#wolfstar concept
unlust-fvck · 2 years
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wolfstar blurb
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a/n: thank you @sxriusblxck for this request <333: wolfstar with remus who’s typically all stoic and dominant but when he gets stressed he gets all subby and sirius coo’s at him and takes care of him
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“sirius stop.” remus grumbled quietly to the raven haired boy next to him.
they were in the great hall for lunch and sirius decided now of all times would be perfect to test his limits.
his hand immediately fled remus’ thigh and relaxed in his own lap.
“good boy.” remus muttered ever so quietly. the blush on sirius’ face shown as thought remus had announced it to all of the hall.
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it was later, after classes, and remus stared blankly at his essay.
all he had written was the title and his name and with a stressed sigh, he banged his head on the table and left it there in defeat.
sirius perked up from his four-poster and set down the magazine he was half-heartedly reading. he slipped out of bed and trotted over to remus.
he laid his hands on remus’ shoulders and worked at a few knots as he saw the stress spill from his posture.
remus sank back into sirius’ hold and looked up at him, a glint in his eye that told sirius everything he needed to know.
“it’s not due for another two weeks, my love. come to bed okay? we can go to the library tomorrow.”
remus nodded thankfully and stood up, almost falling onto sirius as he gave out. sirius heaved him into bed and he heard a whine from remus.
“what baby?” he said with a small smiled.
“cuddle.” he mumbled with a pout.
“in a minute, hold on. you can be patient, yeah?” he whispered.
so there remus sat.
sirius brought over his own pajama pants and jumper and laid them at remus’ feet. he sat next to remus.
“arms up moony.” he hummed and remus obeyed.
there was something so special about remus giving himself to sirius like this and he’d never take it for granted.
he slipped off remus’ clothes from the day and slipped him into the red and black plaid pants.
“jumper or no jumper?” he asked as he let a finger travel gingerly down remus’ pale scarred chest.
“jumper,” he mumbled like a petulant child who had done wrong.
sirius nodded and slipped the black jumper over his head.
remus’ showed him a toothy grin and laid down, facing sirius.
sirius blew out the candle that had been providing them with light and laid down aswell, facing remus.
“moons, s’okay not to get this essay done. you have so much time and you just need a break okay?” he said with a gently smile and a peck to the forehead.
remus just nodded and basked in the affection sleepily. sirius reached into his pant pocket and slipped out a cigarette and grabbed his wand from the nightstand.
“do you want one baby?” he offered.
he didn’t get a response. he looked over and saw remus dozing off.
he smiled to himself and lit his cigarette with his wand. the smoke filled the air as he slipped an arm around remus and whispered “i love you.”
he could’ve swore he saw remus’ mouth twitch upwards.
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jackie4dinner · 4 months
Being in a fandom as old as Harry Potter is crazy because what do you mean I’m reading a fanfic that’s only 3 months younger than me???
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artbyace · 2 years
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remus is my favorite bookworm and gryffindor cassanova
also i love the idea that he’s just accidentally hot without even trying (mary knows what’s up)! might reblog with some personal headcanons later :V
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Little Wolfstar sketch
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tealeavesandtrash · 6 months
Wolfstar Micro Fic - @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: Amnesia - 750 Words
Remus sits on the sofa, staring at the bookshelf in front of him, wonders how many of those books are his, which ones he’s read or was excited to read. This is his life now. When he isn’t at doctors appointments, he’s staring at photos or objects pondering what history he has attached to them. This is his house, he knows logically it is - he’s in photos on the walls, his name is on the mail - but it feels like he’s living in a stranger's body. There are days he’d rather stay in hospital just to escape the relentless notion that he's an imposter in someone else life.
He can feel Sirius’ eyes on him, watching in anticipation, like any moment things will snap back into place. “Lily found some more photos,” Sirius says, “we could go through them today?” Remus nods, although he doesn’t feel like he has much choice in the matter. “Is she coming round?” “Yeah, but she won’t stay.” He likes Lily. He suspects they used to be very close, but it feels juvenile to ask outright if they’re best friends. Despite that, he slips back into the bedroom shortly after she arrives, feigning tiredness. It’s not a complete lie - he’s tired a lot which is supposedly a good sign that his brain is trying to fix itself. But he’s also tired of all the visitors - friends of theirs trying to help who don’t how to act around him and Remus is constantly running through a mental rolodex trying to find names for faces. 
