cutest looks on his face and you couldn’t dare to tell him to go back to his dorm, so instead you decided to put on a movie instead because that was easier than playing video games. Kaminari agreed but only if he could pick out the movie so now you were both sitting on your bed watching the cinematic masterpiece, Shrek 2.
“Excellent choice sparky.” You said as he was quoting the ‘are we there yet’ scene.
“Thank you, only the best for you.” He smirked back, turning to face you. “I see I did my job.”
“What job?” you asked him, slightly confused.
“My job to cheer you up, I know training has not been going so well since you felt like you weren’t going anywhere. But I think you are doing great, you are just too hard on yourself.” You felt your heart swell up at his words and a blush spread across your cheeks.
“Thanks, Denki, but I don’t really think I am I mean everyone is doing so well and I am just doing the same as before.” You replied to scared to meet his eyes, playing with your hands. Suddenly he reaches for your hand to make you stop. You look up at him and he gives you a soft smile.
“Y/N, you are doing fantastic and I don’t want to hear anything else okay.”
“But I-“
“Okay?” he cut you off again.
“Okay, fine but just so you stop.” You said giving in. He let go of your hand and your heart sank a bit, wishing he didn’t let go.
“That works for now, I guess.” He gives you a look anyways and you know this conversation will come up again later. You try to enjoy the rest of the movie but the longing for his touch and the tiredness start to take over. You start to fall asleep. Once asleep your head falls to Kaminari’s shoulder, he blushes at the contact but stays as still as possible not to wake you. Soon he also falls asleep.
You wake up the next morning freaking out that you overslept to be reminded that it is the weekend and you don’t have any class. Then you realize that there is someone next to you and an arm around your waist. You turn around and come face to face with your best friend. Panic starts up again, how did this happen you two were sitting in your bed watching Shrek now you have somehow both laid down and were spooning.
“Kami.” You say quietly and shake his shoulder a bit. But all he does is pull you close and mumble. “Kami you fell asleep in my bed.”
“S-okay, five more minutes.” He mumbled, nuzzling his head into your neck. You tried not to get pulled into the moment as you once again realized what was happening. Snapping back into reality you tried once again to wake him up.
“Denki, seriously we could get caught.” He opened his eyes slowly this time he looked at your face and smiled then once he realized what was going on his eyes widened and he fell off the bed taking you with him. You fell on top of the boy. “good job sparky.” You deadpanned.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t think I was gonna fall asleep too. How did you fall with me?” he apologized and clearly didn’t realize the position you were in a couple seconds ago.
“Uh, yeah you were kinda spooning me.” You blushed back as he looked at you, still on top of him. He started blushing as he finally realized everything going on. Once you did too you quickly tried to get off of him but he grabbed your wrist to stop you from going too far. He sat up and pulled you into him.
“Are you okay?” he asked looking at your face.
“Yeah, you broke my fall, are you okay?” you asked him this time.
“Yeah, just a little embarrassed I guess, I’m sorry I did that.” He said scratching the back of his neck and looking away.
“No, it’s okay, I didn’t mind. I um, I kinda liked it.” You blushed at your own words, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?
“What did you just say?” Kaminari asked unknowingly mimicking your own thoughts.
“I think I said I liked it. Which makes sense because I like you.” You were shocked at your words once again, WHO POSSESSED YOU?
“You like me?” he asked, and you just nodded, too shocked from your own confession to speak. “Well, now I am less embarrassed because I like you too. So great everything worked out.” He said reaching out for you once again and pulling you into a hug. You were still too shocked to hug him back.
“You, you like me back?” you finally asked, Denki still hugging you. He pulled back and looked at you with a confused look on his face and you started to explain your confusion. “You always would grab my hand but then you would let go.”
“Yeah, because I didn’t think you wanted me to hold it.” He blushed, he looked so cute and now that you knew the feelings were mutual you slammed your lips to his. Once he realized what you did, he began to kiss you back, it was a kiss full of longing and yet it was very sweet. You pulled back and for once smirked at him.
“I want you to hold my hand.”
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avungerthatgotaway · 4 years
Baby it's the Sign of the Times
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Eyoo guyzz! This is a new oneshot, I hope you like this❄ I'm currently rewriting my Hawkeye fic, so I'm not gonna post that one for a little. This one is a bit longer than my previous ones.
I totally recommend you to listen to this song while reading, even if you're not a fan of Harry's. It will really help the mood.
I don't own anything, even tho I'd like to have a few... choice words with Russo brothers about endgame...👍🏼🤔
Warnings: none
Summary: events when Peggy dies, mainly before Steve goes to London, and you comfort him. (I know it's stupid summary, but I don't want to spoil it, sorry)
Genre: angst
I don't mention civil war at all. No other avengers are at Peggy's funeral. There are no romantical pairings, and Sharon is not mentioned cuz she doesn't fit in the storylineeee.
She's gone.
In her sleep.
This words crushed Steve inside. He knew this was coming, but he'd never be ready for it, no matter what.
When he came from ice, he met her again. He knew they could never be together. No matter his actual age, Steve still had a full life in front of him. Unfortunately, same couldn't be told for Peggy.
Oh Peggy... She was always his ray of sunshine. Even through darkest of days. It is a cliché, but she was.
She is gone now.
Why did she have to go? Why didn't he get to spend a life with her? Steve's biggest wish was, and always will be, to spend a happy life with her. He didn't want any of this famous captain shit. He wanted a house in a village and 2 kids with Peggy. And a little dog. Or they'd be of service, and fight next to each other. Nevermind, Steve wanted a life with Peggy. For them to watch each other go grey. Maybe he could've been there for her as a husband now, through her sickness. Or maybe he'd be the one to go first. But still, that'd be a life...
One tear slipped down his rosy cheek, the other one following. Soon he had tearstains on his cheeks, but he didn't care. It was a silent cry. Those carry the most pain.
"Eyo, capsicle! You good there?" Tony snapped him outta his thoughts. Steve forgot the whole team was in the room. Fortunately, he was turned, so they were facing his back. He just couldn't talk to anyone right now.
"Yea yea, I'm good. I gotta go." he quickly got up and exited the room. He climbed up the stairs 2 more floors, but his toughts started haunting him again.
He's going on a plane tomorrow morning to say goodbye for the last time. Oh God, even thinking of a last time kills Steve inside. It's pretty late, but he didn't know what to do until morning. Sleeping wasn't an option, he knew that much. He gave in to overthinking again.
Of Peggy. Of her life. Of what could've happened if he didn't freeze...
"Just stop your crying, it's a sign of the times..."
"...welcome to the final show..."
"...I hope you're wearing your best clothes..."
Steve heard a silent piano in the background, and he heard an angelic voice. He still had tearstained cheeks, but he needed to hear what the voice had to say.
"...you can't bribe the door on your way to the sky..."
He was still clutching his cellphone in his hand, while following the voice. He came in front of Y/N's room. Y/N was a 16 year old avenger. She was very mature and wise for her age.
Her door was opened, and he just leaned against the doorframe, listening to her beautiful voice.
"...if we never learn, we been here before..."
"... why are we always stuck and running from the bullets..."
"...they told me that the end is near..."
Steve was crying a river at this point, and he didn't care. First shock was wearing out, and silent cries became little sobs. Yet, not loud enough for Y/N to hear.
"...just stop your crying, baby it'll be alright..."
"...we got to get away..."
She played final chords on piano, and then she turned around.
2nd person POV
You were singing "Sign of the times" and playing your piano. You loved this song. It was helping you relax, the melody was perfect. During the few last, silent piano chords, you tought you heard something. You softly finished and turned around. It was Steve.
But not the Steve you knew. This one had red puffy eyes, swollen from crying. He was sobbing quietly, trying to stop the sobs, but he couldn't.
You slowly came up to him, like to a wounded animal. He was just so hurt, you could see it in his eyes. You felt bad for him, but you wanted to know what happened. Who could hurt Stevie so badly.
"What happened, Big Guy?" you asked him. Steve just kept on sobbing even harder.
You moved him a little, so he was in your room, and you closed the door. You lead him to your bed, and sit on it, next to him. He was clutching his phone tightly in his hand, so you lifted his hand and gently tried to take it. He wouldn't let it go. You don't wanna pressure him, but whatever is on that phone is causing him this much distress.
"Stevie, cmon big babe" you cooed and rubbed the back of his hand with your thumbs. It may sound strange so someone, but Stevie really was like a big baby, so fluffy and vunerable inside.
He gave in and the phone just slipped from his hand in yours. You read the text and everyting was clear right away. You knew he went to visit Peggy in hospital, you didn't know she was this bad. I mean, Steve and you were close, but still that's too personal. You felt sooo sorry for him. He didn't deserve it. Not now. Not ever.
"Ohh, I'm so sorry Stevie..."
You immidiately hugged him close to you. He burried his head in your shoulder and neck, crying his eyes out, but at the same time trying not to cry. At least not to sob.
"Stevie, bear, it's okay to cry. Just let it all out."
That was all he needed. He started crying and sobbing uncontrollably, and your shirt was soaked in his tears. You didn't mind it tho, if it'll help him to feel better afterwards, he can cry as much as he needs.
After some time he lifted his head and looked into your eyes with his puffy baby blues.
"I'm sorry, Flower, I-I ju-ust can't believe s-s-she's go-one-e" he was still crying. You could see how much Peggy meant to him. You hugged him again, tugging at his hair softly to comfort him.
"Hey, hey no need to apologise Stevie. You cry yourself out, it'll help you. I'm here for you, Bear."
"T-tha-ank you. A-and and please... ca-can you-u not tell a-anyone about he-er ye-et..."
"Shhhh, Bear, I won't tell anyone about her. You wait until you're ready." you whispered.
You understood him. Not everyone in the team knew Peggy existed. And now telling them that she died, and what happened with them would be too much for Steve.
"Shhh, it's okay, it's okay." you whispered. You whispered to soothe him, you didn't know what to do when someone's loved one dies. But you wanted to be there for Steve so badly. Little did you know that what you did was just perfect for Steve.
Steve at first felt ashamed, because he cried in front of Y/N. But she talked just enough, whispering soothingly. He didn't have streinght to act like a big guy anymore. He craved comfort so badly, and he got it from Y/N. It felt nice.
Back to 2nd person POV
Something was bothering you. Steve didn't want anyone to know about Peggy's death which meant he was probably going to funeral alone. You didn't want that for him. At least he needed someone to be with afterwards. You knew Steve and how sensitive he was. You didn't want to think of things going through his head while he's alone after funeral. But if it was in London, as you tought it was, you had a plan.
"Stevie?" you said quietly playing with his hair a little.
"Mhm?" he asked, face still in your shoulder.
"When is Peggy's funeral? Is anyone going with you?" you asked. He lifted his head a little.
"T-tomorrow. L-london. And no. It's too much-h t-trouble for anyone. And I know it is Y/N, do-don't try to o--object" he smiled through his tears. You smiled back at him, your own eyes glistening with tears a little, but you didn't want him to notice.
He burried his head in your shoulder and neck again, like it was his safeplace, and he just cried. You couldn't imagine where those tears come from.
You softly stroked his short blonde locks, and started singing.
"Just stop your crying, it's the sign of the times...
...welcome to the final show
...I hope you're wearing your best clothes..."
Half into the song, you felt more weight on your shoulder. You looked down, and realised Steve fell asleep. You pressed one kiss to his temple, and moved him, so he was lying in your bed.
"Good night, Stevie Bear." you whispered.
When you exited your room quietly, you immediately called your best friend, Jon.
It was 2am, but you and Jon were just the best friends, you could call him whenever, and other way around.
Him and his family were going to London, and he invited you to go with them. You declined the offer, because you had to study so. so. much. But this was way more important.
"Heey, Jonny. Is that London offer still on?
Great. When are you going?
Ohhh, in 2 hours?
Yea, I'll be there. Thanks
And by the way, I'll have somewhere to go to tomorrow, around 4pm, I hope you guys don't mind.
Ohh cool. Thank you bruhhhh. Byee"
Great news. They still had a plain ticked to spare, and they'll pick you up soon.
You quickly packed your stuff, careful not to wake up Stevie. Poor baby. With everything he's been through, and now his Peggy dies...
You tell JARVIS to tell Tony you're in your friends house, and to wake up Steve 'round 6am. His flight was in 7. You knew this, and which Church it was in at what time because you did a little research. Aka, asked JARVIS for help. AI already heard everything, so it wasn't news.
You left the tower and went to meet up with Jon and his family.
Steve woke up by alarm ringing at 6am. He immediately realised he's not in his room. He was in Y/N's. And then he remembered how you comforted him. He was so thankful for you. Even though, you weren't here, and it was confusing. You probably went to sleep on the couch, or in some other room, and Steve felt bad about it. He quickly got ready, and tried to find you, so he could get you back to your bed. Fortunately JARVIS easened his search.
"Mr. Rogers, ms. L/N went on a trip with her friend a few hours ago."
"Oh. Thanks JARVIS." Steve said, and left the building. You didn't mention any trips, but then again, you two didn't talk anything except Peggy tonight.
(timeskip to Peggy's funeral, cuz no one wants to listen about the trip now)
3rd person POV
It's so devastating to attend a funeral on your own.
Even more so if it's a funeral of your lost loved one.
Maybe Steve should've brought someone with him. For comfort. At least to feel the familiar presence. He carried Peggy's coffin, and it was enough to make him feel empty and sad. It was nearing to the end of funeral, and Steve didn't want to be alone. He wanted comfort. Like when Y/N comforted him last night.
After the ceremony ended, he stayed behind a little. He craved someone's presence. Anyone familiar. And then he felt a smal hand on his shoulder. He turned around, and it was Y/N. At first, he tought he was hallucinating. But her petite hand on his shoulder felt so real. He felt so grateful for this small human being at the moment, he just wanted to thank God over and over for having her with him.
"Y/N, Flower, what are you doing here?" he asked, still in shock.
"Hey Bear. I figured out you could use some company after the funeral. But if you wanna be alone, I understand, I'll go."
"No no, I mean, if you can stay, it would mean a world to me. You really know me better than I know myself sometimes Y/N. Thank you so much, Flower." he said, and immediately came for a hug. You hugged back, of course.
"I'll stay for as long as you want, Bear. I'm here for you, as long as you want me to stay."
"I want you to stay forever kiddo" he mumbed in your hair.
"Forever it is."
@afictionaladventure16 @rae-is-typing @elles-writing @avengersarchive @avengersuniverse
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Grounded: Level 9
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Level 8 | Level 10
Member: Minho (Lee Know)
Genre: idol minho x idol reader
Taglist: @jaehyvnsvalentine @licorice526 @lolwhatameme @felixn-recs @yunapixie @rindomo @sleeping-hero-of-procastination
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“Do you want to bet how long it takes for people to figure out?” 
“Hmm? Figure what out? That you’re a loser?”
“Ow,” Minho grins, rubbing the spot you whacked on his arm. But he quickly wraps his arm around your neck and pulls you into a mild headlock. Gently punching him in his gut, he releases you, sneering a little before resigning and circling his arm around your shoulders again. 
“No, seriously. It’s not going to be long before people find out,” The sweat that’s gathering under your heavy, dark clothes is making you sweat. “When are you going to tell JYP?”
“When are you going to tell Bang PD?” Minho cocks a brow. 
The streets are silent, now that it was a terrible time to be awake. Illuminated by the fluorescent street lamps, the ground is an asphalt grey under the lighting. Your dorm building was showing up around the corner, reminding you that all good things need to come to an end. Granted that all good things need to be covered in black and a mask and a cap. 
“Probably soon. Ju Rin told me to keep him updated ASAP before he finds out on his own.”
“Should we tell them together?”
“What, like you’re gonna come over and we walk into Bang PD’s office together?”
“Yeah, sure. I mean, he could get a new method of capitalization.”
“Excuse me?”
“Never mind, thought you’d laugh.”
“I would if it’s funny.”
Minho side-eyes you warily. 
“I think I would find it funny if the fans wouldn’t completely trash us for dating.”
“You know that there are fans who would support us, right?”
“I know, I know, but it’s just hard to ignore the dark side of things.”
The uneven ground under the soles of your shoes somehow manage to reach the nerves in your feet as you stop at the entrance of your dorm building. You take the tiny step up to the entrance while Minho remains on ground level, allowing the two of you to be levelled (which was pretty entertaining because that’s just how small the height difference between you and Minho was). 
“I know you worry, and I know it’s just... such a shit time to be involved in this... I just hope you don’t regret that it’s with me.”
The way Minho’s voice gets lower and less pronounced leaves satin-soft strokes on your heart, and those stupid sparkly eyes under the dim lighting makes you want to squeeze him into your pocket. 
“It bothers me that you’ve grown to say this kinda shit without retching.”
“Who said I wasn’t dying trying to contain it?”
If smiling because of Minho was a sin, then you belonged in Hell at this point. 
“Alright, you need to go. I have some stupid Kingdom shit tomorrow and I know you have some scheduling plans. I heard Ju Rin’s being sorted out for some ETUDE House CF already?”
A subtle surprise writes itself across your face. Sure, it wasn’t uncommon for news like this to travel, but as far as you knew, only HYBE was aware of this. 
“How did you know?”
“A certain someone might’ve told a certain someone in Stray Kids.”
“No,” The disbelief and mischief is welling your gut as you squint at him. 
“Yes,” Minho smirks and gently nudges you towards the glass doors that make the entrance to the building. 
“Who? Why do you know this information and I don’t? It’s my own group!”
Minho shakes his head, eyes halving as he continuously pushes you to the door. “I’m sure you’ll find out in due time. Just bring Jeongin up to your group and see who freaks.”
It’s innocently entertaining, the way you are filled with determination to figure out who the second member of your group is who has some kind of romantic link to Jeongin. 
“Yah, which one of you is dating Yang Jeongin?” 
Ju Rin frowns and almost hisses upon the announcement when you step into the apartment, pulling out her Airpods and placing down her Apple Pen next to her iPad. 
“You heard me,” The disgusting smirk is cemented into your face when your remaining group mates come out of their bedrooms. “Someone here is dating Yang Jeongin and you better make yourself known now before I dig it out of Minho.”
“How do you know that someone here is dating Yang Jeongin?” Ju Rin looks anxious, but it’s pretty funny because all Ju Rin is going to do when she finds out who’s dating Jeongin is probably just going to be a mom-like lecture. 
“Because someone here told Jeongin about you being groomed for the ETUDE House CF and he told Minho and it went a whole circle.”
“What the-” Ju Rin furrows her brows and snaps her head to look at the other three members. “One of you- own up now.”
“What? Who? Yang Jeongin? Not me, I’m-”
“Into Beom, yeah we know, moving on,” Ju Rin waves her off, and Gahyun’s eyes widen.
“What? No, I am n-”
“So Eun?”
The tallest member finally looks up from her phone screen, Purple Kiss’  Ponzona playing loud enough for you to hear the music through her earpieces. 
“Hmm?” So Eun pauses the video and pulls the buds out of her ears. “No,” She looks down at her phone before locking it, then shoving it into her pocket. Then she rolls her eyes to look at Min Jung, shock written across her face as she points to herself.
“Me? Dating Yang Jeongin? Whaaat? No... Pfft.”
“Oh my God,” Ju Rin groans, pressing her index and middle finger to her temples. 
“NOOOOOO,” Gahyun howls, dashing over and grabbing the maknae by her shoulders. “WHEN? WHAT THE HELL? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US?”
“Yeah, why didn’t you tell us? If you guys are dating, I mean- We’ll need to keep it under control.”
“I’m- I’m not dating Jeongin oppa-”
“JEONGIN ‘OPPA’- YOU CALL HIM ‘OPPA’?” And before Gahyun can continue screaming in her face, So Eun yanks her off the youngest. 
“Will you stop it-”
“Minjung, I seriously hope you were planning on telling us because-”
“We’re not dating, okay? I just... I might have a thing for him, that’s all.”
“And so you thought it was a good idea to tell him about a plan that’s not supposed to start in another two or three months?”
“I didn’t know he would tell Minho,” Min Jung’s sulky tone tugs on all of your heartstrings, especially since she knows she’s got that power as the youngest. 
Ju Rin rolls her eyes, sighing a little, while Gahyun struts over and hugs her. The leader turns to you with slightly pleading eyes, brows raised in a bid to play to your empathy. “Will you ask Lee Know if they’ve told anybody else?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“And you,” The eldest squints playfully at Jeongin. “I’d tell you to use protection but you’re underaged so I will kill you if-”
“What- ew!”
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“5, 6, 7, 8- Finger, hand, tak, tak, anchor your toes and- yeah! You got it. See, wasn’t so hard,” With your hands resting on your hips, you grin proudly at Ju Rin in the reflection of the mirror. 
“There’s a reason why you’re in the dance line and I’m not, you know.”
Out of breath, she topples to the ground, sighing heavily while stretching to reach her toes. The hum of the dance studio whirs in the air atop her heaving breathing, then you notice the shadow from outside the door of the studio before you can hear the knock knock.
“hELlo there,” Minho pushes the door open, holding a small bouquet of roses and a bag of snacks. Nuts and fruit. “I hope I’m interrupting you.”
“Remind me again how the two of you ended up together?” Ju Rin tilts her head backwards, her crown against the wooden flooring of the studio and squints at Minho. 
“I wish I knew too, sometimes,” You stride over, past her on the ground, and head for the things Minho was carrying. “You didn’t tell me you were coming so early.”
“I might have a Kingdom practice thing later so I thought it’ll be wise to drop by earlier.”
“Getting a little bold with your visits, aren’t you?” Ju Rin groans slightly as she sits up, turning around with her butt anchored to the ground. “Not afraid Dispatch is going to find the two of you out?”
“Please,” Minho scoffs arrogantly, mindlessly taking the bouquet that you’ve held out to him while you struggle to get the pack of almonds open. “What’s Dispatch gonna do?”
“Uh, get the entire STAY fandom to hate you, and mine to hate me,” The speech is garbled and strained as you wince, unable to force a hole into the plastic of the pack. 
“STAY isn’t gonna-- Are you trying to tear a sheet of metal into two or get a bag of almonds open?” 
“I’m- this- short of- tearing you- into- two- fucks’ sake-”
The plastic crinkles when you relax, giving up on the stretched out material. Minho side-eyes you, simply waiting for you to ask because his iron-coated pride will not help you himself. 
Minho laughs his stupid evil laughter and returns you the bouquet, gladly taking the bag of almonds. “Like I was saying,” The bag gets ripped open within two seconds. He hands it to you, before gently ushering you into the studio to close the door behind him. “STAY isn’t gonna hate me for being a normal human being. Heck, they’ll probably think it’s the most human thing I’ll ever do in my career.”
“I mean, when you say half the things you do on VLive and on shows... Hm-”
“Whose side are you on?” Minho hisses at you. 
“Um... whatever side that doesn’t leave me single and alone,” The sneaky and cheeky hint runs a blush on Minho’s face. 
“Eish, if you were supposed to be single and alone, I wouldn’t be here anymore.”
Ju Rin rolls her eyes and groans exasperatedly, heading to her bag where her bottles are. “If you two have to say such romantic things to each other, would it be too much to ask for you to do it elsewhere?”
“Elsewhere?” Minho raises a brow. “Like... a dorm-”
“I take that back-”
Knock Knock
All three of your attentions whip to the door. 
Minho turns to the both of you, eyes glistening. “Expecting anybody else?”
Ju Rin shakes her head. 
Minho hands you the bouquet again, cautiously walking over to the door and pulling it open. Ju Rin and you watch with concern in the reflection, but when Minho gets the door open, it feels like you’ve turned into a statue.
“Oh- Annyeonghaseyo, Stray Kids’ Lee Know-ibnida-” 
Ju Rin quickly shoves you off your feet and forces you to move when she hurries over to a bowing Minho, hands nervously rubbing against each other. 
“Bang PD-nim!”
The CEO raises his hand and calms Ju Rin before turning to the JYP artiste bowing to him. “I thought I noticed your manager’s car driving off earlier.”
He looks up at the mirror and notices you standing by the PA system, almond pack in hand and bouquet in the other. 
