#without actually having them beat him to a pulp and without centering it on his trauma and pain
levaagrace · 4 months
I’m really just. Wracking my brain, trying to figure out how to effectively write Jon apologizing to the others for his existence without making them have to bear the burden of forgiving and or comforting him. I dunno. I just want to find a way for him to regain his humanity in their eyes but considering how selfish it is of him to put that on them I’m just not finding out how, y’know?
It’s a conundrum to be sure.
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pekejscatbed · 9 months
Please Don't Leave (i need you more than you need me) | Jason Todd & Tim Drake
info/warnings: Tim Drake Angst, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Tim Drake Gets a Hug, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Protective Jason Todd, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Angst, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Crying, Men Crying, Panic Attacks, Hugs, Platonic Cuddling
batman masterlist
It's weird, Tim and Jason's relationship. 
When they'd first met, Tim had been looking up to him for years, long before ever taking up the mantle of Robin himself, but as the new Robin, Jason hated him. Jason saw Tim as nothing but his replacement, just some kid who took his place after he died- after Joker murdered him- and he was forgotten. So, Jason tried to kill him. Jason beat the kid to a bloody pulp and Tim's infatuation turned to hated as the trauma set in.
A few years have passed since then, and while the two aren't constantly at each other throats and can actually have a civil conversation and crack trauma jokes that would make anyone else uncomfortable, the scars are still there. Neither of them has forgotten their first encounter and Tim will never forget the pain.
So, this is definitely a surprise. 'This' being Tim, still in his Red Robin gear, curled up on the old, ratty couch in Jason's safe house when the latter gets back after a long night of anti-heroism.
"The fuck are you doing here, Tim?" Jason takes off his helmet and domino mask, setting them both on the small, wooden table in the center of the room. He isn't mad, not really. For all he knows, Tim could be injured, and the safe house could've been closer than the Batcave- it's happened before (it amazes Jason how the younger always gets in without setting off any of the multiple traps, and also worry's him- should he set more, should he blow this place up and start over?). "You hurt?"
Tim doesn't respond, not verbally, and Jason almost misses the small shake of his head. 
Okay, the kid doesn't wanna talk. That's fine. Jason thinks to himself as he takes off his boots, setting them next to the table. "I'm gonna go to bed, then."
(By bed, Jason really means the futon hidden away in the only room in this place other than the bathroom and the weapons vault, though that's hidden (everything else is just one big open space))
"No!" Tim jumps off the couch so fast, the movement startles Jason more than the kids broken down yelling. The kids' cowl is off, and his own domino mask is dropped to the floor when he stands, falling from his lap, and his eyes are rimmed red and wet with tears. Jason only now realizes that Tim is shaking, violent shudders wracking through his whole body. He's in front of the older in an instant, shaky hands gripping onto Jason's jacket, and he looks up at his adoptive brother with a desperate plea in his watery eyes.
Jason fights back the urge to shove Tim off of him, maybe flip him over his shoulder, the sudden touch activating his fight or flight response- he has to stop himself from leaving too, because the situation is awkward and Jason's never been all that good at comforting people, but his little brother (when had he started thinking of Tim as family?) needs him so he stays, slowly wrapping his arms around Tim. 
Tim slumps against Jason's body, who easily supports his weight, and sobs into his chest. Pleas of "don't leave me" and the like slip through Tim's sobs, but Jason gives no response, instead just holding his brother close and letting him cry himself out.
They stand there for a while until Tim's sobs die down and his body stops tremoring so violently, though he's still somewhat shaky, and he's taking deep breaths against Jason's chest. With Tim finally calming down, Jason starts to pull away, but Tim's grip on him tightens and his breathing quickens up; Jason holds him close once more, rubbing small circles into his back, and takes deep inhales, followed by slow exhales for Tim to match. 
As Tim copies Jason's breathing, Jason starts whispering, voice quiet as so not to startle the younger. "Are you okay?" He pauses. "Never mind. Wanna stay the night?"
Truthfully, Jason doesn't think Tim is in any state to go back to the manor and considering the whole "please don't leave me" thing, he probably doesn't want to. Not now, at least. A nod against Jason's chest proves him right.
"You gotta let go, Timmy, so we can get to the bedroom, okay?" Tim whines in response, making no move to let go. "Alright. Want me to carry you, then?"
A small nod, and Jason is telling Tim to jump, then he's picking up Tim like he weighs nothing, his hands under the others' legs, which are now wrapped around his waist. Slowly, Jason walks them both to the small room he calls a bedroom, filled with his futon, a small dresser/nightstand, and a radio plugged into the wall. 
When the older leans over to carefully drop Tim onto the futon, he's met with some resistance, though Tim (reluctantly) lets go when Jason promises he's just going to change them both out of their… 'work' uniforms and then Tim can cling onto him all he wants. 
The younger curls up on the bed as Jason peels off his armor and lets it fall to the floor, then grabs a pair of sweats and a tank to change into, grabbing another pair of sweats and a t-shirt for Tim. Speaking of, when Jason tells Tim to sit up so he can slip off his suit, Tim actually listens, making Jason's job here much, much easier. The older then shimmies the sweatpants up Tim's legs, holding back a snort at how loose they are on him, then pulls the shirt over Tim’s head, this time openly snorting at how small Tim looks in it compared to Jason himself; Tim gives him a half assed glare as he lies back down, though the glare is quickly forgotten as Jason tells him to scoot over, then lies down next to him.
Tim is immediately clinging to his older brother again, head on his chest and arm around his waist, and Jason wraps his arms around Tim's back in return. And really, the cuddling (Jason will deny it's cuddling) is making it easier for both men to actually fit on the small futon that definitely is not meant for a fully grown man and his nineteen-year-old brother.
Both of them fall asleep in the comfort of each other's arms, and Jason is happy to not have any nightmares plague his rest for once.
When Jason wakes up the next morning, Tim is gone, though the space next to him is still warm, and there's a note on his dresser/nightstand: invest in a bed for fucks sake.
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mayhemproduces · 1 year
Syn vs Mance Warner- Texas Bullrope
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The end of a friendship is never easy- often times, it’s messy. There’s drama, hurt feelings, and usually neither side comes out of the other end better for the experience- but what can be even messier than that is when someone refuses to let go of a friendship, and tonight, that mess comes in the form of what’s sure to be an absolute bloodbath, as Mance Warner swore a couple weeks ago, that he’d do whatever it takes to get through to his former best friend- including beating him to a bloody, black and blue pulp. These two men have fought in the past, and both men were barely able to walk away from it- and that was back when Syn and Mance liked each other. Now, there’s a lot of bad blood, and a Texas Bullrope tied around their wrists, tethering the two of them together. 
Traditionally, a Texas Bullrope match isn’t decided by pinfall or submission, but by slapping all four corners of the ring without being interrupted. This match became infamous due to the fact that it was usually used to settle blood feuds down in the infamously hardcore Texas promotions of the 70s and 80s, so perhaps there was no more fitting match that these two could engage in here tonight. Per usual, Fonzie was in Syn’s corner for this one, and we’d have to see how much the Manager of Champions would be involved. Getting in the way of someone like Mance Warner, especially when he’s this motivated, could be considered ill-advised.
The rope is fasted around both men’s wrists as they stare each other down from across the ring, and Jake Clemons checks with both men before ringing the bell, and the first Texas Bullrope match in MPW history is officially underway! Both men start pulling on the rope, pulling each other closer together, and we have a bit of a standoff here as both men reach for the cowbell attached to the middle of the rope. Historically, that cowbell is usually used as a weapon extensively in these types of matches, and Syn is the first to grab hold of it, trying to smash it into Mance’s head, but Mance blocks, before nailing Syn with a straight right hand of his own! Mance continues to lay into Syn with a series of punches, before grabbing Syn’s head, and smashing it into one of the corner turnbuckles! 
Mance then drags Syn to the adjacent turnbuckles, and smashes his head into the top of that turnbuckle as well! 
Mance drags Syn over to another one of the corners, and this is starting to seem like a rather questionable strategy, as Mance slams Syn’s head into the third turnbuckle….
Referee Jake Clemons actually gets in Mance’s way as he approaches the fourth corner, trying to tell Mance that if he smashes Syn into that corner, Syn will actually win this match. Syn seems to know it too, as he tries to fight off Mance and shove past Clemons to get to the fourth turnbuckle, but Mance pulls him back, throwing Syn back into the corner he’d just been slammed off of, canceling the count. Mance pops Syn with another right hand, before climbing up to the second turnbuckle, and beginning to hammer Syn with punches as the crowd counts along! 
“1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9!...” 
Mance interrupts the flow to roll his fists, building momentum for a big final punch…. Before electing to go with the eyepoke instead! 
Mance jumps down and measures Syn from the center of the ring, as Syn stumbles out of the corner, blinded, as Mance winds up and drives an elbow right into the crown of Syn’s head! Bionic Elbow, shades of the American Dream! Syn is knocked down to the mat, and so far Mance is making good on his promise to bash his head right! As Syn gets back to his feet, Mance sends him off the ropes, before leaping onto Syn on the rebound into a Thesz Press, hammering away at Syn with another series of punches! Mance Warner gets off Syn, and gets back to his feet, before making it to the first corner, slapping that top turnbuckle. 
Mance goes for another, but Syn is already back on his feet, and uses the rope to pull Mance away, getting Mance away from the second corner, and canceling the count. Syn pulls Mance to him, but Mance uses the momentum to blast Syn with another straight right hand, knocking Syn back into the corner again. Mance blasts Syn with another right hand, before Mance pulls Syn out of the corner, and locks knuckles with him, before Mance points at the corner, and puts a hand to his ear, making it clear he wanted to hear the MPW fans. As the fans get loud, Mance starts climbing the turnbuckle, using Syn as a base, until Mance is standing on the top rope, and starting to rope walk! Mance Warner then bounces once, before taking a leap off the rope, knocking Syn down with a clubbing blow to the back of the neck, Mance Warner going high risk with Old School, pulling out all the stops for Darkness Falls! 
Syn rolls out of the ring, both to try and create some distance, and to actively defend against Mance slapping the corners and maybe winning this match. Mance, not wanting to waste any time, follows Syn out of the ring, and goes underneath it, grabbing a chair. Mance barks a warning at Fonzie to stay out of his way, before going after Syn with the chair, only for Syn to kick Mance in the gut when he has the chair raised up. Mance stumbles away, dropping the chair, and Syn picks it up, before throwing the chair right at Mance Warner’s head! Mance is down, and Syn takes a moment to try and collect himself, he’s already taken a beating in this one for sure. Syn shakes off the cobwebs, and turns back around, only to see Mance Warner has the chair in hand, and raises it up before BLASTING Syn in the head, Syn taking a completely unprotected chair shot to the head, dropping Syn down to his knees, and then flat on his face! 
Mance waves for Clemons help, and asks Clemons to help him get a large Barbed Wire Board that had been placed at ringside into the ring, and Clemons obliges, our MPW officials always willing to lend a hand to the wrestlers, despite the fact that they’re supposed to: 1. Be impartial, and 2. Technically stop this sort of thing from entering a match- but that’s the beauty of MPW. The carnage isn’t just allowed, it’s encouraged, and it comes with the price of admission.
Mance gets back into the ring, grabbing the barbed wire board and getting it propped up in the corner, before, for some reason, feeling the need to test out the barbs with his bare hand, and confirming that they are, in fact, sharp. We love him here at MPW, but I don’t think any of our fans would call Mance Warner our most cerebral wrestler. Syn manages to get back up to his knees, having to use the apron to do so, showing the world that he’d been busted wide open from that chairshot, and was already well on his way to crimson mask territory. Mance Warner rolls out of the ring, grabbing the cowbell on the rope as he does, bashing it over Syn’s head, opening up Syn even further. Mance drags Syn back up to his feet, and starts walking him along the outside, before throwing Syn against the guardrail, and peppering him with a couple more right hands to the jaw. Syn’s already got a far away look in his eyes, and he might be a little shaken up from the chairshot, cowbell, and all of these right hands. The blood at this point is dripping down his chin, dampening Syn’s beard, and dripping onto his chest. Syn’s no stranger to bleeding here in MPW, but this might be the most gnarly crimson mask we’ve seen him have in a hot minute. Mance Warner grabs the cowbell and nails Syn in the forehead with it again, causing even more blood to run down Syn’s face. Syn tries to stumble away again, only to get whipped across the bare back with the bullrope from Mance! Syn cries out in agony, and continues to try and get away, but Mance’s tight control of the bullrope prevents Syn from getting too far, as he’s peppered with even more right hands from the Southern Psycho. Mance grabs Syn by the wrist again, and, apparently thinking back to what worked earlier, has some fans hold the guardrail as he decides to climb up onto it, maybe looking for another Old School, but Syn is able to knock one of Mance’s feet out from under him, causing Mance to crotch himself right on the steel guardrail! Mance’s face twists in agony, as he has his beanbag crushed against the unforgiving steel. Syn then takes the cowbell and blasts Mance in the head with it, knocking Mance Warner to the concrete floor on the outside, 
Mance himself is bleeding a bit from that last cowbell shot, and Syn, like a shark, smells the blood and decides to go after it. Syn drags Mance back up to his feet and throws him against the guardrail, taunting some of our fans here cheering for Mance in the front row, before Syn digs his fingers into the cut, trying to open up Mance even before, before Syn starts bitting him right on the cut! Syn using his teeth to cut Mance even further, tasting the blood of his former friend! Syn then pulls away and blasts Mance with a forearm, before grabbing him again and slamming Mance’s face down on the steel guardrail, knocking Mance down. Syn then rolls into the ring, and back out on the other side of the steel ringpost, before pulling on the rope, pulling Mance right into the ringpost, causing Mance to knock his head into it! Mance goes down, and Syn takes the opportunity to point at his temple, signaling to all these fans that he was smarter than Mance, and smarter than all of them too. The boos and heckles continued to rain down, but Syn was practically relishing in it. 
Syn collects the cowbell again, and hits Mance in the head with it, before walking back over to the other side of the ring post, and pulling Mance through the ring, and back out to him, in order to get the rope unwrapped from the ringpost. Syn then grabs Mance again, and whips Mance back into the steel guardrail, once again Mance’s spine connecting with the stiff, unforgiving steel. Mance collapses back down to his knees, before grabbing a handful of Mance’s hair, and dragging him back over to the other side of the ring, where a bopper bat covered in thumbtacks rests on the apron. Syn grabs it and drives it right into Mance’s back, causing a couple dozen little punctures, and a whole lot of pain for the Southern Psycho. Syn throws Mance back into the ring, before grabbing another chair and tossing that into the ring as well, before going in after Mance. Syn grabs Mance again, and drags him toward the ropes, using the ropes and his own bodyweight to choke Mance for a moment, before once again, using his nails to further open up the cut on Mance’s forehead. As Mance drops to his back, Syn takes a moment to put his arms out to his side, and once again soak in the boos from this crowd in Brooklyn, who absolutely despised him tonight- and he fucking loved that. Syn flips off someone sitting in the front row who shouted something at him, and goes to pick Mance up again- only for Mance to suddenly come alive and start peppering Syn with shots to the head! Mance then whips Syn into the corner, and tries to charge in after him, but Syn moves, Mance stopping himself though from slamming into the turnbuckle, and then apparently having eyes in the back of his head, moving just in time to avoid the Stinger Splash from Syn, who does drive himself into the turnbuckle, stunning himself. Mance grabs the chair, and sets it up in the middle of the ring, before pulling Syn in with the rope, and slamming Syn’s face down on the chair with a drop toe hold! Mance picks Syn up again, and tries to set up for a DDT on the chair, but Syn nails him in the gut with a straight right to escape, before spinning, and blasting Mance with a Big Rig Lariat to take him down! 
Syn gets back to his feet, and his eyes immediately lock onto the barbed wire board that had been sitting in the corner. Evil intentions in his mind, Syn turns back to Mance, picking him back up, before lifting him onto his shoulders, looking to put Mance through the door with a Death Valley Driver, but Mance slips out the back, before catching Syn with a low blow! Syn clutches his beanbag in agony, as Mance grabs his head, and drives to bring Syn’s face to the barbed wire, but Syn manages to catch Mance with an elbow to the sternum, getting Mance off of him. Syn grabs Mance again, and whips him into the opposite corner, Mance hitting so hard he actually bounced off the corner, and directly into a straight right hand from Syn, dropping Mance to his knees. Syn then wastes no time, grabbing Mance, and whipping him as hard as he can into the barbed wire board, breaking the barbed wire board right in two! Mance explodes through the wooden board, and currently rests in a bed of barbed wire! 
Syn collapses to the mat as Mance lays in the barbed wire in agony, Syn unable to capitalize currently to try and win this match. This match has taken so much out of these two, Syn might actually be woozy from the amount of blood he’s currently lost. Mance is currently trying to get himself unstuck from the barbed wire, as Syn finally manages to get up and go for the corner Mance is currently laying in, tapping the turnbuckle. 
Syn goes for an adjacent corner, but has to stop for a moment as the rope is tangled up in the barbed wire. Syn manages to free it as Mance rolls out of the ring, Syn tapping another turnbuckle pad. 
Syn begins making his way to the third corner, trying to pull on the rope to extend it as much as possible as he has to reach out and slap the third corner. 
Just one more now, but as Syn goes for it, Mance has the wherewithal outside of the ring to stumble over to the farthest part of the outside, away from that last corner, pulling Syn back with him. Mance dares Syn to come bring it on, and as Syn obliges, rolling out of the ring, Jake Clemons waves off the count again. Mance blasts Syn with a right hand as the two meet on the floor, and Syn answers back in earnest with one of his own, The two men go back and forth, peppering each other with everything they had left in the tank, both men trying to get an advantage. Syn eventually has enough for playing fair and rakes Mance’s eyes, blinding him for a moment, before blasting Mance with a forearm that staggers Ol’ Mancer. Syn then grabs Mance, and whips him at the guardrail so hard, Mance actually goes up and over, and Syn follows him out there, as Steve Guy has to give out a warning over the mic that’s pretty customary at MPW shows at this point. 
“Folks, if the action looks like it’s heading your way, it is, grab your shit and move!” 
Syn goes out to meet Mance, but Mance is already up on his feet, as the two begin to brawl back and forth through our fans here in Brooklyn, things were getting up close and personal with our largest crowd ever for an MPW event, Syn and Mance trading right hands back and forth amongst them! Back and forth the fists fly, neither man wanting to back down or give an inch to the other! They continue to brawl through the crowd, Mance eventually grabbing a beer can from one of our fans and smashing it over Syn’s head, sending beer flying everywhere as Syn stumbles away, stunned from that hit. The two begin to brawl up the arena stairs, Mance knocking Syn back down the stairs as they do, before Mance starts to climb out on the ledge of the second level, before pulling Syn a little closer with the rope, and leaping off, taking down Syn with a flying clothesline off the second level! Mance Warner going more high risk than we’re used to seeing out of him, pulling out all the stops tonight! 
Mance manages to fight back to his feet, dragging Syn up with him, dragging Syn through the crowd before slamming Syn’s head into the concrete wall of the arena. Mance grabs Syn again and once again drags him through the crowd, before shitcanning Syn back over the guardrail to the ringside area. Syn gets back to his feet as Mance comes over the guardrail, Mance catching Syn with a right hand, but Syn answering back by grabbing Mance’s head and slamming it onto the ring apron, the hardest part of the ring. Syn tosses Mance back into the ring, and follows him in, before catching Mance with a boot to the face, dropping Mance back down to the mat. Mance uses the ropes to pull himself up, just to eat another straight right hand from Syn to the jaw. Syn grabs the chair again, folds it back up, and drops it to the mat, before dragging his thumb across his throat, signaling the end of this one, before Syn grabs Mance and drags him into the middle of the ring, before kicking him in the gut, and hooking both of Mance’s arms. Syn looks for Neurotoxin, but Mance manages to spin out of it, grab Syn’s head, and drop Syn head first onto the chair with a huge DDT! 