“The Potters send their love,” Sirius says while laying the photos from Lily across the living room floor. Remus scans them, trying to identify them. It’s one of the memory exercises they keep pushing in therapy that feels more like a child’s game. He picks up a photo of a couple and a baby and Sirius gives him a hopeful smile. Remus doesn’t explain that he picked it because it’s the only picture of a redhead. When he first picked out a photo of his parents Sirius had been so excited, only to be crumble a moment later when Remus explained it was a simple process of elimination - they just shared the most resemblance with him. Remus stopped explaining his logic after that, save people the disappointment. 
Nights are the worst. When he’d first come home, he refused to share a bed so Sirius insisted on taking the guest room. Not that it made a difference to Remus, he feels just as much a guest in the master bedroom as he would the guestroom. Sirius loiters outside his room when they say goodnight, the same way he does every night, like he’s half expecting Remus to invite him in. “Why are you being so patient with me?” Sirius looks at him with soft, sad eyes. “Because you’re my Moony,” he says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. The nickname feels foreign. Sirius says it with such revance but it means nothing to Remus. “I’m not though, I might never be him again.” “You will-” “-You don’t know that,” Remus cuts him off. “People keep saying that, like everything will suddenly fix itself, but you have no idea. No one does.” Sirius swallows, dropping in gaze. Remus might feel bad for snapping if he wasn’t so sick of everyone’s blind optimism. Sirius takes Remus’ hands, gently runs his thumb over his knuckles. “It doesn’t matter,” he says quietly. “You’ll always be my Moony, even if you don’t see it. Even if you never see it.” 
Remus curls up in the middle of an empty bed, a thousand thoughts bouncing around his head as he replays Sirius’ words. He thinks about how alone he is, open and exposed in a room that feels too hollow. He thinks about how his therapist told him to embrace the unknown, push through the fear.
The floor is cold under his bare feet as he pads across the landing and slips into the guest room. The curtains are wide open, illuminating the room with moonlight which he's immensely grateful for. It doesn’t feel as claustrophobic. Sirius has his back to him, chest rising and falling with steady breaths. Remus doesn’t slip under the covers, this alone is a big enough step, but he does lie down next Sirius, close enough that they’re almost touching. Remus takes a deep breath to steady himself, lets himself adjust to the moment. Tentatively, he lets his eyes slip closed.
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spindrifters · 2 years
the absolute domestic chaos of remus on wolfsbane, though. I mean.
moony washing dishes. moony grading papers. moony and padfoot on a date at the dog park. moony smoking a cigarette behind the house and trying to hide it from their kids.
it's the gift that keeps on giving.
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These dead gay wizard fanfics are about to make me hate gay people
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My boyfriend (a straight, cis man) just told me that he watched Glass Onion yesterday after I recommended it to him, and then had the AUDACITY to ask me how I know that Benoit Blanc is gay and Hugh Grant is his live-in boyfriend?
Like???? The sky is blue, babe, just gotta open your eyes!!!
For the record, Benoit Blanc: 1. Wears those funky little suits with stripes and patterns and the little scarves. Have you ever seen straight men wear anything that fun and fruity? Or accessorize said no-fun outfits? No, you haven't. 2. Avoids Birdie, a conventionally attractive woman, heavily flirting with him, like the effing Bubonic Plague. 3. Takes long baths in the tub with cute little rubber duckies and soap. FRUITY. 4. Has NO REACTION other than a polite little cough to getting liquid shot down his throat!!!!! 5. HUGH GRANT IS IN HIS HOUSE COVERED IN FLOUR! JFC THEY'RE NOT JUST ROOMMATES!!!
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marauders au where pandora sets regulus up with remus and mary (or someone) sets sirius up with james (stay with me) both as blind dates at the same place but when they get there regulus thinks he was set up with james and sirus thinks he was set up with remus and stuff happens when they find out that they didn’t go out with the right person and that sirius and regulus were both involved (they both are jealous)
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i desperately want to write a fic where remus is struggling with believing sirius could love him and he's grappling with sirius telling him he'd love him in any universe, until he starts waking up in different universes where him and sirius fall in love through like all the major fanfiction tropes, except for one where they don't (right person, wrong time/ mcd) and finally he wakes up in his world and there's a big confrontation
all that being said, the scope scares me and a million writers could do it a million times better Edit: see my reblog of this for some important questions
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adharastarlight · 2 years
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jaioes · 1 year
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Casual wolfstar. Practicing with different ways to render stuff and this one is nice ngl.
I had fun with the bleached diy tshirt vibes . I can imagine him diying shirts with bleach even though he had the funds to get them made custom
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flufallo · 5 months
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hasturlover · 11 months
Which marauder ships?
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
imagining non war au where wolfstar think they're the cool uncles to hari.. but they aren't.