“You do realise I can see you standing there, don’t you?” He grins widely at you. Ju Rin turns and side-eyes you, feeling the tension radiating off Minho. “Anyway, I’d like to have you and Lee Know-sshi in my office in about 10. I’ve got some news for the two of you, yeah?”
Bang PD pats Lee Know on the shoulder, casually pushing his glasses up his nose and walking off on his heels. Ju Rin waits until the lift down the corridor has ding-ed shut before she traps her face between her palms, eyes darting between the two of you.
“Oh, boy.”
“Oh, boy, indeed,” Minho sucks in a deep breath and rests his fists on his hip. “Man, JYP is not going to be happy.” 
Then he bursts out into the loudest laughter you’ve ever heard in your life. 
So the look on Minho’s face would’ve been humorously priceless if you weren’t involved in this situation - but when he opens the door to Bang PD’s office and THE Park Jin Young is sitting in the seat right next to Bang PD himself, Minho doesn’t look short of throwing up. 
“Ah! You’re both here on time, come in, come in.”
“Uh, PD-nim-” Minho chokes on his words as he greets his boss. 
“Sit down, sit down, we’ve got news for the both of you!” JYP waves the two of you into the office, and Ju Rin is standing behind you, peering in like a child. 
“Ah, Ju Rin-sshi, do come in as well,” Bang-PD waves her in too, earning strange turn-arounds from both you and Minho. 
The three of you sit anxiously opposite the two CEOs, eyes fluttering between the two of them as they take turns staring at a document on the desk between the two sides. 
“Um,” Minho almost wheezes. “Before you say anything, I’d just want to explain that we wanted to come to you with this news. We just didn’t expect-”
Bang-PD raises his palm and signals to Minho to stop, then he pulls his glasses off the bridge of his nose. “We know you wanted to tell us. Bang Chan-sshi has actually already informed us ahead of time, but he had faith you two would do it on your own accord and that’s why we didn’t rush you.”
“But, we are here today to discuss a very serious thing that we might be coming out with, and we’d like your permission to use your relationship and news as a start point.”
“I’m sorry,” Ju Rin sits up and frowns. Sometimes you wonder how she hasn’t offended your boss. “Are you telling me you’re marketing their relationship?” 
Both you and Minho’s eyes dart from her to the CEOs.
“Yes. But the news is that we’re going to call for less restrictions on dating and to encourage a more civil response from the public whenever an idol couple is revealed. BTS has agreed to endorse and promote this movement when it’s being released, but we’ll need the two of you to be strong for this cause. After this joint agreement in collaboration with the South Korean Human Rights Act is published, we’re definitely going to get a lot of strong responses. More couples are going to come out, they are going to hide behind the both of you, the faces of our new company policy.”
The silence is deafening. 
Ju Rin’s eyes are so still, she’s not even blinking. 
Minho looks like he’s about to punch someone in the face. 
Bang-PD looks like the dad he always is and JYP, frankly doesn’t look all that happy, but he’s working with arguably the biggest name in the level of CEOs now. 
If it wasn’t such a serious situation, Minho would’ve definitely laughed. 
“Wait, let me get this straight. HYBE is collaborating with the South Korean Human Rights Act in a bid to pass a policy to abolish no-dating rules for entertainment companies, and this policy will be endorsed and supported by JYP with Lee Know-sshi and y/n’s relationship being a... start point?” Ju Rin sucks in a deep breath while you await their confirmation.
Bang-PD sucks in a deep breath. “That’s right.”
Ju Rin side eyes the pair of you again, who are obviously too shocked or stunned to provide any kind of appropriate response. 
“Might I ask... what’s going to happen, or rather, what are the possible outcomes of this... stunt? What if it doesn’t work and both Stray Kids and WI5HES get absolutely destroyed by it? I’m going to sound selfish but you do realise WI5HES is like, a month old? We don’t have an established fanbase nor-”
“Ju Rin,” The whisper is raspy in your throat. You can see the worry and concern in JYP and Bang-PD’s eyes as she spits the words out. 
JYP is eyeing Minho’s reactions while Bang PD can only look at his newest leader empathetically, hands clasped against each other on the table. 
“Please understand that we know what your worries are. Whatever you’re thinking now, we have thought about it, and we know there’s probably nothing that we can say to persuade you into walking into this agreeing 100%, but HYBE will promise the both of you, both groups, and both entertainments our utmost attention and protection we can offer. Senior groups of JYP have also been notified as well.”
Minho’s eyes flit to pierce right through JYP’s skull. “You mean to say that ITZY, TWICE, 2PM, DAY6-”
“And Boy Story and NiziU- of course, most of them would be underaged anyway. Anybody under the ages of 20 - international age - wouldn’t be allowed to date.” JYP nods solemnly. 
Minho leans back in his seat, unable to believe his ears. You’re surprised you haven’t fainted yourself. 
“This is... huge,” Ju Rin’s head gently shakes. “This will change everything in the idol world.”
“Which is why we’ll need the both of you to make sure your performances and images as idols are still up to standard. After this news is out, you will be free to go on dates as openly as you want to, but there mustn’t be a decline in quality of the music and performances you produce and put out.”
Minho finds your hands under the table. It’s sweaty - which is a pretty rare sight - but the comfort seeps through your skin and into your blood and bones. Then he turns to you, sparkly feline eyes twinkling under the sharp, fluorescent lighting of the room. 
“Do you trust me?”
Ju Rin holds her breath, pupils darting harshly between you and Minho, then to the two company directors who seem more nervous than they should be. 
Your fingers interlock with his, and you look at your company’s directors with so much faith, you could only hope they got the cue. 
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hailhydra920 · 4 years
Fight On
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: Bucky has a long way to recover. Songfic. Song is Fight On by For King and Country
Warnings: Blood, violence, nothing too bad though
I was there
On the day
That your world changed
“Bucky!” You screamed as Bucky fell off the train.
The last thing you saw were his scared blue eyes as he fell toward his death. Your eyes began to well with tears as the thought of Bucky’s body crashing onto the white snow filled your mind. Steve hugged you as you soaked his uniform with salty tears.
“He loved you.” Steve whispered to you as you sobbed loudly.
“I-I just wish I could’ve saved him.”
You were scared
For the heartbreak
Bucky lay in the snow. His heart beating rapidly in his chest. He was cold and scared. Luminous blood covered the snow beside him. Frantically, his eyes scanned his body for any injuries. So far so good. Then, he saw it. His arm. It wasn’t attached to him anymore. He screamed.
His heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. Bucky scanned the area above him, looking and tying to listen to the train, but there was nothing. He needed to get back to his friends. Heck! He needed some serious medical attention! All his thoughts began bouncing around in his mind like a pinball machine. The dark red snow was the last thing he saw before blacking out.
Everything you knew
Faded out of view
Stole a piece of you
The stench of bleach and chemicals filled Bucky’s nose. He awoke in some sort of hospital, at least that’s what he had concluded. But he was strapped down, not something very hospitable if you asked him. Everything came crashing down on him, and his eyes snapped toward his left arm. It was there, but it was not the arm he knew. It was made of metal. It reflected the lights above him and had a red star painted on the shoulder. Cautiously, he tried wiggling his new fingers. He heard little gears click and hum as he moved his fingers.
“Ju like ze new arm?” A person said as he walked toward him.
“Who are you?” Bucky barked.
“Ah, straight to ze point, ay Soldat?” He chuckled.
“Answer the question.”
“Ju vill be our Soldat. Hydra’s to be exact.”
“Hydra?” Bucky asked before cursing.
The man chuckled again. “But not to vorry. Ju vill be reprogrammed to do our bidding.”
Bucky tried to break from his restraints, but they just tightened against his flesh.
“Have a nice rest, Soldat.” The man said before stabbing Bucky with a needle.
If I could
Oh I would
Be your hero
You looked at the soldier in front of you. His hair was now longer and peskier. But you weren’t focused on that. You were focused on his eyes. There was a raging sea inside of those blue eyes. Waves of rage, hurt, and confusion crashed upon his rocky shore of reality. You knew the man you once loved was still in there, but it was buried deep down.
“He’s more stable now.” Steve said standing beside you.
You put your hand against the glass separating you from Bucky. Steve looked at his best friend who sat in a lonely room.
“He needs you.” Steve said looking at you.
“S-steve. I-I don’t know if he even remembers me.” You said looking at the broken man.
“The Winter Soldier is really all he knows. Maybe you can help bring back Bucky. He’s hurting, and I can only do so much as his best friend. He’s trying to remember; I can see it.”
You looked at Steve and then back at Bucky. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Be the one
Who would take
All the arrows
“Hey.” You said entering the glass room.
Bucky looked up at you and it took every ounce of strength to not engulf him in a huge hug. He looked so scared and confused. And those eyes. Man, could they tell a story.
“I’m Y/n, and I know this can take some getting used to.” You said shooting him a gentle smile.
“Why am I here?” Bucky asked, his voice just above a whisper.
“Well, we saved you from Hydra. And let’s just say that they didn’t treat you very kindly.”
“I know that, it’s just, why save me, when I’ve killed so many others. You should be helping others who are actually worth it. You should help the people of the family members I’ve killed. I am the last person who should be saved. So why me, of all people?”
Save you from the pain
Carry all the weight
I know that you’re brave
You were a bit taken back by his comments. You wanted to help him. You wanted to share that load of sorrow and guilt with him. Take some of that burden away from him. But what you really wanted was your Bucky back. You couldn’t stop yourself from what happened next.
You hugged him. He froze and didn’t move, but you didn’t care. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He hadn’t had physical contact for so long, he didn’t really know how to react. You threaded your fingers through his hair and his eyes slowly closed.
“I know you can get through this, Bucky. Be the brave soldier I know you are.” You whispered as you hugged him for a few more seconds.
Once you pulled away, Bucky missed how it felt. That feeling of comfort and love.
“I, uh, also brought you some food. You don’t have to, um, if you don’t want to. I just thought you might—“
“Thank you.” Bucky said cutting off your rambling. “I am actually quite hungry.”
As if on cue, his stomach growled, and you held back a laugh.
“Well, I’ll let you eat your food.” You said getting up.
Sudden panic began to well in Bucky’s chest. “Will you come back?”
You heard desperation in his voice as he spoke. You smiled and nodded your head. “I promise I’ll be back later.”
Bucky let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and gave a you a ghost of a smile. “Thanks again., Y/n.”
Fight on, fighter
Don’t let anyone steal your fire
Fight on, fighter
The spirit is alive inside ya
“I-I can’t. The screams, the memories, everything! Th-there becoming too much.” Bucky groaned as he shook his head.
“Bucky.” You spoke softly. “Look at me.”
Shakily, Bucky looked at you. The storm in his eyes was getting worse. You could practically hear the screaming winds of despair and the loud crash of waves of grief spilling over. You took his shaking metal hand into yours and squeezed it.
“I need you to fight. Okay, Bucky.”
“It’s a fight, I-I don’t think I can win.”
Your heart almost broke upon hearing that. You hugged him again and this time he hugged back. He let out a few shaky breaths before relaxing in your arms
“Please fight, Bucky. For me, please, please fight.”
There’s a power
That you hold
That you lock down
Bucky punched the punching bag ferociously. His thoughts mocked his endeavors as he tried to free his mind from the horrid memories. He just wished they would go away. That he could be free and forget about everything he had done. THUD! Bucky was taken out of his thoughts as he saw that he had knocked the punching bag off it’s chain. Again.
“Bucky? Are you okay?” You asked entering the training room.
You walked toward him and took his hands in yours. “You’re holding it in. You have so much strength.”
“But my strength can also cause harm.”
“I wasn’t talking about your muscles, Bucky. I’m talking about in here.” You said pointing to his heart.
“I don’t understand.”
“Bucky, you can save you. You are strong enough to conquer this. Just trust in your friends, but most importantly, trust in yourself.”
Let it breathe
Give it wings
Set it free now
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut. He didn’t want to remember, but he had to. Sometimes memories hurt more than reality. Like the whole world just crashes down on you. Deep breath. He was a monster. A life taking monster.
“I killed so many people with these hands.” He whispered. “Destroyed so many people’s lives.”
Bucky laid on his bed. His blue eyes focused on the blank ceiling. He was starting to remember who you were. What you meant to him. He loved you. He couldn’t deny it any longer. And even if you didn’t know it, you made him feel stronger. More human than he had felt in a long, long time.
A noise came from outside his window, and he froze. Was it Hydra? No, it couldn’t be. Right? Suddenly, he felt something hit his flesh arm. He quickly pulled out the tranquilizer dart. He cursed. Then his eyes slowly began to close. Then, there was darkness. Something he knew very well.
Time to make your mark
Break the prison bars
Show them who you are
Bucky woke up in a dimly lit room. He heard people chattering on the other side of the room, but he couldn’t make out what they were saying.
“Ah, Soldat. It’s nice to have ju back.” A Hydra agent laughed.
“Let me go. Haven’t I done enough for you?!” Bucky growled as he clenched his fists.
“Uh, no, ju haven’t. Ve need ju Soldat.”
“Ju vill alvays be our Soldat.” Another Hydra agent said.
Bucky wasn’t going to become their soldier. He wasn’t going to let them take away his happiness and turn him into a mindless killing machine. Energy began to surge through him. Energy that was powered by his love for his friends, his hatred for Hydra, but most of all, his deep love for you.
Bucky roared as he broke from his restraints. The straps that were containing him snapped, and he stared right into the Hydra agents’ eyes. Their eyes were swirling with terror.
“My name,” He stated, strength resonating from every word. “Is Bucky Barnes.”
Fight on, fighter
Don’t let anyone steal your fire
Fight on, fighter
The spirit is alive inside ya
“Ze asset is out of containment. I repeat. Ze asset is out of containment.” One agent said as Bucky began attacking the agents in the room.
Bucky fought like there was no tomorrow. All things considered, there really wasn’t a tomorrow for him if he fell into the hands of Hydra again.
A crackly, but firm voice came over the intercom. “Longing.”
“No.” Bucky breathed as he punched someone in the face.
“Please, stop.” Bucky groaned as he fought the Hydra agents and his own mind.
“Leave me alone!”
Bucky grabbed a nearby table and smashed a group of agents.
Stronger than you ever thought
I know you’re stronger
Braver than you were before
I know you’re braver
He wasn’t gonna let them take him away from you again. He just had to get through it. He could overcome this. He had to. Soon, all the agents in the room were either dead or unconscious. The trigger words wouldn’t stop coming over the intercom. He felt his mind getting fuzzy.
“No, I can’t.” Bucky whispered. “I have to stay strong. I have to fight. If not for me, for Y/n.”
“Y/n?!” Bucky exclaimed as he heard your voice from the other side of the door. “I’m here!”
“Th-they’re calling out my trigger words. I-I don’t know if I can resist it.”
“I’m just on the other side of the door with Steve, Bucky, but I need you to be brave. Can you do that for me? I’m right here, so please fight this.” You said as Steve was currently trying to get the door open.
Oh, you don’t have to be afraid
Together we’ll face it
So don’t ever stop, no matter what
Cause you’re gonna make it
Bucky took a few deep breaths. “Can you keep talking to me, Y/n? I-I don’t want to lose you.”
“It’s okay, Bucky. You’re not gonna lose me. I just want you to focus on my voice. You can overcome this.” You said trying to use a soothing voice.
“You are so much stronger than you think. You are more than just their soldier.”
“Freight car.”
“I love you.” You said, tears rolling down your cheeks, as the last trigger word sounded out of the intercom.
There was silence. That was never a good thing.
“B-bucky?” You asked trying to compose yourself.
Silence. You began to cry and Steve hugged you.
“Y/n? Steve? You there?” Bucky coughed.
“Bucky! You did it! You were not affected by the trigger words!” You exclaimed.
“I couldn’t have done it without ya, doll. I just wish I could see your pretty face right now. And I love you, too.”
“Don’t worry, Buck. We’re working on opening this door, and then we are getting the heck out of here!” Steve said.
Fight on, fighter
Don’t let anyone steal your fire
Fight on, fighter
The spirit is alive inside ya
“Bucky!” You exclaimed as the door opened.
You engulfed him in a huge hug and he chuckled as he held you tightly. “I missed you, doll.”
Steve cleared his throat.
“You too, pal. Get in here.” Bucky said as you and Bucky held your arms open.
Steve walked over and you guys all had a nice group hug. Suddenly, alarms began to blare loudly.
“Maybe we should get out of here.” Steve said as he hit an incoming agent with his shield.
“Agreed. We can celebrate when we get home.” You said as you all got in fighting positions.
“Let’s fight these little buggers.” Bucky said as they charged out of the room.
They still had to get out of the Hydra base, but he knew that with his friends at his side, he could conquer anything. He knew that with you by his side, he could become a little more like himself every day. And that love and freedom was worth fighting for.
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The teenager – Dean Winchester imagine
A/N: Sup, so I wrote this because I have begun rewatching supernatural. I will get to the request, I jus haven't had mental power due to writing an exam paper. But I had this idea I wanted to write and then it just turned out really long. Tell me if you like it or if you want more of it. :) Also this is like midseason 8, when they just got the bunker, but before Sam had done any trials. 
Word count: 7,3k.
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Hitchhiking as a 16 year old girl was never a good idea. It was a dangerous world out there, Nora’s mother had at least taught her that. But a teenage runaway does not really get to be that picky. She always looked over the people she hitched rides with and kept a switchblade ready just in case. Feeling it with her hand in her pocket always. Finally she was dropped off a little off the road. She thanked the woman who had picked her up and she smiled and told her to be safe. Nora waved after her as she drove off. The lady had been real nice, she had told her that she had run away from home when she was young too, and said she wished someone had helped her get home. Nora took herself in biting the inside of her lip nervously when she had said that, Nora was going home. Or at least she hoped she was. She knew it was a stretch as she walked down the road occasionally consulting the map where the man had drawn on it where she was headed. It should only be a few hours. The forrest nearby made the trip not seem too bad, not that many cars on this road. She knew it was desperate, she knew it was likely she would have to call the cops when she got there and get dragged a few states back to get kicked out of her old house. She knew all of this. She had heard her social worker tell her that her father was dead. But she had done research, she knew he vanished like this for a few years some times. And maybe it was a little naive, but she had this feeling in her chest that he was alive. She tried not to get her hopes up and tried to walk with confidence as she neared ever so slowly. Of course the dream scenario was he was alive and welcomed her with open arms, finally giving her everything she wished for. But she was realistic and knew that that was most likely not the case. She sighed as she neared the weird looking house. The man who had told her where to find them did say he was living in a bunker. She wandered around a little bit trying to find the entrance. When she finally did, she paused for a moment. What was she going to say? She took a deep breath and told herself whatever came to her in the moment had to be good enough. It would never be perfect anyway. She exhaled hoping it would calm her nerves, and heard her mothers voice in her head telling her to straighten her back. She did so and then figured she should fix her hair. She reminded herself internally that it was not going to be perfect and that she should quit stalling and just do it already. She had waited her whole life to meet the man. 
She balled her hand into a fist and knocked on the door.
She stood there trying to appear confident, papers in hand, ready to shove them in his face so he could not refuse her. God she hoped he did not refuse her. She prayed a little internally, not really religious, but she needed this to go well. Finally the door opened, two men looking like they were in their thirties opened the door. One with much longer hair and a bit taller than the other man, he looked more like the photo she had from the social worker. She looked at him taking a breath before speaking to try and calm herself. This was a little insane. They both looked her over, seeming utterly confused, which she kind of understood, she had just come by very unannounced. 
“Dean Winchester?” She got out looking them over but clearly focusing on who she figured it was. She tried her best to cover up how nervous she was. The guy crossed his arms and looked at her like he was trying to figure out what she was playing at. The second guy looked a bit more warmly at her but still furrowing his eyebrows.
“Who’s asking?” The kinder one said and she sighed.
“I just need to know if Dean Winchester is alive, and if he lives here? Please?” she said pleading a little, the tall one seemed to soften his look even more. He looked to the other guy who still looked at me sternly but after they clearly that had a short silent conversation they both looked back to her. 
“I’m Dean Winchester.” The shorter one said a little reluctantly. Nora looked him over with a small smile she could not help but spread on her face. This was really it. He was really there, and alive. She let out a little sigh of relief and happiness that she had found him. She then smirked a little trying to regain her confidence, she wanted to seem cool after all. She stepped forward and pushed the file she was carrying with her into his chest before walking inside the bunker. She wanted to get inside, even if they were gonna kick her out in a minute. Plus she needed the bathroom.
“Congratulations. I’m moving in.” She said smirking she walked in and gawked a little. This place might be an underground bunker, seemingly from ancient times, but this was awesome. She looked around impressed. The two men followed her. 
“What the hell? You can’t just barge in? Who are you?” Dean said from behind her in a stern voice looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. He was very confused and did not like people intruding on their space.
“And what do you mean you’re moving in? And congratulations?” The tall one said following after her as well and grabbed her arm. She looked at him thinking she may not have thought all of this through. But there was no turning back now, and maybe if she kept acting confidently she would not be pushed back on the street in five minutes.
“It’s all in the file, and I can explain. I just. I have been on the road for like 5 hours. Where is your bathroom?” She said, meaning it, she had to pee the last ten minutes, she was scared it was just nervous pee, but it seemed like it was staying. And if she was going back on the road the least they could do was loan her their bathroom. Dean looked at her still confused but sighed and pointed towards a door. She smiled and nodded walking towards.
“Back in like 2 minutes, then I’ll explain everything. I know this is weird.” She said walking into the bathroom leaving the two men looking after her confused.
She exited the bathroom a few minutes later, much more relaxed, still nervous about the situation she was in and she was really nervous about the conversation she was about to have. What if they took her to a doctor and her mom had lied? She was suddenly very nervous. As she walked out she was pulled from her thoughts as she was hit in the head with water. She spat a little then looking up at them in disarray. 
“What the he-“ She was cut off being hit with a handfull of salt that the tall one threw at her. She looked up at him now confused and a little angry. She had been nervous now she just wanted to know what was wrong with them? This was not at all what she had imagined. 
“What the hell?” She said Dean just pulled out a knife and pointed it at her, her eyes widened getting scared for her life now.
“Relax, cut yourself with this knife.” He said and she looked at him confused, what the hell was wrong with him.
“What the hell? No?” She said he rolled his eyes before grabbing her arm she struggled against him but he remained calm. Giving her a small cut on her arm. When he was seemingly satisfied he let her go with a smile, and reached into his back pocket for a handkerchief. He handed it to her with a small smile.
“Sorry about that. Just a safety precaution.” The tall one said she looked at him then back to Dean.
“Okay. Psychos.” She said annoyed and still very weirded out by this. She looked to Dean who was now looking at the file she had handed him. Not wanting to open it before he knew she was safe. 
“Now, who are you?” The tall one said. 
“Nora, Winchester, Reed?” Dean said, looking up at her utterly confused, she sighed a little with a small smile, calming down a little. 
“Wait? Winchester?” The tall one said and she smiled a little awkwardly before nodding, she felt like she was apologising for it somehow. 
“Are we related? I’m Sam. Why were you looking for my brother Dean?” Sam asked she looked over at Dean who seemed frozen in place, reading the file. Finally he took it down from his face and looked at her. Wiping his face, then looking at her again as if he was checking if she was real. He then laughed a little and shook his head.
“No. This. You can’t be.” He got out and Nora just shrugged a little awkwardly. 
“Well, I couldn’t really test it. But yeah, it’s what my mom said too.” She said feeling a little bad. She had no idea what she had expected, for him to open the door, take one look at her and know, before hugging her and telling her how he had looked for her too. She knew that was a fantasy, but getting sprayed with water, salt and then cut before he finally looked her over not believing his eyes. 
“We need to verify this. Come on.” Dean said grabbing her arm and grabbing a jacket on the way out of the bunker. Sam his she was guessing younger brother locked after them before nudging her towards an old black car.
“Cool car.” She said he looked at her pausing for a moment, before opening the door and in that real disappointed adult way nodded his head telling her silently to get in. She sighed and got in the backseat, truly feeling like a kid again. He got in the front seat along, his brother got in on the other side.