Mance gets back to his feet, and decides it’s prime time to put this thing to bed, slapping one of the turnbuckles. 
Mance has to step over Syn to get to the second one, as Syn begins to stir… 
Mance is going for the third, with Syn back on his feet now, but Mance gets to it. 
Mance is going for the last corner, when he’s suddenly turned around and pulled backwards by the force of Syn tugging on the rope, Syn pulling Mance into him and nearly breaking Mance in half with a spear! Mance gets cut down, and the count is reset, saving the match for the moment. Syn looks to the outside at Fonzie, signaling something to his manager, and Fonzie starts digging around underneath the ring, before eventually finding a table. Fonzie drags the table up, and places part of it up on the ring apron, before grabbing the guardrail, pulling it closer, putting the other end of the table across it, creating a bridge outside of the ring. Syn grabs Mance and tosses him out onto the apron, before following him out there, picking Mance back up, and once again, dragging his thumb across his throat, evil intentions in his mind, before Syn hooks both of Mance’s arms, lifts him up, and the two go off the apron and through the table together, Syn driving Mance through the table and straight down to the floor on the outside with Neurotoxin! Syn and Mance both explode through the table, and down to the concrete on the outside!
While Mance certainly got the worst of it, Syn wasn’t any less worse for wear after that move, as both men lay on the floor on the outside. Syn, however, is the first to drag himself back up to his feet, and with a sick grin on his face, decides it’s about time to end this one. Syn starts heading for the first corner… 
Syn marches over to the other adjacent corner, and slaps that one as well.
Syn goes to the third… 
Syn goes to move to the fourth, but with Mance still out of the ring, Syn doesn’t have enough rope to get there. Syn looks back and leans through the ropes to try and grab Mance and pull him closer… only for Mance to blast Syn with a chair shot to the head! Syn stumbles back as Mance slides into the ring, chair in hand, only for Fonzie to leap up on the apron and rip the chair away from Mance. Syn is then quick to grab Mance, and hold his arms behind his back, shouting for Fonzie to throw the chair, and he does… only for Mance escape and shove Syn forward, causing Syn to get blasted with the chair again! Fonzie hits his own man! 
Syn stumbles backward, as Mance hits the ropes, building momentum, before CRUSHING Syn with the Lariat! Apparently not satisfied, Mance grabs one of Syn’s legs, and rolls him backward, back up to his feet, before turning, hitting the ropes one more time, and blasting him with ANOTHER Lariat! Syn nearly gets his head taken off, and a mist of blood and sweat comes flying off Syn as Mance makes contact! Syn’s down and out now, as Mance goes for the corner!
Mance goes for another corner!
The third! 
And the fourth! 
Clemons calls for the bell, this one’s over!
“Here is your winner, Mance Warner!” 
Mance Warner vanquishes his former best friend, in what was a brutal, bloody Texas Bullrope match! The Southern Psycho is victorious! 
0 notes
Before reading this post, I don't hate Hinata. This post was just made because some Hinata Extremists - who hate Sakura - were filling my inbox with bullshit. So, this is just to annoy those idiots. You don't get to poke me and just get away with it.
- Offers Naruto a cream for his wounds(non-existent) - Cuz it's Naruto-kun.
- tries to save Naruto during pain arc - Cuz its Naruto-kun
- tries to save Naruto - fails - Neji dies instead - not her fault though - Cuz its Naruto-kun.
- thinks about Naruto's big and warm hands in front of Neji's dead body - Cuz its Naruto-kun.
- Keeps knitting a scarf for Naruto in the middle of a mission where her sister is kidnapped - Cuz its Naruto-kun.
- Shows more reaction to her scarf being torn-off as compared to when she found our her sister's eyes were torn off- Cuz its Naruto-kun's.
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- Steps infront of Tazuna to protect him with her body (Someone she barely knows)
- Protects Naruto and Sasuke in the Forest of Death without sleeping.
- Gets beaten up to bone to stop the sound Ninjas to hurt Sasuke and Naruto.
- Saves Sasuke from the darkness of Curse seal.
- Steps Infront of Gaara to protect Sasuke - actually manages to stop him.
- Gets herself hit for Idate(Someone she barely knows)
- Tries to save Sasuke from darkness and stop him from leaving the village
- Saves Kankurou's life - where no one else could
- Gets herself stabbed and poisoned to save Chiyo(someone she barely knows) - who in turn saves Gaara.
- Gives antidote to Chiyo despite being poisoned herself
- Defeats Sasori with chiyo
- Says that She will blow off her arms and legs just to get know Orochimaru's whereabouts just to get to Sasuke.
- Tries to save Naruto from Nine Kyuubi consuming him, without worrying about herself.
- Heals Naruto first instead of herself Doesn't tell him that he was the one who hurt her.
- Heals Naruto several times.
- Heals hundreds of injured patients during the pain arc.
- Saves Tami from being attacked by the giant Centipede.
- Always tries to lift up Naruto's spirit despite being down herself. (In case of Sasuke and Tsunade)
- Decides to take the burden of killing Sasuke,the man she loves upon herself, just for Naruto's,Sasuke's, and Konoha's sake. Just to protect them in her own way. Even though she knew she was going to die.
- Let's patients in the medical camp during the war, knowing that they could be the white zetsus... But still can't let go of her kind heart.
- Saves Naruto and literally pumps his heart with her hands.
- Hesitates to Stab Obito's eyes because She knew He had turned good now. She always had a kind heart.
- Can't let go of her love for Sasuke, despite the fact that that he had tried to kill her. Can't let go of her desire to save him.
- Saves and heals hundreds of lives in the battlefield and as well as the medical camp during the war.
- Saves Sasuke from the Desert dimension, with everything she has got.
- Doesn't think about his sexy and Warm body when he catches her. Lol I had to add this 😂😂. Instead worries about Obito to check if he is fine.
- Punches a god. And helps to seal her. And So helps to save the world
- Tries to save Sasuke from being consumed by the darkness again.
- Saves Naruto and Sasuke from bleeding to death, after their final battle in the Valley of the end.
- Saves Naruto's life. Pouring her chakra in him for 3 days.
- Opens a mental clinic for orphans who suffered during war, so that they don't have to go through what Naruto and Sasuke did.
- Defeats Kido who was impersonating Sasuke and committing crimes.
- Defeated Shin and beat him to pulp for looking at her family - two times!
- Oh! Saved Hinata Princess's life multiple times!!!!!
- Oh! She also saved Karin's life.
(And I haven't even listed all her achievements)
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min-jpg · 3 years
can i request zhongli , kaeya and xiao with a fem!s/o that comes from an extremely rich family and the boys get kidnapped and held for ransom and then out of nowhere their s/o comes and beats the group of people that kidnapped the boys , gracefully😋😋
Note: we stan a baddie s/o! Anyways, enjoy the drabbles with a word count averaging 0.5k for each character :) I'll make the setting at an abandoned warehouse, classic
Kidnapped Genshin Boys x Fem Rich!reader pt.1
Part 2 (Childe, Diluc, Kazuha)
Characters: Kaeya, Xiao, Zhongli
Genre: fluff, established relationship, some woman kicking ass action, (TW: mentions of blood and violence)
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Your boyfriend would deliberately act like a damsel in distress with no fighting aptitudes. Exaggerating his emotions to fabricate fear, he voluntarily let himself be held hostage, thinking they caught an easy target. Kaeya went along with his abductors' antics because he intends to bring them down once they reach the hideout.
While they were camping in the warehouse, Kaeya was not worried at the slightest. These people were no vision bearers, just mere greedy criminals that do not know who they were messing with.
Kaeya is aware of how affluent you and your family are. He already anticipated something similar to happen one day. Lowly tactics like these do not budge him at all, especially his unyielding loyalty towards you. As if the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonious would be shaken by something as childish as this.
While he was improvising a plan in his mind, one of the men yelled, "Intruder!"
They all assembled at the source, but glanced at each other in confusion, "Intruder? Where?"
While an altercation sparked between them about the unseen intruder, their attention successfully diverted away from Kaeya. Thus, using the containers and blind spots to your advantage, you sneaked your way towards your boyfriend. While freeing Kaeya from the ropes that bound him to the chair, you giggled as well, "Are you lost, baby boy?"
Your unexpected appearance left him stunned, but it was a pleasant surprise, "Lost in those eyes, baby girl." He smirked back. By the time you finished, the men realized that the intruder was you.
Now that you are actually here, Kaeya's concerns began sprouting because he wanted to ensure your safety first before carrying out his plan since your arrival was not formulated in it.
You fueled his worries when you stepped forward towards the group. You dropped the bag you carried along in front of them, "Here. You wanted the money right? Take it."
"Well, that wasn't so hard." The gung ho group laughed boisterously among themselves, the leader leaning down to pick up the bag. You swung your foot, landing a clean kick on his face which caused him to stumble back. He pressed his nose, blood trickled down, "You-"
You refused to let him finish by sending another vigorous kick, this time at the center of his stomach, causing him to hunch as he grabbed onto his stomach and surpassing his coughs. To finish it off, you plunged your elbow down the back of his head and connected with an uppercut. The force was strong enough to send their leader flying back and never stood up again, completely knocked out.
The rest of the gang blinked. It was not even a fight. You took him down with only a few moves, barely breaking a sweat.
"You guys want some more? Or just take the money and leave us alone." You taunted them. They hustled along, grabbing the bag, and left their leader in the warehouse. Little did they know, the bag was not filled with money, but just some rocks to give it some weight.
Kaeya walked up behind you, clapping his hands, "That was superb, babe. I didn't know you were such a fighter." Needless to say, Kaeya is so proud of you and praised the way you executed your beautiful course of movements. He will also keep in mind to never mess with your temper too much in the future.
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Your boyfriend could take out all the adversaries he wanted to, driving them to regret that they wished they never premeditate this abduction. Unfortunately, his hands are tied because the group threatened that harm would come your way instead if he did not comply with their demands.
"You just have to sit here until your girlfriend bails you out. I'm sure she has some extra cash to blow to save you."
You did warn Xiao beforehand that similar incidents happened in the past and it is bound to occur again, to which he glazed over as a simple matter since he is confident with his combat experiences. But you did not explain how the incidents were settled. Xiao did not know that you have the capability to defend yourself, so obviously he reluctantly listened to them to protect you.
If they were to resort to hurting anyone, Xiao would rather have them hurt him instead if it meant they could spare you. He will never forgive them or himself if they even attempt to graze a single strand of your hair.
While worrying for your safety, he heard one of the men shouting a yelp, but it got cut off as his body fell, passing out cold on the ground.
The group huddled together, "Who's there?!" Their eyes darted around to search for the one responsible.
While they were bewildered, you jumped down from one of the containers at the warehouse, sending your knee flying directly towards one of the members to knock him down. In a kneeling position to pin the person below in place, you sent a swift strike to his neck, making him faint. As you stood up, the gang and also Xiao all looked at your abrupt appearance with wide eyes.
Glaring at the men in front of you, "Now, if any of you touched my boyfriend, one doctor visit wouldn't suffice." Without giving them any time to react or respond, your palm curled into a fist, dashing forward to begin taking them down one by one with your nimble feet.
Your calculative movements were sharp and precise, leaving no opening for your foes to attack. As the battle proceeded, your hair flowed gracefully behind along with your bold actions. Although Xiao was itching to help, he only managed to stare at you in awe, marveled by your bravery and poise stance that showed no weakness.
Before you both knew it, the fight ended with you emerging victorious.
You ran over to Xiao to free him immediately, "Oh archons! Xiao, are you okay?" Caressing his cheeks, you frantically inspected his face for any external injuries. Those men will face your wrath if they did anything to him.
Xiao was still processing what happened, his pupils fixed at you, lips parting, "That was really... amazing of you." He wanted to tell you that you looked so gorgeous that it made him breathless, but kept his mouth sealed after. For now, he enjoys the sensation of your hands that were used to unleash such fury now stroking his face so lovingly. It is also worth mentioning that Xiao has a new profound respect for your charming side that he never knew of.
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Your boyfriend maintained a tranquil state of mind when he was kidnaped. Not portraying any signs of retaliation or profound panic, it even caused the group to be unnerved with how silent Zhongli behaved.
While held hostage, the head of the abduction blabbered about how they intend to lure you here, exploiting you through Zhongli's situation for some quick money grab.
Upon hearing that, Zhongli's eyebrows twitched in a displeased manner, "So you'd rather take advantage of someone for money instead of working for it? Don't you have any dignity left?"
"Obviously! If there's an easy way to earn money, who wouldn't want to partake? Someone as sheltered and rich as your girlfriend will never understand. Don't act like you never took money from her." They ridiculed his righteous morales by bringing you in the conversation, implying Zhongli only dated you for your status.
Zhongli leaned back against the chair with an inscrutable demeanor on his face. He knew that surely someone would point out the disparity in social status between you and him. But, if they thought he only valued your wealth and nothing else, then he will have to disappoint them.
"Oh, I'm very lucky to have a wealthy partner. Something you will never understand, yes? That's why you turn to disagreeable schemes such as this." Zhongli stalled time by making mindless talks with the leader.
Not appreciating Zhongli's remark, the leader raised his arm, ready to swing at full force to land a hit, except you obstructed him. Appearing out of thin air, you found your way towards Zhongli and held a tenacious grip on the man's arm from behind before he could potentially scar your boyfriend's precious face.
The group was alarmed by your arrival and the way you constrained their leader's strike. Applying even more force to twist his arm, you contorted his limb. It caused him to arch his back and bawled in pain as he attempted to wriggle his arm out of your grasp. In contrast, you reinforced your strength and kicked the back of his knees.
Once you let go, everyone watched him squirmed in agony on the ground with your grip leaving a red imprint on his arm. Turning your head towards Zhongli, you sent him a cheeky wink, "You're one lucky man indeed."
Now channeling your attention at the group, "Who's next?"
The group charged towards you, assertive that their strengths in numbers will have more odds in winning against you, a woman who stood alone.
Thus, to prove them wrong, not only did you beat their egos to pulps, but also the entire gang. Keeping a composed manner, your limbs carried your movement with great finesse and elegance. You dodged and blocked every incoming attack, never allowing them to get a clean hit on you. Your presence dominated the flow of the battle.
Eventually, only one victor is appointed, that victor being you.
You walked back to Zhongli to untie him. You placed your hand on your hip, huffing your chest to stand proud, "How was that? Not only is your girlfriend rich, but also powerful."
Zhongli nodded in agreement, softly patting your hair as he watched you with affectionate eyes, "That was a remarkable performance to remember down the road. Guess I have a lot of things to learn about you." Although Zhongli is fully competent to defend himself if things went wrong, he found it absolutely charming of you to protect him. You were reckless, but he acknowledges your ability to fight so gracefully.
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
Can I get one of X and Jewel going through a scenario like the one we were talking about? Nothing R rated, like they're cuddling after the events of MMX 7 and he DOES have that curiosity. ^^
(The particular scenario: being squished by boobies while cuddling XD. So, boob warning. -Weirdo)
Accidentally Boob Squished
Mega Man X
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It started as cuddling…
It was like any normal day; brimmed of stopping crime, arresting Mavericks, and discussing solutions with close allies. X's heart ever hardens after every foiled Sigma plot, unmoved; he always looks forward to leaning on the supportive soul of his S/O, coming home to a refresher makes a long day of work worth it. His hope, his belief in a better future, his reason for being. His S/O. X can never go out and return from a mission without something to long for, without pleasant reassurances, and not only for his friends. A goodbye till the next hello-and a hello till the next goodbye after that. A lingering promise, given in earnest, some form of gentle comfort and contact from a beloved to look forward to in his returning call. Missing every touch just as the last parts, his core sours at the causes for your absentee even if he doesn't mean too. It was supposed to end like a normal day. His beloved's embrace cures his exhaustion after a chaotic day of support in the Maverick Hunter sidelines and teaching Axl some of the basic ropes of being a Hunter. Out of work for the time being, all he wants is to faint dead in your welcoming arms like a fairytale prince's dramatic princess when he enters home. Home sweet home. X doesn't think when he enthusiastically reaches forward, desperate for your warmth. Practically swimming toward you, a fish hungry for bait, defeated by his desire to become lost in the beating of your center, sweet and serene. He was so glad to see you, it's been mere weeks although it felt like years.
…but then, suddenly breasts!
Bewildered. The first second he is locked in the chasm shaped as your boobs there is a short-lived silence, its eternity. In the next, in the many won battles he fought, you never saw him move so fast. X suffocates within not only your pulp meats, but also in deep embarrassment, swelling head to toe. The moment his head moon lands in your bosom he rockets his head into space the instant his body allows it, it's almost scary how quickly his head yeeted from your chest as quickly as it dropped in. You don't know what's worse, the fact you were completely comfortable-albeit surprised- your super mature and typically observant boyfriend paid an unexpected visit to the empty valley in-between your breasts or that you found it less embarrassing and more hysterical (Maybe both.) than what X clearly felt in his blatant panic of random gibberish. Mouth curled downward, his shocked green robotic dots tightening, surprise turned a horrified grimace. Which then turns into nervous but determined, composing speech. Stammering, nonexistent words, overlapping sentences voiced in energized emotions, occupied by meaningful apologies, meanwhile he tries calming himself. His body isn't shaking, though his fingers tremble, waving them side to side in his assertion; explaining he didn't mean to fall into your breasts! Promise! Difficulty lessens when you finally assure him you aren't hurt, nor are you going to break it off with him.
Accidents happen, such is life, even to advanced Reploids. But he was so nervous his slip up was going to cost your relationship, be the final deal breaker from his mess of a life. You weren't going to rip his head off, you would rather perish than hurt your lover unprovoked, but his anxiety just suddenly spiked! Relief showers, raining gentle dew over him, blissful weather. He still seems skeptical, he probably will laugh at himself later, getting overworked by something so utterly stupid. X sticks to being 4 feet apart from you, he insists till he actually forgives himself for something that absolutely wasn't his fault, he just doesn't want another accident happening! It would be an accident you would welcome in all honesty. Your discomfort is a big no-no in his book, he would strike down any man or robot who dares alike. X maintains no memory of his child self's younger days, but he can guess he wasn't the brightest bulb, despite Dr. Light's hologram insisting the exact opposite. With that in mind, if you ever opened your breasts up whether exposed or not, well... If you offered that means you don't mind if he laid on them, right? He's checking to be sure is all! Yep, this day could've been grimmer, but at least you have him in your arms yet again. All he wants to do is rest, he wants that much. No Maverick attacks, no important missions, no anything. Just your universe, population you and X. You comfort him in your peaceful hug, hands buried in his hair, your love lighting the last few stars in your shared sky. Holding him close, hands intertwined, hearts melting together, like they always do. As you always will.
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
Batfam Alphabet: I - Injuries
Summary: When an offhand comment gets made about who receives the most injuries a big debate takes place to discuss this. Unable to agree on anything, the Bats decide to keep score of who gets the most injuries over the next 12 months. The results may surprise you. 
Enjoy! :D
The blissful silence within his apartment is rudely interrupted by the shrill of his phone suddenly ringing inside his pocket. Jason groans. Five minutes. Why couldn’t he just get five minutes of peace? Was that so much to ask for?
Cursing every god imaginable, Jason digs through his pocket until he finds and receives the device before scowling upon seeing the caller ID. Answering the call, he brings it up to his ear and doesn’t hesitate to snap a greeting, making it clear he isn’t pleased about being disturbed. “What do you want?”