"Hey Hari, how do you wanna go to your first ever concert! We've got tickets to see Lou Reed!"
Hari looked up from his nintendo with a frown, "Uncle Pads, I've already been to several concerts. Besides, I've never heard of Lou Reed, what is he? 30?"
"Your parents took you to a concert, what was it, an ABBA cover band?" Remus laughed, ignoring the fact Lou Reed was actually in his 50's and since when is 30 old?
Hari shrugged, "Aunt Marls and Cas took me. We saw Oasis with Ron."
"They took you?", Sirius spluttered out, his hand on his heart, "but we're meant to take you to that sort of stuff! We're the cool uncles!"
Hari laughed, covering it with a cough.
Sirius's eyes narrowed, "What was that?"
"What was what?"
"You don't think we're cool? I ride a motorbike!"
Hari winced, putting down his controller and turning to his uncles, "It's just that whenever you two look after me you go on walks in the park, stay at home to do puzzles, and go to those weird bars that smell like old people. You make me tea and biscuits and still use those records instead of just getting cds. But Marls and Cas are cool! They take us to live music, and play knock, door, run with us! Marls even said she's going to pierce my ear next week!"
Remus' eyes widened, "You're too young to get a needle stabbed in you!"
"I've seen pictures of you as a teenager!" Hari argued back.
"We're not cool anymore, Moony." Sirius gasped, hand on the back of the sofa.
Remus looked at them, "Were we really that cool, Padfoot?"
"You do have weird nicknames for each other, and Mum said you all had a weird motto you'd say to each other before one of you would go leave."
Sirius nodded with a grin, "Exactly! We were the pinnacle of coolness! I mean, I ride a motorbike!"
Hari frowned, "Motorbikes are kinda cool, but you do also go to a knitting class and joined the neighbourhood watch."
"That protects people, Hari!"
Remus sat next to Hari, his face solemn, "I used to drugs, you know? Sold them, not just taking them."
Hari sighed, "But can you play the keytar?"
"Keytars are not cool, I know that much."
"Maybe not", Hari muttered, picking his controller back up, "But you know who my father is. Keytar's being cool is ingrained in my brain."
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aeligsido · 2 months
[WM] Prompt 7 — Soulmates.
Rating: G.
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew.
Additional Tags: pre-relationship, Hogwarts years, unspecified but I see them in sixth year, friendship, platonic & romantic soulmarks.
Summary: The Soulmarks appear on a random Tuesday.
Words count: 416.
A/N: I love soulmates au dkksks. I actually had this idea a while ago and this prompt was perfect to write it! Hope you like it ❤️
It happens on a random Tuesday.
They just settled down for lunch after Transfiguration when Sirius suddenly feels his body burn. It’s a thousand needles all over his skin, focused on his shoulder and over his heart and on the inside of his left arm and what seems to be a million other places at once. He’s not the only one to feel it either; beside him Peter is clutching his arm, and James in front of him is bending over the table, and Remus is breathing too fast, and it's everyone in school and maybe beyond.
(The classes gets canceled for the afternoon, and then rumors fly faster than an owl.
It’s Lady Magic’s answer to the brewing war, they say, or it’s a spell from the Ministry, or it’s You-Know-Who, or or or or.
It’s widely accepted that it’s soulmarks of your friends or your family or your lover or maybe all of them, though, and everyone marvels at it.)
They’re back in their dormitory, now, shirtless to catalog all the new marks on their skin. James is halfway through taking off his trousers, swearing up and down that he felt his leg burning before, when Peter voices what they started to notice.
“Most of our marks are the same, aren't they?”
He’s right, of course; it’s the lioness over James’ heart and Peter’s shoulder and Remus’ hip and Sirius’s collarbone and the dragon curled on their skin and the panther and the bunny and the bird he can’t name and the weird squirrel and the maybe-not-a-ferret; and most even it’s the wolf and dog and rat and stag gathered close. Well, Peter doesn’t have a rat, and Sirius doesn’t have a dog, and so on, but it’s easy to guess who it represents, and Sirius grins grins grins to have it forever etched on his body.
“Duh,” says James, because he's James. “If anyone has one of us then they get all of us.” He gestures wildly, without a precise goal, and Peter nods.
Remus is still watching his own marks in open awe, like he can’t quite believe it’s real. He traces them in wonder, one after the other, slowly and tenderly, and doesn’t even raise his head when James yelps in victory and proudly displays the lamb and puppy and cat near his knee.
(There’s a black, large dog over Remus’ heart.)
Sirius slowly traces the wolf over his heart, and grins grins grins as Remus’ shudders under an unseen caress.
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