“Dean. What is going on?” Sam said as he pulled onto the road and he looked like he was driving way over the limit.
“Paper said she is my kid.” He said sternly, he did not sound pleased about this Nora noted but tried not to. Sam looked from her to him utterly confused but he did after a few times shrug a little.
“So we’re going to get a paternity test? Where did you come from? How old are you? Who is your mom? Where is your mom?” Sam started asking and Nora sighed knowing this was going to be a mouthful to explain. 
“Well, um, kind of a long story.” She started but Sam just looked at her still confused and she decided to wait till they had more time, and maybe the men before her had calmed down a little. 
Luckily there was a town not too far away, and they pulled into a parking spot. Dean opened the door for her and grabbed her arm again, even though she would follow anyway. She had always dreamed of meeting her dad. Her mom had told her a little about him, so she had this picture of him in her head. She wondered if he was going to like her. If he liked the same ice cream as her? If she looked like him? Sam thankfully walked ahead of us and talked to the doctor Dean looking over at her still seeming like he could not believe it. But he did not look angry per say which Nora told herself was not bad. That meant he did not hate her completely at least. A nurse came over and swapped the inside of their cheeks before walking off to do the test. They sat in the waiting room as they did the test.
“So. Yeah, to answer all of your questions, I’m 15, from New Orleans, so’s my mom. Well, she was.” Nora started looking down. She really did miss her mom.
“Oh, I have a picture, if you need to jog your memory. She did say you were a bit of a playboy, but one time is all you need.” Nora said, realising that she was rambling because she was nervous, also she looked at Dean and furrowed her face a little, she did not like the imagine she had given herself. The two men could not help but smile a little as she shivered at the thought of that. She then reached into her backpack and pulled out a leather-bound book, she opened it and found one of the photos of her mom she had kept. It was from when she was younger, she looked at it for a moment with a smile, she had ice cream all over her face, but they were both so happy here. She pulled herself out from the happy memory, by shaking her head and handing Dean the photo. He looked at her concerned for a moment. He looked at the photo and seemed to vaguely recall this. 
“Excuse us for a minute.” He said getting up with an awkward smile dragging his brother with him. Nora smiled a little trying to remain calm. He hated her? Didn’t he? The only thing that calmed her was the fact that he seemed to throw everyone not just her around.
Dean looked at Sammy then the photo and the girl again.
“This is insane Sammy. I mean this has to be some sort of trick. Right?” He said and Sammy just smiled a little but sighed and nodded.
“I have considered it. But you saw her, no reaction to salt, holy water and she bled like a normal human. If there is no anomalies in her DNA. Then I don’t see how this could be a trick.” He said knowing his brother was gonna have a hard time with this. He could not help but feel for the girl and wanted to help her, even if she was not Deans kid. 
“Come on Sammy. I get back from purgatory and suddenly this girl shows up claiming she is my kid. It’s too big of a coincidence. We don’t exactly have the best family history.” Dean said looking at his brother seriously. 
“Why don’t I call Garth and have him look her up while we wait for the results, and until then let’s keep around?” Sam said looking at his brother. Dean looked at him considering what to do.
“Alright, but one false move and she’s out. Plus if she isn’t mine according to this DNA test, we are sending her back. This is too dangerous if she isn’t a monster.” He said Sam nodded knowing what he meant before turning to call Garth. Dean stood there for a moment not wanting to sit down next to the girl. After Ben he had sometimes toyed with the idea of maybe some day settling down with the right girl and getting a kid. But everyone he cared about died or got hurt. Hell this was dangerous as is, he did not need this extra responsibility. Besides he had not imagined getting an almost grown up kid dumped on him. He vaguely remembered meeting the girl in the photo. But he must have been no more than 20 back then. This was crazy. The doctor saw him standing there as she walked out. Sam had bribed her to get ahead of the line in the small town doctors office. She smiled standing before him.
“Well, I ran the test twice. Congratulations mr. Winchester, you’re that girls father.” She said putting her hand on his shoulder with a smile before handing him the file. Dean was shocked but quickly composed himself.
“Anything weird at all in her DNA?” He asked not really knowing what he was looking for. Apparently he was that girls father. He could not believe it. The doctor narrowed her eyebrows but shrugged before opening the file again, looking it over.
“No. Everything looks normal. Why do you ask?” She asked and Dean just sighed with a nod.
“No reason. Thank you.” He said before getting the file and sitting down next to Nora. She looked up at him nervously.
“Sooo… Is everything my mother told me a big fat lie and I have been looking for the wrong guy for over a year now?” She asked trying to play it cool on the inside she was trembling. On the outside a little bit too, her hand shaking a little, Dean noticed but did not want to comment on it. This was too much to wrap his head around already.
“No. You’re good.” He said very awkwardly. She let out a breath visibly relaxing.
“Why didn’t your mom? Or you? I mean?” He started not being able to complete his sentences she turned to him and shrugged.
“Mom lost your number and we didn’t need you. Social services tried to call when mom died but we were told you were dead. But I looked at your file to try and figure out where you were buried and you had been dead a few times before so I figured there was no harm in looking for you. You are not an easy man to find Dean Winchester.” She said, he smiled a little taking it as a compliment. She looked down seemingly more awkwardly as there was an awkward tension between the two, neither really knowing how to process the other being there.
“So… Uhm. I know it’s a lot and everything. But would you mind if I moved in with you at the bunker. First of all it is insanely cool. And I just. Now that I know you’re alive, and you know I exist, maybe I could get to know you? I mean its fine if you dont want me there, and you have a life without me. And think this is all just too insane. I just figured you and Sam are the only family I have left so it would be a shame to waste it you know?” She said rambling on, she had a tendency to ramble when she was nervous. She looked at him and he looked like he was considering it. 
“What about school? Your foster family and friends?” He asked trying to be responsible for once in his life, trying to think about what Sam or Bobby would say in this situation. She looked down again as he looked at her. She looked very sad and it kind of broke his heart.
“You want me to leave? Because I understand if you do. I transferred to home schooling last month, otherwise you could just enrol me in whatever school, I get pretty good grades. I left my foster family a note. Besides if I go back I’ll get in trouble for running away, so I’ll probably get thrown in another group home or something.” She said looking at her hands trying to cover up how disappointed she was. She should have known this would happen and she felt stupid for even trying. Not that she was losing anything, the Wests were nice enough but they clearly only took her in for the check that came with her. Dean on the other hand was sitting there thinking how a little part of him wanted her to stay, but he could not help but have this feeling like he was being tricked, and that he would screw this up. Everything in his life was a mess and the bunker was not exactly kid friendly. He thought about his dad, his mom, his grandad, how he had watched them all die. He looked at the girl beside him. He did not want to burn and bury her as well. Sam walked over and smiled.
“Garth is on it. So?” He asked his brother putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah.” He said still a little in disbelief about all of this. Sam smiled a little.
“Congratulations. Let’s get some food to the bunker and we can celebrate. You can stay with us a least for a little bit Nora.” Sam said smiling at the girl she lit up and smiled picking up her backpack before giving him a hug. He did not expect it but thought it was nice change and with a small smile put his arm around her for a moment before she pulled back.
“Thank you. Uncle? I guess. Oh my god, you’re not gonna recruite me are you?” She said laughing a little as she realised it, seeming a lot more at ease now. Something about Sam being there cut the tension that was between her and Dean. Besides Sam seemed nice and like he truly did want her there. Dean she was still uncertain about. She turned and grabbed her backpack off the floor putting her notebook back into it.
“Can we get pie?” She asked as they got up to leave the doctors office, Sam grinned and nudged Dean who was just watching this quietly from a distance, but even he cracked a small smile.
“What? Did I say something wrong?” She asked looking at her dad and uncle confused hoping she had not committed some weird blastfamy or something by asking for pie. 
“No. It’s just. You’re definitely his kid.” Sam said laughing a little. 
Dean offered to buy the food while Sam and Nora waited by the car. Dean had offered because he needed to get away from all of this for a little while. This was a lot, and Sam liking the girl and inviting her to stay was one thing, but he was gonna have to be her dad. How would he even go about this? He did not even know her. How was he going to know what to do when she was sad or angry? It was not like his dad had set the best example. He prayed a little hoping Cas could hear him. Not because he thought the angel would make this situation any better, but because he would like someone to tell him this was going to be okay. That he was not going to screw up this girl like he did everything else. He payed for the food and walked to the car to see his brother and Nora chatting away by the car. She seemed to be a lot more at ease now that Sam had told her that she could stay. 
“Let’s go.” He said getting them into the car and driving back to the bunker. He had no idea how to approach this.
They ate food, and she told them more about her life. Sam and himself told her a little bit about themselves, he gave Sam a look when he mentioned hunting and kicked his shin a little. He did not want the girl getting exposed to this just yet. This was probably a lot for her too. 
They assigned her the bedroom between him and Sam and she smiled thanking them. It was getting late and she got ready for bed. I looked over noticing she only had her backpack with her. That was not a lot of stuff if it was everything she had. When she was seemingly off in her room Dean turned to Sam concerned again.
“How you feeling Dean?” Sam asked concerned for his brother, he had not said too much all night and he could feel that this was a lot.
“Look Sammy. I just. It’s a lot okay. I never thought I would have any other family than you. And now I suddenly have a teenager? I don’t know how to do this? Where to even start.” Dean said honestly, Sam sighed and put his hand on his shoulder.
“I know. It’s a lot to process, but Dean. We have more family now. You have a kid. This is amazing, you could try and look even the slighest bit happy that she’s here.” He said and Dean sighed.
“Well, I can’t Sammy, because I’m not happy she’s here. I mean you know what we do. She should not be apart of this world. It’s not just a lot to process. It’s a lot. You really want her in our lives?” He said frustrated, but meaning the words he said.
“I understand Dean, but come on. We can’t just turn her away.” Sam said but Dean gave him a stern look.
“Easy enough for you to say. You’re her uncle. She is my responsibility. I don’t need this on me as well. I don’t want her to be here, be apart of this. Our lives are–“ Dean was cut off by some rumbling behind them. They turned around to see Nora looking up at them tears in her eyes as she looked at them, clearly listening in, she stood there for a moment and Dean realised what she had heard, but how she could not understand how he was doing this for her safety. She nodded once before bowing down to put on her other shoe. Grabbing her jacket and backpack from the floor and walking past them to leave.
“Nora–“ Dean started trying to start explaining everything to her, even though he knew this was probably for the best.
“No. It’s fine Dean. It’s fine. I’m used to not being wanted, and I don’t wanna be somewhere where I’m not welcome.” She said clearly trying to suppress her emotions, all of her hopes of what this could be crushed, she turned around and left the bunker. Sam turned to Dean and looked at him disappointed.
“How was I supposed to know she was listening?” He asked his brother exasperated, Sam just crossed his arms looking at him sternly.
“Dean. We have to go after her.” He said and Dean sighed thinking it over once again before looking up at Sammy with a sad look. He would do whatever it took to protect his family.
“No. Sammy. This is for the best. Everyone we love dies. We are always in the middle of some crazy cosmic battle. You honestly want this girl in the middle of all of that? I would rather have her hate me than have her deal with the insane things in our life.” Dean said truthfully. It was what he had been thinking ever since he found out. He wanted her to go back to New Orleans, get a normal foster family, forget everything about him, go to college, get a job, get married, get kids of her own. Have a normal life. She could never have that if she was with him and Sam. Sam looked at his brother like he understood for a moment.
“Dean. I get it. I get that you’re scared something will happen to her. But it is the middle of nowhere, it’s dark out. If you really wanna send her away. At least wait until the morning.” He said truly scared that something would hurt his niece. He did like the girl, and he understood what his brother was saying, no one not even them lived very safe or normal lives. Dean’s face seemed to change when Sam mentioned this. He grabbed his jacket and headed to the car grabbing a gun and a flashlight from the trunk, handing Sam both before grabbing ones for himself.
“Let’s find her.” He said, sternly, seemingly going into hunter protection mode. 
“Nora.” They took turns yelling as they walked around the dark woods looking for her. Even though they would be the first to notice paranormal activity in this area, they also knew a lot of demon angles and other creatures had it out for the brothers. So alone at night near them was recipe for disaster and both Winchester brothers knew it. 
Nora was walking through the wood for a while, ended up getting lost and was currently sitting on top of the bunkers stairs not really knowing where to go from there. She meant what she said, about not wanting to be somewhere she was not wanted. It was one of the reasons she had run away in the first place. She knew it was stupid to try and run away from a bunker in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, but she had no idea what else to do. The brothers wandered around as far as the could and started heading back. Sam could feel his brother getting agitated.
“Dean, we’ll find her. Relax.” Sam said and Dean turned to him frustrated.
“I can’t Sammy. Right now, this girl could be dead in a ditch and the last thing she heard was me saying I didn’t want her. I’m gonna send her away because our lives are dangerous, and I want her to have a normal life. Doesn’t mean I want her last memory to be that. So no. I can’t relax.” He said walking onwards leaving his brother a little stunned. Sam even smiled a little as he followed his brother. He could see and feel the same worry he had seen on their dad and Dean when they were younger. He understood that his brother was against the idea of him being a parent, but he sure looked like one right now. 
“Let’s head back, see if we can contact her, and then go back and look some more. Okay? We’ll find her Dean. We’ll find her.” Sam said putting a hand on his brothers shoulder trying to remain optimistic. He thought how he done that a lot today. But he did not mind being able to help his brother a little bit today, still feeling a little guilty for leaving him in purgatory. They neared the bunker when Dean bolted from Sammy.
“Nora? Are you okay?” He said concerned running over to her. Sammy now first noticing the teenager sitting on the steps in the rain.
“Yeah. I got lost, and I don’t wanna be here as much as you don’t want me here. But could I just sleep on a couch until it gets light outside or something?” She asked clearly trying to remain strong. Dean checked her over to see if she was hurt and sighed a little as he could see that she was only just a little wet from the rain.
“Of course. Come on.” He said pulling her inside, she looked at him weirdly but followed along. As they got inside, Sam got them some towels and they started drying off. 
“Why don’t I make us some tea? Then you two can talk.” Sam said giving Dean a look telling him silently to tell her what was happening. She just smiled awkwardly but walked into the living room and sat down at the table not wanting to disturb Dean. She felt like she knew that he didn’t want her, and he was just waiting to figure out how to tell her. He sat down beside her and sighed not knowing where to begin. 
“Nora–“ He started but Nora just cut him off.
“It’s fine Dean.” She said and he looked at her stunned. She sighed and gave him a small smile.
“I’m not a kid. I understand that I was not exactly planned for you. And that you have a life here without me. I didn’t expect you to drop everything to live in a picket fence house with me. It’s okay. I just wanted to see you. Maybe know you a little. But I understand why you wouldn’t want me.” She said trying her best to be mature and handle this with grace. He could see her struggling and he felt his heart break a little looking at her. Having her think he did not want her. I mean she’s right, he thought, this had not been his plan at all. Hell, if you had told him yesterday that he had a kid he would have laughed at them. He looked at the girl beside him, she looked sad and like she could use a break. He wanted to be there for her, but he had no idea where to start. He also knew he never wanted to feel that terrified again as he did when she had run away.
“It’s not that I don’t want you. You were a surprise, big time, yes. Look Nora, what me and Sammy do, our lives. They’re messy. We’re always getting tangled up in dangerous situations and we are on the road a lot with our jobs. Hell we live in a batcave! Our lives aren’t exactly kid friendly. I want you to have a picket fence and all of that. But I can’t give you that. That is what I was talking to Sam about earlier.” Dean said, the words seemed to pour out easily once he started. He sighed a little and looked over at her to see how she felt, she looked at him seemingly in thought probably processing his words. Maybe this was the better way to part with her. She would know that he did want her but he could not give her the life she needed. She smirked and then shrugged leaning back into her chair.
“Cool. I’m staying then.” She said looking at him defiantly. Deans eyes widened in shock and then he got a little frustrated.
“No. Young lady. You are not. I am trying to protect you. And to do that you can’t be with us. Don’t you want a normal life with a house and picket fence and prom and stuff?” He asked and she just smiled a little and turned to face him.
“I already had all of that with my mom, the normal life, the house. Look, you can’t convince me I’m safer out there that in a bunker with you two to protect me. You and Sam. You’re the only family I have left. Even if it is just for a little while, I wanna know you. I haven’t known my dad all my life. I am not going to give up a chance to just because he is scared I’ll get hurt. You really think that sending me away to a foster home is better?” She said looking at Dean he thought over her words. She could just stay there for a little while and the second something went south they could get her out of there. He would be lying if he said he did not want to know his own kid. Now that she was here.
“You’re my daughter Nora.” He started, also admitting it to himself for the first time. She was not just a kid, she was his kid. He looked at her hoping to god he was not messing this up. He really wanted to do one thing right. Maybe she would get bored of the bunker after a couple of months and leave on her own. Besides if she left, how would he know she was okay? This way he could make sure he never had to be scared like he had been tonight again. He smiled a little. 
“You can stay.” Dean finally said and Nora’s face lit up a little.
“But the second something goes south you are going somewhere safe. Capice?” He said smiling a little seeing her happy. She rolled her eyes but then smiled a little and gave a small nod.
“Awesome.” He said and she laughed a little. They turned to Sam who was watching them from a distance a grin on his face. Dean rolled his eyes at his brother. 
“Shut up.” Dean said making Sam laugh as he walked in to the room putting down cups and the kettle. Dean leaned back and smiled, he was still unsure how he was going to be her dad. Hell, he had no idea how to feel about being a dad at all. Plus he did not know her, how was he going to handle all of this, on top of all of the supernatural crap they were always in the middle of. But he looked at her laughing with Sammy holding her tea in her hands and he knew as long as he could see her being happy and safe he would be okay. 
After drinking a cup of tea, he followed her to her room giving her her backpack in the doorway.
“Is this really all your stuff?” He asked and she just put down the bag and shrugged.
“Yeah. Just the most important things at least. It’s fine. Really.” She said and he just smiled a little and shook his head.
“Relax, we’ll go buy you some more stuff in a few days. Just please don’t take forever to shop.” He pleaded making her laugh, he did hate shopping. 
“But then how will I find the perfect prom dress?” She joked and he laughed, she smiled. They both seemed to stand there as he stopped laughing, a little awkwardly, neither knowing what to say, she decided to be a little bold, figured what the hell she had done reckless things all day, what was one more thing? So she stepped forward and with a small smile wrapped her arms around him giving him a hug. He seemed a little stunned at first, but wrapped his arms around her after his brain seemed to start working again. He smiled a little at the thought. This was the first time he was holding his daughter, maybe he was 15 years too late, but better late that never. He looked down at her and she sighed relaxing a little and he could not help but smile. His kid. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He had only felt like this with Sammy a few times. This was a person he, even if he had not been a part of it up until now, helped create. And he was going to make sure she turned out as perfect as she had started. He kissed the top of her head and she pulled back with a small smile.
“Thank you. For everything, Dean.” She said quietly.
“No worries. Now off to bed young lady.” He said smiling feeling good to be able to say that, she laughed a little as he did so but nodded seeming to accept his little order.
“Goodnight Dean.” She said turning, he smiled as she closed the door to her room, but leaving it open so slightly, which he appreciated. 
He went back and joined Sammy in the living room and drank a beer with his brother in relative silence trying to process every thing. He had gotten his first hug from his daughter today. He had gotten a daughter. He was going to take her shopping tomorrow. He made a mental note about not spoiling her. He thought a little sadly about how much of her life he had missed. But looking at her when she hugged him, he thought he could feel that magic feeling parents talk about. No one was ever going to hurt her. He thought about how even though he had missed much of her childhood he had so much left with her. He would still get to make her food. Teach her to drive, maybe even shoot. He would be there if she got sick. If she wanted to go normal school he would see her off her first day of school. He would be there. He thought about how they were going to handle her when they went on a hunt.
“Hey, Sammy. What are we gonna do when we have a case? We can’t exactly have Garth or Kevin babysit.” Dean said making Sam laugh at the thought of Garth or Kevin trying to babysit. 
“I think she would take offense to getting a babysitter any way.” Sam said and Dean smiled a little and nodded once agreeing with him. She definitely seemed like it. 
“Are you considering taking her with us? She could stay in the motel while we work.” Sam suggested, but Dean thought it over and made a grimace.
“She’s staying here, and calling us every two hours.” Dean said to Sams small amusement.
“You’re not considering what I said?” He said and Dean just looked at him like he was stupid for a second.
“Nope. I’m her dad, I have final authority here. And even if I didn’t I’m still the eldest.” He said point at his little brother who shook his head at him. Dean sighed getting serious.
“But seriously, it’s not like it was fun for us sitting in a motelroom all day while dad was hunting. Maybe this will be better, and if not we’ll bring her with.” Dean said and Sam nodded agreeing with him, he looked at his brother admiring him a little. He had seemed so nervous about this, but he was a natural, Nora was in good hands. Dean was thinking about the kid, he was still nervous about everything, he knew this could end badly but he was praying a little that everything was going to work out for her, even if it didn’t work out for him. When he got in contact with Cas again, he was going to ask him to watch over her too. 
Later that night Sam caught Dean standing outside Nora’s bedroom watching her sleep silently with a small smile on his face. Sam walked over to him and Dean turned to look at his brother before turning back to Nora.
“She’s not going to disappear in the night Dean.” Sam whispered with a small amused smile. He could definitely see his brother getting that new parent crazy already. 
“I know. I know. It’s just. I have a daughter Sammy.” Dean said quietly tearing up a little with a smile on his face. Sam smiled at his brothers happiness and put his arm around his shoulder. Dean sighed and looked at Nora again before closing the door and turning to leave, knowing he could not watch her sleep all night. He was truly happy, he had just checked on his daughter in her room, that was crazy, he smiled. Then a thought hit him and he turned to Sam looking at his brother seriously.
“If she ever brings a boy home, we’re getting out the big shotguns.” Dean said sternly, meaning it. No stupid boy like he was when he was young was going to mess with his daughter. Sam just laughed at his brother but nodded.
“Oh yeah.” Sam said, knowing fully well that he would be equally protective of whoever his niece would bring home.��
He left his brother to go to bed as well, trying to comprehend what had happened today. Dean was a father. He had a teenage daughter non the less. He was going to have his hands full. I have a niece, Sam thought with a small smile on his face. 
Both brothers went to bed, neither of them know how completely sold they clearly both were with the newest edition to the Winchester family.
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Stay Safe (Early Years)
Summary- 3.7k Curtis Everett x Y/N. Curtis is appointed by McGregor as second and preparing for the McGregor Riots. Traumatic almost Non Con event described. Written by request for @that-damn-girl​. Thank you so much for your love of Curtis babes. This is a complete rewrite, I have another version that I might post later as a “this could have been what happened between these two” lol.
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Curtis sat among the men, his back braced against the wall, listening. They were collected to hurry to Gilliams, which could only mean one thing. McGregor got word somehow about the next part of the plan, for the revolt. The revolt they been planning for the past two years, Curtis had just been allowed to join McGregors inner circle, and now he leaned forward to see a map of the train cars and McGregor had his finger on one. "The water car. This here is where we gotta get past. From what this map says, there is only one water car.” 
Curtis scanned the map, but it was so dirty and worn, it was hard to tell what else they were looking at. It seemed a good portion of the front end was sleeper cars, entertainment cars. The middle, working class. They were growing food, making goods, and what also looked like hospital cars. Then a few storage cars and finally water. It made no sense to Curtis why they would have the water car so far back, just before the prison. Shouldnt it be near the front?
“Okay, so we go take the water car, or get past it?” Another member asked, shrugging. “Its like 7 cars to get up to the water car. How much further do you want to go McGregor?” Absently McGregor scratched at his beard, thinking. “What do you think Gilliam, make it the goal to get up to at least these food cars? We need it, desperately. They been halving our rations for some time now.” 
“Tactic to weaken us.” Gilliam sighed, rubbing his face and leaning forward slightly on his cane. “They know were gonna feed our children first. Weve already proven that ages ago.” The mans rheumy eyes glanced at Curtis, who looked away from the gaze.