“So there’s been a situation…” a hesitant voice speaks up on the other side of the phone.
Jason reaches up and pinches the bridge of his nose. That sentence alone is enough to start giving him a headache.
“How the fuck is there a situation? I left you guys not even fifteen minutes ago! I thought you were heading back to the cave?”
“Yeah, we were, but on the way back we heard gun shots and we found a gang fight happening. We intervened but while fighting Nightwing unfortunately got stabbed.”
Being told his brother has been stabbed makes Jason pause. There’s a remark on the end of his tongue that desperately wants to slip out but he doesn’t know if this is the right time for it. The tone of voice on the other side of the line makes it difficult to determine how serious the situation is.
“How bad is it?”
“Oh not that bad!” Tim chirps, Jason could now hear the amusement lacing his tone. “It’s just a stab wound on the thigh, more of a scratch than anything. Won’t need stitches or nothing. I figured I’d ring you to let you know because this now changes the board.”
Jason breathes out a long sigh and feels the tension leave his body. At least it’s not life threatening. This fucking family, he swears to God, if he hadn’t already been sent to an early grave he certainly would be now.
“So it’s enough to warrant a mark on the board?” Jason questions eagerly, already knowing what impact the answer will have. Now he knows it’s not serious he can think about other things.
“Oh yeah definitely.” Tim claims and Jason could easily hear the smile in his voice. “Even when it happened he muttered a curse and mentioned how it’s unfair because that now puts you ahead of him.”
At that Jason cackles. He bids his brother a goodbye before hanging up. Still laughing Jason moves through his apartment to his kitchen, digging through one of the draws he pulls out a large whiteboard and makes the needed changes to it.
This is something they all came up with at the start of the year from an offhand comment about who gets the most/least injuries out of their family. The comment triggered off a big debate and the result of it was to keep score of who gets the most injuries in the next 12 months.
They do not count life threatening injuries, because believe it or not they are not assholes and it wouldn’t be fair or even funny. Any minor injury can count (or at least minor for them). Any injuries done outside of the costume also count.
There are only a couple months left of the year but it’s currently pretty tight between most of them. Surprisingly Steph is winning with the least number of injuries so far. Following her, again surprisingly, is Damian. After him is Harper, Duke, Tim and then Jason. With his new injury today that puts Dick in last place, officially making Jason second to last. They hadn’t included Cass because firstly she didn’t want to be involved and secondly anytime she does get injured, which is extremely rare, it’s usually serious, so they collectively decided to not have Cass participate. Babs wasn’t interested and made it very clear on what her opinions of the competition was.
Before the new injury, Jason and Dick were in joint last place. His older brother now sustaining a new non-life-threatening injury changes the board. Jason couldn’t be happier, now he just has to make sure to not get injured at all in the next couple of months.
That in itself will be a challenge, but one not to be beaten easily Jason is up for it. He doesn’t care where he comes on the board, just as long as he beats Dick that’s all that matters.
Like most of the year, the last few months fly by and before Jason knows it, it’s New Year’s Eve and he’s attending a party with all of his friends and family.
While the party is being hosted at Wayne Manor, so somewhere familiar, there’s tension in the air which can be felt no matter where you go. To most it’s probably the anticipation of midnight approaching, that excitement that comes along with the clock striking twelve and the supposedly start of something new.
To Jason, however, it’s a count down until the results are revealed.
Jason has a vague idea of what the final results are going to be, after all he kept track of everything himself. Then again, it’s vague because he’s been away on a mission for the last three weeks only having gotten back two days ago. He hasn’t yet had a chance to catch up with everything that may have happened in those weeks he had been gone. For all he knows the board may have changed significantly and he wouldn’t have a clue.
Not long before midnight, Jason soon finds himself in the library with his siblings and friends. They’re scattered around the room sitting on the sofas and the floor with the news on in the background.
Cass stands front and center with a white board in hand ready to announce the results of who has sustained the least and the greatest number of injuries in the past year. They asked Cass to announce it as she hadn’t taken part, that way it’s fair and not biased.
Looking around the room Jason could see a variety of facial expression on his siblings faces. Some wearing smirks, like they know exactly what the results are, while other’s wear an expression of anticipation, clearly unsure on where they’ve come on the board.
Cass announces the names in ascending order, starting with last place first. To Jason’s absolute delight, Dick is in last place. He’s so happy to hear that he had beaten his brother in getting less injuries than him in a year. Dick simply sends Cass a tight smile and nod, obviously knowing he had lost before anything was declared.
After Dick is Jason. If he’s being honest, Jason is actually happier about that than the principle of being second to last, he beat Dick and that’s all that mattered. He certainly made sure Dick was aware of his delight.
After Jason is Duke, followed by Steph which was a surprise considering she had been in first for a really long time. Apparently she had a bad couple of months, reckless behaviour and stupid mistakes eventually added to her total therefore dropping her down the leader board.
Taking third place is Damian. Jason looks over at where he’s sat and he finds the kid fuming, clearly unhappy with his final position. In second place is Tim, which seems to surprise almost everyone, including Tim himself. The teenager sits on the sofa looking completely baffled but thrilled at the news. That finally leaves Harper taking first place as the person to have the least number of injuries in the past year. She jumps up to her feet yelling with joy and dancing around the room excitedly.
After the scores are announced Cass gives out little awards just as something extra which makes it all the more entertaining.
The most out-of-costume injuries award goes to Tim, who instantly claims that most of his injuries are because his best friends are meta’s and because he skateboards. No one believes the excuses however they don’t call him out on it.
The most ridiculous injury goes to Dick, who then explains how he got said injury. Apparently he miscalculated a jump when chasing someone and ended up scraping his side on a metal bin. Everyone stares at him after that story, wondering how such an experienced vigilante and acrobat even does that.
The most badass injury goes to Steph. She had gotten into a fist fight in the middle of the mall after some guys started shouting out vulgar language. Not taking any of their shit Steph beat them all to a pulp but not without taking some collateral damage herself. That award felt well deserved though it could have gone to someone else.
After wrapping up their competition they all decide to stay in the library and chill. They cheer for the new year when the clock strikes twelve and all exchange “happy new year’s.” They don’t go adventuring out to the party again which inevitably leads to Bruce hunting for them, out of worry or suspicion Jason’s not sure but when his adoptive father eventually walks into the library he’s met with a loud chorus of greetings
Bruce studies the group with narrowed eyes in suspicion. He meets each of their gazes before straightening up and leveling them all a glare.
“What’s going on? I haven’t seen any of you in a few hours only to find you all gathered in here, not fighting may I add. What have you done?”
Dick’s the first to respond. Being the oldest of the group he probably feels inclined to, especially when no one else offers up an explanation. “Wow Bruce, give us a benefit of the doubt would you, we’re simply enjoying being with one another for a change. New year and all that. Who knows, this may the start of something new.”
Bruce’s disbelieving expression conveys perfectly what he thinks of that explanation.
The room falls silent as they all stare at one another. Gestures and nods are shared between them as they try to get someone else to speak up but everyone stays silent, no one saying a peep. They never told Bruce about the competition; they really don’t know how the man would take the news but they’re all certain it wouldn’t be taken well. He definitely wouldn’t see the funny side of the whole thing, even if they explain the rules to it and how they’re not actually assholes and wouldn’t include life threatening wounds to the count.
In the end it doesn’t matter because eventually Bruce puts his hands up and shakes his head. “You know what, I don’t want to know. Whatever it is just keep it to yourselves and if you make a mess, clean it up. The less I know the better.”
With no more words Bruce turns around and leaves the room. For several moments after the man’s sudden departure they each exchange baffled looks, silently questioning what just happened. It stays like that for a while until several members of the family simultaneously shrug. The action causes an eruption of laughter and all of them end up cackling until they couldn’t breathe and had tears running down their faces.
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e-jaegerenthusiast · 3 years
so this is goodbye
aot manga spoilers (everything + 139 included)
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sketch by me (ik, ew)
warnings/tw; angst. heartache. agony 😁
summary; except for mikasa and armin, what did eren say to the others when he came to visit them?
song; visions of gideon-sufjan stevens
note; i was expecting the extra pages for 139 to be this. but oh well, i love them either way— aot has many stories to tell still. cant wait.
it was the least eren could do for him. after being his captain for so many years, making countless sacrifices for him, listening to him. he knew levi didn’t have a dream for himself, he knew his dream was erwin’s dream, erwin’s promise. so he could only guess what else he would like.
Levi flinched, one second he was sitting with the others on that damned ship, on their way to stop eren, but with a blink of his eye, he was sitting behind a bar. he glanced at his surroundings, trying to figure out what’s happening, he was always good at that, he needed to be. it wasn’t a bar, it seemed to be a counter of some sort, he ran his hand on the underside of the wooden counter, yet no dust came off when he brought his fingers to his own face.
the faint sound of a kettle diverted his gaze onto the stove not so far from him, he furrowed his brows, where was he? as he listened to the way the kettle boiled slowly, a familiar voice caught his attention. “hey...captain,” he had heard that voice call him captain one too many times. he didn’t even need to turn to know who it was, yet he still did. wanting to see with his own eye. eren was sitting in one of the round tables with 3 chairs, he looked younger. he looked like the same fifteen year old brat levi taught and looked after himself. his hair short, eyes burning a bright jade, no longer teal like present..present?
levi wanted to beat that brat up so much, didn’t matter if he was taller than him, or held the power of three powerful titans, he wanted to beat him to a pulp with his own knees. teach him how he has wasted his whole life protecting the boy, was war and genocide how he was going to repay him? repay their sacrifices? repay his sacrifice?
all thoughts were dusted away, sucked away into oblivion as eren spoke to him, levi looked down at his own fists, why were they clenched? why was he mad at fifteen year old eren? he was just a kid. “this is your tea shop captain, do you like it?” eren talked with a monotone voice, it felt like deja vü to levi, yet he didn’t know why. he couldn’t tell why his voice didn’t match his appearance. yet there was this nagging feeling in his brain , he shouldn’t be here.
“tea— tea shop? tsk, i don’t own a damn tea shop.” never in his life levi had doubts about anything, yet for once he spoke his words without knowing the truth behind them. eren looked down at his hands, stretching his fingers out before unstretching them again, he let out a sound, levi’s brows furrowed. was the damn brat laughing? or was he crying? he couldn’t tell what emotions eren held anymore.
“y’know captain,” eren spoke slowly as he got out of the table in the corner of the shop, making his way to the counter and sitting infront of levi, “you’re an ackerman. so obviously you won’t buy this stupid fake reality i made to try and condone my actions to you.” eren put a hand on his own forehead, tugging at his own hair, a tear drop rolled down his face, “it’s pathetic really, out of all the others, i don’t have anything planned to tell you, captain levi.” levi’s eyes widened and he seemed to be deep in thought, “it doesn’t matter if i apologize captain, it won’t bring back the lives of our soldiers who died for this, who died for me.”
levi was getting glimpses of memories back with each word that left eren’s lips, erwin’s limp body laying on that rooftop, petra’s neck pulled back against that tree, “i’ve failed you, captain levi.” hange’s hopefull eyes even as she dived into her own demise.
levi’s eye twitched, lunching towards eren over the counter, both of them falling down to the ground with what should’ve been an ear deafening noise, yet it was quite. it was quite as levi’s punches landed against the boy’s cheeks. it was quite until levi broke the silence, finally shouting. letting it out, “why?! why?! why did you do all this?! huh?” another punch to eren’s nose, yet he wouldn’t say anything, his eyelids low as he looked at levi with a grim expression. “god dammit you brat! why?! if you’re the all knowing! why couldn’t you change things? make it so that so many people wouldn’t have to die?!”
‘tell me if there’s another way!’ he had shouted at hange past the cells of his prison. he knew she was going to die. he knew and yet, shouting at her about not being able to change things was the last encounter between them before she burned within eren’s hell. he would see her later, not in this life. but he would cry and beg for her forgiveness as she smiles at him, making jokes about the bang she went out in.
levi’s knuckles were dripping blood now, yet he didn’t feel even the slightest of burning pain. he brought his hands up, the blood dripping down his fingers and onto his palm, painting it red. with a flick of both his wrists, the blood from his palm splattered onto eren’s face, mixing with the blood running down his nose. “this blood,” levi clenched and unclenched his fists, making more blood drip onto eren’s neck. “all of this blood, it’s on you, it’s on me, it’s on us.”
bang! a bullet. a damned bullet. shot by a young girl, a young hotheaded brat that reminded him too much of himself. he had seen it. he knew it was going to happen, yet why? why was he shaking? why was his heart trembling for the potato girl? why did he burst out crying? his own friends family forgetting the way he copes as they accused him of laughing at their friend’s death. how would he laugh? how could he laugh? it was all on him. he knew it. but he had to continue. for them.
with that, levi rolled off of eren, sitting on the wooden floor next to the boy as he took deep breaths, trying to calm himself. what was this feeling? he felt it all the way in his guts, traveling up his vocal cords and settling right above his adam’s apple. his lips trembled, his bloody hands coming up to cover his face, to try and mix the blood with the tears running from his eyes. why was he hitting eren?
they wouldn’t mix. his tears were hot, steaming down his cheeks as it burned him. eren’s blood.. eren’s blood had ran cold. blood shouldn’t be cold, levi of all people knew that, having felt it cover his hands and face one too many times. blood was supposed to be warm.
blood. blood everywhere. it was warm, burning his palms, burning his soul. he was just a kid, yet he had just killed two grown men. blood covered his hands, blood covered his soul. he knew he wouldn’t be the same. he knew the girl wouldn’t be the same after he wrapped the scarf around her.
he looked next to him, eren sitting with his legs crossed as they both sat in the center of the tea shop. levi looked down at his own hands, covered in blood, matching eren’s face. he blinked, eren’s face now clean, levi looked down at his own hands again, the blood was gone.
eren got up, holding his hand out for levi to hold, levi sighed, getting up as he used eren’s hand for leverage. “captain levi, i’ll explain everything to you as fast as i can, but you have to promise me something,” levi looked up at him, a sad expression on his face. “you have to help mikasa kill me. it’s the only way.” eren said as his face contorted into his older self, messy bun with loose strands falling down to his forhead. only way to what? it gave levi a headache.
levi never wanted to visit that god forsaken island again. he was content in marley, he had made a life for himself. his own tea shop, somehow it looked exactly like the one eren showed him. gabi and falco helped him take care of it, while taking care of him without his knowledge. sometimes he would find himself wishing he could visit eren’s grave, so he stared at the wooden floor of the tea shop, blood passing by his eyes as he wishes he didn’t paint the floors with it when he saw eren. he looks away as he feels a tear sliding down his cheek. that selfless brat.
he would always be fighting with the boy, over things that did not need fighting over. but that’s what they say about frenemies, even as they act like they despise eachother, they truly admire eachother secretly. that’s what Jean felt for him. he was jealous sometimes, but mostly out of admiration for the brunette.
he always wanted a peaceful life, wanted to live happily next to someone he loves, he wanted a normal life. he didn’t even want to join the survey corps at first, wanting to thrive in the easygoing state of the military. yet, something about the hotheaded, determined boy sparred him on to risk his life, over and over.
Jean opened his eyes, the sunset could be seen on the distance not too far from the hillside. tall, green spruce trees sat around him, a cool breezing hitting them as he closed his eyes again, taking a deep breath. he was at peace, he didn’t know why but he was comfortable.
he opened his eyes the moment he heard the annoying voice of his rival, “oi, jean,” eren was sitting next to him, hair fanning around his neck. he looked like he was sixteen, but in jean’s mind, he always looked like that.
jean rolled his eyes, closing them and sighing as he laid down, feeling cool grass tickle his ears. “what are you doing here, idiot? don’t bother me when i’m relaxing.”
eren raised a brow as he looked down at jean, a small smile creeping its way accross his lips, “you’re always smart when you’re giving orders jean, what happened now?”
jean opened his eyes again, this time a slight shock twirling in his hazel orbs, leaning on one elbow as his face relaxed a bit, “right. we’re sitting here in your brain or something, as in reality, you’re actually destroying the whole world.”
eren rolled his eyes, a sad smile residing on his features. “listen jean, this isn’t going to be easy, none of this is. i’m just asking you to see eye to eye with me here?”
jean gave eren a sympathetic smile, slowly nodding his head, motioning for him to go on.
eren didn’t expect that, he didn’t expect jean to just sit and listen to his point of view of all people. his face contorted into one of confusion.
jean put his hand on eren’s shoulder, squeezing slightly as he nodded his head again, “i trust your judgment, eren.”
eren could feel tears pool in his eyes, threatening to fall any second, he was quite literally exhausted in every way. he needed a shoulder to cry on, he knew armin saw him breakdown, but it wasn’t enough. he felt like he could cry a river if he let himself. if his pride let him.
there was a heavy weight on his shoulders, the weight of the whole world, the weight of his friends’ and comrads’ lives, the weight of his own dignity, the weight of his decisions. the weight of the past, present, the future.
a single tear rolled down his cheek, he turned his head to the side quickly, wiping it away with his elbow but it was too late, jean had noticed it.
jean frowned, getting concerned as he wrapped one arm around eren, not really knowing what he’s doing.
eren’s body stiffened, his breath getting caught in his throat. jean took the silence as welcoming, wrapping another hand around him hesitantly, bringing eren close to his chest.
involuntary, the next breath eren let out turned into a broken sob, taking himself and jean by surprise as he broke down in jean’s arms, his screams echoing in the mountains and hilltops around them.
after a few seconds, eren calmed down a bit, moving away from jean as he wiped his eyes, hiding his head in his own arms.
jean chuckled, “idiot, did you just cry? what a baby.” he teased. eren looked at him with red eyes, letting out a chuckle, and several after that. playfully hitting jean’s shoulder
after their shared laughter died down, jean took a deep breath, “y’know eren... i never really hated you, i hope that—“ eren caught him off, saying in a low voice “i didn’t either, promise.”
jean gave him a sad smile, tears burning his own eyes as he tried to blink them away, “i know everything that you’re doing is for us. i know the others don’t realize it, but i do. i know it all has a reason behind it, yeah? suicidal bastard.”
eren nodded rapidly, weakly smiling as he spoke “i promise, yes. yes it does, i’m trying—“ his voice shook, “trying to do the right thing here, jean. everything— everything is happening so fast and at the same time and i just—“
jean ran his hand up and down eren’s back, “i know eren, i know. actually no, i’m stupid, and probably not even half as smart as you are. i can’t imagine or even begin to know what you’re going through.”
eren sniffed, looking back at jean with a pleading look in his eyes, “live a long life jean, please.”
jean gave a broken chuckle, “if you let me, yeah, that’s the goal.”
with that they both broke down, their tears not stopping as broken laughs left both the grown men’s mouths, pressing their foreheads together as they couldn’t even tell the difference between laughter or sobs anymore.
“and jean— make sure mikasa’s happy.”
jean tried to speak but eren shushed him,
“please, draw me for her. i know you can. make sure she doesn’t forget my face, yeah?”
“and take care of her jean, make her happy.” he said with a broken sob.
he would hug his own knees as he visited eren’s grave, he would talk to him as if he was there, teasing him and calling him an idiot, in hopes he could hear it from somewhere. he would sit in silence, covering his own ears occasionally. suicidal bastard, he thought as he would repeat their conversation in his head by the hillside as the sun rose.