Curtis’s placed his palm against his arm, easily feeling the scar through the fabric of his jacket. Most everyone... The guilt of his actions in the past flashed across his face momentarily before going back to his cold demeanor. Clearing his throat, he spoke up. “Where did you even get this intel anyways? Does anyone know if this map is accurate?”
“Its accurate, I paid dearly for this, and lets leave it at that.” McGregor gruffly stated, agitated that he would be questioned. Curtis quieted his questions as McGregor continued, laying out the rest of the plan. Which was simple enough. The ones in the first row would charge the meager amount of guards who did the daily head count, and get a hold of there weapons. Keep one alive, that was the important part. They needed his accessibility to open the doors. “Remember, Keep at least one alive, prefer two though. Just in case.” He stressed to all of them. “Not a word to anyone either. This will all stay hush until were finally ready.” 
“When is that gonna be?” Curtis decided to question again, and Gilliam this time answered. “Its almost new years, and there will be more activity back here.” The whole group groaned. Every year Minister Mason brought the tail end boiled eggs, and did a long winded speech in several languages about how Wilford was the divine and merciful. “So after we cross the bridge and do the tail end mockery, we will start.” Gilliam rubbed at his face. “Okay, leave me now. I need to rest.” 
With shuffles the people started to filter out, when McGregor stalled Curtis from leaving, leaving just the three men left in Gilliams space. “Curtis, we needed to speak with you specifically.” McGregor said, and Gilliam nodded in confirmation. 
“What?” Curtis asked, his brows arching in question. 
“Im tempted to keep you from going son, simply because if something happens to me, I need you to take up this cause.” McGregor tapped on the map. And Curtis shook his head in confusion as to what he is saying. 
“I dont understand, nothing is going to happen, were going to make it to the food cars.” Curtis stated with conviction. 
“We probably will, but we also need to be realistic here Curtis. If we dont get that far, there needs someone to take right over and keep this up with Gilliam. Getting the people out of this cage is the most important. I know your young son, but people already respect you. Your cool headed and smart, I know I will be leaving it in capable hands. And its just a precaution. Plan B.” McGregor explained. “And no one but Gilliam knows, so dont go mentioning it to anyone.” 
Curtis nods, still trying to process, and he looks between the two men. “Im not sitting this out, I refuse to. Weve come to far to sit it out.” and the two other men shook there head. 
“We already figured you refuse to sit out, but your not gonna be in the very front in that initial charge, your going to bring along the rest until we at least get enough weapons in hand.” Curtis was glowering already at this news and before he could say anything, Gilliam said sharply. “Curtis its already settled. You will do this cause Im asking you to.” 
Blue eyes that were enraged shut down at those words, and he gave a nod. Turning, he ducked out, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets, lost in his thoughts as he weaved around the people doing there usual activities. When a holler caught his attention, and lifting his gaze, he saw you with a whole pile of kids racing down the aisle. Grabbing one into a hug, your tickled him and he squealed, making all the kids twist back like a flock. They all tackled you, and you mocked scream, tumbling out of sight into a bunk with them. His worries temporarily set aside, he made his way down to where you all disappeared. 
“Y/N, you still alive in there?” He ducked down enough to look in, and your hand shot out to grab ahold of his, which he pulled you out, your face flush with laughter, and you grab a hold of his coat to steady yourself. “With those little hellions? Never... they make me so proud, I raised them to be ruthless.” Giggling while you are still trying to catch your breath and you wag a finger in the bunk. “You all better be hidden when I come back.” Hooking your arm through Curtis’s, you pull him away, still brushing your hair from your face and smiling up at him. 
“Where you been all day?” you questioned as the two of you walk away from the bunk, and the kids scramble out to go hide away from you, you glance over your shoulder to take notice where they are headed, not that there was many options for them to go. As long as they werent disturbing other people to much. Turning back to Curtis, you tilt your head to look up and study him, his face was clouded and agitated, you could see where he was tensing his jaw enough to tic, something was certainly on his mind. 
Giving you a side ways glance, he gave just one word and then it all clicked for you. “Gilliams.” Of course, not that you were exactly privy to it, but you heard the whispers making there way through the train. It was like a match sparked being thrown on gasoline, snaking its way among the people, giving them all hope, and restlessness. Already you seen a spike in your parents clinic of people getting into mild fights. Dabbing away at the cuts and scrapped knuckles, warning them to keep clean as possible cause infections set in so easily. 
It was a ignited fire that was only getting hotter with time. 
You press your shoulder against his to drag more words out of him. “What else Curtis?” He looks like hes about to say more, working the words up from his chest, his eyes sharp in there resolve, and before he can open his mouth to fill you in, McGregor comes up from behind, and clasps Curtis’s shoulder in greeting. “Hey you two, coming up to the front soon? They are about to hand out protein bars.” A look, one that you very well caught, passed between them. An uneasy feeling sinking in your chest. 
“Yea, we will be headed up soon.” Curtis snaps a bit at him, and you wrinkle your brow at the odd interaction. Curtis watched McGregors retreating back, and tugged you lightly off to a small cubby, you stumbling into the out of the way place between the pipework that crisscrossed in the space between some bunks. “Curtis? what is this about?” 
“Listen to me Y/N, shits about to happen. And its gonna be just what youve been hearing. Im sure you and your folks will be part of clean up, but promise me you wont leave this car till weve made it through, okay?” Curtis’s eyes searched yours looking for confirmation, anything that you were going to listen to him. A slight nod is given, and you pick at your hands before reaching out, and fisting your hands in his jacket.
“Dont fucking get killed either Curtis, promise me that, okay? I know your going to insist on going.” So matter of fact, you knew your friend, he wouldnt be able to live with himself otherwise. You watched him for years punish himself for his desperate acts in the past. That fear that anyone would hold it against him, the way he grasp at his arm when he thought it was all to good for him. You knew, Curtis still hadnt forgiven himself. 
“I wont, I promise...” Fake promises, he couldnt look you in the eyes when he said this, no one could never know if they will return once they leave this car, but your look made the man ache in his chest. How he wished he could bring back that smile you had on just minutes earlier. You shined, a softness in all this hellish darkness. You have been there for him since the beginning, you came right out of that darkness from where you were hiding with Mat and fell to your knees, trying to stop the bleeding where he tried to cut off his arm. Curtis didnt even know how to react that day, when you at 13 showed more compassion then any of the others did, then he did. Your eyes wide in your fear, and yet you refused to pull away from him “Its okay, you dont have to do this, see?” Your words still echoed through him. 
It just continued, always you were piecing him back together again, seeking him out to wrap an arm around him when he missed human touch, making sure he felt you vibrate against him in your laughter when you leaned against him, your grin seeking his to flutter for a moment on his lips, teasing voice singing his name.The times your tears soaked on his shoulder, your hug rattling in his hold as your sadness penetrated the anger. When did it all really matter that much he held onto you like a life line? His life line. At some point for him, you crossed that line as just friend. And he felt it blossom through him with a heated desire he never felt before. What would it be like.... to have you as truly his? Forever his? You were just to good for the like of him. He would be a dark mark on you,  scrubbing forever to rub out his stain. 
Curtis didnt know how it happened, but in that moment, he had to know. Had to know if you were just as soft in his arms as you were strong, and his hands moved to cup your face, your cheeks fingers pressing back into your hair, and that was just what he imagined, silken tendrils wrapping around his fingers. You went wide eyed in those seconds, and yet never pulled away as if he was scaring you in any way. Your eyes softened for him, and when he pulled you in closer, your head tipped to meet him. That first touch, a soft press of lips was innocent sweetness, soft brushes of lips and breaths. 
Your innocence certainly made him continue forward gently, a tilt of his head and soft nibbles on your lip, a press of his tongue made you open in surprise and he let that kiss deepen. You were clumsy in it, always a little behind, but Curtis led you with encouraging strokes, the whole sensation dragged out a moan from you, a flush of your body pressing into his. His hands tightened slightly in your hair, and breaking from you, his forehead leaning against yours with soft pants shared between you. No you werent his, but what he wouldnt give for you to be. He was still trying to calm the fire you laced through him in that kiss. 
“I promise... I will come back Y/N” Crystal blue eyed promises now, and you accepted it far better this time, your lips still tingling from the contrast of soft kisses and brush of bristling beard, to his tongue filling your mouth, laying claim to you as his. 
But havent you really been his for a while? Even when you didnt know it, he was your safety, your dark guardian. 
Always looking out for you, protecting you.  
Drawing your way out, you are sure to slide the curtain closed for your patients privacy, and start making another round to see to other people, chat with them, just see if they need anything in general. You dont notice the wandering eyes following you, weaving through the people till you got to a quieter part of the tail end. You didnt notice, not until its to late when an arm shoots out in front of you, making you pause momentarily as it blocked you. “What the... Eric, what do you want?” You try to duck under his arm, but the mans grasp on your arm pauses you. A glance his way showed a handsome young man, blond locks curling around green eyes, that glinted coldly at you, and he firmly without any choice of your own backed you against the wall. “See youve been playing little home nurse again Y/N”
“Just helping mom and dad, can you please let go?” You try tugging your arm from his grasp and his other hand came up to your face to trace the curve, obviously not ready to loosen his hold, for whatever reason you would clam up around him, your heart fluttering and your breath quickening. Some would think it was innocent attraction. But it was more fear of what he would eventually do to you if given the chance.
“When you going to let me kiss you huh? I dont see why you keep fighting me on this.” He hovered closer, his breath washing over your face and you wrinkle your nose at it. It was hot and sour to you, you tried to pull back but there was no where else to go, so the back of your head would thump against the cold metal wall.
“Im not, I dont want to and you cant change my mind.” You wriggle once more trying to get him to stop digging into your arm. “So how about you go find one of the other girls? I know there are plenty who want to be with you.”
“To easy, I rather like the one who denies me” His voice dropped deeper, making you panic sightly. His eyes, you hated the way he would stare at you, following you from wherever he was, like you were a prize to be had. "I figured it's about time I change your mind about it though." You strain out of his touch on your face and go to push against his chest to stumble him back.
"I said no! Fuck no would I ever be with you, let alone kiss you" you snap at him, turning to leave, put distance between you two, back in a crowd. Eric was to coward to try to anything with people around. He snarled though, wrapping an arm around you.
Effectively he pinned your arms helpless and your back against your chest, falling back harder then you expected, making you helpless, his hand clasped over your mouth, effectively muffling any protests you had. "What you think your to good for someone like me sweetheart. If your good enough to get Curtis's dick wet, think you can mine as well without this much of a fight." Your eyes widened at his words. I haven't, were not, stop!... Just friends, you think in as your panic is washing over you, and he manipulated your head to fall back to his shoulder, you try twisting out. Then he pressed his face in your neck, and bit you, what started as a sloppy kiss turned into a bruising bite, yelping at the shock of pain and you try kicking him hard enough in the leg behind you to drop him. The tread of your boot slid down the inside of his leg, and he pushed you away from him to crash you against the trains wall, hard enough to bounce you off, making you groan from the harsh impact.
Erics hand whipped you around, effectively pinning you with his body. No way to leverage a kick again, and hands pinned your arms down to keep from attacking. "Fucken shit head!" Your voice raised into yelling at him, where was everyone? It was eerily quiet and no one around, he smirked at your struggles, dawning on you when you saw how turned on, felt how turned on. That foreign bulge dug into your belly. "Keep struggling Y/N, just makes me hard for you, so cute thinking you don't want this."
"Your vile Eric, like those front end pigs" nothing but disgust dripping from your tone, trying to hide your fear. But he knows, it just widens his predatory grin knowing your words were masking the fear coursing through your veins. His lips hovered so close, mocking tone as he brushed them barely against yours, as you tried tilting your face away. “Come on Y/N, just one little kiss for me. Do it and I will let you go.”
You glare at him and spit, right in the fuckers face, it runs down his eyes and nose, and you smirk at him as he starts cussing and wiping his face on his sleeve. “You little fucking cunt whore! Nasty pig think you can get away with that shit?!” His hand releases you and goes to hit you when a grasp catches his wrist, wrenching it back. Both yours and Erics eyes go wide in surprise, and you see Curtis glowering behind him, firmly twisting Erics arm hard, then harder again he snarls out. “She sure as fuck is gonna get away with it. I think she told you no”
Curtis jerked Erics arm further and a crack was followed by Eric screaming and letting you go, you slid away from his grasp, Curtis jerking him forward to take where he had you pinned before. They were evenly matched in size, but Curtis had him crushed between his body and metal, his face distorted as you glanced up. It struck you in this moment just how opposite these two men were. Curtis never once raised his voice in the time youve known him,but he had to raise above Erics squealing out in pain and anger. “When a person tells you no, It fucking mean no. You owe Y/N an apology.” He pulled Eric off the wall, and kicked at the back of his knees to drop him in front of you.
Curtis loomed over him, his arm still firmly twisted up between his shoulder blades, and growled in the mans ear. “Say it, or Im going to wrench it right off your body.”
“Im sorry!” you could see the effort it took Eric to say it, but Curtis clearly wasnt satisfied.
“AGAIN!” This time he really roared, Eric cowering a bit, and remorseful, he started again.
“Im sorry Y/N, I promise to never touch you again!” Curtis glances at you and nods that its okay, he had him firmly and you stepped forward, grasping the mans hair, and tipping his head back.
“Touch me ever again, or ANYONE on this train, your dead, do you hear me Eric? I will have no problem watching you die, either by my hand or another. Am. I. Fucking. CLEAR?”
“Yes! god yes, just let me go, it wont happen again.” Eric pleads, and you step away from Eric, and circle around to Curtis’s side. Shoving him harshly away, Eric rolled to a stand and clutched his arm, racing away as fast as he could. The coward, would probably make up some lie to cover face when he made it to your father to reset the arm. You stood next to Curtis, still fuming. Your fear from earlier forgotten, now you were just enraged watching where the coward disappeared.
“Hey, he aint gonna try messing with you again.” Curtis let his hand rest against your shoulder, looking down at you.
And thats what Curtis always did, he never expected more from you, not a thank you, not any kind of favor. He simply needed you to be safe, that was all he ever asked for from you. It was something that you could give him, he so desperately needed. 
You lick your lip, they are still swollen from the kiss, and you blush just a bit at the memory of his mouth on yours. He tipped his head, letting his thumb brush lightly on your cheek and he moved to kiss your forehead. 
“Thank you for that Y/N.” and you shifted in closer to press your face against his chest, your arms sliding around his torso, just holding him, memorizing this feeling right here, cause your first kiss, shook the words right out of you. 
You didnt know what would happen in the days to come, but you knew that right now, things between you two changed, having finally crossed that line. 
Tags-  @jtargaryen18 @what-is-your-plan-today @official-and-unstable-satan @p8tn0lish @stardancerluv @princess-evans-addict @patzammit  @that-damn-girl @curtisbbq @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @thatweirdwalangpake
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pride (and other destructive feelings) (harry styles)
a/n: okay, so i’m just starting with my writing, i put out my first two pieces today. it shocked me how many people noticed it, but it honestly made a good day even better. i’ve never felt the kind of happy one feel’s when their hard work (no matter how good or bad) is appreciated and noticed by others until now. it feels pretty dang good. this is about 1.2k words, and it’s not edited so there’s probably a couple mistakes. thank you for reading :)
warnings: a handful of no no words, a kind of suggestive sentence at the very end but it’s really not bad at all. 
If it wasn’t for Harry’s pride, he would’ve given in by now. He really did miss you, but he couldn’t let himself accept that. It had only been a couple of hours, for God’s sake. But, when two people are mad at each other, hours can seem like days. He felt miserable, and he regretted everything he had said. Deep down, he knew you regretted it too. It had been such a stupid fight, starting over the fact that Harry put all of the dishes in the wrong place when he unloaded the dishwasher. 
“Harry, why the fuck are there forks in the plate cabinet?” You asked as he walked past you, face buried in his phone. He simply shrugged and continued on his way to the living room, leaving you to sort out all the dishes yourself. You had told him to put them away, and he did. He didn’t see why it was such a big deal.
“Harry, I’m talking to you.” You said, voice raising slightly so he could hear you over the tele. You briskly walked out of the kitchen and into the cozy living room, grabbing the remote and turning the volume down. 
Without even looking up from his phone, Harry said, “I was watchin’ that.”
“Obviously you weren’t, you were too busy being sucked into your phone,” You said, putting your hands on your hips. Turning your head to the side, you muttered, “Like always.”
“S’cuse me?” Harry said, finally turning the small device off and throwing it onto the couch beside him.
“Nothing Harry, it’s nothing.” You rubbed a hand over your face and began to turn around. You did not feel like starting a fight today. Quarantine had been tough for both of you, Harry was stressed because of having to reschedule his tour and you were stressed because of, well, Harry. Being stuck together and not being able to leave the house for weeks had been more difficult than you had first thought. Harry was irritable, and you guys had been picking fights over the silliest things.
Obviously, Harry was in the fight-picking mood.
“Know its not nothin’, it’s never nothin’.” He said shaking his head at you
“And what the hell’s that supposed to mean, H?” 
“M’ jus’ sayin. These days it’s always somethin’.”
You were starting to get mad. It was always something because Harry always gave you something to be pissed about. 
“You’re just always on your damn phone all the time and you never-”
“God, y/n, what are you? My mum?” He said, rolling his eyes at you. 
“Not my fault you’re acting like a child, Harry.” You didn’t want to fight anymore. You turned around, just wanting to take a bath and relieve all of the stress this man had been causing lately.
“Where are you going?” he asked, standing up from the couch and following you into the bathroom. 
“I’m trying to draw a bath, Harry. If you would leave me be. I’m sure your phone will keep you entertained enough.” 
“Christ, what is it with the phones?” He asked, angrily waving his in the air in front of your face. His voice was gradually getting louder. 
“It’s the fact that it’s all you’ve been doing, H. You’re on that thing while we’re watching movies, while we’re eating dinner, right before bed. It’s like you can’t spare a second away from the thing to help or talk to me besides starting fights.” You shouted, finally telling him what had been going through your mind. You knew you could trust him, he wasn’t doing anything bad. It was just the fact that he has chosen to spend more time with a screen than his living, breathing girlfriend.
“Maybe if you weren’t so fuckin boring, I wouldn’t have to use my phone to entertain me.” He yelled back. 
You turned your back to him, not knowing how to respond. You were shaking with anger at this point.
“I really wish that I wasn’t stuck in this quarantine with ya, I’m losin my damn mind. Can’t stand bein around ya so much.” He muttered, shaking his head at you. He knew what he was saying was mean, but he was so angry he didn’t care. 
“Then maybe you should find someone else to spend your time with, Harry. Or, better yet,” You walked out of the bathroom, slipping your sandals on and grabbing your purse that was hanging by the door, “I guess I just will.” And with that you walked out of the flat and onto the streets of LA. 
By now, Harry had cooled off and realized he had made a mistake by saying what he said. He was a jerk, he knew that much. He sat on your shared bet, biting his nails and staring at his phone screen. His text messages with you were opened up, and he had typed something into the message tab.
I’m sorry, i was a jerk, i didn’t mean what i said. Forgive me, love. Please come home, i was wrong.
It was typed out plane as day. He admitted his wrongs, he begged for her forgiveness. All he had to do was send it. But, something was stopping him. It was the part about admitting he was wrong. He knew he was, but a small part of him was telling him not to admit it, not to give her the satisfaction. 
Then, he thought of the virus. He knew she shouldn’t be going to see anyone else, he knew she wouldn’t risk it. They had both been playing it extremely safe and agreed not to make contact with any other people. He wondered where she had gone, if not to a friend or relatives house. She could be anywhere, it could be dangerous. Suddenly, that pride went completely out the window. He immediately deleted his text, deciding to call her instead.
The phone rang 5 times before she picked up.
“Whaddya want, Harry?” He could hear her sniffling on the other side of the phone, and his heart ached for the tears he had most likely caused. 
“Please, come home y/n. I was wrong, love. I didn’t mean anya it. Jus’ want ya to come home.”
Immediately, he heard the front door open, and he ran out into the main entry, confused. When he saw her, he hung up his phone and set it down on the table next to the door. He looked to her for an explanation.
You shrugged your shoulders, looking at the ground in embarrassment.
“I didn’t wanna risk going to anyone else.” You said. After you had walked out, you made it across the street before realizing it wasn’t a good idea to be out walking with no protection or anything. You turned around and when you got back to the door, you had hesitated. You weren’t ready to give in and fall into his apologizing arms. It wasn’t your fault, you had done nothing wrong and therefore you should stand your ground. Instead of going back into the flat, you sat down on the ground next to the door for what seemed like maybe an hour or two but felt like way more. 
“This is gonna be hard, us together 24/7 with no breaks. We’re gonna fight, lovey, but I need ya to know that when I’m mad, I don’t mean anythin I say. I’m so, so sorry m’love.” He held out his arms to give you a hug, but you ducked underneath them and ran down the hallway that led to your bedroom. 
“Maybe you could find a better way to apologize, Haz.” You said, winking and running into the room.
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thepilotanon · 4 years
gardenia iv
gender reveal/baby shower
I know this has been a long wait, so here it is! I’m excited for you to read this chapter. I hope you will let me know what you think of this chapter and what you hope to see - since this is more of a drabble series, I’m always open for ideas and interacting with readers of the different possibilities to share with Clyde and playing Belle! Please enjoy!!
warning: none!
“Marlene,” Clyde mumbled softly, only to hear his wife’s soft sigh. “That’s alright, I wasn’t feelin’ that name either. Reminds me of that Marley an’ Me movie, n’ I won’t cry with my possible daughter’s name. Was also a name of an old lady who chase me n’ Mellie off her yard as kids.”
“Then, Marley is also out of the question,” a tired, yet amused voice responded, making him chuckle a bit. His right hand busy with their gentle caress against the rounding belly, having pushed the shirt up to below her breasts to feel the soft skin with his bare hand. “What about Eric…”
“Mmm, had a bully in third grade named Eric,” Clyde huffed, and Belle nuzzled closer to him in their bed. “Erica could be alright…”
“Not Eric, then. Erica, maybe,” Belle mumbled with a small smile before yawning. She was tired, Clyde could tell easily with how her pretty eyes were closed and how she clung herself as close as possible to him, but there was a factor in the way of her sleeping soundly. Her belly has been making it difficult for her to find a comfortable position to sleep, even though she isn’t showing to the point she can’t turn properly while laying down. Clyde is always more than awake to tend to her and try and help her get the proper amount of sleep needed for a pregnant woman - especially with the baby shower coming up in the afternoon of that day.
Clyde had found talking to his wife and gently massaging her back and belly helped a lot, as well as just talking to her with his voice low and soft. Something about his accent and the way he hums makes her feel fuzzy on the inside and more relaxed, as she claimed, and Clyde was more than willing to try and practice his conversation skills with his sleepy wife. With her head carefully tucked to his shoulder on the pillow, Belle shivered at the uncomfortable feeling of her large belly and her sore back and pressed her forehead closer to him. Her husband was gentle to comb her hair back and kiss the top of her head, his brows knitting together with genuine concern.
“You alright, baby?” he asked softly, his hand drifting up and down her back before brushing his fingers against her pregnant stomach.
Belle nodded and Clyde cooed gently and peppered little kisses along her hairline and forehead with a feather-like touch. “Poor sweetheart, ya think the baby is jus’ excited for the party?” he teased affectionately, drumming his fingers lightly over the bump and made her smile sleepily.
“I keep thinking it is actually kicking, but it’s gas or just my belly making weird noises,” Belle confessed, somewhat embarrassed and amused by herself just by thinking about it. “I can’t tell you how many times I tense up thinking it’s going to be the little bean kicking, and nothing happens - I think that’s the source of my sore muscles, being all tense and expectant. I’m just being whiney about it…”
“What’s a baby kick suppose to feel like?” Clyde asked, curious of this little secret, but also wondering about the little angel resting against his own stomach inside his wife’s womb. Either of them have yet to feel the baby kick; Clyde has been reading up and researching, constantly asking Belle if there has been any update, yet Belle can only smile sadly and shake her head. They were remaining patient, however, letting the unborn baby take its time. “It ain’t suppose to hurt, right? I don’t want you to be in pain or uncomfortable…”
“I don’t think a little baby can kick hard enough to hurt me. I’m pretty sturdy as they come, believe it or not,” Belle snickered before lifting her chin, asking him for a kiss which he gave her and nudge their noses together. “I’ve asked Bobbie Jo and Mrs. Potter. Bobbie Jo said that it’s like when your muscle spasms for no reason. But, Mrs. Potter said it can feel like someone flicking the inside of your tummy, so I’m not sure.”