Connie was always the goofy guy of the group, he’d make eren laugh a lot when they were together. his compassion being shown with jokes and snarky comments here and there.
they were really good friends, eren didn’t know when connie stopped being his goofy self, he didn’t know when he stopped making jokes with him. he had forgot it all, his memories like broken fragments of glasses all messed up in his head.
maybe it was when sasha died, when connie was left alone and broken. when he lost his twin, his other half. when he looked eren in the eyes with horror swirling in them instead of humor, tears rolling down his cheeks as it seemed all of the color from his face was drained and thrown off that damned airship.
maybe he lost all hope in eren then, maybe he thought of him as maniac, a complete psychopath who would laugh at his own family’s death.
little he knew all that eren was going through for them, little he knew all the things the young boy had to endure just because he was born into this world.
hot embers of fire swirled around in the cold air as wind blew, it was silent, peaceful. connie looked around himself, the crackling fire burning brightly on what seemed to be a rocky side of the beach, the sound of waves crashing against nearby stones filling his ears.
he looked up, sky littered in twinkling stars that seemed to be winking just for him. and not long passed before he heard eren’s smooth voice, mildly startled as he looked next to him.
eren was sitting there, staring up at the stars as each of them seemed to twinkle in his emerald green eyes, he looked fifteen, like when they first became friends. like when he would hear his stories and be impressed by the brave boy that wanted to take on all the titans by himself.
“hey, connie, why do you think starts die?”
connie chuckles, “i don’t know, they get sick?”
eren raises his brows, “well, kind of, yeah.”
eren sighed, “fine i’ll tell you, you’ve always been bad at riddles anyway.”
connie pushed him with his elbows slightly as he rolled his eyes.
“they die out, one day they just... get tired and exhausted of shining. even though they look really pretty, they die too.” eren sighed.
connie frowned, slowly realizing where he is and why eren is there. he looked at eren with wide eyes.
eren turned to him, eyes pleading as he spoke, “i’m sorry about sasha, connie. i really am. i swear i couldn’t stop it, if i could, i would. it’s not like that it’s—“
connie stopped him, startling the boy as he hugged him. “it’s okay eren. she would forgive you.”
eren smiled, another tear rolling down his cheek, god dammit.
“your mom can be saved, i’ll save her. i’ll do it connie. live a long life with her.”
he would smile at the sky constantly, always staring at the starts as they twinkled down at him, he knew eren was one of them. he hoped at least. “my mom did live eren, thank you.”
eren would look up to Reiner like his own older brother, like his mentor. times were he fell on his ass during training, reiner would be there to pick him up. to always lend him a hand when he needed it.
he didn’t know he would have to go against eren numerous times, every battle of theirs ending with both of their titans beaten down and their souls exhausted, never really having a clear winner.
reiner hated that part of himself, that part that thought of eren as a younger brother, as an ambitious kid that was too goal-driven for his own good.
he also hated the part of himself that longed to kill eren, to finally fulfill his task that made him lose bertoldt, to finally have that weight off his shoulders. to finally be at peace with his family.
in conclusion, reiner hated all parts of himself. he wanted to put an end to himself, yet he couldn’t do it, he was too cowardly, and he also hated himself for that.
the sound of a river could be heard in the distance as reiner sighed, his head aching and not knowing his surroundings, he wasn’t supposed to be here. he was supposed to be fighting. fighting for his life, fighting for other’s lives.
“oh, reiner.” eren’s voice startled him as he looked to his side, eren’s hair long and facial hair on his face was bringing deja vu to reiner. if he weren’t terrified that day, he would be impressed by how much eren has really grown.
reiner sighed, nodding his head in response. “help my friends, they were once yours too. they still are, reiner.”
reiner felt a stinging in his eyes, yet he couldn’t tell what it was as he looked at eren, nodding rapidly, “i am. i know. you were all my family too, eren.”
reiner cried, eren having a sad smile on his face as he watched him. “i want you to live a long life reiner, just like all of them, okay? please don’t end it yourself.”
reiner’s hands shook as he looked at eren, “i’m not even half the man you are eren.”
“you looked out so well for all of us, i promise i will too, i’ll take care of them, bro.”
he never thought suicidal thoughts anymore. he stopped hating himself for everything. he would visit eren’s grave with a smile, thanking him under his breath quietly, checking in on all of his friends more and more as he found his true self.
Annie didn’t feel much towards the boy, he thought he was a hotheaded idiot who was going to meet his end by annie herself.
yet she was wrong, he was way stronger than she thought. and she admired that.
annie blinked, warm sun dancing on skin as she stood up, she was surrounded by flowers, the smell of colorful tulips filling the air with the soft breeze.
she walked through the field, closing her eyes as she breathed in the scent of the flowers, calming her senses.
when she opened them, eren was standing infront of her, hair short and physique small as he looked just like the last time she saw him, the last time she tried to kill him.
“long time, annie.” he mumbled, his hands inside his pockets as he walked closer.
annie clenched her fists by her sides, taking a deep breath as she looked at him, and then she realized it.
she realized where she was and how she was one of the many people who started this. who turned eren into this, a frown sat on her features as she started panicking, wanting to scream.
she felt eren’s hand on her shoulder, calming her breathing slightly and taking her out of her trance.
“calm down, annie. it’s okay, it’s not your fault.”
“i’m sorry, eren.”
eren gave her shoulder a squeeze, reassuring her as he gave her a soft smile, “take care, annie.”
she kept the ring, it reminded her of eren, the only stupid little thing reminding her of all the hardships she’s had to overcome, all the things eren had to overcome as she was frozen in time in that damn basement. she would live her life to the fullest now. his sacrifices wouldn’t go to vain.
and so, even if war continues, even if all eren’s sacrifices barely made a dent in history, at least his friends were thankful. they were thankful as they lived long lives without no longer having to fight for it constantly. thanking eren and holding him dear in their hearts at all times.
© all content belongs to e-jaegerenthusiast, do not repost or copy any of my work
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five-rivers · 3 years
Long Night in the Valley chapter 14
“It’s Bakugo.”
“Old Bakugo,” said Todoroki.
“I don’t know,” said Uraraka. “He hasn’t sworn at us yet.”
“Wish fulfillment old Bakugo,” corrected Todoroki.
First contact, said two voices. Aizawa could recognize one as belonging to Two.
“Stop comparing me to the exploding brat,” snapped Two. He returned his attention to Midoriya. “I don’t agree with your philosophy,” he said. “But this isn’t the time or the place.”
Midoriya nodded even as he swayed in place, the edges of his body fuzzy.
“Your idea will work. Eight can take him.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Aizawa.
“Nine here just ran into that fire user.”
“Dabi,” supplied Midoriya, voice thin. “Thank you for letting me use your quirk, sensei.”
“Anytime,” said Aizawa.
“Is there anything we can do?” asked Uraraka.
“Stay back and don’t distract him,” said Two. “I’d send you on ahead to One, but I need to give him my power if he wants his ridiculous escape plan to work.” He crossed his arms. “Focus, Nine.”
The thing was, Dabi relied on his quirk to the exclusion of everything else. Which was fine. It was a powerful quirk, and his body really wasn’t up to quirkless fighting, seeing as it was literally stapled together.
But there was a reason he had not faced Aizawa himself in the training camp, but instead had delegated that task to one of Twice’s duplicates. No matter how much his quirk hurt him, no matter how much it reminded him of that man and that time, he did not fare well in fights without it.
Toshinori and Izuku had picked up on this, and, thanks to the joys of partial telepathy and haunted quirks, had managed to come up with a plan.
It was, if Izuku was being honest, a sort of terrible plan, but Izuku and Toshinori were both injured and exhausted, and it was the best they could come up with.
Izuku would hang back and cancel Dabi’s quirk, while Toshinori beat him to a pulp.
This division of labor was decided upon through the observation that Toshinori had much greater experience in beating people to pulp and that Izuku probably wouldn’t be able to focus on using Aizawa’s quirk and fighting at the same time. But Izuku worried. Toshinori had been under so much strain today. His body was in just as bad a shape as Dabi’s. If Izuku blinked.
So don’t blink.
What a comforting consensus from the peanut gallery in the back of his head.
Nana chuckled, but she sounded strained. Not much else we can do for you right now, kid.
Toshinori was prepared to fight dirty.
As a hero and Symbol of Peace, he was often faced with the expectation that his fights be clean, straightforward affairs. Usually, he complied with the expectation. Few people could match his strength. Few enemies stood up again or kept fighting after he knocked them back, once. For those enemies who could match him, relatively clean fights were often still the best option to defeat them.
But there had always been exceptions, All for One being chief among them.
Toshinori could fight dirty. It was a skill he knew better than to let lapse.
He knew how much old injuries could hurt, and he had no scruple against going after them. Any weak point was fair game.
(This wasn’t even beginning to mention the others, still whispering in the back of his mind, who had maintained the thin line between the light of hope and the darkness of despair for so many years.)
His fist impacted the line of Dabi’s medical staples. Toshinori felt them bite into his knuckles, felt Dabi’s skin tear around them.
The man – the boy, really, he couldn’t be more than a handful of years older than Izuku – reeled back, shaking his hands as if he couldn’t quite believe his quirk was gone. Then he looked up, at Izuku, and Toshinori could give him this, at least: He caught on fast.
He snapped an arm out, clotheslining Dabi before he could pass him and attack Izuku. Dabi hit the ground, and Toshinori tried to follow up his advantage with a sharp kick to the head.
But, even with as much experience as Toshinori had, Dabi was younger and sprier. He recovered quickly, retaliating with comparatively clumsy but strong fists.
Toshinori was very aware of the time limit he was on. How long had Izuku kept his eyes open already? Aizawa could only keep his version of the quirk going for a few minutes.
He knew when Izuku started to waver, the concern of the past users going clear and sharp in the back of his head.
Dabi’s hands burst into flame.
“Touya!”shouted Izuku.
The man whipped his head around, apparently forgetting that Toshinori was even there.
“We saw your hair dye, you drama queen!”
Toshinori grabbed the sides of Dabi’s head, and tried to slam it into his knee, but Dabi pulled free. They were both breathing heavily, now, but Izuku had his eyes back open and fixed on Dabi.
Toshinori doubted they’d be so lucky to distract Dabi again. The others slid into place in his mind, their experience neatly complimenting his own. They needed to finish it before Izuku had to blink again.
They raised their fists.
“Visit your mom, you loser!”
They closed in.
“At least tell the police what happened to you, so they can get your siblings out!”
So, it turned out Izuku did have something else to contribute to the fight.
“Please repeat what you told me earlier,” ordered the HPSC president.
The hapless liaison with the DNA testing center flinched, then hid the flinch behind a cough. “Well,” he said, “our technicians ran Midoriya’s DNA through a number of databases, and Midoriya is related to the Scourge of Kamino, but, uh, I think it best if I let her explain the rest.” He stepped out of view of the camera, the coward.
The technician waved at the camera. “Hi, uh. So, I guess the first weird thing about the sample you gave me was how contaminated it was. There were, like, almost a dozen different people’s worth of DNA in the sample you gave me, which… usually Hawks is better than that? But then I remembered the nomu DNA, and the Scourge’s DNA, so in retrospect… Anyway, I sort of ran them all through our databases—”
“Which databases?” interrupted Mr. Brave. “The commission ones, the police ones, the public ancestry ones?”
“All of them,” said the technician. “I ran them through the old ones, too, because the Scourge of Kamino is supposed to be over a hundred years old, isn’t he? I’m kind of surprised he wasn’t run through the old databases himself earlier. You could have closed dozens of cases.”
“Get on with it,” hissed the offscreen commission liaison.
“But I ran them through, and, uh, one was All Might.”
A whisper ran through the room. “He stole All Might’s quirk?” asked one hero, traumatized.
“I don’t know,” said the technician, nervously. “I mean, All Might was there, so it could have just been contaminated in the normal way, but… No, I’ll come back to All Might’s DNA in a bit. Then there were three other heroes’ DNA, Skyrunner, Fidelity, and Lariat.”
“We’ll have to assume he has their quirks, too,” said the commission president grimly, for the benefit of the assembled heroes. “Continue.”
“Another matched to the vigilante Forewarning. Then one matched to what was labeled as a 99% surety DNA sequence from Tempest.”
“My god,” said Mr. Brave.
“Then there were some sequences that matched to samples taken from the scenes of various crimes and terrorist actions but are otherwise unknown. That left two DNA samples that could be Midoriya’s assuming he isn’t over a hundred years old. They both matched as relatives to the Scourge of Kamino.”
“What kind of relatives?”
“Uh, one was rather distant, and was actually had the least DNA present out of all the other strands… The closest possible relation would be half-brother, although cousins might be possible… The other was a parent-child relationship, and the most present DNA sequence, so I would assume that one belonged to Midoriya. The thing is…” She trailed off.
“We don’t have all day.”
“The thing is, all of the different people I’ve mentioned also are related to the Scourge of Kamino.”
“Excuse me,” said Mt. Lady, raising a hand. “Did you say all of them? Like, including—”
“Including All Might, yes, though he’s probably more like a great-grandson or something along those lines,” said the technician. “Once you get more than a generation or two, it’s hard to tell, because the ratios of what you get from grandparents aren’t even…”
“Do you have anything more to add?”
“Yeah. After running them through the databases… Well, there are dozens of active heroes that are at least loosely related to either them or the Scourge of Kamino, not to mention villains, common criminals, and civilians who had to register their DNA for one reason or another. And the ShiHi cell line? The one that replaced the HeLa line in almost every drug trial after the quirked population got majority status? That’s a perfect match.” She laughed, clearly on the edge of hysteria. “I mean, I don’t know what we expected. He’s over a century old, of course he’s going to have kids and family members. And he’s – And he’s clearly into shady medical research. Wouldn’t put it past him to have donated to sperm banks, the sick—”
The commission president muted the technician. “You see,” he told the heroes, “why we must act to contain and neutralize Midoriya Izuku as a threat as soon as possible. So many heroes being related to an archvillain like the Scourge of Kamino would damage confidence in the hero system, perhaps irreparably.”
“Are any of us-?”
“I don’t think that’s relevant right now, do you?” asked the commission president, smoothly. “What is relevant is ensuring that Midoriya’s DNA family tree never gets into public hands.” He fell quiet, scanning the heroes with dark eyes. “Regardless of whether or not any of you could find yourselves in it, the fact of the matter is that the ensuing investigations would lay bare other things you may not wish to come to light.” He cleared his throat. “Now, Hawks is putting together a team to track down the League of Villains. In light of recent revelations, we believe they have been working closely with Midoriya…”
“Maybe you can use my quirk,” said Shouto. “If you’re fighting Dabi, ice would be the perfect counter.”
Midoriya shook his head. “You’re not related. Can’t.”
Two sighed. “The trick he did with your teacher’s quirk only works on people related to him.”
Shouto blinked, then turned to look at Aizawa. “Sensei—”
“Absolutely not,” said Iida, loudly.
“You don’t know what I was going to say,” protested Shouto.
“You can’t ask people if they have secret love children! It’s improper! Let us simply wait quietly like, ah, I’m not sure we caught your name earlier, sir.”
“No, you didn’t,” said Two.
“In any case, let us wait quietly,” said Iida, not one to be easily put out.
“I’m related to Midoriya?” asked Aizawa in tones approaching despair.
“You are,” said Two. “I think you’re related to one of my younger siblings, like Six is. Possibly to the Shimuras, as well, given the secondary portion of your quirk.”
“So,” said Shouto, the gears in his brain turning, “Midoriya is related to all of you?”
“Some more distantly than others, but, yes.”
“So, he based you off relatives and people he knew in real life.”
Two sighed heavily. “Look. That was obviously a lie. Six only bothered with it because of that government bastard that’s crawling around.”
Midoriya had been right. Shouto’s conspiracy theories could be used as an interrogation technique.
“Then what’s the truth?” asked Shouto. “Or are you just embarrassed, like Midoriya is about how All Might is clearly his father?”
Midoriya made a very distressed sound, and Shouto realized that maybe this wasn’t the time.
“You have no room to talk when the pyromaniac currently trying to roast Eight is your older brother, you peppermint styled weirdo.”
“You really are like Bakugo.”
“Do you have some sort of death wish?”
“C-can you guys not? This is hard…” said Midoriya. Then, he gasped and fell to his knees. “He got him. Oh, gosh.” He took a deep breath. “My eyes.”
“Luckily, you won’t need them for this,” said Two, kneeling in front of Midoriya. “In the movement, I was called Shadow Dragon. One came up with the name. He named my quirk, too. Perception Filter. Wanted to name it Chameleon Circuit for a while, but that made no sense. He was such a nerd. He’s still a nerd.”
“Yeah?” panted Midoriya. “Guess that… isn’t a surprise. He used old manga to support his arguments with—No, it doesn’t make it better that you only used that argument once. I mean, sure, I’d probably have made the same—”
“Focus, Nine,” said Two, snapping his fingers in front of Midoriya’s face.
Shouto stepped forward.
“It’s okay, Todoroki,” said Midoriya. “I’m just… How did it work? The Perception Filter?”
“No idea. We didn’t have fancy tests and doctors on hand to figure out the mechanics. But I can tell you what it did. When it first came in—” Midoriya nodded at this, as if he heard something in the sentence that Shouto was missing, “—I could disappear from the senses of one targeted person, along with anything I was carrying. Sight, hearing, smell – that last will be the important one for you.”
“Gigantomachia,” said Midoriya, nodding again.
“Exactly. Later, I was able to affect more people at a time, and my range grew. The fewer people I was hiding from, the farther I could reach, up to about a mile. Sometimes, I could draw attention towards myself, too, although I could never keep it up for long.”
“Activation?” asked Midoriya.
“Don’t think too hard about being hidden. You’re blending in. Part of the scenery. No ripples on the surface of the pond. A shadow inside a shadow.”
“Okay,” said Midoriya. “I think I’ve got it. Were you… were you ever able to hide other people with you? Otherwise…”
“Sometimes I thought I did. When Three and I worked together, we were always way luckier than we should have been, and there were some incidents with cars… But it never happened in a way I could test. Your best bet is just carrying Eight.”
“R-right. Okay. I’ll try that.”
“Izuku, you can barely open your eyes. Or stand up. You aren’t going to carry me.”
“But Two said—”
Toshinori frowned deeply and hoped Two got the message. “Just focus on yourself, right now, alright? Gigantomachia will be looking for you, first, not me.”
We’ve always been thankful Gigantomachia isn’t the brightest of All for One’s minions.
Even if he is one of the most annoying.
I don’t know if annoying is the word I’d use…
Toshinori blinked and shook his head. “You’re shaking,” he said.
“I’m okay,” said Izuku, trying to get up. “T’many quirks at once.”
Toshinori put his hands on Izuku’s shoulders, silently telling him to stay down. What a time to forget where he had packed the blankets… Although…
He looked back at where he’d propped Dabi, unconscious, up against a tree.
Dabi seemed to have a cold resistance vestigial mutation… although how Toshinori knew that was a mystery for another day (one probably connected with how One for All manifested in Izuku) and he was a fire quirk user. He didn’t really need that jacket. Besides, Toshinori was a villain now. Sort of. As he and Izuku had discussed earlier, villains were veritable bastions of pettiness.
He stole Dabi’s coat and wrapped it around Izuku’s shoulders.
Miles away, trying to coordinate heroes over a video call, Hawks lost contact with one of his feathers. Specifically, the one he’d hidden in Dabi’s coat. He did not frown, twitch, stutter, or otherwise falter. He did, however, curse internally, using words he suspected the hero commission would have like him to never have learned.
Dabi must have found the feather and destroyed it. Hawks had thought he’d hidden it better than that.
This was going to be a pain to explain.
Giagantomachia paused for a second, then, with a howl, redoubled his attacks.
“Can anyone tell what he’s screaming about?” demanded Tomura.
“No idea!” said Toga, her cheerfulness more than a little ragged.
“Hey, boss!” said Twice. “If I made a double of this guy, do you think they’d fight each other, or – Dear god, who in their right mind would want two of these things running around?”