“Can’t be that surprising once you tell the difference, right?” Humming, Clyde lifted the blanket up their bodies to keep her warm and cozy, seeing how more sluggish and sleepy his wife was becoming. Looking to the clock hiding behind her, above the shelves of the headboard, Clyde could see it was after the time Belle would usually strain on staying up with him. He knew she was very tired, and only wished he could do something more to help her sleep easier.
“Pretty sure I can… Still, I don’t think they’re ready to be kicking,” she answered softly. “I don’t know. Doctor said it’s very normal…”
“Doctor said you were doing perfect. Very wonderful momma to-be,” he whispered against her hair, his hand continuing their gentle caresses and massages to the small of her back and stomach. “Both you n’ the lil bean havin’ strong heartbeats, both healthy, jus’ what she told us.”
“Mmhmm...” Belle sighed sleepily, her cheek resting against the pillow and on him, her hands curled between them as she started to finally fall asleep.
“I see ya gettin’ sleepy now, aren’t ya?” Clyde smirked gently, seeing her take deep breaths and unable to keep her eyes open. “Can see ya startin’ to fall asleep, honey. Jus’ relax an’ I’ll take care of you and the lil baby, okay? I’ll keep ‘em settled down so you can sleep…”
Seeing her grin so sleepily, Clyde knew she was about ready to fall into a deep slumber, allowing her to nuzzle into his neck and carefully cling to his sleeping shirt. Clyde felt his heart throb in his chest at feeling her warm cheek against him, the warmth of her belly underneath the blanket and against his palm making feel tingly by the physical contact. He felt his wife’s small hand curl around his neck and tangle in his hair - her fingertips sloppily attempting her massage before going limp. “Love you so much, and so does the little baby…”
Clyde couldn’t stop his grin as he kissed his wife’s head and listened to her breathing change to a deep sleep. Waiting a while to make sure his wife was out after a few minutes, he gave her forehead a gentle kiss before closing his eyes and rest his head on the pillow with her.
“I decided.”
Belle turned around to look at her husband while he busied himself with the hook of the hangar in his mouth to take off his button-up shirt of choice. Seeing she was dressed in a lavender sundress and a violet cardigan pressed to the bedside, Clyde opted to wear his light grey button-up with his white undershirt and brand new jeans to look more clean and somewhat matching with her. It was a fun celebration, after all, and Clyde wanted to look almost as good as he did on his wedding day (minus his many panic attacks and his wild imagination of the many what-ifs). Anything for his lady and baby on the way.
Smiling at him while he shrugged his shirt on, approaching to help with the buttons before he could tuck in the shirt, Belle got on her toes to kiss his chest, next to the wedding band resting against his sternum in a necklace. “What did you decide about, big bear?” she asked, feeling him give her a kiss on the top of her head.
“On namin’ the baby.” Catching her attention, Clyde gave her a small smile and brushing his thumb along her cheek. “If it ends up bein’ a lil boy, I can name him one of the few names we liked n’ listed together. If it ends up bein’ a lil girl, you can name her one of the names we picked out for a girl. Feel like it’s only fair since I can’t think of any good girl names and you like some of the boy names I thought of… And I really like the girl names you told me the other day.”
“The ones we put on the fridge?” Belle blinked. The two had a little notepad with little scribbles of possible names and highlighted different colors, depending on the gender or neutral, whenever they had free time on Sundays and Monday nights together. 
“Yeah, but we’ll still need to agree to it, don’t we, Darlin’? ‘Course, we gotta agree, when the time comes.” Clyde snickered when she raised a brow at him. Once she finished buttoning his shirt, he tilt her chin up and gave her a sweet kiss that made her grin against his lips.
“Yeah, I would hope so,” Belle snickered while he pulled away and busied himself to tuck his shirt into his jean while getting his belt for him off the bed. “I don’t think it would end well with either of us picking a name, and then changing our minds on how we feel about it for the other.”
Taking his belt when his wife offered it to him, Clyde mumbled a thanks before putting the leather strap through the loops with his only hand. “Just as long as we don’t name the boy Junior.”
“Or after an obvious flower,” Belle agreed with a smile, her hands resting on her belly and rubbing carefully over her dress. “As much as I love my job and having my name after one of the most romantic flowers known to man, I think our little angel is too special for that.”
“Could jus’ name ‘em Angel, too,” Clyde suggested.
Belle’s nose wrinkled a bit as she tried to hold back her laugh. “Would it be weird if I thought Angel would be a cute name for either a girl, or boy? It’s unique, but still special - because it will be our little angel. I’m sure there’s variations for it.”
“Well, ain’t Fish’s name actually Fish? Is Fish a cute name?”
“I’m not even related to - you know that their mom isn’t all that…”
Belle sighed and let him pull her into a hug, his facial hair tickling her neck with his little butterfly kisses to her skin. His arms wrapped around her and his hand sliding down to teasingly squeeze her bottom, making her jump. “We’ll figure somethin’ out,” he assured her affectionately, feeling her pulse quicken when he scraped his teeth under her jaw. “Party first, right? You’re gonna be the center of attention with how lovely ya look, Darlin’.”
“Me and my big belly bumping into everything while I stuff my face with food,” Belle taunted. She squealed when her husband blew a raspberry against her neck, tickling her enough to get her laughing.
“Ain’t no matter, yer still the center of my attention,” he shrugged joyfully before kneeling down to give her stomach gentle kisses. “And so will this lil peanut. Hope ya get yer mommy’s tickle spots, ‘cause I’m gonna be ticklin’ and kissin’ ya until you tire yourself out from laughin’. Yer mommy’s the same way, knocks right out when you get her laughin’ for a good five minutes.”
“Shh, don’t listen to Daddy,” Belle grinned while combing back his hair, feeling him nuzzle against her with so much affection. “Your daddy is just trying to tease me to get me flustered enough for him to distract me from going to the baby shower.”
“Is it working?” Clyde asked sweetly, looking up to give her his loving eyes that he knew she couldn’t resist.
“Only a little bit… Just a pinch.”
“Mmhmm? Uh-huh?” Clyde held back his laughter while his wife playfully shoved his face away from her belly. “C’mon, sweetheart, you can’t resist me that easy.”
“Oh, like you can take one look at me when I doll myself up for you and turn the other cheek?” Belle snickered while he stood up on his feet. “Even when I wake up with knotted hair, drool on my chin and unable to form proper sentences, you still say I’m the prettiest lady you have ever seen.”
“That’s just ‘cause you are, Darlin’,” Clyde grinned, taking her cheek in his hand while his metal prosthetic wrapped across her back. He peppered gentle, loving kissing along her cheek before stealing a quick smooch from her smiling lips. “You could be covered in dirt n’ oil and still be the most beautiful girl in my eyes.”
“Even while I’m stuffing my face with sandwiches while pregnant, or get covered in baby spit? Not sleeping for days because I’ll be a reckless and anxious mom?”
“You deal with me shovelin’ plates in my mouth, and you know darn well we’re both gonna be covered in baby spit!” he claimed rather proudly before nuzzling under her jaw, kissing and nipping her skin softly and holding her close carefully while she laughed. “C’mon, Darlin’, pick out some comfortable shoes to wear and I’ll be right out. We got a party to get ya to.”
It was an interesting situation having Mellie and Bobbie Jo argue about the location of the baby shower - since Belle wasn’t even planning on having one in the first place, that just didn’t sit well with either woman while Silvia was more of the middle ground in the fight. Mellie wanted to have it at the park area, where it was outdoors with fresh air and nature surrounding the picnic patios and have a BBQ while Bobbie Jo wanted it at the new fancy restaurant that just opened up in town (where she knew the owner of the business and could get a deal on a party room) and could get a lovely buffet with clean tablecloth and silverware. As much as the mother-to-be wanted to try and find a solution for both ladies to agree with, suggesting the restaurant they had the wedding reception at, it was automatically turned down and thus Belle kindly asked Jimmy’s girlfriend to put her foot down. 
Silvia, as sweet as she is in being a big sister to both Mellie and Belle, and on absolute friendly terms with Bobbie Jo, can also be hard and straightforward in fixing silly situations such as arguing about where to have a baby shower. Thankfully, Silvia suggested either Bobbie Jo or Mellie host it at either house - where there were wooded backyards and easy access to the indoors with an AC available. Before either ladies could bicker which house, Silvia flipped a coin with an actual written agreement on notebook paper that, whoever got the house, the other would be in control of decorations.
Bobbie Jo’s house was claimed on tails, therefor Mellie had full control of the decorations and Bobbie Jo couldn’t interfere.
Considering that it was a gender reveal, Mellie picked the color white for the main color-theme and stuck to minimal decorations. There were a few balloons tied to the stairs that everyone knew that the Logan brothers were going to get ahold of later and party streamers decorating the railings in a cute twisting style. With Bobbie Jo’s backyard covered with greenery and trees, the white popped perfectly and Mellie was more than proud of herself with everyone’s compliments as soon as they entered the backyard; more so the only Logan sister didn’t hesitate to rub it in Bobbie Jo’s face once Belle said how much she loved the design of the patio table with a simple table cloth with a bouquet of white roses on top along with the snack plates that Jimmy was helping himself to. Mellie didn’t hesitate to send Jimmy a displeased scowl at him while hugging Belle in greeting.
“Swear, that man thinks every event is for him to stuff his damn face,” she mumbled before kissing Belle’s grinning cheek while laughing. “Bobbie Jo and Sil made those lil sandwiches for you, ya know. We know you’ve been craving ham and cheese, and look what that sasquatch is doin’! Jimmy, you asshat!”
Like a dog getting caught doing something it knew was naughty, Jimmy popped his head up before jumping over the ledge on the other side. Sadie, watching the whole thing happen, laughed at her father’s silly antics while her mother sighed at finally seeing what her ex was doing whilst conversing with Silvia and Mrs. Potter. What bad leg again? Mellie kindly excused herself from the guests of honor before chasing Jimmy after tossing off her nice sandals.
Clyde shook his head over his siblings’ behavior, taking his wife’s hand and guiding her further. Along with Bobbie Jo, Moody, Sadie and Mellie, Joe Bang and his brothers were also currently present with Mr. and Mrs. Potter sitting close together in lawn chairs with drinks in their hand. Sadie, all dressed up in a white tutu and white ribbons, offered a plate filled with different assorted snacks to the guests very politely before coming over to see her aunt and uncle.
“Aunt Belle!” Sadie squealed as she hurried over to the new arrivals. “Uncle Clyde, can you please hold the plate for me? I wanna hug Aunt Belle!”
Clyde chuckled as he took the plate for his little niece and grinned even bigger seeing Sadie press her cheek against Belle’s stomach and hugging her. Giving her tummy a gentle kiss, Sadie pulled back and waited patiently for Belle to bend down to kiss her cheek, which Belle returned by taking her face with both hands and giving her big kisses to each cheek and then her forehead.
“You look so pretty, Sadie! Look at you!” Belle gushed and fondled the girl’s cheek, making her blush and laugh. “You look even more like a little angel!”
“Thank you, Aunt Belle! You look very, very pretty, too!” Sadie sang brightly, waiting patiently for her aunt to release her before going to hug Clyde as tight as she could. “Hi, Uncle Clyde! You look handsome!”
Clyde chuckled softly when his little niece hugged him, kiss his cheek quickly and took off, chasing down her dad and reprimand him for taking the sandwiches her mom and father’s girlfriend took the time to make special for her aunt. “She seems happy to have a party at her house, huh?”
“Well, she must get it from the other ladies in the family. Both Mel and Bobbie Jo throw very fun parties,” Belle said rather fondly. When Clyde offered her something off of the plate Sadie deserted them with, the pregnant woman picked out a little finger sandwich and a cookie before being called over by Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Belle seemed to glow brightly greeting her bosses, patiently waiting for Mrs. Potter to get up from her spot to properly give her a hug while Mr. Potter took Clyde’s plate and shook the father-to-be’s hand.
“How ya doin’, sweetheart? You been eatin’ good for the baby?” Mrs. Potter instantly took charge of looking over Belle with critical eyes, obviously looking for anything that might raise any sort of red flags. It was natural, according to the elderly married couple, considering both Mr. and Mrs. Potter had seven healthy sons throughout their lives together.
“I’m doing really good, thank you,” Belle responded with a happy grin, allowing the stout, elderly woman to nod in confirmation and then hug her. “Clyde is always making sure I’m eating well enough, getting enough sleep and drinking water, all the sorts you’ve written down for us.”
“Good. Don’t need to kick yer man’s ass for not takin’ care of ya properly, knowin’ how stubborn you are.”
“She ain’t a picky eater, ma’am,” Clyde corrected as he came over. Seeing his wife pout a little bit at the accusations, he kissed the top of her head, while his flesh hand reached to gently caress her rounding stomach. “Takin’ vitamins, eating healthy and doin’ wonderful,” he praised her directly, making her instantly grin; kissing her cheek repeatedly while Mrs. Potter rolled her eyes affectionately.
“Yer gonna spoil her too much,” Mr. Potter interjected and his wife smacked his pudgy belly with her hand, making him snicker.
“Oh shush, ya ol’ man. You were three times as bad whenever I had our boys!”
“Sorry, Ma,” Mr. Potter chuckled and Clyde suddenly found himself a bit flustered by the elderly couple’s interaction.
Even though he and Belle had been affectionately calling each other “Momma” and “Daddy” in the privacy of their home to their growing baby, but still, the idea of doing it out in public made him instantly embarrassed. Clyde most definitely wanted to do it in public, show everyone that he was going to be a dad to a little baby growing inside his wife, who will be the perfect mother…
Mrs. Potter eventually let up from her husband and hugged Belle, gently patting the woman’s hand resting on her belly. “It’s good that ya got a good man, like Clyde, to take care of ya both. Knowing you two, yer goin’ to be jus’ wonderful parents. I know yer old grandpops would be so happy for ya.”
Clyde watched fondly as Belle began to glow from that particular comment. Mr. and Mrs. Potter both knew Belle’s grandfather for most of the man’s life, so hearing that obviously meant a lot to his wife, seeing those happy tears. The old woman grinned and pinched the pregnant woman’s cheeks fondly. “And don’t forget, once this lil babe is out in the world, m’gonna pull my famous cheek pinchin’, jus’ like I did with ya and did with yer ol’ man, when he was a young rascal.”
Belle snickered when Mrs. Potter fondled her cheeks in the palms of her wrinkled hands, laughing with her. “I’m just glad that you never pinched so hard,” Belle told her. “But, please make sure to wait until they’re old enough.”
“O’course, honey! I didn’t get to pinch yours ‘til you were ‘bout five - yer gramps never let anyone else hold ya, but him, his wife and Joe Bang. He was such a particular man when it came to his lil Rosabelle,” Mrs. Potter promised affectionately. Then, looking to Clyde, Mrs. Potter took Clyde’s hand and pat his knuckles with a loving, motherly grin. “You’ll be a great daddy, Clyde. I know for certain that ol’ goofball in Heaven would’ve adored ya as a grandson-in-law, and a perfect match for his lil grandbaby. He would be so excited for you two becomin’ parents. His wife would’a thought the same.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Clyde mumbled, unable to stop his cheeks heating up from the kind words from the old lady who helped his wife so much.
“Well, I know for a fact that Pops would be crying his eyes out and drinking with the daddy-to-be, until he knocked himself out in a tree,” a familiar voice caught both Clyde and Belle’s attention. Turning around, they saw Dayton White dressed appropriately in a nice, pressed shirt and dress pants.
“Dayton!” Belle yelled with a bright smile, attempting to jump at her childhood friend until he grasped her shoulders to keep her still as possible, then pull her into a careful hug. Belle hugged him back as tight as possible while Clyde came over, waiting his turn to shake hands with the NASCAR racer and a friendly half-hug. “What the hell are you doing here? You’re suppose to be in California, last time we talked to you!”
“How could I miss the babyshower of my best friend? If I missed out on that, that would just put weight on my shoulders for the rest of my life, for every Christmas and birthday,” he shrugged, like it was the most casual thing ever, making Belle smack his arm at his suggestion. Dayton snickered at her before patting Clyde’s shoulder. “Mellie let me in on the shower details so, as long as you don’t tell my sponsors that I’m going to be here for the rest of the week, then there is no problem.”
“Mellie did? How she’d manage that?” Clyde asked with a raised brow, stealing a glance to his sister on the back porch, sipping a drink and keeping her attention on Sadie showing her dad a new dance move. “Mellie ain’t much of a Facebook person…”
“And for the rest of the week? That’s not like you to miss that much of work,” Belle added, although with a hint of knowledge of what could be happening for her friend.
“We exchanged numbers last time I was in town, but that’s beside the point - Belle, you haven’t been submitting to your cravings, right? You know that you can still eat as normal as you have been, but adding vitamins help -!”
Belle didn’t hesitate to reach and gently raise Dayton’s jaw to shut him up. “If you’re implying that it looks like I’ve gained unnecessary weight, you’re already cruisin’ for a bruisin’, Dayton. Just ask Jimmy and Uncle Joe about how I don’t hesitate to still kick some ass.”
Clyde rubbed his hand across his wife’s back, trying to keep her grounded. “I stand witness to that. I wouldn’t try testin’ her, buddy, you know how she is.”
“Never would have suggested anything like that!” Dayton claimed, then breaking the three into amused grins. “But, really, you do look really good, Belle. It’s just so weird seeing you whenever, and how big your belly is with the baby! Are you excited to see if it is a boy or a girl?”
“That, and have some of Mellie’s cake.” One of the foods Belle had been craving was the sweets her sister in-law would make, and Mellie had been more than happy to spoil her best friend with sweets and going out for ice cream, whenever Clyde couldn’t. But, Dayton didn’t need to know about that and keep himself awake at night about it…
Until the rest of the guests arrived - Joe Bang, Sam and Fish, a couple of Mellie’s coworkers who knew Clyde and Belle, and some of Bobbie Jo’s pageant friends who knew Belle through helping Sadie - Clyde was fairly overwhelmed by the amount of attention he was getting alongside with his wife. Normally, he would have sufficed sitting by Belle, his only hand holding her shoulder or rub her back upon reaction, sitting quietly and admire his wife’s radiant smile and happy laughs. Being asked how he was feeling or being complimented on keeping up with the pregnancy plan and all of the appointments with no problem, Clyde felt his cheeks burn most of the time. Jimmy would smack him teasingly on the shoulder, telling him to enjoy the attention before the baby arrived - because then, it would be how the baby has which of his features or how stinkin’ cute the little bundle of joy is. Clyde would only flush deeper and simply nod, refusing eye contact.
“And expect to not get as much ‘lone time with Belle,” Jimmy added in way too casually, grinning like the teasing big brother that he is. He snickered when Clyde jumped and Belle glared at him. “Jus’ gotta let ya know! Ya won’t be havin’ and special time while changin’ diapers and tryin’ to sleep.”
Clyde was thankful that both Sylvia and Bobbie Jo smacked Jimmy to be quiet before Joe Bang and Belle did. Mellie even threatened him to refuse his piece of cake, and that was when Jimmy kept his mouth shut.
When the time did come for cake, they had the parents-to-be stand at the end of the patio table while everyone surrounded them as Mellie came out of the house with the dessert. The cake was frosted white with homemade buttercream frosting and had pink and blue confetti sprinkles; everyone clapped for Mellie’s craft as she set the cake in front of Belle and Clyde, producing two knives and a cake server. Since it was Mellie’s planning, she was strict in instructing them how to reveal the inside contents of the cake. Jimmy had Sadie on his lap and helped her start recording with his phone. Dayton, the Bang brothers stood behind Joe Bang with Dayton, while the older man sat on a chair with a beer in hand. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were seated at the other end of the table, with proper view of the couple and cake and taking pictures.
“Now ya can’t be takin’ the knives out, or you’ll see the frostin’,” Mellie explained, handing each of them a knife. “Like the weddin’, ya each cut a side and will lift the servin’ up. Make some cute pictures!” She waved her hands to them to get started.
“Okay,” Belle nodded and smiled to Clyde. “How big do you want the piece to be?”
Clyde hummed and moved his knife to decide on a piece, Belle held hers still for him until he decided, grinning in patience all while Jimmy and Sadie were whining for Clyde to hurry.
“Sadie, what are you hoping the baby will be?” Belle asked the young girl, who was being bounced on her dad’s knee in anticipation.
The little blonde girl snickered. “I don’t mind either! Boy or girl is good to me,” she claimed. “It’s gonna be my honeybun!”
“If it’s a boy, how’ya gonna dress him up in dresses?” Jimmy asked dramatically, making Joe Bang roll his eyes.
“Ya can dress up, play the prince or the shiny guy,” Joe Bang explained. “Boys look good in pink, too - or be a cool dragon, like I was!”
“Don’t go tellin’ lil Sadie the story of how ya played princess and dragon when Rosabelle was too lil to understand that playin’ with hairspray and lighters were dangerous!” Mrs. Potter snapped, and Joe Bang simply shrugged with a naughty grin into his beer bottle. Thankfully, Sadie didn’t pay much attention to what was going on, more focused on what her aunt and uncle working with the cake.
“Ignore ‘em, cut the cake!” Bobbie Jo insisted, also having her phone out and recording. Belle did her best to hide back her laughter from the whole situation. Now that Clyde inserted his knife down to the cake plate, it was only causing more anticipation and excitement on the patio porch.
Grabbing the serving knife next, Belle held it between herself and Clyde, waiting as he used his right hand to wrap around hers. He snuck in for a quick kiss before helping her dig it under the cake. The ladies, including Sadie, aww-ed and both Sam and Fish performed a drumroll bit on their cleaned jeans when Clyde broke the kiss and pressed their foreheads together, giving her the most excited eyes sparkling to her.
“Ya ready, Darlin’?” he asked quietly, his smile showing his teeth and the cute wrinkle in his nose whenever he was excited. She felt his hold around her hand tighten a bit, his thumb brushing her skin gently. Sam and Fish’s drumming got more intense when Belle smiled back and nodded. 
“Let’s see what our baby is going to be,” she encouraged, and they raised the cut piece of cake, slowly revealing the chocolate cake hidden underneath - 
And the bright pink filling inside.
Fun Fact: Gender reveal parties became a thing in the late 00s, from inspiration of a couple who struggled to have a child for years and were very excited to know what their baby would be! There is a lot of critical responses to it nowadays, however, I think it’s a wonderful story for a couple’s wish coming true. The couple’s daughter, today, likes to wear suits and break gender-norms!!
taglist: @ayatimascd @kyloxfem @kylo-renne @damndriver @formerly-anonhamster @oh-adam @redhairedfeistynerd @rosalynbair @deliriumdoll @bellaren18
If you would like to be added to the list of this drabble series, please feel free to let me know and I would be very happy to add you!! Please let me know what you thought of this chapter, and see you next time.
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
His Second Chance Part 10
Bucky x Reader
His Second Chance Masterlist
Bucky comes back from Wakanda with Steve, ready to begin his recovery from his days as the Winter Soldier, but there’s one thing he doesn’t take into account - you.
Warnings: A few mentions of ass (I don’t know why this became a thing but it did), fluff, language, self depricating thoughts.
Word count: Approx 2900
Bucky continues to build confidence while trusting the Reader with some doubts on his mind and his insecurities. Have a lovely weekend 💗💗💗
Please don’t hesitate to leave suggestions or thoughts! TAG LISTS ARE OPEN! (Permanent list and His Second Chance list)
“Excuse me, you never told me it ended up as a date!” Sam exclaimed, throwing his arms up dramatically. “Shh, shh, god do you wanna wake up the whole building?” Bucky hissed across the kitchen. The pair had taken to getting up early and spending time together before everyone else was up, though they still maintained their love hate relationship the rest of the day.