“LITTLE LORD,” wailed Machia, “WHERE DID YOU GO?”
“Say, Shigaraki,” said Mr. Compress, narrowly dodging a boulder, “you don’t – ha – think he’s referring to the little green haired – er, white haired – oh, you know what I mean.”
Yeah, Tomura did, actually, which meant the brat (who might be Sensei’s brat – don’t think about it) was around here somewhere, and they’d missed him.
(Like everything else about this situation, Tomura had mixed feelings about this.)
“So, maybe, if the boy and the giant are acquainted, the mother—”
“Do all of you idiots have a death wish? You don’t fight two bosses at once unless you want to be pancaked.”
“I was thinking she could perhaps calm the giant—”
“Yeah, right before they team up to kill us. What part of this are you not getti-?”
Mr. Compress didn’t quite make the dodge and was catapulted into one of the few nearby trees that were still standing. As he lost consciousness, all of the various marbles in his pockets ballooned and broke, disgorging their contents. This meant that Tomura had to rescue Midoriya Inko from being crushed between an entire bus stop shelter (why, Compress, why?) and several logs, because if there was even a chance that she was Sensei’s wife, Tomura didn’t fancy his chances at staying alive if she was unalived in his general vicinity.
As Tomura was in no way a goody-two-shoes hero student, had never trained himself to safely save people, and had a quirk that literally destroyed everything his touched, this went far from perfectly.
At least Midoriya seemed unharmed.
“Ah,” she said. “My shirt.” She shifted slightly. “And my bra…”
There was a shout of utter rage from Gigantomachia, and Tomura contemplated just letting Machia kill him. Surely, being stomped flat by a man taller than most five story buildings would be less painful than whatever Sensei would come up with.
“Oh, my, Machia, is that you?” asked Midoriya Inko, quite calmly, as if she weren’t standing half naked in the middle of a battlefield in winter. “It’s been forever.”
“MRS. LORD!” shouted Machia, his eyes tearing up. “I AM SO SORRY! I LOST LITTLE LORD!”
“Oh, really? He was here, then?” Her eyes were glittering. “I’m sure he couldn’t have gone too far. If we walk around a bit, I’m sure he’ll hear us calling. In the meantime… perhaps you can explain to me what, exactly, you do for my husband? Your role in his business seems to have been downplayed.”
“Is that better?” asked Toshinori.
Izuku nodded tiredly. Despite Two’s instructions, he couldn’t keep up Perception Filter and, well, do anything else, really. Toshinori wasn’t much better. Izuku could tell, through One for All, that he was also on his last legs.
“Alright. Let’s keep going the way we were before,” said Toshinori, pulling Izuku up. “Got to get out of Gigantomachia’s range, so you can sleep.”
He did not say that reaching the Wild Wild Pussycats’ camp was now out of the question, with how beaten up they were. They’d be sleeping outside tonight. Hopefully they had enough clothes and blankets…
Izuku shuddered as the pounding sensation in his head increased.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” said Toshinori, guiding Izuku with a hand on his back. “Good, you have the briefcase, good.” Toshinori kept muttering encouragement. Izuku really wasn’t paying attention, which made him feel terrible, but he had to keep Perception Filter going. He had to keep going. Just a little bit more… Aizawa-sensei and his friends were almost to One. One would get them out before he broke through.
He just had to hold on until then.
Midoriya’s form flickered and then faded. Two sighed.
“Is he alright?” asked Aizawa. “Is he safe?”
“As safe as he and Eight can be, wandering through a forest filled with All for One’s minions while the government tries to track him down in the middle of winter,” replied Two. “Which isn’t very safe, speaking from experience. Come on, let’s go.” Two walked out the hole in the wall, not waiting to see if Aizawa or any of the kids followed.
“You’re calling Yagi Eight, now?” asked Aizawa.
“That’s his number, yeah. Hurry up.”
“Yagi, not Yagi’s… impression, his copy in Midoriya’s mind.” Two didn’t answer. “You aren’t impressions or copies at all, are you? You’re real people, somewhere, that Midoriya is connected to. Why pretend otherwise?”
“Some of the others thought Nine could fix things with the government, if they didn’t know what was really going on. Thought it would be ‘worth it.’ So stupid, after everything…” They walked through the compound gate and into a living room.
“It seems awfully contrived, though. Why try to be dead heroes? Why pick people like Skyrunner and Fidelity to impersonate?”
Two snorted. “They weren’t impersonating anyone. They really are Skyrunner and Fidelity. Except for Eight and Nine, we’re all dead, otherwise we would have finished this by now. Eight almost did, all on his own.”
They turned a corner. Two young children played in a bedroom while a teen watched on. One child was obviously a younger version of Two. That hair was distinctive. The other child had a short curtain of white hair. They had action figures they were playing with, although Aizawa didn’t recognize who they were of.
First contact, said a single, young voice.
The face of the teen leaning against the wall was scribbled out, as if with a marker.
“Don’t look too closely at that one,” said Two.
“Who is that?” asked Uraraka.
“All for One. I suppose you’d call him the Scourge of Kamino.”
“He’s your older brother?” asked Todoroki, his eyebrows raised into his hairline.
“Don’t be disgusting. Biologically speaking, he was my cousin.”
Oh, no, thought Aizawa, don’t tell me... “Is he the one you have locked away? The one you don’t count as being ‘among your number?’”
Two sighed again.
“Are you doing that instead of swearing?” asked Todoroki. “The sighing, I mean.”
“I told you to stop comparing me to the explosion brat! I—” Two tsked, then frowned. “Something’s not right.”
“What is it?”
“This isn’t a safe memory, just a quick one. One should have been here to pick you up by now.”
“What do you mean, it isn’t safe?” asked Iida, before Aizawa could. “No matter how immersed we are here, it is only a memory, isn’t it?”
“You did hear the part where he’s breaking in, didn’t you? And the part where we’re all real people? Are those glasses just for show?”
“The real All for One is trying to break into Midoriya’s mind,” said Aizawa.
“W-wait,” said Uraraka, “but… Izuku… That wouldn’t mean that the commission was right…”
“Of course not. Nine would probably cut off all his limbs before betraying his friends. Even if I don’t agree with him, and think he shouldn’t… I can still see that. But where is One?”
“Why are you telling us this?” asked Aizawa. “You’ve told us why the others didn’t. But you have no reason to say anything, yourself, do you?”
Two turned slightly, to gaze at Aizawa out of the corner of his eye.
“As long as we’re waiting, I might as well collect as much information as possible, right?”
“It’s insurance,” said Two, finally. “It’s hard to see how this will turn out. Eight wants to take Nine out of the country, but even if that works, All for One will still be here. Someone else needs at least part of the story.” He turned more fully to face Aizawa, lips pressed tight against his teeth. “You have to understand. I want Nine to… do well. I don’t want this on him. He’s a kid. So are you.” He looked at the students, then back at Aizawa. “You’re all kids. If I can get someone else to take care of this for him, while he and Eight are somewhere safe…”
“All for One is in Tartarus,” said Aizawa.
“You think something like that’s going to stop him? I’m not entirely sure death would stop him. It didn’t stop us, and he’s at least as stubborn.”
Well, wasn’t this an impossibly heavy weight to set on Aizawa’s shoulders.
“I have no sympathy, you lazy caterpillar lookalike. You’re an adult, aren’t you? Get help if you can’t do it yourself. If I find out you pushed it onto children, I’ll kill you.”
“Wow, he’s secretly soft, too, just like Bakugo,” said Todoroki. “Are you sure you’re not related.”
“There is legitimately something wrong with you. Do you—”
The hinges of the vault snapped, and the door crumpled outward. Another well-placed kick sent the door tumbling outward with a crash.
Shaking his hand, All for One stepped into the mindscape and smiled.
“Well,” he said, dragging his gaze over the assembled One for All users, his sworn enemies and the closest thing he had to family, “isn’t this a lovely little reunion?”
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fredweesleyismyslut · 4 years
Fred & George Weasley x reader Poly!headcanons
Okay, so this might suck really really badly but bare with me I haven’t really written many headcanons before and me being the talkative little pig I am I ramble too much because there’s so many thoughts flying around and then I end up writing a whole bunch so I’m sorry and I will definitely try to improve in writing more headcanons but for now...I hope you enjoy!!!!  
request: Hello if you write for poly relationships could you please do nsfw and sfw headcanons of the Weasley twins x chubby slytherin reader who is just the purest thing on earth and she wears cute skirts and resses in pastel colours and loves cute plushies pretty please?
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 Okay okay so, everyone is very surprised first year when you’re placed into Slytherin.
This is because during the train ride you just seemed so pure you were wearing your favorite pastel colored dress and looked basically like a real life doll
Essentially you were the human embodiment of an angel and no one could imagine you hurting a fly
You met the Weasley twins on the train ride and thought they were funny and as you were placed into Slytherin they both shared glances with each other clearly surprised as most thought you’d be a Hufflepuff
Well, yknow, as they say don’t judge a cover by it’s book
You were, however, the nicest Slytherin, you were constantly helping others, giving compliments as you passed people in the halls
Anyways, let’s get to the juice details now, you stayed friends with Fred and George all the way up to your fifth year, when they both started acting weird around you
It was as if they both couldn’t be around you at the same time, or else it was as if they were competing for your attention like two cats
Then, one fateful day, they came up to you at separate times and confessed to you, you spent the whole day thinking, stressing, not able to focus on your studies, until finally your friend asked, “What’s wrong?”
“How do you pick between your two favorite things, like let’s say you want cookies but you also want to have the yummy pastries on the side as well?”
Her response, sent a bell ringing through your head, “Why not both?  I mean is there a reason you have to choose?”
As soon as she said that you shot up, “I gotta go do something.”  You found Fred and George and pulled them aside, “Do I have to pick between you two?  Because I love you both...and I don’t want one without the other…”
The twins shared a glance with each other, eyes glinting with mischievous, as they responded in unison, “Yes, we quite like that idea, darling.”
 Since then, you were dating both  boys, whenever, you had classes together, they would send little notes flying your way ranging from cute things like, “You look wonderful today, y/n.” “You look great in that dress.”  
- You could tell apart the twins easily, unlike everyone most of the time, which resulted in them trying to play tricks on you a lot
You would play along for a bit before finally saying, “I can tell you two apart ding dongs, I’m not your girlfriend for no reason, now stop it or I’m ignoring you both for the rest of the week.”  After that threat, they would immediately stop, begging for attention
On days, that you were feeling down about yourself because you didn’t look like the other pretty, popular girls they would cheer you up
They would bring your favorite treats, snuggle you between them, and say sweet things like, “Well, you look absolutely divine, y/n.  And we love you, we prefer you this way it’s perfect for both of us.”  Then, they would immediately start to tickle you, till eventually you accidentally kicked one of them off the bed then they’d burst in laughter
They are also especially protective of you knowing how kind and pure hearted you were and get quite heated if anyone insults you.  As soon as someone even utters an insult your way it’s like their ears twitch and they turn around immediately, defensively standing in front of you ready to throw a punch.
Due to this there have been plenty of times you had to hold them back from beating someone to a pulp, and having to calm them down in a corner telling them it’s fine to which George responds, “It’s not fine.  They’re insulting you and honestly you shouldn’t be fine with it either.  You shouldn’t be fine with them walking over you because imagine if someone said stuff about us, you’d be angry right?  You should be that angry when someone says that to you too...but we won’t go throwing punches if you don’t want us to?  Right, Fred?”  As Fred huffs before nodding and pulling you closer to calm his anger.
Dates with the boys are usually very light hearted you would go down to Hogsmeade and eat snacks together, or they’d set up a little picnic for you with cute foods that they tried, keyword tried, to make knowing that you like cute things
They also buy you cute plushies or clothes that they think you’d like and bring it on your dates saying, “It reminded us of you so….we got it”
Next thing you know, you have like 50 different plushies crowded in your room and you don’t know how to nicely tell them to stop bringing you so many plushies because it’s too cute but eventually one of your roommates tells them off when the plushies start to fill up on their side of the room too
One time they made cookies which were very cute, but almost broke your tooth off as you took a bite, resulting in you having to go to Madam Pomfrey
After that incident, they usually just buy the snacks or have their mother send them food as you love her cooking as much as she loves you especially because you keep her troublemakers in check
Sometimes though they will purposely make nasty things to see if you’d either pretend to like it and keep eating or actually tell them off, it’s their little mini social experiment/prank on you, which you catch on eventually, and whenever you notice that evil glint in their eyes you purposely play along and make sure they eat their nasty food first to see how long it takes till they break 
Basically, these boys are just really sweet and treat you like you’re a freaking empress 
Now onto the spicy spicy details….
Fred usually initiates the contact, as he does with their pranks
He’s more so the dominating one as George follows along or sometimes watches before he jumps in, not able to handle the teasing you give him
Anywho, whenever you’re feeling down, especially being self deprecating, they both take you and show you just how much they love you, let me paint a picture:
As said, Fred usually initiates contact, you’ll be studying in the library and he’ll slide his hand up your thigh, watching as you shiver slightly from the contact goosebumps rising on your skin
Nonchalantly he asks, “Is it cold in here, darling?”  Playing his game you reply, “Nope.” and smile smugly
This will, of course, set off his slightly competitive spirit as his hand goes further, tracing the outline of the fabric covering where you need the most friction
Then George comes into play, being just as mischievous he’ll play his brother’s game, sliding his hand up your other thigh as they both continue to stare at their books as if potion ingredients were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world
A slight moan escapes, as Fred’s finger starts circling your clit, wetness pooling in your center as they both tsk, “Y/n, you’ll have to be quiet, we are in the library after all.”  
Anywho, ahem ahem, there’s usually a cycle you have going to make sure everyone gets the equal amount of attention, first it’ll be you and Fred as George, next you and George as Fred, lastly, all three of you
Fred will be pounding into you relentlessly, to blow off steam, especially if they lost a quidditch game, as George plays with your clit as you suck on his cock.
However, rough or gentle these boys are the aftercare is to die for
It’s filled with cuddles and jokes as the boys talk about what pranks they’re working on or new things for their joke shop
They usually clean you up, offer to give massages, and even if you decline they’ll both caress your bunched up shoulders working out any knots, as they trace your skin softly with their lips
But be careful, sometimes they’ll offer you drinks but in reality, it usually has some type of thing they’re planning for their joke shop, so sometimes you might end up being a guinea pig(They do test it on themselves before they test it on you though they’re not complete monsters)
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batarella · 4 years
I Don’t Hate You - Part 2 (Jason Todd x Reader)
The dumbass that I am misspelled counselor in the last part. forgive me. Also reply below if you recognize the first scene from the one it’s inspired by in Victorious!
“E-excuse me, Y/N?”
A scared little voice. One you’d easily miss if you had been listening to anything more interesting, or if Ms. Peterson allowed you to wear earphones while you worked. But the voice was right there, coming from right behind you. You turned around with your brows scrunched up to the center of your forehead.
“Uhm, I’m Jake. From Math C-class.”
The boy was visibly shaking. You kept looking at him, making sure he knew his presence was an annoyance while you had a whole cart of yellowing books for you to go through. Jake gulped. “You uhm. Borrowed my notes.”
You turned your head to the side, narrowing your eyes.
“Can I have them back please?”
Eyes widened. Nostrils flared. And not even after a split second, Jake started to back away. “I-I’m sorry. I meant uhm. You can keep them! Oh, fuck-“
He started to back away, your deathly glare locked onto him, but something stopped his back from going any further. Something much larger than he was. He turned around, craned his head up, and saw Jason Todd standing over him.
“J-Jason?!” The boy was practically going white by now. “Shit. Shit. I-I’m so sorry. I’ll go now.”
“Wait. Here.”
And he held out his hand, which was holding a dark red notebook. Jake instantly froze, looking at Jason’s calm expression, then at you. You were no longer looking at Jake. Your eyes were locked on Jason. And you looked positively furious.
“Thank y-you.” Before he could catch your eye, he ran out of the library, clutching the notebook to his chest and violently pushing everyone in his way.
Your unwilling partner turned to you, then went back to pull out his cart. He came back up from a corner, with his own cart almost empty. Todd placed a book on the same shelf you were working.
A shush from the librarian’s desk that was blocked by the shelves in your way. You didn’t respond to the old woman. Your jaw was clenched, your sharp, black nails digging into the book covers. Jason calmly took the book away from you before you’d tear it apart.
“I didn’t. You left it on the desk right over there. Didn’t think you’d care if I gave it back when you obviously didn’t need them anymore.”
“You know. Never mind these books. I’ll claw your eyes out with my bare hands.”
“You don’t have the strength or the will to do that.”
“I’ve done the same to someone else in eighth grade, you little shit. Watch me.”
Jason’s cart was empty by the time you finished that sentence. Instead of turning away, or even flinch in surprise, he folded his arms and looked down at you. “I know you think everyone in this fucking school bends to your every whim. But I have news for you, kid.”
He craned his head to near his face to yours. So close you could inhale his musky scent. You stood solid on your feet and didn’t do so much as back away. You looked at him dead in the eye.
“You don’t scare me.”
“You don’t know me just yet.”
Your voices were whispers. “You can try fuck all. I’ve seen much worse.”
And you could see the look of his eyes. There was no trace of fear or hesitance. He slowly backed away with a smirk when he saw you didn’t even have a snarky response to that. The glare you had on would’ve sent anyone else trembling. But all Jason did was pick up a book from your cart and placed it on a shelf you wouldn’t have otherwise reached.
“I’ll help you. You’re awfully slow at this.”
The amount of times your eyes rolled because of this kid’s response to you was astronomical. And it had only been a week working with him.
“Excuse me for not wanting to clean up after people.”
“Just do it. Faster.” He handed you a book, which you roughly snatched away from his hands with a loud grunt. You walked over to the other side of the shelf and placed it on an empty space. “You’re doing better. But you still put Conan Doyle’s in the True Crime shelf.”
“The what?”
“Conan Doyle. The detective books. God, you really should know about this stuff.”
“I fucking know about Sherlock Holmes, asshole.”
He picked up a pile of three books with a single large hand and placed it on the most bottom shelf. “Then why do I keep re-shelving your screw ups? This one goes there.” He hands you a book, and you quickly got it from him without giving him another glance.
“Let’s just go through the carts one by one. Together. It’s easier that way.”
“Don’t patronize me.”
“You want our jobs to be easier? Or do you wanna spend another hour in this shithole?”
You angrily grabbed a book by its spine and shoved it into a tight shelf. You grabbed the cart, turning it to the opposite side of the shelf, to which he trailed close by. You almost hit him with the wheel of your cart, but Jason backed away in time. His glare was just as devious as yours just a minute ago, and you shrugged at him, smirking, before going back to work.
You continued to work in silence. Your cart was still halfway done, and you had another hour in the library before you were allowed to go home. Pursing your lips, focusing on the book covers, re-shelving the ones you were already familiar with and glancing at the pages of a few of them, you worked faster through your cart while Jason started with the shelf behind you.
The window was lighting up his face. And you hadn’t seen it earlier today until now. A new bruise was at his cheekbone, higher up than the one that got him sent to the office. It was darker and looked even more painful. Gotten himself in another fight, perhaps. But if that were the case, you’d have definitely heard about it. You went about the halls with your eyes peeled just to catch any sort of action you regretfully missed. Jason took more time with the books, skimming them before gently placing them back.
You picked up five chemistry books from the cart and walked over two shelves away so you could come back for the cart later. Placing them on the floor, you started to arrange the mess on the shelves, just as a girl came up behind you.
Penny’s sweet voice was enough to startle you. A friend. One of the few you’d actually hang out with. Even after just two months ago, you sent this poor girl crying to the counsellor’s office after you repeatedly called her an idiot while working on your partnered assignment.