 “So you took my advice Barnes?” Sam asked before spooning some fruit salad into his mouth. “No, I mean, yeah I guess.” Bucky sighed. Don’t give him the damn satisfaction. “How did it go? Did you kiss her?” Sam jutted his spoon out, pointing at Bucky as he slurped on his too hot to drink coffee. Recoiling a bit from the heat of his drink, Bucky placed his mug down and shook his head quickly. “No, no kissing.” He blurted out. Oh how I wish we had though, jus’ wanna feel her soft lips against mine. “You mean you went on a date with one of the prettiest and sweetest girls in the damn tower and you didn’t kiss her?” Sam sounded almost offended. “Well,” Bucky shrugged, pausing for a moment. “Look, we’re takin’ it slow, man.” Bucky waved him off as he dipped his spoon into Sam’s large bowl of fruit salad. Sam frowned before reaching forwards and stealing some of Bucky’s cereal.
 “So are you going to ask her on another date?” Sam asked through a mouthful of cereal. “Your ma ever tell ya to never speak with your mouth full?” Bucky teased, quirking a brow. Sam scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Quit avoiding my question Barnes.” He smirked, knowing full well Bucky desperately wanted to ask you out again. “You gonna take her out again?” He repeated his question before shovelling more fruit in his mouth. “Of course I am, she’s real pretty and cute and smart, really sweet, funny.” Bucky listed staring off into the distance and then looked back at Sam a little startled. You just said that out loud. You said that out fuckin’ loud. Well done. Sam stifled a chuckle as he swallowed down his fruit.
 “Who’s real pretty, Buck?” Steve asked, walking into the kitchen. “You know who he’s talking about.” Sam smirked, using his spoon to point at Bucky again. “I can hear you two from down the hall.” Steve gave them both a knowing smile before turning away to fix a protein shake before his morning sessions. Bucky’s cheeks burned bright red. God, what if she can hear this entire conversation? What must she think if she can? “So you gonna kiss her next time?” Sam kept going, glancing across at Steve for backup. “Yeah, Buck, I know you still got the forties in ya.” Steve grinned over his shoulder at Bucky as he spooned protein powder into a shake bottle. “It’ll happen when it happens.” Bucky sighed before trying his coffee again, taking a long sip from the now comfortably warm liquid. And not before. Wanna do this right with her, I need to do it right with her.
 “Tony was talking about getting you on a psychological assessment, by the way.” Steve changed the subject after a short pause in conversation. “Said if you pass it you can start training to get back in the field.” Steve went on. Oh, oh not sure I’m ready for that. What if I start training and I hurt someone with this stupid metal arm? What if I somehow go back into Winter Soldier mode? What if I hurt someone or kill someone? Oh god.
 “Buck?” Sam broke his train of thought, Bucky staring straight into his mug of black coffee. “Bucky?” Sam poked him with his spoon. “You alright, man?” He asked, glancing over at Steve who was vigorously shaking his protein shake bottle with far too much force and enthusiasm, scrunching up his face while he did it. “Yeah, I don’t know Steve.” Bucky shook his head. “Not sure my mind’s in the right place yet.” Bucky refused, sighing. “Alright pal, but you gotta do it at some point, just think about it, alright?” Steve clapped him on the shoulder before moving to leave the kitchen.
 A soft oof and then a thump caught Bucky’s attention and he tilted to the side to see you had collided with Steve on your way in. “Sorry sweetheart, didn’t see ya there, ran right into me.” Steve chuckled, kneeling down to give you a hand back onto your feet. “You alright?” He asked, cupping your head and brushing your hair away from your face. Why can’t I be that soft with her? I’m just… Awkward. “Yeah, sorry Stevie.” You apologised, giving him a quick hug before passing him and entering the kitchen.
 “Morning.” You smiled at both of the soldiers, squeezing Sam around the shoulders and pecking him lightly on the cheek before moving over to Bucky and settling into his side where you knew Bucky would allow you to stay and you could get extra close, leaning in and giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek, only your lips lingered longer than they did when you kissed the other two good morning. Ooh I could get used to that.
 “You alright? You just collided with a wall of Steve Rogers.” Sam chuckled, watching as you leaned into Bucky, his arm making its way around your shoulders. “I’m fine, not the first time it’s happened, Sammy.” You smile before moving away to get your breakfast ready. “Besides, I think Stevie thinks I’m super fragile now because he gave me a few days off training since the incident yesterday.” You flash a smile over your shoulder at the boys as you get a mug and put it in the machine. Not fragile, I think you’re bad- “Ass.” Bucky blurted out, immediately ducking his head and almost dipping his freshly washed hair into his coffee. Sam tried to contain his laughter while you looked at them both confused before twisting slightly to look at your butt. You were admittedly dressed in just a shirt and underwear, which you thought the boys were quite used to, especially since you were so easily open about this kind of thing. “Is there something wrong with my butt?” You asked so innocently, causing Sam to collapse further into laughter while Bucky’s cheeks burned bright red.
 wHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Oh my good fucking- look at her! Bending weirdly to look at her butt because she thinks you were talking ABOUT HER ASS YOU IDIOT. Bucky let out a strange strangled noise before downing his coffee. “Sorry doll, I wasn’t- um, I mean, it’s just that-.” Bucky stammered. “He thinks you have a nice ass.” Sam interrupted, grinning like the fucking devil at Bucky, who gave him a murderous stare. Oh my- Wilson! “No, well yeah, but- look I wasn’t, urgh.” Bucky dropped his face into his hand. Take me to fuckin’ hell already. “You like my butt?” You asked, seemingly unphased by Bucky’s flustered state. “Yes?” Bucky wasn’t even sure how to approach that and he avoided looking up from his hand all together. “I like it too.” You grinned, turning back to make your coffee. Bucky looked up from his hand at Sam and glanced at you. How is she so okay with me just… I’m so bad at this.
 Sam vacated the kitchen, having successfully messed with Bucky. “Doll, I’m real sorry about that.” Bucky sidles up next to you. You let out a breathy huff of a laugh and smile up at him. “I know Sam was messing with you.” You roll your eyes. “He does it so much with everyone that I know when he’s doing it now.” You leaned up against him. So that’s why she didn’t seem phased, smart girl. “But, please enlighten me, why did you just scream out ass?” You asked, amusement in your voice. “Actually, don’t tell me.” You winked. Oh she probably thinks I was staring at her butt or something oh no.
 “So uh.” Bucky cleared his throat. “Yesterday, with the café was nice.” Bucky watched as you poured some sugar into your drink. C’mon there’s more smooth ways of saying that. “Do you… Maybe wanna do that again?” Bucky almost face palmed. That’s not the way to fucking ask that question, try again. Bucky sighed and shook his head. “Would you like to go on a date with me, doll?” Bucky asked voice shaking a little from nerves, your big doe like eyes staring up at him, cheeks bulging a little as you smile widely. “I’d love to, Buck.” You grin, nodding your head quickly. Yes! Fuck yes! You did it properly this time. “What did you have in mind?” You question, stirring your drink. Uh didn’t think that far. Okay, no, don’t let her know that though, you got this. “I’ll take you out tomorrow night, seven o’clock, it’s a surprise, wear something…” Bucky paused for a bit too long and you giggled. “I’ll make sure I wear something, Buck.” You winked, giggling to yourself as you walked away with your coffee.
You just had to fuck it up at the end, didn’t you Barnes?
 “So, psychological assessment, huh?” You asked, walking alongside Bucky as he clutched the papers in his hand. “Mm, not sure how it’s gonna go.” Bucky sighed, obviously not too optimistic about his chances. “Hey, I think you’ll do fine, plus Pepper said if you don’t pass you can redo it in a few months.” You tried to reassure him. “I guess.” Bucky shrugged, glancing down at the papers he carried at his side. Tell her. Tell her, c’mon, she won’t judge you, you know she won’t. “Can I tell you something?” Bucky asked, looking around the hallway for any prying ears. “Always, Buck.” You smiled up at him, waiting for him to continue. At that moment Steve came around the corner, distracted by Nat as he chatted away to her. Don’t want them to hear, only (Y/n). Bucky rested his hand on your shoulder and gently pushed you backwards into a tiny utility closet. Oh this is very, very close.
 You were so close to Bucky that you could feel his breath fanning against your face and your hands naturally rested on his chest. Your cheeks flushed hot, breathing becoming a little uneven as your heart beat fast at his closeness, how intimate this felt. “What’s so important that you don’t want Steve and Nat to know?” You whispered. You tried to take a step back, but you tripped on something, Bucky’s metal arm immediately stopping you from falling as it wound around your waist. “I got you, doll.” He whispered. Oh this is so not where I planned on this going, fuck I just wanted to tell her something so innocent and here I am in a closet hiding from Steve like I’m about to- yep, okay keep it cool, your body is literally pressed against hers. Bucky took a deep breath as you looked into his slate blue eyes, waiting patiently with a sweet smile curving your lips.
 “I’m not sure I want to fight anymore.” Bucky murmured. “M’not sure I can do that anymore.” Bucky went on, shaking his head, loose brown strands of hair falling out from behind his ears into his face. “Not after the pain I- I’ve caused.” Bucky almost choked up and you took his face into your hands, your fingers brushing some of his hair back as your palms rubbed against his stubble. “Buck, you don’t have to fight if you don’t want to, but if you do fight with us, it won’t be the same. We don’t fight the innocent, you know that. No one here would ever use you to hurt people. You always have a say, a choice, a yes or no. Don’t like a mission? You can refuse it. You want out after a few months? You can say so and no one will judge you.” You whispered, trying to keep your voice as low as possible. “But if you stay and fight with us, you have a chance to help people.” You encouraged. Bucky looked at you with a fondness in his eyes.
 Maybe she’s right, it’s not the same. Maybe this is a way to redeem yourself, reclaim what was taken from you. Bucky smiled down at you, hands squeezing around your waist a little tighter before he slowly leaned towards you, skin against skin. Oh my god, what are you doing? Doesn’t matter, her skin is so soft holy shit. Bucky’s thick stubble tickled and scratched against your face with a delightful tingle and you hummed at the sensation. Hot breath against your tender skin as his lips found your cheek and though it was small and quick, the sentiment and sincerity was all there. Bucky’s lips were soft, perhaps a little dry and cracked in places, but still soft.
 You counted yourself lucky that you’d just received a sweet, gentle kiss on the cheek from Bucky, the man who always seemed too nervous and hesitant to initiate that sort of thing. A sense of pride filled you chest, pride for Bucky, that he’d been brave enough, not only to trust you with this information, but to kiss you as well. You just kissed her, Barnes! You’re getting better at this. Bucky pulled away, looking deeply into your eyes, his thumbs caressing your sides. “Thank you.” He whispered; the corners of his lips turned up into a smile. “Thank you, doll.” Bucky reaffirms before pulling you upright against his chest and turning to listen through the door behind him. I knew you could trust her; she always knows what to say.
 No sound of movement comes and Bucky opens the door, pulling you out of the closet with him. “Oh my god!” Sam practically shrieks. “What were you two doing in there?” He exclaimed, causing you to chuff out a laugh as he examined your flustered features. Oh no, no, no, fuck meee Barnes. You could totally see how it did look like you’d just been up to something, you were sure your hair was a little messy and your cheeks were likely burning up from being in a cramped, hot space right up against an extremely attractive super soldier. “See you later, Sergeant.” You winked at Bucky before leaving his side and continuing down the hallway. Not sure if that made it better or worse, but god, hearing her say Sergeant makes you weak, Barnes. Very, very weak. Bucky feels the pull on his jeans and he almost grunts at the effect you have on him before taking a deep breath and falling into step with Sam, who gave him a knowing smile.
 “Does it scare you?” Bucky asked, sitting down next to you on the sofa as you read a book. “Depends what we’re talkin’ about here, Buck.” You shrug, unsure what he’s referring to. “My arm, does it scare you?” Bucky asked, looking down at the appendage like it was offending him. “No, why would it?” You flick your gaze to Bucky quickly before turning your attention back to your book. “Well it’s just that-.” Bucky cut himself off, looking down at his metal hand. The image of blood seeping between the plates flashed across his mind and he could have sworn he saw blood oozing out of his arm at that moment. The snap of your book shutting pulled Bucky out of his mind and his eyes fixed on yours. You put your book down and shuffled across the sofa to be closer to him. “You want to know a secret?” You asked, reaching for his metal hand and grasping it gently in your own hands. Bucky nodded, intrigued. You sat up, tucking your legs underneath you as you sat up on your knees, giving you enough height to reach his ear.
 You leaned in; a tingly shiver rolled down Bucky’s spine when he felt your breath against his cheek. The way you so delicately held his metal hand like it was breakable, like you could hurt him if you moved the wrong way. Bucky almost blushed at the gentle, beautiful way you handled him, it made his heart soar and swell that you touched him with such care, with such a sweet nature, it was nothing like he used to experience. “What it was used for before doesn’t matter now. Your arm is beautiful, it’s part of you and all of you is handsome, all of you is wonderful.” You were almost shy to say the words, a little blush creeping onto your features as you said it but you knew Bucky needed to hear those words, hear something that might soften the way he looked at his arm.
 How can she think a monster is so handsome? I’m nothing but a monster. Bucky’s breathing hitched when you moved back slightly and your eyes met his. Your soft features, the way you looked at him. God he hadn’t seen a look like that in so long, adoration, love, even. But she doesn’t see the monster, she sees passed him, she sees you.
Bucky pulled you against him, your arms winding around his middle, a hand resting on his metal arm.
She sees you, Bucky Barnes.
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His Second Chance Tag List:
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pretend-writer · 5 years
Down Below (Chapter 42)
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Summary: Y/N Reyes lands on Earth with the rest of the 99 prisoners. Being one of the first people to come back “home” after 97 years of living in space, she learns what it’s like to finally live in this planet.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, Raven Reyes x sister! reader
Word Count: 1714 words
Warning: mention of sex, swearing
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Bellamy sat on my bed as I closed the door to my room. I figured that it’d be better if we came to a quiet space for us to talk.
‘How was Farm Station?’ Maybe taking the conversation slow and easing up to the topic later would’ve been more effective, I thought.
'Luckily I had the seal to prove to Ice Nation that we were the 13th clan. They let us through but they took the people from Farm Station hostage and used them as slaves.’
'That’s horrible. What happened to them afterwards?’
Bellamy looked down with disappointment, 'We brought them back safely but the hydro generator is gone. That was the only way to take them out.’
'Good, good. You got our people back that’s great. Why do you sound so upset?’
'That was our only source of water once the radiation comes and now I feel like a bad guy I just-’ He paused and clenched his fist. 'I don’t know what I’m doing.’
I sat next to him on the bed, 'You’re not a bad guy. You were jus-’
'Its not just that.’ Bellamy looked at me, 'I was angry about Jasper too. I was jealous about you guys’ relationship and I had no right to be.’
My eyebrows raised, surprised to hear Bellamy’s reason to being upset this whole time. 'It’s okay. Those feelings doesn’t make you a bad guy either.’
'It makes me feel like I am. It’s not fair especially after the whole… Raven thing. You never brought it up with me and I just thought it’d be wrong to bring Jasper up too.’
'Bellamy, I would never be angry with you for talking about how you feel. The whole Raven situation does sometimes cross my mind but I trust you now. It’s different.’ Placing my hand on his lap, I tried to comfort him. 'Do you trust me?’
He smiled with his sincere eyes, 'Of course I do but it’s not that.’
'So what is it?’
Quickly shifting his eye contact with me, he stared down on the floor. 'I was jealous because of the things you did with him that we haven’t done… if you know what I mean.’
'Oh.’ I mumbled as he mentioned the sexual relationship I had with Jasper. I never thought about the situation I was with him and I felt bad that Bellamy had to hide his feelings for it this whole time.
'Yeah..’ Bellamy said, smiling nervously as he was embarrassed of the situation. 'I was never bothered by it honestly until you started to mention Jasper again and I couldn’t help but think…’
'It’s okay, I understand.’ I scooted closer to him for reassure him. 'I’m sorry I never noticed.’
He quickly sat up and stared at the ground. 'It’s not your fault. I’m sorry I was being a dick to you.’
I reached for his hand and gripped it tightly, trying to get his attention. As he finally made eye contact with me, I leaned in to kiss him.
Bellamy grabbed my cheeks and slowly kisses back as I lightly push him to lay him on the bed.
He pulled away from the kiss, 'No, we can’t do this.’
Embarrassed, I sat up and scratched my head. 'Oh, I thought this is what you wanted. I-I’m sorry.’
'No, don’t be.’ Bellamy got up and held my hand. 'Y/N, I just want it to be special. Not do it because I said what I said.’
I nodded and lightly smiled, happy that Bellamy wanted to share a special moment with me. 'Okay.’
He gave me a peck on my forehead, 'Thank you for understanding me and being here for me.’
'Of course I’ll be here for you. I’m glad you were honest with me.’
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Tossing and turning on the bed, I slowly wake up to Bellamy’s light snore. I smile to myself, watching him sleep peacefully while playing with his soft, fluffy hair.
'You’re up early.’ Bellamy mumbled with his eyes still closed.
'Uhm, yeah. Just had a lot on my mind.’
'Like what?’
Clarke finally gave the speech to the rest of our people about radiation; Except she didn’t tell them the whole truth. She left out the part that not everyone can fit into Alpha Station or the fact that we still don’t have source of water and food.
'We don’t have a solution when Praimfaya comes.’
Bellamy turned towards me and looked me in my eyes, 'Actually, we kind of do.’
'What is it?’
'She’s making a list for a hundred people who can stay on the ship.’ Bellamy noticed my facial expression change, 'Don’t worry. You’re going to be on the list, Reyes.’
'That’s not the point.’ I wasn’t upset about the fact that I may or may not die from the radiation. 'Clarke doesn’t have the right to choose everyone’s fate.’
He nodded, acknowledging what I was saying. 'I get that but-’
'But what? People should have a choice to live or to die. Do you really agree with Clarke about keeping this from everyone?’
Bellamy sighed, lost for words. 'I-I don’t know.’
'Don’t know why I asked.’ I got up and grabbed my pants. 'You guys kept the whole list idea from me.’
'Hey, hey.’ He got up with me, grabbed my arm to calm me down. 'I don’t want to fight anymore.’
'We’re not fighting. I’m just disappointed.’
He pulled me in for a hug, 'We’ll find a way through Praimfaya. You said it yourself, we always find a way.’
The door bursted open, revealing Raven with panic all over her face. 'Bellamy, have you see-. Oh.’
Watching Raven smirk at us while we pull away, I scratched my head. 'You were looking for me?’
'Yeah. Both of you, actually.’ She grinned, 'We’re having a meeting so I was gonna say come in five minutes but seems like you guys need more time.’
Raven’s sarcastic remark got my eyes widened, 'Dude, he’s right here you know.’
Bellamy chuckled, 'We’ll be there in five.’
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
'Luna came by with others and she was sick.’ Raven explained that they’ve already been suffering from Radiation disease, which could of possibly came from the fish they ate. 'Abby’s taking care of them right now.’
'Abby’s back?’ I questioned as I thought about Marcus and Octavia.
Raven nodded for response then started typing on her computer. 'The radiation is already here so I did some calculations again. Praimfaya isn’t coming in six months, it’s actually two months. You need to make that list.’
Clarke looked over at me with a surprised face. Bellamy sighed, 'I already told her.’
'If you’re scared of people’s reactions, why are you leading us anyway?’ I laughed lightly out of frustration, 'You’re lucky I’m not crazy but if someone else finds this list, you’re in big trouble.’
She stayed silent, 'You have nothing to say now?’
Raven grabbed my hand and squeezed it, 'Y/N, calm down, it’s okay. We have a bigger problem anyways.’
'She’s right. Jaha apparently found a bunker that was used during Praimfaya years ago.’ Bellamy said while rubbing my back.
'You’re going to believe Jaha after he tried to get us all killed with the damn chip?’ Raven argued.
'We don’t have a choice right now but to believe him. It doesn’t hurt to go and see the possibility of our survival.’ Clarke said.
Bellamy tapped on my shoulder, 'Reyes and I can go check it out.’
'Actually, I’m thinking of staying.’
'Uhm, okay. Clarke, let’s go then.’ Bellamy kissed my cheek before he left the room.
The door shut behind Clarke and Bellamy, then Raven spoke up. 'I’m so done with all of this.’
'You have to be patient, Raven. I know we don’t have the time but-’
'But what, Y/N? You’re still trying to defend her after she knowingly kept the list a secret from you?’
Raven was right but no matter how much we argued with Clarke, there was no way she would do things our way. I didn’t have a choice but to trust that Clarke was going to help us.
'We don’t have a choice but to do what she says.’ I shook my head and lightly smiled at my sister. 'Let me know if you need anything, I’m going to see Abby.’
She nodded and smiled back and went back on her computer to continue her work.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
'Y/N! Just the person I wanted to see. I can use a little help in here.’ Abby took a pill from the medicine shelf as she greeted me.
'Yeah, of course but you sure you want my help with this?’ I would love to help but I knew that I wasn’t technically qualified in the medical field.
Abby placed her hand on my shoulder, 'You’ve always been a huge help for me in the past few months. Don’t think you’re useless around here.’
'Thanks.’ I followed her back out to the room, filled with sick Flokru people.
I walked towards a familiar face and waved my hand, 'Hey, Luna. I hope you’re feeling better.’
'Actually I am.’ She said as she slowly sat up on the bed.
'It’s probably the nightblood. Everyone else isn’t doing too good but Luna… she’s healing.’ Abby stood next to me.
Before stopping A.L.I.E at Polis, Monty mentioned at Becca made nightblood and distributed it to people for an experiment. Perhaps we can use that method to possibly survive the radiation that’s coming in two months.
Abby looked at the expression on my face, 'I know. This can probably be the cure we’ve been waiting for.’
'Yeah…’ I mumbled to myself and looked over at Luna. 'Uhm, I just wanted to apologize for when we intruded the boat. I didn’t mean any of that to happen. We didn’t even know that one of us was chipped.’
As she lightly coughed, she shook her head. 'Don’t apologize. I understand that you were doing whatever it took to try to save your people.’
'The way we handled it was not right though. I’m very sorry for that.’
She chuckled lightly, 'You must think we deserve this… this illness.’
'No.’ Even to our worst enemy, I would never wish this deadly illness to anybody. 'Nobody deserves to suffer. Not like this.’
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certifiedskywalker · 5 years
Jealous Much? (Part Two) - Roger Taylor
Last time...
“See ya then, mate!” Brian cheered, turning to continue walking. You should have followed him, but the view of the girl kissing Roger’s cheek, then his lips had you locked in place for a moment. He seemed to glow under her affection and it felt like someone had stabbed you in the gut. “Y/N? You coming or you gonna stand there and freeze?”
Shaking your head you trailed after you best friend. What you didn’t catch was how Roger followed you with his eyes, a frown etched into his features as you walked away. Too busy in your thoughts and half listening to Brian, you came to a startling realization. You were jealous, but not for the reason you had originally thought.
So you were jealous? So you might have feelings for your best friend’s new bandmate? You could pretend everything was normal….right?
Warnings: Cursing, sex mention, and Roger again
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“Y/N, you okay?” Brian’s concern cut through the tangled web of thoughts clouding your mind. Slowly, you lifted your glassy eyes to meet his gaze. “You’ve been staring at that page for thirty minutes.”
“Y-Yeah,” you stammered, rubbing at your eyes to clear them. Brian hummed a disbelieving tune at your reply and you raised an eyebrow at him in question. “Yes?”
“You’re stressed, love.” You fake gasped, resting a hand on your chest in feigned shock as you widen your eyes. Brian cocked his head at your actions and you couldn’t help but smile through your turmoil.
“Really? Stressed, you say? Why I never would have thought about that diagnosis!” Brian mumbled something under his breath and you shook your head at him. “I’m fine, Bri, really.”
“Then why don’t you come to band practice with me tonight? I know Tim was looking forward to seeing you again.” Your cheeks burned lightly at the mention of the band. Instantly, you thought of Roger and the girls that clung to him as you left last Friday night. How Brian had so pointedly said Tim wanted to see you again, not Roger pulled at your chest.
“I, uh, I-I don’t know.” You closed the book and shoved it in your bag to get it ready for school the next day. “I have some homework still but it’s not really due, I just wanna get it done, ya know so-”
“Y/N.” Brian leaned over the table and stared into your eyes seriously. “You need a break.” You couldn’t deny his statement. Like always, Brian was right. Ever since the weekend you had been working yourself to the bone in an attempt to stay on top of school. One benefit to your work was that it distracted you from your already distracting thoughts of Roger. You didn’t want to deal with whatever those reflections could entail, as you feared the worst.
Brian raised his eyebrows as your lingering pause filled the room. The urge to tell him about your confused feelings for Roger was overwhelmingly great; but you knew if you did speak of it, you would never hear the end of it. Truthfully, you were unsure as to how Brian would react. You felt that he would support you, but Roger was also his bandmate who, judging by how things went Friday night, seemed to hate you. Yet, you would be lying if you didn’t admit part of you wanted to see him again.
“Al-alright,” you breathed finally, letting your tense shoulder sag. “Jus’ let me get dressed and fix my….everything.” With that, you stood from the table and rushed to your bedroom. Compared to the rest of the flat, your room was the most messy. Even then, that wasn’t saying much. You bed was always in a state of being unmade and a few pairs of socks were floating around on the floor. Ignoring the mess for now, you honed in on your closet to find something to wear. You pondered your options, not really taking into account just how fast the minutes were flying by until you heard Brian’s clogs thumping towards the door.
“I’m coming,” you shouted, grabbing the first warm sweater you could find. Once you pulled it over you tugged on a cleaner pair of bell bottom jeans and slipped on your boots. As you darted down the hall, Brian stood at the door, holding your coat in his hands.
“Dressed to impress?” Brian teased at you pulled your arms through the sleeves of your coat. You groaned at him like an annoyed child would at their mother. Brian grinned as he unlocked the door and stepped out, not catching the final glimpse you stole of yourself in the mirror near the door. Hopefully, you thought in reply, hopefully.
“There you are. I was about to bloody-” Roger greeted you and Brian at the door, but the welcome died on his lips when his eyes fell on you. Blue eyes were bright with a sense of shock as he drank in your presence. “What’s she doing here?”
You tried your best to ignore his caustic tone when addressing you, turning to glance at Brian sympathetically. “I invited Y/N along. Figured four heads would be better than three.”
With that, Brian nudged Roger out of the way with his guitar case and giving the two of you enough room to push inside. You followed Brian over the threshold, not missing Roger’s gaze which was glued to your very being. Tim’s house was small, something you hold noticed when Brian had pulled up, but the interior was homey. Psychedelic posters were plastered on the yellow walls with a shaggy orange carpeting that contrasted the worn tan-leather sofa facing a radio fixture. You probably would have felt more comfortable if weren’t for the drummer huffing with annoyance behind you.
“There you are Br-Y/N! Hi!” Tim’s sing-song reception was a much welcomed relief to you as Roger retreated to another room. Throwing an arm over your shoulders, Tim pulled you in for a side hug.
“Hi,” you said sweetly, eyes still slightly downcast. The smile Tim gave you was bright and it might you feel more relaxed despite the unsettling coldness you first encountered. “Sorry I made Bri late. I couldn’t find a sweater to wear.”
“Nonsense, it’s fine,” Tim responded with his hands raised to show no harm was done. “I’m happy you decided to tag along.”
“Actually,” Brian clarified, “I made her come. She’s been stressed with school, so I thought she could use a break.” Tim nodded at his friend before turning back to you.
“Everyone’s a bit on edge, with midterms coming up. Even Roger is a bit timid now.” Almost as if he sensed the air around you shift, Roger entered the room.
“I’m what?” He snarled, eye pointed at Tim who brushed his tone off as he replied with a look over his shoulder.
“Timid, with midterms,” Tim turned back to face you, “Rog is gonna be a dentist.”
“Shove off,” Roger snapped as he looked over at you and Tim. You met his eyes for a brief moment and you saw, for a split-second, his anger dulled into some emotion you had never seen him wear before.
“Alright, alright,” Brian chided, trying his best to diffuse the situation, “put this passion into the songs please!” Roger grumbled something you didn’t quite catch as Tim walked over to his bass. His plucked at the strings, in a different way Brian does with his guitar, and a few bassy notes played into the air. You heard him humming a tune that sounded slightly familiar as Brian fixed his guitar strap.
“Warm up or right into Alright?” Roger asked, barely able to sit still while seated behind his drum kit. You noticed how his leg was bouncing, eyes darting around the room as he waited.
“Beat up your drums if you want to,” Brian said, “I have to re-tune this. Give me a moment.” He moved to sit on the couch, gently stroking the strings of the instrument to test the sound of each note.
“Need your pitch pipe?” You reached into his case and handed him the small object. Your friend nodded at you in thanks as he continued with his meticulous work. Watching, you shifted your weight on the balls of your feet, not really knowing what to do except not to look in Roger’s general direction. Thankfully, Tim chimed in to save you.
“You wanna try few notes? I can show you how,” you watched as Tim slipped the leather strap off his shoulder and offered you his bass.
“Oh, really? Is that okay?”
“There’s no rule against it, love,” he teased affectionately as he placed the strap over your shoulder. The bass was heavier than you imagined as it rested against your body. You smiled at the feeling, as if now you could be part of the band. You were about to share that thought when you looked up and locked eyes with Roger.
He wore the same expression as before. An underlying anger was overpowered by what you would call a sense of hurt in his eyes. Blinking a few times, he turned away and busied himself with the drum kit. You did the same, looking down to study the bass. Tim let out a proud chuckle as he took in this new sight of you.
“She looks the part, doesn’t she?” He wasn’t really asking anyone in particular, but Brian looked up and beamed with approval. “Okay,” Tim started, moving to stand behind you, “let’s start with a simple chord.” Reaching around your shoulders, Tim’s hands guided your fingers against the strings and neck of the bass. You could barely contain yourself when a rhythm started to flow from your fingertips.
“Brian,” you began, “look, I’m like you now.” You heard a rough laugh escape your friend’s throat. You couldn’t see him, as Tim’s warm body blocked your view.
“You wish.” Tim clicked his tongue and cocked his head to glance over at Brian.
“I dunno mate, she’s pretty good. If we teach her guitar she could replace you.” Brian scoffed softly, shaking his head with his loose curls bouncing about his face.
“Once you’re done with her I can teach her how to bang properly.” Roger’s voice cut through the feathery air of amusement with the less than humorous innuendo. Lifting your eyes, you held Roger’s gaze and let him see the red blush crawling up your neck. He grinned at your slightly offended expression which confused you further. You were angry at the surface of his words, but you couldn’t help but wonder how many other times he had used that line on how many other girls. You felt Tim’s arms drop as embarrassment bloomed in your stomach.
“Watch it mate,” Tim growled, and the sudden shift of his tone alarmed you.
“Hey, it’s alright,” you said, grabbing Tim’s arm. Roger’s eyes darted to your hand as you moved, the smile fading from his lips. Noticing his reaction, you let your hand fall and stepped between the two men. “Take the bass, save the passion for the songs.”
Hoping that Brian’s quote would calm them slightly, you held the bass out for Tim to take. When he did, you turned around, eyes glancing over Roger’s form. You paused when you saw his mouth open as if preparing another insult. Rising your brows at him, you waited.
“Ya know I wouldn’t try-”
“The damage is done, Roger,” you sniffled and made your way towards the sliding glass door you could see in the kitchen. It wasn’t locked so you easily escaped into the fresh air outside. Standing on Tim’s back porch, you looked up at the darkening sky.
When you were both younger, you and Brian would camp in your backyard and stargaze. You would both come up with the strangest names for planets with all new creatures that called those worlds home. You focused on one star in particular, trying to steady your breathing as you stared at it. In your haze, you barely even heard the sliding door opening and closing behind you.
“Give it a name yet?” Brian’s soothing voice reached your ears, prompting you to turn your eyes to him. He was already looking up at the star you had focused on, a fond smile playing on his lips. Turning back to the glimmer of light, you sighed deeply.
“I was thinking Airhead-Drummeria, but that might be too on the nose.” Brian let out a forced laughed before turning to glance at you with worry dripping from his features.
“Why is it Rog? What about him gets so under your skin?” You shrugged, eyes still glued on your newly titled planet. Brian sighed, shaking his head. “Is it the flirting? He does that to every girl, he’s not just picking on you. He’s a right prick to everyone.”
It seemed like Brian was expecting you to laugh at that, because he let the quiet go on for one too many moments longer than usual. He shifted, turning his whole body to face you despite your eyes still in the sky. Brian was right, Roger was a prick to everyone. He was disgusting to every girl he encountered; so why did that fact pain you so deeply? Was it because you weren’t a fan of the flirting or the idea of Roger flirting with people other than you? Or was it both? You let out a groan to reply to your own thoughts, your head falling in your hands.
“I don’t know,” you whimpered, “I just don’t know.” Brian nodded, tugging you to his side gently. He stayed silent, despite knowing that hiding your face in your hands was your signature tell; you were lying to him. Maybe even yourself.
“It’s alright, Y/N. You’ll tell me when you want to, when you do know. Just like I did with Smile. Take your time.” You nodded against his shoulder, lifting your eyes to the star once more.
“Maybe that’s the planet’s name.”
After taking a moment to collect yourself, you followed Brian inside. The atmosphere in Tim’s living room was thick, with the two men a few yards apart from each other. When he noticed your presence, Tim perked up and gave you a cheery smile. You returned it, then glanced over at Roger who, still behind his drum kit, had his eyes on his shoes. It was clear that they had talked about something when Brian left to fetch you; but whatever conclusion they came to eluded you.
“Alright, shall we actually start practice?” Brian asked, fastening his guitar back over his shoulder. Tim nodded and Roger straightened his posture. Your eyes held his for a moment before you moved to sit on the couch opposite to where the instruments were set up.
“Normal setlist?” Tim asked, to which Brian and Roger nodded. Soon the steady starting beats of ‘Doing All Right’ began and you swayed to the slow opening. It was just like how they played it the first time on that Friday night. Only this time, you could see their faces clearly with the lights in Tim’s lounge. More specifically, you were able to watch Roger’s arms tense and flex when the beat picked up in the song. Your eyes were glued to his biceps which, while thin, were well defined.
Absentmindedly, you felt yourself licking your lips; a force of habit picked up when you were studying something with intensity. You almost didn’t see Roger’s eyes reading your face like an open book, a smug smirk gracing his lips when he realized you were staring at him. Even with warmth spreading across your face, you couldn’t find it in you turn away. His blue eyes sent a wink your way and you did your best to stifle the smile that threatened to spread across your lips as the song continued on.
The rest of the band’s practice went on with only a few minor issues. They discussed new songs that they could add, a few Beatles covers were suggested by Brian and shot down by Roger. Their bickering was that of siblings and a welcomed noise between songs. As time went on, the music died out and Tim gave everyone so refreshments. Now slightly buzzed, the boys chatted openly.
“There’s a lot of competition on campus,” Tim said bitterly, “like Humpy Bong. They’re playing at real venues.”
“Oh fuck Dumpy Thong,” Roger sneered and you wondered if he purposefully messed up the band’s name. Either way, it made you laugh, a sound that the drummer didn’t miss. “They aren’t worth shit. We have something that they don’t, ya know?”
“You’re right,” you said, surprising yourself and everyone else in the room. Roger himself gawked at you with wide eyes. You blushed at his expression before shrugging. His gaze softened as he continued to look at you, his eyes scanning over your face as if he were trying to tell if you were lying. “You guys are great.”
“Cheers, love,” Tim said happily, tipping his beer bottle in your direction. You nodded your head and took a swig of your own beverage. “You’ll be coming to the next show right?”
“When is it again?” You questioned, turning to look at Brian.
“Friday night, again,” he sighed, “I know you have that test so I didn’t-”
“I’ll be there,” you said, patting Brian’s arm. Your friend gave you a grateful smile before playfully tousling your hair. You squealed lightly, trying your hardest to undo the damage his large hands had done. You heard Tim laughing at you and when you looked up you saw the smallest of smiles present on Roger’s perfectly pink lips. With slightly reddening cheeks, you reached for Brian’s empty bottle and took Tim’s from his. “We should get going.”
“Yeah,” Brian sighed, stretching slightly, “you’ve gotta study more, right?” You nodded as you walked into the kitchen. Searching around for the waste bin, you heard a set of footsteps trailing you. When you finally found the trash you tossed the empty bottles inside.
“Forgot one,” turning, you were face to face with Roger. His eyes, once wild when he was drumming, were heavy-lidded. In his hand he held a bottle and you couldn’t help but see how calloused his fingers looked. Your mind almost, almost, got lost in what they would feel like against your skin, but you cleared your throat to keep yourself grounded.
“Oh, sorry,” you said, reaching for the bottle. Your fingertips brushed against Roger’s and you felt a flood of warmth spread through your entire being. In the moment, you froze, trying to read his face to see if had felt that too. His eyes widened slightly, but you missed it as you pulled the bottle from this grasp and tossed in with the others. “And I’m sorry about Friday night.”
“What?” Roger cocked his head slightly, resting his hands on his hips.You nearly lost your train of thought when you saw how his teeth grazed his bottom lip in confusion.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you Friday night, when I went to find you. I mean, you deserved some of it, but I was a bit harsh.” Roger’s brows furrowed slightly and then shifted when he realized what you meant. He chuckled, rolling his eyes slightly before he spoke up.
“You think that’s why I’m so pissy? Because you called me out? Darling, don’t be so daft.”
“I’m trying to apologize,” you clarified and Roger nodded, smiling now.
“Well…” He trailed off instead of offering his own apology and you fought the urge to scream. You were trying to be nice, to mend fences, but he found being wrong impossible.
“Fine,” you pushed past him and made your way towards the door. You heard a panicked sound escape Roger’s throat but you kept going until you reached your coat that hung beside the door. Slipping it on over your shoulders with a huff, you walked outside and slammed the door behind you.
You waited in the passenger seat of Brian’s car, tapping your foot to the beat of Smile’s music that was still fresh in your mind. Arms crossed over your chest, your thoughts were clouded by Roger; his eyes, his words, and his lack of remorse. Why did you always fall for people like him?
Your breath caught the moment the questioning critique crossed your mind. You had fallen for Roger Taylor somehow, despite him being an absolute wanker. Swallowing thickly, you tried to act natural as Brian clambered into the driver seat. Once he was settled, he turned to you with a strained look on his face.
“So what happened now?”
“Just learned that I hate your friend,” you lied, burying your face in your hands again. Brian nodded, but remained silent for the ride back to your shared flat. Left alone with your thoughts, you wallowed in your feelings wondering how on Earth you found yourself infatuated with Roger.
@itsametaphorbriansblog @casafrass @stardvstial @sheridans-dynamos @apseventy @incorrcctqueen @haywood-ya-not @deacontaylormaymercury @crazysaladchopshop @orchideax @shutup-sorry @ixchel-9275
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numba99 · 5 years
Hate to Love You Part 12
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Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Summary: You and Jimmy have never gotten along. To say you hated each other would be an understatement. But when a night at a party takes an unexpected turn, things between the two of you change forever. Word Count: 2,379 - FINAL PART
Warnings: smut wahooo!! ended like i started - not proof reading LMAO
A/n: at the risk of sounding like a complete cornball, I just wanna thank you all so much for reading! I’ve received so many nice messages about this series and it honestly means so much to me. It was so so cool to hear you all connect and become invested in something I wrote. Honestly made me geek out a little so just know I really appreciated it. Hope you enjoy this last part, thank you as always for reading!
You woke up with a brick in your stomach, knowing you would be facing Kevin soon. Your anxieties were lessened slightly be the boy beside you. Jimmy’s arms were still wrapped tightly around you even as he slept. It was comforting even as you faced something you were really sacred to do.
“Jimmy,” you whispered, causing him to stir. You were attempting to get him to let go so you could start to get ready, but he only held you tighter. You couldn’t help but smile, he looked so peaceful as he slept. If only you could just stay like this. “Jimmy, I gotta get up,” you told him softly.
“No you don’t,” he replied, eyes still closed. It made you laugh, despite how anxious you were.
“I wish I didn’t, but I gotta see Kevin,” you sighed, running your fingers through his hair lightly. That got him up. 
“Shit I forgot,” he mumbled rubbing his eyes, “Do you need anything?”
“Just to get it over with,” you said, your hand resting on Jimmy’s cheek. “I’ll be okay.” You didn’t want him worrying about you too much.
“Do you want me to go?” Jimmy asked.
You shook your head, “It will be nice to come home to you. And then we can talk about whatever happens.” You didn’t miss the slight smile that tugged at Jimmy’s lips when you made the comment about coming home to him. It made you happy too.
You got ready quickly, not wanting to keep Kevin waiting. Jimmy stayed in bed, watching you with a hint of a frown on his face. You wondered what he was thinking about. Well you had an idea, but still you wish you could see exactly what was running through his mind.
“Okay, I’m going,” you announced finally, trying to sound somewhat confident. You leaned over the bed, pressing a kiss to Jimmy’s lips.
“You got this, y/n,” Jimmy said, his hand trailing down your arm, resting on your hand, “I’ll be there with you in spirit.”
“Thanks Jimmy,” you smiled for him, before heading out. On your way over to Kevin’s you began to concoct what you were going to say to him. Nothing felt right, though. It all seemed forced, or rehearsed, or just wrong. God this is gonna be a mess, you thought as you approached his door. Your hand was shaking as you knocked weakly. You wondered if he had even heard it, but a minute later the door opened. 
“Hey,” you said softly.
“Hey,” he sighed, stepping aside to let you in. Your heart was racing as he followed you to the couch. You were suddenly getting emotional, thinking of how just a few weeks ago you were on the same couch with him, without a care in the world. You had been happy, he had been happy and now it was all coming to an end on the same piece of furniture. 
You bit back tears, knowing that wouldn’t be a good place to start. Fuck, you didn’t even know where to start. Your mind went totally blank with Kevin’s eyes on you, the little bit of a speech you prepared totally disappearing. 
“I-okay- there’s a lot I want to say and I don’t really know how to say it,” you began.
“Take your time,” he replied, though his voice was flat and emotionless. You didn’t deserve that, he should be angry, yelling at you. You almost felt guilty that he wasn’t.
“I didn’t plan or this to happen, and I wasn’t using you to get to Jimmy I really just need you to know that,” you told him. It was hard to look him in the eye, but you tried your best to anyway.
“So what was it then?” he questioned, a bit hurt peaking through his voice.
“Jimmy and I-” you paused, searching for the right words, “We just started hooking up, months ago. I didn’t even know if I liked it at first, I don’t know. It was a weird dynamic we hated each other but then we would...” You trailed off, not wanting to get into the gorey details. He knew what you were getting at.
You continued, “Somewhere in there I actually started to like him, but then we got into a big fight. It really hurt, and you were there for me. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. And I really liked you it’s ju-”
“Just that you like Jimmy more,” he finished the sentence for you. You frowned, unsure of how to reply to that.
“I’m sorry,” was all you could manage at the moment, “I really thought Jimmy and I were done after that fall out. I never expected this to play out how it did. I should have told you right from the start about Jimmy. The two of you were best friends and I slept with you knowing... God I’m so sorry Kevin.” You suddenly broke into tears. Everything you were trying to hold back these past few days just flooding your system.
“I know you didn’t do it on purpose,” Kevin replied, handing you a tissue. You took it gratefully, trying to dry your tear-stained cheeks.
“Please don’t be mad at Jimmy,” you cried, “Just be mad at me okay? Jimmy... he needs you. He needs a friend right now, and you’re the best friend someone could have. Please just don’t ha-”
“Okay slow down, y/n,” Kevin stopped you, “I’m not mad... well I was mad, like really mad, but I’m not anymore.”
“You’re not?” you asked, surprised.
“I’m upset, not mad,” Kevin explained, “As much as it hurts, I realized you and Jimmy didn’t do this to hurt me.”
“Never,” you confirmed, “And I want you to be honest Kevin, if us being together is too much we’ll separate. We don’t want to hurt you anymore, we understand.”
Kevin shook his head, “There is not sense in all of us being unhappy. I’m gonna need space for awhile, but I know you guys like each other a lot. I’m not gonna mess with that.”
“You’re amazing Kevin,” you said,”I mean really, we don’t deserve this kindness but it really means so much.”
“I know you would do the same for me,” Kevin replied.
“Definitely,” you nodded, “You’re gonna find someone you deserve Kev. I truly want that for you, and I know you’re gonna find it. I’m always here for you if you need it and I hope in time we can work on being good friends again.”
Kevin mustered a soft smile, “I would like that. Thank you for coming to talk to me, I really appreciate it.”
“Of course. Thank you for being so understanding. For being you,” you told him. You both went in for a hug and it made you happy. You knew things were far from perfect and that your relationship still needed work, but you were happy. Happy he didn’t hate you, happy he was okay with you and Jimmy, and happy that he was willing to keep a friendship.You seriously didn’t feel worthy of his kindness, but you were incredibly grateful. 
After a few more words and an exchange of goodbyes, you headed out. You were quick to get back to your apartment, knowing Jimmy would be waiting anxiously to hear about your meeting.
Jimmy had migrated to the couch in your absence, but jumped up the second he heard the door open. “Hey, how’d it go?” he asked, a nervous edge in his voice.
“Good,” you told.
“Really?” Jimmy asked, about as surprised as you had been when Kevin didn’t just yell at you.
“Yeah, I mean he is upset, but he said he’s not mad,” you explained, “I think he just needs time, you know? It’s a lot to process and he wants some space to do that. But he doesn’t want us break up and he doesn’t hate us.”
“I can’t believe it,” Jimmy replied, sounding relieved.
“I know, Kevin really is a great guy,” you agreed, “He wants to talk to you, he still wants to be good friends.”
“I don’t even deserve his friendship,” Jimmy muttered.
“You do Jimmy,” you replied, squeezing his hand, “We both messed up a little, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a good friend like Kevin. He cares about you a lot, you guys will work it out.”
“Thank you y/n,” Jimmy said, pulling you in for a tight hug. You practically melted into him, the warmth of his body making you feel at home. “And you’re sure he’s okay with us?” Jimmy asked as he pulled away to look at you. 
“Yeah, he wants us to be happy,” you confirmed, cupping Jimmy’s face. You brushed your thumb over his cheek as a smile formed on his face.
“So we are free to just...” his voice trailed off as his hand slid up your thigh. It was soft, even if it’s implications weren’t.
“Yes, Jimmy, we’re free,” you replied, with a light laugh. It sounded silly, but it was true. After months of pretending you didn’t care, sneaking around, and denying how you felt, it felt so good to be able to be honest. “I love you, Jimmy,” you said suddenly, your emotions practically overwhelming you.
“I love you too, y/n, so much,” he replied. The next thing you knew, you were on his lap. His hands tangled in your hair as he kissed you, your hands drifting up and down his back. The longer you kissed the more desperate it got, like you couldn’t get enough of each other.
Jimmy pulled your legs around his waist, gripping the back of your thighs as he picked you up off the couch. You continued to kiss him as he walked you both back to your room. He placed you gently on the bed, crawling on top of you. His lips connected to your neck, soft, wet kisses peppering your skin.
Clothes began to fall to the floor, lips replacing what was once covered. Everything was slow and draw out, not to tease, but to savor. It was like that night before you fought all over again, but a million times better. You were learning each others bodies, not just for a single hook up, but for a life time.
Jimmy slipped between your legs, pulling them over his shoulders. “I... love... you... so... much,” his words were punctuated with kisses on your inner thighs.