“Why are you arranging books?”
“Huh,” you cocked your hip. “Never realized I didn’t get to tell you.”
“What happened?”
You turned over to her, slamming the cover of the book flat against your palm. “VP’s attempt at a punishment after a week ago. Meet your fucking library assistant.”
“Wow,” she clutched at her books on her chest. “Is Jason Todd working with you as well?”
Your disgusted grunt didn’t even startle Penny. “Don’t get me started on that guy.”
“I saw the fight he was in. Did you?”
“No, but dammit I really fucking wanted to. What happened?”
You continued with your books, and Penny leaned against the shelf. “Don’t mess up my fucking shelves, Penny.”
You roughly pushed her shoulder away and she flinched. “Jeez. Sorry.”
“Tell me. What happened?”
“Well,” she looked at the ground. “I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Jason suddenly punched him in the face and almost knocked Brandon out. He fought back, but Jason is really… something. Brandon barely landed a hit, and Jason just kept beating him up to a bloody pulp. Didn’t even stop even when he was on the ground.”
“Jesus.” You looked over the shelves to find Jason. “Yeah. I saw Brandon. That was quite the damage.”
Penny looked at the same direction as you. Now you really wished you were there to see that fight. “He just came back from the hospital. His nose had get reconstructed.”
It eventually made sense. How Jason practically stood off with you and threatened you with your own will.
“I’d be careful around him, Y/N.”
“Please. Have I ever been afraid of anyone?”
“No. But he probably isn’t either.”
You rolled your eyes for the nth time that day, refusing to tell Penny your confrontation with Jason. She tapped your shoulder. “See you tomorrow. Good luck with the shelving.”
You nodded at her, then she left. Finishing the last book, you made your way back to the cart where Jason was standing, eyes glued to a dusty old book you couldn’t see the title of. Going through the books left in your cart, you coughed.
“Got into another fight, Todd?”
“Huh?” he looked up, then his fingers grazed against his own cheek. “Oh. Yeah. I guess.”
“Next time you pick a fight, make sure I’m at my free period.”
“Shut up.”
You chuckled. “What did Brandon say to you?”
“None of your business.”
“I told you what happened to me, asshole. Now it’s your turn.”
He went back to his book. He went through your cart fast. And about twenty of them were left for you to shelf. You kept at it, and Jason snarled at you.
“That guy’s an asshole. You know that?”
“No one saw him talk shit at me while I was at lunch. That’s when I lunged at him. That fucker deserved it.”
Strangely satisfied, you shrugged. You folded your arms and he leaned against the shelf on his shoulder, looking at you.
“I’ve thrown a few punches at him myself. Once or twice.”
“What’d he do to you?”
“He had the balls to hit on me two years ago. Aggressively.”
A breath of air escaped his nostrils. And he looked amused listening to you even. “Of course you would.” He ran a hand across his hair, and you got a better look of his eyes.
4:30. And only five books left in the cart. You threw the one you had on your hand back into the pile and waves your hands in the air. “You got the rest, don’t you Todd?”
He just stared at you after you didn’t give him a chance to pounce back, walking out of the library before the second hand reached the number 12. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you walked out the school and got your phone from your pocket.
Just as you were about to call your mom, you got a text from her.
‘Dad is here, Y/N. He’ll pick you up in a few mins.’
The smirk you had on your face died down in an instant. You almost wanted to throw your phone at the ground, but you paid too much money for that. So you settled with your foot violently landing at a metal trashcan that was unfortunate enough to be near you at the time. It crashed onto the ground and the garbage flew out of it all over the mowed grass. You stormed out into the sidewalk without catching anyone else’s eye.
‘don’t bother. I’ll walk home.’ You replied.
A thirty-minute walk didn’t seem to be much work anymore.
“Now.” Ms. Peterson’s shaky hands placed a cart full of books on Jason’s side of the table, with you sitting right across from him, and she wheeled over an empty cart to you, then placed a clipboard on top.
“These were returned this week. I haven’t got the energy to do these myself. So you two oughtta do it. List these down and watch out for any damages. These kids read like they’re tossing them around the fucking house.”
You’ve never heard an old woman swear until that day.
“Take them back to the shelves when you're done. And make sure you finish today.”
She was getting grouchier by the second. You scoffed at her and picked up an old book from the pile. “How are we supposed to look for new damages? These are older than I am.”
“Just look for any crumples on the covers, and flip through them if you see any rips.”
His thumb went through a whole book in seconds and he gave the book back to you. “That one’s clean. Place it back to the cart.”
“Just give me that.”
You took the clipboard and clicked on a pen. “I’ll list them down. Tell me if they’re any good.”
“Fine. Fundamentals of Statistics. All good.”
You ticked the box on the clipboard beside the title and got the book from his hand, placing it on the cart. While you did that, he picked up another, went through the cover, flipped through the pages, then gave it to you. “Tenth Grade Chemistry. All good.”
Another tick. You placed it on the cart and it went on and on for several books. Jason knew exactly what to look for. Any bent spines, creased covers, he looked at those books, especially the old literature ones you’d often see him skim through every day. You held out a hand for him to give you the next one, but he was busy reading a page from a Shakespearean poetry collection.
Jason was a complete nerd. Even when his demeanor clearly didn’t look like it. You wanted to laugh at him if he didn’t actually look cute with his nose scrunched up like that. You’ve also made fun of that side of him so much within a span of a few days that it just got boring by now. Instead of a chuckle, you smiled.
“Sorry.” He gave the book to you. “All good.”
Just as you placed it on the cart, he brought up a book with a torn cover and his face almost broken in disgust.
“I know. What an animal.”
He placed the book on the side like it was toxic waste and sneered. “Take note of that.”
That’s when you laughed. He just scowled at you while he continued with the next one. You finished through the pile with 45 minutes to spare, which was all the time you had to place these back on the shelves.
You both got up from the table and Jason pushed the cart with you leading the way. Starting with the science books, you started to loosen up the shelves.
“Getting the hang of this, Y/N?”
“Don’t get used to this. We still have nine weeks. By the end of this you’d be repulsed at the sight of paper.”
“I read everyday, just so you know. And I have a library of my own. Jokes on you.”
“An asshole and a huge geek. You’ve really got it all.”
You were faster with the shelving, definitely. But you weren’t proud of it.
“You should at least try with Edgar Allan Poe. If you like all those dark, spooky stuff.”
“What makes you think I like… that?”
He almost wanted to laugh. “You're covered in black and your eyeliner’s about as dark as a crayon.”
“And you're just about as bright as daisies, right Todd?”
“I didn’t mean to insult you. Chill out. Not everyone’s out to get you.”
You… kept silent.
“Here.” He went to the shelf near you and picked out a small book. On the cover was a face of a thin man with a funny mustache and a black bird, a raven most probably, perched on his shoulder.
“Poe’s one of the best there is. Just go through it.”
Reluctantly, and with nothing catty for you so lash out on when you’ve never even had a conversation like this, you looked at him and slowly took the book from his hand.
“We don’t have to tell Mother Goose over there.”
Ms. Peterson was busy playing solitaire on her computer. You turned back to Jason, then at the book, a hand going over the cover. Helping Jason with the cart, you’ve basically circled the whole library, finishing most of the pile.
4:35. That was a first.
With the final books on the shelf, and almost no one left in the library except you, Jason, Mother Goose, and about two other kids sleeping on the tables. You leaned your back against the shelf and started reading the first story of Poe’s collection. The Murders of Rue Morgue. You’d never admit it. Not right now. But the title alone intrigued you.
“You just gonna leave me to finish your work, Y/N?”
“Not telling you to do anything, Todd.”
You kept your silence with your eyes glued into the book and Jason kept with the shelves. Almost no one was left in the library, but you didn’t feel the need to rush home tonight.
Maybe not for a while. Not with him back at home.
The light on the pages were shaded by a dark shadow, and when you looked up, you stood frozen. Jason smelled nice. And you could smell him even better now that you were squished between him and the shelf, your eye level right at the veins of his neck. His arm was reached out to the shelf way above your head and you pressed the book flat against your chest. He shoved the book in place, then he looked down at you, meeting your eyes. His face was so fucking close to your own, and he didn’t even move after he’s shoved the book in place. His arm lowered, looking at you, and his features were soft. You’ve never seen a jaw that defined until that very moment.
Holy fuck, he’s so cute.
Slower. Even slower. He pulled away. Or it might have been just a split second. You could barely tell the difference.
“You’re in the way.”
You managed to just nonchalantly look back into your book, ignoring his longing stare at you when he leaned over the cart.
“I’ve heard of this guy before,” you said, steering away his attention on you and back to the book. “I heard his work gets really dark.”
“So you do like that kind of stuff?”
“Mostly movies,” you smirked. “I’ve watched the Exorcism of Emily Rose more times than I’ve been sent to the VP’s office.”
He laughed at that, pressing his hand against the shelf.
“You’ll enjoy that book, then.”
“Eh,” you shrugged. “We’ll see.”
But you found your attention drawn back to the book yet again. A longer while passed, and Jason wheeled the now empty cart to the side before walking back to you.
“You’re not eager to go home today.”
Your teeth went over your lips, keeping your attention to the words.
“I saw you. You were walking home yesterday.”
“It’s my choice. It’s not a big deal.”
“I also saw you mutilate a trash can.”
You rolled your eyes. “Just leave me alone.”
“Is everything alright at home?”
“Todd, I swear you’ll realize how much I’ve been holding back punching you in the face for a whole week.”
“You might not have known. But I came from an abusive family myself before Bruce Wayne took me in. I know neglectful parents when I see it.”
You really wanted to punch him this time. For real. Just one to the face. It shouldn’t hurt that bad. For you, anyways.
“Didn’t know you were fucking loaded.”
“I’m not.” He reached out his hand to you. “Give me your phone.”
There was no one to shush you now, but even your slightly raised voice didn’t back Jason down. He scoffed at you then settled for a piece of paper ripped from the clipboard. He took the pen and wrote something down.
“Those are two numbers. Mine and a help hotline. I don’t take these things lightly. You might be a pain, but not even you deserve to go through that.”
Even more. In just a few weeks, one guy has made you speechless more times than anyone else has in years. Again, you had no insult to hurl or a sarcastic comment that would’ve naturally came to you otherwise.
You took the paper and placed it between the pages of your book. Then you leaned against the shelf, staring blankly at the ground.
“I’m not being abused.” Your voice has never been lighter. “But… thanks.”
“You better start heading home by now.”
He walked out the door, and eventually, you followed.
You finished the entire book that night. And the day after, you read it twice.
 Taglist: everyartistwas-firstanamateur  @sarcasmismyfirstlove @damned-queen-of-gotham @idkmanicantenglish @wunderstell @birdy-bat-riya @get-loki@everyday-imfangirling @comic-nerd-dc @multifandoms916 @icequeen208@offendedfishnoises @egdolan @xemiefx @arkhamtoddler @elsenthal@mythicbitchx @supremehaunter @ burning-alive  @lucy-roo  roseangel013bf @ loxbbg  reclusive-chicken-nugget
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the-starless-sky · 4 years
cozmez x Akan Yatsura / “FAMILY” voice drama track 2
Part 1 | Listen through Spotify.
Reo: And? You woke up this morning and he's gone? Aren't you overreacting~?
Hokusai: It's still only afternoon...
Satsuki: Ain't he just gone to the convenience store or something? And went to the game center when he's at itー
Kanata: Haah!?
Satsuki: Don't get riled up at that!
Kanata: Nayuta won't ever do something like that! He's never went out without saying anything to me... and I can't get a hold of him too...
Satsuki, Reo & Hokusai: ...
Iori: D'ya have... an idea as to why he disappeared?
Zen: Waka...!
Kanata: Last night, we had a fight...
Satsuki: What the heck, so it was a fight.
Reo: Aah, so maybe 'cause of that he felt it hard to see you face to face? I know that feel, you guys are siblings after all!
Hokusai: Really...?
Zen: What did you guys fought about? If it's alright with you, would you please tell us?
Kanata: He told me... to go out. He told me to go out more, and meet more people. He said that'd make me stronger.
Zen: I see.
Kanata: But I don't need that...! I only need Nayuta. Even so, he...
Iori: But it doesn't seem like s'all it was.
Kanata: ...!
Iori: To ask for my help 'til ya bow yer head, something ya've never done, means there's 'nother reason, right?
Kanata: Sometime ago, right at the time we got the Paradox Live invitation, I was attacked in town. There were three of them, punks targeting my phantometal.
AKYR: Oh...
Kanata: 'Cause they were trying to lay their hands on Nayuta, I beat them to a pulp.
Satsuki: Seriously!? You're kinda strong even though you're lanky, huh!
Reo: Monkey, you're noisy.
Hokusai: Kanata, what happened next?
Kanata: That time, they probably remembered my face. If they found Nayuta when he's alone...!
Reo: You guys have the same face, so if they misunderstood, it wont be pretty...
Hokusai: Dangerous...!
Zen: I see. So that's why you came to our place.
Kanata: This kind of thing... I know that I'm not in the place to rely on you, but...!
Iori: Aight! We should help each other in times of need. Got it, y'all?
Satsuki: Yeah!
Reo: Can't be helped~! I'll help you.
Hokusai: I'll find Nayuta. I'm good at finding lost cats.
Zen: Then, let's immediately divide the work. Waka and I will stand by here. We'll gather information. Everyone else go out to town, and search.
Iori: Ooh~! Ya look the part, don'tcha, Zen~! Ya look like those police detectives on TV dramas!
Zen: Please don't poke fun at me.
Iori: OK. Sorry.
Zen: Cough. Just in case, the search team is to move in groups of two. Decide the assignment of area and get in contact as appropriate.
Reo: OK~! Then, I'm grouping with Hokusai~
Hokusai: Understood.
Satsuki: Then, Kanata's with me.
Kanata: Y-yeah...
Satsuki: Be at ease! With this Gaia-sama, fearful enough to silence a crying child, we'll find one, even two little brothers in no time!
Kanata: Y-yeah...
Zen: If something happens, immediately get in touch and wait for reinforcement. Don't force yourselves.
Reo: Roger!
Iori: Aight, let's go all out!
Everyone: Yeah!!
(Sounds of train passing.)
Reo: Aah, I'm tired~~! Jeez~ We've been walking around all day, my legs feel like lead!
Satsuki: You've got no stamina at all.
Reo: I mean, to top it off, Hokusai tried to ask cats...
Hokusai: If only I can speak cat language...
Reo: Kanata, how's it on your end?
Kanata: We've got nothing. We couldn't trace his steps after he got out of the apartment...
(Hokusai picks up a call.)
Hokusai: Yeah... yeah... understood.
(Hokusai hangs up.)
Hokusai: From Zen... he said they didn't get any leads too.
Reo: Eeeeeh, seriousyl!? Zen-nii's an ex-police detective but he's no good at all!
Satsuki: Don't diss Zen-nii!
Hokusai: This area isn't Big Bro's territory, so...
Satsuki: But like, it's impossible to look around this much and get nothing at all.
Reo: Siiiiigh. Then, what do we do from now on?
Satsuki: We've got choice but to continue, don't we?
Hokusai: Yeah...
(Sounds of train passing.)
(Kanata stops walking.)
Kanata: Enough already.
Satsuki: Eh?
Kanata: Enough already. I'll search by myself from now.
Reo: Haa? What the heck are you saying?
Kanata: I said, I'll go search for him by myself. You guys don't have to do anything else. Sorry for getting you all mixed into this.
Satsuki: You...!!
(Satsuki grabs Kanata by the shirt.)
Satsuki: Don't look down on our chivalry!! [1] Nayuta is your family, ain't he!? Big Bro acknowledged that and agreed to help you. Just because we searched a little and couldn't find him, there's no way we'd just say 'yes, okay' and run with tails between our legs!
Reo: He's your one and only important little brother, isn't he!
Hokusai: We'll definitely... find him.
Kanata: Eh... but...
Satsuki: No fuckin' 'buts'!! You were searching desperately, lookin' like you're gonna die, didn't you? You got us in this far, don't pretend to be tough now!!
Reo: That's right, that's right! At times like this, you should just meekly depend on us! Right, Hokusai?
Hokusai: Yeah, that's right. It's okay to depend on us.
Kanata: ...
Reo: Hey... when you came to our place, you said you investigated the Suiseki group, right?
Kanata: Yeah...
Reo: Then, you knew about the raid, didn't you?
Kanata: Yeah, just the gist of it. I heard that in just one night, the group got utterly annihilated by something.
Reo: ...would've died.
Kanata: Eh?
Reo: Me... Satsuki, and Hokusai, too. That time, if our timing shifted even a second, all of us would've died.
Kanata: ...!
Reo: A deep red sea of blood... everyone died. I couldn't save anyone. Not the boss, not my comrades...
(Sound of crows cawing.)
Reo: That's why, at that time, I swore. That I wont lose my comrades, my family, ever again.
Satsuki: ...We're family.
Kanata: Family...
Satsuki: Yeah. For ordinary people, we might just be thugs, but for us, we're family. I was always like this since I was little. I get into fights quickly, and I can't study at all. Both my parents and my teachers all gave up on me - I didn't even go to elementary school properly.
Reo: Haha. Satsuki-chan's completely an elementary school graduate, after all.
Satsuki: Shut up. Everyday, everyday, I'm always pissed. If I hit others, they'd get scared. I feel refreshed, and thought I'd rise up with these fists. At that time, Big Bro took me in. Big Bro and my comrades taught me, who was abandoned by my parents because they thought I was uncontrollable - How to use chopsticks, how to eat fish, greetings, manners, and the right way to fight... patiently, they taught me, again and again, without ever giving up. Thats why I decided that they are my family. I don't care what others say. No matter how useless they are, I won't abandon them. That's what family is.
Reo: ...Me, too. I chose my own family. My blood related family has... how to say it? Broken up, and I haven't seen them for years. I don't want to see them, either. But it's not like I hate them or anything. Papa taught me hip hop, and Mama... see, she gave me this cute face, after all.
Satsuki: You gonna say that yourself?
Reo: But you see, my family... all thought that they're the most important. They make debts that Papa couldn't pay back, lots of things happened, and my family broke up. Aha, pathetic, right?
Hokusai: Reo...
Reo: Yeah.
Hokusai: There, there.
(Hokusai pats Reo's head.)
Reo: Haha, Hokusai's so nice... Unlike a certain shitty monkey.
Satsuki: Who the fuck would pat your head, disgusting!
Hokusai: Me, too. My father is in prison. We probably won't ever meet each other outside anymore, for life.
Kanata: Eh?
Hokusai: I'm the son of a criminal. When everyone knew of it, they all left me. Only animals don't look at me with rose-colored glasses. They always stay by my side. But, Big Bro and the others were different. They treat me as Masaki Hokusai, as a different person than my father. They told me to raise my head when we walk together. To them, I'm not a shameful person, because we're family.
Kanata: Family...
Satsuki: Yeah. We're not related by blood, though.
Reo: We didn't have any other choice but to choose our own family. But, Kanata, you have Nayuta, right?
Hokusai: You have to protect... your important family.
Satsuki: Yeah! Don't look down on elementary school graduate!
Reo: Waah~ how embarrasing!
Hokusai: Fufu...
Satsuki: Wh--, Hokusai, you too?
Nayuta: Kanata?
Kanata: ...! Nayuta!!
Nayuta: What are you doing in a place like that?
Kanata: What, you ask--
Satsuki: More importantly, where'd you appear from suddenly!?
Nayuta: Kanata... these guys are Akan Yatsura's...? What are you doing together?
Kanata: You idiot! We were looking for you!!
Nayuta: Eh? "Looking"?
Kanata: Where were you all this time!?
Nayuta: Where, you ask... um, I couldn't think of a good lyric, so I went out for a walk, and then I got lost, and I was tired so I took a nap somewhere, then... What did I do next?
Satsuki: Are you a stray cat!?
Hokusai: As I thought, I have to learn cat language...
Nayuta: Haha, what? What is it? Kanata, too, making such a scary face.
Kanata: Stop messing around! How worried did you think I was!!?
Nayuta: Eh?
Kanata: Saying "go by yourself", and disappearing...
Nayuta: Eh? What?
Reo: Kanata was worried that you got kidnapped by some punks.
Satsuki: He even bowed his head to us.
Hokusai: And searched for you desperately, you know?
Nayuta: Ooh... Seriously?
Kanata: Yeah...
Nayuta: No way... but...
Kanata: Quietly disappearing like that... I won't forgive you.
Nayuta: Kanata...
Kanata: I don't have anyone else but Nayuta. Nayuta's my only family. That's why, that's why... don't ever quietly disappear... don't ever...
Nayuta: Kanata... It's okay. I'm by your side. Always, whenever, I'm always by Kanata's side.
(Sounds of them walking.)
Kanata: ...Sorry. I got you all to walk around a full day and you guys even treated us to food.
Reo: It's okay, it's okay. We put the tab on Big Bro, after all!
Satsuki: Raimen-tei's soo yummy, right!? Honestly, I thought that cozmez's detestable bastards with cocky music and attitude, but we actually get along, don't we?
Hokusai: Haha. Then, we'll part here.
Reo: Starting from now on, we're rivals, okay?
Satsuki: Don't get into a fight, 'kay!?
Kanata: U-uhm!
Reo: Yeah?
Kanata: If, if you guys were lied to by Suise-- no, your family, what will you do?
Reo: Lie?
Kanata: Yeah. If kept an important thing secret.
Satsuki: Ha? That's no big deal, ain't it? Even though we're family, we'd still have one or two secrets we can't say.
Reo: Like the place where Satsuki-chan hides his favorite erotic magazines~
Satsuki: HAA!?
Reo: On the floor below the closet, it's obvious!
Satsuki: You bastard-
Kanata: Not something like that! For example, if it has something to do with your lives...
Satsuki, Reo & Hokusai: ...
Hokusai: Even so... no, if so, I'd believe them.
Kanata: Believe?
Hokusai: If so, it's kept a secret to protect us. A lie to protect your family. I won't doubt it.
Kanata: ...!
Satsuki: Yeah, that's right! I'm satisfied if I had to put my life on the line for Big Bro.
Reo: Me too, when I decided to follow Big Bro, I've prepared myself, after all.
Satsuki: Right? Don't look down on our chivalry!
Hokusai: Yeah.
Reo: Well, that's that, so...
Satsuki: See ya! The next time we meet, it'd be on the stage.
Hokusai: We won't lose.
Reo: Prepare yourselves, okay~?
(Satsuki, Reo & Hokusai walks away.)
Kanata: Ah.
Nayuta: What's wrong, Kanata?
Kanata: I missed the chance to say thank you to them.
Nayuta: Hahaha...
Kanata: What?
Nayuta: You made friends.
Kanata: Ha!?
Nayuta: It means, you have people other than me that you'd say 'thank you' to.
Kanata: That's...
Nayuta: Kanata. Kanata, you can change. You can get more, way stronger than you are now.
Kanata: That's why I said that's...
Nayuta: I'm with you. "If the two of us are together, we're the strongest", right?
Kanata: ...Yeah. If the two of us are together, we're the strongest.
Iori: That so? Good that y'all managed to find him. Yeah, good job.
(Iori hangs up.)
Zen: Did they find Nayuta-kun?
Iori: Yeah.
Zen: The only thing we can do is to watch over them. It feels kind of vexing, isn't it?
Iori: Yer right, but cozmez's a strong opponent. Can't let our guards down on the next live.
Zen: Of course, I will go all out! I have no intention to lose!
Iori: Yeah! Becoming of Akan Yatsura, let's go merrily an' flashily!
1] As in the spirit of helping the weak and fighting the strong, generosity, heroism - usually a term used by the yakuza.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
The Dark Knight and The Master of Darkness
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Something I really did like about the Batman and Shadow crossovers was the covers, and I think these two in particular are perhaps the most succint demonstration of the differences between these two characters.
You can sum up a lot of it just by their two most famous sobriquets: The Dark Knight, and The Master of Darkness
Batman is The Dark Knight. He is front and center. He is muscles and grit and bruised knuckles and a fighting stance ready to throw down. He wears skintight armor with his symbol popping front and center, a cowl highlight his great muscular chin. He is the brave, mighty knight who rides a great Bat-steed with his Bat Knights of the Round Table into New Hell Vegas City, where dragons shoot smiling missiles at people and trap people under exploding riddles, and crime can be beaten with trusty gadgets or by suplexing it into the pavement. Batman stories are about someone who can survive and beat anything, about the knight who wants to stop the world from hurting anyone else the way it hurt him. And no matter how dark and gritty his adventures get, he is a superhero, soaring with gods in makeshift wings and powering through it all to save the day.
The Shadow is The Master of Darkness. He doesn't adopt the darkness, or is consumed by it, he is it’s master. He looms distant, foreboding and sinister, glowing eyes in the brim of a slouch hat, covered by fog and cloak and optical illusions. Where is he really in that first picture? Is he actually behind Batman in a physically impossible space for him to be, or is that an illusion? Where is that scarf coming from and going into? You won’t know, until he deigns it to reveal himself. He is the ethereal being who sees and knows everything, through a hundred faces and a dozen eyes and hands not his own. who weaves in and out of the story, moving characters and set pieces, until the finale where the last of the dominos falls in place and karmic retribution is visited upon the villain foolish enough to think the darkness was on their side, unaware it was masterminding their fall every step of the way. His stories are not about him, they are about the people he encounters, who have their lives changed by him, the Twilight Zone as a blot of darkness in human form. He is not a superhero, he is older than any of those. He comes from the realm of gentlemen villains and vampires and ghosts and urban folklore. We call him a "pulp hero", only because we don’t know what else to call him. 
One is dangerous because he is a musclebound genius one-man army schooled in a hundred different ways to fling razor blades and twist your limbs without killing you. Because he will come out on top no matter how badly he’s beaten and burned and victimized, because he puts himself through torture worse than anything his villains can come up with, because he will build whatever needs to be built, learn whatever needs to be learned, and fight whatever needs to be fought to stop you, and you cannot stop him once he sets out to do so. He takes on the worst the world has to offer and comes out on top like a knight of old, slaying great and terrible dragons, except he will not slay them, he will beat and school them as many times as it takes in the hopes they will reform, so he can extend a hand to them when they do so and guide them out of the darkness he was once lost inside himself.
The other is dangerous because he will show up at your bedside at night and take off his face to reveal yours underneath, so he can tell you in your own voice how he’s usurped your life to the point your friends and family couldn’t tell the difference, and he’s got plans for you. Because he can do things like manipulate the destruction of an entire crime syndicate without killing a single person, get you to confess your worst crimes before a public audience and slip you the gun so you can kill yourself to atone for them, and get your allies to kill you when they try to protect you from him. He knows the language to move you by his designs, with or without superpowers. He IS the worst the world has to offer, one who could be the greatest villain of all (and may have been, in another world, another lifetime), except he’s on the side of the angels, fully devoted to the safety and protection of innocents despite his theatrics, and he’s here to protect people like you, so that you can be the best the world has to offer.
And they are, in the end, heroes who will always look out for the innocent, even if they might scare them worse than any villain.
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japiform · 3 years
Helmsman: Wake up somewhere new
Grand: You are doing more paperwork, fuckin kill you with a culling fork. More and more and more and you satisfy yourself by reading one, telling the sleeping psion the joke that is these assholes requesting aid, and write 'Fuck Off' in big spiky letters across the whole thing. That goes in the Done pile. Next paper, type a moment to research what the fuck they're even talking about, because you stopped hiring motherfuckers to know more details than you when they kept fucking dying or leaving. Getting exiled. Whatever.
Your typing hand leaves the husktop to run over the fuzz of the psion's warm fragile skull while you read some more shit, strike out some more shit, and sigh. "Motherfuck, I need a vacation," you mutter, and it's a joke because this is about as close as you GET to a damn vacation, but not a joke funny enough for you to laugh. You look up round the room, all the medicullers absent save the one you successfully disarmed (okay, that one you'll laugh at), and he's dead the fuck asleep. Everything's in white, save the floor which is a multihued stain down to the drain in the center of the room, though it is mostly subtle variations of purple. Not a lot of offcolor fucks that you consider WORTHY of gettin tended to, after all.
This helm don't know how lucky he has it.
Helmsman: Stirring, your hornbeds crackle with power as the sedatives start wearing off. The dull, fullbody pain makes you groan under your breath and squinch your eyes tight, before it fades and you can settle again. 
It occurs to you that you're being touched, but you don't sense any animosity from it, which is strange and new. Along with this feeling of not-bad is the voice you recognize. The one that makes you feel. Not-bad. 
Your blue eye creaks open to survey your surroundings, and you grimace at the white, zapping the troll next to you to get their attention. 
"Hey. Can'ya turn off th'lights? Ssbright." Grumble.
Grand: The crackling of his horns takes a moment to register, the groan less so. You finish writing Fuck Off on this next illustrious waste of tree pulp, running your off hand down his nug til you get to the base of it before you withdraw--Just in time to get zapped. You let out a curse that's actually just a verse of your most holy of texts (elixirs 5:18; pour one out for you, your blood is paint yet to be spilled), and bare your teeth at him, eyes flashing with menace. 
Oh. He's just waking up. 
“Poor motherfucker," you croon, and it's a mocking tone that you speak in. But what the fuck ever, you can stand for a break. You turn off the lamp closest to him, shut your husktop with a finite click, and captchalogue the stack of important papers that you've filled out. ... Oh, and the not done ones too, if for no other reason than state secrets or whatever the fuck.
Helmsman: "Thenks." Your voice is rough from both overuse and underuse, and you clear your throat a few times before swallowing a little bit of blood. Gross.
Blinking your eyes open, you take a better look at the room around you, and then up at the troll looming over you.
"Oh sshit." Oh shit is right, because if you aren't mistaken, that's the fucking Grand Highblood. In the flesh.
"Sso. Are you the personification of the Angel of Death, or am I hallucinating?"
Grand: "You fuckin flatter me," you say, batting your lashes a bit. "Either that, or you're hallucinatin, cuz I ain't been called angelic in a while." Your hands are to yourself, but you know the sound of a fucked up voice when you hear one. You wonder if you'll have to shove a tube in his mouth to get him to take somethin from you, or if he'll take it just to make you stop botherin him.
... But you also take the chance to look him over. Mostly just his face, which has the capacity for expression now, and is therefore finally actually interesting. "So surprised to see me? I told you I'd help."
Helmsman: You look confused, and a bit upset, like you'd had a present ripped away from you. "Then... I'm not dead." Thin eyebrows furrow and you attempt to sit up, which is hard when your arms feel invisible. After a bit of struggle, you flop back down heavily, hissing at the pain. The light in your eyes seems to pulse, like you're trying to focus. "The- the data..?"
Grand: "Not a fuckin clue." This is definitely about to get spicy, and you don't grin. But you want to. You want to rub your 'i told you so' in his moronic fucking face. "You ain't dead. You're limbless and on my ship, after you tried to fire up a single fuckin cannon and immediately fainted. Whether you managed ta finish transmittin your entire self into the space between helms, i ain't got an iota of an idea. But I told you that you didn't have to shoot me, that i would wait for you to get your business done. So I don't know that I feel like that's my problem."
Helmsman: "Limbless." Yeah, that explains why your arms feel invisible. You failed. After everything you did.
After all that pain and hard work just for it to fail. You're silent as you process this, before your eyes grow damp. You can't even wipe the frustrated tears away, so you curl away from the clown so you can cry with a little bit of fucking dignity.
God your life goddamn SUCKS. The sobs hurt as they rip out of you but you can't make them stop, thin frame heaving. He should have let you die. You shouldn't have told him anything. God you're so stupid!
Grand: ... Oh.
You expected this motherfucker to fight. To flare up bright, like you saw he could do in the ship, like you know he could do as a ship. The fight wouldn't do much good, him limbless and you your powerful, merciless self, but you woulda had fun trying to take him out without takin him all the way out.
You look over him, crying, weeping and just barely able to turn away from you, and you feel
Fuck knows what.
"For fucks sake, we doin this shit?" you snap, and you think it should have come out a little harsher, a little louder. Or maybe you should be laughing, perhaps. No motherfucker would be surprised to hear you laugh.
"Like I ain't the most powerful motherfucker this side of the damned universe. Where the shit are your files or what the fuck ever."
Helmsman: Shaking your head, you laugh through the tears, a mirthless, harsh noise. "Where the fuck do you think they are?"
Crying is such a relief, though. Like you finally can expell all the horrid feelings you've been holding close to your chest for so long. You've been ripped from your ship, sanitized, bundled up all careful in a medical cot, what more do you need to hide? What would it possibly change?
"I was always doomed. What difference does it make now."
Grand: You grit your teeth at that unrighteous sound, but what the fuck is it you can do? Where the fuck indeed. You keep your helms and your files separate, at the rate you burn through them, and why the fuck wouldn't you? But you've never thought about the logistics of how the fuck one would store themselves, never thought about how it wouldn't be in ship storage unless it was some place the fish bitch could see.
For a second, from the way you have trouble breathing, and from the way your pump aches, you think you're finally kicking it. It's only a breath, only a beat, but still enough to get your fronds all wound the fuck up in the soft silk of the hospital bed. Still enough to have you reeling.
"Well. Guess you're gonna have to stay lively long enough ta write your fuckin memoirs, ain't ya?" you say, and it's quiet, and not all that funny, and you don't know what the hell is going on. "So, let's see to that."
Helmsman: You half feel vindicated from seeing that conflicted look on GHB's features, but the other half of you feels really bad. The guy went out of his way to save your useless life, used his resources, time, and energy to pluck you specifically from death's door and sit next to you.
Memoirs he says, like that isn't a ridiculous statement to make this late in the game. How are you gonna write them without arms, you wonder. It makes you laugh again, and this time it feels better to laugh. Once the giggles have settled down, you look at the troll next to you, really look at him, yellow streaks run down your cheeks and staining the white pillow under you.
"You've been here the whole time, right?"
Grand: There you all in all your glory, thousands of sweeps old and not quite so young looking as you were when you first caught this motherfucker, wearing what amounts to your casual clothes and the tie you wear when you're feeling like you should get yourself in the head for business. Your hair has grey, your paint has a fine line or two in it, but you're still an unholy terror when you want to be, which is still fucking most of the time. 
Your hands unfist in the covers, and you roll your eyes at him, recline in the chair you stole from your office because fuck if you're gonna use a visitor's chair, you're the fucking king. "Nah, motherfucker, I got shit to do other than tend to your pathetic ass." Your ankles cross and you look up at the ceiling, casual as you fucking please. "But I been here often enough. When I ain't preachin or doin other holy shit. Medicullers just ain't made like they used to be, and some don't know how to ask first instead of puttin their knives where they ain't wanted. Can't have them makin that mistake when I went through all the trouble to nab your scrawny ass, can I?"
Helmsman: "Well. Thanks, I guess. You've got your reasons I don't doubt, but." You avert your eyes, not that he can tell. "It was better than being alone."
Okay you need to sit up Now. Cracking your neck, you test your reach with your psionics, the energy roving over the whole room as you manually adjust the power. Ugh, that feels weird. It takes a negligible amount of thought to arrange yourself a bit more upright against the pillow, and it does wonders making you feel less like you're at the mercy of circumstance. 
"... You haven't changed a bit, huh you shitty old man."
Grand: You roll that thought around your head, feel it shifting shit behind your eyes. It was better than being alone, he said. Ain't that a terrible weakness of his, that dislike of being alone? Feels like the fucking point of a wriggler's afternoon special, soft and sweet and weak as it is. Pathetic, is what it is. 
You watch him out of the corner of your eye, watch him sit himself up with power that you still don't trust not to be pressed into the flesh of you, though the thrill keeps you from locking it away tight with something or another, and you are a little impressed that he even knows how to use those when he's spent so long being sucked dry of em.
"Course I've changed. I think I've gotten taller. Definitely gotten older. I think I've killed a few more thousands of fuckers, though I might be off by a decimal point or some shit. You gotta be more specific, motherfucker, if you want to get a particular answer."
Helmsman; Scoff. "It was rhetorical, fuckhead." The residual psionics definitely is filling the air with static, and now that you've tapped into them it's increasingly hard to tamp down on them. Guess you're going to be fizzing like a carbonated beverage for the next little while. 
"I do have some questions for you though."
Grand: You bark out a laugh, as your head fills with static and your hair puffs up faintly like an angry cat. You're going to have to rub him down with fuckin drier sheets or some shit, just to get some peace and not have your papers stickin to you. 
"What the fuck else have we got to do, bitch? Go on, ask."
Helmsman: You chew on your lower lip as you think of the right way to word it. "Does Survivor know I'm alive?"
Grand: "Yep," you pop the word sharp, rocking back on your heels and two legs of the chair. More throne than chair, really.
Helmsman: Would be a shame if he were to fall backwards and hurt himself... Someone's gotta teach this guy not to lean on the back feet of chairs. He could hurt himself. What a shame. 
The front two legs slam back onto the floor, and you sneer at him. "The last thing I need is for you to suffer some kind of concussion right now."
Grand: You yelp, an unseemly noise, as your chair is forced groundways, making you a six legged shape once more. "My skull is thicker than that, for messiahs motherfuckin sake, ask your damn questions instead of fussin over my old ass, you motherfuckin limbless horror."
Helmsman: “It'd just be inconvenient, is what I'm saying. Like I'd bother fussing over you, nightmare fuel." 
This fucking guy. You shut your eyes, exhaustion hitting you like a truck all of a sudden. "Will I see her anytime soon or am I just gonna be stuck in this glass bottle forever so you can keep prodding me with sticks?"
Grand: Nightmare fuel. You like that, and it makes you chuckle different, a low bass rumble in your chest. 
"You'll see her when she comes up with a plan that her and blue think will keep me from wreckin their shit, and as soon as you can get jostled without openin up every scab you got from nose to nook, which believe me, are plentiful.. And maybe a little longer than that, dependin on your amusement ta annoyance ratios. Don't go tryinna manipulate em to your wantin, cuz I ain't gonna tell you which keeps you here longer."
Helmsman: "I'm going to be honest with you: I'm a doer not a schemer. I'd pinky promise you, but, well..." 
"As long as I get to see her again." You forgot what it was like to yearn for someone, but right now it's all you can take to be away from Bastet. You were being honest earlier when you admitted you don't know how to be alone anymore.
Grand: You hear that, and you tip back in your chair again, arms crossed behind your head, and you smile. Fuck yes. "Ain't that sweet," you chirr, and it could be nice if it was anyone other than you. But you are, as he said, nightmare fuel, and you ain't particularly inclined to be anything else. 
"Give it a week or two. A perigee, tops. You'll get where you wanna be. Think you can wait that long, motherfucker?"
Helmsman: "Only been waiting the majority of my life." Sinking back into the thin blanket. "If you're going to stick around, do it goddamn quietly, for fucks' sake." 
You're starting to feel lightheaded, and want to sleep now.
Grand: A snort. "And here I thought you liked my company. You'll tolerate it or you won't, and it ain't my problem either way." 