“I love you to-oh,” you were cut off by a moan as his lips attached to you core. It somehow still surprised you how good he was with his mouth. His tongue moved in all the right ways as he slipped two fingers inside you. Your thighs tightened around him, but he used his free hand to hold them open.my 
“Jimmy,” you breathed euphorically. Your fingers twisted through his hair as continued to work at you, no sign of letting up. Moments later, your body tensed before relaxing into a deep bliss. Your back arched, pushing you further onto Jimmy’s face, which he loved.He kept going until you had to pull him off.
“I love you,” you said breathlessly, putting a dopey smirk on his face. You kissed him while pulling at his boxers, the last piece of clothing that separated you two. You wrapped your legs around him, bringing him closer to you. “Need you,” you mumbled into his lips.
Jimmy nodded, the tip of his cock already brushing against your slit. You were about to whine that you didn’t wanna be teased but then he pushed into you. You dug your hands into his back as you felt yourself adjusting to his size. Jimmy’s hips rocked against yours. They were deliciously long and deep strokes, making your head spin. Your hips rolled up to meet his making the angle even sweeter for you.
“Jimmy, I’m gonna-” you choked out. You were so close it was getting hard for you to string together a coherent sentence.
“I got you honey,” he replied, his thumb finding your already sensitive clit. You let out a moan as Jimmy worked you through your second orgasm of the night. It was even better than the first one, nothing could top him being inside you. Jimmy was weak for the sound of his name spilling from your lips, causing him to let go with you.
Jimmy collapsed on top of you when you both finished. You were both giggling softly, pushing hair off of each other’s eyes. His nose brushed against yours, a simple gesture but it made your heart swell. “I love you Jimmy,” you told him, peppering kisses all over his face.
“I love you too y/n,” Jimmy smiled.
“What are you so happy about?” you asked, though you sorta had a feeling you knew why.
“This,” he replied, “I can’t wait to do this with you forever.” Now you were smiling like an idiot. You knew he didn’t just mean the sex - though there would be a lot of that you were sure. He meant everything, the ups and downs, going through it all together, forever. As you held him close to you, you couldn’t imagine a better way, or a better person to spend forever with.
Where are they now??
Brady - he is happy as a CLAM.All he has wanted was for his friends to all get along. He thoroughly enjoys going on a double dates with you and Jimmy. It makes him so so happy to see you two together... even if he does have to wear ear plugs when you sleep over
Kevin - That summer Kevin reconnected with an old high school fling in Boston. They’ve been inseparable ever since and Kevin is very happy. Things between him, y/n and Jimmy have calmed down and everyone can hang out together without it being weird. His and Jimmy’s friendship is as strong as ever.
Jimmy & y/n - things have been great. More than great. You’re both so in love and are actually looking to move in together before the start of the next season. Brady’s gonna miss his roommate... but will enjoy sleeping undisturbed. You couldn’t be happier and you couldn’t believe it all went back to that stupid little bottle.
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duskholland · 6 years
The Rooftop Party - Tom Holland
Summary: Your heart aches to belong to your co-star Tom, who you’re sure only sees you as a friend. Things come to a boil during a particularly eventful party ;)
Word count: 2.1k
A/N: I watched Crazy Stupid Love the other week and I can’t stop thinking about that Dirty Dancing lift scene, so… Here we go. Full inspo came from there, but I put a spin on the relationship and scenario. Hope you enjoy!
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His arms are around your waist and his chin’s pressing over your shoulder, and the gentle warming heat of his body slowly drifts over yours. You shiver a little as Tom hugs you, pulling your back into his firm front, the loose tips of his hair tickling the side of your face as you try your best to pretend your heart isn’t beating out of your chest at the contact.
“What ya doing?” He asks, words drifting directly into your ear. You sigh contentedly as he sways the two of you together, and though you aren’t able to see his face, you can almost picture the lazy grin plastered to his lips.
“Jus’ looking at the view,” you say, eyes moving from where you’re watching his hands on your hips and up, over the edge of the building. You’re at Zendaya’s birthday party and it happens to be on the roof of a tall building, meaning you’re able to peer over the edge of the walls and look out across the twilight of the city sprawled beneath you. It’s incredibly peaceful, to be standing at the edge of the party with Tom’s arms wrapped around you and his chin on your shoulder. There’s just one thing wrong…
You aren’t together, and you know the arms around your waist are his idea of being close to a friend.
“You’re the view,” he teases, finally pulling away. You try not to pout as he drops his hold and steps beside you, your arms brushing in the slight evening breeze as he looks out across the city. From the corner of your eyes, you make out a few things that cause your heart to beat just a little faster; the soft wavy brown strands of his hair arranged in curls atop his head, the way his eyes are wide with admiration as they scan the horizon, the happily lopsided grin fixed to his pink lips. And you sigh, because, not for the first time, you find yourself aching to throw yourself into his arms and make home in his lips.
“Are you having a good time?” You ask, finally breaking the silence. Tom turns to you, leaning one arm on the railing that tops the walls as he hums agreeingly, meeting your gaze with a grin.
“I’m having a great time,” he corrects. “I feel like I never see you around set these days, ‘n I miss you.” His voice is soft, crawling with care and comfort and you feel a part of your heart melt.
“Yeah,” you mutter, sadness creeping into your tone. You’re starring alongside him in the second Spider-Man film, but with your role as villain and the scattered shooting schedule, it’s been forever since you’ve shared any scenes with Tom. You thought the distance from your co-star would help you get over him, but really, the distance has only caused your heart to grow fonder. “I miss seeing your face every morning.”
Tom hesitates, his expression briefly twisting into something more nervous as he straightens up, running his hands down the front of his t-shirt. You try not to watch his biceps ripple as he does, but it’s awfully hard to bring your eyes away from them. “Listen, Y/N, I- I had something I wanted to say to you.”
An eyebrow creeps up your forehead. “That’s pretty ominous, Tom,” you tease, trying to bite back the nerves suddenly churning in your stomach. You reach up, your hand wrapping around his on the railing and linking your fingers together, trying not to focus on how right it feels.
“It’s not anything bad, I don’t think,” he carries on, teeth grazing his lower lip. “It could just change how things are between us, and I don’t want to upset what we have going on.” He pauses to squeeze your hand, something in his eyes glinting charmingly.
“Tom,” you say, voice firmer, “you’re worrying me. Just tell me!”
As his lips are going to form the next, secretive words, Harrison suddenly appears, barrelling into the both of you with red cheeks and glazed eyes.
“Tom! Y/N!” He exclaims, words only a little slurred. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, effectively breaking your connection with Tom’s hand. “You guys are so annoying. Come back to the party!” He insists. He turns, spinning around, and throws his arm back around your shoulder, hand thumping against the top of your arm as you groan softly.
“Haz,” you mutter, tilting your head to meet his inebriated gaze. “Someone having a good time?”
“Oh yeah,” he agrees, already leading you back towards the party. You look past him to see Tom’s being dragged along by Harrison’s other arm. “The tequila is so good tonight. You guys have to try it, I’m being serious.” His gaze goes to Tom and he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “You especially, Tom. You know, it might help a lot with that thing you need to say to Y/N.”
Your eyebrows shoot up as you crane your neck forwards to see Tom’s reaction, meeting embarrassed eyes and rosy cheeks.
“Shut up, Harrison,” Tom mutters. He forces Harrison to a halt by a chair, and with your help, you manage to get your drunk friend down into it. “We’ll go get you some water. Stay here.” He wags a finger at his best friend, rolling his eyes when Harrison shrugs cheekily.
“Where else would I go?” Harrison mutters. “The entertainment is anywhere you guys are.” He dissolves into a fit of giggles that you don’t quite understand, but before you can ask, Tom’s hand is back on yours, bringing you away from Harrison.
“I’m sorry about him,” he groans, embarrassment clearly in his voice. He meets your eyes with apology in his gaze. “Harrison’s a monster after a few drinks.”
You shrug, laughing lightly. “It’s alright, Tom. I’ve seen him like this before. And anyway, he’s not your responsibility.”
Tom shrugs, squeezing your fingers with his. “Either way, darling, I’m still sorry.” He pauses, coughing suddenly. “Let’s, uh, go get some water, yeah?”
Cheeks flaming from the pet name, you nod quickly. “Alright.”
The rest of the evening passes by in a blur of Tom.
He’s everywhere. Constantly either with his hand in yours or his arm around your waist or his eyes watching you intently. And you don’t mind - of course you don’t, a part of you wishes he’d never leave your side - but it does act to confuse you and your thumping heart. Each touch is torture. Having him so close to you, his breath falling over your neck as he nuzzles your shoulder, or his words brushing up against your ear or his fingers tracing patterns over the back of your palm… It all just acts to twist your heart in knots.
But it isn’t until a little later that things really escalate.
“‘Ey, Tom!” Harrison hollers, now a little more sober but still with his brain soaked in a shot too many. He moves over on wobbly legs, grinning widely when he sees your position: settled on a couch together, your legs thrown over Tom’s lap, his arms wrapped around you. “You remember that film we watched the other night? About those dancing people?” Tom grins. “Dirty Dancing?”
Harrison beams. “That’s the one. And that lift, with the aeroplane thing?” Tom falters ever so slightly. “Yeah, the Dirty Dancing lift.”
“Do it! With Y/N! Right now!”
You snort, quickly swallowing down the remnants of your drink as you turn to Tom. “You want to?” You ask, not completely opposed to the idea. If you’re being honest, part of you has always wanted to attempt the move, and what better excuse to get a little closer to the man you’re fairly sure you’ve fallen in love with.
He meets your eyes, question resting in his stare. “If you want to, I guess I’m down?”
You grin, quickly climbing off his lap and offering him a hand up. As soon as you’re both on your feet, you discard the various cocktails and shots you’ve been slowly devouring and find an open space, Harrison trailing after you slowly.
“You’re not going to drop me, are you?” You check quickly, stretching out your arms as you stare at Tom sceptically.
“Of course not, love,” he replies, sounding just a bit offended at your lack of trust. “I’ll catch you. Don’t worry about it.”
You nod before carefully moving back, thanking your previous self for wearing flats. With the influence of steadying alcohol steeling your veins, you’re able to execute the entire manoeuvre without chickening out. Tom gives you a soft nod, his arms up in the air, and you release a deep breath before running at him. A loud squeal slips past your lips as you jump up, his strong hands catching your waist and moving you up into the air, your feet dangling behind you as you straighten up.
“Oh my god!” You screech, your heartbeat pounding through your ears as you look around, eyes bulging as you realise you’re very far off the ground. “Holy shit, Tom, put me down.”
He laughs loudly as Harrison applauds, and before you know it, your feet are back on the ground and you’re burying your head in his chest, giggling along with him.
“Told you I’d catch you,” he quips, mouth resting against your head. A shiver passes down your spine as you feel him deposit a soft kiss on your forehead, and you peel back from his chest to look at him carefully.
“What were you going to say earlier?” You ask quietly, and it’s as if the background noise from the party slips away as he talks.
“I, uh, I really like you, Y/N,” he admits, a pink blush rounding his cheeks as he stammers through the confession. “It’s okay if you don’t feel like I do, but I- I really like you, and I’d love to take you on a date sometime.”
And it’s as if the weight of the world rolls off your shoulders.
“You like me?” You squeak, tightening your grip on his waist.
Tom chuckles, hesitance on his face. “Yeah? But if you don’t feel like that, we can just pretend this never happened.”
You roll your eyes, one of your hands going to fist his curls as you bring him closer. “That’s never gonna happen,” you murmur. Your eyes drop down to his mouth, and suddenly, you realise kissing him should be your next move.
You slip forward, his hands dropping down to caress your waist, and for a moment, the world stops spinning. You’re leaning up and he’s leaning down, and his eyes are wide and encouraging, and just as your lips are about to touch-
“Yes! Kiss!” Harrison hollers, causing you to break away and huff embarrassingly.
“Harrison!” Tom scolds, laughing a little despite it all. He allows you to grab his hand and tug him away. You shoot Harrison a reproachful look as you pass, but you’re too excited to be truly angry.
You find a new spot on the other side of the party, and press Tom against the side of the building before stepping in. Without words, you mould to his body, your hands finding his figure as you lean up and, finally, after a thousand years of waiting, your lips meet.
The kiss is explosive. The fire in your chest mixes with the months of lust, confusion and heartache, and as your lips slide together, you feel heat press across your veins, drowning your heart in a hazy bliss. Tom moans quietly as he tugs you closer, one of his hands going to cradle your cheek as the other curls around your hair, and he’s pulling you in, kissing you deeper, and it’s like your heart has finally slotted into place.
“I like you too,” you admit, resting your forehead against his.
“You know what, I think I might have had an inkling,” he teases. But then his lips are back on yours, kissing sweetly, savouring the moment. “Let me take you on a date,” he pleads, eyes swimming in an excited happiness, “Tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at 7.”
You grin happily, body floating in a suspended state of bliss. “Yes,” you agree. Your mouth nudges against his and you kiss him again, quickly growing intoxicated by the feeling of his lips on yours. “I would love that.”
any feedback? I would love to hear any thoughts you have on this!
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jungshookz · 6 years
idk if you accept requests or not but if you do can u make an au where ot7 nd yn live together nd like all of them love each other so much but platonically????? also idk the shits they do on daily basis ??? if you dont then its okay jus wanna drop by nd say im so in love with your works ily💞💞
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❄️ pairing: ot7 x reader
❄️ genre: nothing but plaTONIC LOVE,,,, SO CUTE,,, FLUFFIER THAN FRESHLY FALLEN SNOW, also jungkook is awful at wrapping 
❄️ wordcount: 2.4k
❄️ notes: MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIENDS! i was actually going to post this in the afternoon but theN i wanted this to be like a surprise present under the tree for everyone so here i am posting it at literally 3 in the morning!!!!!!! so when u wake up in the morning not only will u be opening presents u will also be able to reAD this! YES i’m aware that i skipped out on a couple drabbles from the 12 drabbles of christmas and i am sO sorry but i’ve been spending time with family and y’all know how it is i hope you can forgive me! anyways enough blabbering from me happy holidays merry christmas happy hanukah happy nEw yEar happy whatever you celebrate i love u all and i can’t wait to go into the new year with you lovely people! 
(gif isn’t mine!)
“is she awake?”
“obviously not,,, what time is it??”
“nearly 8 and y/n doesn’t wake up until like 12 when it’s the holidays”
you hear the sound of your curtains being pushed open and you can see your room brightening up even though you have an eye mask on
ugH is it already time to get up????
you were up til 3 watching christmas movies and yA you’re super pumped that it’s literally christmas right now and you get to open your presents under the tree but like,,,
you would prefer to do all of that later,, maybe at like 12
“someone should just push her off the bed”
“don’t do that you priCK”
“someone just wake her up!! i wanna open my preSENTS”
“well you guys take care of this because i have to go and prepare breakfast”
you’re tempted to just go back to sleep but u know that the boys will literally just stand there and talk to each other about how to wake you up 
you reach up to lift your eye mask up and you’re met with the sight of seven smiling faces (except for yoongi because it’s too frickin early for him too and he’s tempted to crawl in and snuggle up with you)
“good morning” your voice is still thick with sleep and you pull your mask off and toss it aside before propping yourself up on your elbows and letting out a yawn “merry chris-“
“mERRY CHRISTMAS LET’S GO OPEN PRESENTS NOW” the next thing you know you’re being swePT out of bed and jungkook has you in his arms and he’s sprinting down the stairs like a madman
you shriek and cling onto him because you literally juSt woke up and your brain is still low-key in sleep mode and the world is spinNing and
jungkook plops you down on the couch and you squeak from the impact before suddenly you’re bouncing off the couch and tumbling to the ground
“oW” you groan and flip over onto your stomach on the ground before reaching down and rubbing at your sore butt
do butts have bones?? because you’re pretty sure all the bones in your ass are completely shattered right now  
“omg get off of me whoever you are” you feel someone take a seat on your tender bum and you reach back blindly in a poor attempt to swat the person off
you immediately hear jimin’s jingly giggle and he slides off before patting your bum “sit up!!”
“no” you murmur with your cheek squished against the carpet
you could just fall asleep like this
you want to
“gEt up!” tae grabs your waist and pulls you up and sets you down on the couch next to yoongi who is (this) close to falling asleep
you let out another yawn and rest your head against yoongi’s shoulder and he slips an arm around your waist so that the both of you are comfortable
you never thought yoongi was the cuddling type but it turns out he really reaLLy is which is something u definitely don’t mind
“you two - it’s christmas!!! liven up a little!” namjoon pats the tops of your guys’ head and you grumble in response
“y/n you should open my present first!” tae plops a neat little box onto your lap and you blink down at it before humming and nodding
you pull away from yoongi and he groans quietly at the loss of warmth
“thank you for the gift, tae” you smile sleepily and reach up to pat your cheeks to wake yourself up
christmas morning
let’s do this
you tear the bright wrapping paper to pieces and immediately feel a lot more energised when you see what tae got u for christmas “i knitted a scarf for you and i have a matching one so noW you too can be a fashionista”
“how long did it take you to make this??” you pull it out of the box and look closely at the stitching
obviously there are a couple missing stitches but that gives the scarf character and it’s oddly endearing
tae stitched in pretty neutral grandpa-y shades but it totally works and it looks v v trendy
“i’m going to wear this noW” you grin and wrap it around your neck and that’s when u notice the scent
tae sprayed some of his fancy gucci cologne on this tOO
you might have to steal some from him when the scent eventually fades away
“y/n! a nintendo swiTCH R U KIDDING ME” jungkook tackles you in a hug before jumping up and down excitedly and hugging the box to his chest “can i play it now???” he gasps and you can’t help but laugh at how childish he’s acting “why am i asking u for ur permission this is mINE NOW also i have a gift for u somewhere under the tree”  
you look under the tree and u immediately recognise all the presents that are from kook because of the (no offence) poor wrapping skills
one of them is just wrapped up completely in duct tape like how r u supposed to open that up without losing a finger
hopefully that one isn’t yours (spoiler alert: it is yours)
“here’s my first gift to you guys-“ jin walks out of the kitchen carrying a tray of mugs “hot cocoa, anyone?”
the boys immediately flocK to jin like a group of seagulls when they spot a single french fry on the ground
“ya ya yA CALM DOwN before i drop the tray!” he scolds
“hyung, that’s my mug!”
“no it’s not, it’s mine! y/n got me the one with snowflakes, remember??”
“yours is the one with the christmas lights you dummy now hand it over”
“no! get your hands off mY mug!!”
“does it really matter whose mug is whoSE but also sorry jimin kook is right yours is the one with the christmas lights and not the snowflakes ” jin nudges the two bickering boys out of the way and heads over to you and yoongi
“yoongi - yours has coffee in it”
“oh thank god” yoongi grabs his mug and immediately takes a sip from it before letting out a satisfied sigh
“and y/n - yours has a sprinkle of cinnamon in it and extra marshmallows” you take the mug from the tray excitedly
“you’re too nice to me” you reach up to pinch jin’s cheek and he scowls at you
“teLL me about it”
“come and open some of your presents! you can make breakfast later”
“the pancake batter doEs need to set for a while so i suppose i can open up some gifts” jin sets the tray down on the coffee table before dusting his hands off “okay so which one is mine”
“u got more than one, silly. open my gift first!! it’s that big box in the corner” you take a sip of your cocoa oH ShiT this is good ur gonna need jin to make at least a gallon of this for u every week
“oH A BIG box” jin gasps and steps over the other boys as he makes his way over to it
he bends down and grunts as he lifts it up “jesus y/n what did you get me??? a ton of bricks???” he huffs and plops it back down on the ground and you’re like bE CAREFUL
jin doesn’t take very long to unwrap the gift and- “A NEW MIXER” he literally squEaLs with glee and you’re pretty sure your ears are bleeding “you’re right kook we should’ve opened presents earlier because then i could’ve used this baby to make the pancake batter”
last year all of your gifts were kind of pathetic compared to everything the boys were giving you and even tho they all insisted they lovEd their gifts you were like ://///// so thIS YEAR you decided to go all out and just get EVERYThing you thought the boys would like and u know what so far you are killing it girl
santa clause whO
also the boys did a really good job with all of your gifts!!
namjoon got you a new journal for the new year
jimin got you fairy lights AND a brand new bedside lamp that’s super adorable
hoseok got you a super suPER cool poster to hang up in your room he hired an artist to paint you as snow white and the boys as the seven dwarves and the captions says ‘y/n and the seven idiots’
taheyung knitted you a scarf
jin got you this fancy silky robe that you’ll definitely be wearing everyday after you come home from work
yoongi got you a new pair of headphones because he’s sick of seeing you use those godawful apple earbuds from like 2008
and last but not least
jungkook got you-
“oh, this is so cute!” you coo as you pull the mug out of the mess of duct tape
it’s a mug with a picture of you and the boys celebrating your birthday this year
you’re sat in the middle laughing your ass off with watery eyes and a crinkled nose with the boys surrounding you and jungkook is swiping frosting off the side of the cake and jimin’s yanking his arm back and jin’s trying to light the candles and tae is sitting on your lap and hoseok is sitting on taE’s lap and namjOon is pointing at the camera (because it was on timer mode and nO one was ready for the picture) and yoongi has his face in his hands looking like he regrets everything
it’s perfectly imperfect if that makes any sense
“thank you kook” you grin and squish a couple kisses to his cheek before looking at the picture again
it’s sO cute and also it makes you thank the gods because like,, how lucky are you that you get to spend every day with these dumbasses that you love and adore so dang much
“i wish it could be christmas everyday” hoseok sighs and shoves a forkful of pancake into his mouth
“i don’t. my wallet would hate me.” yoongi snorts and steals a blueberry off your plate
you nudge it closer to him before leaning back against your chair and rubbing your stomach “i think i’m about to explode” you groan
“i told you not to force that fourth pancake down” jin sighs as he scrubs away at the dishes
“i can’t help it when your food is sO good” you plop your plate down in the sink with a clang
and then u finally notice
“it’S SNOWING” you gasp as you look out the kitchen window
“you didn’t notice??” tae raises a brow and they all watch as you sprint to the living room to puSh all the curtains open
and WOW
thick thiCK blankets of snow covering every surface while snowflakes continue to flutter down to the ground
“we were thinking after breakfast we could go out and play around in the snow if you wanted-“
“oF COURSE I DO” for some reason you’re unable to lower your voice because that’s how excited you are
in fact you’re so excited u can’t even wait to change out of your PJs and you’re already slipping your coat and beanie on
“c’mon people let’s move let’s moVE jin you can wash the dishes later kook u can play the nintendo later let’s get a moVE ON” you clap your hands together and the boys know there’s no changing your mind at this point
if u wanna go out in ur PJs you’re going to go out in your PJs
“y/n, watch it!” jimin scolds when you nearly knock into his and tae’s snowman after trying to avoid yet another one of kook’s snowballs
“sorry jimin!!” you apologize before bursting into giggles when jungkook starts sprinting towards you clutching a snowball the size of a bouLDER
you duck down instinctively when he hurls it in your direction and-
“jeon jungkook you brat i’m going to kiLL YOU” yoongi roars when the snowball hiTS him and the wetness starts seeping into his sweater
jungkook laughs gleefully and tries his best to flee (it’s hard running in thick layers of snOW) as yoongi starts chasing him around
jin and namjoon are standing by the doors sipping on their hot cocoa and occasionally bursting into laughter at one of your guys’ antics
hoseok has been lying on the ground making snow angels for the past 20 minutes
he’s literally made like 10 snow angels already but he’s having fun so it’s okay
you screech when jungkook pelts you in the faCe with a snowball and you immediately feel like your face is going to freeze over
you end up tackling kook to the ground and u shove snow right into his face and jungkook grins before starting to dig his fingers into your sides to tickle you
“alright aLRIGHT everyone back into the house because there are dishes to wash and wrapping paper to throw away AND i have to get started on dinner and i need all the help i can get!” jin calls out and slides the door open to step back inside “everyone back in this house in 30 seconds otherwise i will not hesitate to lock you outside in the cold!”
jungkook fLIps you over his shoulder when you trip over the snow yet again because of your innate klutziness
you giggle and whack his butt
best christmas ever
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