Still, when he nestles himself down, you draw the blanket up past his damaged shoulders so he don't catch chill and kill himself on something nothin much at all. And you go ahead and take off your business garb (the polkadot tie you wear when you're deep in the shit creek that is your backed up paperwork), twirling it around your finger before you captchalogue it. "Just fuckin sleep, you're gonna need it."
Helmsman: “Don't need your permission." You bite back, already fading off into dreamland. Geez, being a sassy sourpuss takes a lot of energy.
Grand: He falls asleep to the low rumble of your laugh at his expense, amusement in the face of his fucking spite. Once he's out, you realize you forgot to make him drink, and decide you'll get on with it when he's a little more conscious. No point forcing him if he's not around to make you work for it, is there? 
You don't turn on the light for a good hour or so. You just sit back in your throne, the back legs of it worn away from just such play, and you think. And you speak a few more times, half thoughts that you don't bother to explain cuz he ain't around to ask. But mostly, you just think.
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
M(NS)GG-Chapter 3
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A/N: I have changed up the timeline for when this story will be posted. As of right now, it will be posted 3x a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Since yesterday was Monday and I just decided to do this, here is chapter 3 and then chapter 4 will be posted tomorrow as per the new schedule. Don’t forget to send me ask, letting me know what you like (and dislike about this story). And hold on, you are all in for the ride of a lifetime!!!! LOL
I know what I need to do. I have the phone in my hand and all I have to do is dial the number. 
I also know this is going to break my Mom's heart. Her good little girl snuck out and went to a party where she consumed copious amounts of alcohol and now couldn't get home without help. 
Looking at the screen with a sigh, I dial the digits and hold my breath,  waiting for mom to answer.
Surprisingly it isn't Mom's voice I heard. It is Dean's.
"Dean. I need help." I cry into the receiver.
"Abby? Abby, where are you? I thought you were upstairs in bed."
"I'm across town at Marcie's," I tell him, sniffing. "She had a party but now I just want to come home.  Please can you come get me?"
"Of course sweetheart. What's the address?"
I rattled off directions to Marcie's house in relief. "Oh and Dean?"
"Don't tell Mom."
"Your secret is safe with me," he says. "See you in 15."
I walk out the door and stand on the street, waiting for my ride. Brad, a senior and football player, stumbles outside and sees me.
He clumsily leans on the fence. "Hey beautiful! What are you doing out here all alone?"
"Waiting for my ride."
"I have something for you to ride," he smirks. "Right here." He points to his crotch and I balk.
"Go away.  Leave me alone!"
"Uptight bitch," Brad mutters and staggers back toward the house. 
'Thank god! I don't need Dean to pull up to see me getting raped!'
As I stand and watch for headlights, I start wondering about Dean's reaction to such a thing. Would he jump out and defend me? Would he beat Brad to a pulp for deflowering me?
Or would he sit in the car and watch, jerking off at the sight of someone between  my legs. Would he be jealous? Wishing it were him stealing my innocence?
Because, let's face it, I've fantasized about giving my virginity to Dean Winchester since the first time, after his return, that I heard my mom whimpering his name and the telltale sounds of her headboard beating against the wall. 
Headlights blind me as a car pulls onto the street and I shield my eyes. My mom's Ford Fusion pulls to the curb and Dean steps out.
Concern is evident on his face as he rounds the front of the car. I internally whimper as I watch those bow legs carry him toward me.
"Abby? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"N-no. I just want to go home."
He helps me into the car and then runs around to slide in behind the steering wheel. 
He puts the car in drive and I lean my head back, closing my eyes.  His scent, musky and woodsy, fills the air making me clench my thighs together. 
"Dean pull over, " I tell him halfway home.
"Are you going to be sick?" he asks, as he finds a wide spot and stops. 
"No. I have something I need to tell you."
"Okay," he says hesitantly, turning the car off. "What's wrong?"
"Dean, I'm 21 now you know."
"I know. You're legal to drink but I don't think Lisa-"
"No," I cut him off. "Don't bring her into this. I'm twenty fucking one years old and still a virgin!"
"Abby, I don't-"
"Just shut up and listen."
He goes silent, raising his hands in surrender. I turn in the seat and look at him.
“I'm a 21 year old virgin but I know who I want to take it. Who I want to give my virginity to. "
"Abby I don't think Fred Rogers actually exists," he tries to joke but from the glare I send his way, he realizes I'm serious.
"Then who?" Dean asks and I swear his voice has gotten huskier and lower, like he is jealous or envious. "Is it someone you know?" He grips the wheel with one hand until his knuckles turn white.
"Yea," I breathe out. "It's this guy named Dean. Dean Winchester."
"Me?" he asks, tentative; almost like he is in disbelief.
"Yes, you" 
I don't give him time to begin to tell me how wrong it is, how he 'thinks I'm a pretty girl but it isn't going to happen' before launching my body over the center console and onto him, capturing his lips. 
To my surprise it only takes a second before he responds, deepening the kiss as he forces his tongue between my lips and into my mouth. 
I maneuver myself until I am straddling his laps, his hands on my ass, squeezing and gripping. I can feel a very prominent bulge underneath me as I roll my hips.
Dean pulls away panting. "Fuck Abby.  I want you so much. I've dreamed about that tight little pussy riding my dick."
"Well how about we make it a reality?" I smile. 
"Not here, " he pushes me off him and helps me back into the passenger seat. I frown but he leans over and pecks my lips.
"Not where anyone can catch us. I know the perfect place."
Dean starts the car and pulls out onto the road, spinning gravel out behind us. I laugh at his rush. He keeps glancing over at me and I get an idea.
I reach up under my skirt and slide my panties off, throwing them in his lap. He groans and picks them up in his hand and places the material under his nose.
Dean grunts after he inhales my scent. "Fuck sweetheart you smell like heaven. Bet you taste just as good. Gonna let me try? Gonna let me lick that sweet cunt?"
"You can do whatever you want to it," I tell him. His foot presses on the pedal and we speed down the road.
Pulling up to the house, I'm confused.  I figured Dean was taking us somewhere like to a motel or something. Not home, where my mom and brother are sleeping.
"Deeean!" I whine but he just smirks. 
"Patience baby girl. Patience."
He clicks the garage opener and I realize his plan. Mom doesn’t park in the garage anymore since Dean moved in. And the garage isn't connected to the house so she'd have to wander outside to come here to find us.
And since Dean moved in, he had soundproofed the building so when he was up late at night working on his Impala or listening to tunes, he wouldn't wake the whole neighborhood. I can be as loud as I want.
"Backseat now!" Dean grunts as he slams the car in park and jumps out. Instead of getting out, I climb through the seats and am laying back on the seat when Dean opens the rear door. 
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@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @spnbaby-67​ @tftumblin​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @atc74​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @squirrelnotsam​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @sandlee44​ @blacktithe7​ @deanwanddamons​ @hoboal87​ @marvelfanbrenda​ @vicmc624​  @elliloumom (It won’t tag you sweetie)
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shutupandshipit · 4 years
Friends in a Storm - Oneshot
Summary:  At the end of it all, the sky was always bluest after a storm.
Or where Izuku is afraid of storms and Katsuki isn't.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T (just for language mostly)
Author’s Note: So, I recently went through the first hurricane of my life. Our good old Cat 2 Hurricane Sally. I'm wasn’t too far from where the eye hit, and we got a fair bit of damage done to us, but nothing too severe. It was really interesting. I don't normally get anxious during storm (I actually really love them, they make me feel alive), but there was a moment when I was anxiously staring out the window and just had the thought, "This would be a lot nicer if I had someone's hand to hold." That feeling is what spurned the birth of this fic.
I hope you guys like it even though it's just a piddly little one-shot. If not, I'll enjoy it enough for all of us.
Katsuki jumped as thunder rolled over the dorms. Immediately following, something slammed into the side, rattling the entire building. The first thought that sprang to mind was that someone wandering around outside had gotten thrown into their dorm, which he dismissed as ridiculous.
Snarling, he stalked to the balcony door, but simply glared at it. He couldn't see through the glass at the moment anyway.
The sky had been dark and threatening to crack apart for days before the wind finally kicked up. It had been more than a decade since Musutafu had gotten hit with a typhoon, not such a strong one at least. The city wasn't really prepared even though they had seen it brewing on the horizon. The city got hit regularly from May to October by tropical depressions and storms, but a Category 2 typhoon? Not so much. Most of their parents hadn't been through such a strong storm before.
Massive flooding and minor building damage had been predicted with possible power and water outages.
That Monday, they'd returned from lunch and immediately been dismissed back to the dorms with a blunt, “If there's something you can't live without for the next three days, get it now. You won't be able to go anywhere by tonight.” Then Aizawa left to go help the other teachers prepare the rest of the buildings and faculty living quarters.
No matter their differences, when class 3-A needed to come together, they did. All together, they fortified the dorm windows and doors with steel plates Yaoyorozu made. Those with more strength based quirks or with strength applications (Katsuki, Izuku, Kirishima, Sato, Shouji, and Tokoyami with Dark Shadow) heaved around the plates in teams of two. Uraraka and Sero worked together to lift the plates to the upper story windows and leverage them in place. Mineta made himself useful by plugging up any possible holes around the plates and helping them stick better. The others with bodies and quirks less suited to manual labor booked it to the store to stock up on water, candles, snacks and food that didn't have to be cooked or only needed hot water. When they returned, everyone created a line to stack sand bags around the first floor just in case they were unlucky enough to get flooded.
By the time they were done, the rain had begun to fall and wind ripped harshly at their clothing. Dorm 3-A had been transformed into a literal fortress. Nothing would be able to knock it down.
Except maybe a Cat 2 typhoon.
Again, something slammed into the dorms, right into the steel plate over his balcony door. Storms didn't make Katsuki nervous normally, but anxiety pooled in his stomach from the simple fact that he couldn't see what was going on outside. And if he was anxious, he knew there was a specific nerd probably pissing himself at the moment.
Huffing, Katsuki stalked to his door. Izuku had never liked storms as a kid, and still didn't like them now. He had walked in on Izuku with a blanket over his head, sobbing as he tried to lose himself in hero videos more times than he cared to remember. And those had been with minor storms. Something like this...
Another crash jolted him into action.
Ripping opening his bedroom door, he stalked through the halls. He wasn't sleeping anyway. He'd originally retired to his room because the rest of the class had insisted on having a storm party in the common room and they were bound to be loud as fuck. He'd been tired, but there was no reason to avoid them when he wouldn't be able to sleep with a stomach full of snakes. Or with the now blooming worry over how Izuku was handling it.
When he got to the common room, he had to take a moment to survey the absolute disaster scene that the space had become. Blankets were strung up from wall to wall, creating forts over the couches and tables. The center of the common room had become a tent city in just a few hours. Candles sat on every available surface, some already lit in anticipation of the power going out, some waiting patiently for their time to burn. Bowls of popcorn and cans of soda littered the area. Multiple rounds of Rummy, Poker and simpler card games were going on all at once. The television fizzed static, a beacon over them all.
Crouching beside Kirishima with a scowl, he cut his eyes over his classmates looking for green curls. There were none. There wasn't even a lump of blankets large enough to plausibly be the nerd.
“Where's Deku?” he growled, and Kirishima jerked towards him in surprise.
“Man, I didn't even realize you were there.” He sighed, pressing a hand to his chest. It took him a moment of steadying breaths to register the question. “Oh, Mido? I don't know. Said he was going to study or something. Right, Mina?” He elbowed Mina to get her attention.
The most annoying game of telephone ensued until, from across the fort, Ochako called, “He said he wasn't feeling well so he went upstairs to rest.”
“Idiot,” Katsuki scoffed and stood again. No one called after him as he walked back towards the stairs -no fucking way he was getting stuck in the elevators if the power went out-.
Izuku had no right to call Katsuki stubborn when his prideful ass couldn't even admit that he was scared to his friends. Not that Katsuki had any room to talk, but Izuku liked to pretend they weren't similar just as much as Katsuki did.
As soon as he stopped in front of Izuku's door, the lights flickered. A quiet whimper sounded in the room, and Katsuki huffed a sigh.
He and Izuku were what some would call friends now. Friends of a sort. Friends that sometimes did intimate things that 'just friends' weren't supposed to do. They still struggled every day with what had been happening between them for years. And they weren't the kind of friends who did the whole touchy feely comfort thing. Their form of comfort was argument, struggle, beating each other to a pulp. Still, Katsuki always found himself at Izuku's door when he knew the nerd was having a hard time, and vice versa. The only difference this time was that he couldn't just drag Izuku to the training fields for a sparring session.
Katsuki knocked lightly on the door so he wouldn't startle Izuku, but he heard a squeak anyway. “Deku, open the door.”
There was a scuffle from inside the room, and slowly, the door cracked for Izuku to peak out at him. Green eyes stared back, bloodshot and red rimmed. Nose just a cherry on his face. “Kacchan?”
“Let me in the room, nerd. You're just going to leave me out here?”
“N-no,” Izuku stammered before stepping back and opening the door enough for Katsuki to slip in. Rubbing at his arms through a hoodie that suspiciously looked like the one Katsuki thought he'd misplaced several weeks ago, he asked, “Do you need something?” He wouldn't lift his head, avoiding Katsuki's eyes as he shuffled back to his nest of a bed. The remnants of a cocoon was crumpled in the middle.
“No.” Katsuki leaned against Izuku's desk, watching as he clambered back onto his bed. “Came to check on you since you weren't downstairs.”
“I'm fine.” Mumbled absolutely unconvincingly under his breath.
“Sure you are, nerd. You're always peachy during a storm.” Overhead, the lights flickered as thunder rolled and the building shook. Off, on, off, on, off, on and off again. This time, they stayed off. A stifled whimper floated across the room towards Katsuki, only making his already clenching stomach clench harder. Rolling his eyes, he pushed away from the desk. “You're such a dirty liar, Deku.”
“Leave me alone, Kacchan,” Izuku sniffled.
Katsuki didn't move, but still said, “Fine. I'll just leave then.”
Thunder rolled. Wind howled. Something crashed against the steel plates outside on Deku's balcony, and then stayed to do it over and over again.
“Wait!” Deku shouted into the blackness around them. “I'm sorry. Don't leave. Please.”
Stepping to the bed, Katsuki sank a knee into the edge and grabbed the hand he could feel outstretched towards him. “I was only joking, dumbass, I'm not actually going anywhere. Chill.”
“How am I supposed to 'chill' when we could die tonight?” Izuku's breath was a rapid staccato of pants, fingers forming fists in the front of Katsuki's shirt. “Did you know that a typhoon is essentially just another name for a hurricane? They all do the same thing and are made the same way, but just develop in a different part of the world. They can dump more than twenty inches of rain. Storm serge can rise up to six feet. Not to mention the wind strength just for a Category 1. A Cat 2 can be upwards of-”
Katsuki gently placed his palm over Izuku's mouth, silencing him. He could see Izuku now, his eyes having adjusted to darkness. He could see the wideness of his eyes, whites more visible than usual and tears spilling over his lashes. An animal terrified. “Izuku,” he said sternly, but soft around the edges, “You're freaking out. You're going to pass out if you don't get your breathing under control. We're going to be fine. The dorms are made of pure concrete with a solid structure, and the typhoon isn't strong enough to even rip the roof off. Do you understand? This is just your fear talking. Are you going to let your fear control you?”
Prying Katsuki's fingers from his mouth, Izuku whispered, “Fear is a good thing. It keeps you alive.”
“Not right now. Fear is good in a battle. On the job as a hero. Right now, it's just driving you up a fucking wall.”
Katsuki equally was and wasn't expecting when Izuku pressed their mouths together. Izuku was breathless before the kiss, and he was only more breathless during the kiss as he tried to suck away Katsuki's breath instead. Their tongues moved slowly against each other, scorching hot and slick.
When Izuku pulled away again, he was still panting, but slower this time.
“What was that for?” Katsuki asked softly, carding his fingers through Izuku's messy curls with one hand and cupping the side of his neck with another. He'd been pulled further onto the bed while they kissed, and Izuku had found a home in his lap. He kissed several stray tears from Izuku's cheeks.
This was the intimate stuff Katsuki was talking about. The kisses. The softness of voices. Hands in hair and hands on skin. Falling into each other over and over again because they didn't know any better. Or maybe they did know better, and just didn't care to heed the warning.
“I needed to stop thinking.” Izuku's eyes were closed, his breathing slowing to something more normal. With legs on either side of Katsuki's waist, he cupped the hand on his neck with his own and leaned his forehead against Katsuki's collarbone. “And the only thing that makes me stop thinking better than fighting you is kissing you.”
“So you're just using me then, nerd?”
Izuku hummed a non-reply, leaning into Katsuki's warm hand.
“Well, that's fine.” Pressing his mouth into the top of Izuku's head, he whispered, “You can use me all you want, as much as you want. Anytime. Any place.”
“Pinky promise?”
“We're not five anymore. I'm not making a shitty pinky promise with you.”
Izuku laughed, and turned his lips back up for another kiss.
They fell into each other just like they always did, letting that all encompassing fire consume them from the inside out. Their classmates didn't understand them which was fine because they didn't understand themselves most of the time. They were the rise and fall of a stormy sea. The hungry flames of a forest fire. The raging winds and cutting rain of a typhoon.
But what people always forgot -and sometimes they forgot too- was that seas always calmed and rain dried up and wind slowed and fires ran out of kindling.
At the end of it all, the sky was always bluest after a storm.
Katsuki hadn't expected them to fall asleep, all tangled up in each other, with the typhoon outside and what he would later come to find out was a piece of the gutter slapping against the steel plate. So, he definitely wasn't expecting to wake up to shuffling footsteps and weak candle light and giggling whispers.
With an arm over his eyes, he couldn't tell how many of his and Izuku's dumbass friends were in the room, but he knew it was too many. Just one of them would have been too many.
“Get the fuck out,” he growled lowly.
“Don't be like that, Kacchan,” Kaminari whispered jovially, “We just wanted to come check on you.”
“Well, you've done that. Now get the fuck out. Don't you have something better to do?”
“No, the storm is still going, power is still out and we got bored of games. You and Izuku weren't back, so we figured this would be a good alternative.” Mina's voice was chipper and far too loud for the bundle sleeping on Katsuki's arm.
He moved his arm just barely out of the way to glare at the assembled group; Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Kaminari, Shinsou, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Ochako, Iida and lastly Todoroki. Half the fucking class was currently standing in Izuku's room like a bunch of dodos with a death wish.
Suddenly, Katsuki was very aware of his state of undress, and thankful Izuku hadn't hogged all of the sheets like he normally would. “Well, it was a terrible alternative. Find something else to go do before I blast every single one of you out into that storm to get thrown around.”
“Like a roller coaster. Sounds like fun,” Kirishima said, shit-eating grin plastered to his face. When Katsuki groaned, he laughed. Best friend that he was, he turned to herd the others out. “Okay, I think that's enough. Let them sleep or whatever it was they were doing. Who has whiteboard markers? Let's go play tic-tac-toe on the fridge.”
“We will absolutely not-”
Kirishima closed the door, silencing both the bereft groans of their classmates and Iida's reprimand.
Breath fluttered across the side of Katsuki's neck, closer than before, and he startled.
“Thanks for staying with me,” Izuku mumbled into his skin, closing the small distance between them. His eyes were still closed, voice soft with sleep. “You didn't have to. Storms are easier with another person though. I don't think they were meant to be gone through alone. Does that make sense?”
“Absolutely not.” Katsuki was lying, and Izuku knew as he huffed out a laugh.
“Can we go on a hike after this is done? The sky is always bluer after a storm.”
A butterfly fluttered against Katsuki's breastbone, just the lightest brush of wings, at his thoughts in Izuku's mouth. He hummed, an agreement to both the question and statement, and pulled Izuku flush against his body.
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